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See also Courthouse Death Records 1893 to 1905
The maay [sic] friends of Joseph G. Akeley will learn with regret of his death, which took place Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Deceased was 70 years of age and had been ill with gripe for a long time. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, two daughters and one son. The funeral took place on Thursday at 11 o'clock. His remains were interred in the Russell cemetery.
Source: February 28, 1899, edition of The Evening Democrat, page 2, column 3, filed under the heading "Hot Shot From Hungry Hollow."
[Warren County coordinator's note: see also the entry for Joseph C. Akeley in the Warren County register of deaths, 1893-1905, line 28.]
Mrs. Julia Akeley died at her residence, corner Fourth and East streets, yesterday, of Brights disease, aged 68 years, after a long illness.
Mrs. Akeley was very well known among the older residents of Warren and highly respected.
She is survived by four children, two sons and two daughters, Volney and Leslie Akeley, of Bradford; Mrs. Harrie Harrington, of Grand Valley and Miss Effie G. Akeley, of Warren.
The funeral will be held at the Russell M. E. church on Tuesday afternoon and will be conducted by the Rev. J. P. Burns, of Grace M. E. church, leaving the house at 1:30 o'clock.
The interment will be in the Russell cemetery, N. Greenlund & Son in charge.
Source: The Evening Democrat, dated Monday, April 23, 1900.
[Warren County coordinator's note: see also the entry for Julia Akeley in the Warren County register of deaths, 1893-1905, line 29.]
Thomas F. Akeley
1842 - 1911
RUSSELL, April 3.--A pall of sadness was cast over this village when it became known that Thomas F. Akeley had passed away at his home in this village at nine o'clock Saturday morning.
He was stricken with paralysis last Tuesday afternoon and for a time hopes were entertained for his recovery. His passing marks the close of a noble useful life.
The deceased was the son of Joseph and Eliza Akeley, pioneer residents of Warren County, the youngest of a family of eleven children and the last to pass away.
Joseph Akeley came to Pine Grove township in 1815, what was then a densely wooded country, inhabited by wild beasts and wild men who had recently surrendered the title to their lands under compulsion; these were the conditions which confronted the unfaltering and fearless pioneers of this neighborhood.
Joseph Akeley made no less than three trips to Pittsburg [sic] in a canoe bringing back flour and provisions and many times he had walked from here to Buffalo bringing back a bushel of salt on his back.
Thomas F. Akeley was born in Russell, Pa., November 25, 1842. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade. From 1882 until 1885 he was a partner with W. V. Hodges in a general store on the East Side where the present store now stands.
In the summer of 1885 he built the Russell Postoffice [sic] building. In 1891 he started a general store in this building and the same year was appointed Postmaster of Russell, which position he held until he resigned in November, 1910, with the exception of about three years during Cleveland's first administration. During his service as Postmaster the receipts of his office rose from $90 to $200 a quarter.
In September, 1861, he was united in marriage to Lydia Briggs and they lived a happy wedded life. His widow survives him.
He was familiarly known as "Uncle Tom" and was in reality uncle to over a hundred nephews and nieces.
The funeral services will be conducted from the late home on Tuesday at one o'clock and from the M. E. church at two o'clock, with interment in Russell Cemetery.
Source: Monday, April 3, 1911, edition of the Warren Evening Mirror, page 2, column 4.
Titusvulle Herald: Miss Blanche Isabelle Alcorn, aged nearly 23 years, passed away at Grandview sanitarium, near Oil City, at 8:20 o'clock last evening, following an illness of about six months.
Miss Alcorn was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Alcorn and born in Plum township on August 17, 1904. She fitted herself for teaching and taught for several terms in the schools of Cherrytree township, where she made many friends by her pleasant ways and her proficiency as a teacher. She was held in high esteem and her early death is sincerely regretted.
Her father passed away on April 27, last, and she is survived by her mother, Mrs. Eliza Bell Alcorn of Fairview, and three brothers, Glenn Alcorn, of Oil City; Park Alcorn of New Castle, and Domer Alcorn of Titusville. Another brother, Reid Alcorn died in Warren last September.
The body was removed to the undertaking rooms of E. L. Summins in this city to be prepared for burial and today will be taken to the home of the brother, Domer Alcorn, after which arrangements for the funeral services will be made.
Source: The Warren Tribune, Friday, July 8, 1927, page eleven, column one.
One day later, in the Warren Morning Mirror, July 9, 1927, page three, columns five-six:
Miss Blanche Isabile [sic] Alcorn, a sister of the late Reid Alcorn, of Warren, and a sister-in-law of Mrs. Paul Peters of Clarendon Heights, died Thursday night at eight-thirty o'clock at Grandview sanitarium, near Oil City, [ollowing [sic] an illness of six months. She was aged 22 years. She is survived by her mother, several sisters and brothers. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Eric Anderson
1854 - 1908
Auto Victim's Funeral--The funeral services of Eric Anderson, who was killed Sunday evening in the automobile accident near the Warren Outing Club, will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock from the home on Dartmouth street and at three o'clock services will be held at the Swedish Methodist Episcopal church on Fourth street. The interment will be in Oakland cemetery. The plant of the Jacobson Machine Manufacturing Company, of which Mr. Anderson was a valued employe, will be closed all day Wednesday.
Source: under "Daily Reflections" on page four, in the Tuesday, June 30, 1908, edition of the Warren Evening Mirror.
[Warren County coordinator's note: Erick A. Anderson, born in 1854, was buried in the Oakland cemetery.]
1868 - 1927
Theodore Anderson, one of the well known residents of Yankee Bush, died this morning at 8:40 o'clock at his home, at the age of 59 years, 10 days. He was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church and took an active interest in the church and its societies.
He is survived by his wife, Anna S. Anderson, one son, Norman Anderson, of Franklin; three grandchildren; one brother, Luther Anderson, of Hillsboro, Ore.; one sister, Mrs. Fred Johnson, of Erie. Another brother and sister have preceded him in death withinn the past four months.
Funeral announcements will be made later, but commitment will be made in Oakland cemetery.
Source: Warren Morning Mirror, dated Wednesday, September 21, 1927, page 7.
Mrs. Irma Snapp Arp, widow of Harry A. Arp, and a former resident of Sheffield, passed away this morning in Kenmore, N. Y. Removal is being made to the Borden Funeral Home, Sheffield where friends may call after 1 p. m. Friday.
Mrs. Arp is survived by two sons, Leon and Alton Arp and one daughter, Mrs. Ralph W. Elrod all of Buffalo. She was preceded in death by her husband, two daughters and one son, Mrs. Annabell Sederberg, Mrs. Lola Groves and Mendell Arp.
Rev. John McCleery, pastor of the Free Methodist church of Sheffield, will officiate at funeral services to be held at the Borden Funeral Home at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. Commitment will be in Barnes cemetery.
Source: Thursday, September 6, 1951, edition of the Warren Times Mirror, page 12, column 1.
1839 - 1909
Mrs. Arthur passed from this life at her home Sunday at 8:45 a. m. Her passing away came as a severe shock to her family and friends. She had been ill from pneumonia but seemed to be on a fair way to recovery, when suddenly and without warning came the change which was due to heart failure. Mrs. Arthur was born Sept. 8, 1839, in Cattaraugus County, New York, and spent the greater portion of her life at Youngsville, having removed to Warren about ten years ago. She was of a sunny, sweet disposition, always comsidering the comforts of others rather than herself. To know her was to love her. She will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends, but most in her own home where her life was a sweet benediction. Mrs. Arthur was a consistent Christian, a member of the First M. E. church of this city and also of the Woman's Home Missionary Society. She leaves to deeply mourn her loss, her husband, Mr. W. C. Arthur and two daughters, Miss Kittie L. Arthur and Mrs. O. P Bush, also one brother and one sister, Mr. Cady of Warren, and Mrs. Lulu Peterson of Sheffield. The funeral service will be at the home, on Penna. Ave. West Tuesday at 12:30. Interment at Youngsville.
Source: Monday, November 1, 1909, edition of the Warren Evening Mirror, page 2, under "Death Record."
Died at Emergency--Miss Anita Arthurs, of Akeley, Pine Grove township, died Monday night at Emergency Hospital from peritonitis. The young lady was 20 years of age. The funeral will be from the family home at Akeley Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment at Akeley cemetery.
Source: Warren Evening Mirror, dated Tuesday, June 23, 1908; page four, column one.
Mrs. W. C. Averill, life long resident of Limestone township, died at her home in Tidioute last Sunday. Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs. G. E. Swanson, Wed., April 18 at 2 p. m.
Source: Tuesday, April 17, 1928 edition of the Warren Morning Mirror, page 5, column 6.
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