Dushore in 1865
Laying the First Sidewalks

The view is looking down Main Street toward where St. Basil's Church would stand in future.
Photo by Lynn Franklin.
Original resides at the Sullivan County Historical Society, Laporte, PA.

Selected Sullivan County Histories


SCHS Museum and Baldwin House
Laporte, PA
Photo by Becky Snyder.

The Museum is located behind the Courthouse in Laporte. From Route 220, go 1/4 mile south on Route 42.

This building contains records and artifacts relevant to Sullivan and surrounding counties. Included are:

County and local government records
Family histories and genealogies
School records and old school texts
Old maps
A collection of local newspapers
Old tools: lumbering, mining, farming
Household implements and crafts
Old toys
Eagles Mere glass
Displays about local towns and industries

Accounts of local history:

The following histories and anecdotal reports were transcribed or contributed by several people interested in Sullivan County History, or were prepared by Bob Sweeney, the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page coordinator, from documents in the public domain. They may be copied or used freely by any reader for any non-commercial purpose.

The Chautauqua at Eagles Mere by Donna Andrews
Source: The Chronicle: Journal of the Historical Society of the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church, Harrisburg, Spring 1998 Issue

The Grange Descendancy

Roach and Kelly: Irish Migrant Families in Nineteenth Century America

Kellys Go West: Grandma Bradley's Life in Her Own Words

Leonard T. Kelly and Mabel Kerrick

An Early History of the Elkland Meeting of Friends by David Wayne Bailey

The Diary of Reverend Richard Bedford 1850-1883

Historic Hodge-Podge by Harry H. Greene

1933 Endless Mountains History

1978 Lake Mokoma and Laporte

Pioneering With Sullivan County Pioneers by Pauline Holcombe et al

1995 Sullivan County Natural Areas Inventory by Anthony L. Davis et al

Eagles Mere and the Sullivan Highlands 1944

Laurel Leaves: Remembrances of Sullivan County Residents, 1981

1954 Sullivan County Industries--Then and Now

The Irish at Barclay Mountain by Henry Farley
Irish Folk Lore About Birds

1934 Souvenir of Hillsgrove

1929 R. G. Dun List and Rating of Sullivan and Wyoming County Businesses

100 Years of Pride--A History of Lopez: 1876-1976

Some Descendants of Joel and Sarah Bird Bennett by Charles Kehler

Facade Easements et al: A History of Eagles Mere *
* Editor's Note: This document was written by Robert Wise as a thesis for the Master of Science Degree at the University of Pennsylvania, 1993.

A History of Eagles Mere Association by Deborah Lueders (1978)

The Murder of John Vitengruber 1855

The Victim's Skull
Located at the SCHS Museum
Laporte, PA


The Society has a shared interest with the County in THE BALDWIN HOUSE located across Meylert Street from the Museum. Built in the 1850's, this is one of the oldest houses in Laporte. It is now a house museum illustrating life in the County before 1880. It is open the same hours as the Museum for guided tours.


The Society also owns the site of CELESTIA , a religious community founded in the 1850's by millenialists. It was abandoned in the 1880's after the death of Peter Armstrong, its leader. At one time the land was deeded to God, but God paid no taxes, and the land was repurchased at a sheriffs sale by the Armstrong family. It is located 1 1/2 miles west of Laporte on Route 42. An illustrated history of the community and a guide for a walking tour are available at the Museum. Those who want more information can read through From Wilderness to Wilderness: Celestia by D. Wayne Bender. Another source if the Now and Then journal, which first began publication in Muncy, PA in 1868, then was revied in 1929.. Scroll down to part 53, published in 1936, to read more about the personalities of Peter Armstrong and his wife, life at Celestia, and the comments of their son Alvah Armstrong, made years later.

The Cerisium: 1940 Cherry Township High School Yearbook

Sullivan County Volunteers for the Civil War

The Wentzell Family Bible

The Family Bible of Jacob and Percival Wentzell
Title Page 1850
Photo by Lynn Franklin