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Transcribed extractions from a newspaper published in Warren.
Names are in bold for ease in finding them.
1893 July 10 | August 15 | November 2
1894 April 5 | April 25 | June 9 | July 18 | December 26 | December 27
1895 May 31 | July 6 | July 9 | September 6
1898 April 18 | August 12 | October 12 | October 27
1899 January 25 | January 26 | January 27 | January 30
1900 January 4 | February 14 | April 23 | May 31 | July 6 | August 15
(edition was four pages in length)
Fourteen-Year Old Killed | Stoneham Items | Brevities | Personal Mentions
He was Either Kicked by a Horse or ran Over by the Cars at Union City.
On Wednesday afternoon, Johny [sic] Houlihan, aged about fourteen years and resideing north of town, went to the pasture and was enjoying himself catching the colts and riding bareback, when he was thrown off and severly kicked by one of the animals. He managed to reach his home, where medical assistance was at once summoned, but his injuries baffled the skill of the surgeons and he died yesterday morning. --Union City Cor., Corry Flyer.
The boy refered to lived in Warren until about three weeks ago when he left for Union City. His mother and sister were in town when the sad message reached them, but they received word and the report is general, that the boy was killed by the cars, having his head and both legs cut off. No person in town has heard of any other report and the Flyer version is quite a surprise.
A Brisk Budget of News From a Prosperous Town.
Miss Nellie Cogswell, of Warren, was the guest of Nettie Sanborn last week.
Thomas Mullen who lives at Old Clarendon went to Warren last Tuesday. On his way home he got as far as Stoneham when one of the rubber wheels gave out and he left his bicycle and was compelled to walk home.
A boy by the name of Carlson yesterday went in bathing in a tank of water six feet deep and narrowly escaped drowning.
Miss Berdie Scott will leave in September for Angolia, N.Y., where she will attend the Academy at that place.
Mr. Guigwin who has been ill is improving only by spells. He is a little delirious.
Tramps are numerous on the road leading from Stoneham to Glade. A short time ago one of them tried to sell two pair of calfskin shoes to some people living in the North end of town for one dollor [sic] a pair.
Mr. John Caebly is laid up with rheumatism.
Miss Rose Mason of, [sic] Westfield, N.Y., who has been teaching school in New Jersey is visiting friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McCurry left Friday for Oil City to be gone several days.
Darius Mead has returned from Meadville.
George Hammel, who is hauling bark for Leon Stahl unloaded his load of bark at one of the bark sheds Friday and was backing out when a gas pipe struck him in the temple and cutting [sic] a fearful gash.
--Hansen Bros., painters and paper hangers have bought out P.G. Mattieson and have moved into the store room recently occupied by Mattieson.
--A lawn fete will be given by the Y.W.C.T.U. at the home of Mr. L. Smith, Market street, Tuesday evening, July 11; ice cream and cake 15 cents.
--Richard Gilson, who was at one time a resident of Warren and who for several years conducted a 99 cent store here, died June 24 in California. He was 60 years old.
--The office of the Borough Tax Collector, situated in the office formerly occupied by the Warren Mills company, will henceforth be open only from 2 till 6 p.m., on the following days: July 5th, 22nd, 29th; August 5th, 12th, and 19th and all day and evening on August 24th, 25th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st. Tax payers should bear these dates in mind as they are the only times set for the payment of taxes.
--About 15 boiler makers were temporarily laid off by Struthers Wells & Company Saturday night.
--The street cars are running regularly to-day, and it is thought that no further interruptions will be necessary.
--Miss Ella Davis, of this city, who has been teaching school in Warren, is visiting her parents on North Centre street. --Corry Flyer.
--D.I. Ball, H.A. Jamison, W.M. Lindsey and J.P. Jefferson are the committee having in charge the erection of the proposed new Presbyterian church of Warren.
--Harry Isarcs took down the charred remains of his Fourth of July fire, this morning and put up a brand new awning. Everything is now ready for another firecracker to be thrown on it.
--Mr. H.J. Fellows the Brooklyn tenor will arrive in Warren to-morrow and will be at the residence of Richard Orr East Third street. All who have given their names to Mr. A.C. Joy as prospective pupils of Mr. Fellows, are requested to report there at the hours assigned them.
--The midsummer entertainment to be given by the Methodist choir on the evening of July 20, promises to be one of the best the choir has ever given. Miss Fannie Smith and Miss Hattie Lacy will each recite, and the rest of the program will consist of local duets, trios, quartettes, and eight had piece for two pianos, and a ten hand piece for two piano and pipe organ. Admission 25 cents. Tickets on sale by members of the choir.
Mrs. James R. King spent Saturday with friends in Youngsville.
Miss Clara Bennett, of Red House, is visiting G. H. Penfield, Glade.
Mrs. Geo. Ball and child are spending a few days on the farm east of town.
Wesley Chambers, of Oil City, spent Sunday at the home of his Son-in-law [sic], August Morck.
Geo. Sill and James Roy arrived home yesterday from Meadville, where they have been attending the races.
Lieut. D.F.A. Wheelock, started for Pittsburg this morning to attend a meeting of the 2nd Brigade military board.
Mrs. Rose Sharp and son left this morning for Jamestown to make that place their future home. Mr. Sharp is engaged there as a carpenter.
Miss Fannie Smith, of Racine, Wis., who has been visiting her parents in this city, will take a course in Physical Culture at Chautauqua this summer.
Miss Haraiet [sic] Schellhammer of East Water street and Miss Minnie Rhines of Corry went East on the mail to-day for a two weeks visit in Philadelphia and Boston.
Dr. McNitt was called to Buffalo yesterday bu the serious illness of Mrs. Jerry Crary of Sheffield, who is visiting there. Dr. McNitt has for years been the family physician.
W.A. Greaves, the artist, in company with his wife and L.R. Freeman and wife, are summering at their Chautauqua cottage. Mr. Greave's Jamestown studio will be open the last of each week, instead of the first, as heretofore. --Jamestown News.
(edition was four pages in length)
Mrs. Hall, mother of Mrs. H. A. Jamieson is ill with malarial fever.
Fred Kidder returned from the World's Fair Sunday evening.
T. W. Sparks, the sage of Thompson Hill, and general all round newspaper hustler was in town this morning.
Chas. T. Thurston, the Sign Artist arrived home last night from Buffalo, N. Y., and is again ready for business.
Dr. Norman Davis, Charles S. Reed, and Alfred H. Hertzel, left yesterday on an extended tour about the World's Fair grounds.
Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. M. Beecher and Miss Libbie Rogers, left this morning via the D. A. V. & P. railroad for Chicago and the Fair.
(edition was four pages in length)
Robbery | Real Estate Transactions | Brevities | Personal Mentions
A Warren Man Relieved of About $11 in Change.
Tuesday night, about 9:30 o'clock, as Mr. W.J. Hesh, son of Jacob Hesh, manager of the Acid Works, was on on [sic] his way home, he was held up by three men and robbed of all valuables about his person.
He had been down at the works and had just started home when suddenly three men slipped from hehind a fence and covered him with a revolver. He was unable to make any defense and very sensibly concluded that the best thing to do was to throw up his hands. The men made a careful search through his pockets and after taking about $11, besides a number of pocket trinkets, left him.
There is no clue at present as to who the highwaymen are, although some quiet work is being done in the case and later developments may bring some one into court.
Transfers For the Week Ending November 1st. (webmaster note: listed after the names is the name of the township or town)
Chas. B. Willey and wife to Lallie Magee etal, Glade, $150.
Ephriam M. Wright to Alazada Wright, Freehold, $650.
Chas. Rulander and wife to John Rulander, Pittsfield, $200.
S.D.I. Newland to Mrs. J.M.McKean, Irvine, $200.
Nannie C. Dennis etal to Mary J. Wright. Farmington, $1,000. Same to A.P. Wrgiht [sic], $3,500.
Ida R. Wikoff etal to Jos. B. Sweeting, Glade. $800.
Sarah J. Hammond etal to Naney J. Vaneps, Pittsfield, $850.
Michael Grace to Bridget Malone, Glade, $275.
Geo. W. Warden and wife to Alice A Ewald, Tidioute, $350.
A.J. Hazeltine and wife to Chas. B. Brown. Pittsfield, $500.
Treas. Warren Co. to W.M. Lindsey, Sheffield, $51. Same to same. same, $75.
S.H. Davis and wife to S.A. Deitch, Glade, $400.
Axel Gustafsou [sic] and wife to Andrew Hofstedt, Brokenstraw, $1,000.
Jacob Offerle and wife to Louisa Hapgood, Glade, $600.
Francis Henry estate to J.A. Gustafson, Glade, $300.
Emma M. Shoff estate to H.A. Renn, Glade, $1,200.
Susan Wade etal to A.C. Blodget, Youngsville, $50.
August Kirberger to Frances M. Nichenberg, Warren, $1,000.
MJ. Morrison etal to L.L. Hunter, Deerfield, $410.
--Nearly all towns along the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad are making preparations to pay their respects to the Liberty Bell as it passes through, on its way from Chicago to Philadelphia. Warren will not be on the list this time.
--Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osborne, who were formerly residents of Warren, and now reside at Dornsife, Pa, will learn with sorrow of the death of their son Fred, who died yesterday morning of diptheria. Mrs. Osborne is a daughter of Mrs. H.A. Lacy, of this city.
--The new Fifth street bridge will be 25 feet wide, with a foot passage of five feet in width. Mr. Conger, who is representing the successful company, says it will take about 60 days for the iron work to be manufactured and that the structure can be put together in about two weeks' time.
A.J. Hazeltine was in Jamestown to-day.
H.W. Lane, of Russell, is in the city to-day.
Mr. Monroe has returned from a visit to Chicago.
S.A. Kramer, of Farmington, was in the city to-day.
A.V. Mott, of Jamestown, was down to-day on business.
W.M. Lindsey went to Jamestown this morning on business.
David and Weston Beatty left to-day to look after Western business.
William McCabe, who has been ill for some time, is reported to be very low.
Miss Minnie Hegerty returned last night from a visit with friends in Philadelphia.
Mr. Sherman Greenlund, Hazel street, returned last night from a visit with her [sic] parents at Cassadaga.
F.H. Rockwell left yesterday on a hunting trip to Canada. He went to Buffalo, where he will join a party of friends.
Speaker C.C. Thompson has returned from Chicago where he had been attending the meeting of the Pennsylvania World's Fair Committee.
T.P. Bell, of Johnsonburg, was in the city to-day on his way to Butler county. Tom has struck it rich in the new oil field near North Washington.
James McLaughlin, a commission merchant of New York city, stopped in Warren and visited with friends for a few hours yesterday, while on his way home from Jamestown.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
On page one, column two:
Tin Wedding
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Brasington in Glade. March 30, friends and acquaintances numbering 36 gathered at their home in honor of the 10th aniversary [sic] of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Brasington received many presents. The company indulged in dancing. At 12 o'clock refreshments were served and soon after all retired to their homes leaving behind their wishes for many returns of the day.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Of Warren's Early History by an Old Resident.
Some Historical Data Which Will be of Interest to the Present Generation--Personal Reminiscences by the Late James H. Eddy, who Remembered When Warren was a Village of a Half Dozen Buildings.
The first jail was built of hewed logs, was located about where Hon. W. M. Lindsey's house now stands on Market street, and had a yard adjoining it, surrounded by a palisade of oak logs set on end in the ground, sharpened at the top and about twenty feet high. Capt. Asa Winter and his son Elihu cut the logs for the jail and palisade on Tanner's hill and hauled them down with oxen. Capt. Winter then owned and occupied the farm this side of North Warren now owned by the Hon. L. D. Wetmore.
Daniel Jackson was said to be the first white settler in Warren county. When he first came here, he camped on Jackson Run where he built his mill about 1794 or 1795. About the only mill irons then used, were the end of the dog with a socket for a wooden bar, a very few light ones for the carriage, and the saw, all other parts of the mill were taken from the forest. Jackson was a great hunter, lumbered a good deal and ran lumber cut at his mill, down the river to Southern markets. As far back as I can recollect, John King, father of Hon. R. P. King, was lumbering and farming, and was afterwards sheriff. John Gilson whose descendants live in Sheffield, was a river man canoeing goods and provisions up the river to Warren from Pittsburg [sic] the nearest source of supplies. Joseph Mead, father of Boon Mead, was farming Mead's island and the farm adjacent below Warren. About 1818 or 1819 James Stuart and Robert Arthur built a mill near where Bartch Bros. Wagon shop now stands, between Liberty and Market streets, and ran the dam across the Conewango creek from that point to the island. I ran across that dam many times, barefooted, when a boy, while they were building it and afterwards. Both Stuart and Arthur afterwards sold out and went to Illinois. Lathrop G. Parmlee came to Warren and started a store in the bar room of a hotel kept in the Daniel Jackson house where the rear part of the Citizen's National Bank Building stands. Parmlee must have been here very early for leaves from the day book kept by him through the months of January and February, 1815, were lately found in the garret of Chas. Dinsmoore's house by carpenters making repairs. Parmlee afterwards opened a store below where the Carver House now stands. Lathrop G. Parmlee was the father of Hon. L. T. Parmlee, and G. N. Parmlee. Archibold [sic] Tanner was in business very early and built the store now occupied by Andrew Ruhlman, for a ware house where supplies from Pittsburgh were received and stored for himself, and the public generally until called for.
In early days no attorneys lived in Warren, but came from Meadville to attend Court here, finally two attorneys came to Warren, rented a little building where the Exchange Block now stands, of John Hackney, and prepared to practice law. To occupy their time they wrote for and edited a little paper published here, and at one time in the paper reflected somewhat upon Archibold [sic] Tanner. A few nights afterward a little canon heavily loaded was shot off next to their office, tearing away a good share of that side of the office; the next day the attorneys left the town and the people were without legal counsel for some time.
Jacob Hook purchased a mill at an early day at what is now called Wardwell, enlarged it and put in five saws and carriages, a remarkable enterprise for those days. As early as I can recollect, Jacob Hook was the most extensive lumber manufacturer in this vicinity. I pulled an oar on one of his rafts from his mill to Cincinnati in 1830. What is now the principal part of Cincinnati was then corn fields. Hook owned about all of the land along the river from Warren to Corydon, including some of the finest of the Kinzua flats. He was an energetic, able man engrossed entirely in his business, but was continually annoyed by a class of mischief loving practical jokers who exerted themselves much more in attending to other peoples business than in their own avocations. In March of 1824 or thereabouts, Mr. Hook had been brought to Warren as defendant in some frivolous litigation every day in the week until Saturday, and a warrant was issed for his arrest on Saturday, on some far-fetched complaint so as to fill out the week. When the officer went to Hook's mill late on Saturday, Hook not relishing the prospect of lying in jail over Sunday, said he would appear on Monday, but would not go that night. Deputy Sheriff Asa Scott summoned a posse to take him; Hook locked his door and threatened to shoot them if they broke in. The posse broke in the door; Scott being first, fell headlong when the door gave way. Hook fired a slug or bullet which passed above Scott, through Perry Sherman's arm, and then through the body of Caleb Wallace, instantly killling him. Hook was arrested, and tried for murder in a house on the corner of 5th and Market streets where the house of William Scott is now located. Several other boys and myself took seats upon the beams of the house over the heads of the people attending the trial, and were attentive spectators during the whole trial. My father rode horseback to Pittsburg [sic] to employ an attorney to defend Hook. He secured the service of Henry Baldwin, afterwards Judge Baldwin, and paid him three hundred dollars in gold for attending the trial. The warrant was irregular, had no seal after the magistrate's name, and Hook was acquitted. Public opinion was quite strongly in Hook's favor. Judge Jesse Moore presided at the trial with associates Connely of Brokenstraw, and Hackney of Warren, grandfather of A. T. Hackney, upon the bench.
After over twenty-five years of services as sexton of Oakland cemetery, N. Dietch has retired. His position will be filled by G. W. Deming.
Henrietta, the eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Blake, Royal street, died Tuesday night of diphtheria at seven o'clock. The interment took place at Oakland.
C. M. Jamison, who was arrested for selling fish in the borough without a license, had a hearing before Justice Perry this morning, but the decision was deferred until Tuesday. Jamison's attorneys are making a hard fight against the ordinance.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--Otto Marker has about finished the job of remodeling and refurnishing the old Kent house on Water street for E. D. Wetmore. The whole interior of the dwelling has been changed and now presents as beautiful an appearance as any house in Warren. The floors down stairs are laid in oak of the finest finish and the ones up stairs in Georgia pine. The mantels were made from special designs and are fine samples of artistic workmanship. The walls and floors of one of the bathrooms are finished in elegant tiling, and the building all through shows the touch of skilled workmen.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Jacob Mack, of Richland, Dies This Morning at Seven O'clock.
Jacob Mack, of Richland who has been a sufferer for many years, passed away this morning at seven o'clock. He was 69 years old and leaves one daughter, Mrs. W. O Martin, who lived with her father, and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Fehlman, of Neighborville, Ill.
The deceased was born in Alsace, France, (now Germany,) and came to this country when a young man. He came to Warren county in 1857 and lived on Quaker Hill until 10 years ago when he moved to his present home. Eleven years ago he was stricken with paralysis, since which time he has been a helpless invalid. He was a soldier in the late war and is a member of Eben N. Ford Post G.A.R. Deceased was a member of the Evangelical church.
The funeral was held Friday at 10 a.m. at the residence and will be under the charge of the G.A.R. Rev. G.W. Miesse will conduct the religious services.
[Warren County coordinator's note: Jacob Mack, born 1825, was buried in the Oakland cemetery.]
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Mr. James Dunham son Edward, who is home from Yale University on his holiday vacation, and daughter Miss Lena went to Youngsville this morning to visit Carl Dunham.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--Married--Rowlan-Marsh, in Busti, N.Y., Dec. 24, by Rev. R. S. Borland, Mr. Conrad Rowlan and Mrs. Juliette Marsh, all of Lander, Pa.
--Married--Farnham-Young, in Busti, N.Y., Dec. 25, by Rev. R. S. Borland, Mr. Jackson Farnham and Miss Lena Young, all of Pittsfield, Pa.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Memorial Day Celebration | Joe Picerne Murdered | School Deposits | Brevities | Personal Mentions
It Was Appropriately Kept in Warren Yesterday.
The Exercises Conducted by Eben N. Ford Post--Judge Collier Delivers a Very Interesting Address to a Large Crowd of People.
The booming of the cannon located on the river bank awoke the people of Warren from their slumbers at seven o'clock yesterday morning and reminded them that Memorial Day was at hand. The day opened bright and warm and the thermometer kept on rising until the middle of the afternoon. The weather could not have been improved upon had it been made to order. The rain that is generally scheduled for the day failed to show up yesterday.
Both town and country people began to gather on the streets early in the morning. Many places of business and private houses bore modest decoration of flags and bunting and long before noon the town began to show a real holiday appearance. The ball game at ten o'clock attracted many to the fair grounds while others continued to walk up and down the principal business streets, presumably waiting for the Wild West Show parade, which did not occur until about noon.
The members of the Eben N. Ford Post, G.A.R. were all very busy preparing for their ceremonies in the afternoon. Details from the post were sent to all the cemeteries in the country nearby in the morning to decorate the graves of their fallen comrates with flowers. Several of the members also went over to Oakland and performed the same kindly duty in the forenoon.
Shortly after two o'clock the procession arranged for by the Grand Army was formed at the town hall, corner of Third and Hickory streets and started on its march to the cemetery. The line of march was short, being up Third to Market street, on Market to Second, on Second to the bridge, and across to Oakland cemetery. The following was the order of the march:
T. O. Slater, Chief Marshall, S. H. Davis and John Wickizar, aids.
Reig & Barth's band of sixteen men with Drum Major John Sandstrom.
Co. I, 40 men.
Eben N. Ford Post and other old veterans, 125 men.
Carriage with Judge Noyes, Hon. C. W. Stone, Judge Collier, and W. D. Brown.
Local Clergyman in carriages.
Burgess Wiggins and members of councils in carriages.
Little girls choir, 20 members in carriages.
Womans Relief Corps in carriages.
About twenty more carriages containing citizens followed.
On arriving at Oakland a halt was made just within the gates and in the little park. The ranks were then broken and the participants in the march and many hundred others filled the seats in front of and all around the little speakers' stand that the veterans had erected in the lower end of the enclosure some years ago.
The exercises at the grove in the cemetery began promptly at three o'clock with a selection by Reig and Barth's band.
Commander J. R. Mitchell, of Eben N. Ford Post, then stepped out on the platform and opened the meeting with a few well chosen remarks. He spoke briefly of the work of the soldiers of the land during the great conflict of the early sixties and of the object of commemorating the work done on the battlefield by the proper decoration of the graves of the dead soldiers' each year on Memerial [sic] Day and the good effect on mankind in general of keeping up the custom.
The Star Spangled Banner was then sung by Mrs. C. A. Waters and a chorus of about twenty little girls.
Rev. Dr. J. A. Kummer offered prayer and a male chorus of ten voices rendered another musical selection.
Mr. Mitchell then introduced the speaker of the afternoon, Judge F. H. Collier, of Pittsburg, who served so gallantly through many of the important battles of the war as colonel of the 139th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Judge Collier is a rather portly, well-built man who is presumably about sixty years old. He is possessed of a head of quite long bushy iron-gray hair and look the soldier through and through.
At the conclusion of Judge Collier's address, which was rich with interesting and humorouis [sic] little anecdotes of war life, he was heartly [sic] applauded. He had no prepared address but spoke extemporaneously.
The audience arose and joined the choruses in singing "America" Rev C B. Smith delivered the benediction and the audience dispersed to the cemetery just above where the ceremonies of the day were concluded by the members of the post in the manner provided for in their ritual.
The band, veterans and Co. I boys formed a large circle around the mound that represents the grave of the unknown dead. Many spectators crowded up around the circle and witnessed the ritualistic exercises carried out by J. R. Mitchell, L. T. Borchers and C. A. Waters, officers of the local post.
Adjudant, W. J. Alexander, called the roll of the dead and the oly response was the mournful taps of the drum.
A detail of eight men from Co. I fired three volleys over the grave and the color sergeants of the Post assisted in the salute to the dead by quietly dipping their flats over the grave as the shots were fired.
The bank played "America," the final benediction was delivered by Rev J. S. Smith and the exercises were at an end.
The possession then marched back to town and dispersed.
Joe Picerne Killed in the West End Last Night.
All Concerned Are Italians and the Murder is the Outcome of an Old Feud Among a Bad Gang--Shot in the Head.
Just as Decoration Day was drawing to a close last night a cold blooded murder took place near the old D., A. V. & P. depot in the West End.
About half past eight people living near the corner of Fourth and Beech streets heard several pistol shots and upon investigation the bleeding and lifeless body of Joe Picerne was found lying in the dust. Coroner Pierce was at once notified. He went to the spot and examined the body and then had it taken to Greenlund's undertaking establishment in the Exchange block. The body was bleeding at the back of the head and the nose and two soft hats, both having bullett holes in them were found near by. A large butcher knife, without any traces of blood on it, was also found at the side of the dead Italian.
Dr. Pierce then began a search of for the man who did the deed. Several Italian boarding houses in the vicinity were searched, but no stray son of Italy could be found. The police kept up the search all night but with poor success.
It is thought that the murder is the result of the row which occurred in that neighborhood last fall. It will be remembered that last November the murdered man Picerne assaulted one Billy Muscarro, a fellow countryman. He cut him very severely and then threw him out of a window and broke his leg. Picerne skipped out but was captured up in New York state, brought back here to jail, stood trial and was acquitted. It is said that Muscarro's friends then swore vengeance, and many believe that those friends had the murderer, who is in all probability, an italian [sic] named Perri Brono, come here purposely to kill Picerne. The man Brono had only been in town a couple of weeks.
The principal witnesses to the tragedy are all Italians, and when seen last night they did not talk very freely of the occurrence. From what they did condescend to say, however, it is found that Picerne, Brono, and two or three other Italians were about the streets together early in the evening. They had all been drinking and were inclined to be quarrelsome. About 8:30 they stood on the corner at Fourth and Beech streets talking considerable, when Picerne and Brono went out in the street close to the street car track to wrestle. When they fell Picerne was on top. While they lay in that position and as Picerne was about to get up, Brono drew a revolver and shot him in the back of the head. He fired several more shots and then got up and ran down Beech street to the river bank and then down along the bank towards the railroad bridge. The other dagoes all lit out and left Picerne laying where he had been killed. It is supposed that the butcher knife found belonged to Picerne, but that he did not get an opportunity to use it.
Coroner Pierce empaneled the following jury this morning: Major James, E. R. Pierce, Jacob Striker, Frank Wyman, W. H. Copeland and John Wheeler. At nine o'clock they went to Greenlund's undertaking rooms where the body was stripped and examined. His nose and the vicinity of his right eye were burned with powder, showing that the shooting was done at very short range. There was a bullet hole in the back of the skull from which blood flowed freely. It was that wound that evidently caused death. The back of the head also showed a couple of fresh scars which were probably inflicted by a stone as he fell. There was also a bullet hole in his right forearm. After the jury had examined the body they repaired to the scene of the murder to look the ground over. They were then dismissed until one o'clock when they met at Dr. Pierce's office, to hear evidence from the witnesses.
Several witnesses, principally Italians, were examined. The testimony of the Italians seemed to argue pretty well, although they all claimed that it was too dark for them to see very well at the time of the murder. The jury retired at 2:30 and at 3:15 bought [sic] in the following verdict:
We find the said Joseph Picerne came to his death on the night of May 30th A.D. 1895 on the crossing of Beech and Fourth streets in the borough of Warren from a gunshot would in his head. From the evidence before us, we find that said wound was caused by a pistol shot fired at the hand of Perri Brono, with murderous intent.
School Deposits
Deposited, School Savings Bank, May 29, 1895, West End building, $4.54; Central building, $7 43; East street building, $26 54; Jefferson street building, $11.38; total $49.89. Largest deposit made by Grade 4, Miss Greene, teacher.
J. S. Bayer bought the store of the P. Greenlund, [sic] estate at administrators' sale yesterday. The purchase price was $5.025.
Chas. Erhart was arrested yesterday by Constable Magee and placed in jail on a charge of stealing chickens from C. A. Johnson.
There were many visitors from nearby towns and from the country districts in Warren yesterday. The fellow who always comes to town on holidays and gets loaded up with booze was very much in evidence, as usual.
The effects of the recent heavy frosts were very perceptible at the grove in the cemetery yesterday. The trees there usually furnish an abundance of shade on Decoration Day, but yesterday they kept very little sun out. The leaves that do show are very small and scrawny.
While playing near the fountain in the upper park yesterday afternoon, Harry, the five year old son of John Baldensperger, fell into the water and might have been drowned had some some [sic] boys not been near to fish him out. He was badly scared, but escaped with only a ducking.
the jury in the case of Conarro vs. Eysinger brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, for damages in the amount of $500, Wednesday evening. The costs of the case will be put on Eysinger, who talks of taking an appeal. This morning the case of Beaty and Roy vs. Glade Township was tried. The jury found for the plaintiffs in the full amount of their original claim, which was something over $4,000. The case of Mary Traub vs. M. J. Walkerman is on trial this afternoon.
The school board held a regular meeting last evening. There was a full attendance of the members and several changes were made in the positions and salaries of the teachers for the coming year. A delegation of citizens were present among which were F. H. Langworthy, Will Watson and R. W. Teese. Mr. Langworthy addressed the meeting on behalf of his associates and asked the board to reconsider their recent action in dropping Prof. S. Reed Brown from the faculty. Mr. Langworthy expressed the sentiment of a large number of our taxpayers in his remarks. After he had concluded a vote was taken on the question of employing Prof. Brown as principal of the High School for the coming year at the same salary that he had been receiving. The motion was lost, the vote standing the same as it did at the previous meeting. The meeting adjourned until next Monday evening, at which time the reorganization of the board will take place.
Leroy Strong, of Kinzua, was in town to-day.
F. E. Windsor was up to Bradford last night.
Earl H. Clinton returned to Butler this morning.
Miss Blanch Fink, [sic] spent yesterday in Titusville.
Geo. H. Higgins Esq., was down from Erie yesterday.
Tony ODonald came up from Pittsburg last evening.
Matthew Spiesman, of Titusville, was in town last night.
George Reese, of Corry, was calling on old friends here yesterday.
Henry Howard and wife, of North Clarendon, were visitors in town yesterday.
George W. Horne came up from Titusville with his pet ball club yesterday morning.
Chas. Johnson attended a dancing party in Ridgeway Wednesday evening returning home yesterday.
Misses Maggie Young and Sophia Hartman, and Mrs. Fred Hartman, went to Celeron yesterday.
Mrs. Allie F. Lesser went to Dundee, N.Y, this afternoon to see her brother R E Dunham, who is very ill.
Edward Sherrick and P. Burke, of Warren, Pa, spent Memorial Day in Oil City, the guests of James Kearns. --Derrick.
Mrs. E Morningstar and daughter Grace left Wednesday for a two week's visit with relatives at Watertown and Rome, N.Y.
Mr Chas B Johnson, Misses Maude Metzgar and Minnie Hagerty, who attended a party given in Ridgway [sic], Wednesday night, returned home yesterday afternoon.
L. H. Greenlund is entertaining the following visitors at his home: Miss Nellie Greenlund, Benjamin Greenlund and Master Alphonso Greenlund, of Jamestown, N.Y, and L E Greenlund, of Spokane, Wash.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Mrs. Nancy L. Hoffman.
Mrs. Nancy L. Hoffman died quite suddenly at her home on Liberty street at 5 o'clock this morning. In her death, Warren loses one of her oldest residenand [sic] one of the most highly respected and universally beloved women who ever lived here. She was the wife of L. B. Hoffman and during the half century that she had lived here she had by her noble, Christian and philanthropic life endeared herself to all who had the good fortune to make her acquaintance.
Mrs. Hoffman was born at Cuba, N.Y., May, [sic] 23 1834. In 1845, when but eleven years of age, she came to Warren with her parents Nathan and Charlotte Ford, who bought the property at the corner of Liberty and Second streets where the Hoffman block now stands. During her long residence of fifty years in this borough, she lived on, or directly adjoining the site of her first home which she came to as a little girl. She had one sister and a brother but they as well as her parents died many years ago. Her borther Eben N. Ford was a brave soldier and died on the field of battle. The local Grand Army Post derived its name from him.
In 1855 deceased was married to Andrew H. Ludlow, a gentleman whose family were among the earliest settlers in Warren county. Two children were born to them. They were Miss Minnie Ludlow, who died some years ago, and Andrew H. Ludlow, Jr., who now survives his mother. Mr. Ludlow died in 1864, after having accumulated a great deal of property and considerable money. Among the former was the old Ludlow House which has born his name for many years and which still stands at the corner of Second and Market streets. His widow was married to L. B. Hoffman, June 28th, 1865 and they lived happily together for over thirty years or until her death today. Their union was not blessed with any children.
Mrs. Hoffman was an active member of the Episcopal church for many years and up to about fifteen years ago. During that time she was one of the largest contributors to that institution and took a great interest in the affairs of the church. A few years ago, she withdrew from that congregation and united with the Presbyterian church. She was also as active a member there as her health would permit. She was one of the most generous, open-handed women that ever lived and no one ever appealed to her for aid that did not receive it. She was a cheerful, good-natured woman, whose heart also warmed at the plea of poverty and affliction and has spent many thousands of dollars in relieving the wants of the poor and needy. No one knew her but to love and respect her and her life has been a beautiful one. The news of her death caused a feeling of sadness throughout the town. No one will miss her more than the poor and unfortunate whose benefactor she had always been.
Besides her husband and son, she is survived by several distant relatives, most of whom live in New York state. Her step-son, O. F. Hoffman, and an intimate friend, Miss Eva E. Miller, have made their home with her and are considered members of the family.
While visiting at Oneida, N.Y., about a year ago Mrs. Hoffman was taken ill with stomach trouble but soon recovered. Last fall the same affliction came upon her again and after spending some time at Atlantic City she was greatly relieved. This malady, together with a slight attack of heart trouble which accompanied it, has really made her health anything but good for some time but she did not take to her bed until last Tuesday. No very serious results were apprehended then, as the loss of her usually good appetite and the general weakness which naturally followed seemed to affect her the most. About dark last evening she began to grow gradually worse and alarming symptoms showed themselves very plainly. Her physician was hastily summoned and he remained with her during the greater part of the night but was unable to afford relief. She kept gradually sinking until about 5 o'clock this morning, when the vital spark left and her good and noble life was ended. The end came as peaceful as the sleep of a child and was not accompanied by any apparent suffering.
The funeral services will be held at the house at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon. Rev. J. W. Smith and Rev. A. R. Taylor will officiate. The burial will be at Oakland.
[Warren County coordinator's note: See also July 9th edition for more.]
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--The remains of the late L. T. Parmlee, Jr., will arrive here at 5:40 this afternoon. They will be taken from the train to Oakland cemetery where the funeral services will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Smith, after which the burial will take place.
[Warren County coordinator's note: While this snippet does not indicate his place of death, Lathrop T. Parmlee, Jr., a salesman, age 31, died July 7th, of apparent heart trouble in Chicago, Cook County, IL. Buried Oakland Cemetery.]
--Mrs. A. C. Hazzard died at her home at Youngsville Sunday night after a short illness. Deceased is survived by a husband and two small children, one 18 months of age and the other but a few days old. The funeral services were held at the M.E. Church at that place at 2 p.m. today and were conducted by Rev. Darling. The Youngsville lodge of Odd Fellows, of which her husband was a member, attended the funeral in a body.
[Warren County coordinator's note: According to the 1893-1905 death records for Warren County, Emma I. Hazard, age 31 years, 5 months, and 20 days, died after 16 days of "blood poison" on July 7th, at her home on E. Main Street, Youngsville. She was buried in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Youngsville. The "days old" infant, named Harold D. Hazard, did not survive and died Jan 25, 1897, at age 1 year, 7 months, 4 days, of pneumonia. On the 1900 census for Youngsville, Brokenstraw twp, Warren County: Cassius A. Hazard, a widower at 44, occupation undertaker; Francillia A Hazard, his sister, age 47, and a son, Guy F. Hazard, age 6, born 1894. Sometime between 1903 and 1907, C.A. Hazard married Jennie E. More (see Marriage Book 5, page 290A.]
--The funeral of the late Nancy L. Hoffman took place from the family residence, on Liberty street at five o'clock yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Smith assisted by Rev. A. R. Taylor. The house was crowded with friends why [sic] came to pay their last tribute of respect to a noble woman. The floral offerings were many and varied. The pall bearers were Judge W. D. Brown, Capt. L. T. Borchers, Capt. W. J Alexander, E. T. Hazeltine, W. H. Copeland and G. N. Parmlee. At the conclusion of the services, the body was laid at rest in beautiful Oakland cemetery.
[Warren County coordinator's note: See gravestone in Oakland Cemetery.]
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Irvineton Items.
SEPT. 6.--The funeral of Mrs. G.A. Jackson, which took place yesterday, was largely attended. the Odd Fellows turned out in a body. Among those present from Warren were G.H. Jackson and wife, O.W. Beatty and wife, Mrs. W.J. Alexander, O.H. Hunter and Willis Cowan.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunham, Mrs. Lena Arters, Will Dunham and wife and R. Dunham, of Jackson Run; Mrs. Allie Lesser, of Warren; Mrs. Ernest Pierce and daughter, of Jamestown, were in town to attend the funeral of the 14-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Dunham.
--Died--Robert Gray died at his home in Sugar Grove on Saturday last at the age of eighty six years. Mr. Gray was one of Sugar Groves [sic] oldest and most respected citizens. He leaves two sons, Marshall Gray, of Jackson run, and Frederic Gray, of Celeron. The funeral will take place in Sugar Grove on Tuesday.
--It was feared that Wm. L. Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Russell, Hazel street, was among those who lost their lives in the disasterous snow slide in Alaska, on April 3rd, but on Saturday Mr. Russell in a message from Seattle, Wash., received the joyful news that his son was safe.
Jurors for September.
Ayling, John, farmer, Columbus tp.
Curtis, Albert, farmer, Columbus tp.
Chase, John, farmer, Spring Creek.
Cousins, William F., laborer, Warren.
Hill, George M., merchant, Clarendon bo
Hartrup, W. S. J., farmer, Triumph.
Hultburg, August, moulder, Warren.
Lawrence, William, farmer, Watson.
Miller, Samuel G., bookkeeper, Warren
Martin, Edwin, farmer, Triumph.
Meacham, C. H., justice of the peace, Warren.
Muir, J. C., farmer, Eldred.
Richardson, W. C., artist, Warren.
Robinson, P. N., farmer, South West.
Sutton, A. S., pumper, South West.
Shawkey, E. C., clerk, Warren.
Smith, A. W., organizer, Youngsville.
Sullivan, Richard J., clerk, Warren.
Trenouth, William, blacksmith, Sheffield
Underwood, George, laborer, Warren.
Wickham, J. H., laborer, Brokenstraw.
Waldon, Frank, landlord, Youngsville.
White, A., merchant, Sheffield.
York, Sylvester, farmer, Brokenstraw.TRAVERSE.
Andrews, H. M., merchant, Pittsfield.
Bennett, Charles, laborer, Sheffield.
Blood, Lorender, laborer, Limestone.
Bluckhorn, L. H., laborer, Pine Grove.
Babcock, C. G., farmer, Farmington.
Bennett, Fred, laborer, Pine Grove.
Bovee, J. O., pumper, South West.
Cramer, G. H., farmer, Farmington.
Carnahan, Jess, producer, Triumph.
Cady, Scott, carpenter, Glade.
Crippen, Lewis, farmer, South West.
Cooney, Will, laborer, Brokenstraw.
Daley, Ed, farmer, Eldred.
Davis, Ralph, machinist, Warren.
Farnsworth, James, laborer, Sheffield.
Farnsworth, Henry, f'rmer, Cherry Grove.
Gilman, Frank, teamster, Corydon.
Gilson, C. E., driller, Warren.
Gunn, E. E., laborer, Brokenstraw.
Grunder, John Jr., farmer, Pleasant.
Gilson, G. B., lumberman, Tidioute.
Hartley, R. S., farmer, Pittsfield.
Hudson, M. F., farmer, Spring Creek.
Hertzel, George, blacksmith, Warren.
Houghtaling, Willis, mercht, Bear Lake.
Irvine, E. A., tinner, Clarendon.
Knupp, Adam, farmer, Conewango.
Knaga, J. B., clergyman, Warren.
Lillie, H., farmer, Youngsville.
Lacy, A. H., carpenter, Warren.
Lauffer, J. T., wagonmaker, Pine Grove.
Monroe, Hiram, gentleman, Columbus bo
Marsh, Fred, driller, Kinzua.
Morrison, Clyde, teamster, Tidioute.
McDonald, J. H., restaurant, Tidioute.
Morris, J. T., carpenter, Tidioute.
Maybank, George, cigarmaker, Warren.
Morrison, Edward, machinist, Warren.
Pierce, Henry, farmer, Deerfield.
Sumner, A. J., wagonmaker, Pine Grove.
Simmons, William, coachman, Glade.
Smith, J. R., foreman, Clarendon boro.
Sweet, Robert, landlord, Clarendon boro.
Spencer, W. W., bl'ks'th, Sugar Grove bo.
Sherman, R. H., laborer, Corydon.
Strow, Morris, farmer, Freehold.
Sweeting, Joseph, laborer, Warren.
Stufflebeam, Hiram, farmer, Freehold.
Thomas, Charles, farmer, Sugar Grove tp.
Walton, Lawrance, farmer, Columbus tp.
Wood, William, carpenter, Glade.
Whitehead, J. F., supt., Triumph.
--Born--to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walters, a 10 pound boy this morning.
--Watch Printz Bros. window Friday afternoon for Blaney's Hired Girl. Messrs. Printz have secured her to do a full day's kitchen work there and show how it should be done.
--Homer Engle, the popular manager of the Jarecki Manufacturing Co. at North Clarendon, is wearing a bandage on his head, the result of being kicked by a vicious horse. On last Friday Mr. Engle and his family drove to the river for a fishing trip and after arriving at their destination he had just unhitched the animal from the carriage and was passing it when the brute wheeled and let drive both heels, one of which caught Mr. Engle on the left side of the head just above the temple, knocking him senseless for about five minute when the members of the family brought him to. Mr. Engle on reaching home had the wound dressed and is now all right except that his head is a little sore.
--Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lenneman, of Sheffield, announce the marriage of their daughter, Caroline May to L. Verne Wright, on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1898, at Sheffield, Pa.
Also on page 4, column 4, was this:
Miss Ida L. Howard and John H. Fuellhart United in Marriage.
One of the prettiest home weddings it has been Warren society's privilege to witness this past year was solemnized at the home of ex-Sheriff and Mrs. D. M. Howard on Market street; it united in marriage Miss Ida Lauretta Howard and Mr. John Henry Kerr Fuellhart.
The prominence of the contracting parties in both social and musical circles makes this marriage a most happy and fitting one and will long be notable in Warren's history.
At three o'clock this afternoon, the hour set for the ceremony to take place, the beautifully decorated home was completely filled with the relatives and friends of the couple.
The decorations, consisting of wild clematis and bitter sweet, together with pink dahlias fastened with white ribbon and a profusion of handsome palms throughout the home, made the various rooms perfect bowers of beauty.
The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Fred W. Fuellhart, who acted as best man.
The bride was attired in a white cord and lisle gown, wearing a veil and carrying bride's roses, was and surely the most beautiful bride of the year.
The maid of honor, Miss Harriett Cobb, was most becomingly gowned in blue crepe over blue silk, trimmed with white chiffon and carried white roses.
The bridesmaids, Miss Susie Stranahan and Miss Isabelle McPherson, were prettily dressed in gowns of white India mull, trimmed with valencines lace, and carried pink roses.
At the appointed hour the bride accompanied by her attendant bridesmaids decended the stairs and proceeded through the hall into the back parlor, thence into the front parlor where after passing though an aisle formed by the following young ladies, Miss Lena Lesser, Miss Klahr Mead, Miss Mary White, Miss Florence Meacham, Miss Estelle Ball and Miss Eleanor Doty, they were met by the groom and best man under the bridal canopy.
The beautiful and impressive ring sevice of the Episcopal church was performed by the Rev. A. R. Taylor, the full service being observed. Reig and Harth's orchestra played Mendelsohn's wedding march.
After the congratulations following the ceremony the bridal party adjourned to the dining room which was tastefully decorated in white and pink. Covers were laid at the bridal table for eight and the table was presided over by Miss Klahr Mead. Six young girls waited upon the company.
Reig and Barth's orchestra played throughout the dinner and the reception following.
Mr. and Mrs. Fuellhart after the reception will take the 5:15 train on the D. A. V. & P. for the east, where they will spend their honeymoon.
The groom's present to the bride was a very handsome diamond pin.
Many very handsome and valuable presents were presented by admiring friends.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Howard and has resided in Warren about four years. She has made many friends by her genial manner and gentle disposition. The groom Mr. Fuellhart was at one time a resident of Tidioute but came to Warren to accept a position as deputy sheriff under his father and occupied that position for nine years until last fall when he was elected sheriff of Warren county. He is well known in social and lodge circles and has won many friends in Warren.
The guests from out of town were: W. E. Smutz, Harry Smutz, Roy Smutz, Jno. Fuellhart, Henry Fuellhart, Harry Fuellhart and Miss May Fuelleart [sic] Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner, Mrs. Allan Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stillman and Miss Lottie Stillman, all of Tidioute; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Forbush, of Erie; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, of Ackley; Dr. J. R. Chatman, of Kansas City, Kans; Mrs. L. T. Chatman, of Franklin; Mrs. L. F. Hoover, of Randolph, N. Y.; Mrs. Satterlee, of Bradford; and Mrs. L. D. Marsh, of Russell.
Popular Tiona Belle Weds a Prominent Oil Producer.
The handsome residence of Mrs. Rebecca Hawkey, Tiona, was the scene of a pretty wedding at three o'clock Wednesday afternoon, when her only daughter, Miss Elizabeth Jane, was wedded to Mr. W. S. Likens. The ceremony was witnessed only by the immediate relatives of the bride and a few intimate friends and was solemnized by the Rev. E .E. Highley, a former pastor of the Methodist church, now of Madison, N. J.
The bride wore her traveling gown of brown broadcloth.
The parlors and dining room were furnished with a wealth of American beauty roses, carnations and smilax.
An elegant wedding dinner was served, the bride and groom receiving the congratalations [sic] of those present. After which they drove to Warren, where they boarded the 6:35 o'clock eastbound mail. The honeymoon will be spent in a tour of the east which will include a visit to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
The presents were numerous, handsome and costly. The bride has been a resident of Tiona all her life and is loved and respected by all who have the privilege of knowing her for her kindness of heart and her amiable qualities. The groom is one of the solid business men of the oil country. He is a member of the firm of Griffen, Liken & Henne, extensive oil operators in the Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia oil fields. He is well known in the Tiona oil field, having had sole charge of the large oil interests of J. L. McKinney & Co., before they were merged into the South Penn Oil Co.
[Warren County coordinator's note: Elizabeth J. (HAWKEY) Liken died February 25, 1935, and was buried in the Oakland cemetery.]
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--Alexander Kitchen, an old and respected resident of this county, is lying at the point of death from grip at his home on Yankee Bush.
--The body of Dr. H. M. Fisher, which was brought here from Akron, Ohio, for interment arrived on the 10 o'clock train this morning. It was met by the local Masons who took charge of the obsequies and escorted the remains to the cemetery. A large number of friends were also on hand and there were over twenty carriages in the cortege. The pall bearers were composed of the following members of the Masonic order: Messrs. Hon. W. M. Lindsey, John Hepburn, M. D., R. B. Stewart, M.D., James Cable, A. Mintzer, S. W. Waters, L. G. Noyes and S. E. Walker. The Rev. E. F. Edmonds officiated. Many out of town friends and relatives were present.
William M. Jackson.
William M. Jackson, an old and respected resident of Warren county, died at midnight last night of grip at the home of his nephew, W. E. Jackson, at Frewsburg, N. Y., with whom he has lived the past two years. Mr. Jackson was 80 years, 7 months and 25 days old, was born in Spring Creek township Warren county, where he always resided until his removal two years ago to Frewsburg.
He leaves one brother, Robert Jackson, of Frewsburg. The deceased was a member of the Columbus Chapter No. 200, R. A. M. and of Clarence Commandry 51, Knights Templar of Corry.
The funeral services will be held at Frewsburg on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the interment will be in Spring Creek cemetary [sic] on Saturday at 2 p.m.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Alexander Kitchen.
Alexander Kitchen died at his home on Yankee Bush on Jan. 25th at the advanced age of 82 years. Grip was the cause of his death he being sick only three days. He came from Moracshier; [sic] Scotland, when a young man and has been a resident of this county for more than sixty years. He was a man of strict integrity, a life long republican and a good citizen. He leaves a widow and seven children, John and Alexander jr., who resided with their father; William, of North Warren; Charles, late of California; Mrs. O. R. Sly, of Corry; Mrs. Spencer, of Hickory; and Mrs. H. Nobles, of Watson. One sister, Mrs. S. J. Dalrymple, of Warren. The funeral will be held from his late residence at one thirty on Friday.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--A marriage license was issued yesterday by Recorder McCray to H. L. Lobdell, of Garland, and Miss Eva Walter of Excelsior, Warren county.
--The funeral of Alexander Kitchen was held this afternoon at the late home on Yankee Bush. Dr. H. A. Kitchen a nephew and Mrs. Lew Meyers, a niece, attended the services from Warren.
--Mrs. Wayman, mother of Fred W., died at her home at North Warren yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock of general debility [sic]. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
(edition was 5 pages in length)
Captaim [sic] Cyrus P. Slavin.
Captain Cyrus Porter Slavin died at his home at North Warren at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, of bronchial trouble, aged 58 years. The deceased is survived by his wife, two sons and one daughter. The funeral will be held at the Presbyterian church, North Warren at 4 o'clock this afternoon. the interment will take place near Geneva, Crawford county.
Mrs. Alexander Kitchen
E'sie [sic], wife of the late Alexander Kitchen, died at the family residence on Yankee Bush on Sunday morning at 4 o'clock of pneumonia. The funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the late home.
Mrs. Andrew Peterson.
Mrs. Andrew Peterson died on Jan. 22 at her home near Putnamville, aged about 71 years. The interment was in the local cemetary[sic].
(edition was 4 pages in length; the wedding announcement was on page 2, column 6.)
The Ceremony Notable for Its Brilliant Surroundings and Happy Auspices.
Tidioute, Pa., Jan. 3.--A charmingly appointed wedding was that of Miss Emma Grandin Neyhart to Mr. Howard Ambrose Couse, of Cleveland, here today. The marriage ceremony was celetrated at noon at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. J. Heyhart, Rev. S. P Marks, of the Presbyterian church, officiating. About 40 relatives witnessed the marriage, which was followed by a reception for a large company of Tidioute and out of town guests.
There were no attendants. Promptly at Noon [sic] Mr. Couse and Miss Neyhart entered the drawing room to hear the simple words from the minister that united their lives. The wedding march from Lohengrin was played. After the good wishes and congratulations were said a dainty wedding breakfast was served. The hours of the reception were from 2 to 4 o'clock.
Miss Neyhart's gown was an exquisite creation of cream Duchess satin, made in a modish pattern, with full train, trimmed with real, old point lace in bolero and shoulder points. About the yoke of Brussels net were bands of satin, with garniture of pearls in beautiful fashion. Orange blossoms were worn and a full veil of tulle. The ring service of the Presbyterian church was followed. The bride carried white roses.
For a going-away gown the bride had a green cloth gown with short seal-skin coat and chinchilla collar and a green hat, touched with white.
At 5 o'clock, amid a shower of rice and an avalanche of good wishes Mr. and Mrs. Couse boarded the north bound W. N. Y & P. train. After a wedding tour they will be at home at 591 Giddings avenue, Cleveland, where Mr. Couse is a practicing attorney.
Mr. Couse is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Couse, of Tidioute. His youth and early manhood were spent here, and he is held in high esteem. Miss Neyhart has many lovable qualities that have endeared her to all the townfolks.
The presents were a very unusual number, and comprised everthing in silver, cut glass, painted china, pictures and bric-a-brac.
Among the guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grandin, uncle of the bride; J. L. Grandin, Jr. [sic] Mr. and Mrs. Adnah Neyhart, brother of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Greeley, cousins, of Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Scheide and son John, of Titusville, Pa.; Miss Eva Merchant, of Oil City; Mrs. Fish and daughter, of Kidder's Ferry, N. Y.; the Misses Weller, of Jamestown, N. Y.; E. P. and C. C. Couse, of Pittsburg, [sic] Pa.; H. H. Henry, of Cleveland, O., the latter a law partner of the groom; Miss Cheshire, of Cleveland, O.; Miss Wheeler, Miss Ailinger, of Endeavor, Pa.; Miss Dennison, Mrs. Whitcomb, E. H. Beshlin and Mrs. O. W. Beaty and daughter, of Warren, Pa.--Oil City Derrick.
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--David Swanson, of Chandler's Valley, is very ill with pneumonia.
--Frederick Gray, formerly a Warren county man and well known here died at his home in Celoron, N.Y., on Monday of this week, of cancer of the hip. Mr. Gray was aged about 42 years and had been sick only about four months. He leaves a wife and two daughters, Misses Maud and Mabel, and one brother, J. M. Gray, of Jackson Run. The funeral will be held at the late home on Thursday at 10 o'clock a.m. The interment will be in the Sugar Grove cemetery.
[Warren County coordinator's note: Fred H. Gray, son of Robert and Hannah Gray, was buried in Cherry Hill Cemetery.]
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--The new building of the Curtis Manufacturing Co., which is to be erected on the lot on the corner of Fourth and Union streets, is to be of brick, 30 x 120 feet in size two stories and basement. Work will be commenced as soon as possible.
--Preparations have been completed for breaking ground for the new residence of Mr. Jerry Crary, on the corner of Sixth and Market streets. The new mansion will perhaps be the handsomest on the street. Mr. M.O. VanEtten will have charge of the work.
--Miss Sadie Marsh and Mr. Oscar Kratzer, both of Warren, will be united in marriage next Wednesday morning at the parochial residence of St. Titus church by the pastor, Rev. Jos. M. Dunn. The bride to be is a cousin of Mrs. Anna Keating, East Central avenue.--Titusville Herald.
--On Thursday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Russell, of Clarendon, gave a very elaborate reception in St. Clara's hall in honor of their brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Mullen and his bride who were wedded a few days previously at Emporium. Over two hundred invitations were issued. The refreshments served were elegant indeed, after which many of the guests indulged in that fascinating pastime, dancing. The guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mullen, who commence married life under the most auspicious circumstances, were the recipients of a very large lot of costly and handsome presents.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
Memorial Day Celebration | Obituaries | Brevities | Personals
MEMORIAL Day was Duly Observed in Warren.
FLORAL TRIBUTE Eclipsed Anything Seen Here Before.
Memorial day was most fittingly celebrated yesterday by the Eben N. Ford Post G.A.R. and their friends, who gathered to do all honor to those gallant and brave men, who fell in the cause of freedom. In the early morning the various committees, which had been appointed to decorate the graves of their comrads in the cemetaries [sic] throughout the surrounding country completed their work.
It was impossible to visit all of the cemetaries [sic], but if the others were decorated in keeping with Oakland the day was well observed indeed. Such a abundance of floral beauty was never before seen in that cemetary [sic], many of the graves being fairly buried under the wealth of flowers. Aside from the flowers the city of the dead presented a most beautiful appearance, almost every lot being freshly mowed and dressed for the occasion.
Early in the month it had been empressed upon the general public that Memoral [sic] Day was not a day for recreation to be attended with sports and all that goes to make a celebration as has been the custom sometimes in the past, but instead was day to be devoted solely to commemorate the services of the dead and gone heroes who fought and died that we might be free, and there was no attempt to mar the beauty of the occasion. All of the business houses in every part of the city closed their doors at one o'clock and all employees were given an opportunity to take part in or see the exercises.
At 1:30 p.m. the streets were filled with an immense throng.
The procession, which was formed opposite the central park on Water street and marched to the cemetery grounds, where the exercises were held, was made up as follows:
Chief marshall, Frank Barnhart and Aides Major Windson and E. N. Smith and A. H. McKelvey. Reig's military band.
Escort, Company I, 16th Regt. N.G.P., Lieutenant F.M. Hartman commanding.
Lieut. Eben N. Ford Post No. 336, James Mair commanding.
Service Men of the Spanish War, Capt. D. F. A. Wheelock commanding.
Schools in charge of Profs. MacGowan and Vera.
Speakers and president of the day in carriages.
Disabled soldiers in carriages.
Woman's Relief Corps in carriages.
At the meeting in Oakland President Judge W. M. Lindsey presided. He stated the object of the meeting in as few words as possible and opened the services with music by the Warren band. This was followed by the Rev. J.C. McDonald, who invoked divine blessing on the dead and the living.
The song, "Soldier, Rest," was then rendered by Messrs. Joy, Hegerty, Smith, Crouse, McDonald, Messenger and Dr. Robertson.
Miss Hattie Lord, of Sugar Grove, who had been chosen to divide the honors with the orator of the day, recited Lincoln's address, which was delivered at the Gettysburg cemetary [sic] on Nov. 19, 1863, and then followed with an original oration, which was listened to with wrapt [sic] attention.
Miss Lord is a speaker of charming presence and delivery and although she was yesterday suffering with a severe cold, which in a measure interfered with her voice, she did justice to the occasion and was roundly applauded at the conclusion of her able effort.
Mr. J. M. J. Kane, of San Francisco, who is the affable and versatile press agent of the Joh Roginson Shows, recited an original poem entitled "The Homeward March of the Dead." His effort was most able and he was roundly encored.
Judge Alfred Dafts, of Wilkesbarre, formerly department commander of the G.A.R., who had been chosen orator of the day, was then introduced and for almost an hour he held his audience with the story of the war from the veteran's standpoint. His talk abounded in anecdotes, tales of heroism, humor and pathos and was most entertaining. It was the old story of the war--old but ever new--a story of heroism and self-sacrifice and devotion to cause which has never been excelled in the history of the world. It was a story that can be retold time and again and yet lose none of its interest and poignancy. We regret that we are unable to publish the entire speech. Rain interupted the exercises at this point and after a bendiction [sic] by the Rev. Irey, of the Baptist church those present were obliged to lose no time seeking shelter.
Mrs. R. K. Russell.
Mrs. R. K. Russell died at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Jackson, of Pittsfield, this morning at 2 o'clock, aged 73 years.
The deceased had been in poor health since the death of her husband about eighteen years ago. Her maiden name was Josephine Grosvenor, and she had always lived in Warren and vicinity. Since last summer she has been with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Jackson, of Pittsfield township. She leaves three daughters--Mrs. Ida Rayder, of California; Mrs. Nellie Dalrymple, of St. Paul, and Mrs. Jettie Buss, of Chicago, and one son, Frank K. Russell, of Warren, besides numerous other relatives and friends, who mourn the death of a devoted mother, a kind neighbor and a thoughtful, generous woman. Friends can call at Mr. Russell's residence after 10 a.m. Saturday.
The funeral will be held from the residence of her son, F. K. Russell, Hickory street, Saturday at 2 p.m. and will be private. The interment, which will also be private, will be in Oakland.
William L. Marsh.
William L. Marsh died Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home in Kinzua, after an illness of but a few days' duration, at the age of 75 years.
Mr. Marsh was an old and highly respected citizen and up to the Sunday before his death had enjoyed remarkably good health.
He is survived by ten children, six sons and four daughters, as follows: Boyd, of Corydon; Wallace, C. W., Allen and Ralph, of Kinzua, and Chas, of Warren; Misses Anna and Gertrude, of Kinzua; Mrs. P.J. Smith, of Warren, and Mrs. B.G. Ferceat, of Canton, Ohio.
The funeral will be held from his late residence on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment in the local cemetary [sic].
--Cards have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. George W. Metzgar for the marriage of their daughter, Maude Estelle, to Mr. Charles Bert Johnson, on June 14th.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelly have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Nannie McClure, to George Elss [sic] Arnold, of Clarion, Pa., on Wednesday, June 13.
--C. F. Schwing and Alex Erickson, two of Warren's most famous disciples of Walton, drove over to Limestone township this afternoon, where they will spend a couple of days trouting.
--The fire department was called out this morning about 9:15 o'clock, to answer a call from the East Side. The fire, which had originated in a barn, occupied by M. Beshlin, on Jefferson street, was extinguished before the department arrived.
--Dr. H. E. Barnhart and Harry Reed went down to the brickyard this afternoon where Mr. Highhouse told them they might fish for bull heads if they brought their own bait. Although the pond is a small one, the anglers are novices and it is not at all unlikely that Mr. Highhouse will have to provide them with a dip net if they are to bring home a catch.
--At the parsonage of the First Lutheran church on Tuesday evening. May 29, 1900, the pastor, Rev. A. B. Markley, united in holy matrimony, Mr. Geo. W. Harvey, of Salamanca, N.Y., and Miss Frances Lindamer, of Buffalo, N.Y. Both have been living for some time in Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey expect soon to move to Oil City, where Mr. Harvey will have charge of an oil lease.
--This morning shortly after six o'clock, as a team of horses belonging to Wallace Bros. livery was returning from the country they became frightened opposite the residence of A. J. Hazeltine, on Water street and ran. They had only gone a short distance when they were turned into the fence in front of M. B. Dunham's home. One of the animals plunged into the fence, which is an iron picket one and was quite badly cut up.
--Four young people of Warren yesterday morning drove to Jamestown where they were tied in the holy bonds. The contracting parties were Miss Fannie Martin and Mr. Clyde Crozier and Miss Katherine Rapp and Mr. Geo. Weaver. The young ladies are well known, the former being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and the later a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rapp. The grooms are both valued employees of the Struthers Iron works. The happy couples have the best wishes of their many friends and the DEMOCRAT for future happiness and prosperity.
--Mrs. J. A. Wood and Mrs. James Mathews, two well known ladies of Tiona, this morning about 10 o'clock had a very narrow escape from severe injury. They were driving from their home to Warren and when passing through Watson endeavored to pass a couple of teams which were blocking the road. Just as the ladies turned their horse to pass the rattle of some iron pipe which was being transferred to the other wagon, the animal became frightered and backed into one of the wagons with such force as to demolish the buggy. The ladies, fortunately, escaped with but slight bruises and after securing another buggy resumed their drive to Warren.
Mrs. J. F. Kertcher spent yesterday in Corry.
John Brew, of Erie, was in town yesterday.
D.U. Arird was in Erie yesterday on business.
E. Groat, of Kinzua, was in Warren today on business.
W. H. Filler and H. P. Hunter went east last evening.
W. W. Winger went to Meadville this morning on business.
Wm. Muir returned home from Philadelphia this morning.
L. L. Hunter and Beach McGill, of Tidioute, were in Warren today.
Mrs. L. D. Wetmore arrived in Warren this morning from Norfolk, Va.
Mrs. C. C. Bean, and son Shirley, of Weldbank, were in Warren yesterday.
A. A. Printz and wife and daughter Helen, spent Decoration Day in Franklin.
Archibald Cohen, of Bradofrd, is in the city, the guest of the family of Geo. Ball.
Miss Jennie B. Hassett, of Jamestown, spent Memorial Day with Mrs. Andrew Irvin.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McLaren returned home this morning after a ten days' wedding tour through eastern cities.
Dr. A. C. McAlpin and son Donald are home from a ten months' absence in North Carolina and California.
Miss Gertrued Deible has returned from Titusville, where she has been visiting her brother, B. F. Deible, for the past week.
John H. Hull returned yesterday from Cincinnati and St. Louis. He will leave in a week for St. Paul, Minn., his future headquarters.
Joe DeFrees, who has been in Philadelphia studying medicine, returned home yesterday morning and will remain in Warren for the summer.
S. B. Glenn went to Johnsonburg, this morning in the interests of the firm of Stein & Glenn which recently purchased a foundry plant located at Kane.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
A Deserved Tribute
The following taken from the New York Tribune will be of local interest:
New York with its Grand Opera, its Carnegie Hall, its many conservatories and hundreds of teachers attracts annually from all parts of the United States hosts of students seeking to make a name and successful career for themselves. Some succeed; the majority fail. Among those who have been studying in New York for the last two or three winters is a Pennsylvania girl who has created a most favorable impression among the critics and of whom all sorts of splendid prophecies are spoken. The young woman in question is Miss Lucile Blodgett, of Youngsville, who possesses a brilliant soprano voice coupled with a thorough knowledge of music. For three winters Miss Blodgett has been studying under Mrs. Hattie Clapper Morris, whose methods are acknowledged to be the most successful of the present day in producing perfect voices and making them ready for the most exacting and important musical requirements. Mrs. Morris holds Miss Blodgett as one of the most promising pupils that has ever come under her instruction and says that within a short time Miss Blodgett will have the public at her feet. It is not to be unexpected that perhaps within the next year Miss Blodgett will appear in Grand Opera. Already the leading impressarios have passed favorably upon her qualifications and an engagement is hers if she chooses to take it. It all remains whether Mrs. Morris will place her on the Metropolitan stage this coming winter or wait until the next. Miss Blodgett's voice has a wide range, is of exceptional purity of tone and has been so developed and trained that it is more than equal to the scores of the most difficult operas.
(edition was 4 pages in length)
--Seven hundred admission tickets were sold at the moving picture show at the park last evening.
--Extensive repairs are being made on the steeple of the St. Joseph's Catholic church. a [sic] slater is employed who is covering the place made bare by the lightning recently.
--Yesterday while decending the stairs leading from the Greene Photograph gallery, Allene Beursted had the misfortune to fall and break her left arm between the wrist and elbow. She was placed in a carriage and driven to the office of Dr. Pierce who reduced the fracture.
--During the progress of last nights storm, two head of cattle, belonging to John Zurby who resides below town were killed by lighting [sic]. The animals were in a pasture field and took shelter under a tree when a bolt hitting the tree killed the beasts. The loss on the two animals will amount to about $75. The accident is a most unfortuate one.
--A game of ball is being palyed this afternoon at the State Hospital grounds between a picked nine from this city captained by Harry Neily Jr., and the state Hospital team. A good game is booked for as both sides should play good ball. Milton Kerr will umpire. A number from this city are in attendance as rooters.
--About thirty of the members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Evangelical church enjoyed a "band wagon" party last evening. The drive was made to the Phillip Becker farm on Quaker Hill, where a picnic supper was served on the lawn after the arrival of the last load of Endeavorers at 8 o'clock. The return was made by moonlight and all report a most pleasant evening.
--Miss Clara Miller entertained about twenty of her friends last evening at a bicycle party. A very pleasant ride was taken down the cycle path towards Irvineton and when the seats were reached a short time was spent in outdoor amusements, after which the party returned to the home of the hostess on Hazel street, where choice refreshments were served. A very pleasant time was reported.
-- A game of base ball has been arranged between the Kane and Tidioute base ball teams to be played in this city August 20th This promises to be a very close and exciting game as both teams are composed of good players and several red hot contests have taken place between these two teams this season. It is hoped that a good crowd of rooters will accompany the teams on this trip so there will be lots of excitement.
--The storm that passed over the city about two o'clock this morning was one of a most awe-inspiring nature. The electric display was one seldom equaled and the peals of thunder followed so close upon each other as to make almost a continual roar. Quite a heavy rain and a high wind accompanied the disturbance and tended to make a scene beyond discription. While no great damage is reported from the effect of the storm nearly every one will be satisfied if the dose is not repeated.
--During the storm last night a pole belonging to the Warren Telephone and Telegraph company and standing in front of the house of P. H. Burke, was struck by lightning. It was shattered in many pieces and large splinters thrown in all directions. The bolt leaped from the pole to the house, stricking [sic] on a corner of the cornice and besides knocking off a few singles [sic] no damage was done. Numbers of trees on the hills about town were struck and another bolt embedded itself in the river near the hospital.
--The annual meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Jane Orr, on Market street, Thursday at 8 o'clock. The annual reports will be given and officers elected for the coming year.
--Alfred Bryant, the whistler, reciter and singer, made a distinct hit at the park last evening. His work is something out of the ordinary and is a novelty appreciated by our townspeople who forced him time after time to respong to encores.
--This morning while the North Warren car was coming south a horse in one of the Phillips milk wagons which was standing in front of the Putman property became frightened and jumped in front of the car which was only about 10 feet distant. Mortorman [sic] Parsons reversed the car but it strck [sic] the animal with sufficient force to break a leg.
--A session of argument court was begun at ten o'clock this morning with Judges Lindsey, Weaver and Sandstrom on the bench. After listening to a number of motions and disposing of a few minor matters, the case of Henry Stoneberg et al vs. the supervisors of Limestone township was taken up. It is a suit in equity brought to restrain the defendants from erecting a town hall in the northern part of the township, the plaintiffs alleging that the site chosen by the supervisors is not one best suited to accommodate the wants or the desires of the people resident in the township. About a hundred witnesses are in attendance at court but it si not likely that all will be heard, as the attorneys, upon a suggestions made by the court, agreed to only call such witnesses as are absolutely necessary to prove the facts in the matter at issue.
Dan Kline went to Olean this morning.
E. W. Cooney, of Irvineton, is in the city today.
Dr. James Gass, of Sheffield was in town this morning.
Dan Offerlee returned from Johnsonburg this morning.
Byron T. Newell, of Corry, is in town today on business.
Miss Bessie Stone returned from an eastern trip this morning.
Claude Nelson, of Jamestown, is spending a few days in the city.
O. W. Ensworth returned on the "flyer" this morning fromthe east.
Chas. Greenlund went to Kane this morning to take in the convention.
Hiram Reed and wife are spending the day at Chautauqua Lake points.
Rev. J. W. Smith returned this morning from an outing at Chautauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dunham went to the lake this morning for a short stay.
Mrs. J. M. Bemis went to Chautauqua this morning for an extended stay.
Bert McLaughln [sic] went to Kane this morning to take in the convention.
Miss Annie Long went to Kane last evening to visit during the convention.
John Gallagher, of Sheffield, left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit in Pittsburg.
Mrs. Asa Bailey spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heald, of Stoneylonesome.
Miss Mary O. King, the Chautauqua correspondent of the Mirror, left for that resort today.
The Misses Heald are spending two weeks with their sister, Mrs. A. Bailey, of Titusville.
Mrs. Frank Gallagher, of North Clarendon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Elder, in Verona.
Miss Catherine Winger went to Buffalo this morning preparatory to a trip to Atlantic City.
A P. Lacy and son Morgan left for Jamestown this morning to spend some time with friends.
Mr. Fitzpatrick one of the Pennsy's engineers went to Kane last night to see the sights this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W Spinner went to Kane this morning to attend the Firemen's convention.
T. G. Phillips departed this morning for Salamanca to attend the races being held there this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Giegorich and daughters Lizzie and Ida are spending the day at the lake.
Mrs. H. P. Hunter and daughter left this morning for a short visit with friends at Conneaut Lake.
Mrs. Sadie Kennett and daughter Florence left this morning for a week's sojourn at Allegheny Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Abbey and family, of Jamestown, are visiting Mrs. H. A. Thompson, Fifth street.
Mrs. Tate and daughter Blanche, of Buffalo, with Mrs. Frank Morrison, are spending the day at the lake.
Mrs. John Quigley, of Warren, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. J. McMahan, Second street.--Titusville Herald.
Tip Sherry went to Kane this morning to assume charge of the wine department of the Hotel Lamont.
Mr. and Mrs. Bisgood, of Buffalo, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M Silk for some time, returned home this morning.
Miss Clara Moorhead, who has been the guest of Warren friends for a couple of days, returned to Lakewood this morning.
Miss Blanch McQuistion, of Bradford, who has been the guest of Miss Mae Moran for several days, returned home this evening.
Mrs. J. L. Burgess has returned to her home in Reading after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Heald, of Stoneylonesome.
Paul Masterson, who last year managed the Allegheny college basket ball team of Meadville, is in the city today on business.
Mrs. Oyer, of Buffalo, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A.C. Kirberger, left this morning for Buffalo on her way to Atlantic City.
Mrs. Wilson and Miss Manchester, of Jamestown, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Angwood, of the East Side, returned home this morning accompanied by Roy Lynch, who will spend some time as their guest.
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