Settlers XXVI: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement: 1830-1986
Sullivan County Home Page

The Kinsley/Kinsella Family Coat of Arms
Source: Coats of Arms from Ireland and Around the World.
[Editor's Note: The original Kinsley text has a black and white
reproduction of this coat of arms. We have chosen
to use the color version here to bring out its full appearance.

Settlers XXVI: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement: 1830-1986

In late 2001, Mary Jane Olson made me aware of an out-of-print book on the history of the Kinsley family of Bradford, Sullivan and Wyoming Counties in northeastern Pennsylvania. Mary Jane sent me her copy to read and review. After doing so, I called the home of the author, James R. Kinsley, in Alexandria, Virginia. His wife Mary, herself born in Stowell, told me that James had died on May 7, 2001. After explaining who I was and what my role was with respect to Sullivan County history, Mary graciously granted me the rights to publish her deceased husband's history on the Sullivan County Genealogical Web page. We are especially grateful to James and Mary for a priceless history of the Kinsleys and other families in the Irish Settlement around Stowell, Wyoming County, PA. That story is presented here.

I am personally appreciative of this opportunity because I am hopeful that the history will uncover information about my own family connections with the Kinsleys of Stowell. My great-great-great uncle Patrick Sweeney (1815-1854) had a son named Patrick as well. Patrick Sweeney, the son, lived in Dushore and became a teamster in the Connell Mines in Bernice. He married Elizabeth Kinsley (1850-1929) of Stowell, daughter of "James Kinsley" per her death certificate. Research on the Kinsley line may help me find the ultimate genealogical connection between our two families. Furthermore, it would be remiss to not give credit and recognition to Connie Hembree Gaban for her superb transcription and preparation of the text for deployment on this site.

The Kinsley story also brings into play relationships with other significant Sullivan County families that we meet in the pages of our web site: Burke, Cummiskey, Cullen, Corocran and Hope, for example. We know that these families were all interrelated by marriage, and to other families as well. For example, the Lavelle family that intermarried with Sweeney, Cavanaugh, Collins and Murray was also related by marriage to the Peter Hope-Marcella Reilly family that came out of the Irish Settlement. Further investigation will surely help to tease out more of these relationships. Won't you join us in reading, reflecting upon and appreciating the monumental story of the Kinsley family as they come to the Pennsylvania frontier and make it part of our American and Sullivan County heritage!

Editor's Note:: In May 2004, Jack Cummiskey contacted Bob Sweeney with his own research on the Arthur Cummiskey family and its cultural and historical origins in Ireland. His fascinating insights can be examined at Arthur and Mary Cummiskey. You will also find there a link to a description of the flax farming that was prevalent in County Monaghan where the Cummiskeys came from. History, it seems, is a never-ending tapestry, one of the things that makes it so interesting and stimulating.

Again, in January 2009, we learned about a very well written history of another Comisky [sic] family that came from Ireland to Illinois in the mid-nineteenth century. The reader can find and read They Came From Ireland: The James Comisky Family History by Marcella Comisky Obermeier in the Family History Archives. It is not obvious how this family is related to our Pennsylvania "Comiskey" or "Cummiskey" family, with whom the Kinsleys intermarried, but one never knows. In any case, this source is offers an excellent and easy to follow overview of the circumstances that confronted thousands of Irish immigrants in the 1800s.


Cover of James R. Kinsley's History
Published in 1988
Source: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement: 1830-1986



by James R. Kinsley

All rights reserved

Copyright 1988 by James R.Kinsley

Reproduced here exclusively by and for the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Project, with permission of the author’s widow, Mary Kinsley.


Author’s note

This book is dedicated to Dominic and Katharine Kinsley and is primarily about them and their families. It is an extension of the History of the Kinsley Family, 1840-1967, which was written and printed in Washington, D.C. by James R. Kinsley and Donald E. Kinsley in memory of their father. Like that brief history, this book is intended to provide a record of Kinsley family roots in The Irish Settlement at Stowell, Pennsylvania. It updates data contained in the earlier history and includes material on the background of the Kinsley family, which was obtained in Ireland by Gerald (Jerry) Kinsley. The book attempts to identify Dominic and Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley’s ancestors since their families came to the United States and their heirs through five generations. The author hopes it may serve as a basis to expand the Kinsley family history at some future date.

The original idea for a book arose out of newspaper articles and other family material furnished by Veronica Kinsley Cush. Special appreciation and thanks for furnishing family background information are extended to Veronica Cush, Peter F. Kinsley, Elizabeth Kinsley Bloomquest, Tressa Hope McHugh, Helen Collins Burgess and Edna Hope Burgess.

Although this book contains much early history of The Irish Settlement at Stowell, Pennsylvania, it is not intended as a complete history of that area or a complete genealogical history of the families who settled there. Most of the information about The Irish Settlement was obtained from an article published in The Wyoming Democrat newspaper in 1902 titled "The Early Irish Settlers, By W.E. Little Esq." Additional details were provided by a newspaper clipping of an interview in 1912 with Mr. Michael Kinsley, the first settler’s oldest son.

Information was obtained from Catholic Parish records, cemetery records and Dublin Historical Societies in Ireland; cemeteries at Stowell, Dushore, Jenningsville, Forkston, Mehoopany, Scottsville, Towanda, New Albany, Durell, Liberty Corners and Barclay, Pennsylvania; naturalization papers, land records and marriage license records in the Wyoming, Bradford, Luzerne and Sullivan County courthouses, Pennsylvania; Catholic church records in Stowell, Wyalusing, Towanda and Dushore, Pennsylvania; Public Archive and Library records, Halifax, Nova Scotia; and records in the National Archives at Washington, D.C.; including U.S. Census reports from 1840 through 1920, Civil War records and passenger ship records of people entering the United States between 1820 and 1920. Data were also obtained from The History of Windham Township, 1787-1977 (published in 1977), and from many articles published in the Wyalusing Rocket and Courier throughout the years.

The one disappointment in researching and writing this book has been the fact that we were unable to verify the port of entry into the United States of the Kinsleys, Cummiskeys or Croaks. John Kinsley’s citizenship petition states that he entered this country through Oswego, New York; therefore, it appears that he spent time in Canada on his way from Ireland. Records in Halifax, Nova Scotia indicate there were land grants to people named Kinsley around 1750; however, there are no Kinsleys in the area today. We know that substantial numbers of Irish immigrants entered Canada in the 1820s and 1830s. Marianna O’Gallagher, in her book Saint Patrick’s Quebec, 1827-1833, states that some 48,000 immigrants passed through the Port of Quebec during the year 1831 as noted by the Quebec Gazette and this was by no means the peak year. While no records were maintained or are available as to the nationality of these immigrants, Quebec Gazette daily reports from the Emigration Officer support the general impressions that the most of them were Irish. We have consulted English and Canadian port records but were unable to obtain any specific data regarding Kinsley ancestors. No doubt some specific information may be obtained through additional research in Canada Catholic Church parishes or land records at some later date.

We want to thank all of the Kinsley and Cummiskey heirs who furnished specific information regarding their immediate families that helped make this a complete and interesting book. Also, we are particularly grateful to the following individuals who spent considerable time, money and effort researching records; transcribing data; contacting churches, archives, public libraries, etc.; visiting cemeteries; developing and preparing photographs, maps and schedules; proof reading, etc.: Bobbie and Pauline Kinsella, Gorey, Ireland; Michael Fitzpatrick, Gorey, Ireland; Theresa Kinsley Huffman, Wyalusing, Pennsylvania; Jerry and Betty Kinsley, Orlando, Florida; Patricia Kinsley Stinson, Orlando, Florida; Katharine Kinsley Momberger, Gainesville, Florida and Dominic A. Kinsley, New Haven, Connecticut. We want to acknowledge the substantial contribution Donald E. Kinsley made in planning, designing, developing and printing the earlier publication, "History of the Kinsley Family, 1840-1967". The format of that publication is used here and has made a very clear, easy to follow book.

We apologize for any errors as to birthdates, people’s names, family member names omitted, etc. Considerable time and effort has been expended in trying to obtain detailed information regarding everyone mentioned in the book; however, in some instances we did not receive replies to our correspondence. In such cases where the author was not personally aware of a family’s activities, children, marriages, etc. there may be fewer details regarding that family than we would have preferred or than we have included regarding a close relative’s activities. Also, some of the data included in such cases may be in error.

Editor's Note: On March 17, 2006, Bob L. Baker wrote the following in the Wyoming County Advance:

While much of the Western world with is out celebrating the patron saint of Ireland with St. Patrick’s Day today, perhaps it’s as good a time as any to revisit that Wyoming County community, now known as Stowell, also had a wee bit of Irish Luck.

“Where is Stowell” 78 year old Walter Collins asked with a grin last weekend.

The man who lived in the Windham Township vicinity of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church and his second cousin, Teresa Huffman, are agreed that for as long as they can remember the community has simply been known as the Irish Settlement.

It has been about 164 years ago in April 1842 when a man by the name of John Kinsley, who hailed from County Wexford in Ireland, broke the first Irish ground in the area and erected a log house.

Kinsley, like other good hard-working Irishmen had found their way to the region a few years earlier working on the North Branch Canal, a project that was to keep a transportation artery open that would be parallel to he Susquehanna River.

Eventually the canal was abandoned. But, the Irish folks, who had come to the area liked it because of the rolling hills reminded them so much of the Emerald Isle, decided to stay.

First Kinsley, then his brother William, and others with names like Kilduff,Corcoran, Byrne, Riley, Connerty, O’Riley, Carroll, Cruse, Stafford, McGuire, Hope, and Brady settled in the area.

Long before the present St. Anthony’s church was erected services were held in the little schoolhouse that stood near the Kilduff property, with a Rev. Vincent O’Reilly attending to the people’s spiritual needs.

John Kinsley donated the land for a cemetery and church and in 1859; the church was erected and ready for occupancy in1860.

According to one newspaper account, “The people in those days were always ready with helping hands to help one another, in sickness or when some one had some particularly hard task to perform.”

Huffman *, whose maiden name was Kinsley, and who is in fact a great great granddaughter of the first Irish settler John Kinsley, said that for as long as she can remember there were no special Saint Patrick’s Day gatherings at the church through the years.

However, she did note that it always seemed that Saint Patrick’s Day was the only day during the Lenten season that “you could do anything out of the ordinary.”

She recalled dances at the Lovelton Grange about a couple miles away, but that they were held at other times of the year as well.

Huffman and Collins believe that most of the local traditions and sentiments that have been maintained over the years have to do more with the church than the Irish.

Born in 1921, in a house down the road from St. Anthony’s Church where she was baptized in 1922, she’s had a life long affinity for the settlement and knows most of the families.

She is now affiliated with Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Wyalusing, whose pastor the Rev. Kenneth Seegar, serves both parishes.

She guesses that around 40 attend mass at St Anthony’s each Sunday with considerably more in the summer months. She remembers catechism classes in the summer when nuns from the convent in Dushore would come over to teach.

Huffman has been to Ireland once (back in the summer of 1996) and said she would be happy to go back there and live any day.

The former bookkeeper, who is now retired, said she is the sixth child in a family of 13. She said the family lived near the Bradford County line until her parents had four children, and then the brood got so big they had to switch homes with her grandfather, who happened to live in Wilmot Township, just on the Bradford County side. She went to grade school in Sciotaville and was the first to go on to high school, having graduated from Wyalusing.

* Editor's Note: Theresa (Kinsley) Huffman Paased awa in February 2012 at the age of 90. Here is an obituary:

Daily Review
Towanda, PA
February 27, 2012

Mrs. Theresa Kinsley Huffman, age 90, well-known Wyalusing resident, passed away on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012 at the Skilled Nursing Unit of the Memorial Hospital, Towanda, Pa. Theresa was born on the family farm in Wilmot Township, Pa., on Dec. 23, 1921, a daughter of Dominic and Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley. She attended the Sciotovale and Grant Hill schools before graduating from Wyalusing High School with honors. Following graduation, Theresa worked for the North Pennsylvania Power Company in Towanda. She then worked many years as a bookkeeper for the J.V. Taylor Company in Wyalusing. In 1972 Theresa became employed by the Taylor McCarty & Sons car dealership in Wyalusing as a bookkeeper and worked there until her retirement on Dec. 31, 1983. On Aug. 30, 1947 she married Melbourne Huffman and they made their home for many years in Sugar Run before building a new home on the outskirts of Wyalusing in 1971 where they enjoyed a view of the Susquehanna River and sitting together on the front porch until Melbourne's passing on January 13, 1994. In her retirement "Aunt Theresa," as she was affectionately known by many in the area, kept busy with daily activities at her church, sewing, crafting and attending to her flowers and vegetable garden. Theresa loved to travel and enjoyed many trips throughout the United States as well as Australia, Ireland and most recently the Holy Land. She enjoyed friendships with the various priests that served her parish over the years which continued for years after they left the area. She is survived by one sister, Anne and Vincent Antonich of Spring Lake, Mich.; and five brothers Gerald and Betty Kinsley of Orlando, Fla., Robert and Julyene Kinsley of Dunedin, Fla., Jack and Bonnie Kinsley of Newark, Del., William Kinsley of Richmond, Va. and Donald Kinsley of Bowie, Md.; sisters-in-law Mary Kinsley of Alexandria, Va., Marilyn and Larry Kneller and Peggy Huffman, all of Wyalusing; brother-in-law Lloyd and Kathryn Huffman of Wyalusing. She is also survived by nieces, nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by brothers Joseph, J. Richard and Michael and sisters Katharine, Marguerite and Helen. A Concelebrated Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 at St. Mary's of the Assumption Catholic Church, Wyalusing, Pa., with the Rev. Joseph J. Manarchuck, her pastor, as celebrant. Interment will be in the Wyalusing Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 at the P. Dean Homer Funeral Home. There will be a recitation of the Rosary at 3 p.m. on Tuesday at the funeral home.
The family will provide the flowers and request that memorials can be directed to St. Anthony's Cemetery Association, c/o Wayne Hussong, 1543 SR 4002, Mehoopany, PA 18629. To send condolences or sign the e-guestbook, please go to

Collins, whose family always stayed on the Wyoming County side of the Irish Settlement, went to a 2 – Room schoolhouse in Jenningsville, started high school in Laceyville before graduating from Mehoopany.

He later worked for 25 years on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Walter and his wife Lucille went to Ireland in 1989.

He admits to having visited a few pubs on that trip, visiting the Knox Shrine where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared and also kissing the Blarney Stone.

His direct roots trace from three different Irishmen including Peter Hope who emigrated from County Cork Ireland, in May 1836.

Collins said he didn’t know many Irish traditions handed down in the area any more.

“They were just friendly people with big hearts,” he said. “And they found a right nice area to settle.”

St. Anthony's Catholic Church
Stowell, PA
Photo Contributed by Carol Brotzman
Source: An article in the Wyoming County Advance by Bob Baker on March 17, 2006



Chapter I


Early Irish Immigrants

The First Settlers

The North Branch Canal

The Irish Settlement’s First Settler

Other Early Settlers

The First Frame House

The First School

The First Church

The First Marriage

The First Deaths

The First Births

The First Post Office

The "Bees"

The First Settler’s Descendants


Chapter II


Search for Ancestors

John’s Land in Ireland

Kinsley vs. Kinsella

Descendants in Ireland


Chapter III


John Kinsley

History of John’s Children

Michael Kinsley

History of Michael’s Children

Winifred Byrnes Kinsley’s Family

Andrew Kinsley’s Family

History of Andrew’s Children

Isabelle Hope Kinsley’s Family

Peter Hope

History of Peter’s Children

Mahala Hatfield Hope’s Family

Chapter IV



Dominic Kinsley’s Family

History of Dominic’s Children

Katherine Cummiskey Kinsley


Chapter V


Andrew Kinsley

Dominic Kinsley


Chapter VI


Richard Cummiskey

Richard Cummiskey’s Family

John Cummiskey

John Cummiskey’s Family

Richard H. Cummiskey

Richard H. Cummiskey’s Family

Search for Cummiskey Ancestors in Ireland


Chapter VII


William Croak

William Croak’s Family

Margaret Croak Cummiskey









Chapter I


Early Irish Immigrants

In the early eighteen forties there were in Ireland two years of great famine occasioned by the Potato Rot. During the forties and fifties England governed Ireland with excessive force and no one’s person was safe. Everyone was at the mercy of paid informers, who, had they no truth to tell, manufactured lies in order to hold their jobs. This oppression induced turbulence, which, by reaction, increased the severity of the oppression. The year 1848 was a year of riots, incited largely by the French, but Irish blood paid the penalty. It is of that time especially that is written the song,

Poor Erin is the most distressful country that ever has been seen,

For they are hanging men and women for the wearing of the green.

During these years of famine and of attempted revolution the population of Ireland was reduced nearly two millions by starvation, bloodshed and emigration. For several years from 150,000 to 200,000 Irish immigrants annually landed at our seaports; the very great majority were a very different class of people from those who later sought our shores in such numbers from Hungary and Italy. There were but few "assisted" immigrants, that is, those with a relative or someone in this country to support them on arrival. The North Branch Canal was being constructed from Havre-de-Grave, Maryland, to Ithaca, New York, and this work brought a good many of these immigrants in this direction. The canal was begun in 1830 and completed in 1845. It was abandoned for commercial use in 1870. The D.L. & W. railroad was being built at the same time and this drew others of them. Many of the newcomers labored on these "public works" until they had accumulated some money, but others struck right into the wilderness and made farms for themselves.

Every settler in a new country has to endure great hardships, so great indeed that the wonder is that they are overcome, but upon these Irish men and women were put greater ones than upon others. They came from a cleared up country and one of mild winters, where their severest winter weather compares with that of northeastern Pennsylvania in March. These settlers knew but little of woodcraft and nothing of providing against our winter weather.

These men went into the forest and laboriously felled the trees, and husband and wife together rolled up the logs into houses. They built, not barns, but cattle pens. They spaded a garden patch among the roots; sowed grain and raked it in; they harvested with a sickle. With them, at first, teams and plows and harrows were but dreamed of luxuries. Then, think of the terrors of the first winter to them; the howling winds, the drifting snows, the impassable roads, the empty pork barrel. As the family sit shivering around the unwarming fire, their poor cows suffered and died of starvation. Some people kept the stock alive by doling out the straw from their beds. One advantage was the fact that merchants such as Barnes at Mehoopany, Harkinson and Sterling at Meshoppen, and Stark at Tunkhannock were all willing to trust them and never lost a dollar by doing so. From these stores many a sack of provisions has been "backed" home by Irish men and women.

At that time there was more bigotry than now. Probably a majority of our people believed that the Pope was anti-Christ and that Catholics were Satan’s emissaries. Some people believed and talked that the Pope was paying the passage money for the Irish immigrants in order to Catholicize America; that in time our Bibles would be burned and our schools closed. How strange this now seems, but in those days the Irish were feared and hated. They were aliens indeed. Surely the lot of the "Exile of Erin" was a harder one that was that of the other first settlers.

Nearly all of the very first immigrants from Ireland settled in Meshoppen, Pennsylvania, and in the "The Irish Settlement," which included part of Windham Township and nearly all of what is now North Branch Township and a few in Mehoopany and Nicholson, all in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. In North Branch Township they had control and in Meshoppen they held the balance of power. Our common school law was enacted in 1854, and at once every mother’s son of the "Bible burners" became active common school champions. Conspicuous among them was: Michael Coyle, Peter Hope, Michael Corcoran and the Kinsleys. Forkston would not come up to the standard desired and so the Irish, Peter Hope championing the fight, caused North Branch Township to be created. This new township and Meshoppen had, in those days, as good schools as there were in the country and way beyond those of Tunkhannock. From that time on, these men and their descendants were earnest and persistent in their support of the cause of education. This is also true as to those who came later.


The First Settlers


As near as we can learn, these first settlers, that is, those who went into uncleared land, were, Michael Kiernan, Thomas Gill, Patrick Mahanna and some of the Collins family, in what was then Meshoppen Township. Washington Township included the Mahanna and Collins settlements. The Sheehan brothers went to Mehoopany, and to "The Irish Settlement" went Peter Hope, John and James Kinsley and their sons, Michael Corcoran, Phillip Byrnes’ father, Patrick Stafford and son, Patrick, Jr. (then a child, afterwards County Treasurer), Barney Riley, Patrick Connerty, Richard Killduff, William O’Riley, Paul Carroll and Richard Cruse.

These men all made good farms and comfortable homes for themselves, and dying, left them to their children who retained them until around the 1950’s. At this time (1986) few of the fourth generation live on these farms. There were neither better farms nor any better farmers in this country. Of these that first went into the wilderness and cleared up farms, there was but one living in 1902 – Captain William O’Riley – and of those that went in as children but two, Michael Kinsley and Patrick Stafford, Jr.

In an attempt to record the early history of "The Irish Settlement" for a local newspaper in the summer of 1912, a historian, accompanied by Andrew Kinsley, visited Dushore, where Andrew’s father, Michael Kinsley, resided. It was a bright day and Andrew was provided with a good and easy riding buggy, two essentials, which added to the pleasure of the trip. The historian joined Mr. Kinsley at Scioto, where he had been royally entertained overnight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Garey. The route from Scioto led across the old Tyler Mountain, one of the highest points in northern Pennsylvania. A magnificent view was had all the way up and across the mountain, there being no woods to obstruct the sight, which embraces parts of Bradford, Sullivan, and Wyoming counties. They then passed through Colley, a hamlet, which had among other attractions, a grange hall that would be a credit to any farming community. All along the route they passed well-cultivated farms, with large barns and attractive houses, indicating homes of thrift and evident enjoyment. They reached Dushore in time to insure a good dinner at one of its several popular hostels.

Dushore receives its name from Du-petit-Thours, a French naval officer who had joined the colony of French refugees at Asylum and later purchased 400 acres of land at Dushore. It is said that the short pronunciation given Du-petit-Thours by the early settlers so resembled "Du-shore" that the town was accordingly given that name. It had been several years since the historian’s last visit at Dushore, but it was readily apparent that the town had made progress, as it was sure to do, surrounded as it was by productive mining, lumbering and farming interests, with silk mills and other industries in the borough.

Michael Kinsley, though past 80 years of age, was found to be in good health, his mind alert and his memory seemingly intact, having no trouble to recall the happenings of 70 years before. The information given, in a quiet way, made no effort to magnify the doings of the Kinsleys, pioneers at "The Irish Settlement"; rather he provided a review of their activities after settling in America.


The North Branch Canal


About 1840 work on the North Branch Canal, which was being built by the State, stopped for 10 to 12 years; and those employed in the work, being discharged, had to engage in other pursuits to maintain themselves and their families. Among those thus affected was John Kinsley, who had come from Ireland in 1833 to adopt this country as his home. Mr. Kinsley had originally lived in Rochester, New York, Silver Lake, New York and Dushore, Pennsylvania before joining the Canal work. He had been employed on the canal at points in both Bradford and Wyoming Counties, the section on which he had been working at the time of the interruption being opposite Scottsville, which was located on the west bank of the Susquehanna River between Laceyville and Meshoppen. Scottsville was entirely abandoned in the 1950’s and today (1986) has only a cemetery.

A good many of the discharged men went to the Lehigh region, where they found work in the bark and lumber woods, but John Kinsley desired a place where he could make a permanent home for his family. He first visited a friend, John Doyle, in Dushore, but for some reason he failed to make a purchase there. Later, hearing that land was offered for sale by Judge Percifer Lenon who lived at Lovelton, he and his sacrificing wife Catherine came from their home on the canal near Scottsville, Pennsylvania, to look at the Lemon land. It was then covered with a dense growth of virgin forest, the same territory being now embraced in what is called Stowell or "The Irish Settlement" and containing as fine a stretch of rich farm lands as can be found in any other part of the region. A bargain for a tract of 150 acres at $2.50 per acre was soon made. Later John Kinsley sold 50 acres to his brother William, this part lying near French Creek.


The Irish Settlement’s First Settler


It was in April 1842, that John Kinsley began to occupy his new possession, this making him the first to break ground in "The Irish Settlement". His first work was to clear a small space on which was erected a log house, which became the home of the family for many years; years of hard work by himself and his faithful wife. It was not an easy matter to clear the land of the heavy growth of large trees, for there was no local demand for saw logs and the only way to dispose of the trees was to fall them, cut them into lengths short enough to be hauled by ox teams and rolled by men into heaps to be burned, a method which destroyed much valuable lumber in those early days. The log house was located on a hill several hundred yards back from the road and across the road from St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Stowell. The farm has been known as the "Kinsley Place" through the years. While there was some evidence that others had been in the territory, there was no permanent settlement before John Kinsley came.

John Kinsley was born on August 15, 1805, in County Wexford, Ireland. He was married in 1828 to Catherine Quinn, born June 17, 1805, in the same county in Ireland. They arrived in Oswego, New York, in August 1833 with two children, Michael, age 3, and Patrick, about one year old. Three other children, William, John and Mary, were born in New York State. John emigrated from New Ross, Ireland, in April 1831. We have been unable to account for his time between his departure from Ireland (2 ½ years) or determine whether his family departed with him.

Other owners of the "Kinsley Place" were Charles Hope, James McNeal, Elmer and Eunice Douglas Smith, and Jack Stackhouse of New Jersey, the present owner. The present house is occupied (1986) by Edward and Bonnie Mutch Jennings. The original log house was located on a knoll farther back than the present house and was destroyed many years ago.


Other Early Settlers


In the fall of the same year, 1842, Richard Killduff, who had also worked on the canal and knew John Kinsley, purchased a 60 acre tract from Judge Lemon and began to carve a home out of the wilderness. Richard Cruse, who was employed at Benjamin’s steam saw mill located toward Golden Hill about a mile from "The Irish Settlement", also bought a piece of land from Judge Lemon soon after John Kinsley. Mr.and Mrs. Cruse had no children and did not begin operations on their land until sometime later. Their property was owned, in 1902, by W.B. Stafford. Sometime after 1845, John Cruse purchased a fifty-acre tract, owned, in 1902, by John McGuire.

Peter Hope (1810-1884)
Photo Contributed by Carol Brotzman
Source: An old portrait reproduced in
the Wyoming County Advance, March 17, 2006

Peter Hope; known as "Old Peter" to distinguish him from Peter F. Hope, his nephew, was among the early settlers, having come from Jenningsville in 1844. Bernard Riley came directly from Ireland around 1844 and set his stake in that new region. Patrick Stafford came in 1846, his former home having been in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Mr. Stafford was killed some ten years later by a falling tree, which he and others were chopping down. The death of Mr. Stafford, right in the prime of his life, was not only a serious loss to his family, but to the whole community, when so sparsely settled. In fact, it was a good fortune that more lives were not lost when felling trees, as these sturdy pioneers had no experience in this kind of work. John Byrnes and wife came from the old country in 1849 and settled on the farm occupied in 1902 by the widow of John’s grandson Phillip. Peter F. Hope, the oldest person in "The Irish Settlement" in 1902, being an octogenarian, was really an early settler, as were David Cullen, Owen Brady, William and James Kinsley, brothers of the first settler John Kinsley.


The First Frame House


The distinction of erecting the first frame house in The Settlement is accorded to William Kinsley. William emigrated from Liverpool, England, and arrived in New York in March 1840. He purchased 50 acres of land in 1844 from his brother John, near French Creek, on which he built the house. It was located between St. Anthony’s Church and the Rectory. Though not a pretentious building, it answered the purpose of those early times. William, a bachelor, was well educated and noted for both his intelligence and ready Irish wit. His house was later occupied by Rose Ann Riley, who converted a part of it into a small store, which she owned and operated. The building has been gone for many years now and the land is now part of the church cemetery.

James Kinsley emigrated from Ireland to join his brothers in America in May 1849 **. The 1870 United Stated census indicates that James and William lived together as bachelors. By the 1880 census William had died and James, age 71, lived alone.
Editor's Note: This text indicates that James Kinsley (1807-1883) was not married. However, that may not be the case. It may simply be that he was not married at the time he arrived in 1849 and was a widower by the time the 1870 census, showing him living with his bachelor brother William, was taken. The reason for this argument is that Elizabeth Kinsley, born in Stowell, PA, (04/1850-03/15/1929), wife of Patrick Sweeney (1852-1922) of Dushore, a teamster, is shown as having "James Kinsley", "born in Ireland", as her father on her death certificate. By process of elimination, it is difficult to come up with anyone other than James, brother of John and William, as this "James Kinsley". The death certificate for Elizabeth Kinsley indicates "unknown" for the name of her mother. See the next note for further development of these ideas.
** Editor's Note: In January 2008, we received the following commentary from Leigh Taffe Acla:

I noticed on the John Kinsley's Irish Settlement page that there was a blurb regarding James Kinsley, the brother of John Kinsley. It is stated in the text that James was a bachelor based on the 1870 census because he was living with his brother, William. I also read your note regarding Elizabeth Kinsley. You are correct in assuming he is the most likely candidate to be her father. James was actually married. He immigrated on May 2, 1849 from Liverpool to NYC on the ship Oxford with his wife, Margaret, and their children - Michael, Patrick, John and Thomas.

Name: Kinsley, James Age: 40 Gender: Male Embarkation: Liverpool Ship: Oxford Occupation: workman/woman Passengers: 204 Native Country: Ireland Destination: Pennsylvania Arrival Date: 2 May 1849

Source: Irish Immigrants: New York Port Arrival Records, 1846-1851 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001. Original data: Famine Irish Entry Project, 1846-1851. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration.

Name: James Kinsley Arrival Date: May 2, 1849 Age: 40 Gender: U Port of Arrival: New York Port of Departure: Liverpool Place of Origin: Ireland Ship: Oxford Family Identification: 1627008 Microfilm Serial Number: M237 Microfilm Roll Number: 78

Source: New York, 1820-1850 Passenger and Immigration Lists [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: New York. Registers of Vessels Arriving at the Port of New York from Foreign Ports, 1789-1919. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. Micropublication M237, rolls # 1-95.

On the manifest, his wife's age is incorrectly listed as 14. I believe it should read 44. I base this on the information given in the 1850 census listing James and Margaret (she is showing as four years older than him) and their children. They are on the census for Windham Township, Wyoming, Pennsylvania. They are also shown with a daughter, Catherine, although it states she was born in Ireland; however, she is not listed on the ship's manifest. She is one year old in the 1850 census so I am assuming she was either a small infant at the time or born at sea. Elizabeth is also shown on the 1850 census as being a few months old. It is rather possible that Margaret died in childbirth ***. She did pass before 1860 as she is not listed on the census with the rest of the family. James, Michael, Patrick, John, Thomas and Catherine are the only ones shown in the household in 1860 (Windham Township, Wyoming, Pennsylvania). Elizabeth, however, is not on the 1860 census with her father. At this time I do not know where she was living.
*** Further Editor's Note: This speculation as to her cause of death aside, it is now known when Margaret died. In March 2009, a grave rubbing at St. Basil's Church in Dushore, Pa of the actual marker for Margaret Kinsley, "wife of James", established August 9, 1854 as her date of death.

More evidence to support this information is on the 1880 census which lists James as a widower although he did not live alone as stated. Also living with James is his great-niece Alice Kinsley and Stephen Hope, farm laborer.

Another interesting fact can be found in the 1860 census, William Kinsley is living with a Michael Kinsley, age 56. This may be another Kinsley brother and I believe he is the other Michael Kinsley buried at St. Anthony's in Stowell (DOD - June 7, 1863). There was a Michael Kinsley who arrived on April 4, 1849, occupation miner, on the ship Great Britain which sailed from Liverpool to NYC.

Michael Kinsley, son of James, is found in 1870 in Canton with his wife Ellen ? and children Mary, Thomas and Ellen. In 1880 at Carbon Run, Barclay, he is working as a coal miner, with wife Ellen and children Thomas, Ellen and Margaret.

Catherine is working as a domestic servant in Wyalusing in 1870 in the home of Francis Boyle.

What has been difficult is that the name has been enumerated as Kingsley in many of the censuses and some of the descendants of this line use Kingsley as their surname rather than Kinsley.

Regarding the McKernans, I am almost positive that Mary McKernan, born around 1837 and who has been stated is the sister of Peter McKernan, was actually the daughter of John McKernan and Hattie Cassady Smith. Since Hattie died in 1843, it would seem that Mary was enumerated in the household of her grandparents in 1850, John and Mary McKernan, and mistakenly thought of as Peter's sister. There were actually many more McKernan's in the area and who I believe were the children of John and Mary McKernan. Including a branch who lived in Dushore and two branches who first lived in Wilmot and then the New Albany area. One of these two branches then relocated to Hazleton.

You can read further comments from Leigh about the related McKernan family at:Descendants of John McKernan.


The First School


One of the things John Kinsley helped to do after he built his log cabin and cow shed was to build a little log schoolhouse on the Thomas Somers’ place, near the road leading to the Byrnes Homestead, from the road that leads over Sugar Hill to Sugar Run. The schoolhouse was one-fourth mile from the present St. Anthony’s Church, at a location selected because there was a good spring nearby. Rose Ann Riley, great aunt of Marjorie and Roderick Malloy who operated a small store in the first frame house in later years, was one of the teachers in the log school. The log school was abandoned when the Sharpetown School was built in the early 1860’s.


The First Church

In the early history of our country, prior to the erection of a church, schoolhouses often served the dual purpose of religious and secular education. Before the erection of the church in The Irish Settlement, the Holy Sacrament of the Mass was celebrated four times a year, either in the little log schoolhouse or in the home of John Kinsley. A pioneer priest, Reverend Vincent O’Reilly of Silver Lake, made the lonely journey by horseback.

The first pastor of Towanda, Rev. Basil Shorb, took charge of The Settlement Mission in 1847. During these early years of the parish, children came from miles around and were taught in Sunday school by lay teachers. The older children of the community were confirmed in the log schoolhouse by the Venerable John Nepumucene Meumann, of Philadelphia, who came most of the way by horseback. Bishop Neumann is one of the few canonized saints from the United States (1986).

In 1852, Rev. James Naughton was made the first priest of St. Basil’s parish, Dushore, Pennsylvania, and The Settlement Mission was then placed in his charge. Mass was celebrated once a month in the little old log schoolhouse, but the congregation soon felt strong enough to build and support a church of their own. John Kinsley donated a plot of his land for the church and an adjoining cemetery in the southwest corner of the township. The cornerstone was laid in 1858 and the church erected in 1859. Bishop Wood, the Coadjutor Bishop of Philadelphia, officiated at the consecration. The men and boys of the congregation felled the hemlock and pine trees in the forest within sight of the church, hewed the main timbers for the framework, hauled the logs to the mill to be sawed into lumber, and finished the church inside and out. At first the church was just a plain rectangular building with clear glass windows. Altar, pews and kneeling benches were fashioned, hewn and planed by hand. The inside was finished in huge wide planks painted blue and later white. The church was heated by a large potbellied stove in the center. The Lawrence family, who had built many churches in Sullivan County, helped with the final construction details.

Many of the church furnishings and activities have been changed by what is called progress. The potbellied stove was replaced in about 1912 with a coal and wood furnace, which was converted to oil in the 1960s. This was a great improvement since it took several hours to warm up the church when coal was used. Other improvements over the years included stained glass windows, Stations of the Cross, electricity and numerous redecorations, all of which were paid for with collections from the congregation. During the early 1920s a vestibule was added, concrete steps with iron railings installed and an addition was made to the vestry room in the back. All are very substantial improvements.

Priests from St. Basil’s parish in Dushore continued to serve The Irish Settlement Mission until 1888. From 1858 until 1861, a group of Franciscans (Friars Minor) from the foundation at Alleghany, New York, administered St. Basil’s as well as the church of SS. Peter and Paul in Towanda and several missions in Bradford, Wyoming and Sullivan counties, including The Settlement. The earliest available Register of Baptisms and Marriages at St. Basil’s were begun by the Friars and the first entry pertains to The Settlement congregation as follows: The Baptism of Mary Stafford, daughter of Nicholas Stafford and Ellen Cullen, born June 11, 1858. The entry is signed "Fr. Samuel, O.S.F." The Sacramental Records for the period 1838 to 1858 have not been found.

In 1861, Father William Carroll became pastor of St. Basil’s, serving until 1863, when Father Kaier assumed the post. Both priests traveled regularly to the Mission Church at The Irish Settlement, following the road that led from Dushore and over the Tyler Mountain. In those days the road was hardly more than a "turkey path", or at best an Indian trail; however, there was little evidence of Indians living in the area. The Catholic Community in 1880 that attended The Settlement Mission consisted of thirty families scattered across Wyoming, Bradford, and Sullivan counties. The faith of these people was very strong and determined.

Finally, some thirty years after they had constructed their church, The Irish Settlement congregation received a resident pastor of their own when the Reverend P.C. Hurst arrived in November 1888. When Fr. Hurst was assigned, the parish was named St. Anthony’s of Paduka and plans were made to build a rectory for the pastor. Patrick Malloy gave the land and a beautiful house was constructed and ready for occupancy in 1889. From that time on the property served as the home of St. Anthony’s priests until 1950. In 1900 the pastor was J. Ignatius Dunn, the sexton John Cummiskey, and housekeeper, Bessie Taffe.

John Kinsley’s family and descendants remained active supporters of the Catholic Church down through the years. His grandson, Andrew, for example, provided land for Parish activities in the 1890’s, at what was known as "Kinsley’s Grove". Here were a cookhouse and large dining hall, plus a large dancing pavilion and several smaller "refreshment stand" type buildings where many St. Anthony Parish activities and good times were had until the late 1920’s. A newspaper clipping from the "Good Old Days" section of the Wyalusing Rocket, published in August 1965, reports on one such gathering: "There was a dance at Kinsley’s Grove, near Lovelton, Saturday night, August 8, 1895. Music was provided by the Lovelton Cornet Band." Beginning in 1928 Parish gatherings were held in the Lovelton Grange Hall. Andrew Kinsley sold the timber where the grove stood and in the early 1930s his son Dominic dismantled the buildings that remained, using the lumber to build farm buildings, some of which are still standing today (1986).

Life in The Irish Settlement was not always filled with dancing and amusement. During the 1920s and 1930s the Catholic Church in the area was frequently threatened by the Ku Klux Klan. Following is a Wyalusing Rocket clipping dated August 12, 1926.

Ku Klux Klan field day in Wyalusing Park, August 25, noon to 10 p.m. For all native and foreign born white protestant gentiles of good character. Band concert afternoon and evening. Naturalization and cross burning. Legal refreshments and lunches will be sold on the grounds. Admission 25 cents.

After more than 60 years with a resident pastor, 1950 marked the end of this luxury for St. Anthony’s Church in The Irish Settlement. In that year, the pastor, Fr. Gerald McCabe, was instructed to form a parish in the town of Wyalusing, Pennsylvania (some 12 miles away) and to administer to St. Anthony’s as a Mission Church. Descendants of The Settlement’s first settler, John Kinsley, played a part in this development as well.

Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley, the widow of John’s great-grandson Dominic, had been living in Wyalusing since 1939. There was no Catholic Church in Wyalusing and when Katharine moved there, Mass was celebrated in a private home on Sunday each month by a priest who traveled from Towanda some 18 miles. In early summer 1944, the lady where Mass was held (Mrs. Howell) became ill and Mrs. Katharine Kinsley offered her home on State Street in Wyalusing for the Service. Katharine soon began to urge the priest to come every Sunday and finally the Bishop ordered that the priest come twice each month to offer Mass in Wyalusing. It was natural for her to become involved since Katharine’s late husband’s family had supported and been involved in Catholic Church activities for more than one hundred years, going back to the days when John Kinsley himself had opened his log house as a place of worship in The Settlement. Also, Katharine’s own family, the Cummiskeys, had a similar religious tradition. The community of Cummiskey was named after them, and they donated the land for St. Francis’ Catholic Church there. Church founding was in her blood and she grew up knowing the many priests and bishops who dined and often stayed at her parents’ home.

Katharine’s religious background made her unwilling to follow the practice of most of the Catholic families in Wyalusing, who attended Mass only on the third Sunday of each month when it was celebrated in their town. She tried to fulfill her obligation and that of her family every Sunday and Holy Day. This meant arising at 5 a.m. on Holy Days so they could attend the 6:30 a.m. Mass in Towanda and get back to Wyalusing in time for the children to get to school and work on time. Having Mass in her home, of course, allowed Katharine to avoid the long trip to Towanda, except on Holy Days. The Kinsley home was Wyalusing’s place of Catholic worship until Katharine moved her family to Alexandria, Virginia in August 1950. Even then, she still allowed the congregation to use her house until October 22, 1950 when they began using the Wyalusing theatre.

When the Mass was celebrated in the Kinsley home, an altar made of plywood and painted white was used. The top lifted off, and each end folded so it was flat for storage. The top had a hole in the center where the Altar Stone was placed. There was also a kneeler painted white that was used as the confessional. The priest generally heard confessions in the kitchen before the Mass began. The other rooms had the furniture pushed back and chairs lined up for the worshipers. This same kneeler was still being used in the confessional at St. Mary’s Church in Wyalusing in 1975.

Katharine Kinsley’s departure from Wyalusing in August 1950 may have prompted Bishop Hafey of the Scranton Diocese to formalize what she had more or less created through the force of her religious devotion. On October 15, 1950 steps were taken that led to the formation of St. Mary’s Assumption Parish in Wyalusing. (St. Anthony’s at Stowell, The Settlement, would become once more a Mission.) On that date, Fr. Gerald McCabe, the pastor of St. Anthony's, was directed to take charge of the Mission at Wyalusing, which had been in the charge of the priests from Towanda. This gave Fr. McCabe two Missions, since St. Francis’ Church in Cummiskey was already a Mission of St. Anthony’s. On October 22, 1950, Father McCabe began celebrating three Masses each Sunday—one each at St. Anthony’s, St. Francis’, and at the theater in Wyalusing. (The three Masses continued until October 28, 1951 when St. Francis’ became a Mission of St. Basil’s at Dushore.) Less than two weeks after Father McCabe took over Wyalusing, on November 5, 1950, the Bishop formed St. Mary’s Assumption Parish in Wyalusing. Church property was purchased in early December and Fr. McCabe moved his residence from the St. Anthony’s rectory in The Settlement to Wyalusing on December 4, 1950. Mass in Wyalusing was held at the rectory until a church was built in 1954.

After more than sixty years, the Catholic congregation at The Irish Settlement was once again without a resident priest. St. Anthony’s Parish became a Mission of St. Mary’s Assumption in Wyalusing.

Mass is still celebrated every Sunday at St. Anthony’s (1986). The old parish rectory was rented for a time; finally in 1969 it was sold for $9,000 and the proceeds were used to redecorate the interior of the church. The old seats, kneeling benches and altar, hewn by hand, are gone now though they seemed to blend with the rustic setting of the place. The Settlement still has the same old sun peeking up over the eastern hills as worshipers come to pray early Sunday morning as it did for those early settlers almost on hundred and fifty years ago. The only descendants of the early settlers still living in the old Parish are the Hopes, Collins, Malloys, McHughs and Burgesses. New families have joined the congregation, however, in recent years and the total number of families is about the same as it was in 1880, over one hundred years ago.

The priests of St. Anthony’s from 1888 to 1986 were: Rev. P.C. Hurst, 1888; Rev. J.I. Dunn, 1898; Rev. Francis Mac, 1902; Rev. J.J.O’Donnell, 1908; Rev. M.H. Corgan, 1912; Rev. Thomas A. Ahearn, 1927; Rev. John P. Kelley, 1931; Rev. William P. Lynch, 1932; Rev. Aloysius T. Boylan, 1938; Rev. Luke F. Hally, 1941; Rev. George J. Jordan, 1944; Rev. John J. White, 1950; Rev. Gerald McCabe, 1950; Rev. A. Moriarty, 1957; Rev. J. Gilloegly, 1959; Rev. Martin Dacey, 1965; Rev. William Purcell, 1967; Rev. John O’Neill, 1971; Rev. Eugene Gunning, 1972; Rev. Anthony Conmy, 1973; Rev. William McCawley, 1979; Rev. William Feldcamp, 1979; Rev. Robert Hochreiter, 1982; Rev. Walter Plominski, 1983 to present (1986).

The cemetery adjoining St. Anthony’s was used for the first time in 1859 at the death of Elizabeth Costello, who had lived in The Settlement only one year after coming from Ireland to live with her sister, Mrs. Owen Brady. She died of tuberculosis. John Kinsley passed away in 1877, five years after his wife Catherine; both are buried in St. Anthony’s cemetery. An addition to the cemetery on the north side was purchased in the 1920s from James McNeal, who was the owner of John Kinsley’s original farm at that time. Another addition to the south side was purchased in 1974.
Editor's Note: You can visit this resting place for the families in the Irish Settlement at St. Anthony's Cemetery.


The First Marriage

The first marriage in the new settlement was that of Peter Hope and Mahala Hatfield, born 1825, daughter of Samuel and Fanny Bowen Hatfield of Jenningsville, who were married on July 5, 1844, in Towanda by the Reverend Father O’Riley. Among those present to celebrate the nuptial festivities was William Kinsley, the others being unknown.

Their children were Peter F., John, Thomas, James, Francis, Ammon, Stephen (went west), Christopher (died age 14), Jane (Mrs. David Cullen), Agnes (Mrs. Cory Burgess), Vesta (Mrs. William Stafford), Isabelle (Mrs. Andrew Kinsley), Ella (Mrs. Nicholas Stafford), Lucy (Mrs. Frank Howard), and Sarah (Mrs. John Kinsley).

All fifteen children attended school in a little old log schoolhouse, which was located on the present Silas DeWolf farm near the Douglas Hollow Road.

Peter Hope died in 1884, Mahala in 1893. They are buried in the Stowell Cemetery.


The First Deaths

The first death to occur in "The Irish Settlement" was that of Robert Golden, who bought one hundred seventeen acres of land from Judge Lemon, it being on the road to Sharpetown. The property subsequently was owned by G.S. and Alvah Fassett until 1872, when it was purchased by Michael Corcoran, coming here from Rochester, New York, with his wife Ellen Kinsley (1818-1887), a sister of Stowell’s pioneer settler John Kinsley, and children John and Annie. This property remained in the Corcoran family until 1947. Mr. Golden, a bachelor, and having no home when he became ill, was taken into the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kinsley, where he was tenderly cared for during his illness and until his death. He was buried at Dushore, as "The Irish Settlement" had no cemetery at that time.

The first burial at Stowell was that of Miss Elizabeth

Costello, sister of Mrs. Owen Brady, occurring in 1859. Miss Costello is said to have been a charming girl, arriving from Ireland a little prior to her passing away in a strange land, and to be the first to be laid at rest in the cemetery adjoining St. Anthony’s. Miss Costello was a victim of consumption, and it is said that her early death cast general gloom over the entire settlement.


The First Births

The first births occurred there on Sunday evening in October 1845, when, by a singular coincidence, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Kinsley, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley, the former being named James and the latter Mary. James died in 1883 and Mary was living in Spokane, Washington, in 1902. She was the widow of Michael Cullen. They were married in Dushore July 15, 1869. Their sponsors were James Riley and Bridgett Cullen.


The First Post Office

"The Irish Settlement" received its name Stoel, or Stowell, about 1888, perhaps because of the influence of D.B. and Calvin S. Stowell, who lived near Stowell’s Pond, now Brown’s Pond, and was given its first post office at that time when the Star Mail Route was extended from Jenningsville. Thomas Somers was appointed the first Postmaster, followed by Thomas H. Carroll and Mary Malloy (Mrs. Patrick Malloy), who held that post until 1904, when she went to Philadelphia to live. The post office was located in the homes of these families. In 1900, when Thomas H. Carroll was Postmaster, twenty-three people were listed in the Wyoming County Directory with the Stowell address. John Malloy was Postmaster December 1, 1911, when the Stowell Post Office closed and Rural Free Delivery was established. The mail route was from Laceyville Post Office with Charles Beeman as the first carrier. The Laceyville Post Office serves the area today (1986).


The Bees

The people in those days were bound by common ties, each feeling, in a measure, a dependence upon another at times of sickness or when one had some particularly hard or difficult work to do. When a man had a fallow to chop, he usually made a "bee", a gathering to which all came with sharp axes, which stalwart hands used to cut down the trees on several acres. Soon came another "bee" at which time the logs were piled into heaps to be consumed by fire, it being necessary to thus dispose of not a little valuable timber. Liquor was usually had on these occasions, and at the close of the afternoon’s work, wrestling matches took place, and not infrequently one or more fights, as was revealed by the black eyes seen the day after. Patrick Stafford and Phillip Byrnes, Sr., were regarded as the two best men in "The Irish Settlement", but neither was a fighter; William O’Riley, late ex-high constable in Wilkes-Barre, and Richard Killduff being the particular ones of a combative nature. But the animosities were soon forgotten, a grudge rarely being held by any.


The First Settler’s Descendants

The last direct descendants of the first settler, John Kinsley, to leave The Settlement were Dominic Kinsley’s family. They left the homestead, located just over the Bradford County line toward Sciotovale, in September 1939. Therefore, after approximately 100 years the first settler had come and gone.

Dominic’s grandfather, Michael, acquired that farm November 13, 1851 and his descendants had farmed the land since that time. The nearest that any of John Kinsley’s descendants have lived to The Settlement since 1939 is in Wyalusing, Pennsylvania. Joseph Kinsley, Dominic’s son, lives there today (19896). He owned a store there until 1966 and then served as Wyalusing Borough Manager until his retirement in 1978. Theresa (Kinsley) Huffman, Dominic’s daughter, also lives in Wyalusing and retired from McCarty’s Auto Dealership in 1983. In the early days the most prominent towns that the Settlers visited were Meshoppen, Dushore, and Mehoopany; however, in later years Wyalusing became the most accessible to The Settlement.


Chapter II



Search for First Settler’s Ancestors

History has shown that Irish families are proud of their heritage and over the years many, many families have gone to the "Homeland’ to try and locate their ancestors. The Kinsley family is no different and the interest in preserving their heritage and identifying their ancestors is emphasized by the newspaper articles originated by Kinsley ancestors in 1902 and 1938. Later generations have the same desire to know their ancestors in Ireland and in addition were able to travel to Ireland at a reasonable cost. Also, information at hand gave the Parish and County in Ireland where the early settlers had come from.

The first attempt to locate relatives by Dominic Kinsley’s family was when his daughter, Theresa Kinsley Huffman, wrote to the Genealogical Office of Dublin Castle in the summer of 1968 and requested a search for Kinsleys in Parish of Ferns, County Wexford. In November 1968 Theresa was advised in essence that there were Kinsleys in no less than four baronies in 1820-1825, but there were no householders named Kinsley in County Wexford since 1853. The report stated that additional research in the Catholic parish registers and "Tithe Books" could be carried out but the chances of success were very doubtful. Accordingly, Theresa abandoned the search. Later, in September 1973, Michael Kinsley (Dominic’s youngest son) was on a business trip to the Far East and stopped off in Ireland for a few days. Michael spent time in Wexford and drove to the nearby Catholic Church of Ferns in search of some Kinsley background. He met the priest and was advised that the original Ferns Church had been destroyed. The priest complained that hundreds of Americans were continually trying to review the church records and refused (in rather unfriendly terms) to let Michael see the records. So another effort failed.

As the years passed Dominic’s son Gerald (Jerry) Kinsley thought about going to Ireland and trying to locate John’s birthplace. Finally, in 1980 he made the first of many visits to Ireland in an effort to discover the birthplace of his ancestors. During that first visit, accompanied by his daughter Patricia and son-in-law Al Stinson, they sought to inspect the Ferns parish records but encountered a cold and somewhat hostile reception from the priest in charge, and, apart from making contact with Nicky Furlong (a journalist with the Guardian newspaper in Wexford), little progress was made. The Guardian later published requests for any information regarding the Kinsley family and stated that Jerry Kinsley of Orlando, Florida, was researching his family heritage but nothing came forward.

In June 1981 Jerry returned to Ireland with his wife Betty and sister-in-law Juanita Trout. They rented a car and planned to take up the search in the County Wexford area. During this period Jerry talked and dreamed Ireland (even when home in Florida) and particularly while in Ireland. While on their way to Wexford, they spent some time in Dublin and a young waitress in a hotel dining room, after hearing Jerry’s story, suggested he contact a Bob Kinsella, in Gorey, County Wexford. In Gorey, Jerry found that Mr. Kinsella had passed away but he met his son Bobbie who introduced him to Mr. Michael Fitzpatrick, a local historian in Gorey. It turned out that Bobbie Kinsella (while not a historian) is very interested in family research. He and his wife Pauline became very personal friends of Jerry and Betty and began working trying to learn about John Kinsley, whom everyone thought had lived in that area. Incidentally, Jerry and Betty have spent several weeks in Gorey, Ireland, each year since 1982 to this day (1986).

During the fall and winter of 1981-1982 Mr. Fitzpatrick continued to search for Kinsley heirs. During the fall of 1981 Bobbie and Pauline Kinsella visited Disney World with their family and other relatives on a personal vacation. While there, they called Jerry and Betty and ended up spending some time with Jerry’s family. During this visit, Jerry discussed the details of his family with Bobbie and furnished data, which Bobbie shared with Mr. Fitzpatrick on his return to Ireland. During the spring of 1982 Jerry spent several days at Salt Lake City, Utah, searching the Mormon genealogy records for leads on his Ireland heirs.

In June 1982 Jerry and Betty returned to Gorey and learned that contact had been made with Genealogical, Heraldic and Research Societies who concentrated their search in the northern part of County Wexford, in the southeast of Ireland. Unfortunately, the church records available dated from 1819 onwards and the records of Monamolin parish, where John married Catherine Quinn, began in 1836 – just eight years after they were married and five years after their first child was born, so none of these societies unearthed any concrete evidence of birthplace, possible relatives or property. The reply, however, from the Genealogical Office of Dublin Castle to Mrs. Theresa Kinsley Huffman in November of 1968, contained the following paragraph which was worth noting:

Griffiths Valuation of County Wexford in 1853 shows that there were no householders named Kinsley in the County. This is remarkable as the name appeared in no less than four Baronies in the Tithe Applotment Books of some 25 to 30 years earlier.

Further examination of these books some 14 years later revealed that, prior to 1850, the name Kinsella had many variants in North Wexford (i.e., Kinsale, Kinsley, Kensley, Kinchela and Kinselagh). Numerous references to the name Kinsella were made in the Calendars of State papers from the 16th century onwards. In 1550, one Kinselagh held an important position in the County and was resident in Ferns Manor. A census of Ireland in 1659 listed 11 native Irish families called Kinsley in North Wexford.

Finally, near the end of Jerry and Betty’s three-week stay, Michael Fitzpatrick announced that he had discovered what he believed to be the Kinsley homeland at Mount Howard, Monamolin, a distance of some ten miles from Gorey and approximately six miles from Ferns. Jerry visited the land before leaving Ireland that year, and, while there were no facts to establish its original owner, Jerry felt that he had located his heritage – he had found "John’s Land". During the next several months the facts were verified and various loose ends tied together.

Following is a copy of a newspaper article from the Enniscorthy Guardian, Enniscorthy, Ireland dated July 2, 1982 regarding the successful search for Kinsley heirs.

Successful Search for Ancestors

A THREE weeks search by a Florida couple to trace relations in the North Wexford area paid off two days before they were due to return to the U.S.

Gerald Kinsley and his wife, Betty, of Harbour Isle Road, Orlando, Florida, were on their third visit to Ireland trying to trace Mr. Kinsley’s great great grandfather who emigrated from the North Wexford area to Pennsylvania in 1830. He had married a Catherine Quinn of Monamolin in 1828.

Local historian Mr. Michael Fitzpatrick, Cluainin, Gorey, joined Mr. Bobby Kinsella, John St. in helping Mr. Kinsley trace his relations. In fact Mr. Kinsella had been working on the search for almost a year following a previous visit to Gorey by Mr. Kinsley

Eventually on Friday last they were able to trace that Mr. Kinsley’s great great grandfather emigrated from the Lower Mount Howard area of Monamolin and that he would be a distant cousin of the Kinsella families of Lower Mount Howard.

Mr. Fitzpatrick told the Guardian that somewhere along the line the family name apparently got changed from Kinsley to Kinsella.

Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley visited their relatives on Friday evening before flying back to the U.S. on Sunday morning. Mr. Kinsley expressed delight at being able to trace his relations after such a long search and was deeply grateful to Messrs. Fitzpatrick and Kinsella for helping him in his search.

Mr. Fitzpatrick has promised to work out Mr. Kinsley’s family tree in Ireland before his great great grandfather emigrated.

Mr. Kinsley’s search took him many years and included two air trips to Salt Lake City in Utah to try and trace his great great grandfather through the Mormon Records which are the most comprehensive in the U.S.


John’s Land in Ireland

The discovery by Michael Fitzpatrick was based primarily on instinct after careful study of all facts available to him. Making an afternoon trip to the area on Friday, 25th June, 1982, he was fortunate to meet some local people who related to him a story regarding a piece of land which, to this present day, is referred to as "John’s Land". The story, handed down verbally through generations, was that a family of Kinsleys in the 1820s owed a debt of money and, being unable to repay it, were forced to relinquish their farm to people by the name of Bolger who were known money lenders. This take-over of the farm was most unpopular and the Bolgers were never accepted in the neighboring community and were continually harassed in many ways until they sold out to a family of Sundalands who, in turn, experienced many years of unpleasantness while the local people kept insisting the farm was rightfully the property of Kinsley’s and should never have been sold. This bitterness and unpleasantness was no doubt the reason for the story to be passed on from generation to generation to the present day. It seems that there was 200 acres of land and the amount of the debt was equal to about one half the value of the land.

The land was in fact recovered about the turn of the century by John Kinsley’s uncle, Arthur Kinsley (Kinsella), who paid a sum of money as compensation. Following Michael Fitzpatrick’s discovery, Jerry visited Mount Howard and spoke to member of the Kinsella family who reside there. At this stage, there was no written proof but many facts pointed to Mount Howard being the authentic birthplace of John Kinsley. Many photographs were taken of the Kinsella families that live on the land and examination of old photographs showed a remarkable resemblance to many of the Kinsleys in America. However, there were serious questions in some people’s minds as to the authenticity of the heritage since we in America had only heard of the name Kinsley and John carried that name while in Ireland. Everyone in the Gorey area are Kinsella but pronounced the same as Kinsley. While Jerry and Betty returned to America, their friends in Ireland knew that a tremendous amount of research may be necessary to verify the facts and prove that these were truly John Kinsley’s heirs.

On Jerry’s visit to "John’s Land" he was show a "Calf Shed" which is a stone one story building and was the Kinsley dwelling in 1805 when John was born. Across the lane is a newer dwelling that is occupied by the widow of John’s cousin and nearby is a large open field (being farmed by Kinsella’s) in one corner of which was John’s homestead. The houses and farms in the area are occupied by Kinsellas who are heirs of John Kinsley’s uncle Arthur Kinsley (Kinsella).

John Kinsley’s birthplace is located in Lower Mount Howard, Monamolin, Ireland. It is on Kinsella Lane which is a right turn from Route 29, about two miles off Route N 11 some seven miles south of Gorey, See Mount Howard map.

Soon after Jerry and Betty left Ireland in June 1982, Mrs. Maureen Murphy Kinsella, who lives on Esmonde Street, Gorey, came forward after reading, via the Guardian, of Mr. Kinsley’s search for relatives in the Monamolin area. She spoke of an old, old letter in her possession in which the name Kinsella was mentioned. Her very simple words were "It might or might not be of interest but you’re welcome to read it." The letter was written in 1919 to Maureen’s mother, Ellen (Nellie) Murphy who was a great granddaughter of John Kinsley’s sister, Catherine Kinsley Swords. It was written by Catherine’s daughter Anastasia Swords Smith who was born in 1854 (and later emigrated to England) to her niece. The letter was found to contain a near perfect and tremendously important account of her ancestors back to the 1700s. It also contained a reference to her great grandmother’s family going broke and losing their farm in the 1820s. Her great grandmother’s name was Catherine Kinsley (Kinsella), who had married a Swords and was a sister of first settler John Kinsley of Mount Howard. The amount of information contained in the letter, linked with a thorough search of the Monamolin, Boolavogue and Monageer registers, allowed us to piece together dates, names and families to eventually form a very detailed account of the Kinsella (Kinsley) family lineage.

Based on this information we learned that John Kinsley was the eldest of six children: John, James, Mary, William, Catherine and Ellen. Their father was James Kinsley and their mother was Mary Sinott Kinsley. John’s father was born in 1754 and his mother was born in 1779. They had met in the hunting field and eventually married. John’s father was very wealthy and owned substantial land in the area; however, he died leaving a very young family. Since John was the oldest son he became head of the household to operate the farm. Sometime prior to 1830 John was forced off the land through foreclosure on a debt by local money lenders and his mother, brothers and sisters moved down the lane to two small cottage type houses where the sisters raised their families.

While John’s actual movements immediately prior to leaving Ireland have not been verified, it appears that he went to Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland and enlisted in the army because of the disgrace of losing the farm. Soon after, John’s mother set out on foot to Fermoy to find him; however, when she arrived she was advised that his Regiment had sailed for America. It seems that he joined the English army and sailed to Canada. The story is that the mother heard from John a few times, but never saw him again. She died soon after trying to find him in the late 1820s.

We have no facts regarding the movements of John’s wife Catherine and their child Michael born May 1, 1830.John’s citizenship application states that he departed from New Ross, Ireland (near Wexford) in April 1830 and immigrated through Oswego, New York in August 1833. John and Catherine must have spent time in Canada since Patrick was born there January 17, 1833. However, we do not know whether they left Ireland together or met in Canada since Michael always claimed an Ireland birthplace.


Kinsley vs Kinsella


In view of the fact that there were many, many Kinsleys in The Irish Settlement, and there was never any question that they came from County Wexford, Ireland, it was quite a shock to learn that the name does not exist in Ireland today (1986). Along with this same feeling, some have their doubts as to whether the people located in the Ferns, Mount Howard, area and the farm know as "John’s Land" were really Irish Settlement Kinsley family ancestors. However, we must bear in mind that Kinsella and Kinsley are pronounced the same in Ireland.

The facts are that during the 1600s when England ruled Ireland many names were "anglicized" – changed to an English version. These names are derived from "Cinnsealach" in Irish and were anglicized Kinselagh, Kinsela, Kingsley and Kinsley; accordingly, members of the same family of the 1600s could each use a different name. Local church records and cemetery markers show numerous Kinsley family members during the 1700s and early 1800s; however, about 1850 the Kinsley spelling seemed to be "outlawed" and went completely out of existence. The church tithe records were "double lines" under the Kinsley name with a note "see Kinsella". Since John Kinsley’s family had either emigrated from Ireland or become married by 1850 there were no immediate male members of John’s father in the area except John’s uncle Arthur, the ancestor of the Kinsellas living there now. Also, Arthur may have used the Kinsella name prior to 1850.

KINSLEY cemetery markers recently located in the Mount Howard area, County Wexford, Ireland and the cemetery follow:


  1. Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth Kinsley alias Halten who departed this life November 13th, 1787, aged 68 years. May she rest in peace.
  2. Departed this life Wm. Kinsley alias Leary April 29th 1787 aged 39 years. (the above two headstones are side by side)
  3. Here lies the body of Charles Kinsley also his wife Catherine Kinsley alias-Hareson who departed this life May 8th, 1734.

(Remainder of inscription underground.)



  1. Here lies the body of Mary Kinsley alias Darcy who departed this life February 1st, 1806 aged 82 years, also the body of Thomas Kinsley her son who departed this life September 21st, 1812 aged 64 years, also his wife who departed this life November 21st, Mary Kinsley alias Murphy.
  2. Here lieth the body of John Kinsley departed February 1st, 1805 aged 30 years. Also Thomas Kinsley, his son.
  3. Here lieth the body of Michael Kinsley who departed this life March 2nd, 1782 aged 18 years.
  4. Here lieth the body of Catherine Kinsley departed this life January 22nd, 1783 aged 10 years.
  5. Kinsley (Two headstones side by side Erected by Patrick Kinsley in memory of his mother Honory Kinsley who departed October 20th, 1797 aged 50 years also his father John Kinsley who departed April 16th, 1824 aged 70 years.
  6. Here lieth the body of P.K. Kinsley departed August 15th, 1802 aged 78 years. His wife Bridget departed November 1st, 1806 aged 80 years.


The Stem of the "Kinsella" Family

Eanna, younger brother of Donald Caornhanach who is No. 115 on the "Kavanagh" pedigree, was the ancestor of O’Causaleigh "Ceany" Irish (the head) anglicized Kinselagh, Kinslea, Kingsley and Kinsely.


This is one of the few genuine native Gaelic surnames without the prefix Mac or O. It is true that the form O’Kinsellagh is sometimes found in old documents and a few present-day Kinsellas have "resumed" an O, but to do so is incorrect, as Kinsella, or Cinnsealach in Irish, is, like Kavanagh, an agnomen which has supplanted the original name. Kinsellas and Kavanaghs descent from Dermot MacMurrough, ill-famed King of Leinster from 1134-1171; and the names are derived from Enna Cinnsealach and Domhnall Caomhanach, sons of that king. The territory of the Kinsella sect comprised most of the barony of Gorey in the northern part of the modern County Wexford, and it is in that part of Leinster they are chiefly found today. This district was formerly called The Kinsellaghs. Many of the sept acquired the name MacEdmund, but this is now obsolete.

The Kinsellas are much less numerous than their kinsmen the Kavanaghs, and have produced less men of note. One, Aeneas Kinsella, was a member of the Supreme Council at Kilkenny in 1646, and another Bonaventure Kinselagh, was an officer in Kavanagh’s infantry regiment in King James II’s army in Ireland; but none, strangely enough, took a leading part in County Wexford in the insurrection of 1798. One notable Wexford born Kinsella was well known in America as the editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, viz. Thomas Kinsella (1822-1884), who has been described as "a splendid example of an emigrant Irish boy, rising to wealth and honoured position in the country of his adoption."


Descendants in Ireland

The only known direct heirs of John Kinsley’s family still in the County Wexford/Ferns area of Ireland are Maureen Murphy Kinsella, the lady that produced the letter; Mrs. Hall, Ballycanew, Ireland, and four of Catherine Kinsley Swords’ (John’s sister) eleven great-grandchildren as follows: Frederick Swords (born 1916) and his wife Julia Ruth Swords in Ardomine, Ireland (five miles from Gorey); George Swords (born 1920) and his wife Angelia Fardy in Gorey; Patrick Swords (born 1922) in Gorey, and James Swords (born 1913) in Dalkey (County Dublin). These people are third cousins of Dominic Kinsley of The Settlement. The Kinsellas in Mount Howard are heirs of John Kinsley’s uncle Arthur Kinsley (Kinsella) as discussed below.

John’s two brothers, James and William, followed him to America (James on May 1, 1849 and William in March 1840); Ellen also came but we have not verified her date of emigration. John’s other two sisters, Mary and Catherine, remained in the cottages along the lane near "John’s Land" and eventually married and raised families in Ireland. Mary married Michael Swords in 1838 and Catherine married his brother Patrick Swords in 1844. The Swords were fine respectable men from County Carlow. Mary had two children, Tom and Peggy. Tom emigrated to New York and had a prosperous Estate Agents business under the name of Swareds. Peggy married Pat Burke and lived a quiet life in the Gorey area of Ireland. Catherine had 4 children; James born 1845, Mary born 1847, Catherine born 1852, and Anastasia born 1854. The girls emigrated to Bradford, England. Anastasia married a Smith, the other girls never married. James married Mary Leacy and they had twelve children. Four of these children are the Swords mentioned earlier and the others are living in England.

Patrick Swords died in a farm accident as a rather young man. Catherine continued to live in Ireland until her death. It was traditional in Irish families that the oldest son lived at home and inherited the family farm. In such cases he did not marry until his parents died and then he married someone 20 to 25 years younger than he. This is very common in Ireland today.

John Kinsley’s father, James born 1754, was one of four children (James, Anastasia, Catherine and Arthur). Arthur married and had 5 children who continued to live in the area. We have identified some fifty heirs of Arthur born through 1958. Twenty six of the heirs use the name Kinsella and many reside in the Gorey-Mount Howard area where "John’s Land" is located. This is the side of the family that purchased John Kinsley’s homestead around 1900 and who still live on it today.

Arthur (Kinsley) Kinsella was an uncle of John Kinsley and his Kinsella heirs are distant cousins of the Kinsley’s in America. Birdie Kinsella Purcell (born 1902) of Castletown, Gorey is a great granddaughter of James Kinsella (John’s first cousin born 1789). Birdie clearly remembers her mother, Catherine Kinsella born 1876, discussing the happenings of the early 1800s and of her mentioning Catherine Quinn (John Kinsley’s wife). These stories have been passed down from grandmother to mother to child.

Based on the information discussed above there is no doubt that we have located The Irish Settlement Kinsley ancestors; however, there is some confusion in the author’s mind regarding the Kinsella name. This question arises because the Kinsley name has not been located in Ireland today. It is hard to understand why numerous names that were common in The Settlement such as Quinn, Cullen and Byrnes are common in Ireland today; but there are no Kinsleys. We are told that the correct name is Kinsella but that name has never been associated with The Irish Settlement to date.

The author has seen copies of church records from Ireland dated in the early 1850s which listed names of various Kinsleys. These s were double lined and noted "see Kinsella" and the Kinsley name appears no more. This indicates that sometime after John’s family came to America the name was officially changed by Ireland State officials. However, no Kinsella heirs in the Mount Howard area in Ireland have passed this fact down through the generations. No doubt, since KINSLEY is an English spelling of the name, it was outlawed by Irish officials during the period of Irish-English hostilities prior to the 1922 treaty between the two countries.


Chapter III


John Kinsley (1805-1877)

John was the oldest of the ancestors of the Kinsley family that lived in Stowell, Pennsylvania, until 1939. He was the great great grandfather of Joseph Kinsley and Theresa Huffman Kinsley of Wyalusing at this time (1986).

John was born on August 15, 1805, in County Wexford, Ireland. He arrived in the United States with his wife and 2 children in 1833 and settled in the Rochester, New York area. He later lived in Silver Lake, New York, and Scottsville, Pennsylvania, while working on the "Great Canal".

When the canal was stopped in 1840, John and his family visited Dushore, Pennsylvania, and then settled in Stowell as explained in "The First Settler" portion of this book.

John married Catherine Quinn in 1828. She was born on June 17, 1805, in County Wexford, Parish of Monamolin, Ireland. John died in 1877 and Catherine died in 1872. Both are buried at St. Anthony’s Church, Stowell.

John and Catherine had a total of eight children, five boys and three girls. Their names were: Michael, Patrick, William, John, Elizabeth, Mary, James and Elizabeth. They lived on the Kinsley Place near the Stowell Church all their lives. The U.S. census taken on July 25, 1870 shows John as a retired farmer and his wife Catherine as a house keeper. They lived alone on the Kinsley Place at that time and their real estate was valued at $5,000.

John Kinsley applied in Wyoming County for citizenship in the United States on October 28, 1844. Harrison Comstock and Judge Lemon signed as his sponsors and Mr. Kinsley signed with an "X". In his petition he stated that he departed from New Ross, Ireland in April 1831 and arrived in Oswego, New York in August 1833. We have been unable to locate boat records of his passage in the U.S. Archives, Canada or England. His citizenship was granted May 2, 1848. No record was located regarding Catherine Kinsley’s citizenship. Details of John’s background in Ireland are described in Chapter 2.

The September 1850 U.S. Census reported John Kinsley as living in Windham Township, Pennsylvania with his wife and seven children. Two of the children (ages 17 and 20) were shown as born in Ireland, three (ages 9, 13 and 15) were born in New York State, and two (ages 7 and 3) were born in Pennsylvania. John’s brother William also resided in his household.

This census report contradicts the birthplace of John’s second child (Patrick) shown as 17 years old and born in Ireland. The 1870 Census (in which Patrick maintained his own household with his wife and reported himself) states he was born in Canada. We feel this is proof that John spent some two years in Canada on his way from Ireland but he did not recognize this fact in any official documents.

The Civil War records did not disclose any of John’s family as having served in the war. However, they did disclose that several people by the name of Kinsley who originated from England and resided in the Philadelphia area served in the war. Also, there was a Kinsley family that lived in Cherry Township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, during 1860 who had sons that served in the Civil War. This family is no relation to the John Kinsley we are concerned with.

John Kinsley had two brothers and one sister that emigrated from Ireland and two younger sisters (Mary and Catherine) that remained in Ireland. Following are details of the relatives that came to America:

James Kinsley, born 1807 – died 1883, buried in Stowell Cemetery. In his petition for citizenship filed January 28, 1854, Mr. Kinsley stated that he emigrated from Ireland and arrived in New York May 1, 1849. His departure point in Ireland is not identified. Mr. Kinsley was granted citizenship on September 22, 1856. His petition, which he signed with an "X", was witnessed by Elisha Sharp and John Pfouts. We have been unable to locate a record of James Kinsley on the boat lists maintained by the Archives in Washington, D.C. Little is known of James except that he was a bachelor. The 1870 U.S. Census indicates that he lived with his brother William and the 1880 census shows him living alone.

William Kinsley, born 1812 – died 1871, buried in the Stowell Cemetery. In his petition for citizenship filed May 18, 1844, Mr. Kinsley states he emigrated from Liverpool in March 1840 and arrived in New York the same month. We have been unable to locate the boat record of his passage in the Archives in Washington, D.C. William Kinsley’s petition was granted December 5, 1848 and it was witnessed by Peter Hope and John Kinsley. Mr. Hope signed his name and John Kinsley signed with an "X". William Kinsley made his petition in his own handwriting and signed a bold "William Kinsley". William was well educated and noted for both his intelligence and his ready Irish wit. Even though he was a bachelor and had no family, he established a farm on 50 acres of land purchased in 1844 and built the first frame house in The Irish Settlement.

Ellen Kinsley Corcoran, born 1818 – died 1887, buried in Stowell Cemetery. We have been unable to verify when Ellen emigrated from Ireland but we know that she married Michael Corcoran. It appears that she settled in Rochester, New York area when she came from Ireland and met and married Mr. Corcoran there. They apparently lived in that area several years before moving to The Irish Settlement around 1870-1872. In 1872 they purchased the farm on the road to Jenningsville from Stowell which became known as the Corcoran place. Prior to that time Mr. Corcoran had operated a blacksmith shop in Lovelton after coming from Rochester, New York. Michael and Ellen had two children, John and Annie. Annie never married and in her last years she kept house at the homestead of her two nephews, Peter and Henry, who operated the farm. The farm was finally sold after Annie’s death in 1947 and some 75 years ownership by Corcorans. Annie is buried in the Stowell Cemetery. John married Elizabeth Hope, daughter of Peter F. and Marcella Riley Hope. They had nine children as follows: Michael, Marcella, Bernadette, Peter, Richard, Anthony, William, Henry and Nellie. Nellie died at age 18 of pneumonia. Henry died in 1983, lived in Johnson City, New York, and had married Elizabeth Fox of Oak Hill, Pennsylvania, late in life. She predeceased him. Anthony married and lives in the Wilkes-Barre area today (1986). He maintains a summer home on one acre of land, a part of the original farm. Peter, Bernadette and Marcella never married. We have no information on the other children. John Corcoran died in 1931 and Elizabeth died in 1921. They are buried in Stowell Cemetery.

Peter F. Hope was a son of Christopher Hope and a first cousin of Isabelle Hope Kinsley, Andrew’s wife. He was born in Ireland in 1831 and died in 1912. Marcella was born in 1838 and died in 1926. Both are buried in Stowell Cemetery. Peter F. and Marcella Hope were married in Dushore, Pennsylvania, on September 1, 1859. Their sponsors were William Kinsley and Helen Stephen.


History of John’s Children


Michael (1830-1916)

Michael was the great grandfather of Dominic’s family. His family is described later in this chapter.


Patrick (1833-1874)

Patrick was born in Canada on January 17, 1833. He came to the United States when he was about one year old.

Patrick was known as "California" Pat because he went to California (for adventure) in the early fifties or soon after the discovery of gold there. Accumulating considerable wealth, he returned home, but a few years later a desire to enter the gold fields overcame him, and he made a second trip to the Pacific Coast. Returning the second time he was apparently content to settle down and married Ellen Stafford in Dushore May 19, 1860. Their sponsors were Martin Kinsley and Suzanne Reiley. Ellen was the daughter of Patrick and Mary Quinn Stafford who had settled on the Lewis Collins place in 1853 coming from Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Patrick and Ellen Kinsley had 2 children, Alice and Katharine.

Mr. Kinsley’s life had been so interwoven in the meshes of adventure he again exchanged the comforts of a home for those of the miners’ camp making his third trip to California. He took his wife Ellen with him and their first child Alice was born in California. Travel to California in the early 1850s was by Cape Horn and took 90 days each way; however, in 1855 a railroad was completed across Panama so travelers went by ship from New York to Panama, rail across the Isthmus, and ship to California. All three of Pat’s trips were by the Isthmus. Women and children often traveled with their man by this route. Pat was tall and of fine physique, and had a gentlemanly bearing. He was a skillful performer on the violin. The violin he carried on his several trips to California was passed to his nephew Andrew. In 1930 Andrew passed it to his daughter Veronica. Since neither of Veronica’s daughters played the violin, she decided her nephew, Robert Andrew Kinsley, son of Dominic (grandson of Andrew), should have the instrument because he was the only grandchild bearing the name Andrew. In 1962 it was passed on to Dominic Kinsley, son of James Richard Kinsley, because he was Dominic’s only grandson at that time with the Kinsley name. He still has the instrument today (1986). Patrick and Ellen both died in early life, Patrick in 1874 at the age of 41 and Ellen in 1873 at the age of 35.


Alice married Timothy Collins and they had five children: Anna, Bernetta, Marie, Lewis and Helen. Lewis married Mary Finan from Dushore, they had 4 girls: Alice, Delores, Mary and Helen. The girls all married and live in the area of Meshoppen and Mehoopany at this time (1986). Lewis lived on his mother’s farm until his death in the 1950s. Helen married Walter Burgess from the Lovelton area. They had 2 children; William and Marlene. Walter died in 1946 due to a tractor accident on the farm. William died in 1980 from cancer. Helen resides on the homestead today with William’s widow.

Katharine married a Mulligan and lived in the Meshoppen area, then later in Sayre, Pennsylvania.


William (1835-1872)

William was born on February 1, 1835, in New York State. He was very sickly and spent most of his life in a mental hospital in Danville, Pennsylvania. During 1872, his parents went to the hospital to bring him home because of poor health. When his mother saw him he looked so bad that it caused her to have a heart attack. She died while waiting to transport him to the station. William passed away later that same year, at age 37. He is buried at St. Anthony’s, Stowell.


John (1837-Unknown)

John was born on December 22, 1837, in New York State. He never married and lived his last years in a soldiers home in California. His burial place and date of death are unknown.


Elizabeth (1839-1843)

Elizabeth was born on August 15, 1839, in New York State. She died at age four as a result of falling into a pail of scalding hot water.


Mary (1841-1975)

Mary was born on August 15, 1831, in New York State. She married John Cullen in Dushore on November 11, 1868. Their sponsors were Nicholas Stafford and Mary Riley. Mary and John had four children. Mary died in 1875 at the age of 34. Her four children were: Elizabeth, Catherine, John and Mary. Mary’s husband John Cullen was born in 1843 and died in 1922. Both he and Mary are buried at Stowell Cemetery.


Baby Mary died in 1875, at the age of 19 days.

Catherine, born in 1871 – died in 1873

Elizabeth married Patrick Murray and lived in Sayre, Pennsylvania, most of her life. She had 4 children: Regina, Mildred, James and Raymond. The two girls lived in California. James passed away at a young age. Raymond lived in the Sayre area all his life.

John married Rose Hope and had four children: Francis, John, Thomas and Mary. They left the Cullen farm (later owned by the Sick brothers, next door to the Dominic Kinsley farm) in the 1920s and moved to the Binghamton, New York area.



James (1845-1883)

James was born October 6, 1845, in Stowell. He married Katharine McGuire and had seven children, 5 boys and 2 girls. James and his wife both died in 1883, about two weeks apart. He was 38 and she was 36. At the time of their death the youngest child was Joe, age one and one half years. James was a Township Supervisor in 1878. The names of their children were Miles, William, Agnes, Miles, John, Lida Elizabeth and Joseph.

Miles was born in 1869 and died in 1873 at the age of four years.

William was born in 1871 and we have no information on him.

Agnes was born in 1873, married Charles Garey and lived in Jenningsville. They had five children: Margaret, Anne, John, Mary and James. The family moved to State College, Pennsylvania later in life.

Miles was born in 1876. He was Elizabeth Kinsley Bloomquest’s Godfather.


John was born in 1877 and died in 1920. He married Elizabeth Carroll, sister of Thomas Carroll, Robert Carroll’s father. John and Elizabeth purchased the present (1986) Paul Line property in 1917 and she sold it in 1928 after John’s death.

Lida Elizabeth was born in 1879. She married Eugene McCabe and they had two children, James and Helen. Lida taught at the Sharpetown School in 1898-1899 and lived in one of the western states after her marriage.

Joseph was born in 1881 and married and lived in Renova, Pennsylvania all his life. He had one child Marguerite.

Elizabeth (1847-1916)

Elizabeth was born in 1847 at the homestead in Stowell. She entered the St. Joseph Order of Nuns in Binghamton, New York. Little is known of her life except that she served in a western state and died in 1917 at the age of 70 years.


Michael Kinsley (1830-1916)

Michael was born May 1, 1830 in Ireland. He arrived in the United States with his parents at the age of 3 years. Michael married Winifred Byrnes, daughter of John and Alice Maher Byrnes. Michael and Winifred had 10 children as follows: Andrew, Philip, Esther, Katharine, John, Patrick, Mary, Alice, Peter and Joseph. Michael passed away in 1916, at the age of 86. Winifred died in 1895 at the age of 66. Both are buried at St. Anthony’s, Stowell. Michael applied for U.S. citizenship on March 7, 1845; we found no record as to when it was granted.

Local land records and other data indicate that the Kinsleys were land holders and quite aggressive farmers. Michael was no different. The Bradford County land records indicate that Michael purchased 94 acres of land on November 13, 1851 from Josiah Beach for $235.20. This property had been purchased by Beach on November 10, 1838 from one Nathan Ogden of New York City. Ogden had received it in 1812. On January 14, 1867 Michael purchased 56 acres of adjoining land from Lewis Ross and wife for $1,300.00. This land had been deeded to William Riley by one George Beach on October 23, 1851 for $125.00 and deeded to Lewis and Emily Ross on August 9, 1860 by William Riley. These two tracts of land totaling 150 acres became the "Kinsley Homestead" that Michael established and owned until September 6, 1902 when he deeded the property to his son Andrew Kinsley.

A map of Wilmot Township dated 1869 indicates that Michael’s house was on the Ross place (always referred to as the "Ross Hill"). This is about one fourth mile up a lane north off the road in from Wyoming County about one half the distance from the County line to the homestead. There is a foundation there of a house but no one alive today (1986) remembers any buildings in the area. This map indicates that there was a store at or near the present Kinsley Homestead house. Also, a Subscriber’s Business Directory attached to the map states "Kinsley M., Farmer and Dealer in General Merchandise". This indicates that Michael and his family operated the general store.

Michael Kinsley built the house on the Kinsley farm in 1872 and he built the two large barns in 1884 and 1885. These dates indicate that he had a barn elsewhere for some twelve years. The kitchen part of the house and most of the outbuildings were built during the 1920s by Dominic Kinsley. There was a "wagon house" located next to the barn which was always referred to as the "Old House". The story was that it had been moved from a spot 500 feet below the present house (there is a foundation there today) and used as a wagon house. Based on the above cited map and other data, it now appears that the "Old House" was actually located on the old foundation when Michael purchased the first tract of land in 1851 and was his family’s home until 1867 when he purchased the Ross property which also contained a house. At that time Michael began operating a general store from the old house and lived on the Ross section of the farm.

Michael and Winifred’s children were all born in the "Old House" and raised on that farm: Andrew’s children were all born before he moved to the Kinsley Homestead but most of them spent their teenage years there; and Dominic’s children were all born and raised there until his family left the farm in September 1939.

The July 5, 1870 U.S. Census indicates that Michael and Winifred had nine children at home. At that time the farm was valued at $3,000 and the personal property at $1,500. At the time of the census (June 14, 1880) there were six children living at home with Michael and Winifred.

Michael and Winifred lived on the farm until 1890 when they retired and moved to Dushore. He then went into the hauling business with a team of horses until 1895 when Winifred died. He continued to live in Dushore as he originally moved there to live in a higher altitude because of asthma, which bothered him all his life. Thus, after approximately 40 years on the same farm, Michael and Winifred left the farm that they had built into a "Homestead" which would remain their direct descendants’ home for another 50 years.


History of Michael’s Children

Andrew (1852-1932)

Andrew was the grandfather of Dominic’s family. His family is described later in this chapter.

Phillip (1854-1930)

Phillip was born in 1854 on the Kinsley homestead and never married. He was employed as a farm hand most of his life and never accumulated much property of value. Little is known of his activities but there are indications that he imbibed. Phillip resided at home until his parents left the farm. During this period it was common practice for day labor farm hands to sleep in the barn where they worked and their wages included meals, which they ate with the farm family where they worked. No doubt Phillip spent his share of time working in such an arrangement.

We have no information as to Phillip’s education but we have seen that he had beautiful handwriting and had fair complexion. There are indications that his father furnished some support through ownership of the Comstock farm. There are land transfers between Andrew and his father and later John and his father regarding the Comstock farm which Phillip live on until his death in 1930. On August 30, 1918, Judge Farr awarded title to the Comstock farm to Andrew in a court action by Andrew against Phillip. However, after that time Andrew (until he moved away) and then Dominic assumed all financial and other care type duties for Phillip until his death. Phillip spent his last years living in a two room cabin type house on the Comstock place which is still standing today. He died at the home of his sister Mrs. Francis Hope in 1930, age 76, after a few days illness and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.

Katharine (1856-1876)

Katharine was born in 1856 on the Kinsley homestead. She died January 7, 1875, age nineteen, and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery. Cause of death is unknown.

Esther (1858-1908)

Not much is known about Esther. She was born in 1858 and lived at home all of her life. After her mother died she kept house for her father until she died April 11, 1908 at age 50. She is buried in St. Anthony’s in Stowell.


John (1858-1937)

John was born in 1869 on the Kinsley homestead. He married Sarah Hope, youngest daughter of Peter and Mahala Hatfield Hope, on January 8, 1890 at Stowell. Their wedding was witnessed by Michael Morra and Josephine Collins. John and Sarah moved on the Kinsley homestead since John’s father Michael left the farm that year. John rented the farm from Michael until the fall of 1895 when Sarah’s health failed. He sold his personal property at auction on October 19, 1895 and moved to the farm next door where he lived until 1911, at which time he sold the farm to his nephew Dominic. John and Sarah moved to Tunkhannock where he began a hauling business with a team of horses. John and Sarah’s first four children were born on the same farm as John but in a different house. Some years later John and Sarah moved to Elmira, New York where they lived out their life and are buried. John died in 1937 and Sarah died in 1947.

By way of interest, the Sullivan County Courthouse at Laporte, Pennsylvania marriage license records indicate that John obtained a license on June 1, 1887 to marry one Margaret McGraw. The records show that he was a laborer and they both lived in Wilmot, Pennsylvania. However, the license was returned unused October 22, 1888.

Editor's Note and Digression: According to a message posted on June 3, 2009 to the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page Message Board by Sue (McGuire) Schultz: "My great grandfather is John Kinsley (father Michael), born in 1861, who resided with the Thomas Taaffe family in Wilmot for many years for some reason, and his wife (my great grandmother) was Margaret McGraw. They were married June 7 1887 by Rev R Walsh, witnesses Richard Taffe and Anna McGraw, I have copies of the original church records plus five more public records verifying this event. They were married for 51 years and there are many descendants all with these family names. Clearly, we are referring to two different men named "John Kinsley" here, and the one who married Margaret McGraw had nothing to do with the John Kinsley who married Sarah Hope.

Here are two photos provided by Sue Schultz relative to the Kinsley and related Griffiths families:

The Griffiths
65 Cook Street
Johnson City, NY
September 1945
Standing, l to r: Betty Griffiths, Lizzie (Kinsley) Griffiths, Catherine Elizabeth "Katie" Griffiths, Marguerite Griffiths
Seated, l to r: Joseph Griffiths, Jr. and Joseph Griffiths, Sr.
Photo Contributed by Sue Schultz, Daughter of Betty (Griffiths) McGuire
Source: Photo Collection of Elizabeth ("Betty") (Griffiths) McGuire

Betty is Sue's mother; Lizzie and Joseph, Sr., her grandparents. The other photo subjects are Sue's aunts and uncles in the Griffiths family.

Elizabeth ("Betty") Griffiths
About 1939 at Age 16
Venue Possibly Central Park, NYC
Betty was the granddaughter of John and Margaret (McGraw) Kinsley and Daughter of Lizzie (Kinsley) Griffiths
Photo Contributed by Sue Schultz, Daughter of Betty (Griffiths) McGuire
Source: Photo Collection of Elizabeth ("Betty") (Griffiths) McGuire

You can see a picture of Joseph and Lizzie (Kinsley) Griffiths, with daughter Catherine, Sue's aunt, at Griffiths Family. It was taken in Lopez in 1914.

Editor's Note: Now, back to John Kinsley and his wife, Sarah Hope....

John and Sarah had six children: Katharyn, Mary, Margaret, Francis, Michael and Helen.

John’s Family

Katharyn was born on the home farm in 1891 and died in 1914. She is buried in Dushore Cemetery. Katharyn married a man named Kenny from Towanda and left an infant daughter when she died. John and Sarah raised little Mary who is now (1986) married and lives in California and they have three daughters, Patricia, Kathaleen and Colleen.


Mary was born on the home farm in 1892 and died in 1970. She is buried in the Dushore Cemetery. Mary married Robert Dempsey and they operated a farm in the Cherry Mills area of Pennsylvania their entire life. One child, Marie Dempsey Kisner (Mrs. Charles) lives in Towanda, Pennsylvania and their son Robert Dempsey lives in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania (1986).

Margaret was born on the home farm in 1893 and died in 1964. She is buried in the Dushore Cemetery. Margaret married Raymond Smith and they operated a farm in the Cherry Mills area their entire life.

Francis was born on the home farm in 1894 and died in 1896. He is buried in Stowell Cemetery.

Michael was born on the Carroll farm in 1896 and died in 1946. He was never married and lived his adult life in Elmira, New York, where he is buried.

Helen was born on the Carroll farm in 1898 and is living today (1986) in Elmira, New York. She married Andrew VanHendy and they have four children; three boys and one girl.

Patrick (1862-1907)

Patrick was born in 1862 on the Kinsley homestead. He never married. We have little information on Patrick except that he lived on the Comstock place in 1895 and when his brother John moved from the Kinsley homestead, Patrick rented the homestead and moved there. He had a sale in March 1902 and left the farm when Andrew bought it from his father. Patrick died May 24, 1907, age 45, and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.

Alice (1864-unknown)

Alice was born in 1862 on the Kinsley homestead. We do not know the date of her death or where she is buried. Alice married Charles Schraf and they lived on the George Hobbs farm, Townline Road near Jenningsville, Pennsylvania. That farm (50 acres) is presently owned by Arthur Morrison, Sr. Charles and Alice had two children as follows:

James, born April 7, 1902. Never married. He lived with his mother until her death. Later years he worked around the Eagles Club in Towanda. He died of a stroke in the 1960s and is buried in Towanda.

Winifred, born February 28, 1905, married a Tiffany and lived in Endicott, New York. Winifred died June 4, 1985 and is buried in Chenango Valley Cemetery near Waverly, New York. She has one son Donald who lives in Durham, North Carolina.


Mary (1866-1940)

Mary was born in 1866 on the Kinsley homestead. She married Francis Hope, son of Peter and Mahala Hatfield Hope and brother of Isabella Hope Kinsley. Frank (as he was known) was born in 1862. Frank and Mary lived their entire life on the home farm located on the road from Lovelton to Jenningsville and about two miles east of Stowell Church. This was the farm on which Frank’s parents settled when they were married July 5, 1844. Peter had arrived from Ireland July 27, 1836 and lived in Jenningsville where he met Mahala Hatfield. Peter and Mahala developed the farm from wilderness. Peter and Mahala’s was the first marriage in the "Irish Settlement". Mary died in 1940 and Frank died in 1941. They had three children as follows:

Michael, born in 1890 and died in 1949, married Emma Axmon of Linden, Pennsylvania. They had two children, Francis and Mary. They lived their entire lives in the Jersey Shore area of Pennsylvania.

Patrick, born in 1891 and died in 1951, married Louise Axmon of Linden, Pennsylvania. They had two children, Edward and William. They lived their entire lives in the Jersey Shore area of Pennsylvania.

Teresa, born in 1894, married Patrick McHugh. They had one child, Francis. Three grandchildren: Barry (one child Cherissa), Dianna (no children), and Kathy (two children-Ann Marie and Josua) as of 1986. Teresa lived several years in the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania area; however, when her parents became older she and her family returned home. Her husband died in the 1960s and Teresa lives on the home farm today (1986) with her son Francis. Francis’ wife died in 1984 of cancer.


Joseph (1868-1874)

Joseph was born in 1868 at the Ross tract house. He died at age six due to measles and he is buried in Stowell Cemetery.

Peter (1870-1874)

Peter was born in 1870 at the Ross tract house. He died at age four due to measles and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.


Winifred Byrnes Kinsley’s Family

Winifred Byrnes (daughter of John and Alice Maher Byrnes) was born in 1830 in Ireland. Her parents came from Ireland in 1849 and settled on the farm on top of the hill back of the Carroll Homestead. The road was one-fourth mile past the Carroll house off the road to Sugar Hill. This farm was last occupied by the Joseph Hope family who left it in 1942. Between 1849 and 1920 it was the "Byrnes Homestead", settled and developed by John and Alice and later occupied by their heirs.

John and Alice Byrnes were among the early settlers of the "Irish Settlement". They came from Ireland with five children, all born in Ireland. John was born in 1788 and died in 1855. Alice was born in 1798 and died in 1884. Both are buried at Stowell Cemetery. They had five children as follows:

Philip (1825-1890)

Philip was born in Ireland in 1825 and died in 1890. He married Ann Stafford (daughter of Patrick and Mary Quinn Stafford who came from Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1853). Philip and Ann were married on July 13, 1869 at Dushore. Their marriage was witnessed by John Kinsley and Catherine Stafford. Philip and Ann lived their life on the home farm. They had five children as follows:

John, born in 1870 and died in 1910. He married Ceil (last name unknown) from Meshoppen. They lived in Scranton and had no children.

Philip, Jr., born in 1874 and died in 1911. He married Mary Hope, daughter of Thomas Hope, Isabella Hope Kinsley’s first cousin. Lived on the home place. Had four children: Edward, born 1905, not married; John born 1907, married with no children; Christopher, born 1909, not married; Mary, born 1911, not married and lived in Philadelphia.

Alice, born in 1871, never married and lived in Stowell.

Mollie, born in 1877 and died in 1953. She married Thomas Carroll on April 19, 1898 at Stowell. The witnesses at the wedding were Patrick Byrne and Alice Byrne. Tommy (as he was known) and Mollie, when first married, lived with his father Patrick W. Carroll on the farm next to the old St. Anthony’s Rectory. The property was purchased by John and Martha Kilduff Carroll in 1868 and went to Tommy and Mollie in 1916. Tommy was born in 1869 and died in 1937. Tommy Carroll lived his entire life on that farm and Mollie was born and raised on the next farm on top of the hill. The Post Office was located there in 1900 and Tommy was Postmaster. Tommy and Mollie are buried in Stowell Cemetery. The Carroll family were always willing church workers and the boys, as they became old enough, were altarboys; also, they started the fire at the church during the cold season and assured that the place was warm when the Mass and other services began. Tommy and Mollie had 10 children as follows: Lawrence, born in 1901, married Eloise Updike, who lives in Naples, Florida today (1986). Katharine, born in 1900 and died in 1976, married Roy Miskimon and lived in Tidioute, Pennsylvania all their lives. John, born in 1906 and died in 1966, married Bessie (name unknown) and lived in Camden, New Jersey. James born in 1907, married early in life and lived in Camden, New Jersey. However, in 1950 they moved to Monterrey, California where he presently lives. They had no children. Philip, born in 1903 and died in 1960, never married and lived at home many years and was a state road supervisor. In later years he was a farm hand. Anna, born in 1911, married James Burke and lived in Wilmot many years. James was a livestock dealer. During the 1950s his health became poor and they moved to Binghamton, New York, where Anna lives today. They had three children: Earle, Rose Marie and Anna. Joseph, born in 1909 and died in 1949, married Jane (name unknown) and lived in the Binghamton, New York area. Joseph died in an automobile accident. Robert, born in 1913, married Katharine Kinsley. See Chapter IV for their family. Mary, born in 1915, married Frank O’Neill and lived her entire life in the Binghamton, New York area. Regina, born in 1917, married Paul Hiza, and lived in the Binghamton, New York area.

Ellen, born in 1879 and died in 1957. Never married, she lived her entire life in Stowell and kept house for St. Anthony’s priests for many many years. Buried at Stowell Cemetery.


Winifred (1830-1895)

Winifred was born in Ireland in 1830 and came to the "Irish Settlement" directly from Ireland in 1849. She married Michael Kinsley in Towanda. Winifred was married about one year after arriving in this country and during that time she lived on the Byrnes homestead. After marrying Michael she moved in November 1851 to the Kinsley Homestead, which was rather wild country at that time. She died in 1895 after living in Dushore five years with her husband in semi-retirement. She is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.

Elizabeth (1832-1924)

Elizabeth was born in 1832 in Ireland. She came to this country with her family in 1849 and lived on the Byrnes homestead in the Irish Settlement. Little is known of her life except that she entered the convent and was a Nun in St. Louis, Missouri. She died at the convent in 1924.

Catherine (1838-1879)

Catherine was born in 1838 in Ireland. She came to this country with her family in 1849 and lived on the Byrnes homestead. She married John Kilduff on July 1, 1860, at Dushore. The wedding was witnessed by Martin Kilduff and Joan Kilduff. John’s father, Richard, purchased the Kilduff farm in 1842 and built a house. The farm bordered on the Byrnes homestead and was later owned by Samuel Hope. It was the next farm up the hill toward Sugar Hill from Carroll’s. The buildings were all gone in 1950. We have no information on John and Catherine’s family. There were no Kilduffs in the Settlement after 1900. Catherine died May 14, 1879. John Kilduffs sister, Martha, married John W. Carroll, father of Thomas Carroll.

Patrick (1843-1904)

Patrick was born in 1843 in Ireland and was the youngest of the family of five children that settled on the Byrnes homestead in 1849. Patrick married Catherine Tennell on October 29, 1869 at Stowell. The witnesses were William Collins and Anna Cusick. Patrick and Catherine had one child, John, born in 1870. John always lived with Patrick’s brother Philip on the Byrnes homestead until his later years when he lived in a soldiers home in New York State where he died in the 1950s. Catherine died in 1871 and John then was married a second time to Kate (name unknown). Patrick and Kate lived on Golden Hill (a few miles from The Settlement) where Kate died in 1876. Patrick died in 1904. Patrick and Kate had no children.


Andrew Kinsley’s Family

Andrew Kinsley was the first child of the second generation to be born in the Irish Settlement. He married Isabelle Hope, the daughter of another early settler, Peter Hope. Andrew and Isabelle had eleven children, four boys and seven girls, and lived in the Settlement until late in life when they moved to Philadelphia in 1929. Two of their boys died as infants; one boy went west and lived his entire life there; all of the girls moved away early in life; and only one son, Dominic, raised his family as a farmer in the Settlement, living there until his death in 1936. See details of Andrew, chapter V.

History of Andrew’s Children

Andrew’s family was the beginning of the Kinsley heirs’ departure from the Settlement. Although he had seven girls and four boys and lived his entire life in the settlement, only one boy, Dominic, raised his family on the farm in that area. Andrew’s children were: Mary, Theresa, Winifred, Peter, Dominic, Veronica, Clara, Elizabeth, Joseph, Michael and Mahala. Winifred was the first to leave when, in 1902, she went to Philadelphia to live with a family from Dushore by the name of James Martin. She lived there until 1906 when her sister Mary was married and moved to Philadelphia. Peter Kinsley went in the fall of 1906 and also lived with Mary and her husband. Later, in 1907, Mrs. Rose Garey from the settlement moved to Philadelphia and ran a boarding house on Broad Street. All the Kinsley girls settled there as they completed school and moved to Philadelphia to seek work. They lived with Mrs. Garey until they married.

Andrew moved six times between his marriage in 1879 and his last farm in 1917. The children went to both the Scioto School in Wilmot Township, Bradford County, and the Sharpetown School in Windham Township, Wyoming County. Both of these schools were closed in the early 1930s when Pennsylvania began a school consolidation program. The program was completed in 1950 with elimination of all one room country schools. The Scioto School building was moved one half mile and converted to a residence on the Adams farm in Scioto. Mr. Roy Adams raised his family there and resides in the house today (1986). The Sharpetown School was converted to a wagon shed and was torn down in 1984.

The Class of 1925
Sharpetown School
The school opened in 1865 and was closed in 1931. It was torn down in 1984.
Source: Carol Brotzman from Cindy Porter


Mary (1880-1907)

Mary was born January 20, 1880, in the Comstock farm house and attended the Scioto School. She married James F. Hill on June 5, 1906, at St. Anthony’s Church in Stowell. She and her husband lived in Philadelphia, until her death on May 15, 1907. She is buried in St. Anthony’s Cemetery in Stowell. Her husband, James, married Mary’s cousin Mahala Hope in 1908 and lived in Philadelphia and New Jersey. He died in Ocean City, New Jersey, in 1961.

Mary met Jim Hill while working in Philadelphia and came home to the Settlement to be married. When they returned to Philadelphia they ran a boarding house for Mary’s brother Peter, her sister Winifred and her cousin Mahala Hope. Mary and Jim had one child, Harold, born April 17, 1907. Mary never recovered from childbirth and her mother, Isabelle, came from the Settlement to Philadelphia to help Veronica care for her and the baby. Isabelle stayed until Mary died May 15, 1907, at which time all the sisters and Isabelle brought Mary back to Stowell for burial and brought baby Harold to the farm to live with Andrew and Isabelle, his grandparents.

Mary’s Family

Harold (1907-1981) was born April 17,1907 and was raised by his grandparents, Andrew and Isabelle, mostly on the farm Andrew retired from in 1929. Harold attended the first grade at Scioto School and the later grades at Lovelton School. After finishing school he went to Philadelphia to seek employment. He lived with his mother’s sister, Elizabeth, and her family until he married. He married Jean McHenry on June 19, 1928. Harold and Jean lived in Philadelphia and nearby New Jersey until 1946 when they moved to Elkton, Maryland. Harold drove Greyhound intercity buses for many years and after moving to Elkton he operated his own independent bus company known as Hills Jitney Service. Harold and Jean had one daughter, Patricia, born March 17, 1937. Patricia (known as Patsy) suffered from a slight case of cerebral palsy and was never able to live independently. At this time (1986) she lives at Tabor Home Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Patsy is not married. Jean died September 11, 1965 and Harold died from a stroke June 20, 1981. Both are buried at Elkton, Maryland.

Harold was a happy go-lucky-type person when he grew up and he and Jean liked parties. He was rather short and on the stout order. Harold was the oldest of the grandchildren and was difficult to raise during his teenage years. He often missed school without permission, stayed out all night with Andrew’s car, ran away from home to stay with friends on other farms without Andrew’s permission, etc. These problems fell to Dominic to correct because of Andrew’s age and health.

Theresa (1881-1974)

Theresa was born July 13, 1881, on the Comstock farm. She attended the Scioto School and later taught school at Sharpetown (on the road from the Settlement toward Jenningsville) in 1906 and 1907. Sharpetown was closed in 1931. We have no information as to Theresa’s formal education but she went to Philadelphia in 1907 and on September 15, 1909, she entered the Convent of the Good Shepherd,at 35th Street and Fairmont Avenue, Philadelphia. She became known as Sister Mary of St. Teresita and stayed in Philadelphia until 1914, when she was sent to Reading, Pennsylvania. Later, in 1922, she went to Scranton and came back to Philadelphia in 1926 until 1971 when she went to Halethorpe, Maryland, where she died on February 17, 1974.

During May of 1962, over fifty members of her family attended her golden anniversary at the House of Good Shepherd, Fox Chase, Pennsylvania (in a suburb of Philadelphia). Attending this celebration were: her sisters Veronica, Elizabeth and Clara, and their children and grandchildren; Harold Hill and family and also some of Dominic’s children.

Theresa was a heavy set, big shouldered person, but not too tall. She was on the light complexion side with a full round face and good disposition. We understand she liked to draw and paint, a trait that the children of the later generation have shown.


Winifred (1883-1946)

Winifred was born March 1, 1883, in the Comstock farm house. She attended school at Scioto and Sharpetown. After finishing school she went to Philadelphia in 1902 and lived with the James Martin family. She was the first to leave the farm. On September 8, 1909, she entered the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul in Emmitsburg, Maryland. During her life in the religious order she served as follows: Emmitsburg, Maryland until 1917; Troy, New York until 1923; Wilmington, Delaware until 1925; Buffalo, New York until 1929; Baltimore, Maryland until 1945; and Troy, New York until her death on September 30, 1946.

Winifred was of small build and quite dark complexioned. She had a very keen mind and quick Irish wit.


Peter (1884-1975)

Peter was born on July 30, 1884, in the old Kinsley farm house near St. Anthony’s Church in Stowell. He attended school in Sciotovale and Sharpetown. In the fall of 1906 he went to Philadelphia to find work. He lived with his sister Mary and her husband. He later traveled for several years throughout the Middle West and western part of the United States where he followed the lumbering industry. The Wyalusing Rocket issued in October 1910 carries a letter from Peter in Spokane, Washington, in which he describes a forest fire he was in during the summer of 1910. The fire was on a mountainside and 23 men, including Peter, were surrounded by fire in a homesteader’s cabin. Only 5 men escaped alive and they were all very badly burned but all finally survived. Peter finally settled in Detroit, Michigan. On June 5, 1918, he married Fern Murray. He followed the Public Accounting profession until his retirement in 1957. Peter died January 21, 1975, and is buried in Ontario, Canada. Fern presently lives in retirement near Detroit with their son Joseph. They had two children, Joseph and William.

Peter was a fine looking man with rather light complexion and a thick head of white hair early in life. He was well built, about 6 feet tall and medium heavy set. Peter and his family seldom came east to visit their relatives during his lifetime.

Peter’s Family

Joseph was born on April 10, 1919 in Detroit, Michigan. He attended school there and is employed as a salesman. He is presently (1986) not married and lives with his mother near Detroit. Joseph is a salesman for the automobile related industry.

William was born January 3, 1923 in Detroit, Michigan. He attended school there and later served in the armed forces during World War II. William married Rose (maiden name unknown) in Detroit on January 31, 1948. They had two children, William, Jr. and Sally. Sally married Ray King in the Detroit area. William Jr. is married and lives in the Detroit area. They have three children: Lenore Beth, born in 1973; Sarah Rose, born in 1977; and adopted daughter Ping, born in 1969. William Sr., worked as a photographer. He died November 13, 1974 and is buried in Detroit. Rose died in May 1977.


Dominic (1886-1936)

Details of Dominic and his family are covered in Chapters IV and V


Veronica (1887-1982)

Veronica was born on September 12, 1887 in Sciotovale and attended the Scioto and Sharpetown Schools. After finishing school she was sent by her mother to Philadelphia to care for her sister Mary Kinsley Hill, who was stricken with typhoid fever and expecting her first child. This was in February 1907. At that time, no one was ever known to survive childbirth while suffering with typhoid fever. Following Mary’s death, Veronica decided to find employment in Philadelphia and lived at Mrs. Garey’s. She worked as a cashier for M.A. Felin Meats.

On October 10, 1925 she married James A. Cush at St. Stephens church on Broad Street in Philadelphia. They had two daughters, Teresita and Marie, and resided at 312 W. Somerville Avenue, Philadelphia until Jim died of a heart attack while walking to Mass on Christmas morning in 1962. He was 80 years old. Jim was buried from Incarnation of Our Lord’s Church on 5th Street, which was the parish they lived in all their married life.

In May 1963 Veronica sold the house on Somerville Avenue and moved to Glenside, Pennsylvania to live with her daughter, Teresita. She lived there until October 1975 when she fell and broke her hip. Following surgery in the hospital, at which time her hip was pinned, she went to recuperate at the home of her daughter, Marie, in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania and lived there until her death at age 95. She died December 19, 1982, just 20 years after her husband. She was buried from St Joseph’s Church in Cheltenham and interred in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery with Jim.

Veronica was a tall, medium built person and very interested in her family heritage. She furnished numerous newspaper clippings and data on ancestors for this publication. Veronica was a true housewife type, she served home cooked meals and made many of her daughters’ clothes. She was also known as a "bargain hunter" and traveled the city to save money. Veronica had a good disposition and was very interesting to talk with. She kept her family acquainted with their country relatives and led a satisfying life.

Veronica’s Family

Teresita was born November 19, 1926 in Philadelphia. After attending schools in the Philadelphia area, she graduated with an Associate Degree in Secretarial Studies from Pierce Business College and worked until she met and married Bernard M. Coyle on September 30, 1950 at the Incarnation Church in Philadelphia. (Bernard is of Irish background-both his parents were born in Donegal, Ireland.)

Terry and her husband resided in the area and in 1955 moved to Glenside, a suburb of Philadelphia, where they live today (1986). Bernard is educated as a history teacher but for a livelihood is engaged as a self-employed metals trader. They have 5 children; Bernard Jr., James, Thomas, Richard and Teresita.

Bernard Jr., born June 22, 1951, married Mary J. Nolan of Philadelphia on August 18, 1973. They have six sons and one daughter; Brian Patrick born October 18, 1974; Sean Francis born March 10, 1976; Keith Joseph born November 25, 1977; Colin William born August 6, 1980; Glenn Christopher born February 6, 1983; Casey Allen born April 17, 1984; and Brittany Margaret born April 28, 1986. Bernie graduated with degrees from LaSalle College and Stanford University and is working for NL Industries in Houston, Texas and resides in Spring, Texas at this time (1986).

James J., born August 30, 1953, married Linda J. Thompson of Vienna, Virginia on August 1, 1981. They have one son, James Michael born May 14, 1983, and a daughter Kristen born May 12, 1987. Jim graduated with degrees from Georgetown University and Temple University and is working for the U.S. State Department. They are living in Vienna, Virginia.

Thomas G., born November 17, 1956. Tom graduated from Temple University and is Manager at Orleans Restaurant in Paoli, Pennsylvania.

Richard J., born October 1, 1958, married Denise Wynia of Great Falls, Montana on May 26, 1984. Richard has a degree from the Wharton School and an M.B.A. from Cornell University. They live in Boston.

Teresita M., born November 29, 1960. Terry has an Associate Degree from Gwynedd Mercy College and a Bachelor’s Degree from St. Joseph University. She is an office manager at Bala Cynwyd.


Marie Isabel was born on September 29, 1928. After attending the parish grade school at Incarnation, Little Flower High School, and Pierce Junior College, all in Philadelphia, she worked at Connecticut General Insurance Company, then went to Koopers Company. On January 6, 1951 she married James J. Clearkin, Jr. at Incarnation of Our Lord Church and resides at 7644 Levis Road in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania. Jim is self-employed in a construction business that bears his name, James J. Clearkin, Inc. They have 8 children: Maureen, James III, Sue Marie, Joseph, Brendan, Michael, Peter and Veronica, and 18 grandchildren. Four of their children are married and have settled near Jim and Marie in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania.

Maureen was born on September 6, 1952. She married James R. Glanzmann May 25, 1974 following her graduation from Chestnut Hill College. Maureen and Jim were married in St. Joseph’s Church in Cheltenham. They reside in Cheltenham and Jim is self-employed as a car dealer at Glanzmann Subaru. They have 7 children, four boys and three girls; Sharon born April 14, 1975; James Jr. born August 2, 1976; Janice born July 6, 1977; Mark born July 9, 1978; Jeffrey born November 16, 1980; Meredith born October 23, 1983; and Michael born May 24, 1985.

James Joseph III was born December 9, 1954. He is employed in his father’s construction company and married Eileen Donnelly on June 24, 1977 at Holy Child Church in Philadelphia following graduation from LaSalle College, where he met his bride. Jim and Eileen have four children; James J. IV, born August 28, 1979; Kevin born December 1, 1981; Brian born October 27, 1985; and Maureen born July 25, 1987.

Sue Marie was born November 28, 1955. Following graduation from Gwynedd Mercy College, she was employed as a medical secretary until her marriage to James. J. McLaughlin, Jr. in St. Joseph’s Church, Cheltenham February 14, 1981. Jim is a branch manager at Philadelphia Savings Fund Society. They have four children: James J., III born November 23, 1981; Anastasia born January 5, 1983; Erin born February 1, 1984; and Michael born June 15, 1986.

Joseph Patrick born May 11, 1957. He has a Civil Engineering degree from Temple University and is employed by his father.

Brendan John born March 17, 1959. Following graduation from Temple University, he married Michele Tarlecki in St. Eleanor’s Church, Collegeville, Pennsylvania May 7, 1983. He is employed by his father. They have three children; Brendan born March 5, 1984; Monica born April 25, 1985; and Daniel born November 26, 1986.

Michael and Peter, twins, born August 12, 1962. They bear the names of the two grandfathers of their grandmother, Veronica Kinsley Cush (Michael Kinsley and Peter Hope). This was purely by accident but pleased their grandmother. Both boys graduated from LaSalle College in Philadelphia in May 1984.

Veronica, the youngest of the eight, was born April 1, 1964. She graduated from Manor Junior College in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania in May 1984.


Clara (1889-1980)

Clara was born on October 16,1889 in Sciotovale. She attended Sharpetown and Scioto Schools and later moved to Philadelphia in June 1910 to find work. She lived at Mrs. Garey’s on Broad Street with her sisters, Veronica and Elizabeth. After her sisters married, she got an apartment and lived alone. She never married. When her mother became ill in the 1930s Clara went to live with Veronica and her family in order to help care for her mother. She continued to live with Veronica after her mother died in 1942 and retired from her job in 1957. In 1963 when Veronica moved with her daughter Teresita, Clara went with her and took a part time job working for Teresita’s husband Bernie Coyle. Clara always wanted to live in a retirement home. In 1967 she went to live with her sister Elizabeth and husband in Philadelphia and in January 1970 she moved to St. Joseph’s Manor in Meadowbrook, Pennsylvania. She died there on February 17, 1980 after one week in the Holy Reedemer Hospital and is buried in St.Anthony’s Cemetery in Stowell.

Clara was of small stature and being single she was really the contact among the family. She came "up country" to The Settlement most every year and also visited her brother in Detroit and sister Mahala in New York State occasionally. She often spent vacations on bus trips or organized tours to different states but traveled pretty much as a loner. She had a very good position and handled the parents’ finances to close their estate. When she died she willed her estate ($75,000) equally to her brothers and sisters. Over the years, Clara helped her relatives financially during the 1930s depression and other financial difficulties.



Elizabeth (1891- )


Elizabeth was born on September 13, 1891, in Sciotovale. She attended the Scioto and Sharpetown Schools. After finishing school she went to Philadelphia in 1912 and lived with Veronica and Clara at Mrs. Garey’s until her marriage. Elizabeth married George Bloomquest on June 12, 1917 at St. Anthony’s Church, Stowell. George was employed as an A&P Grocery Store Manager for several years. In 1946 they purchased a variety and ice cream store in Philadelphia. George and Elizabeth operated the store until 1967 when he retired. George died May 11, 1970. Elizabeth sold the store property and moved to an apartment where she lives today (1986).

Elizabeth is of average stature and dark complexioned. She is an avid card player, has always been well groomed, and very social minded. She has a very pleasant disposition and is quite non-committal. She and George were a very nice appearing, well dressed couple. She is not the homebody, housewife type. They had five children: George Jr., Arthur, Florence, James and Alice.


Elizabeth’s Family

George Jr., was born March 4, 1918. He attended elementary and high school in Philadelphia. George died on June 26, 1938, at the age of 20 due to drowning.

Arthur was born March 7, 1919. After school in Philadelphia, he became employed with the Federal Government in Washington, D.C. in 1941. He served about 4 years in the U.S. Army during World War II. Arthur married Ruth O’Keefe in 1944, in Philadelphia. Later they settled in McLean, Virginia. After World War II, Arthur worked for the U.S. Air Force in Washington D.C. and retired from the Government in 1975. He then took a manager position with a local firm and retired from that position in 1983. After the children were raised, Ruth returned to Government employment and retired in May 1983. Both Art and Ruth are very community minded and they have spent many hours over the years managing and working at community and church affairs. Art and Ruth have two children: Bruce in October 1956 and Elizabeth in November 1959.

Bruce was born in Washington D.C. on July 11, 1956. He married Mary Noe July 10, 1976 and they live in Richmond, Virginia at this time (1986). Bruce is attending school at the University of Richmond. Bruce and Mary have three children: Stephen born August 28, 1977; Andrew born April 11, 1980; and Joseph born July 23, 1982.

Elizabeth was born October 21, 1959 in Fairfax, Virginia. She graduated from Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1986. Beth is an accounting major and works in McLean, Virginia.

Florence was born on September 21, 1921 and died on September 30, 1921.

James was born on March 2, 1923 and died on April 29, 1923.

Alice was born on December 9, 1924 in Philadelphia. After attending school in Philadelphia, she married Richard McDevitt in May 1953. They settled near her parents in the Bridesburg section of Philadelphia. Alice and Dick have no children. She has worked all her life; also, she has spent many hours with her mother since Elizabeth moved to the apartment. Alice and Dick have also maintained a close relationship with his family over the years. They both retired during 1986.



Joseph (1893-1893)

Joseph was born July 31, 1893 in Scioto and died September 10 the same year. The cause of death is unknown.

Michael (1894-1895)

Michael was born in Scioto July 24, 1894 and died March 10, 1895. The cause of death is unknown. He was baptized at Stowell August 12, 1894. His sponsors were Philip Byrnes and Maria Collins.

Mahala (1895-1973)

Mahala was born in Sciotovale, at the Stoddard place on December 10, 1895. She attended school at Scioto and later married Matthew Quinn on December 12, 1916, at St. Anthony’s Church in Stowell. Their sponsors were Francis Coyle and Helen Stafford. Matt lived two farms down the road from where Mahala was born some twenty years earlier. When they were married Mahala lived on the Michael Kinsley farm where Dominic raised his family. Mahala and Matt continued to live and work on his home farm for three years after their marriage. Later he worked two years at the Sayre shops of the railroad and spent the remainder of his working life in the grocery business.

The Quinns lived several different places between their marriage in 1916 and March 1929, at which time they moved to Owego, New York. Matt owned and operated a grocery store in Owego until his retirement in 1954. Mahala died March 12, 1973 from cancer and Matthew died May 7, 1973 from loneliness without her. Matt and Mahala were a very close couple; he a small build, sporty type with red hair and an Irish smile and wit, and she a rather reserved, private person. She took good care of herself with an afternoon nap and visits to the beauty parlor. She was a medium build, not tall person with a pleasant smile.

Matt and Mahala had five children: Nora, Marian, Nancy, Donald and James.

Mahala’s Family

Nora was born November 3, 1917, at Sciotovale. Most of her schooling was in Owego, New York, after which she worked in her father’s store. Nora married Robert J. Oakes on November 10, 1942, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Owego, New York. They have one child, James Donald, born May 12, 1947. Nora and Bob lived in Owego until February 1953 when they moved to Ovid, New York, to work at the Willard State Hospital. Bob died in 1970 and Nora continued to live in Ovid, New York.



Marian was born May 5, 1926 at Walton, New York. After attending school in Owego, New York, she worked for Western Union and later married Robert E. Davis on February 2, 1944, at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Owego, New York. Marion and Bob settled in Owego and lived there until 1974 when he was transferred to California. Bob has worked for IBM all his life. They lived (1983) in Placentia, California. Marion and Bob have one child, Katrina. Katrina was born March 5, 1949 in Endicott, New York. She married John Tackley on November 26, 1971. They lived (1983) in Midlothian, Virginia and have no children.

Nancy was born July 30, 1927, at Sayre, Pennsylvania. After attending school in Owego, New York, she worked in her father’s store and at the telephone office. Nancy married Alan J. Tucker at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Owego, on November 20, 1948. Nancy and Alan settled in Owego and he worked for IBM. Alan retired in 1984. They have four children: Richard, Carolyn, Ann and Alan Jr. Richard was born September 5, 1950 in Endicott, New York. He married Patricia Vestontia in 1972. They have four children: Carl born January 26, 1974: Michael born November 26, 1977: John born March 5, 1982: and Christopher born March 11, 1984. They live in Stanford, New York. Carolyn was stillborn on May 22, 1951. Ann Marie was born in Endicott, New York on October 29, 1952. She married Kenneth Johnson in 1974. They have no children. Alan Jr. was born in Endicott, New York on June 17, 1960.

Donald was born on November 25, 1928, at Athens, Pennsylvania. He attended school in Owego and served in the U.S. Army during 1950 and 1951. After military service he attended Syracuse University and Stetson University, graduating in 1961. Donald married Jean Nicholson from Ovid, New York, on March 17, 1955, at the Ovid Catholic Church. They have two children, Mark born December 17, 1955 and Lisa born March 1, 1960. Donald and Jean settled in Ovid, New York, and he worked for Lawyers Cooperative of Rochester, New York. David died of pneumonia in April 1984 in Ovid, New York.


James was born on December 22, 1934, at Owego, New York. After attending school in Owego he worked at the Owego Times and Gazette and the Vail-Ballou Press, Inc. of Binghamton, New York. James married Gloria Sorensen of Brooklyn, New York on July 2, 1955. Jim and Gloria moved to California in the early 1960s and (1983) live in Vallejo, California. Jim is a partner and manager in an Instant Press business, which has several stores in California. Gloria works for the Vallejo School District and manages the subletting of schoolrooms and fields. Jim and Gloria have four children: Thomas, Robert, Elizabeth and Patrick. Thomas was born in Endicott, New York on January 14, 1961. He graduated from St. Patrick’s High School, Vallejo, California and works at Mare Island Naval Shipyards in Vallejo. He is an avid antique bottle collector. Robert was born in Vallejo, California on July 21, 1964. He graduated with honors from St. Patrick’s High School in Vallejo. He attended Saleno College, Vallejo, California and is also an avid antique bottle collector. Elizabeth was born January 2, 1968 in Vallejo, California. She attended St. Vincent’s High School in Vallejo and is a volunteer candy striper at the local hospital. Patrick was born March 1, 1973 at Vallejo, California. He attended St. Basil’s Elementary School in Vallejo and is very interested in Little League baseball.(1983)


Isabelle Hope Kinsley’s Family

Isabelle Hope married Andrew Kinsley. Her parents were Peter and Mahala Hatfield Hope. Peter Hope was one of the early settlers in The Irish Settlement and his wife was Mahala Hatfield (see Peter Hope, below).


Isabelle (1853-1942)

Mahala Isabelle (known as Isabelle) was born on the home farm December 6, 1853 and died July 15, 1942. She is buried in the Stowell Cemetery. She married Andrew Kinsley on February 24, 1879 at St.Basil’s Dushore. Their sponsors were Vesta Hope and Luke Brady.

Isabelle is remembered as a rather small person and a hard worker. She was a real helpmate on the farm and handled Andrew’s sometimes sharp tone, rather aloof personality very well. For example, she spent several weeks in Philadelphia in 1907 attending her sick daughter Mary and ended up raising Mary’s son Harold due to Mary’s untimely death. This must have been a real burden for a woman then 54 years old. This task lasted for another 18 years until Harold finished school.

After Andrew died in 1932, Isabelle lived at the home of her daughter, Veronica, at 312 West Somerville Ave., Philadelphia. She was not well for many years and spent the last several years of her life without leaving her room. She passed away on July 15, 1942, at the age of 89. Isabelle was buried at St. Anthony’s Cemetery, Stowell, from Dominic’s wife’s home in Wyalusing. All of Isabelle’s living children, except the two nuns, attended her funeral and stayed a couple of days with Katharine who was grateful for their support and continued interest in her welfare.


Peter Hope (1810-1884)

Peter Hope, born in 1810, came from County Meath, Ireland on July 27, 1836 and settled in Jenningsville. He was single and lived with the Ken Graves family. Peter’s father was Christopher, who remained in Ireland. His mother’s name is unknown. We know of one brother, Christopher, who remained in Ireland. However, three of Christopher’s children emigrated in 1844 as follows: Peter F. who married Marcella Riley and raised 14 children in The Settlement. His children included George, Bart, Christie and George Hope, who raised families and were well known in The Settlement during the 1920s and 1930s; Thomas who married Ann Finnigan and raised seven children in the Settlement; and Marcella who married Daniel Collins and raised four children in the Settlement. In addition, three half sisters of Peter’s emigrated later and were known in the Settlement as follows: Jane Hope married a Boyce and lived in Tunkhannock, Maggie Hope who married a Kluge and lived in New York City, and Nancy Hope who married a Mathewson and lived in New York State. The fact of the half-sisters indicates that Peter’s mother died young and his father remarried in Ireland.

Peter married Mahala Hatfield from Jenningsville on July 5, 1844 in Towanda, in the Catholic Church. It was the first marriage in the Settlement and William Kinsley was present at the celebration. Peter and Mahala settled on the farm known as the Frank Hope place on the road from Lovelton to Jenningsville. They raised their family on that farm and their granddaughter Theresa Hope McHugh still lives there today (1986) with her son Francis. Peter was naturalized a United States citizen on May 23, 1844. Peter and Mahala’s children attended school in a little log schoolhouse on the farm that bordered their farm near a road known as the Douglas Hollow Road. Peter was very interested in education and worked hard to establish and maintain a school system in the Settlement. Many of his heirs became school teachers or nurses. Peter and Mahala had 15 children as follows: Peter F., John, Thomas, James, Francis, Ammon, Stephen, Christopher, Jane, Agnes, Vesta, Isabelle, Ella, Lucy and Sarah. Peter died May 23, 1884 and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.


History of Peter’s Children

Peter Jr. (1846-1915)

Peter Jr. was born May 7, 1846 on the home farm in Stowell. He married Susan Caroline Fanning on January 18, 1877. She lived in Kansas City, Missouri. Peter and Susan had five children: Emma, Ethyl, Dave, William and Charles. Peter Jr. died April 16, 1915.


Peter’s Family

Emma married Joseph Drysdale in 1893 and had 11 children: George F., Frank S., Tillie, Sylvia, Vesta, Glee, Gladys, Thomas, Elizabeth, William D., and Samuel E.

Ethyl married Chris Strong and had two children: Lawrence and Floyd.

Dave married Grace Gardner and had two children: Blanche and Delorie.

William died a bachelor at age 32 years.

Charles married Stella Blanchard and had 4 children: Bonito, Berneice, Delbert and Lloyd.

John (1848-1910)

John was born March 23, 1848 on the farm in Stowell. He married Bridget Joyce in 1875 and they raised their family on the farm above the Kilduff farm toward Sugar Hill from the Settlement. Their children Sam and Elizabeth lived their life there. John acquired this farm from his parents in 1870. John and Bridget had 5 children: Peter, Elizabeth, Samuel, Mahala and Agnes. John died January 20, 1910 and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.

John’s Family

Peter – We have no information on Peter except that he was a veteran of World War I.

Elizabeth was born in 1890 and died in 1969. She attended college two years in Westchester Teachers College, Pennsylvania but quit and returned home in 1918 to keep house for her brother Samuel when his wife died. Elizabeth is buried in Stowell Cemetery.

Mahala was born in 1887 and died in 1972. Mahala married James Hill in 1908 after his wife Mary Kinsley died in 1907. Jim and Mahala lived in the Philadelphia-New Jersey area. They had 3 children, two of which were born deaf. Mahala is buried in New Jersey.

Samuel was born in 1884 and died in 1967. He is buried in Stowell Cemetery. Samuel married Josephine Collins, daughter of William Collins who lived toward Jenningsville from the Malloy farm, in 1916. She died two years later. He never married again and spent his life as a farmer on the home farm.

Agnes was born in 1885 and died in 1958. She is buried in Stowell. Agnes married Francis Collins, son of William Collins who had come from the Russell Hill area and settled on a farm near the Sharpetown School in 1881. Francis and Agnes raised their family on that farm as follows: William, James, Eleanor, Robert and Walter. Agnes taught school a few years and also was a graduate nurse. Francis was the brother of Josephine Collins, the wife of Agnes’ brother Samuel, mentioned above.


Christopher (1849-1861)

Christopher was born on the home farm June 28, 1849. He died May 30, 1861 at the age of 12 years from diphtheria. He is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.


Marcella Jane (1850-1908)

Marcella Jane, known as Jane, was born on the home farm November 30, 1850. She married Denice Cullen from the Settlement at St. Basil’s Dushore, on December 2, 1891. Their sponsors were James and Elizabeth Cullen. They moved to Denver, Colorado. Jane and Denice had nine children and lived their life in Colorado. She died May 21, 1908.

Thomas (1852-1926)

Thomas was born on the home farm may 8, 1852. He married Bridget Berry from Dushore at St. Basil’s, Dushore January 7,1890. Their sponsors were Patrick Kinsley and Eleanor Kane. Thomas and Bridget lived in Elmira, New York. They had 3 children: Genevieve, Leo and Thomas Jr. Thomas died July 29, 1926.

Thomas’ Family

Genevieve married William Lynott.

Leo never married.

Thomas Jr. was born 1897 and died in 1982. He married Margaret Roche and lived in Elmira, New York. Thomas and Margaret had three children: Josephine Hope Splamn who lives in Elmira, New York; Thomas R. who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Wayne E. who lives in Elmira, New York.


James (1855-1941)

James was born on the home farm May 4, 1855 and died December 20, 1941. He is buried in the Stowell Cemetery. James married Viola Taylor from Jenningsville on March 20, 1891 at Stowell by Rev. P.G. Hurst. The witnesses to their marriage were James Madden and Catherine Tennell. They began housekeeping on a farm James owned next door to his homestead on the Jenningsville side.

Viola was born March 29, 1869 in Jenningsville and was the youngest daughter of Henry C. and Abigal Inman Taylor, a very prominent Jenningsville family. She was not a Catholic. Viola and Jimmy (as he was known) separated on October 9, 1901 and later became divorced. In December 1907 Viola married Grant Krewson and they had one daughter Evalene. Evalene married Francis Rosencrance and died in 1950. Viola died December 5, 1953 and is buried in Jenningsville. Jimmy never remarried and lived his final years with his daughter Lucy Hope Stevens.


Viola and Jimmy had three daughters: Lucy, Abigal and Edna Jane. The children were baptized Catholic but not raised as Catholics. Following are the details of the children:

Lucy,born February 13, 1892 and died on January 17, 1970. She married John D. Stevens who was born in 1891 and died in January 1969. Lucy and John are buried in the North Flat Cemetery near Laceyville, Pennsylvania. Children are as follows:

Mary was born in February 1912 and is alive in 1986. She never married and is a retired school teacher. She lives on the home place in Jenningsville.

Amy was born in February 1915 and is alive in 1986. She married Howell Nonnnemacher and had four children: Nancy who married John Saxe; John D., Jr., who married Bonnie Smith; Sue who married Edward Weaver; and Kim who is not married.

Abigal was born March 14, 1894 and died in 1977. She is buried in the Lacey Street Cemetery near Laceyville. Abigal married James Arthur and they had two children as follows: Mildred, who is not married, and Donald, who was a very successful dairy farmer near Laceyville and was killed in a tractor accident in 1983.

Edna was born November 9, 1897 and is alive in 1986. She married Floyd Burgess on May 23, 1916. Floyd was born April 11, 1895 and died September 11, 1968. Edna lives in Forkston, Pennsylvania (1986). Their children are as follows: Marie born May 20, 1917 and died November 5, 1970; Ralph born September 25, 1919 and married to Dorothy Place. They had three children. Ralph is alive in 1986 and lives in Browntown, Pennsylvania (near Wyalusing).

Ammon (1856-1951)

Ammon was born on the home farm October 26, 1856 and died August 7, 1951. Ammon married Anna Cooke from Lovelton at St. Basil’s, Dushore on May 24, 1887. Their sponsors were Francis Hope and William Carroll.

Ammon and Anna spent most of their life in Sayre, Pennsylvania where they operated a grocery store. Ammon and Anna had two children: Charles and Arthur. Ammon is buried in Sayre.


Ammon’s Family

Arthur was born January 15, 1890 and died August 21, 1980. Arthur is buried in Stowell Cemetery.

Charles is married and presently (1986) lives in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Stephen (1858-1938)

Stephen was born on the home farm December 28, 1858 and died June 10, 1938. He never married and lived his entire life in Washington State.

Irene Vesta (1860-1935)

Irene Vesta (known as Vesta) was born on the home farm July 16, 1860 and died March 7, 1935. She married William Stafford of The Settlement on October 4, 1880 at Dushore. The witnesses to their marriage were Richard Cullen and Agnes Hope. William and Vesta purchased the home farm in 1896 from his stepmother since his father, Nicholas, had died. They later moved to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania where they lived. William and Vesta had six children: Nicholas, Loretta, Helen, Alice, Frances and Theresa.

Vesta’s Family

Nicholas was born in 1885 in Stowell. He married Stella Scouten and operated a store in Lovelton for some years. This was the same store that his Uncle Nicholas and Ella Hope Stafford operated some years before. He later lived in East Smithfield, Pennsylvania. Nicholas was the "best man" at Dominic and Katharine Kinsley’s wedding.

Loretta was born in Stowell in 1895 and never married. She lived in the Wilkes-Barre area.

Helen was born in Stowell in 1893 and never married. She lived in the Wilkes-Barre area.

Alice was born in Stowell in 1902. She married Joseph Erwin and lived in the Wilkes-Barre area.

Frances was born in Stowell in 1905. She married William Gincher and they had two children: Robert and Francis. Francis and Bill lived in Wilkes-Barre. Francis later married Joseph Desideria and lives (1986) in Harvey’s Lake, Pennsylvania. They have no children.

Theresa was born in Stowell in 1907 and died in 1917.


Francis (1861-1941)

Francis was born on the home place November 27, 1861 and died February 27, 1941. He is buried in Stowell Cemetery. Frank married Mary Kinsley. See Chapter III.


Agnes Catherine (1864-1943)

Agnes Catherine (known as Agnes) was born on the home farm March 6, 1864 and died September 5,1943. She is buried at Stowell Cemetery. She married Cory Burgess on October 14, 1885 at Dushore. The witnesses to their marriage were Robert Collins and Ella Hope. Cory and Agnes lived on a farm about one mile toward Lovelton from her homestead. They were considered good aggressive farmers with the latest equipment and farming methods. Over the years they developed fruit orchards that became well known over a wide area of the country. Cory and Agnes had four children: Florence, Raymond, Walter and Tracey. Walter and Tracey were twins.

Agnes’ Family

Florence was born at home March 27, 1889 and died February 22, 1912. She lived at home and never married. She is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.

Raymond was born at home February 18, 1894 and died February 9, 1895. He is buried in the Stowell Cemetery.

Walter and Tracey were born in 1897 on the home farm. They both spent their entire life in the Lovelton area. Walter married Helen Collins (daughter of Timothy and Alice Kinsley Collins; Alice was the daughter of Patrick and Ellen Stafford Kinsley and a niece of Michael Kinsley). See John Kinsley’s family earlier in this chapter. Walter and Helen lived on the home farm and became very successful farmers. Helen taught school before her marriage. Walter died from a tractor accident on April 13, 1946 and is buried in the Stowell Cemetery. Helen continued on the farm and lives there in retirement today (1986). Walter and Helen had four children: William, Marlene, Alice and Ruth. Wiliiam died of cancer in 1983.

Tracey married Agnes Corcoran (a widow with two children: Jack and Regina) and he and Agnes raised those children and had one child of their own, Joseph. Tracey suffered many years with tuberculosis but was finally cured. In later years he operated a rural egg route where he purchased eggs from farmers and sold them in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area to retail food stores. Tracey’s stepson, Jack Corcoran, married and spent his life in California. He died in 1983 and is buried there. Regina died single in 1941 at age 30. Tracey and Agnes’ son Joseph is married. Tracey died in 1965 and is buried in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania.

Mary Ellen (1866-1946)

Mary Ellen was born on the home farm November 12, 1866 and died March 23, 1946. She was known as Ella and married Nicholas Stafford, a brother of William Stafford, her sister Vesta’s husband. They were married March 2, 1886 at Dushore. The witnesses at their wedding were Martin Stafford and Lucy Hope. Nicholas and Ella operated a general store in Lovelton for some years and later moved to Sayre, Pennsylvania where they lived most of their lives. They had nine children. The following were born in Lovelton and baptized at Stowell: Anna Elizabeth born 1894, Martin Edward born 1896, Marguerite born 1898, James born 1900. We have no information on the remaining five children.

Lucy Mabel (1868-1950)

Lucy Mabel (known as Lucy) was born on the home farm June 14, 1868 and died April 30, 1950. She married Frank Howard. Lucy and Frank lived their entire life in Tunkhannock. They had three children as follows: James, Mary and Hope.


Lucy’s Family

James was born in Tunkhannock in 1890 and died in 1938. He was never well, never married and lived in an institution in Ousterhout, Pennsylvania at the time he died.

Mary was born in Tunkhannock in 1892 and died in 1960. She never married and lived in Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania when she died.

Hope was born in Tunkhannock in 1894. She married Fred Smith and lives in Chester, Pennsylvania (1986). They have no children.


Sarah Ann (1870-1947)

Sarah Ann (known as Sarah) was born July 9, 1870 and died August 19, 1947. Sarah married John Kinsley. See Chapter III.


Mahala Hatfield Hope’s Family

Mahala Hatfield Hope married Peter Hope on July 5, 1844 in Towanda, Pennsylvania. She was from Jenningsville and lived on a farm with her parents Samuel and Fanny Bowen Hatfield. Mahala was not a Catholic but apparently turned Catholic before her death. Peter Hope met her in Jenningsville since he worked as a farm hand there several years after coming from Ireland. Mahala’s parents had nine children as follows: Mahala, Enis, Emir, Anson, Mary Ellen, Elmer, Vesta, Irene and George. Few details are known about the Hatfields except as follows:

Samuel (1802-1882)

Samuel came to the Jenningsville area from Penn Yam, New York. It is not known where he was born. It appears that Samuel and Fanny Bowen were married when they came to this area. Samuel was paying taxes in Windham Township, Pennsylvania in 1829. Fanny Bowen was Samuel’s second wife. Nothing is known of his first marriage. Samuel was born in 1802 and died May 24, 1882 at the age of 80 years. He is buried in Jenningsville Cemetery.


Fanny Bowen Hatfield (1799-1874)

Fanny Bowen was born February 15, 1799 and married in 1817 to Gilbert Adams of New York State. They had three children: John A. born in 1818; Alphas born June 24, 1820 and died March 13, 1890 and is buried in Jenningsville; and Gilbert Jr. was born in 1822 and died in 1897. Gilbert Jr. married twice, first to Emily Moffit who died in 1867, and then to Katharine Reynolds. His first marriage produced two children: Emma Adams Lane born 1850 and Edgar Adams born 1857. John A. married Caroline Taylor, the sister of Henry C. Taylor of Jenningsville. We have no information on their family. Henry C. Taylor married Abigail Inman and lived in Jenningsville. Their daughter Viola married James Hope, Isabella Hope Kinsley’s brother. Fanny apparently raised her first three children in Jenningsville along with the later family.


Fanny and Samuel had nine children. Little is known of their family life but it appears that they lived in Jenningsville. Their first being born in October 1825. Fanny’s youngest child by her first husband was born in 1822. Fanny died November 30, 1874. She is buried in the Jenningsville Cemetery. Samuel and Fanny’s children were:

Mahala (1825-1892)

Mahala was the oldest of the Hatfield family. She was born and raised in Jenningsville where she met her husband Peter Hope, who was working as a farm hand for the Garey’s. The Garey farm was located near the intersection of the road from Stowell to Mehoopany (through Jenningsville) and the road from Jenningsville to Laceyville through North Flat. Mahala married Peter Hope in Towanda July 5, 1844. She was not a Catholic but became one before she died. She was born October 6, 1825 and died January 24, 1892. She is buried in the Stowell Cemetery. Mahala and Peter had 15 children. See Peter Hope earlier in this chapter.

Emir (1833-Unknown)

Emir was born in Jenningsville in 1833. He married a DeWolf girl from the area and they had six children we know about. Three of the children died very young and are buried in the Forkston, Pennsylvania Cemetery. One son, George, married a Carpenter girl from the area and they had at least four children. The family moved to California when the children were young. Emir’s daughter, Ella, married Arthur Chapman and they had no children. One son, Frank, never married. We have no details as to where Emir and his family lived or where they are buried. It appears that they settled in the Forkston-Mehoopany area since their children are buried there.


Anson (1835-1863)

Anson was born in Jenningsville in 1835. He served in the Civil War and was killed in 1863. We do not know where he was killed or where he is buried. Anson is the only Kinsley-Hope ancestor that we know of who served in the Civil war.


In addition to the above children, Samuel and Fanny had Enis born in 1831; Mary Ellen born April 28, 1837 and died May 19, 1888 with burial in the Jenningsville Cemetery; Elmer born in 1838: Vesta born November 15, 1839 and died April 13, 1909 with burial in the Jenningsville Cemetery; Irene born in 1841; and George born in 1843. We have little information on these children as to where they lived, whether they married, when they died, etc. We know that Irene was a schoolteacher in 1860 but we do not know where she taught school. Also, in 1880 Mary Ellen and Vesta were living at home with their father in Jenningsville.

There have been no Hatfields in The Settlement-Jenningsville area since the early 1900s. The family was closely related to the Hopes; however, they were not Catholic and did not live in or really associate with The Irish Settlement people. Since much of the information as to births, deaths, children’s names, etc. in this book has been obtained from church records, there is no Hatfield data available.


Kinsley Homestead Farm Layout--100 Acres
Source: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement: 1830-1986


Chapter IV




Dominic Kinsley’s Family


Dominic Kinsley was the son of Andrew and Isabelle Hope Kinsley. His family was the last of the first settler’s heirs, John Kinsley, to leave The Settlement. Most of John’s heirs and relatives had moved from the Settlement in the early 1900s except Andrew, who left in 1929, and Dominic’s family who left in 1939. Dominic died in 1936.

Dominic married Katharine Cummiskey from Cummiskey, Pennsylvania, in 1913 and they had thirteen children. Dominic and Katharine began housekeeping on the "Carroll Place", which is next door to the farm where Dominic raised his family. He had had purchased this farm from his Uncle John Kinsley in 1911.

Editor’s note: Cummiskey was the name given to what is now Wilmot, PA at various times over the course of the last 150 years. You can learn more about the Cummiskey (pronounced KUM-skee) family at Faces and Families of Old Sullivan County, Group Three: The Descendants of Arthur Cummiskey

Sometimes one wonders how Dominic and Katharine became acquainted. It seems to have been through the church because the St. Anthony’s Stowell priest had the St. Francis’ Catholic Church at Cummiskey as a mission. Dominic courted Katharine by horse and buggy for some 3 or 4 years. In the later years he went every week and apparently stayed overnight at the Cummiskey house. Elizabeth Kinsley Bloomquest, Dominic’s sister, often accompanied Dominic as a chaperone. Also, she remembered that Andrew, Dominic’s father, was often annoyed when he made the trip to Cummiskeys, over the Tyler Mountain some 10 miles by horse and buggy, because he wasn’t available to do "chores" (milk cows and feed the animals) on weekends.

Dominic and Katharine were married in St. Francis’ Catholic Church at Cummiskey, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, October 8, 1913 at nine A.M. The wedding was witnessed by Elizabeth Kinsley Bloomquest and Nicholas Stafford. Following are copies of newspaper clippings from the Dushore Sullivan Review and the Wyalusing Rocket regarding the wedding.


Dominic and Katharine Kinsley Wedding

October 8, 1913

Sullivan Review


A very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Francis’ church Cummiskey, Wednesday morning, Oct. 8, at 9 o’clock a.m., when Miss Kathryn V., the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Cummiskey, became the bride of Dominic J. Kinsley, of Stowell. A Nuptial High Mass was celebrated by Rev. H.M. Corgan who also performed the ceremony. The bride was very becomingly attired in white voile trimmed with white Venetian lace and wore a white velvet hat. The bridesmaid, Miss Liza Kinsley, wore white voile trimmed with lavender messilene and wore a black picture hat. Both carried white prayer books. The groom and groomsman wore the conventional black. Miss Jennie Rouse played the wedding march and also for High Mass. The choir consisted of Virginia Hoffman, Julie Coyle, Mahalaia Kinsley, and Mr. and Mrs. J.M. McKernan. Immediately after congratulations they proceeded to the home of the bride where a wedding breakfast was served by the following young ladies; Marie Finan, Anna McHugh, Lizzie McKernan, Anna Finan, Helen McKernan and Julie Coyle, covers being laid for seventy. Rev. H.M. Corgan being guest of honor. The out of town guests were from Sayre, Wilkes-Barre, Lovelton, Williamsport, Marshview, Corning, New Albany, Dushore and Scranton. The happy couple left on the evening train for Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Corning. The bride is one of Cummiskey’s most esteemable young ladies. The groom is one of Stowell’s prosperous young farmers. Into their new home they will take many useful presents, tokens of remembrance from their many friends who wish them a happy and prosperous wedded life.

Reverend M. H. Corgan
Pastor of St. Anthony's of Stowell
Source: Louis Saxe Estate
Retouched by Amanda Brotzman Kingsbury

Wyalusing Rocket


A very pretty wedding took place at the Church at Wilmot on Wednesday, October 8, 1913 when Dominic Kinsley and Miss Catharine Commisky were joined in marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Father Corrigan of St. Anthony’s Church at Stowell, Nicholas Stafford of Lovelton acting as best man and Miss Elizabeth Kinsley of Philadelphia, as brides-maid, the consummation of the happy event, being witnessed by about fifty relatives and friends.

Following the marriage, came a sumptuous dinner served at Richard Commisky’s, and a little later Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley started amid a shower of rice and good wishes for the station, to take the train to Niagara Falls and other points. Returning from the wedding trip, they will settle near Lovelton, where Mr. Kinsley has a farm property and a house ready for occupancy.

Mr. Kinsley is a rising and progressive young farmer, his ancestors the earliest settlers at Stowell. The bride, the youngest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Commisky, is a popular young lady, a fitting helpmeet for her worthy companion. The bride received a fine line of useful as well as not a few ornamental presents.


Editor's Note: The spellings are exactly as appeared in the respective articles.]

In the fall of 1917, Dominic and Katharine traded farms with Andrew Kinsley; therefore, they raised their family on the same farm Dominic’s grandfather, Michael, had settled in the 1850s. None of their children became farmers and they all moved from The Settlement area. Only two, the oldest son Joseph and a daughter Theresa, live nearby in Wyalusing; the others have moved from Pennsylvania.

Dominic and Katharine were both very strong family people. This seemed to be true of the Irish people in general. The entire life centered around the Catholic church and generally family relatives. After the children came, Dominic did all the shopping (going to town once a week) and Catharine stayed home, particularly during the winter months. In the summer they took the entire family, 6 or 8 or whatever, to visit his or her families until his parents moved to Philadelphia; then they visited her brother or sister who lived 10 or 12 miles away. They always received a daily newspaper, a couple of farm magazines, and had a telephone. They did not have a radio until 1932. The most of Dominic’s family (sisters) lived in Philadelphia; however, some of them and their family spent a few days at the farm every couple of years. They were very fond of Katharine and continued to visit after Dominic died. No doubt, the Kinsley children’s Philadelphia cousins well remember summer visits "up country". Katharine’s brothers and sister also always visited her at the family homestead.


History of Dominic’s Children

Dominic’s children were all born and raised on the farm. The first two were born on the Carroll farm and the remaining eleven were all born in the same room in the house on the farm Michael Kinsley purchased in the 1850s. The house was built in 1872. The first seven children attended Scioto School and walked one and one-half miles across the fields: however, in 1931 the Scioto School was closed and the children were bused to the Grant Hill School, about 3 miles away. The two youngest began school in Wyalusing after 1939 when the family left the farm. The first five children did not attend high school.

The children were all baptized at St. Anthony’s Church in Stowell and the entire family attended Mass every Sunday and Holyday. In the winter, when the weather was very bad, Katharine stayed home with the babies, but all the children of school age or older went to Mass with Dominic. Many times the family went to Mass by horse and wagon or a sleigh when the roads were too bad for the automobile. The road past the Kinsley Homestead was not paved; therefore it was impassable by auto from January to mid-April every year. In bad weather the school bus was a horse drawn, 3-seated wagon with a surrey top and side curtains. In the winter it was a sleigh. These schools were one-room buildings, with a coal stove in the center and operated with grades one through eight all in one room. There were usually about 20 to 25 students.

Dominic and Katharine always celebrated holidays and each child had a cake for his birthday. There was a large Christmas tree in the parlor every Christmas and usually chicken with dumplings and the works for dinner. Each child made a list for Santa Claus in early December and on Christmas morning a number of the items (6 or 8 different things) plus a bag of candy and an orange were under the tree with each person’s name on his pile. Very seldom did anyone get clothes, but over the years, most everyone received a sled, ice skates, doll and doll dishes for the girls, a hammer for the boys, and a game every year. During the Christmas season a fire was kept in the parlor and the family used the room. Otherwise this room was only used on Sunday or when company came. Dominic and Katharine usually made a trip to Towanda during December each year to see Santa Claus. None of the children went along and this was the Christmas shopping trip.


Thanksgiving was another "chicken dinner day" with all the trimmings. Also, Dominic usually did not work that day. Easter was celebrated by the "Easter Rabbit" leaving several pounds of candy eggs in a "nest" behind the kitchen stove that had been prepared in a large wooden box the night before. These candy eggs were handed out to the children a few at a time. In addition, everyone was allowed to eat as many regular eggs as he wanted on Easter Sunday. Since eggs were the main cash crop on the farm, very few were eaten during the year by the family, except for breakfast by the men working in the fields. So to be able to eat 15 or 18 eggs in one day was a real treat. Many times the older children ate that many. The girls never worked in the fields and did few chores (such as feeding stock) outside the house. The boys learned to drive the car and got a driver's license when 17 or 18 years old but the girls were never allowed to drive.

The Kinsley boys hunted and trapped but the family was not sports minded. The children really had no playmates outside the family as they grew up except their Cummiskey cousins on Sunday visits. Since their church life was at St. Anthony’s and located in Wyoming County, all the children from the church went to school in that county. Dominic’s farm is located in Bradford County so the school was in Bradford County and none of the students in Sciotovale during those years were Catholic. The Kinsley children never saw their schoolmates between school out in May and school beginning in September.

The children always had "Sunday" clothes and "school" clothes. The boys had 3 piece suits from about 10 years old on, the girls always nice dresses. Each fall everyone got a complete new school outfit; heavy sheepskin lined coats, boots or arctics and wool pants for the boys and heavy dresses for the girls. They participated in box socials and Christmas programs at school. In summer there were two church sponsored picnic/dance affairs - one at St. Anthony’s and the other at Cummiskey. The author never ate in a restaurant until entering the military service.

The Kinsley family we know have generally been of good disposition and a happy, laughing group whenever they are together. Over the years whenever a niece or nephew has been married, seven or eight of the brothers and sisters always attend the wedding (even though they live in several different states and travel great distances) and have a wonderful time together. There seems to be no sad, sorry feeling time and all of the in-laws have been "taken-in" by everyone from the day they married into the family. Katharine’s fiftieth wedding anniversary in 1983 was one of those family celebrations. All of her living brothers and sisters except two attended the all day buffet party with several of their children as well as cousins, etc. The out of town group all stayed at the same motel in Sayre (some 12 or 15 rooms) for two or three days and had a very happy enjoyable time together. All of Robert’s family also attended, except his oldest brother from Florida, who was unable to travel.

Mary Katharine (1914- )

Mary Katharine was born December 8, 1914 at the farm known as the Carroll Place located next to the Kinsley homestead. Katharine, as she’s known, moved to the Kinsley farm with her parents in 1917. She attended school through the eighth grade at Sciotovale and did not attend high school. She received baptism, first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Church, Stowell. Katharine did not work outside the home prior to her marriage since she helped her mother raise the younger children.

Katharine married Robert Carroll, the son of Thomas Carroll, September 9, 1933 at St. Anthony’s Church, Stowell. Jerry Kinsley and Mary Carroll O’Neill witnessed the wedding. After their marriage Robert took a job as a farm hand on a farm near Forkston, Pennsylvania. He and Katharine began housekeeping in the tenant house on the farm. Between 1934 and 1942 Robert held jobs as a farm hand in Wyalusing, Wysox and Spring Lake, Pennsylvania. Also, they lived for a couple of years on the Carroll farm, where Dominic began housekeeping, while Robert farmed for his father.

In 1942 Robert obtained a job with the Lehigh Valley Railroad as a brakeman and moved his family to Sayre. Robert and Katharine lived in rented houses in Sayre for several years and then in 1956 they purchased the property at 310 N. Hopkins Street, Sayre. Robert worked up to an engineer on the railroad and retired in 1975. They live in Sayre at this time (1986).

Robert and Katharine had 9 children. At this time (1986) they have 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Their family all graduated from high school. Their first two children were twins.


Katharine’s Family

Betty Marie, born December 25, 1934, presently living in Apalachin, New York. Married Charles Brown on July 14, 1956 and they have two children, Thomas born March 13, 1962 and Katharine born October 24, 1964. Charlie worked for IBM and retired in 1983.

Helen Marie, born December 25, 1934. Never married. Lives in the Sayre area. Known as Marie.

Raymond, born January 26, 1936, retired in 1976 after 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, presently living in Texas (1986). Married Patricia Coyle May 6, 1958 and they have six children; Barbara Jean Carroll Jennings born September 17, 1958; Robert born August 30, 1959; James born September 6, 1960; Joseph born August 14, 1961; John born August 6, 1962; and Raymond born November 12, 1970.

Margaret Ann, born February 7, 1937. Died April 10, 1937 from pneumonia.

Marion, born March 3, 1938, presently lives in Sayre. Married John Green, August 25, 1957 and they have three children: Kevin born November 29, 1958; Shari born June 27, 1960; and Richard born May 16, 1962. John (known as Jeff) spent his career working for Ingersoll Rand in Sayre.

Ann, born September 3, 1939, presently lives in Brunswick, Georgia. Married Alvin Lord and they have two children; Jeffrey born August 24, 1970 and Jennifer born July 14, 1972.

James, born October 30, 1940, presently lives in Sayre. Married Ann Northrup August 3, 1961 and they have four children; Brenda born May 31, 1962; Robert born June 18, 1963; Debra born June 28, 1965; and James born January 26, 1967. Jimmy operates his own brick laying and building contractor business in Sayre.

William, born November 30, 1943, presently lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Is single and operates a dry wall contracting business.

Rita, born March 19, 1945, presently lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Married Joseph Witt October 13, 1965 and they have 2 children; Joseph Jr. born May 31, 1967 and Cindy born December 4, 1970. Rita and Joe divorced in 1980.



Joseph Dominic (1916- )

Joseph Dominic was born November 12, 1916 at the Carroll farm next to the Kinsley homestead. Joe moved with his parents and sister, Katharine, to the Dominic Kinsley farm in 1917. He attended the Sciotovale School through the eighth grade and did not attend high school. Joe received Baptism, first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Church.

Joe worked on the farm at home after he quit school in the spring of 1932. After his father died in 1936 until the family left the farm in 1939, he was the oldest boy at home and directed the farming operation. During off-seasons, and for the first 2 or 3 years after leaving the homestead, Joe worked as a farm hand for various farmers in the area.

Early in the 1940s he began working for J.V. Taylor and Sons, Wyalusing, Pennsylvania. The Taylors owned a large farm on the outskirts of Wyalusing (toward Camptown) and operated a livestock sales and slaughtering business. During the early years Joe worked on the farm, drove a truck, helped with slaughtering and numerous other tasks; later he developed into an experienced butcher and meat cutter. He worked for the Taylor firm in the meat department until the fall of 1960.

Joe married Emily Otis on February 12, 1944 at St. Anthony’s Rectory, Stowell. Emily is the daughter of Harry and Louella Otis of Camptown, Pennsylvania. Emily was a member of the Protestant Church when married; however, she became a Catholic at St. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church, Towanda. Joe and Emily lived in two or three different locations around Wyalusing, then in the fall of 1958 they purchased a house on Church Street in Wyalusing. They are living in the house at this time (1986).

During October 1960, Joe and Emily opened a meat market and grocery on Main Street in Wyalusing next door to Hotel Wyalusing. They operated the store until May 1966. At that time Joe became Borough Manager of Wyalusing and served as the first Borough Manager until his retirement in December 1978. Joe and Emily had two children.

Joe’s Family

Anna Marie, born July 26, 1948. Died July 27, 1948

Maxine, born January 6, 1946. She lives on a small farm on Lime Hill, Pennsylvania with her husband and family. Maxine graduated from Wyalusing High School in 1963 and married Marvin Meteer August 27, 1966. They have two children: Melissa born October 9, 1967 and Michael born March 2, 1970. Marvin is an English teacher with the Wyalusing School System. Also, he and Maxine own and operate a variety and gift store in Wyalusing today (1986).


Gerald Thomas (1917- )

Gerald Thomas was born November 17, 1917 at the homestead where Dominic raised his family. He attended the Sciotovale School through the eighth grade and did not attend high school. Gerald received Baptism, first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Church. He began school the same year that Joe began; therefore they finished the eighth grade and quit school the same year.

Gerald worked at home and as a day laborer for other farmers after he quit school until his father died in 1936. After that he shared the responsibility of operating the farm with Joe. Also, for a short time during 1937 and 1938 he operated a truck and was connected with the lumbering business. He had a sawmill on the home farm.

During the fall of 1939, Gerald went to Tampa, Florida to seek his fortune. He worked in various cities in Florida and by 1942 had settled in Orlando,Florida. In Florida he became known as "Jerry" and goes by that name today.

During his early years in Florida, Jerry operated a truck for Swift and Company, meat distributors. After two or three years he became active in labor unions and began to follow the construction business. During the early months of World War II, Jerry worked at the world famous atomic bomb city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, then in February 1945 he enlisted in the Construction Battalion of the U.S. Navy. His military service took him to Japan and he was discharged in February 1946.

Shortly after his discharge, Jerry purchased a few acres of property on South Main Street, now Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida. He continued to follow the construction industry. Jerry served as construction superintendent for numerous construction jobs at the missile base at Cape Kennedy and supervised the construction of some of Orlando’s larger buildings during the 1950s and 1960s.

Jerry married Elizabeth Brooks of Ocoee, Florida on March 26, 1941, at Orlando. Betty was a member of the Protestant Church; however, in 1946 she was baptized a Catholic at St. James Church, Orlando. Over the years Jerry and Betty prospered in real estate operations and formed their own construction company. They have constructed several small rental houses and a modern office building on their original property in Edgewood (near Orlando). Jerry served as Mayor of Edgewood during the 1960s. In addition, they owned and operated a large warehouse rental business, which Jerry built. The business was sold in 1985. Betty also attended college after her daughter was grown and became a registered nurse. Jerry and Betty have one child, Patricia.

Jerry’s Family

Patricia (Patty) was born July 29, 1942. She attended school and college in Orlando. Patty married Alvin Marvin Stinson II on July 16, 1963 at St. James’ Catholic Church in Orlando. Patty and Al have four children; Alvin Marvin Stinson III born October 19, 1964; Rebecca Ann born May 13, 1966; Stephanie Elizabeth born September 8, 1970; and Angelia Marie born March 7, 1972. Al operates a retail carpet business and presently (1986) has three stores in Orlando.

Marguerite (1918-1979)

Marguerite was born November 5, 1918, in the house on the Kinsley homestead. She received Baptism, first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Church. She attended the Sciotovale School through the seventh grade and completed the eighth grade at Grant Hill School. She quit school in the spring of 1933.

After quitting school she stayed home to help raise the family for a few years, then during the summer of 1937 she accepted a position as kitchen and dining room helper at the Wyalusing Rocks Lodge, Wyalusing. She later obtained a job as a housekeeper for Mrs. Eloise Tracey in Wyalusing and spent the winter of 1937-1938 in Southern Pines, North Carolina.

During the next few years Marguerite worked in Binghamton and Owego, New York. Then on May 10, 1941, she married Paul Racht at the Catholic Church in Owego, New York. Robert Racht and Nora Quinn witnessed the wedding. Marguerite and Paul settled down on the farm where Paul lived with his parents and brother Robert. The farm is located about six miles south of Owego toward Leraysville, Pennsylvania. Paul’s parents retired to Rochester, New York, so he and Bob ran the farm, as partners, for several years until Marguerite and Paul bought Bob’s half interest.

Marguerite developed a heart problem over the years and on March 10, 1979 she died very suddenly of heart failure. She had entered the Binghamton, New York hospital for a checkup. Marguerite is buried in Owego, New York. Paul has continued on the farm in retirement and their youngest daughter lives with him and attends school. Marguerite and Paul had six children. They have one grandchild at this time (1986).


Marguerite’s Family

Rose born February 17, 1943 suffers from cerebral palsy and has spent most of her life in a state hospital in Syracuse, New York. She is there today (1986).

Edward born April 19, 1945. Edward attended Owego schools and graduated from Syracuse University. He served in the U.S. Army in Germany and married a girl from Germany in 1970. Eddie presently (1986) works for the Federal Government and lives in Washington, D.C. He has one daughter, Angelia born in 1970. Eddie and his wife are divorced. Angelia lives with her mother in Baltimore, Maryland.

John born January 19, 1948 died September 24, 1957. John was not well during his lifetime. He is buried in Owego, New York.

Theresa was born August 19, 1955. She attended St. Patrick’s School in Owego and graduated from the Owego Free Academy. In 1977 she graduated from Barnard College of New York City. Terry worked as a legal secretary and paralegal in New York City before entering law school at the Syracuse University College of Law in Syracuse, New York. She received her law degree May 18, 1985 and passed the New York State bar examination December 13, 1985. On graduation from law school Terry received the Dean’s Outstanding Contribution Award. After graduation in Syracuse she took up residence in New York City to follow the legal profession. She is not married.

Katharine born December 2, 1959. Attended Owego schools and graduated from Syracuse University as a dietician. She is employed at a Nursing Home facility in Long Island, New York. She is not married.

Virginia born March 30, 1966 graduated from Owego High School in 1984. She is attending business school in the Binghamton, New York area and lives on the farm at home with her father (1986).

James Richard (1920- )

James Richard was born August 12, 1920 on the home farm.

Baptized, and confirmed at St. Anthony’s Church, Stowell. Dick, as he is known, began school at Sciotovale in the fall on 1926. He transferred to the Grant Hill School in the fall of 1932 and quit school after passing the eighth grade in the spring of 1934.

Dick helped on the farm at home and worked as a day laborer for neighbors until September 1939 when the family moved to Wyalusing. In the fall and winter of 1939 Dick was employed at various jobs which included general farm hand, silo filling and two or three months in a lumber camp at Stevensville, Pennsylvania. In the spring of 1940 Dick took a position with the Wyalusing Hay Company as a truck driver. He drove a truck for two years hauling lumber, coal, logs, hay and other general merchandise. The rate of pay for truck drivers was $2.00 a day at that time.

Early in April 1942 Dick accepted a position as clerk at the Acme (American Stores and Company) store in Wyalusing. He worked there until August 11, 1942 when he was inducted into the United States Army. Dick served in the Army until his discharge at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia on December 5, 1945. While in the army he served at Fort Washington, Maryland; Fort Sam Houston; Texas; Camp Lee, Virginia; and Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Dick was discharged as a Staff Sargent with a salary of approximately $110.00 per month.

Early in 1946 Dick went to Washington D.C. to seek employment. He began work for the Federal Government (Internal Revenue Department) on March 6, 1946. Dick worked in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington D.C. as a clerk, Internal Revenue Agent, Audit Analyst and finally retired April 30, 1976 from the Internal Revenue Commissioner’s Staff in Washington. He entered Strayer College, Washington, D.C. Evening School in the spring of 1946 and received a degree in accounting in August 24, 1949. Dick never attended high school.

After his retirement from the Federal Government in 1976, Dick took a job as Comptroller for a small Real Estate Management company in Arlington, Virginia. He later worked there part time, and works a few days each month as a consultant for the company today (1986). Dick began receiving Social Security in 1982 and is very happy working around their home in Virginia and at their mountain lodge in Fairfield, Pennsylvania, hunting and playing golf.

On June 25, 1949 Dick married Mary Romani at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Philomena Romani Mason and Joseph Kinsley witnessed their wedding. Mary is the daughter of the late Alfonso and Elizabeth Romani of Alexandria. She is of Italian descent and both her parents were born in Italy. Mary and Dick lived one year in Baltimore, Maryland and then returned to Alexandria. In September 1953 they purchased a house at 3516 Paul Street, Alexandria, Virginia (near Bailey’s Crossroads) and raised their family there. They sold that house in 1985 and live in nearby Pinecrest, Alexandria, today (1986).

Mary and Dick met at the Internal Revenue Service in 1946 and worked together until their marriage. Mary raised her family, was active in Scouts, enjoys bowling, flower arranging, etc. and maintained a beautiful home for her family. When the youngest child entered high school in 1974 she took a part time job in a department store; then later took a full time position at the Virginia State Motor Vehicle Department. She retired in 1983 but went back to work part time in 1984 and still works today. She has taken up golf in recent years.

Mary and Dick have had a very happy life together. They had four children and presently have five grandchildren.

Dick’s Family

Dominic Joseph, born October 23, 1950, at Bon Secours Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland and baptized by a nun at the hospital. He died on October 24, 1950 and is buried in the baby section of St. Mary’s Cemetery in Alexandria.

Dominic Alfonso, born November 22, 1951 at Alexandria Hospital and was baptized at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria. He received first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Falls Church. Dominic attended St. Anthony’s Catholic Elementary School and graduated with honors from Bishop Ireton Catholic High School in Alexandria. He became an Eagle Scout in 1969. He graduated from Yale University with a Ph.D. in English Literature and was an English professor at Yale for several years. In 1986 he joined an advertising firm, Lifetime Learning, Fairfield, Connecticut. On November 24, 1974 Dominic married Judith Hoberman of Valley Steam, Long Island, New York. Judy is a lawyer. Dominic and Judy have two children; Elisabeth born June 23, 1983 and Johanna born February 19, 1986. They live in New Haven, Connecticut.

Mary Elisa,born December 16, 1953 at Alexandria Hospital. Baptized at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria and received first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Falls Church, Virginia. Marylisa, as she is known, attended St. Anthony’s Elementary School and graduated with honors from St. Mary’s Academy High School, in Alexandria. She was active in Girl Scouts. She graduated from Pennsylvania State University as a Registered Nurse and is working in the health-related field. On December 6, 1975 Marylisa married Ronald Kissinger of Teaneck, New Jersey, and they live in North Caldwell, New Jersey (1986). They have two children: Justin Andrew born September 28, 1981 and Samuel James born July 27, 1985. Ron is a biochemist and is related to the United States Secretary of State during the 1970s, Henry Kissinger.

Katharine Dianna, born December 9, 1957 at Alexandria Hospital. Baptized, received first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Falls Church. Kathy attended St. Anthony’s Elementary School and Jeb Stuart High School, Falls Church. She graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Art. On October 4, 1980 Kathy married Robert Jon Momberger at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria. Kathy’s parents and grandparents had been married at that church. Kathy and Bob live in Gainesville, Florida. Bob is a geologist from upper New York State. Kathy works as a graphic artist; also, she has a photo business and is quite successful in Florida art shows. They have one child: Skylar James born June 9, 1987.



Theresa Isabel (1921- )

Theresa Isabel was born December 23, 1921 at the house on the farm. Theresa was baptized, received her first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Stowell. She began her schooling at the Sciotovale School in the fall of 1928 and completed the eighth grade at the Grant Hill School in the spring of 1937. Theresa stayed out of school one year until her sister, Helen, completed the eighth grade. In September 1938 they both entered Wyalusing High School. This was the first of Dominic’s family that entered high school.

Theresa and Helen boarded in Wyalusing during the 1938-1939 term, first with the Emory Dodge family and later with the Ray McGavin family. In the fall of 1939 Dominic’s family moved to Wyalusing. Theresa took commercial courses in school but always had been artistically inclined. She was very active in high school and maintained a very high scholastic average. She participated actively in school plays, school newspaper, class officers and graduated with honors in June 1942.

While in school during her junior and senior years, Theresa worked part time relief telephone operator for 15 cents per hour and as an usher at the local theater for 25 cents per night. Her first job after graduation was with North Pennsylvania Power Company in Towanda where she worked for $17.00 a week. She started in July 1942 and resigned the job in May 1946, to accept a position as bookkeeper at J.V. Taylor Company in Wyalusing. This was a meat packing firm. She resigned in Agust 1947 when she married, and then went back in June 1949 and worked until march 1972. Theresa then took a bookkeeping job at Taylor McCarty & Sons, Inc.- Chevrolet, Buick & Pontiac auto dealership. Theresa retired from there December 31, 1983.

Theresa married Melbourne M. Huffman August 30, 1947 at SS. Peter & Paul’s Rectory, Towanda. They purchased a house in Sugar Run, Pennsylvania, September 1951. They lived there until July 4, 1971, when they built a new house on Route 6 toward Wyalusing Rocks, west of Wyalusing Borough. The new house is high above the Susquehanna River with several acres of landscaped grounds and a beautiful view of the mountains with the river and Terrytown below. Melbourne retired from Welles Mill Company in 1983 after more than 40 years employment. Theresa and Melbourne have no children. They live in retirement at Mel-Ridge-View on Route 6, Wyalusing, at this time (1986).


Helen Elizabeth (1924-1948)

Helen Elizabeth was born February 20, 1924, baptized, received first communion and confirmation at St. Anthony’s Church at Stowell. Helen began school in the fall of 1930 at the Sciotovale School and completed the eighth grade at the Grant Hill School in the spring of 1938.

School was rather easy for Helen and she actually completed the eight elementary grades in seven years. In the fall of 1938 she entered the Wyalusing High School with her sister Theresa. Helen, like her sister, was very active in high school and participated in similar activities. She maintained a very high scholastic average throughout high school and graduated with honors in June 1942.

In 1943 Helen married Donald Heath. Donald was the grandson of Frank Homet and lived on a farm along Route 6, just west of Wyalusing. Helen and Donald lived with Donald’s grandparents on the farm and helped with the farm work. In the spring of 1948 Helen became sick and finally she was taken to the hospital. After several days her illness was diagnosed as acute leukemia and the doctors advised that there was no cure. She gradually became weaker and finally, on May 10, 1948, Helen passed away at the Tioga General Hospital, Waverly, New York. She is buried in the Homet family private cemetery at Homets Ferry, Pennsylvania. Helen and Donald had three children.

After Helen’s death, Donald’s mother (Mrs. Lida Bart) helped him care for the children; then on April 9, 1950, Donald married Jessie Mills. Donald and Jessie had one child, Lin Charles, born May 4, 1951. Lin became a welcome playmate with the other children and Jessie did a wonderful job as mother of the entire family. Lin became a registered nurse and lived in the Wyalusing-Towanda area in 1983. Donald and Jessie live in retirement on the home farm.

Helen’s Family

Tana Elizabeth, born October 21, 1943. Tana attended school in Wyalusing, Pennsylvania and college in Ohio. She married John E. Mosler on June 17, 1961 at the Presbyterian Church in Wyalusing. Tana and John had one child, Andrea Elizabeth born August 7, 1964; however, they were divorced in August 1975. In December 1983 Tana married Jerry Porter and lives in Ohio.

Steven Edward, born April 25, 1945. Steve attended school in Wyalusing and attended college in New Jersey. Steve married Susan Lewin on November 7, 1964 and they had three children; Steve Jr. born May 21, 1965; Michael born May 30, 1969 and Matthew born December 30, 1974. Steve and Susan are divorced and Steve remarried January 15, 1981. Steve is a lawyer and lives in Willingborough, New Jersey.


Joseph Francis was born October 2, 1946. He attended school in Wyalusing and later took up residence in Ohio. Joe married Linda Ann Cecill October 2, 1071. They have two children; Jon Joseph born June 22, 1974 and Lawrence Patrick born February 24, 1978.

Robert Andrew (1925- )

Robert Andrew was born on February 2, 1925, at the home farm in Wilmot Township. Bob began his schooling at the Grant Hill School in the fall of 1931. He completed the eighth grade and entered high school at Wyalusing in the fall of 1939. Bob completed three years of high school and then quit to enter the U.S. Army. He was baptized and received his first communion at St. Anthony’s, Stowell. He was confirmed at SS. Peter and Paul’s Church in Towanda.

After leaving school in the spring of 1943, Bob was inducted into the Army at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on May 11, 1943. He served most of his army career as a member of the military police force. He was stationed at Fort Monroe, Virginia and at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Much of his time was spent transporting foreign prisoners of war throughout the United States. He was discharged on February 8, 1946.

Shortly after his discharge, Bob went to Orlando, Florida to live with his brother Jerry. While in Florida he entered the construction business and became a highly skilled member of the Iron Workers Union. During 1948 he spent considerable time around Washington, D.C. and during the 1950s and early 1960s he spent his winters in Florida and his summers in Washington, D.C. following his trade.

Bob has traveled considerably throughout the United Stated following the construction trade. He has always been a happy go lucky type person and is very good at his trade.


John Francis (1927- )

John Francis was born August 23, 1927, on the farm in Wilmot Township. Jack was baptized and received his first communion at St. Anthony’s, Stowell. He was confirmed at SS. Peter and Paul’s Church in Towanda, Pennsylvania.

Jack began his schooling at the Grant Hill School in the fall of 1933. He attended school there through the sixth grade and entered the seventh grade at the Wyalusing School, in the fall of 1939. He attended the Wyalusing School through the spring of 1944, after which he quit school to help his mother financially raise the family. Jack lived at home in Wyalusing and worked at the Taylor farm for several years. Also, during this period he spent a couple of winters working on the ore boats on the Great Lakes.

On May, 15, 1949 Jack married Musette Jayne, daughter of Frank and Mildred Smith Jayne, of Stevensville, Pennsylvania. Jack and Musette were married at the Jayne farm home. They lived in Endicott, New York, and Kingston and Camptown, Pennsylvania before moving to Newark, Delaware in 1959. After his marriage Jack drove truck for Kraft Foods and later took a job with Chrysler Corporation in Buffalo, New York, transporting new Chrysler automobiles from the assembly plant in Detroit to dealers throughout the northeastern United States. In 1959 Jack and Musette moved to Newark, Delaware and he continued to transport automobiles from the assembly plant in Newark until his retirement in February 1986. Jack owned and operated his own truck; also, they owned a camping trailer for several years. After his retirement they purchased a large motor home and have traveled throughout the country. Jack and Musette have two children.

Jack’s Family

Bonnie Lynn, born May 20, 1951 in Kingston, Pennsylvania. Bonnie started school in Camptown but pursued most of her schooling through college in Newark, Delaware. She is employed as an insurance specialist. Bonnie has not married (1986).

Dawn Michelle, was born July 6, 1954 in the Meshoppen, Pennsylvania hospital. She attended school through college in Newark, Delaware. Dawn has worked in special education since graduating from college. On July 23, 1983 she married Frederick Febo and they live in Newark, Delaware. Fred works in the insurance field. Fred and Dawn have no children (1986).

Anne Marie (1930- )

Anne Marie was born on the farm in Wilmot Township on October 12, 1930 and received baptism and first communion at St. Anthony’s Stowell. She attended Grant Hill School from 1936 until 1939 when the family moved to Wyalusing. She finished school in Wyalusing, graduating from the Wyalusing High School, with honors, in 1949. While in high school Anne participated in many activities and clubs. Anne was confirmed at SS. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church, Towanda.

After graduation Anne went to Washington, D.C. and found employment with the U.S. Government as a clerk typist. During the three short years she worked for the government, Anne advanced from a Grade three to a Grade nine, a most unusual feat. She worked for several different departments of the government during this time.

At this time Anne was attending dances at various military posts in the Washington, D.C. area and at one of the dances she met Vincent Antonich, her future husband. From the time she moved to that area in 1950, Anne lived in an apartment with another girl in Alexandria, Virginia. In 1950, when the rest of the family arrived, Anne moved in with them. For the next three years she lived at home in Alexandria with her mother and younger brothers and helped pay the expenses of the home.

On September 10, 1953, Anne married Vincent Antonich in St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Alexandria. Several members of the family traveled the many miles from Wyalusing to attend the affair. Anne and "Copper" (as he is called) made their home in Calumet, Michigan, where his home was at that time. They have lived around Michigan since then and since 1965 have resided in Spring Lake, Michigan. Anne has not followed a career since her marriage. Copper worked as an Engineer with the U.S. Government and retired July 31, 1986. Anne and Copper have three children and one grandchild at this time (1986).


Anne's Family

Katharine, born June 8, 1954 at Calumet, Michigan, attended school through business school in the Muskegon/Spring Lake area of Michigan. On October 12, 1974 Kathy married James DeMull. They have one child, Jonathan born January 29, 1981. Kathy and Jim presently (1986) live in Spring Lake, Michigan. They both work there.


Jeanne Marie, born January 11, 1965 in Muskegon, Michigan. She has attended school through business school in the Muskegon/Spring Lake area and at the present time (1986) lives at home while working and attending business school.

Barbara was born June 11, 1967 in Muskegon, Michigan. She attended school in Spring Lake, Michigan and at the present time (1986) is attending college at Calumet, Michigan.


William Eugene ( 1932- )

William Eugene was born on May 15, 1932, on the farm in Wilmot Township and was baptized and received first communion at St. Anthony's, Stowell. He attended school at Grant Hill, until the family moved to Wyalusing in 1939. He graduated from the Wyalusing High school in 1950 and was confirmed at SS. Peter and Paul's Catholic Church, Towanda. After graduation he moved to Alexandria, Virginia, where he worked for Temple Motor company as a stock clerk in the parts department. In November 1952 Bill enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and was sent to Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, for his basic training. After basic he was sent to Kessler Air Force Base, Mississippi, to attend radar school. Following that he served two years in Alaska and one year in Indiana.

After his discharge in 1956, Bill returned to Alexandria and went to work for Melpar, Inc., an electronics firm in Falls Church, Virginia. In September 1957 he started to attend night school to attain a college degree in electronic engineering. In November 1962 he left Melpar and went to work for A.G.A. Electronics in Alexandria, as an engineer in the antenna section. In 1965 he left A.G.A. to work for Litton Industries in Silver Spring, Maryland. Later he went to work as an engineer for VEGA, an electronics firm in Vienna, Virginia. Bill has become a key manager for his company and in recent years (1983-1986) has traveled extensively for the company to China, India, European countries, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Alaska and other countries throughout the world.

On February 17, 1957, Bill married Rita Cunningham daughter of Carl and Jessie Neff Cunningham of Logansport, Indiana. They were married in the Catholic Church in Logansport, Indiana. They set up housekeeping in Arlington, Virginia and in April 1960 Bill and his family moved into a new house in Falls Church, where they have resided ever since. Bill and Rita have three children.

Bill's Family

Karen Jane, born June 10, 1958 in Arlington. Karen attended St. James Elementary School in Falls Church and McLean High School in McLean. She graduated from Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia in 1980 and became a schoolteacher. Karen is presently teaching first and second grade students in Norfolk, Virginia. On July 31, 1982 Karen married Robin Bedenbough and they live in Norfolk. Their first child (a boy) was stillborn in July 1986.

Patricia Ann, born April 1, 1960 in Arlington. Patty attended St. James Elementary School in Falls Church and McLean High School in McLean. She graduated from Virginia Polytechnical University, Blacksburg, Virginia in 1982. On October 1, 1983 Patty married Richard G. Fink and they live in Fairfax County, Virginia (1986). They have no children.

William Thomas was born May 20, 1961 in Arlington, attended St. James Elementary School in Falls Church and McLean High School in McLean. He graduated from the Virginia Military Institute, as a second Lieutenant in 1983 and was selected for pilot training in the U.S. Air Force. Billie received his wings as a U.S. Air Force pilot in 1985 and is presently (1986) assigned to a California military base. He is not married.



Donald Edward (1934- )

Donald was born on February 7, 1934, on the farm in Wilmot Township and received baptism and first communion at St. Anthony's, Stowell. He attended school in Wyalusing until 1950, when the family moved to Alexandria, Virginia. He attended school (11th and 12th grades) at George Washington High School in Alexandria, graduating in 1952. While going to school in Alexandria he worked nights and weekends for Peoples Drug Stores, Inc. behind the soda fountain and cigar counter. Donald was confirmed at SS. Peter and Paul's Catholic Church, Towanda, Pennsylvania.

During his last two years of school, Donald became interested in the printing trade and after graduation went into that line of work. He obtained a job with Harlowe Typography as a proof boy in June 1952. In October of the same year he started an apprenticeship for the same firm. At the same time he became a member of the International Typographical Union, and is a member in good standing at this time (1986). In June 1954 Donald enlisted in the U.S. Army for a two year tour of duty. During that time he served as a tank mechanic. He took his basic training at Fort Gordon, Georgia and from there went to Fort Knox, Kentucky for training as a mechanic. In January 1955 he was sent to Munich, Germany, to serve the rest of his enlistment. While serving in Germany, Donald traveled extensively throughout Europe. He visited such countries as Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria and Italy. When he visited Rome in the fall of 1955, he was in an audience with Pope Pius XII.

After returning from the service in 1956, Donald went back to work for Harlowes to finish his apprenticeship. During this time he was bowling on a team for St. Matthew's Cathedral Club Bowling League, Washington, D.C., where he met his wife, Gloria Grezlik, the daughter of Benjamin and Nell Grezlik. Donald and Gloria were married on July 27, 1957, in Amsterdam, Ohio, Gloria's hometown. They set up housekeeping in Arlington, Virginia. In 1959 they moved to Falls Church where they lived until 1962, when they purchased a home at 12616 Brunwick Lane, Bowie, Maryland, where they live at this time (1986).

Donald continued to work for Harlowes after he became a journeyman printer. In October 1962 he was promoted to Assistant Publications Foreman and in May 1963 he was promoted to Night Foreman. In September 1966 he was made Production Manager. In 1969 Donald resigned from Harlowes and took a position with the U.S. Government Printing Office where he is employed at the present time (1986). Donald and Gloria have 3 children.

Donald's Family

Carol Ann, born June 12, 1958 in Arlington, Virginia. Carol attended elementary and high school in Bowie. After graduation she completed a beauty operator's course and is presently employed as a beautician. On June 21, 1980 Carol married Steve Dumas and they live in Boston, Massachusetts. They have no children.

Donna Marie, born August 18, 1959 in Arlington, Virginia. Donna attended elementary school and high school in Bowie. She graduated from Lynchburg College, Roanoke, Virginia in 1981 and presently works for MCI Tele Service in Arlington, Virginia (1986). On October 18, 1986 Donna married John Blazak. They bought a house in Bowie, Maryland, where they reside.

Patrick Benjamin, born January 11, 1967 in Bowie, Maryland. Patrick attended elementary and high school in Bowie. He is presently employed in the Bowie area and is attending college (1986). He lives at home.


Michael Raymond (1935- )

Michael was born on March 6, 1935, on the farm in Wilmot Township. He attended school in Wyalusing through the ninth grade, when the family moved to Alexandria, Virginia. He received baptism and first communion at St. Anthony's, Stowell and was confirmed at SS. Peter and Paul's Church, Towanda. Mike graduated from George Washington High School in Alexandria in 1953. While going to high school he worked for Peoples Drug Stores Inc., behind the soda fountain and the cigar counter. After graduation from high school he attended Strayer Business College in Washington, D.C., on a scholarship to study accounting. By going to school 11 months a year he completed a four year course in two years, receiving a BCS in accounting in 1955. While attending Strayer, Mike worked part time for Peoples Drug Stores, for a cafeteria, and for a public accountant in Alexandria. After graduation he continued to work for the accountant for a few months, then went to work for a trucking firm as bookkeeper. After leaving the trucking firm he worked for Capital Airlines as a tax accountant until a strike terminated his employment. He then went to work for Communications in Washington, D.C.

In December 1959 sent Mike to Libya to work as an office manager. He returned there in December 1961 and spent the next six months in the home office in Washington. In 1962 Mike was sent to Saigon, South Vietnam. He stayed there until October 1963. While in Saigon he met his wife Kim, a native of that country. They were married in February 1963, and in November 1963 Mike and Kim returned to the home office in Washington, D.C. where he stayed for one year. In November 1964 they were sent to Hawaii until November 1965, at which time they returned to the home office.

Mike and Kim lived in the Washington, D.C. area with Kim's daughter, Phong, by a previous marriage, until August 1968, when Kim returned to Saigon. Phong continued to live with him until she graduated from high school. Phong is known as Phong Kinsley. She married Lars Nilsson in 1984 and lives in Sweden today (1986).

Mike accepted a position with Westinghouse Company in December 1968 and worked in Leesburg, Virginia and Towson, Maryland. In November 1973, Mike was sent to Teheran, Iran, by Westinghouse on a one year contract. When he returned in October 1974 he severed his relationship with Westinghouse.

During December 1974 Mike moved to Florida and worked for his brother Jerry as an Office Manager in the construction business. Mike worked with Jerry for some five years, then left his employment but continued to live around Orlando, Florida until 1980. None of his family has heard from him for more than five years at this time (1986).


Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley (1890-1953)

Katharine Veronica Cummiskey married Dominic Joseph Kinsley on October 8, 1913 at St. Francis Catholic Church, Cummiskey, Pennsylvania. She was the youngest of four children of Margaret Croak and Richard Cummiskey. She and Dominic had 13 children and she was left a widow at the age of 46 to raise the family alone. The youngest child was thirteen months old when Dominic passed away in 1936.

Katharine was always a happy, fun loving person. She laughed a lot with her children, accepting their spouses, and seemed to enjoy her lot in life. She was short in stature (less than five feet) and always on the heavy side. Katharine was the only one of her family to graduate from high school, which was in 1909 from St. Basil's in Dushore. She was born April 4, 1890 at the Cummiskey homestead, which was one-fourth mile from St. Francis' Catholic Church. The Cummiskey family was always very involved in church affairs and operated an "open house" for priests and other church people. Priests often stayed overnight and ate at the Cummiskey house.

We do not know many details of Katharine's life on the farm. While we do not know how she and Dominic became acquainted, we assume it was through church affairs since St. Francis at Cummiskey and St. Anthony's at Stowell were served by the same priest for many years. After high school graduation, Katharine spent the winter of 1910-1911 in Tampa, Florida, as a guest of Kate Jackson. Miss Jackson, who never married, was a member of the prominent Jackson family of Tampa. She was a first cousin of Katharine's father, Richard, and visited the Cummiskey family over the years. The story goes that Miss Jackson, known as "Aunt Kate", wanted Katharine to remain in Florida and accompany her on her annual summer stay in Europe. However, in the spring of 1911, Katharine returned to the home farm and resumed her relationship with Dominic, although they were not married for another two years. They must have met while she was in high school because in later years she said she returned from Florida to marry "Mr. Kinsley". Kate Jackson bequeathed $5,000 to Katharine in her will which was received in the early 1940s and badly needed by Katharine at that time.

There is only one of Katharine's early relatives living today (1986) who knew Katharine before her marriage and that is Marcella Croak Boyce, Katharine's godchild and first cousin. Marcella was born 1907 and her father, John Croak, was Katharine's uncle. She attended Katharine's wedding (7 years old) and remembers it as a beautiful affair. Often times her family went to Cummiskey's for Sunday dinner and the Cummiskeys visited her family. Marcella was raised, until early teens, just outside New Albany, Pennsylvania, then they moved to the Binghamton, New York area. Around that time Katharine's parents both passed away and Marcella's family lost contact.

Katharine was a real helpmate for Dominic on the farm. While we are not aware that she actually followed the horses in the field, she did much of the feeding of stock, milking cows, etc. Up to the time the family left the farm in 1939 she insisted on going to the barn to help milk the cows. Katharine maintained a close relationship with several farm wives in the area and spent a part of each day in telephone conversation with them. As her family grew her time was taken with sewing, washing and cooking. She was a very fine seamstress and made all of her girls clothes over the years. She took part in "quilting bees" with the neighbors. Also, she and Dominic often visited neighbors in the evening just to "talk", since they didn't play cards, etc. During their courtship they seemed to attend biweekly dances at local pavilions and at people's houses, especially in the wintertime. As the family grew they quit dancing. In fact, the author does not ever remember seeing his parents dance.

Katharine's children always had wholesome, heavy meat-and-potato type meals. Every meal (even breakfast) was served in the farmhouse dining room. Each family member had a specific place at the table and each had a complete set of tableware, a plate and a glass of water. For many years Katharine baked a layer (often chocolate) cake every day and several loaves of bread twice a week. She baked and cooked everything from "scratch". In addition to the delicious cakes and pies, the author remembers his mother's donuts, homemade by "batches" with enough to last the family two or three days. She only made those when a pig was killed because they were cooked in "deep-fat" and the grease was too expensive to buy. The fresh pork provided grease for the cooking. Another treat about once a week was hot corn bread called "Johnny Cake" by the family. Also, during the cold winter evenings, Katharine often had pancakes and beans for the evening meal, which was a real treat. The beans were dry beans that had been cooked all day and were flavored with her "secret recipe". The beans were served more or less like gravy over the pancake on the plate and every member of the family ate several helpings.

Most of Katharine's cooking was done by adding a "little" of this and a "pinch" of that, and she had few formal recipes. However, we have included some of her original recipes.

Over the years Katharine and Dominic remained very close to both their families. It is noted that the Godparents for their first child (Mary Katharine) were Katharine's father and Dominic's mother. While they lived next door to his parents, they often visited her parents when they were on the Homestead and continued to spend many Sunday afternoons with her brother and sister who lived in Cummiskey. Katharine's father and mother often visited her on the farm for several days at a time. In face, she attended her father before his death and he died in her house. Katharine's children grew up knowing their Cummiskey cousins. There was never alcohol served in Katharine's house, although it appears that she liked a party in the early days. The principal activity with her family was family Sunday dinners.

During their marriage, Katharine was loyal to Dominic. He handled all the finances, wrote the checks and seemed to be the "moving force in the family"; however, she always went "along". They spent many hours together talking after the children were in bed; but there were never any outward expressions of love such as kissing, etc. It is remembered that she kissed each child good night before they went to bed up until the children were 12 to 14 years old and the child discontinued the practice.

When Dominic died, Katharine took over the financial duties of the family and operated the farm for 3 years with her oldest sons doing the work. During this time she mourned in silence and did not seem to ask anyone for guidance or assistance. Her reason for leaving the farm was better education opportunities for the younger children and freedom for the older children to be on their own. None of her children attended high school until after she left the farm.

Katharine remained on the farm until September 1939; at which time she held a public auction and sold all the stock and equipment. The farm was later deeded to Frank Sick of Lovelton, Pennsylvania to satisfy an $850.00 debt Dominic had borrowed during depression years. The family moved to Wyalusing until 1942, when they moved to Towanda for one year, and in 1943 they moved back to Wyalusing. In August 1950 Katharine and her four youngest children moved to Alexandria, Virginia.

Katharine had a lonely life after Dominic died but she enjoyed living in Wyalusing, where better education and jobs were available to the family. While there, she encouraged the family to participate in any activity that would be to their advantage, and helped them to obtain odd jobs whenever possible. At that time, there was no Catholic church in Wyalusing and she opened her house two Sundays a month, to allow a priest from Towanda to offer Mass for all Catholics in the Wyalusing area. During August 1950 she decided to move to Alexandria, Virginia. She had Donald and Michael still in high school, while Ann and William, both single, were working in the Washington, D.C. area, and living in Alexandria. She lived in a furnished apartment for a couple of months and in October she moved to an unfurnished apartment in Alexandria. During May 1951 a house at 106 East Spring Street, Alexandria, Virginia was purchased for Katharine and her four youngest children.

Katharine was very lonely in Virginia, but she was more than willing to suffer in order to give her four youngest children a better opportunity in life. She was under a doctor's care during most of 1952, and early in January 1953 she seemed to get weak and tired. On January 13, 1953, about 10 a.m. she received the last rites of the church, at home, prior to going to the hospital. She lapsed into a coma as she was placed in an ambulance about noon, and passed away about 3:30 p.m. the next day at the Alexandria Hospital, 709 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia. She is buried at St. Anthony's Cemetery, Stowell, beside her beloved husband, Dominic. Her funeral was from her daughter Theresa's home in Sugar Run, Pennsylvania, on January 20, 1953.

Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's Recipes

Katharine Kinsley had one old cookbook when she died which is presently (1986) kept by her youngest daughter, Ann Kinsley Antonich. The cookbook included several loose recipes in Katharine's handwriting; however, some were too timeworn to transcribe while others were for out of the ordinary type of items that the author does not remember his Mother preparing. There are no recipes for Katharine's "specialty dishes" such as home made donuts, Johnny-cake and pancakes and beans which everyone remembers so well. No doubt she had no need to write down those recipes.

Following are the "Hand Written" recipes that daughter Ann now has. Note these are exactly as written and some recipes such as the cookies do not mention flour-- apparently anyone would know it took flour. Also, in some instances there is no indication as to what the item is; however, we have identified the recipes shown here.


Pineapple Tapioca Pudding

2 1/2 cups crushed pineapple

1/4 cup Minute Tapioca

1/3 cup sugar

1/5 teaspoon salt

Mix all, cook in double boiler or pan set in hot water till clear.

Pineapple Custard

2 1/2 cups crushed pineapple

1/2 cup sugar

5 egg yolks stiffly whipped

Combine ingredients, mix lightly. Turn into one large or individual mold that have been wet in cold water. Set in pan (of) warm water. Bake in slow oven till set. Serve with whipped cream.

Peanut Butter Icing

2 cups confect sugar

3 tablespoons peanut butter

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon nutmeg

4-6 tablespoons of milk

Combine all ingredients.

Add milk slowly until of right consistency.

Chocolate Icing

1 cup of sugar

5 tablespoons full of sweet milk

2 tablespoons full of chocolate

Sit on the stove and stir occasionally until it begins to boil. Boil for three minutes without stirring.

Remove from stove and stir until it is cool enough to spread. Be careful not to let it get too thick or it won't spread.

This is fine.


1 peck green tomatoes

12 peppers - red or green

Sprinkle cup of salt

Drain several hours

3 quarts of ripe tomatoes

2 onions

2 bunches celery

3 quarts of vinegar

2 pounds of brown sugar

3 teaspoons allspice

Boil one hour all together.

Pickled Vegetables

2 medium heads cabbage

8 peppers - red and green

8 carrots

12 onion

Cover with 1/2 cup of salt for two hours

Drain - then add

6 cups of sugar

1 quart of vinegar

2 tablespoons white mustard seed

1 tablespoon celery seed

Mix thoroughly - can cold

Molasses Cookies

2 cups of molasses

2 cups of sugar

1 cup of lard

1 egg - 1 large teaspoon full of soda

2/3 cup of boiling water

Nutmeg, ginger and salt

Sugar Cookies

2 cups of sugar

1 cup of shortening

2 eggs

1 cup of milk

3 teaspoons full of baking powder



Chapter V





John Kinsley and most of his heirs became farmers during the 1840s through the 1860s in The Irish Settlement area. However, as time went on most of the younger Kinsley generations left the farms and went into the hauling business in town or went to cities to work. By 1900 all of the Kinsleys except Andrew and Dominic had left the farms.


Andrew Kinsley 1852-1932

Andrew was born August 11, 1852 in the Kinsley Homestead old house which became a General Store in 1867 and later was moved and used as a wagon house from 1872. The house that now stands on the Homestead was built by Andrew's father Michael in 1872.

Andrew married Mahala Isabelle Hope, daughter of Peter and Mahala Hatfield Hope on February 24, 1879, in St. Basil's Church, Dushore. The wedding was witnessed by Luke Brady and Vesta Hope, Isabelle's sister. They set up housekeeping on the farm known as the Comstock place (first farm on the right toward Lovelton below the dirt road that goes by Dominic Kinsley's homestead). The 1880 census, taken June 22, 1880, shows Andrew living with his wife, daughter and Isabelle's sister, Lucy M. (see Isabelle Hope Kinsley's Family, Chapter III).

The Comstock farm consisted of 80 acres first owned by Josiah Beach, then Harrison Comstock, later by William Garey, and 1871 by Orlando and Eunice Comstock. Andrew Kinsley purchased this farm in 1873 for $3,500.00 and various members of the Kinsley family owned it until 1939. The St. Anthony's parish picnic area and dance pavilion, known as the Kinsley Grove, was located on this property. Andrew sold this property to his father, Michael Kinsley, on February 19, 1875 for $3,600.00; however, he continued to operate the farm and started housekeeping there with Isabelle in 1879.

Andrew and Isabelle lived on the Comstock place until 1883 when they moved to the first "Kinsley Place" near St. Anthony's church. On November 1, 1884 Andrew purchased 200 acres for $5,500.00 in what is known as the "Stoddard Place" in Sciotovale. That was over the hill west of his old home place where Dominic's family was raised and some distance from The Settlement. Andrew and Isabelle lived there twelve years and seven of their children were born there. In 1896 the family moved back again to the original "Kinsley Place" near the church where they lived until September 6, 1902 when he purchased the homestead where he was raised (and where Dominic raised his family) from his father Michael for $2,600.00. At that time Andrew was 50 years old and had eight children at home (boys 16 and 18 years old) to help on the farm. Andrew ran a sizeable farming operation and operated two teams of horses (one for each boy) which was a mark of success in those days. Andrew and Isabelle lived on the homestead until March 19, 1917 when they sold the farm to Dominic for $2, 600.00 and moved to the Carroll place which they purchased from Dominic. They really traded farms. Andrew's youngest daughter, Mahala, had married and left home in 1916; therefore, he and Isabelle were alone and could use a smaller house and less land.


Rocket Courier, Thursday, September 29, 1983


News items of timely interest gathered from the old files of The Wyalusing Rocket and reprinted exactly as they were seventy years ago in the September 24, 1913 issue.

Andrew Kinsley and son Dominic of Lovelton visited Wyalusing on business Saturday. They report that they escaped any particular damage from the recent frost.

Our memory of Andrew was in later years when he was older and performed only limited farming. He and Isabelle maintained a sizeable vegetable garden and Andrew spent considerable time sitting in the cabbage with his shotgun watching for ground hogs and rabbits. Andrew and Dominic worked together a lot on the farm, both before Dominic was married and after, as long as Andrew was on the farm.

Andrew was a stately looking man and rather large, weighing around 200 pounds in his prime. He had a rather independent disposition and would walk past people on the street with only a nod but not speak. Andrew took care of his brother Phillip (Chapter III) for many years. When Phillip died after Andrew moved to Philadelphia, he came from Philadelphia all by himself to Phillip's funeral and brought a dark suit that he intended to be buried in himself. However, they used it for Phillip's burial suit.

Andrew and Isabelle retired from the Carroll Place in the fall of 1929. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in February 1929 with a large party and buffet at their house and then moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the next fall.

In Philadelphia, they lived with their daughters, Elizabeth and Veronica. They also spent some time in New Jersey with their grandson, Harold Hill. They made a trip back to the farm during the summer of 1930. Andrew made another trip to the farm in 1931. However, his health was failing and he didn't stay long. Andrew passed away in Philadelphia on January 8, 1932, at the ripe old age of 80. He was buried in St. Anthony's, Stowell, from Dominic's home. Isabelle was not able to attend his funeral. The farm was kept by the family until the mid 1930s when it was sold.


Dominic Kinsley 1886-1936

Dominic was born March 6, 1886 in the house on the Stoddard farm in Sciotovale. He was baptized at St. Anthony's, Stowell and confirmed there on October 8, 1902. Dominic attended school at Sciotovale and Sharpetown. He helped his father on the farm and became a full-fledged farmer when he got his own team of horses in 1902. He and his brother Peter each had their own team from then until 1906 when Peter left the farm and went to Philadelphia. Dominic was his father's principal helper until January 3, 1911 when he purchased the 100 acre Carroll place next door from his Uncle John W. Kinsley for $1,250.00. John had purchased the farm in 1894 for $3,000.000. During the summer months Dominic worked his farm and in the winter he worked in the lumber woods. All his life Dominic maintained financial records of his expenses and often times his activities. Following is a copy of a sample of his records in 1912.

Jan 1, 1912 had at beginning of year $48.37

Jan. 1 in Dushore for medicine .70

Jan. 1 in Dushore for medicine 1.40

Jan. 1 in Colley at dance 1.85

Jan. 7 at Mass .05

Jan. 7 for telephone .50

Jan. 8 for roster of Ed. Oliver .70

Jan. 10 for stamp .02

Jan. 20 for bit and brest strap slides .25

Jan. 20 for book and pencil .25

Jan. 20 for laundry and vaseline .27

Jan. 19 in Wilmot - dance 1.95

Jan. 21 at Mass .01

Jan. 24 for dinner and fixing tug .41

Jan. 30 for medicine at Huff's .50

Feb. 3 for bolts .03

Feb. 9 for gloves in Wyalusing .75

Feb. 14 for hair cut and other things .50

Feb. 10 at dance in Colley 2.10

Feb. 17 Sunday home

Feb. 18 hauled in hay stack at home

Feb. 19 Francis went home I went to the camp with

Pat's wagon

Feb. 20 come up to Dad's and moved from the shanty

Feb. 21 hauled logs

Feb. 22 hauled logs

Feb. 23 hauled logs

Feb. 24 Sunday at home and got Philip

Feb. 25 hauled logs

Feb. 26 hauled logs

Feb. 27 hauled logs

Feb. 28 hauled logs

March 1 I scided and Philip helped me Francis went and got the team shod got back and hauled a load

March 2 I scided Francis hauled Philip helped me

March 3 was Sunday

March 4 Philip and I scided Francis hauled

March 5 Philip and I scided and Francis hauled

March 6 " " "

March 7 " " "

March 8 " " "

March 9 " " "

March 10 was Sunday

March 11 I came up with hay in the PM Francis hauled

all day

March 12 I scided Francis hauled

March 13 I scided Francis hauled

March 14 I scided Francis hauled

March 15 I scided in the A.M. hauled in the P.M.

Francis hauled all day

March 16 we both hauled all day and finished the job

March 17 came home

These records indicate he skidded and/or hauled logs - his Uncle Philip Kinsley helped. We cannot identify Francis' last name. Also, note his attending dances at Colley and Wilmot. Dominic was said to be a good dancer and went to public dances, often every two weeks, in addition to dances in people's houses.

On October 8, 1913, Dominic married Katharine Veronica Cummiskey in St. Francis Church at Cummiskey, Pennsylvania. They lived on the Carroll farm until 1917, at which time they sold the farm to Dominic's father, Andrew. They had two children born on the Carroll farm, Katharine and Joseph, and eleven children born on the Kinsley homestead, Gerald, Marguerite, Richard, Theresa, Helen, Robert, John, Ann, William, Donald and Michael. See Chapter IV.

Following is a copy of a recent (1983) newspaper clipping regarding Dominic's marriage and activities at the time.

Rocket Courier, Thursday, October 20, 1983


News items of interest gathered from the old files of The WYALUSING ROCKET and reprinted exactly as they were seventy years ago in the October 15, 1913 issue.

A very pretty wedding took place in the church at Wilmot on Oct. 8, 1913 when Dominic Kinsley and Miss Catherine Commisky were joined in marriage.


At. F.A. Angle's Grocery Store - 7 good cigars for 25 c; 3 pkgs. Of Corn Flakes, 25 c; best red salmon, 10 c lb; guaranteed flour, $1.50 per sack.

Fred Horton and wife of Sugar Run made a trip to Towanda on Friday in their new auto. - the R.C.H.

While Dominic's health was good, and as his sons became old enough to help on the farm, he continued to expand his farming operation. As most historians know, the United States suffered a serious economic set-back in 1929, which resulted in the great depression. The depression lasted until about 1935 or 1936, therefore, most farmers were hard put to survive, let alone try to expand. During that period some farm prices remembered were; potatoes, 27 cents a bushel; hay, 8 dollars a ton; eggs, 10 cents a dozen; little pigs (6 weeks old), 2 dollars each; dairy cows, 40 or 50 dollars each; and wool, 10 cents a pound. During this period the state paid 10 cents an hour for shoveling snow.

Dominic was an ambitious, hard working individual and, in spite of the depression years, he prospered as a farmer. He owned the first "hay-loader" in The Settlement, but did not own a tractor because his land was quite hilly and tractors were expensive. Dominic owned three work horses for many years and often hitched them three abreast for binding and other heavy work. In his later years, when his boys were old enough to drive a team, he worked two teams of horses which was a sign of a successful farm operation. After Andrew left the farm in 1929, Dominic and his boys farmed the Carroll farm and the Comstock farm in addition to the home place. This was a total of some 300 acres of land. The farm operation included 10 to 12 milking cows, 2 teams of horses, 5 or 6 brood sows, 35 to 40 sheep, and 250 to 300 white leghorn hens. He had a full line of farming equipment and never hired anything done except threshing and bailing straw. He raised corn, wheat, oats, rye, buckwheat and potatoes. The most of the grain was used to feed the stock and it was seldom necessary to buy feed or grain. The majority of income to live on came from the weekly sale of eggs. Large expenditures were met by the sale of 200 or 300 bushels of potatoes each year, pigs sold twice a year and by the annual sale of calves, lambs and wool. Peach and apple orchards of 15 to 20 trees each were maintained and Dominic peddled these products house to house in Wyalusing and Laceyville. Dominic got his first car (a Model T Ford) in 1919 and always had two cars after 1926.

The principal fuel was wood, which was cut during the winter months; therefore, a full years supply was on hand around April first of each year. The family used lots of meat during the winter months and usually butchered 9 or 10 pigs (200 to 250 pounds each) between October and April for the use of the family. Ice was gathered each year from either Coyle's Pond or the ponds in the Jenningsville area and stored in an "ice house" for use primarily to cool milk during the summer for shipment to the local creamery. Also, a six quart freezer of ice cream was made every Sunday during the summer. The family had no electricity or ice box; any food kept was put on the cellar floor which was dirt and usually rather cool.

While on the farm Dominic built some 12 outbuildings such as: chicken houses, garages, hog pens, etc. He did his own carpenter work. He also remodeled the house considerably, which included adding on a kitchen, wood shed and back porch. This addition, plus a portion of the original house, was removed after Dominic's family left the farm in 1939. The last major change Dominic made to the house was the construction of a new front porch in 1930. The house had 1l large rooms including an 8x10 foot pantry, 18 foot square bedrooms and parlor and a guest bedroom, tastefully furnished, that was only used by overnight visitors. There was no bathroom or electricity, but there was running water in the kitchen. Water was heated on the kitchen stove and everyone washed in the kitchen.

Dominic was a fine looking, dark-complexioned, hard working man, about five feet eight inches tall and weighed about 180 to 200 pounds. He did not drink or smoke, and the author never heard him swear or use off-color language. He was not opposed to others indulging and he always kept a barrel of hard cider in the cellar to serve men at thrashing time, wood cutting time, etc. Dominic had a host of friends and knew everyone within a radius of several miles around his home. He followed the same path that other Kinsley men followed in that he was a member of organizations but did not seem to obtain "Leader" type positions. He belonged to the Holy Name Society in the church, the Grange (a farmers cooperative association), and the Dairymen's League (a milk producers association). In the Grange he often held minor offices; however, in the Dairymen's League he and Katharine became the District Representatives of the local district and they held this post for three or four years immediately prior to Dominic's death. In this position they attended Eastern Regional meetings which lasted three or four days at a city some 100 to 150 miles away. In looking back, this seemed somewhat out of character for them; however, their family was old enough to run the farm for a few days while they were away. This may have been a clue as to what they would have done if Dominic had lived until the family was raised.

Dominic began to feel weak and tired during the fall of 1934. He had to work half days while planting wheat in the field above the farm house and continued to become weaker during the 1934-1935 winter. He began seeing a doctor in Meshoppen, Pennsylvania and during the summer of 1935 he developed jaundice. This led to treatment for a liver disorder as he became unable to work in the field but directed the work being done by the boys and made the necessary trips to town for supplies, etc. Finally in November 1935, Dominic went to the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre for tests and evaluation of his condition. After several days he had all his teeth pulled at the hospital but they could find no real cause for his failing health. Prior to his visit to the hospital, Dominic spent a few days in Philadelphia visiting his mother whom he had not seen for some five or six years.


Dominic continued to lose weight and become weaker during the spring and early summer of 1936. Late in May he became so weak that he returned to the Sayre hospital and never returned home again. After several days an exploratory operation was performed and he was found to have cancer of the colon. His condition was so bad that nothing could be done.

While Dominic was in the hospital Katharine went to see him every other day with two or three of the children (they took turns), a 100 mile trip. Either Joe or Jerry drove her. The author clearly remembers his last trip to the hospital a few days before his father passed away. As the family left the room, Dominic was sitting up in the bed waving his hand very weak-like and tears running down his very thin, sick looking face.

Dominic died June 15, 1936, at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pennsylvania. There was a viewing two nights at the farm house in which several people sat up all night in the room with the body (an old Irish custom). Numerous people called during these two days and there were about 100 cars in the funeral line when he was buried at St. Anthony's Cemetery June 8, 1936. After his funeral it was learned that he had made his will in the hospital six days before his death unbeknown to his wife, Katharine. At the time of Dominic's death the "great depression" was ending and he was near the prime of life at age fifty. No doubt the history of this family would have been quite different if he had lived.

Copies of recent newspaper articles concerning the Kinsley's and general activities in the early years.


News items of timely interest gathered from the old files of The WYALUSING ROCKET and reprinted exactly as they were eighty-five years ago on December 25, 1901.

Wyalusing Merchants, Smith and Waldo, served coffee and wafers to their customers all day yesterday.

Harvey Steele's dam and birch still at Elwell were flooded out last week.

Burt Gaylord came home last Friday from New York to spend the holidays in Wyalusing.


A Mrs. Horton of Rome has bought the Charles Overpeck house and lot on South Church Street.

The Laceyville dancing class has sent out invitations for a ragtime dance to be held on Friday evening.

Corn is still climbing up in price. Corn meal, which a year ago could be bought at $18 dollars a ton wholesale, is today worth $30.


Visitors in town last week were John Kinsley of Stowell, George Scouten of Elwell, Fred Ashcraft of Hollenback, and M. Frutchey of Quicks Bend. It is thought they were doing a bit of Christmas shopping.

There was a great demand for last week's issue of the Rocket, describing at length about the big flood of 1901 which hit this area.


News items of timely interest gathered from the old files of The WYALUSING ROCKET and reprinted exactly as they were sixty years ago on November 1, 1926.

Motor vehicles throughout the United Stated in September took a daily toll of 70 lives, an increase over the deaths in August and also over those in September a year ago, according to C.E.Robb, statistician of the National Safety Council.

The marriage of John A. Arnold of Camptown to Miss Elizabeth Biles of Lime Hill was solemnized on Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 4 p.m., by the Rev. H.M. Savacool of Camptown at the home of the bride's parents.


Floyd Harvey, an employee of the Bennett Construction Co. who are working on the Rummerfield/Wyalusing highway, was badly injured on Saturday when the truck on which he was riding was knocked into the Welles Mill Pond in a collision with another of the construction company's large trucks.

There was a large crowd out to the Sunshine Society’s dinner which was served at the West Warren Church. $20.00 was cleared as a result of the event.

There was a masquerade social at the Skinners Eddy Hall Saturday evening for the benefit of the Junior class of Laceyville High School.


Andrew Kinsley from Stowell was in Wyalusing on Tuesday and purchased a pair of United States Tires and Tubes at Dimock's Store.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kunkle, Winifred Prichard and Edward Kunkle, of Sugar Hill, attended the movies in Wyalusing Tuesday night.

Wanted: Egg stove or some similar heating apparatus. If you have one, notify the Rocket Office - Adv.


Michael Kinsley 1912

Andrew and Isabelle Kinsley's Family - 1903

Kinsley Homestead - 1938

Dominic and Katherine Kinsley courting on Tyler Mountain - 1912

Dominic and Katherine at home on Carroll Place -1914

(Left to Right) Katherine Kinsley, her father, Little Katherine, John Sheridan (boy raised by Cummiskeys) - 1917

Carroll Place - 1983

Dominic's family (left to right):
William, Jack, Katharine, Donald, Theresa, Jerry, Ann, Dick - 1983

Dominic's family (left to right):
Marguerite, Robert, Joseph, Michael, Helen

Dominic Binding Wheat - 1934

Wintertime at the farm - 1938

Andrew and Isabelle - 1929

Dominic Kinsley - 1934

Katherine Cummiskey Kinsley with Donald and Michael - 1943

Kinsley Homestead - 1922
Source for Photos: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement:

Chapter VI


[Editor’s Note: At the time this book was published in 1986, the author was unaware of additional information on the origins of the Cummiskey family. Since then, new information has become available and can be reviewed at The Descendants of Arthur Cummiskey, found in the Table of Contents on Faces and Families of Old Sullivan County, Group Three. The Cummiskey (pronounced "KUM-skee") family arrived from Ireland in 1828 and the first church was built shortly thereafter. The stone church referenced here was completed in 1893.

There is some conjecture that the Cummiskey family originally came to Ireland from Poland during one of the divisions of Poland during the 1700s. Chuck Cummiskey claims that his father believed that the word "cummiskey" is a Slavic word for stone in one of the langauges from that area. It turns out that Father Hugh Cummiskey (referenced in the next editro's note below) referred to himself as an "Irish-Pole." However, there are also Cummiskeys who adamantly object to the "Polish" ancestry idea. For example, Jack Cummiskey remarks: "I want to express some discontent with any inference to the Cummiskeys coming from Poland. It appears to me that the information is purely nonfactual and probably arose from the similar pronunciation as certain Polish names. There is much info that supports the fact that Cummiskey is derived from the Gaelic "MacCumascaigh", a name that has been used in Ireland from the 8th or 9th century."

The Bradford County, Pennsylvania land records and the church records in Dushore and Towanda indicate several Cummiskey families lived in Albany and Wilmot Townships, Bradford County during the late 1800s. However, after 1900, the Cummiskey family ancestors related to Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley seemed to be the only family in the area. The data we have was obtained from U.S. Census and church records.

We have been unable to locate any records to verify when the Cummiskeys emigrated from Ireland or where they settled when they arrived. It appears that they came in 1828 and they may have had relatives in the Hazelton, Pennsylvania area. The Richard and Mary Cummiskey family are the great great grandparents of Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley and the first to emigrate from Ireland. The 1850 census indicates they lived in Albany Township, Pennsylvania.

The early Cummiskey families followed the lumber business in Barclay, Pennsylvania. Barclay was a mill town located on the Barclay Mountain, about 15 miles south of Towanda. This was a prosperous town with several stores and a Catholic Church and cemetery. The church was abandoned in the mid 1870s and the last burial in the cemetery was about 1875. Today (1986) the only thing remaining in the area is the Barclay Cemetery. The rest of the area is all scrub forest. The cemetery is grown full with trees and several gravestones are around among the trees. The author searched this cemetery but found no Cummiskey graves; however, only about twenty percent of the gravestones can be read.

The Catholic people were transferred to the Towanda Parish in 1875 and there are records that a Rev. J. Cummiskey married Michael Cummiskey and Catherine Hurley at Barclay on October 6, 1875. Their sponsors were Andrew McGinnis and Julia Hurley. We have been unable to identify the family of Michael Cummiskey; however, it is interesting to note that his sponsor, Andrew McGinnis, had married Theresa Cummiskey (Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's aunt) in 1875. We have been unable to determine if she was married at Barclay and whether Rev. J. Cummiskey performed the marriage. Father Cummiskey was buried in Towanda May 1, 1895 and the records indicate a Hazelton, Pennsylvania address.

We do not know when St. Francis' Church became a parish. The church cornerstone was laid in 1889 and the church was completed about four years later.

We have identified all the heirs of Richard and Mary Cummiskey who came from Ireland around 1828. Most of the men worked in the woods at Barclay and some of Richard's grandchildren operated businesses there in mid 1870. Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's father, Rich H., lost his right arm at the wrist working in the woods at Barclay.


Richard Cummiskey 1790-1870

Richard and Mary Cummiskey came to the United States from County Aughamullen, Monaghan, Ireland in 1828. We have been unable to determine the port of entry into this country. [Editor’s Note: The county was Monaghan and the town of origin was Aughamullen.]

Richard married Mary (maiden name unknown) * sometime around 1808 and settled in Albany Township, Pennsylvania, during the 1840s. [** See the historical footnote at the end of this section.] They had six children as follows: John, Patrick, Mary, Ellen, Catherine and Richard C. The children were all born in Ireland except Ellen and Catherine. Richard and Mary purchased 63 acres of land in Albany Township on December 21, 1847 for $675.00 from Samuel Brown. The record indicates that the Cummiskeys came from Carbon, Pennsylvania to purchase the land. The 1850 census indicates that Mary was living with her daughter Catherine Cummiskey Murphy in Wilmot Township. The property was deeded to Richard and Mary's son, Richard C., around 1870 and later to his grandson Richard. C., Jr. by his mother Catherine in 1906.

Richard was born in 1790 in Ireland and died around 1870. Mary was born in 1792 in Ireland and died December 10, 1876. We have been unable to determine where they are buried but believe it was at Barclay Pennsylvania.
* Editor's Note: Some sources mention "Jackson" as her surname.

Richard Cummiskey's Family

Editor's Note: There is some evidence for another son, James, not listed in this source. According to Chuck Cummiskey, James was born in 1821 in Ireland and emigrated from Ireland, presumably with his family. The Reverend Hugh Cummiskey, son of James, was born in 1854 in Towanda, Bradford County, PA and died in 1920 in Laramie, Wyoming. He was the second parish priest in Laramie.

** Editor's Note: On March 17, 2006, Henry Farley wrote the following fascinating article, which bears on the Cummiskey family roots, for the Daily Review, Towanda, PA:

I decided to write about Albany Township when I realized that Clement F. Heverly left the Irish settlers out of his "History of Albany Township 1800-1885." Heverly had gathered biographical information on Albany's Irish but failed to include it in the volume and published an addendum to the history in 1885 that included the information left out of the township history. Several years ago my fellow historian, Doris Wilcox Hugo of New Albany, provided me with a copy of the rare addendum printed by Heverly in 1885.
Those of us who are serious genealogists know that it is a life long passion and we seem to navigate toward others who like ourselves are constantly searching for information regarding our ancestors. One such individual that I have encountered in my travels is Mrs. Ronnie Lynch Moulthrop of Sayre.
Ronnie has been searching the Lynch genealogy for years and coordinates with other Lynch descendants to share photographs and data. Ronnie recently asked me to come to her home
to look at some photographs that Barnie McLean (a Lynch descendant) from Waverly, N.Y, had in his possession.
I looked the photos over and kept going back to a group picture of six young girls. One of the girls was in a single photo and the name Josephine Cummiskey was written on the back of it. I went to the Bradford County Historical Society in Towanda and researched Cummiskey and found out that the photo was of the six daughters of Michael and Catherine Hurley Cummiskey.
What was even more exciting to me was that Michael Cummiskey was the son of James and Catherine Trainor Cummiskey natives of County Monaghan, Ireland who settled in Albany Township in the 1840s.
According to assessment records at the museum, the first of the Cummiskey's to settle in Albany Township was John Cummiskey. He is listed on assessment records starting November 13, 1841. John became a naturalized citizen in Bradford County on Sept. 11, 1844. He filed his declaration of intent in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. on April 1, 1839 and stated then that he lived in Northampton County, Pa.
He was 26 years old and had immigrated to this country in May of 1836. John signed his naturalization papers showing that he could write his name - this was not something most Irish immigrants could do. In December of 1848 we find John Cummiskey, Patrick Cummiskey, James Cummiskey and Richard Cummiskey all living in Albany Township each on their own piece of property. I believe that Richard Cummiskey was probably the progenitor of the family as he is far older than any of the rest on census records.
James R. Kinsley in his "John Kinsley's Irish Settlement 1830-1986" states that Richard Cummiskey and his wife Mary purchased 63 acres of Land in Albany Township, December 21, 1847. He further stated that the Cummiskey's came from Carbon, Pennsylvania to make the purchase. Kinsley does not include James Cummiskey as a part of the family of Richard but it would seem that he must have been some relation to the rest of the Cummiskey's since he settled in the same area. I will continue to research James and will perhaps find his family line some day.
The family of James and Catherine Trainor Cummiskey were Michael, born in Pennsylvania in 1849; John, born in Pennsylvania in 1850; James, born in New Albany, 1851; Hugh, born in Albany Township 1854; Catherine, born in 1857; and Ellen, born in 1859. Another son, Arthur, is listed in Catherine's obituary. I found Arthur listed in the 1890 SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church census and he was best man for his brother John when he was married. He is listed as living in Montana when Catherine died in 1897.
Ellen must have died as a child as she disappears from local records early. James and Catherine Trainor Cummiskey left Albany Township and moved to Franklin Township where they appear on the census of 1860. James is listed in "The Romance of Old Barclay" in the payroll book of the Towanda Coal Company. Eventually, they moved to Towanda where James died Dec. 7, 1891. Catherine died at their home on Second Street Sept. 23, 1897.
Michael, the oldest, was the father of the six young girls in the photo I examined at Moulthrops. He married Catherine Hurley at Saint Patrick's Church Barclay, on Oct. 6, 1875. Catherine Hurley Cummiskey was the daughter of Patrick and Bridget Kinney Hurley of Standing Stone Township. They were married by Michael's brother Rev. James Cummiskey. One has to wonder how Catherine Hurley got from Standing Stone Township to Barclay.
Michael and Catherine had six daughters Mary, Cecelia, Josephine, Catherine, Ellen and Florence. When Florence was born Nov. 1, 1893 the Bradford Republican Newspaper announced that a 12-pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cummiskey.
"Mike was treating the boys yesterday and feeling very happy over the birth of his sixth daughter." Michael and Catherine Cummiskey started out at Barclay and then moved to Towanda where they were engaged in the hotel business - owning for years the Cummiskey House, a hotel which was later known in Towanda as Doey's and even later as Jan and Bill's. The hotel was torn down several years ago and the Red Rose Café stands in its place on the corner of Washington and Main Streets in Towanda.
When Michael died in 1907 he was engaged in the hotel business in Dushore. When he died in Buffalo, N.Y. on May 30, 1907, several of his daughters had married and moved to the Buffalo area. Catherine Hurley Cummiskey died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P.J. Finan of Dushore, on March 4, 1923.
John was the second child of James and Catherine. He married Annie Murphy in Towanda on Nov. 29, 1877. John died November 3, 1885 in Athens. His wife Annie died May 28, 1889. A daughter, Mary, died Nov. 10, 1883, and a son, James, on Dec. 7, 1891. They are buried in Epiphany Cemetery in Sayre. I am not sure if there are any other survivors of this line.
James, the third child, became a Roman Catholic priest. He was ordained in Scranton, Pa. on July 30, 1874. Father Cummiskey served as pastor of St. Gabriel's in Hazelton for 20 years. A 1916 history of St. Gabriel's gave the following account of Father Cummiskey's leadership.
"Engaged as pastor for more than 19 years, the success attending his Herculean efforts to systematize matters and to pay the debt fully justified the expectations of his friends. Every detail of parochial activities interested him, and he was every inch a leader whose sacrifices were repaid by the love and loyalty of an appreciative congregation. Father Cummiskey was a fearless exponent of righteousness and a relentless for of wrongdoing. He flayed the misguided members of his flock who were aligned with a tabooed secret society of his early pastorate. When a strike at the end of the eighties brought only disaster to the hopes of the miners, their false leaders were excoriated publicly."
Father James Cummiskey left Hazelton in June of 1896 with the purpose of spending a season in Rome, Italy. He entered an order there and never returned to America. He died in Rome October 10, 1913.
Hugh, the fourth child, also became a Roman Catholic Priest. Hugh became a missionary to the West. We think of missionaries going to places like India and Africa. In the 1860s, the Western part of our country was considered the missions.
Father Hugh Cummiskey was ordained Nov. 2, 1877. He was a pioneer priest. He was assigned to Saint Lawrence O'Toole Church, Laramie, Wyoming in Feb. 1879. He remained there until his death Oct. 3, 1920. He was well though of by his superiors: he held the office of Vicar General under four bishops; served as administrator of the diocese three different times, covering in all a period of more than five years. During the regime of Bishop Keane, he was named by Rome a Rt. Rev. Monsignor.
The fifth child of James and Catherine Cummiskey was Catherine. She married Cornelius Barrett and spent her married life in Towanda. She died at her home on Second Street February 11, 1931.
Ellen came next and then Arthur both of whom I have no information. The reader can see from the information contained in this article how much data can be collected on a family once you get started.
The other Albany Township Cummiskey's moved about the county as well some purchased land in Wilmot Township where today an area of the township is referred to as "Cummiskey."
The Irish listed in Clement F. Heverly's 1885 Addendum:
"The Irish began settling in the town in about 1840. Most of them were poor men when they came in, but through industry and economy they have cleared up large farms. Paid for them, and are today Albany's most enterprising and money making citizens.
Hugh Cavenaugh, was the first to settle in the township, and is said to have been the first Irishman to have ever put foot upon Dushore soil. Before locating in Albany he had resided in Sullivan County a few years. His son, James, occupies the place which he cleared up, and where he died in 1884, at the age of 90 years. Mrs. Cavenaugh died in 1885, aged 88 years.
Hugh Whalen, located in Albany in about 1836,
Patrick O'Neil, a native of County Longford, located on a place now occupied by his son, James, in about 1836-37.
Stephen Murphy, a native of County Wexford, in September, 1841, settled the place now occupied by his son Adam.
Thomas Scanlin, a native of County Cork, located on the farm now occupied by his son Thomas, in 1841.
James D. Farrel and James Farrel, (not related), natives of Kildare, located in Albany in 1841, The former settled the farm now occupied by his son, Peter J., and the latter the farm where he still resides.
Martin Berry, a native of County Wexford, purchased the farm now owned by his son, John, in 1841, and subsequently moved in his family.
Patrick North came in, in about 1841, and Thomas Cullen in about 1850.
Peter and John McKernan, brothers, and natives of County Monaghan, came to the township in 1841.
Patrick Finan and John Kline, natives of Roscommon, settled the farms now occupied by their widows in 1841.
Richard Cummiskey, a native of County Monaghan, came to his present possessions in about 1847.
Henry McDermott, a native of County Monaghan, settled the place which he now occupies in 1850.
Edward McNanney, a native of County Monaghan, settled in Albany in 1854.
Michael Tree, a native of County Cavan, came to his possessions in 1861. He was a school teacher for some years."

Note: Henry Farley is vice president of the board of directors of the Bradford County Historical Society.

John (1808-1883)

John is Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's grandfather. His family is discussed at the end of this chapter.

Patrick (1819-1887)

Patrick was born in Ireland in 1819 and died in 1887. He had a wife, Ellen; we have no record of her birth or death dates. ** Both are buried in the Cummiskey Cemetery. The Wilmot Township census indicates Patrick and Ellen had five children as follows: Patrick Jr. born in 1845, James born in 1848, John born in 1851, Helen born in 1855, and Francis born in 1859. In 1880 Patrick and Ellen were living in Wilmot Township with their son Francis.

** Editor's Note: In may 2008, Mike Sheehan, a Cummiskey family historian, sent us the following obituary for Ellen (Brady) Cummiskey (1822-1901), wife of Patrick Cummiskey, taken from the Bradford, McKean County, PA newspaper, most likely The Bradford Era at the end of April or very early May, 1901. Mike is a descendant of James and Mary Aloysia (Collins) Cummiskey, a son of Patrick and Ellen Cummiskey mentioned below.

Death of Mrs. Cummiskey.

Mrs Ellen Cummiskey, aged 78 years, died yesterday evening at 7:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Larkins [sic], No. 25 Bank street. (Note: Death Certificate states she died from bronchitis and duration of residence in Bradford as six years). Mrs Cummiskey had been in falling health for a long time and during the past several days her death has been awaited without hope of any other result of her illness.
The deceased had been a resident of the city for several years, having come here from her old home at Cummiskey, Bradford County, Pa., where , with her husband, long since deceased, she was a pioneer. Mrs Cummiskey was a woman of the most estimable qualities and her death is mourned by many friends. She leaves three sons and one daughter. The sons are James and Francis of this city, and John of Pittsburgh. The daughter is Mrs Larkins, with whom the deceased made her home. The remains will be taken to Bradford county for internment, and will leave on the 8:10 Erie train tomorrow morning.

Patrick's Family
((Editor's Note: See above.)

Patrick Jr. we have no detailed information on Patrick Jr. except that he married Maria Fitzgerald February 14, 1871 in Towanda.

Francis. We have no detailed information on Francis.

James married Mary Collins in Towanda on July 5, 1877. Their sponsors were his brother John and Maria Grace.

Helen married James Larkin at Towanda on July 5, 1879. Their sponsors were Michael and Elizabeth Larkin.

John married Anna Murphy in Towanda on November 29, 1877. Their sponsors were his first cousin Arthur Cummiskey and Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's Aunt Ellen Croak.

Mary (1826-unknown)

Mary was born in 1826 in Ireland. We have no other information on her life.

Ellen (1829-unknown)

Ellen was born in Pennsylvania in 1829. We have no other information on her life.

Catherine (1830-unknown)

Catherine was born in Pennsylvania in 1830. The 1870 census of Albany Township states that Catherine was the wife of Adam Murphy born in 1822. In 1870 Adam and Catherine had seven children as follows: Steven born in 1855, Patrick born in 1857, Anestasia born in 1859, Mary born in 1861, Catherine born in 1864, Elizabeth born in 1865, and Ellen born in 1868. Also, Catherine's mother Mary Cummiskey lived with the Murphy family and she was 78 years old at that time. No details of Catherine's family are


Richard C. (1817-1894)

Richard C. was born in Ireland in 1817 and died in 1894. He is buried in Dushore Cemetery. His wife's name was Catherine *, but we do not know her maiden name. She was born in 1834 and died in 1906. She is buried in Dushore beside Richard. The 1850 census indicates that Richard and Catherine maintained a household in Wilmot Township. In 1870 they lived in Albany Township on his parents' property and had five children as follows: Mary born in 1855; Arthur born in 1862; Richard C. Jr. born in 1864, died 1919; Ella born 1868; and John born 1870. We have no details regarding Mary, Arthur or Ella. Richard C. Jr. married Myrtle Miller (born 1875-died 1904) and he was a farmer in 1900 in Albany Township on his mother's property. Richard and Myrtle are buried in Dushore Cemetery. They had an infant daughter who died in 1904. (Apparently Myrtle died at childbirth). John farmed for his mother in Albany Township in 1900 and farmed with his brother Richard C. Jr. in 1907. This was the original Cummiskey property purchased by Richard and Mary in 1847.
* Editor's Note: Thanks to information from Leigh Taffe Acla, we now know that her surname was Wilson. Born in New Jersey in 1834, she died in Albany Township in 1906. She and Richard had eight children that we know of. One daughter, Ella F. Cummiskey (1868-1927) married Francis H. Coyle (1864-), son of Francis Patrick Coyle (1838-1914) and Mary (Cullen) Coyle (1834-1899). These are the same Coyle and Cullen families referenced in The Cullen Civil War Letters., Frank and Ella had five children who grew to maturity, as well as at least two infants who died at or near birth. Here is the Death Certificate for one of these unfortunates, who died during a breech delivery on March 9, 1909,

John 1810-1883


John was born in 1810 in Ireland and died June 17, 1883. John married Mary Jackson, born 1811 in Ireland and died October 11, 1893. We have been unable to determine the date they were married or when Mary immigrated from Ireland. She was the daughter of Hugh and Ann Corcoran Jackson, Ballybay County, Monaghan, Ireland. Mary's brother John Jackson emigrated to Florida in 1841 and his family became very prominent in Tampa, Florida during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Mary's niece Kate Jackson often visited the Cummiskey Homestead in later years and was prominent in the life of Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley. Mary and John are buried in Cummiskey Cemetery. John received U.S. citizenship August 9, 1848.

John and Mary purchased 76 acres of land in Wilmot Township from Gordon F. Mason on May 3, 1854. There were two more purchases in 1864, making a total of some 90 acres which made up the Cummiskey Homestead located next to St. Francis Catholic Church, Cummiskey, Pennsylvania. The 1850 U.S. Census shows John and Mary living in Wilmot Township, but not as property owners. In the 1870 census records, they were property owners in Wilmot Township.

John and Mary had 5 children as follows: Patrick, Joseph, Richard H., Theresa and Ann. A letter dated April 29, 1874 to John Jackson from John and Mary Cummiskey indicates that all of the children were away from home (in Barclay, Towanda, etc.) and operating small businesses. Joseph had recently become involved in producing a wheeled hay-rake which had been patented by one Mr. Cousens. None of the children were married. The letter indicated a close relationship between the Jacksons and the Cummiskeys at that time. However, in later years after John and Mary died, the only connection seemed to be between Kate Jackson and Richard H. Cummiskey (first cousins). On April 28, 1874 there was a severe snowstorm in Cummiskey, Pennsylvania. John and Mary's family all became married between 1875 and 1879 and soon after their marriages they all moved west except Richard H., who continued to live and raise his family on the Homestead.

In 1854, when John and Mary purchased their property, there were several Cummiskey property owners in the St. Francis Church area. This area was very similar to The Settlement where the Kinsleys settled in that it consisted of Irish Catholic farmers. John and Mary and their Cummiskey relatives pioneered the area which became known as Cummiskey, Pennsylvania and caused the St. Francis Catholic Parish to develop.

The 1880 census indicates that John and Mary's son Richard H. and his wife Margaret (Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's parents) were living with them at the Homestead. The property was deeded to Richard H. and Margaret when John died June 18, 1883; later on August 10, 1920, Richard H. deeded the property to his son John A. John and his wife Margaret raised their family there until soon after she died in 1933, at which time the property was sold and the Cummiskeys left the area.

We have no information as to whether the Cummiskey's that went west in the late 1870s kept in close contact with their Pennsylvania relatives over the years. There are indications that they corresponded occasionally; also, we know that the Jacksons from Florida visited Seamons, Kansas around 1912 to 1915.

John Cummiskey's Family

Patrick (1845-unknown)

Patrick was born in 1845. In 1874 Patrick was operating a business in Barclay, Pennsylvania. He married Joanne Leahy on April 24, 1877 in Towanda. Their sponsors were Joseph Cummiskey, his brother, and Anna Leahy, her sister. Shortly after their marriage Patrick and Joanne moved to Seamons, Kansas. Little is known of their life after they went west. We know they had at least two daughters, Margaret and Ella. Margaret's married name was White and she had a daughter Florence White that visited relatives in Kansas in the 1940s. Ella married a Fein but nothing more is known of them.

Editor's Note: In January 2003, we received the following message from Chuck Cummiskey: Joanna Leahy (as name is spelled on Marriage Certificate) married Francis "Patrick" Cummiskey, 8/24/1871, in Towanda, PA. Joanna born 8/3/1846, Sugar Ridge, PA, died 5/16/1913, Daisy Hill, KS. Francis Patrick born 2/21/1845, Dushore, PA, died 1937, Scammon, KS. Their children were as follows: Mary, b 5/14/1872; Ellen, b 7/4/1874; Theresa, b 7/17/1876; Joseph L., b 8/28/1878; Edward Thomas. b 5/28/1881; John Augustine, b 10/24/1884; Margaret E, b 2/8/1888; Francis William, b 1/26/1890. It appears that the marriage date given in the original text here is incorrect.

This Leahy family is realted by blood to the same Leahy family that married with the Cullen and Kelly families from Overton and Forks, PA. In addition, Joanna Leahy's sister, Anna Leahy, married her husband's brother, Joseph Cummiskey, and the latter couple relocated to Bellingham, WA. Chuck Cummiskey is the grandson of Patrick Cummiskey and he has complete information on the descendants of Patrick and Joanna. Here are pictures of Patrick and Joanna contributed by Chuck.

Francis "Patrick" Cummiskey (1845-1937)
Cherokee, Kansas
Early 1900s
Photo contributed by Chuck Cummiskey
Great grandson

Joanna (Leahy) Cummiskey (1846-1913)
Photo contributed by Chuck Cummiskey
Great grandson


Joseph (1847-Unknown)

Joseph was born in 1847. His wife's name was Anny Leahy, a sister of his brother Patrick's wife. We have no information on their family. Joseph settled in Spokane, Washington and was living there prior to 1880. In a letter dated April 1874, John (Joseph's father) indicates that Joseph had a clothing store. A post card from Joseph to his brother Richard, in Cummiskey, dated March 27, 1914 stated that his wife Anny was in the hospital and that he was not well. They lived in Bellingham, Washington at that time.

Editor's Note: See comments above under bio for his brother Patrick Cummiskey. In June 2013, Mike Sheehan reported the following previously unknown information, obtained from his cousin Marissa who lives in Bellingham, about Joseph Cummiskey:

Joseph P. Cummisky lived in Bellingham, Wa from at least as early as 1905 until 1918. He moved to a small mountain town named Sedro-Wooley which I just happened to visit for the first time ever last week! He died in Sedro-Wooley on February 10th, 1921 at the age of 75.
In 1905, he worked for the Puget Sound Mill & Timber Company as a tallyman. He later worked for the Earl Cleary Lumber and Shingle Company, also as a tallyman.
In 1905, he lived on "the corner of Douglas and 11th streets" with his sister Theresa Cummisky. In 1907 he moved to 930 12th Avenue. Then, in 1910-1915 he lived at 930 Douglas Avenue (coincidentally the same number but those are different streets that are still in town).
In 1916, his wife Annie died on January 28th. According to her death certificate, she was born in 1849 in Pennsylvania and her parents were Patrick Leahy and Ellen Flynn. According to the 1910 census, they had had been married 37 years and had "no live births" and "no living children."
Also in 1916, Joseph moved to 2404 Iron Street, still in Bellingham. 1919 is when he seems to have moved to Sedro-Wooley, which is in a different county so the trail for research at our local archive stops there. Both are buried in Bellingham.

Theresa (1852-Unknown)

Theresa was born in 1852. She married Andrew McGinnis in 1975 and they moved to Pierce City, Missouri in 1876. Andrew and Theresa settled on a farm. Their grandchild, Ralph McGinnis, is farming the Homestead at this time (1986). Andrew and Theresa had eleven children as follows: Mary born in 1877, Thomas born in 1879, Margaret born in 1880, John born in 1881, Theresa born in 1884, Hugh born in 1886, Joseph born in 1890, and Anne born in 1891. Three children died in childhood: Frank, Johanna, Michael. Details of Andrew and Theresa's children in 1980 are as follows:


Mary, born in 1877, married Charles Mabbot and had four children, their names unknown. Two sons live in Kansas City, one daughter in Tipton, Missouri, and one daughter in St. Louis, Missouri.

Thomas was born in 1879. There is no further information available.

Margaret, born in 1880, married John Boyne and they had four children: Mary, Ann, Margaret and Jack. Mary lives in Kansas City, Kansas: Ann lives in Kansas City, Kansas: Margaret married Albert Kay and had two children: Dennis born in 1940, married and lives in Cincinnati; Barbara born in 1943 and married to John Pagacy, living in Kansas City, Kansas: and Jack, who is retired and lives in Monett, Missouri.

John, born in 1881, married and lived in Kansas City, Missouri. They had six children of which three are still alive in 1980, their names unknown. Two are living in Kansas City and one lives in Connecticut.

Theresa, born in 1884, married Thomas Thomas and lived in Kansas City, Kansas. They had four children, of which one son, Floyd, was still alive in 1980 and living in Kansas City, Kansas.

Hugh, born in 1886, married and worked as a carpenter in Springfield, Missouri. He later operated the McGinnis home farm with his mother, Theresa, after his father died. Two children: Ralph, born on the McGinnis (his grandparent's) Homestead: and LoAnna Flehmer, now a widow, who lives near Pierce City, Missouri. Her two sons are married and operate a large cattle business.

Joseph, born in 1890, never married. He spent his life at his parent's Homestead. Joseph stayed on with his brother Hugh after their father died and Hugh operated the farm.

Anne, born in 1891, married John Montgomery and they had six children. Four were still alive in 1980. Only two names are known, however. Eileen Golden lives in Kansas City, Kansas, and Juanita Dunaway, a widow in 1980, had owned a dairy farm near Pierce City, Missouri with her husband, sold the farm and lives in a mobile home on 20 acres near the farm. Anne, 90 years old, is the only remaining child of Andrew and Theresa McGinnis still alive in 1980.

Anne (1855-Unknown)

Ann was born in 1855. Ann married a man named Cullen and moved to Denver, Colorado sometime around 1875. Little is known of their life except that they had at least one son. There are indications that he owned a publishing house in Chicago at one time.

It is interesting to note that the Cullens were early settlers of The Irish Settlement and Isabelle Hope Kinsley's sister Marcella Jane (born 1850) married a Denise Cullen and moved to Denver, Colorado in the 1870s. Were these two Cullens related and were the Kinsleys and Cummiskeys related through marriage some 40 years before Dominic Kinsley and Katharine Cummiskey married?


Richard H. Cummiskey 1848-1921

Richard was born in 1848. He was married to Margaret Croak in Towanda on June 24, 1879 by Rev. J. B. Whelan. Their sponsors at the wedding were James Carroll and Hannora Crimming.

Richard and Margaret started housekeeping at the Cummiskey Homestead and raised their family there. The 1880 U.S. Census indicates Richard's parents, John and Mary, were living at the Homestead with he and Margaret. Richard and Margaret are the parents of Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley. Few details of Richard's day to day life are known. It is known that he lost his right hand at the wrist in an accident working in the lumber woods at Barclay, Pennsylvania on December 21, 1873. In later years he operated the farm as well as someone with both hands. Richard was rather small in stature and not heavy set. He wore a full mustache and in most family pictures he was dressed in a suit with coat and tie. He seems to often be wearing a hat.

Richard and Margaret maintained a very happy, party-like household. They entertained numerous Priests and Bishops because of the nearby St. Francis' Catholic Church. Many local people stopped by their house on the way to and from mass and they walked in groups to the church for the services. Also, their family was very close to Margaret's family and they often went back and forth for Sunday dinner with Margaret's parents and her brothers and sisters. As noted earlier, all of Richard's brothers and sisters migrated west and most lived in Kansas or Missouri. There are no details as to whether any of them ever visited him or his family.

As Richard and Margaret became older, their son John was married and lived at the Homestead. In 1914 the house at the Homestead burned and was rebuilt by son John for his family. After the fire Richard and Margaret spent considerable time with their daughter Katharine in The Irish Settlement. In fact, Richard became ill while visiting there and passed away at Katharine's house. Richard died in 1921 and is buried beside Margaret in the Cummiskey Cemetery. Richard and Margaret had four children as follows: John, Mary, William and Katharine. Margaret died at the Homestead in 1920.


Richard H. Cummiskey's Family

John Arthur (1880-1967)

John was born at the Cummiskey Homestead in 1880. He married Margaret McKernon and they lived first on a farm near the Cummiskey Homestead. In a few years, when his parents’ family had all married, John and Maggie moved to the Cummiskey Homestead where they raised their family.

On October 5, 1931 the Cummiskey Homestead barn burned due to an oil lantern accident. In the fire, 12 year old Elizabeth, John and Maggie's only daughter, lost her life. That tragedy led to Maggie's death and John abandoning the Homestead. Maggie had been bedridden since the birth of their last child in 1923. She died in 1933 at the age of 48 years. After Maggie died, John left the Homestead and moved back to the smaller farm where he and Maggie had begun their life together.

Soon after moving from the Homestead, John obtained a housekeeper, Nettie Garnor from Honesdale, Pennsylvania. John farmed the small farm and worked in the woods while his family, now grown, had left home and settled in the Binghamton/Elmira, New York area. John maintained his household for Nettie and 2 minor children she had of her own. A few years later John married Nettie and in the early 1940s he sold the farm and moved to Honesdale, Pennsylvania, where he lived with Nettie and her relatives until he died in 1967. John was always quite close to his sister Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley and the families visited often over the years. John is buried in the Cummiskey Cemetery next to Maggie. John and Maggie had six children as follows: Eugene, Joseph, Patrick, Elizabeth, Richard ** and William.
** Editor's Note: Here is an obituary for Richard Cummiskey that contains much addtional information on his family.

Daily Review
Towanda, PA
March 3, 2008

Richard G. Cummiskey, age 86, well-known and respected Albany Township dairy farmer, passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 1, 2008, at his home with his family at his side. Dick was born Nov. 28, 1921, in Wilmot Township on the family farm, son of the late John A. and Margaret McKernan Cummiskey. He was a member of St. Basil's High School, Class of 1941. He married the former Alma Litzelman of Overton, on Nov. 3, 1945. They recently celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. Dick was a lifelong dairy farmer and was active in his church and community. He served as an Albany Township supervisor/secretary-treasurer for 14 years, and took great pride on the many road projects that he was able to complete. He was an insurance agent for the Farmers and Mechanics Insurance Co. of Forksville, Pa., for 47 years. Dick was a member of St. Basil's church in Dushore, Pa., and a member of the former Holy Name Society. He served on every finance committee when there was a renovation, and on many social committees. He and Alma worked for many years at the picnic when held at Penn's Grove, and he also was part of the group responsible for the founding of the annual spaghetti dinner held each fall. He was a 50-year member of the local unit of Eastern Milk Producers, where he served as the secretary and delegate. He was also a member of the Bradford County ASCS, and served as a member of the local committee of the Bradford-Sullivan Co. Farmers Home Administration. Dick was an avid sports fan and followed his grandchildren in their junior and high school sports careers. Surviving are his spouse, Alma, at home; his sons and daughters-in-law, John D. and Mary Frances Cummiskey of Endicott, N.Y., Paul and Michelle Cummiskey of Tarpon Springs, Fla., and Wayne and Andrae Cummiskey of New Albany, Pa.; a daughter and son-in-law, Sharon and David Haus of Trout Run, Pa.; a sister-in-law, Mary Cummiskey of Johnson City, N.Y.; his grandchildren, Todd (Patti), Christopher, Matthew (Jenny), David, Keith, Jena, Jerika, Joshua and Janelle; his great-grandchildren, Robert and Michaela; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brothers, Eugene, Joseph, Patrick and William, and a sister, Elizabeth, who died as a child. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 5, at the P. Dean Homer Funeral Home, 206 Water St., Dushore, and will be followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. at St. Basil's Church, Dushore, with the Rev. Vincent F. Langan presiding. Interment will be in St. Basil's Cemetery. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, at the funeral home. There will be a vigil service at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. The family will provide the flowers and requests that memorials be directed to the St. Basil's Restoration Fund, PO Box 307, Dushore, Pa. 18614, or Guthrie Hospice, RR 1, Box 154, Towanda, Pa. 18848. To send condolences or sign the e-guestbook, please go to

John's Family

Eugene, born August 1, 1914 and died February 15, 1971. His wife was Mary K. Sawyer and they had no children. Gene worked in the construction business with his brother Joseph in the Elmira, New York area.

Joseph, born May 2, 1916, is still living (1986). He married Margaret Krasahi and they had no children. Joe later married Margaret Benasi and they have two children as follows: Joseph Jr., born 1942, is married to Cynthia Smith. They have four children and live in Albany, New York. Gail Ann, born 1946, married Julian Gottlieb and lives in Elmira, New York. They have one child. Joe was quite successful in the construction business with Gene until Gene's death and the business discontinued. Joseph and his family have always lived in the Elmira/Binghamton area.

Patrick born April 30, 1918, is still living in 1986. Patrick married Marie Pinto and they had three children. Marie died of a heart condition in 1971. Pat and Marie settled in Binghamton, New York and raised three children. Pat became very successful in the home construction and remodeling business in the Binghamton area and retired in 1983 leaving his son William to run the business. Pat's children are: William, born 1942, is married and has six children. They live in Binghamton, New York. Patricia Ann, born 1938, married Raymond Rommel and lives in Binghamton, New York. They have no children. Rose, born 1947, married Richard Stevens and lives in Winter Haven, Florida. They have two children. In 1973 Pat married Mary Merva and presently (1986) lives in retirement at his home in Binghamton in the summer and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in the winter.

Elizabeth, born November 14, 1919, died in a barn fire at the Cummiskey Homestead on October 5, 1931.

Richard was born at the farm November 28, 1921 and is still living (1986). Dick lived with his parents one and one half years until his younger brother was born and his mother became bedridden, then he went to live with his mother's family, William, Richard and Elizabeth McKernon. The McKernons were Maggie's brothers and sisters and none were married. Dick continued to live with that family and inherited their farm when they passed away.

Dick married Alma Litzelmon of New Albany and they have four children. Dick and Alma are very successful farmers and have operated the farm where he was raised (about five miles outside Dushore) plus several additional acres they have purchased over the years. Dick's children are as follows: John, born 1946 and married to Mary Tubach, presently lives in Endicott, New York (1984) with their children Michael, Christopher and Matthew. John is a C.P.A. and Mary is a registered nurse. Paul, born 1952, married Michelle Spatzer and lives in Palm Harbour, Florida. They have no children. Paul is a plant pathologist and Michelle is a freelance artist. Wayne, born in 1957, married in October 1985 and lives in a new house on the parentr’ homestead. Wayne operates the farm jointly with his father. Sharon, born 1962, is not married and lives in Williamsport, Pennsylvania (1985). Sharon is an executive secretary.

William, born April 7, 1923, is still living. Bill went to the Elmira/Binghamton area with his older brothers in the late 1930s. He settled in Horseheads, New York and worked the past 35 years in a prominent position for Harding Brothers, Elmira. Bill married Mary Schaefer of Elmira and they had two children. Bill retired in 1985. Bill's children are as follows: Eileen, born in 1949, married Peter Warren and lives in Horseheads, New York with their children Ryan and Gregg. Peter and Eileen are both school teachers. Kathleen, born 1954, married Daniel Wade and lives in Erin, New York with their children Donovan, Casey and Andrew. Kathleen is a homemaker and Daniel works in the service department at Harding Brothers.


Mary (1884-1975)

Mary was born in 1884 on the Cummiskey Homestead. She did not attend high school and married John McKernon. John was a farmer and he and Mary operated a small farm about six miles from Dushore and four miles from her Homestead. John also operated a rural milk route most of his life in which he picked up farmer's milk each morning (first with a horse and wagon and later with a truck) and hauled it to the creamery in Dushore. This was a rather lucrative business and was very good for John because he was not a strong robust person.

John and Mary never had any children. In the early years she had medical problems which prevented her having children. In 1930 they obtained a 12 year old boy, James Kerr, who came to live with them from an institution in Scranton, Pennsylvania. James' mother was dead and his father was in a mental institution. The Kerr family was sponsored by a trust fund in which John and Mary were paid a monthly amount for keeping James plus allowances for clothes, etc. James had three brothers and one sister still at the institution and John and Mary's home seemed to perfect a place to raise children that the Trustees approached them to take the whole family. Shortly, the three younger children (Leo age 10, Elizabeth age 8, and Howard age 6) came to live with them. Their older brother, George Kerr, age 14, went to live at a neighboring farm. The Kerr family became John and Mary's family. While they never legally adopted the children, they were raised like their own and continued on as adults to take care of Mary in her old age.

George and James Kerr enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1940 and were killed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Leo enlisted in the Canadian Army. Elizabeth married Jack Corcoran from The Settlement and they lived their life in California. Howard served the Armed Services in World War II and returned and now lives in Towanda (1986). He is married and his family looked after Mary until her death in 1975.

John was born in 1874 and died at their farm home in 1948. Mary continued to live alone on the farm until 1970 when she sold her farm and moved to a nursing home. Mary's disposition was somewhat erratic in that sometimes she was very friendly with her brothers and sisters, while other times she went for periods of time with little or no contact with them. She and her sister Katharine maintained that type of relationship over the years. Mary died at the nursing home in 1975.

William (1882-1969)

William was born at the farm Homestead August 1, 1882. He married Nellie Finan, a local girl, and they lived most of their life in Painted Post, New York. Will was always mechanically inclined and became quite involved in civic activities and other community affairs during his lifetime. He spent his lifetime working for Ingersoll Rand Company in Corning, New York and occupied a prominent position with them for many years. Over they years Will and Nellie vere looked upon by the family as financially comfortable. They usually visited the area once a year, always drove a high priced automobile, and traveled with their family to places like Florida and across the country. Nellie was born February 19, 1882 and died December 31, 1968. Will died November 2, 1969. They are buried in St Mary's Cemetery, Corning, New York. Willie and Nellie had five children as follows: Anna, Marguerite, Charles Adrion, Mary and Helen.

Will's Family

Anna, born July 15, 1908 in Painted Post, married Edward Leibig and had four children as follows: Edward born in 1933, William born in 1934, John born in 1937, and Anne born in 1940. Anna died on February 11, 1941 shortly after the birth of her daughter, and Edward died November 25, 1972. They are buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Corning.

Marguerite, born November 24, 1909 in Painted Post, married George Mitchell and they had no children. Marguerite died July 6, 1954 and George died in 1966. They are buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Corning.

Charles Adrion, born April 30, 1912 in Painted Post, married Edith Wills and they had no children. They lived in San Francisco, California after their marriage. Adrion died September 2, 1974 and Edith died December 22, 1981. Both are buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Corning.

Mary, born May 7, 1916 in Painted Post, married Raymond Troll. They lived throughout the country traveling with the military service and had six children as follows: Timothy born in 1950, Kathryn born in 1952, Raymond born in 1954, Mary born in 1955, Teresa born in 1956, and Susan born in 1959. Mary and Raymond are alive today (1986).

Helen born December 8, 1920 in Corning, married Joseph Smith. They live in Painted Post and have two children as follows: Mary Ellen born in 1953 and Nora Ann born in 1956. Helen and Joe are both alive today (1986).

Katharine (1890-1953)

Katharine was born at the Homestead in 1890. She married Dominic Kinsley of The Irish Settlement, Stowell and they had 13 children. For detail of her life see Chapter IV.

Search for Cummiskey Ancestors in Ireland

Several attempts were made to locate Cummiskey ancestors in the Parish of Aughamullen, County Monaghan, Ireland; however, no definite link was established with any Cummiskey families in that area.

There are numerous Cumiskey families still living in that part of County Monaghan and several of those people were interviewed in an attempt to establish any relationship with Richard and Mary Cummiskey who emigrated to Pennsylvania around 1828. One particular family resembled the Pennsylvania Cummiskeys in that many of them carried the same names (John, William, Patrick) as the Cummiskeys in America. However, they had no knowledge of their early ancestors. Also, the Jackson family name is very common in this area of Ireland and as we know John Cummiskey’s wife was a Mary Jackson.

The Parish of Aughamullen is by Irish standards quite large, stretching from southwest of Ballybay to east of Lough Egish, some eight miles. It is very possible that richard and his family attended the present Catholic church of Aughamullen east (Lough Egish) since the Cummiskey name is very common in that area even today (1986). While we were unable to establish anything conclusive, we feel that the Cummiskey families residing there are in some way related to those who left County Monaghan in 1828 in search of a new, more prosperous life in America.

From the many families visited, the following would seem to have some link to the Pennsylvania people: Patrick Cummiskey, Drumganus, Ireland; Macarton Cummiskey, Iniskeen, Ireland; and his brother Gerald Cummiskey, Troy, Ireland; and Eugene Cummiskey, Castleblaney, Ireland.



Chapter VII


The principal information we have regarding the Croak family came from the U.S. census records, limited discussions with Marcella Croak Boyce and the Towanda Catholic Church records. The Croaks lived in Marshview, Pennsylvania, which was located between Durell and New Albany, Pennsylvania in Asylum Township. There is nothing there today except farm land. The only census records that listed Croaks were Asylum Township 1860. There is nothing in the census records for Asylum or other nearby Townships in the years before or after 1860.

The 1860 records listed three Croak households with families as follows: William, age 50, day laborer, born in Ireland, cannot read or write: Michael, age 54, farmer with real estate valued at $1,200.00. born in Ireland, cannot read or write: Edward, age 56, day laborer, born in Ireland, cannot read or write; The next household on the census record was Barretts and there are Barretts living there today (1986)so we feel reasonably sure we know where the Croak property was. Also, this property is very near the Albany Township border and the town of New Albany, Pennsylvania, where the original Cummiskey family lived. This explains the probability of the Cummiskey and Croak marriage.

The only Croak alive today (1986) is Marcella Croak Boyce, who lives in Binghamton, New York and is a widow. She is the granddaughter of William Croak mentioned earlier in the census records. Marcella was born in Marshview and lived near New Albany on a farm until 1921. Since that time she has lived in the Binghamton are.

The 1860 census records concerning Michael and Edward were as follows: Michael, age 54 born in Ireland; wife Johanna, age 47, born in Ireland; daughter Mary, age 18, born in Pennsylvania; son Michael age 15, born in Pennsylvania; daughter Ellen, age 4 months, born in Pennsylvania. And for Edward, age 56, born in Ireland; wife Hannah, age 54, born in Ireland; son Philip, age 7, born in Pennsylvania. The church records indicate that Michael's daughter Mary married Michael Murray in the Towanda Catholic church on May 1, 1870. The sponsors were Michael Mitchell and Rachel Crimmins. Also, the son Michael married Mary Haslet on May 2, 1866 at the Towanda Church. Their sponsors were John Croak and Anna Sullivan. This information indicates that William, Michael and Edward were brothers and that they emigrated from Ireland sometime between 1820 and 1840. Marcella remembers being told that Michael and Edward and their families moved to the Boston, Massachusetts area sometime before 1900.

The county land records indicate Michael Croak purchased property in Asylum Township in April 1859. This land was transferred to Michael's daughter and her husband Michael Murray on April 2, 1870. This may be when Michael moved to the Boston area.

William Croak 1813-1889

William Croak was born in Ireland in 1813 but we do not know the county of his birth. His wife's name was Catherine and she was born in Ireland in 1814. We do not know the date they emigrated to America except it was between 1820 and 1840, nor do we know if they were married when they came. William was a farm day laborer and raised his family in Marshview, Pennsylvania. William and Catherine had eight children, all born in Pennsylvania as follows: William, Anty, Mary, Philip, Bridget, Ellen, Margaret and John. William died April 12, 1889 and Catherine died January 16, 1899. They are buried in SS. Peter and Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Towanda, Pennsylvania. We do not know Catherine's maiden name. In October 1883, William deeded a small lot in Asylum Township to his son Philip. This seems to be the only property he owned. Also, William's will was dated September 2, 1884 and probated May 4, 1889.


William Croak's Family

William, born 1840 in Marshview. We assume that he was not married because he lived on a farm with his sisters Anty and Ellen in 1900. At that time he farmed 100 acres, We do not know whether Croaks owned the farm since we found no record of farm purchases in the land records.

Anty (Anna), born in 1841 in Marshview. We know nothing about her except that she lived at home with her brother William in 1900.

Mary, born in 1844 in Marshview. She married a McGee and lived in Williamsport all her life. A son and daughter both died of cancer. We don't know if there were other children.

Phillip, born in 1846 in Marshview. He married Catherine Fittan at Towanda Catholic Church on September 14, 1876. Sponsors were Dyonisis Crimmins and Maria Fittan. Philip has two grandsons, namely: Philip Croak, lives in Spring Lake, New Jersey and Robert Croak living in Corning, New York (1986). Both grandsons are over 60 years old at this time (1986).

Bridget, born in 1848 in Marshview. She married John Flanagan in Towanda on June 25, 1874. Their sponsors were Phillip Croak and Maria Burke. We have no further information on their life.

Ellen, born in 1850 in Marshview. In 1907 Ellen lived with William, who farmed 120 acres. Later she died in Marshview of breast cancer.

Margaret, born in 1852 in Marshview. She was Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's mother. See below.

John, born in 1859 in Marshview. He married Rose Deegan, who was born in 1870, and they lived in the New Albany area on a farm. John died of a heart attack in 1921, Rose died in 1928. They are buried in Dushore. John and Rose had six children as follows: Mary born in 1896, married Zed Mott, she was a school teacher; William born 1898; Katharine born 1902, married Emmett O'Hara, she was a school teacher; Marcella born 1907, married Thomas Boyce, had three children (two were twins), and lived in Binghamton, New York, Marcella is a registered nurse; Ellen born 1909, died 1912; Joseph born 1910, married but had no children, lived in Binghamton, New York. It is noted that the women in this family all followed professional careers.


Margaret Croak Cummiskey 1852-1920

Margaret was born in Marshview in 1852 and died at the Cummiskey Homestead in 1920. Margaret married Richard H. Cummiskey and was the mother of Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley. She was of average stature and on the robust side. The few family pictures available indicate that she dressed very average and maintained rather serious facial expressions. There were always numerous people at the Cummiskey house and we know Margaret liked family gatherings. During their married lives, Richard's brothers and sisters lived in Missouri and further west, so there were few family activities with his side. However, it appears that Margaret maintained a strong relationship with the Croak relatives and always went back and forth for "Sunday Dinner", which was a major social activity among the Irish during that period.

We know nothing of Margaret's education or her activities in Marshview prior to her marriage at age 27. The U.S. census in 1860 (she was 8 years old) indicates she was attending school and that neither of her parents could read or write. Also, her father is shown as a "day laborer", whereas her uncle was the farmer and landowner. In later years, after 1900, her unmarried brother was the landowner and some unmarried sisters lived with him. We have not determined when the Croaks disposed of the farm at Marshview.

Richard H. Cummiskey's parents, John and Mary, were the original settlers on the Cummiskey Homestead in Wilmot Township about 1840 and caused the area to be called Cummiskey. John's parents lived in Albany Township, New Albany, which is very near Marshview, and were no doubt closely associated with the Croaks. The nearest Catholic church, even today in 1986, is Towanda.



The Cummiskey Family Coat of Arms
Source: Bigwood Irish Family Heraldry.
[Editor's Note: The original Kinsley text has a black and white
reproduction of this coat of arms. We have chosen
to use the color version here to bring out its full appearance.

Richard H. Cummiskey - 1905

St. Francis' Church, Cummiskey - Early 1900's

John and Mary Jackson Cummiskey - 1868

(Left to right) Back row - Richard H. Cummiskey,
Margaret Croak Cummiskey, Kate Jackson; Next row - Mary McKernan,
Maise Carty, Maisey's daughter Catherine, Katherine Kinsley;
Front - John Sheridan - 1912

(Left to right) Katherine Kinsley,
Kate Jackson, Unknown - 1912

(Left to right Adults) William Cummiskey, Richard H. Cummiskey,
Nellie Finan Cummiskey, John McKernan, John A. Cummiskey

Rev. M. H. Corgan (in buggy)
at Cummiskey's - 1912

Source for Photos: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement:

APPENDIX: Area Maps/Genealogical Charts

Map of Pennsylvania Designating
Irish Settlement Area

Location of Irish Settlement (Stowell)
and Commiskey (1986): Catholic Churches and
Kinsley Places are Designated

Map of Ireland Identifying Location of
Ferns, Monamolin and New Ross

Map of Ireland Identifying Kinsley and
Cummiskey Ancestors' Residences

John Kinsley's Birthplace in Ireland

Area Where Cummiskeys Reside in Ireland (1986)
Source for Maps: John Kinsley's Irish Settlement:



B - Born

D - Died

M - Married

R - Resided


Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's Grandfather's Family

William B 1813 D 1889 Wife: Kitty 8 children

Michael B 1806 D Wife: Johanna, 3 children

Moved to Boston area 1890

Edward B 1804 D Wife: Hannah, 1 child

Moved to Boston area 1890

William Croak's Family

William, Jr. B 1840 D Not married

Anty B 1841 D Not married

Mary B 1844 D Husband: McGee, 2 children

Phillip B 1846 D Wife: Catherine Fittan, 1 child

Bridget B 1848 D Husband: John Flanagan

Ellen B 1850 D Not married

Margaret B 1852 D 1920 Husband: Richard Cummiskey B. 1848 D

1921, 4 children

John B 1859 D 1921 Wife Rose Deegan B 1870 D 1928

6 children


Michael Croak's Family

Mary B 1842 D Husband: Michael Murray

Michael B 1845 D Wife: Mary

Ellen D 1860 D


Edward Croak's Family

Philip B 1853 D



Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's Great Uncle

Richard C. B 1817 D 1894 Wife: Catherine B 1834 D 1906

6 children


Richard C. Cummiskey's Family

Mary B 1855 D

Catharine B 1859 D

Arthur B 1862 D

Richard C.Jr.B 1864 D 1919 Wife: Myrtle Miller B 1875 D 1904

Infant daughter died in 1904

Ella B 1868 D

John B 1870 D



Katharine Cummiskey Kinsley's Great Uncle

Patrick B 1819 D 1887 Wife: Ellen, 5 children


Patrick Cummiskey's Family

Patrick B 1845 D

James B 1848 D Wife: Mary Collins

John B 1851 D Wife: Anna Murphy

Helen B 1855 D Husband: James Larkin

Francis B 1859 D



Katharine Kinsley's Great Grandfather


Richard B 1790 D 1870 Wife: Mary B 1792 D 1876

6 children


Richard Cummiskey's Family

John B 1810 D 1883 Wife: Mary Jackson B 1811 D 1893

5 children

Patrick B 1819 D 1887 Wife: Ellen

Mary B 1826 D

Ellen B 1829 D

Catherine B 1830 D Husband: Adam Murphy

7 children

Richard C.B 1817 D 1894 Wife: Catherine B 1834 D 1906

5 children


John Cummiskey's Family

Patrick B 1845 D Wife: Joanne Leahey, 2 children

Joseph B 1847 D Wife: Anny Leahy

Richard H. B 1848 D 1921 Wife: Margaret Croak B 1852 D 1920

4 children

Theresa B 1852 D Husband: Andrew McGinnis, 11 children

Ann B 1855 D Husband: ___ Cullen, 1 child


Richard H. Cummiskey's Family

John B 1880 D 1967 1st Wife: Margaret McKernon B 1885 D 1933

6 children

2nd Wife: Nettie Garnor no children

Mary B 1884 D 1975 Husband: John McKernan B 1874 D 1948

No children

William B 1882 D 1969 Wife: Nellie Finan B 1882 D 1968

5 children

Katharine B 1890 D 1953 Husband: Dominic Kinsley B 1886 D 1936

13 children



Mahala Hatfield Hope's Family

Samuel B 1802 D 1882 Wife: Fanny Bowen B 1799 D 1874

9 children (second marriage for both)


Samuel's Family

Mahala B 1825 D 1892 Husband: Peter Hope, 15 children

Enis B 1831 No data available

Emir B 1833 D Married, 6 children

Anson B 1835 D 1863 Not married, Killed in Civil War

Mary Ellen B 1837 D 1888 Lived with father in 1880

Elmer B 1838 D

Vesta B 1839 D 1909 Lived with father in 1880

Irene B 1841 A teacher in 1860

George B 1843 D


Fanny Bowen Hatfield's Family Before Marrying Samuel Hatfield

John A. Adams B 1818 D No data available

Alphas Adams B 1820 D 1890 Buried Jenningsville

Gilbert Adams B 1822 D 1897 1st Wife Emily Moffit B 1825 D 1867

2 children

2nd Wife: Katharine Reynolds




Christopher Hope's Children

Peter F. B 1833 D Wife: Marcella Riley, 14 children

Marcella B 1836 D Husband: Daniel Collins, 4 children

Thomas B 1838 D Wife: Ann Finnigan B 1846, 7 children

[Editor’s Note: A son of Peter Hope and Marcella "Reilly" was Christopher Patrick Hope. He was born in Mildred, PA and eventually moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Christopher married Anna Burke from Laceyville, Bradford County, PA. The had a daughter named Crescentia Hope. On June 30, 1920 in Cleveland, she married Timothy Aloysius Lavelle, born in 1893 in Lopez, PA. The Lavelle family then propagated in the Cleveland area. These Lavelles were the same Lavelles with whom the Cavanaughs, Murrays, Sweeneys and other Sullivan County families intermarried. They emigrated from Ireland to Sullivan County about 1850 and eventually ended up in the Elmira, NY area. You can learn more about the Lavelle lineage at Sweeneys-McDonalds from County Sligo to Pennsylvania, where the families are organized alphabetically by surname. There is also a picture of Timothy Lavelle, his parents and siblings on the entry page to the Message Boards on this site.]


Marcella Hope Collins' Children

Christopher B Wife: name unknown R - Tennessee

Thomas B Not married R - Stowell, PA

Mary B Husband: Joe Quinn, no children R - Meshoppen, PA

Timothy B Wife: Alice Kinsley, 5 children R-Lovelton, PA


Thomas Hope's Children

Elizabeth B 1870 D Husband: Daniel Collins, 6 children

R- Lovelton, PA

Jane B 1872 D Husband: Francis Malloy, 3 children

R - Stowell, PA

Rose B 1874 D Husband: John Cullen, 4 children

R - Sciota, PA

Christopher B 1876 D Wife: Ida Powell, 5 children

R - Lovelton, PA

Alice B 1879 D Husband: Ed McCrossing, 1 child

R - Meshoppen, PA

Joseph B 1881 D Wife: Ella O'Mara, 5 children

R - Stowell, PA

Grace B 1883 D Husband: James Sheridan, 1 child

R - Meshoppen, PA



Christopher Hope's Family

Peter B 1810 D 1884 Wife: Mahala Hatfield B 1825 D 1892

15 children

Christopher lived in Ireland


Christopher's Children in U.S.

Peter F. B 1833 Ireland D Wife: Marcella Riley B 1838 D

14 children

Marcella B 1836 Ireland D Husband: Daniel Collins

4 children

Thomas B 1838 Ireland D Wife: Ann Finnigan B 1846 D 7 children


Peter F. Hope's Family

Elizabeth B 1860 D Husband: John Corcoran

8 children, R - Stowell, PA

Christopher B 1862 D Wife: Anna Burke, 4 children,

R. - Bernice, PA

Ann B 1865 D Husband:___ Schutz, 3 children

Bernard B 1867 D Wife: Agnes Rutledge, 1 child

R - Wilkes Barre, PA

Mary B 1868 D Husband: John Malloy, 6 children

R. - Stowell, PA

Marcella B 1869 D Not married, R - Stowell, PA

Edward B 1870 D Wife: Mary Walsh, 2 children

R - Wilkes Barre, PA

Susan B 1874 D Husband: Richard Murray

R - Hollenback, PA

Bartholomew B 1872 D Wife: Mary Powell, 4 children

R - Lovelton, PA

Francis B 1876 D Not married, R - Wilkes Barre, PA

Charles B 1878 D Wife: Barb Eckenfels, 5 children

R - Stowell, PA

Catherine B 1879 D Husband: John Baggott, 6 children

R - Oak Hill, PA

Margaret B 1880 D Husband: Fred Brown, 2 children

R - Wyalusing, PA

George B 1882 D Wife: Agnes McGuire, R - Syracuse, NY



Isabelle Hope Kinsley's Grandfather

Christopher B D Lived in Ireland


Christopher Hope's Family

Peter B 1810 D 1884 Wife: Mahala Hatfield B 1825 D 1892

15 children

Christopher B D Lived in Ireland, 3 children in U.S.


Peter Hope's Family (Isabella Hope Kinsley's Father)

Peter B 1846 D 1915 Wife: Susan Fanning M 1-18-1877,

5 children

John B 1848 D 1910 Wife: Bridget Joyce, 5 children

Christopher B 1849 D 1861 Died from Measles

Jane B 1850 D 1908 Husband: Denice Cullen, 9 children

Thomas B 1852 D 1926 Wife: Bridget Barry, 3 children

Isabelle B 1853 D 1942 Husband: Andrew Kinsley, 11 children

James B 1855 D 1941 Wife: Viola Taylor, 3 children

Ammon B 1856 D 1951 Wife: Anna Cooke, 2 children

Stephen B 1858 D 1938 Not married

Vesta B 1860 D 1935 Husband: Wm. Stafford, 6 children

Francis B 1861 D 1941 Wife: Mary Kinsley, 3 children

Agnes B 1864 D 1943 Husband: Cory Burgess, 4 children

Mary Ellen B 1866 D 1946 Husband: Nick Stafford, 9 children

Lucy B 1868 D 1950 Husband: Frank Howard, 3 children

Sarah B 1870 D 1947 Husband: John Kinsley, 5 children



John Byrnes (Winifred Byrnes Kinsley's Father)

John B 1788 D 1855 Wife: Alice Maher B 1798 D 1884

5 children

John Byrnes Family

Philip B 1825 D 1890 Wife: Ann Stafford, 5 children

Winifred B 1830 D 1895 Husband: Michael Kinsley B 1830 D 1916

10 children

Elizabeth B 1832 D 1924 Nun in St. Louis, MO

Catherine B 1838 D 1879 Husband: John Kilduff

Patrick B 1843 D 1904 Wife: 1st marriage: Catherine Tennell

2nd marriage: Kate (maiden name unknown)



Wife: Catherine Quinn, born in Ireland 1805, died 1877, burial in Stowell, married in Ireland in 1828.

Father: James, born in Ireland 1754, lived entire life in Ireland.

Mother: Mary Sinott, born in Ireland 1779, lived entire life in Ireland

John Kinsley's Family

Michael B 5/1/1830 D 1916 Wife: Winifred Byrnes B 1830 D 1895

11 children

Patrick B 1/17/1833 D 1874 Wife: Ellen Stafford B 1838 D 1873

2 children: [Editor's Note: These two children were named Catherine M. and Alice. There was a petition filed on January 11, 1876 in the Wyoming County Court filed by james D. Kinsley, presumably the deceased Patrick's brother, as the guardian of these chldren, for "citation on Nicholas Stafford to file account". This may have been an action to account for monies due to the children, since their mother was deceased as well. Information provided by Carol Brotzman.]

William B 2/1/1835 D 1872 Not married

John B 12/22/1837 D 1937 Not married

Elizabeth B 8/4/1839 D 1843 Died age 4

Mary B 8/15/1841 D 1875 Husband: John Cullen B 1843 D 1922

3 children

James B 10/6/1845 D 1883 Wife: Katharine McGuire B 1847 D

1883, 6 children

Elizabeth B 1847 D 1917 Not married was a nun


Michael Kinsley's Family

Andrew B 1852 D 1932 Wife: Isabella Hope M 2/24/1879

11 children

Phillip B 1854 D 1930 Not married

Katharine B 1856 D 1875 Not married

Esther B 1858 D 1908 Not married

John B 1860 D 1937 Wife: Sarah Hope M 1/8/1890

6 children

Patrick B 1862 D 1907 Not married

Alice B 1864 D Husband: Charles Scharf, 2 children

Mary B 1866 D 1940 Husband: Frank Hope, 3 children

Joseph B 1968 D 1874 Died age 6

Peter B 1870 D 1874 Died age 4


Andrew Kinsley's Family

Mary B 1/20/1880 D 5/15/1907 Husband: James Hill

M 6/5/1906, 1 child

Theresa B 7/13/1881 D 2/17/1974 Not married; was a nun

Winifred B 3/1/1883 D 9/30/1946 Not married; was a nun

Peter B 7/30/1884 D 1/21/1975 Wife: Fern Murray M 6/5/1918

2 children

Dominic B 3/6/1886 D 6/15/1936 Wife: Katharine Cummiskey

M 10/8/1913, 13 children

Veronica B 9/12/1997 D 12/19/1982 Husband: James Cush

M 10/10/1925, 2 children

Clara B 10/16/1889 D 2/17/1980 Not married

Elizabeth B 9/13/1891 D Husband: George Bloomquest

M 6/12/1917, 5 children

Mahala B 12/10/1895 D 3/12/1973 Husband: Mathew Quinn

M 12/26/1916, 5 children

Joseph B 1893 D 1893 Lived 6 weeks

Michael B 1894 D 1895 Lived 8 months


Dominic Kinsley's Family

Katharine B 12/8/1914 D Husband: Robert Carroll

M 9/30/1933, 9 children

Joseph B 11/12/1916 D Wife: Emily Otis

M 2/25/1944, 2 children

Gerald (Jerry) B 11/17/1917 D Wife: Elizabeth Brooks

M 3/26/1940, 1 child

Marguerite B 11/5/1918 D 3/9/1979 Husband: Paul Racht

M 5/10/1941, 6 children

James (Dick) B 8/12/1920 D Wife: Mary Romani

M 6/25/1949, 4 children

Theresa B 12/23/1921 D Husband: Melbourne

Huffman M 5/15/1947

No children

Helen B 2/20/1924 D 5/10/1948 Husband: Donald Heath

M 2/1943, 3 children

Robert B 2/2/1925 D Wives: Margaret Renick,

Mabel Thompson

M 1951-1980, No children

John B 8/23/1927 D Wife: Musette Jayne,

M 5/1949, 2 children

Anne B 10/12/1930 D Husband: Vince Antonich,

M 9/10/1953, 3 children

William B 5/15/1932 D Wife: Rita Cunningham,

M 2/17/1957, 3 children

Donald B 2/7/1934 D Wife: Gloria Grezlik,

M 7/27/1957, 3 children

Michael B 3/6/1935 D Wife: Kim Koo, M 2/1963

no children




John Kinsley/Kinsella (James' Grandfather)

James B 1754 D Wife: Mary Sinott B 1779

Anastasia B D Husband: Miles Kinsella

Catharine B D Husband: ____ Dempsey

Arthur B D Married, 5 children

John's Uncle Arthur Kinsella's Family

John B D

Mary B D

James B 1789 D Wife: Catherine Reily, 6 children

Michael B D

Edward B D Married


James Kinsella's Family

Mary B 1832 D

Arthur B 1835 D Wife: Ellen Farrell, 10 children

Anastasia B 12/31/1837 D Infant

Anastasia B 3/20/1839 D

Edward B 7/30/1847 D

James B 7/3/1844 D


Arthur Kinsella's Family (James' Heirs)

James B 5/28/1875 D

Catherine B 11/27/1876 D Husband: Andrew Kinsella,

M 2/11/1902, 9 children

Mary Ann B 11/23/1877 D

Rosanna B 12/3/1878 D

Richard B 9/25/1880 D

Edward B 2/26/1882 D

Anastasia B 1884 D

Martha May B 1/28/1886 D

Ellen Mary B 5/13/1887 D

Arthur B 12/4/1889 D Wife: Mary Kehol, M 2/8/1850


Catherine Kinsella's Family (She married a Kinsella)

Denis B D

Birdie B 1902 D Husband: Patrick Purcell, 5 children

Arthur B D

Ellen B D

Dora B D

Margaret B D

Laurence B D

Patrick B D

Birdie Kinsella Purcell's Family

Edward B 1932 D

Sarah B 1933 D

Elizabeth B 1934 D

Catherine B 1936 D

Birdie B 1938 D



John Kinsley/Kinsella (Edward's Grandfather)

James B 1754 D Wife: Mary Sinott, B 1779

Anastasia B D Husband: Miles Kinsella

Catherine B D Husband: ___ Dempsey

Arthur B D Married, 5 children


John Kinsley's Uncle Arthur Kinsella's Family

John B D

Mary B D

James B 1789 D Wife: Catherine Reily

Michael B D

Edward B D Married, 5 children


Edward Kinsella's Family

James B D

Arthur B 1822 D Wife: Ellen McGuire, M 8/31/1853

6 children

Edward B D

Anastasia B D

Margaret B D


Arthur Kinsella's Family (Edward's Heirs)

Edward B 9/10/1855 D

Margaret B 6/10/1857 D

Mary B 11/19/1861 D

James B 9/3/1589 D Wife: Bridget Byrne, 1 child

John B 7/29/1864 D

Catherine B 1869 D 5/19/1895 School Teacher


James Kinsella's Family

Arthur B 5/18/1918 Wife: Mary Walsh, M 4/12/1944, 8 children

This family lives on or near John's property.

Arthur Kinsella's Family (Edward's Heirs)

Breda B 1945 D

James B 1946 D

William B 1947 D

John B 1949 D Ordained Priest

Arthur B 1950 D

Mary B 1955 D

Malachy B 1956 D

Aidan B 1958 D



John Kinsley/Kinsella (First Settler's Grandfather)

James B 1754 D Wife: Mary Sinott, B 1779, 6 children

Anastasia B D Husband: Miles Kinsella

Catherine B D Husband: ___ Dempsey

Arthur B D


James Kinsley's Family (First Settler's Father)

John B 1805 D 1877 Naturalized 1848, Wife: M 1828

Catherine Quinn B 1805 D 1872

Emigrated to US 1831, 8 children

James B 1807 D 1883 Not married Emigrated to US 1849
See Editor's Note in text on his possible parentage of Elizabeth Kinsley.

Naturalized 1856

Mary B 1810 D Husband: M 1837 M.L. Swords

Remained in Ireland

William B 1812 D 1871 Not married Emigrated to US 1840

Naturalized 1848

Catherine B 1815 D Husband: M 1845 Patrick Swords

5 children, Remained in Ireland

Ellen B 1818 D 1887 Husband: Michael Corcoran

Emigrated to US, Naturalized

2 children


Catherine Kinsley Swords' Family

James B 10/30/1845 D Wife: M 1/9/1869 Mary Leacy

12 children

Mary B 1/20/1847 D Emigrated to Bradford, England

Catherine B 7/28/1850 D as Infant

Catherine B 1/24/1852 D Emigrated to Bradford, England

Anastasia B 12/21/1854 D Emigrated to Bradford, England


James Swords' Family

Catherine B 10/27/69 D

Patrick B 3/3/71 D

Nicholas B 2/1/73 D

Mary B 11/19/74 D

John B 11/12/76 D

Anastasia B 11/13/77 D

James Jr. B 9/15/80 D Wife: May Veney, 13 children

Ellen B 4/4/82 D

Johanna B 1884 D Infant

Johanna B 3/18/86 D

Elizabeth B 8/24/87 D

Peter B 7/6/90 D 1 1/2 years old


James Swords Jr. Family - Fourth Cousins of Dominic Kinsley's Family in America

James B 3/6/1913 D

Margaret B D Husband: John Earls

Frederick B 2/1/1916 D Wife: Julia Ruth, Lives

Ardamine, Ireland

William B 4/5/1919 D

Agatha and George (twins) B 11/27/1920

Agatha D 3 months.

George D Wife Angelia Fardy,

Lives Gorey, Ireland

Patrick B 2/22/1922 D Lives Gorey, Ireland

Maureen B D

John B D

Nicholas B D

Agatha B D

Joseph B D

Dermot B D

St. Anthony's Church at Stowell, PA in 1910
The Religious Heart of the Irish Settlement
Source: History of Windham Township: 1787 to 1977,
Windham Township Historical Committee, Windham, PA, page 86.

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