Jesse R. Robison

18 May 1883 -

20 Dec 1919  


Read obituary of his wife, Anna Quinby Robison


Read other family obituaries

Estella Quinby

Helen Chapman Quinby

Charles William Quinby

Charles Stewart Quinby


  Jesse Robison 

Jesse Robison Widely Known Auto Man Dies

Demise of Prominent Business Man and Church Worker Deeply Deplored

Coming as a distinct shock to his hundreds of friends throughout the city and district was the announcement this morning of the death of Jesse R. Robison, manager of the Sharon Buick Company, one of the best known of the younger business men of the community.

Mr. Robison had been ill for the past ten days, suffering from what physician's term the sleeping sickness, a form of brain fever. It was not generally known until a few days ago that his condition was critical. In spite of everything that could be done, he grew gradually worse until the end came at 2:30 this morning at his home, 150 Cedar Street.

Mr. Robison was the son of the late William Robison and Mrs. Hattie Robison of Chestnut Street. He was born in Sharon on May 18, 1883. His whole life was spent in Sharon and he numbered his friends by his acquaintances.

About 12 years ago he entered the grocery business, conduction an establishment on the west side for a number of years before removing to the East Side, where he continued until two years ago, when he sold out to William Quinby, to become manager of the Sharon Buick Company, in which he was associated as a partner with M. V. DeForest. The establishment is one of the city's largest automobile concerns and under his able management has been most successful.

Mr. Robison was one of the most active and prominent members of the First Methodist Church. For a number of years he had been superintendent of the Sunday School and a member of the Board of Trustees of the church. He was chairman of the Minute Men in the Centenary drive and was known not only locally but throughout the Erie Conference as one of the most capable and active workers among the laymen. He was energetic and capable. He brought to the work an enthusiasm that was contagious and he had the happy faculty of inspiring others in whatever he undertook.

Mr. Robison was a member of Shenango Lodge, No. 668, F. and A.M. and of the Protected Home Circle.

Surviving him are his wife and two children, Stella and Katherine; his mother, Mrs. Hattie Robison; and two brothers, Walter and Frank, both of Sharon.

The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon from the First M. E. Church and will be in charge of Rev. Dr. J. Bell Neff, the pastor, with whom he had been closely associated in all lines of church endeavor. Interment will be made in Oakwood Cemetery.


Obituary of Jesse R. Robison
Born May 18, 1883 in Sharon PA
Died December 20, 1919 in Sharon PA

A Loss To The Community

The whole community was shocked by the death of Jesse R. Robison, prominent and popular young business man. His strict integrity, his energetic activities along civic and patriotic lines, his devotion to church and the Sunday School, in which he had lead so ably as superintendent for a number of years went to make him a valued and honored citizen. He had a large following of friends and the deepest most sincere sympathy is felt by all for his beloved family. He will be greatly missed by all the entire community.

Obituary of Jesse R. Robison
Born May 18, 1883 in Sharon PA
Died December 20, 1919 in Sharon PA

Sleeping Sickness Is Cause

Was Known As Most Active Layman In Methodist Church

Sharon Loses Exemplary Life

Jesse R. Robison, aged 36 years, one of the best known and most highly respected young men of Sharon, died Saturday morning at 2:30 o'clock at his home, 150 Cedar St, following an illness of about one week with sleeping sickness. 

For several days last week Mr. Robison had been troubled with double vision and on Monday Dr. Marshall was consulted and advised a specialist. Tuesday of this week his condition became much worse and he was taken to Linesville, where he consulted Dr. Green, a specialist.

The same evening Dr. Richardson of the Mercer Sanitarium was called, and following examination diagnosed the case as sleeping sickness. The following day other physicians were consulted and they agreed with the diagnosis of Dr. Richardson.

Thursday evening an operation was performed on Mr. Robison's spine and a small quantity of serum Extracted and sent to Pittsburgh for analysis. The report on the analysis was to the effect that Mr. Robison was suffering with sleeping sickness. Another operation was performed Friday and another sample of serum was sent to Pittsburgh.

Mr. Robison was superintendent of the First Methodist Episcopal Sunday School and always had been prominently identified in the affairs of the church. He also was treasurer of the church.

He was known here as the most active layman in the M known and most highly respected young men of Sharon, died Saturday morning at 2:30 o'clock at his home, 150 Cedar St, following an illness of about one week with sleeping sickness. 

For several days last week Mr. Robison had been troubled with double vision and on Monday Dr. Marshall was consulted and advised a specialist. Tuesday of this week his condition became much worse and he was taken to Linesville, where he consulted Dr. Green, a specialist.

The same evening Dr. Richardson of the Mercer Sanitarium was called, and following examination diagnosed the case as sleeping sickness. The following day other physicians were consulted and they agreed with the diagnosis of Dr. Richardson.

Thursday evening an operation was performed on Mr. Robison's spine and a small quantity of serum Extracted and sent to Pittsburgh for analysis. The report on the analysis was to the effect that Mr. Robison was suffering with sleeping sickness. Another operation was performed Friday and another sample of serum was sent to Pittsburgh.

Mr. Robison was superintendent of the First Methodist Episcopal Sunday School and always had been prominently identified in the affairs of the church. He also was treasurer of the church.

He was known here as the most active layman in the Methodist denomination of Sharon.. He was in charge of all the work incidental to the recent centenary celebration and had been selected by the conference to take charge of all of the important work growing out of the observance of this occasion.

He was also a member of Shenango Lodge No. 668 Free and Accepted Masons.

He was for many years engaged in the grocery business in Sharon, taking up that line of work at the age of 19 years. He at first had a small store on Vine St. Later he moved to W. State St, then to E. State St.

About two years ago he sold his grocery business and became associated with M. V. DeForest in the Sharon Buick Co. In which he remained a partner until the time of his death.

Mr. Robison had often been referred to in an entirely fitting way as "the finest fellow in Sharon."

His life was exemplary in every way and marked by activity in any project that was for the betterment of his associates and for humanity in general. Throughout his life he exemplified the fact that uprightness and good fellowship can go hand in hand and this fact maintained for him a popularity that is not exceeded by any man in Sharon. Surviving the deceased are his widow, Anna Robison, Two Daughters, Estella and Catherine, his mother, Mrs. Hattie Robison and two brothers, Frank and Walter, all of Sharon.

The funeral services will be conducted from the First Methodist Episcopal Church Monday afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Oakwood Cemetery.


All three obituaries submitted by Carla Miller, great granddaughter




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