Rebecca (Gansel) Scholl (1846-1931) and Apollonia (Roth) Scholl (1849-1925)
Wives of Two Brothers: George and Phillip Scholl, Respectively
Rebecca was a daughter of Obed and Catherine (Swank) Gansel
Courtesy of Joe Auriemma of Phoenixville, PA
Great-x-3 grandson of Apollonia

Settlers XLII: Descendants of Obed Gansel

Contributed by Alice Chrzanowski
July 2005

Transcribed by Shirley Joyce Yarber
Morganfield, KY

The Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page is most grateful to Alice and Shirley for making this history available to all those interested in the history of our county and the families who built it. Please direct any questions, comments or suggested changes to Alice at the e-mail address shown above and to Bob Sweeney, at the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Project. We are also indebted to Laurie (Biswell) Wentz for the photographs of the Gansel family gravemarkers provided in August 2009 for our use in the following text. Finally, we are pleased to credit Joyce Ingerson for preparing the sidebar on the lineage of Joseph Gansel, with input from his descendant, Craig Gansell..


Generation No. 1


OBED GANSEL was born April 29, 1820 in Mifflinburg, Columbia Co., PA, and died March 16, 1913 in Beloit, Kansas.  He was the son of Gideon and Katherine Fischer Gansel *. He married CATHERINE SWANK January 02, 1840, daughter of ADRIAN SWANK and ELIZABETH ROUGH.  She was born January 22, 1820 in Pennsylvania, and died January 02, 1908.

* Editor's Note: In June 2007, David L. Klees contacted us with comprehensive information on the genealogy of this Fischer family. Katherine was alleged to be the daughter of Peter and Maria Sarah (Yocum) Fischer in the original version of this history, but David points out that there is no evidence of any connection between Mrs. Gansel and this Fischer line. As related below, Mrs. Gansel's two oldest siblings were baptized at Amityville, Berks Co., PA. The published Fisher genealogy [referenced further along in this note] contains additional evidence that Mrs. Gansel does not descend from Joseph Fisher: the text of his last will and testament, and also a photograph of the Joseph Fisher family register. His descendant, Peter Fisher, is not connected to Mrs. Gansel either. All we know for sure about the estate of Peter Fisher is as follows:
Columbia County Orphans Court January 1839, #20
Petition for division of Peter Fisher’s estate
All children residing in Columbia County, PA (Peter was yeoman of Mifflin Twp.)
No Letters of Administration are recorded for Peter Fisher’s estate
You can learn more at The Genealogy of Joseph Fisher et al. Note that "Fisher" is the anglicized version of "Fischer" and is often used interchangeably. Any way, David comes down from Maria Sarah's brother, John Yocum, who married Mary MacIntyre (from which surname and family is named the historic MacIntyre Methodist Church building on Route 42 between Catawissa and Numidia in southern Columbia County, PA).




This history is attributed to Georgia Rose Becker Scholl. The source for that attribution is Beuna Miller Tomalino, granddaughter of Wanda Timbers Kuhn [and namesake of Beuna Izola Timbers Robinson]. Beuna is a descendant of Gideon Gansel via Katie Margaret Scholl Timbers. We are grateful to Georgia for the information provided here.

Her sources were descendents of Grandpa Gansel’s brother and his uncle *.
* Editor's Note: In February 2014, we received the following message from Warren Gentzel, who is both a historian of the Gensel/Gansel/Gentzel et al lines and a military historian. We appreciate his contribution to this historical context:

My gr-gr-gr-grandfather was also Johann Adam Gensel who married Philippina Glassmeir from Berks Co. PA. Johann was a Revolutionary War soldier in Heister's Btl. He received a land grant for his service in the war. He came to Pickaway County, Ohio in 1799 with his sons John William and Samuel. Johann gave the land grant to John William and returned to Berks Co. sometime later to his farm near Roaring Creek. Samuel, was only nine years old at the time, but he decided to stay with his older brother, John William.
Actually, there were nine families who left Berks Co. in 1799 to claim there land which turned out to be Pickaway County (county seat, Circleville). The Gensels thrived there as Pickaway Co. has some of the richest farm land in Ohio. At one time, they owned over 2000 acres.
I'm decended from Samuel (Von Baron) Gensel (1790 - 1867). I have done much research on the Gensels and am a Pickaway County historian as well as a military historian. My grandfather, The Rev. Charles Wolfgang Gensel, told me at a very young age that his father Rueben (Von Baron) Gensel got mad at his brothers because two of them had changed the spelling different ways, so Rueben changed it back to an earlier spelling: GENTZEL.
When I was a kid, my grandfather used to tell my sister and me about his father Rueben (1837 - 1922) who was a recruiter in the Civil War. Also, he told us about his grandfather Samuel who was in the War of 1812. Then he told us about his gr-grandfather Johann Adam who was in the Revolutionary War. We must have heard these stories dozens of times.
If you would like to exchange information, I would be glad to do so.

Warren Gentzel
Circleville OH
February 2014

Ps: The Gensels, Gansels, Gentzels were a sect of Mennonites that were vegetarians. Maybe, this is why many were healthy in there 90's and the oldest was 102.

* Editor's Note: In November 2020, we received the following message from Geoffrey Knapp, a descendant of Barbara (Gentzel) Overmyer. We appreciate his contribution to the family backgrond as well.:

I am descended from Barbara (Gentzel) Overmyer. The Overmyer-Gensel family were from Northumberland Co, PA. They moved to Pickaway Co. OH. I probably am a distant cousin to Warren Gentzel who is mentioned on your website.
There are many additions which I can make.

1) Many times in Germany, a couple lived together until the woman was expecting their first child. They either married or split, with the baby then having the stigma of being illegitimate. Johann Valentine was probably not "wild" but following the tradition.
2) The LDS,IGI and now FamilySearch Records list Johann Adam Gansaell, son of Valentine Gansaell,being born in 1758 but the indexer lists a death date of 1763. The death records were not indexed but many times the church clerk would put extra data alongside the baptism record (e.g.. + 1763). It is unclear whether the notation was for Adam or the notation was for death or for leaving the congregation. Many of the microfilms have been digitized but can be viewed at the LDS FHC and/or at a partner's web site (whatever partner that may be).
3) In Longswamp Reformed Church, there are baptisms for the Gansaell family including a Johann Gideon Gantzel:
Born 08 Mar 1804 Baptized 10 May 1804
Parents Johannes & Susan Gantzel
Sponsors Adam & Philippina Gantzel
Jacob Gantzell
Born 13 Apr 1804 Baptized 10 May 1804
Parents Adam & Philippina Gantzel
Sponsors Johannes Gantzel and a Hellwig
Lydia Lang
Born 22 Mar 1808 Baptized 27 Mar 1808
Parents Peter & Sara Lang
Sponsors Gideon Gantzel
Note the Gideon Ganzel B: 1804 is usually put down that he was born in 1802.
Note Sara Lang is accepted as Sara Ganzel/Ganzel
Johannes Gantzel is John William Gantzel and Susan Gantzel is a Susan Hellwig. They moved to Salt Creek Township, Pickaway Co., OH. Thus Warren Gentzel must have concluded his Samuel Gentzel must be a brother of this John William Gantzel.
4) In one of the Tax & Exoneration lists of Berks County, Adam Gantzel is listed as a Weaver and had one cow to be taxed on.
5) There can be many German surnames which may be lumped into the Gansel/Gentze Kinsell variations of spellings in the United States making them look like they are all related. They may come from different regions of what we call Germany: Guentzel, Gansaell, Gentzel etc.
With the combination of the interaction of Regina (Gentzel) Swingel, Barbara (Gentzel) Overmyer, and Samuel Gentzel and of DNA evidence, those three are definitely siblings. Jeanine, Sue and I are working to determine whether they are Gansaell's, Gentzel's, Guentzel's, etc. Whether they are related to Adam Gansaell. Whether those three have a sister Elizabeth (Kinsell) Eberhard. Whether they could be related to a Rev. Mathias Gentzel who was a traveling Lutheran Minister from the Northumberland area.
Any help would be appreciated.
(John and Barbara (Gentzel) Overmyer had children baptized at the Emmanuel Church at the Loop between 1802 and 1808.
Editor's Note: The earliest church by this name in Pennsylvania was the church in Tusseyville, Centre County. There may have been earlier churches by this name in Germany.

Geoffrey Knapp



     Jacob Gaenssel, son of Jacob Gaenssel was married to Maria Elisabetha Pabst. (Whether or not there is any connection to the blue ribbon beer I can’t say.)  Nothing else seems to be known about this couple except that they lived in Bavaria, Germany and produced a son named Johann Valentin born February 18, 1739 in Bavaria.  At the age of 19 years this young man married Maria Catherina Petri, daughter of Ludwig Petri who may have carried a shotgun, for records show that they were married February 5, 1758 in the province of Thaleischweiler, and were blessed with a son on July 23, 1758.  This son was named Johann Adam and he was born at Froschen, Thaleischweiler, Bavaria.   (I just noticed that a daughter Maria Elisabeth  was born January 20, 1761, and died November 26, 1761. So she could not have brought baskets as postulated below.  Could there have been 1 or more unrecorded  siblings?)

     At this point we may need to take another look at the Gansel family legend.  So far there is precious little to go on.  Just a few bare facts on some family record sheets.  But, while admitting that much must be pure conjecture, a careful look at those few facts may give us a lead-in to the legend.  Perhaps Johann Valentin Gaenssel , whose impetuosity brought forth a son in such a hurry was also the rather wild, high-spirited young man who shot the king’s deer and had to flee, with his young family to America.  Perhaps, they did, as some report, smuggle him aboard ship in a barrel.  The fact sheets report no time or place of death nor place of burial for either Johann Valentin or his wife, Maria.  Yet they do record that their son, Johann Adam, arrived in America in Nov, of 1763 on the ship, Chance.  This would have made him arriving at the tender age of 5 years.  Even for the adventurous  Gansels, this would have been a little young to go adventuring off to the new world all alone, yet, there seems to be no record of his parents in America.  So, can we conclude that the parents did die in route, and that the children were bound out?  Possibly there could have been at least one more child by this time.  Or, maybe only the two, but the records also shows that Johann Adam was a weaver.  Could he have been a basket weaver?  Did Maria Elisabeth, another sister come one day to buy baskets and in the course of conversation discover that they were long lost brother and sister?  Were there other children who were never reunited? If children were bound out, would it not be logical to leave any important family papers for safe keeping in a church until the oldest, son was of age, or until there was need for them?  So the church burned and connections with the family in Germany also went up in smoke.  We may never know for sure, but it could be.

     But family legend or no, it is recorded that, Johann Adam changed the spelling of his name to Gensell and was married to Philippana (or Phoebe Ann) Glassmeyer, daughter of Johannes Peter Glassmeyer and his wife, Anna Catherina in either 1780 or 1781.  She was born around 1760.  Their children were: Margretta Sarah , Dec. 7, 1782, Columbia Co., PA; Gideon, Aug. 28, 1786; Daniel, Sept. 24, 1788; and there seems to be some doubt as to whether Johannes, no birth date, and Jacob, April 13, 1804 are the same family or not.  If not, then a brother must have survived somewhere.  The first child was born in Columbia Co., PA and Johann Adam died at Catawissa, Columbia Co., PA, March 14, 1848. So it is safe to assume that all the children were born in that co.  Philippana died sometime between 1832 and 1848

     Gideon Gensell became a farmer and was married in 1812 to Catherina Fischer, born Feb. 5, 1792, daughter of Joseph Fischer and Katherine Miregar.  This couple got busy and produced 10 children on their farm.  Anna Philippina (Phoebe), Feb. 10, 1813; Johannes, Feb. 15, 1817; Joseph, 1818 **; Obediah, April 28, 1820. All of the above born at Catawissa, Columbia Co., PA.  Birthplaces are not listed for : David, no birth date., Samuel, March 10, 1824, Sarah, April 1, 1826; Rebecca, 1828; Peter, 1830 and Jacob, 1832.  It is interesting to note that 3 of these children, Joseph, Sarah, and Rebecca all married people with the surname of Michael and that Phoebe of the next generation also married Noah Michael. Whether or not any of these were related, I can’t say.
** Editor's Note: See the comments from Larry Pardoe and a published biography of Joseph Gansel, further down this page.

     Gideon Gensell died Oct. 24 of either 1846 or 48 and Catherine died May 5, 1862, just as the Civil War was starting.  Both are buried in the Summerhill Cemetery near Berwick, PA.  The information concerning Gideon Gensell’s family was said to have been taken from Gideon’s will and from a Bible belonging to Samuel’s wife.  It seems most of the children dropped the 2nd “l” from the family name, and Obediah changed the spelling to Gansel.  Obediah was, of course, my great grandfather of whom much is written on the following pages.  He was married to Catherine Swank, daughter of Adrian and Elizabeth Rough Swank on the 22nd of July, 1840 in Columbia Co. PA

     Direct correspondence with H. A. Gensel has brought out a few more facts.  He possesses a copy of the Gaenssel family tree in German.  It has not yet been fully translated, but he can read enough to know that many were teachers of Latin, a great many were preachers, others were druggists, doctors, silversmith and weavers.

     H.A. says that Johan Valentine did come to America and he believes his son, Johann Adam was a weaver of rugs.  He also believes that Johann Adam must have had other brothers and perhaps sisters, for he has turned up too many Gensels in that area.  Johann Adam was also a Revolutionary War veteran.  H. A. sent the copy of the copy of a record of gratuity pay, which I have inserted in this story.

Of Johann’s several children, Gideon was my generation’s great, great grandfather and Daniel was H. A. Gensel’s direct ancestor.

     Grandfather Obediah Gansel also had a brother named Samuel who had a daughter named Frank Creveling Gensel who married a man by the name of John Wright.  H. A. wonders if this was the origin of the song about “Frankie and Johnnie were lovers”?



Obed Gansel’s Obituary:

Died--At the residence of his son, Dan, one month more would have completed his 93rd year. Obed Gansel was born April 29, 1820. at Mifflinburg *, Penn. And was married Jan 2, 1840 to Catherine Swank. Seven of their nine children are living, one who is Mrs. Charles Green of Cawker City. He came to Mitchell county in 1870, homesteading on Granite Creek and donated a corner of his homestead for a cemetery where his remains and those of his family are buried.  A week ago he fell down stairs. breaking his arm in three places and never rallied from the effects of it, though previous to this he had been a matter of comment as to his activity.

(obit says 1893 but in 1913 paper)
* Editor's Note: Once again according to David Klees, "Mifflinburg" probably means the present day Mifflinville, PA, where Interstate 80 crosses the east branch of the Susquehanna River. It was laid out in 1792 mid-way between Wilkes-Barre and Sunbury, figuring it would be the county seat when a new county was formed between the two towns. Columbia County was formed in 1813 with Danville as the county seat. Back then Mifflinville was known as Mifflinburg.



     With the death of Obed Gansel which occurred in Beloit at midnight last Sunday Mitchell county loses another of its pioneer settlers as well as one of the oldest and most respected citizens.  To many of the Sentinel’s readers, Mr. Gansel will be remembered as the spry old gentleman who for many years made his home in the city but about four years ago moved to Beloit with his son Dan F. Gansel and family.  He had for many years enjoyed the best of health and in conversing with his friends always asserted that he intended living to be one hundred years old.  A few nights before his death he arose from bed and in some way wandered to the cellar stairway and fell to the basement, breaking an arm in three places. Medical aid was immediately called but on account of his advanced age little could be done to reduce the fracture and after a few days death relieved him of suffering. Grandpa Gansel was well known throughout this section, having homesteaded on Granite Creek in 1870.  He had endured all the hardships of the pioneer life but even at the advanced age of 93 years he still retained that cheerful, hospitable manner so common to the older settlers.  He had filled the various relations of life, as son, husband, father, brother and friend and filled them well.

     Funeral services were conducted at the Christian church in this city Tuesday afternoon by Elder Cornish after which interment was made in the Granite Creek cemetery *.

     Obed Gansel was born April 29. 1820, at Mifflinburg, Columbia county, Pa., and

died at Beloit, Kan., on March 16, 1913, aged 92 years, 10 months and 27 days.  He

was married January 2, 1840 to Catherine Swank, who passed away on January 2,

1902 on the sixty-eighth anniversary of their marriage. To this union were born seven daughters and two sons, of whom six daughters and one son are still living.  They are: Mesdames Amanda Barrett, Emma Harris and Flora Eldred all of Colorado. Sarah Kinsley of Pennsylvania; Melinda Green and George Scholl of this county and Dan Gansel of Beloit with who he had made his home for several years and at whose home he passed away.

* Editor's Note: In August 2009, Laurie (Biswell) Wentz contributed several photographs of Gansel family grave markers from the "Glenwood Cemetery" in Mitchell County, KS. When notified that the obituaries for the interred persons always referred to the "Granite Creek Cemetery", Laurie explained as follows:

Granite Creek Cemetery and Glenwood Cemetery are two different cemeteries. Local history has it that Obed Gansel donated a portion of his property to be used as free burying ground for his family and friends. (My husband's ancestors Conrad and Charlotte Mander Wentz were also buried there.)
When the state and/or county decided to build the Glen Elder/Waconda Lake Dam they took the portion of property that had been Obed Gansel and Conrad Wentz's properties, including the burying ground.
All bodies were removed to the Glenwood Cemetery for re-interment. Most (if not all) of the origional headstones were moved along with them.


Obed and Catherine (Swank) Gansel
Grave Markers
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz


Burial: Granite Creek Cemetery

Census : 1850, Briar Creek Columbia Co., PA

               1860, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

               1870, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

               1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

               1910, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS




Georgia Scholl Becker


The Gansel Homestead in Kansas
Located on Oak Creek
Mitchell County, Kansas
Located on the Gansel Farm which occupied 160 acres east of Oak Creek and 60 more acres to the west
Described in the newspaper article as solidly built of native limestone
A six room house with three rooms each on two floors plus a cellar
Sold in 1891 to Kris and Catherine (Koster) and their family
Courtesy of Steve Richardson and the Cawker City Hesperian Historical Society
Original source: Cawker City Ledger, Cawker City, KS, March 18, 1865


     Among the very first settlers to homestead in the Cawker City area was the family of Obed Gansel.  I have been unable to learn much of Obed’s life in Pennsylvania where he spent fifty years, but evidently it was such that he picked up knowledge and skills that were particularly suitable for the pioneer life he lived herein Kansas.  He arrived in the fall of 1870, a big man, lean and muscular, I’ve been told.  He was a farmer, a stone mason, a hunter and woodsman.  In addition to his own stone farmhouse, he built a number of the old stone buildings in Cawker City, including the drug store, which was the first real store building in the town, the city hall, the Wm. Cribbs house and the Domino house as well as the old butcher shop in Glen Elder.  His hunting skills not only provided his own family with meat, but he and his son, Dan along with two sons-in-laws, Wm. Harris and Elisha Barrett, hired out as hunters to provide meat for the surveying gang who were building a road across the mountains.  (It’s true they didn’t become as famous as Buffalo Bill who hunted for the railroads, but then Buffalo Bill had Ned Buntline to write about his exploits and Obed Gansel has only me, and I’m a hundred years late.)  Obed’s grandson, Ferd Gansel of Hill City, has told me that even when he was in his nineties, he could still chop wood with the best of them and throw an ax twenty feet and make it stick into a tree.  He was said to be the strong, silent type, a good listener who said little but looked you square in the eye when he did speak.

(more stories about Obed Gansel in Georgia’s STORIES I’VE BEEN TOLD further down on the Gansel history)





    I quote here from a letter from Ferd Gansel which provided some rather extensive information about Obed Gansel.

     “Grandpa was a big husky fellow, not fat,  there was little fat on that man.  When he was 92 or 93 years old, he walked erect -- no limping.  Even at that ripe age, you could call him athletic.  When he talked to you, he looked you square in the eyes.  He was inclined to be sort of on the quiet side, never talked a lot -- a good listener, I would call him.  He was inclined to be a little gruff at times if Ott or I bothered him or got in his way when he was using an ax cutting wood.  He would tell us in a way that never needed repeating.  That voice of his was something.  And let me tell you, he was a woodsman!  That man could throw an ax 20 feet and stick the blade in another tree and it stayed put.  I never got to see him hunt or use a gun, but my dad used to tell us boys about the hunting they used to do.  Papa and Grandpa hired out with the surveying gang that built the road across the mountains.  Their job was to keep the gang in meat.  As I remember, two of the son-in-laws, a Harris and a Barret, had hunting jobs along with Papa and Grandpa.”

     “Now I want to tell you something that Ott and I never forgot about Grandpa.  Ott and I always liked cats and dogs, etc.  So did all the girls of our family.  On this day, Grandpa was busy splitting wood.  We always had several old cats on the place, and of course, cats have families.  These particular kittens were just at the cute age, you know, and we saw Grandpa pick up one of these kittens and quicker that scat that little thing was minus his head, jut behind the ears.  Evidently he didn’t like cats.  Ott and I used to see people stop in the middle of the river bridge in Beloit, take a sack out of their vehicle and throw it in the river.  We found that a lot of the time those sacks had cats in them.  We use to talk about that, and we had to agree that even though we hated Grandpa for the way he treated that kitten, we had to admit that Grandpa’s method of disposing of cats was more humane than putting them in a tied sack and throwing them off the bridge into the river.”

     “Papa used to tell me that Grandpa had a surgical lance that he brought with him from Dushore, PA.  People used to come to him and have him bleed them if they were sick.  Papa had that lance at home when we were kids, but I don’t know what happened to it.  It was an ugly little tool.  It had a sharp blade that had a spring under it.  All he would do was hold the blade against the artery on you inside elbow, flip a little trigger and the blood would fly. Papa said it really did help folks, too, back then.”

        This is interesting.  Maybe his daughter, Rebecca, learned some of the healing methods she used so effetely from her father, He certainly knew the correct method to use to bring his son out of electrical shock caused by lightening.  See story under Dan Gansel 



Burial: Granite Creek Cemetery




Catherine Gansel Obituary:

1908 January 2

Grandma Gansel, of Glen Elder who was buried last Saturday, was born in 1820

and married to Obed Gansel Jan 2, 1908 on the 68th anniversary of their wedding day. The remains were interred in Granite creek cemetery which was a part of their homestead, and given by them to the cemetery company.  Mr. Gansel broke his hip a few years ago but is able to move about alone and is well for one of his age.


A Saint at Rest

     One of the oldest and most earnest Christians of this community, Mrs. Catharine Gansel, died at her home Thursday evening January 2, 1908 being 87 years 11 months and 11 days of age.  Mrs. Gansel whose maiden name was Catherine Swank was born January 22, 1820 near Mifflinburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania.  She was married to Obed Gansel January 2, 1840 and to this union were born two sons and seven daughters.  All are living but one son and one daughter and with the husband and father to mourn their loss.  Mr. And Mrs. Gansel settled in Kansas in an early day and lived for several years on the homestead about four miles west of Glen Elder but for many years have been living in Glen Elder.  Mrs. Gansel was converted in childhood and for many years has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal branch of the Christian Church.  For three or four years she has been almost a constant sufferer and at times her suffering was very severe but her faith never wavered and she waited without a murmur till Jesus should call her home. She was very often found reading the Bible or at prayer.  As long as she was able she was a constant attendant upon the means of grace and loved to lead her children to

the house of God.  Nothing could please her more than to see all her loved ones following Jesus.  When she washed her hands as she dipped them in the water she would often say “Dear Jesus as I wash my hands so wash me and keep me clean.”  The funeral service was conducted by her pastor, the Rev. Templin at the home.   



                  1.    EMMA NANCY GANSEL, born August 22, 1841, Pennsylvania.

                  2.    MALINDA GANSEL, born October 17, 1843, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA; died November 19, 1942.

                  3.    REBECCA GANSEL, born April 03, 1846, Mifflinburg, Columbia Co., PA; died January 12, 1931, Mitchell Co., Kansas.

                  4.    SARAH A. GANSEL, born June 17, 1847; died 1935.

                  5.    AMANDA GANSEL, b. April 17, 1852, Pennsylvania.

                  6.    ELLIS WALDEN GANSEL, b. September 16, 1855; d. March 19, 1857, Berwick, Columbia Co., PA.



Burial: Summerhill, Berwick, PA

                  7.        PHOEBE GANSEL, b. October 17, 1858, Pennsylvania.

                  8.    DANIEL FAIRCHILD GANSEL, born July 30, 1861, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA; died March 13, 1959.

                  9.    FLORA MAY GANSEL, b. October 15, 1865; d. March 22, 1946.






Georgia Scholl Becker


     My grandmother Rebecca Gansel, was born near Mifflinburg, PA on April 3, 1846, and the fifth of the nine children of Obed and Catherine Gansel.  She went to school and grew up in that region.  As a young woman she worked as a “hired girl” did some factory work and was a midwife’s helper, developing the skills and independence she would need later as a Kansas pioneer.  She was married on July 22, 1869, to a young German immigrant named George Anthony Scholl. A son, Willie was born Nov. 25, 1870.  In 1874 they came to Cawker City, Kansas, to join Rebecca’s parents, brother and several sisters who had settled there in 1870. 

     They took a homestead on the Soloman River, near Waconda Springs, and her adventures as a pioneer woman began.  She told of coming in from work in the fields and finding a huge snake tail lying across their bed and its head up the open chimney hole of their dugout.  The startled snake disappeared up the chimney which was promptly plugged by my startled grandmother.

     Early the following year sorrow came with the death of little Willie, but within the year another little boy and a little girl, the twins, Katie and Ernie, were born.

     While they were living on this homestead, Plains Indians from many tribes gathered at Waconda Springs.  They camped and pow-wowed for many months.  The white settlers were uneasy, for Waconda was sacred to the Indians and Chief Spotted Tail had boasted that he would return Waconda Springs to the Indians if he had to wade blood to his knees to get it.  It was during this time that Rebecca had a couple of interesting adventures.

     Rebecca sometimes worked in her sister’s millinery shop in Cawker City.  One day when she was alone in the shop, an Indian couple came in.  “Hat for squaw!” the man demanded, pointing to the showcase.  When Rebecca asked if he had money, he simply repeated, more forcefully, “Hat for squaw!”  Rebecca, being a spunky person, tried to explain that she did not own the store and could not give away the hats, but he pointed again, this time with his tomahawk, and demanded angrily, “Hat for squaw!”  Rebecca was wondering uneasily what to do next, when a neighbor passing by saw the Indians in the store and, thinking there might be something amiss, stepped inside.  The Indian’s bravado faded in the presence of a white man and he and his squaw quickly left.

     Another time, George had to be gone until very late one night and Rebecca was alone in the dugout with the twin babies.  She was just wondering what she would do if Indians came, when there was a knock at the door.  Forgetting thoughts of Indians, she jumped up, thankful that some neighbor was kind enough to look in on her, and opened the door.  There stood an Indian!  She must have been startled, but she was never one to go to pieces, and the Indian made no move except to hand her a piece of paper on which was written a few words saying his people were hungry and did she have any dogs she did not want?  Well, she had no spare dogs, but, goodprovider that she was, she did have food.  Being the generous person that she was, she sent him away well loaded with food.  Fresh baked bread, I believe, and butter, among other things.  A happy Indian left her place that night.

     Rebecca’s husband was a city man who knew nothing about farming, not even how to harness a team.  I doubt that he was ever really happy with life on a Kansas homestead.  He was willing to work, but seemed unable to do anything without Rebecca’s help and direction, so she put the twin babies in a basket and took them to the field, leaving them at one end while she worked down the row and back.

     Later they moved to a homestead northwest of Glen Elder where another baby boy was born.  They named him George.  He was my father.  Here Rebecca spent the rest of her days.

     The energy and stamina of this woman must have been phenomenal.  In addition to working alongside her husband in the fields, and caring for her children, she was a great gardener, preserved large amounts of food, sewed and tended the sick.  She was an excellent manager and even in hard times she always had food and necessities for her family and she shared generously.  No tramp or unfortunate was ever turned away.  Neighbor women, during hard or times, sometimes walked quite a distance in severe weather, carrying small children, to visit her.  The real reason they made such an effort was that they were hungry and knew they would be offered food, perhaps even a bit to take along home.

    She was considered an extra-ordinary cook.  Her only surviving nephew, Ferd Gansel of Hill City, has told me how they all so enjoyed the wonderful Sundaydinners she used to prepare.  We grandchildren looked forward to the elegant birthday cakes she made and decorated with colored frosting, using a toothpick in lieu of a cake decorator.

     Probably most would have agreed that her greatest contribution to the community was her expertise in tending the sick.  Her healing skills were legendary.

People for miles around called for her to come in times of sickness and to deliver babies.  She always went, even in the middle of the night, and came home and did her work the next day.  My father said it was true that she knew a lot about remedies and ways of caring for the sick, but he said she had other ways of healing that she didn’t talk much about.  She prayed a lot and got results.  He thought this was often her most effective “medicine”.

     Rebecca was a most truly Christian woman who prayed often and studied her Bible diligently.  She really extended herself to serve others.  Her house was never closed to those in need of shelter, nor did she let convention stand in the way of a good deed.  One bitterly cold night when a blizzard was raging, they heard the drunken singing of a neighbor, evidently lost driving in circles in their field.  When George refused to go out into the fury of the storm to get him, Rebecca dressed warmly and took a lantern, and over George’s protests, went to  rescue him herself, for, she said, they couldn’t let him freeze.  She found him driving aimlessly aroundin his buggy, blissfully unaware of his danger.  She told him to move over, she was going to drive.  “Oh, no,” he protested, “You mustn’t get in here with me! You’re a good woman.  Think what people would say!”  She told him it didn’t matter what people said, he’d freeze if she didn’t get him out of the storm.  She drove him to her house, put his horse in her barn and put him to bed on her couch.

     This remarkable woman lived, loved and was loved for nearly 85 years.



The Gansel Children-------insert

From Georgia Scholl Becker


Sarah Gansel:

     I have received, through Rebecca Green, a letter  from Helen (Fitzgerald)

Tourscher of Dushore, PA.  She is Sarah’s great-granddaughter. She was able to tell

us that Sarah married William F. Kinsley of Cherry Township, born 1845.  He was a son of Charles Kinsley ** of Cherry.  He was a road commissioner for 6 years and eventually owned two farms.  They had four children:  Emma who married Frank Cox; Mary A. who married Charles Dieffenbach; and Allie who married William Stiff (all these men were from Cherry), and Morris B. who lived on one of his father’s farms.  Allie had at least two daughters, Lena, mother of Helen Tourscher who wrote the letter, and Rebecca.  Rebecca who often corresponded with family member in Kansas and sometimes made visits to Kansas (the last in 1951) was the subject of an interesting family story.  It seems that while her mother, Allie was carrying her before birth, a team she was driving ran away.  She was frightened, but gamely pulled on the reins, shouting “Whoa!” in an effort to control the team.  I’m not sure if she finally got stopped, or if someone came to here rescue and got them stopped.  At any rate, when they were finally stopped, she sat gasping from exertion and fright and could not speak until she had gasped and gotten her wind back.  When the child, Rebecca was old enough to speak, she was never able to say a word without first gasping as though out of breath, just as her mother did after the runaway.  She must have been in her late 60’s when I finally met her in 1950, and the speech impediment was still very much in evidence.  The family, of course, believed that she had been “marked” before birth by her mother’s experience with the runaway.
**Editor's Note: You can learn more about this family at Descendants of Charles Kinsley and Mary Bahr.

Flora Gansel:  Married Jim Eldred.  Their children were Jennie Esther, Ruth, Linnie, Irwin and Leroy.  Ferd Gansel provided the following story about Jim Eldred.  As mentioned , Jim was a drinking man, and one day Ferd’s older brother, Obie and his cousin, Dan Michael (Phoebe’s boy) were playing in their Uncle Jim’s barn and found his stash of whisky.  Here is the story in Ferd’s own words.  “Obie and Dan thought that the contents of the bottle resembled urine, so they decided to find out how the two mixed and then put the bottle back just like they found it.  I guess Jim Eldred really found out how the mixture mixed and had its effect on Uncle Jim’s appetite for the stuff.” (I am thinking he was surely pleasantly surprised when he next went for a drink to find that the bottle was fuller than he remembered leaving it.”

Melinda Gansel:

     Her husband was Charles Green.  Again I quote from one of Ferd Gansel’s letters.  “I can remember Aunt Melinda pretty well, but I can barely remember Uncle Charley, but I can remember that the folks told us kids that he had an orchard at their farm home that included peach trees.  One morning he picked some peaches and loaded them in his spring wagon and took them to Cawker to sell.  On the way he picked up peaches and ate them all the way to town.  That afternoon he became sick and died and they blamed his death on eating too many peaches.  Now I’m not telling this to be funny, but it’s something a kid would always remember if he heard it.”

I’m very glad Ferd did remember it.  It’s an interesting bit of family lore that would otherwise have been lost.






Generation No. 2


EMMA NANCY GANSEL was born August 22, 1841 in Pennsylvania.  She married WILLIAM HARRIS, son of ? HARRIS and MARY ?.  He was born ca 1840 in Canada.



Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1880, Millinery



Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1880, Coal Dealer


                  1.    WILLIAM HARRIS, born ca 1872, Kansas.



Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS


                  2.    JOHN HARRIS, born ca 1875, Kansas.



Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS


                  3.    SADIE HARRIS, born ca 1877, Kansas.



Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS


                                Sadie M. Gansel was born Dec. 23, 1894, at Glen Elder, Kansas to Daniel F. and Ourilla Glitzke Gansel. She died at Mitchell Co. Community hospital, Beloit, Dec. 6, 1972 after an illness of five weeks.

                              She moved to Beloit with her parents in 1909, graduating from Beloit High School in 1912. She attended Business College in Kansas City.

                                Sadie was Clerk of the Board of Education from Sept. 1916 to June 1917, she then helped her father as secretary, while he was County Treasurer here.  She was secretary in the Bell Abstract office, secretary to Attorney Charles L. Kagey and secretary to her father while he was Probate Judge.

                              She opened the Beloit Paint and Glass Co. with her father in 1920, and worked in the store for 43 years until her death. 

                               She was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers Obie and Otto and a sister, Amanda Gansel. 

                                Survivors include her sister  Mrs. Helene Wood, Beloit: a brother Fred Gansel, Hill City; nieces and nephews, among which are nephews, Dan Wood and Joe Gansel of Beloit and a niece Mrs. Martha Morton, Concordia.

                         Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8, 1972 at the McDonald Funeral Home with Rev. Harold Holland officiating. Music was furnished by soloist Mrs. Helen Wessclowski.


                             Casket bearers were Ron Albert, Bert, Joe, Frank and Richard Gansel and Dan Wood. Caring for flowers were Mr. And Mrs. Jess Dameron and Mr. And Mrs. Doyle Myers.

                              Interment was in the Glenwood cemetery, Glen Elder.

Sadie M. Gansel
Grave Marker
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz


MALINDA GANSEL ** was born October 17, 1843 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA, and died November 19, 1942.  She married CHARLES W. GREEN October 01, 1872.  He was born September 1849 in Ohio, and died before 1930 in Kansas.



Cawker City Ledger: 8 July 1937

Mrs. C. W. Green

     Mrs. C. W. Green is Cawker City's oldest citizen and will reach her ninety-fourth year of age October 17 1937 and is enjoying good health in her comfortable home in the fourth ward, her daughter, Miss Eunice residing with her.  The only son, Albert lives one block from his mother.  Other daughters are Miss Katherine Green, instructor in the school at Canon City, Colorado, Mrs. Chas. Woodbury, Abilene, Miss Ava Green, Spokane, Washington.

     Obed Gansel, Mrs. Green's father brought his family to Kansas arriving at the place now known as Cawker City, November 8, 1870.  They came as far as Solomon via train and from there the family traveled in a covered wagon.  Mr. Gansel brought his team from Pennsylvania.  When they arrived in Cawker, they found one house and seven people.  The house was located on the lot now occupied by the Garrett Store and was owned by Col. Cawker.

     This house had been a saloon building in Milwaukee and was of the Aladdin type, knocked down and ready to be put together when shipped to its destination.

     Main street and Pennsylvania Avenue divided the land into four sections.  Cawker homesteader the northwest quarter, Huckell the northeast, Kschinka the southwest and Mr. Rice took the southeast quarter.  When Kschinka and Huckell went back to Pennsylvania to get more people to come west they told them there were street cars running in Cawker.

     Mr. Gansel's homestead was the farm now owned by the Pargett heirs.  The Granite Creek cemetery comprising four acres was donated by Mr. Gansel as a free burying ground.  Mrs. C. W. Green's homestead was just northwest of her father's and across the creek.  Mrs. Wm. Harris, another daughter of Mr. Gansel's homestead the 160 acres just north of her father's land.

     In order to draw public money it was necessary to establish a school in this vicinity.  This school was held in a dugout located at the crossroads at the Granite Creek cemetery. It was in the bank at the southwest corner where the north and south road crosses Highway No. 23.  Mrs. C. W. Green (Miss Melinda Gansel), wasthe first teacher of this school.  There were eighteen scholars and as many books but no two books were alike.

     Miss Malinda Gansel was married to C. W. Green the following fall and Mrs. Martha L. Berry succeeded Mrs. Green as teacher.  the school term was a summer session and lasted three months.  Indians occasionally called and ask for food but were friendly.  There were no roads, only buffalo paths leading to the Waconda Springs.  the prairie was covered with a variety of beautiful wild flowers but few trees were on the river and creek banks.  Wild turkeys and buffalo were plentiful and provided meat for the pioneers.

     One day Mrs. Jacob Margreiter, Sr., with a child drove a spring wagon to town and started home late.  There being no roads as guides she became lost and homesteaders hearing her call went to her assistance.  She stayed with them all night and the next morning found her way home.  the small child is now Mrs. M. S. Mitchell.

     Wm. Harris brother-in-law of Mrs. Green built the first store building now occupied by the Smith Drug store, the city hall, the Wm. Cribbs house and the Domino house.  Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris operated a general store and Mrs. Harris had the first millinery store in Cawker.

     Mrs. Green was married in the Domino house in the fourth ward.

     D. F. Gansel of Beloit is a brother of Mrs. Green.


Dies At Age of 99, the Cawker City Ledger chronicles the passing of one of Mitchell county's oldest residents and a sister to Dan F. Gansel of Beloit, as follows;

  Mrs. C. W. Green, Cawker City's oldest citizen, died at her home here at 1:30 this morning.  Mrs. Green was 99 years old last October 17.

     Malinda Gansel was born in Dushore, Pennsylvania on October 17, 1843, a daughter of Obed Gansel.  With her parents she came to what is now Cawker City, arriving here on November 8, 1870.  At the time Cawker City consisted of one house, located where the Garrett store now stands and seven people Obed Gansel homestead the farm now owned by Harvey Pargertt.

   On October 1, 1872, she was married to C. W. Green of Cawker City.  Mr. and Mrs. Green were the parents of six children, five of whom survive their mother.  They are Miss Eunice of the home; Albert of Cawker City; Mrs. Ella Woodbury, Abilene, Miss Katherine, Codell, Kans.; and Miss Ava of Spokane, Wash.  Another daughter, Mrs. Mabel Schumaker, proceeded her mother in death,  Mr. Green has been dead for many years.  Mrs. Green also is survived by 10 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

     Mrs. Green has been one of Cawker City's venerable and beloved character for many years.  Active and nimble witted to the end of her life, she has served the community as a storehouse of information regarding early day conditions, affairs and personalities.

     Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. W. E. Dysart.  burial will be in the Granite Creek cemetery the ground for which was contributed by Mrs. Green's father so many years ago.

** Editor's Note: In January 2008, Bill Little wrote us about his own ancestors who accompanied the Gansel family with this Sullivan County migration to Kansas:

Your very nice article describes the "group of pioneers" that left Cherry for Glen Elder, Mitchell Co., KS in October of 1870. In this group would hae been my ancestors, Conrad and Scharlotte Mader/Morter Wentz, and their 8 children that were born in and around Cherry Township, Sullivan County, PA. The Wentz Family in this way ended up in Granite Creek, Cawker City, Mitchell Co., KS.
To show how very small this world is, PORTRAIT OF A PIONEER was written by Georgia Scholl Becker. Her father, George Scholl, bought my great grandfather's homestead, that of William J. Little, in 1907, in Glen Elder, KS. Obed Gansel also bought Conrad Wentz' homestead on Granite Creek, Cawker City, Mitchell Co., KS in December of 1885, when Scharlotte Mader/Morter Wentz had to sell a portion of the property, to settle Conrad's estate.
The land deed shows that "Charlotte Wentz, noted as a single woman, would sell her 1/10 interest of the undivided one half interest in the Conrad Wentz homestead property in Mitchell County, KS, eight acres more or less, to Obed and David Gansel, December 22, 1885 for $125.00." I imagine that Scharlotte Mader/Morter Wentz and Conrad Wentz both knew Obed Gansel and their family very well. It is a small world!


Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

              1900, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS



Census: 1880, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

              1900, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1910, Farmer



                  1.    ALBERT7 GREEN, born February 23, 1875, Kansas; died June 24, 1948.

                  2.    ELLA B. GREEN, born November 03, 1877, Cawker City, KS; died June 04, 1950, Cawker City, KS.

                  3.    EUNICE GREEN, born February 1878.



Census: 1900, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1900, Dressmaker

4. KATHERINE GREEN, born April 1880, Kansas.



Census: 1900, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS


                  5.    MABEL GREEN, born June 1882, Kansas.

                  6.    AVA GREEN, born August 1886, Kansas.

More About AVA GREEN:

Census: 1900, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS


REBECCA GANSEL was born April 03, 1846 in Mifflinburg, Columbia Co., PA, and died January 12, 1931 in Mitchell Co., Kansas.  She married GEORGE ANTHONY SCHOLL July 22, 1869 in Dushore, Sullivan County, PA, son of THEODOR SCHOLL and CATHERINE GRIM, daughter of John Grim.  He was born April 25, 1839 in Weilback Bavaria, and died June 18, 1915 in Glen Elder, KS.


This autobiography in Grandma Scholl’s own hand was written at the request of her daughter, Katie. Katie’s granddaughter Joan Kuhn Miller sent  the copy.



Burial: Glenwood Cemetery, Elder Glen, Mitchell Co., Kansas

Census: 1870, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA

              1880, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS



George Anthony’s mother died when he was 14 and his father when he was 16.  He came to America in 1865 and received his Naturalization Papers June 14, 1872.

He was brought up a Roman Catholic but left that after coming to America and joined the United Brethren Church in 1885, the same time his children Katie and Ernest, at the age of 9, joined.


Naturalization Paper of George A. Scholl (Compliments of Katie Scholl Timbers)



     Census: 1880, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

                    1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS


     Occupation: 1900, Farmer




By Georgia Scholl Becker


     While attending the 1985 Timbers-School reunion, I visited with Hazel Timbers Wadham and Emma Timbers Starbuck, daughters of George and Rebecca’s daughter, Katie Scholl Timbers.  They recalled many visits to their grandparent’s farm.  They remembered always being served bacon from the smokehouse for breakfast, and sometimes ham.  They recalled sitting on Grandpa’s lap as little girls and remembered him as a kindly man. They spoke of spending the night and of hearing Grandma, after she had retired to her bedroom for the night, praying aloud.  They remembered the cookie jar that was never empty and the big living room situated between my family’s quarters and those of the grandparents.  My mother’s piano was there and they recalled glorious evening when the large room would be full of family, friends and neighbors, all gathered around the piano to sing.

     Emma remembered a story her mother used to tell about when she, Katie, was a young girl, perhaps 12 or so, her parents went off to work in their fields left her to wash the dishes.  They must have had company for the meal, for it seems they were the good dishes and most of the entire set had been used.  She washed them with care, being a careful and well trained girl, and set them on Grandma’s drop-leaf table, (which, by the way, I still have).  Evidently the mechanism that holds up the leaf did not catch completely, for just as she finished, the leaf dropped and all the dishes went smashing to the floor!  When George and Rebecca returned, of course Katie was in a panic and tearfully, I’m sure, showed them the wreckage.  Instead of the scolding she expected, her father kindly told he not to worry, but to dry her tears and come along, they would simply go to town, (nearly five miles in a lumber wagon) and buy new dishes.  And the grateful little girl passed the memory of her father’s kindness and understanding on, years later, to her own children.

     Both Emma and Hazel remember Grandpa as a dressy man who carried a gold-headed cane.  They said he had worked in the textile and clothing mills in Pennsylvania, and although he knew little about farming, he was knowledgeable about fabrics and knew values and had a good business head,  These things he passed on to their mother, Katie.  “Always”, he told her, “Buy the best and take care of it and it will last.”  And he taught her to know which materials were the best.  Years later, when she was a widow, raising seven children and sewing for five daughters, she gratefully put this knowledge to good use.

     I believe I mentioned elsewhere in this collection that Grandpa had once been struck by lightening, but I know no details.  The Timber sisters say that this happened after they lived there on the family farm and that he was seriously hurt and the Dr. (probably the renowned Doc Beadle) told him he would die, but Grandpa looked him square in the eye and said, with all the determination he could muster, “I will not die!”  And he didn’t though I’ve heard my father say he was never again as strong.

Hazel recalled a clever story about Grandma.  It seems that one fall day she threw out some fruit peels, etc. That were the remains of one of her sessions of jelly making.  The stuff was well fermented and the ducks or geese, I’m not sure which, ate it in large enough quantities that they plucked them, (I assume just the down from their breasts, which comes off easily and would be used for pillows.)  Later, after they had slept off their debauchery, she was surprised to find them waddling about, with heavy hangovers, no doubt.  With the chilly time of the year upon them, the poor denuded things were quite uncomfortable until the kind-hearted woman was filled with pity and sewed little jackets for them to wear to keep out the cold until their feathers grew out again.





                  1.    WILLIAM OBED SCHOLL, born May 25, 1870, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA; died February 28, 1876, KS.

                  2.    ERNEST FRANKLIN SCHOLL, born November 09, 1876, Waconda Springs, KS; died 1948, Kansas.

                  3.    KATY MARGARET SCHOLL, born November 09, 1876, Waconda Springs, KS; died April 29, 1961.

                  4.    GEORGE DAN SCHOLL, born January 22, 1882, Glen Elder, KS; died July 31, 1958.



SARAH A.GANSEL was born June 17, 1847, and died 1935.  She married WILLIAM F. KINSLEY ca 1866, son of CHARLES KINSLEY and MARY BAHR.  He was born February 1848 in Sullivan Co., PA, and died April 20, 1914 in Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA.




The Sullivan Review April 23, 1914

Wm. F. Kinsley who had been in ill health for more than a year died at his home in Cherry township at 9:35 p.m. on Monday, April 20 at the age of 69 years.

Funeral services will be held at the home on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. W.H. Fehr officiating. Interment will be made in Bahr Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Kinsley was born in Sullivan County, on the farm now occupied by his brother Jacob.

Sixty-nine years ago last February he married Sarah Gansel and besides his wife, is survived by four children: Mrs. Frank Cox, Mrs. C.M. Dieffenbach, Mrs. Wm. Stiff and Morris Kinsley; also by two brothers and one sister; Jacob and Lewis and Mrs. Clinton Dieffenbach, all of Cherry.



Cemetery: Bahr Hill



                  1.    EMMA C.7 KINSLEY, born September 27, 1866, PA; died November 15, 1946.

                  2.    MARY A. KINSLEY, born October 30, 1868; died April 29, 1957.

                  3.    ALLIE C. KINSLEY, born October 20, 1874; died February 04, 1944.

                  4.    MORRIS(MAURICE) B. KINSLEY, born July 03, 1876, PA; died September 08, 1940.



AMANDA GANSEL  was born April 17, 1852 in Pennsylvania.  She married ELISHA H. BARRETT.  He was born ca 1841 in Ohio.



Census: 1880, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS



Census: 1880, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1880, Farmer



                  1.    EDITH BARRETT.



Burial: Granite Creek Cemetery


                  2.    MINNIE A. BARRETT, born ca 1874, Kansas.


Census: 1880, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS


                  3.    GAYLORD M. BARRETT, b. September 1877, Kansas.



Census: 1880, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1900, Carbon Co., WY- District 18



PHOEBE GANSEL was born October 17, 1858 in Pennsylvania.  She married NOAH MICHAELS. 



Phoebe living with sister, Emma, in 1880 census. Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS



                1.      DANNY MICHAELS, born January 1883.



Danny living with his grandparents Obed & Katie Gansel on the 1900 census for Glen Elder, Mitchell Co., KS.



                  2.    FLORA MICHAELS, born April 18, 1881, Iowa or Missouri; died October 1975, Colorado.



DANIEL FAIRCHILD GANSEL was born July 30, 1861 in Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA, and died March 13, 1959.  He married OURILLA GLITZKE December 31, 1884, daughter of CHARLES GLITZKE and HELENA HEINZ.  She was born November 1866 in Germany, and died December 31, 1951 in Kansas.




   Dan F. Gansel, 97, died at his home on West main Street this afternoon about 2 o'clock.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Helen Woods and Sadie Gansel both of Beloit, and a son, Ferd Gansel of Hill City.

    Funeral arrangements will be made by the McDonald Funeral Home.



     Daniel Fairchild Gansel was born at Dushore, Pennsylvania, July 20, 1861 to Obed and Catherine Swank Gansel.  In the fall of 1870 he came to Kansas with his parents by train to Solomon, Kansas, then by covered wagon to Cawker City.  The first winter was spent at the abandoned soldiers' camp west of Waconda Springs; and in the spring the family moved to their homestead farm on Granite Creek.

     On December 31, 1884 he was married to Ourilla Glitzke, and to this union six children were born three living; Mrs. Helen Wood. Sadie Gansel, and Ferd Gansel; and three deceased: Amanda, Obie and Otto Gansel.  His father, mother and seven sisters are also deceased.  There are nine grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren surviving.

Mr. Gansel moved from the farm to Glen Elder where he served as postmaster; and for 26 years he was in business in Glen Elder. He served as County Commissioner from that district, and in 1909, having been elected County Treasurer, the family moved to Beloit.  Later, he served as Probate Judge for three terms; and upon retiring from that office, he opened the Beloit Paint and Glass Shop which he has operated for 28 years.

     On December 31, 1951, he was greatly bereaved by the death of his wife, but he was always cheerful, never complained, and was always concerned for the welfare of others.  After three days illness he departed this life on Friday, March 13, 1959 at 1:45 P.M. at the age of 97 years, 7 months and 13 days, leaving the priceless memories of a wonderful father and the example of a long, industrious and honorable life well spent.

     Funeral services were held in McDonald Chapel, Monday, March 16 at 2 P.M. with Rev. Geo. Eller officiating.  burial was in Granite Creek cemetery which is on land given by Mr. Gansel for the cemetery.

     Pall bearers were Joe Gansel, Dan Wood, Richard Gansel, Bert Gansel, Robert Morton and Dwight Timbers.

     Mrs. Vernon Pohlhammer sang "Just As I Am" and "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" accompanied at the organ by Mrs. M. V. McDonald.

     Flowers were cared for by Mrs. A. E. Sapp.




Burial: Granite Creek Cemetery

Census: 1900, Glen Elder, Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS

              1930, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS





Georgia Scholl Becker


     Dan Gansel was born near Dushore, Pennsylvania, sometime in the year 1859, and that is all I know of his life before he became a pioneer.  I can well imagine, however, the interest an eleven year old boy would have had in the glowing accounts of former neighbors, just returned from high adventure on the Kansas prairies to recruit settlers to their newly founded, but, according to them, prosperous and thriving community of Cawker City.  He must have listened with fascination as his parents, Obed and Catherine Gansel, talked and discussed with friends the pros and cons of what they had heard from these men.  A boy his age would surely have been wild with excitement when the decision was finally made--”We are going to go!”  What anticipations, what dreams did he dream of the adventures he would have in his new home in the “Wild West”?

     We can only guess at Dan Gansel’s youthful fantasies, but we do know that when the family arrived at Cawker City in November of 1870, they found the prospect of having to hunt wild game for food quite exciting.

     The following year a nice stone house was built on their homestead, and I’m sure Dan found that pioneer life was more work than adventure.  One task assigned to him was herding the cows.  One fine day he had taken them to a sort of gully just west of Granite Creek and just south of where highway 24 would someday run.  The north side sloped in gently, but there was a sharp embankment about eight feet high to the south which would discourage the cows from leaving in that direction.  The animals were soon preoccupied  with the lush grass that grew in the bottom of this small valley, and the boy settled down with his back to a tall tree and was soon preoccupied with the dreams of boyhood.  By and by an odd sound penetrated those dreams, “Ugh--ugh--ugh.”  It came from above the embankment.

     Still seated with his back to the tree, the boy turned his head and raised his gaze to the top of the embankment.  There stood three Indians!  “I was sure scared,” He told his son many years later, “but I stayed put, and directly those Indians must have had more important business, for they ughed and grunted and left.”

     One very hot summer day, about 5 or 6 o’clock in the evening, Dan and three of his sisters were sitting on the porch on the south side of the stone house, trying, no doubt, to find a bit of relief f from the Kansas heat, when a cloud came up in the west and soon the sky was black and threatening.  Peals of thunder began to reverberate up and down Granite Creek.  Terrible streaks of lightning filled the sky.  Young Dan was standing with his right hand on the porch post, watching the dramatic fury of the storm when a lightning bolt struck that hand, burned a streak down across his body and blew the shoe off his left foot.  “I was just as dead as I’ll ever be, if they’d left me alone.” he used to tell his children.  Fortunately his father was a quick thinker.  He rushed to him, took out the big jack knife he always carried, opened it and shoved the blade between his teeth, prying his mouth open.  He then called the three girls to help and they all took turns giving mouth to mouth resuscitation until the boy began to move.  Then his father bathed his head with cool water and he revived, but he carried the scar across his body to the day he died.

     During his pioneer boyhood, Dan learned to work and take responsibility.  He had fun, too.  He fished and learned to be an excellent hunter,  As a young man he had his share of adventure, along with his father and brothers-in-law, as a hunter for a surveying gang.  He married and raised a family.  Eventually his interests turned to politics.  Somehow, along the way he became an accomplished speaker and “stump spoke” for William Jennings Bryan during the latter’s presidential campaign.  I believe he held several elective offices in Mitchell County.  He held, for many years, the office of Probate Judge in Mitchell County, in which capacity he was highly respected for his wise and just decisions.



                  1.    HELENE K. GANSEL, born May 27, 1886, Kansas; died December 21, 1984, Mitchell County, KS.

                  2.    AMANDA GANSEL, born October 1888, Kansas; died November 23, 1918.


Amanda Gansel's Obituary:

     Miss Amanda Gansel, well known in this community, died in Washington, D.C., last week of influenza.  She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Gansel, of Beloit, and was a bright lady and loved and highly respected by every acquaintance.  The Gansels lived in this city until a few years ago and Miss Amanda attended the city schools.  Her death will bring sorrow to the hearts of her many friends












Georgia School Becker

                              We hear a great deal these days about women’s rights, equality for women, opportunities for women, independence for women and so on.  I believe the foundation for all these were laid by the wives and daughters of pioneers.  Most of these women worked beside husbands and brothers, shouldering responsibilities and becoming strong and independent in order for families to survive on the frontier.  Also, most of the men who succeeded in conquering the frontier were strong enough and secure enough in their manhood to be able to allow their women a considerable amount of equality and independence without feeling threatened as men.  Consequently, our

western states were the vanguard in granting suffrage to women.

     I would like to present the stories of two daughters of pioneers who, I think, exemplified the independence and equality of achievement that some women found possible, even in a day when women’s rights and equal opportunity laws had not yet entered the minds of our legislators.

                              Amanda and Sadie Gansel were the daughters of Dan Gansel, who had come to Kansas from Pennsylvania at the age of eleven years with his parents, Obed and Catherine Gansel, in 1870.  As a father, he encouraged his daughters to be independent and gave them freedom to compete and achieve.

                             These young women were both competent court reporters,

excellent secretaries, knew Gregg Shorthand and were skilled at legal transcripts and depositions.  Mandy, with the encouragement of her father, went on to become a lawyer,  She did not attend college or law school, but studied independently and passed the bar exam.  Sometime between 1910 and 1912, the sisters went to Washington D.C. where Amanda became head lawyer in the Adjutant General’s office under Pres. Woodrow Wilson.  She had some 200 or so lawyers working under her in this office.  Mandy came down with the flu and passed away.  Sadie had it, too, but not like Mandy.  She managed to recover.  (quoting from one of Ferd Gansel’s letters) “I remember when Papa took the train from Beloit to Washington D.C. to bring the girls home.  It was a day trip. I remember the red tape that papa had to be bothered with.  Mandy’s casket had to be sealed and it was never opened after they arrived home.  I have wondered a lot about my dad and how he ever managed on that long trip.  It took over a week, they had so much government interference.  Sadie was not too well.  I was always pretty proud of my dad.  We all were, and I want to tell you we were sure glad when he arrived home.  We were saddened all over again when we heard that Mandy’s funeral was entirely in the hands of the undertaker and subject of a Federal quarantine.  That made our family’s grief and sadness only worse, as Mandy’s funeral had to be held the very next day.  She was buried in the family plot in Granite Creek Cemetery.”



                  3.    OBLE GANSEL, born April 06, 1890, Glen Elder, Kansas; died March 24, 1942, Beloit, Kansas.

                  4.    SADIE M. GANSEL, born December 23, 1894, Glen Elder, Kansas; died December 05, 1972, Beloit, Kansas.


Notes for SADIE M. GANSEL:

Never married.


Sadie M. Gansel's Obituary:

     Sadie M. Gansel was born Dec. 23, 1894 at Glen Elder, Kansas to Daniel F and Ourilla Glitzke Gansel. she died at Mitchell Co. Community hospital, Beloit, Dec. 5 1972 after an illness of five weeks.

She moved to Beloit with her parents in 1909 graduating from Beloit High school in 1912.  She attended Business College in Kansas City.

     Sadie was Clerk of the Board of Education from Sept. 1916 to June, 1917, she then helped her father as secretary, while he was County Treasurer here. She was secretary in the Bell Abstract office, secretary to Attorney Charles L. Kagey and secretary to her father while he as Probate Judge.

     She opened the Beloit Paint and Glass Co. with her father in 1929 and worked in the store for 43 years until her death.

     She was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers Obie and Otto and a sister, Amanda Gansel.

     Survivors include her sister, Mrs. Helene Wood, Beloit; a brother, Ferd Gansel, Hill City; nieces and nephews, among which are two nephews, Dan Wood and Joe Gansel of Beloit and a niece Mrs. Martha Morton, Concordia.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m., Friday, Dec. 8, 1972 at the McDonald Funeral Home with Rev. Harold Holland officiating. Music was furnished by soloist, Mrs. Helen Wessclowski.

     Casket bearers were Ron Albert, Bert, Joe Frank and Richard Gansel and Dan Wood. Caring for flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dameron and Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Myers.

     Interment was in the Glenwood cemetery, Glen Elder.



                  5.    FERDINAND R. GANSEL, born February 1900, Kansas; died March 08, 1989, Hill City, Kansas.

                  6.    OTTO A. GANSEL, born January 26, 1903, Glen Elder, Kansas; died November 15, 1935, Beloit, Kansas; married ESTHER SMITH, March 01, 1932; b. ca 1909, Kansas.


Notes for OTTO GANSEL:

Otto Gansel Funeral

     The remains of Otto Gansel, who died on Friday night, are resting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gansel, on West Main Street, until Tuesday afternoon.

     The funeral cortege will leave the Gansel home at 1:30 on Tuesday and go to Cawker City where funeral services will be held at the Methodist church at 2:30.  Interment will be in the Granite Creek cemetery, east of Cawker City.


Otto Gansel's obituary:

Otto A. Gansel was born at Glen Elder, Kansas on January 26, 1903.  In September 1909 he moved with his parents to Beloit, Kansas, where he grew to young manhood.  Here he completed his grade school and high school education graduating in the class of 1921.

     After his graduation he began working for the People's Lumber Company in Beloit of which his brother Obie was the manager.  This work  was especially interesting to him and became his life's work.  Soon he became manager of the Hardman Lumber Company at Gaylord, Kansas, from which position he came to Cawker City, Kansas to become the manager of Cawker City Lumber Company's business which positions he was holding at the time of his death.

                              During his school days, 'Ot' as he was called developed into a   

handsome well built young man, an outstanding athlete, a genial,  extremely popular lad and all around good fellow.  Many of these traits he carried  over into later life.  He was always friendly and genial in his business relations, obliging and accommodating to all. After coming to Cawker City Ot became acquainted with Miss Esther Smith who became his bride on March 1, 1932.  After his marriage his chief interest was the establishing of a home.  He was a loyal and devoted husband.

      Ot always kept a place in his heart and life for the home folks.  His mother's failing health was a special challenge to him and he often went to see her and tried to make up for the ones who were too far away to come so often.  His parents will miss him greatly.

     He was subject to the yellow jaundice, suffering from its attacks on different occasions.  His uncomplaining attitude was perhaps carried to the extreme of neglecting himself.  A recurrence of this malady was responsible for his untimely death at his parents' home in Beloit on Friday evening, November 15. 1935, at the early age of thirty-two years nine months and twenty days.

     He is survived by his young widow, his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gansel of Beloit; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Wood and Miss Sadie Gansel of Beloit, Kansas, and Ferd Gansel of Hill City, Kansas; besides other more distant relatives and a host of friends,  One sister, Amanda Gansel passed away on November 29, 1919.

"Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;

Earth's joys grow dim, its gloves pass away:

Change and decay in all around I see--

O Thou who changest not, abide with me."

     Funeral services were held from the Cawker City Methodist Episcopal on Tuesday, November 19, 1935 at 2:30 p.m. in charge of Rev. Lynn M. Canfield, pastor, and burial was made in the Granite Creek cemetery.

Otto A. Gansel
Grave Marker
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz



Census: 1930, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS



FLORA MAY GANSEL was born October 15, 1865, and died March 22, 1946.  She married JAMES ELDRED.  He died 1953.


Children of FLORA GANSEL and JAMES ELDRED are:

                  1.    JENNY ELDRED.

                  2.    ESTHER ELDRED.

                  3.    RUTH ELDRED.

                  4.    LINNIE ELDRED.

                  5.    IRWIN ELDRED.

                  6.    LEROY ELDRED.



Generation No. 3

ALBERT GREEN was born February 23, 1875 in Kansas, and died June 24, 1948.  He married RUTH E. ? ca 1905.  She was born ca 1879 in Kansas.



Census: 1900, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

              1930, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1900, Hardware Salesman

                      1920, Plumber

Children of ALBERT GREEN and RUTH ? are:

                  1.    EUNICE REBECCA GREEN, born ca 1907.

                  2.    BERNICE I. GREEN, born ca. 1909; married ? KEELER.

                  3.    ROBERT C. GREEN, born ca 1911.



Census: 1930, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS

Occupation: 1930, Salesman at Feed Store


                  4.    EMMA GREEN, born ca 1916.

                  5.    ELIZABETH GREEN, born ca 1923.



ELLA B. GREEN was born November 03, 1877 in Cawker City, KS, and died June 04, 1950 in Cawker City, KS.  She married CHARLES E. WOODBURY November 20, 1901.  He was born ca 1878 in Vermont.


Notes for ELLA B. GREEN:

Ella B. Woodbury

1950 June 4

Mrs. C. E. Woodbury who has been in failing health some time and was confined to her bed mostly during the past few weeks passed away Sunday at her home in the second ward.  Her ailing health had prevented her taking part in outside act ivies.  She received her education in the Cawker schools and having lived most of her life in Cawker City and vicinity her acquaintances and friends were many.


     Ella B. Green daughter of Charles W. and Malinda Green was born November 3, 1877 at the homestead east of Cawker City and departed this life June 4, 1950 at her home in Cawker City, age 72 years, 7 months and 1 day.

     With the exception of 5 years near Osborne, Kansas; seventeen years in Abilene, Kansas; her home was in or near Cawker City.

     At an early age she became a member of the Presbyterian Church of which she was an active and faithful member the remainder of her life.

     On November 20, 1901, Ella was united in marriage to Chas. E. Woodbury; to this union were born three daughters and one son, Mrs. Ellis Clausen, Cawker City: Mrs. John Donaldson, San Francisco, California; Mrs. Harold Weathers, San Leandro, Calif.; and Harry A. Woodbury, Kirkwood , Missouri.

     Preceding her in death were her mother , father, two brothers and two sisters.

     At her death she leaves to mourn her going, her husband, the children, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren, two sisters, miss Katherine Green, Cawker City and Miss Ava Green, Spokane, Washington; also nieces and nephews and a host of friends.

     Funeral services were conducted Wednesday at 2 o'clock P.M. at the Presbyterian church in charge of Rev. F. L. Courter, Mrs. Ira Barleen and Mrs. Ralph Mitchell sand with Miss Benita Reed, accompanist.  Pall bearers were Fred Lipke, Ernest Moxter, Ira Barleen, J. K. Margreiter, Claude Simpson and Fred Hale.  Burial was in the Granite Creek cemetery, the graveside service being in charge of the Order of Eastern Star.


More About ELLA B. GREEN:

Census: 1900, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS



Census: 1910, Cawker Twp., Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Cawker Twp., Mitchell Co., KS

              1930, Abilene, Dickinson Co., KS



                  1.    RUBY B. WOODBURY, born ca 1903, Kansas; married ELLIS CLAUSEN, ca 1922; born January 27, 1901, Kansas; died July 1980, Cawker, Mitchell Co., KS.



Census: 1930, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS



Census: 1930, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS



                  2.    ALICE L. WOODBURY, born May 12, 1906, Kansas; died May 07, 1977, Sonoma Co., CA; married JOHN DONALDSON.

                  3.    RITA WOODBURY, born ca 1913, Kansas; married HAROLD WEATHERS.

                  4.    HARRY A. WOODBURY, born December 01, 1914, Kansas; died June 24, 1998, St. Louis, MO; married ELEANOR FONCANNON, February 18, 1939; born January 13, 1917, Kansas.



MABEL GREEN was born June 1882 in Kansas.  She married J. W. SCHUMACKER.  He was born ca 1882 in Kansas.



Census: 1900, Carr Creek, Mitchell Co., KS


More About J. W. SCHUMACKER:

Census: 1910, Cawker Twp., Mitchell Co., KS


Children of MABEL GREEN and J. SCHUMACKER are:

                  1.    ALBERT KEITH8 SCHUMACKER, born ca 1908, Kansas.

                  2.    RICHARD SCHUMACKER.


ERNEST FRANKLIN SCHOLL was born November 09, 1876 in Waconda Springs, KS, and died 1948 in Kansas.  He married LUCY MAY MARZOLF February 14, 1914, daughter of GEORGE MARZOLF and BETHSHEBA SAPP.  She was born April 20, 1892 in Glen Elder, KS, and died October 09, 1991 in Kansas.



Burial: Glenwood Cemetery, Elder Glen, Mitchell Co., Kansas

Census: 1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS



Burial: Glenwood Cemetery, Elder Glen, Mitchell Co., Kansas



                  1.    DORA MARGARET SCHOLL, died 1977; married LELAND CLYDE COBLE, 1937.



 KATY MARGARET SCHOLL  was born November 09, 1876 in Waconda Springs, KS, and died April 29, 1961.  She married DELBERT L. TIMBERS July 22, 1896 in Glen Elder, KS, son of GEORGE TIMBERS and EMMA GILBERT.  He was born October 26, 1868 in VanWert Co., Ohio, and died December 19, 1918 in Salina, KS.



Census: 1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

              1920, Salina, Saline Co., KS



Census: 1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS


Delbert came to Beloit, Kansas in 1871.  He graduated from the Agricultural College at Manhattan, Kansas in June 1894.

He was a school teacher for 9 years, then became a grocery man, going into business at Osborne, Kansas for 12 years.  In 1916 the family moved to Salina, Kansas, to a house at 1100 Highland.  Five months later he bought the family home at 1507 South Santa Fe.

     Delbert died in 1918 during the Influenza epidemic, at the age of 50.  Lawrence was in the Army located at Camp Funston, Kansas, Dwight was working on his Uncle George’s farm and preparing to leave for the army soon, but the Armistice was signed before he had to leave.  Delbert had a $1,000 Insurance Policy which did not pay out, and $300 mortgage on the house.

     Katie started working February 25, 1925 at the Amortization Center while it was located at the corner of Santa Fe and North Streets and later moved to Front St.  She retired from her work after 25 years.




                  1.    LAWRENCE TIMBERS, born May 1898, Kansas; married MARCELLA ?, ca 1923; born ca 1897, Pennsylvania.



Census: 1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

              1930, Chicago, Cook Co., IL

Occupation: 1930, Salesman

Lawrence graduated from Kansas Wesleyan University


More About MARCELLA ?:

Census: 1930, Chicago, Cook Co., IL


                  2.    DWIGHT A. TIMBERS, born November 1899, Kansas; married ETHEL O. ?, ca 1922; born ca 1900, Kansas.



Census: 1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

              1920, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1930, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS


More About ETHEL O. ?:

Census: 1930, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS


                  3.    WANDA E. TIMBERS, born ca 1902, Kansas.



Census: 1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

1920, Salina, KS


                  4.    EMMA TIMBERS, born ca 1904, Kansas.



Census: 1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

              1920, Salina, KS


                  5.    HAZEL TIMBERS, born ca 1907, Kansas.


Census: 1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

              1920, Salina, KS


                  6.    OPAL TIMBERS, born ca 1910, Kansas.



Census: 1910, Penn Twp., Osborne Co., KS

              1920, Salina, KS


     7.    BEUNA IZOLA TIMBERS, born ca 1911, Kansas; died July 31, 1979; married GILBERT WILLIAM ROBINSON, May 12, 1936, Salina, KS; born February 13, 1911; died February 23, 2004, Kansas. More About BEUNA IZOLA TIMBERS:

Census: 1920, Salina, KS





Gilbert William "Gib" Robinson, 93, Salina, died Monday, Feb. 23, 2004.

Mr. Robinson was born Feb. 13, 1911, in Ada, the son of the late George Leonard and Martha Luvenia Chambers Robinson. He graduated from Tescott High School and Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina. He was well known for his athletic accomplishments in football, basketball and track. He served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserve for three years during World War II. He retired as the warehouse manager at The Lee Hardware Co., Salina. He taught and coached at Ness City High School and came back to Salina and was an assistant football coach at Kansas Wesleyan prior to working for International Harvester Co. He then owned and operated the Gib Robinson Sporting Goods Store for several years.


He was a lifetime member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1432, a member of the U.S. Navy Armed Guard and the Kansas Wesleyan "W" Clan. He was an inductee of the Kansas Wesleyan Athletic Hall of Fame. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He was a member of University United Methodist Church, Salina.


He married Beuna Izola Timbers on May 12, 1936, in Salina. She died July 31, 1979. He then married C. Louise Webb-Robinson on Feb. 13, 1980, in Salina. She died on Jan. 21, 2003.


He was preceded in death by a sister, Esther Robinson, in 1912.


Survivors include a son, Steve W. Robinson and wife, Vicki of Salina; a grandson, Michael W. Robinson of Salina; two stepdaughters, LaVonne Woody of Salina and Betty Walter of Lincoln; a stepson, Richard Webb of Salina; seven step grandchildren; 23 step great-grandchildren; and eight step great-great-grandchildren.


A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at University United Methodist Church, Salina, The Rev. Patty Brown-Barnett officiating. Internment will be at a later date.


Memorials may be made to the church, 1509 S. Santa Fe., Salina, or Athletic Department of KWU, 100 E. Claflin, Salina, or Gib Robinson Scholarship Fund at Tescott High School.


There will be no visitation. The body was cremated.


Carlson-Ford-Geisendorf Funeral Home, 500 S. Ohio, Salina 67401, is handling arrangements.


Condolences may be sent to





GEORGE DAN SCHOLL was born January 22, 1882 in Glen Elder, KS, and died July 31, 1958.  He married JENNY GOLDIE BROKAW June 09, 1909, daughter of MILTON BROKAW and JENNIE.  She was born March 25, 1887 in Glen Elder, KS, and died November 04, 1980.



Census: 1920, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS



                  1.    GOLDIE LA VERN8 SCHOLL, born ca 1911; m. HAROLD MERRILL.

                  2.    ALBERT ERNEST SCHOLL, born May 20, 1912, Glen Elder, KS; died October 1982, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS; married PARTHENE ROBERTA DUDLEY, August 06, 1939, Glen Elder, KS; born September 23, 1915, Glen Elder, KS; died November 30, 1996, Glen Elder, KS.

                  3.    HOMER DALE SCHOLL, born ca 1915; married HELEN ?.

                  4.    JOHN DWIGHT SCHOLL, born ca 1918.

                  5.    GEORGIA ROSE SCHOLL, married VIRGIL BECKER.



EMMA C. KINSLEY  was born September 27, 1866 in PA, and died November 15, 1946.  She married FRANK DAVID COX ca 1885, born March 12, 1863, son of JOHN COX and HANNAH HEPPLER.  He was born March 12, 1863 in PA.



Cemetery: Fairview



Children of EMMA KINSLEY and FRANK COX are:

                  1.    FREDERICK B. COX, born October 1886; died 1924.



Cemetery: Fairview


                  2.    ALICE M. COX, born April 02, 1890; died December 1952; married NEWTON SAXER; born 1885; died 1966.


Notes for ALICE M. COX:

The Sullivan Review

January 1, 1953


Mrs. Alice May Saxer, wife of Newton C. Saxer of Cherry township, died suddenly at her home, Saturday evening of a heart attack.


Mrs. Saxer was born in Cherry township, April 2nd, 1890 a daughter of the late Frank and Emma Kinsley Cox.

She is survived by her husband and a son William Saxer of South Williamsport, an aunt, Mrs. Mary Kinsley Martin of Homer, N.Y. and a number of nieces, nephews and cousins.


Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Holcombe Funeral Home, with further service in St. Paul’s Evangelical United Brethren church.

The Rev. L. A. Fuhrman, pastor officiated. Interment in Fairview cemetery.





Cemetery: Fairview, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA



MARY A. KINSLEY was born October 30, 1868, and died April 29, 1957.  She married (1) CHARLES M. DIEFFENBACH January 01, 1890, son of DANIEL DIEFFENBACH and LORETTA ZANER.  He was born December 17, 1866 in PA, and died February 27, 1909.  She married (2) FREEMAN MARTIN November 16, 1918 in Towanda, Bradford Co., PA, son of LEWIS MARTIN and SUSAN JACKSON.  He was born 1857, and died 1943.


Notes for MARY A. KINSLEY:

The Sullivan Review May 2, 1957

Mrs. Mary Ann Martin, 88, formerly of Dushore, died Monday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lulu Woodworth, of Homer, N.Y. She was born in Dushore Oct. 30, 1868, the daughter of William and Sarah Gansel Kinsley.

Mrs. Martin was first married to Charles Dieffenbach.  A number of years after his passing she was united in marriage to the late Freeman Martin.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Sarah Eberhardt, both of Homer; a granddaughter and one great grandson.

Funeral serves were held in Home on Wednesday and at the Holcombe Funeral Home, Dushore. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  The Rev. Joseph Slusser officiated and burial was in Fairview cemetery.




Census: 1900, Cherry, Sullivan Co., PA

              1920, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA

               1930, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA



The Sullivan Review March 4, 1909

After an illness lasting for one week, Charles M. Dieffenbach died at his home in Cherry township, just outside of Dushore. Death was due to paralysis from brain fever. He was taken ill on Friday, Feb. 19 and died Saturday Feb. 27 at the age of 42 years, 2 months and 10 days.

Mr. Dieffenbach was born in Cherry township on Dec. 17, 1866. In his infancy he was baptized by the Rev. Pines and during the spring of 1895 was confirmed in Zion's Evan. Lutheran church by the Rev. J.W. Klingler.

The funeral services were held at his late home Tuesday, March 2 at 1 o'clock p.m., Rev. A. Bachofer preaching the sermon. The local lodge of Odd Fellows had full charge of the services at the grave, of which deceased was a member. Interment was made in Bahr Hill cemetery.

Deceased is survived by his wife and 2 daughters, a father Emanuel Dieffenbach of Dushore, 2 brothers Harry of Cleveland, Ohio, Sylvester of Mildred and 2 sisters, Mrs. Holmes O'Brien of Benton and Mrs. Fred Glover of Dushore.

(correction on one of his brothers name should be Sylvellin not Sylvester)



Census: 1900, Cherry, Sullivan Co., PA



Cemetery: Thrasher



                  1.    LULA E. DIEFFENBACH, born March 1891; married (1) JOHN G. SCOUTON, JR., August 01, 1922; born 1892; died February 24, 1927; married (2) ? WOODWARD OR WOODWORTH, After 1930.



The Sullivan Review

August 9, 1922


Miss Lulu Dieffenbach and John G. Scouton, Jr. both of this place were married Tuesday, August 1 at the parsonage of St. John’s Lutheran church in Williamsport, by the pastor, Rev. A. W. Smith.


The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Freeman Martin of Headley avenue and the groom is a promising young lawyer and district attorney of Sullivan County, Both have many friends who wish them a long life of happiness.


After a short wedding trip they will reside in Dushore.







Cemetery: 1900, Cherry, Sullivan Co., PA

Census: 1920, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA

              1930, Cortland, Homer, NY


More About JOHN G. SCOUTON, JR.:

Burial: Fairview Cemetery

                  2.    SARAH CAROLINE DIEFFENBACH, born January 05, 1896, PA; died March 1979, Homer, Cortland, NY; married JOHN EBERHARDT, ca 1922; born ca 1900, Virginia.



Census: 1900, Cherry, Sullivan Co., PA

               1920, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA

               1930, Homer, Cortland, NY

Social Security Number: 128-38-0623



Census: 1930, Homer, Cortland, NY



 ALLIE C. KINSLEY was born October 20, 1874, and died February 04, 1944.  She married WILLIAM STIFF ca 1895, son of HENRY STIFF and LENA HUFFMASTER.  He was born April 23, 1865, and died December 28, 1914.



Cemetery: Fairview, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA


Cemetery: Fairview, Dushore, Sullivan Co., PA



                  1.    REBECCA STIFF, born February 1897; died 1977.

                  2.    ADA STIFF, born March 19, 1898; died September 20, 1922.


More About ADA STIFF:

Cemetery: Fairview


                  3.    LENA A. STIFF, m. JAMES FITZGERALD.

                  4.    ZORA S. STIFF, b. April 19, 1902; d. June 08, 1973; m. ERNEST YONKIN; b. July 14, 1897, Cherry Twp., Sullivan Co., PA; d. September 12, 1984, Towanda, PA.


Notes for ZORA S. STIFF:

No children


The Sullivan Review

June 14, 1973

Mrs. Zora S. Yonkin, 71, wife of Ernest Yonkin of Dushore, R.D. 1, died Friday, June 8, 1973.

Mrs. Yonkin was born April 19, 1902 daughter of William and Alice Kinsley Stiff.

The greater part of her life was spent in Cherry Township where she was known as a kindly neighbor and a true friend.

She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church of Dushore.

Surviving besides her husband are two sisters, Miss Rebecca Stiff and Mrs. James (Lena) Fitzgerald both of Dushore; five nieces and seven nephews.

Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 P.M. at the McHenry Funeral Hoome, Dushore, with the Rev. Edgar Reed, her pastor, officiating.

Interment was in Fairview Cemetery, Dushore.





The Sullivan Review

September 20, 1984


Ernest Yonkin, 87, of Cherry Township, Dushore Rd, died Sept. 12, 1984, at Memorial Hospital Towanda.


He had been a resident of the Skilled Nursing Unit there, and before that he had resided in Estella fro the last several years.

He was born July 14, 1897, in Cherry Township, a son of Levi and Arrilla Wentzell Yonkin.


A lifetime resident to Sullivan County, he operated a dairy farm until he retired several years ago.

He was a member of the Redeemer United Church of Christ, Dushore.


His wife, the former Zora Stiff died in 1973.

Surviving are nieces and nephews.


Funeral services were held Sept. 15, from the Russell P. McHenry Funeral Home, Dushore, with Rev. Richard A. Reeser, pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, officiating. Interment was in Fairview Cemetery




MORRIS(MAURICE) B. KINSLEY was born July 03, 1876 in PA, and died September 08, 1940.  He married MARY ELIZABETH GIBSON ca 1897, daughter of JOHN GIBSON and LOUISE ?.  She was born December 27, 1879 in Williamsport, PA, and died April 24, 1933 in Sayre, Bradford Co., PA.


Cemetery: Fairview



The Sullivan Review

May 3, 1933



Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Gibson Kinsley, wife of Morris B. Kinsley of Cherry township, died Monday, April 24, in the Packer hospital at Sayre, where she had been a patient for the past 20 weeks, at the age of 53 years, 3 months and 27 days.

Mrs. Kinsley was the child of the late Louise and John Gibson, and was born in Williamsport. At the age of 15 years she moved with her mother to New Albany. She was united in marriage on March 31st, 1897.

She is survived by her husband, two sons and five daughters: Charles of Elmira; Mrs. John Scheepsma of Attica; Mrs. Joseph Scheepsma of Elmira; Mrs. John Klabinski of Syracuse; Mrs. Lynold Pelton of Rochester; Harry and Florence at home, and six grandchildren. Also two step-sisters, Mrs. Lloyd Kinsley of Towanda and Mrs. Arthur White of Ulster, and three step-brothers, Daniel, Frank and William Henley.

The funeral was held at the late home, Thursday, April 27th, with Rev. A.L. Smith of Mildred officiating. The pallbearers were her two sons and four sons-in-law.

Burial in the family plot in Fairview Cemetery.




                  1.    CHARLES F. KINSLEY, born February 1899.

                  2.    HARRY E. KINSLEY, born August 13, 1903; died November 18, 1977; married EVELDA DIEFFENBACH; born 1908.



The Sullivan Review

November 23, 1977

Harry E. Kinsley, 74, Sugar Hill, Dushore RD 1, died November 18, 1977, at Memorial Hospital, Towanda.

He was born August 13, 1903, in Cherry township, a son of Morris and Mary Elizabeth Gibson Kinsley.

A lifelong resident of Sullivan County, he was employed in the mines at Mildred until his retirement. He was a member of the United Mine Workers.

Surviving are a son, Morris A. Kinsley, Sr. of Dushore RD 1; a daughter, Mrs. Michael (Margaret Sue) Pastusic of Mildred; four sisters, Mrs. Anita Silverstrim and Mrs. Myrtle Scheepssoma of Elmira, Mrs. Margaret Klabinski of Syracuse and Mrs. Florence McLaughlin of Binghamton; seven grandchildren; nine great- grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were held November 19, at the Regina Tubach Homer Funeral Home, Dushore, with the Rev. Edgar Reed, pastor of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, officiating.

Interment was in the Fairview Cemetery, Dushore.




                  3.    ANITA KINSLEY.

                  4.    MYRTLE KINSLEY.

                  5.    MARGARET KINSLEY.

                  6.    FLORENCE KINSLEY.



FLORA MICHAELS was born April 18, 1881 in Iowa or Missouri, and died October 1975 in Colorado.  She married CHARLES GLITZKE ca 1905, son of CHARLES GLITZKE and HELENA HEINZ.  He was born April 1875 in Kansas.



Census: 1900, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1910, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Hawkeye, Osborne Co., KS


Census: 1910, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Hawkeye, Osborne Co., KS



                         CARLTON GLITZKE, born May 14, 1906, Kansas; died February 1987, Colorado.



Census: 1910, Glen Elder,  Mitchell Co., KS

              1920, Hawkeye, Osborne Co., KS



HELENE K. GANSEL was born May 27, 1886 in Kansas,  died December 21, 1984 in Mitchell County, KS.  She married FRANK M. WOOD June 08, 1918 in Osborne, KS.  He was born ca 1874 in Kansas, and died February 1940.



HELENE K. WOOD'S Obituary 1984

Helen Katherine Wood was born 98 and 1/2 years ago on May 27, 1886 on a farm homesteaded by her family west of Glen Elder, Ks.  She was the first of six children born to Daniel F. and Ourilla Glitzke Gansel.  The children included Helene. Amanda, Obie, Sadie, Ferdinand and Otto.

     Helene attended rural country school near Glen Elder and went on to get a teaching certificate so that she could be a teacher.  She taught school at Blue Hill and Tollies Rural Schools.  She and her family moved to Beloit in 1908 when her father became the Mitchell County Treasurer.  Helen started teaching in Beloit and was principal of the 2nd ward "Rogers" School from 1908 to 1912.

     On June 5, 1918 Helene married Frank M. Wood in Osborne, Ks., and they set up housekeeping in the 800 block on N. Walnut, Beloit.  Soon afterwards they purchased a basement home at 602 N. Walnut, and added an above ground story to the house.  There they became parents of a son Dan G. Wood,

     In 1939, they moved to the family farm 3 1/2 miles S.E. of Beloit.  Her husband died in February 1940.  they continued to live on the farm until 1943 when they returned to their home on 602 N. Walnut in Beloit.  Helene was found of flowers and was often seen wearing a big straw hat while she worked in her garden.

     Helene enjoyed good health until she was 96.  Her health began to fail but she continued to live at home until about two month ago when she entered the Long Term Care of the Mitchell County Hospital, Beloit.  Here she died on Friday, December 21, 1984.

     In addition to her husband, Frank, she was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters, Amanda and Sadie Gansel, and two brothers, Otto and Obie Gansel.

      She is survived by her son Dan G. Wood of Beloit, a brother, Ferd Gansel and his wife Virginia of Hill City, Ks.; three nieces, Martha Morton, Concordia; Jeannette Miller, Casper, Wyo.; and Phyllis Slocombe, Peabody, Ks.; and four nephews, Alan Cafferty, Boise Idaho; Richard, Bert and Frank Gansel, all of Hill City, Ks.

     Rev. Bruce Brigden conducted funeral services at 2:00 p.m. Monday, December 24, 1984, at the McDonald Funeral Home. Music was furnished by Mrs. Mike Finney as soloist and Mrs. Maurice McDonald as organist.

     Casket Bearers were Clarence Cole, James Reiter, Raymond Stein, Ron Tice, Bill Walter and Raymond Worley.

                 Interment was made in the Elmwood Cemetery.



Census: 1920, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS


More About FRANK M. WOOD:

Census: 1920, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS

              1930, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS



                         DAN G. WOOD, b. ca 1922, Kansas.


More About DAN G. WOOD:

Census: 1930, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS


OBIE GANSEL was born April 06, 1890 in Glen Elder, Kansas, and died March 24, 1942 in Beloit, Kansas.  He married ERMA ELIZABETH FULLER June 25, 1914 in Kirwin, Kansas.  She was born 1895 in Kirwin, KS, and died 1930.


Notes for OBIE GANSEL:


    Obie Gansel, well known Beloit businessman and sportsman, passed away at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gansel;, early this afternoon.  Obie had been critically ill for many months but he put up a fight and his many friends were hoping that he would recover.

     For many years, he managed the Peoples Lumber Co., and he was an active leader in Mitchell County's Wildlife Protective Assn.  The sympathy of the entire community goes out to his children, Martha and Joe, to his parents, and his brother Ferd of Hill City, and his sisters, Mrs. Frank Woods and Miss Sadie Gansel of Beloit.

     Obie was a member of Beloit school board for years.



     One of Beloit's best known and most liked residents answered the final summons on Tuesday at 1:10p.m., when Obie Gansel succumbed to the effects of an ailment with which he had been afflicted for some time.

     Obie Carl Gansel was born to D. F. and Ourilla Gansel on April 6, 1890, at Glen Elder, Kansas, being aged 51 years, 11 months and 18 days at the time of his death at Beloit, Kansas, on March 24, 1942.

     He attended school at Glen Elder, and entered into sports and other activities of boys of his age and became one of the outstanding young men of the county.  On June 25, 1914, he united in marriage at Kirwin, Kansas to Erma E. Fuller.  to this union three children were born.  One son, Richard E. and the mother preceded him and he is survived by two children, Joseph Daniel Gansel and Pearl Gansel, both of Beloit.

     In 1918 the Gansel family moved to Beloit, where he became manger of the Peoples Lumber Co., in which position he has since served.

     Obie Gansel was a man who commanded the utmost respect of all who knew him.  A thorough and honest business man, friendly and jolly, working for what he considered the best interests of the community, interest in clean sports and in young people, serving as a member of the board of education his sterling qualities made him many warm friends, all of whom are saddened at his untimely passing and extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones.

     Funeral services will he held on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist church, conducted by the Rev. Geo. W. Eller, assisted by the Rev. Wm. Little, following a short service at the home at 2 p.m.

     Burial will be in the Granite Creek cemetery near Cawker City.

     Pallbearers will be: Calvin Colby, Carl Hutton, Dan Freeman, Albert Rose, Jerry File and Ralph Coole.

Obie Carl Gansel
Grave Marker
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz

Erma Elizabeth (Fuller) Gansel
Grave Marker
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz



Children of OBIE GANSEL and ERMA FULLER are:

                  1.    JOSEPH DANIEL8 GANSEL, born June 27, 1915, Calahan, Colorado; died September 24, 1981, Beloit, Kansas.



    Joseph Daniel Gansel was born June 27, 1915 in Calahan, Colo., the son of Obie C. and Irma Fuller Gansel.  Death came unexpectedly on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 24 1981 at the Mitchell County Hospital, Beloit, Kansas, Joe was 66 years old.

     Joe came to Beloit with is parents in 1918.  He attended Rodgers Grade School and graduated from Beloit High School in 1935.  Joe was a good football player and played on several championship football teams for B.H.S.  He entered the U. S. Army on Jane 3, 1942, and served in the 1st Cavalry Unit as a S-Sgt.  Joe's duty was in the South Pacific, and he was involved in several major battles.  He received the Bronze Star, the Silver Star, and was awarded the Purple Heart.  He was in the army unit that witnessed the signing of Japan's surrender to General Douglas MacArthur on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on Sept. 2, 1945.

     Joe returned to Beloit and began his work at the Beloit Paint & Glass Co. with his aunt, Sadie Gansel.  Joe never won an award for an organized store, but his products and service were his products and service were first class.  He was knowledgeable about his products and  considerate and  (a word missing) always found in today's businesses.  He was a faithful Democrat and enjoyed talking about politics.  Not only did Court Street lose a friend and business man, but the entire Beloit community area lost a friend and will miss him.

     Joe was a member of the American Legion Post No. 57 and a life member of V. F. W. of Beloit.

     He leaves a sister, Mrs. Martha Morton, Concordia; an aunt Mrs. Helene Wood, Beloit; an uncle, Ferd R. Gansel, Hill City; and other cousins among which is Dan Wood of Beloit.  He was preceded in death by his parents and an infant brother, Richard.

Funeral services were held Monday, Sept. 28, at 2:00 p.m. at the McDonald Funeral Home.  officiating clergyman was Pastor Bruce Brigden of the United Presbyterian Church.  Music was furnished by Mrs. Helen Wesselowski, vocalist and Mrs. Max Roberts, organist.  Caring for flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Myers.

     Casket bearers were Orville Born, Frank Davies, Jack Dunham, Elwood Park, Evan Park and Jim Reiter.

     Interment was in Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder.

Joeph Daniel Gansel
Grave Marker
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz


                  2.    RICHARD E. GANSEL, died in infancy.

                  3.    MARTHA PEARL GANSEL.



FERDINAND R. GANSEL was born February 1900 in Kansas, and died March 08, 1989 in Hill City, Kansas.  He married VIRGINA E. ? ca 1926.  She was born February 27, 1907 in Kansas, and died June 1992 in Hill City, Kansas.



Census: 1930, Hill City, Graham Co., Kansas

Occupation: 1930, Manager of Lumber Yard

Children of FERDINAND GANSEL and VIRGINA ? are:

                  1.    VIRGINIA M. GANSEL, born ca 1927, Kansas.

                  2.    FERDINAND R. GANSEL, born ca 1929, Kansas.


The following stories have been submitted by family members:






Legends and anecdotes of the Scholl-Gansel Family


Georgia Scholl Becker




     Our family was, in the past, fortunate enough to have been blessed with some great story-tellers.  Up until now, my chief function has been to be a great listener.  As a child I soaked up family lore, chiefly from my grandmother and my father, and also, having once become addicted, from anyone I could con to “tell me a story”.  for some years now, it has been on my mind that “someone” should preserve these stories in order that the generations to come should have some more intimate knowledge of the generations that have been.  Not just who they were and when they were born and died, but what they did and thought and said and how they reacted.  Of course I hope that this job would be tackled by some member of my generation whose memory, due to an earlier birth date, would extend farther into the past than mine, but since more than half of my generation has gone on to the great story telling circle in the sky, and the past becomes a bit more misty with each passing, I begin to get antsy enough about our family lore simply fading into oblivion with our generation, that I have decided to get into gear and do something.  I may not join the ranks of the great family story-tellers, but at least I can record the stories I’ve been told.

     Before I close this introduction, I want to make it clear that I do not vouch for the truth or accuracy of any of these stories.  Great story tellers are often noted for vivid imaginations and some of these stories already come in several versions.  Also, I heard many of these tales at a very early age, and my age has now advanced to the point where some of these early memories are as fuzzy as a Persian kitten, so the best I can do is set them down as I remember that they were told to me.

     If these stories stir the memories of any who read them and you think of stories that could be added to these, please, let me know.  I’ve arranged this in sections so that additions can easily (the rest of the line is missing)



     There are several versions of this legend that has been handed down in the Gansel family for generations, It seems the early Gansel were members of the German nobility and owned a large estate somewhere in Germany.  Some say there was a castle, but be that as it may, a family member, some say the head of the family, others say the son, got into trouble,  He killed a deer, by mistake, of course, from the royal herd which roamed the king’s preserve near the Gansel lands--a serious offence in that time and place.  Those who claim the head of the family as the offender say that the entire large family was forced to flee and they left castle, lands or whatever and set sail for America, long before the American Revolution.  During the voyage, an illness broke out aboard ship--smallpox plague or some such and the parents died. Upon arrival in America there was no one to care for the children, so they were bound out to different families and lost all trace of each other. Many years later, one of the sons, who had become a basket maker, was visiting with a woman customer and in the course of the conversation, they discovered they were brother and sister.

    Most say that the killer of the deer was a son and that the entire family did not flee to America, only the young man ( Linnie Buller said he was 18 years old and was smuggled out in this family’s household goods in a barrel) and that the entire family did not flee to America, only the young man, and that the family of the story were either family friends of the Gansel family in whose company the wayward son was sent to America or else they befriended him aboard ship during the voyage.

     The latter version seems most likely to me, for there is also a further story that the young man brought with him important family papers establishing his claim to the family estate.  He left these in a church for safekeeping, but the church burned, destroying all records.  This story was given me by Papa’s cousin, Linnie Buller, but far back in my memory is a story told to me by Grandma and only dimly understood at the time, about a young man who left his family papers in a church which burned and how her family had tried to establish a right to a family fortune in Germany, but could never get beyond the church fire, so it seemed there was nothing anyone could do to prove the link between the American and German branches of the family.  However, shortly before World War I the Family Legend was given a shot in the arm.

     These are the stories I’ve been told about this later development.  Many of the Gansel descendants in this country received letters from Germany stating that a large estate in that country was waiting for heirs of the Gansel family to claim it.  Some believed the letters to be a hoax, but Papa told me that one of the Gansels was a prominent woman lawyer back east who investigated the claims and informed the family that the estate was actually there, but so entangled in red tape that it would be extremely costly to extricate it.  Wanda Timbers Kuhn told me she understood that German law decreed that money from such an inheritance could not be taken out of the country, but must be spent there.  In those days Gansels didn’t think it seemly to go skylarking off to Germany to spend up an inheritance while their farms and stores etc. went to pot.  How unfortunate that I was born thirty years or so too late! Linnie Buller told me that some did got to investigate and hopefully, I suppose, to spend, but WWI broke out and they were never heard from again.  Were they victims of the war, or did they use the war as a smoke screen to disappear with the family fortune?  Who knows!

     As I said, I can’t swear to the truth of any of this, but for sure, we Gansel descendants are here, and our common ancestor who was responsible for putting us in this country was probably a rather wild, high-sprinted young man who got into trouble and had to run and lost his ID papers along with the family fortune, but somehow managed to get his descendants scattered all over this US of A.  Does that explain anything about us?

     Oh, yes, for what it’s worth, the Gansel family did have a coat of arms-- A Wild Boar’s Head, or so I’ve been told.



     No “legend” was ever passed down to me concerning the Scholl side of the family, however, I did acquire a bit if interesting background from another person whose family name was School (no known relation).  Her information came from a book called THE SCHOLL, SHOLL AND SKULL GENEALOGY by John William School.  (Is he a relative? His names are right.)

     The writer, attempted to find a meaning for the family name, but though this is a common name in German, the meaning is elusive.  The family did have a coat of arms, however, and on it is shown what appears to be three clods of earth or ice.  It is inferred from this that the name of Scholl is actually derived from the German word “scholle”, which meant something split off and was applied to broken masses of earth as clods, and to masses of broken ice floating in streams.  In modern German it has a more general application as in the phrase, “an der alten scholle hangen” which means to cling to one’s native land, or also in the spiritual language “to cling to the earth with its delights” .  So--are we a bunch of clods or a bunch of hangers-on?

     Also from this same book came the information that the earliest Scholl they have recorded is a Casper Scholl who was a goldsmith at Dinklesbuhl.  His son, also Casper, was graduated from Tubington University, August 16, 1581.  The Scholls were such intimated at the court of Ludwig, the Duke of Wurtenburg, that the Duke paid the expenses of his graduation from Tubungen.  Our ancestors?  All I can say is that they were somewhere near the right part of Germany.  Wildbock, where Grandpa Scholl was born is fairly centrally located between Dinklesbuhl, Tubungen and Frankfort (where Grandpa worked).



Theodore Scholl

     My father told me his name was George, but the genealogical records show Theodore, so in my min I compromise with George Theodore.  His father, according to the records was also Theodore,  he was born in Germany and died in 1855 in Bavaria, Germany.  My father told me that he was the village squire, a position of  somewhat more affluent then most of the villagers.


Catherine Grim Scholl

The only thing I have been told about this grandmother is in connection with a worn, gold cross which was given to me by my father.  He had worn it on a watch fob.  He told me that his father had brought it with him from Germany and that it had belonged to his father’s mother.  However, Aunt Katie saw me wearing it at Bernita’s wedding and insisted that it was her mother’s cross, that she had often worn it.  I wonder if Grandpa did not give it to her to wear, but I think it likely, that it was actually his mother’s, for I know it was in Papa’s possession long before grandma died.  It is unlikely she would have given him her necklace, but a cross belonging to his grandmother would have been given to him at the time Grandpa died if not before.

     The records show that Catherine was born in Germany and died around 1853. Her father was John Grim.


The Scholl Children

     The Scholl great-grandparents had a family of 5 sons and 2 daughters.  As yet, I’ve found no one who knows the names of the girls.  One may have been named Margaret.  It is known that one married a Mr. Warthing and the other a Mr. Henning.  The sons were Frank, who remained in Germany, John, William and Phillip, who I’ve been told, all came to America, and I believe the girls did, also, and George Anthony who was our grandfather.  Philip Scholl’s family lived in Pennsylvania ** and there was some contact with them over the years before Grandma died.  One of the brothers, but I do not know which, had two daughters, Hildegarde and Anna.  My mother and Grandma Scholl corresponded with them from time to time.  Anna once sent our family a set of hard-rubber dominos which we used for years until they burned in the fire.  (I still have the double one, which I fished out of the ashes.)  they lived at Scranton, PA.

** Editor's Note: Phillip Scholl married Apollonia Roth, whose picture is shown at the top of this page. She was identified in this old photo by Jodie Miller, daughter of Wanda Timbers Kuhn (who is cited as a content provider to Georgia Scholl Becker). In January 2007, Joe Auriemma, of Phoenixville, PA, great-great-great grandson of Apollonia, sent us the following information about the Scholl family in Pennsylvania:

George Scholl had relatives in Hawley (Wayne County) and Scranton (Lackawanna). Here is a biography of William Scholl of Hawley, George's brother:

William Scholl [Source: Northeast PA biographies (circa 1897), which can be found in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City]:
Wayne county numbers among her best and most honored residents many who are of German birth or origin, and among these William Scholl, who during his life was regarded as one of the substantial and public-spirited men of Hawley, held a respected place.
Mr. Scholl was a native of Bavaria, Germany, born August 4, 1826, near Ammerbach, and was one of the eight children of Theodore Scholl, of whom we have the following record: Francis died at Hawley, Penn. Mary married Ernest Waddelinz and she and her husband both died at Hawley. Charles enlisted in the Union army during the Civil war, and was never heard from after he entered the service. Theresa, Mrs. Francis Hannig, died in Germany. Williams is the subject of this memoir. John is a shoemaker and lives in Germany. George is engaged in farming in Kansas. Philip lives in Scranton, Penn., where he is employed by the Pennsylvania board of health. The parents passed all their lives in the Fatherland.
In 1849 William Scholl came to try his fortune in America, and for one year after his arrival he lived at Honesdale, Penn., where he followed his trade, that of baker, thence coming to Hawley where he spent the remainder of his life. For a time, he worked at his trade with Mrs. Mary Schlager, his wife's sister, afterward renting the store for a year, and at the end of that period purchased the business, which he continued successfully up to his death on July 6, 1883. He managed his affairs with characteristic German thrift, and by industry and economy acquired a comfortable property and became one of the most respected members of the community in which he had settled. Strict honesty and a desire to please marked his dealings with all, and his custom increased yearly from the time he entered business. Mr. Scholl took a loyal interest in the welfare of his adopted town, but he was not an office-seeker and took no active part in public affairs, though he served faithfully as poormaster at Hawley. His political sympathies were with the Democratic party.
Mr. Scholl was married, at Honesdale, on June 29, 1851, to Miss Margaret Ferber, and their union was blessed with eleven children, of whom only four are living, namely: William, Margaret, Elizabeth, August, all four deceased; Lena, the wife of Edward Gardner, a blacksmith of Scranton, Penn.; Charles and Emma, deceased; Sophia, who married Ed Goldback, a shoemaker, of Hawley; George, living with his mother and employed in the silk mill; Peter, living with his mother; and Barbara, deceased. The family are Catholics in religious faith. Fraternally, Mr. Scholl belonged to the I.O.O.F.
Mrs. Margaret (Ferber) Scholl now makes her home above the store formerly kept by her husband, on the east side of Hawley, and at the age of seventy years is a bright, active and well-preserved woman, respected and loved by all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. She proved a faithful helpmate to her husband in his business as well as in the home, doing her full share in accumulating the competence which she now enjoys, and it is hoped that she will still has many peaceful years before her. She was born October 8, 1827 in Baden, Germany, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Sterra) Ferber. The mother died in 1843, at the age if forty-three, and in 1847 the father came to America, for the first six months after his arrival living in Greene county, Penn., with his daughter Mrs. Schlager. He then made his home in Honesdale for a while, subsequently lived in Hawley at different times, and spent his years among all his children in their various homes, dying November 23, 1889, at Hawley, while staying with his daughter, Mrs. Scholl. He was ninety-five years of age at the time of his death, which was due to an accident, he having fallen down stairs. His family consisted of six children, all of whom but Margaret and Barbara are now deceased, viz.: Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Hickman, who is also deceased; Jacob; Mary, wife of John Schlager, who is dead; Margaret, Mrs. Scholl; Abraham; and Barbara, widow of John Reif, residing at Honesdale.

Joe also provided additional gravesite information from the Hawley Cemetery in Hawley, PA:

SCHOLL William J. Scholl, Born Aug. 4, 1826, Died July 6, 1883. Side of stone: Maria Scholl, Born June 1, 1853. Died June 3, 1935. Elizabeth Scholl, Born Sept. 15, 1854. Died June 19, 1855. Side 3 of stone: Barbara Scholl, Born Oct. 9 [?19], 1865, Died March 8, 1866. Emma H.M. Scholl, Born Aug. 25, 1861, Died Dec. 3, 1874.

This cemetery was transcribed and posted by Joan Scholl Francis.



     Obed or Obediah Gansel

        I’m not sure which is correct.  I think Obed born April 29, 1820 in Pennsylvania, his father was Gideon Gansel. Obediah, I’ve been told was an unschooled stonemason.  I understood he could neither read nor write, but he could figure accurately in his head the amount of materials needed to construct a building.  I’ve been told he built or helped his son-in-law, William Harris build, a number of the old stone buildings in Cawker City, including the drug store (which was the first store building in Cawker City) the city hall, the Wm. Cribbs House and the Domino House.  I’ve also been told he built the old butcher shop in Glen Elder.  I’ve always understood he was a fairly large, strong man.  In fact, the Gansel men were usually know for their strength.  I heard stories of one powerful Gansel who could lift almost unbelievable amounts.  The story was that he once became aggravated at a cow who would not go thru a gate and picked her and put her over the fence.  Homer says this was Uncle Dan’s son, Otto.  I’m not sure.  Uncle Dan’s daughter wrote that Grandpa Gansel often talked of an older brother, Joe, but that they never met him. **

** Editor's Note: In January 2007, Larry Pardoe, a prominent researcher on Sullivan County, PA families, reported the following information on the spelling of Obed Gansel's name and also on his brother Joseph Gansel's family in the Sullivan County area. In fact, Larry states that he was able to make another connection for Joseph Gansel's daughter Sarah Matilda, who married John W. Sperry/Speary. The Speary family is another old "founding family" in Sullivan County, PA. We are grateful to Larry for these insights:

HON. JOSEPH GANSEL, who is now living in practical retirement on his farm just beyond the corporate limits of the borough of Muncy Valley, has long been a prominent figure in the business and political circles in that section and at one time served as associate judge of Sullivan County. He was born in Mifflin township, Columbia County, Pa., January 4, 1818, and is a son of Gideon and Catherine (Fisher) Gansel.

Adam Gansel, our subject's grandfather, was born in Germany, where he learned the trade of a weaver. He came to America a single man and followed his trade in connection with farming until his death at the age of eighty-seven years. He married Phoebe Bubamoyer, who lived to reach the advanced age of eighty-two years, and they had the following offspring: John; Gideon; Daniel; Jacob; Susanna; Mary (Polly); Lydia; and Betsey. Mr. Gansel for many years was a resident of Roaring Creek township, Columbia County, Pa., where he lived at the time of his death.

Gideon Gansel, the father of our subject, was born in Roaring Creek township and at an early age learned the trade of a shoemaker which he followed for a time, and then engaged in the mercantile business at Catawissa Forge. During the later years of his life he followed the occupation of a farmer. His union with Catherine Fisher resulted in the following issue: Phoebe; John; Joseph; Odadiah; Samuel; Peter; Jacob; David; Sarah; and Rebecca. Mr. Gansel died in 1843 at the age of sixty-four years, and his wife passed away at an age two years younger.

Joseph Gansel, the subject of this record, first attended the German schools and subsequently the English schools, following farming during the summer months until he was twenty-one years of age. After his marriage at the age of twenty-two years, he learned the trade of a shoemaker, but relinquished it to accept the postmastership of Beaver Valley. He was later elected constable and served in that capacity until he engaged in the manufacture of shoes at Foundryville, Pa., also clerking in a store while residing there. He was elected assessor of Briarcreek township, Columbia County, and served as justice of the peace for a period of five years. In 1851 he moved to Dushore, Sullivan County, where he engaged in the general merchandise business during the following nine years, or until he was elected sheriff of the county in 1860, when he located at Laporte. He served as sheriff for three years and three months, after which he bought a tract of land in Laporte township which he cleared and supplied with new buildings. There he successfully followed farming for several years, but disposed of the farm to Mr. Phillip, its present owner, when he was elected associate judge. He filled that office in a highly satisfactory manner for one term and three months, when he moved to Muncy Valley and accepted a position as superintendent of the bark peeling business in connection with D. T. Stevens & Son's tannery. Four years later he built the Pennington Hotel, a temperance house, and conducted it with excellent judgment until 1894, establishing a good reputation as a landlord. He also owned and conducted a stage line from Muncy Valley to Eagle's Mere, using four and five teams daily during the summer season to convey passengers. He also hauled provisions and building materials, employing on an average from ten to fourteen teams. Before the establishment of a railroad system between these points the thoroughfare was extensively used and at all times presented a lively appearance. He disposed of his hotel in 1894 and purchased a house and three lots comprising six acres adjoining the borough. He erected his present modern home on one of the vacant lots and now lives practically retired. He is well known throughout the county and has many friends who esteem him highly.

Mr. Gansel married Polly Michael, a daughter of Adam Michael of Beaver township, Columbia County, and they had two children: Catherine, who died at the age of twelve years; and Mary, whose union with Mathias Trough has been blessed with three children, Charles, Joseph, and Harvey. Mrs. Gansel died three and one-half years after her marriage, and Mr. Gansel formed a second marital union with Mary Anman, a daughter of John Anman, of Catawissa township, and they are the parents of nine children: Sarah Matilda, the wife of John Sperry, by whom she has four children, Charles, William, Roy, and Lizzie; Clementine D., the wife of Murray Henry of Philadelphia; James, a mason by trade, who married Emma Culley; John, a mason of Laporte, whose wife was Annie Keller; Charles D., who was a teacher, died at the age of twenty-two years; Carrie, the wife of Walter Pardo*, who has four children, Lee, Clarence, Lottie, and Opal; William, a resident of Laporte, who married Effie Swicher; George L., a master of mathematics who lives at home; and Jessie, the wife of Samuel Eddy of Sonestown. Politically Mr. Gansel has always been an active supporter of the principles of the Republican party. He is a good speaker; he has served as delegate to the constitutional convention and has held many minor offices. Religiously our subject has always been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has served as trustee, steward, superintendent of the Sunday School and as a class-leader. Socially he is a charter member of the Bushore (probably Dushore) and Laporte lodges of the Odd Fellows and is past master. In 1894 he was asked to serve in a very difficult capacity for the Trust Company tanneries, to estimate the amount of bark on 11,000 acres of timberland, having as assistants in this undertaking a surveyor and another. It took from October 2d to December 25th, and they covered from eight to sixteen miles per day, besides the amount of riding which they did. Mr. Gansel completed the work to the satisfaction of the company.


Book of Biographies of the Seventeenth Congressional District
Published by Biographical Publishing Company of Chicago, IL and Buffalo, NY (1899)

>** Editor's Note: In February 2020, Joyce Ingerson another well known researcher on Sullivan County, PA families, reported the following information on the lineage of Obed's brother Joseph Gansel. She did so in the process of filling ut the ancestry of Craig Gansell, who is te curator of the Picture Rocks Cemetery on our site, and a direct descendant of Joseph. We are grateful to Joyce for these comments:

Here it is. Combination of resources from my notes- Courthouse documents, Birth Certs, Marriages, PA death Certificates, SS death index, and more than just the US census for proof. Using the background the Honorable Judge Joseph Gansel biography for the underlying outline in blue letering. Additions are in green. The original biography had been printed into a two generations format . I have tried to archive the third generation from my notes.

Name Joseph Gencil (Gansel), 1840 US Census (City, County, State) Mifflin, Columbia, Pennsylvania Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29 1- Joseph Gansel ( reported he married age 22) Free White Persons - Females - Under 5 1- daughter Catherine Gansel Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19 1- spouse Mary/Polly Michael Gansel Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade 1 ( shoemaker)

Joseph Gansel, the subject of this record, first attended the German schools and subsequently the English schools, following farming during the summer months until he was twenty-one years of age. After his marriage at the age of twenty-two years, he learned the trade of a shoemaker, but relinquished it to accept the postmastership of Beaver Valley. He was later elected constable and served in that capacity until he engaged in the manufacture of shoes at Foundryville, Pa., also clerking in a store while residing there. He was elected assessor of Briarcreek township, Columbia County, and served as justice of the peace for a period of five years.

1850 US Census Pennsylvania > Columbia > Briar Creek Enumerated 10 Aug 1850 Name: Joseph Gensil ( Joseph Gansel) Age: 32 ; Estimated Birth Year: abt 1818 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Gender: Male ; Occupation: laborer Mary E , age 25, Birth Place: Pennsylvania Catharine, age 9, Birth Place: Pennsylvania (daughter by Joseph Gansel's first marriage to Polly Michael) Clementine D, age 3 , Birth Place: Pennsylvania Sarah M , age 6, Birth Place: Pennsylvania James H , age 0 , Birth Place: Pennsylvania Roll: M432_769; Page: 156A;

In 1851 he moved to Dushore, Sullivan County, where he engaged in the general merchandise business during the following nine years, or until he was elected sheriff of the county in 1860, when he located at Laporte.

1860 US Census Pennsylvania, Sullivan, Laporte, Enumerated 27 June 1860 Joseph Gensel Age 42 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania occupation: high Sheriff Mary, age 35 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania Such(Sarah) M Gensel, age 16 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania Clementine Gensel, age 13 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania James H Gensel, age 11, Birthplace: Pennsylvania John R Gensel, age 9, Birthplace: Pennsylvania Charles D Gensel, age 7 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania Clarrie J Gensel, age 4, Birthplace: Pennsylvania William N Gensel, age 3 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania George Gensel , age 5/12 , Birthplace: Pennsylvania Roll: M653_1184; Page: 815; Family History Library Film: 805184.

He served as sheriff for three years and three months, after which he bought a tract of land in Laporte township which he cleared and supplied with new buildings. There he successfully followed farming for several years, but disposed of the farm to Mr. Phillip, its present owner, when he was elected associate judge. He filled that office in a highly satisfactory manner for one term and three months, when he moved to Muncy Valley and accepted a position as superintendent of the bark peeling business in connection with D. T. Stevens & Son's tannery. Four years later he built the Pennington Hotel, a temperance house, and conducted it with excellent judgment until 1894, establishing a good reputation as a landlord. He also owned and conducted a stage line from Muncy Valley to Eagle's Mere, using four and five teams daily during the summer season to convey passengers. He also hauled provisions and building materials, employing on an average from ten to fourteen teams. Before the establishment of a railroad system between these points the thoroughfare was extensively used and at all times presented a lively appearance. He disposed of his hotel in 1894 and purchased a house and three lots comprising six acres adjoining the borough. He erected his present modern home on one of the vacant lots and now lives practically retired. He is well known throughout the county and has many friends who esteem him highly. Mr. Gansel married Polly Michael, a daughter of Adam Michael of Beaver township, Columbia County,

Adam Michael BIRTH 3 May 1789 DEATH 28 Feb 1847 (aged 57) BURIAL Michaels Cemetery Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 31968783 Stone written in German 57 years, 9 months, 25 days

Catharina Hoats Michael BIRTH 7 Jan 1791 DEATH 14 Nov 1873 (aged 82) Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Michaels Cemetery Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 78241044

and they( Joseph Gansel & Polly Michael) had two children: Catherine, who died at the age of twelve years;.

Catherine Gansel BIRTH unknown ( believed 1840 is the date according to 1840 US census record above) DEATH 1853 BURIAL Fairview Cemetery ( same cemetery as her paternal grandparents below) Dushore, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 133522666 ·

and Mary (Ann) , whose union with Mathias Trough has been blessed with three children, Charles, Joseph, and Harvey. Mary Gansel, daughter of Joseph Gansel and Polly Michael was validated on Mary's PA Death Certificate and her son Joseph A Traugh PA Death Certificate .spouse of Matthias Traugh (1), Mary gave birth to 3 living children-Charles Franklin Traugh, Joseph Andrew Traugh, and Henry Harvey Traugh. Matthias H Traugh enlisted 28 Aug 1863, Company F, Pennsylvania 143rd Infantry Regiment; he did not survive the War. Documentation regarding his grave has not been found.
War Record: He mustered in on 28 Aug 1863. Mustered out when he died as POW on 01 Oct 1864 at Danville, VA. Mary Gansel Traugh, married Alexander Green(2) in 1865- resulting 2 children- Sarah E. Green, and William Ervin Green,

Mary (Ann) (Gansel) Traugh Green BIRTH 28 Apr 1841,Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 8 Sep 1922 (aged 81) Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Summer Hill Cemetery, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 21073421

Mrs. (Polly/Mary Michael) Gansel died three and one-half years after her marriage,

LDS records Polly Michael KHJ5-Y4X birth: Abt 1819, ( probably 1824), Columbia, Pennsylvania death: Abt 1843 father: Adam Michael K42V-V55 mother: Catharina Hoats MDL7-SYL spouse: Joseph Gensel KNQ3-FWT

and Mr.( Joseph) Gansel formed a second marital union with Mary Anman, a daughter of John Anman and Sarah Faulk, of Catawissa township ( John and Sarah later moved to Cherry Township, Sullivan County).

John Auman BIRTH 23 May 1802 DEATH 30 Nov 1888 (aged 86) BURIAL Fairview Cemetery Dushore, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave 133518057
Sarah E Auman BIRTH 1804 DEATH 1897 (aged 92-93) BURIAL Fairview Cemetery Dushore, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave 133518146

and they (Joseph Gansel & Mary E Auman) are the parents of nine children:

1. Sarah Matilda( aka Tillie, even later as her name was changed to Donna), the wife of 1. John Sperry( surname sometimes written as Speary). He was the son of Samuel Speary & Mary Colley Pennington, John W Speary BIRTH 1 Mar 1838 DEATH 5 Dec 1912 (aged 74) Sonestown, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Cherry Grove Cemetery Nordmont, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 74983341

Mr. and Mrs. John AUMAN, of Cherry, who are 82 years of age, ate their Christmas dinner with their granddaughter, Mrs. J. W. SPEARY, in this place. by whom she (Sarah Matilda Gansel Speary) has four children, Charles, William, Roy, and Lizzie( aka (Mary Elizabeth);

Children of John W Speary & Sarah Matilda Gansel: 1. Mary Elizabeth Sperry, wife of George B Richart, resident of Broome County, New York

The Sullivan Review 31 Jan. 1884 Invitations are out for the wedding of George B. RICHART, station agent at this place, and Miss Lizzie M.( Mary Elizabeth) SPEARY, which will take place at the residence of the bride's parents on Feb. 9th at 7 o'clock a.m.
The Sullivan Review 14 Feb. 1884 Geo. B. RICHART married Miss Mary E. SPEARY, both of Dushore, on Feb. 9th, at the residence of the bride's parents in Dushore by Rev. G. L. BURSON

2. NYS Death Charles D. Speary Death Date:10 Sep 1928 Death Place: Binghamton, New York, USA; Certificate Number: 52537 New York Department of Health; Albany, NY; NY State Death Index

3. Willie Grant Speary, Son of J.W. & S.M. Speary, d 12 Sep 1875 "Aged 3 years, 11 m and 15 days" Cherry Grove Cemetery Davidson, Sullivan, Pennsylvania Courtesy Sullivan County Web pages

4. PA Death Certificate Name: Joseph R(Roy) Sperry Gender: Male, Race: White Age: 45, Birth Date: abt 1880 Birth Place: Williamsport, Pennsylvania( incorrect birth Illinois) Death Date: 9 Apr 1925 Death Place: Danville, Montour, Pennsylvania, USA Burial Williamsport( Wildwood in unmarked grave) Certificate Number: 37797

Year: 1880; Census Place: MT Pleasant, Whiteside, Illinois Name: John W. Sperry Age: 42 Birth Date: Abt 1838 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Race: White; Gender: Male Occupation: Farmer Sarah M. Sperry, age 36,Birthplace: Pennsylvania Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Race: White Mary E. Sperry (aka Lizzie), age 13, Birthplace: Pennsylvania Charles D. Sperry, age 12,Birthplace: Pennsylvania Joseph Roy Sperry, age 1, Birthplace Illinois Roll: 258; Page: 173D; Enumeration District: 205

Spouse (2). Samuel Leslie Scott married Sarah Matilda Gansel Speary. Sarah M changed given name to Donna Gansel Scott. Comment: Sarah M/ daughter Mary Elizabeth/ Lizzie married 9 Feb 1884 to George B Richart. They lived in Binghamton, NY area Sarah M, spouse John W Speary, on 1885, Oct 9 filed for military Invalid status, from B 84 PA Infantry. He lived alone ?widowed in census, in Dushore in 1900 US Census as carpenter. He died in Sonestown area. Sarah M, her son Charles D Sperry became a barber and lived in Binghamton New York area her son Roy Sperry married , worked initially and lived in Northumberland. He later moved to Williamsport area. There is great suspicion that Sarah/ Tillie left/ abandoned her husband, John Speary fled with her children to the Williamsport/neighboring Binghamton NY area where most of this family remained. Meanwhile John Speary returned to the Dushore and died in Sonestown.

Event Type: Marriage Name: Sam L Scott( Samuel Leslie Scott) Marriage Date: 2 Nov 1901 Marriage Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA spouse Donna Gazell( alias Sarah Matilda Gansel) Denomination: Methodist Organization Name: Wesley United Methodist Church

Year: 1910; Census Place: Williamsport Ward 5, Lycoming, Pennsylvania; Samuel L Scott 33, married x1, 8 years, Birthplace Pennsylvania, Occupation: Machinist Sarah M Scott, 51,married x2, 8 years, Birthplace Pennsylvania, 3 children, 3 alive Roll: T624_1373; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 0083; FHL microfilm: 1375386

Year: 1920; Census Place: Williamsport Ward 5, Lycoming, Pennsylvania; Name: Mrs. Scott [Mrs. Samuel Scott or aka Donna Gansel Scott] Age: 63 Birth Year: abt 1857 ( cannot count that a women will give her correct age) Birthplace: Pennsylvania Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Race: White Gender: Female; Marital status: married ( her second husband was found living with his brother in law. He was working as a bar clerk. Declared he was married, think they may have separated) Occupation: Dressmaker Industry: At Home William Gansel, brother, age 56, widowed, Occupation: Laborer, Industry: Furniture( this is Sarah M/ Donna's widowed brother) Birthplace: Pennsylvania Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Mother's Birthplace: Pennsylvania Race: White T625_1599; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 86

PA Death Certificate Name: Donna Scott ( aka Sarah Matilda Gansel) Gender: Female; Race: White Age: 83; Birth Date: 24 Dec 1843 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Death Date: 29 Dec 1926 Death Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA Father: Joseph Gansel, Mainville; Mother: Mary E Auman, Sunbury Spouse: Samuel Scott Burial Wildwood Cem Informant M E Richart, Binghamton, NY( daughter) Certificate Number: 129253

Donna Gansel Scott BIRTH 24 Dec 1843,Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 29 Dec 1926 (aged 83),Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Wildwood Cemetery Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 120394704

Samuel L. Scott Birth Date: 1876 Death Date: 1936 Cemetery: Evergreen Cemetery Burial or Cremation Place: Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, United States of America Father: Samuel Marshall Scott Mother: Louisa Scott

2. Clementine D., the wife of Murray(George) Henry, of Philadelphia. Murray was the son of Albert C Henry & Harriet Lake, of Hughesville- (2 unknown children born, 0 living children); NYS Marriage Certificate Number: 12331 Name: Clemontine D. Gansel Gender: Female ( she would be age 40) Marriage Date: 1 Sep 1887 Marriage Place: Waverly, New York, USA Spouse: George M. Henry (his age would be 24)

Clementine D Gansel Henry BIRTH 15 Aug 1851 Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 1 Dec 1917 (aged 66) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Hughesville, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Lot 272A Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 206574565 ( no grave marker found)

George Henry BIRTH 17 Nov 1863,Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 3 Aug 1940 (aged 76) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Pleasant Hill Cemetery Hughesville, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA PLOT Lot 272A Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 206574436 ( No grave marker found)

3. James Hamilton Gansel, a mason by trade, who married Emma Ella Colley (She preferred to take her mother's surname Snyder which is found on Emma children's death certificate) ; 9 known living children- Joseph W Gansel; Ernest Harry Gansel; Jacob Blaine Gansel; Maude Elizabeth Gansel Richards; Frank P Gansel; Hazel Gansel Willits; Effe Gansel Gaughan ; Thomas Wellington Gansel; Alice Gertrude Gansel West. James H. Gansel BIRTH 20 Sep 1849 DEATH 4 Dec 1948 (aged 99) BURIAL Mountain Ash Cemetery Laporte, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 116520284 ·

PA Death Certificate Name: James H Gansel Gender: Male; Race: White Age: 99, widowed Birth Date: 20 Sep 1849 Birth Place: Columbia, Pennsylvania Occupation contractor mason Death Date: 4 Dec 1948 Death Place: Dallas, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA Father: Joseph Gansel Mother: Mary Auman. Burial Laporte Informant Maude Richards, Dallas, PA Certificate Number: 108239

Emma E. Gansel BIRTH 10 Apr 1859 DEATH 5 May 1924 (aged 65) BURIAL Mountain Ash Cemetery Laporte, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 116520372

PA Death Certificate Name: Emma E Gansel [Emma E Colley] Gender: Female, married Race: White Age: 65 Birth Date: 10 Apr 1859 Birth Place: Dushore, Pennsylvania Death Date: 5 May 1924 Death Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA Father: William Colley ; Mother: Mary Snyder ( highly probable Emma was an illegitimate child) Burial Laporte Informant J H Gansel Certificate Number: 54617

4. John (Gansel) , a mason of Laporte, wife(Mina Lillian Boston(1)- divorced. Mina was daughter of Mathias Boston & Lydia Ann Hiddleson. Mina bore 2 children with John Gansel: Charles P Gansel & Erma Letica Gansel Wesley, Findagrave Mina Lillian "Lily" Boston BIRTH 2 Jul 1853 Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 10 Jan 1927 (aged 73) Montgomery, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Cherry Grove Cemetery Nordmont, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA MEMORIAL ID 88248743

PA Death Certificate Name: Mena (Mina) L Boston Gender: Female Race: White Age: 73 Birth Date: 2 Jul 1853; Birth Place: Northpoint Sullivan County, Pennsylvania Death Date: 10 Jan 1927;Death Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA Father: Mathias Boston Spouse: John Gansel, divorced Burial Cherry Grove Cemetery Informant Clara Gansel(, sister in law)

Charles P Gansel, spouse of Clara Worthington marriage Name: Charles Pinkney Gansel Gender: Male Marriage Date: 19 Dec 1906 Marriage Place: Muncy Valley, Sullivan, Pennsylvania, USA Spouse: Clara Worthington Film Number: 000954171

Findagrave Charles Pinkney Gansel BIRTH 2 Sep 1876 Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 5 Oct 1956 (aged 80) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Cherry Grove Cemetery Nordmont, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA MEMORIAL ID 37889798

Erma Leticia Gansel, spouse of Charles Henry Wesley Findagrave Erma Leticia Gansel Wesley BIRTH 29 Feb 1880 Nordmont, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 17 Feb 1941 (aged 60) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Cherry Grove Cemetery Nordmont, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA MEMORIAL ID 156700368 ·

( John Gansel)…whose wife (2) was Annie(Julia Anna) Keller, daughter of William Keller & Harriet Reese= 6 known children to this couple:

Stanton R Gansel, spouse of Elsie Elenora Vanhorn; Findagrave Name: Stanton R Gansel Birth Date: 1894 Death Date: 1974 Death Place: United States of America Cemetery: Hillcrest Cemetery Burial or Cremation Place: Sonestown, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Willa Gansel , spouse of Charles Henry Snyder PA death Certificate Name: Willa Snyder [Willa Gansel] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 59 Birth Date: 30 Oct 1894 Birth Place: Sullivan County, Pennsylvania Death Date: 27 Oct 1954 Death Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA Father: John R Gansel ; Mother: Jullia Keller Burial Richarts Grove Informant Charles H Snyder Certificate Number: 84851

Tressa Gensel, spouse of Leon Chalmer Boatman, son of Edward Chalmer Boatman & Ida M Rea
SSDI Tressa Boatman Last Residence: 17770 Sonestown, Sullivan, Pennsylvania, United States of America Born: 20 Aug 1897 Died: Mar 1986 State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951 ) Source Citation: Number: 210-22-9413;Issue State: Pennsylvania;Issue Date: Before 1951. Tressa Boatman Muncy Luminary March 27, 1986 Tressa Boatman Mrs. Tressa Boatman, 88, of Sonestown, sister of Mrs. Mary Miles of Hughesville, died March 21, 1986, in Laporte United Methodist Home, where she had moved Monday. Her husband, Leon C. Boatman, died in June 1970. Born at Muncy Valley Aug. 20, 1897, she was a daughter of John and Anna Keller Gensel. Mrs. Boatman was a member of Valley United Methodist Church, Muncy Valley RD 1. Surviving besides Mrs. Miles, are two daughters, Mrs. Thelma M. Ferrell, of Sonestown, and Mrs. Julia O. Rinier, with whom she had lived; another sister, Mrs. Edna Cox, of Glenolden, Delaware County, six grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren. The funeral was Monday at the church, with the Rev. Patricia Bown-Bauman, her pastor, officiating. Burial was in Hillcrest Cemetery, Sonestown.

Mary O Gansel, spouse of Linden William Miles NYS Marriage Name: Linden W Miles, first marriage Gender: Male; Occupation Salesman Age: 25 Birth Date: Jan 10, 1905 in Moosic, PA Marriage Date: 16 Jun 1930 Marriage Place: Broome, New York, USA Father: Bert Miles Mother: Mary Thomas Spouse: Mary O Gansel, first marriage Gender female Occupation Nurse Age 25 Birth date June 20, 1904, Place of birth Muncy , PA Father John ( Gansel) Mother Anna Keller Film Number: 000808879 New York, County Marriage Records, .

SSDI Name: Mary O. Miles Social Security Number: 060-24-3879 Birth Date: 20 Jun 1904 Death Date: 29 Sep 1991 Issue year: Before 1951 Issue State: New York

Edna M Gansel married 9 May 1931 to Frank Lynn Cox, son of Samuel Fisher Cox & Cora Bell Reese.
Social Security Death Index Name: Edna M. Cox SSN: 165-16-0004 Born: 10 Aug 1909 Died: 9 Mar 1991 State (Year) SSN issued: Pennsylvania (Before 1951) Number: 165-16-0004; Issue State: Pennsylvania; Issue Date: Before 1951.

Delmas Gansel Son of J.R. & Annie Birth: unknown Death: May 27, 1911 4y 3m 5d Burial: Richarts Grove Cemetery Unityville Lycoming County Pennsylvania, USA Find A Grave Memorial# 17292385

5. Charles D., who was a teacher ( country school master), died at the age of twenty-two years- It is believed Charles never married but he had a long affair with Margaret Abigail Olmstead, per local Sheets and Swank families Margaret, daughter of John Olmstad & Christiann Swank, came from Unityville- North Mountain area. These folks were well-known logging families This relationship between Charles and Margaret was believed not well accepted since Charles' father was the Honorable Judge. Charles Gansel produced 2 known living children with Margaret. These two girls lived with others within the vicinity of Muncy Valley;

Martha Elizabeth Gansel, spouse of Louis F Jilson b 1871- d 1931, Obit- Titusville Herald Newspaper, 2 July 1931 , Mrs. L. F. Jilson, Aged 60 Years, Had Been Resident of Titusville for 19 Years
1. Mrs. Martha Jillson, aged nearly 60 years and for the past nineteen years a resident of Titusville, passed away at her home, 102 Center street, at 5:30 o'clock, yesterday a£ternoon following illness of several years, the past few weeks of which her condition had been serious. Mrs. Jillson was born at Unityville, Lycoming Co, PA on August 26, 1871 and spent the greater part of her life in that vicinity. On March 14, 1889, she was united in marriage with L. F. Jillson, who survives her. They came to Titusville 19 years ago and until last spring resided on West Main street. To Mr and Mrs. Jillson were born ten children, seven of whom survive as follows: Mrs. T. W. Brownlee, Mrs. Ray Stackhouse and Mrs. Orrin Bullock of this city, Mrs. Paul Walters of Meadville, Mrs. Clyde Walter of Detroit, Mich., Lloyd Jillson of Rochester, N.Y., and Jillson of Conneaut, O. Two daughters, Miss Pearle Jillson and Mrs. Frank J DeMott, died from influenza in the epidemic of 1918, and a son, Dorsey Jillson died from an accident seven years ago. The death of the son under such tragic circumstances was a shock which the mother never overcame, and her illness dates from that time. There are fourteen grandchildren, one(step) brother, John Whitbeck of Athens, Pa., and three sisters, Mrs. Anna Potter and Mrs. Bert Hamilton of Williamsport and Mrs. Owen Decker of Ralston, Pa. Mrs. Jilison was a member of the First M. E. church, was a kind and loving wife and mother and held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends; Arrangements for the funeral will be announced later
2. Sarah Gansel, spouse of Joseph H Shaffer, b 1875- d 1895, he was son of Joseph F Shaffer & Jane Ann Rollinson. Joseph H Shaffer's first wife,Sarah was raised by William Sheets Family,

PA Marriage Name: Joseph H. Shaffer Gender: Male Age: 21 Birth Date: abt 1872, farmer Marriage Date: 17 May 1893 Marriage Place: Sullivan, Pennsylvania, USA Father and Mother: Joseph & Jane Shaffer Spouse: Sarah Gansel, age 18, cook Father: Samuel Mapes ( this is her) Mother: Margaret ( Olmstead) Mapes Film Number: 000954170

Sarah's mother, Margaret Abigail (Olmstad) Mapes was buried in Mountain Ash Cemetery in Laporte. Sarah Gansel Shaffer may also be buried beside her mother in an unmarked grave at Mountain Ash. Sarah's husband Joseph remarried.

Joseph H. Shaffer BIRTH 1872 DEATH Nov 1926 (aged 53-54) BURIAL Hillcrest Cemetery Sonestown, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 88951215

Sometime after Charles Gansel's death, Margaret had another affair with Mahlon Whitbeck = 3 known living children were born:= Hurl Whitbeck, Anna/Edith Whitbeck; John James Whitbeck After Margaret was deserted by Maylon Whitbeck, Margaret had a marriage with Samuel Mapse/ Mapes before his death. He was buried in Franklin Stoneheap Cemetery. Samuel Mapse BIRTH Sep 1825 DEATH 2 May 1895 (aged 69) BURIAL Franklin Stone Heap Cemetery Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 89673365 · Margaret lived with her brothers after her spouse Samuel's death. Therefore, we can conclude that many documents are confused with Margaret's children's natural fathers given and surnames.

6. Clara (or Clarie), the wife of Walter Pardo, (son of Thomas Pardoe & Margaret Molyneux), who has four (living) children, Lee Pardo, Clarence Pardo, Lottie Pardo, and Opal Pardo ( plus an unnamed child died in Illinois) This family moved to Tama County, Iowa around 1881. Walter Pardoe died and is buried there. Clara is next found in Williamsport by 1890 in the directory for this city.

Name: Pardoe Birth Date: 19 Jun 1882 Birth Place: Traer, Tama, Iowa Father: Walter T Pardoe Mother: Clara J Gansell FHL Film Number: 1022740

Source: Gravestone Records of Tama County, Ia. Page Number: 144 Name: Walter T Pardoe Birth Date: 1852 Death Date: 18 Jul 1886 Age: 34 Burial Location: Perry, Tama Cemetery: Buckingham Iowa, Cemetery Records,

Walter T. Pardoe BIRTH 10 Feb 1852 Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 18 Jul 1886 (aged 34) Tama County, Iowa, USA BURIAL Buckingham Cemetery Traer, Tama County, Iowa, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 61238648

PA Death Certificate Name: Mrs Clara J Pardoe [Mrs Clara J Gansel] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 71 Widowed Patient at the state Hospital Birth Date: 1 Feb 1856 Birth Place: Pennsylvania Death Date: 6 Apr 1923 Death Place: Danville, Montour, Pennsylvania, USA Father: Jos Gansel Mother: Mary E Auman Burial Williamsport Informant Hospital records Certificate Number: 46575

Clara J Gansel Pardoe BIRTH 1 Feb 1857 Laporte, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 6 Apr 1923 (aged 66) Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Wildwood Cemetery Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA MEMORIAL ID 167286552

7. William (Nelson Gansell) , a resident of Laporte, wife(1) Mary Avilda Meracle, divorced 21 Sep 1895- Sullivan Courthouse= 3 living children. Mary Avilda was the daughter of Myron Perry Meracle & Mother: Betsey Adeliza Buttles:
Mary Avilda Meracle Father : Myron Perry Meracle : Mother: Betsey Adeliza Buttles spouse of William Nelson Gansell, married abt 1888, divorced 21 Sep 1895- Sullivan Courthouse spouse of Thomas Edward Fiester, married 1896, death of spouse at work, 1916 spouse of (John Franklin ( Frank) Fry,married 1922, death of spouse in 1932 spouse of Walter Christopher Smith aft 1932, death of spouse 1942

William & Mary's children: Benjamin Harrison Gansel, b 4 Mar 1889-25 Oct 1918, spouse of Inez Sarah Shannon Benjamin Harry Gansell BIRTH 4 Mar 1889 Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 25 Oct 1918 (aged 29) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Pleasant Hill Cemetery Hughesville, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 14903501

Lois Adel (aka "Della") Gansel, 23 March 1891- July 1980, spouse of Charles Warren Wetherill; Findagrave Della A. Gansell Wetherill BIRTH 23 Mar 1891 DEATH 1980 (aged 88-89) BURIAL Pleasant Hill Cemetery Hughesville, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA MEMORIAL ID 57369019

Louis Edward Gansel, 15 March 1893- 17 Mar 1979- spouse of Florence Almeda Smith. Williamsport Sun-Gazette Roll # 420 for Monday, March 19, 1979 on page 32. Louis E. Gansell Dies; Retired Area Woodcarver PICTURE ROCKS - Louis Edward Gansell, 86, of Main Street, died Saturday, March 17, 1979, at his home. A woodcarver since 1909, he retired last October. Gansell was widely known for carved gunstocks and reproductions of early Pennsylvania rifles. He also made may woodcarvings of eagles, owls and ducks. Born at Highland Lake March 15, 1893, he was a son of William N. and Mary Meracle Gansell. Mr. Gansell was a member of the United Methodist Church at New Era. Surviving are his wife, the former Florence Smith; three sons, Stuart and Charles, both of Picture Rocks, and Louis, of Muncy RD; two daughters, Mrs. Joan Campbell and Mrs. Beatrice Taran, both of Picture Rocks; a sister, Mrs. Della Wetherill, of West Palm Beach, Fla., 12 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Wallis, 121 South Main Street, Muncy, with the Rev. Robert Berger, pastor of Hughesville Baptist Church and formerly pastor of Picture Rocks Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be in Picture Rocks Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 tonight.

(William Nelson Gansell) married Effie Swisher,daughter of Philip Swisher and Margaret Ellen Woodside married William Nelson Gansell 4 Mar 1897, Sullivan County, PA Effie then died 14 May 1900

Mrs William Gansel ( Effie Swisher Gansell) BIRTH unknown DEATH May 1900 Muncy, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Hillcrest Cemetery Sonestown, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, USA FindagraveMEMORIAL ID 187586178 · View Source
Republican_News_Item_Thu__May_17__1900 Mrs. William Gansel of Muncy Valley died of consumption on Saturday. Funeral services were held Monday. Internment was in Sonestown

8. George Lincoln (Gansel), a master of mathematics who lives at home; remained single. He may be buried near his parents in Old Sonestown Cemetery in an unmarked grave.
PA Death Certificate Name: George Lincoln Gansel Gender: Male Race: White Age: age 78-1-29 Birth Date: 22 Feb 1859 Birth Place: Pennsylvania ( also listed is 1858) Trade- Invalid ; Industry- Weak Mind Death Date: 11 Apr 1937 Death Place: Davidson, Sullivan, Pennsylvania, USA Father: Joseph Gansel Mother: Mary Ulman( Auman) Informant Mrs Anna Gansel of Muncy Valley Burial Sonestown( unmarked grave) Certificate Number: 45030

9. Jessie, the wife of Samuel( correction below) Eddy of Sonestown. Jessie Fremont Gansel, spouse of Fred Spaulding Eddy, formerly from Vermont, married 1885. Fred was the son of Charles Benjamin & Sarah Maria Spaulding,
PA death Certificate Name: Mrs Jessie Fremont Eddy[Mrs Jessie Fremont Gamel] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 75 Birth Date: 31 Mar 1860( written on document as 1865) Birth Place: Pennsylvania Death Date: 9 Mar 1936 Death Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania , USA Father: Joseph Gamel (Gansel)Mother: Mary Auman Spouse: Frederick Eddy Burial Wildwood Cemetery Informant Mrs Ethel Marks Certificate Number: 31389

Jessie F Eddy BIRTH 1862 DEATH 1936 (aged 73-74) BURIAL Wildwood Cemetery Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Show Map Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 191224225
Fred S Eddy BIRTH 11 Nov 1852 Chester, Windsor County, Vermont, USA DEATH 20 Nov 1935 (aged 83) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Wildwood Cemetery Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Show Map FindagraveMEMORIAL ID 191224226 PA Death Certificate Name: Fred S Eddy Gender: Male Race: White Age: 83 Birth Date: 11 Nov 1852 Birth Place: Chester Vermont Death Date: 20 Nov 1935 Death Place: Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USA Father: Chas B Eddy Mother: Sarah M Spaulding Spouse: Jessie F Eddy Burial Wildwood Informant Jessie F Eddy Certificate Number: 99270
Fred S ( Spaulding) Eddy BIRTH 11 Nov 1852 Chester, Windsor County, Vermont, USA DEATH 20 Nov 1935 (aged 83) Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA BURIAL Wildwood Cemetery Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, USA Show Map Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 191224226
Four Children for Fred S Eddy & Jesse F Gansel Alice Mable Eddy, spouse of Edward Flick Dewald Alice Mable Eddy Dewald BIRTH 29 Sep 1885 Pennsylvania, USA DEATH 7 Apr 1970 (aged 84) BURIAL Grandview Cemetery Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania, USA Findagrave MEMORIAL ID 40349766

Roy Eddy; Eddy, Roy E. 1887- 1902 Old Sonestown Cemetery Sonestown, PA On Outlet Rd., west of the old Methodist Church, Sonestown Davidson Township, Sullivan County, PA

Ethel S Eddy, Name: Ethel Marks Social Security Number: 033-26-7046 Birth Date: 22 May 1891 Issue year: 1952 Issue State: Massachusetts Death Date: Jul 1978 and Florence Eddy, spouse Harry Goehrig(1) Charles Foster Huggins(2)

Politically Mr. Gansel has always been an active supporter of the principles of the Republican party. He is a good speaker; he has served as delegate to the constitutional convention and has held many minor offices. Religiously our subject has always been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has served as trustee, steward, superintendent of the Sunday School and as a class-leader. Socially he is a charter member of the Dushore and Laporte lodges of the Odd Fellows and is past master. In 1894 he was asked to serve in a very difficult capacity for the Trust Company tanneries, to estimate the amount of bark on 11,000 acres of timberland, having as assistants in this undertaking a surveyor and another. It took from October 2d to December 25th, and they covered from eight to sixteen miles per day, besides the amount of riding which they did. Mr. Gansel completed the work to the satisfaction of the company. Source: Book of Biographies of the Seventeenth Congressional District Published by Biographical Publishing Company of Chicago, IL and Buffalo, NY (1899)


Catherine Swank Gansel


Also born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 22, 1820.  Somewhere I gathered the information that she had a brother, David,  Helen Wood said, who lived at Coffeyville, KS & came to visit several times.  I was told she was a small woman (though Laurence Timbers did not remember her as being small, maybe because he was fairly small himself at the time).  She spoke virtually no English and that very broken.

     Rufe Glitake was the source of the following story, which indicated that she must have been pretty quick witted.  He said Grandpa Gansel did enjoy a drink of good whisky,  but that Grandma did not hold much with drinking and though she was small and he was big, and she was a gentle, mild-mannered type, she usually had her way.  Rufe, who was quite a hand for whisky himself, went to visit one day and took Grandpa a gift of a gallon jug of whisky.  Grandpa was delighted, but evidently a little careless, for Grandma saw it and wanted to know what he thought he was going to do with all the whisky. He said, “Oh, well, you know a little whisky now and then is good medicine.  You put a little quinine in it and you know yourself there’s nothing better for colds.”  Being a clever woman, she said no more, but the next time he felt the urge to take a good pull from his jugs, he spat and sputtered and finally came up for air and demanded to know what had happened to his whisky?  Grandma just smiled serenely and said, “Oh well, you know, Obed, like you said, add a little quinine and whisky is the best medicine in the world.”  She’d guanined the whole gallon!

The Gansels had 9 children and she was 45 years old when her youngest was born.  My father told me that she felt it was a disgrace to be having a baby at that age and was so depressed about it that she refused to make any baby clothes or prepare at all for the coming baby.  This child was several years younger than the rest, so I assume she had thought her family was finished and disposed of her baby things  Finally her daughter, Rebecca, our grandmother who was a young woman of 21 years at the time, made clothes etc. and took care of the baby until her mother became reconciled.

     Both Grandpa and Grandma Gansel smoked clay pipes.  Laurence Timbers remembered going there as a child and they would be sitting by their stove smoking their pipes.  Her legs were swollen to huge size from dropsy by that, he recalled.

     In 1870 the Gansels became impressed with the opportunities for land ownership on the Kansas frontier.  They talked to Kschinka and Huckle who were in Pennsylvania persuading people to come west and help populate their new town of Cawker City.  They were assured by these promoters that Cawker City was a thriving town with streetcars running.  It sounded like a great place to settle.  The family came by train as far Solomon, and there, I suppose the tracks ran out, for they came the rest of the way by covered wagon, pulled by the fine team they had brought from Pennsylvania.  They arrived in Cawker City Nov. 8, 1870 and found one house, which had been a saloon in Milwaukee, being an Aladdin Type that could be knocked down.

     The Gansels homestead was east of Cawker City on the east side of Granite Creek.  I believe it is pretty much covered by Lake Waconda today.  On this land he built a large stone house which stood until it was cleared for the building of the dam.  Obed Gansel also donated four acres of his land as a cemetery on the condition that no one should ever have to pay for a burial plot.  This was Granite Creek Cemetery.  When Waconda Dam was built, the graves were all moved to other locations.

     Catherine died Jan. 12, 1908 at 88 years of age.  The severe dropsy suggests a bad heart and I remember Papa saying she had many light strokes.  He recalled that often when they went there she would say, “Well, I had another stroke last night.”

     Obed lived to be 95 years old and spent his last years with his son, Dan and family in Beloit.  He died March 16, 1915.  Laurence T. said he died from blood poisoning resulting from cutting himself while chopping wood, so he must have seen pretty spry.



     Obed and Catherine had nine children, 7 daughters and two sons.  In what I believe to be the order of their birth they were:

EMMA, who was married to William Harris before the family moved to Kansas.  Her husband seemed to be something of a promoter and business man.  They operated a general store and she owned the first millinery store in Cawker.  He also was involved with the various buildings Grandpa Gansel built in Cawker.  They also homesteaded the 160 acres just north of her father’s land.


MALINDA, who was unmarried when they came to Kansas, but old enough to homestead the land northwest and across the creek from her father’s place.  A school was soon needed and Malinda became the first teacher of the Granite Creek School.  The school was a dugout just across the road from the Granite Creek Cemetery.  It was dug into a bank just at the crossroads.  Aunt Malinda told me that there were 18 scholars and the only books they had were those the students were able to bring from home.  No two books were alike.  One little boy brought the best he could find, a book with covers but all pages missing.  They teased him that he was expecting to have very easy work. (An odd coincidence---I, Georgia Scholl Becker taught one of the last terms ever taught in that school district.  Fortunately they had updated both the building and the library).  In Malinda’s day, the school term was three months during the summer.

     The following fall Malinda married Charles Green and they must have lived on her homestead, for I’ve often been told that their first baby is buried there on a hillside in a lost grave.  It seems they did not mark the grave for fear Indians might find it and molest it and by the time the cemetery was donated, the little grave was lost.

     Malinda lived out her life in or near Cawker City where she raided a family of several children and lived-----(the rest of the sentence is not legible.)

     When Malinda was 91 she broke her hip.  The doctor put her to bed in her own home, set the hip and rigged it up with weights and pulleys as was the custom in those days to insure proper healing.  When her son came to see her that evening she said, “Now Albert, I want you to cut those ropes and get those weights off.  They bother me and I don’t need them.”  He protested that they were necessary, but she was quietly adamant.  She was a mild little old lady, but she could be quite firm.  He finally convinced her to wait until the doctor came.  He and the doctor talked it over and decided that since there was little likelihood that she would survive the ordeal, it was cruel to make her uncomfortable, so the weights came off.  In 6 weeks she walked briefly with a cane and got around well until her hip gave way just shortly before she died.  At the age of 93 she made me a quilt which I still treasure.

     Malinda’s daughter-in-law, Ruth Green is the source of this story.  When Malinda was 95 or 96 (I forget which) a salesman came to Ruth’s house and on learning her name was Green, he asked if she was related to the Mrs. Green who lived across the way.  Ruth said she was her mother-in-law, and the man began to laugh.  He said he had never seen such a spry old lady.  He said she had told him she was 95 (or 6 as the case may be) but he was sure she was a maybe a little confused as she couldn’t possibly be that old.  Ruth affirmed that indeed she was as old as she said.  He was astonished.   She had been mowing the lawn and trimming the trees and working in the flower beds.  She told him she didn’t usually get to do such things as her daughter, Eunice, who lived with her would not allow it, but Eunice was given to severe headaches that put her completely out of commission for two or three days at a time and when she had one of these, then she, could do as she pleased and enjoy herself.  


REBECCA, born April 3, 1846.  She was our grandmother.  Her story will be told in a separate section.


SARAH.  All I know about her is that she married William Kinsley.


AMANDA.   She was married to Elisha Barrett.  When I was a very little girl, Grandma told me over and over the story of Amanda’s little daughter, Edith.  Probably she hoped to impress on me the danger of playing with matches.  When Edie was about 3 years old, she and her two sisters found matches.  Not wishing to be caught and no doubt lose their treasure, they all went into the outdoor toilet.  Somehow a fire was started and little Edie’s clothes caught fire and she was terribly burned and died, not immediately, I think, but after a day or so.  It was, of course, a very sad time for everyone, but Grandma always told me that just before she died she told her mother not to cry, that it was beautiful “there”, so many pretty flowers, and Jesus was there.  “Don’t cry, Mama, I’ll be so happy there.”  It was many years before I realized that what Grandma was telling me was an honest to goodness” death experience” where a dying person seems to see into the “beyond” and describes things no one else can see.  As a child I supposed she meant the child tried to comfort her mother by parroting things she had heard.  Edie Barrett was buried in the Granite Creek Cemetery, and her grave moved to the Glen Elder Cemetery.

     When I was in high school some of Papa’s cousins from either Washington or Oregon visited us, and in the reminiscing, Edie’s death was mentioned and one of the women said it was she who lit the match.


ELLIS.  I’m not sure exactly where Ellis belongs chronologically in this list.  In one list I have him next after Grandma.  I only know for sure that he was younger than she was, for she used to tell me how he walked in his sleep and would climb out the window in his sleep and walk about on the roof.  They were afraid to wake him for fear he would fall,  He always got back safely, but he got in some dangerous places and gave them some bad scares.  Ellis died when he was a boy.  I don’t know what of or when, but it was when they were still in Pennsylvania.  I think he may have been in his early teens.


PHOEBE. She married Noah Michaels, had 2 children Danny and Flora, and died when they were small.  I believe Grandpa and Grandma Gansel raised them.  I never met him, (Danny) but I remember Papa mentioning him often and he seemed to think pretty highly of him.  Flora married a Glitzke.


DANIEL, a fine and respected man who was District Judge in Beloit for many years.  He was married to Ourilla Glitzke.  My father regarded him very highly.  There was a strong physical resemblance between Papa and Uncle Dan.  My mother told me that once there was a large family gathering at Uncle Dan’s house.  Papa sat across the room from a mirror and thought he was seeing himself in it, until Uncle Dan got up and walked away and the mirror image went with him. Like Aunt Malinda, he lived to a great age and was active and mentally alert.  I think he was 98 or so when he died.  I remember him in his 90’s at a family reunion in Glen Elder.  I recall some young man offered to assist him in getting around and was informed rather curtly that no help was needed.


FLORA, the youngest, whose arrival so upset Catherine Gansel.  Other than that I only know that she married James Eldred and in my time they lived in Colorado.  I remember her coming to visit once or twice.  I believe, she, Linnie Buller whom I have quoted frequently as the source of some of these stories, was her daughter as was Jennie Muck of Glen Elder.



George Anthony Scholl

     Grandpa Scholl was born in the village of Wildbock, Bavaria, Germany on April 23, 1839.  His father was the Village Squire and seemed to be a little more than average means.  I was always told that Grandpa had a better than average education for the time and place.  He was educated by the priest, his family being Catholic, and he knew Latin and spoke high German.  His mother died when he was 14 and his father when he was 16.  I assume it was sometime after this that he went to Frankfort on the Main to work in an apothecary shop which was just across the street from a famous restaurant where the royalty often came to dine, and I believe sometimes stopped in the shop for one thing or another, perhaps something for their royal pains.  Laurence Timbers told me that Grandpa told him that one of his duties when he worked at the shop was to gather leeches every evening from a pool out back of the shop for sale the next day.  His method was to stick his bare foot in the water until it got a sufficient number of leeches attached.  Once he had a toothache so he put a leech on his gum.  When he woke in the morning the leech was so swollen with blood that he could not close his mouth.

     We all wound up in America, or so I was always told, because our grandfather was a draft dodger.  He left Germany at about 25 years of age to escape the military service.  Not only that, but he left, according to cousin Linnie Buller and a couple of other sources, as a stowaway.  I believe this is true, because in the dim reaches of my memory, I recall Grandma telling me, when I was too small to understand what a stowaway was, something about Grandpa hiding in or among some boxes on a ship and being very hungry and being very frightened when they found him for he was sure they would kill him, but they only insisted that he work, which he did most willingly.

     He landed in New York and lived there for a while, working in a tannery.  (a few missing words from text) in the tannery were mostly Irish Catholics and a very rough one tried several times to kill him by such means as pushing him and running wheelbarrows at him in such ways as to make it appear a work accident.  Aunt May says he fell or was pushed into a vat of tanning  fluid. His health was not good after that. Papa said these  experiences with the Irish Catholics initiated in him the belief that the Catholic Church in America was different, somehow, and less good than the Catholic Church in Germany.  At  any rate, he evidently did not stay long in New York, for eventually he got to Pennsylvania and married our grandmother, Rebecca Gansel on July 22. 1874.  At sometime he became a naturalized citizen, but I do not know when or where.

    I was always told that he was a nervous, high-strung man and I deduce that he must have a somewhat adventurous nature to have made his way as he did from Germany to Kansas.  Aunt May pictured him a quick tempered and impatient and nervous.  She told me that Grandma told her of a time when the twins were rolling some sort of toy between them on the floor, possibly just a spool or something, and Grandpa suddenly got up and snatched it from them and threw it in the fire.  I suppose the noise was making him nervous.  Aunt May also said that Grandma told her that she did not leave him alone with the children.

     Grandpa knew nothing about farming.  He could not even harness a team.  I understand he was a hard worker, but always needed Grandma working beside him to give him direction.  I gather he was not altogether happy with life on a Kansas homestead.  I was told that he often remarked that in Germany he was someone, but here he was just another dumb Dutchman.  He was a city man, and I think he never really felt at home on a pioneer farm.

     My mother also spoke of his nervousness, but she pictured him as refined and (a line missing on this page) the floor at night with Goldie when she was a baby and suffered so much with colic. Papa also told of his walking the six miles or so from their farm north of Glen Elder on Christmas Eve (at least once in a blinding snowstorm) in order to get a few Christmas treats for the children, oranges, candy, nuts etc. and to attend midnight mass.

     In my family the only ones of us children able to remember Grandpa were Albert and Goldie.  Oddly enough they each remembered only one thing and their stories were nearly identical.  They both remembered him walking about the home place with them.  Goldie walked beside him and he pulled Albert in a little wagon and every little bit he would pull up on the wagon tongue and dump Albert out.  Neither knew why, but Goldie remembered feeling unhappy that he was doing that to Albert.

     During his later years his health was bad and I believe he has a very prolonged illness before he died.  One story I often heard told about Grandpa’s illnesses went this way.  Grandpa was suffering from a terrible pain in one side.  Grandma’s usually excellent remedies were of no avail so Dr. Beatle, the frontier doctor who was a legend in his own time in that community, was called.  He came and began treating the other side.  Grandpa protested that he was treating the wrong side, it was the other which pained him.  Doc B. replied rather testily that he knew where it hurt better than Grandpa said, and continued treating the same side.  Apparently he was right, the pain went away.

     I believe I also heard something about his being stuck by lightening once.  Grandpa Scholl died June18, 1915 at age 76.


Rebecca Gansel School

     Rebecca Gansel was born at Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania on April 3, 1846, but grew up in or near the little town of Dushore, Penn.  When I was small she told me stories of how she walked through a woods on the way to school and was sometimes terrified by the screaming of mountain lions, though she never saw one.  She said they sounded like a woman screaming and made chills go up and down her spine.  On the way to and from school the children often stopped to throw stones into a “sink-hold” which was reputed to be bottomless for stones that were thrown in could be heard going down and down, forever, I guess.  She also told of a humiliating day at school when one of the Kistner boys kept slyly making faces behind the teachers back until finally grandma was unable to control her mirth and laughed out loud in school.  Of course she was punished for it. (I wish I could recall the punishment).  She was terribly humiliated, for she strove always to be a very good girl.

     She also told me about a serious illness she had when she was young.  She had ague, and suffered fever, chills and delirium.  She told of seeing crowds of shadowy “beings” with horrible faces who kept screaming at her and she thought they were going to “get her”.  I believe it was a long sick spell.

     In her teens she often “worked out” as a hired girl.  At one place she worked for a very unreasonable woman who verbally abused her in some way.  It may be she accused her of stealing something.  Anyway, grandma quit (or perhaps the woman ordered her off) but as she left she called back over her shoulder, “You old sow!”  This is the only story I heard or the only incident I ever knew of in which she spoke crossly to anyone, and when she told it, it seemed to cause her some shame.

     Goldie said that as a young woman she also worked as a midwife’s helper.  This may well be, for later, in the pioneer days of Kansas, she delivered many babies.  In fact she was something of a legend herself as a nurse and healer.  People for miles around called on her to come in times of sickness (the rest of sentence is missing from page)  She had a large “Doctor Book” full of home remedies for every illness known to man.  She often was called on to assist Doc Beatle, and she picked up a great deal from him, for she was an intelligent and observant woman.  All in all. I was told she had great healing skill.  She must also have had a great deal of strength and energy for Papa told of people coming in the middle of the night to ask her to come tend their sick, and she always got up and went and came home and did her work the next day.  He also said that although it was true she knew a lot about remedies and ways of caring for the sick, she had other ways of healing that she didn’t talk much about.  He meant she prayed a lot and got results.  He thought this was often the most effective “medicine”.

     She was a most truly Christian  woman who prayed a lot and studied her Bible diligently and was probably the most successful at actually living her religion day by day of anyone I ever knew.  Many referred to her as saintly.  He house was always open to all the itinerate preachers, or for that matter, anyone in need of shelter.  She really extended herself to serve others.  One bitterly cold night when a blizzard was raging, they heard the drunken singing of Joe Winn, the neighborhood drunk.  He was evidently lost and driving in circles in the field north of their house.  When Grandpa refused to go out into the storm to get him, Grandma dressed warmly and took  a lantern and went to the rescue him herself, over Gramp’s  protest, for, she said, they couldn’t let me freeze.  She found him driving aimlessly around in his buggy, blissfully unaware he was in danger of freezing.  She stopped the horse and told him to move over, she was going to drive.  She told me he said, “Oh, no, Mrs., Scholl you mustn’t get in here with me. You’re a good woman. Think what people would say.”   She told him it didn’t matter what people said, he’d freeze if she didn’t get him out of the storm, so she drove him to her house, put his horse in her barn, and put him to bed on her couch.

     My mother told me that Grandma told her that once at night when she had been praying earnestly for some time, she saw a vision of a gleaming, white robe. Almost a (rest of sentence is missing from page).

     She was also a person who enjoyed fun and good times.  She renounced as a cook and loved to have company, and was famous for her birthday cakes (at least among the grandchildren)  She decorated them with colored frosting applied with a took pick.

     She also had a good sense of humor and loved a good joke.  She often told me of buying gifts for John and Homer when they were very small.  I think Homer’s was a train or fire engine, and John’s was a little horse drawn wagon.  But on Christmas Eve (our family’s traditional gift opening time), she took the toys out of their boxes and said, “I’m sorry I don’t have much money any more, so I couldn’t buy presents for you boys, but here are these nice boxes, maybe you can have fun playing with these.  They took them unquestioningly and thank her and ran off happily to play with their boxes. (I suppose if Grandma had given any of us a box of rocks when we were little, we’d have thought they were wonderful).  Anyway, after a time she brought out the real gifts and of course they were delighted.

     I just remember Grandma as the kindest and dearest and best, but most of all I loved to sit on her lap and hear her wonderful stories.  She told of a little girl “back in Pennsylvania” who was out playing alone and wandered off into a field.  When she didn’t come home, they searched and found her body lying with no head.  Later someone saw a huge snake with a large lump in this middle.  They killed the snake and cut it open and found the child’s head.  She also told me pleasanter stories of trips to Scranton (I think with Grandpa) where they saw glass blowers making wonderful vases etc.  They also attended a marionette theater and saw a play called THE BABES IN THE WOOD about two children who were lost in the woods and they wandered about and finally lay down.  I am no longer sure whether they died or were asleep, but the birds came and covered them with leaves.  She also told me Bible stories, but the stories I liked best of all were the stories about her little boy, Willie.

     To my great delight, Grandma came to live with us when I was in the 2nd grade. (part of next sentence missing)  day, but soon, to my great sorrow, she went to stay with Uncle Ernie and Aunt May, and a few weeks later she died.  During her fairly short last illness Papa used to go and sit up with her at night.  At times she would get a little out of her head, and I remember once he just had to laugh.  She was very mad a Margaret (which in itself was very unlike her) and when Papa asked her what Margaret had done she said she had gotten into the cupboard and the greedy girl had eaten all her coconut.  Papa said, “Oh, well, Ma, you probably won’t be using that coconut for anything anyway.”  She thought that over and decided he was probably right, it was just as well she ate it as it would probably have gotten wormy anyway.

     My mother told me that just before Grandma died she sat up on bed and said “George!” Papa, who was sitting with her thought she was calling him and said, “Yes Ma, what do you want”, but she pushed him aside and looking straight ahead said, “George Anthony!”

     Grandma was not superstitious in the usual sense, but she did definitely believe that babies could be “marked”.  She often told of a relative whose team ran away.  She fought hard to stop them and someone finally helped and got them stopped, but she was so our of breath from effort and fear that she had to pant and gasp for breath when she tried to talk, and what do you know?  The baby she was carrying always had to pant and gasp before she could say anything.  The child’s name was Rebecca Stiff, who was Aunt Sarah Kinsley’s granddaughter, and I met her when she visited here some years back, and sure enough, she did have the speech defect and she must have been in her late 60’s then.

 My father was a big eater, and Grandma said she believed she’s marked him, for she could not get enough to eat before he was born.  She hated to go anywhere for a meal she would eat until she was ashamed of herself.

     She also told of a couple who worked for a neighbor a few miles north of (the rest of this sentence and part of next is missing)   been a real treasure, had thrown a dead snake in his wife’s lap as a “joke” while she was pregnant, and she was delivered of a pair of “snake-headed” twins.  Evidently they just let them die, but I was told this joker of a husband wanted her to nurse them so they could sell them to a circus.  I’m fairly certain that the twins were a certain type of Down Syndrome in which the back of the head is very flattened, jowls very full, and shin and nose small, and the eyes, of course are very slanted.  Anyway Grandma instructed all the young women of the family that if anything unusual happened to them while they were pregnant, they must think of their conditions and be careful not to touch themselves anywhere at the time.


    George and Rebecca

     George Anthony School and Rebecca Gansel were married July 22, 1869, probably at Dushore, Pennsylvania.  Nov. 25, 1870 a son was born. They named him William Obed.  I’ve been told he was always a frail child, much given to croup.  I think it may have been 3 or more years later that they came to Kansas.  They took a homestead near Waconda Springs and built a dugout to live in.  I often heard Grandma tell about coming in after a day working in the fields and finding a snake so long his tail was stretched across her bed and his head went up the open (for summer, no doubt) chimney hole.  The snake disappeared up the chimney and they closed the chimney hole.  While they were living here, Willie died Feb. 28, 1876.  Grandma said to me, “We felt very sad and we cried because he was the only little boy we had.”  They buried him near their dugout.  Later after Grandpa Gansel gave the land for the Granite Creek Cemetery, he was moved there.  A fascinating family story was that when they moved his casket, they thought it was unusually heavy for such a small boy.  The men moving it speculated his body might have absorbed minerals from the wet river-bottom soil and turned to stone.  They wished to open the casket and see, but Grandpa was there and they did not want to upset him, but it was a source of family speculation until the graves were moved to Glen Elder before the building of the dam.  Homer says the story was proven false at that time.

     It was not too long, before another little boy and little girl came to be a part of the family.  The twins, Katie Margaret and Ernest Franklin were born Nov. 9, 1876.  Grandpa was no farmer and seemed unable to do anything without Grandma, who was great on the know-how, so she put the twin babies in a basket and took them to the field with her.  I’ve always been told she always worked alongside Grandpa.

     While they were living on this homestead, Plains Indians from many different tribes gathered at Waconda Springs.  They camped near the Spring and pow-wowed for many months.  I think nearly a year.  The white settlers were uneasy, for Waconda (part of sentence missing) Indian and it was well known that Chief Spotted Tail ha (part if sentence missing) to his knees to get it.  Finally, after many months of this, the Indians simply packed up and left one day, to the great relief of the settlers.  It was during this time that Grandma had a couple of interesting adventures.

     Sometimes during slack times on the farm, Grandma worked in her sister Emma’s millinery shop in Cawker.  One day when she was alone during the noon hour an Indian man and woman came in “Hat for Squaw” the man demanded, pointing to the showcase.  When Grandma asked if he had money, he simply repeated, more forcefully, “Hat for squaw!”  Grandma tried to explain that she did not own the store and could not give him a hat without pay, but he brandished a tomahawk, and demanded again “Hat for squaw!”  Fortunately for Grandma a friend passing by noticed she was having trouble and came into the shop, whereupon the Indians quickly left.  I believe that man was a Woodbury, probably the father of the Woodbury that married one of Aunt Malinda’s daughters.

     Another time, Grandpa had to be gone, for some reason that I don’t remember, until very late one night, and Grandma was alone with the twin babies.  She was just wondering what she would do if Indians came, when there was a knock at the door.  Forgetting thoughts of Indians, she jumped up, (thankful that some neighbor was kind enough to look in on her) and opened the door!  There stood an Indian! I’m sure she was startled, but she was never one to go to pieces, and the Indian made no move except to hand her a piece of paper on which was written a few words saying his people were hungry and did she have any dogs she did not want?  Well, she had no spare dogs, but being the thrifty type of person she was, she did have food, and being the generous type of person she was, she sent him away well loaded with food.  If I recall correctly there was fresh baked bread and butter among other things.  A happy Indian left her  place that night.

     For some reason that no one ever explained to me, they were not too happy with the homestead near Waconda and when a farmer they knew decided to give up his homestead northeast of Cawker, they decided to “jump his claim” and moved to the farm where they spent the rest of their lives.  Whether the two-room dugout was already room above ground which they used as a parlor.  Later a kitchen and dining room above ground were added and either them or later three bedrooms were built above these rooms.  When my father and mother were married, another unit was added to the north of the large parlor which included a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms and one partially finished and one unfinished room upstairs.  I don’t know when the space between the two upstairs, over the large parlor was built in.  Maybe it was done first, but there were three rooms there, making 16 rooms all from attic to basement.  The house, as it finally stood had five porches and five stairways.  Grandpa and Grandma moved into the new part and my parents lived in the old part and they shared the dugout which had evolved into a basement.

     When George and Rebecca were married, he was a Catholic and she was a Protestant.  I was told that she said to him at the time, “You go to your church and I’ll go to mine,”  and that is what they did.  I never heard any stories of this causing any problem.  However, after coming to Kansas attending church was difficult for Grandpa.  Even after a Catholic Church was built at Cawker, it was a long trip in those days to attend mass.  Soon there were Protestant “meetings” in the schoolhouse, and Grandma attended those and opened her home to the itinerate preachers who came to hold meetings.  After a while Grappa went, too, feeling, I suppose that it was better than no church at all.  Also, it was entertainment of sorts, which was scarcely enough, and an opportunity to socialize.  Also, I believe as the years went by, he came to admire his wife’s strong Christian faith.  My mother told me that one night for some reason Grandma did not go to the meeting and Grandpa went alone  and that night he “Went Forward” as the expression was.  She said Grandma told her that he came home he said, “Well, Beccy, I’m one of you now.”

     After moving to the new farm another son was born on Jan. 22, 1882.  They named him George Fairchild.  He was my father.

     Grandma Scholl must have had unusual stamina, for in addition to working alongside her husband in the fields she was a great gardener, an extraordinary cook, she preserved food, sewed and tended the sick and cared for her children.  Perhaps Grandpa was good help with these things, but if he was, no one ever told me that.  She was en excellent manger, and even in hard times she always had food and necessities for her family.  And she always shared generously.  No tramp or unfortunate was ever turned away.  Papa told of hungry neighbor women who, in hard times, would sometimes walk quite a distance in severe weather carrying little kids to visit. But the real reasons they made such an effort to come was that they were hungry and knew Grandma would offer them food, and perhaps even give them a bit to take along home.

     Mama said Grandpa and Grandma seemed to get along well and were happy together, but John said that once Grandpa went to the neighbors and came home drunk.  Grandma must have been in the barn when he got home, (probably doing the chores), because John said she poked him in the rear with the pitchfork all the way to the house and that seemed to end the drinking problem.  So I guess they probably had their ups and downs jut like the rest of us.

     After Grandpa died, Grandma made a trip to Pennsylvania and visited old friends and members of both their families.

     I remember Papa telling that one time they caught a gang of horsetheives who had been raiding the area for some time.  Grandpa was drafted to serve on the firing squad along with several other men.  One of the thieves was a young boy in his teens.  There was considerable feeling that the boy, due to his tender years and the probable evil influence of the older men, should not be executed along with the rest, but the sterner element of the community prevailed and he was given the death sentence along with the rest.  One member of the firing squad was particularly bothered by this, but he carried out the wishes of the majority.  Sometime later this man’s own teenage son died, and the man, a friend of Grandpa’s, suffered greatly for the rest of his life, believing his must have been the gun that killed the boy and his son’s death was his punishment.  (I believe it was the custom to have only a few of the guns loaded with live ammunition so that no one would know who the actual executioners were.)


William Obed (Willie)

     Of all the stories Grandma told, this ones about Willie were my favorites.  Willie had a dog, and if my memory serves me right the dog’s name was Fido.  They were great pals and raced about together as boys and dogs do.  He must have been an inventive child, for he used to make a harness out of string and hitch Fido to Grandma’s dustpan and drive the dog about the house.  Grandma had a picture of a little boy standing by a chair eating something from a bowl.  A white dog sat nearby, looking beseechingly at the boy and the caption said, “Give me some”.  I though it was a picture of Willie and Fido, but Grandma said no, it was a picture that friends of theirs had given Willie before they left Pennsylvania because it remind them of Willie and Fido.  This picture was given to me, and one of the great loses of my life was when it burned.  I believe they had to leave Fido with friends in Pennsylvania because they could not bring him on the train.

     I don’t think anyone was ever quite sure just why Willie died.  He was a rather sickly child and had terrible bouts of croup, but that doesn’t usually kill children. I heard some story, but I’m pretty vague about it, about him playing with some pennies that someone had given him and then part of them were missing and they though maybe he’d swallowed them and they’d caused some sort of reaction because his stomach area turned black after he died, but I seem to recall that Papa did not take that seriously.  Laurence Timbers said that he heard that one day he said to his mother “Tomorrow I am going to die”.  She assured him he would not, but he did.


The twins, Katie Margaret and Earnest Franklin

     The twins were born November 9, 1876, in the dugout home near Waconda Spring.  I’ve been told they were taken to the field with their parents and left at one end while their parents worked up and down the rows. I remember hearing that once Ernie got into the sack of dried apples and really made a pig of himself. In short while, they swelled in his stomach and he was very sick.   Ernie, they told me was a sickly child and Katie soon outgrew him and was much taller than he was until they were nearly grown Eventually he grew and was 6 foot or more. Katie was undoubtedly the dominant twin. I’ve heard hints that Grandma rather spoiled Ernie because he was sickly and she feared he might not live long, (Remembering, no doubt, another sickly little boy who did not live long .)



     My father had great respect for his older sister.  He described her as a “real Lady”, gentle, kind, well mannered, with a kind of quiet dignity.  She married Delbert Timbers on July 22, 1896.  He was a highly intelligent young man who was teaching the neighborhood school, Washington District.  He was noted as an excellent teacher in a day when a one teacher school might have 40 or so students and during slack times on the farms some of them would be strapping young men in their late teens who attended school more as a diversion and to bait the teacher then from any desire for learning.  Delbert was not a large man, but he was not to be fluffed and he was a strict disciplinarian and soon had the school under control.  He was my father’s teacher, and Papa always respected him and said he was the best teacher ever in the area. 

    His strict discipline carried over into his home life.  I believe his son, Laurence, told me his religion was strict Holy roller.  It was this stern discipline ( some of words in this sentence are missing)…… my parents.  Dwight was a high spirited boy and often ran a foul of this father’s strict discipline.  The following story, in the words of Laurence Timers, illustrated this:

     “It was at Uncle Ernie-Aunt May’s wedding.  The minister was pronouncing them man and wife.  Dwight stuck his thumbs in his ears, waved his hands and stuck his tongue out at Uncle Ernie.  It was such a funny situation that I had to leave, too.”

     My father, who had been a rather high spirited young man himself, was more accepting, and Dwight spent as much time as possible visiting at our farm, but finally he came to stay, and this is how it came about, again in the words of his brother, Laurence:

     “Dwight was either 14 or 15.  It was a Sunday evening, Dad and Mother were going home from church and taking the short cut across the school yard. Dwight, another boy and two girls were sitting on the schoolhouse steps singing.  Dad recognized his voice and went over and said, ’Young man, you get for home.’  It was mighty embarrassing for Dwight.  He ran home and when Dad and Mother  arrived home he was going out the front gate on his horse with a bag of his clothes and never came back.  A few days later we got word that he was at Uncle George’s.  That’s how it happened that he lived with your parents.”

     I was always told that he arrived in the night, stabled his horse and slept the night out on the hay where Papa found him in the morning when he went to do chores.

     Delbert and Katie had a family of 7, two boys, Dwight and Laurence, and 5 girls, Wanda, Emma, Hazel, Opal and Beuna.  Delbert died sometime after WW I leaving Katie with five young daughters to raise, the boys, by that time, being already on their own.   Since they were making their home in Salina, KS at the time, Katie continued to live there the rest of her life.  In 1922 the Americanization Center was opened in Salina in the heart of the Mexican district.  Although…..(some words missing from sentence)…ector of this institution and worked hard teaching cooking, sewing, crafts, etc. distributing donated clothing, located jobs, provided free lunches for children, and made calls to Mexican homes.  It was not entirely a one way street however, for Katie learned to make tamales and other authentic Mexican dishes from the Mexican women.  I was told that at first they were shy and reluctant to try to teach “Mrs. Timbers” anything, but she told them she had taught them many things that they were happy to know, now it was their turn to make her happy by teaching her things that they knew and she did not.  They responded happily to this appeal and taught her a number of things.  She was a quiet, motherly, dignified, but very warm person and was held in great respect by the people she served.

     She must have had two  weeks or so vacation in the summer, for I’ve been told of many summers when she and her girls came to Glen Elder for extended summer visits with her mother, brothers and Dwight.  This was before I can remember, but I grew up hearing stories of the cousins’ adventures during these visits.

     One of the favorite activities on these visits was going to the creek to pick gooseberries.  I’ve often been told of the time Mama, Aunt Katie and several of the smaller children took off for Limestone Creek in a buggy pulled by a venerable olf horse named Rastus.   They unhitched Rastus and tied him to a tree while they went off in search of the delectable gooseberries.  After several hours of this prickly activity, and possibly picnicking, etc.  They returned with well filled buckets, and tired children to Rastus and the buggy to find that in their absence tragedy had struck.  Rastus, restless, no doubt, with the long wait and perhaps pestered by flies, had tramped around the tree until he became entangled in the rope and chocked himself to death.  The two women loaded up the gooseberries and the smaller children and pulled the buggy home themselves.  I don’t believe I was born yet at this time, but poor Rastus bones lay for many years scattered about under the tree and were pointed out to me at an early age.  The story and the spot held great fascination for me and whenever I was taken to the creek as a child I always wanted to “see Rastus’ bones”.

     (First part of this sentence is missing)…depression was upon us and neither family had the means to travel often between Salina and Glen Elder, but I always loved her because from time to time, for Easter or Christmas for my birthday, she sent me a picture postcard.  It was almost the only mail I ever got, and I was always delighted with them.  I treasured them so much that I still have several among my special keepsakes.

     Aunt Katie died April 29, 1961, at age 84 ½.

     Aunt Katie had her ears pierced and always wore small gold earrings.  I was told that she had some problem with her eyes swelling when she was a girl and the legendary Doc Beetle said to have her ears pierced and wear gold earrings.  She did, and the problem with her eyes was solved.  No one seemed to know why.  After we moved to Manhattan, I once attended a class on acupuncture.  I was looking at a chart of various acupuncture points and suddenly I burst out laughing.  The acupuncture point for eye problems was on the earlobe, just about where one would wear an earring!


Ernest Franklin

     Ernie grew from a sickly, rather spoiled child to a tall, lean, handsome man who was rather self-centered and somewhat neurotic.  He was something of a dandy, dressed stylishly and was fond of nice jewelry--rings, stickpins, watch fobs and the like.  I’ve been told he was given to fits of temper and moodiness.  I understand he sometimes threatened to kill himself, but Grandma would cry and beg him not to do such a thing, which was, no doubt his main objective--to get attention.  During the Spanish American Was he boasted loudly of his intentions of going to fight that he was given the nickname “Spain”.  He never got around to going to the war, but the name stuck for the rest of his life.

     On February 14, 1914 he married Lucy May Marzolf.  May was a small but energetic young woman with a great deal of know-how.  Her mother had died when she was 13 or 14 and she had taken over responsibility for the household chores for her father, two younger sisters and a baby brother.  When she was in her late teens a stepmother took over and decided the two older girls were old enough to be on their own so May went to work as a domestic.  From her home experience and being observant and quick to learn new skills, May was soon in demand as a “hired girl”.  I believe it was while she was working for my parents in this capacity that she and Uncle Ernie met.  In spite of the fact that they were married on Valentine’s Day, the course of their marriage was not exactly smooth.  May often told the story of Ernie’s particular fondness for a certain dish which she tried to fix, but her efforts were always met with the same comment, “It’s not as good as what Ma used to make.”  She asked Grandma for the recipe--same comment;  she asked her to show her how to make it--same comment; finally in desperation, she asked Grandma to make the dish, and she put it before him without comment.  When he’d eaten, she casually asked how it was--same comment!  He was then told that Ma did make that and maybe his taste wasn’t as discriminating as he thought.

     Ernie and May had one child, Margaret.  Ernie had very definite political likes (few words missing)-delights in teaching baby to “call Wilson an old-son of-a-b---h”, but when he teased her unmercifully and she applied the same name to him, he was not delighted.

    Ernie was very handy with tools and had a fine shop and all sorts of good tools which he always kept in very good order.  He kept the place in good repair.

     His threats to kill himself did not sent Aunt May into tears.  She simply told him not to make a mess for her to have to clean up.

     As long as I knew Uncle Ernie he never had any teeth.  I was told he wore them only long enough to decided they hindered his tobacco chewing and put them in the cupboard and that’s where he “wore them” from that time on.

     Uncle Ernie sometimes worked at odd farm jobs for the neighbors and particularly at harvest time he was in demand.  At thrashing time he often ran the separator and I heard it said that you couldn’t find a better separator man in the country.  He worked hard enough at these jobs and was considered good help.  During my time, however, I remember him mostly lying on the old red couch in their kitchen reading the papers or the Bible with a large magnifying glass.  He was not what you would call a religious man, but he loved to argue either religion or politics.  I remember him on Saturday nights in Glen Elder in the days when all the farm families gathered in town on Sat. nights, especially in summer, and milled around the square or congregated in the park to visit and you could hear Uncle Ernie all around the square loudly proclaiming his political views.  His favorite “soap box” was the steps of the olds building at the southeast corner of the square.  I believe it was a bank.  He had a loud voice and when he got excited, which was often, you could hear him all over town.

     Like some of his forebears, Uncle Ernie sometimes liked a drink of whisky.  Like the wives of those same forebears, Aunt May did not favor too much of this.  She told me about the time some of his friends came and drank down in the barn more than she thought necessary and later she knew there was a bottle hidden in the barn.  She found it and doctored it with kerosene. Uncle Ernie never did figure out what made it taste so bad.  She was very good at outwitting him.  One keepsake that (words missing) …. her “mad money” from Uncle Ernie, pushing it deep into the velvet crease for rings.

     I should mention that as he got older, Uncle Ernie bore a striking resemblance to Abraham Lincoln before Lincoln grew a beard.  One day when Ann Merrill was a very little girl, probably 3 years old, she was at our house and found a beardless picture of Abe.  She picked it up, looked at it a minute, and exclaimed in surprise, “Why. Here’s Uncle Ernie!”

     There was no getting around the fact that Uncle Ernie was stubborn and “bull-headed”.  He could also be downright unreasonable.  When Margaret finished grade school in the Washington district school, he refused to allow her to attend high school.  He wasn’t going to let her go down there and wh--- around with that bunch at the high school.  So she attended Washington another year, then stayed home a year and finally decided she was old enough to defy him.  She told him she was going and she went.  He stormed around, but really did nothing to stop her.  She made friends, did well scholastically, and graduated.  About this time she met Leland Coble and decided to marry him.  Uncle Ernie hit the ceiling and came down all spattered out.  Lee was 19 years older than Margaret, which didn’t bother Ernie too much, (he was 16 years older than May) but he had been married before, was divorced, and the greatest disgrace, he had a brief nervous breakdown after the divorce.  Also he was distantly related to a family who had some children who were not very bright, and Uncle Ernie was not about to have “a bunch of half-witted grandkids”, so Margaret could not marry Lee and if she did he would disinherit her!  Well, needless to say, they did get married and Uncle Ernie did disinherit her.  He made a will and left all his property to my brothers, and forbade Margaret and her husband to set foot on the place.  The will, of course, was not valid, for Uncle Ernie would not listen to the banker who made it out for him.

     During his last years, Uncle Ernie no longer worked in harvest, he spent more and more time on the red couch and grew weaker and weaker.  Aunt May in spite of his eccentricities waited on him (rest of sentence is missing).



     The youngest of George and Rebecca’s children was born January 22, 1881.     They  named him George Fairchild, but he did not care for his middle name.  Before he was very old, he announced that since everyone said he looked like his Uncle Dan, he was going to be named after him, and from then on his name was George Dan, or Daniel.  There has been some argument among his children since his death as to which.  

     Next to stories about Willie, I liked for Grandma to tell me about  when Papa was a little boy.  When he was very small and it was cold outside she used to leave him alone in the house while she and Grandpa did morning chores.  The twins, I assume had gone to school.  One morning he came toddling out to the barn with a serious face and announced, “Ma, I b’oke your grass.” this made no sense to her, but his little face was so sorrowful that she let him lead her to the house, and he pointed sadly to her looking glass, shattered.  He’d been playing with his ball and the game got pretty wild and the ball went out of control and shattered the glass.

    When alone in the house during the morning chore sessions, little George dearly loved to get into his parents bed.  This was a no, no.  Busy and efficient Grandma made her bed in the morning and did not like it to be messed up.  He also loved johnny-cake. (Whatever that was)  One morning she came in from chores and caught him snuggled down under the covers of their bed.  Not wanting to be scolded the clever child quickly said, “Oh, Ma, I’m so sick! Hurry, Call Dr. Beetle and bake me a Johnny-cake.”

     When he was a little older and attended Sunday School at the schoolhouse the Sunday School teacher held a contest and promised a prize to the child who memorized the most Bible verses  Being a pretty sharp kid, and a real competitor, he won.  The prize was a toy revolver (my, how times have changed!)  He was a very pleased and treasured the gun (probably until he got a real on).  He told about getting ready for school early and slipping out to “hunt rabbits” for a while.

     These pioneer children were evidently observant and quick to learn necessary skills and know-how for Papa told of a day when Grandpa and Grandma had to be gone for the day and the three children were left alone on the farm.  The twins were about 12 or 13 and Papa eight or nine.  Chores done and faced with long hours to fill before their parents were expected home, they decided to amuse themselves by butchering a hog.  They knew which one their parents planned to butcher soon and just decided to have at it and surprise Ma and Pa.  By the time their parents returned late that evening, the hog was all butchered, and the meat nicely cut and hung and three proud kids welcomed two equally proud parents.

     George learned early to mistrust and often dislike preachers.  Many of the itinerate preachers who came through to “hold meetings” at the school house were an Opportunistic lot and some were outright hypocrites.  George, being a perceptive youth, soon saw through their pious pretensions and was disgusted.  I suspect Grandma saw through them, too, but being the kind of woman she was, she would accept that ever good there was in them and ignore the bad while she prayed for their souls and hoped they would at least spread the word of God.  Papa saw only that they flocked to his mother’s house and put themselves out to impress her because her house offered the best bed and board in the country.  He often told with disgust of the preacher who stayed at their house while conducting meetings whose speech fairly dripped holy and pious words, but one evening, having generously been offered the family team and wagon for transportations, he and young George set off for the schoolhouse.  On the way a rabbit frightened the team and they ran away.  Before they got them stopped, the most frightful and filthy words streamed from the pious mouth of that preacher.  Once calmed down, the “fallen saint” realized his mistake and tried to apologize, blaming his slip of the tongue on his extreme fright and begging George not to tell his mother.  In spite of his distrust of preachers, George developed a deep personal religion, studied the Bible and was a very popular Sunday School teacher at one time.  Sometime before….. (a few words missing from the sentence) ….church was not for him.  He was not one to be easily led or influenced by others, and once he worked out his own religious formula, he did not wish to be distracted by the beliefs of others. One great bone of contention between him and my mother was his refusal to be baptized.  When he was a baby he became very ill and Grandma feared that he would die and was concerned that he had not been baptized.  There was no minister available, but Grandma Gansel said, “I am a Christian woman, there is no reason why I cannot baptize this child”, and she did.  Mama did not believe in infant baptism.  For her the only valid baptism was that done after one reached the “age of accountability” and chose to be baptized.  Papa flatly refused.  Why, he said,  should he nullify and reject the holy baptism that his grandmother, as devout and sincere a Christian as could ever be found, for the baptism by some preacher who would probably not be half as possessed with the Holy Spirit?  Her baptism was special and sacred for him and he saw no need to ever have any other.

     George was a strong, active boy, competitive by nature and he soon excelled in all sports, running, jumping, baseball.  He was a superior horseman and as he got older he became fond of horseracing and usually won.  He was neither a quarrelsome person nor a bully, but he never ran from a fight and soon had a reputation as one to be reckoned with in a fight.  I well remember his last fight.  He was County Commissioner and it was, I think, in the late thirties when the county had to deal with some pretty radical riff-raff.  I don’t remember what started things or who the fellow was, but he was a big fellow who thought he was pretty tough, and quite a bit younger than Papa, who was by then nearing 60.  He made the mistake of lipping off a bit too much and issued a challenge that Papa could not let pass.  They fought from one end to the other of the long courthouse hall, literally moping up the shiny marble floor with each other.  Papa came home with his clothes in tatters, a few bruises, mostly on his knuckles, and beaming triumphantly.  He had put the bully in his place and given a good account of himself.  I seem to recall hearing of more than one time in his younger years when he had hung an “Egyptian sunset” around some fellow’s eye. He had a wonderful, tongue-in-cheek sense of humor.  A few excerpts from a letter written to my mother while she was visiting relatives at Centralia, KS in 1908, about a year before they were married, may give you the picture:

                       “When I got your letter I was at the point of doing something

               desperate.  I watched for the mailman in the daytime and walked the floor

               nights, muttering strange sayings and clenching my fists. (If you don’t

               believe this I can show you the clenched fists when you get back)”

                        “I went to S.S. last Sunday. We had a better turn out than usual

               and such Celestial singing.  Ida played the organ and Will C. and I sang

               We were at our best and it was just grand.  That is what everyone said.  I

               don’t want you to think I am boasting.”  (It was well know my father couldn’t

               carry a tune in a bucket)

                        “I sat with Merle and tried to be good but made a miserable failure. 

               after S.S. Merle said ‘Pa won’t let me set with you anymore”.  It made

               me feel so bad that  I have resolved not to cut up in S.S. anymore let

               come what will.  I have suffered a great deal lately on account of

           confiscating that grub at the park, in fact, so much that I haven’t even

           that I haven’t even stole a watermelon.”


       I’m not sure what the reference to the “grub in the park” was about, but I remember hearing that once he and some of his cronies came upon a S.S. picnic and while the group was busy singing or playing games or some such, they “confiscated” the ice cream and ate it.

     I wish I could remember in detail all the tales he used to regale us with his madcap adventures and wild pranks, but it is all a jumble in my mind of raiding watermelon patches (he could never consider a stolen watermelon a real theft) harassing courting couples, and wildest imaginable Hallowe’en pranks such as putting horses in hay lofts, wagons or other machinery on top of barns in the dead of night.  It seems he was fairly popular with the young ladies and one of his favorite tricks was to call the same evening that some other fellow had called on a girl. (This was only if he knew that the other caller was not particularly welcome),  He would call as if he had no idea she was entertaining another beau, make as though to leave, but the girl…. (part of sentence missing) …be very charming and watch the other fellow do a slow, jealous burn while Papa ate most of the candy the other fellow had brought to impress his lady love,  To add insult to injury, George would invariably manage to out stay the other fellow.

      My father neither smoked nor drank.  However my mother told me that he had confided to her that he had done both for a while during his early teens, but that he soon concluded that he owed it to his mother (whom he held in great reverence) to quit. Apparently he did not have quite the same reverence for his father, for Mama said Grandma told her that at one time he and his father did not speak to one another for over a year.

     He was an individualist, going the way he chose and not caring a great deal for other’s opinions except that they give him respect, and he usually got it.  I was told that for a while when he was about 16 he wore his hair shoulder length, which was unconventional for the time.  He was much less a male chauvinist than most men of that time.  He liked and respected women of wit and intelligence and gumption.  One of his favorite tales was of a neighbor girl named Alice, who, in their teen years was a good match for him with the boxing gloves (and few boys were).  He never went to their house, he said, but her brothers would insist that George and Allie should put on the gloves and go a few rounds.  As a father he encouraged my sister and I to learn to ride, shoot, box and wrestle along with the boys.

     Sometime during his teens he had a serious sick spell that involved a high fever and delirium.  Once Grandma caught him nearly to the end of their very long lane.  He was hot and thirsty and was going to town to get a milkshake at Croppy Marks’ ice cream store.

     Mama said once they were at a party and someone had a fussy baby that cried unceasingly and many tried but no one could quiet it.  Finally Papa took it and to every ones amazement, very shortly it was quiet.  They soon discovered his secret.  He was letting it suck his thumb!


George and Goldie

     June 9, 1909 George was married to Jennie Goldie Brokaw.  She was teaching the Washington School and boarding at his parents home.  They were married at Aunt Katie and Uncle Delbert’s house in Osborne, (as were Uncle Ernie and Aunt May).  Grandma Brokaw did not care much for her daughter’s choice of husbands and said she would not put herself out for any wedding for George Scholl.  Goldie was a bright and evidently fairly independent girl who had been teaching school for 5 years.  She began teaching at age 17 after graduating from the 8th grade and a few weeks at what was called ‘Normal”, a sort of seminar.  She then took and passed the state teacher’s exam and was in business.  Her first school was in a Swedish settlement somewhere near Moscow, Idaho where her family lived at the time.  She took to teaching like a duck to a cool stream and when the family moved to Kansas she continued her teaching career here.  She was an excellent and popular teacher.  I remember that even when I was a young lady we would meet former pupils here and there and they always greeted her with affection and would reminisce about the good times they had and often remark that she was the best teacher they ever had.  I had reason to believe what they said, for she taught me to read and write and she taught me Bible stories and many other things for which I have been grateful all my life.  All her life she was a frequent and popular Sunday School teacher, and all her life she wished to teach again and to return to the Idaho mountains.  The latter wish was never fulfilled, but during WW II when she was 60 years old or so, and teachers were so scarce that they issued war emergency certificates to anyone who could pass a state exam, she took it and passed and taught most successfully for three more years until her career was interrupted by the death of a daughter-in-law and their son moved back home with three little girls.

     George and Goldie set up housekeeping in the south part of his parents’ now huge house, while the “old folks” moved into the new north part.  Here in this house five children were born, Goldie, Albert, Homer, John and finally me, Georgia.  George continued to farm for his parents, for his father’s health was now failing and his mother no longer worked in the fields.  He also worked on the roads and took whatever other work he could find, for he worked as hard or harder than he played.  For all his high-spirited ways, he was still a serious and responsible man.  Like his mother, he was observant and learned much from whatever he saw and could turn his hand to almost anything.

     Goldie seemed to fit in well with her in-laws and often told me she felt much closer to her mother-in-law than she did to her own mother, with whom she often at odds.  Goldie had an excellent mind and used it well, but she was also somewhat neurotic.  Her mind was programmed for intellectual things but not for the drudgery of housework and raising children.  As the family grew and responsibilities that she was ill equipped to handle piled up, it became easier to be sick than to try to cope with it all and she became something of a hypochondriac.   She always expected to die when her children were born.  She often told of worrying before Albert was born that if she died Goldie would not have a nice dress to wear to the funeral, so she ripped up a dress of her own and made her a nice little dress.  Sewing was one of her talents.  She did it well and did a great deal of it.  Papa never seemed to resent her health problems.  He got her the best treatment he could find and cheerfully took over cooking and household chores whenever necessary.  He seemed to have inherited his mother’s fine touch with the sick, whether animal or people.  He was often called to “sit up” with sick relatives or neighbors or to sit with the dead before a funeral.  He knew how to care for sick animals, too, and there was little that a veterinary  could do that he couldn’t, if necessary, but much of it he didn’t really like to do.  We often said he could have been a fine veterinarian if he hadn’t disliked so much getting his hands dirty.

     When I was three we moved out of the big house to a small house ½ mile north on land he had bought some years earlier.  My mother was happier here, for though she got along well with Grandma, she had always wanted a home that was her very own, something like 20 years.

     Besides his home and family, the great love of George’s life was horses.  He was a fine horseman and all his life he bought, sold, traded, owned and trained horses.  He taught all his children to ride and to appreciate horses.  He also taught his sons the art of self-defense.  He did this by wrestling with them, and as they got bigger and stronger he delighted in the real challenge they gave him.  These friendly tussles often took place in the house, and broken chairs, etc. were common.  I can remember my poor mother crying out to spare her furniture.  One day when Albert was a strong young man in his 20’s he and Papa got into one of their “fights” in the barn.  Albert, in the exuberance of the contest, threw him into a manger and accidentally broke his nose.  For weeks Papa’s eyes were two beautiful “Egyptian sunsets.”

     Papa was not a man easily upset or excited.  I never heard him “rant or rave”.  The story that may best illustrate this quality concerns the time he and I took a pickup and a borrowed two-wheel trailer both loaded with furniture to Goldie and Harold in Brighton, Colo.  We fought blinding snow part of the way and lost three wheels off that 2 wheeled trailer before we got there and were delayed several days hunting and making repairs.  The biggest reaction I heard from him the entire trip was a mild, “Well I’ll be dog-goned!” Actually, we had a wonderful time.

     I think Goldie was the only one of us he ever whipped and her only once.  Mama said she was very small and had insisted on a big bowl of cereal and then didn’t want to eat it all.  He thought if she took it she could eat it, but Goldie had a mind of her own (and stomach, too, I suppose) and she rebelled.  It soon developed into a battle of wills and she won.  (Nearly always the child will win) In an attempt to make her do as he said, he whipped her, and she wouldn’t give in and he whipped her some more and it went on until he was ashamed of himself, and had to give up.  Not an easy thing for my father to do, but evidently he learned something that day, for as far as I know, he never spanked one of us again, but he could cut us down with a stern look, and how the man could talk!  He could point out the error of our ways in language so eloquent and chastening that it was probably more effective than any whipping.

     He had a wonderful appreciation of beauty and sometimes called for Mama and me to take a wagon ride to the creek to see a fine field of wildflowers.  None of us were ever afraid of storms, for he always sat on the porch with us and admired the splendor of the lightening. Once a small cornfield was somehow completely taken over by morning glories.  Some farmers might have been angry.  Not Papa, he hitched up the wagon and hauled Mama and me down to see the glorious sight.

     Christmas was his special time of the year and he kept it in the German tradition, on Christmas Eve with lots of candy and goodies.  Gifts were seldom expensive but always highly personal and rarely necessities.  And I don’t think he ever really gave up his belief in Santa Clause.

     Papa was not entirely easy to live with.  He was stubborn, bullheaded at times, and highly opinionated, but he always tried to be fair and was blessed with an uncommon amount of good sense and good judgment.  He wasn’t always right, but he never did what he thought was wrong.  I think most people liked him.  Some disliked him, but there were very few who did not respect him.

     In 1950 he sold the farm he’d loved and worked so hard on, but kept the land his parents had homesteaded.  The family, he and Goldie, Homer and the three granddaughters, moved to a place on the edge of Glen Elder where he could keep a small herd of Shetland ponies.  He remained active, and took an active part in the horse trading business he shared with Albert and John.  One of the last big projects he engaged in was to build a stone post fence on the land his parents homesteaded.  He was 79 years old and it was a gargantuan task for one man to attempt.  His sons and sons-in-law got together and went out to offer help, but were rather curtly told that he didn’t need help.

     The winter before he died was one of heavy snows and for 5 weeks the kids and I were snowed in at our home on the east side of Cawker City.  Virgil walked or took the tractor out, but John was a tiny baby and George and Roxy were small and we stayed home.  Every few days Papa would park his pickup down the highway and … ( some words missing) …came he would talk about the gold signet ring that his mother had given him on his 16th birthday and how she had saved the money for it a penny or maybe occasionally a nickel at a time over many months--maybe even years--from her egg and cream money and whatever other very limited cash she ever had.  The ring meant a great deal to him, though it had long been too small for his fingers, for it represented his mother’s love and sacrifice for him.  Albert had always coveted it and I knew he expected to receive it someday, and when Papa began talking of giving it to George, I reminded him that Albert had always counted on getting it, but I was reminded that it was still Papa’s ring and that he had the right to give it to anyone he pleased.  So every time he came this winter, he went over the story of the ring and then he would say, “And when George is old enough I want to give it to him and I want to tell him that Story”  And I used to smile to myself at how forgetful Papa was getting.  “He doesn’t remember he said all that the last time he was here,” I thought.  Later I realized that he wasn’t forgetful.  He knew he was never going to live to give George that ring and tell him about it himself, and he wanted to be sure I knew  the story and grasped it’s significance well enough to be able to impress it on George.

     The night of July 31, 1958, George Scholl sat in his easy chair watching TV.  He went to sleep there and he never woke up.  The family was not prepared.  We had expected many years yet.  But we did know this was the way he would have liked it.  No sickness, no fuss, no bother--he just left, quietly.  I don’t think he was unprepared.  The proceeding week he had gotten around and visited most of his old friends in Glen Elder, Cawker and Beloit.  He’d given a few special keepsakes to Dwight and others whom he wanted to have them, and he’d seen all his kids and grandkids and he‘d had George and Roxy down to spend the day on Sunday.  There was a special bond between George and Grandpa, and our greatest concern was how to tell him and Roxy that Grandpa was gone.  We explained that he had become old and tired and his body was worn out so he couldn’t enjoy living here much longer, so he’d gone to live with Jesus and be cared for there.  George thought this over….. (missing words) … he wanted to go way off there.  He could have come here and stayed with us, I’d have taken care of him.”

     Now we try to remember the wonderful stories he told of his youthful escapades and wish we’d paid closer attention and could remember more.  Sometimes we wondered about some of the things he told, if they ere really true or were they boastful exaggerations.  Could he really have excelled in as many things as he said he did?  We asked our mother and she said she had wondered, too, but had concluded  that since all the things since she had known him were true, she really had no reason to doubt the rest.  Then from time to time, we met someone who was there--who knew him when, and their stories were the same, and they assured us that he really did what he said he did.  So I have concluded that while he was not exactly what you would call a modest man, he was always considered honest, and probably he didn’t really need to exaggerate.

     Probably no one was more shocked than Mama when Papa died for she had always been confident that he would outlive her.  She was sure that she would not live much longer after he died, but she was more rugged than she suspected,  She lived on more than 20 years.  She was really a pretty spunky lady and she managed quite well on her own and actually became much less neurotic with time and her health also improved.  She remained active in church for many years.  During her last years her memory for the present was virtually gone, but her memory for the past remained pretty sharp and her interest in politics never lagged.  She was always very definite about who she intended to vote for in the presidential election.  One of the last times I visited with her I mentioned that she might soon be going to be with Papa and asked if she would be glad.  He response was, “Yes, oh yes, I’ll be so glad.

    This story dwells mostly on Papa, but after all, it is the Scholl and Gansel story.  Hopefully, some day I will get time to write the Smith and Brokaw story.

     One neat thing I remember about my parents was that they were near enough the same mental ability that they could be very competitive, and they both loved it.  I remember that in the evenings they would sometimes have spelling bees to see which could out spell the other, and there was great excitement when the Capper’s Weekly came to see which of them could score the best on the 10 QUESTIONS.   Mama confided privately that she thought Papa was really smarter than she was, but she loved giving him a run for his money and crowed when she beat him.  He was very proud of my mother’s intelligence and was always pleased when she had a chance to show it off--teaching a class or giving a talk, writing something, etc.  Evidently he had enough self confidence that he never felt threatened by her successes.  When she returned to teaching, he was proud and glad for her and didn’t seem to mind cooking and keeping house for himself while she was teaching during the week.






Bernice I. Green Keeler

Daughter of Albert F. Green


     [Facts told by Albert F. Green, a Cawker resident all of his life (February 23, 1875 - June 24, 1948)]

     Cawker township was settled by the Pennsylvania Dutch in the fall of 1870.  Cawker City was founded in the summer of 1870.

     Two of the founders returned to the old hometown of Dushore, Pa. And gave glowing accounts of the western city.

     One of them, a tailor by trade, dressed in style and stayed at the best hotel.  He showed a tuneful of money to the hotel keeper.  It was later discovered that it was all counterfeit, except for about $200.00.  The settlers also discovered that he was a professional gambler, while here, but no one knew it then.  The other man was a lawyer.  Among other things, they told that there were street cars running in Cawker City.  As a result, at least four families came west.

     My grandfather, Obed Gansel, brought the horses by freight to Junction City, where he bought a wagon and a few tools and implements, and then drove to Solomon City, where he joined the families, who had been waiting a week for him.

     It took him four days to drive to Cawker City, where he arrived in November 1870.

     They found one four-room house there, belonging to Col. Cawker.  It had been torn down in Milwaukee, and brought here and reassembled.  The second story contained two bedrooms.  One was used by the Cawker family, the other, contained beds for the men, three cottonwood bunks, built one above the other along one wall.

     The population was seven.

     One man had a small sawmill and made lumber from cottonwood logs.

     There was a small building on the SW corner of the town area containing a store and another building on the NW corner - just shacks.

      Soldiers had been encamped here.  The encampment was a round stockade built of upright logs, and contained a store room and two or three small cabins.

     Among the river bank were about eighteen dugouts.  They were all vacant, as the soldiers had been sent to Ft. Riley.  Here the settlers stayed until they could build their own homes.

     Grandfather dug into the bank for one room, and then built another room of logs in front of that and roofed it with lumber covered with dirt.  So they had two cozy rooms.

     Everybody worked to rush things along.  One aunt was digging in the bank when the dirt caved, breaking her arm.  They had to send to Glasco for a doctor.

     Later a spring house and a well were made.

     Most of the houses were similar.  There were very few sod houses because lumber and stone were available.  The folks moved into their house before the end of 1870.

     As soon as they were settled, Grandfather went to Solomon City for supplies for the winter.  Being a good hunter, he shot turkeys, chickens, quail and rabbits.  He went out near Osborne and got enough buffalo meat to last all winter.

     About three years later wheat was planted and hogs were raised.

     There were no roads or paths.  One just struck out across the country in the general direction he wished to go.

      Social life was visiting among friends and talking over old times,  I heard them tell of a bachelor neighbor who lived in a stone house with a dirt covered roof.  One night he awoke and wanted a drink.  That often happened, and as he knew where the water pail was he would get a drink without bothering to strike a match, but this time he felt he should have a light.  Something seemed to warn him.  He lit the lamp, and there coiled by the pail was a rattlesnake.

     Occasionally, they had spelling matches and debates.  Some of them were fearful and funny in their absurdity.  I heard a lawyer address the Judge, “Your Honor, I deny the fact my worthy opponent has just stated.”

     These activities interested the community, furnished entertainment, and eventually developed into Chautauqua and Lecture Courses.





 Sent in by

E. Rebecca Green

Daughter of Albert F. Green

Granddaughter of Malinda Gansel Green


     [Facts told by Albert F. green, a Cawker resident all of his life (February 23, 1875 - June 24, 1948)]

     Cawker City was founded in the summer of 1870.  One of the first settlers was my grandfather, Obed Gansel, who was born in Pennsylvania on April 29, 1820.  He arrived in Cawker late summer 1870 with his family.

     My mother was one of Obed Gansel’s children, Malinda Gansel. (October 17, 1843 - November 19, 1942).  She was the nurse at the birth of Pauline Cawker, the first child born in Cawker City



The following is a draft made by Albert Green:




The following are stories and pictures from a Kansas Historical Society book of Gansel/Scholl families:



Obed Gansel was born April 29, 1820, at Mifflinburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. January 2, 1840, he married Catherine Swank who was born January 22, 1820, and was also from Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania. Their children were Emma Harris, Malinda Green, Rebecca Scholl, Amanda Barett, Phoebe Michaels, Flora Eldred, Sara Kinsley, Dan Gansel and Ellis Gansel.

They homesteaded un Granite Creek in 1870. They moved to Glen Elder in the late 1800s. Grandma and Grandpa Gansel, as they were known in Glen Elder, built their home on the hill in 1904 which was a large residence with porches on two sides and                                              iron fence around the yard. Obed and his son Dan were partners in the City Meat Market for a number of years.

     Catherine died in Glen Elder January 2, 1908, at her home. Obed moved to Beloit to live with his son Dan in 1909. He died March 16, 1913. Obed and Catherine were buried in the Granite Creek Cemetery, which was ground donated by them to be used for a cemetery. They were moved to Glenwood Cemetery during the building of Waconda Lake.



Catherine and Obed Gansel



Catherine died in Glen Elder January 2, 1908, at her home. Obed moved to Beloit to live with his son Dan in 1909. He died March 16, 1913. Obed and Catherine were buried in the Granite Creek Cemetery, which was ground donated by them to be used for a cemetery. They were moved to Glenwood Cemetery during the building of Waconda Lake.

Submitted by Georgia Becker and Bernita Eberle




Ernest Franklin Scholl was horn to George Anthony and Rebecca (Gansel) Scholl on November 9, 1876. He had a twin sis­ter Katy Margaret (Timbers). They were born in a dugout near Waconda Springs. While they were small they moved north of Glen Elder. Ernest grew up and worked on the family homestead.

  Lucy May Marzolf was born April 20, 1892, to George and Bethsheba (Sapp) Marzolf on the family farm south of Glen Elder.  When May, as she was known, was 13 years of age, her mother was laid to rest and May


Ernest Scholl              May (Marzolf) Scholl

took. over the household duties including the care of two younger sisters and a younger' brother. Her dream was to be a nurse. Since that opportunity never came, she utilized her housekeeping skills to make a career of service to families in need of her expertise.

On February 11, 1914, May and Ernie were married, and they made their home on a farm north of Glen Elder where their daugh­ter  Dora Margaret was born.

Ernest died in 1948. Several years later May moved to Glen Elder, putting in her garden every year, canning and making gifts on her treasured sewing machine.

    Lucy May died October 9, 1991, at the age of 99. Ernest and May are buried at Glenwood  Cemetery.

    Their daughter Margaret graduated from Glen Elder High School. She married Leland Clyde Coble in 1917. They had two sons, Curtis Glen and Clyde Leland. they made their home near Evergreen, Colorado. Margaret was killed in a car accident in 1977.

     Submitted by Georgia (Scholl) Becker




     George D. Scholl was born January 22, 1881, on the homestead of his parents, George A. and Rebecca Scholl, two miles west and two and one-half miles north of Glen Elder. He received his entire education at Washington School, District #22. He became a high­spirited young man, fond of pranks and practical jokes and pos­sessed of considerable skill as a baseball player.

Jenny Goldie Brokaw, daughter of Milton and Jennie Brokaw. was born Match 25, 1887, in a dugout one mile west of Glen Elder on what was later known as the Joe Brokaw place. After completing as much education as she could get at the local rural school, Goldie attended six weeks of "normal," took and passed the state teacher's exam and became a schoolteacher. After teaching several local schools, as well as in a Swedish settlement near Moscow, Idaho, Goldie became the teacher at. Washington School in 1906. She boarded with the Scholl family.


Goldie and George Scholl


Young George and Goldie were married June 9, 1909. Several more rooms were added to the Scholl farmhouse, and the two families lived and farmed happily together while five children were born, Goldie La Vern, Albert Ernest, Homer Dale, John Dwight and Georgia Rose.

In March of 1926 George, Goldie and family moved to a farm one-half mile north of the family homestead. This farm is now owned by Karl Winkle. George continued to farm both places. He also delighted in raising, buying and selling horses. George was a good horseman, and his sons followed in his footsteps. On many summer Sundays a small crowd congregated at the Scholl corral to buy or trade, or sim­ply to watch the horse-breaking.

    George was elected county commissioner in 1929, an office he held for more than 20 years.

George and Goldie welcomed their young nephew Dwight Timbers into their home for extended visits. They also provided a home base for a young man by the name of Arthur "Dixie" Shearer.

Goldie never lost her love teaching. She spent many years teaching Sunday School Glasses at rural Sunday Schools and at the Christian Church in Glen Elder. During World War II she applied for a war emergency teaching certificate and taught two terms at Spring Creek School south of Cawker City and two terms at Lone Hill School south of Glen Elder.

In the spring of 1948, son Homer's young wife died. Homer moved home with three little girls whom George and Goldie helped raise.

In 1950 George sold his farm and retired to a house at the north edge of Glen Elder. He kept a herd of small spotted ponies and remained active in the horse-trading business with sons John and Albert. He especially enjoyed the horse sales they attended togeth­er. George died suddenly July 31, 1958.

Goldie eventually sold the big house and bought a little pink house a few doors east of the Methodist Church in Glen Ehler where she attended church and participated in many activities. Later, she moved to Beloit and spent her last years there. Goldie died November 4, 1980. Daughter Goldie and her husband, Harold Merrill, Albert and his wife, Parthene, and Homer and his second wife, Helen, have all joined George and Goldie in death. Son John resides in Mankato, Kansas. Georgia and her husband, Virgil Becker, live at Weir, Kansas. There are 13 grandchildren, numer­ous great-grandchildren and several great-great-grandchildren.

Submitted by Georgia (Scholl) Becker


George Anthony Scholl was born in Weilbach, Bavaria, April 25, 1839. As a young man, he worked in an apothecary shop in Frankfort on the Main until he came to America in 1866. Family rumor says he came as a stowaway. He lived awhile in New York City, working as a tanner. Later, he worked in textile and clothing mills in Pennsylvania.

Rebecca Gansel was born near Mifllinburg, Pennsylvania, April 3, 1846. At the age of 14, she moved with her family to Dushore, Pennsylvania.


Rebecca (Gansel and George A. Scholl


George and Rebecca were married there on July 22, 1869. On May 25, 1870, a son, William Obed, was born. George signed natural­ization papers at La Porte, Pennsylvania, on May 28, 1872.

In 1874, deciding lite only way to acquire land was to go to Kansas and homestead, the family followed Rebecca's parents, Obed and Catherine Gansel, to Cawker City where they filed a claim on a homestead between Waconda Springs and the Solomon River. Their home was a dugout. Here, on February 28, 1876, little "Willie" died.

Twins, Katy Margaret and Ernest Franklin, were born November 9, 1876. Visits by Indians and a huge snake in the dugout enlivened their stay here. For some reason the claim papers for the homestead were delayed so long that the Scholls became fearful their claim would not be approved. When they heard an already approved claim had been abandoned, they decided a bird in the hand was worth two on a river bottom, so they moved to the abandoned claim, located two miles west and two and a half miles north of Glen Elder. They spent the rest of their lives on this farm. January 22, 1882, another son, George Dan, was born.                                                                 .

Rebecca had worked as a midwife's helper as a young woman in Pennsylvania. After moving to Kansas, at a time when doctors were scarce and people were poor, she became something of a legend as a midwife and nurse. People from miles around called on her to come to deliver babies and tend their sick, and she always went. In later years she was affectionately known as "Grandma Scholl" to one and all.

Life was not easy in the early days on the Kansas prairie, but George and Rebecca worked hard. In time, their two-room dugout grew into a large frame farmhouse with five porches and enough rooms to accommodate two families, and a large red barn kept it company. The old homestead is owned today by descendants of Katy and Ernie and is farmed by the joint efforts of Bill and Ted Eberle and Roy Timbers.

Submitted by Georgia (Scholl) Becker




Daniel F. Gansel, son of Obed and Catherine Gansel, was born in 1861 in Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania. He was married to Ourilla Glitzke, daughter of Charles and Helena Glitzke.

        Dan was involved in several businesses in Glen Elder. He was in partnership with his brother-in-law James


Dan Gansel

 Eldred in a meat market until 1890 when James Eldred retired, and Dan continued the business with his father, Obed Gansel, for several years. Dan was postmaster from 1894 until l897. He also had a book and stationery slore. He served two years as Mitchell County commissioner.

Dan moved his family 10 Beloit in 1909 after living in Glen Elder for 21 years. He was elected treasurer of Milchell County. He slump spoke for William Jennings Bryan dur­ing his campaign for president. He served for many years as probate judge until relirement.

Ourilla died in 1951. Daniel died in 1959.

Submilled by Georgia Becker and Bernita Eberle

Daniel F. and Ourilla (Glitzke) Gansel
Grave Markers
Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, KS
Courtesy of Laurie (Biswell) Wentz









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