9 Jan 1746- Patrick CONDON and John LEFEVER 25 a. on North Branch
of Delaware at the other side of the Blue Mountains, Bucks County. RP
7 Jan 1746 David BILLMAN 100a adjoining Hans Adam ROMICK and Erhart
TYSSLEMAN in Allen___Phil Co . RP
31 Mar 1746 James WALLING 50 a. adjoining or near Tract of land
surveyed to the use of the Proprietaries on Sambos Brook in Smithfield
twp, Bucks Co. RP
5 Apr 1746 James McCARTY 25 a. adjoining Silas McCARTY in Richland
twp on a Branch of ___schon in Bucks Co. RP
8 apr 1746 Robert HARNAH? 100 a. ____line____in Smithfield Bucks
Co. RP
8 Apr 1746 Jeremiah WILLIAMS 20 a. adjoining his other land at
Nockamixon in Bucks Co. RP
2 Apr 1746 Jacob CRIEST 50 a. in Rockhill twp near Adam SHEAVER's
Mill adjoining Peter LETHERMAN in Bucks Co. RP
1 Apr 1746 Johannes APPLE 23 a. adjoining his other Land ?Yerick
DRONE? Ring? Erd? at Saucon in Bucks Co. RP
4 Apr 1746 Peter HOFFMAN 50 a. adjoining Solomon JENNY, Nicholas
DOLL near Lehigh Hill in Bucks Co PA RP
10 Apr 1746 Bernard STRAUB 25 a. adjoining his own at Saucon in
Bucks Co. RP
16 Apr 1746 Henry SCHLEYSORN 100a. including 2 small improvements
which Reeser to Hans SHUCK have presumed to make in Durham twp, Bucks
19 Apr 1746 John SHOCK/SHOEK? 100a between Nathaniel GRI_LIG?INES
and Jacob REESERS at or near Durham or Durtians in Bucks Co. RP
22 Apr 1746 Adam REESER 50 a. including a small improvement abt 4
miles from Durham in adjoining Frederick BRETSMAN? in Bucks Co. RP
22 Apr 1746 Mathias GRUGH 50 a. including small improvement
adjoining the above tract of Adam REESER's in Bucks Co. RP
22 Apr 1746 Markin SNYDER/SNYTHER 75 a. adkjoining Frederick WEAVER
and Hans ROODROCKIN in Upper Sacoon Bucks Co from 1 Mar 1741. RP
23 apr 1746 Adam THROLINGER 50 a. adjoining Michael DUNN and Tobias
WEAVER on Lehigh Hill in Bucks Co. RP
23 Apr 1746 Jacob FRELY 100 a. adjoining his other land in
Nockamixon, Bucks Co
23 Apr 1746 John Michael KEIBER 50 a. adjoining Everard COPES land
in Upper Milford twp in Bucks Co.
23 Apr 1746 John RO__ROCK 30 a. adjoining George FROM and Christian
RIORGER at Saucon in Bucks Co.
10 June 1746 William ZIMMER 100 a. adjoining Leonard STEININGHER at
Maccungy Buck Co.
10 June Adam EBERLEY 50 a. adjoining Greer SHULK in Macoungy, Bucks
11 June 1746 Frederick SHEAVER 100a adjoining Mathias SNYDER near
Lehigh at Sacoony in Bucks Co.
12 June 1746 John MIRCKEL 100a. adjoining George HAWNE in Maccungy
Bucks Co granted by Warrant of the 14 Jan 1737 to Henry WRECK.
16 June James HUTCHINSON 150 a. abt 4 miles from Nazareth above
Forks of the Delaware in Plain on the head Branch of Monocacy in Bucks
this is a bent edge and can't read the date or name or acres...at a
place called Cow Yard adjoining or near James LAWRENCE near the head
of Tennicam? Creek in Bucks Co.
14 Aug 1746 Johannes APPLE 25 a. adjoining Tobias BALL & Martin
SNYDER at Saucon in Bucks Co. RP
13 Aug 1746 Johannes MUCK 150 a. adjoining Henry BAYER in
Andelanny? Creek near the Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. RP
4 Aug 1746 Thomas CLARKE 50 a. adjoining Herman DECKER at the foot
of the Blue Mountains near Forks of the Delaware in Bucks Co RP
14 Aug 1746 Jacob BEST 50 a. adjoining the land of his father
Jeremiah BEST near the Western Branch of the Delaware in Bucks
formerly granted by warrant of the 13 May 1743 to this Jeremiah BEST
who having forfeited the Survey is to be made for his son, Jacob BEST.
22 Aug 1746 Henry FRANKS 25 a. adjoining Christopher FRANK near the
Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. RP
26 aug 1746 Adam SHEAVER 100a. in 2 places adjoining Martin
BOMBERGER and Sebastain KNOUSE? near Leheigh Creek in Bucks Co. RP
27 Aug 1746 Jacob KLOTZ 26 a. adjoining John LASHER? and Michael
REISHEL in Maccungie twp, Bucks Co. RP
? Aug 1746 John GESEL 30 a. adjoining John SHLYVER in Upper Milford
twp, Bucks Co RP
25 Aug 1746 Cadwalder EVANS 400a on McMICHAELS Creek over the Blue
Mountains in Bucks Co.
30 Aug 1746 Nicholas FREE 50 a. adjoining Henry HAWSER and Lawrence
FREE near Maccangie in Bucks Co. RP
2 Sept 1746 Jacob BOYER 20 a. adjoining his other lands in Rich
Valley in Bucks Co - from 1 Mar 1738 RP
9 ? 1746 Lawrence _RUI__ON, 50 a. adjoining near to Jacob REES at
Tohickon in Bucks Co RP
1 Oct 1746 Henry REEDER 25 a. adjoining Mathias REEL and Henry
JACOB in Saucon twp , Bucks Co RP
2 Oct 1746 Frederick SNEIDER 25 a. adjoining the Blue Mountains in
Heidleberg, Bucks Co. RP
3 Oct 1746 Valentine STEINMASSER/STEINMAFSER 25 a. adjoining his
other land and Henry TAYLOR's on Lehigh Hill Bucks Co. RP
3 Oct 1746 Simon HEILLER 25 a. on Lehigh Hill, Bucks Co RP
10 Oct 1746 Felix McGEE having assigned his right to his warrant of
22 July 1745 for 60 a. unto Bryan CONOLLY ,you are to make out the
return for him accordingly. RP
10 Oct 1746 Bryan CONOLLY 88 a. in Tohicon Creek, Bucks Co
13 Oct 1746 George SNYDER 80 a. adjoining Valentine WINGER/ULINGER?
in Saucon twp, Bucks Co. JC
13 Oct 1746 Jost Henry SASAMANHOUSEN? 50 a. between Peter TRAXLER & Nichoas
HARMONY in Mccungie, Bucks co.
13 Oct 1746 Peter SHEAMOOR 60 a. adjoining Baltzer BOYLES and
William MURRAYS in Upper Saucon, Bucks Co. signed for RP by JC.
14 Oct -Henry GOOD 50 a. adjoining Jane FLESTEIN and Jacob TUREDER
Lehigh Hill in Saucon twp Bucks Co. JC
14 Oct -Johannes ERNHART 100 a. adj. Johannes WEBBER near John
George GRUNNER's and the Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. BC for JC
15 Oct- Woolrick MOYER 100 a. Foot of Lehigh Hill on other side of
Bachboony Creek Bucks Co. for RP by JC
15 Oct-Henry RUDOLPH 50 a. between Adam SCHOOLER and Johannes
BUMGRERCER/BUMGARDNER? in Upper Milford twp Bucks Co. JC
19 Oct- Andrea SEAFOSS 100a adj. Christian STONEBACK & Casper COLB
on Branch of Tohichon Bucks Co. WP
23 Oct - John Gerhar WEISS 150 a. adj. Fredrik SNEYDER's land near
the Blue Mountains Bucks Co. William Parsons
29 Oct- George HALNECKER 50 a. adj. Adam SCHOOLER and John
BOMGARDNER in Upper Milford, Bucks Co. WP
29 Oct- Fredrick DERFLINGER 50 a adj. Michal SMITH and Adam WARNER
in Upper Milford, Bucks Co. WP
Oct 28- Gedy KRIM 100 a. adj. his land to Yost HENRY's land in
Macungie in Bucks Co since 1 Mar 1740 WP
25 Oct - Jacob HOOBLER 25 a. adj. his other land in Milford twp,
Bucks Co. WP
27 Oct - George LECTY? 50 a. adj. Henry SCHLYDORN and Adam
LECTY?/TEETY? near the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. WP
28 Oct - George STEINIGER 25 a. adj. to his other land near Adam
COUGHS land in Macungie Bucks Co. WP
4 Nov- Henry SHULT 50 a. adj. Hugh WILSON's Line above the Forks of
Delaware near the Blue Mountains Bucks Co. RP
11 Nov- Nicholas KERN 25 a. about 4 miles from his other land on
the other side of Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
12 Nov- Phila. Jacob SHOEMAKER 25 a. adj. Henry CHRISTMAN and Henry
MEYERS land in or near Macungie Bucks Co. WP
27 Nov -Peter DOLL 50 a. adj. or near William TEETER on Branch of
LOGHY? Creek in County of Bucks. WP
Dec 3- Daniel MICHELLER 50 a. adj. Jacob SHEFFER near LOGHY, Bucks
Co. WP
8 Dec- Michael BEST? 184 a. near Cooks Creek in Springfield twp
Bucks Co. surveyed for Michael BOOT/BOOK JINSON? by warrant 19 Jan
1737 but not complying. WP
22 Jan- Manus DEKER 100 a. near the Blue Mountains in the Forks of
Delaware, Bucks co. granted by warrant 10 Jan 1744 to Jeremiah BEST
who having forfeited.
22 Jan Casper DOLL 150 a. the remaining part of the above 250 a.
granted to said Jeremiah BEST near the Blue Mountains in Forks of
Delaware, Bucks co. Surveys returned to MD and Casper DOLL avobe. RP
5 Feb- David CARR 50 a. adj. Thomas HUTCHINSON on the head of
Manakasie above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co.
5 Feb- Mathias PECKSEEK? 100 a. adj. Fesber HOLLWAY and George
CLINGMAN partly in Allemingle, Bucks Co. RP
5 Feb- Frederick SHOLL 50 a. in two parcels adj. and near the land
of Balzer ZANS/TANS/FANS/SANS/LANS? and Philip BEHME in Lower Saucon
twp, Bucks Co.
5 Feb Frederick SHOLL 40 a. adj. Philip BEHME in Lower Saucon twp,
bucks Co. RP
10 Feb- George HOFFMAN 25 a. adj. John HELSRICH and Lodonwick
ENGLEHORT on Lehigh Hill, Macungie, Bucks Co. RP
13 Feb Mathias KERR 25 a. near Hans Teeter/Peeter? HAUFFSON in
Lehigh Hills in Lower Saucon in Bucks Co. RP
19 Feb Frederick WEAVER 40 a. adj. his other land by Peeter KOAFS
and Tobias BALLS in Lower Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
15 Feb Peter CROWLL 25 a. adj. Jacob MOYER on Macungie Line. Bucks
Co. RP
23 Feb Melchior BOYER 100a adj. Hans TEETER? and Tobias BALL in
Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
24 Feb George Michael KOONTZ 50 a. adj. his other land on a Branch
of Lehigh Creek in Bucks Co. RP
27 Feb- Peter DERR 50 a. in two parcels adj. Valentine SHECK and
Peter TURNEY? near Maccungie, Bucks Co. RP
9 Mar- John BOYL 125 a. adj. his other land and James HARTS in
Plumsted twp about a mile from the Mouth of Tohickon in Bucks Co. WP
9 Mar- John HART 75 a. adj. Widow McCREARY in Plumsted twp, Bucks
4 Mar Conrad WARTZ 10 a. adj. Conrad HESS and Leonard HERTZEL above
Forkd of Delaware in Bucks Co. In order to build a " Meeting House" for the use of the Reformed Congregation of Calvanists there. RP
8 Mar- Jacob RICHY? 25 a. adj. William ALBERT in Sacoon twp, Bucks
Co. RP
11 Mar- Henry WEAVER 25 a. adj. or near his other land in Lehigh
Hills in Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
ValentineYOUNG 25 a. adj. Philip TRAPPS land in Saucon Bucks
CoTobias WEAVER 25 a. on Lehigh Hill in Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
(these were on the same scrap of paper.)
12 Mar- James HUESTON 116 a. 140 perches in Warrington, Bucks Co.
12 Mar- William WALKER, Ephraim LEECH, William LEECH, John
FULLERTON interest L80 with interest and yearly Quit Rent from 17 Jun
1746. Warrington, Bucks Co.
16 Mar- Michael KOUGH 50 a. adj. John MOORE and a tract surveyed to
M--IRISH abt 6 miles Beyond Durham, Bucks Co RP
17 Mar- Nicholas SNYDER 50 a. adj. ____ IRISH near Blue Mountains,
Bucks Co RP
19 Mar (torn Corner) TIDD 100a. adj. or near his other land on
Jones Creek in Dannsbury twp, Bucks Co RP
7 Apr Jacob WINGHER 50 a. adj. Francis LEWIS and Joseph GROVES Mill
at Three Miles Run in Bucks Co. for the use of the
________________________. RP
3 Apr -Alexander GALBRAITH 100a. near MEAR's Land above the Forks
of the Blue Mountains near to Quinten? Creek Bucks Co. RP
2 Apr- Thomas MORROW/MCCARROW? 50 a. of the Branches of Smallys
Creek at a place called the Bear Swamp near the Blue Mountains, Bucks
Co. RP
1 apr- George NONGESSER 50 a in two parcels adj. or near his other
land in Allemingle near the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
Here is a list of warrants issued in Mr. PARSON's absence.
20 Apr Joseph BOND 150 a. adj. John DENNIS and the Lottery land
partly in Springfield twp, Bucks Co
25 Apr Frederick NICCOME 50 a. adj. his improvements adj. John
DENNIS in Springield twp from 1 mar 1740.
29 Apr Jacob SWARTZ 50 a. adj. jis other land in Maccungie Bucks
29 May D___MECHLIN 11 a. adj. his other land in Upper Milford twp,
Bucks. Co.
1st May _____DALVEY? 15 a. adj. his other land in Rockhill, Bucks
9 May Joseph DENNIS 50 a. adj. his other land near Haycock abt 5
miles from Durham, Bucks Co.
11 May John Philip DeBARTHOLET 56 a. near Tohichon Bucks Co granted
by a warrant 14 Jan 1743 to Peter GRUBER who forfeited.
11 May Peter CRYLING 150 a in Upper Milford Bucks Co. granted by
warrant 11
Sept 1738 to Michael STOCKER who forfeited.
13 May -John BEES 25 a. adj. Frederick NICKAM in Springfield twp,
Bucks Co.
10 May Jacob SHRYSER 100a land on Great Lehigh near Michael
TOAPMAN's and Adam DASHLER's land in Bucks Co.
15 May Valentine THYER 100a in Great Swamp in Lower Milford Bucks
16 May Wm MACKELROY 40 a adj. George _______ and Coollan McSWARTZ
near Tohockon Creek, Bucks Co.
All above signed by Richard Peters.
19 May 1747 Larence REEMY 50 a. adj. on HESSLEBERGHER
____________Bucks Co. RP
21 May Patrick DEVENNY 50 a. in two parcels between John LEFEVER
and Peter MOMBOWER, Jotonums? Creek above Forks of Delaware in Bucks
Co. RP
23 May- John LESTER 50 a. Haycock Run in Springfield, Bucks Co. RP
26 May- George SALNEY? 125 a. near George WALLIN on Brodereak
Creek, Smithfield twp, Bucks WP
27 May-Peter RABELL 50 a. where Yerick MILLER presumed to settle
adj. Peter TRAXLER and Yost Henry SASMANHOUSE in Maccungie, Bucks Co.
28 May- John PEARCE 50 a. where Francis JONES has Presumed to
settle adj. Lynford LARDNER on the North side toward the East Corner
over the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
6 June Jacob RICHARD 50 a. adj. Bernard STROUD and Christian KAUB
in Saucon twp, Bucks Co WP
?June Alexander GALBREATH 50 a. on a branch of Allegheny Creek
above the Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
10 June- John BEAR/BERR? 50 a. within a mile of Andreas MEYERS line
in Maccungie, Bucks Co
10 June -Jacob WAGENAR 25 a. adj. the above tract of John BERRS
near Maccungie, Bucks Co. RP
12 June- Valentine NICHOLA 25 a. adj. his other land in Rockhill,
Bucks Co. RP
19 June Balthazer REESER/STEEVER? 50 a. between ________land and
James O. SLOAN beyond Tohickon near Bedminster, Bucks Co. RP
24 June Wm McCAFERTY 25 a. adj. Matthew HUGHES and Joseph COOMBS on
Tohichon Creek, Bucks Co. RP
24 June Jost FRIESBAUEGH 25 a. adj. Leanord SMITH above Forks of
Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
? July George HOOD/ROOD? 30 a. adj. Nicholas HESS & Joseph BLAIR in
Springfield, Bucks Co RP
4 July George DESH 25 a. adj. lands formerly granted by warrant to
George RIGHTER now in his possession; and Balzer STEVENS/STEVERS? in
Springfield, Bucks Co. RP
7 July John RODARMELL 25 a. adj. Melchior SMITH and Jacob WAGENARS
in Maccungie in Bucks Co. RP
17 July- Elias PEYDLEMAN 50 a. adj. Widow WILSON's, Casper WISTER
and Samuel HILBOURN in Springfield twp 3 miles from Durham Furnace in
Bucks Co. RP.
20 July- Michael BUTTS 25 a. adj. his other land and James LOGANS
in Springfield, Bucks Co.
20 July-Conrad TEETER? 25 a. adj. Michael BUTTS and James LOGAN """""""""""" """"" RP
24 July Abraham JONES 25 a. near a run of water called Three Miles
Run adj. William MILNOR on the North, Paul WALTER on the East and the
land surveyed for the Proprietaries use in Rockhill, Bucks Co. RP
27 July Andrew KAUFMAN 50 a. adj. one SHALLHAMER and Georges RAGGS
in Heidelberg, Bucks Co. RP
5 Aug- Henry KEISTER 25 a. near Christopher FRANCK and Henry FRANCK
over the Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. JC
10 Aug Wm Philips 10 a. adj. his other lands & Jno HUTCHINSON on
the S.E. Corner near Tohichon in Bucks Co. JC
11 Aug Michael MILLER 50 a. adj. Conrad KRIM and Philip BOOGHER
above Maxatwny in Allemingle in Bucks Co. JC
11 Aug Jacob RODENBAUGH 25 a. adj. or near Stephen ACREMAN on
Little Haycock beyond Tohichon in Bucks Co. JC
14 Aug- William GRAHAM 50 a. adj. Richard GRAHAM and William
MILLER's line on Three Mile Run in Rockhill, Bucks Co. JC
15 Aug- Survey or cause to be surveyed for the use of the Honorable
Prprietaries 25 a. of land in Springfield twp adj. Joseph DENNIS and
Michaell BUTTS, Bucks Co. RP
18 Aug- Peter OLDHEN 50 a adj. Elias HOYER and on LETHERMAN in
Springfield, Bucks Co. RP
19 Aug- Philip KRATCHER 50 a. adj. Sebastian GROWS's? and Jacob
ERNHART's on Lehigh Hill, Bucks Co.
26 Aug -John BOOTH 50 a. between two Barren Hills near one
1 Sept-Jacob KLOTS 25 a. on Lehigh Hill abt a mile and 1/2 from his
other land near Conrad WALDERMAN's/HALDERMAN's Settlement in Upper
Milford, Bucks. RP
2 Sept Paul BERRINGHER 25 a. adj. his other land near Smalleys
Creek, Bucks Co. RP
4 Sept David GEDSY 25 a. Cedar Creek at Maccungie adj. the land now
in his possession formerly granted by warrant of 19 Oct 1739 to Daniel
10 Sept Sebastian Henry KNAUP/KNAUFS? 200a in Upper Milford, Bucks
Co Survey Warrant of the 18 Nov 1736 to George HOFFMAN who having
forfeited his right.
15 Sept- Jacob TAWBESPECK 50 a. in two parcels adj. Hans Nicholas
KLEYN and Hans WEABER in Heidleberg, Bucks Co. RP
15 Sept- Henry ROAD 25 a. adj. John MERKLE & Teeter KRIM,
Maccungie, Bucks Co RP
24 Sept Nicholas SNYDER 50 a. adj. Conrad MEERCOM on other side of
the Lehigh over the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co RP
? Sept Peter COUFACE/DOULFACE? 50 a. near Ulrick WILDS land on
Ireton? Creek, Bucks Co. RP
28 Sept- Joseph HOUVY 26 a. above Forks on Lefevers Creek in Bucks
Co. RP
30 Sept- Frederick EVERHARD 20 a. adj. Sebastian MILLER on Lehigh
Creek, Bucks Co. RP
30 Sept -Leonard STONE 100a adj. Jacob MAWRER near Lehigh Creek,
Bucks Co. RP
3 Nov James MOORE 50 a. adj. tract of William ALLEN's on Little
Lehigh Creek, Bucks Co. RP
4 Nov- Frederci MILLER 50 a. on Hockyundocky Creek near land of
Frederich ALTIMORE at foot of Blue Mountains along Forks of Delaware,
5 Nov- John Teeter/Peeter? BOWMAN 40 a. adj. land lately surveyed
to Leonard SMITH, now in pssession beyond Lehigh Creeks above Forks of
Delaware. RP
5 Nov Martin KOAGHER 50 a. adj. Hannes BROWN, Adam MAWRER in
Heidleberg, Bucks Co. RP from 1 Mar 1743.
7 Nov. Daniel STOUT 20 a. on Both sides of the tract lately
surveyed to Jacob MOWRER now in his possession adj. Philip BEHME in
Lower Saucon, Bucks Co RP
10 Nov- Ludwig LARUSH 30 a. near Maccungie within 1/2 mile of
Johannes BEAR's Line in Bucks Co.
10 Nov- Lucwig LARUSH 25 a. near Maccungie with 1/2 mile of
Johannes BEAR's line in Bucks Co. RP
11 Nov- Peter MEZAMER 50 a. on Lehigh Hill abt 1/2 mile from his
other land in Upper Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
17 Nov- Isabell McCREARY, widow, on behalf of herself and Jennet
and Elizabeth, two of her children by Joseph McCREARY her late
husband, dec'd, 300 of land in Plumsted twp, Bucks Co- formerly
surveyed to Thomas KNIGHT
by warrant of 23 Apr 1735, which is now vacant, RP
20 Nov- Mathias BISHOFF/BISHOFS? and Frans Michael BISHOFF 600 a.
adj. the lands of Jacob SHEFFO_? and Rudolph ANDREAS in Maccungie, on
Little Lehigh Creek in Bucks Co.
20 Nov- Mathias BISHOFF & Frant Michael BISHOFF 200a. of Timberland
to be surveyed convenient to the above 600a._RP
25 Nov George CLAVELL 50 a. on Bush Creek above the Forks of
Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
23 Nov- Henry SELVIUS 60 a. adj. John STRALL behind Blue Mountains,
Bucks Co. RP
23 Nov- Adam FREEBAUCK 25 a. near William PIPER and John RIMBERGER
on Indian Creek above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
23 Nov Henry BRUNNER 92 1/2 a. in Upper Saucon twp, Bucks Co
surveyed for Joseph SAMUEL by Warrant 4 Oct 1738 but the said Joseph
SAMUEL not complying. RP
25 Nov- John SCOTT 50 a. in branch of Allegheny Creek near
Alexander GALBREATHS above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
27 Nov -Philip DOWNY 25 a. adj. Michael BYSHEL/RYSHEL? and Jacob
HUBLER in Upper Milford twp, Bucks Co.
27 Nov Stephen TOPPERMOYER? 25 a. adj. Jacob STALL/SHALL? and
Michael STUMAN in Upper Milford, Bucks Co
27 Nov Stephen TOPPERMOYER? 25 a. adj. Michael MOYER in same place.
9 Dec John FEHRST? 50 a. adj. Daniel LARICOME and Simeon Jacob TED?
in Lower Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
Applications for land surveys in 1748.
3 Jan- Christopher OBLE 50 a. beginning at Mathias RIFFLE in
Maccungie Bucks County Interest and Quit Rent from 1 Mar. 1745.RP
3 Jan -Christopher STITLER 25 a. beginning at Christopher OBLES
land at Maccungie in Bucks County.JC
11 Jan- Henry HOMEBRIGHT 150 a. in Upper Milford twp, Bucks Co.
formerly granted by a Warrant of the 16 Aug. 1738 to Samuel MOYER who
having forfeited his Right. The survey on order to return for the use
of Henry
18 Jan- Daniel KEIVER 50 a. adj. Henry KEEVER and John MILLER in
Saucon twp Bucks Co PA. RP
18 Jan- Frederick KEIMER 25 a. adj John HELFONT and Jacob STREBY?
in Upper Milford Bucks Co. RP
25 Jan- Survey or cause to be surveyed for the use of the Honorable
Proprietaries- abt 180 acres in the Forks of Neshaminy in Warwick twp
adj. land of Robert WALKER and John McCULLOCH Bucks Co and make return
to the sec. office in order to agree with John BAIRD for the same.
25 Jan- Leanard SHLUZER 50 a. adj. Jacob SINKY/LINKY? abt 3 miles
beyond Jordon Creek, Bucks Co. RP
25 Jan- Haunes SHNEIDER 25 a. adj. John WEAVER on Jordon Creek,
Bucks Co . RP
25 Jan- Daniel SHNEIDER 25 a. adj. Frederick SHNEIDER on or near
Jordon Creek Bucks Co. RP
25 Jan- Daniel SHNEIDER 25 a. adj. Jacob HOBAUGH and Adam
WINSS/WINFS near his other land in Jordan Creek, Bucks Co. RP
27 Jan- William CROOKS a warrant to accept a survey made by
Nicholas SCULL in the year 1737 on 150 a. on Cooks Creek Bucks Co.
Interest and Quit Rent to Commence from the 27 Sept 1737 on the Common
terms. RP
27 Jan- Martin BOWER 30 a. adj. John Mercus RENNINGHERS in Rockhill
twp, Bucks Co. JC
31 Jan- Abraham GOODING 25 a. in Nockamixon twp between lands of
Conrad CUSTARD, Christian MILLER and Jacob TROMBURGH in Bucks Co. RP
24 Mar- Hugh ORLTON 25 a. adj. William CROOKS and Richard AULL in
Springfield twp Bucks Co. RP
25 Mar- Jacob TENSLER? 25 a. adj. his other land & John MCOLEHRICK?
in Saucon twp Bucks Co RP
25 Mar -Fredrick HARTMAN 50 a. adj. George STOUT near Lehigh Hill
in Bucks Co. RP
4 Apr - George LIPESBERGHER 25 a. adj. Henry SUNDOCK/LANDOCK near
Mascotawny, Bucks Co. RP
4 Apr- Martin SWIZNER 100 a. adj. Peter BEAL and Jacob
HANSTEDNER/HAUSTEDNER near Mascatawny, Phil Co. RP
5 Apr- James STERLING 50 a. adj. Abraham WILDERNESS and Isaiah
BALDWIN in Bedminster, Bucks Co Interest and Quit Rent from Mar 1743.
5 Apr- Conrad KRIM 50 a. adj. his other land and Adam McCINGHEL in
Allemingle, Buck Co. RP
5 Apr- Adam McCINGKEL 50 a. adj Conrad LEIB in Allemingle Bucks Co.
5 Apr- Mathias GISST/GIFFT 50 a. in Allemingle adj. Adam MINGLE and
Conrad LEIB in Allemingle Bucks Co. RP
6 Apr- Samuel BEICHTEL Co. lands in Upper Milford Bucks Co. granted
by warrant of the 16 Aug 1738 - Christopher LONG who having forfeited
his rights - returned to Samuel BEICHTEL. for RP by JC
14 Apr- Christian LAUBACH 50 a. adj. his other land and Nathaniel
IRISH"S and Nicholas FRANTS in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
15 Apr- Nicholas FRANTS 40 a. adj. Christian LAUBACH and Paul
FRANTS in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. JC
27 Apr- John WOLFSHUESTER 50 a. adj. Mathias RISEL/RIFEL and Jacob
RISEL/RIFEL and Jacob TANNER near Maccungie, Bucks Co. RP
27 Apr- John LICHTENWALNER 50 a. adj. his other land in Maccungie
Bucks Co RP
29 Apr- Solomon JENNINGS 100 a. adj. John McMICHAELS line on the
Brooks in Dansbury twp, Bucks Co. RP
4 May- Henry BOYER 100 a. adj. Andreas KROTH above Allemingle near
the Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. RP
4 May- Frederick KERN 25 a. adj. Ulrich SENZINGER and George
RECKS/REAKS near Allemingle, Bucks Co. RP
4 May- Andreas SHUD?ER 25 a. adj. Ulrick SENZINGER near Allemingle
and Frederick KERNS land in Bucks Co. RP
4 May- Adam FULLER/FELLER? 25 a. adj. Abraham RICHARD and John
McCOY in Lower Saucon Bucks Co. RP
5 May- Bernard DERR 50 a. adj. Mathias OXE and Jacob BUFS/BUSS at a
place called the Great Swamp in Upper Milford, Bucks Co. JC
5 May- Jacob SHIMER 50 a. adj. his dwelling/drilling? Plantation in
Saucony above Forks of the Delaware in Bucks Co. RP
9 May- Christian NEWCOMER 25 a. adj. Samuel NEWCOMER and Balzer
BOYL in Upper Saucon twp, Bucks Co. JC
10 May- Henry FRANCIS 50 a. adj. Henry OSWALD near Truckers Creek
at foot of the Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. RP
14 May- Samuel NELSON 50 a. on Branch of Quir?on's Creek near
Alexander GALBRAITH's land above the Forks of the Delaware in Bucks
Co. RP
14 May- Samuel MILLER 50 a. on Branch of Allegheny Creek above the
Forks of the Delaware in Bucks Co. RP
18 May- Arnold BALLEIGEH 50 a. adj. his other land and one
CLINGHEMAN and Casper SHULLMILLER/ TULLMILLER in Allemingle, Bucks Co.
18 May- Arnold BALLEIGEH 50 a. between his other land and land
surveyed for the Proprietors ? in Allemingle, Bucks Co. RP
18 May- John AGHENAR 25 a. adj. Sebastian ROYER near Lehigh in
Bucks Co. RP
18 May- Survey or cause to be surveyed for the use of the Honorable
Proprietaries- 25 a. of land adj. James VANZANT & Francis LEWIS in
Rockhill twp, Bucks Co. and make return to Secretaries office in order
to agree with Thomas BUNTING for the Same. RP
24 May- Anthony ALBRIGHT 25 a. adj. Yost FULLER & George
DEEDFS/DEEDSS? near Lower Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
1 June- Nicholas SNYDER 25 a. adj. Daniel IRISH amongst the Blue
Mountains, Bucks Co. JC
3 June -????olas WEISER 100 a. above Forks of the Delaware beyond
Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
3 June- Adam SNELL 100 a. above Forks of the Delaware beyond Blue
Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
3 June- Richard PETERS 200 a. on a creek leading ___ ___ about a
mile 1/2 on the other side of the gaps of ___Mountain and abt 4 miles
from Adam DEEDTS in Dansbury, Bucks Co. RP
3 June- John McMICHAEL 100 a. adj. his other land in Dansbury,
Bucks Co. RP
3 June- Daniel ROBERTS 200 a. formerly in Smithfield but now in
Dansbury, Bucks Co granted to John CLARKE by warrant 12 Oct 1738 which
is vacated and the survey ordered to return for Daniel ROBERTS. RP
24 June- Andreas FELTZINGER 25 a. adj. Joseph GR??F/GR??S at
Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
25 July- Jacob STERNER 100 a. adj. lands of Nicholas STERNER a
little beyond Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. JC
25 July- Philip ERNHART 50 a. adj. At___g KNIFSEL/KNISSEL and Henry
YOLE in Allemingle, Bucks Co. JC
27 July- Philip ERNHART 50 a. adj. AT___g KNIFSEL/KNISSEL and Henry
YOLE in Allemingle, Bucks Co JC
4 Aug- Johann Nicholas SMITH 30 a. adj. George RUSH and William
MURRAY at Muccungie, Bucks Co. RP
8 Aug- William SYLVIUS 50 a. adj. Nicholas PURGHER and Henry HOOVER
over the Blue Hills, Bucks Co.RP
9 Aug- John SIMMONS 100 a. near George CUSTARD on the Western
Branch of Little Lehigh Creek, Bucks Co. RP
9 Aug- John COLE 100 a. near George CUSTARD on the Western Branch
of Little Lehigh Creek, Bucks Co. RP
9 Aug- John COLE 100 a. near George CUSTARD & the land which Joseph
SEACOCK has presumed to settle on in Western Branch of Little Lehigh
in Bucks Co. RP
10 Aug- Michael RYSSEL/RYFSEL 25 a. adj. John LESHER in Upper
Milford twp, Bucks Co.RP
10 Aug- Hans Reinard DENNY 150 a. beyond Maccungie adj. Peter
TRAXELL's Land in Bucks Co. - formerly granted by warrant of 25 May
1737 to Daniel RHODE who having forfeited his right - the survey is
ordered to be returned
10 Aug- Survey for Honorable Proprietaries, abt 70 a. of land adj.
John ???????, James BARBER, Margaret JOHNSON, Joshua WRIGHT in Bristol
in Bucks Co and make return in order to agree with Mathew RUE Jun. for
the same. RP
10 Aug- John TRAXALL 50 a. adj. Nicholas SEAGER and Peter KOGHER
near Truckers Run on Little Lehigh Bucks Co. RP
10 Aug- Godfreid JERVIS adj. Adam BLANK and Adam SHEAFER on Lehigh
Hill, Bucks CoGodfreid JERVIS 25 a. adj. his other land in Lehigh,
Bucks Co. RP
10 Aug- Abraham KNERR 50 a. adj. John BEARE and Conrad LEGHLIDER
abt 2 miles beyond Maccungie line in Bucks Co.Abraham KNERR 25 a. adj.
George AUBAUGH and Conrad LEGHLIDER near the above tract beyond
Maccungie in Bucks Co. JC
17 Aug- Elias PAYNTER 100 a. adj. Lawrence SIMON and the Blue
Mountains near Lehigh, Bucks Co. JC
26 Aug- John JARRET 25 a. adj. Jacob STREEVY's line in Maccungie
Bucks Co. RP
30 Aug- Conrad SCULP 60 a. adj. Jacob WERTZ and John MAYSFRECK ___
and Caspar WIRTOR at Maccungie, Bucks Co. RP
3 Sep- Frederick MICHAEL 50 a. at Allemingle, Bucks Co adj. Dauphin
Co. RP
? Sep- William CLARKE 50 a. adj. Daniel BROADHEAD in Smithfield,
Bucks Co. RP
15 Sep- Samuel WILSON 50 a ___Samuel DEPUE and ____ _______M? at
Smithfield over the Blue Hills Bucks Co (Couldn't read most of this
20 SEP- John SENSINGHER 100 a. adj. George WRE_AMONY __ Lehigh
Hills, Bucks Co RP
5 Sep -Charles SHOULE 100 a. adj. land of George LIVEBOUGH? in
Allemingle near the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
22 Sep- Michael STRAHL 25 a. near Henry HOOL at Aquan___?C__?,
above the Forks of the Delaware in Bucks Co. RP
22 Sep- Andreas STRAHL 25 a. near Michal NE___? and Jno KEIGG at
same place as above. RP
26 Sep- Survey or cause to Proprietaries, -6- a. adj. Jacob PETER
in Millford, Bucks Co in order to agree with Anthony LIGHTLEY. RP
27 Sep- Catherine ALBRECHT 250 a. on Branch of Lehigh Creek in
Bucks Co - Surveyed to Joseph ALBRECHT by 2 warrants, viz, one of 2_
Feb 173_ and the other 21 Apr 1736 which are vacated by his non
compliance with the terms -
to be returned for Catherine ALBRECHT
26 Sep- Catherine ALBRECHT, widow 50 a. on Branch of Lehigh Creek
in Phil Co. Served to Joseph ALBRECHT - the same as above. RP
28 Sep- Mathias RIFFLES 25 a. adj. his other land in Maccungie,
Bucks Co., RP
29 Sep- Joseph PETTY and William BEST 313 a. on Branch of the
Delaware in Bucks Co by warrant of 10 Nov 1737 to Ebenezer PETTY who
forfeited his right. RP
3 Oct- John COOKS 20 a. adj. his other land between 2 Barren Hills
above the Forks of the Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
4 Oct- Mathias REEL 30 a. adj. Leonard HARTZEL and Andrea BRINCKER
in Saucon, Bucks Co. JC
5 Oct- Jacob ERNHART 25 a. adj. lands of Thomas HUTCHSON and David
KARR on Branch of Monahasie? in or near Mill Creek twp, Bucks Co. RP
6 Oct- Robert LETTIMORE 50 a. adj. Thomas HUTCHISON and David KARR
on Branch of Monahasie? in or near Mill Creek twp, Bucks Co. RP
12 Oct- Leonard KERSNER 50 a. adj. William BYW_LL?? above Forks of
the Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
19 Oct- Jacob BISHOFF 100 a. adj. George LEVETTS and Jacob BAUGHMAN
on or near Saucony Creek, Bucks Co. RP
20 Oct- Henry KOON 25 a. adj. his land in Mcaungie, Bucks Co. JC
PA LAND RECORDS - 1749-50 - most signed by Richard Peters and sent
to the
Surveyor General-Nicholas SCULL:
Apr 6 1749 Thomas HURR? 25 acres in Upper Milford adjoining his
other land in Bucks Co . Pay Interest and Quit Rent from the 1st of
Mar. 1736.
Apr 10, 1749 Wm RICH 50 a. adjoining his other land at the foot of
the Blue Mountains in Alemingle in Bucks Co
Apr 10,1749 Peter TRAXLER 50 a adjoining the lands of George
SH__BAUGH, Frederich KIMA__and Jacob KATTENHIGHER in Upper Milford
twp, Bucks Co.
Apr 10, 1749 Jacob WETZEL a Warrant to accept a Survey made on 51
acres 39 perches in Upper Milford twp Bucks Co.
Apr 10,1749 Thomas KURE? 25 a. in Upper Milford twp Bucks Co
adjoining his other lands . Interest and Quit Rent from the 1st of
Mar. 1736.
Apr. 10 1749 Peter TRAXLE Philip TRAXLER 25 a adj. the lands of
Peter and John TRAXLER in Maccungie twp Bucks Co. Interest and Quit
Rent from the time of Settlement.
Apr 18 1749 Aaron DUPUE 100 a. adj. his Plantation to the North and
South in Smithfield twp Bucks Co.
" " Samuel DUPUE100 a. where Joseph HAINS fores and to settle near
Nicholas DUPUE in Smithfield twp Bucks Co.
" " Boudarwine? VANDERLEP 50 a. within a mile of Samuel DUPUE's
tract of 112 a. in Smithfield Bucks Co.
Apr 25, 1749 Jacob FED or TED? 40 acres in 2 places nearby on
Darham Road adj. or near his land by Peter AULT in Springfield twp,
Bucks Co.
25 Apr 1749 Nicholas CAMP 25 a. adjoining Christian MILLERS land in
Allemingle in Bucks Co . Sent to Nicholas SCULL by order of Secretery
25 Apr 1749 Frederick SHOLL 50 a. between a tract of his and Jacob
FRY's land in Lower SAUCON twp, Bucks Co. by order of Seretery John
25 Apr 1749 Martin ANDREAS 40 a. adj. John HILFRY?, and Georg
Maccungie, Bucks Co.
25 Apr 1749 Jacob LOYOLEMAN 25 a. in Lower Saucon twp Bucks Co
formerly granted by 3 warrants to Valentine LOYALEMAN Viz. on the 25
of Sept. 1738 for 150 a. another of 20 Mar 1739 for 50 a. the other of
31 May 1745 for 15 a. which are now vacated and the survey order to be
recorded for the use of Jacob LOYALEMAN. sent to Nicholas SCULL S.G.
by order of the Secretery John CALLAHAN.
25 Apr 1749 John BARR 25 a. adj his other lands and Andreas MOYER
near Maccungie in Bucks Co.
25 Apr 1749 John FREEZ 100 a. near Urick MOYER between Mahony Creek
and the Blue Mountains in Bucks Co.
27 Apr 1749 Nicholas KYSER 25 a. adj. Christian HOFFARD near his 50
a. tract this day granted to him by warrant in Maccungie in Bucks Co.
by order of the Secretery John CALLAHAN.
" " " Nicholas KYSER 50 a. near Land of Christian HOFFAND in
Maccungie Bucks Co.
27 Apr 1749 Nicholas BAUGH 40 a. adj. Edward BLANEY and ??HERLING
in Bedminster, Bucks County. signed by Reichard Peters
7 July 1749 John LANDUS 25 a between the lands of John ROADROCK or
REDCOATS and _______ __________deed________land at Leighigh in Bucks
Co. signed by Richard Peters.
16 Jul 1749 John KEILER 80 a. by Loneyeh? INGLEHART near Milford
twp bucks Co.
26 July 1749 Wilhelm MILLER 25 a. adjoining Conrad CASLOR in
Norkan____twp Bucks Co.
26 July 1749 Stoffel BOOB 25 a. adj. the lands of Jacob KLOTZ and
Gabriel KAFER or KASAR in Upper Milford Bucks Co.
29 July 1749 Adam SHEAFER 24 a. adj. George SHOEMAKER and Philip
KRAHZER? of Leheigh Hills, Bucks Co.
4 Aug 1749 Bernard PISBING? 50 a. adj. William MOCKNEAR on
Musuijack?Creek in Milford twp Bucks Co.
8 Aug 1749 Owen REEZER 25 a adj. to his other land in Upper Milford
twp Bucks Co.
8 Aug 1749 Caspar WILSHOUSER 25 a. adj. between REEZER and Upper
Milford twp Bucks Co.
8 Aug 1749 George ___________could be SEALER???150 a. adj to
Frederick ___________near the Blue Hills in Bucks Co.
9 Aug 1749 William MUCKLERRY 100 a adj the other land, William
Morris Conrad Custard William Mack near the Haycock Hill in Nockamixon
twp Bucks
Co. (this one was really jumbled with the names.)
10 Aug 1749 Christian LOOTZ 5 a adj to Conrad BLAU__ over the Blue
Hills, Bucks Co.
15 Aug 1749 Peter TRAXLER 25 a adj Peter HAWSE in Maccungie twp,
Bucks Co.
15 Aug 1749 Peter TRAXLER 50 a. dj. Philip SMAYER and Adam THOMAS
on Maccungy Creek in Bucks Co.
15 Aug 1749 John TRAXLER 25 a. adj. Jacob WAGONAAR & Joseph
ALBREIGHT in Maccungy twp Bucks co.
15 Aug 1749 Henry BOLLINGHER 50 a. adj. Jacob WAGONAAR & Michael
KEICHTEL in Maccungy Bucks Co
22 Aug 1749 Frederick ROBESON 25 a. near Coff in Lanc. Co in Durham
twp adj to Jacob NAMAC and Charles BRICK in Bucks Co. (Hard to Read)
23 Aug 1749 Baltzer HAMMOND 25 a near Maccungy Bucks Co.
25 Aug 1749 Jonathan ROBESON 200 a adj to lands of Dennis ONAN?,
John DONE & land Surveyed for Edm'd BLACKEY in Bucks Co . nothing to
pay ________Robeson.
? Sep 1749 Henry KAUFMAN 100 a adj ______ _______ the Blue
Mountains or near Allen INGLES in Bucks co.
PA LAND RECORDS, for 1749-50
14 Sept 1749 Hans George LIMMERMAN 100 a. adj. to Jacob LING in
Allemingle twp near the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co.
? Sept 1749 Lynford LASDNER 100 a adj to his own land in possession
of Adam TEEL on the Barrens near Growse Hall, Bucks co.
29 Sept Eintious SCARBOROUGH a warrant to accept a survey on 200 a.
in the Manor of Highlands in Bucks Co.
5 Oct 1749 John RYSART 25 a. adj to Lands of one SHYMER on Leheigh
Hills, Bucks Co.
11 Oct 1749 Thomas PRIOR 145 a. on the lines of Plums______& Solebury twp in Bucks co. 100 a. where of warrant survey of 1735 and
45 a. by another warrant dated 22 Oct 1741___________.
13 Oct 1749 Philip FLEXES 50 a. adj. to George SKEPACK, Jacob
CASDENHIGHER & Philip TAWNY in Upper Milford, Bucks co.
14 Oct 1749 Jacob LEEZER 50 a adj. to John_afrid ALLEMIN, ___Creek
in Bucks Co.
16 Oct 1749 Lawrence DEICHETS 50 a adj. to Frederick SCULL & Jacob
FRY in saucon twp , Bucks Co. note: If Leuce is disired to let
Lawrence know whether the land be not taken up by SCULL or FRY for I
cannot find it in my Book. signed: Richard PETERS.
16 Oct 1749 John CULP 50 a Blue Hills near Jacob HOWES or HOWER 1
mile from Schylkul, Phil. Co.
3 Jan 1750 Frederick BOOMICH 20 a adj to Christian ROAD & his other
land in Maccungy.
15 Feb 1750 J___ WEAVER 10 a. adj to his other land & by Peter
MIFFOMER or MISSOMER in Saucqon twp Bucks Co.
15 Feb 1750 Peter LONGABERGER 25 a. by Jacob HERMAN & John APPLE in
Saucon twp, Bucks co.
25 March Abraham DAWES 200a. North side of Blue Hills on the Old
Indian Path that leads from Indian FATAMYS to Smithfield in Bucks Co .
26 Mar Peter HAWSE 25 a. adjoining the land of Peter TRAXELLERS in
Maccungie, Bucks Co. RL
26 Mar Ulrick ASNOR 25 a. adj. land of Peter GRUBB and Peter TRAXEL
in Bucks Co. RP by RL
27 Mar Godfrey KNOUSE 50 a. adj. his other land in Bucks Co.
Nicholas SCULL Surveyor General
28 Mar Adam CLINE 50 a. adj. Andrew ALPBAUGH? and Michael EVERT in
Maccungie, Bucks Co Nich SCULL surveyor General.
? May Wm DIEL 25 a. adj. Bartle LANSTREES?/LANGTREES?, David MERKS
in Nockamixon, Bucks co. RL
2 May Isaac MILLER 100a abt a mile below Solomon JENNY'S on Pocho
Pocho? creek, Bucks Co. RL
4 May William MILLER 40 a. adj. Thomas MILLER above Forks of
Delaware on Quanton ?Creek, Bucks Co. RL
4 May John MILLER 30 a. adj. to his other land on the N.W. and N.E.
sides therof on a Branch of Smalley's Creek above Forks of Delaware,
Bucks Co. RL
9 May Conrad YOST 25 a. adj. Christopher OBLE, Mathias RIFFLE near
Maccungie, Bucks Co. RP
11 May Jacob MATHIAS 25 adj. Nicholas BREDER on a Small Run in
Allemingle, Bucks co.
11 May Jacob MATHIAS 25 a. adj. to Nicholas BREDER abt 40 poles
from other land granted him this day. Allemingle , Bucks Co. RP
15 May Henry PETER 50 a. adj. Andreas WEILS_ _? and Andreas RESIN
in Allemingle Bucks. RP
? May Conrad JACOBY 20 a. adj. Jacob ________?, Felty NICHOLAS on
Tohichon Creek, Bucks Co. RP
21 May Adolphus SCHOOLHOOVER 100a. adj. William ALLEN at Ma__ink?
Bucks Co.RP
21 May Joseph SAAWINGE 100 a. adj. his other land in Niciscty?,
Bucks co RP
21 May Garret BRINK? 50 a. in Brinks Creek adj. by other lands in
_____? Bucks Co.RP
22 May George OVERPECK 112 a. on North West Branch of Tennicum
?Creek, surveyed to William BRITTON by warrant 13 Oct 1741 which is
forfeited. Bucks Co. RP
23 May Richard ILIFF/HIFF?? 25 a. Nichamixon, Bucks Co. RP
23 May Henry KOON 125 a. Cedar Creek in Bucks surveyed to William
PHILIPS by 2 warrants -dated 24 Aug 1737 100a/ 16 Sept 1738 50 a. both
of which are forfeited. RP
23 May Richard ILIFF/HIFF?? 50 a. adj. Jeremiah WILLIAM at
Nockamixon, Bucks Co. RP
25 May Jacob RYHART 25 a. adj. Jacob WERTZ, Jacob YUNT/YUNS near
Lehigh in Bucks Co.
23 May Teeter/Peeter BOWMAN 100a adj. Michael EVERARD? above
Maccungie, Bucks Co. RP
31 May George MYNHEER 100a. by John NICHOL over Blue Mountains abt
12 Miles from Durham Iron Works, Bucks Co.
31 May George MYNHEER 50 a. more adj. to John MYNHEER near other
land granted to him this day. RP
31 May Stephen ACKERMAN 40 a. adj. Joseph DENNIS and his other land
on Haycock, Bucks Co RP
8 June James EGGLESON 110 1/2 a. near land of George BERRINGER over
the Blue Hills Bucks Co surveyed to Paul BERRINGER by warrant 18 Oct
1745 but forfeited. RL
15 June Derrick JONES 40 a. adj. Thomas MILLER above Forks of
Delaware, Bucks Co. within 5 miles of Nasareth. RL
20 June Casper WISTAR 750 a. in 2 parcels adj. his other land in
Magongue Bucks Co
20 June Casper WISTAR 50 a. adj. his other land on Ingeippelan's?
Creek, Bucks co. RL
20 June Hugh GARSTON 50 a. in 2 places adj. his other lands above
Forks of Delaware one on the branches of Smalleys Creek, Bucks Co.
20 June William GARSTON 20 a. other land at the Con___thereof on a
small branch of Smalley's Creek above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RL
21 June Mark CHREIST 100 a. about 14 miles above George CUSTARS on
Lizard Creek, Bucks Co.
25 June Thomas MILLER 100 a. in 2 places adj. to his own land on
the N. and S.W. sides thereof on Quantan's? Creek above Forks of
Delaware, bucks Co. RP
5 July Benjamin PARVIN? 150 a. upon the waters of Tomawguay? Creek
including a place where an Indian has just planted some corn in Bucks
Co. RP
17 July Nicholas BREDER 50 a. adj. to Adam KERRINGER/HERRINGER and
Peter HERBERT in Allemingle, Bucks Co.
17 July 25 a. adj. to Adam KERRINGER/HERRINGER in Allemingle Bucks
Co. RP
20 July George MOYER 25 a. adj. Henry LOD___? and George BONES?
over the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co RP
24 July Nicholas FRANTZ 50 a. adj. Caspter HINER? and Anthony LARK
in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. PA RP
? July Philip HANDSOCK warrant to accept a survey made by
Edwar________? in the year 1740 on 102 a. in Upper Milford, Bucks Co 1
Mar 1739. RP
31 July Michael HELLER 250 a. Saucon Creek, Bucks co. granted to
Nicholas WALKER by 2 warrants/ dated 1 Dec 1737 for 150 a. / dated 23
Jan 1737 for 100 a. warrants are vacated. RP
2nd Aug Hans George ZIMMERMAN 50 a. adj. ____PITTINBENDER in the
Minesincks, Bucks Co.FP
? Aug Hans George ZIMMERMAN 25 a. adj. to his other land in
Allemingle Bucks Co. RP
6 Aug Paul FRANTZ 40 a. adj. to Christian LOWBACH and Joseph GROVE
in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
7 Aug James HYNDSHANT 50 a. adj. his other land and that of John
HONEY on the N. W. Corner thereof (where the mills are) , Smithfield,
Bucks Co. RP
7 Aug Christian LOWBACH 25 a. adj. his other land and Mathias
REIGLE in Lower Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
7 Aug Reuben JENNINGS 50 a. adj. Solomon JENNINGS aver the Blue
Hills, Bucks Co. RP
8 Aug John YEAGER 50 a. adj. Johannes __PETTENBENDER over the
Hills, Bucks co RP
8 Aug Christian LOWBACH 25 a. adj. Hans Nicholas FRANTZ and Anthony
LARK in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. (agreement with Hans Nicholas FRANTZ.
9 Aug William COMOCK 25 a. adj. James CARUTHERS above Fork of
Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
14 Aug Thomas SELLEMAN 50 a. by his other land above Forks of
Delaware, Bucks Co RP
15 Aug Joseph LEACOCK 50 a. adj. Paul CUSTOR, Mark CHREIST over the
Blue Hills, Bucks Co. RP
14 Aug Ambrose RAMILLE 25 a. adj. George REX and Jacob HEVELFINGER
in Heidelberg, Bucks Co. RP
14 Aug William PHILIPS 50 a. adj. one ACKERMAN -Haycock Run, Bucks
14 Aug William PHILIPS 50 a. abt 12 mile from other land, Bucks Co.
14 Aug Alexander GALBREATH 25 a adj. to his own land on East side
of Quarsan's? Creek near Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
14 Aug Alexander MILLER 25 a. adj. to his other land in Cla__??
Tree Valley above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co RP
14 Aug Elias HEESLER 30 a. adj. Jacob HUGER and Peter? LERGH? in
saucon twp, Bucks Co RP
16 Aug Philip SCHLOUGH 25 a. between George HERTZELL and Andreas
BRINGER in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
16 Aug Philip BUSSARD 100 a. adj. Edward FARMARS in Smithfield,
Bucks Co. RP
16 Aug Felty MOK 50 a. adj. Walker MILLER, a mile from the Bucks
Hills, Bucks Co. RP
16 Aug John MOORE 50 a. adj. the late Edwin FARMAR's in Smithfield,
Bucks co.
17 Aug Henry ACKER, Henry KELLER, christian STONEBACK- 25 a. adj.
Lodowich WILLHAMMER, Adam PEYSAR, _____HEDERICK in Bedminster, Bucks
Co. RP
20 Aug Jacob MINER 100a. near John MOORZ? in Smithfield, Bucks Co.
21 Aug John RHor K_____? 25 a by his own land and Thomas CLARK on
LEFEVER's Creek over the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co.
21 Aug ditto (couldn't read) by William DORRE___ and Thomas CLARK
on LeFEVER's Creek, Bucks Co.
21 Aug Thomas CLARK 25 a. adj. his own land 1/2 mile from head of
LeFEVRE's Creek, Bucks Co.
21 Aug. William BRAND 25 a. by Anthony LARK and Frederick SCHOLL in
Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
21 Aug Baltzar HAMMAN 100 a in Maccungy, Bucks Co surveyed to
William ZIMMER by Warrant 10 June 1746 but forfieted.
21 Aug Baltzar HAMMAN 25 a. adj. his own land and Adam HEBERLEY
near Maccungy Bucks Co RP
21 Aug John MILLER 50 a. adj. Jacob ROOD over the Blue Hills, Bucks
22 Aug George GLASSBREANER 100a adj George SEROM? and Jacob DENNIS
in Lebanon twp Lanc. RP
23 Aug John GARRET 25 a. adjoining Peter SCHWAGER? and Jacob HOOVER
Milford twp, Bucks Co RP
26 Aug Felix MATSINGER 25 a. adj. Jacob MOYER Junr? and Henry
FRANTZ Heidelberg twp, Bucks RP
29 Aug Henry KLEIN 20 a. adj. John RAY and Thomas BLAIR Springfield
twp Bucks RP
2 Sept John Jacob TEMPLER 25 a. adj. Henry CAP/CAS? and Philip
KRATZER Macongy, Bucks RP
5 Sept Nicholas YEISLY 50 a. adj. or near land granted this day to
William PLUMSTED over Blue Mountains in Bucks RP
5 Sept William PLUMSTED Esq. 50 a. near William PARSONS and
Frederick HAYS over Blue Mountains in Bucks Co. RP
11 Sept James MERVIN Sr. 60 a. adj. Lawrence GROWDON and land
belonging to the late Abram TENNIS? dec'd in Rockhill. RP
? Sept Lodowick HELLER 25 a. adj. David OWEN and Simon HELLER in
Lower Saucon, Bucks Co RP
12 Sep Peter FREED 50 a. adj. John REYNBERGS, George ROME and
Robert McCLELLAN near Leheigh above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
14 Sept James MORDEN 20 a. adj John SCOTT and Hemlock FALL above
the Forks of the Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
14 Sept James MORDEN 20 a. near other land granted him this day
above the Forks of the Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
14 Sept Benjamin LIGHTFOOT 150 a. on Tomanguay? including a small
West Branch of said Creek below the Second ridge of Hills in Bucks Co.
15 Sept Francis PARVIN Jr. 150 a. adj. land of Benjamin PARVIN
beyond Second Ridge of Hills on Tomauguay? Creek, Bucks Co RP
17 Sept Abraham HEIDRIG 25 a. adj. his other land and Nicholas BACK
in Bedminster twp, Bucks Co. RP
18 Sept Francis PARVIN 150 a. in Lancaster below a place called
Spruce Hill Lanc. Co. RP
20 Sept Jacob BOYER 170 a. and 112 perches - 79 a. wherof situate
on a branch of Rich Valley Creek part in Phil. and part in Bucks Co
were surveyed to George KERTZEL/HERTZEL? by warrant 21 Apr 1744 NS 28
. 112 perches situate in Rockhill twp in Bucks Co. were surveyed to
George KERTZEL by Warrant 3 Apr 1747 both which warrants are forfeited
and land to be returned for the said Jacob BOYER separately as to
distinguish the quantity contained in each county. RP
??__________BYLE 25 a. adj. Jacob MOWRY and his other land in
Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
23 Sept Michael KINTZ 50 a. adj. Christopher FRANCK and Michael
COSTER/COOLER? on a small water over Blue Hills in Bucks Co. RP
23 Sept Peter FOX 50 a. adj. George RADROP and one COG in Upper
Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
24 Sept Solomon JENNINGS 25 a. adj. 100a surveyed for Joh MILLER?
but which now belongs to the said Solomon JENNINGS, Bucks Co. RP
? Sept Christian CLAY 50 a. adj. John McDOWELL over the Blue Hills,
Bucks Co. RP
? Sept ________ MACK 25 a. over the Blue Hills Bucks?? can't read
it all..RP
26 Sept Conrad CROP? 25 a. near John SCHNEIDER and John Martin
MOYER abt 5 miles from Great Leheigh, Bucks Co. RP
? Sept Simon RUFFNER 25 a. adj. in the Indian Line and the Seven
Hundred acre tract above the Forks of Delaware near Hochyondochy
Creek, Bucks Co.
30 Sept George ZIGLER 25 a. adj. Jacob BENDER? and his other land
on Truckers Creek? near Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
2 Oct Christian SHUPPER 25 a. adj. Thomas WILLAN and George BOONE
above Forks of Delaware, Bucks Co. RP
2 Oct Nicholas BERGER 50 a. adj. Hans ___on Pochs Pochto? Creek,
Bucks Co. - not to interfere with warrants already granted. RP
2 Oct Christian LOWBACH 50 a. adj. Frederick SCHULL and Martin
PICKLE in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co. RP
3 Oct Christopher PLUNCK 25 a. adj. Mathias LINER? and Andreas
CARBER in Maccungy Bucks Co. RP
3 Oct George HAAK 25 a. adj. John BEAR and Thomas BEAR near the
Great Lehigh Bucks Co. RP
9 Oct Jacob WERT 25 a. adj. John ELFREE and Adam SHULER in Upper
Milford, Bucks Co RP
9 Oct Hans GAVEL 25 a. adj. Philip KRATSER and Philip HAMMY abt a
Mile and 1/2 from the Lehigh, Bucks Co.
9 Oct Michael BISSEL 25 a. adj. his other land and George SHOEMAKER
in Maccungy twp, Bucks Co RP
9 Oct John BRITTAN 123 acres and 130 perches in Plumsted twp, Bucks
Co. surveyed to Joseph TIDMAN by warrant 1735 but forfeited. RP
11 Oct Paull FRANTZ 25 a. adj. Joseph GROVE in Lower Saucon, Bucks
Co. RP
11 Oct Jonathan NELSON 25 a. adj. his other land on Branch of
Smalley's Creek, Bucks Co. Int. and Quit rent same as his other land.
11 Oct John McFARREN 25 a. adj. his other land on Branch of
Aquarian? Creek, Bucks Co.
11 Oct John McFARREN 25 a. adj. his other land on Branch of
Allegheny Creek, Bucks Co.
11 Oct William McFARREN 50 a. adj. or near William GARSTON on
branch of Cobus's ? Creek Bucks Co. RP
11 Oct Rudolph EBERLY 25 a. adj. George HERTSELL and on
LEMMAN/SEMMAN? in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co RP.
15 Oct Peter DICE 25 a. adj. other land and Jacob LEVITS in Upper
Saucon twp, Bucks Co. RP
16 Oct John JENNINGS 50 a. over the Blue Mountains, Bucks Co. RP
16 Oct John McMICHAEL 350 a. on Wyomink Road? abt 4 miles from the
hill above the Blue Hills, New Purchase. RP
Richard PETERS 100 a. adj. John McDONELS/McDOWELS? place but of
said Richard Peters in Smithfield, Bucks Co. RP
16 Oct John McMICHAEL 300a on the Forks between Bernard STROUDS and
John HOWAYS Creek abt 6 miles from STROUDS Plantation. New Purchase.
Bucks Co. RP
16 Oct James HEYDSHAU? 50 a. adj. the south side of his other land
called the Round Meadow including some meadow in Smithfield, Bucks Co.
16 Oct James HEYDSHAW? 50 a. 2 miles up the Small Bush Kiln where
the mill now is in Upper Smithfield, Bucks Co. RP
21 Oct Henry VANDYKE 25 a. adj. his other land and lot of Robert
LETTMANS and David CARRON a branch on Mou___ in Millcreek twp, Bucks
Co. RS.
22 Oct Jacob FERVER 25 a. adj. his other land in Heidleberg, Bucks
Co. RS
22 Oct Charles RUPERT 25 a. adj. Michael MOSER in Heidelberg twp,
Bucks Co. RS
22 Oct Jacob GANGWEHR 25 a. abt 1 mile from Jacob COG and Jacob
WEAVER in Upper Saucon, Bucks Co. signed for RP by RS
22 Oct George FREEMAN 25 a. adj. his other land and Anthony LERK
and Michael LUTZ in Lower Saucon, Bucks Co.
23 Oct Jacob MORETZ 50 a. adj. Nicholas TAYLOR and Leonard LUTZ 1
mile from Perkymie? Creek, Bucks Co. RS