Charles G. PAGE married
Bertha Miller
— On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. J. H. FIELDING, Mr. CHARLES G. PAGE, to Miss BERTHA, daughter of Mr. JOHN MILLER, all of this Borough.
Emma PAGE married
ZIMMERMAN-PAGE— J. D. F. Zimmerman, of Pittsburgh, to Miss Emma, daughter of Henry Page, Connellsville.
Joseph PAGE married
Margaret BALSLEY
— On the 20th inst., at “Springfield Inn” in Saltlick township, Fayette county, Pa., by John Brooke, Esq., Mr. JOSEPH PAGE and Miss MARGARET BALSLEY, both of Connellsville, Pa.
Mary C. PAGE married
Thomas D. TURNER
On last Thursday, morning, Mr. Thomas D. Turner, the gentlemanly conductor of the Express Train on the Connellsville Road, was married to Miss Mary C. Page, of Connellsville. The marriage took place at Connellsville, Rev. Mr. McCandless, of the Episcopal Church, New Haven, Fayette county, officiating. The happy couple have gone east to spend their honeymoon. Mr. Turner has been connected with the Connellsville Road for a number of years, and has the confidence and respect of the company and the patrons along the line – always conducting himself straightforward and honorable towards the Company, and courteous and accommodating to the passengers on his train. We wish Mr. Turner and his accomplished lady success, happiness and pleasure through life. Mr. William Patterson has charge of the train during Mr. Turner’s absence, an obliging and courteous gentleman.
Samuel PAINE married
PAINE-LANCASTER— On the 18th ult., by T. C. Gummert, Esq., Samuel Paine of Bellevernon, to Miss Harriet Lancaster of Brownsville, Pa.
George W. PALMER married
Mary E. PRICKET married
George W. PALMER
PALMER-PRICKET— Nov. 10, in Marion county, West. Va., by Rev. Mr. Burns, Mr. George W. Palmer, of Fayette county, Pa., to Miss Mary E. Pricket, of West. Va.
He was married to Lina ROBISON.
PALMER-ROBISON.At the residence of the bride's parents, near Barracksville _____ March 24th, 1868, by Rev. William Fontney, Mr. Henry Palmer, of Fayette County, Pa., and Miss Lina Robison, of Marion County West Virginia.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Thursday, April 2, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Josephine PARADY married
Joseph P. HUGHES
HUGHES-PARADY— October 11th, 1869, by J. W. Miller, Esq., Mr. Joseph P. Hughes, of Dunbar, Pa., to Miss Josephine Parady, of Columbus, Ohio.
Lewis PARKER married
Married on April 8, 1888.
Rebecca PARKER
She was married to James MCCUNE.
McCUNE-PARKER--April 23d, by the Rev. Mr. M'Kee, Mr. James McCune, of Fayette county, and Miss Rebecca Parker, of Westmoreland county.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 14, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John P. PARKHILL married
PARKHILL-JOHNSON— Nov. 23d, 1865, by Rev. Wm. W. Hickman, Mr. JOHN P. PARKHILL and Miss MARTHA G. daughter of Wm. C. Johnson Esq., all of Jefferson township, Fayette Co., Pa.
J. Jewitt PARKS
He was married to Reb. Anna M. WOODWARD.
PARKS-WOODWARD.-Thursday, August 20, 1868, by Rev. Dr. Landis, of Philadelphia, Rev. J. Jewitt Parks, of Blairsville, Indiana county, and Miss Anna M. eldest daughter of Capt. L. C. Woodward, near Brownsville, Pa. Accompanying the above we received a large elegant cake, for which the happy couple will please accept the hearty thanks of all.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Aug. 27, 1868, Vol. 1, No. 34
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Israel PARNELL married
Elizabeth WILSON
— On the 18th of June, ’61, by Thomas Brownfield, Esq., ISRAEL PARNELL and Miss ELIZABETH WILSON, both of Henry Clay township, Fayette county.
James PARSHAL married
PARSHAL-HIGGENBOTHAM— Same day [Dec. 21st, 1865], by the same [Rev. H. L. Chapman], Mr. JAMES PARSHAL of McClellandtown, to Miss MARY HIGGENBOTHAM of Redstone township, Fayette County, Pa.
He was married to Henrietta DAY.
In Lebanon, Ohio, on the 31st of August, by the Rev. F. G. Black, Mr. Wm. F. Parshall, son of Mr. N. Parshall of this County, to Miss Henrietta, daughter of Mr. J. E. Day.
The Genius of Liberty, Monday, Sept. 13, 1841, Pg. 3, Col. 6
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Mattie PARTRIDGE married
CONNARD-PARTRIDGE— September 7, by the same [Rev. H. Acker] Mr. Wilson Connard and Miss Mattie Partridge.
Harry PASCHKA married
Married on September 15, 1925.
Elizabeth PASCOL married
LAVENRICK-PASCOL— July 8, by T. C. Gammort, Esq., John Lavenrick to Elizabeth Pascol, all of Fayette City.
Cal. PASTORIES married
PASTORIES-HUBBARD— July 19th, 1868, by H. J. Rigelin_, Esq., Mr. CAL. PASTORIES and Miss HADDIE HUBBARD, all of Brownsville, Pa.
Charles H. PASTORIES married
PASTORIES-SWENY— November 18, by William Shipley, Esq., Mr. Charles H. Pastories to Miss Mary L. Sweny, both of Fairchance.
He was married to Miss Haddie CRAMER.
May 31st, 1863, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. J. William PASTORIUS, of 1st Va. Cavalry, to Miss Haddie, eldest daughter of Mr. Godfrey CRAMER, of Fairchance, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., June 4, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 17, Pg. 3, Col. 4
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Juliet C. PASTORIUS married
FISHER-PASTORIUS— On the 2nd inst., at the residence of F. H. Oliphant, Esq., near Uniontown, Pa., by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. John W. Fisher and Miss Juliet C. Pastorius, both of George township, Fayette county, Pa.
Isabella PATERSON married
— On the 3d inst., by the Rev. C. Rossell, Dr. HENRY B. ARNOLD, and Miss ISABELLA PATERSON, all of this county.
Andrew PATRICK married
— On Tuesday morning, the 10th instant, by Rev. Mr. Montgomery, Dr. ANDREW PATRICK and Miss MELINDA, daughter of Zalmon Ludington, Esq., all of Uniontown.
James PATRICK married
Mary Ann McCLEAN
PATRICK-McCLEAN— At Addison, Somerset County, Pa., on the 14th of February, by the Rev. J. Beaver, Mr. JAMES PATRICK of Pittsburgh and Miss MARY ANN McCLEAN, of Addison.
She was married to John W. WILEY.
On Monday evening, the 3d inst., by Squire Fishburn, Mr. John W. Wiley and Mrs. Ann E. Patterson, all of Brownsville.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1853
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Cornelius PATTERSON married
Elizabeth WHETSEL
— On Sabbath morning, Oct. 12th by Rev. Adah Winnett, at the house of George Whetsel, Mr. CORNELIS PATTERSON, and Miss ELIZABETH WHETSEL, all of Franklin Township, Fayette County, Pa.
Eliza PATTERSON married
McCORMICK-PATTERSON— On the 14th November, by Rev. J. T. A. Henderson, at the residence of Capt. Lewis Abrams, Mr. L. M. McCORMICK and Miss ELIZA PATTERSON, grand daughter of the Hon. Eli Abrams, both of Redstone township, Fayette county, Pa.
Elizabeth PATTERSON married
GILLEN-PATTERSON— On June 13th at the Soldiers Orphans’ School by Rev. A. H. Waters, Mr. Clark Gillen and Miss Elizabeth Patterson, both of Fayette county.
Elizabeth PATTERSON married
THOMAS-PATERSON— Jan. 4th, 1863, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. JOSHUA THOMAS, and Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of John Patterson, Esq., all of Wharton township, Fayette Co., Pa.
Ella Labora PATTERSON married
LONG-PATTERSON— At the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Hugh Patterson, of Perry township, June 15th, by Rev. C. Barto, Mr. Kell Long, of Franklin township, to Miss Ella Lamora Patterson.
Eunice PATTERSON married
— On Thursday, the 7th inst., by the Rev. S. E. Hudson, Mr. W. M. BIDDLE, of Carmichaels, and Miss EUNICE PATTERSON, daughter of Maj. Robert Patterson, of Jefferson, Greene county, Pa.
Jackson PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-RADCLIFF— On the 28th of January 1864, by Rev. I. N. Biddle, Mr. Jackson Patterson of Ottawa, Lasalle county, Illinois, to Miss Phebe Radcliff of Upper Middletown, Fayette County, Pa.
He was married to Nancy MCCALLISTER.
On the 16th of February, by the Rev. J. McClintock, Mr. James C. Patterson, of Uniontown and Miss Nancy McAllister, of Carmichael, Penna.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 23, 1854, Vol. 2, No 50, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John S. PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-HARRIS— On the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. John S. Patterson, of Rostraver, Westmoreland county, Pa., and Miss Cora J., only daughter of Mr. Benjamin Harris, Esq., of Perry township, Fayette county, Pa. May sweet success attend the happy pair.
She was married to J. P. SMITH.
On Thursday morning, July 17th, by Rev, A. J. Eudsley, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J.P. SMITH and Miss KATE M. PATTERSON, all of Pittsburgh.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., July 24, 1862, Vol. 2, No. 25, Pg. 5, Col. 4
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Winfield S. CARTER.
CARTER--PATTERSONMay 7, at the residence of Mr. Rachel McCoy, by Henry Cook, Esq., Mr. Winfield S. Carter, and Miss Laura B. Patterson, both of Jefferson township, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 14, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Luke F. PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-LEIGHTY— May 29, 1878, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Allen, of Franklin township, Mr. Luke F. Patterson and Miss Mattie H. Leighty, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Mag PATTERSON married
STEWART-PATTERSON— Nov. 4, 1869, by the same [Rev. C. W. Smith], Mr. John W. Stewart to Miss Mag Patterson, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Mary Ellen PATTERSON married
Samuel UMBEL
UMBEL-PATTERSON— March 31st 1864, by T. A. Haldeman Esq., Mr. Samuel Umbel to Miss Mary Ellen Patterson, both of Wharton tp., Fayette County, Pa
Mary H. PATTERSON married
J. Lewis LaCLARE
LaCLARE—PATTERSON— December 20th, by Rev. C. W. Smith, J. Lewis LaClare and Mary H. Patterson, both of South Union township, Fayette co., Pa.
Matthew M. PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-RANKIN— Tuesday, January 14th, 1870, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Franklin township, by the Rev. M. M. McKinstry, Mr. Matthew M. Patterson, of Dunbar township, to Miss Mollie A., eldest daughter of James Rankin, Esq.
Milton W. PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-HAWKINS— Thursday, Dec. 29th, 1864, at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. J. J. Jackson, Mr. Milton W. Patterson of Franklin twp., Fayette co., Pa., and Miss Sarah E. Hawkins of Somerset twp., Washington Co., Pa.
Robert PATTERSON married
Elizabeth HANAN
PATTERSON-HANAN— On Tuesday the 18th inst., by Rev. Mr. Barnett, Mr. Robert Patterson to Miss Elizabeth HANAN, both of Dunbar, Pa.
He was married to Kate DICKINSON.
PATTERSON--DICKINSON, April 29th, by the same, Mr. Sidney H. Patterson and Miss Kate Dickinson, all of Georges tp.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 14, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Thomas PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-GREGG— On the same evening [January 23d, 1868], by the same [Benj. Pritchard], Mr. THOMAS PATTERSON and Miss ELIZA GREGG, both of Connellsville Borough.
Virginia PATTERSON married
Col. W. H. BAILY
BAILY-PATTERSON— On the 13th inst., by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Col. W. H. Baily, and Miss Virginia, daughter of A. Patterson, Esq., all of this place.
He was married to Edith CRAFT.
On Thursday the 6th inst, by Rev. W. W. Hickman, Mr. W.G. Patterson, Esq. and Mrs. Edith Craft, all of Jefferson township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Apr. 20, 1854
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
William W. PATTERSON married
PATTERSON-SEMANS— On the 16th inst. by Rev. John Boyd, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. WILLIAM W. PATTERSON, of North Union to Miss HANNAH SEMANS, of South Union township, Fayette County, Pa.
He was married to Miss Fannie DORSEY.
On Tuesday, Aug. 20th, 1861, at the Parsonage, by Rev. Mr. Brown, F. H. PATTON, of Smithfield, Pa., to Miss FANNIE DORSEY, of Morgantown, Va.
The Genius of Liberty, Sept. 12, 1861
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Henry B. PATTON married
PATTON-HAMILTON— At the Rectory of the Episcopal Church, in Brownsville, on Sunday evening, Dec. 24th, by the Rev. J. F. Ohl, Mr. HENRY B. PATTON, of Waynesburg, to Miss MARY HAMILTON, of Greensboro, Greene Co., Pa.
J. F. PATTON married
Emily PORTER married
— On the 16th of Jan. 1861 [1862], by Rev. I. N. Biddle, Mr. J. F. PATTON, of Washington tp., to Miss EMILY PORTER, of Dunbar tp. Accompanying the above we received such excellent cake for which the happy couple will please accept our thanks. May their future be as joyous and the blessings of life as
Robert G. PATTON married
Naomi M. PATTERSON married
Robert G. PATTON
PATTON-PATTERSON— May 13th, 1869, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Dr. ROBERT G. PATTON, of Fayette City, Fayette county, Pa., to Miss NAOMI M., only daughter of George Patterson, Esq., of Rostraver, Westmoreland county, Pa. May sweet success attend the happy pair.
Thomas PATTON married
Matilda MORRIS
— On Wednesday evening last by the Rev. Wm. Brownfield, MR. THOMAS PATTON, of this borough, to MISS MATILDA, daughter of Mr. William Morris, of Union township.
Rose PAUL married
ALEXANDER-PAUL— By Rev. R. S. Smith, on Wednesday, the 26th inst., Mr. D. M. Alexander of Wheeling, Va., to Miss Rose Paul of Uniontown.
George W. PAULL
He was married to Miss Minnie L. OLIPHANT.
On Thursday, 19th inst., by Rev. A. G. FAIRCHILD, Mr. George W. PAULL, of Ironton, Ohio, and Miss Minnie L. OLIPHANT, of Fairchance, Fayette Co., Pa.
November 2, 1854, Volume 3, Number 29, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
James PAULL married
PAULL-GALLOWAY— On Tuesday, the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev. Mr. Stoneroad, Mr. James Paull, of Dunbar, to Miss Libbie, only daughter of R. T. Galloway, Esq., of Connellsville.
Caroline PEARCE married
MARTIN-PEARCE— September 17, by the same [John Holmes, Esq.], Mr. James Martin and Miss Caroline Pearce, both of Fayette county.
John PEASE married
Married on November 23, 1938.
Catharine E. PENCE married
DUTTON-PENCE— April 6, by Rev. A. B. Castle, Jacob Dutton to Miss Catharine E. Pence, all of Uniontown.
Louisa Caroline PENNOCK
She was married to Isaac BEESON.
On Monday last, by the Rev. Mr. Wylie, Mr Isaac Beeson, to Miss Louisa Caroline Pennock, daughter of Mr. William Pennock, both of this borough.
The Genius of Liberty, Union, Thursday, Oct. 7, 1819, Pg. 3, Col. 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John PENTUCK married
Marriage Licenses—
John Pentuck——Lemont
Annie Yeman——Lemont
Drusilla PERKINS married
William JOHNS
JOHNS-PERKINS— October 23d, by Rev. R. S. Smith, William Johns to Drusilla Perkins.
William PERRY married
PERRY-DEARTH— On the same day [November 10, 1868], by the same [Rev. J. T. A. Henderson], Mr. WILLIAM PERRY, and Miss ELIZA DEARTH, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Joseph PERSALL married
PERSALL-LEIGHTY— On the same day by the same [26th inst., by Rev. W. W. Hickman], Mr. Joseph PERSALL of Perry tp., to Miss REBECCA LEIGHTY of Dunbar township.
He was married to Elizabeth HAMMOND.
April 24th 1862, by Rev. Samuel Wakefield, at the residence of Samuel Hammond, Rostraver, Tp., Westmoreland Co., Pa. Mr. John T. Pershing, of Bullskin, Tp., and Miss Elizabeth Hammond.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 9, 1862, Pg. 4, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Jacob PETERMAN married
Isabella CRAIG
PETERMAN-CRAIG— August 22nd, 1865, by Benj. Prichard Esq., Mr. JACOB PETERMAN and Miss ISABELLA CRAIG, both of Allegheny Co., Penna.
A. K. PETERS married
GIBSON-PETERS— In Keokuk, Iowa, Aug. 18th 1864, by Rev. D. D. Gibson, formerly of Fayette Co., Pa., Mr. Daniel Gibson, a veteran soldier from Franklin township, Fayette Co., Pa., and Miss A. K. Peters of Keokuk.
John PETTERSON married
Married on January 16, 1895.
Jacob PFEIFFER married
PFEIFFER-ZOLLARS— At the same time and place, [March 2, 1871, at the residence of the bride’s parents, in Wapello Co., Iowa], and by the same [Rev. C. W. Shaw], Mr. Jacob Pfeiffer to Miss Frahola Zollars, both of Wapello county, Iowa.
William J. PFIEL married
Lizzie J. JOHN
Married on September 10, 1878.
Margaret PHILIPS married
— On Thursday, the 10th inst., by the Rev. Isaac Wynn, Mr. JOHN CANFILD of Redstone township, and Miss MARGARET PHILIPS, of Menallen township.
She was married to Charles SWAN.
On the same day (16th inst), by the same (Rev. J. H. Callen), Mr. Charles Swan, and Miss Ruth Philips, both of Fayette co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 23, 1854, Vol. 2, No 50, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
He was married to Ruth SWAN.
On the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Callen, Mr. William Philips, and Miss Ruth Swan, all of Fayette co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 23, 1854, Vol. 2, No 50, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Geo. M. DETWILLER.
On the 22d inst., by Rev. W. M. HICKMAN, Mr. Geo. M. DETWILLER, of Muskingum co., Ohio, to Miss Catharine Ann PHILLIPS, daughter of Daniel C. PHILIPS, of Redstone, Fayette co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., November 2, 1854, Volume 3, Number 29, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to C. A. DARLINGTON.
On Thursday, 31st inst., near Greenville, Bond county, Ill., Mr. C. A. DARLINGTON and Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of Col. J. W, PHILLIPS, formerly of this place.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 6, 1856, Volume 1, Number 5, Page 2, Column 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Ella J. PHILLIPS married
WHALEY-PHILLIPS— November 22, at the residence of the bride’s parents, South Pittsburgh, by Rev. J. E. Craig, Mr. George Whaley, Conductor on the P. & C. R. R., and Miss Ella J. Phillips.
J. L. PHILLIPS married
— In Newark, New Jersey, on Thursday morning, June 2d, by the Rev. George Brown, Mr. J. L. PHILLIPS, of this place, and Mrs. MARY S. WILSON, of New York. We received with the above notice, a large and elegant Pound-cake manufactured by Derbins, with the words Genius of Liberty on the surface, for which the happy and newly married couple have the thanks and well-wishes of all hands in the office, as well as of our pronounced it “some.” All joy and happiness to you, Mr. Phillips, “both now and forever.”
Lydia Anne PHILLIPS married
Charles KING
— Oct. 10th, 1861, at the Parsonage in Brownsville by Rev. J. H. Hull, CHARLES KING, sr., of Uniontown, and Miss LYDIA ANNE PHILLIPS, of Menallen.
She was married to Geo. DORSEY.
On the same day (1st inst.) by the same person (Rev. G. H. Pool), Mr. Geo. Dorsey to Miss Martha Phillips, both of Wash., County Pennsylvania.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., 22 Jun 1854, Vol 3, No. 11, pg. 3, col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Mary PHILLIPS married
GOODWIN-PHILLIPS— On the 4th inst., by Rev. H. R. Mathiot, M. D., Mr. D. S. Goodwin to Miss Mary Phillips, all of Smithfield, Pa.
Mary Ann PHILLIPS married
William Brown SUTTON
— On the 17th inst., by Rev. William Brownfield, Mr. WILLIAM BROWN SUTTON, and Miss MARY ANN PHILLIPS, both of Uniontown.
She was married to Eli C. HAZEN.
HAZEN--PHILLIPSOn Christmas morning by Rev. N. D. Porter, Mr. Eli C. Hazen, of Brownsville, and Miss Minnie A. Phillips, of Greene co. Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Jan 14, 1864
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Paul PICHARD married
Donna LYNN
Married on February 27, 1921.
Isaac PIERCE married
PIERCE-McCUTCHEON— December 6, by the same [Rev. Johnston H. Stone], Isaac Pierce to Miss Mollie A. McCutcheon, both of Perry township.
Mary Louisa PIERCE married
KELLEY-PIERCE— August 5th, 1871, by M. N. Lewis, Esq., John W. Kelley to Mary Louisa Pierce, both of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa.
Eli C. PIERCEL married
Margaret Ann BROWN
PIERCEL-BROWN— On the 22nd of April, 1865, by the same [Rev. J. Adams], Mr. Eli C. Piercel, and Miss Margaret Ann Brown, both of Redstone township, Fayette County, Pa.
Elizabeth A. PIERSEL married
— On the same day [9th of Oct. 1862], by the same[Rev. J. Adams], Mr. JOHN SHAW, and Miss ELIZABETH A. PIERSEL, both of Fayette County, Pa.
Grace L. PIERSEL married
William H. GADDIS
— On the same day [9th of Oct. 1862], by the same[Rev. J. Adams], Mr. WM. H. GADDIS, and Miss GRACE L. PIERSEL, both of Fayette County, Pa.
Grace PIERSOL married
— On Saturday evening the 26th of February, by John Kelly, Esq., Mr. JOHN MOXLEY of Redstone township, and Miss GRACE, daughter of Jeremiah Piersol, of Menallen township, Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Hannah RADCLIFF.
On the 23d, by the same, Mr. Samuel Pierson and Miss Hannah Radcliff.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Mar. 30, 1854
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
William W. PIPER married
Catharine MYERS
PIPER-MYERS— July 10th, by the same [James N. McDonald, Esq.], Mr. WILLIAM W. PIPER, of Pittsburgh, and Miss CATHARINE MYERS, of Fayette Co., Pa.
Rachel PIXLER married
— On the same day [Thursday, the 1st inst.], by Rev. William Brownfield, Mr. JOHN WOODS and Miss RACHEL PIXLER, both of Uniontown, Pa.
William H. PLAYFORD married
— On October the 23d at the residence of Maj. John S. Krepps by Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., WM. H. PLAYFORD, Esq., to Miss ELIZA C. KREPPS.
Henry PLEKHER married
— On the 29th October, 1861, by Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Mr. HENRY PLEKHER to Mrs. MARY FAUST, all of Saltlick township.
She was married to Maj. Richard H. AUSTIN.
On the first instant, by the Rev A G WILLIAMS, Maj Richard H. AUSTIN, of this place, and Miss Ann E. PLUMER, of Franklin, Venago county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 17, 1855, Volume 1, Number 18, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Arnold A. PLUMER married
Rachel L. SMITH
PLUMER-SMITH— December 28th, 1865, in St. Peter’s church, Uniontown, by Rev. R. S. Smith, Rector, ARNOLD A. PLUMER, Esq., of Franklin, Venango county, to Miss RACHEL L. SMITH, eldest daughter of D. Smith, Esq., of Uniontown.
Nancy J. POOL married
DAVIS-POOL— On the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. S. Hitchner, Mr. JOHN DAVIS of Springhill township, Fayette county, Pa., and Miss NANCY J. POOL, of Monongalia county, West Va.
Lide J. POPE married
Philip S. SNYDER
SNYDER-POPE— December 30, 1869, at the residence of teh brides father, by Rev. Baird, Mr. Philip S. Snyder of Washington county, Pa., to Miss "Lide" J., eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. R. Pope, Esq., of Dunbar township, Fayette county, Pa.
Rebecca POPE married
Robert M. WHITE
WHITE-POPE— At the residence of the bride’s mother, Sunday, Aug. 8th, 1875, by Wm. M. Shipley, Esq., Mr. Robert M. White and Miss Rebecca Pope, both of Monroe, Fayette county, Pa.
Usiah POPE married Lydia A. BIDDLE
POPE BIDDLE On Sunday, the 3rd inst. by Rev. James Baird, Usiah Pope to Lydia A. Biddle, of Dunbar.
Jesse PORE
He was married to Miss Sarah ROUAND.
By Rev. W. W. Hickman, Mr. Jesse PORE of Mt. Pleasant tp, Westmoreland county, to Miss Sarah ROUAND of Bullskin tp., Fayette county.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 5, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 39, Pg. 2, Col. 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Cornelia PORTER married
Charles P. DUNAWAY
DUNAWAY-PORTER— October 11, by the same [Rev. J. H. Coulter], Mr. CHARLES P. DUNAWAY of Uniontown, and Miss CORNELIA, daughter of Nelson Porter, Esq., of Luzerne township.
David R. PORTER married
Margaret J. RICE
— By the same [Rev. I. N. Biddle], on the 20th of January, DAVID R. PORTER, Co. A., 1st Vir. Calvary, to Miss MARGARET J. RICE, all of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa.
Elizabeth PORTER married
— On Wednesday, November the 24th, by Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., Mr. ELEAZER ROBINSON, of this place, and Mrs. ELIZABETH PORTER, of German township.
George PORTER married
Elizabeth PARSHALL
Elizabeth PARSHALL married
PORTER-PARSHALL— On Thursday, the 9th inst., by Elder R. P. Ferguson, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. GEORGE PORTER and Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of Elias Parshall, Esq., near McClellandtown, Fayette county, Pa.
I. E. PORTER married
George A. COX
COX-PORTER— September 18th, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. J. H. Coulter, Mr. Geo. A. Cox and Miss I .E. Porter, all of Fayette county.
Josephine PORTER married
Thomas LYNN
Married on February 26, 1888.
Louisa PORTER married
— Oct. 2nd, 1862, by the same [Rev. J. S. Gibson], Mr. THOMAS J. TEAGARDEN, of Clarksville, Greene Co., Pa., and Miss LOUISA PORTER, of Fayette Co., Pa.
Maggie PORTER married
BUFFINGTON-PORTER— June 27, by the Rev. Mills, Mr. Robert Buffington to Miss Maggie Porter, of Bridgeport.
Margaret L. PORTER married
ALEXANDER-PORTER— November 9, by Rev. W. W. Ralston, Mr. Samuel D. Alexander and Margaret L. Porter, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Mary M. PORTER married
Stanley CRAFT
CRAFT-PORTER— March 12, 1868, by the same [Rev. J. T. A. Henderson], Mr. STANLEY CRAFT and Miss MARY M. PORTER, all of Luzerne township, Fayette Co., Pa.
Sue PORTER married
MILLER-PORTER— March 29th, 1871, by Rev. A. B. Miller, Mr. James N. Miller, of Waynesburg, Pa., to Miss Sue Porter, of Dunbar, Pa.
Susan PORTERFIELD married
WILSON-PORTERFIELD— On the 9th ult., by J. H. Miller, Esq., Mr. Joseph Wilson to Susan Porterfield, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Sarah E. POTTER married
Samuel RUSH
RUSH-POTTER— Oct. 12th, by Rev. James Hollingshead, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. SAMUEL RUSH to Miss SARAH E. POTTER, all of Wharton township.
He was married to Miss Araminta M'CORMICK.
On Sept. 8th, at the residence of her father, near Smithfield, Pa., by Rev. H. SNYDER, Miss Araminta M'CORMICK, and Mr. A. M. POUNDSTONE, all of Fayette county, Pa.
September 17, 1857, Volume 2, Number 33, Page 3, Column 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Adam POUNDSTONE married
POUNDSTONE-GRIMES— December 16, at the residence of Joseph Grimes, by Rev. T. Patterson, Mr. ADAM POUNDSTONE, and Miss HANNAH GRIMES, all of Fayette county.
Eliza POUNDSTONE married
— At the parsonage on the morning of the 31st ult., by Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. T. M. FRANKA and Miss ELIZA POUNDSTONE, all of Nicholson township.
John H. POUNDSTONE married
— On the 10th instant, by the Rev. A. G. Fairchild, Mr. JOHN H. POUNDSTONE and Miss NANCY, daughter of David Coffman, all of German township.
Louise POUNDSTONE married
Van Buren LOW
— On the same evening [31st ult.], by the same [Rev. J. K. Melhorn], and at the same place [parsonage], Mr. VAN BUREN LOW, of German, and Miss LOUISA POUNDSTONE, of Nicholson tp.
Margaret POUNDSTONE married
John H. LONG
LONG-POUNDSTONE— August 31, by the Rev. H. Acker, Mr. John H. Long of Freeport, and Miss Margaret Poundstone.
She was married to Isaac J. MOSIER in 1865.
MOSIER--POUNDSTONE At the parsonage, on the 8th inst. by the Rev. J.K. Melborn,
Mr. Isaac J. Mosier of Nicholson township, and Miss Sallie B. Poundstone
of German Twp.
Genius of Liberty, January 26, 1865
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Jacob DURR.
March 28, 1863, by John Messmore, Esq., Mr. Jacob DURRH and Mrs. Susan POUNDSTONE, all of Fayette county.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., June 4, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 17, Pg. 3, Col. 4
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Lawrence G. POWELL married
POWELL-HOOVER— November 30, 1871, by Rev. A. B. Castle, Mr. Lawrence G. Powell, of California, Pa., to Miss Anna P. Hoover, of Bridgeport, Pa.
Calvin POWER
He was married to Mary S. MCKEE.
POWER--McKee--At Fayette City, September 5th by Rev. L.Y. Graham, Mr. Calvin B. Power, of Allegheny county and Miss Mary S. McKee, of Fayette City.
Genius of Liberty, Thursday, September 19, 1867
Contributed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
Joseph C. POWER married
— On Wednesday, the 6th inst., by the Rev. Somers, Prof. JOSEPH C. POWER, of Merrittstown, Pa., and Miss MARY A. BRADY, of Ohio county, Va.
Susanne POWERS
She was married to John GARRETT.
On the 1st inst, by Rev. G. H. Pool, Mr. John Garrett of Wash, Co, Pa., to Miss Susanne Powers, of Fayette Co.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., 22 Jun 1854, Vol 3, No. 11, pg. 3, col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Amos ADIS.
On the 24th ints. by the Rev. John Phillips, Mr. Amos Adis of Franklin township,
to Miss Mary Prathor of the Poor House.
(Typed as written)
The Genius of Liberty, Union-Town, Pa., Tuesday Evening, Oct. 24, 1826, Pg. 3, Col. 4
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Ashbel F. PRATT married
PRATT-BOWERS— Near Smithfield, Pa., September 21, 1865, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. ASHBEL F. PRATT, of George tp., to Miss JULIA A. BOWERS, of Nicholson tp., Fayette County, Pa.
Thomas PRENTICE, Jr. married
PRENTICE-BROWNFIELD— On Wednesday, June 3rd 1863, by Rev. H. L. Chapman, Mr. Thomas Prentice Jr., and Miss Lizzie, daughter of Nathaniel Brownfield, all of Uniontown, Pa.
Peter PRICE married
Belle HIGH
PRICE-HIGH— At the residence of the brides’ parents, December 26th, 1867, by the Rev. H. Acker, Mr. PETER PRICE to Miss BELLE HIGH.
Capt. Samuel C. PRICE
He was married to Hannah M. WIGGINS.
On the 2d inst., by Rev. A. G. OSBORNE, Capt. Samuel C. PRICE, of Stewart township to Miss Hannah M. WIGGINS, of Wharton township, Fayette county, Pa.
June 4, 1857, Volume 2, Number 18, Page 2, Column 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Capt. Samuel C. PRICE married
PRICE-WIGGINS— November 29th, at N. Brownfield’s Hotel, by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Capt. Samuel C. Price, of Falls City, and Miss Kate R. Wiggins, of Wharton tp.
Henry C. PRICE married
Sarah A. THARP
— On the 4th inst., by Rev. H. A. Hunter, Mr. HENRY C. PRICE and Miss SARAH A. THARP, both of Wharton tp.
William B. PRICE
He was married to Rebecca STULL.
PRICE-STULL.-February 27th, 1869, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Pile Falls, by Rev. S.C. Skinner, Mr. William B. Price, and Miss Rebecca Stull, both of Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Apr. 15, 1869
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Elizabeth PRITTS married
George ADAMS
On the 9th inst., by Jacob H. Miller, Esq., Mr. George Adams and Miss Elizabeth Pritts, all of Saltlick township.
She was married to Uriah KALP.
On the 23rd ult., by D. W. C. DUMBAULT, Esq, Mr. Uriah KALP and Miss Nancy PRITTS, all of Saltlick township.
December 21, 1854, Volume 3, Number 33, Page 2, Column 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Payton B. PROTZMAN married
Maria R. GANS
Married on May 2, 1878.
Dell PROVANCE married
Charles CROW
Married on May 20, 1908.
Elisha PROVANCE married
Married on June 6, 1833.
He was married to Ellen WOOD.
PROVANCEWOOD,-October 12th, by Rev. H. O. Roseborough, Mr. J. M. Provance, and Miss Ellen Wood, both of Nicholson, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 19, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Elizabeth PROVINS married
James R. A. ALTMAN
ALTMAN-PROVINS— On the 24th of April, by Thomas Williams, Esq., Mr. James R. A. Altman to Miss Elizabeth Provins, all of Masontown, Pa.
Jacob PROVINS married
PROVINS-SOMERS— October 28th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Jacob Provins, of Masontown, Pa., to Miss Dianna Somers, near Smithfield, Pa.
A. PUGH married
Harriet S. HOLMES
PUGH-HOLMES— February 22d, in the M. E. church, Smithfield, by Rev. A. B. Castle, A. Pugh, Esq., of Chicago, Ills., to Miss Harriet S. Holmes, of Smithfield, this county.
William R. PUTNAM married
Matilda F. WORKMAN
— On Thursday evening the 18th ult. By the Rev. Mr. Miles, WILLIAM R. PUTNAM, Esq., Attorney at law, of Zanesville, Ohio, to Miss MATILDA F. WORKMAN of Brownsville.
Cyrus PYLE married
PYLE-HERTZOG— On Thursday, 28th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Elder J. F. Rose, of Akron, Ohio, Mr. Cyrus Pyle, of California, Penna., to Miss Sue N. Hertzog.
She was married to William CHAPMAN.
By the same on the 1st inst., Mr. William CHAPMAN, late of Waynesburg, Greene Co., and Miss Emily QUAIL, of Uniontown.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., December 28, 1854, Volume 3, Number 34, Page 3, Column 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Samuel PIERSON.
On the 23d, by the same, Mr. Samuel Pierson and Miss Hannah Radcliff.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Mar. 30, 1854
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Mary RADCLIFF married
— By the same [I. N. Biddle], on the 23rd of March, 1865, Mr. C. H. SCOTT, of New Salem, Fayette County, Pa., to Miss MARY RADCLIF, of upper Middletown, Fayette County, Pa.
Miss RADCLIFF married
JEFFRIES-RADCLIFF— By the same, [Rev. J. S. Gibson], on the same day [October 5], Mr. JOSEPH W. JEFFRIES and Miss ___ RADCLIFF, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Phebe RADCLIFF married
PATTERSON-RADCLIFF— On the 28th of January 1864, by Rev. I. N. Biddle, Mr. Jackson Patterson of Ottawa, Lasalle county, Illinois, to Miss Phebe Radcliff of Upper Middletown, Fayette County, Pa.
Michael RAFTER married
Rachel HALL
RAFTER-HALL— October 19th, 1869, by Rev. S. C. Skinner, Mr. Michael Rafter to Miss Rachel Hall, both of Pile Falls.
Richard RAGAN
He was married to Margaretta HOWELL.
Nov. 18th, in St. Johns Church, Hagerstown, Md., by Rev. Henry Edwards, Mr. Richard RAGAN to Margaretta, youngest daughter of the late Benjamin B. HOWELL of New York.
December 12, 1861, Volume 1, Number 45, Page 5, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
He was married to Rhoda HOSTETLER.
On the 1st inst., By Rev. James P. Baird, Mr. Samuel Ragar, and Mrs. Rhoda Hostetler, all of Fayette County, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Aug. 11, 1864, Pg. 3, Col. 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Jane RAGER married
— On the 11th inst., by Rev. A. G. Osborn, Mr. WILLIAM FORDICE to Mrs. JANE RAGER, all of this county.
Sarah E. RAGUER married
George W. BOWIE
BOWIE-RAGUER— In Uniontown, August 20, by Rev. G. A. Flower, Mr. George W. Bowie to Miss Sarah E. Raguer.
George RAMAGE married
Gertrude YAUGER
Married on April 10, 1929.
He was married to Elizabeth CAMPBELL.
On Wednesday evening the 16th by the Rev. J.H. Agnew, Mr. James Ramage, of Pittsburg to Miss Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Campbell of this borough.
The Genius of Liberty and Fayette & Greene Advertiser, Union-Town, Sept. 23, 1829, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Minerva RAMAGE married
William H. H. GREER
— In Bridgeport, Fayette Co., Penna., on the 10th inst., at the residence of the officiating minister, by the Rev. John P. Betker, Mr. WILLIAM H. H. GREER, and Miss MINERVA RAMAGE, both of Washington co., Pa.
James RAMMAGE married
Elisabeth CAMPBELL
— On Wednesday 16th inst. By the Rev. J. H. Agnew, Mr. JAMES RAMMAGE to Miss ELISABETH CAMPBELL, daughter of Benjamin Campbell of this Borough.
Cora L. RAMSEY married
Samuel Merchant SACHETT
Married on October 10, 1889.
J. Duncan RAMSEY married
RAMSEY-COVERT— At the bride’s residence, Washington Pa., January 1st, 1868, by Rev. W. B. Watkins, Jr. J. Duncan Ramsey, local editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette, and formerly of Uniontown, and Miss Annie E. Covert.
James RAMSEY married
Rebecca HAGUE
RAMSEY-HAGUE— Tuesday 21st ult., by the Rev. J. C. Cover, Mr. James Ramsey, of German tp., to Miss Rebecca Hague of Nicholson tp.
John Erwin RAMSEY
He was married to Eliza Anne RIFFLE.
Sept. 20, 1863, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Jas. P. Baird, Mr. John Erwin Ramsey and Miss Eliza Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. Jacob Riffle, all of German township, Fayette Co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Oct 8, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 35, Pg. 2, Col. 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to G. W. K. MINOR.
In Waynesburg, on Thursday the 24th ult., by Rev. J. Loughran, President of Waynesburg College, G. W. K. Minor, Editor of this paper and Miss Mary D. Ramsey, of Waynesburg.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Mar. 3, 1853, Vol. I, No. 47
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Tabatha RAMSEY married
SCHROYER-RAMSEY— Dec. 5, 1869, by Elder J. J. Cover, Mr. Thomas N. Schroyer to Miss Tabatha Ramsey, both of this county.
Mollie RANKIN married
PATTERSON-RANKIN— Tuesday, January 14th, 1870, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Franklin township, by the Rev. M. M. McKinstry, Mr. Matthew M. Patterson, of Dunbar township, to Miss Mollie A., eldest daughter of James Rankin, Esq.
He was married to Miss Mary Jane BARRICKLOW.
By the same (Rev. J. S. GIBSON), Feb. 14, Mr. Samuel RANKIN and Miss Mary Jane BARRICKLOW, both of Fayette Co.
February 21, 1861, Volume 1, Number 4, Page 5, Column 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Hugh L. RANKIN married
RANKIN-BEESON— September 18th, 1867, by Rev. McLaren, Mr. HUGH L. RANKIN of Uniontown, Pa., and Miss EMMA BEESON, of Detroit, Michigan.
Lizzie Ann RANKINS married
George CROW
CROW-RANKINS— December 23rd, 1865, by Wm. McClary, Esq., Mr. GEORGE CROW, of Springhill Tp., to Miss LIZZIE ANN RANKINS, of Nicholson Tp.
Robert RANKINS married
RANKINS-LEIGHTY— On the 2nd inst., by Rev. C. W. Scott, Mr. Robert Rankins to Miss Anna Leighty, all of this County.
Eva RASSETT married
Thomas McGILL
M’GILL-RASSETT— At the Parsonage, New Haven, by the Rev. J. M. Davies, Mr. Thomas McGill and Miss Eva Rassett, both of Franklin township, Fayette County, Pa.
Mary RATHBURN married
— Rev. A. G. BYERS, of the M. E. Conference of Ohio, to Miss MARY RATHBURN.
She was married to John LAYMEN.
LAYMEN--RAYMEN-June 10, by the same (J.W.C. Brooks, Esq.) in Saltlick township, Mr. John Laymen and Miss Mary Raymen.
The Genius of Liberty, June 24, 1869
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Patrick REARDON married
REARDON-FROST— The same day [4th inst.], by the same [J. Holmes, Esq.], Patrick Reardon and Miss Mary Frost, both of Con’ville.
B. M. REDDEN married
America STOUT
REDDEN-STOUT— January 28th, at the Disciple Church in Bellevernon, Pa., by the Rev. J. M. Springer, Mr. B. M. REDDEN and Miss AMERICA STOUT, both of Louis county, Kentucky.
C. C. REECHARD married
REECHARD-WOODWARD— On the 20th of June, 1871, at the residence of I. C. Woodward, by the Rev. F. P. Lewis, C. C. Reechard, M. D., to Miss Mary L. Woodward, of Brownsville, Pa.
James REED married
Rachel BEAR
REED-BEAR— On the 27th of December last, by Thomas Williams, Esq., Mr. James Reed and Miss Rachel Bear, both of Fayette Co., Pa.
Josiah REED married
REED-DAVIS— April 18th, 1868, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. B. F. Brown, Mr. Josiah Reed, of Fairchance, and Mrs. MARY DAVIS, of Springhill township.
Maria REED married
YOUNKIN-REED— January 23d, 1868, at the Page House, in Connellsville, by Benj. Pritchard, Esq., Mr. C. M. YOUNKIN and Miss MARIA REED, both of Tyrone township.
Mary J. REED
She was married to E.G. STEVENS.
On Tuesday the 13th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Brown, Mr. E.G. Stevens, formerly of this place, and Miss Mary J. Reed, of Pittsburg.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Sep 22, 1853
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Maslon REED married
Anne Marie McCOMBS
REED-McCOMBS— At the residence of the bride’s father, in German township, February 4th 1868, by Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., Mr. MASLON REED, of La Salle county, Ill., and Miss ANNE MARIE McCOMBS, of Fayette co.
William REED married
REED-CONAWAY— November 12th, 1863, by Rev. P. M. M’Gowan, Mr. William Reed and Miss Eliza Conaway, all of Perryopolis, Fayette County.
Adam REES married
Sarah Ann FOUST
REES-FOUST— On the 9th of October ’62, by the same [Joseph H. Miller, Esq.], Adam Rees and Sarah Ann Foust, both of Saltlick Tp.
Hattie S. REESE married
Joseph F. FORREY
FORREY—REESE— December 16th, at the residence of Mr. Strawn, by M.L. Streator, Esq., Mr. Joseph F. Forrey, and Miss Hattie S. Reese, all of Connellsville, Fayette co., Pa.
Alice REID married
BOYTS-REID— Oct. 20th, by Rev. W. W. Ralston, Mr. Frank Boyts, of Pittsburgh, to Miss Alice Reid of Fayette county.
James REID married Kizzie WATSON
REID WATSON At the parsonage, Feb. 18, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. James Reid and Miss Kizzie Watson, both of Georges township, Pa.
Will T. REID married
Josephine STOUFFER
REID-STOUFFER— At the residence of the bride’s father, Oct. 11th, by M. L. Streator, Mr. Will T. Reid, of Broadford, to Miss Josephine Stouffer, of Connellsville, Pa. No cards.
Tillie REINER married
OGLEVEE-REINER— At the residence of the bride’s father, Oct. 25th, by Rev. J. M. Barnett, Mr. Philip Oglevee, of East Liberty, Fayette Co., to Miss Tillie Reiner, of Dunbar, Fayette Co.
Jacob M. RENSHAW married
Emily B. NIXON
RENSHAW-NIXON— June 4h, 1865, by Elder Joe I. Cover, Mr. JACOB M. RENSHAW, of German township, to Miss EMILY B. NIXON, of Georges Township, both of Fayette County, Pa.
M. M. RENSHAW married
Married on September 6, 1868.
Martha V. RESLER married
SENEFF-RESLER— On Thursday last, the 9th inst., by Rev. B. Noon, Mr. JOHN W. SENEFF and Miss MARTHA V. RESLER, daughter of Capt. David Resler, all of Springfield township.
Mary E. RESLER married
William K. BROOKS
BROOKS-RESLER— March 21st, 1870, at the residence of J. W. Seniff, in Springfield, by Rev. M. O. Lane, Mr. William K. Brooks and Miss Mary E. Resler, both of Springfield, Fayette county, Pa.
Peter RESLER married
RESLER-SHEMAR— On the 5th of March 1865, by the same [Jacob H. Miller, Esq.], Mr. PETER RESLER to Mrs. SARAH SHEMAR, both of Saltlick township.
Sadie E. RESLER married
Joseph L. BROOKS
BROOKS-RESLER— March 21st, 1870, at the residence of J. W. Seniff, in Springfield, by Rev. M. O. Lane, Mr. Joseph L. Brooks and Miss Sadie E. Resler, both of Springfield, Fayette county, Pa.
E. Burke REYNOLDS married
REYNOLDS-SPRINGER— On the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. B. Castle, Mr. E. Burke Reynolds, to Miss Nannie Springer, all of this place.
James REYNOLDS, Jr. married
Rebecca NELAN
— On Thursday evening last by the Rev. D. G. BUCKINGHAM, Mr. JAS. REYNOLDS, Jr. to Miss REBECCA NELAN – both of Bridgeport.
Kate E. REYNOLDS married
Andrew J. LILLY
LILLY-REYNOLDS— On Tuesday, March 8th, at Fairview Hill, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. Andrew J. Lilly, Esq., of Redstone, to Miss Kate E. Reynolds, of Menallen township, Fayette county, Pa.
James RHOADES married
Susannah DOWNER
RHOADES-DOWNER— By the same [Rev. J. S. Gibson], on the same day [October 5], Mr. JAMES RHOADES and Miss SUSANNAH DOWNER, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Belle I. RHODES married
Joseph M. BAKER
Married— July 8, 1882
Catharine RHODES married
CHRAMER-RHODES— In Connellsville tp., Wednesday evening, December 13, 1870, by Rev. _____, Mr. Thomas Chramer of West Newton to Miss Catharine Rhodes, of the former place.
Donna RHODES married
David LYNN
Married on July 4, 1907.
He was married to Miss Sarah NORCROSS.
By the same * Oct. 10th, 1861, Mr. JAMES R. RHODES, of Waynesburg, to Miss SARAH
NORCROSS, of Westmoreland Co., Pa.
*Rev. J.S. Gibson
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 17, 1861, Vol. 1, No. 38, Pg. 3, Col. 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Miss RHODES married
BREAKIRON-RHODES— Thursday 2d inst., by the Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Ashable Breakiron of Nicholson tp., to Miss Rhodes of Georges tp.
S. A. RHODES married
GANS-RHODES— May 18, by Rev. H. O. Roseborogh, Mr. J. U. Gans to Miss S. A. Rhodes, both of Springhill township.
She was married to George W. BUTE.
BUTE--RHODESMay 3d, by the Rev. J.K. Holmes, at the bride's residence, Mr. George W. Bute, and Miss Sarah Rhodes, both of Ottowa, Laselle county, Illinois.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 14, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Sarah E. RHODES married
— Also the same day and in the same place [the 7th inst.], by the same [Rev. Thomas H. Monroe], Mr. Ephraim W. Sterling and Miss Sarah E. Rhodes both of German tp.
Thomas W. RHODES married
RHODES-JACKSON— At the Parsonage, November 16th, by Rev. H. Acker, Mr. Thomas W. Rhodes, to Miss Allie Jackson, both of this county.
Anna RICE married
Married on November 16, 1892.
Christina RICE married
THORP-RICE— At the residence of the bride’s mother, May 5th, 1871, by Rev. J. M. Barnett, Mr. John H. Thorp to Miss Christina, daughter of Mrs. Sallie Rice, both of Connellsville.
Margaret J. RICE married
— By the same [Rev. I. N. Biddle], on the 20th of January, DAVID R. PORTER, Co. A., 1st Vir. Calvary, to Miss MARGARET J. RICE, all of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa.
She was married to Edward BELL.
BELL-RICE-March 12th, at the Fulton House, Uniontown, by the same (Benjamin Pritchard, Esq.), Mr. Edward Bell and Miss Mary Rice.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Apr. 22, 1869, Vol. II, No. 15
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Michael RICE married
Elizabeth FISHER
RICE-FISHER— April 23th, 1868, in Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa., by Thomas Williams, Esq., Mr. MICHAEL RICE, of Monongahelia County, West Va., and Miss ELIZABETH FISHER, of Farmington, Fayette County, Pa.
Nancy RICE married
Daniel S. TROXL
— Nov. 14th 1861, by the Rev. Baker, at the residence of Jacob Rice, DANIEL S. TROXL and Miss Nancy RICE, all of Bullskin Tp.
Caroline R. RICHARDS
She was married to John MILLER.
Feb 11th, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. John Miller to Miss Carolina R. Richards, all of Fayette county.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 6, 1862, Vol 2, No. 5, Pg. 5, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
D. J. RICHARDS married
— August 31, 1861, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. D. A. CARTER to Miss D. J. RICHARDS, all of Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Eliza J. STARR.
On the 13th inst., by Rev. W.D. Lemon, Mr. Edward Richards, and Miss Eliza J. Starr, all of Masontown, German township, Fayette county, Penna.
Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Jan. 27, 1853
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Howard RICHARDS married
RICHARDS-NIXON— August 21th, 1871, by John Stillwagon, Esq., Mr. Howard Richards, to Miss Anna E. Nixon, all of Monroe, Fayette County, Pa.
James B. RICHARDS married
RICHARDS-GARWOOD— On the 19th inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, in Redstone township, by the same [Rev. J. W. Coulter], Mr. James B. Richards to Miss Alice, daughter of Abram Garwood, all of Fayette County, Pa.
Kate RICHARDS married
Sanford SHOW
SHOW-RICHARDS— August 5th, 1871, by William M. Shipley, Esq., Mr. Sanford Show to Miss Kate Richards, both of Monroe, Fayette County, Pa.
Levina RICHARDS married
— On the 14th of August, 1861, by Rev. I. N. Biddle, Mr. LEVI HUNTLEY and Miss LEVINA RICHARDS, all of Uniontown.
Otean RICHARDS married
George SMITH
SMITH-RICHARDS— Thursday 14, inst., Mr. George Smith of Brownsville, and Miss Otean Richards of Webster, Pa.
James RICHEY married
RICHEY-LECKRON— September 28, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. JAMES RICHEY and Miss LYDIA LECKRON, both of German township, Pa.
Mary RICHEY married
Robert M. YOUNG
George RICHIE married
RICHIE-GASAWA— At Connellsville, Nov. 6, by Justice Freeman, Mr. George Richie to Miss Lucy Gasawa.
He was married to Jane BERKET.
RIDENOUR--BERKET-June 8, by the same, (J.W.C. Brooks, Esq.) at the same place, (Springfield) Mr. C.W. Ridenour and Miss Jane Berket, all of Fayette county.
The Genius of Liberty, June 24, 1869
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Hannah RIDER married
— On the 14th inst., by the same [Philip D. Stentz, Esq.], Mr. JOHN HUUN, of Nicholson township, and Miss HANNAH, daughter of Michael Rider, of German township, Fayette co.
Isaac RIDER married
— Oct. 9th 1862, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. ISAAC RIDER, and Miss MARY FRANCES, daughter of Mr. Jos. Longanecker, all of German Tp., Fayette Co., Pa.
He was married to Euphemia SIDWELL.
At the same time (2nd inst.) and place (at the Parsonage), by the same (Rev. J.K. Melhorn), Mr. Jacob rider, of German township, and Mrs. Euphemia Sidwell, of Georges township.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., May 9, 1861, Vol. 1, No. 15, Pg. 5, Col. 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Jacob N. RIDGE married
RIDGE-MARTIN— June 18th 1864, by the same [Isaac Messmore Esq.], Mr. Jacob N. Ridge and Miss Eliza Martin, both of Luzerne township.
M. J. RIDGE married
Washington J. TORIMER
— On the same day [9th of Oct. 1862], by the same[Rev. J. Adams], Mr. WASHINGTON J. TORIMER, and Miss M. J. RIDGE, both of Fayette County, Pa.
Sarah J. RIDGE
She was married to Samuel H. MOSS.
On the 5th of March, '63, by Rev. J. Adams, Mr. SAMUEL H. MOSS, of Lasalle Co., Ill. and Miss Sarah J. RIDGE, of Fayette Co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 12, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 5, Pg. 3, Col. 2
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Elisha RIDGWAY married
— At the Fulton House, Uniontown, Pa., on the 13th inst., by Rev. A. T. Petty, Mr. ELISHA RIDGWAY, and Miss CAROLINE CASTELLS, both of Monongalia Co., Va.
Eliza Anne RIFFLE
She was married to John Erwin RAMSEY.
Sept. 20, 1863, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Jas. P. Baird, Mr. John Erwin Ramsey and Miss Eliza Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. Jacob Riffle, all of German township, Fayette Co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Oct 8, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 35, Pg. 2, Col. 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
George W. RIFFLE married
RIFFLE-BAKER— October 19th, 1869, by Rev. J. H. Stone, M. George W. Riffle, to Miss Mary J. Baker, all of Fayette County, Pa.
Isaiah RIFFLE married
RIFFLE-LEWELLEN— January 6th, at the Parsonage, by Rev. H. Acker, Mr. ISAIAH RIFFLE and Miss MARGARET LEWELLEN, all of Fayette county.
John RIFFLE married
— At the residence of Jacob Johnson in German township, on Thursday the 4th inst., by Isaac Messmore Esq., Mr. JOHN RIFFLE, and Miss MARY BARE, both of German township, Pa.
She was married to Frank ROBINSON.
ROBINSON-RIFFLE.-On Wednesday, March 3d, 1880, by L. C. McLain, at the
residence of the bride's mother, Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa.,
Mr. Frank Robinson and Miss Katie Riffle, both of Connellsville.
The Keystone Courier, Connellsville, Pa., Friday, March 26, 1880, Page 5, column 7
Contributed by Nancy Lohr <nancy_lhr at>
She was married to Joseph W. ANDERSON.
ANDERSONRIFFLE-On the 25th, inst. at the residence of J. H. Smith, by Rev Andrew Getty, Mr. Joseph W. Anderson of Smiths Mills, Westmoreland county, and Miss Minerva Riffle of McClellandtown, Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, July 29, 1869
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Augustus RINEHART married
— On Sunday, the 16th inst., by Thomas Acklin, Esq., Mr. AUGUSTUS RINEHART and Miss SARAH SMITH, all of North Union township.
Melinda R. RINEHART married
ANDERSON-RINEHART [RINNEHART]— October 5, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. CHARLES ANDERSON to Miss MELINDA R. RINNEHART, both of Greene county, Pa.
Stephen RIGGIN married
RIGGIN-CROP— August 16th, at the residence of Thomas Moser, in Dunbar township, Fayette county, by G. R. Bower, Esq., Mr. STEPHEN RIGGIN and Miss MARY CROP, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Elizabeth RILEY married
Andrew DEAN
— By John McCollough, Esq., on Sunday the 14th of August, Mr. ANDREW DEAN, of Fayette county, Pa., and Miss ELIZABETH RILEY, of Preston county, Va.
Hannah Jane RILEY married
JOHNSON-RILEY— At the residence of John Cover, Sr., Nov. 17th inst., by Elder J. I Cover, Mr. Jacob Johnson, of Nicholson tp., and Miss Hannah Jane Riley, of German tp., all of Fayette co., Pa.
Jacob H. RINGER married
Mary Catharine ROSENBERGER
Mary Catharine ROSENBERGER married
RINGER-ROSENBERGER— August 21st, ’63, by Thomas A. Haldeman, Esq., Mr. Jacob H. Ringer and Miss Mary Catharine Rosenberger, all of Brandonville, West Virginia.
Kate RINGER married
THOMAS-RINGER— At the residence of the bride’s parents, on the 9th instant, by Rev. Mr. Feather, Mr. A. G. Thomas, to Miss Kate, daughter of Henry Ringer, all of Wharton township.
Lush RINGER married
Elizabeth YAUGER
Married on July 19, 1893.
John RISBECK married
Nancy J. HESS
RISEBECK-HESS— December 31st, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Redstone township, by Rev. W. B. Skinner, Mr. JOHN RISBECK, Esq., and Miss NANCY J. HESS.
John T. RITCHEY married
RITCHEY-TAYLOR— At the residence of Col. L. F. McAleer, Hampshire Co., West Va., on the 25th of March, by the Rev. Kather Cornwell, Mr. JOHN T. RITCHEY, of Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pa., to Miss MARY E. TAYLOR, of Augusta Co., Va.
M. RITCHEY married
RITCHEY-MYERS— On the 10th inst., at the Hitchman House, in Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland Co., by the Rev. I. A. Peters, Mr. M. RITCHEY and Miss LYDIA MYERS, both of Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa.
Maggie E. RITCHIE married
ECHERT-RITCHIE— July 4, by the same [Rev. W. W. Ralston], James Echert to Maggie E. Richie, all of Fayette county.
James M. RITENOUR married
RITENOUR-MURPHEY— September 3, 1869, at Brownsville, by Rev. Mr. Lewis, Mr. James M. Ritenour to Miss Selena Murphey, both of North Union township.
Lizzie ROAMSBURG married
John SOTT, Jr.
SOTT-ROAMSBURG— On the 8th inst., by John P. Williams, Esq., Mr. John Sott, Jr., to Miss Lizzie Roamsburg, both of New Geneva.
Andrew S. ROBBINS married
ROBBINS-ZIMMERMAN— November 3d, by the Rev. Johnston, H. Stone, Andrew S. Robbins to Miss Sue Zimmerman, both of this county.
Elizabeth ROBBINS
She was married to Jacob WALKER.
Nov. 24th, '57 by Rev. J M. Mason, Mr. JACOB WALKER of Fayette county and Miss ELIZABETH ROBBINS of Connellsville, Pa.
Western Methodist Protestant, Springfield, OH., January 13, 1858
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John ROBBINS married
Married on December 24, 1914.
Rachel E. ROBBINS married
BOWMAN-ROBBINS— August 31st, 1865, at East Liberty, Pa., by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. JOHN T. BOWMAN of Michigan, and Miss RACHEL E., eldest daughter of William Robbins, Esq., near Pennsville, Fayette County, Pa.
William ROBBINS married
ROBBINS-DEVENPORT— January 1st, 1868, on the cars, between Dawson’s Station and Connellsville, by the same [Rev. A. J. Swain], Mr. Wm. Robbins and Miss Ellen Devenport, both of Fayette county, Pa.
James H. ROBERTS married
Maggie A. WOLFE
ROBERTS-WOLFE— November 11th, 1869, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. P. Baird, Mr. James H. Roberts, of “Scenery Hill,” Washington co., Pa., and Miss Maggie A., youngest daughter of George Wolfe, Esq., of Franklin township, Fayette co., Pa.
William B. ROBERTS
He was married to Hannah BROWNFIELD.
On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Fielding, Mr. William B. Roberts, to Miss Hannah Brownfield, both of the borough.
The Genius of Liberty, Union-Town, Oct. 3, 1831, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Thomas A. ROBERTSON married
Doris June BROOKS
FORMER LOCAL GIRL WEDS IN CAPITOL— Pictured above is the former Doris June Brooks, daughter of Mrs. Cora Brooks of 141 East Peach street, who became the ride of Mr. Robertson, a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Robertson of 200 36th street, Washington, D. C., at a lovely ceremony on Saturday afternoon, October 2, in the Ryland Methodist Church, Washington. Rev. Melvin Lederer officiated for the ceremony at 4 o’clock. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Robert Striner. Her attendants were Mrs. Harry Wood, a sister, who served as matron of honor; Mrs. Thomas Schomer and Miss Elizabeth Striner, two other sisters, who were bridesmaids. Eugene Hansch of Falls Church, Va., was the best man and ushers were Lawrence DeAtley of Washington, D. C., and Charles Laynor of Alexandria, Va. A reception was held at the bridegroom’s home after the wedding. Hostesses were Mrs. Margaret Mann of Amelia, Va., Mrs. Oliver Coffin and Miss Kay Coffin of Washington and Mrs. Doris Hines of Richmond. After a wedding trip to the Smoky Mountains and southern states the newlyweds are now at home in a newly-built residence at 4521 Adrian street, Wheaton City, Md. The bride, a former employe of the Bell Telephone Company here, is employed by the C. & P. Telephone Company at Washington D. C. Mr. Robertson, who is associated with his father in an automotive supply business known as the Robertson Auto Electric company, is a veteran of three years’ service in the U.S. Navy.
Ada V. ROBINSON married
GILLESPIE-ROBINSON— At noon, Thursday, October 6th, by Rev. W. W. Ralston, at the residence of the bride’s parents, W. K. Gillespie, of Pittsburgh, Pa., to Ada V. Robinson, of Uniontown, Pa.
Clyde ROBINSON married
Married on November 21, 1903.
Eleazer ROBINSON married
Elizabeth PORTER
— On Wednesday, November the 24th, by Rev. Samuel Wilson, D. D., Mr. ELEAZER ROBINSON, of this place, and Mrs. ELIZABETH PORTER, of German township.
Emma Caroline ROBINSON married
Presley B. NIXON
NIXON-ROBINSON— Dec. 29th, 1864, by Rev. W. F. Hamilton, Mr. PRESLEY B. NIXON and Miss EMMA CAROLINE ROBINSON, all of this County.
He was married to Katie RIFFLE.
ROBINSON-RIFFLE.-On Wednesday, March 3d, 1880, by L. C. McLain, at the residence
of the bride's mother, Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa., Mr. Frank Robinson and
Miss Katie Riffle, both of Connellsville.
The Keystone Courier, Connellsville, Pa., Friday, March 26, 1880, Page 5, column 7
Contributed by Nancy Lohr <nancy_lhr at>
Henry ROBINSON married
Martha Ellen WEST
ROBINSON-WEST— On Thursday the 4th inst., by Rev. J. Wynn, Mr. Henry Robinson of Georges township, to Miss Martha Ellen West, of South Union.
Joseph H. ROBINSON married
Rebecca H. MOSS
ROBINSON-MOSS— June 21th, at the residence of the bride’s father, near New Geneva, Pa., by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. Joseph H. Robinson, of Morgantown, West Va., to Miss Rebecca H. Moss.
L. A. ROBINSON married
David GANS
GANS-ROBINSON— October 14th, 1869, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. David Gans to Miss L. A. Robinson, both of Nicholson township, Fayette County, Pa.
Mary ROBINSON married
Alonzo BOWIE
Married— January 16, 1888
Ross ROBINSON married
Carrie CROW
Married on June 24, 1903.
Thaddeus ROBINSON married
ROBINSON-GALLAHER— At the Catholic Church, in Butler, Sept. 18, by Rev. Father Doyle, Mr. THADDEUS ROBINSON of Pittsburgh and Miss SARAH GALLAHER, of Butler county, Pa.
She was married to Henry PALMER.
PALMER-ROBISON.At the residence of the bride's parents, near Barracksville _____ March 24th, 1868, by Rev. William Fontney, Mr. Henry Palmer, of Fayette County, Pa., and Miss Lina Robison, of Marion County West Virginia.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa, Thursday, April 2, 1868
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Anna F. ROCKWELL married
Andrew B. WATSON
WATSON-ROCKWELL— On Sunday the 13th November 1864, by B. F. Hellen Esq., Mr. Andrew B. Watson and Miss Anna F. Rockwell, both of German tp.
Joshua H. ROCKWELL married
Elizabeth WALTERS
ROCKWELL-WALTERS— October 1st, by Solomon Smith, Esq., Mr. JOSHUA H. ROCKWELL and Miss ELIZABETH WALTERS, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Ruth Ann ROCKWELL married
Thomas DOWNS
DOWNS-ROCKWELL— October 14th, ’64, by Thomas A. Haldeman Esq., Mr. Thomas Downs and Miss Ruth Ann Rockwell.
Susannah ROCKWELL married
— On Wednesday, the 16th inst., by B. F. Hellen Esq., Mr. RICHARD ANDERSON of South Union township, to Miss SSANNAH ROCKWELL, of German township.
E. G. RODDY married
Lydia Jane BEESON
— On the same day [Thursday the 22d inst.] by Rev. Samuel Wakefield, Col. E. G. RODDY and Miss LYDIA JANE, daughter of Rezin Beeson, all of Menallen township. The frequent calls upon to record the departure of our old friends, to that life which is made up of “two willing hearts,” seems to assure us that we are soon to be left solitary and alone, not only matrimonially but abstractedly. Well, it may be better to live abstracted than to go distracted, as it is said men mostly go, contemplating matrimony. Col. Roddy, we bid you good bye, and hope you will be as good a citizen in the state of matrimony as you were in the state of “single blessedness.” Our best wishes attend you.
Margaret RODDY married
FRANTZ-RODDY— At Petersburg, June 13th, 1861, by the Rev. _ W. Baker, JOHN FRANTZ, Esq., of Allegheny county, Md., and Miss MARGARET RODDY, of Somerset county, Pa.
William RODDY married
RODDY-BLUBAUGH— Nov. 23d, by the Rev. Silas C. Mitchell, Wm. Roddy Esq., of Petersburg to Mrs. Anna Blubaugh.
Hattie RODEHAVER married
OGLEVEE-RODEHAVER— June 15, 1868, at the residence of Frederick Price, Esq., St. Louis Co., Mo., by Rev. Francis A. Morris, Mr. JOSEPH. M. OGLEVEE, of Uniontown, Pa., and Miss HATTIE RODEHAVER, of St. Louis, Mo.
D. J. RODERICK married
Sarah Margaret KING
RODERICK-KING— September 16th, 1869, by the same [Rev. C. W. Smith], Mr. D. J. Roderick, and Miss Sarah Margaret King, both near Uniontown, Pa.
Lucille RODERICK married
CLARKE-RODERICK— On Thursday, Dec. 9th, 1869, at the Parsonage, by Rev. Joel Stoneroad, Mr. James W. Clarke to Miss Lucille Roderick, all of Fayette county, Penna.
Eliza RODGERS married
DITMORE-RODGERS— March 9th, 1870, by Rev. C. W. Smith, Mr. Alex. Ditmore to Miss Eliza Rodgers, both of Uniontown, Pa.
Jacob W. ROGERS married
— On the 7th inst. by the Rev. G. Owen, Mr. JACOB W. ROGERS, near Connellsville to Miss JANE MARSHALL, of Uniontown, Pa.
John ROGERS married
ROGERS-GOLDSBURY— Dec. 6th, 1865, by Thomas A. Haldeman, Esq., Mr. JOHN ROGERS and Miss MARGARET GOLDSBURY, all of Fairchance, Pa.
He was married to Barbary Ann LEONARD.
ROLEY-LEONARD,Dec. 25th, by Rev. Joy, Mr. Henry Roley to Miss Barbary Ann Leonard.
The Genius of Liberty, Jan. 12, 1871
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Marion ROLEY married
Naomi KYLE
ROLEY-KYLE— A few days ago, by Rev. James Davidson, Mr. Marion Roley, to Miss Naomi Kyle, all of Bellevernon, Pa.
Joseph ROMANTIC married
Married on January 29, 1925.
Hatty ROMESBERG married
BIGAM-ROMESBERG— On December 20th, 1868, by J. H. Miller, Esq., Mr. DAVID BIGAM and Miss HATTY ROMESBERG, all of Springfield township, Fayette county, Pa.
She was married to Jacob BROWN.
On Sunday the 8th inst., by John Steel, Esq., Mr. Jacob Brown and Miss Elizabeth Romesburgh, all of Henry Clay township, Fayette co., Penna.
The Genius of Liberty, Aug. 12, 1852
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Elmer ROSE married
Married on June 14, 1923.
James ROSE married
Mary Elizabeth DEAN
— On the 16th inst., by the same [Wm. P. Clifton, Esq.], Mr. JAMES ROSE, and Miss MARY ELIZABETH DEAN, all of Redstone tp.
Sarah A. ROSE
She was married to Amos JOHNSTON.
On the 16th inst., by Rev. Franklin Moore, Mr. Amos Johnston, and Miss Sarah A. Rose, both of North Union township Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., March 23, 1854, Vol. 2, No 50, Pg. 3, Col. 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
William ROSE married
Mary Ellen JONES
ROSE-JONES— At the same time and place [January 4th, at the Parsonage], by the same [Rev. Mr. Willet], Mr. WILLIAM ROSE to MARY ELLEN JONES, all of St. Clair township, Benton county, Iowa.
A. Marshall ROSS married
ROSS-HAGANS— Thursday, 17th instant, at the bride’s parents, Brandonville, West Va., by Rev. Joseph B. Feathers, A. Marshall Ross, Esq., of Addison, Pa., to Miss Laura B. Hagans.
Annie M. ROSS married
James L. HAGUE
Married on November 8, 1883.
Chauncey B. ROSS married
Lizzie DOYLE
ROSS-DOYLE— November 22, 1877, by Justice John Holmes, at his residence in Uniontown, Pa., Mr. Chauncey B. Ross and Miss Lizzie Doyle, both of Fayette county.
Elizabeth ROSS
She was married to Oliver EBERHART.
On the 15th inst., by the Rev. J. K. Melhorn, Mr. Oliver EBERHART and Miss Elizabeth ROSS, both of Springhill Tp.
Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Mar. 26, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 7, Pg. 3, Col 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Francis T. ROSS married
Married on June 22, 1882.
George W. ROSS married
Married on October 24, 1878.
James P. ROSS married Nancy C. MARTIN
ROSS MARTIN At the Parsonage, Feb. 4, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough, Mr. James P. Ross of Monongalia county, West Va., and Miss Nancy C. Martin, of George township, Pa.
James P. ROSS married
Sarah A. HALL
Married on April 4, 1878.
James T. ROSS
He was married to Elizabeth STEVENSON.
ROSS--STEVENSONDec. 31st, 1863, by Rev. H. O. Rosborough Mr. James
T. Ross and Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. ___ Stevenson, both
of Springhill tp. Fayette co. Pa.
(father's first name hard to decipher)
Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Jan 14, 1864
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to John YAUGER.
YAUGER--ROSS April 22d '66 by Thomas A. Haldeman Esq., Mr. John Yauger to Miss Mary E. Ross all of Fayette County, Pa.
Genius of Liberty, Thursday, 26 April 1866
Contributed by Beverly Sellers-Niel
R. W. ROSS married
ROSS-ENDSLEY— Thursday, 17th instant, at the residency of the bride’s parents, in _____, by Rev. H. M. Freshwaters, R. W. Ross, Esq., of Addison, to Miss Mary Endsley.
Robert C. ROSS married
Francis RANSHAW married
Robert C. ROSS
— At the residence of the bride’s father, on Thursday, May 1st, by Rev. P. Brown, Mr. ROBERT C. ROSS, of Monongalia county, Va., and Miss FRANCIS, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Ranshaw, of Fayette county, Pa.
He was married to Esther BROWN.
On the same day (Thursday the 14th inst.) by the same (Rev. John Morgan) at the same time and place (at the house of Mr. Jacob Harris), Mr. Caleb Rossell, to Miss Esther, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Brown, all of Perry township.
The Genius of Liberty, Monday, Jan. 25, 1841, Pg. 3, Col. 6
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John ROSSELL married
ROSSELL-SNYDER— July 20, 1868, by Rev. A. J. Swain, Mr. JOHN ROSSELL and Miss SARAH SNYDER, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Maggie ROSSELL married
— On the 30th ult., at the Olive Branch Parsonage, by the Rev. Mr. Kramer, Mr. JAMES G. M’DONALD and Miss MAGGIE ROSSELL, both of Fayette county, Pa.
Kate ROTHARMEL married
George W. BROWN
BROWN-ROTHARMEL— At same place [Parsonage], by the same [Rev. H. O. Rosborough], February 15, 1868, Mr. GEORGE W. BROWN and Miss KATE ROTHARMEL.
She was married to John GAUT.
January 19th, 1871, by the Rev. W.W. Ralston, John Gaut Jr., of West Newton, Westmoreland county to Lizzie Rotharmel of Fayette county, Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Thursday, Feb. 2, 1871, Pg. 3, Col. 8
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Henry ROTRUCK married
ROTRUCK-CHALFANT— December 2nd, 1875, at the residence of the bride’s father, Finley Chalfant, Esq., by Rev. J. P. Fulton, Mr. Henry Rotruck and Miss Rebecca G. Chalfant, all of Redstone township, Fayette county.
She was married to Jesse PORE.
By Rev. W. W. Hickman, Mr. Jesse PORE of Mt. Pleasant tp, Westmoreland county, to Miss Sarah ROUAND of Bullskin tp., Fayette county.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 5, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 39, Pg. 2, Col. 7
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Hattie ROWAN married
William B. MINOR
A very remarkable incident occurred on the P. & C. R. R., on the morning of the 28th of July. Mr. William B. Minor, whose quick time at Morgan & Co.’s Coke Works we mention elsewhere, concluded to take to himself a partner, and thus be enabled to rear monuments to perpetuate his name in a more lasting manner than those reared under the hammer and trowel. Accordingly he started, in company with his future companion, Mrs. Hattie Rowan, and several gentlemen and lady friends, for Pittsburgh, to there enter into the co- partnership. Everything went smoothly until a point about 20 miles below Broadford was reached, where a cow that was quietly browsing on the track, caused the train to “fly the track” and something else to occur. This “something else” was the joining of two hands – of two hearts – two lives into one. As it was evident that the train would not be righted for some time, and as a minister was discovered to be one of the passengers, it was proposed that the ceremony be performed then and there. Mr. Minor is a business man, and therefore aware that “time is money,” so he readily agreed to be tied if the fair Harriet was willing. That lady, like the sensible person that she is, said it mattered not to her where the knot was tied, so the twain were made one flesh. The preliminaries being thus arranged, the minister, Rev. Fife, was invited to make an X by a few moments’ work, which he readily agreed to do. Beneath a spreading tree, in the presence of the assembled multitude, the holy rites were solemnized and God’s richest blessings invoked upon the happy pair. The train being “all right” by this time, the party proceeded on their way rejoicing. One of the party, an old “Bach,” was so affected by the scene, that he composed the following poetry:
After that he expired.
David L. RUBLE married
RUBLE-HARTSOCK— September 23d, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. DAVID L. RUBLE of Winona, Ohio, and Miss FRANK M. HARTSOCK, of Millsboro, Penna.
Ruth Ann RUBLE married
GERARD—RUBLE— At Smithfield, Pa., Nov. 23d, 1865, by Rev. J. M. Purinton, Mr. John Gerard, of Birmingham, and Miss Ruth Ann Ruble, of Springhill township, Fayette County, Pa.
Henry RUBY married
Elizabeth FRANTZ
RUBY-FRANTZ— In Somerset, on the 20th inst.; by Rev. R. M. Freshwater, Henry Ruby, of Morgantown, W. Va., to Miss Elizabeth Frantz, of Fayette County, Pa.
Alcinda RUDE
She was married to George W MCVICHER.
On the 3d inst, at the hotel of William CAMPBELL, in Smithfield, Mr. George W McVICHER and Miss Alcinda RUDE, both of Monongalia county, Va.
May 17, 1855, Volume 1, Number 18, Page 3, Column 3
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Aaron RUGG married
RUGG-LINDERMAN— January 17th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Joseph Williams, Esq., Mr. AARON RUGG of Westmoreland county, Pa., and Miss CAROLINE LINDERMAN, of Stewart township, Fayette county, Pa.
Florence M. RUGGLES married
OVERHOLT-RUGGLES— Thursday, Aug. 31st, 1865, Mr. JOHN F. OVERHOLT, formerly of Co. B. 85th, Pa. Vol.’s, and Miss FLORENCE M. RUGGLES, of Lynchburg, Va.
Louisa RUMISER married
WILLIAMS-RUMISER— On the 3d inst., by Rev. James Storer, Mr. Thomas Williams, of Jones’ Mills, to Miss Louisa Rumiser, of Mt. Pleasant, Pa.
Rebecca RUNYAN
She was married to William W. MORRISON.
On Tuesday the 20th ult. by William Smith, Esq. Mr. William W. Morrison, formerly of this place, to Miss Rebecca Runyan, of Wells township, Jefferson county, Ohio.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, October 6, 1842, Vol. 3, No. 26, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
He was married to Miss Anna BOYLE.
March 5th, '63, at the residence of Robert Boyle, Esq., in Bellevernon, Fayette Co., Pa., by Rev. J. C. Brown, Dr. H. B. RUPP and Miss ANNA BOYLE, both of Bellevernon, Pa.
Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., Mar. 26, 1863, Vol. 3, No. 7, Pg. 3, Col 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Candy RUSH married
— On October 26, 1861, by S. D. Elliott, Esq., Mr. JAMES MINARD to Miss CANDY RUSH, all of Wharton township.
Charles H. RUSH married
Sabina HAIR
— On Monday evening the 26th ultimo, by Simon P. Snyder, Esq., Mr. CHARLES H. RUSH, of Wharton Township, and Miss SABINA, daughter of German D. Hair, of Monroe. We had the pleasure of witnessing the marriage of the above couple, and we were not put off with the ordinary printer’s share of nice cake, but we gormandized a large amount of turkey, chicken, beef, nice ham, corn ("more corn") and many other good things, “too tedious to enumerate.” The Mountain agin the world.
Chas. H. RUSH
He was married to Charlotte HAMILTON.
RUSH--HAMILTONOn the 24th ult, by Rev. John McIntire, Mr. Chas. H. Rush, of Farmington, Fayette co., and Miss Charlotte F. Hamilton, of Somerfield, Somerset co. Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Jan 14, 1864
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
She was married to Dr. Geo. H. CRAWFORD.
On the 24th ult. Dr. Geo. H. Crawford, of Millsborough, Washington county, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. James Rush, of Clarksville, Greene county.
The Genius of Liberty, Monday, Jul 6, 1840, Pg. 3, Col. 5
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
Ella RUSH married
CAMPBELL-RUSH— At Farmington, August 3d, by the Rev. W. W. Ralston, assisted by the Rev. E. T. Jeffries, of Oxford, J. R. Campbell to Ella Rush, all of Fayette County, Pa.
Henry Clay RUSH married
— On Sunday the 30th inst., by John McCollough, Esq., Mr. HENRY CLAY RUSH, of Wharton township, Fayette co., Pa., & Miss ELIZA McGIDEGAN, of Allegheny co, Md.
Jennie RUSH
She was married to Dr. O.P. BRASHEAR.
On the 26th May in Mt. Pleasant, by Rev. J.M. Barnett, Dr. O.P. Brashear to Miss Jennie Rush, both of Redstone township Fayette Co., Pa.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa., June 2, 1864, Pg. 3, Col. 1
Contributed by Roy Lockhart
John M. RUSH married
RUSH-EICHER— June 4th, by J. W. C. Brooks, Esq., at A. B. Case’s in Springfield, Mr. JOHN M. RUSH and Miss MARTHA EICHER, all of Fayette Co., Pa.
Lizzie M. RUSH married
TAYLOR-RUSH— On the 8th inst., by Rev. W. W. Ralston of Uniontown, Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, of Pile FALLS, and Miss LIZZIE M. RUSH, all of Fayette county, Pa.
Samuel RUSH married
RUSH-POTTER— Oct. 12th, by Rev. James Hollingshead, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. SAMUEL RUSH to Miss SARAH E. POTTER, all of Wharton township.
Thomas RUSH married
RUSH-DOWNER— January 26th, 1865, at the Monongahela House, Brownsville, Pa., by Rev. J. J. Hays, Mr. THOMAS RUSH and Miss MAGGIE DOWNER, all of Fayette County, Pa.
Kent Scott RUSSELL married
Leona LYNN
Married on January 15, 1919.
Lottie A. RUSSELL married
BIDDLE-RUSSELL— October 18th, 1864, by Rev. J. M. Shields, Rev. I. N. Biddle of Uniontown, Fayette co., Pa., and Miss Lottie A. Russell, of West Grove, Davis co., Iowa.
Mary RUSSELL married
Ernest LYNN
Married on May 17, 1911.
Rachel RUST married
Daniel KISER
— On the 17th inst., by John McCollough, Esq., DANIEL KISER, of Perry Township, Ohio, and Mrs. RACHEL RUST, of Wharton township, Fayette county, Penna.
E. I. RUTTER married
John MAY
MAY-RUTTER— Sept. 28th, in Uniontown, by Rev. John Boyd, Mr. John May of Franklin township, to Miss E. I. Rutter of Menallen township.
George B. RUTTER married
RUTTER-DIFFENDERFFER— July 18th, by Rev. H. L. Chapman, Mr. George B. Rutter, to Miss Ann M. Diffenderfer, all of Uniontown, Pa.
James RYAN married
— On the 13th July, by Rev. A. L. Petty, Mr. JAMES RYAN, of Georges township, to Miss RACHEL MCFADDEN, of Uniontown, Pa.
Kate RYND married
LINDLY-RYND— Tuesday, December 24th, 1867, at the residence of the bride’s father, Perrysville, Pa., Dr. Henry Lindley, of Connellsville, and Miss Kate Rynd. No cards.