The Warburton Family Farm
Warburton Hill
Forks Township, PA
Farmed by Warburtons for Nearly 200 Years
August 2012
Photo Courtesy of Lyle Rockwell
See a closer view of the farm donw this page.

Settlers LIV

By Lyle Rockwell
December 2008

We are grateful to Lyle for this marvelous history and to Larry Pardoe and Brian Warburton for their assistance in making it possible. Let us also give credit to George Robert Warburton of Clyde, Cloud County, Kansas for his additonal inputs, documents and reflections on the Warburton history. If you would like further information, you may contact Larry or Lyle as follows:

Lyle Rockwell at:
Larry Pardoe at:

The Warburton Family Crest

Source: History of Cheshire, George Ormerod, 2nd editon, edited by Thomas Helsby, Manchester, 1882

There were two distinct John Warburton families that moved into Sullivan County, Pennsylvania in the 1800s. The family that I am presenting here is that of John & Ann Clarke Warburton of East Forks Township. This family has been well documented in a hard cover book that I have partially transcribed, as it pertains to Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.  Addition information has been presented by Brian J. Warburton, GGGgrandson of John Warburton (1797-1853) and Lorin “Larry” Pardoe.


(The second Warburton Family History which I mentioned above concerns John and Mary Sadler Warburton who settled in the Eldredsville area of Elkland Township, Sullivan County.  Their history is presented elsewhere on this web site as Settlers LIII: Descendants of John Warburton and Mary Sadler. You will also find comments on the potential links between these two families in a footnote at the head of this second Warburton family history.


The Warburtons of Warburton and Arley
Source of Background Information on the Family of John Warburton
Courtesy of Marie Hunsinger Chamberlin
A Descendant of John Warburton


This history of the Warburtons from East Forks Township draws heavily upon an earlier book entitled “The Warburtons of Warburton and Arley, England, by Earl Cyrus Warburton, and Geneva Warburton Dark of Monterey, California, published in 1956, by Lee Printing Co., Monterey, Ca. I have not tried to represent that complete work, but only to excerpt information that pertains to John & Ann Clarke Warburton of East Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. Some members of their immediate family moved west after the Civil War, and I have included some information on them as well. Our story concerns only the first six generations from William Warburton of England (grandfather of John Warburton of Sullivan County). The remaining generations would be concerned mostly with living relatives, so I have elected not to present details about them here to protect their privacy. If you would like to contact me on the living descendants, then e-mail me at the contact address given above.


The “Warburtons of Warburton and Arley” contains 98 pages. The first section lists the ancient ancestry and history of the Warburton family. Page 52 shows that our John's parents were John Warburton (1767-1844) and Alice Kinsey (1772-1834) both of Warburton, England. The same page also shows John's ancestry back five more generations to his ancestor Peter Warburton. Pages 65 thru 98 contain the genealogy of John Warburton and Ann Clarke. In 1956, when the book was issued, there were about 1772 known descendants for John Warburton and Ann Clarke. The book was made ready for the 1956 reunion of this Warburton family at the “Old Homestead” in East Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.


The following summary is an excerpt from "The John Warburton (1797-1853) Family of Pennsylvania", which appears in the original text on pages 57 thru 61.


John Warburton (1797-1853) left England in the spring of 1831 with his wife Ann Clarke and their three children, Ellen, James and Alice. Ellen and James were both previously baptized at Warburton, England, where John and many of his ancestors had also been baptized. They arrived in Philadelphia and later traveled up the Susquehanna River and over into what is now Sullivan County, but was then a part of Lycoming. They did not reach there until February of 1832.


They followed a wave of colonization, which originated in 1793 and 1794 with the opening of Pennsylvania lands through the sale of warrants to reimburse the Commonwealth after the Revolutionary War. These warrants had not required settlement to prove upon the land, and later many of them reverted to the state as they were not always well chosen as to suitability for crops. There had been a lot of activity in colonization schemes in England and, as the land could be owned by other than citizens, much of it was purchased in England.


Many neighbors and relatives had preceded John and Ann. Indeed, William Molyneux, who was one of the first three settlers in Sullivan County, and belonged to one of the original surveying parties at the time this land was first opened to settlement. The area that John and his wife finally settled in, and where her brother Geoffrey was probably already living, was a beautiful part of the county at an elevation of around 1500 feet. It was heavily wooded country with lots of fish and game. Labor was the principal ingredient needed and cash was always a problem. John even traded his jackknife for a half-bushel of potatoes to raise a crop.

John and Ann (Clarke) Warburton
Original Homestead Farm
Molyneux Hill Road
Sullivan County, PA
Currently Owned by the Reverend Dean Oscar Warburton
April 28, 2014
Photo by Lyle Rockwell
Here is a Map Showing Several Warburton Family Farms in 2014.
The original homestead is marked with a red flag. Details on this structure
and other Warburton farms are presented in the text below. You can click on the link above to see a closeup of the original farm, which was not in active use for farming in 2014.

 By 1837 we find John Warburton picking up 154 acres of land which had reverted to the county and for which he paid only back taxes of $3.85. Geoffrey Clarke’s name appears as an adjoining property owner on the original deed. This farm, to which other pieces have been added, is still in the Warburton family and farmed at the present time by Lee and Earl Warburton (1956), sons of Oscar and Lillian Driscoll Warburton descendants of John and his son William. This section of the county has long been known as “Warburton Hill”, and Dean and James Warburton are the 5th generation to live there. In 1956, 350 gallons of maple syrup was made from the family maple tree “sugar bush.”


The hard pioneer struggle probably shortened the life of John, who died in 1853. In the meantime, he had purchased other irregular pieces of adjoining property, including one in 1840 from the executor of Anthony Gilchrist. This property of 101 acres also adjoined that of Geoffrey Clarke but the cost was now $303.75. This was part of a tract surveyed on a warrant in the name of Caleb Sownes, dated the 8th of July 1784, and conveyed and confirmed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Anthony Gilchrist by letters patent dated August 1, 1786.


In 1839, Henry Molyneux, who was a descendant of William Molyneux of the early surveying party (headed by Joseph Priestly Jr., whose father was a noted scientist and the discover of oxygen) purchased 113 acres of adjoining land for $113.00.


Joseph Priestly Sr. had conceived the idea of an American colony of English settlers for this area, which had been successfully carried out in the last years of the 18th century. Priestly and both his sons had moved to America and established homes at Northumberland at the forks of the Susquehanna. Originally Northumberland was the county that included all of the area. Later, Lycoming County was formed out of the area and then Sullivan.


In 1846, Henry Molyneux married John Warburton’s eldest daughter Ellen, and after they moved to Iowa in 1867, their land (113 acres) becoming part of the original Warburton homestead.


John and Ann had thirteen children. Only two died in infancy. The majority of the family stayed in Pennsylvania, where their descendants are still largely found, or in nearby New York State. John Warburton Jr. was a soldier in the Civil War and died in Libby Prison. All of the others, with the exception of Mary, married and raised families.


Several members left Sullivan County after the Civil War and settled in Iowa. Four particular members of the family moved to Iowa; Henry Molyneux and his wife Ellen, William Payne and his wife Alice settled in northwest Iowa in 1867, and were followed by James Warburton and his wife Sarah Bedford, with their nine children age four to fifteen years, in 1869. David Molyneux and Murray also came to Iowa in 1870, and settled in Pilot Township.


James & (Sarah) and (Henry) & Ellen filed on adjoining homesteads, while William Payne and Alice settled two miles south, again on account of the need for timber, fish and game. They chose lands where these were most available and passed up the open prairie with its cold and threats of blizzards for the more sheltered acreage near the Little Sioux. They chose a location about seven miles south of the Cherokee which then consisted mainly of an old log fort for defense against the Indians. The previous Spirit Lake massacre had occurred a few miles to the north only a few years before. The Paynes were particularly unlucky in their early years, as they lost their first crop to the grasshoppers, were burned out the second year, and William died in 1870. The family was temporarily disrupted at this time and later Alonzo Payne moved their families to North Dakota in the early 1900’s. The Paynes continued to remain in the Dakotas, where the majority of their descendants still live. Andy was one of the early, rural mail carriers and retired in 1933 after 22 years of service.

The Molyneux and James Warburton families lived on their adjoining places until 1893, when James bought another place a short distance away. Henry Molyneux had died in January of that year and his widow Ellen was killed by the Pomeroy Cyclone of that July **. This Molyneux family remained in Iowa, where Robert became an eminent attorney and finally judge, while Frank was active as a carpenter and builder.

** Editor's Note: The Pomeroy tornado was later established to be an F5 tornado on the Fujita scale. It traveled at least 55 miles though west central Iowa, with a path over 1000 yards wide, and known to have killed at least 71 people. Here is one newspaper report from that era:

The Daily Northwestern
Oshkosh, WI
7 Jul 1893

Pomeroy, Iowa Tornado
July 6, 1893

FONDA, Iowa, July 7--One of the most dreadful calamities in the history of the state visited this section last evening in the shape of a devastating cyclone. Owing to the demoralized conditions of telegraph wires it is impossible as yet to get all the details. As far as can be learned the cyclone started southwest of there at about seven o'clock last evening. It swept almost due east leveling everything in its path for a width of a thousand yards, killing and maiming the inhabitants in the tons and thickly populated farming districts. The loss of life is known to be very great, though actual details are far from full. The loss of property is beyond estimation.
As far as heard from, the calamity took its most frightful form at the village of Pomeroy, a town of about 900 population. Reports received to the effect that the entire town, except thirty houses, was swept from the face of the earth. A hundred people were killed and two hundred or more injured, many of whom will die.
As soon as the news of the disaster was learned, special trains with physicians and nurses were sent from here and Fort Dodge, and every able-bodied man in the vicinity lent a helping hand to the wounded and dying. The wounded were found lying about the streets beseeching help. It was several hours before the condition of affairs was fully known here. The town was in total darkness, the streets were filled with wrecks of homes and business houses. The scenes were appalling as the men, with lanterns, went about among the debris. In some instances entire families were wiped out, the mangled remains being found in the ruins of their homes. The work of rescue was slow ad the trainloads of helpers made little headway.
The south half of the town was completely razed to the ground. A church just outside the track of the storm, was turned into a hospital. Here the surgeons worked by the aid of lanterns and lamps. Those with broken bones were stretched upon the pews, while those less severely injured were compelled to line on the floor and await their turns. The dead were laid out upon the ground in a vacant lot at the edge of the devastated district.
Through the aisles between bodies the survivors passed, looking for ones.
At the approach of the storm, which took on a greenish tint, followed by darkness and what appeared to be a column of smoke, many sought shelter in cellars. Others mounted horses to flee from the path of the destruction. The relief party worked under the direction of Vice President Harrihan of the Illinois Central railroad who, with a party of officers narrowly escaped the cyclone, reaching here only a few minutes after it had passed. The tornado passed west and south of this place, demolishing buildings and groves, and killing and injuring many persons.
The following are known to be dead: John Detiller, Mrs. Amos H. Garton and child; the entire family of Sam Hearson, D. E. Miller and two members of his family; Ed. Sargent and his entire family. The injured are Mrs. John Detwiler, two children of Mrs. Jarton, C. E. Sherley and wife; two children of Sam Hearson; several members of the family of A. W. Eno.


Robert Molyneux’s son Arthur, who failed to stop at the Pacific, has spent most of his life in Honolulu after taking his M.D. in the east and doing graduate work in Vienna.


Maria Molyneux Lauer’s family for the most part remained in Iowa but Anna Lauer Clark’s family, following the opening of the more arid West with the advent of irrigation again moved Westward, this time to Washington where many descendants carry on with others gravitating to California and the San Diego area.


James Warburton remained the rest of his life on the new place and raised 12 of 14 children, all of whom married and had families. This was always the scene of great Christmas holiday gathering and it wasn’t many years until the grandchildren had to eat at the third table. It was considered a perfect setting if the Christmas trip to Grandmother’s could be made to the accompaniment of sleigh bells.


James and his family had followed his sisters to Iowa, but not until 1869. The railroad had not yet reached Cherokee so they had 60 miles to go with oxen. The railroad and telegraph followed in 1870. They settled upon their 80-acre homestead, for which they paid $175.00, and the trip to Sioux City took more than two days each way. Five years residence was required to “prove” upon the land.


Edwin Warburton remained in Pennsylvania to raise his family but made trips West, as did other members of the family, particularly in the year of the Columbian Exposition, with its round trip fares that would buy more railroad travel for five dollars than we have ever seen since.


Mary and John Hottenstein had no children and remained near their homes. Joseph and his family also remained close to Warburton Hill, but their descendants have worked farther north and many of them are in New York State. Oscar Robbins, however, moved to Minnesota before World War 1.


William Wallace Warburton remained on the old family homestead on Warburton Hill *, where the Warburton Reunion is held on the third Saturday in August each year. Lee and Beatrice carry on with the help of Lillian, their mother, and Earl and wife who live nearby. Modern power equipment and machinery make possible the farming of many more acres than ever before. The trim neat home, grounds and seemingly ample farm buildings would surely make John and Ann Warburton very proud of the place they chose for home in this new world. Edwin and James, for a while, lived opposite each other on the old Killholland place. Edwin remained in Pennsylvania, as did Andrew Murray, who later moved to Sugar Run and nearby Wyalusing, where the McCartys still carry on with the General Motors Agency, farming and other activities.
* Editor's Note: In April 2014, Lyle Rockwell visited Warburton Hill and provided the following explanation for the history of the several Warburton farms in that area. You can find their locations by reference to this Map. Lyle wrote us that:

Earl and Shirley Warburton's farm was originally the farm of Joseph and Mary (Hottenstein) Warburton, back in 1857 when the original map of the area was drawn. Sometime after Joseph Warburton passed away, the farm came into the ownership of the Bahl family. This farm was not the original farm of John and Ann (Clarke) Warburton.Here are two photos of the Joseph Waraburton Homestead, currently lived in by Shirley. You can still see the similarities, as well as the differences, such as the fact that the current road is gravel while the old one was a dirt road. The newer version shows that the farm has expanded as well.

Joseph Warburton Homestead--courtesy of Anita J. Montanye Baird who found the photo in her late mother's possession
Joseph Warburton Homestead--courtesy of Lyle Rockwell and taken on my April 2014 visit

The original farm of John and Ann Clarke is located about one mile away. From Earl and Shirley's farm, drive north on Warburton Hill road a short distance to the East Forks Church and then turn right on Maple Road and go to the stop sign at the blacktop road. Turn left on the blacktop road and the first place on the left is the ancestral home of John and Ann (Clarke) Warburton. The mailbox has a "Lee Warburton" sign on top of the mailbox, and is presently owned by the late Lee Warburton's son, the Rev. Dean Warburton of Connecticut. Rev. Dean uses this ancestral home for a summer home and his country "get-away". After John and Ann Warburton passed away, this ancestral farm was purchased by their son William Warburton, while his brother Joseph Warburton purchased the farm on Warburton Road where Shirley (Day) Warburton, widow of Earl Warburton, lives today. After William Warburton passed away, the farm came into the possession of Oscar Warburton. His sons, Earl and Lee, were raised on the ancestral farm, but, after Oscar died, Lee came into the possession of the homestead and Earl and Shirley bought the Joseph & Mary Warburton farm from the Bahl family, thus bringing the farm back into Warburton ownership. The Joseph Warburton farm is still actively being farmed by James Warburton and a hired hand. The ancestral farm still has farm buildings but is an inactive farm, and is solely a summer home for Rev. Dean Warburton.


Robert also moved in the opposite direction and settled in Wilkes-Barre. Their family was raised there and present descendants live close by, although they are settling in New Jersey where Edmund, president of the Warburton Reunion lives, but with a daughter in Michigan and a son in California.


In the 1930s, three letters written in 1840 from he John Warburton Family of England to his son John Warburton of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania were found in a trunk on the Warburton Hill farm; they had been stored in the trunk for over 100 years. Photostats were made of these letters in 1954 and taken to England where a search of the splendid index of the Warburton Church records was made and because of the wealth of family records contained in the letters, it was not long before the family ties were identified. These three letters are as follows:


1st letter


Martinscroft, 20th March, 1840


My Dear Son & Daughter,

          I now take this opportunity of writing to you per James Taylor of Holgroft who is returning to America and I make no doubt he will put it into the New York post office.

          I have received only two letters from you since you left England, last dated October 10, 1834, and I have wrote twice since and should be very glad to receive another from you.

          I am enjoying good health at present Thank God for it. William is still at Liverpool in a good situation but I am sorry to say enjoys very poor health but the remainder of his family are well.

          James is still keeping Preston-Brook toll gate. He and his family are well. John and Ann Green are at Sankey Bridge. They are well. Henry and Elizabeth Robinson and our family are all well. Elizabeth says one of the flatirons you bought her has got stolen which causes her to fret.

          Peter is at Pendleton with your old Master Greenwood. He is waring his second wife, the first left him with three children and he has now three by the second. Mary is still with me, her children are well.

          Alice is married to one Peter MacNorton. He is in America, in Canidy and she is in service and is very comfortable; she has no family. Thomas lives at Bank Quay, Warrington; works at Mr. Crossfield’s sopery. His two children are very bad of a fever, he and his wife are both well.

          Anna, Ann’s daughter has been married five years. She had only one child and it soon died. She married one Charles Garlick, they keep a school at Cadishead and are doing well.

          Your Uncle Richard is dead about four months ago. I sent before that your aunt Ellen Rutter was dead. Thomas also is dead and poor Joseph was killed by a brewery falling on him at Salford, left a wife and two children to lament their loss.

          Your Uncle and Aunt Cowsill and family are well. Your Uncle David Kinsey and family are well. Your Uncle Arnold Bromilow is well. Your cousin James Richardson from Tidsley keeps a large Grocers shop at Ashton in the Willows, he and his family are well, they have three children. His mother is with them, she is well also.

          Uncle Thomas and Aunt Warburton are living at Hudersfield, Yorkshire, they are both well. Thomas Appleton is dead, Mary and her three children are with James Appleton at Manchester. Trade is very poor in this part. There are few factories that are working full time.

          I had forgot your Uncle Joseph and Aunt Warburton and family are well. Your Uncle Peter and Aunt Warburton and family are well.


Signed by John Warburton


2nd letter


Sankey, March 21, 1840


Dear brother and sister,


          We are glad to hear you are doing so well, we heard by James Taylor from a letter sent from Thomas Clark to John Williamson. We are at Sankey in a very comfortable situation in the employ of John Clare & son. Your brother James has put his son John apprentice to a shoemaker close by.

          I assure you it is hard work for poor people to make a living in this country. We both join in Kind Love to your children and except the same for yourselves, from your ever-affectionate Brother and sister, John and Ann Green.

          P.S. Be kind enough to remember us to Brother and sister and Ann Wright and Family, Brother Charles Green and Brother James Green when you see them.


3rd letter


Martinscroft, 20th March, 1840


Dear Brother and Sister,


          My father and me are living at the same house at Martinscroft. Dear Brother, Sister Betty wants to know whether Thomas Clarke is got married yet. Please send words how Ann Pownall is. The old house we lived in at Rixton is made into three cottages which are left to Ellen Hatton and Ann Pownall.

          Brother John and Samuel Wright, John Wright is still living with James, they are all well, and they send their love to you all. Please to remember my love to David and Ann Wright and Family, to Jeffery and Thomas Clarke and Sisters. Dear Brother, delay no time to write back to us as my father and myself think you have quite forgot us. It will be six years on the 30th day of May since my mother died, she was never well after you left England. Jane is near as tall as myself.


Signed by Mary Warburton


We now turn to the detailed genealogy of this Warburton family. At the end of the following Genealogy listing, there is an index of each person, with his or her sequentially assigned number, birth year, and page number. If a + appears in front of the person’s name, then there is additional information on children in the following generation.

We begin the following generational presentation by listing the parents and grandparents of John Warburton of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. In that way, the individuals mentioned in the three letters transcribed above can be identified.

The Warburton Homestead
Original Site Occupied by a Modern Farmstead
As it Appeared in 1957
Photo Courtesy of Lyle Rockwell

Descendants of William WARBURTON
Grandfather of John Warburton of East Forks Township, Sullivan County, PA

First Generation

1.     William WARBURTON was born in 1732 in Warburton, Cheshire Co., England. He died on 28 Dec 1822 in England.

William married Elizabeth ATHERTON *&* in 1765. Elizabeth was born in 1741 in England. She died on 27 Mar 1798 in Warburton, Cheshire Co., England.
*&* Editor's Note: Originally, this history identified the surname as "Whittel", not Atherton. However, according to Warburton family historian Hazel Allen:

Elizabeth Atherton's name appears on a marriage license and bond as being the wife of William Warburton, our ancestor and the mother of William Warburton's children. William Warburton was only married once as far as I am aware, to Elizabeth Atherton. The records are at Chester Records Office and copies are on line. The tombstone only gives Elizabeth, wife of William Warburton, as the name. She lost her single name on marriage to William of course.
We have consequently changed the surname to Atherton. The matter was not finally resolved as of May 2012. See more below from Hazel Allen on her Warburton ancestry; she comes down through Joseph Warburton.

They had the following children.

+              2    M         i.    John WARBURTON was born in 1767. He died on 4 Jun 1844.

                3    M        ii.    William WARBURTON was born about 1770 in Warburton, England.

                4    F         iii.    Mary WARBURTON was born about 1772 in Warburton, England.

Mary married Arnold BRIMILOW.

                5    M       iv.    Thomas Wittel WARBURTON was born about 1774 in Warburton, England. He died before 1840.

                6    M        v.    Peter WARBURTON was born about 1776 in Warburton, England.

Peter married Ann (____) about 1798.

                7    M       vi.    Richard WARBURTON was born about 1778 in Warburton, England. He died about 1779.

                8    M      vii.    Richard WARBURTON was born about 1780 in Warburton, England. He died about 1839.

Richard married Ellen RUTTER.

                9    M     viii.    Joseph WARBURTON was born about 1783 in Warburton, England. He married Hannah Holt. Joseph died May 25, 1851 .*&*
*&* Editor's Note: Hazel Allen has contributed the following information on the children of Joseph and Hannah (Holt) Warburton. Joseph and Hannah were married on 10 December 1805 at St Mary's Church, Bowdon, Cheshire, recorded by license and marriage bond. My own ancestor Priscilla Warburton (see elow) was married to Thomas Bowker, a blacksmith. Their marriage was on 12 April 1841 at St Mary's Church, Bowdon, recorded by banns. Here are the children of Joseph and Hannah:

Charlotte Warburton b.13 November 1806, Dunham, Cheshire
Samuel b.10 August 1808, Dunham. d. 26 December 1840
Priscilla b.16 June 1812, Dunham (my ancestor) d.1878 Altrincham.
Nicholas Holt Warburton b. 1814, Dunham. d.21 April 1893 Dunham, Massey
Joseph b.1817 Dunham.
Hannah b.1819 Dunham d.1854 Altrincham
William Alfred b.1822 Dunham

Note: Some of Nicholas Holt Warburton's grandchildren emigrated to the States. They were children of Joseph Warburton b. 21 August 1846 Salford. He died 10 October, 1910 in Enfield, Connecticut. This Joseph married Mary Pilkington on 28 June 1863 Manchester, Lancashire. I haven't finished getting all the records together but I can give you some informationon their children, as follows:
(1) Joseph Henry Warburton - b. 8 October 1865, Bowdon, Cheshire,.d. Venice, Los Angeles, California. m. Edith Bower on 1 August 1891, Chorlton On Medlock, Lancashire. d. 18 July 1962 in Pasadena. Their children were: (a) Wilfred Henry Warburton b.22 October 1892 Manchester. d.29 March 1965 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles. Wilfred married Ella Crescent Miller on 23 May 1914, Enfield, Connecticut. (b) Lesley Bower Warburton was born 17 November 1906 Manchester. He died 20 July 1985 San Bernadino County, California.
John Warburton--. b. 11 April 1872, Chorlton On Medlock. He died 23 March, 1952, Los Angeles County, California. He married Mary Janet Kieler, b. 18 June 1872 Chorlton, d. 8 August 1944 Los Angeles. Their children were Edward John b. 14 December 1896, Manchester. d. 21 June 1965, Inyo County, California. Edith Warburton b. 6 August 1904 Manchester. d. 6 June 1995. Placer County, California. m. Golden William Elmore 25 November 1923.

Second Generation

2.     John WARBURTON (William) was born in 1767 in Warburton, Cheshire Co., England. He died on 4 Jun 1844 in England.

John is a son of William and Elizabeth Atherton Warburton of Warburton, Cheshire Co., England.


John married Alice KINSEY on 1 Jun 1790. Alice was born in 1772. She died on 30 May 1834.

They had the following children.

              10    M         i.    William WARBURTON was born about 1792.

+            11    M        ii.    James WARBURTON was born on 21 Jul 1793.

              12    F         iii.    Anne WARBURTON was born on 25 Mar 1796.

Anne married John GREEN.

+            13    M       iv.    John WARBURTON was born on 2 Dec 1797. He died on 26 May 1853.

              14    F          v.    Elizabeth WARBURTON was born on 23 Jan 1799.

Elizabeth married Henry ROBINSON.

              15    M       vi.    Peter WARBURTON was born about 1802.

              16    F        vii.    Mary WARBURTON was born about 1804.

Mary married Mr. WRIGHT.

              17    F       viii.    Alice WARBURTON was born about 1808.

Alice married Peter MACNORTON.

              18    M        ix.    Thomas WARBURTON was born about 1810.

              19    M         x.    Joseph WARBURTON was born about 1812.

Third Generation

11.   James WARBURTON (John, William) was born on 21 Jul 1793.

James married Hannah (____).

They had the following children.

              20    M         i.    John WARBURTON.

13.   John WARBURTON (John, William) was born on 2 Dec 1797 in Chester, Cheshire Co., England. He died on 26 May 1853 in Forks Twp., Sullivan, PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Source: History of Sullivan County, by George Streby, as follows: John Warburton was born in Chester, England, Dec 2, 1797. John was a son of John & Ann Kinsey of Warburton, Cheshire Co., England

He married Ann Clark, a daughter of John Clark, born Feb 6, 1805, in England. They were married in 1825, and came to America in 1831, locating on the farm in Forks, owned by William W. Warburton in 1923, (and by Dean Warburton in 2008.) Mr. John Warburton cleared up his farm and died there May 26, 1855. (Tombstone read as d. 1853) Mrs. Ann Clarke Warburton lived with her son William until Oct 5, 1870, when she passed away.


John married Ann CLARKE, daughter of John CLARKE and (____) (____), about 1825 in Warburton, Cheshire Co., England. Ann was born on 6 Feb 1805 in Chester, Cheshire Co., ENGLAND. She died on 5 Oct 1870 in Forks Twp., Sullivan, PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Thomas Clark came to America, from Chester, England, soon after his brother Jeffrey, and his brother-in-law, John Warburton. He was accompanied by his father, John Clark, and three sisters, Margaret, who married Charles Norton, of Elkland; Mary, who married William Brown, and Ellen, who died when a young lady. Thomas Clark married Mary Lambert, a sister of William Lambert, of Forks, and located with his father on the farm near Millview, now owned by Miss Mary Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark had one son: William L. Clark, dec’d, of Forks.


They had the following children.

+            21    F           i.    Ellen WARBURTON was born on 18 Jul 1826. She died on 6 Jul 1893.

+            22    M        ii.    James A. WARBURTON was born on 14 Jul 1828. He died on 4 Aug 1906.

              23    F         iii.    Mary WARBURTON was born on 23 Mar 1831 in Forks Twp., Sullivan, PA. She died on 9 Dec 1907 in Overton, PA. She was buried in ST PAUL REFORMED, Overton, PA.

Source: The History of Overton, by C.F. Heverly, published in 1910, page 137. Also, her stone as follows: Mary, wife of John W. Hottenstein, died Dec 9, 1907, age 76 yrs, 8 mos, 17dys.


Mary & John had no issue.


Mary married John W. HOTTENSTEIN, son of Jacob Solomon HOTTENSTEIN and Lydia RUTH. John was born on 18 Apr 1833 in Overton, Bradford, PA. He died on 22 Nov 1898 in Overton, Bradford, PA. He was buried in St Pauls Reformed Cemetery, Overton, PA.

Source: Bradford Reporter, dated October 18, 1883, Overton column, states that John was a soldier during the rebellion. Also, the book "Boys in Blue", by C.F.

 Heverly, lists his record; Civil War, Corporal, Company D, 171st, mustered in Oct 28, 1862, and discharged Aug 8, 1863. It must also be noted that all records refer to his middle initial as John C. Hottenstein, however his stone in the St. Paul's Reformed Church cemetery has a W. engraved.


+            24    M       iv.    Joseph B. WARBURTON was born on 29 Apr 1833. He died on 15 Apr 1917.

+            25    F          v.    Alice WARBURTON was born on 22 Jan 1835. She died on 7 Nov 1905.

              26    M       vi.    John WARBURTON was born on 9 Sep 1836 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died in Oct 1836.

              27    M      vii.    John C. WARBURTON Jr. was born on 10 Sep 1837 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 16 Jul 1862 in CIVIL WAR. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

The following query was posted on the Bradford County Web Page:

"Date: July 24, 2005


Hi Joyce,

I really enjoy your web site and have found information on my family as well. Here is some Civil War information that I just found out about and thought I would share with you. My Great-Great-Great Grandfather: WARBURTON, JOHN C. (He came from England) was in the civil war, Company H, 5th Reserves/34th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was a Private who enlisted June 21, 1861 and died in Libby Prison, Virginia in 1863, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads; leg amputated. He was my Great Grandmother's (MABEL AMANDA BUCK LUCKEY) Great Grandfather. And I am looking for other BUCK'S OR LUCKEY'S who have lived in the Tri-County area. Any information would be so helpful and I will gladly give what information I have as well as I have more LUCKEY ancestry and am short on BUCK.


Thanks So Much, Bridget Koster"


+            28    M     viii.    William Wallace WARBURTON was born on 24 Aug 1839. He died on 4 Aug 1923.

              29    F         ix.    Eliza A. WARBURTON was born on 28 Jul 1840 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 2 Sep 1840.

+            30    M         x.    Edwin Ruthven WARBURTON was born on 20 Aug 1842. He died on 22 Mar 1931.

+            31    M        xi.    Andrew Murray WARBURTON was born on 25 Sep 1844. He died on 8 Jun 1923.

+            32    M       xii.    Robert Bruce WARBURTON was born on 18 Nov 1846. He died on 9 Jan 1918.

+            33    M      xiii.    David WARBURTON was born on 27 Aug 1848. He died on 19 Aug 1913.

Fourth Generation

21.   Ellen WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 18 Jul 1826 in Chester, Cheshire Co., ENGLAND. She died on 6 Jul 1893 in Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., IA.

Source: Genealogy of William Molyneux and Descendants, down to A.D. 1890, by George Molyneux Pardoe, published in 1894. Ellen, wife of Henry Molyneux, was killed near Cherokee, Iowa by the tornado that swept through northern Iowa July 6, 1893.


Ellen married Henry MOLYNEUX, son of Thomas MOLYNEUX and HANNAH ROGERS, on 27 May 1846 in, PA. Henry was born on 18 Jan 1814 in Millview, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 24 Jan 1892 in Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., PA.

Census of 1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa

Molyneux, Henry W M 66 Farmer PA Eng Eng

          Ellen W F 53 Wife Eng Eng Eng

         Robert W M 23 Son Teacher PA PA Eng

         Murray W M 22 Son Insurance Agent PA PA Eng


Note: Henry & Ellen are living next to household of her brother, James & Sarah Bedford Warburton!


Source: Notes from Larry Pardoe;

From "The Sullivan Review", 24 Feb. 1882 -

"Mr. and Mrs. Henry Molyneux, of Pilot Rock, Iowa, have been visiting relatives and friends in Elkland and Forks for the past few months. They expect to return within a few weeks."


From "The Sullivan Review", February 11, 1892:

"Henry Molyneux was born January 18, 1814, in Sullivan County, Penna, and departed his life January 21, 1892, being at the time of his death 78 years of age. May 27, 1847, he was united in marriage to Ellen Warburton, their married life continued for nearly half a century.

In the spring of 1867 Mr. Molyneux moved from Pennsylvania to Cherokee County, Iowa, where he resided until the time of his death. He was one of the old settlers of the county, and well knew the hardships and privations that belong often times to the settlements of a new country. He was recognized as a man of sterling integrity; he had a high sense of honor and upright dealing, a plain matter of fact man who loved truth and sincerity. He will be missed in the community where he had lived so long - Western Exchange."


They had the following children.

+            34    F           i.    Maria MOLYNEUX was born on 31 Dec 1847. She died on 8 Sep 1904.

              35    M        ii.    Jackson MOLYNEUX was born on 5 Sep 1850 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 3 Oct 1857 in PA. He was buried in Old Molyneux Cemetery, Millview, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+            36    M       iii.    Francis H. MOLYNEUX was born on 1 Aug 1852. He died on 12 Feb 1915.

+            37    M       iv.    Arthur Robert MOLYNEUX was born on 29 Apr 1856. He died on 13 May 1932.

+            38    M        v.    F. Murray MOLYNEUX was born on 24 Jan 1858. He died on 24 Oct 1929.

22.   James A. WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 14 Jul 1828 in Hollins Green, Lancashire Co., England. He died on 4 Aug 1906 in Pilot Twp. Cherokee Co., Iowa.

From Richard Bedford’s Diary, Minister of the Gospel:


State of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan

Be it remembered that at Forks in count of Sullivan on the ninth day of October 1852 JAMES WARBURTON and SARAH BEDFORD, both of Forks of a foresaid were duly joined in marriage by me.

Richard Bedford Minister of the Gospel Forks, Oct. 11, 1852

Name of husband James Warburton aged 22 years

Name of Father of said husband John Warburton

Name of Mother of said husband Ann Warburton

Occupation of husband Farmer Residence of husband Forks

Birthplace of husband Hollins Green Lancastershire Eng.

Name of wife previous to marriage Sarah Bedford aged 19 years

Name of father of said wife Benjamin Bedford

Name of Mother of said wife Mary Bedford

Time when marriage was contracted Oct 9, 1852

Town and county where marriage was contracted Forks Township Sullivan Co.

Color White

By what ceremony contracted Impromptu

Name of person pronouncing ceremony Richard Bedford

Residence of person last named Forks

Name of person signing certificate Richard Bedford

Date of Certificate Oct. 9, 1852

Richard Bedford Forks Oct. 11, 1852


Came to Iowa between 1865 and 1870.


Census of 1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa

Warburton, James W M 51 Farmer Eng Eng Eng

           Sarah W F 46 Wife Eng Eng Eng

          Reuben W M 26 Son Teacher PA Eng Eng

            Emma W F 20 Daug Teacher PA Eng Eng

           Laura W F 18 Daug Teacher PA Eng Eng

             Lee W M 17 Son attends School PA Eng Eng

            Lucy W F 17 Daug Attends School PA Eng Eng

     Stanton W M W M 15 Son Attends School PA Eng Eng

          Minnie W F  9 Daug Attends School Iowa Eng Eng

           Della W F  7 Attends School Iowa Eng Eng

           James W M  3 Son Iowa Eng Eng

Bedford,    Mary W F 66 Mother-in-law Widow Eng Eng Eng


James married Sarah BEDFORD, daughter of Benjamin BEDFORD and Mary (____), on 9 Oct 1852 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. Sarah was born on 17 Oct 1833 in Yorkshire, England. She died on 19 Mar 1914.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1850 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows living with John C. and Hannah Little family. Same source shows age as 16 - same as her brother Henry. Same source also shows b. PA instead of Eng.

1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Sarah, age 27, b. England.

1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, Sarah, Wife, age 46, b. England.


They had the following children.

+            39    M         i.    Reuben WARBURTON was born on 1 Mar 1854. He died on 26 Apr 1931.

+            40    F          ii.    Mary Ann WARBURTON was born on 19 Jul 1855. She died on 21 Jul 1933.

+            41    F         iii.    Esther Ellen WARBURTON was born on 2 Mar 1857. She died on 4 Aug 1930.

              42    M       iv.    Willis Marshall WARBURTON was born on 27 Sep 1858 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 17 Mar 1859. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

On his tombstone: Son of James & Sarah Warburton Aged 5 mo & 19 days


Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


Twin of Martha Alice Warburton.

"The Warburton's of Warburton and Arley", page 69 shows name Willis Marshall Warburton.

On August 19, 2001, Tina Pastusic of Plains, PA, transcribed the Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Township, PA. She shows name as Warburton, Marshall W., d. March 17, 1859, Son of James & Sarah Warburton. Aged 5mo & 19days. (If the date of death was March 18, 1859 as "Warburton" book shows then date of birth would be correct as September 27, 1858. If the date of death was March 17, 1859 as cemetery shows then date of birth would be September 26, 1858).


+            43    F          v.    Martha Alice WARBURTON was born on 27 Sep 1858. She died on 23 Aug 1928.

+            44    F         vi.    Emily Maria WARBURTON was born on 12 Mar 1860. She died on 6 Sep 1930.

+            45    F        vii.    Laura Hannah WARBURTON was born on 24 Aug 1861. She died on 14 Sep 1909.

+            46    M     viii.    Luther Lee WARBURTON was born on 22 May 1863. He died on 13 Dec 1927.

+            47    F         ix.    Lucy Serena WARBURTON was born on 22 May 1863. She died on 1 Nov 1931.

+            48    M         x.    Stanton WARBURTON was born on 13 Apr 1865. He died on 24 Dec 1926.

+            49    F         xi.    Sarah Minnie WARBURTON was born on 4 Dec 1870. She died on 31 Jul 1953.

              50    M       xii.    Infant Son WARBURTON was born on 4 Dec 1870 in Iowa. He died on 4 Dec 1870.

+            51    F       xiii.    Della Margaret WARBURTON was born on 12 Aug 1872. She died on 16 Apr 1953.

+            52    M     xiv.    James Henry WARBURTON was born on 10 Nov 1876. He died on 5 Aug 1946.

24.   Joseph B. WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 29 Apr 1833 in Forks Twp., Sullivan, PA. He died on 15 Apr 1917 in Fayette Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Sullivan Democrat - Nov 20, 1857

Joseph WARBURTON married Miss Mary Ann HOTTENSTINE, both of Forks Twp., in Dushore, on the 13th inst., by E. D. RICHART, Esq.


Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1850 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Joseph, age 17, Farming, b. PA.

1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Joseph, age 27, Farmer, b. PA.

1870 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Joseph, age 37, Farmer, b. PA.

1880 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Joseph, age 47, Farmer, b. PA.

1900 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Joseph, Father-in-law, b. 4/1833, PA, Widower, retired farmer. (Living with daughter Dora and her husband Charles McIntire and family.)


Joseph married Mary HOTTENSTEIN, daughter of Henry HOTTENSTEIN and Magdalene "Polly" SAMELL, on 12 Nov 1857. Mary was born on 24 Aug 1835 in Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 5 May 1899 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

They had the following children.

+            53    F           i.    Celinda Jane WARBURTON was born on 4 Oct 1858. She died on 29 Dec 1918.

              54    M        ii.    William H. WARBURTON was born on 27 Jul 1861 in PA. He died on 28 Jul 1861. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

+            55    F         iii.    Martha A. WARBURTON was born on 27 Oct 1863. She died on 22 Apr 1922.

+            56    F         iv.    Amanda J. WARBURTON was born on 11 Jun 1865. She died on 9 Jul 1930.

+            57    F          v.    Dora S. WARBURTON was born on 29 Mar 1868. She died on 19 Jul 1939.

+            58    F         vi.    Rose Arvilla WARBURTON was born on 17 May 1871. She died on 20 Jul 1952.

+            59    F        vii.    Lizzie E. WARBURTON was born on 12 Aug 1875. She died on 17 Aug 1937.

25.   Alice WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 22 Jan 1835 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 7 Nov 1905 in IOWA.

Alice married William PAYNE, son of Jacob PAYNE and Sarah SHERMAN, on 16 Nov 1857 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA. William was born on 2 Dec 1835 in PA. He died on 30 Oct 1870 in IOWA.

They had the following children.

+            60    M         i.    Alonzo W. PAYNE was born on 7 Aug 1858. He died on 28 Apr 1933.

              61    M        ii.    Frank E. PAYNE was born on 14 Sep 1860 in PA.

              62    M       iii.    John PAYNE was born on 4 Jun 1862 in PA.

+            63    M       iv.    James Andrew PAYNE was born on 4 Sep 1868. He died on 1 Nov 1950.

28.   William Wallace WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 24 Aug 1839 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 4 Aug 1923 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

The Sullivan Review

August 8, 1923


William W. Warburton of Overton, died at is home at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday August 4. He was in his 84th year.


He was born in 1839 at the home where he had spent all his life and where he died. He was the last survivor, but one of a family of thirteen children.


He is survived by his wife and seven sons: Rev. E.W., of Bath, N.Y.; Rev. M. D. of Berryville, Pa; Dr. O.C. of Los Angeles, Cal.; L.D., of Overton, Pa; Dr. J.R. of Towanda; E.W. of Chinook, Montana, and Oscar M., at home. Also a brother, E.R. Warburton of Monroeton.


In 1864 he married Fidelio Landon, of Canton, Bradford County. She died April 3, 1871. In 1873 he married Theodosia A. Molyneux, a daughter of the late John and Hannah Molyneux.


Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church, of which Mr. Warburton was a lifelong member, at Warburton Hill on Monday, August 6, at 2 o'clock. Five sons and one grandson acted as pallbearers.


W.W. Warburton was born in Forks Township, Feb. 14, 1839. He was a son of John and Ann (Clark) Warburton, who came to Forks Township from Chester, England, in 1831. Mr. Warburton purchased the homestead, which is located in the Warburton Hill school district. He has been road commissioner of Forks Township and is at present one of the overseers of the poor. In 1864, he married Fidelia Landon, of Canton, Bradford County, PA. She died April 3, 1871. In 1873, he married Theodosia A. Molyneux, who was born in Overton Township, April 15, 1852. She was a daughter of John and Hannah (Heverly) Molyneux. Mr. Warburton’s children by his first wife were: M.E., of Bath, N.Y.; Fred W., deceased; M.D., of Texas, N.Y.; F. Rosa, married Rev. Presley, of Cattaraugus, N.Y. By the second wife: O.C., of Buffalo, N.Y.; L.D., of Overton, PA; J.R., of Buffalo, N.Y.; E.W. and O.M., at home.

The Warburton School
Near Overton, PA
Attended by Four Generations of Warburton Children
This version was still standing on the original location in the 1950s.
Photo Courtesy of Lyle Rockwell


Source: Larry Pardoe notes


1850 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, William, age 11, b. PA.

1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, William R. W., age 20, b. PA.

1870 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Wm., age 30, Farmer, b. PA.

1880 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, William W., age 40, Farmer, b. PA.

1900 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, William W., b. 8/1839, PA, Farmer, married 27 years.

1910 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, W. W., head, age 70, b. PA. farmer, married twice, 2nd time 36 years.


William married Fidelia LANDON, daughter of David Stephenson LANDON and Fiche PUTNAM, on 14 Feb 1864. Fidelia was born on 8 Jul 1841 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She died on 3 Apr 1871 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

On her tombstone: Wife of William W. Warburton Aged 29yrs 8mo & 25 days

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and...."


Census of 1860 Canton Township, Bradford Co., PA

Fidelia age 19 living with parents, two brothers & one sister.


They had the following children.

+            64    M         i.    Rev. Melvin Eugene WARBURTON was born on 30 Nov 1864. He died on 26 Aug 1924.

              65    M        ii.    Fred Wallace WARBURTON was born on 14 Jul 1866 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 26 Feb 1869 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA.

+            66    M       iii.    Rev. Merton David WARBURTON was born on 1 Apr 1869. He died on 22 Feb 1944.

+            67    F         iv.    Ficha Rose WARBURTON was born on 8 Apr 1870. She died on 17 Feb 1923.

William also married Theodosia A. MOLYNEUX, daughter of John MOLYNEUX and Hannah HEVERLY, on 23 Oct 1873. Theodosia was born on 15 Apr 1852 in Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 4 Aug 1935 in East Forks, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

Patricia Ann (Wilson) Buck family genealogy sheets shows:

"Daily Review, Towanda, PA, Mon. 8-5-1935: Mrs. W. W. Warburton of Overton died Sunday morning. Funeral services will be held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock."


They had the following children.

+            68    M        v.    Dr. Otis Charles WARBURTON was born on 19 Apr 1874. He died on 10 Sep 1953.

+            69    M       vi.    Lloyd Delos WARBURTON was born on 12 Mar 1876. He died on 30 Dec 1955.

+            70    M      vii.    Dr. John Roscoe WARBURTON was born on 23 Dec 1877. He died on 28 Jan 1969.

+            71    M     viii.    Edgar William WARBURTON was born on 16 Aug 1885. He died on 2 May 1955.

+            72    M        ix.    Oscar Murray WARBURTON was born on 11 Jun 1892. He died on 30 Jan 1947.

30.   Edwin Ruthven WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 20 Aug 1842 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 22 Mar 1931 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried in Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Civil War veteran - Co. B 7th Pa Cav.


Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1850 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Edwin, age 8, b. PA.

1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Edwin R., age 17, b. PA.

1870 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Ed, age 27, Farmer, b. PA.

1880 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Edwin R., age 38, Farmer, b. PA.

1900 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Edward R., b. 8/1842, PA., Farmer, married 32 years.


On August 19, 2001, the Greenwood Cemetery, Elkland Twp., Sullivan County, PA was transcribed by Tina Pastusic of Plains, PA. She shows: "Warburton, Edwin R., b. 1842, d. 1931. Co. B 7 Pa Cav."


From "The Sullivan Review", October 8, 1896

Local News

"E.R. WARBURTON of Campbellsville, is a man who never forgets the poor, hungry editor. Last Saturday at the fair he invited us to take a look at his prize apples - Kings, Baldwins and Spitzenbergs - and after we had duly admired them he told us they were ours to have and to hold. They have been added to our winter's supply of eatibles and when we sit by the fireplace next winter and meditatively masticate a spicy Spitzenberg, our thoughts will turn to one of the pleasantest men in Sullivan County, who remembers the poor and needy."


Edwin married Alice CHAMBERS, daughter of Thomas CHAMBERS and Sarah (____), on 20 Feb 1868. Alice was born on 27 May 1848 in PA. She died on 27 Nov 1918. She was buried in Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

They had the following children.

              73    F           i.    Cora E. WARBURTON was born on 4 Apr 1870.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1870 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Cora E., age 1/12, b. PA.

1880 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Corie E., Dau., age 10, b. PA.

1900 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Cora, Dau., b. 4/1870, PA., single.


The following comes from "The Sullivan Review" March 2, 1899:

"J. G. WARBURTON, of Cherokee, Iowa is visiting his parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.R. WARBURTON of Campbellsville. His sister, Miss Cora, accompanies him - they are expected to return to Iowa in a few weeks."


See obituary of Melvin Eugene Warburton - shows Mrs. & Mrs. Bonney of Towanda attended funeral.


Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Towanda, Bradford County, Pennsylvania


History of Overton, by C.F. Heverly

Teachers of Overton District # 1

Cora E. Warburton 1907-‘08


Cora married George PLUMMER on 21 Mar 1908. George was born on 25 Jan 1848. He died on 14 May 1916.

Cora also married Floyd BONNEY on 2 Dec 1921. Floyd was born on 4 Aug 1859.

+            74    M        ii.    J. Gordon WARBURTON was born on 23 Nov 1872. He died on 30 Jan 1954.

              75    M       iii.    F. Burdette WARBURTON was born on 29 Mar 1875 in PA. He died on 23 Sep 1899. He was buried in Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+            76    M       iv.    Maynard B. WARBURTON D.D.S. was born on 24 Jun 1879. He died on 31 Oct 1955.

              77    M        v.    Sumner WARBURTON was born on 9 Nov 1882 in PA. He died on 15 Nov 1953. He was buried in Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

              78    M       vi.    Andrew Newman WARBURTON was born on 13 Jan 1885 in PA.

Andrew married Winifred CARSON on 3 Nov 1924. Winifred was born on 18 Apr 1893. She died on 18 Sep 1950. She was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Elkland Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.

31.   Andrew Murray WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 25 Sep 1844 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 8 Jun 1923 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

Tina Pastusic posted the following obituary at message boards on November 24, 2003:

"The Sullivan Review

June 13, 1923

A. Murray Warburton died Friday evening aged 78 years of a complication of diseases at his home near the Baptist church.

He was born on Warburton Hill and married to Miss Jennie Norton when he was about 27 years of age. They settled at Campbellsville on a farm where they lived a number of years. To them were born three daughters, Mrs. Lilly McCarty of Sugar Run; Mrs. Francis Detrick Johnson City, Mrs. Carrie Molyneaux Headly of Philadelphia (recently deceased).

They also adopted a daughter Mrs. Katharine Molyneaux of Berwick Pa. They moved to Sugar Run about 25 years ago and after his wife died he made his home with his daughters and did some traveling, spending two years in California and one in Florida in search of health and seeing new country.

Last spring he married Mrs. Alma Miller of Towanda and purchased a home and lot in New Albany near the Baptist church which was nicely redecorated inside where they were just settled and ready to take a little comfort in quietness and peace their few remaining days in a real home of their own. They had a fine garden growing and were raising chickens and were as happy as could be in watching things grow and planning their work like two young married people.

But it was not to last long. Mr. Warburton was taken very seriously ill Tuesday and the best physicians called but no hope was given from the first.

He was baptized a few weeks ago and expected soon to join the M.E. Church. He was a kind father and husband and had host of friends wherever he went. He was a good neighbor and will be greatly missed. His children and lonely widow have the sympathy of the whole community.

A short prayer service was held at his late home Monday after which the funeral cortege proceeded to the Warburton Hill church where services were conducted by Rev. C. F. Booth. Interment in Warburton Hill cemetery by the side of his first wife near his old home. The surviving children were all in attendance."


Elected: Bet. 1879 - 1881, Postmaster of Campbellville, Sullivan County, PA.

Occupation: Lumberman

Past Res: Abt. 1898, Lived at Sugar Run, Pennsylvania

Past Residence: Abt. 1873, Campbellsville, Pennsylvania

Residence: Abt. 1923, Lived at New Albany, Bradford Co., PA


Andrew married Martha Jane "Jennie" NORTON, daughter of Samuel NORTON and Catharine BRYAN, on 6 Jun 1872. Martha was born on 19 May 1847 in PA. She died on 9 Sep 1908. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

They had the following children.

+            79    F           i.    Lillian M. WARBURTON was born on 26 Dec 1873. She died on 18 Sep 1941.

+            80    F          ii.    Frances L. WARBURTON was born on 8 Dec 1876. She died on 23 Sep 1926.

              81    F         iii.    Carrie Beatrice WARBURTON was born on 10 Oct 1879 in PA. She died on 20 Apr 1916.

Sullivan Review marriages:

Molyneaux, O.J. Dr.

Warburton, Carrie Beatrice

April 24, 1902


Carrie married Dr. Orville J. MOLYNEUX, son of Edward Thomas MOLYNEUX and Mary E. FREAR, on 16 Apr 1902. Orville was born on 18 Jan 1873 in PA. He died on 16 Jul 1907.

Carrie also married Charles B. HEADLEY on 11 Apr 1914. Charles was born on 25 Jan 1877.

              82    M       iv.    Infant Son WARBURTON was born on 24 Feb 1883 in PA. He died on 26 Feb 1883.

+            83    F          v.    Lillian Kathryn WARBURTON was born on 26 Oct 1887. She died on 28 Jul 1955.

Andrew also married Alma Bird MILLER, daughter of George C. BIRD Jr. and Harriett KAYE, on 9 Apr 1923. Alma was born on 15 Jan 1859 in PA. She died on 23 Aug 1939 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA. She was buried in Fairmont Cemetery, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

On November 25, 2001, the Fairmount Cemetery, Forksville, PA was transcribed by Tina Pastusic. She shows: "Miller, Alma Bird, b. 1859, d. 1939."


32.   Robert Bruce WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 18 Nov 1846 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 9 Jan 1918 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Robert married Susan M. BENINGER on 14 Oct 1865. Susan was born on 29 May 1850 in PA. She died on 26 Dec 1919.

They had the following children.

+            84    M         i.    Rev. George A. WARBURTON was born on 14 Apr 1867. He died on 10 Dec 1945.

              85    M        ii.    Addison A. WARBURTON was born on 26 Aug 1868 in PA. He died in Sep 1870.

+            86    F         iii.    Jennie M. WARBURTON was born on 23 Feb 1871. She died on 23 Oct 1933.

+            87    F         iv.    Anna J. WARBURTON was born on 31 Mar 1878. She died on 2 Dec 1976.

+            88    M        v.    Robert Lee WARBURTON was born on 16 Apr 1885. He died on 21 Feb 1954.

33.   David WARBURTON (John, John, William) was born on 27 Aug 1848 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 19 Aug 1913 in IOWA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1850 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, David, age 1, b. PA.

1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, David, age 12, b. PA.

1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, David, age 31, Farmer, b. PA.


David married Clara Adelaide MOLYNEUX, daughter of James MOLYNEUX and Esther TOMLINSON, on 14 Nov 1878 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. Clara was born on 15 Dec 1858 in Overton, Bradford Co., PA. She died on 23 Feb 1946 in Cherokee Co., IOWA.

Lyle Rockwell notes;

The hemophilia disease in the David & Clara Adelaide Molyneux Warburton family comes from Clara's side. By generation: Clara Adelaide Molyneux Warburton, James Molyneux, Edward Molyneux who married Rebecca Bird, Rebecca's parents, Powell Bird Sr. who married Lydia Hannant. (The Hannant family is the source of hemophilia)


Source: Descendants of William Molyneux, down to A.D. 1890, by George Molyneux Pardoe, published in Sioux City, Iowa in 1894


The disease of hemophilia, or hereditary hemorrhage, is from the Hannant Family of Norfolk, England. The patient is usually called a "bleeder". This disease is inherited through this Bird family because of Lydia's relatives in England. The bleeder is always a male, and the son of a female of the bleeding family. Where a bleeder has brothers who are not bleeders, the bleeding trait has never reappeared in their descendants. The same is true of the descendants of females who according to the rule might have had bleeding sons, but whom the bleeding trait failed to appear. The following families who have married into this Bird family wherein this bleeding trait exists are: Molyneux, McCarty, Rowe, Plews, Bedford, McChord, Merrick, Rivers, Pardoe, Summers, and Jones. (Warburtons should have been included in this list.)


Source: The Warburtons of Warburton and Arley, by Earl Cyrus Warburton & Geneva Warburton Dark, published in 1956.

The David & Clara A. Molyneux Warburton has had several occurrences of this strange bleeding ailment, with fatal results. "Bleeders," as they were formerly called, have been greatly encouraged by new plasmas announced in 1955 by a leading Stanford University expert.

They are also able to get almost immediate help and advice by a country wide Hemophilia Foundation with chapters in many large cities such as Los Angeles, Oakland, Dallas, St. Paul, Chicago, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Montreal, Rochester, Brooklyn, and Miami.

Dr. Theodore H. Spaet of Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, reports that there are several types of hemophilia and that a new dried or frozen plasma may be kept indefinitely. "Patients now can even carry plasma with them for emergencies" he said.


They had the following children.

+            89    F           i.    Emma Beatrice WARBURTON was born on 10 May 1880. She died on 27 Apr 1951.

+            90    F          ii.    Margaret Esther WARBURTON was born on 25 Sep 1884. She died on 22 Sep 1945.

+            91    F         iii.    Jennie Iola WARBURTON was born on 3 Apr 1892. She died on 10 Dec 1929.

+            92    M       iv.    Floyd Murray WARBURTON was born on 28 Apr 1894.

+            93    F          v.    Geneva Molyneux WARBURTON was born on 25 Jan 1903.

Fifth Generation

34.   Maria MOLYNEUX (Ellen WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 31 Dec 1847 in Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 8 Sep 1904 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Maria married Jacob LAUER on 28 Jan 1869 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. Jacob was born on 14 May 1837 in IND. He died on 14 Sep 1921 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

They had the following children.

              94    F           i.    Ella C. LAUER was born on 30 Sep 1870 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 25 Feb 1943 in Quimby, IOWA.

Ella married Isaac CLARK on 25 Sep 1889 in IOWA. Isaac was born on 30 Oct 1864 in IOWA. He died on 7 Jan 1934 in Quimby, IOWA.

              95    F          ii.    Anna E. LAUER was born on 14 Mar 1872 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 4 Feb 1947 in Quimby, IOWA.

Anna married James A. SMITH on 19 Jan 1890 in Iowa. James was born on 18 Jun 1863 in CT. He died on 10 Sep 1928.

              96    M       iii.    Fred LAUER was born on 27 Feb 1874 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died on 25 Aug 1877 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

              97    M       iv.    Charles LAUER was born on 4 Jan 1876 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Charles married Daisy GILCHRIST on 3 Nov 1910. Daisy was born on 14 Jun 1868. She died before 1891.

Charles also married Maud G. PALMER. Maud was born on 13 Apr 1891.

              98    M        v.    Robert LAUER was born on 6 Jun 1878 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died on 8 Sep 1931.

Robert married Myrtle L. MCCANNON on 24 Feb 1904. Myrtle was born on 24 Mar 1887 in Iowa.

              99    F         vi.    Dora LAUER was born on 1 Sep 1880 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 15 Oct 1880 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

            100    M      vii.    Henry LAUER was born on 24 Oct 1881 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died on 13 Sep 1941.

            101    M     viii.    Jacob LAUER was born on 6 Aug 1884 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died in Aug 1996 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Jacob married Mary GRAVES on 5 Oct 1912. Mary was born on 23 Jul 1888. She died on 6 Jul 1920.

Jacob also married Edith Belle BREMMER on 24 Feb 1925. Edith was born on 17 Jul 1896.

            102    M        ix.    Rex LAUER was born on 2 Aug 1886 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died in Sep 1963.

Rex married Jessie Bell RICE on 9 Dec 1933. Jessie was born on 1 Jan 1880 in Iowa.

            103    F          x.    Cora LAUER was born on 21 Mar 1889 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Cora married Ernest J. MORRISON on 31 Jan 1917. Ernest was born on 18 Mar 1891 in Iowa. He died on 3 Feb 1950.

Cora also married Earl L. MORRISON on 2 Feb 1955. Earl was born on 23 Apr 1888.

            104    M        xi.    Edwin LAUER was born on 18 Nov 1892 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. He died in Nov 1974 in Porterville, Calif.

36.   Francis H. MOLYNEUX (Ellen WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 1 Aug 1852 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 12 Feb 1915 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

"FRANCIS H. MOLYNEUX, contractor and builder, Cherokee, Iowa, was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Sullivan County, August 1, 1852, and is the oldest son living of a family of five children. His father, Henry Molyneux, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a millwright and miller by trade; in later years he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, and is still living on a farm in Pilot Township, Cherokee County. He married Ellen Warburton, a native of England, and a daughter of John Warburton. Francis H. passed his youth in his native county, receiving a common-school education. He remained under the parental roof until he was twenty-one years of age, following the occupation of farming. In 1867 the family removed to Cherokee County, and it was not until he had reached man's estate that he began to learn the carpenter's trade. He worked at the business in Wisconsin, and after his return to Cherokee County was engaged in erecting buildings in the country. He has pushed his way slowly but surely to the top, and today stands second to no builder in the county. His reputation for careful, honest work has been justly earned, and the confidence reposed in him is shown by the class of work which he is constantly engaged in. Mr. Molyneaux was untied in marriage in 1880 to Miss S. A. Keturah Van Horn, a daughter of John H. and Sarah A. B. Van Horn, natives of Canada. Mrs. Molyneux was also born in Canada. After his marriage Mr. Molyneux settled in Cherokee, where he has since lived. He owns a comfortable residence built after a modern style of architecture, and a good farm of eighty acres in Silver Township, fairly well improved. Politically he adheres to the principles of the Republican Party. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Molyneux: Bertha Gertrude and Francis Harrison."


From "The Sullivan Review, 26 November 1896:


Mr. Frank MOLYNEUX, formerly of Millview, has recently been elected County Superintendent of the Schools of McHenry Co., North Dakota, where he resides."


Francis married Sarah Ann Keturah VANHORN, daughter of John VANHORN and Sarah (____), on 27 Apr 1880 in, PA. Sarah was born on 31 Aug 1856 in Ontario. She died on 30 May 1916 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

They had the following children.

            105    F           i.    Bertha Gertrude MOLYNEUX was born on 14 Aug 1883 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 23 Mar 1928.

Bertha married Harry H. LOCKIN on 24 Jul 1907. Harry was born on 16 Oct 1883. He died on 31 Mar 1951 in Omaha, Neb.

            106    M        ii.    Francis Harrison MOLYNEUX was born on 4 Jul 1888 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. He died in Rolfe, Iowa.

Francis married Emma D. PIERCE on 26 Jun 1919. Emma was born on 18 Mar 1896. She died in Rolfe, Iowa.

37.   Arthur Robert MOLYNEUX (Ellen WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 29 Apr 1856 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 13 May 1932 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

The following comes from a message posted at message boards on September 2, 2003 by Robert Sweeney:

"From the History of Western Iowa by L. H. Hayes, Mandarin, Iowa, Western Publishing Company, 1882:

Arthur Molyneux, of the firm of Molyneux Bros., law and collecting agents, was born in Sullivan county, Penn., in 1856; graduated at Iowa City law school in the class of '81, and soon after located in Cherokee, and engaged in business as above."

The following article comes from "The History of Cherokee County, Iowa Vol. II", 1914 pages 105 & 106; also mentioned on pages 63 & 64:


"A. R. Molyneux, of Cherokee, is a representative of one of the pioneer families of Cherokee county and since 1881 has been an active representative of the bar. He has the honor of having served as the first county attorney and in his entire professional career he has conformed to a high standard of professional ethics, while at the same time his devotion to his clients' interests has become proverbial. His birthplace was a farm in Sullivan county, Pennsylvania, and his natal day April 29, 1856. His parents were Henry and Ellen Molyneux. The mother was born in Lancaster, England, while the father was a native of Pennsylvania. The great-grandfather of our subject, William Molyneux, came from England to the United States and planted the family tree in American soil. Henry Molyneux was born in the year 1812 and became a farmer by occupation. He continued his residence in Pennsylvania until 1867, when he removed westward to Cherokee county and secured a homestead claim in Pilot township, where he carried on general farming for almost a quarter of a century, or until his death in 1891. He was one of the first to indorse the principles of the Republican Party upon its organization and voted for its candidates from the time when John C. Fremont became its first standard bearer. His wife was killed in the Pomeroy cyclone.

A public-school education fitted A. R. Molyneux for entrance to college and his more advanced educational work was done in Cedar Falls College, where he pursued a literary course. He next entered the Iowa City Law School, from which he was graduated in June, 1881, and in August of the same year he entered upon active practice in Cherokee, where he has since successfully followed his profession. In the third of a century which has since elapsed his progress has been continuous, for he has been a close student of his profession, his knowledge has constantly broadened and he has become widely recognized as a most clear and logical reasoner, seldom, if ever, at fault in the application of legal principles. He was the first county attorney, being chosen for that position after the state legislature in 1886 passed a law doing away with district attorneys and providing that each county should have its chosen legal representative. He took the office in 1887 and served until 1891. He today has a large private practice and his devotion to his clients' interests is noteworthy, yet he never forgets that he owes a still higher allegiance to the majesty of the law.

Mr. Molyneux was married, in November, 1881, to Miss Emma E. Van Horn, a daughter of John H. and Sarah Van Horn, who came to this county from Canada in 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Molyneux now have three living children: Maud is the wife of N. L. Styles, of Cherokee, the assistant cashier of the State Bank, and they have one daughter, Margaret. Lora L., is a teacher of physical training and Arthur resides at home.

Mr. Molyneux is a prominent representative of Masonry. He joined the order in 1886, becoming a member of Speculative Lodge, No. 307, F. & A. M. He has since attained high rank in Masonry and has filled many offices, serving as master of the lodge, as high priest of the chapter, as eminent commander of the local Commandery and as grand commander of the state. He belongs to the T. S. Parvin Consistory and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine at Sioux City, Iowa. He is also a member of the Eastern Star. He is an honorary member of the Grand Army of the Republic and belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He has wisely and well used the talents with which nature has endowed him for the benefit of his fellowmen and for his own legitimate advancement in professional lines and his close conformity to the highest standards of manhood and citizenship has given him place among the prominent and representative men of his adopted county.


Arthur married Emma Elizabeth VANHORN, daughter of John VANHORN and Sarah (____), on 3 Nov 1881 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. Emma was born on 1 Oct 1858 in ONT. She died on 28 Dec 1928 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

They had the following children.

            107    F           i.    Maude Frances MOLYNEUX was born on 21 Sep 1882 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Maude married Nestor L. STILES on 28 Oct 1908. Nestor was born on 10 Aug 1884 in Iowa.

            108    F          ii.    Lora L. MOLYNEUX was born on 6 Jul 1886 in Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Lora married Richard S. BAKER on 5 Sep 1947. Richard was born on 3 Jan 1888 in QUEBEC.

            109    M       iii.    Dr. Arthur Van Horn MOLYNEUX was born on 9 May 1902 in Iowa. He died on 9 Aug 1976 in Kyoto, Japan.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

The following comes from an email message from June (Rowe) Howard on November 2 2003. Not sure where she got it from:


Arthur Van Horn Molyneux was born May 19, 1902, in Cherokee, Iowa, the son of Arthur Robert and Emma Elizabeth (Van Horn) Molyneux, who were among the first settlers in Iowa. "Art" was a graduate from Cherokee High School and attended the University of Iowa. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin and received his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1926.

After serving at Northeastern Hospital, Philadelphia, for several months he came to Hawaii in September of that year as an intern at the Queen's Hospital. After completing his residency, Dr. Molyneux went into private practice as a pediatrician; and in 1934 he was one of the co-founders of the Medical Group, with Drs. James Judd, Nils Larsen, F.J. Halford and R.J. Mansfield. In 1933 Dr. Molyneux married Margaret Jane Klebahn. The were divorced in 1955. A specialist in internal medicine and pediatrics, Dr. Molyneux was one of the first three men to

take the written boards to become a certified diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1941. Over the years Dr. Molyneux took courses in graduate study at the University of Vienna, and in Philadelphia, New York, Boston and the Mayo Clinic. He was president of the Honolulu County Medical Society in 1938. For several years he was on the teaching staff of the Queen's Hospital School of Nursing; and was on the active, teaching and consulting staffs of Queen's, Children's, St. Francis, Kapiolani and Leahi hospitals periodically until his retirement in 1967.

He was a member of the American Medical Association, Hawaii Medical Association, American and Hawaii Heart Associations, American College of Physicians, American College of Chest Physicians, American Geriatrics Society, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Omega Alpha, and was a 32nd degree Mason. Dr. Molyneux was a member and served on committees of many clubs including the Pacific Club and Outrigger Canoe Club. He was a member of the Congregational Church.

Among Dr. Molyneux's hobbies was orchid culture. He was a member of the American and Pacific orchid societies. A voracious reader, he was definitely a "night owl", often staying up until two or three o'clock in the morning to read medical journals. About 1957 Dr. Molyneux contracted tuberculosis and was a patient at Leahi Hospital. It was during his stay there that he learned to speak Japanese from some of the other patients. He became fluent in the language--an attribute which was of great value to him in later years.

A thoughtful and generous man, Dr. Molyneux made many contributions to the community in both time and financial donations--many of which were anonymous. Over the years he brought a number of young Japanese boys to Honolulu. He financed their educations and took them into his home, where his sister, Mrs. Lora Baker, kept house for him. Called by a colleague "a physician in every sense of the word", Dr. Molyneux was never too busy to sit down with his patients and talk over their problems, for hours, if necessary--and they loved him for it.

After his retirement he spent most of his time traveling. His love for Japan deepened, and it was there he died on August 9, 1976. At his request his ashes were scattered in Kyoto--the city he loved so much."


Arthur married Margaret Jane KLEBAHN on 23 Nov 1933. The marriage ended in divorce. Margaret was born on 21 Feb 1906 in Hawaii.

38.   F. Murray MOLYNEUX (Ellen WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 24 Jan 1858 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 24 Oct 1929 in Correctionville, IOWA.

F. Murray MOLYNEUX married Jennie O. SANBORN, daughter of J.A. SANBORN and Susan BLAKE, on 7 Jun 1882 in Iowa. Jennie was born on 28 Mar 1858 in N.H. She died on 16 Apr 1929 in Correctionville, IOWA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

The following article comes from "Biographical History of Cherokee County Iowa" 1889 pages 611 & 612 and can be found at:



"J. A. SANBORN, farmer and stock-raiser of Afton Township, has been prominently identified with the interests of Cherokee County since the fall of 1869. He was born in Dorchester, Grafton County, New Hampshire, November 21, 1832, and is the third son of Josiah and Lucinda (Holt) Sanborn, natives of New Hampshire, of Puritan stock. J.A. was reared on a farm and received a common-school education. His father died when he was six years old, leaving three sons to the care of his bereaved mother. As she had but limited means, J. A. found a home with his grandfather and an uncle until he was twenty-one years old; he then went to Boston and worked in a grocery store for three years. The following three years he spent of the old homestead in New Hampshire. He was married November 4, 1856, to Miss Susan Blake, a native of New Hampshire, and the oldest daughter of

Charles D. and Jerusha (Flanders) Blake. After their marriage they removed to Laconia, New Hampshire, and there Mr. Sanborn found work in the woolen mills until the breaking out of the late Civil War. Leaving his wife and child he enlisted in Company H, Twelfth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, going into camp the following day. He soon went to Washington, District of Columbia, and thence to Arlington Heights, where he was detailed to load freight and army supplies.

While engaged in this work an accident occurred which came near costing Mr. Sanborn his life. A heavy box slipped from the top of a load and struck him in the side, breaking three ribs. This was just before the battle of Harper's Ferry, and for more than a quarter of a century he has suffered from the effects of this accident. He was removed to Corwin Hospital, and after a time was honorably discharged, after which he returned to his home. He obtained employment in the Belknap Carpet Woolen Mills in Laconia, New Hampshire, and remained there for

six years. At the end of that time his wound became so troublesome that he was compelled to give up work for six months. He returned to his old employers at Ashland, New Hampshire, and took charge of two rooms in the mills. He afterward purchased an interest in a stock of general merchandise, the firm name being Weeks & Sanborn; this partnership continued one year, when he sold his stock and came West to settle. Some time previous he had made a visit to Wisconsin, but decided to locate in Iowa. For a short time he lived in Tama County, and then came to Cherokee County, and entered eight acres of Government land. By means of a prairie schooner he brought his family from Tama County to Cherokee County. On the journey the met with a serious accident; in making a descent near the present town of Cherokee the pole strap broke, causing the team to run away. One valuable horse was killed and the wagon and provision were destroyed. They first moved into a small log cabin belonging to Albert Phipps. Mr. Sanborn built a house, and began the task of improving his farm; he broke out a large area with ox-teams. Their farm contains 200 acres in a high state of cultivation, and is considered one of the best in the township. Mr. Sanborn in a member of the Masonic order, and of the General Custer Post, No. 25, G.A.R. He and his wife have two children: Jennie H., wife of Murray F. Molyneux, and Frank D. Mr. Sanborn affiliates with the Republican Party."


They had the following children.

            110    F           i.    Blanche MOLYNEUX was born on 4 Nov 1883 in Neb. She died on 14 Sep 1885 in Neb.

            111    M        ii.    Guy MOLYNEUX was born on 18 Apr 1886 in Neb. He died in Aug 1946.

            112    M       iii.    Ray MOLYNEUX was born on 12 Jun 1890 in Neb. He died on 22 Feb 1894.

            113    M       iv.    Russell MOLYNEUX was born on 26 Mar 1903 in Iowa.


Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Coulee Dam, Washington


Russell married Patricia MANNING on 8 Aug 1943. Patricia was born on 4 Jun 1914 in ENG.

39.   Reuben WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 1 Mar 1854 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 26 Apr 1931.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Ruben, age 6, b. PA.

1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, Reuben, son, age 26, b. PA., teacher, parents b. England.


Reuben married Elnorah LITTLE on 12 Nov 1887. Elnorah was born on 9 Sep 1858 in Mass. She died on 11 Apr 1945.

They had the following children.

            114    M         i.    Earl Cyrus WARBURTON was born on 31 Mar 1889 in Iowa. He died after 1956.

Earl is co-author of the book on the Warburton family titled " The Warburtons of Warburton and Arley," published in Monterey, California in 1956.



Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Oakland, California


Earl married Ethel Maud BAKER R.N. on 29 Dec 1923. Ethel was born on 7 Jun 1895 in Minn.

            115    F          ii.    Grace Hazel WARBURTON was born on 12 Nov 1892 in Iowa. She died on 29 Nov 1952.

Grace married Robert Ray WILLIAMSON on 29 Dec 1909. Robert was born on 13 Oct 1886 in Iowa.

Grace also married Louis MALASPINA on 17 Sep 1934. Louis was born on 21 Mar 1885 in Calif.

40.   Mary Ann WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 19 Jul 1855 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 21 Jul 1933 in Quimby, Iowa.

Mary married Benson J. ROGERS, son of Reuben ROGERS and Mary MOLYNEUX, on 25 Mar 1874 in, IOWA. Benson was born on 7 Jul 1848 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 20 Mar 1924 in Quimby, Iowa.

They had the following children.

            116    M         i.    Joseph Ezra ROGERS was born on 19 May 1875 in Iowa. He died on 29 Jun 1877 in Iowa.

            117    M        ii.    George William ROGERS was born on 21 Mar 1878 in Iowa. He died on 7 Aug 1968 in Quimby, Iowa.

George married Dorothy O. VERNON on 5 May 1909. Dorothy was born on 9 Jun 1886 in Iowa. She died on 27 Sep 1927.

            118    F         iii.    Martha Laura ROGERS was born on 19 Aug 1879 in Iowa. She died on 11 Aug 1935 in Quimby, Iowa.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

Marriage Notes for MARTHA ROGERS and GUY MASON:

"Genealogy of William Molyneux and His Descendants" 2002 Revision, page 6 under Martha Laura shows m. Oct. 21, 1916, but on page 7 under husband Guy M. Mason, shows m. Oct. 22, 1916.


Martha married Guy M. MASON on 22 Oct 1916. Guy was born on 14 Sep 1887. He died on 17 Sep 1919.

            119    M       iv.    Fred Benson ROGERS was born on 21 Apr 1889 in Iowa. He died on 23 May 1968 in Pleasant Hill, Calif.

Fred married Frances Ehle BELL on 19 Jun 1918. Frances was born on 6 Feb 1889 in Mich. She died in Apr 1982 in Pleasant Hill, Calif.

            120    M        v.    John Levi ROGERS was born on 3 Nov 1893 in Iowa. He died in Apr 1977 in Moraga, Calif.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


Fact 1: Social Security Death Benefit sent to Oroville, Washington

Past Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Oroville, Washington

Residence: Last known residence Moraga, California

Social Security Number: Private - Issued CA


41.   Esther Ellen WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 2 Mar 1857 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 4 Aug 1930.

Esther married Edwin SMITH on 21 Dec 1872. Edwin was born on 3 Nov 1847. He died before 1956.

They had the following children.

            121    M         i.    Cyrus Emery SMITH was born on 27 Sep 1873 in Iowa. He died on 26 Jun 1877.

            122    M        ii.    Alfred Leslie SMITH was born on 13 Jul 1876 in Iowa. He died on 2 Apr 1944.

Alfred married Nina HAUGBAWOUST on 15 Jun 1898. Nina was born on 27 Jan 1878 in MO.

43.   Martha Alice WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 27 Sep 1858 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 23 Aug 1928.

Martha married Jonathan PENNINGTON, son of Jesse PENNINGTON and Harriet SMITH, on 27 Sep 1876. Jonathan was born on 25 Sep 1849 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 13 Jun 1924 in Iowa.

They had the following children.

            123    M         i.    Louis J. PENNINGTON was born on 25 Aug 1877. He died on 11 Jan 1943.

            124    F          ii.    Ruth Ann PENNINGTON was born on 20 Mar 1879.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Residence: Abt. 1956, Lived in Kent, Iowa


Ruth married J. Arthur ATHEY on 25 Sep 1901. J. Arthur ATHEY was born on 24 Mar 1876 in Iowa. He died on 16 Nov 1934.

            125    M       iii.    Lee William PENNINGTON was born on 14 Nov 1880.

Lee married Daisy CORRINGTON on 31 Aug 1910. Daisy was born on 13 Oct 1887 in Iowa.

            126    F         iv.    Martha Esther PENNINGTON was born on 2 Apr 1883 in Iowa. She died on 17 Dec 1952.

Martha married Frank Merrill RIPPIE on 1 Nov 1908. Frank was born on 24 Aug 1882 in Oreg. He died before 1956.

            127    F          v.    Sarah Rebecca PENNINGTON was born on 23 Mar 1885. She died on 17 Dec 1952.

            128    F         vi.    Mae Angeline PENNINGTON was born on 23 May 1887 in Iowa. She died on 20 Aug 1947.

Mae married Thomas B. ROGERS, son of Ezra ROGERS and Mary A. BEAN, on 15 Jan 1919. Thomas was born on 8 Feb 1878 in NJ. He died in CHEROKEE, IOWA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Residence: Abt. 1956, Lived in Phoenix, Arizona


            129    F        vii.    Ella Myrtle PENNINGTON was born on 14 Aug 1889.

44.   Emily Maria WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 12 Mar 1860 in Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 6 Sep 1930.

Emily married Aaron BACKUS, son of John BACKUS and Achsah (____), on 25 Nov 1880. Aaron was born on 9 Feb 1850 in Wisc. He died on 28 Mar 1932.

Census of 1860 Osage Township, Mitchell Co., Iowa

Backus, John 32 M Farmer 2000 600 NY

        Apie 31 F NY

       Jason 13 M NY

       Aaron 10 M Wisc.

       Ellen  5 F Iowa

  Juliett 10/12 F Iowa


Census of 1880 Pilot Township, Cherokee Co., Iowa

Backus, John W M 53 Husband Farmer NY

      Achsah W F 52 Wife NY

       Aaron W M 30 Son Farmer Wisc.

      Eugene W M 16 Son Iowa

     Ada May W F 14 Daug. Iowa

     Charles W M 11 Son Iowa


They had the following children.

            130    F           i.    Nellie S.E. BACKUS was born on 17 Sep 1882 in Iowa.

Nellie married Errett NORMAN on 31 Dec 1902. Errett was born on 9 Mar 1882 in MO. He died on 4 Jun 1954.

            131    M        ii.    John James BACKUS was born on 25 Aug 1884 in Iowa. He died on 6 Mar 1955.

John married Kathryn Agnes HINGSBURGER on 7 Jun 1913. Kathryn was born on 31 May 1885.

            132    M       iii.    Roy Eugene BACKUS was born on 21 Jan 1887 in SD.

Roy married Ethel COBURN, daughter of Robert E. COBURN and Minnie M. (____), on 14 Jun 1911. Ethel was born on 4 Jul 1886 in Iowa. She died on 28 Mar 1932.

Census of 1900 Carroll Township, Carroll Co., Iowa

Coburn, Robert E. Head W M Aug 1855 44 M-20 Maine Maine Maine

        Minnie M. Wife W F Nov 1857 42 M-20 9-9 Iowa NC Ill.

         Robert L. Son W M Nov 1880 19 S Iowa

           Helen Daug. W F Sep 1883 16 S Iowa

           Ethel Daug. W F Jul 1886 13 S Iowa

             Abner Son W M Mar 1888 12 S Iowa

           Alice Daug. W F Dec 1890  9 S Iowa

        Florence Daug. W F Feb 1893  7 S Iowa

        William W. Son W M Aug 1894  5 S Iowa

        Chelsea E. Son W M Jan 1897  3 S Iowa

            Mary Daug. W F Dec 1898  1 S Iowa


            133    M       iv.    Benjamin Levi BACKUS was born on 17 Sep 1888 in SD.

Benjamin married Clara Alvina HUBERT on 11 Sep 1937. Clara was born on 26 Nov 1909 in SD.

            134    M        v.    Reno Warburton BACKUS was born on 21 Mar 1901 in SD.

45.   Laura Hannah WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 24 Aug 1861 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 14 Sep 1909 in Pilot Twp. Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Laura married Joseph R. LITTLE, son of William P. LITTLE and Rebecca ROGERS, on 25 Nov 1880. Joseph was born on 23 May 1856 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He died on 24 Feb 1918 in Pilot Twp. Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1860 Asylum Twp., Bradford Co., PA census shows: Little, Joseph, age 4?, b. PA, at school.

The following article comes from "History of Cherokee County, Iowa Vol II", 1914, Pages 152 & 153 and can be found at:



"From 1888 until 1908 Joseph R. Little was connected in an important manner with farming interests of Silver Township and, having followed always the most practical and straightforward methods in the conduct of his interests, is now able to live in retirement, enjoying the rest which rewards honorable and faithful labor. He makes his home in Cherokee, where he is well known in community affairs and is recognized as a public-spirited and representative citizen. He was born in Towanda, Bradford county Pennsylvania, Mary 23, 1856, and is a son of William P. and Rebecca (Rogers) Little, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of Sullivan county, Pennsylvania. The father was a farmer by occupation and in 1868 came west to Iowa, settling in Pilot Township, this county, where he took up a homestead claim of eighty acres. Upon this he resided for many years thereafter, dying on the property August 18, 1886. He had survived his wife several years, her death occurring on the 4th of December, 1878. The father was well known in religious circles, being a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was also class leader and trustee. He was a republican in his political beliefs and especially interested in the cause of education, serving in a capable and progressive way as school director for a

number of years. He and his wife had nine children: Albert, Sarah R., Ezra, Lambert and Harriett, who have passed away; Emma, the wife of E. H. Whitehouse, of Canora, Canada; Ellen, deceased; Martin, of Pilot township; and Joseph R., of this review. The last named acquired his education in the public schools of Pilot township and at the age of eighteen took charge of his father's farm, which he operated for a number of years thereafter. In 1888 he moved into Silver Township and purchased a farm of eighty acres, which he afterward increased to one hundred and sixty. Upon this fine property, which his well directed efforts made valuable and productive, he engaged in general farming and stock-raising for many years, success coming as a natural result of his energy and enterprise. In 1908 he retired from active life and moved into Cherokee, where he has since resided.

On the 25th of November, 1880, Mr. Little married Miss Laura Warburton, who was born August 24, 1861, in Sullivan county, Pennsylvania. She was a daughter of James and Sarah (Bedford) Warburton, residents of Pilot Township, where their daughter acquired her education. The parents were natives of England and after emigrating to America settled in Pennsylvania, where they resided until 1869. In that year they moved to Cherokee county, this state, where the father engaged in farming and sawmilling until his death, which occurred in August, 1905. He was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist church and served also as trustee, Sunday school superintendent and class leader. He gave his political allegiance to the Prohibition Party, being a firm advocate of its principles, and he was altogether an exceptionally worthy and representative citizen. His wife survives him and makes her home in Pilot Township. Mrs. Little passed away April 15, 1909. She and her husband had five children: Carl, at home; Ray, a resident of Canora, Canada; Guy, at home; Lura, who was born August 18, 1895, and who died November 18, 1896; and Mae, at home. Mr. Little is a trustee in the Wesleyan Methodist church and is a prohibitionist in his political beliefs. He has been honored by various positions of trust and responsibility, having served as township trustee, justice of the peace and school director, proving a capable and efficient public servant. In all relations of life he has been honorable and straightforward and he holds the esteem and confidence of all who known him."


They had the following children.

            135    M         i.    Carlton R. LITTLE was born on 3 Sep 1881 in Iowa. He died on 12 Jan 1938.

            136    M        ii.    Raymond Donald LITTLE was born on 8 Oct 1884 in Iowa. He died on 26 Feb 1944.

Raymond married Dorothy DOSIER on 23 Feb 1934.

            137    M       iii.    Guy Howard LITTLE was born on 9 Jan 1890 in Iowa. He died on 18 Jun 1941.

Guy married Carolyn SIEFERT on 30 Oct 1918 in Singapore. Carolyn was born on 30 Aug 1880 in Ill.

            138    F         iv.    Lura I. LITTLE was born on 18 Dec 1895 in Iowa. She died on 18 Nov 1896.

            139    F          v.    Anna Mae LITTLE was born on 12 Oct 1900 in Iowa. She died on 28 May 1951.

Anna married John PATTERSON on 16 Feb 1923. John was born on 9 Jan 1898 in Iowa.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Residence: Abt. 1956, Living in Paducah, KY


46.   Luther Lee WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 22 May 1863 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 13 Dec 1927.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


Twin of Lucy Serena Warburton.

1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, Lee, son, age 17, b. PA., attends school, parents b. England.


Luther married Rose SURLES on 18 Sep 1883. Rose was born on 17 Apr 1868. She died before 1956.

They had the following children.

            140    M         i.    Clarence E. WARBURTON was born on 20 Oct 1884 in Iowa. He died on 8 Oct 1912.

Clarence married Ida Anne STARR on 26 Apr 1905. Ida was born on 28 Mar 1884.

            141    M        ii.    Roy WARBURTON was born on 20 Mar 1888 in Iowa. He died on 30 Apr 1955.

Roy married Irene HARTNELL on 24 Feb 1907. Irene was born on 6 Dec 1892 in Wisc.

            142    M       iii.    Alfred Rex WARBURTON was born on 24 Mar 1890 in Iowa. He died on 8 May 1944.

Alfred married Minnie MEYER on 11 Jun 1923. Minnie was born on 22 Jan 1891 in Ind.

47.   Lucy Serena WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 22 May 1863 in Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 1 Nov 1931.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


Twin of Luther Lee Warburton.

1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, Lucy, daughter, age 17, b. PA., attends school, parents b. England.


Lucy married Rufus BOYLES, son of Charles M. BOYLES and Margaret E. (____), on 26 Dec 1882. Rufus was born on 24 Jul 1858 in PA. He died on 26 Aug 1952.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

1860 Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows Rufus Boyles, age 1, b. PA.

1870 Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows Rufus Boyles, age 11, b. PA. Living with John and Sarah McCarty family.


They had the following children.

            143    M         i.    Walter R. BOYLES was born on 25 Oct 1883 in Iowa.

Walter married Mary EDGAR on 31 May 1903. Mary was born on 6 Aug 1884 in Ill. She died on 1 Jul 1929.

Walter also married Viola Catherine REID on 11 Jun 1933. Viola was born on 4 Apr 1889 in NM. She died on 23 Aug 1954.

            144    F          ii.    Lulu D. BOYLES was born on 17 Jul 1886 in Iowa.

Lulu married Alex SMOGER on 2 Feb 1907. Alex was born on 4 Jul 1880 in Ill.

            145    M       iii.    Ora BOYLES was born on 18 Feb 1888 in MO. He died on 26 Aug 1888.

            146    F         iv.    Maggie BOYLES was born on 9 Aug 1890 in Ill. She died on 10 Oct 1890.

            147    M        v.    Lee Julien BOYLES was born on 28 Apr 1895 in Ill.

Lee married Mary LEGG on 15 Jul 1917. Mary was born on 15 Nov 1891 in Ill.

            148    M       vi.    Charles M. BOYLES was born on 24 Oct 1896 in Ill. He died on 28 Nov 1918.

            149    F        vii.    Minnie Elmira BOYLES was born on 7 Jun 1898 in Ill.

Minnie married William Spencer HOWE on 29 Sep 1920. William was born on 7 Dec 1897.

            150    F       viii.    Vina Ruth BOYLES was born on 23 Oct 1900 in Ill. She died on 3 May 1931.

Vina married John Harvey AMLIN on 24 Sep 1922. John was born on 4 Sep 1892 in TX.

            151    M        ix.    Rufus BOYLES was born on 17 Oct 1902 in Ill. He died on 17 Mar 1904.

            152    F          x.    Irene M. BOYLES was born on 8 Jun 1904 in Ill.

            153    M        xi.    William G. BOYLES was born on 21 Mar 1908 in Ill. He died on 21 Mar 1908.

48.   Stanton WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 13 Apr 1865 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 24 Dec 1926.

Stanton was a U.S. Congressman


Stanton married Iris BROCKWAY on 30 Sep 1890. Iris was born on 13 Jan 1867 in Iowa.

They had the following children.

            154    F           i.    Leota WARBURTON was born on 29 Jun 1891 in Wash.

Leota married Edwin E. NICCOLLS PhD on 29 Jun 1911. Edwin was born on 13 Aug 1883 in Iowa. He died on 3 Jun 1952.

            155    F          ii.    Maude WARBURTON was born on 10 May 1897 in Wash.

Maude married Atty. Llewellyn D. BOYLE on 2 Feb 1917. Llewellyn was born on 27 May 1895 in Wash.

            156    M       iii.    Stanton WARBURTON Jr. was born on 11 Jan 1900 in Wash.

Stanton married Greta Elois MILLER on 29 Jun 1928. Greta was born on 10 Sep 1897 in OK.

49.   Sarah Minnie WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 4 Dec 1870 in Iowa. She died on 31 Jul 1953.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

Twin of unnamed brother.

1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, Minnie, daughter, age 9, b. Iowa, attends school, parents b. England.


Sarah married Elroy COOK on 2 Dec 1886. Elroy was born on 24 Sep 1862 in Ill. He died on 26 Feb 1938.

They had the following children.

            157    F           i.    Ethel COOK was born on 16 Oct 1887 in Iowa. She died on 11 Sep 1939.

            158    M        ii.    Horace COOK was born on 4 Apr 1893 in Iowa.

Horace married Bessie Mae SEALE on 1 Sep 1920. Bessie was born on 2 Apr 1891.

            159    F         iii.    Clarissa COOK was born on 21 Apr 1896 in Iowa. She died on 28 Nov 1925.

Clarissa married Francis C. BABIN. Francis was born in 1888 in LA.

51.   Della Margaret WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 12 Aug 1872 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. She died on 16 Apr 1953 in Fruitland, Payette Co., Idaho. She was buried in Riverside cemetery, Payette, Payette Co., Idaho.



Independent Enterprise

Payette, Idaho

April 23, 1953


Services Held On Tuesday For Long Time Area Resident


Services for Mrs. Della Margaret Hooker, 80, who passed away Thursday at her home in Fruitland were conducted at the Ontario Nazarene church Tuesday with the Rev. A. L. Turner and Rev. Ford Burtch officiating. Interment in Riverside cemetery followed under the direction of Shaffer Memory chapel.

Mrs. Hooker was born Aug. 2, 1872 at Cherokee, Iowa and moved to Fruitland 43 years ago from Grand Junction, Colo. Her husband and four children have preceded her in death.

She has been a charter member of the Ontario Nazarene church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Laura Holloway, Fruitland; Mrs. Minnie Sutton, Long Beach, Cal., and Miss May Hooker, Fruitland; two sons, Russell C. Hooker, Nampa; and Lester G. Hooker, Fruitland; sister, Minnie Cook, Crosby Texas; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, Della, daughter, age 7, b. Iowa, attends school, parents b. England.


Della married George A. HOOKER on 24 Oct 1891 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. George was born on 24 Apr 1861 in NJ. He died on 4 Mar 1942.

They had the following children.

            160    F           i.    Laura Sarah HOOKER was born on 26 Mar 1893 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. She died in 1962 in Idaho. She was buried in Riverside cemetery, Payette, Payette Co., Idaho.

Laura married Evar ENBERG on 20 Jul 1920 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho. Evar was born on 4 Dec 1893 in Utah. He died on 25 Feb 1925.

Laura also married Floyd Edwin HOLLOWAY on 5 Feb 1940. Floyd was born on 22 Mar 1888 in Iowa.

            161    F          ii.    Carrie HOOKER was born on 10 Oct 1894 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. She died on 21 Jun 1919.

            162    M       iii.    Russell Charles HOOKER was born on 19 Jun 1898 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. He died on 22 Aug 1955.

Russell married Ida Nora HARRIS on 27 Jun 1919 in Boise, Ada Co., Idaho. Ida was born on 12 Aug 1897 in Sheridan Co., Neb.

Russell also married Laura Dee BOWER on 23 Nov 1922. Laura was born on 11 Apr 1901 in Idaho.

            163    M       iv.    Lester George HOOKER was born on 12 Nov 1899 in Cherokee Co., IOWA.

            164    M        v.    Joseph HOOKER was born on 19 Nov 1900 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. He died on 5 Dec 1900.

            165    M       vi.    Raymond HOOKER was born on 14 Apr 1903 in CO. He died on 9 Jul 1917.

            166    F        vii.    Ruth HOOKER was born on 5 Aug 1906 in Iowa. She died on 19 Sep 1906.

            167    F       viii.    Minnie HOOKER was born on 5 Aug 1906 in Iowa.

Minnie married Paul SUTTON on 30 Oct 1926. Paul was born on 19 Aug 1902 in PA.

            168    F         ix.    May HOOKER was born on 6 Oct 1907 in CO.

52.   James Henry WARBURTON (James A., John, John, William) was born on 10 Nov 1876 in Iowa. He died on 5 Aug 1946.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1880 Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., Iowa census shows: Warburton, James, son, age 3, b. Iowa, parents b. England.


James married Roseanna May JENNESS on 22 Jul 1903. Roseanna was born on 6 Mar 1885 in Iowa.

They had the following children.

            169    F           i.    Winifred May WARBURTON was born on 11 May 1904 in Iowa.

Winifred married Wilbur Lyle HANTSBARGER Sr. on 12 Oct 1922. Wilbur was born on 11 Apr 1899 in Iowa.

            170    F          ii.    Gladys Fern WARBURTON was born on 15 Dec 1905 in Iowa.

Gladys married Lawrence A. JENSEN on 16 Aug 1923. Lawrence was born on 29 Jul 1900 in Minn.

            171    F         iii.    Velma Ione WARBURTON was born on 29 Jul 1908 in Iowa. She died on 5 Jul 1953.

53.   Celinda Jane WARBURTON (Joseph B., John, John, William) was born on 4 Oct 1858 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 29 Dec 1918 in PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


1860 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Selinda J., age 1, b. PA.

1870 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Sylinda, age 11, b. PA.


Celinda married William F. MCINTIRE, son of Alva MCINTIRE and Elizabeth (____), on 29 Aug 1878. William was born on 25 May 1856 in Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He died on 8 May 1919.

Census of 1900, forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA:

McIntire, William Head W M 5/1856 44 Married 21 PA PA PA Farm Laborer

McIntire, Celinda J. Wife W F 10/1858 41 Married PA PA PA

McIntire, Debora J. Daughter W F 10/1880 19 Single PA PA PA

McIntire, Joseph Son W M 12/1881 18 Single PA PA PA Farm Laborer

McIntire, John Son W M 12/1886 13 Single PA PA PA

McIntire, Ida May Daughter W F 11/1888 11Single PA PA PA

McIntire, Fred Son W M 5/1891 9Single PA PA PA

McIntire, Rosa Daughter W F 3/1895 5 Single PA PA PA

McIntire, Amy A. Daughter W F 12/1897 2 Single Pennsylvania


They had the following children.

            172    F           i.    Mary E. MCINTIRE was born on 3 Aug 1879. She died on 3 Aug 1879.

            173    F          ii.    Deborah Jane MCINTIRE was born on 2 Oct 1880 in Overton, Bradford, PA. She died on 21 Jul 1956 in Sayre, Bradford, PA. She was buried in St. Pauls Cemetery, Overton, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Mrs. Pat Buck, Owego, NY. Other spouses of Deborah Jane were Lloyd E. Squires Wheeler, Elmer Backer Dickinson, and Winfield Scott McIntyre. (1997)


Deborah married William Augusta SHERMAN, son of Henry SHERMAN and Catharine RINEBOLD, on 10 Jul 1902. William was born on 4 May 1868 in Overton, Bradford, PA. He died on 27 Apr 1915 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA. He was buried in St Paul's United Church of Christ Cemetery, Overton, Bradford County, PA.

Birth date from Pat Buck is different than the book "Warburtons of Warburtons of Arley" Book show birth year as 1862.


Deborah also married Lloyd E. Squires WHEELER on 22 Jun 1918 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA. Lloyd was born on 7 Oct 1863 in Rutland Township, Tioga Co., PA. He died on 8 May 1935 in Binghamton, Broome, NY. He was buried in BINGHAMTON HOSP., CEMETERY.

Other spouse was Carrie Elizabeth Wilson. Marriage date from Pat Buck is different than the book "Warburtons of Warburton & Arley" Book shows Jun 11, 1918.


Source: Larry Pardoe notes

Lloyd E. Squires Wheeler (#18248) was born in Rutland Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania 7 FEB 1863. Death Cert: Lloyd died 8 MAY 1932 in Binghamton, Broome County, New York, at age 69. His body was interred 10 MAY 1935 in Binghamton, Broome County, New York. He married twice. He married Debbie Jane McIntire. (Debbie Jane McIntire is #37579.) Debbie was born 02 Oct 1880 in Pennsylvania. Debbie was the daughter of William F. McIntire and Celinda Jane Warburton. She married William Augusta Sherman 10 Jul 1902 in Pennsylvania. Debbie died 21 Jul 1956 in Pennsylvania, at age 75. He married Carrie Elizabeth Wilson 05 Feb 1885.


Deborah also married Elmer Backer DICKINSON, son of W. Finley DICKINSON and Mary Cristina BOOTH, on 9 Sep 1940 in Milan, Bradford, PA. Elmer was born on 22 Feb 1865 in Burlington, Bradford Co., PA. He died on 25 Jul 1943 in Burlington, Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Hilton Cemetery, West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA.

Other spouse was Sophronia Perry. He has no marker in the Hilton Cemetery.

Birth & death date in the book "Warburtons of Warburton & Arley" show birth as Feb 22, 1864 & death as Jul 5, 1944.

Source of birth, death & middle name is from Pat Buck.


Deborah also married W. Scott MCINTIRE on 6 Sep 1953. W. Scott MCINTIRE was born on 11 Sep 1879 in NY.

            174    M       iii.    Joseph A. MCINTIRE was born on 19 Dec 1881.

Joseph married Mabel SHAFFER on 9 Apr 1905. Mabel was born on 23 Oct 1887 in PA.

            175    F         iv.    Bessie M. MCINTIRE was born on 18 Feb 1884. She died on 18 Feb 1884.

            176    M        v.    Willis F. MCINTIRE was born on 13 Feb 1885 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 28 May 1949 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens, Bradford Co., PA.

Willis married Martha M. BROWN on 13 Jun 1910. The marriage ended in divorce. Martha was born on 10 Apr 1892.

Willis also married Nellie FOSTER on 12 Jun 1914. The marriage ended in divorce. Nellie was born on 7 Oct 1892.

Willis also married Mabel VANSYCKLE on 4 Sep 1925. Mabel was born on 16 Jun 1892.

            177    M       vi.    John L. MCINTIRE was born on 17 Dec 1887. He died on 29 Sep 1914.

John married Bessie M. FOREST on 2 Jul 1910. Bessie was born on 20 Jan 1893 in PA.

            178    F        vii.    Ida M. MCINTIRE was born on 9 Nov 1888.

Ida married Charles E. CLARK on 20 Jul 1906. Charles was born on 27 Jun 1880 in PA. He died on 20 May 1935.

            179    M     viii.    Fred R. MCINTIRE was born on 6 May 1891.

            180    F         ix.    Rosa B. MCINTIRE was born on 27 Mar 1895.

Rosa married John W. WRIGHT on 19 Feb 1913. John was born on 10 Feb 1891 in PA.

            181    F          x.    Amy A. MCINTIRE was born on 13 Dec 1896.

Amy married Verd E. LING on 6 May 1920. Verd was born on 10 May 1886 in PA.

55.   Martha A. WARBURTON (Joseph B., John, John, William) was born on 27 Oct 1863 in Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 22 Apr 1922 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She was buried in Big Pond Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Martha married Abijah R. ROBBINS, son of William E. ROBBINS and Sophronia WOODWARD, on 19 Sep 1880. Abijah was born on 10 Oct 1858 in Sullivan Township, Tioga Co., PA. He died on 7 Jul 1921 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Big Pond Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.


Robbins Family. The second annual reunion of the descendants of William and Sophronia Robbins will be held at the home of Abijah R. Robbins in Springfield, Aug. 7th, 1912. All friends and relatives are cordially invited.



Name: William E. ROBBINS Given Name: William E. Surname: Robbins Sex: M

Birth: 1 Jul 1818 in Cummington, MA, USA

Death: 13 May 1898 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, PA, USA

Burial: May 1898 Ames Hill Cemetery, Tioga County, PA, USA

Occupation: Gunsmith  

Father: Ahaz ROBBINS

Mother: Betsey GLOYD



Marriage 1 Sophronia WOODWARD  b: 1824 in PA, USA


Clarissa A. ROBBINS b: 11 Aug 1860 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, PA, USA

Elizabeth Rosebelle ROBBINS


Sophronia WOODWARD Given Name: Sophronia Surname: Woodward Sex: F

Birth: 1824 in PA, USA

Death: 7 Oct 1896 in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, PA, USA


Census of 1910 Springfield Township, Tioga Co., PA;

ROBBINS Abijah R. Head M W 51 M1 29 PA Mass. PA Farmer

          Martha Wife F W 46 M1 29 7 7 PA PA PA

           Howard Son M W 18 S PA PA PA

             Carl Son M W 15 S PA PA PA

         Clarence Son M W 13 S PA PA PA

      Mildred Daughter F W 8 S PA PA PA


They had the following children.

            182    M         i.    Oscar A. ROBBINS was born on 23 Jan 1882 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He died on 14 May 1951.

Oscar married Ethel May PATTERSON on 25 Mar 1914. Ethel was born on 27 Mar 1889 in Wisc.

            183    M        ii.    Orrin W. ROBBINS was born on 23 Jan 1882 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

Orrin married Grace C. GERNERT on 15 May 1906. Grace was born on 16 Feb 1887 in PA. She died on 1 Apr 1929.

            184    F         iii.    Edith E. ROBBINS was born on 11 Dec 1885 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She died on 9 Sep 1931.

Edith married Charles G. WOODARD on 30 Nov 1904. Charles was born on 11 Nov 1881 in PA.

            185    M       iv.    Howard E. ROBBINS was born on 25 Mar 1892 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He died in 1956.

Howard married Lisle B. LEONARD, daughter of Bert LEONARD and Myrtle E. SCOTT, on 10 Jan 1917. Lisle was born on 24 Aug 1899 in PA. She died in Dec 1984 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She was buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

            186    M        v.    Carl A. ROBBINS was born on 8 Nov 1894 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He died in Sep 1969 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Big Pond Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Carl married Vernie Clare LEONARD, daughter of Bert LEONARD and Myrtle E. SCOTT, on 18 Sep 1917. Vernie was born on 29 Oct 1897. She died in Jun 1977 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA. She was buried in Big Pond Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

            187    M       vi.    Clarence R. ROBBINS was born on 15 Feb 1897 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

Clarence married Ethel NORRIS on 1 Jun 1920. Ethel was born on 4 Oct 1898 in PA.

            188    F        vii.    Mildred G. ROBBINS was born on 24 Mar 1902 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

Mildred married Elton F. JELLIFF, son of Grant J. JELLIFF and Roena S. (____), on 30 Jan 1924. Elton was born on 23 Dec 1896 in Ridgebury Township, Bradford Co., PA. He died on 23 May 1943.

56.   Amanda J. WARBURTON (Joseph B., John, John, William) was born on 11 Jun 1865 in PA. She died on 9 Jul 1930.

Bradford County Marriages:

John H. Buck      to Amanda Warburton     age 24      & 22  Overton Twp./Overton Twp. Parents; Henry & Alsada Buck  Joseph & Mary Warburton on 1/15/1888


Amanda married John H. BUCK, son of Henry BUCK and Alsada (____), on 15 Jan 1888 in Bradford Co., PA. John was born on 2 Nov 1862 in NY. He died on 22 May 1932.

They had the following children.

            189    F           i.    Wealtha Florence BUCK was born on 10 Oct 1882. She died on 9 May 1950.

Wealtha married James Rose KELSEY on 5 Oct 1900. James was born on 13 Feb 1882 in PA. He died on 12 May 1942.

            190    M        ii.    William H. BUCK was born on 6 Feb 1888.

William married Alice MCNEIL on 10 Jun 1913. Alice was born on 24 Apr 1894 in NY. She died on 9 Dec 1928.

William also married Lena Bell HILL on 13 Mar 1939. Lena was born on 18 Dec 1917 in Miss.

            191    M       iii.    Floyd E. BUCK was born on 29 Sep 1891.

Floyd married Edith May RUSSELL on 22 Mar 1913. Edith was born on 6 May 1896 in PA. She died on 22 Oct 1918.

Floyd also married Ollie Amanda HAMMOND on 26 Dec 1922. Ollie was born on 2 Oct 1900 in NY.

            192    M       iv.    Arthur Ray BUCK was born on 9 Nov 1894.

Arthur married Cora Bell NELSON on 13 Sep 1913. Cora was born on 14 Apr 1897 in PA.

            193    F          v.    Mabel A. BUCK was born on 30 Jan 1896.

Mabel married Fred L. LUCKEY on 25 Dec 1912. Fred was born on 20 Dec 1888 in PA.

57.   Dora S. WARBURTON (Joseph B., John, John, William) was born on 29 Mar 1868 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 19 Jul 1939. She was buried in Millview Cem., Sullivan Co., PA.

Dora married Charles F. MCINTIRE, son of Alva MCINTIRE and Elizabeth (____), on 29 Aug 1886. Charles was born on 25 Jun 1862 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA. He died on 22 Mar 1941. He was buried in Millview Cem., Sullivan Co., PA.

Millview Cemetery:

McIntire, Chas F. 1862-1941

McIntire, Dora S. 1868-1939


History of Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA;

Charles F. McIntire was born in New Albany in 1863. His father, Alvin McIntire, was a native of Owego, NY, and came to Sullivan County in 1864, settling in Forks Township in 1886. Mr. McIntire married Dora Warburton, a daughter of Joseph and Mary (Hottenstein) Warburton, of Forks Township. Joseph Warburton’s father, John Warburton, married a Miss Clark. They were of English descent and were among the early settlers of Forks Township. Mr. McIntire is foreman in the Gunton coal breaker at Bernice. To Mr. and Mrs. McIntire have been born five children, Alvin J., Julia M., Mary E., Grace M., and Nellie B.


They had the following children.

            194    M         i.    Alva Joseph MCINTIRE was born on 17 Jan 1888 in PA.

Alva married Jennie T. BROWNMILLER on 15 Nov 1914. Jennie was born on 11 Nov 1890 in Iowa.

            195    F          ii.    Julia Mabel MCINTIRE was born on 21 Sep 1889 in PA. She died in 1989. She was buried in Millview Cem., Sullivan Co., PA.

            196    F         iii.    Mary Elizabeth MCINTIRE was born on 21 Sep 1893 in PA. She died on 9 Jul 1968. She was buried in Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, Bradford Co., PA.

The Towanda Daily Review

July 10, 1968

Mrs. Mary E. Hunsinger, 74, of 406 First St., Athens, died Tuesday morning at 2:45 at her home after an extended illness. Born in Overton, the daughter of Charles and Dora Warburton McIntire, she had resided in the area for about 40 years and was a member of the Athens Presbyterian Church and of the Sally Sawtelle Class of the church.

Surviving are her husband John; two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Rhinehuls of Largo, Fla., and Mrs. Marie Chamberlain of Milan; a son, Harold of Nichols; five grandchildren, two great grandchildren; three sisters, Miss Julia McIntire and Mrs. Grace McCarty, both of Forksville and Mrs. Nellie Shrimp of Bangor, Pa. and several nieces and Nephews.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Lowery Funeral Home, 225 South Main Street, Athens. The Rev. Frederick Price, pastor of the Athens Presbyterian Church, will officiate and burial will be in Bradford County Memorial Park, Luthers Mills.


Mary married John Franklin HUNSINGER, son of Levi Richard HUNSINGER and Mary Ann SAYMAN, on 12 Dec 1914. John was born on 12 Jul 1894 in Dushore, Sullivan, PA. He died on 14 Jan 1977. He was buried in Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, Bradford Co., PA.

The Sullivan Review

January 20, 1977

John F. Hunsinger, 82, of Milan RI (Bradford Co.) died January 14, 1977at the Robert Packer Hospital. He was born in Forks twp., July 12, 1894, the son of Levi and Maryann Sayman Hunsinger. Most of his life he was a lumberjack working over the years for many different lumber companies. He retired ten years ago.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Agnes) Rhinehuls of Clearwater, FL, and Mrs. Roger (Marie) Chamberlain of Milan; and a son, Harold of Ulster RD.


            197    F         iv.    Grace Frances MCINTIRE was born on 22 May 1897 in PA. She died in 1982.

Source: Research by Larry Pardoe;


1900 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: McIntire, Grace F., b. 5/1897, PA.

On September 15, 2001 Tina Pastusic of Plains, PA transcribed the Millview Cemetery, Sullivan County, PA. (Also called Warren or the New Molyneux Cemetery). She shows: "McCarty, Grace, b. 1897, d. 1982."


Burial: Millview Cemetery, Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Residence: Lived at Milan, Bradford County, PA


Grace married Samuel BARNES on 10 Feb 1920. Samuel was born on 17 Jan 1895 in PA. He died on 22 Oct 1940.

Grace also married Floyd L. MCCARTY, son of Nelson Joel MCCARTY and Adelia Clara WARBURTON, on 2 Oct 1959. Floyd was born on 8 Feb 1897 in PA. He died on 2 Nov 1974. He was buried in Millview Cem., Sullivan Co., PA.

Source: Research by Larry Pardoe;


On September 15, 2001 Tina Pastusic of Plains, PA transcribed the Millview Cemetery, Sullivan County, PA. (Also called Warren or the New Molyneux Cemetery). She shows: "McCarty, Floyd, b. 1897, d. 1974."


The following article comes from the "Sullivan Review", November 4, 2004, page 4:

"Thirty Year News Nov. 7, 1974"

partial record..... from next to last paragraph....

Obituary:...Floyd L. McCarty, Forksville, died Nov. 1, 1974."


            198    F          v.    Nellie Blanche MCINTIRE was born on 4 Apr 1902 in PA. She died in 1970. She was buried in Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, Bradford Co., PA.

Nellie married Oscar Lawrence SCHRIMP, son of Manasseh SCHRIMP and Clara ROHE, on 10 Apr 1923. Oscar was born on 8 Feb 1896 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 9 Nov 1998. He was buried in Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Burial: Bradford County Memorial Park, Burlington Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Past Residence: Abt. 1949, Lived in Dushore RD, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Residence: Bet. 1968 - 1983, Lived at Bangor, Northampton County, Pennsylvania


58.   Rose Arvilla WARBURTON (Joseph B., John, John, William) was born on 17 May 1871 in PA. She died on 20 Jul 1952. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: -

Rose A. Warburton and William V. Bartlow were united in marriage on June 2, 1889.  Rose was from Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania and was the daughter of Joseph B. and Mary A. Hottenstein Warburton.  William was from Wayne County and the son of Phillip and Mary Hall Bartlow. They were the parents of two daughters and two sons. Their sons Gerald and Merritt, and Merritt’s daughter Carol died in 1922-1923 with TB. Their daughters Lizzie and Mary Anna both married.  Lizzie married Henry Millheim and Mary Anna married John Lewis Brown of Shunk. William and Rose spent most of their married life living in Overton Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania in a home just up the road from the McGovern Cemetery. The home still stands today, but is a hunting cabin. William died in 1938 and Rose lived until 1952 when she died at the home of her granddaughter Marion Brown Frey in Shunk.

William and Rose are both buried in the Warburton Hill Cemetery in Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.


Rose married William V. BARTLOW, son of Phillip BARTLOW and Mary HALL, on 2 Jun 1889. William was born on 5 Dec 1866 in PA. He died on 2 Feb 1938. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

They had the following children.

            199    F           i.    Lizzie Luvernia BARTLOW was born on 29 Apr 1890 in PA.

Lizzie married Henry C. MILLHIME on 1 Apr 1909. Henry was born on 16 Jul 1876 in PA. He died on 6 Dec 1945.

Lizzie also married Roy C. BREON on 7 Aug 1948. Roy was born on 2 Jul 1887 in PA.

            200    F          ii.    Mary Anna BARTLOW was born on 19 Jan 1893 in PA. She died on 6 Aug 1965 in Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Brown Cemetery, Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes

Marriage Notes for MARY BARTLOW and JOHN BROWN:

"The Sullivan Review" March 3, 1910 shows the marriage of Mary Anna Bartlow to John Lewis Brown, but doesn't show the marriage date.

"The Warburton's of Warburton and Arley", by Earl Cyrus Warburton and Geneva Warburton Dark page 88 shows name "M. Anna Bartlow".

Inquiry from Elaine Frey at Tri County Web Page on 6/5/2001 shows name as Mary Anna Bartlow.

Daughter Mildred's obituary shows name as Anna (Bartlow) Brown.

Brown Cemetery shows M. Anna Brown, b. 1893, d. 1965. Same stone as J. Lewis Brown (Nee Bartlow).


Mary married John Lewis BROWN, son of Steward BROWN and Alice MYERS, on 23 Feb 1910 in Overton, Bradford Co., PA. John was born on 30 Apr 1875 in Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 1 Jan 1951 in Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried on 4 Jan 1951 in Brown Cemetery, Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.

            201    M       iii.    Merritt W. BARTLOW was born on 21 Jul 1899 in PA. He died on 30 Nov 1922. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Merritt married Bernice Anna MILLS on 23 Jun 1921. Bernice was born on 22 Jun 1905.

            202    M       iv.    James Gerald BARTLOW was born on 22 Jun 1901 in PA. He died on 20 Feb 1923. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

59.   Lizzie E. WARBURTON (Joseph B., John, John, William) was born on 12 Aug 1875 in PA. She died on 17 Aug 1937.

1900 census has Lizzie living with her sister Martha & family in Springfield Township, Bradford Co., PA.


Lizzie married Orla Burton BARTLOW, son of Henry BARTLOW and Louise (____), on 10 Sep 1902. Orla was born on 8 Nov 1870 in PA. He died on 10 Jan 1936.

Census of 1870 South Cannan Township, Wayne Co., PA

Bartlow, Henry 33 M Farmer 1500 300 PA

         Louise 35 F Keeping home PA

      Clarence  4 M PA

       Orla B.  2 M PA

Swingle,  Lucy 64 F Living home PA (Possibly Louise’s mother)


They had the following children.

            203    M         i.    Burton J. BARTLOW was born on 20 Jan 1904.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Residence: Lived at Norvelt, PA


Burton married Ethel L. SWIFT on 20 Nov 1931. Ethel was born on 26 Sep 1910 in PA.

            204    M        ii.    Glenn A. BARTLOW was born on 21 Jan 1913 in PA.

Glenn married Jeannie Gartshore BARBOUR on 30 Aug 1935. Jeannie was born on 5 May 1913 in PA.

60.   Alonzo W. PAYNE (Alice WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 7 Aug 1858 in PA. He died on 28 Apr 1933.

Alonzo married Estella WEISE on 22 Feb 1882. Estella was born on 25 Nov 1864 in Iowa. She died on 26 Nov 1921.

They had the following children.

            205    F           i.    M. Alma PAYNE was born on 14 Dec 1882 in Iowa.

M. Alma PAYNE married John MCALLISTER on 30 Apr 1909. John was born on 15 Dec 1868 in Scotland. He died on 12 Dec 1950.

            206    F          ii.    Alice V. PAYNE was born on 13 Feb 1885 in Iowa.

Alice married Henry A. SCHRECK on 1 Aug 1929. Henry was born on 10 Jun 1885 in Calif.

            207    M       iii.    Lt. Col. William Henry PAYNE was born on 12 Sep 1888 in Iowa.

William married Jean STUTSMAN on 29 Dec 1930. Jean was born on 16 May 1894 in Minn. She died on 11 May 1931.

William also married Mary Louise HARRIS on 22 Aug 1936. Mary was born on 8 Jul 1897 in Minn.

            208    M       iv.    Roscoe A. PAYNE was born on 29 Oct 1890 in Iowa. He died on 8 Sep 1891.

            209    F          v.    Maude E. PAYNE was born on 10 Aug 1892 in Iowa.

Maude married George A. PENNINGTON on 28 Nov 1912. George was born on 6 Apr 1891 in Wisc. He died on 21 Jul 1951.

            210    M       vi.    C. Victor PAYNE was born on 22 Jul 1896 in Iowa.

C. Victor PAYNE married Cleo STARR on 11 Jul 1925. Cleo was born on 6 Jul 1895 in Iowa. She died on 3 Mar 1932.

C. Victor PAYNE also married Lela M. INMAN on 20 Jun 1936. Lela was born on 25 Aug 1905 in MO.

            211    F        vii.    Eva PAYNE was born on 12 Oct 1897 in Iowa.

63.   James Andrew PAYNE (Alice WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 4 Sep 1868 in PA. He died on 1 Nov 1950.

James married Irene BUTTERFIELD on 25 Dec 1890. Irene was born on 19 Dec 1872 in Iowa. She died on 1 Apr 1950.

They had the following children.

            212    F           i.    Melva Cornelia PAYNE was born on 25 Nov 1891 in Iowa.

Melva married Edwin P. DIETZLER on 23 Nov 1910. Edwin was born on 17 Aug 1887 in ND.

            213    F          ii.    Naomi Emily PAYNE was born on 27 Feb 1893 in Iowa.

Naomi married John L. CROSS on 4 Oct 1916. John was born on 23 Jun 1894 in KS.

            214    F         iii.    Edna Beatrice PAYNE was born on 11 Sep 1895 in Iowa.

Edna married Albert CROSS on 29 Oct 1917. Albert was born on 19 Jan 1896 in KS.

            215    M       iv.    Frank B. PAYNE was born on 28 Feb 1897 in Iowa.

Frank married Edna E. KEECH on 8 Oct 1919. Edna was born on 6 Apr 1900 in Minn.

            216    M        v.    David Walter PAYNE was born on 22 Mar 1900 in ND.

David married Martha A. RADKE on 22 Sep 1925. Martha was born on 11 Mar 1905 in Minn.

            217    F         vi.    Olive Irene PAYNE was born on 17 Jan 1902 in ND.

Olive married Roy E. ISAKSON on 27 Oct 1926. Roy was born on 22 Jul 1901 in ND.

            218    F        vii.    Ruby Elizabeth PAYNE was born on 11 Dec 1905 in ND.

Ruby married Blaine Seymour GIRVIN on 5 Oct 1940. Blaine was born on 9 Oct 1916 in Neb.

            219    F       viii.    Irma Josephine PAYNE was born on 26 Sep 1912 in ND.

Irma married Ralph W. DIETZ on 24 Aug 1936. Ralph was born on 23 Aug 1915 in ND.

64.   Rev. Melvin Eugene WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 30 Nov 1864 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 26 Aug 1924 in Arnot Ogden Hospital, Elmira, Chemung County, New York. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

The names of Rev. Eugene & Florence Vough Warburton's children are from personal records that were kept in the back of the Genealogy of William Molyneux book that Ella Vough Kruse kept. After she passed away in 1993, this book was passed to her nephew Victor Vough of Athens Township, Pa.


Source: Larry Pardoe notes;

1870 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Eugene, age 5, b. PA.

1880 Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Melvina E., Female, age 15, b. PA.

1900 Westfield Twp., Tioga Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Melvin E., head, b. November 1864, PA., age 35, married 8 years, parents b. PA., occupation-Clergyman-Wesleyan.


The following obituary was posted at message boards on February 2, 2004 by Tina Pastusic:

"The Sullivan Review September 3, 1924

Rev. Melvin Eugene Warburton, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church at Bath, N.Y. a native of Overton and for a number of years a resident in Bradford County, died on Tuesday, August 26, at the Arnot Ogden hospital at Elmira following an operation performed on Monday.

Mr. Warburton had been in failing health for the past three months but his condition was not considered serious until last week and he was taken to the hospital on Saturday. He was born at Overton on November 30, 1864 and on October 14, 1891 he was married to Florence A. Vough by whom he is survived. He is also survived by a daughter and two sons Fidelia and Fred at home and Clark A.

Warburton of Allahabad, India. A stepmother, Mrs. W.W. Warburton; one brother, M.D. Warburton of Berrytown, and five half brothers, Dr. O.E. Warburton, Edgar Warburton of Chinook, Mont. Lloyd and Oscar of Overton and Dr. J. R. Warburton of Towanda also survive.

During the entire time of Rev. Warburton’s service in the ministry his cares were located in the Rochester conference of the Methodist church. The funeral was held at the home of C.M. Grimes, 1004 Walnut Street, in Elmira on Thursday morning at 10:30 o’clock and on Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the church at Warburton Hill, Sullivan county interment in that place.

The Funeral of Rev. Melvin Eugene Warburton of Bath, N.Y. was held at the East Forks church on Friday afternoon, August 28, at 1 o’clock. Rev. Warburton was minister in the Rochester conference of the Wesleyan Methodist church and was also vice-president and treasurer of the conference at the time of his death.

The following people were present at the funeral from a distance: Rev. and Mrs. Merton Warburton and daughters, Mrs. Mary Kellogg, Misses Ruth and Edith Warburton of Berrytown, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. John Warburton and children of Towanda; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Crawford and children of Lacona, N.Y., Robert, Alice

and Maurice Presley of Syracuse; Mr. and Mrs. Bonney and Mr. Newman Warburton of Towanda, Mrs. David Molyneux and Mrs. Sedgwick Hottenstein of Towanda, John Molyneux of Harrisburg; Rev. George Warburton and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor McCarty of Wyalusing, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Vough, Mrs. Permilla Sherman, Misses Ella

and Alice Vough of Sayre and Charles Pocock of LaVaut, N.Y.

Funeral services were conducted Rev. Stanley Wright, assisted by Rev. S.D. Wilcox of Houghton NY and Rev. Terrill of New Albany."


Melvin married Florence Serena VOUGH, daughter of Abram VOUGH and Ann MOLYNEUX, on 14 Oct 1891. Florence was born on 23 Feb 1863 in EAST FORKS, Sullivan, PA. She died on 31 Oct 1928. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Genealogy of William Molyneux and Descendants, down to A.D. 1890, by George Molyneux Pardoe, published 1894, Sioux City, Iowa., page 19.


They had the following children.

            220    F           i.    Fidelia Ann WARBURTON was born on 28 May 1893 in Hamburg, NY. She died in 1970. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

            221    M        ii.    Clark Abram WARBURTON PhD. was born on 27 Jan 1896 in NY. He died in 1979 in McLean, VA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


1900 Westfield Twp., Tioga Co., PA census shows: Warburton, Clark A., son, b. January 1896, NY, age 4.


Burial: Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Fact 1: Abt. 1956, Ph. D.

Past Residence: Abt. 1924, Living in Allahabad, India

Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Washington, D. C.


Clark married Amber ARTHUN on 5 Jul 1929. Amber was born on 28 May 1898 in Washington, D.C. She died in 1976. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

            222    M       iii.    Fred William WARBURTON was born on 21 Apr 1898 in NY. He died on 11 Nov 1969 in Silver Spring, MD. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Burial: Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Fact 1: Abt. 1956, Ph.D.

Past Res: Abt. 1924, Lived at Bath, New York

Past Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Redlands, California

Residence: 1969, Lived at Silver Spring, Maryland

Social Security Number: Private - Issued California


Fred married Elsie Catherine POCOCK on 18 Aug 1926. Elsie was born on 16 Jun 1902 in NY. She died on 1 Feb 1985 in Silver Spring, MD. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.


Probably sister of the Charles Harry Pocock who married Edith Hester Warburton. Not sure. L.P.


66.   Rev. Merton David WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 1 Apr 1869 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 22 Feb 1944.

Merton married Rev. Carrie BEEBE on 24 Dec 1894. Carrie was born on 11 Dec 1875 in Odessa, NY. She died on 12 Jan 1968.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes;


Partial article on Wesleyan women ministers below:

.............."Wesleyan women ministers have always been aware of the culture and social evils of their time. The Church also recognized "the times" and the need for laborers. One year the Wesleyan Methodist Church recognized the work of Laura Smith Haviland of helping the black slaves escape from the South to freedom in the North and Canada as her district appointment—the same as pastoring a church. Some women were given their district appointment to travel their conferences in preaching abstinence from alcoholic beverages, tobacco and drugs. Some were appointed to hold rallies and fight to free young women from the "white slave" traffic. And there was Mary Berg whose appointment was to rescue young girls and women from the clutches of prostitution.

The Church has always believed that God "gave some to be prophets, some to be evangelists and some to be pastors/teachers." (Eph. 4:11). One outstanding evangelist was Flora Burger Buck (Mrs. A.D.). She was a gifted singer who led thousands of worshippers in song but her preaching under the power of the Holy Spirit resulted in over 10,000 converts. Her ministry was short—only nineteen years in evangelism before her death but God honored her work.

Long before the evangelical world used the term "planting churches," the Wesleyan Methodist and the Pilgrim Holiness churches were "starting," pioneering," and "planting" churches. Many were started by women ministers. Sometimes they were planted by conducting rescue missions for the dialects, prostitutes, and homeless. Other times they conducted Sunday schools, Vacation Bible schools or cottage prayer meetings in an area where there was no holiness church. But always there was the burden for the lost persons of a community that drove the ministers to prayer and fasting and then working to start a church in a new area. Such was the case with Carrie Warburton.


Mrs. Carrie Beebe (Merton D.) Warburton

Former DS James Bence described Carrie Warburton as "the leader" of the ministerial team of Merton D. and Carrie B. Warburton. She was a woman of unusual energy. When she saw a need she took care of it! Her grandson, Ivan Kellogg, described her as a woman of great faith and obedience and a giant prayer warrior.

Her recorded ministerial activity began 1909 when she became the pastor of the Taylor, New York, church.


Carrie (Beebe) was born December 11, 1875 in Odessa, New York. She died January 12, 1968 at age ninety-two. She was married to a young minister in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Merton D. Warburton, December 24, 1894. Three daughters were born to them, Edith (Pocock), Mary (Kellogg) and Ruth (Chamberlain). Carrie was extremely interested in the welfare of her daughters. She moved to Houghton, New

York, so the girls could attend school there and for a time was employed by Houghton College. During this time the Warburtons served the Delevan, Machias and Holland churches until the girls graduated in 1916. Merton and Carrie did not always serve the same church. When she was pastor at Groton, New York, he

drove their ponies a distance of sixty-five miles and supplied the Herrickville, Pennsylvania, church. When Carrie returned to the Taylor church for another five years, Merton drove the "Model T" to supply the Blatchley and then Berrytown, Pennsylvania, churches. In 1920 a tent meeting was held at Chambers, New York. This town was a train depot with six daily passenger trains. It seemed like a good place for a Wesleyan Methodist campground. The Chambers camp was planted there at that time. Carrie was never too busy nor too high on the social ladder to do menial tasks. A "lean-to" shack with a cook stove served as the kitchen for the Camp. Carrie and her daughter, Mary Kellogg, were among the ladies who worked in this kitchen in those early days.

Carrie was a church planter. She was instrumental in the organization of the Elmira, New York, church in 1925. But her second church plant was a remarkable one. She carried on the vision of the preceding minister at Shady Grove and planted, built, and dedicated the Riverside Church now known as Victory Highway Wesleyan Church, one of the larger churches in the Central New York District.

Carrie and Merton were pastoring Shady Grove, a church located near Corning. Shady Grove, a country church, would plant Riverview, a city church, in a mother daughter venture. There was no church in Corning.

Carrie was challenged to get a Wesleyan church in this town. She rented a church in Corning for a time. Then she moved the small congregation to Riverside where she rented any building that was available, a grade school and a voting booth. She held tent meetings on the main street that connected Painted Post and Corning. Guest evangelists and persons skilled in various kinds of music were invited to help in these meetings and improve the quality of the tent meetings. She conducted the mid-week prayer meetings in the church members' homes. Shady

Grove had their prayer meeting on Wednesday nights, Riverside had theirs on Thursday.

On one prayer meeting night at Riverside, Carrie suggested that they needed to think about purchasing a building. The country was in the middle of the Great Depression. People did not have employment and some were working only a few hours each day. That night the people prayed and when the vote was taken it was unanimous to build a permanent church building. How could they finance a new church? An eleven-year old girl, Reva Lane, held up a dime and offered it

as the beginning donation. A lady donated five small city lots. People were happy to work on the construction of the building even though they were not paid. The basement was dug with a horse scoop pulled by a homemade tractor. The exterior walls were laid of tile blocks that cost ten cents each. Old theater seats were purchased for twenty dollars. Carrie was "dead set against" the theater but she could use those seats! A local electric company donated lighting fixtures. Carrie conducted special services in the uncompleted church with the ceiling open to

the rafters! The new church was dedicated May 22, 1932. An impossible task during the depression was led to completion by a woman minister.

Carrie's extraordinary energy is revealed in this paragraph from her grandson, Ivan Kellogg. "It amazes me that Grandma managed to mop the kitchen floor on Saturday nights and get Sunday dinner started; preach on Sunday morning at the Shady Grove morning worship and invite guests from the congregation to dinner at the parsonage. After dinner, Carrie and her dinner guests would travel to Riverside for the 2:30 and 7:00 p.m. services. Grandpa (Merton) would hold the evening worship service at Shady Grove."

It was during this period of her life that she felt she must learn to drive a car so that she could adequately care for her churches. She was fifty-four when she got her driver's license. She was active in the Woman's Suffrage Movement. She was proud of her privilege to vote and used that privilege in the elections. She was always very active in the Loyal Temperance Union and Christian Youth Crusaders. She was in charge of youth meetings that were held in the church. She was also involved in the "release time" classes for public school students. She conducted these classes which were based on religious values and attended by students on a volunteer basis in the school usually after school hours. Even after retirement in 1944, she was active in church work and continued her work with the Loyal Temperance Union and classes in the schools.

Both, Merton and Carrie, solved many problems in their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren by prayer. Ivan Kellogg believes God spared his life during WWII when almost all his company was killed because his grandmother was awakened from her sleep in the night and urged to pray for him.

Carrie served either as the solo pastor, assistant pastor to her husband or he served as her assistant in eighteen churches. Carrie and Merton Warburton left a legacy of obedience to God, models of prayer life and the example of giving their all to the disposal of God for His use. That pattern left impressions on their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren as they have followed God in Christian education, ministry, local church work and foreign mission fields."


They had the following children.

            223    F           i.    Mary Sophrinia WARBURTON was born on 13 Apr 1897 in NY.

Mary married Frank Burr KELLOGG on 28 Jun 1918. Frank was born on 24 Jan 1894 in Wisc.

            224    F          ii.    Edith Hester WARBURTON was born on 31 Oct 1898 in PA.

Edith married Charles Henry POCOCK on 5 Aug 1925. Charles was born on 23 Dec 1898 in NY.

            225    F         iii.    Annie Ruth WARBURTON was born on 8 Sep 1905 in NY.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Past Residence: Abt. 1924, Lived at Berrytown, Pennsylvania

Residence: Abt. 1956, Lived in Belfast, New York


Annie married Leland G. CHAMBERLAIN on 1 Aug 1930. Leland was born on 5 Aug 1902 in NY.

67.   Ficha Rose WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 8 Apr 1870 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 17 Feb 1923.

Ficha married Fred Lincoln PRESLEY on 26 May 1891. Fred was born on 22 Oct 1865. He died on 31 Jul 1924.

They had the following children.

            226    F           i.    Flora Fidelia PRESLEY was born on 5 Aug 1893.

Flora married Floyd Lewis CRAWFORD on 17 Feb 1916. Floyd was born on 24 Feb 1890 in NY.

            227    M        ii.    Robert Henry PRESLEY was born on 28 Apr 1895.

Robert married Jane Lorraine HATTON. The marriage ended in divorce. Jane was born in 1912.

Robert also married Emma SANDERSON in Jul 1942. Emma died on 28 Jun 1943.

Robert also married Etta Lucile WINTERS on 3 Apr 1947. Etta was born on 16 Jan 1901. She died on 2 Dec 1947.

            228    M       iii.    Daniel Lorenzo PRESLEY was born on 7 Dec 1897. He died on 31 May 1920.

            229    M       iv.    William Dennison PRESLEY was born on 12 Mar 1900.

William married Hildred TILTON on 9 Aug 1922. Hildred was born on 21 Jan 1902 in NY.

            230    F          v.    Esther Grace PRESLEY was born on 7 Jan 1906.

Esther married Harold Dewey WHEAT on 25 Feb 1939. Harold was born on 16 Jan 1903 in NY.

            231    F         vi.    Alice Winifred PRESLEY was born on 27 Sep 1907.

Alice married George William WILLIAMS on 13 Feb 1932. George was born on 23 Jun 1896 in NY.

            232    M      vii.    Maurice Chester PRESLEY was born on 28 Jul 1909.

Maurice married Elizabeth HUMPHRIES on 1 Dec 1934. Elizabeth was born on 26 Apr 1909 in NY.

68.   Dr. Otis Charles WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 19 Apr 1874 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 10 Sep 1953 in East Forks, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Otis married Ethel A. SCOTT on 8 Dec 1907. The marriage ended in divorce. Ethel was born on 1 Sep 1875 in NY.

Ethel was from Rochester, Monroe County, NY, when married.


They had the following children.

            233    M         i.    Francis Irving WARBURTON was born on 23 Apr 1910 in NY.

Francis married Rose Elizabeth SHELLARD on 25 Apr 1936. Rose was born on 17 Aug 1914 in NY.

69.   Lloyd Delos WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 12 Mar 1876 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 30 Dec 1955 in East Forks, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Lloyd married Ada Bertha MCCARTY, daughter of David MCCARTY and Lydia FAWCETT, on 10 Oct 1922. Ada was born on 9 Aug 1884 in PA. She died on 9 Jun 1939. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Bertha was from Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pa., when married. First name is also listed as "Ida."


They had the following children.

            234    F           i.    Blanche Leona WARBURTON was born on 19 Aug 1923 in PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Past Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Shamokin, Pennsylvania

Residence: Lived at Philadelphia, PA


            235    F          ii.    Elizabeth B. WARBURTON was born on 19 Aug 1924 in PA. She died on 23 Aug 1924.

            236    F         iii.    Genevieve O. WARBURTON was born on 23 Aug 1925 in Overton Forks, Bradford Co., PA. She died on 30 Jun 2007 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

WARBURTON - Genevieve Garvin, age 81, of Sullivan Terrace, in Dushore, Pa., passed away in the early morning on Saturday, June 30, 2007, at Dar-Way Nursing Home in Estella, Pa. She was born on Aug. 23, 1925, in Overton, Pa., a daughter of the late Lloyd and Ida Bertha Warburton. Genevieve married Earl Garvin. Her husband preceded her in death. Prior to her retirement, she was self-employed as a professional housekeeper for prominent families. She relocated back to Sullivan County in 1987, having moved from Chestnut Hills, in Philadelphia. She is survived by a sister, Blanche Warburton of Sullivan Terrace, Dushore; and by cousins. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a sister, Lizzie Warburton, and by a brother, Laurence Warburton. Friends and family are invited to call from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, July 5, at the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter St., Dushore. Funeral services will follow at 1 p.m., with the Rev. Samuel Jordan, pastor, officiating. Interment will be in Warburton Hill Cemetery.


Genevieve married Earl GARVIN.

            237    M       iv.    Lawrence O. WARBURTON was born on 19 Jun 1927 in PA. He died on 19 Feb 1989. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

70.   Dr. John Roscoe WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 23 Dec 1877 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 28 Jan 1969.

They resided in Towanda, Bradford County, PA.

Occupation: SEP 1918 Osteopathic Physician


John married Frances Christine WILLIAMS on 17 Mar 1909. Frances was born on 18 Feb 1886 in, PA. She died on 22 Jan 1940.

Occupation: 1930 Cook - Hotel


They had the following children.

            238    M         i.    John Roscoe WARBURTON Jr. was born on 23 Jan 1910 in PA. He died on 31 Jan 1910 in PA. He was buried in Wysox Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

            239    F          ii.    Dorothy Deane WARBURTON was born on 29 May 1911 in PA.

Dorothy married Henry Wilson ENNIS on 4 Aug 1933. Henry was born on 3 Jun 1909 in PA.

            240    M       iii.    William Wallace WARBURTON was born on 8 Jul 1917 in PA.

William married Joan Lucy JENKS on 18 Jun 1942. Joan was born on 3 Jan 1920 in England.



GIVEN_NAMES: Also shown as Joan Leacy


71.   Edgar William WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 16 Aug 1885 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 2 May 1955.

Edgar married Lily M. TURTON on 25 Jan 1909. Lily was born on 13 Mar 1892 in MISSOURI. She died on 31 Dec 1943.

They had the following children.

            241    M         i.    Wallace Edgar WARBURTON was born on 18 Aug 1919 in Montana.

Wallace married Blanche G. MOXLEY on 26 Feb 1941. Blanche was born on 30 Jan 1923 in Montana.

            242    M        ii.    Lester WARBURTON was born on 11 Jun 1921 in Chinook, Blaine Co., Montana. He died on 16 Oct 1991 in Chinook, Blaine Co., Montana.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Military service: U. S. Navy WW II - Submarine service

Occupation: Wheat farmer, also a well driller


Lester married Eula May BENNETT, daughter of Judson "Tracey" BENNETT and Bertha MAY, on 10 Mar 1945. Eula was born on 18 Mar 1923 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.

            243    M       iii.    Cecil WARBURTON was born on 15 Feb 1933 in Montana. He died on 15 Mar 1933 in Montana.

Edgar also married Lela Katie FURLONG on 5 Jul 1945. Lela was born on 20 Nov 1890 in Iowa.

Lela resided in Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington, before her marriage to Edgar.


72.   Oscar Murray WARBURTON (William Wallace WARBURTON, John, John, William) was born on 11 Jun 1892 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 30 Jan 1947 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Oscar & Lillian resided in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA.


Oscar married Lillian G. DRISCOLL, daughter of Cornelius V. DRISCOLL and Emma HOTTENSTEIN, on 6 May 1914. Lillian was born on 2 Jan 1894 in Davidson Township, Sullivan County, PA. She died in Feb 1978 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

They had the following children.

            244    M         i.    Lee Francis WARBURTON was born on 12 Sep 1922 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died in 1975 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

Source: Heverly Progeny (1690-1996), by Jane E. McNett & John W. Bowman (1996)


On his tombstone:

"To each there comes a time of beautiful and lasting peace"


Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Burial: 1975, Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Occupation: Farm on Warburton Hill, Sullivan Co., Pa.

Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at New Albany, Bradford County, Pennsylvania


Lee married Beatrice Marie BENNETT, daughter of Judson "Tracey" BENNETT and Bertha MAY, on 30 Dec 1944. Beatrice was born on 12 Jan 1921 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 16 Jan 2007 in Muncy Hospital, Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Burial: January 20, 2007, Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Fact 1: During World War II she worked in Williamsport for a military manufacturing plant.

Fact 2: She also assisted her husband on their dairy farm.

Fact 3: She was the first woman to be elected to the church consistory, serving over 3 years, as well as served as president for six years.

Fact 4: She was an active member of the Women's Fellowship Committee.

Fact 5: She was an honorary member of the Sullivan County Agricultural Committee.

Occupation: She also assisted her husband on their dairy farm on Warburton Hill, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Past Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at New Albany, Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Religion: She has been a very active member of St. Paul's Church in Overton, for over 50 years. She was a dedicated and active member participating in many church activities.

Residence: Abt. 1994, Lived in New Albany RR 1, Bradford County, Pennsylvania




The following obituary was emailed to me on January 18, 2006 by Carol Brotzman. She also posted on the message boards for Sullivan Co., PA:

"1/18/2007 CQ Services posting

Beatrice B. Warburton, age 86, of Forks Township, New Albany, Pa., passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2007, at Muncy Valley Hospital.

She was born on January 12, 1921, in Forksville, Pa. a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Bennett.

During World War II she worked in Williamsport for a military manufacturing plant. She had also been employed by Dushore Lingerie, and Endicott Johnson Shoe Factory in Mildred. She also assisted her husband on their dairy farm. Her beloved husband Lee F. Warburton preceded her in death in 1975. Beatrice has been a very active member of St. Paul's Church in Overton, for over 50 years. She was a dedicated and active member participating in many churches activities. She was the first woman to be elected to the church consistory, serving over 30 years, as well as served as president for six years. She was an active member of the Women's Fellowship Committee. She was an honorary member of the Sullivan County Agricultural Committee.

She leaves surviving: her son, The Rev. Dean O. (Kathleen) Warburton, of Wallingford, CT; a sister, Eula Warburton, of MT; a brother, Eugene Bennett, of VA; a grandson, Daniel B. (Monica) Warburton, of Cheshire, CT; a granddaughter, Rachel (Daniel) Pata, of Wallingford CT; and two great-grandchildren, Taylor Ann

Warburton and Timothy Daniel Pata.

In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by four brothers, Howard, Kenneth, Fred and Newton Bennett.

Friends and family are invited to call on Saturday, January 20, 2007, at St. Paul's Church, in Overton, from 9 to 11 a.m. Funeral services will be held at St. Paul's Church at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Darcy Miller, her pastor officiating.

Interment will be in Warburton Hill Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Paul's Church, Endowment Fund, or the First Congregational Church, 23 South Main Street, Wallingford, CT 06492, in memory of Beatrice Warburton. Arrangements were entrusted to the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter Street, Dushore."


            245    M        ii.    Earl Bruce WARBURTON was born on 19 Jan 1924 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 10 Nov 2002 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. He was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Source: Brian J. Warburton;

In 1945 my grandfather Earl traveled to Chinook MT with his cousin Lester Warburton. Edgar, Lester's father, homesteaded in Montana. They traveled by train from Williamsport all the way to Chinook. My grandmother was dating my grandfather at the time and she bought him a new leather coat for the trip. She tells me that it must have been a rough trip because the coat came back tattered.

Elk Trophy
Bagged by Earl Bruce Warbruton (1924-2002)
Montana 1945
Photo Courtesy of Brain Warburton

They traveled back into the mountains by horse where he shot this 6x6 Elk. I guess it was quite a bit of work to butcher the elk and get the cape loaded onto the horses. He had it mounted in Montana and shipped by train to New Albany where he picked it up.


Source: Larry Pardoe notes

Burial: November 14, 2002, Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Elected: Former Forks Township Supervisor

Fact 1: Member of the East Forks Cemetery Association

Graduate: 1942, Elkland Vocational High School

Occupation: Dairy farmer and worked several years in the logging industry.

Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at New Albany, Bradford County, Pennsylvania


The following obituary is from "Wyalusing Rocket-Courier ", November 14, 2002:

"Earl Bruce Warburton, age 78, a lifelong resident of Forks Township, Sullivan County, PA, passed away early Sunday morning, Nov. 10, 2002 after a brief illness.

He was born Jan. 19, 1924 at the family homestead, the son of the late Oscar and Lillian Driscoll Warburton. Earl graduated from the Elkland Vocational High School in 1942. On Feb. 23, 1946, he married the former Shirley Day. They celebrated 56 years of marriage. Earl was a dairy farmer and worked several years in the logging industry. He was a former Forks Township Supervisor and member of the East Forks Cemetery Association. Earl was a beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend. He enjoyed visits with his family in Montana and traveling around the United States with his wife and family, Jule and Marvin Driscoll. He enjoyed playing cards, hunting, woodworking and riding his four-wheeler around the farm and through his woods. He was an avid baseball and NY Yankees fan.

Survivors include his wife, Shirley Warburton, at home; a son and daughter-in-law, James B.* and Barbara Warburton of New Albany RR2; a daughter and son-in-law, Elaine and Darrel Reibson of Jersey Shore; six grandchildren, Bruce (Sandi) Warburton, Laraine (Keith) Bowen, Jennifer (Jim) Smith, Jesse (Jen) Reibson, Amy

(Nick) Molyneux and Brian (Eileen) Warburton. A brother, Lee Warburton of New Albany predeceased him.

The family will receive friends on Thursday, November 14 at the St. Paul's United Church of Christ, Overton, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., followed by the funeral service at 11:30 a.m., with the Rev. Robert W. Martin, officiating.

Interment will be in the Warburton Hill Cemetery.

The family requests memorial contributions be made to the Dushore Ambulance Association, in lieu of flowers in Mr. Warburton's memory.

Arrangements were entrusted to the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter St., Dushore."


Earl married Shirley Jane DAY on 23 Feb 1946. Shirley was born on 19 Jul 1923 in PA.

* Editor's Note: Per Carol Brotzman, James B. Warburton, son of Earl Bruce and Shirley (Day) Warburton, is the father of Brian J. Warburton, quoted above. Brian is the husband of Eileen Murphy, a cousin of Carol. Here is a series of ancestral charts that Carol prepared showing the Ancestors of James B. Warburton back through John and Ann (Clarke) Warburton to their English roots. [PDF Version]. Scroll down the charts page to see all three sequences.

            246    F         iii.    Carlene Alice WARBURTON was born on 3 Jan 1931 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She died on 3 Jan 1931 in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Warburton Hill Cemetery, Forks Twp, Sullivan Co, PA.

74.   J. Gordon WARBURTON (Edwin Ruthven, John, John, William) was born on 23 Nov 1872 in PA. He died on 30 Jan 1954 in Cherokee Co., IOWA.

Sullivan Review dated 2 Mar 1899:

J. G. WARBURTON, of Cherokee, Iowa is visiting his parents, Mr. & Mrs. E. R. WARBURTON of Campbellsville. His sister, Miss Cora, accompanies him - they are expected to return to Iowa in a few weeks.


J. Gordon WARBURTON married Kate D. ROGERS, daughter of Ezra ROGERS and Mary A. BEAN, on 5 Oct 1899. Kate was born on 16 Mar 1870 in NJ. She died on 11 Jul 1936 in CHEROKEE, IOWA.

They had the following children.

            247    M         i.    Lyle Rogers WARBURTON was born on 24 Oct 1900 in Cherokee Co., IOWA. He died on 19 Oct 1930.

Lyle married Huldah Therese NELSON on 3 Apr 1930. Huldah was born on 13 Jul 1900. She died on 31 Jul 1990 in Royal Oak, Mich.

            248    F          ii.    Helen Elizabeth WARBURTON was born on 12 Nov 1901 in Iowa. She died on 20 Sep 1980.

Helen married Milo G. CLOW on 22 Jul 1922. Milo was born on 27 Nov 1901 in Iowa. He died on 21 Nov 1964.

76.   Maynard B. WARBURTON D.D.S. (Edwin Ruthven, John, John, William) was born on 24 Jun 1879 in PA. He died on 31 Oct 1955.

Maynard married Blanche Ada BOGART on 14 Oct 1920. Blanche was born on 3 Dec 1893 in PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania


They had the following children.

            249    F           i.    Jean Carol WARBURTON was born on 5 Nov 1923. She died on 16 Nov 1923.

            250    F          ii.    Jewel Margaret WARBURTON was born on 5 Nov 1923. She died on 6 Nov 1923.

            251    F         iii.    Phyllis Bogart WARBURTON was born on 12 Oct 1927.

79.   Lillian M. WARBURTON (Andrew Murray, John, John, William) was born on 26 Dec 1873 in PA. She died on 18 Sep 1941. She was buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Lillian married Taylor S. MCCARTY, son of Joshua R. MCCARTY and Sarah R. TAYLOR, on 15 Mar 1898. Taylor was born on 6 Mar 1870 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA. He died on 7 Nov 1945.

From "The Descendants of James Carrell and Sarah Dungan, His Wife", page 556

Taylor moved to Wyalusing, Bradford County, Pennsylvania in 1899 and there engaged in farming and milling and in 1928 was the owner of the farm and mill known as the J. Ingham property. In 1913 he established the Buick Agency in the Main Street Garage which in 1928 was operated by his sons. Their post office address was Sugar Run, Pennsylvania. [Sources: Lancaster, Carrell/Dungan, Heess, Warburton]


Source: Larry Pardoe notes

I received this email from Carol Brotzman on August 15, 2007:

"Wyalusing Rocket August 16 2007

(A photo of the 1909 Buick mentioned is shown in Taylor's scrapbook page).

Here’s a look back at Wyalusing’s Railroad Depot, which is located near Robin Keeney’s Wyalusing Valley

Children’s Center. Former Wyalusing resident Carl Ely who now lives in Clyde, NY, found the photo, which was printed on a postcard, among his mother’s belongings. Carl believes the car pictured in the foreground is the 1909 Buick that was owned for many years by the McCarty family. Traveling in those days required being dressed appropriately as is the case with the well dressed woman and her children who are apparently about to embark on a journey. An attempt was made to save and preserve the old train station as a community landmark after it was taken out of service, but Lehigh Valley Railroad officials insisted on demolishing the building in the late 1960’s."


They had the following children.

            252    M         i.    M. Graydon MCCARTY was born on 24 Feb 1899 in Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa. He died on 13 Mar 1982 in Wyalusing, Bradford Co., PA. He was buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


From "The Descendants of James Carrell and Sarah Dungan, His Wife", page 557 - "He is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary, Class of 1917, and at once entered into business with his father in the Main Street Garage, which he and his brother now own and operate. His address is Wyalusing, Pa."

"The Descendants of James Carrell and Sarah Dungan, His Wife", page 557 shows name Graydon McCarty.

"A brief record of the origin of the McCarty family, 1690-1790, and a record of Joel and Ellen (Roberts) McCarty and their descendants, 1790-1957", by John K. Heess. Call number 929.273M127h page 48 shows name Graydon McCarty.

"The Warburton's of Warburton and Arley", by Earl Cyrus Warburton and Geneva Warburton Dark, page 96 shows name M. Graydon McCarty.


M. Graydon MCCARTY married Madeleine D. DUNKLEE, daughter of Maynard D. DUNKLEE and Emma LAFRANCE, on 25 Aug 1926. Madeleine was born on 26 Apr 1901 in PA. She died on 6 May 2001 in Dar Way Nursing Home, Estella, Sullivan Co., PA. She was buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes

The following obituary was emailed to me by Carol Brotzman on June 11, 2007. She also posted it on the message boards for Sullivan Co., PA on the same date:


"DUNKLEE –MADELENE D. McCARTY, 100, of Chillaway Farms, Browntown, Wyalusing passed quietly away on Sunday May 6, 2001 at the Dar-Way Nursing Home in Estella. Madeleine was born April 26, 1901 in Monroeton the daughter of the late Maynard D. and Emma LaFrance Dunklee. She graduated from the

Wyalusing High School in 1920 and stayed active with the alumni association. Mrs. McCarty was a 62-year member of Mach-wi-hi-lusing DAR Chapter and served as Regent from 1968 to 1971 and also attended continental congress in Washington, D.C. several times. Madeleine was honored as a 50-year member of the former Wyalusing Chapter Number 523 Order of the Easter Star on June 18, 1998 and continued as a member until her death. She was the oldest member of the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church and was honored by the church on April 26 with a 100th Birthday card shower. On April 14, Easter Sunday, Madeleine was surprised and

honored with an early 100th birthday celebration with her immediate family including; her four grandchildren and their husbands and wives, and five great-grandchildren, some of whom she had never seen. Madeline married M. Graydon McCarty of Wyalusing on Aug. 25, 1926. They celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary in 1981 and Graydon predeceased her on March 13, 1982. They resided, since 1945 on Chillaway Farms, which is known as the oldest Freidshutten Indian Settlement Farm in Bradford County. Surviving are her: son and daughter-in-law,

Robert Taylor and Marilyn McCarty of Chillaway Farms; four grandchildren and spouses, Julie and John Gamble of New Brunswick, N.J., Jane and Scott Johnson of Chesapeake, Va., Rob L. and Rhonda McCarty of Chillaway Farms and Ron L. and Toni McCarty of Chillaway Farms; five great-grandchildren, twins Lucas and Miranda

Johnson of Chesapeake, Va. and Alyssa, Kirstin and Silas McCarty of Chillaway Farms. She was predeceased by her brother, Elanson D. Dunklee on Feb. 23, 1989. Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 12 at 2 p.m. at the P. Dean Homer Funeral home, 1 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing with the Rev. Barry R. Ballard, her pastor officiating. Interment will be in the Wyalusing Cemetery. Friends may call at the Homer Funeral Home from 1 p.m. until the time of the service. Memorials are directed to the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 25, Wyalusing, Pa. or the Wyalusing Library, P.O. Box 98, Wyalusing, Pa. –Towanda Daily Review"


            253    M        ii.    Donald Cameron MCCARTY was born on 11 Jul 1900 in Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa. He died in Jun 1967. He was buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Burial: Wyalusing Cemetery, Wyalusing, Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Graduation: 1920, Wyoming Seminary, Class of 1920

Occupation: Abt. 1928, Owner/operator Main Street Garage, Wyalusing, Pennsylvania

Residence: Bet. 1956 - 1967, Living at Wyalusing, Pennsylvania

Social Security Number: Private - Issued PA


Donald married Florence E. SCHRANN, daughter of Lewis SCHRANN and Hattie GIBBS, on 12 Aug 1924. Florence was born on 2 Apr 1903 in PA. She died in 1994. She was buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

            254    M       iii.    Harold Kenneth MCCARTY was born on 31 Jul 1907 in Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa. He died on 22 Mar 1996 in Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa. He was buried in Quick's Bend Cemetery, Wilmot Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes

The following obituary was emailed to me on May 6, 2004 by Mark T. Kunzman. It appears to have come from the Daily Review, March 24, 1996:

"Mr. Harold K. McCarty, 88, of Sugar Run passed away Friday evening, March 22, 1996, at his home. Harold was born in Sugar Run, Pa., on July 31, 1907, son of the late Taylor S. and Lillian M. Warburton McCarty. He graduated from the Wyalusing High School, a member of the class of 1925. He worked for five years at the Sugar Run Grist Mill in Sugar Run and then attended Beckley College in

Harrisburg, Pa. He married the former Pauline Sigler at Sugar Run, Pa., on Aug. 2, 1930. They operated the Esso Station in Wyalusing for 13 years.

Harold spent three years working for IBM in Endicott, N.Y., and returned home to manage the family farm in Sugar Run. He operated the dairy farm from 1945 to his retirement in 1970. His first wife, Pauline, predeceased him on Nov. 6, 1965.

After he retired he represented the Pioneer Seed Co. for several years. On Nov. 26, 1968, he married the (line missing - but could be - former Debbie Knowles of ? N.Y., and she predeceased him on Feb. 16, 1971. He married the former Esther Way of Sugar Run, on March 11, 1979. They recently celebrated their 17th wedding

anniversary. Harold was a 53-year member of Wyalusing Lodge No. 618, F & AM, which honored him in 1993 for 50 years of service in the lodge. He was also a member of Scottish Rite Consistory, Williamsport, Pa., and Irem Temple, Dallas, Pa. Surviving are his spouse, Esther, at home; son and daughter-in-law, Thomas M. and Judy McCarty of Sugar Run; daughter and son-in-law, Marilyn and Richard Dibble of Sugar Run; brother Murray J. McCarty of Wyalusing; sister-in-law, Madeline McCarty of Wyalusing; stepdaughters, Glenda Shores* of Towanda, Betsy

Swan* of Sough Orange, N.J., and Sue Watson of Pottsdam, N.Y.; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and three nieces and one nephew."

*Harold K. McCarty's obituary shows stepdaughters, Glenda Shores of Towanda, Betsy Swan of South Orange, N.J. and Sue Watson of Pottsdam, N.Y. (Possibly daughters of a previous marriage of second wife Debbie Knolls)?


Harold married Cora Pauline SIGLER on 2 Aug 1930. Cora was born on 15 Jul 1906 in PA. She died on 6 Nov 1965. She was buried in Quick's Bend Cemetery, Wilmot Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

Harold also married Debbie KNOLLES on 26 Nov 1968. Debbie was born on 9 Jan 1907. She died on 16 Feb 1971. She was buried in Wyalusing Cemetery, Bradford Co., PA.

Harold also married Esther WAY, daughter of James WAY and Margaret BECK, on 11 Mar 1979. Esther was born on 7 Aug 1915 in Luthersburg, Clearfield Co., PA. She died on 8 Apr 2008 in Towanda Mem HP, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes message boards for Sullivan Co., PA on the same date:

"Daily Review April 9, 2008

Esther Way Dyer McCarty, age 92, of Wyalusing, Pa., passed away peacefully on Tuesday morning, April 8, 2008, at the Skilled Nursing Unit of the Memorial Hospital, where she was a patient for the past few weeks. Esther was born in Luthersburg, Pa., one of 16 children of the late James Vincent and Margaret Ellen Beck Way. She worked at the former Weldon Mfg. in Dushore, Pa. Esther became a Licensed Practical Nurse and worked at the Robert Packer Hospital for several years. Esther married Earl Dyer of Colley who predeceased her. She married Harold McCarty of Sugar Run on March 11, 1979 and he predeceased her on March 22, 1996. Esther was a member of St. John's Chapel, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and a member of Eastern Star.

Surviving are: her brother and sister-in-law, John and Lucretia Way of Sugar Run, Pa.; sisters and brothers-in-law, Bernice Thomas of Diamond, Ohio, Joanne and Pete Puterbaugh of Friendsville, Pa., Linda and Dan Puterbaugh of Rome, Pa.; sister-in-law, Louise Way of Wyalusing, Pa.; numerous nieces and nephews. She was

predeceased by: brothers, George Way, James Way and Stanley Way; and sisters, Grace Bell, Florence Hauck, Viola Irvin, Alfretta Bloom, Marian Knapp, Margaret Kunzman, Memorial service will be held at the P. Dean Homer Funeral Home, 1 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing, Pa., at the convenience of the family. Memorials are directed to St. John's Chapel, PO Box 460, Ulah Stevens and Elsie Harmic. A family Dushore, PA 18614."


            255    M       iv.    Murray Thomas MCCARTY was born on 10 Jan 1913 in Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa. He died on 7 Jan 2005 in Sayre House, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes

The following obituary was posted at message boards on January 14, 2005 by Carol Brotzman: "Daily Review January 13, 2004*

Murray J. McCarty, 91, of Wyalusing, PA passed away on Friday, Jan. 7, 2005 at the Sayre House, Sayre, PA

He was born Jan. 10, 1913, in Sugar Run, a son of Taylor S. and Lillian M. Warburton McCarty. Murray graduated from Wyalusing High School, Class of 1931. He married Beulah M. Cobb of Stevensville who predeceased him in 1995. They resided in Wyalusing. Murray worked at Taylor McCarty & Sons garage in Wyalusing as sales and service manager for over 40 years. He and his brother, Harold sold Case farm equipment in the 1940’s. They were also partners on the family farm from the mid-1940’s when their father passed away until the mid-1960’s when Harold assumed sole ownership. Murray and Beulah, and her brother, Raymond and his wife, Ethel operated the Wyalusing Rocks for a period of time. He also worked as a farm machinery operator on his nephew, Tom’s farm during the 1990’s.

He was well known in the Wyalusing area for the vintage cars he drove, including the Corvair and the Buick. Murray was a member of the Wyalusing United Methodist Church and the Wyalusing Valley Volunteer Fire Department. He was a member of Wyalusing Lodge #618, F&AM, which in 1993 honored him for 50 years of service in the lodge. He also served as a Wyalusing Borough Councilman.

Surviving are his daughter and son-in-law, Joan and Roy Bigler, Laconia, NH; grandchildren, Lori Nava, San Diego, CA, Mark Bigler, Laconia, NH; great-grandchildren**, Melissa Bigler, Kyle Bigler, Seth Clifford, Alex Lopez, Eric Lopez, Miguel Nava and several nieces and nephews.

Murray was predeceased by brothers Harold, Donald and Graydon McCarty.

A Memorial Service will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, January 22, 2005 at the P. Dean Homer Funeral Home, 1 Grovedale Lane, Wyalusing, PA with the Rev. Diane E. Prentice, his pastor, officiating.

A Masonic Funeral Service will be conducted by members of Wyalusing Lodge #618, F & A M preceding the Memorial Service at the funeral home. Memorials, if desired, may be directed to the Wyalusing Valley Fire Dept., PO Box 86, Wyalusing, PA. 18853-0086."


Murray married Beulah Maysie COBB, daughter of Benton COBB and Elmira GRANGER, on 27 May 1932. Beulah was born on 6 Jan 1912 in Stevensville, Bradford Co., PA. She died on 3 Nov 1995 in Wyalusing, Bradford Co., PA.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes

The following obituary was emailed to me on May 6, 2004 from Mark T. Kunzman. It appears to have come from the Daily Review, November 4, 1995. It was also posted at:

"Beulah M. McCarty, 82

Beulah M. McCarty, 82, of State Street, Wyalusing, passed away on Thursday, Nov. 3, 1995, in her home, following a lingering illness. She was born on Nov. 6, 1912, in Stevensville, daughter of the late Benton and Elmira Granger Cobb.

Beulah was a graduate of Wyalusing High School, class of 1929, after which she attended Mansfield State College and Elmira Business College.

On May 23, 1932, she was united in marriage with Murray J. McCarty of Sugar Run, Pa., and they celebrated their 63rd anniversary together this past May.

Mrs. McCarty was an active member of the Wyalusing Presbyterian Church, including teaching church school for many years, a member of its Fidelia Class, and a member of the Wyalusing Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star.

Beulah's love for her family and friends showed by her involvement in all she did. She had a special love for her flowers and garden which showed by the beautiful flowers she cared for. She is survived by her husband Murray M.* McCarty, a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Joan Bigler of Laconia, N.H., two grandchildren, Lori Nava of El Cajon, Calif., and Mark D. Bigler of Laconia, N.H., and six great-grandchildren. Beulah was pre-deceased by two brothers, Granger Cobb of Baltimore, Md., and Raymond Cobb of Forkston, Pa. A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Memorials may be directed to the Guthrie Hospice, Box 154, RR Towanda, Pa., 18848, or the Guthrie Home Care, Box 60A, RR 4, Towanda, 18848, in her memory. Arrangements are under the direction of the Kerr-McHenry Funeral Home, Wyalusing, Pa." *Believed to be J.


80.   Frances L. WARBURTON (Andrew Murray, John, John, William) was born on 8 Dec 1876 in PA. She died on 23 Sep 1926.

Frances married George L. DETRICK on 8 Apr 1913. George was born on 18 Mar 1885 in PA.

They had the following children.

            256                i.    Baby DETRICK was born on 26 Mar 1915 in PA. Baby died on 26 Mar 1915.

            257    F          ii.    Jennie E. DETRICK was born on 22 Jan 1917 in PA.

Jennie married Paul A. MONTAGUE on 27 Nov 1936. Paul was born on 26 Sep 1906 in PA.

83.   Lillian Kathryn WARBURTON (Andrew Murray, John, John, William) was born on 26 Oct 1887 in PA. She died on 28 Jul 1955.

Source: Larry Pardoe notes


Residence: Abt. 1923, Lived at Berwick, PA.


The following marriage notice was posted at message boards on October 22, 2003 by Tina


"The Sullivan Review

February 22, 1912

Walter Roland Molyneaux of Berwick, son of Edward T. Molyneaux of Overton, and Miss Lillian Kathryn Warburton of Rochester, N.Y, daughter of A.M. Warburton of Sugar Run, were united in marriage on Monday, February 19, 1912, by the Rev. D.D. Campbell, D.D., Pastor of the First M.E. Church of Towanda.

Mr. and Mrs. Molyneaux left for points of interest in the Southeast part of the state. After February 2 they will be at home to their many friends at Berwick where the groom holds a lucrative position."


Lillian married Walter Roland MOLYNEUX, son of Edward Thomas MOLYNEUX and Mary E. FREAR, on 19 Feb 1912. Walter was born on 24 Sep 1881 in PA. He died in Overton, PA.

They had the following children.

            258    F           i.    Dorothy Kathleen MOLYNEUX was born on 28 Mar 1918 in PAIGE CEM, DOWNSVILLE, DEL CO, NY.

Dorothy married Harold Bruce LAUBACH on 26 Nov 1938. Harold was born on 13 Jul 1913 in PA.

            259    M        ii.    Dale Andrew MOLYNEUX was born on 7 Dec 1919.

Dale married Geneva CORNELL on 26 Oct 1938. Geneva was born on 8 Aug 1919 in PA.

Dale also married Virginia Brown PENN on 27 Jan 1949. Virginia was born on 14 Jul 1923 in PA.

84.   Rev. George A. WARBURTON (Robert Bruce, John, John, William) was born on 14 Apr 1867 in PA. He died on 10 Dec 1945.

George married May LAITY on 12 Aug 1896. May was born on 15 Aug 1872. She died on 4 May 1934.

They had the following children.

            260    M         i.    Harvey Bruce WARBURTON was born on 28 Sep 1897. He died in 1897.

            261    F          ii.    Faith L. WARBURTON was born on 24 Nov 1899.

Faith married Russell Claude LEARN on 1 Oct 1924. The marriage ended in divorce. Russell was born on 14 Apr 1901.

            262    M       iii.    Ronald Sinclair WARBURTON was born on 11 Jul 1910.

            263    F         iv.    Anna May WARBURTON was born on 15 Sep 1914.

Anna married Hubert ROLAND on 1 Jun 1940. Hubert was born on 24 Feb 1901 in NJ.

86.   Jennie M. WARBURTON (Robert Bruce, John, John, William) was born on 23 Feb 1871 in PA. She died on 23 Oct 1933.

Jennie married James B. SMITH on 3 Jul 1888. James was born on 15 Dec 1857. He died in Jun 1917.

They had the following children.

            264    M         i.    Roy M. SMITH was born on 18 Jan 1889.

Roy married Ethel F. MILLER on 2 Dec 1937. Ethel was born on 27 Dec 1882 in SC.

            265    F          ii.    Maude E. SMITH was born on 21 Oct 1891. She died on 29 Sep 1892.

            266    F         iii.    Ethel W. SMITH was born on 19 Oct 1904. She died on 21 May 1944.

87.   Anna J. WARBURTON (Robert Bruce, John, John, William) was born on 31 Mar 1878 in Scranton, Lackawanna, PA. She died on 2 Dec 1976.

Source: Birth and death from


Anna married Edward F. SMITH, son of Adam D. SMITH and Jessie CRANE, on 6 Apr 1898. Edward was born on 10 Jun 1875.

They had the following children.

            267    F           i.    Dorothy Elizabeth SMITH was born on 15 Oct 1898 in PA.

Dorothy married Sheldon H. DAVIS on 6 May 1925. Sheldon was born on 13 Mar 1898 in PA.

            268    F          ii.    Anna K. SMITH was born on 26 May 1901. She died on 18 Jul 1901.

            269    M       iii.    Edward F. SMITH was born on 31 May 1907.

Edward married Illard DAVIS on 22 May 1937. Illard was born on 20 May 1903 in PA.

88.   Robert Lee WARBURTON (Robert Bruce, John, John, William) was born on 16 Apr 1885 in PA. He died on 21 Feb 1954.

Robert married Margaret M. KIVLER on 26 Jul 1905. Margaret was born on 17 Feb 1884.

They had the following children.

            270    M         i.    Edmund Bruce WARBURTON was born on 3 May 1906.

Edmund married Phoebe Louise HOOPS on 5 Mar 1925. Phoebe was born on 1 Nov 1903 in NJ.

89.   Emma Beatrice WARBURTON (David, John, John, William) was born on 10 May 1880 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 27 Apr 1951.

Emma married Jasper B. TRUE on 9 Jul 1903. Jasper was born on 19 Aug 1872 in Iowa. He died on 18 Feb 1952.

They had the following children.

            271    F           i.    Clara Bess TRUE was born on 1 Sep 1904 in Missouri.

Clara married Julius O. FIFER on 12 Mar 1925. Julius was born on 25 Apr 1902 in KS.

            272    F          ii.    Dorothy Mae TRUE was born on 19 Dec 1906 in Missouri.

Dorothy married Roland WINDMUELLER on 16 Mar 1929. Roland was born on 10 Feb 1902 in Minn.

Dorothy also married Thomas A. WILSON on 29 Dec 1944. Thomas was born on 21 Jan 1904 in MD.

            273    M       iii.    Lynn Warburton TRUE was born on 4 Feb 1910 in Calif. He died on 22 May 1949.

Lynn married Marie Edith SANDERSON on 26 Jan 1934. Marie was born on 7 Sep 1915 in KS.

            274    M       iv.    Howard Russell TRUE was born on 20 Dec 1913. He died on 29 May 1929.

90.   Margaret Esther WARBURTON (David, John, John, William) was born on 25 Sep 1884 in Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 22 Sep 1945.

Margaret married Clyde C. HILLIS on 1 Jun 1927. Clyde was born on 12 Jul 1885 in IN.

They had the following children.

            275    M         i.    David William HILLIS was born on 13 Oct 1928 in Calif.

91.   Jennie Iola WARBURTON (David, John, John, William) was born on 3 Apr 1892 in Pilot Twp. Cherokee Co., Iowa. She died on 10 Dec 1929.

Jennie married Clyde C. HILLIS on 1 Jun 1927. Clyde was born on 12 Jul 1885 in Indiana.

They had the following children.

            276    M         i.    David William HILLIS was born on 13 Oct 1928. He died on 22 Feb 1929.

92.   Floyd Murray WARBURTON (David, John, John, William) was born on 28 Apr 1894 in Pilot Twp. Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Floyd married Margaret CARR on 3 Mar 1915. Margaret was born on 15 Mar 1893 in Iowa.

They had the following children.

            277    F           i.    Clara Helene WARBURTON was born on 1 Aug 1917 in Iowa.

Clara married Ellis George BROOKS on 2 Jul 1940. Ellis was born on 22 Mar 1914 in Iowa.

            278    F          ii.    Betty Carr WARBURTON was born on 12 Jun 1921 in Iowa.

Betty married Reitzell NORDSTROM on 11 Feb 1942. Reitzell was born on 26 Nov 1920 in Iowa.

            279    F         iii.    Edna Faye WARBURTON was born on 26 Dec 1922 in Iowa.

Edna married Walter J. GRAVES on 20 Jun 1944. The marriage ended in divorce. Walter was born on 22 Oct 1922 in Iowa.

Edna also married Bruce Burdette BRUNER on 19 Dec 1952. Bruce was born on 25 Dec 1915 in Iowa.

93.   Geneva Molyneux WARBURTON (David, John, John, William) was born on 25 Jan 1903 in Pilot Twp. Cherokee Co., Iowa.

Geneva is co-author of the book titled "The Warburtons of Warburton and Arley," by Earl Cyrus Warburton and Geneva Warburton Dark, published in Monterey, California in 1956.



Residence: Abt. 1956, Living at Los Angeles, California


Geneva married Harold Benbow DARK on 9 Jul 1929. Harold was born on 12 Mar 1904 in England.

They had the following children.

            280    M         i.    Richard Warburton DARK was born on 4 Apr 1930 in Calif.

Richard married Shirley Olive LEE on 9 Jul 1949. Shirley was born on 15 Mar 1930 in Calif.

            281    M        ii.    David Arthur DARK was born on 1 Sep 1938 in Calif.

Index of Names



(____) (), 2

Achsah ( - b.1828), 22

Alsada (), 32

Ann (1S - m.1798), 1

Elizabeth ( - b.1839), 29, 33

Hannah (11S), 2

Loise ( - b.1835), 36

Margaret E. (), 26

Mary ( - b.1814), 6

Minnie M. ( - b.1857), 23

Roena S. ( - b.1869), 32

Sarah (), 10, 15, 17


John Harvey (47S - b.1892), 26


Amber (64S - b.1898), 40


J. Arthur (43S - b.1876), 22


Francis C. (49S - b.1888), 27


Aaron (44S - b.1850), 22

Benjamin Levi (133 - b.1888), 23

John ( - b.1827), 22

John James (131 - b.1884), 23

Nellie S.E. (130 - b.1882), 23

Reno Warburton (134 - b.1901), 23

Roy Eugene (132 - b.1887), 23


Ethel Maud R.N. (39S - b.1895), 20

Richard S. (37S - b.1888), 17


Jeannie Gartshore (59S - b.1913), 37


Samuel (57S - b.1895), 34


Burton J. (203 - b.1904), 36

Glenn A. (204 - b.1913), 37

Henry ( - b.1837), 36

James Gerald (202 - b.1901), 36

Lizzie Luvernia (199 - b.1890), 35

Mary Anna (200 - b.1893), 36

Merritt W. (201 - b.1899), 36

Orla Burton (59S - b.1870), 36

Phillip (), 35

William V. (58S - b.1866), 35


Mary A. ( - b.1842), 22, 49


Margaret (), 53


Benjamin ( - b.1812), 6

Sarah (22S - b.1833), 6


Rev. Carrie (66S - b.1875), 40


Frances Ehle (40S - b.1889), 21


Susan M. (32S - b.1850), 12


Beatrice Marie (72S - b.1921), 46

Eula May (71S - b.1923), 46

Judson "Tracey" ( - d.2007), 46


George C. Jr. ( - b.1829), 12


Susan (), 19


Blanche Ada (76S - b.1893), 49


Floyd (30S - b.1859), 11


Mary Cristina (), 30


Laura Dee (51S - b.1901), 28


Atty. Llewellyn D. (48S - b.1895), 27


Charles M. (), 26

Charles M. (148 - b.1896), 26

Irene M. (152 - b.1904), 26

Lee Julien (147 - b.1895), 26

Lulu D. (144 - b.1886), 26

Maggie (146 - b.1890), 26

Minnie Elmira (149 - b.1898), 26

Ora (145 - b.1888), 26

Rufus (151 - b.1902), 26

Rufus (47S - b.1858), 26

Vina Ruth (150 - b.1900), 26

Walter R. (143 - b.1883), 26

William G. (153 - b.1908), 26


Edith Belle (34S - b.1896), 14


Roy C. (58S - b.1887), 36


Arnold (1S), 1


Iris (48S - b.1867), 26


Ellis George (92S - b.1914), 58


John Lewis (58S - b.1875), 36

Martha M. (53S - b.1892), 30

Steward (), 36


Jennie T. (57S - b.1890), 33


Bruce Burdette (92S - b.1915), 58


Catharine (), 12


Arthur Ray (192 - b.1894), 33

Floyd E. (191 - b.1891), 32

Henry (), 32

John H. (56S - b.1862), 32

Mabel A. (193 - b.1896), 33

Wealtha Florence (189 - b.1882), 32

William H. (190 - b.1888), 32


Irene (63S - b.1872), 37


Margaret (92S - b.1893), 58


Winifred (30S - b.1893), 11


Leland G. (66S - b.1902), 43


Alice (30S - b.1848), 10

Thomas (), 10


Charles E. (53S - b.1880), 30

Isaac (34S - b.1864), 14


Ann (13S - b.1805), 2

John (), 2


Milo G. (74S - b.1901), 49


Benton (), 55

Beulah Maysie (79S - b.1912), 55


Ethel (44S - b.1886), 23

Robert E. ( - b.1855), 23


Clarissa (159 - b.1896), 27

Elroy (49S - b.1862), 27

Ethel (157 - b.1887), 27

Horace (158 - b.1893), 27


Geneva (83S - b.1919), 56


Daisy (43S - b.1887), 22


Jessie (), 57


Floyd Lewis (67S - b.1890), 43


Albert (63S - b.1896), 38

John L. (63S - b.1894), 38


David Arthur (281 - b.1938), 59

Harold Benbow (93S - b.1904), 59

Richard Warburton (280 - b.1930), 59


Illard (87S - b.1903), 57

Sheldon H. (87S - b.1898), 57


Shirley Jane (72S - b.1923), 49


Baby (256 - b.1915), 56

George L. (80S - b.1885), 56

Jennie E. (257 - b.1917), 56


Elmer Backer (53S - b.1865), 30

W. Finley (), 30


Ralph W. (63S - b.1915), 38


Edwin P. (63S - b.1887), 37


Dorothy (45S - m.1934), 25


Cornelius V. ( - b.1871), 46

Lillian G. (72S - b.1894), 46


Madelene D. (79S - b.1901), 51

Maynard D. (), 51


Mary (47S - b.1884), 26


Evar (51S - b.1893), 28


Henry Wilson (70S - b.1909), 45


Lydia (), 44


Julius O. (89S - b.1902), 58


Bessie M. (53S - b.1893), 30


Nellie (53S - b.1892), 30


Mary E. ( - b.1851), 12, 56


Lela Katie (71S - b.1890), 46


Earl (69S), 45


Grace C. (55S - b.1887), 31


Hattie (), 52


Daisy (34S - b.1868), 14


Blaine Seymore (63S - b.1916), 38


Elmira (), 55


Mary (34S - b.1888), 14

Walter J. (92S - b.1922), 58


John (2S), 1


Mary (), 35


Ollie Amanda (56S - b.1900), 33


Wilbur Lyle Sr. (52S - b.1899), 28


Ida Nora (51S - b.1897), 28

Mary Louise (60S - b.1897), 37


Irene (46S - b.1892), 25


Jane Lorraine (67S - b.1912), 43


Nina (41S - b.1878), 22


Charles B. (31S - b.1877), 12


Hannah ( - b.1824), 9


Lena Bell (56S - b.1917), 32


Clyde C. (90S - b.1885), 58

Clyde C. (91S - b.1885), 58

David William (275 - b.1928), 58

David William (276 - b.1928), 58


Kathryn Agnes (44S - b.1885), 23


Floyd Edwin (51S - b.1888), 28


Carrie (161 - b.1894), 28

George A. (51S - b.1861), 28

Joseph (164 - b.1900), 28

Laura Sarah (160 - b.1893), 28

Lester George (163 - b.1899), 28

May (168 - b.1907), 28

Minnie (167 - b.1906), 28

Raymond (165 - b.1903), 28

Russell Charles (162 - b.1898), 28

Ruth (166 - b.1906), 28


Phoebe Louise (88S - b.1903), 57


Emma ( - b.1867), 46

Henry ( - b.1796), 7

Jacob Solomon ( - b.1799), 3

John W. (13S - b.1833), 3

Mary (24S - b.1835), 7


William Spencer (47S - b.1897), 26


Clara Alvina (44S - b.1909), 23


Elizabeth (67S - b.1909), 44


John Franklin (57S - b.1894), 34

Levi Richard ( - b.1855), 34


Lela M. (60S - b.1905), 37


Roy E. (63S - b.1901), 38


Elton F. (55S - b.1896), 32

Grant J. ( - b.1866), 32


Joan Lucy (70S - b.1920), 45


Roseanna May (52S - b.1885), 28


Lawrence A. (52S - b.1900), 28


Harriett ( - m.1856), 12


Edna E. (63S - b.1900), 38


Frank Burr (66S - b.1894), 43


James Rose (56S - b.1882), 32


Alice (2S - b.1772), 1


Margaret M. (88S - b.1884), 57


Margaret Jane (37S - b.1906), 19


Debbie (79S - b.1907), 53


Emma (), 51


May (84S - b.1872), 56


David Stephenson ( - b.1802), 9

Fidelia (28S - b.1841), 9


Harold Bruce (83S - b.1913), 56


Anna E. (95 - b.1872), 14

Charles (97 - b.1876), 14

Cora (103 - b.1889), 15

Dora (99 - b.1880), 14

Edwin (104 - b.1892), 15

Ella C. (94 - b.1870), 14

Fred (96 - b.1874), 14

Henry (100 - b.1881), 14

Jacob (101 - b.1884), 14

Jacob (34S - b.1837), 14

Rex (102 - b.1886), 15

Robert (98 - b.1878), 14


Russell Claude (84S - b.1901), 57


Shirley Olive (93S - b.1930), 59


Mary (47S - b.1891), 26


Bert ( - b.1870), 32

Lisle B. (55S - b.1899), 32

Vernie Clare (55S - b.1897), 32


Verd E. (53S - b.1886), 31


Anna Mae (139 - b.1900), 25

Carlton R. (135 - b.1881), 25

Elnorah (39S - b.1858), 20

Guy Howard (137 - b.1890), 25

Joseph R. (45S - b.1856), 23

Lura I. (138 - b.1895), 25

Raymold Donald (136 - b.1884), 25

William P. (), 23


Harry H. (36S - b.1883), 16


Fred L. (56S - b.1888), 33


Peter (2S), 2


Louis (39S - b.1885), 21


Patricia (38S - b.1914), 20


Guy M. (40S - b.1887), 21


Bertha ( - d.2007), 46


John (60S - b.1868), 37


Myrtle L. (34S - b.1887), 14


Ada Bertha (69S - b.1884), 44

David (), 44

Donald Cameron (253 - b.1900), 52

Floyd L. (57S - b.1897), 34

Harold Kenneth (254 - b.1907), 52

Joshua R. (), 50

M. Graydon (252 - b.1899), 50

Murray Thomas (255 - b.1913), 54

Nelson Joel ( - b.1870), 34

Taylor S. (79S - b.1870), 50


Alva ( - b.1834), 29, 33

Alva Joseph (194 - b.1888), 33

Amy A. (181 - b.1896), 31

Bessie M. (175 - b.1884), 30

Charles F. (57S - b.1862), 33

Deborah Jane (173 - b.1880), 29

Fred R. (179 - b.1891), 30

Grace Frances (197 - b.1897), 34

Ida M. (178 - b.1888), 30

John L. (177 - b.1887), 30

Joseph A. (174 - b.1881), 30

Julia Mabel (195 - b.1889), 33

Mary E. (172 - b.1879), 29

Mary Elizabeth (196 - b.1893), 33

Nellie Blanche (198 - b.1902), 35

Rosa B. (180 - b.1895), 30

W. Scott (53S - b.1879), 30

William F. (53S - b.1856), 29

Willis F. (176 - b.1885), 30


Alice (56S - b.1894), 32


Minnie (46S - b.1891), 25


Alma Bird (31S - b.1859), 12

Ethel F. (86S - b.1882), 57

Greta Elois (48S - b.1897), 27


Henry C. (58S - b.1876), 35


Bernice Anna (58S - b.1905), 36


Ann ( - b.1832), 39

Arthur Robert (37 - b.1856), 5, 16

Bertha Gertrude (105 - b.1883), 15

Blanche (110 - b.1883), 20

Clara Adelaide (33S - b.1858), 13

Dale Andrew (259 - b.1919), 56

Dorothy Kathleen (258 - b.1918), 56

Dr. Arthur VanHorn (109 - b.1902), 17

Dr. Orville J. (31S - b.1873), 12

Edward Thomas ( - b.1848), 12, 56

F. Murray (38 - b.1858), 5, 19

Francis H. (36 - b.1852), 5, 15

Francis Harrison (106 - b.1888), 16

Guy (111 - b.1886), 20

Henry (21S - b.1814), 4

Jackson (35 - b.1850), 5

James ( - b.1816), 13

John ( - b.1815), 9

Lora L. (108 - b.1886), 17

Maria (34 - b.1847), 5, 14

Mary ( - b.1824), 21

Maude Frances (107 - b.1882), 17

Ray (112 - b.1890), 20

Russell (113 - b.1903), 20

Theodosia A. (28S - b.1852), 9

Thomas ( - b.1791), 4

Walter Roland (83S - b.1881), 56


Paul A. (80S - b.1906), 56


Earl L. (34S - b.1888), 15

Ernest J. (34S - b.1891), 15


Blanche G. (71S - b.1923), 45


Alice (), 36


Cora Bell (56S - b.1897), 33

Huldah Therese (74S - b.1900), 49


Edwin E. PhD (48S - b.1883), 26


Reitzell (92S - b.1920), 58


Errett (44S - b.1882), 23


Ethel (55S - b.1898), 32


Martha Jane "Jennie" (31S - b.1847), 12

Samuel ( - b.1811), 12


Maud G. (34S - b.1891), 14


Ethel May (55S - b.1889), 31

John (45S - b.1898), 25


Alice V. (206 - b.1885), 37

Alonzo W. (60 - b.1858), 7, 37

C. Victor (210 - b.1896), 37

David Walter (216 - b.1900), 38

Edna Beatrice (214 - b.1895), 38

Eva (211 - b.1897), 37

Frank B. (215 - b.1897), 38

Frank E. (61 - b.1860), 7

Irma Josephine (219 - b.1912), 38

Jacob (), 7

James Andrew (63 - b.1868), 8, 37

John (62 - b.1862), 7

Lt. Col. William Henry (207 - b.1888), 37

M. Alma (205 - b.1882), 37

Maude E. (209 - b.1892), 37

Melva Cornelia (212 - b.1891), 37

Naomi Emily (213 - b.1893), 37

Olive Irene (217 - b.1902), 38

Roscoe A. (208 - b.1890), 37

Ruby Elizabeth (218 - b.1905), 38

William (25S - b.1835), 7


Virginia Brown (83S - b.1923), 56


Ella Myrtle (129 - b.1889), 22

George A. (60S - b.1891), 37

Jesse (), 22

Jonathan (43S - b.1849), 22

Lee William (125 - b.1880), 22

Louis J. (123 - b.1877), 22

Mae Angeline (128 - b.1887), 22

Martha Esther (126 - b.1883), 22

Ruth Ann (124 - b.1879), 22

Sarah Rebecca (127 - b.1885), 22


Emma D. (36S - b.1896), 16


George (30S - b.1848), 10


Charles Henry (66S - b.1898), 43

Elsie Catherine (64S - b.1902), 40


Alice Winifred (231 - b.1907), 43

Daniel Lorenzo (228 - b.1897), 43

Esther Grace (230 - b.1906), 43

Flora Fidelia (226 - b.1893), 43

Fred Lincoln (67S - b.1865), 43

Maurice Chester (232 - b.1909), 44

Robert Henry (227 - b.1895), 43

William Dennison (229 - b.1900), 43


Fiche ( - b.1806), 9


Martha A. (63S - b.1905), 38


Viola Catherine (47S - b.1889), 26


Jessie Bell (34S - b.1880), 15


Catharine ( - b.1837), 29


Frank Merrill (43S - b.1882), 22


Abijah R. (55S - b.1858), 31

Carl A. (186 - b.1894), 32

Clarence R. (187 - b.1897), 32

Edith E. (184 - b.1885), 32

Howard E. (185 - b.1892), 32

Mildred G. (188 - b.1902), 32

Orrin W. (183 - b.1882), 31

Oscar A. (182 - b.1882), 31

William E. ( - b.1819), 31


Henry (2S), 2


Benson J. (40S - b.1848), 21

Ezra ( - b.1846), 22, 49

Fred Benson (119 - b.1889), 21

George William (117 - b.1878), 21

HANNAH ( - b.1790), 4

John Levi (120 - b.1893), 21

Joseph Ezra (116 - b.1875), 21

Kate D. (74S - b.1870), 49

Martha Laura (118 - b.1879), 21

Rebecca (), 23

Reuben ( - b.1820), 21

Thomas B. (43S - b.1878), 22


Clara (), 35


Hubert (84S - b.1901), 57


Edith May (56S - b.1896), 33


Lydia ( - b.1797), 3


Ellen (1S), 1


Magdalene "Polly" ( - b.1806), 7


J.A. (), 19

Jennie O. (38S - b.1858), 19


Emma (67S - m.1942), 43

Marie Edith (89S - b.1915), 58


Mary Ann ( - b.1859), 34


Florence E. (79S - b.1903), 52

Lewis (), 52


Henry A. (60S - b.1885), 37


Manasseh (), 35

Oscar Lawrence (57S - b.1896), 35


Ethel A. (68S - b.1875), 44

Myrtle E. ( - b.1871), 32


Bessie Mae (49S - b.1891), 27


Mabel (53S - b.1887), 30


Rose Elizabeth (68S - b.1914), 44


Henry ( - b.1829), 29

Sarah (), 7

William Augusta (53S - b.1868), 29


Carolyn (45S - b.1880), 25


Cora Pauline (79S - b.1906), 53


Adam D. (), 57

Alfred Leslie (122 - b.1876), 22

Anna K. (268 - b.1901), 57

Cyrus Emery (121 - b.1873), 21

Dorothy Elizabeth (267 - b.1898), 57

Edward F. (269 - b.1907), 57

Edward F. (87S - b.1875), 57

Edwin (41S - b.1847), 21

Ethel W. (266 - b.1904), 57

Harriet (), 22

James A. (34S - b.1863), 14

James B. (86S - b.1857), 57

Maude E. (265 - b.1891), 57

Roy M. (264 - b.1889), 57


Alex (47S - b.1880), 26


Cleo (60S - b.1895), 37

Ida Anne (46S - b.1884), 25


Nestor L. (37S - b.1884), 17


Jean (60S - b.1894), 37


Rose (46S - b.1868), 25


Paul (51S - b.1902), 28


Ethel L. (59S - b.1910), 37


Sarah R. (), 50


Hildred (67S - b.1902), 43


Esther ( - b.1825), 13


Clara Bess (271 - b.1904), 58

Dorothy Mae (272 - b.1906), 58

Howard Russell (274 - b.1913), 58

Jasper B. (89S - b.1872), 57

Lynn Warburton (273 - b.1910), 58


Lily M. (71S - b.1892), 45


Emma Elizabeth (37S - b.1858), 17

John (), 15, 17

Sarah Ann Keturah (36S - b.1856), 15


Mabel (53S - b.1892), 30


Dorothy O. (40S - b.1886), 21


Abram ( - b.1829), 39

Florence Serena (64S - b.1863), 39


Addison A. (85 - b.1868), 12

Adelia Clara ( - b.1874), 34

Alfred Rex (142 - b.1890), 25

Alice (17 - b.1808), 2

Alice (25 - b.1835), 3, 7

Amanda J. (56 - b.1865), 7, 32

Andrew Murray (31 - b.1844), 4, 11

Andrew Newman (78 - b.1885), 11

Anna J. (87 - b.1878), 12, 57

Anna May (263 - b.1914), 57

Anne (12 - b.1796), 1

Annie Ruth (225 - b.1905), 43

Betty Carr (278 - b.1921), 58

Blanche Leona (234 - b.1923), 44

Carlene Alice (246 - b.1931), 49

Carrie Beatrice (81 - b.1879), 12

Cecil (243 - b.1933), 46

Celinda Jane (53 - b.1858), 7, 29

Clara Helene (277 - b.1917), 58

Clarence E. (140 - b.1884), 25

Clark Abram PhD. (221 - b.1896), 39

Cora E. (73 - b.1870), 10

David (33 - b.1848), 4, 13

Della Margaret (51 - b.1872), 7, 27

Dora S. (57 - b.1868), 7, 33

Dorothy Deane (239 - b.1911), 45

Dr. John Roscoe (70 - b.1877), 9, 45

Dr. Otis Charles (68 - b.1874), 9, 44

Earl Bruce (245 - b.1924), 48

Earl Cyrus (114 - b.1889), 20

Edgar William (71 - b.1885), 9, 45

Edith Hester (224 - b.1898), 43

Edmund Bruce (270 - b.1906), 57

Edna Faye (279 - b.1922), 58

Edwin Ruthven (30 - b.1842), 4, 9

Eliza A. (29 - b.1840), 4

Elizabeth (14 - b.1799), 1

Elizabeth B. (235 - b.1924), 44

Ellen (21 - b.1826), 2, 4

Emily Maria (44 - b.1860), 6, 22

Emma Beatrice (89 - b.1880), 14, 57

Esther Ellen (41 - b.1857), 6, 21

F. Burdette (75 - b.1875), 11

Faith L. (261 - b.1899), 57

Ficha Rose (67 - b.1870), 9, 43

Fidelia Ann (220 - b.1893), 39

Floyd Murray (92 - b.1894), 14, 58

Frances L. (80 - b.1876), 12, 56

Francis Irving (233 - b.1910), 44

Fred Wallace (65 - b.1866), 9

Fred William (222 - b.1898), 40

Geneva Molyneux (93 - b.1903), 14, 58

Genevieve O. (236 - b.1925), 44

Gladys Fern (170 - b.1905), 28

Grace Hazel (115 - b.1892), 20

Harvey Bruce (260 - b.1897), 56

Helen Elizabeth (248 - b.1901), 49

Infant Son (50 - b.1870), 7

Infant Son (82 - b.1883), 12

J. Gordon (74 - b.1872), 11, 49

James (11 - b.1793), 1, 2

James A. (22 - b.1828), 2, 5

James Henry (52 - b.1876), 7, 28

Jean Carol (249 - b.1923), 50

Jennie Iola (91 - b.1892), 14, 58

Jennie M. (86 - b.1871), 12, 57

Jewel Margaret (250 - b.1923), 50

John (13 - b.1797), 1, 2

John (2 - b.1767), 1

John (20), 2

John (26 - b.1836), 3

John C. Jr. (27 - b.1837), 3

John Roscoe Jr. (238 - b.1910), 45

Joseph (19 - b.1812), 2

Joseph (9 - b.1783), 1

Joseph B. (24 - b.1833), 3, 7

Laura Hannah (45 - b.1861), 6, 23

Lawrence O. (237 - b.1927), 45

Lee Francis (244 - b.1922), 46

Leota (154 - b.1891), 26

Lester (242 - b.1921), 45

Lillian Kathryn (83 - b.1887), 12, 56

Lillian M. (79 - b.1873), 12, 50

Lizzie E. (59 - b.1875), 7, 36

Lloyd Delos (69 - b.1876), 9, 44

Lucy Serena (47 - b.1863), 6, 25

Luther Lee (46 - b.1863), 6, 25

Lyle Rogers (247 - b.1900), 49

Margaret Esther (90 - b.1884), 14, 58

Martha A. (55 - b.1863), 7, 31

Martha Alice (43 - b.1858), 6, 22

Mary (16 - b.1804), 2

Mary (23 - b.1831), 3

Mary (4 - b.1772), 1

Mary Ann (40 - b.1855), 6, 21

Mary Sophrinia (223 - b.1897), 43

Maude (155 - b.1897), 26

Maynard B. D.D.S. (76 - b.1879), 11, 49

Oscar Murray (72 - b.1892), 9, 46

Peter (15 - b.1802), 2

Peter (6 - b.1776), 1

Phyllis Bogart (251 - b.1927), 50

Reuben (39 - b.1854), 6, 20

Rev. George A. (84 - b.1867), 12, 56

Rev. Melvin Eugene (64 - b.1864), 9, 38

Rev. Merton David (66 - b.1869), 9, 40

Richard (7 - b.1778), 1

Richard (8 - b.1780), 1

Robert Bruce (32 - b.1846), 4, 12

Robert Lee (88 - b.1885), 13, 57

Ronald Sinclair (262 - b.1910), 57

Rose Arvilla (58 - b.1871), 7, 35

Roy (141 - b.1888), 25

Sarah Minnie (49 - b.1870), 6, 27

Stanton (48 - b.1865), 6, 26

Stanton Jr. (156 - b.1900), 27

Sumner (77 - b.1882), 11

Thomas (18 - b.1810), 2

Thomas Wittel (5 - b.1774), 1

Velma Ione (171 - b.1908), 29

Wallace Edgar (241 - b.1919), 45

William (1 - b.1732), 1

William (10 - b.1792), 1

William (3 - b.1770), 1

William H. (54 - b.1861), 7

William Wallace (240 - b.1917), 45

William Wallace (28 - b.1839), 4, 8

Willis Marshall (42 - b.1858), 6

Winifred May (169 - b.1904), 28


Esther (79S - b.1915), 53

James (), 53


Estella (60S - b.1864), 37


Harold Dewey (67S - b.1903), 43


Lloyd E. Squires (53S - b.1863), 29


Elizabeth (1S - b.1741), 1


Frances Christine (70S - b.1886), 45

George William (67S - b.1896), 43


Robert Ray (39S - b.1886), 20


Thomas A. (89S - b.1904), 58


Roland (89S - b.1902), 58


Etta Lucile (67S - b.1901), 43


Charles G. (55S - b.1881), 32


Sophronia ( - b.1824), 31


John W. (53S - b.1891), 31

Mr. (2S), 2


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