Souvenir of Hillsgrove Published by Sullivan Review Print, Dushore, PA |
In mid-2006, Bob Sweeney bought a copy of Souvenir of Hillsgrove from an auction on eBay. It was his intention to have the document transcribed and the pictures scanned for this web site. So, it was placed in the queue against that future day when Bob or his colleagues would get around to it. Hah!.....then in August 2007, Mike Clarke, a descendant of the Jackson family of Hillsgrove contacted us with a trove of family pictures and documents, including his own copy of the Souvenir. He has graciously created a set of PDF files for us which reproduce the text of the document, as well as a set of scanned photos following the text. This format is exactly as the original booklet was produced. We have also included several other photos and materials from Mike's collection along with the Souvenir text and have labeled them separately for the benfit of the reader. The Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page is grateful to Mike for his contribution and support in both time and historical content. We hope each reader will enjoy this rare and famous history as much as we have.
Hillsgrove was originally known as Plunketts Creek, but on April 15, 1856, as shown in the scan below, the Pennsylvania State Legislature changed the name to "Hills Grove". For sure, this change resulted from some form of political activity, but whose and why we are not sure.
Name Change from "Plunkets" Creek to "Hills Grove"
April 15, 1856
Acts of Pennsylvania State Legislature
Photo by Mike ClarkeAt the end of the Souvenir, we have also included additonal information and photos on the Jackson and Fuller families and their relatives, courtesy of Mike Clarke. There is also a Postscript from Mike that tells about some amazing coincidences and anecdotes involving the Jackson and Clark families, where they lived, and more. You might also find it interesting to reference the Hillsgrove Cemetery site as well.
Hillsgrove Souvenir Cover
You can click on the above caption to see how the booklet appeared when it was originally published in lace binding.
Photo of original version courtesy of George Becker, its owner, in November 2010.Just click on each PDF file in succession to read the text. They are grouped by topic, just as the original text groups the topics. Where an author was listed in the original, we have given him or her credit. We will provide an index as well to key surnames in the document. The pictures are listed at the end of the document with a caption for each; you can click on these as well to see their content.
Page 1: "Hello Folks!"
Page 2: Dedication
Page 3: Preface
Page 4: Hillsgrove Pioneer Homes
--by S. A. McBride
Page 5: Physicians/Hillsgrove's Beauty Spots
--by Harry H. Greene
Page 6: Hillsgrove's Gift to International Civilization
--by Harry H. Greene
Page 7: Churches/Meet Hillsgrove
--by Harry H. Greene
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10: Horses! Horses! Horses!
--by Harry H. Greene
Page 11
Page 12: The Loyalsock
Page 13: Are Wit and Humor Immortal?/Local Humor and Tall Stories
Page 14
Page 15: "Skul--Daze"
Page 16
Page 17: School Roll 1884
Page 18: Sports and Recreations
--by Geo. Chapman
Page 19: Claude Weldy Sadler
--by Herman Greene
Our Mothers/Hillsgrove Pioneers
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22: Lumbering and Tanning Industries
Page 23: Rod and Gun
Page 24
Page 25: Inns
Page 26: Lost Scenarios
--by Harry H. Greene
Page 27
Page 28
Page 29: Stores/The Hillsgrove Band
--by S. T. Galough
Page 30: Hillsgrove High School
Page 31: Hillsgrove High School (continued)
--by Mrs. Lillian Battershall
Page 32
Page 33: The Old Bridge Speaks/Memory Hash
Page 34
Page 35: Rafting on the 'Sock
Page 36: Reconstruction and Conservation
Page 37: Lodges and Societies
--by Paul Galough
--by John A. Speaker
Page 38
Page 39: Bridges/Philosophy of Age
Page 40: Loyalsock Beauty/Richard and Esther Biddle
--by Moyer Morean
Page 41: Descendants of Richard Biddle
Page 42: Melvin W. Lewis
Page 43: The Jackson Family
--by Mrs. Grace Salisbury Jackson
Page 44: The Harrison Family
Page 45: The Greene Family
Page 46: The Mountain School/Elk Creek School
Page 47: Ogdonian School
Page 48: Bridge View School
--by Lillian Battershell [sic]
Page 49
Page 50: Robert McEwen
--by Hugh J. Dewar
Page 51
Page 52: "Old Lee"
--by John D. McEwen
The Indians in the Valley of the 'Sock
--by John S. Morgan
Page 53
Page 54
Page 55: The Grand Finale
Hillsgrove, PA from Proctor Mountain
About 1905
Postcard Dated August 15, 1910, Wheelerville, PA
Photo by Bill Brenchley of an old postcard auctioned on eBay in September 2008The appended photos appear next in the text by consecutive page number; just click on each link to see the pictures **. We have provided informative captions.
** Editor's Note: If the picture compresses to a smaller scale, then just "right click" on your mouse and then click once more on the icon with four arrows to restore the picture to normal size.Page 56:
--The Big Splash Dam, 1900
--The Last Ark Down the "Sock", 1905
Page 57:
--The Last Drive on the "Sock", 1905
--Peeling Bark
Page 58:
--Bert Mapes and Tommy Tompkins
--The Old Swimming Hole on Mill Creek
Page 59: Representative and Mrs. George Walker
--From Lumber Camp to Legislative Hall in the Good American Way
--Last Descendants of Pioneer Settler: C. W. and Laura Sadler
Page 60:
--Hillsgrove Lodge No. 805, I. O. O. F.
--The P. O. S. of A., 1896
--The Original Hillsgrove Band, 1882 *
* Editor's Note: Mike Clarke has identified the members of the Hillsgrove band shown in the preceding picture as Charles Sadler, William Boyles, William Haynes, Bowman Barret, James Haynes, George Jackson, Lyman Jackson, Chan Fuller and Cris Tufton . You can see them at: 1882 Band Members. In Jnauary 2014, Paul Galough contributed an additional photo of this band, taken about 15-20 years later. You can see it at The Hillsgrove Band Circa 1900. Paul does not know the specific identities of those pictured here, other than some guesses.
In February 2014, Mike Clarke, having examined this photo, offered his own take on the photo identities:
Based on appearance, and based on my own educated guess, I'm thinking that the older white-haired fellow, hat askew, with the sousaphone, is likely to be, or most certainly is, John (aka Johnny) Jackson. There is a distinct possibility that the fellow in the front row, middle, (not wearing a band tunic), is or may be John Jackson's youngest child, John Lyman Jackson, (familiarly known as Lyman so as not to confuse him with his father). I'm not altogether sure if the boy with the cymbals is in fact Ray Jackson, but it may well be. The seeming age of the boy in what appears to be 1890-1892 appears right. Ray is my great grandfather, and was born in 1882. I think too that the fellow with the bass drum is or may be William Boyles; he being the husband of Martha (Jackson) Boyles, and she being a daughter of John Jackson.
Regarding the figure who I propose might be Lyman Jackson (in front, not wearing a band tunic) .... I am basing this, his "band identity" (tentatively), as it compares to a photo of him where he was photographed from the side, more or less in 3/4 full-face fashion, sitting next to a hammered dulcimer. The dulcimer photo was shot later in his life, but to me, there are distinct similarities in appearance between both the proposed Lyman in your "Band" photo, and the certified Lyman sitting next to the dulcimer later in life. One of the characteristis are his eyebrows -- appearing thick and somewhat bushy in both photos .... another are his ears, where although not "large" per se, they appear to be sticking out in both photos. Then there is the general shape of the head and generally similar facial appearance which appears to agree in both photos. Regarding the boy with the cymbals .... he may very well be young Ray Jackson (Raymond E. Jackson), despite the difficulty that there is in comparing the "Band" or "cymbals" image with a certifiably correct 17-year old Ray Jackson photo that I have. The cymbals image eyes and browline of the boy compare favorably with those of the 17-year old Ray Jackson photo. Yes, I would agree that it is difficult to definitively conclude that they are one in the same person, but I can say with certainty that, as with myself, if somebody 100 years from now compares a photo of me at 10 years of age with, say, my graduation photo (or any other photo of me) at 18 years old, there is no way way that anybody will be able to say that the two photos are of the same person.... because I changed so dramatically in appearance in the intervening teen years. I can't say the same for everybody, since it is probably more true than not that most people don't so dramatically or fundamentally change in appearance during their teenage years .... .for instance, my daughter at 18 years old, looked very much like her same self when she was 10.... i.e., at 18 she was basically just an older, more mature, version of the 10 year old her.
If at some point we assume or definitively conclude that the fellow in front (not wearing a band tunic) is in fact Lyman Jackson, then that increases the liklihood that the boy with cymbals is more likely to be his son, Ray Jackson.
It's funny how opening one door winds up opening a whole host of other doors. In this instance, I am referring to the the fellow with the bass drum....: From the gate, upon first seeing this photo, I suspected that he is, or may be, William Boyles; he being the husband of Martha (Jackson) Boyles. I base that notion on a comparison of the appearance of "bass drum man" to the appearance or image of another, later, photo of a fellow sitting on a chair, outdoors; in front of what appears to be a grapevine-fence or arbor directly behind him. The images of these two persons ("bass drum man" and "grapevine man") are so similar as to be convincingly the same person. The image of "grapevine man" exists in a small (i.e., thin-ish) folder--"the Boyles folder"-- residing among all the other familial folders and binders in the Sullivan County Museum.
Anyway, getting back to grapevine man .... His overall appearance, although decidedly older than bass drum man, is so similar to bass drum man in every way that it's hard to imagine that anybody would disagree, and assuming that I am correct - that William Boyles as he appears in the Boyles folder, is in fact William Boyles, the husband of Martha (nee Jackson), then the logical conclusion or argument can be made that bass drum man is this same William Boyles, albeit probably 20, (or maybe more), years younger than grapevine man.
Personally, and naturally, I am motivated to hope that the senior citizen sousaphone band member is John (aka Johnny) Jackson, and, as I mentioned earlier, I am hoping as well that the tunic-less band member in the front row is his son, John Lyman Jackson. Regarding the senior citizen sousaphone band member -- His stature and build squares perfectly with all family lore that documents it or remembers it. The cheekbones of senior citizen sousaphone man square perfectly with the cheekbones of he who is depicted in the "John Jackson sitting-in-front-of-his-cabin-photo" (shown below on this site).
Page 61: Along the "Sock"
-- Pleasure *
--The Dinkey in the Drink
* Editor's Note: In January 2014, Paul Galough wrote to us as follows: "I also have the original picture from page 61 labeled Pleasure. Mine is labeled on the back as well, indicating Paul Galough upper right with the umbrella, Nell Vroman top right (future Mrs. Paul Galough), Sam and Bessie Galough (Bessie Peck) on bottom row right. Taken in 1900. This labeling was done by my grandfather Bryan (Paul's son) after Paul's death."
Page 62:
--Boyles-Jackson-Strickland Reunion, 1904
--Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas, Edward, Laurence and Bill
--Ralph Vogle and Sid Greene
Page 63:
--The Bridge View School
--John Brey and Family *
Page 64:
--Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Harrison
--Dr. J. L. Christian
--J. L. McEwen
Page 65: Village Belles
Page 66: Good Neighbors
--Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Galough **
--Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Greene
Page 67:
--Mr. and Mrs. William Haynes
--Mr. and Mrs. William Strickland
--Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ludy
Page 68: Fathers of the Hamlet
--Steve Vroman
--"Pappy" Jackson
--"Dad" Greene
--"Squire" Sheeley
Page 69:
--George S. Speaker, Prince of Good Fellows
--Milton Sheeley, President of Hillsgrove's First Railroad
--The Organist, Now Mrs. Manning Galispie
Page 70: Hillsgrove School (The "Big" Room), Mr. Black, Principal, 1886
Page 71: Robt. McEwen and Crew, Which Opened the Last Stand of Hemlock on Camp Mountain, 1899
Page 72: The Bridge of Spooks
Page 73:
--Grade School, 1920. Miss Eideth Speaker, Teacher
--Graduates, Hillsgrove High School, 1909, Dr. Guy Dutter, President
Page 74: Business and Industry
--The Tannery
--The Village Store in the Gay Nineties
Page 75:
--Tannery Crew, 1906
--Loft Crew, 1906
--Log Landing, Dry Run, 1904
Page 76:
--The Union Church and Public School
--"Squire" Sheeley's Sunday School Class, 1883
Page 77: White Ribbon Leaders
--Mrs. William Hull
--Mrs. A. J. Sheeley, Mrs. S. H. Hollman, Mrs. J. J. Sadler
Page 78:
--W. L. Hoffman and Family
--Rev. John Bryan, S. T. Galough, Andrew Galough, Paul S. Galough
--Henry, Annie Gilbert, Dan
Editor's Note: See a photo of Henry and his wife, Hannah (Moyer) Gilbert below.
Page 79:
--Baseball Team, 1904
--Walt, "Landing a Big One"
Page 80: Four Generations of the Speaker Family* Editor's Note: In the Fall of 2009, Anne Vollman of Cogan Station, Lycoming County, PA, denoted several old deeds and records to the Sullivan County Historical Society and Museum. In transit, they were scrutinized and conserved by Bob Sweeney. Among those papers were a contract dated 1898 wherein George C. Bird and Jonathon Rogers authorized John Brey, pictured with his family above, to cut and prepare timber on their land along Elk Creek, for the benefit of the Hillsgrove Tanning Company. The Vollman materials also included a land deed, dated 1902, wherein the widow, Elizabeth (Huckell) Rogers, and children of Jonathan Rogers sold 346 acres in Elkland Township directly to John Brey. Here are several scans of this original land deed:
Deed Cover
Deed First Page
Deed Signature Page 1
Deed Signature Page 2
Among other facts, these scans show us a list of the parties to the sale, which includes all of the survivors of Jonathan Rogers, as well as John Brey, the buyer. We also are given the actual signatures of these individuals.
Larry Pardoe followed up on our receipt of these materials with a series of comments and links to other sources. We quote him here:
Thanks for sharing the information regarding deeds and contracts relating to John Brey, Peter Huffsmith, Jonathan Rogers (widow and children), James Dutter and George C. Bird. I have all these folks in my family tree except for John Brey. I'm attaching four outline "descendants" reports but only showing either just three or just four generations. This will allow access to the families who would have been tied in to the deed information:
Descendants of George Copeland Bird
Descendants of James Dutter
Descendants of Jonathan Rogers
Descendants of Peter M. Huffsmith, Jr.
Interesting that I only had Peter L. Huffsmith in my tree, but, after exploring the internet, I was able to take him back four more generations to the mid 1700's. I don't have much info on this family. They must have moved to Sullivan County from Monroe County about 1900. The son, Peter L. Huffsmith, married Myra Y. Bryan, daughter of Benjamin Huckell Bryan and Philena Arvilla Little. A good source on this family is Huffsmith/Hoofschmidt & Butz Genealogy by Dale E. Berger.
As for the Brey family, John Brey (October 3, 1858-1939) married Sarah "Sallie" A. (Huffsmith) Brey (June 15, 1861-abt. June 1927). In the picture shown above in the Hillsgrove Souvenir, their son Frank P. Brey (b. June 2, 1886) is standing behind his parents. The other two children appear to be daughters, Lillie M., Brey, b. June 13, 1889 and Mary E. Brey, b. July 30, 1896 although I can't tell which is which. This photo was probably taken in the early 1920's as Sarah died in 1927. My sources are the Federal Census for 1900 for Hillsgrove Twp., Sullivan Co., PA and the Hillsgrove Cemetery transcription.
I was unaware that the property covered by this deed had been out of the Rogers family hands. The J. Rogers S Mill (saw mill) appears on the well known 1872 Sullivan Co. map by F. W. Beers, and believe it to be the same property now known as Morgan Century Farm Bed and Breakfast. It is owned and operated by Linda (Morgan) Florentine and her husband Ken Florentine. (She is my fourth cousin - her mother was a Pardoe). I stay there when I visit Sullivan County on other than day trip visits.
I thought the farm had came down from Rogers somehow to the Morgan family, but will have to go back to Linda to see if her parents might have bought it from the John Brey family. Interesting. I thought I had heard somewhere that the three spinster Rogers daughters lived there. Maybe that was just until 1902 when it was sold to John Brey? I hope to get up to visit this coming year for the three day Molyneux Family Reunion - usually in July. If I do, I'll ask these questions of Linda to see if she can provide more information.
Jonathan Rogers (1821-1896) married Elizabeth Huckell. Jonathan was a son of Jonathan Rogers (1785-1830) and Elizabeth Snell (1783-1830). Linda (Morgan) Florentine, my cousin, goes back to the Snell family. Her father John Anthony Morgan (1912-1987) was son of John Snell Morgan (1882-1956) and Edith V. Snell (1879-1917) - thus Jonathan Rogers and Elizabeth Snell were her 3rd great-grandparents.
The 1920 Elkland Twp., Sullivan Co., PA Federal Census shows John Morgan, age 8 living with Sara Rogers and her sisters Serena and Rachel. I don't if they were living in the same farm house that is now the Morgan Century Farm Bed and Breakfast, or if they lived elsewhere in the Lincoln Falls area. If the property was sold to John Brey in 1902 it will be interesting to follow the chain to how it got back into the family's hands again. To be continued.......
Larry Pardoe
November 2009** Editor's Note: According to Paul Galough, Jacob Galough was both a barber and a carpenter. He helped build a church in Hillsgrove. Paul's cousin researched this activity and says the church was demolished a few years ago. Paul still has a large tool chest filled with Jacob Galoughs tools. (planes, bit and brace, saws).
Susquehanna and Eagles Mere Railroad Trestle
Hillsgrove in the Early Twentieth Century
Hillsgrove Tannery in the Distance
Original Photograph by Nelson Caulkins
From an auction on eBay in September 2007
Appendix: The Jacksons and Related Families
The Souvenir mentions the Jackson family, and Lyman J. Jackson specifically, on several occasions. The original emigrants to Sullivan County were John and Mary (Bagshaw) Jackson and several of their children. They arrived in Philadelphia on November 8, 1848 on the Tuscarora, most likely from Liverpool. The Ship Roster shows these entries for this family:
Grave Marker for Ann (Hudson) Glossop
Widow of John Glossop
Northside Cemtery, Turbotville, PA
Source: Photo Taken by Mike Clarke on April 5, 2009
The Glossip family, with whom they apparently were traveling, was sailing to meet Ann Glossip's husband, already in the United States. Let's divulge for a moment to hear about the Glossop/Glossip family, whose fate Mike researched in early 2009. We also show here the tombstone for Ann Glossop, buried in the Northside Cemetery, just outside of Turbotville, Northumberland County, PA, near McEwensville. That is today, she lies at rest about 42 miles from Hillsgrove, where the Jacksons eventually arrived in Sullivan County. According to Mike:
John and Mary Jackson were married in 1835 in Sheffield Cathedral, in Sheffield, England. The 1841 Sheffield census shows John and Mary living with her mother, Sarah Bagshaw, Mary's father having died the year before. Incredibly, the original marriage certificate itself is located in the registry there. Here are two photos of the cathedral, one from 1900 showing the structure as it most likely appeared 65 years earlier when the marriage occurred, and one from contemporary times. We also show the marriage registration page from the local records, with a transcription of the Jackson-Bagshaw entry provided by Mike himself:
In October 2007, Mike sent us the following additional startling information, including the belief that he had found a picture of the ship his Jackson ancestors arrived on:
And here is a sketch of the very ship the Jacksons sailed on....
The Tuscarora
June, 1848
Five Months
Before She Carried the Jacksons to America from Liverpool
Photo by Mike Clarke
Source: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP), Philadelphia, PA. This reproduction is a sole use intended to comply in all respects with the "fair use" copyright standards of the HSP, and is serves soley for historical research purposes.
The caption in the original photo reads:
Lost at sea near Cadiz Spain on the night of the 9th of January 1873. At 11 o'clock she sank in a dreadful gale with Capt. Dunlevy and
14 of his men; the mate and 10 men were picked up next morning. The steamer Barton Irwin of Glasgow, Scotland lay by her until she sunk.
She sailed from Mobile Alabama in Dec. 1872 with 3650 Bales of Cotton for Liverpool Eng.’d
Sketched in the stream at Walnut Street Wharf Philadelphia in June 1848 by D.J. Kennedy
Another interesting bit of historia concering this ship is reported by Mike Clarke from reading the diaries of the patriarch/founder of the Cope Shipping Line, Thomas Pym Cope:
As indicated on the documentation at the bottom of the painting, this ship was ultimately lost at sea off the coast of Spain in 1873. The great
English/Irish immigration numbers had begun to flag by that time, and, in addition, steam-powered sailing ships had begun to overtake the
trans-Atlantic transport of people.
Mike also sent us two tintype photos and one scanned page picture to post with the history of Hillsgrove. Shown first below is Hiram C. Fuller (his ggg-grandfather; buried in the Cemetery at Shunk). He is seated with a grand daughter, Mary Williams. Next, we see his gg-grandfather Lyman J. Jackson, buried in Hillsgrove Cemetery. Then comes the scanned page picture, showing the daughters of Hiram C. Fuller and the Fuller homestead in Fox Township, Sullivan County, PA. Lyman J. Jackson married one of Hiram Fuller's daughters, Julia Ann (Fuller) Jackson, Mike's gg-grandmother. Seated in the chair in the photo, she died of measles in 1883 and is also buried in Hillsgrove. She, too, is mentioned in the Souvenir in the Jackson family section. All photos are courtesy of Mike Clarke unless otherwise indicated.
Hiram C. Fuller and Mary Williams, His Granddaughter
Daughter of Charles and Zilphia (Fuller) Williams
Photo Taken at Shunk, PA
About 1890
Lyman John Jackson
Photo Taken at Hillsgrove, PA
About 1885
Daughters of Hiram C. and Diana (Courtright) Fuller
Fuller Homestead in Fox Township
Photos Taken About 1875
Source: The Fullers Now and Then
Here also is a picture of Ray E. Jackson, son of Lyman and Julia (Fuller) Jackson, taken about 1898 in Hillsgrove. Ray, age seventeen at the time, was Mike Clarke's great-grandfather. Mike was very fortunate to have actually known Ray Jackson. He lived to be a ripe old age, and Mike still can fondly recall times he spent at "Grampa and Granny Jackson's".
Ray E. Jackson
Son of Lyman and Julia (Fuller) Jackson
Photo Taken at Hillsgrove, PA
Finally, here is a majestic picture that was given to Mike Clarke in the 1980s. Let Mike tell the story:
The Jackson and Brong Family
Lincoln Falls, Sullivan County, PA
Photo Taken About 1908
Editor's Note: In February 2013, an old postcard was auctioned on eBay that depicts "Brong's Store" as it appeared in the 1950s. This store was the structure across from the 'big house' mentioned above by Mike Clarke. The picture, which we present below, shows two gas pumps along with an "Atlantic" gas sign above them. There are Pepsi and 7-Up signs on the side of the building as well. The sign above the store center reads "Brong".
The Brong Store
Hillsgrove PA
Taken in 1950s
Photo by Scott W. Tilden
Original auctioned on eBay in February 2013
Two photos taken at least a century apart show us the fate of the original Jackson homestead in Hillsgrove. The first picture shows Johnny Jackson, father of John Lyman Jackson, sitting in front of his log cabin, some time before 1903; the second shows the same spot where the cabin stood as it appeared on Sunday, November 11, 2007. The cabin burned many years ago; the place it was located was on the lower side of Sherman Higgley's house in 2012, not far from the road. This road goes past the church in Hillsgrove, and cabin was about a half mile past the church on the left, You can still see the big stones in the yard where it sat. According to Bill Brenchley, Johnny Jackson was his G G Grandfather, and this is the only known picture of the man. In the 1880 census, 13 people lived there. When Johnny moved there from Jackson Mountain, Mrs. White told him he could stay there and keep the farm with 50 acres after she passed on. Her husband had died. In this photo, Camp Mountain is in the background, Sherman Higgley lived there for 50 years and never knew the cabin had been there. When Bill showed him this picture, he was able to show Bill where the big stones were still lying in his yard.
Johnny Jackson In Front of the Jackson Log Cabin
Located Where Huckell's Run Empties into the Loyalsock
Hillsgrove, PA
Photo Taken Before 1903
Courtesy of Bill Brenchley
Original Jackson Homestead Location
Hillsgrove, PA
November 11, 2007
Photo Courtesy of Mike Clarke
And here's that photo of Henry W. and Hannah H. (Moyer) Gilbert, Annie Gilbert's parents, that we promised you:
Henry W. and Hannah H. (Moyer) Gilbert
Probably a Weddiong Photo
Berks County, PA 1871
Found in the Gilbert Family Bible passed down
from Annie (Gilbert) Jackson to Mike Clarke
You can also look through the Brong and Fuller Ancestry chart, which is found in The Fullers Now and Then, a family history which Mike obtained a copy of in the 1980s. All of the children of Hiram (1826-1913) and Diana (Courtright) (1830-1886) Fuller, their spouses and children, are listed here.
You can go here for a comprehensive set of additional pictures and captions on the Fuller Family--Now and Then.
Greetings from Hillsgrove
Winter Scene
Undated Postcard from Early Twentieth Century
Source: eBay Auction in September 2007
Postscript: Anecdotes from Mike Clarke
December 3, 2007
A strange tale and a bit of provenance...
I bought a small, old and beat-up high school text book: Merrill's
English Texts - Selections From American Poetry, at a Salvation Army
thrift store sometime this past year (2007), in Lycoming Co., Pa.
I don't now know precisely why I bought this book, given its rather
horrible condition, but I do recall noting as I leafed through it at
the time of purchase that on page 45, (Part One of the book), a
previous owner, (a student of along ago), had written "Look on Page
On page> 49 this student had written "Page 65" and this goes on until page 147.
As it happens, page 147 is one of many pages devoted to the poem
"Snow-Bound" by John Greenleaf Whittier, with the top of each
right-hand page denoting the poem title. On page 147, the student had
written "Are you" Snow-Bound "?" as the culmination of the joke intended.
I remember thinking this was rather cute at the time and so bought
what is otherwise a virtually worthless book for the sheer and simple
interest in and joy of the adolescent humor that this distant owner
had inscribed on its pages so many, many years before. The
frontispiece of the book was missing at the time I purchased it, and
because of this, there is no documentation as to the date the book was
published. Today, I researched the book online, and discovered that this
book was published in 1913. If this student had written the date
along with her name, as people so often do on the blank front page, it
is now long gone with the other frontispiece pages.
And now the rest of this really rather strange story....
Just yesterday, leafing through this book once again having
rediscovered it on my bookshelf, I noticed that this same student, a
girl by the name of Chere Lee Clarke (the name "Clarke" being the
first oddity of this tale since we share the same last name), wrote
her name and address on the back pages of the book. Her most recent address she wrote as:
20 Jefferson Avenue, Endicott, NY
Early 1930s
Where Chere Lee Clarke Lived as a Child
Later Home of the Jacksons, Mike Clarke's Grandparents
Photo Contributed by Mike Clarke
December 18, 2007
Attached below are the scans of the back pages of the book I mentioned above.
I have a handwritten letter written by my paternal grandmother, Florence Mildred (Jackson) Clark... a letter she wrote to my father< Gilbert Clarke, back in 1973. I compared her handwriting in the letter to the handwriting in the book, and the two are eerily similar and even identical in a few ways.
Both individuals, (my grandmother and Chere Lee Clarke), were contemporaries, and both spent time in the New York school system, and that may account for the remarkable similarities in handwriting, but still, the similarities are profound to the point of being almost too profound. Even my mother (now 86 yrs old) remarked instantly: "That looks like Nana's handwriting!" when first she viewed the writing in the book a week or so ago, and she hasn't seen her mother-in-law's handwriting in decades and her remark was without any prompting by me!
I tend to believe until otherwise convinced, that the NY school system is to blame for institutionalizing a style of handwriting that all students were made to emulate as if by law, ... but then again... who knows? I think I might have to collect old postcards written by New York state residents of the period to really believe that's true.
I ramble on here, but probably the most important lesson this tale of Chere Lee provides is the importance, the significance and the impact that documentation has, and how that documentation lives on. And how much easier and more greatly blessed we all would be if we weren't all, for the most part, having to dig, ponder, guess and often winding up hopelessly lost in the genealogical quagmire.... if only our predecessors had filled in so many of the informational gaps we encounter years and decades later.
Chere Lee Clarke's School Book
Back Page Notes
The text was published in 1913.
Photo Contributed by Mike Clarke
December 29, 2007
Here's another mystery...
Hillsgrove Township 1910
View from the Jackson Trail
As it Runs Up the side of High Knob
Original Photograph by Nelson Caulkins
Photo by Mike Clarke of a postcard auctioned on eBay in January 2008
Copyright © 2007 Robert E. Sweeney and individual Contributors. All Rights Reserved. Prior written permission is required from Robert E. Sweeney and individual Contributors before this material can be printed or otherwise copied, displayed or distributed in any form. The reproduction of the Tuscarora displayed in this text is the sole intellectual property of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP) and may not be copied or reproduced in any fashion without the express written permission of the HSP. This is a FREE genealogy site sponsored through PAGenWeb and can be reached directly at ~Sullivan County Genealogy Project (