Alexander FAIRCHILD married
Ellen DeFORD
FAIRCHILD—DEFORD— December 4th, by Rev. C. W. Smith, Alexander Fairchild and Ellen DeFord, both of Dunbar township, Fayette county, Pa.
John FAIRCHILD married
— On the 19th of September, by same [Rev. I. W. Francis], Mr. JOHN FAIRCHILD, to Miss SARAH SHALLENBERGER, all of Dunbar tp.
Lizzie FAIRCHILD married
Randolph WANAKAH
WANAKAH-FAIRCHILD— October 19, by the Rev. W. H. H. Smith, Mr. Randolph Wanakah of Van Buren county, Iowa, and Miss Lizzie Fairchild of Fayette county, Pa.
Richard FALKENSTEIN married
Barbara A. COFFMAN
FALKENSTEIN-COFFMAN— August 2d, 1868, at the Lutheran Parsonage, German tp., by Rev. H. Acker, Mr. RICHARD FALKENSTEIN, of Maryland, to Miss BARBARA A. COFFMAN, of this County.
John S. FALKNER married
FALKNER-BOTKIN— December 4th, by M. N. Lewis, at his residence, John S. Falkner to Miss Nora Botkin, both of Stewart township, Fayette County, Pa.
Thomas C. FALLEN married
Margaret L. KELLY
FALLEN-KELLY— In Connellsville, Pa., Sept. 3d, 1865, by Benj. Pritchard, Esq., Mr. THOMAS C. FALLEN and Miss MARGARET L. KELLY, both of Mt. Savage, Md.
Laura A. FARELL married
Arthur I. ELLIS
ELLIS-FARWELL— December 7, 1871, by the same [Rev. A. B. Castle], Mr. Arthur I. Ellis, to Miss Laura A. Farwell, both of Uniontown, Pa.
Rose Ann FARR married
MOSER-FARR— On Thursday Aug. 25th inst. by Rev. Jas. P. Baird, Mr. Jacob Moser and Miss Rose Ann Farr, all of Georges township, Fayette Co., Penna.
Mary FARREL married
MANNING-FARREL— Nov. 18th, 1875, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Thomas H. Manning, of Greene county, Pa., and Miss Mary Farrel of Monongalia county, W. Va.
Mary FAUST married
— On the 29th October, 1861, by Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Mr. HENRY PLEKHER to Mrs. MARY FAUST, all of Saltlick township.
He was married to Rachel MANLY.
On the 24th ult., in Steubenville, Ohio, by Rev. C.A. Holmes, Mr. Thomas M. Fee, formerly of the place, to Miss Rachel Manly of Steubenville.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Sep. 8, 1853
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John FEENEY married
Married on November 11, 1911.
Malen FELL married
KISINGER—FELL— On the 22 inst., by the Rev. I. Wynn, Mr. Wm. Kisinger, and Miss Elisabeth, daughter of Malen Fell, of South Union Tp.
She was married to Harvey SUTTON.
On the 20th inst, at the parsonage by the Rev. B.P. Ferguson Mr. Harvey Sutton to Miss Susan Fell, all of South Union tp.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., February 27, 1862, Vol. 2, No. 4, Pg. 5, Col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Jesse C. FENNER married
FENNER-HOPWOOD— On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father William Hopwood, Esq., by Rev. T. M. Hudson assisted by Rev. C. W. Smith, Mr. Jesse C. Fenner, of Providence, Rhode Island, to Miss Jennie C. Hopwood, of Uniontown, Penna.
William S. FIELD married
FIELD-GOLDEN— At the residence of the bride’s father, May 23d, 1869, by Rev. C. E. Barto, Mr. WILLIAM S. FIELD, and Miss MARY M. GOLDEN, all of Uniontown, Pa.
She was married to Daniel HAIR.
In Uniontown, May 31st, by Rev. C. E. Barto, Daniel Hair, of Dunbar township, Fayette County, to Margaret A. Fields, of Georges township, Fayette County.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., June 2, 1870, Vol III, No. 21, Pg. 3, Col. 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Wm. OTT.
On the 17th inst., by the Rev. Wm. BROWNFIELD, Mr. Wm. OTT and Miss Melvina FIELDS. both of George township, Fayette county, Pa.
July 20, 1854, Volume 3, Number 15, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Andrew Lee FIKE married
Leslie Dawn FOSBRINK
Married on June 26, 2002, at the Uniontown Free Methodist Church.
Martha FIKE married
VANSICKLE-FIKE— July 6th, 1871, by Rev. S. E. Umbel, Mr. Isaac VanSickle to Miss Mary Martha Fike, both of Allegheny county, Md.
Mr. FILBERRY married
FILBERRY-SADDLE— by Justice Monroe of Springhill township, Mr. ___ Filberry, of Ohio, to Miss Jennie Saddle, of Point Marion, Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Mrs. Sallie HAYMAKER.
FINLEYHAYMAKERApril 1st (?), by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Mr. Eli H. Finley, of Menallen township, to Mrs. Sallie Haymaker, of this place.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa. Apr. 9, 1863, (dark copy)
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
He was married to Miss Mary Ann CROW.
On Thursday, January 15, 1857, by the Rev. Israel D. KING, at his residence, Mr. Evans FINLEY, of Lasalle county, Illinois, to Miss Mary Ann CROW, of German township, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., January 22, 1857, Volume 1, Number 51, Page 2, Column 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Dr. J. H. FINLEY married
FINLEY-COPE— December 13, by Rev. W. W. Ralston, Dr. J. H. Finley of Streeter, Ills., and Miss S. C. Cope of Uniontown, Pa.
He was married to Miss Lydia Margaret M'COMBS.
On the 15th inst., by Rev. Samuel Wilson, DD. at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. JAS. FINLEY, of Laselle Co., Ill., and Miss LYDIA MARGARET M'COMBS.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., January 15, 1863, Vol. 2, No. 49, Pg. 5, Col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart, typed by Nancy Lohr
She was married to Thomas J. BENNETT.
On Tuesday the 16th ult, by the Rev. Samuel Wilson , D.D., Mr. Thomas J. Bennet, of Jefferson County, Ohio, and Miss Margaret J. daughter of Eli H. Finley, of Menallen township, Fayette County, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., April 6, 1854.
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Maggie A. FINLEY married
WILSON-FINLEY— September 13, by the same [Rev. J. P. Fulton], Mr. James G. Wilson, of Streater, Ill., to Miss Maggie A. Finley, of Fayette County, Penna.
Samuel R. FINLEY married
FINLEY-BURCHINAL— Nov. 10th by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Mr. Samuel R. Finley of Redstone tp., and Miss Sallie M. Burchinal, of Springhill.
Violet FINLEY married
CHALFANT-FINLEY— At the Presbyterian church, New Salem, on the 18th inst., by Samuel Wilson, D. D., CHADDS D. CHALFANT, M. D., to Miss VIOLET, daughter of Mr. Ebenezer FINLEY, all of Menallen township, Pa.
Hawkins FIRESTONE married
Margaret HUEY
FIRESTONE—HUEY— On the 3rd inst., by Hon. P. McCormick, Mr. Hawkins Firestone to Miss Margaret Huey, all of Bullskin Tp.
He was married to Miss Catharine BOGER.
On the 15th inst., by John VANSICKLE Esq., Aron FISHER and Miss Catharine BOGER, both of Henry Clay township, Fayette County.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., August 31, 1854, Volume 3, Number 20, Page 3, Column 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Elizabeth FISHER married
Michael RICE
RICE-FISHER— April 23th, 1868, in Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa., by Thomas Williams, Esq., Mr. MICHAEL RICE, of Monongahelia County, West Va., and Miss ELIZABETH FISHER, of Farmington, Fayette County, Pa.
John W. FISHER married
FISHER-PASTORIUS— On the 2nd inst., at the residence of F. H. Oliphant, Esq., near Uniontown, Pa., by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. John W. Fisher and Miss Juliet C. Pastorius, both of George township, Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Martha Ann KESLER.
On the same day (7th Aug.), by the same (Peter Dumbauld, Esq.) Mr. Lewis Flack and Martha Ann Kesler, all of Donegal tp., Westmoreland County, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Sep. 8, 1853
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
H. B. FLEMING married
FLEMING-ALLEN— At the residence of the bride’s parents, at Sunnyside, Allegheny county, Pa., by the Rev. Hiram Miller, Dr. H. B. Fleming, of Fayette City, Pa., to Miss M. J. Allen. No cards. Inspired by the Divine injunction that marriage is honorable in all, the Dr. has at last “done gone and done it.” Very sorry to loose you, Harvey from the old batch list, but “hope our loss, &c.” We wish your union may prove a happy one. May your conduct and conviction be conformed to the meek and humble principles of that Scriptural law which says, “Suffer little children to come unto Me,” and then as you glide down the pleasant stream of life, may you cull the choicest flowers from this garden of wedded bliss.
Sarah Jane FLEMING married
Daniel C. WORK
WORK-FLEMING— On Thursday, March 9th, 1865, by the Rev. Jas. P. Baird, Mr. Daniel C. Work and Miss Sarah Jane Fleming, all of Dunbar township, Fayette County, Pa.
He was married to Kate SHEARER.
FLEMMING-SHEARER-At the residence of the bride's father, in Franklin township, by Elder Westley Larimer, of Fayette City, Mr. Rufus Flemming to Miss Kate Shearer, all of Franklin township.
Genius of Liberty, Thursday, February 5, 1874
Contributed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
Jennie FLANEGAN married
Benjamin L. YEAGLEY
YEAGLEY-FLANEGAN— December 22d, 1868, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Thomas, Dr. BENJAMIN L. YEAGLEY and Miss JENNIE FLANEGAN.
Mary FLETCHER married
GALLETINE-FLETCHER— March 19th, 1870, by D. W. C. Dumbauld, Esq., Mr. James W. Gallentine, of Saltlick township, to Miss Mary Fletcher.
Isaiah S. FLIGER married
FLIGER-BROOKS— On the 4th day of August, 1864, by Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Mr. Isaiah S. Fliger, of Saltlick township, and Miss Eliza Brooks, of Springfield township.
Sarah E. FLIGOR married
MILLER—FLIGOR— On November 22d, 1868, at the residence of the bride's mother, in Saltlick township, by D. W. C. Dumbauld, Esq., Mr. Amos H. Miller and Miss Sarah E. Fligor, all of Saltlick township, Fayette county, Pa.
William B. FOGLE married Susannah GALLEY.
FOGLEGALLEYOn the 2nd of April, '63 by Rev. James P. Baird, Mr. Wm. B. Fogle and Miss Susannah Galley, both of German Tp., Fayette Co., Pa.
Hester Ann FORD married
ENSLEY-FORD— On the 24th of Dec. ’63, by Isaac Messmore, Esq., Mr. Newton Ensley and Miss Hester Ann Ford, all of Luzerne tp., Fayette co., Pa.
Mary B. FORD married
Rev. Charles McCASLIN
McCASLIN-FORD— On the 13th inst., at the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, by Rev. R. A. Johnson, Rev. Charles McCaslin, of Pittsburgh Conference to Miss Mary B. Ford, of Redstone, Pa.
William FORDICE married
— On the 11th inst., by Rev. A. G. Osborn, Mr. WILLIAM FORDICE to Mrs. JANE RAGER, all of this county.
Joseph FORDYCE married
Sallie A. CARTER
FORDYCE-CARTER— On Tuesday, December 31st, 1867, by the same [Rev. J. P. Baird], Mr. JOSEPH FORDYCE, of Greene county, Pa., and Miss SALLIE A. CARTER, of Millsboro, Washington county, Penna.
Sarah Ann FORDYCE married
— On the 10th inst., by Rev. Wm. Brownfield, Mr. DAVID WILLIAMS and Miss SARAH ANN FORDYCE, both of South Union tp., Fayette co., Pa.
Anne FORKER married
MURPHY-FORKER— Dec. 1, by Rev. ____, Mr. Bowers Murphy to Miss Anne Forker, all of Jefferson.
Jessie FORQUER married
Married on December 15, 1898.
Joseph F. FORREY married
Hattie S. REESE
FORREY—REESE— December 16th, at the residence of Mr. Strawn, by M.L. Streator, Esq., Mr. Joseph F. Forrey, and Miss Hattie S. Reese, all of Connellsville, Fayette co., Pa.
Gabriel FORSYTH married
Julia LONG
FORSYTH-LONG— On the 1st instant, by the Rev. G. A. Flower, Mr. Gabriel Forsythe, of Maryland, to Miss Julia Long, of this place. Now, Gabriel, blow your horn.
George FORSYTH married
FORSYTH-HUTCHINSON— At the same time and place [Union Hotel, West Newton, January 9th, 1868], by the same [Rev. J. M. Springer], Mr. GEO. FORSYTH and Miss ELIZABETH HUTCHINSON, all of Fayette county.
He was married to Miss Jennie EBBERT.
On Thursday evening, Dec. 18th at the parsonage, by the Rev. A. L. Petty, Mr. SAMUEL FORTNER, of Brownsville, Pa., and Miss JENNIE EBBERT, of Uniontown, Pa.
Accompanying the above notice was a very large and excellent cake, which afforded all hands a splendid Christmas treat, for which the fair donor will please accept the most hearty thanks, as well as for reviving the ancient and honorable custom of remembering the printers on such happy occasions.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 26, 1861, Vol. 1, No. 47, Pg. 5, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart, typed by Nancy Lohr
He was married to Mrs. Elizabeth DAYTON.
On Wednesday morning the 15th inst, by the Rev. John Morgan Chauncy Forward, Esq., of Somerset Pa to Mrs. Elizabeth Dayton, of this place.
The Genius of Liberty, and Democratic Shield, Wed., Feb. 15, 1837, Pg. 2, Col. 6
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Leslie Dawn FOSBRINK married
Andrew Lee FIKE
Married on June 26, 2002, Uniontown Free Methodist Church.
Emily W. FOSTER married
Rev. James BLACK
On the 20th of April by Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., Rev. JAMES BLACK, principal of Dunlap’s Creek Presbyterian Academy and Mrs. EMILY W. FOSTER, all of Fayette county. Mr. Black was our schoolmate. We know him well, and a better fellow we never did know. Although he never deflects from the right line, and we do not supposed he ever will, he has nevertheless adopted the precaution in the event of a deviation, of placing himself under the fostering care of a wife. We wish him and his bride one of life’s happiest voyages.
George FOSTER married
— On the 26th ult., by the Rev. W. Brownfield, Mr. GEORGE FOSTER, and Miss MARTHA NORRIS, both of Dunbar township.
She was married to Holland FULLER.
Franklin Matthew Arison, Esq., joined together in marriage, on the 11th, inst., Mr. Holland Fuller and Miss Harriet Foster.
Keystone Courier, Friday, August 22, 1879, Page 2
Contributed by Nancy Lohr <nancy_lhr at>:
He was married to Eliza Jane SMITH.
On Thursday last, by the Rev'd Isaac Wynn, Mr. John F. Foster, of George township, to Miss Eliza Jane Smith, of Union township.
The Genius of Liberty, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1844, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John W. FOSTER married
FOSTER-CONWELL— September 25th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. H. Coulter, Mr. John W. Foster and Miss Mary E. daughter of Mr. John S. Conwell, all of Fayette county.
Magdoline FOSTER married
Theodore KRAMER
KRAMER-FOSTER— Nov. 6th, 1873, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. Theodore Kramer, of Dunbar township and Miss Magdoline Foster of Franklin township, Fayette county, Pa.
Margaret A. FOSTER married
Matthew ARISON
ARISON-FOSTER— At his residence in Redstone township, on the 29th of Dec., by the Rev. J. E. Cramer, MATTHEW ARISON, Esq., and Miss MARGARET A. FOSTER, both of Fayette County, Pa.
Mary H. FOSTER married
Andrew Jackson LUCKY
— On the 17th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Brownfield, Mr. ANDEW JACKSON LUCKY, and Miss MARY H. FOSTER, both of Fayette co., Pa.
Absalom FOUCH married
Elizabeth JACKSON
FOUCH-JACKSON— September 27th, 1870, by Solomon Smith, Esq., Mr. Absalom Fouch to Miss Elizabeth Jackson, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Hannah FOUCH married
Daniel MOSER
MOSER-FOUCH— March 25th, 1868, by Elder Joseph I. Cover, Mr. DANIEL MOSER and Miss HANNAH FOUCH, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Lydia A. FOUCH married
Jacob HIGH
HIGH-FOUCH— November 23, by Elder J. J. Cover, Mr. Jacob High and Miss Lydia A. Fouch, both of this county.
Mary FOUCH married
William C. MILLER
MILLER-FOUCH— On the 12th day of May, 1864, by Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Mr. William C. Miller, of Saltlick township, and Miss Mary Fouch of Springfield township.
Mary FOUCH married
Joseph KYLE
KYLE-FOUCH— On Sunday morning, September 16th, by Elder Joseph I. Cover, Mr. JOSEPH KYLE and Miss MARY FOUCH, all of Georges township, Fayette County, Pa.
He was married to Miss Rachel BUNTON (?).
On Tuesday, the 15th inst, by the Rev. A. G. WILLIAMS, Mr. George FOUST, of Saltlick tp., and Miss Rachel BUNTON (?), of this place.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 17, 1855, Volume 1, Number 18, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Sarah Ann FOUST married
REES-FOUST— On the 9th of October ’62, by the same [Joseph H. Miller, Esq.], Adam Rees and Sarah Ann Foust, both of Saltlick Tp.
Eliza Jane FOWLER married
BLOSSER-FOWLER— January 1, 1865, by William McCleary, Esq., Mr. Isaac Blosser and Miss Eliza Jane Fowler, all of Springhill tp., Fayette County, Pa.
Levi FRANCIS married
Mary C. FUNK
Mary C. FUNK married
— On Monday, the 28th inst., by Rev. J. T. A. Henderson, Mr. LEVI FRANCIS, and Miss MARY C. daughter of Harvey Funk, both of New Salem, Fayette county, Penna.
Millie FRANCIS married
Married on June 16, 1909.
George R. FRANK married
Nancy CARR
FRANK-CARR— September 28th ’65, by Thomas A. Haldeman Esq., Mr. George R. Frank to Miss Nancy Carr all of Connellsville township.
T. M. FRANKA married
— At the parsonage on the morning of the 31st ult., by Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. T. M. FRANKA and Miss ELIZA POUNDSTONE, all of Nicholson township.
Alpheus P. FRANKENBERRY married
Hester A. ENEIX
FRANKENBERRY-ENEIX— At the Parsonage, December 25th, by the same [Rev. H. O. Rosborough], Mr. Alpheus P. Frankenberry and Miss Hester A. Eneix, both of Springhill township, Fayette county.
Married on August 31, 1882.
Sarah FRANKHOUSER married
— In Preston Co., Va., on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. Ami Glover and Miss Sarah Frankhouser.
M. Benjamine FRANKINBERGER married
FRANKINBERGER-HERBERT— On Tuesday, 22d February, by Rev. Strader, at the residence of the bride’s father in Connellsville, M. Benjamin Frankinberger to Miss Maria Herbert.
Lida FRANKOWSER married
Married on April 11, 1906.
Alcinda R. FRANKS married
James K. DILS
DILS-FRANKS— Sept 23d, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. K. Franks, near New Geneva, Pa., by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. JAMES K. DILS, to Miss ALCINDA R. FRANKS.
Amedee M. FRANKS married
FRANKS-LONGANECKER— At the Parsonage, March 19th, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. AMEDEE M. FRANKS and Miss NANCY LONGANECKER, both of Nicholson township, Fayette county, Pa.
Eli FRANKS married
— On the evening of the 7th inst., at the residence of Mr. Simon Franks, by Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. ELI FRANKS and Miss SARAH MOSER, both of German township.
She was married to William SANGSTON.
SANGSTON-FRANKS,--At the Parsonage, August 17th by Rev. H.O Rosborough, Mr. William Sangston to Miss Elizabeth Franks, both of Georges' township, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Sept. 9, 1869
Contributed by Roy Lockhart, typed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
She was married to John MORRIS.
At Elk Hill Cottage, Jan 20th, 1864, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. John Morris and Miss Frances Ann Franks, daughter of Michael Franks, all of Nicholson tp., Fayette County, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Feb, 18, 1864
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
George FRANKS married
Susanna KEENER
— On the 13th inst., by Philip D. Stentz, Esq., Mr. GEORGE FRANKS and Miss SUSANNA, daughter of Wm. Keener, all of Fayette co.
He was married to Mary P. EBERHART.
On April 6th, by Rev. Purrinton, Mr. Isaac Franks, of Nicholson township, and
Miss Mary P. Eberhart, daughter of Martin Eberhart, of Springhill township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 25, 1854
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Isaac FRANKS married
— On Friday last, by the Rev’d Garret Patton, Mr. ISAAC FRANKS, to Miss NANCY, daughter of Mr. Philemon W. Morgan, all of Springhill township.
Israel FRANKS married
Louisa SMITH
— On the evening of the 2nd inst., at the Parsonage, by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. ISRAEL FRANKS and Miss LOUISA SMITH, both of German township.
He was married to Drusilla SHOTWELL.
On Thursday the 23rd instant, by the Rev. Charles Rees, Mr. Jesse Franks, to Miss Drusilla Shotwell, all of German Township.
The Genius of Liberty, Monday, Jul 27, 1840, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Martha M. FRANKS married
William W. JANES
JANES-FRANKS— At the parsonage, Dec. 30, 1869, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Wm. W. Janes to Miss Martha M. Franks, both of Springhill township, Fayette county, Pa.
Mary S. FRANKS married
McCAN-FRANKS— April 30, by J. Lynch, Esq., Mr. J. S. McCan to Miss Mary S. Franks, all of Fayette county, Penna.
She was married to Stephen ALDREN.
MARRIED: On Thursday the 16th inst., by the Rev. A. Fairchild, Mr. STEPHEN ALDREN, to Miss MATILDA ANN FRANKS, all of this county.
"The Democrat" from 23 April 1846, Uniontown, PA.
Contributed by Margaret Farquhar <tartan4 at>
He was married to Moses SMITH.
On the 2d inst., by the Rev. I K. MELLHORN, Mr. Moses SMITH and Mrs. Rachel FRANKS, both of German township, Fayette county pa.
December 21, 1854, Volume 3, Number 33, Page 2, Column 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Sarah FRANKS married
Married on June 14, 1832.
Thomas Searight FRANKS married
FRANKS-DUGAN— In Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 20, 1888, by Rev. H.C. Bird, Mr. Thomas Searight Franks and Miss Mary M. Dugan, both of German township, Fayette Co., Pa.
Wilson FRANKS married
FRANKS-SULLIVAN— November 23, by Rev. R. S. Smith, Mr. Wilson Franks and Miss Margaret Sullivan, both of this county.
Elizabeth FRANTZ married
Henry RUBY
RUBY-FRANTZ— In Somerset, on the 20th inst.; by Rev. R. M. Freshwater, Henry Ruby, of Morgantown, W. Va., to Miss Elizabeth Frantz, of Fayette County, Pa.
John FRANTZ married
Margaret RODDY
FRANTZ-RODDY— At Petersburg, June 13th, 1861, by the Rev. _ W. Baker, JOHN FRANTZ, Esq., of Allegheny county, Md., and Miss MARGARET RODDY, of Somerset county, Pa.
L. L. FRASER married
FRASER-NEWMYER— On the 4th inst., at the residence of Jonathan Newmyer Esq., by Rev. B. F. Woodburn, Mr. L. L. FRASER and Miss ELIZA J. NEWMYER, both of Pennsville, Fayette co., Pa.
Nancy FULLER married
MINARD-FULLER— July 4, by the same [John Holmes, Esq.], James Minard to Nancy Fuller, all of Dunbar township.
She was married to George P. FULTON.
On the 16th inst., by the Rev. J.R. Hughs, Mr. George P. Fulton, and Miss Eleanor S. Frazer, both of Cookstown, Fayette co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Thursday, Feb. 23, 1854, Vol. 2, No. 46, Pg. 3, Col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Albert FRAZIER married
Melissa A. MILLER
FRAZIER-MILLER— March 7th, 1869, at the residence of Mr. F. Smith, by the same [Mr. John Stillwagon, Esq.], Mr. ALBERT FRAZIER, of Uniontown, Pa., and Miss MELISSA A. MILLER, of Bullskin township, Fayette county, Pa.
James FRAZIER married
FARZIER-KARNES— February 21st, 1869, at the residence of John Stillwagon, by the same [Mr. John Stillwagon, Esq.], Mr. JAMES FRAZIER and Miss LOUISA KARNES, both of Fayette county.
She was married to Jacob BOWERS.
On the 8th inst, by Thomas Hadden Esquire, Mr. Jacob Bowers to Miss Elizabeth Fredericks, all of Union township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, October 6, 1842, Vol. 3, No. 26, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Elizabeth FREED married
VELLERY-FREED— On the same [Feb. 27, 1868], by the same [J. Moser, Esq.], Mr. JAMES VELLERY, of Saltlick township, and Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of Peter and Sarah Freed, of Bullskin township, Fayette County, Pa.
Mary FREED married
ELWELL-FREED— On Thursday, the 20th inst., by Rev. S. Wakefield, D. D., at the residence of Mr. Jacob D. Overholt, Mr. J. S. Elwell, and Miss Mary Freed, all of Fayette Co., Pa. We welcome our friend ELWELL to the fraternity of “old folks.” May the new relation upon which he has just entered, prove through all the journey of life, a continuous stream of happiness, prosperity and peace. As our agent, he has rendered us many favors in the past, and we trust the interests of the “GENIUS” will not be neglected by the new “firm.”
Rebecca FREED married
James A. LONG
LONG-FREED— March 22d, 1871, at the Eagle Hotel, Uniontown, Pa., by the Rev. G. A. Flower, Mr. James A. Long to Miss Rebecca Freed, both of Fayette County, Penna.
He was married to Mary E. SHOAF.
At Smithfield Sept. 21st by Rev. J.M. Purinton, Mr. Alson W. Freeman and Miss Mary E. Shoaf all of George township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa, Sept. 22, 1864, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Azel FREEMAN married
FREEMAN-LINDSEY— By Rev. E. K. Squier, D. D., of Pittsburgh, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Oct. 26th, Rev. Azel Freeman, D. D., of Waynesburg and Miss Minerva Lindsey, of Freeport.
Mary F. FREEMAN married
JAMES-FREEMAN— In this place, Aug. 16, by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Mr. John M. James and Miss Mary F., daughter of Mrs. Melinda Freeman, both of Georges township, Fayette Co., Pa.
Dorcas FRENCH married
NORTON-FRENCH— June, 1, by the Rev. G. A. Flower, Mr. L. P. Norton to Miss Dorcas French, all of Uniontown.
Jacob FRETS married
FRETS-HESS— August 14th, at the house of Laura Herington, Esq., by Rev. Jas. J. Cover, Mr. Jacob Frets of German township, to Miss Rose Hess, from near Brownsville.
Samuel FRETZ married
FRETZ-HOSTETLER— At the Parsonage on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. Samuel Fretz and Miss Eliza Jane Hostetler, both of German tp.
John R. FREY married
FREY-SPEER — Oct. 28th, 1873, by Rev. H. Lucas, Mr. John R. Frey, of Uniontown, and Miss E. H. Speer, of Brownsville, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Christiana FRICK married
KREPPS-FRICK— December 21st, 1867, by Rev. A. J. Swain, Mr. Lewis Krepps, of Fayette county, and Mrs. Christiana Frick, of Westmoreland county, Pa.
George FROST married
Louisa DENNY
— On Thursday the 20th inst., by the Rev. W. Cary, Mr. GEORGE FROST, of Columbiana county, Ohio, and Miss LOUISA, a daughter of George Denny, of Luzerne Township.
John W. FROST married
FROST-LANGLEY— November 22, 1877, by Rev. J.S. Gibson, Mr. John W. Frost and Miss Maggie L. Langley, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Mary FROST married
REARDON-FROST— The same day [4th inst.], by the same [J. Holmes, Esq.], Patrick Reardon and Miss Mary Frost, both of Con’ville.
A. M. FULLER married
FULLER-TRADER— March 30, by Rev. W. W. Ralston, A. M. Fuller to Miss A. H. Trader, all of Uniontown.
A. S. FULLER married
— On Tuesday Morning, 11th inst. by Rev. M. Bird, Mr. A. S. FULLER, to Miss JANE E. MEASON, all of Union Town.
He was married to Harriet FOSTER.
Franklin Matthew Arison, Esq., joined together in marriage, on the 11th, inst., Mr. Holland Fuller and Miss Harriet Foster.
Keystone Courier, Friday, August 22, 1879, Page 2
Contributed by Nancy Lohr <nancy_lhr at>
He was married to Harriet SMITH.
On Tuesday the 10th inst. Mr. John Fuller, of Connelsville, to Miss Harriet Smith, of Westmoreland county.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., January 18, 1815
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Phebe FULLER married
SICKLES-FULLER— Tuesday evening, February 20th, 1870, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. David Leech, Mr. Jonah Sickles, to Miss Phebe, daughter of J. R. Fuller, Esq., all of Franklin township.
He was married to Eleanor S. FRAZER.
On the 16th inst., by the Rev. J.R. Hughs, Mr. George P. Fulton, and Miss Eleanor S. Frazer, both of Cookstown, Fayette co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Thursday, Feb. 23, 1854, Vol. 2, No. 46, Pg. 3, Col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Isaac FULTON married
FULTON-SIMPSON— January 1st, 1868, by Rev. John McMillan, Isaac Fulton, Esq., and Miss Hannah Simpson, of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa.
She was married to Jesse E. DUNAWAY.
On Thursday the 2d instant, by the Rev'd Samuel Wilson, Mr. Jesse E. Dunaway, of Redstone township, to Miss Margaret A. Fulton, of Luzerne township.
The Genius of Liberty, Monday, Sept. 13, 1841, Pg. 3, Col. 6
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Lina FURMAN married
Thomas BLAIR
BLAIR-FURMAN— October 29, by George Beatty, Esq., Mr. Thomas Blair, of New Geneva, Pa., and Miss Lina Furman of Cassville, West Virginia.