Index to Berks County Obituaries, Death Notices, and Funeral Notices

Most of the obituaries on this site appear on the linked pages. However, some obituaries are part of other collections, such as the news clipping files from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper in Montgomery County. With regards to the Pennsburg collection, I have included links to obituaries, funeral notices, and other stories that relate to an individual's death.

I do not keep copies of obituaries that I post on this site other than for those names that I am researching. To obtain copies of recent obituaries, you can contact the newspaper that carried the obituary. In the case of older obituaries, the newspaper that carried the obituary may have been microfilmed. The State Library of Pennsylvania has microfilmed many Pennsylvania newspapers, and these are available through interlibrary loan.

Death Certificates

Pennsylvania death certificates index is available on line for 1906-1961 at the Pennsylvania Department of Health site. Information about how to read the index and order certificates is also availble on their public records page.

Obituaries on this Site

Click a letter of the alphabet to view the obituaries for a surname that starts with that letter.

A  Ba-Baz  Be-Bez  Bi-Bo  Br-By  C  Da-Dez  Di-Dy.html  E  Fa-Fi  Fl-Fy  Ga-Gl  Go-Gy 
Haa-Haz  Hea-Hez  Hi-Hof  Hog-Hz  I  J  Ka-Ke  Ki-Kn  Ko-Kuz  La-Lem  Len-Ly 
Ma-Mc  Me-Mi  Mo-My  N  O  P  Q  Ra-Rey  Rh-Rz  Saa-Sc  Se-Sh  Si-Sq  Sta-Sti  Sto-Sz 
T  U  V  Wa-Wel  Wem-Wy  X  Y  Z 

If you have an obituary, a death notice, a funeral notice, or another news items that relates to an individual's death, and you would like to submit that item, send it to Jane.

Last Modified Sunday, 31-Jan-2021 08:06:48 PST

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