This list was originally published in the Sullivan County Democrat on
September 3, 1862. This was two weeks before the bloody battle at Antietam and ayear before Gettysburg.
The original publication is in the collection of the Sullivan County Historical Society (SCHS) in Laporte, PA.
We are grateful to the SCHS for providing this reproduction.
Sullivan County Democrat
September 3, 1862
We below furnish a list of the volunteers as far as we have been able to get their names in
this county, by comparing the list by our last week’s statement, it will be seen that we have an
increase of thirty-eight:
Charles Any
Francis Bennett
John T. Brewster
Geo. Baumgardner
Andrew Baumgardner
Ira Bently
Daniel Baumgardner
Adam Baumgardner
James Cullin
Jefferson Colley
Michael Cawley
Patrick Cawley
Capt. Jas. Deegan
Lieut. Jere. Deegan
Thomas Deegan
Wm. Deegan
John Deegan
John Dunne
W.H. D. Green
Robert Grant
Wm. Graul
John Hoffa
John Hufmaster
Joseph Hufmaster
George Hoffman
Solomon Hoffman
John Kinsley
Anthon Lamerer
George Lusch
Jeremiah Mooney
John McCracken
John McCracken, Jr.
Samuel McNeil
David Mason
Miles McDonald
John Miller
L.D. Oden
John Ellis Persun
Daniel Prichard
John Reading
Isaac Shafer
Wm. Scott (died)
Henry Steel
Henry Strevy
Wm. Strevy
George Thrasher
John Thall
Morris L. Zaner
Lewis Brown
Alpheus Bowman
David Bartley, Jr.
Lyman J. Brown
Wm. Conoll
Jas. H. Daddow
Matthias Haag (died)
Wm. Hunsinger
Alfred Hunsinger
William Alanzo Junk*
Thos. D. Kalb
Charles Martin
Peter C. Mosier
George Oliver
Charles Oliver (died)
Chester B. Potter
Lewis L. Potter
Patrick Quinn
Thos. J. Shields
Henry Schmidt
Thos. Steal
Lieut. S. Tresouthick **
James Tresouthick **
L. Litsewaed (died)
Michael Winemaker
Geo. Winemaker
** Per a message from Diane Junk Riley on 06/20/03:
You will note that under Colley Twp., there is a "______ Junk listed. I
believe him to be one of my ancestors, William Alanzo Junk. I am attaching my
references for your review. You will note in the Civil War Record obtained
from the PA Civil War records at the Pennsylvania State Archives, that his
residence is listed as Dauphin Co., PA. This is
perplexing to me, as I have found only a Peter Junk listed in Dauphin Co.,
PA in a 1790 Census, and I have nothing to substantiate him as being
related. Perhaps the residence was incorrectly listed or he traveled to
Yes, William is the son of Thomas Junk, b. 1790, Ireland, d. Dec 28, 1865, and
buried in the Family Cemetery at BellaSylva,(Dutch Mountain) Colley Twp.,
Sullivan County, PA. and Ellen Badger, b.. 1798, Ireland, d. Dec 15, 1858..
William Alanzo Junk was born in Philadelphia after his parents arrived from
Ireland, and he was the youngest of 7 children. He was born on November 9,
1838 and died on Feb 11, 1896. He married Cornella VanCampen on May 6, 1866.
The following is from The Sullivan Review,: Jan-Feb 1896:
Death of William Junk:
William Junk, one of our well known citizens, died at Bella Sylva, Thursday,
February 13. His death was unexpected and caused considerable surprise.
The funeral was on Sunday, interment being made on the farm where he died
and was under the auspices of Sullivan Post No. 388, G.A.R. William Junk
was born on November 9, 1837 in Philadelphia. He was living in Colley
Township at the outbreak of the war, and on September 14, 1861, he enlisted
in Company B, 9th PA Volunteer Cavalry, and was made a sergeant. He took
part in the battles of Saline, Crab Orchard, Perryville, and Chickamaugus,
and was honorably discharged October 24, 1864. In 1869, he was married at
Bella Sylva to Gertrude DeKalb and 12 children were fruit of this union,
only seven of which are still living. He was for years a prominent member
of the Grand Army of the Republic and was a Post Commandant of Sullivan Post
No. 388. He was a genial, well souled, companionable man, a true friend and
a good citizen.
I have a letter written to me from Beatrice Meyer Junk on Jan 8, 1988, who
married Ivan DeKalb Junk. Ivan was the son of George Gainsworth Junk whose
father was William Alanzo Junk. In her correspondence, she mentioned that she had
in her possession two letters. She wrote:
I feel Thomas must have had other children beside William, but have no real
way of knowing for sure. I have 2 letters written by him to William, who
was in the Civil War (very difficult to read), in which he mentions some
names but I don’t know the relationship.
I do not know what has become of the Civil War letters since her death, but
I have made contact with her son, I. Richard Junk. His wife said that she
would contact the other siblings and give them my e-mail address. Hopefully
I will hear from one of them. Thank you for your website! Please feel free
to post what I have included in this e-mail.
Diane Junk Riley
** Per a message from James Tresouthick on 11/24/02:
Additional information on James H. Tresouthick and Samuel H. Tresouthick: My family has records of mostly Samuel.
Three books with reference to one or both of the brothers are:
a.. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers
by Samuel P. Bates
a.. The Sword and Pen
by John Alergnon Owens
a.. The Capture, Prison Pen and Escape
by Willard Glazier
The Capture, Prison Pen and Escape details the plans for escape from Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia of
one Lt. Samuel H. Tresouthick, together with Willard Glazier. The Sword and Pen repeats the plans of escape
from Libby. On the 15th of June, 1864, Samuel was mortally wounded in the left leg at White Oak Swamp, St. Mary's
Church, Virginia. This was in conjunction with the "Crossing of The James", a prelude to the taking of Petersburg by
General Grant. Samuel died of gangrene at Chesapeake Hospital in Fortress Monroe, Virginia. This shows possible
evidence that he had escaped from Libby, and returedn to his regiment. According to the family bible, remains of
Samuel eventually caught up with James H. in Plainfield N.J., where the latter was buried. No record can be found of
Samuel being buried in Plainfield cemeteries.
James remains a quiet mystery; although I am a direct descendent of this man, we have but little. He went on after
the war to open several businesses, all of which did fairly well.. .His wife remained very Victorian, and shared
little if anything to family members of exploits and experiences, particularly to my father and aunt. Children were
to be seen, not heard.
In addition, it is generally thought that a third brother fought during the Civil War, not for the North, but rather
for the South, under the flag of Georgia. His name was John Harris Tresouthick, and he disappeared during the middle
of the War Between the States".
Frederick Bendorf
Chas. Beatran
James Cronan
Lieut. S. Dieffenbach
Lyman Decker
Robt. W. Henley
Joseph Hiested
John Henley
Lewis Hyeman
Hiram Kisner
Capt. Henry Metcalf
John Mosier
Wm. A. Moffatt
Charles Shuck
Simpson Smith
Jacob Saxer
James Walsch
John M. Woak
H.J. Yarrington
Abraham R. Biggers
Isaac Bennett
Wm. Carothers
Thomas Edgar
John Flaker
Thos. Glidewell (died)
John Gower
Wm. Hess
Cyrus Larish
Chas. Miller
Peter Miller
Thos. Phillips
Geo W. Pennington
David Phillips
Sergt. S. Simmons
Thomas Simmons
Isaac N. Simmons
George W. Simmons
Davis Simmons
Peter Sones
John Sperry
Benjamin Sperry
James Sperry
Dawson Sperry
Francis H. Snyder
E.D. Smith
Isaac Sones
Clark S. Taylor
Daniel Taylor
Judson Wilber
Alexander Warn
Elisha Wilson
Daniel Webb
Frank Bamley
George Bedford
Wm. Bedford
Edmund Bedford
Joseph Bedford
Tighlman E. Bedford
Henry Bedford
David Bryan
Samuel Bryan
Charles Boland
John Caless
Charles W. Grange
Henry Gilson
Albert Hess
Frederick Hess
Thomas B. Maryott
Charles Maryott
John Maryott
John Maryott, 2nd
Alexander Maryott
J. Nichols
James W. Pardoe
Jacob Shuman
Nicholas Snyder
George Webster
Wm. Whiteler
Charles Webster
Samuel Yaw
Samuel Black
Lieut Jas. Corcoran
James H. Campbell
Michael Farrel
Henry Epler
Solomon Hottenstein
Henry Hunsinger
Geo. W. Hunsinger
Owen Hallis
Myron Little
George Luke
Wm. Luke
Frederick Luke
Samuel Molyneux
Joel Molyneux
Gilbert Potter
Josiah Paine
Edward Rinebold
Lewis Rinebold
Cornelius Ragan
Charles Sheafer
Wm. Rogers
Henry Sherman
Esler Speaker
John Warberton
George Wanck
Benjamin Bryan
Lossing Bryon
Reuben Bosturick
Lafayette Bates
Lucean Bothuwell
Wm. Campbell
Henry Campbell
Thomas Cravan
John C. Cravan
Sylvester Green
Peter Humel
Wm. Kluse
Wm. P. McBride
Jacob Sheaner
E.W. Snell
Wm. Warner
John Baker
Milton Battin
George Brusley
Elisha Fanning
Wallace Fanning
Philander Lollett
_______Harvey (Father & four sons)
Benjamin Kilmer
James Letts
John potter
Miner Potter
Cornelius Rightmire
S.R. Williams (died)
U. Wheeler (died)
Marshal White
Alfred G. Waldraton
James Burke
Wm. Burke
Samuel Burke
Charles Converse
Samuel Conklin
Charles Faust
Frederick Goches
Oliver G. King
John Mooney
Joseph Pennington
George Stevenson
Hirman Stevenson
Phillip Stevenson
Jacob S. Stevenson
Wm. H. Crawford
Leut. H.R. Dunham
B.M. Dunham
Gustavus Gearhard
Harvey Gregory
John Gallagher
Charles Hauman
Michael Mace
Frank H. Snyder
A. Schreifogle
Martin Tourscher
Frank Wilcox
Henry Brown
John W. Bennett
George W. Craft
George W. Clark
Thomas Emery
Josiah Emery
?. N. Fiester
Wm. Howlett
Chauncey Hunsinger
Co. J. R. Jones
Alfred Little
Wallace Little
George Smith
Robert Smith
Jackson Taylor
Theodore Taylor
Wm. Warner
Copyright © 2002 Robert
E. Sweeney and individual Contributors. All Rights Reserved. Prior written
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