Elijah M. GADD married
Elizabeth MILLER
— At the residence of hon. Thomas Duncan, in Bridgeport, on Sunday last, by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. ELIJAH M. GADD and Miss ELIZABETH MILLER, both of Uniontown. Instead of sending a cake with the above notice, Mr. GADD invited all the editors and printers in Uniontown to Mr. Derbins’, where they were served with the best of Ice Cream, Lemonade, and Cake. This new feature introduced by Mr. Gadd upon taking a rib, is worthy of imitation by all who desire the prayers and good wishes of the printers, without which they can never prosper or be happy. Mr. Gadd and his lady will accept our thanks; and may their lives be long, happy, and useful.
J. Howard GADD married
GADD-JEFFRIES— At Uniontown, Pa., June 21, 1893, by the Rev. H. F. King, Mr. J. Howard Gadd and Miss Effie M. Jeffries, both of New Salem, Pa.
She was married to Dr. J. Cooper MARTIN.
On the 9th ult., by the Rev. E. M. West, at __y, Madison county, Ill., Dr. J. COOPER MARTIN and Miss JENNIE W. GADD, both formerly of Uniontown, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 2, 1861
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Stephen GADD married
Mary Ann MOSS
GADD-MOSS— On the 4th inst. By Samuel Wilson, D. D., Mr. STEPHEN GADD and Mrs. MARY ANN MOSS, both of Luzerne township.
Albert GADDIS married
Esther JONES
GADDIS-JONES— October 26, by Rev. ____ Johnston, Mr. ALBERT GADDIS and Miss ESTHER JONES, of North Union township, Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Mary OSBURN.
On the 13th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Palmer, Mr. Benjamin Gaddis to Miss Mary Osburn, all of Menallen township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, October 6, 1842, Vol. 3, No. 26, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Lucius A. CARSON.
CARSON-GADDIS BY Rev. Thomas Patterson, January 28th 1872 Lucius A. Carson and Frances Gaddis, both of Fayette Co., Pa. (That is the date according to the paper)
Genius of Liberty, Thursday, February 5, 1874
Contributed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
Ruth Ann GADDIS married
James S. SMITH
— On Tuesday, February 28th, by Rev. J. Stoneroad, Mr. JAMES S. SMITH, and Miss RUTH ANN GADDIS, all of Fayette county.
William H. GADDIS married
— On the same day [9th of Oct. 1862], by the same[Rev. J. Adams], Mr. WM. H. GADDIS, and Miss GRACE L. PIERSEL, both of Fayette County, Pa.
James F. GAGE married
Louise GRAFINGER married
James F. GAGE
A wedding trip to the Eastern Provinces of Canada followed the marriage of Louise Grafinger, daughter of E. C. Grafinger, 111 Broadway, Brownsville, and James F. Gage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Gage, Point Marion, R. D. 1. The couple exchanged vows in the First Methodist Church of Brownsville with Rev. Guy L. Burt officiating. Mrs. James Bennell, Brownsville, was matron of honor. Best man was Albert Moore, Morgantown, W. Va. Ushers were Glenn Tunney, West Brownsville, and Douglas Moore, Morgantown, W. Va. A reception was held in the church social rooms. The bride is a graduate of West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, W. Va. She is employed as an elementary teacher in Penn Hills School District. The bridegroom is a graduate of West Virginia University. He served two years with the Peach Corps in Ethiopia and is employed as demonstration teacher in Falk School, University of Pittsburgh. They will reside in Pittsburgh.
George N. GALLAHER married
Jennie SMITH
GALLAHER-SMITH— January 7th, 1869, at the residence of Finley Chalfant, Esq., by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. GEORGE N. GALLAHER and Miss JENNIE SMITH, both of Redstone township, Fayette county, Pa.
Sarah GALLAHER married
ROBINSON-GALLAHER— At the Catholic Church, in Butler, Sept. 18, by Rev. Father Doyle, Mr. THADDEUS ROBINSON of Pittsburgh and Miss SARAH GALLAHER, of Butler county, Pa.
Abraham GALLATIN married
GALLATIN-SLONECKER— At the residence of the bride’s father, on Tuesday morning, Oct. 18th, by M. L. Streator, Mr. Abraham Gallatin, of San Francisco, California, Mrs. Nancy Newcomer Slonecker, of Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Miss Mary MILLER.
On the 31st inst., by John BROOKS, Esq. Mr. Abraham W. GALLENTINE, of Springfield township, and Miss Mary MILLER, daughter of Frederick H. (?) MILLER, of Saltlick township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., December 21, 1854, Volume 3, Number 33, Page 2, Column 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
He was married to Miss Rebecca MILLER.
On Sunday evening, the 13th instant, by John BROOKS, Esq, Mr James GALLENTINE and Miss Rebecca MILLER, daughter of George K. MILLER, all of Saltlick township, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 17, 1855, Volume 1, Number 18, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
James W. GALLENTINE married
GALLETINE-FLETCHER— March 19th, 1870, by D. W. C. Dumbauld, Esq., Mr. James W. Gallentine, of Saltlick township, to Miss Mary Fletcher.
Joanna D. GALLENTINE married
BROOKS-GALLENTIME— At the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. M. O. Lane, Aug. 31, Mr. John R Brooks, youngest son of Ex- Commissioner John Brooks, to Miss Joanna D. Gallentine, daughter of the Rev. John Gallentine, all of Springfield township, Fayette County, Pa.
Joseph W. GALLENTINE married
Margaret MILLER
GALLENTINE-MILLER— August 20, 1865, by Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Mr. JOSEPH W. GALLENTINE of Springfield township, and Miss MARGARET MILLER of Saltlick township.
Lucy F. GALLENTINE married
NEWMYER-GALLENTINE— On the 22nd inst., by Eld. J. J. COVER, Mr. JOHN N. NEWMYER, and Miss LUCY F. GALLENTINE. Both of Fayette County, Pa.
Maria R. GALLENTINE married
Married on June 6, 1833.
Mary GALLENTINE married
SNYDER-GALLENTINE— On the 9th day of October, 1870, by D. W. C. Dumbauld, Esq., Mr. Joseph Snyder of Springfield tp., to Miss Mary Gallentine of Saltlick township.
She was married to Charles BROOKS.
BROOKSGALLENTINEAt the same place [office of Esquire P. McCormick] by the same, on the 20th, inst., Charles Brooks to Susan Gallentine, both of Tyrone twp.
Keystone Courier, Friday, August 22, 1879, Page 3
Contributed by Nancy Lohr <nancy_lhr at yahoo.com>
Eli GALLEY married
GALLEY-HUSTON— On New Years Eve by George W. Bowers, Esq., Mr. ELI GALLEY and Miss EMMA HUSTON, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Melinda GALLEY married
WALTERS-GALLEY— November 23, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Allen S. Walters of Nicholson and Miss Melinda Galley of German tp.
Susannah GALLEY married William B. FOGLE.
FOGLEGALLEYOn the 2nd of April, '63 by Rev. James P. Baird, Mr. Wm. B. Fogle and Miss Susannah Galley, both of German Tp., Fayette Co., Pa.
J. M. GALLOWAY married
Lydia Ann LAUB
— At the Parsonage, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, J. M. GALLOWAY, Esq. and miss LYDIA ANN LAUB, both of Preston Co., Virginia.
Libbie GALLOWAY married
PAULL-GALLOWAY— On Tuesday, the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. Mr. Stoneroad, Mr. James Paull, of Dunbar, to Miss Libbie, only daughter of R. T. Galloway, Esq., of Connellsville.
Hannah GAMBLE married
Jeremiah HARTZEL
HARTZEL-GAMBLE— On the 16th of March 1864, by Rev. I. N. Biddle, Mr. Jeremiah Hartzel, a veteran of the 85th Pa., Vol., to Miss Hannah Gamble, all of Uniontown, Pa.
John Calvin GAMBLE married
Matilda Eleanor WILSON
GAMBLE-WILSON— Uniontown, July 1st, 1868, by Rev. R. S. Smith, JOHN CALVIN GAMBLE, Esq., and Miss MATILDA ELEANOR WILSON, both of Young America, Illinois.
David GANS married
GANS-ROBINSON— October 14th, 1869, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. David Gans to Miss L. A. Robinson, both of Nicholson township, Fayette County, Pa.
J. U. GANS married
GANS-RHODES— May 18, by Rev. H. O. Roseborogh, Mr. J. U. Gans to Miss S. A. Rhodes, both of Springhill township.
John D. GANS married
Married— October 29, 1857
Maria R. GANS married
Married on May 2, 1878.
Maria GANS married
Eugenius WOOD
— On Sunday the 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Piatt, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. Eugenius Wood, of Nicholson tp., and Miss Maria Gans, daughter of George Gans of Springhill township, Fayette county, Pa.
Uriah GANS married
— On Thursday last, by ___ Mr. URIAH GANS, and Miss ZELPAH MUSTARD, all of Springhill tp.
John M. GARARD married
Lizzie M. HILLER
GARARD-HILLER— On the 2d inst., in the new Hopewell C. P. Church, at half- past eight o’clock, P. M. , by Rev. J. H. Coulter, Mr. John M. Garard and Miss Lizzie M., daughter of Mr. William Hiller, all of Fayette county.
Mary E. GARDNER married
HARADER-GARDNER— June 2d, 1878, by R. P. McClelland, Esq., at his office in Fayette county, Pa., Mr. Samuel Harader and Miss Mary E. Gardner, all of Cliffton Mills, Preston county, West Va.
Mollie GARDNER married
George W. LITMAN, Jr.
LITMAN-GARDNER— Thursday, February 17th, 1870, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Main street, Uniontown, Pa., by Rev. C. W. Smith, Mr. George W. Litman, Jr., to Miss Mollie Gardner, all of this place.
He was married to Miss N.M. LEWIS.
On the same day (20th ult.), by the Rev'd T. Woodrow, Robert S. Gardner, Esq. of Bellefontaine, Ohio, and formerly of Uniontown, to Miss N.M. Lewis of Chillicothe, Ohio.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, October 6, 1842, Vol. 3, No. 26, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Sarah Ann GARLETS married
WHETSTONE-GARLETS— By the same [Rev. H. L. Chapman], Sept. 4th, Mr. John Whetstone of Poland Ohio, to Miss Sarah Ann Garlets of Grantsville, Md.
Westley W. GARNELL married
— On Sunday evening, June 23d, by Isaac Messmore, Esq., Mr. WESTLEY W. GARNELL to Miss A. E. LENHART, both of Luzerne tp.
D. W. GARRETT married
Belle G. LYTLE
GARRETT-LYTLE— May 29, by Rev. S. W. Horner, Mr. D. W. Garrett to Miss Belle G. Lytle, all of New Haven, Pa.
He was married to Susanne POWERS.
On the 1st inst, by Rev. G. H. Pool, Mr. John Garrett of Wash, Co, Pa., to Miss Susanne Powers, of Fayette Co.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., 22 Jun 1854, Vol 3, No. 11, pg. 3, col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Maggie GARRISON married
William SMITH
SMITH-GARRISON— At the Yough House on the 10th inst., by Rev. M. Cree McBride, of Irvington, New Jersey, Mr. William Smith to Miss Maggie Garrison, both of Dunbar.
He was married to Miss Jane SUTHERS.
March 14th, in Bullskin tp., by Rev. Nicholas, Mr. JOSEPH GARVER, of Fayette county, to Miss JANE SUTHERS, of Westmoreland.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Apr. 10, 1862
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Alice GARWOOD married
RICHARDS-GARWOOD— On the 19th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, in Redstone township, by the same [Rev. J. W. Coulter], Mr. James B. Richards to Miss Alice, daughter of Abram Garwood, all of Fayette County, Pa.
George GARWOOD married
Rachel M. HANEY
— On the 1st of January 1863, by Rev. J. Adams, Mr. GEO GARWOOD and Miss RACHEL M. HANEY, both of Fayette County, Pa.
Maria GARY married
— Nov. 10th, by Rev. Joseph Pritts, FRED BERG, Esq.; to Miss MARIA GARY, both of Saltlick tp.
Lucy GASAWA married
RICHIE-GASAWA— At Connellsville, Nov. 6, by Justice Freeman, Mr. George Richie to Miss Lucy Gasawa.
Carl GASKILL married
Georgia YAUGER
Married on December 6, 1922.
Mazula GASKILL married
Henry W. BEALS
BEALS-GASKILL— At Smithfield, Dec. 22d, by the same, Mr. Henry W. Beals, of Monongalia county, W. Va., and Miss Mazula Gaskill, of Smithfield, Pa.
He was married to Miss Mary Ellen DERRY.
On the 27th Dec. by Lewis Hunter, Esq. Miss MARY ELLEN DERRY, and WM. GASKINS, both of George's Tp., Fayette County, Pa.
Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Jan. 9, 1862
Contributed by Roy Lockhart, typed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
He was married to Lizzie ROTHARMEL.
January 19th, 1871, by the Rev. W.W. Ralston, John Gaut Jr., of West Newton, Westmoreland county to Lizzie Rotharmel of Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Thursday, Feb. 2, 1871, Pg. 3, Col. 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Nelson GAY married
GAY-STEWART— September 20th, 1868, by D. W. C. Dumbauld, Esq., Mr. NELSON GAY and Miss BELLA STEWART, both of Donegal township, Westmoreland Co., Pa.
Sarah Ann GEHO married
CANADY-GEHO— On September 3rd by the Rev. I. N. Cary, Mr. ALLEN CANADY of Fayette co. and Miss SARAH ANN GEHO, of Washington co., Pa.
She was married to Norval H. HELLEN.
On the Morning of the 3d inst., by the same (Rev. Wm. Brownfield), Mr. Norval H. Hellen, of Uniontown, and Miss Malinda George, of Westmoreland county.
Genius of Liberty, Date not given, Apparently 1853 (prob. June)
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John GERARD married
Ruth Ann RUBLE
GERARD—RUBLE— At Smithfield, Pa., Nov. 23d, 1865, by Rev. J. M. Purinton, Mr. John Gerard, of Birmingham, and Miss Ruth Ann Ruble, of Springhill township, Fayette County, Pa.
Ellen GETTEM married
Married on July 1, 1913.
Sarah GETTYS married
— On the 26th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., Mr. JACOB MINES, of Franklin, and Miss SARAH GETTYS, of German township.
A. L. GHRIST married
GHRIST-STICKEL— June 29th, 1865, at East Liberty, Pa., by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. A. L. GHRIST, and Miss M. E. STICKEL, both of Perryopolis, Fayette County, Pa.
Virginia GIBBON married
HUMBERT-GIBBON— On the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, near Charlotte, North Carolina, Lieut. James Humbert, 6th Infantry, U. S. A., to Miss Virginia Gibbon, daughter of Dr. J. H. and sister of Maj. Gen. J. Gibbon, U. S. Army.
Thomas J. GIBBONS married
Priscilla L. LILLY
GIBBONS-LILLY— Nov. 12th, by B. F. Hellen Esq., Mr. THOS. J. GIBBONS, of Cannonsburg, Washington co., to Miss PRISCILLA L. LILLY, of Uniontown.
Caroline GIBSON married
William H. DAVIS
— On the 30th ult. By the Rev. Mr. Freeman, Mr. Wm. H. Davis, M. D., of Hillsborough, Ohio, to Miss Caroline Gibson, of Connellsville. Brownsville Free Press
Carrie GIBSON married
Daniel HAIR
HAIR-GIBSON— March 26th, 1863, by Rev. H. G. Anderson, Mr. DANIEL HAIR of Port Liberty, Pa., and Miss CARRIE GIBSON, of Connellsville, Pa.
Daniel GIBSON married
GIBSON-PETERS— In Keokuk, Iowa, Aug. 18th 1864, by Rev. D. D. Gibson, formerly of Fayette Co., Pa., Mr. Daniel Gibson, a veteran soldier from Franklin township, Fayette Co., Pa., and Miss A. K. Peters of Keokuk.
She was married to Isaac BEESON.
Thursday, November 12, in Allegheny, Pa., by Rev. E. P. Swift, D. D., Mr. Isaac BEESON, of Mt. Braddock, Pa., and Mrs. Eliza L. Gibson, of Allegheny.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 3, 1863, Volume 3, Number 43, Page 3, Column 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
George GIBSON married
GIBSON-NELSON— July 30th, by Rev. I. Wynn, Mr. George Gibson to Miss Mary Nelson, all of Georges tp., Fayette County, Pa.
J. S. GIBSON married
— On the 30th of Sept. by Rev. J. Adams, Rev. J. S. GIBSON, of Millsboro, Washington County, Pa., and Miss ANNA BELL STEWART, of Clarksville, Greene Co., Pa.
James G. GIBSON married
Rebecca J. HANEY
GIBSON-HANEY— June 25th, 1868, by Rev. J. T. A. Henderson, Mr. JAMES G. GIBSON and Miss REBECCA J. HANEY, all of Luzerne township, Fayette Co., Pa.
Jane GIDLEY married
Daniel HEWIT
HYMNIAL— Daniel Hewit and Jane Gidley of Monongalia County, West Va., came to town Wednesday of last week, put in an appearance before Justice Lewis, and requested that official to tie them in a double beau knot. They were told to make ready, join hands &c., when the Squire commenced. Every thing went smooth until that fateful question, “do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, &c, was propounded the young gentleman. The thing was new to him, and he was not sure that he meant to go so far as that, but his Great Grand- mother who had accompanied the twain to see it done right, was bound to have them hitched, so she yelled out at the top of her voice, “Say yes!” “say yes!” When it came the young ladys turn to answer, she was equally undecided, and the old lady had to come to her assistance also. The Squire finally got them spliced, and the groom, not having a surplus of the filthy lucre, began to negotiate for credit, with the Squire, when the old lady again coming to his assistance, agreed to pay for the ceremony in baskets, just as soon as she could make them. The financial part settled, the loving pair started out to see the sights. They took the middle of Main street and proceeded to the East end of town, arm in arm with their faithful “dorg” following close at their heels. Stopping at the corner of Broadway and Main, Dan slipped his arm around Janey’s neck, drew down her head and planted a smacking “buss” on her cherry lips, to the infinite amusement of the boys who were gathered on the corner. But Dan was oblivious to all this. He looked triumphantly around at the boys, and then another buss from Janey’s pouting lips, exclaiming, “we don’t care s dod-darn, do we sweety.” That night some wicked cuss stole the “dorg,” and the next morning Dan and “sweety” were on the street in by no means so amiable a mood. The dog was found however, and the last we saw of the happy pair, they were wending their way up Morgantown street, happy as too cooing doves. “Such is life.”
Delila GILER married
— On the 12st inst., by Rev. A. G. Osborn, Mr. GEORGE VERNON and Miss DELILA GILER, all of this county.
M. GILES married
MERRILL-GILES— On Monday the 20th inst., by George Ashman, Esq. Mr. George Merrill to Miss M. ___ [Illegible] Giles, all of New Haven, Pa.
William GILES married
GILES—DARBY— August 12, by John Freman, Esq., Mr. William Giles of New Haven, Fayette county, Pa., and Mrs. Ellen Darby, of Connellsville, Pa.
William GILES married
— On the 11th inst., by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. WILLIAM GILES and Miss KATE SICKLES, all of Fayette county, Pa.
She was married to W.C. WHETSEL.
WHETSELGILLELAND--On the 24th ult., by Rev. T.P. Patterson, at the residence of Mr. Sidney Patterson, Mr. W.C. Whetsel to Miss M. E. Gilleland.
American Standard, Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa., April 2, 1874, Vol 48, No. 1, Pg 3, Col. 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
William W. GILLELAND married
Sallie E. HILL
GILLELAND-HILL— October 17th, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. William W. Gilleland to Miss Sallie E., daughter of Mr. Benjamin Hill, Esq., all of Menallen, Fayette County, Pa.
Clark GILLEN married
GILLEN-PATTERSON— On June 13th at the Soldiers Orphans’ School by Rev. A. H. Waters, Mr. Clark Gillen and Miss Elizabeth Patterson, both of Fayette county.
W. K. GILLESPIE married
GILLESPIE-ROBINSON— At noon, Thursday, October 6th, by Rev. W. W. Ralston, at the residence of the bride’s parents, W. K. Gillespie, of Pittsburgh, Pa., to Ada V. Robinson, of Uniontown, Pa.
Anna Eliza GILMORE married
At the Parsonage, Nov. 10th by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. LEVI ANTRAM to Miss ANNA ELIZA GILMORE, both of German tp.
E. Taylor GILMORE married
Phebe Ann OWINGS
GILMORE-OWINGS— October 20th, 1869, at the residence of the officiating minister, J. P. Baird, Mr. E. Taylor Gilmore, to Miss Phebe Ann, daughter of Mr. E. B. Owing, of Merrittstown, Fayette County, Pa.
Eleanor A. GILMORE married
MEAD-GILMORE— July 25, Mr. A. G. Mead, of Winona, Minnesota, and Miss Eleanor A., daughter of Hon. S. A. Gilmore, Uniontown, Pa.
John GILMORE married
Fannie L. STONE
GILMORE-STONE— On the 29th, by the same [ Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D. Dr.] Mr. John Gilmore to Miss Fannie L. Stone both of this County.
John GILMORE married
GILMORE-WABLE— December 13, by T. Thorpe, Esq., John Gilmore to Miss Mary Wable, both of Wharton township.
She was married to C.B. SCOTT.
SCOTT--GILMORE-Connellsville, June 14, by Rev. A. Hutton, Mr. C.B. Scott, of New Salem, and Miss Kate Gilmore of the former place.
The Genius of Liberty, June 24, 1869
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Priscilla GILMORE married
BROWNELLER-GILMORE— April 21st, by Rev. J. C. High, in Birmingham, Pa., William Browneller and Miss Priscilla Gilmore, both of Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Emily S. CONWELL.
GILMORECONWELL.-Nov. 13th, 1868, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Samuel Wilson, Mr. Winfield S. Gilmore, and Miss Emily S., daughter of Mr. Jehu Conwell, both of Luzerne township, Fayette co. Penna.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 19, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
George GLENDENING married
— On the 11th inst., in Uniontown, by Rev. B. P. Ferguson, Mr. GEORGE GLENDENING and Miss ANN SEATON, both of Connellsville, Fayette county, Pa.
Samuel GLISSON married
GLISSON-WRIGHT— July 12th ’63, by S. D. Elliot, Esq., Mr. Samuel Glisson, of Henry Clay Tp., Fayette Co., and Almira Write, of Preston Co., Va.
Ami GLOVER married
— In Preston Co., Va., on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. Ami Glover and Miss Sarah Frankhouser.
Bateman GOE married
Eliza J. WHITE
— On the first inst., by the Rev. P. F. Jones, Mr. BATEMAN GOE, and Miss ELIZA J. WHITE, all of Connellsville. Accompanying the above notice was a delicious pound cake, for which the young couple have our thanks and our well-wishes for their future happiness; and if they only GO(e) through the world as sweetly as it went through the mouths of all hands in office, they will certainly have a good time of it. We hope, however, that they may never , like the cake, fall into the hands of the “devil.”
William GOE married
Charlotte SMOTHERS
GOE-SMOTHERS— Feb. 16th, by Wm. P. Clifton, Esq., Mr. Wm. Goe to Miss Charlotte Smothers, all of Redstone tp.
James E. GOFF married
GOFF-VARNDEL— August 30th, 1863, by B. F. Hellen, Esq., Mr. James E. Goff, of Washington county, Pa., and Miss Ellen Varndel, of Monroe, Fayette county. Pa.
Phebe GOFF married
William LAPP
LAPP-GOFF— August 13th, at Brownsville, by Rev. ___ Scott, William Lapp of California, Washington co., Pa., to Miss Phebe Goff of Upper Middletown, Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Rebecca HAGAN.
GOLDEN-HAGAN. Married, at the home of the bride on East Main street, Wednesday night, April 4, 1906, James Golden and Mrs. Rebecca Hagan, both of Uniontown. The ceremony was performed by Justice John N. Dawson in the presence of a number of assembled guests including Mr. and Mrs. Asa Rogers, Hurton Doyle, Ewing Hare, Constable Charles M. Fee and several others. The couple will reside in Uniontown.
The Morning News, Uniontown, Pa., Apr. 6, 1906
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Mary M. GOLDEN married
William S. FIELD
FIELD-GOLDEN— At the residence of the bride’s father, May 23d, 1869, by Rev. C. E. Barto, Mr. WILLIAM S. FIELD, and Miss MARY M. GOLDEN, all of Uniontown, Pa.
Harriet M. GOLDRICK married
SCOTT-GOLDRICK— October 25, by Revs. Donelson and Hunter, Rev. C. W. SCOTT, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Bridgeport, Pa., and Miss HARRIET M. GOLDRICK of Minerva, Stark county, Ohio.
Margaret GOLDSBURY married
ROGERS-GOLDSBURY— Dec. 6th, 1865, by Thomas A. Haldeman, Esq., Mr. JOHN ROGERS and Miss MARGARET GOLDSBURY, all of Fairchance, Pa.
Louise GOLDSMITH married
LEONARD-GOLDSMITH— On the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Dr. Starer, Mr. J. D. Leonard of Bedford, Pa., to Miss Louise Goldsmith, of Mount Pleasant, Pa.
James GONLIN married
Marriage Licenses—
James Gonlon—Lemont
Annie Cross—Girard, O.
Benjamin T. GOODWIN married
Mary Emily BRITT
Married— November 3, 1856
D. S. GOODWIN married
GOODWIN-PHILLIPS— On the 4th inst., by Rev. H. R. Mathiot, M. D., Mr. D. S. Goodwin to Miss Mary Phillips, all of Smithfield, Pa.
He was married to Miss Nancy HIBBS.
At the Parsonage on the 17th inst., by the Rev. J.K. Melhorn, Mr. J. R. GOODWIN
and Miss NANCY HIBBS, both of Georges township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 25, 1862
Contributed by Roy Lockhart, typed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
Jennie GOODWIN married
Albert LINGO
LINGO-GOODWIN— At Cumberland, Md., October 22d, by Rev. W. G. Hillman, Mr. ALBERT LINGO of this city, and Miss JENNIE GOODWIN, of Barton, Md.
Dora E. D. GORDON married
Samuel W. ISLER
ISLER—GORDON— In Louisville, Sept. 30, by Rev. J. Clement, Mr. Samuel W. Isler of Brownsville, Fayette county, Pa., and Miss Dora E. D. Gordon of Jeffersonville, Ind. Attendants—Mr. Thomas B. Whaley and Miss Mollie Johnson.
James GORLEY married
Elizabeth B. MILLER
GORLEY-MILLER— At the parsonage, June 9th, by Rev. Charles Smith, JAMES GORLEY and ELIZABETH B. MILLER, all of Uniontown.
Lyda GOSLIN married
John C. LYNN
Married on November 24, 1886.
He was married to Jane MILSON.
MarriedOn Sunday last by Silas Bailey Esq. Mr. Richard Goslin, to Miss Jane Milson, both of this place.
The Genius of Liberty, and Fayette Advertiser, Union, Sat., Feb 17, 1816, No. 41 of vol. XI, Pg. 3, col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Earhart GRABLE married
Nancy HAIR
— On Tuesday the 10th inst. by the Rev’d Wm. Wood, Mr. Earhart Grable, to Miss Nancy, daughter of Mr. Ebenezer Hair, both of Redstone Township.
George S. GRAFF married
Mary E. KNOX
GRAFF-KNOX— Married on Tuesday April 27th, by Rev. J. D. Deans, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. George S. Graft of Omaha, Nebraska, and Miss Mary E. Knox, of Brownsville, Pa.
He was married to Lou DAVIDSON.
GRABLE-DAVIDSON,On the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, in Redstone tp., by Rev. J. H. Coulter Mr. Jas. F. Grable and Miss Lou Davidson, all of this county.
The Genius of Liberty, Jan. 12, 1871
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Samuel S. GRAHAM married
GRAHAM-JACOBS— On Thursday, December 1st, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. H. H. Loring, Mr. Samuel S. Graham to Miss Elsie R. Jacobs, both of Brownsville, Pa.
Sarah GRAHAM married
Charles P. ACKLRIE
ACKLRIE-GRAHAM— January 14th,1869, by the same, Mr. CHARLES P. ACKLRIE and Miss SARAH GRAHAM, all of Brownsville, Pa.
William W. GRAHAM married
Married on February 15, 1894.
Margery GRANT married
— On Friday the 13th inst., by _____, Mr. THOMAS SEMANS of George township, to Miss MARGERY, daughter of Mr. John Grant, of Union township.
Sarah GRANT married
Benjamin F. COURTNEY
COURTNEY-GRANT— At the residence of Peter Kromer, October 29th, 1864, by Rev. H. L. Chapman, Mr. Benjamin F. Courtney and Miss Sarah Grant, all of Uniontown, Pa.
Belle S. GRAY married
DIFFENDERFER-GRAY— July 8th, 1868, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. A. D. Hall, Mr. HENRY DIFFENDERFER, and Miss BELLE S. GRAY, both of this place.
James GRAY married
GRAY-STARLING— On December 18, 1867, by Benjamin Pritchard, Esq., Mr. JAMES GRAY and Miss MARIA STARLING, both of Dunbar township.
John W. GRAY married
Magaret SHAFER
GRAY-SHAFER— May 4, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. John W. Gray to Miss Mag., Shafer, all of Dunbar, Pa.
She was married to William MURRAY.
MARRIED.On Christmas, by the Rev. J. R. Tygard MR. WILLIAM MURRAY, and Miss MARGARET GRAY, all of Connellsville, Pa., Jan. 21, 1857.
Western Methodist Protestant. Jan 21, 1857, Whole Number 67, Vol. II, No. 15, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Sarah E. GRAY married
SESLER-GRAY— October 25, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. Albert Sesler and Miss Sarah E. Gray, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Elizabeth GREEN married
Ethelbert O. HICKEL
— On Thursday, 3d inst., by Rev. Wm. A. Fleming, Mr. ETHELBERT O. HICKEL and Miss ELIZABETH GREEN, all of Springhill Furnace.
She was married to Andrew LYNN.
In Masontown, on the evening of the 7th inst., by the Rev. J.K. Mellhorn, Mr. Andrew Lynn, and Miss Nancy Green, both of Cookstown, Fayette co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Sep 22, 1853
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
William GREEN married
Margaret Catharine BRAWLY
— By Silas Baily, esq. of Union, at the house of the Rev. James Dunlap, on the 5th inst. William Green esqr. Of Ames township, Athens County, Ohio, to the amiable Miss Margaret Catharine Brawly of New Geneva, Fayette County, Pa.
He was married to Emily COOPER.
On Tuesday evening, the 13th inst. by the Rev. John White, Mr. John Green (or Greenland), of this borough, to Miss Emily Cooper, of Waynesburgh, Greene county.
The Genius of Liberty, Union-Town, Sept. 26, 1831, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Emma GREENLEE married
Married on February 26, 1884.
Lizzie A. GREENLEE married
Henry C. HUHN
HUHN-GREENLEE— At the Parsonage, November 13th, 1869, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Henry C. Huhn to Miss Lizzie A. Greenlee.
Lotty GREENWELL married
James HANN
HANN—GREENWELL— On the 9th inst., at the residence of Col. Miles Hann, by Joseph Williams, Esq., Mr. James Hann, of Stewart township, Fayette county, Pa., to Miss Lotty Greenwell, of Washington, D. C.
John GREENWOOD married
Married on March 11, 1924.
William H. H. GREER married
Minerva RAMAGE
— In Bridgeport, Fayette Co., Penna., on the 10th inst., at the residence of the officiating minister, by the Rev. John P. Betker, Mr. WILLIAM H. H. GREER, and Miss MINERVA RAMAGE, both of Washington co., Pa.
Anna GREGG married
WILSON-GREGG— On Tuesday, May 5th, 1868, by Rev. F. W. Evans, at the residence of Wm. Wilton, Jr., Washington, Iowa, Mr. FRANK WILSON, of Beaver, Pa., and Miss ANNA GREGG, daughter of Thomas Gregg, deceased, of Penna.
Eliza GREGG married
PATTERSON-GREGG— On the same evening [January 23d, 1868], by the same [Benj. Pritchard], Mr. THOMAS PATTERSON and Miss ELIZA GREGG, both of Connellsville Borough.
Jemima C. GREGG married
Mordecai CONAWAY
CONAWAY-GREGG— By the same [Rev. I. N. Cary], on the 28th ult., Mr. MORDECAI CONAWAY of Fayette Co., and Miss JEMIMA C. GREGG, of Washington co., Pa.
Margaret E. GREGG married
Benjamin F. MACAULEY
— On the 8th inst., by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Mr. BENJAMIN F. MACAULEY, of Wapello, Ill., and Miss MARGARET E. GREGG, of Washington Co., Pa.
P. W. GREGG married
Harriet. HIETT
— On Monday the 26th ult., by the same [Rev. J. _ A. Henderson], Mr. P. W. GREGG, of Va., & Miss HARRIET A. HIETT, of Luzerne tp., Fayette co., Pa., daughter of Johnathan Hiett, of Va.
Perosia L. GREGG married
— On the 27th ult., by Rev. I. N. Cary, Mr. JOB B. VERNON and Miss PEROSIA L. GREGG, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Thomas GREGG married
— Thomas Gregg, Son of Thomas Gregg and Martha Gregg, and Sarah Coulson, Daughter of Samuel Coulson, Deceas'd, and Tamer his wife, Both of Fiat County on the West Side of Allegany Mountain; 10th day of 11th month, 1785; at Hopewell. Witnesses who signed the Marriage Certificate: James Steer, Lewis Walker, Nathaniel White, Richard Barrett, David Ross, Henry Cowgill, David Ljupton, John Tremble, Abigail Steer, Martha Mendenhall, Patience Berry, Rebekkah Pickering, Judith Faulkner, Catharine Ross, Richard Ridgway, Jonathan Wright, Tamer Coulson, Joseph Gregg, Isaac Gregg, John Griffith, Martha Gregg, Phebe White, Nathan Littler, Ann Eyre, Margret Ridgway, Cuth. Hayhirst, John Cowgill
He was married to Miss Lizzie WARD.
Married, October 18, at the residence of David Luce, by Elder Wesley Latimer, Wm. B. Gregory and Miss Lizzie Ward of Jacobs Creek. No cake.
The Genius of Liberty
Contributed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
Jacob GRESS married
GRESS-ZIMMERMAN— June 9th, 1870, by the Rev. A J. Heller, of Mt. Pleasant, and at the residence of the same, Mr. Jacob Gress to Miss Maria Zimmerman, both of Westmoreland county, Pa.
Ann Eliza GRIBBLE married
William BROWN, Jr.
On the 8th inst., by Rev. Samuel Wilson, Mr. WILLIAM BROWN, JR., of Merrittstown, and Miss ANN ELIZA, daughter of Mr. John Gribble of Redstone tp.
Archibald GRIBBLE married
Elizabeth LILLEY
GRIBBLE-LILLEY— At the residence of Jacob M. Gallagher, Bunker Hill, Redstone township, February 8th, 1868, by Finley Chalfant, Esq., Mr. ARCHIBALD GRIBBLE, of Dunkard township, Greene county, and Mrs. ELIZABETH LILLEY, of Luzerne township, Fayette county.
James E. GRIBBLE married
GRIBBLE-MURDOCK— On the 3d of June, 1865, by Rev. J. T. A. Henderson, of Luzerne tp., Mr. JAMES E. GRIBBLE, and Miss SUSAN F. MURDOCK, both of Fayette County, Pa.
L. M. GRIBBLE married
GRIBBLE-MESSMORE— July 18, by the Rev. James Henderson, Mr. L. M. Gribble and Miss Sallie J., only daughter of Isaac Messmore, Esq., of Merrittstown, Pa.
Elvira GRIFFIN married
BOWLBY-GRIFFIN— July 16, ’63, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. G. Fairchild, D. D., Mr. Amos S. Bowlby, of Monongalia Co. West Va., and Mrs. Elvira Griffin, daughter of Daniel Collier, of Fayette County.
Merle GRIFFIN married
Married on June 19, 1907.
Rebecca GRIFFIN married
Thomas SPAW
SPAW-GRIFFIN— March 21st, 1864, near Farmington, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Thomas Spaw and Miss Rebecca Griffin, all of Fayette co., Pa.
Samuel G. GRIFFIN married
Sarah F. STUCK
GRIFFIN-STUCK— At the Parsonage, November ‘3, 1867, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, SAMUEL G. GRIFFIN and Miss SARAH F. STUCK.
Charles H. GRIFFITH married
Amanda Jane MOSER
GRIFFITH-MOSER— On December 31st, 1867, by Elder J. J. Cover, Mr. CHARLES H. GRIFFITH and Miss AMANDA JANE MOSER, both of Georges township, Fayette county, Pa.
Frances GRIFFITH married
Jeffries HAGUE
— On the same day [Thursday, the 1st inst.], by Rev. Hiram A. Hunter, Mr. JEFFRIES HAGUE & Miss FRANCES GRIFFITH, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Harry GRIFFITH married
Haddie LYNN
Married on June 15, 1888.
Kate GRIFFITH married
HURST-GRIFFITH— On June 16th, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, ISAAC HURST, Esq., Treasure of Fayette County, and Miss KATE GRIFFITH, both of Dunbar township.
A. C. GRIM married
GRIM-BROOKS— At the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. M. O. Lane, Aug. 24th, Mr. A. C. Grim to Miss Eliza R. Brooks, daughter of Ex-Commissioner John Brooks, all of Springfield township, Fayette County, Penna.
George W. GRIM married
Catharine WIGANS
GRIM-WIGANS— March 13th, by the same [J. W. C. Brooks, Esq.], Mr. GEORGE W. GRIM and Miss CATHARINE WIGAMS.
Jane A. GRIM married
DILLINGER-GRIM— On the 10th of Sept. by James N. McDonald, Esq., John W. Dillinger, to Miss Jane A. Grim, all of Tyrone tp.
Josiah W. K. GRIM married
Susanah M. HART
GRIM-HART— On the 5th of January 1868, by the same [Jno. Stillwagon Esq.], JOSIAH W. K. GRIM to Miss SUSANAH M. HART all of Dunbar township.
Samuel GRIM married
Sarah DICK
GRIM-DICK— December 12th, 1867, at the residence of the bride, by J. W. C. Brooks, Esq., Mr. Samuel Grim, of Bullskin township, and Mrs. Sarah Dick, of Springfield township.
Samuel GRIM married
Lucinda GRIM
Lucinda GRIM married
Samuel GRIM
GRIM-GRIM— January 10th, 1869, at the residence of James Myers, by Mr. John Stillwagon, Esq., Mr. SAMUEL GRIM of Tyrone township, and LUCINDA GRIM, of Saltlick township, Fayette county, Pa.
Caleb GRIMES married
GRIMES-CAMPBELL— January 14th, 1869, by Thomas A. Haldeman, Esq., Mr. CALEB GRIMES and Miss SARAH CAMPBELL.
Franklin GRIMES married
GRIMES-MINOR— January 13, by J. W. C. Brooks, Esq., at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. FRANKLIN GRIMES, and Miss MARY E. MINOR, all of Springfield township, Fayette county.
Hannah GRIMES married
POUNDSTONE-GRIMES— December 16, at the residence of Joseph Grimes, by Rev. T. Patterson, Mr. ADAM POUNDSTONE, and Miss HANNAH GRIMES, all of Fayette county.
Tacy GRIMES married
William D. JOHNSON
— On the 19th of Feb., 1863, by Rev. J. Adams, Mr. WILLIAM D. JOHNSON and Miss TACY GRIMES, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Irvin GRIMM married
Mary Elizabeth HILLING
GRIMM-HILLING— June 11, by the Rev. Isaac Wynn, Irvin Grimm to Mary Elizabeth Hilling, all of Fayette county.
Jeremiah GROFF married Adaline TAYLOR
GROFF TAYLOR February 21st, 1869, by Joseph Williams, Esq., Mr. Jeremiah Groff and Miss Adaline Taylor, all of Fayette county, Pa.
John GROOMS married
GROOMS-NORMAN— January 20th, at the residence of Mr. George McEldowney, by Thomas Williams, Esq., Mr. John Grooms to Miss Sarah A. Norman, both of German township.
She was married to George W. HESS.
On Tuesday, January 6th, 1857, by the Rev. Israel D. KING, at his residence, near Uniontown, Mr. George W. HESS to Miss Mary L. GROVE, both of German township, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., January 22, 1857, Volume 1, Number 51, Page 2, Column 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Reuben GROVE married
GROVE-HIGGINBOTHAM— Oct. 17th, at the residence of Mr. U. Higginbotham, by Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., Mr. REUBEN GROVE of German tp., to Miss HETTIE C. HIGGINBOTHAM, of Redstone tp.
Oelista Anne GROWALL married
STRYERS-GROWALL— On the 28th of September, by the Rev. J. Zimmerman, Mr. Daniel R. Steyers of Fayette county, to Miss Oelista Anne Growall, of Somerset county.
Martha A. GRUVER married
William H. KING
KING-GRUVER— On the 9th of February, 1865, at New Geneva, Pa., by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. WM. H. KING to Miss MARTHA A. GRUVER, both of German township, Fayette County, Pa.
Caleb GUILER married
GUILER-WOODS— April 15th, by Rev. C. W. Smith, Mr. Caleb Guiler and Miss Mary Wood, all of Menallen township.
Virginia GUILER married
JEFFRIES-GUILER— On the same day [January 14th, 1869], by the same [Rev. C. W. Smith], Mr. BUCHANAN JEFFRIES and Miss VIRGINIA GUILER, both of Menallen township, Fayette county, Pa.
Maria GUINN married
Abraham CULLER
CULLER-GUINN— February 11th, 1869, by Rev. A. J. Swain, Mr. ABRAHAM CULLER and Miss MARIA GUINN, both of Fayette county, Penna.
A. GUSEMAN married
GUSEMAN-STRAWSER— November 22d, by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. A. Guseman, of Carmichaels, Greene Co., Pa., to Miss Hester A. Strawser, of Preston Co., W. Va.
E. J. GUTTERY married
BURD-GUTTERY— August 14th, at the Eagle Hotel, Uniontown, by Rev. A. B. Castle, D. B. Burd, Esq., of Brownsville, to Miss E. J. Guttery, Beallsville, Washington co., Pa.