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Robert Falconer died yesterday afternoon at the Soldier Home in Erie aged 58 years. The deceased was a civil engineer which profession he followed up to the time of his admittance into the institution a couple of weeks ago.
Mr. Falconer was a gallant soldier of the late Civil war being a member of the 21st cavalry, Pennsylvania volunteers.
The funeral services will be held on Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Oakland cemetery.
Source: The Evening Democrat, February 6, 1899, page four, column six.
In the next edition of the newspaper, under the heading "Brevities," was the only mention of his funeral:
--The funeral services over the remains of the late Robert Falconer were held this morning at Oakland cemetary [sic]. The body was met at the depot by a large delegation of the local G. A. R.; who had charge of the arrangements, and was escorted to the cemetary [sic]. The Rev. J. W. Smith conducted the services.Source: Tuesday, February 7, 1899, The Evening Democrat, page four, column three.
[Warren County coordinator's note: See also his listing in the vital record of deaths from the court house.]
Little Cecil Faull [sic] Killed by a Street Car This Morning.
The Terrible Accident Occurred on the East Side at 10:20 This Morning - The Body Fearfully Mangled - Motorman Blameless.
At about 10:20 this morning a fatal accident happened on the Warren Street Railway on the East Side almost opposite Dickson's drug store. At that time street car No. 2 run [sic] over Cecil Faull [sic], the pretty little four and a half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Faull [sic].
The car was coming from Glade Run and was in charge of Motorman Chas. Weaver and Conductor Hugh Siggins. Cecil Faull [sic] and little Bert Thompson, about the same age, were playing at the side of the street and almost on the sidewalk. The car was running at a rather slow rate of speed and the warning bell was being rung as usual when anyone is noticed near the track. Just as the car passed a crosswalk leading across the street, the unfortunate child carelessly run [sic] out onto the track, but a few feet from it. Before the motorman could, by any manner of means possibly stop his car, the little one was caught under the right front truck and her little life was crushed out on the track.
The car was stopped just before the hind truck reached the body. Hugh Siggins at once jumped off and picked up the mangled body. He took it across the street to Dr. Robertson's office, but the physician was not in. He then boarded the car and came up to Dr. Hazeltine's office, but he was not at his office either. They then went to Dr. Baker's office. That physician made a hasty examination and found that one of the arms was nearly cut off, one leg was badly mangled and there wer several very ugly cuts about the neck. From the condition of the body Dr. Baker state, that in his opinion, death had been almost instantaneous. The remains were then taken to the home of the child's parents on Prospect street by Dr. Baker.
The unfortunate parents were almost crazed with grief when the body of their only child was brought home to them in such a horrible condition and the scene at the house was certainly a very sad one. Many of the friends and neighbors came in to offer their services and many others came just out of curiosity to see the body.
Among the people who were witnesses to the accident were Theo. Inderlied and Miss. Mary Ames. They both claim that no blame whatever can be placed upon the men in charge of the car and that the accident was attributed only to the carelessness of the child, who perhaps was not old enough to realize her danger. The car could not possibly have been stopped after she stepped on the track.
Both Mr. Weaver and Mr. Siggins feel very badly over the affair but no one who was in the vicinity will say that they were in any way to blame.
The sad occurance should be a terrible lesson to other children who carelessly play in and about the streets and parents cannot be too careful about keeping their little ones out of such danger. Every one expresses profound sympathy for the grief stricken parents in thier [sic] affliction but that cannot heal their grief or bring back their little loved one.
Coroner Pierce at once visited the scene and emplannelled [sic] a coroner's jury made up of the following gentlemen: Major James, Frank Barnhart, E. R. Pierce, John Wheeler, L. F. Valentine and Brook Wetmore. They met at 1:30 to hold an inquest. After viewing the remains they came back to Dr. Pierce's office to hear the testimony of the witnesses to the accident and of the physician who first examined the body.
The evidence had all been heard and the jury retired for deliberation at 3 o'clock. Forty-five minutes later they brought in the following verdict:
Said Cecil Fauel [sic] came to her death on the 28th day of May A. D., 1895, at Glade avenue, between Franklin and Crescent streets, in the boro of Warren, by being run over by car No. 2, Warren Street Railway Co. We further find, upon evidence before us, that no blame is placed upon said railway company or its employees, on account of negligence in properly guarding against said accident considering the equipment of said car.
We recommend the placing of some suitable guard or fencing upon each and every car.
Source: Tuesday, May 28, 1895, edition of The Evening Democrat, page 1, columns 6-7.
[Warren County coordinator's note: see her death record.]
Mrs. Jeanette Fay, one of the oldest residents of the county, passed away during the night as a result of a fall sustained Tuesday directly caused by high blood pressure, from which she has suffered for some time.
Late Tuesday evening her son, Delbert, assisted her to her room, and thought she was comfortably resting when he left her, but soon after he left her presence he heard her fall. Hastening to her assistance he found her lying on the floor in an unconscious condition. Dr. Kelley, of Chandlers Valley, was called and rendered all service possible, but she never regained consciousness and passed away as stated above.
Mrs. Fay was near eighty years of age, and after being wedded early in life, spent the rest of her years on the family homestead on Jackson Run road.
She is survived by two children, Delbert and Mrs. Estella Henderson, both at home.
Source: Warren Evening Times, page two, column four, of the Thursday, April 18, 1918 edition.
Thomas Fedick, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fedick of Corydon, R. D. 1, died last evening at 8:43 at the Warren General Hospital after lingering three weeks with a fractured spine sustained in a fall from a porch swing.
No funeral arrangements have been made, but will be published with a more extended obituary at a later date.
Source: The Warren Morning Mirror, July 9, 1927, page three, column five.
1821 - 1909
Aged Man Dead--Samuel Fisher, aged 87 years, one of the best known men in this county, died at his home on Goodwill Hill Sunday night at 11:40 o'clock. Old age and a complication of ailments were responsible for his death. He had been sick for about two weeks. He is survived by his wife, now 88 years of age, and one son, Wesley Fisher of Goodwill Hill. Funeral services in his memory will be held at the United Brethren church at Goodwill Hill Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Grand Valley cemetery.
Source: Tuesday, May 4, 1909, edition of the Warren Evening Mirror, page 4, under column heading Daily Reflection.
[Warren County coordinator's note: See tombstone of Samuel and wife Ulyssa in the Maultby Cemetery.]
Warren J. Fitts, one of the best known residents of Sugar Grove, died at his home here at 12:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, aged about 69 years. Mr. Fitts was well known as a business man and an expert in the judging of fine horses. He is survived by a wife Eliza Morton Fitts, and one daughter, Miss Philena Fitts, both of this place and one son, Warren J. Fitts, Jr, a business man of Pueblo, Colorado. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral.
Source: The Warren Evening Mirror, Tuesday, February 4, 1908, page 4, column 3.
1850 - 1916
August Flodine, one of the best known residents of this city, passed away Saturday night at 9 o'clock at the home of Charles Carlson, on Conewango avenue, where he took his meals. Mr. Flodine was 66 years of age and had been a resident of Warren for nearly fifty years. He was born in Sweden and came to this country when a young boy. He is survived by one son, Elmer, who lives in New York, and one sister, who lives in Sweden.
Mr. Flodine has clerked in a number of business places in Warren and only this spring he celebrated his fortieth anniversary as a clerk. His first employment as a clerk was in the C. P. Henry grocery store, where he worked for fifteen years, and from there he went to work in the grocery store in the old Johnson exchange conducted by Siegfried brothers, where he was employed for five years. He then worked ten years in the Printz clothing store, going from there to the Warren Savings bank, where he remained four years. For the past six years he had been employed in the A. E. Boeschlin cigar store, opposite the post office.
Saturday morning, shortly after 10 o'clock he suffered a fainting spell and after taking a short rest he resumed his duties. In the afternoon he went to the Carlson home, where he was taken ill again and gradually grew worse until the end came. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed.
Source: Warren Evening Mirror, dated Monday, August 7, 1916, page 5, column 5, under the "Mortuary Record" heading.
[Warren County coordinator's note: August Flodine was buried in Oakland Cemetery.]
1855 - 1898
Mrs. August Flodine died at her home on Poplar street at 1:15 o'clock this morning of inflamation of the bowels.
Mrs. Flodine was 44 years of age and had been ill but a few weeks. Her death was unexpected as the past few days she had showed signs of improvement. Mrs. Flodine was a woman possessed of many good qualities and her death will be sincerely mourned by her many friends.
She is survived by her husband and one son Elmer who is about eighteen years of age.
The funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Taylor officiating. Interment in Oakland.
Source: Thursday, October 13, 1898 edition of The Evening Democrat, page 4, column 5.
[Warren County coordinator's note: Ida C. Flodine was buried in Oakland Cemetery on the 15th of October. See also her listing in the vital record of deaths from the court house.
In the Monday, April 2, 1894 edition of The Evening Democrat, page 4, under "Personal Mention" is the following note about their son: Master Elmer Flodine, son of August Flodine, Poplar street, is quite ill.
The Evening Democrat for September 10, 1900, page 4, contained additional information: Elmer Flodine left this morning for Franklin, where he has accepted a responsible position with Miller & Sibley. Elmer's many friends wish him success in his new undertaking. Elmer recently resigned his position with the Seneca Oil Works and will no douby fill his new position as creditably as he did his old one.
In the August 17, 1917 edition of the Warren Evening Mirror, page 5, under "Personal Mention" is this: Elmer, son of the late August Flodine spent yesterday in the city on business. He is located in New York city where he is an expert stenographer and has been spending a vacation in Bradford with relatives.]
Mrs. Mary Foley died this morning at her home on Fourth street at 11:45 o'clock of paralysis after an illness of about fifteen months. Aged 69 years.
Mrs. Foley was born in Ireland but came to America, locating in Montreal when quite young. She was married in that city to the late Timothy Foley, who came with her to Warren about 40 year ago, and resided here ever since. Mr. Foley died about eleven years ago.
Mrs. Foley was well known and most highly respected. She was a fathful [sic] and conscientious member of the St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church of this city and up to the time of failing health was one of that orgainzation's [sic] most active workers.
She is survived by five sons. Daniel D.; John, of Oil City; Timothy J., William T. and James Foley and three daughters. Mrs. Katherine Keubler and Miss Anna Foley of Warren and Mrs. Patrick Foley, of Carnagie [sic], Pa.
The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Source: The Evening Democrat, dated Tuesday, June 19, 1900; page 1, column 6.
1847 - 1918
The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Philip Frantz were held Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock at her home at Akley [sic]. The floral tributes were beautiful including pieces from Ackley Grange, The Loyal Workers Society and Ackley Sunday School beside relatives and friends. A great number of the friends of the deceased were present showing the high esteem in which she was held. Miss. Blanche Hertzel and Miss. Robinson sang three beautiful selections. Rev. Hoover of the First Evangelical church was the officiating clergyman.
The bearers were: C. J. Frantz, S. K. Krantz, H. Frantz, G. Gross, F. Kagel and A. Frantz. Interment was made at Yankee Bush.
The relatives in attendance from Warren were: Mrs. J. W. Porter and daughter [sic] Fred Gross, Mrs. Guy Gross, Mrs. Nate Gross, Mrs. Henry Gross and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Gross, Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Krantz, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krantz, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Offerlee and daughter, Mr. and [sic] F. J. Kagel, son and daughter, Mrs. Walters, Albert Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frantz.
Source: Warren Evening Times, page four, column five, of the Thursday, May 9, 1918 edition.
[Warren County coordinator's note: See Susanna (Gross) Frantz's gravestone in Starbrick's Weiler Cemetery, courtesy of Find A Grave.]
Mrs. Henry Fuelhart [sic, should be Fuellhart] one of the oldest and most respected residents of Tidioute passed away this morning at 7 30 o clock [sic] at her home at that place. She was 72 years of age, and had been a resident of Tidioute for several years. She was born in Buffalo.
She is survived by her husband, three sons, John H, of Youngsville; Dr. Fred W., of Pittsburgh, and Harry, of Tidioute, two brothers, A B Kehr, of this city, and John Kehr, of Colorado City, Colo.
Funeral services will be conducted at the late home Monday afternoon at two o'clock.
Source: Warren Evening Times, page two, columns one and two, of the Saturday, May 11, 1918 edition.
[Warren County coordinator's note: Catherine Fuellhart was buried in an as yet unidentified grave in the Tidioute Cemetery.]
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