History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Surnames from Newspapers
If a name or names are only mentioned, please go back and
read the introduction page for explanation.
BAKER // BAKERS SURNAME ITEMS Page 2 - 1850 to 1900
This page has mixed newspaper items for the surname
*If you connect to the Baker family of Frederick Co., MD who moved by
1810 to Washington Co., PA, please contact the webmaster. I need help
connecting my Bakers into the correct line.
**May be out of order.
Article from the Reporter, Aug. 20, 1877, p. __:
"Died - On Saturday, June 9th a son of Daniel Baker of Amwell
township, of scarlet fever, aged 4 years."
Article from the Reporter, Sept. 4, 1878,
p. __:
"Beallsville Items - September 2, 1878 - Palmer
Baker found a turtle last week bearing the initials "L. E.
Article from The Daily Evening Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Wed., Oct. 9, 1878, page unknown: [excerpt,
surname of interest only]
"Ten Mile Awvke [sic] - A large Republican meeting was held at
the Ten Mile school house on Monday evening. Lemeul Baker, Esq.
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter,
Sept. 12, 1878, p. __:
"Local Glances -Brookville Baker has been appointed
Postmaster at West Brownsville, vice John Cornell, resigned."
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter,
Sept. 14, 1878, p. __:
Advertisement - "Mrs. Reuben Baker and Miss Maria
Williams inform the public that they are prepared to do Washing and
Ironing, at their residence on Lincoln street No. 270. Also Rough
Drying. Orders should be left at the News Depot. [code]
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter, Dec. 12,
1878, p. __:
List of Letters remaining at the post office as of Dec. 9th,
Mrs. Jno. W. Baker
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter, Feb. 10, 1879, p. __:
names only
List of Letters Remaining in the post office at Washington...
N. L. Baker
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter, Feb. 11, 1879, p. __:
names only
Amwell Soldiers -
Zach Baker corp. D 140th
D. W. Baker private B 85th
Amwell Republican Ticket
for Auditor - D. B. Baker
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter, Mar. 12, 1879, p. __:
names only
John L. Baker headed from California to Kansas
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter, Mar. 25, 1879, p. __:
names only
Beallsville Items... Baker & Register are the contractors
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter,
Dec. __, 1885, p. __: names only
List of Letters remaining at the post office as of Mon., Dec. 21,
Mrs. Mary Baker
T. L. Baker
Article from the Reporter, April 9, 1887,
p. __: [full article not typed]
"Jury List - Traverse Jurors, May 9th -
Amon England, farmer, E. Finley
Clark Baker, farmer, Allen
Article from the Reporter, Aug. 20, 1887,
p. __:
Amity - Z. Baker is building a fine barn.
Article from the Reporter, Aug. 24, 1887,
p. __:
"Local Affairs - The expenses of the Baker trial, says
the Wellsburg Herald, will be about $2,500; of this the state
will pay $1,500. and Hancock company $1,000."
Article from the Reporter, Oct. 8, 1887
[my sister wrote 1787, but there was no Reporter in the 1780s], p. __:
[not full article]
(title) Republican Vigilance Committee
J. Baker Jr.
C. L. Baker
Note: There MAY have been more names but the article was not typed
Article from the Reporter, Jan. 7, 1888,
p. __:
"D. W. Baker bought out Grant McCollum in the huckster business
and started out on his route Monday of this week; he is right at home in
the business as it is his old trade."
Article from the Daily Evening Reporter,
Jan. 24, 1888, p. __:
Sheriff's Sale - James Baker, one acre of surface alone, more
or less.
Deed Book X Vol 5 p 633 James Baker
Deed Book V Vol 5 p 214
Deed Book D Vol 5 p 391
Article from the Reporter, Feb. 20, 1888,
p. __:
"Local Glances - Frank Baker, the lad who was injured on the
head while coasting recently in this borough was taken to Pittsburgh on
Saturday to a specialist who did not report very favorably in reference
to the restoration of his hearing."
Article from the Reporter, Feb. 21, 1888,
p. __:
"Local Glances - Mrs. Nathan Baker who has been visiting her
son, D. E. Baker, Prospect avenue, has returned to her home at Bakers
Station on the W&W Railroad."
Article from the Reporter, Feb. 15, 1888,
p. __: [not full article]
Mrs. Nathan Baker
BAKER - ALL of these are excerpt--surname
of interest -- only. Please check original articles to read more
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
July 20, 1891, [p. 1 ?]: "The will of john baker was probated
Monday and letters issued to Isaac T. and N. R. Baker, his sons."
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
15, 1891, page unknown: East Bethlehem Brevities - Mrs. J. V.
Mrs. M. J. bakers
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
7 or 8, 1891, page unknown:
"Births - To Mr. James Baker, Beallsville, a son.
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
8, 1891, page unknown: Miss Jennie Baker
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
24, 1887, page unknown:
"Beallsville Tips - Wm. Baker, Jr. has returned home from
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
27, 1887, page unknown:
Van Baker Case
Article from the Reporter, Aug. _, 1889, p. __:
[name only, rest of article not typed]
List of Letters remaining at the Post Office, Washington, PA on
Tuesday, August 2, 1889, p. _:
H. R. Baker
Note: There would be a list of many other names but these were not
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
20, 1891, page unknown:
"List of Letters Remaining at the Post Office at Washington, Pa on
July 20, 1891-
J. F. Baker
Elizabeth Baker
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
27, 1891, page unknown:
"Local Glances - Isaac T. Baker of Zollarsville was in town Monday.
J. W. Baker has returned from a two-day business trip to N. Y. and other
eastern cities."
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
22, 1891, page unknown: J. W. Baker - Washington's practical
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
22, 1891, page unknown: "Mrs. J. C. Baker and Mrs. Dr.
Donaldson visited Dr. Donaldson's parents at Buffalo Tuesday."
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
29, 1891, page unknown:
"Local Glances - J. B. Baker has resigned his position in the store
of A. Levine [Levino ?] and accepted another in the store of E. C.
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July
30, 1891, page unknown:
A Pittsburgh Horror - The Fall of a Smokestack kills 3 men - The injured
- George Baker
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
1, 1891, page unknown: Local Glances - Baker and Pollack
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
4, 1891, page unknown:
Miss Winnie Baker
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
6, 1891, page unknown: Local Glances - Gertie Baker
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Aug.
6, 1891, page unknown:
[excerpt] Beallsville Gossip - James Baker
Article from the Observer-Reporter, July 28, p. __:
[excerpt, not full article]
South Strabane Teachers -
Reynolds - D. A. Hootman
After ' Squire Baker
Note: Not sure if "After" is meant to be a
school or if my sister meant something else.
Same date:
Amwell Teachers Elected - [not full article]
Bakers - John Hathaway
Article from the Reporter, Aug. 15, 1958, p. A-9:
[excerpt, not full article]
Walter Baker, Dealer
Andrew Cobucci [my sister wrote: "he was my fifth grade
Article from the Observer-Reporter, July 8, 1967,
p. A-7: [excerpt, not full article]
(title in column to the right -- Carrie Mae Moyar
Wed to George F. Ramsey, Jr. )
guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baker, Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Baker
(Source reference) - Surname Index of
Fayette Co., PA Cemeteries (71 cemeteries indexed)
There are Bakers buried in 8 of the cemeteries listed, including:
#10 Christ Episcopal Church Cem.
#26 Laurel Hill Presbyterian - Henry Clay Twp.
#28 Maple Grove Cem. - Georges Twp.
#31 Mount Auburn Cem. - Dunkard Twp.
#33 Mount Moriah Baptist Cem. - Georges Twp.
#34 Mount Washington Cem. - Perry Twp.
#45 Providence Meeting House - Perry Twp
#49 Sampson Chapel Cem - Henry Clay Twp.
NOTE: No other information. The transcribed records would be
in a local library.
Baker Names 1 1800-1850 | Baker
Names 2 1851-1900