Laurel Leaves
Book Cover
Sullivan County Oral History Project
Photo scanned by Derek Davis
Published by The Sullivan County School District
Transcribed by Derek Davis
February 2005
for the Sullivan County
Genealogical Web Page
Source: The Frawley collection
All rights reserved.
Transcript excerpts of Sullivan
who talk about their past
and relate stories told to them
Ninth Grade English Students, 1980‑81
Sullivan County High School
Laporte, Pennsylvania
Produced originally under the supervision of Sally Coleman and Stevie Shoemaker.
A project affiliated with the
National Humanities Faculty
Published by the Sullivan County
School District
Printed by The Print Shop
at The Sullivan Review, Dushore, PA
Originals are housed at the Sullivan County Historical Society and Museum in Laporte, PA.
We owe a special debt of gratitude to the advisor of this project,
Dr. Robert Engs. Without his moral support and expert guidance throughout, this
product, Laurel Leaves, would not
have come into being.
To the 1980‑81 Ninth Grade Students in Sullivan County
High School, we owe special recognition. They have worked during English
classes, in study halls, and at home for nine weeks to produce the transcripts
for the material appearing in this first publication.
We certainly appreciate the participation of our students'
interviewees, the relatives and neighbors who graciously have shared their
remembrances of life and work as it used to be.
Of course, there are other persons who have given us
valuable support during this first year. Their names are not listed for fear of
omitting one. They know who they are. Our students know who they are. We thank
S. Coleman
Editorial Policy
A. The questions have been removed from the published transcript
excerpts. When necessary, questions, enclosed in parentheses, have been
incorporated into statements in the interview.
B. When necessary, the information has been put in
chronological order.
C. Repetition has been eliminated.
D. All statements regarding historical events have been left
as the subject related them even though contradicted in other interviews,
since we believe history is a matter of perception.
Also, the colloquial expressions, or an individual's way of
speaking, has been presented and has not been edited. Concerning vocabulary
(even profanity), colloquialisms and other unique forms of verbal expression
have been retained.
E. Only obviously libelous remarks about other people have
been eliminated.
F. All of the interview in its entirety is presented in our
files. Also, the tape or tapes utilized in the oral interview have been
G. A few transcript excerpts have been selected from each of
the four ninth grade English classes and are representative of the various
areas of the county.
H. Ellipses indicate when a word or words have been omitted
from sentences. We have had a little trouble with these ... marks....
Dog Tags
1907 and 1910
Like all rural Americans, local citizens owned dogs.
These brass tags were issued to show that the Sullivan County dog
license fee
had been paid for the year. Tags were usually attached to a dog collar to establish onwership
and prevent a free roaming dog from ending up in the clutches of the
local dog catcher!
Photo source: Scott W. Tilden
Originals auctioned on eBay in October 2012
The Barbour Brothers
Indian Attacks
The Molyneuxs and the Birds
The Underground Railroad
A Sturdy Linsey‑Woolsey Dress
The Steafather Name
Being Seen and Not Heard
Grandma was an Herb Doctor
A Boy and His Cow
I Almost Drowned
Doing Housework
Preserving Food
Smoking Meat
We Played in the Tall Grass
The Dog was My Closest Friend
St. Basil's School in Dushore
School and Snakes at Cherry Mills
Thomas Run School
World War I
Horses and Sleighs
Family Life (in Lopez)
Little Towns
First Radio
Holidays and Parties
The Depression
Cutting and Peeling Trees
The Old Tannery
Silo Filling
Rock Picking
Making a Telford Road
The Creamery and the Icehouse
History of the Creamery
Children's Chores
Doing Laundry
The Dutchman
The Devil's Game
Remembrances of Sullivan County
The Barbour Brothers
It was way back (when) my father's
people settled the town named Barbours . . . My mother . . . was born here in
Hillsgrove and her grandmother came here in a butcher wagon and ox cart. . . .
(With) the early Barbour settlers (that) came here, there was three brothers.
They settled in the town of Barbours and all three of 'em were killed. One of
'em was killed going with a bag of wheat on horseback. The Indians killed him
between Barbours and Huntersville. They were always great horsemen and they had
a very nice horse that they were leading out to water, and he kicked this one
Barbour in the head and killed him. The other Barbour had an up-and-down
sawmill, and he got caught somehow and sawed in two with his sawmill. But there
was enough left of the Barbours to go on and that's where the (original) name
came from.
Don Barbour interviewed by Betsy Boyles, Jennie Beeman, Gary Bruns and Lee Liddic
Indian Attack
I'll tell you one (story) that came
from the Little family. Back when there was Indians around . . . the parents
were away one day and they left the children home in the cabin and the Indians
came. The children had hid and the Indians set fire to the cabin and went away.
The children came out of the woods to put the fire out, and they found that the
Indians had cut the well rope, so that they couldn't get water out of the well.
So they grabbed some pails and got the swill out of the swill barrel to put out
the fire. (People used to have a barrel outside . . . and they'd put their
extra milk in there and maybe their dish water. It'd get sour and then they'd
dip it out and feed it to the pigs.)
Bessie Wright Brown interviewed by Kim Smith and Michelle Bacorn
The Molyneuxs and the Birds
My ancestors were the Molyneuxs and the Birds. And then my
husband's people were the Warrens. Those three families were the first settlers
here in Sullivan County. They farmed up near Millview. They came here from
England and the Wrights came to Connecticut, I think back in the 1600's. But
the Molyneuxs came to Sullivan County . . . in about around 1790.
Bessie Wright Brown
The Underground Railroad *
Back in the slavery days . . . they had this (thing) called
the Underground Railroad.... They had different places where they'd hide these
black people.... And one of those places was over here on the hill by Jim
McCarty's, and nobody ever knew that that existed 'til one time there was horse
over the barn, fell through and went way down in this big cellar... Then it
came up that was a underground station that those black people would stand in
practically all day and wait for night to come and then they'd go on.
* Editor's Note: In July 2011, Connie Hatch wrote as follows:
The UGRR mostly followed the old Genesee Road. Lincoln Falls was the "forks" -- one
"line" went on to Canton (via Shunk and Wheelerville) and one on to Towanda (Bethel
being one of the "stops"). I found some notes written by a great-grandfather of my
husband's. His parents were involved with the UGRR, as well as the parents
of the woman he eventually married (a Pardoewho was a Quaker). This gr-grandfather
wrote that, had he known sooner about his parents' involvement in the UGRR, he
would have interviewed his father when he was still alive. The gr-grandfather moved
with his family to this part of Sullivan County when he was about 5 (in 1855), so the
UGRR was still in progress in this area in the late 1850s and into the very early
According to Melanie Norton:
Many people were involved in Sullivan County. Those ferrying slaves
north to New York or Canada were quite literally putting their own lives in
jeopardy because of Abolitionist ferment and the penalty ranging from confiscation of property
to hanging. This realization lent to all persons involved being very low key
and distrustful to not let it be known what they were involved in. The Quakers made
it a practice to have no written word of instructions for deeds done for fear of
retaliation and this made an example for others as well. Word of mouth stories
told many years later have relayed the efforts of those involved but, again, no first
hand writings have survived in this area.
Don Barbour
A Sturdy Linsey-Woolsey Dress
Now my grandmother was born in (the) fall of 1853.... All
the clothes anybody had were made from their own wool and linen, and the cloth
was strong. But the sewing was by hand with linen thread they made. And she had
a dress that was new and it was linsey-woolsey—that means linen one way and
wool the other. It was gathered quite full, but it would have stood almost
anything. One day her father and her brothers were working across the creek—
they lived near where Tish Hembury lives now. And they were clearing logs
across the creek; the creek was high and it was early in the spring. What her
father had done to get over there was (that he) had cut down a tree and let it
go across the stream. And he cut off all the limbs on the top with his ax . . .
but left the other limbs on that didn't bother him walking across. She was sent
over there to call them and tell them it was time for dinner.... When she was
crossing this log, she slipped.... She would have fallen in except that her
skirt was caught at the waist! There she was in a kind of cradle.... She was
afraid to move for fear the back seam in the skirt would go, too, and let her
down into the roaring creek! And you know the "Little 'Sock" does get
pretty high and it was higher then–the streams had more water then, they say.
Anyway, her father and the boys didn't come for dinner and she didn't come
back, so her mother started ... towards the creek.... The father and the boys
.. .could tell it was time for a meal and they just started home. They all
found her there. Her father got her loose without getting her down into the creek.
Pauline Holcombe interviewed by Tammy Miller Mary Schoch and Valerie Sick
and transcribed by Karen Hamilton and Barbie Metzger
The Steafather Name
I know that (Steafather) isn't spelled now like it was
spelled when they came from Germany. The story is that . . . when the children
started to go to school, and they told their name, the teacher spelled it like
it sounded, like they sounded it to her. So that's how it got changed in
writing . . . to "Steafather." But on the old maps . . . why it was
always spelled the old German way . . . S‑C‑I‑E‑V‑F‑A‑T‑H-E‑R.
Mary Steafather Wood interviewed by Bobbie McGuire
Growing Up in Sullivan County
Being Seen and Not Heard
Well, it was pretty rough going (when I was a child). People
didn't talk out in front of kids like they do today. They kept their troubles
and everything to theirselves. They never complained in front of kids or in
front of the family. . . . And you know, I never, never heard my dad and mother
argue; never one cross word did I ever hear from them.
Fredress Miller interviewed by Jim McHenry
Grandma was an Herb Doctor
My greatgrandmother was what they called a regular old herb
doctor .... My aunt used to tell about, ah, goin' out with (her) to gather
herbs.... She'd go along with her. And that wasn't all. Grandmother was a very
saving person. My aunt would go out with her in the chicken yard and they'd
pick up all the little soft feathers to put in pillows. And then they'd go
around the pasture fence and pick off all the little bits of wool off'n the
fence and they'd wash that up; use it to make yarn out of.
Bessie Wright Brown
A Boy and His Cow
When I was a kid, my dad took me down to Jamison City. I
probably was about fourteen years old. We left sometime about 3:00 (in) the
early morning. We got to Jamison City at daylight to pick up a cow. My dad came
on home to do the chores and what not; I started home with the cow. I spent the
whole day and a little while into the evening leading that cow home. And they
routed me through Thornedale. I never thought I'd seen so much woods in my
life, and I never thought I was gonna come out at the other end. I went in
Thornedale at Nordmont and came out at Ringdale on a road that I'd never seen
before in my life. When it started getting dark I was about at Ringdale and I
had to come over the hill and out across there, down the Cook Hill. By the time
I got home, I was pretty well scared out. I think that was the longest trip I
ever made in my life.
Joseph J. Sick interviewed by Pat Sick
I Almost Drowned
I almost drowned one time, but that was up at Ricketts. (I)
fell in a well. I was only about four years old. My mother caught me just in
time. She could just lay down and reach down in and get ahold of my hand to
pull me out. I guess I was always afraid of water after that! I never learned
to swim.
Mary Steafather Wood
Doing Housework
We washed our clothes with a washboard in a tub.... We did
(the clothes) in the house. We had this big metal rectangular boiler that set
on the stove with the clothes in it after they were scrubbed on the
washingboard. Then we boiled them and then rinsed them again in rinse water.
Oh, what work! But they were nice and spickin'‑spankin' clean. It was
like we sterilized them when we boiled them. About 1929‑1930, we did get
a washer‑wringer type . . . with a handle to crank. Sears and Roebuck,
Kenmore (it) would have been. And we had a sewing machine with a wooden box
cover.... It was a "Minnesota,"' a black one. You would have a pedal
that you pumped back and forth with your feet that turned a round wheel that
had a bar to make the needle go up and down.
Anna Orlowski interviewed by Cindy Orlowski
Preserving Food
Well, (to preserve food), they used to cold pack it and then
they like pickled (it); put it down in salt brine and then they put the meat
down in salt and that's the way they used to have to do it. They didn't have no
refrigerators or anything (to) put their vegetables and stuff in.
Harland Fetherbay interviewed by Tim McDonald
Smoking Meat
We raised most of our food. We used to butcher about four
pigs a year . . . and we'd butcher a cow every year. My job (was) to make the
brine up to put the hams in.... We used to fill the barrel half full of water,
then keep adding salt 'til it floated an egg. Then we'd drop the hams in it and
after they was in there pretty much all winter, we used to take them out. My
job (was) to keep the fire going in the smokehouse. We used to take corncobs
and we tried to get hickory sawdust to smoke our meat. Then when it got dry,
we'd wrap it in bags and hang it in the attic and it stayed good all year.
Joseph J. Sick
We played in the Tall Grass
(When we was children) we played hide 'n' seek, hitting a
ball with a stick . . . and tag. When we played tag, my father would come out
and yell at us for trampling the tall grass down. Or we'd hit the ball and it'd
get lost in the tall grass and we'd be trying to find it and he'd yell at
us.... I liked picking huckleberries. I always enjoyed being out in the woods.
We'd go swimming in Sulfur Water. We cleaned out an area of the creek and make
a little swimming pool. Really the boys made it for us girls. Those rocks are
heavy so they cleaned it out for us.
Anna Orlowski
The Dog was My Closest Friend
I had no one to play with, that is, the nearest neighbor was
about half a mile away. So I didn't have many playmates. And the dog and I were
great friends. I think my parents were worried a little bit that I might get
bit by a rattlesnake 'cause there were rattlesnakes in that area. The dog did
get bit once, and he doctored himself. He went down to the millpond and crawled
into the mud and lay there for, oh, several days; finally recovered from it.
So, if you ever get bit by a rattlesnake you'll know what to do!
Mark Burgess interviewed by Bill Hamilton and Karl Hugo
St. Basil's School in Dushore
(When 220 was going through) ... I was in Saint Basil's High
School at the time. And, ah, we ... used to have the whole school gather in the
auditorium. So this particular day, (the Pastor Sweeny) sent me up to the
stage, and he said, "Now make a speech." I didn't know what in the
world to say. "Well," he said, "Well there is a new road going
through, a new highway, Route 220." He said, "Can't you make a speech
about that?" "Well, I wouldn't know what to say." He said,
"Well, ah, when there is a good highway," he said, "what do
people do?" Well, I said, "They go; they travel on it."
"Yes," he said, "They will be traveling to Dushore." And
then he said, "When they leave Dushore what will they leave behind?"
And I said, "Well they will leave a lot of dust." And everybody
roared laughing! What he wanted me to say was that when they came to town they
would spend money, and leave money in the community, and I didn't know that, so
that was the end of my speech.
Mary Rouse interviewed by David Klem
Cherry Mills School
Souvenir 1897-98 School Year
Found in the home where the Dempsey ancestors lived in Cherry Mills
Photo by Mike Demspey
Who was given this document by the current owner of the old Dempsey property in February 2008
School and Snakes at Cherry Mills
On cold winter mornings we used to jump out of bed and grab
your clothes, run down to the kitchen stove, get dressed, rush to the barn,
help milk the cows, run in and have breakfast, and take off two miles to school
in Cherry Mills .... We went (to school) five days a week, 9 to 4. We had two
fifteen minutes recesses and an hour (at) noon.... In the morning we started
out with arithmetic and then we would have reading. Then in the afternoon we
would (have) health and geography and history.... In the springtime
we'd eat some them wild leeks, and the teacher would send us home.
Some days we used to have an old horse and my dad used to
hitch it to either a wagon or a cart. We'd drive the horse to school and turn
the horse loose and the horse would come home by himself.... I remember one
time when there was a big flood. When we came across the bridge between our
place and the school, the water had gone over the fields, and when we come
across, we waded in that icy water and hung onto the barbed wire fence to keep
from being washed away.... (I) can't remember being scared, but that water was
awful cold.
Once in awhile the springtime we'd eat some of them
wild leeks, and the teacher would send us home. We had a little creek go by the
school.... One time there was a great big ball of snakes come out like big as a
bushel basket. We snuck them in teacher's drawer and when school started
getting hot, the snakes started crawling out of the drawer and we got the
afternoon off.
Joseph J. Sick
Thomas Run School, down the road
from Colley
You should get your lessons and you did. (If) you missed too
many words in spelling, you'd stay after school while the other kids got to go
home. You had a big black board. You wrote that damn word that you missed
anywheres from 10 to 20, thousand times, before you could go home. Next day
you'd study your spelling!
Clarence Dieffenbach interviewed by Mary Knappman
World War I
When I went in the army during World War I, it was the first
time that I ever had slept in a sleeping compartment on a train. I went from
Dushore here down to Wilkes‑Barre, and there at Wilkes‑Barre I got
on a train....And, of course, during World War I (the government was running
the trains).... It was very, very hard to travel, to get onto a train because
there were no available seats... When I got on this, I had, of course, all
these government tickets. There in Wilkes-Barre...I had this ticket for a first‑class
seat and sleeping compartment, and all he said (was), "Well, I'm sorry
lady, but we don't have any such ones—reservations—open now." And I said,
"Well, Uncle Sam says that that's the way I go, and I'd hate to make any
trouble about it. But that's the way I go." And when he saw that he
couldn't push me aside, well he says, "Wait a minute 'till I check and see
what I can do." I got my ticket and sure enough I got to be where I
wanted....Oh, I had yards and yards (of tickets). They'd pull off a chunk.
Let's see; I was from Monday...(to) the evening of the following Saturday…a whole week on the train to Waco, Texas.
Loueva Dieffenbach interviewed by Mary Knappman
Horses and Sleighs
(During the winter we traveled) with the sleigh, horses and
sleigh…. They had the bobsleds, and when there was supper at Forksville,
someone on the hill would pick us up with the bobsleds. All different families
would go…. (For) Christmas programs and things at Estella, why they would take
horses and bobsleds. And it used to drift so you couldn't even get up the road.
You had to travel in the fields. It was a lot of fun…. All different families
on the hill was in bobsleds together and covered up with blankets and used to
have a good time…. They had two (horses)… most of the time. Once in a while you
had three, but… two was about all we ever had.
Jean Higley interviewed by Shelia King
Community Life was Rich and Varied
Family Life (in Lopez)
We had about three acres of land and there were two homes on
this land, a big house and the little house. There was a creek that ran behind
the house and there was no woods around it like there is today, just tall
grass. We didn't have much of any (modern conveniences). We didn't have no
indoor bathroom, just an outhouse, but, of course, everyone did back then.
Anna Orlowski
Little Towns
When I was a kid, there was a town at Cherry Mills. They had
a big gristmill there, three stories high. There was a grocery store and the
Gross Hotel. The gristmill was owned by Joseph Sick. The store and hotel was
owned by a Charles Sick. The 'Sock had a dam across it, and the gristmill had a
great big waterwheel. The first year I went to school, the millpond went out,
and all them fields that's on the lower side of Cherry Mills...flooded with
Joseph J. Sick
First Radio
(My first TV set?) It wasn't a big thing, I guess ....The
first radio was the most interesting—the most exciting of anything. I remember
when they talked radio and I wanted to hear one awful bad, and I remember I
went up to Julius or Helen Luches, she had bought the first one, and I heard
the ball game over it. And in the daytime it wouldn't speak very good, but at
night it was pretty decent.
Charles & Mary Litzelman interviewed by Curin Heinighaus
As far as anyplace to go for any entertainment, there just
wasn't such a thing. They had Sunday School in the school house held across the
road, and we had to go to Sunday School....We had preaching there once in
awhile; once a month or something like that, the preacher came up from
Forksville and, if your people were religious, you had to go to services. I'll
have to admit they generally weren't very entertaining to a kid like (me), but
nevertheless, Dad said you go to church and you went and that would be all
there would be to it.
Mark Burgess interviewed by Bill Hamilton and Karl Hugo
Holidays and Parties
Well, on Halloween, whatever the other kids did, I guess (I
did)... Go around monkeying, soaping windows and stuff like that, nothing that
was too mean, just little tricks. I went to a few dances in Dushore and in
Colley. (Sometimes) at them dances, just a lot of fights going on. At a
Halloween dance at Colley... I danced with (these two girls) every set all
evening, and I didn't know 'till the next day that they were two men.... I
worked in the store then a little bit for John Diltz, and he was kidding me
about it the next day. He asked if I had a good time; I said, "Oh yeah, I
had a dandy time and had every dance." I said, "I'd seen your wife
there (and) Mrs. McCracken, but I didn't see you or Professor McCracken."
He just laughed, he said the one(s) that I was dancing with were him and
Professor McCracken dressed up as girls. Oh, they got a great kick out of
Leo O'Neill interviewed by Carrie Gilbert
We hunted small game. Rabbits was so thick you could only hunt
a little while and you'd have all you could carry... Back at that time we had
all kinds of grouse. They used to go up in bunches 10‑12‑14... We
(also) had a few quail around here. Another thing we had that we don't seem to
have today (was) ringnecks... We all hunted together here. Everybody would get
up early, milk your cows. About twenty of us then, we'd hunt all day, and you
could hunt all day and you never seen anybody you didn't know by his first
name. It ain't like going in the woods today where you don't know anybody.
I went for bear one time. It started raining and freezing.
We were in between the Nordmont and Thornedale, and it got so foggy we couldn't
see. It was nice and warm when we left, then it got so cold our guns froze up.
Our compasses wouldn't work. I said if I got out of the woods I'd never bother
a bear again, and I never did.
Joseph J. Sick
Of course we knowed about the Klu Klux Klan (in Lackawanna
County)... It's like a lodge, you know, that has all kinds of things.... I use
to have two uncles that was KKK. One time we went to a meeting. It was kind of
a picnic they had, and they could take their families, so we went with my
uncle, mother and us girls. They had their meeting, of course; we didn't hear.
We played out. And, ah, gee. after while there was a great big fire, a great
big cross they burnt. Oh it was a big one.
They didn't want to hurt anybody and they was out to see
that they was gonna take care of their families. This one man, well, he had a
family and... he just didn't provide for them. He'd drink his money up and they
took many a basket and put on their doorstep. They went to him and they told
him that he had to straighten up and take care of his family....They told him
what was gonna happen if he didn't. By golly, one night they got after him and
that was the last time he ever drank. They scared him so bad... because they
was gonna tar and feather him.
Fredess Miller
The Depression
We didn't know what the (Depression) was like here because
we didn't feel it that bad. We had cousins come here to stay that was from
Wilkes‑Barre and some from New York City. They told about standin' in
line half a day just to get a bowl of soup. I guess it was pretty rough in some
of those places. Yeah, around here everybody had their own feed (food?). Things
were a little hard, but not like the city people had it. (My relatives)
generally came in the summer time; stay for a month or so, and generally help
with the haying. Any place they could go where they could get something to eat.
They was willing to work for whatever they could get to eat.
Joseph J. Sick
When (my daddy) was idle them fourteen months, he was out
looking for work. He done a little of this and a little of that.... That was
during the time that the Depression was. But it was election year. Well, they
come to daddy and...they told him if he changed his politics he would have a
job; they would give him a job. And daddy said, "Never, never will I
change my politics, never!" So they asked mother if she would change hers.
If she would change...they'd give him a job building a new high school. So
mother went and changed her politics. So daddy got a job when they was building
the new high school.
Fredress Miller
Making a Living in Sullivan County
I was a woodsman! ... In the beginning there was nothing
taken out but hemlock. The hemlock was hauled to the creek with sleds and
horses. The bark was hauled here to Hillsgrove (for the tannery). A lot of
trees was just cut down for the bark, and the lumber or timber was left there.
Then when creeks got high in the spring and after the ice went out, the logs
were rolled in and floated down to Montoursville. There they were sawed up
into lumber... And Williamsport was known as "The Lumber City in the
Don Barbour
Cutting and Peeling Trees
...A man would cut a tree down in the woods then, and the
only thing he had to use was an ax. They didn't have crosscut saws in those
days. So that was brutally hard work—step up to a tree and chop it down and
turn around and fit it. (What) I mean by that, if they were peeling it, one man
would go along the tree about every three or four feet—four feet, I guess it
was. He'd make a ring around it with his ax. The next man was called a fitter.
And he would come along with a spud and pry that piece of bark off. And so they
would peel the tree. They wouldn't peel it all the way to the top where the
limbs got too numerous; they'd just stop there and go to the next tree.... My
father was more of a lumberman than he was a farmer, and so he bought this farm
that had a good stand of timber on it. And he put up a sawmill. Besides farming
each bothers would peel bark, and then in the winter they'd cut the
logs up and we'd put them in the sawmill and saw them up and sell the lumber.
Mark Burgess
The Old Tannery
Well, (How they worked at the tannery?) First of all the
hides were not like the hides that you think (of). They were big, dry hides
like a board. They were shipped here from Argentina, South America, and these
cattle were slaughtered down there not (for) the meat so much but just for the
hides. They were dried some way (and)... shipped here. They were taken out of
the hide house where they were kept dry and then they were put to soak in what
we call liquor. Now, liquor is not in the terms that you think (of). It was
made of extracts, sugar, tanned bark that they ground from hemlock, and then
they were soaked for X number of days. They came out of there and they were
just flimsy, soft, and the hair was still on... they had a very bad odor. Then
they were put on a big board, and... they scraped all the hairs off of them.
Then they went back into another solution, and they were put in what they
called the rockers. There they was doused up and down. They were taken out of there
and then they were dried. Then they went to the rolling raft (?). (By) then the
hides were about thick like sole leather... They were all rolled and the
creases and everything was all taken right out 'til they were big wide pieces
of leather. They were (then) loaded on the (rail) car and shipped to these
shoe factories where the sole leathers were cut out and pieces for harnesses
were made. It took 110 days from the time the dry hide was throwed in the
liquor in the tannery 'til it came out a piece of dry leather at the end of the
The reason why (the tannery) left was... you don't see kids
much with leather soles on their shoes, and that's what they made, sole
leather. And they used it for harnesses and the leather they used on saddles.
It got to the point where... wasn't so much hemlock, and there wasn't much use
for sole leather for shoes or one thing or another.
We didn't swim at the bridge... when the tannery was here.
They were dumping extracts and stuff in there, and if a cow drank a drink of
water down here below, around the bridge or anywhere's, it would kill him
deader than a mackerel. So... when we went swimming, we had to go up Mill Creek
or... Mag's Rock.
Don Barbour
I worked at O'Boyle and Foy's mine. That was located between
Mildred and Lopez. I made about nine and a half cents per hour. It didn't work
very steady. It was low work; low vein coal and miserable work. The veins of
coal, lots of it, was only about, oh, from twenty inches to two feet high. We
had to crawl back there sometimes a couple of hundred feet to lay on your side
to shovel the coal. Lots of times clothes were wet and in winter it would
freeze quickly and we were tired. In the winter time, when the snow was on the
ground and sunny, going in for the night‑shift in the afternoon, you were
almost blind for a while until you got accustomed to the darkness in the mines.
Albert J. Exley interviewed by Mark Beaver
...When they started the mines, it was good. Everything was
solid, but after, when they came to the end of the coal, they started taking
the pillars. (The) pillars was like this wall, and that's what they call the
pillars, and they'd be about sixteen feet wide. Then you was taking that back
and you wasn't leaving nothing behind, so after you got so far the roof would
get so heavy that it would start falling down on ya... (That's how) I had my
(leg) broken....It was in the stick place like that, high coal. It was about
eight feet high and we was taking the pillars back and the place was working.
See, working like the rock was breaking everything off way up to the top of the
ground. So I happened to just go down to the shovel and get a load of...
coal....I stand and a piece of coal fell off of that rim up the edge. It come
down, I couldn't, I didn't have a chance to drop it or get out of the way. It
just come so damn fast and broke my leg.
Steve and Sophie Hoodak interviewed by Debbie Wilcox and Sandy Weisbrod
Silo Filling
Well, we used to fill our silos like they don't do today. We
cut the corn by hand, then loaded it on the wagons and hauled it in with the
horses. Then we stuffed it in an old blower that chopped it up. Then blew it
into the silo. We had a bunch, 15‑16 (men), all the neighbors would get
together. We'd fill one silo at a neighbor's, then we'd move to another
neighbor and fill his. We'd fill a good silo in a day–day and a half. Four‑five
teams of horses hauling, 4‑5 men load the corn, two at the silo pullin'
it off, one stuffin' it in. Then they had two in the silo spreading it around,
tramping it down. The (silos) were about 10‑12 feet wide and about
highest one around would have been about 30‑35 feet.
Joseph J. Sick
Rock Picking
(Rock picking was the hardest job.) It was (done) during the
hot weather and you had to take the stones off the top of the plowed ground and
then hauled them over to the stone pile and you had to unload them by hand too.
I helped my granddad and we had oxens and the stone boat....It just had runners
on it and planks across it. They took a lot of stones and made flatstone fences
out of them.
Harland Fetherbay
Making a Telford Road
In 1912, they put this road through here... from the top of
the hill (at Colley) up to Saxe's... there by the pond. (It was two miles and
one‑tenth.) I worked on it from the top of the hill out here 'till it was
finished....This road is what you call a telford—you won't hear it, no one will
know what you mean by it. It's, ah, they graded it, I believe sixteen feet...
wide. And it was really hard and graded... just like the ground was. But they
flattened it out a little. This country all around here... practically every
farm had stonewalls for fences, probably four feet wide and four foot high,
stones instead of putting posts and wires up. (All) those stones went into this
damn highway. And they hauled them along here and dumped them along the side.
Then you'd set the stones up edgeways and tight enough so that.. ten‑ton
roller could get up on it and flatten them out. They had to stand straight when
he rolled that with the big roller. The two of us had fifty feet or more to
lay. We got fifteen cents an hour, dollar and half a day. Stanley Erle (my
wife's brother) and I, we damned near doubled that sometimes.... That was big
money at that time! And it was rather hard work down on your knees . . . all
the time in the dirt. But then they... rolled that. They had the stone crusher
up here just above the Grange Hall on the other side of the road. That ground
up the rocks... the bunches that they put on. Then they rolled them hard. And
they put some pine on top of that. They rolled that and kept it wet. And that
highway's been here ever since. (The dictionary tells us that
"telford" is a road pavement built by laying pieces of broken stone,
seven or eight inches in diameter, upon the road foundation, packing them with
smaller pieces, covering with gravel and rolling hard and smooth.)
Clarence Dieffenbach interviewed by Mary Knappman
Ice Harvest in the 1920s
The presence of what appears to be a mechanized or
tractor driven ice sled points to a
later date than the methods described below for the Kaier beer enterprise or the
Harrington creamery supplies.
Photo contributed by Frank Snyder
The Creamery and the Icehouse
(The) creamery owned the icehouse (in Dushore)....They (got)
their ice off Dushore pond (made by the dairy). They'd have a bunch of men...
first start cuttin' the ice. They'd pull a cutting machine with a horse. Used
to groove the ice then break it loose with spuds, pull it down the channel,
(and) run it up an elevator. They'd haul it with horses down to the creamery,
then they elevated it into the icehouse, cover it with sawdust. **
** Editor's Note: John C. Lieberman gives us additional perspective on the "ice" business. His family intermarried
with the Kaier family, famous both for local religious leadership and for developing a thriving brewery business locally and in Mahanoy City, PA.
You can learn more about them at The Kaiers Come to Pennsylvania
in Faces and Families of Old Sulivan County, Group Ten. Any way,
John contributed a Request dated May 1898, from a Lehigh Valley Railroad agent on behalf of the Kaier family brewery business to solicit prices for carloads of
sawdust! The request mentions as potential sources the major Sullivan County lumber enterprises operated by
Jennings Brothers and Trexler and Turrell:
(The creamery) used to ship their milk all out in bottles on
railroad cars. After you got the bottles all loaded in the car, then you
crushed ice, and threw it all over them milk bottles, cover it with big, heavy
mats and it would go to New York and other places. That's how they kept their
milk from spoiling; that's what they filled the icehouse for.
Joseph J. Sick
Harrington Creamery
Dushore, PA 1915
Photo contributed by Frank Snyder
History of the Creamery
...Maurice J. Harrington was the local man here and in the
early 1900's, 1912, he established a plant down here to receive milk and cream
to make butter. Later, it developed into a larger plant. He opened plants in
Wilkes‑Barre, Newark, New Jersey, and he sold milk there. Then in 1912 he
started to make ice cream, and by 1946, when we sold to Philadelphia Dairy, we
were producing about a million and a half gallons of ice cream a year, and it
was being sold not only in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but in southern and
central New York State (as well). It was a large operation.
We operated as Harrington and Company until 1946 when our
company was sold to the Philadelphia Products Company and for ten years they
operated it as the Philadelphia Dairy Products Company. Then in '56,
Philadelphia Dairy Company sold its interest to the Foremost Dairies. So it was
Foremost Dairies then from '56 until '65 when it was deteriorated and it became
owned by other people, and later on it was closed up entirely.
About 1940, they put the eight hour day in. Prior to that,
you could work as long as you wanted to, but you did have to pay time and a
half over the 40 hours they worked in a week. We bought milk from about 1500
farmers....The Federal government sort of told us what we should pay for the
way our milk was sold. In other words, if you sold all milk into fluid milk or
bottled milk, you paid a higher price than if you sold it to make butter or
cheese or some other product. So you had to take all these different milks that
you made into (different products) and (work out) an average price....Before
you paid it to the farmers, you had to check with the Federal government to see
that you were following their rules....Like one farmer told me one time; I
said, "What did we pay you for milk last month?" And he said, "I
don't know, but it wasn't enough." That's the way the farmers looked at
it a little bit ....
At first each farmer drove in his own milk. Then they had a
man who would go along and he'd get hold of maybe twelve or fifteen farmers and
say I'll take your milk to the plant for so much a hundred. Generally the rate
was around $.35 to $.40 a hundred....We paid the driver and just deducted it
from the farmer's milk price when we paid him.
(It's) natural when you sell anything like food (to get
complaints). In fact one of the worst scares I've had was up in Nichols, New
York. We sold ice cream and there was a typhoid epidemic broke out in Nichols
where we had sold ice cream. It came out in the paper that some local person
had blamed the typhoid epidemic on the ice cream. We got the health department
in and they said, "No, it couldn't have been from the ice cream because
your ice cream is sold all over the area and why would these ten or twelve
people in Nichols get typhoid fever when they didn't get it anyplace
Abe Frank Snyder interviewed by Jim McCamley and Andy Bohensky
Children's Chores
Well, from the time we were small children, we helped around
the farm here. And, ah, we used to make maple syrup and before school and after
school we used to have to carry sap and build a fire and keep the sap
boiling... Right up here in the woods... we had what we called a sap house. And
we had a sap pan. And we put the sap in this pan. We could put about two
barrels of sap in at one time. And then we'd boil that down. And as it boiled
down, we'd keep puttin' more sap in. And it'd take about fifty gallons of sap
to make one gallon of maple syrup... we used to make quite a bit. At that time
maple syrup sold for a dollar a gallon and maple sugar sold for ten cents a
(To go about making maple sugar) you just boil your syrup a
little bit longer, and then it gets hard, after it cools off. You boil it
longer. And then you put it in dishes, and then after it gets cold you take it
out of the dishes and you have a cake of maple syrup.
Peter Emig interviewed by Diane Harrington
Doing Laundry
I went to school at public school in Dushore until I was
sixteen years old. Then I quit school and I worked at home with my mother. My
mother had very sore legs. She wasn't well and I helped work in the fields and
gardens and helped around the house. We had cows and I milked cows and took
care of the chores like that....My mother took in washing and she'd wash
clothes for people, so I had to carry the water....There was a watering trough
right down in front of our home, (I'd) just carry the water from there. My
mother used to have to put it on top of the stove to warm it to wash the
Clara Ricci interviewed by Tracy Walsh
Education there in the days when I started teaching school
was a rather inexpensive proposition. I taught school the first term for $45.00
a month. And you did all the janitor work, built your fires and swept the
schoolhouse and brought the drinking water in.
Mark Burgess interviewed by Bill Hamilton and Karl Hugo
Legends and Stories
The Dutchman
...Another very interesting character was a fella that lived
(nearby). A very short Dutchman and I didn't know him too well. I'd seen him a
few times, but he did a rather peculiar thing, I think. There was a graveyard
on Bear Mountain, very few people knew it on Green Mountain. And the graveyard
is very close to his dwelling. I know; this boy and I stayed all night in that
house one long night after these people were gone. These people that bought the
place, we were a little worried about that graveyard and a thunderstorm came up
in the night. Thunder and lightening flashed, our bed collapsed, might be by
the thunder, but it wasn't put up too good and we went on the floor. We were
quite excited about it.
Well, anyhow, this old gentleman got in a quarrel with his
wife. And he got badly upset by anyone who influenced her so that he went out,
took his gun, went out in the graveyard, layed down in the grave and pointed
the gun at his head and threatened to shoot himself if, uh, she didn't comply
with whatever their difficulty was. Well, they were characters, but what made
them interesting sometimes was what they said and I don't think we should go
into that.
Mark Burgess
The Devil's Grave
This legend was told to me by my great‑grandfather.
Your great-great‑great‑grandfather, Josiah Hembury, who was an
immigrant from England, worked in many sawmills in this county. At this time he
worked at a sawmill at Seamons in the middle of the (19th) century....One
morning a stranger appeared on the job and asked the foreman for a job. The
foreman put him to work....When noon came the men, as customary, would go to
camp for lunch. So they asked this man his name and he told (them) "The
Devil." And they asked him to go to lunch and he said no, he was going to
stay and have lunch with the devil. So the men went (to lunch) without him. And
when they returned from lunch, there they found a tree which had blown over on
top of the man, and he was dead. No one ever knew any different. So they dug a
grave and this is where they buried the man who claimed he was the devil. Just
a flat stone laid over the grave site in place of a marker. He was killed when
the tree top went over him... and crushed him. The flagstone is still there that
was used for the marker. (That's) at Lopez at what they call the Seamons place
on the large Loyalsock, probably 3 or 4 miles below Kachmarsky's farm... going
towards Thorndale or Ringdale. There's been people there to the grave. Now I've
never seen the grave myself...
Joseph Hembury interviewed by Ronnie Hembury
Staff members, including English and social studies teachers
at Sullivan County High School, became aware of the fact in 1978, that little
of the history of Sullivan County had been maintained since the turn of the
century. A grant proposal was written to the National Humanities Faculty. The
problem was identified. The proposal specified the need for our students to be
engaged in an empirical learning activity that would involve them in developing
oral and written language skills and, at the same time, have them participating
in a valid primary historical procedure.
Following our affiliation with the National Humanities
Faculty, we received gifts of money from local community organizations; also,
the Sullivan County Board of School Directors granted us eight hundred dollars
to purchase cassette tape recorders and tapers. An oral history unit of study
was approved for ninth grade English classes. With these grants we were able
to integrate the oral history concept as a nine‑week unit within the
traditional English curriculum for ninth grade students.
During the summer of 1980, a Core Team from Sullivan County
High School attended a two‑week Summer Institute and was able to do
individual and joint research on the project with professional assistance.
Our NHF grant provided expert consultants in the areas of
oral history and folklore to assist in planning for the project. These experts
were from Foxfire Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Minnesota Folklife
Center, Villanova University, and Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
During 1980‑81, the classroom teacher was given an
additional planning period, specified by NHF. Classroom activities were
developed by the teacher and students and included the following procedures:
1. Introduction to oral history—a people‑centered
history—and objectives for the oral interviewing project in ninth grade
2. Students and teacher discussed the qualifications used as
guidelines for selection of interviewees.
3. Identification of older people, relatives or neighbors,
as sources for oral history. Students discussed selection with parents.
4. Students and teacher developed questionnaire outline and
prepared for initial contact and first interview.
5. Students contacted older relative or neighbor chosen by
students to interview, informing potential informants about the project and the
value of personal recollection in compiling the history of Sullivan County.
Students explained the use of the tape recorder, guidelines for the interview,
and the necessity for a written legal release form.
6. Students practices oral interviewing techniques in the
classroom by interviewing class members and older visitors in the classroom.
Students helped transcribe (write verbatim) tapes of oral interviews to
reinforce skills in oral interviewing.
7. Students interviewed informants using interview outline
as a guide for questions.
8. Students indexed content of tapes and transcribed taped
9. Students conducted follow‑up interviews, if time
permitted, to clarify questions and seek additional information from informant.
10. Transcripts were proofread. Spelling errors were
corrected by students and teacher. Transcripts were checked for accuracy by
listening to the taped interviews.
11. Volunteers, adults and business students, typed
12. Transcripts were edited for clarity and for publication
of a final product, if time permitted.
The pilot project has demonstrated quite clearly that an
oral history unit is work. It is definitely a "hands on" experience,
not a passive learning activity. The taped interviews can easily be
transcribed, proofread, and corrected within a nine‑week period if the
students, motivated and directed by the teacher and parents, properly pace the
In the years to come, we intend to follow through with the
project, using ninth grade English classes as the base. We plan to interview
additional sources and maintain the project as an ongoing unit of study in the
English curriculum.
The oral history process is extremely important for
students, as they are taught to gather data just as historians would do. At the
same time they develop their English skills in treating the data. This data
also provides us with an evolving historical document, that grows each year
and becomes a textbook for our community school in the areas of history and
English, and eventually a resource of great value to all members of the
Sullivan County community. The project also allows us to participate in a
school‑community cooperative effort to preserve our history.
We hope that this publication will generate the necessary
funds to purchase cassette tapes, repair equipment, and publish a second Laurel Leaves during the 1981‑82
school year. In our first publication we have skimmed the surface of our
transcript contents. We hope to share more data with you in the future.
Interviewees—Interviewers—1980 81
1. Mrs. Grace Andrews—Karen Oliver
2. Mrs. Ruth Arey—Joel Hope, Anita Tourscher, Angie Bradley
3. Mr. Walter Arnold—Walter Fontaine
4. Mr. Don Barbour—Jennie Beeman, Betsy Boyles, Gary Bruns,
Lee Liddic
5. Mrs. Lulu Bedford—Alan Bedford
6. Mrs. Elizabeth Bigelow—Michelle Heath
7. Mrs. Ethel Bird—Marsha Woodhead
8. Mr. Clinton Boyles—David Frey
9. Mr. Ralph Brink—Rhonda Phillips
10. Mrs. Bessie Brown—Kim Smith, Michelle Bacorn
11. Mrs. Helen Burgess—Joel Hope
12. Mr. Mark Burgess—Bill Hamilton, Karl Hugo
13. Mr. Roscoe Burgess—Scott Yates
14. Mrs. Mary Calaman—Bonnie Higley
15. Mr. Robert Carpenter—Idabelle Altemose
16. Mrs. Josephine Chrzanowski—Dee Ann Chrzanowski
17. Mr. Victor Cott—Chris Franki
18. Mr. Frank Cox—Mike Ruble, John Barnes
19. Mr. Derrick Davis—Tammy McCusker
20. Mr. John Decker—Rhonda Garey
21. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dieffenbach—Mary Knappman
22. Mrs. Susan Eby—Brenda Souder
23. Mr. Peter Emig—Diane Harrington
24. Mr. Albert Exley—Mark Beaver
25. Mr. Harland Fetherbay—Tim McDonald
26. Mr. Leon Fetherbay—Tim McDonald
27. Mr. Clair Fiester—Danny Brink
28. Mr. Rip Hanley—Dave Smith
29. Mrs. Florence Hatch—Roger Hatch
30. Mr. Arlan Higley—John Hutchinson
31. Mrs. Jean Higley—Sheila King
32. Mr. Albert Hoag—Jimmy Nolan, Earl Altemose
33. Mr. Steven Hoodak—Debbie Wilcox, Sandy Weisbrod
34. Mr. Melvin Hutchinson—Mike Higley
35. Mrs. Valma Kadak—Sarah Brown, Jamie Chase
36. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kanally—Mike McCarty
37. Mr. Harry Kilmer—Laura Yanney, Donna Kilmer, Stacey
38. Mr. Arthur Kinsley—Derrick Davis, Steve Selleck, Mike
39. Mrs. Vernie Kinsley—Tammy Richlin
40. Mr. George Little—Bryan Hurst
41. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Litzelman—Curin Hemighaus
42. Miss Beatrice Mason—Bob Montgomery
43. Mr. Rush McCarty—Michelle McCarty
44. Mr. Francis Mclntire—Rusty Mclntire
45. Mrs. Fredress Miller—Jim McHenry
46. Mr. Carl Molyneux—Brian McCarty
47. Mr. Frank Molyneux—Susan Woodhead
48. Mrs. Susan Morgan—Robin Heess
49. Mr. Frank Mosier—Misty Bacorn, Tammy Parrish
50. Mrs. Jessie Nesbitt—Tracy Perrin
51. Mr. Herbert Norton—Mike Richmond
52. Mrs. Clara O'Neill—Michelle Jordan, Eileen McDonald
53. Mr. Lee O'Neill—Carrie Gilbert
54. Mrs. Anna Orlowski—Cindy Orlowski
55. Mr. Fred Phillips—Diane VanBuskirk, Marcia Faus, Joe
56. Mr. Leo Phillips—Diane VanBuskirk. Marcia Faus
57. Mr. John Potuck—Ann Potuck
58. Mr. Charles Raub—Roger Hatch
59. Mr. Edward Rexer—Ronnie Rexer
60. Mrs. Clara Ricci—Tracy Walsh
61. Miss Mary Rouse—David Klem
62. Mrs. Ellen Ryan—Bill Ryan
63. Mrs. Ethel Sandusky—Jan Sandusky
64. Mrs. Geraldine Scanlin—Chris Yonkin
65. Mrs. Florence Schweitzer—Blaine Peterman
66. Mrs. Martha Shultz—Lenny Shultz
67. Mr. Joseph Sick—Pat Sick
68. Mr.Chet Siegel—Donna Johnson
69. Mr. A.F. Snyder—Andy Bohensky, Jim McCamley
70. Mr. Lewis Speary—Steve Hunter
71. Mr. Harry D. Smith—Paul Gable
72. Mr. George Taylor—Tammy Rine
73. Mrs. Glen Taylor—Joel Hope, Anita Tourscher, Angie
74. Mr. Victor Totoris—Jimmy Nolan, Earl Altemose
75. Mrs. Julia Vanderpool—David Vanderpool
76. Mrs. Mary Wood—Bob McGuire
77. Mrs. Donald Worthington—Tracy McHenry, Missy Weiler
78. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Worthington—Brady Wolfe
79. Mrs. Julia Yarosh—David Vanderpool
80. Mrs. Marion Young—Rhonda Garey
81. Miss Pauline Holcombe—Tammy Miller, Mary Schoch, Valerie
Transcribed by Karen Hamilton and Barbie Metzger Grade 8
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