History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Surnames from Newspapers
If a name or names are only mentioned, please go back and
read the introduction page for explanation.
BAKER // BAKERS SURNAME ITEMS Page 3 - 1901 to 1960s
This page has mixed newspaper items for the surname
*If you connect to the Baker family of Frederick Co., MD who moved by
1810 to Washington Co., PA, please contact the webmaster. I need help
connecting my Bakers into the correct line.
Unknown year
Article from the Observer-Reporter, July 28, p. __:
[excerpt, not full article]
South Strabane Teachers -
Reynolds - D. A. Hootman
After ' Squire Baker
Note: Not sure if "After" is meant to be a
school or if my sister meant something else.
Same date:
Amwell Teachers Elected - [not full article]
Bakers - John Hathaway
BAKER (1936)
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan.
10, 1936, p. 8:
Wolfdale - Baker
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., April 11,
1936, p. 12:
Driver Arrested....Bike - C. E. Baker
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 24,
1936, p. 9:
John Baker, Cokeburg
Article from the Reporter, Aug. 15, 1958, p. A-9:
[excerpt, not full article]
Walter Baker, Dealer
Andrew Cobucci [my sister wrote: "he was my fifth grade
Article from the Observer-Reporter, July 8, 1967,
p. A-7: [excerpt, not full article]
(title in column to the right -- Carrie Mae Moyar
Wed to George F. Ramsey, Jr. )
guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baker, Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Baker
(Source reference) - Surname Index of
Fayette Co., PA Cemeteries (71 cemeteries indexed)
There are Bakers buried in 8 of the cemeteries listed, including:
#10 Christ Episcopal Church Cem.
#26 Laurel Hill Presbyterian - Henry Clay Twp.
#28 Maple Grove Cem. - Georges Twp.
#31 Mount Auburn Cem. - Dunkard Twp.
#33 Mount Moriah Baptist Cem. - Georges Twp.
#34 Mount Washington Cem. - Perry Twp.
#45 Providence Meeting House - Perry Twp
#49 Sampson Chapel Cem - Henry Clay Twp.
NOTE: No other information. The transcribed records would be
in a local library.
Baker 1 1800-1850 | Baker
2 1851-1900
| Baker 3 1901-1960s