Miss Estella Quinby
Miss Estella Quinby, 18 years of age, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinby, died Monday morning at the family home on South Penn street after a three weeks illness with typhoid fever. Although it was known that she was in a critical condition it was thought that she would withstand the ravages of the disease and the news of her death came as a shock to her numerous friends and acquaintances. She was a young woman of many admirable qualities and her untimely death has aroused the deepest sympathy for the bereaved family. She was born in Sharon and spent her whole life here. She was a member of the First M.E. church and took an active interest in the Epworth League and the Sunday School. She is survived by her parents, two sisters, Mrs. Fred Cairey and Mrs. Jesse Robison,
and two brothers, Arthur and William, all of Sharon. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the family residence.
Rev. Horace McKinney officiating. Interment was made in
Oakwood cemetery.
Sharon Herald - Friday, March 27, 1908
Submitted by Carla
Miller |