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Centre County Townships and Boroughs

Since 1926, when Port Matilda was formed out of Worth Township, Centre County has had 11 Boroughs and 25 Townships, and they are listed below with links to brief write-ups about them.

These boundaries generally exist only for taxing and other governance purposes, but they are important to know as they define the location where one would find residents in the census. For a list of most of the known settlements in the area now defined as Centre County, click here.

From a geographical point of view, Centre County is located precisely in the middle of Pennsylvania. The actual pin-point location is somewhere near Aaronsburg. To say that Centre County was created from Huntingdon, Lycoming, Mifflin, and Northumberland Counties does not quite describe the situation. If Mifflin County was formed from part of Cumberland and part of Northumberland in 1789 (but Northumberland was formed, 1772, from parts of Lancaster, Cumberland, Berks, Bedford, and Northampton) and the largest part of Centre was taken from Mifflin, then a person who owned land could have (over a 12-year span) lived in Cumberland County before 1789, Mifflin County until 1800, and Centre County from 1800. That's 3 counties in 12 years for the same person, on the same plot of land. No wonder we all have such a problem finding our ancestors.

For more information on each township, click on the appropriate selection

Copyright © 2006 by Robert L. Baker for the
Centre County PAGenWeb Project
All rights reserved.