The county was the publishing center of a number of German and
English newspapers. Where possible, locations of originals or
microfilm of originals are listed. Check the Pennsylvania
Newspaper Project at Pennsylvania State University for
further information.
Newspapers are organized by place of publication and then by
Kelly Crossroads
- The advance (Kelly x-roads [i.e. Kelly Crossroads], Pa) 1900
- 1902
Lewisburg is county seat from 1855 through the present.
- Lewisburg Democrat 1835 - 1836
- The Lewisburg journal and Union County advocate 1833 -
- The Lewisburg chronicle 1843 - 1847
- The Independant [sic] press 1841 - 1842
- Lewisburg chronicle, and Union County general advertiser 1847
- 1847
- The people's advocate 1838 - 1841
- Union County standard and Lewisburg journal-news 1953 -
- Union County standard 1952 - 1953
- Union County standard-journal 1953 - 1961
- The Union County journal 1961 - 1987
- The Lewisburg journal 1830 - 1833
- Lewisburg journal-news 1947 - 1953
- Lewisburg journal and the Lewisburg Saturday news 1946 -
- Lewisburg chronicle and West Branch general advertiser 1847 -
- The Union weekly whig 1851 - 1852
- The Lewisburg Argus 1862 - 1864
- The semi-weekly Argus 1861 - 1862
- Lewisburg standard 1837 - 1839
- Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle 1859 - 1864
- Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer 1850 - 1850
- The Union Argus 1855 - 1860
- Lewisburg chronicle, and the West Branch farmer 1849 -
- Lewisburg journal 1865 - 1946
- Lewisburg democrat 1850 - 1854
- Lewisburg chronicle 1865 - 1912
- Lewisburgh Saturday news 1883 - 1946
- The Lewisburgh local news 1882 - 1883
- Lewisburg chronicle 1850 - 1859
- The Lewisburg daily journal 1987 - Current
- Home gazette 1857 - 18??
- Bucknell world 1972 - Current
- The Lewisburg local noose 18?? - ????
Mifflinburg was the first county seat, albeit temporary, in
- The advocate of Union 1815 - 1816
- The Union County star 1851 - 1859
- The Buffalo Valley news 1909 - 1911
- The Union County press 1858 - 186?
- Mifflinburg telegraph 1862 - Current
- The times 189? - 1909
- The Mifflinburg times 1886 - 189?
- The advertiser 19?? - 19??
New Berlin
New Berlin was the county seat 1815 through 1855, and as a
center of Antimasonic political fervor, as well as center of Die
Evangelische Gemeinschaft (Evangelical Association, now part of
the United Methodist Church) in antebellum Pennsylvania, many
newspapers were published there. Among them are:
- Union Annalist, 1833-1835
- New Berlin Reporter, 1898-1917
- New Berlin Weekly Press, 1900's
- Union Telegraph, 1827-1829
- Telegraph, and Anti-Masonic Reporter, 1829-1830
- Union Anti-Masonic Telegraph, 1830-1832
- Union Telegraph and Anti-Masonic Argus, 1832
- Anti-Masonic Star, 1835-1838
- Union Star, 1838-1851
- Die Stimme von Union, Northumberland und Centre Counties
Advertiser, 1822-1823
- The American Flag, 1854-1857
- Unabhangiger Correspondent, 1824-1831
- The Evangelical Messenger, 1848-1854
- The Union Times, 1822-1831
- Der Anti-Freu-Maurer Advocat, und Freund des Freyen Volks,
- The Good Samaritan, 1846-1851
- The Family Presbyterian and Good Samaritan, 1851-1855
- The Union Times and Republican Herald, 1831-1834
- Union Hickory, 1829-1830
- Der Volksfreund und Allgemeine Neuigkeits-Bote,
- Der Volksfreund, 1851-1855
- Der Union Demokrat, 1843-1861
- Union Times, 1835-1855
- Der Christliche Botschafter, 1836-1854
West Milton
- West Milton guide 1892 - 1902
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