Charles S. Quinby
Charles Stewart Quinby, of Sharon, died last week in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he had gone in search of health some months ago. He was 67 years of age, a native of Marietta, Ohio, but had lived since boyhood in Mercer county, first in Clarksville and then in Sharon. For the past 30 years he had been traveling salesman for Kohn, Adler and Company of Philadelphia, dealers in silks and laces. Previously he was associated in business with
Thomas Forker in Sharon. He was a member of the Solid Comfort Fishing Club and usually spent his summers in Canada with that organization. He is survived by three children,
William and Mrs. Anna Robison, of Sharon, and
Mrs. Fred Cairey, of Youngstown, Ohio. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robison, conducted by
Rev. Dr. Charles E. Petree, and followed by interment in
Oakwood cemetery.
Mercer Dispatch - Friday, April 21, 1922
by Carla Miller