I: The Sweeneys of Ringer Hill
Sweeney, McDonald, Donahoo
Wright, Dougherty, Lavell
Jordan, Sperduti, Murphy
Frawley, Kelly, Cummings
II: The Ghosts of Sullivan County
- Sweeney, Kelly, Jordan,
- Huntzinger, Karge, McDonald,
- Frawley, Carey, Lech,
- Waters, O'Donnell, Farrell,
- Donahoo
III: Patrick Devanney
- Devanney
- Boland
- Conner
- Wright
Settlers IV: John
Sims Green
- Sims, Green, Biddle, Craig
- Henley, Morris, Kollock
- Conningham, Wicks, Barry, Jones
V: James Farrell and Catherine O'Farrell
- Farrell, Coyle, McDonald, Dunn
- Thompson, Smith, Graham, Fauls
- Daly, O'Farrell, Sweeney,
- Sullivan, Rohe
VI: Postcards from Lopez
- Johnson, Mahar, Taylor
- Benjamin, Wells
VII: Edward Jarvis Eldred and the Genesee Road
- Eldred, Vaughan, Priestley
- Bond, King, Wallis
VIII: George McDonald and Ethel Travis
IX: The Descendants of Andrew McDonald and Mary Hayden
X: Cecilia McDonald and the Laughlins-A Turn of the Century Family
XI: First Settlers of Dushore Borough
- Mosier, Barey, Dickey, Dieffenbach,
Moyer, Hoffman
- Phiney, McDowell, Welles, Cooper,
Coolbaugh, Jackson, Davis, Shiner
Huffman, Hoffa,
Gardner, Betz, Fullmer, Springer, Kessner, Thrasher,
XII:The Suber Family in Local History
- Suber, Fraunfelder, Hunsinger,
Thrasher, Yonkin, Bartch, Hopkins
- Mosier, Smith, Sick,
Wentzel, Bird, Dieffenbach, Kinsley, Weaver
Pedro, Kisner,
XIII: The Cavanaughs of Irish
XIV: The Edisons of Hillsgrove:
Melvin Lewis and the Lewis Family
- Lewis, Fawcett, Grange,
Huckell, Coppock, Frey, Williams
- Hewitt, Grady, Mucklow, Little,
Corbin, Sudlow
XV: Patrick McDonald & Martha
Daly: Orphans, Miners and Soldiers
- Daly, McDonald, Raub,
Mergo, Mimchock, Farrell, Redmond, DeHart
XVI: George Washington Potter
and the New England Migration
- Potter, Hatton, Exley, Orlowski, Rogers, Hartmann
Beaver, Papke, Gallagher, Walby, Baumuck, Rinebold
XVII: Frank Farrell: A Death
in the Forest
- Farrell, Middendorf, O'Donovan, McLaughlin
XVIII: The Sones, Simmons and
Stevenson Families: Elders, Patriots and Lumber Barons
- Sohns, Sones, Stevenson, Kern, Merkel, Painter, Low, Briggs,
Freeman, Houseknecht, Edgar, Hughes, Simmons, Hazen, Bennett, Glidewell, Fiester, Richart, Phillips, Unger
XIX: Joseph and Ursula Baumgartner:
A German Family Comes to the Wilderness
- Baumgartner, Seltzer, Litzelman, Litzelswope, Kanj, Kobbe, Cobby,
Gould, Brugger, Dunn, Weber, Schlienger, Hurbi
XX: The Sick Families of Cherry
- Sick, Ambs, Farrell, Rohe, McDonald, McMahon, Reinfried, Rinebold, Litzelman,
Yonkin, Kelly, Goodyear
XXI: William Sick and Catherine
Kelly: An Irish-German Family of Sullivan County
- Sick, Kelly, Litzelman, O'Brien, Barry, Hannon, Walsh, Packard, Zeiss,
Blenkle, Pfeil, Maki, O'Hara, Dumansky, Chassin
XXII:Joseph Fulmer and Descendants:
A Genealogical and Pictorial History
- Fulmer, Fullmer, Lisson, Shrader, Phillips, Weisbrod, Bahr, Shaffer, Wilson,
Bluhm, Fetherbay, Bowman, Wiseman, Voorhees, Taylor, Walizer, Harvey, Myers, Geiger, Worthington, Harriman, Savage, Bennett, White, Gaughan
XXIII:Julius and Mary Barth
Long: Ancestors and Descendants
- Long, Barth, Stark, Corson, Hawes, Rockwell, Collinge, Morris, Allen, Bailey, Thayer, Richley, Brewster,
Tyler, Taft, Bahr
XXIV:Joseph Hoagland: Dutch
Pioneer in Sullivan County
- Hoagland, Mullen, Battin, Patterson, Parkhurst, Widdifield, Carpenter, Hays, Campbell
XXV:The Little Family--An American
- Little, Polhemus, Holmes, Wisner, Jackson, Langstraat, Seabrook, Dennis, McDowell, Leeds,
Drummond, Knott, Hooper
XXVI:John Kinsley's Irish
Settlement: 1830-1986
- Kinsley, Cummiskey, Croak, Cullen, Hope, Kinsella, Byrnes, Corcoran, Burke, Murray,
Collins, Jackson, Murphy, McGinnis, Mckernon
XXVII:The Thrasher Heritage
- Thrasher, Drescher, Fox, Thrash, Bostian, Hunsinger, Ortlieb, Hartzig, Eichenlaub, Weaver,
Moyer, Douglas, Eberlin, Huffmaster, Rohe, Hieber, Steiner, Kelley, Touschner, Kinsley, Stavisky, Fulmer, Campbell,
Shackelton, Stephens, Lamberson, Wilcox, Norconk, Erle, Neuber, Sayman, Lynch, Kunkle, Persun, Sites,
Miller, McCarroll, Yonkin, Schaefer, Schaeffer, Suber, Connor, Heverly, Graff, Transue, Hamer, Bahr, Dieffenbach, Messersmith,
Kuhnle, Huffman, Hileman, Helsman, Obert, Kschinka, Smith, Johnson, Landback, Shoemaker, Fassett, Champion
XXVIII:Descendants of Henry Myers
- Myers, Meyert, Kishpaugh, Mosier, Blance, Painter, Kolanda, Sturdevant, Van Dyck, Hinkle, Payne, Grange, Waltman
XXIX:Descendants of Henry Yonkin and Barbara Hartzig
- Yonkin, Hartzig, Miller, Kschinka, Wentzel, Barth, Bartch, Zaner, Weed, Harrington, Bahr, Huffmaster, Richley, Sweeney, Hunsinger, Kneller, Fairchild, Green, Jacoby
XXX:The Pealer-Wenner-Lawrence-Ladd-Dieffenbacher Families
- Pealer, Pealor, Bealer, Buller, Wenner, Lawrence, Ladd, Dieffenbacher, Wentzel,
Potter, Morrison, Lorah, Little, Steafather, Utz, Bradley, Gardner, Hoffa, Zaner, Behr, Kinsley, Heverly
XXXI:The Descendants of Jacob Hoffa
- Hoffa, Schwalm, Fraunfelder, Dieffenbach, Yonkin, Messersmith, Suber, Harris, Mader, Schrader, Meyer, Umholtz
XXXII:Descendants of Jacob Kester and Katherine Knubaharin
- Kester, Knubaharin, Richley, Reeser, Hartzig, Bahr, Rinebold, Hunsinger,
Vernon, Stewart, Polinsky, Richlin, Yanney, Musselman, Sayman, Murray, Shaffer, Bird, Karge, Eichenlaub, Yonkin, Shrimp, Rohe, Bates, May, Vogel, Rumsey, Sick, Foote, Fenton, Salsman, Vanderpool, Hottenstein, Hall, Millhime, VanSice, Kraus, Sullivan, Jenney, Ellison, and others
XXXIII:Family of Johannes Jakob Messerschmidt
- Messersmith, Messerschmidt, Learn, Hockdorffer, Haverly, Shores, Norconk, Kisner,
Hieber, Oliver, Webster, Adams, Kuhnle, Kaufmann, Starr, Huffmaster, Kinsley, Yonkin, Hottenstein, Garron, Markle, Rosch, Root, and others
XXXIV:Frawley Collection
- Frawley, Sweeney, O'Brien, Bahl, Phelan, Rouse, Harrison, and others
XXXV:The Italian Heritage of Mildred and Bernice
- Calaman, Coloca, Tomeo, Pirozzo, Calafati, Grasso, Barbuto, LaGanga, Zangara,
Pinerno, and others
XXXVI:The Dohm Tradition
- Dohm, Dhom, Brochard, Brier, and others
XXXVII:The Heritage of John Bahr
- Bahr, Bar, Reeser, Rieser, Heverly, Wentzel and others
XXXVIII:The Descendants of Wilson William Potter
- Potter, Hunsinger, Smith, Reeser, Pritchard, Abbott, Huffmaster, Gamble, Bowman,
Frutchney, Ely, Schock, Custer, Dikeman, Buttles, Purdy, Pealer, Hodson, Helms, Sackman, Young, Bast, Kiefhaber,
Glosenger, Zacharias, Mosier, Kintner, Mengal, Shaffer, Arey, Messersmith, Jackson, Sick, Maransky, Neuber,
Rorick, Santee, VanDeMark, Weed, Saxe, Keeney, and others
XXXIX:The Sherman Family
- Sherman, Hartwell, Campbell, Leach, Higley, Langs, Edminster, Shafer, Hunsinger,
Rinebold, Streby, Kester, Musselman, Thrasher, Mace, Coughman, Bahr, Brown, Rowe, Molyneaux, Bleiler, Hottenstein,
Dohm, Hoppes, Hatch, Pentz, Barrett and others
XL:The Kohensparger Clan
- Cranmer, Keeler, Kohensparger, Cogansparger, Dohm, Seltzer, Hunsinger, Hopkins,
Kisner, Fleming, Wilston, Williams, McNeil, DeWitt, Cook, Heim, Karge, Suber, Everett, Weaver, Eberly, Packard, Hess, Potter, Adams, Schaeffer and others
XLI:The Descendants of John T. Wilcox
- Wilcox, Porter, Shadduck, Sargeant, VanHorn, Day, Boyles, Hardie, Little, Cooper,
Stuart, Kunzmann, King, Reifsnider, Mason, Luce, Jackson, Warburton, Brown, Fanning, Wheeler, Gilbert, Kilmer, Hoagland, Painter, Lilley, Bastian, Bowers, Hosier, McCarty, Brackman, Baker, Williams and others
XLII:Descendants of Obed Gansel
- Gansel, Fischer, Swank, Wright, Green, Kinsley, Scholl, School, Tourscher, Cox, Dieffenbach, Stiff, Harris, Eldred, Grim, Bahr, Heppler, Saxer, Zaner, Marlin, Huffmaster, Yonkin, Fitzgerald, Gibson, Warthing, Henning, Brokaw, Glitzke and others
XLIII:Ancestors of Pauline-Pauline Cook Holcombe
- Holcombe, Cook, Crofut, Morse, Rinebold, Stone, Scoville, Banning, Eck, Knickerbocker, Baumgartner, Bailey, Koch, Mott, Post, Ingraham, McCarthy and others
XLIV:Doctor Fremont McCarty: An Appreciation
- McCarty, Woodhead, Brown, Bird, Copperthwait, Reeves, Tompkins, Osler, Lee, Lenox, Jennings, Warburton, Bedford, Sabin and others
XLV: The Descendants of Silas McCarty and Sarah Carrell
- McCarty, Carrell, Pursell, Walton, Ashton, Lancaster, William, Lloyd, Smallwood, Mitchell and others
XLVI:Weavers of a Legacy: Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel Rogers and Ann Gaunt
- Rogers, Gaunt, Bennett, Harding, Thurber, Shores, Pearson, Holmes, Akroyd, Cummings, Peterson, Harington, Bates, Warren, Parke, Wilcox, Bliss,
Wheeler, Molyneux and others
XLVII:The Fairchild Family Origins
- Fairchild, Gard, Howell, Newell, Taylor, Williams, Keller, Martin, Cook, Kohensparger, Kokensparger, Waltman, Converse, Phillips, Shroud, Ketchum, Ketcham, Yonkin, Wilcox, Headley, Heacock, Richart, Landon, Snell and others
XLVIII:Descendants of John Vough and Hannah Winder
- Vough, Grange, Winder, Clarke, Rowe, Little, Norton, Kruse, Warburton, Farrell, McCarty, Pocock, Reed, Clark, Weisbrod, Hunsinger, Murray, Beeman, Caro, Kunkle and others
XLIX:Descendants of Wilhelm Reinbold of Lehigh County
- Reinbold, Rinebold, Daubert, Schaeffer, Miller, Neidlinger, Walter, Goodman, Eisenhard, Goughler, Sherman, Hunsinger, Ziegler, Kester, Allender, Vanderpool, Wetzel, Orlowski, Broschart, Farrell, Bleiler, Saum, Hoppes, Pentz, Hatch, Timm, Teeter, Carner, O'Connor, Beeman, Rightmire, Vough, Hunt, Sweeney and others
L:The Fuller Family Now and Then
- Heverly, Haberle, Haverly, Ott, Rinebold, Wilt, Lott, Devine, Fassett, Thrasher, Dunmore, Kunes, Messersmith, Sturdivant, Transue, Dieffenbach, Hileman, Benjamin, Carner, Hausknecht, Slocum, Schmieg, Hunsinger, Epley, Brennan, Learn, Hutchinson, Huffman, Hotaling, Fiester< Vough, Shaffer and others
LI:Descendants of Philip Haberle
- Fuller, Brown, Rightmire, Jackson, Gilbert, Brown, Courtright, Fox, Williams, Brong, Kanally, Cain, Dennis, Mulnix, Stackhouse, Gaunt, Swingle, Foss, Dixon, Vargerson, Vargason and others
LII:The Wilbers: A Farm Family from Wheelerville
- Wilber, Shaver, Brown, Warburton, Porter, Beaumont, Bagley, Crawfor, Boyles, Hunsinger, Crawford, Heinze, Edkin, Colouche, Mullen, Sadler, Hoagland, Christman and others
LIII:Descendants of John Warburton and Mary Sadler
- Warburton, Sadler, Knapp, Wilber, Swisher, Mullan, Rogers, Brown, Casselberry, Phillips, Kepner, Klingman, Boyles, Christman, Norton, Porter, Boatman, Conklin, Greenfield, Foster, Little, Shepard, Stull, Shaver, Heinze, Flick, Vargason, Wagner, Wilcox, McCarty, McIntire, King, Converse, Edkin, Heess and others
LIV:Descendants of John Warburton and Ann Clarke
- Warburton, Clarke, Hottenstein, Molyneux, Bedford, Payne, Landon, Bonney, Plummer, Carson, Headley, Miller, Beninger, Smith, Lauer, Gilchrist, Palmer, VanHorn, Morrison, McCannon, Baker, Pierce, Klebahn, Manning, Little, Rogers, Pennington, Backus, Boyles, Cook, Hooker, McIntire, Sherman, Robbins, Buck, Hunsinger, McCarty, Schrimp, Bartlow and others
LV:John and Mary Bagshaw Jackson
- Jackson, Bagshaw, Lyman, Brenchley, Salisbury, Bingham, Gill, Boyles, Clark, Clarke, Goslip, Glossop and others
LVI:Charles Mullan and Selected Descendants
- Mullan, McMullan, Mullen, Pardoe, Beatty, Kilmer, Hoagland, Boyles, Little, McCarty, Haverly, Heverly, Warburton, Dieffenbach, Grange, Reed, Fawcett, Woodhead, Brenchley, King, Wright, Mason, Vroman, WIlcox, ladd, RInebold, Molyneux, Hottenstein, Heacock, Brown, Wilber, Sadler, Porter, Higley, Hammond, Virden and others
LVII:Ancestors and Descendants of Samuel McCarty
- McCarty, Smith, Taylor, Battin, Lancaster, Annable, Roberts, Carrell, Eisenhauer, Hicks, Harris, Gillerman, Gorrell,
Robbins, Eberlin, Spako, Finan, Sherman, Fiester, Warren, Alexander, Durland, Rupert, Walters and others
LVIII:Jonathan Webster: An Early Settler of Elkland Township
- Black, Grange, Bedford, Hottenstein, McCarty, Baumunk, Molyneux, Hess, Norton, Osler,
Brown, Mulnix, Bird, Little, May, Bennett, Haus, Rowe, Hoagland and others
LIX:The Pond Families of Sullivan and Bradford Counties
- Pond, Wood, Moffatt, Ware, Benedict, Earsley, Douglass, Melville, Hunsinger, Dieffenbach, Stoddard, Vanderpool,
Salsman, Oliver, Tuttle, Secor, Norconk, Watkins, Junk, Remington, Hoag and others
LX:Peter Dennis Emig: The Observant Farmer
- Emig, Dietz, Broschart, Graff, Walter, Snelbaker, Rathgen, Hitschler, Fitzpatrick, Cable, Horton, Thompson, Sollinger, Fisher and others

 Checks Drawn on the First National Bank of Dushore, PA Top: 1900, 1894 and 1895 Bottom: 1897 and 1896 Posted on eBay December 2002
 Matchbooks Tell a Story Four PA Restaurants: Green Swan and Hotel Sweeney in
Dushore Windmill Near Laceyville Cuccios in Old Forge Posted on eBay December 2002

Cartoon Humor 1908-Style "Copyright 1908 by M T Sheahan Boston" Publication Venue
Unknown Contributed by Carol Hoose Brotzman
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