Descendants of John T. Wilcox
by Ronald J. Porter
Roanoke, VA

John T. Wilcox
Grave Marker
Porter Cemetery
Shunk, PA

Photo contributed by Bill Brenchley

In the late 1970s I began researching the ancestry of my father, Warren LeRoy Porter, and discovered that his parents were related through 2 children of William Porter and Hannah Wilcox. It was my intention to record as many descendants as I could from Latney Day Porter and Amy (Porter) Shadduck. I had recorded a great deal of information on the descendants of John T. Wilcox, intending to make the Wilcox family a supplement to the PORTER FAMILY HISTORY. After receiving requests for information on the Porter and Shadduck families * from various family members through telephone calls and e-mails, I compiled the following using Family Tree Maker 2005 and have submitted this to Bob Sweeney for inserting on the Sullivan County, PA website. These are a couple of changes made to the actual report printed out. Dr. Johns ancestral fathers will only be listed below. The succeeding generations will only go as far as John in the ancestral line but the generation numbers will be consistent. The last change pertains to state abbreviations in newspaper articles. I changed all to conform to the postal abbreviations used today.

-- R.J. Porter (10 Sep 2005).
* Editor's Note: You can see a color photo of the Shadduck Family Reunion 2009 participants, courtesy of Bill Brenchley. The family is still going strong in the modern era.


The Shadduck Family History
First Paragraph
by Matilda Aramenta Fanning
July 24, 1908
Elmira, NY

Photo contributed by Ronald J. Porter

Generation No. 1

1. Dr. John T.7 Wilcox (Josiah6, Samuel5 Wilcoxson, Joseph4, William3, James2, William1) was born 04 Oct 1756 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., CT **, and died 1860 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Marjorie-Deborah Day 1780, daughter of John Day and Nancy ______. She was born about 1759 in Stephenstown, Dutchess Co., NY, and died abt. 1825 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

** Editor's Note:In December 2006, Phillip Bedient sent the following information to the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page that bears on the origins of John Wilcox and his family:

I recently discovered your genealogy of the family of John T. Wilcox on the Sullivan Co., PA web site, while searching for a John Wilcox who was a brother of my ancestor Susanna Wilcox Wheaton. Susanna (1761-1825) was married to William Wheaton (1757-1847) prior to the birth of their first child Samuel (1781-1848). William and Susanna raised their family of 12 children in Westerlo, Albany Co., NY.

For several years, I have known that Susanna was the daughter of an unknown Wilcox father and his wife Hannah Culion. I also have known that Hannah Culion had three Wilcox children: Susanna, John and Nathan. I have a large collection of data on the descendants of Susanna and her husband William Wheaton, but have had little information about Susanna's father or her two Wilcox brothers. From a letter written in 1843, I learned that the father of these three children died when the children were quite young and the widow, Hannah Culion, was living in Pawling, Dutchess Co., NY, when she married Gideon Stephens (1745-1806). Shortly thereafter, this Stephens couple, together with Hannah's three Wilcox children, moved to New Lebanon, NY, then in Albany Co. but now in Columbia Co., where Gideon was a Baptist preacher. Hannah and Gideon had a large family of Stephens children and moved again to the town of Coeymans in Albany Co. where both Hannah and Gideon died and were buried.

In the 1843 letter mentioned above, I also learned that, in 1843, Hannah Culion's son John Wilcox was living in PA, and the son Nathan was living in Pawling, Dutchess Co. That is why I was searching for the John Wilcox of PA and found him on your page! It is abundantly clear that your Dr. John T. Wilcox was the sister of my ancestor Susanna Wilcox Wheaton. My data explains why your John T. Wilcox in 1777 stated in his pension application: "I then resided in Stevenstown---being then at work there, but my home was as I considered, at New Lebanon, in the family of Gideon Stephens Esq." Gideon's wife Hannah was John's mother!

That leaves us both with very new and intriguing problems. In my search for the "unknown Wilcox" father of my ancestor Susanna Wilcox Wheaton, I had studied in some detail the Wilcox families of Dutchess Co. without finding a suitable candidate for Susanna's father. I was aware of Josiah's children, including his son Eliab, and had a feeling that somehow they must have had some connection to my Susanna. In your genealogy, you briefly state that John T. was a son of Josiah. It is my understanding that the wife of Josiah and the mother of his children that were born in Killingworth, CT was named Keziah. I am also aware that Josiah later removed to the Beekman Precinct (later Pawling, and still later Dover). If John was the son of Josiah, then Keziah must have died and Josiah must have married Hannah Culion prior to the birth of John, Susanna and Nathan. That is possible, but that is purely speculation on my part.

My question for you is this? What information do you have that lead you to state that Josiah was the father of John? Is the new information that Hannah Culion was the mother of John compatible with your former conclusions? I hope to be able to find more information about the death of Josiah to see if he left a widow Hannah or if he left infant children named John, Susanna, and Nathan.

Phillip Bedient
Dalton, MA
On December 4, 2016, Alan Wilcox wrote as follows:

While searching for information on Hannah Culion Wilcox Stephens, I recently discovered the excellent Sullivan County, PA Genealogy site. It is a very interesting and information-laden GenWeb site, truly one of the best I have seen.
I am following up on a letter written by Dr. Phillip E. Bedient that appeared on the "Descendants of John T. Wilcox" page regarding the idea that the father of Susanna Wilcox and her brothers, John T. and Nathan, was Josiah Wilcox/Wilcoxson, who was said to have married Widow Hannah Wilcox, the mother of Susanna and her brothers. Dr. Bedient posed an important question to be addressed - What information is there to support Josiah as the father of John?
I also discovered 2006 message board posts between you and Dr. Bedient discussing the possibility of accessing the 1843 letter that he had referenced.
My interest in this matter came about in relation to the research I am doing on the Wilcox families in Dutchess County, NY during the 1750-1790 period. About half the families were of Wilcox/Wilcoxson descent (Josiah was among them), and about half were descendants of Edward Wilcox of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
Do you know if information was ever found that would resolve the question of who the father of Susannah Wilcox Wheaton (and her brothers John T. and Nathan) was? If not, any leads that you have or ideas worth following up on would be appreciated. I will gladly reciprocate by sending any new information I can come up with that might have become available between 2006 and 2016.
A couple of other thoughts that may be helpful: I have circumstantial evidence (weak) that would fit with Josiah Wilcox/Wilcoxson having died in Dutchess County not long before Widow Hannah began giving birth to the children of Gideon Stevens. Also, it appears that Gideon's father, William Stevens, was born in Killingworth, CT, home to Josiah. Both families relocated to Dutchess County. Nor am I convinced that Hannah's maiden name was "Culion". The occurrence of that name is very rare. Perhaps Dr. Bedien was referencing a surname that had previously been misread or mistyped. His letter strikes me as representative of a person who does careful research. I am widening my net for Hannah to look at possible similar surnames such as Cullen/Cullin/Cullion/Coulon/Callen/Callahan, etc.
However, the most important initial piece of this search is to establish a death date for Keziah Kelsey, the first wife of Josiah. Thank you for any information you are willing to share on this matter.
Alan Wilcox
White Salmon, WA
Unfortunately, our site could not provide additional information beyond what is written here.

Notes for Dr. John T. Wilcox:


During her early research, Rayola had discovered that there may have been a reading error of the birth year on the original grave marker for "Dr." John. During the processing of his pension, of which he received a small amount, the numbers had been reversed. The family he had resided with after returning from the war, the Stevens', made notarized statements in John's behalf to the Pensioner's Office giving 1765 as the year of birth. But John stated to the census taker during the 1860 enumeration of Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA that he was 104 (1756). The DAR took the "notarized dates" received by the Pension Office and used it in earlier editions of the DAR LINEAGE BOOKS. After more in depth research by their staff, as well as queries from contributors, the DAR realized the error, correcting it when they erected the marker on John's grave. This misinterpretation had caused much difficulty in researching John's parents. Previous researchers had used the year found on the original grave marker "as fact", and connected John to his brother Eliab's family. Ironically, Eliab had a child, John, born in 1765 and at the time, there were no further records found pertaining to this second John. But with the release of the federal census, this John's family has been found in Cayuga Co., NY.


Transcription of letter by Dr. John Wilcox during the application for his pension (National Archives):

State of New York: Albany County.

On this twenty-third day of November, 1835, personally appeared in open court before the Justice Court of the city of Albany, the same being a court of records, now sitting, John Wilcox, of the town of Coeymans, in said county, age 79 years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefits of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.


I entered the service of the United States under the following named officers. I served, as hereinafter stated. In the year 1776, I resided at New Lebanon, then Albany County, now Columbia County, in the month of June of that year. I was called into the service as a private, in the company of militia, commanded by Captain Fitch, of Colonel Whiting's Regiment. In the forepart of the month, as near as I can recollect, we marched from New Lebanon to Greenbush and Albany, and from thence to Fort George, where we were stationed, from thence to Fort Edward, and from thence to Half Way Brook, and back to Fort Edward, then to a place called Snootskill, a little below Fort Edward, and then to another little station, lower down, called Mosey's Creek, and from thence to Saratoga. I served with said company under Colonel Fitch, Lieutenant John Gillette, at several places last mentioned from June until the month of October following, when we were discharged and returned home. I think we returned home about the fifteenth or twentieth of October, after having served as a private in said company, said tour, not less than four months and a half. General Skuyler commanded the army, in the period above referred to.


The second time, in the year 1777, being the year that Burgoyne was taken, I am again called into the service, in a company commanded by Captain Bebee and Lieutenant Munsey, in Colonel Baldwin's Regiment and militia. I then resided in Stevenstown, then Albany, now Rensaleer County, being then at work there, but my home was as I considered, at New Lebanon, in the family of Gideon Stevens Esq. It was in the Fall of the year when I was called into the service, at the last above stated. But I do not recollect the month. I went with my company to Saratoga, and was stationed part of the time at, and in the neighborhood of Beemis Heights. I was with the American army at the time of the surrender of Burgoyne. Whilst we were there, we had an engagement with a party of Indians and Tories not far from a place called Snootskill. In that engagement, Lieutenant Munsey was mortally wounded by a ball which entered his body just above his hips. I saw him fall, and helped carry him off the ground. He died a few hours afterward. I also recollect a private in our company named Reuben King, who lost his arm in the same action, on this same day, also one Jarvis belonging to our company, who had lost his eye, shot out in the same action. I do not know whether said King and Jarvis are now living or not. I received two wounds in the same action, one wound a little above my left knee, and one in the back part of my head, both from musket balls, the scars of which wounds are now both visible. We did not return home from this town until after the taking of Burgoyne. I am not able to state the certainty of the length of time I was engaged in this last mentioned town, but I believe it was not less than two months, as a private in said Bebee's Company.


Third, in the year that Cobleskille was burned, the year that I do not remember, I was again called into service as a private, in the company of militia belonging to the town of Stevenstown where I was at that time, working. I have forgotten the names of the officers, and of the company, but I remember we marched to Albany; then joined several companies and militia. Do not recollect the name of our commanding officer, but I well remember we marched to Schoharie, and we were stationed at the Stone Church, which was then called a fort. We arrived there after Cobleskille was set on fire, and whilst it was yet burning, we were engaged in scouting parties between the Indians, and protecting the inhabitants. Whilst I was stationed at said Stone Church, one Captain Murphy who was an active Partisan officer, returned to that place from an expedition against a party of Indians who had taken a number of prisoners, and were carrying them off when they were rescued and brought back by said Murphy and his men. I was engaged in this town as a private not less than three weeks.


The fourth time, in the year following the capture of Burgoyne, I was engaged in a tour of duty as private, in the company of militia, belonging to Pittstown, then in Albany, now Renseler County. I think it was in the Fall, but I cannot state the month, but we were now to go and march to Fort Edward, and kept Garrison there about three weeks, and were then discharged. I do not recollect the names of the officers of my company, but I remember there were several companies from Vermont.


WILCOX FAMILY HERITAGE; by Ruth Ross Leaycraft (1984) (descendant of Charles, son of John D. and grandson of John T. Wilcox.)

John D. Wilcox was a brother to Hannah Wilcox, and a son of Dr. John Wilcox. The story goes that the first account of Wilcox that definitely ties in with our family is John T., whom we call Dr. John. His affidavit on file for his Revolutionary pension can be found in the National Archives, Washington, D.C.


John T. Wilcox was born October 4, 1756, in Dover, Dutchess County, New York. Today there is only a town called Dover Plains in Dutchess County. It is located southeast of Albany, on the Connecticut border. Between 1773 and 1779, he made his home with Gideon Stevens, in New Lebanon, Albany County, which is now Columbia County, and during this period, worked in Stevens Town. When the colonies rebelled against England, he was true to the causes of this new land, and helped fight for its independence. During the war he served four enlistments, and was present at the surrender of Burgoyne. His first call into service was in the year 1776. In June of that year he was mustered into the militia as a private in a company commanded by Captain Fitch, in Colonel Whitings Regiment. As near as he could recollect, they marched from New Lebanon to Fort George, where they were stationed for a spell. (His company then marched) on to Fort Edward, stopping off for a short time in Snootkill, in Mosey's Creek. In October of that year he was discharged and returned home.


In 1777, he enlisted the second time while living in the home of Gideon Stevens, and working in Stevens Town. This time in the company commanded by Captain Jose Bebee, Lieutenant Munsey, in Colonel Baldwin's Regiment. This was the Fall of the year, and he was with the American army at the time of the surrender of Burgoyne. It was at this time that his company had a skirmish with (Joseph Brant's nefarious gang) of Indians and Tories, not far from Snootkill. John's commanding officer, Lt. Munsey was mortally wounded, and died a few hours later. His company retreated, and in the tumult and smoke, John lagged behind, firing until he had only one charge left, and that in his gun. As he started to overtake his comrades, three Indians jumped from behind some logs. He shot one, but the other two shot him, wounding him above the knee and in the head. He was able to reach his company in spite of his wounds. Two of the Indians were shot down, one only a gun rod's length behind him. He had the scars from these wounds throughout his life. He remembered a Reuben King losing his arm in the same action that day. He never entirely recovered from the leg wound, thus being entitled to a pension. On that same expedition he helped care for the wounded, being as he said "from a family of natural doctors". It may have been when John returned after the Battle of Saratoga that he told the Stevens family about taking care of the sick or wounded comrades. In later years he was generally known as "Dr. John" and was often called upon in all illnesses and accidents.


John's third call into service was in the year that Cobleskill was burned. At this time they marched to Schoharie, and were stationed at the Stone Church, which is now a museum, then called a fort. They were engaged in scouting parties, watching the Indians, and protecting the inhabitants of the burning town.


The fourth and final time that John recalls his service in the Revolutionary War, was the year following Burgoyne's capture, this time from Pittstown, and they marched to Fort Edward, and kept Garrison there for three weeks, and was then discharged.


In 1779, he married Deborah Day, and they became the parents of ten children. The first U.S. Census of 1790 lists him as living in Stevenstown, Albany Co., NY, with his wife, two sons, Nathan and Samuel, and two daughters, Amy and Hannah. We cannot find them in the 1800 Census, because during this period of time, he must have moved about. He lived in Petersburg, Rensselaer, as well as Stephenstown, and New Lebanon. About 1805, he was living in Middleburgh, and according to his statement, his house burned, and he lost the family Bible, including all other records he may have had. So years later when he applied for his pension, he had to rely on his own memory, and that of his friends. The 1810 census for the town of Broome, in Schoharie Co., NY, states John Wilcox and wife, over forty-five, three sons under twenty-six, three daughters between ten and fifteen, and one daughter under ten. Evidently, some of the children had either moved away or had died. The 1820 Census lists him as over forty-five, engaged in agriculture, living in the Elkland Township, Lycoming Co., PA. Sullivan County was a part of Lycoming County at this time. Here his name appears frequently in land records, first in 1831, buying one hundred acres from the estate of William Calwagger for one dollar. In 1833, he sold some property to John Ellis, and in 1841, he sold land to his own son, John D. The 1830 Census stated that he is over seventy, but under eighty, still living in Elkland Township. On June 7, 1832, Congress passed an Act allowing veterans from the Revolutionary War a pension, and John, now 79 years of age, applies for one. It is during this time that he visited Nathan and Archibald Stevens, sons of Gideon, in Coeymans, NY, where Nathan was a postmaster. They were young boys at the time of the war, and they now came to offer help in applying for his pension, since he cannot find his discharge papers, if he ever had them. Archibald signs affidavits describing service during the war. Archibald recalls his mother caring for John in times between enlistments when John was sick. He recalls an Asa King, father of Reuben, who had lost his arm, stopping by at his father's house, to inquire about the health of said John. Asa owned a store and wanted Wilcox to take anything he needed, since Wilcox had been a good soldier and fought well. But after writing several letters, John did not follow up his application, so he never did receive his full pension. The 1840 Census shows him the only eighty to ninety year old living in Elkland. The 1850 federal census for Shunk lists him as "doctor". (His medical kit was possessed by one of Charles Wilcox' children for many years and is now in the Sullivan County Historical Society museum.) Soon after the death of his wife, he moved to Sullivan Co., PA following his son John, who had procured many large tracts of virgin forests. "Dr." John also accumulated a substantial amount of land and his name appears frequently in the land records of Fox Township (then part of Lycoming, the records located at Williamsport) and of Bradford County. In the Spring of 1860, while living with his son, John D., he died at the age of 104. It's said he built his own coffin for his death, had the undertaker store it, and made all arrangements for his own funeral. He is buried in the Porter Cemetery of Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, where his grave is marked by a marble block and a bronze plaque, showing his Revolutionary War service. There is no marking of the location of this cemetery on township maps. It is about two miles, on the right hand side of the middle road, going out of Shunk. It cannot be seen from the road, as it is in a field beyond a wooded area on property once owned by Harold Moody.

Editor's Note: You can learn more about the burials at the Porter Cemetery, which is actually in Shunk, PA, in the Churches and Cemeteries section of this web site. Here is a photo taken of the secluded old burial ground in June 2008 by Bill Brenchley:

Porter Cemetery
Marker for John T. Wilcox
Assorted Field Stones and Broken Markers
Shunk, PA
June 2008

Photo contributed by Bill Brenchley


John spent most of his early years in and around Schoharie County. The skirmish, known as the Battle of Cobleskill, which John participated in, is briefly described in A HISTORY OF SCHOHARIE COUNTY; Marion F. Noyes, ed. (c. 1964), pg. 22:

"At the outbreak of the Revolution there were about 20 families living on the Cobleskill Flats, one being George Warner for whom Warnerville is named. In the latter part of May 1778, while the Schoharie forts were still under construction, scouts discovered signs of Indians on West Creek. Capt. Christian Brown sent word to Middleburgh and Capt. Samuel Patrick was sent with a company of 30 to 40 "regulars". Brown and Patrick, with their combined force of less than 60 men, moved on to the Warner home where they discovered Indians skulking about. Although Brown feared an ambush, Patrick gave the order to follow the Indians. Near the Cobleskill Creek the number of Indians increased and the enemy began to fire from behind trees. Several men were lost including Patrick. The settlers, hearing the shots, hid in the woods or fled to Schoharie. Brown ordered a retreat. As they passed the Warner house five men stayed to hold back the Indians and give the others a chance to escape. When the Indians could not drive them back, they set fire to the house. Three men died in the burning building. The other two tried to escape. One was shot and the other was captured and killed. That day the Americans' total loss was 22 killed, 9 wounded and 2 taken prisoners. The Warner house was the first one in the Schoharie Settlements to be burned by the Indians, but 20 other buildings including 10 houses were burned that same day. The destruction of Cobleskill caused General Washington to increase the defense of the settlements. The 4th Pennsylvania Regiment and four companies of Morgan's sharp shooters were sent to Schoharie. One of these companies was commanded by Lt. Thomas Boyd and to it belonged two of the most famous foot soldiers of the Revolution, Timothy Murphy and David Eelerson."


New York SUNDAY NEWS; 10 Nov 1957 ed., pg. 48; "Meet the Family"

The following article was headed by a photograph showing 130 attendants at the first annual Wilcox family reunion of 1897. The group was posed around the chimney of the old Wilcox homestead in Shunk. Photos taken at the 1957 gathering identified Sarah Bedford, age 91 and Charles Kunzmann, 82, as the oldest members, who had also attended the first reunion in 1897. Another picture showed Nancy Kelly of Elmira, NY (age about 10), giving the signal to "attack the feedbag". She was wearing a T-shirt which read "Wilcox Camp - Shunk, Pa".


"When the descendants of Dr. John R. Wilcox get together for a reunion, it's not just a get-together. It's a convention. The clan numbers more than 200 and is scattered all over the country, but when meeting time rolls around, most members make it to the historic family site at Shunk, Pa. This year the 60th annual reunion was held Friday August 30, but as usual, many of the pilgrims arrived the previous Monday. Headquarters was a two-story cinder block cabin which stands near the site of the original Wilcox home, built in Revolutionary times. Some of the folks slept in the cabin but the hardier souls pitched tents and made their beds of straw. Despite the size of the gathering, there was little confusion. Everyone had a job to do and did it. The mothers prepared the chow, the girls washed the dishes, the boys got water and the men cut firewood. At week's end, it was a tired but satisfied crew that headed home. They had recorded all the births, marriages and deaths in the previous year and exchanged enough family gossip to afford topics of conversation till the next years reunion."


Today the descendants of "Dr." John T. Wilcox who trace their ancestry to Fox Township and the surrounding area of Sullivan County, number in the thousands. Few are still living in the home county, the others having scattered throughout the U.S. Every year since 1898, members of the clan gather for an annual reunion of the Wilcox Association, at the Wilcox Grove near Shunk, PA, on the last Friday in August. Recent reunions have had descendants numbering 100-200 strong, coming from FL, OH, MD, VA, UT and nearby NY to join their relatives from Sullivan County, PA.


More About Dr. John T. Wilcox:

Burial: 1860, Hennebury Cem., Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (old Harold Moody farm)

Children of John Wilcox and Marjorie-Deborah Day are:

+ 2 i. Nancy8 Wilcox, born 1780 in Dover, Dutchess Co., NY; died Aft. 1840 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 3 ii. Hannah Wilcox, born 1782 in Stephensville, Albany Co., NY; died Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 4 iii. Nathan Wilcox, born 1784 in Albany Co., NY; died Aft. 1870 in prob. Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

5 iv. Samuel Wilcox, born 1789 in Albany Co., NY.

6 v. Gideon Wilcox, born 16 Aug 1792 in Albany Co., NY. He married Elizabeth Austin abt. 1814; born abt. 1795 in NY.

+ 7 vi. John Day Wilcox, born 14 Oct 1794 in Dover, Dutchess Co., NY; died 28 Mar 1866 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

8 vii. Chloe Wilcox, born 1795 in Dover, Dutchess Co., NY.

9 viii. Susan Wilcox, born 1797 in Dover, Dutchess Co., NY.

10 ix. Amy Wilcox, born 1799 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 11 x. Mary Wilcox, born 22 Apr 1804 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY; died 30 Jun 1885 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY.


Generation No. 2

2. Nancy8 Wilcox (John T.7) was born 1780 in Dover, Dutchess Co., NY, and died Aft. 1840 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Francis Boyles abt. 1799. He was born abt. 1775 in Ireland, and died Bet. 1835 - 1840 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) ______ Hardie abt. 1841.


Notes for Nancy Wilcox:


Another daughter of Dr. John Wilcox was Nancy, who married Francis Boyle, and came to Fox in about 1820 or 1821. They had two sons, one of whom, Charles, born in 1825, lived in Elkland, near Lincoln Falls. Charles inherited the doctor's instruments, including medical scales, which probably belonged first to his grandfather, Dr. John Wilcox.

Children of Nancy Wilcox and Francis Boyles are:

+ 12 i. John9 Boyles, born 1801 in Lycoming Co., PA.

13 ii. ______ Boyles, born abt. 1803 in Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 14 iii. Hugh Boyles, born 1804 in Lycoming Co., PA.

15 iv. ______ Boyles, born abt. 1806 in Lycoming Co., PA.

16 v. Charles Boyles, born 16 Mar 1808 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died May 1808 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Charles Boyles:

Burial: May 1808, Mullan-Pardoe Cem., Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA


17 vi. ______ Boyles, born Bet. 1820 - 1825 in Lycoming Co., PA.

18 vii. Francis Boyles, born 1822 in Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 19 viii. Esq. Charles M. Boyles, born 24 Mar 1824 in Lycoming Co., PA; died 03 Oct 1909 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

20 ix. Susan Ann Boyles, born 28 Jul 1828 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 27 Jul 1832 in Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Susan Ann Boyles:

Burial: 29 Jul 1832, Mullan-Pardoe Cem., Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA

3. Hannah8 Wilcox (John T.7) was born 1782 in Stephensville, Albany Co., NY, and died Bet. 1840 - 1850 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY. She married William Porter 1798 in Dutchess Co., NY, son of David Porter and Margaret Olmsted. He was born 1781 in Dutchess Co., NY, and died Aft. 01 Apr 1860 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.


Notes for Hannah Wilcox:


Dr. John Wilcox' daughter, Hannah, married William Porter, a prosperous farmer, in the township of Broome in Schoharie County, New York. Of their thirteen children, two were pioneer settlers in Fox; Amy Porter Shadduck and Latney Day Porter.


More About William Porter:

Estate Values: 1850, Real - $1000

Occupation: Bet. 1800 - 1860, farmer

Property: 1854, Farm shown on map of Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY; deeded 64 acres to son Daniel on 1 Apr 1861

Residence 1: Bet. 1810 - 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY (1850 cen. HH #899)

Residence 2: 1800, Coeymans, Albany Co., NY

Children of Hannah Wilcox and William Porter are:

+ 21 i. David E.9 Porter, born Mar 1799 in Coeymans, Albany Co., NY; died 08 Dec 1879 in Sidney Center, Otsego Co., NY.

+ 22 ii. Ruth Hannah Porter, born 11 Jun 1801 in Coeymans, Albany Co., NY; died 21 Mar 1886 in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY.

23 iii. John Wilcox Porter, born abt. 1803 in Coeymans, Albany Co., NY; died 29 Sep 1893 in Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., NY. He married (1) ______ ______ 1824 in Schoharie Co., NY; died abt. 1837. He married (2) Deborah ______ abt. 1830; born abt. 1815; died 10 Jun 1916.

24 iv. Ensel Porter, born abt. 1805 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1820 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 25 v. Latney Day Porter, born 1808 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY; died 30 Sep 1880 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

26 vi. ______ Dau. Porter, born abt. 1810 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1820 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 27 vii. Amy Porter, born 01 Apr 1812 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 26 Mar 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

28 viii. ______ Dau. Porter, born abt. 1813 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1820 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 29 ix. William Porter, Jr., born 1814 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 03 Jun 1864 in Cold Harbor, VA.

+ 30 x. Daniel Porter, born 14 Mar 1818 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 07 Sep 1905 in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 31 xi. Rev. Ira Stuart Porter, born 17 Nov 1820 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 15 Mar 1898 in Schoharie Co., NY.

32 xii. Emmett Porter, born Bet. 1821 - 1827 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1830 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 33 xiii. Albert Porter, born 23 Jun 1822 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 23 Dec 1855 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 34 xiv. Clarrinda Porter, born Dec 1828 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1910.

4. Nathan8 Wilcox (John T.7) was born 1784 in Albany Co., NY, and died Aft. 1870 in prob. Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. He married Martha ______ abt. 1799 in Rensselaer Co., NY. She was born abt. 1782 in NY, and died in prob. Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

Children of Nathan Wilcox and Martha ______ are:

+ 35 i. Nathan9 Wilcox, Jr., born 1800 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

+ 36 ii. William Willcock, born abt. 1813 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

37 iii. Pruda Wilcox, born abt. 1815 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

7. John Day8 Wilcox (John T.7) was born 14 Oct 1794 in Dover, Dutchess Co., NY, and died 28 Mar 1866 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Deborah Stuart 04 Apr 1820, daughter of Charles Stuart and Mary ______. She was born 05 Nov 1801 in Livingstonville, Dutchess Co., NY, and died 14 Oct 1852 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for John Day Wilcox:

During the War of 1812, John D. served as a private from 07 Sep to 10 Dec 1814, enlisting from Dutchess County, NY where his father was born, and undoubtedly still had relatives. According to the INDEX OF AWARDS OF CLAIMS OF THE SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812, he "received a monthly pension of $55.00, his pension file being #15,095, his address listed as Fox". John came to Fox about 1823 and in 1832 bid in at a tax sale for $17.30 for 407 acres of virgin forest. This land became the family homestead for generations, a small part of which, known as "Wilcox Grove", now belongs to the Wilcox Family Association. John built "Thunder Castle", a 3-story house of cherry logs on his property. From its size and from John's hospitable character, this was known as "the log hotel", though it was not run as a tavern, but had an open-door policy for travelers, friend or stranger. The stone chimney had five fireplaces opening into it. The Castle had entrances at three levels with large doors through which logs for firewood could be rolled. This plan was unique. It secured a double benefit in that the great quantity of wood needed could be burned in clearing the land and the ashes were used in making fertilizer and soap. Today there are traces of its foundation hole a short distance south of the present Wilcox Association Cottage. A great hunter, he supplied his family with deer and bear meat, killing wolves and tanning hides for his own and neighbors' use. Skilled in woodworking, he built his home and the needed furniture, pieces of which became heirlooms. Besides being a large landowner, John served as coroner of Sullivan County in 1847 and 1848. He helped survey the county line and served on one of the committees to locate the county seat, casting his vote for Forksville, but submitted to the decision of the majority. A man of great size, with no surplus flesh, he weighed 300 pounds, using his great strength at home and barn razes, and for promoting peace. On one occasion he took 2 neighbors, engaged in a rough and tumble fight, by their collars and held them in mid-air until they promised to forget their quarrel. He died at the home of his daughter, Sarah (Wilcox) Kunzmann.


More About John Day Wilcox:

Burial: LeRoy Cem., Bradford Co., PA


More About Deborah Stuart:

Burial: Henneberry Cem., Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of John Wilcox and Deborah Stuart are:

+ 38 i. Deborah9 Wilcox, born 21 Dec 1821 in Dutchess Co., NY; died 05 Jul 1885 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 39 ii. John Wilcox, born 17 May 1823 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 40 iii. Charles Stuart Wilcox, born 11 Jul 1825 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 13 Feb 1889 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 41 iv. Gideon E. Wilcox, born 11 Aug 1827 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 23 May 1893 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 42 v. William Wilcox, born 20 Feb 1830 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 21 Aug 1870 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 43 vi. Sarah Maria Wilcox, born 02 Dec 1832 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 10 Mar 1889.

+ 44 vii. Chloe J. Wilcox, born 29 Jan 1835 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 22 Dec 1903.

45 viii. Joseph B. Wilcox, born 17 Jun 1838 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 46 ix. Nancy Ann Wilcox, born 14 Jun 1839 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 14 Jan 1902 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 47 x. Mary Jane Wilcox, born 05 Aug 1845 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 18 Nov 1905.

48 xi. Rheunamy Wilcox, born 07 Nov 1846 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.

11. Mary8 Wilcox (John T.7) was born 22 Apr 1804 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, and died 30 Jun 1885 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY. She married James Porter 08 Sep 1825 in Schoharie Co., NY, son of Elnathan Porter and Anna Rowland. He was born 11 Nov 1803 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 13 Mar 1884 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY.


Notes for Mary Wilcox:

Elnathan Porter was a brother to William Porter, husband of Hannah Wilcox. He was born 25 May 1773 in Dutchess Co., NY and died 13 Jan 1856 in Athens, Greene Co., NY. About 1800 he married as his second wife, Anna Rowland. She was born in 1774 in NY and died before the 1860 census in Greene Co., NY. Their eight children were: Israel Rowland Porter, 1801-1874; James Porter, 1803-1884; William Rowland Porter, 1806-aft 1830; a dau. born abt. 1808; Mabel Porter, 1812-1892; Alonson G. Porter, 1813-1843; Mary Porter, 1815-aft. 1850; and Elnathan Porter, Jr., 1821-1910.


More About Mary Wilcox:

Burial: Jul 1885, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 1: May 1838, Albany Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1840 - 1860, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 3: 1880, Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY


More About James Porter:

Burial: 15 Mar 1884, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Estate Value 1: 1870, Real - $15,000; Personal - $3,000

Estate Value 2: 1860, Real - $5,000; Personal - $1,000

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1884, Farmer

Residence 1: May 1838, Albany Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1840 - 1870, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 3: 1880, Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY

Children of Mary Wilcox and James Porter are:

49 i. L.9 Porter, born 1831 in NY.

+ 50 ii. Wellington Porter, born 1838 in NY.

+ 51 iii. Washington Porter, born Dec 1845 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY; died Bef. 1930.

52 iv. Martha A. Porter, born 1847 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY.


Generation No. 3

12. John9 Boyles (Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1801 in Lycoming Co., PA. He married Avis King. She was born 1809 in England.


More About John Boyles:

Estate Value 1: 1860, Real - $1500; Personal - $850

Estate Value 2: 1870, Real - $2000; Personal - $800

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1880, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of John Boyles and Avis King are:

+ 53 i. William W.10 Boyles, born 1835 in PA; died Bef. 1910.

54 ii. Infant Son Boyles, born 05 May 1837 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Jun 1837 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Infant Son Boyles:

Burial: 05 Jun 1837, Mullan-Pardoe Cem., Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA


55 iii. John C. Boyles, born 08 Sep 1838 in PA; died 17 Jun 1854.


More About John C. Boyles:

Burial: 19 Jun 1854, Mullan-Pardoe Cem., Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA


56 iv. Malinda Boyles, born 1841 in PA.

+ 57 v. Frances Asbury Boyles, born Aug 1847 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1927.

58 vi. Adaline Boyles, born 1852 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

14. Hugh9 Boyles (Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1804 in Lycoming Co., PA. He married Elizabeth King abt. 1830. She was born 1807.


More About Hugh Boyles:

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Farmer

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Elizabeth King:

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Hugh Boyles and Elizabeth King are:

59 i. Lucinda10 Boyles, born 1830 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Lucinda Boyles:

Residence: 1850, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


60 ii. William C. Boyles, born 1830 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 1831 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About William C. Boyles:

Burial: 1831, Mullan-Pardoe Cem., Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA


61 iii. Mary Boyles, born 1832 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Mary Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1832 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


62 iv. Wesley Boyles, born 1834 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Wesley Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1834 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


63 v. Alice Boyles, born 1836 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Alice Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1836 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


64 vi. George Boyles, born 1838 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About George Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1838 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


65 vii. Harriett Boyles, born 1840 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Harriett Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1840 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


66 viii. Sarah Boyles, born 1842 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Sarah Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1842 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


67 ix. Ellery Boyles, born 1843 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Ellery Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1843 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


68 x. Orville Boyles, born 1846 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Orville Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1846 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


69 xi. Caroline Boyles, born 1849 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Caroline Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1849 - 1860, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

19. Esq. Charles M.9 Boyles (Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Mar 1824 in Lycoming Co., PA, and died 03 Oct 1909 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Margaret E. Mason abt. 1843, daughter of ______ Mason and ______ ______. She was born 1820 in CT. He married (2) Mary C. Reifsnider 02 Mar 1866 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of David Reifsnider. She was born Apr 1835 in PA.


More About Esq. Charles M. Boyles:

Burial: 06 Oct 1909, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Cause of Death: "cholera with old age"

Medical Information: C.M. Bradford, M.D. of Forksville, attending physician; stated Charles died at "6 am."

Occupation: 1850, Lawyer

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Margaret E. Mason:

Residence: 1850, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Mary C. Reifsnider:

Burial: Fairmont Cem., Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Charles Boyles and Margaret Mason are:

70 i. Edgar L.10 Boyles, born 1845.

+ 71 ii. William J. Boyles, born Nov 1847 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Bet. 1920 - 1930 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

72 iii. Martha E. Boyles, born 1848; died 1940.


More About Martha E. Boyles:

Burial: 1940, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


73 iv. Margaret A. Boyles, born 1850.

74 v. Francis M. Boyles, born 1852.

75 vi. Harriett B. Boyles, born 1853.

76 vii. Ellen Alvina Boyles, born 1854.

77 viii. Charles Boyles, born 1857.

+ 78 ix. Rufus Julian Boyles, born 24 Jul 1858 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Aug 1952 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA.

Children of Charles Boyles and Mary Reifsnider are:

+ 79 i. Sarah E.10 Boyles, born Jan 1867 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910 in prob. Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

80 ii. Nancy Boyles, born 1869 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910.

81 iii. Keturah Boyles, born 1871 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910.

+ 82 iv. David J. Boyles, born Dec 1872 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 1951. *
* Editor's Note: You can learn more about this branch of the family at Patricia Gobea's Descendants of David J. Boyles.

83 v. Chloe Boyles, born Mar 1876 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910.


More About Chloe Boyles:

Residence: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

21. David E.9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Mar 1799 in Coeymans, Albany Co., NY, and died 08 Dec 1879 in Sidney Center, Otsego Co., NY. He married Margaret Angle abt. 1817, daughter of John Angle and Gertrude Angle. She was born 29 Jun 1799, and died 06 Oct 1874 in Shutters' Corners (near Sidney), Otsego Co., NY.


More About David E. Porter:

Burial: St. Paul's Lutheran Cem., Schoharie, NY

Estate Values: 1850, Census gives real estate value of $1200

Occupation: 1850, Farmer

Residence: 1850, Schoharie, NY


More About Margaret Angle:

Burial: St. Paul's Lutheran Cem., Schoharie, NY

Children of David Porter and Margaret Angle are:

84 i. Lucy Anne10 Porter, born 22 Dec 1818 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 22 Nov 1830 in Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Lucy Anne Porter:

Burial: 24 Nov 1830, St. Paul's Lutheran Cem., Schoharie, NY


85 ii. Anna Marie Porter, born 11 Dec 1820 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 31 May 1859 in Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY.


Notes for Anna Marie Porter:

Schoharie, NY - SCHOHARIE PATRIOT, Jun 1859 ed.:

Anna Marie Porter, daughter of David & Margaret Porter of Schoharie.


More About Anna Marie Porter:

Burial: Jun 1859, St. Paul's Lutheran Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: Jun 1859, SCHOHARIE PATRIOT - Schoharie, NY

22. Ruth Hannah9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1801 in Coeymans, Albany Co., NY, and died 21 Mar 1886 in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY. She married Nathan Gates, Jr. abt. 1819, son of Nathan Gates and Abigail Knowlton. He was born Dec 1796 in Gardner, Worcester Co., MA, and died Bet. Dec 1861 - Mar 1862 in Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Ruth Hannah Porter:

Name 2: Gates, Ruth

Residence: 1880, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


Notes for Nathan Gates, Jr.:

Nathan's will was witnessed by Levi T. Ellis and Seymour Sornberger, both of Broome; probated 10 Mar 1862; mentions all 12 children, gives married names of daughters; lists Loretta Gates and his wife Ruth as co-executrix.


More About Nathan Gates, Jr.:

Residence: 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Will: 28 Dec 1861, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Ruth Porter and Nathan Gates are:

+ 86 i. William Playfair10 Gates, born Aug 1820 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY; died 02 Nov 1914 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 87 ii. Marilla G. Gates, born 1825 in Schoharie Co., NY.

88 iii. Levi S. Gates, born 1827 in Schoharie Co., NY.

89 iv. Nathan Gates I, born abt. 1828 in Schoharie Co., NY.

90 v. Samuel Gates, born abt. 1831 in Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 91 vi. Lee C. Gates, born Dec 1832 in Schoharie Co., NY.

92 vii. Stephen B. Gates, born 1834 in Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Stephen B. Gates:

Occupation 1: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Farmer

Real Estate: Bet. 1872 - 1873, 80 acres in Breakabeen

Residence: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Breakabeen, Schoharie Co., NY


93 viii. Loretta Gates, born 1836 in Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 94 ix. David Gates, born Jan 1838 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 06 Dec 1917 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY.

95 x. Laura Gates, born Jan 1838 in Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 96 xi. Matilda Gates, born 1840 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 1925.

97 xii. Lewis Gates, born Jan 1843 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Sarah E. ______ abt. 1898.


More About Lewis Gates:

Occupation: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Farmer in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY

Real Estate: Bet. 1872 - 1873, 130 acres in Franklinton; 160 acres in Fultonham

Residence: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY


98 xiii. Cornelia Gates, born 1845 in Schoharie Co., NY.

25. Latney Day9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1808 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 30 Sep 1880 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Mahala Luce 26 Nov 1826 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Archaleus Luce and Deborah Luce. She was born 03 Aug 1804 in Industry, Franklin Co., ME, and died abt. 1843 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA. He married (2) Saphronia Brown 24 Mar 1844 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Aaron Brown and Anna Luce. She was born 28 Feb 1828 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 05 Mar 1907 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Latney Day Porter:


Latney Day Porter, a son of Hannah Wilcox and William Porter, married Mahala Luce in Schoharie County. When she received some Fox Township land as a bequest in 1842, they too joined their relatives in Sullivan County. Their children were: William A., Nathan L., Daniel P., a Civil War veteran, Miner F., who died in the Civil War, Harvey Y., Dency Ann who married Barton S. Porter (not related), and Charles N., also a Civil War soldier. He married Rebecca Kilmer, daughter of Peter Kilmer, and granddaughter of Philip. Shortly after the move to Fox, Mahala died, and on May 24, 1844, Latney married Sophrona Brown. To them were born thirteen children: John P., Samuel, who died at twelve, Aaron, Henry who died at twenty-four, Palmer died as an infant, Clarrinda, Loretta H., Harriet A., Grant U., Geary P., Cora S., and Clarence Lee.



CIVIL WAR DRAFT RECORDS, Sullivan Co., PA (Jul 1863)

Consolidated List - Class 2 - 13th District PA (Book 2): Fox Twp.:

Porter Nathan, age 33, White, Farmer, Married, born in PA (error)

Porter Daniel, age 30, White, Laborer, Married, born in PA (error)

Porter Harvey, age27, White, Farmer, Married, born in NY

(NOTE: Nathan and Daniel were born in NY; Miner and Charles were not listed in any of the listings of the county. Nothing was known about Nathan serving in the Civil War, so he may have paid a bounty in order for Miner or Charles to serve in his place. -- note of R. J. Porter)


Sullivan Co., PA Record of Deeds - Book 5, pg. 564:

INDENTURE BETWEEN L.D. Porter and Samuel Brown (Samuel paid $150.00), dated 19 Mar 1852:

described as "biginning at an elkwood tree in the northeast corner of a tract of land in the warrantee name of Catherine Eck, thence west 102 perches to a post, thence south 83 perches to a beech sapling, thence east 102 perches to a post thence north 83 perches to the place of beginning - containing 50 acres and allowances being part of larger tract of land which was sold to Abraham "Tailor", late treasurer of Lycoming County to James Armstrong as appears by said Treasurer's Deed dated the 3rd day of September A.D. 1822 and by a conveyance down to the said grantor by Deed bearing date the 3rd day of June A.D. 1848"


Sullivan Co., PA Record of Deeds - Book 7, page 454:

INDENTURE BETWEEN L.D. Porter and Marshall Battin (Latney paid $100)

The property was described as "Beginning at a post on the east line of 100 acres of land belonging to Joseph Battin, thence south 1 1/2 degrees west, 102 perches to a stone heap by lands of Joseph Battin and John Battin, thence north 88 degrees east by land warranted in the name of Joseph Eck 33 perches to a post, thence north 1 1/2 degrees east, 70 perches to a post, thence north 88 degrees east, 3 perches to a beech, thence north 1 1/2 degrees east, 18 perches to a hemlock, thence south 88 degrees west, 6 perches to a post, thence north 1 1/2 degrees east, 14 perches to a post, thence south 88 degrees west, 30 perches to the place of beginning--containing 20 acres be it the same more or less. Bounded on the east by lands of William and L.D. Porter and on the north by lands of L.D. Porter, it being part and parcel of a tract of land warranted in the name of Catherine Eck which James Armstrong purchased at the sales of Abraham Taylor, Treasurer of Lycoming County, as appears by said Treasurer's Deed dated the 3rd of September 1822 and which the said Armstrong deeded to said Battin the 24th of August 1827 which deed is recorded in the office for recording deeds in the County of Lycoming in Deed Book 7, page 357."


Sullivan Co., PA Record of Deeds - Book 7, page 456:

INDENTURE BETWEEN L.D. Porter and John Battin (Latney paid $25.00)

property described as "beginning at a sugar stump at the northest corner of a lot of land that was deeded to the said John Battin the 22nd of September A.D. 1855, thence west 14 5/10 perches to a maple sapling, thence south 12 1/2 degrees east, 18 3/4 perches to a hemlock stump by lands of the said John Battin, thence south 12 degrees west, 65 perches to a stone pile by lands of said John Battin, thence south 89 degrees east, 20 perches to a stone pile by lands of Abigail Williams, thence north 82 perches by lands of L.D. Porter to the place of beginning...containing about 8 12 acres be it the same more or less."


Sullivan Co., PA Record of Deeds - Book 7, page 456:

INDENTURE BETWEEN L.D. Porter and Marshall Battin (Latney paid $150)

The property was described as "all that certain measurage or tract of land situate in Fox Township, in the county of Sullivan, in the state of Pennsylvania, it being part and parcel of a tract of land which James Armstrong purchased at the sales of Abraham Taila, Treasurer of Lycoming County, warranted in the name of Catherine Eck, as appears by said Treasurer's deed dated the 3rd of September 1822 and which the said Armstrong deeded to said Battin the 24th of August 1827, which deed is recorded in the County of Lycoming in Deed Book 7, page 375" "Bounded as follows - beginning at a sugar sapling in the northeast corner of 100 acres belonging to Joseph Battin, thence south 1 1/2 degrees west, 68 perches to a post, thence north 88 degrees east, 30 perches to a post, thence south 1 1/2 degrees west, 14 perches to a post, thence north 88 degrees west, 6 perches to a hemlock, thence south 1 1/2 degrees west, 18 perches to a beech, thence south 88 degrees west, 3 perches to a post, thence south 1 1/2 degrees west, 70 perches to a post thence north 88 degrees east, by land of Joseph Eck, thence north by land of Hugh Jones, thence west by land of John Eck, to the place of beginning containing 170 acres and allowances for roads, be it the same more or less."



"I, L.D. Porter, do make this my last will and testament of my property, that is to say, I give and bequathe one dollar apeas to all of my children that is all I give them, then I want my debts paid and the balance of my property both reall and personal, I give to my wife Sofrona and Carl Hess for administration to settle my bisness, this 17th day of February 1876." "X" (Latney's mark)

In presents of Evert Shadduck (his mark), L.J. Porter (his mark) and H.C. Porter (his mark).

Peter Brown validated Latney's mark on 23 Nov 1880. J.H. Campbell and Frank Shadduck validated the marks of Evert Shadduck and Henry Case Porter on 7 Jan 1881, proving the will.


More About Latney Day Porter:

Burial: Oct 1880, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Estate Values 1: 03 Jun 1848, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA - abt 170 acres

Estate Values 2: 1850, $500

Estate Values 3: 1860, $1900 personal; $700 real

Estate Values 4: 1870, $2000 personal; $1000 real

Offices Held: 1859, Coroner of Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1808 - 1827, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1828 - 1829, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1830 - 1842, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 4: Bet. 1842 - 1880, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Mahala Luce:

Burial: near Shunk, actual site unknown

Will: 18 Jun 1858, Date of recording


Notes for Saphronia Brown:

ESTATE OF SAPHRONA PORTER, Letters of Administration

And now; to wit: February 17, 1908, due proof of the death of Saphrona Porter, late of Fox Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, deceased, having duly been filed, and the renunciation of those first entitled to: Letters of Administration, with request that same be granted to Grant U. Porter having been filed, Letters of Administration were in due form of law granted to Grant U. Porter, a son of said deceased, he having been duly sworn and qualified to administrate the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of said deceased, and having given bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, with Charles V. Parrish and William P. Bagley as his sureties. Inventory and Appraisement filed February 17, 1908 in the amount of $174.00.


More About Saphronia Brown:

Burial: 07 Mar 1907, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Latney Porter and Mahala Luce are:

99 i. Marian10 Porter, born 1827 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1828 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Marian Porter:

Burial: Henneberry Cem., Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (Old Harold Moody farm)


+ 100 ii. William A. Porter, born 18 Mar 1828 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 1907 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 101 iii. Nathan L. Porter, born 07 Jan 1830 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 17 Sep 1865 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 102 iv. Daniel P. Porter, born 13 Nov 1832 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 27 Jan 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 103 v. Harvey Y. Porter, born 22 Sep 1835 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 07 Dec 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 104 vi. Miner F. Porter, born 1836 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 29 Sep 1864 in Chaffins Farm, Henrico Co., VA.

+ 105 vii. Dency Ann Porter, born 1839 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 31 Mar 1912 in Benton, Columbia Co., PA.

+ 106 viii. Charles Newton Porter, born 17 Apr 1841 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 26 Sep 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Latney Porter and Saphronia Brown are:

+ 107 i. John P.10 Porter, born 14 Jun 1844 in Fox Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 26 Oct 1917 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

108 ii. Samuel Porter, born 10 Dec 1846 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Sep 1858 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Samuel Porter:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 109 iii. Aaron Porter, born 1847 in Fox Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 19 Sep 1872 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN.

110 iv. Henry Case Porter, born 03 Jul 1850 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 May 1876 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Henry Case Porter:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


111 v. Palmer P. Porter, born 12 Dec 1852 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Apr 1853 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Palmer P. Porter:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 112 vi. Clarrinda Porter, born 09 May 1855 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Sep 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 113 vii. Latney James Porter, born 22 Jun 1857 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 12 Mar 1926 in Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID.

+ 114 viii. Loretta Hannah Porter, born 05 Jan 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1906 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 115 ix. Harriett Ada Porter, born 05 May 1861 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Jul 1929 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 116 x. Grant Ulysses Porter, born 08 May 1864 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 30 Aug 1917 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 117 xi. Geary P. Porter, born 02 Oct 1866 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Aug 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 118 xii. Cora Sarah Porter, born 03 Apr 1869 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Feb 1932 in Seneca Co., NY.

+ 119 xiii. Clarence Lee Porter, born 07 Jan 1872 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 05 Feb 1962 in Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY.

27. Amy9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Apr 1812 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 26 Mar 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Evert Shadduck 27 Mar 1828 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, son of Thomas Shadduck and Maria Osterhout. He was born 16 Jan 1806 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 27 May 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Amy Porter:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 07 Apr 1881 ed.:

Fox Center - Mrs. Amy, relict of late Evert Shadduck, of this place, was surprised with a party for her 69th birthday on April 1st. Out of 43 grandchildren - 37 were present and of 4 great grandchildren - 3 were present. Her six daughters: Mrs. H. Williams, Mrs. W. W. Wright, Mrs. H. D. Dickerson, Mrs. Sanford Fanning, Mrs. R. M. Wheeler and Mrs. E. G. Salisbury and M. T. and A. F. Shadduck and Mrs. Malonia Shaddock (widow of Louis - oldest son of the lady) gathered.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 06 Dec 1883 ed.:

Pension List We publish below the names, residence and amount received monthly by residents of our county from the government: (among them were the following residents of Shunk)

Wallace FANNING, Shunk, $4.00; Charles FULLER, Shunk, $4.00; Joseph BEDFORD, Shunk, $8.00; James H. CAMPBELL, Shunk, $4.00; William B. ALBERT, Shunk, $18.00; William A. WHITE, Shunk, $2.00;

Amy SHADDICK, Shunk, $8.00



At sixteen, Amy (Porter) had married a neighbor in the town of Broome, Evert Shadduck, a grandson of Thomas Shadduck Sr., who was a well-known scout and sergent of militia in the Mohawk Valley during the Revolution. Five children had already been born to them in 1834 when they followed their cousins to Fox. In contrast to Schoharie, which had been settled before and right after the Revolution, and was therefore considered old and established, Amy thought the roads of what was to be Sullivan County were "the worst roads I had ever seen," and the whole housekeeping primitive. Her descendants still point out her spring, and the rock where she built her fire. She was not, however, the only settler that had to scare away the bears from her cabin, and who, for a time, did all of her cooking out of doors. Of the thirteen children of the Shadducks, only two died in childhood. Most of the others left children to carry on the family. Louis, the oldest, married Amanda Malvina Dickerson. Anne Maria married Henry Williams, Marriet married Harry Dawson Dickerson. Hannah Lucinda married Warren Wright. Margaret Evelyn married James Letts, and after his death, Sanford Fanning. Emily married Ralph Wheeler. Julia married Simeon Wheeler. Madison Taylor married Marilda Riggs. Chloe Vicilla married Elon Galusha II. Albert Frank married Emma White. Andrew Lee and Madison Taylor were soldiers in the Civil War. Andrew Lee drowned in the Potomac when the transport he was on collided with another vessel, and several of the men were thrown into the river."


The following, obtained from Paul W. Kaseman, was written in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA about 1934. The story was mentioned in the Shadduck-Dickerson Reunion Logbook.


GRANDFATHER & GRANDMOTHER SHADDUCK, as remembered by Eudora S. Gilbert (circa 1933):

My grandfather Shadduck was of Dutch blood and grandmother was a Porter. They lived near Binghamton, NY in the early days of their marriage. They came to northern Pennsylvania and stopped near East Canton for several days. Grandmother remained there while Grandfather went over the mountain to Fox, as it was then called. Grandfather was the first to drive a wagon over that way. Grandmother followed later on horseback, one baby in front and one in back. There were a few settlers at Fox, who had come in by way of Hillsgrove and Elkland, and made the Shadducks welcome. My grandmother told me that she had planted apple seeds around in the fields. Grandmother visited her brother, Latney, who lived about 3 miles away and as she was in dire need of a table, had carried one home with her--strapped on her back. She wove linen and wool in order to make the necessary garments for the family. Grandfather died of heart trouble 57 years ago this May, I believe. Grandmother lived to be nearly ninety-eight years of age and was loved and respected by all who knew her. Three of her sons were in the service of the country during the Civil War, all on the Northern side.


More About Amy Porter:

Burial: 29 Mar 1910, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


Notes for Evert Shadduck:

Surname sometimes written as "Shaddick, Shaddock or Shaddic".



I, Evert Shadduck, of the Township of Fox, County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, do made and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows, viz; I will and bequeath to Anna M. Williams the sum of $1.00 and to Marietta Dickerson the sum of $1.00 and to Hannah Wright the sum of $1.00 and to Margaret E. Fanning the sum of $1.00 and to Emily R. Wheeler the sum of $1.00 and to Julia Aa. Wheeler the sum of $1.00 and to Madison T. Shadduck the sum of $1.00 and to Chloe V. Salisbury the sum of $1.00 and to Albert F. Shadduck the sum of $1.00, to the heirs of Lewis H. Shadduck the sum of $1.00. All the rest and residue of my estate goods and chattels I give and bequeath to my wife Amy whom I nominate, constitute and appoint Sole Executrix of this, my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other and former wills by me at anytime heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirty-first day of August in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. "X" (Evert Shadduck's mark)

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said testator, Evert Shadduck, as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said testator.

Signed by the "marks" of Daniel Williams, Adelbert L. Williams and Samantha R. Williams.


Letter from Linda L. (Ludwig) Mutzer to Ronald J. Porter - 6 Jan 1999

Evert Shaddick b. 1806 d. 5/27/1876 m. 2nd Amy Porter on 3/27/1828 b. 1812 d. 3/26/1910 (had a son)

Lewis H. Shaddick b. 1829 d. 1/23/1863 m. Amanda Malvina Dickerson on 11/11/1852 b. 1834 d. 2/13/1920 (had a son) John Ball Shadduck b. 1862 d. 1952 m. LeMyra Ann Holcomb on 12/23/1886 b. 1867 d. 1/8/1929 (had a daughter) Goldie Helen Shadduck b. 8/2/1892 d. 9/3/1980 m. Irving L. Comfort on 12/25/1912 b. 1889 d. 2/4/1950 (had a daughter) Beatrice Helen Comfort m. John H. Ludwig (had a daughter) Linda L. Ludwig. m. Gregory K. Mutzer.

Here is a picture of the wedding certificate for Lewis H. and Amanda M. (Dickerson) Shadduck. Note how the family spelled the name "Shaddick" in those days.

Wedding Certificate
Lewis H. Shadduck and Amanda M. Dickerson
November 11, 1852

Photo contributed by Linda Mutzer

Dear Ronald; Your Home Page on Family Tree Maker is of great interest to me. I am also descended from Amy Porter, wife of Evert Shadduck & from Evert. They are my 3rd great grandparents. See above. Amy's brother, Latney Day Porter, known in my 2nd great grandfather Lewis H. Shaddick's Civil War letters, as Uncle Latney visited Lewis in Union Army camps. He was a kind man to do that for his sister to be certain her boys were okay. Lewis died of malaria in a Confederate hospital in Norfolk, VA. Cousin, Linda Mutzer. Please write or e-mail me at over --

This summer at the Sullivan Co., Historical Society I copied a document called Fox Township Pioneers "Porter, Shaddock, and Wilcox Families" by Dorothy Cleaveland Salisbury. This includes a letter from Elon Galusha Salisbury written 10/14/1947 from Takoma Park, Washington D.C. If you are interested I could send you copies of these papers. Let me know."

(The documents Ms. Mutzer refers to were the same that Ms. Salisbury submitted to Greene's Historic Hodge-Podge, Pioneers of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Evert Shadduck:

Burial: 29 May 1876, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Amy Porter and Evert Shadduck are:

+ 120 i. Lewis Henry10 Shadduck, born 29 Mar 1829 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 03 Jan 1863 in Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads Co., VA. He served in the Civil War and you can read several of his Civil War Letters.

+ 121 ii. Ann Marriah Shadduck, born 03 Oct 1830 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 21 Apr 1911 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 122 iii. Mary Etta Shadduck, born 02 Mar 1832 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1918.

+ 123 iv. Hannah Lucinda Shadduck, born 21 Sep 1834 in Athens Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 27 Mar 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 124 v. Margaret Evelyn Shadduck, born 23 Mar 1837 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 03 Apr 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 125 vi. Emily Christine Shadduck, born 04 Jul 1838 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 04 Oct 1907.

+ 126 vii. Julia Ann Shadduck, born 19 Sep 1840 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA; died 09 Feb 1871 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

127 viii. Andrew Lee Shadduck, born 13 Aug 1841 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA; died 25 Apr 1865 in Potomac River, MD/VA.


Notes for Andrew Lee Shadduck:

Andrew, sometimes referred to as "Andrus", enlisted into the service on 29 Feb 1864 at Troy, PA (Wells Twp., Bradford Co.) for a period of 3 years. He stated that he was born in Sullivan Co., PA and was age 19 years, seven months. He was mustered into service on 1 Mar 1864, when his eyes are described as "black" and Wells Twp. was in "Cambria County", PA. After a short furlough home, Andrew returned to his station at Camp Parole, MD. In a message coming from the War Department's Adjuctant General's office in Washington, dated 5 Oct 1875 "Andrew L. Shaddick Co. K 11th Regt. Pa. Cav. was captured at Darbytown Road, VA Dec 10, 1864; paroled at Aikens Landing, VA Feb 15, 1865; arrived at Camp Parole Feb 18, 1865; exchanged March 25, 1865; was sent to Soldiers' Rest, Alexandria, VA where he arrived April 22, 1865 and sent to Regiment April 25, 1865. He was drowned by the foundering of the transport on which he sailed, on or about April 25th, 1865.". According to some statements made by Shadduck descendants, Andrew attempted to jump from one boat to another, but because of the rough waters and the darkness of night, he was unable to obtain a hold on the boat he attempted to jump on and was crushed between the two. His brother, Madison, also a member of the cavalry regiment, walked the banks of the Potomac in an unavailing search for his brother's body.


"The Shadduck Brothers in the Civil War": (pt. 2) (cont. from Lewis H. Shadduck page)

A little over a year after Lewis Shadduck's death (3 Jan 1863), on February 29, 1864, his younger brothers, Andrew Lee, called "Lee" in the family, and Madison Taylor, likewise called by his middle name, walked to Troy, where they enlisted and were mustered in on March 1, and sent to the Carlisle Barracks where they elected to join the Cavalry, and were enrolled in Company K 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. They were paid a bounty of sixty dollars each. From Carlisle, they went to Williamsburg, Virginia to join the regiment in the Army of the Potomac.


In April, the boys' regiment was moved to Portsmouth, Virginia. In May and June, they were in the field, but their first fight with the enemy was not until June 25, at Reams Station. Here, 6000 cavalry under General Kautz, had been sent to destroy the Petersburg Welden Railway, which was bringing supplies to the Confederates. The Union forces were repulsed as they tried to cross the railroad bridge. At this encounter, Madison became separated from his mates, and it was reported at roll call, "Missing In Action". On June 2O, he rejoined his company, at Jones Landing. At the time of the July-August muster, Andrew Lee was in Balfour General Hospital, at Portsmouth, Virginia. In September, he was given a twenty-day furlough to go home to Fox with his transportation, to Canton, Pennsylvania, for $5.48 round trip, paid. He was back in camp for the September-October muster. In November, the Regiment was in the field working its way through the Shenandoah Valley, where the Confederates were active. On December 10, at the Darby Town Road, near New Market Heights, Andrew was taken prisoner by the enemy, and was consequently reported missing in action, December 12, at Morning Muster. On February 15, 1865, he was paroled at Aitkins Landing, Virginia, and sent to Camp Parole, Maryland, where he arrived on February 18th. He was again given a furlough to go to Fox from March 4 to April 3, with transportation furnished to go to Canton, Pennsylvania and return of $5.48. While still on furlough he was exchanged, and after his return to Camp Parole, he was sent to Soldier's Rest, in Alexandria, Virginia, where he arrived on April 22th. The next day he was ordered to rejoin his regiment, and embark on a transport on the Potomac. On or about April 25, he was drowned by the foundering of a transport in its collision of another vessel. On one of his two furloughs, Andrew stopped in Canton to have his picture taken in his uniform. Andrew was described in his enlistment as 19 years old, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, and 5'7" tall. By occupation he was a farmer. (conc. under Madison T. Shattuck data)


More About Andrew Lee Shadduck:

Burial: abt. Jul 1865, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (bur. ceremoniously)

Cause of Death: drowned

Medical Information: described in enlistment papers as "having fair complexion, brown hair and blue or black eyes"

Military service: Bet. 29 Feb 1864 - 25 Apr 1865, Co. K, 11th PA Cavalry under Capt. Tripp


128 ix. William Evert Shadduck, born 29 Oct 1842 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 12 Aug 1857 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About William Evert Shadduck:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


129 x. Infant Shadduck, born abt. 1845 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1845 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Infant Shadduck:

Burial: Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 130 xi. Madison Taylor Shattuck, born 12 Apr 1846 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Sep 1933 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL; Stepchild.

+ 131 xii. Vicilla Chloe Shadduck, born 18 Apr 1848 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 28 May 1927 in Sullivan Co., PA.

132 xiii. Amy Rozetta Shadduck, born 12 Mar 1850 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1853 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Amy Rozetta Shadduck:

Once when Amy had eaten an apple, she planted the seed in a small dish. After it grew, her mother planted it at the head of her grave. Years later Matilda Fanning stood by the grave site and her mother told her about the tree. It was then a large fruitful tree and the ground was covered in a bed of blue wisteria.


More About Amy Rozetta Shadduck:

Burial: 18 Apr 1853, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA (on family farm under apple tree)

Cause of Death: scarlet fever and diptheria


+ 133 xiv. Albert Frank Shadduck, born 26 Oct 1854 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1945 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA.

29. William9 Porter, Jr. (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1814 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 03 Jun 1864 in Cold Harbor, VA. He married Almina Thorington 30 Dec 1834 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY - (Rev. David Mead), daughter of Benjamin Thorington and Mitty McHench. She was born 23 Mar 1818 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 18 Jan 1917 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY.


Notes for William Porter, Jr.:

MILITARY RECORDS OF SCHOHARIE CO., NY -- Veterans of Four Wars; pg. 168:

"WILLIAM PORTER - Broome-Farmer; married; age 43; enlisted January 25, 1863; killed at Cold Harbor by gunshot through the heart, from a Rebel sharpshooter. Sons, James and Benjamin, in the service."


More About William Porter, Jr.:

Burial: 04 Jun 1864, Cold Harbor, VA

Cause of Death: gunshot through the heart, from a Rebel sharpshooter

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: 26 Jan 1863, Co. F 7th NY Heavy Artillery

Military service: Bet. 25 Jan 1863 - 03 Jun 1864

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1863, Farmer

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Almina Thorington:

Name 2: Porter, Mina

Baptism: 23 Mar 1818, Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY

Burial: abt. 21 Jan 1917, Scott Patent Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Cause of Death: complications following a broken hip

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1880, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of William Porter and Almina Thorington are:

+ 134 i. James M. Ludivic10 Porter, born 24 Apr 1840 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY; died 19 Jun 1917.

135 ii. Henry Lee Porter, born 1842 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1871 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Caroline Chichester 25 Aug 1865 in Rensselearville, Albany Co., NY; born 1846 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 1869 in Schoharie Co., NY


More About Henry Lee Porter:

Residence: 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


136 iii. Benjamin L. Porter, born 1844 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY; died 14 Sep 1864 in Washington, DC.


Notes for Benjamin L. Porter:

MILITARY RECORDS OF SCHOHARIE CO., NY -- Veterans of Four Wars; pg. 168:

"BENJAMIN PORTER - Broome-Single; age 21; enlisted January, 1863; died of chronic diarrhea at Washington, September 14, 1863."


More About Benjamin L. Porter:

Burial: 15 Sep 1864, Washington, DC

Cause of Death: chronic diarrhea

Military service: Bet. Jan - 14 Sep 1863, Civil War - Washington, DC area much of service


+ 137 iv. Ezra J. Porter, born 1847 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

138 v. Mary Porter, born 1848 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 139 vi. Zilpha Porter, born 11 Sep 1849 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1944 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY.

140 vii. Alexander Porter, born 01 Apr 1851 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY; died 1852 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

141 viii. Friend William Porter, born 28 Apr 1855 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 31 Oct 1876 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

142 ix. George Porter, born 28 Apr 1855 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died Bef. 1864.

143 x. Phoebe Ann Porter, born 21 Mar 1858 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 16 Jul 1914 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY. She married Wallace Sebolt 1873 in Schoharie Co., NY; born 1842 in Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1874 in Catskill, Greene Co., NY.


More About Phoebe Ann Porter:

Residence: Bet. 1858 - 1870, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Wallace Sebolt:

Occupation: Doctor

30. Daniel9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Mar 1818 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 07 Sep 1905 in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Julia Ann Griswold Bet. 1836 - 1840. She was born 27 Feb 1820 in Rensselaer Co., NY, and died 19 May 1898.


More About Daniel Porter:

Burial: Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., PA

Education: 1880, According to census - he could not read or write

Estate Values: Bet. 1860 - 1880, $2500 - $3000

Real Estate: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Breakabeen, NY - 115 acres

Residence 1: 1860, Livingstonville, NY

Residence 2: 1870, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1880 - 1905, Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY


Notes for Julia Ann Griswold:

Julia's headstone reads "Julia Grizzle" and her death record gives her father's last name as "Brizzle".


More About Julia Ann Griswold:

Burial: 21 May 1898, Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., PA

Children of Daniel Porter and Julia Griswold are:

144 i. Orren10 Porter, born 1841 in NY.


Notes for Orren Porter:


Know ye that Orrin Porter, a Corporal of Captain H. B. Dibbells Co. E, 15th Regt of NY Eng. Vol., who was enrolled on the 29th of Feb 1864 to serve 3 years or during the War is hereby discharged from the service of the United States this 13th of June 1865 at Fort Berry, VA - by reason of Special Order No. 142 HdQrs A of P (Army of the Potomac). Said Orrin Porter was born in Broome (Schoharie) County in the State of New York, is age 24, 5 feet 7 inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, and by occupation when enrolled, a farmer, given at Fort Berry, VA this 13th of June 1865.


H.B. DEBBELS Lt. Col. 15th NY Vol. Eng.

Capt. Commanding Co. E Compy. Musters


The following statement proving Orrin was who he was, is similar to those all veterans submitted to the Pensioner's Office, usually drawn up by a judge or Justice of Peace:

OATH OF IDENTITY - Orrin Porter, of the town of Broome, in the County of Schoharie, in the State of New York on this 29th day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty-seven, personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Justice of Peace, for the County and town above mentioned, who being duly sworn according to Law, declares that he is the identical Orrin Porter, who was a Corporal in the Company commanded by Capt. H. B. Debble in the Regiment 15 commanded by Stephen Chester, that he enlisted on the 29th day of February 1864 for the term of 3 years or during the War and was discharged at Fort Berry, Virginia on the 13th day of June 1865 by reason of special order. Sworn and subscribed before me the day and year above written.

ORRIN PORTER (his mark) JOHN H. MATHIR, Justice of Peace

Recorded & examined March 29, 1867 by Henry Kingsley, Clerk.


More About Orren Porter:

Residence: 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


145 ii. Helen M. Porter, born 1843; died Bef. 1860.

146 iii. Orson Porter, born 1846 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Lutheria Castle 13 Feb 1886.


More About Orson Porter:

Residence 1: 1860, Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1850, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


147 iv. Charles Porter, born 25 May 1847 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

148 v. Julia Estele Porter, born 22 Sep 1849 in Gilboa, Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Julia Estele Porter:

Medical Information: twin to Mary E. Porter


149 vi. Mary E. Porter, born 22 Sep 1849 in Gilboa, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1937. She married George Graham 1870 in Schoharie Co., NY; born 1849 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Mary E. Porter:

Burial: 1937, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Medical Information: twin to Julia E. Porter


Notes for George Graham:

During the 1910 census, "Marnie Graham", a niece, age 17, resided with George & Mary.


More About George Graham:

Residence 1: 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1880, Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: 1910, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


150 vii. Lucinda Porter, born abt. 1852.

151 viii. Richard H. Porter, born 1854 in Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Richard H. Porter:

Residence: Bet. 1860 - 1870, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


+ 152 ix. Omar Porter, born Mar 1861 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 1941 in prob. Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

31. Rev. Ira Stuart9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Nov 1820 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 15 Mar 1898 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married (1) Anna Maria Ayres 24 Feb 1841 in Amsterdam, NY. She was born 06 Aug 1823 in Athens, Greene Co., NY, and died 23 Mar 1882 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. He married (2) Emma M. ______ abt. 1868. She was born abt. 1820, and died Aft. 1880.


More About Rev. Ira Stuart Porter:

Burial: 17 Mar 1898, Cobleskill Rural Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Occupation: Minister; farmer

Residence 1: 1860, Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1870 - 1880, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Anna Maria Ayres:

Residence: Bet. 1860 - 1870, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Emma M. ______:

Residence: Bet. 1870 - 1880

Children of Ira Porter and Anna Ayres are:

153 i. Harriet K.10 Porter, born 1842 in Athens, Greene Co., NY.


More About Harriet K. Porter:

Residence 1: 1850, Athens, Greene Co., NY

Residence 2: 1860, Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., NY


+ 154 ii. Ira N. Porter, born Jun 1846 in Athens, Greene Co., NY; died Bef. 1930.

33. Albert9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1822 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 23 Dec 1855 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Anna Gates abt. 1844, daughter of John Gates and Malinda Carley. She was born 1824 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 22 Jan 1901 in Durham, Greene Co., NY.


More About Albert Porter:

Burial: Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: 1850, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


Notes for Anna Gates:

After he married Anna, Henry Mace placed the 3 older boys in the custody of the following relatives, namely; Aretus lived with Edward & Ann Gates, Albanos lived with Horatio & Violetta Gates and Asbary lived with Malinda Gates. Abraham, Rosetta and Malinda remained at home.


More About Anna Gates:

Name 2: Mace, Ann

Burial: Scott Patent Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Albert Porter and Anna Gates are:

155 i. Helen M.10 Porter, born 1845; died 1913.


More About Helen M. Porter:

Burial: Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., NY


+ 156 ii. Aretas Stanton Porter, born 27 Apr 1846 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died Bef. 1930 in prob. Clinton Co., MO.

+ 157 iii. Albanus Beckwith Porter, born 23 Jun 1848 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 26 Jun 1921 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL.

158 iv. Infant Porter, born 1849; died Bef. 1860 in Schoharie Co., NY.

159 v. Asbary Gates Porter, born 18 Jun 1850 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Maggie ______; born 1861 in NY.


Notes for Asbary Gates Porter:


ASBARY GATES PORTER (New York City) #4600

Policeman - born Broome, NY June 18, 1850; Member of I.O.I.F. Son of Albert Porter & Anna Gates; grandson of John Gates & Malinda Carley; gr.grandson of Oldham Gates & Deborah Winch; of Amos Gates & Mary Towbridge; of Amos Gates, Sr. & Hannah Oldham; of Simon Gates & Margaret his wife. Oldham Gates was born in Farmington, MA 27 Aug 1759 and died 12 Oct 1843 in Middleburgh, NY.


More About Asbary Gates Porter:

Occupation 1: 1872, Cooper

Occupation 2: abt. 1880, Policeman in New York City

Occupation 3: 1920, Car (cab) driver

Offices Held: Bef. 1899, I.O.I.F.

Residence 1: 1880, Kings (Brooklyn), New York City-Greater, New York

Residence 2: 1910, 26-WD Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY

Residence 3: 1920, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY


More About Maggie ______:

Residence: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY

34. Clarrinda9 Porter (Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1828 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died Aft. 1910. She married David Hoteling 1846, son of Elias Houghtalling and Elizabeth ______. He was born 1825 in NY.


More About Clarrinda Porter:

Name 2: Hotelling, Clarinda

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About David Hoteling:

Estate Value: 1860, Real - $1000; Personal - $610

Occupation: 1850, Carpenter

Real Estate: 1872, 84 acres in Franklinton, NY

Residence 1: 1850, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1860, Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: 1872, Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Clarrinda Porter and David Hoteling are:

+ 160 i. Harmon10 Hoteling, born Jun 1846 in Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY; died 1900.

+ 161 ii. John William Hoteling, born Sep 1848 in NY; died 1933.

162 iii. Rosetta Hoteling, born 1850.

+ 163 iv. Chauncey Hoteling, born May 1853 in NY.

+ 164 v. Catherine E. Hoteling, born Dec 1860 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1938.

+ 165 vi. William L. Hoteling, born 1863 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1924 in Schoharie Co., NY.

35. Nathan9 Wilcox, Jr. (Nathan8, John T.7) was born 1800 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. He married Mercy A. ______ abt. 1828 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. She was born 1810 in NY.

Children of Nathan Wilcox and Mercy ______ are:

166 i. Simeon10 Wilcox, born 1830 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

+ 167 ii. Catalina Wilcox, born 1835 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

168 iii. Susan F. Wilcox, born 1837 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

+ 169 iv. Calvin Wilcox, born 1839 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

170 v. Miranda Wilcox, born 1840 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

171 vi. Warren N. Wilcox, born 1843 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

172 vii. Harriet Wilcox, born 1845 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

36. William9 Willcock (Nathan8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1813 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. He married Jane ______. She was born abt. 1823 in VT.

Children of William Willcock and Jane ______ are:

173 i. Thomas J.10 Willcox, born 1842 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

174 ii. Sarah G. Wilcox, born 1843 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

175 iii. Homer W. Wilcox, born 1845 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

176 iv. John G. Wilcox, born 1847 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

177 v. Mary E. Wilcox, born 1849 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY.

38. Deborah9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1821 in Dutchess Co., NY, and died 05 Jul 1885 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married John W. Brown abt. 1841 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, son of Aaron Brown and Anna Luce. He was born 30 May 1817 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA, and died 14 Nov 1897 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Deborah Wilcox:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About John W. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Deborah Wilcox and John Brown are:

+ 178 i. Anna10 Brown, born 1843 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA; died 30 Apr 1880 in Williamsburg, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 179 ii. Deborah Brown, born 19 Dec 1845 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA; died 07 Jun 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 180 iii. Stewart Brown, born 08 Dec 1846 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA.

181 iv. Louisa Brown, born abt. 1848 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA; died abt. 1850.

+ 182 v. Lorenzo D. Brown, born Oct 1848 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA; died 13 Mar 1932.

+ 183 vi. Harriett Brown, born 1851 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Mar 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 184 vii. Lydia Brown, born Feb 1854 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Jul 1913.

185 viii. Louisa Brown, born abt. 1856 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910. She married Daniel Gilbert.

+ 186 ix. Alsbury D. Brown, born 25 Jan 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Nov 1934.

+ 187 x. Aaron M. Brown, born Jul 1861 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1919.

39. John9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 17 May 1823 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA. He married Martha Kilmer abt. 1845, daughter of Anthony Kilmer and Rebecca Rice. She was born abt. 1823 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of John Wilcox and Martha Kilmer are:

+ 188 i. Huldah10 Wilcox, born abt. 1847.

+ 189 ii. Frederick Wilcox, born abt. 1849.

190 iii. Sophia Wilcox, born abt. 1853.

+ 191 iv. Walter L. Wilcox, born abt. 1857.

192 v. Alice Wilcox, born abt. 1860.

40. Charles Stuart9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 Jul 1825 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 13 Feb 1889 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married Thankful Rivenburgh 17 Sep 1846 in Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY. She was born 08 Oct 1831 in Cressville, Greene Co., NY, and died 02 Jun 1913 in Newark, Essex Co., NJ.


More About Charles Stuart Wilcox:

Burial: 15 Feb 1889, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA


More About Thankful Rivenburgh:

Burial: 06 Jun 1913, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Charles Wilcox and Thankful Rivenburgh are:

+ 193 i. Daniel Day10 Wilcox, born 24 Jul 1848; died 11 Dec 1909.

194 ii. Harriett Wilcox, born Sep 1849.

+ 195 iii. William Wilcox, born 17 Dec 1852.

+ 196 iv. Willis Eugene Wilcox, born 1855; died 05 Nov 1917.

+ 197 v. Eva Jane Wilcox, born 1858 in PA; died 08 Apr 1923 in Marathon, Cortland Co., NY.

198 vi. Charles M. Wilcox, born 1867; died 25 Jan 1929. He married Lettie ______.

41. Gideon E.9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 Aug 1827 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 23 May 1893 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Mary Elizabeth Hoagland 27 Jan 1853 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of James Hoagland and Sarah Hambleton. She was born 17 Jun 1826 in Lycoming Co., PA, and died 24 Dec 1867 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Lucy Lilley 04 Apr 1870 in Sullivan Co., PA. She was born 1843, and died 22 Nov 1893 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Gideon E. Wilcox:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Mary Elizabeth Hoagland:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Lucy Lilley:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Gideon Wilcox and Mary Hoagland are:

+ 199 i. Sarah Marie10 Wilcox, born 1854 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 08 Apr 1946.

200 ii. Charles Martin Wilcox, born Feb 1857 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Jul 1927.


More About Charles Martin Wilcox:

Burial: 27 Jul 1927, Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 201 iii. George Eldaah Wilcox, born May 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Feb 1935.

+ 202 iv. Morris Ellis Wilcox, born 01 Nov 1863 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1914.

Children of Gideon Wilcox and Lucy Lilley are:

203 i. Isabelle M.10 Wilcox, born May 1872 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Enos Tremaine 1896; born May 1873 in Grand Traverse Co., MI. She married (2) Harry J. Bastian Bet. 1910 - 1918 in Tioga Co., PA; born 15 Dec 1873 in Leolyn, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Isabelle M. Wilcox:

Residence 1: 1900, Traverse City WD-5, Grand Traverse Co., MI

Residence 2: 1918, Leolyn, Tioga Co., PA


More About Enos Tremaine:

Occupation: 1900, Machinist

Residence: 1900, Traverse City WD-5, Grand Traverse Co., MI


More About Harry J. Bastian:

Occupation 1: 1910, Watchman - coal mine

Occupation 2: 1930, Farmer

Residence 1: 1910, Morris Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence 2: 1918, Leolyn, Tioga Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


204 ii. Lottie J. Wilcox, born 1874 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Jan 1942. She married John W. Bowers; died 26 Jan 1961.

+ 205 iii. Helen Arvilla Wilcox, born Apr 1875 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 1908.

206 iv. Seymour Wilcox, born 11 May 1878 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 207 v. Franklin Wilcox, born abt. 1879 in Sullivan Co., PA.

208 vi. John Stuart Wilcox, born May 1880 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married M. Frisbie 31 Mar 1899 in Durell, Bradford Co., PA; born in PA.

209 vii. Eleanor A. Wilcox, born abt. 1882 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Donald Cameron.

42. William9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1830 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 21 Aug 1870 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Julia Ann Hoagland abt. 1850, daughter of Jonathan Hoagland and Rachel Patterson. She was born 25 Apr 1830 in PA, and died 09 Jan 1894.


More About William Wilcox:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Julia Ann Hoagland:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of William Wilcox and Julia Hoagland are:

210 i. William10 Wilcox, Jr., born 1848 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Feb 1850 in Sullivan Co., PA.

211 ii. Delila E. Wilcox, born abt. 1851.

212 iii. Emma D. Wilcox, born abt. 1855. She married John Fulcurt.

+ 213 iv. Malinda E. Wilcox, born Mar 1857 in PA.

214 v. Chloe J. Wilcox, born 24 Nov 1859; died 13 Jun 1869.


More About Chloe J. Wilcox:

Burial: 15 Jun 1869, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


215 vi. Allen C. Wilcox, born Feb 1862; died 17 May 1879.


More About Allen C. Wilcox:

Burial: 19 May 1879, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Alvin


216 vii. Alvin Wilcox, born Feb 1862.


More About Alvin Wilcox:

Medical Information: twin to Allen C.


+ 217 viii. Alban Berton Wilcox, born 1862 in PA; died 1918.

218 ix. Huldah Wilcox, born abt. 1865.

+ 219 x. Mary A. Wilcox, born 08 Apr 1867; died 1912.

43. Sarah Maria9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 02 Dec 1832 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 10 Mar 1889. She married (1) Alsbury Brown abt. 1854, son of Aaron Brown and Anna Luce. He was born abt. 1826 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Johann Gottlieb Kunzmann 17 Jan 1861, son of Stephen Kunmann. He was born 16 Jan 1826, and died 03 Aug 1906.

Children of Sarah Wilcox and Alsbury Brown are:

220 i. Leonard10 Brown, born abt. 1856.

221 ii. Calvin Alsbury Brown, born abt. 1857. He married Martha Jane Hosier 12 Aug 1882 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; born 1859.


Marriage Notes for Calvin Brown and Martha Hosier:

SULLIVAN REVIEW, 17 Aug 1882 ed.:

Calvin A. Brown and Miss Martha J. Hosier, both of Fox Twp., married in Leroy, Aug. 12, by H. K. Mott, Esq.


Children of Sarah Wilcox and Johann Kunzmann are:

222 i. Malvina10 Kunzmann.

223 ii. Lucinda Kunzmann.

224 iii. George Kunzmann.

225 iv. Charles Stuart Kunzmann.

+ 226 v. John Day Kunzmann, born 03 May 1865; died 22 May 1944.

44. Chloe J.9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 29 Jan 1835 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 22 Dec 1903. She married (1) Thomas McCarty. She married (2) Henry C. Brackman abt. 1853. He was born 24 Jan 1827 in Germany, and died 23 Feb 1907.


More About Chloe J. Wilcox:

Burial: Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Henry C. Brackman:

Burial: Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Chloe Wilcox and Thomas McCarty are:

227 i. Frederick J.10 McCarty, born 1852; died 1927. He married Celinda Kilmer; born 1852; died 1920.


More About Frederick J. McCarty:

Burial: 1927, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Celinda Kilmer:

Burial: 1920, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


228 ii. Lucretia J. McCarty. She married Joshua G. Cott.

+ 229 iii. Martha E. McCarty, born 03 Jun 1857; died Aft. 1900.

Children of Chloe Wilcox and Henry Brackman are:

230 i. Augustus10 Brackman, born 1853.

231 ii. Henry C. Brackman, Jr., born 1855.

232 iii. George H. Brackman, born Mar 1858; died 1919.


More About George H. Brackman:

Burial: 1919, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


233 iv. Adolphus Brackman, born 1861 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 234 v. Sara Ann Brackman, born 06 Jun 1866 in Piatt, Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Aug 1963 in Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., NY.

+ 235 vi. Marianna Brackman, born 03 Nov 1867 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 08 Apr 1933.

236 vii. Bertha A. Brackman, born 10 Oct 1869; died 1948. She married Nicholaus Baker; born 1862; died 1927.


More About Bertha A. Brackman:

Burial: 1948, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Nicholaus Baker:

Burial: 1927, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 237 viii. Charles J. Brackman, born Nov 1872; died 1946.

238 ix. Louiza C. Brackman, born 1880; died 1918.


More About Louiza C. Brackman:

Burial: 1918, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

46. Nancy Ann9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 14 Jun 1839 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 14 Jan 1902 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Aaron Brown, Jr. abt. 1862 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Aaron Brown and Anna Luce. He was born 12 Jun 1833 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died Aft. 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Nancy Ann Wilcox:

Aaron and Nancy's three daughters, Elfledia, Cora and Debra were all buried in the family plot. There were no dates enscribed on the grave markers. None of them were listed in the federal census so the dates are estimated. Nancy stated in 1900 that she had 8 children, 4 still living.


More About Nancy Ann Wilcox:

Burial: 16 Jan 1902, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Aaron Brown, Jr.:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1900, Farmer

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Nancy Wilcox and Aaron Brown are:

+ 239 i. Celestia Ann10 Brown, born abt. 1862 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

240 ii. Elfledia Brown, born abt. 1863 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1863 in infancy.


More About Elfledia Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


241 iii. Cora V. Brown, born abt. 1865 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1865 in infancy.


More About Cora V. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


+ 242 iv. Ida Jane Brown, born Nov 1866 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1940 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 243 v. Minnie Brown, born 1868 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

244 vi. Carol May Brown, born 07 May 1870 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

245 vii. Debra Brown, born abt. 1872 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1872 in infancy.


More About Debra Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


246 viii. Gideon Brown, born 1873 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1930 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Gideon Brown:

Gideon, a farmer by trade, had never married. Several of his family members resided with him, being enumerated in his household during the federal census, including his widowed father and his nephew Ray L. Brown. The 1930 census shows him living alone.

47. Mary Jane9 Wilcox (John Day8, John T.7) was born 05 Aug 1845 in Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 18 Nov 1905. She married John Thomas Williams 1870, son of Perus Williams and Anna Hoagland. He was born 09 Nov 1841, and died 16 Nov 1909.


More About Mary Jane Wilcox:

Burial: 20 Nov 1905, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


More About John Thomas Williams:

Burial: 19 Nov 1909, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Mary Wilcox and John Williams are:

247 i. James A.10 Williams, born 10 Dec 1873; died 01 Nov 1880.


More About James A. Williams:

Burial: 03 Nov 1880, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


248 ii. Amy M. Williams, born Oct 1879; died 29 Dec 1898.


More About Amy M. Williams:

Burial: Jan 1899, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


249 iii. Morrille Williams, born 26 Oct 1881.

50. Wellington9 Porter (Mary8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1838 in NY. He married (1) Martha ______ abt. 1859 in Ulster Co., NY. He married (2) Nellie Travis 1875 in Ulster Co., NY. She was born 1853 in NY.


More About Wellington Porter:

Estate Value: 1860, Real - $600; Personal - $200

Occupation 1: 1860, Stonecutter

Occupation 2: Bet. 1870 - 1880, Blue Stone merchant/dealer

Residence 1: Bet. 1850 - 1870, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 2: 1880, Glasco, Ulster Co., NY

Children of Wellington Porter and Nellie Travis are:

250 i. Mary10 Porter, born 1877 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY.

+ 251 ii. Wellington Wakely Porter, born 25 Oct 1881 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY.

51. Washington9 Porter (Mary8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1845 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY, and died Bef. 1930. He married Catherine M. Freighley 1867 in Ulster Co., NY, daughter of ______ Freighley and Elisabeth ______. She was born Jul 1845 in NY, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. Stockport, Columbia Co., NY.


More About Washington Porter:

Occupation 1: 1870, Quarry laborer

Occupation 2: 1880, Stonecutter

Residence 1: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 2: 1880, Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY


More About Catherine M. Freighley:

Residence 1: 1870, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 2: 1880, Plattekill, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 4: 1930, Stockport, Columbia Co., NY

Child of Washington Porter and Catherine Freighley is:

+ 252 i. Mary E.10 Porter, born Dec 1871 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY.


Generation No. 4

53. William W.10 Boyles (John9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1835 in PA, and died Bef. 1910. He married Elizabeth A. ______ abt. 1860. She was born 1838 in PA.


More About William W. Boyles:

Estate Value 1: 1860, Personal - $115

Estate Value 2: 1870, Real - $300

Occupation: 1880, Farm Laborer

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1870, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Elizabeth A. ______:

Residence: Bet. 1860 - 1880, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of William Boyles and Elizabeth ______ are:

253 i. Hannah Rosmond11 Boyles, born 1861 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Hannah Rosmond Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1870 - 1880, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


254 ii. Cyrus A. Boyles, born 1868 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910.


More About Cyrus A. Boyles:

Occupation: 1910, Salesman - general store

Residence: Bet. 1870 - 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

57. Frances Asbury10 Boyles (John9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Aug 1847 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1927. He married Susan Matilda Williams abt. 1869, daughter of Henry Williams and Christina Rightmire. She was born 11 Oct 1844 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1913.


More About Frances Asbury Boyles:

Burial: 1927, Fairmount Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Occupation: 1870, School teacher

Residence 1: Bet. 1850 - 1920, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Susan Matilda Williams:

Burial: 1913, Fairmount Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Frances Boyles and Susan Williams are:

255 i. Avis G.11 Boyles, born 1874 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

256 ii. Mabel V. Boyles, born Nov 1882 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Mabel V. Boyles:

Residence: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

71. William J.10 Boyles (Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Nov 1847 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Bet. 1920 - 1930 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Martha Jackson abt. 1868, daughter of John Jackson and Mary Bagshaw. She was born 1848 in England, and died in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About William J. Boyles:

Burial: Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: abt. 1862, Co B, 58th PA Regiment

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Martha Jackson:

Immigration: abt. 1847, Eng. - Philadelphia, PA aboard the "Tuscarora" (age 6 mo.)

Residence: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of William Boyles and Martha Jackson are:

+ 257 i. John L.11 Boyles, born Mar 1870 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 258 ii. George Edgar Boyles, born 17 Oct 1870 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1954.

+ 259 iii. Rufus Benjamin Boyles, born 31 Jan 1873 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

260 iv. A. Judson Boyles, born 1875 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1898 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About A. Judson Boyles:

Burial: 1898, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


261 v. Janette Boyles, born 1878 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 262 vi. Frank L. Boyles, born 1879 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1955.

+ 263 vii. Charles M. Boyles, born 1885 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1961.

78. Rufus Julian10 Boyles (Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jul 1858 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Aug 1952 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married Lucy S. Warburton 1883, daughter of James Warburton and Sarah Bedford. She was born May 1863 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA.


More About Rufus Julian Boyles:

Residence 1: 1900, Chicago Ward 27, Cook Co., IL

Residence 2: 1910, Newport Twp, Lake Co., IL

Residence 3: 1920, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA


More About Lucy S. Warburton:

Medical Information: twin to brother Lee

Children of Rufus Boyles and Lucy Warburton are:

264 i. Walter R.11 Boyles, born 25 Oct 1883 in Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., IA; died 06 Jan 1976 in LOS ANGELES, California.

265 ii. Lulu D. Boyles, born Jul 1886 in Pilot Twp., Cherokee Co., IA.

266 iii. Lee Julien Boyles, born 28 Apr 1895 in Newport Twp., Lake Co., IL; died 27 Jun 1980 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA.


More About Lee Julien Boyles:

Social Security Number: 565-30-0351 (CA)


267 iv. Charles M. Boyles, born Oct 1896 in Cook Co., IL.

268 v. Minnie A. Boyles, born Jun 1898 in Cook Co., IL.

269 vi. Vina R. Boyles, born 1901 in Newport Twp., Lake Co., IL.

270 vii. Irene M. Boyles, born 1905 in Newport Twp., Lake Co., IL.

79. Sarah E.10 Boyles (Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jan 1867 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. 1910 in prob. Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married William Massey Painter 1884 in Sullivan Co., PA. He was born Dec 1861 in PA, and died Aft. 1910 in prob. Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Sarah E. Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Sarah Boyles and William Painter are:

271 i. Charles William11 Painter, born Oct 1885 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Charles William Painter:

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 272 ii. Thomas R. Painter, born May 1887 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 273 iii. Pearl E. Painter, born Feb 1894 in Sullivan Co., PA.

274 iv. Edgar D. Painter, born Mar 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA.

275 v. Oscar Lawrence Painter, born 09 Feb 1900 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Oscar Lawrence Painter:

Education: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Williamsport Trade School, Williamsport, PA


276 vi. George R. Painter, born 1904 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married Eldora ______ 1929 in Broome Co., NY; born 1905 in PA.


More About George R. Painter:

Occupation: 1930, Cutter - shoe factory (Endicott-Johnson)

Residence: 1930, Endicott, Broome Co., NY


More About Eldora ______:

Residence: 1930, Endicott, Broome Co., NY


+ 277 vii. Robert W. Painter, born 1908 in Sullivan Co., PA.

82. David J.10 Boyles (Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1872 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1951. He married Dora J. Little 1895. She was born Sep 1872, and died 1917.


More About David J. Boyles:

Burial: 1951, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Dora J. Little:

Burial: 1917, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of David Boyles and Dora Little are:

278 i. Carmen11 Boyles, born Apr 1898.

+ 279 ii. Lynn Boyles, born Sep 1899.

86. William Playfair10 Gates (Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Aug 1820 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 02 Nov 1914 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Elizabeth ______ abt. 1852 in Schoharie Co., NY. She was born May 1830 in NY, and died Bet. 1910 - 1920 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.


More About William Playfair Gates:

Burial: 04 Nov 1914, Breakabeen Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of William Gates and Elizabeth ______ are:

280 i. Francis11 Gates, born 1853 in Schoharie Co., NY; died Bef. 1870.


More About Francis Gates:

Medical Information: twin to Franklin


+ 281 ii. Franklin Gates, born Jun 1853 in Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1930 in prob. Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

282 iii. Ruth Ann Gates, born 1856 in Schoharie Co., NY.

283 iv. William Porter Gates, born Apr 1858 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Alice All 1878 in Schoharie Co., NY; born Oct 1855 in NY.


More About William Porter Gates:

Residence: 1900, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY


284 v. Clarrissa Gates, born 1861 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

+ 285 vi. George Gates, born 1863 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY; died Aft. 1930 in prob. Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

286 vii. Maggie Gates, born 1865 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

287 viii. Cornelia Gates, born Nov 1868 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY; died Aft. 1930 in prob. Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

87. Marilla G.10 Gates (Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1825 in Schoharie Co., NY. She married (1) Norman Wagoner 20 Jun 1850, son of Matthias Wagoner. He was born 1827 in NY. She married (2) ______ Maxfield Aft. 28 Dec 1861.

Child of Marilla Gates and Norman Wagoner is:

288 i. Emma J.11 Waggoner, born 1850 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

91. Lee C.10 Gates (Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1832 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Ruth L. Loomis, daughter of Thomas Loomis and Lavina Hollenbeck. She was born 1833 in NY.


More About Lee C. Gates:

Burial: Union Center, Broome Co., NY

Residence 1: 1880, Vestal, Broome Co., NY

Residence 2: 1900, Binghamton Ward 1, Broome Co., NY


More About Ruth L. Loomis:

Name 2: Ruth Gates

Residence 1: 1860, Triangle, Broome Co., NY

Residence 2: 1870, Vestal, Broome Co., NY

Children of Lee Gates and Ruth Loomis are:

289 i. Ernest R.11 Gates, born Jul 1857 in NY.

290 ii. Ervin Gates, born 1859 in NY.

+ 291 iii. Emma Lucy Gates, born 25 Feb 1861 in NY; died 20 Sep 1934.

292 iv. Minnie Gates, born abt. 1862 in NY. She married Lee Beaty.

293 v. Lida Gates, born abt. 1865 in NY. She married Rush Wescott.

294 vi. Everett Gates, born 1867 in NY.

94. David10 Gates (Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jan 1838 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 06 Dec 1917 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Ellen E. Woodworth abt. 1872. She was born May 1842 in NY.


More About David Gates:

Burial: 08 Dec 1917, Middleburgh Cem., Middleburgh, NY

Occupation: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Farmer

Property: Bet. 1872 - 1873, 100 acres in Franklinton

Residence 1: Bet. 1872 - 1873, Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1900, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: 1910, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Ellen E. Woodworth:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Middleburgh, NY

Children of David Gates and Ellen Woodworth are:

295 i. ______11 Gates, born abt. 1875.

296 ii. ______ Gates, born abt. 1877.

297 iii. Walter H. Gates, born abt. 1878.

298 iv. ______ Gates, born abt. 1880.

96. Matilda10 Gates (Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1840 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1925. She married Thomas Wood 07 Mar 1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY. He was born 1836, and died 1917.


More About Matilda Gates:

Burial: Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: Mar 1860, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Thomas Wood:

Burial: Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: Mar 1860, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Matilda Gates and Thomas Wood are:

+ 299 i. John11 Wood, born abt. 1862.

300 ii. Orin P. Wood, born 1865; died 1866 in Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Orin P. Wood:

Burial: Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

100. William A.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1828 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 1907 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dorinda Elizabeth Mills Feb 1849 in Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Joseph Mills and Sophia Savacool. She was born 13 Oct 1831 in NY, and died 18 Mar 1874 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for William A. Porter:

INDENTURE BETWEEN Latney D. Porter & William Porter (dated 17 Sep 1849)

Land described as "Beginning at a Beech sapling thence north 83 perches to a post, thence west 171 perches to a post by Battin's Mill-seat, thence by said Mill-seat south 17 perches to a Beech thence west 3 perches, to a post, thence south 70 perches to a post and stones, thence along an old tract line east 174 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 84 acres and the usual allowance of 6% and being the southeast part of a tract of land in the warrantee name of Catherine Eck and being part of the same tract of land which James Armstrong purchased of Abraham Taylor, treasurer of Lycoming County as appears by said Treasurer's Deed, dated the third day of September A.D. 1822 and by a conveyance down to the said L.D. Porter the present grantor by deed bearing date the 3rd day of June A.D. 1848 recorded at Laporte in Sullivan County in Deed Book A, page 68."


More About William A. Porter:

Burial: 1907, East Canton Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: Bet. 1849 - 1907, Farmer

Real Estate: 17 Sep 1849, 84 acres in Fox Twp.

Residence 1: 1850, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1860 - 1880, LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1880 - 1907, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Dorinda Elizabeth Mills:

Burial: 20 Mar 1874, East Canton Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of William Porter and Dorinda Mills are:

+ 301 i. Mahala11 Porter, born 1853 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1910 in prob. Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 302 ii. Rosalia Porter, born Aug 1855 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Oct 1906 in Bradford Co., PA.

+ 303 iii. Joseph D. Porter, born Feb 1858 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 1922.

+ 304 iv. Henrietta Porter, born Feb 1861 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died Aft. 1930 in Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA.

+ 305 v. May Effie Porter, born Aug 1865 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 1936.

+ 306 vi. William C. Porter, born Aug 1868 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died abt. 1938 in Heyburn, Cassia Co., ID.

+ 307 vii. Lena Porter, born 1871 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

101. Nathan L.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1830 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 17 Sep 1865 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Sarah Isabell Cooper 1853 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of James Cooper and Isabell Neil. She was born 19 May 1833 in Quebec, Quebec Province, Canada, and died 09 Feb 1883 in Ramsay, Anoka Co., MN.


Notes for Nathan L. Porter:

Entering the West Hill Cem., the Porter family occupies the first lot, with Nathan's grave in the first plot.


INDENTURE BETWEEN L.D. & Saphrona Porter & Nathan L. Porter

bounded as "Beginning at a beech in the corner of land owned by John Battin thence north 83 perches to a post, thence by land of said L.D. Porter west 53 perches to a stone pile by the state road, thence along said road in a southerly direction 45 perches to a stone pile, thence by land of said Porter east 16 perches to a beech stump, thence south 12 (degrees) east 50 perches to a stump, thence by land of Aaron Brown east 47 perches to the place of beginning--containing 28 acres, more or less, being a part of a tract of land in the warrantee name of Catherine Eck."


More About Nathan L. Porter:

Burial: 18 Sep 1865, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: crushed while falling a tree; brothers Daniel and Harvey were present

Education: 1860, Could not read or write

Occupation: Bet. 1848 - 1860, Farm laborer; woodsman

Real Estate: 1860, $300 - real; $324 - personal

Residence: Bet. 1843 - 1865, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Sarah Isabell Cooper:

Soon after Nathan's death, Sarah made a decision to move west. Her parents had left Canton Twp., Bradford Co., traveling to Anoka Co., MN. When the Civil War ended, Aaron, Charles and John Porter accompanied their widowed sister-in-law on the move west in hopes of finding work that winter to hold them over until Spring. Aaron decided to stay in the area of Ramsay Co., MN; his brothers returned to Shunk. Another trip west was planned a few years later. This time John took his brother Latney with him. He decided to stop in Bingham Co., ID and Latney settled in Pocatello, ID.


More About Sarah Isabell Cooper:

Burial: 11 Feb 1883, Trott Brook Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Children of Nathan Porter and Sarah Cooper are:

+ 308 i. Clarissa Emaline11 Porter, born 24 Mar 1854 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Apr 1875 in Ramsay, Anoka Co., PA.

+ 309 ii. Rosabell A. Porter, born Jan 1857 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1900 in prob. Stearns Co., MN.

+ 310 iii. Dora Isabell Porter, born 28 Jun 1859 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Apr 1904 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN.

+ 311 iv. Clarence Arlington Porter, born Jan 1862 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 05 Jan 1909 in Duluthe, St. Louis Co., MN.

312 v. Bertha E. Porter, born 28 Apr 1864 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 08 Apr 1875 in Anoka Co., MN.


More About Bertha E. Porter:

Burial: 10 Apr 1875, Trott Brook Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Cause of Death: scarlet fever

102. Daniel P.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Nov 1832 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 27 Jan 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Emeline Fidelia Sargeant 29 Aug 1858 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of James Sargent and Hannah Benson. She was born 16 Nov 1840 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 13 Apr 1926 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Daniel P. Porter:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 05 Mar 1896 ed.:

Daniel Porter, of Shunk, was stricken with paralysis on the afternoon of February 22nd while at work in the yard at his home. He was able to crawl to the house on his hands and knees, speak once to his wife and has since lain speechless and powerless. Dr. Gamble is in attendance and the patient is slowly recovering under his care.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 12 Mar 1896 ed.:

Daniel Porter, who was stricken with paralysis recently, has not yet recovered the use of his limbs or the power of speech. What the outcome will be is hard to tell, but all wish for the speedy recovery of the unfortunate man.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 26 Mar 1896 ed.:

Daniel Porter's condition has changed but little up to this writing from the date of the paralytic stroke some weeks ago. He is still helpless and speechless.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

Daniel Porter is gradually recovering from a paralytic stroke.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 17 Feb 1898 ed.:

Shunk - Daniel Porter died at his home on Thursday, funeral by Elder Davidson on Sunday. He was 66 years old.


Sullivan Co., PA Deed Book DD, Page 441

INDENTURE BETWEEN Daniel Porter and Samuel Battin

Property described as "beginning at a hemlock at the northwest corner of land surveyed in the warrantee name of Matthew McConnell, thence east along the warrant line of land surveyed in the name of William Gray 90 perches to a stake and stones, thence south by lands of Samuel Battin and A.J. Eaton 93 1/2 perches to a stake and stones a corner of James A. Sargent's lot, thence west along said Sargent line 90 perches to the warrant line of land surveyed to Samuel Hilegas, thence north along said warrant line 93 perches to the place of beginning--containing 53 1/2 acres of land be the same more or less, it being part of a tract which the said Samuel Battin bought of E. Siler and is recorded in the office for recording Deeds in and for the County of Lycoming in Deed Book DD, page 441 the 4th day of June A.D. 1845."



I, Daniel Porter, of the township of Fox, in the county of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, married yeoman, being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby making void all former wills by me made at any time heretofore. And First, I direct that my body be decently interred in the cemetery at Shunk, alongside of my son, Barton Porter, as to such property as it has pleased God to "intrust" me with I dispose of the same as follows, viz:

First, I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my Executors hereinafter named out of any money that may be or property or "comming", or owing to me as soon after my death, as it is convenient for them to pay the same.

Second, To my dear wife Emaline Fidelia Porter, for the love and affection and other good reasons in being kind to me heretofore, I give devise and bequeath to her all of my right titles and interest in to or out of the same whatsoever to deed or will the same. My farm of 50 acres at any time she desires and to "whome" she will. Also two horses, two cows. Also wagons, sleds & sleighs, mowing machine, and all farming implements.

Third, I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Lydia R. Porter, one cow.

Fourth, to my Daughter, Mrs. Minnie V. Jones, I give devise and bequeath $2.00 in money.

Fifth, to my Son, Martin Porter, I give devise and bequeath to him the sum of $1.00 in money.

Sixth, to my Daughter Laura Jeni Faulkner, I give devise and bequeath the sum of $1.00 in money. Seventh, to my Son, James Latney Porter, the sum of $1.00 in money.

Eighth, to my son, Wallace J. Porter, I give devise and bequeath the sum of $1.00 in money.

Ninth, to my grandDaughter, Eliza F. Porter, I give devise and bequeath the sum of $1.00.

And I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Friend A.B. Kilmer and Brother Charles N. Porter, sole Executors of this, my last will and testament written on one sheet of legal cap paper but on this two pages thereof, set my hand and seal, this twenty Eighth day of December A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Six. "X" (Daniel Porter's mark) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Daniel Porter as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names at his request in the presence of the said testator and of each other. (The marks of) William C. Pollock, Wallace Porter and A. B. Kilmer.


According to an affidavit of William C. Pollock, a neighbor who lived about 1/4 of a mile from Daniel's home stated that "Mrs. Porter always lived with [Daniel] and took care of him until his death, which occurred the 27th day of January 1897. He died a little before noon of said day. John T. Wiliams, J.C. Forrest and myself laid him out for buryal." Emeline stated in her affidavit that Daniel's funeral expenses totaled to be $53.00 and his property was assessed at $187 and his personal property assessed at $61.00 at the last assessment. Isaac Williams stated that "he had known Daniel and Emeline ever since they were small children and had always lived in the same township as they, that they were always married and that Emeline had never remarried."


Other persons writing statements affecting the pension were Evert M. Letts, Olive M. White, Warren H. Fanning and Reuben Brown. Anthony B. Kilmer was the Justice of Peace who signed most of the written statements. On 18 Mar 1895 Daniel appointed E. J. Cleveland of Canton, PA as his attorney "to prosecute before any Department, or the Courts or Committees of Congress of the United States until final completion, for me, my claim for pension now pending before the Board of Revision for Reduction." As is noticeable, Daniel had obtained his attorney on 21 Jan 1897 to process his claim and died on the 27th.


More About Daniel P. Porter:

Burial: 28 Jan 1897, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: heart failure

Medical Information: had "fair complexion, brown hair and grey eyes", "incurred Rheumatism and resulting disease of heart, which had resulted in Apoplexy caused by exposure and hardships incident to Army life"

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 08 Dec 1864 - 14 Jul 1865, Co. H 67th PA Vol Inf; served under Capt. George W. Griffin

Military service: Bet. 08 Dec 1864 - 14 Jul 1865, Middletown, Danville, Hall's Hill, VA; Washington, DC

Occupation 1: Bet. 1848 - 1852, Woodsman; farm laborer

Occupation 2: Bet. 1852 - 1897, Farmer

Real Estate 1: Bet. 04 Jun 1845 - 1853, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA - abt. 53 1/2 acres

Real Estate 2: 1860, Real - $100; Personal - $150

Real Estate 3: 1870, Real - $250; Personal - $300

Real Estate 4: Aft. Jan 1897, Assessment - Real - $187; Personal - $61.00

Residence 1: Bet. 1832 - 1843, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1843 - 1897, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Will: 28 Dec 1896, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Emeline Fidelia Sargeant:

Burial: 16 Apr 1926, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Daniel Porter and Emeline Sargeant are:

+ 313 i. Laura Jane11 Porter, born 22 Jun 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Jul 1936 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 314 ii. Martin Charles Porter, born abt. 1861 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 315 iii. James Latney Porter, born 30 Sep 1864 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Jun 1960 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 316 iv. Minnie Victoria Porter, born 12 Jul 1869 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1926 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

317 v. Wallace James Porter, born 21 Aug 1875 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Jan 1967 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Julie Thorpe 1903; born 1882 in PA. He married (2) Louise C. St. James abt. 1908 in Tioga Co., PA; born in Long Island, NY; died 17 Sep 1945. He married (3) Fanny E. Armstrong abt. 1921; born 27 Oct 1901 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died Jan 1978.


Notes for Wallace James Porter:

Wallace was listed as a widow in the 1920 census of Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Wallace James Porter:

Burial: 17 Jan 1967, Watson Cem., Roseville, Tioga Co., PA

Residence 1: 1920, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA (with niece Eliza F. Porter)

Residence 2: 1930, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 196-40-7043 (PA)


More About Julie Thorpe:

Residence: 1930, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Louise C. St. James:

Burial: 19 Sep 1945, Watson Cem., Roseville, Tioga Co., PA


More About Fanny E. Armstrong:

Name 2: Porter, Fannie

Burial: Aft. Jan 1978, Watson Cem., Roseville, Tioga Co., PA (funeral home marker)

Crem./Burial: Aft. Jan 1978, Buried under a small tree

Social Security Number: 164-42-3511 (PA)


+ 318 vi. Lydia Ann Porter, born 18 May 1878 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Nov 1946 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA.

319 vii. Barton Addison Porter, born Jan 1881 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Oct 1936 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Barton Addison Porter:

Mansfield, PA - MANSFIELD OBSERVER, 04 Oct 1936 ed.:

PORTER, Barton, age 55, died Friday October 2, 1936 at a Sayre, Pa. hospital. He is survived by two brothers; Wallace of Roseville, Pa. and J. L. Porter of Gillett; and a sister, Mrs. Lydia A. Forrest of Mansfield. The funeral will be held at the Roseville Baptist Church Monday at 2 P.M. Burial will be at the Roseville Cemetery in Roseville, Pa.


More About Barton Addison Porter:

Burial: 05 Oct 1936, Watson Cem., Roseville, Tioga Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hospital

Residence: 1930, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

103. Harvey Y.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Sep 1835 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 07 Dec 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Deborah Brown abt. 1860, daughter of John Brown and Deborah Wilcox. She was born 19 Dec 1845 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 07 Jun 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Harvey Y. Porter:

ESTATE OF HARVEY Y. PORTER - Letters Testamentary

I, Harvey Y. Porter, of Wheelerville, Pa in the County of Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind and memory, hereby make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. First, I order and direct that my Executor hereinafter named pay all my just debts and funeral expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently may be. Second, after the payment of such funeral expenses and debts, I give, devise and bequeath to each of my grandchildren, Irvin Brown, Floyd Parrish, Harvey T. Parrish and James H. Parrish the sum of $25.00 (twenty-five dollars). The balance of my estate to be divided equally among my four children - John L. Porter, Charley Porter, Matilda Porter (nee Porter) and Neva Brown (nee Porter). Lastly, I made, constitute and appoint James H. Parrish to be Executor of this, my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. (signed) Harvey Y. Porter


The instrument was, on the day of the date thereof signed, published and declared by the said testator Harvey Y. Porter to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who at his request have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses, in his presence and in the presence of each Other. Witnesses: Miss Hazel Leighton; Miss Velma Fanning


And now to wit: January 4, 1918, due proof of the death of Harvey Y. Porter, late of the Township of Fox, in the County of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania, who died on December 7, 1917 having been filed, and due proof of his last Will and Testament having been made, said Will is admitted to Probate and Letters Testamentary were in due form of law granted to James H. Parrish, Executor, to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of said decedent, he having first been duly sworn and qualified according to law. Albert F. Heess, Register of Wills


More About Harvey Y. Porter:

Burial: 10 Dec 1917, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1900, Farmer

Residence: Bet. 1843 - 1917, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Will: 20 Oct 1917, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Deborah Brown:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Harvey Porter and Deborah Brown are:

+ 320 i. Henrietta11 Porter, born 12 Jul 1861 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Sep 1892 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.

321 ii. Charles S. Porter, born 02 May 1863 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 May 1934.


More About Charles S. Porter:

Burial: May 1934, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


322 iii. Nathan M. Porter, born 28 Apr 1867 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Aug 1880 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Nathan M. Porter:

Burial: Aug 1880, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


323 iv. John L. Porter, born 08 Jul 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 May 1946 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Jennie Belle VanHorn 03 Oct 1912 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA - Anthony B. Kilmer, Justice of Peace; born 1867 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 07 Feb 1938 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA (murdered).


More About John L. Porter:

Burial: 31 May 1946, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Jennie Belle VanHorn:

In September 1982 I first learned about the murder of Jennie. After having many conversations with elderly residents of Shunk and reading the many headline stories of the incident appearing in the Canton INDEPENDENT-SENTINEL, the Towanda DAILY REVIEW, the SULLIVAN REVIEW and the Elmira, NY STAR-GAZETTE, I put together a summary of those stories. I was later told that this murder was one written about in the DETECTIVE STORY magazines of the 1930's, but as of this writing have been unable to obtain a copy of the publication -- comment of R. J. Porter (c. 2004).


The Murder of Jennie Belle Porter

On 7 Feb 1838 John and Jennie Porter were having dinner at their home in Wheelerville, PA. Their house was quite a distance from the main road that runs from Wheelerville to Shunk (Rt. 154). After John had finished his meal, he went down the road to mail a letter, for that was where the nearest mailbox was located. He wasn't gone more than half an hour, from 3:30 to 4:00 P.M. When he returned to his home, John spotted a large pool of blood on the kitchen floor, followed the trail into the bedroom and there found the body of his wife sprawled around the heater. He called her name several times and after getting no answer and then feeling no pulse, discovered that she was dead. He immediately notified the coroner, who came from Dushore. Dr. Joseph F. Dreier, after examining the woman's body, by only one small oil lamp, pronounced her death as "from a cerebral hemorrhage", stating that he surmised that "she had a stroke, fell and hit her head on the table and then after bleeding for a short time, made her way to the bedroom, where she stood over the heater, where she died." He then released the body for burial "with the distinct understanding and only on the condition that he (the undertaker) would look the body over thoroughly in embalming it and notify him immediately if he discovered anything suspicious." The body was taken to the Soper Funeral Home in Troy, PA. While the son, R. Soper, Jr., was preparing the body, he noticed what seemed to be a bullet hole behind the right ear and summoned his father, who immediately notified the authorities. This was the beginning of a week-long search for a "mystery killer", as the papers termed the assailant. Sullivan and Bradford County authorities worked together on this case, trying to come up with clues, which there were actually few to go on. They couldn't find a bullet in the wound, nor were there any powder burns in the hair, which signified that the woman was shot from a distance and while she was about to take a mouthful of food. A small cut was found over the right eye, much like that from a knife. It was thought to have been where the bullet may have passed through. Investigators searched the entire room for a bullet hole, checking even the nail holes, which were quite numerous, to see if any one of them could have been the passage of the bullet to the outside. At one time, it was thought that the bullet may have stopped at the under-layer of skin, the assailant noticing the great possibility of the bullet's identification value, cut the skin and rolled the ball out. But after an autopsy was performed by Dr. Charles H. DeWan, on staff at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, failed to turn up a bullet, he took the brain out of the skull and made x-rays, which then disclosed the site of the ball. The bullet had ricocheted off of the upper eye orbit (bone above eyebrow) and rested at the top of the cranium. Rumors were numerous and varied. Some stated that the assailant placed his weapon through one of the broken windows. Others believed that Jennie was killed for money and thought that Jennie had let the person into her home, he sitting a short distance behind her and fired as she was about to eat. She would sew her money into her clothing, usually having very large amounts, at this time having over $400 in many large bills. Her garb was usually made from burlap sacks and feed bags, what most people would call "miser's clothes". John stated to the authorities that none of the money was missing. But the detectives said that robbery must have been the motive. After questioning the few neighbors that John had, as well as some other local residents, an inquest was held, in the kitchen of John's home, he and Wade Norton being witnesses and Lynn Carpenter, Gordon Morgan, Kenneth J. Frey, Edward W. Kaseman, Hausne Shoemaker and William Morgan being sworn as jurors. One elderly woman stated that on the same afternoon, Ernest Hipple had stopped about 5:00 P.M. and asked her to keep his rifle until he called for it. She asked him to stop by the Porter's and tell John that if there was anything that she could do, not to hesitate to ask. (She had heard about the murder prior to Ernest's arrival.) John stated that Ernest did not stop back that evening, but did say that Ernest was at his home earlier, in fact, when he had reached the main road from his home, he met the young man, the lad was carrying his gun as he usually had done previously. He said that the two spoke for a few minutes and he went on his way to the mailing of his letter. He looked back and noticed that Ernest had turned off the road into the woods, but took no notice of the fact. After this was disclosed to the authorities and an investigation was made of the area spoke of, tracks were found which led to the rear of John's home. The tracks were examined thoroughly. The authorities also learned that Ernest was in the habit of carrying his rifle almost always as he walked the Wheelerville-Shunk road and that he usually made it a point to stop at the Porter's, sometimes twice a day. John also made mention that he had a milk check stolen. He stated that Ernest would stop at the mailbox and bring John his mail. He had made a report to the milk company about the check. Ernest was picked up a week after the murder, but as the papers stated, he wasn't charged, but was being held under suspicion. It was learned that Ernest had been arrested five years prior to this, but had been paroled. He was married and had a small child, but didn't lived with his family, who were understood to be somewhere near Muncy Valley. He is said to visit them occasionally, but had spent most of his time with his parents in Wheelerville. By Friday, 10 days after the murder, Ernest confessed to the killing of Jennie Porter. In his confession he stated that he in fact stole the check, went to Canton and cashed it and bought liquor and thought that "the old lady knew I took it." He stated that he "wanted some of the money he knew she had, so he could see his wife and child, who lived down Muncy way." When asked why he had not killed John when they met on the main road, he said that "I had only one bullet in the gun. Otherwise I would have." Before he met John, he had just come from his home, picked up his cousin's English rifle, but discovered there were no bullets. He searched the house and found one in a saucer in a cupboard. He then met with John. He said that after he departed from John, he started for his own home, then cut off the road into the woods, thinking that no one had seen him. "I went to the back of the house and tried the rear door. It was locked and so I knocked on it. Jennie opened the door and said "Oh, it's you." When I got inside, I sat behind her on some feed sacks that were piled in the corner. Jennie had commenced her meal. I put the gun to my shoulder, took aim at her, and for a few seconds became quite dizzy. Then I shot her. She slumped over and fell on the floor next to her chair. Then I got scared. I started to look for the money and then got really scared, knowing that John would be along any time. I dragged her body to the bedroom by her feet, then locked the rear door from which I had been invited and went out the side door. I ran into the woods behind the barn and out past where John's other house is. I had stopped at that house for some time and didn't speak to anyone. I then proceeded to the old lady up the road. She asked me to stop at John's on my way home to tell him that if there was anything she could do to let her know. I was scared and didn't go back. I went right home."


SULLIVAN REVIEW, 26 Apr 1939 ed.:

Ernest Hipple, 22 years old, of Wheelerville, who was convicted in the Sullivan County courts for the killing of Mrs. Jennie Porter of Shunk, on February 7th, 1938, was electrocuted, Monday morning, April 24th, at Rockview penitentiary. He walked into the death chamber without assistance and calmly seated himself in the electric chair, at 12:31 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. The current was applied in 40 seconds and he was pronounced dead three minutes later. He was preceded to the electric chair by Rev. Father F.P. McCreesh, prison Catholic priest, who read the prayer for the dying which was repeated by Hipple. Early Saturday morning Sheriff Obert took Hipple to the Rockview penitentiary, where he was confined in the death cell. On Sunday he was visited by his mother, Mrs. Martha Hipple and sister Miss Myrtle Hipple and one brother Archie Hipple. He has three brothers and four sisters, also a wife and son two years old. His wife and son did not visit him. After a priest visited the prisoners at the jail at Laporte and administered communion to them on Easter Sunday, Hipple expressed a desire for some spiritual guidance. Later he was baptized and given communion. Among those who witnessed the execution were Sheriff Ralph F. Obert, John Lumley, Republican County Chairman, Edward Meehan County Treasurer, Walter Baumunk, County Commissioner. The body was claimed by his mother and was removed to an undertaking parlor at Williamsport, on Wednesday. He was buried in the cemetery at Shunk.

SUMMARY - On Monday afternoon, February 7th John Porter found the lifeless body of his wife at his home, upon his return from a visit with his neighbor. He had been away from the house several hours. Ernest Hipple of Wheelerville was at the Porter home earlier in the day, and left with Mr. Porter, about one oclock. Mr. Porter went to the mailbox about half a mile away to mail a letter, and then he went to the home of a neighbor where he remained for some time. Hipple left Porter at the mailbox, and walked out through the woods, returning to the Porter home in a round about way. Here he found Mrs. Porter sitting at a table eating her dinner. In a confession he signed, he said he rapped at the door and Mrs. Porter opened it and said; Oh itits you. Hipple then entered the house and sat down in a corner back of Mrs. Porter where he remained for a short time and fired the shot which resulted in her death. He then dragged her body into another room, became scared and ran away. Tuesday afternoon Sheriff Obert of Laporte and Corporal Santee of the state Police of Towanda started their investigation. Upon evidence produced they arrested Hipple on an open charge and lodged him in the county jail at Laporte to await the action of the coroners jury. On Wednesday Coroner Joseph F. Dreier, M.D. of Dushore accompanied by Sheriff Obert and the State Police again visited the scene of the murder and empaneled the following jury; Lynn Carpenter Foreman, Gordon Morgan, Kenneth J. Frey, E.W. Kaseman, Payne Shoemaker and William Morgan. After hearing the evidence they returned a verdict: "She came to her death by a bullet wound in her skull which was discharged from a gun in the hands of some unknown person. After signing his confession Hipple was placed under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Porter, the trial to take place at the April sessions.


One of the reporters of the Towanda DAILY REVIEW asked John for a photograph of his wife. John stated that he had one somewhere and proceeded to search for it. He took the reporter upstairs and the young man noticed that several of the windows were broke and that rags were pushed into the broken panes. Rooms were filled to the ceiling with old bed frames, broken chairs, commodes, dressers, bed linens and old picture frames, one attracting his attention most of all. Enclosed in the frame was a sheet of paper headed "ARTICLES OF THE CONFEDERACY". John was in another room when the reporter noticed a photograph of a young lady with a group of children, some as big as she and John told him "that was Jennie when she taught at the North School." John found one of her and "her first man". They went downstairs to look through the album and turned up nothing. John stated that he had chores to do and in the midst of these, the reporter took a picture of him and one of the house. He also noticed that there were several cats roaming around. "There was 29 at Jennie's last count," John told the young reporter. The lad thought there were more, for you could find cats throughout the home, the barn and everywhere in-between. John stated that the house was built by his father, Harvey, who willed it to him along with the Wade Norton residence. He also acquired a .38 calibre rifle, which was checked by the investigators during the initial investigation, which was found to have not been fired for several years. The reporter didn't get the picture of the deceased woman, but did get a great deal of background information on the elderly couple and their home.


The following appeared in Greene's HISTORIC HODGE-PODGE, pages 110-11. Notice that the date is incorrect, but the remainder of the information has been corroborated by other records. "February 19, 1938, a murder occurred in Fox Township that brought sorrow to many friends of the victim and sympathy to relatives of the misguided young man, father of a small family, who committed the crime. Employment was scarce at this time and Ernest Hipple tried to provide for his family by trapping fur-bearing animals. He often called at the Porter home near Wheelerville where he was welcomed. Mr. and Mrs. John Porter were reported to have a large sum of money in their home. Ernest Hipple, a frequent visitor at Porter's, accompanied Mr. Porter, who was going to Wheelerville's Post Office. Making an excuse of visiting traps, his tracks in the snow revealed that he returned to the Porter home, entered and shot Mrs. Porter in the back of the head with a bullet from a .22 calibre rifle. Returning home, Mr. Porter found his wife dead and supposed she had died from a cerebral hemorrhage. The undertaker, embalming the body, discovered the wound and the autopsy found the bullet. Accused of the crime, the young man made a confession, revealing that robbery was the motive. Hipple was tried by the Sullivan County Court, found guilty and sentenced to death in the electric chair at Rock View Prison. He is buried in the West Hill Cemetery near the graves of his victim and her husband."


More About Jennie Belle VanHorn:

Burial: 10 Feb 1938, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Occupation: School Teacher in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 324 v. Matilda A. Porter, born 10 Feb 1875 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Dec 1942 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.

325 vi. Corwin L. Porter, born 18 May 1881 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Jun 1904 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Corwin L. Porter:

NOTE: While reading the following news stories, play close attention to the differences in name spellings and opinions as well as to the reasoning and accounts of the tragic death of Corwin. The misrepresentations were just as prevalent in the early years as they are today. -- R. J. Porter


ELMIRA DAILY ADVERTISER; 08 Jun 1904 ed., pg. 10:

CANTON - Fatal Shooting at Shunk Last Friday Night - The Murderer in Jail

Canton, Pa., June 7

Elmer Tinklepaugh, an itinerant tinker, shot and killed Cornwell Porter while under the influence of liquor at Shunk last Friday night, shortly after the close of a public dance at that place. Tinklepaugh was arrested and is now lodged in the county jail at Laporte. The shooting is said to have been entirely without provocation, and local public opinion is strongly against the prisoner, whose reputation is of a rather questionable nature. Several other differences were settled the same night and a 'rough house' seemed to be the rule from start to finish.


ELMIRA DAILY ADVERTISER; 10 Jun 1904 ed., pg. 8:


Corwin Porter, of Shunk, Sullivan County, lies dead, the result of a bullet fired from a revolver by a man named Tinklepaugh as the two lay struggling on the ground on Saturday morning. Porter never regained consciousness. Tinklepaugh is confined in the jail at Laporte.




In the spring of 1902 an eccentric character by the name of Elmer Elsworth Washington Tinklepaugh, living alone at Shunk, fired a shotgun into a crowd of youths who were molesting him, killing Corbin Porter. Tinklepaugh was adjudged insane and confined in a state institution.


More About Corwin L. Porter:

Burial: 06 Jun 1904, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 08 Jun 1904, ELMIRA ADVERTISER - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 09 Jun 1904, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 3: 10 Jun 1904, ELMIRA ADVERTISER - Elmira, NY


+ 326 vii. Minerva L. Porter, born 22 Mar 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Jan 1953.

104. Miner F.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1836 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 29 Sep 1864 in Chaffins Farm, Henrico Co., VA. He married Anna Brown 11 Sep 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Brown and Deborah Wilcox. She was born 1843 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 30 Apr 1880 in Williamsburg, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Miner F. Porter:

LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Estate of Miner F. Porter (Book 1, Page 240): And now to wit January 5, 1866 at the instance of Charles Hoagland, a creditor of the estate, citation issued to Anna Hughes, widow of Miner F. Porter, deceased, commanding her to appear and take Letters of Administration to administer upon the Estate of her late husband Miner F. Porter, deceased, late of Forks Township, returnable at his office at Laporte on Tuesday the 13th day of Feby at 1 o'clock P.M. Served the within citation on the within named Anna Hughes by handing her a true and attested copy of the within citation on the 11th day of January 1866. -- (signed) L.D. Porter


Personally appeared before me the above named L.D. Porter and after being duly sworn deposeth and sayeth that the above is a true return of the service of the within.-- Jan 15 '66 (signed) S.D. Johnson, J.P.


And now to wit Feb 15, 1866, Anna Hughes late widow of Miner F. Porter or no persons for her appearing in answer to the above citation, Letters of Administration were in due form of law granted to Charles Hoagland to administer the goods, and chattels, rights and credits of the said Miner F. Porter, deceased, he having first been duly sworn according to law and having given bond in the sum of $500.00 conditioned as the law directs with proper U.S. Rev. stamps attached with L.D. Porter and William Glidewell as his sureties. -- (signed) C.C. Finch, Register


Inventory filed March 2nd 1866 - Appraisement of widow's share filed March 5/66

"Feby 28, 1868 Recpt of L.D. Porter, Guardian of Albert Porter for $262.12 1/2 being 2/3 of proceeds of sale of Real Est. Also recpt for $131.06 being 1/3 of said proceeds of sale, the rest of which is for use of the widow during her life."



The 58th PA Infantry was mustered into service on 13 Feb 1862 at Philadelphia, PA, commanded by Col. John Richter Jones. Company B, of which Miner was a member, was stationed at Chaffin's Farm, VA from Sep - Oct 1864. On 28 Sep "the company crossed to the north side of the James River and charged the Rebel works at Fort Harrison on Chaffin's Farm, Virginia, losing Captain Theodore Blakeley, company commander, two corporals and one private killed, and one sergeant and six privates wounded." (Miner was one of the corporals killed.)


More About Miner F. Porter:

Burial: 01 Oct 1864, Chaffins Farm, Henrico Co., VA

Cause of Death: wounded in battle; died that evening

Military service: Bet. 13 Feb 1862 - 29 Sep 1864, 58th PA Inf. Co B

Child of Miner Porter and Anna Brown is:

+ 327 i. Albert W.11 Porter, born 17 Oct 1860 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

105. Dency Ann10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1839 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 31 Mar 1912 in Benton, Columbia Co., PA. She married (1) Timothy Howard 02 Feb 1864 in Trout Run, Lycoming Co., PA. He was born 1817 in MA, and died 10 Mar 1875 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Barton S. Porter 22 Feb 1876. He was born 1827 in PA, and died 28 Nov 1898 in Mill Creek, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Dency Ann Porter:

There was a receipt from the Benton Marble and Granite Works which stated they charged $15.00 for the erection of a headstone upon Dency's grave in the Waller Cemetery on 24 Jun 1912.


More About Dency Ann Porter:

Burial: Apr 1912, Waller Cem. Benton, Columbia Co., PA


More About Timothy Howard:

Burial: 13 Mar 1875, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: 1870, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Dency Porter and Timothy Howard:

Dency also stated in her affidavit that she and Timothy "were married near Trout Run, Lycoming County, PA on 2 February 1864 by a Justice of Peace whose name I not recall, he made out a certificate but my husband did not call for it and the Justice died soon after. My husband Howard and I lived together as man and wife until his death...I had never been previously married."


Notes for Barton S. Porter:

I have not been able to find who his parents are, even though I have searched through the census records of Bradford, Sullivan and Tioga Co., PA. I have often thought that he may have been a descendant of Uel Porter, an early settler of Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA, but I have found no record of his birth, death, burial or marriage to his first wife, Sarah, by whom he had children. These children were recorded in the pension file of Timothy Howard, per affidavits signed by Dency stating that there were children from Bartons previous marriage, but all were over 16 years of age.


More About Barton S. Porter:

Burial: 01 Dec 1898, Bear Creek Burial Ground, Columbia Co., PA

Medical Information: died at 8 pm.

Mil. Service: Bet. 12 Sep 1864 - 31 May 1865, Co J 207 PA Inf. (Discharge Rank - Pvt.)

Occupation: Farmer in Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 1: Jun 1890, Mill Creek, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1870 - 1898, Plunketts' Creek, Lycoming Co., PA

Child of Dency Porter and Timothy Howard is:

328 i. Theodocia11 Howard, born 1862 in PA.


More About Theodocia Howard:

Residence: 1870, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

106. Charles Newton10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Apr 1841 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 26 Sep 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Henrietta Williams 05 Nov 1866 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Henry Williams and Christina Rightmire. She was born 24 Sep 1842 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 22 Feb 1871 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Rebecca Kilmer 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Peter Kilmer and Lutica Scudder. She was born Dec 1848 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1944.


Notes for Charles Newton Porter:

Thomas J. Ingham HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY, pgs. 129-130

CHARLES N. PORTER - Among the brave men who helped to make up the quota of soldiers sent by Pennsylvania to the defense of the Union in the dark days of the Rebellion was the subject of this sketch, now a leading agriculturist of Fox township, Sullivan county. He made an honorable record by his gallant service and in the paths of peace he has proved himself equally worthy of the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. He was born in Schoharie county, New York, where his ancestors made their home many years ago. Latney D. Porter, our subject's father, was born and reared in the town of Broome, that county, and was married there to Miss Mahala Loose, a native of the same county. In 1842 he removed to this section, having received by will a tract of land in Sullivan county, from a relative of his wife. Later he bought other tracts in Fox township, and at the time of his death he owned a large amount of land. His wife died when our subject was but three years old. Of their other children the first died in infancy; Wiliam is a farmer in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania; Nathan, formerly a resident of Fox township, who was killed by a falling tree; Daniel, a farmer in Fox township, who died in 1897; Harvey, a farmer in Fox township; Densey, wife of B. S. Porter, a farmer in Lycoming county; and Miner, who married Annie Brown and settled in Fox township, Sullivan county, but met a soldier's death at Fort Garrison, on October 1, 1864, while serving in Compnay B, Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Our subject was brought to Sullivan county when a babe and was educated chiefly in the schools of Fox township. On October 18, 1861, at the age of twenty, he enlisted in Company B, Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for three years, under Captain Metcalf, and during his term he took part in many severe battles in Virginia and North Carolina. He returned home in the fall of 1864 and in the following year went to Minnesota and spent a winter working as a lumberman in the woods. Since that time he has been engaged in general farming in Sullivan county and has besides conducted a grocery store in Shunk for a year and has filled numerous contracts for buildings and similar work. He owns about one hundred and fifty acres of land, much of it under cultivation, and has devoted considerable attention to stock-raising. Politcally he is a steadfast Republican, and among the offices which he has held we may mention those of constable, overseer of the poor and commissioner of the township; and he has served on the election board at various times as judge and cleark, while his interest in educational affairs has been shown by several years of effective work as school director. Socially he and his family are prominent and he belongs to the P. of I. and the P.O.S. of A., being a charter member of the latter society at Shunk. Mr. Porter was married to Miss Henrietta Williams, November 5, 1866, in Fox township. She was a daughter of Henry Williams, and her death took place in 1871. Our subject was married a second time, his bride on this occasion being Miss Rebecca Kilmer, a native of Fox township, Sullivan county, and a daughter of Peter Kilmer. By the first union he had two children: Myrtie, the wife of Morris E. Morgan, a farmer in Fox township; and Henry, who died in infancy. By his second marriage there are three children: Otus, a farmer living on the homestead; Orwell, who married Miss Eva Brown and resides on a farm in Fox township; and Harry E., at home. Mrs. Myrtie Morgan has six children: Lenora, eleven years of age; Floyd, nine years; Henrietta, seven years; Daniel, four years; Leon, two years; and Agnes, three months."





I, Charles N. Porter, of Fox Township, in the County of Sullivan and the State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory & understanding, do make and publish this, my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at anytime heretofore made: And first, I direct that my funeral be conducted in a manner corresponding with my estate and situation in life and that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. As to such estate as it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I dispose of the same as follows, viz: ITEM: I give, devise and bequeath unto my wife Rebecca Porter, all my property, real, personal and mixed for and during the term of her natural life or so long as she remains my widow. ITEM: At the death of my said wife, or on her remarriage, I give and devise unto my daughter Mertie, intermarried with M.E. Morgan, my farm situated in Fox Township, in the county of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania, known as the Samuel Hosier farm, on which she now resides, to her and her heirs forever. ITEM: At the death of my said wife, or on her remarriage, I give and devise unto my son, Otis Porter, my farm situate in Fox Township, in the county of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania, known as the William Norton farm situate near Piatt to him and his heirs forever. ITEM: At the death my said wife, or on her remarriage, I give and devise unto my son, Orwell Porter, my farm situate in Fox Township, in the county of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania, known as he John Dickinson farm, and conveyed to me by W.E. Porter and wife and Thos. E. Bullock and wife, to him and his heirs forever. ITEM: At the death of my said wife, or on her remarriage, I give and devise unto my grandson, Rozelle Porter, my house and lot of land situate in Shunk, in Fox Township, in the county of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania, conveyed to me by W.E. Porter and wife, also my other lot a barn on it, also situate in Shunk, township of Fox, in the county of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania and conveyed to me by James Campbell and others, to him and his heirs forever. ITEM: At the death of my said wife, or on her remarriage, I give and devise unto my two sons, Otis Porter and Orwell Porter, all my personal property, of whatever kind or description to be divided between them, share and share alike. And I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my son, Orwell Porter to be Executor of this, my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of June A.D. 1917 (Signed) CHARLES N. PORTER Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Charles N. Porter, as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who, at his request, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto, in the presence of the said testator and of each other. (signatures of) T.S. Hickok; G.J. Williams And now to wit: on Oct. 12, 1917, due proof of the death of Charles N. Porter, late of the Township of Fox in the county of Sullivan in the state of Pennsylvania, who died on Sept. 26, 1917 having been filed and due proof of his last Will and Testament having been made, said Will is admitted to Probate and Letters Testamentary were in due form of law granted to Orwell Porter, Executor to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of said decedent, he having first been duly sworn and qualified according to law. Albert F. Heess, Register of Wills


More About Charles Newton Porter:

Burial: 29 Sep 1917, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 18 Oct 1861 - 06 Nov 1864, Co B 58th PA Vol

Occupation: Bet. 1866 - 1899, Farmer

Offices Held: Election board as judge and clerk; County School Director

Political party: 1899, Republican

Will: 04 Jun 1917, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Henrietta Williams:

Burial: 24 Feb 1871, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Rebecca Kilmer:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Charles Porter and Henrietta Williams are:

+ 329 i. Myrta Christine11 Porter, born 15 Dec 1867 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 05 May 1948 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.

330 ii. Henry S. Porter, born 31 Mar 1870 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Apr 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Henry S. Porter:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


Children of Charles Porter and Rebecca Kilmer are:

+ 331 i. Orwell L.11 Porter, born 17 Apr 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Jun 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 332 ii. Charles Otis Porter, born 05 Apr 1874 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Jan 1946.

333 iii. Harry E. Porter, born 30 Sep 1883 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Feb 1902 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Harry E. Porter:

Burial: 13 Feb 1902, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 20 Feb 1902, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

107. John P.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jun 1844 in Fox Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 26 Oct 1917 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. He married Martha Jane Warburton 02 Sep 1867 in Bradford Co., PA, daughter of John Warburton and Hannah Mullan. She was born Jun 1842 in Lycoming Co., PA, and died 16 Jul 1910 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.


Notes for John P. Porter:


JOHN P. PORTER - Not only a pioneer of pioneers of Bingham county, Idaho, but also one who fully demonstrated his patriotism and loyalty to his country by serving faithfully as a soldier in the great Civil war, and who is now pleasantly and prosperously located near Blackfoot, Idaho, John P. Porter is certainly entitled to something more than a mere mention in any volume treating of the progressive and representative men of the state. He was born on June 14, 1844, in the rough coal-mining county of Sullivan, Pa., being a son of Latney and Sophronia (Brown) Porter. The father, a son of William Porter, was born in 1806, in the state of New York, and in early life came to Sullivan county, Pa., then thickly covered with forest, and, being an energetic and public-spirited individual, he was not only engaged in extensive farming and lumbering operations, but was prominent in the Whig and Republican parties of his place and period. The mother of our subject was a native of Massachusetts, and she is still living in vigorous mental and physical health at the age of seventy-eight years, on the old Sullivan county homestead, being the mother of twelve children. John P. Porter was reared amid the primitive scenes and occupations connected with the establishment of civilization in the county of his birth, and was but sixteen years of age when the President's message, calling for volunteers to aid in the great struggle of the civil war, flashed over the wires of the country, and with patriotic fervor he at once enlisted, becoming a member of Company B, Fifty-eighth Infantry, serving three most momentous years in the historic Army of the Potomac, one year with the Eighteenth Army Corps, and being in many engagements and bloody battles, among them that historic one of Cold Harbor, and the bloody attack upon Petersburg, where his corps was the first in action and was also the first to plant the Union flag on Fort Harrison after its capture. In this engagement Mr. Porter was in the greatest Danger his whole military life. On June 24th, just at the close of the two hours' time in which the artillery were shelling the works at Petersburg, and while the troops were lying on the ground waiting for the signal to advance, he heard a sound, and, looking up, saw that the Confederates had charged in force and were within twenty feet of him. In the struggle which ensued two Confederates dropped dead at his head and one at his feet, but he escaped uninjured. After his honorable muster-out of service at the close of the war, Mr. Porter returned to Pennsylvania and there conducted farming and lumbering operations until 1869, when he made the first step in his westward course by going to Iowa, thirty months thereafter proceeding to Minnesota, where he remained one winter and then returned to Pennsylvania. Three years later he emigrated to Nebraska for one year's residence, becoming a citizen of Saline for one year, and from that state went to Kansas and after two years started westward across the plains with an ox team and two cows, his destination being Washington Territory. Upon arriving at the beautiful Blackfoot River in Idaho in July, 1880, he was so pleased with the place and its surroundings, and the opportunities presented, that he here took up a homestead of 160 acres, engaged in farming and stockraising, being the pioneer agriculturist in several departments of that great industry, for he was the first to dig an irrigating ditch, the first to cultivate crops and was among the very first to plant fruit trees on the west side of the Snake River. From the very date of his arrival at this place Mr. Porter has been a forceful factor in everything that tends to the development of this section of the county and has been, as a consequence of his energetic and discriminating efforts, most highly prospered, also gaining and retaining the esteem and confidence of his associates and acquaintances. In the circles of the Republican party he is known as an energetic worker, and he is also prominently connected with the Grand Army of the Republic organization. On September 2, 1867, Mr. Porter married with Miss Martha J. Warburton, also a native of Sullivan county, Pa., and a daughter of John and Hannah (Mullen) Warburton, her father being a native of Liverpool, England, coming to Pennsylvania at the age of eleven years, there passing his entire subsequent life as an energetic business operator and an active Republican politician. Mr. and Mrs. Porter had seven children, of whom Lillian E. and Walter E. are living, and the following are deceased: Estella, who is buried in Pennsylvania; America, who died in Iowa; an infant who passed away in Pennsylvania; Minor, who died in Kansas; Lowell, who is buried at Blackfoot, Idaho. This memoir will be, perhaps, best completed by giving a detailed account of some of the experiences in battle that were the lot of Mr. Porter during his service in the Civil war. They will speak most vividly to the people of the present generation of the perils encountered in the struggle to preserve the integrity of the Union and inculcate lessons of patriotism. The first two years of Mr. Porter's military life were passed in Virginia and North Carolina. His regiment then moved north and participated in many bloody battles and engagements, among them that of Cold Harbor, where they were encamped on the field. They landed at Fortress Monroe on the morning of (9 Mar 1862) the day when the Monitor and the Merrimac met in their historic encounter. Going to Norfolk, they assisted in the capture of that city. Then they were at Suffolk, where they were quartered for the most part of the winter of 1862-3. In the spring of 1863 they were sent to Newbern and on to Washington, NC, in this latter place passing the winter of 1863-4. They were assigned to the Eighteenth Army Corps in the spring of 1864, joined General Butler, and were participants in the attack on Richmond which, on account of the dense fog, failed of success. On June 3, 1984, occurred the momentous battle of Cold Harbor, in which they took effective part and Mr. Porter was in great danger. On June 3d, behind the Rebels' breastworks, at break of day a charge was made, and, after being captured twice by the enemy and three times by Northern forces, Mr. Porter was struck twice by bullets, one on the arm and once on the leg, but not severely injured by either ball. He laid under fire behind the works among the dead from morning until night with his head resting against one dead man's legs, lying across another body, while another's head pressed against his side. On the 14th of June he was again in Petersburg and on June 24th, while on picket duty, between Appomattox and the Waldon Railroad, the Rebel shells played on them for two hours and then the Confederates charged in force. Mr. Porter looking up from the trench discovered the Rebels within twenty feet of him. He fell back, fired his gun at them, and in the struggle that ensued one man dropped dead across his feet, two Rebels dropped over the breastwork close by the head of Mr. Porter, and fired several shots so close to him that he could have pushed his finger into the muzzle of their guns. Later, Mr. Porter was sent to gather up prisoners and was detailed as guard in front of the breastworks. In climbing over the breastworks in fulfillment of his duty, then a very dangerous undertaking, he first put his canteen and haversack over, and, stepping back a few paces, he made a running jump and landed safely on the other side, but at the spot where he went over many bullets struck. Landing in a field of grain, after lying for a few moments he crawled away through the grain and took up his outpost duty, which he safely carried out. On the last day of September, at Fort Harrison, his brother, Miner F. Porter, was so severely injured by a shot that he died that evening. On October 17, 1864, Mr. Porter was mustered out and returned home. Two more brothers, Charles and Daniel, were in service, making four gallant soldiers for the Union from this one family.


More About John P. Porter:

Burial: 26 Oct 1917, Los Angeles National Cem., CA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 1860 - 1863, Co B 58th PA Inf

Residence 1: 1880, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., WY

Residence 2: 1900, Rose, Bingham Co., ID

Residence 3: 1910, 8-Wd San Diego, San Diego Co., CA


More About Martha Jane Warburton:

Residence: 1880, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., WY

Children of John Porter and Martha Warburton are:

+ 334 i. Lillian Ellsie11 Porter, born 17 Jun 1872 in IA; died Aft. 1930 in prob. St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

335 ii. Walter E. Porter, born 28 Apr 1875 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. 1900 in Rose, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Walter E. Porter:

Residence 1: 1880, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., WY

Residence 2: 1900, Rose, Bingham Co., ID


336 iii. Estella Porter, born abt. 1876 in Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1877.

337 iv. America Porter, born abt. Jun 1878 in IA; died 1878.

338 v. Infant Porter, born 1879 in PA; died 1879 in PA.

339 vi. Minor Porter, born abt. Jan 1880 in KS; died in KS.

340 vii. Lowell Porter, born Aft. Jul 1880 in Cheyenne, Laramie Co., WY; died in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

109. Aaron10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1847 in Fox Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 19 Sep 1872 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN. He married Emeline Strong 01 May 1870 in Lynwood, Anoka Co., MN, daughter of John Strong and Harriett Reed. She was born 06 Oct 1853 in Keyport, Monmouth Co., NJ, and died 03 Oct 1920 in Anoka Co., MN.


Notes for Aaron Porter:

Aaron went to Minnesota with his brothers John and Charles, searching for jobs in the lumbering business. They stayed with their widowed sister-in-law, Sarah (Cooper) Porter and her parents, who had gone to Minnesota around 1857. Here was where Aaron settled down, married and raised his daughter. The graves of Sarah and her parents are within the same area as Aaron and Emeline's. -- note of Stephany E. Porter, 1978


More About Aaron Porter:

Burial: 21 Sep 1872, Bethal Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Cause of Death: brain hemorrhage


Notes for Emeline Strong:

In the 1880 census, Emeline is listed as Emily Armstrong. It is known that she had remarried, so it is safe to assume that when the census taker asked her name, she probably said Im a Strong and the enumerator misunderstood what she said.


More About Emeline Strong:

Burial: 05 Oct 1920, Bethal Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Residence 1: 1880, Anoka Co., MN

Residence 2: 1920, Bethal, Anoka Co., MN

Child of Aaron Porter and Emeline Strong is:

+ 341 i. Harriett Eugenia11 Porter, born 28 Jun 1871 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 15 Nov 1951 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN.

112. Clarrinda10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 May 1855 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Sep 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Carl F. Heess 1872 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Christian Heess and Dorthea Kees. He was born 14 Nov 1848 in Wurtenberg, Germany, and died 30 Jul 1907 in Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Clarrinda Porter:

A major portion of the information on the descendants of Clarinda (Porter) Heess was relayed to me via a telephone conversation I had with Mrs. Karen Janette (Brown) Heller, prior to her marriage. She stated that most of her information had been written in, and read from, a birthday and anniversary book that is in the possession of her mother and father, Emery & Arlene Brown, they residing in Troy, PA. In Sep 1983, I visited with Mary Amanda Wilston at her home in Troy. She possessed an unpublished genealogy of the Heess family, which contained the entire family of Clarinda, up until about 1956, but several bits of vital information was lacking and some people's middle names and marriages were omitted, although the work was fairly well done. It gave a very extensive history of the Heess family's settlement in Forks Township, Sullivan Co., PA. I had also visited with Charles D. and Virginia McKay, of Roseville, who filled me in on the family of his mother and father. Virginia was a volunteer worker for the Tioga County Historical Society in Wellsboro, PA and was very much interested in my research. She was very helpful in locating many of these relatives and gave me several researching tips and sources to tap. Also used were the notes of Jesse E. Williams of Shunk, who had recorded a great deal of information on the family of Estella Clara Heess, her husband being from the Hillsgrove and Forksville areas. There were addresses given beside many of the family members, the majority of which were in the Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA area. Shortly after my visit with Virginia, I made contact with several of the Newell, Flory, Brown, McKay and Wilston family members. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Clarrinda Porter:

Burial: Oct 1887, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA (Old Quaker Section)


More About Carl F. Heess:

Burial: Aug 1907, Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Clarrinda Porter and Carl Heess are:

+ 342 i. Estella Clara11 Heess, born 30 Oct 1872 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Apr 1928 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 343 ii. Amelia H. Heess, born 09 Jul 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Dec 1961 in Los Angeles Co., CA.

+ 344 iii. Jennie H. Heess, born 04 Jan 1880 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 03 Jun 1959 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 345 iv. Dora Nellie Heess, born 10 Nov 1882 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Apr 1945 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA

346 v. Frank C. Heess, born 23 Sep 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Dec 1887 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Frank C. Heess:

Burial: 24 Dec 1887, Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

113. Latney James10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1857 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 12 Mar 1926 in Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID. He married (1) Elizabeth Gleockler 25 Sep 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Anthony Gleckner and Margretta Baumunk. She was born 08 May 1860 in Lake Run, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 May 1900 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married (2) Emily Jane Meade 27 Jul 1901 in Bingham Co., ID, daughter of Jacob Meade and Susannah Stallard. She was born 27 Nov 1857 in Nickelsville, Scott Co., VA, and died 29 Jan 1933 in Portersville, ID.


Notes for Latney James Porter:


"L.J. PORTER - Probably no resident of Bingham county is more in touch with the scientific and practical methods underlying successful agriculture than the representative citizen of Idaho whose name heads this review, whose beautiful homestead ranch is located eight miles north of the village of Blackfoot, on the west side of Snake River, where he is most profitably engaged in conducting successful stock raising and farming operations. He was born on June 22, 1857, in Sullivan county, PA, a son of Latney and Seraphene (Brown) Porter, for whose personal history we refer the reader to the sketch of the brother of Mr. Porter, John P. Porter, which appears elsewhere in this volume. Until his majority L.J. Porter passed his life in attending school and aiding his father in his numerous business activities, then for eight years he was engaged in agricultural operations in his native county, becoming during this period thoroughly conversant with the best methods for successfully conducting agriculture and, for a portion of this time, doing business for himself. In 1888 he came to Blackfoot, and here he became connected with western agriculture upon the fertile area of the homestead of his present residence, engaging in stock raising operations in connection with general farming. He has since been very prominent in connection with the development of agriculture in this section of the state, and was one of the originators and builders of the Lava-Side Irrigating Ditch, and was general manager of the company. A man of pronounced ideas, good judgment and executive ability, his services have been brought into requisition as an instructor in farming in the United States Indian service, and his agricultural proficiency has also had recognition in his appointment as foreman of farming on the Bannock Creek Reservation, where he gave most valuable service for two years and three months. He is an active and zealous worker in the ranks of the Republican party and is greatly interested in all public matters of a local nature, serving the public with great capability in the offices of school trustees and justice of the peace for several terms, while fraternally he is identified with the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Porter has been twice married, first, on September 25, 1880, with Miss Elizabeth Gleokler, of Pennsylvania, a daughter of Anthony and Margaret Gloekler, who died at Blackfoot in 1900 at the age of forty years, leaving six children: Roseltha, George, Arvilla, Floyd, Clarence and Ervin. His second marriage was on July 27, 1901, with Mrs. Emily (Mead) Ramey, a native of Virginia, whose first husband was David Ramey."


After a lengthy telephone interview with Mrs. Gladys Rathjen, ex-wife of Clarence D, Porter, of Salmon, ID, a letter was sent by her explaining that the name of her former father-in-law was just L.J. Mrs. Rayola Soderquist, granddaughter of Latney James, gave his full name and not just the initials, the latter of which he used most of his life, even on important papers. Mrs. Rathjen also stated that Clarence and her had no children, nor did he have any by his first wife. She sent a list of Latney's children and the number of children each of them had. The following was listed: "Roseltha Porter Wareing had 2 children, one dead; George P. had 2 sons; Arvilla P. has 4 alive, one dead; Floyd P. had 6 children, 2 dead; Clarence P. had none and Irvin P. 6 children." She also informed me that for any further information on any of these families, I should contact Mrs. Deanna Grisenti of Tacoma, WA. - note of R. J. Porter


More About Latney James Porter:

Burial: 14 Mar 1926, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Residence 1: Bet. 1857 - 1886, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1886 - 1900, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Residence 3: Bet. 1900 - 1926, Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID


More About Elizabeth Gleockler:

Burial: 05 May 1900, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, ID


More About Emily Jane Meade:

Residence: 1930, Los Angeles, CA (Dist. 29)

Children of Latney Porter and Elizabeth Gleockler are:

+ 347 i. Roseltha Jennie11 Porter, born 05 Aug 1881 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Nov 1963 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 348 ii. George Porter, born 16 Jan 1883 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 Feb 1971 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 349 iii. Bertha Arvilla Porter, born 10 Aug 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Mar 1962 in Rigby, Jefferson Co., ID.

+ 350 iv. Floyd Porter, born 04 Jul 1893 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 13 Mar 1963 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., ID.

351 v. Clarence Dewey Porter, born 04 Mar 1896 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 19 Mar 1972 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married (1) Cora Hull 10 May 1921 in Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID; born 10 May 1899 in Blackfoot, ID; died 14 Jun 1942 in Goshen, ID. He married (2) Gladys Esther Morse 31 Aug 1945; born in ID; died in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 352 vi. Irvin Charles Porter, born 15 Mar 1900 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died May 1985 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

114. Loretta Hannah10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jan 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1906 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Samuel Leonard 1878, son of Charles Leonard and Mahala Chaapel. He was born 04 Mar 1854 in PA, and died 19 Feb 1931 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Loretta Hannah Porter:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


Notes for Samuel Leonard:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

Samuel Leonard has been on the sick list for the past week.


More About Samuel Leonard:

Burial: 22 Feb 1931, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: 1930, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Loretta Porter and Samuel Leonard are:

+ 353 i. Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, born 15 Apr 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Aug 1971.

+ 354 ii. Mattie A. Leonard, born abt. 1881 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1959.

355 iii. Walter G. Leonard, born 1886 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Mar 1886 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Walter G. Leonard:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 356 iv. Wesley Fred Leonard, born 05 Sep 1897 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Jun 1955 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 357 v. Agri-Lila Leonard, born 22 Feb 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Aug 1984 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

115. Harriett Ada10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 May 1861 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Jul 1929 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Charles Victor Parrish 1879, son of Timothy Parrish and Ruth Burnett. He was born Apr 1858 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1921 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Harriett Ada Porter:

Burial: 17 Jul 1929, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Charles Victor Parrish:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Harriett Porter and Charles Parrish are:

+ 358 i. Elsie11 Parrish, born 06 Mar 1880 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 359 ii. Cora Tamsa Parrish, born 19 Jun 1883 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Jun 1960 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

360 iii. Della Parrish, born abt. 1888. She married Ebenezer Barner.

361 iv. Ada Belle Parrish, born 1890 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1908 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married James Hawley.


More About Ada Belle Parrish:

Burial: 1908, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


362 v. Arthur Irvin Parrish, born 02 Mar 1893 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Nov 1965. He married Bessie Parliman Fortney 27 Sep 1928 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; born 1886 in Lockport, PA.

363 vi. George Parrish, born 05 Oct 1893; died 21 Oct 1975. He married Maude Carpenter.


More About George Parrish:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1975, Last residence: Hughesville, PA 17737

Social Security Number: 163-05-4904 (PA)


364 vii. Elizabeth Parrish, born 16 May 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Dec 1894 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Elizabeth Parrish:

Burial: 28 Dec 1894, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: spinal disease since birth

116. Grant Ulysses10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1864 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 30 Aug 1917 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA. He married Fannie Fern Baldwin 1892, daughter of Charles Baldwin and Mary Spencer. She was born Nov 1870, and died 11 Apr 1938 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Grant Ulysses Porter:


This is the inventory of the Estate of Grant Porter, and retained by Fannie F. Porter. It was appraised on 14 Aug 1926 and confirmed on 10 Feb 1927.

Touring car - $30.00; Dump rails - .10; Hay rope, etc. - $5.00; Gas engine - $10.00; Light chain - $25.00; Oats - no value; Spring seal - .25; Separator - $5.00; Lawn mower - .10; Neck yoke - .50; Straw - $10.00; Harpoon fork - .10; Ladder - $1.00; Corn drag - $1.00; Milk cans - .75; Ice tongs - .10; Bobsleds - $8.00; Trash - .10; Sap pans - $1.00; Wagon box - $2.00; Lumber - $2.50; Plows - .50; Double Harness - $10.00; Hay Rake - .25; Wagon - $1.00; Lumber wagon - $30.00; Churn - .25; Fence building outfit .50; Tank - .25; Light harness - .25; Disc harrow - $5.00; Milk wagon - .50; Sap buckets - $2.50; Mowing machine - $20.00; Vinegar keg - .10; Pump jack - no value; Forks & Shovels - $50.00; Small tools - .50; Whiffle tree - $1.50; Corn planter - $10.00; Washing machine - .50; Scalding barrels - .10; Manure spreader - $1.00; Grinding stone - $1.00; Grain binder - $50.00; Hay - no value; Truck wagon & hay rigging - $10.00; Currency on person - $60.00; Bank deposit - $32.00; U.S. bond - $100.00; Interest on bond - $4.25; Dairyman's League Certificate - $67.80; Interst on certificate - $12.00 TOTAL ESTATE - $500.00


More About Grant Ulysses Porter:

Burial: 02 Sep 1917, Windfall Cem., Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA

Estate Value: 14 Aug 1926, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1910, Granville, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Fannie Fern Baldwin:


Be it remembered that, I, Fannie F. Porter, of Granville Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, being of sound disposing mind, memory and understanding, do make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say: First: I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid and satisfied by my executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. ITEM: I order and direct that my executors place a suitable headstone at the grave of Elwin Porter which is to be similar in size and shape to the one at the head of his father's grave. ITEM: I give and bequeath to Raleigh Porter my kitchen cabinet, porch swing, the silver knives and forks and set of dishes. ITEM: I give and bequeath to Burdette Porter and Lydia Porter, his wife, the white iron bed and springs, mattresses and pillows, the couch, Morris chair, light colored dining room chairs and the best rug which is now being used in the living room, and Burdette Porter's picture. ITEM: I give and bequeath to Lynn Porter and Lillian Porter, his wife, Lynn Porter's picture, rocking chair with cushion, the bedroom suite off the front room on the first floor, bedstead and springs, dresser, washstand, two chairs, mattress and pillows, also all quilts that are on the bed and all the contents in the dresser. ITEM: I give and bequeath unto Leona Porter, dau. of Burdette Porter, the Improved Nine Patch bed quilt. ITEM: I give and bequeath unto Eleanor Porter, dau. of Burdette Porter, the Dutch Girl bed quilt. The balance of the quilts not herein before bequeathed are to be divided equally between the families of Raleigh Porter, Robert Porter, Burdette Porter, Lynn Porter and Earl Porter. ITEM: I give and bequeath unto Robert Porter and Clarissa Porter, his wife, all the personal property remaining in the house. ITEM: All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal and mixed, whatsoever and wheresoever, I give, devise and bequeath unto Raleigh Porter, Robert Porter, Earl Porter, Burdette Porter and Lynn Porter, share and share alike with the following exceptions:

As I have already loaned Earl Porter Three Hundred Dollars, which amount he has never repaid, he is to receive his share less the Three Hundred Dollars. As I have already loaned Robert Porter Two Hundred Dollars, the said Robert Porter is to care for me in sickness and in health for and during the term of my natural life and if he does this then his share will be equal, if not, then he is to pay my funeral expenses, not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars, the amount loaned.

LASTLY: I nominate, constitute and appoint Robert Porter and Burdette Porter to be the executors of this, my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the first day of April, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-five.

FANNIE F. PORTER (her mark)

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testatrix above named, as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:

C. Arthur Bullock

Harriett L. Doll


Admitted to Probate April 16, 1938 E.R. Ennis, Registrar -- Proof of death of Fannie F. Porter on April 11, 1938 made. Personal Estate valued at $1000; Real Estate valued at $2200


Petition of Burdette Porter, executor named in the last Will and Testament of Fannie F. Porter, late of the Township of Granville, deceased, filed, asking that letters testamentary upon said estate be granted to him, whereupon letters testamentary upon said estate were granted to said petitioner, he having first been duly sworn. Given under the hand and official seal of the Register this the 16th day of April, 1938.

E.R. Ennis, Register of Wills -- Inventory filed April 29, 1938, recorded in Book #30, page 10.


More About Fannie Fern Baldwin:

Burial: 14 Apr 1938, Windfall Cem., Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA

Estate Value: 29 Apr 1938, Personal - $1000; Real - $2200

Residence: Bet. 1910 - 1930, Granville, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Grant Porter and Fannie Baldwin are:

+ 365 i. Earl Ivid11 Porter, born 31 May 1893 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died Feb 1963.

+ 366 ii. Burdette McKinnley Porter, born 16 Sep 1896 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 15 May 1973 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

367 iii. Lynn J. Porter, born 27 Mar 1898 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA; died 05 Dec 1965. He married Lillian C. Fleming 1918; born 06 Oct 1897 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 16 Jun 1975.


More About Lynn J. Porter:

Burial: 08 Dec 1965, Windfall Cem., Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Granville, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 201-28-1729 (PA)


More About Lillian C. Fleming:

Name 2: Porter, Lillian

Burial: 18 Jun 1975, Windfall Cem., Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1930, Granville, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Jun 1975, Last residence: Granville Summit, PA 16926

Social Security Number: 209-22-4283 (PA)


368 iv. Robert D. Porter, born 11 Sep 1903 in Granville Summit, Bradford Co., PA; died 1937. He married Clarrissa Cornell; born abt. 1905 in PA.


More About Robert D. Porter:

Burial: Windfall Cem., Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA


+ 369 v. Raleigh P. Porter, born 11 Sep 1903 in Granville Summit, Bradford Co., PA; died Sep 1963 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

370 vi. Elwin F. Porter, born 1912 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA; died 1933 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Elwin F. Porter:

Burial: Windfall Cem., Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: automobile accident

117. Geary P.10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1866 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Aug 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Sarah Anderson 04 Aug 1888 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Frederick Anderson and Hannah Brown. She was born 22 Sep 1869 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Jan 1942 in Lycoming Co., PA. He married (2) Amelia Remus 04 Jul 1903 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of John Remus and Agnes ______. She was born 1860 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 04 Dec 1910 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (3) Frances Newcomer 19 May 1911 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of William Newcomer and Celinda Hoagland. She was born abt. 1880 in PA.


Notes for Geary P. Porter:

According to Edward W. Kaseman, Charles V. Shadduck, William F. Morgan and Alonzo B. Dickerson, the circumstances surrounding Geary's death came to light. These gentlemen had the notion that Geary had possibly contemplated suicide, having many personal, financial and marital problems. -- note of R. J. Porter


"He was killed while working on the Susquehanna & New York Railroad. The section gang of which he was a member was riding on a hand car. As a train approached, all the men jumped from the car, except Geary, who was killed instantly. This happened near the J & K switch, about where the road now leads down to the L.L. Baumunk lake and house."


LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Estate of Geary Porter -- And now August 30, 1917 due proof of the death of Geary Porter, late of the township of Fox, county of Sullivan and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, who died on Thursday August 23, 1917 having him no widow and his children, having been filed, and the Administration of Nellie P. Beals (nee Porter) and Edna Porter Campbell (nee Porter) only surviving children of said decedent--having been filed, Letters of Administration were on this day in due form of law granted to William J. Campbell, a son-in-law of said decedent, to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Geary Porter, the said decedent, he having first been duly sworn and qualified as Administrator according to law and having given Bond, conditioned as the law directs, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) with Chas. V. Parrish and H. S. Bond as his sureties. (signed) Albert F. Heess - Register of Wills


More About Geary P. Porter:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: killed by a train

Letters of Administration: 30 Aug 1917, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Sarah Anderson:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Amelia Remus:

LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Estate of Amelia R. Porter

And now, March 31, 1911 due proof of the death of Amelia Porter, late of the Township of Fox, county of Sullivan and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, having been filed, Letters of Administration were this day in due form of law granted to Geary Porter, a husband of said decedent, to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Amelia Porter, the said decedent, he having first been duly sworn and qualified as Administrator according to law, and having given Bond, conditioned as the law directs in the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, with B.P. Raub and E.E. McKay as his sureties. (signed) Albert F. Heess, Register of Wills


More About Amelia Remus:

Letters of Administration: 31 Mar 1911, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Geary Porter and Sarah Anderson are:

+ 371 i. Nellie M.11 Porter, born 04 Sep 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Mar 1949.

+ 372 ii. Edna Porter, born 13 Sep 1892 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

373 iii. John Porter, born 1893 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

374 iv. Frankie Porter, born 22 Dec 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aug 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

375 v. Ethel Porter, born 1895 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

118. Cora Sarah10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Apr 1869 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1932 in Seneca Co., NY. She married (1) Alsbury D. Brown 1890, son of John Brown and Deborah Wilcox. He was born 25 Jan 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Nov 1934. She married (2) Charles Baumunk abt. 1907, son of Adam Baumunk and Barbara Beutel. He was born Apr 1876 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.



Notes for Cora Sarah Porter:

Cora was best known for her hospitality and appetizing meals she prepared for her guests. Lila Hartford informed me that her Aunt "Sadie" would make it a point to fix your favorite meal when you came to visit. She had photos of Cora which resembled another photo found in an album owned by Stephany E. Porter of S. St. Paul, MN. They showed a woman with the physique of many a chef; plump in the face and round in the belly.


More About Cora Sarah Porter:

Burial: Feb 1932, Lakeview Cem., Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY

Occupation: 1920, Servant - private family

Residence: 1920, Trumansburg, Ulysses Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


More About Alsbury D. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Charles Baumunk:

Residence: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Cora Porter and Alsbury Brown are:

+ 376 i. Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, born Aug 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1948 in Seneca Co., NY.

+ 377 ii. Chloe Armenta Brown, born 14 Sep 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 20 Nov 1933 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

119. Clarence Lee10 Porter (Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1872 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Feb 1962 in Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY. He married Mary Elizabeth Beach 22 Aug 1900 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Albert Beach and Mary Hoagland. She was born 02 Jun 1880 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Jun 1916 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.


More About Clarence Lee Porter:

Burial: 08 Feb 1962, Lakeview Cem., Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY

Residence 1: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY

Residence 3: 1920, Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA


More About Mary Elizabeth Beach:

Burial: 16 Jun 1916, Lakeview Cem., Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY

Children of Clarence Porter and Mary Beach are:

378 i. Helen Ann11 Porter, born 12 Aug 1901 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Bef. 1910 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 379 ii. Clarence Irvin Porter, born 29 Jan 1903 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Feb 1986 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

+ 380 iii. John Lee Porter, born 15 Mar 1905 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY; died 08 Dec 1980 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 381 iv. Mary Belle Porter, born 05 Aug 1907 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY; died 12 Sep 1989.

382 v. Frank Albert Porter, born 18 Jan 1910 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 383 vi. Elizabeth May Porter, born 19 Feb 1912 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 384 vii. Edgar Stanley Porter, born 16 Sep 1913 in Interlaken, NY; died 18 Dec 2000 in Berkeley Springs, Morgan Co., WV.

+ 385 viii. Viola Winifred Porter, born 11 Feb 1916 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.

120. Lewis Henry10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Mar 1829 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 03 Jan 1863 in Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads Co., VA. He married Amanda Malvina Dickerson 11 Nov 1852 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Dickerson and Hannah Williams. She was born 29 Jul 1834 in NY, and died 13 Feb 1920 in Alba, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Lewis Henry Shadduck:

"The Shadduck Brothers in the Civil War", by Dorothy Cleveland Salisbury: (pt. 1)

Many families in Sullivan County had one or more members in their family in the Union armies during the Civil War. Everett and Amy Porter Shadduck had three sons who volunteered, two of whom died in service. First to go was the oldest son, Louis H. He was 32 years old when he went to Laporte and enlisted on September 14, 1862. This was not long after the disastrous second battle of Bull Run or Manassas. Louis left behind his wife, Amanda Malvina Dickerson, daughter of John B. Dickerson and his wife, Fanny, and two young sons, Ervin D., born October 28, 1853, and John B., born January 26, 1862. Louis had been born in the town of Broome in Schoharie County, New York, in 1829. The family moved to Fox Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania about 1834. His wife was born July 29, 1834 at South Creek Township, Bradford County. They were married November 11, 1852, at the bride's home by Anthony Kilmer, a Justice of the Peace. On enlistment, Louis was assigned to Company B 58th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers Infantry. He was six feet tall with dark complexion, gray eyes, and dark brown hair. He was sent immediately to join his regiment stationed at Suffolk, Virginia. Here he was taken sick in November with congested fever, and on December 21, went to the Regimental Hospital. On December 2, he was transferred to the general hospital at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, where he died of Typhoid Fever, contracted while in service, on January 3, 1863. His wife, Amanda M. Shadduck, received a pension for his service, until her marriage on October 19, 1884, to Joseph Clark of Bradford County. He died September 22, 1899. In 1901, her pension for Louis' war service was restored. She died February 13, 1920, at Alba, where she was living with her son. John B. Shadduck. (cont. under Andrew's data)


More About Lewis Henry Shadduck:

Burial: 05 Jan 1863, Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads Co., VA

Cause of Death: pneumonia

Medical Information: At mustering, described as having "gray eyes, black hair, dark complexion and 6 feet and no inches high"

Military service: Bet. 14 Sep 1862 - 03 Jan 1863, Co. B, 58th Regt. PA Vol.

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1860, Farmer in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Real Estate: 1860, Personal - $800, Real - $275


More About Amanda Malvina Dickerson:

Real Estate: 1870, Personal - $800; Real - $400

Children of Lewis Shadduck and Amanda Dickerson are:

+ 386 i. Ervin Dean11 Shadduck, born 28 Oct 1853 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Sep 1922 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 387 ii. John Ball Shadduck, born 26 Jan 1862 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1952 in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC.

121. Ann Marriah10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Oct 1830 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 21 Apr 1911 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Henry Evert Williams 31 Jul 1851 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Thomas Williams and Rebecca Luce. He was born 27 May 1817 in Caroline Twp., Seneca Co., NY, and died 09 Nov 1890 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ann Marriah Shadduck:

Burial: 23 Apr 1911, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1880, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Henry Evert Williams:

Burial: 12 Nov 1890, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: Bet. 1850 - 1880, Farmer

Political party: Democrat

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1890, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Ann Shadduck and Henry Williams are:

+ 388 i. Amy Rosetta11 Williams, born 21 Jul 1853 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Oct 1918.

389 ii. Homer Kinney Williams, born 19 Sep 1855 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Oct 1919 in Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA. He married Arbella Kelley.

+ 390 iii. Evert Shadduck Williams, born 08 Dec 1859 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Aug 1915 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co., MI.

+ 391 iv. Mary Mansfield Williams, born 17 Aug 1865 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 08 Jul 1935 in Pine City, Ashland Twp., Chemung Co., NY.

122. Mary Etta10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Mar 1832 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1918. She married Harvey Dawson Dickerson 1854 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of John Dickerson and Hannah Williams. He was born 17 Jan 1832 in South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 18 Jan 1906 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Mary Etta Shadduck:

sometimes referred to as "Marietta"


More About Mary Etta Shadduck:

Burial: 1918, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bet. 1832 - 1918, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Harvey Dawson Dickerson:

Burial: 21 Jan 1906, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Estate Value: Bet. 1860 - 1870, 1860 - per. $650, real $350; 1870 - per. $1000, real $400

Occupation: 1860, Farmer

Residence: Bet. 1860 - 1900, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Mary Shadduck and Harvey Dickerson are:

+ 392 i. Haydie Ada11 Dickerson, born 23 Oct 1854; died 10 Mar 1934 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

393 ii. John William Dickerson, born 1857 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1858 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About John William Dickerson:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: diptheria


+ 394 iii. Mary Ann Dickerson, born 26 Jan 1859; died 1917.

+ 395 iv. Roseltha A. Dickerson, born 26 Jun 1861 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1946.

+ 396 v. Louis Harvey Dickerson, born 03 Aug 1864 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Jan 1944 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 397 vi. Arthur Dawson Dickerson, born 09 Sep 1868 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Jan 1945 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.

398 vii. Phebe Etta Dickerson, born 12 May 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Feb 1963 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA (Williams Hollow). She married (1) Leonard T. Maxson 14 May 1898; born 1868; died 18 Mar 1901. She married (2) Belo H. Williams abt. 1903; born abt. 1870 in PA; died 1937. She married (3) Raymond A. VanFleet abt. 1937; born 01 Dec 1878 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died Feb 1974 in Burlington Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About Phebe Etta Dickerson:

Burial: 04 Feb 1963, East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Raymond A. VanFleet:


"Van Fleet, Raymond A., East Canton, laborer"


Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, Feb 1974 ed.: (NOTE: no date given - SSDI gives Feb 1974)

Van FLEET, Ray A., 95, formerly of Canton RD 1, died at Bradford County Manor early Thursday morning after an extended illness. Mr. Van Fleet was born in LeRoy Township Dec. 1, 1878, a son of the late Jay P. and Delphine Bellows Van Fleet. He was a member of East Canton United Methodist Church and two years ago was honored at the church as being the oldest member with 75 years of membership. Mr. Van Fleet was a retired farmer and prior to his retirement he worked 20 years for the Swayze Folding Box Company in Canton. At the age of 93, he was presented a 70-year jewel from Lodge No. 321 I.O.O.F. for continuous membership and he was also a member of the Canton Encampment No. 184. Until a year ago he was active and loved fishing and hunting and calling on old friends. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd (Frances) Mason of Canton RD 1; a granddaughter, Mrs. Leslie (Patricia) Reynolds of Granby, Mass.; two great-granddaughters; a brother Will Van Fleet of Athens RD 2; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral and committal services will be held at the Ralph T. Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, Saturday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Owen Barrett, a retired Methodist minister of Troy, officiating. Burial will be in Beech Flats Cemetery.


More About Raymond A. VanFleet:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: abt. Feb 1974, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1974, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 180-09-6035 (PA)


+ 399 viii. Orlando William Dickerson, born 19 Apr 1880 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died Apr 1927 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.

123. Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1834 in Athens Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 27 Mar 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Warren Worthington Wright 28 Nov 1852 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Joel Wright and Mary Holbrook. He was born 25 Oct 1826 in Middletown, Rutland Co., VT, and died 28 Jul 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Hannah Lucinda Shadduck:

Burial: 30 Mar 1909, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Warren Worthington Wright:

Tri-County Website - HISTORY OF BEECH FLATS, sub. by Audrey Campbell Watkins:

Warren Wright living on the cross roads leading towards the lake (Lake Nephawin) has a good little farm that was sold off the Beardslee property to Lewis Matson in about 1860 and title passed from him to Sylvester Fellows, then to Eli Wright, father of the present owner. Mr. Wright is a good farmer and has a comfortable home with pleasant surroundings. (Eli, or Elias, was the son of Charles Warren Wright, not Warren Worthington Wright. Charles never came to Bradford Co., PA. - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Warren Worthington Wright:

Burial: 31 Jul 1905, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1900, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Hannah Shadduck and Warren Wright are:

400 i. Lemuel Evert11 Wright, born 23 Sep 1853 in Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 15 Jan 1858 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Lemuel Evert Wright:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


401 ii. Annette Wright, born 17 Apr 1856 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Nov 1858 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Annette Wright:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 402 iii. Anita Elvaretta Wright, born 02 Feb 1859 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1958 in Vienna, Fairfax Co., VA.

+ 403 iv. Dawson Dickerson Wright, born 03 Aug 1860 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 30 Apr 1924 in Trumansburg, Ulysses Twp., Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 404 v. Cora Adassa Wright, born 15 Dec 1865 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 18 Sep 1955 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 405 vi. Amy Blanche Wright, born 20 Oct 1870 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 26 Oct 1960 in Webb Mills, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 406 vii. Lucinda Daisy Wright, born 12 Jan 1877 in East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA; died in Baltimore, MD.

124. Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Mar 1837 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 03 Apr 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) James M. Letts 06 Jul 1857, son of Alfred Letts and Lutica Scudder. He was born 1833 in Tompkins Co., NY, and died 17 Oct 1863 in Washington, DC. She married (2) Sanford Rescon Fanning 06 Jul 1863 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Edwin Fanning and Elvira Hart. He was born 24 Feb 1845 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Margaret Evelyn Shadduck:

Margaret Eveline was named for her father's mother, Polly Eveline Out-Hout. She was born in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA March 23 1837. She went to Canton & Shunk schools, later when a young woman stayed with a cousin in Carbondale or Scranton & went to a young ladies seminary. Later in life took lectures at a correspondence school & became a registered physician. She was married to James Letts who died in the Civil War. She had two sons...later she married Sanford Fanning also a soldier in the Civil war. They had 5 children...She died in 1919 at Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She belonged to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. A loving mother, a loyal friend.


More About Margaret Evelyn Shadduck:

Burial: 06 Apr 1919, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About James M. Letts:

Burial: Arlington National Cem., Arlington, VA

Military service: Civil War


More About Sanford Rescon Fanning:

Military battles/campaign: Bet. 1864 - 1865, Malvern Hill, Five Forks, Danville and Appomattox

Military service: Bet. 08 Sep 1864 - 16 May 1865, Co. K, 11th Penn Cav.

Occupation: Miller in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Offices Held: Commissioner of Sullivan County; Town Clerk; School Director and Overseer of the Poor

Children of Margaret Shadduck and James Letts are:

+ 407 i. Alfred Francesco11 Letts, born 27 Dec 1858 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Jan 1929.

+ 408 ii. Evert Montville Letts, born 05 Feb 1861 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Jan 1923.

Children of Margaret Shadduck and Sanford Fanning are:

409 i. Ellsworth Elisha11 Fanning, born May 1864 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died May 1865 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ellsworth Elisha Fanning:

Burial: Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


410 ii. Lee Shattuck Fanning, born May 1866 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died Jun 1866 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Lee Shattuck Fanning:

Burial: Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 411 iii. Matilda Aramenta Fanning, born 23 Mar 1867 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 05 Apr 1950 in Southport, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 412 iv. Warren Harold Fanning, born 22 Aug 1870 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Nov 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 413 v. Leona Amy Fanning, born 18 Mar 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Nov 1968 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

125. Emily Christine10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jul 1838 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 04 Oct 1907. She married Ralph Martin Wheeler 1857, son of Benjamin Wheeler and Lucinda Dickerson. He was born 08 Dec 1833 in NY, and died 17 May 1909.


More About Emily Christine Shadduck:

Burial: 07 Oct 1907, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


Notes for Ralph Martin Wheeler:

"Ralph Martin Wheeler, a shingle maker and businessman, was in the service of his country during the Civil War in Company K, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Light Artillery. He was the first to build a lathe and plastered house in Sullivan County (about 1881) on the original Benjamin Wheeler farm in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. Lee , his son, occupied this home in later years for a short time. The house was sold after Lee moved to Union Springs, New York where he spent the last of his retiring years. Unfortunately, the house burned down. Another house was built in later years by Richard Duff, the property thus remaining in the Wheeler family. Ralph's father was also a shingle maker, but Ralph also held a dealership in flour, feed and horses. It was a common practice for him to carry 50 pounds of corn on his back over the hills and creeks from Shunk to Williamsport, a distance of about 50 miles, by foot, to have the corn ground into meal and then he'd make the return trip. Music was an important part in Ralph's life. He often played his left-handed violin with his daughter Emily's husband, Richard Duff. His favorite piece was "The Fiddler's Horn Pip", a real test of his skill. The violin belonged to Perry, Ralph's first-born, who died at 24 years of age of an appendicitis. Esmeralda Emily died at the age of 14 of diabetes. She is buried in a very special cotton dress for which she had picked wild strawberries to pay for the material. In those days cotton was a rare fabric. Perry and her are both buried in the West Hill Cemetery in the Wheeler plot. Ralph's wife, Emily Catherine was a frail woman physically but exercised a strong Christian influence in the family. She kept the seventh day Bible Sabbath and believed in the soon return of Jesus. Her ninth stroke cased her death." -- from "The Founders of Wheelerville; notes of Norman R. Beamesderfer


More About Ralph Martin Wheeler:

Burial: 20 May 1909, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Emily Shadduck and Ralph Wheeler are:

414 i. Esmeralda Emillie11 Wheeler, born Mar 1858 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Feb 1873 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Esmeralda Emillie Wheeler:

"Esmeralda Emily died in her youth, at the age of 16, of diabetes. She is buried in a very special cotton dress for which she had picked wild strawberries to pay for the material. In those days, cotton was a rare fabric. Perry and her are both buried in the West Hill Cemetery in the Wheeler plot." -- taken from "The Founders of Wheelerville"; notes of Norman R. Beamesderfer


More About Esmeralda Emillie Wheeler:

Burial: 19 Feb 1873, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: diabetes


415 ii. Perry Orson Wheeler, born 14 Jun 1860 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 Apr 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Perry Orson Wheeler:

Burial: 23 Apr 1885, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: appendicitis


416 iii. Lee Shattuck Wheeler, born 15 Sep 1868 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Feb 1943 in Union Springs, Cayuga Co., NY. He married Carrie Florence Ramsey; born 1860; died Jun 1938.


Notes for Lee Shattuck Wheeler:

"Lee was a minister, lecturer and author. He and his wife, Florence, as she was referred, lived and gave everything that they possessed to the church. Lee gave his heart to the Lord when he was only a boy and spent most of his 75 years in the ministry. He received his Doctrine of Divinity Degree from Battle Creek College, MI in 1893. He pastored churches in New York City, Buffalo, Detroit, Indianapolis and New Haven. Newspapers had carried notices and reviews of his evangelistic meetings on the front page. It was while holding such a 'tent meeting' in Trenton, New Jersey that a young law student, Charles A. Longcore, accepted the Bible truths of the Seventh-day Sabbath and the soon return of Jesus Christ. He combined theological training and law, thus becoming one of our country's outstanding religious liberty champions before the Congress of the United States. It was while Lee was in Battle Creek College that he met and later married Carrie, a teacher at the college. She was a trained mezzo-soprano, but she turned down an offer from the Metropolitan Opera to devote her life in the ministry of the Gospel beside her husband. She was the first Secretary of the Sabbath School Department of the New England Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventists. Lee also became a licensed chiropractor and masseur, thus combining his talents to serve his fellow man in his health and spiritual needs. He retired at his parents' home on the Benjamin Wheeler farm. Later be bought a home in Union Springs, Cayuga County, New York where he founded the American Reading Circle. One phase of this organization was to preserve and promote religious liberty principles through rulers and influential officials in South America, Europe and Ethiopia. A second outreach was to present Bible truths to the black ministers of the southern United States by sending subscriptions to the MESSAGE MAGAZINE. It was during this time that Florence passed away, in June of 1938." -- Notes of Norman Beamesderfer


Lee is the author of three known books: His Eternal Purpose and Permission of Evil; Famous Infidels Who Found Christ; and Daniel's Vision of Our Day and the End of the World. A copy of the last named was given to Ronald J. Porter by Lee's niece, Florence C. (Duff) Kane, during his first visit to her home in Elmira, NY. She was very proud of her uncle. Her mother, Emillie, had this work, which was completed shortly before Lee died in 1943, printed in 1952 and in concluding the FORWARD, she wrote: "In keeping with my brother's desires, I commend to you this enlightening study of Bible Prophecy. May God bless you and give you understanding." - EMILLIE WHEELER DUFF


More About Lee Shattuck Wheeler:

Burial: 21 Feb 1943, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 417 iv. Emillie Esmeralda Wheeler, born 09 Feb 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Feb 1961 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA.

126. Julia Ann10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1840 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 09 Feb 1871 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Simeon D. Wheeler 1859, son of Benjamin Wheeler and Lucinda Dickerson. He was born 1838 in NY, and died 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Julia Ann Shadduck:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Simeon D. Wheeler:

Burial: 1870, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Mil. Squad./Unit/Fleet: abt. 1861, Co B, 58th PA Inf.

Children of Julia Shadduck and Simeon Wheeler are:

+ 418 i. Minerva E.11 Wheeler, born 07 Aug 1860 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Feb 1943.

+ 419 ii. Lewis Uzal Wheeler, born Aug 1862 in Sullivan Co., PA.

130. Madison Taylor10 Shattuck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Apr 1846 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Sep 1933 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL. He married Marilda Harriett Riggs 04 Mar 1869 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Riggs and Cynthia Linley. She was born 1850 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died Mar 1934 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Madison Taylor Shattuck:

The following is a brief history of the Shattuck family of Tuscaloosa Co., AL. It was written in Oct 1993 by Gary Bruce Shattuck, relating various stories told him by Paul Allen Shattuck, son of Byron Earl Shattuck and grandson of Madison Taylor Shattuck. There are a few corrections in the punctuation, but otherwise it is as was written by Gary.


The story begins in the small farming community of Shunk in the mountains of north central Pennsylvania. Madison Taylor Shattuck (James Theus Fitzgeorge) had become sickly and was having problems regaining his strength. He went to the local doctor who advised Madison to try "roughing it". Madison went to his son Byron Earl Shattuck and asked if he would like to make a trip down South. It was an adventure that would forever change Byron's life. Byron was at that time living with his grandmother Cynthia Riggs. Byron agreed to go south with his father.


Madison had no particular place in mind at that time but just wanted to go south; he had felt the warm breezes of the South before. During the Civil War it is believed he traveled as far as Tennessee. He was a member of Company K 11th Pennsylvania Regiment of Volunteer Cavalry during the Civil War (108th PA Volunteers). The two men secured a small sailboat and put in the Ohio River and began their journey, Madison leaving behind his wife, who later remarried. It would be years before either of the two men would return home. After they had been on the river for several days they lost track of where they were. On the river all places looked the same. They saw a man plowing on the side of the river and Madison yelled "Where are we at?" The man replied "your in Indiana!" They soon made their way to the Mississippi River and headed south. They would stop at the small river towns along the way to get food and other supplies.


At times Byron would jump from the boat and swim behind for what seemed like miles. He was a good swimmer and would swim until he was exhausted, then climb back in the boat to rest. Byron did not have a great deal of experience with operating a sail boat and was unsure if he could maneuver it by himself, but he was eager to learn. His father had gone ashore and Byron had talked his father into letting him take the boat across the river alone. To bring the boat back across the river to the landing where Madison waited, the small craft had to be sailed up river against the current. After several attempts at trying to set the sails to sail up river, with his father waving wildly and shouting instructions from the opposite bank, Byron finally succeeded in maneuvering the boat to shore. From then on Byron was allowed to do much of the sailing. Eventually they reached Vicksburg, Mississippi, which was as far as the weary pair sailed. At that point they sold the boat and purchased what Byron referred to as a 'cat house'. They rented out the house to customers to make what money they could. They stayed in Vicksburg for some period of time but could not find steady work.


The 'cat house' was not turning out to be a very profitable business. They heard news in a roundabout way that coal mines were being operated in Alabama where men could find work. Byron was somewhat familiar with mining, having been around the mines in Pennsylvania. The two men traveled by train, by foot and any other way possible to the coal fields of Alabama. They ended their journey at a small shack near an iron bridge on the side of the railroad tracks at an area called Wind's Cut, a "cut" being an area of hills where the railroad right-of-way is excavated through a hill. Wind's Cut was near a small community consisting of two or three farm families called Wind Place. The shack was just large enough for the two men to live in.


Being from the North, a great deal of curiosity developed about the newcomers and people would come by just to hear the two talk. Madison would always have some kind of tale to tell and became quite popular with the local people as a fortune teller. He claimed to be able to read a man's mind, having a pretty good idea of what they wanted to hear anyway. Once the two devised a con by placing a dime on a large tree nearby and with a .22 caliber rifle a hole was shot on the opposite side of the tree. Now the tree was so thick a rifle bullet would not go through the tree. They would then bet that the dime would be shot with the rifle and if not, the bullet would shoot through the tree. People would see the dime at a distance but not the hole on the opposite side. After shooting a hole near the dime they would then point to the hole on the opposite side of the tree and exclaim that the bullet had passed through the tree, thus winning the bet. Finally Byron got a job in the coal mines in Milldale which was next to Winds Cut.


Byron met his future wife, Selma Jane Armstrong at a swimming hole on Wind Creek where the young people would gather to swim and talk. Selma was the daughter of Deliah Bird. Both Byron and his father later returned to Pennsylvania, but Byron returned to Alabama to marry Selma two years after meeting her at the swimming hole. Shortly thereafter, in 1901, their first child Hay Bell was born. Byron and Selma lived in a small house in the mining community of Milldale. Byron Earl Shattuck worked in the mines until he was approximately 45 years old. After that he mostly farmed and worked at the local sawmill. His job at the mill was to fire the boiler that generated the steam used to power the mill. He was a good fireman. Madison Taylor made several trips from Pennsylvania to Alabama for long visits during the winter months. Another child, Murray McGee was born in 1902 in Milldale. They lived there for several years and then bought 40 acres of land from the Faulks in a small farming community nearby known as Patterson Town. Here they constructed a house, barn and sheds and cleared the land with an axe and raised a large family consisting of ten children.


Byron continued to work in a mine located about a two miles walk from Patterson Town in Milldale. He later got a job at a mine located in Abernant and as time permitted continued to clear the land and farm. Children were continually born at a rate of one about every two years. Byron continued to farm and worked in the woods during the winter months. He primarily raised chickens and corn on his land. Byron did return to Pennsylvania with his wife and children after the birth in 1905 of his third child Maud Agnes with the intention of finding a place to live. However, Selma felt uncomfortable in the new surroundings and convinced Byron to return to Alabama. Byron ceased all plans to return to Pennsylvania. While plowing in his field one day, one of his young sons ran up holding a letter from Pennsylvania in his hands. Byron stopped, leaned against the plow stock and read the message. His mother was ill and not expected to live for long and wished to see her son before dying. Byron put the letter back in the envelope and stuck it in his pocket and continued with the plowing knowing this was an impossibility. Byron was so impoverished that he could not return to Pennsylvania to be with his mother before she died. Byron did not return to Pennsylvania for several decades. Later after the death of his wife, Byron would visit Pennsylvania with his youngest son, Victor Shattuck. Byron and Selma had eleven children. One child, Norman, died while still a baby. The surviving children were: May (should be Haydie) Bell (1901), Murray McGee (1902), Maud Agnes (1905), Byron Earl, Jr. (1907), Lee Madison (1909), Dora Venice (1912), Paul Allen (1915), Forrest Thurman (1918), Bernard C. (1920) and Victor Clinton (1921).


One day the children were told "Grandfather is coming to visit."; most had heard about their grandfather but had never met him. They were apprehensive that Grandfather would not like all the noise and child play, which was in great abundance in the small four room house. Late one night a shout was heard in front of the house. Byron went to the door to greet his father. The children quietly raised up in bed and stared in the dimly lit room; the only light came from the fire in the fireplace. Madison sat in front of the fire to warm. His nose was running from the cold and he would remove a small tissue from his pocket, wipe his nose and toss the paper in the fire. This amazed the children who had never seen a paper tissue. For some time the children were afraid to be in the same room with their grandfather and would stare around corners and through the door to get a good look at him. Madison Taylor wore a wig. For some time the children did not know this since this was something unheard of in their world. His hair was a reddish brown.


Madison Taylor would often tell of his adventures during the Civil War. One day Madison was sent on patrol alone, probably in Tennessee, when he came upon an abandoned farm house. Where an old fence had been, there stood two old gate posts. He stopped, sat down and was looking at the house when he saw a small baby rabbit hop from under the house. He caught the rabbit and was sitting there playing with it when he heard some think knock on the gate post. He looked up and saw a confederate soldier on his horse by the gate looking straight at him. Madison's rifle was leaning against the chimney out of reach. After what seemed an eternity the confederate smiled and rode off without saying a word. Another story Madison would tell concerned a time when he was in a battle and he was slipping carefully around an old house. He suspected that there was a sniper in the area. He moved in closer to an old chimney which had a few loose rocks at the top. He was looking up at the rocks when he heard a sound and was suddenly knocked unconscious. When he awake he thought one of the loose rocks had fallen off and hit him on the head. He had a bad wound that split the top of his head. After the war was over he was in Mobile, Alabama and he was talking with a group of war veterans and was telling the story of the rock falling on his head. One of the veterans laughed and said, "That was no rock! I was at that same house. I saw you standing under the chimney and I shot you in the head. I thought I had killed you, but I guess the bullet just peeled back the hide on top of your head!"


In another account, Madison's group was preparing to go into a battle. The horses were being readied and supplies loaded. One man in the group refused to get ready. He would not get on his horse. He said he was not going to get killed and he was not going to kill anyone else. The sergeant came up and said "Yes you're going!" The man replied "I don't care what you, do I'm not going! You can put me in jail or anything you want!" The sergeant ordered that the man be placed on his horse and his legs and hands tied so that he could not get off. Madison was then ordered to lead the man's horse behind his throughout the battle. The man continuously yelled "Murder!, Murder! all the time the battle was going on. Madison would relate the story and laugh.


It seemed that someone was always trying unsuccessfully to kill Madison. During the Civil War, Madison was in the cavalry. He said he was trained in ways to use the horse as a shield during the battle. Once he was riding down a trail and heard the sound of the hammer being cocked on a muzzle-loader. He instinctively rolled to the opposite side of the horse just as a double barrel blast shot across his saddle. While still hanging from the horse's side he reached for his service revolver and shot the Confederate soldier. Madison said he did not think he killed the man but did find some blood where he had been hit. They searched for the ambusher but could not find him. Madison Taylor would make several migrations during the summer to the North and back South during the winter. He then bought a small shack and property from uncle Jim Armstrong, Selma's brother, a short distance from the Byron Shattuck household.


Another story related to Paul Shattuck's older brother Matt, concerned a time when Madison was sailing his boat in Mobile Bay. Madison would on occasion travel to Mobile, Alabama and stay for several weeks, during which time he would sail his small boat. Madison was always fond of the sea and sailing. On one of his outings he was alone in his boat when he was approached by two men of questionable intent. The two men rowed up to Madison's boat. They were very husky men. One of the men reached down and came up with a long gaff hook, a long pole with a hook on the end used for pulling fish into a boat. All Madison had to defend himself was a long boat paddle. The man with the gaff hook reached over with the hook and stuck it in Madison's arm and started pulling Madison toward their boat. Madison said the men underestimated just how strong he was. When the man came within reach, Madison swing the boat paddle over his head and whacked the hoodlum, sending him over the side of the boat. The second man scrambled to the side to save his partner, and when he did, Madison chopped him over the head with the paddle sending him overboard. The last Madison saw of the two they were slowly sinking, spiraling down into the deep.


As mentioned earlier Madison had a love for boats. During one of his stays in Alabama he decided to build a "good boat". He went into the woods and picked out the live oak trees for the needed lumber. He had the lumber hauled to Rawl Griffin's sawmill and the timber cut into the lumber for the boat building project. He had picked out the most crooked trees he could find so the lumber would be curved in just the right way to fit the shape of the boat. He even whittled out a model of the boat with a pocket knife. Paul said it was the prettiest toy he had ever seen. The two halves of the model boat were whittled separately then laced together with a strip of leather. As he made the model he would tell Paul about the different parts of the boat and function of the upper and lower decks. Paul would accompany his grandfather to try out the model. There was a large mud puddle near the house where water stayed most of the time. The tiny boat's sail was raised and the boat set in the water. The wind would blow and the tiny craft would plow the ripples of the puddle, all the while Madison would be describing just how it would be to be sailing the actual ship. After perfecting the design and having the lumber cut, he had it hauled to Byron's house and stacked it under a large oak tree. He then sent word for his eldest son Charles Herbert (Bert) to come from Pennsylvania to help him build the boat. Bert came to help with the project. After about six months of inactivity, Bert began to worry about ever returning home. One day Bert said, "Pa, he had better start building that boat if we're going to get it built." Madison replied, "What's your hurry. We've got from now on!" Bert said, "Pa, you may have from now on, but I've got to go back to Pennsylvania!" Bert needed a little money to travel on so he sold his .38 pistol to Paul's older brother Earl. The boat was never started. The lumber was finally used for other things such as building tool sheds and repairing the barn. At one time Madison planned to build an airport on his property at Patterson Town. He even went so far as to have all the trees cut in a long strip. He believed that if an airstrip was constructed it would just be a matter of time before planes would be flying by and need a place to land.


Madison had a liking for immigrants. Once he went into the nearby community of Abernant to buy a pair of shoes. A Jew owned a small store there that had shoes; A. Beckman was the storekeeper's name. At that time it was customary to haggle about the price of any purchase. The storekeeper knowing this would first ask a high price, knowing he would eventually lower it as the negotiations progressed. This was something Madison would not abide by. He asked Beckman the price of the shoes and when told, began to extract the money from his change purse. Beckman stopped him and said he would lower his price and what he had asked before was too high. Madison replied "Well I don't want the shoes now!" When Beckman asked why, Madison said, "Well it is obvious that you were trying to swindle me the first time!" He walked out of the store without buying anything.


Madison Taylor changed his name to James Theus Fitzgeorge. At times he would talk of his royal heritage and just how it came about that he was the "Duke of Malta" - Madison's mother, Hellena Shaddick had married James Clarence Fitzherbert, grandson of Goerge IV and Maria Fitzherbert. Hellena had died at the time of Madison's birth and her husband, James, heartbroken, had left the baby with his father-in-law, Evert Shaddick. Evert's wife was ill and had just given birth to a baby who died. Madison was renamed and raised as Evert Shaddick's son, his wife not knowing that Madison was not her own son. Madison was of course larger than a new born baby and had a head of hair. Because of this he was nicknamed "Oddity". James Clarence Fitzherbert had sent to Evert Shaddick an inheritance pact which proved Madison's right to a large royal fortune. Evert, not wishing to let his wife know that Madison was not her son, buried the pact and gave Madison the map and instructions on how to find the documents, but required him to promise not to open the instructions until his twenty-first birthday. Upon opening the instruction and finding the map, he began his search to find the pact. The documents were divided into two containers and buried in two different locations, with the first container giving instructions on where the second was buried. Part of the directions to find the first container required the measurement from a water spring. Madison found the spring, made the required measurements and dug, but could not find any container. He began to research old deeds and plans and found that the spring had gradually filled in and migrated down hill. Madison calculated the original position of the spring, remeasured from that point and found the first container. The second container had been buried in a location that a church was later built on. Madison got permission to dig under the church and found the second container containing the royal pact.


While living in Patterson Town near the Byron Earl Shattuck home, Madison Taylor continually received letters from lawyers who were trying to establish his right to the royal inheritance. The lawyers, whose offices were in New York, had been pursuing the case for a long period of time. The lawyers had been working with only copies of the documents that formed the proof of his identity. The case had proceeded to the point that the original documents had to be provided by Madison Taylor. He packed his bags and was to leave in the morning to meet with the lawyers to finalize the proceedings. Murray Shattuck was to take Madison Taylor to the train station the next day in his school bus. That night Madison suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed and unable to speak. The morning he was to leave, he did not show up to tell Byron he was leaving. One of Byron's children was sent to find Grandfather. He was found lying on the floor with his clothes on he was to wear on his trip. He could not talk and could only bat his eyes. He was carried to Byron's house and placed in bed. His suitcase and the shack was searched and no papers could be found. Madison got to where he could set up and talk a few words, but could not put the words together to make any sense. The lawyers requested many times to come to his house and search for the documents. Byron refused saying that nothing could be found. It is thought that the Shunk, Pennsylvania house was also searched with no results. Madison had shown the papers to several of the elder residents of the community and to his son. No one had seen the documents just prior to his stroke. The next night after his stroke someone entered his house and dug up the fireplace hearth making a hole "big enough to bury a cow in".


After his stroke, Madison would rarely sleep at night in the winter due to the cold. He would sit in a chair in front of the fire and stare at the flames. Byron would set up with his father at night until about 2:00 a.m., then Paul Shattuck would climb from bed and set with his grandfather to prevent him from getting into the fire and possibly burning the house down and to let his father sleep a few hours before walking to the woods to cut timber for another day's labor. This was done for five years. During these times alone with his grandfather, he would question him as to the whereabouts of the "U-Tube" containing the inheritance papers. Madison would smile and draw a circle with a small curved mark within the circle. Madison lived for approximately five years after the stroke. Madison had believed that the English Royal Family had sent what he called "frets" to seek him out and steal the Royal Pact. He was somewhat paranoid that someone was trying to kill him or steal the inheritance papers.


Paul Shattuck was ten years old before ever getting the chance to leave the farm to see a town. He often heard talk of what a town looked like and he wondered if he would ever get to see one. Paul's younger brother Thurman was a diabetic. When Paul was about ten years old Thurman became sick and he was taken to a hospital in Birmingham. Paul's older brother Byron Earl, Jr. carried Paul with him to see Thurman. Paul remembered going through Bessemer. He would be fourteen years old before getting to go to the city of Tuscaloosa. Murray had carried him on a school bus with his Yolande School class to his first motion picture "Birth of a Nation". It was a silent movie about the Ku Klux Klan.


"The Shadduck Brothers in the Civil War"; (pt. 3) (See brothers Lewis and Andrew for parts 1 & 2)

So far as the military records of Madison Shadduck show, he never saw his brother, Andrew Lee, after they were separated in New Market Heights, where Andrew was taken prisoner. On February 1, Madison was made a Corporal. By now, the war was nearly over. General Grant was pressing General Lee hard in the back country of Virginia. Madison's regiment may have been involved in this action. On April 9, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse. Madison and his companions were kept inactive, in camp, until August 13, 1865, and they were discharged at Richmond, and were then free to return to their homes. Madison Taylor applied for and received a pension from the government for his military services. In 1912, he claimed that he had discovered that his real name was James Theus Fitzgeorge, and that he belonged to a nobility of a European Monarchy. After much correspondence, he got his pension made over to his new name. He suffered a severe stroke on February 13, 1930, while living with his son, Byron, at Brookwood, Alabama. After years of invalidism, he died there on September 4, 1933. On his enlistment he is described as 18 years old, fair complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair, 5' 8" tall. Sometime after his return from the Army, he married Marilda Riggs of Leroy, by whom he had three sons and four daughters.


More About Madison Taylor Shattuck:

Name 2: Maddison Shattuck

Burial: 26 Sep 1933, Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL

Medical Information: had a stroke on 13 Feb 1930

Military service: Bet. 29 Feb 1864 - 13 Aug 1865, Co K 11th PA Cav.

Residence: 1850, Canton, Bradford Co., PA (with bro. Lewis H.)


More About Marilda Harriett Riggs:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Madison Shattuck and Marilda Riggs are:

+ 420 i. Charles Herbert11 Shattuck, born 25 Jan 1870 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Nov 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 421 ii. Byron Earl Shattuck, born 11 Feb 1872 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 May 1966 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.

+ 422 iii. Arthur Victor Shattuck, born 10 Feb 1874 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 May 1953 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA.

+ 423 iv. Julia Grace Shattuck, born 29 Nov 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Jun 1972.

+ 424 v. Vicilla May Shattuck, born 10 Oct 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Oct 1976.

425 vi. Fannie Eveline Shattuck, born 06 Dec 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Oct 1973. She married Fay Manley; born 24 Nov 1882; died Mar 1971.


More About Fay Manley:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1971, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14901

Social Security Number: 071-09-0003 (NY)


+ 426 vii. Mary Etta Shattuck, born 01 Dec 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 May 1977.

131. Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Apr 1848 in Fox Center, Elkland Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 28 May 1927 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Elon Galusha Salisbury II 28 Apr 1867, son of John Salisbury and Hannah Grace. He was born 09 Dec 1842 in Leona, Bradford Co., PA, and died 28 Nov 1908. She married (2) John Lymon Bullock Bef. 1900.


More About Vicilla Chloe Shadduck:

Burial: 31 May 1927, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


Notes for Elon Galusha Salisbury II:

Valley of Dreams and Memories - The Jackson Family; by Olive Grace Salisbury Jackson (1934)

(submitted to the SULLIVAN REVIEW commemorating the early settlers of Hillsgrove, PA)


Someone has said that history is mostly hearsay, but that which I write of the Jackson family in Hillsgrove is not all hearsay, for to me, these experiences have become real by my personal association with the Jackson family as the wife of John Lyman Jackson for over two score years and the mother of seven of his ten living children. The stories told by my husband and his parents have led me to believe that my life, which was not always a bed of roses, was really tame and sheltered when compared to hardships which they suffered in a new country and a new world. I feel that they have contributed much to the progress of the Loyalsock Valley and should be honored for the fortitude they displayed in enduring without complaining the bitter with the sweet, finding comfort for all ills in music, a natural inheritance of all those who bear the Jackson name. I think there never was a Jackson who could not have taken a wind or stringed instrument which they had never seen before and picked a tune out of it in fifteen minutes. My late husband was blessed in a large measure with this talent and had opportunity for study and development come his way he would, I am sure, made a name for himself among musical artists, however, he served the age in which he lived and his compositions live after him. His children and grandchildren are proud of the fact that he played to large audiences on and off the air after he was 70 years old. His descendents are carrying on by using their musical talents in the worship of God and elsewhere. Lyman's father "Johnny Jackson" to everyone in Sullivan, came to Hillsgrove in the autumn of 1846 with his wife, three children; George a boy of 7, two girls Sarah aged 3 and Martha a babe six months old. They experienced six stormy weeks in the steerage of the good ship, Tuscarora, amid the terrors that beset the life of immigrants of that period. The baby Martha was sick nearly all the time and her mother feared that she would die and be buried at sea as had been the fate of other children who had died enroute, thus becoming food for the sharks that followed the ship. Her parents were spared this horrible experience and Martha, who married William Boyles is the only survivor of that voyage being hale and hearty at the age of 88 and expecting to live to be 100. Johnny Jackson's father, William, after raising a large family of which Johnny was the oldest, lost his wife in England and later married a widow named Mary Goslip, who with her son Jack, accompanied Johnny's father to Philadelphia in 1840. Six years later, Johnny's father and stepmother joined Johnny in his pioneer venture which consisted of land having been purchased from a speculator and located on the top of the wild and desolate mountain drained by the Loyalsock Creek. This mountain now bears the name of "Jackson's Mountain" and seems a fitting monument to their efforts. Those persons who have been reared on a farm and accustomed to the experience of living in the forest can well picture the lives of city dwellers trying to carve a farm out of the forests on Jackson Mountain. The cabin of logs was completed in November and was without a door. The first winter the only protection from wild animals and wilder weather was a blanket hung where the door would be when there was time to carry lumber 4 miles through the forest and the money to pay for the hand forged nails. The family seemed to have moved on and off the mountain for the next several years. My husband was born on the mountain and Ben, his youngest brother first saw the light of day in a log cabin on the Loyalsock at the mouth of Dry Run. The Jackson men, William and Johnny, worked in the woods and in the saw mill for Lippincott. Two members of the family died in the Lippincott home; Sarah at 13 developed measles and died while serving as nursemaid to Augustus Lippincott's children and the step-mother died while at work in the kitchen. In the spring of 1856. Johnny Jackson was offered the log cabin and 50 acres of flat land at the mouth of Huckle's Run if he would agree to make a home for the last survivor in Hillsgrove of the White family, so the two families made this log house their home for many years. William and Johnny Jackson never took out naturalization papers and as they were English, their home soon became a recognized station on the underground railway for runaway slaves, and many black men and women were fed and sheltered there. The Quakers from Pennsdale brought the slaves through the woods and left them here until they could be moved with safety to a station near Canton, Pa. William Jackson died in this house in the late 1870's. His death was caused by cancer of the eyes. William's son, Johnny, became the father and grandfather of the Hillsgrove Coronet Band and many readers of this story have memories of a short white-haired old man who played very sweetly on a flat old fashioned baritone horn and when marching to music would forget to limp. He was an authority on all things musical and when discussions would arise he gave his opinion on matters tempo and technique by clinching them with assertion. "I blew a horn before you were born." The mountain farm, though the cabin was abandoned, seems to have been worked while the family lived in the cabin of the White family. Lyman's boyhood memories included haying and sleeping upon the hay in the old log barn. He told of waking up one hot day in July and seeing a large rattlesnake coiled near where he slept, also of dragging loads of hay down the mountainside, dragging a large tree for an anchor. Johnny Jackson died in 1896 and his wife in 1894 and when Lyman died in 1929 in Endicott, I felt he could not rest anywhere but in the quiet valley where most of his life had been spent. He to me is a glorified bridge uniting the past with the present and though I am several years his junior, I am proud to have been his wife and true help-mate for so many years. Lyman married Julia Fuller when he was 17 and she was not yet 16, to them were born three children; Rosetta, Teora and Ray. Julia died of the measles when Ray was an infant in arms. Some years later when I was a girl of 17, I undertook the task of mothering a family of 3 and rearing another family. Our 10 children grew up, married and are successful in life. They own homes, cars and provide their children with the things which we only dreamed of in our childhood days.

Taken from the Salisburian, a series of writings authored by Elon Galusha Salisbury III, written during the period from the 1880's, up to approximately the 1920's; submitted by Richard Melvin Dryer:


This is from the initial writings of Elon Galusha Salisbury III from the Salisburian. The Salisbury lineage issued from an unilluminated past, has run its course through centuries of English history. Taking its concession from the period in the conquest of the Duke of Normandy in the year 1066, from which its British genealogy has been dated. The first representative of the family in Britain entered the land with the invaders and shared in the allotments of the territory under the reign of William the Conqueror, from which its earliest authentic history has been written. For nearly 600 years the family remained within the bounds of the British kingdom, and played its part in the history of England, as well as of Wales, to which some of its members eventually migrated. Its stories have covered the activities of the years of many generations in the domestic life of the home on Manorial Estates and in the pageantries of war and in tournament, in which achievements of honor and valor were won, in which prowess was displayed, and in which pace was kept with the advancing steps of civilization. Humphrey Salisbury, the first arrival of his own family line in America, was the youngest son of John Salisbury and Catherine Nicholas, daughter of Humphrey Nicholas, and was born in Erbistock, England in 1685. Being named for his maternal grandfather. He married Mary Milburn, a young lady of his native place who was of Scotch descent in 1706. Both of whom were of tender years, and in the following year, the twain bade farewell to their home friends, and crossed the stormy seas to Boston, where they had purposed to cast their lot and fortune, leaving the older brother, John, in the homeland to inherit the family estate in old England. An estate in the town of Braintree, MA, a few miles southeast of Boston 'was purchased, and the foundation of a new home in America was lay auspiciously. It seemed as though good fortune had smiled upon them, and a bright future had dawned on their horizon. To them, a son was born on 17 Apr 1708, as recorded in the annals of Boston, to whom the name William was given, the first native born of the immediate family in America. Three months after the birth of the son, and a year after his arrival from England in the year 1708, Humphrey Salisbury, the first progenitor of the family America, passed away at the age of 23 years on his farm in Braintree, leaving his young wife and child in a strange land. The widowed mother, only 18 years of age, continued to live upon the estate, which was eventually passed to the son by inheritance, upon the attainment of his majority. In the course of time the mother was married to Captain Steven Hayes, a seafaring man of Braintree, who assumed paternal relations toward his stepson. The young William passed his childhood and youth on the farm under the wholesome influence and training of his mother, who possessed all the sterling qualities of her Scotch ancestry, but without any personal recollection of his father. who had been taken from him in infancy. William, the first born of the Salisburian ancestry, son of Humphrey Salisbury and Mary Milburn, opened his eyes upon the world in Braintree on April 17, 1708, to whom, all knowledge of the father, who had died three months after his birth was a tradition. The child grew to young manhood on the family farm, in the good surroundings, and in such school and church advantages as the time and place afforded and became an important unit in the family of genealogy. Upon attaining the years of his majority, he came into possession of the parental estate. Determined to follow the vocation of a farmer, and in 1728, married Lydia Thomas, daughter of Captain John Thomas, a seafaring man, and member of a distinct family of ship navigators. To them in after years were born twelve children; seven sons and five daughters, only five of who lived to mature years, and became separate family units. They were William, Steven, Ambrose, Mary, and Lydia. The mother died in 1762, and two years later, the father married Sarah Hunt, of Braintree, according to ancient town records, and spent the remaining years of his life in his farm home, where he died on 09 Feb 1787.


Our direct ancestor, who was the son of William Salisbury and Lydia Thomas, was William Jr. or William II. He was born in Braintree, MA on 29 Sep 1731. William married Elizabeth Seal 09 Jun 1753. Elizabeth was born 23 Feb 1735, in South Weymouth, MA. William was a native of Braintree, a town some ten miles from Boston. His wife, Elizabeth Beal, came from South Weymouth. In 1761, William, with a growing family, moved to Boston, to take charge of the farm of Gov. Thomas Hutchinson. A few years later the governor appointed him to an official post, as collector of the fort on Castle Island, at the entrance to Boston's inner harbor. In Boston the Salisburys were caught up in the midst of seething discontent in the colony, which was fast developing into two antagonistic parties. Those who supported the English government were the Loyalists or Tories, and those who supported being free-born Englishmen, were the Patriots or Whigs. In spite of his friendship with the governor, William's sympathies or interests were with the Patriots, and was outspoken on their behalf. During the Revolution, he served as Barracks master and commissary for Colonel Paul Revere's Corp of artillery at Castle Island, a post that he was very familiar with from his former government position. He continued after the war under John Hancock, until his retirement in 1788. At the end of the war, several of the Salisburys had migrated to Conway, MA. Here, after his retirement, William and his wife, Elizabeth, joined them, but Conway was only a temporary home. At the turn of the century, first John Salisbury, then brother Steven, attracted by opportunities they saw further west, moved their families on to Phelps, NY, where rich lands were opening up after the Gorham-Phelps purchase in the Central and Western New York territories. Some time around 1801, the elder William Salisbury and his wife Elizabeth Seal Salisbury also moved to the Phelpa area. He died in 1621 in his 80th year; Elizabeth died in 1817. They are both buried in Joslyn Cemetery in Oaks Corners, near Phelps.


William Salisbury and Elizabeth Beal Salisbury had four sons and three daughters. They were William, who married Hannah Brown of Conway, Elizabeth who married a Packard, Seth, Sarah who married a Glover, Steven who married Rhoda Brown of Conway, Rachel who married Benjamin Cole from Ireland, and John I, our direct ancestor, who was married three times. His second wife, Polly Wilder was our ancestor.


When Jonathan Oaks came into Genesee County, in or near the Phelps area, he was accompanied by several young men seeking opportunity for advancement. Among them was John Salisbury, the youngest son of William Salisbury, of Conway, MA. His first visit to Phelps was approximately 1791. He spent a few months in the area, surveying and assessing the area, but then turned to Conway. He returned approximately 1796, and became a real pioneer. He came alone and walked all the way. He purchased land west from Melverne Hill, cleared several acres, built a log house, and after planting some crops and fruit trees, he returned to Conway again, passing over the long road; 100 miles of this was only a blazed trail.


In January he married Elizabeth Bannister, the sister of Dr. Caleb Bannister, at Conway. Before spring set in, they started to drive for the home he had prepared in the western land. They had gathered together a store of provisions, and such household effects as could be carried on a sleigh. They had a team of horses, a pair of oxen, and a cow. They were intending to take advantage of the sleighing, as it was much easier on both team and riders. For several days there was a good snow track that came along a well-settled road over the Hudson and along the Mohawk Valley, finding comfortable stopping places each night. Near the sight of Auburn, NY, the snow began to fail them, and soon bare ground stretched ahead. Leaving his wife, and a great part of their goods at an inn by the foot of Cayuga Lake, the young man continued his journey with the team of horses at the head of the oxen, and the cow tied at the rear, dragging the sleigh along the bare ground. In a few days, he returned with a wagon to get his wife, and his goods, and at last came to their new home. Elizabeth died in 1806, leaving four small children and a little babe whom would soon join her. After a time John made another trip to Conway and returned with Polly Wilder, his second wife. Seven more children were added to his household. These, in turn, went on to create new homes. Polly died, and in due time John sought again another wife who had born of Conway, Betsy Seal Bannister, a sister of his first wife. He died on the farm which had been his home through the years, having attained the age of 83.


These were the sons and daughters of John Salisbury: with first wife, Elizabeth Bannister, four sons: Franklin, who died in 1807 at six months old, Caleb Bannister, Foster Bernard, and Luther; with second wife, Polly Wilder, he had five sons and two daughters: Benjamin Franklin, born 26 Jul 1808; John II, 27 Dec 1809, who is our direct ancestor; Polly, 26 Oct 1811; Perry, 15 May 1814; Elon Galusha I, 10 Mar 1819; Sarah Ann, 04 Jul 1821, died 03 Mar 1823, and Samuel Wilder born 09 Feb 1826; with third wife, Betsy Seal Bannister, there were no children.


John Salisbury II, son of John Salisbury and Polly Wilder Salisbury was born 27 Dec 1809. After passing his young manhood on the family farm, he went to the town of Springfield in Bradford Co., PA to settle on a tract of land that his father had acquired. Here he spent the remainder of his life. He was an upright and honorable man in the community, was a conscientious churchman, and bore the title of Captain, which he received in the days of military training.


He married Hannah Grace, daughter of William and Hannah Salisbury Grace in Springfield on 31 May 1832, and died at his farm home 26 Mar 1885. His wife, a granddaughter of William Salisbury and Hannah Brown, was born in Massachusetts on 15 Aug 1812 and died 19 Nov 1883. Four sons and two daughters were born to them: Mary L., 10 Mar 1833; John Jefferson, 13 Sep 1834; Olive Grace, 12 Jul 1840; Elon Galusha II, 09 Dec 1842; William Valentine, 19 Jun 1849 and Samuel Wilder, 05 Nov 1854.


Elon would marry Vicilla Chloe Shadduck of Windfall, PA on 28 Apr 1867. He died 23 Nov 1908, on his farm home in the town of Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA. Elon II was our direct ancestor. These were the sons and daughters of Elon Galusha Salisbury II and Vicilla Chloe Shadduck. The first born, Olive Grace, was born on 31 Jan 1868 and married Lyman Jackson. Three sons and four daughters were born to them: John William, Myrtle Grace, Amy Pearl, Glenn Lyle, Lois Belva, Cecil Rhodes, and Mary Beatrice Jackson. The second child was William Harland, born 20 Feb 1869. He married Mary Edith Brown, born 04 Sep 1895, and to them a daughter was born, namely Mona Larue, born 24 Sep 1896, who married Hamilton W. Sherlock of Akron, OH 24 May 1919. The third born was Hannah Eudora, on 19 Aug 1872. She was married two times, first to James L. Brenchley, and then to Stanley Gilbert, but without children. The fourth child was Amy Evelyn, born 22 Aug 1874, who married Loren Stone. Five sons and two daughters were born to this union, namely Victor R., Alice C., Forest S., Lourina G., Harold Lawrence and Jasper D. Stone. The fifth child was John Taylor, born 27 Apr 1876, who married Martha Pressey. To them three sons were born: John Austin, William Harland and Harold Eugene Salisbury. The sixth child of Elon and Vicilla was Fentie Virginia, born 21 Feb 1878. She married Charles Dryer and had the following children: Hazel, Mabel, Howard, Edward, Lauren, Lloyd, and Raymond Dryer. Fentie was married a second time to Edward Pierson, and had one more son, Arvid Pierson. The seventh child, Elon Galusha IV, was born 15 Nov 1880 and married Mary Louise Gruver 27 Dec 1905, in Roaring Branch, PA. A daughter, Rose, was born to them on 08 Feb 1907. After Mary's death Elon went on to marry Dorothy Cleveland Salisbury. The eighth child was Mary Eleanor, born 04 Feb 1885, she marrying Emery Bagley on 27 Apr 1905. A son and a daughter were born to them: John Royden and Lorna Eudora Bagley. The ninth, Jesse Wilder, was born on 30 Nov 1887. He married Stella Kennedy on 13 May 1913. They had no children.


This is the Salisbury genealogy from the English branch, prior to Humphrey's arrival in America. This is taken from another Salisburian writing done by Elon Galusha Salisbury III, and is dated 1904. We start with the first Salisbury in recorded history. He was Adam Salisbury, or de Salzburg. He entered England with William the Conqueror, and married Joyce, daughter of Sir William Dampell. Alexander, son of Adam and Joyce Dampell Salisbury married Maria de Warrens of a very great Norman home. Sir Thomas, son of Alexander and Maria de Warrens Salisbury married Janette, daughter and heir of Sir William de Munderville, the hero of Acre, under Richard I in 1191. Sir Henry, son of Sir Thomas and Jeanette de Munderville Salisbury, married Nest, daughter and heir of Cynric Sais of Longhinge, descendant of Rodrique "The Goth", knighted for his prowess against the Saracens, and surnamed "The Black." Sir John, son of Sir Henry and Nest Sais Salisbury, married Katharine, daughter of Lord St. Maur, died on 09 May 1289. He was a Crusader, and according to a manuscript, was the first member of the family to settle in Wales. William, son of Sir John and Katharine St Maur Salisbury, married Margaret, daughter and heir of David ap Ken ap Philip Fickdan, who descended literally from earls in Ireland and buried in a house in a chapel in Denbigh.


Ralph, son of William and Margaret Fickdan Salisbury, married Margaret, daughter and heir of lvan ap Cadwgan of Llowarch Vaughn. Henry, son of Ralph and Margaret ap Cadwgan Salisbury, married Agnes, daughter and heir of Sir John Curtois, descendant of Robert, Duke of Normandy. He rebuilt Lleweney, where he died and was buried in 1400. Thomas, son of Henry and Agnes Curtois Salisbury, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Donne of Utkington, Cheshire, surnamed "The Old." Sir Thomas, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Donne Salisbury, married Joan, daughter of William Griffith of Penryn, Chamberlain of North Wales. Thomas was knighted in 1465, and died in 1506. Sir Roger, son of Sir Thomas and Joan Griffith Salisbury, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard, and sister of Sir John Puleston, Knight of Bersham, knighted at Rouen by Charles Brandon. Sir John, son of Sir Roger and Elizabeth Puiston Salisbury, married Jane, daughter and coheir of David Middleton, Mayor of Chester. He died in 1578, and was entombed in Whitchurch near Denbigh. He was known as "the knight with two thumbs".


George, second son of Sir John and Jane Middleton Salisbury married Mary, daughter of Thomas Grosvener Esquire, of Eaton in 1588. Thomas, oldest son of George and Mary Grosvener Salisbury of Erbistock, married Mary, daughter of Rowland Hill of Hawkston, Salap County. John, oldest son of Thomas and Mary Hill Salisbury, born in Erbistock in 1631, married Katharine, daughter and co-heir of Humphrey Nicholas of Montgomery County. Their oldest son, John, was born in 1673. We finally come to Humphrey, the youngest son of John and Katherine Nicholas Salisbury, born in Erbistock, England in 1665. He married Mary Milburn in 1706, came to America in 1707, and settled on a farm in Braintree, MA, where he died, was buried in Jul 1708, leaving an infant son who inherited his estate.


More About Elon Galusha Salisbury II:

Burial: 01 Dec 1908, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Vicilla Shadduck and Elon Salisbury are:

+ 427 i. Olive Grace11 Salisbury, born 31 Jan 1868 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Feb 1954 in Morris, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 428 ii. William Harland Salisbury, born 20 Feb 1869 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Feb 1953 in Miami, Dade Co., FL.

429 iii. Hannah Eudora Salisbury, born 19 Aug 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Sep 1971. She married (1) John Schindler Bef. 1908. She married (2) James Lincoln Brenchley 24 Jun 1908 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; born 15 Nov 1872 in Bradford Co., PA; died 1932. She married (3) Stanley Day Gilbert 03 Jan 1934 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA; born 04 Aug 1872 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About Hannah Eudora Salisbury:

Name 2: Gilbert, Hannah

Burial: 18 Sep 1971, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1971, Last residence: Meshoppen, PA 18630

Social Security Number: 180-40-5203 (PA)


Notes for James Lincoln Brenchley:


Brenchley is spelled many different ways in the Fox Twp. and Canton Boro census, variations being Brenchley, Brenchly, Brincely, Brincley and Brinchly. The progenitor who settled in Shunk was James W. Brenchley, born in 1825. He marr. Hannah B. ______, who was born in PA. James came from co. Kent, England and is first listed in the 1850 federal enumeration for Fox Township. He stated to the census taker he could not read or write. His occupation was that of a farmer and his estate was valued at $300. James & Hannah had the following children: John born in 1838 in NY; George W., Nov 1841; Solomon, 1846; Chester B., 1847; Susannah, 1849 and Alice L., 1854, marr. Chester King. In 1860, the family lived in Fox Twp. (HH #336), James' personal estate being valued at $1000 and his real estate was worth $350. Their eldest son, John, is listed as having been married within the year to Eliza H., she being born in 1845. His estate values are listed as $60 personal and $35 real estate. The young couple was recorded under the surname "Brincely" in HH #49 of Fox Twp. 1870 census. John & Eliza's children were: Edwell, born in 1862; George D., 1866; Clara B., 29 Jul 1869; Frank, 1874 and Wallis, 1878. George W. Brenchley marr. 1) ______ Weed; marr. 2) Eliza Allda Loomis. He is listed in the 1900 census of Fox Twp. (HH #60), living next-door to his son, James L. Brenchley. George stated that he had been married twice, this time to Eliza for 28 years. She stated that she had 7 children, all living as of the census date. She was born in Sep 1850 in PA, as was her mother and her father was born in NY. Children living in the home were their set of twins, Walter R. and Wallace J., born in Sep 1887 and a granddaughter, Zetta H. Brenchley, born Jan 1898.


INGHAM HISTORY OF SULLIVAN COUNTY; Thomas J. Ingham (1899), pgs. 133-4:

JAMES L. BRENCHLEY - This well-known farmer and lumberman of Shunk, Fox Township, Sullivan County, is a native of Bradford County, this state, having been born at the latter place November 15, 1864. His parents are George and Lydia (Loomis) Brenchley, now residing in Fox Township. The mother is a native of Bradford County and a daughter of James Loomis, of the latter place. The father was a native of Fox Township, his English parents coming to this country and locating in that township before 1840. George Brenchley was twice married - his first wife being a Miss Weed, by whom he had two children, Abraham and John, the latter dying at the age of twenty-four years. After the death of his wife he was again united in matrimony to Miss Lydia Loomis. To them were born the following children: Minnie, the wife of Guy Fuller of Springfield, Pennsylvania; James, the subject of these memoirs; Frank, who married Mattie Leonard and is living at home engaged in lumbering; Maggie, the wife of Emery Tellison, of Smithfield, this state; Maud, Walter and Wallace, the latter three living home. When James L. Brenchley was a child of nine years his parents came to Sullivan County, settling in Fox Township. Here he attended the common schools, receiving such education as could be obtained from them until he reached his eighteenth year, at this age he began to work for himself, employed in the extensive lumber tracts of that region. He afterward bought a farm of seventy-four acres, from which he has cleared most of the timber and otherwise greatly improved, devoting the land to general farming. He was also engaged in lumbering. At the age of twenty-three, he was united in marriage to Miss Cora, daughter of James H. Campbell. Two children have blessed this union; Ina Belle, born December 6, 1896 and Ethel M., born July 26, 1898. In politics Mr. Brenchley is an unyielding Republican and is at present serving a three year term as road commissioner. He is a prominent member of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, with which he united some four years ago, and is deservedly popular throughout the county, where he is well known.


More About James Lincoln Brenchley:

Burial: 1932, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Stanley Day Gilbert:

Burial: Leona Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 430 iv. Amy Evelyn Salisbury, born 22 Aug 1874 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Jan 1960.

+ 431 v. John Taylor Salisbury, born 27 Apr 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 432 vi. Fentie Virginia Salisbury, born 21 Feb 1878 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 433 vii. Elon Galusha Salisbury IV, born 15 Nov 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Mar 1972 in Tacoma Park, MD.

+ 434 viii. Mary Eleanor Salisbury, born 04 Feb 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Sep 1926.

435 ix. Jesse Wilder Salisbury, born 30 Nov 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Estella Kennedy.

133. Albert Frank10 Shadduck (Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Oct 1854 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1945 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Emma Augusta White 1876. She was born 22 May 1858 in PA, and died 01 Sep 1943 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Albert Frank Shadduck:

The Shadduck-Dickerson reunions of the 1930's and 1940's had been recorded in a logbook which was given to me by Madeline Dickerson, widow of Theus F. Dickerson, he a former secretary of the original reunion association. It wasn't until 1967 that Charles V. Shadduck started the tradition again, most of the attendees being descendants of Albert & Emma. A few families have emerged from the vast distances to appear to give an insight into the other descending families of Evert & Amy. Jennie, Charles' younger sister, invited me to the 1980 reunion, my first experience with a family reunion. In 1981 and 1982 I rode my 10-speed bicycle from Elmira, NY to Shunk. During the week prior to the 1981 reunion, I made it a point to contact several individuals in the Shunk and Forksville ares who filled me in on their own family's information. I stayed with Charles & Kay Shadduck the week prior to the Sunday reunion, using this week to walk through the West Hill and Brown Cemeteries and the Friends' Burial Grounds, writing down all of the information inscribed on the headstones. I have since then made an index to these inscriptions. After a week of "vacationing", I attended the reunion. It was a damp, misty day but the reunion went very well, although it was held inside the fire station. I took several photographs of the attendants. Upon my return to Elmira, I wrote the following, submitting it to the SULLIVAN REVIEW, the local newspaper. "The reunion for the descendants of Evert & Amy (Porter) Shadduck was held on Sunday, July 26, 1981 at the Endless Winds Fire Station in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. A dinner buffet was held at 1:00 p.m. and pictures were taken at 3:00. (It was a damp, cool day, sprinkling most of the afternoon. Photographs were taken inside the firehouse.) Those in attendance were: Charles V. & Kay Shadduck, Donald & Joan Shadduck, Donald W. & Rose Shadduck and children Michael and Timothy, all of Shunk; Luther & Karol Shadduck, Phyllis Little, Charles & Sue Shadduck, William C. & Gaynold McClintock and Fawn, their daughter, John & Jamie Wenzel and children Sean and Jennifer, all of Montoursville; Forrest & Elsie Shadduck, Richard & Mary Shadduck, Lionel & Arvilla Shadduck, all of Muncy; Edwin and Jennie Brennan, Earl "Shad" Shadduck, Wayne Blakeman, all of Athens; Lura Morris, Mary Sargeant, Dona Solomon and sons Christopher and Peter, all of Sayre; Ronald J. Porter and Florence Duff Kane, both from Elmira, NY; Ralph and Agnes Snell from Proctor; Glen & Carol Shadduck, Daryle & Gloria Shadduck and daughter, Stacey, all of Campbell, NY; Donald & Dorna Foust and children Craig and Jill of Forksville; Minnie Baumunk of State College; Steve and Cathy Ball and children Steve, Jr. and Christina; David E. & Avinella Saunders and children Tammy and David, all of Williamsport; Durwood & Helen Shadduck from Trout Run and Elmer Rosbach of Tampa, FL." -- R. J. Porter


More About Albert Frank Shadduck:

Burial: 1945, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


Notes for Emma Augusta White:

Emma's mother was born in England.


More About Emma Augusta White:

Burial: 04 Sep 1943, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Albert Shadduck and Emma White are:

+ 436 i. Harry Evert11 Shadduck, born 17 Sep 1878 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Nov 1965.

+ 437 ii. Ellen Evangeline Shadduck, born 02 Nov 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Nov 1929 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 438 iii. Robert Albert Shadduck, born 18 Jul 1885 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Jul 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 439 iv. Martha Lillian Shadduck, born 14 Jun 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Feb 1922.

+ 440 v. John Earl Shadduck, born 17 Sep 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 16 Feb 1962.

+ 441 vi. Cecil Ray Shadduck, born 24 Aug 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 May 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 442 vii. Fern Whitmore Shadduck, born 22 Jun 1892 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Sep 1974 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 443 viii. Charles Vernon Shadduck, born 23 May 1894 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Jun 1984 in Williamsport, PA.

+ 444 ix. Edward Dean Shadduck, born 15 May 1896 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died Feb 1973 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

+ 445 x. William Forrest Shadduck, born 02 Jul 1898 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Sep 1992 in Williamsport, PA.

446 xi. Bertha Leona Shadduck, born 12 Mar 1902 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Nov 1908 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Bertha Leona Shadduck:

Burial: 11 Nov 1908, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 447 xii. Jennie Mildred Shadduck, born 10 Feb 1904 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Sep 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.



134. James M. Ludivic10 Porter (William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Apr 1840 in Broome Center, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 19 Jun 1917. He married (1) Nancy Jane Chichester 08 Mar 1860 in Schoharie, Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of John Chichester and Margaret ______. She was born 1844 in NY, and died 1866 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married (2) Matilda Wainwright 1881 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of Henry Wainwright and Betsey ______. She was born 20 Apr 1851 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 17 Mar 1934.


Notes for James M. Ludivic Porter:

MILITARY RECORDS OF SCHOHARIE CO., NY-Veterans of Four Wars; by George H. Warner (pg. 169):

JAMES PORTER - Broome-Farmer; married; age 24; enlisted November 24, 1863; captured near Cold Harbor; confined in Andersonville for "six months;" paroled; discharged August 1, 1865; Potter's Hollow, NY; farmer; married. Children, Cassius, Harry, Robert.


James' first marriage was announced in the SCHOHARIE PATRIOT and recorded in the church records. In 1983 I made contact with some of James' descendants, visiting with Ray & Mary Porter of Middleburgh prior to that year's reunion. Mary stated that some time before my visit Ray was listening to the local radio station (WGY - 81AM in Albany, NY) and heard an announcement. An old dresser had been auctioned and the new owner found some old letters pertaining to the Civil War. They had been written by James to members of his family during his service, and confinement at Andersonville.


More About James M. Ludivic Porter:

Burial: 21 Jun 1917, Pine Grove Cem., Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., NY

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Co F & D, 7th Reg. NY Hvy Art

Military service: Bet. 24 Nov 1863 - 01 Aug 1865, Cold Harbor, VA


More About Nancy Jane Chichester:

Residence: 1850, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


Marriage Notes for James Porter and Nancy Chichester:

James' first marriage was announced in the SCHOHARIE PATRIOT and recorded in the church records.


Notes for Matilda Wainwright:

According to Broome's 1910 federal census (HH#324), Matilda stated that she had been married twice and had 2 children, both living. She actually had 2 other sons, Alex and Ezra, by her first marriage. It is uncertain who her first husband was. The boys were listed in the home, but did not have a different surname. Ray, a grandson of Robert, stated that these boys were not James'. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Matilda Wainwright:

Burial: 20 Mar 1934, Pine Grove Cem., Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY

Children of James Porter and Nancy Chichester are:

+ 448 i. Cassius M.11 Porter, born Jun 1861 in Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 449 ii. Harry J. Porter, born Feb 1862 in Schoharie Co., NY.

Child of James Porter and Matilda Wainwright is:

+ 450 i. Robert James11 Porter, born Dec 1884; died Feb 1943 in Berne, Albany Co., NY.

137. Ezra J.10 Porter (William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1847 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Jane Conklin abt. 1866. She was born 1854 in NY.


More About Ezra J. Porter:

Estate Value: 1870, $1650

Residence 1: Bet. 1850 - 1870, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 23 Apr 1869, Rensselaerville, NY

Residence 3: 1880, St. James, Cedar Co., NE

Residence 4: 1910, 7-WD Sioux, Woodbury Co., IA


Notes for Jane Conklin:

The 1910 census states that Jane was divorced and had 2 children, 1 still living. It is evident that after her divorce, she returned to Schoharie County, being enumerated with her sister and brother-in-law.


More About Jane Conklin:

Name 2: Porter, Jane

Date born 2: 1853, NY

Residence 1: 1880, St. James, Cedar Co., NE

Residence 2: 1910, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: Broome, NY; Mt. Washington, MA

Children of Ezra Porter and Jane Conklin are:

+ 451 i. Howard11 Porter, born Sep 1868 in NY; died in KS.

452 ii. Lewis Porter, born 1871 in NY.


More About Lewis Porter:

Residence: 1880, St. James, Cedar, Nebraska

139. Zilpha10 Porter (William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1849 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1944 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY. She married Harry Caleb Turner 1871 in Schoharie Co., NY, son of Caleb Turner and Olive Taylor. He was born Jan 1841 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1933 in Ontario, Canada.


More About Zilpha Porter:

Name 2: Turner, Zilpha

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

Notes for Harry Caleb Turner:


Turner, Harry C., p.o. Hunters' Land, farmer, 135 acres, born in county in 1841, has been assessor; wife Zilpha, daughter of William and Minna Porter, of county, born in 1850, married in 1871. Father Caleb Turner was born in Connecticut; wife Olive Taylor, of Schoharie county.


More About Harry Caleb Turner:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Occupation: Farmer

Real Estate: 135 acres in Middleburgh, NY

Residence: Bet. 1841 - 1933, Broome and Middleburgh, NY

Child of Zilpha Porter and Harry Turner is:

453 i. Everett Harry11 Turner, born 28 Oct 1888 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1919 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Everett Harry Turner:

Burial: 1919, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: 1900, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

152. Omar10 Porter (Daniel9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Mar 1861 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1941 in prob. Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Biancey Campbell 1880 in Schoharie Co., NY. She was born 1862 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.


Notes for Omar Porter:

Omer resided with the William Johnson family in Gilboa, Schoharie Co., NY during the 1910 federal enumeration in HH #132. Listed as a hired hand, he stated he was 49 and married. It is uncertain as to where his wife and children were living.


More About Omar Porter:

Burial: 1941, Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1910, Gilboa, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: 1930, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY (with son Irvin)


More About Biancey Campbell:

Residence: 1930, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Omar Porter and Biancey Campbell are:

+ 454 i. Marilla11 Porter, born Sep 1881 in Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 455 ii. Katie Mae Porter, born May 1884 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 456 iii. Irving M. Porter, born Jul 1892 in Schoharie Co., NY.

457 iv. Enla M. Porter, born 30 Nov 1899 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 10 May 1900 in Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Enla M. Porter:

Burial: 12 May 1900, Keyserkill Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Cause of Death: pneumonia

154. Ira N.10 Porter (Ira Stuart9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1846 in Athens, Greene Co., NY, and died Bef. 1930. He married Helen E. ______ abt. 1872. She was born Feb 1849 in NY.


More About Ira N. Porter:

Occupation: 1870, Railroad brakeman

Residence 1: 1850, Athens, Greene Co., NY

Residence 2: 1860, Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., NY

Residence 3: 1870, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 4: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Liberty, Sullivan Co., NY

Child of Ira Porter and Helen ______ is:

458 i. Blake11 Porter, born 03 Feb 1879 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY; died Aft. 1930. He married Ruth M. ______ 1903 in NY; born 1878 in NY.


More About Blake Porter:

Medical Information: Blake stated at his draft registration that the "back of legs paralized". He was admitted into a mental hospital, where he was listed during the 1930 census. The circumstances may have been related.

Occupation 1: 1900, Plumber

Occupation 2: Bet. 1910 - 1920, Cigar store retailer

Residence 1: Bet. 1910 - 1920, Binghamton, Broome Co., NY

Residence 2: 1930, Dickinson Twp., Broome Co., NY


More About Ruth M. ______:

Occupation: 1920, Saleslady at husband's cigar store

Residence: Bet. 1910 - 1920, Binghamton, Broome Co., NY

156. Aretas Stanton10 Porter (Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Apr 1846 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died Bef. 1930 in prob. Clinton Co., MO. He married Mary Elizabeth Bennett abt. 1892, daughter of Hiram Bennett and ______ ______. She was born 23 May 1864 in Benton, Keokuk Co., IA.


More About Aretas Stanton Porter:

Name 2: Porter, A. S.

Residence 1: 1850, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1860 - 1870, Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1910 - 1920, 2-WD Lathrop, Clinton Co., MO


More About Mary Elizabeth Bennett:

Residence 1: 1870, Benton, Keokuk, Iowa

Residence 2: 1930, Washington, Jackson Co., MO (with dau. Neva Stout)

Children of Aretas Porter and Mary Bennett are:

459 i. Laura11 Porter, born 1894 in IA.

+ 460 ii. Neva M. Porter, born 1903 in Clinton Co., MO.

157. Albanus Beckwith10 Porter (Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1848 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 26 Jun 1921 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL. He married Candace Cleveland 21 Dec 1868 in New York City, NY. She was born 03 Feb 1852 in Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, and died 10 Oct 1935 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL.


Children of Albanus Porter and Candace Cleveland are:

+ 461 i. Frank Albert11 Porter, born 29 Nov 1870 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 18 Sep 1900.

+ 462 ii. Charles Cleveland Porter, born 06 Jul 1872 in Schoharie Co., NY; died 20 May 1955.

+ 463 iii. Mabel Bertha Porter, born 08 Nov 1879 in Ness Co., KS; died 17 Feb 1951.

+ 464 iv. Manley Bertin Porter, born 09 Sep 1881 in Ness Co., KS; died 15 Jul 1966 in Julesburg, CO.

+ 465 v. Ira Wallace Porter, born 08 Oct 1891 in Ness Co., KS; died 22 Jan 1979 in Holyoke, Phillips Co., CO.

160. Harmon10 Hoteling (Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1846 in Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1900. He married Lucinda Prechtle 1866 in Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of ______ Prechtle and Eunice ______. She was born May 1845.


More About Harmon Hoteling:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Occupation: 1872, farmer in Franklinton

Property: 1872, 80 acres in Franklinton


More About Lucinda Prechtle:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Harmon Hoteling and Lucinda Prechtle are:

+ 466 i. Melvin11 Hoteling, born 1869 in NY.

467 ii. Caria E. Hoteling, born Jan 1871 in NY; died 07 Aug 1934. She married Frank Benn Aft. 1900; born Apr 1864 in NY; died 1952.


More About Caria E. Hoteling:

Name 2: Benn, Carrie

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY


More About Frank Benn:

Burial: 1952, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 1: 1870-1880, Middleburgh, Schoharie, New York

Residence 2: 1900, Guilderland, Albany Co., NY

Residence 3: 1930, Altamont, Albany Co., NY

161. John William10 Hoteling (Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Sep 1848 in NY, and died 1933. He married Catherine Estus Bouck 1868, daughter of Tobias Bouck and Eliza Worth. She was born 1851 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1945.


More About John William Hoteling:

Burial: 1933, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1850 - 1880, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Catherine Estus Bouck:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: Bet. 1850 - 1880, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of John Hoteling and Catherine Bouck are:

468 i. Frank H.11 Hoteling, born 1869; died 1940. He married Daisy B. Hall; born 1884; died 1939.


More About Frank H. Hoteling:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: Bet. 1870 - 1880, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Daisy B. Hall:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY


469 ii. Ina Hoteling, born 1874.

470 iii. Herbert Hoteling, born Sep 1875. He married Cora E. ______.

163. Chauncey10 Hoteling (Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born May 1853 in NY. He married Irena Armlin 1873. She was born 1854 in NY.

More About Chauncey Hoteling:

Name 2: Hoteling, Chancy

Name 3: Hotelling, Chauncey

Residence 1: 1920, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1930, Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY


More About Irena Armlin:

Residence: 1930, Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Chauncey Hoteling and Irena Armlin are:

471 i. Percilla11 Hoteling, born 1873.

472 ii. George Hoteling, born Oct 1879.

+ 473 iii. Velmore Hoteling, born 15 Jul 1884 in Schoharie Co., NY.

474 iv. Grover Cleveland Hoteling, born 02 Oct 1892 in NY.


More About Grover Cleveland Hoteling:

Name 2: Hotaling, Grover

Residence 1: 1910, Cairo, Greene Co., NY

Residence 2: 1917, Schoharie Co., NY

164. Catherine E.10 Hoteling (Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1860 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1938. She married Fernandus Coons 1876 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, son of Jonas Coons and Mary Youmans. He was born Mar 1850 in NY, and died 1923.


More About Catherine E. Hoteling:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY


Notes for Fernandus Coons:

THE PALATINE FAMILIES OF NEW YORK - 1720; Henry Z. Jones, Jr. (pgs. 501-4): Fernandus, or "Fernando", is descended from Matthias Kuntz, a German refugee. The name is spelled variously as Kuntz, Cuntz, Koons, Coons, Koens and Coens.


KUNTZ-COONS FAMILIES OF EASTERN NEW YORK; by William S. Coons and Kate Koon Bovey (1937):

"Fernandus was born in 1848/9 and married Catherine Houghtalling. They had among their children, Earl D. On 13 Nov 1905, Earl's mother was made his guardian with the consent of his father who died before 1925. Earl D. is mentioned in 1921, the date of his father's will...Jonas Coons was a son of Jacob & Margaret (Pectel) Coons. Jacob was the son of Jacob & Maria (Wagoner) Kuntz/Coons. Jacob, Sr.'s parents were Adam & Magdelena (Hagerdorn) Kuntz. Adam was a son of Philip Henry & Maria Elisabeth (Mannegan) Kuntz. Philip was listed as #420 on Gov. Robert Hunter's list of refugees as "Philipp Henrich Cuntz". His wife was the daughter of Ferdinand Mannegan. Philip was a son of Matthias & Anna Margretha (Lucken) Kuntz, immigrant refugees from Germany. Matthias has been listed in various records as Matthias, Matteus, Martys, Mattaus, Matthis and Matthys. His parents were Johann Nickel & Maria Clara Cuntz and Anna was a daughter of Johann Lucken."


It is unknown who the other children were, but Hester E. Pelham, identified in the 1910 census of Broome in HH #17 with Fernandus' family, she being aged 16, and listed as an adopted daughter, could have been inferred. There could be more than one adopted child, but this author located no other child living in the area through census or other vital records.


NOTE: There were Hagerdorns and Waggoners mentioned in records of the Porter family in Broome. For more information of the Palatine refugees, see the Philip Kelmer/Kilmer family under Rebecca (Kilmer) Porter, wife of Charles Newton Porter.


More About Fernandus Coons:

Burial: 1923, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Child of Catherine Hoteling and Fernandus Coons is:

475 i. Earl D.11 Coons, born 15 Jan 1900 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Selma ______; born 1897 in NY.


More About Earl D. Coons:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Selma ______:

Residence: 1930, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

165. William L.10 Hoteling (Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1863 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1924 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married (1) Lillian F. ______ abt. 1880. She was born Dec 1864. He married (2) Elizabeth R. ______ abt. 1889. She was born abt. 1843 in NY.


More About William L. Hoteling:

Burial: 1924, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Sharon, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Lillian F. ______:

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Sharon, Schoharie Co., NY

Children of William Hoteling and Lillian ______ are:

476 i. Mattie11 Hoteling, born abt. 1881.

477 ii. Myrtle Hoteling, born abt. 1884.

478 iii. William Leon Hoteling, born abt. 1886.


167. Catalina10 Wilcox (Nathan9, Nathan8, John T.7) was born 1835 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. She married George W. Brimmer. He was born 1827 in NY.

Children of Catalina Wilcox and George Brimmer are:

479 i. George11 Brimmer, born 1853 in NY.

480 ii. Ella Brimmer, born 1857 in NY.

169. Calvin10 Wilcox (Nathan9, Nathan8, John T.7) was born 1839 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. He married Emeline ______ abt. 1859 in Petersburg, Rensselaer Co., NY. She was born 1842 in NY.

Children of Calvin Wilcox and Emeline ______ are:

481 i. William11 Wilcox, born 1861 in NY.

482 ii. Rose Wilcox, born 1862 in NY.

483 iii. Lucy Wilcox, born 1864 in NY.

178. Anna10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1843 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 30 Apr 1880 in Williamsburg, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Miner F. Porter 11 Sep 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Latney Porter and Mahala Luce. He was born 1836 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 29 Sep 1864 in Chaffins Farm, Henrico Co., VA. She married (2) Napoleon Boney Hughes abt. 1872.

Child is listed above under Miner F. Porter (104).

Children of Anna Brown and Napoleon Hughes are:

+ 484 i. Huldah11 Hughes, born 18 Nov 1875 in Lycoming Co., PA; died 24 Oct 1948 in Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

485 ii. Eugena F. Hughes, born abt. 1879.

179. Deborah10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 19 Dec 1845 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 07 Jun 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Harvey Y. Porter abt. 1860, son of Latney Porter and Mahala Luce. He was born 22 Sep 1835 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 07 Dec 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Harvey Y. Porter (103).


180. Stewart10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 08 Dec 1846 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Alice Meyers abt. 1866. She was born 30 Jan 1846, and died 28 Feb 1916.


More About Stewart Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Alice Meyers:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Stewart Brown and Alice Meyers are:

+ 486 i. Alvaretta11 Brown, born 1866.

+ 487 ii. Mary D. Brown, born 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Sep 1898 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 488 iii. Claurice Brown, born 1873.

+ 489 iv. John Lewis Brown, born abt. 1875 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Jan 1951.

+ 490 v. Frederick H. Brown, born abt. 1877 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

491 vi. Florence A. Brown, born Nov 1879 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Feb 1893 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Florence A. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 492 vii. Alma Brown, born abt. 1882.

182. Lorenzo D.10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Oct 1848 in Fox Center, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 13 Mar 1932. He married Jennie H. Kline abt. 1877, daughter of John Kline and Catherine ______. She was born Jun 1861, and died 1930.


More About Lorenzo D. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Jennie H. Kline:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Lorenzo Brown and Jennie Kline are:

493 i. ______11 Brown, born abt. 1879.

+ 494 ii. Eva Brown, born Aug 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 495 iii. Arvilla Brown, born 25 Nov 1882; died 21 Jan 1906.

496 iv. Elizabeth Brown, born Sep 1884.

497 v. ______ Brown, born abt. 1886.

498 vi. ______ Brown, born abt. 1887.

+ 499 vii. Blanche A. Brown, born Jul 1889 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


183. Harriett10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1851 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Mar 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Sylvester Brown abt. 1870, son of Archaleus Brown and Sarah Harris. He was born 11 Jul 1848 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Notes for Harriett Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 26 Mar 1896 ed.:

Harriet, wife of Sylvester Brown, died suddenly on the evening of the 14th, with heart failure. She had been in ill health for some time past, but not to interfere with her being around, so that her death was wholly unexpected and a great shock to the community. She was buried in the Brown cemetery at Shunk on the 17th inst, the funeral being largely attended. She was a woman who gave her whole time to her family and was highly respected by all.


More About Harriett Brown:

Burial: 17 Mar 1896, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Sylvester Brown:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Harriett Brown and Sylvester Brown are:

+ 500 i. Henry11 Brown, born 19 Nov 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Dec 1946.

501 ii. Ira Brown, born Sep 1879; died 1953.


More About Ira Brown:

Burial: 1953, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA


502 iii. Charles Brown, born Jun 1884.

+ 503 iv. Mamie Brown, born Jun 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1917.

504 v. Harry R. Brown, born Nov 1888.

184. Lydia10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Feb 1854 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Jul 1913. She married Benjamin W. Jackson abt. 1872, son of John Jackson and Mary Bagshaw. He was born Aug 1850 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Benjamin W. Jackson:

Residence 1: 1860, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1880 - 1900, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Lydia Brown and Benjamin Jackson are:

+ 505 i. C. Loyd11 Jackson, born 1874 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 1921.

+ 506 ii. John Miller Jackson, born Dec 1877 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

507 iii. Sarah Jackson, born 1878 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 508 iv. Dora A. Jackson, born Nov 1879 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 1965.

509 v. Mary Jackson, born abt. 1881 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 510 vi. Nettie Jackson, born abt. 1887 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

511 vii. Dorothy A. Jackson, born May 1886 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

186. Alsbury D.10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 25 Jan 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Nov 1934. He married (1) Vine Purcell abt. 1888. He married (2) Cora Sarah Porter 1890, daughter of Latney Porter and Saphronia Brown. She was born 03 Apr 1869 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1932 in Seneca Co., NY.


Children are listed above under Cora Sarah Porter (118).


187. Aaron M.10 Brown (Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jul 1861 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1919. He married Jane S. Purcell abt. 1883. She was born 30 Sep 1862, and died 15 Jul 1907.


More About Aaron M. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Jane S. Purcell:

Burial: 18 Jul 1907, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Aaron Brown and Jane Purcell are:

+ 512 i. Viola11 Brown, born abt. 1883.

+ 513 ii. Hurley B. Brown, born 11 Nov 1884; died 16 Mar 1956.

+ 514 iii. Bertha A. Brown, born 15 Apr 1886 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Feb 1967.

+ 515 iv. Grace E. Brown, born Sep 1888 in PA.

+ 516 v. Cassie E. Brown, born Apr 1890.

517 vi. Ella Brown, born Sep 1892; died 08 Jun 1927.


More About Ella Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 518 vii. Fanny Amanda Brown, born 06 Oct 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 27 Apr 1965 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 519 viii. Belle Edna Brown, born 04 Oct 1896 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Jan 1975.

+ 520 ix. Esther Luetta Brown, born 30 Aug 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1974.

521 x. Russell J. Brown, born abt. 1902.

+ 522 xi. Flossie Jane Brown, born 27 Mar 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 May 1989 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.


188. Huldah10 Wilcox (John9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1847. She married Daniel Turner.

Children of Huldah Wilcox and Daniel Turner are:

+ 523 i. Murton11 Turner.

+ 524 ii. Orpha Turner.

+ 525 iii. Hattie Turner.

+ 526 iv. Phoenix Turner, born 09 Apr 1882; died Jul 1968.

189. Frederick10 Wilcox (John9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1849.

Children of Frederick Wilcox are:

+ 527 i. Burton11 Wilcox.

528 ii. Grace Wilcox.

+ 529 iii. Lillian Wilcox.

191. Walter L.10 Wilcox (John9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1857. He married Frances ______.

Children of Walter Wilcox and Frances ______ are:

530 i. Leon11 Wilcox.

531 ii. Frances Wilcox.

532 iii. Clayton Wilcox.

533 iv. LeRoy Wilcox.

193. Daniel Day10 Wilcox (Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 24 Jul 1848, and died 11 Dec 1909. He married (1) Mary Ann Lessig 1868. She was born 26 Mar 1848 in Gilpin, Armstrong Co., PA. He married (2) Maria Rockwell 1874. She was born 12 May 1850, and died 09 Feb 1933.

Children of Daniel Wilcox and Mary Lessig are:

+ 534 i. William Omury11 Wilcox, born 12 Jul 1869 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 21 Jun 1945.

535 ii. Orpha Wilcox, born 1870 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

536 iii. Elsie Wilcox, born 1870 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

537 iv. Adda N. Wilcox, born 1872 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married Frank Martin.

Children of Daniel Wilcox and Maria Rockwell are:

+ 538 i. George11 Wilcox.

+ 539 ii. Frank E. Wilcox, born in Pawling, Duchess Co., NY.

+ 540 iii. Lebey S. Wilcox, born 1875 in PA.

+ 541 iv. Josephine Ella Wilcox, born 12 Jul 1880 in PA; died 29 Oct 1964 in Akron, OH.

195. William10 Wilcox (Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1852. He married Kate Smith.

Children of William Wilcox and Kate Smith are:

542 i. Herman11 Wilcox.

543 ii. Infant Wilcox.

+ 544 iii. Minnie Wilcox.

+ 545 iv. Harriet Wilcox.

+ 546 v. Guy Wilcox.

547 vi. Ashley Wilcox.

+ 548 vii. Herbert Wilcox.

+ 549 viii. Flossie Wilcox.

+ 550 ix. Leonore Wilcox.

196. Willis Eugene10 Wilcox (Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1855, and died 05 Nov 1917. He married Della McKeil.


More About Willis Eugene Wilcox:

Burial: 08 Nov 1917, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Child of Willis Wilcox and Della McKeil is:

551 i. Ella11 Wilcox. She married Frank Brenchley; born 1874.

197. Eva Jane10 Wilcox (Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1858 in PA, and died 08 Apr 1923 in Marathon, Cortland Co., NY. She married (1) Charles Gruver. He was born 1852 in PA. She married (2) John Baker.


More About Eva Jane Wilcox:

Residence: 1880, Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA


More About Charles Gruver:

Occupation: 1880, Carpenter

Residence: 1880, Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of Eva Wilcox and Charles Gruver are:

+ 552 i. Harry11 Gruver, born 1876 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 553 ii. Maud Ethel Gruver, born 1879 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Eva Wilcox and John Baker are:

+ 554 i. LouEtta11 Baker.

+ 555 ii. Mabelle Baker, born 10 Mar 1891 in IL; died Feb 1981.


199. Sarah Marie10 Wilcox (Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1854 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 08 Apr 1946. She married Joseph Henderson. He was born abt. 1850 in PA, and died 13 Aug 1947.

Child of Sarah Wilcox and Joseph Henderson is:

+ 556 i. Mary11 Henderson, born abt. 1875 in PA.

201. George Eldaah10 Wilcox (Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born May 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Feb 1935. He married Elizabeth Cook 1883, daughter of William Cook and Margaret McConomy. She was born Apr 1859 in Chester Co., PA, and died 1939.


Notes for George Eldaah Wilcox:

Sullivan County, PA Archives Biographies.....WILCOX, G. Eldaah 1821 - living in 1899

Copyright. All rights reserved.;

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 3, 2005

Extract from: Book of Biographies of the Seventeenth Congressional District; pub. by Biographical Publishing Co. of Chicago, IL and Buffalo, NY (1899)

G. ELDAAH WILCOX, a prosperous and progressive farmer of Fox township, Sullivan County, PA, is a son of Gideon and Mary (Hoagland) Wilcox, and was born on what is known as the F. Morgan farm, in that township, April 18, 1859. Our subject's great-grandfather was John Wilcox, who was more familiarly known as "Dr. John." He was a native of New York State, but at the time of his death resided in Fox township. During the War of 1812 he shouldered a musket and marched to the front, and in one of the battles was severely wounded, but recovered and lived to reach a ripe old age. Our subject's grandfather was John D. Wilcox, who moved to Fox township, Sullivan County, from New York State soon after his marriage, taking up a tract of 400 acres of land, for which he paid a nominal sum. After erecting a log house he went back to New York for his wife, and returning, they settled in the wilderness, carving a home out of the forest, and enduring many of the hardships incident to pioneer life. In a few years they cleared many acres and toward the close of their lives were in comparatively comfortable circumstances. His wife's maiden name was Deborah Stewart, and they reared a family of eleven children, namely: Deborah: John; Charles; Gideon; William; Sally; Chloe; Nancy; Mary J.; Joseph; and Rheuamy. Mr. Wilcox never carried on any other business than farming, but he took a part in politics, and was looked upon as one of the most fair-minded as well as one of the most just men in the county. He was one of the commission appointed to decide the location of the county seat, his choice being Forksville, but as history and facts show he was overborne by a majority. He was a Whig in politics until that party met its death in the great anti-slavery storm, and when the Republican Party was formed he used his influence in its favor until death called him away. He lived to a good old age, and dying was laid to rest in the cemetery at West Franklin.

Gideon Wilcox, the father of our subject, was born in Fox township, Sullivan County, August 11, 1827, and was educated in its public schools and lived there throughout his life, engaged in agricultural pursuits, owning at the time of our subject's birth some 250 acres of the best land in the township. He was active in local politics, holding successively many of the town offices and fulfilling his duties to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. In religion both he and his family were members of the Society of Friends. He was first united in marriage with Mary Hoagland, on January 27, 1853, and the following offspring resulted: Sarah, the wife of Joseph Henderson; Martin C., who is still unmarried; G. Eldaah; and Maurice Ellis, who married Nettie Hart. Mr. Wilcox formed a second union with Lucy Lilly, on April 28, 1870, and their children are: Belle, who married Enos Tremain; Lottie; Helen, the wife of George Caseman; Seymour.; Franklin; and Eleanor A.

G. Eldaah Wilcox, whose name heads these lines, was educated in the common schools of his native township until he was fourteen years of age, after which he attended the Westtown Academy for two and one-half years; being precocious by nature, his intellectual development was above the average. His bent of mind, however, was mechanical and not caring to teach until he had learned a trade, he served four years' apprenticeship at carpentering. He then entered upon a successful career, teaching school during the winter months and following his trade during the milder seasons, for a period of eleven years. He then turned his attention to farming, at which he has continued up to the present time. He purchased a farm of in acres of John H. Wilcox and Lorenzo Brown, and he has never ceased to beautify and add improvements to this land, on which he still resides. He is a very popular man and has many friends throughout his section. Mr. Wilcox was united in marriage with Lizzie Cook, a daughter of William Cook, a prominent farmer of Chester County, and Margaret (McConomy) Cook, and they are the parents of the following children: Lizzie; William; John; Robert; Jennie, deceased; George; James; Walter; Anna M.; Maria; Mabel; Chester; and Bessie. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox are the parents of the following children: Jesse J., Clara M., Jennie B. and Edwin H. Mr. Wilcox does not take an active interest in politics, yet he has served his township seven years as auditor, and has been school director for two terms, being elected on the Republican ticket. Religiously he is a member of the Society of Friends.


More About George Eldaah Wilcox:

Burial: 11 Feb 1935, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Elizabeth Cook:

Burial: 1939, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of George Wilcox and Elizabeth Cook are:

+ 557 i. Jesse J.11 Wilcox, born 1884 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 1961.

558 ii. Clara M. Wilcox, born Sep 1885 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 1958. She married Vernon Finch; born abt. 1883 in PA.


More About Clara M. Wilcox:

Burial: Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


559 iii. Jennie B. Wilcox, born Jan 1890 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Olin Smiley.

+ 560 iv. Edwin Herrick Wilcox, born Feb 1898 in Sullivan Co., PA.

561 v. Elizabeth Wilcox, born 1908 in Sullivan Co., PA.

202. Morris Ellis10 Wilcox (Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Nov 1863 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Apr 1914. He married Nettie A. Hart 1888. She was born 03 Apr 1870 in PA, and died 16 Dec 1965.


More About Morris Ellis Wilcox:

Burial: 19 Apr 1914, Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twnp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Nettie A. Hart:

Burial: 18 Dec 1965, Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twnp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child of Morris Wilcox and Nettie Hart is:

+ 562 i. Wardie M.11 Wilcox, born Jul 1890 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 1962.

205. Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox (Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Apr 1875 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1908. She married George Beck Caseman abt. 1893, son of Christian Caseman and Louisa Beck. He was born Jan 1870.


More About Helen Arvilla Wilcox:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About George Beck Caseman:

Residence: 1905, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Helen Wilcox and George Caseman are:

+ 563 i. Lavinnia Belgium11 Caseman, born 28 Jan 1895 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 564 ii. Floyd George Caseman, born 29 Mar 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Feb 1979.

+ 565 iii. Elnora Jane Caseman, born abt. 1897 in PA.

566 iv. Christian I. Caseman, born Mar 1900; died 1918.


More About Christian I. Caseman:

Burial: 1918, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


567 v. Howard Caseman, born 28 Apr 1903; died Oct 1957.


More About Howard Caseman:

Social Security Number: 077-05-4676 (NY)


568 vi. Luella G. Caseman, born 1906.

207. Franklin10 Wilcox (Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1879 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married Alice Hall 09 Jul 1918.

Child of Franklin Wilcox and Alice Hall is:

569 i. Isabelle11 Wilcox.

213. Malinda E.10 Wilcox (William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Mar 1857 in PA. She married Zachariah Techeus Kilmer, son of William Kilmer and Catherine Shadduck. He was born May 1847 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Malinda Wilcox and Zachariah Kilmer are:

570 i. Walter L.11 Kilmer, born 25 Jun 1880.

+ 571 ii. Waldo E. Kilmer, born Feb 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1920.

217. Alban Berton10 Wilcox (William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1862 in PA, and died 1918. He married Ida M. Hart. She was born 1865 in PA.


More About Alban Berton Wilcox:

Residence 1: 1870, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child of Alban Wilcox and Ida Hart is:

+ 572 i. Blanche E.11 Wilcox, born 08 Oct 1890 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Oct 1975 in Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

219. Mary A.10 Wilcox (William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1867, and died 1912. She married Charles H. Darby. He was born 07 May 1864 in NY, and died 1922.


More About Mary A. Wilcox:

Residence: 1900, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Charles H. Darby:

Residence: 1900, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Child of Mary Wilcox and Charles Darby is:

+ 573 i. Floyd C.11 Darby, born 16 Jul 1896 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 05 Jul 1941.

226. John Day10 Kunzmann (Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 May 1865, and died 22 May 1944. He married Anna Eliza Stephenson 16 Dec 1882, daughter of Benjamin Stephenson and Sarah Dickens. She was born 14 Feb 1863, and died 30 May 1922.

Children of John Kunzmann and Anna Stephenson are:

+ 574 i. Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, born 1892; died 1961.

+ 575 ii. John Dorrance Kunzmann, born 09 May 1896; died 15 Jul 1948.

229. Martha E.10 McCarty (Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Jun 1857, and died Aft. 1900. She married Ernest A. Beebe 14 Sep 1881 in Sullivan Co., PA. He died Bef. 1900.


Notes for Martha E. McCarty:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 12 Mar 1896 ed.:

Mrs. Ernest Beebe gave birth to a boy some time ago and has since been dangerously ill from catching cold. We are glad to hear that she is better at this writing.


Martha was residing with C. Martin Wilcox in Fox Twp. (HH #73) during the 1900 federal enumeration. Herman was listed in the home of Horace Demond (HH #21) and Chloe resided with John T. & Mary J. (Wilcox) Williams (HH #76). Ernest, Sr. and Jr. were not listed in the census, both probably deceased.


More About Martha E. McCarty:

Residence: 1900, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Martha McCarty and Ernest Beebe:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 22 Sep 1881 ed.:

Ernest Beebe, of Millview and Miss Martha E. McCarty, of Elkland, were married at the house of John Warren, on the 14th, by Rev. E. D. Rawson.

Children of Martha McCarty and Ernest Beebe are:

576 i. Herman A.11 Beebe, born Aug 1888; died 1917. He married Martha ______; born 1889; died 1975.


More About Herman A. Beebe:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Martha ______:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


577 ii. Chloe Beebe, born May 1892.

+ 578 iii. Henry Beebe, born Aug 1894.

579 iv. Ernest A. Beebe, Jr., born Feb 1896.

234. Sara Ann10 Brackman (Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 06 Jun 1866 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Aug 1963 in Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., NY. She married Ulysses Grant Bedford 30 Jun 1892, son of Henry Bedford and Mary Hunsinger. He was born 07 Aug 1864, and died 21 May 1918.


Notes for Sara Ann Brackman:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 30 Aug 1963 ed.:

Mrs. Sara Ann Brackman Bedford, 97, of Millview, Sullivan County, died at Niagara Falls, NY on Sunday, Aug. 25, 1963. She was the widow of Ulysses Grant Bedford. Born at Piatt, Fox Township Sullivan County, on June 6 1866, the daughter of Henry and Chloe Brackman, pioneer residents of the area, she was one of the oldest residents of Sullivan County. Her early education was obtained from the Friends School near her home, and later, from Westtown in Chester County near Philadelphia. On her return she taught for nine years at Old Union and Sonestown schools. On June 30, 1892, she was married to Ulysses Grant Bedford and moved to their new home near Millview. This was her home for the remainder of her life. During her lifetime, Mrs. Bedford participated in many church and community activities. She joined the Friends in her youth and was active in the nearby Wesleyan Methodist church. Many friends will remember her as a devoted Christian worker and Sunday school teacher. She was a member of the C. C. Club and the Missionary society. She is survived by three sons, Charles of Canton, Mark of Niagara Falls, NY and Fred of Phoenix, AZ; six grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday Aug. 28 at the Wesleyan Methodist Church Millview, with the Rev. Leon J. Jeliff and Rev. Edward VanWicklin officiating. Interment was in Friends cemetery, Elkland Township.


More About Sara Ann Brackman:

Burial: 28 Aug 1963, Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Aug 1963, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA


Notes for Ulysses Grant Bedford:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 29 May 1918 ed.:

U. Grant Bedford, a highly respected citizen of Elkland Township died Tuesday of muscular rheumatism at his home near Millview. Mr. Bedford, who was 54 years of age, was a son of Henry and Mary Bedford. He is survived by his wife, who prior to her marriage was Miss Sarah Brackman, also three sons at home. Funeral services were held Friday morning at the Millville church. Interment in the friends Cemetery in Fox Township.


More About Ulysses Grant Bedford:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 May 1918, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Children of Sara Brackman and Ulysses Bedford are:

580 i. Jesse11 Bedford, born 02 Feb 1895 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Feb 1895.


More About Jesse Bedford:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Bessie Bedford


581 ii. Bessie Bedford, born 02 Feb 1895 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Feb 1895.


More About Bessie Bedford:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Jesse Bedford


+ 582 iii. Charles H. Bedford, born 07 Dec 1898 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Aug 1984 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

583 iv. Mark R. Bedford, born 29 Jul 1900 in Sullivan Co., PA; died Oct 1987 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Mark R. Bedford:

Social Security Number: 088-18-7117 (NY)


584 v. Fred L. Bedford, born 03 Jun 1903 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 30 Jan 2001.

235. Marianna10 Brackman (Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Nov 1867 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 08 Apr 1933. She married Joseph Lincoln Hoagland 30 Oct 1889 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Samuel Hoagland and Sally Wilcox. He was born 03 Mar 1861 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Mar 1943.


More About Marianna Brackman:

Burial: 10 Apr 1933, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Joseph Lincoln Hoagland:

Occupation: Teacher, farmer, bookkeeper & stenographer

Residence: Scranton, Lackawanna Co., PA

Children of Marianna Brackman and Joseph Hoagland are:

+ 585 i. Sallie Evangeline11 Hoagland, born 07 Feb 1891; died 1945.

+ 586 ii. Lee Lincoln Hoagland, born 01 Jun 1895; died 06 Jun 1945 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX.

587 iii. Gladys Louise Hoagland, born 12 May 1896. She married (1) Edward Gottschalk. She married (2) Uric A. Helfrich.


More About Gladys Louise Hoagland:

Residence: Scranton, Lackawanna Co., PA


+ 588 iv. Paul Hoagland, born 16 May 1901; died Sep 1944 in Warren, Trumbull Co., OH.

Charles and Ina Belle (Lewis) Brackman
Wedding Photo
Circa 1900
Elkland, PA

Photo contributed by Wendy Giuliano

237. Charles J.10 Brackman (Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Nov 1872, and died 1946. He married Ina Belle Lewis. She was born 1874, and died 1937.


More About Charles J. Brackman:

Burial: 1946, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Ina Belle Lewis:

Burial: 1937, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Child of Charles Brackman and Ina ______ is:

+ 589 i. John Lewis11 Brackman, born 10 Feb 1905; died Feb 1980.

239. Celestia Ann10 Brown (Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1862 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married John Foulkrod abt. 1876. He was born 1852.

Children of Celestia Brown and John Foulkrod are:

+ 590 i. Aaron11 Foulkrod, born abt. 1876.

+ 591 ii. Emma D. Foulkrod, born Nov 1877.

+ 592 iii. Charles J. Foulkrod, born abt. 1879; died Aft. 1920.

242. Ida Jane10 Brown (Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Nov 1866 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1940 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Thomas H. Fuller abt. 1883, son of Hiram Fuller and Dianna Hess. He was born Jun 1861, and died 22 Feb 1942 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ida Jane Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Thomas H. Fuller:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Ida Brown and Thomas Fuller are:

+ 593 i. Clyde W.11 Fuller, born 15 Apr 1884; died 13 Jan 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

594 ii. Clay Fuller, born Aug 1886.

595 iii. ______ Fuller, born abt. 1890.

243. Minnie10 Brown (Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1868 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married ______ Shriner.

Children of Minnie Brown and ______ Shriner are:

596 i. Ida11 Shriner, born Aug 1894. She married ______ Murphy.

597 ii. Frances Shriner, born 1898.

598 iii. Florence Shriner, born 1900.

599 iv. Violet A. Shriner, born 1903. She married Charles C. McCoy.

251. Wellington Wakely10 Porter (Wellington9, Mary8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Oct 1881 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY. He married Lucy Estelle Finger, daughter of Henry Finger and Catharine Dederick. She was born 08 Sep 1880, and died Jan 1958.


Notes for Wellington Wakely Porter:

Notes about the Wright-Martin Aircraft Company of which Wellington was a foreman in 1918:

Alexander Graham Bell, (the famous inventor of the telephone) founded the A.E.A. (Aerial Experiment Association) in 1907 and invited Glenn Hammond Curtiss to help him build "a practical airplane" which would carry a man on its own power, (indicating a possible unawareness of the Wright's previous secluded experiments). Curtiss was already known for developing probably the best aircraft engines at the time, having been contracted in by Capt. Thomas Baldwin, the famous balloonist, to build an engine for his lighter-than-air craft. Ironically, a Frederick Baldwin, was an A.E.A. member as chief engineer. Lt. Thomas F. Selfridge (who was later to die as a passenger in a Wright airplane) was secretary. A Dr. William Whitney Christmas made a flight in a biplane of his own design on March 8, 1908 at Fairfax Courthouse, Virginia, but this was not "publicly" observed. The first recognized "publicly observed" demonstration of a powered heavier-than-air flyer is credited to Glenn Curtiss, who flew his June Bug on July 4, 1908 in front of a huge crowd and skeptical newspaper reporters from New York. (Frederick Baldwin actually flew A.E.A.'s Red Wing before this on March 12, 1908, but again, it was not public). The Wright Co. in America, who had bought the Wright patents in 1909, continued alleged "infringement" litigations against Glenn Curtiss, but eventually was ordered to settle their differences by order of the Federal government in 1917. The Great War was in full force in Europe and the U.S. needed more state of the art airplanes for the U.S. and British Armies and what would eventually be a new U.S. Army Air Corps. The Wright Company first merged with Burgess in 1911, then with Glenn Martin, (another American pioneer in flight). The Wright-Martin Company formed in 1916. Glenn Curtiss had gone to England to design the famous Curtiss Jenny JN-4, which became the workhorse for the U.S. Army Signal Corps by 1916. It had a number of vast improvements, such as a tractor engine (instead of a pusher type), and a full fuselage. In 1917, the Dayton-Wright Airplane Company produced the famous Liberty engine, some Curtiss Jennies by contract (mostly produced by the Curtiss Aeroplane Company) and American built DeHavilland DH-4s. General Motors bought out Dayton-Wright in 1923 and it was sold to Consolidated Aircraft.


HARGRAVE - The Pioneers: Aviation and Aeromodelling - Interdependent Evolutions and Histories:

Chauncey (Chance) Milton Vought - 1890-1930:

Chance Milton Vought was only fifteen years old when Orville Wright, on the morning of December 17, 1903, became the first man to officially pilot and fly a heavier-than-air machine. Young Chance's reaction to this historical event has not been recorded but we know that it must have greatly influenced his engineering studies and thinking. His elementary school education was in the New York Public School System and, upon graduation he entered the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. He transferred later to New York University, where he specialized in the study of the internal combustion engine, and then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania in search of better engineering courses. Several sources suggest that he was making a worthy study of aeronautical engines, an interesting note because, for the most part, the American public in 1910 was not interested in aviation activities.


A superb student, he was usually ahead of his class in the theory and principles of engineering. Chance left school in 1910 to work for Harold McCormick an early aviation backer who was president of McCormick Reapers. The first aircraft that Chance Vought was associated with was the McCormick-Romme "Umbrella" plane which flew on March 11, 1910. He learned to fly from Max Lillie in 1912 using a Wright biplane and received FAI pilots certificate number 156. It was on this certificate that he signed his name Chance M. Vought rather than the printed name Chauncey M. Vought. This was the first official indication that Chauncey preferred the name "Chance". He became an aeronautical engineer and instructor pilot for the Max Lillie School of Aviation in 1913 and was involved in the design of the Lillie-Vought tractor biplane. While at Lillie he also edited the pioneer American aviation weekly, "Aero and Hydro".


Having developed some sound and unique ideas on airplane design, Vought went to work at the Mayo Radiator Works. His first aircraft design, the Mayo-Vought Simplex was built in 1914, and first flew in May of 1915. It was used by the British as a WW I pilot trainer. Vought worked for Curtiss briefly in 1915 as a consulting engineer for flying boats. In the fall of 1916 he became chief engineer at the Wright Company of Dayton, Ohio. In 1916 the Wright Company and The Glenn L. Martin Company merged to form The Wright-Martin Aircraft Corporation. During his brief tenure there, the Wright-Martin Model V was produced; the first flight of the Model V was in September 1916.


More About Wellington Wakely Porter:

Occupation: Sep 1918, Wright-Morton Aircraft Co. - foreman

Residence: 1918, 169 East 74th St., New York City, NY

Child of Wellington Porter and Lucy Finger is:

+ 600 i. Roland Wellington11 Porter, born 15 Sep 1901 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY; died 09 Nov 1990 in Newtown, Bucks Co., PA.

252. Mary E.10 Porter (Washington9, Mary8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1871 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY. She married James H. Palen 1896 in Ulster Co., NY, son of ______ Palen and Sarah ______. He was born Sep 1868 in Ulster Co., NY.


More About James H. Palen:

Occupation 1: 1920, Wool mill - dyer

Occupation 2: 1930, Wool mill - laborer

Residence 1: 1880, Esopus, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 2: 1900, Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Stockport, Columbia Co., NY

Children of Mary Porter and James Palen are:

601 i. Washington11 Palen, born Oct 1897 in Ulster Co., NY.


More About Washington Palen:

Occupation 1: 1920, Wool mill - brusher

Occupation 2: 1930, Wool mill - foreman

Residence: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Stockport, Columbia Co., NY


602 ii. Tarissa Palen, born May 1899 in Ulster Co., NY.

603 iii. Rose Palen, born 1904 in Ulster Co., NY.


More About Rose Palen:

Occupation: 1920, Wool mill - weaver

Residence: 1920, Stockport, Columbia Co., NY


604 iv. Percy Palen, born 1906 in Ulster Co., NY.

605 v. Edgar Palen, born 1908 in Ulster Co., NY.


More About Edgar Palen:

Occupation: 1930, Wool mill - laborer

Residence: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Stockport, Columbia Co., NY


606 vi. Dorothy Palen, born 1911 in Ulster Co., NY.


More About Dorothy Palen:

Occupation: 1930, Wool mill - sewer

Residence: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Stockport, Columbia Co., NY


607 vii. James P. Palen, born 1913 in Ulster Co., NY.

Generation No. 5

257. John L.11 Boyles (William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Mar 1870 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Helen E. Hoagland abt. 1897, daughter of Uriah Hoagland and Electa Pepper. She was born Feb 1878 in PA.


More About John L. Boyles:

Residence 1: 1900, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of John Boyles and Helen Hoagland are:

608 i. Reta U.12 Boyles, born Mar 1898 in Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

609 ii. Addie L. Boyles, born May 1899 in Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

610 iii. Ethel M. Boyles, born abt. 1903 in Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

611 iv. Irma C. Boyles, born abt. 1906 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 612 v. Edna A. Boyles, born 20 Sep 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Jun 1977 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

613 vi. Myra I. Boyles, born 1914 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

258. George Edgar11 Boyles (William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Oct 1870 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1954. He married Minnie Dunlap abt. 1894 in Sullivan Co., PA. She was born 27 Jan 1877 in PA, and died 1951.


More About George Edgar Boyles:

Burial: 1954, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Minnie Dunlap:

Burial: 1951, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of George Boyles and Minnie Dunlap are:

614 i. William R.12 Boyles, born 10 Sep 1895 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 615 ii. Leon Edgar Boyles, born 25 Sep 1898 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

616 iii. Emerson Boyles, born 05 Aug 1903 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Oct 1982 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.


More About Emerson Boyles:

Residence: 1930, Endicott, Broome Co., NY

Social Security Number: 096-01-5749 (NY)


617 iv. Marian Boyles, born 1907 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 618 v. Earl George Boyles, born 31 Jul 1908 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1951.

619 vi. Marjorie Boyles, born 1911 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

620 vii. Agnes M. Boyles, born abt. 1913 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

621 viii. Ruth W. Boyles, born abt. 1915 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

622 ix. Judson Boyles, born 11 Sep 1917 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Jul 1980.


More About Judson Boyles:

Social Security Number: 485-16-6185 (IA)


623 x. Lelabell Boyles, born abt. 1921 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

259. Rufus Benjamin11 Boyles (William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1873 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Ida M. ______ 1893 in Sullivan Co., PA. She was born 01 Feb 1873 in PA.


More About Rufus Benjamin Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1918, 117 N. McKinnley Ave., Endicott, NY

Children of Rufus Boyles and Ida ______ are:

624 i. Fannie L.12 Boyles, born 18 Oct 1893 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

625 ii. Mabel G. Boyles, born 04 Feb 1896 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 626 iii. Judson S. Boyles, born 30 Aug 1897 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

627 iv. Harris E. Boyles, born 02 Feb 1899 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

628 v. Dorothy Boyles, born 1902 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

629 vi. Artie Boyles, born 1904 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

630 vii. Charles Boyles, born 1906 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

631 viii. Curtis Boyles, born 1910 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

262. Frank L.11 Boyles (William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1879 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1955. He married Elizabeth D. ______ abt. 1901. She was born 1880 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1936.


More About Frank L. Boyles:

Burial: 1955, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Elizabeth D. ______:

Burial: 1936, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Frank Boyles and Elizabeth ______ are:

632 i. Bertha12 Boyles, born 1907 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

633 ii. Paul C. Boyles, born 1908 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1965.


More About Paul C. Boyles:

Burial: 1965, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


634 iii. Mazie Boyles, born 1911 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

635 iv. Vergie Boyles, born 1915 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

636 v. Margaret S. Boyles, born abt. 1917 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

637 vi. Lloyd L. Boyles, born 09 Sep 1921 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Mar 1976.


More About Lloyd L. Boyles:

Social Security Number: 183-12-6073 (PA)

263. Charles M.11 Boyles (William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1885 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1961. He married Sadie Howard abt. 1912. She was born 1896 in PA, and died 1952.


More About Charles M. Boyles:

Burial: 1961, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Occupation: 1920, Lumberman


More About Sadie Howard:

Burial: 1952, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Charles Boyles and Sadie Howard are:

638 i. Paul M.12 Boyles, born abt. 1912.

639 ii. Walter Henry Boyles, born abt. 1914.


More About Walter Henry Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


+ 640 iii. Hazel Christina Boyles, born 26 Feb 1916 in Sullivan Co., PA.

641 iv. Carl Elben Boyles, born abt. 1918.


More About Carl Elben Boyles:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


+ 642 v. Gordon W. Boyles, born 11 Aug 1920; died Sep 1994.

643 vi. Donald C. Boyles, born 07 Jun 1923 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Jun 1999. He married Joyce Featherbay.


More About Donald C. Boyles:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1999, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 183-12-9621 (PA)


644 vii. Sidney J. Boyles, born Sep 1926 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 1939.


More About Sidney J. Boyles:

Burial: 1939, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


645 viii. Howard L. Boyles, born abt. Dec 1928 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

272. Thomas R.11 Painter (Sarah E.10 Boyles, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born May 1887 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married Gertrude ______. She was born 1889 in PA.


More About Thomas R. Painter:

Residence 1: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Endicott, Broome Co., NY


More About Gertrude ______:

Residence 1: 1920, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Endicott, Broome Co., NY

Children of Thomas Painter and Gertrude ______ are:

646 i. Arthur12 Painter, born 1921 in PA.

647 ii. Parisy Painter, born 1923 in PA.

648 iii. Donald Painter, born 1925 in PA.

649 iv. Gertrude Painter, born 1926 in PA.

273. Pearl E.11 Painter (Sarah E.10 Boyles, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Feb 1894 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Frank Loveland 1922. He was born 1880 in NY.


Notes for Pearl E. Painter:

Pearl's family, listed incorrectly under the surname of "Painter", resided next-door to Thomas Painter, and she named her son William, prob. after her father. She was age 35, born in PA as were her parents, and her first children was also born in PA. Too many coincidences to think the family were named Painter. For this reason, I have entered the surname as "Loveland".


More About Pearl E. Painter:

Residence 1: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Endicott, Broome Co., NY


Notes for Frank Loveland:

In the 1930 census of Endicott, the Loveland family were listed under the name "Painter, Loveland Frank", obviously a mistake by the census taker.

Children of Pearl Painter and Frank Loveland are:

650 i. Eveland12 Loveland, born 1917 in PA.

651 ii. William F. Loveland, born 1925 in NY.

277. Robert W.11 Painter (Sarah E.10 Boyles, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1908 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married Lillian Tobey 1928, daughter of ______ Tobey and Alice ______. She was born 1910 in PA.


More About Robert W. Painter:

Occupation: 1930, Cutter - shoe factory (Endicott-Johnson)

Residence: 1930, Endwell, Broome Co., NY


More About Lillian Tobey:

Residence: 1930, Endwell, Broome Co., NY

Child of Robert Painter and Lillian Tobey is:

652 i. Roberta12 Painter, born 1929 in Broome Co., NY.


More About Roberta Painter:

Residence: 1930, Endwell, Broome Co., NY

279. Lynn11 Boyles (David J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Sep 1899. He married Grace Wright.

Child of Lynn Boyles and Grace Wright is:

+ 653 i. Dora Adona12 Boyles, born 23 Jan 1936 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

281. Franklin11 Gates (William Playfair10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1853 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. Vestal, Broome Co., NY. He married Isadore ______ 1883 in NY. She was born Dec 1860 in NY, and died Bet. 1910 - 1920 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.


More About Franklin Gates:

Date born 2: 1854, New York

Medical Information: twin to Francis

Residence 1: 1860, Broome, Schoharie, New York

Residence 2: 1900, Vestal, Broome, New York

Residence 3: 1920, Vestal, Broome, New York

Residence 4: 1930, Johnson City, Broome, New York

Children of Franklin Gates and Isadore ______ are:

+ 654 i. Walter P.12 Gates, born Feb 1885 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

655 ii. Elmer E. Gates, born Sep 1892 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

656 iii. Ralph Gates, born Aug 1893 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

657 iv. Grant Gates, born Jun 1897 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

285. George11 Gates (William Playfair10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1863 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. Vestal, Broome Co., NY. He married ______ ______ 1893 in NY. She died Bef. 1930.


Children of George Gates and ______ ______ are:

658 i. Marian S.12 Gates, born 1901 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

659 ii. Madeline I. Gates, born 1903 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

291. Emma Lucy11 Gates (Lee C.10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1861 in NY, and died 20 Sep 1934. She married David Abiel Shadduck 03 Jul 1880 in Rushville, Susquehanna Co., PA, son of Albert Shadduck and Susanna Codding. He was born 06 Apr 1861 in PA, and died 08 Dec 1941.


More About Emma Lucy Gates:

Name 2: Shadduck, Emma

Burial: 22 Sep 1934, Cortland Cem., Cortland Co., NY


Notes for David Abiel Shadduck:

His father, Albert Frank Shadduck, was a half-brother to Evert Shadduck, husband of Amy Porter.


More About David Abiel Shadduck:

Burial: 11 Dec 1941, Cortland Cem., Cortland Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Cortland, Cortland Co., NY

Children of Emma Gates and David Shadduck are:

+ 660 i. Lee Albert12 Shadduck, born 01 Sep 1881 in PA; died 04 May 1965.

661 ii. Bruce D. Shadduck, born 03 Feb 1887; died 05 May 1887.


More About Bruce D. Shadduck:

Burial: Rushville Presbyterian Cem., Susquehanna Co., PA


662 iii. Mary Ruth Shadduck, born 23 Mar 1895; died 27 Aug 1964. She married (1) Wayne T. Haynes 1922; born 25 Aug 1895 in Preble, Cortland Co., NY; died Aug 1962. She married (2) Harry O. Phelps 10 May 1934 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA; born abt. 1893.


More About Mary Ruth Shadduck:

Burial: 30 Aug 1964, Cortland Cem., Cortland Co., NY


More About Wayne T. Haynes:

Residence 1: 1900, Preble, Cortland Co., NY

Residence 2: 1930, Binghamton, Broome Co., NY

Social Security Number: 076-09-4558 (NY)

299. John11 Wood (Matilda10 Gates, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1862.

Child of John Wood is:

663 i. Susan12 Wood. She married ______ Stevenson.

301. Mahala11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1853 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. 1910 in prob. Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married James Hedgeland. He was born 1841 in PA, and died Bet. 1900 - 1910 in prob. Ward Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Mahala Porter:

Residence 1: 1907, Cedar Ledge, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Hillsgrove Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Mahala Porter and James Hedgeland are:

664 i. Ruby12 Hedgeland, born 1875 in Ward Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 665 ii. George W. Hedgeland, born 1879 in Ward Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died Aft. 1930 in prob. Renova Clinton Co., PA.

302. Rosalia11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Aug 1855 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Oct 1906 in Bradford Co., PA. She married Hiram Burrows Kelley 1876. He was born 27 Dec 1854 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 1937 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Rosalia Porter:

Rosalia and her family resided in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA during the 1880 federal enumeration (HH #161). They resided next-door to Hiram's brother, Isaac and his family. The brothers were listed as born in PA and stated that their parents were born in NY. Francis had not yet been named, but was listed as "infant son". In 1900 the family still lived in LeRoy Twp. Hiram stated he was a day laborer by occupation and married 24 years. Rosalia stated that she had 8 children, 7 still living. In 1910, Hiram was found living with Joseph Merton Smiley (see the WRIGHT FAMILY for more on him) in Canton, listed in HH #158. Hiram stated he was 56, now widowed and working as a "servant". Hiram and Anna were listed in HH #123 of Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA's 1920 census. None of the children were listed.


More About Rosalia Porter:

Burial: 07 Oct 1906, East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA


More About Hiram Burrows Kelley:

Burial: East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation 1: 1900, Day laborer

Occupation 2: 1910, Servant - Joseph Merton Smiley home

Residence 1: 1900, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Rosalia Porter and Hiram Kelley are:

666 i. Ava12 Kelley, born 1876.

667 ii. Polly Kelley, born 1878.

668 iii. Francis Kelley, born Dec 1879; died 1908.


More About Francis Kelley:

Burial: East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 669 iv. James Dayton Kelley, born 01 Oct 1883 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 13 May 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

670 v. ______ Kelley, born Bet. 1883 - 1885.

671 vi. Lavinnia E. Kelley, born Mar 1885.

672 vii. George W. Kelley, born 16 Jun 1888; died Jan 1966.


More About George W. Kelley:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1966, Last residence: Oil City, PA 16301

Social Security Number: 177-07-7379 (PA)


673 viii. Clarence R. Kelley, born Apr 1890.


303. Joseph D.11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Feb 1858 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 1922. He married (1) Jannett Foster abt. 1881, daughter of David Foster and Polly ______. She was born 1858, and died 1938. He married (2) Evelyn Newcomb 29 Sep 1897 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of ______ Newcomb and Mary ______. She was born Apr 1858, and died 1936.


More About Joseph D. Porter:

Burial: Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Jannett Foster:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA (D.P. Porter lot)


More About Evelyn Newcomb:

Burial: Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Joseph Porter and Jannett Foster are:

+ 674 i. Nora O.12 Porter, born 06 Feb 1882 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 13 Feb 1907 in Monterey, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 675 ii. Emmet Delrue Porter, born 25 Sep 1885 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 12 Apr 1964 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 676 iii. Ray Porter, born 05 Mar 1888 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died Sep 1953 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 677 iv. Harley Porter, born 02 Oct 1890; died 23 Nov 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

678 v. Mary Porter, born 18 Dec 1893 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

679 vi. Frank Porter, born 09 May 1896 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

680 vii. Infant Porter, born abt. 1880 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. Apr 1880 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Joseph Porter and Evelyn Newcomb are:

681 i. Herbert12 Porter, born 01 Oct 1902 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 682 ii. Frederick Bly Porter, born 30 Oct 1903 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Nov 1958 in Trucksville, Luzerne Co., PA.

304. Henrietta11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Feb 1861 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died Aft. 1930 in Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA. She married Jacob Caseman 1880, son of Christian Caseman and Louisa Beck. He was born Aug 1863 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Bef. 1930.


More About Henrietta Porter:

Residence 1: 1880, Fallbrook, Ward Twp., Tioga Co., PA (next door to sis. Mahala)

Residence 2: 1900, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Jacob Caseman:

Residence 1: 1900, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1905 - 1910, Hillsgrove Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Henrietta Porter and Jacob Caseman are:

683 i. Jennie Louise12 Caseman, born Mar 1882 in Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA; died in prob. Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA. She married Roy H. Stull 1902; born 1882 in PA.


More About Jennie Louise Caseman:

Residence: 1930, Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA


684 ii. Robert Caseman, born Jan 1888 in Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Robert Caseman:

Residence: 1910, Hillsgrove Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


685 iii. Raleigh Caseman, born May 1892 in Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Raleigh Caseman:

Residence: 1910, Hillsgrove Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

305. May Effie11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Aug 1865 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 1936. She married (1) ______ Terry abt. 1882. She married (2) Sylvester Brown abt. 1898, son of Archaleus Brown and Sarah Harris. He was born 11 Jul 1848 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About May Effie Porter:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1880, Fallbrook, Ward Twp., Tioga Co., PA (next door to sis. Mahala)

Residence 2: 1900, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Sylvester Brown:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of May Porter and ______ Terry are:

686 i. Charles W.12 Terry, born 1884; died 1961. He married Della E. ______; born 1884; died 1962.


More About Charles W. Terry:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Della E. ______:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


687 ii. Lee J. Terry, born Aug 1890; died 1963.


More About Lee J. Terry:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


688 iii. George F. Terry, born Jan 1894.

689 iv. ______ Terry, born abt. 1896; died Bef. 1900.

+ 690 v. Kenneth B. Terry, born 1907; died 1946.

306. William C.11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Aug 1868 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died abt. 1938 in Heyburn, Cassia Co., ID. He married (1) Lizzie Keating abt. 1887. He married (2) Mary D. Brown 29 Oct 1889 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Stewart Brown and Alice Meyers. She was born 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Sep 1898 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (3) Rosalia E. Bower 1898 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Cono Bower and Margaret Brown. She was born 19 Jul 1877 in PA, and died 29 Dec 1935 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (4) Carol A. Morse 18 Sep 1936 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for William C. Porter:

A short time after a photo was taken of William & Rosalia, he headed west. According to family members, he left with only $20, a new suit and hat and his knapsack. He was headed to the Rockies to pan for gold. No one heard from him again, although his 3rd wife contacted Mary Conrad several months after he died. No record of his death or burial has been found, but a stone had been purchased before he left our west, the lot now containing the bodies of Mary D. (Brown) Porter and their son Herbert.


More About William C. Porter:

Burial: Heyburn, Cassia Co., ID (marker in Brown Cem., Shunk, PA)

Occupation: 1930, Carpenter

Residence 1: 1880, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Mary D. Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 22 Sep 1898 ed.:

Mrs. William Porter, of Elkland Twp., died Sept. 14th, aged 27 years and buried Sept. 16th. A husband and three children, one an infant of two weeks, survive the death of wife and mother.


More About Mary D. Brown:

Burial: 16 Sep 1898, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: blood poisoning after childbirth

Medical Information: "contracted blood poisoning 12 days prior before she died, resulting from childbirth"


Notes for Rosalia E. Bower:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 08 Jan 1936 ed.:

Mrs. Rosalie E. Porter died at her home in West LeRoy, Sunday morning, December 29th at the age of 58 years, 5 months and 10 days. She is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs. Bower of Overton, one sister, Mrs. Mary Gray of Canton and three brothers, G.L. Bower of Overton, John Bower of Detroit, and Adelbert of Kingsland, NJ.


More About Rosalia E. Bower:

Name 2: Porter, Rosalie E.

Nationality: her father was born in Germany

Obituary/Death Notice: 08 Jan 1936, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Children of William Porter and Mary Brown are:

+ 691 i. Alice D.12 Porter, born Jun 1890.

+ 692 ii. Emily Mary Porter, born 17 Feb 1891 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Jan 1969 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

693 iii. LeRoy D. Porter, born Jun 1892 in PA.


More About LeRoy D. Porter:

Residence: 1900, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


694 iv. Herbert William Porter, born 28 Aug 1898 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Sep 1899 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Herbert William Porter:

Burial: 09 Sep 1899, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

307. Lena11 Porter (William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1871 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Arthur Warner abt. 1891. He was born abt. 1865 in MA.

Child of Lena Porter and Arthur Warner is:

695 i. Herbert12 Warner, born 1893 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Herbert Warner:

He resided with aunt, Nellie M. (Warner) Snell during the 1910 federal census of Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Herbert Warner:

Residence: 1910, Plunketts Creek, Lycoming Co., PA

308. Clarissa Emaline11 Porter (Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Mar 1854 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Apr 1875 in Ramsay, Anoka Co., PA. She married John Chester Strong 20 Feb 1870 in Anoka Co., MN, son of John Strong and Harriett Reed. He was born 1846, and died 04 Apr 1910 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN.


More About Clarissa Emaline Porter:

Burial: Old Bethal Cem., Anoka Co., MN


More About John Chester Strong:

Burial: Old Bethal Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Children of Clarissa Porter and John Strong are:

696 i. Freeman12 Strong, born 1871 in Anoka Co., MN; died 25 Apr 1895.


More About Freeman Strong:

Burial: Old Bethal Cem., Anoka Co., MN


+ 697 ii. Henrietta Francis Strong, born 01 May 1873 in Isanti Co., MN; died 29 Aug 1901 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN.

309. Rosabell A.11 Porter (Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jan 1857 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. 1900 in prob. Stearns Co., MN. She married (1) Horace J. Whitney 11 Jan 1875 in St. Cloud, Benton Co., MN. He was born 1855. She married (2) Joseph Y. Sylvester 08 Aug 1880 in Stearns Co., MN, son of Edward Sylvester and Margaret ______. He was born 30 Aug 1852 in Turner, Androscoggin Co., ME, and died 14 Jun 1929 in Everett, Snohomish Co., WA.


More About Rosabell A. Porter:

Residence: 1900, Fair Haven, Stearns Co., MN


More About Joseph Y. Sylvester:

Burial: 17 Jun 1929, Everett Cem., Snohomish Co., WA (I.O.O.F.)

Occupation: 1900, Farmer

Residence 1: 1860, Turner, Androscoggin Co., ME

Residence 2: 1900, Fair Haven, Stearns Co., MN

Residence 3: 1910, 2-WD Everett, Snohomish Co., WA

Residence 4: 1920, Riverview, Snohomish Co., WA

Children of Rosabell Porter and Joseph Sylvester are:

698 i. Margrett S.12 Sylvester, born Jun 1881 in MN.


More About Margrett S. Sylvester:

Residence: 1900, Fair Haven, Stearns Co., MN


699 ii. Beulah E. Sylvester, born Jan 1891 in MN; Adopted child.


More About Beulah E. Sylvester:

Residence: 1900, Fair Haven, Stearns Co., MN

310. Dora Isabell11 Porter (Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jun 1859 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Apr 1904 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN. She married (1) Addison Dennis Starkey abt. 1878, son of John Starkey and Dillian ______. He was born 1857 in Grow Twp., Anoka Co., MN, and died 16 Jul 1925 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married (2) Albert E. Hardy abt. 1892, son of David Hardy and Olive ______. He was born Mar 1858 in IL. She married (3) Eugene William Henderson 1895. He was born Jan 1845 in NH.


More About Dora Isabell Porter:

Burial: 13 Apr 1904, Oak Leaf Cem., Bethal, Anoka Co., MN

Residence: 1900, Anoka, Anoka Co., MN


More About Addison Dennis Starkey:

Burial: Bethal Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Cause of Death: heart attack

Medical Information: died while riding in an open street car


More About Albert E. Hardy:

Residence 1: Bet. 1870 - 1880, Bethel, Anoka Co., MN

Residence 2: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Crow Wing Co., MN

Child of Dora Porter and Addison Starkey is:

+ 700 i. Maude Ethel12 Starkey, born 11 Feb 1880 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; died 23 Jun 1917 in Anoka Co., MN.

311. Clarence Arlington11 Porter (Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jan 1862 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Jan 1909 in Duluthe, St. Louis Co., MN. He married Emma Jeanette Bennett 18 Dec 1887 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN, daughter of George Bennett and Sarah Wood. She was born 18 Jul 1866 in Athens, Isanti Co., MN, and died 29 Jul 1902 in Webster, Burnett Co., WI.


Notes for Clarence Arlington Porter:

Clarence was farmed out to the Dawson family at Stacy, MN until he reached the age of 18, when he returned to live with his mother. He became a blacksmith and after his marriage and the births of his 7 children, he resided in Anoka and surrounding areas. In 1900 he had a homestead of 160 acres of land near Webster, WI on the Clam River, where his son Perry had drowned. Around 1907 Clarence was offered work in Duluth. He took his two smallest children, while Sarah took work in Webster and the older boys stayed near the homestead and worked in the woods. Clarence placed Tracy and Bertha in the Duluth Children's Home where he paid for their keep. On 28 Dec 1908 he was taken delirious to the County Poor Farm, where he died 8 days later of diabetes myelitis. The children were made wards of the state, both parents now dead, as Emma died 8 months pregnant in Webster 6 weeks after Perry drowned. The children were sent to the Owatonna State School at the ages of 9 and 8. During the following 10 years, Tracy and Bertha were farmed out to several families in southern Minnesota, but the two stayed in contact. During this period, Sarah and the 3 older boys migrated back to Cooper's Corners and Dyer's Corners near Bethal, to be with relatives, not knowing what happened to their family. The boys stayed at times with the Charles E. Dougherty family, as Mrs. Dougherty was their cousin. All three boys served in World War I. Sarah went to Anoka to work, where she met and married Albert Ruddy. About 1924 Tracy found his sister, Sarah Stufell and the whole family was once again reunited. Clarence died at what was then called the Poor Farm and is buried on the property owned now by the St. Louis County Medical Facility. He was not buried until May 1909 due to the frozen ground. The site is known as the Greenwood Cemetery where there are no markers. - note from Stephany E. Porter, 1978


More About Clarence Arlington Porter:

Burial: 07 Jan 1909, Greenwood, Duluthe, MN (Poor Farm)


More About Emma Jeanette Bennett:

Burial: Webster, Burnett Co., WI

Children of Clarence Porter and Emma Bennett are:

+ 701 i. Sarah Abby12 Porter, born 24 Jan 1889 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN; died 13 Nov 1966 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

702 ii. Perry Porter, born 05 Apr 1890 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN; died 03 Jun 1902 in Meenan, Burnett Co., WI.


Notes for Perry Porter:


Held at Clam River Dam on the 3rd day of June 1902

June 3rd 1902 - Inquest held at Clam River dam in Town of Meenan, Burnett Co., Wisconsin on the body of Perry Porter. Being unable to get a constable, Robert Demarest was sworn in as deputy constable. The Constable summoned the following as jurymen: William Eddy, A.M. Babcock, M. Ordway, Frank Cole, P.A. Merritt and E.H. Lamb. The following were summoned as witnesses as from information received, they were supposed to have been present at the time of death: Mrs. Mary Stone, Mrs. Jim Stone, William Polenski and A.W. Sprague. Mrs. Rosa Knox was summoned to appear as interpreters for the two Mrs. Stones. The jury was duly sworn. Mrs. Mary Stone was called and sworn. She says, 'she was standing near down where boy fell in but did not see him fall in. The first she saw of him, she only saw his dead out of water and heard him holler. After he disappeared entirely and she didn't see him any more until found dead.' Mrs. Jim Stone was sworn and made same statement as Mrs. Mary Stone, 'she was standing near by Mrs. Mary Stone.' William Polenski was called and sworn, says 'he was on dam but did not see boy fall in, but heard his brother holler, previous to that he seen boys fishing near dam about 12 n(oon). The first he seen of boy was out in water down the river, he says he run down the river bank but boy had entirely disappeared and did not see any more until found dead.' A.W. Sprague was called and sworn. He says 'he was asleep in tent at the time and did not know of drowning until boy's brother came and called for help, and when he reached river, he had entirely disappeared.' Stacy Porter was summoned as witness and on being sworn says, 'he did not see his brother fall in water, he was about 3 rods away, he did not hear him holler, saw his head come up out of river, then he ran and told Mr. Sprague, he says his brother was fishing with spear.' That closed the testimony. The jury upon due deliberation brought in a verdict of accidental drowning by falling off apron of dam at 12 n(oon), June 3, 1902. Signed by Robert Magnuson, J.P. in and for Burnett Co., Wisconsin" -- Taken from county records by Stephany E. Porter and sent to Ronald J. Porter. NOTE: The two Jones women were Indians. It had been thought by some that one of these women were responsible for Perry's death. There has been nothing further found in any of the records that would suggest that one or both of them were at fault.


More About Perry Porter:

Burial: 06 Jun 1902, Webster, Burnett Co., WI


703 iii. Stacy A. Porter, born 29 May 1891 in Coon Creek, Anoka Co., MN; died 25 May 1947 in Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Stacy A. Porter:

Burial: 28 May 1947, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN


704 iv. Clayton Aaron Porter, born 18 Sep 1892 in Fairhaven, MN; died 08 Feb 1968 in Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Clayton Aaron Porter:

Burial: 12 Feb 1968, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Residence: Bef. Feb 1968, Last residence: Minneapolis, MN 55414

Social Security Number: 477-14-8017 (MN)


+ 705 v. Sivery Ivan Porter, born 04 Jun 1893 in Anoka Co., MN; died 21 Jun 1969 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

+ 706 vi. Tracy Allen Porter, born 06 Jun 1899 in Wyoming, Chisago Co., MN; died 11 Nov 1955 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 707 vii. Bertha Grace Porter, born 01 Sep 1900 in Webster, Burnett Co., WI; died 31 Dec 1974 in Snohomish, Snohomish Co., WA.

313. Laura Jane11 Porter (Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1859 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 Jul 1936 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married David L. Faulkner 10 Feb 1877 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA, son of Edmund Faulkner and Lydia Love. He was born 03 Jul 1848 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA, and died 31 Mar 1926 in South Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


Notes for Laura Jane Porter:

The following was a receipt for expenses incurred for Laura's Funeral. It was included in the pension record of Laura Jane Porter Faulkner. "Receipt of S. John Stover, Funeral Director - Removing remains from Gillett, PA to Corning, embalming, casket, outside burial case, hearse for funeral and necessary funeral furnishings $200.00; Opening grave $10.00; Dress $10.00, for a total of $220.00. Horace E. Auringer was the attending physician. Harry Gustin was the undertaker."


More About Laura Jane Porter:

Burial: 04 Jul 1936, Barnard Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 1: 1880, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1900, Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 3: 1936, Gillett, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA


Notes for David L. Faulkner:

The following War Department description of David's military service was found in the pension record of Laura J. Faulkner. "He (David) is on the roll of Co. I 2nd Regt. PA Prov. Hy Arty (to which assigned) for Mar/Apr 1864, present May/Jun 1864, not on file for Jul/Aug '64, but on file as missing in action 30 Jul 1864. The return of Jun 1864 does not report him absent. Jul '64 (last on file) does not report absent enlisted men by name. He was transferred to Co. F 2nd PA Hy Arty and reported on roll for May/Jun '65 (first taken up) as present; Jul/Aug '65 absent detached service; Sep/Oct '65 present; Nov/Dec '65 same; mustered out with Company 29 Jan 1866 at City Point, VA with remark "served in 2nd PA Prov. Hy Arty from 20 Apr '64 to 5 Sep '64. Taken prisoner 20 Jul '64 in front of Petersburg, VA. Returned to duty 3 Jun '65. 2nd PA Prov Hy Arty was in action before Petersburg, VA 30 Jul '64. Prisoner of War records show him captured at Petersburg, VA 30 Jul '64; in confinement at Danville, VA 14 Feb '65; brought from there and confined at Richmond, VA 20 Feb '65; paroled at James River, VA 22 Feb '65; reported to Camp Parole, MD 25 Feb '65; furloughed 5 Mar '65 for 30 days; returned 3 May '65 (no surgeon's certification of furlough on file); and sent to Camp distribution Alexandria, VA 4 May '65. No evidence of medical treatment on disability on said records."


More About David L. Faulkner:

Burial: Barnard Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Medical Information: pension states "he incurred rheumatism and disease of heart"

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 30 Mar 1864 - 29 Jan 1866, Co. F 2nd Regt. PA Vol. Hy Art.; transferred to Co. I in May 1865

Military service: Bet. 30 Mar 1864 - 29 Jan 1866, Enlisted in Mansfield, PA; honorably discharged at City Point, VA

Residence 1: 1880, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1900, Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY

Children of Laura Porter and David Faulkner are:

708 i. Edwin12 Faulkner, born 1877 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA. He married Lizzie Allen 29 Mar 1896 in Caton, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 709 ii. Daniel Edmon Faulkner, born 29 Mar 1879 in Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY.

314. Martin Charles11 Porter (Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1861 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Gussie ______ abt. 1890.

Children of Martin Porter and Gussie ______ are:

710 i. ______12 Porter, born abt. 1892.

711 ii. Ocee Porter, born 28 Oct 1893 in Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

712 iii. ______ Porter, born abt. 1896.

315. James Latney11 Porter (Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Sep 1864 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Jun 1960 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Martha Elizabeth Vroman 04 Jul 1888 in Lindley, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of Peter Vroman and Mary Bryan. She was born 18 Feb 1870 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 09 May 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Sophia Rebecca Gray 01 Jul 1890 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of William Gray and Harriett Hall. She was born 26 Jul 1868 in Pennsdale, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 08 Dec 1955 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for James Latney Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, Oct 1939 ed.:


Mr. J.S. Porter celebrated his 75th birthday, Sunday, October 1, 1939 at his home in Gillett. At noon, a bountiful dinner was prepared in his honor. Mr. Porter has been a prosperous farmer but is now retired. He is in good health. He married 49 years ago Sophia Gray of Muncy. They had six children, five of whom are living. They are: Mrs. Asa Terwilliger, Troy, Daniel and Herbert Porter, Gillett, Carson Porter, Canton, and Eliza Porter of Cuyler. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Asa Terwilliger and son James, Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Porter and children, Herbert, Cora Genevieve, Warren, Leon and Roy, Gillett; Mr. and Mrs. Carson Porter and son Rexford, Canton; Wallace Porter, a brother, and Mrs. Porter, Roseville; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Forrest and son Carl, and Arlene and Geraldine Patterson, Lawrenceville. Mrs. Forrest is his sister.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Jun 1960 ed.:

James Latney Porter, 95, of Gillett, Pa, Saturday, June 25, 1960. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Asa Terwilliger of Granville Summit, Miss Emma Porter of Syracuse; sons, Daniel Porter of Gillett, Herbert of Austinville, Pa; brother, Wallace Porter of Roseville; 14 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Body at Vickery Funeral Home, Troy. Funeral there Tuesday at 11 A.M., the Rev. Everett Kaufman. Glenwood Cemetery, Troy.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Jun 1960 ed.:

James Latney Porter - 95, of Gillett, Pennsylvania, Saturday, June 25, 1960. Survived by daughters Mrs. Asa (Ella) Terwilliger of Granville Summit, Pennsylvania and Mrs. Emma (Eliza) Porter of Syracuse; sons: Daniel of Gillett, Herbert of Austinville; brother Wallace of Roseville, PA; 14 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Funeral at Vickery Funeral Home Tuesday at 11 A.M. by the Rev. Everett Kaufman at the Glenwood Cemetery, Troy.

(Looking at the first obituary, the newspaper must have thought that Emma was Eliza's name, but looking at the second obituary, I think it safe to say that whoever recorded "Emmett's" name didn't hear the name correctly. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About James Latney Porter:

Burial: 28 Jun 1960, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 27 Jun 1960, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 28 Jun 1960, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Farmer

Residence 1: 1900, Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: 1920, Wells Twp., Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Martha Elizabeth Vroman:

She was listed as "Elizabeth" in the 1870 census, age 3/12, birthdate listed "Feb 18". In 1880, she was listed as "Martha E.", age 9. She was known in my family as "Eliza", the name she used on her marriage license. Her grave marker is inscribed "Eliza Vroman wife of J. L. Porter".


More About Martha Elizabeth Vroman:

Burial: 11 May 1889, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Cause of Death: complications following childbirth


Notes for Sophia Rebecca Gray:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 10 Dec 1955 ed.:

PORTER, Mrs. Sophia, 87, of Gillett, PA, Thursday, December 8, 1955. Survived by her husband, James Latney Porter; one daughter, Mrs. Asa (Ella) Terwilliger of Granville Summit, PA; two sons, Herbert, of Austinville, PA and Daniel of Gillett; 10 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren. The Revs. Charles Root and Luther Packer will commence services at the Vickery Funeral Home at Troy and at the graveside of Glenwood Cemetery in Troy, PA.


More About Sophia Rebecca Gray:

Burial: 12 Dec 1955, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 10 Dec 1955, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1900, Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: 1920, Wells Twp., Bradford Co., PA


Marriage Notes for James Porter and Sophia Gray:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, Jul 1940 ed.:

GILLETT -- Gillett Couple Observe 50th Anniversary

On Sunday, June 30, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Porter celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their family home here. At noon, dinner was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Porter and children, Herbert, Cora, Warren, Leon and Roy; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Porter and son, Edward; Mr. and Mrs. Asa Terwilliger and son, James; Mr. and Mrs. Carson Porter and sons, Rexford and Harry; Mr. and Mrs. J. Forrest and son, Carl; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Patterson and children, Arlene, Geraldine, Leonard, Edward and Richard of Lawrenceville; Mrs. Etta Gray and son, Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gray and son, Robert of Williamsport; Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Gray and children Mary Ellen, Dorance, Letta, Rolland, Jr., and Sara Jane, of Danville; Mr. and Mrs. James Forest and children, Eunice, Shirley and James, Jr.; Mrs. Cora Brown, J. Cameron, Junior Fuller, Bert Chilson, the Rev. and Mrs. Alan and daughter of Gillett.

Child of James Porter and Martha Vroman is:

+ 713 i. Eliza Florence12 Porter, born 04 May 1889 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Sep 1962 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY.

Children of James Porter and Sophia Gray are:

+ 714 i. Daniel William12 Porter, born 28 Aug 1891 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Nov 1968 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 715 ii. Herbert Alexander Porter, born 23 Apr 1893 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Dec 1979 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

716 iii. Morrille Anselle Porter, born 31 Oct 1899 in Caton Center, Steuben Co., NY; died 13 May 1929 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About Morrille Anselle Porter:

Burial: 15 May 1929, Glenwood Cem., Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: 1920, Wells Twp., Bradford Co., PA


+ 717 iv. Ella Jane Porter, born 19 Apr 1901 in Beartown, Lindley Twp., Steuben Co., NY; died 25 Jan 2004 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

316. Minnie Victoria11 Porter (Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1869 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1926 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She married George William Jones 06 Nov 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Edgar Jones and Elizabeth McEwen. He was born 02 Feb 1860 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 1917 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Minnie Victoria Porter:

Burial: Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 1: 06 Nov 1887, Piatt, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Plunkett's Creek, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1920 - 1926, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


More About George William Jones:

Burial: Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 1: 06 Nov 1887, Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1910 - 1917, Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Minnie Porter and George Jones are:

+ 718 i. Elizabeth Fidelia12 Jones, born 17 Jul 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 719 ii. Della May Jones, born 09 Oct 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 720 iii. Robert McEwen Jones, born 07 Aug 1893 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 721 iv. Ella Myrtle Jones, born 16 Mar 1895 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 20 Dec 1973 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.

722 v. William McKinnley Jones, born 16 Jun 1896 in Plunkett's Creek, Lycoming Co., PA; died 26 Mar 1958.


More About William McKinnley Jones:

Burial: Apr 1958, Barbours' Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Mil. Squad./Unit/Fleet: abt. 1914, Pa. F2 U.S. NRF WW I

Occupation: Evangelist in the Pittsburg, PA area


+ 723 vi. Seth David Jones, born 18 May 1899 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 04 Jun 1978 in Watsontown, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 724 vii. Ethel Gertrude Jones, born 09 Nov 1905 in Loyalsockville, Plunkett's Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 1947 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.

318. Lydia Ann11 Porter (Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1878 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Nov 1946 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA. She married Jay C. Forrest 1899 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of ______ Forrest and Lavinnia ______. He was born 1874 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 May 1961 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Lydia Ann Porter:

Wellsboro, PA - WELLSBORO AGITATOR, 16 Nov 1946 ed.:

FORREST, Mrs. Lydia A., age 68, of Elkhorn Road, Tioga RD #1, Friday, November 15, 1946. Survived by husband, Jay; daughter, Mrs. Raymond Patterson of Lawrenceville; sons, Carl at home, Cecil of Troy, PA, Ervine of Binghamton; brothers, Latney Porter of Gillett, PA, Wallace of Roseville, PA; 10 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. Body is at the Kuhl Funeral Home and Sunday morning will be removed to family home, where funeral will be held Tuesday, 1 PM, 2 PM at the Tioga Methodist Church. Rev. Mabel B. Johnson. Burial in Mansfield, PA.


More About Lydia Ann Porter:

Burial: 19 Nov 1946, Prospect Cem., Mansfield, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Nov 1946, WELLSBORO AGITATOR - Wellsboro, PA


Notes for Jay C. Forrest:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 May 1961 ed.:


FORREST, Jay C., 88, of Tioga, PA, formerly of Troy, PA and brother of Cecil B. Forrest of 524 Chemung Street in Waverly, died Wednesday at the Blossburg Hospital. He is survived by three sons; Carl, of Tioga, with whom he made his home; Irvin, of Whitney Point, NY, and Cecil; a sister, Mrs. Jessie Andrus, of Elmira, NY; a brother, Estus Forrest of Troy; 12 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 o'clock at the Tioga church and burial will be in Mansfield Cemetery." (NOTE: 2nd line should read "father of Cecil B. Forrest". -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Jay C. Forrest:

Burial: 08 May 1961, Prospect Cem., Mansfield, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 05 May 1961, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Children of Lydia Porter and Jay Forrest are:

+ 725 i. Irvin12 Forrest, born 10 Dec 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Dec 1983 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.

+ 726 ii. Cecil B. Forrest, born 14 Jul 1902 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Nov 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

727 iii. Caryl M. Forrest, born 22 Oct 1907 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died Jan 1972.


More About Caryl M. Forrest:

Social Security Number: 058-01-3820 (NY)


+ 728 iv. Velma Irene Forrest, born 15 Sep 1911 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA; died 28 Feb 1949 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA.

320. Henrietta11 Porter (Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1861 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Sep 1892 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Samuel Elias Parrish abt. 1878 in Sullivan Co.,, PA, son of Timothy Parrish and Ruth Burnett. He was born Nov 1853 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Jun 1931 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He later married Matilda A. Porter (324).


More About Henrietta Porter:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: during childbirth


Notes for Samuel Elias Parrish:

LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Estate of Samuel E. Parrish

Petition of granting Letters of Administration were filed.

DECREE: And now; July 15, 1931, due proof of the death of Samuel E. Parrish, late of the Township of Elkland, County of Sullivan, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, who died on June 2, 1931, leaving to survive him a wife and three children, having been filed, Letters of Administration were this day in due form of law granted to Matilda A. Parrish, widow of said decedent, to administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Samuel E. Parrish, the said decedent, she having first been duly sworn and qualified as Administratrix according to law, and having given Bond conditioned as the law directs, in the sum of ----(no amount listed).

August 6, 1931 Inventory & Appraisement of personal estate filed in amount of $362.25 - Recorded in Inventory & Appraisement Book #3, page 84.


More About Samuel Elias Parrish:

Burial: 28 Jun 1931, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Letters of Administration: 15 Jul 1931, Sullivan Co., PA

Occupation: 1880, Blacksmith

Residence: Bet. 1880 - 1931, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Henrietta Porter and Samuel Parrish are:

729 i. James Harvey12 Parrish, born Apr 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 May 1931. He married Nancy Eveline Kilmer 1904; born 1881.


More About James Harvey Parrish:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


730 ii. Eddie O. Parrish, born 1881 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1883 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Eddie O. Parrish:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 731 iii. Harvey Timothy Parrish, born May 1884 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1951 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY.

732 iv. Ralph Elias Parrish, born 13 Sep 1892 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Sep 1892 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ralph Elias Parrish:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

324. Matilda A.11 Porter (Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1875 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Dec 1942 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Alvin O. May, son of Warren May and Sarah ______. He was born Apr 1887. She married (2) Samuel Elias Parrish 04 Sep 1893 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Timothy Parrish and Ruth Burnett. He was born Nov 1853 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Jun 1931 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He previously married Henrietta Porter (320).


More About Matilda A. Porter:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Child of Matilda Porter and Samuel Parrish is:

+ 733 i. Floyd Elmer12 Parrish, born 18 Feb 1896 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (near Bear Mountain); died Jun 1987 in Auburndale, Polk Co., FL.

326. Minerva L.11 Porter (Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Jan 1953. She married Henry Brown abt. 1908, son of Sylvester Brown and Harriett Brown. He was born 19 Nov 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Dec 1946.


More About Minerva L. Porter:

Burial: Brown Cem., Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Henry Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Minerva Porter and Henry Brown are:

734 i. Infant Dau.12 Brown, born abt. 1909; died Bef. 1910.

735 ii. Irvin Sylvester Brown, born 05 Sep 1912 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 May 1946.


More About Irvin Sylvester Brown:

Burial: 04 May 1946, Brown Cem., Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Cause of Death: committed suicide by gunshot

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

327. Albert W.11 Porter (Miner F.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Oct 1860 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Helen M. Barnes abt. 1880, daughter of S. Barnes and Sylvia ______. She was born 1864 in PA, and died Bef. 1910. He married (2) Emily ______ abt. 1898.


Notes for Albert W. Porter:

L.D. Porter's application for guardianship of Albert W. Porter: "On this twenty-third day of May A.D. 1865 personally appeared before me this Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas in and for Sullivan County, State of Pennsylvania. L.D. Porter, guardian of Albert Porter, minor son of Miner F. Porter, a resident of Fox Township, in the county and state aforesaid, aged 57 years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on oath make the following declaration as guardian of the minor child of Miner F. Porter, deceased, in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862 granting pensions to minor children under sixteen years of age of deceased officers and soldiers: "that I am the guardian of Albert Porter, whose father was a Corporal in Company "B" commanded by Captain Blakely in the 58th Reg Penna Vols. in the war of 1861, and that the said Miner F. Porter was killed in the battle at the siege of Richmond on the last day of August or the 1st day of September A.D. 1864; that the mother of the said child married again on the 24th day of March A.D. 1865, being now the wife of B. Hughes, and that the date of the birth of said ward is as follows, viz; He was born on the 17th day of October A.D. 1860. I further declare that the parents of said ward were married at Fox Township on the ______ day of September A.D. 1859 by Anthony Kilmer, Esq. My Post Office address is Shunk, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania." L.D. PORTER (his mark "X")


More About Albert W. Porter:

Occupation: 1930, Barber shop owner-operator

Residence: 1930, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Helen M. Barnes:

Name 2: Porter, Hellon M.

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1870, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1880, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Albert Porter and Helen Barnes are:

736 i. Anna12 Porter, born Mar 1883.


More About Anna Porter:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


+ 737 ii. Alvin James Porter, born 13 Dec 1891 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died Sep 1981 in Dallas, TX.

Children of Albert Porter and Emily ______ are:

738 i. Velma12 Porter. She married Warren Neal.

739 ii. Beatrice Porter. She married James Vail.

740 iii. Lorin Porter. He married Dean Taylor.

+ 741 iv. Harold Burdett Porter, born 18 Jan 1913; died 16 Aug 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

329. Myrta Christine11 Porter (Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1867 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 May 1948 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Morris Ellis Morgan 26 Feb 1886 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Daniel Morgan and Esther Borman. He was born 10 Sep 1865 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Jan 1937 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Myrta Christine Porter:

Residence: Bet. 1867 - 1948, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA



Notes for Morris Ellis Morgan:


When I was growing up in Gillett, my parents had stated that we were related to the neighbors across the street, Harmon & Myrtle Morgan. We were on good terms with the children, although as in many neighborhoods, friends do fight. We would consume our summers playing with the two younger boys, they being about the age of my two younger sisters and I. The only girl in the family, Jane, was the maid of honor at my older sister Dolly's wedding. I had visited with Harmon & Myrtle on a few occasions during the 1980's requesting information on the Morgan family. Myrtle was always cooperative and of a pleasant nature. She helped me on several different branches of her husband's family, having several notebooks and typewritten pages with information recorded during the annual Morgan-Brenchley reunion held at Mt. Pisgah State Park near Troy, PA. She also assisted me with her family, the Brown's of Shunk. I had a conversation with William "Bill" Ford Morgan of Shunk in early 1992. He was a widower living alone and was happy to have visitors. His memory was good and he was eager to assist me in any way he could. He had a small pocket notebook which had all of his children's names, but many lacked exact birth dates. Some of his children's spouses were also listed in the notebook, but no vitals were given.


The father of the Morgan's who settled in Shunk was Daniel Morgan. His mother Hannah had previously married to a Mr. Brenchley and had a son, James W. Brenchley. It is unknown if Mr. Brenchley had died or had divorced Hannah, but she married 2) Mr. Morgan, who had died, his family being from Wales. Daniel's parents died when he was a young boy and so was brought up in an orphanage. He married Esther Borman and lived in Maidstone, England, a town southeast of London. It was from here, in 1851, that Daniel, with his wife and first two daughters, made arrangements to sail for America. Daniel was listed as a naturalized citizen in the 1900 census of Fox Township. Their children were: Grace Rebecca, born 1849 in England, marr. 1) ______ Ridgeway, marr. 2) ______ Williams, marr. 3) ______ Greene; Susannah Elizabeth, 1851 in England, marr. Mortimore Williams; Sylvanus Urben, 14 Apr 1853, marr. Rosetta L. (Brown) Glockner; Samantha Caroline, 1855, marr. Reuben Brown; Mary Jane, 1859, marr. Chandler Brown; Laura Ann, 9 Jun 1863, marr. Evert Montville Letts; Morris Ellis, 10 Sep 1865, marr. Myrta Christine Porter; James Ulysses, May 1870, marr. Saphrona Sarah Leonard; Frank Oliver, 2 Feb 1872, marr. 1897 Josephine Shoemaker (parents of William Ford and Alexander D. Morgan).


More About Morris Ellis Morgan:

Burial: 10 Jan 1937, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: Bet. 1899 - 1920, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Myrta Porter and Morris Morgan are:

742 i. Infant12 Morgan, born Dec 1886 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Dec 1886 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Infant Morgan:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


743 ii. Lenora Clara Morgan, born 02 Oct 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Nov 1964 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married William Burton Whipple 23 Sep 1903; born 02 Oct 1878 in PA; died 09 Jan 1943 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Lenora Clara Morgan:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 09 Jul 1896 ed.:

Mrs. Whipple, of Auburn, NY, is visiting her grandparents at Shunk, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morgan.


More About Lenora Clara Morgan:

Name 2: Whipple, Lenora

Burial: 29 Nov 1964, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 192-24-4687 (PA)


More About William Burton Whipple:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA


+ 744 iii. Floyd Ellis Morgan, born 26 Nov 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Mar 1977 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 745 iv. Henrietta Delphine Morgan, born 01 Dec 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Dec 1951.

+ 746 v. Daniel Newton Morgan, born 11 Mar 1894 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Jan 1961 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 747 vi. Leon Earl Morgan, born 13 May 1896 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Oct 1973 in Deland, Volusia Co., FL.

+ 748 vii. Agnes Lucinda Morgan, born 10 Oct 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Nov 1949.

+ 749 viii. Lester Harold Morgan, born 19 Feb 1901 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 12 Feb 1977 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 750 ix. Fred Desmond Morgan, born 02 Feb 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Nov 1982.

751 x. Grace Rebecca Morgan, born 08 Mar 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1908 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 752 xi. Bertha Alfreda Morgan, born 27 Nov 1908 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Feb 1999 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

331. Orwell L.11 Porter (Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Apr 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Jun 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Eva Brown 13 Oct 1897 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Lorenzo Brown and Jennie Kline. She was born Aug 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Lydia M. Norton abt. 1902, daughter of William Norton and Elizabeth Bedford. She was born 25 Oct 1886 in PA, and died 26 Aug 1944 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Orwell L. Porter:

Name 2: Porter, Oswell L.

Burial: 21 Jun 1931, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


Notes for Lydia M. Norton:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 31 Aug 1944 ed.:

Mrs. Lydia M. Porter, 57 widow of Orvell M. Porter of Shunk, Pa., passed away at the home of her son Gleason Porter at Canton Saturday, Aug. 26. She is survived by four sons, Rozell, Addison, Gleason and Wilburn of Canton; three daughters, Mrs. Golda Hartford, and Mrs. Margretta Griffith of Shunk and Mrs. Canarisa Moore of Canton; one brother, Perry Norton of Shunk; 15 grandchildren and one great grandson. The funeral service was at the home of Mrs. Carlisle Moore at Canton RD 1 Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 2 p.m. and at Shunk church at 3 p.m. Burial in Shunk cemetery.


More About Lydia M. Norton:

Burial: 29 Aug 1944, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Child of Orwell Porter and Eva Brown is:

+ 753 i. Rozell12 Porter, born 26 Dec 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Sep 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Orwell Porter and Lydia Norton are:

754 i. Dolson O.12 Porter, born 15 May 1904 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Jul 1904 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Dolson O. Porter:

Burial: 26 Jul 1904, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: died 10 days after contracting pnuemonia

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Jul 1904, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA


755 ii. Golda Elizabeth Porter, born 25 Oct 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Jun 1982 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Reed Llewelyn Hartford 19 Oct 1936; born 08 Jan 1889; died Dec 1969 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Golda Elizabeth Porter:

Name 2: Hartford, Goldie

Residence: Bef. Jun 1982, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 159-32-7970 (PA)


More About Reed Llewelyn Hartford:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1969, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 199-14-7076 (PA)


+ 756 iii. Addison Charles Porter, born 14 Jan 1909 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Sep 1982 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 757 iv. Canarissa Rebecca Porter, born 13 Apr 1911 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Jun 1975 in Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 758 v. Gleason Norman Porter, born 24 Feb 1913 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Nov 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 759 vi. Margaretta Rosalie Porter, born 25 Mar 1918 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Aug 1990.

+ 760 vii. Wilburn Eugene Porter, born 07 Feb 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

332. Charles Otis11 Porter (Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Apr 1874 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 18 Jan 1946. He married Grace A. Hosier 1906, daughter of James Hosier and Sarah ______. She was born 28 Oct 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jun 1954 in Scipero, Cayuga Co., NY.


Notes for Charles Otis Porter:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 16 Apr 1896 ed.:

Otis Porter celebrated his 23rd anniversary on April 5th. As it was Sunday, he couldn't celebrate very strong but a number of his friends called, nevertheless, and spent a quiet evening in "sugaring off" the delicious product of the maple.


More About Charles Otis Porter:

Name 2: Porter, Otis

Name 3: Porter, Otis C.

Burial: 21 Jan 1946, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1880 - 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Mapleton, Fleming Twp., Cayuga Co., NY


More About Grace A. Hosier:

Burial: Scipero, Cayuga Co., NY

Children of Charles Porter and Grace Hosier are:

+ 761 i. Emmett Otis12 Porter, born 06 Aug 1914 in Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY; died 15 Mar 1992 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

+ 762 ii. Stanley Elwood Porter, born 12 Jul 1928 in Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY.

334. Lillian Ellsie11 Porter (John P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1872 in IA, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (1) ______ Nugent abt. 1891 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. He was born abt. 1870. She married (2) George Johnston abt. 1907 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He was born 1863 in Canada.


More About Lillian Ellsie Porter:

Name 2: Nugent, Lillian E.

Residence 1: 1880, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., WY

Residence 2: 1910, 8-WD San Diego, San Diego Co., CA

Residence 3: 1930, St Paul, Ramsey Co., MN


Children of Lillian Porter and ______ Nugent are:

763 i. ______12 Nugent, born abt. 1894 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA; died Bef. 1910 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

764 ii. Lillian Irene Nugent, born 01 May 1901 in Anoka Co., MN; died 28 Jul 1978 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.



More About Lillian Irene Nugent:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1978, La Jolla, San Diego Co., CA

Social Security Number: 547-10-6048 (CA)

341. Harriett Eugenia11 Porter (Aaron10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jun 1871 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN, and died 15 Nov 1951 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN. She married (1) Henry Hortsman abt. 1889, son of ______ Hortsman and ______ Tebee. He was born abt. 1870, and died 04 Mar 1925 in Nobles, MN. She married (2) John D. Pratt 14 Apr 1904. He was born abt. 1872 in MN, and died 28 Aug 1926 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.



Children of Harriett Porter and Henry Hortsman are:

765 i. Arthur Henry12 Hortsmann, born 28 Nov 1890 in LaCrosse, Houston Co., MN.

766 ii. Lawrence Chester Hortsman, born 16 Jun 1892 in Anoka Co., MN; died 01 Jun 1981 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Lawrence Chester Hortsman:

Burial: 03 Jun 1981, Ft. Snelling National Cem., MN

Mil. Service: Bet. 01 Nov 1917 - 27 Sep 1919, U.S. Army - Discharge Rank - PFC

Occupation: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Farm laborer - emp. by Chris Estenson of West Fork, MT

Social Security Number: 477-22-4157 (MN)

Children of Harriett Porter and John Pratt are:

767 i. Mary E.12 Pratt, born 1906 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died Aft. 1920.

768 ii. Neil John Pratt, born 15 Mar 1907 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 05 Aug 2000 in Cambridge, Isanti Co., MN.

769 iii. Clifford E. Pratt, born 07 Mar 1909 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 26 Nov 1990 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

770 iv. Archie L. Pratt, born 05 Oct 1914 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 24 May 1998 in Fridley, Anoka Co., MN.


More About Archie L. Pratt:

Residence: May 1998, Minneapolis, Anoka Co., MN

Social Security Number: 474-16-3729 (MN)

342. Estella Clara11 Heess (Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Oct 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Apr 1928 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Eugene Vindyke Newell abt. 1893, son of Baldwin Newell and Nancy ______. He was born 10 Jul 1874 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, and died 27 Mar 1950 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Estella Clara Heess:

Name 2: Newell, Estella C.

Burial: 06 Apr 1928, Norland Cem., Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Residence 1: 1910, Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA


More About Eugene Vindyke Newell:

Burial: 30 Mar 1950, Norland Cem., Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Occupation 1: 1910, Labor - odd jobs

Occupation 2: 1920, Laborer - fruit farm

Residence 1: Bet. 1896 - 1910, Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA

Children of Estella Heess and Eugene Newell are:

+ 771 i. Charles Baldwin12 Newell, born 23 Aug 1896 in Franklin Co., PA; died 07 Sep 1976 in Roxbury, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 772 ii. Nettie Ellen Newell, born 19 May 1898 in Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died 18 Oct 1987 in Marion, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 773 iii. Grace Ruth Newell, born 29 Aug 1900 in Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died Jul 1975.

+ 774 iv. Robert Eugene Newell, born 31 Oct 1903 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; died Feb 1986.

+ 775 v. Beatrice Amelia Newell, born 20 Sep 1906 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; died 11 Nov 1990.

+ 776 vi. Leda Alta Newell, born 30 Jul 1914 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died 21 Aug 1993 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

343. Amelia H.11 Heess (Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jul 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Dec 1961 in Los Angeles Co., CA. She married Horace R. Hollis 15 Oct 1896, son of Tracy Hollis and Christina Bosworth. He was born 09 Mar 1869 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA, and died 19 Jun 1942 in Los Angeles Co., CA.


More About Amelia H. Heess:

Residence 1: Bet. 1876 - 1885, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1942 - 1961, Los Angeles Co., CA


More About Horace R. Hollis:

Occupation: 1910, Lawyer

Residence: 1910, Canton Boro, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Amelia Heess and Horace Hollis are:

777 i. Earl Tracy12 Hollis, born 14 Jul 1897 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA; died 25 May 1979 in Encinitas, San Diego Co., CA. He married Elizabeth Combs; born 03 Mar 1901 in KY; died 01 Dec 1989 in San Diego Co., CA.


More About Earl Tracy Hollis:

Residence: Bef. May 1979, Last residence: Encinitas, CA 92024

Social Security Number: 561-18-1012 (CA)


More About Elizabeth Combs:

Name 2: Hollis, Elizabeth

Social Security Number: 562-16-1442 (CA)


+ 778 ii. Leroy Horace Hollis, born 19 Aug 1899 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA; died in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA.

+ 779 iii. Carl Hollis, born 11 Nov 1901 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA; died 03 Mar 1971 in Hemet, Riverside Co., CA.

780 iv. Alberta Hollis, born 26 Feb 1904 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 22 Apr 1998 in Cottonwood, Shasta Co., CA. She married Thomas Williams.



More About Alberta Hollis:

Name 2: Williams, Alberta

Occupation: 1930, Operator - telephone company

Residence 1: Feb 1942, 366 West Harriett St. Altadena, CA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1998, Last residence: Cottonwood, CA 96022

Social Security Number: 551-01-5449 (CA)


+ 781 v. Leland Paul Hollis, born 22 Jan 1907 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 04 Jul 1979 in Big Pine, Inyo Co., CA.

782 vi. Gordon Walter Hollis, born 17 Nov 1909 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 25 Apr 1984 in Azusa, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married Velva Loud.


More About Gordon Walter Hollis:

Residence: Bef. Apr 1984, Last residence: Azusa, CA 91702

Social Security Number: 563-14-5280 (CA)

344. Jennie H.11 Heess (Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jan 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Jun 1959 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Charles Wesley Brown abt. 1898, son of John Brown and Harriett McCarty. He was born 03 Sep 1877 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jul 1939 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jennie H. Heess:

Burial: 06 Jun 1959, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Charles Wesley Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Jennie Heess and Charles Brown are:

783 i. Helen M.12 Brown, born 03 Dec 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Nov 1929 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Samuel A. Bryan abt. 1919; born 1880; died 1942.


More About Helen M. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Samuel A. Bryan:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 784 ii. Clara Mabel Brown, born 26 Mar 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Feb 1949.

785 iii. Carl John Brown, born 09 Jul 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 Dec 1980 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Carl John Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW; 24 Dec 1980 ed.:

BROWN, Carl J., 75, of Canton RD 3 (Shunk), died Dec. 21, 1980 at the Troy Community Hospital. Mr. Brown was born in Elkland Township, Sullivan County, a son of Charles W. and Jenny Hess Brown. Carl was a member of the Endless Winds Fire Dept., Shunk. He is survived by three brothers, Walter of LeRoy, Willard of Troy and Emery of E. Troy; four sisters, Mrs. Emery (Dorothy) Bryan of Barbours, Mrs. Edward (Lenora) Snyder of Canton, Mrs. Charles (Ada) Gruuver of Canton RD 2 and Mrs. Earl (Ida) Preston of Roaring Branch RD 1; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral services will be held today, Dec. 24 at 1 p.m. at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with the Rev. Wilma Barker Hoose, pastor of the Grover St. John's United Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in the Brown Cemetery in Shunk.


More About Carl John Brown:

Burial: 24 Dec 1980, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Dec 1980, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence 1: Bef. Dec 1980, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 719-18-5493 (RB)


+ 786 iv. Walter Allen Brown, born 21 Jul 1907 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Apr 1992 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 787 v. Delbert Dean Brown, born 08 Apr 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Jul 1975 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 788 vi. Chester Lewis Brown, born 18 Aug 1911 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 789 vii. Dorothy June Brown, born 27 Jun 1915 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Feb 2004 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 790 viii. Willard Lawrence Brown, born 08 Jun 1917 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 03 Apr 1989 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

791 ix. Lenora Grace Brown, born 25 Mar 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Sep 1995 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Edward Albert Snyder 18 Jul 1941 in Frederick, Frederick Co., MD; born 04 May 1919.


Notes for Lenora Grace Brown:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Sep 1995 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Lenora G. Snyder, retail store worker

CANTON - Lenora G. Snyder, 76, of Canton, died Monday, Sept. 16, 1995 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. She was employed at the Canton Five & Ten Cent Store and retired from the Burks Department Store. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.


More About Lenora Grace Brown:

Name 2: Snyder, Lenora

Burial: 24 Sep 1995, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Sep 1995, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bet. Dec 1980 - Sep 1995, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 188-14-0479 (PA)


More About Edward Albert Snyder:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

+ 792 x. Ida M. Brown, born 28 Feb 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 793 xi. Ada N. Brown, born 28 Feb 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 794 xii. Emery L. Brown, born 22 Jul 1924 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Aug 1997 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

345. Dora Nellie11 Heess (Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Apr 1945 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Eugene Ernest McKay 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Hugh McKay and Mary Hall. He was born 14 Oct 1875 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Nov 1958 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Dora Nellie Heess:

Burial: 12 Apr 1945, State Road Cem., Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA


Notes for Eugene Ernest McKay:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 19 Nov 1958 ed.:


Eugene McKay, 83 of Mainesburg, Monday Nov. 17, 1958. Survived by sons Ernest and Harry of Mansfield RD 2 and Keith of Mainesburg; daughters Mrs. Raymond Every of South Waverly, Mrs. Harry Wilston of Troy, Mrs. Maxwell Strange of Mainesburg and Mrs. Thomas Tice of Mansfield RD 1; 31 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Body at Shaw & Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield. Calling hours: today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Wednesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Gene Hallihan. State Road Cemetery.


More About Eugene Ernest McKay:

Burial: 19 Nov 1958, State Road Cem., Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Nov 1958, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Children of Dora Heess and Eugene McKay are:

+ 795 i. Clara Margaret12 McKay, born 13 Sep 1903 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Aug 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 796 ii. Mary Amanda McKay, born 19 Jan 1905 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 Nov 1990 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 797 iii. Myrtle LaRue McKay, born 06 Dec 1906 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 May 2003 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 798 iv. Ernest Theodore McKay, born 19 Sep 1908 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Nov 1985 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 799 v. Harry Therman McKay, born 12 Oct 1911 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 May 1987 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

800 vi. Keith Hugh McKay, born 03 Aug 1913 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Jan 1977 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Keith Hugh McKay:

McKAY, Keith Hugh, age 63, of Mainesburg, died on Friday, January 14, 1977. Funeral services were held at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Sunday, Jan. 16, at 2 to 4 p.m., with Rev. Richard Williams officiating. He is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Raymond (Clara) Every, South Waverly, PA, Mrs. Mary Wilston, Troy, Mrs. Maxwell (Myrtle) Strange, Mainesburg, and Mrs. Thomas (Ruth) Tice, Mansfield, RD 1; two brothers, Ernest T. McKay, both of Mansfield, RD 2. He was formerly employed at the Novelty Works of Mansfield. He was born August 3, 1913 at Shunk, PA, the son of Eugene and Dora Heess McKay.


During a visit with Max & Myrtle Strange, it was told that Keith had committed suicide. He had been married for a short time, unbeknownst to family members until after his death, but he separated from his wife a short time later. He had no children. He loved his farm and it was deemed appropriate for the family to have him cremated and his ashes spread about the property. There is a marker in the State Road Cemetery. Also notice that his birthdate is different in the obituary than it is in the Social Security Death Index. - note of R. J. Porter


More About Keith Hugh McKay:

Burial: 16 Jan 1977, Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Cause of Death: suicide by gunshot

Cremation: 16 Jan 1977, Ashes buried on his farm in Mainesburg, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1977, Last residence: Mainesburg, PA 16932

Social Security Number: 180-22-7908 (PA)


+ 801 vii. Ruth Eugenia McKay, born 27 Mar 1921 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

347. Roseltha Jennie11 Porter (Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Aug 1881 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Nov 1963 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married Joseph Grant Wareing 13 May 1901, son of William Wareing and Elizabeth Blackshaw. He was born 09 Jul 1872 in Johnson Co., MO, and died 28 Feb 1942 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID.


More About Roseltha Jennie Porter:

Name 2: Wareing, Roseltha

Burial: 25 Nov 1963, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Social Security Number: 518-46-9640 (ID)


More About Joseph Grant Wareing:

Burial: Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Children of Roseltha Porter and Joseph Wareing are:

+ 802 i. George Grant12 Wareing, born 21 Aug 1902 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 08 Sep 1970 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 803 ii. Marvin LaVere Wareing, born 26 Jul 1908 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 15 Mar 1991 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

348. George11 Porter (Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jan 1883 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Feb 1971 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Lydia Theodesia Isaacson 05 Dec 1909 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, daughter of Peter Isaacson and Ellen Anderson. She was born 03 Aug 1887 in Pine Bluffs, Laramie Co., WY, and died 09 Mar 1971 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About George Porter:

Burial: 24 Feb 1971, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Residence 1: 1930, King Hill, Elmore Co., ID

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1971, Last residence: Blackfoot, ID 83221

Social Security Number: 519-40-3914 (ID)


More About Lydia Theodesia Isaacson:

Burial: 12 Mar 1971, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Residence: 1930, King Hill, Elmore Co., ID

Children of George Porter and Lydia Isaacson are:

+ 804 i. Kenneth Oliver12 Porter, born 24 Jan 1911 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 05 Apr 1988 in King Hill, Elmore Co., ID.

805 ii. George Porter, Jr., born 1913 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 1913 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About George Porter, Jr.:

Burial: 1913, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


+ 806 iii. Vincent Blaine Porter, born 16 Feb 1916 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

349. Bertha Arvilla11 Porter (Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Aug 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Mar 1962 in Rigby, Jefferson Co., ID. She married Carl William Nelson 09 Mar 1904 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, son of Jacob Nilsson and Inga Brun. He was born 19 Jan 1878 in Helvey, NE, and died 11 Mar 1969 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Bertha Arvilla Porter:

Burial: Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


More About Carl William Nelson:

Burial: 14 Mar 1969, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Residence: Bef. Mar 1969, Last residence: Blackfoot, ID 83221

Social Security Number: 519-30-2081 (ID)

Children of Bertha Porter and Carl Nelson are:

+ 807 i. VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, born 03 Jan 1905 in Blackfoot, ID; died 22 Jun 2000 in Terreton, Jefferson Co., ID.

+ 808 ii. Ada Deaun Nelson, born 20 Dec 1909 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 809 iii. Carroll Wendell Nelson, born 15 Feb 1907 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 01 Mar 1982 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

810 iv. Porter Detrick Nelson, born 16 Feb 1908 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died Nov 1919 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Porter Detrick Nelson:

Burial: Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


+ 811 v. Lowell John Nelson, born 24 Feb 1910 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

812 vi. Rex LaVall Nelson, born 27 Mar 1913 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married (1) Vidy Pope; born abt. 1915. He married (2) Katherine Ball.

813 vii. Infant Dau. Nelson, born 05 Jul 1915 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 05 Jul 1915 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Infant Dau. Nelson:

Burial: 06 Jul 1915, Riverview Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


814 viii. Norris Norton Nelson, born 29 Dec 1920 in Blackfoot, ID; died 22 May 1944 in Germany. He married Inez Latimer.


More About Norris Norton Nelson:

Cause of Death: killed in battle

Military service: Bet. 1943 - 1944, WW II

Social Security Number: 519-12-1152 (ID)


815 ix. Louise Nigel Nelson, born 21 Sep 1925 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 21 Sep 1925 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Louise Nigel Nelson:

Burial: 22 Sep 1925, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

350. Floyd11 Porter (Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jul 1893 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 13 Mar 1963 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., ID. He married Edna Mackay Clarey 14 Oct 1915 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She was born 15 May 1895 in Savannah, Chatham Co., GA, and died 07 Dec 1968 in Bountiful, Davis Co., UT.


More About Floyd Porter:

Burial: 16 Mar 1963, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, ID

Social Security Number: 529-01-7314 (UT)


More About Edna Mackay Clarey:

Burial: Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, ID

Children of Floyd Porter and Edna Clarey are:

816 i. Infant Dau.12 Porter, born 04 Aug 1916 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 04 Aug 1916 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Infant Dau. Porter:

Burial: 05 Aug 1916, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


817 ii. Jack Edward Porter, born 15 Nov 1917 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 08 Mar 1918 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

More About Jack Edward Porter:

Burial: 09 Mar 1918, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


818 iii. Charles Wilson Porter, born 26 Jan 1919 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 27 Aug 1934 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Charles Wilson Porter:

Burial: 29 Aug 1934, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


+ 819 iv. Mary Elizabeth Porter, born 18 Apr 1921 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 820 v. Billie Louise Porter, born 02 Feb 1923 in Firth, Bingham Co., ID; died 09 Oct 1964.

+ 821 vi. James Robert Porter, born 10 Jun 1925 in Firth, Bingham Co., ID; died 28 Jun 1978 in Bountiful, Davis Co., UT.

+ 822 vii. Cora Lucille Porter, born 19 Jul 1926 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 823 viii. Betty Jean Porter, born 23 Dec 1930 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., ID.

+ 824 ix. Blaine Floyd Porter, born 22 Apr 1932 in Salt Lake City, ID; died 15 Nov 1989 in Winnemucca, Humbold Co., NV.

352. Irvin Charles11 Porter (Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Mar 1900 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died May 1985 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. He married (1) Olive Knox abt. 1931. He married (2) Carrie Estelle Benjamin 21 Jul 1937 in Polson, Lake Co., MT. She was born 01 Jun 1914 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID, and died 28 Feb 1985 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.


More About Irvin Charles Porter:

Burial: Salmon City Cem., Lemhi Co., ID

Residence: Bef. May 1985, Last residence: Salmon, ID 83467

Social Security Number: 518-18-2123 (ID)


More About Carrie Estelle Benjamin:

Name 2: Porter, Carrie

Burial: Mar 1985, Salmon City Cem., Lemhi Co., ID

Residence: Bef. Feb 1985, Last residence: Salmon, ID 83467

Social Security Number: 518-09-4500 (ID)

Children of Irvin Porter and Olive Knox are:

825 i. LeRoy12 Porter, born abt. 1933 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

826 ii. Albert Clarence Porter, born abt. 1935 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

Children of Irvin Porter and Carrie Benjamin are:

+ 827 i. L. J.12 Porter, born 17 Jun 1938 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

+ 828 ii. Ivie Joan Porter, born 24 Dec 1940 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

+ 829 iii. Irvin George Porter, born 13 Feb 1942 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

+ 830 iv. Deanna Kay Porter, born 01 Dec 1943 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

353. Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard (Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Aug 1971. She married James Ulysses Morgan 12 Sep 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Daniel Morgan and Esther Borman. He was born 10 May 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Sep 1937 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Saphronia Sarah Leonard:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

A party and dance was given for Phronia Leonard on the 15th inst., in honor of her 17th birthday. A large number attended.


More About Saphronia Sarah Leonard:

Burial: 31 Aug 1971, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About James Ulysses Morgan:

Burial: 07 Sep 1937, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bet. 1870 - 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Saphronia Leonard and James Morgan:

SULLIVAN REVIEW, 24 Sep 1896 ed.:

James Morgan and Sophronia Leonard, both of Shunk, were united in marriage by Squire Kilmer on the 12th inst. The young couple are deserving of happiness and we wish them every success throughout life.

Children of Saphronia Leonard and James Morgan are:

+ 831 i. George Edward12 Morgan, born 20 Apr 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Nov 1972 in Portsmouth, RI.

832 ii. Anna Madellon Morgan, born 16 Dec 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Apr 1975 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. She married (1) Clarence Milvin Hayes 17 Sep 1918; born 01 Nov 1895 in Potter Co., PA. She married (2) Charles A. Boone 27 May 1939; born abt. 1900 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA; died in CA.


More About Anna Madellon Morgan:

Name 2: Boone, Anna

Residence 1: 1920, Union Twp., Broome Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1975, Last residence: San Diego, CA 92105

Social Security Number: 128-01-2831 (NY)


More About Clarence Milvin Hayes:

Military service: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Co H NY Regt. - discharged as Private

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1920, Union Twp., Broome Co., NY


833 iii. John Ulysses Morgan, born 21 Mar 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Apr 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About John Ulysses Morgan:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 834 iv. Gordon Leonard Morgan, born 19 Jan 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Aug 1990 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 835 v. Kenneth James Morgan, born 07 Aug 1912 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Dec 2003 in Santee, San Diego Co., CA.

+ 836 vi. Leotta Grace Morgan, born 30 May 1916 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 837 vii. Nellie Irene Morgan, born 30 Jul 1923 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Dec 1976 in Cloverdale, Sonoma Co., CA.

354. Mattie A.11 Leonard (Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1881 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1959. She married (1) Frank Dean Brenchley abt. 1897, son of George Brenchley and Eliza Loomis. He was born 16 Sep 1875, and died Nov 1966. She married (2) Edward A. Gleockler 24 Nov 1909, son of Anthony Gleckner and Margretta Baumunk. He was born 27 Jun 1872 in Lake Run, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Jun 1945 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Mattie A. Leonard:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Frank Dean Brenchley:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1966, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 181-03-0077 (PA)


More About Edward A. Gleockler:

Burial: 22 Jun 1945, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Child of Mattie Leonard and Frank Brenchley is:

+ 838 i. Zetta H.12 Brenchley, born 23 Jan 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Nov 1978 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

Child of Mattie Leonard and Edward Gleockler is:

839 i. Bonnie12 Gleockler, born abt. 1912 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Bonnie Gleockler:

Bonnie is buried on her parents' lot. There are no dates on the grave marker.


More About Bonnie Gleockler:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: stillborn

356. Wesley Fred11 Leonard (Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Sep 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Jun 1955 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Catherine Esther Smith. She was born 1903 in PA, and died Aft. 1930 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Wesley Fred Leonard:

Burial: 09 Jun 1955, Warrensville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Catherine Esther Smith:

Name 2: Leonard, Esther

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Wesley Leonard and Catherine Smith are:

+ 840 i. Luther Dan12 Leonard, born 28 May 1921 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 18 Oct 1992 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

841 ii. Paul A. Leonard, born 1925 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. 1941 in at age 17.


More About Paul A. Leonard:

Cause of Death: drowned at age 17

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 842 iii. Donald Earl Leonard, born 05 Jan 1926 in PA.

+ 843 iv. Carl Eugene Leonard, born 01 Mar 1928 in Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Oct 2002 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

357. Agri-Lila11 Leonard (Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Feb 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 Aug 1984 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married James Samuel Hartford 15 Mar 1920 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of ______ Hartford and Abbie ______. He was born 06 May 1895 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Nov 1974 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Agri-Lila Leonard:

I had no record of "Lila", as she was known, until I talked with Marguerite (Porter) Griffin, both residents of Shunk. During a week stay at the home of Charles V. Shadduck, I made contact with the two women. After a visit with Mark and Urben Griffin on Tuesday, I called that evening and arranged to visit Lila at her home on Wednesday. She greeted me and I felt as though I was visiting my grandma or great-aunt. Her hospitality made me feel very comfortable. She was interested in what I was doing, feeling it important to record our family history and wanted to help me in every way she could. She knew the birth dates and marriages of nearly all of her children and grandchildren and when she was unsure, she would make telephone calls to those involved. The walls of her home were covered with photographs and it was during my interest in peering over the pictures that she gave me 2 old photos, one of Latney James Porter, the other of John P. Porter, brothers to her mother. They were early pioneers of Idaho and had visited the Leonards a couple times in the 1920s. I had mentioned that I would be attending the Shadduck reunion on Sunday and she informed me that her own family reunion would be the following Sunday as well and invited me to attend. I took up the offer, taking camera in hand. I met each of her sons and many of their children. Photos were taken of her with the 9 sons who attended and of each son with his family. I wrote down the names of all who attended the reunion and submitted it to the SULLIVAN REVIEW, the local newspaper, along with the attendance of the Shadduck reunion, which was held earlier in the day. This was a most rewarding week for me. -- note of R. J. Porter

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 09 Aug 1984 ed.:

LEONARD - HARTFORD, LISA A. Services for Lisa A. Hartford, 83, of Canton, RD3, were held Saturday, August 4 at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with the Rev. Clair Boston, her pastor, officiating. Interment was held in the West Hill Cemetery, Shunk. Mrs. Hartford passed away August 1, 1984 at the Troy Community Hospital. She was born February 22, 1901, in Shunk, Pa., the daughter of Samuel and Loretta Porter Leonard. Mrs. Hartford was a member of VFW Post #714 Auxilliary, the Endless Winds Fire Co., Auxilliary and the Shunk United Methodist Church. Surviving are sons; Reed, Glen, Lawrence and James, all of Shunk; Dean of Troy, Dale, Alba; Earl and Robert, Canton; Harland, Canton and Allen (Punk) Williams of Canton; daughter, Marjorie Hickok, Canton; 44 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; several great, great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law, Lucy Beers of Athens; nieces and nephews. Those who wish may direct memorials to the Canton Community Nursing Association or the Canton Ambulance Association in Mrs. Hartfords memory.

(As is noticeable, Lisa should read "Lila" - note of R. J. Porter)


More About Agri-Lila Leonard:

Name 2: Hartford, Lila

Burial: 04 Aug 1984, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: died at Troy Community Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice: 09 Aug 1984, TIOGA GAZETTE-REGISTER - Wellsboro, PA

Residence 1: 1930, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1930 - 1984, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 195-12-8202 (PA)


More About James Samuel Hartford:

Burial: 27 Nov 1974, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: 1900, Overton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1930 - 1974, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA 17768

Social Security Number: 201-01-3144 (PA)

Children of Agri-Lila Leonard and James Hartford are:

+ 844 i. Reed Wesley12 Hartford, born 04 Jun 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 845 ii. Marjorie Rosabell Hartford, born 07 May 1923 in Laquin, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 846 iii. Glenn Lorraine Hartford, born 17 Jun 1925 in Laquin, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 18 Aug 1989.

+ 847 iv. Lawrence Edward Hartford, born 03 Aug 1927 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 848 v. James Eugene Hartford, born 28 Jul 1931 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 849 vi. Dean Carl Hartford, born 22 Nov 1932 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 24 Jun 1997 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 850 vii. Dale Richard Hartford, born 20 Nov 1935 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Apr 2004 in Alba, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 851 viii. Earl Leonard Hartford, born 12 Jul 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 852 ix. Harland Lynwood Hartford, born 11 Oct 1938 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

853 x. Infant Hartford, born 29 Aug 1939 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 29 Aug 1939 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Infant Hartford:

Burial: 31 Aug 1939, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: died 3 hours after birth


854 xi. Shirley Ann Hartford, born 17 Jan 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 18 Jan 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Shirley Ann Hartford:

Burial: 20 Jan 1941, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: died 16 hours after birth, following day


+ 855 xii. Robert Paul Hartford, born 17 Jul 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 07 Dec 1996 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA.

358. Elsie11 Parrish (Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Mar 1880 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Emmet E. Wilcox 1898 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Richard Wilcox and Amy Kelley. He was born Oct 1876 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Elsie Parrish:

Burial: East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1900, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Emmet E. Wilcox:

Burial: East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Elsie Parrish and Emmet Wilcox are:

856 i. Florence Marian12 Wilcox, born 28 Jun 1899 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; died Jan 1982 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Luke J. Babcock Bef. 1917; born 29 Jul 1892 in Yorktown, PA; died Mar 1964 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Florence Marian Wilcox:

Date born 2: 29 Jul 1892, Soc. Sec. Death Index - her husband's birthdate

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1899 - 1982, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 165-20-0630 (PA)


More About Luke J. Babcock:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Terry Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 181-05-5787 (PA)


+ 857 ii. Floyd F. Wilcox, born 18 Feb 1902 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; died 20 Apr 1976 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 858 iii. Lester J. Wilcox, born 22 Sep 1906 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; died 06 Mar 1994.

+ 859 iv. Ada Belle Wilcox, born 06 Sep 1908 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; died 28 Mar 1997 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

860 v. Theresa Isabell Wilcox, born 28 Jun 1911 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA.

359. Cora Tamsa11 Parrish (Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jun 1883 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Jun 1960 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married William Monroe Foster 06 Apr 1901, son of William Foster and Sarah Cramer. He was born 10 Oct 1877 in PA, and died 03 Jun 1968 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Cora Tamsa Parrish:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About William Monroe Foster:

Burial: 06 Jun 1968, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1968, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 205-10-4428 (PA)

Children of Cora Parrish and William Foster are:

+ 861 i. Glenn Irvin12 Foster, born 29 Jun 1903 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Sep 1974 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 862 ii. Earl George Foster, born 23 Jan 1907 in Shortsville, Ontario Co., NY; died 03 Dec 1981 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 863 iii. Irene May Foster, born 14 Sep 1908 in Clifton Springs, Ontario Co., NY; died 13 Apr 1979 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 864 iv. Christine Janette Foster, born 19 May 1911 in PA; died 29 Mar 1997 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

865 v. Leona Mage Foster, born 19 Nov 1913 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died Oct 1983 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) George E. Tarr abt. 1931; born 29 May 1912; died 20 Jan 1984. She married (2) Edwin Johnson abt. 1943. She married (3) Leo Lewis abt. 1970; born 22 Aug 1908 in PA; died Oct 1981 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Leona Mage Foster:

Name 2: Lewis, Leona

Residence: Bef. Oct 1983, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 104-12-8085 (NY)


More About George E. Tarr:

Burial: 24 Jan 1984, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1984, Canton, Bradford Co., PA 17724

Social Security Number: 185-09-3990 (PA)


More About Leo Lewis:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1981, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 198-05-1343 (PA)


+ 866 vi. Leotta Ruth Foster, born 07 Aug 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Dec 1984 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 867 vii. William Vaughn Foster, born 18 Mar 1921 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 12 May 1981.

365. Earl Ivid11 Porter (Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 May 1893 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died Feb 1963. He married Theresa Tillotson abt. 1913. She was born 1897 in PA, and died in Erie, Erie Co., PA.


More About Earl Ivid Porter:

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 199-01-8263 (PA)

Children of Earl Porter and Theresa Tillotson are:

868 i. Sibyle12 Porter, born 31 Mar 1915; died 19 Dec 1918.

869 ii. Gerald Emery Porter, born 26 May 1916; died 24 Dec 1917.

870 iii. Wendell Porter, born 12 Jan 1920 in Bradford Co., PA; died Mar 1978 in Erie, Erie Co., PA.


More About Wendell Porter:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1978, Last residence: Erie, PA 16503

Social Security Number: 170-16-8251 (PA)

366. Burdette McKinnley11 Porter (Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Sep 1896 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 15 May 1973 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Lydia E. Schmelzle 11 Jun 1918 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of George Schmelzle and Elizabeth Watkins. She was born 24 Oct 1893 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA, and died 04 May 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Burdette McKinnley Porter:

Burial: 18 May 1973, Ogdensburg Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. May 1973, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 184-20-3170 (PA)


Notes for Lydia E. Schmelzle:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 4 May 1981 ed.:

Mrs. Lydia E. Smith, 87, of 1416 Bloomingrove Road, died at 6 a.m. today, Monday, May 4, 1981, in Sycamore Manor, where she had been admitted April 22. Her first husband, Burdette M. Porter, died March 15, 1968, and her second husband, William E. Smith, died May 22, 1973. Born Oct. 24, 1893, at Ogdensburg, she was a daughter of George and Elizabeth Watkins Schmelzle. Mrs. Smith was a graduate of the former Mansfield Normal School, now Mansfield State College. She was a member of Newberry Church of Christ. Mrs. Smith also was a member of Bottle Run Grange and the Williamsport Chapter, American War Mothers. Surviving are two sons, Kenneth Porter, of Williamsport RD 2, and Roy Porter, of Montoursville RD 4; two daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Getgen, of Williamsport RD 5, and Mrs. Leone Butters, of this city; 10 stepchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Hazel Stone, of Morris Run, Mrs. Minnie Lodge, of this city, and Mrs. Margaret Cox, of Canton, 13 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Sanders', 821 Diamond Street, with the Rev. Michael V. Watson, her pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Ogdensburg Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. (NOTE: Leone should read "Leona")


More About Lydia E. Schmelzle:

Burial: 06 May 1981, Ogdensburg Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 04 May 1981, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence: Bef. 22 Apr 1981, 1416 Bloomingrove Road, Williamsport, PA

Children of Burdette Porter and Lydia Schmelzle are:

+ 871 i. Eleanor Louise12 Porter, born 27 Jul 1921 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 872 ii. Leona Elizabeth Porter, born 04 Jun 1923 in Ogdensburg, PA; died 10 Sep 1990 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 873 iii. Kenneth Lloyd Porter, born 19 Jan 1929 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 874 iv. Roy Burdette Porter, born 13 Dec 1930 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 05 Dec 1997.

369. Raleigh P.11 Porter (Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1903 in Granville Summit, Bradford Co., PA, and died Sep 1963 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Grace A. Parsons abt. 1922. She was born 1903. He married (2) Erma Rinebold 1944 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Daniel Rinebold and Cora Sherman. She was born 28 Mar 1904 in Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 08 Mar 1988 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married (3) Geraldine ______ abt. 1952.


More About Raleigh P. Porter:

Burial: Bradford Co., Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Occupation 1: 1930, Farmer

Occupation 2: Bet. 1955 - 1963, Electric company lineman

Residence: 1930, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Grace A. Parsons:

Residence: 1930, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Erma Rinebold:

Name 2: Porter, Erma

Burial: 11 Mar 1988, Overton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Mar 1988, Last residence: New Albany, PA 18833

Social Security Number: 160-34-5073 (PA)

Child of Raleigh Porter and Erma Rinebold is:

+ 875 i. Donna Kay12 Porter, born 26 Nov 1945 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

371. Nellie M.11 Porter (Geary P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Mar 1949. She married (1) Raymond A. Beals abt. 1909. He was born 1890. She married (2) Clayton J. Battin abt. 1922, son of Reuben Battin and Mariah ______. He was born abt. 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Nellie M. Porter:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Nellie Porter and Raymond Beals are:

+ 876 i. Lester D.12 Beals, born 18 Sep 1911; died 01 Dec 1976.

877 ii. Dorothy P. Beals, born 1916.

878 iii. Clyde H. Beals, born 1920.

372. Edna11 Porter (Geary P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1892 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) William J. Campbell 05 Apr 1909 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Robert Campbell and Margaret ______. He was born 28 Feb 1869 in England, and died 18 Jun 1934. She married (2) John Schaeffer Aft. Aug 1917.


Notes for Edna Porter:

There was a "cousin", Lena Corwin, age 7, listed in household during the 1910 federal census.


More About Edna Porter:

Residence: Bet. 1909 - 1930, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


More About William J. Campbell:

Burial: 21 Jun 1934, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1909 - 1930, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Edna Porter and William Campbell are:

879 i. ______12 Campbell.

880 ii. ______ Campbell.

881 iii. ______ Campbell.

376. Elizabeth Porter11 Brown (Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Aug 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1948 in Seneca Co., NY. She married Wiltchur Dawson Wright abt. 1904, son of Dawson Wright and Effie Williams. He was born Jun 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jun 1942.


Notes for Elizabeth Porter Brown:

Some sources give her name as Elizabeth Porter, while others give Elizabeth Brown. There has been speculation that she was a child born out of wedlock and Alsbury adopted her, while others speculated that she was in fact Alsburys child but didnt wish to marry Cora before the child was born.


More About Wiltchur Dawson Wright:

Burial: Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Children of Elizabeth Brown and Wiltchur Wright are:

+ 882 i. Letha Dot12 Wright, born 01 Jan 1906 in Trumansburg, Seneca Co., NY; died Oct 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 883 ii. Thelbert Wendell Wright, born 14 Feb 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Sep 1990 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 884 iii. Lawrence Dawson Wright, born 02 Oct 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 May 1995.

+ 885 iv. Effie Sadie Wright, born 05 Feb 1915 in Ulysses Twp., Seneca Co., NY; died Jul 1995.

+ 886 v. Kenneth Judson Wright, born 21 Feb 1917 in Trumansburg, Seneca Co., NY; died 28 Jan 1987 in Powell, Bradford Co., PA.

887 vi. Fordyce Wright, born abt. 1912 in Hector, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 888 vii. Ruth Nellie Wright, born 10 May 1928 in Hector, Schuyler Co., NY.

377. Chloe Armenta11 Brown (Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Nov 1933 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Floyd H. Ketchum 22 Apr 1907, son of John Ketchum and Amy Pepper. He was born 16 Sep 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Jun 1957 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Chloe Armenta Brown:

Burial: 23 Nov 1933, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Floyd H. Ketchum:

Burial: 06 Jun 1957, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Chloe Brown and Floyd Ketchum are:

889 i. Belva Iona12 Ketchum, born 17 Oct 1907 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 31 Jul 1995 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Raymond Arthur Cease 22 Aug 1927 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 17 Aug 1894 in Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died Jan 1988 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Belva Iona Ketchum:

Name 2: Cease, Belva L.

Burial: Aug 1995, Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Social Security Number: 184-20-2489 (PA)


More About Raymond Arthur Cease:

Name 2: Cease, Ray

Burial: Jan 1988, Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Residence 1: 1900, Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 208-16-7784 (PA)


+ 890 ii. Harry Lawrence Ketchum, born 26 Mar 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Apr 1998.

379. Clarence Irvin11 Porter (Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jan 1903 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Feb 1986 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. He married (1) Clara Esther Statler 22 Aug 1927 in Jackson, Cape Girardeau Co., MO, daughter of Isaac Statler and Ida Statler. She was born 29 Nov 1906 in Sedgewickville, Bollinger Co., MO, and died 07 May 1944 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. He married (2) Nellie Probst 17 Feb 1945 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO, daughter of ______ Probst and ______ Statler. She was born 23 Aug 1908, and died Jun 1991.


Notes for Clarence Irvin Porter:

I telephoned Clarence in Sep 1981, making contact through his brother's son, Clarence Lee. His memory was dwindling, but he provided the names of his children and their spouses' names. He couldn't remember the birth dates of his wife or children. After a letter was sent in Sep 1983 requesting the information deleted from the first conversation, a reply came back with the grandchildren's names and the addresses of each of his children, as well as the date and place of birth and death for Clara, where she was buried and her parents' full names. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Clarence Irvin Porter:

Burial: Lutheran Cem., Perryville, MO

Residence: Bef. Feb 1986, Last residence: Perryville, MO 63775

Social Security Number: 494-07-7575 (MO)


More About Clara Esther Statler:

Burial: 10 May 1944, Lutheran Cem., Perryville, MO


More About Nellie Probst:

Name 2: Porter, Nellie

Social Security Number: 498-01-9467 (MO)

Children of Clarence Porter and Clara Statler are:

+ 891 i. Clarence Harold12 Porter, born 20 Aug 1928 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO; died 17 Oct 1992 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

+ 892 ii. Robert Lee Porter, born 15 Sep 1930 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO; died 03 Nov 2004 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

+ 893 iii. Gwendolyn Carol Porter, born 05 Dec 1937 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO; died in CA.

380. John Lee11 Porter (Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Mar 1905 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY, and died 08 Dec 1980 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Mabel E. Pine 17 Apr 1937 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA, daughter of Samuel Pine and Sarah Iddings. She was born 08 Feb 1916 in Patton, Cambria Co., PA, and died 15 Jan 1992 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


Notes for John Lee Porter:

We have all heard about the "proverbial needle in the haystack". But I have learned that if you look long enough, you can find that needle. This was proved to me in a very strange run of circumstances. In Jun 1979 I was still "an amateur" in regards to genealogical research, but one thing a seasoned researcher knows is that information can be found anywhere, and at anytime. Take this anecdote for example. -- I was living with my sister Dolly and her family in Elmira, NY. She had been previously married to Fred W. Miller. He had remarried as did my sister. Dolly had a baby sitter named Matilda "Tilly" Beatty, who would visit on a regular basis, whether baby sitting or not. Tilly's sister, Sandra Fenton, married Fred after Dolly divorced him. I had been working on the family history for about 4 years up to then and had discussions about some of the family. I had mentioned a Clarence Porter in the Corning, NY area. Tilly stated that her great-aunt was related to a Clarence Porter from Painted Post. I thought this comment to be a little far-fetched, but she emphasized that her grandmother's sister had married a John Porter, whose father was Clarence. Looking through my notes I found John's name, he being a son of Clarence. She called her grandmother, who was living in Wellsburg, NY at the time, and ascertained that her sister was married to Clarence's son. She furnished John's telephone number and I was able to contact him before his death. He furnished the addresses and telephone numbers of his brother in Perryville, MO and three sisters in Lancaster, PA. -- R. J. Porter


More About John Lee Porter:

Burial: 11 Dec 1980, Addison Rural Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Dec 1980, Last residence: Painted Post, NY 14870

Social Security Number: 071-09-6042 (NY)


Notes for Mabel E. Pine:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Jan 1992 ed.:

OBITUARIES -- Mabel E. Porter, Corning homemaker

ADDISON - Mabel E. Porter, 75, of 40 William St., Corning, formerly of Lindley, died Wednesday, Jan. 15, 1992. Mrs. Porter was a homemaker and a member of the Presho United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women's Group, the Lindley-Presho Senior Citizens, AARP and Self-Help for the Hard of Hearing. Flint Funeral Home, Addison, is handling the arrangements.


More About Mabel E. Pine:

Name 2: Porter, Mabel

Burial: 20 Jan 1992, Addison Rural Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 17 Jan 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 180-09-6044 (PA)

Children of John Porter and Mabel Pine are:

+ 894 i. Clarence Lee12 Porter, born 01 Apr 1939 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

895 ii. Walter Glenn Porter, born 26 Mar 1940 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 19 May 1973 in Addison, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Walter Glenn Porter:

Burial: 22 May 1973, Addison Rural Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Residence: Bef. May 1973, Last residence: Corning, NY 14830

Social Security Number: 083-44-8310 (NY)


+ 896 iii. Vern Joseph Porter, born 12 Dec 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

897 iv. Beverly Jean Porter, born 19 Jun 1944 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Gerald Harding.

381. Mary Belle11 Porter (Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Aug 1907 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY, and died 12 Sep 1989. She married Richard Frank Schmid 02 Jan 1931 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA, son of Gottlieb Schmid and Catherine Finger. He was born 15 May 1891 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, and died 25 Aug 1963 in Millersville, Lancaster Co., PA.


Notes for Mary Belle Porter:

In a letter written by Mary, dated 12 Aug 1982, she stated she had lived with her uncle, Grant Porter, after her mother died. He lived in the Canton-Troy area, near Windfall, where she said Grant had been buried. Mary helped a great deal with the information about her children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews and some of her other relatives from the Granville, PA area. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Mary Belle Porter:

Name 2: Schmid, Mary

Residence: Bef. Sep 1989, Last residence: Clearwater, FL 34619

Social Security Number: 263-74-1131 (FL)


More About Richard Frank Schmid:

Burial: Millersville Cem., Lancaster Co., PA

Social Security Number: 182-28-8570 (PA)

Children of Mary Porter and Richard Schmid are:

+ 898 i. Richard Earl12 Schmid, born 02 May 1935 in Lancaster, PA; died 21 Jan 2005 in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL.

+ 899 ii. Robert Glenn Schmid, born 28 Oct 1937 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

383. Elizabeth May11 Porter (Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1912 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY. She married John Walter Schmid 04 Apr 1936 in Elkton, Cecil Co., MD, son of Gottlieb Schmid and Catherine Finger. He was born 26 Jan 1889 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, and died 19 Sep 1970 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.


Notes for Elizabeth May Porter:

In Sep 1982 I telephoned Elizabeth at her home in Lancaster, PA. She furnished many of the names and dates and stated that Glenn & Lola were missionaries in Columbia, South America and as of that time they had no children, nor were they planning on having any. She couldn't remember the name of Edgar's third child. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About John Walter Schmid:

Burial: Millersville Cem., Lancaster Co., PA

Children of Elizabeth Porter and John Schmid are:

900 i. Walter Charles12 Schmid, born 24 Jun 1937 in Lancaster, PA; died 07 Jun 1997 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.



More About Walter Charles Schmid:

Residence: 1993, Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA

Social Security Number: 165-32-1166 (PA)


+ 901 ii. Carol Virginia Schmid, born 16 Aug 1940 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

+ 902 iii. Joyce Elizabeth Schmid, born 25 Nov 1945 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

903 iv. Shirley Ann Schmid, born 20 Aug 1953 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. She married Jose Luis Marron; born abt. 1950.

384. Edgar Stanley11 Porter (Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Sep 1913 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY, and died 18 Dec 2000 in Berkeley Springs, Morgan Co., WV. He married Ruth Elizabeth Karr 26 Jun 1937 in Conestoga Twp., Lancaster Co., PA, daughter of William Karr and Susan Frey. She was born 03 Dec 1915 in Conestoga Twp., Lancaster Co., PA, and died 24 Dec 2003 in Reading, Berks Co., PA.


Notes for Edgar Stanley Porter:

I wrote to Edgar & Ruth on 12 Jul 1982, but didn't receive a reply until 16 Jul 1984. I was on the verge of giving up on any response from them, but they came through when I needed them to. They returned the original questionnaire along with the information requested, plus a great deal of background information on each of their children. The following is written - verbatim- as it was received from Ruth. - note of R. J. Porter


"We are both active members in the Stehman United Methodist Church and Sunday School and have served in many different ways -- teacher, trustee, church custodian, etc. We were both 4-H leaders for many years. Edgar served on the Penn Manor School Authority. I helped with the Community Chest. I have worked with the Women's Organization in our local church and with the Church Women United in Lancaster County. We both like to travel. Our first major trip was to Germany in 1969 to visit our son and his family and to see our first grandchild, who was born there. We have traveled west on 3 different occasions, visiting relatives along the way. Edgar has a brother in Missouri, a sister in Florida, and cousins in Idaho and Arizona. We visited the Canadian Rockies on one of the trips. We have been in Florida on several occasions. Most of our traveling has been after we both retired. We are also active members in the Wycliffe Associates Organization and have done volunteer work with this organization. In the summer of 1982, Edgar spent 3 weeks in Columbia, S.A. working on the school library at the Wycliffe Center in Lomalinda. In the Summer of 1983, we spent 2 weeks working at the J.A.A.R.S. Center in Waxhaw, NC. JAARS is the Aviation and Radio arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators. During the Winter of 1983-4, we spent 3 months at the Summer Institute of Linguistics in Dallas, TX, working on housing at the Center. We will continue to do some kind of volunteer work as long as we are both able. The children all grew up on a farm and when they were old enough, helped to assume some of the responsibility with the farm work. All of our children, while at home, were active members of the Stehman United Methodist Church and Sunday School and are now active in a church where they live. All were active in the Penn Manor 4-H Club for a number of years. They have won many local and state awards in judging and demonstration teams and in their project work. They participated in State 4-H Days at the Pennsylvania State University. Some have even participated in out-of-state competition. Glenn was a state winner in leadership and was awarded a trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. When they were old enough, they helped in the Club as junior leaders. The boys all enlisted in the military. Gary has made it his career. Glenn attended Manor Township High School, received a letter in Track and was a member of the Key Club. He graduated in 1956, after which time he worked on his father's farm. In 1961 he was chosen to spend 6 months in Nepal as an International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE). The purpose of the IFYE Program is to live with farm families, work with them and learn their culture. You are to fit in as a part of their family When you return, you are to tell the IFYE story to farm organizations, schools and any other interested group. In October 1962, Glenn enlisted in the U.S. Army. He served in it's Security Agency from Oct 1962 to Sep 1965. His basic training was conducted at Fort Dix, NJ. He attended Signal School at Fort Monmouth, NJ. He spent 4 years at Camp Walker in Korea and a year at the Itazuke Air Base in Japan. After his discharge, he returned home to work and manage the family farm. He was a youth leader in the local United Methodist Church. He had also served as a 4-H leader for a number of years. In 1973, God called he and Lola to work with the Wycliffe Bible Translators. They accepted the call, leaving the farm to begin their training with Wycliffe. They attended support courses at the Summer Institute of Linguistics at Norman, OK in 1973. They were sent to jungle camp in Mexico, where they stayed from Jan 1974 to the end of May 1974. They attended Language School in San Jose, Costa Rica from Jan 1975 to 15 Aug 1975. After this training, they were sent to Columbia, South America, to the Wycliffe base in Lomalinda. They spent 7 1/2 years there. In May 1983, they were sent to England, where they are presently working at the Summer Institute of Linguistics at Horsleys Green, High Wycombe. The purpose of the Wycliffe Bible Translators is to translate God's word into the many tribal languages, for the tribes who do not have a Bible in their own language. Along with the translation work, there is much support work that must also be done. Glenn and Lola are doing support work. Wycliffe Bible Translators is a faith supported mission."


More About Edgar Stanley Porter:

Social Security Number: 211-18-9278 (PA)

Children of Edgar Porter and Ruth Karr are:

904 i. Glenn Lee12 Porter, born 28 Jan 1939 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Lola Mae Rigel.


More About Glenn Lee Porter:

Religion: Sep 1982, Missionaries in Columbia, South America


+ 905 ii. Kenneth Eugene Porter, born 21 Mar 1941 in Conestoga, Lancaster Co., PA.

+ 906 iii. Gary Bruce Porter, born 29 Sep 1948 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

+ 907 iv. Linda Kathleen Porter, born 28 Aug 1950 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

385. Viola Winifred11 Porter (Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1916 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY. She married Raymond Kenneth Henry 28 Apr 1940 in White Horse, Lancaster Co., PA, son of James Henry and Eva Burkey. He was born 10 Oct 1912 in Linesville, Crawford Co., PA, and died Feb 1986 in New Providence, PA.


More About Raymond Kenneth Henry:

Residence: Bef. Feb 1986, Last residence: New Providence, PA 17560

Social Security Number: 163-18-9975 (PA)

Children of Viola Porter and Raymond Henry are:

+ 908 i. Clarissa Jane12 Henry, born 23 Aug 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 909 ii. Raymond Kenneth Henry, Jr., born 29 Jun 1943 in Strausberg, Lancaster Co., PA.

+ 910 iii. Robert James Henry, born 16 Mar 1947 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

+ 911 iv. Albert Jess Henry, born 16 Mar 1947 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

386. Ervin Dean11 Shadduck (Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1853 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Sep 1922 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA. He married Ellen O. Rolosin abt. 1890, daughter of John Rolosin and Sarah Wilcox. She was born 1853 in Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 05 Jan 1917 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Ervin Dean Shadduck:

Burial: 14 Sep 1922, Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA (cow pasture)


More About Ellen O. Rolosin:

Burial: Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA (cow pasture)

Children of Ervin Shadduck and Ellen Rolosin are:

912 i. Durwood Frederick12 Shadduck, born 05 Feb 1891 in Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 13 Dec 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married Irene Lois Smith 27 Nov 1918 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA; born 1899 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA; died 20 Aug 1938 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

913 ii. Irvina Shadduck, born 1900 in Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

387. John Ball11 Shadduck (Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1862 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1952 in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC. He married LeMyra Ann Holcomb 23 Dec 1886 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Pierson Holcomb and Sophia Mott. She was born 1867 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 08 Jan 1929.


More About John Ball Shadduck:

Residence: 1910, Troy Boro, Bradford Co., PA


More About LeMyra Ann Holcomb:

Residence: 1910, Troy Boro, Bradford Co., PA

Children of John Shadduck and LeMyra Holcomb are:

+ 914 i. Dean Burr12 Shadduck, born 30 Jul 1888 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; died 21 Jun 1985 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 915 ii. Goldie Helen Shadduck, born 02 Aug 1892 in Alba, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 03 Sep 1980 in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC.

Here is an obituary for Dean B. Shadduck.

Source: Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Alba Cemetery, Canton Township, Bradford County, PA


CANTON--Dean B. Shadduck, 96, of Canton RD 2, died Friday, June 21, 1985, in Troy Community Hospital. Born July 30, 1888, he was a son of John B. and Myra Holcombe Shadduck. Mr. Shadduck was a member of Alba Christian Church. He was a retired farmer. His wife, the former Marion Brooks, died in 1964. Surviving are a son, Lemuel, of Canton; a daughter, Mrs. Bernice Spencer, of Canton RD 2, four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 2 pm Monday at Morse and Kleese's, 40 North Center Street. Burial will be in Alba Cemetery. The Rev. David B. Morris, pastor of Canton Church of Christ, Disciples, will officiate. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 pm Sunday.

916 iii. Louis Hiram Shadduck, born 19 Jun 1900 in Port Byron, Cayuga Co., NY; died Oct 1971 in Sewickley, Alleghany Co., PA. He married Alfa L. Crocker 21 Jan 1923 in Honesdale, PA; born 27 Nov 1900 in Calkins, Wayne Co., PA; died Jan 1995 in Sewickley, Alleghany Co., PA.


More About Louis Hiram Shadduck:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1971, Last residence: Sewickley, PA 15143

Social Security Number: 174-01-5345 (PA)


More About Alfa L. Crocker:

Name 2: Shadduck, Alfa

Residence: Bef. Jan 1995, Last residence: Sewickley, PA 15143

Social Security Number: 175-20-8454 (PA)

388. Amy Rosetta11 Williams (Ann Marriah10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1853 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Oct 1918. She married Jacob R. Fuller, son of Hiram Fuller and Dianna Hess. He was born 10 Oct 1849, and died 26 Apr 1887.


More About Amy Rosetta Williams:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Jacob R. Fuller:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Amy Williams and Jacob Fuller are:

917 i. Ferris Durrand12 Fuller, born 1873.

918 ii. Anna Winfred Fuller, born 1876. She married Rev. W. A. Graham.


More About Rev. W. A. Graham:

Occupation: Minister

390. Evert Shadduck11 Williams (Ann Marriah10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Dec 1859 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Aug 1915 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co., MI. He married Clara Ayers.

Child of Evert Williams and Clara Ayers is:

919 i. Allie12 Williams, born 1881 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Allie Williams:

Burial: 1882, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

391. Mary Mansfield11 Williams (Ann Marriah10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Aug 1865 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 08 Jul 1935 in Pine City, Ashland Twp., Chemung Co., NY. She married Jacob Henri Bohn 26 Sep 1882, son of George Bohn and Christiannah Caseman. He was born 1858 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Jun 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Mary Mansfield Williams:

Burial: 10 Jul 1935, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY


More About Jacob Henri Bohn:

Burial: 26 Jun 1935, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1925, Carpenter

Residence 1: 1925, 1314 Pratt St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1935, 1311 Hall's Lane, Elmira, NY

Residence 3: 1937, 1314 Pratt St., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1940, Pine City, Ashland Twp., Chemung Co., NY

Child of Mary Williams and Jacob Bohn is:

920 i. Clive Carrington12 Bohn, born 1884; died 25 Jun 1937 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY. He married Sylvia L. McNett 17 Jun 1913; born 1887; died 24 Jan 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Clive Carrington Bohn:

Burial: 27 Jun 1937, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1925, 1314 Pratt St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: abt. 1935, 264 Lyon St., Elmira, NY

Residence 3: abt. 1937, 1051 Walnut St., Elmira, NY


Notes for Sylvia L. McNett:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Jan 1981 ed.:

BOHN, Sylvia, age 94, formerly of 264 Lyon St., January 24, 1981 at Chemung Co. Nursing Facility. Friends may call at the Ballard and Lindgren Funeral Home Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Thursday at 11 a.m. with Pastor Woodrow Whidden officiating. Woodlawn Cemetery. She is survived by sisters-in-law Libby Rutty McNett of Wellsboro, PA, Laura and Edith McNett of Roaring Branch, PA, Nellie E. Bush of St. Petersburg, FL; several nieces and nephews. She was a member of Seventh Day Adventist Church.


More About Sylvia L. McNett:

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Jan 1981, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1936, 802 W. Water St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1940, 954 Scio St., Elmira, NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1941 - 1942, 714 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1944, 311 Grove St., Elmira, NY

Residence 5: 1953, 264 Lyon St., Elmira, NY

Residence 6: 1955, 1051 Walnut St., Elmira, NY

392. Haydie Ada11 Dickerson (Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1854, and died 10 Mar 1934 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) William Hoagland 12 Apr 1874, son of Samuel Hoagland and Sally Wilcox. He was born 1849. She married (2) Henry Rinebold abt. 1880.


Notes for Haydie Ada Dickerson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 11 Mar 1934 ed.:

REINBOLD, Mrs. Henry

Mrs. Haydie Reinbold died at the home of her sister, Mrs. B.H. Williams at East Canton, PA Friday at 4 p.m. She is survived by her husband, Henry Reinbold; a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Gross, [of] Roulette, PA; two sisters, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. B.E. Bohn, Elmira and two brothers, Arthur and Lewis Dickerson, both of Elmira. A prayer service will be held at the Williams home Tuesday at noon and the funeral will be held in the Shunk Church at 1:30 p.m. Burial in Shunk Cemetery with the Rev. Mr. Confer of Alba, PA officiating.


More About Haydie Ada Dickerson:

Burial: 13 Mar 1934, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Child of Haydie Dickerson and William Hoagland is:

921 i. Hazel12 Hoagland, born abt. 1877. She married ______ Gross.

394. Mary Ann11 Dickerson (Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1859, and died 1917. She married Christian A. Kilmer 08 Jan 1882, son of William E. Kilmer and Catherine Shadduck. He was born 28 Nov 1850 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Mar 1925.


More About Mary Ann Dickerson:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Christian A. Kilmer:

Burial: 09 Mar 1925, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Mar 1925, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA


Notes for Christian A. Kilmer:

William was the son of Anthony T. & Rebecca (Rice) Kilmer. See Rebecca (Kilmer) Porter for more on the Kilmers. Catherine4 Shadduck (Thomas3, Christopher2, Thomas1) was a cousin to Evert3 Shadduck (Thomas Jr.2, Thomas1), husband of Amy (Porter) Shadduck.

Child of Mary Dickerson and Christian Kilmer is:

+ 922 i. Florence12 Kilmer, born 17 Mar 1886 in PA; Adopted child.

395. Roseltha A.11 Dickerson (Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jun 1861 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died abt. 1946. She married Bernard E. Bohn 01 Jan 1883, son of George Bohn and Christiannah Caseman. He was born Apr 1860 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Aug 1931.


More About Roseltha A. Dickerson:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1929, Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1933 - 1936, 536 Liberty Ave., Elmira, NY


More About Bernard E. Bohn:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1925, 536 Liberty Street, Elmira, NY

Children of Roseltha Dickerson and Bernard Bohn are:

+ 923 i. Lynn Verner12 Bohn, born 07 Jan 1884 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 1943 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 924 ii. Etta Matilda Bohn, born 21 Aug 1886 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY.

396. Louis Harvey11 Dickerson (Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1864 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Jan 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Minnie Jane Converse 09 Sep 1899 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of William Converse and Almina Speary. She was born 06 Nov 1875 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (North Mountain), and died 07 Sep 1950.


More About Louis Harvey Dickerson:

Burial: abt. 06 Jan 1944, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: heart attack

Medical Information: had received a permanent leg injury while working as a lumberjack

Occupation: 1925, Miller Brothers

Residence 1: 1925, 36 Phoenix Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1939, 523 Phoenix Ave., Elmira, NY


More About Minnie Jane Converse:

Burial: abt. 09 Sep 1950, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: possibly Alzheimer's disease

Residence: 1939, 523 Phoenix Ave., Elmira, NY

In May 2023, Sally Silvia wrote us to update the cemetery information at Ellenton Cemetery for her Dickerson, Converse and Speary ancestors. A great granddaughter of Minnie Jane Converse, she also contributed several photographs. She is descended from Almina as follows: The relationship "ladder" is Almina [Speary] Converse, Minerva [Converse] Dickerson, Luella [Dickerson] Lewis, Gwendolyn [Lewis] Moore, Sally [Moore] Silvia. Here are her photo contributions:

Almina Rosetta (Speary) Converse Ryan
Ellenton, PA
Photo Before 1930
Contributed by Sally Silvia
Great great granddaughter

Almina (Speary) Converse Ryan Home
Ellenton, PA
Photo Before 1930
Contributed by Sally Silvia
Great great granddaughter

Selected Speary and Sick Cousins of Almina (Speary) Converse
Handwritten note by Luella Almina [Dickerson] Lewis, granddaughter of Almina (Converse) Speary
Written Directly on the photo
Top, l to r: second boy is Frank Speary, girl on far right is Mary Speary, others unidentified
Front, l to r: second gitl is Mary Sick, last three girls are Clara Speary, Dora Speary, and Adona Sick, others unidentified
Three girls and a boy, Mary M. Speary (19), Clara V. Speary (17), Dora M. Speary (16), and Frank A. Speary (14) (children of John Wesley and Lizzie [Wilson] Speary).
John W. is an older brother of Almina R. [Speary] Converse/Ryan.
Two girls, Adona Sick (14) and Mary Sick (11), are the daughters of Julius J. Sick and Eudora Speary. Eudora Speary is the daughter of Liberty [Glidewell] Speary and Dorson Speary. Dorson is the youngest brother of Almina R. [Speary] Converse/Ryan. These two girls would be first cousins once removed to the above listed four Speary children.
Photo on a Postcard sent by Mary Speary to her cousin Hazel Converse in 1908
Contributed by Sally Silvia

Hazel Bertha (Converse) Byrne
First From Left in back Row
Postcard DatedOctober 14, 1908
Ellenton PA
Note: Per Sally, the other ladies are unknown, although the oldest subject is labeled "Mrs. Davison".
Hazel is listed as a member of the Ellenton Church between 1900-1925. Since the unmailed postcard is dated 1908, when Hazel was 13, and given the (visually) diverse age range of the ladies shown, she suspects this may be a photo of the ladies' church group, and not a school photo. From old census records, the teachers at the Ellenton school between 1900 and 1910 were all in their 20s. Her grandmother, Luella Almina [Dickerson] Lewis/Morse wrote on the photo.
Hazel lived with and was raised by her grandmother Almina R. [Speary] Converse in Ellenton, PA and attended the Ellenton school.
Hazel is sometimes listed by the Converse surname and sometimes by her biological father’s surname - Lucas. Hazel is the daughter of Minerva Jane Converse and Roland Lucas. Minerva ("Minnie"} is the only known daughter of Almina R. Speary Converse and William H. Converse. Roland Lucas was an abusive man and Minnie left him. The only discovered document listing Roland is his marriage application co-signed by William H. Converse in Dec. 1893 and filed Jan 1894. Any other online records listing him have not been found. Information about this relationship is briefly mentioned in the Dickerson Family history document compiled by William L. Dickerson.
When Minnie remarried in 1894 to Louis Harvey Dickerson, she moved with Louis to Shunk to work on the Dickerson family farm on Rt. 154, and Hazel remained in Ellenton with her grandparents. Minnie and Louis had six children - Alonzo Bowman Dickerson, Melissa M. Dickerson, Luella Almina Dickerson (Sally's grandmother), Theus Fitzgeorge Dickerson, a premature 6 month old infant, and John William Dickerson. All six would be Hazel’s half-siblings.
Hazel eventually moved to Williamsport (city directory shows her there in 1917) and she worked in the hospital where she met and married Thomas Lawrence Byrne in 1918, and sadly died a few months later in November 1918. She was 4.5 months pregnant at the time and miscarried during her illness before her death (according to her death certificate). She is buried in Ellenton Cemetery next to her grandparents.
Contributed by Sally Silvia

Children of Louis Dickerson and Minnie Converse are:

+ 925 i. Alonzo Bowman12 Dickerson, born 31 Mar 1900 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Oct 1990 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.

926 ii. Mary Melissa Dickerson, born 21 Jul 1902 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Oct 1904 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Mary Melissa Dickerson:

Burial: 19 Oct 1904, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: pneumonia


+ 927 iii. Luella Alminia Dickerson, born 04 Apr 1906 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Jun 1987 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 928 iv. Theus Fitzgeorge Dickerson, born 22 Jan 1913 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Jun 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 929 v. John William Dickerson, born 04 Jun 1919 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Feb 1994 in Pawcatuck, New London Co., CT.

397. Arthur Dawson11 Dickerson (Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Sep 1868 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 Jan 1945 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY. He married Laura May Foster 12 Dec 1895 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of William Foster and Sarah Cramer. She was born 20 Aug 1875 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Oct 1972 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Arthur Dawson Dickerson:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Occupation: vegetable truck farmer

Residence 1: 1925, 129 Milton Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1939, 122 Milton Ave., Elmira, NY


More About Laura May Foster:

Name 2: Dickerson, Laura

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 1: 1939, 122 Milton St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1972, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 053-38-4157 (NY)

Child of Arthur Dickerson and Laura Foster is:

930 i. Bly Arthur12 Dickerson, born 10 Apr 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1988 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY. He married Eunice Gertrude Duff (987) 20 Oct 1919 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 01 Feb 1901 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Nov 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Bly Arthur Dickerson:

Burial: 20 Apr 1988, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Occupation 1: 1925, Truck gardener

Occupation 2: 1939, Prudential Life Insurance agent

Residence 1: 1925, 122 Milton St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1939, 118 Milton St., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 108-05-1228 (NY)

399. Orlando William11 Dickerson (Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Apr 1880 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died Apr 1927 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Bertha Celilis Avery 1900, daughter of Edward Avery and Elsie Lamb. She was born 07 Nov 1878 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 21 Mar 1941.


More About Orlando William Dickerson:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: tuberculosis

Occupation: Carpenter


More About Bertha Celilis Avery:

Burial: Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Cause of Death: cancer

Children of Orlando Dickerson and Bertha Avery are:

+ 931 i. Edward Laverne12 Dickerson, born 06 Dec 1902 in McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 21 Jul 1962 in Troy, PA.

+ 932 ii. Mildred Edna Dickerson, born 08 Mar 1904; died Jul 1927 in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 933 iii. Elsie Irene Dickerson, born 06 Feb 1910 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died 16 Aug 1975 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.

934 iv. Leo Dickerson, born abt. 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died abt. 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Leo Dickerson:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA


935 v. Edgar Dickerson, born abt. 1912 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died abt. 1912 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Edgar Dickerson:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA


936 vi. Dean Dickerson, born abt. 1913 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died abt. 1913 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Dean Dickerson:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA


+ 937 vii. Jennie Marietta Dickerson, born 30 Apr 1915 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died 14 Sep 1993 in Knoxville, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 938 viii. Harold Glen Dickerson, born 10 Nov 1920 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died 20 Oct 1991 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

402. Anita Elvaretta11 Wright (Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1859 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA, and died 17 Apr 1958 in Vienna, Fairfax Co., VA. She married Thomas George McKay 28 Sep 1881, son of John McKay and Margaret Parks. He was born 08 Jun 1843 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA, and died 15 Apr 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Anita Elvaretta Wright:

Burial: 21 Apr 1958, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Thomas George McKay:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 30 Apr 1896 ed.:

Thos. McKay, of Shunk, has started one of the many new birch stills to be found in the county this spring. We wish him success and with birch oil at $1.20 per pound, he ought to do well.


More About Thomas George McKay:

Burial: 18 Apr 1915, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Anita Wright and Thomas McKay are:

+ 939 i. Amy Lucinda12 McKay, born 16 Sep 1882 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Feb 1960 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 940 ii. Mamie Elvaretta McKay, born 25 Jul 1884 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Aug 1968 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

941 iii. Seva Blanche McKay, born 1886 in PA. She married Sanford Collins Keeler; born 05 Feb 1893 in Nordmont, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Seva Blanche McKay:

Name 2: Keeler, S. Blanche

Residence: 1920, Washington, DC


More About Sanford Collins Keeler:

Residence 1: 1900, Davidson Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Ontario Co., NY


+ 942 iv. Orpha Minerva McKay, born 28 Sep 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 16 Oct 1975.

+ 943 v. Jacqueline Lavinia McKay, born 11 Oct 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Oct 1970.

403. Dawson Dickerson11 Wright (Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1860 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 30 Apr 1924 in Trumansburg, Ulysses Twp., Tompkins Co., NY. He married Effie M. Williams 06 Oct 1881, daughter of Daniel Williams and Clarissa ______. She was born 1862 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Nov 1888.


Notes for Dawson Dickerson Wright:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

This has been one of the best sugar making seasons known for many years. The sap was exceptionally sweet and the flow large. E.H. Hill made 1500 lbs., and 1200 of this in six days. Dawson Wright and others made over 1000 lbs., and it was a small "bush" that did not average over 300 lbs. Anyone who wants pure maple sugar in quantities to suit will do well to come to Shunk.



More About Dawson Dickerson Wright:

Residence 1: Bet. 1870 - 1880, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, Trumansburg, Ulysses Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


Notes for Effie M. Williams:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 15 Nov 1888 ed.:

Died on the 5th inst. Effie, wife of Dorson Wright, of Shunk and only remaining daughter of Daniel Williams, of this place.


More About Effie M. Williams:

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 Nov 1888, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Children of Dawson Wright and Effie Williams are:

+ 944 i. Lemuel Corden12 Wright, born 16 Jul 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Jun 1961 in Trumansburg, Ulysses Twp., Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 945 ii. Judson Warren Wright, born 07 Aug 1884 in Ellenton, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 946 iii. Wiltchur Dawson Wright, born Jun 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Jun 1942.

404. Cora Adassa11 Wright (Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1865 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 18 Sep 1955 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Albert Lincoln Rumsey 29 Mar 1885 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Marshall Rumsey and Mary Bennett. He was born 12 Jun 1864 in Susquehanna Co., PA, and died 02 Nov 1897 in Daggett, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married (2) Austin Brown 1921, son of Samuel Brown and Mary Wilcox. He was born 06 Aug 1853 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Feb 1925.


Notes for Cora Adassa Wright:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 Sep 1955 ed.:

BROWN, Mrs Cora Rumsey, 88, Gillett, PA, Sunday morning September 18, 1955. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lena Brenchley of Elmira Heights, Mrs. Helen (Porter) Klein of Buffalo, NY; one son, Fred Rumsey of Columbia Cross Roads, PA; three sisters, Mrs. Anita McKay of Washington, DC, Mrs. Lulu Campbell of Baltimore, MD, Mrs. Blanche Sheive of Jobs Corners, PA; 12 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren. The Rev. Franklin Weaver commenced the services at Vickery Funeral Home in Troy. She was buried in the Alder Run Cemetery near Millerton, PA.


More About Cora Adassa Wright:

Burial: 20 Sep 1955, Alder Run Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 22 Sep 1955, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1929, 811 Winsor Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1934, 301 E. Fourth St., Elmira, NY

Residence 3: 1935, Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1937, 560 E. Clinton St., Elmira, NY

Residence 5: Bet. 1950 - 1955, Glen St., Gillett, PA


More About Albert Lincoln Rumsey:

Address (2): 1870, Post Office Box - Liberty, Tioga Co., PA

Burial: Alder Run Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Cause of Death: typhoid fever

Residence 1: 1880, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1870, McIntyre Twp., Lycocoming Co., PA


More About Austin Brown:

Burial: 23 Feb 1925, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Cora Wright and Albert Rumsey are:

947 i. Violet12 Rumsey, born 02 Sep 1886 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Sep 1886 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Violet Rumsey:

Burial: 04 Sep 1886, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA (D. P. Porter Lot)


+ 948 ii. Fred Allen Rumsey, born 12 Oct 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Mar 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 949 iii. Lena Kitt Rumsey, born 18 Nov 1891 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 05 Jul 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 950 iv. Maud Lucinda Rumsey, born 27 Jan 1894 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 17 Feb 1935 in Columbia Cross Roads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 951 v. Mary Helen Rumsey, born 02 May 1897 in Daggett, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 06 Jan 1981 in N. Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

405. Amy Blanche11 Wright (Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1870 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 26 Oct 1960 in Webb Mills, Chemung Co., NY. She married George Washington Sheive abt. 1891, son of Jerdan Sheive and Henrietta Trask. He was born 19 Aug 1847 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 28 Oct 1933 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Amy Blanche Wright:

Burial: Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA


More About George Washington Sheive:

Burial: Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of Amy Wright and George Sheive are:

952 i. ______12 Sheive, born abt. Aug 1893.

953 ii. ______ Sheive, born abt. Mar 1895.

+ 954 iii. Mabel Clare Sheive, born 19 Sep 1896 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 02 Dec 1974.

+ 955 iv. William Edson Sheive, born 22 Mar 1904 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 18 Mar 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 956 v. Lawrence Bernard Sheive, born 28 Nov 1906 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 20 Mar 2001 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 957 vi. Harold George Sheive, born 22 Feb 1911 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

406. Lucinda Daisy11 Wright (Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jan 1877 in East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA, and died in Baltimore, MD. She married Leon Ici Campbell 14 Aug 1896 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of James Campbell and Hannah Hoagland. He was born 11 May 1877 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 08 Jun 1965 in Baltimore, MD.


Notes for Lucinda Daisy Wright:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 04 Jan 1894 ed.:

The Sullivan County Teachers Institute convened in Garey's Hall, this place, Monday afternoon, January 1.

FOX - Maude E. Allen, Anna Hilton, Katie Bailey, Cora E. Battin

NOT TEACHING - Lulu Wright, Maggie A. Deegan, Julia O'Neil, Jennie Cook, Lizzie Dempsey, Lizzie Rogers.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

Miss Lulu Wright and F. A. Wood of Canton are spending a few days at W. W. Wright's


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 07 May 1896 ed.:

Lulu Dasia Wright has returned to Canton after a visit to her parents at Shunk, and has resumed her course at school, and in addition is taking violin lessons of Prof. C.F. Rundell, who but recently returned from Canada.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Jul 1896 ed.:

The following young ladies will serve as teachers of the public schools in Fox Township the coming winter: Centre school, Maude Allen; South school, Miss Harding of Canton: West Hill school, Miss Wheatly of Elkland; East school, Miss Miller of Eldredsville; Lower school, Miss Lulu Wright of Shunk.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 10 Sep 1896 ed.:

Leon Campbell and Miss Lulu Wright, both of Shunk, were married in Elmira by the Rev. Moore on August 14th. We extend our congratulations to the young couple and wish them a long, happy, and useful life.


The following is an excerpt of a conversation with Lucinda at her home in company with one of her grandchildren. She was asked about her teaching and school experiences and made the following short statement. "I received my education at the Canton, PA High School and at the Sullivan County Normal Schools. I taught for a period of four years. The "Wright bell" belonged to my father's mother, Mary (Holbrook) Wright, who used it in school in 1844 when the stars fell, as it was called or referred to. (This was evidently a meteor shower.) I do not know how much longer than that that she had the "bell". She used to tell me that it was very old. I taught the entire eight grades of school at Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. I had the ordinary experiences of teachers of those days. Often in winter I had to drive my horse over the snowdrifts, over the top of fence rails, etc. to get to school. I kept the horse in the school barn during the day. I once taught a deaf and dumb boy who was older than myself. I also remember having kept Corwin Porter after school one afternoon to learn a lesson and his father (Harvey Y.) met me the next day with an axe. However, he soon cooled off. Leon Campbell and I went to school at Mansfield State Normal School for a year or more. Every year I spent, along with the rest of teachers from around the area, six weeks at Forksville and the Director of the schools taught us. We had to take examinations at one year and three month intervals, given by the Director of Schools of Sullivan County. I received a salary of $25.00 per month, and the terms were three and six months respectively. I usually had around twenty-five students." Lucinda's grandmother lived with her son's family (Warren & Hannah) in her old age and, as a natural course of events, a story was told and retold. In 1844 there was a curious natural phenomenon that happened, especially in Northern Pennsylvania. It was somewhat centered around the eastern portion of the United States. In broad daylight it quickly got black as night and "stars seemed to fall from the sky, lighting up the darkness". To the citizenry of those times it was an awful and pretentious thing. Perhaps the people of today, with all their science and knowledge, might be just as bewildered and "think the world was coming to an end", just as the humble people of those days did at East Canton, Pennsylvania. But the teacher is the guardian all the world over. The children were gathered in around their school teacher and they shut themselves in the school; she probably with a prayer in her heart and on her lips. The children were protected by the strength of that lone woman -- a teacher. The legend of the "Wright bell" began with Mary Holbrook Wright, who enforced the idea that "the bell" was the guardian of the teacher, and that it would therefore be passed to the teacher of the family, on into successive generations. Some may say that it was a question of superstition, but are not all legends founded in part, or in their entirety, on superstition? And does not every legend gain credence as the decades roll into centuries? Let it suffice to say that out of a brood of seven healthy children, although two died when young, there was but one who wanted to, and did, teach school. Teachers since the world began have been the leaders of others. To be a teacher, and to have a fair amount of beauty, is to be the "belle" of the district in the counties of this country, even today. The male and female teachers in the great cities were, and still are, sought after and "looked up to".


More About Lucinda Daisy Wright:

Name 2: Campbell, Lulu D.

Occupation: Bet. 1900 - 1915, Teacher

Residence 1: 1900, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Baltimore, MD


More About Leon Ici Campbell:

Name 2: Campbell, Leon I Cy

Residence 1: 1880, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Baltimore, MD

Residence 3: Bef. Jun 1965, Last residence: Browns Mills, NJ 08015

Social Security Number: 216-10-0141 (MD)

Children of Lucinda Wright and Leon Campbell are:

+ 958 i. Fordyce Earl Clark12 Campbell, born 16 Feb 1897 in Shunk, PA; died 07 Jan 1984 in Browns Mills, Burlington Co., NJ.

+ 959 ii. Kenneth Haughey Campbell, born 30 Mar 1903 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Nov 1976 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

407. Alfred Francesco11 Letts (Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Dec 1858 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 18 Jan 1929. He married Martha Anna Fanning 19 Mar 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Edwin Fanning and Elvira Hart. She was born 19 Nov 1860 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Dec 1940.


More About Alfred Francesco Letts:

Burial: 20 Jan 1929, Arlington National Cem., Arlington, VA

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Martha Anna Fanning:

Burial: 06 Dec 1940, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: 1900, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Alfred Letts and Martha Fanning are:

+ 960 i. Irena Marian12 Letts, born 21 Nov 1878 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Oct 1976 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 961 ii. Fred Cecil Letts, born 08 Oct 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 Feb 1967 in Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA.

+ 962 iii. Stella Elma Letts, born 26 Sep 1882 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 May 1962 in Monte Rey, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 963 iv. Jessica Lucinda Letts, born 26 Nov 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 03 Jul 1972.

964 v. Edgar Ray Letts, born 18 Mar 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Mar 1887 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Edgar Ray Letts:

Burial: 21 Mar 1887, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: twin to Edna May Letts


965 vi. Edna May Letts, born 18 Mar 1887 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Feb 1936 in OK. She married Holly Barnett.


More About Edna May Letts:

Burial: 19 Feb 1936, OK

Medical Information: twin to Edgar Ray Letts


966 vii. Holly Stanley Letts, born 15 Dec 1889; died 08 May 1908 in WA.


More About Holly Stanley Letts:

Burial: 10 May 1908, Spokane, Spokane Co., WA


+ 967 viii. Charles Emerson Letts, born 08 Sep 1897; died 1987 in British Columbia, Canada.

408. Evert Montville11 Letts (Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Feb 1861 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Jan 1923. He married Laura Ann Morgan 1882, daughter of Daniel Morgan and Esther Borman. She was born 09 Jun 1863 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Oct 1935.


More About Evert Montville Letts:

Burial: 26 Jan 1923, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Laura Ann Morgan:

Burial: 13 Oct 1935, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Evert Letts and Laura Morgan are:

+ 968 i. Daniel Morgan12 Letts, born 14 Jan 1884 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 27 Jun 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

969 ii. James A. Letts, born 28 Sep 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Oct 1894 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About James A. Letts:

Burial: 03 Oct 1894, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

411. Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning (Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Mar 1867 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Apr 1950 in Southport, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Charles Perry Tinkham abt. 1883, son of Randall Tinkham and Harriett Bristol. He was born 01 Jan 1862 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 19 Mar 1910 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (2) Charles Cassius Makinster abt. 1888. He was born Sep 1864, and died Aug 1940.


More About Matilda Aramenta Fanning:

Burial: 08 Apr 1958, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY


More About Charles Perry Tinkham:

Burial: 21 Mar 1910, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Charles Cassius Makinster:

Residence 1: 1900, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Canton Twp. Bradford Co., PA

Child of Matilda Fanning and Charles Tinkham is:

+ 970 i. Alvah Cleighton12 Tinkham, born 20 Oct 1884 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 03 Oct 1967 in Baden, Beaver Co., PA.

Children of Matilda Fanning and Charles Makinster are:

+ 971 i. Pearl Evelyn12 Makinster, born 15 May 1889 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 12 May 1970 in Albany, Linn Co., OR.

+ 972 ii. Wilma A. Makinster, born Mar 1894; died in prob. FL.

973 iii. Glenn Charles Makinster, born 04 Apr 1892; died Aug 1963.


More About Glenn Charles Makinster:

Social Security Number: 561-18-6455 (CA)


+ 974 iv. Otto Dean Makinster, born 14 Apr 1895 in WV; died Mar 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

975 v. Aubrey S. Makinster, born 27 Jul 1897; died abt. 1917.



More About Aubrey S. Makinster:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Cause of Death: killed in battle during World War I


+ 976 vi. Lisle Vernon Makinster, born 31 Oct 1899 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Apr 1985 in Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL.

+ 977 vii. Daisy Adell Makinster, born 18 Dec 1904; died Jun 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

412. Warren Harold11 Fanning (Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1870 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Nov 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Emma Lillian Foster 15 Apr 1891 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of William Foster and Sarah Cramer. She was born 03 Apr 1870 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 26 Dec 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (2) Mamie Smith abt. 1911.


Notes for Warren Harold Fanning:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

Fishing on the 15th, Perry Fanning caught 131 trout, David Williams caught 20 that weighed 2 1/4 lbs., W.E. Porter 75, W.H. Fanning 35, and so on.


More About Warren Harold Fanning:

Burial: 26 Nov 1954, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: abt. 1900, Postmaster and merchant of Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Emma Lillian Foster:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 07 May 1896 ed.:

Mrs. W.H. Fanning has a vegetable that is "some pumpkin". It is a large yellow pumpkin that she has kept in its natural state all winter without spoiling.


More About Emma Lillian Foster:

Burial: 29 Dec 1942, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Warren Fanning and Emma Foster are:

+ 978 i. Harold Royce12 Fanning, born 26 Jan 1892 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Oct 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

979 ii. Charles Claudius Fanning, born 27 Apr 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Dec 1945.


More About Charles Claudius Fanning:

Burial: 11 Dec 1945, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


980 iii. Raymond Fanning, born 17 Dec 1906 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Dec 1906 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Raymond Fanning:

Burial: 19 Dec 1906, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

413. Leona Amy11 Fanning (Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Nov 1968 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Frank Patrick Reedy Jun 1902. He was born 1866, and died 1911. She married (3) Walter Reuben Brenchley 1913, son of George Brenchley and Eliza Loomis. He was born 15 Sep 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Aug 1960 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Leona Amy Fanning:

Burial: 28 Nov 1968, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: 1930, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Frank Patrick Reedy:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: abt. 1900, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About Walter Reuben Brenchley:

Burial: 08 Aug 1960, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: 1930, Carpenter

Residence: 1930, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Leona Amy Fanning is:

+ 981 i. Velma D.12 Fanning, born 07 Jul 1899; died May 1986.

Children of Leona Fanning and Frank Reedy are:

982 i. Oddeta Marceil12 Reedy, born 1904. She married Wesley Thomas.

983 ii. Sanford W. Reedy, born 1909. He married Rosa ______.

Child of Leona Fanning and Walter Brenchley is:

984 i. Frank W.12 Brenchley, born 04 Feb 1913 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

417. Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler (Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Feb 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Feb 1961 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Richard Martin Duff 1897, son of ______ Duff and ______ Cunningham. He was born 10 Oct 1876, and died 20 Jul 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Emillie Esmeralda Wheeler:


Emily Esmeralda possessed a strong and determined personality. She had a brilliant mind, but her parents could not afford to give both Lee and her a college education. She took a course in dress and pattern making in nearby Canton and used this trade to help raise her seven children. Emily was hospitable and was depended upon to entertain the visiting officials of her church. She and her husband bought the original farm land occupied by her grandfather, Benjamin, and built another home where the original had burned. It was purchased in 1905. The home still belongs to the children of Emily. The red farm house is occupied most of the year by the five living brothers and sisters as they come and go to maintain the property and to spend their vacations.

More About Emillie Esmeralda Wheeler:

Burial: 27 Feb 1961, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Richard Martin Duff:

Burial: 23 Jul 1953, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Emillie Wheeler and Richard Duff are:

+ 985 i. Florence Clarentha12 Duff, born 13 Jun 1897 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 May 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 986 ii. Mary Ann Duff, born 29 Jan 1899 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Dec 1984 in PA.

987 iii. Eunice Gertrude Duff, born 01 Feb 1901 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Nov 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Bly Arthur Dickerson (930) 20 Oct 1919 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 10 Apr 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1988 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Eunice Gertrude Duff:

Name 2: Dickerson, Eunice

Burial: 16 Nov 1984, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 1: 1939, 118 Milton St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bef. Nov 1984, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 108-03-8904 (NY)


+ 988 iv. Lucile Myrtle Duff, born 20 Jan 1903 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 20 Nov 1968 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA

+ 989 v. Marcus Wheeler Duff, born 22 Nov 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Oct 1995.

990 vi. Dennis Donahue Duff, born 07 Jun 1908 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Helen Louise Beck.


Notes for Dennis Donahue Duff:


Dennis is quite a perfectionist. He graduated from Elmira College. While an engineer at Sperry Rand Corporation, he was one of the first to assemble the Univac in New York City. His hobby is antique cars. He and his wife, Helen, have retired in Gloversville, where they built a most interesting home. They spend their time gathering antiques, giving talks and making their property even more interesting with their unusual findings.


More About Dennis Donahue Duff:

Residence: May 1983, Gloversville, Fulton Co., NY


991 vii. Garnet Richard Duff, born 04 Sep 1911 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 08 Jan 1982 in Sparta, Monmouth Co., NJ. He married (1) Elizabeth Bickle. He married (2) Gertrude Dey.


Notes for Garnet Richard Duff:


Garnet was a quite handsome, proud man who was persevering and exceedingly fond of his kin. He was a retired Lieutenant of the New Jersey State Police Force. His wife, Gertrude, is an artist.


Obituary of Garnet R. Duff (Newton, NJ newspaper)

NEWTON -- Superior Court Judge Frederick G. Weber suspended scheduled proceedings Thursday to pay tribute to his former court attendant, Garnet Duff. Duff, the Judge's court attendant from 1974 to 1979, died Friday night at the age of 70. Duff had retired from the state police in 1966, having risen through the ranks to become the administrative officer of the New Jersey State Police Troop C in Princeton. At the time of his retirement, his rank was Lieutenant. "I first met Garnet Duff many, many years ago in the early 1950's in this very courtroom in an adversarial atmosphere. I was then a young defense attorney and Garnet was a young road trooper with the New Jersey State Police," Weber said. "In those days troopers did not have the assistance of prosecutors at their side to prosecute quasi-criminal matters and were obligated to prosecute those matters personally. I now remember not the name or the nature of the case, but what remains burned in my mind and in my memory is a handsome cut, a figure of a man in the New Jersey State Troopers' uniform blue standing erectly at that very prosecutor's table in this courtroom articulately presenting the state's case. His ability and his competency shined brightly as did that uniform. But what impressed me the most at the first meeting and over the years was Garnet's sense of fair play and integrity." The Judge said the two became close personal friends. "Garnet saw my Patti, Lee, Gretchen and Heidi come into this world and he rocked every one of my four daughters to sleep on my tummy when they were babies. Perhaps because of my German ancestry and the fact that I was in the Army during World War II, also as a Lieutenant, I gave Garnet the nickname -- those of you in the courthouse family have heard me refer to Garnet many times as -- "Mein Herr Oberleutnant Duff" (which when interpreted means "My Dear Lieutenant Duff"). Reluctantly we must bid farewell to Garnet, not in sadness, but in the joy of the memory of his hours and days with us. For the record 'Mein Herr Oberleutnant Duff', thank you for having touched our lives and job well done."


GARNET R. DUFF, 70, of Sparta, died Friday at the Newton Nursing Home after a long illness. He was born in Sullivan County, PA and was a resident of Sparta for the past 31 years after moving there from Morristown. Mr. Duff was a former lieutenant of the New Jersey State Police, having retired in 1966 as the administrative officer of Troop C in Princeton. He joined the state police in 1940 and served as station commander at several locations, including the Netcong and Sussex barracks. In 1962, he was assigned to the Troop B administrative office in Morristown. He was promoted to Lieutenant while serving on the Garden State Parkway. After retirement, Mr. Duff served as the court attendant for Sussex County Superior Court Judge Frederick G. Weber from 1974 to 1979. He was also a member of the Association of Former New Jersey State Troopers and a 33-year member of Harmony Lodge No. 8 F*AM in Newton...Harmony Lodge will conduct a Masonic service.


More About Garnet Richard Duff:

Burial: 12 Jan 1982, Pleasantdale Cem., West Orange Co., NJ

Occupation 1: Bet. 1940 - 1966, New Jersey State Trooper

Occupation 2: Bet. 1974 - 1979, Court attendant

Residence 1: Bet. 1951 - 1982, Sparta, Monmouth Co., NJ

Residence 2: Bef. Jan 1982, Last residence: Sparta, NJ 07871

Social Security Number: 108-03-9018 (NY)


More About Gertrude Dey:

Occupation: 1982, Artist

418. Minerva E.11 Wheeler (Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1860 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Feb 1943. She married (1) William L. Baker 1885. He died 31 Dec 1924. She married (2) Charles J. Foster 1892, son of William Foster and Sarah Cramer. He was born 01 Feb 1865, and died 26 Dec 1933.


More About Minerva E. Wheeler:

Burial: 27 Feb 1943, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About William L. Baker:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Charles J. Foster:

Burial: 28 Dec 1933, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Minerva Wheeler and William Baker are:

+ 992 i. Asa H.12 Baker, born Jan 1886 in PA.

993 ii. William L. Baker, Jr., born abt. 1888 in PA; died 1937. He married Jennie H. Baker; died 1924.


More About William L. Baker, Jr.:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Jennie H. Baker:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Minerva Wheeler and Charles Foster are:

994 i. Julietta12 Foster, born 15 Feb 1893 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Ralph Mott.

+ 995 ii. Riley Dell Foster, born 05 Aug 1900 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Mar 1925.

+ 996 iii. Elloyd W. Foster, born 09 Apr 1903 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Feb 1987 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

419. Lewis Uzal11 Wheeler (Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Aug 1862 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married Ella Cooper. She died Bef. 1910.


More About Lewis Uzal Wheeler:

Burial: Fairview Cem., Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY

Occupation: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Blacksmith

Residence 1: 1900, Tioga Twp., Tioga Co., NY

Residence 2: 1910, 217 William St., Elmira, NY


More About Ella Cooper:

Burial: Big Flats Cem., Chemung Co., NY

Children of Lewis Wheeler and Ella Cooper are:

+ 997 i. Herbert Lee12 Wheeler, born Jul 1892 in PA; died in MT.

+ 998 ii. Guy N. Wheeler, born Oct 1896 in PA; died 1977.

420. Charles Herbert11 Shattuck (Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jan 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Nov 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Ulyssa D. Potter abt. 1895. She was born 29 Jul 1875 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 12 Feb 1963.


More About Charles Herbert Shattuck:

Burial: 12 Nov 1941, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Carpenter


More About Ulyssa D. Potter:

Burial: 15 Feb 1963, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Charles Shattuck and Ulyssa Potter are:

+ 999 i. Irma Lois12 Shattuck, born 17 Jan 1896 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 27 Sep 1972 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

+ 1000 ii. Doris Enid Shattuck, born 11 May 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 31 Aug 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1001 iii. Lloyd Allison Shattuck, born 12 Nov 1898 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 May 1977 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1002 iv. Otho G. Shattuck, born 22 Feb 1904 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died Dec 1983.

+ 1003 v. John Arthur Shattuck, born 25 Feb 1906 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Feb 1973 in Shinglehouse, Potter Co., PA.

421. Byron Earl11 Shattuck (Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 May 1966 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL. He married Selma Jane Armstrong abt. 1900, daughter of ______ Armstrong and Deliah Bird. She was born 1881, and died 25 Feb 1959 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.


More About Byron Earl Shattuck:

Name 2: Shattuck, Byron

Residence: Bef. May 1966, Last residence: Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Social Security Number: 420-68-3056 (AL)


More About Selma Jane Armstrong:

Burial: 28 Feb 1959, Davis Creek Church Cem., Brookwood, AL

Children of Byron Shattuck and Selma Armstrong are:

+ 1004 i. May Bell12 Shattuck, born 26 Jul 1901 in Tuscaloosa Co., AL; died Oct 1976.

1005 ii. Murray McGee Shattuck, born 10 Jun 1902 in Milldale, Tuscaloosa Co., AL; died 10 Dec 1977. He married Betty Turner; born 17 Mar 1902; died Mar 1974 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.


More About Murray McGee Shattuck:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1977, Last residence: Brookwood, AL 35444

Social Security Number: 421-01-6772 (AL)


More About Betty Turner:

Name 2: Shattuck, Bettie

Social Security Number: 424-48-6146 (AL)


1006 iii. Maud Agnes Shattuck, born 27 Jan 1905; died Apr 1979. She married Earl Griffin; born 06 May 1907; died 12 Jun 1991.


More About Maud Agnes Shattuck:

Name 2: Griffin, Maude

Residence: Bef. Apr 1979, Last residence: Bessemer, AL 35020

Social Security Number: 422-30-7837 (AL)


More About Earl Griffin:

Residence 1: Apr 1979, Bessemer, AL

Residence 2: Bef. Jun 1991, Last residence: Lineville, AL 36266

Social Security Number: 418-20-6896 (AL)


1007 iv. Byron Earl Shattuck, Jr., born 27 Aug 1907; died May 1969. He married Eleanor Geary.


More About Byron Earl Shattuck, Jr.:

Social Security Number: 421-03-7800 (AL)


1008 v. Lee Madison Shattuck, born 19 Dec 1910; died Jul 1978 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL. He married Louise M. Sims; born 10 Mar 1911; died 29 Oct 1998 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.


More About Lee Madison Shattuck:

Social Security Number: 420-05-9940 (AL)


More About Louise M. Sims:

Name 2: Shattuck, Louise

Social Security Number: 422-70-9424 (AL)


1009 vi. Norman Shattuck, born abt. 1910; died abt. 1910 in in infantcy.

1010 vii. Dora Venice Shattuck, born 20 Mar 1912; died Jul 1984. She married Junior J. Sandlin; born abt. 1910.


More About Dora Venice Shattuck:

Name 2: Sandlin, Venice

Residence: Bef. Jul 1984, Last residence: Bessemer, AL 35020

Social Security Number: 420-30-1869 (AL)


+ 1011 viii. Paul Allen Shattuck, born 20 Jan 1915; died 23 Dec 1993.

1012 ix. Forrest Thurman Shattuck, born abt. Jul 1918 in Tuscaloosa Co., AL; died 22 Aug 1943 in Jefferson Co., AL.

+ 1013 x. Bernard Chesley Shattuck, born 1920 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL; died 08 May 1954 in Jefferson Co., AL.

1014 xi. Victor Clinton Shattuck, born 10 Dec 1921; died 03 Dec 1980. He married Ruby Nell Elliot; born 1924 in Marion Co., AL.


More About Victor Clinton Shattuck:

Burial: 05 Dec 1980, Chattanooga National Cem., TN

Mil. Discharge Rank: 25 Jan 1946, Tech 4

Mil. Service: Bet. 27 Aug 1943 - 25 Jan 1946, U.S. Army

Social Security Number: 416-26-2270 (AL)


More About Ruby Nell Elliot:

Residence: 1930, Brilliant, Marion Co., AL

422. Arthur Victor11 Shattuck (Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1874 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 May 1953 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA. He married Myra E. Brown 24 Jun 1903 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, daughter of Austin Brown and Rosalia Gleckner. She was born 31 Aug 1885 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Aug 1960 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Arthur Victor Shattuck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 11 Jun 1896 ed.:

Victor Shattuck has taken a bark job of James Brenchley and commenced work on his contract last week. The timber is on Reuben T. Battin's land near Shunk.


More About Arthur Victor Shattuck:

Burial: 09 May 1953, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Myra E. Brown:

Burial: 05 Aug 1960, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of Arthur Shattuck and Myra Brown are:

+ 1015 i. Nellie Julia12 Shattuck, born 17 Mar 1904 in New Brighton, Beaver Co., PA.

+ 1016 ii. Arthur Victor Shattuck, Jr., born 12 Oct 1909 in New Brighton, Beaver Co., PA; died 28 Sep 1989 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

423. Julia Grace11 Shattuck (Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Nov 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Jun 1972 at home in Kelloggsville, OH. She waa the daughter of Madison Taylor Shattuck and Marilda Riggs. She married William Braunbeck 25 Dec 1898 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Augustus Friedrich Braunbeck and Josephine ______. He was born 25 Apr 1873 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Nov 1949.
Editor's Note: We are grateful to Paul Braunbeck for the information on this part of the Braunbeck lineage, provided to us in August 2012. Below you will find photographs of the Shattuck homestead in Shattuck, Sullivan County, that she sent us as well, along with several of her comments. For more information, go to the dialogue stream on Julia Grace Shattuck.

Homestead of Madison Taylor and Harriet Marilda (Riggs) Shattuck
Shunk, PA
Photo Dated 1940

Contributed by Paulette Braunbeck
Great granddaughter

Per Paulette:

My great grandfather, August Friedrich Braunbeck is shown in the 1900 Federal Census for nearby Hillsgrove. He is on sheet 3 page 6, lines 97-100. They have his name as Augustus, but these people seem to change or use other names at different times. His wife's name was actually Lilly Josephine Fry. In the family, she was known as Lilly. The Frys were another family living in the area. Many of them, as well as this great grandfather, are buried in the Muncy Cemetery. The census doesn't have the address but it does state they were "renting". Because of this, I suppose it would be impossible to find out where they were living in Hillsgrove.

The other great grandfather, Madison Taylor Shattuck, is also in the 1900 census, but not for Hillsgrove. He is located in nearby Fox Township, Sullivan County. They mistakenly have him listed as Madison J. Shattuck, but mistakes were often made I am finding out. It is this person who lived in Shunk o the farm shown here. His wife would have been Harriet Marilda Riggs. By 1900 he was divorced from Harriet whereupon she married Royal Joshua Sargeant on Dec. 4, 1906 in Fox Township. On I found out that from 1880-1920 Madison was living in an area called Hoagland Vista, south of Shunk. Interestingly enough, he died and was buried in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where he also lived prior to 1931. He fought in the Civil War for Pennsylvania.

Below are three more pictures of the farm shown above or its structures.. The back side of the picture of the barn by itself states "Sargent barn 1940". So, by then, likely via Marilda, who remarried to Royal J. Sargent, the farm seems to have belonged to Sargent.:


Barn, Farm Yard and Farm House
Shattuck/Sargent Farm
Shunk, PA
Photos Dated 1940

Contributed by Paulette Braunbeck
Great granddaughter


Notes for Julia Grace Shattuck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 16 Apr 1896 ed.:

Julia Shattuck of Shunk occupies a responsible position in the Williamsport Silk Mills, and is in receipt of a large salary. May her good luck continue.


More About Julia Grace Shattuck:

Name 2: Braunbeck, Julia

Burial: 05 Jun 1972, Kellogsville Cem., Kelloggsville, OH

Residence: Bef. Jun 1972, Last residence: Conneaut, OH 44030

Social Security Number: 287-48-6727 (OH)


More About William Braunbeck:

Burial: 25 Nov 1949

Children of Julia Shattuck and William Braunbeck are:

1017 i. Winfield Scott12 Braunbeck, born 03 Jan 1899 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Aug 1899 in Hillsgrove, PA.


More About Winfield Scott Braunbeck:

Burial: 28 Aug 1899, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


1018 ii. August Miles Braunbeck, born 10 Dec 1899 in Hillsgrove, PA; died Feb 1980. He married Margaret Burkheart Jun 1922.


More About August Miles Braunbeck:

Residence: Bef. Feb 1980, Last residence: Kingsville, OH 44048

Social Security Number: 268-01-3103 (OH)


1019 iii. Cecil Victor Braunbeck, born 26 Jan 1902 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died Jun 1967. He married Jane Waddle.


More About Cecil Victor Braunbeck:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1967, Last residence: Madison, OH 44057

Social Security Number: 281-03-9500 (OH)


1020 iv. Hilda Irene Braunbeck, born 23 May 1904 in Medix Run, PA. She married Sherman Wright 14 Jul 1925.

1021 v. Marilda ("Millie") Braunbeck, born 19 Sep 1906 in Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., PA; died Oct 1982. She married Howard Donaldson.


More About Marilda Braunbeck:

Name 2: Donaldson, Marilda

Residence: Bef. Oct 1982, Last residence: Conneaut, OH 44030

Social Security Number: 276-50-7835 (OH)


1022 vi. Maurice Henry Braunbeck, born 07 Mar 1911 in Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., PA; died 29 Jan 1998.


More About Maurice Henry Braunbeck:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1998, Last residence: Geneva, OH 44041

Social Security Number: 279-18-8434 (OH)


1023 vii. William Harold Braunbeck, born 21 Mar 1914 in Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., OH.

424. Vicilla May11 Shattuck (Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Oct 1976. She married Alvah Cleighton Tinkham abt. 1905, son of Charles Tinkham and Matilda Fanning. He was born 20 Oct 1884 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Oct 1967 in Baden, Beaver Co., PA.


More About Vicilla May Shattuck:

Burial: 14 Oct 1976, Garden of Resurrection, Sylvania Hills, Beaver Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Conway, Beaver Co., PA


Notes for Alvah Cleighton Tinkham:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 23 Apr 1896 ed.:

Lawrence Campbell, an eight year old son of the Chiel, and Clayton Tinkham had an experience on the 17th that they will not soon forget. They coaxed Albert Swingle to let them ride on his two horses through Shunk to the barn. One of the horses started to trot, the other followed suit. Lawrence got frightened and yelled like a Comanche. This scared the horses and they went up Water street at a 2:40 gait. When the horses turned up to the barn Lawrence fell off into a mud puddle and was a sight to make the angels weep when he was picked up. Clayton's horse took him around the barn several times at a lively gait, but no serious harm resulted to either of the boys while the lesson may be of value to both in the future.


One family source stated that Alvah was a child born out of wedlock to Matilda A. Fanning, while another stated that Margaret had Alvah (at the age of 47) by Tinkham (also out of wedlock), and Matilda raised him. He was definitely the son of one of these two women.


The following came from an obituary sealed in plastic as a lasting memorial by American Laminating Co., Albany, NY. This was donated to me by Mrs. Alice (Pinch) Tagliaferri of Elmira, NY. On the reverse side is a photo of Christ as the "Shepherd" with the verse, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted, (printed in red) followed by the Twenty-third Psalms (printed in black). The newspaper this obituary originally appeared in is not known, but it may have been one of the Pittsburgh, PA papers. -- note of R. J. Porter




Alvah Clayton Tinkham, 82, of Bock Lane, RD 1 Baden, died in his home early today Oct. 3, 1967, following an extended illness. He was the husband of Mrs. Mae Shattuck Tinkham. Born Oct. 20, 1884, in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, he had been a resident of Conway for 48 years and for the past three years had resided in Economy Borough. He was a retired employee of the Pennsylvania Railroad and was a member of Rochester Lodge 229, Free & Accepted Masons. Surviving, in addition to his wife, are a son, Victor Tinkham, Wellsburg, NY; three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Bevard and Mrs. Esther Weil, both of Freedom, and Mrs. Winifred Starr, Economy; 12 grandchildren; 24 great grandchildren; three half brothers, Chester Tinkham, Waverly, NY; Otto Makinster, Wellsburg, NY, and Lisle Makinster, Erin, NY; three half sisters, Mrs. Wilma Wilson and Mrs. Daisy Pinch, both of Elmira, NY, and Mrs. Pearl Bland of Washington State. Friends will be received today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Jack L. Gross Funeral Home, Freedom, where funeral services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. with Rev. James W. St. Clair, pastor of Concord Presbyterian Church, officiating. Interment will be in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park.


More About Alvah Cleighton Tinkham:

Burial: 05 Oct 1967, Garden of Resurrection, Sylvania Hills, Beaver Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Conway, Beaver Co., PA

Children of Vicilla Shattuck and Alvah Tinkham are:

+ 1024 i. Victor Roy12 Tinkham, born 19 Jul 1906 in Upper Providence, Delaware Co., PA; died 25 Apr 1995 in Elmira, NY.

+ 1025 ii. Margaret Mabel Tinkham, born 02 May 1909; died Feb 1972.

1026 iii. Charles Raymond Tinkham, born 18 Jan 1911 in Freedom, Beaver Co., PA; died 12 Mar 1912 in Beaver Co., PA.


More About Charles Raymond Tinkham:

Burial: 14 Mar 1912, Garden of Resurrection, Sylvania Hills, Beaver Co., PA


+ 1027 iv. Lillian Esther Tinkham, born 04 Feb 1913 in Freedom, Beaver Co., PA.

+ 1028 v. Winifred Fannie Tinkham, born 28 Oct 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

426. Mary Etta11 Shattuck (Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Dec 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 May 1977. She married John R. Palmer, son of ______ Palmer and Emma ______. He was born 1889, and died 1952.


Notes for Mary Etta Shattuck:

Mary, listed as Etta M., was residing with her sister "Mae V. Tinkham" during the 1930 census. They were living next-door to John and his mother, who was widowed.


More About Mary Etta Shattuck:

Residence: 1930, Conway, Beaver Co., PA


More About John R. Palmer:

Residence: 1930, Conway, Beaver Co., PA

Child of Mary Shattuck and John Palmer is:

1029 i. Theodore12 Palmer.

427. Olive Grace11 Salisbury (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1868 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Feb 1954 in Morris, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) John Lyman Jackson 1884 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of John Jackson and Mary Bagshaw. He was born 17 Aug 1857 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 08 Nov 1929 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. She married (2) James H. Sawyer abt. 1908.


More About Olive Grace Salisbury:

Burial: 28 Feb 1954, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1920, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


More About John Lyman Jackson:

Burial: 10 Nov 1929, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Olive Salisbury and John Jackson are:

1030 i. John William12 Jackson, born 1884 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 1884 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

1031 ii. Beatrice Jackson, born 1886 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 1887 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1032 iii. John William Jackson, born 05 Feb 1887 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died Bef. 1946.

+ 1033 iv. Myrtle Grace Jackson, born 04 Apr 1890 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1958.

+ 1034 v. Amy Pearl Jackson, born 11 Jan 1892 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

1035 vi. Glenn Lyle Jackson, born 26 May 1895 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died Bef. 1946.

+ 1036 vii. Lois Belva Jackson, born 12 Jun 1899 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aug 1971 in Broome Co., NY.

+ 1037 viii. Cecil Rhodes Jackson, born 16 Mar 1902 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died Jan 1976.

+ 1038 ix. Mary Beatrice Jackson, born 18 Mar 1905 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

Child of Olive Salisbury and James Sawyer is:

1039 i. Ella12 Sawyer, born abt. 1910. She married ______ Goss.

428. William Harland11 Salisbury (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1869 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Feb 1953 in Miami, Dade Co., FL. He married Edith Evelyn Brown abt. 1895, daughter of Peter Brown and Susan Mills. She was born 04 May 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 May 1932.


More About William Harland Salisbury:

Burial: 14 Feb 1953, Woodlawn Park (Masonic Sect.), Miami, FL


More About Edith Evelyn Brown:

Burial: Rose Hill Burial Park, Akron, OH

Child of William Salisbury and Edith Brown is:

+ 1040 i. Monna Larue12 Salisbury, born 24 Sep 1896 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 18 May 1943 in Beverly Farms, Florence, MA.

430. Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1874 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 18 Jan 1960. She married Loren LeRoy Stone 1893, son of ______ Stone and Irena Briggs. He was born Sep 1862 in PA, and died 1953.


More About Amy Evelyn Salisbury:

Burial: 21 Jan 1960, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: 1900, Genessee, Potter Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Loren LeRoy Stone:

Burial: 1953, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: 1920, Carpenter

Residence 1: 1900, Genessee, Potter Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Amy Salisbury and Loren Stone are:

+ 1041 i. Victor Leon12 Stone, born 31 Jan 1894 in Genessee, Potter Co., PA; died 15 May 1973 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.

+ 1042 ii. Alice C. Stone, born 07 Aug 1896 in Genessee, Potter Co., PA; died Jun 1976 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 1043 iii. Deforrest A. Stone, born 03 Feb 1899 in Genessee, Potter Co., PA; died 07 Feb 1967.

1044 iv. Lorena Grace Stone, born 23 Feb 1902 in Coudersport, PA; died 24 May 1934. She married Cecil Theodore Predmore.


More About Lorena Grace Stone:

Burial: 26 May 1934, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


1045 v. Herald Joy Stone, born 07 Apr 1904 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA; died 15 Mar 1981. He married Grace Rockwood.


More About Herald Joy Stone:

Burial: 18 Mar 1981, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Mar 1981, Last residence: Fulton, MD 20760

Social Security Number: 215-20-3723 (MD)


+ 1046 vi. Lawrence Carroll Stone, born 06 Aug 1906 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA; died Sep 1966 in Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY.

1047 vii. Ernest Elwin Stone, born 20 Dec 1910 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA; died 31 Jan 1911 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ernest Elwin Stone:

Burial: Feb 1911, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 1048 viii. David Jasper Stone, born 27 Mar 1912 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Nov 1999 in Stoneham, Middlesex Co., MA.

+ 1049 ix. Loren LeRoy Stone, Jr., born 02 Mar 1915 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Jul 1981 in Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA.

431. John Taylor11 Salisbury (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Apr 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Martha Adele Pressey 30 Apr 1901 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, daughter of John Pressey and Alice Patterson. She was born 17 Feb 1879 in Bowne Center, MI.

Children of John Salisbury and Martha Pressey are:

+ 1050 i. John Austin12 Salisbury, born 08 Sep 1904 in New Brighton, Beaver Co., PA.

1051 ii. William Harland Salisbury, born 05 Feb 1907 in Youngstown, Mahoning Co., OH; died Jul 1977 in CA. He married Verla Jennie Walker 24 Dec 1939; born 07 Jun 1894; died Dec 1971.


More About William Harland Salisbury:

Military service: abt. 1944, U.S. Army

Residence: Bef. Jul 1977, Last residence: San Rafael, CA 94901

Social Security Number: 518-09-2076 (ID)


More About Verla Jennie Walker:

Name 2: Salisbury, Verla

Residence: Bef. Dec 1971, Last residence: San Rafael, CA 94901

Social Security Number: 518-09-1551 (ID)


1052 iii. Harold Eugene Salisbury, born 28 Aug 1919 in Boise, Ada Co., ID. He married Elinor Jean Poe 30 Jun 1943.


More About Harold Eugene Salisbury:

Military service: abt. 1945, U.S. Army

432. Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Feb 1878 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Charles Henry Dryer 1896 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of John Dryer and Eva Wood. He was born 14 Apr 1872 in Toledo, Lucas Co., OH, and died 08 Oct 1937 in Rome, Oneida Co., NY. She married (2) Edward Johann Pearson 03 Jul 1920 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, son of John Pearson and Katriba Demgren. He was born 1886 in Jamtland, Stugen, Sweden, and died abt. 1923.


More About Fentie Virginia Salisbury:

Burial: Blossburg Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

More About Charles Henry Dryer:

Burial: 10 Oct 1937, Rome, Oneida Co., NY

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Residence: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Edward Johann Pearson:

Burial: Arnot Cem., Potter Co., PA

Children of Fentie Salisbury and Charles Dryer are:

+ 1053 i. Hazel Adele12 Dryer, born Apr 1897 in MI; died 1963 in prob. Allegany Co., PA.

+ 1054 ii. Mabel Agnes Dryer, born 24 May 1900 in Akron, Summit Co., OH; died Dec 1983 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1055 iii. Howard Henry Dryer, born 22 Jan 1902 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA; died 06 Feb 2000 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

+ 1056 iv. Edward Harold Dryer, born 10 Sep 1904 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA; died 29 May 1973 in Stanislaus Co., CA.

+ 1057 v. Loren Dwight Dryer, born 06 Oct 1907 in Granville, Hampshire Co., MA; died 17 Jan 1994 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR.

+ 1058 vi. Lloyd Albert Dryer, born 02 Sep 1909 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Aug 1987 in Vista, San Diego Co., CA.

+ 1059 vii. Raymond Wilder Dryer, born 01 Aug 1914 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Mar 1982 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

Child of Fentie Salisbury and Edward Pearson is:

1060 i. Arvid Garland12 Pearson, born 01 Apr 1922 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Mar 1952 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Eleanor Hawks.


More About Arvid Garland Pearson:

Burial: Aft. Mar 1952, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY (family members stated his body was put in cemetery vault until Spring)

Cause of Death: his milk delivery truck was hit by train

433. Elon Galusha11 Salisbury IV (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Nov 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Mar 1972 in Tacoma Park, MD. He married (1) Mary Louise Gruver 27 Dec 1905 in Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of William Gruver and Mary Bacon. She was born 1879 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 23 Sep 1938. He married (2) Dorothy Cleaveland 31 Aug 1940. She was born 30 Jan 1891, and died Nov 1976.


More About Elon Galusha Salisbury IV:

Burial: 19 Mar 1972, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: injuries sustained on 6 Mar 1972 while working on car

Occupation: Professor of Math - University of Maryland


More About Mary Louise Gruver:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Dorothy Cleaveland:

Name 2: Salisbury, Dorothy

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1976, Last residence: Washington, DC 20012

Social Security Number: 213-54-6143 (MD)

Child of Elon Salisbury and Mary Gruver is:

1061 i. Rose May12 Salisbury, born 1907; died 1941. She married David Edward Frieder.


More About Rose May Salisbury:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

434. Mary Eleanor11 Salisbury (Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Sep 1926. She married Emery J. Bagley abt. 1903, son of William Bagley and Mary Brown. He was born 1881.


More About Mary Eleanor Salisbury:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA


More About Emery J. Bagley:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Mary Salisbury and Emery Bagley are:

1062 i. John Royden12 Bagley, born abt. 1906.

1063 ii. Lorna Eudora Bagley, born abt. 1910.

1064 iii. Ruth Eleanor Bagley, born 1914 in Elkland, Tioga Co., PA; died 1916.


More About Ruth Eleanor Bagley:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

436. Harry Evert11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1878 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Nov 1965. He married (1) Ellen Johns abt. 1897. She was born abt. 1881 in PA. He married (2) Anna Mary Kobbe 09 Feb 1902 in Eldredsville, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Christopher Kobbe and Minnie Binelick. She was born 28 Jan 1885 in Eldredsville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 1967.


More About Harry Evert Shadduck:

Burial: Hope Cem., Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Occupation: Blacksmith and farmer

Social Security Number: 182-16-7945 (PA)

More About Anna Mary Kobbe:

Burial: Hope Cem., Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Child of Harry Shadduck and Ellen Johns is:

+ 1065 i. Lee Albert12 Shadduck, born 20 Jan 1899 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Sep 1979.

Children of Harry Shadduck and Anna Kobbe are:

+ 1066 i. Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, born 30 Mar 1903 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA; died 20 Feb 1997 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 1067 ii. Glenn Harley Shadduck, born 21 Aug 1905 in Eldredsville, Lycoming Co., PA; died 05 Jan 1990 in Steuben Co., NY.

+ 1068 iii. Emma Marjorie Shadduck, born 20 Jul 1907 in Eldredsville, PA; died 01 Aug 1992 in Shippenville, Clarion Co., PA.

+ 1069 iv. Leila Winifred Shadduck, born abt. 1909 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1070 v. Florence Elizabeth Shadduck, born 12 Feb 1910 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA; died 05 Mar 1990 in Williamsport, PA.

+ 1071 vi. Julia Ann Shadduck, born 01 Jan 1919 in Murraytown, Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Dec 2003 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 1072 vii. Lillian Shadduck, born abt. 1916 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA.

437. Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Nov 1929 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Otis Samuel Williams 28 Apr 1897 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Roderick Williams and Esther Streeter. He was born 23 Sep 1873 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Aug 1931 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ellen Evangeline Shadduck:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Otis Samuel Williams:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Ellen Shadduck and Otis Williams are:

1073 i. Claudius Leon12 Williams, born 04 Sep 1899 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Apr 1974 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Mary Blakeman; born abt. 1900 in PA.


More About Claudius Leon Williams:

Name 2: Williams, Claude

Name 3: Williams, Claudis

Medical Information: dk brown hair & eyes

Occupation: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Laborer, teamster & farmer - emp. by Otis Williams

Residence 1: Bet. 1917 - 1918, RD 2, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Dist. 2, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Apr 1974, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 119-05-0984 (NY)


1074 ii. Mildred Amy Williams, born 03 May 1900 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Jun 1902 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Mildred Amy Williams:

Burial: 21 Jun 1902, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 1075 iii. Myrtle Lillian Williams, born 02 Jan 1902 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Apr 1974 in Bloomsburg, Columbia Co., PA.

+ 1076 iv. Lynn Carlton Williams, born 10 Nov 1903 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Jul 1964.

+ 1077 v. Donald Raymond Williams, born 24 Oct 1905 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Oct 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1078 vi. Esther Emma Williams, born 28 Nov 1907 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Jul 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1079 vii. Frank Rodney Williams, born 02 Mar 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 21 Apr 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 1080 viii. Velma Ora Williams, born 23 Oct 1911 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 May 2001 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1081 ix. Minnie Mae Williams, born 24 Aug 1914 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Jul 1997.

+ 1082 x. Dean Ellis Williams, born 27 Feb 1918 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 30 Oct 1999 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1083 xi. Geraldine Mabel Williams, born 02 Feb 1920 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA; died 07 Jun 1964 in Williamsport, PA.

438. Robert Albert11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jul 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Jul 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Minnie Bedford abt. 1899. He married (2) Zura O. Keeler abt. 1904, daughter of John Keeler and Florence ______. She was born Mar 1885 in Davidson Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Aug 1961 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Robert Albert Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 13 Jul 1944 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Robert A., of Fox Township, died Sunday, July 9th, in the Robert Packer hospital at Sayre at the age of 59 years. Mr. Shadducks parents were among the early settlers of Fox Township, locating there about 1834. He is survived by is wife, Mrs. Zura Shadduck, three daughters, Mrs. Marian Powell of Erie; Mrs. Florence Corson of Muncy and Miss Elouise Shadduck at home; three sons, Willard Shadduck of Erie; Sgt. Howard Shadduck of the U.S. Army and Oscar at home, and two grandchildren, his father, Frank Shadduck of Canton; two sisters, Mrs. Fern Whitmoyer and Mrs. Jennie Brennan, both of Sayre, and six brothers, Harry and John Shadduck of Athens; Charles and Ray Shadduck of Shunk; Forrest Shadduck of Muncy and Dean Shadduck of Binghamton. Funeral services were held at the church at Shunk Wednesday afternoon. Rev. L.A. Guliles officiated. Interment in Tioga Point cemetery. (Robert's grandparents were the early settlers, not his parents. -- note of R.J. Porter)


More About Robert Albert Shadduck:

Residence: Bet. 1885 - 1944, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Burial: 12 Jul 1944, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA


More About Zura O. Keeler:

Burial: 12 Aug 1961, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Robert Shadduck and Zura Keeler are:

1084 i. ______12 Shadduck, born abt. 1906; died Bef. 1930.

1085 ii. Robert C. Shadduck, born 1909; died 16 Oct 1962.


More About Robert C. Shadduck:

Burial: 19 Oct 1962, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA


1086 iii. Catherine Eloise Shadduck, born 1911.

1087 iv. Willard S. Shadduck, born 14 Jul 1913; died Jan 1984 in Erie, Erie Co., PA.


More About Willard S. Shadduck:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1984, Last residence: Erie, PA 16508

Social Security Number: 181-05-0624 (PA)


1088 v. Marian B. Shadduck, born 1917. She married ______ Powell.

1089 vi. Oscar Shadduck, born 1918; died Bef. 1930.

1090 vii. Howard R. Shadduck, born 02 Mar 1921; died Jun 1985.


More About Howard R. Shadduck:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1985, Last residence: Marion Heights, PA 17832

Social Security Number: 163-16-0177 (PA)


1091 viii. Florence L. Shadduck, born 1924. She married ______ Corson.

439. Martha Lillian11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jun 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Feb 1922. She married (1) ______ Lindley abt. 1900. He was born abt. 1885 in NY. She married (2) Merton Edward Camp abt. 1903, son of Charles Camp and Anna Comstock. He was born 15 Sep 1882 in Franklindale, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Martha Lillian Shadduck:

Residence: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


More About Merton Edward Camp:

Occupation: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Laborer - worked on Lackawana Valley Railroad

Residence 1: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1917 - 1918, 416 Desmond St., Sayre, PA

Child of Martha Shadduck and ______ Lindley is:

+ 1092 i. Lura Winifred12 Camp, born 08 May 1901 in Barkley, Bradford Co., PA; died 22 Mar 1990 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Martha Shadduck and Merton Camp is:

+ 1093 i. Earl12 Camp, born 06 Oct 1907 in Maston, Lycoming Co., PA.

440. John Earl11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Feb 1962. He married Mary Alice Hunsinger 20 Jan 1908 in Laquin, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Claude Hunsinger. She was born 1886 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Jul 1959 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA.


More About John Earl Shadduck:

Burial: 18 Feb 1962, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1910, Sawmill worker

Residence: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


Notes for Mary Alice Hunsinger:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 31 Jul 1959 ed.:

Mrs. Mary Hunsinger Shadduck, 73, died Tuesday afternoon July 21, at the home of her son Earl Shadduck in Athens after a lingering illness. The deceased was formerly of Elkland Township and was a half-sister of William Hunsinger. Funeral services were held Friday morning at 9 oclock at the Jenkins Funeral Home in Athens. Burial was in the Tioga Point Cemetery.


More About Mary Alice Hunsinger:

Burial: 24 Jul 1959, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 31 Jul 1959, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Children of John Shadduck and Mary Hunsinger are:

+ 1094 i. Earl Morton12 Shadduck, born 02 Nov 1908 in Maston, Lycoming Co., PA; died 03 Jan 1988 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1095 ii. Dena M. Shadduck, born 1911; died 26 May 1930.


More About Dena M. Shadduck:

Burial: 28 May 1930, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

441. Cecil Ray11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 May 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Emily Mary Porter abt. 1910, daughter of William Porter and Mary Brown. She was born 17 Feb 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Jan 1969 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Cecil Ray Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 May 1962 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Ray, 72, of 42 W. South Ave., Canton, Wednesday, May 2, 1962. He was a retired farmer. Survived by wife, Mrs. Emily Porter Shadduck; daughters Mrs. Gaylord McCarty and Mrs. Clarence Shaffer of Forksville, Mrs. Herbert Bedford and Mrs. Raymond Derr of Canton RD1; Mrs. LaRue Snell of Courtland; 24 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; sisters, Mrs. Fern Whitmoyer and Mrs. Edward Brennen of Sayre; brothers, Charles of Shunk, Forrest of Muncy, Dean of Binghamton, Harry of Corning. Body at the Kleese Funeral Home, Canton. Calling hours; today 7 to 9 p.m., Friday 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Saturday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Ralph R. Knight; West Hill Cemetery, Shunk.


More About Cecil Ray Shadduck:

Burial: 05 May 1962, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 May 1962, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1910, Sawmill worker

Residence: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


More About Emily Mary Porter:

Name 2: Shadduck, Emily

Burial: 09 Jan 1969, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1969, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 201-24-8251 (PA)

Children of Cecil Shadduck and Emily Porter are:

+ 1096 i. Rhea Leona12 Shadduck, born 17 Aug 1913 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 06 Jan 1987 in Tavares, Lake Co., FL.

+ 1097 ii. Irma Lillian Shadduck, born 19 Sep 1915 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 27 Jan 1999 in Orlando, Orange Co., FL.

+ 1098 iii. Doris Aleatha Shadduck, born 13 Sep 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Sep 2004 in Titusville, PA.

+ 1099 iv. Murl Maxine Shadduck, born 20 Feb 1920 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 May 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1100 v. Marcella Eleanor Shadduck, born 28 Nov 1923 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 28 Jul 2005 in Leesburg, Lake Co., FL.

+ 1101 vi. Joyce Marie Shadduck, born 01 Aug 1931 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Jul 2005.

442. Fern Whitmore11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1892 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Sep 1974 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA. She married Joseph Thomas Whitmoyer 1910. He was born 1888.


More About Fern Whitmore Shadduck:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1910, Clothes pin factory worker

Residence 1: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, 307 N. Hopkins Street, Sayre, PA


More About Joseph Thomas Whitmoyer:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Railroad switchman

Residence: 1930, 307 N. Hopkins St., Sayre, PA

Children of Fern Shadduck and Joseph Whitmoyer are:

+ 1102 i. Beulah12 Whitmoyer, born 27 Dec 1911 in Masten, Bradford Co., PA; died 25 May 1975 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1103 ii. Jake Theron Whitmoyer, born abt. 1913; died abt. 1977 in Pataskala, Licking Co., OH.

+ 1104 iii. Melvin Etheldrid Whitmoyer, born 04 Nov 1917; died Jul 1986 in Arcadia, De Soto Co., FL.

443. Charles Vernon11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 May 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Jun 1984 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Fanny Amanda Brown 23 Jan 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Aaron Brown and Jane Purcell. She was born 06 Oct 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Apr 1965 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (2) Kay Cornell 23 May 1967. She was born in England.


Notes for Charles Vernon Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 28 Jun 1984 ed.:

Charles V. Shadduck, 90, of Shunk died June 24, 1984 at the Divine Providence Hospital, Williamsport. He was born May 23, 1894 in Shunk, the son of Frank A. and Emma White Shadduck. Mr. Shadduck was a farmer for 70 years and was an avid horseman and horse trainer. He owned and operated Shadduck Motor Equipment Garage, Shunk, from 1941 to 1975. He also operated a grist mill and at one time was a blacksmith. Mr. Shadduck was a Fox Township supervisor for the past 30 years, was a Sullivan County Democratic Committeeman for the past 12 years; was a former Sullivan County school director for over 20 years; and was a former Justice of the Peace in Shunk for 28 years. Surviving are his wife, the former Kay Cornell; three daughters, Mrs. Verus (Dorna) Meixel, Dubois, PA; Mrs. Stanley (Ruth) Cook of Moyers, WV; and Mrs. Ralph (Agnes) Snell, Proctor Star Route; five sons, Durwood, Trout Run; Albert, Penfield, PA; Luther, Montoursville; Donald, Shunk; Doyl, Cogan Station, PA; 28 grandchildren; 57 great-grandchildren; 10 great-great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Jennie Brennan, Sayre; brother, Foster, Muncy; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his first wife, the former Fannie Brown, on April 27, 1965 and a son Ralph (Poud) on June 26, 1981. Funeral services were held on June 27 at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with the Rev. Edward F. Ayers, pastor of the Canton Calvary Alliance Chapel, officiating. Interment was at the Brown Cemetery, Shunk.


Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 05 Jul 1984 ed.:

SHADDUCK, CHARLES V., Services for Charles V. Shadduck, 90, Shunk, were held on June 27 at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, Rev. Edward F. Ayres officiating. Interment was held in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Mr. Shadduck died June 24, 1984 at the Divine Providence Hospital, Williamsport. He was born May 23, 1894 in Shunk, the son of Frank A. and Emma White Shadduck. He was a farmer for 70 years, owned and operated Shadduck Motor and Equipment Garage, also operated a grist mill and at one time was a blacksmith. Surviving are his wife, the former Kay Cornell; daughters, Mrs. Verus (Dorna) Meixel of Dubois, Mrs. Stanley (Ruth) Cook, Moyers, WV., Mrs. Ralph (Agnes) Snell of Proctor, Star Route; sons, Durwood, Trout Run, Albert, Pennfield, PA, Luther, Montoursville, Donald of Shunk and Doyl, Cogan Station; 28 grandchildren; 57 great-great grand children; sister, Mrs. Jennie Brennan, Sayre; brother, Foster, Muncy; several nieces and nephews.

(Foster should read "Forrest" in both obits. - note of R. J. Porter)


Charles had appeared numerous times in the SULLIVAN REVIEW, the local newspaper. One photo showed him with 2 of his prize-winning plow horses and another showed 5 generations of his family. His property included Quail's garage in Shunk, at least 100 acres of land and the television cable which brought the Williamsport Cable System into the Shunk area, of which he received monthly rent from subscribers. I had the opportunity to visit with Charles and Kay on a few occasions and had also taken a few photos of him. He was a very pleasant man to speak with, very intelligent and was known throughout the village of Shunk. He seemed to be a very influential man. It was during my conversations with him that I learned a great deal about the earlier Shadduck and Porter families, the murder of Jennie Belle Porter, and the site of the grave of "Dr." John Wilcox and the Henneberry Cemetery. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Charles Vernon Shadduck:

Burial: 26 Jun 1984, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 28 Jun 1984, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 05 Jul 1984, TIOGA GAZETTE-REGISTER - Wellsboro, PA

Occupation: Farmer; horse trainer; blacksmith

Offices Held 1: Superintendent of Highways - Fox Twp.

Offices Held 2: Justice of Peace - 28 yrs.

Offices Held 3: Sullivan County school director - 20+ yrs.

Offices Held 4: Bet. 1972 - 1984, Sullivan Co., Democratic Committee

Real Estate 1: Bet. 1941 - 1975, Shadduck Motor Equipment Garage, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Real Estate 2: Cable TV wiring from Williamsport Cable - received rent from subscribers

Residence: Bet. 1894 - 1984, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Fanny Amanda Brown:

Burial: 30 Apr 1965, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Kay Cornell:

Residence: Jun 1984, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Charles Shadduck and Fanny Brown are:

+ 1105 i. Dorna Belle12 Shadduck, born 07 Apr 1914 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1106 ii. Durwood Eugene Shadduck, born 09 Apr 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Aug 1999.

+ 1107 iii. Ralph Edward Shadduck, born 04 Jan 1920 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Jun 1981 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1108 iv. Ruth Ellen Shadduck, born 02 Jun 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Nov 1998.

+ 1109 v. Albert Frank Shadduck, born 19 Jul 1922 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Apr 2003 in Elysburg, Northumberland Co., PA.

+ 1110 vi. Agnes Avinella Shadduck, born 11 Feb 1924 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1111 vii. Luther Dale Shadduck, born 21 Jan 1925 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Jun 1992 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1112 viii. Donald Larue Shadduck, born 18 Jun 1926 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Aug 1999 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1113 ix. Doyl Hoover Shadduck, born 06 Nov 1928 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1114 x. Shirley A. Shadduck, born 03 Apr 1934 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died abt. May 1934 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Shirley A. Shadduck:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

444. Edward Dean11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 May 1896 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1973 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. He married Anna Christina Otto 25 Nov 1920 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of ______ Otto and Anna Koch. She was born 12 Oct 1899 in New York City, NY, and died Nov 1979 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.


Notes for Edward Dean Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 21 May 1896 ed.:

On the 15th inst. Mrs. Frank Shattuck gave birth to a 12 pound boy and you can bet that Frank is taking heavy odds on that boy every time.


More About Edward Dean Shadduck:

Name 2: Shadduck, Dean

Burial: Vestal Hills Cem., Broome Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Feb 1973, Last residence: Binghamton, NY 13904

Social Security Number: 070-03-0905 (NY)


More About Anna Christina Otto:

Name 2: Shadduck, Anna

Burial: Vestal Hills Cem., Broome Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Nov 1979, Last residence: Binghamton, NY 13904

Social Security Number: 098-40-7183 (NY)

Children of Edward Shadduck and Anna Otto are:

+ 1115 i. Edward Dean12 Shadduck, Jr., born 05 Jan 1925 in Sayre, PA; died 22 Jul 1998 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

+ 1116 ii. Norman Russell Shadduck, born 07 Apr 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

445. William Forrest11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jul 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Sep 1992 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Elsie Eugenia Manley 20 Nov 1920 in Lycoming Co., PA. She was born 06 Aug 1903 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Sep 1988 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About William Forrest Shadduck:

Residence 1: Jun 1984, Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Sep 1992, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 159-05-9556 (PA)


More About Elsie Eugenia Manley:

Name 2: Shadduck, Elsie

Residence: Bef. Sep 1988, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 183-12-5627 (PA)

Children of William Shadduck and Elsie Manley are:

+ 1117 i. Lionel Etheldrid12 Shadduck, born 15 Aug 1923.

+ 1118 ii. Phyllis Genevive Shadduck, born 04 Jul 1925.

+ 1119 iii. Richard Thomas Shadduck, born 22 Apr 1930 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA.

1120 iv. ______ Son Shadduck, born 22 Jun 1932; died 22 Jun 1932.


More About ______ Son Shadduck:

Cause of Death: stillborn


447. Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck (Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Sep 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Lewis Ferdinand Blakeman 20 Jul 1920, son of Isaiah Blakeman and Anna ______. He was born 30 Jan 1900 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died Sep 1968 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Edwin George Brennan abt. 1930, son of John Brennan and Elizabeth Lynch. He was born 23 Aug 1911 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, and died Nov 1983.


More About Jennie Mildred Shadduck:

Burial: 26 Sep 1996, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1930, 401 S. Hopkins Street, Sayre, PA

Residence 2: Bet. Jun 1984 - Sep 1996, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA


More About Lewis Ferdinand Blakeman:

Burial: Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Railroad blacksmith

Residence 1: 1930, 401 S. Hopkins Street, Sayre, PA

Residence 2: Bef. Sep 1968, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 187-05-7132 (PA)


More About Edwin George Brennan:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1983, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 715-16-2322 (RB)

Children of Jennie Shadduck and Lewis Blakeman are:

1121 i. Lewis Ferdinand12 Blakeman, Jr., born 18 Apr 1921; died 08 May 1921.


More About Lewis Ferdinand Blakeman, Jr.:

Burial: 10 May 1921, Athens, Bradford Co., PA


+ 1122 ii. Catherine Lillian Blakeman, born 13 Jul 1924 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1123 iii. LaWayne Thomas Blakeman, born 14 Jan 1927 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Jennie Shadduck and Edwin Brennan is:

+ 1124 i. Rose Marie12 Brennan, born 26 Nov 1930.

448. Cassius M.11 Porter (James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1861 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Mary M. ______ 1889 in NY. She was born Mar 1871 in NY.


More About Cassius M. Porter:

Residence: 1900, Rensselaerville, Albany Co., NY

Child of Cassius Porter and Mary ______ is:

1125 i. Lillian H.12 Porter, born Oct 1889 in Renssaelarville, Albany Co., NY.

449. Harry J.11 Porter (James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Feb 1862 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Lillian M. ______ 1890.

Children of Harry Porter and Lillian ______ are:

1126 i. Louis H.12 Porter, born Apr 1891 in NY.

1127 ii. Arthur G. Porter, born Jul 1895 in NY.


More About Arthur G. Porter:

Residence: 1900, Wright, Schoharie, New York

450. Robert James11 Porter (James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Dec 1884, and died Feb 1943 in Berne, Albany Co., NY. He married Anna Mae Milner 1910, daughter of Isaac Milner and Fanny DeLamater. She was born 1892, and died 01 Jan 1948 in Berne, Albany Co., NY.


Notes for Robert James Porter:

During my visit at the Porter reunion in Berne, NY in the early 1990's, I had been told of the story of Robert's death. It was stated that "he had been on his way home from work during a freak Spring blizzard and had froze to death." It was difficult for me to obtain copies of the newspaper story, for I lived in Oneonta, NY but a short time after the reunion before moving to Elmira, NY then to Meridian, MS in 1994. It wasn't until the following appeared on the Albany County, NY website that the full concept of the man's death came to be known by me. My appreciation is extended to Marilyn M. Figel for submitting these articles, as well as the obituaries of several of Robert's children, to the website. It is stories like this that make a more interesting, more rounded family history. - note of R. J. Porter


Albany area newspaper Feb 1943 ed., clipping from Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel; Submitted date: 12/18/2003


Fighting their way through heavy snow drifts along the Albany-Schohaire county line, a searching party late yesterday picked up the trail of Robert L. Porter, 58, missing since Saturday night, but lost it again when they struck a road about a mile this side of the Albany county line, piled with drifts 10 to 12 feet high. Until nightfall yesterday, State troopers, sheriff's deputies and game wardens kept up the search in the Town of Berne, although hope was waning for the survival of the Hunter's Lane farmer, who disappeared at the outset of the bitter sub-zero wave. His footprints in the snow were traced yesterday for about a mile across county by a searching party headed by Sheriff Frank Zeh of Schoharie county. The trail was at a point between Hunter's Lane and the Schoharie County line Sheriff Zeh said, and ended at the drifted county road leading from Hunter's Lane to Berne.



His family expressed belief Porter had set out to visit a daughter-in-law in Berne, and search was begun when he failed to reach there. Meanwhile the intense cold that harrassed the Albany area and the rest of the state for three days, eased markedly yesterday, but intermittent snow squalls throughout the afternoon gave Albanians fresh cause for apprehension.


The milder weather considerably alleviated the difficulties of the search for Porter, Sheriff Zeh said, although most members of the searching party traveled on snowshoes through the hill wooded rural section in which the search was concentrated. Isolated homesteads in the area were visited, and barns and other farm buildings were searched in the hope Porter might have sought such refuge, but these efforts proved fruitless. The footprints, which were very close together, indicated, the sheriff said, that Porter had experienced great difficulty in struggling through the deep snow.



Exactly a week after he was reported missing, the body of Robert Porter, 58, farmer of the Huntersland, Town of Berne, was found yesterday afternoon in a snowbank about 100 feet from the Huntersland-Berne highway. Coroner Arthur Tompkins said Porter had frozen to death. An autopsy was made by Dr. John J. Phelan of Albany. State police, Sheriff Frank L. Zeh and deputy sheriffs have been searching the countryside since Porter's son reported his disappearance.


More About Robert James Porter:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Cause of Death: froze to death

Medical Information: during a freak Spring blizzard; he was walking home from work


More About Anna Mae Milner:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Children of Robert Porter and Anna Milner are:

+ 1128 i. Kenneth Robert12 Porter, born 23 Aug 1910 in Berne, Albany Co., NY; died 14 Oct 1963 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 1129 ii. Maynard John Porter, born 18 Jan 1913 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 12 Apr 1983 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

1130 iii. Fannie Mae Porter, born 04 Feb 1915 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 06 Feb 1915 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Fannie Mae Porter:

Burial: 07 Feb 1915, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY (on family farm)


+ 1131 iv. Evelyn May Porter, born 09 May 1916 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 07 Jan 1975 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

+ 1132 v. Robert James Porter, Jr., born 24 Apr 1918 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY; died 30 Jun 1995 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

+ 1133 vi. Francis Marie Porter, born 14 Jan 1922 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 1965.

+ 1134 vii. Mildred Porter, born 21 Nov 1923 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 12 Jan 1973.

+ 1135 viii. Harold Porter, born 23 Feb 1926 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 28 Jul 1962 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY.

+ 1136 ix. Harmon Porter, born 23 Feb 1926 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 12 Jan 1997 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

+ 1137 x. Mace Edward Porter, born 24 Jan 1929 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

1138 xi. Marion Porter, born 24 Jan 1929 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 07 Feb 1929 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.


More About Marion Porter:

Burial: 09 Feb 1929, Pine Grove Cem., Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

451. Howard11 Porter (Ezra J.10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Sep 1868 in NY, and died in KS. He married Laura ______. She was born Mar 1875 in KS, and died in KS.


More About Howard Porter:

Residence: 1900, Toronto, Woodson Co., KS

Children of Howard Porter and Laura ______ are:

1139 i. Clarence12 Porter, born Sep 1896 in KS.

1140 ii. Virginia Porter, born abt. 1897 in KS.

454. Marilla11 Porter (Omar10, Daniel9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Sep 1881 in Schoharie Co., NY. She married John F. Johnson 1903. He was born 1871 in NY.

Children of Marilla Porter and John Johnson are:

1141 i. ______12 Johnson, born 1903.

1142 ii. Hazel J. Johnson, born 1905.

455. Katie Mae11 Porter (Omar10, Daniel9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born May 1884 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. She married John Hitchcock.


More About Katie Mae Porter:

Name 2: Hitchcock, Kate

Children of Katie Porter and John Hitchcock are:

1143 i. Ula12 Hitchcock, born 05 Nov 1907 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 27 Nov 1907 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

1144 ii. Ivan Hitchcock, born 25 Apr 1915 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 09 Apr 1984 in Orange Co., FL.


More About Ivan Hitchcock:

Residence 1: 1930, Blenheim, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: Apr 1984, Hudson, Columbia Co., NY

Social Security Number: 078-12-8721 (NY)

456. Irving M.11 Porter (Omar10, Daniel9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jul 1892 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Lucy A. Roseraus 1913 in Schoharie Co., NY.



Notes for Irving M. Porter:

Also listed in Irving's household during the 1930 federal enumeration for Broome were:

Hudson, Margoline (relative housekeeper), age 27, single, born in MA, father in NY, mother in CT; Hudson, Hilda, dau., age 9; Mildred, dau., 7; Biancey, dau., 5; Elmer, son, 4-7/12; Franklin, son, 2-4/12; and Caty, dau., 1/12. It is possible the Hudsons were closely related to Biancey (Campbell) Porter, this being an uncommon name at the time, and Irving had a sister named Katie, possibly Caty's namesake.

Children of Irving Porter and Lucy Roseraus are:

1145 i. Ernest O.12 Porter, born 1909.

+ 1146 ii. Howard Milton Porter, born 09 Nov 1912 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY; died Dec 1969.

1147 iii. Mary Mae Porter, born 14 Sep 1915 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY.

460. Neva M.11 Porter (Aretas Stanton10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1903 in Clinton Co., MO. She married Calvin Stout 1919 in Clinton Co., MO. He was born 1901 in MO.


More About Calvin Stout:

Residence: 1930, Washington, Jackson Co., MO

Children of Neva Porter and Calvin Stout are:

1148 i. Earl12 Stout, born Feb 1920 in Clinton Co., MO.

1149 ii. Marjorie Stout, born 1923 in Clinton Co., MO.

1150 iii. Thelma Stout, born 1926 in Washington, Jackson Co., MO.

1151 iv. Maxine Stout, born 1929 in Washington, Jackson Co., MO.

461. Frank Albert11 Porter (Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Nov 1870 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 18 Sep 1900. He married Lois M. Schell 21 Dec 1892.

Child of Frank Porter and Lois Schell is:

+ 1152 i. Ellen Ray12 Porter, born 11 Feb 1897; died 06 Apr 1980 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL.

462. Charles Cleveland11 Porter (Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jul 1872 in Schoharie Co., NY, and died 20 May 1955. He married Mary M. Earles.

Children of Charles Porter and Mary Earles are:

1153 i. Ruth Cleveland12 Porter.

1154 ii. Harold Eugene Porter.

463. Mabel Bertha11 Porter (Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1879 in Ness Co., KS, and died 17 Feb 1951. She married A. Amos McNeil 30 Dec 1896. He died 27 Oct 1943.


Children of Mabel Porter and A. McNeil are:

1155 i. Thane Amos12 McNeil, born 22 Mar 1898.

+ 1156 ii. Lowell Eugene McNeil, born 12 Dec 1901; died 30 Dec 1971 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL.

+ 1157 iii. Anna Leona McNeil, born 1905.

+ 1158 iv. Roba Irene McNeil, born 08 Jan 1916; died 01 Oct 2003 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson Co., IL.

1159 v. Ray H. McNeil, born abt. 1906.

464. Manley Bertin11 Porter (Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Sep 1881 in Ness Co., KS, and died 15 Jul 1966 in Julesburg, CO. He married Bertha Nancy Moss 02 Jan 1908. She was born 19 Dec 1881, and died 19 Feb 1951.


More About Manley Bertin Porter:

Name 2: Porter, Manly

Residence: Bef. Jul 1966, Last residence: Julesburg, CO 80737

Social Security Number: 521-72-2289 (CO)

Children of Manley Porter and Bertha Moss are:

+ 1160 i. Minnie M.12 Porter, born abt. 1909.

1161 ii. Frank Albert Porter, born 25 Nov 1911; died 10 Nov 1977. He married Ruby Pearl Rogers.


More About Frank Albert Porter:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1977, Last residence: Julesburg, CO 80737

Social Security Number: 521-50-2467 (CO)


+ 1162 iii. Harvey Herman Porter, born 11 Jan 1914; died 10 Dec 1979.

+ 1163 iv. Clarence Porter, born 30 May 1915; died 19 Feb 1974.

+ 1164 v. Wilmetta M. Porter, born abt. 1917.

+ 1165 vi. Gladys L. Porter, born 05 Dec 1918; died Feb 1996.

1166 vii. Infant Porter, born abt. 1912.

465. Ira Wallace11 Porter (Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1891 in Ness Co., KS, and died 22 Jan 1979 in Holyoke, Phillips Co., CO. He married Gertrude Frances Sprague 16 Dec 1914 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL, daughter of Charles Sprague and Olive Wheeler. She was born 31 Aug 1895, and died Jun 1978.


More About Ira Wallace Porter:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1979, Last residence: Julesburg, CO 80737

Social Security Number: 524-10-1631 (CO)


More About Gertrude Frances Sprague:

Name 2: Porter, Gertrude

Residence: Bef. Jun 1978, Last residence: Julesburg, CO 80737

Social Security Number: 524-07-8489 (CO)

Children of Ira Porter and Gertrude Sprague are:

+ 1167 i. Olive Katherine12 Porter.

+ 1168 ii. Mabel Ruth Porter.

1169 iii. Gertrude Frances Porter. She married Max Fleming.

+ 1170 iv. Wilma Lee Porter.

+ 1171 v. Mary Phyllis Porter, born 17 Dec 1916; died 25 Jan 1989 in Turlock, Stanislaus Co., CA.

466. Melvin11 Hoteling (Harmon10, Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1869 in NY. He married Cora Ingraham 1901. She was born 1878 in NY.


More About Melvin Hoteling:

Residence: 1930, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY


More About Cora Ingraham:

Residence 1: 1900, Broome, Schoharie, New York

Residence 2: 1930, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

Child of Melvin Hoteling and Cora Ingraham is:

1172 i. Harmon B.12 Hoteling, born 1904; died Jul 1963.


More About Harmon B. Hoteling:

Occupation: 1930, Bookkeeper

Residence: 1930, Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

Social Security Number: 094-09-4674 (NY)

473. Velmore11 Hoteling (Chauncey10, Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jul 1884 in Schoharie Co., NY. He married Elizabeth ______ 1907. She was born 14 Oct 1883, and died Sep 1967 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY.


More About Velmore Hoteling:

Residence 1: 1917, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1920, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 3: 1930, Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY


More About Elizabeth ______:

Name 2: Hotaling, Lizzie

Social Security Number: 084-20-8884 (NY)

Children of Velmore Hoteling and Elizabeth ______ are:

1173 i. Chauncey H.12 Hoteling, born 30 Nov 1907 in Schoharie Co., NY; died Oct 1970 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY.


More About Chauncey H. Hoteling:

Name 2: Hotaling, Chauncey

Name 3: Hoteling, C.

Residence: 1930, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY

Social Security Number: 108-09-6172 (NY)


+ 1174 ii. Harvey Hoteling, born 1911 in Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 1175 iii. Victor P. Hoteling, born 27 Jul 1924 in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY; died 13 Feb 2001 in Schenectady, NY.

484. Huldah11 Hughes (Anna10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 18 Nov 1875 in Lycoming Co., PA, and died 24 Oct 1948 in Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) ______ Horton abt. 1895. She married (2) Daniel Sheive abt. 1915, son of Joel Sheive and Mary James. He was born abt. 1860.


More About Huldah Hughes:

Burial: 26 Oct 1948, Jobs Corners Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Child of Huldah Hughes and ______ Horton is:

1176 i. John J.12 Horton, born abt. 1896.

486. Alvaretta11 Brown (Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1866. She married Leonard Brown.

Children of Alvaretta Brown and Leonard Brown are:

1177 i. Francis12 Brown.

1178 ii. Iva Brown.

1179 iii. Leslie Brown.

1180 iv. Nils Brown.


487. Mary D.11 Brown (Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1870 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Sep 1898 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married William C. Porter 29 Oct 1889 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, son of William Porter and Dorinda Mills. He was born Aug 1868 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died abt. 1938 in Heyburn, Cassia Co., ID.


Children are listed above under William C. Porter (306).


488. Claurice11 Brown (Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1873. She married George Bowers.

Children of Claurice Brown and George Bowers are:

+ 1181 i. Agnes12 Bowers.

+ 1182 ii. Devere Bowers.

+ 1183 iii. Harold Bowers.

489. John Lewis11 Brown (Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1875 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 Jan 1951. He married Mary Anna Bartlow abt. Feb 1910. She was born abt. 1893.


More About John Lewis Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 02 Jan 1951, GAZETTE AND BULLETIN, Williamsport, PA

Children of John Brown and Mary Bartlow are:

+ 1184 i. Maybelle R.12 Brown, born abt. 1911; died Bef. Feb 2004.

1185 ii. Beatrice Brown, born abt. 1914; died Aft. Feb 2004. She married Delbert Bailey.

+ 1186 iii. Leona Brown, born 1916; died Aft. Feb 2004.

+ 1187 iv. Miriam H. Brown, born 23 Jun 1917 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 02 Oct 1996.

+ 1188 v. Mildred Laverne Brown, born 01 Apr 1919 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 14 Feb 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1189 vi. John Lewis Brown, Jr., born abt. 1924; died Bef. Feb 2004. He married Margaret ______.

+ 1190 vii. A. Geraldine Brown, born Jan 1926; died Aft. Feb 2004.

490. Frederick H.11 Brown (Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1877 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Flossie Woodward abt. 1891.

Children of Frederick Brown and Flossie Woodward are:

1191 i. Julia12 Brown, born abt. 1892; died Bef. 1900.


More About Julia Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


1192 ii. Lester F. Brown, born abt. 1895.

492. Alma11 Brown (Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1882. She married Edward Shader.

Children of Alma Brown and Edward Shader are:

1193 i. Raymond12 Shader.

1194 ii. Laurence Shader.

1195 iii. Lloyd Shader.

1196 iv. Carl Shader.

1197 v. Irene Shader.

494. Eva11 Brown (Lorenzo D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Aug 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Orwell L. Porter 13 Oct 1897 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Charles Porter and Rebecca Kilmer. He was born 17 Apr 1876 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Jun 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Child is listed above under Orwell L. Porter (331).


495. Arvilla11 Brown (Lorenzo D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 25 Nov 1882, and died 21 Jan 1906. She married Horace Edwin Benjamin abt. 1900. He was born 12 Jul 1878 in PA. He later married Grace E. Brown (515).


More About Arvilla Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Horace Edwin Benjamin:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Child of Arvilla Brown and Horace Benjamin is:

+ 1198 i. Lloyd J.12 Benjamin, born 1901 in PA.

499. Blanche A.11 Brown (Lorenzo D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jul 1889 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married ______ Jenkins abt. 1906.


More About Blanche A. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1910, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Blanche Brown and ______ Jenkins are:

1199 i. Beulah J.12 Jenkins, born abt. 1908.

1200 ii. Cecil J. Jenkins, born abt. 1910.

500. Henry11 Brown (Harriett10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 19 Nov 1872 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Dec 1946. He married Minerva L. Porter abt. 1908, daughter of Harvey Porter and Deborah Brown. She was born 22 Mar 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Jan 1953.


Children are listed above under Minerva L. Porter (326).


503. Mamie11 Brown (Harriett10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jun 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1917. She married Samuel A. Bryan abt. 1898. He was born 1880, and died 1942.


Notes for Mamie Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 05 Feb 1891 ed.:

An interesting item of medical news comes from Fox Township. The particulars of the case are as follows: Mamie, a five year old daughter of Sylvester Brown of Shunk, met with an accident last April which resulted in the formation of two large ulcers in the lumbar region of the back. One of the ulcers was eleven by four and the other eight by three inches. Medical aid was secured for the little sufferer and an attempt made to heal the sores. November 17, Dr. W.F. Randall of Forksville, was called and took charge of the case. At that time the ulcers had destroyed the flesh almost down to the bone. Dr. Randall concluded to try to heal the sores by the engrafting of skin and has met with excellent success. The smaller one was grafted with skin taken from the arms of two healthy brothers and a sister, and the larger one by skin taken from frogs. Both ulcers are healing rapidly and the patient is in a fair way to recover. This we believe is the first attempt at skin grafting in our county and the many readers of the Review will no doubt be interested in knowing about it. Dr. Randall is entitled to much praise for the professional zeal and skill shown in the treatment of this case.


More About Mamie Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Samuel A. Bryan:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Mamie Brown and Samuel Bryan are:

1201 i. Helen N.12 Bryan, born abt. 1900.

1202 ii. Floyd Bryan, born 10 Nov 1905; died abt. 1906.


More About Floyd Bryan:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


1203 iii. Frema R. Bryan, born abt. 1909; died abt. 1949.


More About Frema R. Bryan:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


1204 iv. Fordyce Earl Bryan, born abt. 1909.


More About Fordyce Earl Bryan:

Residence 1: 1920, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


1205 v. Lorena Bryan, born abt. 1915; died abt. 1927.


More About Lorena Bryan:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA



505. C. Loyd11 Jackson (Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1874 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1921. He married Mary F. Bowers. She was born abt. 1876.


More About C. Loyd Jackson:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Mary F. Bowers:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child of C. Jackson and Mary Bowers is:

+ 1206 i. Dorothy12 Jackson.

506. John Miller11 Jackson (Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Dec 1877 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Frances Newcomer abt. 1901, daughter of William Newcomer and Celinda Hoagland. She was born abt. 1880 in PA.

Child of John Jackson and Frances Newcomer is:

1207 i. Ruth12 Jackson.

508. Dora A.11 Jackson (Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Nov 1879 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1965. She married Byron Jacob Williams abt. 1894, son of Roderick Williams and Esther Streeter. He was born 08 Oct 1877, and died Sep 1963.


More About Dora A. Jackson:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

More About Byron Jacob Williams:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Teamster

Social Security Number: 185-01-2930 (PA)

Children of Dora Jackson and Byron Williams are:

+ 1208 i. Ernest Clarence12 Williams, born 28 Oct 1895; died Jul 1973 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1209 ii. Laura E. Williams, born 11 Feb 1899; died Sep 1971.

+ 1210 iii. Boyd Williams, born abt. Nov 1899; died Bef. 1910.

+ 1211 iv. Lester J. Williams, born abt. 1902.

+ 1212 v. Edna L. Williams, born 22 Feb 1904 in PA; died Aug 1987.

+ 1213 vi. Lena Williams, born abt. 1905.

1214 vii. Mary Williams, born abt. 1914; died Aft. 1930. She married Charles Merrick.

+ 1215 viii. Raymond B. Williams, born 02 Sep 1916; died Jul 1968.

510. Nettie11 Jackson (Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1887 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She married Thomas E. Walburn Aft. 1900, son of Joseph Walburn and Elizabeth ______. He was born 04 Dec 1878 in Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1967 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Nettie Jackson:

Residence: 1920, East Chillisquaque, Northumberland Co., PA


More About Thomas E. Walburn:

Residence 1: 1880, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1900, Madison Twp., Columbia Co., PA

Residence 3: 1920, East Chillisquaque, Northumberland Co., PA

Social Security Number: 193-16-9611 (PA)

Children of Nettie Jackson and Thomas Walburn are:

1216 i. Leon C.12 Walburn, born 1902 in PA.

1217 ii. Elmer C. Walburn, born 30 Jun 1904 in PA; died Oct 1966 in Turbotville, Northumberland Co., PA.


More About Elmer C. Walburn:

Social Security Number: 205-07-6590 (PA)


1218 iii. William Edward Walburn, born 1908 in PA.

1219 iv. Florence Walburn, born abt. 1910 in PA.

1220 v. Pauline Walburn, born abt. 1912 in PA.

1221 vi. Wilfred Irene Walburn, born 1913 in PA.

1222 vii. Walter L. Walburn, born 1915 in PA.

1223 viii. Harold Glen Walburn, born 25 Mar 1918 in Northumberland Co., PA; died 24 Oct 1993 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Harold Glen Walburn:

Name 2: Walburn, Glen Harold

Social Security Number: 180-03-7805 (PA)

512. Viola11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1883. She married Jesse Rightmire Kilmer, son of John Kilmer and Samantha Williams. He was born 1884.

Child of Viola Brown and Jesse Kilmer is:

1224 i. Ina12 Kilmer.

513. Hurley B.11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 Nov 1884, and died 16 Mar 1956. He married Blanche A. Bartlow abt. 1912. She was born Jul 1892, and died 09 Nov 1949.


More About Hurley B. Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Blanche A. Bartlow:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Hurley Brown and Blanche Bartlow are:

1225 i. Jesse Edgar12 Brown, born 11 Dec 1912 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Jan 2000 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Jesse Edgar Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 13 Jan 2000 ed.:

Jesse E. "Junk" Brown, 87, a lifetime resident of Shunk, died Jan. 7, 2000, at DarWay Nursing Home, Estella. He was born Dec. 11, 1912, in Shunk, a son of Hurley and Blanche Bartlow Brown. He was a veteran of World War II where he served in the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. He was honorably discharged in 1945 and returned to Shunk where he was employed in various sawmills until his retirement. Mr. Brown was a member of the Endless Winds Fire Co. of Shunk. Family and friends called him "Junk", he was an avid outdoors man and had a great collection of wild game recipes for cooking woodchuck and turtle soup. A DECORATED VETERAN - A veteran of the Battle of the Bulge, Jesse was awarded a certificate of Merit for Outstanding Bravery in this battle. PFC Jesse E. Brown who was in Co A 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion, US Army, was recognized for 'conspicuously outstanding and meritorious performance of military duty in connection with military operations in Germany on Dec. 2, 1944.' 'On that date he was cannoneer of a tank destroyer gun crew in position in a factory in a German town and in spite of automatic weapons fire, placed his 3 inch destroyer gun in position denying enemy vehicles the use of a nearby bridge and roads leading to and from town. His gun was just 30 yards off enemy lines.' He recalled landing in Normandy and going on toward Berlin and southern France before participating in the Battle of the Bulge. All of his mementos were lost when the family home burned. (From The Sullivan Review Aug. 19, 1995). Surviving are four brothers, Ellis, Aaron and Clarence (Tuff), all of Shunk; and Kenneth of Grover; a sister, Letha Warren of Florida; nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a sister, Elizabeth, and a brother, Elwood. Funeral services were held Jan. 11 at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Herbert Eby presiding. Burial was in Green Lawn Memorial Park, Williamsport. Memorials may be directed to the Endless Winds Fire Co., PO Box 39, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA 17768.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 Jan 2000 ed.:

SHUNK--Jesse E. "Junk" Brown, 87, of the Shunk area, died Friday, Jan. 7, 2000, at the Dar-War Nursing Home in Estella. Retired, he was employed by various sawmills throughout the area. An Army veteran of World War II, he served on the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. He was a member of the Endless Wind Fire Co. Born here Dec. 11, 1912, he was a son of Hurley and Blanche Bartlow Brown. Surviving are four brothers, Ellis, Aaron and Clarence "Tuff," all of Shunk, and Kenneth Brown of Grover; a sister, Letha Warren of FL. He was preceded in death by a brother, Elwood Brown, and a sister, Elizabeth Brown. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Pepper's, Springbrook Drive, Canton, with the Rev. Herbert Eby of Wheelerville Mennonite Church officiating. Interment will follow in Green Lawn Memorial Park, Montgomery RR 1. Friends may call at the funeral home from 10 to 11 am.


More About Jesse Edgar Brown:

Burial: 11 Jan 2000, Green Lawn Mem. Park, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 13 Jan 2000, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 09 Jan 2000, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


1226 ii. Elwood Leon Brown, born 20 Jan 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Oct 1999 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Elwood Leon Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 21 Oct 1999 ed.:

SHUNK - Brown, Elwood Leon "Tom", 84, of Shunk, died Oct. 9, 1999 at Troy Community Hospital. He was born in Shunk on Jan. 20, 1915, a son of Hurley and Blanche Bartlow Brown. He was a lumberman by profession and had been employed in various Sullivan County sawmills, including the Bown Mill. During the 1930's he was member of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and was assigned to camps in Sullivan, Tioga, Bradford, and Lycoming counties. Mr. Brown was a real outdoors man, appreciating nature, hunting and fishing. He would spin a yarn about youthful exploits, with a knack for dry wit. He enjoyed bantering with friends and a pinch of Copenhagen. In his declining health he resided with a niece and her husband, Ethel and Albert Krise. Surviving are brothers: Jesse; Clarence ("Tuff"), Ellis, Aaron ("John"), all of Shunk; Kenneth ("Bill") of Grover; and a sister, Leatha Lewis in Florida; and many close relatives. He was preceded in death by a sister, Elizabeth. Funeral services were held Oct. 12 at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Herbert Eby presiding. Burial was in Brown Cemetery, Shunk.


More About Elwood Leon Brown:

Burial: 12 Oct 1999, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Oct 1999, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 1227 iii. Ellis LaRue Brown, born 15 Jun 1917; died Aft. Jul 2000.

1228 iv. Aaron John Brown, born abt. 1920.

1229 v. Leatha J. Brown, born abt. 1923. She married (1) ______ Lewis. She married (2) ______ Warren.

+ 1230 vi. Kenneth William Brown, born abt. 1925.

1231 vii. Elizabeth B. Brown, born Nov 1926; died Bef. Oct 1999.

+ 1232 viii. Clarence Thomas Brown, born Jan 1928; died Aft. Feb 2005.

1233 ix. Elmer R. Brown, born abt. Nov 1930.



514. Bertha A.11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1886 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Feb 1967. She married (1) ______ Forrest. She married (2) ______ Ketchum. She married (3) George Bagley abt. 1902. He was born Jun 1884, and died 23 Jun 1943.


More About Bertha A. Brown:

Burial: 18 Feb 1967, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA


More About George Bagley:

Burial: 26 Jun 1943, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Bertha Brown and George Bagley are:

1234 i. Beatrice12 Bagley, born 24 Mar 1903; died 06 Jul 1992 in Evansville, Natrona Co., WY. She married (1) ______ Sharrow. She married (2) William Bohart; born 25 Dec 1899; died Feb 1976 in Evansville, Natrona Co., WY.


More About Beatrice Bagley:

Name 2: Sharrow, Beatrice

Residence: Bef. Jul 1992, Last residence: Pinedale, WY 82941

Social Security Number: 209-18-2683 (PA)


More About William Bohart:

Social Security Number: 711-18-9304 (RB)


+ 1235 ii. Robert K. Bagley, born 29 Nov 1906 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 29 Jan 1989 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1236 iii. Raymond G. Bagley, born 11 Jun 1912 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Jan 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1237 iv. Carlyle Leon Bagley, born 08 May 1915; died 09 Feb 1991. He married Eloise ______; born 12 Nov 1923.



More About Carlyle Leon Bagley:

Burial: 13 Feb 1991, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 198-03-8256 (PA)


More About Eloise ______:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA


+ 1238 v. Walter Dale Bagley, born 28 Feb 1919 in Masten, McIntyre Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; died 19 Feb 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1239 vi. Ina Mae Bagley, born 01 May 1922 in PA; died 01 May 1922.


More About Ina Mae Bagley:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Jane; died shortly after birth; county records state she lived 1 day


+ 1240 vii. June A. Bagley, born 18 Dec 1921 in PA; died 14 Nov 1993.

515. Grace E.11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Sep 1888 in PA. She married Horace Edwin Benjamin abt. 1906. He was born 12 Jul 1878 in PA. He had previously married Arvilla Brown (495).


More About Horace Edwin Benjamin:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Grace Brown and Horace Benjamin are:

1241 i. Royce E.12 Benjamin, born 1908 in PA.

1242 ii. Joel Benjamin, born 1911 in PA.

1243 iii. Muriel Benjamin, born 1912 in PA.


Notes for Muriel Benjamin:

She is listed as "Merl, a son, age 7" in the 1920 census.


1244 iv. Ella Benjamin, born 1914 in PA.

1245 v. Charles Benjamin, born 1920 in PA.

516. Cassie E.11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Apr 1890. She married (1) ______ Beckhorn. She married (2) Isaiah Mullan.

Child of Cassie Brown and ______ Beckhorn is:

1246 i. Beulah12 Beckhorn, born abt. 1913.

518. Fanny Amanda11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Apr 1965 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Charles Vernon Shadduck 23 Jan 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Albert Shadduck and Emma White. He was born 23 May 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Jun 1984 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Charles Vernon Shadduck (443).


519. Belle Edna11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 04 Oct 1896 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jan 1975. She married William Ford Morgan 16 Jan 1916, son of Frank Morgan and Josephine Shoemaker. He was born 15 Sep 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 May 1993.


More About Belle Edna Brown:

Name 2: Morgan, Belle

Burial: Jan 1975, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1975, Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 164-32-1336 (PA)


More About William Ford Morgan:

Burial: 28 May 1993, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. May 1993, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 168-12-8813 (PA)

Children of Belle Brown and William Morgan are:

1247 i. Dorothy A.12 Morgan, born 12 Jul 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Mar 1984. She married ______ Kipp.


More About Dorothy A. Morgan:

Name 2: Kipp, Dorothy

Residence: Bef. Mar 1984, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 191-30-0047 (PA)


1248 ii. Frank L. Morgan, born 22 Nov 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004. He married Thelma Crawford.

+ 1249 iii. Melvin Blair Morgan, born 16 Dec 1918 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 18 Mar 2004 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1250 iv. Martin W. Morgan, born 03 Jan 1920 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 19 Jul 1992 in Venice, FL. He married Lola M. Feister; born 19 May 1925; died 17 Feb 1989.


Notes for Martin W. Morgan:

The Bradford County, PA veteran's records show that Martin served in the U.S. Army during World War II and achieved the rank of Private First Class. It gives his birth date as "17 Jul 1920". His gravemarker gives "3 Jan 1920".


More About Martin W. Morgan:

Burial: 23 Jul 1992, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Mil. Discharge Rank: abt. 1942, Private First Class (depicted on tombstone)

Military service: abt. 1941, U.S. Army - World War II (flag on gravesite)

Residence 1: Bef. Jul 1992, Last residence: Venice, FL 34293

Residence 2: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 006-18-6348 (ME)


More About Lola M. Feister:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


+ 1251 v. Lyle E. Morgan, born 25 Feb 1921 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004.

+ 1252 vi. Doris Marie Morgan, born 25 Aug 1922 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 11 Jun 2005 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1253 vii. Madelene J. Morgan, born 02 Feb 1924 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Jun 1992. She married Charles Edward Kilmer.


More About Madelene J. Morgan:

Name 2: Kilmer, Madelene

Residence: Bef. Jun 1992, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 208-16-7963 (PA)


1254 viii. Dale E. Morgan, born 04 Jun 1925 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004 in AL. He married Carol ______.


More About Dale E. Morgan:

Residence: Jul 2000, Prattville, AL


1255 ix. Glenn D. Morgan, born 14 Dec 1926 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004. He married ______ Quail.

1256 x. Vance I. Morgan, born 27 Aug 1928 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Feb 1989. He married ______ Kilmer.


More About Vance I. Morgan:

Name 2: Morgan, V.

Social Security Number: 179-24-8159 (PA)


1257 xi. Josephine Morgan, born 19 Jan 1931 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004. She married ______ Lewis.

1258 xii. Stanley K. Morgan, born 27 Apr 1932 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 08 Jul 2000 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA. He married ______ Kilmer.


Notes for Stanley K. Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Jul 2000 ed.:

MORGAN, Stanley K., retired farmer age 68 of Ellenton, PA passed away Saturday, July 8, 2000 at his home. Arrangements are in the care of Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 13 Jul 2000 ed.:

MORGAN, Stanley K., 68, of Ellenton, died July 8, 2000, at his home. He was born April 27, 1932, in Wheelerville, a son of William F. and Belle Brown Morgan. He was a 1950 graduate of Loyalsock High School, Estella, and continued his education at Penn State where he received a B.S. in agriculture. For some time he was employed as a meat inspector in Chicago, but returned to Sullivan County and worked at Schrader-Bellows in Canton and Purina Feeds in Elmira, NY. He retired in 1997 as a self-employed farmer. Surviving are three sisters, Doris Rathbun of Canton; Josephine Lewis of Hillsgrove; and Norma Lodge of Arcadia, FL; six brothers, Frank of Bradford County Manor; Melvin and Lyle, both of Shunk; Dale of Prattville, AL; Glen of Canton; and John of Ulster; his step-mother Anna Morgan of Shunk; stepsisters, Sheryl Bogart of Williamsport; and Dorothy Rexer of Estella; and a stepbrother, Vernon Bogart of Forksville. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Martin and Vance and three sisters, Dorothy Kipp, Madeline Kilmer and Esther Clisso. Funeral services were held July 11 at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Jasper Smith presiding. Burial was in Ellenton Cemetery.


More About Stanley K. Morgan:

Burial: 11 Jul 2000, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 2000, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 546-46-4447 (CA)


1259 xiii. Norma Morgan, born 16 Nov 1933 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004. She married (1) ______ Lodge. She married (2) ______ Parker.


More About Norma Morgan:

Residence: Jul 2000, Arcadia, FL


1260 xiv. John Morgan, born 23 Jul 1935 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Mar 2004. He married ______ Quail.

1261 xv. Esther Morgan Clisso, born 18 Sep 1937 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died Bef. Jul 2000. She married ______ Clisso.

520. Esther Luetta11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 30 Aug 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1974. She married Floyd George Caseman abt. 1917, son of George Caseman and Helen Wilcox. He was born 29 Mar 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1979.


More About Esther Luetta Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

More About Floyd George Caseman:

Burial: Feb 1979, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1979, Last residence: Jersey Shore, PA 17740

Social Security Number: 201-03-2482 (PA)

Children of Esther Brown and Floyd Caseman are:

+ 1262 i. Helen Arvilla12 Caseman, born 30 Jul 1917 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Apr 1982 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1263 ii. Alice Celina Caseman, born 1918.

+ 1264 iii. Nelson Floyd Caseman, born 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1265 iv. Harold Caseman, born 25 Feb 1922; died Jul 1983.

+ 1266 v. Vera Caseman, born abt. 1923.

+ 1267 vi. Phyllis Caseman, born abt. 1926.

+ 1268 vii. Eva G. Caseman, born Mar 1927 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1269 viii. Richard Caseman, born Jul 1929.

522. Flossie Jane11 Brown (Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 May 1989 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Kenneth Reginald Hotelling 25 Aug 1926. He was born 24 Feb 1906 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Oct 1996 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.


Notes for Flossie Jane Brown:

CANTON--Mrs. Flossie J. Hotelling, 82, wife of Kenneth R. Hotelling Sr., of 34 Besemer Hill Road, Ithaca, NY, died Wednesday, May 24, 1989, in Tompkins Community Hospital, Ithaca. Born March 27, 1907, in Fox Twp., Sullivan County, she was a daughter of Aaron and Jane Wilcox Brown. She and her husband observed their 62nd wedding anniversary last Aug. 25. Surviving, besides her husband, are four sons, F. Eugene, of San Diego, CA, Russell, Kenneth Jr., and Lawrence, all of Ithaca; a daughter, Mrs. Eunice Crumb, of Brooktondale, NY, 13 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 10 am Saturday at Morse and Kleese's, 40 North Center Street. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 pm Friday. The family will provide the flowers.


More About Flossie Jane Brown:

Burial: 27 May 1989, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: died at Tompkins Community Hosp.

Residence: Bef. May 1989, 34 Besemer Hill Road, Ithaca, NY


Notes for Kenneth Reginald Hotelling:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Oct 1996 ed.:


ITHACA - Kenneth Reginald Hotelling, 90, of Ithaca, formerly of Wheelerville, PA, died Thursday, Oct. 17, 1996 at home. He served in the Army and later worked in the maintenance and construction department of Cornell University. He was a master woodworker who was featured in Fine Woodworking magazine. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA, is handling the arrangements.


More About Kenneth Reginald Hotelling:

Burial: 1996, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Military service: World War I

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Oct 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1930, Dairy farmer

Social Security Number: 113-24-9769 (NY)

Children of Flossie Brown and Kenneth Hotelling are:

1270 i. Francis Eugene12 Hotelling, born Dec 1928.

1271 ii. Eunice Hotelling. She married ______ Crumb.

1272 iii. Russell Hotelling.

1273 iv. Kenneth Reginald Hotelling, Jr..

1274 v. Lawrence Hotelling.

523. Murton11 Turner (Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Mary Brooks.

Children of Murton Turner and Mary Brooks are:

+ 1275 i. Bertha Mae12 Turner.

+ 1276 ii. Jay Turner.

524. Orpha11 Turner (Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Washington Irving Hughey.

Children of Orpha Turner and Washington Hughey are:

1277 i. Francis12 Hughey.

1278 ii. Esther Hughey. She married ______ Cordie.

1279 iii. Lewis Hughey.

525. Hattie11 Turner (Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Philip Beach.

Child of Hattie Turner and Philip Beach is:

1280 i. Philip Obadiah12 Beach. He married Mary Devine.

526. Phoenix11 Turner (Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1882, and died Jul 1968. He married (1) Bertha Lattin. He married (2) Belle Gibson.



More About Phoenix Turner:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1968, Last residence: Apopka, FL 32703

Social Security Number: 093-20-1131 (NY)

Child of Phoenix Turner and Bertha Lattin is:

1281 i. Izora12 Turner. She married (1) Philip Finnerty. She married (2) Fred DeMark.

527. Burton11 Wilcox (Frederick10, John9, John Day8, John T.7)

Child of Burton Wilcox is:

1282 i. Donald12 Wilcox.

529. Lillian11 Wilcox (Frederick10, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Fred Russell.

Children of Lillian Wilcox and Fred Russell are:

1283 i. Gerald12 Russell.

1284 ii. Elda Russell.

534. William Omury11 Wilcox (Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1869 in Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 21 Jun 1945. He married Lillian Estelle Gray 1889 in Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Robert Oscar Gray. She was born 1873 in PA.


More About William Omury Wilcox:

Occupation: 1910, Fireman

Residence 1: 1910, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Wilawanna Road, Athens, PA

Children of William Wilcox and Lillian Gray are:

1285 i. Charles12 Wilcox, born abt. 1890 in PA.

1286 ii. Elmer Wilcox, born abt. 1891 in PA.

+ 1287 iii. Kathie Mathena Wilcox, born 1893 in PA.

+ 1288 iv. Blanche Estelle Wilcox, born 1894 in PA.

+ 1289 v. Elyaberth Pearl Wilcox, born 18 Sep 1896 in PA; died 07 Nov 1979 in Waverly, Tioga Co., PA.

1290 vi. Fred Wilcox, born abt. 1898 in PA.

1291 vii. Phoebe Wilcox, born abt. 1900 in PA.

+ 1292 viii. Jennie Wilcox, born Jan 1902 in PA.

+ 1293 ix. Gertrude Clara Wilcox, born 31 Oct 1902 in PA; died 27 Feb 1977.

+ 1294 x. William R. Wilcox, born 1911 in PA.

+ 1295 xi. Mary Alice Wilcox, born 1914 in PA.

+ 1296 xii. Lillian Eileen Wilcox, born 1915 in PA.

538. George11 Wilcox (Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Nina ______.

Children of George Wilcox and Nina ______ are:

1297 i. George12 Wilcox, Jr..

+ 1298 ii. Leafa Wilcox.

+ 1299 iii. Asit Wilcox.

539. Frank E.11 Wilcox (Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born in Pawling, Duchess Co., NY. He married Anna ______.

Children of Frank Wilcox and Anna ______ are:

1300 i. Nellie12 Wilcox.

1301 ii. Carrie Wilcox.

1302 iii. Charles Wilcox.

1303 iv. Addie Wilcox.

1304 v. Harold Wilcox.

1305 vi. Elwood Wilcox.

540. Lebey S.11 Wilcox (Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1875 in PA. He married (1) Ella ______. He married (2) Laura L. ______ 1898 in Armstrong Co., PA. She was born 1873 in PA.


More About Lebey S. Wilcox:

Residence 1: 1880, Burrell Twp., Armstrong Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, Vandergriff Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA

Children of Lebey Wilcox and Ella ______ are:

1306 i. Paul12 Wilcox.

1307 ii. George Wilcox.

1308 iii. Fredricka Wilcox.

1309 iv. Frances Wilcox.

Children of Lebey Wilcox and Laura ______ are:

1310 i. Blanche12 Wilcox, born 1899 in Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA.

1311 ii. Grace Wilcox, born 1901 in Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA.

1312 iii. Goldie Wilcox, born 1904 in Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA.

1313 iv. Hazel Wilcox, born 1907 in Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA.

1314 v. Mildred I. Wilcox, born Feb 1910 in Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA.

1315 vi. Ruth Wilcox, born 1913 in Kiskiminetas Twp., Armstrong Co., PA.

541. Josephine Ella11 Wilcox (Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1880 in PA, and died 29 Oct 1964 in Akron, OH. She married Jay Ward Vosburg 1902 in Bradford Co., PA. He was born 02 May 1877 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, and died 26 Feb 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Josephine Ella Wilcox:

Name 2: Vosburg, Josephine

Social Security Number: 197-30-3256 (PA)


More About Jay Ward Vosburg:

Occupation: 1917, Foreman - U.S. Railway-L.I. Railroad

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Josephine Wilcox and Jay Vosburg is:

1316 i. Phoebe Marie12 Vosburg, born 1911 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA. She married E. Paul White.

544. Minnie11 Wilcox (William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Homer Monroe.

Child of Minnie Wilcox and Homer Monroe is:

+ 1317 i. Kathryn12 Monroe.

545. Harriet11 Wilcox (William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Jesse Oldroyd.

Children of Harriet Wilcox and Jesse Oldroyd are:

+ 1318 i. Corene12 Oldroyd.

1319 ii. Lillian Oldroyd.

1320 iii. Wiliam Oldroyd.

1321 iv. Merrick Oldroyd.

1322 v. Raymond Oldroyd.

+ 1323 vi. Florence Oldroyd.

+ 1324 vii. E. Gus Oldroyd.

546. Guy11 Wilcox (William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Jessie Misner.

Children of Guy Wilcox and Jessie Misner are:

+ 1325 i. Eleanor12 Wilcox.

+ 1326 ii. Eugene Wilcox.

548. Herbert11 Wilcox (William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Louise Kimmerle.

Children of Herbert Wilcox and Louise Kimmerle are:

1327 i. William12 Wilcox.

+ 1328 ii. Mae Wilcox.

549. Flossie11 Wilcox (William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Cornelius Ross.

Children of Flossie Wilcox and Cornelius Ross are:

+ 1329 i. Helen12 Ross.

+ 1330 ii. Ruth Ross.

550. Leonore11 Wilcox (William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married August Schmidt.

Child of Leonore Wilcox and August Schmidt is:

+ 1331 i. Raymond12 Schmidt.

552. Harry11 Gruver (Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1876 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married Verna Brian.

Children of Harry Gruver and Verna Brian are:

1332 i. Raymond12 Gruver. He married (1) Loretta Martin. He married (2) Rena VanBumble.

1333 ii. Ruth Gruver.

1334 iii. Manford Gruver. He married Ruth Jeffry.

553. Maud Ethel11 Gruver (Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1879 in Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Mark Capon.

Child of Maud Gruver and Mark Capon is:

+ 1335 i. Thelma12 Capon.

554. LouEtta11 Baker (Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Elton Dietrick.

Children of LouEtta Baker and Elton Dietrick are:

+ 1336 i. Arthur12 Dietrick.

+ 1337 ii. Evelyn Dietrick.

+ 1338 iii. Marjorie Dietrick.

+ 1339 iv. Carol Dietrick.

+ 1340 v. Gertrude Dietrick.

+ 1341 vi. Harry Dietrick.

+ 1342 vii. Helen Dietrick.

555. Mabelle11 Baker (Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 10 Mar 1891 in IL, and died Feb 1981. She married James Conomikes. He was born 14 Jul 1882 in Greece, and died Jun 1971.


More About Mabelle Baker:

Name 2: Conomikes, Mabelle

Residence: Bef. Feb 1981, Last residence: Johnson City, NY 13790

Social Security Number: 129-22-9836 (NY)


More About James Conomikes:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1971, Last residence: Johnson City, NY 13790

Social Security Number: 128-01-5494 (NY)

Children of Mabelle Baker and James Conomikes are:

1343 i. Evy Euretsia12 Conomikes, born 1909 in PA.

+ 1344 ii. Peter Conomikes.

1345 iii. John Conomikes. He married (1) Glennis Rouse. He married (2) Esther Paul.

+ 1346 iv. Eva Conomikes.

556. Mary11 Henderson (Sarah Marie10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1875 in PA. She married Walter Fiddes.

Child of Mary Henderson and Walter Fiddes is:

1347 i. Mary Josephine12 Fiddes.

557. Jesse J.11 Wilcox (George Eldaah10, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1884 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1961. He married Sara A. Pepperman 1925. She was born 1890 in PA, and died 1974.


More About Jesse J. Wilcox:

Occupation: 1930, Engineer - steam railroad

Residence: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY


More About Sara A. Pepperman:

Residence: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Children of Jesse Wilcox and Sara Pepperman are:

1348 i. Joan E.12 Wilcox, born 1926 in NY.

1349 ii. John E. Wilcox, born 1928 in PA.

560. Edwin Herrick11 Wilcox (George Eldaah10, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Feb 1898 in Sullivan Co., PA. He married Edith ______. She was born in PA.


More About Edwin Herrick Wilcox:

Residence: 1930, Chester Twp., Delaware Co., PA

Child of Edwin Wilcox and Edith ______ is:

1350 i. Frank Marvin12 Wilcox, born 1917 in PA.


More About Frank Marvin Wilcox:

Residence: 1930, Chester Twp., Delaware Co., PA

562. Wardie M.11 Wilcox (Morris Ellis10, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jul 1890 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1962. She married Ralph P. McCarty 1907 in Elkland Twnp., Lycoming Co., PA. He was born 1886 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1978.


More About Wardie M. Wilcox:

Burial: 1962, Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twnp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Groton Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


More About Ralph P. McCarty:

Burial: 1978, Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twnp., Sullivan Co., PA

Occupation: Bet. 1910 - 1930, Farmer

Residence 1: 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Groton Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


Children of Wardie Wilcox and Ralph McCarty are:

1351 i. Lynn E.12 McCarty, born 1910 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Lynn E. McCarty:

Occupation: 1930, Chauffeur - typewriter plant

Residence: 1930, Groton Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


1352 ii. Sanford W. McCarty, born 1916 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Sanford W. McCarty:

Residence: 1930, Groton Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


1353 iii. Dorothy A. McCarty, born 1918 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Dorothy A. McCarty:

Residence: 1930, Groton Twp., Tompkins Co., NY


1354 iv. Ruth E. McCarty, born 1922 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ruth E. McCarty:

Residence: 1930, Groton Twp., Tompkins Co., NY

563. Lavinnia Belgium11 Caseman (Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 28 Jan 1895 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Carlton Riley Kilmer 30 Oct 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Francis Kilmer and Ora Foster. He was born 23 Jun 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 12 Jan 1925 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Frances I. Woodhead 1928 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of George Woodhead and Lavinnia ______. He was born 1893 in PA.


More About Lavinnia Belgium Caseman:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Carlton Riley Kilmer:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Lavinnia Caseman and Carlton Kilmer are:

1355 i. Lanona12 Kilmer, born 03 Sep 1915 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 May 1922 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Lanona Kilmer:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


1356 ii. Sylvia E. Kilmer, born 1917 in Sullivan Co., PA.

1357 iii. Alpheus L. Kilmer, born 1921 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Child of Lavinnia Caseman and Frances Woodhead is:

1358 i. Robert B.12 Woodhead, born 1929 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

564. Floyd George11 Caseman (Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 29 Mar 1896 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1979. He married Esther Luetta Brown abt. 1917, daughter of Aaron Brown and Jane Purcell. She was born 30 Aug 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1974.


Children are listed above under Esther Luetta Brown (520).


565. Elnora Jane11 Caseman (Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1897 in PA. She married Lester George Brown 1915, son of Reuben Brown and Samantha Morgan. He was born 20 Apr 1885 in PA.


More About Lester George Brown:

Occupation: 1930, Dairy farmer

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Elnora Caseman and Lester Brown are:

+ 1359 i. Verna Edith12 Brown, born 31 Dec 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Apr 1986 in Lakeside, CA.

+ 1360 ii. Josephine Ruth Brown, born 06 Apr 1918 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 31 May 2002 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1361 iii. Agnes Belle Brown, born 08 Jul 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Jul 2000 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1362 iv. Velma Caroline Brown, born 08 Nov 1920 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Oct 1996 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1363 v. Roy Glen Brown, born 19 Mar 1922 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 Oct 1987.

+ 1364 vi. Paul Edgar Brown, born 07 Jul 1925 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 26 Dec 1997 in Benton, Columbia Co., PA.

+ 1365 vii. Myrtle Jane Brown, born 14 Mar 1929 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1366 viii. James Leon Brown, born 08 Oct 1930 in Sullivan Co., PA; died 16 Mar 1996 in Lakeside, CA.

571. Waldo E.11 Kilmer (Malinda E.10 Wilcox, William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Feb 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1920. He married Velma Walker. She was born 1890 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1983.


More About Waldo E. Kilmer:

Burial: 1920, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Velma Walker:

Burial: 1983, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Child of Waldo Kilmer and Velma Walker is:

1367 i. Ada Marion12 Kilmer, born 26 Jul 1912 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

572. Blanche E.11 Wilcox (Alban Berton10, William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1890 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Oct 1975 in Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Frederick B. Fawcett. He was born 1887 in PA, and died 1973.


Notes for Blanche E. Wilcox:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 09 Oct 1975 ed.:

FAWCETT, Mrs. Blanche E., 84, of Forksville died Oct. 7, 1975, at her home. She was born Oct. 8, 1890, in Elkland Township, the daughter of the late Albert and Ida Hart Wilcox. Her husband, the late Fred Fawcett and a son, Harland, preceded her in death by two years. Until her retirement she had been employed as a postal clerk at the Forksville Post Office. She was a lifetime resident of Forksville and the Forksville United Methodist Church, its W.S.C.S. and the F.G Class. She was a member of the Forksville Flower Club. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Vernon Hatch of Forksville; a daughter-in-law; two sisters-in-law; four grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday Oct. 10, at 1 p.m.. in the Forksville United Methodist Church with the Rev. LaRue Hess, her pastor, officiating. Interment will be in the Forksville Cemetery.


More About Blanche E. Wilcox:

Burial: 10 Oct 1975, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 09 Oct 1975, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA


More About Frederick B. Fawcett:

Burial: 1973, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1900, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Blanche Wilcox and Frederick Fawcett are:

+ 1368 i. Florence June12 Fawcett, born 28 May 1904 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Sep 1995 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1369 ii. Harland Fawcett.

573. Floyd C.11 Darby (Mary A.10 Wilcox, William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 16 Jul 1896 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Jul 1941. He married Marjorie Wenrick 1926, daughter of ______ Wenrick and Eliza ______. She was born 1904 in PA.


More About Floyd C. Darby:

Residence 1: 1900, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Gleasonton, Chapman Twp., Clinton Co., PA

Social Security Number: 191-07-2322 (PA)


More About Marjorie Wenrick:

Residence: 1930, Gleasonton, Chapman Twp., Clinton Co., PA

Child of Floyd Darby and Marjorie Wenrick is:

1370 i. Floyd12 Darby, born 1928 in Clinton Co., PA.


More About Floyd Darby:

Residence: 1930, Gleasonton, Chapman Twp., Clinton Co., PA

574. Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann (John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1892, and died 1961. She married Clayton John Higley abt. 1909, son of M. Higley and Laura ______. He was born Aug 1889 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1966.


More About Maude Lucinda Kunzmann:

Burial: 1961, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Clayton John Higley:

Burial: 1966, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Maude Kunzmann and Clayton Higley are:

1371 i. Laurence Robert12 Higley, born 13 Mar 1914. He married (1) Jean L. ______ abt. 1935; born 1916; died 1987. He married (2) Ruth Evelyn McCarty 23 Apr 1988; born 08 Nov 1917 in Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Laurence Robert Higley:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Jean L. ______:

Burial: Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


1372 ii. Evan LaRue Higley, born 15 Jun 1917; died Feb 1986.


More About Evan LaRue Higley:

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1986, Last residence: Cumberland, MD 21502

Social Security Number: 181-05-0990 (PA)


1373 iii. Harold Dean Higley, born 14 Aug 1918; died Feb 1975.


More About Harold Dean Higley:

Burial: Feb 1975, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1975, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 177-12-1224 (PA)

+ 1374 iv. Richard Waldo Higley, born 24 Jan 1922 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Feb 2004 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.

575. John Dorrance11 Kunzmann (John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 09 May 1896, and died 15 Jul 1948. He married Beatrice Ruth Yahner 19 Jun 1922, daughter of Henry Yahner and Alice Platt. She was born 30 Mar 1902, and died 04 Nov 1973.

Child of John Kunzmann and Beatrice Yahner is:

+ 1375 i. Robert Dorrance12 Kunzmann, born 25 Aug 1923.

578. Henry11 Beebe (Martha E.10 McCarty, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Aug 1894. He married Julia Annetta Gleockler, daughter of Anthony Gleockler and Anna Hugo. She was born 21 Jun 1893 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 May 1924.

Child of Henry Beebe and Julia Gleockler is:

1376 i. Henry Obert12 Beebe, born abt. 1916.


More About Henry Obert Beebe:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA

582. Charles H.11 Bedford (Sara Ann10 Brackman, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 07 Dec 1898 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Aug 1984 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Hazel Rogers 22 Jun 1926. She was born 26 Nov 1899, and died 21 Mar 1988.


Notes for Charles H. Bedford:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 30 Aug 1984 ed.:

BEDFORD, Charles H., 85, of Canton RD 1 died August 23, 1984, at DarWay Nursing Home, Estella. Born Dec. 7, 1896, at Forksville, he was a son of U. Grant and Sara Brackman Bedford. He retired as a dairy farmer in 1956 and as a teacher at the Powell Elementary School, for the Towanda School District, in 1963, after 40 years of service. He was a 4-H leader for 35 years, a former treasurer and member of the Rural Brotherhood, and raised funds for needy individuals. Mr. Bedford was a member of the East Canton United Methodist Church, and taught Sunday school for many years. He and his wife, the former Hazel Rogers, observed their 58th wedding anniversary June 22. Surviving, bedsides his wife, are two daughters, Mrs. Frank Herman, Jr., of Canton RD 2 and Mrs. Morris Brown, of Towanda RD 4, two sons Dean and John, both of Canton RD 1; two brothers, Mark Bedford, of DarWay Nursing Home, Estella, and Fred Bedford, of Sun City, AZ; 12 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. The funeral was held August 26 at Morse and Kleese's, Canton. Burial was in East Canton Cemetery. The Rev. Mercy Kasambira, his pastor, officiated.


More About Charles H. Bedford:

Burial: 26 Aug 1984, East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Aug 1984, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Social Security Number: 195-20-1091 (PA)


More About Hazel Rogers:

Burial: 24 Mar 1988, East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Charles Bedford and Hazel Rogers are:

1377 i. Joy12 Bedford. She married Frank Herman, Jr..

+ 1378 ii. Erdean M. Bedford, born 16 Mar 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 10 Aug 2005 in Liberty Corners, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

1379 iii. Dean Bedford, born 16 Mar 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Dean Bedford:

Medical Information: twin to Erdean


1380 iv. John H. Bedford.

585. Sallie Evangeline11 Hoagland (Marianna10 Brackman, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 07 Feb 1891, and died 1945. She married (1) J. B. Ware. She married (2) James Reeves.


More About Sallie Evangeline Hoagland:

Residence: Scranton, Lackawanna Co., PA

Children of Sallie Hoagland and J. Ware are:

1381 i. Eugene Clayton12 Ware.

1382 ii. Richard Ware.

1383 iii. Elsie Ware.

1384 iv. May Ware.

Child of Sallie Hoagland and James Reeves is:

1385 i. Frances12 Reeves.

586. Lee Lincoln11 Hoagland (Marianna10 Brackman, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Jun 1895, and died 06 Jun 1945 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX. He married Edith Bell.

Children of Lee Hoagland and Edith Bell are:

1386 i. Lee Lincoln12 Hoagland, Jr.

1387 ii. Agatha Hoagland.

1388 iii. Dale Hoagland.

588. Paul11 Hoagland (Marianna10 Brackman, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 16 May 1901, and died Sep 1944 in Warren, Trumbull Co., OH. He married Charlotte Rising.

Child of Paul Hoagland and Charlotte Rising is:

1389 i. Dorothy Jean12 Hoagland.

589. John Lewis11 Brackman (Charles J.10, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1905, and died Feb 1980. He married Hazel May Wilcox, daughter of Herbert Wilcox and Mertie Every. She was born 17 Jan 1902, and died Apr 1977.


More About John Lewis Brackman:

Burial: Feb 1980, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1980, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 197-30-3395 (PA)


More About Hazel May Wilcox:

Name 2: Brackman, Hazel

Burial: Apr 1977, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Apr 1977, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 171-50-4373 (PA)

Children of John Brackman and Hazel Wilcox are:

1390 i. Charles12 Brackman. He married Audrey Metzger; born abt. 1927.

1391 ii. Paul Z. Brackman, born 11 Dec 1936. He married Nancy G. ______; born 23 Jul 1947; died 15 Dec 1995.


More About Paul Z. Brackman:

Burial: Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Nancy G. ______:

Name 2: Brackman, Nancy

Burial: 29 Dec 1995, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1995, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 170-40-1043 (PA)

590. Aaron11 Foulkrod (Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1876. He married Jannette Davis.

Child of Aaron Foulkrod and Jannette Davis is:

+ 1392 i. Walter Alfred12 Foulkrod, born 05 Sep 1908 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 21 Jun 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

591. Emma D.11 Foulkrod (Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Nov 1877. She married Herbert Estus Forrest, son of ______ Forrest and Lavinnia ______. He was born Jan 1879.


More About Emma D. Foulkrod:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Emma Foulkrod and Herbert Forrest are:

+ 1393 i. Chester Earl12 Forrest, born 04 Feb 1905; died Jul 1976.

1394 ii. Leamon M. Forrest, born 1908.

1395 iii. Lena Jessie Forrest, born Nov 1909; died Aft. 03 May 1961. She married ______ Andrus.

1396 iv. Olivia M. Forrest, born 1914.

1397 v. Eva M. Forrest, born 1917.

592. Charles J.11 Foulkrod (Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1879, and died Aft. 1920. He married ______ ______. She died Bef. 1920.

Child of Charles Foulkrod and ______ ______ is:

+ 1398 i. Ray L.12 Foulkrod, born Jun 1899.

593. Clyde W.11 Fuller (Ida Jane10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1884, and died 13 Jan 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married Myrtle J. Hogoboom abt. 1906, daughter of Everett Hogoboom and Sarah Matteson. She was born 1887 in NY, and died 20 Mar 1946.


Notes for Clyde W. Fuller:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Jan 1970 ed.:

FULLER, Clyde W., age 85 of 166 Lycoming St., Canton, PA Tuesday Jan. 13, 1970 at the Blossburg State Hospital. Friends may call at the Morse Funeral Home, Canton, Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Friday at 2 p.m.; the Rev. Ralph Knight; burial in Brown Cemetery, Shunk, PA.


More About Clyde W. Fuller:

Burial: 20 Jan 1970, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Jan 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jan 1970, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 204-12-4487 (PA)


More About Myrtle J. Hogoboom:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Clyde Fuller and Myrtle Hogoboom are:

+ 1399 i. Laurel Mae-Belle12 Fuller, born 02 Dec 1907 in PA; died Aug 1995.

+ 1400 ii. Wanda Eugena Fuller, born 02 Jul 1911 in PA; died 1949.

1401 iii. Cleo W. Fuller, born abt. 1921.

600. Roland Wellington11 Porter (Wellington Wakely10, Wellington9, Mary8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Sep 1901 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., NY, and died 09 Nov 1990 in Newtown, Bucks Co., PA. He married Caroline Persis Moench, daughter of Henry Moench and Persis LeWorthy. She was born 02 Feb 1899 in Newton, MA, and died 12 Mar 1980 in Newtown, Bucks Co., Pa.


More About Roland Wellington Porter:

Residence: 1930, Northampton, Bucks Co., PA

Social Security Number: 162-09-6524 (PA)


More About Caroline Persis Moench:

Name 2: Porter, Caroline

Child of Roland Porter and Caroline Moench is:

1402 i. ______12 Porter, born abt. 1925.


Generation No. 6

612. Edna A.12 Boyles (John L.11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Sep 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jun 1977 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Earl George Boyles (618) abt. 1927 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of George Boyles and Minnie Dunlap. He was born 31 Jul 1908 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1951.


More About Edna A. Boyles:

Burial: Jun 1977, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 194-16-0319 (PA)


More About Earl George Boyles:

Burial: 1951, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Edna Boyles and Earl Boyles are:

1403 i. Loren E.13 Boyles, born 1928 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died May 2003.

+ 1404 ii. Glenna Irene Boyles, born abt. 1938 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

615. Leon Edgar12 Boyles (George Edgar11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1898 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Hazel A. Tuttle abt. 1916. She was born 1903 in Pasco Co., FL.


More About Leon Edgar Boyles:

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Leon Boyles and Hazel Tuttle are:

+ 1405 i. Emma M.13 Boyles, born 07 Feb 1919 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 25 May 2003 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

1406 ii. Rodney Boyles.

1407 iii. Harold Boyles.

1408 iv. Wilma Boyles, born in Sullivan Co., PA; died in prob. Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married ______ Jones; died in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1409 v. Gene Boyles.

1410 vi. Lois Boyles, died in prob. Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV. She married ______ Smith; died in NV.

1411 vii. Fred Boyles.

618. Earl George12 Boyles (George Edgar11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1908 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1951. He married Edna A. Boyles abt. 1927 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Boyles and Helen Hoagland. She was born 20 Sep 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jun 1977 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Edna A. Boyles (612).


626. Judson S.12 Boyles (Rufus Benjamin11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Aug 1897 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Child of Judson S. Boyles is:

+ 1412 i. Judson R.13 Boyles, born 14 Sep 1916 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 01 Jan 2000 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

640. Hazel Christina12 Boyles (Charles M.11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Feb 1916 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Harry Lawrence Ketchum 05 Oct 1935, son of Floyd Ketchum and Chloe Brown. He was born 26 Mar 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Apr 1998.


More About Harry Lawrence Ketchum:

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1998, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 164-12-4816 (PA)

Children of Hazel Boyles and Harry Ketchum are:

+ 1413 i. Shirley Mae13 Ketchum, born 28 Mar 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1414 ii. Betty Jane Ketchum, born 11 Oct 1938 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) William Oakes. She married (2) Robert Hayward.

+ 1415 iii. Susan Jean Ketchum, born 03 Jul 1948 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1416 iv. Lawrence Harry Ketchum, born 21 Jul 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

642. Gordon W.12 Boyles (Charles M.11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Aug 1920, and died Sep 1994. He married Phyllis Hofer. She was born 28 Aug 1927, and died 08 Jul 1993.


More About Gordon W. Boyles:

Burial: Sep 1994, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1994, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 165-16-1104 (PA)


More About Phyllis Hofer:

Name 2: Boyles, Phyllis

Burial: 11 Jul 1993, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 1993, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 180-22-6149 (PA)

Child of Gordon Boyles and Phyllis Hofer is:

+ 1417 i. Betsy13 Boyles, born 24 Jan 1967.

653. Dora Adona12 Boyles (Lynn11, David J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jan 1936 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Ray LaVerne McCarty 10 Oct 1952, son of Gaylord McCarty and Rhea Shadduck. He was born 20 Feb 1931 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Ray LaVerne McCarty:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW (date uncertain, prob. early 1981):


Laverne McCarty of Forksville is one of four new directors elected to serve on the board of Eastern Milk Producers Co-operative of Syracuse, NY. Mr. McCarty is a dairy farmer residing in Forks Township, near Forksville.


More About Ray LaVerne McCarty:

Medical Information: twin to Clinton

Children of Dora Boyles and Ray McCarty are:

1418 i. Tracy LaMont13 McCarty, born 25 Oct 1954 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Susan Ann Kenny 28 Feb 1982.


More About Tracy LaMont McCarty:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


Marriage Notes for Tracy McCarty and Susan Kenny:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW; 24 Sep 1981 ed.:


Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Kinney, of RD 5 Towanda, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Ann to Tracy L. McCarty of RD 1 Forksville, son of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne McCarty. Susan is a 1978 graduate of Towanda High School and is presently working at Henry Dunn, Inc. Tracy is a 1972 graduate of Sullivan County High School and is a partner with his father in farming. A February 27, 1982 wedding is being planned.


1419 ii. Celia Dawn McCarty, born 27 Jan 1957 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Charles Sirine 09 Aug 1980.


More About Celia Dawn McCarty:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


1420 iii. Darcy Sharmain McCarty, born 21 Apr 1964 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Darcy Sharmain McCarty:

An early 1981 edition of the SULLIVAN REVIEW stated:

The dairy princess contest, so far, has one entry, Miss Darcy McCarty of Forksville RD. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Laverne McCarty." (There was also a photograph of her.)

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, Aug 1981 ed.:


Darcy McCarty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne McCarty of Forksville, was crowned 1981Sullivan County Dairy Princess in June of this year. As dairy princess, Darcy's job is to promote milk, milk products and dairying in the area. To help prepare her for her job, Darcy attended the 1981 Dairy Princess Training Seminar July 13-15 at Juniata College, Huntingdon. There Darcy, in the company of dairy princesses from across the state, attended workshops on nutrition, haircare, poise, public speaking, and makeup to prepare for her reign as Sullivan County Dairy Princess. The 1980-81 Pennsylvania Dairy Princess, Cindy Neely of Clarion-Venango Counties, was on hand at the training seminar to tell the 40 dairy princesses present about her year as state dairy princess. On Sept. 22, Darcy will compete with the other county princesses from across Pennsylvania for the title, 1981 Pennsylvania Dairy Princess. The contest will be held at the Penn Harris Motor Inn in Harrisburg. The Pennsylvania Dairy Princess program is sponsored by the Atlantic Dairy Association, an organization funded by dairy farmers to promote dairy products through research, education, advertising and public relations.


More About Darcy Sharmain McCarty:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


1421 iv. Brian Lee McCarty, born 29 Dec 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Brian Lee McCarty:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


654. Walter P.12 Gates (Franklin11, William Playfair10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Feb 1885 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY. He married Alice Irene ______ 1909 in Broome Co., NY. She was born 1882 in NY.

Child of Walter Gates and Alice ______ is:

1422 i. Frances M.13 Gates, born 1909 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY.

660. Lee Albert12 Shadduck (Emma Lucy11 Gates, Lee C.10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Sep 1881 in PA, and died 04 May 1965. He married Maude Kingsley 17 Oct 1905 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA. She died Bef. 1930.


More About Lee Albert Shadduck:

Burial: 07 May 1965, Cortland Cem., Cortland Co., NY

Occupation: 1930, Commercial trade - fishing lines

Residence 1: 1910, 5-WD Cortland, Cortland Co., NY

Residence 2: 1930, Cortland, Cortland Co., NY

Residence 3: Bef. May 1965, Last residence: Cortland, NY 13045

Social Security Number: 064-28-4089 (NY)


More About Maude Kingsley:

Burial: Cortland Cem., Cortland Co., NY

Child of Lee Shadduck and Maude Kingsley is:

+ 1423 i. Albert Kingsley13 Shadduck, born 05 Jul 1906; died 11 Mar 1990 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE.

665. George W.12 Hedgeland (Mahala11 Porter, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1879 in Ward Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. Renova Clinton Co., PA. He married Mary B. Aikley abt. 1899. She was born 1879 in PA, and died Aft. 1930 in prob. Renova Clinton Co., PA.


More About George W. Hedgeland:

Residence: Bet. 1910 - 1930, Renova, Clinton Co., PA


More About Mary B. Aikley:

Naturalization: 1882, Clinton Co., PA

Children of George Hedgeland and Mary Aikley are:

1424 i. James G.13 Hedgeland, born 1901 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA. He married Laura E. ______; born 1902 in PA.


More About James G. Hedgeland:

Occupation: 1930, Laborer - steam railroad

Residence: Bet. 1910 - 1930, Renova, Clinton Co., PA


1425 ii. Charles A. Hedgeland, born 1903 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA.


More About Charles A. Hedgeland:

Residence: Bet. 1910 - 1930, Renova, Clinton Co., PA


1426 iii. Marie Hedgeland, born 1905 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA.

1427 iv. Florence Hedgeland, born 1907 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA.

1428 v. Ruby L. Hedgeland, born 1910 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA.

1429 vi. Margaret L. Hedgeland, born 1913 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA.

669. James Dayton12 Kelley (Rosalia11 Porter, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Oct 1883 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 13 May 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Caroline Bunyan 27 Aug 1902 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of George Bunyan and Charlotte ______. She was born 10 Sep 1884, and died 07 Sep 1956. He married (2) Minnie ______ abt. 1940. She was born 14 Oct 1884, and died Apr 1964.


Notes for James Dayton Kelley:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 May 1962 ed.:

KELLEY, James D., 78 of 119 Third St., Sayre, Sunday, May 13, 1962. He was a Binghamton Methodist Church member and a retired R & E Foundry Co. employee. Survived by wife, Mrs. Minnie Kelley; daughters, Mrs. Herford Geer of Binghamton, and Miss Doris Kelley of Burlington; sons, Carl of Binghamton, Donald of Painted Post, Durwood of Mosherville, Elwyn of Towanda, and Max of Greaterford, PA; 23 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Body at Kolb-Allgeier Funeral Home, Sayre. Calling hours today and Tuesday 7 to 10 p.m. Funeral services there Wednesday at 11 a.m., the Rev. Stanley Wasielawaski, Bradford County Memorial Park.


More About James Dayton Kelley:

Burial: 16 May 1962, Bradford County Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 14 May 1962, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


More About Minnie ______:

Name 2: Kelley, Minnie

Social Security Number: 176-32-8678 (PA)

Children of James Kelley and Caroline Bunyan are:

1430 i. Carl13 Kelley, born 05 Nov 1906; died 15 Dec 1993.


More About Carl Kelley:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1993, Last residence: Athens, PA 18810

Social Security Number: 105-14-0339 (NY)


1431 ii. Donald Kelley, born 04 Oct 1907; died Nov 1987.


More About Donald Kelley:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1987, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 189-09-8703 (PA)


1432 iii. ______ Kelley, born abt. 1909. She married Herford Grant Geer; born 29 May 1898 in Brooklyn, Susquehanna Co., PA; died Dec 1983.


More About Herford Grant Geer:

Occupation: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Inspector - Willys Morrow Co.

Residence 1: Bet. 1917 - 1918, 112 W. Miller St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bef. Dec 1983, Last residence: Binghamton, NY 13901

Social Security Number: 078-01-0233 (NY)


1433 iv. Durwood Kelley, born 16 Sep 1917; died 28 Sep 1988.


More About Durwood Kelley:

Residence: Bef. Sep 1988, Last residence: Winter Springs, FL 32708

Social Security Number: 160-14-2123 (PA)


1434 v. Doris Kelley, born 05 Feb 1918; died 19 Jul 1996.


More About Doris Kelley:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1996, Last residence: McKees Rocks, PA 15136

Social Security Number: 171-14-5704 (PA)


+ 1435 vi. Elwyn F. Kelley, born 03 Aug 1921; died May 1984.

1436 vii. Max Kelley, born 02 Oct 1923; died 31 Jul 1994.


More About Max Kelley:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1994, Last residence: Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Social Security Number: 194-14-9764 (PA)

674. Nora O.12 Porter (Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Feb 1882 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 13 Feb 1907 in Monterey, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Mahlon Humphrey Goltry 29 Mar 1903 in Monterey, Schuyler Co., NY, son of Richard Goltry. He was born 28 Mar 1861, and died 1935.


More About Mahlon Humphrey Goltry:

Burial: Belmont Cem., Monterey, Schuyler Co., NY

Children of Nora Porter and Mahlon Goltry are:

1437 i. Infant13 Goltry.

+ 1438 ii. Belvah Jannett Goltry, born 11 May 1903 in Monterey, Town of Orange, Schuyler Co., NY; died 22 Feb 1965 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

675. Emmet Delrue12 Porter (Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1885 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 12 Apr 1964 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. He married Eliza Florence Porter 28 May 1905 in Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of James Porter and Martha Vroman. She was born 04 May 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Sep 1962 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Emmet Delrue Porter:

Burial: 15 Apr 1964, Beech Flats Cem., East Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 4: abt. 1944, Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 5: 1953, 210 West Fifth Street, Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 104-12-1214 (NY)


Notes for Eliza Florence Porter:

(NOTE: Much discrepancy surrounds Eliza's birth year. The SSDI shows "1885"; her gravestone shows "1886"; her father gave the date of death of Eliza's mother as "1889" on his marriage application to Sophia; the Vroman history states that "Eliza died five days after the birth of her daughter" and listed young Eliza's birth date as "May 4, 1889"; subtracting her age from the death date in her obituary would be "1889"; a funeral card given me by Loren gives "1889". There is enough evidence to support my entry of "1889". -- note of R. J. Porter)


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Sep 1962 ed.:

PORTER, Mrs. Eliza F., 73 of McCoy St., Savona, Friday, Sept. 14, 1962. She was a member of the East Canton (PA) Methodist Church. Survived by husband, Emmett Porter; sons, Courydon of Prattsburg and Loren of Syracuse; daughters, Mrs. Myra Whalen of Towanda, Mrs. Aletha Hotaling of Painted Post, Mrs. Isadore Hotaling of Savona, half-sister, Mrs. Ella Terwilliger of Burlington, PA; half-brothers, Daniel Porter of Gillett and Herbert Porter of Austinville, PA. Body is at the Bond Funeral Home, Bath. Calling hours today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services Monday at 2 p.m. at the East Canton Methodist Church. The Rev. Owen Barett. Beech Flats Cemetery, East Canton.


More About Eliza Florence Porter:

Burial: 17 Sep 1962, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Sep 1962, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1920, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence 2: abt. 1944, Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 3: 1953, 210 West Fifth Street, Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 068-16-5990 (NY)

Children of Emmet Porter and Eliza Porter are:

1439 i. Archie Edgar13 Porter, born 19 Jan 1906 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 May 1906 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Archie Edgar Porter:

Burial: 11 May 1906, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


1440 ii. Courtney Addison Porter, born 24 Dec 1907 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 18 Nov 1938 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


More About Courtney Addison Porter:

Burial: 21 Nov 1938, Beech Flats Cem., East Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, State Highway worker

Residence: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY


1441 iii. Artley Arnold Porter, born 26 Oct 1909 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 10 Dec 1952 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Viola Mae Miller 28 Nov 1931; died 30 Aug 1936. He married (2) Ruth Ann Brockway 24 Mar 1939.


More About Artley Arnold Porter:

Burial: Lawrenceville Cem., Tioga Co., PA


+ 1442 iv. Myra Belle Porter, born 30 Jun 1911 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA; died 13 Sep 1983 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

1443 v. Courydon Ulysses Porter, born 31 Oct 1912 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 03 Sep 1970 in Pulteney, Steuben Co., NY. He married Ella B. Clark 26 Apr 1935; born abt. 1915.


More About Courydon Ulysses Porter:

Burial: 05 Sep 1970, Glenview Cem., Pulteney, Steuben Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY


+ 1444 vi. Aletha Irene Porter, born 08 Nov 1915 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 29 Oct 1978 in Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 1445 vii. Loren Olin Porter, born 21 Jan 1919 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA; died 10 Dec 2002 in Memphis, Onondaga Co., NY.

+ 1446 viii. Isadore Marlene Porter, born 25 Jun 1921 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 24 Oct 1983 in Ocala, Marion Co., FL.

1447 ix. LaVerne Alphia Porter, born 09 Jun 1924 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 05 Feb 1926 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About LaVerne Alphia Porter:

Burial: 07 Feb 1926, Beech Flats Cem., East Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: fell through the floorboard of the family car and was run over

676. Ray12 Porter (Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Mar 1888 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died Sep 1953 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Estelle Mae Avery 28 Sep 1912 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA. She was born 07 Apr 1895 in Snedeckerville, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 05 Apr 1985 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.


More About Ray Porter:

Burial: Sep 1953, Bradford County Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Residence 1: 1900, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, 61 Sullivan Street, Canton, PA


More About Estelle Mae Avery:

Name 2: Porter, Estella

Burial: 08 Apr 1985, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence 1: 1920, 61 Sullivan Street, Canton, PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1985, Last residence: 3741 Maple Ridge Road, Newark, NY 14513

Social Security Number: 121-09-5481 (NY)

Children of Ray Porter and Estelle Avery are:

+ 1448 i. Francis Martin13 Porter, born 23 Nov 1914 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 17 Nov 1978 in Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 1449 ii. Favorite Lucille Porter, born 02 Sep 1919 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1450 iii. Stella Pearl Porter, born 04 Sep 1921 in Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1451 iv. Eva Helen Porter, born 17 Apr 1923.

677. Harley12 Porter (Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1890, and died 23 Nov 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Bessie Allein Brown 28 Mar 1916 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Myrtie Brown. She was born 1898 in Lincoln Falls, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Jan 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Harley Porter:

Canton, PA Newsletter - THE SETTLER, Feb 1989 ed.; Pg. 18:

In West LeRoy, "the other side of the creek, the southside starting west from the cross road was the school house. Up toward the mountain from the school was Burr Morse's tenant house. Folks who have lived there - Harley and Bessie Porter, Glenn & Minnie Wooster, and Henry and Louise Parker."


More About Harley Porter:

Burial: 25 Nov 1965, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence 1: 1920, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: abt. 1935, West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 174-24-2318 (PA)

Notes for Bessie Allein Brown:

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 20 Jan 1965 ed.:


Mrs. Bessie A. (Brown) Porter, 67, of Sayre RD #2, died last evening at the Robert Packer Hospital, after an extended illness. Born in Lincoln Falls, Sullivan County, PA, she had been a resident of the valley for the past 22 years. Mrs. Porter had been employed by the Blue Swan Mills in the sewing department for 20 years and was a member of the ILGWU local. She is survived by her husband, Harley; one son, Ivan D. of Towanda; one daughter, Mrs. Marion Arnold of Horseheads, NY; two brothers, Dean and Harry Shedden of Granville Center, PA; two sisters, Mrs. Dean Duart of Windfall, PA and Miss Mary Shedden of Elmira, NY; eight grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Jenkins Funeral Home, 111 South Main Street, Athens any time after 2 p.m. Thursday. Funeral services will be held there Friday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Harold Harding, pastor of the Full Gospel Church, Catlin Center, NY will officiate. Burial will be in the Bradford County Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA.


More About Bessie Allein Brown:

Burial: 22 Jan 1965, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 20 Jan 1965, THE EVENING TIMES - Sayre, PA

Residence: 1920, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Harley Porter and Bessie Brown are:

+ 1452 i. Marian Belle13 Porter, born 24 Jan 1919 in Daggett, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1453 ii. Ivan Dean Porter, born 21 Apr 1920; died 13 Dec 1965 in Mountain Lake, PA.

682. Frederick Bly12 Porter (Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Oct 1903 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Nov 1958 in Trucksville, Luzerne Co., PA. He married (1) Rose L. Kelley, daughter of Leslie Kelley and Eleanor Paul. She was born 19 Apr 1909 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Apr 1931 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Margaret Mae Knapp 10 Jul 1948, daughter of Irwin Knapp and Dora Boyce. She was born 06 Jan 1911 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 13 Feb 2000 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Frederick Bly Porter:

Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW; 20 Nov 1958 ed.:


Bly Porter, 55, of Canton RD#, was fatally stricken with a heart attack while driving his coal truck through Trucksville, in Luzerne County, late yesterday morning and his father-in-law, Irwin Knapp, grabbed the steering wheel and guided the vehicle to a halt against a guard rail. Mr. Porter was pronounced dead by a deputy coroner, Dr. Michael Bucan of Shaverstown. Surviving are his wife, Margaret; two daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Page of Lock Haven and Mrs. Aldon Walsh of West Burlington; a son, Arthur of LeRoy; a step-son, Edward Watkins of Monroeton; a half-sister, Mrs. Grace Kennedy of Canton; two half-brothers, Emmett, whose address is unknown and Harley of Athens; seven grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at the Morse Funeral Home in Canton Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in Beech Flats.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 20 Nov 1958 ed.:


Bly Porter, 55 of Canton, Wednesday Nov. 19, 1958. Survived by wife Mrs. Margaret Porter; daughter Mrs. Florence Page of Lock Haven and Mrs. Alton Welch of West Burlington; son, Arthur of LeRoy; step-son Edward Watkins of Monroeton; half-sister, Mrs. Grace Kennedy of Canton; half-brothers, Emmett Porter address unknown and Harley Porter of Athens; seven grandchildren. Body at the Morse Funeral Home, Canton. Calling hours: after 7 p.m. today. Funeral there Saturday at 2 p.m. the Rev. Lyle Pepper. Beech Flats Cemetery.


More About Frederick Bly Porter:

Burial: 22 Nov 1958, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 20 Nov 1958, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 20 Nov 1958, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Occupation 1: 1930, Farm laborer

Occupation 2: 1958, Coal truck driver

Residence 1: 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Rose L. Kelley:

Burial: 05 Apr 1931, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: following childbirth; possibly blood hemorrhage

Residence: 1930, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Margaret Mae Knapp:

Burial: 16 Feb 2000, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Feb 2000, Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 196-22-4974 (PA)

Children of Frederick Porter and Rose Kelley are:

+ 1454 i. Doris Marie13 Porter, born 29 Sep 1924 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died Jun 1989.

+ 1455 ii. Eloise Louise Porter, born 20 Oct 1928 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died Feb 1995.

+ 1456 iii. Arthur Bly Porter, born 27 Mar 1931 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA; died 20 Nov 1992 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

690. Kenneth B.12 Terry (May Effie11 Porter, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1907, and died 1946. He married Mabel A. ______. She was born 1908, and died 1958.


More About Kenneth B. Terry:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Mabel A. ______:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Child of Kenneth Terry and Mabel ______ is:

1457 i. Charles J.13 Terry, born 1933.


More About Charles J. Terry:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

691. Alice D.12 Porter (William C.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1890. She married Edward Conrad. He was born abt. 1888.

Child of Alice Porter and Edward Conrad is:

+ 1458 i. Mary13 Conrad.

692. Emily Mary12 Porter (William C.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Feb 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Jan 1969 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Earl Kilmer abt. 1909 in Sullivan Co., PA. He was born in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (2) Cecil Ray Shadduck abt. 1910, son of Albert Shadduck and Emma White. He was born 24 Aug 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 May 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Emily Mary Porter:

Name 2: Shadduck, Emily

Burial: 09 Jan 1969, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1969, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 201-24-8251 (PA)


Notes for Cecil Ray Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 May 1962 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Ray, 72, of 42 W. South Ave., Canton, Wednesday, May 2, 1962. He was a retired farmer. Survived by wife, Mrs. Emily Porter Shadduck; daughters Mrs. Gaylord McCarty and Mrs. Clarence Shaffer of Forksville, Mrs. Herbert Bedford and Mrs. Raymond Derr of Canton RD1; Mrs. LaRue Snell of Courtland; 24 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; sisters, Mrs. Fern Whitmoyer and Mrs. Edward Brennen of Sayre; brothers, Charles of Shunk, Forrest of Muncy, Dean of Binghamton, Harry of Corning. Body at the Kleese Funeral Home, Canton. Calling hours; today 7 to 9 p.m., Friday 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Saturday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Ralph R. Knight; West Hill Cemetery, Shunk.


More About Cecil Ray Shadduck:

Burial: 05 May 1962, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 May 1962, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1910, Sawmill worker

Residence: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Child of Emily Porter and Earl Kilmer is:

1459 i. Earl13 Kilmer, Jr., born 07 Aug 1912 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Sep 1913 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Earl Kilmer, Jr.:

Earl was adopted by Cecil R. Shadduck, changing the baby's name to Gerald William Shadduck, the name under which he is buried.


More About Earl Kilmer, Jr.:

Burial: 06 Sep 1913, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Children are listed above under Cecil Ray Shadduck (441).


697. Henrietta Francis12 Strong (Clarissa Emaline11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 May 1873 in Isanti Co., MN, and died 29 Aug 1901 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN. She married Lewis Mitchell Dougherty 29 Oct 1893 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN, son of John Dougherty and Margaret Dyer. He was born 07 Nov 1869 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN, and died 22 Mar 1923 in Adrian, Lenawee Co., MI.


More About Henrietta Francis Strong:

Burial: Oak Leaf Cem., Bethal, Anoka Co., MN


More About Lewis Mitchell Dougherty:

Burial: Oak Leaf Cem., Bethal, Anoka Co., MN

Cause of Death: accidental death

Medical Information: killed while moving a building

Children of Henrietta Strong and Lewis Dougherty are:

+ 1460 i. Mabel Lillian13 Dougherty, born 24 Sep 1894 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN; died 26 Oct 1989 in Anoka Co., MN.

+ 1461 ii. Abeline Francis Dougherty, born 19 Oct 1896 in Bethel, MN; died 04 Mar 1984 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

1462 iii. Bertha Ella Dougherty, born 09 Jun 1901 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN; died Nov 1974 in MN. She married Ray Johnson.

1463 iv. Charles Edward Dougherty, born 09 Nov 1898 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN; died Sep 1982 in Morrice, Shiawassee Co., MI.


More About Charles Edward Dougherty:

Social Security Number: 472-07-9722 (MN)

700. Maude Ethel12 Starkey (Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1880 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, and died 23 Jun 1917 in Anoka Co., MN. She married Charles Edward Dougherty 27 Sep 1899 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN, son of John Dougherty and Margaret Dyer. He was born 12 Mar 1875 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN, and died 17 May 1960 in Columbia Heights, Anoka Co., MN.


More About Maude Ethel Starkey:

Burial: 25 Jun 1917, Oak Leaf Cem., Bethal, Anoka Co., MN

Cause of Death: tuberculosis

More About Charles Edward Dougherty:

Burial: Oak Leaf Cem., Bethal, Anoka Co., MN

Children of Maude Starkey and Charles Dougherty are:

+ 1464 i. Dora Isabelle13 Dougherty, born 23 Feb 1901 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 05 Oct 1997 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 1465 ii. Eugene LeRoy Dougherty, born 10 Nov 1903 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 22 Jan 1979 in Chisago City, Chisago Co., MN.

1466 iii. Kermit Wayne Dougherty, born 08 Feb 1906 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN; died 03 Feb 1964 in Anoka Co., MN.


More About Kermit Wayne Dougherty:

Burial: 06 Feb 1964, Fort Snelling Nat'l Cem., Hennepin Co., MN

Mil. Discharge Rank: Oct 1945, Sgt.

Military service: Bet. 18 Mar 1942 - 01 Oct 1945, U.S. Army-Air Force


+ 1467 iv. Irma Jane Dougherty, born 02 Mar 1908 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN.

701. Sarah Abby12 Porter (Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1889 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN, and died 13 Nov 1966 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (1) Albert Charles Ruddy 08 Apr 1908. He was born 1874 in Alabama, Polk Co., WI, and died 02 Jun 1944 in Anoka Co., MN. She married (2) Charles Tony Stufell abt. 1924. He was born 14 Apr 1898 in Germany, and died 12 Nov 1975 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Sarah Abby Porter:

Burial: 16 Nov 1966, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN


More About Albert Charles Ruddy:

Burial: Linwood Cem., Anoka Co., MN

Cause of Death: struck by lightning

Residence: 1930, Wyoming, Chisago Co., MN


More About Charles Tony Stufell:

Burial: 15 Nov 1975, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Residence: Bef. Nov 1975, Last residence: St. Paul, MN 55119

Social Security Number: 470-01-2643 (MN)

Children of Sarah Porter and Albert Ruddy are:

+ 1468 i. Lillian Leona13 Ruddy, born 03 Apr 1909 in St. Francis, MN; died 10 Feb 1998 in Woodbury, Washington Co., MN.

+ 1469 ii. Lawrence Gordon Ruddy, born 11 Jun 1910 in St. Francis, MN; died 03 Mar 1970 in Dayton, Mongomery Co., OH.

+ 1470 iii. Norman Wallice Ruddy, born 17 May 1911 in St. Francis, Anoka Co., MN; died 09 Oct 1974 in Willmar, Kandiyohi Co., MN.

+ 1471 iv. Bazel Clayton Ruddy, born 17 Nov 1913 in St. Francis, Anoka Co., MN; died 02 Mar 1989 in Chisago Co., MN.

+ 1472 v. Alton Clifford Ruddy, born 17 Dec 1914 in Isanti Co., MN; died 11 Feb 1988 in Turlock, Stanislaus Co., CA.

+ 1473 vi. Margaret Emma Stufell, born 30 Apr 1916 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN.

1474 vii. Walter Ruddy, born 02 Jul 1917 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN.


Notes for Walter Ruddy:

Walter is buried under the name of Walter Stufell, although he was not legally adopted.


More About Walter Ruddy:

Burial: Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Child of Sarah Porter and Charles Stufell is:

+ 1475 i. Elna Frances13 Stufell, born 26 Jun 1926 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

705. Sivery Ivan12 Porter (Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1893 in Anoka Co., MN, and died 21 Jun 1969 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN. He married (1) Viola Johnson 1919, daughter of Henry Schreifels and Mary Ketten. She was born 02 Aug 1895 in New York City, NY, and died 11 Jul 1928 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married (2) Susana Rosina Zuleger 11 May 1938, daughter of ______ Zuleger and ______ Pierre. She was born 24 Oct 1904 in Rice, Benton Co., MN, and died 07 Apr 1963 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.


More About Sivery Ivan Porter:

Burial: 24 Jun 1969, Benton County Cem., Sauk Rapids, MN

Residence: Bef. Jun 1969, Last residence: St. Cloud, MN 56301

Social Security Number: 475-03-0274 (MN)


Notes for Viola Johnson:

Viola came from New York City to Minnesota aboard the "Orphan Train".


More About Viola Johnson:

Burial: 13 Jul 1928, Crystal Lake Cem., Minneapolis, MN


Notes for Susana Rosina Zuleger:

Susana is listed in her children's birth records as "Rose Zulager", "Rose S. Zuleger" and "Susan R. Zuleger".


More About Susana Rosina Zuleger:

Burial: 10 Apr 1963, Benton County Cem., Sauk Rapids, MN

Children of Sivery Porter and Viola Johnson are:

1476 i. Bertha Alma13 Porter, born Jan 1920; died 1932.


More About Bertha Alma Porter:

Burial: Benton County Cem., Sauk Rapids, MN

Cause of Death: diabetes


+ 1477 ii. Donald Clayton Porter, born 24 Aug 1922 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 1478 iii. Mabel Mathilda Porter, born 17 Sep 1923 in Sauk Rapids, Benton Co., MN.

+ 1479 iv. Tracy Henry Porter, born 04 Feb 1925 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN; died 11 Aug 1991.

1480 v. Gene Walter Porter, born 24 Feb 1927 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; died 21 Jul 1950 in Pelican Lake Resort, St. Louis Co., MN.


More About Gene Walter Porter:

Burial: 24 Jul 1958, Benton County Cem., Sauk Rapids, MN

Cause of Death: shot in head from .22 cal. rifle

Military service: World War II

Children of Sivery Porter and Susana Zuleger are:

1481 i. Tom Sivery13 Porter, born 08 Jun 1938 in Sauk Rapids, Benton Co., MN; died 24 Jan 1947 in Sauk Rapids, Benton Co., MN.


More About Tom Sivery Porter:

Burial: 26 Jan 1947, Benton County Cem., Sauk Rapids, MN

Cause of Death: auto-train accident


+ 1482 ii. Stacy Rogers Porter, born 30 May 1941 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

1483 iii. Infant Porter, born 18 Sep 1939 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN; died 18 Sep 1939 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.


More About Infant Porter:

Burial: 19 Sep 1939, Benton County Cem., Sauk Rapids, MN

Cause of Death: miscarried


1484 iv. Infant Porter, born 27 Jan 1945 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN; died 27 Jan 1945 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.


More About Infant Porter:

Burial: 28 Jan 1945, St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN

Cause of Death: stillborn

Medical Information: baby measured 15" across the shoulders and weighed 19 pounds

706. Tracy Allen12 Porter (Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jun 1899 in Wyoming, Chisago Co., MN, and died 11 Nov 1955 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Hattie Mayta Neumann 09 Mar 1927 in Faribault, Rice Co., MN, daughter of ______ Neumann and ______ Blume. She was born 21 Sep 1898 in New Richland, Waseca Co., MN, and died 26 Oct 1989 in Dakota Co., MN.


More About Tracy Allen Porter:

Burial: 14 Nov 1955, Riverview Cem., St. Paul, MN


More About Hattie Mayta Neumann:

Name 2: Porter, Hattie

Social Security Number: 470-28-9026 (MN)

Child of Tracy Porter and Hattie Neumann is:

+ 1485 i. Allen Russell13 Porter, born 13 Sep 1929 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

707. Bertha Grace12 Porter (Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Sep 1900 in Webster, Burnett Co., WI, and died 31 Dec 1974 in Snohomish, Snohomish Co., WA. She married James Mundahl Hanson 01 Sep 1920 in Ellendale, Steele Co., MN, son of John Hanson. He was born 10 Mar 1900 in MN, and died Apr 1965 in Snohomish, Snohomish Co., WA.


More About Bertha Grace Porter:

Name 2: Hanson, Bertha

Residence: Bef. Dec 1974, Last residence: Snohomish, WA 98290

Social Security Number: 468-22-1371 (MN)


Notes for James Mundahl Hanson:

The Hansons were living in Clarks Grove, MN when they adopted James.


More About James Mundahl Hanson:

Social Security Number: 469-03-6694 (MN)

Children of Bertha Porter and James Hanson are:

1486 i. Marian13 Hanson, born 1921 in Clarks Grove, Freeborn Co., MN/Clarks Grove, Faribault Co., MN; died abt. 1933.


More About Marian Hanson:

Cause of Death: pneumonia


+ 1487 ii. Beulah Hanson, born 09 Apr 1923.

+ 1488 iii. Darrell Mundahl Hanson, born 07 Oct 1926 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN; died 19 Jul 1998 in Ironton, Trommald Twp., Crow Wing Co., MN.

1489 iv. Wilma Mae Hanson, born abt. 1935 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN; died 17 Mar 1936 in Aitken, Aitken Co., MN.



More About Wilma Mae Hanson:

Burial: 1936, Aitken, Aitken Co., MN

Cause of Death: rickets and convulsions

709. Daniel Edmon12 Faulkner (Laura Jane11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Mar 1879 in Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY. He married (1) Anna Mills. She was born abt. 1880 in NY. He married (2) Anna Marie Aldrich. She was born abt. 1884 in NY.


More About Daniel Edmon Faulkner:

Name 2: Faulkner, Edmon

Residence 1: 1900, Erwin, Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Daniel Faulkner and Anna Mills is:

+ 1490 i. Edmon Daniel13 Faulkner, born 28 Jun 1939 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

713. Eliza Florence12 Porter (James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 May 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Sep 1962 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY. She married Emmet Delrue Porter 28 May 1905 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Joseph Porter and Jannett Foster. He was born 25 Sep 1885 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 12 Apr 1964 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.


Children are listed above under Emmet Delrue Porter (675).


714. Daniel William12 Porter (James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Nov 1968 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married Mary Helen Rumsey 03 Nov 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Albert Rumsey and Cora Wright. She was born 02 May 1897 in Daggett, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 06 Jan 1981 in N. Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Daniel William Porter:

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF Daniel William Porter (Book 76, pgs. 52-3):

I, Daniel William Porter, of the Township of South Creek, County of Bradford and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do make, publish and declare the following to be my Last Will and Testament hereby expressly revoking all other Wills heretofore at any time made by me.

1. I direct that all of my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my death.

2. I give and devise to my daughter-in-law, Esther Porter, for and during the term of her natural life or for so long as she shall occupy the same, the property on Glenn Street Road, in the Village of Gillett, South Creek Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, said property being 90 feet in frontage and about 127 feet in depth upon which is erected a home now occupied by the said Esther Porter, and upon her death or failure to occupy the said premises, I give and devise the aforesaid property to my sons, Roy G. Porter and Leon D. Porter, share and share alike.

3. I give and devise unto Leola Updyke, my house and lot including household furniture and furnishings, for and during the term of her natural life or so long as she shall occupy the same, said house and lot being located on the Glenn Street Road in the Village of Gillett, South Creek Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, and upon her death or upon her failure to occupy the same, I give and devise the said property to my sons, Roy G. Porter and Leon D. Porter, share and share alike.

4. All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal or mixed, wheresoever situate, I give devise and bequeath unto my sons, Roy G. Porter and Leon D. Porter, share and share alike.

5. I nominate, constitute and appoint my son, Roy G. Porter, Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and he to serve without bond in any jurisdiction in which he may be required to act.

6. In the event that my son, Roy G. Porter, should predecease me, then, in that case, I give, devise and bequeath his share of my estate unto his wife, Helen Porter, and in the event that my son, Leon D. Porter, should predecease me, I give, devise and bequeath his share unto his wife, Marian Porter.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of January, 1968 --- Daniel William Porter (SEAL)

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator as and for his Last Will and Testament in our presence and we, in his presence and in the presence of each other, at his request, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

JOANNA M. VINESKI - residing at Canton, PA

MINA L. POWERS - residing at Canton, PA


Date of Death 11/22/68 Estate Value: $4,075.00

Date of Probate 01/09/69 Probate No.: 2-28-69

Date of Testamentary 01/09/69 Testamentary No.: 50-521

Amount of Bond: $176.71

Personal Representative:

Roy G. Porter, Cheektowaga, NY Date of Final Probate: 2-28-69


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Nov 1968 ed.:

PORTER, Daniel W., age 77 of Gillett, PA, Friday, November 22, 1968 at home. Body at Keister Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Survived by daughter, Mrs. M. B. Shambleau of Tucson, AZ; sons, Leon Daniel Porter of Buffalo and Roy Glen Porter of Cheektowaga, NY; sister, Mrs. Aca Terwilliger of Granville Center, PA; brother, Herbert Porter of Austinville, PA; 23 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. (NOTE: Aca Terwilliger should read "Asa Terwilleger".)


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Nov 1968 ed.:

PORTER, Daniel W., age 77 of Gillett, PA, Friday, November 22, 1968 at home. Friends are invited to call at Keister Funeral Home Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Funeral there Monday at 2 P.M., the Rev. Everett Kaufman. Glenwood Cemetery, Troy, PA.


More About Daniel William Porter:

Burial: 25 Nov 1968, Glenwood Cem., Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: died in his sleep in his favorite chair

Medical Information: found by grandson, Howard Warren Porter

Namesake: Both grandfathers; Daniel P. Porter, William Gray

Obituary/Death Notice: 23 Nov 1968, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Occupation 1: 1950, Pennsylvania Railroad - trackwalker

Occupation 2: 1920, Track laborer - steam railroad

Occupation 3: 1930, Locomotive fireman - steam railroad

Residence 1: Bet. 1891 - 1895, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1895 - 1900, Erwin Twp., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1901 - 1930, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 4: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 5: Bet. 1930 - 1950, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 6: 1950, 410 E. Water St., Elmira, NY

Residence 7: Bet. 1951 - 1968, Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Will: 30 Jan 1968, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Mary Helen Rumsey:

NOTE: The first obituary was submitted by the Keister Funeral Home. I contacted Mr. Keister after hearing of Grandma's death and furnished info from memory. The second one I submitted to the SULLIVAN REVIEW. The following are errors in the two submissions: She was born in Daggett Hollow in Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; she married on Nov. 3; she was cremated on Jan 8, her ashes bur. in Apr 1981; Roy's family resided in Cheektowaga, a suburb of Buffalo; she had 24 surviving grandchildren, (my sister Christine died in 1954); Dolly's last name was Boop. -- note of R. J. Porter


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Jan 1981 ed.:


Helen R. Klein, age 83, Apartment 308 Senior Citizen Building, Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, January 6, 1981 at Towanda Hospital. Formerly of Gillett, Pa. No calling hours. Burial was made Thursday, January 8, 1981 at the convenience of the family. Survived by sons, Roy and Leon Porter, Buffalo, NY, twenty-five grandchildren, 46 great-grandchildren, 1 great-great-grandchild, several nieces, nephews and cousins. Local arrangements by Keister Funeral Home.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 22 Jan 1981 ed.:

Helen R. (Mary) Klein, 83 of Towanda, formerly of Gillett, died January 6, 1981 in the Towanda Memorial Hospital. Born May 2, 1897 in Gillett, she was a daughter of Albert Lincoln and Cora Adassa Wright Rumsey. Her family moved to Shunk when she was three years old, following her father's death and her mother's remarriage to Austin Brown of Shunk. She married Daniel William Porter of Shunk on November 1, 1911. She is survived by two sons, Leon Daniel and Roy Glenn Porter, both of Buffalo, NY; grandchildren: Sgt. Herbert Carmen of Washington, DC, Diane LaCelle of Ilion, NY, Mary Wilcox of Rochester, NY, Dawn Bastian and Linda Weller, both of Horseheads, NY, Dale Carmen of Minnesota, Constance M. Root of Sayre, Richard J. of Sayre, Sgt. Howard W. of Camp Pendleton, CA, Dolly L. Boot and Ronald J., both of Elmira, NY, Charles D. of Austinville, PA, Loretta K. Fowler of Brooklyn, NY, Deanna L. of West Burlington, NY, Leon D., Janice, Debra, Roleen, David, Bruce, Mark, Melvin, Gerald all of Buffalo, Linda Gubala of Buffalo, 46 great-grandchildren; one great-great grandson and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Burial was in Saint Matthew's Cemetery, Buffalo.


More About Mary Helen Rumsey:

Name 2: Klein, Helen

Burial: Apr 1981, St. Matthew's Cem., Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Cause of Death: pneumonia after having 2 small strokes a week earlier

Cremation: 08 Jan 1981, Endicott, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 10 Jan 1981, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 22 Jan 1981, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Occupation 1: 1941, Clerk

Occupation 2: Bet. 1942 - 1946, Cook

Residence 1: 1941, 761 E. Washington Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1942, 301 W. Fourth St., Elmira, NY

Residence 3: 1944, 316 W. Gray St., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1946, 406 W. First St., Elmira, NY

Residence 5: Bet. 1948 - 1959, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Residence 6: Bet. 1960 - 1973, Glen St., Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 7: Bet. 1973 - 1981, N. Towanda, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Daniel Porter and Mary Rumsey are:

+ 1491 i. Herbert Orrin Allen13 Porter, born 30 Jun 1918 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA; died 14 Jul 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 1492 ii. Cora Genevieve Porter, born 21 Mar 1921 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA; died 31 Oct 1970 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ.

+ 1493 iii. Warren LeRoy Porter, born 16 Mar 1923 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA; died 03 Jan 1968 in Kanona, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 1494 iv. Leon Daniel Porter, born 20 Jul 1926 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 31 May 1984 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 1495 v. Roy Glenn Porter, born 02 Feb 1928 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died in Cheektowaga, Erie Co., NY.

1496 vi. Lena Rebecca Porter, born 23 Nov 1930 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 03 Dec 1932 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Lena Rebecca Porter:

Elmira, NY - ELMIRA ADVERTISER, 3 Dec 1932 evening ed.:

Troy--Lucy Rebecca Porter, two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Porter of Gillett, died Saturday afternoon of pneumonia. Funeral services were held at 1 PM today at the family residence. Burial being made in the Glenwood Cemetery, Troy. The Rev. Sidney Kane, Gillett, officiated. (Lucy should read "Lena". Her grave marker is a white lamb. - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Lena Rebecca Porter:

Burial: 05 Dec 1932, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 04 Dec 1932, ELMIRA ADVERTISER - Elmira, NY

715. Herbert Alexander12 Porter (James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Apr 1893 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Dec 1979 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. He married Berdena Terwilleger 14 Oct 1920 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Edward Terwilleger and Catherine Thompson. She was born 31 Aug 1896 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 19 May 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Herbert Alexander Porter:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 13 Dec 1979 ed.:

PORTER, Herbert A., 86, of Troy RD 1, died Dec. 7, 1979 at the Bath Veterans Administration Hospital, NY. Born April 23, 1893, in Shunk, he was the son of James and Sophia Gray Porter. He was a retired farmer and was formerly employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad. He was a 50-year member of the Austinville Odd Fellows Lodge No. 320. He was veteran of World War I and a member of the Troy American Legion. He is survived by a son, Edward L. Porter, of Troy RD 1; a daughter, Mrs. James (Naomi) Forrest of Troy; a sister, Ella Terwilleger, of Canton RD; 10 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren and a great-great granddaughter. The funeral was held Dec. 11 in Troy with full military honors. The Rev. Kenneth Marple officiated. Burial was at Bradford County Memorial Park.

(The Bradford County, PA veteran's records state that Herbert served in the U.S. Army, assigned to the 465th Engineers and achieved the rank of Private First Class. - note of R.J. Porter)


The following THANK YOU notice appeared in a Dec 1979 edition of the Troy Pennysaver, an area thrift publication, distributed in the Troy, Gillett, Canton and Granville, PA area.


"The family of Herbert Porter takes this way in thanking our many friends, neighbors and loved ones who shared our sorrow; the Austinville vicinity for flowers, food and other acts of kindness; Laura Palmer and Margaret Vaughn for their always present loving neighborliness and all the others who gave of themselves as well as food, flowers and prayers. We remember with grateful thanks the pleasures the Gene Leonard family gave our loved one. We also thank the American Legion for their service at the grave site, also a thank you to the American Legion Auxiliary for the lovely dinner. God bless you all.--- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Porter and family; Mrs. Naomi Forrest and family; Mrs. Ella Terwilliger and family"


More About Herbert Alexander Porter:

Burial: 11 Dec 1979, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Medical Information: died at the Veterans Administration Hospital

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 1914 - 1917, U.S. Army - 465th Engineers

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Dec 1979, SULLIVAN REVIEW, Dushore, PA

Occupation: 1920, Track laborer - steam railroad

Residence 1: 1893 - 1899, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1900, Erwin, Steuben Co., NY

Residence 3: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 4: 1920, Wells Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 5: Bet. 1920 - 1930, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 6: Bef. Dec 1979, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 184-12-1485 (PA)


More About Berdena Terwilleger:

Burial: 21 May 1965, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence: 1930, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Herbert Porter and Berdena Terwilleger are:

+ 1497 i. Naomi Irene13 Porter, born 09 Feb 1917 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 1498 ii. Edward Latney Porter, born 18 Jun 1921 in Columbia Cross Roads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 29 Jul 1993 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

717. Ella Jane12 Porter (James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Apr 1901 in Beartown, Lindley Twp., Steuben Co., NY, and died 25 Jan 2004 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Asa Terwilleger 30 Oct 1922 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA, son of Edward Terwilleger and Catherine Thompson. He was born 05 Oct 1901 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Nov 1977 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Ella Jane Porter:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 25 Jan 2004 ed.:

TERWILLEGER, Ella Jane Porter, 102, of the Bradford County Manor, and formerly of the Columbia Cross Roads and Canton areas, went home to her Lord on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 25, 2004. Ella was born on April 19, 1901, in Beartown, NY She was the daughter of Latney and Sophia (Gray) Porter. Ella married Asa on Oct. 30, 1922 in the Coryland Baptist Church. Together they owned and operated a dairy farm in Columbia Township for many years until retiring. She was a former member of the Gillett Baptist Church and Canton's Lady Rebekah Lodge No. 362. Ella later attended the Canton Wesleyan Church and volunteered at the Canton Hospitality House. Mrs. Terwilleger was happiest when busy. In addition to caring for her family and home, she enjoyed helping with the daily operation of the family's farm. Ella also enjoyed flowers, working in her gardens, crocheting and embroidering. She is survived by: a son and daughter-in-law; James and Esther Terwilleger of Troy; 2 grandchildren: Michael Terwilleger of Spokane, WA and Rosemary Winebarger of Clearwater, FL, two great-grandsons: Jimmy and William Winebarger of Fla., and several nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her husband, Asa, Mrs. Terwilleger was preceded in death by four brothers; Carson, Daniel, Herbert and Morrell Porter. Her family invites friends to call from 10-11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 28, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral and committal services will follow with Pastor Jay Morris and retired Pastor Jasper Smith officiating. Burial will be held in the Bradford County Memorial Park, Luthers Mills. Those who wish may make memorials in Ella's name to the Activity Department of the Bradford County Manor at RR3, Box 322, Troy, Pa. 16947.


Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 28 Jan 2004 ed.:

Ella Terwilleger, 102, of Columbia Cross Roads and Canton, died Jan. 25, 2004. Surviving are a son, James (Esther) of Troy; two grandchildren; and two great-grandsons. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, Asa. Friends may call 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton. Services will follow at 11 a.m. Memorials may be directed to the Activity Department, Bradford Co. Manor, RR 3 Box 322 Troy, PA 16947.


More About Ella Jane Porter:

Name 2: Terwilleger, Ella

Burial: 28 Jan 2004, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 25 Jan 2004, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 28 Jan 2004, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1901 - 1920, Erwin, Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1920 - 1922, Coryland, Wells Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 4: Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 5: Bet. 1979 - 1984, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 6: Bet. 1984 - 2004, Bradford County Manor, Burlington Twp., PA

Social Security Number: 194-32-0016 (PA)



More About Asa Terwilleger:

Burial: 06 Nov 1977, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1977, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 056-28-9022 (NY)


Marriage Notes for Ella Porter and Asa Terwilleger:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Oct 1972 ed.: (photo incl.)

Mr. and Mrs. Asa Terwilleger Mark 50th Anniversary

An open house honoring the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Terwilleger of Granville Summit is planned for Oct. 29, at their home in Granville Summit from 2 until 4 p.m. The couple was united in marriage at the bride's home in Coryland by the Rev. H.A. Whitehead. Mrs. Terwilleger is the former Ella Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Latney Porter of the Gillett area. They have one son, James of Canton and two grandchildren. There will be a money tree. The affair will be hosted by their son and family.

Child of Ella Porter and Asa Terwilleger is:

+ 1499 i. James Asa13 Terwilleger, born 28 Dec 1927 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

718. Elizabeth Fidelia12 Jones (Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Elmer B. Wright 17 Nov 1910 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Jerome Wright and Mary ______. He was born 11 Dec 1888 in PA, and died Nov 1966.


More About Elizabeth Fidelia Jones:

Name 2: Wright, Elizabeth F.

Residence 1: 1910, Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


More About Elmer B. Wright:

Name 2: Wright, E.

Residence 1: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Nov 1966, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 173-09-9929 (PA)

Child of Elizabeth Jones and Elmer Wright is:

1500 i. Dorothy G.13 Wright, born abt. 1912 in Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Dorothy G. Wright:

Residence: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

719. Della May12 Jones (Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Oct 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Albert M. Ziegler 25 Sep 1909 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Charles Ziegler and Maria ______. He was born 1879 in Muncy Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died in Ralston, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Della May Jones:

Burial: Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA - no marker

Residence 1: 1910, Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Albert M. Ziegler:

Residence 1: Bet. 1880 - 1910, Plunketts Creek, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Della Jones and Albert Ziegler are:

1501 i. Merle13 Ziegler, born 16 Dec 1911 in Lycoming Co., PA; died Nov 1970.


More About Merle Ziegler:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1970, Orem, UT 84057

Social Security Number: 712-07-6302 (RB)


1502 ii. Cecil D. Ziegler, born 1916 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Cecil D. Ziegler:

Residence: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 1503 iii. Paul D. Ziegler, born 09 Apr 1919 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Feb 1983.

720. Robert McEwen12 Jones (Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1893 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Florence Viola Whidden 08 May 1920 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of David Whidden and Emma Stawets. She was born Nov 1891 in Allenwood, Union Co., PA.


More About Robert McEwen Jones:

Residence 1: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Loyalsock, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, Woodward, Lycoming Co., PA


More About Florence Viola Whidden:

Name 2: Florence V. Jones

Medical Information: twin to brother Torrence

Child of Robert Jones and Florence Whidden is:

+ 1504 i. Phyllis L.13 Jones, born 1925 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

721. Ella Myrtle12 Jones (Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1895 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 20 Dec 1973 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Harry LeRoy Haight 30 Nov 1922 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Clark Haight and Rosetta Bower. He was born 28 Apr 1892 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died Jan 1973 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Ella Myrtle Jones:

Name 2: Haight, Ella M.

Burial: 23 Dec 1973, Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 1: 1910, Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 3: 1973, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Social Security Number: 187-12-3519 (PA)


More About Harry LeRoy Haight:

Burial: Barbours' Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Military service: abt. 1917, U.S. Army - Camp Lee, VA during WW I; about 6 mo. later peace treaty was signed

Occupation: 1930, Cook - lumber camp

Residence 1: 1910, Plunkett's Creek, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Jan 1973, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 199-07-3406 (PA)

Children of Ella Jones and Harry Haight are:

+ 1505 i. LaVerna Victoria13 Haight, born 27 Sep 1923 in Ralston, Lycoming Co., PA; died 02 Apr 1994 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.

1506 ii. Cleon LeRoy Haight, born 28 May 1925 in Ralston, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Lois Louise Dyer 22 May 1948 in Lewisburg, Union Co., PA; born 07 Jan 1930 in Lewisburg, Union Co., PA.


Notes for Cleon LeRoy Haight:

Cleon was responsible for aiding in the establishment of churches in Linden, Lewisburg and Lewisberry, PA. He had served in 5 different churches during his ministry.


More About Cleon LeRoy Haight:

Occupation: Ordained Baptist Minister (retired after 42 years)

Residence 1: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Lewisburg, PA

Residence 2: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA


+ 1507 iii. LaRue William Haight, born 21 Jan 1929 in Montoursville, PA; died 02 Aug 2004 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1508 iv. Harry David Haight, born 21 Jun 1936 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA; died 06 Jan 2002 in Williamsport, PA.

723. Seth David12 Jones (Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1899 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 04 Jun 1978 in Watsontown, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Bessie Mae Jacoby 26 Mar 1927 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Frank Jacoby and Fannie Wheeland. She was born 30 Aug 1910 in Colver, Cambria Co., PA, and died Sep 1992.


More About Seth David Jones:

Burial: Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Jun 1978, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 205-07-6147 (PA)


More About Bessie Mae Jacoby:

Name 2: Jones, Bessie

Burial: Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1992, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 190-18-4604 (PA)


Marriage Notes for Seth Jones and Bessie Jacoby:

Williamsport, PA newspaper:

Reception To Honor Couple On 50th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. & Mrs. Seth D. Jones, 322 Winters Lane, Montoursville, will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 27. They will be honored at an open reception from 2 to 4 PM that day at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reeder, 937 Cherry Street, Montoursville. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents also of four sons: Myron, Elmira, NY; Arnold, Horseheads, NY; Robert, Montoursville, RD #4; Charles, Montoursville. There are five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The couple were married in this city. They are members of the Barbours Baptist Church. Mrs. Jones, the former Bessie Jacoby, is a native of Cascade Township. Mr. Jones is retired from the Williamsport Foundry, Inc. and is a native of Proctor.

Children of Seth Jones and Bessie Jacoby are:

1509 i. Myron Franklin13 Jones, born 24 Nov 1927 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 17 May 1980 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Virginia Strong.


More About Myron Franklin Jones:

Burial: 21 May 1980, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Elmira, NY

Residence: May 1980, Last residence: Elmira Heights, NY 14903

Social Security Number: 203-20-6823 (PA)


1510 ii. Arnold LeRoy Jones, born 28 Oct 1929 in Cascade Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married Stella Mae Bennett 16 Jul 1966 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Arnold LeRoy Jones:

Residence 1: 1990, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY


+ 1511 iii. Myrtle Elizabeth Jones, born 15 Jul 1931 in Plunkett's Creek, Lycoming Co., PA.

1512 iv. Marian Mae Jones, born 1934; died 1937.


More About Marian Mae Jones:

Burial: Barbours Cem., Plunketts Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: pneumonia


+ 1513 v. Robert David Jones, born 08 Apr 1938 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1514 vi. Charles Clinton Jones, born 28 Nov 1939 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 27 Aug 1998.


More About Charles Clinton Jones:

Occupation: 1996, NAPA Auto Parts - Williamsport, PA

Social Security Number: 165-32-7424 (PA)

724. Ethel Gertrude12 Jones (Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1905 in Loyalsockville, Plunkett's Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 1947 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Paul James Lynch abt. 1927, son of Jim Lynch and Lena Koser. He was born 25 Jun 1907, and died 09 Mar 1983 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL.


More About Ethel Gertrude Jones:

Burial: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: became comatose - died shortly afterwards (several days later)


More About Paul James Lynch:

Burial: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: 1983, Last residence: Tampa, FL 33616

Social Security Number: 206-16-4028 (PA)

Children of Ethel Jones and Paul Lynch are:

+ 1515 i. Donald James13 Lynch, born 07 Apr 1929 in Loyalsockville, Lycoming Co., PA; died 07 Oct 1990 in Williamsport, PA.

+ 1516 ii. Vernon LeRoy Lynch, born 23 Jul 1930 in Loyalsockville, Lycoming Co., PA "Slab town".

+ 1517 iii. Shirley Ann Lynch, born 11 Aug 1934 in Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1518 iv. Janice Mae Lynch, born 11 Mar 1936 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 23 Mar 2004 in Montoursville, PA.

1519 v. Kenneth Harry Lynch, born 1937 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA; died Apr 1941 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Kenneth Harry Lynch:

Burial: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: accidental drowning while wading in the Loyalsock Creek

725. Irvin12 Forrest (Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Dec 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Dec 1983 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY. He married (1) Lulu Vera Landis, daughter of Oscar Landis. She was born 16 Sep 1897. He married (2) Mina ______.


More About Irvin Forrest:

Burial: 30 Dec 1983, Riverside Cem., Appalachian, Tioga Co., NY

Medical Information: died at Wilson Memorial Hospital; buried by the Nichols Funeral Home, Whitney Point, NY

Residence: Dec 1983, Last residence: Owego, NY 13827

Social Security Number: 077-05-0624 (NY)

Children of Irvin Forrest and Lulu Landis are:

+ 1520 i. Myrtle Isadore13 Forrest, born 11 Feb 1922 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1521 ii. Kenneth Irvin Forrest, born 30 Apr 1924 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

726. Cecil B.12 Forrest (Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jul 1902 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Nov 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Cordia M. Smith 24 Apr 1924 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Dubois Smith and Mary DeWitt. She was born 10 Sep 1905 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 23 Mar 1974 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married (2) Dorothy Kinkade 03 Apr 1975 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She was born abt. 1904.


Notes for Cecil B. Forrest:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 16 Nov 1981 ed.:

FORREST, Cecil B., Age 79 of 215 Main Street, Wellsburg, NY, Saturday, November 14, 1981. Calling hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Lowery Funeral Home, Athens. Services Wednesday at 2 p.m.; Rev. James Warner officiating. Burial Bradford County Memorial Park. Survived by wife, Dorothy; daughter, Nancy Coolbaugh of Waverly; son, Robert of S. Waverly; three stepchildren, John Elston of Elmira, Elizabeth Elston of Ithaca and Mary Beechey of Big Flats; 8 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; brother, Ervin of Whitney Point, NY. He was a retired farmer from the E. Troy area. (Ervin should read "Irvin". -- note of R. J. Porter)


The following persons visited the Lowery Funeral Home for the viewing and/or funeral of Cecil:

Marian Porter Overrein, Mr. & Mrs. John Emerson Frantz, Mrs. Bessie Clark; Jim, Annette, Jennifer & Tiffany Barrett; Phyllis McCormack; Charlotte Krons; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Patterson; Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Patterson; Mr. & Mrs. Donald Patterson; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Patterson; Mr. & Mrs. Leo Johnson; Leora Copeland; Donna Schriviner; Doris Halles; Bernard Earle; Dorothy Schriviner; Ella Terwilleger; Mr. & Mrs. James Terwilleger; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Urben; Aliene Groton; Marian Hemenway; Mr. & Mrs. Fay Crow; Teresa A. Stanton; Charles Groover; Mary Groover; Walter C. Fisk, Sr.; Mrs. Archie Hatch; Richard Frantz; Chuck & Mary Beechey; Elizabeth Ellston; Mr. & Mrs. Philip Coolbaugh, Jr.; The Austin Lane Family; Mr. Lyle A. Smith, Jr.; Arlene Price; Sharon Loucks; Mr. & Mrs. Bell Tuton; Paul McNahan; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coolbaugh; The Ronald Vough Family; Mr. & Mrs. Fred Smith; Glenn Frisbie; Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Reynolds; Ronald Jay Porter; Frank Pike; Terri Smith; Irvin Forrest; Jacquline A. Frantz; Myrtle Pierce; Ellen J. Beechey; Lewis Druffner and John P. Foster.


More About Cecil B. Forrest:

Burial: 18 Nov 1981, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Medical Information: died at Arnot Ogden Memorial Hospital

Residence: Nov 1981, Last residence: Wellsburg, NY 14894

Social Security Number: 179-14-0992 (PA)


Notes for Cordia M. Smith:

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 25 Mar 1974 ed.:


Cordia M. Forrest, 68, of Waverly Rd 2, died Saturday, March 23, 1974 at 2:15 p.m. at the Tioga General Hospital following a brief illness. Born in Proctor, PA, she resided in Troy, PA for several years before moving to Waverly, where she lived for the past 22 years. She is survived by her husband, Cecil B. Forrest, at home; one daughter, Mrs. Phillip (Nancy) Coolbaugh of Waverly; one son, Robert D. Forrest of S. Waverly; one brother, Lyle Smith of Elmira; one aunt, Mrs. Nora Canavan of Lyons, NY; six grandchildren, one great grandson, several nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Lowery Funeral Home, 225 S. Main St., Athens, today from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral and committal services will be held at the funeral home Tuesday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Leighton Pitkin, pastor of the Athens United Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be at a later time in Bradford County Memorial Park in Luthers Mills.


More About Cordia M. Smith:

Name 2: Forrest, Cordia

Burial: 26 Mar 1974, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 25 Mar 1974, THE EVENING TIMES - Sayre, PA

Residence: Mar 1974, Last residence: Waverly, NY 14892

Social Security Number: 061-30-0646 (NY)

Children of Cecil Forrest and Cordia Smith are:

+ 1522 i. Robert Dean13 Forrest, born 17 May 1926 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 25 Jun 1989.

+ 1523 ii. Nancy Lucille Forrest, born 05 May 1933 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.

728. Velma Irene12 Forrest (Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Sep 1911 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA, and died 28 Feb 1949 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Raymond Edward Patterson abt. 1930, son of Jewett Patterson and Alice Palmer. He was born 14 Oct 1903 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 25 Sep 1972 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Velma Irene Forrest:

Burial: Lawrenceville Cem., Tioga Co., PA


Notes for Raymond Edward Patterson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Sep 1972 ed.:

PATTERSON, Raymond "Pat", 68, of Lawrenceville, died Monday, September 25th 1972 in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital in Wellsboro following a long illness. He was born in Mainesburg October 14, 1903, the son of Jewett and Alice (Palmer) Patterson. He retired in 1965 from Ingersoll-Rand Company in Painted Post, NY after 25 years of service. He was a member of the Lawrenceville Volunteer Fire Department, Lawrenceville Odd Fellows Lodge and Local 313, AFL-CIO of Painted Post. Mr. Patterson is survived by his wife, Doris Shaffer Patterson; seven daughters, Mrs. Gerald (Arlene) Price, Mrs. Thomas (Sharon) Loucks, both of Knoxville, Mrs. David (Geraldine) Lehman of Tioga, Mrs. Stanley (Peggy) Loucks of Phoenix, Arizona, Mrs. Andrew (Pauline) McIlwain, Mrs. Max (Florence) Shedden, both of Canton, Mrs. Alleane Cody of Hornby, NY; four sons Leonard, Edward and Richard of Tioga and Sgt. 1C Donald Patterson of the U.S. Army, Ft. Richardson, Alaska; 38 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Calling hours were held at the Kuhl and Spiak Funeral Home in Wellsboro Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon and evening. Funeral services were held there this afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. William L. Lusk, Lawrenceville Methodist pastor, officiating. Burial was made with Lawrenceville Cemetery.


More About Raymond Edward Patterson:

Burial: 28 Sep 1972, Lawrenceville Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Sep 1972, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Jul 1940, Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA

Residence 2: Sep 1972, Last residence: Lawrenceville, PA 16929

Social Security Number: 205-03-4529 (PA)

Children of Velma Forrest and Raymond Patterson are:

+ 1524 i. Hazel Arlene13 Patterson, born 24 Dec 1931 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1525 ii. Geraldine Phyllis Patterson, born 04 Feb 1934 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1526 iii. Leonard Howard Patterson, born 03 Jan 1936 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1527 iv. Edward Clinton Patterson, born 22 Feb 1937 in Tioga Junction, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1528 v. Richard Carl Patterson, born 13 Nov 1938 in Tioga Junction, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1529 vi. Donald Charles Patterson, born 28 May 1940 in Tioga Junction, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1530 vii. Sharon Irene Patterson, born 05 May 1947 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1531 viii. Peggy Louise Patterson, born 26 Jan 1949 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

731. Harvey Timothy12 Parrish (Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born May 1884 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1951 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY. He married Clara Coats Feb 1911 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of ______ Coats and Rachel Norton. She was born 10 May 1895 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Apr 1970 in Nichols, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Harvey Timothy Parrish:

Burial: 21 Jun 1951, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1884 - 1911, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1911 - 1921, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1921 - 1951, Wellsburg, Ashland Twp., Chemung Co., NY

Notes for Clara Coats:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Apr 1970 ed.:

PARRISH, Clara, age 76 of Nichols, RD 1, Thursday, April 9, 1970. Friends may call Page-Jamieson Funeral Home, Sunday 4 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Monday at 2 p.m. Burial in Ashland Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Survived by sons Elmer of Forksville, PA, Earl of Sayre, PA, Elery of Sayre, RD 2 PA, Lloyd of Beaver Dams, NY, daughter, Mrs. Mildred Foulkrod of Nichols, NY, RD 1; brothers, Charles Coats of Millport, NY, Carter Coats of Horseheads; Ward Norton of Sayre, PA, and Harvey Norton of Shunk, PA; sister, Ida Norton of Grover, PA; 17 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren. She was the widow of Harvey T. Parrish.


More About Clara Coats:

Burial: 14 Apr 1970, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 10 Apr 1970, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Children of Harvey Parrish and Clara Coats are:

+ 1532 i. Elmer Ward13 Parrish, born 25 May 1913 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Apr 1987.

+ 1533 ii. Mildred Margaret Parrish, born 13 Feb 1915 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Jun 2001 in Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1534 iii. Earl Gordon Parrish, born 04 Sep 1917 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Sep 2001 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1535 iv. Elery Edward Parrish, born 20 Sep 1919 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Apr 1973 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Kathryn N. Snell; born abt. Jun 1927.


Notes for Elery Edward Parrish:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 08 Apr 1973 ed.

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 08 Apr 1973 ed.:

PARRISH, Elery E. "Toot", 53, of Sayre, RD1, died Saturday, April 7, 1973 at the Robert Packer Hospital following an illness of two months. He was born in Wheelerville, PA Sept. 20, 1919, the son of the late Harvey and Clara Coats Parrish and had been employed as a mechanic for C. W. Jelleff & Son, Inc. of Bentley Creek. Surviving are his wife, Kathryn; a sister Mrs. Walter (Mildred) Foulkrod of Sayre RD 2; three brothers, Elmer of Forksville RD 2 and Lloyd of Beaver Dams, NY; several nieces and nephews. Funeral and committal services will be held at the Page-Jamieson Funeral Home in Wellsburg this Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Neale Backman, pastor of the Chemung United Methodist Church, will officiate and burial will be in the Ashland Cemetery at the convenience of the family.

(NOTE: His middle name could be Emory, the name he was so often referred. Both obituaries mistakenly omitted Earl from the list of brothers.)


More About Elery Edward Parrish:

Burial: 10 Apr 1973, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 08 Apr 1973, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 08 Apr 1973, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Apr 1973, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 203-05-6774 (PA)


1536 v. Cora Etta Parrish, born 1924 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1940.


More About Cora Etta Parrish:

Burial: 28 Mar 1940, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY


+ 1537 vi. Lloyd Laurayne Parrish, born 14 Jun 1928 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Jul 1996 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

733. Floyd Elmer12 Parrish (Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Feb 1896 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (near Bear Mountain), and died Jun 1987 in Auburndale, Polk Co., FL. He married Gladys Livinia Walters 25 Dec 1917 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Wesley Walters and Frances Brown. She was born 20 Mar 1901 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died May 1977 in Auburndale, Polk Co., FL.


More About Floyd Elmer Parrish:

Occupation: 1930, Carpenter

Residence: Bef. Jun 1987, Last residence: Auburndale, FL 33823

Social Security Number: 096-01-5533 (NY)


More About Gladys Livinia Walters:

Name 2: Parrish, Gladys

Burial: May 1977, Auburndale, Polk Co., FL

Residence: Bef. May 1977, Last residence: Auburndale, FL 33823

Social Security Number: 087-20-8278 (NY)

Children of Floyd Parrish and Gladys Walters are:

+ 1538 i. Nina Vivian13 Parrish, born 16 Mar 1920 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1539 ii. Marian Faye Parrish, born 07 Nov 1921 in Pleasantville, Atlantic Co., NJ.

+ 1540 iii. Walter Atlee Parrish, born 29 Jul 1923 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA.

1541 iv. Roger Floyd Parrish, born 09 Apr 1935 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. He married (1) Mary ______. He married (2) Mary ______.

737. Alvin James12 Porter (Albert W.11, Miner F.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Dec 1891 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died Sep 1981 in Dallas, TX. He married Harriette A. ______ abt. 1913. She was born 1893, and died 1962.


More About Alvin James Porter:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Box factory - foreman

Residence: Bef. Sep 1981, Last residence: Dallas, TX 75228

Social Security Number: 180-09-6028 (PA)


More About Harriette A. ______:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Alvin Porter and Harriette ______ are:

1542 i. Josephine13 Porter, born 1916 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1543 ii. Elizabeth Porter, born 08 Mar 1919 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 10 Mar 1919 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Elizabeth Porter:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


1544 iii. Doris Porter, born abt. 1923.

741. Harold Burdett12 Porter (Albert W.11, Miner F.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jan 1913, and died 16 Aug 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Emma ______.


Notes for Harold Burdett Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Aug 1973 ed.:

PORTER, Harold B. Sr., age 60, of 3082 Arnold Ave., Horseheads, NY, Thursday, August 16, 1973. Friends may call at the Roberts Funeral Home (formerly Page-Jamieson), Wellsburg, NY, Saturday 7 to 0 p.m., Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services there Monday at 2 p. the Rev. Thomas Moore of the First Baptist Church of Horseheads officiating. Interment Berwick Turnpike Cemetery, East Smithfield, PA. Survived by wife Emma; sons, Staff Sgt. Harold Burdett Porter, Jr. with U.S. Air Force in California, Larry E. Porter of Rochester, NY, Michael B. Porter of Bath, NY; sisters, Mrs. Warren (Velma) Neal of Cayuta, NY, Mrs. Dean (Lorin) Taylor of Canton, PA, Mrs. James (Beatrice) Vail of Elmira, NY, one brother, Alvin J. Porter of Dallas, Texas; nine grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Mr. Porter was a member of past trustee of the First Baptist Church of Horseheads and a retired employee of Schweiser Aircraft of Horseheads.


More About Harold Burdett Porter:

Burial: 19 Aug 1973, Berwick Turnpike Cem., East Smithfield, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Aug 1973, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Aug 1973, Last residence: Horseheads, NY 14845

Social Security Number: 063-18-0725 (NY)

Children of Harold Porter and Emma ______ are:

1545 i. Harold Burdett13 Porter, Jr..


More About Harold Burdett Porter, Jr.:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Aug 1973, U.S. Army - California


1546 ii. Larry E. Porter.


More About Larry E. Porter:

Residence: Aug 1973, Rochester, Monroe Co., NY


1547 iii. Michael B. Porter.


More About Michael B. Porter:

Residence: Aug 1973, Bath, Steuben Co., NY

744. Floyd Ellis12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Mar 1977 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Ada Belle Williams 24 Mar 1908 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Morris Williams and Carrie Foster. She was born 14 Apr 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Sep 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Dorothy Christine Smith 02 May 1921 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Claude Smith and Maude Williams. She was born 02 Sep 1901, and died Mar 1986.


More About Floyd Ellis Morgan:

Burial: 27 Mar 1977, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Occupation: 1910, Woodsman

Residence 1: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Mar 1977, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 199-09-0656 (PA)


More About Ada Belle Williams:

Burial: 28 Sep 1919, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: 1910, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1900, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Dorothy Christine Smith:

Name 2: Morgan, Dorothy

Residence: Bef. Mar 1986, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 173-50-8571 (PA)

Children of Floyd Morgan and Ada Williams are:

+ 1548 i. Desmond H.13 Morgan, born 24 Mar 1909 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 24 Mar 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1549 ii. Lucille Grace Morgan, born 09 Mar 1911 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1550 iii. Lenora Mae Morgan, born 08 Jun 1913 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 13 Dec 1975.

+ 1551 iv. Myrtle Irene Morgan, born 23 Jul 1915.

+ 1552 v. Alfreda Mary Morgan, born 31 Dec 1917 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died 11 Jan 1996 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1553 vi. Lois Mary Morgan, born 04 Feb 1919 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Floyd Morgan and Dorothy Smith are:

+ 1554 i. Roland Evert13 Morgan, born 18 Aug 1922; died 06 May 1994.

+ 1555 ii. Donald Floyd Morgan, born 07 Nov 1926 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Nov 2000 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 1556 iii. Ethlyn Naomi Morgan, born 20 Apr 1929; died 16 Sep 1999.

+ 1557 iv. Claude Morris Morgan, born 09 Jun 1934 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1558 v. Darwin Roscoe Morgan, born 13 Nov 1938 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1559 vi. Audrey Donna Morgan, born 05 Feb 1945.

745. Henrietta Delphine12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Dec 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Dec 1951. She married Frank Asher Fields. He was born 17 Jun 1888.


More About Henrietta Delphine Morgan:

Burial: Turner Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Frank Asher Fields:

Burial: Turner Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Henrietta Morgan and Frank Fields are:

+ 1560 i. Glenn Alfred13 Fields, born 26 Aug 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA; died 11 Jul 1996 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1561 ii. Arthur Morris Fields, born 12 Apr 1914; died 12 Jan 1965.

746. Daniel Newton12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1894 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Jan 1961 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Bertha Ines Vargeson 28 Feb 1915 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of George Vargeson and Edith Shoemaker. She was born 21 Apr 1896 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Aug 1988.


More About Daniel Newton Morgan:

Burial: 27 Jan 1961, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Bertha Ines Vargeson:

Name 2: Morgan, Bertha

Burial: 26 Aug 1988, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 168-50-1670 (PA)

Children of Daniel Morgan and Bertha Vargeson are:

+ 1562 i. Agnes Irene13 Morgan, born 28 Oct 1915 in Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1563 ii. Leslie Lynnford Morgan, born 31 Aug 1919 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Mar 1997 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA.

1564 iii. Raymond George Morgan, born 22 May 1922; died May 1990.


More About Raymond George Morgan:

Burial: Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 165-20-5431 (PA)


+ 1565 iv. Vernon Daniel Morgan, born 24 Sep 1925 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1566 v. Vivian Helen Morgan, born 08 Jul 1927 in Masten, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1567 vi. Duane Eldon Morgan, born 10 Jan 1932 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1568 vii. Arlene Bernadette Morgan, born 07 May 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

747. Leon Earl12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 May 1896 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Oct 1973 in Deland, Volusia Co., FL. He married Verna Angelia Miller 12 Jul 1916 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of ______ Miller and Jessie Potter. She was born 13 Feb 1897 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died Feb 1985 in DeLeon Springs, FL.


Notes for Leon Earl Morgan:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 21 May 1896 ed.:

On the 13th inst. Mrs. Morris Morgan presented her husband with a fine new boy that "Morry" thinks altogether too good to drive stage after his dad. All boys, mind you, and so it has run all summer and if the United States ultimately goes to war just keep your eye on Fox.


Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 24 Oct 1973 ed.:

MORGAN, Leon E., age 77 of Leesburg, FL, formerly of Canton, PA, at his home in Florida Monday morning, October 22, 1973. Friends may call at the Ralph Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA Wednesday 7 to 9 p.m., Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral will be there Friday at 2 p.m., the Rev. C. David Jones and Rev. Lewis F. Bachman, Grover Cemetery. Survived by wife, Mrs. Verna Miller Morgan; daughter, Mrs. Elwyn (Enid) Ingerick of Leesburg, FL; four sons, Dean E. Morgan of Canton, PA, Ellis E. Morgan of Mansfield, PA, Merril A. Morgan, Wellsburg, NY, LaVerne L. Morgan, Horseheads, NY; 15 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; eight step-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Bertha Baumunk of Forksville, PA; three brothers, Floyd, Lester and Fred Morgan all of Canton; a number of nieces, nephews and cousins. He was a retired self-employed carpenter and was previously employed by Canton area contractors. He was a member of Minnequa Grange No. 754, member of the First United Methodist Church of Canton. He and his wife observed their 57th wedding anniversary July 12, 1973.


More About Leon Earl Morgan:

Burial: 26 Oct 1973, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Oct 1973, SUN-GAZETTE, Williamsport, PA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1973, Last residence: Leesburg, FL 32748

Social Security Number: 166-16-7416 (PA)


Notes for Verna Angelia Miller:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Feb 1985 ed.:

MORGAN, Verna A., age 88 of DeLand, FL., Thursday, February 14, 1985. Friends may call at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday from 1 to 2 p.m. Funeral Services will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Interment, Grover Cemetery. She is survived by daughter, Mrs. Elwyn Ingerick; sons: Dean Morgan, Merrill Morgan, LaVerne Morgan; brother and sisters-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller, Mrs. Dorothy Morgan, Mrs. Mary Morgan, Mrs. Laurel Morgan, Mrs. Bertha Baumack; daughter-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Morgan; 19 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; 1 great-great-grandson. She was predeceased by her husband, Leon and son, Ellis.

(Bertha's last name should read "Baumunk" - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Verna Angelia Miller:

Name 2: Morgan, Verna

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 17 Feb 1985, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Nov 1983, DeLand, Volusia Co., FL

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1985, Last residence: DeLeon Springs, FL 32028

Social Security Number: 192-14-2921 (PA)

Children of Leon Morgan and Verna Miller are:

+ 1569 i. Dean Eldon13 Morgan, born 11 May 1918 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1570 ii. Ellis Edward Morgan, born 16 Aug 1919 in Wheelersville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Nov 1983 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA

+ 1571 iii. Merril Andrew Morgan, born 02 Oct 1922 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1572 iv. Enid Henrietta Morgan, born 21 Apr 1924 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Mar 1995.

+ 1573 v. LaVerne Leon Morgan, born 01 Sep 1927 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

748. Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Nov 1949. She married Ralph Lynn Carpenter abt. 1917. He was born 23 Feb 1896, and died 03 Mar 1954.


More About Agnes Lucinda Morgan:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA


More About Ralph Lynn Carpenter:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Military service: World War I

Children of Agnes Morgan and Ralph Carpenter are:

+ 1574 i. Alfreda Almeda13 Carpenter, born 08 Dec 1926 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Aft. Feb 2004.

+ 1575 ii. Floyd Gibbons Carpenter, born 26 Nov 1932 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Oct 1980.

+ 1576 iii. John Dann Carpenter, born 16 Feb 1935.

+ 1577 iv. Milford Lynn Carpenter, born 19 Sep 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1578 v. Phyllis Raye Carpenter, born 14 May 1940 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

749. Lester Harold12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 12 Feb 1977 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mary Harriett Bohart, daughter of Harmon Bohart and Maude Torry. She was born 10 Jan 1903 in Gray's Run, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 22 Mar 2001 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Lester Harold Morgan:

Burial: 15 Feb 1977, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1977, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 577-26-7791 (DC)


Notes for Mary Harriett Bohart:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Mar 2001 ed.:

MORGAN, Mary - On the morning of March 22, 2001, Mary H. (Bohart) Morgan, a long time resident of Canton, passed away quietly at Troy Community Hospital. She was 98 years of age. Born January 10, 1903 in Gray's Run, she was one of six children in the family of Hermon and Maude (Torry) Bohart. She was married to the late Lester H. Morgan. Mary is survived by her sons, Harold L. Morgan of Ruskins, FL, Harmon (Myrtle) Morgan of Gillett, Morris F. (DeAnna) Morgan of Mansfield, Richard B. (Barbara) Morgan of RR 3, Canton, Ronald F. (Linda) Morgan of Troy; daughters, Geraldine (Charles) Rathbun of RR 2, Canton, Gertrude Robinson of Oklawaha, FL and Marjorie (Philip) Doud of RR 2, Canton; 32 grandchildren; over 60 great grandchildren; several great great grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband, Lester; brothers, Miles, Eugene, Charles; sisters, Idelle Fletcher and Catherine Cole; grandson Dennis Doud; infant granddaughter Charlotte Morgan; daughter-in-law, Shirley; son-in-law, George Robinson. Calling hours will be Sunday from 1 to 3 PM at Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center Street, Canton. Funeral services will follow at 3 PM with the Rev. Duane Taylor officiating. Interment will be in Bradford County Memorial Park.


More About Mary Harriett Bohart:

Burial: 25 Mar 2001, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Medical Information: died at Troy Community Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Mar 2001, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Children of Lester Morgan and Mary Bohart are:

+ 1579 i. Harold Lester13 Morgan, born 15 Sep 1920 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Nov 2002 in Ruskin, Hillsborough Co., FL.

+ 1580 ii. Harmon Clarence Morgan, born 18 Jun 1923 in PA.

+ 1581 iii. Geraldine Mary Morgan, born 07 Jan 1925 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1582 iv. Gertrude Idella Morgan, born 14 May 1929.

+ 1583 v. Marjorie Ellen Morgan, born 08 Jan 1932.

+ 1584 vi. Morris Fred Morgan, born 08 Apr 1935 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1585 vii. Richard Bruce Morgan, born 05 Mar 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1586 viii. Ronald Felix Morgan, born 16 Feb 1941.

750. Fred Desmond12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Nov 1982. He married Laurel Mae-Belle Fuller 02 Dec 1925, daughter of Clyde Fuller and Myrtle Hogoboom. She was born 02 Dec 1907 in PA, and died Aug 1995.

More About Fred Desmond Morgan:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1982, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 185-01-0253 (PA)


More About Laurel Mae-Belle Fuller:

Name 2: Morgan, Laurel

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1995, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 207-07-2465 (PA)

Children of Fred Morgan and Laurel Fuller are:

+ 1587 i. Otto Clyde13 Morgan, born 10 Jun 1926 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Aug 1993 in Williamsport, PA.

+ 1588 ii. Shirley Maxine Morgan, born 01 Aug 1930 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

752. Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan (Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1908 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Feb 1999 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Raymond Edward Hauk abt. 1928 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, son of ______ Hauk and Jennie Johnson. He was born 30 Apr 1900, and died Nov 1979. She married (2) Dudley Lee Baumunk 03 May 1933 in Trout Run, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Walter Baumunk and Jessie Battin. He was born 22 May 1911 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Apr 1971 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Bertha Alfreda Morgan:

Name 2: Baumunk, Bertha

Burial: 17 Feb 1999, Fairmount Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1999, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 211-38-1446 (PA)


More About Raymond Edward Hauk:

Name 2: Hauk, Raymond

Residence: Bef. Nov 1979, Last residence: St. Petersburg, FL 33713

Social Security Number: 263-10-4663 (FL)


More About Dudley Lee Baumunk:

Burial: 07 Apr 1971, Fairmount Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 186-26-5799 (PA)

Child of Bertha Morgan and Raymond Hauk is:

+ 1589 i. Prentice Edward Baumunk13 Hauk, born 24 Mar 1929 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Bertha Morgan and Dudley Baumunk are:

+ 1590 i. Glenna Agnes13 Baumunk, born 25 May 1936 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1591 ii. Charles Lee Baumunk, born 31 May 1942 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1592 iii. Virginia Ann Baumunk, born 26 Mar 1944 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

753. Rozell12 Porter (Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Dec 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Sep 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Trula Ruth Bolt abt. 1918, daughter of John Bolt and Vina ______. She was born 1905 in VA, and died 17 Oct 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Dorothy Mandeville 26 Dec 1957, daughter of Eugene Mandeville and May ______. She was born 28 Jul 1899 in NY, and died 18 Dec 1982 in PA.


More About Rozell Porter:

Burial: 10 Sep 1980, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1980, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 192-28-5681 (PA)

Will: abt. 1978, Bradford Co., PA


More About Trula Ruth Bolt:

Burial: 19 Oct 1956, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Will: Bradford Co., PA


More About Dorothy Mandeville:

Name 2: Porter, Dorothy

Burial: 21 Dec 1982, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1982, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 108-05-0384 (NY)

Children of Rozell Porter and Trula Bolt are:

+ 1593 i. Wilford Rozell13 Porter, born 03 Nov 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1594 ii. Harold Morton Porter, born 12 Nov 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 16 Sep 1994 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1595 iii. Phyllis Ann Porter, born 30 Sep 1932 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Bradley Lawrence Allen 12 Jun 1954 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; born abt. 1930.

+ 1596 iv. Robert Eugene Porter, born 03 May 1939 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1597 v. Richard Earl Porter, born 05 Aug 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

756. Addison Charles12 Porter (Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Sep 1982 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Mabel I. Kelley abt. 1937, daughter of Leslie Kelley and Eleanor Paul. She was born 1916, and died 1938. He married (2) Etta Mae McNeal 23 Jan 1940 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She was born 05 Sep 1922, and died 30 Jul 1996 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (3) Goldie Naylor abt. 1973.


More About Addison Charles Porter:

Burial: 27 Sep 1982, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Sep 1982, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 203-05-4163 (PA)


More About Mabel I. Kelley:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: hemorrhaging following childbirth

Medical Information: died the following day


Notes for Etta Mae McNeal:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Aug 1996 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Etta Mae Porter, Church Member

CANTON - Etta Mae McNeal Porter, 73, of Canton RR 2, died Tuesday, July 30, 1996 at home. She attended the Grover Church of Christ. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.


More About Etta Mae McNeal:

Name 2: Porter, Etta

Burial: 02 Aug 1996, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 192-50-3807 (PA)

Child of Addison Porter and Mabel Kelley is:

1598 i. Infant13 Porter, born 1938.


More About Infant Porter:

Burial: 1938, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA with mother who died the next day.

Cause of Death: either stillborn or died shortly after birth

Children of Addison Porter and Etta McNeal are:

+ 1599 i. Mabel Mae13 Porter, born 15 May 1940 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1600 ii. Charles Edward Porter, born 21 Mar 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1601 iii. Dolson James Porter, born 24 Jun 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1602 iv. Willis Eugene Porter, born 04 Mar 1944 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1603 v. Rose Mary Porter, born 09 Apr 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1604 vi. Pauline Edna Porter, born 24 Apr 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1605 vii. Michael Dean Porter, born 17 Jun 1949 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA; died 08 Apr 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Michael Dean Porter:

Burial: Turner Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


+ 1606 viii. Agnes Connie Porter, born 13 Apr 1950 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1607 ix. Addison Dean Porter, born 28 Apr 1951 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1608 x. Maryetta Phoebe Porter, born 11 May 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1609 xi. Randy Reed Porter, born 13 Apr 1956 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1610 xii. Gary Lee Porter, born 27 Mar 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1611 xiii. Thomas Earl Porter, born 28 Mar 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1612 xiv. Ruth Ellen Porter, born 14 Aug 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

757. Canarissa Rebecca12 Porter (Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1911 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Jun 1975 in Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married Carlyle Edward Moore 29 Nov 1929 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Owen Moore and Nina Ingerick. He was born 29 Mar 1912 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 30 Jan 1995.


More About Canarissa Rebecca Porter:

Name 2: Moore, Canarisa

Burial: 05 Jun 1975, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1975, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 189-18-7507 (PA)


More About Carlyle Edward Moore:

Burial: Feb 1995, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1995, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 182-16-8236 (PA)

Children of Canarissa Porter and Carlyle Moore are:

1613 i. Canarissa Marie13 Moore, born Jan 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died Jan 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Canarissa Marie Moore:

Birthsite: Robert Packer Hospital

Burial: Jan 1931, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: stillborn

Medical Information: Her mother was in the eighth month of pregnancy when she went into convulsions, cutting off the oxygen supply to the unborn fetus.


+ 1614 ii. Edward Carlyle Moore, born 15 Feb 1936 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1615 iii. Joyce Ann Moore, born 03 Jul 1939.

1616 iv. Janet Moore, born 03 Jul 1939; died 24 Aug 1939.


More About Janet Moore:

Burial: 26 Aug 1939, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Joyce Ann


+ 1617 v. Jack Loryaine Moore, born 26 Mar 1945.

1618 vi. Duane Lee Moore, born 11 Aug 1952. He married Paula Micheltree.

758. Gleason Norman12 Porter (Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1913 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Nov 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Gladys Irene Kipp 15 Aug 1936 in Cayuga Lake, NY, daughter of Lewis Kipp and Sarah Dickerman. She was born 13 Aug 1911, and died 06 Feb 1994.


Notes for Gleason Norman Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Nov 1993 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Gleason N. Porter, Shrader retiree

TROY - Gleason N. (Deak) Porter, 80 of Troy, died Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1993 in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Mr. Porter retired from Shrader-Bellows in Canton in 1965. He was a member of East Canton United Methodist Church, the Innes Hose Co., Canton Fire Department, Loyal Order of the Moose and numerous other organizations. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton is handling arrangements.


More About Gleason Norman Porter:

Burial: 13 Nov 1993, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 12 Nov 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Nov 1993, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 203-05-3815 (PA)


More About Gladys Irene Kipp:

Name 2: Porter, Gladys

Burial: 09 Feb 1994, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1994, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 209-16-6936 (PA)

Children of Gleason Porter and Gladys Kipp are:

+ 1619 i. Glecia Irene13 Porter, born 07 Jul 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1620 ii. Orwell Lewis Porter, born 20 Feb 1940 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Diana Marie Root 26 Oct 1963 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

759. Margaretta Rosalie12 Porter (Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Mar 1918 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Aug 1990. She married Urben Thomas Griffith 25 Nov 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of George Griffith and Nellie Walker. He was born 17 Mar 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 05 Aug 1990 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Margaretta Rosalie Porter:

During my week-long visit in Jul 1981 with Charles V. Shadduck in Shunk, I had the opportunity to visit withUrben & Marq. They filled me in on a great deal of dates and places of importance for their sons and family life. Marq presented 2 shoe boxes filled with old photographs, many of which were unidentified, although as I presented them to her for recall, she or Urben were able to put a name to a face. She had a great deal of photos of her grandmothers, Rebecca (Kilmer) Porter and Myrtle (Porter) Morgan, some of which she gave me. There were several of distant relatives, among them being William C. Porter, his daughter Mary (Porter) Conrad, Harvey & Clara Parrish, Nancy E. (Kilmer) Parrish and Evert & Alfreda (Morgan) Letts. -- note of R.J. Porter


More About Margaretta Rosalie Porter:

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Urben Thomas Griffith:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 9 Aug 1990 ed.:

Urben T. Griffith, 79, of Canton, formerly of Shunk, died Aug. 5, 1990, in Williamsport Hospital. He was born March 17, 1911, in Ellenton, Lycoming County, a son of George and Nellie Walker Griffith. He was employed as a log skidder and lumberman for the L.L. Baumunk Co. for 27 years. Surviving are his wife, the former Margaretta Porter, to whom he was married 54 years last November; two sons, George, of Towanda; and U. Glenn of Canton; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Aug. 8 at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home in Canton with Rev. Richard M. Barner officiating. Burial was in Ellenton Cemetery.


More About Urben Thomas Griffith:

Burial: 08 Aug 1990, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 09 Aug 1990, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 169-14-8444 (PA)

Children of Margaretta Porter and Urben Griffith are:

+ 1621 i. George Eugene13 Griffith, born 28 Nov 1940 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1622 ii. Urben Glen Griffith, born 14 May 1944 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

760. Wilburn Eugene12 Porter (Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Feb 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Norma June Bailey 1942, daughter of Glenn Bailey and Leah Sherman. She was born 19 Jun 1925 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Wilburn Eugene Porter:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Canton, Bradford Co., PA



More About Norma June Bailey:

Residence: 1930, Southport, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Wilburn Porter and Norma Bailey are:

+ 1623 i. Eugene Cleveland13 Porter, born 22 Jan 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1624 ii. James Gordon Porter, born 12 Oct 1945 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Alyse Eugenia Williams 13 Jan 1965; born 27 Aug 1947 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Alyse Eugenia Williams:

Residence: Oct 1999, Jupiter, Palm Beach Co., FL


+ 1625 iii. Judith Ann Porter, born 15 Jan 1949 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1626 iv. Pamela Kay Porter, born 12 Dec 1951 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1627 v. Tina Marie Porter, born 31 Jan 1964 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

761. Emmett Otis12 Porter (Charles Otis11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Aug 1914 in Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY, and died 15 Mar 1992 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. He married (1) Mary Elizabeth Smith 20 Feb 1943 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, daughter of Seneca Smith and Charlotte Blastell. She was born 22 Oct 1917, and died Jul 1978. He married (2) Clare Elizabeth Martinez 03 Jun 1979 in Montezuma, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About Emmett Otis Porter:

Burial: Rural Cem., Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Mar 1992, Last residence: Auburn, NY 13021

Social Security Number: 069-03-1821 (NY)


More About Mary Elizabeth Smith:

Burial: Rural Cem., Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY

Children of Emmett Porter and Mary Smith are:

+ 1628 i. Laurence Robert13 Porter, born 15 Aug 1945 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

+ 1629 ii. Arlene Mary Porter, born 05 Jan 1947 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

1630 iii. Charles Otis Porter, born 03 Dec 1948 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. He married Lori David.

762. Stanley Elwood12 Porter (Charles Otis11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1928 in Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY. He married Hazel Jane Richardson, daughter of Loren Richardson and Martha King. She was born 16 Jul 1933 in Sennett, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About Stanley Elwood Porter:

Residence 1: 1930, Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY

Residence 2: 1993, Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY

Child of Stanley Porter and Hazel Richardson is:

1631 i. David William13 Porter, born 11 Jan 1958 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. He married Denise Brown 27 Sep 1980 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About David William Porter:

Residence: 2000, Auburn, NY

771. Charles Baldwin12 Newell (Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Aug 1896 in Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 07 Sep 1976 in Roxbury, Franklin Co., PA. He married Gertrude May Wiles 14 Sep 1915. She was born 17 Mar 1896 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 12 Jan 1962 in Roxbury, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Charles Baldwin Newell:

Burial: 10 Sep 1976, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

Residence 1: 1920, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Sep 1976, Last residence: Orrstown, PA 17244

Social Security Number: 184-26-2883 (PA)


More About Gertrude May Wiles:

Name 2: Newell, Gertrude M.

Burial: 15 Jan 1962, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

Residence: 1910, Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA

Children of Charles Newell and Gertrude Wiles are:

+ 1632 i. Charles Eugene13 Newell, born 12 Nov 1916 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died 23 May 1967 in Shippensburg, PA.

+ 1633 ii. Stella Irene Newell, born 20 Oct 1918 in Franklin Co., PA; died 01 Aug 2002 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1634 iii. Harry John Newell, born 24 Jan 1920 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died 20 Dec 1986 in Chambersburg, PA.

+ 1635 iv. Robert Kenneth Newell, born 10 Sep 1922 in Fayetteville, PA; died 21 Sep 1996 in Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA.

+ 1636 v. Grace Marie Newell, born 31 May 1924 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1637 vi. Mildred Louise Newell, born 11 Aug 1926.

+ 1638 vii. Richard LeRoy Newell, born 14 Sep 1928.

1639 viii. Paul William Newell, born 08 Aug 1933; died 06 Mar 1934.


More About Paul William Newell:

Burial: 08 Mar 1934, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA


+ 1640 ix. Beatrice Arlene Newell, born 14 Apr 1937.

1641 x. Norma Jean Newell, born 19 Aug 1940; died 02 Oct 1940.


More About Norma Jean Newell:

Burial: 04 Oct 1940, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

772. Nettie Ellen12 Newell (Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 May 1898 in Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 18 Oct 1987 in Marion, Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) Charles William Flory 04 Sep 1915 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, son of Edward Flory and Mary Coy. He was born 30 Jun 1888 in New Franklin, Franklin Co., PA/Franklin Co., PA, and died 19 Sep 1935 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (2) Frank Shores 21 Oct 1936. He was born 01 Mar 1878.


More About Nettie Ellen Newell:

Name 2: Shores, Nettie

Burial: 21 Oct 1987, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1987, Last residence: Chambersburg, PA 17201

Social Security Number: 180-26-5541 (PA)


More About Charles William Flory:

Burial: 21 Sep 1935, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

Children of Nettie Newell and Charles Flory are:

+ 1642 i. Carl Frank13 Flory, born 29 Jul 1917 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died 03 Feb 1992.

+ 1643 ii. Beulah Clara Flory, born 17 Jul 1919 in Brookside, Franklin Co., PA.

1644 iii. Clarence Lester Flory, born 12 Oct 1921. He married Emma Wyant 06 Feb 1962.

+ 1645 iv. Charles Irvin Flory, born 28 Oct 1922.

1646 v. Junior William Flory, born 22 Oct 1926. He married Bethel Fern Wible 29 Oct 1951.

Children of Nettie Newell and Frank Shores are:

+ 1647 i. Elsie Virginia13 Shores, born 19 Dec 1935.

+ 1648 ii. Martha Marie Shores, born 31 Jul 1937.

773. Grace Ruth12 Newell (Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Aug 1900 in Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died Jul 1975. She married George Franklin Flory 12 Oct 1916, son of Edward Flory and Mary Coy. He was born 20 Jul 1893, and died Mar 1981.


More About Grace Ruth Newell:

Name 2: Flory, Grace

Residence: Bef. Jul 1975, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 188-10-0924 (PA)


More About George Franklin Flory:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1981, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 204-07-9099 (PA)

Children of Grace Newell and George Flory are:

+ 1649 i. Edward Franklin13 Flory, born 24 Feb 1917; died 10 Apr 1995.

1650 ii. Robert Paul Flory, born 27 Apr 1919; died Jul 1983.


More About Robert Paul Flory:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1983, Last residence: Lewiston, MI 49756

Social Security Number: 203-10-1800 (PA)


+ 1651 iii. Mary Estella Flory, born 22 Jun 1921; died Aug 1981.

+ 1652 iv. Gladys May Flory, born 16 Sep 1923 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1653 v. Ernest LeRoy Flory, born 02 Jul 1926.

+ 1654 vi. Beatrice Amelia Flory, born 15 Feb 1928 in Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1655 vii. Grace Pauline Flory, born 14 May 1930 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1656 viii. Doris Caroline Flory, born 30 Jul 1932 in Franklin Co., PA.

1657 ix. Garnet Eugene Flory, born 24 Nov 1934. He married Shirley Helen Marie Banks 28 Dec 1954.

1658 x. Violet Ruth Flory, born 01 Dec 1938.

774. Robert Eugene12 Newell (Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1903 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, and died Feb 1986. He married Ida Pearl Carr 02 Mar 1925. She was born 07 Sep 1907 in NJ, and died 13 Feb 2000 in Telford, Montgomery Co., PA.


More About Robert Eugene Newell:

Residence: Bef. Feb 1986, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 170-07-6920 (PA)


More About Ida Pearl Carr:

Name 2: Newell, Ida P.

Social Security Number: 148-42-9821 (NJ)

Child of Robert Newell and Ida Carr is:

+ 1659 i. Patricia Ann13 Newell, born 16 Nov 1934.

775. Beatrice Amelia12 Newell (Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Sep 1906 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, and died 11 Nov 1990. She married (1) Irvin Holsinger Vanderau 20 Jun 1928 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, son of John Vanderau and Ida Holsinger. He was born 13 Mar 1897 in Quincy Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 22 Feb 1966 in Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA. She married (2) Crist Lester Overholser 20 Nov 1976 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (3) Christian Lesher Oberholser 20 Nov 1976 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He was born 14 May 1907, and died 02 Oct 1994 in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., PA.


More About Beatrice Amelia Newell:

Name 2: Vanderau, Beatrice

Residence: 1930, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Social Security Number: 204-03-6092 (PA)


More About Irvin Holsinger Vanderau:

Name 2: Vanderau, Irorn

Name 3: Vandran, Irvin H.

Burial: 25 Feb 1966, Norland Cem., Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Quincy Twp., Franklin Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1966, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 191-26-6237 (PA)


More About Christian Lesher Oberholser:

Social Security Number: 183-05-8185 (PA)

Child of Beatrice Newell and Irvin Vanderau is:

+ 1660 i. Donald Irvin13 Vanderau, born 15 Mar 1929 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

776. Leda Alta12 Newell (Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1914 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 21 Aug 1993 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA. She married Scott Winfield Starr 10 Sep 1932 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, son of Ferris Starr and Eva Hornbaker. He was born 09 Aug 1911 in Franklin Co., PA, and died 27 Sep 1991.


More About Leda Alta Newell:

Name 2: Starr, Leda A.

Residence: Bef. Aug 1993, Last residence: Waynesboro, PA 17268

Social Security Number: 183-12-1867 (PA)


More About Scott Winfield Starr:

Occupation: 1985, Security guard - H.J. Heinz Co. - retired; farmer

Residence: 1930, Guilford Twp., Franklin Co., PA

Social Security Number: 201-18-0864 (PA)

Children of Leda Newell and Scott Starr are:

+ 1661 i. Ida May13 Starr, born 07 Oct 1933 in Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1662 ii. Alta Helen Starr, born 09 Dec 1936 in Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1663 iii. Patsy Ann Starr, born 04 Aug 1942 in Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1664 iv. Mary Geneva Starr, born 09 Nov 1946 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1665 v. Betty Jo Starr, born 25 Feb 1951 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 1666 vi. Joyce Marie Starr, born 19 Feb 1953 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

1667 vii. David Winfield Starr, born 31 Jan 1955 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA. He married Lisa Kay Cromwell 28 Jan 1978 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; born 09 Dec 1957.


More About David Winfield Starr:

Occupation: Jun 1988, Construction & automotive fields

778. Leroy Horace12 Hollis (Amelia H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Aug 1899 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA, and died in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married Clara L. Houck. She was born 1901 in CA.


More About Leroy Horace Hollis:

Occupation: 1930, Salesman - tire company

Residence: 1930, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA


More About Clara L. Houck:

Name 2: Hollis, Clara L.

Name 3: Houek

Residence: 1930, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA

Children of Leroy Hollis and Clara Houck are:

1668 i. Helen Beverly13 Hollis, born 30 Jul 1921 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA. She married Albert Z. Nojil.


More About Helen Beverly Hollis:

Residence: 1930, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA


1669 ii. Donald E. Hollis, born 01 Jul 1924 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA; died 31 Oct 2000 in Sun City, Riverside Co., CA. He married Betty Reed.


More About Donald E. Hollis:

Residence: 1930, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA

Social Security Number: 551-12-9510 (CA)


1670 iii. Jack Duane Hollis, born 25 Oct 1932 in Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA; died 22 Jul 1999 in Cottonwood, Shasta Co., CA. He married Barbara Hale.


More About Jack Duane Hollis:

Social Security Number: 571-40-1557 (CA)

779. Carl12 Hollis (Amelia H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Nov 1901 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA, and died 03 Mar 1971 in Hemet, Riverside Co., CA. He married Florence G. Crowell abt. 1932. She was born 1899 in NJ.


More About Carl Hollis:

Occupation: 1930, Proprietor - concrete mixer rentals

Residence 1: 1930, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA

Residence 2: Bef. Mar 1971, Last residence: Hemet, CA 92343

Social Security Number: 563-14-5089 (CA)


More About Florence G. Crowell:

Residence: 1930, Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., CA

Child of Carl Hollis and Florence Crowell is:

1671 i. David13 Hollis, born 20 Sep 1934. He married Doris Schlange.

781. Leland Paul12 Hollis (Amelia H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1907 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 04 Jul 1979 in Big Pine, Inyo Co., CA. He married Mary Lane.


More About Leland Paul Hollis:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1979, Last residence: Big Pine, CA 93513

Social Security Number: 552-10-0624 (CA)

Children of Leland Hollis and Mary Lane are:

+ 1672 i. Leland Eugene13 Hollis, born 30 Apr 1928 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.

1673 ii. Marvin Earl Hollis, born 27 Mar 1934 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.

784. Clara Mabel12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1901 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Feb 1949. She married Harry Robert Smith 23 Mar 1918 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of George Smith and Lucy Fredicy. He was born 28 Aug 1898 in Maston, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Clara Mabel Brown:

Burial: 17 Feb 1949, Ogdensburg Cem., Tioga Co., PA


More About Harry Robert Smith:

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Clara Brown and Harry Smith are:

+ 1674 i. Harold Wesley13 Smith, born 26 May 1920 in Lakeland, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1675 ii. Lucy Genevive Smith, born 16 Apr 1926 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1676 iii. Howard Frederick Smith, born 16 Apr 1930 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

786. Walter Allen12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1907 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Apr 1992 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Owanda Belle Kilmer abt. 1925, daughter of Francis Kilmer and Ora Foster. She was born 1910 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Jan 1972 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Eugenia Jean Willow 28 Jan 1973, daughter of Clyde Willow and N. Brundage. She was born 03 Nov 1913 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, and died 22 May 1991 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Walter Allen Brown:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 16 Apr 1992 ed.:

BROWN, Walter A., 84, of Troy RR 3, passed away Tuesday, April 7, 1992 at Memorial Hospital in Towanda following an extended illness. Mr. Brown was born July 21, 1907 at Fox Township, Sullivan County, a son of Charles and Jennie Hess Brown. Walter was employed by Schrader Bellows, Canton, retiring in 1972. After retirement he was employed by Bradford County as caretaker of Sunfish Pond for over five years. He was a member of the Shunk First United Methodist Church and a former member of the Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge No. 429, Canton. Surviving are sons and daughters-in-law, Arnold and Pat Brown of Sonestown and Gary and Judy Brown, Canton RR 2; daughter and son-in-law, Yolanda and Charles Mosher, Canton RR 1; sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Bryan, Proctor, Mrs. Lenora Snyder, Canton and twin sisters, Mrs. Ada Groover of Canton RR 2 and Mrs. Ida Preston, Roaring Branch RR 1; brothers, Emory Brown, Troy; 16 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews and cousins. Mr. Brown was predeceased by his first wife, Owanda, in 1972; his second wife, Eugenia in 1991; sisters, Helen and Mable; brothers, Carl, Delbert, Chester and Willard; three grandchildren. Funeral and commital services were held at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home in Canton on April 10 with the Rev. Alan Gardner officiating and interment to be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Memorial donations may be made to the charity of one's choice.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 17 Apr 1992 ed.:

BROWN, Walter A., 84, of RR3, Troy, died Tuesday, April 7, 1992, at Memorial Hospital, Towanda, following an extended illness. Born July 21, 1907, at Fox Township, Sullivan County, he was the son of Charles and Jennie Hess Brown. He was employed by Schrader Bellows, Canton, retiring in 1972. After retirement he was employed as Bradford County as caretaker of Sunfish Pond for over five years. He was a member of the Shunk First United Methodist Church and a former member of the Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #429, Canton. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Owanda Brown, of Jan. 15, 1972; his second wife, Eugenia Brown, on May 22, 1991; two sisters, Helen and Mabel; four brothers, Carl, Delbert, Chester and Willard; and three grandchildren. Surviving are two sons and daughters-in-law, Arnold and Pat Brown, of Sonestown, and Gary and Judy Brown, of Canton; one daughter and son-in-law, Yolanda and Charles Mosher, of Canton; twin sisters, Ada Groover, of Canton, and Ida Preston, of Roaring Branch; one brother, Emory Brown, of Troy; 16 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. Calling hours were held Thursday, April 9, and Friday, April 10, at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton. Services were held at the funeral home following calling hours on Friday. The Rev. Alan Gardner, pastor of the Leroy First Baptist Church, officiated. Burial was made at Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Memorial donations may be made to a charity of one's choice.


More About Walter Allen Brown:

Burial: 10 Apr 1992, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 16 Apr 1992, THE GAZETTE-REGISTER - Troy, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 17 Apr 1992, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Dec 1980, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Apr 1992, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 184-07-4155 (PA)


Notes for Owanda Belle Kilmer:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Jan 1972 ed.:

BROWN, Mrs. Owanda B., age 61 of Shunk, PA, at her home, Sunday morning, January 16, 1972 following an extended illness. Calling hours at the Morse Funeral Home, Canton, Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held Tuesday 2 p.m. in the Evangelical United Methodist Church, Shunk, PA; Rev. Mrs. Wilma Barker Hoose. Burial in Brown Cemetery, Shunk, PA. Survived by husband Walter; daughter, Mrs. Yolanda Mosher of Canton, PA RD 1; sons Arnold and Gary Brown of Canton, PA; sisters, Mrs. Anna Potteroff of Endicott, NY, Eleanor Quail of Shunk, PA; 13 grandchildren; one great-grandchild. She was a member of the Evangelical United Methodist Church, Shunk.


More About Owanda Belle Kilmer:

Burial: 18 Jan 1972, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 17 Jan 1972, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY


Notes for Eugenia Jean Willow:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 May 1991 ed.:

BROWN, Eugenia J. Mitstifer, age 77 of RD #3 Troy, PA passed away Wednesday, May 22, 1991 at the Bradford County Manor where she had resided since August 1985. She resided in LeRoy, PA for forty-five years. Jean was born November 3, 1913 at Corning, Steuben Co., NY, a daughter of Clyde & N. Grace Brundage Willow. Mrs. Brown was a hair stylist at her home in LeRoy for over 30 years. She retired in 1984. Jean was a member of the LeRoy Independent Baptist Church, LeRoy, PA and Lady of Rebekah Lodge #362, Canton, PA. Surviving are her husband, Walter A. Brown of RD #3 Troy, PA; they celebrated 18 years of marriage January 28, 1973; daughter and son-in-law, Virginia & Gerald High, Grover; son and daughter-in-law, Glen E. (Bud) & Joyce Mitstifer Jr., Myerstown, PA; seven grandchildren, Kathleen Helms, Lucinda Dorn, Kevin High, Cheryl Redding, Richard Mitstifer, Mark Mitstifer & Brenda Mitstifer; 15 great-grandchildren; 4 brothers, Charles Willow, Willis Willow, Leon Willow & Max Willow, all of Corning, NY; 4 sisters, Mrs. Honor King, Corning, NY, Mrs. Ruby Hill, Painted Post, NY, Mrs. Dorothy Storms, Dexter, KY, & Mrs. Evelyn Stevens, Campbell, NY; nieces, nephews, and cousins. She was predeceased by her first husband, Glen E. Mitstifer Sr. September 20, 1970 and two great-granddaughters, Carrie Lynn High, December 18, 1988 & Sheila Marie High, November 11, 1989. Funeral Services will be conducted from the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, PA Saturday at 11 a.m., Rev. Alan P. Gardner, her pastor officiating. Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Liberty Twp., Tioga Co., PA. Visitation will be held at the Funeral Home Friday 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations may be directed to the LeRoy Independent Baptist Church, LeRoy, PA 17743 in Jean's memory.


More About Eugenia Jean Willow:

Name 2: Brown, Eugenia

Burial: 24 May 1991, Union Cem., Liberty Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 May 1991, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Occupation: Bet. 1951 - 1984, Hair stylist - her home in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bet. Aug 1985 - May 1991, Bradford County Manor, Burlington Twp., PA

Social Security Number: 109-44-0540 (NY)

Children of Walter Brown and Owanda Kilmer are:

+ 1677 i. Gary LaVerne13 Brown, born 22 Mar 1927 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1678 ii. Arnold Brown, born 27 May 1933 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1679 iii. Yolanda Eleanor Brown, born 24 May 1936 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

787. Delbert Dean12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jul 1975 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Leola E. Shaver, daughter of Harry Shaver and Florence Brown. She was born 10 Nov 1914 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, and died 18 Mar 1992 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Delbert Dean Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 1975, Last residence: Monroeton, PA 18832

Social Security Number: 189-26-2446 (PA)


Notes for Leola E. Shaver:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 26 Mar 1992 ed.:

BROWN, Leola E., 77, widow of Delbert D. Brown of Monroeton, passed away Wednesday morning, March 18, 1992 at Memorial Hospital in Towanda. Born November 10, 1914 in Waverly, NY she was a daughter of the late Harry W. and Florence Brown Shaver of South Waverly. She attended the Sayre schools and retired from the Monroe-Franklin School in Powell where she was custodian in 1985. Surviving are daughters and sons-in-law, Maxine Brown and John Simpson with whom she made her home in Monroeton and Harriet and Claud Glidewell of Millville, PA; sons and daughters-in-law, Roy and Trudy Brown of Middleburg, PA and Neil and Emma Brown of Towanda; son, Glen Brown of Rome; 15 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; a sister, Marion Dunn of Seattle, WA; niece, Dorothy Saunders of Seattle, WA; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Cenora and Ed Snyder of Canton, Dorothy and Emery Bryan of Proctor, Ida and Earl Preston of Canton of Canton, Ade and Charles Groover of Canton, Walter Brown of Troy and Emery and Arlene Brown of Troy. Funeral services were held March 21 at the Maryott-Bowen Funeral Home in Towanda with the Rev. Emmalou Kirchmeier officiating and interment to be in the Brown Cemetery, Shunk, PA. Memorials may be directed to the Monroe-Franklin School in care of Roman Suman or to the Monroeton Public Library in Leola E. Brown's memory.


More About Leola E. Shaver:

Burial: 21 Mar 1992, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Mar 1992, THE GAZETTE-REGISTER - Troy, PA

Children of Delbert Brown and Leola Shaver are:

+ 1680 i. Roy Elwin13 Brown, born 19 Apr 1937 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1681 ii. Neil Dean Brown, born 30 Dec 1938 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1682 iii. Glen Brown, born 07 Mar 1941.

+ 1683 iv. Harriett Ann Brown, born 31 Mar 1943.

1684 v. Maxine Brown, born 25 Feb 1947.

788. Chester Lewis12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Aug 1911 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Apr 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Agnes Irene Morgan 05 Jun 1934 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Daniel Morgan and Bertha Vargeson. She was born 28 Oct 1915 in Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Chester Lewis Brown:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Apr 1980 ed.:

Chester L. Brown, 68, of 57 Fassett Street, Canton, died Thursday, April 17, 1980, in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. He was the father of Robert Brown, of Montoursville, and the brother of Mrs. Emery Bryan, of Barbours. He was born Aug. 18, 1911, in Fox Twp., Sullivan County, a son of Charles and Jenny Hess Brown. Mr. Brown was a retired employee of Remington-Rand Corp., Elmira, NY. He was a life member of the International Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. He also was a life member of Innes Hose Co., Canton. Surviving, besides his son and sister in Lycoming County, are his wife, the former Agnes Morgan; another son, Richard, of Canton; a daughter, Mrs. Clyde Roher, of Coudersport; three other sisters, Mrs. Edward Snyder, of Canton, Mrs. Charles Groover, of Canton RD 2, and Mrs. Earl Preston, of Roaring Branch RD 1; four brothers, Carl, of Shunk, Walter, of LeRoy, Willard, of Troy, and Emery, of East Troy, 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 2 pm Sunday at Morse and Kleese's, 40 North Center Street, Canton, with the Rev. Duane Taylor, pastor of Alba Christian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 pm Saturday.


More About Chester Lewis Brown:

Burial: 20 Apr 1980, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1980, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 717-09-6030 (RB)

Children of Chester Brown and Agnes Morgan are:

+ 1685 i. Freda Elane13 Brown, born 10 Oct 1935.

+ 1686 ii. Richard Allen Brown, born 26 Apr 1940.

1687 iii. Donald Eugene Brown, born 01 Aug 1952.

+ 1688 iv. Robert Daniel Brown, born 05 Dec 1944.

789. Dorothy June12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jun 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Feb 2004 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Emory Judson Bryan 18 Aug 1933 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Raymond Bryan and Ruth Dunlap. He was born 29 Dec 1910 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Dorothy June Brown:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 25 Feb 2004 ed.:

Dorothy J. Bryan went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Feb. 24, 2004. Born on June 27, 1915 in Shunk, she was one of twelve children born to Charles and Jenny Hess Brown. Dorothy always had a very strong work ethic and as a child she spent many hours with her mother, Jenny, learning the tasks of canning, quilting and baking. She often told of traveling the back roads by horse and buggy while delivering dairy products and other homemade goods. She met the love of her life, Emory and they married in Montoursville on August 18, 1933. The young couple made their home in Hoppestown area where she enjoyed being a talented homemaker and raising two sons. In August 2003 she and Emory were honored with a surprise 70th wedding anniversary party by their family and friends. In later years, Dorothy looked forward to going to the "Mountain" to spend time with her family where they would listen to her many stories of the "old days." She possessed a strong Christian faith and was a member of the former Barbours United Methodist Church. She loved quilting, family, children and grandchildren. Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Emerson R. (Gloria) of Muncy and Ronald G. (Bonnie) of Ralston; two sisters, Ada Groover and Ida Preston, both of Canton; seven grandchildren, June (Steve) Twigg, Cindy (John) Parks, Trish Bryan, Jim (Ann) Bryan and Deb (Rodman) Holmes; two step-grandchildren, Robyn Girven and Chris Girven; eight great-grandchildren, Greg (Christy) Moyer, Brian (Jerrie) Moyer, Betsy Henry, LCPL Nick Henry, Mickel Bryan, Tyler Kutz, Maddy Kutz and Randi Kutz; 10 step-grandchildren, Brian Twigg, Tanya Twigg, John Parks, Joey (John) Mason, Brittney Holmes, Jake Holmes, Jeffrey Girven, Jenna Girven, Amanda Girven, and Amber Girven; four great-great-grandchildren, Hunter Moyer, Jenna Moyer, Hannah Moyer, and Kaitlyn Moyer and a step-great-great grandchild, Justin Dunlap. She was predeceased by brothers, Carl, Emery, Delbert, Willard, Walter and Chester; and sisters, Mabel, Helen and Lenora. A memorial service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at Spitler Funeral Home, 733 Broad St. Montoursville with Rev. Harry (Bud) Yoder officiating. Burial will follow in Barbours Cemetery, Plunketts Creek Twp. There will be no visitation. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Plunketts Creek Fire Co. 310 Dunwoody Road, Williamsport, PA 17701.


More About Dorothy June Brown:

Name 2: Bryan, Dorothy

Burial: 27 Feb 2004, Barbours Cem., Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 25 Feb 2004, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Residence 1: Dec 1980, Barbours, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Jun 1988, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Feb 2004, 235 Dunwoody Rd., Williamsport, PA

Social Security Number: 191-26-4947 (PA)

Children of Dorothy Brown and Emory Bryan are:

+ 1689 i. Emerson Robert13 Bryan, born 23 Oct 1933 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1690 ii. Ronald Glenn Bryan, born 28 Apr 1940 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

790. Willard Lawrence12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jun 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Apr 1989 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Helen Arvilla Caseman abt. 1934, daughter of Floyd Caseman and Esther Brown. She was born 30 Jul 1917 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Apr 1982 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Helen Muriel Packard 07 May 1983 in Windfall, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Ralph Packard and Irene Packard. She was born 1919.


More About Willard Lawrence Brown:

Burial: 06 Apr 1989, Windfall Cem., Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Dec 1980, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 192-14-2933 (PA)


More About Helen Arvilla Caseman:

Name 2: Brown, Helen

Burial: 13 Apr 1982, Windfall Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 198-40-2681 (PA)

Children of Willard Brown and Helen Caseman are:

+ 1691 i. Gerald Royce13 Brown, born 18 Mar 1936 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1692 ii. Eugene Elwood Brown, born 15 May 1938.

+ 1693 iii. Janice Marie Brown, born 08 Apr 1941 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1694 iv. Lawrence Russell Brown, born 1947; died 1950.


More About Lawrence Russell Brown:

Burial: 1950, Windfall Cem., Bradford Co., PA

792. Ida M.12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Feb 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married John Earl Preston, Jr. 05 Feb 1945 in Alba, Bradford Co., PA, son of John Preston and Mary Rutty. He was born 16 Apr 1922 in Tioga Co., PA.


More About Ida M. Brown:

Medical Information: twin to Ada N. Brown

Residence: Dec 1980, Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA

Children of Ida Brown and John Preston are:

1695 i. Dale Earl13 Preston, born 28 May 1947 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1696 ii. Mary Ellen Preston, born 30 Dec 1960 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

793. Ada N.12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Feb 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Charles Dale Gruver, son of Harry Gruver and Minnie Kinnle. He was born 20 Jan 1920 in Tioga Co., PA.


More About Ada N. Brown:

Medical Information: twin to Ida M. Brown

Residence: Dec 1980, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Ada Brown and Charles Gruver are:

+ 1697 i. Charles Allan13 Gruver, born 07 Aug 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1698 ii. Ida Elizabeth Gruver, born 16 Jun 1944 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1699 iii. Beverly Ann Gruver, born 01 Jan 1946 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1700 iv. Kenneth Duane Gruver, born 10 May 1948 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1701 v. Marlene Gruver, born 22 Aug 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1702 vi. Gerald Lloyd Gruver, born 05 May 1955 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1703 vii. Wilma June Gruver, born 23 Jun 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

794. Emery L.12 Brown (Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jul 1924 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Aug 1997 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Arlene Lois Higley 05 May 1951 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Ralph Higley and Lelah McCarty. She was born 11 Jun 1931 in Lincoln Falls, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Nov 1990.


Notes for Emery L. Brown:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Aug 1997 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Emery L. Brown, Survived by Many

TROY - Emery L. Brown, 73 of Troy, died Thursday, Aug. 28, 1997, at Robert Packer Hospital. He was a farmer and worked in the lumber mills. He enjoyed hunting. He is survived by many. Vickery Funeral Home, Troy, is handling arrangements.


More About Emery L. Brown:

Burial: 31 Aug 1997

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Aug 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Dec 1980, East Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Aug 1997, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 200-16-5663 (PA)

Children of Emery Brown and Arlene Higley are:

+ 1704 i. Earl Lee13 Brown, born 22 Mar 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1705 ii. Connie Ann Brown, born 08 Nov 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1706 iii. Donna Marie Brown, born 05 Dec 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1707 iv. Sandra Jean Brown, born 19 Nov 1958 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1708 v. Kathy Joanne Brown, born 06 Mar 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1709 vi. Karen Janette Brown, born 14 Feb 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1710 vii. Randy Eugene Brown, born 13 Apr 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1711 viii. Dennis Edward Brown, born 03 Jun 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

795. Clara Margaret12 McKay (Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1903 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Aug 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Raymond Hiram Every 03 Jul 1926 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA, son of James Every and Polly Cleveland. He was born 26 May 1898 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 31 Mar 1989.



More About Clara Margaret McKay:

Name 2: Every, Clara

Burial: 13 Aug 1982, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1982, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 060-24-4482 (NY)


More About Raymond Hiram Every:

Social Security Number: 205-07-7200 (PA)

Children of Clara McKay and Raymond Every are:

+ 1712 i. Robert Hiram13 Every, born 14 Jul 1927.

+ 1713 ii. Raymond Wilber Every, born 11 Aug 1929.

+ 1714 iii. Margaret Louise Every, born 21 Jul 1932 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

796. Mary Amanda12 McKay (Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jan 1905 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Nov 1990 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married Harry Paul Wilston 24 Apr 1924 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA, son of Ephraim Wilston and Anna June. He was born 24 Feb 1904 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 01 Nov 1970 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Mary Amanda McKay:

Name 2: Wilston, Mary

Burial: 24 Nov 1990, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1970 - 1990, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 208-40-6034 (PA)


More About Harry Paul Wilston:

Burial: 04 Nov 1970, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1970, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 203-10-5820 (PA)

Children of Mary McKay and Harry Wilston are:

+ 1715 i. Pauline Marie13 Wilston, born 30 Nov 1924 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 15 Aug 1993 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1716 ii. Harold Dean Wilston, born 11 Jun 1927 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1717 iii. Myrtle Luella Wilston, born 25 Feb 1932 in Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1718 iv. Arthur Lloyd Wilston, born 21 Mar 1934 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1719 v. Lucille Barbara Wilston Watson, born 18 Jul 1936 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1720 vi. Ralph William Wilston, born 31 Dec 1948 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

797. Myrtle LaRue12 McKay (Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Dec 1906 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 May 2003 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married Maxwell Daniel Strange 09 Jul 1927 in South Salem, Washington Co., NY, son of Joseph Strange and Betsy Rose. He was born 05 Jun 1905 in Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 21 Oct 1997 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Myrtle LaRue McKay:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 May 2003 ed.:

STRANGE, Myrtle, age 96 of Mainesburg, PA died May 11, 2003 at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, PA. She was born December 6, 1906 in Shunk, PA, the daughter of Eugene and Dora Heess McKay. Myrtle is survived by a daughter, Mary Ellen Barr of Mansfield, PA; a daughter-in-law, Marlene Strange of Wasilla, AK; a sister, Ruth Tice of Mansfield, PA; 13 grandchildren, and numerous great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband Maxwell; a son, Philip; two sisters, Mary Wilston and Clara Every; three brothers, Ernest McKay, Harry McKay and Keith McKay. Funeral services will be announced at a later date.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 May 2003 ed.:

STRANGE, Myrtle (LaRue McKay), age 96, of Mainesburg, PA died May 11, 2003 at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, PA. She was born December 6, 1906 in Shunk, PA, the daughter of Eugene and Dora Heess McKay. Myrtle is survived by a daughter, Mary Ellen Barr of Mansfield, PA; a daughter-in-law, Marlene Strange of Wasilla, AK; a sister, Ruth Tice of Mansfield, PA; 13 grandchildren, and numerous great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Maxwell; a son, Philip; two sisters, Mary Wilston and Clara Every; three brothers, Ernest McKay, Harry McKay, and Keith McKay. Funeral services will be held Friday, May 16, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. at the Mainesburg Methodist Church with Rev. Howard Woodruff, officiating. Burial in State Road Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA, a service of Wilston Funeral Home, 18 N. Main St., Mansfield, PA.


Wellsboro, PA - WELLSBORO GAZETTE, 14 May 2003 ed.:

STRANGE, Myrtle, 96 of Mainesburg, died Saturday, May 11, 2003 at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro. Born Dec. 6, 1906 in Shunk, she was the daughter of Eugene and Dora Heess McKay. She was preceded in death by her husband, Maxwell, son, Philip; two sisters, Mary Wilston, Clara Every; three brothers, Ernest McKay, Harry McKay and Keith McKay. Surviving are a daughter, Mary Ellen Barr of Mansfield, daughter-in-law, Marlene Strange of Wasilla, Alaska; sister, Ruth Tice of Mansfield; 13 grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Services will be held Friday, May 16 at 11 a.m. at the Mainesburg United Methodist Church with the Rev. Howard Woodruff officiating. Burial will be made at State Road Cemetery, Mainesburg. Arrangements are being handled by Wilston Funeral Home, 18 N. Main St., Mansfield.


More About Myrtle LaRue McKay:

Medical Information: died at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 12 May 2003, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 13 May 2003, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 3: 14 May 2003, WELLSBORO GAZETTE, Wellsboro, PA

Residence: 1988, Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA


Notes for Maxwell Daniel Strange:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Oct 1997 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Maxwell D. Strange, retired mechanic

STRANGE, Maxwell D., age 92 of Mainesburg, PA, October 21, 1997 at Manor Care North, Williamsport, PA. He was born June 5, 1905 in Sullivan Township, the son of Joseph and Jane Rose Strange. Max was a retired mechanic and a life member of the State Road Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, the former Myrtle McKay; a son, Philip of Wasilla, AK; a daughter, Mary Ellen Barr of Mansfield, PA; 13 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Friends are invited to call at the Wilston Funeral Home, 18 N. Main St., Mansfield, PA Friday 7-9 p.m. Funeral Services will be held there Saturday at 11:00 a.m. with Rev. Dr. James Bellamy officiating. Burial in State Road Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA.


More About Maxwell Daniel Strange:

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Oct 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1988, Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1997, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 193-26-6650 (PA)


Marriage Notes for Myrtle McKay and Maxwell Strange:

"McKay - Strange: Miss Myrtle McKay, of this place, and Maxwell Strange, of Mainesburg were married July 9th at South Salem, NY by the Rev. Joseph Webster. At the present they will reside in Georgetown, CT, where Mr. Strange has employment."

Children of Myrtle McKay and Maxwell Strange are:

+ 1721 i. Mary Ellen13 Strange, born 10 Mar 1931 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1722 ii. Philip Daniel Strange, born 10 Oct 1933 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died Bef. May 2003.

798. Ernest Theodore12 McKay (Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1908 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Nov 1985 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married Helen Eva Makley, daughter of Archibald Makley and Elizabeth ______. She was born 23 Apr 1920.


More About Ernest Theodore McKay:

Burial: 07 Nov 1985, Tioga Co. Mem. Gardens, Wellsboro, PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1985, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 168-30-8784 (PA)

Children of Ernest McKay and Helen Makley are:

+ 1723 i. Connie Ernestine13 McKay, born 23 Nov 1944.

+ 1724 ii. Bernice Nina McKay, born 01 Dec 1945.

+ 1725 iii. Beatrice May McKay, born 02 Apr 1947.

+ 1726 iv. Dale Arnold McKay, born 07 Apr 1948.

+ 1727 v. Dean Theodore McKay, born 05 Jul 1949.

+ 1728 vi. Dennis Evan McKay, born 12 Aug 1950.

+ 1729 vii. Charles Donald McKay, born 12 Aug 1952 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1730 viii. Dawn Elaine McKay, born 22 Aug 1953.

+ 1731 ix. Belva Jean McKay, born 22 Jun 1955.

1732 x. Sue Lynn McKay, born 20 Apr 1957. She married (1) John Griffiths. She married (2) Kim Coval.

799. Harry Therman12 McKay (Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Oct 1911 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 May 1987 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Luella Mae O'Dell 02 Jun 1934 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Walter O'Dell and Eula Kirkland. She was born 26 Dec 1915 in Osceola, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Harry Therman McKay:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 16 May 1987 ed.:

McKay, Harry T., 75, of RD #2 Mansfield, died Thursday, May 14, 1987, in Troy Community Hospital. Born Oct. 12, 1911, at Wheelerville, Bradford County, he was a son of Eugene and Dora Heese McKay. He had farmed at Mainesburg and retired in 1976 from the shipping department of Eureka, Troy. He and his wife, the former Luella O'Dell had been married 52 years. Surviving, besides his wife, are two daughters, Mrs. Doris Sherman, of Mainesburg, and Mrs. Lucy Sargeant of Mansfield; a son, Harry T., Jr. at home; three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Strange of Mainesburg, Mrs. Mary Wilston of Troy, and Mrs. Ruth Tice of Mansfield; eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The funeral was held Sunday at the Bakersburg Baptist church, with Pastor William Pepper, his pastor, officiating. Burial was in State Road Cemetery.


On a Saturday in the Summer of 1983, I called on Harry, his wife and their only son at home in Roseville. I had lived in Roseville for about 2 months when I learned of Harry's place of residence from his niece-in-law, Ginny. I spent the early evening hours discussing my research and how his family would make a great addition to my ever growing family tree. Before leaving for home, the family invited me to attend the next Sunday's evening services at their Bakersburg church,, a small hamlet located midway to Mainesburg, about a 15-minute drive. Harry, Jr. had a speech impairment, but I found it somewhat easy to communicate with him. He expressed an interest in sports, but favors to watch football, baseball and going fishing. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Harry Therman McKay:

Burial: 17 May 1987, State Road Cem., Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. May 1987, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 179-30-1748 (PA)


More About Luella Mae O'Dell:

Name 2: Luella M. McKay

Residence: 2000, Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA

Children of Harry McKay and Luella O'Dell are:

+ 1733 i. Doris Louise13 McKay, born 02 Jul 1941 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1734 ii. Lucy Mae McKay, born 23 Jul 1945 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1735 iii. Harry Therman McKay, Jr., born 26 Feb 1957.


801. Ruth Eugenia12 McKay (Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1921 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Thomas Elvy Tice 31 Jan 1941 in Lambertville, Huntingdon Co., NJ, son of Harry Tice and Goldie Griffin. He was born 22 Feb 1919 in Gray's Valley, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Ruth McKay and Thomas Tice are:

1736 i. Richard Thomas13 Tice, born abt. 1940.

+ 1737 ii. Thomas Glenn Tice, born 08 Aug 1941 in Abington, Montgomery Co., PA.

+ 1738 iii. David Walter Tice, born 04 Jan 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1739 iv. Jack Lee Tice, born 15 Apr 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1740 v. Barbara Ann Tice, born 15 Dec 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1741 vi. Linda Marie Tice, born 30 Dec 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Linda Marie Tice:

Medical Information: born on the way to Robert Packer Hospital


+ 1742 vii. Ruthadele Jean Tice, born 21 Apr 1951 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 03 Mar 1974 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1743 viii. Sandra Louise Tice, born 18 Mar 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

802. George Grant12 Wareing (Roseltha Jennie11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Aug 1902 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 08 Sep 1970 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Amelia Hanson 31 May 1924 in Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID. She was born 28 Nov 1902, and died 28 Dec 1987 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Amelia Hanson:

Residence: 1930, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Social Security Number: 518-14-9461 (ID)

Children of George Wareing and Amelia Hanson are:

1744 i. Lavere Hanson13 Wareing, born 1924 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Lavere Hanson Wareing:

Residence: Bet. 1992 - 2000, Golden, CO


1745 ii. Douglas Wareing, born Feb 1929 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Douglas Wareing:

Residence 1: 1994, Idaho Falls, ID

Residence 2: 2000, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

803. Marvin LaVere12 Wareing (Roseltha Jennie11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1908 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 15 Mar 1991 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Emma Lucille Barnes 23 Dec 1936, daughter of Willard Barnes and Mary Barton. She was born 14 Apr 1911, and died 14 Aug 2001 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Marvin LaVere Wareing:

Social Security Number: 518-42-9890 (ID)


More About Emma Lucille Barnes:

Name 2: Wareing, Lucille

Social Security Number: 519-84-0478 (ID)

Children of Marvin Wareing and Emma Barnes are:

1746 i. Mary Dayne13 Wareing, born 04 Aug 1936 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 29 Jun 1937.

1747 ii. Arlin Martin Wareing, born abt. 1938.


More About Arlin Martin Wareing:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


1748 iii. Darwin W. Wareing, born abt. 1940.


More About Darwin W. Wareing:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


1749 iv. Richie Barnes Wareing, born abt. 1943.


More About Richie Barnes Wareing:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


1750 v. Randy DeLane Wareing, born abt. 1945.


More About Randy DeLane Wareing:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

804. Kenneth Oliver12 Porter (George11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1911 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 05 Apr 1988 in King Hill, Elmore Co., ID. He married Helen Dorothy McKeith 1937 in Glenn's Ferry, Elmore Co., ID, daughter of Vaughn McKeith and Ethlyn Thompson. She was born 08 Jul 1907 in Grand View, Owyhee Co., ID.


More About Kenneth Oliver Porter:

Residence 1: 1930, King Hill, Elmore Co., ID

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1988, Last residence: King Hill, ID 83633

Social Security Number: 721-14-1544 (RB)

Children of Kenneth Porter and Helen McKeith are:

+ 1751 i. Leland Blaine13 Porter, born 03 Jun 1940 in Glenns Ferry, Elmore Co., ID.

+ 1752 ii. Kathryn Gayle Porter, born 25 Nov 1945 in Glenns Ferry, Elmore Co., ID.

806. Vincent Blaine12 Porter (George11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Feb 1916 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Esther Bell Anderson 23 Dec 1946, daughter of George Anderson and Olive Shaffer. She was born 18 Dec 1917 in McDonald, Rawlins Co., KS.


More About Vincent Blaine Porter:

Residence 1: 1930, King Hill, Elmore Co., ID

Residence 2: 2000, Glenns Ferry, ID

Child of Vincent Porter and Esther Anderson is:

1753 i. ______13 Porter, born abt. 1948.

807. VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson (Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jan 1905 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 22 Jun 2000 in Terreton, Jefferson Co., ID. She married Clifford Plant 27 Nov 1925 in Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID, son of William Plant and Louisa Johnson. He was born 09 Aug 1904 in Rose, Blackfoot Twp., Bingham Co., ID, and died 25 Feb 1995 in Meridian, Ada Co., ID.


More About VanDora Elizabeth Nelson:

Name 2: Plant, VanDora

Social Security Number: 518-52-3400 (ID)


More About Clifford Plant:

Social Security Number: 518-36-2873 (ID)

Children of VanDora Nelson and Clifford Plant are:

+ 1754 i. Merlin13 Plant, born 17 Sep 1926 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 30 Jun 1995 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 1755 ii. Marvetta Plant, born 04 Mar 1928 in Rose, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 1756 iii. Rayola Plant, born 19 Feb 1930 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

+ 1757 iv. Morgan Plant, born 10 Jun 1931 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

808. Ada Deaun12 Nelson (Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Dec 1909 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married Paul Arthur Burgin 31 Oct 1927 in Rexburg, Jefferson Co., ID, son of Charles Burgin and Mary Turman. He was born 03 Jan 1907 in Sugar City, ID, and died 21 May 1956 in Lava Hot Springs, Bannock Co., ID.


More About Ada Deaun Nelson:

Burial: Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


More About Paul Arthur Burgin:

Burial: 24 May 1956, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Social Security Number: 519-03-0067 (ID)

Children of Ada Nelson and Paul Burgin are:

1758 i. Clarice13 Burgin, born 09 Apr 1930 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married William Daybrest.

+ 1759 ii. Marshall Nelson Burgin, born 01 Aug 1932 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

1760 iii. Yvonne Burgin, born 31 Dec 1934 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married ______ Lewis.

1761 iv. Carl Turman Burgin, born 19 Aug 1936 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

1762 v. Dorothy Burgin, born 04 May 1941 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married ______ Lancaster.

1763 vi. Judy Burgin, born 01 Dec 1942 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married ______ Phillips.

1764 vii. Robert J. Burgin, born 04 Feb 1944 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

809. Carroll Wendell12 Nelson (Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1907 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 01 Mar 1982 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Helen Ruth Shaw 25 Oct 1930, daughter of Thomas Shaw and Rhea ______. She was born 08 Jun 1908 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, and died 27 May 1996 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Carroll Wendell Nelson:

Burial: 04 Mar 1982, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Residence: Bef. Feb 1982, Last residence: Blackfoot, ID 83221

Social Security Number: 519-03-5446 (ID)


More About Helen Ruth Shaw:

Name 2: Nelson, Helen

Burial: 30 May 1996, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Occupation: 1930, Operator - telephone company

Residence 1: 1930, Lakewood, Cuyahoga Co., OH

Residence 2: Bef. May 1996, Last residence: Blackfoot, ID 83221

Social Security Number: 518-22-2089 (ID)

Children of Carroll Nelson and Helen Shaw are:

1765 i. Thomas Carl13 Nelson, born 17 Sep 1932 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID; died 19 Jan 1935 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.


More About Thomas Carl Nelson:

Burial: 21 Jan 1935, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID


1766 ii. Roseanne Nelson, born 25 Mar 1934 in Blackfoot, ID. She married Francis Steck 10 Nov 1953; born abt. 1933 in ID.

1767 iii. Nancy Jo Nelson, born 22 Jun 1936 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married (1) David Taylor 12 Aug 1967. She married (2) David Taylor 12 Aug 1967.

1768 iv. LaValle Nelson, born 14 Oct 1938 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH. She married Francis Williams 25 Nov 1960.

1769 v. Carroll Wayne Nelson, born 18 Apr 1944 in Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID.

811. Lowell John12 Nelson (Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1910 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Nona W. Hepworth, daughter of Joseph Hepworth and Myrtle ______. She was born 1915 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID.

Child of Lowell Nelson and Nona Hepworth is:

1770 i. Evelyn13 Nelson.

819. Mary Elizabeth12 Porter (Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Apr 1921 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married (1) Adna Lawrence Francis 30 Dec 1940, son of Lawrence Francis and Rosabelle ______. He was born 1920 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT. She married (2) ______ Francis abt. 1953.


More About Adna Lawrence Francis:

Residence: 1930, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT

Children of Mary Porter and Adna Francis are:

1771 i. Lawrence Adna13 Francis, born abt. 1942.

1772 ii. Gerry Floyd Francis, born abt. 1945.

1773 iii. Rae Lynn Francis, born abt. 1947.

820. Billie Louise12 Porter (Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1923 in Firth, Bingham Co., ID, and died 09 Oct 1964. She married Terrence Hansen. He was born 01 Nov 1920, and died May 1974.


More About Billie Louise Porter:

Burial: 11 Oct 1964, Bountiful, Davis Co., UT


More About Terrence Hansen:

Social Security Number: 529-14-2617 (UT)

Children of Billie Porter and Terrence Hansen are:

1774 i. Linda13 Hansen.

1775 ii. Kenneth Hansen.

1776 iii. Holly Hansen.

1777 iv. Heidi Hansen.

821. James Robert12 Porter (Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jun 1925 in Firth, Bingham Co., ID, and died 28 Jun 1978 in Bountiful, Davis Co., UT. He married Sarah LaDean Vincent 24 Dec 1943, daughter of Nephi Vincent and Sarah Molen. She was born 10 May 1927 in Salt Lake City, UT.


More About James Robert Porter:

Burial: 30 Jun 1978, Centerville, Davis Co., UT

Social Security Number: 529-20-2947 (UT)

Children of James Porter and Sarah Vincent are:

1778 i. Pamela13 Porter, born abt. 1944.

1779 ii. James Robert Porter, Jr., born abt. 1946.

1780 iii. Charles Porter, born abt. 1947.

822. Cora Lucille12 Porter (Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1926 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married Avard Dimmock Rasmussen 12 Feb 1944 in Salt Lake City, UT, son of Raymond Rasmussen and Beatrice Dimmock. He was born 29 Mar 1925 in Myton, Duchesne Co., UT.


More About Avard Dimmock Rasmussen:

Residence: 1930, Park City, Summit Co., UT

Children of Cora Porter and Avard Rasmussen are:

+ 1781 i. Ronnie LeRoy13 Rasmussen, born 21 Dec 1944.

+ 1782 ii. Mark Porter Rasmussen, born 23 Oct 1951.

823. Betty Jean12 Porter (Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Dec 1930 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., ID. She married Harry A. Rasmussen, son of Raymond Rasmussen and Beatrice Dimmock. He was born 30 Apr 1927 in CO, and died 19 Aug 1997 in Mesquite, Clark Co., NV.


More About Harry A. Rasmussen:

Residence 1: 1930, Park City, Summit Co., UT

Residence 2: Bef. Aug 1997, Last residence: Mesquite, NV 89024

Social Security Number: 528-24-8060 (UT)

Children of Betty Porter and Harry Rasmussen are:

1783 i. Ricky13 Rasmussen.

1784 ii. Michael Ray Rasmussen.

1785 iii. Wendy Ellen Rasmussen.

1786 iv. Lisa Rasmussen.

824. Blaine Floyd12 Porter (Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Apr 1932 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., ID, and died 15 Nov 1989 in Winnemucca, Humbold Co., NV. He married Madeline Rae Harryman 12 May 1954 in Midvale, Salt Lake Co., UT. She was born 20 Jul 1936, and died Jan 1982 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.


More About Blaine Floyd Porter:

Name 2: Porter, B.

Burial: 17 Nov 1989, Memorial Estates Cem., Murray, Salt Lake Co., UT

Social Security Number: 528-36-9506 (UT)


More About Madeline Rae Harryman:

Name 2: Porter, Madeline

Burial: Mt. Olivet Cem., Salt Lake City, UT

Residence: Bef. Jan 1982, Last residence: Midvale, UT 84047

Social Security Number: 529-50-0219 (UT)

Children of Blaine Porter and Madeline Harryman are:

+ 1787 i. Stephen Craig13 Porter, born 27 Sep 1955 in Salt Lake City, UT.

+ 1788 ii. Julie Rae Porter, born 18 Mar 1958 in Salt Lake City, UT.

+ 1789 iii. Jeffrey Scott Porter, born 27 Nov 1961 in Salt Lake City, UT.

1790 iv. Troy Floyd Porter, born 01 Jun 1963 in Salt Lake City, UT.

+ 1791 v. Billie Jo Porter, born 10 Apr 1965 in Salt Lake City, UT.

1792 vi. David Blaine Porter, born 08 Jun 1967 in Salt Lake City, UT.

827. L. J.12 Porter (Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1938 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. He married Marcia Sue Montgomery 18 Oct 1969 in Reno, Washoe Co., NV, daughter of ______ Montgomery and ______ Glaze. She was born 02 Dec 1943 in Tulare Co., CA.

Child of L. Porter and Marcia Montgomery is:

1793 i. Robert13 Porter, born abt. 1971.

828. Ivie Joan12 Porter (Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Dec 1940 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. She married Brent Eugene Williams 29 May 1961 in Gooding, Gooding Co., ID. He was born 25 Jun 1936 in Malad, Oneida Co., ID.


Notes for Ivie Joan Porter:

I contacted Ivie via telephone on 18 Nov 1996 and was thankful for this information she contributed to my research. Ivie was able to give me a lot of the background data on most of her siblings families as well as on her own family. The following is what she relayed to me: Irvin's son LeRoy lives in California and Albert had passed away the year prior (1995). Ivie did not know much about these children for they lived with their mother Olive after Irvin divorced her. Ivie stated she'd been married for sometime before even knowing about her two half-brothers. Albert attended their father's funeral, which was the only time he and Ivie met. Ivie stated that she worked as an accountant and teller at a local bank for a number of years and also worked as an accountant for Wal-Mart for about 5 years. Brent teaches middle school in Evanston, although he had taught other grades. He was also the athletic director at one time. L.J. is a civil engineer and works for the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. He is currently living in the Denver, CO area. Irvin George was also a civil engineer and worked on the highway near Juneau, AS. His daughter, Hillary, is currently in high school. Mark is living at home and had not married. He attended the University of Wyoming for 3 years and currently works with the Uinta County Highway Department. He operates the road grater. Ivie was very pleased with Kari's accomplishments and went into broader detail. Her daughter, who currently resided in Honolulu, HA, was given a 4-year golf scholarship and received a degree in accounting and marketing. Every year the country club hosts the Jenny Kaye Celebrity Golf Tournament, honoring the local personality. Kari won the tournament in 1994 and was the runner-up in 1995 and 1996. She currently is employed as an accountant at the Royal Hawaiian Country Club. It just so happened that on 16 Nov 1996, while Hawaii was being deluged by sever thunderstorms and torrential downpours, President Clinton was making a short vacation stop to the islands and visited the Royal Hawaiian, giving Kari an opportunity to meet the President. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Brent Eugene Williams:

Baptism: 02 Aug 1936, Malad, Oneida Co., ID

Children of Ivie Porter and Brent Williams are:

+ 1794 i. Lisa Michelle13 Williams, born 30 Mar 1962 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

1795 ii. Mark Elden Williams, born 12 May 1963 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

+ 1796 iii. Brenda Jo Williams, born 17 Jul 1964 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID.

1797 iv. Kari Lee Williams, born 24 Apr 1971 in Evanston, Uinta Co., WY.

+ 1798 v. Ryan Brent Williams, born 26 Jul 1973 in Evanston, Uinta Co., WY.

1799 vi. Joan Marie Williams, born 14 Sep 1976 in Evanston, Uinta Co., WY.

1800 vii. Jamie Diane Williams, born 15 Feb 1978 in Evanston, Uinta Co., WY.

829. Irvin George12 Porter (Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Feb 1942 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. He married Judith Anne Reid. She was born 16 Oct 1942 in Juneau, AK.


More About Judith Anne Reid:

Residence: 1993, Anchorage, AK

Child of Irvin Porter and Judith Reid is:

1801 i. Hillary13 Porter, born abt. 1979 in Juneau, AK.

830. Deanna Kay12 Porter (Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Dec 1943 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. She married Jim Henry Grisenti 16 Aug 1963 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID, son of Rino Grisenti and Gwendolyn Renselman. He was born 27 Oct 1943 in Rupert, Minidoka Co., ID.


More About Deanna Kay Porter:

Residence: 2000, Rupert, Minidoka Co., ID


More About Jim Henry Grisenti:

Residence: 2000, Rupert, Minidoka Co., ID

Children of Deanna Porter and Jim Grisenti are:

1802 i. Mike Jay13 Grisenti, born 22 Dec 1964 in Salt Lake City, UT. He married Angela ______.


More About Mike Jay Grisenti:

Residence: 2000, Santa Clara, UT


1803 ii. Teena Lyn Grisenti, born 01 Sep 1966 in Milford, Beaver Co., UT.

1804 iii. Nancy Ann Grisenti, born 02 Dec 1970 in Navato, Marin Co., CA.

831. George Edward12 Morgan (Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Apr 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Nov 1972 in Portsmouth, RI. He married Frances Kathryn Peiffer 10 Sep 1927, daughter of George Peiffer and Jesse Williams. She was born 11 Aug 1906, and died Aug 1986.


Notes for George Edward Morgan:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 27 Nov 1972 ed.:

MORGAN, George E., age 75 of Shunk, PA, Friday, November 24, 1972 at Portsmouth, RI. Calling hours will be Monday evening 7 to 9 p.m. at the Ralph T. Kleese Funeral Home, 40 North Center St., Canton, PA. Funeral will be Tuesday, November 28 at the funeral home at 2:30 p.m., Rev. Wilma Barker Hoose of the Shunk United Methodist Church and Pastor Richard B. Martin of the West Franklin Mennonite Church. Burial will be in Green Lawn Memorial Park, Montgomery RD 1, PA. Survived by his wife, Frances Peifer Morgan; three daughters, Mrs. Elwood (Betty) West of Granville Summit, PA, Mrs. Thomas (Grace) Lathrop of Portsmouth, RI, Mrs. Carl (Dorothy) McCarty of Pensacola, FL; three sons, Elwood, Newark Valley, NY, Dennis, Amsterdam, Holland with the US Air Force, Edward, Coos Bay, OR with the Coast Guard; 19 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Boone, San Diego, CA, Mrs. Robert Hurlburt, Roaring Branch, RD 2 PA, Mrs. John Sory of Canton RD 1; two brothers, Gordon Morgan, Jamesville, VA, Kenneth Morgan of Lakeside, CA. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the Minnequa Grange.


More About George Edward Morgan:

Burial: 27 Nov 1972, Green Lawn Cem., Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 27 Nov 1972, SUN-GAZETTE, Williamsport, PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1972, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 165-16-0756 (PA)


More About Frances Kathryn Peiffer:

Name 2: Morgan, Frances

Residence: Bef. Aug 1986, Last residence: Vancouver, WA 98663

Social Security Number: 191-28-2056 (PA)

Children of George Morgan and Frances Peiffer are:

+ 1805 i. Betty Marie13 Morgan, born 02 Sep 1925.

+ 1806 ii. Grace Irene Morgan, born 29 May 1928.

+ 1807 iii. Elwood George Morgan, born 11 Sep 1931.

+ 1808 iv. Dorothy Ann Morgan, born 24 Nov 1935.

+ 1809 v. Dennis James Morgan, born 28 Mar 1942.

+ 1810 vi. Edward Charles Morgan, born 25 Mar 1946.

834. Gordon Leonard12 Morgan (Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jan 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Aug 1990 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Wanda Eugena Fuller 28 Jan 1928, daughter of Clyde Fuller and Myrtle Hogoboom. She was born 02 Jul 1911 in PA, and died 1949. He married (2) Sarah Clarissa King 08 Dec 1952. She was born 1914, and died 1994.


Notes for Gordon Leonard Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 08 Aug 1990 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Gordon Morgan - farmer and sawyer

CANTON - Gordon Leonard Morgan, 80, of 10 S. Minnequa Ave., Canton, died Tuesday, August 7, 1990 at Memorial Hospital in Towanda. Mr. Morgan was a farmer and head sawyer for 35 years at numerous lumber companies. He retired in 1975. He was an avid fisherman. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 Aug 1990 ed.:

Canton Man Helped Change N. Tier's Sawmill Industry

CANTON - Gordon Leonard Morgan spent 39 years behind a whirling 6-foot high circular saw, slicing lumber from timber cut from northern Pennsylvania's rich forests. The Canton resident worked as head sawyer at six sawmills in Pennsylvania and New York before he retired in 1975. Mr. Morgan of 10 S. Minnequa Ave., Canton, died Tuesday August 7, from complications from a heart attack he suffered two weeks ago. He was 80. Calling hours are 7-9 p.m. today at Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton. The funeral will be 11 am Friday at the funeral home. Mr. Morgan was part of the evolution of the Northern Tier's sawmill industry, said his daughter, Janet Pepper, one of five children. In the mid-1930s, he cut lumber on a saw powered by a water wheel. When gasoline and diesel engines replaced the water wheel, Mr. Morgan's skills advanced too. He was using a computer-operated stainless steel blade to cut lumber, Pepper said. "He was like a piece of history. When you heard him tell stories to his 34 grandchildren, it was like watching an old movie. It was like you were there," Pepper said. Mr. Morgan wasn't always a sawyer. He spent his youth and early adult life working his father's - and then his - dairy farm in Shunk in Sullivan County, said his daughter, Amber Chaapel. When he was a teenager, he helped a sheep farmer drive flocks of sheep 45 miles cross country from Shunk to a market in Williamsport, Pepper said. The physical demands of farming and work in sawmills developed Mr. Morgan into a big, sturdy man. He loved to eat. One of his favorite foods was the delicious barbecued chicken he would cook at family outings, Chaapel said. But Mr. Morgan's 200-pound imposing size hid a calm and gentle demeanor. "He was such a gentle man. He never raised his voice or complained about himself. He was always interested in other people. He was always there when we needed him," Pepper said. Mr. Morgan's trademark was his laugh, Chaapel said. His deep laugh and dark brown eyes sparkling from under one of several caps he wore brought smiles to those around him. In his spare time, Mr. Morgan fished. He had a cabin on an island in Canada that he visited several times each summer. During the winter months, he'd drive to Florida to visit his son and go fresh-water fishing in nearby Lake Okeechobee. "He was happiest when he was fishing. He loved it," Pepper said.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 09 Aug 1990 ed.:

MORGAN, Gordon Leonard, 80 of Canton, died Aug. 7, 1990 in Memorial Hospital, Towanda. He was born Jan. 19, 1910 in Fox Township, a son of James U. and Saphronia Leonard Morgan. Mr. Morgan was a farmer and head sawyer for various lumber companies for 35 years. He retired in 1975 and was an avid fisherman. Surviving are his wife, the former Sarah King, to whom he was married 37 years; four daughters, Mrs. Dean (Amber) Chaapel of LeRoy, PA; Mrs. William (Alene) Boyd of Canton, Mrs. Frank (Joyce) Landon of Canton, and Mrs. Thomas (Janet) Pepper of LeRoy; a son, Audley, of Okeechobee, FL; 20 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; two step-children, Mrs. Ronald (Jacqueline) Moss of Wellsboro, PA; Mrs. Aldeen Guernett of Athens; a sister, Mrs. Robert (Dolly) Hurlbert of Roaring Branch; a brother, Kenneth Morgan of Santee, CA. He was predeceased by his first wife, the former Wanda Fuller, in 1949, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Jasper Smith officiating. Burial will be in Grover Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the Canton Ambulance Ass'n or the Canton Community Nursing Service.


More About Gordon Leonard Morgan:

Burial: 10 Aug 1990, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Memorial Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 08 Aug 1990, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 09 Aug 1990, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 204-12-4488 (PA)


More About Wanda Eugena Fuller:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA


More About Sarah Clarissa King:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Gordon Morgan and Wanda Fuller are:

1811 i. Gordon Leonard13 Morgan, Jr., born 1929.

+ 1812 ii. Audley Melvin Morgan, born 31 Oct 1930.

+ 1813 iii. Amber June Morgan, born 20 Jun 1932.

+ 1814 iv. Alene Jean Morgan, born 07 Aug 1933.

+ 1815 v. Joyce Carol Morgan, born 22 Dec 1936.

+ 1816 vi. Janet Wanda Morgan, born 13 Feb 1938.

835. Kenneth James12 Morgan (Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1912 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Dec 2003 in Santee, San Diego Co., CA. He married Verna Edith Brown 08 Jun 1936, daughter of Lester Brown and Elnora Caseman. She was born 31 Dec 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Apr 1986 in Lakeside, CA.


More About Kenneth James Morgan:

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Aug 1990, Santee, San Diego Co., CA

Social Security Number: 199-03-3355 (PA)


More About Verna Edith Brown:

Name 2: Morgan, Verna

Residence: Bef. Apr 1986, Last residence: Lakeside, CA 92040

Social Security Number: 191-26-0585 (PA)

Child of Kenneth Morgan and Verna Brown is:

+ 1817 i. Robert James13 Morgan, born 22 Nov 1936; died 08 Dec 2001 in Chula Vista, San Diego Co., CA.

836. Leotta Grace12 Morgan (Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 May 1916 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Robert Gerald Hurlbert 16 Apr 1932. He was born 08 Mar 1914.


More About Leotta Grace Morgan:

Residence: Aug 1990, Roaring Branch, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Leotta Morgan and Robert Hurlbert are:

+ 1818 i. Alfreda Marie13 Hurlbert, born 04 Apr 1933.

+ 1819 ii. Gerald Robert Hurlbert, born 12 Oct 1937.

+ 1820 iii. James Arthur Hurlbert, born 28 Mar 1941.

1821 iv. Dale Morgan Hurlbert, born 10 Nov 1951. He married Lynn Diane Eisenberger 28 Nov 1970.

837. Nellie Irene12 Morgan (Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1923 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Dec 1976 in Cloverdale, Sonoma Co., CA. She married (1) Bonnie Clarence Sewell abt. 1938. He was born abt. 1920 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) John Ceif Sory abt. 1952, son of ______ Sory and Shirley ______. He was born 26 Sep 1908 in Columbia Co., AR, and died 24 Jan 1989 in Cloverdale, Sonoma Co., CA.

More About Nellie Irene Morgan:

Name 2: Sory, Nellie

Social Security Number: 190-18-0147 (PA)


More About John Ceif Sory:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1989, Last residence: Cloverdale, CA

Social Security Number: 711-01-1206 (RB)

Child of Nellie Morgan and Bonnie Sewell is:

1822 i. Bonnie Clarence13 Sewell, born 01 Oct 1938 in PA; died 05 Jun 1985 in Boonville, Mendocino Co., CA.


More About Bonnie Clarence Sewell:

Social Security Number: 547-29-7687 (CA)

Children of Nellie Morgan and John Sory are:

1823 i. Sheila Nell13 Sory, born 08 Jul 1954 in Sonoma Co., CA.

1824 ii. John Sory, born abt. 1956 in Sonoma Co., CA.


More About John Sory:

Residence: 1993, Cloverdale, Sonoma Co., CA

838. Zetta H.12 Brenchley (Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jan 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Nov 1978 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married (1) Robert Clinton abt. 1916. He was born abt. 1900 in NY. She married (2) Theodore Earl McNaney 01 Jan 1919, son of George McNaney. He was born 09 Aug 1893 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 26 Jul 1969 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Zetta H. Brenchley:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 17 Feb 1898 ed.:

Shunk - Born to Mr. & Mrs. Frank BRENCHLEY, a daughter.


More About Zetta H. Brenchley:

Birth Announced: 17 Feb 1898, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Burial: 28 Nov 1978, Nichols Cem., Tioga Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY


Notes for Theodore Earl McNaney:

Genevra informed me of the site of her father's burial although when I located the cemetery, I could not find his headstone, even though she insisted he was buried beside his parents and grandparents. I found the marker for George and his father Patrick, but their wives weren't written on the headstones. It wasn't until I found Ted's obituary that his burial site was disclosed. Christian Hollow Road runs alongside Rubin's Auto Salvage yard, coming off from Rt. 14 South, in Southport, a right turn before you go over the railroad overpass. - note of R. J. Porter


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Jul 1969 ed.:

McNANEY, T. Earl, age 75 of 208 Connelly Ave., formerly of Coleman Ave., Saturday July 26, 1969. Friends may call at the Holly-Keck Funeral Home Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Tuesday 2 p.m. Rev. Burdette Mason. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. Survived by aunt, Mrs. Laura Parke, Elmira, several cousins. He was a member of Ivy Lodge No. 397 F & AM; 30 years member of the American Legion; veteran of the 5th Division in World War I; retired mail carrier for the main business route out of the Elmira Post Office; member of the "Flat Tires".


More About Theodore Earl McNaney:

Name 2: McNaney, T.

Burial: 29 Jul 1969, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Jul 1969, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1969, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14901

Social Security Number: 078-36-2557 (NY)

Child of Zetta Brenchley and Robert Clinton is:

1825 i. Ruth Eveline13 Clinton, born 1918 in NY; died 1940. She married (1) ______ Thears. She married (2) ______ Wells.


More About Ruth Eveline Clinton:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Zetta Brenchley and Theodore McNaney are:

+ 1826 i. George Owen13 McNaney, born 19 Dec 1922 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 01 Feb 2002 in Ozark, Christian Co., MO.

+ 1827 ii. Genevra Mae McNaney, born 19 Dec 1922 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

840. Luther Dan12 Leonard (Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 May 1921 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 18 Oct 1992 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Mary Louise Borger, daughter of ______ Borger and Anna Ammon. She was born 07 Apr 1926 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Luther Dan Leonard:

Burial: 21 Oct 1992, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1992, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 205-03-8713 (PA)

Children of Luther Leonard and Mary Borger are:

+ 1828 i. Luther Dan13 Leonard, Jr., born 06 May 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1829 ii. Darlene Yvonne Leonard, born 13 Oct 1946 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1830 iii. L.J. Leonard, born 15 Sep 1954 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


842. Donald Earl12 Leonard (Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jan 1926 in PA. He married Mildred Lewis.


More About Donald Earl Leonard:

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Donald Leonard and Mildred Lewis are:

1831 i. Terry13 Leonard.

1832 ii. Donald Leonard.

1833 iii. Walter Leonard.

1834 iv. ______ Leonard.

843. Carl Eugene12 Leonard (Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Mar 1928 in Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Oct 2002 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Betty Jane Williams 04 Aug 1948 in Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., PA, daughter of Floyd Williams and Carrie Boughton. She was born 24 Sep 1932 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Oct 1995.


More About Carl Eugene Leonard:

Name 3: Leonard, Carl V.

Residence: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 184-20-7093 (PA)


More About Betty Jane Williams:

Name 2: Leonard, Betty

Burial: 27 Oct 1995, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1995, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 164-24-3795 (PA)

Children of Carl Leonard and Betty Williams are:

+ 1835 i. Daniel Paul13 Leonard, born 24 Jan 1949 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA; died 14 Jan 2003 in Concord, Contra Costa Co., CA.

1836 ii. Gerry Eugene Leonard, born 30 Jun 1959 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

1837 iii. Larry Dean Leonard, born 18 Nov 1960 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Linda J. Durdock 26 Feb 1983 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; born 22 May 1961 in Danville, Montour Co., PA.

1838 iv. Carla Louise Leonard, born 09 Jun 1963 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Charles R. Peet 16 Nov 1980 in Plunketts Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., PA; born 07 Aug 1949 in Pittsburg, Allegheny Co., PA.

844. Reed Wesley12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) ______ ______. He married (2) Janice Rose Parks 21 Jul 1946 in Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Myron Parks and Lena ______. She was born 13 Sep 1930.


More About Reed Wesley Hartford:

Residence: 1930, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Reed Hartford and ______ ______ is:

1839 i. Myron13 Hartford.

Children of Reed Hartford and Janice Parks are:

+ 1840 i. Michael Wesley13 Hartford, born 20 Oct 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 19 Jan 2005 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1841 ii. Charles William Hartford, born 16 Oct 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Ok Cha No; born in South Vietnam.

+ 1842 iii. Reed James Hartford, born 30 Jan 1949 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1843 iv. Paul Lynwood Hartford, born 26 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1844 v. Infant Hartford, born 28 Jun 1951 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 28 Jun 1951 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Infant Hartford:

Burial: 30 Jun 1951, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 1845 vi. John Richard Hartford, born 03 Sep 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 29 Sep 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY 14901.

1846 vii. Ricky Leonard Hartford, born 07 Jan 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1847 viii. Lila Marie Hartford, born 21 Sep 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

845. Marjorie Rosabell12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 May 1923 in Laquin, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Donald Williams abt. 1942. She married (2) Charles Eckman, Jr. abt. 1950, son of Charles Eckman. He was born 03 Feb 1916, and died Jun 1983. She married (3) Thaddeus Hickok 1962. He was born 26 Aug 1909, and died 29 Feb 1972 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Charles Eckman, Jr.:

Residence: Jun 1983, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 173-07-5351 (PA)


Notes for Thaddeus Hickok:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Mar 1972 ed.:

HICKOK, Thaddeus, age 62, of 39 Troy St., Canton, PA, passed away unexpectedly after a brief illness, Tuesday morning, February 29, 1972. Friends may call at the Ralph T. Morse Funeral Home, 40 North Center St., Canton, PA on Thursday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9. Funeral will be held there Friday 11 a.m. with Rev. Ralph R. Knight, retired minister, officiating. Burial will be in Main St. Cemetery in Canton. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Innes Hose Co. His survivors are his wife, Marjorie; two daughters, Mrs. Charles (Jeanne) Zeigler of Annandale, Virginia and Mrs. William (Joyce) Conwell of Phillipsburg, New Jersey; three step-daughters, Connie and Bena Eckman and Mrs. Willard Herbert of Pittston, PA and two step-sons, Chuckie Eckman and Alan Williams of Canton; three grandsons and four step-grandchildren and several cousins. He was a life member of the Innes Hose Co. and has served as fire chief for the Canton borough for fifteen years. He was on the board of directors of the Canton Ambulance Assn. since its organization in 1951. He was a member of the Canton Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge No. 429. He was also a member of the PA Tavern Owner's Assn. for the past 26 years; he has owned and operated Hickok's Restaurant in Canton. He was Republican committeeman and borough tax assessor for Canton. He was a member of the Episcopalian Church of Canton. Firemen will hold services at the funeral home Thursday 8 p.m.



More About Thaddeus Hickok:

Burial: 03 Mar 1972, Main Street Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Mar 1972, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Feb 1972, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 181-03-3808 (PA)

Children of Marjorie Hartford and Donald Williams are:

+ 1848 i. Sharon Ann13 Williams, born 29 May 1943.

+ 1849 ii. Lowell Alan Williams, born 07 Oct 1945.

Children of Marjorie Hartford and Charles Eckman are:

+ 1850 i. Charlene13 Eckman, born 06 Jan 1951.

1851 ii. Connie Eckman, born 06 Jan 1951. She married Bruce Cuttler.


More About Connie Eckman:

Medical Information: twin to Charlene Eckman; totally blind in one eye, partially in other


1852 iii. Charles James Eckman, born 31 Dec 1952 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 26 Oct 2000 in Kailua, HI.


Notes for Charles James Eckman:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 Nov 2000 ed.:

ECKMAN, Charles J. "Chuck", Project Superintendent, age 47 of Kailua, HI, passed away on Thursday, October 26, 2000. He worked for Bodell Constructors in Hawaii. Arrangements by Pepper Funeral Home, Canton.


More About Charles James Eckman:

Social Security Number: 109-44-0097 (NY)


+ 1853 iv. Bena Rae Eckman, born 29 Jun 1960.

846. Glenn Lorraine12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1925 in Laquin, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 18 Aug 1989. He married Ora Marie Henry 04 Feb 1947 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Glen Henry and Hazel Leighton. She was born 27 May 1930.


More About Glenn Lorraine Hartford:

Residence: 1930, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 199-12-2438 (PA)

Children of Glenn Hartford and Ora Henry are:

+ 1854 i. Judy Dean13 Hartford, born 22 Sep 1947 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1855 ii. Glenn Franklin Hartford, born 09 Aug 1954 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1856 iii. Glena Marie Hartford, born 25 Feb 1958 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1857 iv. Hala Leora Hartford, born 23 Feb 1968 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

847. Lawrence Edward12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1927 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Neva Georgene Norton 06 Feb 1950 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Harvey Norton and Rachel Tule. She was born 10 Nov 1931 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Lawrence Edward Hartford:

Residence: 1930, Athens, Bradford Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Lawrence Hartford and Neva Norton:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 17 Feb 2000 ed.:

Mr. and Mrs. Hartford To Be Honored On Golden Anniversary -

A golden anniversary open house will be held for Lawrence and Neva Norton Hartford [sic] this Saturday, February 19, at the Hartford home on Rt. 154 in Shunk from 1 to 4 p.m. The event will be hosted by their children. All friends and family members are invited to attend or send a card to RR#, Box 538, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA 17768.

Children of Lawrence Hartford and Neva Norton are:

+ 1858 i. Cheryl Lynn13 Hartford, born 23 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1859 ii. Rocky Lane Hartford, born 17 Apr 1952 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 1860 iii. Kent Otto Hartford, born 31 Mar 1954 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1861 iv. Larry Scott Hartford, born 17 Jun 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 01 Mar 1998 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Larry Scott Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 Mar 1998 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Larry S. Hartford, employee of Penna DOT

CANTON - Hartford, Larry S., lifetime resident of Shunk, PA, passed away Sunday, March 1, 1998. Employee for Penn DOT for several years. Arrangements by Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


More About Larry Scott Hartford:

Burial: 04 Mar 1998, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 Mar 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Feb 1998, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 193-46-1878 (PA)


1862 v. Marty Gene Hartford, born 02 Mar 1958 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA; died 01 Jan 1959 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Marty Gene Hartford:

Burial: 04 Jan 1959, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hospital

848. James Eugene12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jul 1931 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Mary Broughton 1950, daughter of ______ Broughton and Hazel Werkheiser.

Children of James Hartford and Mary Broughton are:

1863 i. Linda Marie13 Hartford, born 10 Aug 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married James Keener, Jr. 06 Sep 1980 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA; born 18 Feb 1930 in Warren, Trumbull Co., OH.

+ 1864 ii. Carl Eugene Hartford, born 10 Oct 1957.

849. Dean Carl12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Nov 1932 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Jun 1997 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dolores Ann Frey 13 Jun 1953 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Kenneth Frey and Miriam Brown. She was born 22 Mar 1936.


Notes for Dean Carl Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Jun 1997 ed.:

OBITUARIES -- Dean C. Hartford, survived by many

CANTON - Dean C. Hartford, 64 of Troy, died Tuesday, June 24, 1997 at home. He was employed by Schrader-Bellows Valve in Canton as a toolmaker for 37 years. He was a member of the United Methodist Church in Shunk. He was a member of the Labor Union Local 1190 and the Moose Lodge 429. He is survived by many. Pepper Funeral Home, Canton is handling arrangements.


More About Dean Carl Hartford:

Burial: 26 Jun 1997, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Jun 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Jun 1997, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 189-26-3811 (PA)


More About Dolores Ann Frey:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Dean Hartford and Dolores Frey are:

1865 i. Cathy Ann13 Hartford, born 18 Dec 1953. She married Robert Fritz 1975.

1866 ii. Deana Maie Hartford, born 1958.

1867 iii. Chris Alan Hartford, born 14 Feb 1962. He married Laura Cornwright 18 Oct 1980.

850. Dale Richard12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Nov 1935 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Apr 2004 in Alba, Bradford Co., PA. He married Patricia May 13 Aug 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Earl May and ______ Bailey.


Notes for Dale Richard Hartford:

Towanda, PA - DAILY & SUNDAY REVIEW, 18 Apr 2004 ed.:

Dale R. Hartford, 68, long-time resident of Alba, passed away early Saturday morning, April 17, 2004, at his home following a courageous battle with cancer. Born on Nov. 20, 1935, in Shunk, he was one of 10 children of the late James and Lila (Leonard) Hartford. In 1953 Dale graduated from high school in Estella. On Aug. 13, 1955, Dale married the former Pat May in Troy. Together they raised seven children and were blessed with 48 years of loving marriage. Dale was employed by Schrader-Bellows in Canton for over 36 years until his retirement in 1993. He enjoyed the outdoors and loved working in his garden and camping. Dale also enjoyed working on and collecting antique tractors. His main interest throughout life was the time he spent with family, especially his grandchildren. Mr. Hartford's memberships included the Canton Moose Lodge, the Morris Run American Legion and the Canton Sons of the American Legion. He was a lifetime member of the Canton Innes Hose Fire Company. In addition to his wife, Pat, Dale is survived by seven children and their spouses, Vickie and Roy Brown of Shunk, Alan and Brenda Hartford of Alba, Robert and Kelly Hartford of Odessa, N.Y., Lonnie and Mary Hartford of Alba, Tina Hartford of Shunk, Amy and Mike Gowin of Shunk, and Gale and Connie Hartford of Canton; his grandchildren, Wendy Jenkins, Lori Seeley, Jennifer Dunbar and Jay, Amanda, Ben, Joey, Michael, Andrew, Cody, Blake, Teashia and Kyle Hartford, Samantha and Sabrina Bush and Shawn, Ashley and Desiree Gowin; a great-grandson, Keith Seeley; a sister, Marjorie Hickok of Florida; six brothers and their spouses, Reed (Janice) Hartford and Lawrence (Neva) Hartford, all of Shunk, James Jr. (Mary) Hartford, Earl (Sandy) Hartford and Harland (Connie) Hartford, all of Canton, and Alan "Punk" Williams of Estella; sisters-in-law Mila May and Brenda Hartford Higley, both of Canton, and Ora Hartford of Roaring Branch and Delores Hartford of Troy; brothers-in-law Galen (Ginny) and Walter (Wilma) May, all of Troy; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Besides his parents, Dale was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Marjorie Louise, and three brothers, Glen, Dean and Robert Hartford. The family invites friends to call from 4 to 7 p.m., Monday, April 19, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The Canton Moose Lodge will conduct a memorial ceremony at 7 p.m., at the funeral home. The funeral service will immediately follow with the Rev. Jasper Smith officiating. A private burial will be held at the West Hill Cemetery in Shunk. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that memorial donations in Mr. Hartford's memory be directed to Guthrie Hospice, RR1, Box 154, Towanda, PA 18848, or to the Susquehanna Health Services Hospitality Inn, 777 Rural Ave. Williamsport, PA 17701.


More About Dale Richard Hartford:

Burial: 20 Apr 2004, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Apr 2004, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Social Security Number: 163-30-0299 (PA)

Children of Dale Hartford and Patricia May are:

+ 1868 i. Vickie Lynn13 Hartford, born 15 Jul 1956.

1869 ii. Marjorie Louise Hartford, born 28 Jul 1958; died Nov 1958.


More About Marjorie Louise Hartford:

Cause of Death: whooping cough

1870 iii. Dale Alan Hartford, born 01 May 1961. He married Brenda ______.

1871 iv. Robert James Hartford, born 17 Jun 1962. He married Kelly ______.

1872 v. Leonard Earl Hartford, born 02 Jun 1963. He married Mary ______.

+ 1873 vi. Tina Marie Hartford, born 04 Nov 1964.

+ 1874 vii. Amy Jo Hartford, born 25 Apr 1967.

1875 viii. Gale Richard Hartford, born 01 Jun 1970.

851. Earl Leonard12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Sandra Ellsworth 06 Sep 1956.

Children of Earl Hartford and Sandra Ellsworth are:

1876 i. Debra Lee13 Hartford, born 23 May 1959. She married Robert Smith 12 Feb 1979.

1877 ii. Randy Scott Hartford, born 11 Dec 1968.

852. Harland Lynwood12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1938 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Donna Leah Parker abt. 1959, daughter of Donald Parker and Leah Smith. She was born 02 Apr 1944, and died 16 Jan 1970 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Connie Johnson 1971. She was born abt. 1940.


More About Harland Lynwood Hartford:

Residence: 1993, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Donna Leah Parker:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Jan 1970 ed.:

HARTFORD, Mrs. Donna Parker, age 25 of 202 North Center St., Canton, PA early Friday morning, January 16, 1970 at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre after an extended illness. Friends may call at the Ralph T. Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, PA Saturday 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Sunday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Wilma Barker Hoose of the Shunk United Methodist Church, West Hill Cemetery, Shunk, PA. Survived by husband, Harland; one daughter, Leah Lila and one son, Donald James; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker of Roaring Branch RD 2; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Woodward of Canton RD 1; grandfather, Edd Parker of Roaring Branch RD 2; two sisters, Mrs. James (Betty Lou) Vonderchek of Horseheads, NY, Mrs. John (Sharon) Raczkowski of Elmira; several aunts, uncles and cousins. She was a member of the Shunk United Methodist Church.


More About Donna Leah Parker:

Name 2: Hartford, Donna

Burial: 20 Jan 1970, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Jan 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 196-34-3397 (PA)

Children of Harland Hartford and Donna Parker are:

1878 i. Donald James13 Hartford, born 07 Apr 1961 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 15 Jul 1999 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married Laura ______ abt. 1994.


Notes for Donald James Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Jul 1999 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Donald J. Hartford, Truck driver

CANTON - Donald James Hartford, age 38 of RR 1 Monroeton, PA, Thursday evening, July 15, 1999. Employed by K. J. Transport in Farmington, NY as a truck driver. Arrangements by Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 22 Jul 1999 ed.:

Donald James Hartford, 38, of Monroeton, died July 15, 1999, following a motorcycle accident on Route 414 in LeRoy Township, Bradford County. He was born April 7, 1961 in Sayre, a son of Harland Hartford and the late Donna Parker Hartford. Mr. Hartford was a 1979 graduate of Athens High School and had been employed at various places. Currently he was a driver for K.J. Transport of Farmington, NY. Surviving are his wife, Laura; a step-son Cory J. Tucker; a step-daughter Jamie C. Nelson of West Palm Beach, FL; his father and step-mother Connie of Canton; grandmother Leah Parker of Canton; two sisters, Leah Hammack of Canton; and Michelle (Mick) Hartford of Harrisburg; two brothers, Jeff Ragan of Canton; and Chad Ragan of Harrisburg; and a special friend, Teresa Mosher of Harrisburg. He was preceded in death by a brother, Harland L. Hartford and his mother. A funeral service was held July 19 at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton. Burial was in the West Hill Cemetery, Shunk.


More About Donald James Hartford:

Burial: 19 Jul 1999, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: motorcycle accident

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 18 Jul 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 22 Jul 1999, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence: Jul 1999, Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA


+ 1879 ii. Leah Lila Hartford, born 18 May 1962.

1880 iii. Harland Lynwood Hartford, Jr., born 13 Sep 1963; died 23 Dec 1963.


More About Harland Lynwood Hartford, Jr.:

Burial: 25 Dec 1963, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Child of Harland Hartford and Connie Johnson is:

1881 i. Michelle Lynn13 Hartford, born 14 Jul 1975.

855. Robert Paul12 Hartford (Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 07 Dec 1996 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA. He married (1) Joyce Elaine Wilcox 22 Dec 1960. He married (2) Brenda Ruth Hatch 03 Jul 1968, daughter of Vernon Hatch and Florence Fawcett. She was born 1944.


Notes for Robert Paul Hartford:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 12 Dec 1996 ed.:

HARTFORD, Robert P. "Bob", 53, Canton RR 2, PA, died Saturday, December 7, 1996 at the VA Hospice Unit in Wilkes-Barre, PA following a brief illness. Born on July 17, 1943 in Sayre, PA he was the youngest of 10 children born to the late James S. and Lila N. Leonard Hartford. Bob attended the Loyalsock schools until the 11th grade when he entered the US Army where he earned his GED. He worked many years as a truck driver and construction worker for various companies until he became disabled. He was a member of the Canton Lodge No. 415 F&AM, the Canton VFW Post No. 714, Canton Loyal Order of the Moose 429 and the Red Run Rod and the Gun Club in Ralston. Surviving are his wife of 29 years, Brenda R. Hartford, at home; a son and special friend, Brent Hartford and Tina Mathers and their daughter, Taylor Renay Hartford; a son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Mariette Hartford and their son, Trever James Hartford; a daughter and son-in-law, Brenda and David Jackson and their son, David Frank Jackson; brothers and sisters-in-law, Reed and Janice, Lawrence and Neva, all of Shunk, James Jr. and Mary of Canton, Dean and Delores of Troy, PA, Dale and Pat of Alba, PA, Earl and Sandy and Harland and Connie, all of Canton; a sister, Marjorie Hickok of Rochester, NY; his mother-in-law and Father-in-law, Florence and Vernon Hatch of Forksville; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to his parents, Bob was preceded in death by his brother, Glen Harford. Funeral services were held at the Pepper Funeral Home in Canton on December 10 with the Rev. Ronald Biestline, pastor of the Canton Ecumenical Parish officiating assisted by the Rev. Duane Taylor, pastor of the North Union Christian Church with interment to be in the Forksville Cemetery, Forksville, PA. Memorials may be directed to the VA Hospice program.


More About Robert Paul Hartford:

Burial: 10 Dec 1996, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died at the VA Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice: 12 Dec 1996, THE GAZETTE-REGISTER - Troy, PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1996, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 180-34-2496 (PA)

Child of Robert Hartford and Joyce Wilcox is:

+ 1882 i. Brenda Joyce13 Hartford, born 21 Dec 1961.

Children of Robert Hartford and Brenda Hatch are:

+ 1883 i. Brian Robert13 Hartford, born 06 Jun 1970 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1884 ii. Brent Paul Hartford, born 1972 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

857. Floyd F.12 Wilcox (Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Feb 1902 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 20 Apr 1976 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. He married Anna Denkenberger abt. 1927 in PA, daughter of Joseph Denkenberger and Amelia Corotta. She was born 03 May 1907 in Switzerland, and died 17 Aug 1998 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Floyd F. Wilcox:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Apr 1976 ed.:

WILCOX, Floyd "Red", age 74 of Mansfield RD 3, PA, Tuesday April 20, 1976 at the Soldiers & Sailors Hospital, Wellsboro, PA. Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Thursday at 1 p.m. Rev. Alan Shumway officiating. Burial in State Road Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA. Survived by wife Anna Denkenberger Wilcox; three daughters Mrs. Ellsworth (Janet) Smith of Millerton, PA, Mrs. Patricia Strange of Mansfield RD 3 PA, Mrs. O. C. (Emily) Pfleuger of Niagara Falls, NY; son Robert E. Wilcox of Millerton, PA; a son F. Richard, age 42, died in August 1975; two sisters, Mrs. Florence Babcock of Canton, PA, Mrs. Ada Segur of Canton, PA; brothers, Lester J. Wilcox of Alexandria, VA; 13 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren. He was a U.S. Army veteran; a heavy equipment operator in the area for most of his life; born February 18, 1902 in West LeRoy, PA, son of Emmett E. and Elsie Parrish Wilcox.


More About Floyd F. Wilcox:

Burial: 22 Apr 1976, State Road Cem., Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Apr 1976, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Apr 1976, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 199-07-7755 (PA)


Notes for Anna Denkenberger:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Aug 1998 ed.:

WILCOX, Anna of Mainesburg, PA, age 91, died Monday, August 17, 1998 at Broad Acres Nursing Home, Wellsboro, PA. Mrs. Wilcox was the wife of the late Floyd E. Wilcox who passed away in 1976. She was born on May 3, 1907 in Switzerland, a daughter of Joseph and Amelia (Corotta) Denkenberger. Mrs. Wilcox was a member of the State Road Baptist Church, Mainesburg, PA. She loved her family and her sons-in-law. She enjoyed cooking and was an avid hunter and loved fishing. Mrs. Wilcox is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, Janet and Ellsworth Smith of Mansfield, PA, Pat and Barnard Tokarz of Blossburg, PA and Emily and Otto Pflueger of Niagara Falls, NY; 13 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandson; two brothers, Michael Denkenberger of Troy, PA and Richard Denkenberger of Alba, PA, one sister, Elizabeth Bartosch of Horseheads, NY. She was preceded in death by two sons, Robert E. Wilcox in 1985 and F. Richard Wilcox in 1975; two sisters, Amelia "Molly" Chilson and Elsie Collins; one brother, Joseph Denkenberger. Friends are invited to call at the Scureman Funeral Home, Inc., 130 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA on Tuesday, August 18, 1998 from 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral Services will be held at the State Road Baptist Church, Mainesburg, PA on Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 1 p.m. Burial will be in State Road Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA. Memorial donations may be made to the State Road Baptist Church, Mainesburg, PA.


More About Anna Denkenberger:

Burial: 19 Aug 1998, State Road Cem., Mainesburg, Tioga Co., PA

Immigration: 1908

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Aug 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: 1910, Kingwood, Preston Co., WV

Social Security Number: 115-36-4925 (NY)

Children of Floyd Wilcox and Anna Denkenberger are:

1885 i. Janet13 Wilcox, born 1929 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Ellsworth Smith.

1886 ii. Patricia Wilcox, born abt. 1931. She married (1) Barnard Tokarz. She married (2) ______ Strange.

1887 iii. F. Richard Wilcox, born 14 May 1933; died Aug 1975.


More About F. Richard Wilcox:

Social Security Number: 192-28-9792 (PA)


1888 iv. Robert E. Wilcox, born abt. 1936.

1889 v. Emily Wilcox, born abt. 1938. She married Otto C. Pfleuger.

858. Lester J.12 Wilcox (Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Sep 1906 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 06 Mar 1994. He married Ann Werden.


More About Lester J. Wilcox:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1994, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 171-01-1819 (PA)

Children of Lester Wilcox and Ann Werden are:

1890 i. Dorson13 Wilcox.

+ 1891 ii. Lester Wilcox, born 1950.

859. Ada Belle12 Wilcox (Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Sep 1908 in West LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 28 Mar 1997 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Lindley Peeler abt. 1925. She married (2) James Kenneth Segur abt. 1939, son of Leon Segur and Nettie ______. He was born 1910, and died 1965.


Notes for Ada Belle Wilcox:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Mar 1997 ed.:

CANTON - Ada B. (Wilcox) Segur, 88, a lifelong resident of Bradford County, died Friday, March 28, 1997 in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Mrs. Segur was a homemaker who also had worked as a waitress at the former Reynard's Restaurant on Troy Street, Canton and as a day care provider. She was a member of the Minnequa Grange and the Lady Canton Rebekahs. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home in Canton is handling arrangements. (Gravemarker gives "1909 - 1997" as dates. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Ada Belle Wilcox:

Name 2: Segur, Ada

Burial: Apr 1997, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Mar 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Mar 1997, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 186-07-7406 (PA)


More About James Kenneth Segur:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Ada Wilcox and Lindley Peeler is:

+ 1892 i. Lois Marie13 Peeler, born 28 Oct 1927 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Ada Wilcox and James Segur are:

+ 1893 i. Gerald Edward13 Segur, born 09 Nov 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1894 ii. Sandy Sue Segur, born 21 Apr 1945 in Canton, PA. She married (1) Albert Krise. She married (2) James Kash.

+ 1895 iii. Richard James Segur, born 23 Feb 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

861. Glenn Irvin12 Foster (Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1903 in Piatt, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Sep 1974 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Hattie Belle Lewis 19 May 1924 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Jesse Lewis and Dora Benninger. She was born 25 Apr 1902 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Glenn Irvin Foster:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1974, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 197-09-1029 (PA)

Children of Glenn Foster and Hattie Lewis are:

+ 1896 i. Doris Marlea13 Foster, born 31 May 1925 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 09 Jul 2003 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 1897 ii. Janet Arlene Foster, born 25 Apr 1934 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

862. Earl George12 Foster (Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jan 1907 in Shortsville, Ontario Co., NY, and died 03 Dec 1981 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY. He married Etta Elizabeth Goodwin 23 Dec 1927, daughter of James Goodwin and Louisa Lupoli. She was born 08 Jun 1908 in Preston Co., WV, and died Jul 1984 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Earl George Foster:

Burial: 07 Dec 1981, Newark Valley Cem., Tioga Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Dec 1981, Last residence: Newark Valley, NY 13811

Social Security Number: 185-09-1407 (PA)


More About Etta Elizabeth Goodwin:

Name 2: Foster, Etta

Residence: Bef. Jul 1984, Last residence: Newark Valley, NY 13811

Social Security Number: 181-07-7247 (PA)

Children of Earl Foster and Etta Goodwin are:

+ 1898 i. Marian Ruth13 Foster, born 19 Jul 1929.

+ 1899 ii. James Earl Foster, born 23 Dec 1931.

+ 1900 iii. Jean Louise Foster, born 27 Jan 1934.

+ 1901 iv. Lois Ann Foster, born 18 Dec 1935.

+ 1902 v. David Charles Foster, born 27 Nov 1937.


863. Irene May12 Foster (Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1908 in Clifton Springs, Ontario Co., NY, and died 13 Apr 1979 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Howard James Rhodes 04 Aug 1928, son of ______ Rhodes and Jesse Griffin. He was born 08 Sep 1908 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 18 Feb 1997 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Irene May Foster:

Name 2: Rhodes, Irene

Burial: 16 Apr 1979, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Apr 1979, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 201-28-1920 (PA)


Notes for Howard James Rhodes:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 19 Feb 1997 ed.:

RHODES, Howard J., Canton garage owner

Canton - Howard J. Rhodes, 88, of Lake Hill, Canton, died Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1997 at home. He was a partner in the former Rhodes & Palmer Garage in Canton for more than 40 years. He was formerly a backhoe operator. He dug graves and excavated ditches for the water and sewer lines for the construction of the former Canton Manufacturing Factory. He was a member of the Canton Lodge 321, the Towanda Rifle & Pistol Club, Northern Tier Shooting League, the Troy Rod & Gun Club and the Canton Rod & Gun Club. He was a former member of the Beech Flats Grange 336 and served as a former Canton town supervisor. Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, is handling arrangements.


More About Howard James Rhodes:

Burial: 21 Feb 1997, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 19 Feb 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Feb 1997, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 086-14-8523 (NY)

Children of Irene Foster and Howard Rhodes are:

1903 i. James Howard13 Rhodes, born 02 Aug 1929 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 11 Mar 1954.


More About James Howard Rhodes:

Burial: 14 Mar 1954, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA


1904 ii. Joyce Onella Rhodes, born 07 Sep 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1905 iii. Sheila Irene Rhodes, born 21 Dec 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

864. Christine Janette12 Foster (Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 May 1911 in PA, and died 29 Mar 1997 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Chester W. Mix 20 Oct 1932 in Lock Haven, Clinton Co., PA, son of Chester Mix and Martha ______. He was born 21 Jan 1903 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 13 Nov 1958 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Christine Janette Foster:

Name 2: Mix, Christine

Burial: Apr 1997, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Mar 1997, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Mar 1997, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 189-26-1426 (PA)


Notes for Chester W. Mix:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Nov 1958 ed.:


Chester W. Mix, 55, of 36 Brann St., Canton, Thursday, Nov. 13, 1958. He was Canton Star Route mail carrier 16 years. Survived by wife Mrs. Christine Foster Mix; daughter, Miss Leota Mix, at home; sons Ronald of Canton and Raymond and Dale at home; sisters, Mrs. Gerald Transue of Butte, Mont., and Mrs. Grover Mason of Ridgeway, PA, two grandchildren. Body at Morse Funeral Home, Canton. Funeral there today at 2 p.m., the Rev. Earl Muller and the Rev. Robert Jones. Grover Cemetery.


More About Chester W. Mix:

Burial: 16 Nov 1958, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Nov 1958, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 185-09-1409 (PA)

Children of Christine Foster and Chester Mix are:

+ 1906 i. Ronald Edwin13 Mix, born 27 Sep 1933.

1907 ii. Leotta Marie Mix, born 19 Aug 1936.

+ 1908 iii. Raymond Allen Mix, born 13 Oct 1939.

+ 1909 iv. Dale Leon Mix, born 05 Dec 1941.

866. Leotta Ruth12 Foster (Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Dec 1984 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Paul T. Foust 23 Dec 1933 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of George Foust and ______ Haflett. He was born 22 Mar 1908 in Granville, Bradford Co., PA, and died 30 Mar 1970 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Carlyle Edward Moore abt. 1963, son of Owen Moore and Nina Ingerick. He was born 29 Mar 1912 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 30 Jan 1995.


More About Leotta Ruth Foster:

Name 2: Moore, Ruth

Social Security Number: 192-24-4266 (PA)


Notes for Paul T. Foust:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Apr 1970 ed.:


FOUST, Paul T., age 62 of Alba, PA Monday, Mar. 30, 1970 at Troy Community Hospital. Friends may call at the Ralph T. Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA, Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Thursday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Robert Garrett. Windfall Cemetery.


More About Paul T. Foust:

Burial: 02 Apr 1970, Windfall Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Apr 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 188-05-4995 (PA)


More About Carlyle Edward Moore:

Burial: Feb 1995, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1995, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 182-16-8236 (PA)

Children of Leotta Foster and Paul Foust are:

+ 1910 i. Nancy Lee13 Foust, born 09 Oct 1939 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1911 ii. Beverly Ann Foust, born 31 Oct 1941.

867. William Vaughn12 Foster (Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1921 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 12 May 1981. He married Ellen Emma Helms 09 Apr 1941 in Elkland, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Guy Helms and Lena Beatus. She was born 08 Jan 1921 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About William Vaughn Foster:

Burial: 15 May 1981, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Social Security Number: 169-14-7327 (PA)

Children of William Foster and Ellen Helms are:

1912 i. Arlene Yvonne13 Foster, born 12 Dec 1942 in Darby, Delaware Co., PA. She married William James Most 07 Aug 1965 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; born 17 Mar 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Marriage Notes for Arlene Foster and William Most:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Jan 1965 ed.:


Canton - Mr. and Mrs. William V. Foster of 76 E. Main Street announce the engagement of their daughter Arline Yvonne to William J. Most. Mr. Most is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Most of 25 First St. Miss Foster, a graduate of Canton High School and Mansfield State College, is a third grade teacher in the Bridgewater-Raritan schools, Raritan, NJ. Mr. Most is a graduate of Canton High School and the School of Engineering, Department of Aero-Space and Mechanical Services of Princeton University, Class of 1984. He is doing graduate work at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. A summer wedding is planned.


1913 ii. Mary Louise Foster, born 04 Aug 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

871. Eleanor Louise12 Porter (Burdette McKinnley11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jul 1921 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Jack Eugene Getgen 03 Jul 1942 in Muncy Valley, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Ira Getgen and Elcy Hollins. He was born 20 Oct 1918 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Eleanor Louise Porter:

Residence: May 1981, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA


More About Jack Eugene Getgen:

Occupation: Avco Lycoming Motors - Williamsport, PA

Children of Eleanor Porter and Jack Getgen are:

1914 i. Bonita Jean13 Getgen, born 06 Jun 1943 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Clarence Bohartz 28 Mar 1964 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Leo Charron 22 May 1976 in San Andreas, Calaveras Co., CA.

+ 1915 ii. James Burdett Getgen, born 06 Oct 1946 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 1916 iii. John Eugene Getgen, born 05 Apr 1948 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1917 iv. Susan Rae Getgen, born 06 Dec 1953 in Williamsport, PA. She married Jon Rey 14 Sep 1978 in Oakland, Alameda Co., CA.

1918 v. Don LaRue Getgen, born 21 Mar 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Linda Mae Weitzel 18 Dec 1976.

1919 vi. Vickie Yvonne Getgen, born 28 Mar 1959 in Williamsport, PA; died 12 Apr 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Vickie Yvonne Getgen:

Burial: Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA


1920 vii. Brett Louis Getgen, born 06 Aug 1962 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1921 viii. Bart Lloyd Getgen, born 06 Dec 1964 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

872. Leona Elizabeth12 Porter (Burdette McKinnley11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1923 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA, and died 10 Sep 1990 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Harry Llewellyn Butters 27 Feb 1945 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of William Butters and Minnie Good. He was born 03 Jan 1918 in Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA, and died 12 May 1989.


More About Leona Elizabeth Porter:

Name 2: Butters, Leona

Obituary/Death Notice: 12 Sep 1990, WELLSBORO GAZETTE, Wellsboro, PA

Residence: Bet. May 1981 - Sep 1990, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Social Security Number: 194-16-1687 (PA)


More About Harry Llewellyn Butters:

Occupation: X-ray technician at Darling Valve, Williamsport, PA

Social Security Number: 211-22-1845 (PA)

Child of Leona Porter and Harry Butters is:

1922 i. Robert Dennis13 Butters, born 16 Mar 1947 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Cynthia Ann McErn 16 Aug 1969 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

873. Kenneth Lloyd12 Porter (Burdette McKinnley11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jan 1929 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Patricia Ann Huffman 16 Oct 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Arthur Huffman and Marjorie Luce. She was born 20 Nov 1934 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Kenneth Lloyd Porter:

Occupation: 1981, Bethlehem Steel - Williamsport, PA

Residence: May 1981, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Kenneth Porter and Patricia Huffman are:

1923 i. David Scott13 Porter, born 17 Sep 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Linda Sampsell 19 Nov 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1924 ii. Richard Dale Porter, born 30 Oct 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1925 iii. Dennis Mark Porter, born 31 Jul 1961 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1926 iv. Michael Douglas Porter, born 03 Jun 1967 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

874. Roy Burdette12 Porter (Burdette McKinnley11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Dec 1930 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 05 Dec 1997. He married Audrey Leona Peters 14 Jun 1958 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Solomon Peters and Rebecca Selleck. She was born 26 Feb 1934 in Burlington, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Roy Burdette Porter:

I attempted to contact Lydia at her home in Williamsport on the morning of 4 May 1981, only to be told by Roy that she had passed away only a few hours earlier. Even though it was an awkward situation for the two of us, never having made contact before, he promised to send me a death notice and a funeral card for his mother. Along with these items, he enclosed a photocopied "Letters to the Editor" from the Williamsport, PA SUN-GAZETTE. The short "letter" was written to Donald Thomas, Canton Publishing Co. Inc. Canton, PA, sent by Clarence Porter of Box 44, Baker, Idaho 83461.


"Dear Sir: It might be interesting to your readers to know that I am compiling a family history of the Porter and Gleckner families of your area. My father "L.J." Porter came west about 1885. His first three children Roseltha, George and Orvilla were born in Bradford and Sullivan Counties before they came West. He had brothers John P., Grant, Gerry, Lee and T.J. His wife was Elizabeth Gleckner who was a daughter of Anthony and Margaret Gleckner. I would be interested in any of the family who still live in that area and will be happy to fill them in on our family heirs. Thank you. Respt. Yours, Clarence Porter"


I do not know who T.J. is; there is no record in any Porter family member named "T.J.". There were 3 other sons of Latney and Saphrona - Aaron, Samuel and Palmer P., the latter two dying at an early age. Could Aaron have been nicknamed T.J., I don't know for sure. There is no census listing or official record which would indicate that he had any nickname or even a middle name. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Roy Burdette Porter:

Occupation: Electrical engineer

Residence 1: Bet. May 1981 - Dec 1997, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Dec 1997, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 200-24-9634 (PA)


More About Audrey Leona Peters:

Education: 1982, Williamsport College - taking summer courses

Occupation: Substitute teacher - Williamsport, PA

Child of Roy Porter and Audrey Peters is:

1927 i. Burdett Roy13 Porter, born 19 Apr 1962 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

875. Donna Kay12 Porter (Raleigh P.11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1945 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Joseph Elijah Westbrook 05 May 1961 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA, son of Henry Westbrook and Caroline Shaffer. He was born 27 Jul 1940 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 15 Jun 1990 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Joseph Elijah Westbrook:

Name 2: Westbrook, J.

Burial: Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Medical Information: died at Towanda Memorial Hospital

Military service 1: Bet. 1958 - 1970, Enlisted at Wilkes-Barre, PA; Discharged at Norfolk, VA

Military service 2: Bet. 1958 - 1970, U.S. Navy - boiler tender; served aboard U.S.S. Alcor; U.S.S. Lorain County

Occupation: Auto body mechanic - Dushore, PA

Social Security Number: 164-32-1513 (PA)

Children of Donna Porter and Joseph Westbrook are:

+ 1928 i. Lawrence Eugene13 Westbrook, born 01 Jul 1962 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1929 ii. Randy Scott Westbrook, born 24 Aug 1963 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1930 iii. Dennis Wayne Westbrook, born 12 Jun 1965 in Portsmouth, VA.

+ 1931 iv. Tammy Jo Westbrook, born 02 May 1968 in Portsmouth, VA.

876. Lester D.12 Beals (Nellie M.11 Porter, Geary P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Sep 1911, and died 01 Dec 1976. He married Marjorie Brown 25 Jun 1934.


More About Lester D. Beals:

Burial: 03 Dec 1976, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Odd Jobs; Hangar factory

Residence 1: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Nov 1976, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 187-05-7645 (PA)

Children of Lester Beals and Marjorie Brown are:

1932 i. Bonnie13 Beals, born abt. 1936.

1933 ii. Shirley Beals, born 13 Oct 1938.

1934 iii. Arlene Beals, born abt. 1941.

882. Letha Dot12 Wright (Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1906 in Trumansburg, Seneca Co., NY, and died Oct 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married James Eugene Fleming 28 Jan 1924, son of Charles Fleming and Rosa Fleming. He was born 10 Jan 1902 in Bradford Co., PA, and died 18 Apr 1973 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Letha Dot Wright:

Name 2: Fleming, Letha

Burial: Oct 1983, Tioga Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Medical Information: died at St. Joseph's Hospital

Residence: Bef. Oct 1983, Last residence: Millerton, PA 16936

Social Security Number: 210-16-1745 (PA)


More About James Eugene Fleming:

Burial: 22 Apr 1973, Tioga Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: 1947, Tioga, Tioga Co., PA

Social Security Number: 160-07-0106 (PA)

Children of Letha Wright and James Fleming are:

+ 1935 i. Eugene Kenneth13 Fleming, born 17 Jun 1925 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA; died 12 Jul 1964.

+ 1936 ii. James Allen Fleming, born 11 Mar 1929 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 1937 iii. Janet Fleming, born 10 Apr 1935 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA.

883. Thelbert Wendell12 Wright (Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 14 Feb 1907 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Sep 1990 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Lenora Avery abt. 1929. He married (2) Hazel Florence Gleason 16 Dec 1933 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY, daughter of James Gleason and Laura ______. She was born 02 Oct 1908 in Tompkins Co., NY, and died 1992.


More About Thelbert Wendell Wright:

Burial: 18 Sep 1990, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1990, Last residence: Monroeton, PA 18832

Social Security Number: 181-07-7882 (PA)


More About Hazel Florence Gleason:

Burial: 1992, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Children of Thelbert Wright and Hazel Gleason are:

+ 1938 i. Thelbert Wilson13 Wright.

+ 1939 ii. Beverly Ann Wright.

884. Lawrence Dawson12 Wright (Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 May 1995. He married Iva May Simms abt. 1952 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY, daughter of Claude Simms and Lilian Hayward. She was born 04 Mar 1926.


Notes for Lawrence Dawson Wright:

Thelbert furnished this information on his brother's family during a telephone conversation in Nov 1988. "Lawrence and his family were residing in Plattsburg, NY. He retired from Cornell University where he worked as a janitor and dishwasher and had worked for several restaurants. Iva did domestic cleaning and as a receptionist for a doctor and judge. Michael and Cindy were unable to have children. He is in the computer field. Lawrence, Jr. is a manager of a book store." -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Lawrence Dawson Wright:

Residence: Bef. Apr 1995, Last residence: Candor, NY 13743

Social Security Number: 113-18-4082 (NY)

Children of Lawrence Wright and Iva Simms are:

1940 i. Lawrence Dawson13 Wright, Jr., born 16 Jul 1954 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

1941 ii. Michael Anthony Wright, born 20 May 1958 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Cindy ______.

885. Effie Sadie12 Wright (Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 05 Feb 1915 in Ulysses Twp., Seneca Co., NY, and died Jul 1995. She married (1) Richard John Keefe abt. 1932, son of John Keefe and Kathryn Loomis. He was born 22 Aug 1909, and died 19 Oct 1979 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY. She married (2) Leslie William Royce abt. 1935, son of William Royce and Kathryne Heath. He was born 02 Apr 1912 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY, and died 20 Mar 1969 in Richford, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Effie Sadie Wright:

Name 2: Keefe, Effie

Residence: Bef. Jul 1995, Last residence: Newfield, NY 14867

Social Security Number: 064-22-6895 (NY)


More About Richard John Keefe:

Medical Information: died at Schuyler Hosp.

Residence: Bef. Oct 1979, Last residence: Newfield, NY 14867

Social Security Number: 072-03-3670 (NY)


More About Leslie William Royce:

Burial: Interlaken Cem., Seneca Co., NY

Children of Effie Wright and Leslie Royce are:

+ 1942 i. Joan Louise13 Royce, born 25 May 1936 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 1943 ii. Leslie William Royce, Jr., born 11 Dec 1947 in Richford, Tioga Co., NY.

886. Kenneth Judson12 Wright (Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 21 Feb 1917 in Trumansburg, Seneca Co., NY, and died 28 Jan 1987 in Powell, Bradford Co., PA. He married Kathryn Elizabeth Talada 16 Jun 1940 in Ulster, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Malcolm Talada and Gladys Beiver. She was born 06 Nov 1922 in Powell, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Kenneth Judson Wright:

Burial: 31 Jan 1987, Powell Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1987, Last residence: Monroeton, PA 18832

Social Security Number: 181-07-7815 (PA)

Children of Kenneth Wright and Kathryn Talada are:

+ 1944 i. Nancy Gail13 Wright, born 15 Jan 1941.

+ 1945 ii. Kenneth Malcolm Wright, born 22 Jun 1943.

+ 1946 iii. Jack Eugene Wright, born 21 Aug 1945.

+ 1947 iv. Philip Gary Wright, born 11 Feb 1947.

+ 1948 v. Gordon Duane Wright, born 20 Feb 1949.

+ 1949 vi. Susan Jean Wright, born 25 Nov 1951.

+ 1950 vii. Cynthia Diana Wright, born 06 Mar 1954.

1951 viii. Mitchell Barry Wright, born 10 Nov 1955. He married Sylvia ______.

1952 ix. Pamela Faith Wright, born 03 Feb 1957. She met Sherry Good.

+ 1953 x. Bonnie Kay Wright, born 31 Aug 1958.

+ 1954 xi. Roger Mark Wright, born 04 Mar 1961.

888. Ruth Nellie12 Wright (Elizabeth Porter11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 10 May 1928 in Hector, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Chester Ernest Knapp 19 Aug 1950 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY, son of Ernest Knapp and Hazel Reed. He was born 08 Feb 1920 in Lambs Creek, Tioga Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 04 Mar 2001 in Millerton, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Ruth Nellie Wright:

Residence: Mar 2001, Millerton, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA


Notes for Chester Ernest Knapp:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 5 Mar 2001 ed.:

KNAPP, Chester E. Sr. of Millerton, PA, age 81 passed away on Sunday, March 4, 2001 at his residence. He was born on February 8, 1920 in Lambs Creek, PA, the son of the late Ernest and Hazel (Reed) Knapp. Chester was the husband of Ruth (Wright) Knapp. Mr. Knapp was formerly employed by Bendix of Elmira, NY. Chester is survived by his wife; 2 son, Allan Knapp of Elmira, NY and Chester Knapp Jr. of Millerton, PA; 2 daughters, Carol Zemannek of Lawrenceville, PA and Jacqueline Bowers of Tioga, PA; 5 brothers, Daryl Knapp of Canisteo, NY, Marvin Knapp of Dundee, NY, Edward Knapp of Pine City, NY, Richard Knapp of Rochester, NY and Jack Knapp of Wellsburg, NY; 10 grandchildren; 18 great grandchildren and many nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by 6 brothers, 2 sisters and a grandson, Colin Benson in 1996. Private family funeral services will be held at the Wilston Funeral Home, Mansfield, PA with the Rev. Nancy G.W. Parr officiating. Interment will be in the Alder Run Cemetery, Tioga County, PA. Memorial contributions may be made to the Laurel Home Health & Hospice, 24 Walnut Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901.


More About Chester Ernest Knapp:

Burial: Alder Run Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Mar 2001, Millerton, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of Ruth Wright and Chester Knapp are:

+ 1955 i. Carol Ann13 Knapp.

1956 ii. Jacqueline Lea Knapp. She married ______ Bowers.


More About Jacqueline Lea Knapp:

Residence: Mar 2001, Tioga, Tioga Co., PA


1957 iii. Chester Ernest Knapp, Jr..


More About Chester Ernest Knapp, Jr.:

Residence: Mar 2001, Millerton, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

890. Harry Lawrence12 Ketchum (Chloe Armenta11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Apr 1998. He married Hazel Christina Boyles 05 Oct 1935, daughter of Charles Boyles and Sadie Howard. She was born 26 Feb 1916 in Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Hazel Christina Boyles (640).



891. Clarence Harold12 Porter (Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Aug 1928 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO, and died 17 Oct 1992 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. He married Norma Jean Moore abt. 1948. She was born abt. 1930.


More About Clarence Harold Porter:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1992, Hurst, TX 76053

Social Security Number: 490-28-9920 (MO)

Children of Clarence Porter and Norma Moore are:

+ 1958 i. John Michael13 Porter, born 1955 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

1959 ii. David Porter, born abt. 1952 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL.

+ 1960 iii. Patricia Porter, born abt. 1955 in Madrid, Spain.

1961 iv. Mark Porter, born abt. 1956 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

892. Robert Lee12 Porter (Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Sep 1930 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO, and died 03 Nov 2004 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. He married (1) Loretta Howard. He married (2) Marian ______.


Notes for Robert Lee Porter:

Perryville, MO - SOUTHEAST MISSOURIAN, 12 Nov 2004 ed.:

Perryville, MO - Robert L. Porter, 74, of Union, MO, died Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2004, at St. John's Mercy Hospital in Washington, MO. He was born Sept. 15, 1930, at Perryville, son of Clarence I. and Clara Statler Porter. Porter had been a lineman with a utilities company. Survivors include two sons, Robert Porter of Marble Hill, MO, Mike Porter of St. Charles, MO; a sister, Gwyn Tipp of Homeland, CA; a stepbrother, Richard Prevallet of Livingston, TX; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother. Service will be private. Young and Sons Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


More About Robert Lee Porter:

Obituary/Death Notice: 12 Nov 2004, SOUTHEAST MISSOURIAN - Perryville, MO

Social Security Number: 493-26-5475 (MO)

Children of Robert Porter and Loretta Howard are:

+ 1962 i. Robert Lee13 Porter, Jr., born 21 Aug 1950 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

+ 1963 ii. Michael LeRoy Porter, born 21 Mar 1954 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Co., MO.

893. Gwendolyn Carol12 Porter (Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Dec 1937 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO, and died in CA. She married Clyde Richard Tipp 24 Jul 1955 in Reno, Storey Co., NV, son of Albert Tipp and Pheoba Sigafus. He was born 02 Nov 1935 in Savanna, Carroll Co., IL, and died 10 Aug 1999 in Benicia, CA.


More About Clyde Richard Tipp:

Residence: Bef. Aug 1999, Last residence: Benicia, CA 94510

Social Security Number: 326-28-8295 (IL)

Children of Gwendolyn Porter and Clyde Tipp are:

+ 1964 i. Pamela Sue13 Tipp, born 13 May 1956 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

+ 1965 ii. Cathy Yvonne Tipp, born 24 Jan 1958 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO.

+ 1966 iii. Debra Lynn Tipp, born 26 Jun 1959 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

+ 1967 iv. Cindy Ann Tipp, born 20 Jun 1961 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

+ 1968 v. Richard James Tipp, born 15 Aug 1963 in Virginia Beach, VA.

894. Clarence Lee12 Porter (John Lee11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Apr 1939 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Shirley Marie Jones.

Children of Clarence Porter and Shirley Jones are:

1969 i. Yvonne Marie13 Porter.

1970 ii. Brenda Joy Porter.

896. Vern Joseph12 Porter (John Lee11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Dec 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Carol Morse, daughter of Burrell Morse and Mabel Thrall.

Children of Vern Porter and Carol Morse are:

1971 i. Barry Dee13 Porter.

1972 ii. Scott Michael Porter.

898. Richard Earl12 Schmid (Mary Belle11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 May 1935 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA, and died 21 Jan 2005 in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL. He married (1) Beverly Jeffries Dec 1956. He married (2) Laverne Smith 26 Jul 1967 in Clearwater, Pinellas Co., FL, daughter of Almon Smith and Louetta ______. She was born 18 Oct 1936 in Tarpon Springs, Pinellas Co., FL.


More About Richard Earl Schmid:

Social Security Number: 266-52-2416 (FL)

Child of Richard Schmid and Beverly Jeffries is:

1973 i. Jeffrey Richard13 Schmid, born 02 Feb 1959.

Children of Richard Schmid and Laverne Smith are:

1974 i. Shelli Louetta13 Schmid, born 04 Oct 1969.

1975 ii. Morgan Courtney Schmid, born 09 Mar 1971.


899. Robert Glenn12 Schmid (Mary Belle11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1937 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Donna Rae Thurston 23 Jun 1960 in Clearwater, Pinellas Co., FL. She was born 23 Mar 1941 in Greensburg, Decatur Co., IL.


More About Robert Glenn Schmid:

Residence: 1993, Inverness, FL

Child of Robert Schmid and Donna Thurston is:

1976 i. Tammie Lee13 Schmid, born 15 Feb 1962.

901. Carol Virginia12 Schmid (Elizabeth May11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Aug 1940 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. She married Arthur James Weidman abt. 1957. He was born abt. 1938.


More About Carol Virginia Schmid:

Residence: 2000, Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA


More About Arthur James Weidman:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Paradise, PA

Children of Carol Schmid and Arthur Weidman are:

1977 i. James Arthur13 Weidman, born 23 May 1959.

1978 ii. Terry Lee Weidman, born 27 Aug 1960.

1979 iii. Dennis Jay Weidman, born 08 Nov 1961.

1980 iv. Darlene Marie Weidman, born 27 May 1963.

902. Joyce Elizabeth12 Schmid (Elizabeth May11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Nov 1945 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. She married Thomas Herbert Heberlein abt. 1965. He was born abt. 1943.


More About Thomas Herbert Heberlein:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA

Children of Joyce Schmid and Thomas Heberlein are:

1981 i. Michael Alan13 Heberlein, born 20 Jan 1966.

1982 ii. Brian Thomas Heberlein, born 28 Nov 1969.

905. Kenneth Eugene12 Porter (Edgar Stanley11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1941 in Conestoga, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Janet Kristin Carlson 26 Sep 1964 in State College, Centre Co., PA, daughter of Axel Carlson and Janet Carpenter. She was born 24 Aug 1943 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA.

Children of Kenneth Porter and Janet Carlson are:

1983 i. Bruce Edgar13 Porter, born 20 Nov 1968 in Frankfort, Germany.

1984 ii. Jeffry Robert Porter, born 23 May 1970 in Frankfort, Germany.

1985 iii. John Kenneth Porter, born 01 Jul 1977 in State College, Centre Co., PA.

906. Gary Bruce12 Porter (Edgar Stanley11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Sep 1948 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Sylvia Lindhorst 18 Mar 1972 in Villa Park, DuPage Co., IL, daughter of John Lindhorst and Elvira Meola.

Children of Gary Porter and Sylvia Lindhorst are:

1986 i. Eric Ryan13 Porter, born 10 Jun 1973 in Newport News, York Co., VA.

1987 ii. Jaime Nicole Porter, born 24 Nov 1977 in Lake Co., IL.


More About Jaime Nicole Porter:

Medical Information: born at Great Lakes Naval Training Center Hospital


1988 iii. Lisa Susann Porter, born 06 Jun 1980 in Newport News, York Co., VA.

907. Linda Kathleen12 Porter (Edgar Stanley11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1950 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. She married Thomas Jay Nissley 18 Nov 1972 in Millersville, Lancaster Co., PA, son of Russel Nissley and Mary McMullen. He was born 26 Jun 1948 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

Children of Linda Porter and Thomas Nissley are:

1989 i. Andrew Thomas13 Nissley, born 21 Nov 1979 in Reading, Berks Co., PA.

1990 ii. Patrick Russel Nissley, born 12 Jun 1982 in Reading, Berks Co., PA.

908. Clarissa Jane12 Henry (Viola Winifred11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Aug 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Peter Mildenberg 1970 in Germany. He was born in Germany.


More About Clarissa Jane Henry:

Education: Solonco High School graduate - Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: Girl Scouts; 4-H Club

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Occupation: Licensed Practical Nurse

Religion: Lancaster Bible School

Child of Clarissa Henry and Peter Mildenberg is:

1991 i. Paul Nathaniel13 Mildenberg, born 11 Sep 1972.

909. Raymond Kenneth12 Henry, Jr. (Viola Winifred11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1943 in Strausberg, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Marilyn Margaret Derr 04 Mar 1967 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA.


More About Raymond Kenneth Henry, Jr.:

Education 1: Solonco High School graduate - Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA

Education 2: Williamson Trade School - Phila., PA; also Penn State Univ.

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Navy

Military service: Antarctic region; Vietnam

Occupation: Carpentry

Real Estate: Bef. 1981, Farm in Pinegrove, Schuylkill Co., PA

Children of Raymond Henry and Marilyn Derr are:

1992 i. Elizabeth13 Henry, born 21 Apr 1972.

1993 ii. Jennifer Henry, born May 1976.

910. Robert James12 Henry (Viola Winifred11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1947 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Victoria Kauffman in Brownstown, Lancaster Co., Pa.


More About Robert James Henry:

Education: Solonco High School graduate - Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: Future Farmers of America (FFA); 4-H Club

Medical Information: twin to Albert Jess

Occupation: Certified Electrician

Children of Robert Henry and Victoria Kauffman are:

1994 i. James Andrew13 Henry, born 26 May 1971.

1995 ii. Nicole Lynn Henry, born 10 Feb 1974.

911. Albert Jess12 Henry (Viola Winifred11 Porter, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1947 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. He married Carmen Fern Yarnall 10 Oct 1970 in Columbia, Lancaster Co., PA.


More About Albert Jess Henry:

Education: Solonco High School graduate - Quarryville, Lancaster Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Robert James

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Air Force - Jet mechanic

Military honors: President's Unit Award - while a sergant

Military service: Dover AFB, DE; McGuire AFB, NJ

Children of Albert Henry and Carmen Yarnall are:

1996 i. Danielle Renee13 Henry, born 18 Sep 1973.

1997 ii. Angela Christena Henry, born 10 Oct 1974.

914. Dean Burr12 Shadduck (John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1888 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 21 Jun 1985 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marian Jane Brooks 08 Jun 1916 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, daughter of Charles Brooks and Bernice Packard. She was born Mar 1893 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 1964 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About Dean Burr Shadduck:

Burial: 24 Jun 1985, Alba Cem., LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1985, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 203-30-6700 (PA)


More About Marian Jane Brooks:

Burial: Alba Cem., LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Dean Shadduck and Marian Brooks are:

+ 1998 i. Lemuel Brooks13 Shadduck, born 05 Jul 1917 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 23 Dec 1990 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 1999 ii. Bernice Marian Shadduck, born 30 Apr 1923 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 14 Apr 2003 in McAlisterville, Juniata Co., PA.

915. Goldie Helen12 Shadduck (John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1892 in Alba, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Sep 1980 in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC. She married Irving LeVerne Comfort 25 Dec 1912 in Alba, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Thomas Comfort and Sarah Wheeler. He was born 20 Apr 1889 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 04 Feb 1950 in Greenville, Greenville Co., SC.


More About Goldie Helen Shadduck:

Name 2: Comfort, Goldie

Residence 1: Bef. Sep 1980, Last residence: Greenville, SC 29607

Residence 2: 1930, Binghamton, Broome Co., NY


More About Irving LeVerne Comfort:

Residence: 1930, Binghamton, Broome Co., NY

Children of Goldie Shadduck and Irving Comfort are:

+ 2000 i. Beatrice Helen13 Comfort, born in 1914 in PA.

2001 ii. Glenn Shadduck Comfort, born in 1916 in PA.

922. Florence12 Kilmer (Mary Ann11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Mar 1886 in PA. She married Clarence S. Ayers 1906, son of Charles Ayers and Grace ______. He was born 1886 in PA.

Children of Florence Kilmer and Clarence Ayers are:

2002 i. Ada G.13 Ayers, born 1907.

2003 ii. James Ayers, born 1908.

2004 iii. Forrest Sylvester Ayers, born 06 Sep 1910 in Sullivan Co., PA.

2005 iv. Erma V. Ayers, born 1914.

2006 v. Arline D. Ayers, born 1919.

923. Lynn Verner12 Bohn (Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1884 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 1943 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Thelma Anna Getchus.


More About Lynn Verner Bohn:

Occupation: 1925, Asst. Supv., Prudential Life Ins. Co.

Residence 1: 1925, 728 Robinson St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1929, Elmira, NY

Residence 3: 1930, 1448 W. Water St., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1940, Elmira, NY


More About Thelma Anna Getchus:

Residence: 1940, Elmira, NY

Children of Lynn Bohn and Thelma Getchus are:

+ 2007 i. Harold Donald13 Bohn, born 26 Sep 1905 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 04 Sep 1967 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2008 ii. Gladys Lenora Bohn, born 09 Jan 1909 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 12 Apr 1985 in Grosse Pointe, Wayne Co., MI.

+ 2009 iii. Charles Henri Bohn, born 17 Sep 1910 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 02 Nov 1967 in Lockport, Niagara Co., NY.

924. Etta Matilda12 Bohn (Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Aug 1886 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) ______ Welch. She married (2) Walter Lewis.

Children of Etta Bohn and ______ Welch are:

2010 i. John13 Welch.

2011 ii. Alfred Welch.

925. Alonzo Bowman12 Dickerson (Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1900 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Oct 1990 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Inza Cathleen Elston 02 Mar 1924 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, daughter of Grant Elston and Ella Woodin. She was born 22 Mar 1906 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY, and died 03 Oct 1976 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Alonzo Bowman Dickerson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Oct 1990 ed.:

DICKERSON, Alonzo B., age 90 of Dar-Way Nursing Home, RD #1, Forksville, PA, formerly of Shunk, PA. A Funeral Service will be held at the Arlington National Cemetery Chapel, Arlington, VA, Monday 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Survived by daughters, Ethelda I. O'Rourke, Woodbridge, VA, Loretta A. Wright, Manassas, VA; 12 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife, Inza, October 3, 1976. Alonzo was a retired Naval veteran. Arrangements by the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


More About Alonzo Bowman Dickerson:

Burial: 16 Oct 1990, Arlington National Cem., Arlington, VA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Navy

Military service: WW I, WW II, Korean War, Viet Nam War

Obituary/Death Notice: 10 Oct 1990, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1925, Grinder at Willy Morrow Co.

Residence: 1925, 36 Phoenix Ave., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 107-09-2233 (NY)


More About Inza Cathleen Elston:

Name 2: Dickerson, Inza

Burial: 07 Oct 1976, Arlington National Cem., Arlington, VA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1976, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 577-32-0722 (DC)

Children of Alonzo Dickerson and Inza Elston are:

+ 2012 i. Phyllis Marie13 Dickerson, born 23 Aug 1925 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY; died 08 Dec 1980 in Ocala, Marion Co., FL.

+ 2013 ii. Ethelda Iris Dickerson, born 15 Jul 1929 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY; died 10 Jul 1998.

+ 2014 iii. Loretta Ann Dickerson, born 29 Jul 1934 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

+ 2015 iv. Norman Louis Dickerson, born 28 Aug 1938 in Bethesda, Montgomery Co., MD; died 18 Aug 1982 in VA.

927. Luella Alminia12 Dickerson (Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1906 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Jun 1987 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Chester Henry Lewis 04 Apr 1924 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 13 Oct 1899 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 24 Dec 1945 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

More About Luella Alminia Dickerson:

Burial: Arcadia, DeSoto Co., FL


More About Chester Henry Lewis:

Burial: 27 Dec 1945, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Luella Dickerson and Chester Lewis are:

+ 2016 i. Paul Dawson13 Lewis, born 31 Jan 1925 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2017 ii. Gwendolyn Jane Lewis, born 13 Jan 1930 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2018 iii. Virginia Lee Lewis, born 28 Apr 1936 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2019 iv. Beverly Ann Lewis, born 25 Sep 1938 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

928. Theus Fitzgeorge12 Dickerson (Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1913 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Jun 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Madeline Marie Wicks 08 Oct 1932 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Archie Wicks and Jennie Terry. She was born 05 Sep 1913 in Savona, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Theus Fitzgeorge Dickerson:

Burial: 17 Jun 1976, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Cause of Death: colon cancer

Occupation 1: Skilled machine operator

Occupation 2: 1939, F.M. Howell - corner of Hazel & Cleveland St.

Residence 1: 1939, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Jun 1976, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 107-09-2219 (NY)


More About Madeline Marie Wicks:

Residence: 1939, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Theus Dickerson and Madeline Wicks are:

+ 2020 i. Jacquline Marie13 Dickerson, born 31 Jul 1933 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2021 ii. Roland George Dickerson, born 05 Dec 1935 in Binghamton, NY; died 02 Jan 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2022 iii. Harold Theus Dickerson, born 19 Feb 1943 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2023 iv. Susan Marjorie Dickerson, born 28 Apr 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; Adopted child.

929. John William12 Dickerson (Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1919 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Feb 1994 in Pawcatuck, New London Co., CT. He married (1) Virginia Irene Martin 26 Nov 1938 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, daughter of William Martin and Alice Hall. She was born 12 Mar 1918 in Newark, Essex Co., NJ, and died 30 Jun 1986 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA. He married (2) Gerda Maria Munk 18 Sep 1970 in Ledyard Center, New London Co., CT, daughter of Hans Munk and Bertha Koester. She was born 18 Mar 1930 in Hanau, Germany.


More About John William Dickerson:

Burial: Buried at sea; stone in West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: Liver cancer

Hobbies: Woodworking, fishing, camping, hunting and gardening

Military honors: Buried at sea with full military honors by U.S. Navy

Military service: Ret. U.S. Navy - WW II, Korean War, Viet Nam War

Namesake: Grandfather's first son

Occupation: 1939, Carpenter

Residence 1: 1939, 901 East Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Feb 1994, Stonington, New London Co., CT

Social Security Number: 078-09-8179 (NY)


More About Virginia Irene Martin:

Burial: Ashes spread over Watercure Hill, Elmira, NY; stone in Woodlawn Cem.

Cause of Death: Liver failure

Cremation: Jul 1986

Hobbies: Art, music, dancing, acting, swimming, reading, camping, gardening

Residence: 1939, 901 East Ave., Elmira, NY

Talents: Artistically and musically gifted

Children of John Dickerson and Virginia Martin are:

+ 2024 i. William Louis13 Dickerson, born 29 May 1940 in Elmira, NY; died Aft. 2000 in Colchester, New London Co., CT.

+ 2025 ii. Kay Louise Dickerson, born 04 Jun 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2026 iii. Eileen Marie Dickerson, born 28 Sep 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2027 iv. Linda Lee Dickerson, born 06 Mar 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2028 v. John Dale Dickerson, born 10 Nov 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2029 vi. Holly Ann Dickerson, born 21 Sep 1956 in Honolulu, HI.

931. Edward Laverne12 Dickerson (Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Dec 1902 in McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 21 Jul 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Nellie Amanda Rockwell 30 Aug 1929 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Wilbur Rockwell and Minnie VanHorn. She was born 13 Sep 1906 in Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About Edward Laverne Dickerson:

Burial: Glenwood Cem., Troy, PA

Cause of Death: coronary thrombosis

Occupation: Skilled machinist


More About Nellie Amanda Rockwell:

Burial: Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: School teacher

Children of Edward Dickerson and Nellie Rockwell are:

+ 2030 i. Arthur Edward13 Dickerson, born 25 Jan 1935 in Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

2031 ii. Gerald Laverne Dickerson, born 25 Jun 1939 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 29 Jan 1963.


More About Gerald Laverne Dickerson:

Burial: 01 Jul 1963, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Occupation: Bet. 1961 - 29 Jun 1963, Police Chief of Troy, PA

Residence: Bet. 1939 - 1963, Troy, Bradford Co., PA


+ 2032 iii. Janice Marie Dickerson, born 04 Dec 1946 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

932. Mildred Edna12 Dickerson (Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Mar 1904, and died Jul 1927 in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY. She married Guy E. Williams abt. 1922, son of Myron Williams and Frances ______. He was born 30 May 1893 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Nov 1965.


More About Mildred Edna Dickerson:

Burial: Ovid, Semeca Co., NY


More About Guy E. Williams:

Social Security Number: 064-14-1251 (NY)

Child of Mildred Dickerson and Guy Williams is:

+ 2033 i. Lillian Emogene13 Williams, born 25 Apr 1924 in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY; died 28 Apr 1997.

933. Elsie Irene12 Dickerson (Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Feb 1910 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 16 Aug 1975 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Robert K. Bagley 08 Aug 1931, son of George Bagley and Bertha Brown. He was born 29 Nov 1906 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 29 Jan 1989 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Elsie Irene Dickerson:

Name 2: Bagley, Elsie

Burial: 19 Aug 1975, Ellenton Cem., McNett Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Cause of Death: Lung trouble

Residence: Bef. Aug 1975, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 197-30-3282 (PA)


Notes for Robert K. Bagley:

Williamsport, PA - WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE, 30 Jan 1989 ed.:

BAGLEY, Robert K., 82, of Canton RD 3, Ellenton, McNett Twp., died Sunday, Jan. 29, 1989, in Towanda Memorial Hospital. Hie wife, the former Elsie Dickerson, died in August 1975. Mr. Bagley was a retired farmer. He was a member of Republican National Committee. Mr. Bagley was an avid musician and could play several instruments. In the mid-1930s, he composed the song, Moonlight in the Mountains, which was later published. At one time, he served as an instructor for the former Civil Conservation Corps camp at Hillsgrove. He also was a former school bus driver for the Canton Area School District, and was credited with installing electrical wiring in most of the homes in Ellenton and helping to bring electricity to that area from the 1930s through the 1970s. Born in this city on Nov. 29, 1906, he was a son of George and Bertha Brown Bagley. Surviving are a daughter, Bertha Mae Bagley, of Ellenton; two sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Sharrow, of Pinedale, WY, and Mrs. June Jenkins, of Shunk; two brothers, Raymond and Carlyle, both of Canton RD 1, four granddaughters and two great-granddaughters. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Morse and Kleeses, 40 North Center Street, Canton, with the Rev. Duane Taylor, pastor of Canton First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Ellenton Cemetery, McNett Twp. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday.


More About Robert K. Bagley:

Burial: 01 Feb 1989, Ellenton Cem., McNett Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Towanda Memorial Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Jan 1989, WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Social Security Number: 200-10-2704 (PA)

Child of Elsie Dickerson and Robert Bagley is:

2034 i. Bertha Mae13 Bagley, born 08 Jan 1937 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.

937. Jennie Marietta12 Dickerson (Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1915 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 14 Sep 1993 in Knoxville, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Harold Roswell Rockwell 24 Dec 1939 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, son of Wilbur Rockwell and Minnie VanHorn. He was born 15 Jul 1912 in Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 12 Aug 1998. She married (2) Kenneth Owens 02 Mar 1968 in Troupsburg, Steuben Co., NY, son of Lee Owens and Grace ______. He was born 10 May 1914 in Knoxville, Tioga Co., PA, and died Dec 1987 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Jennie Marietta Dickerson:

Burial: 17 Sep 1993, Knoxville Cem., Tioga Co., PA


Notes for Harold Roswell Rockwell:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 Aug 1998 ed.:


ROCKWELL, Harold G., of the Bradford County Manor, age 86, passed away on Wednesday, August 12, 1998. Arrangements are being handled by the Vickery Funeral Home, Inc.


More About Harold Roswell Rockwell:

Obituary/Death Notice: 14 Aug 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Aug 1998, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14901

Social Security Number: 187-18-1344 (PA)


More About Kenneth Owens:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1987, Last residence: Wellsboro, PA 16901

Social Security Number: 122-30-7166 (NY)

Child of Jennie Dickerson and Harold Rockwell is:

+ 2035 i. Wilbur Glen13 Rockwell, born 05 Oct 1941 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 25 Jan 2005 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

938. Harold Glen12 Dickerson (Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1920 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 20 Oct 1991 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Helen Louise Hendershot 01 Jun 1946 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of J. Hendershot and Flora Latiner. She was born 30 Jun 1920 in Wyalusing, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Harold Glen Dickerson:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 24 Oct 1991 ed.:

DICKERSON, Harold G. "Thumper", 70, of Canton RR 3, passed away Sunday, October 20, 1991 at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre following an extended illness. Mr. Dickerson was born November 10, 1920 at Ellenton, Lycoming County, a son of Orlando and Bertha Avery Dickerson. He was employed at Schrader-Bellows, Canton as a machine operator, retiring in 1986. Surviving include his wife of 45 years, the former Helen Hendershot; daughter and son-in-law, Teresa and Dennis Rosbach, Hillsgrove; son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Joan Dickerson, Ellenton; three stepchildren; six grandchildren and 12 step-grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; a sister, sisters-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Dickerson of Troy and Mrs. Gertrude Champluvier, Wyalusing; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church, Canton on October 23 (11 am) with the Rev. Norman Pierce officiating. Interment will be in Ellenton Cemetery, Lycoming County with the Rev. Herbert Ebby conducting the committal service. Arrangements were by the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home in Canton.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 Oct 1991 ed.:

DICKERSON, Harold G. (Thumper), age 70, of R.R. #3, Box 347, Canton, PA, passed away Sunday, October 20, 1991 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA, following an extended illness. Mr. Dickerson was born November 10, 1920 at Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, a son of Orlando and Bertha Avery Dickerson. He was employed at Shrader-Bellows, Canton, as a machine operator, retiring in 1986. Harold was an active member of the Ellenton United Methodist Church until its closing several years ago. He attended the First Baptist Church, Canton. Mr. Dickerson was an Army Veteran of WW II. He served in the 25th Infantry Lightning Division in the Pacific Theatre. He was awarded the following awards and service ribbons: Combat Infantry Badge, Good Conduct Ribbon, American Defense Ribbon with one Bronze Star, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Ribbon with three Bronze Stars, and Philippine Liberation Ribbon with one Bronze Star. Harold was a member of the Canton V.F.W. Post #714 and the American Legion Post #173, Bath, NY. He also was a member of the Endless Winds Fire Co., Shunk and I.A.M. Local #1190. Surviving are his wife, the former Helen Hendershot, they celebrated 45 years of marriage June 1, 1991; daughter & son-in-law, Teresa & Dennis Rosbach, Hillsgrove; son & daughter-in-law, Gary & Joan Dickerson, Ellenton; step-son & daughter-in-law, Robert & Mary Finney, Bath, NY; step-daughter, Nancy Frey, Elmira, NY; step-daughter & son-in-law, Ann & Anthony Migliaccio, Holmes, PA; 6 grandchildren; 12 step-grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Marie Owens, Westfield; 2 sisters-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Dickerson, Troy, and Mrs. Gertrude Champluvier, Wyalusing; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Visitation will be held at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, PA, Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM. The Funeral Service will be conducted from the First Baptist Church, 49 E. Main St., Canton, Wednesday at 11:00 AM, with Rev. Norman Pierce, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Ellenton Cemetery, McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., with Rev. Herbert Ebby, Pastor of the Wheelerville Mennonite Church, conducting the Committal Service. Military Honors will be accorded him by Canton V.F.W. Post #714 at the church and cemetery.


More About Harold Glen Dickerson:

Burial: 23 Oct 1991, Ellenton Cem., Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: heart attack

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 22 Oct 1991, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 24 Oct 1991, THE GAZETTE-REGISTER - Troy, PA

Occupation: Skilled machinist

Social Security Number: 188-14-2965 (PA)

Children of Harold Dickerson and Helen Hendershot are:

+ 2036 i. Teresa Jean13 Dickerson, born 26 Jan 1948 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2037 ii. Gary Edward Dickerson, born 02 Oct 1950 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.

939. Amy Lucinda12 McKay (Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Sep 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Feb 1960 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Edward William Kaseman 08 Apr 1912 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Charles Caseman and Elizabeth Staub. He was born 04 Jan 1885 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Jun 1965 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Amy Lucinda McKay:

Burial: 14 Feb 1960, Twin Hills Cem., Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Devine Providence Hospital


More About Edward William Kaseman:

Burial: 12 Jun 1965, Twin Hills Cem., Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, Painter

Social Security Number: 198-01-2232 (PA)

Children of Amy McKay and Edward Kaseman are:

2038 i. Anita Lucille13 Kaseman, born 06 Jun 1913 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 16 Sep 1982 in Colorado Springs, CO. She married (1) Melvin Keltz. She married (2) Charles Galen Gruver 11 Sep 1943; born in CO.


More About Anita Lucille Kaseman:

Name 2: Gruver, Anita

Burial: 20 Sep 1982, Chemung Cem., Chemung Co., NY

Cause of Death: massive stroke

Medical Information: died while visiting with her 2nd husband's family in Colorado

Residence: Bef. Sep 1982, Last residence: Horseheads, NY 14845

Social Security Number: 121-14-6136 (NY)


More About Charles Galen Gruver:

Burial: Chemung Cem., Chemung Co., NY


+ 2039 ii. Edoise Marcia Kaseman, born 13 Jun 1915 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

2040 iii. Edward Louis Kaseman, born 01 Nov 1918 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Jul 1994 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Jessie M. Higgs; born 1921 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA.


Notes for Edward Louis Kaseman:

Edward researched and compiled a history of the ghost towns which were situate along the railroad which ran through the counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Tioga and Lycoming, PA. It contained many photos of the men who worked along these railways, as well as passengers and crewmen of the steam locomotives. He had brought his completed work to some of the Wright reunions, when I had the opportunity to browse through the covers. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Edward Louis Kaseman:

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Jul 1994, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 703-07-6294 (RB)


More About Jessie M. Higgs:

Residence 2: 1930, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA

Residence 1: 2000, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA


+ 2041 iv. Paul Warren Kaseman, born 03 Jul 1921 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA.

940. Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay (Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jul 1884 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Aug 1968 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Ernest Grant Smith 25 Jul 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Timothy Smith and Sophia Sherman. He was born 11 Nov 1879 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 30 Dec 1958 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Mamie Elvaretta McKay:

Burial: 16 Aug 1968, Prospect Cem., Mansfield, PA


More About Ernest Grant Smith:

Burial: Prospect Cem., Mansfield, PA

Children of Mamie McKay and Ernest Smith are:

2042 i. Lowell Milton13 Smith, born abt. 1905 in Laquin, Bradford Co., PA; died Bef. Jul 1989. He married Gladys Waterbury.


More About Lowell Milton Smith:

Burial: Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY


+ 2043 ii. Elwin D. Smith, born 12 May 1907 in Laquin, Bradford Co., PA; died 30 Jun 1989 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

2044 iii. Wendell Ernest Smith, born 20 Jun 1908 in Laquin, Bradford Co., PA; died 24 Aug 1979. He married Charlotte Chamberlain 29 Jan 1938 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Wendell Ernest Smith:

Burial: 27 Aug 1979, Watson Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1979, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 202-09-0767 (PA)


2045 iv. Keith Sherman Smith, born 15 Aug 1915 in Sellersville, Bucks Co., PA; died 30 Oct 1933.


More About Keith Sherman Smith:

Burial: Prospect Cem., Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA


+ 2046 v. Arlene Laura Smith, born 02 Jul 1918 in Sellersville, Bucks Co., PA.

+ 2047 vi. Louise Mae Smith, born 31 Aug 1919 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

2048 vii. Alice Norma Smith, born 23 Nov 1927 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Jack Raymond Bastian 17 Mar 1945; born abt. 1925.


More About Jack Raymond Bastian:

Residence: Sep 2000, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

942. Orpha Minerva12 McKay (Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Sep 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Oct 1975. She married Percy E. Allen. He was born abt. 1884, and died 06 Apr 1932 in VA.


More About Orpha Minerva McKay:

Burial: 19 Oct 1975, New Market Cem., Frederick Co., MD


More About Percy E. Allen:

Burial: 11 Apr 1932, Arlington National Cem., VA (Sect. Col E, Site 382)

Mil. Discharge Rank: Corporal

Military service: US Army - Hdq 368th Inf

Children of Orpha McKay and Percy Allen are:

+ 2049 i. Vivian Jacqueline13 Allen, born 13 Feb 1912 in VA; died 06 Nov 1981.

+ 2050 ii. Blanche Mae Allen, born 07 Jan 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2051 iii. Thomas Wayne Allen, born 03 Aug 1915 in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., NY; died in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., Va.

943. Jacqueline Lavinia12 McKay (Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1894 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Oct 1970. She married (1) Arthur Woodward 08 Jun 1914. She married (2) Albert Dusing abt. 1933.


Child of Jacqueline McKay and Arthur Woodward is:

2052 i. Raymond13 Woodward.

944. Lemuel Corden12 Wright (Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jul 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Jun 1961 in Trumansburg, Ulysses Twp., Tompkins Co., NY. He married Elizabeth Watkins 1908. She was born 09 Sep 1887, and died 1948.


More About Lemuel Corden Wright:

Burial: 08 Jun 1961, Jones Cem., Trumansburg, NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY

Residence 2: 1920, Covert, Seneca Co., NY

Residence 3: 1930, Lodi, Seneca Co., NY

Children of Lemuel Wright and Elizabeth Watkins are:

2053 i. Lucille Beatrice13 Wright, born 07 Mar 1916 in Perry, Wyoming Co., NY; died Aug 1978. She married Robert Northrop.

2054 ii. Louella Irene Wright, born 15 Jan 1919 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Tracy Merithew.

+ 2055 iii. Isabel Ida Wright, born 14 Nov 1923 in Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ; died 26 Apr 2003 in Trumansburg, NY.

2056 iv. Orlando Dawson Wright, born 12 May 1930 in Farmingdale, Monmouth Co., NJ; died 12 May 1930 in Farmingdale, NJ.

945. Judson Warren12 Wright (Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1884 in Ellenton, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Cora Edna Fleming abt. 1903, daughter of Charles Fleming and Rosa Fleming. She was born 1885 in PA.


More About Judson Warren Wright:

Residence: Bet. 1900 - 1910, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Cora Edna Fleming:

Residence: 1947, Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Judson Wright and Cora Fleming are:

+ 2057 i. Charles Dawson13 Wright, born 27 Dec 1905 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 17 Apr 1951 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 2058 ii. Frank Judson Wright, born 19 Mar 1908 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 30 Aug 2000 in Cayuga Co., NY.

+ 2059 iii. Rosemary Melissa Wright, born 13 Jul 1913 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA; died 19 Nov 1998.

946. Wiltchur Dawson12 Wright (Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jun 1942. He married Elizabeth Porter Brown abt. 1904, daughter of Alsbury Brown and Cora Porter. She was born Aug 1888 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1948 in Seneca Co., NY.


Children are listed above under Elizabeth Porter Brown (376).


948. Fred Allen12 Rumsey (Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Oct 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Mar 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Daisy May Fuller 01 Jan 1910, daughter of Samuel Fuller and Minnie Brenchley. She was born 27 Jun 1889 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA, and died 08 May 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Gertrude Irene Harkness 01 Jun 1922 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Leon Harkness and Maude Patterson. She was born 07 Jun 1895 in Big Pond, Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 1951 in Columbia Crossroads, Bradford Co., PA. He married (3) Julia Watkins 18 Jan 1953 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Walter Watkins and Belle Gernert. She was born 17 Sep 1890, and died 07 May 1973.


Notes for Fred Allen Rumsey:

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF FRED ALLEN RUMSEY - made this .... of February 1961

Page 1: I, Fred A. Rumsey of the town of Columbia Cross Roads, Pa County of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, Being of sound mind and body, Do Make, Publish, and declare The following to be my last Will and testament. First: I direct that all of my just debts, and funeral expenses be paid, and satisfied, as soon as possible after my decease, before any money's are divided. Second: In regard to the Store in Troy, Pa Bradford Co. There is a joint deed recorded in Towanda, Bradford County, Pa, In the names of Fred A. Rumsey and Emery E. Rumsey SR. which was taken care of Some time ago by Emery and myself. Third: The farm at Shunk Sullivan County Pa is to go to Emery E. Rumsey my son. Fourth: The stocks and Bonds listed below are to be divided as follows: Mina Wilson - 78 shares of Standard Oil of New Jersey, and 35 shares of Socony Vacuum Oil Company; Margaret Hubbard - 75 shares of Park Davis and Company, 1 Bond of American Tel & Tel Co. and 10 shares of Kennecott Copper; Charlotte Abbey - 2 Bonds of Pennsylvania Railroad (and) 55 shares of Lehigh Portland Cement

Page 2: Fifth: - First National Bank Stock Divided as follows: Margaret - Seven Shares; Nina - Seven Shares; Charlotte - Eight Shares, Charlotte has one more share as her Penna R.R. Bonds and Lehigh Cement Shares are not worth as much as the rest are. Sixth: Government Bonds, My Government bonds are made out joint with each of my children. Except one is made out joint with my wife Julia. Have made each of the girls one more bond than I have for Emery, which takes care of the Farm he is to have. Seventh: - Investors Mutuals Inc. Shares. These are all made in equal amounts for each of my children: Emery, Nina, Margaret & Charlotte. Eighth: Insurance Policies - Three Paid up. They are all Paid up policies and are to be divided Equally with the four children mentioned above. Ninth: Cash in First National Bank of Troy, Pa. There are four savings account Bank Books, made joint with the four children. Tenth: - All papers mentioned will be found in my safe. Page three: The Silver tea set that Gertrude had is to go to Maryland Wheeler. The set of dishes with the Wind Mill on them is to go to Robert Harkness. The Silver tea spoons with B.A.P. on goes to Mary Jane Walch. The Silver tea spoons with L-S. on goes to Donna Chamberlain. Six knives & Six forks go to John Harkness JR. I want Julia to have the television & Refrigerator and automobile. My furniture may be divided, or sold as you wish and divide the money. My Home at Columbia Cross Roads can be sold and the proceeds divided equally among the four children, Emery, Nina, Margaret & Charlotte. My machinery on the mountain, and my tools here at home may be sold and proceeds divided equally, or if Emery wants them, he may take them as part of his share of the money coming to him. You may sell the geep & divide money. If there is a checking account at the time of my decease, use it toward my funeral expense and if there is any left divide it equally. Page four: Lastly: I do hereby nominate, Constitute and appoint my Son Emery Rumsey and Margaret Hubbard, my daughter, as sole Executors of this my Will. And I do hereby authorize and empower them to sell and convey any or all of my real estate, at either public or private sale, on such terms and conditions as to them may be deemed for the best interest of my estate, and to give to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, good and sufficient deed or deeds therefor, the same as I might do if living. Please no friction in settling of this estate. The amount of money you are allowed for being administrators, please put it in and divide it with the rest of the money.


In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this ---- day of February 1961.

Fred A. Rumsey (seal)

Signed, sealed, Published and declared by the above named as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presents, and the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto.

Jo Judson

Wendell Judson

Notes of Paul W. Kaseman:

Fred had no children by his second and third wives. In 1956 he started his own family bible, in which he recorded his three marriages, the births of his children and the deaths in the family. In his first marriage record, his age was given as 22, his residence as Maston, Lycoming County, PA. His bride was 20. When he married the second time, at age 34, he was working as a blacksmith and was living in Columbia Cross Roads. His bride, the daughter of Leon T. & Maud (Patterson) Harkness, whose former husband, Fred Stone, was killed in Germany during World War I, was also from Columbia Cross Roads and was aged 27. At her death, Letters of Administration were granted to her husband. Her father was then of Ulster, Bradford Co., PA. When Fred married for the third time at the age of 65, he was working as a salesman and was living in Columbia Cross Roads. His mother was living in Gillett, PA. His wife, the daughter of Walter & Belle (Gernert) Watkins and the widow of William Strong, who died on 9 Feb 1949, was aged 62 and was also residing in Columbia Cross Roads. He had maintained two homes in that village, his own and that of his wife, Julia, which she had acquired from her first husband's will.


More About Fred Allen Rumsey:

Burial: Mar 1963, Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation 1: 1920, Blacksmith

Occupation 2: 1930, Radio Salesman

Residence 1: 1909, Maston, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1923 - 1963, Columbia Crossroads, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 176-28-2281 (PA)

Will: Feb 1961, Bradford Co., PA


More About Daisy May Fuller:

Burial: 11 May 1921, Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: during childbirth

Residence: 1920, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA


More About Gertrude Irene Harkness:

Residence 1: 1900, Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Columbia Crossroads, Bradford Co., PA


More About Julia Watkins:

Name 2: Rumsey, Julia

Burial: 10 May 1973, Oak Hill Cem., Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: May 1973, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY 14901

Social Security Number: 066-52-4243 (NY)

Children of Fred Rumsey and Daisy Fuller are:

2060 i. Laurence Cecil13 Rumsey, born 06 Nov 1911 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA; died 06 Nov 1911 in Springfield, PA.


More About Laurence Cecil Rumsey:

Burial: Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA


2061 ii. Gerald Grant Rumsey, born 19 Oct 1912 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA; died 25 Feb 1913 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Gerald Grant Rumsey:

Burial: Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 2062 iii. Emery Earl Rumsey, born 05 Feb 1914 in Columbia Crossroads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 04 Jul 1989 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2063 iv. Nina Theoria Rumsey, born 07 Sep 1915 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2064 v. Margaret Genevive Rumsey, born 04 Jul 1919 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2065 vi. Charlotte Daisy Rumsey, born 08 May 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 03 Jul 1992.

949. Lena Kitt12 Rumsey (Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Nov 1891 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 05 Jul 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Wallace H. Brenchley 11 Dec 1908 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of George Brenchley and Eliza Loomis. He was born 15 Sep 1887 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died May 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Lena Kitt Rumsey:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 6 Jul 1974 ed.:

BRENCHLEY, Lena R., of 917 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elmira, Friday, July 5, 1974 at St. Joseph's Hospital, following a long illness. Friends may call at the Ralph T. Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, Pa. Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Monday 2 p.m., the Rev. Wilma Barker Hoose. Burial in West Hill Cemetery, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Lena Kitt Rumsey:

Name 2: Brenchley, Lena

Burial: 07 Jul 1974, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: Lena had diabetes most of her life. She had one leg amputated in the 1960s and the other shortly before her death.

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Jul 1974, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1912 - 1923, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1924 - 1948, Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1950 - 1974, 917 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: Jul 1974, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 071-18-6119 (NY)


More About Wallace H. Brenchley:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bet. 1950 - 1963, 917 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 184-12-0201 (PA)

Children of Lena Rumsey and Wallace Brenchley are:

+ 2066 i. Albert Glenn13 Brenchley, born 02 Aug 1909 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 17 Feb 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

2067 ii. James Wallace Brenchley, born 07 Mar 1911 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 10 Mar 1928 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for James Wallace Brenchley:

Rod Dryer ROOTSWEB website; story by Richard Dryer:

JAMES AND EARL LOSE FINGERS - James and Earl Brenchley, sons of Wallace and Lena Rumsey Brenchley, were apparently playing in the barn one day when their father Wallace and others were trying to load hay into the barn. The method of picking up and putting hay into the barn was to use a series of ropes and pulleys, the rope hooked to a large hay fork to pick up and carry the hay (by the fork full) up into the hay mow at the top of the barn. One of the days their father was working at this, the boys were watching the rope being pulled through the pulleys by the horses, and they somehow got caught up in the rope and pulleys, getting their fingers caught in the process. They were both cut badly by crushing their fingers in between the rope and pulleys. Their mother, Lena Rumsey Brenchley, must have been in a fright, but...she took the boys with her, by horse and wagon, down to Canton, some 12 miles away for medical attention. Unfortunately, both boys lost two fingers each.


More About James Wallace Brenchley:

Burial: 13 Mar 1928, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 2068 iii. Earl Frederick Brenchley, born 13 Feb 1913 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA; died 14 Feb 1995 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL.

+ 2069 iv. Ruth Marian Brenchley, born 29 Dec 1921 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 01 Oct 1983 in Buckfield, Oxford Co., ME.

950. Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey (Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jan 1894 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 17 Feb 1935 in Columbia Cross Roads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married Claud Abel Fuller 10 Mar 1907 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Samuel Fuller and Minnie Brenchley. He was born 29 May 1886 in Checkerville, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died Feb 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Maud Lucinda Rumsey:

Burial: 20 Feb 1935, Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1910, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA


More About Claud Abel Fuller:

Name 2: Fuller, Claude

Burial: Feb 1964, Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1910, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 165-20-7086 (PA)

Children of Maud Rumsey and Claud Fuller are:

2070 i. Bernice13 Fuller, born Aft. Apr 1910 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA; died 1917 in Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About Bernice Fuller:

Burial: Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 2071 ii. Lawrence Claud Fuller, born 10 Feb 1914 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 26 May 1985 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2072 iii. Lena Alberta Fuller, born abt. 1918 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Lena Alberta Fuller:

Burial: Checkerville Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 2073 iv. Claud Abel Fuller, Jr., born 12 Sep 1922 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA; died 30 Jun 1991 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2074 v. John Henry Fuller, born abt. 1925 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2075 vi. Robert Samuel Fuller, born 02 Nov 1926 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY.

951. Mary Helen12 Rumsey (Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 May 1897 in Daggett, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 06 Jan 1981 in N. Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Daniel William Porter 03 Nov 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, son of James Porter and Sophia Gray. He was born 28 Aug 1891 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Nov 1968 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Charles H. Klein 15 Sep 1951 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, son of Nicholaus Klein and Henrietta ______. He was born 06 Apr 1896 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, and died Feb 1959 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

More About Charles H. Klein:

Burial: Feb 1959, St. Matthew's Cem., Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Social Security Number: 101-09-2030 (NY)

Children are listed above under Daniel William Porter (714).


954. Mabel Clare12 Sheive (Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1896 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 02 Dec 1974. She married Albert M. Gaige 27 Jun 1918, son of Fred Gaige. He was born 19 Aug 1884, and died 29 Dec 1977.


More About Mabel Clare Sheive:

Name 2: Gaige, Mabel

Burial: 05 Dec 1974, Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1974, Last residence: Pine City, NY 14871

Social Security Number: 125-14-7758 (NY)


More About Albert M. Gaige:

Burial: 02 Jan 1978, Maple Ridge Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1977, Last residence: Millerton, PA 16936

Social Security Number: 081-22-5362 (NY)

Children of Mabel Sheive and Albert Gaige are:

+ 2076 i. Roland Albert13 Gaige, born 05 Mar 1921 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; died 30 Oct 1999 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2077 ii. Yoland Blanche Gaige, born 24 May 1924 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

955. William Edson12 Sheive (Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1904 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 18 Mar 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Bertha Deming abt. 1933. He married (2) Clara Veleada Lain 31 Aug 1940 in Jackson Summit, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of James Lain and Mae Spencer. She was born 24 Jul 1911 in Jackson Summit, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 10 Aug 1988 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for William Edson Sheive:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 20 Mar 1996 ed.:

SHEIVE, William Edson, 92 years young, known as Edson Sheive, went to be with his Lord, Monday, March 18, 1996. A lifetime member of the Jobs Corners Calvary Baptist Church, his life centered around his family and the century old family farm. He was married 48 years to the late Clara Lain Sheive. Edson was a member of the Grange, and a 70+ year member of the Dairyman's League. He is survived by his two brothers, Harold G. (Lillian) Sheive of Pine City, NY, Lawrence Sheive of Elmira, NY; children Kenneth (Jan) Sheive of Millerton, PA, Marleah (Wayne) Boyce of Lowman, NY, Donna (Douglas) Button of Las Vegas, NV, Peggy (Clint) Hagar of Houston, TX; 18 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and the many dear and caring people who assisted him these past few years. Family and friends are invited to call at the Olthof Funeral Home, 1050 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elmira, NY, Thursday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral and Committal Services will be held there Friday at 1:00 p.m. The Rev. Robert Wilson will officiate. Interment will be in Jobs Corners Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Those wishing may make memorial donations to the Calvary Baptist Church, P.O. Box 141, Millerton, PA 16936.


More About William Edson Sheive:

Name 2: Sheive, W. E.

Burial: 21 Mar 1996, Jobs Corners Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 20 Mar 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Mar 1996, Last residence: Millerton, PA 16936

Social Security Number: 163-32-6613 (PA)


More About Clara Veleada Lain:

Name 2: Sheive, Clara V.

Burial: 13 Aug 1988, Jobs Corners Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Social Security Number: 192-32-6864 (PA)

Children of William Sheive and Clara Lain are:

+ 2078 i. Kenneth Wayne13 Sheive, born 27 Jan 1942 in Jobs Corners, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 2079 ii. Marleah Elizabeth Sheive, born 01 Jun 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2080 iii. Donna Mae Sheive, born 26 May 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2081 iv. Pauline Anita Sheive, born 29 Jan 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

956. Lawrence Bernard12 Sheive (Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1906 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 20 Mar 2001 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Edna Margaret Hammond 28 Oct 1930 in Ridgebury, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Jesse Hammond and Grace Thetge. She was born 23 Jan 1911 in Centerville, Bradford Co., PA, and died May 1985 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Lawrence Bernard Sheive:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Mar 2001 ed.:

LAWRENCE B. SHEIVE, age 94 of Elmira, NY, passed away on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at home. He was born on November 28, 19006 in Job's Corners, PA, a son of the late George W. and Amy Blanche (Wright) Sheive. Lawrence was a self employed carpenter and painter. He was the widower of Edna Sheive, with whom he celebrated 55 years of marriage before she passed away in 1985. Lawrence was a member of the South Creek Evangelical Free Church. He was one of the five oldest licensed pilots in the United States. Lawrence was a long standing member of the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 533, and the OX-5 Club. He is survived by his daughters, Doris (William) Nelson of Yakima, WA, Rhett (Theresa) Nelson of Elmira, NY, Rene (Nicholas) DiBartolemo of Elmira, NY, Debra Daughtery of Odessa, NY and Donna Derr of Nashville, TN; 14 great grandchildren; 2 great great grandchildren; brother, Harold (Lillian) Sheive of Webb Mills, NY; several nieces and nephews; and many devoted friends and neighbors. In addition to his parents and wife, Lawrence is predeceased by his brother, William Edson Sheive; sister, Mabel Gaige; stepbrothers, Frank and Jerd Sheive. Friends are invited to call at Roberts Funeral Home, 279 Main Street, Wellsburg, NY on Friday, March 23, 2001 from 2 to 4 PM and from 6 to 8 PM. The funeral and service will follow at 8 PM a the funeral home with the Reverend Steve Edwards officiating. A private interment will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, NY. The family will provide flowers and kindly request that memorial contributions in Lawrence's name to be send to the South Creek Evangelical Free Church, Southern Tier Hospice, or to the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 533.


More About Lawrence Bernard Sheive:

Burial: 24 Mar 2001, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 23 Mar 2001, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 071-09-2358 (NY)


More About Edna Margaret Hammond:

Name 2: Sheive, Edna

Residence: Bef. May 1985, Last residence: Elmira, Chemung Co., NY 14904

Social Security Number: 121-14-6993 (NY)

Children of Lawrence Sheive and Edna Hammond are:

+ 2082 i. Doris Ann13 Sheive, born 16 Jan 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2083 ii. Blanche Mae Sheive, born 04 Oct 1940 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

957. Harold George12 Sheive (Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Feb 1911 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Hazel Vivian McDonald 03 Mar 1934, daughter of Herbert McDonald and Leila Thomas. She was born 1918. He married (2) Lillian Spears 24 Aug 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Frederick Spears and Ethel Baker. She was born 16 Dec 1919 in Tyrone, Schuyler Co., NY.


Notes for Harold George Sheive:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Jun 1944 ed.:

MEN AND WOMEN SERVING U.S. (photo included)

Lt. Harold G. Sheive, son of Mrs. Blanche Sheive of Millerton, PA, has returned to Ft. Sill, Okla. after a leave here. A former employee of Remington Rand, he entered the Army in October, 1942, and received pilot training at Pittsburg, Kan. He was commissioned in June 1943 and is qualified as a liaison pilot in the Field Artillery.


More About Harold George Sheive:

Military service: Oct 1942, U.S. Army

Residence: Mar 2001, Webb Mills, Chemung Co., NY


More About Lillian Spears:

Residence: Mar 2001, Webb Mills, Chemung Co., NY


Marriage Notes for Harold Sheive and Lillian Spears:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 11 Aug 1996 ed.:

ANNIVERSARIES -- Sheive-50th (1946 & 1996 photos included)

Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Sheive of Webb Mills will mark their 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to San Diego later. Harold Sheive and the former Lillian Spears were married Aug. 24, 1946, by the Rev. Kenneth McElwain in Elmira. The couple have three children: Donald of San Diego, Calif., Linda O'Donnell of Sarasota, Fla., and Bruce of Centerville, VA. There are seven grandchildren, two deceased. Mr. Sheive worked at Remington Rand and served in World War II. Mrs. Sheive worked at Remington Rand and Ripley Sewing Service.

Child of Harold Sheive and Hazel McDonald is:

+ 2084 i. Richard Harold13 Sheive, born 17 Dec 1934 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died Nov 1979 in Spencerport, Monroe Co., NY.

Children of Harold Sheive and Lillian Spears are:

2085 i. Donald Frederick13 Sheive, born 13 Mar 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Linda Susan Kerr 11 Apr 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 1950.

+ 2086 ii. Linda Jean Sheive, born 24 Feb 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2087 iii. Bruce Charles Sheive, born 11 Jul 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

958. Fordyce Earl Clark12 Campbell (Lucinda Daisy11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Feb 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Jan 1984 in Browns Mills, Burlington Co., NJ. He married (1) Madeleine Lee. She was born 1899. He married (2) Rosalie Harding. He married (3) Helen Buchsbaum abt. 1927 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD. She was born 1897 in MD.


More About Fordyce Earl Clark Campbell:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1980, Last residence: Browns Mills, NJ 08015

Social Security Number: 136-30-6327 (NJ)


More About Helen Buchsbaum:

Name 2: Helen Campbell

Residence: 1930, Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent City), MD

Child of Fordyce Campbell and Helen Buchsbaum is:

2088 i. Mary Lee13 Campbell, born 07 Sep 1929 in Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent City), MD.

959. Kenneth Haughey12 Campbell (Lucinda Daisy11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1903 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Nov 1976 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Leona Pauline Sherwood 12 Sep 1928 in Catonsville, MD, daughter of Marion Sherwood and Clare Bokel. She was born 1905 in Baltimore, MD.


More About Leona Pauline Sherwood:

Name 2: Campbell, Leona P.

Residence: 1930, Election District 1, Baltimore, MD

Children of Kenneth Campbell and Leona Sherwood are:

+ 2089 i. Kenneth Haughey13 Campbell, Jr., born 06 Jan 1935 in Baltimore, MD.

+ 2090 ii. Burke Sherwood Campbell, born 23 Feb 1937 in Baltimore, MD.

960. Irena Marian12 Letts (Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Nov 1878 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Oct 1976 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Philip K. Baumunk 10 Mar 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Adam Baumunk and Barbara Beutel. He was born 03 Aug 1874 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Feb 1960 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Irena Marian Letts:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 07 May 1896 ed.:

Irene Letts of Shunk had an experience last week that gave her quite an insight in the devious ways of humanity. She went to Canton to work for a well known family of that place, but failed to agree with the mistress of the house and decided to return home, but when she came to leave, the parties refused to give her her valise, containing her clothes and a small sum of money. She demanded her goods several times but to no effect and had to travel the 12 miles to Shunk bareheaded, which is not very pleasant in our present spring weather. Her father, A.F. Letts, went after the girl's things and had even then to send the man to a lawyer to convince him that he had no right to hold the goods. Such people should be taught a lesson, and the proper instruction could have been given best by a justice.


More About Irena Marian Letts:

Name 2: Baumunk, Irene

Burial: 15 Oct 1976, Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1880, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 1910, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Oct 1976, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 164-38-7343 (PA)


More About Philip K. Baumunk:

Burial: 23 Feb 1960, Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Irena Letts and Philip Baumunk are:

+ 2091 i. Amber A.13 Baumunk, born 14 Nov 1899 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Dec 1993.

2092 ii. Arthur L. Baumunk, born 16 Oct 1901 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 12 Nov 1990 in Sabinsville, Tioga Co., PA. He married Naomi McCarty Jun 1929; born 24 Mar 1902 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 30 Jan 2002 in Sabinsville, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Arthur L. Baumunk:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Nov 1990 ed.:

BAUMUNK, Arthur, age 89 of Maple St., Sabinsville, PA, died Monday, November 12, 1990 at his residence. He was born in Forksville, PA, October 16, 1901. He was the son of Phillip and Irene Letts Baumunk. He was retired merchant having owned and operated the Baumunk's General Store in Sabinsville for many years. He was married to the former Naomi McCarty who survives. He was a member of the Roseville Masonic Lodge, the Coudersport Consistery, Jaffa Shrine of Wilkes-barre, PA and the Acacia Club of Coudersport. Besides his wife, he is survived by his brother, Lawrence Baumunk of Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA and sisters, Amber Boltin, Glenna Voght and Phyllis Molyneaux of Forksville, PA; several nieces and nephews. There will be no prior Calling Hours. Private Funeral Services will be held at Collins Funeral Home on Wednesday. Rev. Vane Gunn officiating. Burial will be in the Sabinsville Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the Sabinsville Ambulance Association or the charity of ones choice.


More About Arthur L. Baumunk:

Burial: 15 Nov 1990, Sabinsville, Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Nov 1990, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Real Estate: Bet. 1936 - 1974, Owned and operated Baumunk Bros. General Store, Sabinsville, PA

Social Security Number: 165-28-1957 (PA)


Notes for Naomi McCarty:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 1 Feb 2002 ed.:

BAUMUNK, Naomi "Patty" of Sabinsville, PA 99, died Wednesday, January 30, 2002 in her home. Born March 24, 1902, in Sayre, PA, she was daughter of Carl and Susie White McCarty. She was a 1921 graduate of Estella High School and a 1925 graduate of the Williamsport School of Nursing. In June of 1929, she married Arthur Baumunk, who predeceased her in 1990. Mrs. Baumunk and her husband owned and operated Baumunk Bros. General Store in Sabinsville from 1936 to 1974. Surviving are: two sisters-in-law, Caroline Baumunk of Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA and Phyllis Molyneux of Dushore, PA; and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a brother, Donald McCarty of Forksville, PA; a sister, Elsie Meile of Williamsport, PA; brothers-in-law, Lawrence L. Baumunk of Shunk and Lynn Molyneux of Forksville; and sisters-in-law Amber (Harold) Battin of Forksville and Glynna (Theodore) Vogt of Forksville. Funeral Service will be held 11:00 AM, Saturday, February 2nd at the Collins-Olney Funeral Home, Galeton, PA. The Rev. James House will officiate. Burial will be in Sabinsville Cemetery.


More About Naomi McCarty:

Name 2: Baumunk, Naomi

Burial: 02 Feb 2002, Sabinsville Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Feb 2002, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Nurse

Real Estate: Bet. 1936 - 1974, Owned and operated Baumunk Bros. General Store, Sabinsville, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 2002, Sabinsville, Tioga Co., PA

Social Security Number: 195-28-9760 (PA)


+ 2093 iii. Gleyna Irene Baumunk, born 04 Aug 1904 in Lincoln Falls, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 12 Jul 1996 in Sayre, PA.

+ 2094 iv. Lawrence Larue Baumunk, born 06 Jun 1906 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA; died 16 Oct 1995 in Williamsport, PA.

+ 2095 v. Phyllis V. Baumunk, born 02 Sep 1914.

961. Fred Cecil12 Letts (Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Feb 1967 in Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA. He married May Dorkis Barnett 25 Sep 1910. She was born 1895, and died Aft. 1920.


More About Fred Cecil Letts:

Name 2: Letts, Fredrick C.

Burial: 24 Feb 1967, Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA

Residence 1: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Woodward Co., OK

Residence 2: 1920, Center Twp., Woodward Co., OK

Residence 3: Bef. Feb 1967, Wenatchee, WA

Social Security Number: 537-05-4361 (WA)


More About May Dorkis Barnett:

Burial: Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA

Residence: 1920, Center Twp., Woodward Co., OK

Children of Fred Letts and May Barnett are:

+ 2096 i. Glynna Virginia13 Letts, born 22 Oct 1911 in Woodward, Woodward Co., OK.

+ 2097 ii. Harry Cecil Letts, born 21 Dec 1914 in Woodward, OK; died 12 Jun 1984 in Columbia Falls, Flathead Co., MT.

2098 iii. Lucile Mabel Letts, born Jul 1918 in Center Twp., Woodward Co., OK. She married (1) Wesley Ellis. She married (2) Richard Gates. She married (3) Albert Atkins.

+ 2099 iv. Franklin Alfred Letts, born 23 Jun 1919 in Center Twp., Woodward Co., OK; died 20 Apr 1993 in Kent, King Co., WA.

2100 v. Earl Letts, born abt. 1921 in Center Twp., Woodward Co., OK.

+ 2101 vi. Dennis Letts, born abt. 1924.

+ 2102 vii. Lawrence Benjamin Letts, born 23 Nov 1925; died 10 Jul 1982 in Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA.

962. Stella Elma12 Letts (Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Sep 1882 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 May 1962 in Monte Rey, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Archibald Morgan Jan 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Sylvanus Morgan and Rosalia Gleckner. He was born 31 Jul 1875 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Jul 1944 in Monte Rey, Tompkins Co., NY.


More About Stella Elma Letts:

Burial: 06 May 1962, Coopers Plains, Steuben Co., NY

Residence: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY


More About Archibald Morgan:

Occupation: 1930, Laborer - Glass works

Residence: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Children of Stella Letts and Archibald Morgan are:

+ 2103 i. Mildred Zelma13 Morgan, born 20 Sep 1900 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 07 Feb 1991.

+ 2104 ii. Keith Irwin Morgan, born 29 Jul 1903 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died Mar 1983 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2105 iii. Avonell Hyacinth Morgan, born 17 Nov 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2106 iv. Alice Leona Morgan, born 22 Apr 1910 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2107 v. Ernestine Marie Morgan, born 17 Jul 1912 in Penn Yan, Yates Co., NY; died Jan 1976.

963. Jessica Lucinda12 Letts (Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1885 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Jul 1972. She married Lewis Llewelyn Wooster 20 Oct 1904. He was born 10 Jan 1886, and died Nov 1976 in Burdett, Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Lewis Llewelyn Wooster:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1976, Last residence: Burdett, NY 14818

Social Security Number: 094-03-3128 (NY)

Children of Jessica Letts and Lewis Wooster are:

2108 i. Stanley13 Wooster, born abt. Jul 1921.

2109 ii. Harley Wooster, born 05 Nov 1922; died 29 Apr 1994 in Hockessin, New Castle Co., DE.


More About Harley Wooster:

Residence 1: Oct 1988, Hockessin, New Castle Co., DE

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1994, Last residence: Hockessin, DE 19707

Social Security Number: 092-14-9366 (NY)

967. Charles Emerson12 Letts (Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Sep 1897, and died 1987 in British Columbia, Canada. He married Agatha Kay Graf 30 Jan 1931.


More About Charles Emerson Letts:

Burial: British Columbia, Canada

Children of Charles Letts and Agatha Graf are:

2110 i. Infant13 Letts.


More About Infant Letts:

Medical Information: died shortly after birth


+ 2111 ii. Alfred Letts.


968. Daniel Morgan12 Letts (Evert Montville11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1884 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Jun 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Bessie R. Whipple 05 Aug 1904. She was born 18 Aug 1883 in PA, and died 23 Feb 1964.


More About Daniel Morgan Letts:

Burial: 29 Jun 1917, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Bessie R. Whipple:

Burial: 26 Feb 1964, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Daniel Letts and Bessie Whipple are:

2112 i. Reo Montville13 Letts, born 26 Aug 1906 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Sep 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Reo Montville Letts:

Burial: 11 Sep 1923, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 2113 ii. Everett Whipple Letts, born 21 Jul 1913 in Maples Summit, Sullivan Co., PA; died 29 Feb 2004 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

970. Alvah Cleighton12 Tinkham (Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1884 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Oct 1967 in Baden, Beaver Co., PA. He married Vicilla May Shattuck abt. 1905, daughter of Madison Shattuck and Marilda Riggs. She was born 10 Oct 1879 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Oct 1976.


Children are listed above under Vicilla May Shattuck (424).


971. Pearl Evelyn12 Makinster (Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 May 1889 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 12 May 1970 in Albany, Linn Co., OR. She married (1) John Francis Brown abt. 1907, son of Jacob Brown and Helen Voorhees. He was born May 1880 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died in Linn Co., OR. She married (2) ______ Bland abt. 1945.


More About Pearl Evelyn Makinster:

Name 2: Bland, Pearl

Burial: 15 May 1970, Jefferson Cem., Salem, Essex Co., Marion Co., OR

Residence 1: Oct 1967, WA

Residence 2: Bef. May 1970, Last residence: Salem, OR 97302

Social Security Number: 550-24-1051 (CA)


More About John Francis Brown:

Name 2: Brown, Frank

Children of Pearl Makinster and John Brown are:

2114 i. Naomi13 Brown, died in Albany, Linn Co., OR. She married ______ Hill.

2115 ii. Roy Brown.

2116 iii. Elmo Dorr Brown, born 14 Jun 1906 in PA; died Oct 1965.


More About Elmo Dorr Brown:

Social Security Number: 540-22-1382 (OR)


2117 iv. Dean Elwyn Brown, born 1907 in OR; died Bef. May 1970. He married Alys ______; born 1910 in OR.


More About Dean Elwyn Brown:

Residence: 1930, Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., OR


2118 v. Jacob Lyden Brown, born 01 Jan 1910 in NJ; died 13 Mar 1998 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., OR.


More About Jacob Lyden Brown:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1998, Last residence: Roseburg, OR 97470

Social Security Number: 541-16-9744 (OR)


2119 vi. Wilma Brown, born 1911. She married Lawrence Eugene Finlay; born 12 Feb 1914 in WA; died 16 Sep 1994 in Lincoln Co., OR.


More About Wilma Brown:

Name 2: Wilma Finlay

Residence: 2000, Kodiak, AK


2120 vii. George Brown, born 1915 in NY; died in Albany, Linn Co., OR.


More About George Brown:

Residence: 1930, Sidney, Marion, Oregon


2121 viii. Keith Brown, born 1917 in NY; died in OR.

2122 ix. John Francis Brown, Jr., born 1922 in CA; died in Salem, Linn Co., OR.

2123 x. Otto Verne Brown, born 22 Jul 1923 in CA; died 11 Aug 1988 in Roseburg, Douglas Co., OR. He married Lucille ______.


More About Otto Verne Brown:

Residence: 1930, Sidney, Marion Co., OR

Social Security Number: 558-28-9906 (CA)


2124 xi. Helen Brown, born 1927 in CA; died in Sisters, Deschutes Co., OR. She married ______ Miller.

972. Wilma A.12 Makinster (Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Mar 1894, and died in prob. FL. She married Albert L. Wilson. He was born 1890 in Barrington, Yates Co., NY.


More About Wilma A. Makinster:

Name 2: Wilson, Wilma A.

Residence 1: 1930, Southport, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Oct 1967, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About Albert L. Wilson:

Residence: 1930, Southport, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Wilma Makinster and Albert Wilson is:

2125 i. Stanley L.13 Wilson, born Apr 1918 in Southport, Chemung Co., NY.

974. Otto Dean12 Makinster (Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Apr 1895 in WV, and died Mar 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Elizabeth Lochery in OH. He married (2) Della Mae Ross abt. 1920. She was born 1893, and died 1964.


More About Otto Dean Makinster:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Cause of Death: heart failure

Residence: Bet. Oct 1967 - Mar 1973, Last residence: Wellsburg, NY 14894

Social Security Number: 071-09-4324 (NY)


More About Della Mae Ross:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Children of Otto Makinster and Della Ross are:

+ 2126 i. Otto Dean13 Makinster, Jr., born 13 Apr 1921 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 30 Oct 1992 in Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL.

2127 ii. Elizabeth Makinster, born abt. 1924. She married ______ Sommers.


More About Elizabeth Makinster:

Residence: 1983, Bentley Creek, Bradford Co., PA


+ 2128 iii. Grace Makinster, born 20 Jul 1928 in Elmira, Chemung Co., PA.

976. Lisle Vernon12 Makinster (Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1899 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Apr 1985 in Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL. He married (1) Eula Smith. She was born in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. He married (2) Gertrude ______. He married (3) Ethel ______. She was born 13 Apr 1892, and died Mar 1977.


Notes for Lisle Vernon Makinster:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 13 Apr 1985 ed.:

LISLE V. MAKINSTER - age 84, of Zephyrhills, FL formerly of Erin; member of Seventh Day Adventist Church; a member of South Light Chapter #725 Breesport; Past High Priest of Royal Arch Chapter #261 in Horseheads; member and past patron of South Light Chapter #460 O.E.S.; Past Grand Chapter Officer - Association Grand Sentinel; retired employee of American LaFrance, Elmira, NY.


More About Lisle Vernon Makinster:

Name 2: Makinster, Lisle Verne

Date born 2: 31 Oct 1900

Residence 1: 1920, Southport, Chemung, New York

Residence 2: Oct 1967, Erin, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 3: Bef. Apr 1985, Last residence: Zephyrhills, FL 34248

Social Security Number: 071-09-4284 (NY)


More About Ethel ______:

Name 2: Makinster, Ethel

Residence: Bef. Mar 1977, Last residence: Erin, NY 14838

Social Security Number: 100-18-2521 (NY)

Child of Lisle Makinster and Eula Smith is:

2129 i. Marcus Lisle13 Makinster, born 24 Nov 1928; died 27 Oct 1972.


More About Marcus Lisle Makinster:

Burial: 30 Oct 1972, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 096-22-8825 (NY)

977. Daisy Adell12 Makinster (Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Dec 1904, and died Jun 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Walter J. Pinch. He was born 21 Sep 1903 in PA, and died Dec 1971 in Manchester, Delaware Co., IA.


More About Daisy Adell Makinster:

Name 2: Makinster, Daisey

Name 3: Pinch, Daisy

Residence 1: 1920, Southport, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Bet. 1967 - 1980, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Social Security Number: 108-03-6617 (NY)


Notes for Walter J. Pinch:

The 1930 census of Elmira could be misread that Walter was age 58, instead of being 28. He was also listed as having served in the World War. The following family is listed in the 1920 census of Manchester, Delaware Co., IA: 104 Buttler St., PINCH, J. L., age 47, WI - Eng - WI, a bridgebuilder for I.C.R.R.; Effie L., age 44, KS - OH - NY; Roy O., age 21, IA - WI - KS, assistant bookkeeper at bank; Floyd, age 19, IA - WI - KS; and Luva (dau.), age 16, IA - WI - KS. As Walter died in Manchester, and Effie's mother was from NY, it's probable that Walter was a son as his age would be appropriate in the family makeup. He could also have been a nephew. - R. J. Porter


More About Walter J. Pinch:

Occupation: 1930, Auto Laundry - garage

Residence: 1930, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Social Security Number: 263-16-5405 (FL)

Child of Daisy Makinster and Walter Pinch is:

+ 2130 i. Alice13 Pinch, died Aft. 1993.

978. Harold Royce12 Fanning (Warren Harold11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1892 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Oct 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Pearl Emeline Naylor 25 Dec 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Perry Naylor and Emeline Jenkins. She was born 30 Jul 1896 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died May 1990 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Harold Royce Fanning:

Burial: 26 Oct 1960, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA


More About Pearl Emeline Naylor:

Name 2: Fanning, Pearl

Residence: Bef. May 1990, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 071-09-9876 (NY)

Children of Harold Fanning and Pearl Naylor are:

+ 2131 i. Claudius Laverne13 Fanning, born 01 Oct 1915 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 04 Apr 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2132 ii. Naomi Fanning, born 29 Oct 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Dec 1998 in Norwich, Chenango Co., NY. She married John N. Eyres 19 Sep 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 25 May 1919 in NY; died Sep 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Naomi Fanning:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Dec 1998 ed.:

EYERS, Naomi (Fanning), age 81 of Valley View Manor, Norwich, NY, formerly of Elmira, NY, died Wednesday, December 9, 1998 at Valley View Manor. She is survived by her nieces, Laura Begeal and Peggy Rynders; and a host of cousins. The Committal Service will take place at Woodlawn Cemetery on Friday, December 11, 1998 at 2 p.m. Arrangements are under the direction of the Barrett Funeral Home.


More About Naomi Fanning:

Name 2: Eyres, Naomi

Burial: 11 Dec 1998, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 10 Dec 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Sep 1988, East Gate Apartments, Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bef. Dec 1998, Last residence: Norwich, NY 13815

Social Security Number: 093-20-1905 (NY)


More About John N. Eyres:

Residence: 1930, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Social Security Number: 108-03-9755 (NY)


2133 iii. Roy Bly Fanning, born 14 Jan 1920 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 22 May 1945.


More About Roy Bly Fanning:

Burial: Woodlawn National Cem., Elmira, NY

Cause of Death: killed in battle during World War II

981. Velma D.12 Fanning (Leona Amy11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jul 1899, and died May 1986. She married Maynard Jenkins 1920. He was born 09 May 1896, and died Jul 1977.


More About Velma D. Fanning:

Name 2: Jenkins, Velma

Residence: Bef. May 1986, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 192-12-0495 (PA)


More About Maynard Jenkins:

Military service: World War I

Occupation: 1930, Railroad trackman

Residence: Bef. Jul 1977, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 180-09-6358 (PA)

Child of Velma Fanning and Maynard Jenkins is:

2134 i. Wilford13 Jenkins, born 03 Apr 1921; died Dec 1979.


More About Wilford Jenkins:

Social Security Number: 203-05-2769 (PA)

985. Florence Clarentha12 Duff (Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jun 1897 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 May 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married William Carl Kane 17 Aug 1919, son of James Kane and Elizabeth Overture. He was born 22 Aug 1893 in Danville, Montour Co., PA, and died 14 Sep 1966 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Florence Clarentha Duff:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 18 May 1983 ed.:

KANE, Florence Clarentha, 85, of Elmira, NY, died May 14, 1983, at the Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital in Elmira, NY. She was admitted in the hospital as a medical patient on April 28. She was born in Shunk, on June 13, 1897, a daughter of Richard and Emily Wheeler Duff. Mrs. Kane was a retired school teacher and she had taught for several years at the Shunk School and later at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church School in Trenton, NJ. She was member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Elmira, the American Temperance Society and was a former member of the Friends of the Library in Elmira. Her survivors include: three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Freeman of Jellico, TN, Mrs. Luella Koles White of Cuyahoga Falls, OH, and Mrs. Deloris Nicol of Buffalo, NY; 11 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Olstead of Livingston, NJ and Mrs. Eunice Dickerson of Elmira; two brothers, Marcus R. Duff and Dennis Duff, both of Gloversville, NY and several nieces and nephews, and cousins. She was predeceased by a daughter, Vivian Roll of Horseheads, NY who died in September, 1981. Funeral services were held at Shunk United Methodist Church on May 16, with Pastor Woodrow Whidden and Pastor Raymond Greenley officiating. Burial was in West Hill Cemetery, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. Memorial contributions may be directed to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Elmira.


"Florence, a student of nature, is always reading, learning, teaching and expounding her strong opinions, as was evident in almost every conversation I had with her. She taught public school in Sullivan County and in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church School in Trenton, NJ. After her husband became a mental patient at the Veteran's Hospital in Canandaigua, NY, as a result of shell shock in WW I, Florence did bookkeeping, sales and alterations in a clothing store while raising her four girls." -- taken from "The Founders of Wheelerville"; notes of Norman W. Beamesderfer


Florence had been a school teacher in Shunk for some years before the township started transporting children to Sullivan County High School in Dushore. She taught piano lessons to the the youngsters in Shunk and was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Elmira. Meeting with her on several occasions, she seemed to me to be a very intelligent, family-oriented, God-fearing woman. She loved and admired her mother, speaking of her several times. Her brother was also very much admired and she told many stories of Garnet's work as a police officer in New Jersey. She furnished his obituary for inclusion in my work, as well as a copy of her Uncle Lee's last book. Florence loved to read and was interested in both family and world history. There were numerous books, magazines and pamphlets stacked throughout her living areas. During one of my visits she attempted to find a family history of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, she stating that the two families were related to the Day family, one of our ancestors. I have attempted to find some historical facts to prove this, but fruitless was my search. She was very much in tune with nature and didn't eat too many foods preserved with chemicals; a fact noticed when she offered me a sandwich, made with all-natural peanut butter. She furnished a great deal to this family genealogy and was able to tell many stories about residents of Fox Township, she being recognized in other parts of this work as a contributor. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Florence Clarentha Duff:

Name 2: Kane, Florence

Burial: 16 May 1983, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: died at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 May 1983, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1980 - 1983, Dubois Street, Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bef. May 1983, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 108-03-7084 (NY)


More About William Carl Kane:

Burial: 16 Sep 1966, Woodlawn National Cem., Elmira, NY

Medical Information: was "shell-shocked" during his military service; was institutionalized the latter part of his life

Military service: abt. 1918, World War I

Residence: Bef. Sep 1966, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 186-14-6442 (PA)

Children of Florence Duff and William Kane are:

+ 2135 i. Ethel Marie13 Kane, born 08 Oct 1920 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2136 ii. Vivian Rosamond Kane, born 17 Jan 1922 in Warren Center, Bradford Co., PA; died 24 Sep 1981 in Elmira, NY.

+ 2137 iii. Luella Mavis Kane, born 11 Apr 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2138 iv. Deloris Emily Kane, born 20 Jun 1924 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

986. Mary Ann12 Duff (Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jan 1899 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Dec 1984 in PA. She married Herbert E. R. Olstead. He was born 16 Nov 1890 in East Orange, Essex Co., NJ, and died Jun 1983.


Notes for Mary Ann Duff:


Mary Ann Duff, an exceptionally good nurse, has the qualities of patience, peacefulness and kindness. She graduated from New England Memorial Hospital near Boston. She met her husband, Herbert Olstead, when he was a patient as the result of an attempted murder while he was on duty as a New Jersey State Policeman. He suffered total loss of hearing for life, thus never hearing the voice of his son.


More About Mary Ann Duff:

Name 2: Olstead, Mary

Burial: 31 Dec 1984, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: May 1983, Livingston, Essex Co., NJ

Residence 2: Bef. Dec 1984, Last residence: Dushore, PA 18614

Social Security Number: 138-54-2792 (NJ)


More About Herbert E. R. Olstead:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1983, Last residence: Livingston, NJ 07039

Social Security Number: 136-16-2767 (NJ)

Child of Mary Duff and Herbert Olstead is:

+ 2139 i. John Richard13 Olstead, born 24 Jun 1936 in Montclair, Essec Co., NJ.

988. Lucile Myrtle12 Duff (Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jan 1903 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Nov 1968 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Thomas Beamesderfer 30 Nov 1922. He was born 02 Mar 1899, and died 25 Feb 1978.


Notes for Lucile Myrtle Duff:

Wilkes-Barre, PA - TIMES LEADER-EVENING NEWS, 21 Nov 1968 ed.:

Following a stroke, Mrs. Lucile M. Beamesderfer, 65, of 41 Third Avenue, Kingston, died yesterday afternoon at 1:10 in the General Hospital. Born in Estella, January 20, 1903, she resided in Wyoming Valley since 1923 and at the Third Avenue address the last 22 years. She was a graduate of Shunk High School and was an active member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Kingston and the Dorcass Society of the Church.



Lucile was a true "Mother in Israel", who through sacrifice and example, raised eight children to be Christians, each successful in his field. Her husband, Thomas Beamesderfer, was a car salesman speculating in oil and gas territories. She died at the age of 65 while planning a Thanksgiving family reunion.


More About Lucile Myrtle Duff:

Burial: 22 Nov 1968, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: stroke

Medical Information: died at General Hospital

Residence: Bet. 1946 - 1968, 41 Third Ave., Kingston, PA


More About Thomas Beamesderfer:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Feb 1978, Last residence: Kingston, PA 18704

Social Security Number: 211-10-3845 (PA)

Children of Lucile Duff and Thomas Beamesderfer are:

+ 2140 i. Eunice Roxine13 Beamesderfer, born 31 Mar 1924; died 23 Jul 1998.

+ 2141 ii. Pauline Amanda Beamesderfer, born 15 Dec 1925; died Feb 1983.

+ 2142 iii. Thomas Richard Beamesderfer, born 21 Oct 1927.

+ 2143 iv. Gerald Max Beamesderfer, born 07 Jun 1929 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2144 v. Bula Bell Beamesderfer, born 04 Jun 1932.

+ 2145 vi. Patricia Lee Beamesderfer, born 02 Aug 1937.

+ 2146 vii. Norman Russell Beamesderfer, born 26 Jul 1940 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2147 viii. Bly Edward Beamesderfer, born 28 Oct 1941 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA.

989. Marcus Wheeler12 Duff (Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Nov 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Oct 1995. He married Christine Marie Simek. She was born 24 Jul 1917, and died 06 Apr 1943 in Gloversville, Fulton Co., NY.


Notes for Marcus Wheeler Duff:


Marcus, after spending 15 years with the S.S. Kresge Company, working up from stock boy to manager, started his own asphalt paving business in Gloversville, NY, which proved to be 25 years of successful operations. He retired and turned the business over to his son-in-law, Robert Wilson. Christine, his wife, died at 26 from leukemia, leaving Marcus to be both father and mother to their two little girls, who were four and seven. In his retirement years, he is now being a good Samaritan to any of the family who need help and spends quite a large amount of his time looking after the family farm in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Marcus Wheeler Duff:

Burial: 26 Oct 1995, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: May 1983, Gloversville, Fulton Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1995, Last residence: Gloversville, NY 12078

Social Security Number: 096-10-1386 (NY)


More About Christine Marie Simek:

Cause of Death: Leukemia

Medical Information: died at age 26

Children of Marcus Duff and Christine Simek are:

+ 2148 i. Christine Marie13 Duff, born 09 Jul 1936 in Gloversville, Fulton Co., NY.

+ 2149 ii. Joan Emillie Duff, born 18 Dec 1939.

992. Asa H.12 Baker (Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jan 1886 in PA. He married (1) Nora ______ 1913 in Ontario Co., NY. She was born 1883 in PA. He married (2) Mona Harrington abt. 1937.


More About Asa H. Baker:

Residence 1: 1920, Manchester, Ontario Co., NY

Residence 2: 1930, Shortsville, Ontario Co., NY

Children of Asa Baker and Nora ______ are:

2150 i. Eugene C.13 Baker, born Apr 1917 in Manchester Twp., Ontario Co., NY.

2151 ii. Dorothy M. Baker, born Mar 1919 in Manchester Twp., Ontario Co., NY.

2152 iii. William H. Baker, born 1922 in Shortsville, Manchester Twp., Ontario Co., NY.

995. Riley Dell12 Foster (Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Aug 1900 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Mar 1925. He married Irma Lois Shattuck (999) 1920, daughter of Charles Shattuck and Ulyssa Potter. She was born 17 Jan 1896 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Sep 1972 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA. She later married Howard A. Fosmer.


More About Riley Dell Foster:

Burial: Coneville, PA


More About Irma Lois Shattuck:

Name 2: Fosmer, Irma

Burial: 30 Sep 1972, Shinglehouse, Potter Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1972, Last residence: Coudersport, PA 16915

Social Security Number: 199-12-1121 (PA)

Children of Riley Foster and Irma Shattuck are:

+ 2153 i. Ellwyn Riley13 Foster, born 1921 in PA.

+ 2154 ii. Lotus Foster, born 1922 in PA.

+ 2155 iii. Theldrid Foster, born 1925 in PA.

996. Elloyd W.12 Foster (Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1903 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Feb 1987 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Margaret Alice Parsons 13 Dec 1927. She died Bef. 1987.


More About Elloyd W. Foster:

Burial: 16 Feb 1987, Champlin Cem., Westfield, Tioga Co., PA

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: Bef. 1987, Westfield Masonic Lodge #477; F.& AM; Coudersport Consistory; Galeton Moose Lodge

Residence 1: 1987, Gaines, Tioga Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1987, Last residence: Gaines, PA 16921

Social Security Number: 187-12-4926 (PA)


More About Margaret Alice Parsons:

Burial: Champlin Cem., Westfield, Tioga Co., PA

Child of Elloyd Foster and Margaret Parsons is:

+ 2156 i. Howard Riley13 Foster.

997. Herbert Lee12 Wheeler (Lewis Uzal11, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jul 1892 in PA, and died in MT. He married (1) Clara Waters. He married (2) Esther Payne. He married (3) Helen Easling. She was born 20 Sep 1906 in prob. MT, and died Mar 1976 in MT.


Notes for Herbert Lee Wheeler:

Helen sent Herbert's body home to be buried beside his first wife. Helen sent Herbert's body home to be buried beside his first wife.


More About Herbert Lee Wheeler:

Burial: Fairview Cem., Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY

Cause of Death: farming accident

Medical Information: he fell from his tractor while plowing the side of a hill; the tractor ran over him

Occupation: 1910, Driver - feed store

Residence: 1910, 217 William St., Elmira, NY


More About Clara Waters:

Burial: Fairview Cem., Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY


More About Helen Easling:

Name 2: Wheeler, Helen

Residence: Bef. Mar 1976, Last residence: Miles City, MT 59301

Social Security Number: 517-30-7665 (MT)

Children of Herbert Wheeler and Clara Waters are:

2157 i. Lee13 Wheeler.

+ 2158 ii. Herbert Lee Wheeler, Jr., born abt. 1919; died 05 Dec 2002 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

Child of Herbert Wheeler and Esther Payne is:

2159 i. Sondra13 Wheeler. She married ______ Kiser.

998. Guy N.12 Wheeler (Lewis Uzal11, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Oct 1896 in PA, and died 1977. He married Elizabeth R. Joralemon 1918 in Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Lewis Joralemon and Ruby ______. She was born 11 Apr 1899 in South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 27 Feb 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Guy N. Wheeler:

Residence 1: 1920, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE

Residence 2: 1930, 314 Luce St., Elmira, NY


More About Elizabeth R. Joralemon:

Name 2: Webster, Elizabeth

Burial: 01 Mar 1977, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Medical Information: died at St. Joseph's Hospital

Residence 1: 1900, South Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1977, Last residence: West Elmira, NY 14905

Social Security Number: 108-03-7885 (NY)

Children of Guy Wheeler and Elizabeth Joralemon are:

2160 i. Delores E.13 Wheeler, born 1920 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE. She married (1) ______ Easton. She married (2) ______ McGraph.


More About ______ Easton:

Residence: Hensen, NY


2161 ii. Dorothy J. Wheeler, born 1922 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married George Page.


More About Dorothy J. Wheeler:

Residence: Hammondsport, NY


2162 iii. Phyllis Wheeler, born abt. 1930 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married ______ Moore.


More About Phyllis Wheeler:

Residence: Horseheads, NY

999. Irma Lois12 Shattuck (Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jan 1896 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Sep 1972 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA. She married (1) Riley Dell Foster 1920, son of Charles Foster and Minerva Wheeler. He was born 05 Aug 1900 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Mar 1925. She married (2) Howard A. Fosmer 1927 in Potter Co., PA, son of Faulkner Fosmer and Emily ______. He was born 19 Mar 1897 in Clara Twp., Potter Co., PA, and died Mar 1972 in Shinglehouse, Potter Co., PA.


More About Howard A. Fosmer:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1972, Last residence: Shinglehouse, PA 16748

Social Security Number: 199-12-1123 (PA)

Children are listed above under Riley Dell Foster (995).

Child of Irma Shattuck and Howard Fosmer is:

2163 i. Theus13 Fosmer, born 1929 in Clara, Potter Co., PA; died in at about 29. He married Mary Ellen Skelly.


More About Theus Fosmer:

Name 2: Fausmer, Theus

Burial: Turner Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: comitted suicide

Residence: 1930, Clara, Potter Co., PA

1000. Doris Enid12 Shattuck (Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 May 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 31 Aug 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Frederick L. Williams 12 Jul 1916 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Olen Williams and Kate Williams. He was born 01 Mar 1897 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aug 1986.


More About Doris Enid Shattuck:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA


More About Frederick L. Williams:

Burial: Aug 1986, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1986, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 180-09-6354 (PA)


Marriage Notes for Doris Shattuck and Frederick Williams:

Frederick I. & Doris E. (Shattuck) Williams and Leon E. & Verna A. (Miller) Morgan were married in a double-ring ceremony. Doris' mother Ulyssa and Verna's mother Jessie were sisters.

Children of Doris Shattuck and Frederick Williams are:

+ 2164 i. Lloyd Allen13 Williams, born 11 Jan 1917; died 12 May 1994.

+ 2165 ii. Fred Thayden Williams, born 14 Nov 1921 in PA; died 20 Dec 1951 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2166 iii. Norman LeRoy Williams, born 11 Jan 1934 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1001. Lloyd Allison12 Shattuck (Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Nov 1898 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 May 1977 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Jennie Marie Tarr 22 Jul 1923, daughter of George Tarr and Emma Ayers. She was born 22 Jul 1907 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jun 1989.


More About Lloyd Allison Shattuck:

Burial: 18 May 1977, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Residence: Bef. May 1977, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 170-16-3758 (PA)


More About Jennie Marie Tarr:

Name 2: Shattuck, Jennie

Burial: Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Social Security Number: 166-20-0145 (PA)

Children of Lloyd Shattuck and Jennie Tarr are:

+ 2167 i. Geraldine Jenny13 Shattuck, born 29 Jul 1924 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died Bef. Mar 2005.

+ 2168 ii. Lloyd Armond Shattuck, born 09 Mar 1926 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 01 Mar 2005 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2169 iii. Genevive Naomi Shattuck, born 19 Feb 1928 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died Bef. Mar 2005. She married (1) Calvin French. She married (2) Robert Webster. She married (3) George Gee. She married (4) Allen Hall.

1002. Otho G.12 Shattuck (Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Feb 1904 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died Dec 1983. He married (1) Ellen Marguerite McKinney, daughter of Leon McKinney and Carrie Hemingway. She was born 15 May 1906 in Ulster Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Bernice L. Willhelm 04 Aug 1923 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Jay Willhelm and Regina Brown. She was born 1905 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (3) Elizabeth ______ abt. 1927.


More About Otho G. Shattuck:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1983, Last residence: Waldo, FL 32694

Social Security Number: 267-01-8020 (FL)

Children of Otho Shattuck and Bernice Willhelm are:

2170 i. ______13 Shattuck, born abt. 1924 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.


More About ______ Shattuck:

Residence: 1980, near Binghamton, NY


2171 ii. ______ Shattuck, born abt. 1927 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.


More About ______ Shattuck:

Residence: 1980, near Binghamton, NY

1003. John Arthur12 Shattuck (Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1906 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Feb 1973 in Shinglehouse, Potter Co., PA. He married Ellen Marguerite McKinney 01 May 1926 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Leon McKinney and Carrie Hemingway. She was born 15 May 1906 in Ulster Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About John Arthur Shattuck:

Name 2: Shattuck, J.

Burial: 16 Mar 1973, Wellsburg Cem., Chemung Co., NY

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 205-07-5961 (PA)

Children of John Shattuck and Ellen McKinney are:

+ 2172 i. Gerald Wayne13 Shattuck, born 17 Feb 1927; died Apr 1986.

+ 2173 ii. Joyce Oleta Shattuck, born 15 Sep 1928 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 28 Sep 1993 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2174 iii. Irma Lois Shattuck, born 20 Oct 1929.

2175 iv. Arthur Eugene Shattuck, born abt. 1931.

1004. May Bell12 Shattuck (Byron Earl11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1901 in Tuscaloosa Co., AL, and died Oct 1976. She married Usura L. Stringfellow. He was born 1893 in AL, and died 07 Apr 1953 in Parsons, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.


More About May Bell Shattuck:

Name 2: Stringfellow, May

Residence: Bef. Oct 1976, Last residence: Montgomery, AL 36106

Social Security Number: 423-60-5022 (AL)

Children of May Shattuck and Usura Stringfellow are:

2176 i. Ruby M.13 Stringfellow, born 1916 in Parsons, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.

2177 ii. Bertis E. Stringfellow, born 1918 in Parsons, AL. She married Noel ______; died 1964 in Oneonta, Blount Co., Al.

2178 iii. Ardis Lodena Stringfellow, born 1928 in Parsons, Tuscaloosa Co., AL.

1011. Paul Allen12 Shattuck (Byron Earl11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jan 1915, and died 23 Dec 1993. He married Mattie Lou Geary. She was born 03 Jul 1915, and died 05 Feb 1998.


More About Paul Allen Shattuck:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1993, Last residence: Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Social Security Number: 421-03-3180 (AL)


More About Mattie Lou Geary:

Name 2: Shattuck, Mattie

Residence: Bef. Feb 1998, Last residence: Tuscaloosa, AL 35404

Social Security Number: 420-54-5619 (AL)

Children of Paul Shattuck and Mattie Geary are:

2179 i. Lonnie13 Shattuck.

2180 ii. Gary Bruce Shattuck.

2181 iii. ______ Shattuck.

2182 iv. ______ Shattuck.

1013. Bernard Chesley12 Shattuck (Byron Earl11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1920 in Brookwood, Tuscaloosa Co., AL, and died 08 May 1954 in Jefferson Co., AL. He married Wanda Mavis Perkins 15 Jun 1944 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL, daughter of Lewis Perkins and Martha Ballard. She was born 12 Jan 1926 in Littleton, Jefferson Co., AL.


More About Bernard Chesley Shattuck:

Burial: 11 May 1954, Davis Creek Church Cem., Brookwood, AL

Cause of Death: diabetes


More About Wanda Mavis Perkins:

Occupation: Bet. 1954 - 1984, Postmaster - Brookwood, AL

Children of Bernard Shattuck and Wanda Perkins are:

+ 2183 i. Forrest Bernard13 Shattuck, born 15 Jun 1947 in Bessemer, Jefferson Co., AL.

+ 2184 ii. Stephen Perkins Shattuck, born abt. 1949 in Bessemer, Jefferson Co., AL.

1015. Nellie Julia12 Shattuck (Arthur Victor11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Mar 1904 in New Brighton, Beaver Co., PA. She married (1) Walter Charles Shaffer 19 Dec 1923 in Wellsburg, Brooke Co., WV, son of John Shaeffer and Emma ______. He was born 05 Jun 1892, and died Jun 1966. She married (2) Terry Yates Brown 15 Jul 1955 in Wellsburg, Brooke Co., WV.


More About Walter Charles Shaffer:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1966, Last residence: Endicott, NY 13760

Social Security Number: 193-03-3214 (PA)

Children of Nellie Shattuck and Walter Shaffer are:

2185 i. Betty Grace13 Shaffer, born 02 Jan 1925 in Ambridge, Beaver Co., PA. She married (1) Kenneth Jay Darrow 04 Jul 1947; born 28 Sep 1924 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY; died 06 Jun 1996 in Owego, Tioga Co., NY. She married (2) Roy Mosteller 29 Mar 1954; born 27 Jun 1912; died 16 Nov 1993.


More About Kenneth Jay Darrow:

Social Security Number: 063-18-3727 (NY)


More About Roy Mosteller:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1993, Last residence: Berwick, PA 18603

Social Security Number: 162-05-6046 (PA)


+ 2186 ii. David Victor Shaffer, born 28 Feb 1943 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY; died 27 Sep 1979 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA.

1016. Arthur Victor12 Shattuck, Jr. (Arthur Victor11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Oct 1909 in New Brighton, Beaver Co., PA, and died 28 Sep 1989 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Marjorie Decker Jan 1939. He married (2) Dorothy Louise Getter 08 Apr 1945. She was born 22 Apr 1916.


Notes for Arthur Victor Shattuck, Jr.:

According to the Bradford County, PA veteran's records, Arthur served in the U.S. Coast Guard during World War II. He achieved the rank of Motor Machinist Mate First Class and was assigned to the ECAS Yard, Kimball.


More About Arthur Victor Shattuck, Jr.:

Burial: 01 Oct 1989, Gillett Cem., Bradford Co., PA (Lower section)

Military service: abt. 1943, U.S. Coast Guard - WW II

Social Security Number: 225-10-5893 (VA)

Child of Arthur Shattuck and Marjorie Decker is:

2187 i. Gordon13 Shattuck, born 08 Mar 1942; died 1963.

Child of Arthur Shattuck and Dorothy Getter is:

2188 i. Robert Arthur13 Shattuck, born 02 Apr 1948 in OH.

1024. Victor Roy12 Tinkham (Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1906 in Upper Providence, Delaware Co., PA, and died 25 Apr 1995 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Cecile ______ abt. 1922. He married (2) Madeline Lee Manderville 06 Jun 1927 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Charles Mandeville and Clara ______. She was born 24 Jan 1912 in Philadelphia, PA, and died 02 Jan 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (3) Mildred Hotchkiss 26 Dec 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (4) Mildred Lent Aft. 1975, daughter of Orson Lent and Addie Watkins. She was born 27 Sep 1903 in Cameron Mills, NY, and died 28 Mar 1997 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Victor Roy Tinkham:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Apr 1995 ed.:

TINKHAM, Victor Roy, age 88 of 308 Cottage Place, Elmira, NY. Born July 19, 1906 in Philadelphia, PA to Alvah and May (Shattuck) Tinkham. Passed away Tuesday, April 25, 1995 at the Elcor Health Services. He was predeceased by his wife, Mildred (Hotchkiss) Tinkham in 1985. He is survived by his loving wife, Mildred (Niles) Tinkham; son Charles A. Tinkham of Dearborn, MI; daughter and son-in-law Clara M. and Edward Barsavage of Elmira; sisters, Esther Weil of Freedom, PA, Winifred Starr of Baden, PA; grandchildren, Charles and Michael Barsavage of Elmira, Esther Bresett also of Elmira, Patricia Pearson of Warren, MI; 7 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchildren; along with several nieces and nephews. Victor was a former member of the Fassett Baptist Church, presently attending Elmira Christian Center; retired from Trayer Products, Inc.; former assistant Deputy Sheriff of Ridgbury Township; dispatcher for the Sayre/Athens/Canton, PA police departments, and enjoyed making tools as well as working with them. Family and friends are invited to call at the Barrett Funeral Home, Saturday, April 29, from 1 to 2 p.m. Funeral services will be held there at the conclusion of calling hours (2 p.m.); the Rev. Donald Rockwell will officiate. Interment Wellsboro Cemetery, Wellsboro, PA at the convenience of the family.


More About Victor Roy Tinkham:

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Apr 1995, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1930, Bookkeeper - railroad

Residence 1: Oct 1967, Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1995, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 183-12-6113 (PA)


Notes for Madeline Lee Manderville:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 4 Jan 1965 ed.:

Madeline Lenox, of 219 Franklin St., Saturday Jan 2, 1965. Body at McCarty Funeral Home. Calling hours Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. and Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.. Funeral there Tuesday at 8:15 am and 9 in St. Peter & Paul's Church. St. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Survived by husband Ivan T. Lenox, daughters Mrs. Edward Barsavage, Mrs. William E. Jones of Elmira, Mrs. James C. Becker of Wellsburg; son Charles Pinkham of Warren, Michigan; ten grandchildren. (The 5 Jan obituary listed as pallbearers: James Becker, Allen Lenox, Peter Cushany, Andrew Vargeson, George Campbell and William Jones. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Madeline Lee Manderville:

Burial: 05 Jan 1965, St. Peter & Paul's Cem., Elmira, NY


Notes for Mildred Lent:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Mar 1997 ed.:

TINKHAM, Mildred L. (Niles), age 93 of 308 Cottage Place, Elmira, NY entered into rest Friday, March 28, 1997 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA. Born in Cameron Mills, NY, September 27, 1903, she was the daughter of Orson and Addie Watkins Lent. She was a member of the former Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, of Osceola, PA. She married Orie Niles, September 27, 1921; they operated a dairy farm at RD #2 Woodhull, NY until 1944. Mr. Niles preceded her in death in 1975. She later married Victor Tinkham who died previously. She was employed at Remington Rand Co. in Elmira from 1944 until her retirement in 1968. Mildred is survived by one step-son, Charles Tinkham of Dearborn, MI; one step-daughter, Clara Barsavage of Savona, NY; four step grandchildren; a sister-in-law, Martha Kells of Elkland, PA; special friends, Alixe and Raymond Andrews of Pine City, NY, and several cousins. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery, Osceola, PA.


More About Mildred Lent:

Burial: Apr 1997, Fairview Cem., Osceola, Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Mar 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: 1930, Troupsburg, Steuben Co., NY

Children of Victor Tinkham and Madeline Manderville are:

+ 2189 i. Clara May13 Tinkham, born 17 May 1929 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2190 ii. Charles Alvah Tinkham, born 24 Feb 1931 in Conway, Beaver Co., PA.

1025. Margaret Mabel12 Tinkham (Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 May 1909, and died Feb 1972. She married Lee Roy Bevard.


More About Margaret Mabel Tinkham:

Name 2: Bevard, Margaret

Residence 1: Oct 1967, Freedom, Beaver Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1972, Last residence: Freedom, PA 15042

Social Security Number: 192-40-4642 (PA)

Children of Margaret Tinkham and Lee Bevard are:

+ 2191 i. Robert Lee13 Bevard, born 08 May 1927 in West Brownsville, Washington Co., PA.

+ 2192 ii. Patricia Jean Bevard, born 12 Mar 1931 in West Brownsville, Washington Co., PA.

+ 2193 iii. Margaret Ellen Bevard, born 17 Oct 1937 in Conway, Beaver Co., PA.

1027. Lillian Esther12 Tinkham (Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1913 in Freedom, Beaver Co., PA. She married (1) Arthur Eugene Cress 10 Aug 1931, son of Daniel Cress and Mary Bradel. He was born 1912 in Economy Boro, Beaver Co., PA. She married (2) Clair Richard Weil 07 Jan 1938 in Zelienople, Beaver Co., PA, son of Jacob Weil and Elizabeth Seyboth. He was born 26 Mar 1914 in Economy Boro, Beaver Co., PA, and died 06 Jun 1977 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.


More About Lillian Esther Tinkham:

Residence 1: 1930, Conway, Beaver Co., PA

Residence 2: Oct 1967, Freedom, Beaver Co., PA


More About Clair Richard Weil:

Burial: 09 Jun 1977, Sylvania Hills, Alleghany Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1977, Last residence: Freedom, PA 15042

Social Security Number: 193-03-4280 (PA)

Children of Lillian Tinkham and Arthur Cress are:

+ 2194 i. Phyllis Ann13 Cress, born 09 Jul 1933.

+ 2195 ii. Richard Arthur Cress, born 04 Apr 1936.

Children of Lillian Tinkham and Clair Weil are:

+ 2196 i. Ruth Eleanor13 Weil, born 11 Nov 1942 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA; died 22 May 1978 in Ambridge, Beaver Co., PA.

+ 2197 ii. Katherine Weil, born 02 Nov 1946 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

1028. Winifred Fannie12 Tinkham (Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Chester Starr 23 May 1936. He was born 03 Sep 1913, and died Aug 1981.


More About Winifred Fannie Tinkham:

Residence 1: 1930, Conway, Beaver Co., PA

Residence 2: Oct 1967, Economy, Beaver Co., PA


More About Chester Starr:

Residence: Bef. Aug 1981, Last residence: Aliquippa, PA 15001

Social Security Number: 168-10-5822 (PA)

Children of Winifred Tinkham and Chester Starr are:

+ 2198 i. Judith May13 Starr, born 18 Jul 1941 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

+ 2199 ii. Lynette Etta Starr, born 09 Nov 1947 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

+ 2200 iii. Lynda Lou Starr, born 09 Nov 1947 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

1032. John William12 Jackson (Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Feb 1887 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died Bef. 1946. He married (1) Sylvia A. ______ abt. 1910. She was born 1896 in PA. He married (2) Edith Brown Aft. 1920.


More About John William Jackson:

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Hannah St., Endicott, Broome Co., NY

Children of John Jackson and Sylvia ______ are:

2201 i. ______13 Jackson, born abt. 1912.

2202 ii. Elwin G. Jackson, born Feb 1915 in PA.

1033. Myrtle Grace12 Jackson (Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1890 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 1958. She married (1) William Warner King abt. 1906, son of Septer King and Alice Brenchley. He was born 04 Apr 1882, and died 26 Jan 1916. She married (2) Charles Peck abt. 1922.

Children of Myrtle Jackson and William King are:

2203 i. Florence Pearle13 King, born 16 Nov 1908; died 08 Nov 1998 in Howell, Livingston Co., MI. She married ______ Morter.


More About Florence Pearle King:

Social Security Number: 113-24-7275 (NY)


2204 ii. Herbert LeRoy King, born abt. 1910.


More About Herbert LeRoy King:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


+ 2205 iii. Grace Martha King, born 08 Aug 1910 in Levanna, NY; died 24 Dec 2002 in Yukon, Canadian Co., OK.

2206 iv. John W. King, born 1913.

2207 v. Bessie M. King, born 04 Sep 1916; died Aug 1986 in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., PA. She married ______ Lord.


More About Bessie M. King:

Social Security Number: 094-14-9391 (NY)

Children of Myrtle Jackson and Charles Peck are:

2208 i. Martin13 Peck, born abt. 1925; died Bef. Dec 2002.

2209 ii. Robert Peck, born abt. 1927; died Bef. Dec 2002. He married Hazel ______.


1034. Amy Pearl12 Jackson (Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jan 1892 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She married Raymond Denton.

Child of Amy Jackson and Raymond Denton is:

+ 2210 i. Blanche13 Denton.

1036. Lois Belva12 Jackson (Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jun 1899 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aug 1971 in Broome Co., NY. She married ______ Grier abt. 1914. He was born abt. 1895 in PA.


More About Lois Belva Jackson:

Name 2: Grier, Lois

Residence 1: 1930, 624 Maple St., W. Endicott, Union Twp., Broome Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Aug 1971, Last residence: Endicott, NY 13760

Social Security Number: 089-18-2640 (NY)

Children of Lois Jackson and ______ Grier are:

2211 i. Belva M.13 Grier, born 1916 in PA.


More About Belva M. Grier:

Medical Information: twin to stillborn infant


2212 ii. Infant Grier, born 1916 in PA; died in stillborn twin.

2213 iii. Doris N. Grier, born 1919 in PA.

2214 iv. Beatrice I. Grier, born 1919 in PA.


More About Beatrice I. Grier:

Cause of Death: stillborn

Medical Information: twin to Doris N.


2215 v. L. Margaret Grier, born 1924 in NY.

2216 vi. Norma J. Grier, born Jan 1926 in NY.


1037. Cecil Rhodes12 Jackson (Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1902 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died Jan 1976. He married Genevieve Lillian Bradley 1920. She was born 19 Sep 1902, and died 23 Apr 2000 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.


More About Cecil Rhodes Jackson:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1976, Last residence: Newark Valley, NY 13811

Social Security Number: 077-05-5730 (NY)


Notes for Genevieve Lillian Bradley:

Binghamton, NY - PRESS-SUN BULLETIN, 25 Apr 2000 ed.:

JACKSON, Genevieve (Bradley), 97, of Miller Road, Newark Valley for 70 years, passed away Sunday evening, April 23, 2000 at the James G. Johnston Nursing Home, Johnson City. She was predeceased by her husband, Cecil R. Jackson in 1976. They were married for 56 years. She is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, Alice and Dana Post, Newark Valley, Lillian Ostrander, of Owego and Carol and Leonard Shellhammer, of Owego; three sons and daughters-in-law, James and Barbara Jackson, of Vestal, Russell and Joyce Jackson, Whitney Point, C. Roger and Janette Jackson, of Manassas, VA; nineteen grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; eight great-great-grandchildren; also several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 PM from the Coleman & Daniels Funeral Home Inc., 300 E. Main St., Endicott. The Rev. Frederick Bunts will officiate. Burial will be in Maine Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Wednesday from 1 PM until service time at 2 p.m.


More About Genevieve Lillian Bradley:

Name 2: Jackson, Genevieve

Burial: 26 Apr 2000, Maine Cem., Maine, Broome Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 25 Apr 2000, PRESS-SUN BULLETIN - Binghamton, NY

Residence: Bef. Apr 2000, Last residence: Newark Valley, NY 13811

Social Security Number: 056-52-5843 (NY)

Children of Cecil Jackson and Genevieve Bradley are:

2217 i. James Lewis13 Jackson. He married Barbara ______.

2218 ii. Alice Jackson. She married Dana Post.

2219 iii. Lillian Jackson. She married ______ Ostrander.

2220 iv. Russell Jackson. He married Joyce ______.

2221 v. C. Roger Jackson. He married Janette ______.

2222 vi. Carol Jackson. She married Leonard Shellhammer.

1038. Mary Beatrice12 Jackson (Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1905 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She married John I. Somerville 1925. He was born 11 Dec 1901 in PA, and died Aug 1985 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Mary Beatrice Jackson:

Name 2: Somerville, M. Beatrice

Residence: 1930, 626 Maple St., W. Endicott, Union Twp., Broome Co., NY


More About John I. Somerville:

Residence 1: 1930, 626 Maple St., W. Endicott, Union Twp., Broome Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Aug 1985, Last residence: Morris, PA

Social Security Number: 166-14-5290 (PA)

Child of Mary Jackson and John Somerville is:

2223 i. Gwendolyn I.13 Somerville, born Dec 1926 in PA.

1040. Monna Larue12 Salisbury (William Harland11, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Sep 1896 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 18 May 1943 in Beverly Farms, Florence, MA. She married Hamilton Warren Sherlock, Jr. 24 May 1918 in Akron, Summit Co., OH, son of Hamilton Sherlock and Annie Gotwols. He was born 11 Sep 1891 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, and died 26 Dec 1953 in East Haven, New Haven Co., CT.


More About Monna Larue Salisbury:

Burial: Florence, MA


More About Hamilton Warren Sherlock, Jr.:

Burial: Jan 1954, East Haven, New Haven Co., CT

Cause of Death: cancer

Children of Monna Salisbury and Hamilton Sherlock are:

+ 2224 i. Marcia LaRue13 Sherlock, born 03 Apr 1923 in Akron, Summit Co., OH.

+ 2225 ii. Paula Janice Sherlock, born 07 Jan 1927 in Akron, Summit Co., OH; died 10 Sep 1977 in Hampton, York Co., VA.

1041. Victor Leon12 Stone (Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1894 in Genessee, Potter Co., PA, and died 15 May 1973 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.


More About Victor Leon Stone:

Burial: 18 May 1973, Rochester, Monroe Co., NY

Residence 1: 1900, Genessee, Potter Co., PA

Residence 2: May 1973, Last residence: Rochester, NY 14623

Social Security Number: 132-22-4446 (NY)

Child of Victor Leon Stone is:

2226 i. Herbert13 Stone.


1042. Alice C.12 Stone (Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1896 in Genessee, Potter Co., PA, and died Jun 1976 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married James Harold Loomis 1925 in Bradford Co., PA. He was born 1895, and died 1937.


More About Alice C. Stone:

Name 2: Loomis, Alice

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1900, Genessee, Potter Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Jun 1976, Last residence: Corning, NY 14830

Social Security Number: 114-28-9936 (NY)


More About James Harold Loomis:

Burial: 1937, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Children of Alice Stone and James Loomis are:

+ 2227 i. Doris Evelyn13 Loomis, born 19 Aug 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2228 ii. Eleanor Ann Loomis, born 21 Jan 1928 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2229 iii. Norma Loomis, born abt. 1931 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

1043. Deforrest A.12 Stone (Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Feb 1899 in Genessee, Potter Co., PA, and died 07 Feb 1967. He married Bertha Achenbach. She was born 23 Dec 1898 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA, and died 01 May 1965 in MD.


More About Deforrest A. Stone:

Burial: 10 Feb 1967, MD


More About Bertha Achenbach:

Name 2: Stone, Bertha

Social Security Number: 220-34-4390 (MD)

Children of Deforrest Stone and Bertha Achenbach are:

2230 i. Glenn13 Stone. He married Leona ______.

+ 2231 ii. Loren Franklin Stone, born 15 Jul 1933 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD.

1046. Lawrence Carroll12 Stone (Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Aug 1906 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA, and died Sep 1966 in Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY. He married Corneal Wood.


More About Lawrence Carroll Stone:

Cause of Death: cancer

Medical Information: died at Wellsville Hospital

Residence: Bef. Sep 1966, Last residence: Wellsville, NY 14895

Social Security Number: 214-20-9221 (MD)

Talents: 1930, Musical saw

Child of Lawrence Stone and Corneal Wood is:

+ 2232 i. Carol Lee13 Stone.

1048. David Jasper12 Stone (Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1912 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Nov 1999 in Stoneham, Middlesex Co., MA. He married Marjorie Edna Abbott 19 May 1935 in Melrose, Middlesex Co., MA. She was born 03 Jan 1912 in Orwell, Addison Co., VT.


More About David Jasper Stone:

Residence 1: Bet. Jul 1981 - Nov 1999, Stoneham, Middlesex Co., MA

Residence 2: Bef. Nov 1999, Last residence: Stoneham, MA 02180

Social Security Number: 010-28-0620 (MA)

Children of David Stone and Marjorie Abbott are:

+ 2233 i. David Abbott13 Stone, born 15 Oct 1936.

+ 2234 ii. Kathleen Evelyn Stone, born 29 Sep 1939.

2235 iii. Susan Louise Stone, born 09 Sep 1946.

1049. Loren LeRoy12 Stone, Jr. (Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Mar 1915 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Jul 1981 in Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA. He married Martha Freeman 25 Dec 1935.


Notes for Loren LeRoy Stone, Jr.:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 20 Jul 1981 ed.:

Loren Leroy Stone, 66, of Roaring Branch RD 1, died July 17, 1981, at his home after a lengthy illness. Born in Fox Twp., Sullivan County, on March 2, 1915, he was a son of Loren and Evalyn Salisbury Stone. He had been an automobile mechanic in Canton until his retirement. Mr. Stone was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church at Salem, WV. He and his wife, the former Martha Freeman, observed their 45th wedding anniversary last Dec. 25. Surviving besides his wife, are two sons, Roy, of Silver Spring, MD, and Paul, of Fort Lewis, WA; two daughters, Mrs. Richard Batchelder, of Westerly, RI, and Mrs. Floyd Averly, of Canton RD 1; a brother, David J., of Stoneham, MA; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral services were held July 19 at Canton. Burial was in the Newellton Cemetery, Tioga Co.


More About Loren LeRoy Stone, Jr.:

Burial: 20 Jul 1981, Newellton Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 1981, Last residence: Roaring Branch, PA 17765

Social Security Number: 205-07-5960 (PA)

Children of Loren Stone and Martha Freeman are:

+ 2236 i. Shirley Ellen13 Stone, born 21 Feb 1937 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI.

+ 2237 ii. Virginia Louise Stone, born 10 Oct 1938.

2238 iii. Roy Albert Stone, born 28 May 1945. He married Janet Gerlach.

+ 2239 iv. Paul Harold Stone, born 08 Apr 1949.

1050. John Austin12 Salisbury (John Taylor11, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Sep 1904 in New Brighton, Beaver Co., PA. He married Lila Marie Friar 02 Jun 1926 in Boise, Ada Co., ID.


More About John Austin Salisbury:

Military service: abt. 1942, U.S. Navy

Child of John Salisbury and Lila Friar is:

2240 i. William Harold13 Salisbury, born 15 Nov 1935 in Boise, Ada Co., ID; Adopted child.

1053. Hazel Adele12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Apr 1897 in MI, and died 1963 in prob. Allegany Co., PA. She married Nolla M. Stone, son of Lewis Stone and Mary ______. He was born Sep 1893 in NY.


More About Hazel Adele Dryer:

Residence: 1930, Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY


More About Nolla M. Stone:

Occupation: 1930, Carpenter - oil refinery

Residence 1: 1900, Genessee, Potter Co., PA

Residence 2: 1920, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: 1930, Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY

Children of Hazel Dryer and Nolla Stone are:

2241 i. Iona Vicilla13 Stone, born 1915 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Iona Vicilla Stone:

Residence: 1930, Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY


2242 ii. Archie L. Stone, born 16 Sep 1917 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 27 Oct 1994 in Port Charlotte, Charlotte Co., FL.


More About Archie L. Stone:

Residence: 1930, Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY

Social Security Number: 194-03-2172 (PA)


2243 iii. Paul Stone, born abt. 1923 in Gennesee Twp., Potter Co., PA.


More About Paul Stone:

Residence: 1930, Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY


2244 iv. Lewis Stone, born abt. 1930 in Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY.

2245 v. Carl Stone, born abt. 1932 in Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY.

2246 vi. Jane Stone, born abt. 1935 in Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY.

1054. Mabel Agnes12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 May 1900 in Akron, Summit Co., OH, and died Dec 1983 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Ernest Jacob Strauss, son of Ernst Strauss and Emelia ______. He was born 21 Jan 1884 in Frankfort, Germany, and died in PA. She married (2) Lawrence Zimmerman.


More About Mabel Agnes Dryer:

Name 2: Zimmerman, Mabel

Burial: Dec 1983, Blossburg Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1983, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 196-40-6874 (PA)


More About Ernest Jacob Strauss:

Residence: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Mabel Dryer and Ernest Strauss is:

+ 2247 i. Judith Emily13 Strauss, born 08 Sep 1925 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Mabel Dryer and Lawrence Zimmerman is:

+ 2248 i. Wilda Ruth13 Zimmerman, born 13 Feb 1933 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1055. Howard Henry12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1902 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 06 Feb 2000 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. He married Gladys Eckeroth 12 Nov 1930 in Hampstead, Long Island, NY, daughter of ______ Eckeroth and Alice Smith. She was born 30 Sep 1913 in Bronx, NY, and died 02 Apr 1996 in Xenia, Greene Co., OH.


Notes for Howard Henry Dryer:

When I contacted Howard by telephone in Nov 1988 at his home in Louisville, KY, he was very helpful and contributed a great deal on the Dryer family. He retired from the Air Force in 1953 at the rank of Captain and had participated in "the Christmas charge in the woods." He was an aerial photographer and a technical inspector in Patton's Army and had received the various medals and ribbons associated with his foreign duty. When asked about Gladys' parents, he stated her father was from Sweden and had deserted the family. Her mother remarried to an Argentinean named King, but that was all Howard knew. He stated that Gladys' last name had been misspelled on some documents, but didn't disclose anything further. In regards to his daughters he said that Leona worked at the Carton Company of Kentucky which began operations in Dayton, OH, but later moved to Louisville, she moving there to continue her work. He said that Francis and Daniel had divorced and gave me their son's telephone number for me to contact him. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Howard Henry Dryer:

Occupation: 1920, Woodsman

Residence: 1920, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 273-34-9083 (OH)


More About Gladys Eckeroth:

Name 2: Dryer, Gladys

Cremation: Aft. 02 Apr 1996, Burial unknown

Residence: Bef. Apr 1996, Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Social Security Number: 160-22-0466 (PA)

Children of Howard Dryer and Gladys Eckeroth are:

+ 2249 i. Francis Ellen13 Dryer, born 08 Oct 1931 in Colon, Panama.

2250 ii. Leona Joyce Dryer, born 23 Nov 1932.

1056. Edward Harold12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Sep 1904 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 29 May 1973 in Stanislaus Co., CA. He married (1) Winifred ______ abt. 1923. She was born abt. 1905. He married (2) Marian Elizabeth Kehrer abt. 1949, daughter of Harry Kehrer and Caroline Ertel. She was born 15 Aug 1906 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died Sep 1988.


More About Edward Harold Dryer:

Residence 1: abt. 1969, OR

Residence 2: May 1973, Last residence: Tempe, AZ 85282

Social Security Number: 071-09-2976 (NY)


More About Marian Elizabeth Kehrer:

Name 2: Dryer, Marian

Residence: Bef. Sep 1988, Last residence: Portland, OR 97266

Social Security Number: 527-44-7752 (AZ)

Children of Edward Dryer and Winifred ______ are:

+ 2251 i. Edward Harold13 Dryer, Jr., born abt. 1925.

2252 ii. Virginia Dryer, born abt. 1927.

2253 iii. Jean Dryer, born abt. 1928.

2254 iv. Louise Dryer, born abt. 1930.

2255 v. Betty Dryer, born abt. 1933.

Child of Edward Dryer and Marian Kehrer is:

+ 2256 i. Mary Jane13 Dryer, born 1951.

1057. Loren Dwight12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1907 in Granville, Hampshire Co., MA, and died 17 Jan 1994 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR. He married Mabel Irene Kehrer abt. 1931 in NY, daughter of Harry Kehrer and Caroline Ertel. She was born 15 Aug 1908 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 23 Sep 1996 in Clackamas Co., OR.


More About Loren Dwight Dryer:

Residence: Jan 1994, Last residence: Portland, OR 97266

Social Security Number: 014-30-0905 (MA)


More About Mabel Irene Kehrer:

Name 2: Dryer, Mabel

Residence: Bef. Sep 1996, Last residence: Portland, OR 97266

Social Security Number: 012-30-4354 (MA)

Child of Loren Dryer and Mabel Kehrer is:

+ 2257 i. Glen Kehrer13 Dryer, born 30 Oct 1934 in NY; died 30 May 1998 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR.

1058. Lloyd Albert12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1909 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Aug 1987 in Vista, San Diego Co., CA. He married Elsie Margaret MacDougall 13 Jul 1962 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA, daughter of Colin MacDougall and Edith Sanders. She was born 18 Nov 1925 in Medford, Middlesex Co., MA.


More About Lloyd Albert Dryer:

Burial: 31 Aug 1987, Fallbrook Cem., San Diego Co., CA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1987, Last residence: Vista, CA 92083

Social Security Number: 561-03-7695 (CA)


More About Elsie Margaret MacDougall:

Residence: May 1989, Vista, San Diego Co., CA

Children of Lloyd Dryer and Elsie MacDougall are:

2258 i. Charles Scott13 Dryer, born 01 May 1963 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA. He married Lisa Ann Courduff 12 Aug 1989.

2259 ii. Judith Marie Dryer, born 09 Aug 1964 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA. She married ______ Hopkins.


More About Judith Marie Dryer:

Degree: May 1989, Medical Assistant

Education: May 1989, Palomar College, San Marcos, CA

1059. Raymond Wilder12 Dryer (Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Aug 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Mar 1982 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. He married Alice Jennie Townsend 01 May 1936 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY, daughter of Alfred Townsend and Luella Pease. She was born 20 Apr 1916 in Romulus, Seneca Co., NY, and died 01 Sep 1979 in Endwell, Broome Co., NY.


Notes for Raymond Wilder Dryer:

Howard gave me Raymond's birth and death dates, but was uncertain as to where he was buried or his wife's name. - note of R. J. Porter


More About Raymond Wilder Dryer:

Burial: 06 Mar 1982, Maine Cem., Broome Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Mar 1982, Last residence: Maine, NY 13802

Social Security Number: 077-05-0055 (NY)


More About Alice Jennie Townsend:

Name 2: Dryer, Alice

Burial: 03 Sep 1979, Maine Cem., Broome Co., NY

Residence: Aug 1979, Last residence: Maine, NY 13802

Social Security Number: 061-30-3631 (NY)

Children of Raymond Dryer and Alice Townsend are:

+ 2260 i. James Wilder13 Dryer, born 26 Feb 1937.

+ 2261 ii. Robert Raymond Dryer, born 1939.

+ 2262 iii. Richard Melvin Dryer, born 1942.

+ 2263 iv. Rodney Keith Dryer, born 1944.

1065. Lee Albert12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jan 1899 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Sep 1979. He married Alice Hill.


More About Lee Albert Shadduck:

Residence: Bef. Sep 1979, Last residence: Newport News, VA 23602

Social Security Number: 072-03-6361 (NY)

Child of Lee Shadduck and Alice Hill is:

2264 i. Patricia13 Shadduck, born in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. She married ______ Sisco.

1066. Irene Zoe12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1903 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Feb 1997 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married (1) Theodore Palmer 22 Mar 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Joseph Palmer and Catherine Victori. He was born 1893 in Scranton, Lackawanna Co., PA. She married (2) Bennett Alfonzo Tyson 18 Apr 1924 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, son of Frank Tyson and Mary Radford. He was born 12 Jan 1905 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA, and died 28 Jun 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Irene Zoe Shadduck:

After a lengthy telephone conversation with Marcia Tyson, I visited her grandmother at her home in Waverly, NY during the Labor Day holiday week on 1988. Irene was very congenial and hospitable, her memory quick and her information accurate. She was living with her daughter and son-in-law after signing her home over to them. She exhibited her talents of quilting and crocheting several pillows, afghans and quilts, some of which I chose to photograph. - note of R. J. Porter


More About Irene Zoe Shadduck:

Name 2: Tyson, Irene

Occupation: 1921, Laundry worker

Residence: Bet. 1980 - 1997, Last residence: Waverly, NY 14892

Social Security Number: 123-18-6141 (NY)


More About Theodore Palmer:

Occupation: Railroad switchman


More About Bennett Alfonzo Tyson:

Burial: 01 Jul 1986, Riverside Cem., Lowman, Chemung Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Jun 1986, Last residence: Waverly, NY 14892

Social Security Number: 715-16-1964 (RB)

Child of Irene Shadduck and Theodore Palmer is:

+ 2265 i. Eugene Theodore13 Palmer, born 03 Sep 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Irene Shadduck and Bennett Tyson are:

+ 2266 i. Bennett Alfonzo13 Tyson, Jr., born 03 Aug 1924 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2267 ii. Loretta May Tyson, born 28 May 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1067. Glenn Harley12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Aug 1905 in Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Jan 1990 in Steuben Co., NY. He married (1) Clara Marie Knowles, daughter of Henry Knowles and Sophie Wisniski. He married (2) Eleanor Faye Mowrey abt. 1942 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE, daughter of James Mowrey.


Notes for Glenn Harley Shadduck:

During a lengthy telephone conversation with Glenn on 21 Jul 1988 at his home in Campbell, NY, I learned a great deal of information on his family. He stated he had worked for the New York Central Railroad for about 9 years, although he didn't say in what capacity. At one time he had owned a tavern, but didn't say when or why he dissolved the business. He then began working for the Corning Glass Works and was receiving a pension for his service. He informed me Jennie Shadduck Brennan was now living at the Burlington Nursing Home due to her poor health and inability to care for herself, that Lionel Shadduck was currently responsible for the annual Shadduck reunion in Shunk, and that Eleanor was living in Corning and didn't have any children by her second husband, Clifford Horton. While talking about the Porters of Shunk, he informed me that his parents and siblings had lived in the old Porter house in Shunk. The old Porter house was the home of Joseph D. Porter, formerly built by Joseph's father, William A. Porter. After the Shadduck's moved out, Fred A. Rumsey purchased the home. Fred named the home the "Rumsey Lodge", for it was used mostly during hunting season and summer vacation getaways. He willed the home to his son Emery. When I asked Glenn if he knew anything about the murder of Jennie Belle Porter, wife of John L. Porter, he stated that the murderer, Ernest Hipple, had been sent to the Bellefonte, PA prison for execution. He had personally known Ernest's sister, Francis, who had lived in Williamsport, PA. -- note of R. J. Porter.


More About Glenn Harley Shadduck:

Occupation 1: NY Central Railroad

Occupation 2: Corning Glass Works

Occupation 3: Tavern owner

Social Security Number: 173-09-3789 (PA)

Children of Glenn Shadduck and Eleanor Mowrey are:

+ 2268 i. Daryle Lee13 Shadduck, born 18 Aug 1943.

+ 2269 ii. Pamela Ann Shadduck, born 01 Jun 1949.

1068. Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jul 1907 in Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 Aug 1992 in Shippenville, Clarion Co., PA. She married (1) Reed LeRoy Fenner 01 Aug 1923 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, son of DeLanson Fenner and Abiaha Johnson. He was born 14 Nov 1899 in Asylum Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died Mar 1981. She married (2) George Fenton Wetmore abt. 1937. He was born 12 Aug 1901, and died 19 Mar 1989 in KY.


Notes for Emma Marjorie Shadduck:

The information pertaining to Emma's children and grandchildren was obtained from Emma Abiaha during a telephone conversation in Jul 1988. She could not remember all of Barney and Frank's wives names, but did say that Leonard was married at one time but had no children. - note of R. J. Porter


More About Emma Marjorie Shadduck:

Social Security Number: 190-20-6528 (PA)


More About Reed LeRoy Fenner:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1981, Last residence: Oxford, NY 13830

Social Security Number: 206-10-7381 (PA)


More About George Fenton Wetmore:

Social Security Number: 404-10-0565 (KY)

Children of Emma Shadduck and Reed Fenner are:

2270 i. Leonard LeRoy13 Fenner, born 20 Aug 1924 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2271 ii. Harold Reed Fenner, born 25 Jan 1927 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2272 iii. Rita LaNora Fenner, born 23 Feb 1929 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 2273 iv. Emma Abiaha Fenner, born 29 Aug 1931 in Barton, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 2274 v. Irvin Orlando Fenner, born 04 May 1933 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Emma Shadduck and George Wetmore are:

+ 2275 i. George Edward13 Wetmore, born 31 Jan 1939 in Corry, Erie Co., PA.

+ 2276 ii. Frank Joseph Wetmore, born 12 Jul 1945 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

1069. Leila Winifred12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1909 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Lloyd Freeman. She married (2) Nelson Brown. He was born abt. 1905 in PA.

Children of Leila Shadduck and Lloyd Freeman are:

2277 i. Liston13 Freeman.

2278 ii. Liza Freeman.

1070. Florence Elizabeth12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Feb 1910 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 05 Mar 1990 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Carl Campbell abt. 1928. He was born 1910, and died in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Florence Elizabeth Shadduck:

Name 2: Campbell, Florence

Residence: Bef. Mar 1990, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 160-16-4295 (PA)

Children of Florence Shadduck and Carl Campbell are:

2279 i. Carl13 Campbell, Jr., born abt. 1930.

2280 ii. Sharon Campbell, born abt. 1933.

1071. Julia Ann12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1919 in Murraytown, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Dec 2003 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) Kenneth James Wilson 1949 in Elkland, Tioga Co., PA. He was born 23 Jan 1915, and died Nov 1969 in Elkland, Tioga Co., PA. She married (2) Joseph Halderman 1969 in Elkland, Tioga Co., PA. He was born 27 May 1922, and died 26 Sep 1995 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


Notes for Julia Ann Shadduck:

Corning, NY - THE LEADER, 27 Dec 2003 ed.:

HALDERMAN, Julia Ann Shadduck Wilson, age 83, of Bissell Ave., Corning passed away Thursday, December 25, 2003 at home. Julia was born January 1, 1920 in Murraytown, PA the daughter of Harry and Anna M. Kobbe Shadduck. She married Kenneth Wilson in Elkland, PA in 1949; he predeceased her in 1969. She later married Joseph Halderman in Elkland, PA in 1969; he predeceased her in 1995. Julia was a member of Christ Episcopal Church. Before coming to Corning, she worked at the Burlington Silk Mill in Towanda, PA. She began working for Corning Inc. in 1941 and had accumulated 62 years of active and inactive service. Julia was a Past President of the John P. Eaton #746 American Legion Auxiliary. She was a Past President of the State of NY La Societe de Femmes, and also a Past Senior Regent of Chapter 326 Women of the Moose where she had filled all the chairs of the chapter. Julia was a member of the V.F.W. Auxiliary, and was a star recorder and a member of the Academy of Friendship and the College of Regents. She is survived by two sons, Edward (Sharon) Wilson of Baton Rouge, LA, John (Emma) Wilson of Corning, three step-daughters, Mrs. Pamela (Thomas) Castellana of Rochester, Mrs. Patricia (Kenneth) Madison of Corning, Mrs. Barbara (Melvin) Maynard of Risingville, three step-sons, Gary (Edie) Wilson of Bath, Ronald (Clair) Wilson of Savona, and Rodney (Sharon) Wilson of Campbell, one sister, Mrs. Lillian Fenderson of Painted Post, special brother, Eugene (Gayle) Palmer of Tucson, AZ, two sister-in-laws, Mrs. Lillian (Courtney) Burrell of Painted Post, Mrs. Clara Shadduck of Campbell; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Julia was predeceased by a brother Glen Shadduck, step-brother, Lee Shadduck, and four sisters, Lelia Brown, Emma Wetmore, Irene Tyson, Florence Campbell. Family and friends are invited to call at Carpenter's Funeral Home, 14 E. Pulteney St., Corning on Sunday, December 28, 2003 from 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Service of Thanksgiving will be held at Christ Episcopal Church, Corning on Monday at 10:00 am. Burial will be in Hope Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be directed to Southern Tier Hospice, 11751 E. Corning Rd., Corning, NY 14830.


More About Julia Ann Shadduck:

Name 2: Halderman, J. A.

Obituary/Death Notice: 27 Dec 2003, THE LEADER - Corning, NY

Residence: Bet. 2000 - 2003, Last residence: Corning, NY

Social Security Number: 201-01-2485 (PA)


More About Kenneth James Wilson:

Social Security Number: 185-12-8156 (PA)


More About Joseph Halderman:

Social Security Number: 061-16-2700 (NY)

Children of Julia Shadduck and Kenneth Wilson are:

2281 i. Edward13 Wilson, born abt. 1951. He married Sharon ______.

2282 ii. John Wilson, born abt. 1953. He married Emma ______.

1072. Lillian12 Shadduck (Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1916 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Leslie Phenes Apr 1943 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, son of Earl Phenes and Ruth ______. She married (2) Joseph Anthony Fenderson, Jr. 05 Apr 1947 in Savona, Steuben Co., NY, son of Joseph Fenderson and Amber Bellinger. He was born 02 Dec 1919 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, and died 03 Jul 1998 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Leslie Phenes:

Residence: 1993, CORNING, NY


Notes for Joseph Anthony Fenderson, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Jul 1998 ed.:

FENDERSON, Joseph A. Jr., age 78 of Imperial Ave., Painted Post, NY, died Friday, July 3, 1998 at his home. He was born December 2, 1919 in Corning, the son of Joseph A. and Amber C. Belinger Fenderson Sr. Joseph served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific during WW II with the 306th Infantry, 77th Division, 51st MP Battalion. He married the former Lillian Shadduck on April 5, 1947 in Savona. Joseph was a retired machinist for Corning, Inc. and received his 50-yr. pin in 1986. He was a member of the Corning Moose Lodge who received his 50-yr. pin in 1997; a member of the V.F.W. Post 524 of Corning and was an avid fisherman and hunter. He was also a volunteer at the Painted Post Food Pantry. Joseph is survived by his wife of 51 years, Lillian Fenderson, of Painted Post; children: Sheila A. (Franley) McLean of Chambers, NY, Carol L. (Joseph) Fabryski of Springfield, MA, Carin J. (William) Tobin of Bath, Babette K. (Gary) Thornton of Corning, Joseph A. (Joni) Fenderson III of Painted Post, and Kevin (Mary Ellen) Fenderson of Campbell; grandchildren: Stephanie McLean Miller, Keith Jacobs, Gerald McUmber II, Colette Thornton Kelly, Wendy Jacobs Davidson, Sean McUmber, Ryan Thornton, Erin McLean, Michelle Jacobs, Daniel Fenderson and Matthew Fenderson; great-grandchildren: Kuyler Davidson, Raechel McUmber and Dominic Allington; special sister-in-law, Julie Halderman, several nieces, nephews and cousins. The family will receive friends for the Memorial Service to be held 11 a.m. Monday at the First Baptist Church of Painted Post, on Water St. The Rev. Gary McCaslin will officiate. Burial with Military honors will follow in Hope Cemetery, Corning. Arrangements are with Carpenters Funeral Home, Corning, NY. The family will provide flowers. Memorial contributions in Joseph's name may be directed to the Southern Tier Hospice, Inc., 244 W. Water St., Elmira, NY.


More About Joseph Anthony Fenderson, Jr.:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 1941 - 1944, U.S. Army - Infantry Division (during WW II)

Military service: Bet. 1941 - 1944, Phillipines and Okinawa

Obituary/Death Notice: 05 Jul 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Retired - Machinist at Corning Glass Works (37 1/2 yrs)

Real Estate: Jul 1988, Home in Painted Post, NY; lake home on Waneta Lake, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1998, Last residence: Painted Post, NY 14870

Social Security Number: 076-05-7271 (NY)

Children of Lillian Shadduck and Leslie Phenes are:

2283 i. Eugene Leslie13 Phenes, born 31 Dec 1943 in Corning, NY; died 10 Jun 1955 in Chemung River, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Eugene Leslie Phenes:

Burial: 14 Jun 1955, Hope Cem., Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Cause of Death: drowned while fishing


+ 2284 ii. Sheila Ann Phenes, born 22 Jan 1946 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

Children of Lillian Shadduck and Joseph Fenderson are:

+ 2285 i. Carol Lee13 Fenderson, born 14 Mar 1948 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2286 ii. Carin Jo Fenderson, born 14 Mar 1948 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2287 iii. Babette Kay Fenderson, born 02 Jul 1951 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2288 iv. Joseph Anthony Fenderson I, born 07 Dec 1957 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2289 v. Kevin Ray Fenderson, born 24 Jan 1960 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married MaryEllen Carol Mussin.


More About Kevin Ray Fenderson:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Jul 1988, U.S. Army - administrative field

Military service: Jul 1988, Fort Lewis, WA (corporal)

1075. Myrtle Lillian12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jan 1902 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Apr 1974 in Bloomsburg, Columbia Co., PA. She married Michael William Knerr 25 Nov 1926, son of Grover C. Knerr. He was born 07 May 1902, and died 10 Sep 1975.


More About Myrtle Lillian Williams:

Name 2: Knerr, Myrtle

Burial: 29 Apr 1974, Twin Hills Cem., Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Apr 1974, Last residence: Bloomsburg, PA 17815

Social Security Number: 185-36-4868 (PA)


More About Michael William Knerr:

Burial: 13 Sep 1975, Twin Hills Cem., Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1975, Last residence: Bloomsburg, PA 17815

Social Security Number: 205-07-6693 (PA)

Children of Myrtle Williams and Michael Knerr are:

+ 2290 i. Elwood LeRoy13 Knerr, born 27 Mar 1929.

+ 2291 ii. Mitzi Elaine Knerr, born 18 Sep 1931.

1076. Lynn Carlton12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1903 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Jul 1964. He married Revenda Victorine Cott 04 Feb 1933, daughter of Clarence Cott and LeNora ______. She was born 16 Apr 1911 in NY, and died 16 Nov 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Lynn Carlton Williams:

Burial: Montoursville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA


More About Revenda Victorine Cott:

Name 2: Williams, Revenda

Burial: 19 Nov 1979, Montoursville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1979, Last residence: West Elmira, NY 14905

Social Security Number: 189-32-7746 (PA)

Children of Lynn Williams and Revenda Cott are:

+ 2292 i. Margaret E.13 Williams, born 29 Jun 1933.

+ 2293 ii. Velma Fay Williams, born 07 May 1935.

+ 2294 iii. Clarence Lynn Williams, born 22 May 1938.

+ 2295 iv. Bonnie Williams, born abt. 1940.

1077. Donald Raymond12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Oct 1905 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Oct 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Rosalinda Campbell 23 Sep 1928, daughter of George Campbell. He married (2) Margaret Winters May 1934.


More About Donald Raymond Williams:

Burial: 28 Oct 1971, Wildwood Cem., Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: stroke

Medical Information: died at home

Residence: Bef. Oct 1971, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 173-09-5814 (PA)

Children of Donald Williams and Rosalinda Campbell are:

2296 i. Raymond13 Williams, born abt. 1929; died at age 21


More About Raymond Williams:

Burial: Wildwood Cem., Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: automobile accident


2297 ii. Donald Williams, born abt. 1931.

2298 iii. Charles Otis Williams, born abt. 1932.


More About Charles Otis Williams:

Residence: Nov 1988, Danville, PA

1078. Esther Emma12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1907 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Jul 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Laurayne Williams 30 Aug 1923, son of Edwin Williams and Ida Whipple. He was born 17 May 1904, and died 05 Jun 1993. She married (2) Blake Chandler Little 1939, son of Benjamin Little and Cora Brown. He was born 24 Oct 1905.


More About Esther Emma Williams:

Name 2: Little, Esther

Burial: 01 Aug 1971, East Canton Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 1971, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 165-30-5294 (PA)


More About Laurayne Williams:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1993, Last residence: Linesville, PA 16424

Social Security Number: 209-16-1793 (PA)

Children of Esther Williams and Laurayne Williams are:

+ 2299 i. Douglas Laurayne13 Williams, born 18 Jul 1925 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 09 Aug 1977 in Linesville, Crawford Co., PA.

+ 2300 ii. Ellen Eugenia Williams, born 25 May 1931 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2301 iii. Edward Otis Williams, born 16 Sep 1932 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1079. Frank Rodney12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Mar 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 21 Apr 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Lillian Terry, daughter of Phineas Terry and Ellen ______. She was born 01 Sep 1907 in Bradford Co., PA, and died Jul 1995 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Frank Rodney Williams:

Burial: 24 Apr 1972, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Lillian Terry:

Name 2: Williams, Lillian

Residence: Bef. Jul 1995, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14901

Social Security Number: 199-14-9379 (PA)

Children of Frank Williams and Lillian Terry are:

+ 2302 i. Nancy Margaret13 Williams, born 08 Jan 1936 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2303 ii. Frank Rodney Williams, Jr., born 28 Dec 1937.

+ 2304 iii. Ellen Esther Williams, born 17 Feb 1939.

1080. Velma Ora12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1911 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 May 2001 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Clyde Elwood Bower 03 Mar 1929 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of Walter Bower and Edna Wise. He was born 31 Oct 1908 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 03 Aug 1943 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Nathan Ira Becker 27 Oct 1951 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Velma Ora Williams:

Name 2: Becker, Velma B.

Residence: Oct 1999, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Social Security Number: 202-09-4731 (PA)


More About Clyde Elwood Bower:

Burial: 05 Aug 1943, Montoursville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Child of Velma Williams and Clyde Bower is:

+ 2305 i. Phillip Clyde13 Bower, born 30 Apr 1930 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1081. Minnie Mae12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1914 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Jul 1997. She married (1) Milo Walter Baumunk 24 Sep 1934, son of Walter Baumunk and Jessie Battin. He was born 28 Jul 1913 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died Bef. Nov 1999. She married (2) ______ Ross abt. 1958.


More About Minnie Mae Williams:

Name 2: Baumunk, Minnie

Residence: Bef. Jul 1997, Last residence: Bellefonte, PA 16823

Social Security Number: 164-34-0485 (PA)


More About Milo Walter Baumunk:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Minnie Williams and Milo Baumunk are:

2306 i. Richard Milo13 Baumunk, born 18 Mar 1935 in Williamsport, PA; died 05 Jul 1935 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Richard Milo Baumunk:

Burial: 08 Jul 1935, Twin Hills Cem., Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA


+ 2307 ii. Florence Yvonne Baumunk, born 17 Jun 1936.

2308 iii. Walter Dean Baumunk, born 31 Jan 1939.

+ 2309 iv. Gaynold Ledine Baumunk, born 04 Jun 1941 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2310 v. Blake Milo Baumunk, born 07 Jul 1946.

1082. Dean Ellis12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Feb 1918 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 30 Oct 1999 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Flenia Elvina Snell 08 Nov 1941 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Burr Snell and Sadie Hobus. She was born 09 Apr 1922 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Jun 1998 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Dean Ellis Williams:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Nov 1999 ed.:

WILLIAMS, Dean E., retired diary farmer, age 81 of Shunk, PA, passed away unexpectedly at his home on Saturday, October 30, 1999. Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA is handling the arrangements.


Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 04 Nov 1999 ed.:

WILLIAMS, Dean E., 81, of Shunk died Oct. 30, 1999 at his home. He was born Feb. 27, 1918 in Shunk, one of 11 children born to Otis and Ellen Shadduck Williams. He attended school in Shunk while working on his father's farm. Later, he took over the farm making him the third generation of the family to operate the farm. He retired from farming in 1983. An avid horseman, he was among the last farmers in Sullivan County to use horses regularly. He also raised horses, attended horse auctions and horse pulling contests. He was a member of the Shunk United Methodist Church and the Endless Winds Volunteer Fire Co. Surviving are four daughters, Flenia Williams of Shunk; Ella Ruth Howee of Montoursville; Alyse Porter of Jupiter, FL; and Mrs. Donald (Louise) Isaacs of Serf City, NC; three sons Larry Dean of Hillsgrove; Otis of Shunk; and Keven of Wake Forest, NC; a sister, Velma Becker of Williamsport; 16 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife of 57 years, the former Elvina Snell; by siblings Myrtle Knerr; Ester Little; Minnie Baumunk; Geraldine Osman; Claude, Lynn, Donald, Frank, and an infant sister, Mildred. Funeral services were held Nov. 2 at his church with Rev. Herbert Eby and Rev. James House presiding. Burial was in Hillsgrove Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton.


More About Dean Ellis Williams:

Burial: 02 Nov 1999, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 02 Nov 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 04 Nov 1999, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence 1: Bef. Oct 1999, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 183-12-8421 (PA)


More About Flenia Elvina Snell:

Name 2: Williams, Elvina

Burial: 01 Jul 1998, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1998, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 187-12-4712 (PA)


Marriage Notes for Dean Williams and Flenia Snell:

The church that Dean & Flenia were married at was later moved across Washington Boulevard.

Children of Dean Williams and Flenia Snell are:

+ 2311 i. Flenia Lee13 Williams, born 30 Oct 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2312 ii. Ellen Ruth Williams, born 30 Sep 1943 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2313 iii. Larry Dean Williams, born 08 Oct 1944 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 15 Mar 2005 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

2314 iv. Alyse Eugenia Williams, born 27 Aug 1947 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married James Gordon Porter 13 Jan 1965; born 12 Oct 1945 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Alyse Eugenia Williams:

Residence: Oct 1999, Jupiter, Palm Beach Co., FL


+ 2315 v. Louise Kathryn Williams, born 19 Jul 1949 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2316 vi. Otis Laurayne Williams, born 11 Mar 1953 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2317 vii. Keven Burdell Williams, born 11 Feb 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1083. Geraldine Mabel12 Williams (Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1920 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 07 Jun 1964 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Miles Osman 12 Aug 1941, son of ______ Osman and Hattie Confer. He was born 19 Apr 1912, and died 26 Nov 1985.


More About Geraldine Mabel Williams:

Burial: 09 Jun 1964, Montoursville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Medical Information: died at 11:55 p.m. according to Velma Becker


More About Miles Osman:

Burial: 29 Nov 1985, Montoursville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1985, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 173-07-5960 (PA)

Child of Geraldine Williams and Miles Osman is:

+ 2318 i. Connie Eleanor13 Osman, born 02 Mar 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1092. Lura Winifred12 Camp (Martha Lillian11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1901 in Barkley, Bradford Co., PA, and died 22 Mar 1990 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) George Morris abt. 1918. He was born abt. 1898. She married (2) George MacGill abt. 1924 in Bradford Co., PA. He was born abt. 1900.


Notes for Lura Winifred Camp:

On 24 Jul 1982, I made a visit to Lura at her home in Sayre, PA. I was told the day before by Beatrice Shadduck that Lura was almost totally blind, and so was on my guard. She seemed a bit leery at first in giving me the information on her family. When I told her my name a second time at her request, she asked if I was any relation to her Aunt Emily Porter, wife of her Uncle Cecil Shadduck. When I told her I may be a distant relative, she remarked, "I really loved my Aunt Emily." She was talking a great deal about her childhood and I found the opportunity to ask her about her blindness. She stated that "when I was 4 days old, I couldn't see a thing. As the months went on, I began to see things. My eyes got better, enough so I could go to school. I didn't start until I was 8 years old." I asked if she had attended the normal schools or a school for the blind. "I attended the normal schools, but learning was difficult for me. I worked very well with my numbers and English, but as the years progressed, my reading ability worsened. I married and had my family, but I was still able to see quite well." Then she completely threw me with a question. "Do you remember when the windshields of cars were made of glass?" When I told her that I was only 26 years of age, but thought that the glass was made into safety glass about 1940 or there abouts, she enlightened me yet again. "Well, it was just before the glass was changed that my husband and I were in an automobile accident. My face went into the windshield, breaking all the bones on the right side of my face and my right eye had been laid out of the socket. I don't remember the pain now, but my husband told me that I screamed for 2 or 3 days from the agony. I look pretty good now don't I?" Yes, I said, for the trauma that you went through, I do think you look quite well, and your age doesn't show hardly at all. She told me where her sons lived and then asked if I was going to the family reunion in Shunk. I gave an affirmative reply before she stated that she couldn't go because her brother Earl was sick and that Mary Sargeant, her housekeeper was out of the state for the week and so she didn't have a way to get there. Her and Mary were in attendance at the reunion of 1981. As I bid her farewell and thanked her for the enjoyable visit, she stated that I was always welcome to visit her. I told her that I would stop in again the next time I visited my sister, who lived only a couple blocks away from the Robert Packer Hospital. Lura lived on Hospital Place, a block adjacent to the hospital. The next time I stopped by her home, it was no longer there, for the hospital was doing some expansion and had bought her home and property. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Lura Winifred Camp:

Name 2: Morris, Lura

Occupation: 1910, Milliner

Social Security Number: 264-18-3588 (FL)

Children of Lura Camp and George MacGill are:

2319 i. George13 MacGill, Jr., born abt. 1926 in Maston, Lycoming Co., PA.

2320 ii. Lyle MacGill, born abt. 1929 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1093. Earl12 Camp (Martha Lillian11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1907 in Maston, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Leona ______.

Children of Earl Camp and Leona ______ are:

2321 i. ______13 Camp.

2322 ii. ______ Camp.

2323 iii. ______ Camp.

2324 iv. ______ Camp.

2325 v. ______ Camp.

1094. Earl Morton12 Shadduck (John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1908 in Maston, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 03 Jan 1988 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Beatrice Agatha Bride 02 Nov 1934 in Chemung, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Timothy Bride and Mabel Watson. She was born 18 Apr 1914 in Macedonia, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Earl Morton Shadduck:

I visited with Earl & Beatrice at their home in Athens, PA on Saturday, 24 Jul 1982. Earl was suffering from emphysema and required an oxygen supply. He stated he wouldn't be attending the Shadduck reunion on the following day because Dona was out of town and she was usually responsible for getting him around in her van. He had however attended many of the Shadduck reunions in Shunk, the previous year included, and some of the earlier ones held at Brand Park in Elmira, NY and at Lake Nephawin in Canton, PA. He was a pleasant person to speak with and even joked that "his wife was a bride before she got married" when I asked Beatrice about her individual information. They talked about Dena's death and also about the baptisms of their children. Beatrice was of a cooperative nature and used several documents to prove the dates and places of birth and marriages. She showed me the framed marriage license of Earl's parents. It a was very colorful document and depicted a picture of Jesus in the background. The witnesses were identified as Robert A. Shadduck and Minnie Shadduck. Beatrice also presented many photographs of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, stating that all but 2 grandchildren were present at the couple's home during the first week of June 1982, but no photo was taken of the entire group, only a few snapshots of individuals and small groups. She gave me Lura Camp Morris' residence, and to prepare me for my anticipated visit to her home later that afternoon, told me about Lura's blindness. The couple were very friendly, cordial and helped me immensely on this branch of the Shadduck family. A great deal was learned that afternoon. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Earl Morton Shadduck:

Burial: 07 Jan 1988, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1988, Last residence: Athens, PA 18810

Social Security Number: 127-05-4493 (NY)


Marriage Notes for Earl Shadduck and Beatrice Bride:

Earl & Beatrice were married, at a later date, at a church in Athens, PA.

Children of Earl Shadduck and Beatrice Bride are:

+ 2326 i. John Earl13 Shadduck, born 25 Sep 1935 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2327 ii. Dona Marie Shadduck, born 21 Apr 1938 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2328 iii. Dena Ann Shadduck, born 21 Apr 1938 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2329 iv. Mabel Elizabeth Shadduck, born 27 Dec 1939 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA.

2330 v. Mary Teresa Shadduck, born 11 Jul 1951 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Mary Teresa Shadduck:

Baptism: St. Joseph's, Athens, PA


+ 2331 vi. Michael David Shadduck, born 02 Oct 1952 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

2332 vii. Joseph Phillip Shadduck, born 23 Apr 1956 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Joseph Phillip Shadduck:

Baptism: 20 May 1956, St. Joseph's, Athens, PA - Rev. John J. Caffney

1096. Rhea Leona12 Shadduck (Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Aug 1913 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Jan 1987 in Tavares, Lake Co., FL. She married Gaylord LaMont McCarty abt. 1930, son of Clinton McCarty and Rachel Collins. He was born 22 Mar 1907 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 06 Oct 1993 in Tavares, FL.


Notes for Rhea Leona Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 15 Jan 1987 ed.:

McCARTY, Rhea, 73 of Tavares, FL, formerly of Forksville, died Jan. 06, 1987, at the Lake Community Hospital, Leesburg, FL. She was born Aug. 17, 1913, in Sullivan County, a daughter of Ray and Emily Porter Shadduck. She lived in the county for most of her life, but moved to Florida about 15 years ago. Mrs. McCarty was a member of the Forksville United Methodist Church. For many years she was the Forksville correspondent for the Sullivan Review. Surviving are her husband Gaylord McCarty; two sons, R. LaVerne of Forksville and Bryce of Indiana, PA; a daughter, Carol Pepperman of Mt. Dora, FL; four sisters, Irma Bedford of Canton; Doris Shaffer of Titusville, PA; Marcella Coon of Tavares, FL; Joyce Saunders of Canton; eight grandchildren and one great-grandson. Funeral services were held Jan. 09 at the Forksville United Methodist Church with the Rev. Nanny Dubbs officiating. Interment was in the Forksville Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, Dushore. ("Found this obit in Marcella's bible so I that I would post it not sure what paper printed it." - Richard Cunningham posted this obit on Sullivan County, PA website. ADD. NOTE: I had seen this obituary during my research in some of my great-aunt Ella's newspaper clippings, some of which I was able to photocopy on an old Xerox machine. It had faded a great deal and with this posting, I was able to fill in a few sentences that were unreadable. - R. J. Porter)


More About Rhea Leona Shadduck:

Name 2: McCarty, Rhea

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 Jan 1987, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1987, Last residence: Tavares, FL 32778

Social Security Number: 201-24-9452 (PA)


More About Gaylord LaMont McCarty:

Occupation: 1930, Truck driver

Residence 1: 1930, Elkland Twp., Sulivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Oct 1993, Last residence: Tavares, FL 32778

Social Security Number: 187-05-7680 (PA)

Children of Rhea Shadduck and Gaylord McCarty are:

+ 2333 i. Ray LaVerne13 McCarty, born 20 Feb 1931 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA.

2334 ii. Clinton LaMont McCarty, born 20 Feb 1931 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA; died Sep 1931.


More About Clinton LaMont McCarty:

Burial: Forksville Cem., Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Ray


+ 2335 iii. Carol Marie McCarty, born 20 Jun 1934 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2336 iv. Bryce Wayne McCarty, born 24 Feb 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1097. Irma Lillian12 Shadduck (Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Jan 1999 in Orlando, Orange Co., FL. She married Herbert Richard Bedford 04 Aug 1931 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY, son of Oscar Bedford and Martha Sabin. He was born 08 Jun 1910 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Dec 1983 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Irma Lillian Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 31 Jan 1999 ed.:

BEDFORD, Irma L., formerly of Canton, PA, age 83 of Orlando, FL passed away early Wednesday evening, January 27, 1999 in Florida. Arrangements by Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


More About Irma Lillian Shadduck:

Name 2: Bedford, Irma

Burial: Feb 1999, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 31 Jan 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jan 1999, Last residence: Orlando, FL 32809

Social Security Number: 192-24-5636 (PA)


More About Herbert Richard Bedford:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Occupation: 1930, State road - laborer

Residence 1: 1930, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Dec 1983, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 166-16-6614 (PA)

Children of Irma Shadduck and Herbert Bedford are:

+ 2337 i. Cecil Ray13 Bedford, born 20 Feb 1934 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA; died 28 Jul 1963.

+ 2338 ii. Reva Jean Bedford, born 04 Aug 1935 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2339 iii. Donald Willard Bedford, born 15 Jan 1938 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2340 iv. Ray Oscar Bedford, born 14 Apr 1942 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2341 v. Emily Jennette Bedford, born 21 Feb 1945 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1098. Doris Aleatha12 Shadduck (Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Sep 2004 in Titusville, PA. She married Clarence F. Shaffer 23 Mar 1935 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA. He was born 26 Oct 1913, and died 13 Jun 1980.


Notes for Doris Aleatha Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 30 Sep 2004 ed.:

Mrs. Doris Aleatha Shaffer, 87, a resident of Country Acres Personal Care Home, Titusville, died Friday, September 24, 2004. Mrs. Shaffer was born September 13, 1917 in Shunk the daughter of Raymond and Emily Porter Shadduck. She married Clarence F. Shaffer on March 23, 1935 at Forksville. He preceded her in death on June 13, 1980. Mrs. Shaffer had been employed as a domestic worker for private families in the Sullivan County area. She was a member of the Forksville United Methodist Church. She helped organize dinners at the church for many years to benefit the church building fund after the church had burned. She taught the church kindergarten class for many years. She had attended the Titusville First Baptist Church after moving to Titusville. One of her biggest joys in life was being with and doing for her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She loved making goodies and baking cookies for them. Mrs. Shaffer is survived by two daughters, Patricia A. McCarty of North Pole, Alaska and Beverly M. Hasbrouck and husband Bruce of Titusville; four grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; two sisters, Marcella Coon and husband Fred, Leesburg, FL and Joyce Saunders and husband Gerald of Canton, PA numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents and husband she was preceded in death by a son, Elwood Shaffer; a grandson Robin McCarty; and three sisters, Rhea McCarty, Murl Derr and Irma Bedford. Funeral services were held at Gordon B. Garrett Funeral Home, Titusville on Sept. 27, 2004 with Rev. Brian Borger, pastor of the first Baptist Church officiating.

Burial services were held at the United Methodist Church in Forksville on Sept. 29, 2004. Interment was in Forksville Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Hospice of Crawford County, 810 N. Monroe St., Titusville, PA 16354


More About Doris Aleatha Shadduck:

Burial: 27 Sep 2004, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Sep 2004, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA


More About Clarence F. Shaffer:

Burial: 16 Jun 1980, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1980, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 199-03-3356 (PA)

Children of Doris Shadduck and Clarence Shaffer are:

+ 2342 i. Patricia A.13 Shaffer.

2343 ii. Beverly M. Shaffer. She married Bruce Hasbrouck.

2344 iii. Elwood Shaffer.

1099. Murl Maxine12 Shadduck (Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1920 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 May 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Raymond K. Derr 1939, son of Elmer Derr and Amelia Whitmoyer. He was born 05 May 1916 in Opp, PA, and died 17 Mar 1991.


Notes for Murl Maxine Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW; 04 Jun 1981 ed.:

DERR, Murl M., age 61, of Canton RD 1 died at the Robert Packer Hospital on May 28, 1981. She was born in Shunk on Feb 20, 1920. Mrs. Derr is survived by her husband, Raymond K. Derr, to whom she was married for 42 years; sons, Stanley D. Shadduck of Canton; Larry E. Derr of Eatonville, WA; and Gary R. Derr of Canton RD 2. Another son, the late Dennis J. Derr of Williamsport, died on Sept. 29, 1980. Also surviving are five sisters, Mrs. Gaylord (Rhea) McCarty of Forksville, Mrs. Clarence (Doris) Shaffer of Hillsgrove, Mrs. Herbert (Irma) Bedford and Mrs. Gerald (Joyce) Saunders, both of Canton; and Mrs. Fred (Marcella) Coons of Groton, NY; several nieces and nephews and cousins. Funeral services were held at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, on Sunday. Officiating were Rev. Ray Ackley, and Rev. Mercey Kasambira. Burial was in the Beech Flats Cemetery in Canton Township.


More About Murl Maxine Shadduck:

Name 2: Derr, Murl

Burial: Jun 1981, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 04 Jun 1981, SULLIVAN REVIEW - Dushore, PA

Residence: Bef. May 1981, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 186-07-3001 (PA)


More About Raymond K. Derr:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Child of Murl Maxine Shadduck is:

+ 2345 i. Stanley Dean13 Shadduck, born 25 Aug 1936 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA; died 23 Apr 2001 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Murl Shadduck and Raymond Derr are:

+ 2346 i. Larry Elmer13 Derr, born 27 Nov 1941 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2347 ii. Gary Raymond Derr, born 21 Sep 1944 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA; died 27 Mar 1991 in Newburgh, Orange Co., NY.

2348 iii. Dennis J. Derr, born 30 Nov 1949 in Norristown, Montgomery Co., PA; died 29 Sep 1980.


More About Dennis J. Derr:

Burial: 02 Oct 1980, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 161-42-2138 (PA)

1100. Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck (Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 28 Jul 2005 in Leesburg, Lake Co., FL. She married (1) Adrian Fred Coons. She married (2) LaRue Edson Snell abt. 1938, son of Sadie Snell. He was born 29 Nov 1922 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Mar 1969.


Notes for Marcella Eleanor Shadduck:

Mrs. Marcella E. (Snell) Coon, 81, formerly of Cortland, NY, died at her home in Leesburg after a lengthy ilness. Her loving family surrounded her. She was born November 28, 1923 Shunk, PA, the daughter of Ray and Emily (Porter) Shadduck. Mrs. Coon had been a resident of Cortland, NY where she had worked for many years, but moved to Florida in 1982. She was a member of the Elks Auxiliary, Moose Auxiliary (38 yrs.) and the American Legion Auxiliary Post #76 (32 yrs.). She is survived by her husband, Adrian F. Coon and six children: Earl (Charlotte) Snell of CO, Sandra (Bruce) Sherwood of FL, Dena (Robert) Batzer of NY, Connie (Robert) Vormwald of NY, Donna (Wayne) Sheeder of FL, Bucky (Kim) of VA. In addition she has two stepchildren, Robert (Leona) Coon of FL and Linda (Earl) DeBottis of NY. Marcella also has one sister, Joyce (Gerald) Saunders; 28 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren; 8 great-great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Her first husband, LaRue E Snell; daughter, JoAnn E. Cunningham; one brother, Gerald Shadduck; four sisters, Rhea McCarty, Irma Bedford, Doris Shaffer and Murl Derr; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren predeceased her. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to your local Cancer or Hospice Society. Family will provide flowers. Tri-County Cremation Service, Longwood, Florida.


She died July 28,2005

Posted in a Lake County paper.


More About Marcella Eleanor Shadduck:

Crem./Burial: 30 Jul 2005, Longwood, Lake Co., FL

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 Jul 2005, Lake Co., FL (newspaper unk.)


More About LaRue Edson Snell:

Burial: Cortland Cem., Cortland Co., NY

Children of Marcella Shadduck and LaRue Snell are:

+ 2349 i. Earl LaRue13 Snell, born 24 Sep 1940 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2350 ii. Joanna Eleanor Snell, born 27 Jul 1942 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2351 iii. Sandra Louise Snell, born 28 Nov 1943 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2352 iv. Dena Dee Snell, born 20 Oct 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2353 v. Connie Lorraine Snell, born 25 Oct 1945 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2354 vi. Donna Marcella Snell, born 11 Nov 1947 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2355 vii. Donald Edson Snell, born 16 Aug 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1101. Joyce Marie12 Shadduck (Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Aug 1931 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Jul 2005. She married Gerald Ellsworth Saunders 21 Dec 1949 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, son of Frank Saunders and Lilly Bastian. He was born 29 Apr 1931 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Joyce Shadduck and Gerald Saunders are:

2356 i. Barry Lee13 Saunders, born 28 Jul 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Geraldine Wrisley 12 Sep 1981 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Geraldine Wrisley:

Residence: Apr 2001, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


+ 2357 ii. Dianna Marie Saunders, born 09 Aug 1951 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2358 iii. Deborah Jane Saunders, born 06 Jul 1954 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1102. Beulah12 Whitmoyer (Fern Whitmore11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Dec 1911 in Masten, Bradford Co., PA, and died 25 May 1975 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Edward A. McDonald, son of John McDonald and Maude Bump. He was born 27 Jun 1909 in Berwick, Columbia Co., PA, and died 07 Dec 1976 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Beulah Whitmoyer:

Name 2: McDonald, Beulah

Burial: 28 May 1975, Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. May 1975, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 165-30-5345 (PA)


Notes for Edward A. McDonald:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 9 Dec 1976 ed.:

Waverly RD 2 Man Succumbs At Age Of 67

Edward A. (Mose) McDonald, 67, of Harris Manor, Waverly RD 2 died unexpectedly at his home Tuesday night. Born June 27, 1909 in Berwick, the son of the late John McDonald and the late Maude Bump McDonald Murray, he had been employed in the bench department of the Ingersoll-Rand for 40 years retiring about eight years ago. He was a veteran of World War II having served with the U.S. Navy as First Chief Petty Officer as ships' cook serving overseas for 31 months. He was a member of Local 1064, I.A.M., the I-R Service Club, Skiff-Bower Post No. 1536 V.F.W. of Sayre, Sayre Elks Lodge No. 1148 and Protection Hose Co. No. 1. Surviving are a daughter, Andrea F. McDonald at home; four brothers, Bernard of South Waverly, John and Lawrence, both of Towanda, Leo of Athens; four step-sisters, Mrs. James (Joan) Daly of Sayre, Mrs. Arthur (Margaret) George of Fruit Heights, Utah; Mrs. Arthur (Betty) Ericson of El Cajoh, Calif., and Mrs. Walter (Ann) Keegan of Athens, several nieces, nephews and cousins. The funeral will be held Friday at 9 a.m. at the Jenkins Funeral Home, 111 S. Main St., Athens, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. at the Epiphany Church in Sayre. The Rev. Vincent Langan, pastor of St. John's Catholic Church, South Waverly, will be the celebrant. Burial will be in Tioga Point Cemetery, Athens. A Biblical wake service will be held at the funeral home Thursday at 8 p.m., Sayre Elk Lodge will conduct services at 7:30 and the V.F.W. at 7 p.m.


More About Edward A. McDonald:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Beulah Whitmoyer and Edward McDonald are:

2359 i. ______13 McDonald.

2360 ii. Andrea F. McDonald. She married James Bowen.

1104. Melvin Etheldrid12 Whitmoyer (Fern Whitmore11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Nov 1917, and died Jul 1986 in Arcadia, De Soto Co., FL.


More About Melvin Etheldrid Whitmoyer:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1986, Last residence: Arcadia, FL 33821

Social Security Number: 201-09-7197 (PA)

Children of Melvin Etheldrid Whitmoyer are:

2361 i. ______13 Whitmoyer.

2362 ii. ______ Whitmoyer.

Children of Melvin Etheldrid Whitmoyer are:

2363 i. ______13 Whitmoyer.

2364 ii. ______ Whitmoyer.

2365 iii. ______ Whitmoyer.

2366 iv. ______ Whitmoyer.

1105. Dorna Belle12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Apr 1914 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Verus Paul Meixel 18 Jan 1942 in Tunkhannock, Wyoming Co., PA, son of Floyd Meixel and Anna Bower. He was born 03 Mar 1914 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Dorna Belle Shadduck:

Residence 1: Jun 1981, St. Marys, Elk Co., PA

Residence 2: Jun 1984, DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA

Child of Dorna Shadduck and Verus Meixel is:

+ 2367 i. Dena Dee13 Meixel, born 05 Nov 1947 in St. Mary's, Elk Co., PA.

1106. Durwood Eugene12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Aug 1999. He married (1) Ruth Amanda Rosbach 26 Jun 1932 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of John Rosbach and Mary Molyneux. She was born 10 Oct 1918 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Dec 1974 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (2) Helen Louise Steinbach 19 Feb 1977 in Trout Run, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Durwood Eugene Shadduck:

Military service: abt. 1942, U.S. Army - World War II a little over a year

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Jun 1981, Cogan Station, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. Jun 1984 - Aug 1999, Trout Run, Lycoming Co., PA


More About Ruth Amanda Rosbach:

Burial: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: heart attack

Medical Information: died at Devine Providence Hospital

Children of Durwood Shadduck and Ruth Rosbach are:

2368 i. Lloyd13 Shadduck, born 1938 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1938 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Lloyd Shadduck:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 2369 ii. Dorothy Ann Shadduck, born 02 Sep 1940 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2370 iii. Durwood Eugene Shadduck, Jr., born 09 Dec 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2371 iv. Linda Lee Shadduck, born 09 Jan 1947 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2372 v. Mary Jane Shadduck, born 26 Nov 1948 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1107. Ralph Edward12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jan 1920 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Jun 1981 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Neda Tillotson, daughter of Oscar Tillotson and Thelma Gee. She was born abt. 1942.


Notes for Ralph Edward Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 1 Jul 1981 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Ralph (Pond) E., 61, of Shunk, died June 26, 1981, at the Dar-Way Nursing Home in Estella. He was born Jan. 4, 1920, a son of Charles V. Shadduck of Shunk and the late Fannie A. Brown Shadduck. For 20 years, he had the propane gas dealership in the Shunk area. He was a veteran of World War II and was a member of the Mildred American Legion and served as a constable in Fox Township for six years. He was a member of the Williamsport Moose Lodge and a charter member of the Endless Winds Volunteer Fire Company in Shunk. He is survived by his wife, the former Neda Tillotson; three stepchildren, Curtis Tillotson, of Canton, and Miss Diane Clinton and Brian Clinton, at home; his father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Shadduck, of Shunk; three sisters, Mrs. Verus (Dorna) Meizel, of St. Mary's, PA, Mrs. Stanley (Ruth) Cook of Doe Hill, VA, and Mrs. Ralph (Agnes) Snell, of Proctor Star Route; five brothers, Durwood Shadduck, of Cogan Station, Luther Shadduck, of Montoursville, Albert Shadduck, of Penfield, PA, Donald Shadduck of Cogan Station; several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, on June 29. Officiating was Rev. Douglas Graybill, pastor of the Wheelerville Mennonite Church. Burial was in the Brown Cemetery in Shunk. Military honors were accorded by the members of the Mildred American Legion at the graveside. (Ralph's nickname was "Poud"; Dorna's last name was "Meixel"; Doyl was the fifth brother, error by omission -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Ralph Edward Shadduck:

Burial: 29 Jun 1981, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1981, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 184-12-0660 (PA)


More About Neda Tillotson:

Residence: Jun 1991, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child of Ralph Shadduck and Neda Tillotson is:

2373 i. Curtis13 Tillotson, died Aft. Jun 1981. He married ______ Isaacs.

1108. Ruth Ellen12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jun 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Nov 1998. She married (1) John Speaker. She married (2) Stanley Cook.

More About Ruth Ellen Shadduck:

Name 2: Cook, Ruth

Residence 1: Jun 1981, Doe Hill, Highland Co., VA

Residence 2: Jun 1984, Moyers, Pendleton Co., WV

Residence 3: Bef. Nov 1998, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 203-20-0524 (PA)

Children of Ruth Shadduck and John Speaker are:

+ 2374 i. Marion13 Speaker, born in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

2375 ii. Charles Speaker.

+ 2376 iii. John Speaker, Jr..

1109. Albert Frank12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1922 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 18 Apr 2003 in Elysburg, Northumberland Co., PA. He married (1) Phyllis Louise Layton 03 May 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Leon Layton. She was born Feb 1928. He married (2) Gwendelyn Louise Schaefer abt. 1949 in Jefferson Co., PA, daughter of Levi Schaefer and Ethel DeHart. She was born 31 Mar 1922 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA. He married (3) M. Dolores Donahue 01 Oct 1987, daughter of Emmett Donahue and Sophia Podvarney. She was born abt. 1925, and died in prob. Elysburg, PA.


Notes for Albert Frank Shadduck:

Albert was very cooperative in giving me the information pertaining to his children and wives. During our visit at the 1982 Shadduck reunion in Shunk, he stated that he knew little about his son Chester, for he was in the custody of his mother and that he had very little contact with him. All he knew was that his son had 3 children but didn't know what sex or their names.


Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 22 Apr 2003 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Albert F. "Al", 80, of 19 W. Valley Ave., Elysburg, PA, died at 7:03 p.m. Friday, April 18, 2003, at his residence. He was in ill health since February and was admitted to the Williamsport Hospital for six days at the beginning of his illness. Born July 19, 1922, in Wheelerville (Shunk), he was a son of the late Charles V. and Fannie (Brown) Shadduck. He resided in Sullivan County, Wheelerville (Shunk) and Penfield before living in Elysburg for the past three years. Educated in the Shunk School System, he was employed as a heavy-equipment operator, working in just about every state in the nation. He worked on Route 80 and on the Kinzua Dam in Warren. He also worked on oil and gas lines all over the U.S. before retiring. He was married on Oct. 1, 1987, in St. Michael's Church, Canton, to the former Dolores Donahue Swartz, who survives. He attended St. Michael's Church, Canton, and was a member of Local 66 in Pittsburgh for heavy-equipment operators. He enjoyed camping, hunting, stock car races, the outdoors and traveling with his wife. A veteran of the U.S. Army, he enlisted on April 3, 1943. He served four years in the Army, where he received the rank of technical three sergeant. He served with the 153rd Construction Battalion and was a power shovel operator. He served overseas from March 7, 1943, to Jan. 18, 1946, stationed in New Guinea, Dutch New Guinea, Maffin Bay, Tacloban, the Wadke Islands, Leyte, the Philippine Islands and Yokohama, Japan. He was responsible for building roads, bridges and airports in New Guinea, Dutch New Guinea and the Philippines. He also helped clean up buildings after the bombings in Yokohama. He was qualified with the M1 rifle, .30-caliber, and was listed as a marksman. He received the following decorations and citations: Bayonet Qualification Bar, Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Citation, Rifle-Mortar-Marksman Medals, Five Bronze Stars, Honorable Discharge Medal, Pacific Ribbon with four stars, American Ribbon and Philippines Liberation Ribbon with one star. He was honorably discharged on Jan. 18, 1946, at Unit A, Separation Center, Indiantown Gap Military Reservation. In addition to his wife, he is survived by four sons and three daughters-in-law, Terry and Lorraine Shadduck of Reynoldsville, Ronald Shadduck of Penfield, Kevin and Marion Shadduck of Byrnedale, and Kim and Tina Shadduck of Clearfield; a daughter and son-in-law, Virginia and Barry Anderson of Templeton; 13 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; two stepsons and stepdaughters-in-law, Thomas and Mary Swartz of Coal Township and Wayne and Lucille Swartz of Paxinos; four step-grandchildren, Matthew, Nicholas and Thomas Swartz and Jess Hatfield; two step-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Agnes Snell of Williamsport and Dorna Meixel of DuBois; and a brother, Durwood "Mike" Shadduck of Trout Run. He was preceded in death by three brothers and two sisters. There will be a viewing at the Leonard J. Lucas Funeral Home Ltd., 120 S. Market St., Shamokin, PA, on Wednesday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. Services will be held at 8 p.m. at the funeral home by Pastor Tammy Gessner, and his daughter-in-law, Lorraine Shadduck. Burial and chapel services with full military honors will be on Thursday, April 24, at 1 p.m. in the Lakelawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Reynoldsville, with the Rev. Robert Doran officiating. Family, relatives and friends wishing to send flowers to the funeral home may do so, and those who wish can send contributions in memory of Mr. Shadduck to VNA Health Systems, 21 W. Independence St., Shamokin, PA 17872.


More About Albert Frank Shadduck:

Burial: 24 Apr 2003, Lakelawn Mem. Park Cem., Reynoldsville, Jefferson Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 22 Apr 2003, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Residence: Bet. Jun 1981 - Jun 1984, Penfield, Clearfield Co., PA


Notes for Gwendelyn Louise Schaefer:

Gwendelyn had a twin sister and brother named Virginia and Virgil. Virgil was still living in Jul 1982, but Virginia died some time shortly after birth. Gwendelyn decided to name her twins after her sibling twins.

Child of Albert Shadduck and Phyllis Layton is:

+ 2377 i. Chester Charles13 Shadduck, born 12 Nov 1947 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA.

Children of Albert Shadduck and Gwendelyn Schaefer are:

+ 2378 i. Terry Lee13 Shadduck, born 07 May 1951 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA.

2379 ii. Ronald Albert Shadduck, born 01 Sep 1954 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA. He married Nona Overshaut.

+ 2380 iii. Virginia Lee Shadduck, born 10 Dec 1956 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

2381 iv. Virgil Lee Shadduck, born 10 Dec 1956 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA; died 1957.


More About Virgil Lee Shadduck:

Burial: Lake Lawn Cem., Reynoldsville, Jefferson Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Virginia Lee

Namesake: Virgil Schaefer


2382 v. Kevin Lynn Shadduck, born 07 Feb 1959 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA. He married Marion ______; born abt. 1960.


More About Kevin Lynn Shadduck:

Medical Information: twin to Kim LeRoy


2383 vi. Kim LeRoy Shadduck, born 07 Feb 1959 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA. He married Tina ______; born abt. 1960.


More About Kim LeRoy Shadduck:

Medical Information: twin to Kevin Lynn

1110. Agnes Avinella12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1924 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Ralph Alvin Snell 10 Aug 1940 in Loyalsock Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, son of Burr Snell and Mina Hubbard. He was born 08 May 1920 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Sep 2003 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Agnes Avinella Shadduck:

Residence 1: Bet. Jun 1981 - Jun 1984, Proctor Star Route, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Aug 1999, Newberry, PA


Notes for Ralph Alvin Snell:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 12 Sep 2003 ed.:

SNELL, Ralph Alvin, 83, of 2231 Johnston Place, Williamsport, died Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2003, at his residence. Born May 8, 1920, in Hillsgrove Twp., he was the son of Burr Edson and Mina Hubbard Snell. Ralph was a member of the Hillsgrove United Methodist Church and was a lifetime member of the Hillsgrove Volunteer Fire Co. He was a WW II Air Force veteran, having served in the 1596 Airborne. Ralph and his wife, the former Agnes Avinella Shadduck, celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary Aug. 10, 2003. Surviving, in addition to his wife are two sons, Burr E. Snell of Williamsport and Duane Snell of Fort Lauderdale, FL; two daughters, Percella Snell Rung of Buttonwood and Avinella Snell Sanders of Williamsport; 14 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren. Services will be at the convenience of the family and the burial will be in Hillsgrove Cemetery. Arrangements by Spitler Funeral Home, Montoursville.


More About Ralph Alvin Snell:

Burial: 13 Sep 2003, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 12 Sep 2003, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 2003, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 203-05-3586 (PA)


Marriage Notes for Agnes Shadduck and Ralph Snell:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 09 Aug 1990 ed.:


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snell, Proctor will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, August 10. They were married in Loyalsock Township by N. P. Browne, justice of the peace. Mrs. Snell, the former Agnes Shadduck of Shunk, is retired from Ray-O-Vac. Mr. Snell, formerly from Hillsgrove, is retired from Dart Lumber Company, Barbours. The couple has two sons and two daughters: Burr, of Williamsport; Duane, West Palm Beach, FL; Mrs. William Rung and Mrs. David Sanders, both of Williamsport. There are 13 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. They will be celebrating with a dinner given by their children at Sky View Restaurant, Williamsport/Lycoming County Airport.

Children of Agnes Shadduck and Ralph Snell are:

+ 2384 i. Burr Eugene13 Snell, born 15 Apr 1941 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2385 ii. Percella Ann Snell, born 24 Mar 1943 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2386 iii. Duane Lee Snell, born 15 Nov 1945 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2387 iv. Avinella Agnes Snell, born 22 Oct 1946 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

1111. Luther Dale12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jan 1925 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 19 Jun 1992 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Doris Irene Scaife abt. 1952, daughter of Edgar Scaife and Louella Hessler. She was born 06 Jan 1933 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 26 Aug 1982 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (2) Dorothy ______ abt. 1964. He married (3) Karol Robbins abt. 1978.


More About Luther Dale Shadduck:

Residence 1: Bet. Jun 1981 - Jun 1984, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Jun 1992, Last residence: Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 195-20-7666 (PA)


More About Doris Irene Scaife:

Name 2: Shadduck, Doris

Burial: 29 Aug 1982, Montoursville Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Devine Providence Hospital

Residence: Bef. Aug 1982, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 191-26-4121 (PA)

Children of Luther Shadduck and Doris Scaife are:

+ 2388 i. Debra Lee13 Shadduck, born 03 Apr 1953.

+ 2389 ii. Charles Vernon Shadduck, born 01 Nov 1955.

+ 2390 iii. Joanna Lou Shadduck, born 13 Aug 1957.

+ 2391 iv. Cathy Sue Shadduck, born 31 Mar 1959.

Child of Luther Shadduck and Dorothy ______ is:

2392 i. Judith Ann13 Shadduck, born Jan 1966.

1112. Donald Larue12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1926 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Aug 1999 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Joan Marie Scaife 28 Mar 1953 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Edgar Scaife and Louella Hessler. She was born 28 Jan 1934 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Donald Larue Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 12 Aug 1999 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Donald L., 73 of Shunk, died Aug. 9, 1999, at Troy (PA) Community Hospital. He was born in Shunk on June 18, 1926, a son of Charles V. and Fannie Brown Shadduck. He grew up on the family farm, knew what hard work was, later had a hand at logging and worked as a heavy equipment operator for Eck Brothers, Fox Township and the Pennsylvania Department of Highways. During World War II, he served in Europe, driving heavy equipment, transporting troops, POW's and supplies. He was known as a good mechanic who could fix things on the spot. Following the war he returned to Shunk. He was member of Post 714, V.F.W. of Canton; the Red Run Rod & Gun Club; a charter member of the Endless Winds Fire Co.; and a country music fan. Surviving are his wife, the former Joan Marie Scaife, to whom he was married 46 years; a son Donald W. of Shunk; a daughter, Mrs. Bud (Dorna) Harriman of Sonestown; brothers, Durwood of Trout Run; Albert of Shunk; Doyl of Cogan Station; sisters, Donna Meixel of DuBois; Agnes Snell of Newberry; four grandchildren; one great grandson. He was preceded in death by brothers, Ralph and Luther, and a sister, Ruth Cook. Funeral services will be held today, Thursday, August 12, at 2 p.m. at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Herbert Eby presiding. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk.


More About Donald Larue Shadduck:

Burial: 12 Aug 1999, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Troy Community Hospital

Residence 1: Jun 1981, Cogan Station, Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Jun 1984, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Aug 1999, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 184-20-2768 (PA)

Children of Donald Shadduck and Joan Scaife are:

+ 2393 i. Donald Wayne13 Shadduck, born 22 Jul 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2394 ii. Dorna Jean Shadduck, born 21 Nov 1959 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1113. Doyl Hoover12 Shadduck (Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Nov 1928 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Elsie E. Spencer 28 Mar 1953 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She was born 19 Jan 1935, and died Mar 1987 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Doyl Hoover Shadduck:

(May 3, 1945 is written in pencil, death date or issue date of Canton Independent-Sentinel)

John H. Sellard, age 65 of Canton RD2, died Sat. afternoon about 3:30 at intersection of Rt. 414 and Rt. 14, 1 1/2 miles south of Canton, when his car was struck by pick-up driven by Doyle A. Shadduck of Shunk. Body taken to Morse Funeral Home.


More About Doyl Hoover Shadduck:

Residence: Jun 1984, Cogan Station, Lycoming Co., PA


More About Elsie E. Spencer:

Name 2: Shadduck, Elsie

Obituary/Death Notice: 25 Mar 1987, WELLSBORO GAZETTE, Wellsboro, PA

Residence: Bef. Mar 1987, Last residence: Cogan Station, PA 17728

Social Security Number: 176-28-0819 (PA)

Children of Doyl Shadduck and Elsie Spencer are:

+ 2395 i. Cheyenne Louise13 Shadduck, born 25 Nov 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2396 ii. Patsy Shadduck, born abt. 1955.

2397 iii. Sheila Marie Shadduck, born 10 May 1959. She married ______ Shees.

1115. Edward Dean12 Shadduck, Jr. (Edward Dean11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jan 1925 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 22 Jul 1998 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. He married Sigrid Marta-Louise Spieker 31 Oct 1962 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, daughter of Ludwig Spieker and Berta Schwictenberg. She was born 26 Feb 1929 in Hhannover, Germany.


More About Edward Dean Shadduck, Jr.:

Name 2: Shadduck, E. Dean

Residence: Bef. Jul 1998, Last residence: Binghamton, NY 13905

Social Security Number: 112-16-9326 (NY)

Children of Edward Shadduck and Sigrid Spieker are:

2398 i. Janna Louise13 Shadduck, born 22 May 1964 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.

2399 ii. Eric Christopher Shadduck, born 17 May 1965 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.

1116. Norman Russell12 Shadduck (Edward Dean11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Apr 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Catherine Estelle Bailey 31 Jan 1948 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, daughter of Samuel Bailey and Marguerite Feidler. She was born 10 Mar 1925 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.


Notes for Norman Russell Shadduck:

In 1983 I wrote Norman Sr. a letter requesting his family's information. About a week later he returned a letter with all the pertinent dates and places. He was quite interested in the Shadduck family's history so I decided to telephone him and had lengthy conversation. At this time he filled me in on his brother Edward's family, as best he could. -- note of R. J. Porter

Children of Norman Shadduck and Catherine Bailey are:

+ 2400 i. Norman Russell13 Shadduck, Jr., born 15 Feb 1950 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

+ 2401 ii. Mark Edward Shadduck, born 09 Apr 1952 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

+ 2402 iii. Suzanne Kay Shadduck, born 06 Oct 1953 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

2403 iv. David Alan Shadduck, born 25 Jan 1959 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

1117. Lionel Etheldrid12 Shadduck (William Forrest11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Aug 1923. He married Arvilla Jane Rohn abt. 1945, daughter of Herbert Rohn and Ada Jenkins.

Children of Lionel Shadduck and Arvilla Rohn are:

+ 2404 i. Dara Lee13 Shadduck, born 08 Jun 1947.

2405 ii. Jo Dee Shadduck, born 18 Aug 1960 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Thomas ______.

1118. Phyllis Genevive12 Shadduck (William Forrest11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jul 1925. She married James Watson Little 21 Feb 1946, son of Watson Little and Beatrice Hunter. He was born 29 Jan 1924 in Muncy Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About James Watson Little:

Residence: 1930, Muncy Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Phyllis Shadduck and James Little are:

2406 i. Eric James13 Little, born 26 Nov 1956. He married Phyllis Kraust Oct 1980.

+ 2407 ii. Kevin Lee Little, born 13 Nov 1958.

2408 iii. Keith Richard Little, born 21 Feb 1965.

1119. Richard Thomas12 Shadduck (William Forrest11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Apr 1930 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Mary Louise Confer 29 Mar 1957 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Grover Confer and Edna Faus. She was born 09 Nov 1926 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA.

Child of Richard Shadduck and Mary Confer is:

2409 i. Lisa Ann13 Shadduck, born 31 Jul 1958 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1122. Catherine Lillian12 Blakeman (Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jul 1924 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Carl Leo Zagozewski 16 Jun 1945 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Paul Zagozewski and Stella Husick. He was born 1923 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Carl Leo Zagozewski:

Residence: Jul 2004, AZ

Children of Catherine Blakeman and Carl Zagozewski are:

+ 2410 i. Virginia Eugena13 Zagozewski, born 26 Mar 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2411 ii. Marsha Marie Zagozewski, born 12 Mar 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2412 iii. Jennifer Carol Zagozewski, born 12 Feb 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1123. LaWayne Thomas12 Blakeman (Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1927 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Anne Genevive Murray abt. 1947. She was born 05 Feb 1930.

Children of LaWayne Blakeman and Anne Murray are:

+ 2413 i. Wayne Thomas13 Blakeman, born 16 May 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2414 ii. Ronald Michael Blakeman, born 23 Nov 1949 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2415 iii. Jennie Louise Blakeman, born 13 Feb 1951. She married Robert Dion.

+ 2416 iv. Anne Marie Blakeman, born 10 Jul 1954.

2417 v. Octive Dorna Blakeman, born 21 Sep 1956.

1124. Rose Marie12 Brennan (Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1930. She married Raymond O'Connell 05 Mar 1952. He was born 31 Oct 1926.

Children of Rose Brennan and Raymond O'Connell are:

2418 i. Scott13 O'Connell, born 17 Dec 1954.

+ 2419 ii. Kurt O'Connell, born 28 Mar 1964.

1128. Kenneth Robert12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Aug 1910 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, and died 14 Oct 1963 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Mary Salzer 28 Jul 1931 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of Leopold Salzer and Mary Kerner. She was born 29 Jul 1912 in Garfield, Bergen Co., NJ, and died 13 Jul 1996 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Kenneth Robert Porter:

Burial: Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY

Cause of Death: heart attack


Notes for Mary Salzer:

Albany, NY - TIMES UNION, Monday, 15 Jul 1996 ed.:

Huntersland, NY -- Mrs. Porter, 83, died Saturday, July 13, 1996 in Albany Medical Center. Born in Garfield, NJ, she was the daughter of the late Leopold and Mary (Kerner) Salzer. She had lived in Huntersland for many years. She was a member of the Huntersland United Methodist Church, and the Huntersland Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary. She is survived by two daughters, Janis Puchala of Middleburgh and Linda McDermott of Huntersland; four sons, Albert of Huntersland, Gene of Jacksonville, FL, Lawrence of Pensacola, FL and Robert Porter of Latham; 22 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Kenneth, and a son, Ray Porter. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in the Palmer & Shaylor Funeral Home, 63 River St., Middleburgh, where the funeral will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Rev. Carol Coltrian, Pastor of the Huntersland United Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Middleburgh Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Huntersland Volunteer Fire Department, RD #2, Box 198, Middleburgh, NY 12122.


More About Mary Salzer:

Name 2: Porter, Mary

Burial: 17 Jul 1996, Middleburgh Cem., Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 1: 1930, Berne, Albany Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Jul 1996, Last residence: Albany, NY 12208

Social Security Number: 084-38-2159 (NY)

Children of Kenneth Porter and Mary Salzer are:

+ 2420 i. Ray Edward13 Porter, born 08 Mar 1932 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 11 Oct 1994 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2421 ii. Albert Louis Porter, born 26 Dec 1934 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 06 Sep 1997 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2422 iii. Gene Everett Porter, born 03 Jul 1939 in Berne, Albany Co., NY; died 2002.

+ 2423 iv. Janis Mae Porter, born 18 May 1941 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2424 v. Lawrence Kenneth Porter, born 03 Sep 1944 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2425 vi. Linda Mary Porter, born 03 Sep 1944 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2426 vii. Robert Harvey Porter, born 11 Mar 1947 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY.

1129. Maynard John12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jan 1913 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 12 Apr 1983 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Elizabeth Salzer Oct 1946, daughter of Leopold Salzer and Mary Kerner. She was born 22 Jan 1916 in Garfield, Bergen Co., NJ, and died 06 Jan 1986 in Knox, Albany Co., NY.


Notes for Maynard John Porter:

Submitted by Joanne M. Lauster; 10/19/2003

PORTER - April 12, 1983, Maynard John Porter of Berne, NY, husband of Elizabeth Salzer Porter, father of Maynard John Porter, Jr., of Delanson and Richard L. Porter, Berne; brother of Robert L. Porter, So. Berne, Mace Porter, Berne, Harmon Porter, Selkirk and the late Evelyn Cross, Mildred Conklin, Frances Jones, Kenneth Porter and Harold Porter, grandfather of Koren Lynn Porter, Erin Dale Porter and Maynard John Porter, III all of Delanson. Funeral services from the Fredendall Funeral Home, Altamont, Thursday at 2 p.m. There will be no calling hours. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Berne, NY. Contributions may be made to the Berne Ambulance Fund, Berne, NY 12023 or the VA Hospital.


newspaper clipping from Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel; 11/13/2004

MAYNARD JOHN PORTER- Sympathy is extended to the family of Maynard Porter who died at the Albany Veterans Hospital last week, Tuesday, April 12, 1983, after a long illness. He was the son of the late Robert L. and Anna Mae Milner Porter, born in the Town of Broome, January 18, 1913. He served during World War II in Co. A of the 84th Rcn. Bn. in 1941 and later he served as Tec. 5 Motorcyclist for five years with service in North Africa, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. After his discharge in the spring of 1946 he married Elizabeth Salzer who received the veteran's flag for his service at the funeral last Thursday. He was employed at the GE plant in Schenectady and more recently by the Town of Berne and lived at 4720 Sand Road in Berne. Funeral services were conducted from Fredendall Funeral Home with the Rev. James K. Hilton officiating and burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. Bearers were nephews Clark Conklin, Bobby Porter, David Porter, Garry Porter, Steven Porter and Ronald Porter. He is survived by his wife Ellie, two sons Maynard John Porter, Jr of Delanson and Richard L. Porter of Berne and three grandchildren, Koren Lynn Porter, Maynard John Porter III, and Erin Dale Porter all of Delanson. He was the brother of Robert L. Porter of South Berne, Mace Porter of Berne and Harmon Porter of Selkirk and the late Evelyn Cross, Mildred Conklin, Frances Jones, Kenneth Porter and Harold Porter. Memorial contributions may be made to the Berne Ambulance Fund, Berne, NY 12023, or the VA Hospital, Albany.


More About Maynard John Porter:

Burial: 14 Apr 1983, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Medical Information: died at Veterans Administration Medical Center

Residence 1: 1930, Franklinton, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1983, Last residence: Berne, NY 12023

Social Security Number: 077-14-7090 (NY)


Notes for Elizabeth Salzer:

Obituary Source: unknown newspaper

Submitted by Joanne M. Lauster; Submitted date: 10/19/2003

Elizabeth Porter (Salzer) 1/6/1986

PORTER - January 6, 1986 Elizabeth Salzer Porter of Berne, NY; wife of the late Maynard J. Porter; father of Maynard J. Porter, Jr., Knox and Richard L. Porter, Berne, NY, sister of Mary Porter, Huntersland, Joseph Salzer, Sr. of South Berne, Leo Salzer, East Greenbush and Minnie Hanis of NJ; grandmother of Koren Lynn, Erin Dale and Maynard John Porter, III all of Knox. Funeral services from the Fredendall Funeral Home, Altamont Friday at 2 p.m. There will be no calling hours. Spring Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Berne, NY. Those who wish may make contributions to the Berne Ambulance Fund, Berne, NY 12023


Another Article about Elizabeth Porter:

ELIZABETH S. PORTER, 69; worked as chef

BERNE - Elizabeth S. Porter, 69 of RD1, died Monday in a traffic accident in the town of Knox. Born in Passaic, NJ, she was a Capital District resident most of her life. She had been employed as a morning chef for the Rensselaerville Institute on Man and Science. Survivors include two sons, Maynard J. Porter and Richard L. Porter of Berne; two sisters, Mary Porter of Huntersland and Minnie Hanis of NJ; two brothers, Joseph Salzer of South Berne and Leo Salzer of East Greenbush; and three grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday in the Fredendall Funeral Home. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, Berne. Contributions may be made to the Berne Ambulance Fund. There will be no calling hours.


More About Elizabeth Salzer:

Name 2: Porter, Elizabeth S.

Burial: Mar 1986, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Jan 1986, Last residence: Berne, NY 12023

Social Security Number: 052-18-0286 (NY)

Children of Maynard Porter and Elizabeth Salzer are:

+ 2427 i. Maynard John13 Porter, Jr., born 04 Feb 1947 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

+ 2428 ii. Richard Lawrence Porter, born 24 Aug 1950.

1131. Evelyn May12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 May 1916 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 07 Jan 1975 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. She married Arthur Menzo Cross 19 Jan 1935, son of William Cross. He was born 09 Nov 1908, and died 23 Jun 1977 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY.


Notes for Evelyn May Porter:

Obituary Source: unknown newspaper, clipping from Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel;12/5/2003

Evelyn Cross (Porter) 05/09/1916 - 01/1975

The community was saddened Tuesday in the loss of a valued friend, when Mrs. Arthur Cross passed on at Albany Medical Center after a valiant fight against cancer. Evelyn Porter Cross, born May, 9, 1916 was the daughter of the Robert and Anna Mae Porter. On Jan. 19, 1935, she was married to Arthur Cross who survives her. She is also survived by her four children; Mrs. Donald (Lois) Dittmar and Gerald, who live in adjoining homes in Berne; Garland of South Berne, and Mrs. Anna Mae Atkins of Upland, CA; also nine grandchildren, Eleanor and Arthur Dittmar, Wade, Kelly and GeriLynn Cross of Berne, Julie Kay Cross of South Berne, and Virginia, Robert and Gregory Atkins of Upland, CA. Also survived by four brothers, Maynard Porter, Harmon Porter, Mace Porter, all of Berne, Robert Porter of South Berne; sister of the Late Kenneth Porter of Huntersland, Mrs. Charles (Frances) Jones, Mrs. Donald (Mildred) Conklin and Harold Porter of Berne. She was a faithful member of the First Reformed church of Berne where she was currently serving as secretary of the Guild for Christian Service. She was also a charter member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Berne Fire Department and members of the Ambulance Squad. Mrs. Cross was an active Civil Defense volunteer during World War 11, and had served for 25 years as an Albany County Foster Mother with five children in the home now. Funeral arrangements are by the Fredendall Funeral Home in Altamont. Funeral services will be conducted from the Berne Reformed Church, Friday at 2 p.m. with her pastor Rev. Bruce E. Goodwin, officiating. Memorial gifts may be made to the First Reformed Church of Berne.


More About Evelyn May Porter:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Medical Information: died at Albany Medical Center


More About Arthur Menzo Cross:

Burial: 26 Jun 1977, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Medical Information: died at St. Claire's Hospital

Residence: Bef. Jun 1977, Last residence: Berne, NY 12023

Social Security Number: 077-14-5448 (NY)

Children of Evelyn Porter and Arthur Cross are:

+ 2429 i. Lois Marie13 Cross, born 21 Jul 1937 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2430 ii. Gerald Maynard Cross, born 10 Feb 1939 in Berne, Albany Co., NY.

+ 2431 iii. Garland Mace Cross, born 18 Jan 1940 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 2432 iv. Anna Mae Cross, born 23 Oct 1941 in Berne, Albany Co., NY.

1132. Robert James12 Porter, Jr. (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Apr 1918 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 30 Jun 1995 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Esther May Lee, daughter of Oscar Lee and Melisa Ingrahm. She was born 22 May 1919 in Rensselaerville, Albany Co., NY.


Notes for Robert James Porter, Jr.:

newspaper clipping from Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel; 3/4/2004:

BERNE - Robert J. Porter, 77, of Switzkill Road, died June 30, (1995) at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany.

He was born April 24, 1918, in Middleburgh, son of the late Robert and Anna Milner Porter. During World War II, he served with the 101st Airborne Division in the European Theater, fighting in Normandy, the Ardennes, the Rhineland and Central Europe. He left the service in 1945 as a warrant officer. He was a member of Clark White Post 589, American Legion. He retired in 1980 from the General Electric Co. in Schenectady, after 35 years as a carpenter. Survivors include his wife, the former Esther Lee; a daughter, Carol Brate of Westerlo; four sons, Garry, David and Dennis, all of Berne, and Ronald of Westerlo; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; two brothers, Harmon of Selkirk and Mace of Berne; and several nieces and nephews. A grandson, Scott Porter; three brothers, Kenneth, Maynard and Harold; and three sisters, Evelyn Cross, Francis (sic) Jones and Mildred Conklin, are deceased.

Services were July 3 from the Cunningham Funeral Home in Greenville. He was buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne.


More About Robert James Porter, Jr.:

Burial: 03 Jul 1995, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Medical Information: died at St. Peter's Hosp.

Residence: Bef. Jun 1995, Last residence: Berne, NY 12023

Social Security Number: 108-09-1918 (NY)

Children of Robert Porter and Esther Lee are:

+ 2433 i. Garry Lawrence13 Porter, born 25 Aug 1943 in Westerlo, Albany Co., NY.

+ 2434 ii. Carol Lee Porter, born 19 Feb 1947 in Berne, Albany Co., NY; died 15 May 2004 in Westerlo, Albany Co., NY.

+ 2435 iii. Ronald James Porter, born 25 Aug 1949 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

2436 iv. David Allen Porter, born 31 Jul 1953 in South Berne, Albany Co., NY. He married Doreen Margaret Saddlemire.

2437 v. Dennis Robert Porter, born 30 Oct 1956 in South Berne, Albany Co., NY.

1133. Francis Marie12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1922 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 1965. She married Charles Jones, Jr. abt. 1946 in Albany Co., NY, son of Charles Jones and Edna Stevens. He was born 10 Feb 1928 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, and died 27 Jan 2005 in Bristol, Sullivan Co., TN.


Notes for Charles Jones, Jr.:

Albany, NY - TIMES UNION, 30 Jan 2005 ed.:

Bristol, TN - Charles Jones Jr., of Bristol, died Thursday, January 27, 2005 at Wellmont Hospice House. He was born in Berne, NY, a son of the late Charles and Edna Stevens Jones. He attended Berne-Knox School and served in the U.S. Army. He retired from the New York Highway Department after 20 years of service. He was preceded in death by two daughters, Joyce Jones and Betty Conley; two sons, Mace Jones and Michael Jones; and two brothers, Francis Jones and Carl Jones. Survivors include his wife, Jean Marie Jones of Bristol; daughters, Debbie Woelkers and her husband Daniel, Melissa Jones and Heather Jones, all of Bristol, Mary Jones, Jennifer Jones, Rose Hunter, Marie Murway and Geraldine Bleau of NY, Cheryl Russell and Patricia Novicky of CT. and Debra Sisson of NY; sons, Ray Jones and Kenneth Jones of NY, Gabriel Jones of Bristol, Dennis Cumming of CT and Marcell Boucher of Ft. Bragg, NC; sisters, Florence Stanco and Shirley Janssen of NY; brother, Ralph Jones of NY; 23 grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held at the Grovenor Corners Methodist Church, Central Bridge, NY on Sunday, January 30, 2005 at 7 p.m.


More About Charles Jones, Jr.:

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Jan 2005, TIMES-UNION - Albany, NY

Residence: 1930, Berne, Albany Co., NY

Social Security Number: 052-22-1202 (NY)

Children of Francis Porter and Charles Jones are:

2438 i. Joyce Ann13 Jones, born 10 Mar 1949 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died Bef. 2005.

+ 2439 ii. Mace Charles Jones, born 22 Sep 1950 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died 15 Oct 1998 in Scotia, Schenectady Co., NY.

+ 2440 iii. Marie Barbara Jones, born 07 Jul 1953 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

+ 2441 iv. Geraldine Viola Jones, born 16 Oct 1954 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died Aft. Jan 2005.

+ 2442 v. Betty Edna Jones, born 06 Feb 1956 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died Jul 1993.

+ 2443 vi. Rose Elaine Jones, born 11 Jun 1957 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died Aft. Jan 2005.

+ 2444 vii. Ray Frank Jones, born 17 Nov 1958 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

2445 viii. Kenneth Donald Jones, born abt. 1961 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

1134. Mildred12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Nov 1923 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 12 Jan 1973. She married Irving Conklin.


More About Mildred Porter:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Children of Mildred Porter and Irving Conklin are:

+ 2446 i. Donald Ervin13 Conklin, born 14 Nov 1946 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY.

+ 2447 ii. Clark Wellington Conklin, born 16 Oct 1947.

+ 2448 iii. Isaac John Conklin, born abt. 1951.

+ 2449 iv. Mark Lewis Conklin, born 17 Sep 1957.

1135. Harold12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1926 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 28 Jul 1962 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY. He married Sarah Jones abt. 1945, daughter of Jesse Jones and Roba Wright. She was born 28 Apr 1928 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, and died 21 May 2003 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


Notes for Harold Porter:

Obituary Source; unknown newspaper, clipping from Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel; 1/9/2004

Harold Porter 02/23/1926 - 07/28/1962

The community was shocked Sunday morning to hear of the death of Harold Porter at St. Clare's Hospital, Schenectady, Saturday, July 28 (1962). Mr. Porter was born in the Town of Broome Feb. 23, 1926, son of the late Robert Porter and Anna Mae Milner. He was a World War II veteran and was employed by the General Electric CO. in Schenectady. Mr Porter was an active member of Berne Volunteer Fire company. He was the husband of Sarah Jones and the father of Wayne, Phyllis, James and Edward Porter. Five brothers, Kenneth, Maynard, Robert, Harmon and Mace, and three sisters, Mrs. Arthur Cross, Mrs. Charles Jones, Jr., and Mrs. Donald Conklin, survive. Funeral was held from the Brunk Funeral Home Wednesday, with the Rev. James D. Keller officiating. Interment was in Woodlawn cemetery.


More About Harold Porter:

Burial: 01 Aug 1962, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Cause of Death: Leukemia

Medical Information: twin to Harmon Porter; died at St. Claire's Hospital


More About Sarah Jones:

Burial: 24 May 2003, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Medical Information: died at St. Peter's Hosp.

Children of Harold Porter and Sarah Jones are:

+ 2450 i. Wayne Harold13 Porter, born abt. 1947.

+ 2451 ii. Phyllis Frances Porter, born abt. 1950.

+ 2452 iii. James David Porter, born abt. 1952.

+ 2453 iv. Edward John Porter, born 22 Jan 1959 in Niskayuna, Schenectady Co., NY; died 28 Jan 1997 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

1136. Harmon12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1926 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 12 Jan 1997 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Agatha Jean Swint 24 Mar 1948 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, daughter of William Swint and Pauline Wright. She was born 17 Mar 1929 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, and died 14 Mar 1999.


Notes for Harmon Porter:


Harmon Porter Sr. 02/23/1926 01/12/1997

SELKIRK - Harmon Porter Sr., 70, of South Albany Road, died Sunday at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Albany. Mr. Porter was born in Broome, and moved to Selkirk in 1976. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was a mechanic and worked for the Carr Meat Packing Co. in Albany and the Greenville Packing Co. in Greenville. He also worked as an air conditioning repairman.

He is survived by his wife, Agatha Swint Porter, one daughter, Patricia A. Howell of Coeymans; one son, Harmon Porter Jr. of Middleburgh; one brother, Mace Porter of Berne; six grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Four brothers, Robert, Kenneth, Harold, and Maynard John Porter; and three sisters, Evelyn Cross, Mildred Conklin, and Frances Jones, are deceased. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Fredendall Funeral Home in Altamont. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne.


More About Harmon Porter:

Burial: 15 Jan 1997, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Medical Information: twin to Harold Porter; died at Veterans Administration Medical Center

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Jan 1997, THE ALTAMONT ENTERPRISE


More About Agatha Jean Swint:

Name 2: Porter, Agatha

Residence: Bef. Mar 1999, Last residence: Albany, NY 12201

Social Security Number: 057-24-5829 (NY)

Children of Harmon Porter and Agatha Swint are:

+ 2454 i. Patricia Anna13 Porter, born 23 Oct 1952 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY.

+ 2455 ii. Harmon Porter, Jr., born 01 Aug 1955 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY.

1137. Mace Edward12 Porter (Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1929 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Maureen Victoria Rehorn.


More About Mace Edward Porter:

Residence: 1993, Berne, Albany Co., NY

Children of Mace Porter and Maureen Rehorn are:

+ 2456 i. Ray Mace13 Porter, born 25 Oct 1953 in co. Middlesex, Eng..

+ 2457 ii. Tina Carol Porter, born 24 Jan 1955 in co. Middlesex, Eng..

1146. Howard Milton12 Porter (Irving M.11, Omar10, Daniel9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1912 in Fulton, Schoharie Co., NY, and died Dec 1969. He married Gertrude Clarkson Proper abt. 1937.


More About Howard Milton Porter:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1969, Last residence: Middleburgh, NY 12122

Social Security Number: 083-12-1811 (NY)

Child of Howard Porter and Gertrude Proper is:

2458 i. Albert Eugene13 Porter, born 26 Nov 1938 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY; died 06 Dec 1938 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY.

1152. Ellen Ray12 Porter (Frank Albert11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1897, and died 06 Apr 1980 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL. She married Frank Gaither. He was born 17 May 1895, and died Jan 1977 in Godfrey, Madison Co., IL.


More About Ellen Ray Porter:

Name 2: Gaither, Ellen

Residence: Bef. Apr 1980, Last residence: Fairfield, IL 62837

Social Security Number: 342-03-9047 (IL)


More About Frank Gaither:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1977, Last residence: Godfrey, IL 62035

Social Security Number: 355-16-0409 (IL)

Children of Ellen Porter and Frank Gaither are:

2459 i. Marjorie13 Gaither.

2460 ii. Harold Gaither.

1156. Lowell Eugene12 McNeil (Mabel Bertha11 Porter, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Dec 1901, and died 30 Dec 1971 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL. He married Alice Edna Harrelson abt. 1922. She was born 13 Sep 1907, and died 22 Mar 1988 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., IL.


More About Lowell Eugene McNeil:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1971, Last residence: Fairfield, IL 62837

Social Security Number: 332-22-2556 (IL)


More About Alice Edna Harrelson:

Name 2: McNeil, Alice

Residence: Bef. Mar 1988, Last residence: Fairfield, IL 62837

Social Security Number: 334-40-4025 (IL)

Children of Lowell McNeil and Alice Harrelson are:

2461 i. Lowell Eugene13 McNeil, Jr., born abt. 1929.

2462 ii. Sybil Lucille McNeil.

2463 iii. Joyce LaDonn McNeil.

2464 iv. Gilbert Lynn McNeil.

2465 v. Harold Lee McNeil, born 26 Oct 1927; died 02 Feb 1928.

1157. Anna Leona12 McNeil (Mabel Bertha11 Porter, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1905. She married Ralph John Beck. He was born 12 Apr 1892 in Wayne Co., IL.


More About Anna Leona McNeil:

Residence: 1930, Lamard, Wayne Co., IL


More About Ralph John Beck:

Name 2: Beck, John Ralph

Residence: 1930, Lamard, Wayne Co., IL

Children of Anna McNeil and Ralph Beck are:

2466 i. Norma Lee13 Beck, born 1925 in Wayne Co., IL.


More About Norma Lee Beck:

Residence: 1930, Lamard, Wayne Co., IL

2467 ii. Bernadine Beck, born 1927 in Wayne Co., IL.


More About Bernadine Beck:

Residence: 1930, Lamard, Wayne Co., IL


2468 iii. Faye Ailene Beck.

2469 iv. Doris Fern Beck.

2470 v. Joyce Evelyn Beck.

1158. Roba Irene12 McNeil (Mabel Bertha11 Porter, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jan 1916, and died 01 Oct 2003 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson Co., IL. She married Arthur Auburn Samford, son of John Samford and Eva ______. He was born 09 Nov 1913, and died 04 Apr 2000 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson Co., IL.


More About Roba Irene McNeil:

Name 2: Samford, Roba M.

Social Security Number: 322-20-9726 (IL)


More About Arthur Auburn Samford:

Residence: 1930, Lamard, Wayne Co., IL

Social Security Number: 331-14-3373 (IL)

Child of Roba McNeil and Arthur Samford is:

2471 i. Gary Leon13 Samford. He married Sharon Louise Pitts.

1160. Minnie M.12 Porter (Manley Bertin11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1909. She married Harold C. Harden. He was born 17 Sep 1905, and died 24 Sep 1944.

Children of Minnie Porter and Harold Harden are:

2472 i. Norma Lee13 Harden.

2473 ii. Chester Eugene Harden.

1162. Harvey Herman12 Porter (Manley Bertin11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jan 1914, and died 10 Dec 1979. He married Minerva Hambert.


More About Harvey Herman Porter:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1979, Last residence: Scottsbluff, NE 69361

Social Security Number: 564-09-5391 (CA)

Children of Harvey Porter and Minerva Hambert are:

2474 i. Nancy Lee13 Porter, born abt. 1935.

2475 ii. Ruth Ann Porter, born 28 May 1937; died Nov 1937.

2476 iii. Wanda Marie Porter, born abt. 1939.

2477 iv. Dona Jean Porter, born abt. 1941.

2478 v. Carol Ruth Porter, born 23 Apr 1943; died 29 Sep 1969.

1163. Clarence12 Porter (Manley Bertin11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 May 1915, and died 19 Feb 1974. He married Blanche Olson.

Children of Clarence Porter and Blanche Olson are:

2479 i. Burton13 Porter.

2480 ii. Leland Porter.

2481 iii. Connie Porter.

1164. Wilmetta M.12 Porter (Manley Bertin11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1917. She married LeMoyn Thelander.

Children of Wilmetta Porter and LeMoyn Thelander are:

2482 i. Wayne LeMoyn13 Thelander.

2483 ii. Linda Louise Thelander.

1165. Gladys L.12 Porter (Manley Bertin11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Dec 1918, and died Feb 1996. She married Floyd Lehn.


More About Gladys L. Porter:

Name 2: Lehn, Gladys

Residence: Bef. Feb 1996, Last residence: Chappell, NE 69129

Social Security Number: 507-40-7872 (NE)

Children of Gladys Porter and Floyd Lehn are:

2484 i. Barbara Jean13 Lehn.

2485 ii. Larry Leon Lehn.

2486 iii. Infant Lehn.

1167. Olive Katherine12 Porter (Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Donald Millard Clark.

Children of Olive Porter and Donald Clark are:

+ 2487 i. Nancy Charlotte13 Clark.

+ 2488 ii. Linda Claudette Clark.

+ 2489 iii. Susan Katherine Clark.

1168. Mabel Ruth12 Porter (Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Byron Fredrick Clayton Fredrickson.

Children of Mabel Porter and Byron Fredrickson are:

+ 2490 i. Kathleen Louise13 Fredrickson.

2491 ii. Barbara Ruth Fredrickson. She married Harley John Johnson.

2492 iii. Deo Clayton Fredrickson. He married (1) Janelle Louise Kroyman. He married (2) Kim Josephine Keiser.

1170. Wilma Lee12 Porter (Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Martin William Piller.

Children of Wilma Porter and Martin Piller are:

+ 2493 i. Martin William13 Piller, Jr..

+ 2494 ii. Gregg Frederick Piller.

2495 iii. Jerry Lee Piller. He married Kathleen Marie McGovern.

1171. Mary Phyllis12 Porter (Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1916, and died 25 Jan 1989 in Turlock, Stanislaus Co., CA. She married Stanley William Gordon Moss. He was born 06 Jun 1909, and died Oct 1979 in Denver, Denver Co., CO.


More About Mary Phyllis Porter:

Name 2: Moss, Mary

Residence: Bef. Jan 1989, Last residence: Turlock, CA 95380

Social Security Number: 521-24-6335 (CO)


More About Stanley William Gordon Moss:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1979, Last residence: Denver, CO 80239

Social Security Number: 523-01-8582 (CO)

Children of Mary Porter and Stanley Moss are:

+ 2496 i. Marita Lorraine13 Moss.

2497 ii. Wallace Stanley Moss, born 05 Jan 1939 in Kremmling, Grand Co., CO; died 04 Oct 1984 in Sterling, Logan Co., CO. He married Esther Wipperman.


More About Wallace Stanley Moss:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1984, Last residence: Denver, CO 80211

Social Security Number: 523-46-7972 (CO)

1174. Harvey12 Hoteling (Velmore11, Chauncey10, Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1911 in Schoharie Co., NY.

Child of Harvey Hoteling is:

2498 i. James13 Hoteling.

1175. Victor P.12 Hoteling (Velmore11, Chauncey10, Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jul 1924 in Franklinton, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 13 Feb 2001 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY. He married Barbara Lawson 1945.


Notes for Victor P. Hoteling:

Albany, NY - TIMES UNION, Thursday, February 15, 2001 ed.:


GUILDERLAND -- Victor P. Hoteling, 76, of Lynnwood Court, died Wednesday, February 13 at St. Clare's Hospital after a short illness. Born in Franklinton, NY, he was a graduate of Middleburgh Central School. During World War II, Mr. Hoteling served with the Navy. For more than 32 years, he worked for Sealtest in Schenectady, retiring in the early 1980's as the plant manager. He was a member of St. Madeleine Sophie Church. Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Barbara Lawson Hoteling; two daughters, Jo Ann Burns of Hoosick Falls and Jane B. Hoteling of Schenectady; and four grandchildren, Kristen and Bryan Burns and Jeffrey and Jason Gangell. He was also the uncle of James Hoteling of Macedon, NY and several other nieces and nephews. Mr. Hoteling was predeceased by a daughter, Janet Hoteling Gangell, who died in 1990. Services will be held Saturday morning, 9:15 at the Bond Funeral Home, Broadway and Guilderland Ave., Schenectady followed at 10:00 at St. Madeleine Sophie Church, Carman Rd., Guilderland where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated. Calling hours Friday evening from 7-9 at the Bond Funeral Home. Spring interment, Middleburgh Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the American Red Cross, 1040 State St., Schenectady, NY 12307 or to the St. Madeleine Sophie Church, 3500 Carman Rd., Schenectady, NY 12303.


More About Victor P. Hoteling:

Residence: 1930, Broome, Schoharie Co., NY

Social Security Number: 113-14-4776 (NY)

Children of Victor Hoteling and Barbara Lawson are:

+ 2499 i. Janet S.13 Hoteling, born 22 Nov 1952; died Oct 1990.

+ 2500 ii. Jo Ann Hoteling.

2501 iii. Jane B. Hoteling.


1181. Agnes12 Bowers (Claurice11 Brown, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married Cleveland Sayman.

Children of Agnes Bowers and Cleveland Sayman are:

2502 i. Grover13 Sayman. He married ______ Benning.

+ 2503 ii. Clara Sayman.

+ 2504 iii. ______ Sayman.

2505 iv. ______ Sayman. He married ______ O'Neil.

1182. Devere12 Bowers (Claurice11 Brown, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) He married Maude DeCon.

Child of Devere Bowers and Maude DeCon is:

2506 i. ______13 Bowers. She married ______ Goldberg.

1183. Harold12 Bowers (Claurice11 Brown, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) He married (1) Viola McDonald. He married (2) Frances Campbell.

Children of Harold Bowers and Viola McDonald are:

2507 i. ______13 Bowers. He married ______ Liley.

2508 ii. ______ Bowers. He married ______ Ayers.

2509 iii. ______ Bowers. He married Helen ______.

1184. Maybelle R.12 Brown (John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1911, and died Bef. Feb 2004. She married Lloyd Myers, son of Burton Myers and Eva ______. He was born abt. 1910.

Child of Maybelle Brown and Lloyd Myers is:

2510 i. ______13 Myers.

1186. Leona12 Brown (John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1916, and died Aft. Feb 2004. She married Lawrence Decker Frey 1941, son of Edwin Frey and Florence Decker. He was born 23 Aug 1918 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 30 Jul 1999 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Lawrence Decker Frey:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 05 Aug 1999 ed.:

Lawrence D. Frey, Sr., 80, of Shunk died July 30, 1999 at his home. He was born Aug 23, 1918 in Wheelerville, a son of Edwin E. and Florence Decker Frey. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force during World War II and served as a bombardier. Following the war he re-enlisted in the Army Reserves and served until 1970 when he retired as a major. He had over 20 years of military service. While in the Reserves, he worked at L.L. Baumunk & Son in Shunk and later served as a road foreman for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. In the early 1970's he became a rural mail carrier for the Shunk and Canton rural routes and remained in this field for many years, retiring in 1980. Mr. Frey was a member of the Shunk United Methodist Church; the Canton V.F.W. Post 714; the Loyal Order of Moose; Canton Lodge No. 429; Rural Mail Carriers Association; the National Rifle Association; and a lifetime member of the Sullivan County Historical Society. His hobbies included outdoor activities and bowling. Surviving are his wife, the former Leona Brown, whom he married 58 years ago in the Grover Church parsonage; four children Lawrence "Larry", Jr., of Shunk; Donald L. of Granville Summit; Mrs. Donald (Ina) Harding of Athens; and Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Waldeisen of Hillsgrove; nine grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; two brothers, Sheldon of New Jersey; and Wayne of Pittsburgh; two sisters, Alice Eastham of Athens; and Irene Foust of Montoursville; and many friends including Bea McCue of Estella and Patricia McCarty of Dushore. He was predeceased by a sister Dorothy McDonald and a brother, Kenneth. A memorial service will be held Sunday, Aug. 15, at 11 a.m. in the Shunk United Methodist Church with Rev. James C. House presiding. The Canton V.F.W. will accord full military honors. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk, at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are under the direction of the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton.


More About Lawrence Decker Frey:

Burial: Aug 1999, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Jul 1999, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 199-09-5561 (PA)

Children of Leona Brown and Lawrence Frey are:

2511 i. Lawrence Decker13 Frey, Jr..

2512 ii. Donald L. Frey.

2513 iii. Ina Frey. She married Donald Harding.

2514 iv. Lillian Frey. She married Robert Waldeisen.

1187. Miriam H.12 Brown (John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1917 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 02 Oct 1996. She married Kenneth Joseph Frey abt. 1936, son of Edwin Frey and Florence Decker. He was born 16 Jan 1916 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 20 Feb 1993 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Miriam H. Brown:

Name 2: Frey, Miriam

Residence: Bef. Oct 1996, Last residence: Lancaster, PA 17603

Social Security Number: 175-46-0866 (PA)


Notes for Kenneth Joseph Frey:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Feb 1993 ed.:

FREY, Kenneth J., 77, of Shunk RR 1, died Saturday, Feb. 20, 1993, in Troy Community Hospital. He was the brother of a Montoursville woman. He and his wife, the former Marion Brown, had been married 57 years. He was a 1932 graduate of the Shunk (3-year) High School and a 1933 graduate of Estella Vocational-Agriculture High School. He was employed by D.H.I.A. for about a year before starting his own dairy farm and continued to farm until retiring in 1973. He was chief assessor for Sullivan County from 1963 until 1978. He was active with the Northern Tier Regional Planning Commission from 1964 until 1979 and served on the Sullivan County Planning Commission for six years. He was a substitute rural mail carrier from 1938 until 1979 and a full-time carrier until retiring in 1981. An active member of the Shunk United Methodist Church since 1935, he served as the superintendent, a teacher and a class leader with the Sunday school there. He was a member of the Shunk Cemetery Association, the Sullivan County Historical Society and the Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce. He also served as a director of the Endless Mountains Association. An avid traveler, he visited all 50 states, England, Ireland, Australia and Nova Scotia. He also enjoyed camping and fishing. Born Jan. 16, 1916, in Fox Township, Sullivan County, he was a son of Edwin and Florence Decker Frey. Surviving, besides his wife, are two daughters, Dolores Hartford and Elaine Kisinger, both of Troy RR 1; three sons, Ronald Frey, of Shunk, Miles Frey, of Hearne, TX, and Eugene Frey, of Glidden, WI; a niece whom he helped rear, Elaine McDonald Scwartz, of Madison, Wis.; three brothers, Lawrence, of Shunk, Sheldon, of Moorestown, N.J., and Wayne, of Pittsburgh; two sisters, Alice Eastham, of Athens, and Irene Foust, of Montoursville, 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the church. Burial will be in the Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday at Morse and Kleeses, 40 North Center Street, Canton. The family will provide the flowers.


More About Kenneth Joseph Frey:

Burial: 23 Feb 1993, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Troy Community Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Feb 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1993, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 168-12-9840 (PA)

Children of Miriam Brown and Kenneth Frey are:

+ 2515 i. Dolores Ann13 Frey, born 22 Mar 1936.

2516 ii. Carol M. Frey, born 1938; died 1949.


More About Carol M. Frey:

Burial: 1949, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA


+ 2517 iii. Ronald K. Frey, born 09 Jul 1940.

2518 iv. Miles S. Frey, born 1943.

2519 v. Eugene L. Frey, born 1945.

2520 vi. Elaine I. Frey, born 1948. She married ______ Kisinger.

1188. Mildred Laverne12 Brown (John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Apr 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Feb 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Leslie Lynnford Morgan 11 Jan 1940 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Daniel Morgan and Bertha Vargeson. He was born 31 Aug 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Mar 1997 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Mildred Laverne Brown:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 15 Feb 2004 ed.:

MORGAN, Mildred L., 84, of Elmira, NY, formerly of Gillett, PA, passed away early Saturday morning, Feb. 14, 2004 at the St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira. Born April 1, 1919, in Shunk, PA, she was a daughter of the late Lewis and Anna (Bartlow) Brown. Mildred married Leslie Morgan on Jan. 11, 1940 in Shunk, PA. Her beloved Leslie preceded her in death on Mar. 17, 1997 following 57 years of loving marriage. Mildred's main interest throughout life was the love she shared with her family. She was talented at quilting and enjoyed collecting teddy bears. She is survived by: a son and daughter-in-law, Bruce and Linda Morgan of Windsor, NY; four daughters and sons-in-law, Nola and Delos Perry of NC, Shirley and Gerald Oldroyd of Gillett, PA, Bertha and Richard Oppenheim of Elmira, NY, Linda and Robert Bump of Gillett, PA; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and two great-great- grandchildren; four sisters, Marion Frey and Leona Frey, both of Shunk, PA, Geraldine Gilbert of Forksville, PA, Beatrice Bailey of Boonville, NY; many nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Morgan was predeceased by a granddaughter, Lois Benjamin; a brother, Lewis Brown Jr.; and a sister, Maybelle Myers. Her family invites friends to call 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 16th, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral and committal services will be held 11 a.m., Tuesday, at the funeral home, with the Rev. Donald Rockwell officiating. Burial will be held in the Brown Cemetery, Shunk, PA. Memorials in Mrs. Morgan's name may be directed to a charity of one's choice.


More About Mildred Laverne Brown:

Name 2: Morgan, Mildred L.

Burial: 17 Feb 2004, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 Feb 2004, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Social Security Number: 192-24-7382 (PA)


Notes for Leslie Lynnford Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Mar 1997 ed.:

MORGAN, Leslie L., age 77 of Gillett, PA, passed away March 17, 1997 at his home. Surviving are his wife of 57 years, Mildred; son and wife, Bruce and Linda Morgan, Windsor, NY; 4 daughters, Mrs. Delos (Nola) Perry, Centerville, PA, Mrs. Richard (Bertha) Oppenheim, Elmira; Mrs. Gerald (Shirley) Oldroyd and Mrs. Robert (Linda) Bump both of Gillett; 19 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; 2 brothers, Vernon, Elmira, Duane, Erin, NY; 3 sisters, Agnes Brown, Canton, Vivian Keiffer, Elmira, Arlene Biickle, Williamsport, PA. She was preceded in death by a brother, Raymond. Calling hours will be 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton. The funeral will be held 11 a.m. Thursday at the Funeral home with Rev. Herbert Eby officiating. Burial will be held in the Brown Cemetery, Shunk, PA.


More About Leslie Lynnford Morgan:

Burial: 20 Mar 1997, Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Mar 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Mar 1997, Last residence: Gillett, PA 16925

Social Security Number: 161-14-7253 (PA)

Children of Mildred Brown and Leslie Morgan are:

+ 2521 i. Nola Kay13 Morgan, born abt. Apr 1940.

+ 2522 ii. Shirley Morgan, born 26 Mar 1941.

+ 2523 iii. Bruce Laverne Morgan, born abt. Nov 1942.

+ 2524 iv. Linda Marion Morgan, born 29 Jul 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2525 v. Bertha Morgan, born abt. 1946.

1190. A. Geraldine12 Brown (John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jan 1926, and died Aft. Feb 2004. She married Roger Earl Gilbert, son of J. Gilbert and Mildred Nichols. He was born 25 Jun 1925 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 12 Sep 2002 in Estella, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Roger Earl Gilbert:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 13 Sep 2002 ed.:

GILBERT, Roger E., age 77, of Estella, Elkland Township, Forksville RR 1, passed away on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002, at his home. He was born on June 25, 1925, in Elmira, NY, a son of the late Earl and Mildred Nichols Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert was a veteran of the United States Army, having served during World War II. He attended the Estella Methodist Church and was a member of V.F.W. Post No. 384, of Overton. Prior to his retirement Roger was a self-employed carpenter. He left surviving his wife: Geraldine Brown Gilbert, at home; three sons: William Roger (Karin) Gilbert of LeRoy, John Earl Gilbert of New Albany and Robert Hugh (Linda) Gilbert of Forksville; two brothers: Audry (Reva) Gilbert of Florida and Joseph (Rita Karge) Gilbert of Forksville, PA; four sisters, Mrs. June Boyles of Knoxville, Pa., Mrs. Nellie Smith of New York, Mrs. Ella (Ronald) Heinse of Forksville and Gloria Leslie of Nebraska; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by Leslie Gilbert and Norma Boeker. At Roger's request the funeral services will be private and be held at the convenience of his family in the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter St., Dushore, with the Rev. James Donahoo, pastor, officiating. Interment will be in Forksville Cemetery. In lieu of flower donations, the family suggests that donations be made to the Guthrie Hospice, or the Sullivan County Chapter of the American Cancer Society in Mr. Gilbert's memory.


More About Roger Earl Gilbert:

Burial: 15 Sep 2002, Forksville Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Sep 2002, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Children of A. Brown and Roger Gilbert are:

2526 i. William Roger13 Gilbert. He married Karin ______.

2527 ii. John Earl Gilbert.

2528 iii. Robert Hugh Gilbert. He married Linda ______.

1198. Lloyd J.12 Benjamin (Arvilla11 Brown, Lorenzo D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1901 in PA. He married Lelia M. Babcock 1918, daughter of Frank Babcock and Alice ______. She was born 1901 in PA.


More About Lloyd J. Benjamin:

Residence: 1930, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Lelia M. Babcock:

Residence: 1930, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Lloyd Benjamin and Lelia Babcock are:

2529 i. Arvilla13 Benjamin, born 1920 in PA.

2530 ii. Lelia Benjamin, born 1923 in PA.

2531 iii. Earl Benjamin, born 1927 in PA.

1206. Dorothy12 Jackson (C. Loyd11, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married (1) Robert Wright. She married (2) William Cunningham.

Child of Dorothy Jackson and Robert Wright is:

+ 2532 i. Joan13 Wright.

1208. Ernest Clarence12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1895, and died Jul 1973 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Belle Miriam Rightmire, daughter of Allen Rightmire and Saloma Brown. She was born 23 Jan 1893, and died Jan 1978 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Ernest Clarence Williams:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1973, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 163-18-0084 (PA)


More About Belle Miriam Rightmire:

Name 2: Williams, Belle

Residence: Bef. Jan 1978, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 173-50-8993 (PA)

Child of Ernest Williams and Belle Rightmire is:

2533 i. Kenneth13 Williams.

1209. Laura E.12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1899, and died Sep 1971. She married Marshall Bellows.


More About Laura E. Williams:

Name 2: Bellows, Laura

Residence: Bef. Sep 1971, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 178-22-4872 (PA)

Children of Laura Williams and Marshall Bellows are:

2534 i. Leah13 Bellows.

2535 ii. Earl Bellows.

2536 iii. Irma Bellows.

2537 iv. Byron Bellows.

1210. Boyd12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. Nov 1899, and died Bef. 1910. He married Marian Merrick.

Children of Boyd Williams and Marian Merrick are:

2538 i. ______13 Williams.

2539 ii. ______ Williams.

2540 iii. ______ Williams.

1211. Lester J.12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1902. He married Ina Dysdae. She was born abt. 1905.

Children of Lester Williams and Ina Dysdae are:

2541 i. LeRoy13 Williams.

2542 ii. ______ Williams.

1212. Edna L.12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 22 Feb 1904 in PA, and died Aug 1987. She married Murray S. Tillotson abt. 1920, son of Denton Tillotson and Amarinda Bellows. He was born 1902 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 1947.


More About Edna L. Williams:

Name 2: Tillotson, Edna

Burial: Aug 1987, East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1987, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 201-24-9864 (PA)


More About Murray S. Tillotson:

Burial: East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Edna Williams and Murray Tillotson are:

2543 i. Irena13 Tillotson, born abt. 1921.

2544 ii. Vera A. Tillotson, born 1923; died 1937.


More About Vera A. Tillotson:

Burial: East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 2545 iii. James Murray Tillotson, born 28 Jun 1925; died 24 Aug 1993.

+ 2546 iv. Carl Denton Tillotson, born 15 Dec 1927 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 02 Feb 2000 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1213. Lena12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1905. She married Robert Cole.

Child of Lena Williams and Robert Cole is:

2547 i. ______13 Cole.

1215. Raymond B.12 Williams (Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1916, and died Jul 1968. He married Barbara Elliott, daughter of Robert Elliott and Mabel Darling. She was born 16 Jul 1918 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died Jun 1995.


More About Raymond B. Williams:

Burial: Jul 1968, Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 1968, Last residence: Sewickley, PA 15143

Social Security Number: 551-14-1057 (CA)


More About Barbara Elliott:

Name 2: Williams, Barbara

Burial: Jun 1995, Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 1995, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 191-30-0036 (PA)

Child of Raymond Williams and Barbara Elliott is:

2548 i. Vicki13 Williams, died Aft. 1990. She married ______ May.

1227. Ellis LaRue12 Brown (Hurley B.11, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 15 Jun 1917, and died Aft. Jul 2000. He married Agnes Belle Brown abt. 1938, daughter of Lester Brown and Elnora Caseman. She was born 08 Jul 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Jul 2000 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Ellis LaRue Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Agnes Belle Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 13 Jul 2000 ed.:

BROWN, Agnes B., 81, of Fox Township, Forksville RD, died July 9, 2000, at her home one day after her 81st birthday. A lifelong resident of Fox Township, she was born July 8, 1919, one of eight children of Lester and Elnora Caseman Brown. She was a graduate of Loyalsock (Estella) High School and was married soon after. She and her husband, Ellis Brown, made their home on a farm just outside the village of Piatt, farmed and raised their family. Mrs. Brown was a charter member of the Endless Winds Fire Co. and enjoyed needle crafts, raising chickens and bird watching. Surviving are her husband, Ellis, to whom she was married 62 years; sons Roland of Shunk; Harry of Forksville RD; Glenn of Sugar Run; and Jerrod (Jerry) of Forksville RD; a daughter, Mrs. Albert (Ethel) Krise of Leroy; two sisters, Mrs. Kenneth (Josephine) Fitzwater of Canton; and Mrs. Harmon (Myrtle) Morgan of Gillett; and sisters-in-law, Wilma Brown of Lakeside, CA; and Janet Brown of Shunk. She was preceded in death by brothers, Roy, Paul and Jim; and sisters Verna and Velma; and one granddaughter, Kim. Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m., July 13, at the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Herbert Eby presiding. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Memorials may be directed to Memorial Hospice RD Box 154 Towanda, PA 18848.


More About Agnes Belle Brown:

Burial: 13 Jul 2000, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Ellis Brown and Agnes Brown are:

2549 i. Roland13 Brown.

2550 ii. Harry Brown.

2551 iii. Glenn Brown.

2552 iv. Jerrod Brown.

2553 v. Ethel Brown. She married Albert Krise.

1230. Kenneth William12 Brown (Hurley B.11, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1925. He married Marlena Sullivan.

Child of Kenneth Brown and Marlena Sullivan is:

+ 2554 i. Kenneth William13 Brown, Jr., born 1960.

1232. Clarence Thomas12 Brown (Hurley B.11, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jan 1928, and died Aft. Feb 2005. He married Neva G. Forrest abt. 1952, daughter of Chester Forrest and Jessie Smith. She was born 01 Oct 1928 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 16 Feb 2005 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Neva G. Forrest:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 24 Feb 2005 ed.:

Neva G. Brown, 76, of Shunk died February 16, 2005 at Williamsport Hospital. She was born October 1, 1928, in Proctor, a daughter of Chester, Sr., and Jessie Smith Forrest. A talented cook and homemaker, she enjoyed gardening and needle crafts, word puzzles, and fishing in New York State with her husband. Surviving are her husband, Clarence "Tuff" Brown, to whom she was married nearly 53 years; two daughters, Marsha (Harold) Benson of Canton; and Roxanna (William) Harkness of Winfield; two grandsons; three great-grandsons; a sister, Emma Spencer of Montoursville. She was predeceased by a son, Royce, and two brothers, Stanley and Chester Forrest. Funeral services were held Feb. 18 at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, with Rev. Herbert Eby presiding. Burial was in Green Lawn Memorial Park, Montgomery.

Children of Clarence Brown and Neva Forrest are:

2555 i. Royce13 Brown, died Bef. Feb 2005.

2556 ii. Marsha Brown. She married Harold Benson.

2557 iii. Roxanna Brown. She married William Harkness.

1235. Robert K.12 Bagley (Bertha A.11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 29 Nov 1906 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 29 Jan 1989 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Elsie Irene Dickerson 08 Aug 1931, daughter of Orlando Dickerson and Bertha Avery. She was born 06 Feb 1910 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 16 Aug 1975 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.


Child is listed above under Elsie Irene Dickerson (933).


1236. Raymond G.12 Bagley (Bertha A.11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1912 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Jan 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Elizabeth McEntyre abt. 1954.


Notes for Raymond G. Bagley:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Jan 1993 ed.:

BAGLEY, Raymond G. Sr., age 80 of RR #1 Box 349, Canton, PA passed away Monday, January 11, 1993 in the Robert Packer Hospital emergency room as the result of fatal injuries sustained from a motor vehicle accident. Mr. Bagley was born June 11, 1912 at Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA a son of George and Bertha Brown Bagley. Raymond was Protestant by faith. Raymond worked for the Civil Conservation Corps at Masten and also on the S & NY Railroad in the 1930's. He later was a Sawyer and Carpenter in Hartford, CT. During World War II he assisted in the construction of the barracks at Ft. Meade, MD. Later he and his brother, Carlyle, were proprietors of Bagley's Sawmill in Sullivan Co. and later at Cedar Ledge for 20 years. The operation of heavy equipment was another occupation of Raymond's. He returned to Carpentry in the 1960's and retired from the Carpenter's Local #532 Elmira, NY. He enjoyed building and rebuilding machinery and possessed a great interest in Bradford County History and family genealogy. Surviving are his wife, the former Elizabeth McEntire. They were married 39 years; son, Raymond G., Jr. of East Canton; daughter, Mrs. Melanie K. Dohrmann of Williamsport; 3 step-sons, Harry L. Ballard of Bridgeville, Malcolm M. of Monroeton and Robert R. of Charleston, WV; sister, Mrs. June Jenkins of Shunk; 7 grandchildren; 10 step-grandchildren; nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by brothers, Walter in 1979, Robert in 1989 and Carlyle in 1991 and a sister, Beatrice Sharrow in 1992. Funeral Services will be conducted from the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, PA Saturday at 11 a.m. Rev. David B. Morris, Pastor of the Church of Christ (Disciples of Christ) Canton, will officiate. Interment will be in the Brown Cemetery, Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA. Visitation will be held at the Funeral Home Friday 7 to 9 p.m.


More About Raymond G. Bagley:

Name 2: Bagley, Raymond, Sr.

Burial: 16 Jan 1993, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1993, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 198-05-2730 (PA)

Children of Raymond Bagley and Elizabeth McEntyre are:

2558 i. Raymond G.13 Bagley, Jr..

2559 ii. Melanie K. Bagley. She married ______ Dohrmann.

1238. Walter Dale12 Bagley (Bertha A.11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 28 Feb 1919 in Masten, McIntyre Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 19 Feb 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Ina Mae Morgan May 1943.


Notes for Walter Dale Bagley:

Williamsport, PA - WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE, 21 Feb 1979 ed.:

BAGLEY, Walter D., 59, of Shunk, a native of Lycoming County, died Monday, Feb. 19, 1979, in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, following an extended illness. Born Feb. 28, 1919, at Masten, McIntyre Twp., he was a son of George and Bertha Brown Bagley. Mr. Bagley operated a dairy farm in the Shunk area for many years. An Army veteran of World War II, he was a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6755, Liberty. He also was a member of the Shunk-Endless Winds Fire Co. He and his wife, the former Ida Mae Morgan, observed their 36th wedding anniversary last May. Surviving, besides his wife, are a daughter, Mrs. Vickie Boyd, of Forksville; four sons, Drew, Zane and Randy, all of Shunk, and Craig, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Sharrow, of Canton RD 1, and Mrs. Elmer Jenkins, of Shunk; three brothers, Robert, of Ellenton, and Raymond and Carlyle, both of Canton, and 10 grandchildren. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Kleeses, 40 North Center Street, Canton, with the Rev. Duane Taylor, pastor of Alba Christian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Friends may call at the funeral home from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday. A Family visitation will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday.


More About Walter Dale Bagley:

Burial: 22 Feb 1979, Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Feb 1979, WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence 1: Bef. Feb 1979, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 198-05-6255 (PA)

Children of Walter Bagley and Ina Morgan are:

2560 i. Drew13 Bagley.

2561 ii. Vickie Bagley. She married ______ Boyd.

2562 iii. Zane Bagley.

2563 iv. Randy Bagley.

2564 v. Craig Bagley.

1240. June A.12 Bagley (Bertha A.11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 18 Dec 1921 in PA, and died 14 Nov 1993. She married Elmer M. Jenkins 06 May 1940. He was born 30 May 1919.


Notes for June A. Bagley:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 15 Nov 1993 ed.:

OBITUARIES - June A. Jenkins, tax collector

CANTON - June A. Jenkins, 72 of Canton, PA, died Sunday, Nov. 14, 1993. Mrs. Jenkins was the Fox Township tax collector for 36 years. She was an active member of the Shunk United Methodist Church, where she was a Sunday school teacher for several years. Mrs. Jenkins was also an active 4-H Club member. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton is handling the arrangements.


More About June A. Bagley:

Burial: 17 Nov 1993, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Medical Information: twin to Ina M.

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 Nov 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


More About Elmer M. Jenkins:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Children of June Bagley and Elmer Jenkins are:

2565 i. Allen W.13 Jenkins, born 1943.

2566 ii. Lana A. Jenkins, born 1947.

2567 iii. Diane S. Jenkins, born 1955.

2568 iv. Mark E. Jenkins, born 1967.

1249. Melvin Blair12 Morgan (Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 16 Dec 1918 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 18 Mar 2004 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Joyce Leighton. She was born abt. 1920.


Notes for Melvin Blair Morgan:

Towanda DAILY REVIEW, 21 Mar 2004 ed.:

Melvin B. Morgan, 85, long-time resident of Shunk, Pa., passed away Thursday evening, March 18, 2004, at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre. Born in Shunk on December 16, 1918, Melvin was a son of the late William and Bell (Brown) Morgan. After high school he attended Penn State University and graduated with honors receiving a teaching certification in High School Education. Mr. Morgan was a decorated veteran of the WW II European Theatre; serving from August, 1943 to June, 1945 with the 86th Chemical Battalion's Company A. Melvin proudly attained the rank of Private First Class and received several commendations including the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster for bravery. Melvin taught agriculture in the Benton, Pa. area for several years. He then worked as an unemployment agent in Milton, Pa. for the state government and owned and operated a logging business for many years until retiring in the early 1960's. In the late 1970's, Melvin owned and operated a veal business at his home is Shunk. He also enjoyed judging livestock at the Sullivan County Fairs in Forksville for many years. Melvin's life was always centered on his deep love for family and home. He was an avid hunter, fisherman and outdoors man, enjoying his hunting trips out west and reminiscing of his many fishing trips to Canada with his sons. He also loved hiking the countryside picking wild berries, especially enjoying blueberries. Surviving are: five daughters, Sheila Minnick of Forksville, Karen (Carl) O'Conners of Shunk, Dawn Perry of Hughesville, Cindy (Grant) Gustin of Springfield, and Jolene Morgan of Hughesville; four sons, Kent (Pat) Morgan of Shunk, David (Penny) Morgan of Ogdensburg, Vern (Teresa) Morgan of Shunk, and Dewey (Kathy) Morgan of Sonestown; 15 grandchildren, Melissa Chase, Kirsten and Karissa Minnick, Kelly and Keri Morgan, Jordan Morgan, Gregory Perry, Justin Morgan, Jessica Shadduck, Kate, Gus and Laren Gustin, Josh Heess, Lee and Olivia Morgan; four great-grandchildren, Nicholas Morgan, Terry and Emma Shadduck and Josh Heess Jr.; three sisters, Josephine Lewis of Hillsgrove, Doris Rathbun of Canton, Norma Lodge of Canton; five brothers, Lyle Morgan, Frank Morgan and Glen Morgan all of Canton, Dale Morgan of Alabama and John Morgan of Ulster; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to Joyce (Leighton) Morgan, Mr. Morgan was predeceased by two sons, Gary and Lee, three brothers, Martin, Vance and Stanley Morgan, three sisters, Dorothy Kipp, Madeline Kilmer and Esther Clisso. His family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m., Sunday, March 21, 2004, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral service will be held 11 a.m. Monday at the funeral home with retired Rev. Jasper Smith officiating. Burial will follow in Brown Cemetery with military honors accorded.


More About Melvin Blair Morgan:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 1943 - 1945, Co A, 86th Chemical Batt.

Military honors: Purple Heart w/ Oak Leaf Cluster

Military service: Bet. Aug 1943 - Jun 1945, US Army - European Theatre

Residence 1: 1930, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 199-09-4324 (PA)

Children of Melvin Morgan and Joyce Leighton are:

+ 2569 i. Vernon13 Morgan.

+ 2570 ii. Dawn L. Morgan, born abt. 1959.

+ 2571 iii. Sheila Morgan.

2572 iv. Karen Morgan. She married Carl O'Connors.

2573 v. Kent Morgan. He married Pat ______.

+ 2574 vi. Cindy Morgan.

2575 vii. David Morgan. He married Penny ______.

2576 viii. Dewey Morgan. He married Kathy ______.

1251. Lyle E.12 Morgan (Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1921 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Mar 2004. He married Florence Stone.

Children of Lyle Morgan and Florence Stone are:

2577 i. Pamela L.13 Morgan. She married David S. Cox Jul 1984.


Notes for Pamela L. Morgan:

Pamela's engagement was recognized in the 21 Mar 1984 edition of the Williamsport SUN-GAZETTE and her marriage was noted in the 8 Aug 1984 edition of the same paper.


2578 ii. ______ Morgan, born 18 May 1970 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 20 May 1970 ed.:

BIRTHS IN AREA - Robert Packer

MORGAN - a son Monday, May 18, 1970 to Lyle and Florence Stone Morgan of Shunk, PA.


More About ______ Morgan:

Birth Announced: 20 May 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

1252. Doris Marie12 Morgan (Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1922 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Jun 2005 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Alva Dean Rathbun 09 Jun 1941 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Leon Rathbun and Eva Walker. He was born 18 Jan 1917 in McNett Twp., Lycoming Co., PA, and died 11 May 1984 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Doris Marie Morgan:

Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 13 Jun 2005 ed.:

RATHBUN, Doris Morgan, 82, of the Canton area was called to her Lord and Savior from her home on Saturday evening, June 11, 2005. Doris Marie Morgan was born on Aug. 25, 1922, at her familys home near Shunk. She was one of 15 children born in the family of the late William and Belle (Brown) Morgan. Doris attended Estella High School. Doris married Alva Dean Rathbun on June 9, 1941, in Williamsport, PA. They were blessed with 43 years together and raised five children until his passing on May 9, 1984. Doris could accomplish about anything she set her mind to and possessed a strong work ethic all her life. In addition to being a hands-on farmwife, homemaker and a devoted mother, she was known for her talents in carpentry and as a jack of all trades. She worked outside the home for times at Weldon Textiles of Williamsport, the Belmar, and later Canford factories in Canton until retiring in 1980. She also raised beef cattle for many years. Her faith in the Lord guided her life. Mrs. Rathbun was an active member of Cantons Calvary Alliance Church and served as deaconess and a member of The Mission Board. Spending time with her family made Doris happiest. She especially loved times with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She enjoyed many hobbies including quilt making, crafting and making doll clothing. Doris also cared for a large garden every year and was proud of her beautiful flowerbeds and roses. Surviving are her children, Joyce and Laurence Knuutila of Ithaca, NY, Robert and Shirley Rathbun of Canton, and Dr. Ralph and Donna Rathbun and Marilyn and Dean Smiley, all of Granville Summit; a daughter-in-law, Dawn Rathbun of Troy; 33 grandchildren and great-grandchildren; two sisters, Josephine Lewis of Hillsgrove and Norma Lodge of Canton; five brothers, Glen Morgan and Frank Morgan, both of Canton, Lyle Morgan of Shunk, Dale Morgan of Alabama and John Morgan of Ulster; many nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Rathbun was predeceased by a son, Leon Rathbun; three sisters, Dorothy Kipp, Madeline Kilmer and Esther Clisso; and four brothers, Vance, Stanley, Martin and Melvin Morgan. Her family invites friends to call from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 14, at Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral service will follow at 1 p.m. with her pastor, the Rev. David McIntyre, officiating. Burial will be held in Grover Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Kevin, Scott, Brion and Matt Rathbun; Jim and Steven Knuutila; and Bill and Robert Smiley. In lieu of flowers the family suggests that those who wish consider a memorial in Mrs. Rathbuns name to the Towanda Guthrie Dialysis Unit, 7 Colonial Drive, Towanda, PA 18848.


More About Doris Marie Morgan:

Burial 2: 14 Jun 2005, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1922 - 1941, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 2005, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Medical Information: died at home


Notes for Alva Dean Rathbun:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 May 1984 ed.:

RATHBUN, Alva Dean, age 67 of RD 1 Canton, PA, Friday, May 11, 1984 at Devine Providence Hospital, Williamsport, PA. Friends may call at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA Sunday 7-9 p.m. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. from the funeral home with the Rev. Richard Leonard officiating. Survived by wife, former Doris Morgan; two daughters, Mrs. Laurence (Joyce) Knuutila of Ithaca, NY, Mrs. Dean (Marilyn) Smiley of Granville Summit; three sons, Leon of Granville Summit, Robert of Canton RD 1, Ralph of Granville Summit; brother, Harold of Troy RD 1; 14 grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by a brother, Max in 1974. He was a dairy farmer and member of the Grover United Methodist Church and an avid hunter.


Troy, PA - TROY GAZETTE, 17 May 1984 ed.:

RATHBUN, Alvah Dean

Services were held May 14 for Alva Dean Rathbun, 67, Canton, at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home with Rev. Richard Leonard officiating. Interment was in Grover Cemetery. Mr. Rathbun died May 11, 1984 at Divine Providence Hospital, Williamsport. He was born Jan. 18, 1917 in McNett, Lycoming Co., son of Leon and Eva Walker Rathbun. He was a diary farmer and member of Grover United Methodist Church. He was an Army veteran of WWII. Surviving is his wife of 42 years, Doris Morgan Rathbun; daughters, Mrs. Lawrence (Joyce) Knuutila of Ithaca, NY and Mrs. Dean (Marilyn) Smiley of Granville Summit; sons, Leon and Ralph of Granville Summit and Robert of Canton; brother Harold of Troy; 14 grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and cousins.


More About Alva Dean Rathbun:

Burial: 14 May 1984, Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 13 May 1984, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 17 May 1984, TROY GAZETTE - Troy, PA

Residence: Bef. May 1984, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 205-03-2856 (PA)

Children of Doris Morgan and Alva Rathbun are:

2579 i. Joyce13 Rathbun. She married Laurence Knuutila.

2580 ii. Marilyn Rathbun. She married Dean Smiley.

+ 2581 iii. Leon William Rathbun, born 21 Feb 1943 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA; died 08 Sep 2003 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2582 iv. Robert Rathbun. He married Shirley ______.

2583 v. Ralph Rathbun. He married Donna ______.

1262. Helen Arvilla12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1917 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Apr 1982 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Willard Lawrence Brown abt. 1934, son of Charles Brown and Jennie Heess. He was born 08 Jun 1917 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 03 Apr 1989 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Willard Lawrence Brown (790).


1263. Alice Celina12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1918. She married Donald Bown, son of Robert Bown and Beulah McCarty.

Children of Alice Caseman and Donald Bown are:

2584 i. Deborah13 Bown.

2585 ii. Dennis Bown.

2586 iii. Daniel Bown.

2587 iv. Dixie Bown.

1264. Nelson Floyd12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Adele M. Dowling. She was born 1925.


More About Nelson Floyd Caseman:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA


More About Adele M. Dowling:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Children of Nelson Caseman and Adele Dowling are:

2588 i. Edwin13 Caseman.

2589 ii. Connie Caseman.

1265. Harold12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1922, and died Jul 1983. He married Emma Kilmer. She was born 25 Jan 1920, and died Mar 1971.


More About Harold Caseman:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1983, Last residence: Honeoye, NY 14471

Social Security Number: 195-12-7930 (PA)


More About Emma Kilmer:

Name 2: Caseman, Emma

Social Security Number: 170-16-5987 (PA)

Children of Harold Caseman and Emma Kilmer are:

2590 i. Leah13 Caseman.

2591 ii. Linda Caseman.

2592 iii. LuAnn Caseman.

2593 iv. Lloyd Caseman.


1266. Vera12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1923. She married Kenneth Rinker.

Children of Vera Caseman and Kenneth Rinker are:

2594 i. Blake13 Rinker.

2595 ii. Sharon Rinker.

1267. Phyllis12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1926. She married Darwin Higley, son of M. Higley and Laura ______. He was born abt. 1908 in Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Phyllis Caseman and Darwin Higley are:

2596 i. Clayton13 Higley.

+ 2597 ii. Gloria Diane Higley, born 1951.

2598 iii. David Higley.

2599 iv. Glenn Higley.

+ 2600 v. Dora Kathleen Higley, born 03 Mar 1959.

2601 vi. Christopher Dean Higley, born 29 May 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 22 Apr 2004 in Overton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Christopher Dean Higley:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 23 Apr 2004 ed.:

HIGLEY, Chris Dean, age 41, of New Albany, died on Thursday evening, April 22, 2004 in Overton, PA. He was born on May 29, 1962 in Troy, PA, a son of Dawin M. and Phyllis Caseman Higley. Chris is a 1980 graduate of Sullivan County High School. He has been employed at Taylor Packing, Inc. for over twenty years. In 1989, Chris moved to New Albany from Dushore. He is a member of the Shunk United Methodist Church. Chris enjoyed camping, being in the outdoors, hiking and motorcycles. He is survived by his parents: Dawin and Phyllis Higley, of Shunk, PA; two sisters and brothers-in-law: Gloria and Arthur Baggott, of Deltona, FL, Dora and Warren Brown, of Montoursville, PA; three brothers and a sister-in-law: Glenn Higley of Ocala, FL, David and Donna Higley, of Wyalusing, PA, Clayton Higley, of Shunk, PA; special friends: Dale and Daisy Bacorn, of Barto, WV; 16 nieces and nephews; 8 great nieces and nephews, and several aunts and uncles. A private graveside memorial service will be held on Wednesday, April 28, 2004, at 11 a.m. in the Shunk Cemetery. Friends and family are invited to call on Tuesday evening, April 27, 2004, at the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter Street, Dushore, PA, from 6-9 p.m. The family will provide flowers, and suggests that memorials be made to the Shunk United Methodist Church, or a charity of ones choice in Chris Higley's memory.


Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 24 Apr 2004 ed.:


NORTH TOWANDA - An argument escalated into the shooting death of Christopher Dean Higley, 41, of New Albany, Thursday night in the parking lot of the Mountain House Inn, located along state Route 3004, Hatch Hill Road, in Overton Township, according to state police. Suspect Michael F. Harrigan, 39, of New Albany was apprehended Friday at 9 a.m. at a private residence in Philadelphia, according to police. Harrigan had fled the Mountain House Inn after allegedly shooting Higley in the parking lot Thursday at 9:06 p.m., police said. The state police Fugitive Apprehension Unit was tipped to Harrigan's whereabouts, Troop P public relations officer Trooper Martin Connors said at a press conference outside the state police barracks in North Towanda Friday afternoon. Troopers from Wyoming drove Harrigan back to Towanda, Connors said. He described Higley and Harrigan as "acquaintances at best." He also said the apprehension was facilitated by Harrigan's family and friends. A witness to the argument at the bar, Alan Gary Bailey of New Albany, guessed the two started arguing at 8 p.m., police said. Bailey arrived at the bar at 7:30 p.m. and sat on Higley's right, police said. Harrigan was seated nearby on Higley's left, according to police. Bailey heard Higley ask Harrigan to step outside and fight at 8:30 p.m., but Harrigan did not go with him, police said. Bailey told police that Higley returned 10 minutes later calling Harrigan a chicken for not going outside. Bailey witnessed the two arguing until Harrigan said he was going to his truck to leave at 9:06 p.m., police said. Higley got off a bar stool 10 seconds later and told Bailey he was going outside to fight Harrigan, according to police. A second witness, Richard Yencha of Wilkes-Barre, left the tavern after Higley and heard arguing in the parking lot, police said. Yencha heard a gunshot and told his girlfriend to get in their truck, police said. Yencha told police his girlfriend saw someone kicking Higley's body. When Yencha saw a vehicle rush out of the parking lot he walked up to Higley, saw he was dead and asked the bartender to call 9-1-1, police said. The owner of the Mountain House Inn, Barry Lee Young, was bar tending Thursday night, police said. Young served Harrigan six or seven Miller Lights and served about four Black Velvet and Ginger Ale mixes to Higley, police said. Young told police the two were sitting near each other at the bar, but he did not witness them arguing. Harrigan has been charged with one count of criminal homicide, police said. He was arraigned before District Justice Timothy Clark on Friday. Clark granted the request of Harrigan's defense attorney, R. Bruce Manchester Esq. of Manchester & Associates, Bellefonte, Pa., to delay Harrigan's preliminary hearing. A date has yet to be scheduled. Harrigan is being held in the Bradford County Jail without bail.


More About Christopher Dean Higley:

Burial: 28 Apr 2004, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Cause of Death: murdered

1268. Eva G.12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Mar 1927 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married James Hoover. He was born in Scranton, PA.

Children of Eva Caseman and James Hoover are:

+ 2602 i. Floyd W.13 Hoover, born 11 May 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2603 ii. Ruth Hoover.

2604 iii. Rose Hoover.

+ 2605 iv. Larry Hoover.

2606 v. Gary Hoover.

2607 vi. Bryan Hoover.

2608 vii. Reah Hoover.

1269. Richard12 Caseman (Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jul 1929. He married Eloise Carl.

Children of Richard Caseman and Eloise Carl are:

2609 i. Patricia13 Caseman.

2610 ii. Ronald Caseman.

2611 iii. Richard Caseman, Jr..

2612 iv. Elaine Caseman.

2613 v. Rex Caseman.

2614 vi. Esther Caseman.



1275. Bertha Mae12 Turner (Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married John Henry Roberts. He died in Schuyler Co., NY.

Children of Bertha Turner and John Roberts are:

+ 2615 i. William Ray13 Roberts.

2616 ii. Carl Roberts. He married Betty ______.

+ 2617 iii. Mary Elizabeth Roberts, born 1915 in Reading, Schuyler Co., NY; died 05 Aug 2002 in Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2618 iv. James Roberts.

+ 2619 v. Jack Roberts.

+ 2620 vi. Arline Roberts.



1276. Jay12 Turner (Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) He married (1) Mary Berry. He married (2) Esther White.

Child of Jay Turner and Mary Berry is:

2621 i. Leslie13 Turner. He married Mary Stephno.



1287. Kathie Mathena12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1893 in PA. She married John Wheeler. He was born 1886.

Children of Kathie Wilcox and John Wheeler are:

+ 2622 i. John13 Wheeler, Jr..

2623 ii. Marion Wheeler.

+ 2624 iii. Donald Wheeler.



1288. Blanche Estelle12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1894 in PA. She married (1) William F. Haflett, son of Philander Haflett and Emma ______. He was born Mar 1890 in Athens Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Clifford Crawford. She married (3) Newton H. Learn 1925. He was born 1883 in PA.

Children of Blanche Wilcox and William Haflett are:

+ 2625 i. Blanche13 Haflett, born abt. 1910.

2626 ii. Frederick Haflett, born abt. 1912.

+ 2627 iii. Clarence Frank Haflett, born 03 Apr 1914 in Bradford Co., PA; died 27 Nov 2000 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

2628 iv. Donald Haflett, born abt. 1916.

2629 v. Luella B. Haflett, born 1920 in Chemung Co., NY. She married Penny Harris.

+ 2630 vi. Ernest J. Haflett, born 03 Jun 1923 in Chemung Co., NY; died 19 Nov 1995.



1289. Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 18 Sep 1896 in PA, and died 07 Nov 1979 in Waverly, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Walter Morris. He was born 25 Oct 1898, and died Dec 1928. She married (2) John Wheeler abt. 1930. He was born 1886.

Children of Elyaberth Wilcox and Walter Morris are:

+ 2631 i. Leslie13 Morris, born 1917 in NY.

2632 ii. Hugh Morris, born 1918.

+ 2633 iii. Willard Morris, born 01 Sep 1921 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA; died 20 May 1973.

+ 2634 iv. Clair Morris, born 1923.

+ 2635 v. Betty Morris, born 12 Apr 1925 in Baldwin Twp., Chemung Co., NY; died 15 Jun 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2636 vi. Marjorie Morris, born 1926. She married Robert Blake.

+ 2637 vii. John R. Morris, born abt. 1928.

Children of Elyaberth Wilcox and John Wheeler are:

2638 i. James13 Wheeler, born abt. 1931. He married Helen VanDuzen.

2639 ii. Arthur Wheeler, born abt. 1933.

+ 2640 iii. Virginia Wheeler, born abt. 1934.

+ 2641 iv. Veora Wheeler, born abt. 1936.

2642 v. Lewis Wheeler, born abt. 1939.

2643 vi. Katherine Wheeler, born abt. 1941.



1292. Jennie12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jan 1902 in PA. She married (1) Charles Morris. She married (2) Andrew Barton.

Children of Jennie Wilcox and Charles Morris are:

+ 2644 i. Violet13 Morris.

+ 2645 ii. Jenny Morris.

2646 iii. Mary Morris.

+ 2647 iv. Richard Morris.

+ 2648 v. Robert Morris.

+ 2649 vi. Hazel Morris.

+ 2650 vii. Doris Morris.

2651 viii. Russell Morris.

Children of Jennie Wilcox and Andrew Barton are:

2652 i. Janet13 Barton.

2653 ii. William Barton.

2654 iii. Joseph Barton.



1293. Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1902 in PA, and died 27 Feb 1977. She married Pearley Simons. He was born 23 Sep 1885 in Broome Co., NY, and died 28 Jan 1962.


More About Gertrude Clara Wilcox:

Name 2: Simons, Gertrude

Residence: Bef. Feb 1977, Last residence: Willseyville, NY 13864

Social Security Number: 067-20-0451 (NY)


More About Pearley Simons:

Burial: 31 Jan 1962, Woodlawn National Cem., Elmira, NY

Military service: Bet. 24 Jun 1918 - 05 May 1919, U.S. Army - discharge rank - Pvt.

Residence: Bet. 1917 - 1918, Broome Co., NY

Children of Gertrude Wilcox and Pearley Simons are:

+ 2655 i. Leona May13 Simons, born 11 Sep 1925.

+ 2656 ii. Leonard Franklin Simons, born 01 Oct 1926; died Sep 1960.

+ 2657 iii. Lila Eloise Simons, born 26 Sep 1927.

+ 2658 iv. ______ Simons, born abt. 1929.

+ 2659 v. ______ Simons, born abt. 1932.



1294. William R.12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1911 in PA. He married Margaret Barton.

Children of William Wilcox and Margaret Barton are:

2660 i. William13 Wilcox I.

2661 ii. Ruth Wilcox.

2662 iii. Vincent Wilcox.



1295. Mary Alice12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1914 in PA. She married William Welfel. He was born 04 Apr 1903, and died Jan 1978 in Nichols, Tioga Co., NY.

Children of Mary Wilcox and William Welfel are:

+ 2663 i. Mildred13 Welfel.

+ 2664 ii. William Welfel, Jr..

+ 2665 iii. Helen Welfel.

2666 iv. Eugene Welfel.

2667 v. John Welfel.



1296. Lillian Eileen12 Wilcox (William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1915 in PA. She married Ray Arnold.

Children of Lillian Wilcox and Ray Arnold are:

2668 i. Lillian13 Arnold.

2669 ii. Sheridan Arnold.



1298. Leafa12 Wilcox (George11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Hensinger.

Child of Leafa Wilcox and ______ Hensinger is:

2670 i. Jack13 Hensinger.



1299. Asit12 Wilcox (George11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ VanWormer.

Children of Asit Wilcox and ______ VanWormer are:

2671 i. Marion13 VanWormer, born 22 Aug 1915; died 05 Oct 1993 in Oviedo, FL.


More About Marion VanWormer:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1993, Oviedo, FL 32766

Social Security Number: 101-28-7023 (NY)


2672 ii. Gordon VanWormer, born 11 Jan 1917; died 26 Mar 1996 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.


More About Gordon VanWormer:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1996, Binghamton, NY 13905

Social Security Number: 362-01-8386 (MI)

2673 iii. Max VanWormer, born 16 Dec 1928; died Aug 1987 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Max VanWormer:

Residence: Bef. Aug 1987, Athens, PA 18810

Social Security Number: 165-20-9417 (PA)



1317. Kathryn12 Monroe (Minnie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married (1) Dean Andrus. She married (2) Clarence Whipple.

Child of Kathryn Monroe and Dean Andrus is:

+ 2674 i. Jack13 Andrus.



1318. Corene12 Oldroyd (Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Jay MacDougall.

Children of Corene Oldroyd and Jay MacDougall are:

+ 2675 i. Betty13 MacDougall.

+ 2676 ii. Lenore MacDougall.

+ 2677 iii. ______ MacDougall.



1323. Florence12 Oldroyd (Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Robert Travers.

Children of Florence Oldroyd and Robert Travers are:

+ 2678 i. ______13 Travers.

2679 ii. ______ Travers.

+ 2680 iii. ______ Travers.



1324. E. Gus12 Oldroyd (Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Esther Benson.

Children of E. Oldroyd and Esther Benson are:

+ 2681 i. ______13 Oldroyd.

2682 ii. ______ Oldroyd. He married ______ Wagner.



1325. Eleanor12 Wilcox (Guy11, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Harold Lorenz.

Child of Eleanor Wilcox and Harold Lorenz is:

+ 2683 i. ______13 Lorenz.



1326. Eugene12 Wilcox (Guy11, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Elene Darrell.

Children of Eugene Wilcox and Elene Darrell are:

+ 2684 i. ______13 Wilcox.

+ 2685 ii. ______ Wilcox.



1328. Mae12 Wilcox (Herbert11, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Anthony Bertelo.

Children of Mae Wilcox and Anthony Bertelo are:

2686 i. ______13 Bertelo. He married ______ Terzza.

2687 ii. ______ Bertelo.



1329. Helen12 Ross (Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Marion Bell.

Children of Helen Ross and Marion Bell are:

2688 i. ______13 Bell.

2689 ii. ______ Bell.

+ 2690 iii. ______ Bell.

+ 2691 iv. ______ Bell.

+ 2692 v. ______ Bell.



1330. Ruth12 Ross (Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Earl Leaycraft.

Children of Ruth Ross and Earl Leaycraft are:

+ 2693 i. ______13 Leaycraft.

+ 2694 ii. ______ Leaycraft.



1331. Raymond12 Schmidt (Leonore11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Mary Santos.

Children of Raymond Schmidt and Mary Santos are:

2695 i. ______13 Schmidt.

+ 2696 ii. ______ Schmidt.


1335. Thelma12 Capon (Maud Ethel11 Gruver, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Stanley Gabriel.

Children of Thelma Capon and Stanley Gabriel are:

2697 i. Bruce13 Gabriel.

2698 ii. Roger Gabriel.



1336. Arthur12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Dorothy ______.

Children of Arthur Dietrick and Dorothy ______ are:

2699 i. ______13 Dietrick.

2700 ii. ______ Dietrick.

2701 iii. ______ Dietrick.

2702 iv. ______ Dietrick.

2703 v. ______ Dietrick.

1337. Evelyn12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Richard Barnes.

Children of Evelyn Dietrick and Richard Barnes are:

2704 i. Donald13 Barnes.

2705 ii. ______ Barnes.

1338. Marjorie12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Merton Cobb.

Children of Marjorie Dietrick and Merton Cobb are:

2706 i. ______13 Cobb.

2707 ii. ______ Cobb.

2708 iii. ______ Cobb.

1339. Carol12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Gordon Gillilian.

Child of Carol Dietrick and Gordon Gillilian is:

2709 i. ______13 Gillilian.

1340. Gertrude12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married William Glenadening.

Child of Gertrude Dietrick and William Glenadening is:

2710 i. ______13 Glenadening.

1341. Harry12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Stella Schultz.

Children of Harry Dietrick and Stella Schultz are:

2711 i. ______13 Dietrick.

2712 ii. ______ Dietrick.

1342. Helen12 Dietrick (LouEtta11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Howard Francisco.

Children of Helen Dietrick and Howard Francisco are:

2713 i. ______13 Francisco.

2714 ii. ______ Francisco.

2715 iii. Howard Francisco, Jr..

2716 iv. ______ Francisco.

1344. Peter12 Conomikes (Mabelle11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Winifred Bryant.

Children of Peter Conomikes and Winifred Bryant are:

2717 i. ______13 Conomike.

2718 ii. ______ Conomike.

2719 iii. ______ Conomike.

2720 iv. ______ Conomike.

1346. Eva12 Conomikes (Mabelle11 Baker, Eva Jane10 Wilcox, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married George Sturtevant.

Children of Eva Conomikes and George Sturtevant are:

2721 i. ______13 Sturtevant.

2722 ii. ______ Sturtevant.

2723 iii. ______ Sturtevant.

1359. Verna Edith12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 31 Dec 1916 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Apr 1986 in Lakeside, CA. She married Kenneth James Morgan 08 Jun 1936, son of James Morgan and Saphronia Leonard. He was born 07 Aug 1912 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Dec 2003 in Santee, San Diego Co., CA.


Child is listed above under Kenneth James Morgan (835).


1360. Josephine Ruth12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 06 Apr 1918 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 31 May 2002 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Kenneth Kelly Fitzwater 12 Sep 1935, son of Arthur Fitzwater and Helen Kelly. He was born 24 Jan 1918 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 11 Jan 2005 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Josephine Ruth Brown:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Jun 2002 ed.:

FITZWATER, Josephine R., age 84, of Canton, died May 31, 2002, at the Williamsport Hospital. Surviving are: her loving husband of 65 years, Kenneth, at home; 6 children, 18 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and a sister. Friends may call from 6 - 9 p.m., Monday, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, with the Rev. Jon Buxton officiating. Burial will be in Beech Flats Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the St. John Methodist Church, P.O. Box 4, Grover, PA, 17735.


Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 03 Jun 2002 ed.:

BROWN - JOSEPHINE R. FITZWATER, 84. of Canton RR3 passed away at the Williamsport Hospital Friday evening, May 31, 20002, while surrounded by her loving family. She was born on April 6, 1918, in Shunk, a daughter of the late Lester and Elnora Caseman Brown. Josephine was a graduate of Estella High School. Shortly following graduation, she married her sweetheart, Kenneth Fitzwater, on Sept. 12, 1935. She was employed by Swayzes Folding Box Co. in Canton for 25 years until her retirement. Throughout life Josephine was a loving wife, mother and grandmother and devoted homemaker. She was an avid reader and especially enjoyed crocheting and embroidering. She was a member of the St. Johns United Methodist Church, Grover, and the Beech Flats Grange No. 336. Mrs. Fitzwater is survived by her husband of nearly 66 years, Kenneth, at home; six children and their spouses, Norma Jean (Ted) Schmelzle of Ogdensburg, Audrey Johnson of Canton, K. LaRue (Betty) Fitzwater of Canton, Alden (Rosemary) Fitzwater of Canton, Don (Lynette) Fitzwater of Canton and Kermit Fitzwater of Syracuse, NY; 18 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren, a sister and brother-in-law, Myrtle (Harmon) Morgan of Gillett; two brothers-in-law, and three sisters-in-law, Philip (Loretta) Fitzwater of Canton, Ellis Brown of Shunk, Janet Brown of Shunk and Billie Brown of California; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins; and a special friend and care giver, Betty Willow of Canton. Mrs. Fitzwater was predeceased by an infant daughter, Darla J. Fitzwater (twin of Don); a son-in-law, Noel Johnson; and six siblings. The family will receive friends from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday, June 3, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, at the funeral home, with the Rev. Jon Buxton officiating. Burial will follow in the Beech Flats Cemetery. The family suggests that those who wish may direct memorials to the St. Johns United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 4, Grover, PA 17735, in Mrs. Fitzwaterss memory.


More About Josephine Ruth Brown:

Name 2: Fitzwater, Josephine R.

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 02 Jun 2002, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 03 Jun 2002, DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Social Security Number: 186-14-4516 (PA)


Notes for Kenneth Kelly Fitzwater:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 13 Jan 2005 ed.:

FITZWATER, Kenneth, husband of the late Josephine (Brown) Fitzwater, of Canton RR3, passed away peacefully Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 11, 2005, at his home.


More About Kenneth Kelly Fitzwater:

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Jan 2005, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Social Security Number: 198-01-0204 (PA)

Children of Josephine Brown and Kenneth Fitzwater are:

2724 i. Norma Jean13 Fitzwater. She married Ted Schmelzle.

2725 ii. K. LaRue Fitzwater. He married Betty ______.

2726 iii. Audrey Fitzwater. She married Noel E. Johnson; born 30 Jul 1939; died 07 Apr 1997 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Noel E. Johnson:

Social Security Number: 164-32-0932 (PA)


2727 iv. Alden Fitzwater. He married Rosemary ______.

2728 v. Donald Fitzwater. He married Lynette ______.


More About Donald Fitzwater:

Medical Information: twin to Darla


2729 vi. Darla J. Fitzwater.


More About Darla J. Fitzwater:

Medical Information: twin to Donald


2730 vii. Kermit Fitzwater.

1361. Agnes Belle12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 08 Jul 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Jul 2000 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Ellis LaRue Brown abt. 1938, son of Hurley Brown and Blanche Bartlow. He was born 15 Jun 1917, and died Aft. Jul 2000.

Children are listed above under Ellis LaRue Brown (1227).


1362. Velma Caroline12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1920 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Oct 1996 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Byron C. Jacobs, son of Clyde Jacobs and Edith ______. He was born 18 Feb 1918 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 15 Feb 1995 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Velma Caroline Brown:

Name 2: Jacobs, Velma C.

Residence: Bef. Oct 1996, Last residence: Muncy, PA 17756

Social Security Number: 190-18-2394 (PA)


More About Byron C. Jacobs:

Residence: Bet. 1918 - 1995, Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA

Social Security Number: 205-03-1148 (PA)

Children of Velma Brown and Byron Jacobs are:

2731 i. Darlene13 Jacobs, born abt. 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2732 ii. Carl P. Jacobs, born 23 Sep 1943 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 18 Sep 1999.


More About Carl P. Jacobs:

Social Security Number: 171-34-6606 (PA)


2733 iii. Edith Jacobs, born abt. 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2734 iv. James Jacobs, born 13 Jun 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 02 Jul 2000.


More About James Jacobs:

Social Security Number: 164-40-8718 (PA)


2735 v. Elnora Jacobs, born abt. 1950 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2736 vi. Carol Jacobs, born abt. 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2737 vii. Clyde Jacobs, born abt. 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1363. Roy Glen12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 19 Mar 1922 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Oct 1987. He married Janet Arlene Foster 21 Apr 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Glenn Foster and Hattie Lewis. She was born 25 Apr 1934 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Roy Glen Brown:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Oct 1987 ed.:

BROWN, Roy G., 65, of Shunk, died Sunday, Oct. 25, at home. Born March 19, 1922, at Shunk, he was the son of G. Lester and Elenora Caseman Brown. He retired in 1984 as an equipment operator with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation where he was employed 12 years. An US Army veteran of World War II, he was a prisoner of war in Germany from Sept. 17, 1944, until May 8, 1945. He was a member of the New Albany Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 384, the Endless Winds Fire Company in Shunk and the Shunk United Methodist Church. Mr. Brown and his wife, the former Janet Foster, were married 37 years. Surviving, besides his wife, are three sons, Howard of Benton, Larry R. of Mansfield, and Roy G. Jr. of Shunk; four sisters, Mrs. Velma Jacobs of Muncy, Mrs. Josephine Fitzwater of RD 1, Canton, Mrs. Agnes Brown of Shunk and Mrs. Myrtle Morgan of Gillett; two brothers, James L. of Lakeside, Calif., and Paul E. of Benton; five grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; and one great-grandson. Funeral services were held today, (Wednesday, Oct. 28) at Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, 40 North Center Street, Canton. Pastor Herbert Eby, minister at Wheelerville Mennonite Church, Wheelerville, officiated. Burial will be made in Brown Cemetery in Shunk.


More About Roy Glen Brown:

Burial: 28 Oct 1987, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Military service: Bet. 1941 - 1945, World War II

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Oct 1987, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Oct 1987, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 182-16-8443 (PA)

Children of Roy Brown and Janet Foster are:

+ 2738 i. Lawrence Richard13 Brown, born 07 May 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2739 ii. Roy Glen Brown, Jr., born 29 Sep 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1364. Paul Edgar12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 07 Jul 1925 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 26 Dec 1997 in Benton, Columbia Co., PA. He married Roberta Jean Smith.


More About Paul Edgar Brown:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1997, Last residence: Benton, PA 17814

Social Security Number: 195-20-4012 (PA)

Children of Paul Brown and Roberta Smith are:

2740 i. Linda13 Brown.


Notes for Linda Brown:

Linda served as maid of honor for her cousin, Jane M. Morgan Kennedy.


2741 ii. Pamela Brown.

2742 iii. Paula Brown.

2743 iv. Dennis Brown.

1365. Myrtle Jane12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 14 Mar 1929 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married Harmon Clarence Morgan 14 Jun 1947, son of Lester Morgan and Mary Bohart. He was born 18 Jun 1923 in PA.


More About Harmon Clarence Morgan:

Residence 1: Bet. 1957 - 2003, Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Myrtle Brown and Harmon Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 08 Jun 1997 ed.:

ANNIVERSARIES - Morgan 50th (photo incl.)

Mr. and Mrs. Harman Morgan of Gillett will mark their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at the South Creek Lions Hall, Gillett. Harmon Morgan and the former Myrtle Brown were married June 14, 1947, by the Rev. Rosterfer in Canton. The couple have seven children: Milo of Elmira, Cecil of Chaddsford, PA; Gerald, Max, Jane, Randy and Scott, all of Gillett. There are 16 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr. Morgan is retired from Mt. Piscah State Park and semi-retired from carpentry. Mrs. Morgan is a bus driver in the Troy School District.

Children of Myrtle Brown and Harmon Morgan are:

+ 2744 i. Max Eugene13 Morgan, born 26 Jul 1947.

+ 2745 ii. Cecil Lester Morgan, born 26 Apr 1949.

+ 2746 iii. Jane Myrtle Morgan, born 21 Nov 1951.

+ 2747 iv. Randy Clarence Morgan, born 21 Sep 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2748 v. Scott Dean Morgan, born 05 Sep 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1366. James Leon12 Brown (Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1930 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Mar 1996 in Lakeside, CA. He married Wilma Ward.


More About James Leon Brown:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1996, Last residence: Lakeside, CA 92040

Social Security Number: 192-24-2685 (PA)

Children of James Brown and Wilma Ward are:

2749 i. Connie13 Brown.

2750 ii. Steven Brown.

2751 iii. Nancy Brown.

2752 iv. Timothy Brown.

2753 v. Terry Brown.

1368. Florence June12 Fawcett (Blanche E.11 Wilcox, Alban Berton10, William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 28 May 1904 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Sep 1995 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Vernon Miles Hatch 31 Dec 1937 in Sullivan Co., PA, son of Joseph Hatch and Jennie Bower. He was born 22 May 1911 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Dec 2001 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Florence June Fawcett:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 06 Oct 2003 ed.:

HATCH, Florence J. Fawcett, 89, of Forksville RR 1 passed away Saturday afternoon, Oct. 4, 2003, at the Robert Packer Hospital, in Sayre. Born on July 6, 1914, in Forksville (Sullivan County), she was a daughter of the late Frederick B. and Blanche E. Wilcox Fawcett. Florence attended school in Forksville and graduated from the Estella High School in 1932. On Dec. 31, 1937, she married Vernon Hatch and together they raised two children. Her husband of 64 years, Vernon, preceded her in death on Dec. 24, 2001. Mrs. Hatch was secretary and treasurer of the Sullivan County Telephone Co. from 1951 to 1957. She also was employed as a telephone operator for the Commonwealth Telephone Co. in Dushore, until it closed the exchange in 1960. Florence then worked from 1964 to 1976 at Sullcraft PJ Factory in Dushore. She served as the local Sullivan County recorder of vital statistics for the state of Pennsylvania, having served nine districts from 1938 to 2003. For many years, Florence was active with 4-H and Girl Scouting in addition to being a loving mother and housewife. In 2002 she was honored with a certificate of recognition for 50 consecutive years of voting. Mrs. Hatch was a member of the Forksville United Methodist Church, where she served as the church's treasurer for many years and enjoyed singing in the choir. She was a member of the Canton Order of Eastern Star, Chapter 71. Florence enjoyed sewing, crocheting and chair weaving and was a talented crafter. Surviving are a daughter, Brenda Hartford, and her fianc, Arlan Higley Sr., both of Canton; a son and daughter-in-law, Darwin and Connie Hatch of Forksville; six grandchildren, Brent Hartford and Brian Hartford, Timothy Hatch, Joann LaBarge, Benjamin Hatch and Amanda Leona Hatch; a step-granddaughter, Brenda Jackson; five great-grandchildren, Amanda LaBarge and Wesley LaBarge, Taylor Renay Hartford, Trever James Hartford and Kaleb Robert Hartford; a special nephew, Woodrow Brenchley; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her husband, she was predeceased by a brother, Harland Fawcett, and a sister-in-law, Madolyn Fawcett. The family invites friends to call 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, at Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The women of the Eastern Star will honor Mrs. Hatch at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. A graveside service will be held at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, at the Forksville Cemetery with Pastor David Hart and Pastor James House officiating. The family suggests memorials in Mrs. Hatch's name may be directed to a charity of one's choice.


More About Florence June Fawcett:

Name 2: Hatch, Florence

Burial: 08 Oct 2003, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Oct 2003, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Residence: Bef. Sep 1995, Last residence: Laporte, PA 18626

Social Security Number: 199-38-9987 (PA)


More About Vernon Miles Hatch:

Burial: 27 Dec 2001, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1930, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 161-26-7166 (PA)

Children of Florence Fawcett and Vernon Hatch are:

+ 2754 i. Brenda Ruth13 Hatch, born 1944.

+ 2755 ii. Darwin Hatch, born abt. 1946.

1374. Richard Waldo12 Higley (Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1922 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Feb 2004 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Alfreda Almeda Carpenter 06 Jun 1942 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Ralph Carpenter and Agnes Morgan. She was born 08 Dec 1926 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Feb 2004.


Notes for Richard Waldo Higley:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 24 Feb 2004 ed.:

HIGLEY, Richard W., 82, of Forksville, Pa., passed away at his home on Feb. 23, 2004. He was born on Jan. 24, 1922, in Estella, PA, son of Clayton and Maude Kunzman Higley. He is a World War II veteran having served in the U.S. Army. On June 6, 1942, he married the former Alfreda Carpenter in Canton, PA. Mr. Higley was engaged in dairy farming for 20 years. Prior to retirement in 1981, he was a self-employed lumberman at L & H Lumber. Surviving is his wife of 61 years, Alfreda Higley, at home; his children: Sandra Bennett (Ronald) McCarty, of Forksville, Richard R. (Charlotte) Higley, of Forksville, Marvin (Rose) Higley, of Forksville, Cheryl (Keith) Rohrer, of Enola; two brothers: Laurence Higley, of Forksville, Dawin Higley, of Shunk; by nine grandchildren; and 12 great grandchildren. He was also preceded in death by brothers, Evan and Harold Higley. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28th, in the Forksville United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Theodore H. Stiltner, pastor officiating. A military presentation will be held at the church. Friends and family may call Saturday from noon until the time of service. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Bradford-Sullivan County Unit, 1948 East Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. Arrangements were made by the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home in Dushore.

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 24 Feb 2004 ed.:

HIGLEY, Richard W., age 82, of Forksville passed away at his home in the early morning of Feb. 23, 2004. He was born on Jan. 24, 1922, in Estella, a son of the late Clayton John and Maude Kunzman Higley. He was a veteran of the United States Army, having served during World War II in the European Theatre. On June 6, 1942, Richard married the former Alfreda Carpenter in Canton. It was a loving and devoted marriage of 61 years. Mr. Higley was engaged in dairy farming for 20 years. Prior to his retirement in 1981, he was a self-employed lumberman at L & H Lumber. He was a former member of the Estella United Methodist Church, and a member of the Forksville United Methodist Church; a 50-year member of the Loyal Order of the Moose, in Canton; a member of the Sullivan County Fair Association; a 29-year member of American Legion Post No. 996 of Dushore; and a member of the Sullivan County Agricultural Society. He enjoyed fishing, hunting big game, being in the outdoors, traveling and especially time spent with his family. He leaves surviving his wife, Alfreda Higley, at home; his children: Sandra Bennett (Ronald) McCarty of Forksville, Richard R. (Charlotte) Higley of Forksville, Marvin (Rose) Higley of Forksville, and Cheryl (Keith) Rohrer of Enola, PA; two brothers, Laurence Higley of Forksville and Dawin Higley of Shunk; nine grandchildren, Roy, Terry and Greg Bennett, Lanette Russell, Dawn Higley, Jeff Higley, Nichole Higley, and Rob and Ryan Rohrer; 12 great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by brothers Evan and Harold Higley. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004, at 1 p.m. in the Forksville United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Theodore H. Stiltner, pastor, officiating. A military presentation will be held at the church on Saturday. Interment will be in Forksville Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Friends and family are invited to call on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004, at noon until the time of memorial service. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Bradford-Sullivan County Unit, 1948 E. Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701, in Mr. Higley's memory. Arrangements were entrusted to the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter St., Dushore.


More About Richard Waldo Higley:

Burial: Forksville Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 24 Feb 2004, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 24 Feb 2004, SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence: 1930, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 122-03-0995 (NY)

Children of Richard Higley and Alfreda Carpenter are:

+ 2756 i. Sandra Lynn13 Higley, born 01 Dec 1942.

+ 2757 ii. Richard Ralph Higley, born 03 Jul 1944.

+ 2758 iii. Marvin LaRue Higley, born 09 Aug 1947.

+ 2759 iv. Cheryl Lou Higley, born 04 Oct 1949.

1375. Robert Dorrance12 Kunzmann (John Dorrance11, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1923.

Child of Robert Dorrance Kunzmann is:

2760 i. Mark Thomas13 Kunzmann, born 18 Jun 1952.

1378. Erdean M.12 Bedford (Charles H.11, Sara Ann10 Brackman, Chloe J.9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 10 Aug 2005 in Liberty Corners, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married Morris E. Brown 14 Apr 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Erdean M. Bedford:

Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 11 Aug 2005 ed.:

BROWN, Erdean M., 74, wife of Morris E. Gene Brown of Liberty Corners, Towanda RR 4, PA, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005 at her home. Born March 16, 1931 in Sayre, PA, she was the daughter of the late Charles H. and Hazel Rogers Bedford. Erdean was a graduate of Canton High School Class of 1949. On April 14, 1956, she married Morris E. Gene Brown in Canton, PA. Erdean possessed great love for her family, enjoyed attending church in her area, gardening and canning vegetables she raised in her garden. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Morris E. Gene Brown, at home; her children, Linda McPherson and her husband, Thomas McPherson of Fairview, NC, Harold D. Brown and his wife, Cathy Brown of New Port Richey, FL, James R. Brown and his wife, Amy Jo Brown of Frederick, MD, and Jake E. Brown, at home; four grandchildren; two brothers, her twin, Dean Bedford and John H. Jack Bedford of Canton RR 1; her sister, Joy Herman of Canton RR 2, several brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Barbara Gene Brown, on June 28, 1983. The funeral and committal service will be held Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005, at 2 p.m. at the Maryott-Bowen Funeral Home, 217 York Ave., Towanda, PA. Interment will be in Bradford County Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA. The family will receive friends on Saturday from 1 to 2 p.m. at the funeral home.


More About Erdean M. Bedford:

Burial: 13 Aug 2005, Bradford County Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Medical Information: twin to Dean

Obituary/Death Notice: 11 Aug 2005, DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Children of Erdean Bedford and Morris Brown are:

2761 i. Linda13 Brown. She married Thomas McPherson.

2762 ii. Harold D. Brown. He married Cathy ______.

2763 iii. James R. Brown. He married Amy Jo ______.

2764 iv. Jake E. Brown.

2765 v. Barbara Gene Brown, born 07 Mar 1961; died 27 Jun 1983.


More About Barbara Gene Brown:

Social Security Number: 160-54-4122 (PA)

1392. Walter Alfred12 Foulkrod (Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 05 Sep 1908 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 21 Jun 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mildred Margaret Parrish 22 Dec 1932 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Harvey Parrish and Clara Coats. She was born 13 Feb 1915 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Jun 2001 in Bradford Co., PA.


More About Walter Alfred Foulkrod:

Burial: 24 Jun 1980, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Jun 1980, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 186-05-6487 (PA)


Notes for Mildred Margaret Parrish:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 11 Jun 2001 ed.:

FOULKROD, Mildred, passed away on Sunday, June 10, 2001 at home. She was born February 13, 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, a daughter of the late Harvey and Clara (Coates) Parrish. Mildred was the widow of the late Walter Foulkrod. She was a loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great great grandmother. Mildred is survived by her daughters, Joyce Trout of Sayre, PA and Sherry (Keith, Sr.) Taber of Sayre, PA; 5 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; 2 great great grandchildren; brothers, Earl (Alberta) Parrish of Sayre, PA; sisters-in-law, Althea Parrish of Beaver Dams, NY; Kate Parrish of Ridgbury, PA, and Judy Foulkrod of CA; uncle, Ward Norton of Sayre, PA. In addition to her husband and parents, she is predeceased by brothers, Lloyd, Elmer and Ellery Parrish; sister, Cora Etta Parrish. Friends are invited to call at Roberts Funeral Home, Inc., 279 Main Street, Wellsburg, NY on Wednesday, June 13, 2001 from 12 to 2 PM. The funeral service will immediately follow at 2 PM at the funeral home with the Reverend Vince Cooper officiating. Interment will be in Ashland Cemetery, Wellsburg, NY.


More About Mildred Margaret Parrish:

Burial: 13 Jun 2001, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 11 Jun 2001, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Children of Walter Foulkrod and Mildred Parrish are:

+ 2766 i. Joyce Marie13 Foulkrod, born 02 Aug 1933 in Lincoln Falls, Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 2767 ii. Sherry Etta Foulkrod, born 24 Sep 1939 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

1393. Chester Earl12 Forrest (Emma D.11 Foulkrod, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1905, and died Jul 1976. He married Jessie Smith.


More About Chester Earl Forrest:

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Jul 1976, Last residence: Jersey Shore, PA 17740

Social Security Number: 190-18-4257 (PA)

Children of Chester Forrest and Jessie Smith are:

2768 i. Chester Earl13 Forrest, Jr., born 28 May 1926; died Aug 1990. He married Eleanor ______; born 28 Jun 1925; died Nov 1991.


More About Chester Earl Forrest, Jr.:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Mil. Discharge Rank: Corporal

Military service: Bet. 1943 - 1955, WWII and Korean War

Social Security Number: 210-16-6822 (PA)


More About Eleanor ______:

Name 2: Forrest, Eleanor

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Social Security Number: 210-16-7051 (PA)


+ 2769 ii. Neva G. Forrest, born 01 Oct 1928 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA; died 16 Feb 2005 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2770 iii. Stanley Forrest, died Bef. Feb 2005.

2771 iv. Emma Forrest, died Aft. Feb 2005. She married ______ Spencer.

1398. Ray L.12 Foulkrod (Charles J.11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born Jun 1899. He married J. Annie ______ abt. 1917. She was born abt. 1897.

Children of Ray Foulkrod and J. ______ are:

2772 i. William Henry13 Foulkrod, born 1917.

2773 ii. Jennie Nancy Foulkrod, born 1920.

2774 iii. Clara Delilah Foulkrod, born 1920.

1399. Laurel Mae-Belle12 Fuller (Clyde W.11, Ida Jane10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 02 Dec 1907 in PA, and died Aug 1995. She married Fred Desmond Morgan 02 Dec 1925, son of Morris Morgan and Myrta Porter. He was born 02 Feb 1904 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Nov 1982.


Children are listed above under Fred Desmond Morgan (750).


1400. Wanda Eugena12 Fuller (Clyde W.11, Ida Jane10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 02 Jul 1911 in PA, and died 1949. She married Gordon Leonard Morgan 28 Jan 1928, son of James Morgan and Saphronia Leonard. He was born 19 Jan 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Aug 1990 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Gordon Leonard Morgan (834).


Generation No. 7

1404. Glenna Irene13 Boyles (Earl George12, George Edgar11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1938 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) John Dann Carpenter 1956, son of Ralph Carpenter and Agnes Morgan. He was born 16 Feb 1935. She married (2) ______ Howard abt. 1962.

Child of Glenna Boyles and John Carpenter is:

+ 2775 i. Ginger Lea14 Carpenter, born 23 Apr 1958.


1405. Emma M.13 Boyles (Leon Edgar12, George Edgar11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Feb 1919 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 May 2003 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Theos Ross McCarty 11 Aug 1934 in Warrensville, PA, son of Rush McCarty and Lena Fawcett. He was born 28 Oct 1912 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Jun 2003 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Emma M. Boyles:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 28 May 2003 ed.:

McCARTY, Emma (Boyles), age 84, of RD 1, Forksville, passed away on Sunday May 25, 2003 at Skilled Nursing Unit at Memorial Hospital in Towanda, after a brief illness. She was born on Feb. 7, 1919 in Hillsgrove, she is a daughter of the late Leon E. and Hazel (Tuttle) Boyles. On August 11, 1934, Emma married her husband Theos R. McCarty in Warrensville, PA. It has been a loving marriage of 68 years. Prior to her retirement, she was employed by the Sulcraft Company in Dushore, PA. In earlier years, she was employed by Sylvania and Carey McFall before Sulcraft, also a garment business. She had also been a waitress at local establishments, and was a cook at Dar-Way Nursing Home. She and her husband also boarded hunters. Emma spent most of her life raising her two sons and helping others. She also enjoyed her time spent crocheting, baking and gardening. She is survived by her husband: Theos R. McCarty, a son: Richard L. McCarty and his wife Kathy of Forksville, PA, daughter-in-law; Dot McCarty, of Pensacola, FL, by three grandchildren: Craig McCarty, Michelle Frey, Carla Ard, by 6 great-grandchildren; her four brothers; Rodney and Harold Boyles of Williamsport, PA Gene Boyles of Bloomsburg, PA and Fred Boyles of Las Vegas, NV; 2 sisters; Wilma Jones of Williamsport, PA and Lois Smith of Las Vegas, NV. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday June 3, at noon at the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter Street, Dushore, PA with the Rev. Robert W. Martin, pastor officiating. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Elkland Township. Friends and family are invited to call on Tuesday morning June 3, 2003, at McHenry Funeral Home in Dushore from 10 a.m. until the time of funeral service. In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Bradford-Sullivan Unit, 1948 East Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701 in Mrs. McCarty's memory.


More About Emma M. Boyles:

Burial: 03 Jun 2003, Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 May 2003, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA


Notes for Theos Ross McCarty:

Towanda, PA - Daily Review, 22 Jun 2003 ed.:

McCARTY, Theos R., 90, of Forksville, PA, passed away on June 11, 2003, at the Day-Way Nursing Home in Estella, PA. Theos was born on Oct. 25, 1912, in Elkland Township, Sullivan County, a son of the late Rush and Lena Fawcett McCarty. He married the late Emma Boyles on Aug. 11, 1934, and they enjoyed 68 years of marriage until her passing on May 25, 2003. Although he had many jobs during his lifetime, he spent most of his time in the logging industry. He started back when he shed logs with a team of horses and even worked in the woods part time after his retirement. Theos loved hunting, and he would travel to places like Canada and Montana, in his younger years, trying to bag that big one. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Richard L. and Kathryn McCarty of Forksville; a daughter-in-law, Dot McCarty of Pensacola, FL; three grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; a brother, Glen McCarty, of Scio, NY; a sister, Arlene Quail of Shunk; a sister-in-law, Bertha McCarty of Bedford, PA; and numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, June 14, 2003, at noon in the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter St., Dushore, with the Rev. Robert W. Martin officiating. Interment will follow in the Greenwood Cemetery, Elkland Township. Family and friends are invited to call on Saturday, from 10 a.m. until the time of the service. In lieu of flowers memorials may be directed to the American Cancer Society, Sullivan County Unit, 1948 E. Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701-3945, in Theos' memory.


More About Theos Ross McCarty:

Burial: 14 Jun 2003, Greenwood Cem., Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 22 Jun 2003, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Emma Boyles and Theos McCarty are:

+ 2776 i. Carl Rush14 McCarty, born 01 Jan 1935.

2777 ii. Richard L. McCarty. He married Kathryn ______.

1412. Judson R.13 Boyles (Judson S.12, Rufus Benjamin11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1916 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 01 Jan 2000 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Eunice Starr. She died Aft. Jun 2005.


More About Judson R. Boyles:

Burial: 04 Jan 2000, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 198-05-7600 (PA)

Children of Judson Boyles and Eunice Starr are:

+ 2778 i. Ruth Marie14 Boyles, born 28 Aug 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; Stepchild.

2779 ii. Roy Boyles, born abt. 1953; Stepchild.

+ 2780 iii. Sharon A. Boyles, born 1959 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA; died 22 Jun 2005 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; Stepchild.

1413. Shirley Mae13 Ketchum (Harry Lawrence12, Chloe Armenta11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 28 Mar 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Marvin Elliott.

Children of Shirley Ketchum and Marvin Elliott are:

2781 i. Debra Mae14 Elliott. She married Patrick Berenocco.

2782 ii. Jeffrey Marvin Elliott.

2783 iii. Stacy Yvonne Elliott.

1415. Susan Jean13 Ketchum (Harry Lawrence12, Chloe Armenta11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Jul 1948 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Tyrone R. McCarty, son of Robert McCarty and Mattie Battin. He was born 1940, and died 1980.


More About Tyrone R. McCarty:

Burial: 1980, Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Susan Ketchum and Tyrone McCarty are:

2784 i. Timothy T.14 McCarty.

2785 ii. Thomas T. McCarty.

2786 iii. Theodore T. McCarty.

1416. Lawrence Harry13 Ketchum (Harry Lawrence12, Chloe Armenta11 Brown, Alsbury D.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Wanda Sechrist. He married (2) Virginia Anjeski abt. 1967, daughter of Edward Anjeski and Ruby Dieffenbach. She was born abt. 1950.

Children of Lawrence Ketchum and Wanda Sechrist are:

2787 i. Christina Angel14 Ketchum.

2788 ii. Troy Michael Ketchum.

Child of Lawrence Ketchum and Virginia Anjeski is:

2789 i. Kenneth Lawrence14 Ketchum, born abt. 1968.

1417. Betsy13 Boyles (Gordon W.12, Charles M.11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1967. She married Steve Butler abt. 1985. He was born 03 Apr 1968.

Children of Betsy Boyles and Steve Butler are:

2790 i. Craig14 Butler, born 06 Nov 1987.

2791 ii. Zeb Butler, born 23 May 1991.

1423. Albert Kingsley13 Shadduck (Lee Albert12, Emma Lucy11 Gates, Lee C.10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jul 1906, and died 11 Mar 1990 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE. He married Marion Kathryn McHugh 04 Aug 1931 in Homer, Herkimer Co., NY. She was born 17 Feb 1906, and died 01 Nov 1999 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE.


More About Albert Kingsley Shadduck:

Name 2: Albert K. Shaddock

Social Security Number: 115-05-9239 (NY)


More About Marion Kathryn McHugh:

Name 2: Marion M. Shadduck

Residence: 1996, Leader Nursing Home, Wilmington, DE

Social Security Number: 149-22-6701 (NJ)

Children of Albert Shadduck and Marion McHugh are:

+ 2792 i. Richard Kingsley14 Shadduck, born 21 Dec 1936.

+ 2793 ii. Robert Kent Shadduck, born 13 Sep 1940.

1435. Elwyn F.13 Kelley (James Dayton12, Rosalia11 Porter, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1921, and died May 1984.


More About Elwyn F. Kelley:

Residence: Bef. May 1984, Last residence: Towanda, PA 18848

Social Security Number: 100-18-0535 (NY)

Child of Elwyn F. Kelley is:

+ 2794 i. James14 Kelley, born abt. 1940.

1438. Belvah Jannett13 Goltry (Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 May 1903 in Monterey, Town of Orange, Schuyler Co., NY, and died 22 Feb 1965 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married (2) Clarence Hotaling abt. 1921. He died in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY. She married (3) Adam Clayton Crout 11 Dec 1924 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. He was born 05 Aug 1901 in Moreland, Schuyler Co., NY, and died 28 Feb 1974 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Belvah Jannett Goltry:

Burial: 25 Feb 1965, Hector Cem., Schuyler Co., NY


Notes for Adam Clayton Crout:

After his father passed away, Clayton, Jr. looked at his father's birth certificate and noticed that his real name was Adam Clayton Crout, but as he disliked his first name, had changed his signature to read Clayton Adam. After he married he named his first-born son after the assumed name.


More About Adam Clayton Crout:

Name 2: Crout, Clayton

Burial: Mar 1974, Hector Cem., Schuyler Co., NY

Occupation: Schuyler County Highway Department

Residence: Feb 1974, Last residence: Beaver Dams, NY 14812

Social Security Number: 094-07-8732 (NY)

Child of Belvah Jannett Goltry is:

+ 2795 i. Claire James14 Goltry, born 25 Dec 1918; died 1974 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

Child of Belvah Goltry and Clarence Hotaling is:

+ 2796 i. Eldred Louise14 Hotaling, born 03 Feb 1922 in Dix Twp., Schuyler Co., NY.

Children of Belvah Goltry and Adam Crout are:

+ 2797 i. Mary Helen14 Crout, born 03 Feb 1925 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

+ 2798 ii. Florence Ellen Crout, born 25 Feb 1927 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2799 iii. Lillian Mae Crout, born 03 Sep 1928 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY; died 22 Dec 1983 in Montour Falls, NY.

+ 2800 iv. Clayton Adam Crout, Jr., born 04 Nov 1929 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2801 v. Arnold Eugene Crout, born 17 Dec 1938 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

1442. Myra Belle13 Porter (Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jun 1911 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 13 Sep 1983 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married John Francis Whalen 18 May 1929 in Reading, Berks Co., PA, son of Daniel Whalen and Margaret Linsey. He was born 13 Jul 1902 in Camden, Camden Co., NJ, and died Nov 1985 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Myra Belle Porter:

Name 2: Whalen, Myra

Burial: 16 Sep 1983, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence 1: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Sep 1983, Last residence: Towanda, PA 18848

Social Security Number: 068-16-3520 (NY)


More About John Francis Whalen:

Burial: Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1985, Last residence: Towanda, PA 18848

Social Security Number: 121-12-2989 (NY)

Child of Myra Porter and John Whalen is:

+ 2802 i. Florence Betty14 Whalen, born 04 Oct 1930 in Reading, Reading Co., PA; died 27 Dec 1964 in Addison, Steuben Co., NY.

1444. Aletha Irene13 Porter (Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1915 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 29 Oct 1978 in Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) Wesley B. Bailey 18 Nov 1933. He died 26 Jul 1934. She married (2) John Davis Hotaling 30 Jan 1935 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY, son of Willard Hotaling and Mildred Radler. He was born 28 Dec 1914 in Woodhull, Steuben Co., NY, and died 05 Feb 1988 in Founders' Pavilion, Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


Notes for Aletha Irene Porter:

Aletha was buried by the Seager Funeral Home, Savona, NY at 11:00 am. Rev. Donald Newkirk officiated the services. A funeral card was given me by Loren.


More About Aletha Irene Porter:

Name 2: Hotaling, Aletha

Burial: 01 Nov 1978, Presho Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Residence 1: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1978, Last residence: Painted Post, NY 14870

Social Security Number: 104-12-1219 (NY)


More About Wesley B. Bailey:

Cause of Death: fell from haywagon; died from head and neck injuries shortly afterwards


Notes for John Davis Hotaling:

I had telephoned John a few times in 1980 and 1981 and he gave me some information pertaining to his family and Aletha's brothers and sisters. He also stated that he had in his possession a family bible and if I was ever in the area, I could stop by and look through it. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About John Davis Hotaling:

Burial: 07 Feb 1988, Presho Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Social Security Number: 104-12-2265 (NY)

Children of Aletha Porter and John Hotaling are:

+ 2803 i. Vivian Jean14 Hotaling, born 26 Dec 1936 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2804 ii. Ellen Marrie Hotaling, born 22 May 1939 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2805 iii. Sally Lea Hotaling, born 14 Oct 1942 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2806 iv. Connie Irene Hotaling, born 14 Oct 1952 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

1445. Loren Olin13 Porter (Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jan 1919 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 10 Dec 2002 in Memphis, Onondaga Co., NY. He married Rebecca Ann Hudson 09 May 1939 in Cuyler, Cortland Co., NY. She was born 09 Jun 1921 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


Notes for Loren Olin Porter:

During a telephone conversation with Loren in May 1984, while I lived in Brooklyn, NY, he asked me if it would be possible for me to come visit him and his family. I suggested the last week in June and thus made the arrangements. I spent the weekend, meeting Barbara, Joy, Emmett and their families. On Saturday many of the family went to Green Lake Park to observe the annual Fireworks for the July 4th holiday. Loren got in touch with Francis Martin Porter, Jr., who lived in Cortland, and I had the opportunity to question him on some of his family members. He informed me as to how to get in touch with the family of Clayton Crout, whose family resided in the Montour Falls and Elmira, NY areas. Without his assistance, there wouldn't be much written about the Crout family. Many of my questions were answered and those that weren't, were wrote down and sent to me in the future weeks. It was a most rewarding weekend and family gathering. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Loren Olin Porter:

Occupation: 1953, American Bridge Corporation, Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 2: 1953, 206 Vine Street, Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 068-16-2733 (NY)


More About Rebecca Ann Hudson:

Residence: 1953, 206 Vine Street, Elmira, NY

Children of Loren Porter and Rebecca Hudson are:

+ 2807 i. Thomas Courtney14 Porter, born 13 Jun 1940 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

+ 2808 ii. Joy Ann Porter, born 30 Dec 1942 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

2809 iii. Larry Allen Porter, born 04 Apr 1944 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY; died Jul 1944.


More About Larry Allen Porter:

Burial: Martville Cem., Oswego Co., NY


+ 2810 iv. Barbara Eliza Porter, born 26 Dec 1945 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

+ 2811 v. Richard Allen Porter, born 24 Dec 1946 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

+ 2812 vi. Robert Michael Porter, born 13 Jan 1948 in Fulton, Oswego Co., NY.

+ 2813 vii. Emmett William Porter, born 26 Jan 1949 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

+ 2814 viii. Gary Marvin Porter, born 07 May 1951 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1446. Isadore Marlene13 Porter (Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jun 1921 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Oct 1983 in Ocala, Marion Co., FL. She married Theron Lewis Hotaling 22 Feb 1938, son of Willard Hotaling and Mildred Radler. He was born 03 Oct 1912 in Woodhull, Steuben Co., NY, and died 12 Jul 1990.


More About Isadore Marlene Porter:

Name 2: Hotaling, Isadore

Burial: 27 Oct 1983, Ocala, Marion Co., FL

Medical Information: died at the Monroe Regional Hospital

Residence 1: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1983, Last residence: Summerfield, FL 32691

Social Security Number: 068-16-7063 (NY)


More About Theron Lewis Hotaling:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1990, Last residence: Summerfield, FL 32691

Social Security Number: 096-12-3414 (NY)

Children of Isadore Porter and Theron Hotaling are:

+ 2815 i. Gladys Irene14 Hotaling, born 11 Jan 1939 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2816 ii. Leticia Ann Hotaling, born 25 Oct 1940 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2817 iii. Sharon Beverly Hotaling, born 10 Jul 1942 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2818 iv. Sheila Joan Hotaling, born 02 Mar 1943 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY; died Sep 1945.


More About Sheila Joan Hotaling:

Burial: Belmont Cem., Monterey, Schuyler Co., NY


+ 2819 v. Sandra Lee Hotaling, born 16 Jul 1944 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2820 vi. Polly Joan Hotaling, born 30 Aug 1953 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Verion Hable Towner, Jr. 26 Apr 1969 in Lindley, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 2821 vii. Stephen Theron Hotaling, born 11 Jul 1956 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

1448. Francis Martin13 Porter (Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Nov 1914 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 17 Nov 1978 in Newfield, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Mitta Margaret VanOstrand 18 May 1935 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY, daughter of Arthur VanOstrand and Bessie Gibbs. She was born 23 Dec 1916 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.


More About Francis Martin Porter:

Burial: 20 Nov 1978, Newfield Cem., Tompkins Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Nov 1978, Last residence: Newfield, NY 14867

Social Security Number: 118-01-7535 (NY)

Children of Francis Porter and Mitta VanOstrand are:

+ 2822 i. Francis Martin14 Porter, Jr., born 22 Jan 1936 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2823 ii. Raymond Arthur Porter, born 27 Aug 1937 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2824 iii. Richard Albert Porter, born 10 Apr 1939 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 2825 iv. Allan Bly Porter, born 11 Feb 1942 in Moravia, Cayuga Co., NY.

+ 2826 v. Leon James Porter, born 17 Oct 1943 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 2827 vi. Douglas Edwin Porter, born 11 Dec 1952 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

1449. Favorite Lucille13 Porter (Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1919 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Reginald Hubert Myers 12 Sep 1937 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY, son of Lemuel Myers and Eva Nichols. He was born 24 Dec 1912 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, and died Jul 1986. She married (2) Vincent Otis Riker 03 Oct 1964 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 21 Jul 1917, and died 06 Jan 1990 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Reginald Hubert Myers:

Name 2: Myers, Reginald Sr.

Residence 1: 1930, Manchester, Ontario Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Jul 1986, Last residence: Addison, NY 14801

Social Security Number: 115-10-5598 (NY)


More About Vincent Otis Riker:

Burial: 09 Jan 1990, Maple Grove Cem., Horseheads, NY

Cause of Death: after an extended illness; obituary did not disclose cause

Social Security Number: 061-16-0604 (NY)

Children of Favorite Porter and Reginald Myers are:

+ 2828 i. Favorite Lucille14 Myers, born 17 Oct 1938 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 2829 ii. Reginald Hubert Myers, Jr., born 22 Aug 1940 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 2830 iii. Lemuel Ray Myers, born 05 Mar 1942 in Waterloo, Seneca Co., NY.

1450. Stella Pearl13 Porter (Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1921 in Beech Flats, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Clifford Raymond Mayo 23 May 1939 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY, son of Albert Mayo and Lillian Burkles. He was born 05 Mar 1920 in Seneca Falls, Seneca Co., NY, and died 24 Oct 1981 in Fairview, Westchester Co., NY. She married (2) ______ Blick abt. 1954.


More About Clifford Raymond Mayo:

Burial: 27 Oct 1981, Fairview, Westchester Co., NY

Social Security Number: 107-12-0215 (NY)

Children of Stella Porter and Clifford Mayo are:

+ 2831 i. Clifford Raymond14 Mayo, Jr..

+ 2832 ii. Estella Mae Mayo.

+ 2833 iii. Brenda Ann Mayo.

2834 iv. Jessie Eugene Mayo.

+ 2835 v. Lewis Joseph Mayo.

1451. Eva Helen13 Porter (Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Apr 1923. She married (1) Harry Olonzo Curran. She married (2) William Tuton. She married (3) Clyde Shutts.

Children of Eva Porter and Harry Curran are:

+ 2836 i. John Jay14 Curran, born 16 Jun 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2837 ii. Barbara Ann Curran, born abt. 1943.

1452. Marian Belle13 Porter (Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1919 in Daggett, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) LeRoy Tell Johnson abt. 1935, son of Reece Johnson and Lillian ______. He was born abt. 1917 in PA. She married (2) Harold Charles Arnold abt. 1952. She married (3) James Otis Overrein abt. 1973.

Children of Marian Porter and LeRoy Johnson are:

+ 2838 i. Joseph Edgar14 Johnson, born 21 Mar 1937 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2839 ii. Allein Myrtle Johnson, born 07 Mar 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2840 iii. LeRoy Harley Johnson, born 21 May 1943.

1453. Ivan Dean13 Porter (Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1920, and died 13 Dec 1965 in Mountain Lake, PA. He married Lena Mae McNeal 09 Jan 1942, daughter of Wallace McNeal and Nellie Darby. She was born 16 May 1924 in LeRaysville, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Ivan Dean Porter:

Burial: 16 Dec 1965, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Social Security Number: 169-14-6617 (PA)

Children of Ivan Porter and Lena McNeal are:

+ 2841 i. Ivan Dean14 Porter, Jr., born 28 Mar 1943 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 2842 ii. Richard Harold Porter, born 14 May 1948 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 2843 iii. Robert Eugene Porter, born 01 Mar 1950.

+ 2844 iv. Thomas Edward Porter, born 05 Nov 1952.

2845 v. Marilyn Louise Porter, born 14 Mar 1954. She married (1) Donald Lewis Wooster 22 Sep 1973. She married (2) Walter Norbert Waldau I 22 May 1981.

1454. Doris Marie13 Porter (Frederick Bly12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Sep 1924 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She was living in Lock Haven, PA in May 2009, per Donna Lee Porter, wife of her nephew Richard Bly Porter. She married (1) Lawrence Page. He was born abt. 1922 in PA. She married (2) Charles Reigle.


More About Doris Marie Porter:

Name 2: Reigle, Doris

Child of Doris Porter and Lawrence Page is:

2846 i. Pamela14 Page.

1455. Eloise Louise13 Porter (Frederick Bly12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1928 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died Feb 1995. She married (1) Irving Alton Welch 10 Feb 1951 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA, son of Horace Welch and Harriet ______. He was born Apr 1926 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) James McCoy Wood 06 May 1966 in Bel Air, Harford Co., MD, son of John Wood and Orphia ______. He was born 26 Jun 1922 in Gracion Co., VA, and died 22 Jun 1992.


More About Eloise Louise Porter:

Name 2: Wood, Eloise

Residence 1: 1930, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1995, Last residence: Bel Air, MD 21015

Social Security Number: 164-22-6710 (PA)

More About James McCoy Wood:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1992, Last residence: Port Deposit, MD 21904

Social Security Number: 218-18-2847 (MD)

Children of Eloise Porter and Irving Welch are:

2847 i. Wayne Alton14 Welch, born 09 Dec 1955; died 16 Aug 1958.

2848 ii. Alan LaRue Welch, born 24 Oct 1958.

Child of Eloise Porter and James Wood is:

2849 i. Karen Renee14 Wood, born 24 Feb 1964. She married Charles Earl Meadows, Jr. 12 May 1984 in Forestville, Prince George's Co., MD.

1456. Arthur Bly13 Porter (Frederick Bly12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1931 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 20 Nov 1992 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Mabel Shirley Harris 20 Jan 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Loren Harris and Hazel Dunbar. She was born 30 Jul 1930 in Armenian Mt., Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Arthur Bly Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 Nov 1991 ed.:

Arthur Bly Porter, 61, mechanic

CANTON - Arthur Bly Porter, 61, of Box 234, Canton, died Friday, Nov. 20, 1991 at Divine Providence Hospital, Williamsport, following a brief illness. Mr. Porter had been a mechanic for 25 years at McClure Motor Co., Troy. He was a life member of Innes Hose Company, Canton Fire Department, and a six-year member of the Canton Fire Police. Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.


More About Arthur Bly Porter:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Devine Providence Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 22 Nov 1992, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Nov 1992, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 179-24-8365 (PA)


More About Mabel Shirley Harris:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Arthur Porter and Mabel Harris are:

2850 i. Cheryl Marie14 Porter, born 03 Jul 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2851 ii. Sheila Rose Porter, born 29 Jul 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2852 iii. Margaret Mae Porter, born 18 Oct 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Rocky Lane Hartford (1859) 18 Nov 1979 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA; born 17 Apr 1952 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

2853 iv. Richard Bly Porter, Sr., born 11 Apr 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He was married in Canton on June 28 1986 to Donna Lee Ameigh, daughter of Richard and Beverly (Alexander) Ameigh Of Breesport New York. Donna was born January 29 1957 in Elmira, Chemung County, NY. They had two children: Richard Bly Porter Jr. born December 8 1985 in Troy PA, and Danielle Renee Porter born January 11 1988 in Towanda PA.
Editor's Note: In May 2009, Donna Lee (Ameigh) Porter provided the information shown here above for herself and the family of her husband, Richard Bly Porter.

1458. Mary13 Conrad (Alice D.12 Porter, William C.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Raymond Wright.

Children of Mary Conrad and Raymond Wright are:

2854 i. ______14 Wright.

2855 ii. ______ Wright. She married ______ Earl.

2856 iii. ______ Wright.

1460. Mabel Lillian13 Dougherty (Henrietta Francis12 Strong, Clarissa Emaline11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Sep 1894 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN, and died 26 Oct 1989 in Anoka Co., MN. She married Eugene Isiah Crepeau 12 Jul 1911 in Anoka Co., MN, son of Frances Crepeau and Effie ______. He was born 11 Nov 1890 in MN, and died 07 Dec 1975 in Anoka Co., MN.


More About Mabel Lillian Dougherty:

Name 2: Crepeau, Mabel Lillian

Social Security Number: 469-76-2902 (MN)


More About Eugene Isiah Crepeau:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1975, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN

Social Security Number: 472-05-9204 (MN)

Child of Mabel Dougherty and Eugene Crepeau is:

2857 i. ______14 Crepeau.

1461. Abeline Francis13 Dougherty (Henrietta Francis12 Strong, Clarissa Emaline11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Oct 1896 in Bethel, Anoka Co., MN, and died 04 Mar 1984 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Ralph Lenox Dille 10 Oct 1920 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He was born 27 Sep 1897 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, and died 28 Aug 1948 in WI.

Children of Abeline Dougherty and Ralph Dille are:

2858 i. Dona Marie14 Dille, born 1922 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Dona Marie Dille:

Residence: 1930, Columbia Heights, Anoka Co., MN


2859 ii. Betty Jean Dille, born 17 Apr 1924 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; died 22 Sep 1990 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Betty Jean Dille:

Residence: 1930, Columbia Heights, Anoka Co., MN

Social Security Number: 470-20-0122 (MN)


2860 iii. Ralph Denis Dille, born 20 Jan 1932 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; died 28 Aug 1948 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

1464. Dora Isabelle13 Dougherty (Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1901 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN, and died 05 Oct 1997 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Elmer Joseph Buben 06 Jul 1920 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, son of Josef Buben and Zsuzsanna Szolco. He was born 27 Apr 1896 in Nagybanhegyes, Hungary, and died 09 Jan 1965 in Anoka, Anoka Co., MN.


More About Dora Isabelle Dougherty:

Name 2: Buben, Dora

Residence: Bef. Oct 1997, Last residence: Minneapolis, MN 55435

Social Security Number: 470-18-5679 (MN)


More About Elmer Joseph Buben:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1965, Last residence: Minneapolis, MN 55421

Social Security Number: 472-09-5690 (MN)

Children of Dora Dougherty and Elmer Buben are:

+ 2861 i. Roger Neil14 Buben, born 03 Jan 1941 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; Adopted child.

2862 ii. Judith Ann Buben, born 19 Aug 1944 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN; Adopted child. She married John Roff abt. 1969.

1465. Eugene LeRoy13 Dougherty (Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1903 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN, and died 22 Jan 1979 in Chisago City, Chisago Co., MN. He married Lenore Marie Webber 07 Jun 1932, daughter of Edward Webber and Mary Burns. She was born 22 Jun 1912 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Eugene LeRoy Dougherty:

Burial: 25 Jan 1979, Oak Leaf Cem., Bethal, Anoka Co., MN

Residence: Bef. Jan 1979, Last residence: Stacy, MN 55079

Social Security Number: 472-09-5660 (MN)


More About Lenore Marie Webber:

Residence 1: 1920, Columbia Heights, Anoka Co., MN

Residence 2: 1930, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN

Children of Eugene Dougherty and Lenore Webber are:

2863 i. Mary14 Dougherty, born 29 Nov 1932 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Walter Schendal.

+ 2864 ii. Joyce Elizabeth Dougherty, born 14 Feb 1934 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 2865 iii. Eugene Charles Dougherty, born 02 Aug 1935 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

2866 iv. Ethel Agnes Dougherty, born 31 Dec 1937 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married (1) Earl Slade. She married (2) Wallace Craddock.

1467. Irma Jane13 Dougherty (Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Mar 1908 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN. She married (1) Jesse Earl Casey abt. 1927 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. He was born 10 Dec 1903 in IL, and died Sep 1983 in Hillsboro, Montgomery Co., IL. She married (2) Englebert Alexander Peterson abt. 1942.


Notes for Jesse Earl Casey:

Jesse was last heard from at Taylorville, Christian Co., IL. He and Irma were divorced at the time.


More About Jesse Earl Casey:

Name 2: Casey, Earl J.

Date born 2: abt. 1905, MN

Residence: 1930, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI

Social Security Number: 343-10-9695 (IL)

Child of Irma Dougherty and Jesse Casey is:

+ 2867 i. Edward Earl14 Casey, born 09 Apr 1930 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

1468. Lillian Leona13 Ruddy (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Apr 1909 in St. Francis, Anoka Co., MN, and died 10 Feb 1998 in Woodbury, Washington Co., MN. She married (1) Everett Johnson Feb 1930 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, son of Nels Johnson and Anna Erickson. He was born 10 Apr 1908 in Brahm, Isanti Co., MN, and died 30 Jun 1952 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (2) Charles Carlson abt. 1952.


More About Lillian Leona Ruddy:

Name 2: Carlson, Lillian

Residence: Bef. Feb 1998, Last residence: St. Paul, MN 55125

Social Security Number: 477-22-3064 (MN)


More About Everett Johnson:

Burial: Jul 1952, Forest Lawn Cem., St. Paul, MN

Children of Lillian Ruddy and Everett Johnson are:

2868 i. Beverly LaVonne14 Johnson, born 06 Feb 1932 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN; died 09 Sep 1981 in McGrath, Aitkin Co., MN. She married Ernest Stule 18 Nov 1952.


More About Beverly LaVonne Johnson:

Burial: 12 Sep 1981, Forest Lawn Cem., St. Paul, MN

Cause of Death: heart problems; had a history of heart ailments


+ 2869 ii. Ramona Nile Johnson, born 26 Apr 1934 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 2870 iii. Vearl Everett Johnson, born 21 Jun 1938 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 2871 iv. Darleen Joyce Johnson, born 23 Sep 1940 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

1469. Lawrence Gordon13 Ruddy (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1910 in St. Francis, Anoka Co., MN, and died 03 Mar 1970 in Dayton, Mongomery Co., OH. He married (1) Dorothy Bernice Carlson 30 Nov 1929, daughter of Andrew Carlson and Betsey Blomquist. She was born 10 Apr 1908 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, and died 21 Sep 1992 in Duluth, MN. He married (2) Wilma ______ abt. 1945.


More About Lawrence Gordon Ruddy:

Burial: 06 Mar 1970, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Residence: Bef. Mar 1970, Last residence: Dayton, OH 45427

Social Security Number: 477-10-1658 (MN)


More About Dorothy Bernice Carlson:

Name 2: Ruddy, Dorothy

Residence: Bef. Sep 1992, Last residence: Duluth, MN 55802

Social Security Number: 474-28-2998 (MN)

Children of Lawrence Ruddy and Dorothy Carlson are:

2872 i. Miles Andrew14 Ruddy, born 24 Jul 1932 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Miles Andrew Ruddy:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: abt. 1953, U.S. Air Force - Korean War

Military honors: 1954, Purple Heart - wounded on Christmas Day 1953


+ 2873 ii. Deloris Betty Ruddy, born 28 Jun 1935 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2874 iii. Lawrence Carl Ruddy, born 31 Jul 1936 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

1470. Norman Wallice13 Ruddy (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 May 1911 in St. Francis, Anoka Co., MN, and died 09 Oct 1974 in Willmar, Kandiyohi Co., MN. He married Gilma Hanson abt. 1928. She was born abt. 1914.


More About Norman Wallice Ruddy:

Burial: 12 Oct 1974, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Child of Norman Ruddy and Gilma Hanson is:

+ 2875 i. Nona Gwen14 Ruddy, born abt. 1930.

1471. Bazel Clayton13 Ruddy (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Nov 1913 in St. Francis, Anoka Co., MN, and died 02 Mar 1989 in Chisago Co., MN. He married (1) Alice Frances Singleman abt. 1937, daughter of Frank Singleman and Francis Taylor. She was born 07 Sep 1916 in Oak Park, Washington Co., MN, and died 16 Dec 1993 in St. Paul, Ramsay Co., MN. He married (2) Sigrid Beatrice Ekman 27 Apr 1946 in Webster, Day Co., SD, daughter of Gotfreid Ekman and Sigrid Tunheim. She was born 13 May 1927 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Bazel Clayton Ruddy:

Residence 1: 1930, Ham Lake, Anoka Co., MN

Residence 2: Apr 1946, Ramsey Co., MN

Social Security Number: 470-01-3155 (MN)


More About Alice Frances Singleman:

Name 2: Sorenson, Alice

Residence: Bef. Dec 1993, Last residence: South St. Paul, MN 55075

Social Security Number: 472-24-7912 (MN)

Children of Bazel Ruddy and Alice Singleman are:

+ 2876 i. Bazel Clayton14 Ruddy, Jr., born 16 Nov 1939 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2877 ii. Diana Christine Ruddy Sorenson, born 02 Apr 1942 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2878 iii. Wesley LeRoy Ruddy, born 10 Apr 1943 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

Children of Bazel Ruddy and Sigrid Ekman are:

+ 2879 i. Judith Sigrud14 Ruddy, born 29 Dec 1947 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2880 ii. Nancy Jeanenne Ruddy, born 04 Jan 1950 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN; died in Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2881 iii. Michael Wayne Ruddy, born 17 Jun 1951 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2882 iv. Carrie Lee Ruddy, born 11 Jun 1958 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2883 v. Caryl Ann Ruddy, born 11 Jun 1958 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN; died 11 Jun 1958 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Caryl Ann Ruddy:

Name 2: Ruddy, Carol Ann

Burial: 15 Jun 1958, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Cause of Death: Lung disorders

Medical Information: identical twin to Carrie L.


+ 2884 vi. Randy Ray Ruddy, born 11 Oct 1960 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

1472. Alton Clifford13 Ruddy (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1914 in Isanti Co., MN, and died 11 Feb 1988 in Turlock, Stanislaus Co., CA. He married Dorothy Frances Dugan 10 May 1937 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, daughter of David Dugan and Alice Christensen. She was born 06 Apr 1918 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, and died 14 Feb 2005 in Atascadero, San Luis Obispo Co., CA.


More About Alton Clifford Ruddy:

Residence 1: 1930, Wyoming, Chisago Co., MN

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1988, Last residence: Turlock, CA 95380

Social Security Number: 470-01-3971 (MN)


More About Dorothy Frances Dugan:

Name 2: Ruddy, Dorothy F.

Social Security Number: 471-32-4571 (MN)

Children of Alton Ruddy and Dorothy Dugan are:

2885 i. Allen Clayton14 Ruddy, born 08 Jul 1938 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2886 ii. Donald Dugan Ruddy, born 27 Mar 1940 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2887 iii. Patricia Margaret Ruddy, born 22 May 1941 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2888 iv. Linda Louise Ruddy, born 28 Oct 1943 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2889 v. Mark Alton Ruddy, born 18 Sep 1954 in Simi Valley, Ventura Co., CA.

1473. Margaret Emma13 Stufell (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1916 in Bethal, Anoka Co., MN. She married Woodrow Wilson Webster 30 Nov 1939 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, son of Lee Webster and Julia Baker. He was born 17 Jan 1913 in Corinth, Alcorn Co., MS, and died 19 Jul 1973 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Woodrow Wilson Webster:

Burial: 21 Jul 1973, Union Cem., St. Paul, MN

Social Security Number: 427-12-2493 (MS)

Children of Margaret Stufell and Woodrow Webster are:

2890 i. Douglas Woodrow Lee14 Webster, born 27 Sep 1940 in St. Paul, MN; died 14 Aug 2002 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Douglas Woodrow Lee Webster:

Name 2: Webster, Douglas L.

Social Security Number: 471-44-5233 (MN)


+ 2891 ii. Joy Ann Sarah Webster, born 19 Oct 1941 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2892 iii. Walter Daniel Webster, born 23 Jun 1943 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2893 iv. Candace Lee Webster, born 20 Jun 1944 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2894 v. Robin Lee Webster, born 09 Jul 1945 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2895 vi. Scott Lee Webster, born 16 Dec 1946 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2896 vii. Gregory Lee Webster, born 11 Jan 1948 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Gerry Hoft 11 Nov 1972.

+ 2897 viii. Holly Lynn Webster, born 03 Dec 1949 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2898 ix. Michael Brian Webster, born 19 Jul 1951 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

1475. Elna Frances13 Stufell (Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jun 1926 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Adrian Laverne Livingston 21 Nov 1946 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, son of Walter Livingston and Anna Norlinger. He was born 01 Jul 1923 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, and died 09 Oct 1993 in Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Adrian Laverne Livingston:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1993, Last residence: St. Paul, MN 55106

Social Security Number: 474-16-2469 (MN)

Children of Elna Stufell and Adrian Livingston are:

+ 2899 i. Dennis Walter14 Livingston, born 08 Nov 1947 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 2900 ii. Janice Renee Livingston, born 05 Sep 1951 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2901 iii. Jillaine Joyce Livingston, born 28 Jun 1955 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

1477. Donald Clayton13 Porter (Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1922 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Norma Irene Elsing 21 Mar 1954 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, daughter of Joseph Elsing and Amanda ______. She was born 28 Aug 1936 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN, and died 26 Aug 1999 in Baldwin Park, Los Angeles Co., CA.


Notes for Norma Irene Elsing:

Norma was adopted by Joseph & Amanda Minnie Elsing family in 1948, the name by which she was married. She is listed as their daughter in the Minnesota birth records.


More About Norma Irene Elsing:

Name 2: Porter, Norma J.

Adoption: 1948, Hennepin Co., MN

Social Security Number: 468-38-8384 (MN)

Children of Donald Porter and Norma Elsing are:

2902 i. Garry Allen14 Porter, born 06 Oct 1954 in Lynwood, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married Presina ______ 04 Oct 1973.

2903 ii. Randy Clayton Porter, born 21 Aug 1957 in Lynwood, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2904 iii. Terry Leigh Porter, born 06 Sep 1959 in Lancaster, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2905 iv. Jeffry Bryan Porter, born 31 May 1961 in West Covina, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2906 v. Daniel James Porter, born 30 Jun 1963 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2907 vi. David Wayne Porter, born 25 Jan 1965 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2908 vii. Donald Clayton Porter, Jr., born 04 Jan 1967 in West Covina, Los Angeles Co., CA.

1478. Mabel Mathilda13 Porter (Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1923 in Sauk Rapids, Benton Co., MN. She married (1) Arnold Alex Garner 03 Oct 1942 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN, son of ______ Joergenson. He was born 06 Apr 1919 in Homer, Dakota Co., NE, and died 08 Jul 1962 in Stearns Co., MN. She married (2) Victor A. Benning abt. 1959, son of Henry Benning and Amanda Schauer. He was born 30 May 1917, and died 06 Dec 1981 in Sartell, Stearns Co., MN.


More About Mabel Mathilda Porter:

Name 2: Porter, Matilda Mabel


More About Arnold Alex Garner:

Burial: 11 Jul 1962, St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN

Social Security Number: 475-14-3725 (MN)


More About Victor A. Benning:

Residence 1: 1930, Mankato, Blue Earth Co., MN

Residence 2: Bef. Dec 1981, Last residence: Sartell, MN 56377

Social Security Number: 471-01-6618 (MN)

Children of Mabel Porter and Arnold Garner are:

+ 2909 i. Arnold Alex14 Garner, Jr., born 04 Aug 1944 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

+ 2910 ii. Roger James Garner, born 25 Sep 1945 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

2911 iii. David Arthur Garner, born 11 Sep 1947 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN. He married Colleen Mary McHale Jan 1969; born 13 Feb 1952 in Chisago Co., MN.

+ 2912 iv. Sharon Lee Garner, born 10 Jul 1952 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

1479. Tracy Henry13 Porter (Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1925 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN, and died 11 Aug 1991. He married Anna Mae Burris 10 Mar 1945 in Compton, Los Angeles Co., CA, daughter of Raymond Burris and Clara Mertz. She was born 08 Mar 1928 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA.


More About Tracy Henry Porter:

Military service: Bet. Oct 1943 - 05 Nov 1945, U.S. Navy

Social Security Number: 476-16-7273 (MN)

Children of Tracy Porter and Anna Burris are:

2913 i. Pamela Lee14 Porter, born 03 Aug 1946.

+ 2914 ii. Jeanette Porter, born 21 Nov 1948 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.

+ 2915 iii. Gene Oliver Porter, born 05 Apr 1951 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA.

1482. Stacy Rogers13 Porter (Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 May 1941 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN. He married (1) Sandra Patricia Guy 07 May 1960 in Northwood, Worth Co., IA, daughter of Harold Guy and Astrid Lindquist. She was born 10 Sep 1940 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married (2) Barbara Rose Omann 30 Dec 1977, daughter of Joseph Omann and Patricia Minsinger. She was born 01 Nov 1949 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.


More About Barbara Rose Omann:

Baptism: 05 Nov 1949, St. Stephen, Stearns Co., MN

Children of Stacy Porter and Sandra Guy are:

2916 i. Daniel Roger14 Porter, born 25 Mar 1961 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

2917 ii. Scott Gordon Porter, born 13 Aug 1964 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

Child of Stacy Porter and Barbara Omann is:

2918 i. Amber Erin14 Porter, born 17 Dec 1979 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

1485. Allen Russell13 Porter (Tracy Allen12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1929 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Stephany Elizabeth Theuer 19 Feb 1954 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, daughter of Stephen Theuer and Elizabeth Schmidt. She was born 12 Aug 1928 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, and died 18 Mar 2001 in West St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


Notes for Allen Russell Porter:

Allen owned the contracting company responsible for the plowing of the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport during the winter, owning some of the vehicles.


Notes for Stephany Elizabeth Theuer:

Stephany, or Betty as she is better known, was responsible for information pertaining to the descendants of Aaron & Emeline Strong Porter and Nathan & Sarah Cooper Porter, most of which remained in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area. She had done very extensive research on these individuals and and had communicated for a period of years with Rayola Soderquist, both attempting to find the parents of William Porter, husband of Hannah Wilcox. When I contacted her, she had already traced her father's family back to 1549, the Theuer name being registered in the Austrian Archives. After many telephone calls, letters and Christmas cards, I met Betty and Rayola in Aug 1982 at my residence in Elmira, NY.


More About Stephany Elizabeth Theuer:

Residence: 1930, 68 W. Jessamine St., St. Paul, MN

Child of Allen Porter and Stephany Theuer is:

2919 i. Paul Tracy14 Porter, born 14 Nov 1957 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Charlotte Ann Ott 22 Nov 1980; born 05 Apr 1958 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

1487. Beulah13 Hanson (Bertha Grace12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1923. She married (1) Edwin Mattson 1941 in Aitkin, Aitkin Co., MN. She married (2) Merle ______ abt. 1948. She married (3) Armando Chevez abt. 1953.

Children of Beulah Hanson and Edwin Mattson are:

2920 i. ______14 Mattson, born abt. 1943.

2921 ii. ______ Mattson, born abt. 1944.

2922 iii. ______ Mattson, born abt. 1946.

2923 iv. ______ Mattson, born abt. 1947.

1488. Darrell Mundahl13 Hanson (Bertha Grace12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Oct 1926 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, and died 19 Jul 1998 in Ironton, Trommald Twp., Crow Wing Co., MN. He married Ardell ______ 12 Feb 1949 in Seattle, King Co., WA.


More About Darrell Mundahl Hanson:

Name 2: Hanson, Darrell Mundell

Residence: Bef. Jul 1998, Trommald, Crow Wing Co., MN

Social Security Number: 468-22-0658 (MN)

Children of Darrell Hanson and Ardell ______ are:

2924 i. Wendy Marie14 Mundahl, born 29 Jun 1964 in Tacoma, Pierce Co., WA; Adopted child.


Notes for Wendy Marie Mundahl:

Wendy was adopted when 2 weeks old.


More About Wendy Marie Mundahl:

Nationality: French and German descent


2925 ii. Terrie Lynn Mundahl, born 17 Jun 1966 in Seattle, King Co., WA; Adopted child.


Notes for Terrie Lynn Mundahl:

Terrie was adopted when he was 2 months old.


More About Terrie Lynn Mundahl:

Nationality: English and German descent

1490. Edmon Daniel13 Faulkner (Daniel Edmon12, Laura Jane11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jun 1939 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married (1) Jean Marie White 12 Dec 1958 in Big Flats, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of George White and Nana ______. She was born 1942. He married (2) Genevive Smith abt. 1962. He married (3) Martha Marie Hoffsommer abt. 1968.

Children of Edmon Faulkner and Jean White are:

+ 2926 i. Edmon Daniel14 Faulkner, Jr., born Jun 1960.

+ 2927 ii. Steven James Faulkner, born Jul 1962.

2928 iii. Sharon Faulkner, born 10 Nov 1963. She married Theodore Pagorski.

+ 2929 iv. Laura Faulkner, born 09 Nov 1964.

1491. Herbert Orrin Allen13 Porter (Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jun 1918 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 14 Jul 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married (1) Mary Ann Klein abt. 1943. He married (2) Helen Marie Houser 24 Apr 1948 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Laurence Houser and Henrietta Klein. She was born 15 Apr 1930 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


Notes for Herbert Orrin Allen Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, Mar 1941 ed.:


Two brothers who enlisted in the U.S. Army within a year are Pvt. 1st Class Herbert O. Porter and Pvt. Warren L. Porter, sons of Mrs. Helen Porter of 311 W. Fourth St., Elmira and Daniel Porter of Gillett, PA. Pvt. Herbert Porter enlisted Sept. 12, 1940, when he was 22 in the Quartermaster Corps and was sent to Madison Barracks, Plattsburg, NY. He now is stationed in Iceland with Company C, 66th Quartermaster Battalion. Pvt. Warren Porter enlisted last March 25, when 18, in the 2nd Post Ordnance Battalion and now is stationed at Pine Camp, NY. The two brothers, both graduates of Troy High School, report they like Army life very much. Prior to enlistment, Herbert was employed as an auto mechanic and Warren was employed by the Western Union in Elmira. Pvt. Herbert Porter, who reports reading material is scarce in Iceland and who says his buddies would appreciate any such gifts, lists his address as Company C, 66th QM (LM) ASN-12003102, APO 810, care of Postmaster, New York City.


Elmira, NY - Elmira GAZETTEER, 15 Jul 1948 ed.:

DEATHS ELSEWHERE - Herbert O. Porter of Buffalo, formerly of Elmira, Wednesday, July 14, 1948. Survived by wife, Helen Porter; parents, Daniel W. Porter of Elmira, Mrs. Helen Klein of Buffalo; brothers, Warren, Leon and Roy Porter, all of Elmira; sister, Mrs. Cora Carmon of Elmira. The body will arrive in Elmira Friday and will be taken to the Davis Funeral Home, where funeral will be held Sunday 2 p.m. The Rev. Anthony B. Sampson. Glenwood Cemetery, Troy. Firing squad will officiate at the grave. (Cora's last name was spelled Carman - note of R.J. Porter)



More About Herbert Orrin Allen Porter:

Burial: 17 Jul 1948, Glenwood Cem., Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 12 Sep 1940 - 1944, US Army; Co. C 66th Quartermaster Battalion

Military service: Mar 1941, Iceland

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 Jul 1948, ELMIRA GAZETEER - Elmira, NY

Child of Herbert Porter and Helen Houser is:

+ 2930 i. Linda Marie14 Porter, born 15 Nov 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

1492. Cora Genevieve13 Porter (Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1921 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 31 Oct 1970 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ. She married (1) Jesse James Carman 23 Nov 1940 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Andrew Carman and Luella DePew. He was born 22 Mar 1902 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA, and died 19 Apr 1967 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Montgomery B. Shambleau 13 Jan 1955, son of Roy Shambleaw and ______ ______. He was born 13 Sep 1910 in Port Huron, St. Clair Co., MI, and died Oct 1984 in Tucson, Pima Co., AZ.


More About Cora Genevieve Porter:

Cause of Death: cyrosis of the liver

Cremation: Nov 1970, interment of ashes unknown

Residence 1: Bet. 1921 - 1934, Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1934 - 1949, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 3: 1949, 605 E. Second St., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1952, 420 E. Water St., Elmira, NY

Residence 5: Bet. 1955 - 1970, Tucson, Pima Co., AZ


Notes for Jesse James Carman:

The following letter was written by Sidney Kane, a resident of Gillett, PA and a Sunday School teacher at the Gillett Baptist Church. It was sent to each of Jesse's children. When I contacted Rev. Charles Root in 1981 about information pertaining to Jesse's burial in the Gillett Cemetery, he offered me a copy of the letter, which was written by a smooth, readable hand on the front of a single sheet of paper. The original had been copied on a mimeograph, for the ink was a bluish color, but still very clear.


"April 20, '67 Horseheads, NY -- To the sons and daughters of Jesse James Carman

On April 19, your Heavenly Father saw fit to call away your earthly father. His suffering is now over and this thought alone, is comforting. His life was misguided and he was an unhappy man. With this in mind, I want you to always remember that misusing ones life always brings sorrow to both ourselves and others. You boys and girls have your whole lives ahead of you and you have the same choice that your father had of living for God or living for Satan. I trust you will always live for God and help others to know Him too. We must remember that it is right living that prepares us for joyous dying. We all must prepare ourselves for the journey that your father has just taken. If in thinking of his life, and his example, we decide in our own minds to live the good life; the life of your own father has been helpful and worthwhile. I wanted to share these few thoughts with you since hearing the news of your father's passing. Sincerely, your friend & Teacher. Mr. Kane"


More About Jesse James Carman:

Burial: 21 Apr 1967, Gillett Cem. (lower sect.), Gillett, PA (no marker)

Cause of Death: stroke in his sleep

Medical Information: died at Helen R. Klein's home, his ex-mother-in-law

Occupation 1: Bet. 1949 - 1952, Painter

Occupation 2: 1955, Taxi driver

Residence 1: 1949, 605 E. Second St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1952, 420 E. Water St., Elmira, NY

Residence 3: 1955, 366 Diven St., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: Bet. 1962 - Apr 1967, Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 071-09-6679 (NY)


Marriage Notes for Cora Porter and Jesse Carman:

Elmira ADVERTISER; ed. unknown:


Mrs. Helen R. Porter announces the engagement of her daughter, Cora Genevieve to Jesse J. Carman. Their residence will be in this city. They will marry in the near future. Mr. Carman is a molder at the Kennedy Valve.


More About Montgomery B. Shambleau:

Name 2: Shambleaw, Montgomery B.

Name 3: Shamblen, Montgomery

Residence 1: Bet. 1920 - 1930, Port Huron, St. Clair Co., MI

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1984, Tucson, Pima Co., AZ

Social Security Number: 369-09-6814 (MI)

Children of Cora Porter and Jesse Carman are:

+ 2931 i. Herbert LeRoy14 Carman, born 18 Jun 1942 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2932 ii. Mary Elaine Carman, born 20 Feb 1944 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 2933 iii. Dale Frederick Carman, born 22 Apr 1946 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 2934 iv. Linda Darlene Carman, born 03 Jan 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2935 v. Dawn Lee Carman, born 27 Feb 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2936 vi. Diane Lee Carman, born 27 Feb 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1493. Warren LeRoy13 Porter (Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1923 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Jan 1968 in Kanona, Steuben Co., NY. He married Esther Louise Coddington 06 Jun 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of James Coddington and Hazel Allen. She was born 02 Dec 1926 in Athens Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 20 Jun 1990 in West Burlington, Otsego Co., NY.



Notes for Warren LeRoy Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Mar 1941 ed.:

Enlistments in Army total 44 this month. Addition of two men today and four Monday brings the total U.S. Army enlistments at the Elmira Station thus far this month to 44, Sgt. Jack Schmus, local recruiter said today. Elmira stands fourth for March enlistments in the Northeast Recruiting District. Buffalo leads, followed by Rochester, Syracuse, Elmira, Utica and Binghamton. Men enlisted here today were: John E. Calkins, Rexville, NY, assigned to the Medical Department, Fort Monmouth, NJ and Donald P. Avery, Lockwood, assigned to the Air Corps, Savannah, GA. Enlisted Monday were: Roy P. Carmen, Troy, who will be assigned to the 33rd Pursuit Group, Mitchell Field; Warren L. Porter, 761 E. Washington Ave, to the 2nd Ordnance Service Company, Madison Barracks; Robert A. Webster, Horseheads, Medical Department, Fort Monmouth; and Donald A. Hicks, Gillett, Signal Corps, Fort Monmouth. (Donald A. Hicks was a close friend to Warren, so much so that Donald offered to be a pallbearer at Warren's funeral. - note of R. J. Porter)


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 4 Jan 1968 ed.:

2 KILLED, 2 INJURED IN CRASH AT KANONA (front pg. headlines w/photo)

BATH - Two persons were killed and two others seriously injured in the head-on collision of a car and pick-up truck at about 9:25 A.M. Wednesday on the Rt. 15 bridge at Kanona. The dead were identified as Warren Porter, 43, of Gillett, PA and Clifford Updyke, 70, of Harris Hill Road, Elmira RD#1. They were passengers, police said, in a 1955 Pontiac sedan driven by Seaman Melvin Porter, 19, of Genesee St., Cheektowaga, on leave from his ship at the naval base at Charleston, SC. Officials said Warren Porter was an uncle of Melvin Porter and that Mr. Updyke was an uncle of Warren Porter. Melvin Porter was listed in serious condition this morning at the Syracuse VA hospital. He sustained a possible skull fracture and internal injuries, and a scalp cut, officials said. Arland Hoad, 44, of 109 McMaster St. Bath, driver of the truck, was listed in "very critical" condition this morning at nearby Davenport Hospital. He sustained a chest injury, skull fracture and facial cuts. Hoad was on his way home from work, officials said. He is a mechanic for DeWitt Construction Co. in Pavilion. He was alone and driving south. The car Melvin Porter was driving was northbound on the two-lane state highway when the vehicles collided head-on in the southbound lane on the bridge over the Conhocton River state police said. The deaths are Steuben County's first highway fatalities of 1968. The county notched a record of 50 highway deaths last year. Melvin Porter started on a nine-day leave on Dec 28 from the USS Meadowlark at Charleston, SC. The officer authorizing his leave paper scrawled across its bottom in large, clear script: "drive safely please". State police said this morning that Melvin Porter had been visiting grandparents in Gillett and was to have flown from Elmira to Buffalo Wednesday, but then it was decided to drive him to Cheektowaga. The auto was registered to Warren Porter. Melvin Porter was first taken to Davenport Hospital and then was transferred to the Bath VA Center Hospital. Several hours later he was transferred to the Syracuse VA Hospital. All three ambulances of the Bath Volunteer Ambulance Corps and the Bath firemen and their auxiliary police were at the mishap scene.

(The accident occurred at 9:25 P.M.; Mr. Updyke was an uncle to Melvin's mother, unrelated to Warren. - note of R. J. Porter)


Elmira STAR-GAZETTE, 5 Jan 1968 ed.:

PORTER, Warren L., age 44 of Gillett, Pa., Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1968. Friends may call at the Keister Funeral Home. Calling hours Saturday 7 to 9 and Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM. Funeral Monday 1 PM in the First Church of the Nazarene, Cedar and Holdridge Streets, Elmira, the Rev. Everett Kaufman and Rev. Dwight Anderson. Woodlawn National Cemetery. Full military honors will be accorded at the graveside. Survived by wife, Mrs. Esther Porter, daughters, Mrs. Harold Morrison of Gillett RD 2, Rosalyn Lee, Loretta Kathryn, Deanna Lynn, all at home; sons, Pvt. Richard Porter of Ft. McClellan, Ala., Howard Warren, Charles Frederick, Ronald Jay, all at home; mother, Mrs. Helen Klein of Gillett; father, Daniel W. Porter of Gillett; sister, Mrs. Cora Genevieve Shambleau of Tucson, Ariz.; brothers, Leon B. of Buffalo, Roy G. of Cheektowaga, NY; two grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Mr. Porter was a member of the First Church of the Nazarene; he was a veteran of World War II.


More About Warren LeRoy Porter:

Burial: 08 Jan 1968, Woodlawn National Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY (Sect. B; Site: 3025-B)

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Grade School: Bet. 1929 - 1935, Gillett Elem., Gillett, PA

High School: Bet. 1935 - 1939, Troy High School

Hobbies: Bet. 1955 - 1968, enjoyed television, especially sports; dabbled in woodworking (Deanna has "spice cupbord"); enjoyed oil painting (Charles has "The Last Supper" Dad painted in 1964); also liked pinocle and shuffleboard

Medical Information: received scarred lungs from being exposed in iodine during a hospital exam conducted during his military service, evidently being allergic to the dye used in the exam, so received a Veteran's pension.

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: 25 Mar 1941, U.S. Army; 2nd Post Ordnance Battalion

Mil. Discharge Rank: 11 Aug 1943, Pvt. - honorably discharge, medical

Military service 1: Bet. 1941 - 1943, U.S. Army - WWII; stationed at Fort Hood, NY

Military service 2: 25 Mar 1941, Madison Barracks, Plattsburg, NY; Pine Camp, NY

Namesake: Warren Worthington Wright

Obituary/Death Notice: 05 Jan 1968, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Occupation 1: Bet. 1940 - 1941, Western Union - Elmira, NY as a delivery man

Occupation 2: Bet. 1952 - 1968, Mechanic/Carpenter - self contractor

Residence 1: Bet. 1923 - 1939, Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1939 - 1944, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 3: 24 Mar 1941, 761 E. Washington Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 4: 1944, 111 College Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 5: Bet. 1945 - 1947, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Residence 6: Bet. 1948 - 1952, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 7: Bet. 1952 - 1968, Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 101-12-5442 (NY)

Special Talent: Played music with a band, managed by David Hoskins, in several nightclubs and lodges; enjoyed country-western and gospel; his brother possessed 3 cylinder recordings of his music; played guitar, piano, violin, harmonica, banjo and bass fiddle


Notes for Esther Louise Coddington:

The following letter, dated 8 Feb 1954, was sent to Esther requesting information pertaining to the parentage of her mother, Hazel Marie Allen. She had tried to find information on how she was related to the Allen family of Rome, PA, but was unable to turn up anything. Mom had only tidbits of family lore and a senile mother (admitted to Binghamton State Hospital) to guide her. She gave up after her 2nd marriage and departure from the Twin Tiers area. She had kept this letter, with the original envelope, in her papers and after she died, it was turned over to me. With some help from Mom's sister, Madeline Sue (Coddington) Jenkins of Mars Hill, NC, I was able to turn up some clues concerning her relationship to the Allens. -- R. J. Porter


Law Offices of James Lyttleton Landram, Mutual Building, Richmond, Virginia

to Mrs. Esther Coddington Porter, Box 10, Gillett, Pennsylvania

Dear Madam:

Your letter of January 29, 1954, addressed to the Doswell Bank, Doswell, Virginia, has been referred to me for reply. William Milton Wattles, died May 15, 1942, without leaving a will, and possessed of two small parcels of land in Hanover County, Virginia, and a personal estate in the amount of $680.81. The real estate was valued at $1,000.00. Several years ago I became interested in purchasing the real estate and after some considerable difficulty, contacted your sister, Mrs. Jenkins, but she was not able to give me too much information relative to the Wattles heirs. Eventually, I was able to locate a niece, nephew and grandniece of Mr. Wattles in the West, and it appears from the information that they have furnished me, that William Wattles had two sisters who were named Cynthia and Libby. Cynthia married Leander Maynard and they had one daughter, who I understand married Dayton W. Allen. Libby married a Mr. Blocher and had three children, Nellie Blocher, Nelson W. Blocher, and Claude F. Blocher. Both Libby and her husband died many years ago, leaving the three children named surviving, and in 1941 Claude F. Blocher died leaving one daughter, Virginia Blocher. As I understand it, your mother was reared by Dayton W. Allen and his wife, but so far I have been unable to find any record showing she was legally adopted by the Allens. If she was legally adopted, you and your sister would have an interest in William Wattles estate. If she was not legally adopted, neither of you would have a right to share therein. If you can furnish me with any information showing that your mother, Hazel Allen Coddington, was legally adopted by Dayton W. Allen and his wife, I would like very much to have it. It appears from information now available that the descendants of Libby Wattles, who married Mr. Blocher, are the only heirs to the estate. Last year I purchased the real estate from the Blocher heirs, and at their request I qualified on the personal estate of William M. Wattles, which I will distribute shortly. Unless you furnish me with some information without delay that your mother was legally adopted by Dayton W. Allen and his wife, I shall distribute the estate to the Blocher heirs. Even though I have purchased the real estate, if you can prove that your mother was legally adopted, you and your sister have an interest in it. I hope you will let me have any information that you can, concerning the Wattles heirs and especially whether or not your mother was adopted by the Allens. Yours very truly --- J. L. Landram"


Oneonta, NY - THE STAR, 21 Jun 1990 ed.:

WEST BURLINGTON - Esther Louise Palmer, 63 died at her home on Wednesday, June 20, 1990. She was born in Athens, Pa. on Dec. 2, 1926, the daughter of James H. and Hazel (Allen) Coddington. She married Stanley Palmer on July 4, 1970 in Edmeston. He died on Aug. 7, 1984. During World War II she worked for Bendix Corporation in Elmira. She was the bookkeeper at her husband's garage, Richfield Auto Repair from 1971-1983. For two years she worked for Otsego County as a parent aide. She loved her family and her gardens. Survivors include four sons, Richard Porter of Elmira, Howard Porter of California, Charles and Ronald Porter, both of Chemung; three daughters, Mrs. Aubrey (Constant) Root of Waverly, Mrs. Edwin (Rosalyn) Boop of Elmira and Mrs. Carl (Deanna) Tice of New Berlin; a sister, Mrs. Edd (Madeline) Jenkins of Mars Hill, NC; 23 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by two daughters, Loretta and Christine, and a brother, Raymond Coddington. Funeral service will be held at 1 P.M. on Saturday, June 23 at J. Seaton McGrath Funeral Home, Richfield Springs, with the Rev. John Blackman, Pastor of the Edmeston Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be at Taylor Cemetery, Edmeston. Friends may call at the funeral home on Friday evening from 7-9 P.M.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 Jun 1990 ed.:

PALMER, Esther L. (Coddington-Porter), age 63, formerly of Gillett, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1990 after an extended illness at home in West Burlington, New York. Born December 2, 1926 in Athens, PA, daughter of James Henry and Hazel Marie (Allen) Coddington. Survived by daughters and sons-in-law, Connie Root & fiance Jerry Welles of Waverly, Dolly and Ed Boop of Elmira, Deanna and Carl Tice of New Burlin, NY, son-in-law, Bob Fowler of Elmira; sons and daughters-in-law, Dick and Lori-Beth Porter of Elmira, Howard and Ana Porter of Oceanside, CA; Chuck and Bonnie Porter of Chemung, Ron Porter of Chemung; 27 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, 1 sister, Madeline Jenkins of Mars Hill, NC; several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by two daughters, Christine Porter on September 13, 1954 and Loretta Porter Fowler on November 5, 1986; a brother, Raymond Harold Coddington; and two husbands, Warren LeRoy Porter on January 3, 1968 and Stanley Palmer on August 7, 1984. She was employed at Bendix of Elmira during WW II, and was the bookkeeper for Richfield Auto Repair, her husband's garage. She was a caring and loving mother and grandmother and loved flowers and handicrafts. Calling hours, Friday, June 22, 1990, 7 to 9 P.M., J. Seaton McGrath Funeral Home, 5 West James Street, Richfield Springs, NY. Funeral there, Saturday at 1 P.M. Committal at Taylor Hill Cemetery, South Edmeston, with Rev. John Blackman, of Second Baptist Church, Edmeston officiating. (NOTE: James' middle name was "Harry"; Welles should read "Wells"; Burlin should read "Berlin".)


More About Esther Louise Coddington:

Burial: 23 Jun 1990, Taylor Hill Cem., S. Edmeston, Otsego Co., NY

Cause of Death: Liver cancer

Grade School: Bet. 1931 - 1936, Rome, Bradford Co., PA, sometimes walking a distance of 4-5 miles

High School: Bet. 1940 - 1942, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Hobbies: enjoyed crocheting, embroidery, flower gardening, quilting, made 3 daughters' wedding gowns

Medical Information: Suffered with emphysema for nearly 12 years, requiring oxygen her last few months; had breast removed due to cancer; underwent chemotherapy; diagnosed with liver cancer 5 days before her death.

Middle School: Bet. 1936 - 1940, Towanda, Bradford Co., PA; she and her sister were then placed in the custody of William Waddles, formerly of Rome, PA but hence forth was a resident of Doswell, VA, of which place he took the two girls; placed into state custody after "Uncle Willie" died

Nationality: She often stated that "she was Dutch", maybe due to her love for flowers

Obituary/Death Notice 1: 21 Jun 1990, THE ONEONTA STAR - Oneonta, NY

Obituary/Death Notice 2: 22 Jun 1990, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Bet. 1943 - 1944, Bendix Corporation, Elmira, NY

Religion: Bet. 1968 - 1970, Member of the First Church of the Nazarene - Elmira, NY and the Elmira Penecostal Tabernacle; hadn't attended church in many years, but was blessed by Rev. Blackman, Baptist minister of Edmeston, NY

Residence 1: Bet. Jun 1952 - Jul 1970, Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Wysox, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. Jul 1970 - Jun 1990, West Burlington, Burlington Twp., Otsego Co., NY

Social Security Number: 093-20-1879 (NY)

Children of Warren Porter and Esther Coddington are:

+ 2937 i. Constance Marlene14 Porter, born 25 May 1945 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 2938 ii. Richard James Porter, born 23 Sep 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2939 iii. Howard Warren Porter, born 08 May 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2940 iv. Rosalyn Lee Porter, born 31 Oct 1951 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2941 v. Christine Ann Porter, born 30 Dec 1953 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 13 Sep 1954 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA (at home).


Notes for Christine Ann Porter:

ELMIRA GAZETTEER, 14 Sep 1954 ed.:


Christine A. Porter, 9-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Porter of Gillett, Pa., Monday, Sept. 13, 1954. Survived by sisters, Constance and Dolly; brothers, Richard and Howard all at home; grandfather D. W. Porter of Gillett; grandmother, Mrs. Helen Kline of Buffalo; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Latney, and Mrs. Cora Brown all of Gillett. Body at Vickery Funeral Home, Troy, Pa., where friends may call. Funeral there Wednesday at 2 P.M., the Rev. Anthony Ernest. Glenwood Cemetery, Troy. (Kline should read "Klein"; James Latney should read "James Latney Porter"; Connie said the baby died on the couch at home; she was buried under a tree located across the driveway from her grandparents graves. There was only a cemetery grave/lot marker to show where she was buried. The area had settled a great deal and the tree roots had forced surrounding areas up, so the actual site can't be known without consulting the map. - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Christine Ann Porter:

Birthsite: Robert Packer Hospital

Burial: 15 Sep 1954, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: infectious diarrhea

Medical Information: died on the sofa at home in Gillett

Obituary/Death Notice: 14 Sep 1954, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY


+ 2942 vi. Charles Dean Porter, born 09 Jan 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 02 Jan 2003 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.

2943 vii. Ronald Jay Porter, born 06 Jul 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Ronald Jay Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 7 Jul 1956 ed.:

BIRTHS: Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa. - a son, Friday, July 6, 1956 to Warren and Esther Coddington Porter of Gillett.


CHILDHOOD MEMORIES - 1960-1970, by Ronald J. Porter

There is a little bit of an author in everyone, and every life has a story to tell. If a person sat down for a couple hours and thought about their childhood, a pretty good story could come about. My couple hours have run into 30 years, but aside from my genealogy research on my father's family, probably 4 or 5 hours was spent on just my childhood memories. After talking with my siblings concerning my intentions of inserting this into my research, they assisted with hashing out some of the minor details and even corrected some of my "mis-rememberings" as I call them. Here is a quick run-down of my family structure: Dad was a WWII Veteran of the Army. He was raised in Gillett and had lived for some time in Elmira and Buffalo near his siblings and parents. He was a carpenter and auto mechanic by experience, not by occupation. He did what he could to help support his large family. He built a home from the foundation of a 2-car garage. He died in Jan 1968 in an automobile accident. Mom was the "homemaker" in every sense of the word. She cooked some great meals, sometimes from very little; her pie crusts were some of the flakiest ever made; she made 3 of her daughters' wedding gowns; and even found time to beautify the yard with tulips, roses, perennials, shrubs and rock-gardens. She was a small, petite woman who wouldn't hesitate in disciplining her children. She had just one sister, Madeline (Coddington) Jenkins, who lived in Mars Hill, NC. Connie was the oldest, 11 years older than I, so I didn't witness too much of her teenage life. Dick was the outdoorsman, constantly one the prowl for game and fish. He served in Vietnam from 1968-1969. Howard was the accident prone sibling. He served in the Marine Corps on two separate enlistments. Dolly was the "second mommy" to me and my two younger sisters. She cared for us much of the time while we were growing up, and still keeps tabs on Deanna and I after all these years. She married in Nov 1969 when Dick came home from the service. Christine died as a baby so nothing more about her. Chuck was my "buddy" and a good person to talk to. He enjoyed the outdoors too, but hated the water. Loretta was my comrade in arms. We were always hanging out together during our free times and lived together shortly after her two daughters were born. Deanna was the "baby" of the family and still is referred to as such by my siblings. She was 2 months shy of her 6th birthday when Dad died. She remembers so little of him.


Connie seemed to be the nursemaid for her siblings while growing up, a job which she detested at times. It took from her leisure time, which seemed to get less and less until Howard and Dolly were old enough to care for the next group of kids. She graduated from Troy High School in 1962 and married soon after. Dick, on the other hand, wasn't interested in the child-rearing aspects of family life. He was more interested in hiking off to the woods in the middle of the night and sleeping out under the stars. He was a hunter and a good one at that. He was keen with whatever weapon he could get in his hands. On many occasions I would watch as he loaded a .22 calibre rifle and shoot a casing from a spent shell off from a fence post, a distance of about 25 yards. He earned an expert marksman medal with the M-16 rifle during his military service. He would trek off to the stream that ran through Gillett (South Creek) or go to the pond outside of town known as Dunning's Pond, and bring home some nice sized bass, carp, trout or anything else that might be swimming by at the time he dropped his line and hook into the water. One summer day when he was about 8 years old, he was walking along the creek and spotted a rather large fish, nearly as long as he was tall. The fish was caught in a backwash, so Dick clubbed it and brought it home. Dad took a picture of him with the fish. When anybody starts to tell a fish story it is always brought up in the conversation. Charles French, a store owner in Gillett, nicknamed him as "big worm" because of his ability to catch fish. I remember one day during the summer before he went into the service, he had gone fishing. Dolly and us younger kids were on the porch talking with the neighbors about the 101 degree temperature when Dick came home with a snatch hook caught under his collar bone. He went to "snatch" at a fish and when he brought the line back, it wrapped around a tree branch and came back at him, snagging him near the shoulder. As mentioned earlier, Howard was accident prone. He was always having a bicycle accident, getting hit in the head with some rather large objects, including hammers, or getting his body beat on by his older brother. He had the kinds of accidents that nobody else seemed to have. I remember one such time, just before he went into the service. He was on his bicycle, riding down Thompson Hill Road into Gillett. The chain broke and he lost control of the bike and ended up hitting a maple tree, that was about 8 feet in diameter, head on. David VanDerMark, a classmate of mine, lived just across the street from where this happened. He came running up to our house and asked my mother, "Is one of your boys missing?" Mom looked around and noticed that Howard was not at home. David said "I don't know which boy it is, but one of them just hit the big tree in front of my house with his bike and he's lying in the ditch, out cold!" Connie's husband, Harold, was there at the time and took Mom and Chuck to get him. They brought him home. Mom thought he broke his jaw because all Howard could say was "Oh, my jaw, oh, my jaw, I want to go to sleep, oh, my jaw." We all tried to keep him awake while we got him washed up and dressed so he could go to the hospital. He had to spend the night to undergo a brainscan. Not too long after this, he had another "accident". Connie and Harold decided to take us kids in their station wagon swimming at the community pool in Fassett. This area of the South Creek was shady and a little away from the main road. You had to drive along one of the resident's pastures to get to the swimming hole. We usually took an inner-tube or two with us, because Chuck didn't like the water much and I couldn't swim good enough yet, and we all would take turns giving Deanna a ride. After a few hours of joyful playing and suppertime drawing near, we began our trip home. Howard decided to sit on the inner-tube in the back of the wagon. As we were leaving the pasture to get back onto the main road, the tailgate flew open. The first thing you see when you hear the door open is Howard bouncing on the road in the inner-tube, then rolling and then bouncing some more. Harold was so scared that he tried to get out of the passenger door, over Connie's lap, to get to Howard. The asphalt messed him up bad. Looking back on it, the scene still seems quite humorous. He was definitely a tough kid. In high school he joined the wrestling team. The team went on to participate in the Christmas tournament, if I remember correctly in Blossburg. While he was wrestling, his opponent slammed him to the mat and busted Howard's elbow. The coach wanted to end the match, but Howard refused and ultimately won his match. These are the kinds of battles that make men into Marines. Dolly is the caring one of the family, sharing her time and love to each of her siblings. Many times she would walk us younger kids home from school or to the store. Our grandfather had a housekeeper (or maiden-law wife), Leola Updyke. She was the mother of our Aunt Helen, Grandpa's daughter-in-law. Almost every Saturday Dolly would do up Leola's hair for church Sunday morning. Dolly with her to services at the First Church of the Nazarene in Elmira. This is where Dolly met her future husband, Fred W. Miller. After our Dad died, Dolly and Fred convinced Mom to start going to church. Rev.Everett Kauffman's wife would drive from Elmira to pick up Leola, Mom, Dolly, Loretta and Deanna. Howard, Chuck and I would go the Baptist church in Gillett until all of us but Dolly decided to go to the Elmira Penecostal Tabernacle, now known as the Elmira Christian Center. Chuck seemed to be a happy boy most of his childhood, staying away from home any chance he got. He would spend the summer with our cousin Gerry, Leola's grandson, when he came to visit from Buffalo. They were only 8 days apart in age. Chuck loved to play games and joke around with people. After Connie married, he spent much of his free time with Harold and often spent the weekends at Connie & Harold's. Where Harold was, Chuck wasn't too far behind. He wasn't one to get people into trouble or to tattle when he saw you do something wrong. He would question why you did it, offer an alternative and then drop it. He taught you how to be strong-willed, but open-minded. He raised his children the same way. Some years later while going through our photo albums, one photo caught the attention of his daughter Tonya. "Daddy, is that you with the black eye?" Chuck replied it was and told the story of how he got it. Our dad wasn't one to participate much in the child-rearing duties of the home and very seldom did he make an effort to support our endeavors. One summer Chuck made the Little League baseball team. It was Dad's turn to umpire one of the games, and the boy was both excited and nervous. He was playing the infield and a line-drive bounced just before it got to him. It hit him in the eye instead of his glove. A couple days later he had his class pictures taken. I also had a class photo taken with a shiner. The day before, the second period gym class, was playing soccer, on a dew-covered field. I went to kick the ball, as did a defender and both of us went to the ground, his knee in my eye. I still carry the scar on my right eyebrow. Loretta was the playful child. She was always involved in activities with jump ropes, balls, hula-hoops, sleds, tricycles, cards and board games. The two of us would keep each other entertained for hours on end. When we had recess together in grade school, we would play together or with the same friends. We could get as many as 15 kids in the neighborhood to play hide-and-seek or kick the can. We always found something to keep us occupied. During the summer months, we spent a lot of time with the Morgan boys (Randy and Scott) or the Pangburn girls (Sindy, Debbie, Laurie and Vicki). The two of would take excursions through the fields and woods behind our home in search of new fruit-bearing bushes or trees. When we got our fill, we take some of the goodies home to share with the other kids. Much of our time was spent helping with the chores or watching Deanna, so the time we did spend alone together meant a great deal to us. Even in our early adulthood we would stay up to the wee hours of the morning playing Scrabble or Parcheesi. Deanna was at times a pest, as most little sisters can be and are, but it was such a joy to watch her grow up. The most vivid picture I have of her as a young girl was when she got "the burn". My parents had run an extension cord to the coffee pot in the living room, situated between their chairs, so they wouldn't have to get up away from their program on TV to fix a cup. The cord ran under a rug lying in front of the doorway to the girls' bedroom. Deanna was almost 4 years old at the time. She came out of the bedroom and tripped over the rug and cord, bringing a 20-cup pot of percolated coffee down her side; then she set in it. Dad jumped up and ripped off the little girl's clothing and Mom grabbed some towels to wrap her up in. Some years prior Mom had a gas stove blow up in her face, so she knew what the hospital would do to her little baby. She thought the heat lamps would be too much for Deanna to bear, so decided to care for the burns herself. I can remember Deanna standing in the middle of the living room surrounded by 3 bath towels and Mom breaking the blisters that hung from that little butt. The towels were soaked when she was through. The medicine Mom used - Vaseline, cold compresses and no underwear. Each of us older kids more than once had to hold the little body up off the commode so she could go. Deanna still has a few scars on her ankle and lower back, but all-in-all she fared pretty well.


More About Ronald Jay Porter:

Birthsite: 06 Jul 1956, Robert Packer Hospital

Grade School: Bet. Sep 1961 - Jun 1968, Gillett Elem., Gillett, PA

Graduation: 05 Jun 1975, Member of class of 81 students (including one who died in Apr 1975)

High School: Bet. Sep 1972 - 05 Jun 1975, Williamson Jr./Sr. High, Tioga Junction, PA

High School Curriculum: Bet. 1972 - 1975, Bookkeeping & Accounting, Typing, Bus. English, Office Practices, Bus. Math

Middle School: Bet. Sep 1968 - Jun 1971, Troy Junior High (7 & 8); Edmeston Central (9)

Mil. Discharge Rank: 03 Mar 1978, Airman (E-2); honorably discharged

Mil. Squad./Unit/Fleet: Bet. 16 Apr 1977 - 03 Mar 1978, 28th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, 15th Air Division, 4th Air Force - worked in squadron orderly room under Lt. Col. Albert F. Litzler and TSgt. Thomas E. DeCuire

Military service 1: 11 Nov 1976, US Air Force - Administrative Specialist

Military service 2: Bet. Apr 1976 - Mar 1978, Basic Training at Lackland AFB-San Antonio, TX; Technical Training at Keesler AFB-Biloxi, MS; Duty Site at Ellsworth AFB-Rapid City, SD

Namesake: Actor Ronald Reagan; g.great-uncle Jay C. Forrest

Occupation 1: Bet. 1974 - 1983, Outside the military, worked as drive-in concessionaire (Ocala, FL); a janitor (Tioga, PA); a food-handler (Ocala, FL & Americus, GA); bookkeeper (Brooklyn, NY)

Occupation 2: Bet. 1984 - 1990, Upstate Home For Children, Inc. (1985-1988) as a Child Developmental Aid with mentally & physically handicapped children; UCP House, Inc. (1988-1990) Recreational Aid to adults afflicted with cerebal palsy

Occupation 3: Bet. 1994 - 2000, Store clerk: Exxon, Inc and Mathis' Superette in Meridian, MS)

Occupation 4: Bet. 2000 - 2005, Senior Sales Associate 7-Eleven, Inc. in Roanoke, VA

Scholastic Activities: Bet. 1972 - 1975, Chorus (10-12), Newspaper Typing Staff (12), Business Club (12)


+ 2944 viii. Loretta Kathryn Porter, born 26 Jul 1957 in Sayre, PA; died 05 Nov 1986 in Westchester, Westchester Co., NY.

+ 2945 ix. Deanna Lynn Porter, born 02 Mar 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1494. Leon Daniel13 Porter (Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jul 1926 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 31 May 1984 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Marian Mae Fulton 11 Oct 1947 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, daughter of Raymond Fulton and Lena Levin. She was born 11 Aug 1928 in York, York Co., PA.


Notes for Leon Daniel Porter:

Buffalo, NY - BUFFALO NEWS, 02 Jun 1984 ed.: Leon's son David sent copy to cousin R. J. Porter:

PORTER, Leon D. Sr., May 31, 1984, beloved husband of Marian M. Fulton Porter; father of Mrs. Joseph (Janice) Foisset, Mrs. William (Deborah) Bartkowiak, Leon D. Jr. (Linda), Mrs. Frank (Rolene) Meldrum, Bruce R. (Eleanor), David W. (Karen) and Mark A. (Bonnie) Porter; grandfather of Christine and Joseph Foisset Jr., Robert, Keith, Michelle Bartkowiak, Pepper Anne Porter, Nicholas Hunger, Frank Meldrum Jr., Bruce Jr. and Adam Daniel Porter, Cassie, Melissa and Heather Jo Porter and Mark Jr. and Jason Paul Porter; brother of Roy (Helen) Porter. Funeral service from the Carlton A. Ullrich Funeral Home Inc., 3272 Bailey Ave., Sun. afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment in Troy, Pa., Mon. at 1 PM. Family will be present from 2-4 and 7-9 PM.


The Bradford County, PA veteran's records show that Leon served in the U.S. Army during WW II.


More About Leon Daniel Porter:

Burial: 04 Jun 1984, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: sub-arachnid hemorrhage

Medical Information: died at 12:07 am at the Erie County Medical Center, Michael Hong, attending physician

Military service: Bet. 1942 - 1944, WW II

Obituary/Death Notice: 02 Jun 1984, BUFFALO NEWS - Buffalo, NY

Occupation: 1956, Kennedy Valve, Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1955, 410 East Water Street, Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1956, 722 Kenyon Street, Elmira, NY

Residence 3: 1984, 40 Rawlins Street, Buffalo, NY

Social Security Number: 721-01-2594 (RB)


More About Marian Mae Fulton:

Residence: 1930, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Children of Leon Porter and Marian Fulton are:

+ 2946 i. Janice Marie14 Porter, born 24 Feb 1949 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 2947 ii. Deborah Louise Porter, born 22 Apr 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2948 iii. Leon Daniel Porter, Jr., born 16 Apr 1952 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 2949 iv. Roleen Gwenn Porter, born 25 May 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2950 v. Bruce Raymond Porter, born 09 Aug 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2951 vi. David William Porter, born 21 Sep 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 2952 vii. Mark Allen Porter, born 12 Sep 1958 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

1495. Roy Glenn13 Porter (Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1928 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died in Cheektowaga, Erie Co., NY. He married Helen Louise Benson 26 Feb 1945 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Harry Benson and Leola Updyke. She was born 12 Dec 1930 in Mansfield, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Roy Glenn Porter:

Occupation: Erie Lackawana Railroad - retired

Residence: Bet. 1994 - 2000, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY


More About Helen Louise Benson:

Occupation: Bet. 1966 - 1974, Oscar Meyer Inc.

Children of Roy Porter and Helen Benson are:

+ 2953 i. Melvin Loren14 Porter, born 1947.

+ 2954 ii. Gerald Leonard Porter, born 01 Jan 1955 in Cheektowaga, Erie Co., NY.

1497. Naomi Irene13 Porter (Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Feb 1917 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married James Estus Forrest 13 Oct 1935 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Estus Forrest and Pearl Sargent. He was born 24 Apr 1909 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 15 Mar 1982 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Naomi Irene Porter:

I had visited Naomi on 2 occasions, once at her home and again at the Troy Community Hospital, where she was employed in the Housekeeping Department. She filled me in on her family and those of her children. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Naomi Irene Porter:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Residence: Mar 1982, Troy, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for James Estus Forrest:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Mar 1982 ed.:

FORREST, James, age 72 of Troy, PA, Monday, March 15, 1982. Friends may call at the Vickery Funeral Home on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Thursday at 11 a.m. The Rev. Kenneth Marble. Burial Bradford County Memorial Park. Family will furnish flowers. Memorials may be directed to Austinville Union Church Bldg. Fund, c/o Rev. Kenneth Marble, RD 1 Troy, PA. Survived by wife of 47 years, Naomi; daughters, Mrs. Arthur (Eunice) Wilston of Troy, Shirley Forrest of Elmira, NY, Mrs. Charles (Lorraine) Geiger of Elmira, Mrs. Fred (Pearl) Stroud Jr. of Troy, Mrs. David (Donna) Kohut of Roseville, PA; sons, James Forrest of Mainesburg, PA, David Forrest of St. Petersburg, FL; sister, Mrs. Douglas (Melissia) Spencer of E. Troy, 12 grandchildren, 1 great-granddaughter; several nieces and nephews. He was a member of Austinville Union Church and a retired farmer.


More About James Estus Forrest:

Burial: 18 Mar 1982, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Mar 1982, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Mar 1982, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 195-16-8660 (PA)

Children of Naomi Porter and James Forrest are:

+ 2955 i. Eunice Irene14 Forrest, born 28 Aug 1936 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.

2956 ii. Shirley Marie Forrest, born 28 Jan 1938 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Shirley Marie Forrest:

Occupation: Nurse

Residence: Mar 1982, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


+ 2957 iii. James Edward Forrest, born 13 Sep 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2958 iv. Lorraine Mae Forrest, born 30 Nov 1940 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Charles William Geiger 21 Aug 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Lorraine Mae Forrest:

Occupation: Nurse

Residence: Mar 1982, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


2959 v. Twin Son Forrest, born abt. 1942 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died abt. 1942 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Twin Son Forrest:

Medical Information: twin; died shortly after birth; not named


2960 vi. Twin Dau. Forrest, born abt. 1942 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died abt. 1942 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Twin Dau. Forrest:

Medical Information: twin; died shortly after birth; not named


+ 2961 vii. David Estus Forrest, born 05 Aug 1943 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2962 viii. Pearl Berdena Forrest, born 19 Jul 1945 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 2963 ix. Donna Lee Forrest, born 20 Jul 1946 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1498. Edward Latney13 Porter (Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1921 in Columbia Cross Roads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 29 Jul 1993 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marjorie Louise Cramer 30 Jun 1944, daughter of Grover C. Cramer. She was born 07 Jun 1926, and died 04 Jan 1998 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Edward Latney Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Jul 1993 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Edward L. Porter, McClure retiree

TROY - Edward L. Porter, 72 of Troy RR 1, died Thursday, July 29, 1993 at home. Mr. Porter was retired from McClure Ford Motor Co., Troy. He was a member of Gillett Baptist Church, the Austinville Odd fellows, the Samaritans and the Troy Fire Department. Vickery Funeral Home, Troy is handling arrangements. (His grave marker is also inscribed: "NY-PENN FIREMAN'S ASSN.". - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Edward Latney Porter:

Burial: Aug 1993, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Jul 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1993, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 199-12-1686 (PA)


Notes for Marjorie Louise Cramer:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Jan 1998 ed.:


PORTER, Marjorie (Cramer) of Troy, PA, age 71 of RR 1, Box 275, Troy, PA died Sun. Jan. 4, 1998 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA. Arrangements by Vickery Funeral Home, Troy, PA.


More About Marjorie Louise Cramer:

Name 2: Porter, Marjorie

Burial: 07 Jan 1998, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Jan 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 173-24-8537 (PA)


Marriage Notes for Edward Porter and Marjorie Cramer:

Mansfield, PA - THE MANSFIELD OBSERVER, unk. ed.:


TROY --Miss Marjorie E. Cramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Cramer of Montoursville, Pa., became the bride of Edward L. Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Porter of Troy RD, in a ceremony performed at the home of her parents, Friday evening by the Rev. O. E. Bunday, pastor of the Bethany Lutheran Church of Montoursville. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white crepe ... length gown, with accessories and a corsage of pink roses and blue... Lola Wilson, maid of honor and only attendant, wore a ...length dress with...and a corsage of pink and blue delphinium. ...McClure of Snedeckerville was best man. The ceremony was attended by the members of the immediate families and a few friends and was followed by a reception at the Cramer home. For traveling the bride chose a blue print dress with white accessories. The couple will live..."

(NOTE: I copied this announcement on an older Xerox machine from the original my great-aunt, Ella J. (Porter) Terwilleger had possessed. Since that time, the copy has faded considerably and some portions of the article were unreadable. -- note of R. J. Porter)

Children of Edward Porter and Marjorie Cramer are:

2964 i. Gary Edward14 Porter, born 23 Aug 1948 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2965 ii. Lawrence Wayne Porter, born 20 Jan 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2966 iii. Rosalyn Louise Porter, born 11 Jun 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1499. James Asa13 Terwilleger (Ella Jane12 Porter, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Dec 1927 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Esther May Mingos 15 Jul 1950 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of James Mingos and May ______. She was born 1933.


More About James Asa Terwilleger:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA


More About Esther May Mingos:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Children of James Terwilleger and Esther Mingos are:

2967 i. Rose Mary14 Terwilleger, Adopted child. She married ______ Wineberger.

2968 ii. Michael James Terwilleger, Adopted child.

1503. Paul D.13 Ziegler (Della May12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1919 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Feb 1983. He married ______ ______.


More About Paul D. Ziegler:

Residence 1: 1920, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1983, Last residence: Camp Hill, PA 17011

Social Security Number: 172-01-3010 (PA)

Child of Paul Ziegler and ______ ______ is:

2969 i. Gregory L.14 Ziegler. He married Sandra D. Hamilton 20 Sep 2003 in Millerton, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA; born 1963.


Marriage Notes for Gregory Ziegler and Sandra Hamilton:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Jul 2003 ed.:

HAMILTON - ZIEGLER (photo of couple incl.)

Sandra D. Hamilton of Millerton, PA and Gregory L. Ziegler of Montoursville, PA will be married September 20, 2003 in Millerton. The 11 a.m. ceremony will be performed by Rev. D. David Walker. The Bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hamilton of Millerton graduated from Elmira Business Institute and Williamsport School of Commerce. She is employed by the New York State Department of Correctional Services of Southport Correctional Facility. The Groom-elect, son of Mrs. Paul Ziegler of Montoursville graduated from Penn State and Temple Universities. He is employed by Benefit Strategies in Williamsport, PA. The reception will be held at Lib's Supper Club. The couple plan to reside in Millerton.

1504. Phyllis L.13 Jones (Robert McEwen12, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1925 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Earl K. Dyer, Jr. 18 Sep 1947 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Earl Dyer and Ella Straub. He was born abt. 1928.


More About Earl K. Dyer, Jr.:

Burial: Harmony Cem., Milton, Northumberland Co., PA

Cause of Death: killed by a hit and run driver on Rt. 192, Lewisburg, PA

Child of Phyllis Jones and Earl Dyer is:

2970 i. David14 Dyer.


More About David Dyer:

Residence: 1986, York, York Co., PA

1505. LaVerna Victoria13 Haight (Ella Myrtle12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Sep 1923 in Ralston, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 02 Apr 1994 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Edward LeRoy Phillips 28 Oct 1942. He was born abt. 1920.


More About LaVerna Victoria Haight:

Name 2: Phillips, Laverna

Burial: 05 Apr 1994, Barbours Cem., Barbours, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: cancer

Residence: Bef. Apr 1994, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 194-16-0291 (PA)

Child of LaVerna Haight and Edward Phillips is:

2971 i. Edward LeRoy14 Phillips, Jr., born 22 May 1943.

1507. LaRue William13 Haight (Ella Myrtle12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jan 1929 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 02 Aug 2004 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Zelma Chapman 24 Sep 1949 in Linden, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for LaRue William Haight:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 03 Aug 2004 ed.:

LaRue W. Haight, 75, of 618 Hoppestown Road, Williamsport, died Monday, Aug. 2, 2004, at his residence. He was born Jan. 21, 1929, in Troy, a son of Harry and Ella Jones Haight.


More About LaRue William Haight:

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 Aug 2004, WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence 1: 1930, Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Aug 2004, 618 Hoppestown Rd., Williamsport, PA

Social Security Number: 190-22-3308 (PA)

Children of LaRue Haight and Zelma Chapman are:

2972 i. Stephen LaRue14 Haight, born 13 Mar 1950 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.

2973 ii. William LeRoy Haight, born 23 Jul 1952 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.

2974 iii. Robert Allen Haight, born 12 Dec 1953 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA.

1508. Harry David13 Haight (Ella Myrtle12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jun 1936 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 06 Jan 2002 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Shirley Vaughn abt. 1951 in Lycoming Co., PA. She was born abt. 1936. He married (2) Patricia ______ abt. 1960.


More About Harry David Haight:

Name 2: Haight, H. David

Social Security Number: 191-26-0533 (PA)

Children of Harry Haight and Shirley Vaughn are:

2975 i. Linda Kay14 Haight, born abt. 20 Jul 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2976 ii. Connie Lynn Haight, born abt. 30 Sep 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2977 iii. Susan Jean Haight, born abt. 20 Jun 1958 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Harry Haight and Patricia ______ are:

2978 i. Rick14 Haight, born abt. 1962.

2979 ii. Tina Haight, born abt. 1964.

1511. Myrtle Elizabeth13 Jones (Seth David12, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jul 1931 in Plunkett's Creek, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Richard Mark Reeder 26 Feb 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Henry Reeder and Bessie Entz. He was born 30 Apr 1932 in Eldred Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Myrtle Elizabeth Jones:

Occupation: Bet. 1948 - 01 Jul 1994, Dental Assistant in Montoursville, PA


More About Richard Mark Reeder:

Name 2: Richard M. Reeder

Education: B.A. in Biology from Lycoming College

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Medical Corps & armored infantry

Military service 1: U.S. Army & active Reserves

Military service 2: Fort Greeley, AK

Occupation: 20 Apr 1990, Retired - PA Dept. of Health; PA Dept. of Environ. Res. as inspector of and management of solid waste

Residence: 2000, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Myrtle Jones and Richard Reeder are:

+ 2980 i. Jeffrey Mark14 Reeder, born 20 Mar 1956 in Ladd AFB, Fairbanks, AK.

+ 2981 ii. Terry Lee Reeder, born 16 Aug 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1513. Robert David13 Jones (Seth David12, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1938 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Betty Jo Masters abt. 1959. He married (2) Mary K. Lauver 21 Jul 1962, daughter of Clarence Lauver and Betty Stiele. She was born 09 Dec 1943 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Robert Jones and Mary Lauver are:

2982 i. Robin Lee14 Jones, born abt. 1963.

2983 ii. Kathleen Jones, born abt. 1965.

2984 iii. Shirley Marie Jones, born abt. 1966.

2985 iv. Kenneth Jones, born abt. 1968.

2986 v. Stella Mae Jones, born abt. 1971.

2987 vi. Gregory Jones, born abt. 1972.

2988 vii. Victoria Ann Jones, born abt. 1975.

1515. Donald James13 Lynch (Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Apr 1929 in Loyalsockville, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 07 Oct 1990 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Ilene Elizabeth Roan 27 Nov 1952 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Dean Roan and Lilian Rougeaux. She was born 08 Mar 1934 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Donald James Lynch:

Burial: 10 Oct 1990, Wildwood Cem., Williamsport, PA

Cause of Death: stroke

Medical Information: had lupis for nearly 35 years; also had 3 massive heart attacks

Military service: abt. 1952, U.S. Army - Korean War; served in Military Police in Panama

Occupation: Abco - Williamsport, PA; Radiant Steel - Wiliamsport, PA

Residence: Oct 1990, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Social Security Number: 210-22-8705 (PA)


More About Ilene Elizabeth Roan:

Education: Hairdressing school

Occupation 1: Beauty salon owner/operator

Occupation 2: Clerk and factory worker

Children of Donald Lynch and Ilene Roan are:

+ 2989 i. Kenneth Dean14 Lynch, born 20 Jan 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2990 ii. Scott Rollin Lynch, born 12 Jan 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1516. Vernon LeRoy13 Lynch (Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jul 1930 in Loyalsockville, Lycoming Co., PA "Slab town". He married Jeann Louise Evans 21 Jun 1952 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Harry Evans and Francis Fay. She was born 24 Nov 1931 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Vernon LeRoy Lynch:

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: American Legion member

Military battles/campaign: Far East Command

Military honors: Bronze medal with battle ribbons

Military service: Bet. 1947 - 1951, Korean War (3 yr., 3 mo., 28 da.)

Occupation 1: Williamsport City Police Dept. - 12 years

Occupation 2: Tampa, FL - Lease operator and mechanic; owned truck

Residence: Oct 1986, 6320 S. Harold Ave., Tampa, FL 33616-2613

Children of Vernon Lynch and Jeann Evans are:

+ 2991 i. Deborah Joyce14 Lynch, born 02 May 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2992 ii. Kathleen Louise Lynch, born 29 Jun 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2993 iii. Sandra Lee Lynch, born 04 Sep 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2994 iv. Terrie Lynn Lynch, born 22 Oct 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 23 Oct 1957 in Williamsport, PA.


More About Terrie Lynn Lynch:

Burial: 25 Oct 1957, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA


+ 2995 v. Kimberly Dawn Lynch, born 29 Jun 1966 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2996 vi. Ann Marie Lynch, born 08 Sep 1968 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL.

1517. Shirley Ann13 Lynch (Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Aug 1934 in Upper Fairfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PA. She married Delbert Russell Blakely abt. 1951, son of Arthur Blakely and Ruth Kirkland. He was born 07 Mar 1932 in Derry, Northumberland Co., PA.


More About Shirley Ann Lynch:

Occupation: Oct 1986, Litton Manufacturing Co., Williamsport, PA - Supervisor; 26 yrs.

Residence: Oct 1986, 1815 E. Fry Ave., Williamsport, PA 17701

Children of Shirley Lynch and Delbert Blakely are:

2997 i. Delbert Russell14 Blakely, Jr., born 21 Jan 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 2998 ii. Glenn Dennis Blakely, born 18 Jun 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2999 iii. Darlene Kay Blakely, born 14 Feb 1961 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Ricci Oeler.

1518. Janice Mae13 Lynch (Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1936 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 23 Mar 2004 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Charles Eugene Follmer 04 Jun 1955 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, son of John Follmer and Helen Frymire. He was born 08 Dec 1933 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Janice Mae Lynch:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 26 Mar 2004 ed.:

Janice M. Follmer, 68, of 518 Tule St., Montoursville, died Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at her residence. Born in Upper Fairfield Twp., she was the daughter of Paul and Ethel Jones Lynch.


Janice & Charles also raised a foster child, Robert Lee Emerick, whose birthday is 17 Jan, for 8 years between the ages of 2 to 10 and returned when he was 19 and thinks of them as his parents.


More About Janice Mae Lynch:

Name 2: Follmer, Janice M.

Occupation: Teachers' Aide at Hope Enterprises (with preschoolers)

Residence: 1996, 518 Tule Street, Montoursville, PA 17754

Social Security Number: 180-28-5630 (PA)


More About Charles Eugene Follmer:

Occupation 1: Bef. 1980, Weis Food Market, Williamsport, PA

Occupation 2: Bet. 1980 - 1996, Gabriel Greco Retail Foods, Wellsboro, PA

Residence: 2000, Montoursville, PA

Children of Janice Lynch and Charles Follmer are:

+ 3000 i. Steven Charles14 Follmer, born 07 Oct 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 3001 ii. Marc Allen Follmer, born 30 Mar 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3002 iii. Colette Marie Follmer, born 22 Oct 1971.


More About Colette Marie Follmer:

Medical Information: severe cerebral palsy and profound mental retardation; at one time was able to walk; at age 16, placed in an intermediate care facility in Williamsport, PA

1520. Myrtle Isadore13 Forrest (Irvin12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1922 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Wendell Lyle Pierce 24 Dec 1941 in Colgate, MD, son of Henry Pierce and Cecile Farmer. He was born 31 Dec 1920 in Lisle, Broome Co., NY, and died 05 Aug 1995 in East Pharsalia, NY.


More About Wendell Lyle Pierce:

Residence: Aug 1995, Last residence: East Pharsalia, NY 13758

Social Security Number: 068-16-7217 (NY)

Children of Myrtle Forrest and Wendell Pierce are:

+ 3003 i. Margaret Ann14 Pierce, born 06 Mar 1945 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.

+ 3004 ii. Mildred Faye Pierce, born 23 Aug 1946 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.



1521. Kenneth Irvin13 Forrest (Irvin12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1924 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mary Jean Jeffries 07 Mar 1946 in Montrose, Susquehanna Co., PA. She was born 25 Nov 1922 in Irving, TN.


More About Kenneth Irvin Forrest:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 1942 - 1945, U.S. Marine Corps; 22nd Marine Inf. Div.

Mil. Discharge Rank: Corporal

Military battles/campaign: South Pacific campaign

Occupation: Jul 1988, IBM - typewriter reconditioners

Residence: Jul 1988, Houston, TX



More About Mary Jean Jeffries:

Occupation: Jul 1988, IBM - typewriter reconditioner and telephone operator

Residence: Jul 1988, Houston, TX

Children of Kenneth Forrest and Mary Jeffries are:

3005 i. Theda Hillary ______14 Forrest, Adopted child.

+ 3006 ii. Kenneth Irvin Forrest, Jr., born 01 Nov 1947 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.

1522. Robert Dean13 Forrest (Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 May 1926 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 25 Jun 1989. He married Donna Jean Foster 28 Oct 1950 in North Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of John Foster and Ruth Vincent. She was born 17 Nov 1931 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 08 Oct 1985 in South Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Robert Dean Forrest:

Burial: 28 Jun 1989, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Social Security Number: 195-20-8317 (PA)


More About Donna Jean Foster:

Burial: 12 Oct 1985, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Cause of Death: heart failure

Medical Information: Robert found her dead in the breezeway after not finding her home for several minutes. He realized that it was not like his wife to leave without leaving a note or phoning him shortly after work

Residence: Oct 1985, South Waverly, Tioga Co., NY

Social Security Number: 161-26-5932 (PA)

Children of Robert Forrest and Donna Foster are:

3007 i. Veronica Ann ______14 Forrest, born 18 Jul 1947; died 04 Jul 1965 in East Smithfield, Bradford Co., PA; Adopted child.


More About Veronica Ann ______ Forrest:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Cause of Death: automobile accident on Laurel Hill Road


+ 3008 ii. Annette Marie Forrest, born 11 Mar 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3009 iii. Roberta Rose Forrest, born 19 Mar 1961 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

1523. Nancy Lucille13 Forrest (Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 May 1933 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA. She married Phillip Lee Coolbaugh 23 Jun 1951 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, son of Guy Coolbaugh and Rena Wheeler. He was born 28 Aug 1931 in Little Meadows, Susquehanna Co., PA.


More About Nancy Lucille Forrest:

Name 2: Coolbaugh, Nancy L.

Residence: 1994, Waverly, Tioga Co., NY

Children of Nancy Forrest and Phillip Coolbaugh are:

+ 3010 i. Sylvia Gean14 Coolbaugh, born 07 May 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3011 ii. Edward Lee Coolbaugh, born 03 Apr 1953 in Towanda, PA; died 21 Dec 1971 in South Waverly, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Edward Lee Coolbaugh:

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 22 Dec 1971 ed. (front page):


Reports of an autopsy performed on four Waverly young people will not be completed until later in the week, but the initial report stated the four, who were discovered about 12:30 Tuesday afternoon, died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Dead are Dennis Henson, 21; his sister Barbara, 15; both of 192 Center Street, Waverly; Edward Coolbaugh, 18 and his sister Mary, 15; both of 206 Center Street, Waverly, NY. Both young men were on leave from the service for the Christmas holidays. The bodies were found by Michael Henson, who had gone looking for his brother and sister when they failed to arrive home from a double date with their neighbors, the Coolbaugh brother and sister. The four left home about 7:30 Monday evening. The Henson youth was a Marine and the Coolbaugh boy was a Navy Seaman. Dr. Charles Ryan, Tioga County Coroner, reported the four had been dead up to 12 hours when found, and also stated that the exhaust system of the station wagon appeared defective...Edward was serving as a Seaman First Class with the U.S. Navy at Vallejo, California (Mare Island). Mary was a ninth grade student at the Waverly Junior-Senior High School. Both were members of the United Methodist Church, Waverly, NY. Surviving besides their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Coolbaugh of 206 Center Street, Waverly are a brother, Philip, Jr. at home; three sisters: Jean, Ann and Michelle all at home; their paternal grandmother, Mrs. Rena Rogers of Sayre; maternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Forrest of Waverly and several aunts and uncles. Funeral services will be held at the Luckner Funeral Home, 449 Park Avenue, Waverly, NY on Friday at 11 am. Rev. Robert E. Grover, pastor of the Waverly United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial in the Bradford County Memorial Park, Luther Mills, PA.


More About Edward Lee Coolbaugh:

Burial: Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Cause of Death: carbon monoxide poisoning

Residence: 21 Dec 1971, 206 Cedar St., Waverly, NY

Social Security Number: 122-44-7615 (NY)


3012 iii. Linda Kay Coolbaugh, born 27 Sep 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 10 Nov 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Linda Kay Coolbaugh:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY


3013 iv. Mary Rose Coolbaugh, born 17 Sep 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 21 Dec 1971 in South Waverly, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Mary Rose Coolbaugh:

Burial: Bradford Co. Memorial Park, Luther Mills, PA

Cause of Death: carbon monoxide poisoning


+ 3014 v. Philip Lee Coolbaugh, Jr., born 03 Oct 1961 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3015 vi. Ann Marie Coolbaugh, born 19 Dec 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3016 vii. Michelle Rae Coolbaugh, born 27 Jun 1967 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Randy Lee 06 Jun 1987 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA.

1524. Hazel Arlene13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Dec 1931 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Lynn Henry Whitney 25 Jun 1950 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA, son of Lewis Whitney and Mary Atlearn. He was born 03 Dec 1929 in North Bingham, Potter Co., PA, and died 03 May 2003 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Lewis George Cummings 18 Nov 1960 in Westfield, Tioga Co., PA, son of Basil Cummings and Mildred Wright. He was born 19 May 1937 in Middlebury Center, Tioga Co., PA. She married (3) Jerald Henry Price 06 Jun 1964 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA, son of Gordon Price and Muriel Jordan. He was born 15 Dec 1940 in Austinburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Lynn Henry Whitney:

Corning, NY - THE LEADER, 04 May 2003 ed.:

WHITNEY, Lynn Henry, 74, of Painted Post, NY, died Saturday, May 3, 2003 at Robert Packer Hospital. He worked at Ingersoll-Rand for 38 years. Survivors include his wife, Virginia Whitney; four sons, Timothy Tulley of New York, Barry Whitney of Coopers Plains, NY, Jeffery Whitney of Beaver Dams, NY and Stacey Whitney of Ithaca, NY; one daughter, Marcella Allen of Knoxville, four stepsons, Brian Cobb of Binghamton, NY, Howard Brockway of Dansville, NY, Mark Fish of Elkland, Bobby Simmons of Knoxville, seven step-daughters, Stephanie Reed of Bath, NY, Ginny Mallacoccio of Addison, NY, Peggy Brockway of Painted Post, NY, Penny Leonard of Lindley, NY, Nancy Fish of Middlebury, and Shelva Clark and Ruth Ann Tombs of Knoxville; one brother, James Whitney of Pennsylvania; two sisters, Doris Hand of Bath, NY and Peggy Loucks of Oklahoma. There will be no calling hours. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Chapel Knoll Cemetery in Coopers Plains, NY, the Pastor Ted Roloson officiating. Arrangements are with Carpenter's Funeral Home, Corning, NY.


More About Lynn Henry Whitney:

Burial: 08 May 2003, Chapel Knoll Cem., Coopers Plains, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 04 May 2003, THE LEADER - Corning, NY


More About Lewis George Cummings:

Residence 1: 1993, Shippensburg, PA

Residence 2: 2000, Carlisle, PA


More About Jerald Henry Price:

Residence: Bet. 1994 - 2000, Knoxville, Tioga Co., PA

Children of Hazel Patterson and Lynn Whitney are:

+ 3017 i. Marcella Irene14 Whitney, born 29 Jun 1951 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

3018 ii. Timothy Lynn Whitney, born 27 Aug 1959 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

Child of Hazel Patterson and Lewis Cummings is:

3019 i. Cindy Lou14 Cummings, born 17 Dec 1961 in Corning, NY. She married Ernest Case 21 Jun 1986 in Knoxville, PA.

Children of Hazel Patterson and Jerald Price are:

3020 i. Marian Louise14 Price, born 10 Sep 1965 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

3021 ii. Gordon Donald Price, born 26 Feb 1969 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

1525. Geraldine Phyllis13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1934 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Samuel Lewis Speciale abt. 1954, son of Francesco Speciale and Josephine Torre. He was born 22 Nov 1924 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, and died 19 Mar 1995 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (2) David Everett Lehman abt. 1967. He was born 17 Aug 1939.


Notes for Geraldine Phyllis Patterson:

Elmira, NY - ELMIRA ADVERTISER; unk. ed., abt Jun 1954:


Corning - Raymond Patterson announces the engagement of his daughter, Geraldine Phyllis of Corning, to Samuel Speciale, son of Mrs. Josephine Speciale, also of Corning. Miss Patterson, a graduate of Wellsboro High School is employed as a typist at the Corning Glass Works. Mr. Speciale graduated from the Corning Free Academy and is employed by the Apparatus Plant of the Corning Glass Works. Wedding plans are incomplete.


More About Samuel Lewis Speciale:

Residence 1: Mar 1995, Last residence: Corning, NY 14830

Residence 2: 1993, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Social Security Number: 125-14-9916 (NY)

Children of Geraldine Patterson and Samuel Speciale are:

+ 3022 i. Francis Kay14 Speciale, born 15 Aug 1956.

+ 3023 ii. Stephen Samuel Speciale, born 31 Jul 1957.

+ 3024 iii. Thomas Raymond Speciale, born 12 Mar 1959.

+ 3025 iv. Velma Ann Speciale, born 15 Feb 1960.

3026 v. Samuel Lewis Speciale, Jr., born 15 Aug 1961. He married Rebecca Jo Landock 19 Nov 1983.

Child of Geraldine Patterson and David Lehman is:

3027 i. Tracey Jo14 Lehman, born 27 Jan 1969.

1526. Leonard Howard13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jan 1936 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA. He married Hilda Mae Lewis, daughter of Farrand Lewis and Kathryn Dean. She was born 15 Aug 1939 in Charleston Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 19 Feb 1999 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

More About Leonard Howard Patterson:

Residence: Bet. 1994 - 2000, Tioga, Tioga Co., PA


Notes for Hilda Mae Lewis:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Feb 1999 ed.:

PATTERSON, Hilda I., of Tioga, PA, age 59, a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of RD 1, Tioga, PA died Friday, February 19, 1999 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA. Mrs. Patterson was the wife of Leonard H. Patterson. She was born on August 15, 1939 in Charleston Twp., Tioga Co., PA, a daughter of Farrand W. and Kathryn (Dean) Lewis. Mrs. Patterson attended Tabernacle Baptist Church. Mrs. Patterson is survived by her husband; two daughters and a son-in-law, Teresa K. Patterson of Lindale, TX, Tammy L. and Joe Clark of Elizabethville, PA; a son and daughter-in-law, Thomas H. and Lori Patterson of Lawrenceville, PA; four grandchildren: Heather Hackett, Wynn Morgan, Joseph Clark, Michael Patterson and a great-grandson, Ian Geoffrey Morgan; two brothers and sisters-in-law: Dean (Shirley) Lewis of Tioga, Ralph (Gerry) Lewis of Wellsboro, PA; six sisters and brothers-in-law: Hazel Atkinson of Mansfield, Anna Rose of Wellsboro, Shirley (Clifford) Rose of Tioga, Norma (Don) Heck of Tioga, Jane (Fred) Hilfiger of Covington, PA, Phyllis (Tom) Hilfiger of Gillett, PA. She is also survived by brothers-in-law, Edward (Lila) Patterson and Richard (Annamae) Patterson, all of Tioga, Donald (Louise) Patterson of Nelson, PA; four sisters-in-law Arlene (Jerald) Price of Knoxville, PA, Geraldine Lehman of Nelson, PA, Sharon (Tom) Loucks of Knoxville, PA, Peggy (Mike) Hankla of OK. Friends are invited to call on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday, February 24, 1999 from 1 to 2 p.m. at the Scureman Funeral Home, Inc., 130 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA. Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday immediately following the viewing at 2 p.m. at the funeral home with the Rev. Julian Weil officiating. Burial will be in Tioga Co. Memorial Gardens, Charleston Twp.


More About Hilda Mae Lewis:

Name 2: Patterson, Hilda

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Feb 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 161-54-0751 (PA)

Children of Leonard Patterson and Hilda Lewis are:

+ 3028 i. Theresa Kay14 Patterson, born 06 Feb 1959.

+ 3029 ii. Tammy Lou Patterson, born 12 Dec 1960.

+ 3030 iii. Thomas Howard Patterson, born 31 Oct 1962.

1527. Edward Clinton13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Feb 1937 in Tioga Junction, Tioga Co., PA. He married Lila Mae Shelman. She was born 10 Aug 1939.

Children of Edward Patterson and Lila Shelman are:

3031 i. Eugene Forrest14 Patterson, born 19 Jul 1958.


Notes for Eugene Forrest Patterson:

Eugene attended Williamson High School and graduated in 1976. He was very active in sports and other extra-curricular activities throughout his senior high years. His involvements and the grades he participated were as follows: Track (9, 10, 11, 12), German Club (9, 10, 11), Spanish Club (9, 10, 11), TAP Club (9th), Sportsmen Club (9, 10, 11), National Honor Society (10, 11), Varsity Club (10, 11) and the Drama Club (10th).


3032 ii. Randy Lee Patterson, born 30 May 1960.


Notes for Randy Lee Patterson:

Randy attended Williamson High School and was a member of the varsity wrestling team.

1528. Richard Carl13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Nov 1938 in Tioga Junction, Tioga Co., PA. He married Anna Mae Smith. She was born 10 Sep 1940.

Children of Richard Patterson and Anna Smith are:

3033 i. William Richard14 Patterson, born 19 Jul 1960.


Notes for William Richard Patterson:

Bill attended Williamson High School and was a member of the varsity soccer team.


3034 ii. Kathleen Irene Patterson, born 20 Oct 1963.


Notes for Kathleen Irene Patterson:

Kathy attended Williamson High School and participated in the Spanish Club, the German Club, the German Club's Bicentennial Committee and was a member of the intramural sports.

1529. Donald Charles13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 May 1940 in Tioga Junction, Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Sandra Kay Johnson. She was born 22 Nov 1942. He married (2) Louise Mae Staples. She was born 19 Aug 1937.

Children of Donald Patterson and Sandra Johnson are:

3035 i. Raymond Donald14 Patterson, born 12 Jun 1959.

3036 ii. Debra Arlene Patterson, born 20 Mar 1961.

3037 iii. Trina Marie Patterson, born 18 Aug 1969.

Child of Donald Patterson and Louise Staples is:

3038 i. Velma Irene14 Patterson.

1530. Sharon Irene13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 May 1947 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Michael M. Mack abt. 1964, son of Ivan Mack. He was born 19 Oct 1943, and died 31 Jan 1970 in Tioga Co., PA. She married (2) Jerry Thomas Loucks abt. 1970. He was born 12 Jan 1945.


Notes for Michael M. Mack:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Feb 1970 ed.:


NELSON - Michael Mack, 26, of Lawrenceville RD was killed when his car went off Rt. 49 one mile west of here and struck a bridge abutment at about 4 Saturday morning. Charles Kenyon of Elkland, a deputy Tioga County coroner, pronounced Mr. Mack dead at the scene. Cause of death was listed as a fractured skull. Mansfield State Troopers Claude Kearkuff and Harold Witushynsky said Mr. Mack was driving east when his car swerved onto the south shoulder, struck five guard posts and hit the bridge. The auto came to rest about 10 feet from the bridge, police said. Wrecker crews were called to help free Mr. Mack's body. The body was taken to the Kenyon Funeral Home in Elkland by Osceola ambulance. Mr. Mack was the father of two small children. Mr. Mack has been employed for five years by the Corning office of Joy Automatics as a repairman and serviceman. He serviced vending machines in Steuben and Northern Tioga Counties. He was a member of the Knoxville and Lawrenceville Fire Departments, Elkland Lodge of Moose and Southern Tier Legion of the Moose.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Feb 1970 ed.:

MACK, Michael M., age 26 of Lawrenceville RD 1, PA, Saturday January 31, 1970. Friends are invited to call at the Kenyon Funeral Home, Elkland, PA, Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Tuesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Gary Myer officiating. Burial in the Tioga County Memorial Gardens. Survived by wife, Sharon; sons, Michael Robert and Ricki Lynn, both at home; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mack of Tioga, PA; sisters, Mrs. Mac Crawford of Germany, Mrs. William Healey of Nelson, PA, Mrs. Bruce Cole of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was a member of the Knoxville Fire Department, Lawrenceville Fire Department, the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 746, Elkland, PA and the Southern Tier Legion of the Moose.


More About Michael M. Mack:

Burial: Memorial Gardens, Charleston Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Feb 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Children of Sharon Patterson and Michael Mack are:

3039 i. Rickey Lynn14 Mack, born 03 Nov 1965.

3040 ii. Michael Robert Mack, born 15 Dec 1968.

Child of Sharon Patterson and Jerry Loucks is:

3041 i. Sherri Lea14 Loucks, born 03 Aug 1971.

1531. Peggy Louise13 Patterson (Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1949 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) John David McCullum abt. 1964. She married (2) Stanley Eugene Loucks abt. 1967. He was born 08 Aug 1947.

Child of Peggy Patterson and John McCullum is:

3042 i. John David14 McCullum, Jr., born 04 Jul 1965.

Children of Peggy Patterson and Stanley Loucks are:

3043 i. Steven Wade14 Loucks, born 25 Apr 1969.

3044 ii. Penny Jo Loucks, born 23 Feb 1973.

1532. Elmer Ward13 Parrish (Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 May 1913 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Apr 1987. He married (1) Alice Marie Battin 05 Jun 1937 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Harold Battin and Amber Baumunk. She was born 1919, and died 1975. He married (2) Crystal Kate Shepherd 06 Jan 1979 in Shreveport, Caddo Parrish, LA.


More About Elmer Ward Parrish:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1987, Last residence: Umatilla, FL 32784

Social Security Number: 185-01-2863 (PA)


More About Alice Marie Battin:

Burial: Friends Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Crystal Kate Shepherd:

Residence: Jun 2001, Ridgbury, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Elmer Parrish and Alice Battin are:

+ 3045 i. Glenda14 Parrish, born abt. 1939 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 3046 ii. Wendell Arwood Parrish, born 19 Aug 1940 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 3047 iii. Lona Diane Parrish, born 13 Aug 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3048 iv. Royden Elmer Parrish, born abt. 1945.

+ 3049 v. Lorna Marie Parrish, born abt. 1946.

+ 3050 vi. Philip Parrish, born abt. 1948.



1533. Mildred Margaret13 Parrish (Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Feb 1915 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Jun 2001 in Bradford Co., PA. She married Walter Alfred Foulkrod 22 Dec 1932 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, son of Aaron Foulkrod and Jannette Davis. He was born 05 Sep 1908 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 21 Jun 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Walter Alfred Foulkrod (1392).


1534. Earl Gordon13 Parrish (Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1917 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Sep 2001 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Alberta Louise Snell 31 Dec 1938 in Barbours, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Burr Snell and Mina Hubbard. She was born 20 Jan 1922 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 27 Mar 2003 in Burlington, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Earl Gordon Parrish:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Sep 2001 ed.:

PARRISH, Earl Gordon, age 84 of Sayre, PA, passed away on Saturday, September 15, 2001 at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA. He was born on September 4, 1917 in Eldredsville, PA, a son of the late Harvey T. and Clara (Coats) Parrish. On December 31, 1938, Earl married Alberta L. Snell, with whom he celebrated 63 years of marriage. He served during World War II as a Corporal in the Pacific Campaign, stationed in the Philippines. Earl was employed by C.F. Jelliff & Son in Bentley Creek, PA and was a road foreman and supervisor for Ridgbury Twp. Earl retired from Gene's Auto Paint Supply in Elmira, NY in 1994. He was a loving father, grandfather and father-in-law. In addition to his wife, Earl is survived by his sons, Maynard (Pat) Parrish of Sayre, PA; daughter, Mina E. Parrish (James) Allen of Sayre, PA and Patricia Timm of Sayre, PA; grandchildren, James E. Allen Jr., Sandra L. Owen, Barbara L. Koser, Brenda L. Plouse, Jessee Parrish, Tabitha Parrish, Tina Wade, Trudy Stone, Linda Timm, Lonnie Timm, Billy Timm, Donna Burbank, Travis VanDyke, and Raymond VanDyke; 39 great-grandchildren, 11 great-great grandchildren. He is predeceased by his daughter, Etta Marie Parrish VanDyke; grandson Billy Timm; brothers, Elmer, Elery and Lloyd Parrish; sisters, Mildred Foulkrod and Cora Parrish. Friends are invited to call on Wednesday, September 19, 2001 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Roberts Funeral Home, 279 Main Street, Wellsburg, NY. The funeral and committal service will immediately follow at the funeral home with the Reverend Don Rockwell officiating. Interment will be in the Bentley Creek Cemetery at the convenience of the family.


More About Earl Gordon Parrish:

Burial: Bentley Creek Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Sep 2001, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Retired - Foreman on Ridgebury Twp., PA highway department

Residence: Jun 2001, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Alberta Louise Snell:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 29 Mar 2003 ed.:

PARRISH, Alberta L. (Snell), age 80, passed away on March 27, 2003 at the Bradford County Manor, Burlington, PA. Alberta was born in Hillsgrove, PA on January 20, 1922, the daughter of the late Burr and Mina (Hubbard) Snell. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother who shared her love of cooking, baking and gardening with her family. Alberta is survived by her son, Maynard (Pat) Parrish of Sayre, PA; daughters, Mina (Jim) Allen Sr. and Pat Timm, both of Sayre, PA; 15 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren; 12 great-great grandchildren; brothers, Ralph (Agnes) Snell of Williamsport, PA, Maynard Snell of Sayre, PA, Edson (Martha) Snell of Proctor, PA; sister, Kathrine Parrish of Sayre, PA; and step-sister, Betty Lawrenson of Muncy, PA. Alberta is predeceased by her parents, her husband of 64 years, Earl Parrish, and her sister, Etta VanDyke. Friends are invited to call on Monday, March 31, 2003, at the Roberts Funeral Home, Inc., 279 Main St., Wellsburg, NY from 1 to 2 p.m. The funeral and committal service will immediately follow at 3 p.m. at the funeral home with Rev. Donald Rockwell officiating. Interment will be in Bentley Creek Cemetery at the convenience of the family. (Etta was daughter, not sister. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Alberta Louise Snell:

Burial: Bentley Creek Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 Mar 2003, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: Sep 2001, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Mar 2003, Burlington, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Earl Parrish and Alberta Snell are:

+ 3051 i. Mina Eugenia14 Parrish, born 18 Nov 1938 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

+ 3052 ii. Etta Marie Parrish, born 20 Jan 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 22 Dec 1986.

+ 3053 iii. Patricia Ann Parrish, born 31 Mar 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3054 iv. Maynard Earl Parrish, born 06 Oct 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1537. Lloyd Laurayne13 Parrish (Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jun 1928 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Jul 1996 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Althea Emma Wood 25 May 1946 in Vestal, Broome Co., NY, daughter of Emma Wood. She was born 16 May 1928 in Kent City, Kent Co., MI.


Notes for Lloyd Laurayne Parrish:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Jul 1996 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Lloyd L. Parrish, Dresser Rand Retiree

CORNING - Lloyd L. Parrish, 68, of 1 Roberts Ave., Corning, died Monday, July 22, 1996 at Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira. He retired from Dresser Rand Corporation in 1990. Hills Funeral Home, Big Flats, is handling the arrangements.


More About Lloyd Laurayne Parrish:

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Jul 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Retired - Maintenance Dept. at Dresser Rand, Painted Post, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1996, Last residence: Corning, NY 14830

Social Security Number: 126-20-4010 (NY)


More About Althea Emma Wood:

Residence: Jun 2001, Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co., NY


Marriage Notes for Lloyd Parrish and Althea Wood:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, Jun 1991 ed.:

PARRISH - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parrish of 1 Roberts Ave., Corning, recently marked their 45th wedding anniversary. Parrish and the former Althea Wood were married May 25, 1946 in Vestal, N.Y. by the Rev. Ernest Gault. The couple have five children: Harold Parrish and Vicci Gilbert, both of Beaver Dams, Mary Southard of Corning, Kenneth Parrish of Watkins Glen and Edward Parrish of Lindley. There are nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Parrish is retired from Dresser-Rand. Mrs. Parrish is a homemaker.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 Jun 1996 ed.:

ANNIVERSARIES -- Parrish - 50th (photo of couple included)

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Parrish of South Corning recently marked their 50th wedding anniversary with a dinner hosted by their children at Granny's Restaurant. Lloyd Parrish and the former Althea Wood were married may 25, 1946 by the Rev. Ernest Lee Gault in Vestal, NY. The couple have five children: Harold Parrish and Vicci Gilbert, both of Beaver Dams, Mary Southard of Corning, Kenneth Parrish of Watkins Glen and Edward Parrish of Lindley. There are 10 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Mr. Parrish retired from Dresser Rand, Painted Post. Mrs. Parrish is a homemaker.

Children of Lloyd Parrish and Althea Wood are:

+ 3055 i. Harold Timothy14 Parrish, born 15 Apr 1947.

+ 3056 ii. Vicci Lynn Parrish, born 01 Jun 1951.

+ 3057 iii. Mary Katherine Parrish, born 26 Feb 1953.

+ 3058 iv. Kenneth LeRoy Parrish, born 11 May 1954.

3059 v. Edward Lloyd Parrish, born 08 Jan 1961.


More About Edward Lloyd Parrish:

Occupation: Lindley, NY highway department

1538. Nina Vivian13 Parrish (Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1920 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA. She married Clyde Henry Pitcher 28 Aug 1937 in Maine, Broome Co., NY, son of Robert Pitcher and Sylvia Russell. He was born 02 Dec 1910 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, and died 14 May 1993 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Clyde Henry Pitcher:

Residence: Bef. May 1993, Last residence: Newark Valley, NY 13811

Social Security Number: 077-05-2383 (NY)

Children of Nina Parrish and Clyde Pitcher are:

+ 3060 i. Patricia Ann14 Pitcher, born 19 Jan 1943 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

+ 3061 ii. Robert Floyd Pitcher, born 07 Mar 1947 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

+ 3062 iii. Joyce Marie Pitcher, born 03 Apr 1949 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

+ 3063 iv. Linda Lou Pitcher, born 18 Aug 1951 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

3064 v. David Earl Pitcher, born 02 Aug 1954 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

1539. Marian Faye13 Parrish (Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Nov 1921 in Pleasantville, Atlantic Co., NJ. She married (1) Frederick Clark, Jr. 29 Aug 1939 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Frederick Clark and Ines ______. He was born abt. May 1919. She married (2) Horace Brown abt. 1953.

Children of Marian Parrish and Frederick Clark are:

+ 3065 i. Phyllis Marie14 Clark, born 20 Jun 1940.

+ 3066 ii. Floyd Arthur Clark, born 06 Oct 1943.

+ 3067 iii. Gail Dawn Clark, born 15 Dec 1945.

1540. Walter Atlee13 Parrish (Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1923 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Vivian Mae Bowen 10 Nov 1944 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of Milton Bowen and Lena Brearley. She was born 06 Feb 1924 in Warren Center, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Walter Parrish and Vivian Bowen are:

+ 3068 i. Walter Milton14 Parrish, born 12 Jan 1946 in Lorain, Lorain Co., OH.

+ 3069 ii. Larry Alan Parrish, born 04 Mar 1949 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

1548. Desmond H.13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Mar 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 24 Mar 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Minnie Spencer Sep 1929. She was born 18 Sep 1911, and died Nov 1983. He married (2) Clella-Belle Polland 29 Jul 1959.


Notes for Desmond H. Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Mar 1970 ed.:

MORGAN, Desmond H., age 61 of 9 Carlton St., Canton, PA, Tuesday, March 24, 1970 at Blossburg State Hospital. Friends may call at the Ralph T. Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA, Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Friday at 11 a.m., the Rev. Dewey Ashey. West Hill Cemetery, Shunk, PA. Survived by wife, Clella Polland Morgan; son, Floyd D. Morgan of Toledo, OH; daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Velma) Alder of Holland, OH; step-daughters, Mrs. Peggy Mortimer, Mrs. Shirley McDougall, both of Toledo, OH; 12 grandchildren; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Morgan of Canton, PA; sisters, Mrs. Kenneth Bond of Riverdale, MD, Mrs. Gerald Avery of Grover, PA, Mrs. William Lee of Riverton, VA, Mrs. Evert Letts of Shunk, PA, Mrs. Archie Norton of Forksville, RD, PA, Mrs. Russell Machmer of Canton, PA; Mrs. Carl Bedford of Forksville, RD PA; brothers, Roland Morgan of Canton, PA, Donald Morgan of Horseheads, NY, Claude Morgan of Canton, Darwin Morgan of Canton; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Mr. Morgan was born in Shunk, PA March 24, 1909, was a former resident of Toledo, OH; retired 1965 as a foreman for Doekler-Jarvis Co.; employed there for 37 years; member of Quarter Century Club; Foreman's Club; First Baptist Church, Canton, PA.


More About Desmond H. Morgan:

Burial: 27 Mar 1970, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Mar 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Mar 1970, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 292-05-5668 (OH)


More About Minnie Spencer:

Name 2: Morgan, Minnie

Residence: Bef. Nov 1983, Last residence: Holland, OH 43258

Social Security Number: 263-66-9115 (FL)

Children of Desmond Morgan and Minnie Spencer are:

+ 3070 i. Floyd Desmond14 Morgan, born 01 Apr 1930.

+ 3071 ii. Velma Louise Morgan, born 07 Jun 1931.

3072 iii. Eugene Robert Morgan, born 22 Apr 1936; died 21 Sep 1937.


More About Eugene Robert Morgan:

Burial: Spencertown Cem., Columbia Co., NY

Cause of Death: drowned


1549. Lucille Grace13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Mar 1911 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) David Elwyn Stotler 03 Sep 1931, son of Charles Stotler and Ida ______. He was born 14 Mar 1909 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married (2) Kenneth Bond Aft. 1945.


More About David Elwyn Stotler:

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child of Lucille Morgan and David Stotler is:

+ 3073 i. David Lauran14 Stotler, born 12 Mar 1935.

1550. Lenora Mae13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jun 1913 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 13 Dec 1975. She married Gerald Darwin Avery 08 Jun 1934, son of Eugene Avery and Orrilla Whitely. He was born 10 Mar 1913 in Eldredsville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Jan 1999 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Lenora Mae Morgan:

Burial: 16 Dec 1975, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Gerald Darwin Avery:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Jan 1999 ed.:

OBITUARIES -- Gerald D. Avery Sr., Canton school bus driver

CANTON - Avery, Gerald D. Sr., age 85 of Grover, PA passed away Saturday, January 23, 1999. He was a Massey-Harrison Equipment dealer and later a Canton, PA school bus driver. Arrangements by Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


Tri-County Website - Letter to website about Grover, PA, sub. by Richard D. Avery, Feb 2005:

I am from Grover PA, my dad Gerald D. Avery Sr. owned and operated Avery's General Store along with my mother Lenora Mae Avery for many years. They also had a greenhouse business and also operated school buses for the Canton School District. Prior to owning the store, they owned a Massey Harris Tractor Dealership where they supplied farm equipment to area farmers. After looking at your site and the photo that you have on it, I can remember who lived in most of the homes in Grover. The big house in Grover was also my dad's and that's the house that I grew up in, I still have a brother and a sister who still live there. I moved to NC in Jan of 2004 but from 1956 to 2004 that was my town. Thanks for letting me share this with you and if you would like to know more about Grover and its past I will give you my brother and sisters names and contact information along with mine upon request... thanks again... Rich Avery


More About Gerald Darwin Avery:

Burial: 26 Jan 1999, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Jan 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jan 1999, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 192-28-5010 (PA)

Children of Lenora Morgan and Gerald Avery are:

+ 3074 i. Gerald Darwin14 Avery, Jr., born 29 Jul 1935; died 03 Jul 1971.

+ 3075 ii. Floyd Eugene Avery, born 17 Nov 1936; died 24 Sep 2000 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3076 iii. Alvah LaMar Avery, born 15 Aug 1941.

+ 3077 iv. Eunice Kay Avery, born 29 Mar 1944.

3078 v. Maxine Marie Avery, born 06 Aug 1949; died 06 Aug 1949.

+ 3079 vi. Alvin Burton Avery, born 14 Jul 1950.

3080 vii. Charlene Mae Avery, born 20 Jun 1953; died 21 Jun 1953.

3081 viii. Richard Dwight Avery, born 14 Sep 1956. He married Katie ______.

1551. Myrtle Irene13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jul 1915. She married William Allen Lee 24 Sep 1938. He was born 21 Dec 1916, and died 1989.

Children of Myrtle Morgan and William Lee are:

+ 3082 i. Dorothy Ann14 Lee, born 26 Aug 1942.

+ 3083 ii. Mary Alice Lee, born 24 Feb 1944.

+ 3084 iii. Sandra Kay Lee, born 31 Jan 1947.

+ 3085 iv. Floyd Allen Lee, born 26 Oct 1948.

1552. Alfreda Mary13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Dec 1917 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 11 Jan 1996 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Everett Whipple Letts 22 Dec 1936 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Daniel Letts and Bessie Whipple. He was born 21 Jul 1913 in Maples Summit, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Feb 2004 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Alfreda Mary Morgan:

Burial: 14 Jan 1996, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA


Notes for Everett Whipple Letts:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 01 Mar 2004 ed.:

Evert W. Letts, 90, lifelong resident of Shunk, passed away Sunday morning, Feb. 29, 2004, at the Troy Community Hospital. Evert was born on July 21, 1913, a son of the late Daniel and Bessie (Whipple) Letts. After completing Shunk High School, he graduated from Red Line High School near York, PA. On Dec. 22, 1936, he married the former Alfreda Morgan in East Canton. Mrs. Letts preceded Evert in death on Jan. 11, 1996, following 59 years of marriage. Evert was a hard worker and enjoyed being busy all his life. In earlier years, he ran his grandmother's general store in Shunk for several years. He also was a caretaker for PennDOT, serving the Shunk and Fox Township areas. Later Mr. Letts was employed by the former Bellows Valvair in Canton for over 20 years until his retirement in 1976. Mr. Letts was a member of the Shunk United Methodist Church. He loved his family dearly, always cherishing their Sunday visits and "get togethers." An avid reader, he especially liked westerns. Evert also enjoyed the outdoors, gardening, lawn work and woodworking. Surviving are his four children and their spouses, Barbara (David) Rundell of Mansfield, PA, Ada (Allyn) Leonard of Roaring Branch, PA, Althea (Paul) McBride of Williamsport, PA, and Dale (Mary Ann) Letts of Canton; nine grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to his beloved Alfreda, Mr. Letts was preceded in death by his brother, Reo Letts, and his stepfather, the Rev. Ira Fuhrman. The family invites friends to call from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 2, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Herbert Eby officiating. Burial will be in Ellenton Cemetery. In lieu of flowers his family suggests that memorials in Evert's name be directed to the Shunk United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 70, Shunk, PA 17768, or the American Cancer Society, 1948 E. Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701.


More About Everett Whipple Letts:

Burial: Mar 2004, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Alfreda Morgan and Everett Letts are:

+ 3086 i. Dale Clayton14 Letts, born 08 Nov 1937.

3087 ii. Barbara Jean Letts, born 19 Aug 1939. She married David Wilmont Rundell 19 Oct 1958; born abt. 1936.

+ 3088 iii. Ada Belle Letts, born 20 Jun 1941.

+ 3089 iv. Althea Mary Letts, born 21 Jul 1943.

1553. Lois Mary13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1919 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Archibald Ira Norton 12 Dec 1941 in Millview, Sullivan Co., PA, son of Ira Norton and Agnes Worthington. He was born 23 May 1918 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 11 Feb 1997 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Lois Mary Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Archibald Ira Norton:

Name 2: Norton, Archie I.

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 206-10-7097 (PA)

Children of Lois Morgan and Archibald Norton are:

+ 3090 i. Wayne Donald14 Norton, born 29 Nov 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3091 ii. Lana Charlene Norton, born 19 Sep 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3092 iii. Marlin Archie Norton, born 05 Jul 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1554. Roland Evert13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Aug 1922, and died 06 May 1994. He married Roseanne A. Faulkner 13 Sep 1946. She was born 08 Aug 1928.


Notes for Roland Evert Morgan:

Canton Newsletter, Aug 1986 ed.:

Roland & Roseanne were present at the Canton High School 40-year reunion alumni supper hosted by Mr. & Mrs. Stanley (& June Wilcox) Shadduck. During the evening a letter was presented and read which was written by President Ronald Reagan, dated May 15, 1986.


More About Roland Evert Morgan:

Burial: Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Education: 1946, Canton High School, Canton, PA - Graduated

Residence: Bef. May 1994, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 199-12-4780 (PA)


More About Roseanne A. Faulkner:

Burial: Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Education: 1946, Canton High School, Canton, PA - Graduated

Children of Roland Morgan and Roseanne Faulkner are:

3093 i. Pamela Antoinette14 Morgan, born 28 Dec 1947 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 28 Dec 1947 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Pamela Antoinette Morgan:

Burial: Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA


+ 3094 ii. Leila Christine Morgan, born 13 Jun 1950.

3095 iii. Thomas Orlo Morgan, born 04 Mar 1954. He married Nettie ______.

3096 iv. Mitchell Rowland Morgan, born 05 Jun 1957. He married Barbara ______.

1555. Donald Floyd13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Nov 1926 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Nov 2000 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Maude Elain Clark 30 Jan 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Earl Clark and Effie Bates. She was born 21 Aug 1927 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Donald Floyd Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 6 Nov 2000 ed.:

MORGAN, Donald F. Local Building Contractor, age 73 of Algonquin Dr., Big Flats, very unexpectedly Sat. Nov. 4, 2000. His family includes his loving wife of nearly 54 years, Elaine (Clark) Morgan; Daughters, Trula (Ralph) Allen of Bethesda, MD, Donna Napolitano of Fairport, NY, Connie Morgan of Elmira Heights, NY, Cathie Holdridge of Horseheads, NY; Grandchildren, Jeff and Kristen Allen, Tina Holdridge, William Martin Jr. and Chad Share; eight great grandchildren; brothers and sisters, Lois Norton of Forksville, PA, Claude (Carol) Morgan of Canton, PA, Darwin (Donnalee) Morgan of Candor, NY, Audrey (Carl) Bedford of Mehoopany, PA; and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Morgan was also predeceased by his granddaughter, Shannon Share in 1975. Don was a well-known local building contractor, owning and operating Don Morgan Contracting. In his leisure he enjoyed golfing and hunting. Friends are invited to call at the Barber Funeral Home, 413 So. Main St. Horseheads on Tues. Nov. 7, 2000 from 4-7:00 p.m. and again on Wed. from 11:00 a.m. - 12 Noon. His funeral service will take place there at the funeral home at the conclusion of calling hours on Wed. at 12:00 noon. The Rev. Dr. Robert O. Sherburne will officiate. Interment Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.



I had the opportunity to meet Donald and his brother Darwin in an most unusual setting. I was living with my brother in Chemung, NY while he was remodeling a home on Main Street. He and his wife had applied for energy assistance from the county, who in turn authorized Donald to put in windows and insulation around the windows and doors. The men did a superb job. I was curious when Donald offered his business card and I noticed the last name, and after inquiring about his relatives in Canton, he said he was of the same family. He filled me in on most of his family's information and provided me with telephone numbers and addresses for some of his Canton relatives. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Donald Floyd Morgan:

Burial: 08 Nov 2000, Maple Grove Cem., Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Nov 2000, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Nov 2000, Algonquin Dr., Big Flats, NY

Social Security Number: 209-16-2276 (PA)


More About Maude Elain Clark:

Residence: Nov 2000, Algonquin Dr., Big Flats, NY

Children of Donald Morgan and Maude Clark are:

+ 3097 i. Trula Maxine14 Morgan, born 07 Sep 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3098 ii. Donna Ilene Morgan, born 07 Dec 1949 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3099 iii. Connie Faye Morgan, born 16 Sep 1951 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3100 iv. Cathie Marie Morgan, born 01 Jun 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1556. Ethlyn Naomi13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Apr 1929, and died 16 Sep 1999. She married (2) Russell Vaughn Machmer 31 Aug 1952, son of Fred Machmer and Mabel ______. He was born 11 Jun 1933.


More About Ethlyn Naomi Morgan:

Name 2: Machmer, Ethlyn

Residence: Bef. Sep 1999, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 179-24-8639 (PA)

Child of Ethlyn Naomi Morgan is:

3101 i. Gary Alan14 Machmer, born 16 Nov 1947. He married (1) Dawn Renee Stanton. He married (2) Gloria ______ abt. 1982.

Children of Ethlyn Morgan and Russell Machmer are:

3102 i. Nancy Christina14 Machmer, born 18 Aug 1953. She married Robert Bailey 23 Jul 1971.

3103 ii. Annette Marie Machmer, born 22 Mar 1957.

1557. Claude Morris13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jun 1934 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Patricia Ann VanNoy 12 Aug 1958 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She was born 12 Oct 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Carol Higbie abt. 1967.


More About Claude Morris Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Carol Higbie:

Residence: Nov 2000, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Claude Morgan and Patricia VanNoy is:

3104 i. Robert Dale14 Morgan, born 16 Apr 1961 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1558. Darwin Roscoe13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Nov 1938 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Carol Joyce Whitmoyer 02 May 1959 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She was born 05 Mar 1940. He married (2) Donna Lee Hart 08 Aug 1969 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Darwin Roscoe Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Candor, Tioga Co., NY


More About Donna Lee Hart:

Residence: Nov 2000, Candor, Tioga Co., NY

Children of Darwin Morgan and Carol Whitmoyer are:

+ 3105 i. LuAnn Marie14 Morgan, born 07 Mar 1961 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 3106 ii. Michelle Susan Morgan, born 17 Aug 1964 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1559. Audrey Donna13 Morgan (Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Feb 1945. She married Carl Oscar Bedford 31 Jul 1965. He was born 14 May 1938.


More About Audrey Donna Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Mehoopany, Wyoming Co., PA


More About Carl Oscar Bedford:

Residence: Nov 2000, Mehoopany, Wyoming Co., PA

Children of Audrey Morgan and Carl Bedford are:

3107 i. Michael Carl14 Bedford, born 22 Nov 1970.

3108 ii. Dawn Ann Bedford, born 02 Feb 1974.


1560. Glenn Alfred13 Fields (Henrietta Delphine12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Aug 1911 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 11 Jul 1996 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Dorothy Jean Drost 03 Oct, daughter of Jerry Drost and Helen Spencer. He married (2) Vivian Zeller 09 Sep 1950.


Notes for Glenn Alfred Fields:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Jul 1996 ed.:


CANTON - Glenn A. Fields, 84 of Canton RR 1, died Thursday, July 11, 1996 at the Williamsport Hospital. He was employed by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for 10 years and worked for the Pennsylvania Game Commission for 28 years, retiring in 1975. He was a member of St. John's United Methodist Church, the Pennsylvania Association of Retired State Employees and was a charter founder of the Second Amendment Task Force. Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.


More About Glenn Alfred Fields:

Burial: Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Jul 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1996, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 179-09-5867 (PA)


More About Vivian Zeller:

Burial: Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Child of Glenn Fields and Dorothy Drost is:

+ 3109 i. Joan Elaine14 Fields, born 15 Oct 1935 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA.

1561. Arthur Morris13 Fields (Henrietta Delphine12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Apr 1914, and died 12 Jan 1965. He married (1) Erma Irene Elliot abt. 1934. She was born 27 Jul 1916. He married (2) Judy Strous abt. 1945.


Notes for Arthur Morris Fields:

Arthur served during WW II in the U.S. Naval Reserves. He achieved the rank of Seaman First Class.


More About Arthur Morris Fields:

Burial: 15 Jan 1965, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Arthur Fields and Erma Elliot are:

+ 3110 i. Janet Irene14 Fields, born 28 Sep 1936.

+ 3111 ii. Patricia Kay Fields, born 20 Nov 1940.

1562. Agnes Irene13 Morgan (Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1915 in Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Chester Lewis Brown 05 Jun 1934 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Charles Brown and Jennie Heess. He was born 18 Aug 1911 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Apr 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Arthur Ellery Quail abt. 1968. He was born 20 Feb 1910 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 10 Oct 1993 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Notes for Chester Lewis Brown:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Apr 1980 ed.:

Chester L. Brown, 68, of 57 Fassett Street, Canton, died Thursday, April 17, 1980, in Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. He was the father of Robert Brown, of Montoursville, and the brother of Mrs. Emery Bryan, of Barbours. He was born Aug. 18, 1911, in Fox Twp., Sullivan County, a son of Charles and Jenny Hess Brown. Mr. Brown was a retired employee of Remington-Rand Corp., Elmira, NY. He was a life member of the International Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. He also was a life member of Innes Hose Co., Canton. Surviving, besides his son and sister in Lycoming County, are his wife, the former Agnes Morgan; another son, Richard, of Canton; a daughter, Mrs. Clyde Roher, of Coudersport; three other sisters, Mrs. Edward Snyder, of Canton, Mrs. Charles Groover, of Canton RD 2, and Mrs. Earl Preston, of Roaring Branch RD 1; four brothers, Carl, of Shunk, Walter, of LeRoy, Willard, of Troy, and Emery, of East Troy, 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 2 pm Sunday at Morse and Kleese's, 40 North Center Street, Canton, with the Rev. Duane Taylor, pastor of Alba Christian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Brown Cemetery, Shunk. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 pm Saturday.


More About Chester Lewis Brown:

Burial: 20 Apr 1980, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1980, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 717-09-6030 (RB)


Notes for Arthur Ellery Quail:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 11 Oct 1993 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Ellery Quail, Shunk resident

Shunk, PA - Ellery Quail of Shunk, PA died at his home Sunday, Oct. 10, 1993. The Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements, which were incomplete Sunday night.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Oct 1993 ed.:

OBITUARIES -- Arthur Quail, retired bus driver

CANTON - Arthur Ellery Quail, 83 of Canton RR 3, died Sunday, Oct. 10, 1993 at home. Mr. Quail was a Sullivan County, PA School District bus driver and poultry farmer before retiring in 1970. He was a member of the Shunk United Methodist Church and a charter member of the Endless Winds Fire Department, Shunk. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton is handling the arrangements.


More About Arthur Ellery Quail:

Name 2: Quail, Ellery

Obituary/Death Notice: 12 Oct 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1930, Railroad section hand

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1993, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 715-12-0977 (RB)

Children are listed above under Chester Lewis Brown (788).


1563. Leslie Lynnford13 Morgan (Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Aug 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Mar 1997 in Gillett, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mildred Laverne Brown 11 Jan 1940 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Brown and Mary Bartlow. She was born 01 Apr 1919 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 14 Feb 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Children are listed above under Mildred Laverne Brown (1188).


1565. Vernon Daniel13 Morgan (Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Sep 1925 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Francis Jane Woodward 03 Jan 1948, daughter of Harry Woodward and Blanche Campbell. She was born 30 Mar 1931 in Snedeckerville, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Vernon Morgan and Francis Woodward are:

3112 i. Sandra Marie14 Morgan, born 21 Apr 1948 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

3113 ii. Vernon Daniel Morgan, Jr., born 1949 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 1951 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Vernon Daniel Morgan, Jr.:

Burial: Turner Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


+ 3114 iii. Blanche Louise Morgan, born 25 Jun 1951 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3115 iv. Charlotte Ann Morgan, born 21 May 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 3116 v. Georgia Arlene Morgan, born 30 Mar 1954 in Williamsport, PA; died 19 Nov 1971 in Lowman, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3117 vi. Harry Dennis Morgan, born 29 Dec 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3118 vii. Roxanne Morgan, born 03 Jan 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Roxanne Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


3119 viii. Terry Lee Morgan, born 27 Dec 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Terry Lee Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


3120 ix. John Francis Morgan, born 09 Jul 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About John Francis Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


3121 x. Harold Kevin Morgan, born 15 Oct 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Harold Kevin Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

1566. Vivian Helen13 Morgan (Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jul 1927 in Masten, Bradford Co., PA. She married Paul Seymour Kieffer 31 Jan 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Walter Kieffer and Florence Seymour. He was born 20 Jun 1928 in Liberty, Tioga Co., PA.


Marriage Notes for Vivian Morgan and Paul Kieffer:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Feb 1998 ed.:

ANNIVERSARIES -- Kieffer - 50th (photo included)

Paul S. and Vivian E. Kieffer of Elmira marked their 50th wedding anniversary with a party at the Hiberman's Center on Dec. 27. Paul S. Kieffer and the former Vivian E. Morgan were married Dec. 31, 1947 by the Rev. Bruce E. Pierce at Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Church, Elmira. The couple have four children: Inas Prokopec of Elmira, Joanne Bowen of St. Cloud, FL, Nancy VanZile of Deltona, FL and Joyce Killian of Kissimmee, FL. There are six grandchildren. Mr. Kieffer is retired from Millbrook Bread Bakery. Mrs. Kieffer is a homemaker.

Children of Vivian Morgan and Paul Kieffer are:

+ 3122 i. Inas Verna14 Kieffer, born 24 Sep 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3123 ii. Joanne Marie Kieffer, born 30 Mar 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3124 iii. Nancy Ellen Kieffer, born 01 Apr 1955 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3125 iv. Joyce Lee Kieffer, born 13 Aug 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Stanley J. Killian 23 Jul 1983.


Marriage Notes for Joyce Kieffer and Stanley Killian:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Feb 1983 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Kieffer-Killian

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Kieffer of Southport St. announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce, to Stanley J. Killian, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Killian. The bride-elect graduated from Southside High School and the BOCES Food Preparation Service I and II in 1979. She is employed by Arnot Ogden Hospital. Her fiance attended Southside High School and is employed by Epcot Center, Orlando, FL. The couple plans to marry July 23.


3126 v. Paul Seymour Kieffer, Jr., born 31 Jan 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 31 Jan 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Paul Seymour Kieffer, Jr.:

Medical Information: born & died at Arnot Ogden Hospital

1567. Duane Eldon13 Morgan (Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jan 1932 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Deloris Arlene Soha 10 Jul 1952 in Great Fall, Cascade Co., MT, daughter of Joseph Soha and Mary Zola. She was born 18 Jun 1933 in Plymouth, Luzerne Co., PA, and died 1984.

Children of Duane Morgan and Deloris Soha are:

+ 3127 i. Sharon Lee14 Morgan, born 26 Mar 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3128 ii. Linda Lou Morgan, born 29 Jul 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3129 iii. Gail Lynn Morgan, born 31 Jul 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3130 iv. Tammy Jo Morgan, born 06 Dec 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1568. Arlene Bernadette13 Morgan (Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 May 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Philip LaRue Wood 10 Sep 1955. She married (2) Frederick Biickley abt. 1959.

Child of Arlene Morgan and Philip Wood is:

3131 i. Philip David14 Wood, born 15 Sep 1956.

Children of Arlene Morgan and Frederick Biickley are:

3132 i. Frederick14 Biickley, Jr..

3133 ii. Lisa Biickley.

3134 iii. Melissa Biickley.

1569. Dean Eldon13 Morgan (Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 May 1918 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp. Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Wilma Alice Davis 30 Mar 1940 in Honesdale, Wayne Co., PA, daughter of Herbert Davis and Emma Doyle. She was born 19 Jan 1918 in Port Jervis, Orange Co., NY. He married (2) Hazel Mae Deitrick 11 Apr 1981, daughter of James Deitrick and Eliza Krise. She was born 26 Sep 1908 in Liberty Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 21 Nov 1992 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Dean Eldon Morgan:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Nov 1992, 2 West Union St., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Wilma Alice Davis:

During a visit to her home in Canton in Jul 1981, Wilma was able to assist me a great deal on numerous descendants of Myrta Christine (Porter) Morgan. She had 3 large notebooks with many of the names and dates which were recorded during the many Morgan/Brenchley reunions at Mt. Pisgah, Troy, PA. She had addresses and telephone numbers of many of these relatives. -- note of R. J. Porter


Notes for Hazel Mae Deitrick:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Nov 1992 ed.:

MORGAN, Hazel M., age 84 of 2 West Union St., Canton, PA, Saturday, November 21, 1992 in Memorial Hospital, Towanda, PA. She was born on September 26, 1908 in Liberty Township, Tioga County, PA, the daughter of James and Eliza Krise Deitrick. Hazel had been employed at the former J.P. Ward Foundries, Blossburg, 26 years at Remington-Rand, Elmira and 10 years as a waitress and short order cook at the Canton Coffee Shop. Hazel was a member of the Canton Ecumenical Parish, Women of the Moose and Canton Lodge #429 and was an avid bowler, kind hearted to everyone and a great lover of cats. Surviving are her husband, Dean E. Morgan; 2 sons and daughters-in-law, Milton and Dorothy Gardner of Marathon, NY and Gerald and Linda Gardner of R.R. #3, Towanda; 3 step-sons and daughters-in-law, Herbert and Sherra Morgan of R.R. #2, Canton, Doyle and Marilyn Morgan of Canton and Walter and Susan Morgan of R.R. #2, Canton, a step-daughter and son-in-law, Alice and Gerald May of R.R. #2, Canton; 10 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; 10 step-grandchildren; 12 step-great-grandchildren; a brother, Glenn Dietrich of R.R. #1, Roaring Branch, PA; nieces, nephews and cousins. Hazel was predeceased by a brother, Floyd Deitrick and a sister, Pearl Kilborn. Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday, November 25, 1992 at 2:00 PM from the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, PA with the Rev. Ronald Beistline, her Pastor, officiating. Interment will be in Grover Cemetery. Visitation will be Tuesday evening from 7 to 9:00 PM and Wednesday from 1 to 2:00 PM. The family will provide flowers. Memorial Donations may be directed to the Canton Ecumenical Parish, Memorial Fund, 43 N. Center St., Canton, PA 17724, in Hazel's memory.


More About Hazel Mae Deitrick:

Name 2: Morgan, Hazel

Burial: 25 Nov 1992, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: Women of the Moose; Canton Lodge #429

Hobbies: Bowling; lover of cats

Medical Information: died at Memorial Hospital

Occupation 1: J.P. Ward Foundries - Blossburg, PA

Occupation 2: Canton Coffee Shop - waitress for 10 years

Occupation 3: Remington Rand - Elmira, NY (26 years)

Religion: Canton Ecumenical Parish

Residence: Bef. Nov 1992, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 203-20-1715 (PA)

Children of Dean Morgan and Wilma Davis are:

+ 3135 i. Herbert Leon14 Morgan, born 18 Jan 1941.

+ 3136 ii. Alice Marie Morgan, born 16 Apr 1942.

+ 3137 iii. Doyle Dean Morgan, born 04 May 1944.

+ 3138 iv. Walter John Morgan, born 06 Apr 1950.

1570. Ellis Edward13 Morgan (Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Aug 1919 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp. Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Nov 1983 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married Margaret Louise Cleveland 12 Oct 1941. She was born 16 Jan 1924.


Notes for Ellis Edward Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Nov 1983 ed.:

MORGAN, Ellis E., age 64, Tuesday, November 29, 1983. Friends may call at the Scureman Funeral Home, South Main Street, Mansfield Thursday 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral and Committal Friday at 11 a.m. at Canoe Camp Church of Christ Disciples. The Rev. Deborah Casey officiating. Burial Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield. The family will furnish flowers. Donations to be made to Memorial Fund of the Canoe Camp Church of Christ Disciples. Survived by his wife Margaret Cleveland Morgan, one daughter and son-in-law Jeanne and Jerry Smith of Mansfield; three sons and daughters-in-law Robert and Nancy Morgan of Felton, PA;, David and Bonnie Morgan of Montrose, PA, Bruce and Debbie Morgan of Elizabethtown, PA; nine grandchildren; three brothers Dean of Canton, PA, Merrill of Wellsburg, NY, La Vern of Horseheads, NY; sister Mrs. Enid Ingerick of De Leon Springs, FL and mother Verna Morgan of Deland, FL. He was a member of the Canoe Camp Church of Christ Disciples and he was born August 16, 1919 in Wheelerville, PA to Leon E. and Verna Miller Morgan.


More About Ellis Edward Morgan:

Burial: 02 Dec 1983, Oakwood Cem., Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Nov 1983, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Nov 1983, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 199-09-7915 (PA)

Children of Ellis Morgan and Margaret Cleveland are:

+ 3139 i. Jeanne Ellen14 Morgan, born 11 Oct 1943.

+ 3140 ii. Robert Earl Morgan, born 15 Nov 1945.

+ 3141 iii. David Ellis Morgan, born 11 Apr 1948.

+ 3142 iv. Bruce Edward Morgan, born 21 Nov 1957.

1571. Merril Andrew13 Morgan (Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1922 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp. Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Aroline Mae Hawley 05 Jun 1942 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Guy Hawley and Roseltha Shutt. She was born 05 Feb 1922 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 04 Aug 1969 in Wellsburg, Ashland Twp., Chemung Co., NY. He married (2) Beatrice LaRae Seeley 26 Nov 1969 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Albert Seeley and Elizabeth Nagle. She was born 20 Jun 1933 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 13 Aug 2001 in Dunedin, Pinellas Co., FL.


More About Merril Andrew Morgan:

Residence 1: Nov 1983, Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Aug 2001, Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY


More About Aroline Mae Hawley:

Name 2: Morgan, Arloine

Burial: 07 Aug 1969, Forest Lawn Mem. Park, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Social Security Number: 086-14-9985 (NY)


Notes for Beatrice LaRae Seeley:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Aug 2001 ed.:

MORGAN, Beatrice "Bonnie" (Seeley) Age 68, of Wellsburg, NY, passed away on Monday, August 13, 2001 at Mease Hospital, Dunedin, FL. She was born on June 20, 1933 in Elmira, NY, the daughter of Albert and Elizabeth (Nagle) Seeley. Bonnie was a retired school bus driver for the Elmira City School District. She was a member of the Bentley Creek Wesleyan Church. Bonnie was also a member of the Montour Marina Yacht Club, the Ridgbury Sportsman Club, and was a former member of the Wellsburg Board of Elections. She is survived by her husband of 32 years, Merill A. Morgan of Wellsburg, NY; children, Merill "Rocky" Morgan, Jr., and Paul Ross Sturdevant, Reverend Scott Allen Morgan, Mark Sturdevant, Sandra Perry, Jacqueline Morgan, Diane Vert and Cheri Casselberry; 15 grandchildren; 9 great grandchildren; brother, Bert Seeley. Friends are invited to call at Roberts Funeral Home, Inc., 279 Main Street, Wellsburg, NY on Sunday, August 19, 2001 from 1 to 3 p.m. and from 6 to 8 p.m. The funeral service will be held on Monday, August 20, 200t at 1 p.m. at the funeral home with the Reverend Erik Ferguson officiating. A private interment will be in Ashland Cemetery, Wellsburg, NY.


More About Beatrice LaRae Seeley:

Burial: 17 Aug 2001, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: Montour Marina Yacht Club; Ridgebury Sportsman Club

Medical Information: died at Mease Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 27 Aug 2001, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Elmira City School District - retired bus driver

Offices Held: Wellsburg Board of Elections

Religion: Bentley Creek Wesleyan Church

Children of Merril Morgan and Aroline Hawley are:

+ 3143 i. Merril Andrew14 Morgan, Jr., born 22 May 1943.

+ 3144 ii. Sandra Lee Morgan, born 10 May 1946.

3145 iii. Jacqueline Elaine Morgan, born 29 Sep 1947. She married Thomas L. McDermott 30 Nov 1971 in Lowman, Ashland Twp., Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3146 iv. Dianne Lynn Morgan, born 31 Mar 1949.

+ 3147 v. Scott Alan Morgan, born 15 May 1959.

1572. Enid Henrietta13 Morgan (Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1924 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp. Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Mar 1995. She married Elwin Layne Ingerick 10 May 1942, son of Louis Ingerick and Genette Carls. He was born 13 Jan 1922 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 29 Jul 1996 in DeLand, FL.


More About Enid Henrietta Morgan:

Name 2: Ingerick, Enid

Burial: 19 Mar 1995, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: 29 Nov 1983, DeLeon Springs, Volusia Co., FL

Social Security Number: 199-12-1378 (PA)


Notes for Elwin Layne Ingerick:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 Aug 1996 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Elwyn Ingerick, Carpenter

DELAND, FL - Elwyn Ingerick of DeLand, Fla., formerly of Canton, died Saturday, July 27, 1996 in Florida. He was a professional carpenter and cabinet maker. He and his family moved to Florida in 1960. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.


More About Elwin Layne Ingerick:

Burial: abt. 03 Aug 1996, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Military service: abt. 1943, World War II

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 Aug 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1996, Last residence: Deland, FL 32724

Social Security Number: 169-14-7056 (PA)

Children of Enid Morgan and Elwin Ingerick are:

3148 i. Rose Ann14 Ingerick, born 12 Aug 1943.


More About Rose Ann Ingerick:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


+ 3149 ii. Eldyn Layne Ingerick, born 02 Dec 1944.

3150 iii. Gayle Jeannette Ingerick, born 09 Mar 1948.

3151 iv. Marsha Beth Ingerick, born 16 Aug 1951.

+ 3152 v. Rosalie Jo Ingerick, born 10 Sep 1952.

1573. LaVerne Leon13 Morgan (Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Sep 1927 in Wheelersville, Fox Twp. Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Shirley Marie Palmer 05 Jun 1949. He married (2) Elnora Kathleen Copp 08 Nov 1960, daughter of ______ Copp and Kathleen Jones. She was born 03 Apr 1921 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 13 Aug 1997 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY.


More About LaVerne Leon Morgan:

Residence: Nov 1983, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY


Notes for Elnora Kathleen Copp:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 Aug 1997 ed.:

MORGAN, Elnora (Copp) "Lee", age 76 of Horseheads, NY, died Wednesday, August 13, 1997. She is survived by her loving husband of 36 years, LaVerne Morgan, Sr.; her children: Charles Nichols, Jr. of Horseheads, NY, Joseph Nichols of Florida, James (Maria) Nichols of Massachusetts, Richard (Linda) Nichols of Oklahoma, LaVerne (Nadine) Morgan, Jr. of Horseheads, and Kathy (Bob) Tremaine of Elmira; son-in-law, Carl Tremaine of Florida; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; sister, Audrey Miller of Horseheads; brother, Ernest (Pat) Roucek of Pine City; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Merill and Bonnie Morgan of Wellsburg, NY, Dean Morgan of Canton, PA, Margaret Morgan of Mansfield, PA; several nieces, nephews and cousins. "Lee" was predeceased by her daughters: Barbara Nichols of Horseheads, Barbara Tremaine of Florida, brother, Burdette Copp of California; sister-in-law, Enid Ingerick of Florida; and brother-in-law, Ellis Morgan of Mansfield, PA. Lee loved to go camping and loved spending time with her family. Family and friends may call at the VanBuskirk-Lynch Funeral Home, Mill St. and Grand Central Ave., Horseheads, NY on Friday, August 15, 1997 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Mrs. Morgan's funeral services will be held at the funeral home, Saturday, August 16, 1997 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Carl K. Johnson will officiate. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery.


More About Elnora Kathleen Copp:

Name 2: Morgan, Elnora

Obituary/Death Notice: 14 Aug 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1930, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Aug 1997, Last residence: Horseheads, NY 14845

Social Security Number: 169-18-3399 (PA)

Children of LaVerne Morgan and Elnora Copp are:

+ 3153 i. Laverne Leon14 Morgan, Jr., born abt. 1962.

+ 3154 ii. Kathy Lee Morgan, born abt. 1964.

1574. Alfreda Almeda13 Carpenter (Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Dec 1926 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Aft. Feb 2004. She married Richard Waldo Higley 06 Jun 1942 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Clayton Higley and Maude Kunzmann. He was born 24 Jan 1922 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Feb 2004 in Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Richard Waldo Higley (1374).


1575. Floyd Gibbons13 Carpenter (Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1932 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Oct 1980. He married (1) Martha Watkins. He married (2) Sue Comstock.


More About Floyd Gibbons Carpenter:

Burial: Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Oct 1980, Last residence: Erin, NY 14838

Social Security Number: 206-26-0941 (PA)

Children of Floyd Carpenter and Martha Watkins are:

+ 3155 i. Alfreda Jean14 Carpenter, born 25 Jun 1956 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

3156 ii. Ralph Lynn Carpenter, born 06 Jul 1960.

3157 iii. Lori Ann Carpenter, born 03 Sep 1962. She married Michael Singerhoff.

Child of Floyd Carpenter and Sue Comstock is:

3158 i. Sherry Viola14 Carpenter.

1576. John Dann13 Carpenter (Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Feb 1935. He married (1) Glenna Irene Boyles 1956, daughter of Earl Boyles and Edna Boyles. She was born abt. 1938 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (2) Flenia Lee Williams 06 Sep 1960, daughter of Dean Williams and Flenia Snell. She was born 30 Oct 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Flenia Lee Williams:

Residence: Oct 1999, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child is listed above under Glenna Irene Boyles (1404).

Children of John Carpenter and Flenia Williams are:

+ 3159 i. Marvin Luther14 Carpenter, born 10 Nov 1962.

3160 ii. Lonnie Dean Carpenter, born 18 Oct 1967.

1577. Milford Lynn13 Carpenter (Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Catherine Arlene Little 27 Apr 1957, daughter of George Elmer Little. She was born 18 Sep 1939 in Eagles Mere, Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Milford Carpenter and Catherine Little are:

+ 3161 i. Lucinda Mae14 Carpenter, born 02 Oct 1957 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

3162 ii. Regina Marie Carpenter, born 26 Oct 1960 in Muncy Valley, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Daniel E. Feldser 27 Jun 1987 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; born 02 Aug 1955 in Lancaster Co., PA.

3163 iii. Milford Lynn Carpenter, Jr., born 30 Nov 1961.


Notes for Milford Lynn Carpenter, Jr.:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 10 Sep 1981 ed.:

"Pvt. Milford L. Carpenter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford L. Carpenter, Sr. of Shunk, has arrived for duty at Nelligen, West Germany. Carpenter, a truck driver with the 2nd Support Command, was previously assigned at Fort Dix, New Jersey. He is a 1973 graduate of Sullivan County High, Laporte."


The paper again referred to Milford's duty station when they wrote in the 1 Oct 1981 ed.:

"Milford called his sister (Lucinda) on Sunday from Germany to wish her a happy birthday."

1578. Phyllis Raye13 Carpenter (Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 May 1940 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Arthur James Molyneux 03 Jul 1958, son of Lynn Molyneux and Phyllis Baumunk. He was born 14 Jan 1940 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Phyllis Carpenter and Arthur Molyneux are:

+ 3164 i. Connie Lea14 Molyneux, born 18 Feb 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3165 ii. Michael Lynn Molyneux, born 01 Sep 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Nadine Annette Denlar 17 Jun 1989 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA; born 13 May 1963 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3166 iii. Denise Raye Molyneux, born 06 Jun 1970.

1579. Harold Lester13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Sep 1920 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Nov 2002 in Ruskin, Hillsborough Co., FL. He married Shirley Jesse Williams 16 Nov 1941 in Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Edwin Williams and Jesse Williams. She was born 13 Jun 1923 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 13 Jul 1994 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Harold Lester Morgan:

Residence: Bet. Mar 2001 - Nov 2002, Ruskin, Hillsborough Co., FL

Social Security Number: 201-01-1258 (PA)


Notes for Shirley Jesse Williams:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 15 Jul 1994 ed.:

MORGAN, Shirley W., age 71 of RR #3 Box 661 Canton, PA passed away Wednesday July 13, 1994 at home. She was born on June 13, 1923 in Canton Township, Bradford County, PA, a daughter of Edwin A. and Jesse Secrist Williams. Surviving are her husband of 52 years, Harold L. Morgan, three daughters and son-in-law: Darla McCarty, RR #3 Canton, Donna and Richard Packard, RR #3 Canton and Kay Morgan, Watkins Glen, NY; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Memorial services will be held Saturday July 16, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. from the Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Corner of E. Union St. and N. Minnequa Ave., Canton with the Rev. David B. Morris officiating. It was Shirley's request that memorial contributions be directed to the American Heart Association, 153 W. Fourth St., P.O. Box 1685, Williamsport, PA 17701 or the Guthrie Hospice, RR #4, Box 60-A, Towanda, PA 18848 in lieu of flowers.


More About Shirley Jesse Williams:

Name 2: Morgan, Shirley

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 Jul 1994, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jul 1994, Last residence: Ruskin, FL 33570

Social Security Number: 074-18-1158 (NY)

Children of Harold Morgan and Shirley Williams are:

+ 3167 i. Darla Jeanne14 Morgan, born 10 Nov 1942.

+ 3168 ii. Donna Carol Morgan, born 23 May 1944.

+ 3169 iii. Kay Yvonne Morgan, born 18 Dec 1951.

3170 iv. Charoltte Muriel Morgan, born 08 Oct 1954 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 16 Oct 1954 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Charoltte Muriel Morgan:

Burial: Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA


1580. Harmon Clarence13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1923 in PA. He married (1) Anna Miner 07 Dec 1942. He married (2) Myrtle Jane Brown 14 Jun 1947, daughter of Lester Brown and Elnora Caseman. She was born 14 Mar 1929 in Sullivan Co., PA.


Children of Harmon Morgan and Anna Miner are:

+ 3171 i. Milo Douglas14 Morgan, born 06 Oct 1943.

+ 3172 ii. Gerald Harmon Morgan, born 11 Sep 1944.

Children are listed above under Myrtle Jane Brown (1365).


1581. Geraldine Mary13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1925 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Howard Albert Selleck Sep 1942, son of Herman Selleck and Mildred Knowlden. He was born 23 Dec 1919. She married (2) Charles Rathbun 19 Dec 1981 in Millport, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Geraldine Mary Morgan:

Residence: Mar 2001, RR2 Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Geraldine Morgan and Howard Selleck are:

+ 3173 i. Dale Howard14 Selleck, born 17 Oct 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3174 ii. Imogene Rose Selleck, born 18 Sep 1946 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3175 iii. Mary Ellen Selleck, born 24 Oct 1949 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3176 iv. Debra Jean Selleck, born 20 Sep 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Dennis Merle Welch 27 Nov 1976 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3177 v. Gail Jeanette Selleck, born 25 Aug 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1582. Gertrude Idella13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 May 1929. She married (1) Floyd J. Blaney, Jr. abt. 1946, son of Floyd Blaney and Viola Tuning. He was born 06 May 1927, and died 31 Jul 1970. She married (2) Carlyle Merrick abt. 1948. He was born 07 Jul 1921, and died 15 Dec 1992 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married (3) Eugene Hilfiger 15 Apr 1950, son of Guy Hilfiger and Mabel Dewey. He was born 07 Apr 1923 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (4) George Robinson abt. 1970. She married (5) Charles Eckman, Jr. abt. 1977, son of Charles Eckman. He was born 03 Feb 1916, and died Jun 1983.


More About Gertrude Idella Morgan:

Residence: Mar 2001, Ocklawaha, Marion Co., FL


More About Floyd J. Blaney, Jr.:

Burial: Aug 1970, Bradford County Memorial Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Social Security Number: 199-14-7033 (PA)


More About Carlyle Merrick:

Residence: Bef. Dec 1992, Last residence: Wysox, PA 18854

Social Security Number: 186-16-5506 (PA)


More About Charles Eckman, Jr.:

Residence: Jun 1983, Last residence: Williamsport, PA 17701

Social Security Number: 173-07-5351 (PA)

Children of Gertrude Morgan and Eugene Hilfiger are:

+ 3178 i. Lester Eugene14 Hilfiger, born 18 Mar 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3179 ii. Barbara Lou Hilfiger, born 21 Aug 1955 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 3180 iii. Paulette Marie Hilfiger, born 15 Aug 1959 in NJ.

1583. Marjorie Ellen13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jan 1932. She married Philip Doud 09 Sep 1950, son of Charles Doud and Anna Churchill. He was born 08 Jun 1931 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Marjorie Ellen Morgan:

Residence: Mar 2001, RR2 Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Marjorie Morgan and Philip Doud are:

+ 3181 i. Philip Dennis14 Doud, born 04 Feb 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 05 Nov 1992 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 3182 ii. Mary Ann Doud, born 12 Jan 1956 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3183 iii. James Harold Doud, born 21 Dec 1958 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3184 iv. Janet Ellen Doud, born 07 Apr 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Norvin Grant Holmes, Jr. 01 Aug 1981 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Janet Ellen Doud:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


+ 3185 v. Alicia Jane Doud, born 19 Aug 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3186 vi. Steven Charles Doud, born 14 Oct 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Steven Charles Doud:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1584. Morris Fred13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1935 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married DeAnna Jo Husted 25 Sep 1955 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Joseph Husted and Cleo Calhoun. She was born 30 Nov 1938 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Morris Fred Morgan:

Residence: Mar 2001, Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA


More About DeAnna Jo Husted:

Occupation: 1984, Beauty salon owner - 73 Forest St., Mansfield, PA

Children of Morris Morgan and DeAnna Husted are:

3187 i. Michael Morris14 Morgan, born 30 Aug 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Roberta ______.


More About Michael Morris Morgan:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


+ 3188 ii. David Lynn Morgan, born 11 Sep 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3189 iii. Julianna Marie Morgan, born 19 Dec 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Greg Kenneth Yoder 31 Jul 1982 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Julianna Marie Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


More About Greg Kenneth Yoder:

Education: Jul 1984, Orlando Community College - computer programming

1585. Richard Bruce13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Mar 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Christina Marie Ambs 26 Nov 1955 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Ralph Ambs and Hazel Latson. She was born 25 Dec 1936. He married (2) Barbara ______ abt. 1982.


More About Richard Bruce Morgan:

Residence: Mar 2001, RR3 Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Richard Morgan and Christina Ambs are:

+ 3190 i. Richard Bruce14 Morgan, Jr., born 25 Jul 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3191 ii. Marie Christine Morgan, born 30 Dec 1957. She married Barry Estep.

3192 iii. Robert Harold Morgan, born 26 Jun 1960.

+ 3193 iv. Patricia Jan Morgan, born 07 Apr 1963.

1586. Ronald Felix13 Morgan (Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Feb 1941. He married (1) Lois Lorraine Good 20 Aug 1960. She was born 22 Jun 1942. He married (2) Linda ______ abt. 1978.


More About Ronald Felix Morgan:

Residence: Mar 2001, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Ronald Morgan and Lois Good are:

3194 i. Cindy Lou14 Morgan, born 14 Apr 1961. She married Bradley Bailey 04 Jul 1981.

3195 ii. Ronald Felix Morgan, Jr., born 06 May 1964.

1587. Otto Clyde13 Morgan (Fred Desmond12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jun 1926 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Aug 1993 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Catherine Alice Brown 15 Sep 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Elmer Brown and Katherine Hunsinger. She was born 20 Apr 1926 in LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 27 Dec 1990 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Otto Clyde Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Aug 1993 ed.:

Otto C. Morgan, Canton barber -- Canton - Otto C. Morgan, 67, of 10 Carson St., Canton, died Sunday, Aug. 22, 1993, at a Williamsport, Pa., hospital. He operated a barbershop in Canton for 40 years and was a former Canton Township Tax Collector. Mr. Morgan also retired after 28 years as a truck driver. In addition, he operated a hamburger and hot dog stand with Glen Morgan at Dunn Hill and Granville race tracks. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling arrangements.


According to the veteran's records of Bradford County, PA, Otto served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and achieved the rank of Seaman First Class. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Otto Clyde Morgan:

Burial: 25 Aug 1993, LeRoy Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 23 Aug 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Aug 1993, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 208-16-7763 (PA)


More About Catherine Alice Brown:

Name 2: Morgan, Catherine

Burial: Jan 1991, LeRoy Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hospital

Residence: Bef. Dec 1990, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 164-22-7233 (PA)

Children of Otto Morgan and Catherine Brown are:

+ 3196 i. Russell Otto14 Morgan, born 19 Jul 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3197 ii. Elizabeth Susanne Morgan, born 06 Feb 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3198 iii. Bradley Fred Morgan, born 11 Jun 1954 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1588. Shirley Maxine13 Morgan (Fred Desmond12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Aug 1930 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Carl Denton Tillotson 31 May 1951, son of Murray Tillotson and Edna Williams. He was born 15 Dec 1927 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 02 Feb 2000 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Carl Denton Tillotson:

Social Security Number: 209-18-9381 (PA)

Children of Shirley Morgan and Carl Tillotson are:

3199 i. Carl Murray14 Tillotson, born 01 Aug 1953. He married Valerie Shrader 22 Jun.

3200 ii. Tammy Jo Tillotson, born 08 May 1955. She married ______ Martin.

1589. Prentice Edward Baumunk13 Hauk (Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Mar 1929 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Marjorie Jean Clark 10 Jul 1948, daughter of Earl Clark and Effie Bates. She was born 15 Jan 1930.


Notes for Prentice Edward Baumunk Hauk:

When I contacted Bertha, she requested that I eliminate Raymond from my records, but as a historian I informed her that I could not do that for the sake of one's pride. She refused to answer any of my later letters and hung up the telephone when I called a short time afterwards. It has been my intention from the start of this project to include all pertinent information, no matter how embarrassing it may be to those who wish "to sweep things under the rug". Who is the one who suffers - the descendants of the children who are adopted by step-parents. They will not know the truth unless the historians uncover the facts, no matter where they find them.

Children of Prentice Hauk and Marjorie Clark are:

+ 3201 i. Larry Prentice14 Baumunk, born 28 Sep 1951.

3202 ii. Garry Lee Baumunk, born 27 Mar 1952.

1590. Glenna Agnes13 Baumunk (Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 May 1936 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Donald Raymond Edkin 29 Jun 1957, son of Frank Edkin and Ruby Montague. He was born 09 Feb 1934 in Glen Mawr, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 29 Nov 1995.


More About Donald Raymond Edkin:

Burial: 02 Dec 1995, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Nov 1995, Last residence: Hillsgrove, PA 18619

Social Security Number: 179-28-6494 (PA)

Children of Glenna Baumunk and Donald Edkin are:

+ 3203 i. Donna Lee14 Edkin, born 03 Jun 1959.

+ 3204 ii. Diane Marie Edkin, born 09 Aug 1961 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1591. Charles Lee13 Baumunk (Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 May 1942 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Ruth Marie Boyles 18 Mar 1960, daughter of Judson Boyles and Eunice Starr. She was born 28 Aug 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Charles Baumunk and Ruth Boyles are:

+ 3205 i. Charles Lee14 Baumunk, Jr., born 11 Aug 1960.

3206 ii. David LeRoy Baumunk, born 25 Jan 1962 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Katrina A. Saxe 15 May 1982 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA; born 03 Feb 1960 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3207 iii. Danny Allen Baumunk, born 25 Apr 1967 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Anastasia C. McMahon 21 Jun 1986 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; born 16 Aug 1968 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

1592. Virginia Ann13 Baumunk (Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1944 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Robert James Hatch 11 Dec 1965, son of Otis Hatch and Florence Molyneux. He was born 13 Mar 1945.

Children of Virginia Baumunk and Robert Hatch are:

3208 i. Jeffrey Robert14 Hatch, born 30 Apr 1970.

3209 ii. Jennifer Lee Hatch, born 02 Jul 1974.



1593. Wilford Rozell13 Porter (Rozell12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Nov 1921 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Jean Ann Swayze 25 Jun 1942. She was born 17 Nov 1923, and died 1970 in Ormond Beach, Volusia Co., FL. He married (2) Mavis Carpenter 01 Mar 1971 in Ormond Beach, Volusia Co., FL.


More About Jean Ann Swayze:

Burial: Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Wilford Porter and Jean Swayze are:

3210 i. Thomas Lee14 Porter, born 02 May 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA; died 26 Oct 1956 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Thomas Lee Porter:

Burial: 29 Oct 1956, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: cerebral hemorrhage

Medical Information: died at Troy Community Hospital


+ 3211 ii. Linda Jean Porter, born 03 May 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3212 iii. Suzanne Ruth Porter, born 18 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3213 iv. Deborah Ann Porter, born 18 Jan 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Deborah Ann Porter:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


3214 v. Amy Louise Porter, born 12 Nov 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Amy Louise Porter:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

1594. Harold Morton13 Porter (Rozell12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Nov 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Sep 1994 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Elizabeth Taylor. He married (2) Shirley ______.


Notes for Harold Morton Porter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Sep 1994 ed.:

PORTER, Harold "Smoke", age 70 of 93 W. Union St., Canton, PA passed away Friday, September 16, 1994 in the Bradford County Manor, Troy, PA. Mr. Porter was born November 12, 1923 at Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA, a son of Rozell and Ruth Bolt Porter. Harold was a 1941 graduate of Canton High School. He served 12 years with the U.S. Marine Corps including World War II and the Korean Conflict. Smoke was a retired truck driver owning and operating his own truck. Harold was a trustee and deacon of the Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Canton, PA, a member of Canton V.F.W. Post #714 and the Wheel Inn, Inc., Roaring Branch. Surviving are his wife Shirley Porter; a daughter, Mrs. Pam Irion of Yorba Linda, CA and one son, Larry H. Porter of Raleigh, NC; two step-daughters, Mrs. Christopher Morton of Watkins Glen, NY and Mrs. Stephanie Davies of Fort Hood, TX; seven grandchildren and 3 step-grandchildren; three brothers: Wilford Porter of Cander, SC, Robert Porter of Horseheads, NY and Richard Porter of Canton, PA; a sister, Mrs. Bradley (Phyllis) Allen of Lebanon, PA; many nieces, nephews and cousins. Visitation will be held on Sunday, September 18, 1994 from 2-5 p.m. at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be held on Monday, September 19, 1994 at 11:00 a.m. at the Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, corner of Minnequa Ave. and Union St., in Canton with Rev. David B. Morris, his Pastor, officiating. Interment will be in the Park Cemetery, Canton, PA. Expressions of sympathy may be directed to the Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Memorial Fund, Canton, PA 17724. (The Bradford County, PA veteran's records state that Harold achieved the rank of Corporal during his military service. There is a marker on his grave site depicting WW II and Korean War service. - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Harold Morton Porter:

Burial: 19 Sep 1994, Park Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Sep 1994, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Sep 1994, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 121-14-6841 (NY)

Children of Harold Porter and Elizabeth Taylor are:

3215 i. Larry H.14 Porter.

3216 ii. Pamela Porter. She married ______ Irion.

1596. Robert Eugene13 Porter (Rozell12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 May 1939 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Bonnie Elnora Shadduck 29 Mar 1964 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Lemuel Shadduck and Virginia Merritt. She was born 01 Jul 1943 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA. He married (2) Kathryn Elnora Ripley 01 Feb 1986 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Edward Ripley and Gertrude ______.


More About Robert Eugene Porter:

Military service: Jan 1991, Desert Storm

Occupation: Bet. 1981 - 1982, Salesman - Brewer Oil Corp.

Residence: Bet. 1981 - 1990, 141 Overlook Drive, Horseheads, NY


More About Bonnie Elnora Shadduck:

Occupation: Bet. 1981 - 1982, Teacher - Horseheads Central School, NY

Residence: Bet. 1981 - 1982, 141 Overlook Drive, Horseheads, NY

Children of Robert Porter and Bonnie Shadduck are:

3217 i. Kelly Adaire14 Porter, born 05 May 1967 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Kelly Adaire Porter:

Education: Jan 1991, Corning Community College

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


3218 ii. Christopher Scott Porter, born 12 Aug 1971 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Christopher Scott Porter:

Education: Jan 1991, Delhi College, Delhi, NY

1597. Richard Earl13 Porter (Rozell12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Aug 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Kathryn Elaine Ayres 20 Apr 1963 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Oscar Ayres and Helen Crandle. She was born 09 Sep 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Richard Porter and Kathryn Ayres are:

3219 i. Cindy Ann-Elizabeth14 Porter, born 06 Mar 1964 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3220 ii. Kristyn Ruth Porter, born 21 Oct 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Kristyn Ruth Porter:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, a 1982 ed.:

Kristyn Porter is this year's recipient of the Guthrie Health Professions Scholarship. The award is given each year in the Canton, Troy, SRU area to a student planning to enter a career in the health professions. It is a four year scholarship. Kristyn is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Porter of Canton. She is a senior at Canton High School and plans to attend Wilkes College in the fall to study nursing." (photo incl.)


3221 iii. Jamie Kathryn Porter, born 13 Mar 1970 in Westminster, Carroll Co., MD.

1599. Mabel Mae13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 May 1940 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Allen Roupp abt. 1970.

Child of Mabel Porter and Allen Roupp is:

3222 i. Karen Faith14 Roupp, born 22 Feb 1972 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 07 Feb 1973.


More About Karen Faith Roupp:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

1600. Charles Edward13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Barbara Foulkrod abt. 1960.

Children of Charles Porter and Barbara Foulkrod are:

3223 i. Charles Dick14 Porter, born 30 May 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Charles Dick Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3224 ii. Charlotte Gean Porter, born 23 Jul 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Charlotte Gean Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3225 iii. Judy Lynn Porter, born 15 Dec 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Judy Lynn Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


+ 3226 iv. Charleen Ann Porter, born 10 May 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3227 v. Christine Marie Porter, born 12 May 1966 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3228 vi. Dolson James Porter, born 23 Aug 1968 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Dolson James Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3229 vii. Nora May Porter, born 30 Oct 1970 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Nora May Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1601. Dolson James13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jun 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Beverly Bethay abt. 1969.

Children of Dolson Porter and Beverly Bethay are:

3230 i. Estie Marie14 Porter, born 1971 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Estie Marie Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3231 ii. Shad Dolson Porter, born 1974 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Shad Dolson Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3232 iii. Ciara Lee Porter, born 1980 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Ciara Lee Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1602. Willis Eugene13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Mar 1944 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Loretta Olive Barrett abt. 1970.

Children of Willis Porter and Loretta Barrett are:

3233 i. Todd Eugene14 Porter, born 08 Oct 1971 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Todd Eugene Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

3234 ii. Scott Travis Porter, born 21 Nov 1972 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Scott Travis Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3235 iii. Sherry Lynn Porter, born 26 Feb 1974 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Sherry Lynn Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1603. Rose Mary13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Robert Benedict abt. 1967.

Children of Rose Porter and Robert Benedict are:

3236 i. Brian Keith14 Benedict, born 17 Dec 1968 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3237 ii. Robert Earl Benedict, born 26 Jun 1971 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1604. Pauline Edna13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Apr 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Pauline Edna Porter are:

3238 i. Bonnie June14 Porter, born 29 Oct 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3239 ii. Jodi Lynn Porter, born 04 Nov 1971 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3240 iii. David Allen Porter, born 13 Feb 1974 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1606. Agnes Connie13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1950 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Kenneth Stowell abt. 1970.

Children of Agnes Porter and Kenneth Stowell are:

3241 i. Angela Lynn14 Stowell, born 14 Feb 1971 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Angela Lynn Stowell:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3242 ii. Darlene Marie Stowell, born 28 Mar 1972 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Darlene Marie Stowell:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3243 iii. Kenneth Leland Stowell, born 26 Jun 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Kenneth Leland Stowell:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3244 iv. Peggy Sue Stowell, born 01 Aug 1980 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Peggy Sue Stowell:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1607. Addison Dean13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Apr 1951 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Linda Ayres abt. 1971. He married (2) Ruth Rutt abt. 1976. He married (3) Bertha Guy abt. 1978.

Child of Addison Porter and Linda Ayres is:

3245 i. Tracey Dean14 Porter, born 1972 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Tracey Dean Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Child of Addison Porter and Bertha Guy is:

3246 i. Timothy Allen14 Porter, born 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Timothy Allen Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1608. Maryetta Phoebe13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 May 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Harry Moore abt. 1974.

Children of Maryetta Porter and Harry Moore are:

3247 i. Wendy Jo14 Moore, born 08 Oct 1976 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Wendy Jo Moore:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3248 ii. Jennifer Lee Moore, born 15 Jul 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jennifer Lee Moore:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1609. Randy Reed13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1956 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Debra Fitzwater.

Children of Randy Porter and Debra Fitzwater are:

3249 i. ______14 Porter.

3250 ii. ______ Porter.

3251 iii. ______ Porter.

1610. Gary Lee13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Linda Corey abt. 1977.

Children of Gary Porter and Linda Corey are:

3252 i. Jessica Lee14 Porter, born abt. Feb 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jessica Lee Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3253 ii. Donna Marie Porter, born abt. Dec 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Donna Marie Porter:

Medical Information: twin to Jammie Marie; born at Troy Comm. Hosp.


3254 iii. Jammie Marie Porter, born abt. Dec 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jammie Marie Porter:

Medical Information: twin to Donna Marie; born at Troy Comm. Hosp.

1612. Ruth Ellen13 Porter (Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Aug 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Ruth Ellen Porter is:

3255 i. Lisa Ann14 Porter, born 11 Sep 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Lisa Ann Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

1614. Edward Carlyle13 Moore (Canarissa Rebecca12 Porter, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1936 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Jane Case.

Children of Edward Moore and Jane Case are:

3256 i. Scott Edward14 Moore.

3257 ii. Sandra Moore.

1615. Joyce Ann13 Moore (Canarissa Rebecca12 Porter, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jul 1939. She married Wendell Arwood Parrish 08 Apr 1961 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Elmer Parrish and Alice Battin. He was born 19 Aug 1940 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Joyce Ann Moore:

Medical Information: twin to Janet

Children of Joyce Moore and Wendell Parrish are:

3258 i. Deborah Ann14 Parrish, born 26 Jan 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married David Shawn Farrell.

3259 ii. Kevin Arwood Parrish, born 14 Aug 1968 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3260 iii. Susan Raye Parrish, born 11 Jun 1973 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.



1617. Jack Loryaine13 Moore (Canarissa Rebecca12 Porter, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1945. He married Lona Diane Parrish 23 Apr 1964 in Frederick, Frederick Co., MD, daughter of Elmer Parrish and Alice Battin. She was born 13 Aug 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Jack Moore and Lona Parrish are:

3261 i. Rebecca Lorraine14 Moore, born 28 Nov 1964 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3262 ii. Angela Lynn Moore, born 25 Aug 1967 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3263 iii. Jack Loryaine Moore, Jr., born 02 Dec 1970 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3264 iv. Stacey Canarrissa Moore, born 14 Jan 1977 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1619. Glecia Irene13 Porter (Gleason Norman12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jul 1937 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Harold Eugene Castle 19 Jun 1954 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Benjamin Castle and Leola Edkin. He was born 03 Aug 1936 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Glecia Porter and Harold Castle are:

3265 i. Dale Eugene14 Castle, born abt. Oct 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married JoAnn Elaine Ross; born 15 Apr 1957.


More About Dale Eugene Castle:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


+ 3266 ii. Norman Clyde Castle, born 12 Dec 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3267 iii. Randy Lee Castle, born 23 Aug 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3268 iv. Duane Bradley Castle, born 01 Jun 1960 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3269 v. LuAnn Kay Castle, born 30 Apr 1962 in Pottstown, Montgomery Co., PA.

3270 vi. Craig Alan Castle, born 19 Dec 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Craig Alan Castle:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


+ 3271 vii. Timmie Carl Castle, born 29 Mar 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1621. George Eugene13 Griffith (Margaretta Rosalie12 Porter, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1940 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Linda Norton 23 Sep 1961 in Millview, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Norton and Grace Molyneux. She was born 1943 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About George Eugene Griffith:

Residence: Bet. Aug 1990 - 2000, Monroeton, Towanda Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of George Griffith and Linda Norton are:

3272 i. Lee Eugene14 Griffith, born 06 Oct 1962 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married ______ McCormack.

3273 ii. Dale Glen Griffith, born 10 Feb 1964 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married ______ Cusack.

3274 iii. David Lynn Griffith, born 05 Jul 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Gina ______. He married (2) Lori ______.


More About David Lynn Griffith:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


3275 iv. Dawn Renee Griffith, born 19 Feb 1971 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married ______ Lamphere.

1622. Urben Glen13 Griffith (Margaretta Rosalie12 Porter, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 May 1944 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Dorothy Griffiths 12 May 1963 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of ______ Griffiths and Dorothy ______.


More About Urben Glen Griffith:

Residence 1: Bef. Jul 1981, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Aug 1990, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Urben Griffith and Dorothy Griffiths are:

3276 i. Rebecca Ann14 Griffith, born 09 Apr 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Rebecca Ann Griffith:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


3277 ii. Barbara Lynn Griffith, born 23 Nov 1967 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Barbara Lynn Griffith:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

1623. Eugene Cleveland13 Porter (Wilburn Eugene12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Priscilla Metzger 23 Dec 1961, daughter of Walter Metzger and Shirley Castle. She was born 02 Aug 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 27 Mar 1993 in Mt. Juliet, Wilson Co., TN.


More About Eugene Cleveland Porter:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Priscilla Metzger:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Mar 1993 ed.:

PORTER, Mrs. Priscilla Metzger, age 49 of 704 Watson Court, Mt. Juliet, TN, Saturday, March 27, 1993 at home. Mrs. Porter was born on August 2, 1943 in Canton, Bradford County, PA, the daughter of Walter and Shirley Castle Metzger. She was a 1961 graduate of Canton High School. Priscilla was a member of the Hillcrest United Methodist Church in Nashville, TN and was a homemaker. Surviving are her husband, Gene, they celebrated 31 years of marriage on December 23, 1992; parents, Walter and Shirley Metzger of R.R. #1, Canton; three sons and daughters-in-law, Keith and Paula Porter of Carthage, TN, Michael and Amy Porter and Chris and Jean Porter, all of Nashville, TN; seven grandchildren, Jonathan, Kristy, Andrea Leigh, Heather, Justin, Katelynn and C.J.; two brothers, Albert and Lucy Metzger of R.R. #1, Canton, PA and Fred and Charlene Metzger of Rising Sun, MD; father and mother-in-law, Wilburn (Jiggs) and Norma Porter of Canton, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Visitation will be held at the Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton, PA, Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30 PM. Funeral Services will be conducted at the Funeral Home, Tuesday at 2:30 PM with Rev. Jeffrey Patton, Pastor of the East Canton United Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in the Beech Flats Cemetery, Canton Township. Memorial Donations may be directed to the American Cancer Society, 413 S. Main St., Athens, PA 18810, in Priscilla's memory.


More About Priscilla Metzger:

Name 2: Porter, Priscilla

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Mar 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 187-34-5520 (PA)

Children of Eugene Porter and Priscilla Metzger are:

+ 3278 i. Keith Eugene14 Porter, born 02 Sep 1963 in Fort Dix, Burlington Co., NJ.

+ 3279 ii. Michael W. Porter, born 14 Jan 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 3280 iii. Christopher J. Porter, born 11 Jun 1966 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1625. Judith Ann13 Porter (Wilburn Eugene12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jan 1949 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Ralph Francis Lepper in Chicago, Cook Co., IL, son of Wilbur Lepper and Catherine Pepper. He was born 25 Jun 1947.

Children of Judith Porter and Ralph Lepper are:

3281 i. Amy Lynn14 Lepper, born 15 Aug 1969 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3282 ii. Shawn Michael Lepper, born 02 May 1972 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Shawn Michael Lepper:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 1 May 1990 ed.:

Shawn Lepper, a senior at Canton High School, was on the First Honor Roll during the 4th nine-week marking period.

1626. Pamela Kay13 Porter (Wilburn Eugene12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Dec 1951 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married John Joseph O'Brien, Jr. abt. 1971, son of John Joseph O'Brien.

Children of Pamela Porter and John O'Brien are:

3283 i. John Joseph14 O'Brien I, born 06 Jan 1972 in Homestead, Miami-Dade Co., FL.

3284 ii. Trevor Michael O'Brien, born 17 Jul 1974 in Homestead, Miami-Dade Co., FL.

1628. Laurence Robert13 Porter (Emmett Otis12, Charles Otis11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Aug 1945 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. He married (1) Sharon Sue Kilberry abt. 1966 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. She was born 19 Jul 1949. He married (2) Sindi-Ann Louise Tanner abt. 1979, daughter of Kenneth Tanner and Ruth Curtis. She was born 15 Oct 1955 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

Children of Laurence Porter and Sharon Kilberry are:

3285 i. Sharon Margaret14 Porter, born 07 Jul 1967 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

3286 ii. Eugene Robert Porter, born 22 Oct 1968 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

3287 iii. Richard Emmett Porter, born 24 May 1971 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

Children of Laurence Porter and Sindi-Ann Tanner are:

3288 i. Rebecca Sue14 Porter, born 24 Apr 1981 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

3289 ii. Victoria Ruth Porter, born 25 Aug 1983 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

1629. Arlene Mary13 Porter (Emmett Otis12, Charles Otis11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jan 1947 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. She married (1) Raymond Romaine Grant abt. 1963 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY. She married (2) Courydon Stanley Miller abt. 1974 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About Raymond Romaine Grant:

Burial: Rural Cem., Fleming, Cayuga Co., NY

Children of Arlene Porter and Raymond Grant are:

3290 i. Raymond Romaine14 Grant, Jr., born 24 Dec 1965 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

3291 ii. Arlene Mary Grant, born 19 Dec 1966 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

3292 iii. John Frederick Grant, born 16 Jul 1967 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About John Frederick Grant:

Medical Information: twin to Robert Francis


3293 iv. Robert Francis Grant, born 16 Jul 1967 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.


More About Robert Francis Grant:

Medical Information: twin to John Frederick


3294 v. Willis Henry Grant, born 21 Jun 1970 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

Child of Arlene Porter and Courydon Miller is:

3295 i. Courydon Emmett14 Miller, born 01 Jul 1975 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

1632. Charles Eugene13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Nov 1916 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 23 May 1967 in Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA. He married (1) Hattie Armstrong 03 Jun 1939. He married (2) Beatrice Rinehart 21 Jun 1952.


More About Charles Eugene Newell:

Burial: 26 May 1967, Carlisle Cem., Cumberland Co., PA

Residence: Bef. May 1967, Last residence: Shippensburg, PA 17257

Social Security Number: 203-10-1799 (PA)

Children of Charles Newell and Hattie Armstrong are:

3296 i. Charlotte Louse14 Newell, born 05 Jan 1951.

3297 ii. Charles Eugene Newell, Jr., born 03 Mar 1952.


Child of Charles Newell and Beatrice Rinehart is:

3298 i. David Ray14 Newell, born 11 Mar 1954.

1633. Stella Irene13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1918 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 01 Aug 2002 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Kenneth LeRoy Farner 31 Oct 1934 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of Daniel Farner and Nora Kohler. He was born 10 Aug 1916 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 09 Feb 1990.


More About Stella Irene Newell:

Name 2: Farner, Stella I.

Social Security Number: 204-03-0438 (PA)


More About Kenneth LeRoy Farner:

Residence: 1930, Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA

Social Security Number: 203-10-3180 (PA)

Children of Stella Newell and Kenneth Farner are:

+ 3299 i. Maxine Grace14 Farner, born 12 Mar 1935 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3300 ii. June Marie Farner, born 24 May 1936 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3301 iii. Robert Jay Farner, born 11 Sep 1937 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

3302 iv. Glen LeRoy Farner, born 18 Oct 1939 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA; died 12 Nov 1939 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.


More About Glen LeRoy Farner:

Burial: Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA


+ 3303 v. Ronald Lee Farner, born 23 Jan 1951 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

1634. Harry John13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1920 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 20 Dec 1986 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Florence Louise Fortney 20 Aug 1940 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, daughter of Reynold Fortney and Margaret Bomberger. She was born 24 Dec 1924 in Canton, Stark Co., OH.


More About Harry John Newell:

Burial: 23 Dec 1986, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

Residence: Bef. Dec 1986, Last residence: Chambersburg, PA 17201

Social Security Number: 183-12-4838 (PA)

Children of Harry Newell and Florence Fortney are:

+ 3304 i. Margaret Louise14 Newell, born 22 Mar 1941 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3305 ii. Harry Robert Newell, born 29 Jun 1942 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; died Mar 1943 in Chambersburg, PA.


More About Harry Robert Newell:

Burial: Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA


+ 3306 iii. Donald Lee Newell, born 25 Jul 1943 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3307 iv. Judith Norene Newell, born 04 Aug 1944 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3308 v. Patricia Ann Newell, born 10 Jul 1945 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3309 vi. David Lee Newell, born 24 Aug 1947 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3310 vii. William Dale Newell, born 03 Sep 1948 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3311 viii. Ronald Eugene Newell, born 03 Mar 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

1635. Robert Kenneth13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Sep 1922 in Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA, and died 21 Sep 1996 in Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA. He married Margaret Elizabeth Doyle 13 Feb 1946 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD, daughter of Anna M Doyle. She was born 15 Sep 1925 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Robert Kenneth Newell:

Residence: Bef. Sep 1996, Last residence: Shippensburg, PA 17257

Social Security Number: 193-12-8796 (PA)


More About Margaret Elizabeth Doyle:

Residence: 1930, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Children of Robert Newell and Margaret Doyle are:

+ 3312 i. Robert Kenneth14 Newell, Jr., born 06 Nov 1946 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA.

3313 ii. Ronald Eugene Newell, born 06 Nov 1948 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA; died 07 Jul 1969 in Binh Thuan, South Vietnam.


Notes for Ronald Eugene Newell:


NAME: Ronald Eugene Newel; BIRTH DATE: 6 Nov 1948; DEATH DATE: 7 Jul 1969; GENDER: Male; AGE: 20; RACE: Caucasian; HOME CITY: Shippensburg; HOME STATE: Pennsylvania; RELIGION: Presbyterian; MARITAL STATUS: Single (Spouse not listed); CITIZEN STATUS: U. S.; DEATH DATE: 7 Jul 1969; PROCESSED DATE: Aug 1969; CASUALTY COUNTRY: Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam); CASUALTY TYPE: Hostile - Killed; CASUALTY REASON: Burns; CASUALTY AIR: Ground Casualty; BODY STATUS: Body Recovered; SERVICE BRANCH: Department of the Army; COMPONENT: Selective Service; TOUR START DATE: 7 Nov 1968; COMPANY: HHT; REGIMENT: 1st Cav.; BATTALION: 2nd Sqd; MILITARY GRADE: Sergeant; PAY GRADE: Specialist Fourth Class (U.S. Army); PROVINCE: Military Region 2 - Binh Thuan; LENGTH OF SERVICE: 01; SERVICE OCCUPATION: Armor Intelligence Specialist (ARMY); DATA SOURCES: Combat Area Casualties Current File; Coffelt Database


More About Ronald Eugene Newell:

Burial: abt. 15 Jul 1969, Cleversburg, Cumberland Co., PA


+ 3314 iii. Barbara Jean Newell, born 10 Apr 1950 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3315 iv. John Alonza Newell, born 03 Nov 1951 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Cynthia Dila 06 Jun 1976 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3316 v. Anna Mary Newell, born 13 Jul 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3317 vi. Roger Lee Newell, born 24 Aug 1955 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3318 vii. Sandra Kay Newell, born 29 Apr 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3319 viii. Christine May Newell, born 31 May 1958 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3320 ix. Audrea Elizabeth Newell, born 15 Feb 1960 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3321 x. Valerie Louise Newell, born 08 May 1963 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3322 xi. Brian Ray Newell, born 09 Nov 1964 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3323 xii. Betty Jane Newell, born 08 Aug 1967 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

1636. Grace Marie13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 May 1924 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) Norman E. Reed 1940. He was born 07 May 1922, and died 18 Feb 1997 in Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA. She married (2) William Wilson abt. 1946.


More About Norman E. Reed:

Residence: Feb 1997, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 183-12-2221 (PA)

Child of Grace Newell and Norman Reed is:

3324 i. Bonnie Lee14 Reed, born 29 Apr 1941 in Shippensburg, PA; died 24 May 1941 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Bonnie Lee Reed:

Burial: Spring Hill Cem., Shippensburg, PA

1637. Mildred Louise13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Aug 1926. She married John Nelson Myers 15 Sep 1945. He was born abt. 1923.

Children of Mildred Newell and John Myers are:

3325 i. David John14 Myers, born 24 Apr 1946.

3326 ii. Boyd Charles Myers, born 14 Aug 1947.

3327 iii. Jerry Lee Myers, born 19 May 1952.

1638. Richard LeRoy13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1928. He married Marian Etta Greenwalt 12 Apr 1947. She was born 24 Feb 1929.

Children of Richard Newell and Marian Greenwalt are:

3328 i. Mary Ellen14 Newell, born 20 Jan 1948.

3329 ii. Karen Louise Newell, born 27 Jan 1950.

3330 iii. Frank Charles Newell, born 24 Oct 1952.

3331 iv. Roger Lee Newell, born 08 Jan 1956.

1640. Beatrice Arlene13 Newell (Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Apr 1937. She married Frederick Kane.

Children of Beatrice Newell and Frederick Kane are:

3332 i. Frederick14 Kane, Jr..

3333 ii. Joy Kane.

3334 iii. Pamela Kane.

3335 iv. ______ Kane.

1642. Carl Frank13 Flory (Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1917 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died 03 Feb 1992. He married Vesta Alice Breechbiel 08 Jun 1940 in Winchester, Frederick Co., VA, daughter of David Breechbiel and Effie Walck. She was born 09 Oct 1920 in Greencastle, Athens Twp., Franklin Co., PA, and died Sep 1995 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Carl Frank Flory:

Residence: Bef. Feb 1992, Last residence: Waynesboro, PA 17268

Social Security Number: 177-16-0155 (PA)


Notes for Vesta Alice Breechbiel:

During a telephone conversation with Vesta in Jun 1988, she stated that Helen and James were raising their families near Mt. Airy, NC and that Helen's husband, Richard E. Hancock and Carl, Jr.'s father-in-law were both from Scotland. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Vesta Alice Breechbiel:

Name 2: Flory, Vesta

Residence: Bef. Sep 1995, Last residence: Waynesboro, PA 17268

Social Security Number: 182-40-7444 (PA)


Children of Carl Flory and Vesta Breechbiel are:

+ 3336 i. Carl Frank14 Flory, Jr., born 16 May 1941 in Marion, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3337 ii. Helen Vesta Flory, born 02 Aug 1942 in Marion, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3338 iii. Dorothy Louise Flory, born 26 Jul 1945 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3339 iv. Edna Marie Flory, born 19 Oct 1947.

+ 3340 v. James Isiah Flory, born 14 Mar 1952.

+ 3341 vi. Ruth Elizabeth Flory, born 11 Oct 1953.

+ 3342 vii. John Eugene Flory, born 22 Jun 1956.

1643. Beulah Clara13 Flory (Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1919 in Brookside, Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) James Wilbur Patterson 25 Apr 1936 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of Merle Patterson and Anna Zeigler. He was born 08 Mar 1916 in Edgewood, Allegheny Co., PA, and died Sep 1980. She married (2) Chester D. Evans 16 Apr 1949 in Winchester, Randolph Co., IN.


More About James Wilbur Patterson:

Residence: Bef. Sep 1980, Last residence: Hagarstown, MD 21740

Social Security Number: 175-03-4094 (PA)

Child of Beulah Flory and James Patterson is:

+ 3343 i. Robert Eugene14 Patterson, born 20 Aug 1937 in Gettysburg, Adams Co., PA.

1645. Charles Irvin13 Flory (Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1922. He married Ida Mae Breechbiel 08 Nov 1946, daughter of ______ Breechbiel. She was born 10 Feb 1930, and died 14 Aug 1999.


More About Ida Mae Breechbiel:

Name 2: Flory, Ida

Residence: Bef. Aug 1999, Last residence: Marion, PA 17235

Social Security Number: 168-26-4899 (PA)

Children of Charles Flory and Ida Breechbiel are:

3344 i. Betty Mae14 Flory, born 21 Feb 1947.

3345 ii. Robert Eugene Flory, born 07 Aug 1950.

3346 iii. Tom Flory, born abt. 1953.

1647. Elsie Virginia13 Shores (Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Dec 1935. She married Thomas P. Lindquist 07 Dec 1954.

Child of Elsie Shores and Thomas Lindquist is:

3347 i. Jeanne Kay14 Lindquist, born 21 May 1955.

1648. Martha Marie13 Shores (Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1937. She married Michael A. Helman 04 Oct 1952. He was born 18 May 1936.

Child of Martha Shores and Michael Helman is:

3348 i. Debbra Lynn14 Helman, born 23 Jun 1954.

1649. Edward Franklin13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1917, and died 10 Apr 1995. He married Jane Louise Brookens 16 Sep 1935. She was born 16 Apr 1920.


More About Edward Franklin Flory:

Residence: Bef. Apr 1995, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 203-10-3079 (PA)

Children of Edward Flory and Jane Brookens are:

3349 i. James Franklin14 Flory, born 08 Jan 1936; died 10 Aug 1997. He married Barbara LaMarr Bowser 20 Apr 1954.


More About James Franklin Flory:

Social Security Number: 171-28-3234 (PA)


3350 ii. Pamela Flory, born abt. Sep 1937.

+ 3351 iii. Wanda Jean Flory, born 10 Mar 1939.

3352 iv. Dennis Edward Flory, born 24 Oct 1946.

1651. Mary Estella13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1921, and died Aug 1981. She married Robert Benjamin Mitchell 25 Jun 1938. He was born 03 Nov 1915, and died 06 Jun 1992.


More About Mary Estella Flory:

Name 2: Mitchell, Mary

Residence: Bef. Aug 1981, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 204-01-9192 (PA)


More About Robert Benjamin Mitchell:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1992, Last residence: Fayetteville, PA 17222

Social Security Number: 199-07-4034 (PA)

Children of Mary Flory and Robert Mitchell are:

3353 i. Nancy Romaine14 Mitchell, born 29 Aug 1940.

3354 ii. Janet Louise Mitchell, born 04 Nov 1944.

1652. Gladys May13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Sep 1923 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA. She married Edgar Jay Stoner 07 Feb 1948 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of ______ Stoner and Florence ______. He was born 18 Oct 1920 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Gladys Flory and Edgar Stoner are:

+ 3355 i. Diane Kay14 Stoner, born 27 Jun 1948 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3356 ii. William Edgar Stoner, born 28 Aug 1949 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3357 iii. Samuel LeRoy Stoner, born 09 Jan 1951 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3358 iv. James Albert Stoner, born 26 Apr 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3359 v. Shirley Jean Stoner, born 06 Oct 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3360 vi. Betty Ann Stoner, born 17 Jun 1955 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3361 vii. John Allen Stoner, born 07 Jan 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3362 viii. Janet Louise Stoner, born 04 Sep 1958 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3363 ix. Wayne Richard Stoner, born 07 Mar 1960 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married (1) Tammy Smith. He married (2) Marianne Madrid in Manhattan, Riley Co., KS.

+ 3364 x. Elaine Faye Stoner, born 14 Dec 1961 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3365 xi. Carolyn Sue Stoner, born 13 May 1965 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3366 xii. Charles David Stoner, born 13 May 1965 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

1653. Ernest LeRoy13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jul 1926. He married (1) Grace Geraldine Mitchell 08 Aug 1945. She was born 27 Aug 1926. He married (2) Phyllis ______ abt. 1953.

Child of Ernest Flory and Grace Mitchell is:

+ 3367 i. Dennis Guy14 Flory, born 18 Jun 1946.

Children of Ernest Flory and Phyllis ______ are:

3368 i. Randy14 Flory.

3369 ii. Vicky Flory.

3370 iii. Stacey Flory.

1654. Beatrice Amelia13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1928 in Fayetteville, Franklin Co., PA. She married Wayne LeRoy Bowman 03 Apr 1948 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of Joseph Bowman and Rachel Holden. He was born 26 Feb 1926 in Letterkenny Twp., Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Beatrice Flory and Wayne Bowman are:

+ 3371 i. Ronald Wayne14 Bowman, born 26 Jul 1949 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3372 ii. Barbara Ann Bowman, born 21 Sep 1951 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Stuart Edwards.

3373 iii. Fay Uvonne Bowman, born 20 May 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Michael Friel.

+ 3374 iv. Kathy Jean Bowman, born 23 Sep 1956 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3375 v. Shari Lea Bowman, born 19 Aug 1963 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Daniel Strait.

1655. Grace Pauline13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 May 1930 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Robert Jacob Bowman 16 Apr 1949 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of Joseph Bowman and Rachel Holden. He was born 28 Nov 1927 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Grace Pauline Flory:

Occupation: Laundress and housekeeper - Chambersburg nursing home


More About Robert Jacob Bowman:

Occupation: Lumberyard

Children of Grace Flory and Robert Bowman are:

+ 3376 i. Linda Kay14 Bowman, born 06 Nov 1949 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3377 ii. Donald Eugene Bowman, born 07 Jun 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3378 iii. Robert Lee Bowman, born 04 Jul 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3379 iv. Ricky Lee Bowman, born 22 Oct 1956 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3380 v. Carol Ann Bowman, born 16 Feb 1960 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

1656. Doris Caroline13 Flory (Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1932 in Franklin Co., PA. She married Jay Ralph Bard 19 May 1951 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD, son of Walter Bard and Helen Perry. He was born 29 Jul 1928 in Langhorne, Bucks Co., PA, and died 15 Jan 1991.


More About Jay Ralph Bard:

Name 2: Bard, J.

Burial: 19 Jan 1991, Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 1991, Last residence: Chambersburg, PA 17201

Social Security Number: 162-22-2052 (PA)

Children of Doris Flory and Jay Bard are:

+ 3381 i. Donald Lee14 Bard, born 24 Feb 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3382 ii. Tommy Ray Bard, born 12 Jun 1954 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; died 12 Jun 1954 in Chambersburg, PA.


More About Tommy Ray Bard:

Burial: Mt. Pleasant United Brethren Cem., Chambersburg, PA

+ 3383 iii. Susan Kay Bard, born 30 Apr 1955 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3384 iv. Jay Carl Bard, born 11 Mar 1961.

+ 3385 v. Betty Lou Bard, born 05 Feb 1962.

+ 3386 vi. Robin Rae Bard, born 24 Feb 1963 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

1659. Patricia Ann13 Newell (Robert Eugene12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Nov 1934. She married Richard Smith. He was born abt. 1931.

Children of Patricia Newell and Richard Smith are:

3387 i. Mary14 Smith.

3388 ii. ______ Smith.

3389 iii. ______ Smith.

1660. Donald Irvin13 Vanderau (Beatrice Amelia12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Mar 1929 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Mary Jane Stover 19 Dec 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, daughter of LeRoy Stover and Thelma Frey. She was born 01 Jun 1932 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


Notes for Donald Irvin Vanderau:

I telephoned Donald & Mary at their home in Friendswood, TX in July 1988. The couple were very friendly to speak with and cooperated in furnishing their family's information. The following was learned about their children: Donald was living in Virginia, had been in the Navy for 4 years, now in the Air Force; William was a restaurant maintenance man; Regina was an EEO officer at the Letterkenny Depot; Vickie worked in a mentally handicapped adult day care center; Julie worked at a shoe company in Greencastle, PA; Tommy lived in Atlanta, GA and was in construction; Shane was going to an electrical training school and Susan was a housewife, expecting her third child in Oct. 1988. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Donald Irvin Vanderau:

Residence 1: 1930, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Residence 2: 2000, Friendswood, TX

Children of Donald Vanderau and Mary Stover are:

+ 3390 i. Donald Allen14 Vanderau, born 22 Sep 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3391 ii. William Bryan Vanderau, born 12 Sep 1954 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About William Bryan Vanderau:

Medical Information: twin to Regina Diane


3392 iii. Regina Diane Vanderau, born 12 Sep 1954 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Terence Taylor.


More About Regina Diane Vanderau:

Medical Information: twin to William Bryan


+ 3393 iv. Vickie Lynn Vanderau, born 09 May 1956 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3394 v. Julie Ann Vanderau, born 13 Jul 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3395 vi. Tommy Lee Vanderau, born 09 Nov 1961 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 3396 vii. Susan Kay Vanderau, born 18 Oct 1964 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3397 viii. Shane Jay Vanderau, born 18 Oct 1964 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Shane Jay Vanderau:

Medical Information: twin to Susan Kay

1661. Ida May13 Starr (Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Oct 1933 in Franklin Co., PA. She married James Warren Gochenaur 17 Dec 1955. He was born 04 Dec 1927.


More About Ida May Starr:

Education: Nursing - Lancaster General Hospital

Occupation: School nurse - Guilford Schoo Dist., Franklin Co., PA


More About James Warren Gochenaur:

Military service: U.S. Marine Corps

Occupation: Accountant - Letterkenny Army Depot

Children of Ida Starr and James Gochenaur are:

3398 i. Dwight Warren14 Gochenaur, born 14 Feb 1958. He married Rita ______.

3399 ii. David James Gochenaur, born 27 Jan 1959. He married Judy ______ abt. 1977.

1662. Alta Helen13 Starr (Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Dec 1936 in Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) John William Strayer abt. 1957. He was born 19 Jul 1935, and died 24 Mar 1970 in Washington, DC. She married (2) Richard Holden 23 Oct 1982 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About John William Strayer:

Burial: 28 Mar 1970, Sipes Grove Cem., Franklin Co., PA

Cause of Death: kidney disease

Military service: U.S. Marine Corps

Social Security Number: 172-24-8250 (PA)

Children of Alta Starr and John Strayer are:

+ 3400 i. Deborah Sue14 Strayer, born 30 Dec 1958.

+ 3401 ii. John William Strayer, Jr., born 30 Aug 1963.

3402 iii. Preston LeRoy Strayer, born 09 Oct 1965.

1663. Patsy Ann13 Starr (Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1942 in Franklin Co., PA. She married Bruce Cleon Kauffman 18 Jun 1960 in Mont Alto, Franklin Co., PA. He was born 27 Mar 1935 in Franklin Co., PA.


More About Bruce Cleon Kauffman:

Military service: U.S. Air Force - Retired 20 yrs. as an electrical technician

Children of Patsy Starr and Bruce Kauffman are:

3403 i. Patricia Lynn14 Kauffman, born 02 Jan 1961. She married Byron Hinton abt. 1986.


More About Patricia Lynn Kauffman:

Military service: Jul 1988, U.S. Air Force - Nursing; Captain; served 3 year tour in the Phillipines


More About Byron Hinton:

Military service: Jul 1988, U.S. Air Force - Maintenance; Major; served 3 year tour in the Phillipines


+ 3404 ii. Bruce Donald Kauffman, born 30 Apr 1962.

1664. Mary Geneva13 Starr (Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1946 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA. She married Francis George Werner 12 Dec 1966. He was born 04 Oct 1938.

Children of Mary Starr and Francis Werner are:

3405 i. Tina Geneva14 Werner, born 20 Feb 1968.

3406 ii. Sheldon Scott Werner, born 11 Nov 1969.

3407 iii. Elizabeth Mae Werner, born 01 Jan 1979 in Franklin Co., PA; died 08 Nov 1979 in Hershey, Dauphin Co., PA.


More About Elizabeth Mae Werner:

Burial: Lancaster Co., PA

Cause of Death: jaundice; born with no tubes between gall bladder and liver; died at Hershey Medical Center


3408 iv. Benjamin George Werner, born 05 May 1984.

3409 v. Leda Maire Werner, born 01 Dec 1985.

1665. Betty Jo13 Starr (Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1951 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA. She married Clarence Stambaugh Sipe, Jr. 01 Jan 1972 in Middletown, Dauphin Co., PA, son of Clarence Stambaugh Sipe. He was born 02 Sep 1935.

Children of Betty Starr and Clarence Sipe are:

3410 i. Paul W.14 Sipe, born 27 Jun 1975.

3411 ii. Jennifer Jo Sipe, born 06 Jul 1976.

3412 iii. Nicole Lynn Sipe, born 18 Nov 1978.

1666. Joyce Marie13 Starr (Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1953 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA. She married William Wallace Melliott, Jr. 15 Sep 1973 in New Guilford, Franklin Co., PA, son of William Wallace Melliott. He was born 13 Sep 1953.

Children of Joyce Starr and William Melliott are:

3413 i. Jill Lynn14 Melliott, born 16 May 1978.

3414 ii. Joy Lee Melilott, born 09 Jul 1986.

1672. Leland Eugene13 Hollis (Leland Paul12, Amelia H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1928 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married Verdaleo Tru.


Children of Leland Hollis and Verdaleo Tru are:

3415 i. Leland Norman14 Hollis, born 24 Aug 1950.

3416 ii. Alvin Earl Hollis, born 18 Jun 1952.

3417 iii. Leeanna Hollis, born 18 Mar 1955.

1674. Harold Wesley13 Smith (Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 May 1920 in Lakeland, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Eloise Kieffer 03 Oct 1941, daughter of Walter Kieffer and Florence Seymour. She was born abt. 1924.

Children of Harold Smith and Eloise Kieffer are:

+ 3418 i. William Orlo14 Smith.

+ 3419 ii. Walter Smith.

+ 3420 iii. Warren Lee Smith.

1675. Lucy Genevive13 Smith (Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Apr 1926 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Howard Thompson 10 Jul 1942 in Ralston, Lycoming Co., PA. He was born abt. 1925.

Children of Lucy Smith and Howard Thompson are:

3421 i. Betty Lou14 Thompson, born 10 Aug 1943; died 10 Aug 1943.


More About Betty Lou Thompson:

Burial: Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA


+ 3422 ii. Genevive Clara Thompson, born 29 Aug 1946.

+ 3423 iii. Charlotte Marie Thompson, born 16 Jul 1948.

1676. Howard Frederick13 Smith (Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Apr 1930 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Deloris Terry abt. 1945. He married (2) Margaret ______ abt. 1967. He married (3) Dorothy Simpson 1981.

Children of Howard Smith and Deloris Terry are:

3424 i. ______14 Smith, born abt. 1949.

3425 ii. ______ Smith, born abt. 1952.

3426 iii. ______ Smith, born abt. 1954.

1677. Gary LaVerne13 Brown (Walter Allen12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1927 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Judy Carol Passari 27 Jul 1968 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Eugene Passari and Nancy Bailey. She was born 06 Jan 1951 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Gary Brown and Judy Passari are:

3427 i. Melissa Renee14 Brown, born 04 Jun 1971 in Williamsport, PA; died 04 Jun 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Melissa Renee Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Marsha Kay


3428 ii. Marsha Kay Brown, born 04 Jun 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 04 Jun 1971 in Williamsport, PA.


More About Marsha Kay Brown:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: twin to Melissa Renee


3429 iii. Owanda Marie Brown, born 16 Jun 1972 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3430 iv. Laurie Ann Brown, born 12 Feb 1977 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3431 v. Gary Eugene Brown, born 03 May 1980 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1678. Arnold13 Brown (Walter Allen12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 May 1933 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Patricia Crist. He married (2) Lucy Ruth Rulty abt. 1956.

Children of Arnold Brown and Lucy Rulty are:

3432 i. Lyle14 Brown.

3433 ii. Tony Brown.

3434 iii. Wynetta Brown.

3435 iv. Denise Brown.

3436 v. Rocky Lee Brown, born 04 Jun 1967. He married Donna Marie Gardner 13 Jun 1987 in Sullivan Co., PA; born 08 Nov 1968.

3437 vi. Denise Brown.

1679. Yolanda Eleanor13 Brown (Walter Allen12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 May 1936 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Edward Joseph Coyle 20 Jun 1953 in Trout Run, Lycoming Co., PA, son of John Coyle and Rachelle ______. He was born 08 May 1930. She married (2) Charles Lewellyn Mosher 30 Dec 1965, son of ______ Mosher and Esther Hall.

Children of Yolanda Brown and Edward Coyle are:

3438 i. Johanne Marie14 Coyle, born 18 Mar 1954; died 25 Mar 1954.


More About Johanne Marie Coyle:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


+ 3439 ii. Joseph Edward Coyle, born 18 Mar 1954.

+ 3440 iii. Thomas Lee Coyle, born 25 Aug 1956.

1680. Roy Elwin13 Brown (Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Apr 1937 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Beverly Baker abt. 1959. She was born abt. 1940. He married (2) Trudy ______ abt. 1969.

Children of Roy Brown and Beverly Baker are:

3441 i. Michael Francis14 Brown, born 01 Sep 1961.

3442 ii. Joseph Brown, born abt. 1963.

3443 iii. Francis Brown, born abt. 1966.

Child of Roy Brown and Trudy ______ is:

3444 i. Krystal14 Brown, born abt. 1970.

1681. Neil Dean13 Brown (Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Dec 1938 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Judy Spencer abt. 1957. He married (2) Emma Louise Bernardo 31 May 1969 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Michael Bernardo and Irene Burnside. She was born 11 Oct 1946 in Ridley Park, Delaware Co., PA.

Children of Neil Brown and Judy Spencer are:

+ 3445 i. Debra Ann14 Brown, born abt. 1959.

3446 ii. Timothy Neil Brown, born 12 Dec 1960. He married Christina Barrett.

3447 iii. Susan Marie Brown, born abt. 1964.

Children of Neil Brown and Emma Bernardo are:

3448 i. Darlene Irene14 Brown, born 12 Dec 1969 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3449 ii. Jenny Lynn Brown, born 30 Jul 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jenny Lynn Brown:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

1682. Glen13 Brown (Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Mar 1941.

Children of Glen Brown are:

3450 i. Christopher14 Brown.

3451 ii. ______ Brown.

3452 iii. ______ Brown.

1683. Harriett Ann13 Brown (Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1943. She married Claude Donald Glidewell 22 May 1964 in Wysox, Bradford Co., PA, son of Donald Glidewell and Florence Chase. He was born 17 May 1943 in Unityville, Jordan Twp., Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Harriett Brown and Claude Glidewell are:

+ 3453 i. Tod Lynn14 Glidewell, born 08 Apr 1965.

+ 3454 ii. Thomas Claude Glidewell, born 28 Jun 1966.

3455 iii. Bryan Lee Glidewell, born 10 Nov 1966.

3456 iv. Claude Donald Glidewell, Jr., born 06 Apr 1972.

1685. Freda Elane13 Brown (Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1935. She married Clyde Rohrer 01 Aug 1952.

Children of Freda Brown and Clyde Rohrer are:

+ 3457 i. Clyde Nicholaus14 Rohrer, born 10 Nov 1953.

+ 3458 ii. Brenda Sue Rohrer, born 14 Feb 1955.

+ 3459 iii. Sonya Dee Rohrer, born 16 Mar 1961.

+ 3460 iv. Kevin Randall Rohrer, born 07 Feb 1962.

1686. Richard Allen13 Brown (Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Apr 1940. He married Marilyn JoAnne Kilburn 01 Oct 1959, daughter of Walton Kilburn and Eleanor Fitzwater. She was born 18 May 1941 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Richard Brown and Marilyn Kilburn are:

+ 3461 i. Donald Allen14 Brown, born 21 Apr 1960.

+ 3462 ii. David Scott Brown, born 12 Aug 1961.

3463 iii. Daniel Loyd Brown, born 23 Oct 1962.

3464 iv. Daryl Richard Brown, born 18 Jun 1964.

3465 v. Denley Hoyt Brown, born 18 Jul 1966.

1688. Robert Daniel13 Brown (Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Dec 1944. He married Sarah Janice Day 22 Apr 1963, daughter of Kenneth Day and Margaret Switzer. She was born 27 Jan 1947.

Children of Robert Brown and Sarah Day are:

+ 3466 i. Shawn Leon14 Brown, born 30 Jul 1963.

+ 3467 ii. Stacey Irene Brown, born 04 Dec 1964.

3468 iii. Kevin Robert Brown, born 03 Jul 1966.

1689. Emerson Robert13 Bryan (Dorothy June12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1933 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Lula Rung abt. 1952. He married (2) Pearl Michaels abt. 1964. He married (3) Barbara McCarty abt. 1971. He married (4) Sandra Tomb abt. 1979.

Children of Emerson Bryan and Lula Rung are:

+ 3469 i. June Lenora14 Bryan, born 08 Feb 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 3470 ii. Cinthia Ann Bryan, born 12 Mar 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3471 iii. Patricia Diane Bryan, born 31 Jul 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1690. Ronald Glenn13 Bryan (Dorothy June12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Apr 1940 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Bonnie Soper abt. 1960.


Children of Ronald Bryan and Bonnie Soper are:

3472 i. James Eugene14 Bryan, born 18 May 1961. He married Joanne Kutz.

+ 3473 ii. Deborah Ann Bryan, born 01 Jan 1964.

1691. Gerald Royce13 Brown (Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1936 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Shirley Tearbury.

Children of Gerald Brown and Shirley Tearbury are:

+ 3474 i. Dondi14 Brown.

+ 3475 ii. Duane Brown.

3476 iii. Bradley Brown. He married Robyn ______.

+ 3477 iv. Roger Brown.

3478 v. Terry Brown.

1692. Eugene Elwood13 Brown (Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 May 1938. He married (1) Mary Anderson abt 1957. He married (2) Lorraine ______ abt. 1962. He married (3) Mary ______ abt 1968.

Child of Eugene Brown and Mary Anderson is:

+ 3479 i. Sherry14 Brown.

1693. Janice Marie13 Brown (Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1941 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) James Anderson. He was born 08 Apr 1940, and died 1968. She married (2) Donald Jerry Kellogg.


More About James Anderson:

Burial: Windfall Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Janice Brown and James Anderson are:

+ 3480 i. Cindy14 Anderson.

+ 3481 ii. Timothy Anderson.

+ 3482 iii. Diane Anderson.

+ 3483 iv. Penny Anderson.

Child of Janice Brown and Donald Kellogg is:

3484 i. James14 Kellogg.

1696. Mary Ellen13 Preston (Ida M.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Dec 1960 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Ray Gordenor 04 Jul 1981 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Henry Gordenor and Dorothy ______. He was born 24 Feb 1950.

Child of Mary Preston and Ray Gordenor is:

3485 i. Ashley Danielle14 Gordenor, born 02 Oct 1987 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1697. Charles Allan13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mary Lynn Cepp 05 May 1966 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Leonard Cepp and Mary ______. She was born 25 Jun 1940 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Charles Gruver and Mary Cepp are:

3486 i. Anita Lynne14 Gruver, born 24 Jun 1968.


More About Anita Lynne Gruver:

Education: Bet. 1986 - 1988, Bloomsburg College, PA


3487 ii. Jenny Chris Gruver, born 30 Aug 1969.


More About Jenny Chris Gruver:

Education: Sep 1988, Lock Haven State College, PA


3488 iii. Sheila Marie Gruver, born 20 Feb 1973.

3489 iv. Charles Leonard Gruver, born 06 Dec 1974.

1698. Ida Elizabeth13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jun 1944 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Robert Gleckner 29 Dec 1966 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Ida Gruver and Robert Gleckner are:

3490 i. Lyle14 Gleckner.

3491 ii. Wendy Marie Gleckner, born 28 Feb 1967. She married William Vermillier.

3492 iii. Gary Lee Gleckner, born 29 May 1970.


More About Gary Lee Gleckner:

Education: 1988, Penn State University

1699. Beverly Ann13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1946 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Robert Smith Mar 1968. He was born 13 Jul 1939.

Children of Beverly Gruver and Robert Smith are:

3493 i. Belinda June14 Smith, born 22 Jul 1969.

3494 ii. Barbara Ann Smith, born 07 Sep 1971.

3495 iii. Bryan Robert Smith, born 28 Mar 1977.

1700. Kenneth Duane13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1948 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Donna ______ abt. 1969. She was born abt. 1950. He married (2) Susan Slocum abt. 1978.

Children of Kenneth Gruver and Donna ______ are:

3496 i. Duane14 Gruver, born abt. 1971.

3497 ii. Kimberly Gruver, born abt. 1974.

+ 3498 iii. Tammy Gruver, born abt. 1972.

Child of Kenneth Gruver and Susan Slocum is:

3499 i. Susan14 Gruver, born abt. 1979.

1701. Marlene13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Claude Christman.

Child of Marlene Gruver and Claude Christman is:

3500 i. Troy14 Christman.

1702. Gerald Lloyd13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 May 1955 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Theresa Ann Route 02 Jul 1977 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Howard Route and Jacqueline Howard. She was born 17 Mar 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Gerald Gruver and Theresa Route are:

3501 i. Regina Marie14 Gruver, born 14 Jan 1978 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3502 ii. David Paul Gruver, born 29 Oct 1979 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3503 iii. Harry James Gruver, born 13 Feb 1982 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1703. Wilma June13 Gruver (Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Gregory Zeigler abt. 1975, son of James Zeigler and Ruth Bunn. He was born abt. 1955. She married (2) Richard Blase Aug 1983. He was born abt. 1952.

Child of Wilma Gruver and Gregory Zeigler is:

3504 i. Misty14 Zeigler, born abt. 1977.

Children of Wilma Gruver and Richard Blase are:

3505 i. Bryan Richard14 Blase, born abt. 1985.

3506 ii. Amanda June Blase, born abt. 1987.

1704. Earl Lee13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Margaret Kilmer 28 Aug 1972 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Willard Kilmer. She was born 16 Feb 1957. He married (2) Enola Lisa McCoy 23 Dec 1988 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Orol McCoy and Loreen Hughes. She was born 05 Sep 1961 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Earl Lee Brown:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Earl Brown and Margaret Kilmer are:

3507 i. Jason Lee14 Brown, born 12 Jan 1974 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3508 ii. Jennie Lee Brown, born 08 Oct 1975 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3509 iii. Jeremiah Lee Brown, born 18 Mar 1977 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3510 iv. Jedediah Lee Brown, born 03 Jul 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.



1705. Connie Ann13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Steven Edward Parks 21 Apr 1973 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Burton Parks and Joan ______. He was born 02 Jun 1952.


More About Connie Ann Brown:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Connie Brown and Steven Parks are:

3511 i. Michael James14 Parks, born 18 Jan 1975 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3512 ii. Stephanie Jo Parks, born 09 Mar 1976 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3513 iii. Brent Michael Parks, born 24 Nov 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1706. Donna Marie13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Dec 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Frederick Baxter Wrisley 19 Feb 1977 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Elery Wrisley and Janice ______. He was born 25 Oct 1956.

Children of Donna Brown and Frederick Wrisley are:

3514 i. Kim Marie14 Wrisley, born 16 Aug 1977 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3515 ii. Kerri Lynn Wrisley, born 27 Jun 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3516 iii. Kelsey Jo Wrisley, born 29 Jun 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1707. Sandra Jean13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Nov 1958 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married James Owen Storres 31 Jul 1976 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Charles Storres and Phyllis Rockwell. He was born 31 Jul 1954.

Children of Sandra Brown and James Storres are:

3517 i. Jessica Jean14 Storres, born 24 Jan 1977 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3518 ii. Charles Emery Storres, born 16 Mar 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1708. Kathy Joanne13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Mar 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Howard Vroman Jan 1980.

Children of Kathy Brown and Howard Vroman are:

3519 i. Jonathan Ray14 Vroman, born 10 Aug 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3520 ii. Heather Jo Vroman, born 04 Jan 1984 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3521 iii. ______ Vroman, born Dec 1988.

1709. Karen Janette13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Feb 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Douglas Glenn Heller 04 Sep 1982 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Donald Heller and Mary ______.

Children of Karen Brown and Douglas Heller are:

3522 i. Jamie Jo14 Heller, born 25 Mar 1984 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3523 ii. Brock Douglas Heller, born 04 Feb 1986 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1710. Randy Eugene13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1962 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Lori Swain 19 Jun 1982 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Randy Brown and Lori Swain is:

3524 i. Joshua Lee14 Brown, born 21 Mar 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1711. Dennis Edward13 Brown (Emery L.12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jun 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Pamela ______ 19 Oct 1986.


More About Dennis Edward Brown:

Military service: 1982, U.S. Navy

Child of Dennis Brown and Pamela ______ is:

3525 i. ______14 Brown, born Oct 1988.

1712. Robert Hiram13 Every (Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jul 1927. He married Doris Pauline Sager 26 Jul 1946 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, daughter of Lewis Sager and Addie Wilson. She was born 19 Apr 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Robert Hiram Every:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. Mar 1945 - 07 Jul 1946, U.S. Navy - amphibius unit; discharged at Bainbridge, MD

Occupation: Research and development engineer

Children of Robert Every and Doris Sager are:

+ 3526 i. Robert Hiram14 Every, Jr., born 18 Nov 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3527 ii. Gail Alain Every, born 24 Jan 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3528 iii. Vicki Lynn Every, born 14 Apr 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3529 iv. Valerie Kay Every, born 14 Feb 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3530 v. Lorie Ann Every, born 24 Jan 1963 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

1713. Raymond Wilber13 Every (Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Aug 1929. He married Elizabeth Thorne abt. 1951. She was born abt. 1932.

Children of Raymond Every and Elizabeth Thorne are:

+ 3531 i. Helena14 Every, born abt. 1952 in Harvey's Lake, Luzerne Co., PA.

3532 ii. Raymond Every, born abt. 1955 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


More About Raymond Every:

Medical Information: has Downs Syndrome

1714. Margaret Louise13 Every (Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1932 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Leonard Robert Buchmann 09 Sep 1950 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Leonard Buchmann and Margaret Gladwin. He was born 19 Mar 1928 in Red Hill, Montgomery Co., PA, and died May 1995.


Notes for Margaret Louise Every:

I visited Leonard & Margaret at their home in South Waverly, NY in Nov 1990 and had a most enjoyable, enlightening afternoon. Leonard's father, afflicted with Alzheimer's disease was living with them, as was their daughter Deborah, who had been afflicted with encephalitis since she was 16 months of age. David had not yet married and was employed at Rynone's in Sayre, PA. I did have a chance to meet him near the end of my visit, and Margaret contacted her brother Robert, who arrived and assisted with his family's information as well. The family are devout Christians and were of a pleasant and warm nature. They were very forthcoming to the purpose of this genealogy. Margaret informed me of the passing of her Aunt Mary Wilston, whom I had visited a year or so earlier. Margaret corrected some of the information on the cousins and seemed very interested in her family tree. She stated that she had worked for a short time at the Westinghouse plant in Horseheads, NY, but due to her daughter's constant need for care, chose to stay home. Leonard Robert served in the U.S. Army from 1 Apr 1946 to 28 Jan 1948, being in the Reserves until 28 Jun 1953. He was a radio switchboard operator and served most of his term in the Panama Canal Zone. He was discharged at the rank of Private First Class. After his service, he became employed at the Corning Glass Works for a short time as a polisher. He then went to Hardinge Bros. in Elmira where he worked for 38 years as a machine operator, Quality Control Inspector and electrical assemblyman. He retired on 30 Mar 1990. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Leonard Robert Buchmann:

Residence: Bef. May 1995, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 142-20-8986 (NJ)

Children of Margaret Every and Leonard Buchmann are:

3533 i. Deborah Elaine14 Buchmann, born 22 Oct 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Deborah Elaine Buchmann:

Cause of Death: encephalitis from brain injury

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


+ 3534 ii. Joan Lorraine Buchmann, born 31 Jan 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

3535 iii. David Wayne Buchmann, born 28 May 1964 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About David Wayne Buchmann:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

1715. Pauline Marie13 Wilston (Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Nov 1924 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 15 Aug 1993 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Russell Lee Thomas abt. 1942, son of Bruce Thomas and Edna ______. He was born 05 Oct 1926 in Covington, Tioga Co., PA, and died 10 Sep 1992 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married (2) Charles Richard Earle abt. 1981, son of Walter Earle and Sarah Carl. He was born 02 Apr 1922 in Trout Run, Bradford Co., PA, and died 12 May 2004 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Pauline Marie Wilston:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 19 Aug 1993 ed.:

BLOSSBURG--Mrs. Pauline W. Earle, 68, of Blossburg, formerly of Troy, died Sunday, Aug. 15, 1993, in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, following a lengthy illness. She was the wife of Charles (Dick) Earle. Retiring in March 1985, she was employed by Canford Manufacturing in Canton. She was an avid crocheter and quiliter. Born Nov. 30, 1924, in Troy, she was a daughter of Harry P. and Mary A. McKay Wilston. Surviving, besides her husband, are a daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Austin, with whom she lived; two stepdaughters, Linda Mariner, of Arnot, and Barb Brokaw, of Grover; three brothers, Harold Wilston, of Wellsboro, Arthur and Ralph Wilston, both of Troy; two sisters, Myrtle Inman, and Lucille (Did) Watson, both of Troy, five grandchildren; five step-grandchildren; a great-grandchild and a step-great-grandchild. A son, Lester G. Thomas, died Dec. 10, 1992. A private service will be held at the convenience of the family. There will be no visitation. The family will provide the flowers. Arrangements are being handled by Drinkwine's, 120 North Williamson Road.


More About Pauline Marie Wilston:

Name 2: Earle, Pauline

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 19 Aug 1993, TIOGA GAZETTE-REGISTER - Wellsboro, PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1993, Last residence: Blossburg, PA 16912

Social Security Number: 164-22-2310 (PA)


Notes for Russell Lee Thomas:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 11 Sep 1992 ed.:

THOMAS, Russell L., age 65 of RD 1, Covington, PA Thursday, September 10, 1992 at Carleton Nursing Home, Wellsboro, PA. There will be no visitation. There will be a private family service on Sunday, Sept. 13, at the Drinkwine Funeral Home, Blossburg, PA. Rev. Carl E. Hill, officiating. Interment in Gray Cemetery, Covington, PA. The family will provide the flowers and the family suggests that memorial contributions be made to the American Cancer Society, Tioga County Chapter. Memorial envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Survived by 1 daughter and son-in-law, Bonnie and Terry Austin of Blossburg, PA; son and daughter-in-law, Lester G. and Lillie Thomas of Canton, PA; sister and brother-in-law, Dorothy and Bernard Mackowiak of Webb Mills, NY; 5 grandchildren; 1 great grandchild, Brittany Schimpf. He was a farmer in the Covington area for many years and an Army Veteran of WW II. He was born in Covington, PA October 5, 1926, the son of Bruce and Edna Thomas.


More About Russell Lee Thomas:

Burial: Gray Cem., Covington, Tioga Co., PA

Cause of Death: cancer

Medical Information: died at Carleton Nursing Home

Obituary/Death Notice: 11 Sep 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


Notes for Charles Richard Earle:

Williamsport, PA - SUN-GAZETTE, 15 May 2004 ed.:

EARLE, Charles R. "Dick", 82, of Canton, formerly of Grover, PA, passed away on Wednesday, May 12, 2004, at his home at Cedar Ridge Apartments. Born April 2, 1922, in Trout Run, PA, he was one of six sons born to the late Walter and Mae (Carl) Earle. As a young man Dick grew up in the Grover area. In October of 1942, Mr. Earle joined the U.S. Army and earned the rank of sergeant prior to his honorable discharge in November of 1945. As an assistant rifle squad leader, Dick was responsible for the squad's deployment in combat duty. While in Central Europe, he became a prisoner of war. Sergeant Earle received numerous decorations including two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars for his brave service to our country. Dick was employed by the Grover Milk Plant for over 25 years. He later worked at Schrader - Bellows Valvair in Canton until his retirement in 1985. Dick was a quiet man who enjoyed the simple things in life. He was a talented woodworker and a handyman who could fix about anything. He especially liked poetry and found contentment in watching and feeding wild birds. Surviving are two daughters and sons in law; Linda and Michael Marriner of Arnot, PA, Barbara and Harry Brokaw of Grover, PA, five grandchildren, Michael R. (Tammy) Marriner and Seth R. Marriner all of Arnot, PA, Tina (Scott) Teed of Buttonwood, PA, Daniel and Breanna Brokaw both of Grover, PA; two great-grandchildren; Brittany and Sierra Marriner; two brothers, Robert Earle and Walter (Phyllis) Earle Jr. all of Troy, PA; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Mr. Earle was predeceased by his wife; Rachel (Dean) Earle in 1970, his second wife; Pauline (Thomas) Earle in 1993, and three brothers; Kenneth, John and Bruce Earle. In keeping with Dick's wishes, a private graveside service will be held at the Beech Flats Cemetery with Rev. Duane Taylor officiating and full military honors accorded. There will be no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, those who wish may make memorials in Mr. Earle's name to a charity of ones choice. Arrangements are in the care of Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton.


More About Charles Richard Earle:

Burial: 15 May 2004, Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 15 May 2004, WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE - Williamsport, PA

Residence 1: 1930, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. May 2004, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 187-18-0208 (PA)

Children of Pauline Wilston and Russell Thomas are:

+ 3536 i. Lester Gordon14 Thomas, born 17 Dec 1943; died 10 Dec 1992 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3537 ii. Bonnie Lee Thomas, born 22 Aug 1948.

1716. Harold Dean13 Wilston (Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1927 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Leora Sargeant 21 Jun 1950. She was born abt. 1926, and died Aft. Feb 1983.


More About Harold Dean Wilston:

Residence: 2000, Middlebury Center, PA


More About Leora Sargeant:

Medical Information: afflicted with multiple schlerosis

Residence: 1983, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA

Children of Harold Wilston and Leora Sargeant are:

+ 3538 i. Peggy Ann14 Wilston, born 06 Apr 1955.

3539 ii. David Jonathan Wilston, born 27 Mar 1964.

1717. Myrtle Luella13 Wilston (Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1932 in Granville Center, Bradford Co., PA. She married John Edward Inman 18 Aug 1950, son of Joseph Inman and Lois Frost. He was born 14 Jan 1931.

Children of Myrtle Wilston and John Inman are:

+ 3540 i. Sharon Elane14 Inman, born 09 Feb 1952.

+ 3541 ii. Gregory Duane Inman, born 04 Nov 1953.

+ 3542 iii. Wanda Jean Inman, born 07 Jan 1956.

1718. Arthur Lloyd13 Wilston (Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1934 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married Eunice Irene Forrest 18 Nov 1956 in Austinville, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of James Forrest and Naomi Porter. She was born 28 Aug 1936 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Eunice Irene Forrest:

Residence: Mar 1982, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Arthur Wilston and Eunice Forrest are:

+ 3543 i. Sheila Lynn14 Wilston, born 09 Dec 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3544 ii. Sandra Diane Wilston, born 21 Jul 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3545 iii. Eugene Lee Wilston, born 23 Nov 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Susan Warner.


More About Eugene Lee Wilston:

Occupation: 1988, Industrial engineer - Cummins Diesel, Jamestown, NY


+ 3546 iv. Ronald Mark Wilston, born 17 Dec 1969 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.



1719. Lucille Barbara Wilston13 Watson (Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jul 1936 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Roy Watson 10 Nov 1954, son of Ivan Watson and Ruth Kimball. He was born abt. 1930 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Lucille Watson and Roy Watson are:

+ 3547 i. Randy LaRue14 Watson, born 05 Nov 1956.

+ 3548 ii. Rodney Scott Watson, born 11 Jul 1958.

+ 3549 iii. Calvin Douglas Watson, born 20 Oct 1960.

+ 3550 iv. Brian James Watson, born 10 Sep 1963.

1720. Ralph William13 Wilston (Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Dec 1948 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Ida Jane Avery 15 Jun 1968, daughter of Donald Avery. He married (2) Carolyn Laura Ames 10 Sep 1983 in Richfield Springs, Otsego Co., NY, daughter of Albert E. Ames.


Marriage Notes for Ralph Wilston and Carolyn Ames:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 06 Nov 1983 ed.: (photo included)


The marriage of Miss Carolyn L. Ames and Ralph W. Wilston took place Saturday, Sept. 10 in the Church of Christ Uniting, Richfield Springs, NY. The Rev. Leonard Owen officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Ames of Richfield Springs. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Mary Wilston of Troy and the late Harry Wilston. Mrs. Susan Compton of Oneonta, NY was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Joyce Gudmundson of Danville, PA and Mrs. Nancy Morgan of Gillett. Ring bearer was Bryan Compton of Oneonta. The reception was held at the Spring Park, Richfield Springs. The bride graduated from Richfield Springs Central School and received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA. She is employed by the Troy Area School District. The bridegroom graduated from Troy Area School District schools and received an associate's degree in architectural drafting from Williamsport Area Community College. He is a self-employed building contractor. The couple lives in Gillett, after taking a trip to the Finger Lakes Region.

Children of Ralph Wilston and Ida Avery are:

+ 3551 i. Amanda Charlotte14 Wilston, born 03 Dec 1969 in Bad Connstatt, Germany.

3552 ii. Richard Wayde Wilston, born 24 Jul 1972 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 16 Apr 1989 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Richard Wayde Wilston:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Apr 1989 ed.:


MANSFIELD - An area teenager was killed Sunday night when his car struck a tree along a rural road near here. Richard W. Wilston, 16, of Mansfield RD #3 died about 10:30 p.m. when the station wagon he was driving went out of control on Old State Road in Sullivan Township, about 10 miles east of Mansfield. He was alone. Police said Wilston was driving east when the car swerved and then skidded off the north side of the road." His obituary, appearing in the following day's edition stated that "he was a junior at the Mansfield High School and was a member of the High School marching band and chorus. He was also a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Mansfield, the Mountain Modelaires of Wellsboro and was employed part-time as a construction worker for his father.


More About Richard Wayde Wilston:

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Children of Ralph Wilston and Carolyn Ames are:

3553 i. ______14 Wilston, born abt. Mar 1990.

3554 ii. ______ Wilston, born 14 Feb 1997 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Wilston:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Feb 1997 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

WILSTON - a boy, Friday, Feb. 14, 1997 to Ralph William and Carolyn Laura Ames Wilston of Mainesburg.


More About ______ Wilston:

Birth Announced: 24 Feb 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

1721. Mary Ellen13 Strange (Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Mar 1931 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married John Daniel Barr 20 Mar 1952 in NY, son of Wayne Barr and Maude ______. He was born 21 Aug 1929.

Children of Mary Strange and John Barr are:

+ 3555 i. Craig Gene14 Barr, born 05 Oct 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3556 ii. Paula Lynn Barr, born 28 May 1954 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3557 iii. Lou Ann Barr, born 27 Oct 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3558 iv. Jack Daniel Barr, born 20 Nov 1956 in Eng..

3559 v. Daniel Wayne Barr, born 27 Jan 1958 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3560 vi. Peter Douglas Barr, born 27 Nov 1962 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3561 vii. Jeffrey Keith Barr, born 10 Nov 1963 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3562 viii. Timothy Ray Barr, born 11 Nov 1964 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

1722. Philip Daniel13 Strange (Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1933 in Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died Bef. May 2003. He married Marlene Pruyne 27 Feb 1955 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Wallace Pruyne and Myrtle Hiney. She was born 31 Jul 1933.


Notes for Philip Daniel Strange:

According to his mother, Philip went to Alaska "to work on the pipeline when the children were still small." - note of R. J. Porter

Children of Philip Strange and Marlene Pruyne are:

+ 3563 i. Gene Philip14 Strange, born 27 Nov 1955.

+ 3564 ii. Joyce Marlene Strange, born 27 Dec 1955.

3565 iii. John Daniel Strange, born 12 Feb 1957.

3566 iv. Barbara Alene Strange, born 17 Dec 1960. She married Robert Fithian 20 Feb 1983.

3567 v. Charles Joseph Strange, born 27 Feb 1965.

1723. Connie Ernestine13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Nov 1944. She married Clifford Johns.

Children of Connie McKay and Clifford Johns are:

3568 i. Ernest L.14 Johns.

3569 ii. Helen Johns.

3570 iii. Donald Johns.

1724. Bernice Nina13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Dec 1945. She married Richard Johnston.


Children of Bernice McKay and Richard Johnston are:

3571 i. Richard14 Johnston, Jr..

3572 ii. Brett Dean Johnston.

3573 iii. Dale Elaine Johnston.

3574 iv. Donna Marie Johnston.

+ 3575 v. Vicki Lynn Johnston.

1725. Beatrice May13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Apr 1947. She married Raymond Earl Wood.

Children of Beatrice McKay and Raymond Wood are:

3576 i. Raylene14 Wood.

3577 ii. Raymond Earl Wood, Jr..

+ 3578 iii. Jane Wood.

3579 iv. Kevin Wood.

+ 3580 v. Paul Lee Wood, Adopted child.

1726. Dale Arnold13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Apr 1948. He married Carol Ann Bower, daughter of Charles Bower and Mary ______.

Children of Dale McKay and Carol Bower are:

3581 i. Stacey Lynn14 McKay.

+ 3582 ii. Tonda L. McKay.

3583 iii. Dale Arnold McKay, Jr., born 16 Oct 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 28 Nov 1994 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Dale Arnold McKay, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Nov 1994 ed.:

McKAY, Dale A. Jr. "Boober", age 16 of RD #2 Mansfield, PA died Monday November 28, 1994 after injuries sustained in a vehicle accident in Sullivan Twp. Boober was born October 16, 1978 in Arnot Ogden Hospital in Elmira, NY, a son of Dale A. McKay, Sr. and Carol A (Bower) McKay. He was a student at Notre Dame High School, Elmira, NY where he was active on the baseball, wrestling and football teams. Boober was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was a member of the Roseville United Methodist Church Youth Group. Boober is survived by his parents, Dale A. McKay and Carol A. (Bower) McKay of Mansfield, PA; two sisters, Stacy L. McKay of Mayport Naval Base in FL, Tonda L. Barrett of Lakeland, FL; maternal grandparents Charles Bower of Corning, NY and Mary Bower of Ansonia, PA; a paternal grandmother, Helen McKay of Roseville; three special uncles: Ronnie Bower of Ansonia, PA, Jimmy Bower and Ricky Bower, both of Corning, NY; two nephews: Joshua Barrett and Timothy Barrett, both of Lakeland, FL and several aunts, uncles and cousins. He was preceded in death by a paternal grandfather, Ernest McKay in 1985 and an uncle, Phillip Bower. There will be no viewing. Friends are invited to call on Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Scureman Funeral Home, Inc., 130 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA. Funeral Services will be held at the Funeral Home on Friday at 1:00 p.m. Interment will be in the Watson Cemetery, Roseville, PA. The family will provide the flowers and suggest memorial contributions be made in memory of Boober to the Roseville Baseball Park Improvement Fund in care of Kim Koval, RD #2, Box 1466, Mansfield, PA 16933. (photo incl.)


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Oct 1999 ed.:


10/16/78 - 11/28/94

Dear Boober,

No matter how many times I sit and write this, the words I am looking for don't seem to exist to explain our love for you. Today, October 16th, our "Big Guy" is 21! We each had so many plans on how we wanted to share this day with you. Oh Boober, the fun we would have had. But instead we spend this day lonely; you're not here to put that smile on our faces. We lost our world the day God took you home. Be with us and watch over us until we are family again. Happy Birthday Big Guy, this is to you!

All Our Love; Mom, Dad & Stacy.


More About Dale Arnold McKay, Jr.:

Burial: 02 Dec 1994, Watson Cem., Roseville, Tioga Co., PA

Memorium: 16 Oct 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 30 Nov 1994, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 199-64-6342 (PA)

1727. Dean Theodore13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jul 1949. He married Gloria James.

Child of Dean McKay and Gloria James is:

3584 i. Brian Christopher14 McKay.

1728. Dennis Evan13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Aug 1950. He married (1) Ann Combes. He married (2) Joan Darlene Crater.

Children of Dennis McKay and Ann Combes are:

3585 i. Micki Jo14 McKay.

3586 ii. Cindy Marie McKay.

1729. Charles Donald13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Aug 1952 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. He married Virginia Ann McCoon 26 Sep 1981 in Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Arthur McCoon and Marian Edsall. She was born 06 Oct 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Virginia Ann McCoon:

I had a friendly afternoon with Ginny in Sep 1983. She was very helpful in connecting me with many of Charles' relatives, especially the McKays in Roseville and the Tices in Canoe Camp. She had done a great amount of work with Rhoda Ladd while volunteering with the Tioga County Historical Society.

Children of Charles McKay and Virginia McCoon are:

3587 i. Chad Ryan14 McKay, born 18 Aug 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Chad Ryan McKay:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


3588 ii. ______ McKay, born 12 Oct 1990 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ McKay:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Oct 1990 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Memorial Hosp.

McKAY - a daughter, Friday, Oct. 12, 1990 to Charles and Virginia McCoon McKay of Mansfield RD #2.


More About ______ McKay:

Birth Announced: 13 Oct 1990, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


3589 iii. ______ McKay, born 05 May 1995 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ McKay:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 May 1995 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Memorial Hosp.

McKAY - a daughter, Friday, May 5, 1995 to Charles and Virginia McCoon McKay of Mansfield.


More About ______ McKay:

Birth Announced: 06 May 1995, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

1730. Dawn Elaine13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1953. She married Jack E. Williams II, son of Jack Williams and Beverly Lawson.

Child of Dawn McKay and Jack Williams is:

3590 i. Sandy Jo14 Williams.

1731. Belva Jean13 McKay (Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1955.

Children of Belva Jean McKay are:

3591 i. Richard14 McKay.

3592 ii. Crystal Kim McKay.

1733. Doris Louise13 McKay (Harry Therman12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jul 1941 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married James Leon Sherman.

Children of Doris McKay and James Sherman are:

3593 i. Candy Lorraine14 Sherman, born 13 Sep 1964.

3594 ii. Ginger Sherman, born 18 Oct 1965.

3595 iii. Dusty Sherman, born 15 Nov 1967.

3596 iv. Rusty Sherman, born 23 Apr 1969.



1734. Lucy Mae13 McKay (Harry Therman12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jul 1945 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Joseph Sargeant.

Children of Lucy McKay and Joseph Sargeant are:

3597 i. Roxanne14 Sargeant, born 26 Feb 1967.

+ 3598 ii. Joseph Sargeant, Jr., born abt. 1969.

3599 iii. John Sargeant, born 20 Aug 1971.

3600 iv. Beth Ann Sargeant, born 06 Feb 1973.

1737. Thomas Glenn13 Tice (Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Aug 1941 in Abington, Montgomery Co., PA. He married Linda Abernathy.


More About Thomas Glenn Tice:

Occupation: Building contractor - specializing in chicken coops & hatcheries

Children of Thomas Tice and Linda Abernathy are:

+ 3601 i. Wendy Lou14 Tice, born 27 Feb 1967.

+ 3602 ii. Jeffrey Thomas Tice, born abt. 1969.

1738. David Walter13 Tice (Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jan 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mary Joan Rice.


Notes for David Walter Tice:

Mansfield, PA - THE MANSFIELD OBSERVER, 06 Jun 1990 ed.:


The General Sullivan Council, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has awarded its highest award, the Silver Beaver, for a volunteer to David Tice of Mansfield in recognition for his years of service to youth of the area both in Scouting and in his community. The Woodland Trails District is proud to add him to their list of Silver Beaver recipients. Tice has been active with Pack 21, then sponsored by the Mansfield Fire Department and currently with Troop 106 sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church in Mansfield. He has served as Cub master, assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster and committee member. He has been with the troop on four high adventure trips to Maine, Minnesota and Florida as well as to Camp Brule for summer camp. As a youth, he experienced the dream of all Scouts with a trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. He has been instrumental in guiding seven young men to the rank of Eagle. Tice is a co-owner of the DTB Dairy Wholesale Inc. in Tioga. He is married to Mary Tice and has three sons." (photo included, captioned: DAVID TICE of Mansfield was recently presented the Silver Beaver award from the General Sullivan Council, Boy Scouts of America. The award is the council's highest award. Shown with Tice is his wife, Mary. - photo submitted)


More About David Walter Tice:

Occupation: Dairy truck driver - Tioga, PA

Children of David Tice and Mary Rice are:

+ 3603 i. Terry David14 Tice, born 07 Aug 1963.

+ 3604 ii. Brian David Tice, born 21 Jun 1966.

+ 3605 iii. Scott David Tice, born 15 Jun 1969.

1739. Jack Lee13 Tice (Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Carol Vargeson abt. 1965. He married (2) Joyce ______ abt. 1977.


Notes for Jack Lee Tice:

During a conversation with Ruth Tice in 1990, it was stated that Jack, Sr. had worked for the A & P plant in Horseheads, NY. He was then sent to CT for additional training after which he was sent to Boise, ID where he started the Bigalow Tea Company. He had also served in the U.S. Air Force for 4 yrs. -- note of R. J. Porter

Children of Jack Tice and Carol Vargeson are:

3606 i. Jack Lee14 Tice, Jr., born 19 Aug 1966. He married Anita ______.


More About Jack Lee Tice, Jr.:

Occupation: 1990, Well Drilling - Boise, ID


3607 ii. Tammy Rene Tice, born 31 Jul 1967. She married Alberto Araneda; born in Chile.


More About Tammy Rene Tice:

Occupation: 1990, Travel Agent - Washington, DC

Child of Jack Tice and Joyce ______ is:

3608 i. Stuart14 Tice, born 26 Jul 1979.

1740. Barbara Ann13 Tice (Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Philip Parker.


More About Barbara Ann Tice:

Occupation: Sep 1990, Real Estate associate

Children of Barbara Tice and Philip Parker are:

3609 i. Krista Marie14 Parker, born 26 Dec 1969.


More About Krista Marie Parker:

Occupation: Sep 1990, Training as a commercial pilot

3610 ii. Tracy Parker, born 11 Dec 1972.

1742. Ruthadele Jean13 Tice (Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1951 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Mar 1974 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Michael Smith.


More About Ruthadele Jean Tice:

Burial: 05 Mar 1974, Memorial Gardens, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA

Cause of Death: in a house fire with Shane

Child of Ruthadele Tice and Michael Smith is:

3611 i. Shane Michael14 Smith, born 12 Feb 1974 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 03 Mar 1974 in Williamsport, PA.


More About Shane Michael Smith:

Burial: 05 Mar 1974, Memorial Garden, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA

Cause of Death: in a house fire with mother

1751. Leland Blaine13 Porter (Kenneth Oliver12, George11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jun 1940 in Glenns Ferry, Elmore Co., ID. He married Patse Rae Peters.

Children of Leland Porter and Patse Peters are:

3612 i. Brenton Robert14 Porter, born 24 Sep 1966 in Richland, Benton Co., WA.

3613 ii. Rachelle Renee Porter, born 10 Jul 1969 in Richland, Benton Co., WA.

3614 iii. Rebecca Robyn Porter, born 11 Jul 1973 in Kennewick, Benton Co., WA.

1752. Kathryn Gayle13 Porter (Kenneth Oliver12, George11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Nov 1945 in Glenns Ferry, Elmore Co., ID. She married William Helmkamp.

Child of Kathryn Porter and William Helmkamp is:

3615 i. Anna Marie14 Helmkamp, born 25 Nov 1970 in Fort Riley, Gerry Co., KS.

1754. Merlin13 Plant (VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1926 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID, and died 30 Jun 1995 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Mary Ann Katzdorn 09 Sep 1948.


More About Merlin Plant:

Burial: Jul 1995, Grove City Cem., Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID

Cause of Death: Gas explosion

Medical Information: while filling his car with gas

Residence: Bef. Jun 1995, Last residence: Blackfoot, ID 83221

Social Security Number: 519-28-8642 (ID)

Children of Merlin Plant and Mary Katzdorn are:

3616 i. Susan14 Plant, born 1950; died 1950.


More About Susan Plant:

Medical Information: died at 5 days of age


3617 ii. Marilyn K. Plant, born Oct 1951.

3618 iii. Terry Lynn Plant, born 1953.

3619 iv. Richard Plant, born 05 Jul 1954.

1755. Marvetta13 Plant (VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Mar 1928 in Rose, Bingham Co., ID. She married Garth Edwin Soderquist 23 Jul 1948 in Rose, Bingham Co., ID, son of John Soderquist and Venice Williams. He was born 21 May 1922 in Ferron, Emery Co., UT, and died 14 Mar 2005 in Terreton, Jefferson Co., ID.


Notes for Marvetta Plant:

I contacted Marvetta at her home in Terreton, ID by telephone on 2 Nov 1996, at which time I learned the following: "Garth served in the Navy for 6 years and was stationed most of his enlistment in Hawaii. He was trained as a turret repairman. After his discharge, he began teaching school, first instructing 7th and 8th graders, then became a principal, after which time he returned to teaching as a math instructor. Marvetta also taught school, off and on, between raising the children. The couple also adopted two children. Her mother was residing with the family. Ann was currently working in the computer field, programing some of the smaller computers feeding information into the larger computer data banks in Washington, DC. The family are of the Mormon faith and Garth and Verl are in the process of compiling their family history for insertion into the church records. Garth at one one time, was the church statistician and Marvetta was the church secretary." -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Garth Edwin Soderquist:

Name 2: Soderquist, Garth E.

Residence 1: 1930, Rigby, Jefferson Co., ID

Residence 2: Bet. 1993 - 2005, Last residence: Terreton, ID

Social Security Number: 519-20-0624 (ID)

Children of Marvetta Plant and Garth Soderquist are:

+ 3620 i. Verl Kay14 Soderquist, born 11 Oct 1949 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID.

+ 3621 ii. Lyle Ray Soderquist, born 14 Mar 1951 in Logan, Cache Co., UT.

+ 3622 iii. Keith Edwin Soderquist, born 25 Sep 1952 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID.

+ 3623 iv. Larry Garth Soderquist, born 06 Jul 1961 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID.

+ 3624 v. Layne Karl Soderquist, born 16 Jul 1962 in Rexburg, Madison Co., ID.

3625 vi. Ann Soderquist, born 14 May 1966 in Seattle, Kings Co., WA.

+ 3626 vii. Julee Soderquist, born 05 Oct 1967 in Seattle, Kings Co., WA.

1756. Rayola13 Plant (VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1930 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. She married Ray Milo Soderquist 26 Jan 1950 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID, son of John Soderquist and Venice Williams. He was born 05 Feb 1926 in St. George, Washington Co., UT, and died 14 Nov 2003 in Boca Grande, Lee Co., FL.


Notes for Rayola Plant:

Rayola was an elementary school teacher, mostly in the Vienna, VA school district, for 30 years. She loved to work with children. Ray had worked for the federal government for at least 20 years. They were both retired in 1982. I had an opportunity to meet them in Aug 1982 at my home in Elmira, NY. They were very friendly and fun-loving people. Rayola had been doing extensive research on the Porter and Brown families in hopes of finding the ancestral father of William Porter, he being the father of Latney Day Porter, the paternal link between both of our trees. The couple are of the Mormon faith and have used the church's genealogy records in hopes of finding William's ancestry. In 1983, I went to Washington, DC to do some research of my own and after a couple weeks went on into Vienna, hoping to meet with the couple once again. When I had arrived, I found out from their son, who lived next-door, that the couple were in Idaho, but would be back in a couple days. I returned to Washington to do some additional research and after a few days I called to find them home. I stayed a few days and it was decided that they would drive me back to Elmira, NY, for they wanted to do some additional research in the Bradford and Sullivan County courthouses. Along the way, we stopped in Shunk, where they showed me where Latney's home had once stood. I took them to the Henneberry Cemetery, where his father-in-law, Dr. John Wilcox was buried. We also visited Evert & Alfreda Letts in Shunk, with a point to examine the maps of the West Hill and Brown cemeteries, Evert being a former superintendent of the township. Ray took photos of the maps, copies being sent to me for my own research. At the same visit, we perused the notes of Jesse E. Williams, brother-in-law to Alfreda, he having a great deal of information on families of Hillsgrove, Forksville, Wheelerville and Shunk. Many of his notes have been cited in my own research as an information source. When I contacted Rayola in 1992, she was anticipating retiring to their winter home in Boca Rotan, FL. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Ray Milo Soderquist:

Name 2: Soderquist, Ray M.

Residence 1: 1930, Rigby, Jefferson Co., ID

Residence 2: 1993, Vienna, VA

Residence 3: 2000, Boca Grande, Lee Co., FL

Social Security Number: 519-30-4348 (ID)

Children of Rayola Plant and Ray Soderquist are:

3627 i. Vickie Lee14 Soderquist, born 20 Jul 1950 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID; died 23 Jul 1950 in Idaho Falls, ID.


More About Vickie Lee Soderquist:

Burial: Fielding Mem. Cem., Idaho Falls, ID


+ 3628 ii. Randy Ray Soderquist, born 20 Apr 1954 in Oxnard, Ventura Co., CA.

3629 iii. Infant Son Soderquist, born 28 Jun 1958 in Washington, DC; died 28 Jun 1958 in Washington, DC.

1757. Morgan13 Plant (VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jun 1931 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married Marilyn Mae Larsen 30 Aug 1953 in Napa, Canyon Co., ID, daughter of Henry Larsen and Eva Schindele. She was born 14 Dec 1934 in Napa, Canyon Co., ID.


More About Morgan Plant:

Military service: U.S. Army - served 1 yr. in Germany


More About Marilyn Mae Larsen:

Occupation: Teacher

Children of Morgan Plant and Marilyn Larsen are:

+ 3630 i. Mardell Lynn14 Plant, born 13 Oct 1954.

+ 3631 ii. Marden Leigh Plant, born 15 Apr 1957.

1759. Marshall Nelson13 Burgin (Ada Deaun12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Aug 1932 in Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID. He married ______ Potter, daughter of Joseph Potter and Mable Bloxham. She was born abt. 1934.

Children of Marshall Burgin and ______ Potter are:

3632 i. ______14 Burgin, born abt. 1950; married ______ Lipps.

+ 3633 ii. ______ Burgin, born abt. 1952.

+ 3634 iii. ______ Burgin, born abt. 1953.

+ 3635 iv. ______ Burgin, born abt. 1955.

1781. Ronnie LeRoy13 Rasmussen (Cora Lucille12 Porter, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1944.

Children of Ronnie LeRoy Rasmussen are:

3636 i. Kyle David14 Rasmussen.

+ 3637 ii. Kellie Rae Rasmussen.

+ 3638 iii. Kimberly Ann Rasmussen.

3639 iv. Christy Rasmussen, born in South Korea; Adopted child.

3640 v. Holly Rasmussen, born in South Korea; Adopted child.

1782. Mark Porter13 Rasmussen (Cora Lucille12 Porter, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1951.

Children of Mark Porter Rasmussen are:

3641 i. Nikki Lynne14 Rasmussen.

3642 ii. Porter Ray Rasmussen.

3643 iii. Bryan LeRoy Rasmussen.

3644 iv. Carly Marie Rasmussen.

1787. Stephen Craig13 Porter (Blaine Floyd12, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Sep 1955 in Salt Lake City, UT. He married Jackie Lynn Hanson.

Children of Stephen Porter and Jackie Hanson are:

3645 i. ______14 Porter, born abt. 1974.

3646 ii. ______ Porter, born abt. 1977.

1788. Julie Rae13 Porter (Blaine Floyd12, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1958 in Salt Lake City, UT. She married Trent Wayne Steck abt. 1982, son of Douglas Steck and Colleen Elman. He was born 28 May 1959.

Children of Julie Porter and Trent Steck are:

3647 i. Jessica Marie14 Steck, born 06 Jan 1984 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.

3648 ii. Trent James Steck, born 26 May 1989 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.

1789. Jeffrey Scott13 Porter (Blaine Floyd12, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1961 in Salt Lake City, UT. He married (1) Annette ______ abt. 1982. He married (2) Staci Roper abt. 1987.

Children of Jeffrey Porter and Annette ______ are:

3649 i. Lance14 Porter, born abt. 1985.

3650 ii. Monte Scott Porter, born 25 Sep 1983.

Child of Jeffrey Porter and Staci Roper is:

3651 i. Jeffrey14 Porter, born abt. 1989.

1791. Billie Jo13 Porter (Blaine Floyd12, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Apr 1965 in Salt Lake City, UT. She married Gerald Melton abt. 1980.

Children of Billie Porter and Gerald Melton are:

3652 i. Amanda14 Melton, born 30 Jul 1981.

3653 ii. Gerald Melton, born 24 Oct 1984.

3654 iii. Tennille Melton, born 29 Dec 1990.

1794. Lisa Michelle13 Williams (Ivie Joan12 Porter, Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1962 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. She married Randy Scott Townsend.


More About Lisa Michelle Williams:

Education: B.A. in Business; B.A. in Business Ed. , both from Univ. of Wyoming

Occupation: Accountant at University of Wyoming

Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


More About Randy Scott Townsend:

Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Children of Lisa Williams and Randy Townsend are:

3655 i. Cassandra Jo14 Townsend, born Feb 1986.

3656 ii. Whitney Renee Townsend, born Jan 1988.

1796. Brenda Jo13 Williams (Ivie Joan12 Porter, Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1964 in Salmon, Lemhi Co., ID. She married Daniel Barnes.


More About Brenda Jo Williams:

Occupation: Substitute Teacher

Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Residence: Double Springs, AL (near Birmingham)


More About Daniel Barnes:

Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Children of Brenda Williams and Daniel Barnes are:

3657 i. Amber Michelle14 Barnes, born 20 Aug 1983.

3658 ii. Alesha Marie Barnes, born 21 Oct 1987.

3659 iii. Rollie Barnes, born Sep 1991.

1798. Ryan Brent13 Williams (Ivie Joan12 Porter, Irvin Charles11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1973 in Evanston, Uinta Co., WY. He met (1) Tishanna Wendel. He married (2) Angela Joanne O'Rourke 05 Jul 1996.

Child of Ryan Williams and Tishanna Wendel is:

3660 i. Gregory Michael14 Williams, born 06 Aug 1991.

1805. Betty Marie13 Morgan (George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1925. She married Elwood Dalen West 09 Jan 1945 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Benjamin West and Vonethia Deihl. He was born 20 Jul 1920 in Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA, and died Jan 1985.


More About Elwood Dalen West:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1985, Last residence: Granville Summit, PA 16926

Social Security Number: 182-16-7984 (PA)

Children of Betty Morgan and Elwood West are:

+ 3661 i. Judy Mae14 West, born 06 Aug 1945 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3662 ii. Gary Edward West, born 08 Oct 1947 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3663 iii. Barbara Leigh West, born 20 Jul 1948 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3664 iv. Diane Marie West, born 08 Jan 1949 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3665 v. Terry Lynn West, born 23 Oct 1954 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3666 vi. Kent Morgan West, born 25 May 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3667 vii. Mark Dalen West, born 10 Jun 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Mark Dalen West:

Medical Information: twin to Martin Otis


3668 viii. Martin Otis West, born 10 Jun 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.



More About Martin Otis West:

Medical Information: twin to Mark Dalen


3669 ix. Kimberly Sue West, born 04 Jun 1970 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1806. Grace Irene13 Morgan (George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 May 1928. She married (1) Thomas Dalton Lathrop abt. 1949. She married (2) Gerald Saxon 01 Jun 1962. He was born 08 Aug 1923, and died 16 Jan 1989.


More About Gerald Saxon:

Residence: Bef. Jan 1989, Last residence: Wyalusing, PA 18853

Social Security Number: 199-12-1235 (PA)

Children of Grace Morgan and Thomas Lathrop are:

3670 i. Lee Morris14 Lathrop, born 21 Dec 1950.

+ 3671 ii. Kathy Jane Lathrop, born 05 Jun 1952.

3672 iii. Russell Scott Lathrop, born 21 Dec 1954.

Child of Grace Morgan and Gerald Saxon is:

3673 i. Gerald14 Saxon, Jr., born abt. 1964.

1807. Elwood George13 Morgan (George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1931. He married (1) Donna Frances ______ abt. 1960. He married (2) Betty ______ 28 Aug 1967.

Children of Elwood Morgan and Donna ______ are:

3674 i. Edward Arthur14 Morgan, born 31 Mar 1962.

3675 ii. Linda Sue Morgan, born 30 May 1963.

1808. Dorothy Ann13 Morgan (George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Nov 1935. She married Carl Rush McCarty 14 Apr 1956, son of Theos McCarty and Emma Boyles. He was born 01 Jan 1935.

Children of Dorothy Morgan and Carl McCarty are:

3676 i. Monte Ray14 McCarty, born 20 Dec 1954.

3677 ii. Carla Jean McCarty, born 10 Feb 1965.

1809. Dennis James13 Morgan (George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Mar 1942. He married Charlene Louise Peck 14 Dec 1968.

Children of Dennis Morgan and Charlene Peck are:

3678 i. Troy Kevin14 Morgan, born 1970.

3679 ii. Bernita Michelle Morgan, born 23 Jan 1973.

1810. Edward Charles13 Morgan (George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Mar 1946. He married Irene Helen Caccia 04 Jun 1966.

Children of Edward Morgan and Irene Caccia are:

3680 i. Jennifer Lynn14 Morgan, born 03 Jul 1968.

3681 ii. Jeffrey Allen Morgan, born 20 May 1969.

3682 iii. Anthony George Morgan, born 21 Dec 1972.

1812. Audley Melvin13 Morgan (Gordon Leonard12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1930. He married Lillian Christine Yaggie 12 Feb 1951, daughter of Adam Yaggie and Ida Hane. She was born 18 Oct 1932.


More About Audley Melvin Morgan:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Aug 1990, Okeechobee, Okeechobee Co., FL


More About Lillian Christine Yaggie:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Mar 1993, Okeechobee, FL

Children of Audley Morgan and Lillian Yaggie are:

3683 i. Stephen Lynn14 Morgan, born 16 Jun 1951.

3684 ii. Wanda Kay Morgan, born 07 Aug 1952.

3685 iii. Cynthia Lorraine Morgan, born 19 Aug 1953.

3686 iv. Kathy Jo Morgan, born 13 Sep 1954.

3687 v. James Audley Morgan, born 21 Feb 1956.

3688 vi. Sharon Ann Morgan, born 25 May 1957.

3689 vii. Linda Lou Morgan, born 24 Sep 1958.

3690 viii. Michael Lee Morgan, born 21 Jul 1960.

1813. Amber June13 Morgan (Gordon Leonard12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1932. She married Dean Thomas Chaapel 07 Dec 1951. He was born 27 Feb 1930.


More About Amber June Morgan:

Residence: Aug 1990, LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Amber Morgan and Dean Chaapel are:

3691 i. Diane Lynn14 Chaapel, born 27 Oct 1953. She married Harold W. Bellows 10 Apr 1971.

+ 3692 ii. David Dean Chaapel, born 02 Nov 1957.

3693 iii. Douglas Gordon Chaapel, born 14 Nov 1967. He married Beth Ann Cooper 30 Jun 1990 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


Marriage Notes for Douglas Chaapel and Beth Cooper:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Aug 1990 ed.:


The marriage of Beth Ann Cooper and Douglas Gordon Chaapel took place June 30, 1990 in the First Presbyterian Church, Mansfield. The Rev. Thomas Thomas officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cooper of Mansfield. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chaapel of Canton. Lisa Colby of Mansfield was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Stacey Bellows and Diane Wright, both of Canton, and Lynette Schoonover of Troy. Serving as best man was Eric Shrader of Canton. Ushers were Jody Bellows and Ronnie Chaapel, both of Canton and Richard Ross of Big Pond. The reception was held at the Corey Creek Country Club in Mansfield. The bride graduated from Mansfield High School and attends Mansfield University. The bridegroom graduated from Canton Area High School. He is employed by GTE Sylvania. The couple live in Canton after returning from a trip to Pocono Gardens.

1814. Alene Jean13 Morgan (Gordon Leonard12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1933. She married William Marshall Boyd 13 Sep 1953. He was born 29 Apr 1934.


More About Alene Jean Morgan:

Residence: Aug 1990, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Alene Morgan and William Boyd are:

3694 i. Karen Elaine14 Boyd, born 11 Sep 1954.

3695 ii. Kenneth William Boyd, born 24 Feb 1957.

3696 iii. Angela Marie Boyd, born 12 Sep 1961. She married Jeffrey K. Sechrist 13 Sep 1979.

3697 iv. Amy Louise Boyd, born 24 Jun 1964.

1815. Joyce Carol13 Morgan (Gordon Leonard12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Dec 1936. She married Frank Spencer Landon 11 Oct 1955. He was born 28 Feb 1937.


More About Joyce Carol Morgan:

Residence: Aug 1990, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Joyce Morgan and Frank Landon are:

3698 i. Darla Kay14 Landon, born 09 May 1956.

3699 ii. Denise Carol Landon, born 16 Jul 1957.

1816. Janet Wanda13 Morgan (Gordon Leonard12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Feb 1938. She married Thomas Carlyle Pepper 03 Nov 1954. He was born 22 Aug 1936.


More About Janet Wanda Morgan:

Residence: Aug 1990, LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Janet Morgan and Thomas Pepper are:

3700 i. Deborah Ann14 Pepper, born 09 Jul 1955.

3701 ii. Thomas Lyle Pepper, born 23 Jan 1957.

3702 iii. Laurie Ann Pepper, born 26 Jan 1967; died 03 Apr 1970.

3703 iv. Michell Pepper, born 20 Mar 1971.


1817. Robert James13 Morgan (Kenneth James12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Nov 1936, and died 08 Dec 2001 in Chula Vista, San Diego Co., CA. He married Susan Sweeney.


More About Robert James Morgan:

Social Security Number: 559-48-3182 (CA)

Children of Robert Morgan and Susan Sweeney are:

3704 i. David14 Morgan.

3705 ii. Wesley Morgan.

3706 iii. Bobbi Ann Morgan.

3707 iv. ______ Morgan.

3708 v. ______ Morgan.

1818. Alfreda Marie13 Hurlbert (Leotta Grace12 Morgan, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1933. She married Edwin Basil Kaiser 01 Feb 1953. He was born 10 Jun 1934, and died 07 Apr 1994.


More About Edwin Basil Kaiser:

Social Security Number: 202-26-3320 (PA)

Children of Alfreda Hurlbert and Edwin Kaiser are:

3709 i. Edwin Basil14 Kaiser, Jr., born 02 Dec 1954. He married Kathleen Mosher 23 Dec 1972.

3710 ii. Randolph Ivan Kaiser, born 01 Feb 1956.

3711 iii. Terry Mark Kaiser, born 28 Jun 1957.

3712 iv. Penny Marie Kaiser, born 21 Sep 1960.

3713 v. Robert Jack Kaiser, born 30 Nov 1961.

1819. Gerald Robert13 Hurlbert (Leotta Grace12 Morgan, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Oct 1937. He married Rhena May Sargeant 23 Jun 1957. She was born 03 May 1941.

Children of Gerald Hurlbert and Rhena Sargeant are:

3714 i. Judy May14 Hurlbert, born 05 May 1958.

3715 ii. Michael Gerald Hurlbert, born 07 Jan 1960.

3716 iii. Duane Richard Hurlbert, born 08 Sep 1961.

3717 iv. David Robert Hurlbert, born 14 Nov 1964.

1820. James Arthur13 Hurlbert (Leotta Grace12 Morgan, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Mar 1941. He married Sandra K. Burgess 03 Jul 1960. She was born 18 Jul 1945, and died 06 May 1999 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Sandra K. Burgess:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 08 May 1999 ed.:

HURLBERT, Sandra K., of Canton, PA on the evening of May 6, 1999, Sandra was called to her Heavenly Home after a long, brave battle with a debilitating disease. Arrangements by Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


More About Sandra K. Burgess:

Obituary/Death Notice: 08 May 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: May 1999, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 162-36-1485 (PA)

Children of James Hurlbert and Sandra Burgess are:

3718 i. Thomas Michael14 Hurlbert, born 25 Feb 1961.

3719 ii. Patty Ann Hurlbert, born 01 Aug 1962.

3720 iii. Larry Arthur Hurlbert, born 19 Oct 1966.

1826. George Owen13 McNaney (Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Dec 1922 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 01 Feb 2002 in Ozark, Christian Co., MO. He married (1) Esther L. Resnek in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI. She was born 09 Jan 1921 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI, and died 15 Jan 2002 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Helen ______ in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About George Owen McNaney:

Burial: 05 Feb 2002, Missouri Veteran's Cem., Springfield, MO

Medical Information: twin to Genevra M.

Military service: Bet. 27 Jan 1943 - 01 Mar 1946, U.S. Army-Air Force - discharged as Sgt.

Residence: 1992, Dixon, MO

Social Security Number: 072-16-3570 (NY)


More About Esther L. Resnek:

Residence: Bet. 1993 - 2000, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 390-16-4330 (WI)

Children of George McNaney and Esther Resnek are:

3721 i. ______14 McNaney, born in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married Leigh Spadero; born in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

3722 ii. Dennis Owen McNaney, born 14 Feb 1945 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co., WI.



1827. Genevra Mae13 McNaney (Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Dec 1922 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Alfred William Mack, Jr. 06 Jun 1942 in Washington, DC, son of Alfred Mack and Irene Smith. He was born 18 Jan 1922 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, and died 11 Aug 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Genevra Mae McNaney:

Medical Information: twin to George O.


More About Alfred William Mack, Jr.:

Name 2: Mack, Alfred, Jr.

Burial: 14 Aug 1982, Woodlawn Cem., Waverly, Tioga Co., NY

Cause of Death: cancer

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hospital

Residence: Bef. Aug 1982, Last residence: Waverly, NY 14892

Social Security Number: 089-18-0983 (NY)

Children of Genevra McNaney and Alfred Mack are:

+ 3723 i. Pamela Janie14 Mack, born 23 Nov 1944 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 3724 ii. Lewis Alfred Mack, born 23 Jul 1947 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY; died 29 Aug 1983 in Van Etten, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3725 iii. Deborah Jeannie Mack, born 19 Sep 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 3726 iv. Stephen Alfred Mack, born 19 Sep 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 3727 v. Lori Jean Mack, born 23 Oct 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

3728 vi. Gary Alfred Mack, born 15 Apr 1961.


1828. Luther Dan13 Leonard, Jr. (Luther Dan12, Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 May 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Betty ______.

Children of Luther Leonard and Betty ______ are:

3729 i. Luther Dan14 Leonard I.

3730 ii. David Leonard.

1829. Darlene Yvonne13 Leonard (Luther Dan12, Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Oct 1946 in Hillsgrove, Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Edward Owens.

Children of Darlene Leonard and Edward Owens are:

3731 i. Mary14 Owens.

3732 ii. T.J. Owens.

1830. L.J.13 Leonard (Luther Dan12, Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Sep 1954 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Brethena Joy McElroy, daughter of ______ McElroy and Evelyn Reidy. She was born 20 Jan 1956.

Children of L.J. Leonard and Brethena McElroy are:

3733 i. ______14 Leonard.

3734 ii. ______ Leonard.

3735 iii. Priscella Ann Leonard, born 28 May 1980 in Lansdale, Montgomery Co., PA.

3736 iv. ______ Leonard.

3737 v. ______ Leonard.

1835. Daniel Paul13 Leonard (Carl Eugene12, Wesley Fred11, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1949 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, and died 14 Jan 2003 in Concord, Contra Costa Co., CA. He married Prescilla Lockwood. She was born abt. 1950, and died in CA.


More About Daniel Paul Leonard:

Burial: Aft. Jan 2003, Hillsgrove Cem., Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 161-42-0828 (PA)

Child of Daniel Leonard and Prescilla Lockwood is:

3738 i. Shad Everett14 Leonard, born 1972.

1840. Michael Wesley13 Hartford (Reed Wesley12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 19 Jan 2005 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Betty Jean Benson 11 Jul 1966, daughter of Laurence Benson and Hazel Barnes.


Notes for Michael Wesley Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Jan 2005 ed.:

HARTFORD, Michael W. "Mikey", age 58, of 404 Division St., Elmira, NY. He was born October 20, 1946, in Sayre, PA, to Reed Sr. and Janice (Parks) Hartford, and passed away Wednesday, January 19, 2005 very unexpectedly. He was predeceased by one sister and one brother. He is survived by his parents, of Shunk, PA; loving wife of 38 years, Betty; children and their spouses, Mickie and Mark Weber, Rose and Brian Criss all of Elmira, Myron and Marlene Hartford of Batavia, NY, and Betty Jo and Jim Kimball of Lowman; sister and brothers, Chuck, Reed Jr., Paul, Ricky and Lila Hartford; several grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Mikey was employed with Dimon & Bacorn for 25 years. He was an avid NASCAR fan, but most importantly, he loved spending time with his grandchildren. Family and friends are invited to visit Walter J. Kent Funeral Home, 858 Lake St. at Washington Ave., Elmira on Friday, January 21st, from 6 to 9 p.m. His funeral service will be held there on Saturday, January 22nd, at 11 a.m. Rev. Richard Hack will officiate. Committal prayers and interment will follow in Forest Lawn Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, those wishing may remember Mikey through donations to his wife, Betty, at 404 Division St., Elmira, NY 14901.


More About Michael Wesley Hartford:

Burial: 22 Jan 2005, Forest Lawn Mem. Park, Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Jan 2005, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 188-38-2595 (PA)

Children of Michael Hartford and Betty Benson are:

3739 i. Mickey Jean14 Hartford, born 20 Jun 1967. He married Mark Weber.

3740 ii. Rose Marie Hartford, born 21 Apr 1968. She married Brian Criss.

3741 iii. Myron Leslie Hartford, born 18 Oct 1969. He married Marlene ______.

3742 iv. Betty Jo Hartford, born 02 Dec 1970. She married James Kimball.

1842. Reed James13 Hartford (Reed Wesley12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jan 1949 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Diane Hazlett Dec 1973.

Children of Reed Hartford and Diane Hazlett are:

3743 i. Richard Reed14 Hartford, born 26 Dec 1974.

3744 ii. Kimberly Susan Hartford, born Mar 1978.

1843. Paul Lynwood13 Hartford (Reed Wesley12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Roxanne Daryl Mar 1974. He married (2) Janette Marie Mick 29 Apr 1978. He married (3) Alice Pease abt. 1990.


Child of Paul Hartford and Roxanne Daryl is:

3745 i. Paul James14 Hartford, born 02 May 1977.

Child of Paul Hartford and Alice Pease is:

3746 i. ______14 Hartford, born 25 Jul 1991 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Jul 1991 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Memorial Hosp.

HARTFORD - a daughter, Thursday, July 25, 1991 to Paul and Alice Pease Hartford of Harris Hill Road, Elmira.


More About ______ Hartford:

Birth Announced: 27 Jul 1991, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

1845. John Richard13 Hartford (Reed Wesley12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Sep 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 29 Sep 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY 14901. He married Trina Hamilton 08 Dec 1973.


Notes for John Richard Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 Oct 2004 ed.:

HARTFORD, John R., age 51 of 520 Fulton St., Elmira, NY. He was born September 3, 1953 in Troy, PA, son of Reed, Sr. and Janice (Parks) Hartford and passed away Wednesday, September 29, 2004, at home. He is survived by his parents of Shunk, PA; children, Jonathan of Shunk, PA and Jessica of Lancaster, PA; step-daughter, Ann Smith of Ft. Jackson, SC; sister, Lila Hartford, brothers, Mike, Chuck and Reed, Jr. all of Elmira, Paul of Big Flats, Ricky of Shunk, PA and Myron of Batavia, NY; along with several nieces and nephews. John was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Family and friends are invited to attend his Memorial Service on Tuesday, October 5th, at 2 p.m. in Walter J. Kent Funeral Home, 858 Lake St. at Washington Ave., Elmira. Interment will be in Shunk Cemetery, Shunk, PA, at the convenience of the family.


More About John Richard Hartford:

Burial: 05 Oct 2004, West Hill Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 Oct 2004, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Residence: 1993, 923 Grand Central Ave., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 080-46-7732 (NY)

Children of John Hartford and Trina Hamilton are:

3747 i. Jonathan14 Hartford.

3748 ii. Jessica Hartford.

1847. Lila Marie13 Hartford (Reed Wesley12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She met (1) George Burgess. He died 02 Jul 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She met (2) Edward Anderson. She married (3) Charles Howard Belknap 24 Jul 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He was born 02 Jun 1955 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Lila Marie Hartford:

Elmira STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Dec 1989 ed.:


Early morning blaze destroys most of family's uninsured belongings -- Lila Hartford stood amid the wreckage of her fire-damaged home Friday afternoon and thought of something positive. "I'm just thankful my kids weren't here. They're OK. They're still in shock. They're devastated that one kitty died. We can't find the other one." Her three children were at their baby sitter's home when Hartford returned to her rented home at 903 Erie St., Elmira, about 12:30 a.m. Friday and found flames shooting from basement windows. Her life was looking up until that moment, said the 33-year-old divorcee. "I had gotten myself off welfare, got myself a job. I was real proud of myself." She works at the Elmira Psychiatric Center's Gingerbread House day-care center. The fire originated in the basement of the two-story frame structure and spread up through the first floor, where it was stopped by Elmira firefighters. The house is owned by someone who lives out of town. Hartford does not have insurance on her furnishings, most of which are ruined. "Your whole life is gone, my pictures..." she said, as she stood in her son's scorched second-floor bedroom, examining his blackened stuffed animals. She had completed most of her Christmas shopping for daughter Janice, 11 and Rebecca, 8, and son, Jamie, 10. The gifts were lost because they were stored in the basement, which suffered the most damage. She declined to say what was lost because she may be able to replace some of them, and she doesn't want to tip off the kids. She did say Janice wants a cassette player, Jamie a skateboard and Rebecca "everything she sees on TV." The family is staying with the John Hartford family at 939 Grand Central Ave., Elmira. John Hartford is one of Lila Hartford's six brothers. By Friday afternoon, Hartford had rented another apartment and plans to move in Monday. Meanwhile, she plans to have Christmas, despite the fire. "There will be a Christmas. It will be very slim, but it will be a Christmas." (photo included, captioned: ASSESSING DAMAGE: Brenda English of the Chemung County Chapter American Red Cross, right, writes a damage assessment for Lila Hartford, who was living at 903 Erie St., Elmira.)

Child of Lila Hartford and George Burgess is:

3749 i. Jamie Reed14 Burgess, born 14 Nov 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Lila Hartford and Edward Anderson is:

3750 i. Rebecca Jolene14 Anderson, born 29 Jul 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Lila Hartford and Charles Belknap is:

+ 3751 i. Janis Marie14 Belknap, born 29 Apr 1978.

1848. Sharon Ann13 Williams (Marjorie Rosabell12 Hartford, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 May 1943. She married Willard Herbert 1961.

Children of Sharon Williams and Willard Herbert are:

3752 i. Billie Joe14 Herbert.

3753 ii. Cindy Lynn Herbert.

3754 iii. Susan Eilene Herbert.

1849. Lowell Alan13 Williams (Marjorie Rosabell12 Hartford, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Oct 1945. He married Audrey Griffin.

Children of Lowell Williams and Audrey Griffin are:

3755 i. Angela Michelle14 Williams, born Apr 1971.

3756 ii. Andrew Alan Williams, born Mar 1976.

1850. Charlene13 Eckman (Marjorie Rosabell12 Hartford, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jan 1951. She married Kurt Vannaman.


More About Charlene Eckman:

Medical Information: twin to Connie Eckman; born totally blind

Children of Charlene Eckman and Kurt Vannaman are:

3757 i. Brian Scott14 Vannaman, born 11 Dec 1976.

3758 ii. Eric Michael Vannaman, born 07 Jul 1980.

1853. Bena Rae13 Eckman (Marjorie Rosabell12 Hartford, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1960. She married Matthew Clark.

Children of Bena Eckman and Matthew Clark are:

3759 i. ______14 Clark.

3760 ii. Travis Steven Clark, born 10 Feb 1978.

3761 iii. ______ Clark.

1854. Judy Dean13 Hartford (Glenn Lorraine12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Sep 1947 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) LeRoy Boyles abt. 1964. She married (2) Howard Richter abt. 1970.

Child of Judy Hartford and LeRoy Boyles is:

3762 i. Hope Starr14 Boyles, born 29 Mar 1966.

Child of Judy Hartford and Howard Richter is:

3763 i. Heather Ellen14 Richter, born 25 May 1971.

1855. Glenn Franklin13 Hartford (Glenn Lorraine12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Aug 1954 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Roxanne Willets 04 Aug 1972.

Children of Glenn Hartford and Roxanne Willets are:

3764 i. Dody Ann14 Hartford, born 10 Mar 1973.

3765 ii. Jody Lynn Hartford, born 30 Jun 1975.

3766 iii. Theresa Marie Hartford, born 18 Mar 1977.

3767 iv. Jason Ryan Hartford, born 14 Nov 1979.

1856. Glena Marie13 Hartford (Glenn Lorraine12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1958 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Dennis Burr 18 Dec 1977.

Children of Glena Hartford and Dennis Burr are:

3768 i. Francis Dustin14 Burr, born 23 Mar 1980.

3769 ii. ______ Burr, born abt. 1983.

1858. Cheryl Lynn13 Hartford (Lawrence Edward12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Marlin Archie Norton 06 Jul 1967, son of Archibald Norton and Lois Morgan. He was born 05 Jul 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Cheryl Hartford and Marlin Norton are:

3770 i. Charity Denise14 Norton, born 24 Aug 1969. She married ______ Davis.

3771 ii. Rachele Nan Norton, born 24 Dec 1971. She married ______ Jordan.

3772 iii. Jana Lynn Norton, born 18 Jul 1972. She married ______ Curtis.

3773 iv. Elissa Corinne Norton, born 14 Nov 1975. She married ______ Burke.

3774 v. Marla Cozette Norton, born Mar 1981.

3775 vi. ______ Norton, born abt. 1983.

3776 vii. ______ Norton, born abt. 1986.

1859. Rocky Lane13 Hartford (Lawrence Edward12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Apr 1952 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Cheyenne Louise Shadduck (2395) 16 Apr 1970 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Doyl Shadduck and Elsie Spencer. She was born 25 Nov 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (2) Margaret Mae Porter (2852) 18 Nov 1979 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Arthur Porter and Mabel Harris. She was born 18 Oct 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Rocky Lane Hartford:

Name 2: Hartford, R.

Residence: 1993, Shunk, PA

Children of Rocky Hartford and Cheyenne Shadduck are:

3777 i. Stacey James14 Hartford, born 06 Dec 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3778 ii. Rodney Wayne Hartford, born 04 Jan 1972 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3779 iii. Nicol Lynn Hartford, born 09 Sep 1973 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


1860. Kent Otto13 Hartford (Lawrence Edward12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1954 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Francis Frantz 01 Jul 1975. He married (2) Rosa Marie Kilmer 20 May 1988 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Kent Hartford and Francis Frantz are:

3780 i. Melissa Sue14 Morgan, born 09 Dec 1975 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3781 ii. Kent Otto Morgan, born 09 Sep 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3782 iii. Jeremiah James Morgan, born 05 Feb 1984 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1864. Carl Eugene13 Hartford (James Eugene12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1957. He married Dawna Merriott 23 Apr 1978, daughter of Robert Merriott.

Children of Carl Hartford and Dawna Merriott are:

+ 3783 i. Carl Eugene14 Hartford, Jr., born abt. 1972 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3784 ii. Sharonda Hartford, born 13 Mar 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1868. Vickie Lynn13 Hartford (Dale Richard12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jul 1956. She married Roy Glen Brown, Jr. 29 Jun 1974 in Alba, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Roy Brown and Janet Foster. He was born 29 Sep 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Roy Glen Brown, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Children of Vickie Hartford and Roy Brown are:

3785 i. Wendy Lynn14 Brown, born 31 Mar 1977 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married ______ Jenkins.


More About Wendy Lynn Brown:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


+ 3786 ii. Lori Ann Brown, born 03 Aug 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

1873. Tina Marie13 Hartford (Dale Richard12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Nov 1964. She married ______ Bush.

Children of Tina Hartford and ______ Bush are:

3787 i. Samantha14 Bush.

3788 ii. Sabrina Bush.

1874. Amy Jo13 Hartford (Dale Richard12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Apr 1967. She married Michael Gowin.

Children of Amy Hartford and Michael Gowin are:

3789 i. Shawn14 Gowin.

3790 ii. Ashley Gowin.

3791 iii. Desiree Gowin.

1879. Leah Lila13 Hartford (Harland Lynwood12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1962. She married (1) Kenneth William Brown, Jr. Jun 1980, son of Kenneth Brown and Marlena Sullivan. He was born 1960. She married (2) ______ Hammack abt. 1990.

Children of Leah Hartford and Kenneth Brown are:

3792 i. Allissa Joan14 Brown, born Apr 1981.

3793 ii. ______ Brown, born abt. 1983.

1882. Brenda Joyce13 Hartford (Robert Paul12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1961. She married (1) Donald Bruce May 1981. She married (2) David Jackson abt. 1986.

Child of Brenda Hartford and David Jackson is:

3794 i. David Frank14 Jackson, born abt. 1988.

1883. Brian Robert13 Hartford (Robert Paul12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jun 1970 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Mariette ______.


Notes for Brian Robert Hartford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 Jun 1970 ed.:

BIRTHS IN AREA - Towanda Memorial Hospital

HARTFORD - a son Saturday June 6, 1970 to Robert and Brenda Hatch Hartford of Shunk, PA.


More About Brian Robert Hartford:

Birth Announced: 09 Jun 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Child of Brian Hartford and Mariette ______ is:

3795 i. Trever James14 Hartford.

1884. Brent Paul13 Hartford (Robert Paul12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1972 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He met Tina Mathers.

Child of Brent Hartford and Tina Mathers is:

3796 i. Taylor Renay14 Hartford.

1891. Lester13 Wilcox (Lester J.12, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1950. He married Susan Marie Bouton, daughter of Tracey Bouton and Joyce Foulkrod. She was born 1953.

Children of Lester Wilcox and Susan Bouton are:

3797 i. Leslie Grace14 Wilcox.

3798 ii. Benjamin Wilcox.

3799 iii. Jacob Wilcox.

1892. Lois Marie13 Peeler (Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1927 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Herbert Henry Styles, Jr. 21 Dec 1945 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Herbert Styles and Gladys Baty. He was born 11 Jan 1924 in Jamaica, Long Island, NY.

Children of Lois Peeler and Herbert Styles are:

+ 3800 i. Alan Dale14 Styles, born 18 Apr 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3801 ii. John Lincoln Styles, born 12 Feb 1949 in Newport Richie, Pasco Co., FL.

+ 3802 iii. Mary Ann Styles, born 18 May 1952 in St. Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL.

1893. Gerald Edward13 Segur (Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Elizabeth Ann Shedden 07 Sep 1962 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Kenneth Shedden and Irene Shedden. She was born abt. 1945.


Marriage Notes for Gerald Segur and Elizabeth Shedden:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Sep 1962 ed.:


CANTON - Miss Elizabeth Ann Shedden became the bride of Gerald Edward Segur in the First Methodist Church, Canton, at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shedden of Granville Summit are the parents of the bride. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Segur of Canton. The Rev. Donald Rathjen performed the double-ring ceremony. Miss Bonnie Palmer was organist and Mrs. Eloise Palmer was vocalist. The bride wore a white chiffon street-length gown styled with a lace jacket and a white flower hat with a short veil. Her corsage was of carnations. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Sandra Segur, was maid of honor. Richard Segur was his brother's best man. A reception for the immediate families was held at the Segur home. Mr. and Mrs. Segur will live at 7 S. Minnequa Ave., Canton. Mrs. Segur attended Troy High School. Her husband, who attended Canton High School, is a painter.

Children of Gerald Segur and Elizabeth Shedden are:

3803 i. Kimberly14 Segur, born abt. 1964.

+ 3804 ii. Deborah Segur, born abt. 1966.

+ 3805 iii. James Segur, born abt. 1969.

1895. Richard James13 Segur (Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Sandra Lee Kithcart 23 May 1970, daughter of Howard Kithcart and Dorothy Shedden. She was born 21 Jul 1952.

Children of Richard Segur and Sandra Kithcart are:

3806 i. Stacey Marie14 Segur, born 22 Feb 1972 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Stacey Marie Segur:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 May 1990 ed.:

Stacey was on the First Honor Roll during her senior at Canton High School.


+ 3807 ii. Jodi Segur, born abt. 1974.

1896. Doris Marlea13 Foster (Glenn Irvin12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 May 1925 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 09 Jul 2003 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Eugene Wesley Lawrence 08 Oct 1948 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He was born 03 Oct 1927 in LaCrosse, Laporte Co., IN.


Notes for Doris Marlea Foster:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Jul 2003 ed.:

LAWRENCE, Doris M., of Elmira, NY, age 78, of Race St., passed away on Wednesday, July 9, 2003, peacefully at St. Joseph's Hospital. She was born May 31, 1925 in Canton, PA, the daughter of the late Glenn E. and Belle (Lewis) Foster. She is survived by her loving husband of 54 years, Eugene W. Lawrence, Sr.; beloved children and their spouses, Jeanette L. and Paul Titus of Pine City, NY, Gene and Doreen Lawrence Jr., Glenn and Diane Lawrence and Teresa Lawrence Fields, all of Elmira, NY; much-loved grandchildren, Jason and Marty Titus, Kristine and Tiffany Lawrence, Elizabeth, Colleen and Anthony "AJ" Lawrence, Stacey and Marlea Fields; along with several other relatives and friends. Doris and her husband owned and operated Lawrence's Mobil Service for 25 years. She was the bookkeeper and the backbone of the company. Doris was a lover of wildlife and nature and also enjoyed reading. She was a huge Green Bay Packers Fan, Chicago Cubs Fan and an avid NASCAR/Harry Gant fan. At her request, there will be no prior calling hours. Services will be held privately and at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be directed to Tanglewood Nature Center, 443 Coleman Ave., Elmira, NY 14903.


More About Doris Marlea Foster:

Name 2: Lawrence, Doris M.

Obituary/Death Notice: 10 Jul 2003, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 208-16-7782 (PA)


Notes for Eugene Wesley Lawrence:

I visited Doris & Eugene at his place of business, Lawrence Mobil, on the corner of Sly St. & Maple Ave. in Elmira. During our visit, Doris stated that her mother's mother was of Indian descent and had a few years earlier attempted to trace her ancestry. -- note of Ronald J. Porter

Children of Doris Foster and Eugene Lawrence are:

+ 3808 i. Jeanette LaVonne14 Lawrence, born 13 Sep 1949 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3809 ii. Eugene Wesley Lawrence, Jr., born 14 Dec 1950 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3810 iii. Glenn Frederick Lawrence, born 01 Nov 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 3811 iv. Teresa Louise Lawrence, born 17 Jul 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1897. Janet Arlene13 Foster (Glenn Irvin12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Apr 1934 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Roy Glen Brown 21 Apr 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Lester Brown and Elnora Caseman. He was born 19 Mar 1922 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Oct 1987.


Children are listed above under Roy Glen Brown (1363).


1898. Marian Ruth13 Foster (Earl George12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1929. She married (1) Harry Thomas Morden. She married (2) Donald Steil.

Children of Marian Foster and Harry Morden are:

3812 i. Carol Ann14 Morden, born 14 Oct 1950.

3813 ii. David Thomas Morden, born 13 May 1952.

3814 iii. Donald Lynn Morden, born 29 May 1953.

3815 iv. Thomas Allen Morden, born Mar 1955.

3816 v. Anita Luise Morden, born 20 Apr 1956.

3817 vi. Daniel Lee Morden, born 01 Jan 1958.

3818 vii. Stephen Richard Morden, born 01 Sep 1959.

1899. James Earl13 Foster (Earl George12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Dec 1931. He married Mary Lou Sparks 05 Apr 1955. She was born 23 May 1932.

Children of James Foster and Mary Sparks are:

3819 i. Jane Marie14 Foster, born 03 Feb 1955.

3820 ii. William Earl Foster, born 11 Nov 1958.

3821 iii. Kathleen Lynn Foster, born 24 Nov 1959.

1900. Jean Louise13 Foster (Earl George12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jan 1934. She married Stanley Arthur Ayres 19 Mar 1954. He was born 16 Dec 1932.

Children of Jean Foster and Stanley Ayres are:

3822 i. Timothy Paul14 Ayres, born 19 Apr 1955.

3823 ii. Patricia Jean Ayres, born 23 Aug 1956.

3824 iii. Lois Elizabeth Ayres, born 21 Oct 1957.

3825 iv. Richard Stanley Ayres, born 01 Jan 1965.

1901. Lois Ann13 Foster (Earl George12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Dec 1935. She married John Overacker 11 Dec 1954. He was born 04 Dec 1933, and died 25 Aug 1990.


More About John Overacker:

Social Security Number: 082-26-6196 (NY)

Children of Lois Foster and John Overacker are:

3826 i. Kevin John14 Overacker, born 11 Jun 1957.

3827 ii. Terri Ann Overacker, born 24 May 1958; died 1980.


More About Terri Ann Overacker:

Burial: Newark Valley Cem., Tioga Co., NY

1902. David Charles13 Foster (Earl George12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1937. He married Barbara Ann Zimmer 18 Jul 1954. She was born 12 May 1936.

Children of David Foster and Barbara Zimmer are:

3828 i. Charles David14 Foster, born 22 Jan 1955.

3829 ii. Mark Eugene Foster, born 27 Dec 1957.

3830 iii. Sheryl Ann Foster, born 01 Nov 1964.

1905. Sheila Irene13 Rhodes (Irene May12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1943 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Alexander Joseph Chagnon, Jr. 22 Sep 1962, son of Alexander Joseph Chagnon. He was born 25 Apr 1939 in Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT.


Notes for Sheila Irene Rhodes:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 May 1962 ed.:

THEY HAVE RINGS ON THEIR FINGERS -- Rhodes-Chagnon (photo incl.)

CANTON - Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Rhodes of Canton RD 1 announce the engagement of their daughter, Sheila I., to Alexander J. Chagnon, Jr., son of Mrs. and Mrs. Chagnon of East Stroudsburg RD 1. Miss Rhodes, a 1961 graduate of Canton High School, is employed by Wood's Second Hand Store, Canton. Her fiance, a 1968 [sic] graduate of Schalmont High School, Rotterdam, recently was discharged from the service. A fall wedding is planned.


Marriage Notes for Sheila Rhodes and Alexander Chagnon:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 May 1962 ed.:


Rhodes-Chagnon (photo incl.)

CANTON - Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Rhodes of Canton RD 1 announce the engagement of their daughter, Sheila I., to Alexander J. Chagnon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Chagnon of East Stroudsburg RD 1. Miss Rhodes, a 1961 graduate of Canton High School, is employed by Wood's Second Hand Store, Canton. Her fiance, a 1968 graduate of Schalmont High School, Rotterdam, recently was discharged from the service. A fall wedding is planned.

Children of Sheila Rhodes and Alexander Chagnon are:

3831 i. Laurie Ann14 Chagnon, born 08 Sep 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married ______ Hipple.

3832 ii. Brenda Kay Chagnon, born 04 Nov 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3833 iii. Christine Jo Chagnon, born 01 Oct 1969 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

3834 iv. Timothy Scott Chagnon, born 07 Feb 1972 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA.

1906. Ronald Edwin13 Mix (Christine Janette12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Sep 1933. He married Barbara C. Johnson 10 Apr 1955, daughter of Alvin Johnson and Catherine Ambergast. She was born 25 Nov 1935, and died 13 Jul 1986.


More About Ronald Edwin Mix:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA


More About Barbara C. Johnson:

Name 2: Mix, Barbara

Burial: 16 Jul 1986, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 192-28-5751 (PA)

Children of Ronald Mix and Barbara Johnson are:

+ 3835 i. Catherine Marie14 Mix, born 25 Apr 1957.

+ 3836 ii. Cynthia Jane Mix, born 13 Apr 1958.

3837 iii. Carol Ann Mix, born 30 May 1959. She married Jeff Dietrick.

+ 3838 iv. Christine Louise Mix, born 11 Oct 1961.

3839 v. Connie Jo Mix, born 28 Oct 1962. She married Robert Zigman.

1908. Raymond Allen13 Mix (Christine Janette12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Oct 1939. He married Joyce Cook 10 Aug 1968, daughter of Marshall Cook and Elizabeth ______.

Children of Raymond Mix and Joyce Cook are:

3840 i. Chester Raymond14 Mix, born 14 Jun 1973.

3841 ii. Marsha Joyce Mix, born 24 Apr 1976.

1909. Dale Leon13 Mix (Christine Janette12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Dec 1941. He married (1) Shirley Finnerty abt. 1969, daughter of James Finnerty. He married (2) Bonnie Morgan abt. 1974.

Child of Dale Mix and Shirley Finnerty is:

3842 i. Robin Lee14 Mix, born 12 Mar 1970.

1910. Nancy Lee13 Foust (Leotta Ruth12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Oct 1939 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Cecil R. Ward 1957 in Alba, Bradford Co., PA, son of Wilson Ward and Norma ______. She married (2) Allen Palmer 30 Jun 1963 in Alba, Bradford Co., PA, son of Benjamin Palmer and Mabel Crist. He was born 18 May 1938 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Nancy Foust and Cecil Ward are:

3843 i. Bradley Allen14 Ward, born 12 Nov 1958 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Tammy Brown 1979.

3844 ii. Robert Paul Ward, born 29 Mar 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Tammy Horton 1980.

Child of Nancy Foust and Allen Palmer is:

+ 3845 i. Scott Charles14 Palmer, born 17 Jul 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

1911. Beverly Ann13 Foust (Leotta Ruth12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1941. She married Raymond Hodder, son of ______ Hodder and Gertrude ______.

Child of Beverly Foust and Raymond Hodder is:

3846 i. Dawn Marie14 Hodder, born Aug 1965.

1915. James Burdett13 Getgen (Eleanor Louise12 Porter, Burdette McKinnley11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1946 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Cynthia Ann Bernardi 27 Apr 1966 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She was born 27 Jan 1949.


Child of James Getgen and Cynthia Bernardi is:

3847 i. Scott James14 Getgen, born 11 Oct 1969 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

1916. John Eugene13 Getgen (Eleanor Louise12 Porter, Burdette McKinnley11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Apr 1948 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Linda Mae Ruch 05 Nov 1971 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She was born 27 Nov 1948.

Children of John Getgen and Linda Ruch are:

3848 i. Jessica Sue14 Getgen, born 04 Jun 1978 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3849 ii. ______ Getgen, born abt. 1980.

1928. Lawrence Eugene13 Westbrook (Donna Kay12 Porter, Raleigh P.11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jul 1962 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Karen M. Shenk 11 Sep 1982 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Robert Swenk and Eleanor Taylor. She was born 02 Nov 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Lawrence Eugene Westbrook:

Occupation: Bus Driver; also Taylor's Meat Packing in Wyalusing, PA

Children of Lawrence Westbrook and Karen Shenk are:

3850 i. April Ann14 Westbrook, born 15 Apr 1983 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About April Ann Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


3851 ii. Aren Westbrook, born May 1985 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Aren Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosptial

1929. Randy Scott13 Westbrook (Donna Kay12 Porter, Raleigh P.11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1963 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Donna Hawk, daughter of ______ Hawk and Carol McMillan.


More About Randy Scott Westbrook:

Occupation: Veal cattle farming

Children of Randy Westbrook and Donna Hawk are:

3852 i. Shianne14 Westbrook, born Sep 1983 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Shianne Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


3853 ii. Nikki Westbrook, born Oct 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Nikki Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

1930. Dennis Wayne13 Westbrook (Donna Kay12 Porter, Raleigh P.11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jun 1965 in Portsmouth, VA. He married Kelly Merritt.


More About Dennis Wayne Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Portsmouth Naval Hospital

Occupation: Auto body mechanic - Dushore, PA

Children of Dennis Westbrook and Kelly Merritt are:

3854 i. Michelle Renee14 Westbrook, born 28 Jul 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Michelle Renee Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


3855 ii. Stefanie Kay Westbrook, born 1988 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Stefanie Kay Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

1931. Tammy Jo13 Westbrook (Donna Kay12 Porter, Raleigh P.11, Grant Ulysses10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 May 1968 in Portsmouth, VA. She met (1) Ray Forbes. She married (2) Thomas Hovan abt. 1994.


More About Tammy Jo Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Portsmouth Naval Hospital

Occupation: Rynbelt Wreath Factory - New Albany, PA

Child of Tammy Westbrook and Ray Forbes is:

3856 i. Dustin Allen14 Westbrook, born 28 Feb 1985 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.



More About Dustin Allen Westbrook:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Child of Tammy Westbrook and Thomas Hovan is:

3857 i. ______14 Hovan, born 19 Jul 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Hovan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-Gazette, 26 Jul 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

HOVAN - a daughter, Friday, July 19, 1996, to Tom and Tammy Westbrook Hovan of Rome.


More About ______ Hovan:

Birth Announced: 26 Jul 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

1935. Eugene Kenneth13 Fleming (Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1925 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA, and died 12 Jul 1964. He married Marie Hughes abt. 1943.

Children of Eugene Fleming and Marie Hughes are:

+ 3858 i. Sally Marie14 Fleming, born 08 May 1945.

+ 3859 ii. Michael Fleming, born 08 Jul 1952.

1936. James Allen13 Fleming (Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1929 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA. He married Doris Amelia Stephens 18 Jul 1948 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of Holly Stephens and Eunice Stanton. She was born 14 Nov 1925.

Children of James Fleming and Doris Stephens are:

+ 3860 i. Bonnie June14 Fleming, born 27 Mar 1949 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 3861 ii. Donnie Allen Fleming, born 27 Mar 1949 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 3862 iii. Twila Ann Fleming, born 22 Mar 1955 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 3863 iv. Susan Fleming, born 09 Aug 1957 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 3864 v. Victoria Letha Fleming, born 21 Sep 1959 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

1937. Janet13 Fleming (Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Apr 1935 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA. She married Donald Wales 31 Mar 1951.

Children of Janet Fleming and Donald Wales are:

3865 i. Connie14 Wales, born 23 Dec 1951.

3866 ii. Donna Wales, born 01 Nov 1953. She married Victor Oliviany 31 May 1975.

3867 iii. Sandra Ilene Wales, born 14 Jul 1956.

3868 iv. Donald Gerold Wales, born 27 Jul 1958. He married Karen Marie Bradley 19 Jul 1980.

3869 v. Timothy Wales, born 31 Jul 1961.

3870 vi. Pamela Wales, born 10 Oct 1963.

1938. Thelbert Wilson13 Wright (Thelbert Wendell13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Carol Dildine.

Children of Thelbert Wright and Carol Dildine are:

3871 i. Michael14 Wright.

3872 ii. Tammy Wright.

3873 iii. Michael Wright.

3874 iv. Michael Wright.

1939. Beverly Ann13 Wright (Thelbert Wendell13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Edward Leljedal.

Children of Beverly Wright and Edward Leljedal are:

3875 i. Chauntey14 Leljedal.

3876 ii. Terry Leljedal.

+ 3877 iii. Diane Leljedal.

+ 3878 iv. Wendy Leljedal.

3879 v. Gregory Leljedal.

3880 vi. Amanda Leljedal.

1942. Joan Louise13 Royce (Effie Sadie13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 May 1936 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY. She married Raymond Earl Thomas 20 Jun 1953 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY, son of Irving Thomas and Sarah Rhoades. He was born 08 Apr 1931 in Richford, Tioga Co., NY.

Children of Joan Royce and Raymond Thomas are:

3881 i. Debra Dawn14 Thomas, born 18 Jul 1954 in Onslow Co., NC. She married Thomas Richard Bartow 14 Apr 1973; born 07 Jul 1951 in Candor, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Debra Dawn Thomas:

Medical Information: born at Camp Lejune Military Hospital


3882 ii. Richard Earl Thomas, born 30 Dec 1957 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Mary Ann Emery.

3883 iii. Teresa Ann Thomas, born 09 Nov 1960 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

1943. Leslie William13 Royce, Jr. (Effie Sadie13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Dec 1947 in Richford, Tioga Co., NY. He married Nancy Jo O'Brien 07 Jun 1966 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY, daughter of Owen O'Brien and Emma Gridley. She was born 12 May 1944 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

Children of Leslie Royce and Nancy O'Brien are:

3884 i. Wayne Allan14 Royce, born 30 Aug 1966 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

3885 ii. William Leslie Royce, born 28 May 1973 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

3886 iii. Vanessa Jean Royce, born 20 May 1974 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

1944. Nancy Gail13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jan 1941. She married Stephen Rhodes Parr Bef. 2002.


More About Nancy Gail Wright:

Occupation: Minister


More About Stephen Rhodes Parr:

Occupation: Minister

Children of Nancy Wright and Stephen Parr are:

+ 3887 i. Cathryn Elizabeth14 Parr.

3888 ii. Kristina Sandra Parr. She married Michael Solie.

1945. Kenneth Malcolm13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1943. He married Sandra Donean Stephens abt. 1965, daughter of Roger Stephens and Ruth ______. She was born 20 May 1946 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, and died 08 May 2002 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Kenneth Malcolm Wright:

Residence: May 2002, RR 2 Box 120-D, Wysox, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Sandra Donean Stephens:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 May 2002 ed.:

WRIGHT, Sandra Donean Stephens 55, wife of Kenneth M. Wright Jr. of RR 2 Box 120-D, Wysox, Standing Stone Twp., Pa. passed away Wednesday May 8, 2002 at Memorial Hospital Towanda, Pa. She was born May 20, 1946 at the Mill's hospital in Towanda, the daughter of the late Roger and Ruth Stephens of Standing Stone. Sandy graduated from Towanda High School and the Empire Beauty School. She has been a well-known hair stylist for 37 years owning her own shop in Wysox for 35 years. One of her greatest pleasures was making people look good. She is survived by her husband of 37 years, Kenneth M. Wright Jr., at home, daughter and son-in-law, Kandi Kae (Wright) and Robbie Sample of Montour Falls, NY. Daughter and special friend, Kasteena (Kassie) Jean Wright and Douglas Barefoot of Mesa, AZ, two grandchildren, Preston Ryin and Kassidee Kae Sample, brother and sister-in-law, Roger and Doris Stephens, sisters and brother-in-law, Charity (Stephens) Pelton, Jeanne (Stephens) and Dale Bennett. Brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws, Stephen and Nancy (Wright) Parr, Jack and JoPat Wright, Philip and Irene Wright, Gordon and Carol Wright, Dale and Susan (Wright) Malin, George and Cindy (Wright) Nolan, Mitchell and Sylvia Wright, Pam Wright and Sherry Good, Bonnie (Wright) and Clifford Shaffer, Roger and Shawna Wright. Also by numerous nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. She was preceded in death by her sister, Kathryn (Kakie) Stephens. Sandy's greatest joy was her large family and taking care of all of them. Her pride and joy were two beautiful grandbabies. The family will receive friends Saturday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Maryott-Bowen Funeral Home, 217 York Ave. Towanda, Pa. Funeral services will be private. Interment will be in the Standing Stone Cemetery, Standing Stone Twp., Pa.


More About Sandra Donean Stephens:

Burial: 11 May 2002, Standing Stone Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Kenneth Wright and Sandra Stephens are:

+ 3889 i. Kandi Kae14 Wright, born Apr 1967 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3890 ii. Kasteena Jean Wright, born abt. 1969 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She met Douglas Barefoot.


More About Kasteena Jean Wright:

Residence: May 2002, Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZ



1946. Jack Eugene13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Aug 1945. He married Josephine Patricia Pardisco, daughter of Horace Pardisco.

Children of Jack Wright and Josephine Pardisco are:

3891 i. Clistina Marie14 Wright.

3892 ii. Scott Horatio Wright.

3893 iii. Jack Eugene Wright, Jr., born 20 Oct 1961.

1947. Philip Gary13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1947. He married Irene Helena Eddy.

Children of Philip Wright and Irene Eddy are:

3894 i. Matthew Earl14 Wright.

3895 ii. Autumn Marie Wright.


1948. Gordon Duane13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1949. He married Carol Sautedin.

Children of Gordon Wright and Carol Sautedin are:

3896 i. Caleb14 Wright. He married Trudi Vorp 14 Aug 1999.


Marriage Notes for Caleb Wright and Trudi Vorp:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 18 Apr 1999 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Vorp-Wright (photo included)

Mr. and Mrs. James Vorp of Simcoe, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Trudi Vorp, to Caleb Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright of Reading Center, NY. The bride-elect graduated from Charles O. Dickerson High School in Trumansburg, NY, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in music from Geneseo State College and is pursuing a masters' degree in Musicology from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. She is a teacher's assistant at Bowling Green State University. Her fiance graduated from Watkins Glen High School, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a certificate of qualification for secondary education from Geneseo State College. He is a math teacher at Lake City High School in Lake City, SC. The couple plan to marry August 14, 1999.


3897 ii. Sarah Wright.

1949. Susan Jean13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Nov 1951. She married Dale Thomas Malin.

Children of Susan Wright and Dale Malin are:

3898 i. Chadd Poxton14 Malin.

3899 ii. Melanie Joy Malin.

3900 iii. Seth Abraham Malin.

3901 iv. Jesse James Malin.

1950. Cynthia Diana13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Mar 1954. She married George Nolan.

Children of Cynthia Wright and George Nolan are:

3902 i. Shane Patrick14 Nolan.

3903 ii. Lois Autumn Lyn Nolan.

3904 iii. Blake Dawson Nolan.

1953. Bonnie Kay13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Aug 1958. She married Clifford H. Shaffer, son of ______ Shaffer and Francis Christian.

Children of Bonnie Wright and Clifford Shaffer are:

3905 i. Justin Ryan14 Shaffer.

3906 ii. Lance Ross Shaffer.

3907 iii. Tyler Cliff Shaffer.

3908 iv. Joseph Scott Shaffer, born 08 Feb 1976; died 29 May 1979.


More About Joseph Scott Shaffer:

Burial: New Albany, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: Leukemia

1954. Roger Mark13 Wright (Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Mar 1961. He married Shawna Covey Bef. 2002.

Children of Roger Wright and Shawna Covey are:

3909 i. Devon Roger14 Wright.

3910 ii. Crystal Joy Wright.

1955. Carol Ann13 Knapp (Ruth Nellie13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) ______ Zemanek. She married (2) Ernest J. Benson, Jr., son of Ernest Benson and Nancy ______.

More About Carol Ann Knapp:

Residence: Mar 2001, Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA

Child of Carol Knapp and Ernest Benson is:

3911 i. Colin Wayne14 Benson, born 1994; died 27 Mar 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; Stepchild.


Notes for Colin Wayne Benson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 29 Mar 1996 ed.:

BENSON, Colin Wayne, age 2 of Alder Run Road, Millerton, PA, passed away Wednesday March 27, 1996 at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA. He is survived by his parents, E. J. and Lauretta Benson, loving brother Caleb J. Benson; grandparents; Ernest J. Benson, Sr. of Millerton, PA; Chet and Ellie Knapp of Millerton, PA, Bob and Nancy Wheeler of Covington, PA, Albert and Patty Tillinghast of Lawrenceville, PA; great-grandparents, Pete and June Wheeler of Millerton, Evelyn and Harold Fenner of Lindley, NY, Chet and Ruth Knapp of Millerton, PA; great-great grandfather Norman Wheeler of Millerton, PA...Interment Alder Run Cemetery at the convenience of the family.


More About Colin Wayne Benson:

Burial: Apr 1996, Alder Run Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 Mar 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

1958. John Michael13 Porter (Clarence Harold12, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1955 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. He married Delia Faye Anderson 23 Jan 1981 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., TX. She was born 1958.


More About John Michael Porter:

Military service: U.S. Navy

Occupation: Jan 1997, Motorola Corporation


More About Delia Faye Anderson:

Occupation: Waitress

Children of John Porter and Delia Anderson are:

3912 i. Bridget Renee14 Porter, born 26 Aug 1975 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., TX.

3913 ii. Brandi Leigh Porter, born 26 Oct 1978 in Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co., TX.

1960. Patricia13 Porter (Clarence Harold12, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1955 in Madrid, Spain.

Child of Patricia Porter is:

3914 i. ______14 Porter, born abt. 1997.

1962. Robert Lee13 Porter, Jr. (Robert Lee12, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Aug 1950 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. He married Sheila ______.


More About Robert Lee Porter, Jr.:

Occupation: School Teacher

Child of Robert Porter and Sheila ______ is:

3915 i. Sarah14 Porter.

1963. Michael LeRoy13 Porter (Robert Lee12, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1954 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Co., MO. He married Debra Gail Bridger 06 Jul 1972 in Sikeston, Scott Co., MO, daughter of Kenneth Bridger and Christina James. She was born 01 Sep 1955 in Sikeston, Scott Co., MO.


Notes for Michael LeRoy Porter:

During a lengthy telephone conversation with Michael on 2 Jan 1997, much of this information pertaining to his family was disclosed. He seemed a bit cautious at first about giving me any information, being a state patrolman in Missouri, a job he has enjoyed since 1986. He stated that "Debra was a grade school teacher in the St. Charles School District and Christopher was a junior at Truman University, majoring in music." He said "I haven't had any contact with the Porters from the northeast, but when I was a child in the mid-1960s, I went with my grandfather, Clarence Irvin Porter, on a trip to Pennsylvania. We visited relatives in the Amish area (prob. Winifred (Porter) Henry) and then went on to New York, visiting a store owner named Porter (John L. Porter of Painted Post, NY)." -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Michael LeRoy Porter:

Occupation: 02 Jan 1997, Missouri State Police

Children of Michael Porter and Debra Bridger are:

3916 i. Christopher Michael14 Porter, born 24 Aug 1975 in Sikeston, Scott Co., MO.

3917 ii. Elizabeth Ann Porter, born 24 Feb 1981 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Girardeau Co., MO.

1964. Pamela Sue13 Tipp (Gwendolyn Carol12 Porter, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 May 1956 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. She met Victor Guy Johnson abt. 1977.


More About Pamela Sue Tipp:

Occupation: San Diego School District - Senior Instructional Training Supervisor

Children of Pamela Tipp and Victor Johnson are:

3918 i. Victor Guy14 Johnson II, born 03 May 1979 in San Diego, San Diego, CA.

3919 ii. Alexander Gene Johnson, born 25 Jan 1981 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA.

1965. Cathy Yvonne13 Tipp (Gwendolyn Carol12 Porter, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1958 in Perryville, Perry Co., MO. She married Kenneth Arnold Haynes abt. 1978.


More About Cathy Yvonne Tipp:

Occupation: Jan 1997, Target Stores - Vallejo, CA

Children of Cathy Tipp and Kenneth Haynes are:

3920 i. Kenneth Arnold14 Haynes II, born 30 Jul 1979 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA.

3921 ii. Jeffrey Jamesrance Haynes, born 15 Feb 1981 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA.


More About Jeffrey Jamesrance Haynes:

Name 2: Haynes, Jeffrey James


3922 iii. Nicole LeAnn Haynes, born 21 Jun 1982 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA.

1966. Debra Lynn13 Tipp (Gwendolyn Carol12 Porter, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jun 1959 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. She met (1) Juan Ramone Gomez. He was born in Mexico. She married (2) Antonio Montejano.


More About Debra Lynn Tipp:

Residence: Jan 1977, Denver, CO


More About Antonio Montejano:

Residence: Jan 1997, Denver, CO

Child of Debra Tipp and Juan Gomez is:

3923 i. Juan Ricardo14 Gomez, born 16 Feb 1978 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

Children of Debra Tipp and Antonio Montejano are:

3924 i. Jose Antonio14 Montejano, born 20 Oct 1981 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.


More About Jose Antonio Montejano:

Residence: Jan 1997, Denver, CO


3925 ii. Kayla Lynn Montejano, born 29 Dec 1983 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.


More About Kayla Lynn Montejano:

Residence: Jan 1997, Denver, CO

1967. Cindy Ann13 Tipp (Gwendolyn Carol12 Porter, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1961 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA. She married Arthur Cano Dec 1979. He was born in Mexico.


More About Cindy Ann Tipp:

Occupation: Jan 1997, Benicia City Water Department

Children of Cindy Tipp and Arthur Cano are:

3926 i. Katrina LeAnne14 Cano, born 21 May 1981 in Fairfield, Solano Co., CA.

3927 ii. Manuel Victor Cano, born 16 Mar 1982 in Fort Rucker, Dale Co., AL.

3928 iii. Cassandra Marie Cano, born 08 Mar 1985 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA.

3929 iv. Victor Cano, born 09 Jul 1987 in Martinez, Contra Costa Co., CA.

1968. Richard James13 Tipp (Gwendolyn Carol12 Porter, Clarence Irvin11, Clarence Lee10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Aug 1963 in Virginia Beach, VA. He married Claudia Klinger. She was born in Germany.


More About Richard James Tipp:

Military service: U.S. Air Force - Military Police

Occupation: Jan 1997, American Protective Services - Sacramento, CA

Children of Richard Tipp and Claudia Klinger are:

3930 i. Daniel Christopher14 Tipp, born 19 Jan 1984 in Germany.

3931 ii. Diana Patricia Tipp, born 08 Jun 1986 in Germany.

3932 iii. Carina Alexandria Tipp, born 20 Feb 1990 in Germany.

1998. Lemuel Brooks13 Shadduck (Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jul 1917 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 23 Dec 1990 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Virginia Merritt 24 Dec 1941 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Donald Merritt and Luella McCraney. She was born 05 Sep 1922 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Lemuel Brooks Shadduck:

Canton, PA - INDEPENDENT-SENTINEL - 3 Jan 1991 ed.:

Shadduck, Lemuel B.: "Mr. Shadduck served in the Army during World War II (July 23, 1941 to Oct. 15, 1945). He received the Good Conduct Medal, Philippine Liberation Ribbon and two Bronze Stars, American Defense Service medal and the Asiatic Pacific Service medal with three Bronze Stars. He served in the New Guinea, Southern Philippines and Luzon campaigns. He was discharged as a Sargeant. He was employed as a serviceman for North Penn Gas Co. for 19 1/2 years and by Prestons, Inc., as a floor installer." (The Bradford County, PA veteran's records show that Lemuel was assigned to Co C, 21st Infantry Regt. - note of R.J. Porter)


More About Lemuel Brooks Shadduck:

Burial: 26 Dec 1990, East Canton Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 Jan 1991, INDEPENDENT-SENTINEL - Canton, PA

Social Security Number: 163-18-0681 (PA)

Children of Lemuel Shadduck and Virginia Merritt are:

+ 3933 i. Bonnie Elnora14 Shadduck, born 01 Jul 1943 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA.

+ 3934 ii. Kathie Luella Shadduck, born 02 Oct 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

1999. Bernice Marian13 Shadduck (Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1923 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 14 Apr 2003 in McAlisterville, Juniata Co., PA. She married (1) Keith Snell. She married (2) Robert M. Spencer.


More About Bernice Marian Shadduck:

Name 2: Spencer, Bernice S.

Social Security Number: 209-16-4661 (PA)

Child of Bernice Shadduck and Keith Snell is:

+ 3935 i. Kevin14 Snell, who married Marlene Kaplan. Their children were Mara G. Snell and Jonathan M. Snell.

Child of Bernice Shadduck and Robert Spencer is:

+ 3936 i. Suzette14 Spencer. She married (1) Andrew Spinelli, then (2) Richard Lyczak.

2000. Beatrice Helen13 Comfort (Goldie Helen12 Shadduck, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born February 10, 1914 in Troy, PA. She married the Reverend John H. Ludwig on May 30, 1943. "Bea" died on July 20, 2007 in Greenville, SC, exactly one year to the day after her husband died.

Daily Review
Towanda, PA
July 21, 2007

Beatrice Helen Comfort Ludwig, 93, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Friday, July 20, 2007.
She was born Feb. 10, 1914, in Troy, Pa., to the late Irving and Goldie Shadduck Comfort. Bea spent her early life in Troy, Pa., and North East, Erie County, Pa. She and her brother, Glenn, attended the Thomas One Room School, which is now part of the Bradford County Heritage Association's school exhibit at the Farm Museum in Alparon Park, Troy. In her teen years she moved with her family to Binghamton, Broome County, N.Y., where she attended Boulevard Methodist Church and graduated in 1933 from Binghamton Central High School. She spent a year studying music at Simpson Conservatory of Music in Indianola, Iowa. She later went with her brother, Glenn, to college in Cleveland, Tenn., and in 1945 she graduated from Bob Jones College., It was in college that she met her future husband, the Rev. John H. Ludwig, who predeceased her July 20, 2006.
They celebrated 63 years of marriage on May 30, 2006. Together they faithfully served the Lord on the staff at Bob Jones University. Bea's guidance throughout life was her faith in God's Word. Bea was an accomplished pianist, and an excellent artist; she sang in church and college choirs and in countless duets with her husband, John. She was a member of the Independent Bible Church, Greenville, S.C. She enjoyed Pennsylvania's Endless Mountains, the Troy Fair, maple sugaring, haying, horses, flowers, fashion, classical music, jigsaw puzzles, Olympic competition and her family. She was a member of LeRoy Heritage Museum and Bradford County Heritage Association.
She is survived by her daughters and their families, Linda (Greg) Mutzer of Palmetto, Fla., and their daughters, Laureen (Joshua) Wulpi of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Lorraine Mutzer of West Palm Beach, Fla.; Lois (Rich) McCall of Liberty, S.C., and their son, Eric (Laurie) McCall, and children, Gabe and Joey of Central, S.C., and their daughter, Kellie (Cale) Bigbee and child Millie of Liberty. She is also survived by her nieces, Martha Comfort and GlynnAnn Goss and their families. She was predeceased by her brother and sister-in-law, the Rev. Glenn S and Frances Vaughan Comfort, and her grandparents, Thomas and Sake Wheeler Comfort, and John and Myra Holcomb Shadduck.
Her roots can be traced back many generations to Norway, Sweden and the British Isles. Her ancestors came to America in the 1600s, settling first in Massachusetts and New York. Eight of her third and fourth great-grandfathers were soldiers of the American Revolution and her maternal great-grandfathers both served in the War Between the States; one was wounded at Gettysburg and the other lost his life in Virginia.
The immediate family wants to extend their sincere thanks to the staff at W.J. Barge Hospital, who became Bea's extended family. Bea's earnest prayer was that each would come to know her Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior and join her in entering the Golden Gates of Heaven. Services will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday, July 23, in the War Memorial Chapel on the campus of Bob Jones University, 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. Interment will follow at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Greenville. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service in the War Memorial Chapel. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to the Ludwig Scholarship Fund at Gospel Fellowship Association, 1809 Wade Hampton Blvd, Suite 110, Greenville, S.C. 29609. This fund helps financially needy students. The Mackey Mortuary, Century Drive, Greenville, is in charge of arrangements.

Children of Beatrice Comfort and John Ludwig are:

3937a i. Linda L.14 Ludwig. She married Gregory K. Mutzer .

3937b i. Lois L. Ludwig. She married Richard W. McCall.

2007. Harold Donald13 Bohn (Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Sep 1905 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 04 Sep 1967 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Myrtle Irene Dunn 28 May 1925, daughter of Harry Dunn and Louisa Gildea. She was born 26 Feb 1905 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 22 Jan 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Harold Donald Bohn:

Burial: 07 Sep 1967, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 071-09-0374 (NY)


Notes for Myrtle Irene Dunn:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Jan 1996 ed.:

BOHN, Myrtle, age 90, of West Elmira, NY on Monday, January 22, 1996. There will be no calling hours. A private Funeral Service will be held at the Holly-Keck & Baker, Inc. Funeral Home at the convenience of the family. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Rev. Richard F. Kuenkler officiating. Survived by daughters and sons-in-law, Joyce and Earle Schaeffer of Erie, PA, Shirley and Carlton Eldrett of Elmira, NY; 3 grandchildren, Harold Barlow of Erie, PA, Jeffrey Barlow of Elmira, NY and William Barlow of East Liverpool, OH; 5 great-grandchildren, Jessica, Erica, Nicholas, Ian and Ryan; brother and sister-in-law, Harry L. (Jane) Dunn of Endicott, NY; several nieces and nephews and a very dear friend Pat Argento of Rochester, NY. Predeceased by her husband, Harold D. Bohn in 1967, and son Harold Lynn Bohn. Family will provide flowers; those wishing may make memorials to Hospice of the Southern Tier, 244 W. Water St., Elmira, NY 14901 or to a charity of one's choice. Myrtle was a member of the Chemung Chapter of the DAR, Harmony Loyal Chapter of Eastern Star, Elmira B.P.W., Capt. Henry Hudson Chapter of the Colonial Dames, Boston Purchase Colony of New England Women, War of 1812, Daughters of American Colonists, and several other genealogical organizations. Myrtle was vice-president of Twin Tier Tire.


More About Myrtle Irene Dunn:

Name 2: Bohn, Myrtle

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 23 Jan 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jan 1996, Last residence: West Elmira, NY 14905

Social Security Number: 120-40-5833 (NY)

Children of Harold Bohn and Myrtle Dunn are:

3938 i. Shirley Ellen14 Bohn, born 17 Jan 1928 in Elmira, NY. She married H. Carlton Eldrett 08 May 1956 in Elmira, NY.

3939 ii. Harold Donald Bohn, Jr., born 17 Jan 1934 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died Feb 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Harold Donald Bohn, Jr.:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY


+ 3940 iii. Joyce Arlene Bohn, born 22 Mar 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2008. Gladys Lenora13 Bohn (Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jan 1909 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 12 Apr 1985 in Grosse Pointe, Wayne Co., MI. She married Harry Avery Miller 1933, son of Alfred Miller and Emma Guild. He was born 20 Sep 1902, and died Aug 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Gladys Lenora Bohn:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 Apr 1985 ed.:

Miller, Gladys Bohn - formerly of W. Water Street, Elmira, Friday April 12, 1985 in Grosse Point, Michigan. Friends may call at the Holly-Keck Funeral Home Sunday 7 to 8 p.m. with funeral and committal services there at the conclusion of hours (8 p.m.), the Rev. Jack Zeigler officiating. Burial, at the convenience of the family, Woodlawn Cemetery. She is survived by her son, Alan C. Miller and his children Amy and Susan Miller, all of Grosse Point, MI; sister-in-laws Helen Brownlow, Gladys and Myrtle Bohn all of Elmira; several nieces. She was the widow of Harry A. Miller, member of Lake Street Presbyterian Church, the DAR and was an alumni of Elmira College. She also taught kindergarten at Hendy Avenue School for many years.


More About Gladys Lenora Bohn:

Name 2: Miller, Gladys

Burial: 16 Apr 1985, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 14 Apr 1985, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Apr 1985, Last residence: Grosse Pointe, MI 48236

Social Security Number: 123-32-6459 (NY)


More About Harry Avery Miller:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 108-05-1215 (NY)

Child of Gladys Bohn and Harry Miller is:

+ 3941 i. Alan Charles14 Miller, born 20 Feb 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2009. Charles Henri13 Bohn (Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1910 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 02 Nov 1967 in Lockport, Niagara Co., NY. He married Gladys Elizabeth McDowell 15 Jun 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Tracey McDowell and Mabel Simpson. She was born 28 May 1912 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 14 Apr 1998 in West Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Charles Henri Bohn:

Burial: 05 Nov 1967, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Occupation: 1953, Asst. Manager - Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.

Residence: 1953, 1153 West Church St., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 127-07-9869 (NY)


Notes for Gladys Elizabeth McDowell:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 16 Apr 1998 ed.:

BOHN, Gladys McDowell of Elmira, NY, age 85 of Underwood Avenue, Tuesday, April 14, 1998. Friends are invited to call at the Smith-Fudge Marshall Funeral Home, Thursday, 7-9 p.m. A funeral service will be held there Friday at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Jeffrey Bell will officiate. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery. The family will provide their own flowers. Remembrances may be directed to the North Presbyterian Church or the charity of your choice. She was predeceased by her husband of 32 years, Charles H. Bohn, in 1967 and her sister, Marian Chalk in 1992. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Lynda (Philip) Carpentier of Elmira; grandchildren, Scott Carpentier of Fairport, NY, Karen (Brian) Barker of Poughkeepsie, NY; sister, Alice Zawko of Elmira, NY; brother-in-law, Nicholas Chalk of Elmira. She was a member of the North Presbyterian Church.


More About Gladys Elizabeth McDowell:

Name 2: Bohn, Gladys

Obituary/Death Notice: 16 Apr 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1953, 1153 West Church St., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1998, Last residence: West Elmira, NY14905

Social Security Number: 071-09-0042 (NY)

Child of Charles Bohn and Gladys McDowell is:

+ 3942 i. Lynda Lou14 Bohn, born 24 Jul 1937 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2012. Phyllis Marie13 Dickerson (Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Aug 1925 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, and died 08 Dec 1980 in Ocala, Marion Co., FL. She married Edgar Cecil Neisler. He was born 08 Nov 1921.


More About Phyllis Marie Dickerson:

Name 2: Neisler, Phyllis

Cause of Death: Liver cancer

Residence: Bef. Dec 1980, Last residence: Ocala, FL 32671

Social Security Number: 218-20-1914 (MD)

Children of Phyllis Dickerson and Edgar Neisler are:

3943 i. Edgar Cecil14 Neisler, Jr., born 24 Feb 1947.

3944 ii. Kyle Dean Neisler, born 25 Mar 1951.

2013. Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson (Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jul 1929 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, and died 10 Jul 1998. She married Calvin Oscar O'Rourke 14 Aug 1947 in Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD.


More About Ethelda Iris Dickerson:

Name 2: O'Rourke, Ethelda

Residence: Bet. 1994 - Jul 1998, Last residence: Woodbridge, VA 22191

Social Security Number: 223-40-9783 (VA)

Children of Ethelda Dickerson and Calvin O'Rourke are:

+ 3945 i. Eva Cathleen14 O'Rourke, born 24 Oct 1950 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA.

+ 3946 ii. Deborah Ann O'Rourke, born 14 Apr 1952 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA.

+ 3947 iii. Patrick Michael O'Rourke, born 05 Oct 1956 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA.

+ 3948 iv. Timothy James O'Rourke, born 28 Sep 1958 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA.

+ 3949 v. Patricia Marie O'Rourke, born 09 Jan 1960 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA.

3950 vi. Sharon Jean O'Rourke, born 25 Jan 1961 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA. She married Dale Roger Jett; born in GA.

2014. Loretta Ann13 Dickerson (Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1934 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. She married James Louis Wright. He was born 11 Jun 1928 in Latta, Dillon Co., SC, and died 28 Jan 1998 in Greenville, SC.


More About Loretta Ann Dickerson:

Occupation: Bef. 1992, Department Store - retired

Residence: 1994, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (old Dickerson homestead)


More About James Louis Wright:

Occupation: Service Manager, Civil War battle field

Residence 1: 1994, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA (old Dickerson homestead)

Residence 2: Bef. Jan 1998, Last residence: Greenville, SC 29605

Social Security Number: 247-50-9644 (SC)

Children of Loretta Dickerson and James Wright are:

3951 i. Melinda14 Wright, born 01 Mar 1957 in Washington, DC. She married John Gordon Lindsay 15 Dec 1979 in Manassas, Prince William Co., VA; born 16 Jun 1954 in Philadelphia, PA.

3952 ii. Brian Wright, born 27 Feb 1958 in Washington, DC.


2015. Norman Louis13 Dickerson (Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1938 in Bethesda, Montgomery Co., MD, and died 18 Aug 1982 in VA. He married Jeanette Viola Davis. She was born 07 Aug 1939 in Calax, VA.


More About Norman Louis Dickerson:

Burial: 21 Aug 1982, Culpeper National Cem., Culpeper Co., VA

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Occupation: 1982, Insurance adjuster

Residence: Bef. Aug 1982, Last residence: Woodbridge, VA 22193

Social Security Number: 225-46-2600 (VA)


More About Jeanette Viola Davis:

Residence: Aug 1982, Woodbridge, VA 22193

Children of Norman Dickerson and Jeanette Davis are:

+ 3953 i. Norman Eugene14 Dickerson, born 25 Oct 1963 in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA.

3954 ii. Daniel Louis Dickerson, born 28 Jun 1966. He married Joy Ellen Howell 08 May 1993 in Manassas, Prince William Co., VA; born 16 Aug 1966 in East St. Louis, St. Clair Co., IL.


More About Daniel Louis Dickerson:

Residence: 1994, Woodstock, Shenandoah Co., VA

2016. Paul Dawson13 Lewis (Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1925 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Joan Pacheco abt. 1954. He married (2) Billie McEnrol 1978.


More About Paul Dawson Lewis:

Military service: U.S. Navy - WW II

Occupation: Naval shipyard fireman

Residence: 1995, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA

Children of Paul Lewis and Joan Pacheco are:

+ 3955 i. Collene Joy14 Lewis, born 10 May 1956.

3956 ii. Kathleen Mae Lewis, born 27 Apr 1957. She married John Courtois.

3957 iii. Russell Allen Lewis, born 07 Aug 1959.

3958 iv. Darlene June Lewis, born 31 Jul 1964.

3959 v. Geraldene Lewis, born 25 Oct 1965.

2017. Gwendolyn Jane13 Lewis (Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jan 1930 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Richard Moore abt. 1948.

Children of Gwendolyn Lewis and Richard Moore are:

3960 i. Deborah Marie14 Moore, born 12 Jun 1950.

+ 3961 ii. Sally Ann Moore, born 05 Sep 1951.

+ 3962 iii. Constance Jean Moore, born 22 Aug 1953.

3963 iv. Jennifer Irene Moore, born 19 Oct 1957.

3964 v. Teresa Mary Moore, born 04 Feb 1961.

2018. Virginia Lee13 Lewis (Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Apr 1936 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Lloyd Ray Bell 29 Jul 1949. She married (2) Stanley Marcus 09 Oct 1982.

Children of Virginia Lewis and Lloyd Bell are:

3965 i. Thomas Lloyd14 Bell, born 27 Nov 1950.

+ 3966 ii. Bonita Elaine Bell, born 09 Mar 1952.

2019. Beverly Ann13 Lewis (Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1938 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Robert Carr abt. 1956. She married (2) Harry A. Bortz 01 Apr 1973.

Child of Beverly Lewis and Robert Carr is:

3967 i. Jeffery Lyle14 Bortz, born 30 Oct 1958.

2020. Jacquline Marie13 Dickerson (Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1933 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Wayne Adelbert Mosher in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Richard Mosher and Wanda Goodwin. He was born 24 Mar 1930 in Middlebury Center, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Wayne Adelbert Mosher:

Occupation: Electric company office supervisor

Children of Jacquline Dickerson and Wayne Mosher are:

+ 3968 i. Wayne Adelbert14 Mosher, Jr., born 20 Jan 1955 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 3969 ii. Daniel Lee Mosher, born 04 Apr 1956 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 3970 iii. Melinda Ann Mosher, born 27 Jun 1957 in Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY.

2021. Roland George13 Dickerson (Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Dec 1935 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, and died 02 Jan 1980 in Elmira, NY. He married Sandra Jean Conklin 1958 in Elmira, NY.


More About Roland George Dickerson:

Burial: 04 Jan 1980, Bath, Steuben Co., NY

Cause of Death: throat cancer

Occupation: Skilled machine operator

Residence: Bef. Jan 1980, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 101-26-7996 (NY)

Children of Roland Dickerson and Sandra Conklin are:

+ 3971 i. Sherry Jean14 Dickerson, born 27 Nov 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3972 ii. Randy Lee Dickerson, born 26 May 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Susan Elaine Colborn; born 30 Mar 1959 in Fort Wayne, Allen Co., IN.

2022. Harold Theus13 Dickerson (Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1943 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Linda Kathryn Thayer in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She was born 15 Sep 1944. He married (2) Amber Eileen DePalma Nov 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She was born 14 Jul 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Harold Theus Dickerson:

Occupation: 1994, Business correspondent

Child of Harold Dickerson and Linda Thayer is:

3973 i. Scott Randall14 Dickerson, born 08 Feb 1966 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2023. Susan Marjorie13 Dickerson (Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Apr 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Stuart Allen Burr. He was born 04 Oct 1942.


More About Stuart Allen Burr:

Residence: 1994, Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL

Child of Susan Dickerson and Stuart Burr is:

3974 i. Jennifer Anne14 Burr, born 29 Mar 1975.

2024. William Louis13 Dickerson (John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 May 1940 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died Aft. 2000 in Colchester, New London Co., CT. He married Elizabeth Mary Thomson 27 Mar 1965 in Groton, New London Co., CT, daughter of James Thomson and Grace Bain. She was born 24 Jul 1941 in Rosthay, Scotland, and died in Colchester, New London Co., CT.


More About William Louis Dickerson:

Degree: AAS in Agri-Bus.; BS in Bus. Admin; MS in Organ. Behavior

Hobbies: writing, genealogy work, organizing reunions, stamp collecting, poultry fancy showing, woodworking, fishing, camping, hunting, gardening, cooking and dancing

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Navy - submarine force

Military service: Viet Nam War

Residence: 2000, Colchester, CT


More About Elizabeth Mary Thomson:

Hobbies: knitting, drama, dancing, socializing, music, interior decorating, painting, golf and pampering grandchildren

Occupation: Licensed Practical Nurse

Children of William Dickerson and Elizabeth Thomson are:

3975 i. James John14 Dickerson, born 15 Jul 1966 in Greenock, Scotland. He married Angela Maria Cecchni 04 Jul 1992 in Johnsonville, CT; born 16 Oct 1966 in Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT.


More About James John Dickerson:

Education: Cortland Univ - Mechanical Engineering; Clarkson Univ. - Physics

Hobbies: Woodworking, fishing, hunting, camping, dancing, gardening, body building

Residence: 1995, Hilton Head, Beaufort Co., SC

Talents: Piper; artistically and musically gifted


3976 ii. Sean William Dickerson, born 03 Aug 1969 in Norwich, New London Co., CT.


More About Sean William Dickerson:

Hobbies: Fishing, camping, electronics

Residence: 1995, Colchester, New London Co., CT


+ 3977 iii. Louise Ellen Dickerson, born 19 Nov 1971 in Norwich, New London Co., CT.

3978 iv. Jennifer Grace Dickerson, born 01 Sep 1975 in Norwich, New London Co., CT.


More About Jennifer Grace Dickerson:

Education: Attending college in 1995

Talents: Artistically and musically gifted

2025. Kay Louise13 Dickerson (John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Christopher Galluzzo, Jr. 15 Aug 1964 in Groton, New London Co., CT, son of Christopher Galluzzo. He was born 16 Nov 1944 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY. She married (2) James Andrew Sierra abt. Feb 1966, son of ______ Carlos. He was born 19 Aug 1945 in San Mateo Co., CA, and died 30 Mar 1989 in Santa Clara Co., CA. She married (3) Leroy Kimo Fountain abt. 1990. He was born 18 Aug 1943 in Honolulu, HI, and died 23 Sep 2001. She married (4) Valentin Acosta Polanco 12 Jun 1993 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA, son of Estanislao Delgado and Isabell Hernandez. He was born 20 Nov 1963 in Zapopan, Nayarit, Mexico.


More About Kay Louise Dickerson:

Residence: 1995, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA


More About Leroy Kimo Fountain:

Name 2: Fountain, Kimo

Social Security Number: 575-44-1423 (HI)

Children of Kay Dickerson and James Sierra are:

+ 3979 i. Stephen James14 Sierra, born 04 Dec 1966 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

+ 3980 ii. Nicole Marie Sierra, born 22 Sep 1972 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

+ 3981 iii. Patrick Joseph Sierra, born 04 Sep 1975 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

2026. Eileen Marie13 Dickerson (John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Sep 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Gene Edgar Thompson 15 Aug 1964 in Groton, New London Co., CT, son of Homer Thompson and Barbara ______. He was born 21 Nov 1940 in Pueblo, Pueblo Co., CO. She married (2) Raymond Joseph Penoli 15 Aug 1967, son of Raymond Penoli and Alice Scruggs. He was born 26 Dec 1939 in Napa, Napa Co., CA. She married (3) John Allen Holstad 10 May 1980 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA. He was born 13 Jan 1949 in Newark, Essex Co., NJ. She married (4) Paul Peter Ruppert 03 Mar 1984 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA, son of Paul Ruppert and May Connley. He was born 20 May 1950 in Lansdale, Montgomery Co., PA.


More About Eileen Marie Dickerson:

Residence: 1995, Pickens, Pickens Co., SC

Children of Eileen Dickerson and Raymond Penoli are:

3982 i. Michelle Renae14 Penoli, born 15 Nov 1969 in Oakland, Alameda Co., CA. She married Richard Gregory Keating 17 Aug 1991 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA; born 08 May 1967 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA.

+ 3983 ii. Monique Rochelle Penoli, born 23 Feb 1974 in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., CA.

3984 iii. Justin Paul Penoli, born 10 Jan 1988 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

Child of Eileen Dickerson and Paul Ruppert is:

3985 i. Justin Paul14 Ruppert, born 10 Jan 1988 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

2027. Linda Lee13 Dickerson (John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Mar 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married William Deloach Knight 20 Dec 1965 in Reno, Washoe Co., NV, son of Deloach Knight and Anna Kelly. He was born 13 Sep 1941 in Savannah, Chatham Co., GA.


More About William Deloach Knight:

Military service: Ret. U.S. Navy - Communications officer in the submarine service

Occupation: Minister - Assembly of God Church

Children of Linda Dickerson and William Knight are:

3986 i. Mark Allen14 Knight, born 22 Jul 1966 in Honolulu, HI. He married (1) Karen Hamilton Aug 1986. He married (2) Michelle Cordova 22 May 1993 in Powdersville, SC.

3987 ii. Shannon Paul Knight, born 12 Jul 1969 in Charleston, Charleston Co., SC; died 11 Sep 1969 in Savannah, Chatham Co., GA


More About Shannon Paul Knight:

Burial: Savannah, Chatham Co., GA

Cause of Death: crib death


+ 3988 iii. Amy Christine Knight, born 05 Nov 1970 in Charleston, Charleston Co., SC.

3989 iv. Christopher William Knight, born 18 Jun 1973 in New London, New London Co., CT. He married Kecia Leann Sloan 26 May 1996 in Pickens, Pickens Co., SC.

3990 v. Jeremy Deloach Knight, born 27 Sep 1978 in Rota, Spain.

2028. John Dale13 Dickerson (John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Patricia Coleen Kirkham 07 Apr 1972 in New London, New London Co., CT, daughter of Melvin Kirkham and Joan Hawley. She was born 17 Mar 1952 in New London, New London Co., CT.


More About John Dale Dickerson:

Occupation: Electronics; Minister

Residence: 1995, Austin, Travis Co., TX

Talents: Artistically gifted

Children of John Dickerson and Patricia Kirkham are:

3991 i. Jayson Lee14 Dickerson, born 12 Feb 1971 in Norwich, New London Co., CT.


More About Jayson Lee Dickerson:

Residence: 1995, Austin, Travis Co., TX


3992 ii. Scott Anthony Dickerson, born 09 Jul 1973 in Norwich, New London Co., CT.


More About Scott Anthony Dickerson:

Residence: 1995, Austin, Travis Co., TX


2029. Holly Ann13 Dickerson (John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1956 in Honolulu, HI. She married (1) Randolph Lewis Hipple 14 Oct 1972 in New Carlisle, Clark Co., OH, son of ______ Ross. He was born 14 Feb 1953 in Fort Knox, Morgan Co., KN. She married (2) Michael Lee Tomaszewski 11 Aug 1989 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA, son of Raymond Tomaszewski and Beverly Riethaler. He was born 30 Sep 1953 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH.


More About Randolph Lewis Hipple:

Date born 2: 14 Feb 1953, Morgan, Kentucky

Child of Holly Dickerson and Randolph Hipple is:

3993 i. Ryan Arthur14 Hipple, born 30 Apr 1973 in Contra Costa Co., CA.


More About Ryan Arthur Hipple:

Residence: 1995, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA

2030. Arthur Edward13 Dickerson (Edward Laverne12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Troy Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married Evelyn Johann Mott in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Martin Mott and Katherine Lanninger. She was born in Alba, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Arthur Edward Dickerson:

Occupation: Printer

Residence: Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Arthur Dickerson and Evelyn Mott are:

+ 3994 i. Gail Lynn14 Dickerson, born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3995 ii. Susan Lee Dickerson, born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3996 iii. Carol Diane Dickerson, born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 3997 iv. Dale Allen Dickerson, born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2032. Janice Marie13 Dickerson (Edward Laverne12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Dec 1946 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Gary D. Hazlett 30 Mar 1968. He was born 17 Nov 1941. She married (2) Stanton A. Hancock, Jr. abt. 1973, son of Stanton Hancock and Ora ______. He was born 06 Oct 1926 in Nashua, Hillsborough Co., NH, and died 14 Jul 1998 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (3) Kenneth Wayne Sheive 26 May 1990 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of William Sheive and Clara Lain. He was born 27 Jan 1942 in Jobs Corners, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Janice Marie Dickerson:

Occupation: 1995, Secretary


Notes for Stanton A. Hancock, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 Jul 1998 ed.:

HANCOCK, Stanton A. Jr., age 71 of Hall St. Elmira on July 14, 1998. He is survived by nine children including Cecile Palmere of Greenbrier, AR, Amanda Hancock of Northumberland, PA, Dawn Hancock of Troy, PA, Stanton Hancock III of Blossburg, PA; former spouses including Rochelle Hancock of Horseheads, NY and Janice Sheive of Millerton, PA. Stanton was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps and had operated the Auto Lock and Key in Elmira Heights until his retirement. Friends are invited to call at the Barber Funeral Home, 413 So. Main St., Horseheads, today, Wed. July 22, 1998 from 10-11:00 a.m. Funeral Service there at 11:00 a.m., with the Rev. Donald Roe officiating. Interment Woodlawn National Cemetery.


More About Stanton A. Hancock, Jr.:

Burial: 22 Jul 1998, Woodlawn National Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Military service: 14 Sep 1950

Residence: 1930, Nashua, Hillsborough Co., NH

Social Security Number: 002-12-8336 (NH)

Child of Janice Dickerson and Gary Hazlett is:

3998 i. Edward Duane14 Hazlett, born 12 Mar 1969 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Edward Duane Hazlett:

Education: abt. 1989, Engineering

Residence: 1994, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Janice Dickerson and Stanton Hancock are:

3999 i. Amanda14 Hancock, born 14 Nov 1974 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Amanda Hancock:

Residence: 1994, Troy, Bradford Co., PA


4000 ii. Dawn Hancock, born 17 Dec 1975 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Dawn Hancock:

Residence: 1994, Troy, Bradford Co., PA


4001 iii. Stanton A. Hancock I, born 29 Dec 1976 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Stanton A. Hancock I:

Residence: 1994, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

2033. Lillian Emogene13 Williams (Mildred Edna12 Dickerson, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Apr 1924 in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY, and died 28 Apr 1997. She married (1) Lloyd Northrup 1945. She married (2) Otis Brockway 1982. He was born 28 Aug 1908, and died 07 Mar 1991 in Lodi, Seneca Co., NY.


More About Lillian Emogene Williams:

Name 2: Brockway, Lillian

Residence: Bet. 1995 - Apr 1997, Last residence: Ovid, NY 14521

Social Security Number: 067-20-8236 (NY)


More About Otis Brockway:

Residence: Bef. Mar 1991, Last residence: Lodi, NY 14860

Social Security Number: 095-32-8944 (NY)

Children of Lillian Williams and Lloyd Northrup are:

4002 i. ______14 Northrup.

4003 ii. ______ Northrup.

4004 iii. ______ Northrup.

4005 iv. ______ Northrup.

2035. Wilbur Glen13 Rockwell (Jennie Marietta12 Dickerson, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Oct 1941 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 25 Jan 2005 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married June Kay Randall 13 Jul 1968. She was born 14 Nov 1949.


Notes for Wilbur Glen Rockwell:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 28 Jan 2005 ed.:

On Tuesday January 25, 2005, Canton resident Wilbur G. Rockwell passed away quietly at his residence. He was 63 years of age. Born in Troy October 5, 1941, he was the son of Harold and Marie (Dickerson) Rockwell. Wilbur was a graduate of the Troy High School and a Veteran of the United States Army, having served in West Germany during the early 1960's. In civilian life he worked for many years as part of the staff at the home for troubled youth. Wilbur was a quiet, unassuming gentleman who enjoyed the company of his family and his close friends. He was an avid reader, and was well known at Canton's Green Free Library. His main interests were history, genealogy and electronics. He was also a champion checkers player and thanks to the Internet, he engaged in competitions with people all over the world. Wilbur is survived by his sons Mark (and Laura) Rockwell of Newark Valley New York; David (and Karen) Rockwell of Orwell, Vermont; as well as grandchildren Douglas, Jenna and Andrew Rockwell; and many cousins including Bertha Mae Bagley and Janice (Ken) Sheive and Robert Rockwell; and special Aunt Nellie Dickerson. He was preceded in death by his father Harold Rockwell; step-father Harold Owens; and his mother Minnie Owens. Visitation will be from 9-10 a.m. on Saturday January 29 at Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Inc. with the Reverend Duane Taylor officiating. Internment will follow in the Ellenton Cemetery, Ellenton, PA. Memorial donations may be directed to the Green Free Library, 14 N. Center St. Canton, PA. 17724.


More About Wilbur Glen Rockwell:

Burial: 29 Jan 2005, Ellenton Cem., Lycoming Co., PA

Hobbies: Ham radio operator and associated electronics; genealogy

Military service: abt. 1960, US Army - served in Germany

Obituary/Death Notice: 28 Jan 2005, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Social Security Number: 184-32-6871 (PA)

Children of Wilbur Rockwell and June Randall are:

+ 4006 i. Mark Glen14 Rockwell, born 12 Oct 1969 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4007 ii. David Allen Rockwell, born 13 May 1973 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2036. Teresa Jean13 Dickerson (Harold Glen12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1948 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) John Edward Liddic 28 Dec 1963 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, son of John Liddic and Jane Eyer. He was born 08 Aug 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Dennis Rosbach 21 Oct 1978 in Picture Rocks, Sullivan Co., PA, son of L. Rosbach and Margaret Rubbins. He was born 01 Dec 1952 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Dennis Rosbach:

Occupation: Lumberman

Children of Teresa Dickerson and John Liddic are:

+ 4008 i. Sherri Lynn14 Liddic, born 10 May 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4009 ii. Lee Ann Liddic, born 03 Nov 1966 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4010 iii. Shannon Kimberly Liddic, born 07 Jul 1972 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

Child of Teresa Dickerson and Dennis Rosbach is:

4011 i. Desierre14 Rosbach, born 08 Jun 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2037. Gary Edward13 Dickerson (Harold Glen12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1950 in Elmria, Chemung Co., NY. He married Joan May Terry 07 Jul 1973 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Francis Terry and Rose Stone. She was born 17 May 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Gary Dickerson and Joan Terry are:

4012 i. Angela Marie14 Dickerson, born 03 Jan 1978 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4013 ii. Crystal Lynn Dickerson, born 25 Jun 1980 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2039. Edoise Marcia13 Kaseman (Amy Lucinda12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jun 1915 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) John Roy McCracken, Jr. 23 Jan 1934 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of John McCracken and Hattie Leonard. She married (2) Marvin Eyer 28 Apr 1968 in Honey Brook, Chester Co., PA.


More About John Roy McCracken, Jr.:

Burial: Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Edoise Kaseman and John McCracken are:

+ 4014 i. Joan Marie14 McCracken, born 14 Sep 1935 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4015 ii. Thomas Roy McCracken, born 25 Sep 1937 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

4016 iii. Judith Linda McCracken, born 21 Nov 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 21 Nov 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Judith Linda McCracken:

Burial: Grover Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

2041. Paul Warren13 Kaseman (Amy Lucinda12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jul 1921 in Wheelerville, Sullivan Co., PA. He married Janett Lillian Warfel 12 Jun 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Benjamin Warfel and Elvina Bowers. She was born 29 Dec 1920 in Manor Twp., Lancaster Co., PA.

Children of Paul Kaseman and Janett Warfel are:

4017 i. Paul Warren14 Kaseman, Jr., born 19 Sep 1955 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

4018 ii. Janet Lucinda Kaseman, born 19 Nov 1958 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. She married David LeRoy Muth 09 May 1981.

2043. Elwin D.13 Smith (Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 May 1907 in Laquin, Bradford Co., PA, and died 30 Jun 1989 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. He married Myrtle Olga Perkins abt. 1929, daughter of Floyd Perkins and Myra Galpin. She was born 06 Jun 1913 in Gold, PA, and died 08 Jul 1992 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Elwin D. Smith:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Jul 1989 ed.:

SMITH, Elwin D., age 82, of RD 2, Box 217, Mansfield, PA, Friday, June 30, 1989 at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, PA. No visitation and a Private Funeral Service will be held Wednesday at the Scureman Funeral Home, 130 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA, the Rev. Thomas Searfoss officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, PA. The family will provide the flowers. Memorial donations may be made to: the United Methodist Church, Mansfield, PA or the American Cancer Society. He is survived by his wife, the former Myrtle Olga Perkins; 5 sons, Stanley J. of Lockwood, NY, Stanford E. of Monroeton, PA, Richard D. of Millerton, PA, Roger W. of Mansfield, PA and Gary G. of Winchester, CA; 2 daughters, Mrs. Howard (Nancy) Deming of Tioga, PA and Mrs. Dare (Sally) Daniels, of Trumansburg, NY; 3 sisters, Arlene Carrol of Maryland and Louise Metzger of Williamsport, PA, Alice Bastian of Corning, NY; 17 grandchildren; 3 great grandsons. He was a 3rd generation farmer on the Smith Homestead and a retired employee of Penn DOT. He was born May 12, 1907 in Laquin, PA to Ernest G. and Mayme McKay Smith.


More About Elwin D. Smith:

Burial: 05 Jul 1989, Oakwood Cem., Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 02 Jul 1989, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 176-10-3805 (PA)


Notes for Myrtle Olga Perkins:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 Jul 1992 ed.:

SMITH, Myrtle, age 79 of 227 Sherwood Manor, Mansfield, PA; July 8, 1992 at the Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital in Wellsboro, PA. Friends may call at the Scureman Funeral Home, 130 South Main St., Mansfield, PA, Saturday from 12 noon to 2 PM. Funeral Service will be held there at the conclusion of Calling Hours with the Rev. Donald Newkirk officiating. Burial, Oakwood Cemetery, Mansfield, PA. She was born June 6, 1913 in Gold, PA, daughter of Floyd M. and Myra Galpin Perkins. She is survived by 5 sons, Stanley J. of Lockwood, NY, Stanford E. of Monroeton, PA, Richard D. of Millerton, PA, Roger W. of Mansfield, PA and Gary G. of Winchester, CA; 2 daughters, Mrs. Howard (Nancy) Deming of Tioga, PA and Mrs. Dare (Sally) Daniels of Trumansburg, NY; 17 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; 5 sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton of Wellsville, NY, Mrs. Blanche Calhoun of Shinglehouse, PA, Mrs. Ruth Tambash of Bradford, PA, Mrs. Donna Watson of Olean, NY, Mrs. Phyllis Thompson of Ulysses, PA; 1 brother, Floyd Perkins, Jr. of Cambridge, Ohio. She was predeceased by her husband of 59 years, Elwin D. Smith on June 30, 1989 and 5 brothers, Dorr, Lloyd, Hugh, Reubin and Robert Perkins and sister, Gertrude Freelove. Mrs. Smith was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Mansfield and the Women's Christian Temperance Union.


More About Myrtle Olga Perkins:

Name 2: Smith, Myrtle

Burial: 11 Jul 1992, Oakwood Cem., Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Soldiers & Sailors Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 09 Jul 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Jul 1992, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 206-38-3638 (PA)

Children of Elwin Smith and Myrtle Perkins are:

+ 4019 i. Stanley James14 Smith, born 10 Dec 1932.

+ 4020 ii. Stanford Elwin Smith, born 03 Nov 1934.

4021 iii. Richard Dean Smith, born 16 Feb 1939.


More About Richard Dean Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Millerton, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA


+ 4022 iv. Roger Wayne Smith, born 14 Dec 1941.

+ 4023 v. Gary Gene Smith, born 24 Jul 1947.

+ 4024 vi. Nancy Anita Smith, born 20 May 1953 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4025 vii. Sally Jo Smith, born 24 May 1956 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

2046. Arlene Laura13 Smith (Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jul 1918 in Sellersville, Bucks Co., PA. She married (1) Charles Carpenter abt. 1943, son of Harry Carpenter and ______ Clark. He was born 28 May 1920, and died 1967. She married (2) Paul Carroll abt. 1961.


More About Arlene Laura Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, MD

More About Charles Carpenter:

Burial: Matthews Co., VA

Children of Arlene Smith and Charles Carpenter are:

+ 4026 i. Timothy Raymond14 Carpenter, born 10 Jan 1945 in Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY.

+ 4027 ii. Claud Richard Carpenter, born 04 Apr 1947 in Dansville, Livingston Co., NY.

4028 iii. Charles Joseph Carpenter, born abt. 1949.

2047. Louise Mae13 Smith (Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Aug 1919 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Raymond Samuel Metzger 19 Aug 1943, son of Jeremiah Metzger and Alice ______.


More About Louise Mae Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Louise Smith and Raymond Metzger are:

+ 4029 i. Carolyn Louise14 Metzger, born 10 May 1948.

+ 4030 ii. Chris Allen Metzger, born 02 Nov 1953.

4031 iii. Mark Neil Metzger, born 06 Jan 1963.

2049. Vivian Jacqueline13 Allen (Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Feb 1912 in VA, and died 06 Nov 1981. She married (1) Charles Marion Burdette abt. 1936. She married (2) George William Sponseller 23 Dec 1948 in Rockville, Montgomery Co., MD.


More About Vivian Jacqueline Allen:

Name 2: Sponseller, Vivian

Burial: 09 Nov 1981, New Market Cem., Frederick Co., MD

Residence: Bef. Nov 1981, Last residence: Vienna, VA 22180

Social Security Number: 577-28-3249 (DC)

Child of Vivian Allen and Charles Burdette is:

4032 i. Charles Evert14 Burdette, born 05 Jul 1938 in Washington, DC.

2050. Blanche Mae13 Allen (Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1914 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Donald Stanaslaus Creamer abt. 1933, son of Frances Creamer and Amelia Altoff. He was born 16 Dec 1910 in RI, and died May 1967 in Arlington, Fairfax Co., VA.

Children of Blanche Allen and Donald Creamer are:

+ 4033 i. Kathleen McKay14 Creamer, born 14 Sep 1935 in Washington, DC.

+ 4034 ii. Donald Parnell Creamer, born 10 May 1938 in Washington, DC.

+ 4035 iii. Vivian Maureen Creamer, born 28 Nov 1941 in Providence, Providence Co., RI.

+ 4036 iv. Francis Daniel Creamer, born 03 May 1949 in Washington, DC.

+ 4037 v. Blanche Amelia Fae Creamer, born 03 Aug 1950 in Washington, DC.

4038 vi. Christopher Anita Creamer, born abt. 1952.

2051. Thomas Wayne13 Allen (Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1915 in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., NY, and died in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., Va. He married Doris Eleanor Greer.


More About Thomas Wayne Allen:

Burial: Arlington National Cem., Arlington, VA

Child of Thomas Allen and Doris Greer is:

4039 i. Judith14 Allen.

2055. Isabel Ida13 Wright (Lemuel Corden12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Nov 1923 in Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ, and died 26 Apr 2003 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. She married (1) Andrew Lee Jackson 03 Sep 1939, son of Charles Jackson and Cora Fleming. He was born 07 Jul 1920 in PA. She married (2) Vernon Burris abt. 1951. He was born 28 Jan 1919, and died Oct 1974 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.


More About Isabel Ida Wright:

Residence: 1993, Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY

Social Security Number: 113-30-8294 (NY)


More About Vernon Burris:

Social Security Number: 524-05-0070 (CO)

Children of Isabel Wright and Andrew Jackson are:

+ 4040 i. Roger Andrew14 Jackson, born 27 Feb 1940.

+ 4041 ii. Frank Wright Jackson, born 10 Jan 1944; died Oct 1982.

+ 4042 iii. Sharon Beverly Jackson, born 27 Nov 1950.

2057. Charles Dawson13 Wright (Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Dec 1905 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 17 Apr 1951 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Florence Elizabeth Jackson 17 Jan 1927, daughter of Charles Jackson and Cora Fleming. She was born 15 Aug 1910 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA.

More About Charles Dawson Wright:

Burial: 20 Apr 1951, Jones Cem., Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY

Children of Charles Wright and Florence Jackson are:

+ 4043 i. Rosalie Mae14 Wright, born 12 Aug 1927 in Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4044 ii. Charles Roy Wright, born 21 Mar 1929 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 4045 iii. Robert Edwin Wright, born 23 Dec 1930 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 4046 iv. Clarence Elmer Wright, born 10 Jul 1932 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 4047 v. Jackson Earl Wright, born 23 Jan 1934 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 4048 vi. Aleta Alice Wright, born 31 May 1936 in Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4049 vii. James Eugene Wright, born 24 Jun 1940 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 4050 viii. Cora Ann Wright, born 02 Dec 1942 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 4051 ix. Kenneth Arthur Wright, born 27 Feb 1945 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 4052 x. Elizabeth Jane Wright, born 26 Mar 1946 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

2058. Frank Judson13 Wright (Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Mar 1908 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 30 Aug 2000 in Cayuga Co., NY. He married Alice May Grant 30 Jun 1927 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY, daughter of John Grant and Emma Terryberry. She was born 08 Jul 1907 in Reynoldsville, Schuyler Co., NY, and died Mar 1986 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.


Notes for Frank Judson Wright:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Sep 2000 ed.:

WRIGHT, Frank J. Sr. of Trumansburg, NY age 92 of 5920 Searsburg Rd., Trumansburg passed away at the Cayuga Medical Center on Wednesday, August 30, 2000. Frank and his wife, Alice M. Wright, owned and operated "Frank Wright & Son" in Perry City for many years. Services will be held at the Searsburg Community Church on Sunday, September 3, 2000 at 2:30 p.m. Prayers of committal will follow at Jones Cemetery in Trumansburg. The family will be present to receive their friends at the Ness-Sibley Funeral Home, 23 South Street, Trumansburg on Saturday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Those who wish to make a contribution in Frank's memory are asked to consider the Trumansburg Ambulance Fund, PO Box 418, Trumansburg, NY 14886, the Searsburg Church, c/o Mrs. Edith Foster, 6024 Brook Rd., Trumansburg, NY 14886 or the Jones Cemetery Association, c/o Mrs. Carlene Swick, 209 Grand Ave., Newfield, NY 14867.


More About Frank Judson Wright:

Burial: 03 Sep 2000, Jones Cem., Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY

Medical Information: died at Cayuga Medical Center

Real Estate: Owned and operated "Frank Wright & Son"


More About Alice May Grant:

Residence: 1930, Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY

Social Security Number: 115-36-1310 (NY)

Children of Frank Wright and Alice Grant are:

+ 4053 i. Mary Ellen14 Wright, born 11 Jul 1930 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY; died 16 May 1996.

+ 4054 ii. Hazel Irene Wright, born 29 Jun 1937 in Lodi, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 4055 iii. Frank Judson Wright, Jr., born 19 Feb 1945 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY; died 06 Apr 1972 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

2059. Rosemary Melissa13 Wright (Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jul 1913 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 19 Nov 1998. She married Hess Lawson Hemenway 06 Aug 1930 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of James Hemenway and Elvira ______. He was born 13 Jun 1907 in Leolyn, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 11 Dec 1999 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Rosemary Melissa Wright:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Nov 1998 ed.:

HEMENWAY, Rosemary M., of Canton, PA, formerly of Mansfield, passed away quietly on November 19th. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center St., Canton.



More About Rosemary Melissa Wright:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Nov 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


Notes for Hess Lawson Hemenway:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Dec 1999 ed.:

HEMENWAY, Hess L., of Grover, PA, age 92, passed away Saturday, December 11, 1999. Hess Lawson Hemenway was called to his Heavenly Home while convalescing at his residence. Arrangements by Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


More About Hess Lawson Hemenway:

Burial: 14 Dec 1999, Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Dec 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 188-14-0835 (PA)

Children of Rosemary Wright and Hess Hemenway are:

+ 4056 i. Roy Allyn14 Hemenway, born 08 Jan 1934 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4057 ii. Joyce Marlene Hemenway, born 28 Apr 1937 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4058 iii. Wesley Judson Hemenway, born 04 Apr 1944 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA.

2062. Emery Earl13 Rumsey (Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Feb 1914 in Columbia Crossroads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA, and died 04 Jul 1989 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marjorie Hannah Kittle 12 Jul 1935 in Galeton, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of George Kittle and Ruby Phillips. She was born 26 Jul 1913 in Granville Summit, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Sep 1999 in Covington, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Emery Earl Rumsey:

Bradford County, PA veteran's records show Emery served in the U.S. Navy during WW II. He was assigned to Naval Training Center in Bainbridge, MD (RT) and achieved the rank of Seaman First Class.


More About Emery Earl Rumsey:

Burial: 07 Jul 1989, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1920, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1930 - 1935, Columbia Crossroads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bet. 1955 - 1989, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 184-09-3147 (PA)


Notes for Marjorie Hannah Kittle:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Sep 1999 ed.:


RUMSEY, Marjorie H. (Kittle), formerly of Troy, PA, age 86, passed away on September 24, 1999. She was a loving, devoted and wonderful mother and grandmother. Arrangements by Gerald W. Vickery Jr. Funeral Home Inc.


More About Marjorie Hannah Kittle:

Name 2: Rumsey, Marjorie

Burial: 27 Sep 1999, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 25 Sep 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Sep 1999, Last residence: Covington, PA 16917

Social Security Number: 175-54-1672 (PA)

Children of Emery Rumsey and Marjorie Kittle are:

4059 i. Emery Earl14 Rumsey, Jr., born 07 Jun 1937 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 07 Nov 1959.


More About Emery Earl Rumsey, Jr.:

Burial: 09 Nov 1959, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: automobile accident


+ 4060 ii. Gayle Elaine Rumsey, born 18 Nov 1938 in Osceola, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4061 iii. Albert Fred Rumsey, born 24 Jun 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2063. Nina Theoria13 Rumsey (Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Sep 1915 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA. She married James Francis Wilson 27 Jan 1939 in Elkton, Cecil Co., MD. He was born abt. 1915 in PA.


More About Nina Theoria Rumsey:

Residence 1: 1920, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Columbia Crossroads, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Nina Rumsey and James Wilson are:

+ 4062 i. Theoria Frances14 Wilson, born 31 Jan 1940 in Smithfield Flats, NY.

4063 ii. Albert Leon Wilson, born Feb 1941.

2064. Margaret Genevive13 Rumsey (Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jul 1919 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA. She married Griffin Brooks Hubbard 22 Jun 1940 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Merle Hubbard and Laura Woodworth. He was born 25 Mar 1916 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 19 May 1991 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Margaret Genevive Rumsey:

Burial: Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 1: 1920, Springfield, Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: 1930, Columbia Crossroads, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Griffin Brooks Hubbard:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 May 1991 ed.:

HUBBARD, Griffin B., age 75 of Troy, went to be with his Lord on May 19, 1991 at the Robert Packer Hospital, after an extended illness. He was born March 25, 1916 in Sayre, PA, son of Merle and Laura Woodworth Hubbard. He was a former member of the Troy Lions' Club and the Troy Horseshoe's Association, where he was past Treasurer; member of the Wheel Inn Club and the Trojans Masonic Lodge. Griff enjoyed horseshoes, fishing, hunting and gardening. He was employed for 35 years in sales with McClure Motor Company, Troy, PA. Survived by his beloved wife of 51 years, Margaret Rumsey Hubbard; devoted children, son and fiance, Robert G. Hubbard & Bernadette Arcuri of Whitesboro, NY; daughters & sons-in-law, William & Linda Hubbard Carrigg of Apalachin, NY, Scott & Trudy Hubbard McCarty of Towanda, PA; grandchildren, Dawn, Robert, William and Michelle; brother & sister-in-law, Everett & Esther Hubbard of Crescent City, FL; sister & brother-in-law, Sue & Gunard Nelson of Johnson City, NY; sisters-in-law, Nina Wilson of Troy, Charlotte Abbey of Harrisburg, PA, Marjorie Rumsey of Troy, PA, several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by parents, Merle and Laura Hubbard and brothers, Finley and Chester Hubbard and brothers-in-law, Francis Wilson, Emery Rumsey and James Abbey on May 18, 1991. There will be no visitation. Private Funeral Services will be held at the convenience of the family at the Vickery Funeral Home, Troy with the Rev. George Durie officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery, Troy. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to Troy Ambulance Association, P.O. Box 13, Troy, PA 16947. (There is a World War II marker and honor flag on Griffin's grave site. -- note of R.J. Porter)


More About Griffin Brooks Hubbard:

Name 2: Hubbard, Griffen

Burial: 22 May 1991, Glenwood Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 May 1991, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1930, Springfield Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: May 1991, Last residence: Troy, PA 16947

Social Security Number: 197-03-9299 (PA)

Children of Margaret Rumsey and Griffin Hubbard are:

+ 4064 i. Robert Griffin14 Hubbard, born 09 Jun 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4065 ii. Linda Jane Hubbard, born 02 Oct 1945 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4066 iii. Gertrude Ann Hubbard, born 03 Dec 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Scott McCarty.


More About Gertrude Ann Hubbard:

Residence: May 1991, Towanda, Bradford Co., PA


4067 iv. Merle Griffin Hubbard II, born 09 Feb 1947 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; died 29 Jan 1970 in Phu Yen, Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam).


More About Merle Griffin Hubbard II:

Cause of Death: suicide by gunshot

Medical Information: states the casualty type was "non-hostile - died of other causes"; casualty reason: "suicide"; cause of death "small arms fire"

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 21 Dec 1969 - 29 Jan 1970, U.S. Army - Co HHC 1st Avn Bde 17th Avn Grp 268th Avn Bn

Military: Bet. Dec 1969 - Jan 1970, attained the rank of Spec 5

Residence: 1969, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 207-36-2480 (PA)

2065. Charlotte Daisy13 Rumsey (Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 03 Jul 1992. She married James Alvin Abbey 26 Sep 1946 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA, son of Mark Abbey and Myrtle May. He was born 26 Sep 1919 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA, and died 18 May 1991.


More About Charlotte Daisy Rumsey:

Name 2: Abbey, Charlotte

Residence 1: Bet. 1930 - 1946, Columbia Crossroads, Columbia Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 2: Jul 1992, Last residence: Harrisburg, PA 17109

Social Security Number: 199-12-3335 (PA)


Notes for James Alvin Abbey:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 23 May 1991 ed.:

ABBEY, James A., Harrisburg, PA died Saturday, May 18, 1991 at the Poly Clinic, Harrisburg. He was a retired claims adjuster for Nationwide Insurance; a member of Calvary United Methodist Church, Harrisburg; a member of Free and Accepted Masons in Montoursville and the Williamsport Consistory; and was an Army Air Force veteran of World War II. Surviving are his wife, Charlotte D.; son, Donald of Brodbecks, PA; daughter, Joyce Hibberd of New Windsor, MD; brothers, Ira of Horseheads, NY and Roland of Corning, NY; sister, Regina Granger of Elmira, NY; five grandchildren. Services were held May 21 at the Zimmerman-Auer Funeral Home in Harrisburg with burial to be at the convenience of the family in Troy. Memorials may be made to the American Lung Association, 5114 Lancaster St., Harrisburg, PA 17105.


More About James Alvin Abbey:

Burial: Aft. 18 May 1991, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 23 May 1991, THE GAZETTE-REGISTER - Troy, PA

Social Security Number: 184-12-0203 (PA)

Children of Charlotte Rumsey and James Abbey are:

4068 i. Donald Allen14 Abbey, born 16 Aug 1948 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Jean Hessler 07 Aug 1971.

4069 ii. Joyce Mae Abbey, born 18 Apr 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Granville Haines Hibberd 14 Jul 1979.

2066. Albert Glenn13 Brenchley (Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Feb 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Grace Martha King 21 Jan 1929, daughter of William King and Myrtle Jackson. She was born 08 Aug 1910 in Levanna, NY, and died 24 Dec 2002 in Yukon, Canadian Co., OK.


More About Albert Glenn Brenchley:

Burial: 21 Feb 1956, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Social Security Number: 203-03-9108 (PA)


Notes for Grace Martha King:

Tunkhannock, PA - newspaper unk.; 26 Dec 2002 ed.:

VAOW, Grace M., formerly of Meshoppen, died Tuesday at her daughter's home in Yukon, OK. Born August 8, 1910 in Levanna, NY. She was a daughter of the late William and Myrtle Grace Jackson King. She was a member of the Tunkhannock Seventh Day Adventist Church. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Glen Brenchley; second husband, Francis Harry Vaow; sons Kenneth Vaow and Glen Brenchley; sister, Bessie Lord and Pearle Morter; brothers, John King, Herbert King, Robert Peck and Martin Peck. Surviving are sons, William Brenchley, Winsor, NY; James Brenchley, Chenango Forks, NY; Robert Vaow, Laceyville; Jack Vaow, Meshoppen; daughters, Marie Broderson, Collegedale, TN; Donna Moyer, Yukon, OK; Fay Byers, York; Dora Oliver, Hallstead; 32 grandchildren; 47 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild. Funeral services and committal will be at 1 p.m. Sunday from the Tunkhannock Seventh Day Adventist Church, with the Rev. John Moyer, his [sic] son-in-law officiating. Interment will be in Sunnyside Cemetery, Tunkhannock. Friends may call from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday at the Sheldon-Kukuchka Funeral Home, 73 W. Tioga St., Tunkhannock, and from noon until the time of services Sunday at the Tunkhannock Seventh Day Adventist Church. Memorial donations may be made to the Tunkhannock Seventh Day Adventist Church.


More About Grace Martha King:

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Dec 2002, newspaper unk. - Tunkhannock, PA

Residence: 1920, Union Twp., Broome Co., NY (with uncle John W. Jackson)

Social Security Number: 201-24-8245 (PA)

Children of Albert Brenchley and Grace King are:

+ 4070 i. Glenn Wallace14 Brenchley, born 31 Jul 1930 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA; died 28 Apr 1986.

+ 4071 ii. William Albert Brenchley, born 25 Jan 1933 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.

+ 4072 iii. James Louis Brenchley, born 25 Jan 1935 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.

+ 4073 iv. Helen Marie Brenchley, born 24 May 1936 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.

+ 4074 v. Donna Ruth Brenchley, born 08 Mar 1940 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.

4075 vi. June Brenchley, born 09 Jan 1943 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA. She married Joseph Spencer.

4076 vii. Wallace Brenchley, born 20 Jan 1949 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

4077 viii. John Brenchley, born 31 Oct 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

4078 ix. Glenda Brenchley, born 11 Jun 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Steve Spencer.

2068. Earl Frederick13 Brenchley (Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Feb 1913 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA, and died 14 Feb 1995 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL. He married Margaret A. Carr 17 Apr 1935, daughter of Leon Carr and Anna Gates. She was born Mar 1916 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.


More About Earl Frederick Brenchley:

Residence 1: Bet. 1916 - 1930, Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1930 - 1935, Tuscarora Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence 3: Bef. Feb 1995, Last residence: Tampa, FL 33619

Social Security Number: 184-05-0046 (PA)


More About Margaret A. Carr:

Residence 1: Bet. 1916 - 1930, Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA

Residence 2: Bet. 1930 - 1935, Tuscarora Twp., Bradford Co., PA


Children of Earl Brenchley and Margaret Carr are:

4079 i. Beverly Ann14 Brenchley, born 27 Jun 1936 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.


More About Beverly Ann Brenchley:

Occupation: 1955, Fairway Springs

Residence 1: 1955, RD#1 Harris Hill Rd., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: 1956, 516 William Street, Elmira, NY


4080 ii. Charlotte Gean Brenchley, born 13 Dec 1939 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA. She married Harold Carter 1960.

4081 iii. Barbara Ellen Brenchley, born 20 Sep 1942 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.

2069. Ruth Marian13 Brenchley (Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Dec 1921 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 01 Oct 1983 in Buckfield, Oxford Co., ME. She married (1) Elmer George McClellan 02 Oct 1937. He was born 04 Apr 1916 in Joplin, Newton Co., MO, and died May 1969 in Newport, AR. She married (2) Chester Lambert abt. 1964. She married (3) Leon J. Jablonski abt. 1973. He was born 13 Mar 1918, and died 31 Aug 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Ruth Marian Brenchley:

Name 2: Jablonski, Ruth

Burial: 04 Oct 1983, Buckfield, Oxford Co., ME

Residence 1: 1981, 917 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY

Residence 2: Sep 1983, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 063-18-7891 (NY)


More About Elmer George McClellan:

Residence: Bef. May 1969, Last residence: Newport, AR 72112

Social Security Number: 498-16-8802 (MO)


Notes for Leon J. Jablonski:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Sep 1996 ed.:

JABLONSKI, Leon J., of the Mark Twain Building, died from cancer very early in the morning on August thirty-first. Mr. Jablonski was a decorated World War II hero and a member of the American Legion for many years. Private funeral arrangements are being handled by James Barrett Funeral Home. Interment at Woodlawn National Cemetery will take place on Wednesday morning. Memorial Masses of Remembrance will be offered at the Benedictine Monastery at Mt. Savior and at the Dominican Monastery of Mary the Queen on West Church Street. The dates and times will be announced.


More About Leon J. Jablonski:

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Sep 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Aug 1996, Elmira, NY 14901

Social Security Number: 071-09-4382 (NY)

Child of Ruth Brenchley and Elmer McClellan is:

+ 4082 i. Elmer George14 McClellan, Jr., born 12 Feb 1940 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2071. Lawrence Claud13 Fuller (Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1914 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 26 May 1985 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Beatrice Naomi Zurn 1936 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY, daughter of Edward Zurn and Mary ______. She was born 13 Oct 1918. He married (2) Elinor Marie Costley 24 Nov 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Myron Costley and Lena Fletcher. She was born 29 Jan 1924 in Covington, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Lawrence Claud Fuller:

Burial: 29 May 1985, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence: May 1985, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA

Social Security Number: 209-05-9556 (PA)

Children of Lawrence Fuller and Beatrice Zurn are:

+ 4083 i. Virginia Ann14 Fuller, born 30 Mar 1937 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4084 ii. Albert Earl Fuller, born 08 Mar 1939 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4085 iii. Lucinda Marie Fuller, born 14 Nov 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4086 iv. Laurence Robert Fuller, born 12 Jul 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Lawrence Fuller and Elinor Costley is:

+ 4087 i. Sandra Jean14 Fuller, born 03 Dec 1953 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2073. Claud Abel13 Fuller, Jr. (Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Sep 1922 in Springfield, Bradford Co., PA, and died 30 Jun 1991 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Helen Marie Houser 18 Apr 1949 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Laurence Houser and Henrietta Klein. She was born 15 Apr 1930 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


More About Claud Abel Fuller, Jr.:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1991, Last residence: Buffalo, NY 14220

Social Security Number: 166-16-9820 (PA)

Children of Claud Fuller and Helen Houser are:

4088 i. Claud Abel14 Fuller I, born 03 Apr 1951 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married ______ ______ 1984.

4089 ii. Kenneth Laurence Fuller, born May 1952 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 4090 iii. Victoria Jean Fuller, born 16 Jun 1953 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

4091 iv. Donald Allen Fuller, born 14 Jul 1956 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

4092 v. David Charles Fuller, born Oct 1957 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

+ 4093 vi. Michael Richard Fuller, born 1958 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

4094 vii. George Fuller, born 03 Feb 1970 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2075. Robert Samuel13 Fuller (Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1926 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY. He married Constance Louise Clark 20 May 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Maxwell Clark and Mary Patterson. She was born 08 Sep 1927 in Uniontown, Fayette Co., PA.


More About Constance Louise Clark:

Residence: 1930, Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania

Children of Robert Fuller and Constance Clark are:

+ 4095 i. Robert Scott14 Fuller, born 07 Jul 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4096 ii. Rex Clark Fuller, born 26 Oct 1955 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Joyce Hawkins 20 Jul 1976.

2076. Roland Albert13 Gaige (Mabel Clare12 Sheive, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Mar 1921 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, and died 30 Oct 1999 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Grace D. Carpenter 09 Sep 1945 in Burdett, Schuyler Co., NY, daughter of Millard Carpenter and Ruth ______. She was born 08 Mar 1923 in Burdett, Schuyler Co., NY, and died Aft. Apr 2005.


Notes for Roland Albert Gaige:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Nov 1999 ed.:

GAIGE, Roland A., of Burdett, NY, age 78, Saturday October 30, at Schuyler Hospital. Friends are invited to call Tuesday 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the Royce-Chedzoy Funeral Home, 212 E. 4th St., Watkins Glen. Funeral Services will be held Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. at the Burdett Presbyterian Church, Reverends Roy and Marion Massecar and Lay Minister Richard Evans officiating. Burial is Hector Union Cemetery, Burdett, NY. He is survived by his loving wife of 54 years, Grace; sons and daughters-in-law, Daniel T. (Lorraine) Gaige, Horseheads, NY, Thomas A. (Susan) Gaige, Corning, NY; daughters and sons-in-law Joyce (Lee) Gage, Elmira, NY, Jeanne (William) Baker, Burdett, NY; sister, Yolanda Ackley, Webb Mills, NY; grandchildren: Jennifer, Renee and Jason Gaige and Andrew Gage; 1 niece and nephew. He was a veteran of WW II and served in the U.S. Army Air Corp; long-time member and elder of the Burdett Presbyterian Church; village Trustee for the Village of Burdett; Burdett Fire Department volunteer; and member of American Legion Post 555 and V.F.W. Post 2674; and volunteer for Meals on Wheels. He worked and retired as an electrician from Cornell University. Memorial donations in his memory may be made to the "Juvenile" American Diabetes Assoc. serving NYS, P.O. Box 96911, Washington, DC 20090-6911.


More About Roland Albert Gaige:

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Nov 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Oct 1999, Burdett, Schuyler Co., NY

Social Security Number: 075-16-3580 (NY)


More About Grace D. Carpenter:

Residence: 1930, Hector, Schuyler Co., NY

Children of Roland Gaige and Grace Carpenter are:

+ 4097 i. Joyce Elaine14 Gaige, born 27 Jul 1947 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4098 ii. Daniel Thomas Gaige, born 20 Sep 1949 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

4099 iii. Jeanne Marie Gaige, born 02 Mar 1953 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married William Baker.

+ 4100 iv. Thomas Albert Gaige, born 30 Mar 1957 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

2077. Yoland Blanche13 Gaige (Mabel Clare12 Sheive, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 May 1924 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Lawrence E. McClintic 16 Jun 1944 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 10 Feb 1920. She married (2) Charles Herbert Ackley, Jr. 18 May 1968 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Charles Ackley and Mary Williams. He was born 01 Sep 1929 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 22 Oct 1999 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Charles Herbert Ackley, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Oct 1999 ed.:

ACKLEY, C. Herbert III, longtime employee of STAR-GAZETTE and retired from Vasco Brands, age 70 of P.O. Box 195, Pine City, NY, passed away Friday, October 22, 1999 at home. Family and friends are invited to attend a memorial service on Saturday, October 30th at 2 p.m. in the Barrett Funeral Home. Rev. Steve Edwards will officiate. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be directed to Southern Tier Hospice, in his memory.


More About Charles Herbert Ackley, Jr.:

Obituary/Death Notice: 27 Oct 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 091-24-8115 (NY)

Children of Yoland Gaige and Lawrence McClintic are:

4101 i. Wayne Edward14 McClintic, born 20 Mar 1945 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Edna Shellia Rosea.


Notes for Wayne Edward McClintic:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Jun 1970 ed.:


WELLSBORO - Wayne E. McClintic, 24, of Millerton was given a suspended sentence and 23 months probation following his plea of guilty to a charge of corrupting the morals of a minor. The incident occurred last Jan. 10.


4102 ii. Yvonne Marie McClintic, born 13 Dec 1945 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 24 Nov 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Yvonne Marie McClintic:

Burial: Jobs Corners Cem., Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of Yoland Gaige and Charles Ackley are:

+ 4103 i. Lucretia Ann14 Ackley, born 18 May 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4104 ii. Ronald James Ackley, born 22 Apr 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2078. Kenneth Wayne13 Sheive (William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jan 1942 in Jobs Corners, Tioga Co., PA. He married (1) Phyllis Irene Lewis 02 Jan 1964, daughter of Elmer Lewis and Mearl ______. She was born Dec 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (2) Annabelle Harris 30 Dec 1972 in Jobs Corners, Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Charles Harris and Gladys ______. She was born 17 Jul 1952 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (3) Janice Marie Dickerson 26 May 1990 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Edward Dickerson and Nellie Rockwell. She was born 04 Dec 1946 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Janice Marie Dickerson:

Occupation: 1995, Secretary

Children of Kenneth Sheive and Phyllis Lewis are:

4105 i. Tammy Lorraine14 Sheive, born 07 Dec 1965.

+ 4106 ii. Pamela Ann Sheive, born 26 Nov 1967.

4107 iii. Annette Marie Sheive, born 25 Feb 1969.

Child of Kenneth Sheive and Annabelle Harris is:

4108 i. Betty Jo14 Sheive, born 18 Apr 1974.

2079. Marleah Elizabeth13 Sheive (William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jun 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Wayne LeRoy Boyce 21 Apr 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of LeRoy Boyce and Marian ______. He was born 28 Jun 1941 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Marleah Elizabeth Sheive:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 08 Jun 1944 ed.:


SHEIVE - a daughter, Thursday, June 1, 1944 to Edson W. and Clara Lain Sheive of Millerton.


More About Marleah Elizabeth Sheive:

Birth Announced: 08 Jun 1944, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: Chemung Canal Bank - Horsedeads, NY

Children of Marleah Sheive and Wayne Boyce are:

+ 4109 i. Cheryl Lynn14 Boyce, born 09 Dec 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4110 ii. Paula Jean Boyce, born 03 Mar 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4111 iii. Deborah Ann Boyce, born 01 Aug 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4112 iv. Lori Lynn Boyce, born 15 Jun 1969 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Robert G. McConn 16 May 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Marriage Notes for Lori Boyce and Robert McConn:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Aug 1992 ed.:

BOYCE-McCONN The marriage of Lori Lynn Boyce and Robert G. McConn took place May 16, 1992 in the First Baptist Church, Elmira. The Rev. Rich Gustufson officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boyce of Lowman. The bridgroom is the son of Sandra and Raymond McConn of Rockland, MA. Cheryl Kane of Elmira was matron of honor. Mary Rose Ortell of Elmira was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Paula Redder of Elmira, Debbie Morse of Hanover, MA, Linda McConn of Bridgewater, MA. Flower girl was Christine Morse of Hanover and ring bearer was Jeffy Kane of Elmira. Serving as best man was Tom Heikila of Bridgewater, MA. Ushers were Christopher McConn of Virginia, Bob Trachim of Guffstown, NH, Charlie Morse of Hanover, Malcolm Hauthaway and Doug Martin, both of New Market, NH. The reception was held at Holiday Inn, Elmira. The bride graduated from Elmira Free Academy and is attending New Hampshire Tech. She is employed by Marrianne's Clothing Store. The bridgroom graduated from Abington High School, Abington, MA. and attended RETS Electronic Schools, Boston, MA. He is employed by Hardinge Bros., Inc. The couple live in Derry, NH, after returning from a trip to St. Maarten's.

2080. Donna Mae13 Sheive (William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 May 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Douglas Button abt. 1970. He was born 07 Nov 1949.

Children of Donna Sheive and Douglas Button are:

4113 i. Heather Marie14 Button, born 16 May 1972 in Pearl Harbor, HI.

4114 ii. Beth Button, born 20 Jul 1975 in Pearl Harbor, HI.


More About Beth Button:

Medical Information: twin to Jill


4115 iii. Jill Button, born 20 Jul 1975 in Pearl Harbor, HI.


More About Jill Button:

Medical Information: twin to Beth


4116 iv. Douglas Button, Jr., born 22 Dec 1980 in San Diego, San Diego Co., CA.

2081. Pauline Anita13 Sheive (William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jan 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Clinton Hagar, Jr. abt. 1971. He was born 1952.

Children of Pauline Sheive and Clinton Hagar are:

4117 i. Melissa14 Hagar, born 26 Jun 1972.

4118 ii. Melinda Hagar, born 14 Jan 1979.

2082. Doris Ann13 Sheive (Lawrence Bernard12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jan 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married William Francis Nelson, Jr. 25 Oct 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of William Nelson and Agnes Creighton. He was born 11 Apr 1936 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Doris Ann Sheive:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About William Francis Nelson, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Children of Doris Sheive and William Nelson are:

4119 i. Scott Douglas14 Nelson, born 31 May 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Deborah Susanne Baldwin 19 Aug 1990 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 23 Mar 1956.


More About Scott Douglas Nelson:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Residence: Mar 2001, Yakima, Yakima Co., WA


+ 4120 ii. Rhett Walter Nelson, born 26 Oct 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2083. Blanche Mae13 Sheive (Lawrence Bernard12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Oct 1940 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) William R. Fuller abt. 1960. She married (2) Ronald LeRoy Derr abt. 1982. He was born 11 Oct 1936.


More About Blanche Mae Sheive:

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About Ronald LeRoy Derr:

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Blanche Sheive and William Fuller is:

+ 4121 i. Rene Lynn14 Fuller, born 23 Jan 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Blanche Sheive and Ronald Derr are:

4122 i. Debra14 Derr. She married ______ Daugherty.


More About Debra Derr:

Residence: Mar 2001, Odessa, Schuyler Co., NY


4123 ii. Donna Derr.


More About Donna Derr:

Residence: Mar 2001, Nashville, Davidson Co., TN

2084. Richard Harold13 Sheive (Harold George12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1934 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died Nov 1979 in Spencerport, Monroe Co., NY. He married Linda Marguerite Tinelli 19 Aug 1963. She was born 27 Apr 1941.


More About Richard Harold Sheive:

Burial: abt. Nov 1979, Vine Valley, Yates Co., NY

Cremation: ashes buried on in rose garden of Vine Valley home

Social Security Number: 088-26-5287 (NY)

Child of Richard Sheive and Linda Tinelli is:

4124 i. Sarah Wright14 Sheive, born 09 Mar 1970 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.

2086. Linda Jean13 Sheive (Harold George12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Ronald Kent O'Donnell 25 Jul 1970 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY, son of Joseph O'Donnell and Maxine Benn. He was born 15 Aug 1949.

Children of Linda Sheive and Ronald O'Donnell are:

4125 i. Jozel Rayne14 O'Donnell, born 16 Aug 1971 in Bradenton, Manatee Co., FL.

4126 ii. Joseph Manuel O'Donnell II, born 23 Sep 1977 in Sarasota, Sarasota Co., FL.

2089. Kenneth Haughey13 Campbell, Jr. (Kenneth Haughey12, Lucinda Daisy11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jan 1935 in Baltimore, MD. He married Martha Virginia Prince 30 Dec 1950.

Children of Kenneth Campbell and Martha Prince are:

4127 i. Catherine Ellen14 Campbell, born 10 Oct 1951.

4128 ii. David Kenneth Campbell, born 14 Jun 1954.

4129 iii. Timothy Welton Campbell, born 17 Jul 1956.

4130 iv. Susan Rebecca Campbell, born 29 Nov 1959; died 03 Jun 1964.

2090. Burke Sherwood13 Campbell (Kenneth Haughey12, Lucinda Daisy11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1937 in Baltimore, MD. He married Beverly Gail Butcher 17 Jun 1956 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS, daughter of Hugh Butcher and Edith Troutman. She was born 15 Dec 1936 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS.


Notes for Burke Sherwood Campbell:

Letter from Burke S. Campbell to R.J. Porter - 2 Jun 2003:

"Ron, Got your letter and was surprised. What I mean is, all these 30 + years that I have been doing this stuff, I rarely find someone that is interested in family stories, legends, tales, life histories the most important (I think) of any families genealogy. Sure I'd like to trace my family to Noah, Ha! but there's more to it than just that for sure. I will attempt to answer all of your queries. I have some photo's and other misc. stuff that I will forward to you in separate e-mails so it won't take 3 years to download them. The "Wright Bell"-- I have a written version of it I'll send separately for you to examine. When my father died he had possession of the Wright Bell. The executor, Harold Sheive, advised me that Paul Kaseman obtained the Bell then. I met Paul's family back in Pa right after finding out that my father had died and there was a small estate to settle. And absolute shock to me. Anyway, Lucinda Daisy Wright Campbell, wife of Leon I'cy Campbell had received the bell from the Wright line. And as she was a teacher once in Shunk I suspect that's how it progressed. When Leon & Lulu lived in Baltimore, yes, they did use it as a door stop on occasion I've been told. Then when she passed away it went to my father Kenneth, he also was a teacher among other skills. When in high school in Shunk he taught grade school there. Weird Huh. Here's some gena. stuff you asked about. Leon I'cy Campbell m. Lucinda Daisy Wright Aug 14, 1895. Leon b. May 11, 1877 d. June 08, 1965. Lulu b. Jan 12, 1877 d. (can't find right now) both attended state college one year nearby Shunk. Leon worked for his father Ambrose Campbell, Shunk, at the Campbell general store there. He did deliveries and clerking there, In 1905 Leon constructed a small building at the intersection of South and Middle roads. Lulu and Leon conducted a millinery dress goods and notion shop there. Around 1909 they moved to Williamsport and then in 1917 moved to Baltimore, MD. Leon became a carpenter and worked at Fort Meade Army base as a carpenter. Lulu raised cocker spaniels and did astrology readings for private customers. In their senior years they moved to Browns Mills, NJ where they are buried. They had 2 children Fordyce and Kenneth. Fordyce Earl Clark Campbell, b. Feb 17, 1897 d. Jan 07, 1984, m. 3 times (1) Helen Bushbaum, (2) Madeleine Lee, (3) Rosalie Harding. Fordyce & Helen had 1 child, Mary Lee Campbell, b. Sep. 07, 1929. Fordyce was born in a log cabin in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. Fordyce quit high school in Baltimore & joined the Navy. After discharge from Navy went to college at Johns Hopkins U. and joined the Army as a Lieutenant and retired as a full Colonel. Was an artist & musician and played with John Phillip Sousa once. Kenneth Haughey Campbell, b. March 30, 1903 d. Nov 17, 1976 Canton Pa, m. Leona Pauline Sherwood, Sep 12, 1928, Div 1940; had 2 children: Kenneth Haughey Campbell, Jr., b. Jan 06, 1932; Burke Sherwood Campbell, b. Feb. 23, 1937; Kenneth Sr. was born & raised in Shunk, went to Baltimore with parents. Received a law degree at University of Maryland. Taught English/etc. nights at state penitentiary to inmates. Obtained immigration rights for immigrants coming into Balt. Worked with Dr. J R Oliver at Baltimore Supreme Court. His son Kenneth, Jr. joined USAF out of high school & was in Korean War. After discharge went to work for S W Bell telephone till retirement. Was a sales/marketing executive. Ken Jr. m. Martha Virginia Prince Dec 30, 1950. They had 4 children: Catherine Ellen, b. Oct 10, 1951; David Kenneth, b. June 14, 1954; Timothy Welton, b. July 17, 1956; Susan Rebecca, b. Nov 29, 1959 d. June 03, 1964. Burke Sherwood Campbell quit high school & m. Beverly Gail Butcher 1956 while in USAF. obtained GED in service & after discharge went into financial industry. Retired at 62 after 20 years as President, CEO of Midwest Credit Union (savings & loans). Author of 2 books and third is at editor to be published, "History of Campbellsville", Forks Township, Sullivan Co., Pa. Burke & Beverly had 3 children: Michael Lee, b. Apr 01, 1957; Burke Jr., b. Aug 13, 1958; Shawna Diane, b. Feb. 18, 1963. PS. I have not see or corresponded with my brother since 1958 but once in 1976 for estate meeting. Goes back to Div. 1940. So more detail on his line is unk. (sorry about that). As far as info on Shadduck - Shaddick this is a direct connection, David Shadduck. You may already have his email. WHEW ! ! ! done, I think? Burke."

Children of Burke Campbell and Beverly Butcher are:

4131 i. Michael Lee14 Campbell, born 01 Apr 1957 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS.

4132 ii. Burke Sherwood Campbell, Jr., born 13 Aug 1958 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH.

4133 iii. Shawna Diane Campbell, born 18 Feb 1963 in Blytheville, Mississippi Co., AR.

2091. Amber A.13 Baumunk (Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Nov 1899 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Dec 1993. She married Harold L. Battin, son of Walter Battin and Millie ______. He was born 13 Mar 1897, and died Apr 1982.


More About Amber A. Baumunk:

Name 2: Battin, Amber

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1920, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Dec 1993, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 195-28-7845 (PA)


More About Harold L. Battin:

Burial: Friends' Burial Grounds, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 1: 1920, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1982, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 209-22-4249 (PA)

Children of Amber Baumunk and Harold Battin are:

4134 i. ______14 Battin.

+ 4135 ii. Alice Marie Battin, born 1919; died 1975.

2093. Gleyna Irene13 Baumunk (Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1904 in Lincoln Falls, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 12 Jul 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Theodore Ernest Vogt Bef. Aug 1929, son of Henry Vogt and Celia ______. He was born 08 Jun 1905 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Oct 1950.


Notes for Gleyna Irene Baumunk:

Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 18 Jul 1996 ed.:

VOGT, Gleyna Baumunk, 91, of Forksville RR 1 (Elkland Twp.), PA passed away Friday, July 12, 1996 at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre. Born August 4, 1904 on a farm near Lincoln Falls, PA she was the daughter of the late Philip and Irene Letts Baumunk. She was a longtime member of the Lincoln Falls Wesleyan Church. Surviving are a daughter and son-in-law, Bernadine and Gene Bown of Columbia Cross Roads, PA; grandchildren and their spouses, Barbara and Jack Swingle of Athens, PA; Ted and Janet Bown of Canton, PA; Christine and Alan Painter of Troy, PA; great-grandchildren, Ryan and Erin Bown, Lacey, Milly and Jesse Painter; a sister, Phyllis Molyneaux of Dushore, PA; sisters-in-law, Naomi Baumunk of Sabinsville, PA and Caroline Baumunk of Shunk, PA; several nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband, Theodore E. Vogt, in 1950; a daughter, Jane Hess, in 1992; a grandson, Sanford Bown, in 1978; brothers, Arthur Baumunk in 1990 and Lawrence Baumunk in 1995; and a sister, Amber Battin, in 1993. Funeral services were held July 16 at the Lincoln Falls Wesleyan Church with the Rev. Matthew Pickering officiating and interment to be in Forksville Cemetery, Forksville, PA. Arrangements were under the direction of the Pepper Funeral Home in Canton. Memorial donations may be directed to the Lincoln Falls Wesleyan Church c/o Grace Bown, RR 1, Forksville, PA 18616 in Mrs. Vogt's memory.


More About Gleyna Irene Baumunk:

Name 2: Vogt, Gleyna

Burial: 16 Jul 1996, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hosp.

Obituary/Death Notice: 18 Jul 1996, THE GAZETTE-REGISTER - Troy, PA

Residence: Bef. Jul 1996, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 182-32-0286 (PA)


More About Theodore Ernest Vogt:

Burial: Oct 1950, Fairmont Cem., Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

Social Security Number: 179-14-2059 (PA)

Children of Gleyna Baumunk and Theodore Vogt are:

+ 4136 i. Bernadine14 Vogt, born abt. 1930.

4137 ii. Jane Vogt Hess, born 08 Aug 1937; died 03 Jun 1992. She married ______ Hess.


More About Jane Vogt Hess:

Name 2: Hess, Jane V.

Social Security Number: 163-30-1699 (PA)

2094. Lawrence Larue13 Baumunk (Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jun 1906 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 16 Oct 1995 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Caroline Maude Little 14 Jun 1928 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Ulysses Little and Lillian Osler. She was born 02 Jan 1908 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Jul 2003 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Lawrence Larue Baumunk:

Occupation: Sawmill owner and operator

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Oct 1995, Last residence: Shunk, PA 17768

Social Security Number: 172-28-4281 (PA)


Notes for Caroline Maude Little:

Towanda, PA - THE DAILY REVIEW, 27 Jul 2003 ed.:

BAUMUNK, Caroline Little, 95, of Shunk, PA, passed away Friday, July 25, 2003 at the Towanda Memorial Hospital of heart failure following two recent operations and pneumonia. Caroline was born in Estella on Jan. 2, 1908, the daughter of Ulyssus Grant Little and Lillian Osler Little. She graduated from Estella High School in 1925 and attended the Mansfield Normal School (now Mansfield University). At age 18, Caroline became a teacher in Lincoln Falls and later taught at the West School in Elkland Township. On June 14, 1928, Caroline married Lawrence Baumunk of Lincoln Falls. The young coupled farmed with his father Philip until 1934. In that year, Lawrence and Caroline purchased the General Store in Shunk and founded the business that continues to flourish 70 years later as L.L. Baumunk & Son. Caroline also served as the postmaster of Shunk from 1953 to 1978. Caroline was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, which included her term as Worthy Matron. Other memberships included the Shunk United Methodist Church, the Sullivan County Historical Society, Sullivan County Republican Women, and the Endless Winds Volunteer Fire Company. She was an enthusiastic fisherman, a traveler to many countries, and a community supporter. In retirement, she created many beautiful quilts. She and Lawrence took great pleasure building their home on the beaver dam that was turned into a lovely small lake. Surviving are a daughter and son-in-law, Joanne and Kenneth Ford of Philadelphia, PA; a daughter-in-law, Lucy Baumunk of Shunk, eight grandchildren and their spouses, Ann and Bob Henderson of Shunk, Mary and Steve Blondy of Madison, NJ, Emily and Brian Wilken of Honesdale, PA, Nina Tannenwald and Mark Suchman of Providence, RI, Adam Ford of Chicago, IL, Caroline Eisenhood and Ian Lucas Ford, both of Albuquerque, NM, and Jason Ford of Alexandria, VA; two step-grandchildren, Paul Ford and Wendy White of Oak Park, IL, and Sarah Ford and Nick Monroe of Sonoma, CA; 16 great-grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and dear friends. Caroline was predeceased by her husband Lawrence in 1995, her son Dale in 2002, as well as by her brother, Otto Little and sisters, Dolly Withers, Nellie Lewis, Sadie Barbour and Julia Beinlich. Her family invites friends to call from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, July 28 at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Dr., Canton. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, with the Rev. Herbert Eby and the Rev. James House officiating. Interment will follow in the Quaker Cemetery, Shunk, PA. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be directed to the Endless Winds Fire Company, P.O. Box 39, Shunk, PA 17768, or to the Shunk United Methodist Church at P.O. Box 70, Shunk, PA 17768.


More About Caroline Maude Little:

Name 2: Baumunk, Caroline L.

Burial: 29 Jul 2003, Quaker Sect., Brown Cem., Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 27 Jul 2003, THE DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Residence: Bef. Jan 2002, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 208-34-7423 (PA)

Children of Lawrence Baumunk and Caroline Little are:

+ 4138 i. Dale14 Baumunk, born in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; died 2002.

+ 4139 ii. Joanne Baumunk.

2095. Phyllis V.13 Baumunk (Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1914. She married Lynn Molyneux 09 Jun 1934, son of Dean Molyneux and Iva McCarty. He was born 01 Jun 1907, and died Apr 1975 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Phyllis V. Baumunk:

Residence: Jan 2002, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Lynn Molyneux:

Residence 1: Bet. 1941 - 1945, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Bef. Apr 1975, Last residence: Forksville, PA 18616

Social Security Number: 173-24-7568 (PA)

Children of Phyllis Baumunk and Lynn Molyneux are:

4140 i. Roy14 Molyneux.

+ 4141 ii. Arthur James Molyneux, born 14 Jan 1940 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

2096. Glynna Virginia13 Letts (Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Oct 1911 in Woodward, Woodward Co., OK. She married Everett Gregory 19 Nov 1938 in Chelan, Chelan Co., WA, son of Orlando Gregory and Tora Colberson. He was born 29 Nov 1907 in Coquille, Coos Co., OR, and died 02 Jul 1989.


More About Glynna Virginia Letts:

Residence: 10 Nov 1988, Wenatchee, WA


More About Everett Gregory:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1989, Last residence: Wenatchee, WA 98801

Social Security Number: 553-03-7399 (CA)

Children of Glynna Letts and Everett Gregory are:

+ 4142 i. Barbara Kay14 Gregory, born 28 Dec 1939.

+ 4143 ii. Judy Virginia Gregory, born 24 Jan 1942.

2097. Harry Cecil13 Letts (Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1914 in Woodward, Woodward Co., OK, and died 12 Jun 1984 in Columbia Falls, Flathead Co., MT.


More About Harry Cecil Letts:

Burial: 16 Jun 1984, Columbia Falls, MT

Residence: Bef. Jun 1984, Last residence: Columbia Falls, MT 59912

Social Security Number: 539-10-4341 (WA)

Children of Harry Cecil Letts are:

4144 i. ______14 Letts.

4145 ii. ______ Letts.

4146 iii. ______ Letts.

4147 iv. ______ Letts.

4148 v. ______ Letts.

4149 vi. ______ Letts.

4150 vii. ______ Letts.

2099. Franklin Alfred13 Letts (Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1919 in Center Twp., Woodward Co., OK, and died 20 Apr 1993 in Kent, King Co., WA. He married Neva ______.


More About Franklin Alfred Letts:

Residence: Bef. Apr 1993, Last residence: Kent, WA 98032

Social Security Number: 536-01-9582 (WA)

Children of Franklin Letts and Neva ______ are:

4151 i. Clifford14 Letts.

4152 ii. Roberta Letts.

4153 iii. Gregory Letts.

2101. Dennis13 Letts (Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1924.

Children of Dennis Letts are:

4154 i. Infant14 Letts.


More About Infant Letts:

Cause of Death: died shortly after birth

Medical Information: born premature


4155 ii. Laura Letts.

4156 iii. Eric Letts.

4157 iv. Infant Letts.


More About Infant Letts:

Cause of Death: died shortly after birth

Medical Information: born premature

2102. Lawrence Benjamin13 Letts (Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Nov 1925, and died 10 Jul 1982 in Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA. He married Jacqueline Farrington.


More About Lawrence Benjamin Letts:

Residence: Bef. Jul 1982, Last residence: Wenatchee, WA 98801

Social Security Number: 538-14-6071 (WA)

Children of Lawrence Letts and Jacqueline Farrington are:

4158 i. Lawrence Benjamin14 Letts, Jr..

4159 ii. Randy Letts.

2103. Mildred Zelma13 Morgan (Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Sep 1900 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 07 Feb 1991. She married Morris Lovette 1925 in Steuben Co., NY. He was born 26 Mar 1911, and died Jun 1971.


More About Mildred Zelma Morgan:

Name 2: Lovette, Mildred

Residence 1: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Feb 1991, Last residence: Beaver Dams, NY 14812

Social Security Number: 089-52-3357 (NY)


More About Morris Lovette:

Social Security Number: 094-14-9991 (NY)

Child of Mildred Morgan and Morris Lovette is:

+ 4160 i. Jean Marie14 Lovette.

2104. Keith Irwin13 Morgan (Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1903 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Mar 1983 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Blanche Emerson abt. 1921.


More About Keith Irwin Morgan:

Occupation: 1930, Laborer - Glass works

Residence 1: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Residence 2: Bef. Mar 1983, Last residence: Corning, NY 14830

Social Security Number: 706-18-3965 (RB)

Children of Keith Morgan and Blanche Emerson are:

+ 4161 i. Grant14 Morgan, born abt. 1922.

+ 4162 ii. Richard Morgan, born abt. 1924.


2105. Avonell Hyacinth13 Morgan (Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Nov 1905 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married William Spurling.


More About Avonell Hyacinth Morgan:

Residence: Oct 1988, Oklahoma

Children of Avonell Morgan and William Spurling are:

+ 4163 i. Naomi14 Spurling.

+ 4164 ii. Dellis Spurling.

2106. Alice Leona13 Morgan (Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Apr 1910 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) ______ Coffin 1929 in Steuben Co., NY. She married (2) Albert Davis 27 May 1937 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Sylvane Davis and Ann Morgan. He was born 14 Oct 1906, and died 09 Jan 1954.


More About Alice Leona Morgan:

Occupation: 1930, Saleslady - Dry goods store

Residence: 1930, Corning, Steuben Co., NY


More About Albert Davis:

Burial: 12 Jan 1954, Bath VA Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Child of Alice Morgan and Albert Davis is:

4165 i. Jean Louise14 Davis, born 14 Dec 1940 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Leo Collins 1984.


2107. Ernestine Marie13 Morgan (Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1912 in Penn Yan, Yates Co., NY, and died Jan 1976. She married Clayton Temple. He was born 21 Dec 1899, and died 15 Aug 1968.


More About Ernestine Marie Morgan:

Name 2: Temple, Ernestine

Social Security Number: 075-28-0355 (NY)


More About Clayton Temple:

Residence: Bef. Aug 1968, Last residence: Bath, NY 14810

Social Security Number: 095-07-5528 (NY)

Children of Ernestine Morgan and Clayton Temple are:

+ 4166 i. Russell14 Temple.

+ 4167 ii. Clayton Temple, Jr..

2111. Alfred13 Letts (Charles Emerson12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married (1) Shirley ______. He married (2) Phyllis ______.


More About Shirley ______:

Cause of Death: cancer

Children of Alfred Letts and Shirley ______ are:

4168 i. Guy14 Letts.


More About Guy Letts:

Medical Information: twin to Nadine Letts


4169 ii. Nadine Letts.


More About Nadine Letts:

Medical Information: twin to Guy Letts

2113. Everett Whipple13 Letts (Daniel Morgan12, Evert Montville11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1913 in Maples Summit, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 29 Feb 2004 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Alfreda Mary Morgan 22 Dec 1936 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Floyd Morgan and Ada Williams. She was born 31 Dec 1917 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 11 Jan 1996 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Alfreda Mary Morgan (1552).


2126. Otto Dean13 Makinster, Jr. (Otto Dean12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1921 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 30 Oct 1992 in Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL. He married Elizabeth E. Wild 19 Jun 1941 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Arthur Wild and Harriett Alnutt. She was born 11 Jul 1921 in Atlantic Ocean on way from Ireland, and died 04 May 2002 in Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL.


Notes for Otto Dean Makinster, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 1 Nov 1992 ed.:


For 20 years, Otto D. "Mac" MaKinster and his wife, Elizabeth, opened their hearts and doors to abused and unwanted children. As foster parents, the couple shared their former Horseheads home with 178 foster children, Elizabeth MaKinster said. The couple had 11 children, 28 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. "He never differentiated between his natural children and his foster children," Mrs. MaKinster said Saturday. "He loved kids. And the more the merrier." Otto MaKinster, 71, died Friday, Oct. 30, 1992 at his home in Zephyrhills, FL, from heart failure. Funeral services, with full military honors, will be held at 11 a.m., Tuesday at Chapel Richey, Coleman & Ferguson Co., Zephyrhills. Burial will follow at the Bushnell National Cemetery, Bushnell, Fla. Mr. MaKinster was pastor of the Tompkins Corners United Methodist Church from 1976 until a stroke forced him to retire in 1986. He had attended the Wesley Seminary in Washington, DC. The MaKinsters moved to Florida four years ago. Mr. MaKinster was born and raised in Elmira. He married the former Elizabeth Wild of Elmira 52 years ago. As he got older and his hair turned white, Mr. MaKinster grew a mustache and goatee and resembled Colonel Sanders of fried chicken fame. "He's even being buried in a white Colonel Sanders suit," his wife said. Mr. MaKinster's friend and former neighbor, Mary Brown of Horseheads, said he was always well-dressed, happy and grandiose. "He was a very colorful person. He was unique. He was the type of person you either liked or didn't like. He'd tell you what was on his mind, but did it in a way that you weren't offended," Brown said. The MaKinsters opened their home to foster children after Mr. MaKinster returned from Japan, where, as a Marine in World War II, he saw the damage done by the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki. He saw children whose parents had been killed by the bomb. He saw deranged children, scarred by radiation, chased from town to town because they had no place to go. Those experiences and his wife's background led the couple to become foster parents. "I was the only child of missionary parents," Mrs. MaKinster said. "And any child that came along that looked ragged and needed help, we took in." She told how her husband once comforted a new foster child who was brought to their home at 3 a.m. "The did just cried and cried. Dad stayed up talking to him for three hours and rocked him to sleep." she said. Mrs. MaKinster said her husband was upset that he would die before his youngest son, Joseph, 21, graduated from college. "He had seen all his other kids graduate from high school, college or from nursing school, and he didn't want to miss Joseph's graduation," Mrs. MaKinster said. "Joseph and I were with Dad when he died. I was holding his hand. The last thing he said to me was 'I love you. I love you.' Dad left his mark on this world. He is sure going to be missed.


More About Otto Dean Makinster, Jr.:

Burial: 03 Nov 1992, Bushnell National Cem., Bushnell, FL

Cause of Death: heart failure

Residence: Bef. Oct 1992, Last residence: Zephyrhills, FL 33543

Social Security Number: 127-05-1902 (NY)


Notes for Elizabeth E. Wild:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 6 May 2002 ed.:

MAKINSTER, Elizabeth E., 80, passed away May 4, 2002 in Zephyrhills, FL. Survived by five sons; Joseph MaKinster of Zephyrhills, Dean MaKinster of Jackson, MS, Thomas MaKinster of Cleveland, OH, Otto Dennis MaKinster of Zephyrhills, and John MaKinster of Horseheads, NY. Three daughters; Deborah Shea of Springhill, Kelly Lattin of Horseheads, and Sissy MaKinster of Zephyrhills, Honorary daughter; Sue Washington of San Antonio, TX, and many many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Predeceased in death by husband; Otto MaKinster and daughter; Georgianna LaForce. Contributions in her name may be made to the Catlin United Methodist Church, 402 Chambers Rd., Horseheads, NY 14845.


More About Elizabeth E. Wild:

Burial: 08 May 2002, Bushnell National Cem., Bushnell, FL

Children of Otto Makinster and Elizabeth Wild are:

4170 i. Dean L.14 Makinster.


More About Dean L. Makinster:

Residence: May 2002, Jackson, Hinds Co., MS


4171 ii. Georgia Ann Makinster LaForce, died Bef. May 2002. She married ______ LaForce.

4172 iii. Deborah Makinster. She married ______ Shea.


More About Deborah Makinster:

Residence: May 2002, Spring Hill, Hernando Co., FL


4173 iv. Thomas Walter Makinster.


More About Thomas Walter Makinster:

Residence: May 2002, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH


4174 v. Otto Dennis Makinster.


More About Otto Dennis Makinster:

Residence: May 2002, Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL


4175 vi. Robin Makinster.

4176 vii. John David Makinster.


More About John David Makinster:

Residence: May 2002, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY


4177 viii. Kelly Geanine Makinster. She married ______ Lattin.


More About Kelly Geanine Makinster:

Residence: May 2002, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY


4178 ix. Sissi Lee MaKinster, Adopted child.


More About Sissi Lee MaKinster:

Residence: May 2002, Zephyrhills, Pasco Co., FL


4179 x. Susan MaKinster, Adopted child. She married ______ Washington.


More About Susan MaKinster:

Residence: May 2002, San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX


4180 xi. Joseph C. MaKinster, born 1971.

2128. Grace13 Makinster (Otto Dean12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jul 1928 in Elmira, Chemung Co., PA. She married Henry Mayes.


Notes for Grace Makinster:

Mr. and Mrs. Otto L. Makinster of Wellsburg are the parents of a daughter born Friday at St. Joseph's Hospital. (handwritten on article July 20, 1928)

Children of Grace Makinster and Henry Mayes are:

4181 i. Lynden14 Mayes.

4182 ii. Myrtle Mayes.

4183 iii. Mitchell Mayes.

4184 iv. Elizabeth Mayes.

4185 v. Timothy Mayes.

2130. Alice13 Pinch (Daisy Adell12 Makinster, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) died Aft. 1993. She married Americo Tagliaferri. He was born 15 May 1926, and died 04 Jul 2001 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Alice Pinch:

Name 2: Tagliaferri, Alice

Residence 1: 1993, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Residence 2: Jul 2001, W. Clinton St., Elmira, NY


Notes for Americo Tagliaferri:

Elmira STAR-GAZETTE - 5 Jul 2001 ed.:

TAGLIAFERRI, Americo (Rick), age 75 of W. Clinton St., Elmira, NY, on Wednesday evening, July 4, 2001. Friends may call at the Holly-Keck & Baker, Inc. Funeral Home on Sunday, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church, 121 W. Water St., Elmira, NY 14901 on Monday at 10:00 a.m., Rev. Marilyn Marston officiating. Interment will follow in the First Baptist Church of Elmira. He is survived by his loving wife, Alice; daughters and sons-in-law, Jean and Anthony Papandrea of Elmira, Sharon and Victor Troha of MI; 4 grandchildren, Gregory, Adrienne, Katherine, Victor, Jr.; sister and brother-in-law, Rose and Larry Guiliano; sister-in-law, Sophie Tagliaferri, all of Rome, NY. Rick was a member of the First Baptist Church, retired personal manager from Schwizer Aircraft Corp. Second to love of his family, was his love of fishing.


More About Americo Tagliaferri:

Date born 2: abt. 1926

Burial: 09 Jul 2001, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Residence: Jul 2001, W. Clinton St., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 090-18-0933 (NY)

Children of Alice Pinch and Americo Tagliaferri are:

+ 4186 i. Jean14 Tagliaferri.

+ 4187 ii. Sharon Tagliaferri.

2131. Claudius Laverne13 Fanning (Harold Royce12, Warren Harold11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Oct 1915 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 04 Apr 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Marjorie Gross Tubbs 03 Mar 1940 in Owego, Tioga Co., NY, daughter of ______ Tubbs and Margaret Preston. She was born 12 Oct 1919, and died 30 May 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Claudius Laverne Fanning:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 6 Apr 1992 ed.:

FANNING, Laverne - Age 76, of 264 Brand St., Elmira, NY, Saturday, April 4, 1992 at St. Joseph's Hospital. He was predeceased by his wife, Marjorie in 1980; daughter, Terry George in 1981; mother, Pearl Fanning in 1990; and brother, Royce Fanning during WW II. Survived by daughters and sons-in-law, Laura and James Begeal of Oxford, NY, Peggy and Scott Rynders of Richmond, VA; sister, Naomi Eyres of Elmira, NY; mother-in-law, Margaret Tubbs of Elkland, PA; 6 grand children; 8 great-grandchildren. Mr. Fanning was a member of Riverside United Methodist Church. He was a 1932 graduate of Southside High School, a Veteran of WW II and retired from Spaulding Bakery in 1977. He was a very active member and past Commander of the American Legion, Harry B. Bentley Post 443 Elmira, member of the 40 & 8 Club, past county Commander for the American Legion, member of the Loyal Order of the Moose - Lodge 517, F.O.E. 941 and the Masonic Temple all of Elmira. He was an avid sportsman (bowling, fishing, golf). He shot a hole in one at the Mark Twin Golf Course and was an avid card player and gardener. Friends are invited to call at the Barrett Funeral Home, Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM. The American Legion Post 443 will conduct a Memorial Service Monday evening [sic] at 7:30 PM. Funeral Service will be held there Tuesday at 11 AM, Rev. Melanie Cole will officiate. Interment will take place Wednesday at 11 AM in Nelson Cemetery, Nelson, PA with military honors. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be directed to Riverside United Methodist Church in his memory.


More About Claudius Laverne Fanning:

Name 2: Fanning, Laverne

Burial: 08 Apr 1992, Nelson Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Apr 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Apr 1992, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 108-03-7266 (NY)


More About Marjorie Gross Tubbs:

Name 2: Fanning, Marjorie

Burial: Jun 1980, Nelson Cem., Tioga Co., PA

Social Security Number: 118-01-5589 (NY)

Children of Claudius Fanning and Marjorie Tubbs are:

+ 4188 i. Laura Lee14 Fanning, born 25 Oct 1940.

+ 4189 ii. Terry Fanning, born 17 Dec 1948; died Mar 1981.

4190 iii. Peggy Sue Fanning, born 06 Jan 1958. She married (1) Scott Rynders. She married (2) Stuart R. Brown, Jr. 11 Feb 1978.

2135. Ethel Marie13 Kane (Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1920 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Frederick Milton Freeman 05 Oct 1941, son of Milton Freeman and Rose Bassinger. He was born 30 Sep 1916 in St. Augustine, St. Johns Co., FL, and died 24 Dec 1991.


More About Ethel Marie Kane:

Residence: Bet. Sep 1981 - May 1983, Jellico, Campbell Co., TN


More About Frederick Milton Freeman:

Burial: West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Social Security Number: 277-28-0177 (OH)

Children of Ethel Kane and Frederick Freeman are:

+ 4191 i. Beverly Lorraine14 Freeman, born 19 Jun 1945 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD.

4192 ii. Donovan Lee Freeman, born 19 Mar 1947 in Mount Vernon, Knox Co., OH. He married Vera Sue Clayburn.

2136. Vivian Rosamond13 Kane (Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jan 1922 in Warren Center, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Sep 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Thomas Francis O'Leary 16 Aug 1941, son of Merton O'Leary and Anna ______. He was born 08 Oct 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died Apr 1987. She married (2) Frank Clover Roll 26 Dec 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Vivian Rosamond Kane:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Sep 1981 ed.:

ROLL, Mrs. Vivian O'Leary of 424 Highland Ave. Horseheads, Thur. Sept. 24, 1981 at Arnot Ogden Hospital. Friends are invited to call at the Olthof Funeral Home 1050 Penna. Ave. Sat. evening 7-9 p.m. with funeral services Sun. at 10 a.m. at the 7th Day Adventist Church Maple Ave. Elmira, NY. Elder Woodrow Whidden officiating. Grave side services will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Shunk Cemetery, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She is survived by her husband Frank C. Roll; Daughter, Joyce C. Weiskopf of Horseheads; Sons Thomas D. O'Leary of Painted Post, NY, Dennis M. O'Leary of Ravenna, Ohio; Mother Florence C. Kane of Penna.; 5 Grandchildren; 3 sisters Mrs. Ethel Freeman of Jellico, Tenn., Luella White of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Delores Nicol of Hamburg, NY. Several Nieces & Nephews. Vivian was a member of the 7th Day Adventist Church of Elmira, NY.


I attended the wake and funeral for Vivian, at the request of her mother, the service being held at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located at the corner of Maple and Phoenix avenues in Elmira, of which she and her siblings were members. She died after a long battle with cancer and made the request that her casket remain closed. The grave diggers had a great deal of difficulty in opening the grave, working much of the previous night. They had hit solid rock three or four feet down and had to find someone who could use dynamite to crack the rock. The church provided a dinner before the long trip from Elmira to Shunk. It was very windy and looked like rain most of the day. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Vivian Rosamond Kane:

Name 2: Roll, Vivian

Burial: 27 Sep 1981, West Hill Cem., Shunk, PA

Cause of Death: cancer

Medical Information: died at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Sep 1981, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Sep 1981, 424 Highland Ave., Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Social Security Number: 101-12-5049 (NY)


More About Thomas Francis O'Leary:

Residence: Bef. Apr 1987, Last residence: West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Social Security Number: 190-18-1469 (PA)

Children of Vivian Kane and Thomas O'Leary are:

+ 4193 i. Thomas Duff14 O'Leary, born 07 Aug 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4194 ii. Dennis Mallory O'Leary, born 11 Jul 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4195 iii. Joyce Colleen O'Leary, born 17 Jun 1953 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY.

2137. Luella Mavis13 Kane (Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Apr 1923 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Ellis Bunt abt. 1942. She married (2) William Grover Koles abt. 1947, son of ______ Koles and Angeline ______. He was born 21 Nov 1921 in Great Falls, Cascade Co., MT, and died Oct 1980. She married (3) David White abt. 1962.


More About Luella Mavis Kane:

Residence: Bet. Sep 1981 - May 1983, Cuyahoga Falls, Summit Co., OH


More About William Grover Koles:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1980, Last residence: Sheridan, WY 82801

Social Security Number: 550-24-5160 (CA)

Children of Luella Kane and William Koles are:

+ 4196 i. William Michael14 Koles, born 06 Mar 1949 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH.

+ 4197 ii. Paul Gregory Koles, born 07 Dec 1952 in Grand Rapids, Kent Co., MI.

+ 4198 iii. Maureen Laurette Koles, born 20 Sep 1955 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

2138. Deloris Emily13 Kane (Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1924 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Roger William Nicol, son of ______ Nicol and Anna ______. He was born 12 Jun 1924 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


More About Deloris Emily Kane:

Residence 1: Sep 1981, Hamburg, Erie Co., NY

Residence 2: May 1983, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Children of Deloris Kane and Roger Nicol are:

+ 4199 i. Donald Robert14 Nicol, born 23 Feb 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4200 ii. Nancy Joyce Nicol, born 16 May 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

4201 iii. Roger William Nicol, Jr., born 07 Feb 1961. He married Carrie ______ 1982.

2139. John Richard13 Olstead (Mary Ann12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jun 1936 in Montclair, Essec Co., NJ. He married Carol Elizabeth Swett 03 Jun 1961 in East Orange, Essex Co., NJ.

Children of John Olstead and Carol Swett are:

4202 i. Jennifer Dawn14 Olstead, born 10 Jan 1964 in Montclair, Essex Co., NJ.

4203 ii. Krista Lynn Olstead, born 09 Sep 1965 in Livingston, Essex Co., NJ.

4204 iii. Lizabeth Mary Olstead, born 12 Apr 1967 in Livingston, Essex Co., NJ.

4205 iv. Herbert Richard Olstead, born 21 Mar 1969 in Livingston, Essex Co., NJ.

4206 v. Melissa Garnet Olstead, born 20 Dec 1972 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2140. Eunice Roxine13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1924, and died 23 Jul 1998. She married Richard Kenneth Kreiger. He was born 30 Oct 1924, and died 02 Aug 1996.


More About Eunice Roxine Beamesderfer:

Name 2: Kreiger, Eunice

Residence 1: 1983, Ednor Acres, Donara Rd., Silver Springs, MD 20910

Residence 2: Bef. Jul 1998, Last residence: Silver Spring, MD 20905

Social Security Number: 208-16-5189 (PA)


More About Richard Kenneth Kreiger:

Residence: Bef. Aug 1996, Last residence: Silver Spring, MD 20905

Social Security Number: 196-14-1070 (PA)

Children of Eunice Beamesderfer and Richard Kreiger are:

4207 i. Dennis Richard14 Kreiger, born 07 Jun 1952 in MD; died 06 Oct 1977 in MD. He married Dawn ______.


More About Dennis Richard Kreiger:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1977, Last residence: Washington, DC 20012

Social Security Number: 213-56-9286 (MD)


4208 ii. Kevin Charles Kreiger, born 20 Mar 1959.

2141. Pauline Amanda13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1925, and died Feb 1983. She married Rudolph Valentin Rolinec. He was born 08 Apr 1925, and died Aft. Feb 1983.


More About Pauline Amanda Beamesderfer:

Name 2: Rolinec, Pauline

Residence: Bef. Feb 1983, Last residence: Hyattsville, MD 20783

Social Security Number: 195-20-1702 (PA)


More About Rudolph Valentin Rolinec:

Residence: Feb 1983, Hyattsville, MD 20783

Child of Pauline Beamesderfer and Rudolph Rolinec is:

4209 i. Alan Gregory14 Rolinec, born 29 Dec 1958.

2142. Thomas Richard13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Oct 1927.

Child of Thomas Richard Beamesderfer is:

4210 i. Thomas Richard14 Beamesderfer, Jr..

2143. Gerald Max13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jun 1929 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Betty Sue ______. She was born 20 Feb 1929 in Vardaman, Calhoun Co., MS.


Notes for Gerald Max Beamesderfer:

The two girls Gerald & Betty adopted were sisters. One was killed in a motorcycle accident in Ridgbury Twp., Bradford Co., PA during a July 4th holiday weekend, while the other married and had a family. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Gerald Max Beamesderfer:

Residence: 1983, 7404 Apache Way, Citrus Heights, CA 95610

Children of Gerald Beamesderfer and Betty ______ are:

4211 i. ______14 Beamesderfer, born abt. 1949; Adopted child.

4212 ii. Gerald Max Beamesderfer, Jr., born 21 Aug 1951 in Panama City, Bay Co., FL. He married Roberta ______.

4213 iii. ______ Beamesderfer, born abt. 1954; Adopted child.

2144. Bula Bell13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1932. She married Glen Elmer Beamer.


More About Bula Bell Beamesderfer:

Residence: 1983, 7730 Maple Ave., Apt. #17, Takoma Park, MD 20912

Children of Bula Beamesderfer and Glen Beamer are:

+ 4214 i. Susan Joy14 Beamer, born 21 Jul 1954.

4215 ii. Cinthia Lucille Beamer, born 25 Jul 1957.

2145. Patricia Lee13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1937. She married Arnold Swan.

Children of Patricia Beamesderfer and Arnold Swan are:

4216 i. Gregory14 Swan.

4217 ii. Jeffry Swan.

+ 4218 iii. Sharon Swan.

+ 4219 iv. Susan Lee Swan, born 01 Apr 1962.

2146. Norman Russell13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1940 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Regina Mary Stefanowicz 24 Sep 1960 in Hyattsville, Prince George's Co., MD, daughter of Frank Stefanowicz and Mary Czhur. She was born 16 Jan 1943 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA.

Children of Norman Beamesderfer and Regina Stefanowicz are:

+ 4220 i. Richard Mark14 Beamesderfer, born 27 Jul 1961 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD.

4221 ii. Timothy Norman Beamesderfer, born 20 Oct 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Sylvia Brouer 24 Jun 1990 in Lancaster, Los Angeles Co., CA.

4222 iii. Mary Lucile Beamesderfer, born 30 Jan 1967 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2147. Bly Edward13 Beamesderfer (Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Oct 1941 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA. He married Janet Marie Wood. She was born 05 Dec 1941 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Bly Beamesderfer and Janet Wood are:

4223 i. Shari L.14 Beamesderfer, born 26 Apr 1961 in Kingston, Lycoming Co., PA.

4224 ii. David Bly Beamesderfer, born 20 Jun 1963 in Citrus Heights, Sacremento Co., CA.

2148. Christine Marie13 Duff (Marcus Wheeler12, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jul 1936 in Gloversville, Fulton Co., NY. She married Robert Frank Wilson. He was born 31 Jan 1934.

Child of Christine Duff and Robert Wilson is:

4225 i. Marcus Duff14 Wilson, born 04 Sep 1957.

2149. Joan Emillie13 Duff (Marcus Wheeler12, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Dec 1939. She married James Fennel Glover. He was born 25 May 1935.

Children of Joan Duff and James Glover are:

4226 i. James Richard14 Glover, born 09 Feb 1958.

4227 ii. Terrie Anna Glover, born 25 May 1960.

4228 iii. Christopher Martin Glover, born 22 Aug 1961.

4229 iv. Scott Matthew Glover, born 23 Feb 1963.

2153. Ellwyn Riley13 Foster (Riley Dell12, Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1921 in PA.


More About Ellwyn Riley Foster:

Residence: 1930, Clara Twp., Potter Co., PA

Children of Ellwyn Riley Foster are:

4230 i. ______14 Foster.

4231 ii. ______ Foster.

4232 iii. ______ Foster.

2154. Lotus13 Foster (Riley Dell12, Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1922 in PA. She married Marvin Calhoun.


More About Lotus Foster:

Residence: 1930, Clara Twp., Potter Co., PA

Children of Lotus Foster and Marvin Calhoun are:

4233 i. ______14 Calhoun.

4234 ii. ______ Calhoun.

4235 iii. Joannie Calhoun.

2155. Theldrid13 Foster (Riley Dell12, Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1925 in PA.


More About Theldrid Foster:

Residence: 1930, Clara Twp., Potter Co., PA

Children of Theldrid Foster are:

4236 i. ______14 Foster.

4237 ii. ______ Foster.

4238 iii. ______ Foster.

2156. Howard Riley13 Foster (Elloyd W.12, Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Ava Payne 20 Jun 1948 in Westfield, Tioga Co., PA.


Marriage Notes for Howard Foster and Ava Payne:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Jul 1998 ed.:

ANNIVERSARIES -- Foster-50th

Howard "Bud" and Ava Foster of Westfield recently marked their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception at their home hosted by their children. Bud Foster and the former Ava Payne were married June 20, 1948 at United Methodist Church in Westfield. The couple have two children: Karen Zinck of Troupsburg, NY and Tom Foster of Central Square, NY. There are three grandchildren, seven foster grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mr. Foster is retired from U.S. Postal Service. Mrs. Foster is retired from Troupsburg Central School.

Children of Howard Foster and Ava Payne are:

+ 4239 i. Karen14 Foster.

+ 4240 ii. Thomas S. Foster.

2158. Herbert Lee13 Wheeler, Jr. (Herbert Lee12, Lewis Uzal11, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1919, and died 05 Dec 2002 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married ______ ______.


Notes for Herbert Lee Wheeler, Jr.:

Corning, NY - THE LEADER, 09 Dec 2002 ed.:

DEATHS - Wheeler

WHEELER, Herbert L. Jr., 83, of Corning, died Thursday, Dec. 5, 2002 at Corning Hospital. He was a WW II veteran and Corning Inc. retiree. Survivors include a son John T. Stirrup of Jacksonville, Fla.; two daughters, Joyce E. Turner of Nashville, Tenn. and Patricia A. Housman of Corning; a sister, Sandra Kiser of Springfield, MO. Calling hours are 2-4 p.m. Sunday at Carpenter's Funeral Home, 14 E. Pulteney St. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Christ Episcopal Church. A burial with full military honors will follow in Fairview Cemetery, Painted Post.


More About Herbert Lee Wheeler, Jr.:

Burial: Fairview Cem., Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 09 Dec 2002, THE LEADER - Corning, NY

Children of Herbert Wheeler and ______ ______ are:

4241 i. John T. Wheeler14 Stirrup.

4242 ii. Joyce E. Wheeler. She married ______ Turner.

4243 iii. Patricia A. Wheeler. She married ______ Housman.

2164. Lloyd Allen13 Williams (Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jan 1917, and died 12 May 1994. He married Ellen Holcomb 06 Jun 1936 in Chemung, Chemung Co., NY. She was born 27 Oct 1918.


More About Lloyd Allen Williams:

Residence: Bef. May 1994, Last residence: Dallas, PA 18612

Social Security Number: 186-03-5387 (PA)

Children of Lloyd Williams and Ellen Holcomb are:

+ 4244 i. Allen Dennis14 Williams, born 28 Jul 1939.

+ 4245 ii. Glenda Kay Williams, born 22 Jan 1945.

2165. Fred Thayden13 Williams (Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Nov 1921 in PA, and died 20 Dec 1951 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Ruth ______. He married (2) Bula Murphy 1943. She was born 27 Nov 1924, and died Jun 1977.


More About Fred Thayden Williams:

Burial: 23 Dec 1951, Turner Cem., Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Bula Murphy:

Name 2: Williams, Bula

Residence: Bef. Jun 1977, Last residence: Cortland, NY 13045

Social Security Number: 067-18-9136 (NY)

Child of Fred Williams and Bula Murphy is:

+ 4246 i. Sharon14 Williams.

2166. Norman LeRoy13 Williams (Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jan 1934 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Janet Lou Good 20 Jun 1954 in Roaring Branch, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Norman Williams and Janet Good are:

4247 i. Scott Thaden14 Williams, born 10 May 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4248 ii. Brenda Diane Williams, born 14 Jan 1957 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4249 iii. Nathan LeRoy Williams, born 15 Apr 1966 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2167. Geraldine Jenny13 Shattuck (Lloyd Allison12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1924 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died Bef. Mar 2005. She married Gene Moon 24 Jul 1946 in Miami, Dade Co., FL.

Children of Geraldine Shattuck and Gene Moon are:

4250 i. Anita Kay14 Moon, born 19 Mar 1948. She married Jack Quanz.

4251 ii. Terry Andrew Moon, born 06 Feb 1952. He married Leslie ______.

4252 iii. Kim Ivan Moon, born 01 Oct 1956.

2168. Lloyd Armond13 Shattuck (Lloyd Allison12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Mar 1926 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 01 Mar 2005 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Violet Marie Toffier 03 May 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Curtis Toffier and Matilda DuQuire. She was born 12 Feb 1926 in New Iberia, Iberia Parrish, LA.


Notes for Lloyd Armond Shattuck:

Canton, PA - INDEPENDENT-SENTINEL, 03 Mar 2005 ed.:

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 1, 2005, Canton resident Lloyd Armond Shattuck was called home by the Lord after a stay at Troy Community Hospital. He was 78 years of age. He was born in Canton on March 9, 1926, the son of Lloyd A. and Jennie (Tarr) Shattuck. As a young man working in Florida in 1945, he met a young lady named Violet Marie Toffier on a blind date. A beautiful romance blossomed, and on May 3, 1947, they were united in marriage. Mr. Shattuck was blessed with the skilled hands and analytical mind of a mechanical engineer. There was virtually nothing of an electrical or mechanical nature that he could not repair. When a necessary part was unobtainable, as was often the case, he would fabricate a compatible substitute. This gift served Lloyd well during his many years of employment at the East Smithfield Farms milk plant in Liberty, where he served as a troubleshooter for the plants machinery. His skills, know-how, and eager willingness to help, endeared him to many auto mechanics in the Canton area whenever they were perplexed with a seemingly unsolvable problem. Ever frugal, and never one to pass up a challenge, when he and Violet were considering purchasing a color TV, and found that the price range was a bit high, he built one himself from a mail order kit at a fraction of the cost. His home-made TV became the wonder of his West Union Street neighborhood. Lloyd had a very positive can do outlook in life, which he extended to his family. He was always supportive of their every endeavor, always a wellspring of encouragement whenever things seemed bleak. He personified the philosophy, to give, and count not the cost. He was a life member of Canton Lodge #429, Loyal Order of Moose, and enjoyed the good fellowship of friends, neighbors and family. Although not officially connected to any particular denomination, Lloyd was a man who knew and trusted in his Lord in a very personal way. He was fond of sharing in the Christian Fellowship of all Cantons churches. He was a quiet, uncomplicated man who sought no accolades, only the satisfaction that comes from helping ones neighbor. Mr. Shattuck is survived by his wife of 57 years, Violet at home; a son Dennis and his wife Sue Shattuck of Canton; grandchildren, Wendy Shattuck of Pottsville, Tony and Tabitha Shattuck of Okinawa, Japan, Jackie Shattuck, attending Keystone College in Clarks Summit, Renee Shattuck and Stephanie Shattuck of Okinawa; an uncle, Lloyd and Dorothy Tarr of Galeton; as well as numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents, Lloyd and Jennie Shattuck, and sisters Geraldine Moon and Naomi Gee. Calling hours will be from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Thursday, March 3, at Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Inc. 40 N. Center Street, Canton. A celebration of his life will follow at 1 p.m. with Pastor Arlen Landis of New Life Church officiating. Interment will follow in East Canton Cemetery.


More About Lloyd Armond Shattuck:

Burial: 03 Mar 2005, East Canton Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 03 Mar 2005, INDEPENDENT-SENTINEL - Canton, PA

Occupation: 1973, Retired maintenance man - Liberty, PA milk company


More About Violet Marie Toffier:

Occupation: Plastics factory

Child of Lloyd Shattuck and Violet Toffier is:

+ 4253 i. Dennis Wayne14 Shattuck, born 21 Oct 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2172. Gerald Wayne13 Shattuck (John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Feb 1927, and died Apr 1986. He married Beverly Lewis.


More About Gerald Wayne Shattuck:

Residence: Bef. Apr 1986, Last residence: Midway, GA 31320

Social Security Number: 165-20-5965 (PA)

Children of Gerald Shattuck and Beverly Lewis are:

4254 i. ______14 Shattuck.


More About ______ Shattuck:

Residence: Kansas


4255 ii. ______ Shattuck.

4256 iii. ______ Shattuck.

4257 iv. ______ Shattuck.

4258 v. ______ Shattuck.

4259 vi. ______ Shattuck.

4260 vii. ______ Shattuck.

4261 viii. ______ Shattuck.

2173. Joyce Oleta13 Shattuck (John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Sep 1928 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 28 Sep 1993 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Kenneth Sylvester Baker 17 May 1947 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY, son of Fred Baker and Ruth Baker. He was born 29 Sep 1927 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 26 May 1993.


Notes for Joyce Oleta Shattuck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 29 Sep 1993 ed.:

Joyce O. Baker, operated store -- Lowman - Joyce O. Baker, 65, of Lowman, died Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1993. Mrs. Baker was a member of the First Baptist Church, Wellsburg, and was retired from the former Remington Rand plant, Elmira. Along with her husband, she owned and operated the Lowman Lawn and Patio store. Roberts Funeral Home, Wellsburg, is handling arrangements.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Sep 1993 ed.:

BAKER, Joyce O., age 65 of Lowman, NY, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1993. Friends may call at Roberts Funeral Home, Wellsburg, Saturday 2-4 p.m. Funeral and Committal Services there immediately following at 4 p.m. Rev. Robert Strobel, officiating. Interment, Ashland Cemetery, Wellsburg at the convenience of the family. Survived by daughter, Denise (Robert) Totoritis of Bentley Creek, PA; son, Douglas (Gail) Baker of Painted Post, NY; mother, Ellen Ammerman of Lowman, NY; sister, Irma Roberts also of Lowman, NY; brother, Arthur Shattuck of Winter Haven, FL, 6 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Baker was a member of the First Baptist Church of Wellsburg and a retired employee of Remington Rand Corp., Elmira, NY. Along with her late husband, Kenneth, she owned and operated the Lowman Lawn and Patio.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 1 Oct 1993 ed.:

BAKER, Joyce O., age 65 of Lowman, NY, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1993. Friends may call at Roberts Funeral Home, Wellsburg, Saturday 2-4 p.m.. Funeral and Committal Services there immediately following at 4 p.m.. Rev. Robert Strobel, officiating. Interment, Ashland Cemetery, Wellsburg at the convenience of the family.


More About Joyce Oleta Shattuck:

Name 2: Baker, Joyce

Burial: Oct 1993, Ashland Cem., Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY

Residence: Bef. Sep 1993, Last residence: Lowman, NY 14861

Social Security Number: 083-22-9196 (NY)

More About Kenneth Sylvester Baker:

Residence: Bef. May 1993, Last residence: Lowman, NY 14861

Social Security Number: 129-16-6771 (NY)

Children of Joyce Shattuck and Kenneth Baker are:

+ 4262 i. Douglas Allen14 Baker, born 20 Apr 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4263 ii. Denise Marie Baker, born 26 May 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2174. Irma Lois13 Shattuck (John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1929. She married Stanley Kenneth Roberts.

Children of Irma Shattuck and Stanley Roberts are:

+ 4264 i. LuEllen14 Roberts.

+ 4265 ii. Kenneth Roberts, born 17 Sep 1949.

4266 iii. Elwin Roberts, born 26 Dec 1951.

+ 4267 iv. Kevin Roberts, born 15 Dec 1953.

2183. Forrest Bernard13 Shattuck (Bernard Chesley12, Byron Earl11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jun 1947 in Bessemer, Jefferson Co., AL. He married (1) Linda Joy Porter abt. 1966, daughter of George Porter and Vera ______. He married (2) Kimberly Kay Fees 31 May 1990 in Madison Co., AL.


More About Forrest Bernard Shattuck:

Education: Bef. 1997, attended a trade school; unknown training or institution

Occupation 1: 1997, painting contractor

Occupation 2: Bef. 1997, Northrup Aerospace Corp. (abt. 3 yrs.)

Children of Forrest Shattuck and Linda Porter are:

+ 4268 i. David Forrest14 Shattuck, born 13 Mar 1968 in Madison Co., AL.

4269 ii. Jason Byron Shattuck, born 03 Sep 1973 in Madison Co., AL.

2184. Stephen Perkins13 Shattuck (Bernard Chesley12, Byron Earl11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1949 in Bessemer, Jefferson Co., AL. He married Linda Whittington abt. 1961, daughter of Verbon Whittington and Pearline ______.

Children of Stephen Shattuck and Linda Whittington are:

4270 i. Bernard Verbon14 Shattuck, born 28 Oct 1964 in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co., AL. He married Ronda Michelle Dodson 23 Oct 1993 in Tannehill State Park, Jefferson Co., AL.

4271 ii. Jill Shattuck, born abt. 1967.

4272 iii. Kirk Shattuck, born abt. 1969.

2186. David Victor13 Shaffer (Nellie Julia12 Shattuck, Arthur Victor11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Feb 1943 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY, and died 27 Sep 1979 in LeRoy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Jane Kay Hemings 12 Aug 1966.


More About David Victor Shaffer:

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Social Security Number: 167-34-0010 (PA)

Children of David Shaffer and Jane Hemings are:

4273 i. Dawn Marie14 Shaffer.

4274 ii. Victor David Shaffer.

4275 iii. Richard Bryan Shaffer.

2189. Clara May13 Tinkham (Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 May 1929 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Frank Charles Bauman 23 Jun 1945 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Carl Bauman and Josephine Sullivan. He was born 12 Feb 1929 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Edward John Barsavage 11 Dec 1948 in West Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of John Barsavage and Catherine Kozielski. He was born 19 Oct 1919 in Bernice, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 25 Dec 1997 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Edward John Barsavage:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Dec 1997 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Edward J. Barsavage, Thatcher Glass retiree

BARSAVAGE, Edward John, age 78, formerly of 304 Baty St., Elmira, NY. Born October 19, 1919 in Bernice-Mildred, PA, the son of the late John Paul and Katherine (Kozelski) Barsavage. Passed away Thursday, December 25, 1997 at Elcor Health Services, Horseheads, NY. Edward is survived by his loving wife, Clara Tinkham. Recently they celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary on December 11th. Other survivors include his children: Charles E. (Rae) Barsavage, Esther M. (John) Bresett, Michael E. Barsavage, all of Elmira, NY; sister Alice (Steve) Sysock of Bernice, PA; grandchildren: Christopher Anger of Southgate, MI; Stacy and Eric Bresett, Alexander and Jason Barsavage, all of Elmira, NY; along with 4 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Mr. Barsavage retired from Thatcher Glass after 35 years of service as a machine operator. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army serving from 1943-1945 and was a member of the Bernice American Legion in Bernice, PA. Family and friends are invited to call at the Ballard and Lindgren Funeral Home, 161 Oakwood Ave, Elmira, NY on Sunday, December 28, 1997 from 2 to 4 p.m. Funeral Services will be held there at the conclusion of calling hours (4 p.m.). The Rev. Scott M. Kubinski will officiate. A Private Graveside Service will be held in the Woodlawn National Cemetery at the convenience of the family where full military honors will be accorded.


More About Edward John Barsavage:

Burial: 02 Jan 1998, Woodlawn National Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Military service: Bet. 26 Dec 1943 - 27 Dec 1945, U.S. Army

Obituary/Death Notice: 27 Dec 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence 1: 1930, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: 25 Dec 1997, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14904

Social Security Number: 166-14-4559 (PA)

Children of Clara Tinkham and Frank Bauman are:

+ 4276 i. Charles Edward14 Bauman, born 28 Feb 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4277 ii. Thera Diane Bauman, born 07 Mar 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Thera Diane Bauman:

Thera was adopted by a couple from Waverly, NY. Nothing further is known about her.


More About Thera Diane Bauman:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

Children of Clara Tinkham and Edward Barsavage are:

+ 4278 i. Esther Marie14 Bauman, born 02 Oct 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 4279 ii. Michael Edward Bauman, born 14 Sep 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2190. Charles Alvah13 Tinkham (Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1931 in Conway, Beaver Co., PA. He married (1) Catherine Cronin 22 Jan 1952 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of John Cronin and Katherine ______. He married (2) Beatrice Anne Catalon 11 Nov 1958 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, daughter of Samuel Catalon and Ann Zeno.


Notes for Charles Alvah Tinkham:

It was stated by Mildred Tinkham, wife of Victor, that Charles' children were turned over to the Department of Social Services and were possibly adopted by a family in Waverly, NY. Nothing has been found to corroborate this statement. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Charles Alvah Tinkham:

Military service: U.S. Coast Guard

Children of Charles Tinkham and Catherine Cronin are:

4280 i. Robert Charles14 Tinkham, born 07 Nov 1952 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4281 ii. Francis James Tinkham, born 29 Sep 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Charles Tinkham and Beatrice Catalon is:

+ 4282 i. Patricia Ann14 Tinkham, born 22 May 1960 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

2191. Robert Lee13 Bevard (Margaret Mabel13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1927 in West Brownsville, Washington Co., PA. He married Betty Jane Hershberger 04 Jul 1952. She was born 15 Jan 1927, and died 1966.

Children of Robert Bevard and Betty Hershberger are:

4283 i. Robert Lee14 Bevard, Jr., born 15 Jul 1953.

4284 ii. Russell Lee Bevard, born 10 Jun 1957.

2192. Patricia Jean13 Bevard (Margaret Mabel13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1931 in West Brownsville, Washington Co., PA. She married Harry LeRoy Main. He was born 13 Aug 1926.

Children of Patricia Bevard and Harry Main are:

4285 i. Todd14 Main, born 26 Apr 1957.

4286 ii. Polly Ann Main, born 15 Apr 1959.

2193. Margaret Ellen13 Bevard (Margaret Mabel13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Oct 1937 in Conway, Beaver Co., PA. She married Clyde Robert Boring. He was born 28 Nov 1935.

Children of Margaret Bevard and Clyde Boring are:

4287 i. Debra Lee14 Boring, born 20 Jul 1955.

4288 ii. Russell Sherman Boring, born 21 Jun 1958.

4289 iii. Chrissie Ellen Boring, born 08 Jul 1959; died 29 Oct 1968 in CA.

4290 iv. Dorothy Elizabeth Boring, born 30 Aug 1962.

4291 v. Betsy Jean Boring, born 29 Oct 1964.

2194. Phyllis Ann13 Cress (Lillian Esther13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jul 1933. She married (1) David Hribnak. She married (2) Larry Lansback.

Child of Phyllis Cress and David Hribnak is:

+ 4292 i. Linda14 Hribnak, born 28 Feb 1955.

Children of Phyllis Cress and Larry Lansback are:

4293 i. Barbara14 Lansback, born 04 Jun 1966.

4294 ii. Robert Joseph Lansback, born 11 Mar 1969.

2195. Richard Arthur13 Cress (Lillian Esther13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1936. He married Deloris Joan Husted 03 Apr 1958, daughter of Harold Husted and Marcella Smith. She was born 15 Jul 1937.

Children of Richard Cress and Deloris Husted are:

4295 i. Daniel Arthur14 Cress, born 09 Oct 1959.

4296 ii. David Allen Cress, born 21 Nov 1962.

4297 iii. Dana Lee Cress, born 22 Dec 1965.

2196. Ruth Eleanor13 Weil (Lillian Esther13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Nov 1942 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA, and died 22 May 1978 in Ambridge, Beaver Co., PA. She married John Bathgate. He was born 24 Jun 1929, and died 09 Jan 1966.


More About Ruth Eleanor Weil:

Name 2: Bathgate, Ruth

Cause of Death: murdered in her home

Residence: Bef. May 1978, Last residence: Rochester, PA 15074

Social Security Number: 184-34-2215 (PA)


More About John Bathgate:

Burial: 13 Jan 1966, Sylvania Hills, Beaver Co., PA

Social Security Number: 199-22-7576 (PA)

Child of Ruth Weil and John Bathgate is:

4298 i. Edward14 Bathgate, born 30 Jan 1964 in Sewickley, Alleghany Co., PA.

2197. Katherine13 Weil (Lillian Esther13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1946 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA. She married Michael Kirby 20 Jul 1969 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA, son of Jacob Kirby and Vesta ______. He was born 20 Nov 1946.

Children of Katherine Weil and Michael Kirby are:

4299 i. Claudia Lynn14 Kirby, born 23 Feb 1970 in Vancouver, Clark Co., WA.

4300 ii. Stephanie Renee Kirby, born 30 Oct 1973 in Vancouver, Clark Co., WA.

2198. Judith May13 Starr (Winifred Fannie13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jul 1941 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA. She married (1) James Griffiff 12 Oct 1959 in Winchester, Frederick Co., VA, son of Kenneth Griffiff and Martha Nichols. He was born 29 Dec 1938 in Coshocton, Coshocton Co., OH. She married (2) Jan Helble 18 Oct 1969 in Winchester, Frederick Co., VA, son of Charles Helble and Anna Westberg. He was born 26 Oct 1936 in Aliquippa, Allegheny Co., PA.

Children of Judith Starr and James Griffiff are:

4301 i. Michael Lee14 Griffiff, born 29 Mar 1960 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA. He married Elizabeth ______ 28 Oct 1978.

4302 ii. James Clayton Griffiff, born 11 Dec 1961 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

4303 iii. Wendy Lynne Griffiff, born 31 Aug 1963 in Sewickley, Allegheny Co., PA.

Child of Judith Starr and Jan Helble is:

4304 i. Jeffery14 Helble, born 06 Feb 1970 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

2199. Lynette Etta13 Starr (Winifred Fannie13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1947 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA. She married Anthony Lange 08 Jul 1965 in Economy Boro, Allegheny Co., PA, son of Anthony Lange and Irene Sellman. He was born 03 Jan 1944.


More About Lynette Etta Starr:

Medical Information: twin to Lynda L.

Child of Lynette Starr and Anthony Lange is:

4305 i. Anthony Richard14 Lange, born 06 Aug 1966.

2200. Lynda Lou13 Starr (Winifred Fannie13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1947 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA. She married (1) William James Taylor 13 Mar 1965 in Winchester, Frederick Co., VA, son of Lloyd Taylor. He was born 21 Aug 1945. She married (2) Harold LeRoy Cunningham, Jr. 15 Jan 1970, son of Harold Cunningham and Charlotte McElveen. He was born 27 Jul 1942.


More About Lynda Lou Starr:

Medical Information: twin to Lynette E.

Child of Lynda Starr and William Taylor is:

4306 i. Lisa14 Taylor, born 22 Oct 1965 in Rochester, Beaver Co., PA.

Children of Lynda Starr and Harold Cunningham are:

4307 i. Craig Stephen14 Cunningham, born 03 Oct 1969 in Sewickley, Alleghany Co., PA.

4308 ii. Lori Michelle Cunningham, born 13 May 1972 in Butler, Butler Co., PA.

2205. Grace Martha13 King (Myrtle Grace12 Jackson, Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Aug 1910 in Levanna, NY, and died 24 Dec 2002 in Yukon, Canadian Co., OK. She married (1) Albert Glenn Brenchley 21 Jan 1929, son of Wallace Brenchley and Lena Rumsey. He was born 02 Aug 1909 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 17 Feb 1956 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Francis Harry Vaow abt. 1959.

Children are listed above under Albert Glenn Brenchley (2066).

Children of Grace King and Francis Vaow are:

4309 i. Robert Charles14 Vaow.

4310 ii. Jack Walter Vaow.

4311 iii. Dora Grace Vaow. She married ______ Oliver.

4312 iv. Kenneth Harry Vaow.

4313 v. Frances Fae Vaow. She married ______ Byers.

2210. Blanche13 Denton (Amy Pearl12 Jackson, Olive Grace11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Lawrence Walter.

Children of Blanche Denton and Lawrence Walter are:

4314 i. ______14 Walter.

4315 ii. ______ Walter.

2224. Marcia LaRue13 Sherlock (Monna Larue12 Salisbury, William Harland11, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Apr 1923 in Akron, Summit Co., OH. She married Joseph Gordon Jarrell 31 Jul 1943 in Grand Rapids, Kent Co., MI, son of Twiford Jarrell and Bessie Neese. He was born 13 Aug 1923 in Goldsboror, Caroline Co., MD.

Children of Marcia Sherlock and Joseph Jarrell are:

+ 4316 i. Gordon Hamilton14 Jarrell, born 28 May 1946 in Eglin Air Force Base Hosp., Okaloosa Co., FL.

4317 ii. Stephen Mark Jarrell, born 09 Jul 1948 in Wilmington, Newcastle Co., MD. He married Deborah Schaeffer.


More About Stephen Mark Jarrell:

Medical Information: twin to Donna L.


+ 4318 iii. Donna LaRue Jarrell, born 09 Jul 1948 in Wilmington, Newcastle Co., MD.

2225. Paula Janice13 Sherlock (Monna Larue12 Salisbury, William Harland11, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1927 in Akron, Summit Co., OH, and died 10 Sep 1977 in Hampton, York Co., VA. She married Marvin Plato Fink 30 Jul 1946 in Greensboro, Guilford Co. NC. He was born 21 Dec 1918 in Kannapolis, Cabarrus Co., NC.


More About Paula Janice Sherlock:

Name 2: Fink, Paula

Burial: 13 Sep 1977, Park Lawn Mem. Park, Hampton, York Co., VA

Social Security Number: 131-20-8294 (NY)

Children of Paula Sherlock and Marvin Fink are:

4319 i. Shelley14 Fink, born 22 Apr 1950 in Elizabeth City, Newport News, VA. She married Donald Wayne McPhail 13 Jun 1969 in Hampton, York Co., VA; born 10 Sep 1946 in Greenville, Pitt Co., NC.

4320 ii. Leslie Fink, born 15 Apr 1955 in James City, Newport News, VA.

4321 iii. Valerie Fink, born 30 Jan 1961 in Hampton, York Co., VA. She married William McPhail.

2227. Doris Evelyn13 Loomis (Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Aug 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Lloyd Edwin Bailey, Jr. 05 Feb 1949 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, son of Lloyd Bailey and Velda Barnes. He was born 10 Jul 1927 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

More About Lloyd Edwin Bailey, Jr.:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Army Infantry

Mil. Discharge Rank: Private

Military service: Austria, Germany and near Russian border

Occupation 1: General Railway Signal Co. - 18 years

Occupation 2: Beechnut Packing Co. - 20 years

Children of Doris Loomis and Lloyd Bailey are:

4322 i. Steve James14 Bailey, born 15 Nov 1951. He married Gail Goeff 16 Jun 1984.

+ 4323 ii. Adrian Lloyd Bailey, born 20 Mar 1954.

4324 iii. Bruce Edwin Bailey, born 03 Aug 1955.

+ 4325 iv. Laurie Jean Bailey, born 04 Aug 1957.

4326 v. John Edwin Bailey, born 23 Nov 1963. He married Linda Marie ______.

2228. Eleanor Ann13 Loomis (Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jan 1928 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Frank Arthur Gauss 13 Feb 1946 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, son of Louis Gauss and Marguerette Torrence. He was born 31 Jul 1925 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Eleanor Ann Loomis:

Occupation: Oct 1988, Local food chain store in Corning, NY


More About Frank Arthur Gauss:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: 6th Arm. Inf. Div. - 44th Arm. Batt.

Mil. Discharge Rank: Staff Sargent

Military battles/campaign: Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Military honors: Purple heart - wounded when shrapnel hit him in the hand; suffered from "trench rot" otherwise known as dry gangorene

Military service: Bet. Jun 1943 - Jul 1945, U.S. Army

Children of Eleanor Loomis and Frank Gauss are:

+ 4327 i. Kathy Eilene14 Gauss, born 12 Apr 1948 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.

+ 4328 ii. Pamela Judith Gauss, born 08 Jul 1950 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 4329 iii. Frank Arthur Gauss, Jr., born 23 Feb 1953 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4330 iv. Geoffrey Carter Gauss, born 21 Jun 1956 in Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., KY; died 21 Jun 1956 in Harrodsburg, KY.


More About Geoffrey Carter Gauss:

Burial: 23 Jun 1956, Harrodsburg, Mercer Co., KY

Cause of Death: died shortly after birth

2229. Norma13 Loomis (Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1931 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) Donald Farnam. She married (2) Slim Merrill.

Children of Norma Loomis and Donald Farnam are:

4331 i. David14 Farnam.

4332 ii. Darrell Farnam.

4333 iii. Linda M. Farnam. She married ______ Graves.

2231. Loren Franklin13 Stone (Deforrest A.12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jul 1933 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD. He married Sarah Jane Waddington 26 Nov 1961 in Silver Springs, Montgomery Co., MD, daughter of Harvey Waddington and Jane Core. She was born 21 Nov 1940 in Long Branch, Monmouth Co., NJ.


More About Loren Franklin Stone:

Occupation 1: Retired - Montgomery County Landfill

Occupation 2: 1988, L.L. Baumunk's Lumber Co., Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Sarah Jane Waddington:

Occupation: Sligo Adventist School (nearly 20 yrs. driving school bus and girl's dorm caretaker

Children of Loren Stone and Sarah Waddington are:

4334 i. Samuel Harvey14 Stone, born 15 Oct 1962 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD. He married Stephanie Hinkley 09 Nov 1986 in Charleston, Kanawha Co., WV.


More About Samuel Harvey Stone:

Occupation: 1988, Caretaker at the Sligo Adventist School, Takoma Park, MD


More About Stephanie Hinkley:

Education: Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, MD (Seventh Day Adventist)


4335 ii. Deborah Jane Stone, born 25 Mar 1964 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD. She married Ronald Messinger 06 Jul 1985 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD.


More About Deborah Jane Stone:

Degree: Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics

Residence: 1988, Portland, OR


More About Ronald Messinger:

Degree: Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering

Residence: 1988, Portland, OR


2232. Carol Lee13 Stone (Lawrence Carroll12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Carol Lee Stone is:

4336 i. ______14 ______Stone.

2233. David Abbott13 Stone (David Jasper12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Oct 1936. He married Ellie Naomi Coon, daughter of ______ Coon.

Children of David Stone and Ellie Coon are:

4337 i. David James14 Stone, born 08 Sep 1956. He married (1) Dorice ______. He married (2) Carolyn ______.


More About Dorice ______:

Nationality: of Japanese descent


4338 ii. Douglas Joseph Stone, born 04 Aug 1960.

4339 iii. Renee Naomi Stone, born 11 Apr 1964.

2234. Kathleen Evelyn13 Stone (David Jasper12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Sep 1939. She married Joseph Joshua Cocksedge 10 Jun in Stoneham, Middlesex Co., MA. He was born 15 Jan 1936.

Children of Kathleen Stone and Joseph Cocksedge are:

+ 4340 i. Debra Lee14 Cocksedge, born 14 Jul 1961.

4341 ii. Patricia Marjorie Cocksedge, born 27 Jun 1963. She married Jay McKinnley.


2236. Shirley Ellen13 Stone (Loren LeRoy12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Feb 1937 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI. She married Richard Drew Batchelder.


More About Shirley Ellen Stone:

Residence: Jul 1981, Westerly, Washington Co., RI

Children of Shirley Stone and Richard Batchelder are:

4342 i. Jayne14 Batchelder. She married David Bono.

4343 ii. Charleen Batchelder.

4344 iii. Richard Wenton Batchelder, born 12 Jun 1967. He married Robin Wilcox.

4345 iv. Tracey Kathryn Batchelder, born 05 May 1981 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI.

2237. Virginia Louise13 Stone (Loren LeRoy12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1938. She married Floyd Eugene Avery 08 Jun 1957 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, son of Gerald Avery and Lenora Morgan. He was born 17 Nov 1936, and died 24 Sep 2000 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Virginia Louise Stone:

Real Estate: 1981, Our House Restaurant in Grover, PA

Residence: Jul 1981, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Floyd Eugene Avery:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Sep 2000 ed.:

AVERY, Floyd Eugene, well-known Grover, PA resident, age 63 passed away at his home early Sunday morning, September 24, 2000 surrounded by his loving family. Arrangements entrusted to Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.

(NOTE: a mortuary plaque is inscribed "1936 - 2002". -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Floyd Eugene Avery:

Burial: 27 Sep 2000, Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 25 Sep 2000, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Real Estate: 1981, Our House Restaurant in Grover, PA

Child of Virginia Stone and Floyd Avery is:

4346 i. Lou Ann14 Avery, born 04 Apr 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Earl Fred Smith.

2239. Paul Harold13 Stone (Loren LeRoy12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1949. He married Tam R. le Gwin. She was born in Vietnam.

Children of Paul Stone and Tam le Gwin are:

4347 i. Mary Lynn14 Stone, born 15 Aug 1970.

4348 ii. Sandy Lin Stone, born 16 Feb 1972.

2247. Judith Emily13 Strauss (Mabel Agnes12 Dryer, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Sep 1925 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Alfred Americus DiCenso, son of Peitro DiCenso and Theresina Matalino. He was born 01 Apr 1907 in Patterson, Passaic Co., NJ, and died 11 Oct 1991. She married (2) Galen L. Bailey 1946 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He was born abt. 1923 in PA.


Notes for Judith Emily Strauss:

After a telephone conversation with Judith at her workplace in Williamsport in Apr 1988 and another with her husband in Jul 1988, I was given some of the information of Fentie's children and grandchildren. Judith stated she was named after her grandmother Emelia. Her mother Mabel resided in a nursing home for nearly 11 years before her death in 1982. After Fentie died, the family drifted apart, most of them degrading Charles H. Dryer. He would trek all over the country when Mabel was a young girl and because of his family's disregard, the boys were not too proud of him. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Judith Emily Strauss:

Occupation: 1987, Holiday Inn, Montoursville, PA - switchboard operator


More About Alfred Americus DiCenso:

Social Security Number: 082-09-1312 (NY)

Child of Judith Strauss and Galen Bailey is:

+ 4349 i. Rodney Neil14 Bailey, born 31 Mar 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2248. Wilda Ruth13 Zimmerman (Mabel Agnes12 Dryer, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Feb 1933 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Daniel Kaiser.

Children of Wilda Zimmerman and Daniel Kaiser are:

4350 i. Jeffrey Lawrence14 Kaiser.

4351 ii. Kathleen Kaiser.

4352 iii. Duane Arthur Kaiser, born 27 Dec 1951; died Oct 1985.


More About Duane Arthur Kaiser:

Cause of Death: cancer

Residence: Bef. Oct 1985, Last residence: Wellsboro, PA 16901

Social Security Number: 110-44-8984 (NY)

2249. Francis Ellen13 Dryer (Howard Henry12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1931 in Colon, Panama. She married Daniel Thayer Davis 1959, son of Horace Davis and Olive Thayer. He was born 10 Jun 1931.


More About Francis Ellen Dryer:

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Art - Wittenburg College, Dayton, OH

Occupation: 09 Nov 1988, Cafeteria Manager - Univ. of Texas-Austin

Children of Francis Dryer and Daniel Davis are:

+ 4353 i. Stewart Thayer14 Davis, born 23 Jun 1961 in Xenia, Greene Co., OH.

4354 ii. Andrew Howard Davis, born 28 Jul 1963 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.


More About Andrew Howard Davis:

Military service: U. S. Air Force - security; stationed at Haugenburg Air Field, Germany; Minot AFB, ND

Occupation: 09 Nov 1988, Bexar Co., TX Sheriff's Department

2251. Edward Harold13 Dryer, Jr. (Edward Harold12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1925. He married Gertrude ______.

Children of Edward Dryer and Gertrude ______ are:

4355 i. Trudy14 Dryer. She married Jack Wood.

+ 4356 ii. Elizabeth Dryer.

4357 iii. Edward Harold Dryer III.

4358 iv. Chip Dryer.

4359 v. Robert Dryer.

4360 vi. T. J. Dryer.

4361 vii. Charles Dryer.

2256. Mary Jane13 Dryer (Edward Harold12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1951. She married (1) Griffin Meredith Stoneburner. He was born 28 Mar 1951, and died 16 Feb 2001 in Hines, Greenbrier Co., WV. She married (2) Henry Alfred Langlois abt. 1975. He was born 1936.


More About Griffin Meredith Stoneburner:

Social Security Number: 236-82-0063 (WV)

Child of Mary Dryer and Griffin Stoneburner is:

4362 i. Jennifer Lynn14 Langlois, born 1972.

Child of Mary Dryer and Henry Langlois is:

4363 i. Sean Paul14 Langlois, born 1977.

2257. Glen Kehrer13 Dryer (Loren Dwight12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Oct 1934 in NY, and died 30 May 1998 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR. He married Hilda ______.


More About Glen Kehrer Dryer:

Social Security Number: 070-32-9087 (NY)

Children of Glen Dryer and Hilda ______ are:

4364 i. Loren14 Dryer.

4365 ii. Robert Glen Dryer, born 11 Aug 1958 in Portland, Multnomah Co., OR; died 14 Mar 1984 in Jackson Co., OR.

4366 iii. Theodore Dryer.


2260. James Wilder13 Dryer (Raymond Wilder12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Feb 1937. He married (1) Marguerite Elizabeth Brow abt. 1957. She was born abt. 1940. He married (2) Betty Hall abt. 1965. She was born abt. 1943.

Child of James Dryer and Marguerite Brow is:

4367 i. Jeffery Dana14 Dryer, born 1963.

Child of James Dryer and Betty Hall is:

4368 i. Joshua Kaleb14 Dryer, born abt. 1966.

2261. Robert Raymond13 Dryer (Raymond Wilder12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1939. He married Joanne Sykora abt. 1958, daughter of Joseph Sykora. She was born 1939.

Children of Robert Dryer and Joanne Sykora are:

4369 i. Unnamed14 Dryer, born 13 Jan 1959; died 13 Jan 1959.

4370 ii. Todd Robert Dryer, born 1961.

4371 iii. Cheryl Ann Dryer, born 26 Sep 1963; died 26 Sep 1963.

4372 iv. Mark Allen Dryer, born 1965.

4373 v. Beth Ann Dryer, born 1969.

4374 vi. Brian Joseph Dryer, born 27 Apr 1972; died 07 Mar 1998 in Candor, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Brian Joseph Dryer:

Burial: Candor, Tioga Co., NY

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Army - SP-4; servied in Persian Gulf

Social Security Number: 056-74-9729 (NY)

2262. Richard Melvin13 Dryer (Raymond Wilder12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1942. He married (1) Alice May Ellis abt. 1965, daughter of Howard Ellis and Doris Tredo. She was born 22 Jul 1941, and died 17 Jan 1973 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY. He married (2) Beverly Ann Sisenstein abt. 1973, daughter of Andrew Sisenstein and Cora Miller. She was born 1946.


More About Alice May Ellis:

Name 2: Dryer, Alice

Social Security Number: 099-32-0915 (NY)

Child of Richard Dryer and Alice Ellis is:

+ 4375 i. Kelly Ann14 Dryer, born 1966.

Children of Richard Dryer and Beverly Sisenstein are:

4376 i. Dawn Marie14 Dryer, born 1974.

4377 ii. Jennifer Lee Dryer, born 1976.

2263. Rodney Keith13 Dryer (Raymond Wilder12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1944. He married Sharon Lee Herrick, daughter of Blaine Herrick and Mary Vovchik. She was born 1948.

Children of Rodney Dryer and Sharon Herrick are:

4378 i. Darren Parker14 Dryer, born 1967.

+ 4379 ii. Heather Lyn Dryer, born 1971.

2265. Eugene Theodore13 Palmer (Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Sep 1921 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Gayle ______. He married (2) Evelyn ______ abt. 1940. He married (3) Betty ______ abt. 1949. He married (4) Nellie ______ abt. 1957.


Notes for Eugene Theodore Palmer:

Eugene resided with his grandparents, Harry & Anna Shadduck, during the 1930 federal enumeration. He is mentioned as "special brother, Eugene Palmer" in the obit of his aunt, Julia A. Halderman.


More About Eugene Theodore Palmer:

Residence: 1930, Athens, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Eugene Palmer and Evelyn ______ are:

+ 4380 i. Theodore14 Palmer, born abt. 1942.

4381 ii. Robert Palmer, born abt. 1945.

4382 iii. Erin Palmer, born abt. 1947.

2266. Bennett Alfonzo13 Tyson, Jr. (Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1924 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Margaret Alice Sherman abt. 1940, daughter of Floyd Sherman and Lettie Blair. She was born 21 Aug 1924. He married (2) Lena ______ abt. 1964. He married (3) Jennie Cook abt. 1980.

Children of Bennett Tyson and Margaret Sherman are:

4383 i. Marcia Yvonne14 Tyson, born 01 Feb 1946 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married George Henry Bennett 07 Oct 1962 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


Notes for Marcia Yvonne Tyson:

Speaking with Marcia and her grandmother in Jul 1988, Marcia stated that she was an LPN and counselor at Capabilities, Inc. in Elmira, NY, a center for the handicapped designed to provide vocational training and assistance to the physically, as well as mentally handicapped. She received training at Orange County Vo-Tec in Orlando, FL. - note of R. J. Porter

More About Marcia Yvonne Tyson:

Medical Information: born at home


+ 4384 ii. Wayne LaVerne Tyson, born 16 Jul 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 4385 iii. Vivian Carol Tyson, born 18 Jul 1955 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 4386 iv. Bonnie Sue Tyson, born 08 Mar 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

2267. Loretta May13 Tyson (Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 May 1926 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Theodore Anderson.

Children of Loretta Tyson and Theodore Anderson are:

+ 4387 i. Thomas14 Anderson.

4388 ii. James Anderson.

2268. Daryle Lee13 Shadduck (Glenn Harley12, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Aug 1943. He married Gloria A. Sleve 26 Jan 1963 in Bradford, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of Joseph Sleve and Anna Konopski. She was born 1943.

Child of Daryle Shadduck and Gloria Sleve is:

4389 i. Anna Stacey14 Shadduck, born 23 Nov 1967.


More About Anna Stacey Shadduck:

Occupation: Jul 1988, Elmira, NY travel agency


2269. Pamela Ann13 Shadduck (Glenn Harley12, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jun 1949. She married Donald Sonner abt. 1972.

Children of Pamela Shadduck and Donald Sonner are:

4390 i. Donald14 Sonner, Jr..

4391 ii. Christy Sonner.

4392 iii. Devin Sonner, born 1986.

2271. Harold Reed13 Fenner (Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jan 1927 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA. He married Evelyn Esther Watson 29 Dec 1946 in Westfield, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Thurston Watson and Alice Symonds. She was born 28 Nov 1927 in Westfield, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Harold Reed Fenner:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Army - WW II

Mil. Discharge Rank: Private First Class

Military battles/campaign: Japan

Military honors: Sharpshooter's medal; Good Conduct medal; Combat Infantry medal

Occupation: Bet. 1960 - 1973, Box factory worker


More About Evelyn Esther Watson:

Occupation: Merriott Hotels

Children of Harold Fenner and Evelyn Watson are:

+ 4393 i. Nancy Lee14 Fenner, born 13 Aug 1947 in Cowanesque, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4394 ii. Carol Ann Fenner, born 30 May 1948 in Cowanesque, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4395 iii. David Ray Fenner, born 12 Sep 1950 in Cowanesque, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4396 iv. Gloria Jean Fenner, born 11 May 1953 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 4397 v. Donald Reed Fenner, born 10 Jan 1957 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4398 vi. Amy Louise Fenner, born 17 Sep 1960 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY; died 17 Sep 1960 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Amy Louise Fenner:

Burial: 20 Sep 1960, Coopers Plains Cem., Steuben Co., NY


4399 vii. Brenda Sue Fenner, born 11 Nov 1962 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Mark Manister 08 Mar 1986 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Brenda Sue Fenner:

Occupation: Jun 1988, Wegman's Food Market, Corning, NY

2272. Rita LaNora13 Fenner (Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1929 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married (1) LeRoy Beckhorn. She married (2) Omar Swift.

Child of Rita Fenner and LeRoy Beckhorn is:

+ 4400 i. Claudia Ann14 Beckhorn.

2273. Emma Abiaha13 Fenner (Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Aug 1931 in Barton, Tioga Co., NY. She married (1) Arlin Jack Cary 12 Aug 1950 in Harrison Valley, Potter Co., PA, son of Arlin Cary and Clara Seely. He was born 08 Aug 1929 in Potter Brook, Tioga Co., PA. She married (2) Ronald Andrew Johnson 15 Jul 1978 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Ronald Andrew Johnson:

Occupation: Coal truck driver

Children of Emma Fenner and Arlin Cary are:

+ 4401 i. Linda Jean14 Cary, born 28 Aug 1951 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

+ 4402 ii. Dale Edward Cary, born 13 Jan 1954 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

+ 4403 iii. Dean Eugene Cary, born 09 Nov 1956 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4404 iv. Dawn Marie Cary, born 09 May 1960 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

4405 v. Chris Lynn Cary, born 01 May 1961 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Chris Lynn Cary:

Occupation: Jun 1988, diesel mechanic

2274. Irvin Orlando13 Fenner (Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 May 1933 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Etta Pease. He married (2) Pauline Stewart.

Children of Irvin Fenner and Etta Pease are:

+ 4406 i. Terry14 Fenner, born abt. 1950.

4407 ii. Todd Merritt Fenner, born abt. 1952.

+ 4408 iii. Irvin Fenner, born abt. 1955.

2275. George Edward13 Wetmore (Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1939 in Corry, Erie Co., PA. He married (1) Patricia ______ abt. 1960. He married (2) Joyce ______ abt. 1966. He married (4) Marjorie ______ abt. 1977. He married (5) Gail ______ abt. 1982. He married (6) Carol Lee ______ abt. 1986.



Notes for George Edward Wetmore:

George, a truck driver, was continually on the road. For this reason, he was continually marrying and then divorcing his wives, who detested his ramblings about the country. When I spoke with Emma in Jul 1988, she found it difficult to remember all of the children that George had, but did her best to help me. She didn't know any of the wives' maiden names or the date or places of the marriages, for several times George would just drop a postcard or letter informing the family of the fact. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About George Edward Wetmore:

Occupation: Truck driver

Child of George Wetmore and Patricia ______ is:

4409 i. George Edward14 Wetmore, Jr., born abt. 1962.

Child of George Wetmore and Joyce ______ is:

4410 i. ______14 Wetmore, born abt. 1968.

Children of George Edward Wetmore are:

4411 i. Mary14 Wetmore, born abt. 1972.

4412 ii. Karen Wetmore, born abt. 1974.

Child of George Wetmore and Gail ______ is:

4413 i. Stacey14 Wetmore, born abt. 1984.

Child of George Wetmore and Carol ______ is:

4414 i. John Robert14 Whitmore, born 04 Jul 1988.

2276. Frank Joseph13 Wetmore (Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1945 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married (2) Patricia ______.

Child of Frank Joseph Wetmore is:

4415 i. Amy14 Wetmore.

Children of Frank Wetmore and Patricia ______ are:

4416 i. Frank14 Wetmore.

4417 ii. Rodney Wetmore.

2284. Sheila Ann13 Phenes (Lillian12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1946 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Franley Fenton McLean.


More About Sheila Ann Phenes:

Occupation: Jul 1988, Ward Secretary - Founders' Pavilion, Corning, NY

Children of Sheila Phenes and Franley McLean are:

4418 i. Stephanie Ann14 McLean, born 21 Oct 1968 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Stephanie Ann McLean:

Education: Jul 1988, Univ. of Buffalo, NY


4419 ii. Erin Lynn McLean, born 16 Aug 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2285. Carol Lee13 Fenderson (Lillian12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Mar 1948 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Robert Jacobs abt. 1967.


More About Carol Lee Fenderson:

Education: Corning Community College - Nursing

Medical Information: twin to Carin Jo

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Children of Carol Fenderson and Robert Jacobs are:

4420 i. Keith Gregory14 Jacobs, born 22 May 1969 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV.

4421 ii. Wendy Lynn Jacobs, born 24 Mar 1973 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4422 iii. Michelle Lee Jacobs, born 02 Oct 1977 in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA.

2286. Carin Jo13 Fenderson (Lillian12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Mar 1948 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Gerald Harry McUmber abt. 1970.


More About Carin Jo Fenderson:

Education: Corning Community College - Nursing

Medical Information: twin to Carol Lee

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Children of Carin Fenderson and Gerald McUmber are:

4423 i. Gerald Harry14 McUmber, Jr., born 28 May 1971 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4424 ii. Sean Louis McUmber, born 06 Feb 1974 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2287. Babette Kay13 Fenderson (Lillian12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Jul 1951 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Gary Thornton abt. 1970.


More About Babette Kay Fenderson:

Occupation: Corning Glass Works - insurance department

Children of Babette Fenderson and Gary Thornton are:

4425 i. Colette Marie14 Thornton, born 04 Nov 1972 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4426 ii. Ryan Joseph Thornton, born 18 Jul 1975 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2288. Joseph Anthony13 Fenderson I (Lillian12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Dec 1957 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Joni Sonner abt. 1982.


More About Joseph Anthony Fenderson I:

Occupation: Corning Glass Works

Children of Joseph Fenderson and Joni Sonner are:

4427 i. Daniel Joseph14 Fenderson, born 04 Nov 1983.

4428 ii. Matthew James Fenderson, born 30 May 1988.

2290. Elwood LeRoy13 Knerr (Myrtle Lillian12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1929. He married Ermagard ______.

Children of Elwood Knerr and Ermagard ______ are:

4429 i. Michael14 Knerr.

+ 4430 ii. Rebecca Knerr.

2291. Mitzi Elaine13 Knerr (Myrtle Lillian12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Sep 1931. She married Edward Pearson.

Children of Mitzi Knerr and Edward Pearson are:

4431 i. Edward14 Pearson, Jr.. He married Jennie ______.

4432 ii. Daniel Pearson.

4433 iii. Elizabeth Pearson.

2292. Margaret E.13 Williams (Lynn Carlton12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1933. She married ______ Macklaraff.

Child of Margaret Williams and ______ Macklaraff is:

4434 i. ______14 Macklaraff.

2293. Velma Fay13 Williams (Lynn Carlton12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 May 1935. She married ______ Mecone abt. 1953, son of Joseph Mecone and Elizabeth Kostkas.

Children of Velma Williams and ______ Mecone are:

4435 i. ______14 Mecone, born abt. 1955.

+ 4436 ii. ______ Mecone, born abt. 1957.

4437 iii. ______ Mecone, born abt. 1959.

2294. Clarence Lynn13 Williams (Lynn Carlton12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 May 1938. He married Esther ______.

Child of Clarence Williams and Esther ______ is:

4438 i. ______14 Williams.

2295. Bonnie13 Williams (Lynn Carlton12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1940.

Children of Bonnie Williams are:

4439 i. ______14 Williams, born abt. 1958.

4440 ii. ______ Williams, born abt. 1961.

2299. Douglas Laurayne13 Williams (Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jul 1925 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 09 Aug 1977 in Linesville, Crawford Co., PA. He married Dorothy Jean Sheffleman 16 Oct 1948. She was born 22 Oct 1926.


More About Douglas Laurayne Williams:

Burial: 12 Aug 1977, Linesville, Crawford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1977, Last residence: Linesville, PA 16424

Social Security Number: 199-14-5019 (PA)

Children of Douglas Williams and Dorothy Sheffleman are:

+ 4441 i. Connie Jean14 Williams, born 03 Oct 1950.

+ 4442 ii. Douglas Terry Williams, born 11 Sep 1952.

2300. Ellen Eugenia13 Williams (Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 May 1931 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Joe McNeal Castle 27 Aug 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Robert Castle and Martha McNeal. He was born 28 Jul 1926 in Boone, Watauga Co., NC.

Children of Ellen Williams and Joe Castle are:

+ 4443 i. Joseph Blake14 Castle, born 25 Jun 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 4444 ii. Debbie Sue Castle, born 12 Jun 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2301. Edward Otis13 Williams (Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Sep 1932 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Kathleen JoAnn Bartholomew.

Child of Edward Williams and Kathleen Bartholomew is:

+ 4445 i. Kurt Edward14 Williams, born 16 Apr 1959.

2302. Nancy Margaret13 Williams (Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jan 1936 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married John Joseph Patykula 21 May 1955 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Joseph Patykula and Eva ______. He was born 13 Aug 1929 in PA, and died 22 Jun 1985 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About John Joseph Patykula:

Burial: 26 Jun 1985, St. Peter & Paul's Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Social Security Number: 093-20-2213 (NY)

Children of Nancy Williams and John Patykula are:

4446 i. Karen Marie14 Patykula, born 17 Jan 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died Jan 1984 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Karen Marie Patykula:

Burial: Jan 1984, St. Peter & Paul's Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


4447 ii. John Joseph Patykula, Jr., born 16 Feb 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About John Joseph Patykula, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

2303. Frank Rodney13 Williams, Jr. (Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Dec 1937. He married Janice Woods.

Children of Frank Williams and Janice Woods are:

+ 4448 i. Terri14 Williams, born abt. 1960.

+ 4449 ii. Melissa Williams, born abt. 1963.

4450 iii. Frank Rodney Williams I, born abt. 1965.


More About Frank Rodney Williams I:

Burial: St. Peter & Paul's Cem., Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Medical Information: died at age 2

2304. Ellen Esther13 Williams (Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Feb 1939. She married (1) Joseph Manikowski. She married (2) Richard Marvin.

Children of Ellen Williams and Joseph Manikowski are:

+ 4451 i. Margaret14 Manikowski.

+ 4452 ii. Joseph Manikowski, Jr..

2305. Phillip Clyde13 Bower (Velma Ora12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1930 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Shirley Arlene Platt 10 Jun 1951 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of Leary Platt and Isabell Mitstiffer. She was born 27 Apr 1930.

Children of Phillip Bower and Shirley Platt are:

+ 4453 i. Faith Arlene14 Bower, born 15 Apr 1953.

4454 ii. Linda Renee Bower, born 01 May 1958. She married Charles Epright.

+ 4455 iii. Karen Elaine Bower, born abt. 1961.

2307. Florence Yvonne13 Baumunk (Minnie Mae12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1936. She married Arthur Rinker.

Children of Florence Baumunk and Arthur Rinker are:

4456 i. ______14 Rinker.

4457 ii. Gaye Rinker.

2309. Gaynold Ledine13 Baumunk (Minnie Mae12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jun 1941 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married William Charles McClintock 10 Oct 1966 in Lewisburg, Union Co., PA, son of Fredrick McClintock and Alice Blaker. He was born 11 Nov 1938 in South Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Child of Gaynold Baumunk and William McClintock is:

4458 i. Fawn Renee14 McClintock, born 21 Aug 1968 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2310. Blake Milo13 Baumunk (Minnie Mae12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jul 1946.

Child of Blake Milo Baumunk is:

4459 i. ______14 Baumunk.

2311. Flenia Lee13 Williams (Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Oct 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married John Dann Carpenter 06 Sep 1960, son of Ralph Carpenter and Agnes Morgan. He was born 16 Feb 1935.


Children are listed above under John Dann Carpenter (1576).


2312. Ellen Ruth13 Williams (Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Sep 1943 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Larry Packherd 14 Sep 1968, son of Raymond Packherd and Vera Jacobi. He was born 25 Aug 1941. She married (2) ______ Howe abt. 1980.


More About Ellen Ruth Williams:

Residence: Oct 1999, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Ellen Williams and Larry Packherd are:

4460 i. Valerie Ann14 Packherd, born 08 Jan 1970.

4461 ii. Seth Nyles Packherd, born 18 Aug 1978.

2313. Larry Dean13 Williams (Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1944 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 15 Mar 2005 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Gayle M. Ward 21 Oct 1967, daughter of Robert L. Ward. He married (2) Leesa Kay Brown 25 Jun 1983, daughter of Charles Brown and Barbara Beeman. She was born 08 Apr 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, and died 07 Aug 2005 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


Notes for Larry Dean Williams:

Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 17 Mar 2005 ed.:

WILLIAMS, Larry D., age 60, well-known breeder and trainer of quarter horses of Hillsgrove, PA passed away suddenly on March 15, 2005. Larry D. was born in Shunk, on October 8, 1944, a son of the late Dean E. and Elvina Snell Williams. He graduated from the Loyalsock Area High School a member of the class of 1963. Larry served in the United States Army 101st Airborne Infantry Division in Vietnam. He married the former Leesa Brown of Troy on June 25, 1983. Larry D. worked on construction for 30 years and was a member of the local 158 Heavy Highway Construction of Harrisburg. He was involved in the breeding and training of registered Quarter horses. He truly loved this work and was very proud to be involved in this field. He was a member of the V.F.W. in Troy, and the American Legion, and the National Rifle Association. Surviving are his spouse: Leesa, at home; a son and daughter-in-law, Chad and Katie Williams of Escondido, CA; three daughters and sons-in-law; Wendy and J. J. Harris of Jacksonville, FL, Kimberly and Brian Zimmerman of San Diego, CA, and Billie Williams at home; two brothers and sisters-in-law; Otis Williams of Shunk, and Kevin and Julie Williams of Wake Forrest, NC; four sisters, Flenia Williams of Shunk, Alyse Porter of Jupiter, FL, Ellen Ruth Packherd-Howe of Montoursville, PA and Louise Isaac of Fort Myers, FL; eight grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11a.m. on Saturday, March 19, at the P. Homer Dean Funeral home, 206 Water Street, Dushore, with Pastor Theodore H. Stiltner presiding. Interment will be in the Hillsgrove Cemetery, Hillsgrove, PA. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday at the P. Homer Dean Funeral Home, 206 Water Street Dushore. Memorials are directed to the Hillsgrove Union Church, Hillsgrove, PA 18619.


More About Larry Dean Williams:

Burial: 19 Mar 2005, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: abt. 1967, US Army - 101st Airborne Inf. Div. (during Vietnam War)

Residence: Oct 1999, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


Notes for Leesa Kay Brown:

P. DEAN HOMER FUNERAL HOME on-line listing August 8, 2005

WILLIAMS, Leesa Kay Brown, age 48, of Hillsgrove, PA passed away on Sunday, August 7, 2005 after a brief illness. Leesa was born April 8, 1957 daughter of Barbara Beeman Brown James and the late Charles L. Brown. Leesa graduated from the Troy High School, a member of the class of 1975. She married Larry D. Williams of Hillsgrove on June 23, 1983. He predeceased her on March 15, 2005. Leesa was the administrator of the Williams Personal Care Home in Hillsgrove. She operated the home with the greatest love and personal care that was so apparent to all those who resided with her and also all those who visited her residents. She will be extremely missed by all lives she touched. Surviving: son and daughter-in-law, Chad & Katie Williams, Escondido, CA; daughter, Billie Williams at home; brother, Terry L. Brown, Waynesburg, PA; sister, Donna Dixon, South Sioux City, NB; step-brothers and spouse, Rick Brown, Granville Summit, PA, Brad A. Brown, Pike Co., PA, Brad K. & Celeste Morgan, Lexington, SC; step-sister, Tammy Brown; grandson, Devin Williams; several nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, Aug. 10th at the Hillsgrove Union Church, Hillsgrove, PA with the Rev. Glen Landis, pastor of the New Life Church, Canton officiating. Memorials are directed to the Hillsgrove Union Church, Hillsgrove, PA 18619 or the Hillsgrove Fire Company, Hillsgrove, PA 18619. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the P. Dean Homer Funeral Home, 206 Water St., Dushore, PA.


More About Leesa Kay Brown:

Obituary/Death Notice: 08 Aug 2005, Dushore, PA (funeral home listing)

Children of Larry Williams and Gayle Ward are:

4462 i. Wendy Jo14 Williams, born 30 Mar 1968. She married J. J. Harris.

4463 ii. Kimberly Sue Williams, born 29 May 1970. She married Brian Zimmerman.

4464 iii. Chad Williams, born abt. 1973. He married Katie ______.

Child of Larry Williams and Leesa Brown is:

+ 4465 i. Billi Jo14 Williams, born 12 Apr 1988 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2315. Louise Kathryn13 Williams (Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1949 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Ronald Elwood Krimm 14 Mar 1970 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Elwood Krimm and Ursula ______. He was born 06 Aug 1939 in Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Walid Mahmoud Siag 23 Apr 1979 in Fairfax Co., VA. He was born 23 Jun 1941 in Jerusalem, Israel. She married (3) Donald Isaacs 07 Oct 1988 in Durham, Durham Co., NC.

More About Louise Kathryn Williams:

Residence: Oct 1999, Surf City, Pender Co., NC

Child of Louise Williams and Ronald Krimm is:

4466 i. Heather Danelle14 Krimm, born 16 Dec 1974 in York Co., PA.

Children of Louise Williams and Walid Siag are:

4467 i. Jamal Walid14 Siag, born 18 Jul 1978 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA.

4468 ii. NaDem Walid Siag, born 18 Aug 1981 in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., VA.

2316. Otis Laurayne13 Williams (Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1953 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Dawn Rockwell 12 Feb 1971. He married (2) Sharon K. Edelman Jun 1978 in Tatamy, Northampton Co., PA, daughter of Donald Edelman and Miriam Groner. She was born 01 Sep 1959 in Easton, Northampton Co., PA.


More About Otis Laurayne Williams:

Residence: Oct 1999, Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Otis Williams and Sharon Edelman are:

4469 i. Dean Justin14 Williams, born 09 Apr 1979.

4470 ii. Kellen Lynn Williams, born 25 Nov 1980.

4471 iii. Ashley Williams, born 12 Mar 1985.

2317. Keven Burdell13 Williams (Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Julie Vanderpool. She was born in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA.


More About Keven Burdell Williams:

Medical Information: born at Devine Providence Hospital

Residence: Oct 1999, Wake Forest, Wake Co., NC

Child of Keven Williams and Julie Vanderpool is:

4472 i. Aaron Richard14 Williams, born 05 Dec 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Aaron Richard Williams:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

2318. Connie Eleanor13 Osman (Geraldine Mabel12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Mar 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Ronald Foust abt. 1968, son of ______ Foust and Edna ______. She married (2) Melvin Cowher abt. 1975.

Children of Connie Osman and Ronald Foust are:

4473 i. Michael Wayne14 Foust, born 11 Nov 1969 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Michael Wayne Foust:

Education: Nov 1988, Usynus College - Philadelphia, PA

Medical Information: twin to Chris Alan


4474 ii. Chris Alan Foust, born 11 Nov 1969 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Chris Alan Foust:

Education: Nov 1988, Clarkson College - Pottsdam, NY

Medical Information: twin to Michael Wayne

2326. John Earl13 Shadduck (Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1935 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Marlene Margaret Newbury 17 Oct 1957 in Athens, Greece. She was born 16 Jan 1936, and died 20 Mar 1997. He married (2) Berta Agatha Petrozik 01 Apr 1970 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. He married (3) Marlene Morales 16 Jul 1977 in FL. He married (4) Diane Adams 17 Oct 1980 in FL.


More About Marlene Margaret Newbury:

Name 2: Shadduck, Marlene

Residence: Bef. Mar 1997, Last residence: Athens, PA 18810

Social Security Number: 165-30-5155 (PA)

Children of John Shadduck and Marlene Newbury are:

+ 4475 i. Renee Diane14 Shadduck, born 28 Jul 1958 in Tripoli, Lybia.

+ 4476 ii. Rock Michael Shadduck, born 06 Feb 1959 in Tripoli, Lybia.

4477 iii. Sneed Patrick Shadduck, born 28 Jul 1960 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 4478 iv. Stag Brian Shadduck, born 21 Oct 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

4479 v. Shawn Kirk Shadduck, born 26 Mar 1964 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


Notes for Shawn Kirk Shadduck:

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 18 May 1983 ed.:

Shawn Shadduck, son of Marlene Shadduck of 103 Short St., Athens, has been named to the President's list at the Ohio Institute of Technology in Columbus, Ohio. To be eligible for this honor, students must have at least a 3.5 grade point average (out of a possible 4.0) in their fourth term of study. Shawn, a student in the Electronics Engineering Technology program, earned a 3.6 GPA.

2327. Dona Marie13 Shadduck (Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1938 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Edward J. Solomon, son of Peter Solomon and Anita Brewer.


More About Dona Marie Shadduck:

Baptism: 01 Aug 1938, Epiphany Church - Sayre, PA by Rev. James C Sheridan

Medical Information: twin to Dena Ann

Children of Dona Shadduck and Edward Solomon are:

4480 i. Edward J.14 Solomon, Jr., born 10 Mar.

4481 ii. Anita Solomon, born 11 Jul.

4482 iii. Peter Charles Solomon, born 23 Jul.

4483 iv. Mary Alice Solomon, born 27 Jul.

4484 v. Christopher Michael Solomon, born 26 Aug.

2328. Dena Ann13 Shadduck (Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1938 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Harry E. King abt. 1957, son of Horace King and Cora ______.


More About Dena Ann Shadduck:

Baptism: 01 Aug 1938, Epiphany Church - Sayre, PA by Rev. James C Sheridan

Medical Information: twin to Dona Marie

Children of Dena Shadduck and Harry King are:

4485 i. Richard Eugene14 King, born 07 Jul 1959. He married Mary Lou ______.

4486 ii. Timothy M. King, born 25 Mar 1961.

+ 4487 iii. Colleen Marie King, born 12 Aug 1962.

4488 iv. Teresa Ann King, born 24 May 1964.

4489 v. John King, born 03 Jul 1965.

4490 vi. Kathleen King, born 13 Aug 1967.

4491 vii. James King, born abt. 1970.

2329. Mabel Elizabeth13 Shadduck (Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Dec 1939 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA. She married Joseph Robert Walt II, son of Joseph Walt and Doris Sisson.


More About Mabel Elizabeth Shadduck:

Baptism: 26 May 1940, St. Peter & Paul's - Towanda, PA by Rev. J.T. Shaughnessy

Children of Mabel Shadduck and Joseph Walt are:

4492 i. Belinda Kim14 Walt.

4493 ii. John Walt, born 03 Jul.

4494 iii. Rebecca LaDane Walt, born 01 Nov.

4495 iv. Bridgett Michelle Walt, born 29 Nov.

4496 v. Joseph Robert Walt III, born 29 Dec.

2331. Michael David13 Shadduck (Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1952 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Andrea DuValle Aug 1972. She was born 07 Mar.


More About Michael David Shadduck:

Baptism: Oct 1952, St. Joseph's Church - Athens, PA

Children of Michael Shadduck and Andrea DuValle are:

4497 i. Brian Michael14 Shadduck, born Dec 1976.

4498 ii. Ali Nicole Shadduck, born 1980.

2333. Ray LaVerne13 McCarty (Rhea Leona12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1931 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dora Adona Boyles 10 Oct 1952, daughter of Lynn Boyles and Grace Wright. She was born 23 Jan 1936 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Dora Adona Boyles (653).


2335. Carol Marie13 McCarty (Rhea Leona12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1934 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Carl Pepperman 20 Apr 1957, son of Glenn Pepperman. He was born 19 Jul 1933 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Carol Marie McCarty:

Baptism: 20 Jun 1946, Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Children of Carol McCarty and Carl Pepperman are:

4499 i. Carla Rae14 Pepperman, born 01 Nov 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4500 ii. Cara Lynne Pepperman, born 05 Oct 1963 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2336. Bryce Wayne13 McCarty (Rhea Leona12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marcia Snewczyk 24 Jul 1971. She was born 29 Oct 1950.

Children of Bryce McCarty and Marcia Snewczyk are:

4501 i. Kevin Bryce14 McCarty, born 02 Jan 1978 in Johnstown, Cambria Co., PA.

4502 ii. Jason Bryce McCarty, born 11 Apr 1981 in Pittsburg, Allegheny Co., PA.

2337. Cecil Ray13 Bedford (Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1934 in New Albany, Bradford Co., PA, and died 28 Jul 1963. He married Billi ______.

Child of Cecil Bedford and Billi ______ is:

4503 i. Opal14 Bedford, born Aug 1953.


More About Opal Bedford:

Cause of Death: stillborn

2338. Reva Jean13 Bedford (Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1935 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Audrey Dean Gilbert abt. 1953, son of J. Gilbert and Mildred Nichols. He was born abt. Jul 1929.

Children of Reva Bedford and Audrey Gilbert are:

4504 i. Terry Dean14 Gilbert, born 23 Jan 1954 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4505 ii. Richard Jesse Gilbert, born 18 May 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4506 iii. Catherine Marie Gilbert, born Jun 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2339. Donald Willard13 Bedford (Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jan 1938 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Norma Tyger, daughter of Darth Tyger and Belsie ______.

Children of Donald Bedford and Norma Tyger are:

4507 i. Kristen14 Bedford, born 01 Nov 1968 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

4508 ii. Richard Robert Bedford, born 01 Mar 1980 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

2340. Ray Oscar13 Bedford (Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Apr 1942 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married (1) Alice Marie Morgan 05 Mar 1960, daughter of Dean Morgan and Wilma Davis. She was born 16 Apr 1942. He married (2) Mary ______ abt. 1978.

Children of Ray Bedford and Alice Morgan are:

4509 i. Linda Rae14 Bedford, born 16 Sep 1962 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

+ 4510 ii. Carol Lynne Bedford, born 14 Feb 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

4511 iii. Brenda Lee Bedford, born 23 Jun 1967 in Savannah, Chatham Co., GA. She married Richard Tillotson.

2341. Emily Jennette13 Bedford (Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Feb 1945 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Clifford LaVerne Smith 09 Sep 1967, son of Clifford Smith and M. ______. He was born 12 Jan 1947 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Emily Bedford and Clifford Smith are:

4512 i. Cindy LaRue14 Smith, born 17 Aug 1966 in Savannah, Chatham Co., GA.

4513 ii. Melissa Jennette Smith, born 18 Nov 1967 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4514 iii. Michael Laverne Smith, born 02 Jun 1969 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.



2342. Patricia A.13 Shaffer (Doris Aleatha12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married ______ McCarty.

Child of Patricia Shaffer and ______ McCarty is:

4515 i. Robin14 McCarty, died Bef. Sep 2004.

2345. Stanley Dean13 Shadduck (Murl Maxine12, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1936 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 23 Apr 2001 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married June Wilcox 03 Nov 1959, daughter of Alfred Wilcox and Bess Guinter. She was born 22 May 1928 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA. This was her second marriage. Also, her Wilcox ancestry is from a different line from John Wilxo and her mother's line originates in Lycoming County, per Pat Gobea [November 2005].


Notes for Stanley Dean Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Apr 2001 ed.:

SHADDUCK, Stanley D., of Canton, PA, born August 25, 1936, died suddenly on the afternoon of April 23, 2001 at Troy Community Hospital where he was taken after being stricken at home. Stan is survived by his wife, June, whom he married on November 3, 1959 and children, Michael (Cheryl) Palmer of Malden, MA and Suzanne (Ronald) Gerould of Canton; four grandsons, Gregory (Traci) Gerould of Canton; Christopher Gerould of Camp Hill, PA; Michael T. Palmer (Carrie Welch) of Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA and Joseph (Mary) Palmer of Malden and a special great grandson, Andrew S. Gerould; sister-in-law, Shelby Deets of Webster, NY; niece and nephew, Norman (Denise) Deets, II of Rochester, NY, Heather Deets of Williamson, NY; and two special great nephews, Tyler and Norman Deets, III; aunts and cousins, a half brother, Larry Derr (Grace), State College, PA. He was predeceased by his mother and step-father, Murl and Ramond Derr; two half brothers, Gary and Dennis Derr, in-laws, A.H and Bess Wilcox and a brother-in-law, Norman Deets. Stan graduated from Canton High School in 1954 where he was an enthusiastic member of the baseball and basketball teams, holding the basketball scoring record for many years. He was life-long fan of the Boston Red Sox and the Green Bay Packers and played baseball for the old Canton Merchants team for many years. He served in the US Army Signal Corps from 1956 to 1958 and eventually began a career in the construction field where he spent all his working life. He was manager of construction and renovation for the Guthrie Health Care System from 1978 until his retirement in late 1999. Prior to that time he was affiliated with the architectural firms of Quivliven, Pierek & Krause and King & King in Syracuse, NY. Stan was very active in the community having served as a Green Free Library trustee, a member of the Lions Club and was an 18 year member of the Canton Area School Board. He had served on the board of the Canton Borough Authority and Canton Development, Inc., and had volunteered throughout the community. At the present time, he was president of the Canton Community Nursing Service--Canton Foundation and was also a Moose member. The family will receive friends 6:30-8:30 PM Thursday, April 26th and 11 to 12 noon Friday, April 27th at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral service will be held Friday at 12 noon at the funeral home, with the Rev. David B. Morris officiating. Burial will be held in the Beech Flats Cemetery, Canton Twp., PA. The family asks that those wishing to remember Stan do so by making a gift to the Friends of the Green Free Library, c/o LuAnn Taylor, 67 N. Center St., Canton or to the C.C.N.S. Canton Foundation, c/o Naomi Mosser, 109 East Main St., Canton, PA.


More About Stanley Dean Shadduck:

Burial: 27 Apr 2001, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA


More About June Wilcox:

Previous Marriage: Thomas Palmer; also she is NOT a descendant of John Wilcox.

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Thomas Palmer and June Wilcox, adopted by Stanley Dean Shadduck, are:

+ 4516 i. Suzanne14 Shadduck

+ 4517 ii. Cheryl Shadduck.

2346. Larry Elmer13 Derr (Murl Maxine12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1941 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Gail Curley.

Children of Larry Derr and Gail Curley are:

4518 i. ______14 Derr.

4519 ii. ______ Derr.

4520 iii. ______ Derr.

4521 iv. ______ Derr.

2347. Gary Raymond13 Derr (Murl Maxine12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1944 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 27 Mar 1991 in Newburgh, Orange Co., NY. He married Phyllis Mannley.


Notes for Gary Raymond Derr:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Mar 1991 ed.:

OBITUARIES: Gary K. Derr, truck driver

CANTON -- Gary K. Derr, 46, of Canton RD 1, died Wednesday, March 27, 1991 in Newburgh, N.Y. Mr. Derr was a truck driver for 20 years. He was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 429 in Canton; the Canton V.F.W. Post 714 and the American Legion Bentley Post 443 in Elmira. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements. (NOTE: middle initial should be "R.", other records, including his gravemarker, show his middle initial as "R". There is a Vietnam service flag at the grave site. - note of R. J. Porter)


More About Gary Raymond Derr:

Burial: 30 Mar 1991, Beech Flats Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Fraternity/ Club/Lodge: Aft. 1970, Loyal Order of Moose - Lodge #429 Canton; Canton VFW Post 714; American Legion - Bentley Post 443

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: Bet. 1967 - 1969, U.S. Army

Military battles/campaign: abt. 1969, Vietnam

Occupation: Bet. 1970 - 1991, Truck driver - 20 yrs.

Social Security Number: 188-38-4909 (PA)

Children of Gary Derr and Phyllis Mannley are:

4522 i. ______14 Derr.

4523 ii. ______ Derr.

4524 iii. ______ Derr.

4525 iv. ______ Derr.

2349. Earl LaRue13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Sep 1940 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Charlotte McCrane 29 Jun 1963. She was born 11 Nov 1944.

Children of Earl Snell and Charlotte McCrane are:

4526 i. LaRue14 Snell, born 05 Mar 1970 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4527 ii. Gordon Snell, born 12 Dec 1971 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

2350. Joanna Eleanor13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jul 1942 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She married Richard Cunningham 25 Jun 1961.

Children of Joanna Snell and Richard Cunningham are:

4528 i. Richard A.14 Cunningham, born 18 Jun 1962 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

4529 ii. Donna M. Cunningham, born 27 Sep 1963 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

4530 iii. Patricia A. Cunningham, born 26 Sep 1964 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

2351. Sandra Louise13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1943 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Bruce A. Sherwood 25 Feb 1961, son of Frederick Sherwood and Elizabeth ______. He was born 05 Feb 1940 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

Children of Sandra Snell and Bruce Sherwood are:

4531 i. Hazel14 Sherwood, born 15 Jul 1961 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY; died 07 Oct 1962.

4532 ii. Bruce Sherwood, born 03 Apr 1963 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY.

4533 iii. Virginia Sherwood, born 17 Feb 1964 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4534 iv. Lee Ann Sherwood, born 14 Feb 1965 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4535 v. Donald Sherwood, born 22 Feb 1966 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4536 vi. Eric Sherwood, born 16 Jan 1971 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4537 vii. Jason Sherwood, born 08 Oct 1981 in Richmond, Chesterfield Co., VA; died 08 Oct 1981 in Richmond, Chesterfield Co., VA.


More About Jason Sherwood:

Cause of Death: stillborn

2352. Dena Dee13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Robert Batzer, Jr. 01 Jul 1962, son of Robert Batzer and Grace ______. He was born 24 Aug 1944 in Groton, Tompkins Co., NY.

Children of Dena Snell and Robert Batzer are:

4538 i. Kim14 Batzer, born 02 Jan 1964 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4539 ii. Michael Batzer, born 04 Dec 1966 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4540 iii. Bobbi Jean Batzer, born 31 May 1968 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4541 iv. Scott Batzer, born 12 Jan 1972 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

2353. Connie Lorraine13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Oct 1945 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Robert Vormwald, Jr. 20 Dec 1964, son of Robert Vormwald and Lillian ______. He was born 27 May 1943 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

Children of Connie Snell and Robert Vormwald are:

4542 i. Tammy14 Vormwald, born 05 Sep 1964 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4543 ii. Dawn Vormwald, born 17 Aug 1966 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4544 iii. Robert Vormwald I, born 20 Dec 1967 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

4545 iv. Jay Vormwald, born 01 Sep 1972 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

2354. Donna Marcella13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Nov 1947 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Wayne Sheeder 11 Sep 1979.

Child of Donna Snell and Wayne Sheeder is:

4546 i. Marcella14 Sheeder, born 27 Feb 1970 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

2355. Donald Edson13 Snell (Marcella Eleanor12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Aug 1949 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Kimberly Robinson 25 May 1973, daughter of Roger Robinson and Helen ______. She was born 11 Nov 1945 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

Child of Donald Snell and Kimberly Robinson is:

4547 i. Donald Edson14 Snell, Jr., born 01 Mar 1981 in Allentown, Lehigh Co., PA.

2357. Dianna Marie13 Saunders (Joyce Marie12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Aug 1951 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married William Herman 30 Mar 1974 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Lloyd Herman and Alene ______.


More About Dianna Marie Saunders:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Dianna Saunders and William Herman are:

4548 i. Shawn Michael14 Herman, born 29 Dec 1972 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4549 ii. Nicole Alene Herman, born 25 Jul 1975 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2358. Deborah Jane13 Saunders (Joyce Marie12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jul 1954 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Dale Hoffman 18 Dec 1976 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Jack Hoffman and Jean Castle.

Children of Deborah Saunders and Dale Hoffman are:

4550 i. Denise Renee14 Hoffman, born 01 Sep 1977 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4551 ii. Brian Dale Hoffman, born 26 Apr 1978 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2367. Dena Dee13 Meixel (Dorna Belle12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Nov 1947 in St. Mary's, Elk Co., PA. She married Clair Jay Senior 1969 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

Child of Dena Meixel and Clair Senior is:

4552 i. Christopher Verus14 Senior, born 18 Jan 1971 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

2369. Dorothy Ann13 Shadduck (Durwood Eugene12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1940 in Estella, Sullivan Co., PA. She married Frank Calta. He was born 03 Jan 1928, and died Oct 1985 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA.


More About Frank Calta:

Residence: Bef. Oct 1985, Last residence: Harrisburg, PA 17112

Social Security Number: 208-14-7707 (PA)

Children of Dorothy Shadduck and Frank Calta are:

4553 i. David14 Calta.

4554 ii. Tracey Calta.

2370. Durwood Eugene13 Shadduck, Jr. (Durwood Eugene12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Dec 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Bonnie ______ abt. 1969.


More About Durwood Eugene Shadduck, Jr.:

Military service: U.S. Navy - served in Pacific during Vietnam War

Children of Durwood Shadduck and Bonnie ______ are:

4555 i. Durwood Eugene14 Shadduck I, born abt. 1971.

4556 ii. Scott Shadduck, born abt. 1973.

4557 iii. David Shadduck, born abt. 1974.

2371. Linda Lee13 Shadduck (Durwood Eugene12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jan 1947 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Thomas Gordon. She married (2) Gary Thero.

Children of Linda Shadduck and Thomas Gordon are:

4558 i. Anthony14 Gordon.

4559 ii. Timothy Gordon.

2372. Mary Jane13 Shadduck (Durwood Eugene12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1948 in Estella, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married John Arnold Wenzel 15 Mar 1968 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Arnold Wenzel and Katherine Schaeffer. He was born 27 Nov 1945.

Children of Mary Shadduck and John Wenzel are:

4560 i. Sean Thomas14 Wenzel, born 10 Sep 1968 in Hanover, York Co., PA.

4561 ii. Jennifer Jeanne Wenzel, born 19 Mar 1971 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

2374. Marion13 Speaker (Ruth Ellen12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married Sherman Higley abt. 1957. He was born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Marion Speaker and Sherman Higley are:

4562 i. Scott14 Higley.

4563 ii. Robert Higley.

+ 4564 iii. Kay Higley, born 05 Aug.

4565 iv. Vickie Higley, born 03 Feb 1959 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Richard Bahr 04 Jun 1977 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; born 11 Sep 1955 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Vickie Higley:

Occupation: Nurse's Aide

2376. John13 Speaker, Jr. (Ruth Ellen12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Children of John Speaker, Jr. are:

4566 i. ______14 Speaker.

4567 ii. ______ Speaker.

4568 iii. ______ Speaker.

2377. Chester Charles13 Shadduck (Albert Frank12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Nov 1947 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA. He married ______ ______ abt. 1966. She was born abt. 1950.

Children of Chester Shadduck and ______ ______ are:

4569 i. ______14 Shadduck, born abt. 1968.

4570 ii. ______ Shadduck, born abt. 1970.

4571 iii. ______ Shadduck, born abt. 1973.

2378. Terry Lee13 Shadduck (Albert Frank12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 May 1951 in Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA. He married Lorraine McCluskey.

Children of Terry Shadduck and Lorraine McCluskey are:

4572 i. Dana Lynn14 Shadduck, born in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

4573 ii. Lee Terry Shadduck, born in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

4574 iii. Erin Shadduck, born in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

2380. Virginia Lee13 Shadduck (Albert Frank12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Dec 1956 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA. She married (2) Barry Anderson.


More About Virginia Lee Shadduck:

Medical Information: twin to Virgil Lee

Namesake: Virginia Schaefer

Child of Virginia Lee Shadduck is:

4575 i. Jody Lynn14 Shadduck, born 09 Oct 1977 in DuBois, Clearfield Co., PA.

2384. Burr Eugene13 Snell (Agnes Avinella12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1941 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Artist Marie Norton abt. 1959, daughter of Harvey Norton and Rachel Tule. She was born 29 Sep 1945 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Burr Snell and Artist Norton are:

+ 4576 i. Marsha Marie14 Snell, born 04 Oct 1960 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

4577 ii. Brenda Mae Snell, born 28 Feb 1963 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Stanley ______.

4578 iii. Ronald Burr Snell, born 07 Jan 1966 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Lorraine Wightman.

2385. Percella Ann13 Snell (Agnes Avinella12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Mar 1943 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married William Walter Rung 01 Apr 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Percella Snell and William Rung are:

4579 i. Ralph Walter14 Rung, born 21 Dec 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4580 ii. William LaMont Rung, born 01 Apr 1960 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4581 iii. Wayne Jean Rung, born Feb 1962 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Joan ______ Jul 1982.

4582 iv. Bruce Walter Rung, born 1964 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4583 v. Agnes Ruth Rung, born 1966 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 1966 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Agnes Ruth Rung:

Burial: Barbours Cem., Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Medical Information: died shortly after birth same day

2386. Duane Lee13 Snell (Agnes Avinella12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Nov 1945 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Karin Marie Mertz 04 Sep 1969 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA. She was born 22 Oct 1941 in Germany.


More About Karin Marie Mertz:

Immigration: 1949

Child of Duane Snell and Karin Mertz is:

4584 i. Tina Marie14 Snell, born 13 May 1978; Adopted child.

2387. Avinella Agnes13 Snell (Agnes Avinella12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Oct 1946 in Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Theron L. McCarty abt. 1960. She married (2) David William Sanders 19 Apr 1969.

Children of Avinella Snell and Theron McCarty are:

4585 i. Jacqulyn Ann14 McCarty, born 21 Aug 1960.

4586 ii. Cynthia Louise McCarty, born 13 Sep 1961.

4587 iii. Deborah Sue McCarty, born 15 Feb 1965.

Children of Avinella Snell and David Sanders are:

4588 i. Tammy Jo14 Sanders, born 12 Oct 1970.

4589 ii. David William Sanders, Jr., born 16 Feb 1972.

2388. Debra Lee13 Shadduck (Luther Dale12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Apr 1953. She married James Barker abt. 1971.

Children of Debra Shadduck and James Barker are:

4590 i. Jason14 Barker.

4591 ii. Tammy Barker, born 24 Jan 1974.

2389. Charles Vernon13 Shadduck (Luther Dale12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Nov 1955. He married Susan E. ______.

Children of Charles Shadduck and Susan ______ are:

4592 i. Amanda14 Shadduck.

4593 ii. ______ Shadduck.

2390. Joanna Lou13 Shadduck (Luther Dale12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Aug 1957. She married Morgan Lyter.

Children of Joanna Shadduck and Morgan Lyter are:

4594 i. Adam14 Lyter.

4595 ii. ______ Lyter.

2391. Cathy Sue13 Shadduck (Luther Dale12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1959. She married Steve Ball abt. 1975.

Children of Cathy Shadduck and Steve Ball are:

4596 i. Steve14 Ball, Jr., born Dec 1976.

4597 ii. Christina Ball, born abt. 1978.

2393. Donald Wayne13 Shadduck (Donald Larue12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jul 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Rose Marie Laudenslager 01 Sep 1973 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Charles Laudenslager and Florence Bianchi. She was born 09 Feb 1953 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Donald Shadduck and Rose Laudenslager are:

4598 i. Michael Wayne14 Shadduck, born 04 Feb 1974 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 4599 ii. Timothy Allen Shadduck, born 04 Aug 1976 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

2394. Dorna Jean13 Shadduck (Donald Larue12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Nov 1959 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Donald Irvin Foust 24 Jul 1976 in Muncy Valley, Lycoming Co., PA, son of Clyde Foust and Elizabeth Sheets. He was born 20 Oct 1956 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Sylvan Curry Harriman 25 Jun 1988 in Laporte, Sullivan Co., PA, son of Sylvan Harriman and Evelyn Curry. He was born 31 Jan 1950 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Dorna Shadduck and Donald Foust are:

4600 i. Craig LaRue14 Foust, born 22 Nov 1976 in Muncy Valley, Lycoming Co., PA.

4601 ii. Jill Marie Foust, born 16 Dec 1980 in Muncy Valley, Lycoming Co., PA.

2395. Cheyenne Louise13 Shadduck (Doyl Hoover12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Nov 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Rocky Lane Hartford 16 Apr 1970 in Ogdensburg, Tioga Co., PA, son of Lawrence Hartford and Neva Norton. He was born 17 Apr 1952 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Rocky Lane Hartford (1859).


2396. Patsy13 Shadduck (Doyl Hoover12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1955. She married ______ James.

Children of Patsy Shadduck and ______ James are:

4602 i. ______14 James.

4603 ii. Jesse James, born abt. 1977.

2400. Norman Russell13 Shadduck, Jr. (Norman Russell12, Edward Dean11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1950 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. He married Connie Ulrich 23 Jul 1977 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

Child of Norman Shadduck and Connie Ulrich is:

4604 i. Kristen Leigh14 Shadduck, born abt. 1979.

2401. Mark Edward13 Shadduck (Norman Russell12, Edward Dean11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1952 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. He married Tonia DiNardo 03 Jun 1978 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

Child of Mark Shadduck and Tonia DiNardo is:

4605 i. Lisa Marie14 Shadduck, born abt. 1980.



2402. Suzanne Kay13 Shadduck (Norman Russell12, Edward Dean11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1953 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. She married David R. Farneti 11 Aug 1979 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

Children of Suzanne Shadduck and David Farneti are:

4606 i. Corinne Marie14 Farneti, born abt. 1981.

4607 ii. Sara Lynn Farneti, born abt. 1984.

2404. Dara Lee13 Shadduck (Lionel Etheldrid12, William Forrest11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jun 1947. She married Terrence Eugene Cronin 23 Oct 1976 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA, son of John Cronin and Helen Connelly. He was born 28 Jun 1948 in New York, NY.

Child of Dara Shadduck and Terrence Cronin is:

4608 i. Daniel Shadduck14 Cronin, born 09 Nov 1981 in Danville, Montour Co., PA.

2407. Kevin Lee13 Little (Phyllis Genevive12 Shadduck, William Forrest11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Nov 1958. He married Margaret Elizabeth Bubb 25 Apr 1981.

Children of Kevin Little and Margaret Bubb are:

4609 i. Christopher14 Little, born abt. 1982.

4610 ii. Matthew Little, born abt. 1984.

2410. Virginia Eugena13 Zagozewski (Catherine Lillian12 Blakeman, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married William Patrick Creeden 11 Sep 1964 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Francis Creeden and Jane Hughes. He was born 11 Jan 1934 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Virginia Eugena Zagozewski:

Baptism: 1947, St. Tiffany's Church - Sayre, PA

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital



More About William Patrick Creeden:

Baptism: St. James' Church, Waverly, NY

Children of Virginia Zagozewski and William Creeden are:

4611 i. William Patrick14 Creeden, Jr., born 16 Feb 1965 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

4612 ii. Alison Ann Creeden, born 31 Jan 1966 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Alison Ann Creeden:

Medical Information: twin to Andrea Lyn


4613 iii. Andrea Lyn Creeden, born 31 Jan 1966 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Andrea Lyn Creeden:

Medical Information: twin to Alison Ann


4614 iv. Lisa Jane Creeden, born 28 Feb 1969 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4615 v. Jeffery Scott Creeden, born 15 Sep 1972 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2411. Marsha Marie13 Zagozewski (Catherine Lillian12 Blakeman, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Duane Bernard Beers Nov 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Bernard Beers and Freida Drake. He was born 24 May 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Marsha Zagozewski and Duane Beers are:

4616 i. David14 Beers, born 25 Apr 1966 in Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ.

4617 ii. Brian Beers, born 29 May 1969 in Morrisville, Mercer Co., PA.

2412. Jennifer Carol13 Zagozewski (Catherine Lillian12 Blakeman, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Feb 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Dwight John Peters 1967 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Harold Peters and Wanda ______. He was born Jun 1949 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Dwight John Peters:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

Children of Jennifer Zagozewski and Dwight Peters are:

4618 i. Dwight John14 Peters, Jr., born 08 Feb 1968 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4619 ii. Kimberly Peters, born 26 Aug 1971 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2413. Wayne Thomas13 Blakeman (LaWayne Thomas12, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 May 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Sharon Mase abt. 1964. He married (2) Nancy Jean Safford 10 Jul 1970, daughter of Bernard Safford and Mary Lych. She was born 08 Dec 1950 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Wayne Thomas Blakeman:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Child of Wayne Blakeman and Sharon Mase is:

4620 i. Lonnie Frederick14 Blakeman, born 19 Jan 1968 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Wayne Blakeman and Nancy Safford are:

4621 i. Shawn Thomas14 Blakeman, born 08 Feb 1971 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4622 ii. Karen Ann Blakeman, born 18 Apr 1974 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

2414. Ronald Michael13 Blakeman (LaWayne Thomas12, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Nov 1949 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Garnet Faye Tischler 01 Aug 1970, daughter of Leeman Tischler and Myrtle Leitko. She was born 20 Jan 1952 in Gatesville, Coryell Co., TX.


More About Ronald Michael Blakeman:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


More About Garnet Faye Tischler:

Baptism: Pottsville, Hamilton Co., TX

Children of Ronald Blakeman and Garnet Tischler are:

4623 i. Cheryl Renee14 Blakeman, born 15 Feb 1972 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX.

4624 ii. Brian Michael Blakeman, born 03 Apr 1975 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX.

4625 iii. Christopher LaWayne Blakeman, born 16 Apr 1979 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX.

2416. Anne Marie13 Blakeman (LaWayne Thomas12, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jul 1954. She married Kenneth Capwell abt. 1972.

Children of Anne Blakeman and Kenneth Capwell are:

4626 i. Stacy Ann14 Capwell, born 13 Feb 1974.

4627 ii. Steven Capwell, born abt. 1976.

2419. Kurt13 O'Connell (Rose Marie12 Brennan, Jennie Mildred11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Mar 1964. He married Valerie J. ______ Sep 1986 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. She was born 11 Apr 1968.

Children of Kurt O'Connell and Valerie ______ are:

4628 i. Monica L.14 O'Connell, born 17 Aug 1986.

4629 ii. Kayla L. O'Connell, born 07 Sep 1991.

4630 iii. Branden L. O'Connell, born 17 Oct 1995.

2420. Ray Edward13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Mar 1932 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 11 Oct 1994 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Mary Elizabeth Belden abt. 1953, daughter of Arthur Belden and Catherine Tobin. She was born 04 Mar 1937 in Staten Island, NY.


More About Ray Edward Porter:

Social Security Number: 104-24-9089 (NY)


More About Mary Elizabeth Belden:

Name 2: Porter, Mary E.

Residence: 2000, Middleburgh, NY

Children of Ray Porter and Mary Belden are:

+ 4631 i. Roger John14 Porter, born 03 Dec 1955 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

4632 ii. Infant Porter, born 17 Aug 1956; died 17 Aug 1956.


More About Infant Porter:

Burial: 18 Aug 1956, Middleburgh Cem., Schoharie Co., NY


+ 4633 iii. Alan Ray Porter, born 27 Mar 1958 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 4634 iv. Michael Gene Porter, born 06 Sep 1959 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 4635 v. Evelyn Mary Porter, born 28 Jan 1961 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

+ 4636 vi. Harold Scott Porter, born 22 Aug 1963 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

4637 vii. Valerie June Porter, born 27 Nov 1966 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

4638 viii. Infant Porter, born 1968; died 1968.


More About Infant Porter:

Cause of Death: miscarried

2421. Albert Louis13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Dec 1934 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY, and died 06 Sep 1997 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Janet Fonda.


More About Albert Louis Porter:

Social Security Number: 115-28-7384 (NY)

Children of Albert Porter and Janet Fonda are:

4639 i. Bonnie Ann14 Porter. She married Monte Perales 19 Sep.

4640 ii. Albert Louis Porter, Jr.. He married Nancy Patton.

4641 iii. Dean Lyman Porter.

4642 iv. Connie Janet Porter.

2422. Gene Everett13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jul 1939 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, and died 2002. He married Maureen Dunne 1962 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, daughter of William Dunne and Helen Norton. She was born 09 Aug 1943 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, and died 07 Apr 2004 in Millbrook, Dutchess Co., NY.


More About Gene Everett Porter:

Residence: 2000, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY


Notes for Maureen Dunne:

Jacksonville, FL - FLORIDA TIMES-UNION, 10 Apr 2004 ed.:

PORTER, Maureen passed on April 7, 2004, a resident of Millbrook, NY. She was a longtime area resident and formerly of Jacksonville, Florida. Born August 9, 1943 in Brooklyn, NY to William C. Dunne and Helen Norton. In 1962, she married Gene E. Porter in Brooklyn, NY. Mr. Porter passed away 2002. She is survived by her sons, Gene E. Porter, Jr. and his wife, Nanci of Jacksonville, Florida and Kenneth Porter and his wife, LaVonne of Jacksonville, Florida; brothers, John Dunne of Sharon Springs, NY, John Dunne of NYC; sister, Sharon A. Spurlock; 4 grandchildren, Kindal, Kameron, Tommy & Nikki; predeceased by brother, William F. Dunne in 1983. Mass of Christian burial will be Monday at 10:00 a.m. at St. Josephs R. C. Church, Millbrook, NY. Funeral services under the direction of ALLEN FUNERAL HOME, 3270 Franklin Ave., Millbrook, NY. (The second John Dunne should read "Robert J. Dunne"; William F. Dunne should read "William G. Dunne" as noted in next obit. -- note of R.J. Porter)


Poughkeepsie, NY - POUGHKEEPSIE JOURNAL, 10 Apr 2004 ed.:

MILLBROOK - Maureen Porter, 60, a longtime area resident and formerly of Jacksonville, FL, died Wednesday, April 7, 2004 at home. Mrs. Porter was a homemaker and a member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Millbrook. Born in Brooklyn, NY, on Aug. 9, 1943, she was the daughter of William C. and Helen M. Norton Dunne. In 1962, she married Gene E. Porter Sr., in Brooklyn. Mr. Porter predeceased her. Survivors include sons, Gene E. Porter Jr. and his wife, Nanci of Jacksonville, FL, and Kenneth Porter and his wife, LaVonne of Jacksonville, FL; brothers, John J. Dunne of Sharon Springs, NY, Robert J. Dunne of New York City; a sister, Sharon A. Spurlock, Millbrook; four grandchildren, Kindal, Kameron, Tammy, and Nikki. She was predeceased by William G. Dunne, 1983. There are no calling hours. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Millbrook. Arrangements by Allen Funeral Home, Millbrook. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Dutchess County, 374 Violet Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.

Children of Gene Porter and Maureen Dunne are:

+ 4643 i. Gene Everett14 Porter, Jr., born abt. 1964.

+ 4644 ii. Kenneth William Porter, born abt. 1967.

2423. Janis Mae13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1941 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. She married John Joseph Puchala, Jr. 29 Jun 1961 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY, son of John Puchala and Helen Daniels. He was born 12 Oct 1937 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY.

Children of Janis Porter and John Puchala are:

4645 i. Traci Marie14 Puchala, born 15 Feb 1962 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. She married Kelly Snyder.

4646 ii. Terri Lyn Puchala, born 21 Aug 1963 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

4647 iii. Tammi Ann Puchala, born 11 Jul 1971 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

2424. Lawrence Kenneth13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Sep 1944 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY. He married Pamela ______ abt. 1966.

Children of Lawrence Porter and Pamela ______ are:

4648 i. Aric14 Porter, born 01 May 1968 in MD.

4649 ii. Christopher Porter, born Jan 1971 in Germany.

2425. Linda Mary13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Sep 1944 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY. She married Donald Harold McDermott 01 May 1965 in Central Bridge, Schoharie Co., NY, son of Harold McDermott and Ethel Gage. He was born 11 Mar 1944 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Donald Harold McDermott:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maternity Hospital

Children of Linda Porter and Donald McDermott are:

4650 i. Kevin Harold14 McDermott, born 28 Oct 1965 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Kevin Harold McDermott:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maternity Hospital


4651 ii. Kimberly Ann McDermott, born 12 Mar 1969 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

2426. Robert Harvey13 Porter (Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1947 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY. He married (1) Karen Beach 05 Aug 1967 in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of Paul Beach and Florence Bouck. She was born 1950. He married (2) Rosemary le Cuyer 30 Aug 1978 in Glens Falls, Warren Co., NY.

Child of Robert Porter and Karen Beach is:

4652 i. David Paul14 Porter, born 07 Mar 1968 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., NY.

2427. Maynard John13 Porter, Jr. (Maynard John12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1947 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Barbara Lee Filkins 16 Jul 1966 in Knox, Albany Co., NY.

Children of Maynard Porter and Barbara Filkins are:

4653 i. Koren Lynn14 Porter, born abt. 1968.

4654 ii. Maynard John Porter III, born abt. 1970.

2428. Richard Lawrence13 Porter (Maynard John12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1950. He married ______ ______.

Child of Richard Porter and ______ ______ is:

4655 i. Erin Dale14 Porter.

2429. Lois Marie13 Cross (Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1937 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. She married Donald Keith Dittmar 21 Aug 1959 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, son of Andrew Dittmar and Evelyn Dittmar. He was born 29 May 1934 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, and died 24 Sep 2004 in Gloversville, Fulton Co., NY.


Notes for Donald Keith Dittmar:

Gloversville, NY - THE LEADER-HERALD, 26 Sep 2004 ed.:

Donald K. Dittmar, age 70, died Friday, September 24, 2004 at his home in Gloversville. He was born May 29, 1934 in Middleburgh, NY, the son of Andrew and Evelyn Berg Dittmar. He served in the Army for several years, and later worked for the New York State Conservation Dept. in Stanford for several years. He later became employed at the Toledo Scale Company in Albany, where he continued to work as a technician for 34 years until his retirement in 1998. Mr. Dittmar attended the First Congregational United Church of Christ, Gloversville. He was a 20-year member of the Berne Volunteer Fire Dept. He enjoyed woodworking. On April 28, 1990 he was married to Dinah L. Bell who survives. He is also survived by a daughter, Eleanor A. Graves and her husband Terry of Middleburgh; a brother, John D. Dittmar and his wife Lyn of Middleburgh; a granddaughter, Beth Graves of Schoharie; a grandson, Andrew Graves of Berne; the mother of his children, Lois M. Dittmar of Middleburgh; a stepson, Edward J. Ausfeld of Gloversville; stepmother, Mildred Dittmar of Middleburgh; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. His furry companions Bubbles, Emily, and Kitty Kit also survive. He was predeceased by his son, Arthur A. Dittmar. The family will receive friends from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday at Walrath & Stewart Funeral Home, 51 Fremont St; Gloversville, where a funeral service will be conducted 10:00 a.m. Tuesday with the Rev. Tomi Jacobs officiating. Cremation will follow at Park View Crematorium, Schenectady. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Berne Volunteer Fire Dept; Berne, NY. 12023 or to Mountain Valley Hospice, 73 N. Main St., Gloversville, NY, 12078.


More About Donald Keith Dittmar:

Crem./Burial: 28 Sep 2004, Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Sep 2004, THE LEADER-HERALD - Gloversville, NY

Social Security Number: 111-28-3408 (NY)

Children of Lois Cross and Donald Dittmar are:

+ 4656 i. Eleanor Ann14 Dittmar, born 30 May 1960 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

4657 ii. Arthur Andrew Dittmar, born 05 Jan 1966 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died 02 Oct 2002 in Berne, Albany Co., NY.


More About Arthur Andrew Dittmar:

Social Security Number: 092-54-1141 (NY)

2430. Gerald Maynard13 Cross (Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1939 in Berne, Albany Co., NY. He married Barbara Anne Filkins 14 Jun 1958 in Westerlo, Albany Co., NY, daughter of Charles Filkins and Lenore Irish. She was born 04 Jun 1937 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Barbara Anne Filkins:

Medical Information: born at Albany Medical Center

Children of Gerald Cross and Barbara Filkins are:

4658 i. Wade Arthur14 Cross, born 29 Nov 1961 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Cheryl Ann Langis 02 Sep 1984 in Sienna College, Albany, NY.


More About Wade Arthur Cross:

Medical Information: born at Albany Medical Center


4659 ii. Kelly Maureen Cross, born 17 Mar 1964 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Kelly Maureen Cross:

Medical Information: born at Brady Maturnity Hospital


4660 iii. Geri Lynn Cross, born 13 Jul 1972 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Geri Lynn Cross:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital

2431. Garland Mace13 Cross (Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jan 1940 in Broome, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Linda Sisson 31 Oct.


More About Garland Mace Cross:

Residence: 2000, Middleburgh, NY

Child of Garland Cross and Linda Sisson is:

4661 i. Julie Kay14 Cross, born 15 Mar 1969.

2432. Anna Mae13 Cross (Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1941 in Berne, Albany Co., NY. She married (1) Robert Kenneth Atkins abt. 1960. She married (2) DeWitt Dorn abt. 1968.

Children of Anna Cross and Robert Atkins are:

+ 4662 i. Virginia Ann14 Atkins, born Apr 1961.

+ 4663 ii. Robert Kenneth Atkins, Jr., born abt. 1963.

4664 iii. Gregory Atkins, born abt. 1964.

2433. Garry Lawrence13 Porter (Robert James12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1943 in Westerlo, Albany Co., NY. He married Donna Lee Murphy.


More About Garry Lawrence Porter:

Residence: 2000, Berne, Albany Co., NY

Children of Garry Porter and Donna Murphy are:

4665 i. Stephen Scott14 Porter.

4666 ii. Kelly Joanne Porter.

4667 iii. John Anthony Porter.

2434. Carol Lee13 Porter (Robert James12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1947 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, and died 15 May 2004 in Westerlo, Albany Co., NY. She married August Brate.


Notes for Carol Lee Porter:

Albany, NY - TIMES UNION, 17 May 2004 ed.:

WESTERLO -- Carol L. Brate, 57 years, of Westerlo, NY passed away suddenly at her home on Friday, May 14, 2004. She was born in Berne, NY, daughter of Esther Lee Porter and the late Robert J. Porter. She was a homemaker and worked for the New York Sate Department of Taxation and Finance as a mail clerk. She will be remembered as a loving mother, grandmother and a dear friend to many. Surviving are her mother Esther (Lee) Porter of Berne; a son, Jeffrey Brate and his significant other Michelle Cornwell of Westerlo; three daughters, Carol Rapp and her husband James of East Berne, Katie Maurer and her husband Stephen of Berne and Vicki Mackler and her husband Christopher of Selkirk; two grandchildren, Jesse and William Rapp. Also surviving are four brothers, Gary, Ronald, David and Dennis Porter and several nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be Wednesday 11 a.m. from the Cunningham Funeral Home, 4898 SR81, Greenville, NY. Friends may call at the funeral home on Tuesday 6 to 9 p.m. Interment will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Berne. There will be a fellowship and remembrance at the South Berne Congregational Christian Church hall following the interment to which relatives and friends are invited. Those who desire may contribute in her memory to the South Berne Congregational Christian Church.


More About Carol Lee Porter:

Name 2: Brate, Carol L.

Burial: 18 May 2004, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Social Security Number: 105-38-8971 (NY)


More About August Brate:

Residence: 1993, Westerlo, NY

Children of Carol Porter and August Brate are:

+ 4668 i. Carol Anne14 Brate.

4669 ii. Jeffrey Scott Brate. He married Michelle Cornwell.

4670 iii. Katie Lynn Brate. She married Stephen Maurer.

4671 iv. Vicki Louise Brate. She married Christopher Mackler.

2435. Ronald James13 Porter (Robert James12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1949 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Patricia Holquist.


More About Ronald James Porter:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

Children of Ronald Porter and Patricia Holquist are:

4672 i. Michael James14 Porter.

4673 ii. Scott Matthew Porter, died 20 Sep 1982.


More About Scott Matthew Porter:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Cause of Death: brain tumor


4674 iii. Amy Beth Porter.

2439. Mace Charles13 Jones (Francis Marie12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Sep 1950 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, and died 15 Oct 1998 in Scotia, Schenectady Co., NY. He married Roxanne Bink. She was born 21 Nov.


More About Mace Charles Jones:

Military service: U.S. Marine Corps

Social Security Number: 060-42-3056 (NY)

Children of Mace Jones and Roxanne Bink are:

4675 i. Tammy Lee14 Jones.

4676 ii. Brandi Lynn Jones.

2440. Marie Barbara13 Jones (Francis Marie12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jul 1953 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. She married (1) William Randall Mayberry I 28 Apr 1975 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, son of William Mayberry and Ruth Besaw. He was born 21 Oct 1950 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH. She married (2) ______ Murway abt. 1990.

Children of Marie Jones and William Mayberry are:

4677 i. Christina Marie14 Mayberry, born 02 Oct 1975 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Christina Marie Mayberry:

Medical Information: twin to Billie JoAnn; born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital


4678 ii. Billie JoAnn Mayberry, born 02 Oct 1975 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Billie JoAnn Mayberry:

Medical Information: twin to Christina Marie; born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

2441. Geraldine Viola13 Jones (Francis Marie12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Oct 1954 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, and died Aft. Jan 2005. She married Alva Bleau abt. 1975.

Child of Geraldine Jones and Alva Bleau is:

4679 i. Mary14 Bleau, born Mar 1976.

2442. Betty Edna13 Jones (Francis Marie12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Feb 1956 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, and died Jul 1993. She married Bruce Kenneth Conley 21 Sep 1974 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, son of Kenneth Conley and Shirley Schill. He was born 23 Apr 1954.


More About Betty Edna Jones:

Name 2: Conley, B. E.

Social Security Number: 111-48-9715 (NY)

Children of Betty Jones and Bruce Conley are:

4680 i. Linda Shirley14 Conley, born 30 Sep 1975 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Linda Shirley Conley:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

4681 ii. Jeremiah Conley, born 17 Apr 1978 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY.

2443. Rose Elaine13 Jones (Francis Marie12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1957 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, and died Aft. Jan 2005. She married (1) Charles Herbert Theodore Diamond 31 Jan 1976 in Esperance, Schoharie Co., NY, son of Theodore Diamond and Ruth ______. He was born 15 Jan 1949. She married (2) Kenneth Horton Starr 30 Dec 1981 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, son of Horton Starr and Alice Simpkins. He was born 26 Oct 1950. She married (3) ______ Hunter abt. 1990.


More About Rose Elaine Jones:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

Child of Rose Jones and Charles Diamond is:

4682 i. Mace Charles14 Diamond, born 16 Sep 1976 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Mace Charles Diamond:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

Children of Rose Jones and Kenneth Starr are:

4683 i. Abram Horton14 Starr, born 26 Jun 1982 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Abram Horton Starr:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital


4684 ii. Kenneth Horton Starr, Jr., born 14 Jun 1984 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Kenneth Horton Starr, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital

2444. Ray Frank13 Jones (Francis Marie12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Nov 1958 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

Children of Ray Frank Jones are:

4685 i. Raymond14 Jones.

4686 ii. Ray Frank Jones, Jr..

Children of Ray Frank Jones are:

4687 i. ______14 Jones.

4688 ii. ______ Jones.

4689 iii. ______ Jones.

4690 iv. ______ Jones.

2446. Donald Ervin13 Conklin (Mildred12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Nov 1946 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY. He married Jennifer Barbara Briggs 13 Jan 1972 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, daughter of Kenneth Briggs and Barbara Ware. She was born 05 Mar 1952 in Mahotoc, Putnam Co., NY.


More About Donald Ervin Conklin:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

Children of Donald Conklin and Jennifer Briggs are:

4691 i. Matthew Grant14 Conklin, born 12 Nov 1972 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Matthew Grant Conklin:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital


4692 ii. Daniel Nathan Conklin, born 06 Dec 1982 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

4693 iii. Sue Ann Conklin, born 19 Nov 1986 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Sue Ann Conklin:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital

2447. Clark Wellington13 Conklin (Mildred12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Oct 1947. He married Judith H. Quay abt. 1971, daughter of Herbert Quay and Virginia Nobles.

Children of Clark Conklin and Judith Quay are:

4694 i. Stefanie14 Conklin, born Apr 1973.

4695 ii. Adam Conklin, born Aug 1980.

2448. Isaac John13 Conklin (Mildred12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1951. He married (1) Shirley Cornell abt. 1971. He married (2) Leola ______ abt. 1977.

Child of Isaac Conklin and Shirley Cornell is:

4696 i. Richard14 Conklin, born 25 Mar 1972.

Children of Isaac Conklin and Leola ______ are:

4697 i. Monica14 Conklin.

4698 ii. Amanda Conklin.

2449. Mark Lewis13 Conklin (Mildred12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1957. He married (1) Tammy Furman. He married (2) Audrey Wilms.

Child of Mark Conklin and Tammy Furman is:

4699 i. Mark Lewis14 Conklin, Jr..

Children of Mark Conklin and Audrey Wilms are:

4700 i. Kendra Lynn14 Conklin.

4701 ii. Beth Winola Conklin.

2450. Wayne Harold13 Porter (Harold12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1947. He married Mariann ______.

Children of Wayne Porter and Mariann ______ are:

4702 i. Tammy14 Porter.

4703 ii. Jessie Porter.

4704 iii. Kenneth Porter.

2451. Phyllis Frances13 Porter (Harold12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1950. She married (1) Clifford William Bouton, son of Irving Bouton and Gertrude Murwin. She married (2) Salvatore J. Andriano. She married (3) Donald Thomas Townsend.

Child of Phyllis Porter and Clifford Bouton is:

4705 i. Monica Lisette14 Bouton.

2452. James David13 Porter (Harold12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1952. He married Jane Ellen Stroh.

Child of James Porter and Jane Stroh is:

4706 i. Matthew14 Porter.

2453. Edward John13 Porter (Harold12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1959 in Niskayuna, Schenectady Co., NY, and died 28 Jan 1997 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married (1) Sarah Jean Alger, daughter of ______ Alger and Marie Udell. She died 29 Oct 1984. He married (2) ______ ______.


Notes for Edward John Porter:

The Altamont Enterprise - clipping in Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel; Submitted date: 11/16/2003


Edward John Porter 01/22/1959 01/28/1997

BERNE - Edward J. Porter, 38, died Tuesday at Albany Medical Center Hospital following an auto accident. Born in Niskayuna, Mr. Porter was a lifelong resident of Berne. He was a foreman at Spaulding and Rogers Manufacturing Co. in New Scotland. He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and was an avid outdoorsman. Survivors include two daughters, Kassondra and April Lynn Porter; his parents, Sarah and Clem Hulick of Berne; two brothers, Wayne H. Porter of El Paso, Texas, and James D. Porter of Voorheesville; a sister, Phyllis F. Townsend of Cambridge (Washington CO.); an uncle, Mace Porter of Berne; several aunts; and six nieces and nephews. His father, Harold Porter, and son, Joshua Porter, are deceased . Services will be Saturday at 11 a.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Berne. Relatives and friends may call at the Fredendall Funeral Home, 199 Main St., Altamont on Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne. Memorial contributions may be made to the Helderberg Ambulance Squad or St. Paul's Lutheran Church, both in Berne, NY 12023.


More About Edward John Porter:

Burial: 01 Feb 1997, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Cause of Death: automobile accident; son also died in accident

Medical Information: died at Albany Medical Center

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 Jan 1997, THE ALTAMONT ENTERPRISE


Notes for Sarah Jean Alger:

unk. newspaper, possibly THE ALTAMONT ENTERPRISE:

Submitted by Joanne M. Lauster; 10/19/2003

Shirley Jean Porter (Alger)

PORTER - Monday, Oct. 29, [1984] Shirley Jean Porter (nee Alger) of 18 Helderberg Trail, Berne, wife of Edward John Porter; mother ofJoshua Porter; daughter of Almond and Marie Disbrew of Westerlo; sister of June Sperry of Westerlo; granddaughter of Ada Udell and the late Ike Udell of Westerlo. Funeral services were held Thursday, Nov. 1 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Berne with Rev. Janice C. Jenson officiating. Interment was at Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne.


More About Sarah Jean Alger:

Burial: 01 Nov 1984, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Child of Edward Porter and Sarah Alger is:

4707 i. Joshua J.14 Porter, born 21 Feb 1980 in Albany, Albany Co., NY; died 28 Jan 1997 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


Notes for Joshua J. Porter:

The Altamont Enterprise - clippin in Frances Miller's scrapbook

Submitted by Marilyn Miller Figel; Submitted date: 11/16/2003 11:14:30 AM


Joshua J. Porter 02/21/1980 01/28/1997

BERNE - Joshua J. Porter, 16, died Tuesday at Albany Medical Center Hospital following an auto accident. Joshua was born in Albany, son of the late Edward and Shirley Alger Porter, and was a lifelong resident of Berne. He was a student at Berne-Knox-Westerlo High School and a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. A former Cub Scouts, he received the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouts. He enjoyed books and music. Survivors include two sisters, Kassondra and April Lynn Porter, his grandparents, Sarah and Clem Hulick of Berne and Marie and Almon Disbrew of Westerlo; four uncles and aunts - Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Porter of El Paso, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Don Townsend of Cambridge (Washington Co.); Mr. and Mrs. James D. Porter of Voorheesville, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sperry of Westerlo; and many cousins. His grandfather, Harold Porter is deceased. Services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Berne. Relatives and friends may call at the Fredendall Funeral Home, 199 Main St., Altamont on Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery in Berne. Those who wish may make contributions to the Helderberg Ambulance Squad or St. Paul's Lutheran Church.


More About Joshua J. Porter:

Burial: 01 Feb 1997, Woodlawn Cem., Berne, Albany Co., NY

Cause of Death: automobile accident; father also died in accident

Medical Information: died at Albany Medical Center

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 Jan 1997, THE ALTAMONT ENTERPRISE

Children of Edward Porter and ______ ______ are:

4708 i. Kassondra14 Porter.

4709 ii. April Lynn Porter.

2454. Patricia Anna13 Porter (Harmon12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1952 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY. She married Thommy Martin Howell 14 Jun 1975 in Surry, Surry Co., VA, son of Thommy Howell and Hazel Jones. He was born 05 Jan 1956 in York, York Co., SC.


More About Patricia Anna Porter:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

Children of Patricia Porter and Thommy Howell are:

4710 i. Thommy James14 Howell, born 25 Jul 1976 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY.


More About Thommy James Howell:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital


4711 ii. Corey Harold Howell, born 03 Jun 1978 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY.


More About Corey Harold Howell:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

2455. Harmon13 Porter, Jr. (Harmon12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Aug 1955 in Schnectady, Schnectady Co., NY. He married Jane Laura Maurice 08 Sep 1979 in Summit, Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of Ronald Maurice and Rose Fontaine. She was born 16 Oct 1957 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.



More About Harmon Porter, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Belleview Maturnity Hospital

Children of Harmon Porter and Jane Maurice are:

4712 i. Christina Marie14 Porter, born 16 Oct 1981.

4713 ii. Mark Allen Porter, born 20 Apr 1983.

4714 iii. Michelle Ann Porter, born 01 Sep 1984.

4715 iv. Rose Marie Porter, born 01 Jun 1986.

2456. Ray Mace13 Porter (Mace Edward12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Oct 1953 in co. Middlesex, Eng.. He married (1) Sally Wilsey. He married (2) Kimberly Smith.

Child of Ray Porter and Kimberly Smith is:

4716 i. Justin Morgan14 Porter.

2457. Tina Carol13 Porter (Mace Edward12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1955 in co. Middlesex, Eng.. She married Clifford William Bouton, son of Irving Bouton and Gertrude Murwin.

Child of Tina Porter and Clifford Bouton is:

4717 i. Danielle14 Bouton.

2487. Nancy Charlotte13 Clark (Olive Katherine12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) David Levi Martinez. She married (2) Ralph Thomas Smith.

Children of Nancy Clark and David Martinez are:

4718 i. Linda Marina14 Martinez.

4719 ii. Daniel John Miquel Martinez.

Child of Nancy Clark and Ralph Smith is:

4720 i. Connie Louise14 Smith. She married Michael Darren Gentry.


2488. Linda Claudette13 Clark (Olive Katherine12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Vaughn Ormel Hartwell.

Children of Linda Clark and Vaughn Hartwell are:

4721 i. Dirk Thomas14 Hartwell. He married Kimberly Sue Stanley.

4722 ii. Janelle Diane Hartwell. She married Michael LeRoy Boden.

4723 iii. Carrie Marie Hartwell.

4724 iv. Ronda Jo Hartwell.

2489. Susan Katherine13 Clark (Olive Katherine12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Richard Elmo Carlson.

Children of Susan Clark and Richard Carlson are:

4725 i. Andrew Elmo14 Carlson.

4726 ii. Peter Richard Carlson.

2490. Kathleen Louise13 Fredrickson (Mabel Ruth12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Olin Richard Moyer.

Children of Kathleen Fredrickson and Olin Moyer are:

4727 i. Vincent Raymond14 Moyer.

4728 ii. Alicia Pauline Moyer.

2493. Martin William13 Piller, Jr. (Wilma Lee12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married (1) Roba Dee Eyl. He married (2) Brenda Jo Casady.

Children of Martin Piller and Roba Eyl are:

4729 i. Jennifer Dee14 Piller.

4730 ii. Seth Elijah Piller.

2494. Gregg Frederick13 Piller (Wilma Lee12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married (1) Nancy Lynn Walker. He married (2) Linda Jean Turner.

Children of Gregg Piller and Nancy Walker are:

4731 i. Joshua Isaiah14 Piller.

4732 ii. Isaiah Martin Piller, born 02 Jul 1979 in Gothenburg, Dawson Co., NE; died 31 Aug 1979 in North Platte, Lincoln Co., NE.

Children of Gregg Piller and Linda Turner are:

4733 i. Michelle Rene14 Piller.

4734 ii. Andre Jean Piller.



2496. Marita Lorraine13 Moss (Mary Phyllis12 Porter, Ira Wallace11, Albanus Beckwith10, Albert9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Michael Bernard Reilly.

Children of Marita Moss and Michael Reilly are:

4735 i. Kelly Ann14 Reilly.

4736 ii. Melissa Sue Reilly.

4737 iii. Sean Michael Reilly.

2499. Janet S.13 Hoteling (Victor P.12, Velmore11, Chauncey10, Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Nov 1952, and died Oct 1990. She married ______ Gangell.


More About Janet S. Hoteling:

Name 2: Gangell, Janet S.

Social Security Number: 093-44-5478 (NY)

Children of Janet Hoteling and ______ Gangell are:

4738 i. Jeffrey14 Gangell.

4739 ii. Jason Gangell.

2500. Jo Ann13 Hoteling (Victor P.12, Velmore11, Chauncey10, Clarrinda9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married ______ Burns.

Children of Jo Hoteling and ______ Burns are:

4740 i. Kristen14 Burns.

4741 ii. Bryan Burns.

2503. Clara13 Sayman (Agnes12 Bowers, Claurice11 Brown, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married E. Parke Brown.

Children of Clara Sayman and E. Brown are:

4742 i. ______14 Brown.

4743 ii. ______ Brown.

2504. ______13 Sayman (Agnes12 Bowers, Claurice11 Brown, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married Clinton Day.

Child of ______ Sayman and Clinton Day is:

4744 i. ______14 Day.

2515. Dolores Ann13 Frey (Miriam H.12 Brown, John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1936. She married Dean Carl Hartford 13 Jun 1953 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of James Hartford and Agri-Lila Leonard. He was born 22 Nov 1932 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Jun 1997 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Dean Carl Hartford (849).


2517. Ronald K.13 Frey (Miriam H.12 Brown, John Lewis11, Stewart10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 09 Jul 1940. He married Dorothy Lewis. She was born 02 Mar 1942, and died 18 Jun 1999.


Notes for Dorothy Lewis:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 20 Jun 1999 ed.:

OBITUARIES - Dorothy L. Frey, Employee Parker Machine

CANTON - Dorothy L. (Lewis) Frey, age 57, of RR 3, Shunk, PA passed away Friday, June 18, 1999. Employee both of Parker Machine & Fabrication in Canton and Swayze Folding Box Co. in Canton. Arrangements by Pepper Funeral Home, Canton, PA.


More About Dorothy Lewis:

Burial: 21 Jun 1999, Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 20 Jun 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Child of Ronald Frey and Dorothy Lewis is:

4745 i. Ronald M.14 Frey, born 1964; died 1988.


More About Ronald M. Frey:

Burial: Brown Cem., Shunk, PA

2521. Nola Kay13 Morgan (Leslie Lynnford13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. Apr 1940. She married Delos Perry.

Children of Nola Morgan and Delos Perry are:

4746 i. Lynn14 Delos Perry.

4747 ii. Lois Jean Perry, died Bef. Feb 2004. She married ______ Benjamin.

4748 iii. Dale Lyle Perry.

4749 iv. Ann Marie Perry.

4750 v. Cecil Wade Perry.

4751 vi. Cheryl Perry.



2522. Shirley13 Morgan (Leslie Lynnford13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1941. She married (1) Harold LaRue Ostrander. She married (2) Gerald Oldroyd.

Children of Shirley Morgan and Harold Ostrander are:

4752 i. Harold LaRue14 Ostrander, Jr..

4753 ii. Jan Neita Kay Ostrander.

Children of Shirley Morgan and Gerald Oldroyd are:

4754 i. Deborah Lin14 Oldroyd.

4755 ii. Brenda Elizabeth Oldroyd.

2523. Bruce Laverne13 Morgan (Leslie Lynnford13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. Nov 1942. He married Linda ______.

Children of Bruce Morgan and Linda ______ are:

4756 i. Paul14 Morgan.

4757 ii. Jaynine Morgan.

4758 iii. Alicia Morgan.

2524. Linda Marion13 Morgan (Leslie Lynnford13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Robert Wesley Bump 15 Sep 1962 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, son of Wesley Bump and Beatrice Clinton. He was born 09 Sep 1942 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Linda Marion Morgan:

During a visit to her home in July 1983, Linda was able to assist me in filling in the Bump family information, with some help from her husband and daughter, Lana. The family was living in the home where my great-grandmother, Cora A. Rumsey Brown lived and died. They had done extensive remodeling to the home since they purchased it in 1969. - note of R.J. Porter


Marriage Notes for Linda Morgan and Robert Bump:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Sep 1962 ed.:


CANTON - Miss Linda Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Morgan of Troy, became the bride of Robert Bump, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keschl of Ellenton, PA, on Saturday, Sept. 15. The Rev. Wilma Hoose performed the double-ring ceremony in the Grover Church of Christ in the presence of the immediate families. The bride wore a white ballerina-length gown of silk organza, fashioned with a fitted bodice, scoop neckline and a lencon lace jacket. A crown of flowers and seed pearls held her shoulder-length veil. She carried a crescent of white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oppenheim, brother-in-law and sister of the bride, were the honor attendants. A wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Bump is a graduate of Troy High School. Her husband is a graduate of Canton High School. They will reside in Canton.

Children of Linda Morgan and Robert Bump are:

+ 4759 i. Lana Rose14 Bump, born 16 Mar 1963 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

4760 ii. Robert Wesley Bump, Jr., born 29 Aug 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Kym ______.

4761 iii. Beatrice LaVerna Bump, born 26 Nov 1967 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4762 iv. Leslie Anne Bump, born 15 Sep 1969 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Baron Tillinghast.


More About Leslie Anne Bump:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


More About Baron Tillinghast:

Military service: Persian Gulf

2525. Bertha13 Morgan (Leslie Lynnford13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1946. She married Richard Oppenheim.

Children of Bertha Morgan and Richard Oppenheim are:

4763 i. Dawn Ellen14 Oppenheim.

4764 ii. Karen Eileen Oppenheim.

2532. Joan13 Wright (Dorothy12 Jackson, C. Loyd11, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married James Rowe.

Child of Joan Wright and James Rowe is:

4765 i. ______14 Rowe.

2545. James Murray13 Tillotson (Edna L.12 Williams, Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 28 Jun 1925, and died 24 Aug 1993. He married Charlotte Murray 28 Feb 1945. She was born 28 Feb 1932.


Notes for James Murray Tillotson:

James served during WW II, evidenced by a flag at his grave site. On the back of the Tillotson marker is the following: "Our Children - Kay L. 1947; Faye L. 1948; Patti A. 1950; James M. 1952"


More About James Murray Tillotson:

Burial: 28 Aug 1993, Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Residence: Bef. Aug 1993, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 192-14-4311 (PA)


More About Charlotte Murray:

Burial: Beech Flats Cem., Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of James Tillotson and Charlotte Murray are:

4766 i. Kay L.14 Tillotson, born 1947.

4767 ii. Faye L. Tillotson, born 1948.

4768 iii. Patti A. Tillotson, born 1950.

4769 iv. James Murray Tillotson, Jr., born 1952.

2546. Carl Denton13 Tillotson (Edna L.12 Williams, Dora A.11 Jackson, Lydia10 Brown, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1927 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 02 Feb 2000 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Shirley Maxine Morgan 31 May 1951, daughter of Fred Morgan and Laurel Fuller. She was born 01 Aug 1930 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Shirley Maxine Morgan (1588).


2554. Kenneth William13 Brown, Jr. (Kenneth William12, Hurley B.11, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1960. He married Leah Lila Hartford Jun 1980, daughter of Harland Hartford and Donna Parker. She was born 18 May 1962.

Children are listed above under Leah Lila Hartford (1879).


2569. Vernon13 Morgan (Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) He married Teresa Stone, daughter of Robert Stone and Lois ______.

Child of Vernon Morgan and Teresa Stone is:

+ 4770 i. Jessica14 Morgan.

2570. Dawn L.13 Morgan (Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1959. She married (1) ______ Parker Bef. 1990. She married (2) James Edward Perry 15 Oct 1990, son of Joseph Perry and Barbara Bassett. He was born 1955, and died 10 Sep 1991.


Notes for James Edward Perry:

Elmira STAR-GAZETTE, 11 Sep 1991 ed.:

"PERRY, James E. - Age 36, of RD#1 Box 267, Canton, PA, passed away Tuesday, September 10, 1991 in Fox Township, Sullivan County, PA. He was born in Blossburg, Tioga county, PA, the son of the late James E. Brown and Joseph W. and Barbara Bassett Perry. Jim was a 1974 graduate of Canton High School and employed as a machinist at Schrader Bellows in Canton. He was member of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. Surviving are his wife, the former Dawn L. Morgan, they celebrated 13 years of marriage, October 15, 1990; one son, Gregory M. Perry, at home; his parents, Joseph & Barbara Perry, Canton; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Debra) Coyle, RD #1, Canton, and Mrs. Randy (Kay) Morse, RD#1, Canton; two brothers, Chris W. Perry, Ralston, and Jay L. Perry, RD#1, Granville Summit; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Geraldine Perry, RD#2 Canton, paternal grandmother, Mrs. Helen Perry, Canton; maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Viletta Bassett, RD#3, Troy, PA; father and mother-in-law, Melvin and Joyce Morgan RD#1, Shunk; aunts; uncles; nieces; nephews; cousins; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Funeral services will be held Saturday September 14, 1991 at 11 AM from the Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, 40 N. Center Street, Canton, PA, with the Rev. Richard M. Barner, pastor of the Canton Ecumenical Parish, officiating. Interment will be in Grover Cemetery. "


More About James Edward Perry:

Burial: Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Dawn Morgan and ______ Parker is:

4771 i. Jordan14 Morgan.

Children of Dawn Morgan and James Perry are:

4772 i. Gregory M.14 Perry, born abt. Feb 1991.

4773 ii. ______ Perry, born 05 Mar 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Perry:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Mar 1992 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

MORGAN - a daughter, March 5, 1992 to Donna Parker Morgan of Elmira.


More About ______ Perry:

Birth Announced: 06 Mar 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

2571. Sheila13 Morgan (Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Minnick.

Children of Sheila Morgan and ______ Minnick are:

+ 4774 i. Melissa14 Minnick.

4775 ii. Kirsten Minnick.

4776 iii. Karissa Minnick.

2574. Cindy13 Morgan (Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married Grant Gustin.

Children of Cindy Morgan and Grant Gustin are:

4777 i. Kate14 Gustin.

4778 ii. Grant Gustin, Jr..

4779 iii. Lauren Gustin.

2581. Leon William13 Rathbun (Doris Marie12 Morgan, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 21 Feb 1943 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA, and died 08 Sep 2003 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dawn DePew, daughter of John DePew and Gertrude ______.


Notes for Leon William Rathbun:

Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 10 Sep 2003 ed.:

RATHBUN, Leon William, 60, of Troy RR 2 went to be with the Lord on Monday evening, Sept. 8, 2003, following a courageous battle with cancer. Leon was born Feb. 21, 1943, in Blossburg, PA. He was a son of Doris (Morgan) Rathbun and the late Alva Dean Rathbun. Mr. Rathbun was a retired dairy farmer. He also retired from Avco Lycoming (Textron) in Williamsport, PA. Leon enjoyed truck pulling, NASCAR racing, hunting and raising pigeons. More importantly, he especially loved spending time with his family, who dearly loved him. In addition to his mother, Doris of Canton, he is survived by: his loving wife, Dawn (DePew) Rathbun, at home; five children and their spouses, Duane Rathbun and his fiance, Kim Quick, both of Troy, Becky and David R. Jones of West Burlington, Brion and Melissa Rathbun of East Smithfield, Lynne and Tom Williams of Egg Harbor, NJ, and Lori Sawchuk of Absecon, NJ; 17 grandchildren, Leigha, RaeAnn, Micki, Sarah and Emily Rathbun, Tarah, Amanda, Dynah, Levi and Sondra Jones, Krista and Courtney Williams, Josh and Laurel Quick, Cory and Katie Sawchuk, and Tina Alevares; a great-grandson, Brennan Rathbun; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Ralph and Donna Rathbun of Granville Summit and Bob and Shirley Rathbun of Canton; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Joyce and Larry Knuutila of Spencer, NY, and Marilyn and Dean Smiley of Granville Summit; his father-in-law and mother-in-law, John and Gertrude DePew of Troy; two brothers-in-law and three sisters-in-law, Jack and Jerry DePew and Pam High, all of Troy, Gayle (Bob) Bradford of Mainesburg and Wendy Green (Gary Clark) of Columbia Cross Roads; and several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. In addition to his father, Alva Dean, Leon was preceded in death by his grandparents, William and Belle (Brown) Morgan and Leon and Eva (Walker) Rathbun, and a brother-in-law, LaVerne High. The family invites friends to call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Springbrook Drive, Canton. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, at the funeral home, with the Rev. Duane Taylor officiating. Burial will follow in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Troy. Those who wish may direct memorials in Mr. Rathbun's name to the Guthrie Hospice, RR 1, Box 154, Towanda, PA 18848.


More About Leon William Rathbun:

Burial: 12 Sep 2003, Oak Hill Cem., Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: cancer

Obituary/Death Notice: 10 Sep 2003, DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Children of Leon Rathbun and Dawn DePew are:

4780 i. Duane14 Rathbun. He married Kim Quick.

+ 4781 ii. Becky Rathbun.

+ 4782 iii. Brion Rathbun.

+ 4783 iv. Lynn Rathbun.

+ 4784 v. Lori Rathbun.

2597. Gloria Diane13 Higley (Phyllis12 Caseman, Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1951. She married (1) Lawrence Richard Brown 27 Dec 1969 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, son of Roy Brown and Janet Foster. He was born 07 May 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) John Nichols 24 Dec 1977.


More About Lawrence Richard Brown:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Gloria Higley and Lawrence Brown are:

4785 i. Sonya Rae14 Brown, born 06 Jul 1970 in Sunbury, Northumberland Co., PA; Stepchild.

4786 ii. Chrystal Reene Brown, born 15 Jun 1973 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; Stepchild.


More About Chrystal Reene Brown:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


4787 iii. Bradley Michael Brown, born 22 Apr 1975 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA; Stepchild.


More About Bradley Michael Brown:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

2600. Dora Kathleen13 Higley (Phyllis12 Caseman, Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Mar 1959. She married Warren Dudley Brown 23 Jul 1979, son of Watson Brown and Marlene Koppenhaver. He was born 20 Feb 1955.


More About Dora Kathleen Higley:

Residence: Apr 2004, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA


More About Warren Dudley Brown:

Residence 1: Shunk, Sullivan Co., PA

Residence 2: Apr 2004, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Children of Dora Higley and Warren Brown are:

4788 i. Mathew Warren14 Brown, born 27 Nov 1980.


More About Mathew Warren Brown:

Residence: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA


4789 ii. Nicholas Darwin Brown, born 15 Oct 1982.


More About Nicholas Darwin Brown:

Residence: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA


4790 iii. Ashley Kay Brown, born 14 Jul 1986.


More About Ashley Kay Brown:

Residence: Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA



2602. Floyd W.13 Hoover (Eva G.12 Caseman, Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 May 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Connie Lea Molyneux 10 Oct 1981 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Arthur Molyneux and Phyllis Carpenter. She was born 18 Feb 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Floyd Hoover and Connie Molyneux is:

4791 i. Amanda14 Hoover, born abt. 1982.


Notes for Amanda Hoover:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW; 02 Dec 1999 ed.:


Sullivan County High School Band Students-of-the-Month for November are Suemayah Gouda and Amanda Hoover...Amanda Hoover, daughter of Floyd and Connie Hoover, Dushore and an eleventh grad student at the high school has also been named November Band Student-of-the-Month. Her favorite band activity is concert band and she is also involved in cheerleading, gymnastics, National Honor Society, student government, jazz band, concert band and ski club. In the future, Amanda plans to go to college for either education or psychology.

2605. Larry13 Hoover (Eva G.12 Caseman, Floyd George11, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Mary ______.

Child of Larry Hoover and Mary ______ is:

4792 i. Meagan Lee14 Hoover. She married Scott Anthony Yaw 27 Sep 2003 in Hector, NY; born 11 Oct 1977.


More About Meagan Lee Hoover:

Degree 1: Sep 2003, Corning Community College - Criminal Justice

Degree 2: Oct 2003, Keuka College - striving for Bachelors

High School: Watkins Glen High School, NY

Occupation: 2003, The Inn - Glenora Wine Cellars


More About Scott Anthony Yaw:

Degree 1: Bef. 2003, Corning Community College - Criminal Justice

Degree 2: Oct 2003, Keuka College - striving for Bachelors

High School: Watkins Glen High School, NY

Occupation 1: Sep 2003, Van Skiver Motors in Watkins Glen

Occupation 2: 2003, Watkins Glen International Speedway, Inc.


2615. William Ray13 Roberts (Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Doris Withiam, daughter of Harry Withiam and ______ ______. She was born 1913 in NY.


More About Doris Withiam:

Residence: 1930, Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY

Children of William Roberts and Doris Withiam are:

4793 i. ______14 Roberts.

4794 ii. ______ Roberts.

4795 iii. William Ray Roberts, Jr..

4796 iv. ______ Roberts.

2617. Mary Elizabeth13 Roberts (Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1915 in Reading, Schuyler Co., NY, and died 05 Aug 2002 in Schuyler Co., NY. She married Kingston Phelps. He was born 22 Jun 1916, and died 01 Jul 1995.


More About Kingston Phelps:

Residence: Bef. Jun 1995, Last residence: Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Social Security Number: 121-14-5742 (NY)

Child of Mary Roberts and Kingston Phelps is:

+ 4797 i. ______14 Phelps.

2618. James13 Roberts (Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) He married June McGrory.

Child of James Roberts and June McGrory is:

4798 i. ______14 Roberts. He married ______ Smithson.

2619. Jack13 Roberts (Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) He married (1) Lenore MacDougall, daughter of Jay MacDougall and Corene Oldroyd. He married (2) ______ Anderson.

Children of Jack Roberts and Lenore MacDougall are:

+ 4799 i. ______14 Roberts.

4800 ii. ______ Roberts. ______ married ______ Campenelli.

4801 iii. ______ Roberts.

+ 4802 iv. ______ Roberts.

4803 v. ______ Roberts.

2620. Arline13 Roberts (Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Marshall Knapp.

Children of Arline Roberts and Marshall Knapp are:

+ 4804 i. ______14 Knapp.

+ 4805 ii. ______ Knapp.

2622. John13 Wheeler, Jr. (Kathie Mathena12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married (1) Eleanor Morris. He married (2) Ethel Allen.

Children of John Wheeler and Eleanor Morris are:

4806 i. John14 Wheeler I.

4807 ii. Glenna Wheeler.

4808 iii. ______ Wheeler.

4809 iv. ______ Wheeler.

2624. Donald13 Wheeler (Kathie Mathena12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Alberta Parks.

Children of Donald Wheeler and Alberta Parks are:

4810 i. ______14 Wheeler.

4811 ii. ______ Wheeler.

2625. Blanche13 Haflett (Blanche Estelle12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1910. She married (1) Arthur Hoteling. She married (2) LeVerne Hackett. She married (3) Luke O. Mosher, Jr., son of Luke Mosher and Fannie ______. He was born 16 Jan 1914 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 21 May 1994 in National Park, Gloucester Co., NJ.


More About Luke O. Mosher, Jr.:

Residence: 1920, 456 Franklin St., Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 108-05-3043 (NY)

Children of Blanche Haflett and Luke Mosher are:

4812 i. ______14 Mosher.

4813 ii. ______ Mosher.

4814 iii. ______ Mosher.

2627. Clarence Frank13 Haflett (Blanche Estelle12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Apr 1914 in Bradford Co., PA, and died 27 Nov 2000 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. He married (1) Alice Landon 06 Mar 1938. She was born abt. 1916, and died abt. 1950. He married (2) Charlotte ______ abt. 1954. She was born abt. 1920, and died Bef. 2000.


Notes for Clarence Frank Haflett:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Dec 2000 ed.:

HAFLETT, Clarence Frank, retired taxi driver, 86, died at Mimbres Memorial Nursing Home, November 27, 2000. He had been a Deming resident since 1973, moving here from Elmira, NY. Mr. Haflett was born April 3, 1914 to William and Blanche Wilcox Haflett. He married Alice Landon, March 6, 1938, and she preceded him in death. Later he married Sharlett Quick and she also preceded him in death. Mr. Haflett drove a taxi while living in Elmira and devoted most of his free time to the Salvation Army. Upon moving to New Mexico he worked as a security guard. He also devoted his time to Meals on Wheels and the Salvation Army here and in Las Cruces. Mr. Haflett is survived by one daughter, Sylvia Tubbs of Elmira, NY; three sons, Thomas Quick of FL, Ernest Quick of Elmira, Richard Quick of Elmira; one sister, Luella (Penny) Pawlina Harris of Deming; five nephews, William Mosher of Deming, Kenneth Mosher of Silver City, John Haflett of GA, Ronnie Haflett of Elmira, Dale Haflett of WA; two nieces, Marleah Adams of Elmira, Donna Amleigh of Dundee; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Also preceding him in death was his brother, Ernest Haflett. In lieu of flowers, the family requests any donations be made to Mimbres Memorial Nursing Home, Box 789, Deming, NM 88030.


More About Clarence Frank Haflett:

Name 2: Haflett, C. Frank

Medical Information: died at Bath Veterans Administration Hosp.

Residence: Bef. Nov 2000, Last residence: Deming, Luna Co., NM

Social Security Number: 121-12-1230 (NY)

Child of Clarence Haflett and Alice Landon is:

4815 i. Sylvia14 Haflett, born abt. 1940. She married ______ Tubbs; born abt. 1938.

2630. Ernest J.13 Haflett (Blanche Estelle12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Jun 1923 in Chemung Co., NY, and died 19 Nov 1995. He married Evelyn Covey.


More About Ernest J. Haflett:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1995, Last residence: Elmira, NY 14901

Social Security Number: 061-18-6627 (NY)

Children of Ernest Haflett and Evelyn Covey are:

4816 i. Ernest14 Haflett, Jr..

4817 ii. ______ Haflett.

4818 iii. ______ Haflett.

4819 iv. ______ Haflett.

2631. Leslie13 Morris (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1917 in NY. He married Doris Coffey abt. 1936.

Children of Leslie Morris and Doris Coffey are:

4820 i. ______14 Morris, born abt. 1937.

4821 ii. ______ Morris, born abt. 1939.

4822 iii. ______ Morris, born abt. 1940.

2633. Willard13 Morris (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Sep 1921 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA, and died 20 May 1973. He married Virginia Marcell Lutze 28 Apr 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She was born 12 Jan 1925 in Brookhaven, Lincoln Co., MS.

Children of Willard Morris and Virginia Lutze are:

4823 i. ______14 Morris, born abt. 1948.

4824 ii. ______ Morris, born abt. 1950.

4825 iii. ______ Morris, born abt. 1953.

2634. Clair13 Morris (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1923. He married Helen Wells abt. 1944.

Children of Clair Morris and Helen Wells are:

4826 i. ______14 Morris, born abt. 1945.

4827 ii. ______ Morris, born abt. 1947.

2635. Betty13 Morris (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 12 Apr 1925 in Baldwin Twp., Chemung Co., NY, and died 15 Jun 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Daniel Blake.

Children of Betty Morris and Daniel Blake are:

4828 i. Michael14 Blake.

4829 ii. April Blake.

4830 iii. Carolyn Blake.

4831 iv. ______ Blake.

2637. John R.13 Morris (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1928. He married Mildred Cotton abt. 1948.

Children of John Morris and Mildred Cotton are:

4832 i. ______14 Morris, born abt. 1949.

4833 ii. ______ Morris, born abt. 1952.

2640. Virginia13 Wheeler (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1934. She married Douglas Spencer abt. 1952.

Children of Virginia Wheeler and Douglas Spencer are:

4834 i. ______14 Spencer, born abt. 1953.

4835 ii. ______ Spencer, born abt. 1955.

2641. Veora13 Wheeler (Elyaberth Pearl12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1936. She married Richard Blake abt. 1955.

Child of Veora Wheeler and Richard Blake is:

4836 i. ______14 Blake, born abt. 1956.

2644. Violet13 Morris (Jennie12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married (1) Gilbert Flint. She married (2) James Clark.

Children of Violet Morris and Gilbert Flint are:

4837 i. Keith14 Flint.

4838 ii. ______ Flint.

Child of Violet Morris and James Clark is:

4839 i. ______14 Clark.

2645. Jenny13 Morris (Jennie12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Maurice Cook.

Children of Jenny Morris and Maurice Cook are:

4840 i. ______14 Cook.

4841 ii. ______ Cook.

4842 iii. ______ Cook.

2647. Richard13 Morris (Jennie12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Daisy Garson.

Children of Richard Morris and Daisy Garson are:

4843 i. ______14 Morris.

4844 ii. ______ Morris.

4845 iii. ______ Morris.


2648. Robert13 Morris (Jennie12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Jean English.

Children of Robert Morris and Jean English are:

4846 i. ______14 Morris.

4847 ii. ______ Morris.

4848 iii. ______ Morris.

2649. Hazel13 Morris (Jennie12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Ralph White.

Child of Hazel Morris and Ralph White is:

4849 i. ______14 White.

2650. Doris13 Morris (Jennie12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Herbert Smith.

Children of Doris Morris and Herbert Smith are:

4850 i. ______14 Smith.

4851 ii. ______ Smith.

4852 iii. ______ Smith.

2655. Leona May13 Simons (Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1925. She married Delbert LaVerne Henson 13 Apr 1946 in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., NY, son of Delbert Henson and Arra Nichols. He was born 09 Aug 1923 in Tioga Center, Tioga Co., NY.

Children of Leona Simons and Delbert Henson are:

4853 i. ______14 Henson, born abt. 1947. She married (1) ______ Pound. She married (2) ______ Owens; born abt. 1945.

4854 ii. ______ Henson, born abt. 1949. He married (1) ______ Comfort. He married (2) ______ Owens; born abt. 1951.

4855 iii. Dennis Mark Henson, born 22 Jan 1950 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY; died 21 Dec 1971 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Dennis Mark Henson:

Social Security Number: 063-40-8989 (NY)


4856 iv. Linda Marie Henson, born 13 Jan 1951 in Nichols, Tioga Co., NY; died 09 Jul 1989 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married (1) ______ Thompson. She married (2) ______ Wilson.

4857 v. Paul Kevin Henson, born 23 May 1952 in Owego, Tioga Co., NY; died 11 Aug 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) ______ Taylor. He married (2) ______ Hakes.


More About Paul Kevin Henson:

Social Security Number: 109-44-2378 (NY)


+ 4858 vi. ______ Henson, born abt. 1954.

4859 vii. Barbara Ann Henson, born 28 Feb 1956 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY; died 21 Dec 1971 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

+ 4860 viii. ______ Henson, born abt. 1958.

4861 ix. ______ Henson, born abt. 1961. He married ______ Goble.

4862 x. ______ Henson, born abt. 1963. He married (1) ______ Lane. He married (2) Kim Fuller.

4863 xi. ______ Henson, born abt. 1964.

4864 xii. ______ Henson, born abt. 1966. She married ______ Sandroni.

2656. Leonard Franklin13 Simons (Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Oct 1926, and died Sep 1960. He married ______ Newton.


More About Leonard Franklin Simons:

Social Security Number: 087-20-9317 (NY)

Children of Leonard Simons and ______ Newton are:

4865 i. ______14 Simons.

4866 ii. ______ Simons.

4867 iii. ______ Simons.

4868 iv. ______ Simons.

2657. Lila Eloise13 Simons (Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 26 Sep 1927. She married (1) Jack Card. She married (2) Frank Cart, son of Frank Cart and Rosie Hoffman. He was born 28 Jul 1925 in NY, and died 03 Sep 2000 in Owego, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Frank Cart:

Residence: 1930, Danby Twp., Tompkins Co., NY

Social Security Number: 061-20-1787 (NY)

Children of Lila Simons and Frank Cart are:

4869 i. ______14 Cart.

4870 ii. ______ Cart.

4871 iii. ______ Cart. She married ______ Westmiller.

4872 iv. ______ Cart.

4873 v. ______ Cart.

2658. ______13 Simons (Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1929. She married (1) ______ Mikula. She married (2) ______ Aldrich.

Child of ______ Simons and ______ Mikula is:

4874 i. ______14 Mikula.

Children of ______ Simons and ______ Aldrich are:

4875 i. ______14 Aldrich.

4876 ii. ______ Aldrich. ______ married ______ Christopher.

4877 iii. ______ Aldrich.

2659. ______13 Simons (Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1932. She married Kenneth Newton.

Children of ______ Simons and Kenneth Newton are:

4878 i. ______14 Newton.

4879 ii. ______ Newton.

4880 iii. ______ Newton.

4881 iv. Timothy Newton.

2663. Mildred13 Welfel (Mary Alice12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Marcel Rodgers.

Children of Mildred Welfel and Marcel Rodgers are:

4882 i. ______14 Rodgers.

4883 ii. ______ Rodgers.

4884 iii. ______ Rodgers.

4885 iv. ______ Rodgers.

2664. William13 Welfel, Jr. (Mary Alice12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married Sarah Brewer.


Child of William Welfel and Sarah Brewer is:

4886 i. ______14 Welfel.

2665. Helen13 Welfel (Mary Alice12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Harold Bennett.

Children of Helen Welfel and Harold Bennett are:

4887 i. ______14 Bennett.

4888 ii. ______ Bennett.

4889 iii. ______ Bennett.

4890 iv. ______ Bennett.

4891 v. ______ Bennett.

4892 vi. ______ Bennett.

4893 vii. ______ Bennett.

4894 viii. ______ Bennett.

2674. Jack13 Andrus (Kathryn12 Monroe, Minnie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married (1) Elaine Raymond. He married (2) Joan Conklin.

Child of Jack Andrus and Joan Conklin is:

4895 i. ______14 Andrus.

2675. Betty13 MacDougall (Corene12 Oldroyd, Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Clayton Miller.

Children of Betty MacDougall and Clayton Miller are:

4896 i. ______14 Miller. ______ married ______ Fowler.

4897 ii. ______ Miller. ______ married ______ Dunton.

2676. Lenore13 MacDougall (Corene12 Oldroyd, Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married (1) Jack Roberts, son of John Roberts and Bertha Turner. She married (2) Michael Arford.

Children are listed above under Jack Roberts (2619).


2677. ______13 MacDougall (Corene12 Oldroyd, Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Donald Conover.

Children of ______ MacDougall and Donald Conover are:

4898 i. ______14 Conover.

4899 ii. ______ Conover.

4900 iii. ______ Conover.

2678. ______13 Travers (Florence12 Oldroyd, Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Lee.

Child of ______ Travers and ______ Lee is:

4901 i. ______14 Lee. He married ______ Rogers.

2680. ______13 Travers (Florence12 Oldroyd, Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Malnoske.

Children of ______ Travers and ______ Malnoske are:

4902 i. ______14 Malnoske.

4903 ii. ______ Malnoske.

4904 iii. ______ Malnoske.

4905 iv. ______ Malnoske.

2681. ______13 Oldroyd (E. Gus12, Harriet11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Rains.

Child of ______ Oldroyd and ______ Rains is:

4906 i. ______14 Rains.

2683. ______13 Lorenz (Eleanor12 Wilcox, Guy11, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married Charles Bowles.

Child of ______ Lorenz and Charles Bowles is:

4907 i. ______14 Bowles.

2684. ______13 Wilcox (Eugene12, Guy11, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married ______ Chatterton.

Child of ______ Wilcox and ______ Chatterton is:

4908 i. ______14 Wilcox.

2685. ______13 Wilcox (Eugene12, Guy11, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Sokol.

Child of ______ Wilcox and ______ Sokol is:

4909 i. ______14 Sokol.

2690. ______13 Bell (Helen12 Ross, Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married ______ Jackson.

Child of ______ Bell and ______ Jackson is:

4910 i. ______14 Bell.

2691. ______13 Bell (Helen12 Ross, Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married ______ Patterson.

Child of ______ Bell and ______ Patterson is:

4911 i. ______14 Bell.

2692. ______13 Bell (Helen12 Ross, Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Williams.

Children of ______ Bell and ______ Williams are:

4912 i. ______14 Williams.

4913 ii. ______ Williams.

2693. ______13 Leaycraft (Ruth12 Ross, Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Layng.

Child of ______ Leaycraft and ______ Layng is:

4914 i. ______14 Layng.

2694. ______13 Leaycraft (Ruth12 Ross, Flossie11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married ______ Lewis.

Children of ______ Leaycraft and ______ Lewis are:

4915 i. ______14 Leaycraft.

4916 ii. ______ Leaycraft.

4917 iii. ______ Leaycraft.

2696. ______13 Schmidt (Raymond12, Leonore11 Wilcox, William10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) He married ______ Schaefer.

Child of ______ Schmidt and ______ Schaefer is:

4918 i. ______14 Schmidt.


2738. Lawrence Richard13 Brown (Roy Glen12, Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 07 May 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Gloria Diane Higley 27 Dec 1969 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Darwin Higley and Phyllis Caseman. She was born 1951. He married (2) Carol Fitzwater 09 Oct 1975 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Gloria Diane Higley (2597).


2739. Roy Glen13 Brown, Jr. (Roy Glen12, Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 29 Sep 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Vickie Lynn Hartford 29 Jun 1974 in Alba, LeRoy Twp., Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Dale Hartford and Patricia May. She was born 15 Jul 1956.


Children are listed above under Vickie Lynn Hartford (1868).


2744. Max Eugene13 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1947. He married Nancy Baxter 14 Dec 1973. She was born 10 Sep 1948.


Notes for Nancy Baxter:

Nancy was a bridesmaid in the wedding of Ralph W. & Carolyn L. (Ames) Wilston on 10 Sep 1983.

Children of Max Morgan and Nancy Baxter are:

4919 i. Barry Eugene14 Morgan, born 06 Feb 1975.

4920 ii. Mary Catherine Morgan, born 06 May 1978.

2745. Cecil Lester13 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Apr 1949. He married Sandi Fay 24 May 1970. She was born 06 Nov 1952.

Children of Cecil Morgan and Sandi Fay are:

4921 i. Brett14 Morgan, born 1973.

4922 ii. Andrew Jonathan Morgan, born 29 Oct 1977.

2746. Jane Myrtle13 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Nov 1951. She married Jerry R. Kennedy 06 Jun 1970, son of Llewelyn Kennedy and Betty ______. He was born 13 Aug 1951.


Notes for Jane Myrtle Morgan:

Jane was the maid of honor at the wedding of my sister, Rosalyn L. Porter. The Kennedys purchased the property of my grandfather, Daniel W. Porter upon which his home and the home of my parents were both situated, located on Glen Street in Gillett, PA. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Jerry R. Kennedy:

Medical Information: twin to Terry Kennedy


Marriage Notes for Jane Morgan and Jerry Kennedy:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Jun 1970 ed.:

MISS MORGAN IS BRIDE (photo incl.)

GILLETT - Miss Jane Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Morgan of Gillett, became the bride of Jerry R. Kennedy Saturday June 6, at 1:30 p.m. in the Gillett Baptist Church. The Rev. Charles Root and the Rev. Dwight Anderson performed the double ring ceremony. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Betty Kennedy of Gillett and Llewelyn D. Kennedy of Corning. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Linda Brown of Benton, PA was maid of honor for her cousin. Also attending were Mrs. Milo Morgan of Gillett, Mrs. Max Morgan of Canton, both sisters-in-law of the bride, Miss Sheila Kennedy of East Smithfield, sister of the bridegroom and Mrs. Dale Putnam of Troy. Cassandra Morgan, of Gillett, niece of the bride was flower girl. Terry R. Kennedy of East Smithfield, served as best man for his brother. Ushers were Milo Morgan of Gillett, Max Morgan of Canton, both brothers of the bride; Theodore Johnson and Carlton Maynard, both of Gillett. A reception was held at the Gillett School. After a wedding trip to Lancaster, the couple is residing in Gillett. The bride graduated from Troy High School and Pauline's Beauty School. Her husband graduated from the same high school and is employed by Thatcher Glass Mfg. Co., Elmira.

Children of Jane Morgan and Jerry Kennedy are:

4923 i. Gregg Allen14 Kennedy, born 25 Jul 1972.

4924 ii. Monica Renee Kennedy, born 07 Oct 1974.

2747. Randy Clarence13 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Kim Fitzwater 15 Jul 1978.

Child of Randy Morgan and Kim Fitzwater is:

4925 i. Shannon Brooke14 Morgan, born 23 Jan 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Shannon Brooke Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Jan 1981 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden

MORGAN - a daughter, on Friday, Jan. 23, 1981 to Randy and Kim Fitzwater Morgan of RD 1 Gillett.


More About Shannon Brooke Morgan:

Birth Announced: 25 Jan 1981, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

2748. Scott Dean13 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Sep 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Pamela Lynne Roe 04 Mar 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of George Roe and Dorothy Keyes. She was born 15 Oct 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Scott Morgan and Pamela Roe are:

4926 i. Jamie Scott14 Morgan, born 14 Mar 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4927 ii. ______ Morgan, born 22 Apr 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Apr 1984 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Hosp.

MORGAN - a daughter, on April 22, 1984 to Scott and Pamela Roe Morgan, RD 1, Gillett, PA.


More About ______ Morgan:

Birth Announced: 23 Apr 1984, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

2754. Brenda Ruth13 Hatch (Florence June12 Fawcett, Blanche E.11 Wilcox, Alban Berton10, William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1944. She married Robert Paul Hartford 03 Jul 1968, son of James Hartford and Agri-Lila Leonard. He was born 17 Jul 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 07 Dec 1996 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Robert Paul Hartford (855).


2755. Darwin13 Hatch (Florence June12 Fawcett, Blanche E.11 Wilcox, Alban Berton10, William9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1946. He married Connie ______.

Children of Darwin Hatch and Connie ______ are:

4928 i. Timothy14 Hatch.

+ 4929 ii. Joann Hatch.

4930 iii. Benjamin Hatch.

4931 iv. Amanda Leona Hatch.

2756. Sandra Lynn13 Higley (Richard Waldo12, Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Dec 1942. She married (1) Dale Bennett 19 Aug 1960. He was born 22 Dec 1941, and died 04 Dec 1978. She married (2) Ronald Howard McCarty 10 Jan 1981 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Howard McCarty and Jessamine Battin. He was born 02 Jun 1941 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Dale Bennett:

Social Security Number: 194-32-0318 (PA)

Children of Sandra Higley and Dale Bennett are:

+ 4932 i. Roy Dale14 Bennett, born 22 Mar 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

4933 ii. Terry Lee Bennett, born 10 Sep 1963.

4934 iii. Greg Richard Bennett, born 27 Jun 1969.

2757. Richard Ralph13 Higley (Richard Waldo12, Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Jul 1944. He married Charlotte Louise Whitely 06 Sep 1966, daughter of Cecil Whiteley and Doris McCarty. She was born 12 Dec 1942.

Children of Richard Higley and Charlotte Whitely are:

4935 i. Lanette Marie14 Higley, born 26 Apr 1968. She married ______ Russell.

4936 ii. Dann Richard Higley, born 11 Mar 1970.

2758. Marvin LaRue13 Higley (Richard Waldo12, Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 09 Aug 1947. He married Rose Marie Postusic 28 Feb 1966. She was born 23 Jun 1946.

Children of Marvin Higley and Rose Postusic are:

4937 i. Jeffrey Marvin14 Higley, born 29 Sep 1969.

4938 ii. Nickole Lynn Higley, born 09 Jun 1972.

2759. Cheryl Lou13 Higley (Richard Waldo12, Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 04 Oct 1949. She married Keith Robert Rohrer 30 Jul 1970. He was born 07 Mar 1949.

Children of Cheryl Higley and Keith Rohrer are:

4939 i. Robert Keith14 Rohrer, born 21 Aug 1969.

4940 ii. Ryan Allen Rohrer, born 24 Dec 1973.

2766. Joyce Marie13 Foulkrod (Walter Alfred12, Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1933 in Lincoln Falls, Sullivan Co., PA. She married (1) Tracey Bouton 12 Aug 1951. He was born abt. 1930. She married (2) Vance Trout abt. 1956. He died Bef. Apr 2004.


More About Joyce Marie Foulkrod:

Residence: Jun 2001, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Joyce Foulkrod and Tracey Bouton are:

+ 4941 i. Susan Marie14 Bouton, born 1953.

+ 4942 ii. Loretta Jean Bouton, born abt. 1955.

Child of Joyce Foulkrod and Vance Trout is:

+ 4943 i. William14 Trout, born abt. 1957.


2767. Sherry Etta13 Foulkrod (Walter Alfred12, Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 24 Sep 1939 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. She married (1) Ray Oliver Darrow 04 Oct 1957 in Nichols, Tioga Co., NY, son of Walter Darrow and Celia Doan. He was born 01 Jul 1932, and died 21 Dec 1962 in Nichols, Tioga Co., NY. She married (2) Keith Lewis Taber 10 Oct 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Leo Taber and Mildred Lewis. He was born 27 Nov 1938 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


More About Sherry Etta Foulkrod:

Residence: Jun 2001, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA


More About Ray Oliver Darrow:

Burial: 24 Dec 1962, Nichols Cem., Tioga Co., NY

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Child of Sherry Foulkrod and Ray Darrow is:

+ 4944 i. Thomas Ray14 Darrow, born 09 Oct 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Sherry Foulkrod and Keith Taber is:

4945 i. Keith Lewis14 Taber, Jr., born 09 May 1966 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Michelle Jordan 24 Jun 1988 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Keith Lewis Taber, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

2769. Neva G.13 Forrest (Chester Earl12, Emma D.11 Foulkrod, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 01 Oct 1928 in Proctor, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 16 Feb 2005 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Clarence Thomas Brown abt. 1952, son of Hurley Brown and Blanche Bartlow. He was born Jan 1928, and died Aft. Feb 2005.

Children are listed above under Clarence Thomas Brown (1232).


Generation No. 8

2775. Ginger Lea14 Carpenter (John Dann13, Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Apr 1958. She married Arthur Eugene Kingsley.

Child of Ginger Carpenter and Arthur Kingsley is:

4946 i. Shara Dawn15 Kingsley.

2776. Carl Rush14 McCarty (Emma M.13 Boyles, Leon Edgar12, George Edgar11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1935. He married Dorothy Ann Morgan 14 Apr 1956, daughter of George Morgan and Frances Peiffer. She was born 24 Nov 1935.

Children are listed above under Dorothy Ann Morgan (1808).


2778. Ruth Marie14 Boyles (Judson R.13, Judson S.12, Rufus Benjamin11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1942 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Charles Lee Baumunk 18 Mar 1960, son of Dudley Baumunk and Bertha Morgan. He was born 31 May 1942 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Charles Lee Baumunk (1591).


2780. Sharon A.14 Boyles (Judson R.13, Judson S.12, Rufus Benjamin11, William J.10, Charles M.9, Nancy8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1959 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, and died 22 Jun 2005 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Roland E. Whitmoyer. He was born 23 Mar 1943, and died 23 Jul 2000.


Notes for Sharon A. Boyles:

Towanda, PA - DAILY REVIEW, 24 Jun 2005 ed.:

WHITMOYER, Sharon A., 56, of Hillsgrove, PA, passed away on Wednesday, June 22, 2005, at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA. She was born in Hillsgrove, a daughter of the late Judson Boyles and Eunice Starr Boyles, and has lived her entire lifetime in Hillsgrove. On July 23, 2000, she was preceded in death by her husband, the late Roland E. Whitmoyer. Sharon was a treasurer for the Hillsgrove Cemetery Association. She enjoyed reading, crossword puzzles, and cooking. She was formerly employed at Dar-Way Nursing Home in Estella, PA. She is survived by her mother, Eunice Boyles of Hillsgrove; her three sons, Colin Whitmoyer of Hillsgrove, Lynn Whitmoyer of Hughesville, PA, Eric Whitmoyer of Hillsgrove; a brother, Roy Boyles of Turbotville, PA; a sister, Ruth M. Baumunk of Forksville, PA; and by two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband and father. A memorial service has been scheduled for Monday, June 27, 2005, at 4 p.m. in the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, 119 Carpenter St., Dushore, PA, with the Rev. David Hart, pastor officiating. Friends and family are invited to call at 2 p.m. on Monday at McHenry Funeral Home in Dushore until the time of memorial service. Interment will be in the Hillsgrove Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Bradford-Sullivan County Unit, 1948 East Third St., Williamsport, PA 17701.

(NOTE: There was no birthdate in obituary. - R. J. Porter)


More About Sharon A. Boyles:

Burial: 27 Jun 2005, Hillsgrove Cem., Sullivan Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 24 Jun 2005, DAILY REVIEW - Towanda, PA

Residence: Bef. Jun 2005, Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Roland E. Whitmoyer:

Social Security Number: 201-32-7019 (PA)

Children of Sharon Boyles and Roland Whitmoyer are:

4947 i. Colin15 Whitmoyer.

4948 ii. Lynn Whitmoyer.

4949 iii. Eric Whitmoyer.

2792. Richard Kingsley14 Shadduck (Albert Kingsley13, Lee Albert12, Emma Lucy11 Gates, Lee C.10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1936. He married Shirley Temple Ryon 05 Aug 1955 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE. She was born 28 Dec 1938.


More About Richard Kingsley Shadduck:

Occupation: 1996, Doctor - West End Hosp., Pittsburg, PA

Residence: 1996, 915 Settlers Ridge Rd., Fox Chapple, PA 15238

Children of Richard Shadduck and Shirley Ryon are:

4950 i. Margaret Anne15 Shadduck, born 01 Mar 1956.

4951 ii. Richard Kingsley Shadduck, Jr., born 02 Oct 1957.

4952 iii. Garrison Lee Shadduck, born 13 Mar 1961.

4953 iv. Mary Kathryn Shadduck, born 17 Sep 1963.

2793. Robert Kent14 Shadduck (Albert Kingsley13, Lee Albert12, Emma Lucy11 Gates, Lee C.10, Ruth Hannah9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1940. He married (1) Ann Marie Vollmer 13 Jul 1963 in Greenlawn, Suffolk Co., NY. She was born 03 May 1943. He married (2) Linda Steele abt. 1986.

Children of Robert Shadduck and Ann Vollmer are:

4954 i. Kathryn Ann15 Shadduck, born 08 Nov 1966.

4955 ii. Lee Russell Shadduck, born 29 May 1969.

Child of Robert Shadduck and Linda Steele is:

4956 i. Danielle15 Shadduck, born 03 May 1987.

2794. James14 Kelley (Elwyn F.13, James Dayton12, Rosalia11 Porter, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1940.

Child of James Kelley is:

4957 i. James15 Kelley, Jr., born abt. 1958. He married Billie Jo ______.

2795. Claire James14 Goltry (Belvah Jannett13, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Dec 1918, and died 1974 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married (1) Elizabeth Law. He married (2) Pauline Edith DePew abt. 1947, daughter of Ralph DePew and Dorothy Keach. She was born 14 Oct 1922.


More About Claire James Goltry:

Burial: 1974, Hector Cem., Schuyler Co., NY


Children of Claire Goltry and Pauline DePew are:

+ 4958 i. Shirley May15 Goltry, born 15 Nov 1950.

+ 4959 ii. Robert James Goltry, born 19 Feb 1952 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

2796. Eldred Louise14 Hotaling (Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Feb 1922 in Dix Twp., Schuyler Co., NY. She married Ernest Joseph S'Grecci 05 Sep 1942 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY, son of Aurelio S'Grecci and Anna Bruni. He was born 11 Feb 1923 in Dix Twp., Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Eldred Louise Hotaling:

Residence: Mar 2001, Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY


More About Ernest Joseph S'Grecci:

Residence: Mar 2001, Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY

Children of Eldred Hotaling and Ernest S'Grecci are:

+ 4960 i. Carl Ernest15 S'Grecci, born 16 Oct 1947 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

4961 ii. James Carl S'Grecci, born 03 Jan 1952.


More About James Carl S'Grecci:

Occupation: Math Professor at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY

2797. Mary Helen14 Crout (Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Feb 1925 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA. She married Philip Charles Yaw 11 Jun 1946. He was born 30 Dec 1919, and died 01 Mar 1990.


More About Mary Helen Crout:

Residence: Jun 1984, Burlington, MS


More About Philip Charles Yaw:

Residence: Jun 1984, Burlington, MS

Social Security Number: 054-12-1297 (NY)

Children of Mary Crout and Philip Yaw are:

+ 4962 i. Phyllis Marie15 Yaw, born 02 Nov 1946 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4963 ii. Douglas Alan Yaw, born 13 Jun 1948 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4964 iii. Evelyn Mary Yaw, born 28 Nov 1950 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4965 iv. Philip Charles Yaw, Jr., born 20 Jun 1952 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4966 v. Richard Eugene Yaw, born 12 Sep 1953 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.



2798. Florence Ellen14 Crout (Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Feb 1927 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Darwin Love Wilber 23 Sep 1944 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY, son of Irving Wilber and Hebe Love. He was born 25 Aug 1918 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY, and died 09 Feb 1996.


More About Florence Ellen Crout:

Birthsite: at home

Residence: Jun 1984, 2848 Station Road, Montour Falls, NY


More About Darwin Love Wilber:

Residence 1: Jun 1984, 2848 Station Road, Montour Falls, NY

Residence 2: Feb 1996, Last residence: Newark, DE 19711

Social Security Number: 077-10-7028 (NY)

Children of Florence Crout and Darwin Wilber are:

4967 i. Richard15 Wilber.

4968 ii. Nancy Wilber.

4969 iii. David Love Wilber.

4970 iv. ______ Wilber.

2799. Lillian Mae14 Crout (Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Sep 1928 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY, and died 22 Dec 1983 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Harry Johnson 03 Feb 1951. He was born 17 Mar 1923.


More About Lillian Mae Crout:

Name 2: Johnson, Lillian

Burial: 26 Dec 1983, Redding Center Cem., Schuyler Co., NY

Medical Information: born at home; died at Schuyler County Hospital

Social Security Number: 129-16-6543 (NY)

Children of Lillian Crout and Harry Johnson are:

+ 4971 i. Joyce Ann15 Johnson, born 12 May 1952.

+ 4972 ii. Janet Mary Johnson, born 12 May 1952.

+ 4973 iii. Betty Jean Johnson, born 05 Oct 1954.

+ 4974 iv. Beverly Harriet Johnson, born 06 Jan 1957.

+ 4975 v. Donna Marie Johnson, born 26 Jan 1958.

+ 4976 vi. Kathy Carol Johnson, born 16 Dec 1958.

+ 4977 vii. Harry Johnson, Jr., born 18 Nov 1959.

4978 viii. Barbara Lynn Johnson, born 08 Feb 1961. She married Gerard Michael Hessling.

2800. Clayton Adam14 Crout, Jr. (Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Nov 1929 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married (1) Minnie Pelkey 10 Mar 1951 in Tyrone, Schuyler Co., NY. He married (2) Geraldine Marie Brown 08 Jun 1968 in Tyrone, Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Clayton Adam Crout, Jr.:

Birthsite: at home

Children of Clayton Crout and Minnie Pelkey are:

+ 4979 i. Steven Clayton15 Crout, born 30 May 1953.

+ 4980 ii. Keith Alan Crout, born 28 Dec 1956.

2801. Arnold Eugene14 Crout (Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1938 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Carole Ann McCabe 02 Jul 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Harry McCabe and Helen Eastman. She was born 28 Feb 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Arnold Eugene Crout:

Birthsite: Schuyler County Hospital

Children of Arnold Crout and Carole McCabe are:

+ 4981 i. Timothy Scott15 Crout, born 12 Mar 1961 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4982 ii. Thomas Eugene Crout, born 18 Apr 1962 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

+ 4983 iii. Teri Lynn Crout, born 02 Aug 1963 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

4984 iv. Todd Michael Crout, born 15 Aug 1964 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Todd Michael Crout:

Medical Information: born at Schuyler County Hospital


4985 v. Tammy Lou Crout, born 06 Dec 1965 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Tammy Lou Crout:

Medical Information: born at Schuyler County Hospital


4986 vi. Troy Alan Crout, born 06 Jul 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Troy Alan Crout:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

2802. Florence Betty14 Whalen (Myra Belle13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Oct 1930 in Reading, Reading Co., PA, and died 27 Dec 1964 in Addison, Steuben Co., NY. She married Paul Eugene Fowler 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He was born 05 Jan 1927.


Notes for Florence Betty Whalen:

Elmira, NY - ELMIRA ADVERTISER; Dec 1956 ed.:

Mrs. Florence Coons, 28, of Athens, died Thursday, Dec --, 1956. She was the former Miss Florence Betty Whalen and attended schools in Monroeton and New Albany, PA. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Survived by husband, Paul, son Calvin and daughters Myra Belle and Jacklyn, all at home; parents Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen of East Towanda, Pa.; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Porter of Monntour Falls, great-grandfather, Latney Porter of Gillett, Pa. Friends may call at the Miller Funeral Home, Towanda, after 7 tonight. Funeral there Saturday...Burial will be in the Bradford County Memorial Park, Luthers Mills.

(NOTE: This obit was copied on an older Xerox machine from a collection possessed by Mrs. Ella J. (Porter) Terwilleger. Some information had greatly faded and was difficult to decipher, especially the date of death, time of funeral, or the officiating minister. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Florence Betty Whalen:

Burial: 30 Dec 1964, Bradford Co., Memorial Park, PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 29 Dec 1964, ELMIRA ADVERTISER - Elmira, NY


More About Paul Eugene Fowler:

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA

Children of Florence Whalen and Paul Fowler are:

+ 4987 i. Calvin Eugene15 Fowler, born 20 Aug 1952 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4988 ii. Jacqueline Francis Fowler, born 02 Dec 1953 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Paul Bennett.

+ 4989 iii. Myra Belle Fowler, born 10 Feb 1956 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2803. Vivian Jean14 Hotaling (Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Dec 1936 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Lauren Donald Houck 16 Sep 1954 in Addison, Steuben Co., NY, son of Jacob Houck and Clara Rapplee. He was born 12 Oct 1936 in Bradford, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Vivian Jean Hotaling:

Occupation: 1987, Bath Veterans Administration Hospital

Children of Vivian Hotaling and Lauren Houck are:

+ 4990 i. John Jacob15 Houck, born 14 Jan 1959 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 4991 ii. Jeff Davis Houck, born 18 Jun 1966 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

2804. Ellen Marrie14 Hotaling (Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 May 1939 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married William Earle Cisco 24 Oct 1958 in Savona, Steuben Co., NY, son of John Cisco and Genevive Jackson. He was born 13 Mar 1936 in Cameron, Steuben Co., NY.


More About William Earle Cisco:

Occupation: 1986, Farmer


Marriage Notes for Ellen Hotaling and William Cisco:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Nov 1958 ed.:

AREA COUPLE MARRY (photo incl.)

Miss Ellen M. Hotaling and William E. Cisco exchanged marriage vows Oct. 24, 1958 at 8 p.m. at the bride's home, 98 E. Lamoka Ave., Savona. The Rev. Kenneth Snyder performed the double ring service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hotaling of the Savona address. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Cisco of Lindley. Mr. Hotaling gave his daughter in marriage. She wore a slate blue street-length dress with a feather hat and carried a white Bible trimmed with a gardenia. Her sister Sally was the only attendant. She wore a dress similar to the bride's, a feather hat and pink rose corsage. The bridegroom's brother, Alfred, was best man. A reception for 75 was held at the bride's home. After a trip to the Adirondack's, the couple are living in a trailer at 98 E. Lamoka Ave., Savona. Mrs. Cisco graduated from the Addison Central School and her husband from Corning Northside High School. Both are employed by the Ingersoll-Rand Co., at Painted Post.

Children of Ellen Hotaling and William Cisco are:

4992 i. Susan Lyn15 Cisco, born 05 Feb 1962 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 4993 ii. David John Cisco, born 12 Jun 1963 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2805. Sally Lea14 Hotaling (Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Oct 1942 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Leon Eugene Sprague 20 Apr 1962 in Savona, Steuben Co., NY, son of Leon Sprague and Audrey Thayer. He was born 15 Oct 1938 in Penn Yan, Yates Co., NY.

Child of Sally Hotaling and Leon Sprague is:

4994 i. Brenda Lou15 Sprague, born 11 Mar 1965 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. She married R. Scott Ballard 15 Oct 1988 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY; born 30 Sep 1963 in Morrisville, Madison Co., NY.


More About Brenda Lou Sprague:

Medical Information: born at Ira Davenport Hospital

2806. Connie Irene14 Hotaling (Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Oct 1952 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Marco Luigi Merola 27 May 1972 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, son of Marco Merola and Angela DelaSanti. He was born 25 Aug 1945 in Futani, Province of Salerno, Italy.


Notes for Connie Irene Hotaling:

I had a lengthy telephone conversation with Connie on 23 Sep 1988. She owns "Connie's" beauty salon in Gang Mills, NY, a short distance from Corning. She stated that she had completed her hair care training at the then "Pauline's" Hair Salon in Elmira in 1983. Marco had been working as an electrician at the Corning Glass Works for 21 years. His father came to this country in 1964 and had worked for a construction firm in Corning. He was citizen of this country but moved back to Italy at the request of his wife. He died in 1986. She stated that she made a trip to Italy in 1985, adding that she really like the lifestyle and slowed-down pace of the Italian people. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Connie Irene Hotaling:

Residence: Sep 1988, RD #1, Box 77, Painted Post, NY 14870

Children of Connie Hotaling and Marco Merola are:

4995 i. Marco Luigi15 Merola, Jr., born 10 Jan 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Marco Luigi Merola, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


4996 ii. Angela Irene Merola, born 16 Jun 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Angela Irene Merola:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

2807. Thomas Courtney14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jun 1940 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. He married Patricia Ann Miskelly 29 May 1960 in North Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY, daughter of James Miskelly and Mary Hutson. She was born 17 Aug 1942 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


More About Thomas Courtney Porter:

Residence: 2000, Baldwinsville, NY

Children of Thomas Porter and Patricia Miskelly are:

+ 4997 i. Kathleen Kelly15 Porter, born 07 Sep 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

4998 ii. Christopher Thomas Porter, born 09 Aug 1964 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

2808. Joy Ann14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Dec 1942 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Salvatore Lanzafame 16 Sep 1959 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY, son of Gaetano Lanzafame and Ann Spurchise. He was born 16 Apr 1942 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

Children of Joy Porter and Salvatore Lanzafame are:

+ 4999 i. Ann Marie15 Lanzafame, born 01 Jan 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

5000 ii. Ellen Christine Lanzafame, born 18 Jan 1962 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Louis Shaneck 17 Aug 1981 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

+ 5001 iii. David Michael Lanzafame, born 18 Mar 1965 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

2810. Barbara Eliza14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Dec 1945 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Carmen Bobby Furco 12 Dec 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY, son of Gregorio Furco and Rose ______. He was born 26 Aug 1931 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

Children of Barbara Porter and Carmen Furco are:

+ 5002 i. Donna Marie15 Furco, born 05 Mar 1963 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

5003 ii. Loren Scott Furco, born 26 Nov 1964 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

+ 5004 iii. Joy Ann Furco, born 15 Apr 1969 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

2811. Richard Allen14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Dec 1946 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. He married (1) Judy Sawyer abt. 1965. He married (2) Christine Steiner abt. 1969.

Child of Richard Porter and Judy Sawyer is:

+ 5005 i. Kelly15 Porter, born abt. 1967.

Children of Richard Porter and Christine Steiner are:

5006 i. Connie15 Porter, born abt. 1972.

5007 ii. Mark Porter, born abt. 1970.

2812. Robert Michael14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jan 1948 in Fulton, Oswego Co., NY. He married Dorothy ______ abt. 1968.

Child of Robert Porter and Dorothy ______ is:

5008 i. Christopher15 Porter, born abt. 1970.

2813. Emmett William14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1949 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY. He married (1) Cindy Carbona. He met (2) ______ Weissman abt. 1968.

Child of Emmett Porter and Cindy Carbona is:

5009 i. Shawn15 Porter.

Children of Emmett Porter and ______ Weissman are:

5010 i. Emmett Loren15 Weissman.

5011 ii. Evan Michael Weissman.

2814. Gary Marvin14 Porter (Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 May 1951 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Cathy Malone.

Children of Gary Porter and Cathy Malone are:

5012 i. Gary Marvin15 Porter, Jr..

5013 ii. John Porter.

5014 iii. Colleen Porter.

2815. Gladys Irene14 Hotaling (Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jan 1939 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Franklin Lee Dunning 09 Jul 1955 in Addison, Steuben Co., NY.


Marriage Notes for Gladys Hotaling and Franklin Dunning:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Jul 2005 ed.:


Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dunning of Corning, NY celebrated their 50th anniversary on July 9, 2005. Mr. Franklin Lee Dunning and the former Gladys Irene Hotaling were married on July 9, 1955 by the Rev. Dersham, in Addison, NY. The couple have 4 children: Deb Bills of Lawrenceville, PA, Gary Dunning of Corning, NY, Frank Dunning of Lindley, NY, and Tammie Schoup of Belleview, FL. The couple also have eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dunning are retired.

Children of Gladys Hotaling and Franklin Dunning are:

+ 5015 i. Debra Irene15 Dunning, born 10 Oct 1956 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

5016 ii. Gary Lee Dunning, born 22 Jul 1958 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Sheila Rae Crane.


More About Gary Lee Dunning:

Residence: Jul 2005, Corning, Steuben Co., NY


+ 5017 iii. Franklin Lee Dunning, Jr., born 22 Oct 1959 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 5018 iv. Tammy Lynn Dunning, born 05 Jul 1962 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2816. Leticia Ann14 Hotaling (Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Oct 1940 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Paul Ward.

Children of Leticia Hotaling and Paul Ward are:

5019 i. Paula Ann15 Ward, born 23 Dec 1959 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 5020 ii. Rexford Paul Ward, born 19 Apr 1962 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 5021 iii. Cecil Maurice Ward, born abt. 1964 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

5022 iv. Ella Marie Ward, born 11 Jul 1968 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2817. Sharon Beverly14 Hotaling (Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jul 1942 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Kenneth Cook. He was born 23 Jun 1939.

Children of Sharon Hotaling and Kenneth Cook are:

5023 i. Kevin15 Cook, born 15 Oct 1958 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

+ 5024 ii. Kimberly Ann Cook, born 18 Jul 1960 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

5025 iii. John Theron Cook, born 22 Jun 1962 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

5026 iv. Robert John Cook, born 19 Nov 1963 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY.

5027 v. Brenda Lee Cook, born 28 Aug 1965 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY; died Jun 1976 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.


More About Brenda Lee Cook:

Burial: Jun 1976, Savona, Steuben Co., NY

Cause of Death: automobile accident

2819. Sandra Lee14 Hotaling (Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jul 1944 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) George Hoagland abt. 1961. She married (2) Jake Canute abt. 1973.

Children of Sandra Hotaling and George Hoagland are:

5028 i. Daniel George15 Hoagland, born 19 Apr 1963 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY.

5029 ii. Marlene Rae Hoagland, born 19 Jul 1966 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY.

5030 iii. Aaron Lee Hoagland, born Nov 1969 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Sandra Hotaling and Jake Canute is:

5031 i. Ila Mae15 Canute, born 26 Aug 1975 in Brunswick, Glynn Co., GA.

2821. Stephen Theron14 Hotaling (Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jul 1956 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Jodi Marie Wiltson 03 Jan 1974 in Savona, Steuben Co., NY.


Notes for Stephen Theron Hotaling:

I called Stephen at his home in Summerfield, FL in late 1983, being only a short time after his mother's death. She and Theron were living next-door to Stephen prior to her death. He was appreciative of my sincere regrets that I hadn't the opportunity to speak to his mother about her family history. He sent me a letter a short time later, furnishing his sisters birth dates, husbands' names and each of their children. There were no other details sent, particularly what cemetery his mother is buried in, the exact date of death of his sister Sheila or the places of marriage for most of his sisters. I am, however, most grateful for what information that I did receive. -- note of R. J. Porter

Children of Stephen Hotaling and Jodi Wiltson are:

5032 i. Angie Marie15 Hotaling, born 02 Jul 1975 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

5033 ii. Stephen Theron Hotaling, Jr., born 19 Jun 1980 in Brunswick, Glynn Co., GA.



2822. Francis Martin14 Porter, Jr. (Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1936 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Mary Rose Kasarda 18 May 1963 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY, daughter of Paul Kasarda and Josephine Losito. She was born 02 Feb 1942 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


More About Francis Martin Porter, Jr.:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Marine Corps

Occupation: Electrical engineer


More About Mary Rose Kasarda:

Occupation: Handicapped children, usually 7-9 youngsters, ages 6-9 years of age

Talents 1: Bakes specialty cakes for family & friends

Talents 2: Costume designer, seamstress for children's threatre productions

Children of Francis Porter and Mary Kasarda are:

5034 i. Michael Anthony15 Porter, born 06 Oct 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY; Adopted child.

+ 5035 ii. Leah Marie Porter, born 12 Feb 1967 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

5036 iii. Steven Jay Porter, born 25 Jan 1969 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

2823. Raymond Arthur14 Porter (Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Aug 1937 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Hermion Capron abt. 1957. She was born 14 Jun 1940.


More About Raymond Arthur Porter:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Marine Corps

Occupation: Boss in machine shop in Ithaca, NY

Children of Raymond Porter and Hermion Capron are:

5037 i. Randy15 Porter, born 01 May 1958.

5038 ii. Robert Porter, born 30 Apr 1960.

5039 iii. Jason Porter, born 25 Mar 1961.

2824. Richard Albert14 Porter (Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Apr 1939 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married (1) Irene Jackson abt. 1959. She was born abt. 1941. He married (2) Sandra ______ abt. 1971.


More About Richard Albert Porter:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Marine Corps

Occupation: Printer

Children of Richard Porter and Irene Jackson are:

+ 5040 i. Susan15 Porter, born abt. 1962.

5041 ii. Richard Albert Porter, Jr., born abt. 1963.

5042 iii. Brian Porter, born abt. 1965.

5043 iv. William Porter, born 26 Oct 1966.

5044 v. Patricia Porter, born abt. 1960.

2825. Allan Bly14 Porter (Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Feb 1942 in Moravia, Cayuga Co., NY. He married (1) Daphne Ilene Batterson 13 Apr 1963 in Danby, Tompkins Co., NY, daughter of Richard Batterson and Beatrice Poole. She was born 17 Jan 1944. He married (2) Debra Ann Parsons 08 Jul 1983 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.


More About Allan Bly Porter:

Occupation: Owns laundromat in Ithaca, NY


More About Debra Ann Parsons:

Occupation: City Tax Collector

Children of Allan Porter and Daphne Batterson are:

+ 5045 i. Glen Allan15 Porter, born 18 Jan 1964 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 5046 ii. Jeffrey James Porter, born 03 Jan 1966 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

2826. Leon James14 Porter (Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Oct 1943 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Mary Uhle abt. 1965. She was born 21 Mar 1946.


More About Leon James Porter:

Occupation: Glass installer

Children of Leon Porter and Mary Uhle are:

5047 i. James15 Porter, born 08 Dec 1969.

5048 ii. Michael Porter, born 05 Mar 1972.


More About Michael Porter:

Medical Information: twin to Michelle Porter


5049 iii. Michelle Porter, born 05 Mar 1972.


More About Michelle Porter:

Medical Information: twin to Michael Porter


5050 iv. Mark Porter, born 28 Feb 1967.

5051 v. Mary Porter, born 04 Nov 1970.

2827. Douglas Edwin14 Porter (Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Dec 1952 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married (1) ______ ______. She was born in Vietnam. He married (2) Lilja ______ 25 May 1973. She was born 10 Apr 1955.


More About Douglas Edwin Porter:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Army - Vietnam War

Military honors: Bravery citation

Occupation: NASA - computer technician; present at all launches at Cape Canaveral, FL

Child of Douglas Porter and Lilja ______ is:

5052 i. Brandon15 Porter, born 25 Oct 1974.

2828. Favorite Lucille14 Myers (Favorite Lucille13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Oct 1938 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Norman Bower 21 Nov 1964 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.

Children of Favorite Myers and Norman Bower are:

5053 i. David Norman15 Bower, born 02 Dec 1965 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.

5054 ii. Michelle Lee Bower, born 22 Jul 1968 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.

2829. Reginald Hubert14 Myers, Jr. (Favorite Lucille13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1940 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Carol Marie Rice Mar 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Reginald Myers and Carol Rice are:

5055 i. Paul Edward15 Myers, born 23 Feb 1967 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

5056 ii. Chris Anthony Myers, born 12 Jun 1970 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2830. Lemuel Ray14 Myers (Favorite Lucille13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Mar 1942 in Waterloo, Seneca Co., NY. He married (1) Deborah ______. He married (2) Patricia Ann Webb May 1964 in MO.


More About Lemuel Ray Myers:

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Air Force

Occupation: 1990, Minister

Residence 1: 1984, Missouri

Residence 2: 1990, Hoosick Falla, Rensselaer Co., NY


More About Deborah ______:

Residence: Jan 1990, Hoosick Falla, Rensselaer Co., NY

Children of Lemuel Myers and Patricia Webb are:

5057 i. Lemuel Ray15 Myers, Jr., born 25 Jun 1965 in Scott AFB, Belleville, St. Clair Co., IL.

5058 ii. Keith Myers, born 15 Dec 1966 in Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., TX.

5059 iii. Lisa Marie Myers, born 05 Jun 1969 in Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, AK.

2831. Clifford Raymond14 Mayo, Jr. (Stella Pearl13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married (1) Barbara Kay Hitson May 1959. He married (2) Sandra Jean VanHaute 26 Sep 1963.

Children of Clifford Mayo and Barbara Hitson are:

5060 i. ______15 Mayo, born abt. 1960.

5061 ii. ______ Mayo, born abt. 1962.

5062 iii. ______ Mayo, born abt. 1965.

5063 iv. ______ Mayo, born abt. 1966.

2832. Estella Mae14 Mayo (Stella Pearl13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) Scott Clemens. She married (2) Wayne Rhinewold.

Children of Estella Mayo and Scott Clemens are:

5064 i. ______15 Clemens, born abt. 1980.

5065 ii. ______ Clemens, born abt. 1982.

5066 iii. ______ Clemens, born abt. 1980.

5067 iv. ______ Clemens, born abt. 1982.

2833. Brenda Ann14 Mayo (Stella Pearl13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) George Zeigler 1963. She married (2) Robert Bean abt. 1971.

Child of Brenda Mayo and George Zeigler is:

5068 i. ______15 Zeigler, born abt. 1965.

2835. Lewis Joseph14 Mayo (Stella Pearl13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married (1) Olga Josephine Antanic abt. 1969. He married (2) Tina Marie Bryan Aug 1979.

Children of Lewis Mayo and Olga Antanic are:

5069 i. ______15 Mayo, born abt. 1971.

5070 ii. ______ Mayo, born abt. 1974.

5071 iii. ______ Mayo, born abt. 1976.

2836. John Jay14 Curran (Eva Helen13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jun 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Nancy Marie VanAlstine 11 Jun 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Leon VanAlstine and Elizabeth Sours. She was born 02 Dec 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of John Curran and Nancy VanAlstine are:

5072 i. Marlena Marie15 Curran, born 07 Aug 1961 in Elmira, NY. She married John Frohlich 15 Dec 1979 in Elmira, NY.

+ 5073 ii. John Jay Curran, Jr., born 15 Feb 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2837. Barbara Ann14 Curran (Eva Helen13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1943. She married Robert Stevens.

Child of Barbara Curran and Robert Stevens is:

5074 i. ______15 Stevens.

2838. Joseph Edgar14 Johnson (Marian Belle13 Porter, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1937 in East Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Elizabeth May 23 Jun 1979.

Children of Joseph Johnson and Elizabeth May are:

+ 5075 i. Joanna Lucinda15 Johnson, born 24 Jan 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5076 ii. Cynthia Lou Johnson, born 09 Apr 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5077 iii. Joseph Edgar Johnson, Jr., born 18 Jul 1960 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5078 iv. Craig Tell Johnson, born 03 Nov 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2839. Allein Myrtle14 Johnson (Marian Belle13 Porter, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Mar 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Richard Allen Rightmire 07 Sep 1957 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Parcell Rightmire and Sylvia Harkness. He was born abt. 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Allein Johnson and Richard Rightmire are:

5079 i. Parcell Allen15 Rightmire, born 24 Sep 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married Carol Lynn Callahan 31 Jul 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5080 ii. Leisa Ann Rightmire, born 25 Oct 1960 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

5081 iii. James Arnold Rightmire, born 08 Dec 1961 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

5082 iv. David Harold Rightmire, born 15 Nov 1962 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

5083 v. Randy Eugene Rightmire, born 10 Dec 1964 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

2840. LeRoy Harley14 Johnson (Marian Belle13 Porter, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 May 1943. He married Claudia Marie Palmer 29 Jun 1963, daughter of Claude C. Palmer.

Children of LeRoy Johnson and Claudia Palmer are:

5084 i. Teri Lee15 Johnson, born 24 Apr 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5085 ii. LeRoy Michael Johnson, born 21 Jul 1967 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

5086 iii. Michelle Renee Johnson, born 24 Jul 1971 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

2841. Ivan Dean14 Porter, Jr. (Ivan Dean13, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Mar 1943 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married Michaele Allison Welch 08 Jan 1966 in Media, Delaware Co., PA.

Children of Ivan Porter and Michaele Welch are:

5087 i. Stephanie Suzanne15 Porter, born 28 Nov 1967 in New London, New London Co., CT.

5088 ii. Shelby Christine Porter, born 10 Apr 1970 in New London, New London Co., CT.

2842. Richard Harold14 Porter (Ivan Dean13, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 May 1948 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married Carol Ann Stouffer 13 Feb 1971 in Valley Forge, Chester Co., PA.

Children of Richard Porter and Carol Stouffer are:

5089 i. Steven John15 Porter, born 20 Apr 1974.

5090 ii. Janet Elaine Porter, born 28 Jun 1977.

2843. Robert Eugene14 Porter (Ivan Dean13, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Mar 1950. He married Karen Elaine Dwyer 22 Dec 1973 in Chico, Butte Co., CA.

Children of Robert Porter and Karen Dwyer are:

5091 i. Erika Jill15 Porter, born 10 Oct 1978 in Boise, Ada Co., ID.

5092 ii. Monica Kay Porter, born 08 Dec 1980 in Boise, Ada Co., ID.

2844. Thomas Edward14 Porter (Ivan Dean13, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Nov 1952. He married Nancy Louise Miller 27 May 1972 in Rome, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Arthur Miller and Winifred Colwell. She was born 27 Mar 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Thomas Edward Porter:

Residence: 1982, Towanda, Bradford Co., PA


More About Nancy Louise Miller:

Residence: 1982, Towanda, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Thomas Porter and Nancy Miller are:

5093 i. Michael Ivan15 Porter, born 05 Jan 1973 in Allentown, Lehigh Co., PA.

5094 ii. Robert Arthur Porter, born 08 Feb 1979 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

2861. Roger Neil14 Buben (Dora Isabelle13 Dougherty, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jan 1941 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Linda Lou Lieske abt. 1968.

Children of Roger Buben and Linda Lieske are:

5095 i. Melissa Ann15 Buben, born 22 Jul 1969 in Anoka Co., MN.

5096 ii. Neil Joseph Buben, born 14 Sep 1974 in Anoka Co., MN.

2864. Joyce Elizabeth14 Dougherty (Eugene LeRoy13, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Feb 1934 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Richard David Walch.

Children of Joyce Dougherty and Richard Walch are:

5097 i. Debra Ann15 Walch, born 31 Oct 1954 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5098 ii. Richard James Walch, born 26 Oct 1957 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5099 iii. Tammy Marie Walch, born 17 Feb 1964 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5100 iv. Wanda Marie Walch, born 17 Dec 1965 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

2865. Eugene Charles14 Dougherty (Eugene LeRoy13, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1935 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Beverly Maureen Weldon 14 Jun 1958.

Children of Eugene Dougherty and Beverly Weldon are:

5101 i. Sherry Lynn15 Dougherty, born 11 Jun 1959 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5102 ii. Kathy Ann Dougherty, born 11 May 1960 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5103 iii. Lyle Edward Dougherty, born 02 Feb 1962 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


2867. Edward Earl14 Casey (Irma Jane13 Dougherty, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1930 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. He married Claudette Jeanne Del Mas 18 Aug 1951.


More About Claudette Jeanne Del Mas:

Name 2: deMas, Claudette

Name 3: Delmas, Claudette Jeanne

Children of Edward Casey and Claudette Del Mas are:

+ 5104 i. Cozette Leontine15 Casey, born 13 Apr 1953 in Hutchinson, Reno Co., KS.

+ 5105 ii. Maude Jane Casey, born 23 Jun 1954 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 5106 iii. Daniel Edward Casey, born 01 Oct 1955 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

+ 5107 iv. Steven Elmer Casey, born 05 Apr 1957 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5108 v. Nadine Catherine Casey, born 30 Sep 1960 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Nadine Catherine Casey:

Medical Information: born at St. Mary's Hospital


5109 vi. Brigid Anne Casey, born 08 Apr 1962 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Brigid Anne Casey:

Medical Information: born at St. Mary's Hospital

2869. Ramona Nile14 Johnson (Lillian Leona13 Ruddy, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Apr 1934 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Charles Wilbur Hubbard 18 Oct 1952 in Maywood, Cook Co., IL, son of Glenn Hubbard and Helen Herman. He was born 24 Jul 1927 in Maywood, Cook Co., IL.


More About Ramona Nile Johnson:

Christening: 09 Aug 1946, Faith Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN

Children of Ramona Johnson and Charles Hubbard are:

5110 i. Gregory Charles15 Hubbard, born 13 Aug 1953 in Maywood, Cook Co., IL. He married Patti Witanowski 18 Oct 1975.

+ 5111 ii. Gail Helen Hubbard, born 26 Apr 1955 in Aurora, Kane Co., IL.

5112 iii. Joyce Ann Hubbard, born 27 Sep 1957 in Aurora, Kane Co., IL.

5113 iv. Glenn Everett Hubbard, born 29 Sep 1963 in Aurora, Kane Co., IL.

2870. Vearl Everett14 Johnson (Lillian Leona13 Ruddy, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jun 1938 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Margaret Mary Knothe 20 Aug 1960 in Mankato, Blue Earth Co., MN, daughter of Theodore Knothe and Emma Roderick. She was born 08 Sep 1937 in Mankato, Blue Earth Co., MN.

Children of Vearl Johnson and Margaret Knothe are:

5114 i. Michelle Katherine15 Johnson, born 01 Apr 1972 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5115 ii. Monica Lynn Johnson, born 12 Aug 1973 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2871. Darleen Joyce14 Johnson (Lillian Leona13 Ruddy, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Sep 1940 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Edward James Pilarski 13 Sep 1958 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN, son of Edward Pilarski and Katherine Fischer. He was born 30 Apr 1934 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

Children of Darleen Johnson and Edward Pilarski are:

5116 i. Edward Everett15 Pilarski, born 21 Feb 1959 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Kim Marie Paval 09 Jan 1982 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5117 ii. James Steven Pilarski, born 09 May 1961 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2873. Deloris Betty14 Ruddy (Lawrence Gordon13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jun 1935 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (1) Roger Carl Neubauer Mar 1953. He was born abt. 1930, and died in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (2) Samuel Hamilton 31 Aug 1974.

Children of Deloris Ruddy and Roger Neubauer are:

+ 5118 i. Debra Lyn15 Neubauer, born 26 May 1953 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 5119 ii. Craig Roger Neubauer, born 14 Jun 1955 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5120 iii. Kevin Carl Neubauer, born 07 Aug 1959 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5121 iv. Roger Carl Neubauer, Jr., born 02 Sep 1961 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2874. Lawrence Carl14 Ruddy (Lawrence Gordon13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1936 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Katherine Bernice Fordahl 21 Jul 1958, daughter of Carl Fordahl and Elsie Hanson. She was born 17 Sep 1937 in Aitkin, Aitkin Co., MN.


More About Lawrence Carl Ruddy:

Military service: Bet. 1959 - 1961, U.S. Army

Children of Lawrence Ruddy and Katherine Fordahl are:

5122 i. Lynn Christine15 Ruddy, born 08 Sep 1961 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5123 ii. Brenda Leigh Ruddy, born 31 Jul 1963 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5124 iii. Dianne Renee Ruddy, born 21 May 1968 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


2875. Nona Gwen14 Ruddy (Norman Wallice13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1930. She married Harold Lyle Pearl. He was born abt. 1927.

Children of Nona Ruddy and Harold Pearl are:

5125 i. Gwen Ann15 Pearl, born 14 Jun 1953 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5126 ii. Steven Michael Pearl, born 11 May 1957 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5127 iii. Corey Harold Pearl, born 07 Jun 1965 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2876. Bazel Clayton14 Ruddy, Jr. (Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Nov 1939 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Marlys Mae Ann Erickson 12 Apr 1958. She was born 04 Mar 1940.


More About Bazel Clayton Ruddy, Jr.:

Residence: Bet. 1992 - 2000, Newfolden, MN


More About Marlys Mae Ann Erickson:

Name 2: Erickson, Marlys Mae

Name 3: Erickson, Marlys Ann

Name 4: Erickson, Marlys Anne

Children of Bazel Ruddy and Marlys Erickson are:

+ 5128 i. Kelley Jo15 Ruddy, born 28 Jan 1959 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 5129 ii. Laurie Lee Ruddy, born 21 Dec 1960 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 5130 iii. Tamara Jean Ruddy, born 31 Dec 1961 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 5131 iv. Alice Marie Ruddy, born 18 Sep 1969 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5132 v. Jason Matthew Ruddy, born 25 Feb 1971 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2877. Diana Christine Ruddy14 Sorenson (Bazel Clayton13 Ruddy, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Apr 1942 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Donald Anthony Kieger, Jr. May 1960, son of Donald Kieger and Marjorie Emerson. He was born 14 Apr 1939 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Diana Christine Ruddy Sorenson:

Name 2: Sorenson, Diana Christine


Notes for Donald Anthony Kieger, Jr.:

Donald is a cousin to Gordon Keiger, partner of Laurie Lee Ruddy.

Children of Diana Sorenson and Donald Kieger are:

5133 i. Dennis Anthony15 Kieger, born 28 Nov 1960 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 5134 ii. Denise Marie Kieger, born 24 Dec 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2878. Wesley LeRoy14 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Apr 1943 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Lynn Ann Gulden 17 Jul 1962, daughter of Donald Gulden and Evelyn Colston. She was born 18 Nov 1944 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Wesley LeRoy Ruddy:

Residence: 2000, Stacy, MN


More About Lynn Ann Gulden:

Residence: 2000, Stacy, MN

Children of Wesley Ruddy and Lynn Gulden are:

+ 5135 i. Chris Daniel15 Ruddy, born 18 Dec 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 5136 ii. Shelly Marie Ruddy, born 03 Feb 1964 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5137 iii. Willow Christi Ruddy, born 21 Aug 1975 in Isanti Co., MN.


More About Willow Christi Ruddy:

Residence: 2000, Forest Lake, MN

2879. Judith Sigrud14 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Dec 1947 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She met Reed Carmicle.


More About Judith Sigrud Ruddy:

Name 2: Ruddy, Judith Sigrud

Children of Judith Ruddy and Reed Carmicle are:

5138 i. Sheri Rose15 Ruddy, born 11 Dec 1978 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5139 ii. Jerid Clayton Ruddy, born 25 Apr 1980 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2881. Michael Wayne14 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1951 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Mary Ann Gladback 14 Sep 1974, daughter of Lenard Gladback and Lucille Feidt. She was born 18 Feb 1948 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

Children of Michael Ruddy and Mary Gladback are:

5140 i. Susan Ann15 Ruddy, born 06 Feb 1980 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN; died 06 Feb 1980 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5141 ii. Kevin Michael Ruddy, born 02 May 1981 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5142 iii. Daniel Patrick Ruddy, born 20 Jul 1984 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2882. Carrie Lee14 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1958 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (1) Robert Anthony Schmidt. She married (2) Bruce Remmen 24 Dec 1974. He was born 14 Aug 1956.


More About Carrie Lee Ruddy:

Medical Information: identical twin to Carol A.

Child of Carrie Ruddy and Robert Schmidt is:

5143 i. Amanda Lynne15 Schmidt, born 09 Feb 1988 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

Children of Carrie Ruddy and Bruce Remmen are:

5144 i. Lisa Marie15 Remmen, born 25 Apr 1974 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5145 ii. Corey Allen Remmen, born 18 Oct 1976 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2884. Randy Ray14 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1960 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He met Vanessa Rae Garcia, daughter of Robert Garcia and Karen Johnson. She was born 25 Sep 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

Child of Randy Ruddy and Vanessa Garcia is:

5146 i. Crystal Sue15 Ruddy, born 09 Feb 1980.

2891. Joy Ann Sarah14 Webster (Margaret Emma13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Oct 1941 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Robert James Mandell 15 Nov 1963.


More About Joy Ann Sarah Webster:

Name 2: Webster, Joy Ann

Children of Joy Webster and Robert Mandell are:

5147 i. Robert James15 Mandell, Jr., born 05 Jun 1973 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5148 ii. Amy Joy Mandell, born 07 May 1975 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2892. Walter Daniel14 Webster (Margaret Emma13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1943 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Marlise Joan Schmidt 19 Apr 1964.


More About Walter Daniel Webster:

Residence: 2000, St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN

Children of Walter Webster and Marlise Schmidt are:

5149 i. Laura Lee15 Webster, born 17 Jun 1967 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5150 ii. Gary Allen Webster, born 22 Jul 1968 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5151 iii. Randall John Webster, born 26 Feb 1971 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2894. Robin Lee14 Webster (Margaret Emma13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jul 1945 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married V. N. Elton Long 05 Mar 1966.

Children of Robin Webster and V. Long are:

5152 i. V. N. Elton15 Long, Jr., born 13 Aug 1966 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5153 ii. Shannon Marie Long, born 22 Jan 1970 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5154 iii. Jennifer Lee Long, born 01 Feb 1973 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2895. Scott Lee14 Webster (Margaret Emma13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Dec 1946 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Karen Marie Vanderbosch 17 May 1970.


More About Scott Lee Webster:

Residence: 2000, Hopkins, MN

Child of Scott Webster and Karen Vanderbosch is:

5155 i. Jamey Lee15 Webster, born 22 Feb 1971 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2897. Holly Lynn14 Webster (Margaret Emma13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Dec 1949 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Lawrence Louis Richie 08 Nov 1968.

Children of Holly Webster and Lawrence Richie are:

5156 i. Tammy Lynn15 Richie, born 18 Apr 1969 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5157 ii. Infant Dau. Richie, born 15 Oct 1970 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2899. Dennis Walter14 Livingston (Elna Frances13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1947 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Irene Ida Haas 10 May 1969, daughter of Paul Haas and Ida Goling. She was born 21 Oct 1950 in West St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.



More About Dennis Walter Livingston:

Christening: Dec 1947, Faith Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN

Children of Dennis Livingston and Irene Haas are:

5158 i. Christine Irene15 Livingston, born 26 Dec 1971 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Billy J. Frederick, Jr. 09 Jun 2001 in MN; born 14 Jan 1960 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5159 ii. Deanna Marie Livingston, born 17 Sep 1974 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2900. Janice Renee14 Livingston (Elna Frances13 Stufell, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Sep 1951 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Gerald Edward Schmidt 13 Sep 1975. He was born abt. 1950 in MN.

Children of Janice Livingston and Gerald Schmidt are:

5160 i. Jason Eric15 Schmidt, born 31 Jan 1985 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5161 ii. Jenny Lynn Schmidt, born 21 Aug 1986 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2909. Arnold Alex14 Garner, Jr. (Mabel Mathilda13 Porter, Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1944 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN. He married (1) Evyone Cummeir abt. 1962. He married (2) Suzanne Therese Corrigan 18 Nov 1966 in Watertown, Coddington Co., SD, daughter of Daniel Corrigan and Marilyn Minkel. She was born 08 Aug 1945 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


More About Suzanne Therese Corrigan:

Children of Arnold Garner and Suzanne Corrigan are:

5162 i. Jeffrey Allan15 Garner, born 15 May 1967 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

5163 ii. Jared Daniel Garner, born 30 Jun 1969 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

5164 iii. Juliet Lee Garner, born 02 Jan 1971 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co., MN.

2910. Roger James14 Garner (Mabel Mathilda13 Porter, Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1945 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Janet Pauline Allen 01 Jul 1967 in Gary, Lake Co., IN, daughter of Rolland Allen and Jeannette Castonquay. She was born 29 Oct 1947 in Petersburg, VA.

Children of Roger Garner and Janet Allen are:

5165 i. Scott David15 Garner, born 07 Dec 1968 in Stearns Co., MN.

5166 ii. Teri Christine Garner, born 18 Jan 1972 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

2912. Sharon Lee14 Garner (Mabel Mathilda13 Porter, Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jul 1952 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Ronald Leon Burton 29 May 1971, son of Leon Burton and Doris Dalton. He was born 26 Feb 1949 in Meeker Co., MN.

Children of Sharon Garner and Ronald Burton are:

5167 i. Traci Lynn15 Burton, born 07 May 1974 in Stearns Co., MN.

5168 ii. Brent Ronald Burton, born 23 Aug 1977 in Stearns Co., MN.

2914. Jeanette14 Porter (Tracy Henry13, Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Nov 1948 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA. She married Larry Wayne Batulis 17 Dec 1968 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV, son of Darrell Fisher and Mary Batulis. He was born 18 Jun 1946 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA.


More About Larry Wayne Batulis:

Military service: Bet. 1964 - 1984, U.S. Marine Corps

Children of Jeanette Porter and Larry Batulis are:

5169 i. James Antony15 Batulis, born 19 Oct 1968 in Camp Pendleton, San Diego Co., CA.

5170 ii. Jason Conrad Batulis, born 02 Jul 1973 in Havelock, Craven Co., NC.

2915. Gene Oliver14 Porter (Tracy Henry13, Sivery Ivan12, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Apr 1951 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married Dorothy E. Stotes 05 Feb 1972 in Bellflower, Los Angeles Co., CA, daughter of Hoyt Stotes and Ollie Culver. She was born 06 Sep 1949 in Lynwood, Los Angeles Co., CA.


More About Gene Oliver Porter:

Military service: Bet. 1970 - 1974, U.S. Navy

Children of Gene Porter and Dorothy Stotes are:

5171 i. Nathan Edward15 Porter, born 11 Oct 1973 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA.

5172 ii. Krista Marie Porter, born 15 Sep 1976 in Bellflower, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2926. Edmon Daniel14 Faulkner, Jr. (Edmon Daniel13, Daniel Edmon12, Laura Jane11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jun 1960. He married (1) Connie Pickering. He married (2) Hope Mueller.

Children of Edmon Faulkner and Connie Pickering are:

5173 i. Daniel15 Faulkner.

5174 ii. Eric Faulkner.


Child of Edmon Faulkner and Hope Mueller is:

5175 i. ______15 Faulkner, born 14 May 1998 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Faulkner:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 May 1998 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

FAULKNER - a son, Thursday, May 14, 1998 to Edmon and Hope Mueller Faulkner, Horseheads.


More About ______ Faulkner:

Birth Announced: 17 May 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

2927. Steven James14 Faulkner (Edmon Daniel13, Daniel Edmon12, Laura Jane11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Jul 1962. He married Lori ______.

Child of Steven Faulkner and Lori ______ is:

5176 i. Nicholas15 Faulkner.

2929. Laura14 Faulkner (Edmon Daniel13, Daniel Edmon12, Laura Jane11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1964. She married John Coleman.

Children of Laura Faulkner and John Coleman are:

5177 i. Barbara15 Coleman.

5178 ii. Billi Jean Coleman.

2930. Linda Marie14 Porter (Herbert Orrin Allen13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Nov 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married Ronald Gubala 03 Nov 1973 in Lewiston, Niagara Co., NY, son of Henry Gubala and Henrietta ______. He was born 16 Sep 1944 in Niagara, Niagara Co., NY.


More About Linda Marie Porter:

Occupation: Jul 1984, Nurse - Deaconess Hospital, Buffalo, NY

Children of Linda Porter and Ronald Gubala are:

5179 i. Kevin Andrew15 Gubala, born 01 Oct 1973.

5180 ii. Christina Jean Gubala, born 17 Jan 1975.


More About Christina Jean Gubala:

Medical Information: major heart surgery shortly after birth

2931. Herbert LeRoy14 Carman (Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1942 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married Patricia Myers 19 Sep 1974 in Princeton, Mille Lacs Co., MN. She was born abt. 1944.


More About Herbert LeRoy Carman:

Military service: Bet. 1959 - 1990, U.S. Army Security Services - Korea, Vietnam, Germany, Washington, DC

Children of Herbert Carman and Patricia Myers are:

5181 i. Dale15 Carman.

5182 ii. Joel Carman.

2932. Mary Elaine14 Carman (Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1944 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married Richard Raymond Wilcox 16 Nov 1968 in East Rochester, Monroe Co., NY - Baptist Church, son of ______ Wilcox and Gladys Siler. He was born 14 Jul 1940 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY, and died 03 Aug 1999 in Williamson, Wayne Co., NY.


More About Mary Elaine Carman:

Name 2: Wilcox, Mary E.

Occupation: 1990, Kodak - custodial

Residence: Bet. 1990 - 2000, Williamson, Wayne Co., NY


More About Richard Raymond Wilcox:

Occupation: Bet. 1958 - 1990, Kodak - truck driver

Residence: 1990, Williamson, Wayne Co., NY

Social Security Number: 105-32-7292 (NY)

Children of Mary Carman and Richard Wilcox are:

5183 i. Barbara Jean15 Wilcox, born 25 Feb 1969 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.


More About Barbara Jean Wilcox:

Medical Information: Strong Memorial Hospital


5184 ii. William James Wilcox, born 08 Dec 1970 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.


More About William James Wilcox:

Medical Information: Strong Memorial Hospital


5185 iii. Brian Raymond Wilcox, born 31 Dec 1973 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.


More About Brian Raymond Wilcox:

Medical Information: Strong Memorial Hospital

2933. Dale Frederick14 Carman (Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Apr 1946 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married (1) Cheryl Louana Thompson 18 Oct 1968 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA. She was born 25 Apr 1952. He married (2) Dianne Marian Ness 30 Sep 1978 in Santa Ana, Orange Co., CA, daughter of Alvin R. Ness. She was born 17 Apr 1952.


More About Dale Frederick Carman:

Military service: U.S. Navy

Residence 1: Oct 1980, Duluthe, MN

Residence 2: 1990, Burlington, VT

Residence 3: 1993, Enosburg Falls, VT

Child of Dale Carman and Cheryl Thompson is:

5186 i. Michael David15 Carman, born 18 Nov 1969 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA.

Child of Dale Carman and Dianne Ness is:

5187 i. Roberta Lynn15 Carman, born 07 Apr 1975 in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA.

2934. Linda Darlene14 Carman (Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jan 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Robert James Lysak 05 Aug 1967 in Pine Valley, Chemung Co., NY, son of Newbert Lysak and Margaret Walton. He was born 10 Feb 1949. She married (2) Gale Augustus Weller 11 Jun 1977 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY, son of Lawrence Weller and Helen Hollenbeck. He was born 29 Apr 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (3) Keith Crane abt. 1991 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Robert James Lysak:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 20 Mar 1952 ed.:

Hospital Notes - St. Joseph:

Robert Lysak, 3, of 119 Veteran Ct., first degree scalds of forehead and left hand when soup spilled.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Apr 1976 ed.:

Driver Charged on 5 Counts

A Horseheads man faces five separate traffic charges resulting from an accident on County Rt. 64 early Monday morning. Robert J. Lysak, 27, of 117 E. Mill St., Horseheads, lost control of the car he was driving on County Rt. 64 at 12:15 a.m. near Fisherville and struck a tree, according to the Chemung County Sheriff's Dept. Lysak was treated for minor injuries at Arnot-Ogden Hospital and released. A passenger in the car, Samuel F. Smith, 21, of Shunk, PA, refused any treatment. Lysak was charged with driving while impaired by alcohol, no license, no registration, no insurance and speeding. Smith, the owner of the car, was charged with allowing unlicensed [operation] of the vehicle and allowing uninsured operation of the vehicle. Both will appear in the Big Flats Town Court at a later date for to answer the charges.

Child of Linda Carman and Robert Lysak is:

+ 5188 i. Lisa Jean15 Lysak, born 08 Aug 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Linda Carman and Gale Weller is:

5189 i. Jennifer Lynn15 Weller, born 08 Feb 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2935. Dawn Lee14 Carman (Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Feb 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) William Russell Bastian abt. 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Lester Matthews 28 Feb 1981 in Herkimer, Herkimer Co., NY. She met (3) Peter Morchek Bef. 1982.


More About Dawn Lee Carman:

Medical Information: twin to Diane L.

Children of Dawn Carman and William Bastian are:

5190 i. Guy Treslion15 Bastian, born 17 Aug 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5191 ii. William Russell Bastian, Jr., born 09 Apr 1975 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Dawn Carman and Peter Morchek are:

5192 i. Jessica15 Morchek, born Sep 1984.

5193 ii. Roger Morchek, born 1986.

2936. Diane Lee14 Carman (Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Feb 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Lawrence Manders abt. 1972 in Ilion, Herkimer Co., NY. She married (2) James Albert LaCelle 19 Oct 1974 in Frankfort, Herkimer Co., NY, son of Raymond LaCelle and Pauline Inglesby. He was born 21 Jun 1944 in Ilion, Herkimer Co., NY.


More About Diane Lee Carman:

Medical Information: twin to Dawn L.

Occupation: 1990, Dietician - Mohawk Valley General Hospital, Ilion, NY


More About James Albert LaCelle:

Residence: 1993, Ilion, Herkimer Co., NY

Child of Diane Carman and Lawrence Manders is:

5194 i. Rebecca Lee15 Manders, born 30 May 1971 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.


Child of Diane Carman and James LaCelle is:

5195 i. Wayne Albert15 LaCelle, born 25 Mar 1976 in Ilion, Herkimer Co., NY.


More About Wayne Albert LaCelle:

Medical Information: Mohawk Valley General

2937. Constance Marlene14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 May 1945 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married (1) Harold Lee Morrison 06 Jun 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Fred Morrison and Emma Lunn. He was born 20 Jan 1946 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY. She married (2) Aubrey Dale Root 11 Feb 1978 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Harry Root and Ethel ______. He was born 21 Sep 1938 in LeRaysville, Bradford Co., PA, and died 24 Nov 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (3) Gerald Gaylord Wells 12 Oct 1991 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY (at home), son of Leonard Wells. He was born abt. 1946.


More About Constance Marlene Porter:

Birthsite: Buffalo Community General Hospital

Burial: Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luther Mills, PA


More About Aubrey Dale Root:

Name 2: Root, Dale

Burial: 26 Nov 1986, Bradford Co. Mem. Park, Luthers Mills, PA

Cause of Death: Liver cancer

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hosp.

Residence: Nov 1986, Last residence: Sayre, PA 18840

Social Security Number: 197-30-2902 (PA)

Children of Constance Porter and Harold Morrison are:

+ 5196 i. Penny Marie15 Morrison, born 05 Jan 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5197 ii. Patricia Ann Morrison, born 04 Jul 1967 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5198 iii. Elizabeth Starr Morrison, born 26 Nov 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5199 iv. Warren Frederick Morrison, born 01 Mar 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2938. Richard James14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Sep 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Betty Rae Lewis 05 Jan 1976 in southern Georgia, daughter of George Lewis and Nana ______. She was born abt. 05 Nov 1946 in FL. He married (2) Lori-Beth Ennis 11 Feb 1981 in South Waverly, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Joseph Ennis and Shirley Miller. She was born 08 Aug 1959 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Richard James Porter:

Grade School: Bet. 1953 - 1960, Gillett Elemetary, Gillett, PA

High School: Bet. 1960 - 1966, Troy, Bradford Co., PA - did not finish 10th grade

Hobbies: Fishing, backpacking, cards, bowling, amusement games

Military honors: Oct 1969, Purple Heart - wounded while assisting Med-Evac Unit

Military service: Bet. 27 Sep 1967 - 28 Oct 1969, Vietnam War - Ft. Bragg, NC; Ft. McClellan, AL; Ft. Benning, GA; Plei Ku, Vietnam

Namesake: James Latney Porter; James Harry Coddington

Occupation: Bet. 1972 - 1974, Cook and tent man for Roberts Bros. Circus, Sarasota, FL


More About Lori-Beth Ennis:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hosp.

Children of Richard Porter and Lori-Beth Ennis are:

+ 5200 i. Richard James15 Porter, Jr., born 29 Jun 1982 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL.

5201 ii. Joshua Day Porter, born 07 Jun 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Joshua Day Porter:

Before Joshua was born, his mother Lori questioned Loretta and I about a name for the boy she was soon expecting. Lori had heard me mention the name Latney Day Porter and thought it was a nice name. She liked the name Latney, but because Dick thought the boy would be teased about the name and wouldn't consider Latney, both agreed on the middle name of Day. I was thinking of names beginning with a J , because of my middle name of Jay, Dick's middle name James and our great-grandfather's full name, James Latney Porter. Loretta followed through with the "Joshua Day"

-- comment of R. J. Porter


More About Joshua Day Porter:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.

Namesake: Latney Day Porter


5202 iii. Latney Joseph Porter, born 10 Jan 1987 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Latney Joseph Porter:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.

Namesake: James Latney Porter; Joseph Thomas Ennis

2939. Howard Warren14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Mary ______ 1971 in Hudson, NY. He married (2) Ana Maria Escalera-Falcedo 30 Aug 1987 in Palm Springs, Riverside Co., CA, daughter of ______ Falcedo and ______ Escalara. She was born abt. Apr 1953 in Michoacan, Mexico.


More About Howard Warren Porter:

Grade School: Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

High School: Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit 1: Bet. Mar 1974 - Nov 1981, U.S. Marine Corps

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit 2: Bet. 25 Dec 1968 - 02 Dec 1970, U.S. Marine Corps

Mil. Discharge Rank: Nov 1981, Staff Sargent

Mil. Squad./Unit/Fleet: Bet. 1974 - 1981, Transport Operations Chief - responsible for the motor pool

Military service 1: Bet. Mar 1974 - Nov 1981, Camp Pendleton, CA; Okinawa, Japan; Seoul, S. Korea

Military service 2: Bet. Dec 1968 - Dec 1970, Camp Pendleton, CA; Camp Lejune, NC; Adak, AS

Residence: Bet. 1985 - 2005, San Diego Co., CA


Children of Howard Porter and Ana Escalera-Falcedo are:

+ 5203 i. Malissa Ann15 Porter, born 04 Sep 1987 in Palm Springs, Riverside Co., CA.

5204 ii. Susan Mae Porter, born 30 Jun 1991 in Oceanside, San Diego Co., CA.

2940. Rosalyn Lee14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1951 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married (1) Frederick William Miller, Jr. 22 Nov 1969 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Frederick Miller and Ida Austin. He was born 01 Sep 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Edwin Eugene Boop, Jr. 06 Aug 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Edwin Boop and Edna Wagner. He was born 10 Mar 1949 in Renova, Clinton Co., PA, and died 03 Jul 2005 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (3) Joseph Robert Chotkowski 23 Aug 1997 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He was born 17 Feb 1944.


Notes for Rosalyn Lee Porter:


Dolly has been touched twice by fire, losing much of her family heirlooms. The wedding gown her mother hand-made, and several photos were in the closet of the master bedroom of the house trailer where the electrical fire started.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Apr 1975 ed.:


DAGGETT - Fire damaged a mobile home owned by Fred Miller, Jr. on Rt. 549 about one-half mile south of here Saturday afternoon. There were no injuries. Fireman Richard Smith said the blaze heavily damaged the bedroom and spread smoke throughout the home. Miller and his wife were visiting a neighbor when they noticed flames about 2:30 and reported the fire, Smith said. Big Elm fire dept. in Daggett and Millerton firemen worked for about an hour to stop the blaze. The fire, confined to the bedroom, was probably caused by an electrical system malfunction, Smith said. No loss estimate was available. (photo included showing firemen; also in photo was Fred Miller, Sr. - captioned: ON THE SCENE - Members of the Millerton and Big Elm Fire Departments battle Saturday's blaze near Daggett which damaged the mobile home owned by Fred Miller, Jr.)


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Jul 1987 ed.:

SOUTHSIDE BLAZE HALTS TRAFFIC - Fire crew prevents its spread

Elmira firefighters fought heat exhaustion as well as fames from a blazing building at 122 S. Main St. Friday night and managed to keep the fire from spreading to abutting buildings. Their coats, required by the federal government and designed to protect them, turned into stifling handicaps, according to the fire chief. The three-alarm fire started on the second floor of the three-story building housing Ed's Variety Store. It roared through the roof before it was brought under control. On the street, about 200 spectators turned out in 90-degree heat to watch. Deputy Fire Chief Paul Seidel, who directed the effort, said his main concern was preventing the blaze from jumping to adjacent roofs. It was successful and a "good stop," he said. The building to the north, housing the Arch Cafe, abuts the variety store but was protected by a fire wall, Seidel said. Central Radio, to the south, is four inches from the burned structure. The cafe suffered heavy water damage, Central Radio minor water damage, said Fire Marshal David Potter. Potter said the fire's cause was unknown Friday night. An investigation will continue this morning. "I was pretty sure it was going to spread down the block because of the old timbers in these buildings. The fire department did a super job," said Gerald Steed, first vice president of Gerould's Professional Pharmacy, which is two buildings south of the fire scene. Firefighters doused each other frequently to fight off heat exhaustion. Two firefighters, Lt. David Crowley and Eugene Ottoviani, were treated at St. Joseph's Hospital. Responding to the 6:17 alarm with two engines and aerial truck, firefighters found thick smoke pouring from the second- and third-floor windows, Seidel said. He ordered an aerial ladder set up to pour water into the structure, called in a second alarm for more firefighters 15 minutes later and a third alarm for another aerial truck 20 minutes after that. The first-floor variety store is owned by Edwin Boop, who lived on the second floor with his wife, Rosalyn, and daughters, Tammy, 16, Christina, 13, Brenda, 9, and a family friend, Harold Hoose. The third floor was vacant. Hoose said he was looking for his pet miniature poodle when he discovered the fire on Tammy Boop's bed. Tammy Boop and her boyfriend John Allen, 18, were in the store when Hoose called to them. Hoose said he and Allen attempted to run a hose to the apartment before they called the fire department, but were driven back by smoke. None of the other family members was home. Elmira police blocked off South Main Street from Chemung Place to Hudson Street. The Tier 1 service station, isolated from traffic, was awash with people who sipped on soft drinks as they watched. At the Sugar Creek store, business was better than usual, with soft drinks and bag ice in big demand, said clerk Patrick Thiel. A few spectators dashed through the spray as water from the aerial gun cascaded to the street. One spectator was Charles Craven, who lives in a second-floor apartment above the Arch Cafe. He said he lost all his possessions when fire destroyed his apartment at 1219 Lake St. last September. Although the fire didn't reach his building, he wondered about smoke and water damage. After Friday's fire was under control, Craven told Seidel that his (Craven's) oven was on. Seidel sent a firefighter in to turn it off. Fire Chief Donald Harrison, at the scene to assist, said his firefighters were handicapped by the heat generated by the coats they're required to wear. "The ones that we have, which have a liner in them, seem to be a problem because several of our people at several of our fires have suffered heat exhaustion." Harrison said he'll find out if a coat with a removable liner is available and legal. (photos incl.: E. Boop, T. Boop, Hoose, fire scene and a map of location)


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Jul 1987 ed.:


The cause of Friday night's fire in Elmira's South Main Street business section was still unknown Saturday night, but fire investigators hope to know it by Monday, said Deputy Chief Michael S. Waschezen. The blaze was at 122 S. Main St. in a three-story building that housed Ed's Variety Store and an apartment occupied by the shop's owner, Edwin Boop, along with his wife, three daughters and a family friend, Harold Hoose. Hoose said he discovered the fire on a bed.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 29 Jul 1987 ed.:


Rosalyn Boop looks back on the fire that destroyed everything her family possessed and says she'll miss the memories the most. Boop, and husband, Edwin, lost home and business at 122 S. Main St., Elmira, last Friday night. The cause of the fire in the three-story building that houses Ed's Variety Shop hasn't been determined. But Mrs. Boop has a theory. She said the fire could have been caused by the sun's rays from a skylight concentrated on her daughter's bed by a make-up bottle or mirror. A family friend said he discovered the fire on the daughter's bed in the family's second-story apartment. The Boop's haven't found a new home and are faced with a city order to raze or repair the building. It's the loss of the little things that hurts most, Mrs. Boop said. Gone are the "Betty Boop" sweatshirt and other mementoes given her by her sister, Loretta, 29, who died of leukemia recently. Boop was prepared to donate her bone marrow to her sister in an effort to save her life when complications took Loretta's life. Her marrow was a perfect match to her sister's, Boop said. She'll also miss the growing up pictures of daughters, Tammy, 16, Christiana, 14 (sic), and Brenda, 9, and the do-dads they made their mother over the years. "I'm not doing very well," said Boop Tuesday night. "You just don't know what to do or where to go. My kids aren't with me." She and her husband are staying with their friends, Steve and Irene Urbaniak of Elmira, but there's no room for the Boop daughters. Two are staying with grandparents, the other with a friend. The fire, which started in Tammy's bedroom, destroyed about $4,000 in cash her (Rosalyn) husband had set aside to buy goods for his variety store, Boop said, along with everything else, clothes, furniture. "People want to donate stuff and we just don't know where we can put it while we find a new place to live." Right now, the family's only possessions are clothing paid for with a total of $570 in Red Cross vouchers, she said. The fate of their ruined building is unknown. Her husband started his variety store three years ago with $500 he had gathered by selling his scuba diving gear, she said. The business was doing well and they had just remodeled the living quarters, she said. They were buying the building on land contract from Cosmos Conte of Conte Real Estate. "We had made the 15th payment 20 minutes before it went up in smoke," said Boop. There were 166 payments left, she said. Conte declined comment when contacted by telephone Tuesday night.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 29 Jul 1987 ed.:


Elmira Code Enforcement Director Lawrence Winnert said he issued the order to repair or raze 122 S. Main St. after he and Public Works Director William Roe inspected the building. Winnert said the building isn't in immediate danger of falling down, but the order is standard procedure in buildings that are more than 50 percent damaged by fire. He's issued four of them during his eight weeks on the job, he said. There is a 10-day appeal period. Right now, Rosalyn Boop said she and her husband are trying to decide what to do: Remove the ruined top two floors and build a roof over the first floor which houses Ed's Variety Store and is still fairly intact; Or tear the building down and sell the lot. There should be enough insurance coverage to pay the $19,355 still owed to building owner Cosmos Conte, Edwin Boop said. (photo: captioned - Barricades and fencing surround 122 S. Main St.)


Note: In Aug 1987, while living with my mother, I made a trip to Elmira with a car-load of household goods. Mom, Deanna and I would go to the auctions, purchasing dishes, linens, pots and pans, whatever we thought Dolly would need and could use. We had accumulated so much stuff, there was barely enough room in the car for a bag of groceries. Dolly's family was much appreciative of this gesture of love. I walked through the building and couldn't believe what devastation I was seeing. My heart-felt wishes of hope, as well as gratitude that nobody was hurt, went out to Dolly's family. After our mother died in 1990, many photos, particularly those of Tammy, Chrissy and Brenda, were given to Dolly. Many of those pictures have been supplied to me for insertion into this book. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Rosalyn Lee Porter:

Birthsite: Buffalo Community General Hospital

Degree: Jun 1970, Graduated for Southside High School, Elmira, NY (following her marriage)

Grade School: Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

High School: Troy, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for Frederick William Miller, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 03 Apr 1976 ed.:

GARBAGE TRUCK FLIPS (photo of accident incl.)

This private garbage truck driven by Frederick Miller, 25, of Millerton, flipped after going over an embankment on West Hil Road about 8:40 Friday morning. Sheriff's deputy Michael J. Giardina said Miller was treated for a back injury and discharged at Arnot Ogden Hospital. Giardina also charged him with failure to keep right. The deputy said the truck's steering column stuck.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Apr 1976 ed.:


Frederick Miller, 25, of the Manchester Road, Webb Mills, was assaulted Tuesday night by three men who pulled him from his truck as he drove along Bird Creek Road in Webb Mills, Chemung County Sheriff's deputies said. Deputies said Miller was treated for bruises at Arnot-Ogden Hospital and released. Deputies said the three men, driving another vehicle forced Miller's pickup truck off the Bird Creek Road about 8 p.m. Miller was then pulled from the vehicle, deputies said, by the three men who brandished knives. After assaulting Miller, the men fled from the area. Miller was taken to the hospital by Erway Ambulance Service. Deputies said they are continuing their investigation into the incident.


Notes for Edwin Eugene Boop, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 07 Jul 2005 ed.:

BOOP, Edwin E. Jr., age 56, passed away very unexpectedly on Sunday, July 3, 2005. He is survived by his loving companion, Debbie Boop of Erin, NY; daughters, Tammy Phillips; Chrissy (Cliff) Campbell; and Brenda (Thomas) Decker, all of Elmira, NY; brother, Daniel Boop of Mansfield, PA; sister, Janice Kool of Altoona, PA; several grandchildren and nieces and nephews; and his two best friends, Norman Niles and Ed Lenhardt. Family and friends are invited to call at the Olthof Funeral Home, Inc., 1050 Pennsylvania Ave, Elmira, NY, on Friday, July 8, 2005, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., with funeral services immediately following the visitation at 12 p.m. Interment will follow in Forest Lawn Memorial Park.


More About Edwin Eugene Boop, Jr.:

Burial: 08 Jul 2005, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Elmira, NY

Cause of Death: massive coronary

Children of Rosalyn Porter and Frederick Miller are:

+ 5205 i. Tammy Lee Miller15 Boop, born 14 Jan 1971 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5206 ii. Christina Rae Miller Boop, born 03 Dec 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Clifford J. Campbell 20 Jun 2002 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born abt. 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Christina Rae Miller Boop:

Medical Information: afflited with cerebral palsy; mild retardation

Namesake: Christine Ann Porter


Marriage Notes for Christina Boop and Clifford Campbell:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 04 Aug 2002 ed.:

BOOP - CAMPBELL - Christina R. Boop and Clifford J. Campbell both of Elmira, were married June 20, 2002 at the home of the Groom's aunt, Georgia Cornell. The 10 a.m. ceremony was performed by Pastor Donald Rockwell and Pastor Charles Root. The Bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chotkowski and Fred Miller Jr. and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller Sr., of Elmira. The Groom is the son of the late Clarence Campbell. The Matron of Honor was Melinda Hand and the Best Man was Joseph Hand. The couple resides in Elmira.

Child of Rosalyn Porter and Edwin Boop is:

+ 5207 i. Brenda Louise15 Boop, born 15 Jun 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

2942. Charles Dean14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jan 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 02 Jan 2003 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS. He married Bonnie Elizabeth Buchanan 06 Feb 1974 in Gillett, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Marcus Buchanan and Cleone Fields. She was born 01 Jun 1955 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Charles Dean Porter:

Charles suffered a great deal from prostate cancer, which ultimately traveled to his bones. He was visited on a regular basis by his neighbor, Rev. Jamie Hagwood. Jamie had baptized him on the anniversary of Loretta's death (6 Nov 1986) in 2002, and had also blessed Charles shortly before Thanksgiving 2002.


More About Charles Dean Porter:

Baptism: 05 Nov 2002, Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS

Burial: Forest Lawn Mem. Park, Elmira, NY

Cause of Death: prostate and bone cancer

Cremation: 04 Jan 2003, Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS

Hobbies: Cards, scrabble, golf, TV sports (football, racing)

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital; died at home with family at bedside

Mil. Service: Bet. 1973 - 1975, U.S. Air Force - Vandenberg AFB (Lompoc, CA) & Kadena Air Base (Okinawa)

Namesake: Charles H. Klein, step-grandfather

Occupation 1: Bet. 1972 - 1973, Mechanic - apprenticed w/ step-father

Occupation 2: Bet. Nov 1977 - Apr 1979, Richfield Springs (Schuyler Lake), Otsego Co., NY

Residence 1: Bet. 1991 - 2002, Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS

Residence 2: Apr 1976, 427 Hawthorne Court, Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 109-46-8430 (NY)


More About Bonnie Elizabeth Buchanan:

Hobbies: Cards, scrabble, horses, reading, word puzzles

Occupation 1: Bet. 1990 - 1991, United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) House, Horseheads, NY

Occupation 2: Bet. 1981 - 1983, Horse trainer at various Ocala, FL horse farms

Occupation 3: Bet. 1993 - 1995, Home health aide

Occupation 4: Bet. 1995 - 2002, Mississippi Mental Health Hospital, Meridian, MS

Children of Charles Porter and Bonnie Buchanan are:

+ 5208 i. Thomas Edward15 Porter, born 04 Aug 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; Adopted child.

+ 5209 ii. Sylina Marrie Porter, born 22 Nov 1974 in Vandenburg AFB Hosp., Santa Barbara Co., CA.

+ 5210 iii. Tonya Lyn Porter, born 12 May 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5211 iv. Shavon Arlene Porter, born 02 Feb 1982 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL.

2944. Loretta Kathryn14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1957 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 05 Nov 1986 in Westchester, Westchester Co., NY. She married Robert John Fowler 26 Jun 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Burton Fowler and Sara Petrone. He was born 19 Nov 1948 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY.


More About Loretta Kathryn Porter:

Name 2: Fowler, Loretta

Burial: 08 Nov 1986, Gillett Cem., Bradford Co., PA (Lower section)

Cause of Death: acute myolymphatic (AML) leukemia

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.; died at Westchester Medical Center; also treated at Momanides Jewish Medical Center in NYC.

Namesake: Actress Loretta Young

Residence: Bef. Nov 1986, Last residence: Brooklyn, NY 11214

Social Security Number: 087-54-0723 (NY)


Marriage Notes for Loretta Porter and Robert Fowler:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 05 Nov 1992 ed.:

IN LOVING MEMORY - Loretta K. Fowler (7-26-57 - 11-5-86)

In '75 we met. In '76 we married. We followed our elusive dreams and found them. In '86 we lost you. Our children are almost grown, beautiful and loving young women, just as you were. I see your smiling eyes in them and know I was blessed. Rest in Peace My Love. Till we meet again. Always, Bob

Children of Loretta Porter and Robert Fowler are:

+ 5212 i. Colleen Marie15 Fowler, born 31 Mar 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5213 ii. Kimberly Sue Fowler, born 05 Jul 1977 in Americus, Sumter Co., GA.

2945. Deanna Lynn14 Porter (Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Mar 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Clifford Carl Tice 14 Jul 1984 in Edmeston, Otsego Co., NY, son of Clifford Tice and Irene Harrington. He was born 24 Aug 1961 in New Berlin, Chenango Co., NY.


More About Deanna Lynn Porter:

Namesake: Actress Deanna Durbin

Occupation: Bet. 1985 - 1990, Nurse's Aide - Chase Nursing Facility, New Berlin, NY


Notes for Clifford Carl Tice:

Carl's brother Chuck married Deanna's niece, Colleen Marie Fowler.


More About Clifford Carl Tice:

Occupation: Dairy farmer

Children of Deanna Porter and Clifford Tice are:

5214 i. Cassandra Rose15 Tice, born 31 Mar 1986 in Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY.


More About Cassandra Rose Tice:

Education: Jun 2005, New Berlin High School, Chenango Co., NY (graduate)

Medical Information: born at Mary Imogene Bassett Hosp.


5215 ii. Ryan Carl Tice, born 20 Jun 1989 in Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY.


More About Ryan Carl Tice:

Medical Information: born at Mary Imogene Bassett Hosp.


5216 iii. Erica Marlene Tice, born 01 Mar 1994 in Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY.


More About Erica Marlene Tice:

Medical Information: born at Mary Imogene Bassett Hosp.; needed several operations to correct sight in one eye

2946. Janice Marie14 Porter (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1949 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married Joseph Foissett 19 Jul 1968 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Children of Janice Porter and Joseph Foissett are:

5217 i. Christine Marie15 Foissett, born 15 Sep 1970 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


More About Christine Marie Foissett:

Medical Information: has undergone major heart surgery and has kidney problems (1989)


5218 ii. Joseph John Foissett, born 16 Nov 1971 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2947. Deborah Louise14 Porter (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Apr 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Robert Russell Aizer, Jr., son of Robert Russell Aizer. She married (2) William Barkoviak abt. 1970 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Children of Deborah Porter and William Barkoviak are:

5219 i. Robert Russell Aizer15 Barkoviak, born 21 Nov 1968 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Tracy Marie Orkun 07 Jun 1991 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY; born abt. 1970.


Notes for Robert Russell Aizer Barkoviak:

THE BUFFALO NEWS, 08 Jun 1991 ed.:

Traveling to St. Kitts are Robert Bartkowiak and his bride, the former Tracy Marie Okun, who were married Friday at 5 p.m. in St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church. The Rev. Martin L. Pavlock performed the ceremony for the daughter of Adrienne Meredith of Williamsville and Dennis M. Okun of Snyder and the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bartkowiak of Arcade. A reception was given in Samuel's Grande Manor. The couple will live in Buffalo.


5220 ii. Keith Barkoviak, born 26 Sep 1970 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

5221 iii. Michelle Lee Barkoviak, born 24 Apr 1976 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2948. Leon Daniel14 Porter, Jr. (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Apr 1952 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Linda Ann Morales Malo 15 Jul 1972 in Freeport, Niagara Co., NY, daughter of Miquel Morales and Frances Reilly. She was born 24 Jun 1955 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY.


More About Leon Daniel Porter, Jr.:

Occupation: Bet. 1985 - 1987, Perry's Ice Cream - truck driver

Child of Leon Porter and Linda Malo is:

5222 i. Pepper Ann15 Porter, born 08 Aug 1975 in Fort Myers, Lee Co., FL.

2949. Roleen Gwenn14 Porter (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 May 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Michael Lawrence Hunger 14 Dec 1971 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, son of George Hunger and Laura ______. He was born 05 Jul 1951 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married (2) Francis Alvin Meldrum 10 Apr 1976 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, son of Bernice Meldrum. He was born 07 Jul 1951 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Child of Roleen Porter and Michael Hunger is:

5223 i. Nicholaus Daniel15 Hunger, born 25 Jun 1972 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Child of Roleen Porter and Francis Meldrum is:

5224 i. Francis Alvin15 Meldrum, Jr., born 29 Aug 1976 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2950. Bruce Raymond14 Porter (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Aug 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Eleanor Dorio 23 Jul 1975 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, daughter of Nicholaus Dorio and Bernice Meldrum. She was born abt. 1956.


More About Eleanor Dorio:

Occupation: Bet. 1982 - 1986, Nurse - Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Children of Bruce Porter and Eleanor Dorio are:

5225 i. Bruce Raymond15 Porter, Jr., born 08 Aug 1982 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


Notes for Bruce Raymond Porter, Jr.:

Cheektowaga, NY - CHEEKTOWAGA TIMES, 06 Jun 2002 ed.:


Harassment... Bruce R. Porter Jr., 19, of Glenwood Court, and a minor were arrested for harassment May 28 on Nugget Drive after a victim told police he was skateboarding through an alley between Springfield Drive and Nugget and was approached by the pair. Porter grabbed the victims shirt with his fist, restraining him. Porter then punched the victim in the head with a closed fist before the minor punched the victim in the head twice with a closed fist and once in the back. The victim had headaches and three lumps on his scalp. He struggled to get free and his shirt ripped off in the process and he yelled for help.


5226 ii. Adam Daniel Porter, born 07 Apr 1984 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


Notes for Adam Daniel Porter:

Cheektowaga, NY - CHEEKTOWAGA TIMES, 21 Feb 2002 ed.:


Cleveland Hills boys swimming team captured the ECIC championship, garnering 280 points, edging out Amherst, Iroquois and Alden. The Eagles received a strong performance from Adam Porter.


Cheektowaga, NY - CHEEKTOWAGA TIMES, 12 Sep 2002 ed.:

During the first game of the season, playing against the Maryvale Flyers, the Cleveland Hill Eagles team scored a victory. "Darren Raspberry, Ryan Amos and Adam Porter led the defense along with Rob Beck and Chris Clay. Clay sacked QB Bill Schugardt which led to the second touchdown while Porter scored the extra point."


Cheektowaga, NY - CHEEKTOWAGA TIMES, 14 Nov 2002 ed.:


This season many defensive players made key plays on both sides of the ball but nobody could spell intimidation better than this group of guys. The following players comprise the 2002 All-Times defensive football team:

Cleveland Hill Eagles #31 Adam Porter-defensive line - He was smaller than some of the other guys on the line, standing 61" but sporting 23 tackles and 13 assists, Porter proved that size doesnt matter even when youre out to do some damage.


Cheektowaga, NY - CHEEKTOWAGA TIMES, 03 Apr 2003 ed.:


Last season the Cleveland Hill boys track team had it rough, posting their first losing league record since 1978, and this season isnt looking much better as other teams boast strong and experienced runners, while many of the Eagles are green. For CleveHill, the senior competitors in the field events look strong as Rob Johnson returns for the high and triple jump, while Bob Woch will attempt to challenge the pole vault record and Adam Porter throws shot put. Johnson will also run, competing in the sprint relays. Coached under Dennis Mason, running freshmen Brian Green and Marcus Thomas and sophomores Jeremy Acker and Pernell Cramer will run in the middle distance and distance events. Thomas will compete in the half mile, Cramer will run the quarter mile and Acker takes the longer route in the mile and two mile races. Key runners in the hurdle events are seniors Eric Farrinacci and Porter.


Cheektowaga, NY - CHEEKTOWAGA TIMES, 08 May 2003 ed.:


A number of the areas best track and field teams competed during Saturdays 14th Annual Wildcats Relays at Depew High School, and although Depew, Cleveland Hill, Maryvale and JFK didnt earn the tournament crown, the teams performed well against some tough competition. The Cleveland Hill Eagles boys shuttle hurdles relay team, consisting of Eric Draginski, Adam Porter, Eric Farinacci and Rob Johnson flew through the 440 race, earning first place in a time of 1:07.0.

Child of Bruce Raymond Porter is:

5227 i. Laura Abigail15 Porter.

2951. David William14 Porter (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Karen Ann Moyer 25 Jul 1975 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, daughter of Peter Moyer and Carol Lippert. She was born 15 Apr 1958 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married (2) Karen Ann Kwarta 28 Dec 2002 in Cheektowaga, Erie Co., NY, daughter of Joseph Kwarta and Carrie ______.


Notes for David William Porter:

Buffalo, NY - THE BUFFALO NEWS, 29 Dec 2002 ed.:


Karen Ann Kwarta, a pharmacist in Buffalo General Hospital, and David William Porter, a machinist with Ascension Industries, were married at 2 p.m. Saturday in Our Lady of Czestochowa Catholic Church, Cheektowaga. The Rev. Harry F. Szczesniak performed the ceremony. A reception was given in Fairdale Banquet Center. The newly married couple will be at home in Cheektowaga after taking a Caribbean cruise. Carrie A. Kwarta of West Seneca and the late Joseph P. Kwarta are the bride's parents. The bridegroom's parents are Marian M. Crawford of Buffalo and the late Leon D. Porter. The bride is a graduate of Niagara University and University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy. The bridegroom is a McKinley Vocational High School graduate.


More About David William Porter:

Hobbies: Avid collector of Buffalo Bills football memorabilia

Residence 1: 2000, Buffalo, Erie Co., NY

Residence 2: 1994, Tonawanda, Niagara Co., NY

Children of David Porter and Karen Moyer are:

5228 i. Cassie Denyle15 Porter, born 15 Dec 1976 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

5229 ii. Melissa Mae Porter, born 29 Jun 1978 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

5230 iii. Heather Jo Marie Porter, born 03 Mar 1980 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2952. Mark Allen14 Porter (Leon Daniel13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Sep 1958 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. He married Bonnie Jean Watso 23 Sep 1981 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, daughter of Raymond Watso and Florence Gantzer. She was born 13 Mar 1963 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Children of Mark Porter and Bonnie Watso are:

5231 i. Mark Allen15 Porter, Jr., born 03 Jul 1982 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

5232 ii. Jason Paul Porter, born 25 May 1983 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2953. Melvin Loren14 Porter (Roy Glenn13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1947. He met Shirley Krysack.

Child of Melvin Porter and Shirley Krysack is:

5233 i. Tammy Lynn15 Porter, born 24 Aug 1977 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

2954. Gerald Leonard14 Porter (Roy Glenn13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1955 in Cheektowaga, Erie Co., NY. He married Darlene Margaret Olsen 24 Apr 1976 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY, daughter of Vernon Olsen and Margaret Oddo. She was born 10 Jul 1957 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Children of Gerald Porter and Darlene Olsen are:

5234 i. Gerald Roy15 Porter, born 22 Feb 1977 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

5235 ii. Thomas Matthew Porter, born 08 Jan 1981 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

5236 iii. Robert Andrew Porter, born 21 Dec 1982 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.


More About Robert Andrew Porter:

Medical Information: possibly mentally handicapped, according to Darlene in 1987

2955. Eunice Irene14 Forrest (Naomi Irene13 Porter, Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1936 in Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA. She married Arthur Lloyd Wilston 18 Nov 1956 in Austinville, Bradford Co., PA, son of Harry Wilston and Mary McKay. He was born 21 Mar 1934 in Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA.


More About Eunice Irene Forrest:

Residence: Mar 1982, Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Children are listed above under Arthur Lloyd Wilston (1718).


2957. James Edward14 Forrest (Naomi Irene13 Porter, Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Phyllis Jackson.


More About James Edward Forrest:

Residence: Mar 1982, Mainesburg, Sullivan Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of James Forrest and Phyllis Jackson are:

5237 i. Debra15 Forrest, born 10 Jan 1963.


More About Debra Forrest:

Residence: 1983, MO


5238 ii. Cinthia Forrest, born 21 May 1965.

5239 iii. James Forrest, born 29 Sep 1966.

5240 iv. Laura Forrest, born 05 Mar 1973.

2961. David Estus14 Forrest (Naomi Irene13 Porter, Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Aug 1943 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Sally Reynolds, daughter of Cecil Reynolds and Virginia Benson.


More About David Estus Forrest:

Residence: Mar 1982, St. Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL

Child of David Forrest and Sally Reynolds is:

5241 i. Shawn15 Forrest, born 29 May 1964.

2962. Pearl Berdena14 Forrest (Naomi Irene13 Porter, Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1945 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Fred Stroud, Jr., son of Fred Stroud.


More About Pearl Berdena Forrest:

Residence: Mar 1982, Troy, Bradford Co., PA


More About Fred Stroud, Jr.:

Medical Information: was deaf in 1983, possibly from birth

Child of Pearl Forrest and Fred Stroud is:

5242 i. Daniel15 Stroud, born 01 Jul 1975.

2963. Donna Lee14 Forrest (Naomi Irene13 Porter, Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jul 1946 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) David James Kohut abt. 1968, son of John Kohut and Frances Piecuch. He was born 17 Sep 1943 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, and died 24 Nov 1994 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (2) ______ Brass abt. 1996.


More About Donna Lee Forrest:

Residence 1: Mar 1982, Roseville, Rutland Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Residence 2: Jul 2002, Woodhull, Steuben Co., NY


Notes for David James Kohut:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Nov 1994 ed.:

KOHUT, David, age 51 of 431 County Road 127, Woodhull, NY, died Thursday, November 24, 1994. He was born September 17, 1943 in Corning, NY, the son of John and Frances Piecuch Kohut. He was a U.S. Navy veteran. He worked as a substitute teacher for the Northern Tioga School Dist. and was a mechanic. He was a member of St. Thomas Catholic Church, Elkland, PA, life member of N.R.A. and was an avid sportsman. He is survived by his wife, Donna; son, Jeremiah David Kohut, RD Woodhull, NY; daughter and son-in-law, Kimberly and Benjamin Calkins, Corning, NY; granddaughter, Margaret Elizabeth "Maggie" Calkins; mother, Frances Kohut, Elkland, PA; brothers: John Kohut, San Jose, CA, Mark Kohut, Elkland, PA, Michael Kohut, RD Osceola, PA; Tom Kohut, Osceola, PA; sisters: Julie Baker, Korea, Mary Heitzenrater, Elkland, PA, Kathie King, Elkland, PA, Andrea Ketchum, Painted Post, NY; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Friends are invited to call at the Kenyon Funeral Home, Elkland, PA Sunday 7-9 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be conducted Monday at 10:30 a.m. at St. Thomas Catholic Church, Elkland, PA. Burial in Highland Cemetery, Elkland, PA. Memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Assoc.


More About David James Kohut:

Burial: Highland Cem., Elkland, Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 26 Nov 1994, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Children of Donna Forrest and David Kohut are:

+ 5243 i. Kimberly Sue15 Kohut, born 12 May 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5244 ii. Jeremiah David Kohut, born 01 Nov 1973.

2980. Jeffrey Mark14 Reeder (Myrtle Elizabeth13 Jones, Seth David12, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Mar 1956 in Ladd AFB, Fairbanks, AK. He married Sherry Tennis.


More About Jeffrey Mark Reeder:

Education: B.A. in Biology - Lycoming College - Pre-med

Occupation: Nova Nortis Drug Company

Children of Jeffrey Reeder and Sherry Tennis are:

5245 i. Matthew Seth15 Reeder, born 10 Oct 1980 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5246 ii. Sloan Marie Reeder, born 29 Jun 1983 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2981. Terry Lee14 Reeder (Myrtle Elizabeth13 Jones, Seth David12, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Aug 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Diane Marie Garver.


More About Terry Lee Reeder:

Degree: George Washington Univ. - Masters in computer science

Education: Penn State = Industrial Engineer

Mil. Branch/Co./Unit: U.S. Air Force

Military service 1: 1996, Ellis AFB, NV - Canine Security Unit

Military service 2: Okinawa, Ukota Air Base, Japan


More About Diane Marie Garver:

Education: abt. 1985, Bloomsburg Univ., PA - Nursing

Occupation 1: Bet. 1987 - 1993, Student nurse at Annapolis Hosp. when children were born

Occupation 2: Bet. 1993 - 1995, Augusta, GA hospital - nursing department

Occupation 3: Bet. 1995 - 1996, Williamsport, PA - coronary care unit and recovery room nurse

Children of Terry Reeder and Diane Garver are:

5247 i. Kyle Bryan15 Reeder, born 27 Feb 1988 in Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD.

5248 ii. Kaitlin Michelle Reeder, born 02 Jun 1991 in Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co., MD.

2989. Kenneth Dean14 Lynch (Donald James13, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jan 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married (1) Linda Luse abt. 1973. He married (2) Angela Schaeffer abt. 1979.

Children of Kenneth Lynch and Angela Schaeffer are:

5249 i. Kelly Jo15 Lynch, born 07 Apr 1981 in Bridgewater, Somerset Co., NJ.

5250 ii. Kyle Jonathan Lynch, born 04 May 1985 in Bridgewater, Somerset Co., NJ.

2990. Scott Rollin14 Lynch (Donald James13, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jan 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Deborah Airgood.

Children of Scott Lynch and Deborah Airgood are:

5251 i. Michael Scott15 Lynch, born 03 Dec 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5252 ii. Sean Michael Lynch, born 03 Apr 1990 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

2991. Deborah Joyce14 Lynch (Vernon LeRoy13, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 May 1953 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Wayne ______. She married (2) LeRoy Squires.

Children of Deborah Lynch and LeRoy Squires are:

5253 i. Raymond Reed15 Squires.

5254 ii. Philip Jason Squires.

5255 iii. Jennifer Nicole Squires.

2992. Kathleen Louise14 Lynch (Vernon LeRoy13, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) James Bassett. She married (2) Charles Armold.

Child of Kathleen Lynch and James Bassett is:

5256 i. Curtis James15 Bassett.

Children of Kathleen Lynch and Charles Armold are:

5257 i. Shiloh Sheri15 Armold.

5258 ii. Matthew Vernon Armold.

2993. Sandra Lee14 Lynch (Vernon LeRoy13, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Jerry Gibbs.

Child of Sandra Lynch and Jerry Gibbs is:

5259 i. Lori Jean15 Gibbs.

2995. Kimberly Dawn14 Lynch (Vernon LeRoy13, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1966 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Charles Donahue.

Child of Kimberly Lynch and Charles Donahue is:

5260 i. ______15 Donahue, born abt. Dec 1986.

2998. Glenn Dennis14 Blakely (Shirley Ann13 Lynch, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Barbara Ann Brush Jan 1972.


More About Barbara Ann Brush:

Residence: 1986, Mobile, AL

Child of Glenn Blakely and Barbara Brush is:

5261 i. Glenn Dennis15 Blakely, Jr., born 26 Jul 1977 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Glenn Dennis Blakely, Jr.:

Residence: 1986, Mobile, AL

3000. Steven Charles14 Follmer (Janice Mae13 Lynch, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Oct 1956 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Crystal Guinter, daughter of Harold Guinter and Doris ______. She was born 07 Feb 1956.

Children of Steven Follmer and Crystal Guinter are:

5262 i. Ashley Nicole15 Follmer, born 02 Oct 1985 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5263 ii. Jesse Dylan Follmer, born 27 Apr 1991 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA; died 29 Dec 1995 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Jesse Dylan Follmer:

Burial: 02 Jan 1996, Resurrection Cem., Twin Hills, Montoursville, Lycoming Co., PA

Cause of Death: drowned in home bathtub

Social Security Number: 186-72-7791 (PA)

3001. Marc Allen14 Follmer (Janice Mae13 Lynch, Ethel Gertrude12 Jones, Minnie Victoria11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Cheryl Lusk, daughter of Ronald Lusk and Katherine ______. She was born 19 Oct 1959.

Children of Marc Follmer and Cheryl Lusk are:

5264 i. Lyndsey Marie15 Follmer, born 01 Aug 1982 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5265 ii. Nathan Charles Follmer, born 12 May 1984 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5266 iii. Kelsey Katharine Follmer, born 15 Jul 1988 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

3003. Margaret Ann14 Pierce (Myrtle Isadore13 Forrest, Irvin12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Mar 1945 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY. She married Richard Gerard Damianos abt. 1965.


More About Margaret Ann Pierce:

Occupation: Dietician - Tully, NY school district


More About Richard Gerard Damianos:

Nationality: Greek descent

Occupation: Jul 1988, Sporting goods store in Taylor, NY

Children of Margaret Pierce and Richard Damianos are:

5267 i. Richard Gerard15 Damianos, Jr., born 19 May 1967 in Newport, Newport Co., RI.

5268 ii. Stephen Lee Damianos, born 05 Dec 1969 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

5269 iii. Thomas Jerome Damianos, born 30 Dec 1973 in Cortland, Cortland Co., NY.

3004. Mildred Faye14 Pierce (Myrtle Isadore13 Forrest, Irvin12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Aug 1946 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY. She married Rodney Burchetti.


More About Mildred Faye Pierce:

Education: Bet. 1969 - 1970, Wilson Mem. Hospita, Johnson City, NY - Nursing School

Occupation: Jul 1988, Registered Nurse

Children of Mildred Pierce and Rodney Burchetti are:

5270 i. Paula Louise15 Burchetti, born 15 Aug 1971.

5271 ii. Matthew Burchetti, born 04 Dec 1973.

3006. Kenneth Irvin14 Forrest, Jr. (Kenneth Irvin13, Irvin12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Nov 1947 in Johnson City, Broome Co., NY. He married Susan Cook, daughter of Mildred ______. She was born 04 Jan 1949.


More About Kenneth Irvin Forrest, Jr.:

Occupation: Jul 1988, Loan officer at a Johnson City, NY bank


More About Susan Cook:

Occupation: Jul 1988, Real estate broker

Children of Kenneth Forrest and Susan Cook are:

5272 i. Tammy Elizabeth15 Forrest, born 10 Aug 1968.

5273 ii. Damien Alexandra Forrest, born 01 Nov 1976.

3008. Annette Marie14 Forrest (Robert Dean13, Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Timothy James Barrett 03 Jul 1975 in Imperial Beach Naval Base Chapel - CA, son of Anthony Barrett and Rita Waples. He was born 02 Jul 1951.


More About Annette Marie Forrest:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Annette Forrest and Timothy Barrett are:

5274 i. Jennifer Alisa15 Barrett, born 12 Apr 1977 in Norfolk, VA.

5275 ii. Tiffany Suzanne Barrett, born 01 May 1980 in Newport News, VA.

5276 iii. Jessica Ann Barrett, born 21 Sep 1984 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH.

3009. Roberta Rose14 Forrest (Robert Dean13, Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Mar 1961 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Eddy Jay Reynolds 23 Aug 1980 in South Waverly, Bradford Co., PA, son of Edwin Reynolds and Freda Miller. He was born 23 Aug 1961 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Roberta Forrest and Eddy Reynolds is:

5277 i. Kristina May15 Reynolds, born 29 Nov 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3010. Sylvia Gean14 Coolbaugh (Nancy Lucille13 Forrest, Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 May 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Austin Harrison Lane 13 May 1972 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He was born 13 Jun 1953.

Children of Sylvia Coolbaugh and Austin Lane are:

5278 i. Eric Harrison15 Lane, born 08 Jun 1973 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5279 ii. Jennifer Beth Lane, born 02 Mar 1980 in Altoona, Allegheny Co., PA.

3014. Philip Lee14 Coolbaugh, Jr. (Nancy Lucille13 Forrest, Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Oct 1961 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Sybil Susan Young 19 Apr 1980 in Bentley Creek, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Jake Young and Sybil ______.

Children of Philip Coolbaugh and Sybil Young are:

5280 i. Jessica Rae15 Coolbaugh, born 04 Oct 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5281 ii. Stephanie Marie Coolbaugh, born 26 Sep 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3015. Ann Marie14 Coolbaugh (Nancy Lucille13 Forrest, Cecil B.12, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Dec 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Ronald Leon Vough 17 May 1980 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Herbert Vough and Anneliese Muyer. He was born 26 Jun 1957 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Ann Coolbaugh and Ronald Vough are:

5282 i. Amanda Rose15 Vough, born 17 Jan 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5283 ii. Heather Muyer Vough, born 12 Jan 1985 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3017. Marcella Irene14 Whitney (Hazel Arlene13 Patterson, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1951 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married Robert Joseph Allen.

Children of Marcella Whitney and Robert Allen are:

5284 i. Cathy Jo15 Allen, born 16 Oct 1969.

5285 ii. Bobbi Jo Allen, born 20 Feb 1973.

5286 iii. Jason Lynn Allen, born 22 Apr 1981.

3022. Francis Kay14 Speciale (Geraldine Phyllis13 Patterson, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Aug 1956. She married Eugene Stanley Masacho.


Notes for Francis Kay Speciale:

I knew Francis and her brothers and sister, for I was also a graduate of Williamson High School. She was the treasurer of the Senior High Student Council, a varsity cheerleader, a member of the Drama Club, the Spanish Club, a member of the volleyball team and intramural archery team, the gymnastics team and majorettes. She was photographed during the Spanish Club's summer trip to Barcelona, Spain, the picture appearing in the annual yearbook of 1974. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Francis Kay Speciale:

Education: Jun 1974, Graduated from Williamson Jr./Sr. High, Tioga, PA

Children of Francis Speciale and Eugene Masacho are:

5287 i. Terry Eugene15 Masacho, born 02 Mar 1978.

5288 ii. James Christopher Masacho, born 18 Mar 1981.

5289 iii. John Michael Masacho, born 28 Jun 1983.

3023. Stephen Samuel14 Speciale (Geraldine Phyllis13 Patterson, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1957. He married Terri ______.


Notes for Stephen Samuel Speciale:

Steven and I were friends during our high school years, having some of the same friends and attended most of the same classes together. It wasn't until after we graduated in 1975 that I found that we were related. After I made contact with Hazel A. Price, she informed me that Steve had bought a farm in Canton, Steuben Co., NY and after a few years moved "out west". When I contacted Hazel in Jun 1988, she stated that Steve had returned to Tioga Co., PA and still hadn't married. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Stephen Samuel Speciale:

Education: Bet. 1972 - 1975, Williamson Jr./Sr. High - Tioga, PA

Child of Stephen Speciale and Terri ______ is:

5290 i. ______15 Speciale, born 16 May 1996 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Speciale:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 May 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Corning Hosp.

SPECIALE - a son, Wednesday, May 16, 1996 to Terri and Stephen Speciale of Corning.


More About ______ Speciale:

Birth Announced: 17 May 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3024. Thomas Raymond14 Speciale (Geraldine Phyllis13 Patterson, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1959.

Child of Thomas Raymond Speciale is:

5291 i. ______15 Speciale.

3025. Velma Ann14 Speciale (Geraldine Phyllis13 Patterson, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1960. She married ______ Pazzaglia.

Child of Velma Speciale and ______ Pazzaglia is:

5292 i. Marc Joseph15 Speciale.

3028. Theresa Kay14 Patterson (Leonard Howard13, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Feb 1959. She married Scott Frederick Hackett.

Child of Theresa Patterson and Scott Hackett is:

5293 i. Heather Ann15 Hackett.

3029. Tammy Lou14 Patterson (Leonard Howard13, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Dec 1960. She married (1) ______ Morgan abt. 1978. She married (2) ______ Clark abt. 1983. He was born abt. 1962.

Child of Tammy Patterson and ______ Morgan is:

+ 5294 i. Wynn15 Morgan, born abt. 1979.

Child of Tammy Patterson and ______ Clark is:

5295 i. Joseph15 Clark, born abt. 1985.

3030. Thomas Howard14 Patterson (Leonard Howard13, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1962. He married Lori ______.


Notes for Thomas Howard Patterson:

Thomas graduated from Williamson High School in 1977 and was a member of the German Club, the student council, the F.H.A., the Sportsmen's Club, the Varsity Club, the 1976 varsity soccer team, the 1976 boy's track team and the manager of the 1976 varsity basketball team. -- note of R. J. Porter

Child of Thomas Patterson and Lori ______ is:

5296 i. Michael15 Patterson.

3045. Glenda14 Parrish (Elmer Ward13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1939 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married ______ Bush.

Children of Glenda Parrish and ______ Bush are:

5297 i. ______15 Bush.

5298 ii. ______ Bush.

3046. Wendell Arwood14 Parrish (Elmer Ward13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Aug 1940 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Joyce Ann Moore 08 Apr 1961 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Carlyle Moore and Canarissa Porter. She was born 03 Jul 1939.


More About Joyce Ann Moore:

Medical Information: twin to Janet

Children are listed above under Joyce Ann Moore (1615).


3047. Lona Diane14 Parrish (Elmer Ward13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Aug 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Jack Loryaine Moore 23 Apr 1964 in Frederick, Frederick Co., MD, son of Carlyle Moore and Canarissa Porter. He was born 26 Mar 1945.

Children are listed above under Jack Loryaine Moore (1617).


3048. Royden Elmer14 Parrish (Elmer Ward13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1945.

Children of Royden Elmer Parrish are:

5299 i. ______15 Parrish.

5300 ii. ______ Parrish.

5301 iii. ______ Parrish.

5302 iv. ______ Parrish.

5303 v. ______ Parrish.

3049. Lorna Marie14 Parrish (Elmer Ward13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1946. She married Avery Castle, son of Benjamin Castle and Leola Edkin. He was born abt. 1944.

Child of Lorna Parrish and Avery Castle is:

5304 i. ______15 Castle.

3050. Philip14 Parrish (Elmer Ward13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1948.

Children of Philip Parrish are:

5305 i. ______15 Parrish, born abt. 1973.

5306 ii. ______ Parrish, born abt. 1975.

3051. Mina Eugenia14 Parrish (Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Nov 1938 in Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married James Edward Allen, Jr. abt. 1957, son of James Edward Allen. He was born 05 Sep 1932, and died 31 Jan 1997 in Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA.


More About Mina Eugenia Parrish:

Residence: Sep 2001, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA


Notes for James Edward Allen, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 Feb 1997 ed.:

OBITUARIES - James Allen, Jr., dairy truck driver

CANTON - James Allen, Jr., 65, of RR 1 Canton, died Friday, Jan. 31, 1997 at home. Mr. Allen was a driver for Vermilya's Milk Hauling for 29 years. Morse and Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling arrangements.


More About James Edward Allen, Jr.:

Obituary/Death Notice: 01 Feb 1997, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Occupation: James' Auto Paint Supply - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Jan 1997, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 197-30-3220 (PA)

Children of Mina Parrish and James Allen are:

+ 5307 i. James Edward15 Allen III, born abt. 1959.

+ 5308 ii. Sandra Louise Allen, born abt. 1961.

+ 5309 iii. Barbara Lynn Allen, born abt. 1964.

5310 iv. Brenda L. Allen, born abt. 1966. She married William Plouse.

3052. Etta Marie14 Parrish (Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jan 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, and died 22 Dec 1986. She married Howard VanDyke abt. 1961. He was born abt. 1940.


More About Etta Marie Parrish:

Burial: 24 Dec 1986, Bentley Creek, Bradford Co., PA

Cause of Death: cancer

Medical Information: died at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Etta Parrish and Howard VanDyke are:

+ 5311 i. Donna Marie15 VanDyke, born abt. 1963.

+ 5312 ii. Travis Alvin VanDyke, born abt. 1964.

+ 5313 iii. Richard Gordon VanDyke, born abt. 1966.

+ 5314 iv. Raymond Burr VanDyke, born abt. 1968.

3053. Patricia Ann14 Parrish (Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1946 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married William Timm.


More About Patricia Ann Parrish:

Residence: Sep 2001, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA


More About William Timm:

Occupation: Ingersol Rand - Athens, PA

Children of Patricia Parrish and William Timm are:

+ 5315 i. Tina Louise15 Timm, born abt. 1965.

+ 5316 ii. Trudy Timm, born abt. 1967.

+ 5317 iii. Linda Timm, born abt. 1968.

5318 iv. Lonnie Jo Timm, born abt. 1970.

3054. Maynard Earl14 Parrish (Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Patricia Brown abt. 1966. She was born abt. 1949.


More About Maynard Earl Parrish:

Occupation: F.M. Howell Packaging Co., - Elmira, NY

Children of Maynard Parrish and Patricia Brown are:

5319 i. Jessee Maynard15 Parrish, born abt. 1970.

5320 ii. Tabatha Roxanne Parrish, born abt. 1972.

3055. Harold Timothy14 Parrish (Lloyd Laurayne13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1947. He married Judith Hines abt. 1968, daughter of Clarence Hines and Dorothy ______. She was born abt. 1948.


More About Harold Timothy Parrish:

Occupation: Monterey Camp (for convicted criminals), Tompkins Co., NY - mechanic

Children of Harold Parrish and Judith Hines are:

+ 5321 i. Deborah Elaine15 Parrish, born 02 May 1970.

5322 ii. Brian Dexter Parrish, born 29 Nov 1974.

3056. Vicci Lynn14 Parrish (Lloyd Laurayne13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jun 1951. She married Walter Gilbert, Jr. abt. 1970, son of Walter Gilbert and Francis Crane. He was born abt. 1949.


More About Walter Gilbert, Jr.:

Occupation: Salt plant - Watkins Glen, NY

Children of Vicci Parrish and Walter Gilbert are:

5323 i. Pamela Michelle15 Gilbert, born 17 Apr 1971.

5324 ii. Michael Scott Gilbert, born 04 Aug 1973.

5325 iii. Steven Todd Gilbert, born 19 Aug 1976.

3057. Mary Katherine14 Parrish (Lloyd Laurayne13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Feb 1953. She married Robert Southard abt. 1972, son of Merton Southard and Mildred ______. He was born abt. 1952.


More About Robert Southard:

Occupation: Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY

Children of Mary Parrish and Robert Southard are:

5326 i. Robert Kenneth15 Southard, born 18 Oct 1974.

5327 ii. David Lee Southard, born 21 Feb 1982.

3058. Kenneth LeRoy14 Parrish (Lloyd Laurayne13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 May 1954. He married Debra Kelse abt. 1979. She was born abt. 1956.



More About Kenneth LeRoy Parrish:

Mil. Discharge Rank: Sargent

Military service 1: U.S. Air Force - 3 years; trained as a dispatcher

Military service 2: Germany; Langley Air Force Base, VA

Occupation: Shepard Niles - Montour Falls, NY

Children of Kenneth Parrish and Debra Kelse are:

5328 i. Curt Matthew15 Parrish, born 24 Apr 1981.

5329 ii. Stacey Lynn Parrish, born 29 Mar 1983.

3060. Patricia Ann14 Pitcher (Nina Vivian13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jan 1943 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. She married Thomas Roger Hicks Dec 1977. He was born abt. 1942.

Child of Patricia Pitcher and Thomas Hicks is:

5330 i. Thomas Roger15 Hicks, Jr., born 30 Dec 1977.

3061. Robert Floyd14 Pitcher (Nina Vivian13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Mar 1947 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. He married Francis Pizutti 07 Feb 1970. She was born abt. 1951.

Children of Robert Pitcher and Francis Pizutti are:

5331 i. Robert Shane15 Pitcher, born 21 Jan 1972.

5332 ii. Nicole Dominica Pitcher, born 12 Jun 1978.

3062. Joyce Marie14 Pitcher (Nina Vivian13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Apr 1949 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. She married Jay Hoak abt. 1968.

Child of Joyce Pitcher and Jay Hoak is:

5333 i. Kelli Marie15 Hoak, born 19 Jun 1969.

3063. Linda Lou14 Pitcher (Nina Vivian13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Aug 1951 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. She married Wayne Roberts 27 Nov 1971.

Child of Linda Pitcher and Wayne Roberts is:

5334 i. Clyde Wayne15 Roberts, born 14 Sep 1974.

3065. Phyllis Marie14 Clark (Marian Faye13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1940. She married Vernon Catchman 25 May 1958.

Children of Phyllis Clark and Vernon Catchman are:

5335 i. Robert15 Catchman, born 26 Mar 1960.

5336 ii. William Catchman, born 06 Apr 1961.

5337 iii. Kathy Catchman, born 12 Nov 1963.

3066. Floyd Arthur14 Clark (Marian Faye13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1943. He married (1) Carol Hartwell abt. 1962. He married (2) Sheryl Smith abt. 1969.

Children of Floyd Clark and Carol Hartwell are:

5338 i. Michael Todd15 Clark, born 12 Feb 1964.

5339 ii. Floyd Arthur Clark, Jr., born 18 Apr 1966.

Children of Floyd Clark and Sheryl Smith are:

5340 i. David Wendell15 Clark, born 16 Jul 1971.

5341 ii. Christina Fay Clark, born 02 Apr 1973.

3067. Gail Dawn14 Clark (Marian Faye13 Parrish, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1945. She married Paul Bounds abt. 1963. He was born 11 Mar 1944.

Children of Gail Clark and Paul Bounds are:

5342 i. Paul15 Bounds, Jr., born 10 Jul 1965.

5343 ii. Chery Bounds, born 17 May 1966.

5344 iii. Ann Bounds, born 06 Aug 1968.

5345 iv. Jennifer Bounds, born 19 Jul 1969.

3068. Walter Milton14 Parrish (Walter Atlee13, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jan 1946 in Lorain, Lorain Co., OH. He married Phyllis Janan Pickles 12 Jun 1969 in Auburndlae, Polk Co., FL, daughter of Howard Pickles and Lois Conner. She was born 03 Feb 1951.

Children of Walter Parrish and Phyllis Pickles are:

5346 i. Leslie Robin15 Parrish, born 29 Apr 1971.

5347 ii. Jason Walter Parrish, born 18 Apr 1974.


3069. Larry Alan14 Parrish (Walter Atlee13, Floyd Elmer12, Matilda A.11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Mar 1949 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY. He married Deborah Dale Combs 03 May 1968 in Auburndlae, Polk Co., FL, daughter of Fred Combs and Mary Brown. She was born 13 Feb 1950 in LaMar, Barton Co., MO.


More About Larry Alan Parrish:

Medical Information: born at Ideal Hospital

Children of Larry Parrish and Deborah Combs are:

5348 i. Wade Allen15 Parrish, born 10 Aug 1973.

5349 ii. Lisa Dale Parrish, born 24 Sep 1976.

5350 iii. Cheryl Diana Parrish, born 01 Jan 1979.

3070. Floyd Desmond14 Morgan (Desmond H.13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Apr 1930. He married June Rose Raschre 19 Aug 1950. She was born 09 Dec 1931.

Children of Floyd Morgan and June Raschre are:

5351 i. Eugene Keith15 Morgan, born 23 Jul 1952. He married Keitha Jo Roberson 22 Apr 1972; born 07 Jun 1950.

5352 ii. Marianne Louise Morgan, born 03 Jun 1957. She married David Alexander 26 Jun 1976.

5353 iii. Julie Ann Morgan, born 05 Sep 1958.

3071. Velma Louise14 Morgan (Desmond H.13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jun 1931. She married Kenneth Roy Alder 31 Aug 1951. He was born 15 Mar 1931.

Children of Velma Morgan and Kenneth Alder are:

5354 i. Kenneth Eugene15 Alder, born 10 Feb 1953. He married Wendy Ellen Hammond 13 Oct 1973; born 04 Jan 1955.

5355 ii. Sandra Rose Alder, born 11 Jun 1955. She married Carl Michael DeVault 18 May 1973; born 10 Feb 1952.

5356 iii. Linda Ilene Alder, born 29 Apr 1957.

5357 iv. Carlton LeRoy Jewell Alder, born 24 Feb 1962.

3073. David Lauran14 Stotler (Lucille Grace13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1935. He married Irene Marie Brown 12 Jan 1957. She was born 15 Oct 1940.

Children of David Stotler and Irene Brown are:

+ 5358 i. Aletha Marie15 Stotler, born 01 May 1957.

5359 ii. David Lauran, Stotler, Jr., born 28 Mar 1962.

5360 iii. Delmar Allen Stotler, born 12 Jan 1965.

3074. Gerald Darwin14 Avery, Jr. (Lenora Mae13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1935, and died 03 Jul 1971. He married Theola Mae Johnson 08 Jun 1955. She was born 13 Jul 1936.


Notes for Gerald Darwin Avery, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE - 5 Jul 1971 ed.:

AVERY, Gerald D., Jr. - 35, of RD #1 Canton Saturday July 3, 1971. Friends may call at the Morse Funeral Home, Canton, Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Wed. 2 p.m.. Rev. Mrs. Wilma Barker Hoose. Burial LeRoy Cemetery. Survived by wife Mrs. Theola Avery; sons Alan and Thomas Avery, both at home; parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Avery, Sr. of Grover, PA; brothers Floyd Avery and Alvah Avery, both of RD #1 Canton; Berton and Richard, both of Grover; sister Mrs. Eunice McFall of Galeton, PA; maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Morgan, several nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. He was employed at Westinghouse Corp., Horseheads.


More About Gerald Darwin Avery, Jr.:

Burial: 07 Jul 1971, LeRoy Cem., Bradford Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 05 Jul 1971, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 208-28-7450 (PA)

Children of Gerald Avery and Theola Johnson are:

5361 i. Alan Eugene15 Avery, born 21 Jun 1957.

5362 ii. Thomas Virgil Avery, born 01 Jan 1966.

3075. Floyd Eugene14 Avery (Lenora Mae13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Nov 1936, and died 24 Sep 2000 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA. He married Virginia Louise Stone 08 Jun 1957 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Loren Stone and Martha Freeman. She was born 10 Oct 1938.

Child is listed above under Virginia Louise Stone (2237).


3076. Alvah LaMar14 Avery (Lenora Mae13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Aug 1941. He married Barbara Marie Leonard 02 Jul 1960. She was born 18 Sep 1942.

Children of Alvah Avery and Barbara Leonard are:

5363 i. Ellen Marie15 Avery, born 03 Jun 1962.

5364 ii. Eugene LaMar Avery, born 09 Dec 1963.

5365 iii. Debora Ann Avery, born 07 Dec 1964.

3077. Eunice Kay14 Avery (Lenora Mae13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Mar 1944. She married Mart LeRoy McFall 08 Jun 1965. He was born 12 Jul 1943.

Children of Eunice Avery and Mart McFall are:

5366 i. Theresa Ann15 McFall, born 05 Sep 1967.

5367 ii. Cheryl Eunice McFall, born 26 Jan 1969.

5368 iii. Mart LeRoy McFall, Jr., born 15 Mar 1973.


Notes for Mart LeRoy McFall, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 May 1990 ed.:

Marty was on the First Honor Roll during his junior year at Canton High School through the 3rd nine-week marking period.


5369 iv. Jeffrey Lewis McFall, born 13 Jul 1976.

3079. Alvin Burton14 Avery (Lenora Mae13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jul 1950. He married (1) Ann Elaine Thompson 12 Jun 1972. He married (2) Barbara Durfee Aft. 1974, daughter of Arnold Durfee and Jane ______.

Child of Alvin Avery and Ann Thompson is:

5370 i. Gary Samuel15 Avery, born 05 Mar 1974.


Notes for Gary Samuel Avery:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 May 1990 ed.:

Gary was on the First Honor Roll during his sophomore year at Canton High School through the 3rd nine-week marking period.

Child of Alvin Avery and Barbara Durfee is:

5371 i. Danielle Janette15 Avery, born in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Roland Arthur Richardson, Jr. 02 Jul 2005 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Marriage Notes for Danielle Avery and Roland Richardson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 May 2005 ed.:


Danielle Janette Avery and Roland Arthur Richardson of Elmira, NY will be married Saturday July 2, 2005 at Central Assembly of God. Pastor Doug Savino will perform the 4 p.m. ceremony. The bride-elect is the daughter of A. Burton "Butch" and Barbara Avery of Elmira and the granddaughter of Arnold and Jane Durfee and Mabell and the late Gerald Avery of Grover, PA. She is a 1999 graduate of Southside High School and a 2003 graduate of Arnot Ogden Medical Center School of Radiologic Technology. She is currently employed by Arnot Ogden Medical Center. The groom-elect is the son of Roland "Buddy" Richardson and Lori and Anthony Fulllwood of Elmira and the grandson of Jack Fesetch, Judy Voorhees and Shirley Stirpe of Elmira and Vivian Richardson of Richmond, VA. He is a 1999 graduate of Southside High School and currently employed as a Sales Associate at Firestone. After a honeymoon in Jamaica, the couple will reside in Elmira.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 31 Jul 2005 ed.:


Danielle Janette Avery and Roland Arthur Richardson both of Elmira, NY were married on July 2, 2005 at Central Assembly of God in Horseheads. The 4:00 p.m. ceremony was performed by Pastor Doug Savino. The bride is the daughter of Butch and Barb Avery of Elmira and the granddaughter of Arnold and Jane Durfee of Elmira and Mabell and the late Gerald Avery of Grover, PA. She is employed by Arnot Ogden Medical Center. The groom is the son of Tony and Lori Fullwood of Elmira and Buddy Richardson of Elmira and the grandson of Judy Voorhees, Jack Fesetch and Shirley Stirpe of Elmira and Vivian Richardson of Richmond, VA. He is employed by Firestone. The matron of honor was Corrie Clark and the attendants were Allyson Bailey, Tonya Smith, Sade Fullwood and April Fullwood. The flowergirls were Makennah Stowe and Secerecy Smith. The best man was Brian Smith and the groomsmen were Aaron Stowe, DJ Clark, Brandon Briggs, Andrew Avery, Shae Richardson and Sawyer Richardson. The ring bearer was Danny Durfee III. After a reception at the Big Flats American Legion, the couple honeymooned in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. They reside in Elmira.

3082. Dorothy Ann14 Lee (Myrtle Irene13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Aug 1942. She married (1) Lester Otto Rowe 23 Jul 1960. He was born 30 Aug 1938, and died 17 Jun 1972. She married (2) Rosser William Jenkins 16 Mar 1974.


More About Lester Otto Rowe:

Social Security Number: 223-46-4077 (VA)

Children of Dorothy Lee and Lester Rowe are:

5372 i. Joseph Desmond15 Rowe, born 01 Jan 1970.

5373 ii. Leslie Carman Rowe, born 15 Feb 1971.

3083. Mary Alice14 Lee (Myrtle Irene13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1944. She married Ralph Luen Poston 15 Dec 1962. He was born 17 Mar 1932.

Children of Mary Lee and Ralph Poston are:

5374 i. Jeffrey Luen15 Poston, born 11 Jun 1963.

5375 ii. Lenora May Poston, born 23 Nov 1964.

5376 iii. Jerry Lee Poston, born 18 Mar 1966.

5377 iv. Jennifer Lynn Poston, born 13 Aug 1969.

3084. Sandra Kay14 Lee (Myrtle Irene13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1947. She married Calvin Lawrence Johnson 12 Jun 1965. He was born 23 Oct 1942.

Children of Sandra Lee and Calvin Johnson are:

5378 i. Charles Allen15 Johnson, born 26 Feb 1967.

5379 ii. Dale Michelle Johnson, born 22 Jan 1973.

3085. Floyd Allen14 Lee (Myrtle Irene13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Oct 1948. He married Geraldine Noakes 24 Feb 1968. She was born 24 Nov 1948.

Children of Floyd Lee and Geraldine Noakes are:

5380 i. Floyd Allen15 Lee, Jr., born 30 May 1971.

5381 ii. Dena Sue Lee, born 21 Feb 1973.

5382 iii. John Timothy Lee, born 04 Nov 1974.

3086. Dale Clayton14 Letts (Everett Whipple13, Daniel Morgan12, Evert Montville11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1937. He married Mary Anne Linsingberler 08 Oct 1960 in Boyertown, Berks Co., PA, daughter of Ellsworth Linsingberler and Mary ______. She was born 13 Jan 1941.

Children of Dale Letts and Mary Linsingberler are:

5383 i. Debra Ann15 Letts, born 23 Apr 1962 in Pottstown, Montgomery Co., PA.

5384 ii. Kimberly Ann Letts, born 06 Jan 1964 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Gerald LaRue McLaughlin 02 Oct 1982 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

5385 iii. Dale Robert Letts, born 03 Jan 1965 in Muncy, Lycoming Co., PA.

3088. Ada Belle14 Letts (Everett Whipple13, Daniel Morgan12, Evert Montville11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1941. She married Allyn Leslie Leonard 23 Mar 1962 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Leslie Leonard and Marguerite ______. He was born 08 Jun 1939.

Children of Ada Letts and Allyn Leonard are:

5386 i. Ava Marie15 Leonard, born 03 Dec 1962 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5387 ii. Lisa Ann Leonard, born 27 Mar 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Lisa Ann Leonard:

Canton, PA - INDEPENDENT SENTINEL, 16 Jun 1983 ed.:


Among the 51 candidates competing for the 1983 title of Pennsylvania State Laurel Queen during this year's pageant being held at Wellsboro this Friday and Saturday, June 17 and 18, is Miss Canton, Lisa Ann Leonard. The pageant is an annual event held in conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival which began June 11 and will end Sunday, June 19. Selected by her classmates at Canton Area High School to participate in this year's pageant, Lisa is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Leonard of Roaring Branch RD. While in school, she was an academic student, a member of the National Honor Society, Foreign Language Club, class representative on student council, member of YEA, Lettermen's Club, CHS Marching Warriors, the track and cross country teams and a cheerleader. The 18-year-old, 5'6" brown-eyed blonde was named BPW Girl of the Year, and placed 7th in the District IV cross country meet. Lisa served as treasurer of her church youth group and works at the First National Bank of Canton. Her hobbies include running, swimming and roller skating. She plans to attend Shippensburg State College to study business administration. Activities planned for the queen candidates, representing high schools from throughout Pennsylvania, begin Friday with welcoming ceremonies being held in front of the Tioga County Courthouse. At 1 p.m., the young women will be taken on a tour of the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, a natural tree-lined gorge that is bottomed by Pine Creek and measures 1,000 feet in depth in some locales. In the evening, the queen candidates will appear in the Queens' Preview being held at the Wellsboro Senior High School auditorium. On Saturday, the young ladies will be individually interviewed on "The Green", a park located in the heart of Wellsboro where the majority of Laurel Festival events are being held. The interviews will be broadcast "live" on the local radio station. At 2 p.m. Saturday, the Laurel Festival queen candidates will ride on floats in this year's Laurel Festival parade. High-lighted by bands and other marching units from several states, the parade annually attracts a crowd estimated at 25,000. In the evening, the Queen's Coronation Ceremony will be held at the Wellsboro Senior High School auditorium. The 1982 Laurel Queen, Rhea Michele Shaffer of Pleasant Mills, who represented Middleburgh High School in last year's pageant, will crown her successor. Throughout the two days of events, five judges will be evaluating the queen candidates on their poise, appearance and personality.


More About Lisa Ann Leonard:

Medical Information: twin to Teresa A.


+ 5388 iii. Teresa Ann Leonard, born 27 Mar 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5389 iv. Melissa Kay Leonard, born 29 Jan 1969 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3089. Althea Mary14 Letts (Everett Whipple13, Daniel Morgan12, Evert Montville11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1943. She married Paul David McBride 28 May 1965, son of Paul McBride and Alice ______. He was born 11 Dec 1942.

Children of Althea Letts and Paul McBride are:

5390 i. Matthew David15 McBride, born 05 Aug 1970 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5391 ii. Jason Reo McBride, born 27 Mar 1975 in Rockford, Winnebago Co., IL.

3090. Wayne Donald14 Norton (Lois Mary13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Nov 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Joy Margaret Hayes 17 Nov 1962. She was born 13 Nov 1942.

Children of Wayne Norton and Joy Hayes are:

5392 i. Kirk Wayne15 Norton, born 22 Jun 1963.

5393 ii. Shawn Michael Norton, born 31 Jul 1964.

5394 iii. Valerie Dawn Norton, born 21 Aug 1968.

5395 iv. Eric Vaughn Norton, born 27 Aug 1971.

3091. Lana Charlene14 Norton (Lois Mary13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Lawrence Lee Randall 17 Oct 1964. He was born 07 Jul 1940.

Children of Lana Norton and Lawrence Randall are:

5396 i. Todd Lee15 Randall, born 16 Feb 1966.

5397 ii. Gwen Lynette Randall, born 18 Mar 1971.

3092. Marlin Archie14 Norton (Lois Mary13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jul 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Cheryl Lynn Hartford 06 Jul 1967, daughter of Lawrence Hartford and Neva Norton. She was born 23 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Cheryl Lynn Hartford (1858).


3094. Leila Christine14 Morgan (Roland Evert13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jun 1950. She married Barry Snyder abt. 1968.

Child of Leila Morgan and Barry Snyder is:

5398 i. Clayton William15 Snyder, born 25 Jan 1970.

3097. Trula Maxine14 Morgan (Donald Floyd13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Sep 1948 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Ralph Allen 17 Sep 1966.


More About Trula Maxine Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Bethesda, Montgomery Co., MD

Children of Trula Morgan and Ralph Allen are:

5399 i. Jeffrey David15 Allen, born 26 Jan 1968 in Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY.

5400 ii. Kristen Beth Allen, born 05 Dec 1971 in Oxon Hill, Prince Georges Co., MD.

3098. Donna Ilene14 Morgan (Donald Floyd13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Dec 1949 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Arthur John Share I 07 Sep 1968 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY, son of Arthur Share and Dawn Gardner. He was born 15 Apr 1949 in Spokane, Spokane Co., WA, and died 17 Jun 1989 in Wayland, Steuben Co., NY. She married (2) ______ Napolitano Bef. Nov 2000.


More About Donna Ilene Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Fairport, Monroe Co., NY


More About Arthur John Share I:

Burial: Lakeside Cem., Wayland, NY

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Children of Donna Morgan and Arthur Share are:

5401 i. Shannon Michele15 Share, born 12 Jul 1970 in Elmira, NY; died 17 May 1975 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Shannon Michele Share:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 18 May 1975 ed.:


A four-year old Big Flats girl was killed Saturday morning when a truck ran over her while she was riding her bicycle. Shannon Share of 1135 Ponderosa Drive, the only child of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Share, III, was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:30 a.m. The accident occurred at Ponderosa Drive and Kady Drive. Horseheads State Police said the girl was run over by a dump truck driven by Gary H. Silvers, 24, of Lower Maple Drive, Elmira. Dr. Robert Worman, deputy medical examiner, ruled the death accidental. State police said no charges would be filed against Silvers. Police said Silvers was driving south on Ponderosa Drive and turned left onto Kady Drive, while Shannon was riding her bicycle north on Ponderosa Drive and turned right onto Kady, riding parallel to the truck. The girl suddenly turned her bicycle directly in front of the truck, police said. They said the truck ran over the child, the driver unaware that he had hit anything until stopped by the shouts of people who saw the accident. State police said the child was riding a standard 20-inch bicycle with no training wheels.


OBITUARY (from same edition):

SHARE, Shannon - age 4, daughter of Arthur and Donna (Morgan) Share of 1135 Ponderosa Drive, Horseheads, NY, very unexpectedly on Saturday, May 17, 1975. Friends are invited to call at the Barber Funeral Home, Horseheads, Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held there on Tuesday at 11 a.m., the Rev. Robert A. Delorme. Interment Maple Grove Cemetery (Horseheads). In addition to parents, she is survived by maternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Morgan of Horseheads; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Dawn Share of RD 1 Erin; paternal grandfather, Arthur J. Share of RD 1 Erin; maternal great grandparents, Mr. Earle Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Morgan, all of Canton, PA; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.


More About Shannon Michele Share:

Burial: 20 May 1975, Maple Grove Cem., Horseheads, NY

Cause of Death: bicycle - auto accident


5402 ii. Chad Eric Share, born 19 Jun 1976.


3099. Connie Faye14 Morgan (Donald Floyd13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Sep 1951 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She met William Campbell Martin.


More About Connie Faye Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Connie Morgan and William Martin is:

5403 i. William Campbell15 Martin, Jr., born 07 Mar 1976 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

3100. Cathie Marie14 Morgan (Donald Floyd13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jun 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Charles Holdridge 12 Jul 1969.


More About Cathie Marie Morgan:

Residence: Nov 2000, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Cathie Morgan and Charles Holdridge is:

+ 5404 i. Tina Marie15 Holdridge, born 01 Jan 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3105. LuAnn Marie14 Morgan (Darwin Roscoe13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Mar 1961 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She met Warren Paquette.

Child of LuAnn Morgan and Warren Paquette is:

5405 i. Jessica Edna15 Paquette.

3106. Michelle Susan14 Morgan (Darwin Roscoe13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Aug 1964 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Mark Ling 15 Nov 1980.

Children of Michelle Morgan and Mark Ling are:

5406 i. Cheryl Renee15 Ling, born 23 May 1981 in Somerset, Somerset Co., PA.

5407 ii. Anthony Mark Ling, born 09 Jan 1984 in Somerset, Somerset Co., PA.

3109. Joan Elaine14 Fields (Glenn Alfred13, Henrietta Delphine12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Oct 1935 in Grover, Bradford Co., PA. She married Lawrence Duane Ross 18 Jan 1956 in West Franklin, Bradford Co., PA, son of Olen Ross and Christine ______. He was born 03 Jan 1935.

Children of Joan Fields and Lawrence Ross are:

5408 i. JoAnn Elaine15 Ross, born 15 Apr 1957. She married Dale Eugene Castle; born abt. Oct 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Dale Eugene Castle:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


5409 ii. Jacquelin Marie Ross, born 03 Aug 1961. She married Edward Wood 15 Sep 1981.


More About Jacquelin Marie Ross:

Medical Information: twin to Judith Lynne


5410 iii. Judith Lynne Ross, born 03 Aug 1961.


More About Judith Lynne Ross:

Medical Information: twin to Jacquelin Marie


5411 iv. Duane Eugene Ross, born 22 Sep 1962.

5412 v. Richard Olen Ross, born 08 Feb 1964.

5413 vi. Kathleen Louise Ross, born 16 Oct 1966.

3110. Janet Irene14 Fields (Arthur Morris13, Henrietta Delphine12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Sep 1936. She married Willard Edward Hipple 19 Apr 1954. He was born 07 May 1935.

Children of Janet Fields and Willard Hipple are:

5414 i. Rebecca Lee15 Hipple, born 08 Apr 1955.

5415 ii. Willard Arthur Augustus Hipple, born 04 Sep 1956.

5416 iii. Robert Edward Hipple, born 24 Aug 1957.

3111. Patricia Kay14 Fields (Arthur Morris13, Henrietta Delphine12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Nov 1940. She married Paul LaRue Pidcoe 23 Nov 1956. He was born 21 Sep 1933.

Children of Patricia Fields and Paul Pidcoe are:

5417 i. Paul LaRue15 Pidcoe, Jr., born 24 Jun 1957.

5418 ii. Nancy Lynn Pidcoe, born 07 Mar 1959.

5419 iii. Penny Lee Pidcoe, born 26 Feb 1960.

5420 iv. Phyllis Kay Pidcoe, born 14 Jan 1962.


3114. Blanche Louise14 Morgan (Vernon Daniel13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jun 1951 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Ronald Edward Evans 14 Sep 1968 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of William Evans and Lorraine ______. He was born 07 Dec 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) John Roger Williamson 08 Sep 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 29 Dec 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Children of Blanche Morgan and Ronald Evans are:

5421 i. Tammy Lorraine15 Evans, born 26 Mar 1969 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5422 ii. Ronald Edward Evans, Jr., born 05 Jan 1971 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Blanche Morgan and John Williamson are:

5423 i. Tonya Lee15 Williamson, born 17 Dec 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5424 ii. John Roger Williamson, Jr., born 25 Jul 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3116. Georgia Arlene14 Morgan (Vernon Daniel13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, and died 19 Nov 1971 in Lowman, Chemung Co., NY. She married John V. Heath, Jr., son of John V. Heath. He was born abt. 1952.


Notes for Georgia Arlene Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Nov 1971 ed.:


Georgia A. Heath, 18, of 717 Junction St., was pronounced dead at the scene Friday night with injuries suffered when the car in which she was riding left Rt. 17 at 11:15 at the Lowman-Wellsburg Crossover and smashed into a wooded area...death was caused by a broken neck. The driver of the vehicle was identified as Charles E. Flora, 30, of 215 Main St., Wellsburg...State police at Horseheads said both the victim and Flora were pinned in the vehicle...The vehicle slid off the road and ran into a tree, splitting the vehicle nearly in half..."


OBITUARY (same paper):

Mrs. John (Georgia) Heath, Jr., age 18 of 109 E. Henry Street, Elmira, Friday Nov. 19, 1971. Friends are invited to call at the Keister Funeral Home, Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Tuesday at 11 a.m. Rev. John Bedzyk. Woodlawn Cemetery. Survived by John V. Heath, Jr.; son, John Wayne Heath at home; parents, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon D. Morgan of Elmira; sisters, Sandra, Charlotte, Roxanne Morgan all of Elmira, Mrs. Blanche Evans of Elmira; brothers, Harry, Terry, John, Harold all of Elmira; maternal grandmother, Blanche Woodward of Elmira.


More About Georgia Arlene Morgan:

Burial: 23 Nov 1971, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 21 Nov 1971, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Child of Georgia Morgan and John Heath is:

5425 i. John Wayne15 Heath.

3117. Harry Dennis14 Morgan (Vernon Daniel13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Dec 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Christine Baker.

Child of Harry Morgan and Christine Baker is:

5426 i. Dennis15 Morgan.

3122. Inas Verna14 Kieffer (Vivian Helen13 Morgan, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Sep 1950 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Gary B. Prokopec 24 Jun 1975 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Inas Kieffer and Gary Prokopec is:

5427 i. Michael Jason15 Prokopec, Adopted child.

3123. Joanne Marie14 Kieffer (Vivian Helen13 Morgan, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Leland Bowen 18 Dec 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 21 Aug 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Joanne Kieffer and Leland Bowen is:

5428 i. Scott Paul15 Bowen.

3124. Nancy Ellen14 Kieffer (Vivian Helen13 Morgan, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Apr 1955 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Joseph VanZile 24 Jun 1978.

Children of Nancy Kieffer and Joseph VanZile are:

5429 i. Brett Joseph15 VanZile, born Feb 1981.

5430 ii. Kyle Mark VanZile, born Jan 1982.

3127. Sharon Lee14 Morgan (Duane Eldon13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Paul Anthony Corter 27 Aug 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Dale Corter and Anna Sassano. He was born 30 Nov 1953 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Sharon Morgan and Paul Corter is:

5431 i. Ross Anthony15 Corter, born 24 Sep 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3128. Linda Lou14 Morgan (Duane Eldon13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jul 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Randy Lee McWhorter 08 Oct 1977 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY, son of John McWhorter and Genevive Hewitt. He was born 18 Apr 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Linda Morgan and Randy McWhorter are:

5432 i. Miranda Lynn15 McWhorter, born 08 Feb 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5433 ii. Randall Brennan McWhorter, born 10 Jul 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3129. Gail Lynn14 Morgan (Duane Eldon13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Walter Lee Foster 12 Jun 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Bertrand Foster and Anna Manzo. He was born 28 Aug 1955 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Gail Morgan and Walter Foster are:

5434 i. Amy Jo15 Foster, born 21 Dec 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 03 Dec 2000 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Amy Jo Foster:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Dec 2000 ed.:

FOSTER, Amy Jo, loving daughter and sister, age 21 of 93 Sunnyside Drive, Elmira, NY passed away Sunday, December 3, 2000 at home after a courageous battle with cancer. She was predeceased by her maternal grandmother Dolores Morgan in 1984, paternal grandmother Anna Foster in 1984 and paternal grandfather Bertrand Foster in 1995. Survived by her parents Walter and Gayle (Morgan); sister Morgan at home; maternal grandparents Duane and Annalee Morgan of Breesport; aunts and uncles Sharon and Paul Corter of Elmira, Linda McWhorter of Pine City, Tammy Morgan of Elmira Heights, Paul and Beth Foster of Mosherville, PA and Michael and Susan Barnes of Ft. Leonard Wood, MO along with her special cousins. Amy graduated from EFA in 1997 and CCC in 1999. She devoted her time teaching the hearing impaired and was pursuing a career in that field until her illness no longer allowed it. Family and friends are invited to call at the Barrett Funeral Home on Thursday, December 7th from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayer Service will be held there on Friday, December 8th at 8:15 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 a.m. in St. Mary's Church, Rev. Richard Farrell, Celebrant. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be directed to Ronald McDonald House, 333 Westmoreland Ave., Rochester, NY 14620, American Brain Tumor Assoc., 2720 River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60018 , or the Josh Palmer Cancer Support Group, 90 Carrolton Ave., Elmira, NY 14905 in her memory. "Sweet dreams, baby girl".


More About Amy Jo Foster:

Burial: 08 Dec 2000, Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Cause of Death: brain tumor-cancer

Medical Information: died at home

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Dec 2000, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


5435 ii. Morgan Foster, born 03 Jan 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3130. Tammy Jo14 Morgan (Duane Eldon13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Dec 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Kirk Owens abt. 1980.

Child of Tammy Morgan and Kirk Owens is:

5436 i. Tracey Ann15 Owens, born 28 Jul 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3135. Herbert Leon14 Morgan (Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jan 1941. He married Sherra Louise Chamberlain 28 Jan 1961. She was born 02 Jun 1943.

Children of Herbert Morgan and Sherra Chamberlain are:

+ 5437 i. Ronald Scott15 Morgan, born 21 Oct 1961.

+ 5438 ii. Terri Patrice Morgan, born 12 Sep 1963.

+ 5439 iii. Tammy Denise Morgan, born 08 Nov 1964.

3136. Alice Marie14 Morgan (Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Apr 1942. She married (1) Ray Oscar Bedford 05 Mar 1960, son of Herbert Bedford and Irma Shadduck. He was born 14 Apr 1942 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. She married (2) Gerald Stanley May abt. 1979.

Children are listed above under Ray Oscar Bedford (2340).


3137. Doyle Dean14 Morgan (Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 May 1944. He married (1) Marilyn Mowatt 29 Apr 1967. She was born 19 Jun 1946. He married (2) ______ ______ abt. 1975.

Children of Doyle Morgan and Marilyn Mowatt are:

5440 i. Amy Jo15 Morgan, born 12 Jun 1969. She married Gerald Paul Stone 29 Jul 1989; born 27 Apr 1966.

5441 ii. Bonnie Kay Morgan, born 18 Jul 1971.

5442 iii. Tonya L. Morgan, born abt. 1973. She married John W. Ake 25 May 1996 in Lock Haven, PA.


Marriage Notes for Tonya Morgan and John Ake:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 07 Apr 1996 ed.:


MORGAN-AKE (photo included)

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vrooman of Cogan Station, PA and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morgan of Elmira announce the engagement of their daughter, Tonya L. Morgan, to John W. Ake, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ake of Mill Hall, PA. The bride-elect graduated from North Penn High School, Blossburg and Bloomsburg (PA) University. She is employed by The Paper Magic Group, Inc., Scranton. Her fiance graduated from Bald Eagle Nittany, Mill Hall, and Bloomsburg University. He is employed by The Wolf Organization, Camp Hill, PA. The couple plan to marry May 25.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 07 Jul 1996 ed.:

WEDDINGS -- Morgan-Ake (photo of bride included)

The marriage of Tonya L. Morgan and John W. Ake took place May 25, 1996 in the Great Island Presbyterian Church, Lock Haven, PA. The Rev. Kenneth G. Page officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morgan of Elmira and Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Vrooman of Cugan Station, PA. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ake of Mill Hall, PA. Jamie Sterowski of Lexington, KY was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Renee Wesner of Blossburg, Kathy Roupp of Arnot, Amy King of York and Jen Ballict of Kingston. Amber Wesner of Blossburg and Janie Sawyer of Mystic, Conn. were junior bridesmaids. Flower girl was Courtney Hey of Penn Yan. Serving as best man was Matt Spicher of Palmyra, NY. Ushers were John Hotalen of Collegeville, Brian Morgan of Elmira, Dan Ake and Drew Ake, both of Mill Hall. Thomas Dalton of Blossburg was junior usher. The reception was held at the Clinton County Country Club. The bride graduated from North Penn High School and Bloomsburg University. The bridegroom graduated from Bald Eagle Nittany High School and Bloomsburg University. He is employed by The Wolf Organization, Camp Hill, PA. The couple live in Mechanicsburg, PA after a trip to Maine.

3138. Walter John14 Morgan (Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Apr 1950. He married Susan Kay Naylor 11 Jul 1970. She was born 27 Jul 1952.

Children of Walter Morgan and Susan Naylor are:

5443 i. Keith Russell15 Morgan, born 28 Sep 1971. He married Karin A. Giglio 14 Sep 1996 in Honesdale, PA; born abt. 1972.


Marriage Notes for Keith Morgan and Karin Giglio:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Jan 1997 ed.:

WEDDINGS -- Giglio-Morgan (photo incl.)

The marriage of Karin A. Giglio and Keith R. Morgan took place Sept. 14, 1996 in St. John the Evangelist Church, Honesdale, PA. The Rev. Kevin Mulheim officiated. The bride is the daughter of Christine Zuber of Honesdale, and Salatore and Judith Giglio of Beach Lake, PA. The bridegroom is the son of Walter and Susie Morgan of Canton. Maureen Shepstone of Scranton was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Christina Baltzegar of Pensacola, Fla., Cathy Hessling of Honesdale, Tracy Bayly of Lake Como, PA and Laura Collarini of Peckville, PA. Flower girl was Elise Victoria Agruire of Miami, Fla., and ring bearer was Jeremy Kapp of Dauphin, PA. Serving as best man was Mike Morse of Trout Run, PA. Ushers were Jeff Reider of Rome, Kevin Morgan of Canton, Curt Fitzwater of Pine City and Rob Hill of Williamsport. The reception was held at The Waterfront, Ehrhardt's Lakeside, Hawley, PA. The bride received an associate's degree in respiratory therapy from Mansfield University/Robert Packer Hospital in 1993. She is employed by Memorial Hospital, Towanda. The bridegroom received an associate's degree in business administration from Williamsport School of Commerce in 1992. He is employed by The Paper Magic Group, Troy. The couple live in Athens after a cruise to the western Caribbean.


5444 ii. Kevin Richard Morgan, born 15 Mar 1973.

3139. Jeanne Ellen14 Morgan (Ellis Edward13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1943. She married (1) Leslie Goff Lawson 29 Jan 1965. He was born 07 Oct 1943. She married (2) Jerald Mohlon Smith 14 Jun 1980. He was born 06 Nov 1943.


More About Jeanne Ellen Morgan:

Residence: Nov 1983, Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of Jeanne Morgan and Leslie Lawson are:

5445 i. Matthew James15 Lawson, born 14 Apr 1971.

5446 ii. Sara Ellen Lawson, born 26 Dec 1974.

Child of Jeanne Morgan and Jerald Smith is:

5447 i. Rebecca Ann15 Smith, born 21 Mar 1981.

3140. Robert Earl14 Morgan (Ellis Edward13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Nov 1945. He married Nancy Lynn Hallas 02 Feb 1969. She was born 06 Mar 1947.


More About Robert Earl Morgan:

Residence: Nov 1983, Felton, York Co., PA

Children of Robert Morgan and Nancy Hallas are:

5448 i. Christine Elizabeth15 Morgan, born 02 Nov 1970.

5449 ii. Carin Rebecca Morgan, born 29 May 1972.

5450 iii. Catherine Lynn Morgan, born 05 Oct 1978.

3141. David Ellis14 Morgan (Ellis Edward13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Apr 1948. He married Bonita Sue Nares 13 Dec 1967. She was born 25 Aug 1948.


More About David Ellis Morgan:

Residence: Nov 1983, Montrose, Susquehanna Co., PA

Children of David Morgan and Bonita Nares are:

5451 i. David Lyle15 Morgan, born 22 Jul 1969.

5452 ii. Jennifer Lynn Morgan, born 01 Nov 1971.

3142. Bruce Edward14 Morgan (Ellis Edward13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Nov 1957. He married Debra Lynne Grimes 28 Jun 1980. She was born 08 Apr 1957.


More About Bruce Edward Morgan:

Residence: Nov 1983, Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co., PA

Children of Bruce Morgan and Debra Grimes are:

5453 i. ______15 Morgan, born abt. 1981.

5454 ii. ______ Morgan, born abt. 1984.

3143. Merril Andrew14 Morgan, Jr. (Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 May 1943. He married Mary Francis Spiak 23 Jul 1966 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of John A. Spiak. She was born 06 Aug 1947.

Children of Merril Morgan and Mary Spiak are:

5455 i. Tommy Andrew15 Morgan, born 30 Apr 1967. He married JoLynn Marie Doane 15 Oct 1994.


Marriage Notes for Tommy Morgan and JoLynn Doane:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 Jan 1994 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Doane-Morgan (photo included)

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Doane of Elmira Heights announce the engagement of their daughter, JoLynn Marie Doane to Tom Andrew Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merill A. Morgan, Jr. of Erin. The bride-elect graduated from Thomas A. Edison High School, Elmira Heights and attended Corning Community College. She is employed by K-Mart, Horseheads. Her fiance graduated from Horseheads High School and Corning Community College. He is employed by Anchor Glass, Elmira, and K-Mart, Horseheads. The couple plan to marry Oct. 15, 1994.


5456 ii. Melissa Ann Morgan, born 02 May 1968. She married Brian Munson 24 Nov 1990 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., PA.


Marriage Notes for Melissa Morgan and Brian Munson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Apr 1991 ed.: (photo of couple included)

MORGAN-MUNSON The marriage of Melissa Morgan and Brian Munson took place Nov. 24, 1990 in Maranatha Bible Chapel, Horseheads. The Rev. Francis L. Leonard officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merill A. Morgan Jr. of Erin. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Munson of Coxsackie, N.Y. and Sandra Jensen of Pine City. Tammy Helstrom of Horseheads was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Amy Seymour of Erin, Julianna Wolf of Elmira Heights and Rhianna Gursky of Pine City. Flower girl was Cherilyn Runner of Elmira and ring bearer was Kevin Burlew of Erin. Serving as best man was John Burgess of Elmira Heights. Ushers were Tom Morgan of Erin and Brent Jensen and Scott Jensen, both of Pine City. The reception was held at Libs Supper Club, Elmira. The bride graduated from Horseheads High School and Corning Community College. She is employed by Chemung Canal Trust Co., Elmira. The bridegroom graduated from Horseheads High School. He is employed by Trayer Products, Elmira.

3144. Sandra Lee14 Morgan (Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1946. She married Ronnie Charles Perry 06 Dec 1964 in Lowman, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 29 Nov 1944.

Children of Sandra Morgan and Ronnie Perry are:

5457 i. Tina Louise15 Perry, born 19 Sep 1965.

5458 ii. Ronnie Joe Perry, born 19 Apr 1968.

5459 iii. Elizabeth LaRae Perry, born 05 May 1981.

3146. Dianne Lynn14 Morgan (Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1949. She married (1) Leslie Howard Buchholz, Jr. 10 Feb 1968 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Leslie Buchholz and Margaret Hoagland. He was born 25 Aug 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 11 Oct 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Leland Earl Vert 17 Nov 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Leland Vert and Mabel Byrns. He was born 09 Nov 1937.


Notes for Leslie Howard Buchholz, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Oct 2004 ed.:

BUCHHOLZ, Leslie H., age 55, of Elmira, NY. He was born August 25, 1949 in Elmira, son of the late Leslie H., Sr. and Margaret (Hoagland) Buchholz and passed away Monday, October 11, 2004, unexpectedly. He is survived by his wife of 25 years Mary (Rullo); children and their spouses, Leslie H. III and Becky with their children, Brianna and Autumn of Fredericktown, OH, Christopher J. and Kelly with their children Jordan and Aden, Michael J., David M. and Sarah, Brian A., all of Elmira; daughter, Arloine M. with her children, Kyle and Andrew of Raleigh, NC; brothers and sisters-in-law, David and Nanette of Midolthian, VA, and Michael and Terry of Elmira; sisters and brothers-in-law, Carol and Lee Ostrander and Mary and Paul Osteen, all of Elmira; along with several nieces and nephews; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Albina and Peter Rullo of Elmira; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, James J. and Sharon Rullo of Binghamton, NY, Michael and Barbara Rullo of Elmira. Leslie was a communicant of St. Casimir's Church. He was employed with Coyne Textiles, enjoyed fishing and bowling and especially being with and playing with his grandchildren. Family and friends are invited to visit Walter J. Kent Funeral Home, 858 Lake St. at Washington Ave., Elmira, on Thursday, October 14th, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayers will be offered there on Friday, October 15th, at 9:15 a.m. followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Casimir's Church, Rev. Eugene Dobosz, Celebrant. Committal prayers and interment will follow in Woodlawn Cemetery. Those wishing may remember Leslie through contributions to a college fund for his sons Michael and Brian. Envelopes will be provided at the funeral home.


More About Leslie Howard Buchholz, Jr.:

Burial: Woodlawn Cem., Elmira, NY

Obituary/Death Notice: 13 Oct 2004, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Children of Dianne Morgan and Leslie Buchholz are:

+ 5460 i. Leslie Howard15 Buchholz III, born 27 Sep 1968.

+ 5461 ii. Arloine Mae Buchholz, born 17 Jul 1971.

+ 5462 iii. Christopher J. Buchholz, born abt. 1973.

5463 iv. Michael J. Buchholz, born abt. 1975.

5464 v. David M. Buchholz, born abt. 1976. He married Sarah ______.

5465 vi. Brian A. Buchholz, born abt. 1978.

Child of Dianne Morgan and Leland Vert is:

5466 i. Andrew Lee15 Vert, born 07 Jul 1982.

3147. Scott Alan14 Morgan (Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 May 1959. He married Jennifer Lizette Schill 20 Aug 1983 in Bentley Creek, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Kenneth Schill and Docia ______.


More About Scott Alan Morgan:

Occupation: Minister


Marriage Notes for Scott Morgan and Jennifer Schill:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 6 Nov 1983 ed.:

SCHILL - MORGAN (photo of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan included)

The marriage of Miss Jennifer Lizette Schill and Scott Alan Morgan took place Saturday, Aug. 20, in the Bentley Creek Wesleyan Church. The Revs. Kelvin S. Jones and Jasper Smith officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schill of 458 Maple Ave. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merill Morgan of 197 Main St., Wellsburg. Mrs. Kirk Wise of Horseheads was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Linda Vallet of Manchester, N.Y., Miss Robin Daniels of Bentley Creek, Miss Alisa Smith of Canton, and Miss Cheryl Marshall of Wellsburg. Flower girl was Cara Joy Healey of Elmira and ring bearer was Christian Padgett of Vermont. Serving as best man was Scott E. Anderson of Jamestown, N.Y. Ushers were Mario LaRiccia of Rochester, N.Y.; Harris Thomas of Elmira; and Mark Brown and Chuck Stringham, both of Bentley Creek. The reception was held in the church fellowship hall. The couple graduated from Southside High School. The bride also graduated from Corning Community College. The couple lives on W. Clinton St., after taking a trip to Kentucky.

Children of Scott Morgan and Jennifer Schill are:

5467 i. Twin Son #115 Morgan, born 02 May 1991 in Harbor Springs, Emmet Co., MI.


More About Twin Son #1 Morgan:

Medical Information: twin


5468 ii. Twin Son #2 Morgan, born 02 May 1991 in Harbor Springs, Emmet Co., MI.


More About Twin Son #2 Morgan:

Medical Information: twin

3149. Eldyn Layne14 Ingerick (Enid Henrietta13 Morgan, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Dec 1944. He married Marilyn Louise Mann 22 Jun 1968. She was born 28 Mar 1947.

Children of Eldyn Ingerick and Marilyn Mann are:

5469 i. Teresa Jeannette15 Ingerick, born 07 Jan 1970.

5470 ii. Renee Michelle Ingerick, born 02 Feb 1973.

5471 iii. Robin Lee Ingerick, born 22 Jan 1977.

3152. Rosalie Jo14 Ingerick (Enid Henrietta13 Morgan, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Sep 1952. She married (1) Billy Roger Pace 25 Jul 1970. She married (2) Larry Lester Wiley abt. 1974. She married (3) Robert Daniel Baker 19 Mar 1979.

Child of Rosalie Ingerick and Larry Wiley is:

5472 i. Lawrence Daniel15 Baker, born 12 Oct 1975.

3153. Laverne Leon14 Morgan, Jr. (LaVerne Leon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1962. He married Nadine Dana Lantz abt. 1987, daughter of Philip Lantz and Janice Cole.

Child of Laverne Morgan and Nadine Lantz is:

5473 i. Dustin Verne15 Morgan, born 1989.

3154. Kathy Lee14 Morgan (LaVerne Leon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1964. She married (1) Robert Tremaine. She married (2) Jack Wheeler II abt. 1988, son of Jack Wheeler.

Children of Kathy Morgan and Jack Wheeler are:

5474 i. Robert Ryan15 Wheeler, born 14 Feb 1989.

5475 ii. Shane Wheeler, born 1990.

3155. Alfreda Jean14 Carpenter (Floyd Gibbons13, Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jun 1956 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Richard Thomas McAtte 09 Aug 1975 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., PA. He was born 02 Nov 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Alfreda Jean Carpenter:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

Children of Alfreda Carpenter and Richard McAtte are:

5476 i. Richard Thomas15 McAtte, Jr., born 02 Feb 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5477 ii. Ryan Floyd McAtte, born 14 Jun 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3159. Marvin Luther14 Carpenter (John Dann13, Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1962. He married Jana Pepper.

Children of Marvin Carpenter and Jana Pepper are:

5478 i. Melissa15 Carpenter, born 01 Apr 1980.

5479 ii. ______ Carpenter, born 26 Oct 1983 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

3161. Lucinda Mae14 Carpenter (Milford Lynn13, Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1957 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Thomas Lee Coyle 24 Apr 1976 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Edward Coyle and Yolanda Brown. He was born 25 Aug 1956.

Children of Lucinda Carpenter and Thomas Coyle are:

5480 i. Mark Daniel15 Coyle, born 28 Sep 1978.

5481 ii. Jamie Michael Coyle, born 09 Sep 1979.

3164. Connie Lea14 Molyneux (Phyllis Raye13 Carpenter, Agnes Lucinda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Feb 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Floyd W. Hoover 10 Oct 1981 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of James Hoover and Eva Caseman. He was born 11 May 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Child is listed above under Floyd W. Hoover (2602).


3167. Darla Jeanne14 Morgan (Harold Lester13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1942. She married Ronald Howard McCarty 19 Feb 1961, son of Howard McCarty and Jessamine Battin. He was born 02 Jun 1941 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Darla Morgan and Ronald McCarty are:

+ 5482 i. Ronald Howard15 McCarty, Jr., born 30 Jul 1961.

5483 ii. Melanie Jean McCarty, born 18 Nov 1962.

5484 iii. Evonne Nicole McCarty, born 16 Apr 1973.

3168. Donna Carol14 Morgan (Harold Lester13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 May 1944. She married Richard Raymond Packard 08 Aug 1964. He was born 03 Jul 1941.

Children of Donna Morgan and Richard Packard are:

+ 5485 i. Robin Rae15 Packard, born 13 Jan 1965.

5486 ii. Richard Harold Packard, born 03 May 1968.

3169. Kay Yvonne14 Morgan (Harold Lester13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Dec 1951. She married Arthur James Congdon Oct 1971.

Child of Kay Morgan and Arthur Congdon is:

5487 i. Arthur Jason15 Congdon, born 09 Oct 1972.

3171. Milo Douglas14 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1943. He married Sandra Smith 22 Dec 1964. She was born 26 Jul 1947.

Children of Milo Morgan and Sandra Smith are:

+ 5488 i. Cassandra Lynn15 Morgan, born 08 Dec 1965.

5489 ii. Milo Douglas Morgan, Jr., born 18 Jan 1969. He married Darla Sparling 18 Sep 1993; born abt. 1970.


Marriage Notes for Milo Morgan and Darla Sparling:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 Feb 1993 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Sparling-Morgan (photo included)

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sparling of Troy announce the engagement of their daughter, Darla Sparling, to Doug Morgan, son of Milo Morgan of Corning and Sandra Coon of Winterhaven, Fla. The bride-elect graduated from Troy High School, World Haircare Careers, Elmira, and attended Central Pennsylvania Business School, Harrisburg. She is self-employed in her own beauty salon in Troy. Her fiance graduated from Troy High School and Lincoln Technical Institute, Allentown, Pa. He is self-employed. The couple plan to marry Sept. 18, 1993.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Jan 1994 ed.:

MARRIAGES -- Sparling-Morgan (photo included)

The wedding of Darla Sparling and Doug Morgan took place Sept. 18, 1993 in Troy Baptist Church. The Rev. Garry Zuber officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sparling of Troy. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Milo Morgan of Corning and Mrs. Sandra Coon of Winter Haven, FL. Marcie Jennings of Canton was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Kathy Putnam and Danielle Sparling, both of Troy, Christy Buzako of Elmira and Cassandra Liberatore of Pine Valley. Flower girl was Samantha Segur of Pine Valley and ring bearers were Brent Sparling and Tyler Sparling, both of Troy. Serving as best man was Rob Morris of Troy. Ushers were Bob Dibble of Rochester, Tim Dibble of Mosherville, Matt Eiffert of Horseheads and Dennis Rathbun of Pine City. The reception was held at the Troy Vet's Club. The bride graduated from Troy High School, World Haircare Careers, Elmira and attended Central Pennsylvania Business School, Harrisburg. She is self-employed as operator of a beauty salon in Troy. The bridegroom graduated from Troy High School and Lincoln Technical Institute, Allentown, PA. He is self-employed. The couple live in Troy after returning from a trip to Florida.

3172. Gerald Harmon14 Morgan (Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1944. He married Donna Lee Stranger 06 Feb 1966, daughter of Elmer Stranger and Phyllis Topp. She was born 11 Nov 1949.


More About Donna Lee Stranger:

Residence: Jan 1992, Liberty, Steuben Co., NY

Children of Gerald Morgan and Donna Stranger are:

5490 i. Patrick Eugene15 Morgan, born 18 Feb 1968.

5491 ii. Machelle Lynn Morgan, born 23 Mar 1969. She married Douglas A. Miller 22 Aug 1998 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY.


Marriage Notes for Machelle Morgan and Douglas Miller:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 Jun 1998 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Morgan-Miller (photo included)

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan of Fassett, PA announce the engagement of their daughter, Machelle Lynn Morgan to Douglas A. Miller, son of Anita Miller of Corning. The bride-elect graduated from Troy High School and is studying nursing at Corning Community College. She is employed by The Bon-Ton at Arnot Mall, Big Flats. Her fiance graduated from Corning East High School and Corning Community College. He is employed by Borden, Inc. of Corning. The couple plans to marry Aug. 22, 1998.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 09 May 1999 ed.:

WEDDINGS -- Morgan-Miller

The marriage of Machelle L. Morgan and Douglas A. Miller took place Aug. 22, 1998 in Wellsburg United Methodist Church. The Rev. Gail Oldenbusch officiated. The bride is the daughter of Gerald and Donna Morgan of Gillett. The bridegroom is the son of Anita Miller of Wayne, NY. Beth Tracy of Auburn, NY and Heather Huckabee of Liverpool, NY, were matrons of honor. Bridesmaids were Renee Downing of Elmira, Donna Paris of Corning and Amy Seeley of Painted Post. Flower girl was Suzette Marie Morgan of Horseheads. Serving as best men were Robert Downing of Painted Post and Ted Huckabee of Liverpool. Ushers were Chris Sando of Corning, Michael Morgan of Gillett and Patrick Morgan of Troy. The reception was held at South Creek Fire Hall in Gillett. The bride graduated from Troy High School. She is employed by Schuyler Hospital in Montour Falls. The bridegroom graduated from Corning Community College. He is employed by Pressware in Corning. The couple live in Beaver Dams.


5492 iii. Michael Morgan, born 08 Apr 1971.

3173. Dale Howard14 Selleck (Geraldine Mary13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Oct 1943 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Beverly Ann Campbell 11 Jan 1963 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of James Campbell and Florence Weed. She was born 27 Oct 1945 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Dale Selleck and Beverly Campbell are:

5493 i. Janet Marie15 Selleck, born 05 Aug 1963 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

5494 ii. Florence Candy Selleck, born 27 Mar 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Mark Roberts 25 Jun 1983 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Florence Candy Selleck:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


5495 iii. Howard Dale Selleck, born 13 Dec 1966 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Howard Dale Selleck:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


5496 iv. Geraldine Ann Selleck, born 18 Feb 1969 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5497 v. Wyatt James Selleck, born 11 Aug 1971.

3174. Imogene Rose14 Selleck (Geraldine Mary13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Sep 1946 in West Burlington, Bradford Co., PA. She married Bruce Henry McNeal 04 Jun 1966 in Windfall, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Kenneth McNeal and Phyllis Voorhis. He was born 11 Nov 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Bruce Henry McNeal:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Child of Imogene Selleck and Bruce McNeal is:

5498 i. Albert LaRue15 McNeal, born 05 Mar 1967 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Albert LaRue McNeal:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

3175. Mary Ellen14 Selleck (Geraldine Mary13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Oct 1949 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Patrick Robert Cappello 04 Sep 1971 in Windfall, Granville Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of Basil Cappello and Lydia Homechenko. He was born 07 Jun 1949 in Erie, Erie Co., PA.

Children of Mary Selleck and Patrick Cappello are:

5499 i. Jason Patrick15 Cappello, born 21 May 1972 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

5500 ii. Danaka Brooke Cappello, born 07 Mar 1979 in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA.

3177. Gail Jeanette14 Selleck (Geraldine Mary13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1959 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married David Eugene Mattock 17 Dec 1977 in Sylvania, Bradford Co., PA, son of James Mattock and Betty Gates. He was born 01 Oct 1953 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Gail Selleck and David Mattock are:

5501 i. Stacey Lynn15 Mattock, born 06 Mar 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.



More About Stacey Lynn Mattock:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


5502 ii. Holly Jo Mattock, born 02 Oct 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Holly Jo Mattock:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

3178. Lester Eugene14 Hilfiger (Gertrude Idella13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Brenda Sue Zeigler 25 Sep 1973 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, daughter of James Zeigler and Ruth Bunn. She was born 31 Aug 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Brenda Sue Zeigler:

Education: Jul 1982, Pennsylvania State University

Children of Lester Hilfiger and Brenda Zeigler are:

5503 i. Mickel Lee15 Hilfiger, born 13 Jan 1974 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5504 ii. Timothy James Hilfiger, born 20 Jan 1978 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK.

3179. Barbara Lou14 Hilfiger (Gertrude Idella13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Aug 1955 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Gary Allen abt. 1972. She married (2) Charles Kraus abt. 1983.


More About Barbara Lou Hilfiger:

Medical Information: born at Soldiers & Sailors Hospital

Children of Barbara Hilfiger and Gary Allen are:

5505 i. Eric Scott15 Allen, born 25 Oct 1974.

5506 ii. Christina Marie Allen, born 27 May 1978.

Child of Barbara Hilfiger and Charles Kraus is:

5507 i. Justin Charles15 Kraus, born 19 Mar 1984 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

3180. Paulette Marie14 Hilfiger (Gertrude Idella13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Aug 1959 in NJ. She married Paul Kisslinger.

Children of Paulette Hilfiger and Paul Kisslinger are:

5508 i. Corey15 Kisslinger.

5509 ii. Sarah Kisslinger.

3181. Philip Dennis14 Doud (Marjorie Ellen13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Feb 1952 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, and died 05 Nov 1992 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA. He married Linda R. Farrer 25 Nov 1977. She was born 24 Jan 1947.


Notes for Philip Dennis Doud:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 6 Nov 1992 ed.:

DOUD, P. Dennis, age 40 of 88 Seventh St., Mansfield, PA; passed away Thursday November 5, 1992 at home. Mr. Doud was born February 4, 1952 in Canton, PA a son of Philip and Marjorie Morgan Doud. He graduated from Canton High School and Williamsport Community College. Denny was employed by Johnson's Truck Lines as a Truck Driver for the past 14 years. He was a communicant of St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Canton; lifetime member of the Innes Hose Co., Canton Fire Department, member of the Wheel Inn, Inc., Roaring Branch and a social member of the American Legion Post #235, Tioga. Bowling was one of his favorite activities. Surviving are his wife the firmer Linda R. Farrer. They would have celebrated 15 years of marriage November 25, 1992; two sons, Mark Hutchinson of State College and Matthew Doud at home; daughter, Cheryl Doud at home; parents, Philip and Marjorie Doud of RR #2 Canton; 3 sisters, Mrs. Mary Ann George, Mrs. Janet Holmes, Mrs. Alicia Jennings; and 2 brothers, James and Steven Doud all of Canton, maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mary Morgan of Canton; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated from the Holy Child Catholic Church, S. Main St. Mansfield, PA Saturday at 11:00 a.m., Rev. Michael E. Finn, Pastor of the Holy Child Catholic Church will officiate. Interment will be in the Oakwood Cemetery. Visitation will be held at the Wilston Funeral Home, 18 N. Main St., Mansfield, PA Friday 6 to 9 P.M.


More About Philip Dennis Doud:

Burial: 07 Nov 1992, Oakwood Cem., Mansfield, Tioga Co., PA

Obituary/Death Notice: 06 Nov 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Residence: Bef. Nov 1992, Last residence: Mansfield, PA 16933

Social Security Number: 109-44-0031 (NY)

Children of Philip Doud and Linda Farrer are:

5510 i. Cheryl Denise15 Doud, born 03 Nov 1978.

5511 ii. Matthew Morgan Doud, born 08 Jan 1980.

3182. Mary Ann14 Doud (Marjorie Ellen13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jan 1956 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married William Henry George, Jr. 14 Aug 1971 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of William Henry George. He was born 09 May 1953.


More About Mary Ann Doud:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital


Children of Mary Doud and William George are:

5512 i. Michelle Lynn15 George, born 24 Mar 1972 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Michelle Lynn George:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 30 Mar 1972 ed.:

BIRTHS - Troy Community Hospital

GEORGE - a daughter, Friday March 24, 1972 to William and Mary Ann Doud George of Canton.


More About Michelle Lynn George:

Birth Announced: 30 Mar 1972, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


5513 ii. Jennifer Lee George, born 13 Nov 1974.

3183. James Harold14 Doud (Marjorie Ellen13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1958 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dorothea Rosner 16 Aug 1978. She was born 06 Apr 1960.


More About James Harold Doud:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Children of James Doud and Dorothea Rosner are:

5514 i. Nicolette Louise15 Doud, born 30 Nov 1978.

5515 ii. Evenelle Marie Doud, born 17 Jan 1982.

3185. Alicia Jane14 Doud (Marjorie Ellen13 Morgan, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Aug 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Franklin Duane Jennings abt. 1983.


More About Alicia Jane Doud:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Children of Alicia Doud and Franklin Jennings are:

5516 i. ______15 Jennings, born Jun 1984.

5517 ii. ______ Jennings, born 07 Feb 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About ______ Jennings:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

3188. David Lynn14 Morgan (Morris Fred13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Pamela Blood 17 Jun 1978, daughter of John Blood and Claire ______. She was born 21 Aug 1957.


More About David Lynn Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Residence: Jul 1982, Newport Richie, FL


More About Pamela Blood:

Residence: Jul 1982, Newport Richie, FL

Child of David Morgan and Pamela Blood is:

5518 i. Michelle Jo15 Morgan, born 04 Jan 1982 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Michelle Jo Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Devine Providence Hospital

3190. Richard Bruce14 Morgan, Jr. (Richard Bruce13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jul 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dana Herb 05 Apr 1980.


More About Richard Bruce Morgan, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Richard Morgan and Dana Herb are:

5519 i. John Ambs15 Morgan, born 29 Jun 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About John Ambs Morgan:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5520 ii. ______ Morgan, born 29 May 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Morgan:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 31 May 1984 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Hosp.

MORGAN - a son, Tuesday, May 29, 1984 to Richard and Dana Herb Morgan of Gillett, RD 1.


More About ______ Morgan:

Birth Announced: 31 May 1984, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3193. Patricia Jan14 Morgan (Richard Bruce13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Apr 1963. She married Mark Allen Hurd 23 Jul 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Richard Hurd and Carol ______. He was born 04 Mar 1960.

Children of Patricia Morgan and Mark Hurd are:

5521 i. Faith Marie15 Hurd, born 04 Feb 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

5522 ii. Travis Richard Hurd, born 19 Jul 1981 in Clearfield, Clearfield Co., PA.

3196. Russell Otto14 Morgan (Otto Clyde13, Fred Desmond12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jul 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Connie Lorraine Gee 14 Jun 1969.

Children of Russell Morgan and Connie Gee are:

5523 i. Russell Otto15 Morgan II, born 29 Oct 1970. He married Angela Yvette Merrick 21 Aug 1993 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA.


Marriage Notes for Russell Morgan and Angela Merrick:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Sep 1993 ed.:

WEDDINGS -- Merrick-Morgan (photo incl.)

The wedding of Angela Yvette Merrick and Russell Otto Morgan II took place Aug. 21, 1993 in the Columbia Cross Roads United Methodist Church, Col. X Roads. The Rev. Raffensperger officiated. The bride is the daughter of Gary and Sharon Merrick of Col. X Roads. The bridegroom is the son of Russell and Connie Morgan of LeRoy. Karen Bealer of Boyerstown, PA was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Pamela Krise of Mehoopany, PA, Angela Bowers of McEwensville, PA, Christa Russell of Luthers Mills, PA and Teresa Merrick of Owego. Flower girl was Taylor Bowers and ring bearer was Brandon Gee. Serving as best man was Mark Morgan of LeRoy. Ushers were Joe Route, Craig Route and Tim Spencer, all of Canton and Zann Merrick of Owego. The reception was held at Holiday Inn, Elmira. The bride graduated from Troy Area School and Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA. She is employed by Bay View Elementary School in Maryland. The bridegroom graduated from Canton High School and Kings College, Wilkes-Barre, PA. He is employed by Cecil County Schools. The couple live in Maryland. They will honeymoon in the Bahamas at a later date.


5524 ii. Mark David Morgan, born 26 Sep 1973.

3197. Elizabeth Susanne14 Morgan (Otto Clyde13, Fred Desmond12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Feb 1950 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Fredrick Arthur Metcalf 28 Dec 1968.

Child of Elizabeth Morgan and Fredrick Metcalf is:

5525 i. Christopher Fredrick15 Metcalf, born 19 Nov 1971; Adopted child.

3198. Bradley Fred14 Morgan (Otto Clyde13, Fred Desmond12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1954 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married Marla Kay Gray 03 Nov 1973.

Child of Bradley Morgan and Marla Gray is:

5526 i. Nicholaus Lee15 Morgan, born 28 Dec 1979.

3201. Larry Prentice14 Baumunk (Prentice Edward Baumunk13 Hauk, Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Sep 1951. He married Rheda Lynn Norton 29 Aug 1970 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of Harvey Norton and Rachel Tule. She was born 30 Mar 1951 in Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children of Larry Baumunk and Rheda Norton are:

5527 i. Michael Larry15 Baumunk, born 19 Jun 1971.

5528 ii. Jason J. Baumunk, born 13 Oct 1975.

3203. Donna Lee14 Edkin (Glenna Agnes13 Baumunk, Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jun 1959. She married Richard M. Green 14 Jun 1980, son of Donald Green and Rita Muhler. He was born 21 Nov 1958.

Children of Donna Edkin and Richard Green are:

5529 i. ______15 Green, born abt. 1982.

5530 ii. ______ Green, born abt. 1983.

3204. Diane Marie14 Edkin (Glenna Agnes13 Baumunk, Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Aug 1961 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Dennis Michael Klem 12 Sep 1981 in Hillsgrove, Sullivan Co., PA, son of George Klem and Josephine Mooha. He was born 05 Mar 1958 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Diane Marie Edkin:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW; 03 Aug 2000 ed.:

Hillsgrove news: "Diane Klem would like to thank Dean Rosbach for finding her diamond necklace."


Marriage Notes for Diane Edkin and Dennis Klem:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 17 Sep 1981 ed.:

DIANE EDKIN and DENNIS KLEM married in noon ceremony (photo incl. of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Klem)

The marriage ceremony uniting Diane M. Edkin and Dennis M. Klem was held Saturday, September 12, 1981 at noon at the Hillsgrove Methodist Church. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. M. Lee Ellenberger. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Edkin. The groom is the son of the late George Klem and Mrs. Josephine Klem. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white chiffonella gown featuring a V-neckline outlined in chiffon and Chantilly lace, bishop sleeves with lace cuffs, and a natural waist accented with Chantilly lace. The front of the full skirt featured a hemline flounce of Chantilly lace. The back of the gown was row upon row of Chantilly and chiffon ruffles lengthened into a chapel length train. She wore a picture hat of silk and Viennese lace, caught up in the back with fabric flowers attached to a finger-length veil of French illusion with rolled edge. She carried a cascading bouquet of silk white roses accented with rosebuds and white ribbons. Mrs. Donna Green served as matron of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were JoAnn Woodley and Penny Heinze, both friends of the bride. Best man for his brother was Joseph Klem. Ushers were Daniel Kravitz, cousin of the groom and Richard Green, brother-in-law of the bride. Miss Jennifer Hatch, cousin of the bride and Miss Melanie Palmer, niece of the groom, were flower girls. Ring bearer was Shane Palmer, nephew of the groom. Musical selections were performed by Miss Sharon Bennett. The bride's mother arranged the flowers and made the wedding cake. The reception was held at Green Acres in Hillsgrove and was catered by Mrs. Eunice Boyles. Music was provided by Sammy Raye and his orchestra. A rehearsal dinner was given by Mrs. Josephine Klem. The bride was honored at a shower given by her attendants at her parents' home and a shower, given by Gardner's Inn, in Forksville. The groom is employed as an accountant at Cardinal Container Corp., in Mt. Carmel, PA. He is a graduate of King's College, Wilkes-Barre, PA. Both the bride and groom are graduates of Sullivan County High School. After a wedding trip to Virginia, the couple will reside in Atlas, PA.

Child of Diane Edkin and Dennis Klem is:

5531 i. Donovan15 Klem, born abt. 1986.


Notes for Donovan Klem:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, Mar 1992 ed.:

HILLSGROVE - On Wednesday, March 1 Donovan Klem took his daddy to see Elmo's Coloring Book at the Community Arts Theater in Williamsport for his dad's birthday. Dennis had a real good time, especially when someone chose him (out of all the people there) to go up on the stage and dance with Elmo, Big Bird and all the Sesame Street cast. He had to dress like a dinosaur. I'm sure Dennis won't forget this birthday!

3205. Charles Lee14 Baumunk, Jr. (Charles Lee13, Bertha Alfreda12 Morgan, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Aug 1960. He married Terrie Ann Brown 18 Oct 1980 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Brown and Helen Higley. She was born 23 Nov 1961 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Charles Lee Baumunk, Jr.:

Residence: Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


More About Terrie Ann Brown:

Residence: Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Charles Baumunk and Terrie Brown:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 21 Nov 1979 ed.: (photo of Terrie incl.)

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brown, of RD #1, Forksville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Terrie Ann to Charles Lee Baumunk, Jr., son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baumunk, Sr. of RD #1 Forksville. The bride-elect is a 1979 graduate of Sullivan County High School and is employed by Our House Restaurant in Grover. Her fiance graduated from Sullivan County High School in 1978. He is employed by Baumunk Lumber Company in Forksville. Wedding plans are incomplete.

Children of Charles Baumunk and Terrie Brown are:

5532 i. Tyler Charles15 Baumunk, born 22 May 1985.


More About Tyler Charles Baumunk:

Residence: Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA


5533 ii. Darrin John Baumunk, born 1989.


More About Darrin John Baumunk:

Residence: Forksville, Sullivan Co., PA

3211. Linda Jean14 Porter (Wilford Rozell13, Rozell12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 May 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Gary LaRue Rockwell 07 Aug 1965 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Arthur Rockwell and Esther Baxter. He was born 08 May 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Linda Jean Porter:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Linda Porter and Gary Rockwell are:

5534 i. Tina Louise15 Rockwell, born 12 Dec 1967 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Tina Louise Rockwell:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5535 ii. Jennifer Lynn Rockwell, born 17 Apr 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Jennifer Lynn Rockwell:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5536 iii. Mark Thomas Rockwell, born 11 Oct 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Mark Thomas Rockwell:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

3212. Suzanne Ruth14 Porter (Wilford Rozell13, Rozell12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Apr 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Robert Ebbs abt. 1972.



More About Suzanne Ruth Porter:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Suzanne Porter and Robert Ebbs are:

5537 i. Heather Michelle15 Ebbs, born 30 May 1973 in Ft. Lauderdale, Broward Co., FL.

5538 ii. Gregory Allen Ebbs, born 04 Jun 1975 in Ft. Lauderdale, Broward Co., FL.

3226. Charleen Ann14 Porter (Charles Edward13, Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1965 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Charleen Ann Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Child of Charleen Ann Porter is:

5539 i. Regina Renee15 Porter, born 01 Mar 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Regina Renee Porter:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

3227. Christine Marie14 Porter (Charles Edward13, Addison Charles12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 May 1966 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Christine Marie Porter:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Child of Christine Marie Porter is:

5540 i. Bobbi Jo15 Porter, born 20 Sep 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Bobbi Jo Porter:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

3266. Norman Clyde14 Castle (Glecia Irene13 Porter, Gleason Norman12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Dec 1956 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Vickie Johnston abt. 1976.


More About Norman Clyde Castle:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Norman Castle and Vickie Johnston are:

5541 i. Shawn Michael15 Castle, born 20 Oct 1978.

5542 ii. Misty Lynn Castle, born 03 Jun 1980.

3267. Randy Lee14 Castle (Glecia Irene13 Porter, Gleason Norman12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Aug 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Darlene Storrs abt. 1976.


More About Randy Lee Castle:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Randy Castle and Darlene Storrs are:

5543 i. Stacy Jo15 Castle, born 27 Sep 1977.

5544 ii. Trisha Ann Castle, born 12 Apr 1979.

5545 iii. Nichole Marie Castle, born 07 Jan 1981.

3268. Duane Bradley14 Castle (Glecia Irene13 Porter, Gleason Norman12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jun 1960 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Lori Jerkes abt. 1981.


More About Duane Bradley Castle:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Child of Duane Castle and Lori Jerkes is:

5546 i. Andy Lee15 Castle, born 15 Nov 1981.

3271. Timmie Carl14 Castle (Glecia Irene13 Porter, Gleason Norman12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Mar 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Penny Kilmer abt. 1984, daughter of Joseph Kilmer and Geraldine ______. He married (2) Carol Lynne Bedford 14 Dec 1990, daughter of Ray Bedford and Alice Morgan. She was born 14 Feb 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Timmie Carl Castle:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital


More About Penny Kilmer:

Residence: Jun 2003, Johnson City, NY

Children of Timmie Castle and Penny Kilmer are:

5547 i. Dustin15 Castle.

5548 ii. Scott Castle.

5549 iii. Chad Carl Castle, born 19 Jun 1985 in Baltimore, MD; died 01 Jun 2003 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Chad Carl Castle:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 3 Jun 2003 ed.:

CASTLE, Chad Carl, age 17, of Canton, PA, passed away Sunday evening, June 1, 2003, at Troy Community Hospital as the result of a tragic automobile accident. Chad was born on June 19, 1985 in Baltimore, MD. He was a senior with the 2003 graduating class of Canton High School. Chad was a friendly and well-rounded young man who was known to always help anyone he could. He was active in Warrior Football, Track, Cross-country and Basketball. He worked for the East Canton United Methodist Church and the David Horning farm. Chad had received a scholarship at Edinboro University to study computer sciences. Chad was a member of the East Canton United Methodist Church; he was active in The God Squad Youth Group and the Tuesday Morning Prayer Group. He helped with Little League Softball, proudly supporting his team place third in state competition. Chad was also involved with the school's Channel 10 Interact Club. Chad was always busy and very active at his home, school and church. He enjoyed riding four-wheelers, hunting, sports and Ford Mustang cars. He especially loved times spent with his family and friends. He is survived by his parents, Timmie C. and Carol (Bedford) Castle, Canton, Penny (Kilmer) and Kevin Rood, Johnson City, NY; brothers and sisters, Dustin, Scott, Stephanie, Joseph and Jaimee; grandparents, Alice May, Harold and Glecia Castle, all of Canton, Ray and Mary Bedford, Mansfield, PA, Joseph and Geraldine Kilmer, Groton, NY, Rosella Rood, Lisle, NY; great-grandparents, Leola Castle, Wilma Morgan, both of Canton, Dean Morgan, Dushore; and many special aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. He was predeceased by grandparents, Ben Castle, Gerald May and Robert Rood. Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, at the Pepper Funeral Home, Canton. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m., Thursday, at the East Canton United Methodist Church with his pastor and friend, Rev. Jay Morris, officiating. Burial will be in Beech Flats Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, Chad's family suggests that memorials be made to the East Canton U.M. Church, RR 1, Box 73, Canton, PA 17724, to be used for The God Squad Youth Group.


More About Chad Carl Castle:

Burial: 04 Jun 2003, Beech Flats Cem., East Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Timmie Castle and Carol Bedford are:

5550 i. Stephanie15 Castle.

5551 ii. Joseph Castle.

5552 iii. Jaimee Castle.

3278. Keith Eugene14 Porter (Eugene Cleveland13, Wilburn Eugene12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Sep 1963 in Fort Dix, Burlington Co., NJ. He married Paula ______.

Children of Keith Porter and Paula ______ are:

5553 i. Jonathan15 Porter.

5554 ii. Kristy Porter.

5555 iii. Andrea Leigh Porter.

3279. Michael W.14 Porter (Eugene Cleveland13, Wilburn Eugene12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married Amy ______.

Children of Michael Porter and Amy ______ are:

5556 i. Heather15 Porter.

5557 ii. Justin Porter.

3280. Christopher J.14 Porter (Eugene Cleveland13, Wilburn Eugene12, Orwell L.11, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jun 1966 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. He married Jean ______.

Children of Christopher Porter and Jean ______ are:

5558 i. Katelynn15 Porter.

5559 ii. C. J. Porter.

3299. Maxine Grace14 Farner (Stella Irene13 Newell, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1935 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA. She married James Edward Lawyer 14 Mar 1953. He was born 19 Aug 1933.

Children of Maxine Farner and James Lawyer are:

+ 5560 i. Deborah Jean15 Lawyer, born 30 Aug 1953.

5561 ii. Dwayne Edward Lawyer, born 20 Apr 1955; died 09 Aug 1977.


More About Dwayne Edward Lawyer:

Cause of Death: Lung cancer

3300. June Marie14 Farner (Stella Irene13 Newell, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 May 1936 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA. She married Robert Alan Mowen 05 Mar 1954. He was born 19 Dec 1934.

Child of June Farner and Robert Mowen is:

5562 i. Vickie Diane15 Mowen, born 28 Jul 1955. She married Thomas Locke.

3301. Robert Jay14 Farner (Stella Irene13 Newell, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1937 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA. He married Nancy Brookens.


Child of Robert Farner and Nancy Brookens is:

+ 5563 i. Mandy Rae15 Farner.

3303. Ronald Lee14 Farner (Stella Irene13 Newell, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jan 1951 in Greene Twp., Franklin Co., PA. He married (1) Linda Adams. He married (2) Patricia O'Donel.

Child of Ronald Farner and Linda Adams is:

5564 i. Troy Allen15 Farner.

Children of Ronald Farner and Patricia O'Donel are:

5565 i. Wesley Dean15 Farner.

5566 ii. Wade Allen Farner.

3304. Margaret Louise14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1941 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Ned Rine Kelso 25 Feb 1962. He was born 17 Jan 1932 in Newburg, Cumberland Co., PA, and died 18 Jun 1999.


More About Ned Rine Kelso:

Residence: 1993, Fayetteville, PA

Social Security Number: 172-26-9798 (PA)

Children of Margaret Newell and Ned Kelso are:

5567 i. Ned Rine15 Kelso, Jr., born 02 Oct 1962 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5568 ii. Laurie Ann Kelso, born 19 Jul 1966 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5569 iii. Stacy Louise Kelso, born 05 Jul 1971 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3306. Donald Lee14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jul 1943 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married (1) Linda Eckenrode May 1962. She was born in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married (2) Delia Ulen 01 Nov 1975.

Children of Donald Newell and Linda Eckenrode are:

+ 5570 i. Michael Eugene15 Newell, born 17 Nov 1962 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5571 ii. Keith Allen Newell, born 14 Oct 1966 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3307. Judith Norene14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1944 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) William Brewster abt. 1969. He was born 08 Feb 1944 in WV. She married (2) William Capello 18 Sep 1978.

Children of Judith Newell and William Brewster are:

5572 i. Christine15 Brewster, born 20 Jan 1969 in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA; died 12 Feb 1969 in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA.


More About Christine Brewster:

Burial: Mt. Pleasant Cem., Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA


5573 ii. Timothy Brewster, born 09 Jan 1972 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; died 26 Jan 1972 in Chambersburg, PA.


More About Timothy Brewster:

Burial: Mt. Pleasant Cem., Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

3308. Patricia Ann14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jul 1945 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Charles Golden 10 Oct 1964. He was born 31 Jul 1946 in Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA.

Children of Patricia Newell and Charles Golden are:

5574 i. Kimberly Sue15 Golden, born 23 Jun 1966 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5575 ii. Jeffrey Lynn Golden, born 10 Sep 1968 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3309. David Lee14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1947 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Susan Mills 04 Oct 1968. She was born 25 Sep 1946 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Child of David Newell and Susan Mills is:

5576 i. Melissa Kay15 Newell, born 19 May 1968 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3310. William Dale14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Sep 1948 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Christine Rice 15 Aug 1970. She was born 06 Jul 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of William Newell and Christine Rice are:

5577 i. William Dale15 Newell, Jr., born 18 Aug 1971 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5578 ii. Holly Jo Newell, born 28 Dec 1973 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


3311. Ronald Eugene14 Newell (Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Mar 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married (1) Judy Feldman. He married (2) Deborah Bombaugh abt. 1968.

Children of Ronald Newell and Deborah Bombaugh are:

5579 i. Tracy Marie15 Newell, born 02 Nov 1969.

5580 ii. Trisha Yvonne Newell, born 23 Jul 1973.

3312. Robert Kenneth14 Newell, Jr. (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Nov 1946 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA. He married Betty Mixell 11 Nov 1967 in Newburg, Cumberland Co., PA.


More About Robert Kenneth Newell, Jr.:

Name 2: Robert K. Newell

Residence: 2000, Shippensburg, PA

Children of Robert Newell and Betty Mixell are:

5581 i. Kenneth Lee15 Newell, born 22 Jan 1968 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA.

5582 ii. Michelle Lynn Newell, born 28 Dec 1969 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA.

5583 iii. David Lee Newell, born 02 Jun 1970 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA.

5584 iv. Tammy Sue Newell, born 07 May 1971 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., PA.

3314. Barbara Jean14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Apr 1950 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Donald Cummings 30 Jun 1970 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD. He was born abt. 1948 in Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Barbara Newell and Donald Cummings are:

5585 i. Jeanna Lee15 Cummings, born 08 Aug 1970.

5586 ii. Donald Lee Cummings, born 19 Mar 1974.

3316. Anna Mary14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jul 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She met (1) Merle Johnson abt. 1972. She married (2) Vincent Martin 04 Aug 1977 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD.

Child of Anna Newell and Merle Johnson is:

5587 i. Fontina Lynn15 Johnson, born 09 Nov 1973.

3317. Roger Lee14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Aug 1955 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Karen Fleagle 25 Aug 1979 in Newburg, Cumberland Co., PA.

Children of Roger Newell and Karen Fleagle are:

5588 i. Roger Lee15 Newell, Jr., born 07 Jul 1979 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA; died 07 Jul 1979 in Chambersburg, PA.


More About Roger Lee Newell, Jr.:

Burial: Doylesburg, Cumberland Co., PA

Cause of Death: stillborn


5589 ii. Jason Lee Newell, born 22 Sep 1980.

5590 iii. Justin Lee Newell, born 06 Sep 1983.

3318. Sandra Kay14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Apr 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Stephen Martin 02 Jun 1977 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD.

Children of Sandra Newell and Stephen Martin are:

5591 i. Stacy Jo15 Martin, born 27 Jul 1978.

5592 ii. Heather Anne Martin, born 12 Sep 1979.

3320. Audrea Elizabeth14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1960 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Randy Rosenberry 28 May 1988 in Dry Run, Franklin Co., PA.

Child of Audrea Newell and Randy Rosenberry is:

5593 i. Kaleim Brandon15 Newell, born 05 Aug 1981.

3321. Valerie Louise14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1963 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Joey Jones 18 Jan 1986 in Norristown, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Valerie Newell and Joey Jones are:

5594 i. Kellie Joe15 Jones, born 29 Jun 1984.

5595 ii. Wesley Allen Jones, born 28 May 1986.

3322. Brian Ray14 Newell (Robert Kenneth13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1964 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Regina Mitchell 19 Oct 1985 in Shippensburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Brian Newell and Regina Mitchell are:

5596 i. Christopher Robert15 Newell, born 18 Mar 1986.

5597 ii. Laura Elaine Newell, born 06 Apr 1987.

3336. Carl Frank14 Flory, Jr. (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 May 1941 in Marion, Franklin Co., PA. He married Doris Kebaugh abt. 1970.


Notes for Doris Kebaugh:

Doris' father was from Scotland.

Child of Carl Flory and Doris Kebaugh is:

5598 i. Carol Faye15 Flory, born abt. 1971.

3337. Helen Vesta14 Flory (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1942 in Marion, Franklin Co., PA. She married Richard E. Hancock. He was born in Scotland.

Child of Helen Flory and Richard Hancock is:

5599 i. Lawanna15 Hancock.

3338. Dorothy Louise14 Flory (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1945 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) John Kuhn. She married (2) James A. Conrad.

Children of Dorothy Flory and James Conrad are:

5600 i. Stacey Jo15 Conrad.

5601 ii. Heather Anne Conrad.

3339. Edna Marie14 Flory (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Oct 1947. She married Larry Goss abt. 1975.

Children of Edna Flory and Larry Goss are:

5602 i. Jerry15 Goss, born abt. 1976.

5603 ii. Kenneth Goss, born abt. 1980.

3340. James Isiah14 Flory (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Mar 1952. He married (1) Patricia ______. He married (2) ______ ______.

Child of James Flory and Patricia ______ is:

5604 i. ______15 Flory.

3341. Ruth Elizabeth14 Flory (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1953. She married (1) Gregory Shaffer. She married (2) Richard Folgesanger.


More About Gregory Shaffer:

Cause of Death: died in housefire

Child of Ruth Flory and Gregory Shaffer is:

5605 i. Melissa15 Shaffer.

Child of Ruth Flory and Richard Folgesanger is:

5606 i. Aaron15 Folgesanger.

3342. John Eugene14 Flory (Carl Frank13, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jun 1956. He married Cheryl Fann.

Children of John Flory and Cheryl Fann are:

5607 i. Tammy15 Flory.

5608 ii. Travis Flory.

3343. Robert Eugene14 Patterson (Beulah Clara13 Flory, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Aug 1937 in Gettysburg, Adams Co., PA. He married Francis Louise DiVelvis 29 Oct 1956. She was born 21 Mar 1938.

Children of Robert Patterson and Francis DiVelvis are:

+ 5609 i. Robert Allen15 Patterson, born 24 Oct 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

+ 5610 ii. Richard Eugene Patterson, born 26 Nov 1958 in Champaign Co., IL.

+ 5611 iii. David Lee Patterson, born 07 Jun 1962 in Kent Co., DE.

3351. Wanda Jean14 Flory (Edward Franklin13, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Mar 1939. She married Jackie Willmer Ewing 04 Jun 1955.

Child of Wanda Flory and Jackie Ewing is:

5612 i. ______15 Ewing.

3355. Diane Kay14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jun 1948 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Theodore Knahle 27 Jun 1970 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Diane Stoner and Theodore Knahle are:

5613 i. Travis Lynn15 Knahle, born 18 Mar 1972 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5614 ii. Valerie Dawn Knahle, born 19 May 1977 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3356. William Edgar14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1949 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Jean McCleary 11 Feb 1972 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of William Stoner and Jean McCleary are:

5615 i. David Eugene15 Stoner, born 29 Sep 1972.

5616 ii. Douglas Edward Stoner, born 01 Apr 1976.

5617 iii. Gregory Allen Stoner, born 12 Aug 1977.

3357. Samuel LeRoy14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jan 1951 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Suzanne Free Nov 1968 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Samuel Stoner and Suzanne Free are:

5618 i. Samantha Rae15 Stoner, born 04 Jun 1969.

5619 ii. Scott Brandon Stoner, born 10 Nov 1971.

3358. James Albert14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Apr 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Penny Fields 11 Jul 1974 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD.

Children of James Stoner and Penny Fields are:

5620 i. Dustin James15 Stoner, born 16 Jun 1975 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5621 ii. Daniel James Stoner, born 22 Nov 1977 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

3359. Shirley Jean14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Oct 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Gary Newman May 1971 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Shirley Stoner and Gary Newman are:

5622 i. Brian Kirk15 Newman, born 09 Nov 1971 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5623 ii. Matthew Logan Newman, born 06 Jul 1975 in Havre de Grace, Harford Co., MD.

5624 iii. Brent Christopher Newman, born 26 Sep 1976 in Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., PA.

3360. Betty Ann14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1955 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married LeRoy Fleagle 1975 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD.

Children of Betty Stoner and LeRoy Fleagle are:

5625 i. Brittany Ann15 Fleagle, born 07 May 1984.

5626 ii. ______ Fleagle, born Jul 1988.

3361. John Allen14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Trudy Jo Kaiser 14 Jan 1979 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of John Stoner and Trudy Kaiser are:

5627 i. Benjamin Ambrose15 Stoner, born 02 Mar 1983.

5628 ii. Richard Warren Stoner, born 03 May 1985.

3362. Janet Louise14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1958 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Rodney Heberlig Nov 1979 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Janet Stoner and Rodney Heberlig are:

5629 i. Alyssa Kay15 Heberlig, born 09 Feb 1987 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5630 ii. ______ Heberlig, born Sep 1988 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3364. Elaine Faye14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Dec 1961 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Todd Flary Nov 1981 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Elaine Stoner and Todd Flary are:

5631 i. Monica Ann15 Flary, born 29 Dec 1981.


More About Monica Ann Flary:

Medical Information: twin to Nicole Marie


5632 ii. Nicole Marie Flary, born 29 Dec 1981.


More About Nicole Marie Flary:

Medical Information: twin to Monica Ann

3365. Carolyn Sue14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 May 1965 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married James Clouser Feb 1986 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Carolyn Sue Stoner:

Medical Information: twin to Charles David

Child of Carolyn Stoner and James Clouser is:

5633 i. ______15 Clouser, born Nov 1988.

3366. Charles David14 Stoner (Gladys May13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 May 1965 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Renee Leidig Jan 1985 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


More About Charles David Stoner:

Medical Information: twin to Carolyn Sue

Children of Charles Stoner and Renee Leidig are:

5634 i. Jessica Joy15 Stoner, born 07 Jun 1985 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5635 ii. Erika Lynn Stoner, born 10 Mar 1988 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3367. Dennis Guy14 Flory (Ernest LeRoy13, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1946.

Child of Dennis Guy Flory is:

5636 i. ______15 Flory, born 1988.

3371. Ronald Wayne14 Bowman (Beatrice Amelia13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jul 1949 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Patricia Smith.

Children of Ronald Bowman and Patricia Smith are:

5637 i. Rhonda Kay15 Bowman.

5638 ii. Shane R. Bowman.

3374. Kathy Jean14 Bowman (Beatrice Amelia13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Sep 1956 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Donald Jones.

Child of Kathy Bowman and Donald Jones is:

5639 i. Jennifer Lynn15 Jones.

3376. Linda Kay14 Bowman (Grace Pauline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Nov 1949 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (1) Donald Vitner. She married (2) Carl Goshorn abt. 1970.


More About Linda Kay Bowman:

Occupation: 1988, PA state government

Child of Linda Bowman and Carl Goshorn is:

5640 i. Brian Lee15 Goshorn, born 22 Jul 1971.

3377. Donald Eugene14 Bowman (Grace Pauline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jun 1952 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Denise Kathleen Payne.


More About Donald Eugene Bowman:

Military service: U.S. Army

Children of Donald Bowman and Denise Payne are:

5641 i. Andrew15 Bowman, born 04 Jul.

5642 ii. Christopher Scott Bowman, born 23 Jul.

3378. Robert Lee14 Bowman (Grace Pauline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jul 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Ellen Peck abt. 1985.


More About Robert Lee Bowman:

Occupation: Lumberyard

Children of Robert Bowman and Ellen Peck are:

5643 i. Dustin Robert15 Bowman, born 09 Jan 1986.

5644 ii. Matthew Scott Bowman, born 06 Jul 1987.

3379. Ricky Lee14 Bowman (Grace Pauline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Oct 1956 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Susan Sease.


More About Ricky Lee Bowman:

Occupation: Welder

Children of Ricky Bowman and Susan Sease are:

5645 i. Rebecca15 Bowman, born 31 May.

5646 ii. Kevin Bowman, born 26 Jul.

3380. Carol Ann14 Bowman (Grace Pauline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Feb 1960 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married John Daniel Cornell.

Child of Carol Bowman and John Cornell is:

5647 i. Michelle Renee15 Cornell, born 07 Sep.

3381. Donald Lee14 Bard (Doris Caroline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married (1) Trudy Forsythe abt. 1970. He married (2) Cheryl Vaughn abt. 1978.

Children of Donald Bard and Trudy Forsythe are:

5648 i. Patricia Lynn15 Bard, born 20 Nov 1972 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5649 ii. Dawn Michelle Bard, born 12 Sep 1974 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.


Children of Donald Bard and Cheryl Vaughn are:

5650 i. Donald Lee15 Bard, Jr., born 16 Apr 1979 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5651 ii. Kevin Lee Bard, born 09 Mar 1986 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3383. Susan Kay14 Bard (Doris Caroline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1955 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (2) Robert Edward Carbaugh 31 Oct 1986 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA, son of Luther Carbaugh and Isabell Rowe. He was born 12 Dec 1956 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

Child of Susan Kay Bard is:

5652 i. Brandy Marie15 Bard, born 06 Aug 1983 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Child of Susan Bard and Robert Carbaugh is:

5653 i. Robert Edward15 Carbaugh, Jr., born 30 Jul 1986 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3384. Jay Carl14 Bard (Doris Caroline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Mar 1961. He married Karen Jo Hock 13 Aug 1982 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Jay Bard and Karen Hock are:

5654 i. Ashley Marie15 Bard, born 14 Jul 1983 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5655 ii. Jay Tyler Bard, born 19 Mar 1988 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3385. Betty Lou14 Bard (Doris Caroline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Feb 1962. She met LeRoy Goshorn abt. 1981.

Children of Betty Bard and LeRoy Goshorn are:

5656 i. Autumn Renee15 Goshorn, born 23 Dec 1982 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5657 ii. Jason LeRoy Goshorn, born 04 Feb 1984 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5658 iii. Dustin Christopher Goshorn, born 09 Jun 1986 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3386. Robin Rae14 Bard (Doris Caroline13 Flory, Grace Ruth12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Feb 1963 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married (2) Bobby Lee Williams 27 Jun 1987 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Children of Robin Rae Bard are:

5659 i. Crystal Lee15 Bard, born 28 Jun 1978 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5660 ii. Amber Rae Bard, born 07 May 1981 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

Child of Robin Bard and Bobby Williams is:

5661 i. Cassandra Lynette15 Williams, born 19 Oct 1987 in Huntsville, Madison Co., AL.

3390. Donald Allen14 Vanderau (Donald Irvin13, Beatrice Amelia12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Sep 1953 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Donna Marie Leevy Apr 1974. She was born 03 Jan 1955.

Children of Donald Vanderau and Donna Leevy are:

5662 i. Christopher Donald15 Vanderau, born 07 Nov 1974 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5663 ii. Jeremy Rush Vanderau, born 15 Aug 1977 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3393. Vickie Lynn14 Vanderau (Donald Irvin13, Beatrice Amelia12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 May 1956 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Charles Lee Jones Sep 1973.

Children of Vickie Vanderau and Charles Jones are:

5664 i. Charles Lee15 Jones, Jr., born 10 Feb 1974 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

5665 ii. Amanda Rae Jones, born 12 Oct 1976 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3394. Julie Ann14 Vanderau (Donald Irvin13, Beatrice Amelia12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jul 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Lowell Eugene Kiser abt. 1976. He was born 14 Dec 1954.

Children of Julie Vanderau and Lowell Kiser are:

5666 i. Michelle Diane15 Kiser, born 26 Jan 1975 in Hershey, Dauphin Co., PA.


More About Michelle Diane Kiser:

Medical Information: born at Hershey Medical Center; 2 1/2 mo. premature


5667 ii. Melanie Ann Kiser, born Jul 1977 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA.

3395. Tommy Lee14 Vanderau (Donald Irvin13, Beatrice Amelia12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1961 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Carol Babcock abt. 1980. She was born 14 Dec 1963.

Child of Tommy Vanderau and Carol Babcock is:

5668 i. Jamie Rae15 Vanderau, born 01 Jun 1982 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA.

3396. Susan Kay14 Vanderau (Donald Irvin13, Beatrice Amelia12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Oct 1964 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. She married Robert Ray Weikel abt. 1982. He was born 22 Oct 1960.


More About Susan Kay Vanderau:

Medical Information: twin to Shane Jay

Children of Susan Vanderau and Robert Weikel are:

5669 i. Amber Marie15 Weikel, born 14 Apr 1983 in Whiteman AFT, Johnson Co., MO.

5670 ii. Tabatha Kay Weikel, born 23 Jul 1987 in Clearlake, Galveston Co., TX.


More About Tabatha Kay Weikel:

Medical Information: born at Humana Hospital


5671 iii. ______ Weikel, born Oct 1988.

3400. Deborah Sue14 Strayer (Alta Helen13 Starr, Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Dec 1958. She married Dennis Lee Schauf.

Child of Deborah Strayer and Dennis Schauf is:

5672 i. Dennis Scott15 Schauf.

3401. John William14 Strayer, Jr. (Alta Helen13 Starr, Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Aug 1963. He married Crystal Bopp.

Children of John Strayer and Crystal Bopp are:

5673 i. Nathan15 Strayer, born abt. 1982.

5674 ii. Christy Strayer, born 31 Oct 1984; died abt. 1987.


More About Christy Strayer:

Burial: Sypesgrove Cem., Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA

Cause of Death: meningitis


5675 iii. Christa Lynn Strayer, born 29 Feb 1988.

3404. Bruce Donald14 Kauffman (Patsy Ann13 Starr, Leda Alta12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Apr 1962. He married Deborah ______ abt. 1986.


More About Bruce Donald Kauffman:

Military service: Jun 1988, U.S. Navy - boiler technician

Child of Bruce Kauffman and Deborah ______ is:

5676 i. ______15 Kauffman, born abt. Nov 1988.

3418. William Orlo14 Smith (Harold Wesley13, Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married (1) Linda ______. He married (2) Jarneal ______.

Child of William Smith and Linda ______ is:

5677 i. Dawn15 Smith.

Child of William Smith and Jarneal ______ is:

5678 i. Lark15 Smith.

3419. Walter14 Smith (Harold Wesley13, Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Francis ______.

Children of Walter Smith and Francis ______ are:

5679 i. Joseph15 Smith.

5680 ii. Becky Smith.

3420. Warren Lee14 Smith (Harold Wesley13, Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Ellen ______.

Children of Warren Smith and Ellen ______ are:

5681 i. ______15 Smith.

5682 ii. ______ Smith.

5683 iii. ______ Smith.

5684 iv. ______ Smith.

5685 v. ______ Smith.

5686 vi. ______ Smith.

3422. Genevive Clara14 Thompson (Lucy Genevive13 Smith, Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Aug 1946. She married Harold Edwin Fulmer, Jr. 29 Dec 1962, son of Harold Edwin Fulmer.

Children of Genevive Thompson and Harold Fulmer are:

5687 i. Tandra Lou15 Fulmer, born 24 May 1966 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

5688 ii. Harold Edwin Fulmer I, born 26 Sep 1970 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

3423. Charlotte Marie14 Thompson (Lucy Genevive13 Smith, Clara Mabel12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jul 1948. She married Dale Fulkerson 1968.

Child of Charlotte Thompson and Dale Fulkerson is:

5689 i. Lezli Ann15 Fulkerson, born 16 Aug 1971.

3439. Joseph Edward14 Coyle (Yolanda Eleanor13 Brown, Walter Allen12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1954. He married Debra Ann Brown Perry 01 Oct 1971, daughter of Joseph Perry and Barbara Bassett. She was born 11 May 1953.

Children of Joseph Coyle and Debra Perry are:

5690 i. Amy Jo15 Coyle, born 07 Apr 1971.

5691 ii. Jody Lynn Coyle, born 16 Aug 1973.


Notes for Jody Lynn Coyle:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 01 May 1990 ed.:

Jody was on the First Honor Roll through the 3rd nine-week marking period during her junior year at Canton High School.


5692 iii. Barbara Eleanor Coyle, born 21 Apr 1975.

5693 iv. Dennis Lee Coyle, born 26 Jan 1977.

3440. Thomas Lee14 Coyle (Yolanda Eleanor13 Brown, Walter Allen12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Aug 1956. He married Lucinda Mae Carpenter 24 Apr 1976 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA, daughter of Milford Carpenter and Catherine Little. She was born 02 Oct 1957 in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Lucinda Mae Carpenter (3161).


3445. Debra Ann14 Brown (Neil Dean13, Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1959. She married Ernest Evans.

Children of Debra Brown and Ernest Evans are:

5694 i. Holly15 Evans.

5695 ii. Daniel Evans.

5696 iii. Claurice Evans.

5697 iv. Aaron Evans.

3453. Tod Lynn14 Glidewell (Harriett Ann13 Brown, Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Apr 1965. He married Toni Ingram.

Children of Tod Glidewell and Toni Ingram are:

5698 i. Amber Marie15 Glidewell, born 01 Oct 1984.

5699 ii. April Lynn Glidewell, born 01 Feb 1986.

3454. Thomas Claude14 Glidewell (Harriett Ann13 Brown, Delbert Dean12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jun 1966. He married Kathy Bishop.

Child of Thomas Glidewell and Kathy Bishop is:

5700 i. ______15 Glidewell, born Jan 1989.

3457. Clyde Nicholaus14 Rohrer (Freda Elane13 Brown, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Nov 1953. He married Karen Maiuro 16 Jun 1973.

Children of Clyde Rohrer and Karen Maiuro are:

5701 i. Clyde Nicholaus15 Rohrer, Jr., born 12 Dec 1974.

5702 ii. Christine Marie Rohrer, born 01 Jan 1976.

3458. Brenda Sue14 Rohrer (Freda Elane13 Brown, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Feb 1955. She married Gary Dunn 27 Mar 1976.

Child of Brenda Rohrer and Gary Dunn is:

5703 i. Teresita Anne15 Dunn, born 28 Jul 1977.

3459. Sonya Dee14 Rohrer (Freda Elane13 Brown, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1961. She married John Smith.

Children of Sonya Rohrer and John Smith are:

5704 i. ______15 Smith.

5705 ii. ______ Smith.

5706 iii. ______ Smith.

5707 iv. ______ Smith.

3460. Kevin Randall14 Rohrer (Freda Elane13 Brown, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Feb 1962. He married Belinda ______.

Child of Kevin Rohrer and Belinda ______ is:

5708 i. ______15 Rohrer.

3461. Donald Allen14 Brown (Richard Allen13, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1960. He married Claudette Skora 26 Jul 1978 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Donald Brown and Claudette Skora are:

5709 i. Brandis Elizabeth15 Brown, born 04 Feb 1980.

5710 ii. Christol Rae Brown, born 16 Dec 1981.

3462. David Scott14 Brown (Richard Allen13, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Aug 1961. He married Cindy MacMurray 15 Nov 1981.

Child of David Brown and Cindy MacMurray is:

5711 i. Chasity Kay15 Brown, born 31 Dec 1981.

3466. Shawn Leon14 Brown (Robert Daniel13, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1963. He married Barbara Ann Alexander 25 May 1985. She was born 04 Nov 1966.

Child of Shawn Brown and Barbara Alexander is:

5712 i. Amanda Leigh15 Brown, born 11 Nov 1986.

3467. Stacey Irene14 Brown (Robert Daniel13, Chester Lewis12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Dec 1964. She married Robert Barnett.

Child of Stacey Brown and Robert Barnett is:

5713 i. Daniel Lee15 Barnett, born 13 Mar 1989.

3469. June Lenora14 Bryan (Emerson Robert13, Dorothy June12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Feb 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) George Henry. She married (2) Steve Twigg.

Children of June Bryan and George Henry are:

5714 i. Betsey Jo15 Henry.

5715 ii. Nicholaus Adam Henry.

3470. Cinthia Ann14 Bryan (Emerson Robert13, Dorothy June12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (1) Gregory Moyer. She married (2) John Parks.

Children of Cinthia Bryan and Gregory Moyer are:

5716 i. Brian Matthew15 Moyer.

5717 ii. Gregory Wayne Moyer, born Apr 1972.

3473. Deborah Ann14 Bryan (Ronald Glenn13, Dorothy June12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1964. She married (1) Larry Kutz. She married (2) Rodman Holmes.

Child of Deborah Bryan and Larry Kutz is:

5718 i. Tyler James15 Kutz, born 29 Oct 1986.

3474. Dondi14 Brown (Gerald Royce13, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Jana ______.

Children of Dondi Brown and Jana ______ are:

5719 i. Adam15 Brown.

5720 ii. Corey Brown.

3475. Duane14 Brown (Gerald Royce13, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Stephany ______.

Child of Duane Brown and Stephany ______ is:

5721 i. Amanda15 Brown.

3477. Roger14 Brown (Gerald Royce13, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Pamela ______.

Child of Roger Brown and Pamela ______ is:

5722 i. Jonathan15 Brown.

3479. Sherry14 Brown (Eugene Elwood13, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married John Haskins.

Child of Sherry Brown and John Haskins is:

5723 i. ______15 Haskins, born Jun 1988.

3480. Cindy14 Anderson (Janice Marie13 Brown, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married James Heinze.

Children of Cindy Anderson and James Heinze are:

5724 i. Stephanie15 Heinze.

5725 ii. Jerry Dean Heinze.

5726 iii. Annette Heinze.

3481. Timothy14 Anderson (Janice Marie13 Brown, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Brenda ______.

Children of Timothy Anderson and Brenda ______ are:

5727 i. ______15 Anderson.

5728 ii. Brandy Anderson.

3482. Diane14 Anderson (Janice Marie13 Brown, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Charles Freeh.

Children of Diane Anderson and Charles Freeh are:

5729 i. Nicole15 Freeh.

5730 ii. Gregg Freeh.

3483. Penny14 Anderson (Janice Marie13 Brown, Willard Lawrence12, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Dale Shepard.

Children of Penny Anderson and Dale Shepard are:

5731 i. Jana15 Shepard.

5732 ii. Kyle Shepard.

3498. Tammy14 Gruver (Kenneth Duane13, Ada N.12 Brown, Jennie H.11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1972. She met ______ Arnold.

Child of Tammy Gruver and ______ Arnold is:

5733 i. ______15 Arnold, born Aug 1988.

3526. Robert Hiram14 Every, Jr. (Robert Hiram13, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Nov 1947 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Janie Hitchcock. She was born in AR.

Children of Robert Every and Janie Hitchcock are:

5734 i. Susan Rene15 Every, born 27 Feb 1969.



More About Susan Rene Every:

Military service: Nov 1990, U.S. Air Force - stationed in Germany


5735 ii. Judith Ann Every, born 05 Dec 1973.

3527. Gail Alain14 Every (Robert Hiram13, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1950 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Duane Henrich.

Children of Gail Every and Duane Henrich are:

5736 i. Christen Nicol15 Henrich, born 24 Feb 1983.

5737 ii. Robert Carl Henrich, born 30 Mar 1987; died 30 Mar 1987.


More About Robert Carl Henrich:

Burial: Tioga Point Cem., Athens, Bradford Co., PA


5738 iii. Ryan Henrich, born 11 Sep 1987; Adopted child.

3528. Vicki Lynn14 Every (Robert Hiram13, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Apr 1952 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Vicki Lynn Every are:

5739 i. Jason Allen15 Every, born 05 Oct 1974.

5740 ii. Chad Lee Every, born 10 Mar 1980.

3529. Valerie Kay14 Every (Robert Hiram13, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Feb 1955 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Ronald Joseph Benjamin abt. 1973. She married (2) Robert Strait abt. 1980. She married (3) Allen Jochim abt. 1984.

Child of Valerie Every and Ronald Benjamin is:

5741 i. Curtis Anthony15 Benjamin, born 17 May 1974.

Child of Valerie Every and Robert Strait is:

5742 i. Kyle Robert15 Strait, born 17 Aug 1981.

Child of Valerie Every and Allen Jochim is:

5743 i. Allen Ryan15 Jochim, born 11 Sep 1985.

3530. Lorie Ann14 Every (Robert Hiram13, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1963 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Darryl Kyle abt. 1986.

Children of Lorie Every and Darryl Kyle are:

5744 i. Jessica Marie15 Kyle, born 05 Oct 1988.

5745 ii. Chelsea Elizabeth Kyle, born 06 Oct 1990.

3531. Helena14 Every (Raymond Wilber13, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1952 in Harvey's Lake, Luzerne Co., PA. She married Douglas Brown.

Child of Helena Every and Douglas Brown is:

5746 i. Fayanne15 Brown.

3534. Joan Lorraine14 Buchmann (Margaret Louise13 Every, Clara Margaret12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Kirk Fredrick Musselman 22 May 1982.


More About Joan Lorraine Buchmann:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

Occupation: Orthopedic Nurse

Residence 1: Bet. 1981 - 1983, Lubbock, TX

Residence 2: Nov 1990, Pittsburg, Allegheny Co., PA


Notes for Kirk Fredrick Musselman:

Joan was working at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA when she met "Dr." Kirk, as the family refers to him. Joan had received her nursing training while working in Lubbock, TX. Kirk is from the family of Musselman's who produced great apple orchards in Germany and perfected the art of packaging applesauce in jars. -- note of R. J. Porter


More About Kirk Fredrick Musselman:

Occupation: Nov 1990, Heart specialist

Children of Joan Buchmann and Kirk Musselman are:

5747 i. Allison Marie15 Musselman, born 17 Jul 1984.

5748 ii. Brittany Lynn Musselman, born 31 May 1988.

5749 iii. Cherice Kathryn Musselman, born 10 Jan 1990.

5750 iv. ______ Musselman, born 29 Oct 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Musselman:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Nov 1993 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

MUSSELMAN - a son, Friday, Oct. 29, 1993 to Dr. Kirk and Joan Buchmann Musselman of Apalachin.


More About ______ Musselman:

Birth Announced: 06 Nov 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3536. Lester Gordon14 Thomas (Pauline Marie13 Wilston, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1943, and died 10 Dec 1992 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Lillie Ann DeWalt 12 Jun 1971.


Notes for Lester Gordon Thomas:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Dec 1992 ed.:

Lester Gordon Thomas, age 48, of RR #2, Canton, Dec. 10, 1992, in Memorial Hospital, Towanda. Mr. Thomas had farmed for several years and was employed as a heavy equipment operator and truck driver for J&B Mining Co., Morris Run. Recently he worked as a counselor for Northern Tier Youth Services in Blossburg until his health prohibited him from continuing. Recently he was able to do counseling for the Northern Tier Christian Counseling Center in Canton and participated in prison ministry at the Bradford County jail. Mr. Thomas was an active member and past officer of the East Canton United Methodist Church where he was a lay speaker, church treasurer, Sunday school superintendent, assistant secretary, member of the past church building committee and past United Methodist Youth Leader. He was a former Cub Scout master and Boy Scout in Canton. Surviving are his wife, Lillie DeWalt Thomas; children, Timothy, Jeffrey and Martha, all at home; his mother and her husband, Pauline and Charles Richard Earle of Troy; sister and brother-in-law, Bonnie and Terry Austin of Blossburg. A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, December 12, 1992 at 11:00 AM from the East Canton United Methodist Church. The Rev. Jeffrey Patton, his Minister, officiating. Visitation will be from 10:00 to 11:00 AM at the Church. In lieu of flowers, Memorial Contributions may be directed to Mrs. Lillie Thomas, RR #2, Box 161, Canton, PA 17724. Morse & Kleese Funeral Home, Canton, is handling the arrangements.

(NOTE: There were two obituaries given for Lester, the above being a combined form. Nothing has been omitted. -- note of R. J. Porter)


Lester Gordon Thomas, 48, Canton RR 2, passed away Thursday, December 10, 1992 at Memorial Hospital, Towanda. He was born December 17, 1943 in Sayre, Bradford County. He operated a farm for several years and later was employed as a heavy equipment operator and truck driver for J & B Mining Co., Morris Run, PA. He attended Mansfield University and worked as a counselor for Northern Tier Youth Services in Blossburg until his health prohibited him from continuing. Recently he was able to do counseling for the Northern Tier Christian Counseling Center in Canton and participated in prison ministry at the Bradford County Jail. Mr. Thomas was an active member and past officer of the East Canton United Methodist Church. He was a former member Cub Scout master in Canton. Survivors include his wife of 21 years, the former Lillie DeWalt; sons, Timothy and Jeffrey Thomas and a daughter, Miss Martha Thomas, all at home; mother and her husband, Pauline and Charles Richard Earle of Troy; sister and brother-in-law, Bonnie and Terry Austin of Blossburg; father and mother-in-law, Charles and Melvia DeWalt of Columbia Cross Roads; brother-in-law, Wallace DeWalt of Knoxville, TN; aunts, uncles, nieces and cousins. Memorial services were held December 12 at East Canton United Methodist Church with the Rev. Jeffrey Patton officiating. Memorial contributions may be directed to Mrs. Lillie Thomas, Canton RR 2 in Mr. Thomas' memory. (TGR, Thursday, December 17, 1992)


More About Lester Gordon Thomas:

Burial: 14 Dec 1992, Turner Cem., Grover, Bradford Co., PA

Medical Information: died at Towanda Memorial Hospital

Residence: Bef. Dec 1992, Last residence: Canton, PA 17724

Social Security Number: 209-34-6348 (PA)

Children of Lester Thomas and Lillie DeWalt are:

5751 i. Timothy William15 Thomas, born 01 Jan 1974.

5752 ii. Jeffrey Mark Thomas, born 19 Apr 1977.

5753 iii. Martha Marie Thomas, born 24 Aug 1980.

3537. Bonnie Lee14 Thomas (Pauline Marie13 Wilston, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1948. She married Terry L. Austin 05 Dec 1970, son of Ward Austin and ______ ______. He was born abt. 1945.

Children of Bonnie Thomas and Terry Austin are:

+ 5754 i. Annett Lee15 Austin, born 27 Nov 1967.

5755 ii. Nicole Lee Austin, born 19 Sep 1975 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 15 Mar 2004 in Covington, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Nicole Lee Austin:

Wellsboro, PA - WELLSBORO GAZETTE, 17 Mar 2004 ed.:

NICOLE L. PARKER - Nicole L. (Austin) Parker, 28 of Covington, died unexpectedly on Monday, March 15, 2004 at home. Born Sept. 19, 1975 in Elmira, NY, she was the daughter of Terry L. and Bonnie Thomas Austin. She was the fiancee of Scott A. Gee. They had planned to be married on July 10. Nicole was employed by Wal-Mart for seven years in the claims department. She was a 1994 graduate of North Penn High School. She loved her family, especially the love she had for her daughter, Kaela and her fiancee Scott. Surviving are her daughter, Kaela Marie Parker of Blossburg, fiancee Scott A. Gee of Covington; parents, Terry L. and Bonnie Austin of Covington; sister, Annette L. Schimpf of Mansfield; niece Brittany Schimpf of Mansfield; nephew, Maxwell Henry of Mansfield; uncle, Robert E. (Sandra) Austin of Citra, Fla., aunt, Lily Thomas of Canton; several cousins; and a special friend, Heidi E. Graham of Wellsboro. Family and friends are invited to call Friday, March 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory and Monuments, PA, 637 S. Main St., Mansfield. Services will be held immediately following calling hours at 8 p.m. at the funeral home with the Rev. Cheryl L. Beimer officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc., 2000 L Street NW, Suite 710, Washington, DC 20036.


More About Nicole Lee Austin:

Burial: unknown

Obituary/Death Notice: 17 Mar 2004, WELLSBORO GAZETTE, Wellsboro, PA

3538. Peggy Ann14 Wilston (Harold Dean13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Apr 1955. She married Michael Makosky 12 Mar 1971.

Children of Peggy Wilston and Michael Makosky are:

5756 i. Gretchen May15 Makosky, born 10 Aug 1971.

5757 ii. LeAnn Fayne Makosky, born 10 Nov 1976.

3540. Sharon Elane14 Inman (Myrtle Luella13 Wilston, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Feb 1952. She married Alan T. Sargeant 12 Jun 1970, son of Gerald Sargeant and Mara ______.


More About Alan T. Sargeant:

Residence: Feb 1983, Troy, Bradford Co., PA


Marriage Notes for Sharon Inman and Alan Sargeant:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Mar 1970 ed.:

MISS INMAN TO MARRY ARMY MAN (photo of bride incl.)

TROY - Mr. and Mrs. John E. Inman of Troy RD 3, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon, to Spec 5 Alan T. Sargeant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sargeant, also of Troy RD 3. Miss Inman is a senior at Troy High School. Her fiancee is a 1967 graduate of the same school. He recently returned from 18 months duty in Vietnam and will be stationed at Ft. Meade, MD.

Children of Sharon Inman and Alan Sargeant are:

5758 i. Jason Alan15 Sargeant, born 19 Aug 1972.

5759 ii. Richard Alan Sargeant, born 19 Jun 1975.

3541. Gregory Duane14 Inman (Myrtle Luella13 Wilston, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Nov 1953. He married Nancy Packard 20 Jul 1974. She was born abt. 1956.


Notes for Nancy Packard:

Nancy was a classmate of mine during our 7th and 8th grades at Troy Junior High School. We had many classes together, remembering her as a short, auburn-haired and freckled girl. -- note of R. J. Porter.

Children of Gregory Inman and Nancy Packard are:

5760 i. Scott Adam15 Inman, born 28 May 1976.

5761 ii. Mark Edward Inman, born 12 Jul 1978.

3542. Wanda Jean14 Inman (Myrtle Luella13 Wilston, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jan 1956. She married Ronald Carreon 01 Oct 1977.


Notes for Wanda Jean Inman:

Wanda and I were classmates during our 7th and 8th grades at Troy Junior High School. We were in many of the same classes together. I remember her as having dark hair and a slim build. She had a great number of friends. -- note of R. J. Porter

Child of Wanda Inman and Ronald Carreon is:

5762 i. Christina Marie15 Carreon, born 11 Dec 1985.

3543. Sheila Lynn14 Wilston (Arthur Lloyd13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Dec 1957 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Daniel Eckman 04 Jun 1977 in Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., PA, son of Jason Eckman and Esther ______. He was born 17 Sep 1957.

Children of Sheila Wilston and Daniel Eckman are:

5763 i. Melissa Joy15 Eckman, born 21 Mar 1979 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

5764 ii. Jason Arthur Eckman, born 30 Mar 1982 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

5765 iii. Nicole Fay Eckman, born 27 Feb 1988 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

3544. Sandra Diane14 Wilston (Arthur Lloyd13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Gregory Scott Jones in Troy, Bradford Co., PA, son of Robert Jones and Edna Raub.


More About Sandra Diane Wilston:

Occupation: 1988, Beautician

Children of Sandra Wilston and Gregory Jones are:

5766 i. Bridget Dawn15 Jones, born in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


5767 ii. Ryan Elliott Jones, born in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


5768 iii. ______ Jones, born in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


5769 iv. ______ Jones born in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


3546. Ronald Mark14 Wilston (Arthur Lloyd13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1969 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Keri Schenk.


More About Ronald Mark Wilston:

Education: Bet. 1987 - 1990, Penn State University

Child of Ronald Wilston and Keri Schenk is:

5770 i. ______15 Wilston, born 18 Dec 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Wilston:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Dec 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

WILSTON - a son, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1996 to Ronald and Keri Schenk Wilston of Columbia Cross Roads.


More About ______ Wilston:

Birth Announced: 28 Dec 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3547. Randy LaRue14 Watson (Lucille Barbara Wilston13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Nov 1956. He married Gail Rudy.

Children of Randy Watson and Gail Rudy are:

5771 i. Natasha Dawn15 Watson, born 14 Jan 1980.

5772 ii. LaKeyza Marie Watson, born 20 Jul 1981.

5773 iii. Cheyenne Autumn Watson, born 02 Aug 1982.

3548. Rodney Scott14 Watson (Lucille Barbara Wilston13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jul 1958. He married Kathy Ayres 19 Aug 1978.

Children of Rodney Watson and Kathy Ayres are:

5774 i. Tracy Lynn15 Watson, born 17 Dec 1979.

5775 ii. Eric Watson, born 22 Dec 1981.

3549. Calvin Douglas14 Watson (Lucille Barbara Wilston13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Oct 1960. He married Judy Faulkner Jan 1980.

Children of Calvin Watson and Judy Faulkner are:

5776 i. Martin Douglas15 Watson, born 16 Aug 1980.

5777 ii. Matthew James Watson, born 17 Jun 1982.


More About Matthew James Watson:

Medical Information: twin to Mark Howard


5778 iii. Mark Howard Watson, born 17 Jun 1982.


More About Mark Howard Watson:

Medical Information: twin to Matthew James


5779 iv. Liza Nancy Watson, born 02 Jul 1987.

3550. Brian James14 Watson (Lucille Barbara Wilston13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Sep 1963. He married Patricia Avery Oct 1981.

Children of Brian Watson and Patricia Avery are:

5780 i. Bradley James15 Watson, born 21 Aug 1984.

5781 ii. Sadie May Watson, born 16 May 1987.

3551. Amanda Charlotte14 Wilston (Ralph William13, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Dec 1969 in Bad Connstatt, Germany.

Child of Amanda Charlotte Wilston is:

5782 i. ______15 ______Wilston, born abt. 1989.

3555. Craig Gene14 Barr (Mary Ellen13 Strange, Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Oct 1952 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Sharon Barrett abt. 1971, daughter of Lloyd Barrett and Florence Perry.

Children of Craig Barr and Sharon Barrett are:

+ 5783 i. Brenda Sue15 Barr, born 18 May 1973.

5784 ii. Brett Joseph Barr, born 12 Sep 1976.

3556. Paula Lynn14 Barr (Mary Ellen13 Strange, Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 May 1954 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Steve Cummings abt. 1975.

Children of Paula Barr and Steve Cummings are:

5785 i. Christina Marie15 Cummings, born 02 Apr 1976.

5786 ii. Joshua Ross Cummings, born 04 Dec 1982.

3557. Lou Ann14 Barr (Mary Ellen13 Strange, Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Oct 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Paul Hart 13 May 1973.

Children of Lou Barr and Paul Hart are:

5787 i. Randy Chad15 Hart, born 13 Oct 1973.

5788 ii. Jackie Lynn Hart, born 07 Dec 1975.

3563. Gene Philip14 Strange (Philip Daniel13, Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1955. He married Denise Barber.

Children of Gene Strange and Denise Barber are:

5789 i. Jason Gene15 Strange, born 30 Apr 1976.

5790 ii. Philip Richard Strange, born 19 Apr 1978.

3564. Joyce Marlene14 Strange (Philip Daniel13, Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Dec 1955. She married (1) James Fitzgerald abt. 1976. She married (2) Brian Birdsall 31 Dec 1982.

Child of Joyce Strange and James Fitzgerald is:

5791 i. Jamie Suzanne15 Fitzgerald, born 19 May 1977.

3575. Vicki Lynn14 Johnston (Bernice Nina13 McKay, Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Vicki Lynn Johnston is:

5792 i. ______15 ______Johnston, born Bef. 1990.

3578. Jane14 Wood (Beatrice May13 McKay, Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Robert White.

Children of Jane Wood and Robert White are:

5793 i. Blair Renee15 White.

5794 ii. Jackie Lee White.

3580. Paul Lee14 Wood (Beatrice May13 McKay, Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Kathy White.

Child of Paul Wood and Kathy White is:

5795 i. ______15 Wood.

3582. Tonda L.14 McKay (Dale Arnold13, Ernest Theodore12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married ______ Barrett.

Children of Tonda McKay and ______ Barrett are:

5796 i. Joshua15 Barrett.

5797 ii. Timothy Barrett.

3598. Joseph14 Sargeant, Jr. (Lucy Mae13 McKay, Harry Therman12, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1969. He married Tammy Watkins.

Child of Joseph Sargeant and Tammy Watkins is:

5798 i. ______15 Sargeant, born 22 Nov 1990 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

3601. Wendy Lou14 Tice (Thomas Glenn13, Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Feb 1967. She married Daniel Cole.


More About Daniel Cole:

Occupation: Farming

Children of Wendy Tice and Daniel Cole are:

5799 i. Aaron15 Cole, born 24 Apr 1987.

5800 ii. Caleb I. Cole, born Aug 1990 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA; died 18 Aug 1990 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Caleb I. Cole:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 19 Aug 1990 ed.:

COLE, Caleb I., infant son of Daniel F. and Wendy Tice Cole, Saturday Aug. 18, 1990 at Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre, PA. Funeral services will be held at the Scureman Funeral Home, 130 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA Monday at 7:30 p.m., the Rev. Bill Pepper and the Rev. Glenn Landis officiating. Survived by his parents and a brother, Aaron Cole, at home, maternal grandparents, Tom and Linda Tice of Troy, PA; paternal grandparents, Douglas "Bill" and Mary Cole of Mainesburg, PA; great-grandparents, Tom and Ruth Tice and Edrie Abernathy, all of Mansfield, PA; Mrs. DeEtte Cole of Troy, PA; Mrs. Bertha Isbell of Towanda, PA, several aunts and uncles.


Troy, PA - THE GAZETTE-REGISTER, 23 Aug 1990 ed.:

Caleb I. Cole, infant son of Daniel F. and Wendy Tice Cole, died August 18, 1990 at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, PA. In addition to his parents, he is survived by brother, Aaron; maternal grandparents, Tom and Linda Tice of Troy, PA; paternal grandparents, Douglas "Bill" and Mary Cole of Mainesburg, PA; great-grandparents, Tom and Ruth Tice and Edrie Abernathy, all of Mansfield, PA, Mrs. DeEtte Cole of Troy, PA, Mrs. Bertha Isbell of Towanda, PA; several aunts and uncles. Services were held at the Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield on August 20 with the Rev. Bill Pepper and the Rev. Glenn Landis officiating.


More About Caleb I. Cole:

Burial: cremated

Obituary/Death Notice: 19 Aug 1990, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY


5801 iii. ______ Cole, born 23 Jul 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Cole:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Aug 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

COLE - a daughter, Tuesday, July 23, 1996 to Daniel and Wendy Tice Cole of Mansfield.


More About ______ Cole:

Birth Announced: 02 Aug 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3602. Jeffrey Thomas14 Tice (Thomas Glenn13, Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1969. He married Barbara Cowan abt. 1990.


More About Jeffrey Thomas Tice:

Occupation: Carpentry

Children of Jeffrey Tice and Barbara Cowan are:

5802 i. ______15 Tice, born 06 May 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Tice:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE; 07 May 1992 ed.:


TICE - A daughter, Wednesday, May 6, 1992, to Thomas and Barbara Cowan Tice of Mainesburg.


More About ______ Tice:

Birth Announced: 07 May 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Birthsite: 06 May 1992, Arnot Ogden Medical Center


5803 ii. ______ Tice, born 21 May 1997 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Tice:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 04 Jun 1997 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

TICE - a son, Wednesday, May 21, 1997, to Thomas and Barbara Cowan Tice, Mainesburg.

3603. Terry David14 Tice (David Walter13, Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1963. He married Joanne Truax.


More About Terry David Tice:

Military service: 1988, U.S. Force - 2nd enlistment; served in NJ

Children of Terry Tice and Joanne Truax are:

5804 i. Terry David15 Tice, Jr., born 19 Sep 1985.

5805 ii. Heather Tice, born 16 Jun 1987.

3604. Brian David14 Tice (David Walter13, Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jun 1966. He married Dawn ______ 14 Feb 1985.


More About Brian David Tice:

Occupation: Tractor-trailer driver

Child of Brian Tice and Dawn ______ is:

5806 i. Ashley15 Tice, born 01 Jul 1985.

3605. Scott David14 Tice (David Walter13, Ruth Eugenia12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jun 1969. He met Kathy Kinyon.


More About Scott David Tice:

Education: Lincoln Technical School - Allentown, PA

Occupation: Computers

Child of Scott Tice and Kathy Kinyon is:

5807 i. Zachary Aaron15 Tice.

3620. Verl Kay14 Soderquist (Marvetta13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1949 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID. He married Janet Nobel 21 Jun 1972.


Notes for Verl Kay Soderquist:

When I spoke with Marvetta in Nov 1996, she stated that Verl was in the Netherlands, working for the Phillips Electronics Corporation. She also mentioned, while giving the birth date for Derek, that the Teton Dam broke on 6 Jun 1976. -- note of R. J. Porter

Children of Verl Soderquist and Janet Nobel are:

5808 i. Mark Verl15 Soderquist, born 14 Aug 1973.

5809 ii. Joselee Soderquist, born 06 Mar 1975.

5810 iii. Derek Elias Soderquist, born 08 Jun 1976.

5811 iv. Hans Lars Soderquist, born 20 Jan 1978.

5812 v. Katina Soderquist, born 15 Sep 1979.

3621. Lyle Ray14 Soderquist (Marvetta13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Mar 1951 in Logan, Cache Co., UT. He married Krista Liljenquist 30 May 1972.


More About Lyle Ray Soderquist:

Military service: U.S. Army - stationed mostly in Germany

Children of Lyle Soderquist and Krista Liljenquist are:

5813 i. Kent Ray15 Soderquist, born 11 Oct 1972.

5814 ii. Lora Soderquist, born 04 Sep 1977.

5815 iii. Kory Soderquist, born 18 May 1980.

3622. Keith Edwin14 Soderquist (Marvetta13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1952 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID. He married (1) Linda Sue Rogers 27 Sep 1973. He married (2) Christie Sue Motes 05 Jan 1979.

Child of Keith Soderquist and Linda Rogers is:

5816 i. Katherine15 Soderquist, born 05 May 1974. She married Curtis Wayne Wardel 20 Jan 1996 in Terreton, Jefferson Co., ID; born 14 Feb 1972.


More About Katherine Soderquist:

Military service: U.S. Army - medic; served 2 year tour in Germany

Children of Keith Soderquist and Christie Motes are:

5817 i. Lisa15 Soderquist, born 06 Nov 1979.

5818 ii. Callie Soderquist, born 10 Jun 1981.

5819 iii. Suzanne Soderquist, born 18 Jun 1984.

5820 iv. Kara Lee Soderquist, born 20 Sep 1985.

5821 v. Brandon Keith Soderquist, born 20 Dec 1988.

5822 vi. Trevor Edwin Soderquist, born 17 Apr 1991.

3623. Larry Garth14 Soderquist (Marvetta13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jul 1961 in Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID. He married Jeanette Perkins 11 Oct 1984.

Children of Larry Soderquist and Jeanette Perkins are:

5823 i. Danielle15 Soderquist, born 07 Dec 1987.

5824 ii. Traci Soderquist, born 29 Oct 1989.

3624. Layne Karl14 Soderquist (Marvetta13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jul 1962 in Rexburg, Madison Co., ID. He married Babette Radford 11 Jun 1984.

Children of Layne Soderquist and Babette Radford are:

5825 i. Clifford Grant15 Soderquist, born 15 Apr 1987.

5826 ii. Melinda Sue Soderquist, born 03 Apr 1988.

5827 iii. Shelby Layne Soderquist, born 17 Feb 1991.

3626. Julee14 Soderquist (Marvetta13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Oct 1967 in Seattle, Kings Co., WA. She married Samuel Bellomo 06 Aug 1988.

Children of Julee Soderquist and Samuel Bellomo are:

5828 i. Lindsi15 Bellomo, born 27 Jan 1989.

5829 ii. David Bellomo, born 20 Feb 1991.

3628. Randy Ray14 Soderquist (Rayola13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Apr 1954 in Oxnard, Ventura Co., CA. He married (1) Cindy Lou Hoskins 05 Jun 1974. He married (2) Sharon Ann Shotwell 24 May 1980.

Child of Randy Soderquist and Cindy Hoskins is:

+ 5830 i. Julie Ray15 Soderquist, born 03 Jan 1975.

Children of Randy Soderquist and Sharon Shotwell are:

5831 i. Daniel Edwin15 Soderquist, born 24 May 1985.

5832 ii. Katie Elaine Soderquist, born 12 Jun 1987.

3630. Mardell Lynn14 Plant (Morgan13, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Oct 1954. She married Michael Allen Edgar.

Children of Mardell Plant and Michael Edgar are:

5833 i. Molly Beth15 Edgar, born 19 Dec 1978.

5834 ii. Megan Rae Edgar, born 07 Feb 1981.

3631. Marden Leigh14 Plant (Morgan13, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1957. He married Cheryl Lynn Stockwell.

Children of Marden Plant and Cheryl Stockwell are:

5835 i. Amber Marie15 Plant, born 31 Jan 1985.

5836 ii. Ashley Ann Plant, born 07 Sep 1987.

3633. ______14 Burgin (Marshall Nelson13, Ada Deaun12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1952. He married ______ Spurgeon.

Children of ______ Burgin and ______ Spurgeon are:

5837 i. ______15 Burgin, born abt. 1971.

5838 ii. ______ Burgin, born abt. 1973.

5839 iii. ______ Burgin, born abt. 1976.

3634. ______14 Burgin (Marshall Nelson13, Ada Deaun12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1953. She married ______ Rogers, son of James Rogers and Betty Barrett.

Children of ______ Burgin and ______ Rogers are:

5840 i. ______15 Rogers, born abt. 1975.

5841 ii. ______ Rogers, born abt. 1977.

3635. ______14 Burgin (Marshall Nelson13, Ada Deaun12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1955. She married (1) ______ Hamer abt. 1975. She married (2) Rick Empter abt. 1980.

Children of ______ Burgin and ______ Hamer are:

5842 i. Christopher15 Hamer, born in Phoenix, AZ.

5843 ii. Kayleen Hamer, born in Longview, WA.

3637. Kellie Rae14 Rasmussen (Ronnie LeRoy13, Cora Lucille12 Porter, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Kellie Rae Rasmussen is:

5844 i. Shayla15 Rasmussen.

3638. Kimberly Ann14 Rasmussen (Ronnie LeRoy13, Cora Lucille12 Porter, Floyd11, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Children of Kimberly Ann Rasmussen are:

5845 i. Erica15 Rasmussen.

5846 ii. Alex Rasmussen.

3661. Judy Mae14 West (Betty Marie13 Morgan, George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Aug 1945 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Patrick Shutts 19 Oct 1961. He was born 30 Jul 1943, and died 17 Feb 1979.


More About Patrick Shutts:

Burial: Mountain Lake Cem., Burlington Twp., Bradford Co., PA

Children of Judy West and Patrick Shutts are:

5847 i. Troy Winfield15 Shutts, born 30 May 1962 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5848 ii. Frank Heath Shutts, born 16 May 1966 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3662. Gary Edward14 West (Betty Marie13 Morgan, George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Oct 1947 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Kay Worthington abt. 1967. She was born 07 Jun 1946.

Children of Gary West and Kay Worthington are:

5849 i. Kevin James15 West, born 19 Feb 1969 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5850 ii. Craig Dalen West, born 13 Oct 1970 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5851 iii. Kelly Rayan West, born 06 Nov 1974 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5852 iv. Carrie Renee West, born 11 Jan 1978 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3663. Barbara Leigh14 West (Betty Marie13 Morgan, George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jul 1948 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Richard Manley 21 Jun 1969.

Children of Barbara West and Richard Manley are:

5853 i. Darren LaRue15 Manley, born 22 Jul 1970 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5854 ii. David Lyle Manley, born 14 May 1972 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5855 iii. Kyle Wesley Manley, born 30 Jan 1978 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3664. Diane Marie14 West (Betty Marie13 Morgan, George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jan 1949 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Frank Gary Shutts 27 May 1967. He was born 29 Jun 1945, and died 25 Apr 1980.

Children of Diane West and Frank Shutts are:

5856 i. Michelle Lee15 Shutts, born 09 Nov 1967 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5857 ii. Timothy Wayne Shutts, born 21 Apr 1971 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

5858 iii. Cassidy James Shutts, born 27 Oct 1977 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

3665. Terry Lynn14 West (Betty Marie13 Morgan, George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1954 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marla McClure.

Child of Terry West and Marla McClure is:

5859 i. Lynse Brook15 West, born 17 Mar 1980.

3671. Kathy Jane14 Lathrop (Grace Irene13 Morgan, George Edward12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jun 1952. She married David Sims.

Child of Kathy Lathrop and David Sims is:

5860 i. Rebecca Sue15 Sims, born 11 May 1971.

3692. David Dean14 Chaapel (Amber June13 Morgan, Gordon Leonard12, Saphronia Sarah11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1957.

Child of David Dean Chaapel is:

5861 i. Ronnie15 Chaapel.

3723. Pamela Janie14 Mack (Genevra Mae13 McNaney, Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Nov 1944 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Sifina J. Minotti, Jr. 04 Jan 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Sifina J. Minotti. He was born 09 Sep 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Pamela Mack and Sifina Minotti are:

5862 i. Pamie Jo15 Minotti, born 19 Jul 1964 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Frank Allen 21 Jul 1984 in Waverly, NY.

5863 ii. Lisa Jean Minotti, born 21 Apr 1969.

5864 iii. Annette Marie Minotti, born 26 Oct 1970.

3724. Lewis Alfred14 Mack (Genevra Mae13 McNaney, Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jul 1947 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, and died 29 Aug 1983 in Van Etten, Chemung Co., NY. He married Paula Kay Twigg 29 Aug 1967 in Barton, Tioga Co., NY. She was born 19 Dec 1948 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Lewis Alfred Mack:

Burial: Sep 1983, Mount Hope Cem., Van Etten, NY

Cause of Death: cancer

Medical Information: died at home

Residence: Bef. Aug 1983, Last residence: Van Etten, NY 14889

Social Security Number: 063-40-9333 (NY)


More About Paula Kay Twigg:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children of Lewis Mack and Paula Twigg are:

5865 i. Kelley Jean15 Mack, born 20 Feb 1967 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

5866 ii. Shannon Lee Mack, born 29 Apr 1970 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5867 iii. Lewis Alfred Mack, Jr., born 13 Oct 1972 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

+ 5868 iv. Alfred Paul Mack, born 29 Jun 1974 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3725. Deborah Jeannie14 Mack (Genevra Mae13 McNaney, Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Robert Orwin Bostwick, Jr. 17 Dec 1971 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Robert Orwin Bostwick. He was born 16 Apr 1945.


More About Deborah Jeannie Mack:

Medical Information: twin to Stephen Alfred

Children of Deborah Mack and Robert Bostwick are:

5869 i. Susan Marie15 Bostwick, born 16 Jan 1972 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

5870 ii. Robert Orwin Bostwick I, born 19 Apr 1973 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.

3726. Stephen Alfred14 Mack (Genevra Mae13 McNaney, Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Sep 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married Kathy Ann Boehm 19 Sep 1975 in Barton, Tioga Co., NY, daughter of Jack Boehm and Jennie Millage. She was born 08 May 1956.


More About Stephen Alfred Mack:

Medical Information: twin to Deborah Jeannie

Children of Stephen Mack and Kathy Boehm are:

5871 i. Justin Lee15 Mack, born 20 Jan 1978 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5872 ii. Benjamin Stephen Mack, born 29 Sep 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3727. Lori Jean14 Mack (Genevra Mae13 McNaney, Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Oct 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Michael Coleman 22 Sep 1979 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Richard Coleman and Mary Tersigno. He was born 18 Dec 1954.

Child of Lori Mack and Michael Coleman is:

5873 i. Jaime Lynn15 Coleman, born 10 Aug 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3751. Janis Marie14 Belknap (Lila Marie13 Hartford, Reed Wesley12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Apr 1978. She married Dylan Thomas Jones 24 Apr 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Steve Jones and Patricia Baker.


Marriage Notes for Janis Belknap and Dylan Jones:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Jul 2003 ed.:

HARTFORD - JONES (photo of couple incl.)

Janis Marie Hartford of Elmira, NY and Dylan Thomas Jones of Corning, NY will be married on April 24, 2004 at First Presbyterian Church at 1:00. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Rick Price. The Bride-elect is the daughter of Lila Hartford of Elmira and granddaughter of Janice and Reed Hartford of Canton, PA. She graduated from Southside High School in 1997 and is a stay-at- home mom with their 4-year old daughter. The Groom-elect is the son of Patricia and Richard Earing of Buffalo, NY and Steve and Dawn Jones of Buffalo, and grandson of Ester and Keith Baker of Horseheads, NY and Bernard and Sue Jones of Bath, NY. He graduated from Williamsville High School in Buffalo and is employed by Toshiba Display Devices as a Team Leader. The Matron of Honor will be Rebecca Hartford of Elmira (Sister of the Bride) and Bride's attendant will be Theresa Fenton of Elmira. The Flower Girls will be Andrea Jones and Alicia Lacorazza. The Best Man will be Eric Jones of Buffalo (Brother of the Groom). The Reception will be held at the American Legion in Big Flats, NY. After their honeymoon the couple will reside in South Corning.

Child of Janis Belknap and Dylan Jones is:

5874 i. Andrea15 Jones, born abt. Nov 1998.

3783. Carl Eugene14 Hartford, Jr. (Carl Eugene13, James Eugene12, Agri-Lila11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1972 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Mary Allen.

Child of Carl Hartford and Mary Allen is:

5875 i. ______15 Hartford, born 26 Oct 1990.

3786. Lori Ann14 Brown (Roy Glen13, Roy Glen12, Elnora Jane11 Caseman, Helen Arvilla10 Wilcox, Gideon E.9, John Day8, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1979 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married ______ Seeley.


More About Lori Ann Brown:

Medical Information: born at Troy Community Hospital

Child of Lori Brown and ______ Seeley is:

5876 i. Keith15 Seeley.

3800. Alan Dale14 Styles (Lois Marie13 Peeler, Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Apr 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Barbara McNulty.


More About Alan Dale Styles:

Residence: 1993, Salinas, CA


Children of Alan Styles and Barbara McNulty are:

5877 i. Christine Marie15 Styles, born 05 Jun 1952 in Los Angeles Co., CA.

5878 ii. Jessica Lee Styles, born in Los Angeles Co., CA.

5879 iii. Kimberly Ann Styles, born in Los Angeles Co., CA.


3801. John Lincoln14 Styles (Lois Marie13 Peeler, Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Feb 1949 in Newport Richie, Pasco Co., FL. He married Deborah ______.

Children of John Styles and Deborah ______ are:

5880 i. David John15 Styles, born in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL.

5881 ii. Sheri Ann Styles, born in NJ.

3802. Mary Ann14 Styles (Lois Marie13 Peeler, Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1952 in St. Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL. She married Gerald Cecil Mullins. He was born abt. 1950 in FL.

Children of Mary Styles and Gerald Mullins are:

5882 i. Gerald Cecil15 Mullins II, born in LA.

5883 ii. Eric Jason Mullins, born in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL.

3804. Deborah14 Segur (Gerald Edward13, Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1966. She married Randy Earle.


More About Deborah Segur:

Residence: Sep 1991, Canton, Bradford Co., PA


More About Randy Earle:

Residence: Sep 1991, Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Deborah Segur and Randy Earle is:

5884 i. ______15 Earle, born 25 Sep 1991.

3805. James14 Segur (Gerald Edward13, Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1969. He married Janie Schmelzle.

Child of James Segur and Janie Schmelzle is:

5885 i. ______15 Segur, born 01 Oct 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Segur:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Oct 1993 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hospital

SEGUR - a son, Sunday, Oct. 1, 1993 to James and Janie Schmelzle Segur, of Canton.


More About ______ Segur:

Birth Announced: 21 Oct 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3807. Jodi14 Segur (Richard James13, Ada Belle12 Wilcox, Elsie11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1974. She married Brian Peterson.

Child of Jodi Segur and Brian Peterson is:

5886 i. ______15 Peterson, born 20 Mar 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Peterson:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 21 Mar 1992 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Memorial Hosp.

PETERSON - a son Friday, March 20, 1992 to Brian and Jodi Segur Peterson of Canton.


More About ______ Peterson:

Birth Announced: 21 Mar 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3808. Jeanette LaVonne14 Lawrence (Doris Marlea13 Foster, Glenn Irvin12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Sep 1949 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Paul John Titus 29 Aug 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of John Titus and Ruth ______.

Children of Jeanette Lawrence and Paul Titus are:

5887 i. Jason Paul15 Titus, born 13 Sep 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5888 ii. Martin John Titus, born 27 Aug 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3809. Eugene Wesley14 Lawrence, Jr. (Doris Marlea13 Foster, Glenn Irvin12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Dec 1950 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dorene Kay Travis 27 Apr 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Floyd Travis and Debra Shipp. She was born 26 Dec 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Dorene Kay Travis:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

Children of Eugene Lawrence and Dorene Travis are:

5889 i. Kristine Louise15 Lawrence, born 27 Jul 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Kristine Louise Lawrence:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5890 ii. Tiffany Lawrence.

3810. Glenn Frederick14 Lawrence (Doris Marlea13 Foster, Glenn Irvin12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Nov 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Diane ______. He married (2) Patricia Mae Bailey 10 Dec 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (3) Sharyel Lynn Peckham 03 Dec 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Melvin Peckham and Sharon Carberry. She was born 26 Feb 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. Her brother, Leon James, married Elizabeth Starr Morrison.

Child of Glenn Lawrence and Diane ______ is:

5891 i. Elizabeth15 Lawrence.

Children of Glenn Lawrence and Patricia Bailey are:

5892 i. Colleen15 Lawrence.

5893 ii. Anthony J. Lawrence.

3811. Teresa Louise14 Lawrence (Doris Marlea13 Foster, Glenn Irvin12, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married ______ Fields.

Children of Teresa Lawrence and ______ Fields are:

5894 i. Stacy15 Fields.

5895 ii. Marleah Fields.

3835. Catherine Marie14 Mix (Ronald Edwin13, Christine Janette12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Apr 1957. She married Ted M. Baldwin, son of Donald Baldwin and June Blaney.

Children of Catherine Mix and Ted Baldwin are:

5896 i. Danielle Jo15 Baldwin.

5897 ii. Misty Jo Baldwin.

3836. Cynthia Jane14 Mix (Ronald Edwin13, Christine Janette12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1958. She married Scott Wheeler, Jr. 17 May 1980, son of Scott Wheeler and Betty ______.

Child of Cynthia Mix and Scott Wheeler is:

5898 i. Trisha Marie15 Wheeler, born abt. 1981; died 11 Feb 1985.

3838. Christine Louise14 Mix (Ronald Edwin13, Christine Janette12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Oct 1961. She married (1) John Lee. She married (2) Douglas L. Wilber, Jr., son of Douglas L. Wilber.

Child of Christine Mix and John Lee is:

5899 i. Ronald Allen15 Lee.

Child of Christine Mix and Douglas Wilber is:

5900 i. Heather Sue15 Wilber.

3845. Scott Charles14 Palmer (Nancy Lee13 Foust, Leotta Ruth12 Foster, Cora Tamsa11 Parrish, Harriett Ada10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Robin Rae Packard, daughter of Richard Packard and Donna Morgan. She was born 13 Jan 1965.

Child of Scott Palmer and Robin Packard is:

5901 i. ______15 Palmer, born 29 Oct 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Palmer:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Nov 1993 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

PALMER - a daughter, Friday Oct. 29, 1993 to Scott and Robin Packard Palmer of Canton.


More About ______ Palmer:

Birth Announced: 05 Nov 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

3858. Sally Marie14 Fleming (Eugene Kenneth14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 May 1945. She married Philip Gee 05 Jul 1963.

Children of Sally Fleming and Philip Gee are:

5902 i. Elaine15 Gee, born 27 Feb 1964.

5903 ii. Roger Eugene Gee, born 24 Oct 1965.

3859. Michael14 Fleming (Eugene Kenneth14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jul 1952. He married Cheryl Martin abt. 1973.

Child of Michael Fleming and Cheryl Martin is:

5904 i. Eugene Thomas15 Fleming, born 17 May 1974.


3860. Bonnie June14 Fleming (James Allen14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1949 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) Bruce Hall 27 Aug 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Larry Silvernail 23 Sep 1978 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY, son of Charles Silvernail and Virginia Stage. He was born 04 Feb 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Bonnie June Fleming:

Medical Information: twin to Donnie Allen

Occupation: Elmira Savings Bank - Pension Representative

Residence: Jun 2001, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY


More About Larry Silvernail:

Occupation 1: Bet. 1979 - 1980, Troy National Bank - Gillett, PA branch

Occupation 2: 1982, Flickinger's - Elmira Hts., NY as an accountant

Residence: Jun 2001, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Bonnie Fleming and Larry Silvernail are:

5905 i. Chad Matthew15 Silvernail, born 24 Apr 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Chad Matthew Silvernail:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5906 ii. Kati Jo Silvernail, born 23 Jun 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Kati Jo Silvernail:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

3861. Donnie Allen14 Fleming (James Allen14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1949 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Mary Ann Johnson 03 Dec 1975.


More About Donnie Allen Fleming:

Medical Information: twin to Bonnie June

Children of Donnie Fleming and Mary Johnson are:

5907 i. Stephanie Inez15 Fleming, born 01 Sep 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Stephanie Inez Fleming:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5908 ii. Tracy Pauline Fleming, born 28 Jul 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Tracy Pauline Fleming:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5909 iii. Johnny Allen Fleming, born 26 Nov 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Johnny Allen Fleming:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

3862. Twila Ann14 Fleming (James Allen14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1955 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Theodore Jones 28 Jul 1975.

Children of Twila Fleming and Theodore Jones are:

5910 i. Victoria Ann15 Jones, born 09 Feb 1975 in Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA.

5911 ii. Wendy Jones, born 17 Apr 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5912 iii. Tera Jones, born 30 Jan 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3863. Susan14 Fleming (James Allen14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Aug 1957 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Richard Locke 10 Feb 1973.

Children of Susan Fleming and Richard Locke are:

5913 i. Lisa Ann15 Locke, born 29 May 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Lisa Ann Locke:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5914 ii. Linda Marie Locke, born 03 Nov 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Linda Marie Locke:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


5915 iii. Pamela Locke, born 16 Apr 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Pamela Locke:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


3864. Victoria Letha14 Fleming (James Allen14, Letha Dot13 Wright, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Sep 1959 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) Ronald Newkirk 28 Aug 1971. She married (2) Michael Metcalf abt. 1981.

Children of Victoria Fleming and Michael Metcalf are:

5916 i. Matthew15 Metcalf, born 26 Jun 1984 in Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA.

5917 ii. Marcus Levi Metcalf, born 15 May 1988 in Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA.

3877. Diane14 Leljedal (Beverly Ann14 Wright, Thelbert Wendell13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) ______ Bolt. She married (2) ______ Merriott.

Child of Diane Leljedal and ______ Bolt is:

5918 i. Cody15 Bolt.

Child of Diane Leljedal and ______ Merriott is:

5919 i. Melody15 Merriott.

3878. Wendy14 Leljedal (Beverly Ann14 Wright, Thelbert Wendell13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married ______ Smith.

Child of Wendy Leljedal and ______ Smith is:

5920 i. Leigh Ann15 Smith.

3887. Cathryn Elizabeth14 Parr (Nancy Gail14 Wright, Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Mark Woodring.


More About Mark Woodring:

Occupation: Minister

Child of Cathryn Parr and Mark Woodring is:

5921 i. Lauren Elizabeth15 Woodring.

3889. Kandi Kae14 Wright (Kenneth Malcolm14, Kenneth Judson13, Wiltchur Dawson12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Apr 1967 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married Robert D. Sample, Jr. 26 Sep 1992, son of Robert Sample and Frances ______. He was born abt. 1965 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.


More About Kandi Kae Wright:

Residence: May 2002, Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY


Marriage Notes for Kandi Wright and Robert Sample:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Apr 1992 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Wright-Sample (photo incl.)

Kenneth M. and Sandra D. Wright of Towanda announce the engagement of their daughter, Kandi Kae Wright to Robert D. Sample, Jr., son of Robert D. Sample of Montour Falls and Frances L. Sample of Watkins Glen. The bride-elect graduated from Towanda High School in 1985. She is employed by Windshield Installation Network, Elmira. Her fiancee graduated from Odessa-Montour High School in 1984. He is employed by Schuyler Hospital, Montour Falls. The couple plan to marry Sept. 26, 1992.

Children of Kandi Wright and Robert Sample are:

5922 i. Preston Ryin15 Sample.

5923 ii. Kassidee Kae Sample.

3933. Bonnie Elnora14 Shadduck (Lemuel Brooks13, Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jul 1943 in Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA. She married Robert Eugene Porter 29 Mar 1964 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Rozell Porter and Trula Bolt. He was born 03 May 1939 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.


Children are listed above under Robert Eugene Porter (1596).


3934. Kathie Luella14 Shadduck (Lemuel Brooks13, Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1947 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Bruce Dean Kennedy 02 Aug 1965 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of Robert Kennedy and Agnes Beach. He was born 06 Jan 1947. She married (2) Gary Burton Goodwin 15 May 1983 in East Smithfield, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Kathie Shadduck and Bruce Kennedy are:

+ 5924 i. Amy Sue15 Kennedy, born 30 Dec 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5925 ii. Jay Ryan Kennedy, born 01 Jun 1969 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

Child of Kathie Shadduck and Gary Goodwin is:

5926 i. ______15 Goodwin.

3935. Kevin14 Snell (Bernice Marian13 Shadduck, Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) married Marlene Kaplan.

Children of Kevin Snell and Marlene Kaplan are:

5927 i. Mara G. Snell and Jonathan M. Snell.

3936. Suzette14 Spencer (Bernice Marian13 Shadduck, Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

3940. Joyce Arlene14 Bohn (Harold Donald13, Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Roger Barlow Aug 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Earl Schaeffer Jan 1979 in Erie, Erie Co., PA.

Children of Joyce Bohn and Roger Barlow are:

+ 5929 i. Harold Bohn15 Barlow, born 31 May 1956 in Salem, Essex Co., MArion Co., OR.

+ 5930 ii. Jeffrey Barlow, born 14 Jun 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

+ 5931 iii. William Daniel Barlow, born 02 Apr 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3941. Alan Charles14 Miller (Gladys Lenora13 Bohn, Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Feb 1935 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Edith Weber 1963, daughter of Ernst Weber and Freda ______.


More About Alan Charles Miller:

Residence: 1985, Grosse Pointe, Wayne Co., MI

Children of Alan Miller and Edith Weber are:

5932 i. Amy Lynn15 Miller, born 04 Jul 1964.

5933 ii. Susan Miller, born 1966.

3942. Lynda Lou14 Bohn (Charles Henri13, Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jul 1937 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Philip Eugene Carpentier 31 Jul 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Thomas Carpentier and Annette Glazier.

Children of Lynda Bohn and Philip Carpentier are:

5934 i. Scott Charles15 Carpentier, born 04 Jan 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Stephanie Lauren Howe 15 Sep 2001 in Canandaigua, Ontario Co., NY.


More About Scott Charles Carpentier:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


Marriage Notes for Scott Carpentier and Stephanie Howe:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, Oct 2001 ed.:


Stephanie Lauren Howe of Lake Placid, NY, and Scott Charles Carpentier of Fairport, NY, were married September 15, 2001 at St. Mary's Church in Canandaigua, NY. The 2:00 p.m. ceremony was performed by Deacon Claude Lester. The Bride, daughter of Lucy Y. Howe of Hamilton, NY, and the late Frederick Howe, received a BA in Economics from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, NY, in 1989. In 1994 she received her Master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Albany. Stephanie is currently employed by Follett Educations Services. The Groom, son of Philip E. and Lynda B. Carpentier of Elmira, received a BS from the University of Rochester in Chemical Engineering in 1985 and a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Rochester in 1992. He is currently employed as a Relationship Manager for EKCC, a division of GE Capital. The Matron of Honor was Beth Leibovich. The Bride's attendants were Karen Barker, sister of the groom, Kathleen Kuiper and Kelly Masline. The Best Man was Chuck O'Connor. The Groomsmen were Byron Howe, brother of the bride, Ron Anderson and Doug McCord. The ring bearer was Byron M. Howe. A reception was held at The Lodge at Bristol Harbour. After a honeymoon in Charleston and Hilton Head, SC, the couple resides in Fairport, NY.


5935 ii. Karen Lynn Carpentier, born 02 Sep 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Michael Trama 06 Aug 1988 in Clinton Corners, Dutchess Co., NY. She married (2) ______ Barker Bef. Sep 2001.


More About Karen Lynn Carpentier:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

3945. Eva Cathleen14 O'Rourke (Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Oct 1950 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA. She married Charles Wayne Huggins 11 Apr 1970 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA. He was born 13 Oct 1948 in Hendersonville, Henderson Co., NC.

Child of Eva O'Rourke and Charles Huggins is:

5936 i. Jennifer Marie15 Huggins, born 21 May 1982 in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., VA.

3946. Deborah Ann14 O'Rourke (Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Apr 1952 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA. She married William Cody Long 05 May 1971 in Maryland.


More About Deborah Ann O'Rourke:

Residence: 1995, Stafford, Stafford Co., VA

Children of Deborah O'Rourke and William Long are:

+ 5937 i. Christina Elaine15 Long, born 21 Apr 1971 in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., VA.

5938 ii. Diana Cathleen Long, born 28 Sep 1973 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

5939 iii. Bradley Nathaniel Long, born 11 May 1981 in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., VA.


3947. Patrick Michael14 O'Rourke (Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Oct 1956 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA. He married Andrea Burner 22 Oct 1978 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

Children of Patrick O'Rourke and Andrea Burner are:

5940 i. Brianne Ashley15 O'Rourke, born 24 Jul 1979 in VA.

5941 ii. Justin Michael O'Rourke, born 27 Nov 1985 in VA.

3948. Timothy James14 O'Rourke (Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Sep 1958 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA. He married Debra Pastre 18 Dec 1982 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

Children of Timothy O'Rourke and Debra Pastre are:

5942 i. Christopher Michael15 O'Rourke, born 07 Sep 1990 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

5943 ii. Mariah Nicole O'Rourke, born 17 Oct 1993 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

3949. Patricia Marie14 O'Rourke (Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jan 1960 in Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA. She married Jeffery VanHise 24 Apr 1993 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

Child of Patricia O'Rourke and Jeffery VanHise is:

5944 i. ______15 VanHise, born abt. 1995.

3953. Norman Eugene14 Dickerson (Norman Louis13, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Oct 1963 in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA. He married Cindy Lou Shopan 28 Feb 1982 in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax Co., VA. She was born 05 Nov 1963.


More About Norman Eugene Dickerson:

Military service: U.S. Marine Corps

Residence: 1994, Strasburg, Shenandoah Co., VA

Children of Norman Dickerson and Cindy Shopan are:

5945 i. Jennifer Sue15 Dickerson, born 29 Oct 1982.

5946 ii. Robert Dickerson, born abt. 1985.

3955. Collene Joy14 Lewis (Paul Dawson13, Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1956. She married Richard A. McCoy.

Children of Collene Lewis and Richard McCoy are:

5947 i. Kelly Allen15 McCoy.

5948 ii. Brandon Alexander McCoy.

3961. Sally Ann14 Moore (Gwendolyn Jane13 Lewis, Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Sep 1951. She married (1) Joseph LaPint 29 Aug 1974. She married (2) Robert A. Lama 05 Mar 1977.

Children of Sally Moore and Robert Lama are:

5949 i. Kelly Marie15 Lama, born 16 Aug 1977.

5950 ii. Christina Ann Lama, born 28 Jun 1979.

5951 iii. Nicole Patricia Lama, born 22 Aug 1980.

3962. Constance Jean14 Moore (Gwendolyn Jane13 Lewis, Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1953. She married (1) John O'Hara abt. 1970. She married (2) Joseph Perry abt. 1972.

Children of Constance Moore and Joseph Perry are:

5952 i. March Joseph15 Perry.

5953 ii. Kristen Lynn Perry.

3966. Bonita Elaine14 Bell (Virginia Lee13 Lewis, Luella Alminia12 Dickerson, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Mar 1952. She married (1) William Cutting 29 Oct 1975. She married (2) Albert Sautter abt. 1979.

Child of Bonita Bell and Albert Sautter is:

5954 i. Corinne Marie15 Sautter, born 22 Oct 1980.

3968. Wayne Adelbert14 Mosher, Jr. (Jacquline Marie13 Dickerson, Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jan 1955 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY. He married Kelly Lee Johnson 14 Jul 1979 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY. She was born 30 Dec 1959 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY.

Child of Wayne Mosher and Kelly Johnson is:

5955 i. Lindsie Lee15 Mosher, born 05 Jul 1981 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY.


3969. Daniel Lee14 Mosher (Jacquline Marie13 Dickerson, Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1956 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY. He married Sandra Scozzari 20 Aug 1977 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY. She was born in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY.

Children of Daniel Mosher and Sandra Scozzari are:

5956 i. Ryan Daniel15 Mosher, born 15 Dec 1978 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

5957 ii. Erin Anne Mosher, born 17 Sep 1980 in Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., NY.

3970. Melinda Ann14 Mosher (Jacquline Marie13 Dickerson, Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jun 1957 in Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., NY. She married Redd Stanley Swindells 20 May 1978 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY. He was born 20 Sep 1953 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY.

Child of Melinda Mosher and Redd Swindells is:

5958 i. Kara Marie15 Swindells, born 20 Nov 1978 in Oswego, Oswego Co., NY.

3971. Sherry Jean14 Dickerson (Roland George13, Theus Fitzgeorge12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Richard Earl Fanner. He was born 20 Nov 1957 in Alexandria, Rapides Parrish, LA.

Children of Sherry Dickerson and Richard Fanner are:

5959 i. Craig William15 Fanner, born 04 May 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5960 ii. Richard Charles Fanner, born 21 Nov 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

3977. Louise Ellen14 Dickerson (William Louis13, John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Nov 1971 in Norwich, New London Co., CT. She married David Lester Wilcox 20 Jun 1992 in Groton, New London Co., CT. He was born 13 Jan 1960 in Westerly, Washington Co., RI.


More About Louise Ellen Dickerson:

Hobbies: Music, dancing, fishing, camping, socializing and children

Child of Louise Dickerson and David Wilcox is:

5961 i. Kathleen Grace15 Wilcox, born 07 Sep 1994 in Meriden, New Haven Co., CT.

3979. Stephen James14 Sierra (Kay Louise13 Dickerson, John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Dec 1966 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA. He married Jannette Lee Hylton 09 Feb 1991 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA, daughter of James Hylton and Janet Waaner. She was born 10 Apr 1962 in Hayward, Alameda Co., CA.


More About Stephen James Sierra:

Residence: 1995, Pickens, Pickens Co., SC

Child of Stephen Sierra and Jannette Hylton is:

5962 i. Zachary James15 Sierra, born 02 Aug 1991 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

3980. Nicole Marie14 Sierra (Kay Louise13 Dickerson, John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Sep 1972 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA. She met Charles Andrew McCormic. He was born in Indianapolis, IN.


More About Nicole Marie Sierra:

Residence: 1995, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA

Children of Nicole Sierra and Charles McCormic are:

5963 i. Charles Andrew15 McCormic, Jr., born 14 Apr 1988 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

5964 ii. Joshua James McCormick, born 28 Feb 1990 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

3981. Patrick Joseph14 Sierra (Kay Louise13 Dickerson, John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1975 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA. He met Oni Kmadija Jackson, daughter of ______ Cook. She was born 26 Mar 1977 in Sacramento, CA.


More About Patrick Joseph Sierra:

Residence: 1995, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA


More About Oni Kmadija Jackson:

Race: African-American

Children of Patrick Sierra and Oni Jackson are:

5965 i. Alexis Marie15 Sierra, born 08 Oct 1993 in Tulare Co., CA; died 24 May 1994 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

5966 ii. Jordynn Nicole Sierra, born 28 Sep 1995 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

3983. Monique Rochelle14 Penoli (Eileen Marie13 Dickerson, John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1974 in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., CA. She married Corey Steven Aguilar 05 Jun 1992 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA, son of Eighme. He was born 10 Jul 1970 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

Children of Monique Penoli and Corey Aguilar are:

5967 i. Chantelle Monique15 Aguilar, born 03 Aug 1991 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA.

5968 ii. Nicala Renae Aguilar, born 13 Jan 1995 in Pickens, Pickens Co., SC; died 13 Feb 1995 in Pickens, Pickens Co., SC.


More About Nicala Renae Aguilar:

Burial: 15 Feb 1995, Pickens, Pickens Co., SC

3988. Amy Christine14 Knight (Linda Lee13 Dickerson, John William12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Nov 1970 in Charleston, Charleston Co., SC. She married David Rudolph Hayes 27 Sep 1990 in Pickens, Pickens Co., SC, son of Rudolph Hayes and Nallene Holder. He was born 11 Jul 1961 in Pickens, Pickens Co., SC.

Child of Amy Knight and David Hayes is:

5969 i. Amanda15 Hayes, born in Pickens, Pickens Co., SC.

3994. Gail Lynn14 Dickerson (Arthur Edward13, Edward Laverne12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Michael Nowles in Tempe, Maricopa Co., AZ.


More About Gail Lynn Dickerson:

Residence: 1994, Columbus, IN


More About Michael Nowles:

Residence: 1994, Columbus, IN

Child of Gail Dickerson and Michael Nowles is:

5970 i. Emily June15 Nowles, born in Gorham, Cumberland Co., ME.

3995. Susan Lee14 Dickerson (Arthur Edward13, Edward Laverne12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She met ______ Baker.

Children of Susan Dickerson and ______ Baker are:

5971 i. Jessie Jo15 Baker.

5972 ii. Amos Floyd Baker.

3996. Carol Diane14 Dickerson (Arthur Edward13, Edward Laverne12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married James W. Allen.


More About Carol Diane Dickerson:

Residence: 1994, Sayre, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Carol Dickerson and James Allen are:

5973 i. Laura Rae15 Allen, born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5974 ii. Joshua James Allen, born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

3997. Dale Allen14 Dickerson (Arthur Edward13, Edward Laverne12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Vickie Bellows.


More About Dale Allen Dickerson:

Residence: 1994, Gillett, Bradford Co., PA


More About Vickie Bellows:

Residence: 1994, Gillett, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Dale Dickerson and Vickie Bellows are:

5975 i. Allen Laverne15 Dickerson.

5976 ii. Cody Michael Dickerson.

4006. Mark Glen14 Rockwell (Wilbur Glen13, Jennie Marietta12 Dickerson, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Oct 1969 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Laura ______. He married (2) Sebastianna Gonzales Garcia 10 Jul 1990 in Panama. She was born 06 Jul 1968 in Panama.


More About Mark Glen Rockwell:

Hobbies: Ham radio operator

Child of Mark Rockwell and Sebastianna Garcia is:

5977 i. Douglas Johnathan15 Rockwell, born 13 Feb 1992 in Wellsville, Allegany Co., NY.

4007. David Allen14 Rockwell (Wilbur Glen13, Jennie Marietta12 Dickerson, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 May 1973 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Karen ______.


More About David Allen Rockwell:

Hobbies: Ham radio operator

Children of David Rockwell and Karen ______ are:

5978 i. Jenna15 Rockwell.

5979 ii. Andrew Rockwell.

4008. Sherri Lynn14 Liddic (Teresa Jean13 Dickerson, Harold Glen12, Orlando William11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1964 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married Mitchell Higley 1981 in Crane, Crane Co., TX. He was born 24 Jul 1961 in Hagerstown, Washington Co., MD.

Child of Sherri Liddic and Mitchell Higley is:

5980 i. Sasha Marie15 Higley, born 20 Oct 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4014. Joan Marie14 McCracken (Edoise Marcia13 Kaseman, Amy Lucinda12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1935 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. She married Thomas Paul Davison 14 Aug 1955, son of James Davison and B. Dreste. He was born 10 Mar 1933 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Joan McCracken and Thomas Davison are:

5981 i. James Walker15 Davison, born 11 Dec 1955 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5982 ii. Amy Elizabeth Davison, born 23 May 1957 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

5983 iii. Thomas Edward Davison, born 19 Dec 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5984 iv. Dreste Ann Davison, born 22 Jun 1964 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

5985 v. Michael Paul Davison, born 07 Jun 1968 in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.

4015. Thomas Roy14 McCracken (Edoise Marcia13 Kaseman, Amy Lucinda12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Sep 1937 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marlene Elizabeth Cohick 25 Oct 1957, daughter of Wilbert Cohick and Bernice Moore. She was born 08 Jun 1936 in South Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Thomas McCracken and Marlene Cohick are:

+ 5986 i. Renee Marie15 McCracken, born 07 Dec 1958 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

+ 5987 ii. Colleen Kay McCracken, born 01 Nov 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5988 iii. Sheila Joy McCracken, born 18 Nov 1960 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5989 iv. Diane Lynn McCracken, born 29 Nov 1965 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4019. Stanley James14 Smith (Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Dec 1932. He married Shelva ______ abt. 1953. She was born abt. 1935.


More About Stanley James Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Lockwood, Tioga Co., NY

Children of Stanley Smith and Shelva ______ are:

5990 i. ______15 Smith, born abt. 1955.

5991 ii. ______ Smith, born abt. 1957.

4020. Stanford Elwin14 Smith (Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Nov 1934. He married Jacqueline ______ abt. 1956. She was born abt. 1938.


More About Stanford Elwin Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA

Child of Stanford Smith and Jacqueline ______ is:

5992 i. Jacquelyn15 Smith, born 11 Mar 1957.

4022. Roger Wayne14 Smith (Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Dec 1941. He married Sharon ______ abt. 1960. She was born abt. 1943.


More About Roger Wayne Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA

Children of Roger Smith and Sharon ______ are:

5993 i. ______15 Smith, born abt. 1962.

5994 ii. ______ Smith, born abt. 1965.

4023. Gary Gene14 Smith (Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jul 1947. He married (1) ______ ______ abt. 1966. She was born abt. 1948. He married (2) ______ ______ abt. 1975. She was born abt. 1952.


More About Gary Gene Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Winchester, Riverside Co., CA

Children of Gary Smith and ______ ______ are:

5995 i. ______15 Smith, born abt. 1967.

5996 ii. ______ Smith, born abt. 1969.

Children of Gary Smith and ______ ______ are:

5997 i. ______15 Smith, born abt. 1977.

5998 ii. ______ Smith, born abt. 1980.

4024. Nancy Anita14 Smith (Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 May 1953 in Tioga, Tioga Co., PA. She married Howard E. Deming, Jr., son of Howard Deming and Ruth Hare. He was born abt. 1948.


More About Nancy Anita Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Tioga, Tioga Co., PA

Children of Nancy Smith and Howard Deming are:

5999 i. Jesse15 Deming.

+ 6000 ii. Michele Deming.

4025. Sally Jo14 Smith (Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 May 1956 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She married Dare Daniels.


More About Sally Jo Smith:

Residence: Jun 1989, Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY

Children of Sally Smith and Dare Daniels are:

6001 i. Meredith15 Daniels.

6002 ii. Mackenzie Daniels.

4026. Timothy Raymond14 Carpenter (Arlene Laura13 Smith, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jan 1945 in Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY. He married Nancy Walton abt. 1963.

Children of Timothy Carpenter and Nancy Walton are:

6003 i. ______15 Carpenter, born abt. 1965.

6004 ii. ______ Carpenter, born abt. 1966.

6005 iii. ______ Carpenter, born abt. 1968.

6006 iv. ______ Carpenter, born abt. 1970.

4027. Claud Richard14 Carpenter (Arlene Laura13 Smith, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1947 in Dansville, Livingston Co., NY. He married (1) Judy Wilson abt. 1968. He married (2) Wanda Crawley abt. 1979.

Children of Claud Carpenter and Judy Wilson are:

6007 i. ______15 Carpenter, born abt. 1969.

6008 ii. ______ Carpenter, born abt. 1971.

6009 iii. ______ Carpenter, born abt. 1973.

6010 iv. ______ Carpenter, born abt. 1975.

4029. Carolyn Louise14 Metzger (Louise Mae13 Smith, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1948. She married Galen R. Menne 27 Jan 1966.

Children of Carolyn Metzger and Galen Menne are:

6011 i. Michele Janeen15 Menne, born 07 Nov 1966.

6012 ii. Jeremy Christon Menne, born 25 Jun 1970.

4030. Chris Allen14 Metzger (Louise Mae13 Smith, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1953. He married Carol Bechtel 28 Mar 1980.

Child of Chris Metzger and Carol Bechtel is:

6013 i. Susan Louise15 Metzger, born 30 Jun 1983.

4033. Kathleen McKay14 Creamer (Blanche Mae13 Allen, Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1935 in Washington, DC. She married (1) Richard Jefferson Winter, Jr. abt. 1959, son of Richard Jefferson Winter. She married (2) Frank Weiss abt. 1969.

Child of Kathleen Creamer and Richard Winter is:

6014 i. Richard Jefferson15 Winter I, born 05 Nov 1961 in Washington, DC.

Child of Kathleen Creamer and Frank Weiss is:

6015 i. Amy15 Weiss, born 01 Nov 1970 in Washington, DC.

4034. Donald Parnell14 Creamer (Blanche Mae13 Allen, Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 May 1938 in Washington, DC. He married (1) Paula Morgan. He married (2) Helen Gazinski abt. 1960.

Children of Donald Creamer and Helen Gazinski are:

6016 i. Sean Parnell15 Creamer, born 16 Mar 1962.

6017 ii. Timothy Philip Creamer, born 16 Feb 1964.

6018 iii. Mavoring Anna Creamer, born 07 Jun 1966.

6019 iv. Shannon Creamer, born 13 May 1967.

6020 v. Damion Creamer, born 22 Oct 1969.

6021 vi. Kelly Creamer, born 08 Mar 1971.

6022 vii. Blake Aaron Creamer, born 11 Feb 1972.


4035. Vivian Maureen14 Creamer (Blanche Mae13 Allen, Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1941 in Providence, Providence Co., RI. She married Donald Francis Boyle, Jr. abt. 1962, son of Donald Francis Boyle.

Children of Vivian Creamer and Donald Boyle are:

6023 i. Donald Francis15 Boyle III, born 05 Sep 1963.

6024 ii. Jedediah Creamer Boyle, born 30 Dec 1970.

4036. Francis Daniel14 Creamer (Blanche Mae13 Allen, Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 May 1949 in Washington, DC. He married Nancy Stravakis abt. 1972.

Child of Francis Creamer and Nancy Stravakis is:

6025 i. Jennifer Lynn15 Creamer, born 04 Jun 1973 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., NC.

4037. Blanche Amelia Fae14 Creamer (Blanche Mae13 Allen, Orpha Minerva12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Aug 1950 in Washington, DC. She married Mark J. McLean 23 Nov 1974 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, son of Gilbert McLean and Maureen Jackson. He was born in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.

Children of Blanche Creamer and Mark McLean are:

6026 i. Janet15 McLean, born 03 Sep 1974 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.

6027 ii. Marcie McLean, born 13 May 1976 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.

4040. Roger Andrew14 Jackson (Isabel Ida13 Wright, Lemuel Corden12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Feb 1940. He married Janette Maybee abt. 1970.

Child of Roger Jackson and Janette Maybee is:

6028 i. Roger Andrew15 Jackson, Jr., born 10 Apr 1972.

4041. Frank Wright14 Jackson (Isabel Ida13 Wright, Lemuel Corden12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jan 1944, and died Oct 1982. He married Lynn Cooper abt. 1963, daughter of Steve Cooper. She was born 08 Jul 1946.


More About Frank Wright Jackson:

Social Security Number: 057-36-8786 (NY)

Children of Frank Jackson and Lynn Cooper are:

6029 i. Robin Marie15 Jackson, born 17 Jan 1965.

6030 ii. Frank Wright Jackson, Jr., born 03 Mar 1968.

6031 iii. Jennifer Lynne Jackson, born 19 Dec 1973.

6032 iv. Stephanie Anne Jackson, born 14 Apr 1978.

4042. Sharon Beverly14 Jackson (Isabel Ida13 Wright, Lemuel Corden12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1950. She married Sid Mullins abt. 1968.

Children of Sharon Jackson and Sid Mullins are:

6033 i. Christopher Lee15 Mullins, born 29 Dec 1969.

6034 ii. Cassandra Lee Mullins, born 14 Oct 1971.

4043. Rosalie Mae14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Aug 1927 in Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) John Frederick Yaw 24 Jul 1942, son of Washington Yaw and Lena Grant. He was born 26 Nov 1922 in Lodi, Seneca Co., NY, and died 18 Oct 1959 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY. She married (2) Richard Joseph Mayo 06 Feb 1960.


More About John Frederick Yaw:

Burial: Grove Cem., Interlaken, NY

Children of Rosalie Wright and John Yaw are:

+ 6035 i. Rose Marie15 Yaw, born 15 Mar 1943 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY.

6036 ii. Clifford Dawson Yaw, born 09 Sep 1944 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY. He married Juanita Ruth White 04 May 1967.

+ 6037 iii. John Frederick Yaw, Jr., born 22 Nov 1945 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY.

+ 6038 iv. Sandra Mae Yaw, born 27 Nov 1947 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 6039 v. Emma Lou Yaw, born 09 May 1949 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 6040 vi. Yolanda Sue Yaw, born 15 Dec 1954 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

4044. Charles Roy14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Mar 1929 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Dorothy Mae Yaw 22 Dec 1948 in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY, daughter of Washington Yaw and Lena Grant. She was born 15 Aug 1924.

Children of Charles Wright and Dorothy Yaw are:

+ 6041 i. George Washington15 Wright, born 30 Jul 1947 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 6042 ii. Daniel Martin Wright, born 09 Nov 1951 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY.

6043 iii. Jeannie Marie Wright, born 13 Oct 1952 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6044 iv. Thomas Roy Wright, born 23 Jan 1959 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Barbara Burns 09 Aug 1980.

4045. Robert Edwin14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Dec 1930 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Joyce Anne Newkirk 22 Dec 1948.

Children of Robert Wright and Joyce Newkirk are:

6045 i. Robert Edwin15 Wright, Jr., born 13 Sep 1955 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6046 ii. William Frederick Wright, born 16 Nov 1957 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6047 iii. Darlene Marie Wright, born 28 Oct 1961 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4046. Clarence Elmer14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jul 1932 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Kathryn Elinor Morris 24 Aug 1952, daughter of Charles Morris and Carrie Darling. She was born 20 Jan 1933 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

Children of Clarence Wright and Kathryn Morris are:

6048 i. Wayne Morris15 Wright, born 05 Aug 1955 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

6049 ii. Gerald William Wright, born 15 Jul 1959 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

6050 iii. Ronald Alan Wright, born 29 Jan 1962 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

4047. Jackson Earl14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jan 1934 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Barbara Helen Welen abt. 1958.

Children of Jackson Wright and Barbara Welen are:

6051 i. Terance Alan15 Wright, born 24 Mar 1960 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

6052 ii. Earl Charles Wright, born 25 Nov 1961 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

6053 iii. Timothy Scott Wright, born 04 Aug 1965 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

6054 iv. Barbara Joan Wright, born 20 Mar 1968 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY.

4048. Aleta Alice14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 May 1936 in Bradford Co., PA. She married John William Dean 24 Jul 1954.

Children of Aleta Wright and John Dean are:

6055 i. Ricky Eugene15 Dean, born 02 Mar 1956 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

6056 ii. Karen Lee Dean, born 14 Aug 1957 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

6057 iii. Linda Sue Dean, born 19 Mar 1962 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

4049. James Eugene14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jun 1940 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY. He married Berry Joan Everts 14 Oct 1961.

Children of James Wright and Berry Everts are:

6058 i. Theresa Ann15 Wright, born 25 Jan 1961 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6059 ii. Patty Anne Wright, born 07 Apr 1962 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6060 iii. Carol Sue Wright, born 18 Jul 1963 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4050. Cora Ann14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Dec 1942 in Interlaken, Seneca Co., NY. She married Frank Ronald Aumick Sep 1961.

Children of Cora Wright and Frank Aumick are:

6061 i. Patricia May15 Aumick, born 21 Feb 1962 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6062 ii. Ronald Frank Aumick, born 29 Oct 1963 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6063 iii. Cathy Ann Aumick, born 10 Apr 1970 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4051. Kenneth Arthur14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Feb 1945 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Helen Jean Glass 27 Sep 1968.

Children of Kenneth Wright and Helen Glass are:

6064 i. Jody Lee15 Wright, born 16 Mar 1969 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6065 ii. Randy Scott Wright, born 17 Jan 1971 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4052. Elizabeth Jane14 Wright (Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Mar 1946 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. She married (1) George Henry Clark II 24 Jul 1962. She married (2) Bobby David Barnett 19 May 1973.

Children of Elizabeth Wright and George Clark are:

6066 i. Brian David15 Clark, born 16 Oct 1962 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6067 ii. Ronda Leigh Clark, born 12 Sep 1964 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles Co., CA.

6068 iii. Elizabeth Jane Clark, born 22 Oct 1965 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4053. Mary Ellen14 Wright (Frank Judson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jul 1930 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY, and died 16 May 1996. She married (1) Keith Burton Dickinson 24 Nov 1951 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He was born 22 Oct 1923, and died 26 Nov 1998 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY. She married (2) Francis Rorick 24 May 1963.



More About Mary Ellen Wright:

Name 2: Rorick, Mary Ellen

Residence: Bef. May 1996, Last residence: Lodi, NY 14860

Social Security Number: 091-24-9531 (NY)


More About Keith Burton Dickinson:

Residence: Bef. Nov 1998, Last residence: Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Social Security Number: 066-18-2816 (NY)

Child of Mary Wright and Keith Dickinson is:

6069 i. Keith Steven15 Dickinson, born 05 Apr 1953 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Tracie Shaw 23 May 1981.

4054. Hazel Irene14 Wright (Frank Judson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1937 in Lodi, Seneca Co., NY. She married Edwin Almon Wright 05 Aug 1955 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY, son of Almon Wright and Edna Coon. He was born 11 Jun 1931 in Brooktondale, NY.

Children of Hazel Wright and Edwin Wright are:

+ 6070 i. Mark Edwin15 Wright, born 17 Jul 1956 in Rome, Oneida Co., NY.

+ 6071 ii. Juanita Marie Wright, born 11 Jul 1959 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

+ 6072 iii. Julia Ann Wright, born 20 May 1962 in Jacksonville, Duval Co., FL.

4055. Frank Judson14 Wright, Jr. (Frank Judson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1945 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY, and died 06 Apr 1972 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Nancy Smith May 1962 in Reading Center, Schuyler Co., NY, daughter of Doyle Smith and Harriett Howell. She was born 13 Sep 1944.


More About Frank Judson Wright, Jr.:

Burial: 10 Apr 1972, Jones Cem., Trumansburg, NY (Boyd Hill Road)

Social Security Number: 078-36-4719 (NY)

Child of Frank Wright and Nancy Smith is:

6073 i. Jeffrey Lynn15 Wright, born 09 Nov 1965 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4056. Roy Allyn14 Hemenway (Rosemary Melissa13 Wright, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jan 1934 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA. He married Geraldine Ethel Irwin 28 Jun 1954. She was born abt. 1937.

Children of Roy Hemenway and Geraldine Irwin are:

6074 i. Dorothy May15 Hemenway, born 27 Aug 1955.

6075 ii. Violet Marie Hemenway, born 25 Jan 1957.

6076 iii. Philip Eugene Hemenway, born 30 Dec 1958.

6077 iv. Earl Edward Hemenway, born 15 Mar 1960.

6078 v. Carl Ellis Hemenway, born 13 Nov 1961; died 08 Oct 1966.

6079 vi. Vickie Myra Hemenway, born 24 Jan 1963.

6080 vii. Tom Eric Hemenway, born 26 Apr 1965.

6081 viii. Allyn Erwin Hemenway, born 23 Sep 1966. He married Deborah J. Adams 23 May 1992.


Marriage Notes for Allyn Hemenway and Deborah Adams:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, unknown edition:


Jeanette Smith of Pine City announces the engagement of her daughter, Deborah J. Adams to Allyn E. Hemenway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hemenway of Wellsboro. The bride-elect graduated from Southside High School. She is employed by Ames Department Store, Wellsboro. Her fiance graduated from Wellsboro Senior High School. He is employed by Roy Hemenway General and Finish Carpentry. The couple plan to marry May 23, 1992.

4057. Joyce Marlene14 Hemenway (Rosemary Melissa13 Wright, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Apr 1937 in Grover, Canton Twp., Bradford Co., PA. She married Roger Vernon Schultz 10 Sep 1955, son of Clarence Schultz and Grace ______. He was born 18 Dec 1932.

Children of Joyce Hemenway and Roger Schultz are:

6082 i. Robert Eugene15 Schultz, born 24 Dec 1956.

6083 ii. Rhoda Elaine Schultz, born 13 Dec 1958.

6084 iii. Roxanne Eileen Schultz, born 27 Feb 1961.

6085 iv. Ryan Edward Schultz, born 09 Aug 1964.

6086 v. Rebecca Ellen Schultz, born 17 Feb 1967.

6087 vi. Rex Errol Schultz, born 27 Aug 1970.

6088 vii. Rosalie Erin Schultz, born 07 Jun 1972.

4058. Wesley Judson14 Hemenway (Rosemary Melissa13 Wright, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Apr 1944 in Ellenton, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Yolanda Marie Woodard 09 Oct 1961. She was born 16 Dec 1943.

Children of Wesley Hemenway and Yolanda Woodard are:

6089 i. Vlonda Kay15 Hemenway, born 15 Jun 1962.

6090 ii. Shawn Lee Hemenway, born 19 Aug 1964.

6091 iii. Scott Wayne Hemenway, born 14 Nov 1966.

4060. Gayle Elaine14 Rumsey (Emery Earl13, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Nov 1938 in Osceola, Tioga Co., PA. She married John Burley Chase 14 Apr 1956 in Jersey Shore, Bradford Co., PA, son of William Chase and Nellie Ward. He was born 29 Sep 1937 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Gayle Rumsey and John Chase are:

6092 i. Eric John15 Chase, born 06 Sep 1956.

6093 ii. Timothy William Chase, born 04 Jun 1958.

4061. Albert Fred14 Rumsey (Emery Earl13, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jun 1949 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Corlene Elaine McQuaid 21 Aug 1971 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Robert McQuaid and Evelyn Field. She was born 02 Oct 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Albert Rumsey and Corlene McQuaid are:

6094 i. Robert Earl15 Rumsey, born 17 Dec 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6095 ii. Rebecca Lynn Rumsey, born 29 Mar 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6096 iii. William Erick Rumsey, born 29 Apr 1975 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4062. Theoria Frances14 Wilson (Nina Theoria13 Rumsey, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jan 1940 in Smithfield Flats, NY. She married (1) Victor Vittorio abt. 1955, son of Frank Vittorio and Leadith Bailey. He was born 10 Jun 1935 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (2) Ralph H. Chapman, Jr. abt. 1966, son of Ralph Chapman and Sarah Henry. He was born 21 Aug 1944 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married (3) Raymond Austin 07 Feb 1983.

Children of Theoria Wilson and Victor Vittorio are:

+ 6097 i. Jerry Allen15 Vittorio, born 30 Mar 1957 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ.

+ 6098 ii. Terina Lee Vittorio, born 31 Oct 1958 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ.

+ 6099 iii. Patsy Rae Vittorio, born 07 Oct 1963.

Children of Theoria Wilson and Ralph Chapman are:

6100 i. Ralph H.15 Chapman I, born 05 Feb 1968 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

6101 ii. Penny Ann Chapman, born 24 Apr 1969 in Lock Haven, Clinton Co., PA.

4064. Robert Griffin14 Hubbard (Margaret Genevive13 Rumsey, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jun 1941 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married (1) Bernadette Arcuri. He married (2) Gail Audrey Price 18 Jul 1964, daughter of Joseph Price. She was born 23 Jan 1939 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.


More About Robert Griffin Hubbard:

Residence: May 1991, Whitesboro, NY

Children of Robert Hubbard and Gail Price are:

6102 i. Dawn Marie15 Hubbard, born 22 Jan 1965 in Utica, Oneida Co., NY.

6103 ii. Robert Griffin Hubbard, Jr., born 15 Nov 1969 in Utica, Oneida Co., NY.

4065. Linda Jane14 Hubbard (Margaret Genevive13 Rumsey, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1945 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. She married William Joseph Carrigg 21 Oct 1967, son of Edward Carrigg and Margaret ______. He was born 24 Apr 1940 in Endicott, Broome Co., NY.

Children of Linda Hubbard and William Carrigg are:

6104 i. William Edward15 Carrigg, born 16 Jun 1972 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

6105 ii. Michelle Denise Carrigg, born 26 May 1976 in Binghamton, Broome Co., NY.

4070. Glenn Wallace14 Brenchley (Albert Glenn13, Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Jul 1930 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA, and died 28 Apr 1986. He married Francis Ann Carlson 19 Aug 1958.


More About Glenn Wallace Brenchley:

Social Security Number: 179-24-9288 (PA)

Child of Glenn Brenchley and Francis Carlson is:

6106 i. Synthia15 Brenchley, born 10 Jul 1960.

4071. William Albert14 Brenchley (Albert Glenn13, Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jan 1933 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA. He married Barbara Phelps 12 Sep 1955.

Children of William Brenchley and Barbara Phelps are:

6107 i. Gail15 Brenchley.

6108 ii. Susan Brenchley.

6109 iii. Mark Brenchley.

6110 iv. Judy Brenchley.

4072. James Louis14 Brenchley (Albert Glenn13, Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jan 1935 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA.

Children of James Louis Brenchley are:

6111 i. James15 Brenchley, Jr..

6112 ii. Karen Brenchley.

4073. Helen Marie14 Brenchley (Albert Glenn13, Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 May 1936 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA. She married (1) ______ Broderson. She married (2) Clyde Holland 03 Jun 1958.

Child of Helen Brenchley and Clyde Holland is:

6113 i. Clyde15 Holland, Jr..

4074. Donna Ruth14 Brenchley (Albert Glenn13, Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Mar 1940 in Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., PA. She married John M. Moyer I 04 Jul 1960, son of John M. Moyer, Jr.. He was born abt. 1933.


More About John M. Moyer I:

Occupation: Dec 2002, Minister

Child of Donna Brenchley and John Moyer is:

6114 i. John M.15 Moyer II.

4082. Elmer George14 McClellan, Jr. (Ruth Marian13 Brenchley, Lena Kitt12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Feb 1940 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Allison Patheias 21 Dec 1959.

Child of Elmer McClellan and Allison Patheias is:

6115 i. Elaine Allison15 McClellan, born 02 Aug 1960.

4083. Virginia Ann14 Fuller (Lawrence Claud13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1937 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married (1) Eugene Storch 20 Jul 1957 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. She married (2) Charles Earl Beers 30 Jul 1977.

Child of Virginia Fuller and Eugene Storch is:

6116 i. Mary Jean Beatrice15 Storch, born 07 May 1964 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

4084. Albert Earl14 Fuller (Lawrence Claud13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Mar 1939 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Edith Gertrude Plause 28 Feb 1962.

Children of Albert Fuller and Edith Plause are:

6117 i. Albert Earl15 Fuller, Jr., born 06 Oct 1967 in Virginia Beach, VA.

6118 ii. Jacqueline Kay Fuller, born 14 Aug 1969 in Virginia Beach, VA.

6119 iii. Christine Marie Fuller, born 15 Aug 1970 in Virginia Beach, VA.

6120 iv. Steven Laurence Fuller, born 10 Dec 1971 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4085. Lucinda Marie14 Fuller (Lawrence Claud13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Nov 1942 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married David Leland Estelle 28 Jul 1962.

Children of Lucinda Fuller and David Estelle are:

6121 i. Lorraine Marie15 Estelle, born 10 Nov 1963 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

6122 ii. David Laurence Estelle, born 02 Sep 1968 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.

4086. Laurence Robert14 Fuller (Lawrence Claud13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jul 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Frances Ann Bonner 23 May 1963.

Children of Laurence Fuller and Frances Bonner are:

6123 i. Sherry Denise15 Fuller, born 15 Dec 1964 in Shreveport, Bossier Parrish, LA.

6124 ii. Laurence Robert Fuller, Jr., born 13 Apr 1966 in Shreveport, Bossier Parrish, LA.

6125 iii. Gregory Bryan Fuller, born 11 Sep 1972 in Germany.

4087. Sandra Jean14 Fuller (Lawrence Claud13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Dec 1953 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married (1) William Joseph Bubenick 27 May 1972 in Finderne, Somerset Co., NJ. She married (2) Keith David Smith 04 Dec 1976 in Monroeton, Bradford Co., PA. She married (3) ______ Donaldson abt. 1984.

Child of Sandra Fuller and William Bubenick is:

6126 i. William Joseph15 Bubenick, Jr., born 23 Mar 1973 in Somerville, Somerset Co., NJ.

Child of Sandra Fuller and Keith Smith is:

6127 i. Erin Colleen15 Smith, born 12 Aug 1978 in Somerville, Somerset Co., NJ.

4090. Victoria Jean14 Fuller (Claud Abel13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jun 1953 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married John Czechowski.

Children of Victoria Fuller and John Czechowski are:

6128 i. Kathy15 Czechowski.

6129 ii. John Czechowski, Jr..

4093. Michael Richard14 Fuller (Claud Abel13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1958 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.

Child of Michael Richard Fuller is:

6130 i. Andrew15 Fuller, born abt. 1980.

4095. Robert Scott14 Fuller (Robert Samuel13, Maud Lucinda12 Rumsey, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jul 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Carol Jean Briggs 11 Nov 1972 in Orlando, FL.

Child of Robert Fuller and Carol Briggs is:

6131 i. Matthew John15 Fuller, born 18 Jun 1978 in Orlando, Orange Co., FL.

4097. Joyce Elaine14 Gaige (Roland Albert13, Mabel Clare12 Sheive, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jul 1947 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Lee M. Gage, son of Howard Gage and Eloise Andrews. He was born 22 Jun 1947 in NY, and died 14 Nov 2000 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Lee M. Gage:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Nov 2000 ed.:

GAGE, Lee M., of Elmira, NY, age 53, died quietly at home with his wife by his side on Tuesday, November 14, 2000. He is survived by his wife of 32 years, Joyce E. Gage; son, Andrew Gage of Yokota AFB, Tokyo, Japan; parents, Howard and Eloise Andrews Gage; sisters, Sandra and George Brady; Pat and John Bartz, Jen Sage; mother-in-law, Grace Gaige; brothers-in-law, Daniel and Lorraine Gaige, Thomas and Susan Gaige; sister-in-law, Jeanne and William Baker; and several nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and a wealth of friends. Lee retired after a distinguished career of 38 years with Bell Atlantic and was a technology innovator in telecommunications. He was an avid fisherman and loved hunting, boating, and being with his family. At Lee's request, there will be an informal gathering of family and friends, Sunday, November 19, 2000 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Olthof Funeral Home, Inc., 1050 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, NY 14904 to share stories of the good times. Please join the family to celebrate Lee's life. Casual dress is requested, please. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American Red Cross, 462 W. Church St., Elmira, NY 14901, the Southern Tier Hospice, 244 W. Water Street, Elmira, NY 14901 or to the Humane Society & SPCA in your area.


More About Lee M. Gage:

Obituary/Death Notice: 17 Nov 2000, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Social Security Number: 114-38-4722 (NY)

Child of Joyce Gaige and Lee Gage is:

6132 i. Andrew15 Gage.

4098. Daniel Thomas14 Gaige (Roland Albert13, Mabel Clare12 Sheive, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Sep 1949 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Lorraine M. Hall 10 Jul 1976.

Child of Daniel Gaige and Lorraine Hall is:

6133 i. Jennifer Ann15 Gaige, born abt. 1977.

4100. Thomas Albert14 Gaige (Roland Albert13, Mabel Clare12 Sheive, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1957 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Susan Elizabeth Popovich 09 Jul 1977 in Burdett, Schuyler Co., NY, daughter of Richard Popovitch and Jacquelyn Bennett. She was born 08 Dec 1957 in Long Branch, Monmouth Co., NJ, and died 22 Apr 2005 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY.


Notes for Susan Elizabeth Popovich:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Apr 2005 ed.:

GAIGE, Susan E., age 47, of Erwin Drive, Corning, died Friday, April 22, 2005, after a courageous battle with Leukemia at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester surrounded by her family. Sue was born December 8, 1957 at Long Branch, NJ, the daughter of Jacquelyn (Bennett) and the late Richard Popovich. She graduated from Watkins Glen High School in 1975. After completing the Nursing Program at BOCES, she graduated in 1977. She married Tom on July 9, 1977 at the Burdett Presbyterian Church. She worked as a Teacher's Assistant in the Corning School District. She was a Little League Coach, learned sign language, and rescued any stray animal. One of her great appreciations was listening to classical music and music of the harp. During the summer, she had Camp Susie for her nieces and nephews, children from abroad, and assorted neighborhood children. In Camp Susie she would take in children while their parents were away and showed them a fun time. She wanted all children to have love, peace, and security. She is survived by her loving husband, Tom; children, Jason, Erika, David, James, and Christen; mother, Jacquelyn Popovich; brothers and sisters, Kathy Hamblet, Malia Johnson, Kristin Popovich, David Popovich, Daria (Michael) Beird, and Brian Popovich; sisters and brothers-in-law, Joyce Gage, Jeanne (William) Baker, and Daniel (Lorraine) Gaige; mother-in-law, Grace Gaige; 17 nieces and nephews; and many cousins. Her family will receive friends Tuesday, April 26, 2005, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Phillips Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 17 W. Pulteney St., Corning, NY. Her Memorial Service will be Wednesday, April 27, 2005, at 3 p.m. at Phillips Funeral Home & Cremation Service, with Rev. Dick Evans officiating. Burial will be private. Memorials in her name may be directed to the American Diabetes Association, New York State - Memorial Processing Center, PO Box 31160, Hartford, CT 06150, or the Leukemia Society of America - Finger Lakes Chapter, 121 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604.


More About Susan Elizabeth Popovich:

Cause of Death: Leukemia

Crem./Burial: 27 Apr 2005, Corning, Steuben Co., NY

Medical Information: died at Strong Memorial Hosp.

Children of Thomas Gaige and Susan Popovich are:

6134 i. Jason15 Gaige.

6135 ii. Erika Gaige.

6136 iii. David Gaige.

6137 iv. James Gaige.

6138 v. Christen Gaige.

4103. Lucretia Ann14 Ackley (Yoland Blanche13 Gaige, Mabel Clare12 Sheive, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Timothy David Thorneley 21 Apr 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of John Thorneley and Martha Wilcox. He was born 17 Nov 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Lucretia Ackley and Timothy Thorneley is:

6139 i. Dean Michael15 Thorneley, born 23 Jul 1982 in Manchester, Hartford Co., CT.

4106. Pamela Ann14 Sheive (Kenneth Wayne13, William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1967.

Child of Pamela Ann Sheive is:

6140 i. ______15 ______Sheive.

4109. Cheryl Lynn14 Boyce (Marleah Elizabeth13 Sheive, William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Dec 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Daniel Joe Kane 11 Apr 1980.

Children of Cheryl Boyce and Daniel Kane are:

6141 i. Daniel Joe15 Kane, Jr., born 15 Sep 1981.

6142 ii. Jeffrey Thomas Kane, born 06 Jul 1983.

6143 iii. Andrew Kane, born 08 Jun 1984.

4110. Paula Jean14 Boyce (Marleah Elizabeth13 Sheive, William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Mar 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Perry Redder abt. 1981. She married (2) ______ Wilson abt. 1989. She married (3) George Edward Howard, Jr. abt. 1993, son of George Howard and Brenda Ellis. He was born 28 Dec 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Paula Jean Boyce:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


More About George Edward Howard, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Mem. Hosp.

Children of Paula Boyce and Perry Redder are:

6144 i. Perry15 Redder, Jr., born 20 Dec 1982.

6145 ii. Merton Redder, born 03 Nov 1984.

6146 iii. Nathan Redder, born 17 Dec 1987.

Child of Paula Boyce and ______ Wilson is:

6147 i. Mia15 Wilson, born 13 Sep 1990.

4111. Deborah Ann14 Boyce (Marleah Elizabeth13 Sheive, William Edson12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Aug 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Robert VanOstrand abt. 1984.

Children of Deborah Boyce and Robert VanOstrand are:

6148 i. Karissa15 VanOstrand, born 10 Mar 1985.

6149 ii. Michael VanOstrand, born 08 Feb 1988.

4120. Rhett Walter14 Nelson (Doris Ann13 Sheive, Lawrence Bernard12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Oct 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Theresa Ann Swartwood 11 Oct 1986 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Douglas Swartwood and Patricia Rafferty. She was born 07 Jul 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Rhett Walter Nelson:

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About Theresa Ann Swartwood:

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Rhett Nelson and Theresa Swartwood are:

6150 i. Brittany Ryen15 Nelson, born 28 Feb 1987 in Wilmington, New Hanover Co., NC.

6151 ii. Melany Rae Nelson, born 09 May 1990 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Melany Rae Nelson:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

4121. Rene Lynn14 Fuller (Blanche Mae13 Sheive, Lawrence Bernard12, Amy Blanche11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jan 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Lawrence Miller Albee 01 Mar 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Nicholaus DiBartelomo abt. 1990.


More About Rene Lynn Fuller:

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About Nicholaus DiBartelomo:

Residence: Mar 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Rene Fuller and Lawrence Albee is:

6152 i. Heather Marie15 Albee, born 19 Aug 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4135. Alice Marie14 Battin (Amber A.13 Baumunk, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1919, and died 1975. She married Elmer Ward Parrish 05 Jun 1937 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, son of Harvey Parrish and Clara Coats. He was born 25 May 1913 in Wheelerville, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died Apr 1987.


Children are listed above under Elmer Ward Parrish (1532).


4136. Bernadine14 Vogt (Gleyna Irene13 Baumunk, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1930. She married Gene Bown.

Children of Bernadine Vogt and Gene Bown are:

6153 i. Barbara15 Bown. She married Jack Swingle.

+ 6154 ii. Theodore Bown.

+ 6155 iii. Christine Bown.

4138. Dale14 Baumunk (Lawrence Larue13, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, and died 2002. He married Lucy Lindley. She was born in East Canton, Bradford Co., PA.

Children of Dale Baumunk and Lucy Lindley are:

6156 i. Ann Elizabeth15 Baumunk, born 17 Jan 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Robert P. Henderson, Jr. 11 Aug 1979 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA; born 21 Apr 1957 in Manchester, Coffee Co., TN.


More About Ann Elizabeth Baumunk:

Occupation: 1979, Retail Manager


More About Robert P. Henderson, Jr.:

Occupation: 1979, Accountant


6157 ii. Mary Baumunk, born abt. 1960. She married Steven Blondy.

6158 iii. Emily Baumunk, born abt. 1963. She married Brian Wilkin.

4139. Joanne14 Baumunk (Lawrence Larue13, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Kenneth Ford.

Children of Joanne Baumunk and Kenneth Ford are:

6159 i. Caroline15 Eisenhood. She married Ian Lucas Ford.

6160 ii. Nina Tannenwald. She married Mark Suchman.

6161 iii. Adam Ford.

6162 iv. Jason Ford.

6163 v. Lucas Ford.

4141. Arthur James14 Molyneux (Phyllis V.13 Baumunk, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1940 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA. He married Phyllis Raye Carpenter 03 Jul 1958, daughter of Ralph Carpenter and Agnes Morgan. She was born 14 May 1940 in Shunk, Fox Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Phyllis Raye Carpenter (1578).


4142. Barbara Kay14 Gregory (Glynna Virginia13 Letts, Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Dec 1939. She married (1) Burrell Johnson. She married (2) Harland Dillard.

Children of Barbara Gregory and Burrell Johnson are:

6164 i. Queen15 Johnson, born abt. 1960.


More About Queen Johnson:

Medical Information: died within 24 hours of birth


6165 ii. Theresa Marie Johnson, born 19 Nov 1962.

6166 iii. Mary Margaret Johnson, born abt. 1965.

Child of Barbara Gregory and Harland Dillard is:

6167 i. Belinda15 Dillard.

4143. Judy Virginia14 Gregory (Glynna Virginia13 Letts, Fred Cecil12, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1942. She married Jack Titus.

Child of Judy Gregory and Jack Titus is:

6168 i. Dawn15 Titus, born 14 Dec 1962.

4160. Jean Marie14 Lovette (Mildred Zelma13 Morgan, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (2) Jesse O'Brien.



More About Jean Marie Lovette:

Residence: Monterey, Tompkins Co., NY

Children of Jean Marie Lovette are:

6169 i. Scott15 ______Lovette.

6170 ii. ______ ______Lovette.

6171 iii. ______ ______Lovette.

Child of Jean Lovette and Jesse O'Brien is:

6172 i. Douglas15 O'Brien.

4161. Grant14 Morgan (Keith Irwin13, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1922.

Children of Grant Morgan are:

6173 i. ______15 Morgan, born abt. 1943.

6174 ii. ______ Morgan, born abt. 1945.

4162. Richard14 Morgan (Keith Irwin13, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1924.

Children of Richard Morgan are:

6175 i. ______15 Morgan, born abt. 1948.

6176 ii. ______ Morgan, born abt. 1949.

6177 iii. ______ Morgan, born abt. 1951.

6178 iv. ______ Morgan, born abt. 1956.

4163. Naomi14 Spurling (Avonell Hyacinth13 Morgan, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Wesley Parsons.

Children of Naomi Spurling and Wesley Parsons are:

6179 i. Kin15 Parsons.

6180 ii. ______ Parsons.

4164. Dellis14 Spurling (Avonell Hyacinth13 Morgan, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Dellis Spurling is:

6181 i. ______15 Spurling.

4166. Russell14 Temple (Ernestine Marie13 Morgan, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Russell Temple is:

6182 i. ______15 Temple.

4167. Clayton14 Temple, Jr. (Ernestine Marie13 Morgan, Stella Elma12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Children of Clayton Temple, Jr. are:

6183 i. Kimber15 Temple.

6184 ii. Jennifer Temple.

6185 iii. Michael Temple.

6186 iv. ______ Temple.

4186. Jean14 Tagliaferri (Alice13 Pinch, Daisy Adell12 Makinster, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Anthony Papandrea.


More About Jean Tagliaferri:

Residence: Jul 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY


More About Anthony Papandrea:

Residence: Jul 2001, Elmira, Chemung Co., NY

Child of Jean Tagliaferri and Anthony Papandrea is:

6187 i. Gregory15 Papandrea, born Bef. Jul 2001.

4187. Sharon14 Tagliaferri (Alice13 Pinch, Daisy Adell12 Makinster, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Victor Troha.


More About Sharon Tagliaferri:

Residence: Jul 2001, MI


More About Victor Troha:

Residence: Jul 2001, MI

Children of Sharon Tagliaferri and Victor Troha are:

6188 i. Victor15 Troha, Jr..

6189 ii. Adrienne Troha.

6190 iii. Katherine Troha.

4188. Laura Lee14 Fanning (Claudius Laverne13, Harold Royce12, Warren Harold11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Oct 1940. She married James Begeal.

Children of Laura Fanning and James Begeal are:

6191 i. Michelle15 Begeal, born 26 Aug 1963 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6192 ii. Laurie Begeal, born 31 Aug 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6193 iii. Scott Begeal, born 01 Feb 1966 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4189. Terry14 Fanning (Claudius Laverne13, Harold Royce12, Warren Harold11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Dec 1948, and died Mar 1981. She married Charles George, son of Aimen George and Stella Roche. He was born 11 Oct 1949.


More About Terry Fanning:

Name 2: George, Terry

Social Security Number: 076-42-9731 (NY)

Children of Terry Fanning and Charles George are:

6194 i. Amy15 George, born 03 May 1969.

6195 ii. Tera George, born 06 Sep 1973.

4191. Beverly Lorraine14 Freeman (Ethel Marie13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Jun 1945 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD. She married Raymond Cecil Greenley.

Children of Beverly Freeman and Raymond Greenley are:

6196 i. April Shawn15 Greenley, born 15 Sep 1970.

6197 ii. Heidi Love Greenley, born 14 Nov 1972.

4193. Thomas Duff14 O'Leary (Vivian Rosamond13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Aug 1942 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Patricia Marie Kowalick.


More About Thomas Duff O'Leary:

Residence: Sep 1981, Painted Post, Steuben Co., NY

Children of Thomas O'Leary and Patricia Kowalick are:

6198 i. Christine Michelle15 O'Leary.

6199 ii. Kathryn Duff O'Leary.

4194. Dennis Mallory14 O'Leary (Vivian Rosamond13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jul 1944 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Georgina Maria Bissel.


More About Dennis Mallory O'Leary:

Residence: Sep 1981, Ravenna, Portage Co., OH

Child of Dennis O'Leary and Georgina Bissel is:

6200 i. Buffy15 O'Leary.

4195. Joyce Colleen14 O'Leary (Vivian Rosamond13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jun 1953 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY. She married David Raymond Weiskopf.


More About Joyce Colleen O'Leary:

Residence: Sep 1981, Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY

Children of Joyce O'Leary and David Weiskopf are:

6201 i. Lisa Noelle15 Weiskopf.

+ 6202 ii. Kimberly Weiskopf.

+ 6203 iii. Timothy Jon Weiskopf, born abt. 1971.

4196. William Michael14 Koles (Luella Mavis13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Mar 1949 in Columbus, Franklin Co., OH. He married Juliana A. Remboldt.

Children of William Koles and Juliana Remboldt are:

6204 i. ______15 Koles.

6205 ii. Rena Danielle Koles.


4197. Paul Gregory14 Koles (Luella Mavis13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Dec 1952 in Grand Rapids, Kent Co., MI. He married Carrie Burgess.

Child of Paul Koles and Carrie Burgess is:

6206 i. Aaron15 Koles, born 09 Nov 1980.

4198. Maureen Laurette14 Koles (Luella Mavis13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Sep 1955 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. She married Jonathan Lynn Shields.

Child of Maureen Koles and Jonathan Shields is:

6207 i. Nathaniel15 Shields.

4199. Donald Robert14 Nicol (Deloris Emily13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Margot I. Catchpole.

Children of Donald Nicol and Margot Catchpole are:

6208 i. Andrew William15 Nicol.

6209 ii. Amanda Margaret Nicol, Adopted child.

4200. Nancy Joyce14 Nicol (Deloris Emily13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 May 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY. She married Henry Money.

Child of Nancy Nicol and Henry Money is:

6210 i. Carrie15 Money.

4214. Susan Joy14 Beamer (Bula Bell13 Beamesderfer, Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Jul 1954. She married Steven Gray.

Child of Susan Beamer and Steven Gray is:

6211 i. ______15 Gray.

4218. Sharon14 Swan (Patricia Lee13 Beamesderfer, Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Sharon Swan is:

6212 i. ______15 Swan, born abt. 1977.

4219. Susan Lee14 Swan (Patricia Lee13 Beamesderfer, Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Apr 1962.

Child of Susan Lee Swan is:

6213 i. ______15 Swan, born abt. 1978.

4220. Richard Mark14 Beamesderfer (Norman Russell13, Lucile Myrtle12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Jul 1961 in Takoma Park, Montgomery Co., MD. He married Maria Gelgodo. She was born in Peru.

Child of Richard Beamesderfer and Maria Gelgodo is:

6214 i. Zachary Erin15 Beamesderfer, born 17 Oct 1989 in Georgetown, Washington, DC.


More About Zachary Erin Beamesderfer:

Birthsite: George Washington Hospital

4239. Karen14 Foster (Howard Riley13, Elloyd W.12, Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) Wallace Zinck, son of Walter Zinck and Georgia ______. She married (2) ______ Huff.

Children of Karen Foster and Wallace Zinck are:

6215 i. Amy Jo15 Zinck, born 1972 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

6216 ii. Michael David Zinck, born 03 Mar 1974 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

Child of Karen Foster and ______ Huff is:

6217 i. Michelle15 Huff.

4240. Thomas S.14 Foster (Howard Riley13, Elloyd W.12, Minerva E.11 Wheeler, Julia Ann10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Thomas S. Foster is:

6218 i. Kelly15 Foster.

4244. Allen Dennis14 Williams (Lloyd Allen13, Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jul 1939. He married Judith Ann Sletcher 1959. She was born 12 Sep 1939.


Child of Allen Williams and Judith Sletcher is:

6219 i. Dennis Raymond15 Williams, born 26 Oct 1959.

4245. Glenda Kay14 Williams (Lloyd Allen13, Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Jan 1945. She married (1) James Davies 12 Feb 1966 in Dallas, Luzerne Co., PA. She married (2) Jon Leslie Pomrinke, Jr. 19 May 1972 in Kingston, Luzerne Co., PA, son of Jon Leslie Pomrinke. He was born 08 Mar 1947.

Child of Glenda Williams and James Davies is:

6220 i. Deanna Palmer Davies15 Pomrinke.

Children of Glenda Williams and Jon Pomrinke are:

6221 i. Jon Leslie15 Pomrinke I, born 25 Sep 1973.

6222 ii. Melissa Hughes Pomrinke, born 18 Nov 1974.

4246. Sharon14 Williams (Fred Thayden13, Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) Robert Ricci. She married (2) Jon Stapleton.

Children of Sharon Williams and Robert Ricci are:

6223 i. Jason Lee15 Ricci.

6224 ii. Lance Thaden Ricci.

4248. Brenda Diane14 Williams (Norman LeRoy13, Doris Enid12 Shattuck, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1957 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married William George Holland I 09 Aug 1980 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA, son of William Holland and Gertrude Wiser. He was born 25 Jun 1950.

Child of Brenda Williams and William Holland is:

6225 i. Katie Rae15 Holland, born 22 Feb 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4253. Dennis Wayne14 Shattuck (Lloyd Armond13, Lloyd Allison12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Oct 1947 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Katherine J. Fredericks 22 Jun 1968 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA, daughter of Raymond J. Fredericks. He married (2) Susan Diana Palmer 12 Dec 1981 in New Castle, New Castle Co., DE, daughter of Francis Palmer and Florence O'Donnell. She was born 30 May 1956 in Lock Haven, Clinton Co., PA.


Notes for Dennis Wayne Shattuck:

Dennis built his home and another in Tioga Co., PA. He retired from a photography business in 1990 after winning many national photography awards. He had done extensive research on the family and heritage of Madison Taylor Shattuck.


More About Dennis Wayne Shattuck:

Degree: Architecture

Residence: 1990, 4 Brann Street, Canton, PA 17724

Talents: 1990, Retired as national award winning photographer


More About Susan Diana Palmer:

Occupation: Surgical RN in the Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre, PA

Children of Dennis Shattuck and Katherine Fredericks are:

6226 i. Wendy Lee15 Shattuck, born 15 Apr 1969 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

6227 ii. Anthony James Shattuck, born 26 Oct 1971 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.


Notes for Anthony James Shattuck:

According to Dennis: Tony participated on the Varsity football team at Canton High School. In 1997 he was in the U.S. Navy and trained as a Seal. He was then trained as a member of a 7-man Marine Recon team. He went to West Point Prep School for 1 year, but there was no openings the next year, so he re-entered the Navy.


6228 iii. Tabitha Shattuck, born abt. 1973 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Dennis Shattuck and Susan Palmer are:

6229 i. Jacqueline Susanne15 Shattuck, born 31 Dec 1984 in Wilmington, New Castle Co., DE.

6230 ii. Renee Nicole Shattuck, born 02 Nov 1987 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

6231 iii. Stephanie Rosemarie Shattuck, born 13 Mar 1989 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

4262. Douglas Allen14 Baker (Joyce Oleta13 Shattuck, John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Apr 1951 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Gail Slaven 28 Aug 1981 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of Peter Slaven and Joyce ______. She was born 10 Oct 1951.

Children of Douglas Baker and Gail Slaven are:

6232 i. Ashlee Marie15 Baker, born 26 May 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Ashlee Marie Baker:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


6233 ii. Melissa Baker, born 25 Feb 1986 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6234 iii. Kyle Douglas Baker, born 30 Sep 1987 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4263. Denise Marie14 Baker (Joyce Oleta13 Shattuck, John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 May 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Sherman Robert Totoritis 20 Jul 1974 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY, son of Sherman Totoritis and Dorothy Finch. He was born 29 Oct 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Denise Baker and Sherman Totoritis are:

6235 i. Stacey Marie15 Totoritis, born 27 Mar 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Stacey Marie Totoritis:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 1 May 1990 ed.:

Stacey attended Smithfield-Ridgbury-Ulster (SRU) Middle School and was on the 2nd Honor Roll during her 6th grade's 3rd marking period.


More About Stacey Marie Totoritis:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


6236 ii. Matthew Robert Totoritis, born 04 Jul 1983.

6237 iii. Christine Noel Totoritis, born 20 Aug 1985.

4264. LuEllen14 Roberts (Irma Lois13 Shattuck, John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Lynn Perry.

Child of LuEllen Roberts and Lynn Perry is:

6238 i. Jamie Lynn15 Perry, born 1981.

4265. Kenneth14 Roberts (Irma Lois13 Shattuck, John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Sep 1949. He married ______ Huffner.

Child of Kenneth Roberts and ______ Huffner is:

6239 i. Melissa15 Roberts.

4267. Kevin14 Roberts (Irma Lois13 Shattuck, John Arthur12, Charles Herbert11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1953. He married Donna ______.

Child of Kevin Roberts and Donna ______ is:

6240 i. Brian15 Roberts.

4268. David Forrest14 Shattuck (Forrest Bernard13, Bernard Chesley12, Byron Earl11, Madison Taylor10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Mar 1968 in Madison Co., AL. He married Tara ______ abt. 1993.

Child of David Shattuck and Tara ______ is:

6241 i. Haley Nicole15 Shattuck, born 04 Jul 1995.

4276. Charles Edward14 Bauman (Clara May14 Tinkham, Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Feb 1946 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married (1) Jo Anne Consetta Betts Sep 1967 in Lincoln Park, Wayne Co., MI. She was born 02 May 1948. He married (2) Janette M. Brinkman 02 Aug 1974 in Roseville, Oakland Co., MI. She was born 07 May 1953, and died 22 Dec 1977 in Walled Lake, Oakland Co., MI. He married (3) Rae Ellen Fage Aug 1986 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Charles Edward Bauman:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


More About Janette M. Brinkman:

Cause of Death: automobile accident

Child of Charles Bauman and Jo Betts is:

+ 6242 i. Christopher Charles Bauman15 Anger, born 09 May 1968 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

4278. Esther Marie14 Bauman (Clara May14 Tinkham, Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Oct 1954 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Francis John Bresett 18 Nov 1972 in Pine City, Chemung Co., NY, son of John Bresett and Kay ______. He was born 22 Oct 1953.


More About Esther Marie Bauman:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

Children of Esther Bauman and Francis Bresett are:

6243 i. Stacy Lee15 Bresett, born 08 May 1973 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married William Alan Smiers 10 Nov 1990 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; born 02 Jan 1968 in Houston, Harris Co., TX.

6244 ii. Eric John Bresett, born 08 May 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4279. Michael Edward14 Bauman (Clara May14 Tinkham, Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Sep 1957 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Susan Ann Knapp 15 Jan 1983 in Big Flats, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Richard Knapp and Jean Hamlin. She was born 31 Jul 1958.


More About Michael Edward Bauman:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

Child of Michael Bauman and Susan Knapp is:

6245 i. Alexander Michael15 Bauman, born 04 Jul 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Alexander Michael Bauman:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

4282. Patricia Ann14 Tinkham (Charles Alvah14, Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 May 1960 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

Child of Patricia Ann Tinkham is:

6246 i. John Vincent15 ______Tinkham, born 08 Jul 1977 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

Child of Patricia Ann Tinkham is:

6247 i. Roni15 ______Tinkham, born in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI.

4292. Linda14 Hribnak (Phyllis Ann14 Cress, Lillian Esther13 Tinkham, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Feb 1955.

Child of Linda Hribnak is:

6248 i. ______15 Hribnak, born 1976.

4316. Gordon Hamilton14 Jarrell (Marcia LaRue13 Sherlock, Monna Larue12 Salisbury, William Harland11, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 May 1946 in Eglin Air Force Base Hosp., Okaloosa Co., FL. He married Susan DeLisa Mar 1971.

Child of Gordon Jarrell and Susan DeLisa is:

6249 i. Jesse DeLisa15 Jarrell, born 25 Mar 1979 in Fairbanks, AK.

4318. Donna LaRue14 Jarrell (Marcia LaRue13 Sherlock, Monna Larue12 Salisbury, William Harland11, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Jul 1948 in Wilmington, Newcastle Co., MD. She married Donald R. Cooper Jan 1970.


More About Donna LaRue Jarrell:

Medical Information: twin to Stephen M.

Children of Donna Jarrell and Donald Cooper are:

6250 i. Duncan Joseph15 Cooper, born 25 Feb 1984 in Boston, Essex Co., MA.

6251 ii. Kate Elizabeth Cooper, born 03 Aug 1985 in Boston, Essex Co., MA.

4323. Adrian Lloyd14 Bailey (Doris Evelyn13 Loomis, Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Mar 1954. He married Cynthia Deems 05 Mar 1980.

Child of Adrian Bailey and Cynthia Deems is:

6252 i. Adrean Allen15 Bailey, born 08 Dec 1980.

4325. Laurie Jean14 Bailey (Doris Evelyn13 Loomis, Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1957. She married ______ Orso.

Children of Laurie Bailey and ______ Orso are:

6253 i. LeRoy Francis15 Orso, born 02 Nov 1975.

6254 ii. Claytana Jean Orso, born 19 Dec 1976.

6255 iii. Erin Laurie Orso, born 08 Jun 1978.

6256 iv. Michael Lee Orso, born 24 Oct 1984.

4327. Kathy Eilene14 Gauss (Eleanor Ann13 Loomis, Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Apr 1948 in Rochester, Monroe Co., NY. She married (1) John Joseph Boyer. She married (2) Anthony Stepnowski.

Children of Kathy Gauss and John Boyer are:

6257 i. Veronica Mariette15 Boyer.

6258 ii. Corey Estelle Boyer.

Child of Kathy Gauss and Anthony Stepnowski is:

6259 i. Bryce Matthew Felix15 Gauss-Stepnowski.

4328. Pamela Judith14 Gauss (Eleanor Ann13 Loomis, Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Jul 1950 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married (1) John James Farboni. He was born abt. 1948. She married (2) Noah Fehl.


More About Pamela Judith Gauss:

Occupation: 1988, Elmira Psychiatric Center - Recreational Therapist


More About John James Farboni:

Occupation: 1988, A.R.C. in Elmira


Children of Pamela Gauss and John Farboni are:

6260 i. Noel15 Farboni, died in at age 12.


More About Noel Farboni:

Burial: Coopers Plains Cem., Steuben Co., NY

Cause of Death: brain hemorrhage


6261 ii. Christian Farboni.

Child of Pamela Gauss and Noah Fehl is:

6262 i. Whitney15 Fehl.

4329. Frank Arthur14 Gauss, Jr. (Eleanor Ann13 Loomis, Alice C.12 Stone, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Feb 1953 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married (1) Paula Jane Hasek in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Robert Hasek and Helen ______. He married (2) Brenda Eunice Belmonte 04 Dec 1977 in Big Flats, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of James Belmonte and Virginia Smith. She was born 28 Jul 1952 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

Child of Frank Gauss and Paula Hasek is:

6263 i. Ruby Lynn15 Gauss, born 05 Jan 1975 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Children of Frank Gauss and Brenda Belmonte are:

6264 i. Jennifer Lee15 Gauss, born 27 Apr 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Jennifer Lee Gauss:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


6265 ii. Sarra Maie Gauss, born 31 Dec 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Sarra Maie Gauss:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


6266 iii. Frank Arthur Gauss III, born 21 Dec 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Frank Arthur Gauss III:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

4340. Debra Lee14 Cocksedge (Kathleen Evelyn13 Stone, David Jasper12, Amy Evelyn11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jul 1961. She married John Bush.

Child of Debra Cocksedge and John Bush is:

6267 i. Joshua Joseph15 Bush, born 11 Nov 1987.

4349. Rodney Neil14 Bailey (Judith Emily13 Strauss, Mabel Agnes12 Dryer, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1944 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Lynn Umiker. She was born in Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA.


More About Rodney Neil Bailey:

Occupation: Woolrich Company

Children of Rodney Bailey and Lynn Umiker are:

6268 i. Kimberly Lane15 Bailey.

6269 ii. Stacey Lynn Bailey.

4353. Stewart Thayer14 Davis (Francis Ellen13 Dryer, Howard Henry12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1961 in Xenia, Greene Co., OH. He married Delores Grace Guerrero 06 Aug 1983 in Austin, Travis Co., TX, daughter of Clarence Guerrero and Stella Sanchez. She was born 20 Nov 1961 in Austin, Travis Co., TX.


Notes for Stewart Thayer Davis:

I contacted Stewart by telephone at his home in Austin, TX on 9 Nov 1988. He was able to fill me in on his children's information and his wife gave me her parents' information. They were pleasant people to speak with and was very cooperative. They were pleased to know that someone was doing a family history on their ancestors and were interested in knowing some of Stewart's grandparents' names. - note of R. J. Porter


More About Stewart Thayer Davis:

Degree: Bachelor of Arts - Architecture

Education: University of Texas-Austin

Occupation: Architect


Notes for Delores Grace Guerrero:

During my telephone conversation with her husband on 9 Nov 1988, Delores stated that her parents did not have middle names.


More About Delores Grace Guerrero:

Medical Information: born at St. David's Hospital

Children of Stewart Davis and Delores Guerrero are:

6270 i. Ryan Thayer15 Davis, born 01 Jun 1984 in Austin, Travis Co., TX.


More About Ryan Thayer Davis:

Medical Information: born at St. David's Hospital


6271 ii. Iris Grace Davis, born 09 Oct 1986 in Austin, Travis Co., TX.


More About Iris Grace Davis:

Medical Information: twin to Stephen C.; born at Seton Hospital


6272 iii. Stephen Crisanto Davis, born 09 Oct 1986 in Austin, Travis Co., TX.


More About Stephen Crisanto Davis:

Medical Information: twin to Iris G.; born at Seton Hospital

4356. Elizabeth14 Dryer (Edward Harold13, Edward Harold12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Gerald Coe.

Child of Elizabeth Dryer and Gerald Coe is:

6273 i. Randy J.15 Coe. He married Lisa Joan Havens 18 Oct 1975 in Elmira Heights, Chemung Co., NY.

4375. Kelly Ann14 Dryer (Richard Melvin13, Raymond Wilder12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1966. She married Donald Dale Johnson.

Children of Kelly Dryer and Donald Johnson are:

6274 i. Leila15 Johnson.

6275 ii. Crystal Johnson.

6276 iii. Shawn Johnson.

4379. Heather Lyn14 Dryer (Rodney Keith13, Raymond Wilder12, Fentie Virginia11 Salisbury, Vicilla Chloe10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 1971. She married (1) ______ Skaggs. She married (2) ______ Malack, son of ______ Malack and ______ Horth.

Child of Heather Dryer and ______ Skaggs is:

6277 i. ______15 Skaggs.

Child of Heather Dryer and ______ Malack is:

6278 i. ______15 Malack.

4380. Theodore14 Palmer (Eugene Theodore13, Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1942.

Child of Theodore Palmer is:

6279 i. ______15 Palmer.

4384. Wayne LaVerne14 Tyson (Bennett Alfonzo13, Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Jul 1952 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. He married Barbara Bennett 1984 in Wellsburg, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Wayne LaVerne Tyson:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

Children of Wayne Tyson and Barbara Bennett are:

6280 i. Theresa Lynn15 Tyson, born 1968 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married Tubo Copeland.

6281 ii. Michael Wayne Tyson, born Jan 1971 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6282 iii. Jason Scott Tyson, born 07 Apr 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6283 iv. Brian James Tyson, born Mar 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6284 v. Rhiannon Rae Tyson, born 05 Dec 1980 in Orlando, Orange Co., FL.

4385. Vivian Carol14 Tyson (Bennett Alfonzo13, Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jul 1955 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She married (1) Randall Kline abt. 1976. She met (2) Lewis Poe abt. 1981.


More About Vivian Carol Tyson:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

Children of Vivian Tyson and Randall Kline are:

6285 i. Michelle Renee15 Kline, born 06 Dec 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6286 ii. Matthew Ray Kline, born 25 May 1980 in Orlando, Orange Co., FL.

Child of Vivian Tyson and Lewis Poe is:

6287 i. Charles Joseph15 Poe, born 22 Sep 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4386. Bonnie Sue14 Tyson (Bennett Alfonzo13, Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Mar 1958 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY. She met Ebben Collins abt. 1983.


More About Bonnie Sue Tyson:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hospital

Children of Bonnie Tyson and Ebben Collins are:

6288 i. Holly Ann15 Collins, born Aug 1984 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

6289 ii. Anthony Wayne Collins, born Feb 1986 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4387. Thomas14 Anderson (Loretta May13 Tyson, Irene Zoe12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Diane Savey, daughter of Stanley Savey and Francis ______.

Children of Thomas Anderson and Diane Savey are:

6290 i. Christina15 Anderson.

6291 ii. Tammy Ann Anderson.

6292 iii. Thomas Anderson, Jr..

4393. Nancy Lee14 Fenner (Harold Reed13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Aug 1947 in Cowanesque, Tioga Co., PA. She married Albert Tillinghast 13 Dec 1969 in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA.


More About Nancy Lee Fenner:

Medical Information: born at Watson home

Children of Nancy Fenner and Albert Tillinghast are:

6293 i. Robert Lee15 Tillinghast, born 18 Mar 1969 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6294 ii. Nina Renee Tillinghast, born 06 Aug 1972 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6295 iii. Loretta Jeanne Tillinghast, born 25 Feb 1974 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6296 iv. Evelyn Joan Tillinghast, born 20 Feb 1977 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

4394. Carol Ann14 Fenner (Harold Reed13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 May 1948 in Cowanesque, Tioga Co., PA. She married (1) Ernest Putnam. She married (2) Theodore Davis 19 Jul 1969 in Hornby, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Carol Ann Fenner:

Medical Information: born at Watson home

Children of Carol Fenner and Theodore Davis are:

6297 i. Jodi Lynn15 Davis, born 05 Nov 1969 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6298 ii. John Ray Davis, born 01 Aug 1971 in TX.

4395. David Ray14 Fenner (Harold Reed13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Sep 1950 in Cowanesque, Tioga Co., PA. He married Virginia Young 27 Sep 1969 in Hornby, Steuben Co., NY.


More About David Ray Fenner:

Medical Information: born at Watson home

Children of David Fenner and Virginia Young are:

6299 i. Joseph Lee15 Fenner, born 16 Nov 1970 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6300 ii. Dale Reed Fenner, born 11 Feb 1972 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6301 iii. Matthew Ray Fenner, born 22 Jul 1974 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4396. Gloria Jean14 Fenner (Harold Reed13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 May 1953 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Dennis Cunningham 10 May 1975 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

Children of Gloria Fenner and Dennis Cunningham are:

6302 i. Hilary Joan15 Cunningham, born 25 Feb 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Hilary Joan Cunningham:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


6303 ii. Carolyn Jean Cunningham, born 02 Jan 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Carolyn Jean Cunningham:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital


6304 iii. Brandon Cunningham, born 14 Aug 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Brandon Cunningham:

Medical Information: born at St. Joseph's Hospital

4397. Donald Reed14 Fenner (Harold Reed13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Jan 1957 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Sherry Lynn Pope 23 Jul 1977 in Coopers Plains, Steuben Co., NY.

Children of Donald Fenner and Sherry Pope are:

6305 i. Diane Michelle15 Fenner, born 01 Nov 1978 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6306 ii. Daniel Joseph Fenner, born 17 Aug 1980 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6307 iii. Andrea Kay Fenner, born 27 Dec 1982 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY; died 05 Jul 1985 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Andrea Kay Fenner:

Burial: Goodsell Cem., Hornby, Steuben Co., NY

Cause of Death: spinal meningitis

Medical Information: died at Arnot Ogden Hospital

4400. Claudia Ann14 Beckhorn (Rita LaNora13 Fenner, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married (1) Robert Swartz. She married (2) ______ Brown.

Child of Claudia Beckhorn and Robert Swartz is:

6308 i. Eric John15 Swartz.

4401. Linda Jean14 Cary (Emma Abiaha13 Fenner, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Aug 1951 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA. She married (1) Frank Potter abt. 1978. She married (2) Dennis Payne abt. 1983.

Child of Linda Cary and Frank Potter is:

6309 i. Rebecca Ann15 Potter, born 05 Nov 1980 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY; Adopted child.

Child of Linda Cary and Dennis Payne is:

6310 i. Kimberly Jean15 Payne, born 18 Oct 1986 in Hornell, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Kimberly Jean Payne:

Medical Information: result of artificially insemenating Dennis's sperm and Linda's egg; performed at Rochester Medical Center

4402. Dale Edward14 Cary (Emma Abiaha13 Fenner, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jan 1954 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA. He married Elizabeth Twist 1979.


More About Dale Edward Cary:

Occupation: Jun 1988, Box factory worker - Tioga, PA

Children of Dale Cary and Elizabeth Twist are:

6311 i. Jennifer Lee15 Cary, born 27 Jun 1978 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

6312 ii. Trevor Wallace Cary, born 26 Aug 1980 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

4403. Dean Eugene14 Cary (Emma Abiaha13 Fenner, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1956 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. He married Lori Jill Sharp 01 Jul 1978 in Ulysses, Potter Co., PA.


More About Dean Eugene Cary:

Occupation: Jun 1988, Tannery worker - Westfield, PA

Children of Dean Cary and Lori Sharp are:

6313 i. Jill Marie15 Cary, born 22 Jan 1980 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

6314 ii. Erika Rose Cary, born 08 Apr 1981 in Coudersport, Potter Co., PA.

4404. Dawn Marie14 Cary (Emma Abiaha13 Fenner, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 May 1960 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA. She married Donald James Sawyer 18 Oct 1980 in Petter Brook, Tioga Co., PA.

Children of Dawn Cary and Donald Sawyer are:

6315 i. Michelle Lynn15 Sawyer, born 14 Nov 1981 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

6316 ii. Michael James Sawyer, born 06 Jun 1984 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

6317 iii. Megan Marie Sawyer, born 22 Jun 1985 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

4406. Terry14 Fenner (Irvin Orlando13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1950.

Children of Terry Fenner are:

6318 i. ______15 Fenner, born abt. 1968.

6319 ii. ______ Fenner, born abt. 1970.

4408. Irvin14 Fenner (Irvin Orlando13, Emma Marjorie12 Shadduck, Harry Evert11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1955.

Children of Irvin Fenner are:

6320 i. Irvin15 Fenner, Jr..

6321 ii. Virginia Fenner.

4430. Rebecca14 Knerr (Elwood LeRoy13, Myrtle Lillian12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Rebecca Knerr is:

6322 i. ______15 Knerr.

4436. ______14 Mecone (Velma Fay13 Williams, Lynn Carlton12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1957. She married (1) ______ Fontaine abt. 1973. He was born abt. 1955. She married (2) ______ Hill abt. 1983. She married (3) ______ Machinski abt. 1987.

Children of ______ Mecone and ______ Fontaine are:

6323 i. ______15 Fontaine, born abt. 1975.

6324 ii. ______ Fontaine, born abt. 1977.

6325 iii. ______ Fontaine, born abt. 1980.

Child of ______ Mecone and ______ Machinski is:

6326 i. ______15 Machinski, born abt. 1990.

4441. Connie Jean14 Williams (Douglas Laurayne13, Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Oct 1950. She married William Welch.

Children of Connie Williams and William Welch are:

6327 i. Brian Douglas15 Welch.

6328 ii. ______ Welch.

4442. Douglas Terry14 Williams (Douglas Laurayne13, Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Sep 1952. He married Robin ______.

Child of Douglas Williams and Robin ______ is:

6329 i. Alexandria Lynn15 Williams.

4443. Joseph Blake14 Castle (Ellen Eugenia13 Williams, Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 25 Jun 1954 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. He married Sheila Ruth Brown Sep 1977, daughter of Richard Brown and Ruth Brown. She was born 17 Nov 1957.


More About Joseph Blake Castle:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital

Children of Joseph Castle and Sheila Brown are:

6330 i. Justin Joseph15 Castle, born 29 Jul 1978 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Justin Joseph Castle:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital


6331 ii. Hillary Jo Castle, born 19 Sep 1980 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Hillary Jo Castle:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital

4444. Debbie Sue14 Castle (Ellen Eugenia13 Williams, Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jun 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Daniel John Colton 12 Jan 1974.


More About Debbie Sue Castle:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital

Children of Debbie Castle and Daniel Colton are:

6332 i. Mitzi Jo15 Colton, born 30 Jul 1974 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Mitzi Jo Colton:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital


6333 ii. Jodi Lynn Colton, born 26 Jul 1978 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Jodi Lynn Colton:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital


6334 iii. Chad Robert Colton, born 11 Sep 1980 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Chad Robert Colton:

Medical Information: born at Williamsport City Hospital

4445. Kurt Edward14 Williams (Edward Otis13, Esther Emma12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Apr 1959. He married Carolyn ______.

Children of Kurt Williams and Carolyn ______ are:

6335 i. Drew Daniel15 Williams.

6336 ii. Nicholaus Williams.

4448. Terri14 Williams (Frank Rodney13, Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1960. She married ______ Taylor.

Children of Terri Williams and ______ Taylor are:

6337 i. ______15 Taylor, born abt. 1977.

6338 ii. ______ Taylor, born abt. 1979.


4449. Melissa14 Williams (Frank Rodney13, Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1963.

Child of Melissa Williams is:

6339 i. ______15 ______Williams.

4451. Margaret14 Manikowski (Ellen Esther13 Williams, Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married James Crumm.

Children of Margaret Manikowski and James Crumm are:

6340 i. Nathan15 Crumm.

6341 ii. Kelly Crumm.

4452. Joseph14 Manikowski, Jr. (Ellen Esther13 Williams, Frank Rodney12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Barbara ______.

Child of Joseph Manikowski and Barbara ______ is:

6342 i. ______15 Manikowski.

4453. Faith Arlene14 Bower (Phillip Clyde13, Velma Ora12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1953. She married Michael Shallis.

Children of Faith Bower and Michael Shallis are:

6343 i. Adrian Arlene15 Shallis, born 16 May 1982.

6344 ii. Michael Philip Shallis, born 05 Jun 1986.

4455. Karen Elaine14 Bower (Phillip Clyde13, Velma Ora12 Williams, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1961. She married Kenneth Clifford Larson.

Child of Karen Bower and Kenneth Larson is:

6345 i. Jessica Rae15 Larson, born 13 Nov 1986.

4465. Billi Jo14 Williams (Larry Dean13, Dean Ellis12, Ellen Evangeline11 Shadduck, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Apr 1988 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Child of Billi Jo Williams is:

6346 i. Devin15 Williams.

4475. Renee Diane14 Shadduck (John Earl13, Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jul 1958 in Tripoli, Lybia. She married John Keith Fisher 15 Jun 1981 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA, son of Clifford Fisher and Margaret Lane.


More About Renee Diane Shadduck:

Medical Information: born at USAF Hospital

Child of Renee Shadduck and John Fisher is:

6347 i. Ryan Patrick15 Fisher, born 16 May 1982 in Port Richie, Pasco Co., FL.

4476. Rock Michael14 Shadduck (John Earl13, Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Feb 1959 in Tripoli, Lybia. He married Lisa Anderson.


More About Rock Michael Shadduck:

Medical Information: born at USAF Hospital

Children of Rock Shadduck and Lisa Anderson are:

6348 i. ______15 Shadduck, born 20 Apr 1992 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 May 1992 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre

SHADDUCK - a son, Monday, April 20, 1992 to Rock and Lisa Anderson Shadduck of Athens.


More About ______ Shadduck:

Birth Announced: 06 May 1992, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY


6349 ii. ______ Shadduck, born 09 Apr 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for ______ Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 29 Apr 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

SHADDUCK - a daughter, Tuesday, April 9, 1996 to Rock and Lisa Anderson Shadduck of Athens.


More About ______ Shadduck:

Birth Announced: 28 Apr 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

4478. Stag Brian14 Shadduck (John Earl13, Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Oct 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. He married Kelly Maas.

Child of Stag Shadduck and Kelly Maas is:

6350 i. ______15 Shadduck, born 13 Feb 1977.


Notes for ______ Shadduck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 24 Feb 1997 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

SHADDUCK - a girl, Thursday, Feb 13, 1997, to Stag and Kelly Maas Shadduck of Sayre.

4487. Colleen Marie14 King (Dena Ann13 Shadduck, Earl Morton12, John Earl11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Aug 1962. She married Donald Robert Homan 23 May 1981 in Athens, Bradford Co., PA, son of G. Robert Homan.

Children of Colleen King and Donald Homan are:

6351 i. Tara15 Homan, born Jun 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

6352 ii. Heather Renee Homan, born 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

4505. Richard Jesse14 Gilbert (Reva Jean13 Bedford, Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1955 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Dawn ______.

Child of Richard Gilbert and Dawn ______ is:

6353 i. ______15 Gilbert.

4510. Carol Lynne14 Bedford (Ray Oscar13, Irma Lillian12 Shadduck, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Feb 1965 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Timmie Carl Castle 14 Dec 1990, son of Harold Castle and Glecia Porter. He was born 29 Mar 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Timmie Carl Castle:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hospital

Children are listed above under Timmie Carl Castle (3271).


4516. Suzanne14 Shadduck (Stanley Dean13, Murl Maxine12, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) married Ronald Gerould.

Children of Suzanne Shadduck and Ronald Gerould are:

+ 6354 i. Gregory15 Gerould, born abt. 1981.

6355 ii. Christopher Gerould, born abt. 1983.

4517. Cheryl14 Shadduck (Stanley Dean13, Murl Maxine12, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) married Michael Palmer.

Children of Cheryl Shadduck and Michael Palmer are:

6356 i. Michael T.15 Palmer, born abt. 1979. He married Carrie Welch.

6357 ii. Joseph Palmer, born abt. 1981. He married Mary ______.

4564. Kay14 Higley (Marion13 Speaker, Ruth Ellen12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Aug. She married Martin G. Bahr, son of Floyd Bahr and Clara Bundle. He was born 16 Dec 1930, and died 17 Aug 1999.


Notes for Kay Higley:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 3 Aug 2000 ed.:

HILLSGROVE - Congratulations to Kay and Marty Bahr who became grandparents twice last week to two granddaughters. Bill and Stacy Stabryla had a daughter on July 25 and named her Kaylie Marie and Amanda Bahr had a daughter on July 30 and named her Kennedie Lynn. Also a congratulations to the very proud and excited great grandparents Marion and Sherman Higley. Marion's father Stanley Cook has now taken up residence with her and Sherman. I guess he will enjoy those great great grandchildren.


More About Martin G. Bahr:

Residence: Bef. Aug 1999, Last residence: Dushore, PA 18614

Social Security Number: 179-28-5797 (PA)

Children of Kay Higley and Martin Bahr are:

+ 6358 i. Stacy15 Bahr.

+ 6359 ii. Amanda Bahr.

6360 iii. Richard Bahr, born 11 Sep 1955 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA. He married Vickie Higley 04 Jun 1977 in Forksville, Forks Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; born 03 Feb 1959 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Vickie Higley:

Occupation: Nurse's Aide

4576. Marsha Marie14 Snell (Burr Eugene13, Agnes Avinella12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Oct 1960 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married Jack LaRue Coleman, Jr. 25 Feb 1978, son of Jack Coleman and Roberta ______. He was born 08 Oct 1957 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

Children of Marsha Snell and Jack Coleman are:

6361 i. Ryan Marie15 Coleman, born 13 Mar 1979 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

6362 ii. Erin Nicole Coleman, born 09 Jun 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

4599. Timothy Allen14 Shadduck (Donald Wayne13, Donald Larue12, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1976 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Jessica Morgan, daughter of Vernon Morgan and Teresa Stone.

Children of Timothy Shadduck and Jessica Morgan are:

6363 i. Terry15 Shadduck, born abt. 1997.

6364 ii. Emma Lynn Shadduck, born 19 Jun 2000.


Notes for Emma Lynn Shadduck:

Dushore, PA - SULLIVAN REVIEW, 6 Jul 2000 ed.:

SHADDUCK - Terry Shadduck is pleased to announce the birth of his baby sister Emma Lynn, weighing 2 lbs, 12 oz. and 14" long, on June 19, 2000 at Arnot Ogden Medical Center. Parents are Timothy Shadduck and Jessica Morgan of Shunk. Grandparents are Vern and Teresa Morgan, and Donald and Rose Shadduck, all of Shunk. Great-grandparents are Robert and Lois Stone, Ellenton, and Melvin Morgan and Joan Shadduck of Shunk.

4631. Roger John14 Porter (Ray Edward13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Dec 1955 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Vickie Lynn Johnson 20 Jun 1987 in Huntersland, Broome Twp., Schoharie Co., NY, daughter of Ervin Johnson and Kathleen Pierce. She was born 20 Jan 1960.


More About Roger John Porter:

Medical Information: born at Brady Catholic Hospital

Residence: 2000, Middleburgh, NY

Children of Roger Porter and Vickie Johnson are:

6365 i. Graham Barrett15 Porter, born 03 Sep 1983 in Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY.


More About Graham Barrett Porter:

Medical Information: born at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital


6366 ii. Vanessa Lynn Porter, born 22 Dec 1984 in Cooperstown, Otsego Co., NY.


More About Vanessa Lynn Porter:

Medical Information: born at Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital

4633. Alan Ray14 Porter (Ray Edward13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1958 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Lisa Marie Hollstein abt. 1980.


More About Alan Ray Porter:

Residence: 1993, Middleburgh, NY

Children of Alan Porter and Lisa Hollstein are:

6367 i. Zeth Alan15 Porter, born 21 May 1981 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Zeth Alan Porter:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital


6368 ii. Zachary Kenneth Porter, born 15 Dec 1983 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Zachary Kenneth Porter:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital


6369 iii. Zarin Robert Porter, born 19 Mar 1987 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Zarin Robert Porter:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital


6370 iv. Zane Edward Porter, born 30 Mar 1988 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Zane Edward Porter:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital

4634. Michael Gene14 Porter (Ray Edward13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Sep 1959 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. He married Deborah May Christman abt. 1978.

Children of Michael Porter and Deborah Christman are:

6371 i. Michael Gene15 Porter, Jr., born 26 Sep 1979 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

6372 ii. Infant Porter, born 1981.


More About Infant Porter:

Cause of Death: miscarried

Medical Information: 7 mo. term pregnancy


6373 iii. Shawn Edward Porter, born 01 Feb 1983 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

6374 iv. Danyail Grace Porter, born 15 Feb 1984 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.

4635. Evelyn Mary14 Porter (Ray Edward13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jan 1961 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY. She married Timothy Michael Schwettee abt. 1980.

Children of Evelyn Porter and Timothy Schwettee are:

6375 i. Timothy Michael15 Schwettee, Jr., born 17 Sep 1982.

6376 ii. Nicholaus Andrew Schwettee, born 02 Aug 1985.

4636. Harold Scott14 Porter (Ray Edward13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Aug 1963 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. He married Yvonne ______ abt. 1981. She was born 11 Sep.


More About Harold Scott Porter:

Medical Information: born at Albany Medical Center

Children of Harold Porter and Yvonne ______ are:

6377 i. Casey Ann15 Porter, born 19 Oct 1982 in New Iberia, Iberia Parish, LA.

6378 ii. Kerry Michele Porter, born 14 Sep 1985 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Kerry Michele Porter:

Medical Information: born at St. Peter's Hospital

4643. Gene Everett14 Porter, Jr. (Gene Everett13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1964. He married Nanci ______.

Children of Gene Porter and Nanci ______ are:

6379 i. Kindall15 Porter.

6380 ii. Kameron Porter.

4644. Kenneth William14 Porter (Gene Everett13, Kenneth Robert12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1967. He married LaVonne ______.

Children of Kenneth Porter and LaVonne ______ are:

6381 i. Thomas15 Porter.

6382 ii. Nikki Porter.

4656. Eleanor Ann14 Dittmar (Lois Marie13 Cross, Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 May 1960 in Albany, Albany Co., NY. She married Terry Richards Graves 05 Mar 1983 in Berne, Albany Co., NY, son of Francis Graves and Elizabeth Richards. He was born 14 Jun 1954 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

Children of Eleanor Dittmar and Terry Graves are:

6383 i. Beth Ann15 Graves, born 21 May 1980 in Albany, Albany Co., NY.


More About Beth Ann Graves:

Medical Information: born at Albany Medical Center


6384 ii. Andrew Francis Graves, born 14 Aug 1983 in Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., NY.

4662. Virginia Ann14 Atkins (Anna Mae13 Cross, Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born Apr 1961.

Child of Virginia Ann Atkins is:

6385 i. ______15 ______Atkins.

4663. Robert Kenneth14 Atkins, Jr. (Anna Mae13 Cross, Evelyn May12 Porter, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1963.

Children of Robert Kenneth Atkins, Jr. are:

6386 i. ______15 Atkins, born abt. 1985.

6387 ii. ______ Atkins, born abt. 1988.

4668. Carol Anne14 Brate (Carol Lee13 Porter, Robert James12, Robert James11, James M. Ludivic10, William9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married James Rapp.

Children of Carol Brate and James Rapp are:

6388 i. Jesse James15 Rapp.

6389 ii. William Jeffrey Rapp.

4759. Lana Rose14 Bump (Linda Marion14 Morgan, Leslie Lynnford13, Daniel Newton12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Mar 1963 in Blossburg, Tioga Co., PA. She married James Silvernail 28 Nov 1981, son of Robert Silvernail and Joanne ______.

Children of Lana Bump and James Silvernail are:

6390 i. Justin Robert15 Silvernail, born 23 Apr 1983 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

6391 ii. Courtney Rae Silvernail, born 15 Sep 1988 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Courtney Rae Silvernail:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

4770. Jessica14 Morgan (Vernon13, Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married Timothy Allen Shadduck, son of Donald Shadduck and Rose Laudenslager. He was born 04 Aug 1976 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA.

Children are listed above under Timothy Allen Shadduck (4599).


4774. Melissa14 Minnick (Sheila13 Morgan, Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Heess.

Child of Melissa Minnick and ______ Heess is:

+ 6392 i. Joshua15 Heess.

4781. Becky14 Rathbun (Leon William13, Doris Marie12 Morgan, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married David R. Jones.

Children of Becky Rathbun and David Jones are:

6393 i. Tara15 Jones.

6394 ii. Amanda Jones.

6395 iii. Dynah Jones.

6396 iv. Levi Jones.

6397 v. Sondra Jones.

4782. Brion14 Rathbun (Leon William13, Doris Marie12 Morgan, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) He married Melissa ______.

Children of Brion Rathbun and Melissa ______ are:

+ 6398 i. Leigha15 Rathbun.

6399 ii. RaeAnn Rathbun.

6400 iii. Micki Rathbun.

6401 iv. Sarah Rathbun.

6402 v. Emily Rathbun.

4783. Lynn14 Rathbun (Leon William13, Doris Marie12 Morgan, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married Thomas Williams.

Children of Lynn Rathbun and Thomas Williams are:

6403 i. Krista15 Williams.

6404 ii. Courtney Williams.

4784. Lori14 Rathbun (Leon William13, Doris Marie12 Morgan, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) She married (1) ______ Sawchuk. She married (2) ______ Alevares.

Children of Lori Rathbun and ______ Sawchuk are:

6405 i. Cory15 Sawchuk.

6406 ii. Katie Sawchuk.

Child of Lori Rathbun and ______ Alevares is:

6407 i. Tina15 Alevares.

4797. ______14 Phelps (Mary Elizabeth13 Roberts, Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ DeSarno.

Children of ______ Phelps and ______ DeSarno are:

6408 i. ______15 DeSarno, Jr..

6409 ii. ______ DeSarno.

4799. ______14 Roberts (Jack13, Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Clark.

Child of ______ Roberts and ______ Clark is:

6410 i. ______15 Clark.

4802. ______14 Roberts (Jack13, Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Carroll.

Children of ______ Roberts and ______ Carroll are:

6411 i. ______15 Carroll.

6412 ii. ______ Carroll.

6413 iii. ______ Carroll.

4804. ______14 Knapp (Arline13 Roberts, Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married (1) ______ Mitchell. She married (2) ______ Emblidge.

Child of ______ Knapp and ______ Mitchell is:

6414 i. ______15 Mitchell.

4805. ______14 Knapp (Arline13 Roberts, Bertha Mae12 Turner, Murton11, Huldah10 Wilcox, John9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ Jensen.

Child of ______ Knapp and ______ Jensen is:

6415 i. ______15 Jensen.

4858. ______14 Henson (Leona May13 Simons, Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1954. She married (1) ______ Corl. She married (2) ______ Perry.

Child of ______ Henson and ______ Perry is:

6416 i. ______15 Perry.

4860. ______14 Henson (Leona May13 Simons, Gertrude Clara12 Wilcox, William Omury11, Daniel Day10, Charles Stuart9, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1958. She married (1) Scott Elliot Ripley. He was born 05 Aug 1956 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, and died 08 Jan 1983 in CA. She married (2) ______ Corby, Jr..


More About Scott Elliot Ripley:

Social Security Number: 065-48-3141 (NY)

Child of ______ Henson and Scott Ripley is:

6417 i. ______15 Ripley.

Child of ______ Henson and ______ Corby is:

6418 i. ______15 Corby.

4929. Joann14 Hatch (Darwin13, Florence June12 Fawcett, Blanche E.11 Wilcox, Alban Berton10, William9, John Day8, John T.7) She married ______ LaBarge.

Children of Joann Hatch and ______ LaBarge are:

6419 i. Amanda15 LaBarge.

6420 ii. Wesley LaBarge.

4932. Roy Dale14 Bennett (Sandra Lynn13 Higley, Richard Waldo12, Maude Lucinda11 Kunzmann, John Day10, Sarah Maria9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 22 Mar 1961 in Troy, Bradford Co., PA. He married Lynne Marie Brown 14 Apr 1996 in Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA, daughter of John Brown and Helen Higley. She was born 27 Jan 1960 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Roy Dale Bennett:

Occupation: Farmer; teamster

Residence: 1998, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA


More About Lynne Marie Brown:

Residence: 1998, Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

Child of Roy Bennett and Lynne Brown is:

6421 i. Matthew Dale15 Bennett, born 05 Feb 1997 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.


More About Matthew Dale Bennett:

Residence: Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

4941. Susan Marie14 Bouton (Joyce Marie13 Foulkrod, Walter Alfred12, Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 1953. She married Lester Wilcox, son of Lester Wilcox and Ann Werden. He was born 1950.

Children are listed above under Lester Wilcox (1891).


4942. Loretta Jean14 Bouton (Joyce Marie13 Foulkrod, Walter Alfred12, Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1955. She married Robert Hoose.

Children of Loretta Bouton and Robert Hoose are:

6422 i. Robert15 Hoose, Jr..

6423 ii. Matthew Hoose.

4943. William14 Trout (Joyce Marie13 Foulkrod, Walter Alfred12, Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born abt. 1957. He married Patricia Geiger, daughter of Ronald Geiger and Joyce ______. She was born abt. 1957.



Notes for Patricia Geiger:

Patricia was a cousin to Susan Geiger, wife of Thomas R. Darrow.

Children of William Trout and Patricia Geiger are:

6424 i. Samantha15 Trout.

6425 ii. Derek Trout.

6426 iii. Danielle Christina Trout, born abt. 1983. She married Jared Douglas Barden 26 Jun 2004 in Mansfield, Richmond Twp., Tioga Co., PA; born abt. 1982.


Notes for Danielle Christina Trout:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 22 Feb 2004 ed.:


Danielle Christina Trout of Sayre, PA and Jared Douglas Barden of Mansfield, PA will be married on June 26, 2004 in Mansfield at 6:30 p.m. by Rev. Joe McNamara. Bride elect, daughter of William and Patricia Trout of Sayre and the granddaughter of Ronald and Joyce Geiger of Athens; Joyce and the late Vance Trout of Sayre. She graduated in '99 from Athens Area High School, '03 from Mansfield University with a BS. Groom elect, son of Brian and Brenda Barden of Mansfield and grandson of Harland and Beverly Clark of Mansfield; Hazel and the late Lewis Barden of Mansfield. He is a '99 graduate of New Convant Academy, Mansfield, '03 from Mansfield University with a BS. The couple will have a reception at the Mansfield Fire and Hose Co. They will reside in Mansfield after a honeymoon to Anna Maria Is., Florida.

4944. Thomas Ray14 Darrow (Sherry Etta13 Foulkrod, Walter Alfred12, Aaron11, Celestia Ann10 Brown, Nancy Ann9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7) was born 09 Oct 1958 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Susan Geiger 21 Jun 1977. She was born abt. 1960.


Notes for Susan Geiger:

Susan was a cousin to Patricia Geiger, wife of William Trout.

Children of Thomas Darrow and Susan Geiger are:

6427 i. Thomas Walter15 Darrow, born 16 Dec 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

6428 ii. Shawn Patrick Darrow, born 15 Jul 1983 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Generation No. 9

4958. Shirley May15 Goltry (Claire James14, Belvah Jannett13, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Nov 1950. She married Steven Burlew.

Children of Shirley Goltry and Steven Burlew are:

6429 i. Scott James16 Burlew.

6430 ii. Samuel Burlew.

4959. Robert James15 Goltry (Claire James14, Belvah Jannett13, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Feb 1952 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Janette Rita Rock 28 Feb 1976 in North Chemung, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Adell Rock and Francis Smith. She was born 05 Sep 1954 in Barton, Tioga Co., NY.

Children of Robert Goltry and Janette Rock are:

6431 i. Robert James16 Goltry, Jr., born 22 Oct 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Robert James Goltry, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


6432 ii. Jason Allen Goltry, born 03 Dec 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Jason Allen Goltry:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

4960. Carl Ernest15 S'Grecci (Eldred Louise14 Hotaling, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Oct 1947 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Marilyn Perry 26 Aug 1972 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

Children of Carl S'Grecci and Marilyn Perry are:

6433 i. Laura Louise16 S'Grecci, born 25 Sep 1978 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6434 ii. Brian Perry S'Grecci, born 22 Oct 1981 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

4962. Phyllis Marie15 Yaw (Mary Helen14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Nov 1946 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married (1) Gordon Lee Shaffer abt. 1964. He was born 05 Aug 1940. She married (2) Floyd Smith abt. Oct 1970.

Children of Phyllis Yaw and Gordon Shaffer are:

6435 i. Gordon Lee16 Shaffer, Jr., born 12 Jul 1965.

6436 ii. Michael Dean Shaffer, born 18 Nov 1967.

6437 iii. Charles Wellington Shaffer, born 15 Jan 1970.

Child of Phyllis Yaw and Floyd Smith is:

6438 i. Tammy Lynn16 Smith, born 24 Sep 1971.

4963. Douglas Alan15 Yaw (Mary Helen14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jun 1948 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married (1) Constance Matthews abt. 1968. He married (2) Cheryl Eilak abt. 1972.

Children of Douglas Yaw and Constance Matthews are:

6439 i. Tracey Marie16 Yaw, born 26 Feb 1969.

6440 ii. Lee Ann Yaw, born 17 Nov 1970.

Children of Douglas Yaw and Cheryl Eilak are:

6441 i. Christen Jo16 Yaw, born 28 Feb 1973.

6442 ii. Aaron James Yaw, born 10 May 1983.

4964. Evelyn Mary15 Yaw (Mary Helen14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Nov 1950 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married Ronald Daniel Gascon 19 Jun 1971 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler Co., NY, son of William Gascon and Virginia Bolger. He was born 13 May 1943 in Hubbleton, NY.


More About Evelyn Mary Yaw:

Residence: Jun 1984, 235 Tracy St., Montour Falls, NY


More About Ronald Daniel Gascon:

Residence: Jun 1984, 235 Tracy St., Montour Falls, NY

Child of Evelyn Yaw and Ronald Gascon is:

6443 i. Samuel Joseph16 Gascon, born 18 Feb 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

4965. Philip Charles15 Yaw, Jr. (Mary Helen14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Jun 1952 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Anna Belle Mowry abt. 1972.

Children of Philip Yaw and Anna Mowry are:

6444 i. Philip Charles16 Yaw I, born 08 Jan 1974.

6445 ii. Scott Anthony Yaw, born 11 Oct 1977. He married Meagan Lee Hoover 27 Sep 2003 in Hector, NY.


More About Scott Anthony Yaw:

Degree 1: Bef. 2003, Corning Community College - Criminal Justice

Degree 2: Oct 2003, Keuka College - striving for Bachelors

High School: Watkins Glen High School, NY

Occupation 1: Sep 2003, Van Skiver Motors in Watkins Glen

Occupation 2: 2003, Watkins Glen International Speedway, Inc.


More About Meagan Lee Hoover:

Degree 1: Sep 2003, Corning Community College - Criminal Justice

Degree 2: Oct 2003, Keuka College - striving for Bachelors

High School: Watkins Glen High School, NY

Occupation: 2003, The Inn - Glenora Wine Cellars

4966. Richard Eugene15 Yaw (Mary Helen14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Sep 1953 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Susan Burch abt. 1975.


More About Richard Eugene Yaw:

Residence: Jun 1984, 121 Raymond St., Montour Falls, NY

Children of Richard Yaw and Susan Burch are:

6446 i. Shelly Ann16 Yaw, born 20 May 1976.

6447 ii. Christopher LeRoy Yaw, born 03 Dec 1982.

4971. Joyce Ann15 Johnson (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 May 1952. She married (1) Gary Westerbout. She married (2) Thomas Carson.


More About Joyce Ann Johnson:

Medical Information: twin to Janet M.

Children of Joyce Johnson and Thomas Carson are:

6448 i. Jeffrey Allen16 Carson, born 27 May.

6449 ii. Michael Thomas Carson, born 17 Sep.

4972. Janet Mary15 Johnson (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 May 1952. She married James Hoxie.


More About Janet Mary Johnson:

Medical Information: twin to Joyce A.

Child of Janet Johnson and James Hoxie is:

6450 i. Julie Ann16 Hoxie, born 04 May.

4973. Betty Jean15 Johnson (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Oct 1954. She married David Scott.

Children of Betty Johnson and David Scott are:

6451 i. Shawn Marie16 Scott, born 08 Nov.

6452 ii. Stacey Rae Scott, born 09 Dec.

4974. Beverly Harriet15 Johnson (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 06 Jan 1957. She married George Cortwright.

Children of Beverly Johnson and George Cortwright are:

6453 i. Nicole Shay16 Cortwright, born 30 Jan.

6454 ii. Nathan Cortwright, born 30 Apr.

4975. Donna Marie15 Johnson (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Jan 1958. She married Steven Hover.

Child of Donna Johnson and Steven Hover is:

6455 i. Stephanie Marie16 Hover, born 31 Mar 1984 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Stephanie Marie Hover:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Apr 1984 ed.:

BIRTHS - St. Joseph's, Elmira

HOVER - a daughter, on Saturday, March 31, to Stephen and Donna Johnson Hover of 275 Owego St., Montour Falls.


More About Stephanie Marie Hover:

Birth Announced: 02 Apr 1984, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

4976. Kathy Carol15 Johnson (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 16 Dec 1958. She married Robert Allen VanAmburg 15 Sep 1979, son of Richard VanAmburg and Mabel ______. He was born 28 Feb 1955.

Child of Kathy Johnson and Robert VanAmburg is:

6456 i. Nicholaus Allen16 VanAmburg, born 04 Nov 1982.

4977. Harry15 Johnson, Jr. (Lillian Mae14 Crout, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Nov 1959. He married Robin Smalley.

Children of Harry Johnson and Robin Smalley are:

6457 i. Lydia16 Johnson, born 28 Apr.

6458 ii. Lora Johnson, born 09 May.

4979. Steven Clayton15 Crout (Clayton Adam14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 May 1953. He married Elberta ______.


More About Steven Clayton Crout:

Residence: Jul 1984, 532 Church St., Odessa, NY

Children of Steven Crout and Elberta ______ are:

+ 6459 i. Stanley16 Crout.

+ 6460 ii. Steven Clayton Crout, Jr..

6461 iii. Clayton Crout.

4980. Keith Alan15 Crout (Clayton Adam14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Dec 1956. He married Cathy ______.

Child of Keith Crout and Cathy ______ is:

6462 i. ______16 Crout.

4981. Timothy Scott15 Crout (Arnold Eugene14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Mar 1961 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Laurie Bohlayer Jan 1980.


More About Timothy Scott Crout:

Medical Information: born at Schuyler County Hospital

Children of Timothy Crout and Laurie Bohlayer are:

6463 i. Kara Christine16 Crout, born 04 May 1979. She married Jeffrey Tetor 09 Oct 2004.


Marriage Notes for Kara Crout and Jeffrey Tetor:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Sep 2004 ed.:

ENGAGEMENTS -- Crout-Tetor

Tim and Laurie Crout are honored to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kara, to Jeffrey Tetor, son of Dan and Diane Pastrick and Dave and Cheryl Tetor. Kara is employed by the Elmira City School District as a 6th grade teacher. Jeff is employed by the Thomas Group in Ithaca, New York as a designer. They will be married on October 9, 2004.


6464 ii. Jennifer Lynn Crout, born 12 Jul 1982.

4982. Thomas Eugene15 Crout (Arnold Eugene14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Apr 1962 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. He married Kimberly Ostrander.


More About Thomas Eugene Crout:

Medical Information: born at Schuyler County Hospital

Child of Thomas Crout and Kimberly Ostrander is:

6465 i. Shawn Michael16 Crout, born 28 Mar 1984.

4983. Teri Lynn15 Crout (Arnold Eugene14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Aug 1963 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY. She married David Allen Brown 07 Apr 1984.


More About Teri Lynn Crout:

Medical Information: born at Schuyler County Hospital

Children of Teri Crout and David Brown are:

6466 i. ______16 Brown.

6467 ii. ______ Brown.

4987. Calvin Eugene15 Fowler (Florence Betty14 Whalen, Myra Belle13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 Aug 1952 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Pamela Coon.

Children of Calvin Fowler and Pamela Coon are:

6468 i. Michael16 Fowler, born 1976.

6469 ii. Chad Fowler, born 1979.

4989. Myra Belle15 Fowler (Florence Betty14 Whalen, Myra Belle13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Feb 1956 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Donald Coon.

Children of Myra Fowler and Donald Coon are:

6470 i. Brian Keith16 Coon.

6471 ii. Richard Coon.

4990. John Jacob15 Houck (Vivian Jean14 Hotaling, Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1959 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. He married Mary Helen DeLametter 06 Dec 1980 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of John DeLametter and Elsie Johnson. She was born 05 Sep 1961 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.


More About John Jacob Houck:

Medical Information: born at Ira Davenport Hospital


Marriage Notes for John Houck and Mary DeLametter:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 Dec 1980 ed.:

WEDDINGS -- Delametter-Houck (photo included)

The marriage of Miss Mary Delametter and John J. Houck took place Saturday, Dec. 6, in Saint Vincent dePaul Church, Corning. The Rev. Michael Hogan officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. John Delametter of 236 E. Pulteney St., Corning, and the late John N. Delametter. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Houck of Bradford RD 1, NY. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, John E. Delametter of Florida. Miss Peggy Gilbert of Corning was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Colline O'Brien of Corning, Sue Cisco of Lindley and Mrs. Kathy Keffer of Bradford. Serving as best man was Micky Keffer of Bradford. Ushers were Chris Delametter of Corning, Jeff Houck and Alfred Sutruk, both of Bradford. The reception was held at the Corning Moose Lodge. The bride graduated from Corning-Painted Post East High School and is employed by Glove Protection. The bridegroom graduated from Bradford High School and is employed by Ingersoll-Rand. The couple will live in Painted Post after a trip to Niagara Falls.

Children of John Houck and Mary DeLametter are:

6472 i. Jacob John16 Houck, born 08 Jan 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Jacob John Houck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 10 Jan 1983 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Hosp.

HOUCK - a son, Saturday, Jan. 8, 1983 to John and Mary Delametter Houck of 463 Brainard Place, Painted Post.


More About Jacob John Houck:

Birth Announced: 10 Jan 1983, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital


6473 ii. Joseph Lauren Houck, born abt. 1985 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Joseph Lauren Houck:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

4991. Jeff Davis15 Houck (Vivian Jean14 Hotaling, Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jun 1966 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. He married Kelly Marie Wagner 23 Jul 1988 in Bradford, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of William Wagner and Carol Coolunio. She was born 13 Jan 1971 in Bradford, Steuben Co., NY.


More About Jeff Davis Houck:

Medical Information: born at Ira Davenport Hospital

Children of Jeff Houck and Kelly Wagner are:

6474 i. Chelsea Jo16 Houck, born 10 Nov 1990 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

6475 ii. ______ Houck, born 28 Mar 1996 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Houck:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Apr 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Schuyler Hosp.

HOUCK - a son, Thursday, March 28, 1996 to Jeff and Kelly Wagner Houck of Bradford.


More About ______ Houck:

Birth Announced: 12 Apr 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

4993. David John15 Cisco (Ellen Marrie14 Hotaling, Aletha Irene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Jun 1963 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Brenda Lynn McConnell 15 Mar 1985 in Presho, Steuben Co., NY, daughter of Lyle McConnell and Janice Catchpole. She was born 07 Jul 1964 in Addison, Steuben Co., NY.

Children of David Cisco and Brenda McConnell are:

6476 i. Daniel Joseph16 Cisco, born 16 Jan 1988 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

6477 ii. Steven Michael Cisco, born 31 Aug 1989 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

4997. Kathleen Kelly15 Porter (Thomas Courtney14, Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Sep 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Mark Dingler.

Children of Kathleen Porter and Mark Dingler are:

6478 i. Anna16 Dingler.

6479 ii. ______ Dingler.

4999. Ann Marie15 Lanzafame (Joy Ann14 Porter, Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1961 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Douglas Winslow.

Children of Ann Lanzafame and Douglas Winslow are:

6480 i. Lisa Marie16 Winslow, born 27 Sep 1980 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

6481 ii. James Matthew Winslow, born 08 Jun 1983 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

6482 iii. Stephen Winslow, born abt. 1985 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

5001. David Michael15 Lanzafame (Joy Ann14 Porter, Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Mar 1965 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. He married Colleen ______.

Children of David Lanzafame and Colleen ______ are:

6483 i. David16 Lanzafame.

6484 ii. Trisha Lanzafame.

5002. Donna Marie15 Furco (Barbara Eliza14 Porter, Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Mar 1963 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Kenneth Clark 14 May 1983 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

Children of Donna Furco and Kenneth Clark are:

6485 i. Alexander Everett16 Clark.

6486 ii. Matthew Carmen Clark.

6487 iii. Christen Eliza Clark.

5004. Joy Ann15 Furco (Barbara Eliza14 Porter, Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Apr 1969 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Shawn Kenny.

Children of Joy Furco and Shawn Kenny are:

6488 i. Jillian Ann16 Kenny, born Aug 1987 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

6489 ii. ______ Kenny, born 23 Sep 1988 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.

5005. Kelly15 Porter (Richard Allen14, Loren Olin13, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1967.

Child of Kelly Porter is:

6490 i. ______16 Porter, born abt. 1985.

5015. Debra Irene15 Dunning (Gladys Irene14 Hotaling, Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 10 Oct 1956 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Lee Bills.


More About Debra Irene Dunning:

Residence: Jul 2005, Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., PA

Child of Debra Dunning and Lee Bills is:

6491 i. Michael Lee16 Bills, born 19 May 1978.


5017. Franklin Lee15 Dunning, Jr. (Gladys Irene14 Hotaling, Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Oct 1959 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Pamela Clarkson.


More About Franklin Lee Dunning, Jr.:

Residence: Jul 2005, Lindley, Steuben Co., NY

Child of Franklin Dunning and Pamela Clarkson is:

6492 i. Adam Robert16 Dunning, born Oct 1983.

5018. Tammy Lynn15 Dunning (Gladys Irene14 Hotaling, Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jul 1962 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. She married Douglas Schoup.


More About Tammy Lynn Dunning:

Residence: Jul 2005, Belleview, FL

Child of Tammy Dunning and Douglas Schoup is:

6493 i. Christopher Michael16 Schoup, born 24 Aug 1984.

5020. Rexford Paul15 Ward (Leticia Ann14 Hotaling, Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 19 Apr 1962 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY. He married Anna Mae ______.

Child of Rexford Ward and Anna ______ is:

6494 i. ______16 Ward, born abt. 1981.

5021. Cecil Maurice15 Ward (Leticia Ann14 Hotaling, Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1964 in Corning, Steuben Co., NY.

Child of Cecil Maurice Ward is:

6495 i. ______16 Ward, born abt. 1982.

5024. Kimberly Ann15 Cook (Sharon Beverly14 Hotaling, Isadore Marlene13 Porter, Emmet Delrue12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jul 1960 in Bath, Steuben Co., NY. She married David Rowland.

Child of Kimberly Cook and David Rowland is:

6496 i. ______16 Rowland.

5035. Leah Marie15 Porter (Francis Martin14, Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Feb 1967 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY. She married Mark Savacool.

Child of Leah Porter and Mark Savacool is:

6497 i. Joshua16 Savacool, born 27 Dec 1984.

5040. Susan15 Porter (Richard Albert14, Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1962.

Child of Susan Porter is:

6498 i. ______16 Porter, born abt. 1979.

5045. Glen Allan15 Porter (Allan Bly14, Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Jan 1964 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Julie Whitted.

Child of Glen Porter and Julie Whitted is:

6499 i. Chasity Mae16 Porter.

5046. Jeffrey James15 Porter (Allan Bly14, Francis Martin13, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jan 1966 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Ann Marie White.

Children of Jeffrey Porter and Ann White are:

6500 i. Robert16 Porter.

6501 ii. Joshua James Porter.

5073. John Jay15 Curran, Jr. (John Jay14, Eva Helen13 Porter, Ray12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Feb 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Debra Murray Feb 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of John Curran and Debra Murray is:

6502 i. Amy Marrie16 Curran, born 10 Apr 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5075. Joanna Lucinda15 Johnson (Joseph Edgar14, Marian Belle13 Porter, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Jan 1958 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married James William Sherwood, Jr. 04 Nov 1978 in Bentley Creek, S. Creek Twp., Bradford Co., PA, son of James Sherwood and Marcella Brownell. He was born 20 Jun 1956.

Child of Joanna Johnson and James Sherwood is:

6503 i. Jennifer Lynn16 Sherwood, born 04 Jun 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5076. Cynthia Lou15 Johnson (Joseph Edgar14, Marian Belle13 Porter, Harley12, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Apr 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married James Edward Daum. He was born 10 May 1956.

Children of Cynthia Johnson and James Daum are:

6504 i. Betty Jo16 Daum, born 12 Feb 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

6505 ii. James Edwin Daum, born 22 Apr 1981 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5104. Cozette Leontine15 Casey (Edward Earl14, Irma Jane13 Dougherty, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Apr 1953 in Hutchinson, Reno Co., KS. She married Gerald Anthony Horsmann 17 Oct 1973.

Child of Cozette Casey and Gerald Horsmann is:

6506 i. Christopher Edward16 Horsmann, born 16 Oct 1997 in Anoka Co., MN.

5105. Maude Jane15 Casey (Edward Earl14, Irma Jane13 Dougherty, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 23 Jun 1954 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She married Joseph Herman Nathe 10 Jul 1976 in Anoka Co., MN, son of Raymond Nathe and Veronica Hoppe. He was born 14 Apr 1953 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Maude Jane Casey:

Medical Information: born at St. Mary's Hospital

Children of Maude Casey and Joseph Nathe are:

6507 i. Eric Raymond16 Nathe, born 20 Apr 1979 in Anoka Co., MN.

6508 ii. Bryan Joseph Nathe, born 08 Feb 1983 in Anoka Co., MN.

6509 iii. Craig Edward Nathe, born 18 Jun 1984 in Anoka Co., MN.

5106. Daniel Edward15 Casey (Edward Earl14, Irma Jane13 Dougherty, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Oct 1955 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Donna Mae Spaulding 31 Dec 1977.


More About Daniel Edward Casey:

Medical Information: born at St. Mary's Hospital

Children of Daniel Casey and Donna Spaulding are:

6510 i. Nicole Marie16 Casey, born 26 Apr 1978 in Anoka Co., MN.

6511 ii. Mathew Edward Casey, born 06 Apr 1980 in Anoka Co., MN.

5107. Steven Elmer15 Casey (Edward Earl14, Irma Jane13 Dougherty, Maude Ethel12 Starkey, Dora Isabell11 Porter, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Apr 1957 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He married Deborah Lynn Taylor 22 Aug 1980.


More About Steven Elmer Casey:

Medical Information: born at St. Mary's Hospital

Child of Steven Casey and Deborah Taylor is:

6512 i. Michelle Lauren16 Casey, born 21 Jun 1982 in Stearns Co., MN.

5111. Gail Helen15 Hubbard (Ramona Nile14 Johnson, Lillian Leona13 Ruddy, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Apr 1955 in Aurora, Kane Co., IL. She married Daniel Victor Ciarrachi 23 Jul 1978 in Maywood, Cook Co., IL, son of Victor Ciarrachi and Harriet Arsand. He was born 15 Sep 1948 in Villa Park, DuPage Co., IL.

Child of Gail Hubbard and Daniel Ciarrachi is:

6513 i. Benjamin Daniel16 Ciarrachi, born 11 Jan 1982 in Maywood, Cook Co., IL.

5118. Debra Lyn15 Neubauer (Deloris Betty14 Ruddy, Lawrence Gordon13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 May 1953 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married (1) Eugene Harlow Jun 1971. She married (2) Les Kamke 31 Dec 1979.

Child of Debra Neubauer and Eugene Harlow is:

6514 i. Brian16 Harlow, born Nov 1972 in TX.

5119. Craig Roger15 Neubauer (Deloris Betty14 Ruddy, Lawrence Gordon13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jun 1955 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Kathy ______.

Children of Craig Neubauer and Kathy ______ are:

6515 i. Shannon Chad16 Neubauer, born 14 May 1979 in Omaha, Douglas Co., NE.

6516 ii. Justin Craig Neubauer, born 22 May 1981 in Omaha, Douglas Co., NE.

5128. Kelley Jo15 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jan 1959 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Robert Paul Turenne, Jr. 03 Sep 1977, son of Robert Turenne and Grace Kovar. He was born 23 Apr 1957.

Children of Kelley Ruddy and Robert Turenne are:

6517 i. Robert Paul16 Turenne I, born 02 Mar 1976 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

+ 6518 ii. Jacob Leo Turenne, born 02 Feb 1979 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

6519 iii. Michael James Turenne, born 22 Feb 1980 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5129. Laurie Lee15 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Dec 1960 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She met Gordon Lee Kieger, son of Frank Kieger and Emma Klein. He was born 06 Mar 1950 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.


Notes for Gordon Lee Kieger:

Gordon is a cousin to Donald Kieger, husband of Diana Christine Ruddy.

Child of Laurie Ruddy and Gordon Kieger is:

+ 6520 i. Leah Michelle16 Kieger, born 12 Aug 1980 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5130. Tamara Jean15 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Dec 1961 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Mark Anthony Opalinski.

Children of Tamara Ruddy and Mark Opalinski are:

6521 i. Justin Nicholas-Tyme16 Opalinski, born 11 Feb 1985 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

6522 ii. Marissa Maeann Opalinski, born 12 Jun 1992 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

6523 iii. Cecelia Annmarie Opalinski, born 30 Apr 1994 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5131. Alice Marie15 Ruddy (Bazel Clayton14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Sep 1969 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Gregory John Jarvis.

Child of Alice Ruddy and Gregory Jarvis is:

6524 i. Derreck John16 Jarvis, born 30 Mar 1990 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5134. Denise Marie15 Kieger (Diana Christine Ruddy14 Sorenson, Bazel Clayton13 Ruddy, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Dec 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Tim Alvin Tyler 14 Feb 1981.

Child of Denise Keiger and Tim Tyler is:

6525 i. Jason Tim16 Tyler, born 15 Aug 1981 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Breanna Lee; born 30 Aug 1983 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

5135. Chris Daniel15 Ruddy (Wesley LeRoy14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 Dec 1962 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Jacqueline Marie Thiel, daughter of William Thiel and Marlene Honer. She was born 21 Jan 1967 in Hennepin Co., MN.


More About Chris Daniel Ruddy:

Residence: 2000, FOREST LAKE, MN

Children of Chris Ruddy and Jacqueline Thiel are:

6526 i. Jasmine Jacqueline16 Ruddy, born 25 Jul 1991 in Ramsey Co., MN.

6527 ii. Autumn Ann Ruddy, born 13 Apr 1994 in Ramsey Co., MN.

6528 iii. Gabrielle Karsten Ruddy, born 11 Aug 1995 in Ramsey Co., MN.

5136. Shelly Marie15 Ruddy (Wesley LeRoy14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Feb 1964 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Jody William Erickson.

Children of Shelly Ruddy and Jody Erickson are:

6529 i. Haley Marie16 Erickson, born 10 Jan 1998 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

6530 ii. Rachael Kaelin Erickson, born 24 Aug 2000 in Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN.

5188. Lisa Jean15 Lysak (Linda Darlene14 Carman, Cora Genevieve13 Porter, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Aug 1974 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Stephen Ray Benting, Jr., son of Stephen Ray Benting.

Child of Lisa Lysak and Stephen Benting is:

6531 i. Stephen Ray16 Benting I, born 12 Apr 1992 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Stephen Ray Benting I:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Apr 1992 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

BENTING - a son Sunday, April 12, 1992 to Stephen Benting, Jr. and Lisa Lysak, of Elmira.


More About Stephen Ray Benting I:

Birth Announced: 13 Apr 1992, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

5196. Penny Marie15 Morrison (Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jan 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) David Clark Cheresnowsky 14 Feb 1980 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Lewis Wheeler and Betty Farr. He was born 01 Dec 1959 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She met (2) Christopher Firestine abt. Dec 1982 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA, son of Gerald Firestine and Patricia Erle. She married (3) William Owen Jolly abt. 1987. She met (4) Gerald Gaylord Wells, Jr. 08 Aug 1998 in Roanoke, VA, son of Gerald Wells and Edna ______. She married (5) Joseph Roberts abt. 2002 in Roanoke, VA.


More About Penny Marie Morrison:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


More About David Clark Cheresnowsky:

Name 2: Wheeler, David Clark

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

Children of Penny Morrison and David Cheresnowsky are:

+ 6532 i. David Michael16 Cheresnowsky, born 28 Jul 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

6533 ii. Jillian Marlene Cheresnowsky, born 13 Apr 1981 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jillian Marlene Cheresnowsky:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

Child of Penny Morrison and Christopher Firestine is:

+ 6534 i. Ashley Elizabeth16 Cheresnowsky, born 12 Sep 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child of Penny Morrison and William Jolly is:

6535 i. Thor Anthony16 Jolly, born 25 May 1989 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Thor Anthony Jolly:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.


5197. Patricia Ann15 Morrison (Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Jul 1967 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Kenneth Vincent Sindoni 28 Jun 1986 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY, son of Kenneth Sindoni and Sharon Fitzgerald. He was born 07 May 1967 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Patricia Ann Morrison:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


More About Kenneth Vincent Sindoni:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hosp.

Children of Patricia Morrison and Kenneth Sindoni are:

6536 i. Kenneth Vincent16 Sindoni, Jr., born 24 Sep 1986 in Waverly, Tioga Co., NY.


More About Kenneth Vincent Sindoni, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Tioga General Hosp.


6537 ii. Alicia Sue Sindoni, born 01 Jan 1988 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Alicia Sue Sindoni:

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 02 Jan 1988 ed.:


SAYRE - Alicia Sue Sindoni arrived at the Robert Packer Hospital shortly after 9 a.m. Friday -- at 9:12 to be precise -- to make it a perfect day for her proud parents, Ken and Patricia Morrison Sindoni of Waverly. She's "gift" enough on her own, but having 30 Valley merchants share in welcoming her made the event that much more special. "I did see the story and the list of gifts in the paper earlier this week," said 20-year-old Patricia, "but didn't have any idea that we'd actually be getting them." And that's understandable, because Alicia, who weighed in at 7 lbs., 6 oz., was not expected to make her debut until mid-January. "That's why it's such a nice surprise," Ken said. "The baby wasn't due until Jan. 18, so this is really great; it certainly starts the new year off right." Life-long residents of Waverly, the young couple currently live in Waverly with their son, 15-month-old Kenneth Vincent Sindoni Jr. "I am really pleased that it's a girl," said Patricia. "I definitely did hope for a girl this time." Commenting on the package of gifts awaiting their new daughter, both Ken and Patricia expressed their appreciation for the many special items and the gift certificates donated by merchants and businesses. "We certainly appreciate it," said Ken. "It really is such a nice thing for them to do." That though was echoed by Patricia who added that she wanted to thank each of the merchants for making Alicia's arrival a special event and hoped they would all realize that it was appreciated. Ken, who is also 20, is employed as a handyman for a Waverly business and Patricia is sure she'll find plenty to keep her busy on a full time basis as the mother of two small children. "I guess I'll have my hands full with two babies for awhile," she said with a laugh, when asked if she was employed other than at home. Alicia Sue was delivered with assistance from nurse-midwife Janet Dibble. The gift package welcoming 1988's first arrival includes certificates for food, clothing and flowers as well as savings accounts and many other items for the baby and her parents. Other "firsts" in the area include 8 lb.-14 oz. Matthew Martin Hudacs of Towanda. Born at 5:35 a.m. in Towanda's Memorial Hospital, Matthew's parents are Martin and Anne Hudacs of Towanda. In Chemung County, Tammy and Todd Cook of Corning were the parents of Bradley Todd Cook, born at 7 a.m." (incl. photo of Alicia with parents was captioned: "Welcome, Alicia Sue - Impressed with neither the photographer nor the news that she is the first baby born at the Robert Packer Hospital in 1988, Miss Alicia Sue Sindoni sleeps peacefully through it all. Judging, however, from the proud smiles of her parents, Patricia and Ken Sindoni of Waverly, this is definitely a very special moment.")


+ 6538 iii. Chad Michael Sindoni, born 04 Aug 1989 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.

5198. Elizabeth Starr15 Morrison (Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Robert John Mullen 1993 in South Waverly, Bradford Co., PA, son of Raymond Mullen and Pamela ______. He was born 14 Mar 1973 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She met (2) Anthony Edwin Reynolds abt. 1997. He was born abt. 1970. She married (3) Leon James Peckham 12 Apr 2003 in Southport, Chemung Co., NY, son of Melvin Peckham and Sharon Carberry. He was born 27 Oct 1961 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Elizabeth Starr Morrison:

Sayre, PA - EVENING TIMES, 02 May 1983 ed.:


'Our Tenth Year' was the theme of this years annual fourth grade social studies program held at the Snyder School in Sayre. One of the skits presented was a Japanese Folk Song, "Sakura" sung by the chorus accompanied by 25 dancers dressed in Japanese costumes. One of the dancers, Elizabeth Morrison, raises her hands toward the sky as she follows the words of the song. Announcers for the program were: Tricia Garrity and Carrie Manning. (NOTE: Elizabeth, dressed in a Japanese outfit, was photographed during the 29 Apr 1983 performance. -- note of R. J. Porter)


More About Elizabeth Starr Morrison:

Education: 1994, Graduated from Waverly (NY) High School

Medical Information: born at 11:08 a.m. at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


More About Robert John Mullen:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.


Notes for Leon James Peckham:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Nov 1978 ed.:


Three persons were treated and released at Arnot-Ogden Hospital after they were injured in a two-car accident on Rt. 14 in Wellsburg at 6:35 p.m. Thursday night, Chemung County Sheriffs deputies said. Leon J. Peckham, 17, of RD 1 Roger Road in Wellsburg, was driving north on Rt. 14 when he started to make a left turn into Judson's Store on South Creek Road, deputies said. As he applied his brakes, the car pulled into the southbound lane and into the path of a car driven by Paul W. Balmer, 40, 1558 Maple Ave., deputies said. Injured in the crash were Paul Balmer, Jr., 19 and Peckham and a passenger in his car Randall Jackson, also of RD 1 Roger Road, deputies said. Officials at Arnot Ogden Hospital said all three were treated and released.

Child of Elizabeth Morrison and Robert Mullen is:

6539 i. Deairdra Star16 Mullen, born 21 Aug 1996 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Deairdra Star Mullen:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 04 Sep 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Guthrie Medical Center, Sayre

MULLEN - a daughter, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1996 to Robert and Elizabeth Morrison Mullen of Athens, PA.


More About Deairdra Star Mullen:

Birth Announced: 04 Sep 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

Child of Elizabeth Morrison and Anthony Reynolds is:

6540 i. Anthony Edwin16 Reynolds, Jr., born 22 Dec 1998 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Anthony Edwin Reynolds, Jr.:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 13 Jan 1999 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

MULLEN - a son, Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1998 to Elizabeth Mullen, Elmira.


More About Anthony Edwin Reynolds, Jr.:

Birth Announced: 13 Jan 1999, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

Child of Elizabeth Morrison and Leon Peckham is:

6541 i. Melvin Lee16 Peckham, born 03 Mar 2004 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA.


More About Melvin Lee Peckham:

Medical Information: 7 lb. 15 oz,; born at Roanoke Memorial Hosp.

5199. Warren Frederick15 Morrison (Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Mar 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He met Cindy Reynolds abt. 1992.


More About Warren Frederick Morrison:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.

Namesake: Warren LeRoy Porter; Fred James Morrison

Children of Warren Morrison and Cindy Reynolds are:

6542 i. Paige Autumn16 Morrison, born 01 Oct 1993 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Notes for Paige Autumn Morrison:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 07 Oct 1993 ed.:

BIRTHS - Robert Packer Hosp.

REYNOLDS - a daughter, Friday Oct. 1, 1993 to Cindy Reynolds of Sayre.


More About Paige Autumn Morrison:

Birth Announced: 07 Oct 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.


6543 ii. Warren Frederick Morrison, Jr., born 15 Jan 1995 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.



More About Warren Frederick Morrison, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

5200. Richard James15 Porter, Jr. (Richard James14, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1982 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL. He met Alicia May Woodruff abt. 2002, daughter of Robert Woodruff and Marie ______. She was born 16 Jan 1980.

Child of Richard Porter and Alicia Woodruff is:

6544 i. Richard James16 Porter I, born 28 Mar 2003 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5203. Malissa Ann15 Porter (Howard Warren14, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Sep 1987 in Palm Springs, Riverside Co., CA. She married Gary Lee Horn, son of ______ Horn and ______ Cook. He was born 16 Aug 1987 in San Diego Co., CA.


Child of Malissa Porter and Gary Horn is:

6545 i. Emonee16 Horn, born 04 Jul 2005 in San Diego Co., CA.

5205. Tammy Lee Miller15 Boop (Rosalyn Lee14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jan 1971 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (1) Brett Arthur Radford 30 Mar 1991 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of John Radford and Kay Zoerb. He was born 19 Jun 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Charles Andrew Phillips abt. 1999 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 07 Sep 1964. She met (3) Mark R. Gallagher. He was born 17 Dec 1960, and died 18 Jan 2002 in New York City area.


More About Tammy Lee Miller Boop:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.; MVA 26 Jun 2002 - fractured left wrist requiring surgery and grafting


More About Brett Arthur Radford:

Birth Announced: 20 Jun 1970, STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


Marriage Notes for Tammy Boop and Brett Radford:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, Mar 1990 ed.: (photo of couple included)


Ed and Dolly Boop of Lot 112 Westover Hills, Wellsburg announce the engagement of their daughter, Tammy Boop to Brett Radford, son of Jim and Kay Crowley of Lot 73 Westover Hills, Wellsburg. The bride-elect graduated from Southside High School in 1989. She is employed by Hills Department Store. Her fiance graduated from Southside High School in 1990. He is employed by United States Air Force, Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The couple plan to marry in February.


Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 5 May 1991 ed.: (photo of couple included)


Tammy Boop had a pretty good idea that Brett Radford was impressed by more than her athletic prowess when he kept choosing her for his team during a summer school physical education class. "I knew he was interested in me, because I couldn't play baseball at all." she said. The then-high school students also were making up social studies classes two summers ago when they met in a gym class. "He liked me as soon as I walked in," the new Mrs. Radford said. The couple became engaged last summer, but had to change their wedding date three times after Brett Radford enlisted in the Air Force. The marriage of Tammy L. Boop and Brett A. Radford took place March 30 in Centenary United Methodist Church, Elmira. The Rev. J. Keith Kissel officiated. The bride is the daughter of Ed and Dolly Boop of 112 Westover Hills, Wellsburg. The bridegroom is the son of James and Kay Crowley of 73 Westover Hills, Wellsburg. Mary Ann Rosa of Runamede, NJ was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Brenda Boop of Wellsburg, Laurie Horton and Robin Palmer, both of Elmira. Serving as best man was James Butts Jr. of Horseheads. Ushers were Edward Radford of Wellsburg, Wayne Horton and Steve Austin, both of Elmira. The reception was held at Elmira Heights American Legion. The bride graduated from Southside High School in 1989. The bridegroom graduated from Southside High School in 1990. He is serving with the U.S. Air Force, stationed at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. The couple live in California City, CA, after returning from a trip to Washington, D.C.

(NOTE: Laurie is an aunt to Tammy and Steve is their cousin. Wayne is Laurie's husband and Brenda is Tammy's sister. Mary and Robin (Niles) were two of Tammy's childhood friends. -- of R. J. Porter)


More About Mark R. Gallagher:

Cause of Death: heart attack

Medical Information: died immediately; was moving furniture at the time of his death

Social Security Number: 085-60-9458 (NY)

Child of Tammy Boop and Charles Phillips is:

6546 i. Cody Andrew16 Phillips, born 11 Aug 1999 in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY.


More About Cody Andrew Phillips:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.

5207. Brenda Louise15 Boop (Rosalyn Lee14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Jun 1978 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Thomas John Decker 18 Sep 1999 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Thomas Decker and Kathleen Snyder. He was born 08 Feb 1979 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Brenda Louise Boop:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp. Shortly after Zachary's birth, it was discovered that Brenda had a floating tumor in her head, which was successfully removed and sent to several places for diagnosis.

Namesake: Esther Louise Coddington

Children of Brenda Boop and Thomas Decker are:

6547 i. Kirstian Shanaya16 Decker, born 27 Jul 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Kirstian Shanaya Decker:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 28 Jul 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

DECKER - a daughter, Saturday, July 27, 1996 to Thomas Decker and Brenda Boop of Wellsburg.


More About Kirstian Shanaya Decker:

Birth Announced: 28 Jul 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.

Namesake: Singer Shanaya Twain


6548 ii. Zachary Thomas Decker, born 07 May 2003 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5208. Thomas Edward15 Porter (Charles Dean14, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1972 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He met (1) Jacalyn Ann Gardner abt. 1996, daughter of John Gardner and Doris Townley. She was born 19 Apr 1965 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He met (2) Crystal Marie Howard abt. 1998, daughter of George Howard and Brenda Ellis. She was born 16 Aug 1980 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Thomas Edward Porter:

Name 2: Thomas Edward Steinhauer Porter


More About Jacalyn Ann Gardner:

Medical Information: born in Arnot Ogden Mem. Hosp.

Child of Thomas Porter and Jacalyn Gardner is:

6549 i. Veronika Jaylene16 Porter, born 07 Jul 1997 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


Notes for Veronika Jaylene Porter:

named by Tom's adoptive uncle, Ronald Jay Porter, whose birthday was the 6th.


Meridian, MS - MERIDIAN STAR, 9 Jul 1997 ed.:

A daughter, Veronika Jaylene Porter, was born to Thomas E. Porter and Jacalyn A. Gardner on July 7, 1997 in the Woman's Care, Riley Memorial, Meridian, MS."


More About Veronika Jaylene Porter:

Birthsite: Jeff Anderson Regional Hospital

Namesake: father's adoptive uncle, Ronald Jay Porter, who also was present at birth

Children of Thomas Porter and Crystal Howard are:

6550 i. Kaylyn Marie16 Porter, born 30 Nov 2002 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Kaylyn Marie Porter:

Kaylyn was born with an embryotic band wrapped around her left middle and ring finger. There was but a small nub for a ring finger, but her middle finger may be saved with skin grafting to cover the crease from the band. - note of R. J. Porter


6551 ii. Tre Edwin Porter, born 28 Jan 2004 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About Tre Edwin Porter:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Mem. Hosp.

5209. Sylina Marrie15 Porter (Charles Dean14, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Nov 1974 in Vandenburg AFB Hosp., Santa Barbara Co., CA. She married Scott Edward Taskey 09 Aug 1997 in Stonewall, Clarke Co., MS, son of Frances Taskey and Beatrice Tafel. He was born 01 Nov 1969 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY.


More About Scott Edward Taskey:

Medical Information: twin to Rhonda Taskey

Children of Sylina Porter and Scott Taskey are:

6552 i. Scott Edward16 Taskey, Jr., born 09 Feb 1995 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Scott Edward Taskey, Jr.:

Medical Information: born at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center


6553 ii. Dominic Allen Taskey, born 22 May 1998 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Dominic Allen Taskey:

Medical Information: born at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center

Namesake: Allen Elmer Fields, g.g.grandfather


6554 iii. Stephanie Elizabeth Taskey, born 03 Apr 1999 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


Notes for Stephanie Elizabeth Taskey:

THE CLARK COUNTY (MS) TRIBUNE; 22 Apr 1999 ed., Special Section, pgs. 1-C, 7-C:

"SO YOU'RE HAVING A BABY - (photo included) Stephanie Elizabeth Tasky is a special guest of Special Beginnings, which is the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center. Stephanie was born April 3, 1999 at 7:40 a.m. and weighs 3 lbs. 4 oz. She is the daughter of Scott and Sylina Tasky of Stonewall, Mississippi." "Sylina Tasky and newborn Stephanie are pictured in the Special Beginnings Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at JARMC."


More About Stephanie Elizabeth Taskey:

Medical Information: born at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center at 7:40 am, weighing 3 lbs, 4 oz.

5210. Tonya Lyn15 Porter (Charles Dean14, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 May 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Joseph Franklin Garrett 04 Jun 1994 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS, son of Clyde Garrett and Mona Smith. He was born 05 Jun 1970 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Tonya Lyn Porter:

Baptism: 04 Jun 1994, Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS


More About Joseph Franklin Garrett:

Medical Information: born at Rush Memorial Hosp.

Children of Tonya Porter and Joseph Garrett are:

6555 i. Austin Joseph16 Garrett, born 29 Aug 1995 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Austin Joseph Garrett:

Medical Information: born at Riley Memorial Hosp.


6556 ii. Dalton Michael Garrett, born 19 Jun 1998 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Dalton Michael Garrett:

Medical Information: born at Riley Memorial Hosp.

5211. Shavon Arlene15 Porter (Charles Dean14, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1982 in Gainesville, Alachua Co., FL. She married (1) Kasey Dalton Wilkerson 12 Sep 1998 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS, son of ______ Wilkerson and Sherry Smith. He was born 12 Oct 1981 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS. She married (2) Donovan Craig King 01 Jul 2005 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS. He was born 07 Oct 1974.


Notes for Shavon Arlene Porter:

Shavon had a miscarriage in Nov 2003.


Marriage Notes for Shavon Porter and Kasey Wilkerson:

Married at the home of Shavon's parents by Rev. Jamie Hagwood, a 94 year old retired Baptist preacher. He lived across the street from the Porter's. Co-incidentally, Shavon's son Zachery was born on his birthday.

Children of Shavon Porter and Kasey Wilkerson are:

6557 i. Zachery Dalton16 Wilkerson, born 13 Jan 1999 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Zachery Dalton Wilkerson:

Medical Information: size at birth 7lb. 2oz., 20"; born at Riley Memorial Hosp.


6558 ii. Kody Dean Wilkerson, born 06 Jun 2001 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.


More About Kody Dean Wilkerson:

Medical Information: born at Riley Memorial Hosp.

Child of Shavon Porter and Donovan King is:

6559 i. ______16 King, born Nov 2002 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS; died Nov 2002 in Meridian, Lauderdale Co., MS.

5212. Colleen Marie15 Fowler (Loretta Kathryn14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Mar 1976 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Charles Wayne Tice 29 Jul 1995 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY, son of Clifford Tice and Irene Harrington. He was born 20 Jul 1970 in New Berlin, Chenango Co., NY.


More About Colleen Marie Fowler:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


Notes for Charles Wayne Tice:

Chuck is the brother to Clifford Carl Tice, husband of Deanna Lynn Porter, aunt to Colleen Fowler.

Children of Colleen Fowler and Charles Tice are:

6560 i. Daved Charles16 Tice, born 26 Apr 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Daved Charles Tice:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 27 Apr 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

TICE - a son, Friday, April 26, 1996 to Charles and Colleen Fowler Tice of Elmira.


More About Daved Charles Tice:

Birth Announced: 27 Apr 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Arnot

Namesake: Daved ______ - classmate of Charles who died when a young teenager


6561 ii. Kathryn Irene Tice, born 29 Jun 1998 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Kathryn Irene Tice:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 02 Jul 1998 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

TICE - a daughter, Saturday, June 27, 1998 to Charles and Colleen Fowler Tice, Wellsburg.


More About Kathryn Irene Tice:

Birth Announced: 02 Jul 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Namesake: both grandmothers


6562 iii. James Robert Tice, born 05 Aug 2000 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

5213. Kimberly Sue15 Fowler (Loretta Kathryn14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 05 Jul 1977 in Americus, Sumter Co., GA. She married (1) David Michael Spencer 30 Dec 1995 in Southport Town Hall, Chemung Co., NY. He was born 02 Nov 1977 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married (2) Jason Lee Stoddard 13 Jul 2002 in Southport, Chemung Co., NY, son of Harry Stoddard and Patricia Edwards. He was born 14 May 1976 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.

Children of Kimberly Fowler and David Spencer are:

6563 i. Xavier Michael Robert16 Spencer, born 05 Sep 1995 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Xavier Michael Robert Spencer:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 06 Sep 1995 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Memorial Hosp.

FOWLER - a son, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1995 to Kimberly Fowler of Elmira.


More About Xavier Michael Robert Spencer:

Birth Announced: 06 Sep 1995, Star-Gazette - Elmira, NY

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


6564 ii. Giovanni Demetri James Spencer, born 03 Sep 1997 in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY.


More About Giovanni Demetri James Spencer:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.


6565 iii. Colton Tye Anthony Spencer, born 25 Jul 1998 in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY.


Notes for Colton Tye Anthony Spencer:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 31 Jul 1998 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

SPENCER - a son, Saturday, July 25, 1998 to Kimberly Spencer, Elmira.


More About Colton Tye Anthony Spencer:

Birth Announced: 31 Jul 1998, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Child of Kimberly Fowler and Jason Stoddard is:

6566 i. Ethan Alexander Lee16 Stoddard-Fowler, born 14 Jan 2001 in Elmira, Chemung Co. NY.

5243. Kimberly Sue15 Kohut (Donna Lee14 Forrest, Naomi Irene13 Porter, Herbert Alexander12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 May 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Benjamin Calkins.


Notes for Kimberly Sue Kohut:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 14 May 1970 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Hospital

KOHUT - a daughter Tuesday May 12, 1970 to James and Donna Forrest Kohut of Mansfield RD 2.


More About Kimberly Sue Kohut:

Birth Announced: 14 May 1970, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

Child of Kimberly Kohut and Benjamin Calkins is:

6567 i. Margaret Elizabeth16 Calkins, born 28 Mar 1996 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for Margaret Elizabeth Calkins:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Apr 1996 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

CALKINS - a daughter, Thursday, March 28, 1996 to Benjamin and Kimberly Kohut Calkins of Corning.


More About Margaret Elizabeth Calkins:

Birth Announced: 05 Apr 1996, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

5294. Wynn15 Morgan (Tammy Lou14 Patterson, Leonard Howard13, Velma Irene12 Forrest, Lydia Ann11 Porter, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1979. He married ______ ______ abt. 1997. She was born abt. 1980.

Child of Wynn Morgan and ______ ______ is:

6568 i. Ian Geoffrey16 Morgan, born abt. 1998.

5307. James Edward15 Allen III (Mina Eugenia14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1959. He married Camille Rose.


Child of James Allen and Camille Rose is:

6569 i. Rene16 Allen.

5308. Sandra Louise15 Allen (Mina Eugenia14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1961. She married Edward Owens.

Child of Sandra Allen and Edward Owens is:

6570 i. Amy Jo16 Owens.

5309. Barbara Lynn15 Allen (Mina Eugenia14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1964. She married Gary Kosier.

Children of Barbara Allen and Gary Kosier are:

6571 i. Heather16 Kosier.

6572 ii. Michael Kosier.

5311. Donna Marie15 VanDyke (Etta Marie14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1963. She married (1) Max Gespard. She married (2) ______ Burbank.

Children of Donna VanDyke and Max Gespard are:

6573 i. Maria Louise16 Gespard.

6574 ii. Derek Eugene Gespard.


More About Derek Eugene Gespard:

Medical Information: twin to Max


6575 iii. Max Gespard, Jr..


More About Max Gespard, Jr.:

Medical Information: twin to Derek


6576 iv. Dale Gespard.

6577 v. Lance Gespard.

5312. Travis Alvin15 VanDyke (Etta Marie14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1964. He married Tammy Rose.

Children of Travis VanDyke and Tammy Rose are:

6578 i. Anthony Lee16 VanDyke.

6579 ii. Todd Alvin VanDyke.

5313. Richard Gordon15 VanDyke (Etta Marie14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1966. He married Nancy ______.

Children of Richard VanDyke and Nancy ______ are:

6580 i. Brian16 VanDyke.

6581 ii. Gregory VanDyke.

6582 iii. Tracy VanDyke.

5314. Raymond Burr15 VanDyke (Etta Marie14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1968. He married Tina ______.

Children of Raymond VanDyke and Tina ______ are:

6583 i. James16 VanDyke.

6584 ii. Richard VanDyke.

5315. Tina Louise15 Timm (Patricia Ann14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1965. She married Leo Wade.

Children of Tina Timm and Leo Wade are:

6585 i. Elery16 Wade.

6586 ii. Daniel Wade.

6587 iii. Dale Wade.

6588 iv. Amanda Wade.

5316. Trudy15 Timm (Patricia Ann14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1967. She married (1) Ray Owens. She married (2) ______ Stone Bef. Sep 2001.

Children of Trudy Timm and Ray Owens are:

6589 i. ______16 Owens, born abt. 1985.

6590 ii. ______ Owens, born abt. 1988.

6591 iii. ______ Owens, born abt. 1989.

6592 iv. ______ Owens, born abt. 1991.

5317. Linda15 Timm (Patricia Ann14 Parrish, Earl Gordon13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1968.

Child of Linda Timm is:

6593 i. Billy16 Timm, died Bef. Sep 2001.

5321. Deborah Elaine15 Parrish (Harold Timothy14, Lloyd Laurayne13, Harvey Timothy12, Henrietta11 Porter, Harvey Y.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 May 1970.

Child of Deborah Elaine Parrish is:

6594 i. Cassandra Marie16 Parrish, born 14 Jan 1988.

5358. Aletha Marie15 Stotler (David Lauran14, Lucille Grace13 Morgan, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 May 1957. She married Melvin Eugene Lochner 08 May 1971. He was born 04 Sep 1953.

Child of Aletha Stotler and Melvin Lochner is:

6595 i. Cheri Ann16 Lochner, born 21 Aug 1971.

5388. Teresa Ann15 Leonard (Ada Belle14 Letts, Everett Whipple13, Daniel Morgan12, Evert Montville11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Mar 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married Charles Richard Shedden 09 Sep 1989, son of Davis Shedden and Maxine Merritt. He was born 04 Apr 1968.


More About Teresa Ann Leonard:

Medical Information: twin to Lisa A.


More About Charles Richard Shedden:

Residence: Canton, Bradford Co., PA

Children of Teresa Leonard and Charles Shedden are:

6596 i. Olivia Ann16 Shedden, born 12 Mar 1990 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Olivia Ann Shedden:

Residence: Canton, Bradford Co., PA


6597 ii. Jacob Allyn Shedden, born 19 May 1992 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Jacob Allyn Shedden:

Residence: Canton, Bradford Co., PA


6598 iii. Samuel Charles Shedden, born 30 Mar 2002 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Samuel Charles Shedden:

Residence: Canton, Bradford Co., PA


6599 iv. Noah Davis Shedden, born 28 Jun 2004 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Noah Davis Shedden:

Residence: Canton, Bradford Co., PA

5404. Tina Marie15 Holdridge (Cathie Marie14 Morgan, Donald Floyd13, Floyd Ellis12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Jan 1970 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She met ______ Bush.

Child of Tina Holdridge and ______ Bush is:

6600 i. Keshia Mae16 Holdridge.

5437. Ronald Scott15 Morgan (Herbert Leon14, Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Oct 1961. He married Kimberly Ann Fetterman.

Children of Ronald Morgan and Kimberly Fetterman are:

6601 i. ______16 Morgan.

6602 ii. ______ Morgan.

6603 iii. ______ Morgan.

6604 iv. ______ Morgan.

5438. Terri Patrice15 Morgan (Herbert Leon14, Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Sep 1963. She married Douglas Lee Kapp.

Child of Terri Morgan and Douglas Kapp is:

6605 i. ______16 Kapp.

5439. Tammy Denise15 Morgan (Herbert Leon14, Dean Eldon13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Nov 1964. She married Ron Lieby Watkins.

Child of Tammy Morgan and Ron Watkins is:

6606 i. ______16 Watkins.

5460. Leslie Howard15 Buchholz III (Dianne Lynn14 Morgan, Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Sep 1968. He married Becky ______.

Children of Leslie Buchholz and Becky ______ are:

6607 i. Brianna16 Buchholz.

6608 ii. Autumn Buchholz.

5461. Arloine Mae15 Buchholz (Dianne Lynn14 Morgan, Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1971.

Children of Arloine Mae Buchholz are:

6609 i. Kyle16 ______Buchholz.

6610 ii. Andrew ______Buchholz.

5462. Christopher J.15 Buchholz (Dianne Lynn14 Morgan, Merril Andrew13, Leon Earl12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1973. He married Kelly ______.

Children of Christopher Buchholz and Kelly ______ are:

6611 i. Jordan16 Buchholz.

6612 ii. Aden Buchholz.

5482. Ronald Howard15 McCarty, Jr. (Darla Jeanne14 Morgan, Harold Lester13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1961.

Child of Ronald Howard McCarty, Jr. is:

6613 i. ______16 McCarty, born 04 Jun 1982.

5485. Robin Rae15 Packard (Donna Carol14 Morgan, Harold Lester13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 13 Jan 1965. She married Scott Charles Palmer, son of Allen Palmer and Nancy Foust. He was born 17 Jul 1964 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.

Child is listed above under (3845) Scott Charles Palmer.


5488. Cassandra Lynn15 Morgan (Milo Douglas14, Harmon Clarence13, Lester Harold12, Myrta Christine11 Porter, Charles Newton10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 08 Dec 1965. She married (1) ______ Segur abt. 1985. She married (2) Scott B. Liberatore 26 Jun 1992 in Pine Valley, Chemung Co., NY, son of Philip Liberatore. He was born abt. 1963.


Marriage Notes for Cassandra Morgan and Scott Liberatore:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 26 Jul 1992 ed.:


There's no place like home. That's what Cassandra L. Morgan and Scott B. Liberatore figured when they decided to say their vows in the living room of Liberatore's parents, instead of having a church wedding. The couple opted to be wed at home because Scott Liberatore's mother was very ill and found it hard to get out, said Cassandra Liberatore. 'We weren't going to get married if she wasn't there, so there wasn't much choice,' she said. Therefore, a small, intimate group -- 10 people in all -- gathered in the living room on the day of the wedding. Nearly everyone there was part of the ceremony. Scott Liberatores's father was best man. His brother took pictures. Samantha Segur, daughter of the bride, was the flower girl. The ceremony was short and simple. There was no music or opening procession. The group simply assembled in front of the fireplace, Morgan wearing a white suit and holding a bouquet of flowers. Then, facing Scott Liberatore's mother, the couple said their vows. 'I thought is was extremely romantic,' said Cassandra Liberatore. 'It was small and quaint, but very sincere. Since there was no pressure and not a lot of people, there was more of a focus on the ceremony itself.' Scott Liberatore said the ceremony was low key, but special. Rev. Gene Callihan, who officiated at the ceremony, called the ceremony 'beautiful,' one of the nicest home weddings he'd ever seen. The marriage of Cassandra L. Morgan and Scott B. Liberatore took place June 26th in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Liberatore of Pine Valley. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Milo Morgan of Wellsburg, and Mrs. Sandra Coon of Winter Haven, Fla. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Liberatore of 1965 Smith Road, Pine Valley. Jane Kennedy of Gillett, Pa., was matron of honor. Flower girl was Samantha Segur. Best man was Philip Liberatore. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Liberatore. The bride graduated from Troy High School in 1983. She is employed by Paragon Cable, Horseheads. The bridegroom graduated from Horseheads High School in 1978. He is employed by Paragon Cable, Horseheads. The couple lives in Pine Valley, after a trip to Maui, Hawaii. (Photo included of couple with caption "Wedding at home: Cassandra L. Morgan and Scott B. Liberatore chose to be married in the home of his parents because his mother is ill. The intimate ceremony was very romantic, said the bride.")

Child of Cassandra Morgan and ______ Segur is:

6614 i. Samantha16 Segur.

Child of Cassandra Morgan and Scott Liberatore is:

6615 i. ______16 Liberatore.

5560. Deborah Jean15 Lawyer (Maxine Grace14 Farner, Stella Irene13 Newell, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Aug 1953. She married Michael Stoner.

Children of Deborah Lawyer and Michael Stoner are:

6616 i. Brent16 Stoner.

6617 ii. Kyle Stoner.

5563. Mandy Rae15 Farner (Robert Jay14, Stella Irene13 Newell, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Michael Showalter.

Child of Mandy Farner and Michael Showalter is:

6618 i. Michelle16 Showalter.

5570. Michael Eugene15 Newell (Donald Lee14, Harry John13, Charles Baldwin12, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Nov 1962 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Donna ______ abt. 1985.

Child of Michael Newell and Donna ______ is:

6619 i. Tyler Glen16 Newell, born 13 Sep 1986.

5609. Robert Allen15 Patterson (Robert Eugene14, Beulah Clara13 Flory, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 24 Oct 1957 in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He married Barbara ______.

Child of Robert Patterson and Barbara ______ is:

6620 i. ______16 Patterson.

5610. Richard Eugene15 Patterson (Robert Eugene14, Beulah Clara13 Flory, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 26 Nov 1958 in Champaign Co., IL. He married (1) Brenda Miller abt. 1977 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD.


More About Richard Eugene Patterson:

Medical Information: born at Chanute Air Force Base Hospital

Children of Richard Patterson and Brenda Miller are:

6621 i. Scott Eugene16 Patterson, born 17 Jul 1978 in Hagarstonw, Washington Co., MD.

6622 ii. Amy Lynn Patterson, born 16 May 1979 in Hagarstonw, Washington Co., MD.

Children of Richard Eugene Patterson are:

6623 i. ______16 Patterson.

6624 ii. ______ Patterson.

6625 iii. ______ Patterson.

6626 iv. ______ Patterson.

5611. David Lee15 Patterson (Robert Eugene14, Beulah Clara13 Flory, Nettie Ellen12 Newell, Estella Clara11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Jun 1962 in Kent Co., DE. He married (1) Mary Susan Crabs 20 Jun 1984 in Hagarstown, Washington Co., MD. He married (2) ______ ______ abt. 1986.


More About David Lee Patterson:

Medical Information: born at Dover Air Force Base Hospital

Child of David Patterson and ______ ______ is:

6627 i. ______16 Patterson.

5754. Annett Lee15 Austin (Bonnie Lee14 Thomas, Pauline Marie13 Wilston, Mary Amanda12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1967. She married (1) ______ Schimpf. She married (2) ______ Henry.

Child of Annett Austin and ______ Schimpf is:

6628 i. Brittany16 Schimpf, born Bef. Sep 1992.

Child of Annett Austin and ______ Henry is:

6629 i. Maxwell16 Henry.

5783. Brenda Sue15 Barr (Craig Gene14, Mary Ellen13 Strange, Myrtle LaRue12 McKay, Dora Nellie11 Heess, Clarrinda10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 18 May 1973. She married Michael Harer abt. 1989.

Child of Brenda Barr and Michael Harer is:

6630 i. ______16 Harer, born 16 Nov 1990 in Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA.

5830. Julie Ray15 Soderquist (Randy Ray14, Rayola13 Plant, VanDora Elizabeth12 Nelson, Bertha Arvilla11 Porter, Latney James10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 03 Jan 1975. She married David Leonardo.

Children of Julie Soderquist and David Leonardo are:

6631 i. Anthony16 Leonardo.

6632 ii. Courtney Elizabeth Leonardo.

5868. Alfred Paul15 Mack (Lewis Alfred14, Genevra Mae13 McNaney, Zetta H.12 Brenchley, Mattie A.11 Leonard, Loretta Hannah10 Porter, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 29 Jun 1974 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He married Marie Rumsey 16 Oct 1999, daughter of Ronald Rumsey and Karen ______. She was born abt. 1975 in Van Etten, Tioga Co., NY.


Marriage Notes for Alfred Mack and Marie Rumsey:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 05 Sep 1999 ed.:

RUMSEY-MACK (photo of couple incl.)

Ronald and Karen Rumsey of Lockwood, NY, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie Rumsey, to Alfred (Alfie) Mack, son of Paula Hamilton of Van Etten and the late Lewis Mack, Sr. The bride-elect graduated from Spencer-Van Etten High School and the State University of New York at Brockport. She is a elementary school teacher at Van Etten Elementary School. Her fiance graduated from Corning Community College. He is a machinist at Thomas & Betts in Horseheads. The couple plan to marry Oct. 16, 1999.

Children of Alfred Mack and Marie Rumsey are:

6633 i. Nathan16 Mack, born Bef. 29 Dec 2002.

6634 ii. Noah Mack, born Bef. 29 Dec 2002.

5924. Amy Sue15 Kennedy (Kathie Luella14 Shadduck, Lemuel Brooks13, Dean Burr12, John Ball11, Lewis Henry10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Dec 1965 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. She married ______ Vargeson.

Child of Amy Kennedy and ______ Vargeson is:

6635 i. Mitchell16 Vargeson.

5929. Harold Bohn15 Barlow (Joyce Arlene14 Bohn, Harold Donald13, Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 May 1956 in Salem, Essex Co., MArion Co., OR.

Children of Harold Bohn Barlow are:

6636 i. Jessica16 Barlow.

6637 ii. Erica Barlow.

5930. Jeffrey15 Barlow (Joyce Arlene14 Bohn, Harold Donald13, Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 14 Jun 1959 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. He married Barbara Beri 28 Aug 1981 in Oil City, Venango Co., PA.


More About Jeffrey Barlow:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Child of Jeffrey Barlow and Barbara Beri is:

6638 i. Nicholas16 Barlow.

5931. William Daniel15 Barlow (Joyce Arlene14 Bohn, Harold Donald13, Lynn Verner12, Roseltha A.11 Dickerson, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Apr 1962 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


More About William Daniel Barlow:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hospital

Children of William Daniel Barlow are:

6639 i. Ian16 Barlow.

6640 ii. Ryan Barlow.

5937. Christina Elaine15 Long (Deborah Ann14 O'Rourke, Ethelda Iris13 Dickerson, Alonzo Bowman12, Louis Harvey11, Mary Etta10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 21 Apr 1971 in Fairfax, Fairfax Co., VA. She married William O'Hearn 02 May 1992 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

Child of Christina Long and William O'Hearn is:

6641 i. Shannon Cathleen16 O'Hearn, born 16 Aug 1993 in Woodbridge, Prince William Co., VA.

5986. Renee Marie15 McCracken (Thomas Roy14, Edoise Marcia13 Kaseman, Amy Lucinda12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Dec 1958 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Dirk Thomas Clouse 28 Sep 1979.

Child of Renee McCracken and Dirk Clouse is:

6642 i. Kyle Thomas16 Clouse, born 30 Aug 1981 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

5987. Colleen Kay15 McCracken (Thomas Roy14, Edoise Marcia13 Kaseman, Amy Lucinda12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 01 Nov 1959 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA. She married Paul Hutto Oct 1979.

Child of Colleen McCracken and Paul Hutto is:

6643 i. Melissa Joy16 Hutto, born 27 Jun 1980 in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA.

6000. Michele15 Deming (Nancy Anita14 Smith, Elwin D.13, Mamie Elvaretta12 McKay, Anita Elvaretta11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Michele Deming is:

6644 i. Reba16 Deming.


6035. Rose Marie15 Yaw (Rosalie Mae14 Wright, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Mar 1943 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY. She married Glen Holton Williamee 26 Nov 1960.

Children of Rose Yaw and Glen Williamee are:

6645 i. Glenda Helene16 Williamee, born 27 Jun 1961 in North Kingston, Washington Co., RI.

6646 ii. Malynda Sue Williamee, born 29 Nov 1962 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6647 iii. Alan Scott Williamee, born 20 May 1965 in Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY.

6648 iv. Philip Steven Williamee, born 06 Jul 1972 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6037. John Frederick15 Yaw, Jr. (Rosalie Mae14 Wright, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 22 Nov 1945 in Covert, Seneca Co., NY. He married Margaret Fanny Weber 23 May 1964.

Children of John Yaw and Margaret Weber are:

6649 i. ______16 Yaw, born 02 Oct 1964 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6650 ii. John Richard Yaw, born 21 Nov 1965 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6651 iii. Roseanne Yaw, born 23 May 1968 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6038. Sandra Mae15 Yaw (Rosalie Mae14 Wright, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 27 Nov 1947 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Samuel Marion Ward 21 Aug 1965.

Children of Sandra Yaw and Samuel Ward are:

6652 i. Chad Edward16 Ward, born 08 Dec 1971 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6653 ii. Douglas Arthur Ward, born 27 Nov 1972 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6654 iii. Brenda Marie Ward, born 20 Feb 1974 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6039. Emma Lou15 Yaw (Rosalie Mae14 Wright, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 May 1949 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Rex E. Lovejoy 14 Feb 1970.

Children of Emma Yaw and Rex Lovejoy are:

6655 i. Melissa Lee16 Lovejoy, born 20 Jun 1971 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6656 ii. Kimberly Ann Lovejoy, born 15 Sep 1973 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6040. Yolanda Sue15 Yaw (Rosalie Mae14 Wright, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 15 Dec 1954 in Ulysses, Tompkins Co., NY. She married (1) Richard Dean Hubbell 26 Aug 1972. She married (2) Robert Cleveland 13 Dec 1975.

Child of Yolanda Yaw and Robert Cleveland is:

6657 i. Jason David16 Cleveland, born 23 May 1974 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6041. George Washington15 Wright (Charles Roy14, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Jul 1947 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Linda Ann Brown 25 Jan 1975. She was born abt. 1956.

Children of George Wright and Linda Brown are:

6658 i. Nicole Marie16 Wright, born 13 Jul 1975.

6659 ii. Ann Wright, born 24 Oct 1977.

6042. Daniel Martin15 Wright (Charles Roy14, Charles Dawson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 Nov 1951 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. He married Yvonne Whitaker 13 Mar 1976.

Child of Daniel Wright and Yvonne Whitaker is:

6660 i. Amanda16 Wright, born abt. 1977 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY. She married Brian Ellison 2003.


Marriage Notes for Amanda Wright and Brian Ellison:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, ed. unknown:


Amanda Wright of Trumansburg, NY and Brian Ellison of Horseheads, NY will be married the summer of 2003. The bride-elect, daughter of Daniel and Yvonne Wright of Trumansburg, is a 1999 graduate of Trumansburg High School and is currently studying Elementary Education at Mansfield University. The groom-elect, son of James and Beverly Ellison of Horseheads, is a 1998 graduate of Horseheads High School and is currently studying Music Education at Mansfield University. (photo included)

6070. Mark Edwin15 Wright (Hazel Irene14, Frank Judson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 17 Jul 1956 in Rome, Oneida Co., NY.

Child of Mark Edwin Wright is:

6661 i. Riley James Miracle16 Wright, born 03 Oct 1981 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

6071. Juanita Marie15 Wright (Hazel Irene14, Frank Judson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 11 Jul 1959 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY. She married David Dougherty 27 Dec 1981 in Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., NY, son of Harry Dougherty and Mary Robinson. He was born 02 Oct 1947 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., NY.

Children of Juanita Wright and David Dougherty are:

6662 i. James Edwin Michael16 Dougherty, born 17 Oct 1979 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.

6663 ii. Justin Harry Dougherty, born 22 Oct 1982 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.


More About Justin Harry Dougherty:

Medical Information: twin to Jesse Lee


6664 iii. Jesse Lee Dougherty, born 22 Oct 1982 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT.


More About Jesse Lee Dougherty:

Medical Information: twin to Justin Harry


6665 iv. Jonathan David Dougherty, born 10 Apr 1986 in Winter Garden, Orange Co., FL.

6072. Julia Ann15 Wright (Hazel Irene14, Frank Judson13, Judson Warren12, Dawson Dickerson11, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 20 May 1962 in Jacksonville, Duval Co., FL.

Child of Julia Ann Wright is:

6666 i. ______16 Wright, born abt. 1983.

6097. Jerry Allen15 Vittorio (Theoria Frances14 Wilson, Nina Theoria13 Rumsey, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 30 Mar 1957 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ. He married Darlene A. Hyser abt. 1983. She was born abt. 1961.

Child of Jerry Vittorio and Darlene Hyser is:

6667 i. Jadon Samuel16 Vittorio, born 25 Sep 1985.

6098. Terina Lee15 Vittorio (Theoria Frances14 Wilson, Nina Theoria13 Rumsey, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 31 Oct 1958 in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ. She married Dennis Marconi abt. 1976. He was born 28 May 1953.

Children of Terina Vittorio and Dennis Marconi are:

6668 i. Cherity16 Marconi, born 27 Jul 1977.

6669 ii. Adam Vittorio Marconi, born 08 Mar 1979.

6670 iii. Anthony Marconi, born 02 Jul 1980.

6099. Patsy Rae15 Vittorio (Theoria Frances14 Wilson, Nina Theoria13 Rumsey, Fred Allen12, Cora Adassa11 Wright, Hannah Lucinda10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 07 Oct 1963.

Children of Patsy Rae Vittorio are:

6671 i. Matthew A.16 Vittorio, born 27 Aug 1982.

6672 ii. Rachel Lee Vittorio, born 29 Jun 1985.

6154. Theodore15 Bown (Bernadine14 Vogt, Gleyna Irene13 Baumunk, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Janet ______.

Children of Theodore Bown and Janet ______ are:

6673 i. Ryan16 Bown.

6674 ii. Erin Bown.

6675 iii. Sanford Bown, died 1978.

6155. Christine15 Bown (Bernadine14 Vogt, Gleyna Irene13 Baumunk, Irena Marian12 Letts, Alfred Francesco11, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Alan Painter.

Children of Christine Bown and Alan Painter are:

6676 i. Lacey16 Painter.

6677 ii. Milly Painter.

6678 iii. Jesse Painter.

6202. Kimberly15 Weiskopf (Joyce Colleen14 O'Leary, Vivian Rosamond13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married Jan Stanton 29 Sep 1990, son of Joseph Stanton.


Marriage Notes for Kimberly Weiskopf and Jan Stanton:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 23 Sep 1990 ed.:


Joyce Weiskopf of 1426 Davis St., Elmira, announces the engagement of her daughter, Kimberly Weiskopf, to Jan Stanton, son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stanton of 451 West Washington Ave., Elmira. The bride-elect graduated from Southside High School, Elmira. Her fiance graduated from Elmira Free Academy. He is employed by Topp Copy, Binghamton. The couple plan to marry Sept. 29th.

Child of Kimberly Weiskopf and Jan Stanton is:

6679 i. ______16 Stanton, born 11 Sep 1993 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Stanton:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 12 Sep 1993 ed.:

BIRTHS - Arnot Ogden Medical Center

STANTON - a daughter, Saturday, Sep. 11, 1993 to Jan and Kimberly Weiskopf Stanton of Elmira.


More About ______ Stanton:

Birth Announced: 12 Sep 1993, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

6203. Timothy Jon15 Weiskopf (Joyce Colleen14 O'Leary, Vivian Rosamond13 Kane, Florence Clarentha12 Duff, Emillie Esmeralda11 Wheeler, Emily Christine10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1971. He married (1) ______ ______ abt. 1988. He married (2) Kathryn Colony 24 Jan 2004 in Horseheads, Chemung Co., NY, daughter of Russell Colony and Edna ______.


Marriage Notes for Timothy Weiskopf and Kathryn Colony:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 25 Apr 2004 ed.:

WEDDINGS -- Melchior-Weiskopf

Kathryn Melchior and Timothy Weiskopf, both of Horseheads, NY were married January 24, 2004 at Central Assembly of God. Bride is daughter of Russell and Edna Colony and Groom is son of David and Joyce Weiskopf. Matron of Honor was Suzanne McCann-Sullivan with Kelcie Melchior (Bride's daughter) as the Bridesmaid. Best Man was Wayne McKinney with Ryan Weiskopf (Groom's son) and Jonathon Melchior (Bride's son) as the Groomsmen.

Child of Timothy Weiskopf and ______ ______ is:

6680 i. Ryan16 Weiskopf.

6242. Christopher Charles Bauman15 Anger (Charles Edward15 Bauman, Clara May14 Tinkham, Victor Roy13, Alvah Cleighton12, Matilda Aramenta11 Fanning, Margaret Evelyn10 Shadduck, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 09 May 1968 in Detroit, Wayne Co., MI. He married Kim Potter 23 Jun 1989. She was born in England.

Child of Christopher Anger and Kim Potter is:

6681 i. Ryan Scott16 Anger, born 15 Jul 1989.

6354. Gregory15 Gerould (Suzanne14 Shadduck, Stanley Dean13, Murl Maxine12, Cecil Ray11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born abt. 1981. He married Traci ______.

Child of Gregory Gerould and Traci ______ is:

6682 i. Andrew S.16 Gerould, born Bef. Apr 2001.

6358. Stacy15 Bahr (Kay14 Higley, Marion13 Speaker, Ruth Ellen12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) She married William Stabryla.

Child of Stacy Bahr and William Stabryla is:

6683 i. Kaylie Marie16 Stabryla, born 25 Jul 2000.

6359. Amanda15 Bahr (Kay14 Higley, Marion13 Speaker, Ruth Ellen12 Shadduck, Charles Vernon11, Albert Frank10, Amy9 Porter, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Amanda Bahr is:

6684 i. Kennedie Lynn16 Bahr, born 30 Jul 2000.

6392. Joshua15 Heess (Melissa14 Minnick, Sheila13 Morgan, Melvin Blair12, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7)

Child of Joshua Heess is:

6685 i. Joshua16 Heess, Jr..

6398. Leigha15 Rathbun (Brion14, Leon William13, Doris Marie12 Morgan, Belle Edna11 Brown, Aaron M.10, Deborah9 Wilcox, John Day8, John T.7)

Child of Leigha Rathbun is:

6686 i. Brennan16 Rathbun.

Generation No. 10

6459. Stanley16 Crout (Steven Clayton15, Clayton Adam14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7)

Child of Stanley Crout is:

6687 i. Missy17 Crout.

6460. Steven Clayton16 Crout, Jr. (Steven Clayton15, Clayton Adam14, Belvah Jannett13 Goltry, Nora O.12 Porter, Joseph D.11, William A.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) He married Kerrie E. L. Tetor 09 Jul 1994 in Burdett, Schuyler Co., NY, daughter of ______ Tetor and Juanita ______.



Marriage Notes for Steven Crout and Kerrie Tetor:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 31 Jul 1994 ed.:


The wedding of Karrie E. L. Tetor and Steven C. Crout, Jr. took place July 9, 1994 in Burdett Presbyterian Church. The Rev. David Ashby officiated. The bride is the daughter of Juanita Tetor of Watkins Glen. The bridegroom is the son of Elberta Donahue of Burdett and Steve Crout, Sr. of Odessa. Tammy Breene of Troy, NY was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Jennifer Geck of Burdett and Missy Crout of Odessa. Flower girls were Briana Donahue and Megan Donahue and ring bearer was Clayton Crout, all of Burdett. Serving as best man was Stanley Crout of Burdett. John Jelliff of Odessa was usher. The reception was held at Burdett fire house. The bride graduated from Watkins Glen High School. The bridegroom graduated from Watkins Glen High School. He is employed by Silverline Construction, Burdett. The couple live in Bennettsburg, NY.

Child of Steven Crout and Kerrie Tetor is:

6688 i. ______17 Crout, born 05 Jun 1995 in Montour Falls, Schuyler Co., NY.


Notes for ______ Crout:

Elmira, NY - STAR-GAZETTE, 17 Jun 1995 ed.:

BIRTHS - Schuyler Hosp.

CROUT - a son, Monday, June 5, 1995 to Stephen Jr. and Kerrie Tetor Crout of Burdett.


More About ______ Crout:

Birth Announced: 17 Jun 1995, STAR-GAZETTE - Elmira, NY

6518. Jacob Leo16 Turenne (Kelley Jo15 Ruddy, Bazel Clayton14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 02 Feb 1979 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. He married Katie May Davis.

Child of Jacob Turenne and Katie Davis is:

6689 i. Alysia Jade17 Turenne, born 21 Apr 2001 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

6520. Leah Michelle16 Kieger (Laurie Lee15 Ruddy, Bazel Clayton14, Bazel Clayton13, Sarah Abby12 Porter, Clarence Arlington11, Nathan L.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Aug 1980 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN. She married Richard Harold-John Hamlin.

Child of Leah Kieger and Richard Hamlin is:

6690 i. Grace Audrey17 Hamlin, born 14 Jul 1998 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co., MN.

6532. David Michael16 Cheresnowsky (Penny Marie15 Morrison, Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 28 Jul 1979 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He met Michelle Lynn Hubbard, daughter of Joseph Hubbard and Anna Morse. She was born 06 Oct 1979 in Orange Co., CA.


More About David Michael Cheresnowsky:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

Child of David Cheresnowsky and Michelle Hubbard is:

6691 i. Nichole Ann Marie17 Cheresnowsky, born 10 Nov 2000 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; died 10 Nov 2000 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC.


More About Nichole Ann Marie Cheresnowsky:

Crem./Burial: 10 Nov 2000, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC

Cremation: 10 Nov 2000, Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC

6534. Ashley Elizabeth16 Cheresnowsky (Penny Marie15 Morrison, Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 12 Sep 1983 in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY. She married Derek Ryan McGhee 06 Mar 2004 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA, son of James McGhee and Betty Lilly. He was born 05 Dec 1977 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA.


More About Ashley Elizabeth Cheresnowsky:

Medical Information: born at Arnot Ogden Hosp.; she was born premature; after a few weeks was transferred to Robert Packer Hosp., Sayre to be closer to parents' home

Child of Ashley Cheresnowsky and Derek McGhee is:

6692 i. Natalie Elise17 McGhee, born 02 Jan 2002 in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA.


More About Natalie Elise McGhee:

Medical Information: born at Carillion Medical Center at 11:39 p.m.

6538. Chad Michael16 Sindoni (Patricia Ann15 Morrison, Constance Marlene14 Porter, Warren LeRoy13, Daniel William12, James Latney11, Daniel P.10, Latney Day9, Hannah8 Wilcox, John T.7) was born 04 Aug 1989 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA. He met Christina McConnell.


More About Chad Michael Sindoni:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.

Child of Chad Sindoni and Christina McConnell is:

6693 i. Damien Michael17 Sindoni, born 01 Jul 2004 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


More About Damien Michael Sindoni:

Medical Information: born at Robert Packer Hosp.


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