MICHAEL F. ACHEY, justice of the peace and school teacher,
grammar department, P.O. Milford Square, was born in Northampton
county, Pa., in 1805. His great-grandfather, with four brothers,
emigrated from Germany. Lewis Achey, grandfather of Michael F.,
was the father of six children. His son Michael married Mary
Wassor, to whom two children were born. Mr. Achey’s first wife
died, and he was again married to Miss Wirling, daughter of
Andrew Wirling, of New Jersey. Nine children were the result of
this marriage, two now deceased; Michael F. was the third son.
After passing through the common schools, he was for a time a
student at the Normal school. He began teaching in 1874. In 1880
he married Hannah, daughter of Aaron and Susanna (Mussleman)
Shimmel, of this township. Their children were: Joseph Warren
and Ida Josephine, both living. Mr. Achey is a public-spirited
man, and was elected by the democratic party justice of the
peace in 1880, which position he now ably fills. He is a member
of the Lutheran church.
MAHLON ARTMAN, of Artman & Treichler, wholesale dealers in
carpets, oil cloths, etc., 713 Market street, Philadelphia, was
born in Milford township April 1, 1833, and is a son of Enos and
Margaret Artman. His education was principally obtained at the
Friend’s school at Quakertown. At the age of fifteen he was
hired to Richard Green to learn the mercantile business. After
leaving Mr. Green he clerked successively at Quakertown, Milford
Square and Zionsville, Lehigh county. In the spring of 1855 he
started on a western tour, returning in the fall of 1856. In
December, 1856, he was married to Maria Backensto. The next
spring he bought out the store of his brother, and carried on
business at Zionsville for six years. His wife died in March,
1858, leaving one child, Horace. In 1860 he married Maria
Loudenschlager, of Zionsville, who died in 1877 in Philadelphia.
By her he had eight children, of whom two died young. Those
living are: Edward, Alice, James, Annie, Flora and Stella. In
August, 1879, Mr. Artman was married to Emma, widow of Thomas
Hauberger, by whom he has no children. His oldest son, Horace,
died in September, 1884, in India, where he had been sent as a
missionary by the Lutheran church in the spring of 1880. In 1863
Mr. Artman removed to Philadelphia and was engaged as salesman
with Mussleman & Kirk. In 1866 he engaged in his present
business under the firm name of Artman, Dillinger & Co. In 1869
Mr. Dillinger and E.R. Artman withdrew, and M.K. Treichler was
admitted as a partner. The business has steadily increased from
$250,000 in 1869 to $1,300,000 in 1886. The business was first
located at 216 North Third street, then removed to 219 North
Third, and in 1881 to the present location, 713 Market street.
Mr. Artman is a Lutheran and a republican in politics.
DAVID T. BREISCH, merchant and cigar manufacturer, P.O.
Trumbauersville, was born in this township in 1839. Michel
Breisch, his grandfather, was the father of five children, Jonas
being the youngest son. He married Sallie, daughter of Henry and
Sista (Jude) Troxell, of this county. Eleven children were the
result of this marriage, three now deceased. The mother died in
1849, the father being still alive, aged 70 years. David T. was
the second son of this couple. He began life with a
common-school education, afterward learning cigar-making, which
he followed till 1852, when he engaged in the coach-making
business, following this for three years. After that be engaged
in the lumber trade for eight years. In 1861 he married Mary,
daughter of Charles Koechline, of this county, to whom three
sons were born: Leo, Henry and Franklin, all living at home. In
1863 he engaged in mercantile pursuits, and for a period of
eighteen years has been at his present location. In 1885 a
partnership was formed under the name of Reiter & Breisch, which
carries on the manufacture of cigars and gives employment to
over seventy hands. The firm also carries on a general
merchandise trade and have a large store filled with all goods
generally found in country stores. Mr. Breisch has for the past
twenty-five years been a member of the Masonic order and also
belongs to the Knights of Pythias. In politics he is a democrat.
OLIVER H. ERDMAN, dealer in general merchandise and
postmaster under Cleveland’s administration at Steinsburg, is
descended from a family who came from Germany early in the
history of this country. The great-grandfather of our subject
had seven children. His second son, Henry, married Kate Seams,
of Northampton county. This couple had three sons and three
daughters, Henry E. being the youngest son. In 1848 he married
Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Catherine (Apple) Shimer. They
were the parents of two sons, Allen and Oliver H. Mr. Erdman
attended the common schools and was at one time a student at
Collegeville. Returning home he engaged in mercantile pursuits,
which occupied him for nine years, when he retired and rented
the store property. In 1887 he again entered the mercantile
business at Steinsburg, Bucks county. In 1872 he married Miss
Alavesta, daughter of Charles and Elvina (Donner) Kemmerer, of
Lehigh county. Mr. and Mrs. Erdman are the parents of two
children: Quena and Viola, both living. Mr. Erdman is a member
of St. Paul’s German church and is a democrat politically.
JOHN H. FISHER, horse and cattle dealer, P.O.
Trumbauersville. This enterprising business man was born in
Philadelphia August 15, 1828. His father, Michael Fisher, came
from Germany to Philadelphia at the age of 20 years, and
afterward married Margaret Cinser, a German lady, who at the age
of 12 years came to America with her parents. Born to this union
were eight children, six of whom are now living, John H. being
the eldest son. In 1854 he married Sarah, daughter of Frederick
Ritter. They are the parents of six children: Charles, Michael
(deceased), John, Maggie (Mrs. Wile), Seth and Lizzie. Mr.
Fisher learned the shoemaking trade, which occupation he
followed for fifteen years. Since then he has been engaged with
his sons, Seth and John F., in buying and selling horses and
cattle, averaging for the past fifteen years the sale of four
hundred head of horses and twelve hundred head of cattle yearly.
The horses are mostly purchased in Indiana, and the cattle in
Ohio and New York, whence they are shipped to Quakertown and
sold at auction to farmers and traders. A large trade is carried
on by this firm under the name of Fisher & Sons, which has won
the confidence of the community. Mr. Fisher is a member of the
Lutheran church and belongs to the Odd Fellows, Knights of
Pythias and Knights of the Golden Eagle. in politics he is a
PETER GERSTNER, miller, P.O. Steinsburg, is the son of
Frederick and Elizabeth Gerstner, and was born in Prussia in
1804. He came to America in 1832. At the age of 21 Mr. Gerstner
learned his trade, which he followed in various places in this
county after coming to America, but for the past eighteen years
has been at his present location. In 1858 he married Miss
Carolina, daughter of Peter Smith, of Northampton county. They
had two children, one of whom is deceased. William, the
survivor, entered school at the age of 16 and was a student of
the Kutztown Normal school, Berks county. In 1881 he married
Miss Celesta Jones, of this county, to whom two children were
born: Annie and Caroline. At the age of 21 William commenced
farming with his father. He is also carrying on the milling
OSWIN C. KEIPER, farmer, P.O. Spinnerstown, was born in
Lehigh county in 1848, his great-grandfather having been a
life-long resident of Milford, Bucks county. Samuel Keiper,
grandfather of Oswin, married Catharine Rosenberger, and had
eleven children, five now living; John, the second son, was
father of Oswin C. He married Rebecca, daughter of Adam and
Margaret Carver. The result of this union was three children, of
whom our subject is one. Oswin C. attended the common schools
until the age of 18, when he was for one year a student at the
normal school at Millersville. For three years thereafter he
taught during the winter months, attending school in the summer
time, and from 1870 to 1884 was engaged exclusively in teaching,
having been granted a permanent certificate from the state
department of public instruction in 1880. In 1876 he married
Lizzie, daughter of Isaac Bickel, of this township. Their union
was blessed with four children: Minnie A., Elma, Corrinna and
Robert Cleveland, all living. In 1884 Mr. Keiper gave up his
occupation as teacher and engaged exclusively in farming on his
farm, where he now resides. For a period of five years he was
assessor of his native township. He is a member of the German
Reformed church and has been superintendent of the Sunday school
for a number of years. Mr. Keiper is highly respected by his
neighbors for his honesty, integrity and sincerity. Politically
he is a democrat.
JOSEPH W. REITER, cigar manufacturer and merchant, P.O.
Trumbauersville, was born in this county in 1853. The pioneer of
this family came from Saxony about 1790 and settled in
Montgomery county. To him nine children were born, his son,
Joseph, being the antecedent of our subject. Joseph Reiter was
the father of four children, one of whom, Tobias, was married to
Edith, daughter of George Wonsidler, of this township. Joseph W.
was the son of this union, he being one of eight children. His
mother died in 1864, and his father now lives, at the age of 63
years. When only 15 years old our subject learned the trade of
cigar-making, which occupation he followed until 1872. In that
year, in partnership with J.W. Brunner, under the style of
Reiter & Brunner, he commenced the manufacture of cigars. April
1, 1877, the partnership was dissolved by mutual consent, and
Mr. Helter continued the business alone, with about twelve
employees, till October 1, 1883, when he took as a partner Frank
W. Brunner, and the firm again became Reiter & Brunner. July 1,
1885, the firm dissolved partnership, and Mr. Reiter, in
connection with David F. Breisch, a merchant of this place,
formed the present firm of Reiter & Breisch, general merchants,
and proprietors of the Fidelity Cigar Manufacturing company.
They employ seventy-three men and women. Mr. Reiter was
baptized, married, and began business in the house where he was
born, and remained there until 1883, when he purchased and
removed to his present residence. He married Miss Mary, daughter
of David Benner, of this township, who bore him four children:
Maurice Revellan, deceased; Franklin Pierce, Katie Masella and
Jennie Victoria, now living. He is a member of the Lutheran
church and a republican; a master Mason of Saucon lodge, No.
469, F. and A.M., of Coopersburg, Lehigh county, and a Knight of
Pythias, of Trumbauersville.
TOBIAS REITER, retired, P.O. Trumbauersville, is a son of
Joseph Reiter, and was born in this township in 1825. This
gentleman is to-day the oldest resident in Trumbauersville. In
1848 he was married to Edith Wonsidler, to whom eight children
were born, six of whom are now deceased, Joseph and Edward
remaining. His wife dying in 1865 Mr. Reiter was again married
in 1866 to Miss Sarah, daughter of Anthony Cressman, who died in
1874. Mr. Reiter’s third wife was Miss Christiana Stiefel,
daughter of Jacob and Catharine Stiefel, of Germany. They have
no children now living by this marriage. The mother of our
subject, whose maiden name was Heist, is still living, being 85
years of age, the father dying in 1879. Mr. Reiter received a
common-school education and was always engaged in farming until
1878, when he retired from active work. He is past chancellor of
the Knights of Pythias and is a member of the Lutheran church.
Politically he is a democrat;
EDWIN Z. ROEDER, P.O. Spinnerstown, was born in Pennsburg,
Montgomery county, in 1841. His father was the third son of
Samuel Roeder, and was married to Esther, daughter of John and
Rebecca Graber. This couple were the parents of six children,
all of whom are now living, our subject being the oldest child.
In 1864 he married Amanda, daughter of Daniel Dubbs, of Lehigh
county. Mr. Roeder received a common-school education, and was
reared on a farm. For 21 years he has lived on his present farm,
where he moved after his marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Roeder are the
parents of four children: Carrie, Cora, Eugene and William, all
living. Always being interested in farm life, Mr. Roeder has not
sought public office at any time. He is a member of the German
Reformed church, and is a democrat politically.
N.C. ROEDER, postmaster and dealer in general merchandise,
P.O. Spinnerstown, is a native of Lehigh county, and was born in
1831. His grandfather, Samuel Roeder, was also a native of
Lehigh county. His son Samuel married Miss Elizabeth Cressrnan,
of Berks county, Pa. They were the parents of eleven children,
our subject being the youngest son. He started with a
common-school education, and till the age of 23 years was
engaged in purchasing produce and marketing. In 1854 he married
Miss Lucinda, daughter of Amos and Lydia (Gery) Antrim of Bucks
county. The result of this marriage is four children, all
living: Elmira (Mrs. Dr. Fretz), Climena, Elmer and Emma. In
1854 Mr. Roeder started his mercantile life in Geryville, this
county, where he remained for three years, when he moved to his
present location. Through strictly honest dealing and carrying a
full line of goods, he has secured the patronage of a large
community. For twenty-one years he has been postmaster, and has
been secretary of the Farmers’ Dairy association of Spinnerstown
for seven years. He has been a member of the Reformed church for
sixteen years, has been superintendent of the Sunday school and
now secretary since 1884. In politics he is a democrat.
ANDREW B. SHELLY, clergyman, P.O. Milford Square, was born in
this township in 1834. The original Shellys emigrated from
Germany or Switzerland about 1730. Jacob, the grandfather of our
subject, was the great-grandson of Abraham Shelly, who emigrated
from Europe, settled himself in this township, and from whom a
now numerous Shelly family, scattered in different parts of our
country, originated. Jacob was the father of ten children. His
second son, Joseph, married Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and
Elizabeth (Bechtel) Bauer, of Montgomery county. This couple
were the parents of four children: one son, our subject, and
three daughters, the youngest daughter now deceased. The father
died in 1872, and his wife is now living at the age of 77 years.
Mr. Shelly’s early education was received at the parochial and
common schools, and at the age of 18 he commenced teaching
school during the winter months, attending school part of his
time during the summer. The remainder of his time during the
summer he devoted to work on his father’s farm, and private
study. He continued teaching for ten years. In 1854, as also in
1857, he was a student at Freeland seminary, now Ursinus
college, in Montgomery county. In 1858 he married Fannie,
daughter of Joseph and Mary (Shelly) Weinberger, of this
township. The issue of this union is five children: Mary Lizzie
(Mrs. Clymer), Adeline (Mrs. Stauffer), Joseph, Menno, and Oswin.
The first two sons are now teachers, and Oswin is a student at
West Chester Normal school. In 1864 Mr. Shelly entered the
ministry, being a teacher and leader of the doctrines of the
Mennonite religion, and is now a minister at East and West Swamp
and Flatland churches. For a period of fifteen years he was
editor of the "Mennonitische Friedensbote," a church paper,
which was printed at Milford Square. Since then he was for some
time associate editor of the "Christliche Bundesbote," a German
paper, published in the interests of the Mennonite church at
Berne, Indiana. At present he is one of the editors of the
"Mennonite," an English church paper, published at Philadelphia.
He has occupied a prominent position in his church, being
president of the triennial general conference and a member of
both the foreign mission and publication boards of the same. Mr.
Shelly, from early life, has been a faithful and ardent worker
in whatever cause he undertook.
A.B. SHELLY, machinist, P.O. Quakertown, was born in this
township in 1856, and is a descendant of the original Shellys,
who settled in this township. Noah, the father of our subject,
married Anna Boniger, of Richland township. They were the
parents of three children, all living, A.B. being the youngest
child. He received a common-school education, and lived on his
father’s farm until 18 years of age, when, after serving an
apprenticeship of a year and a half, he started in business for
himself in this place, continuing for seven years. In 1885 he
gave up his then occupation for that of a machinist, and in his
present location, fitted up with modern conveniences, he carries
on all kinds of machine work and the manufacture of all kinds of
agricultural implements, such as rollers, cultivators, harrows,
etc. A sawmill is also attached, where any kind of sawing can be
done, and he runs a large cider press through the season. Mr.
Shelly was married in 1881 to Sarah, daughter of Isaac Groff, of
this township. They have three children: Frank, Mamie, and
Robert, all living. Mr. Shelly is a member of the German
Reformed church. In politics he is a republican.
JACOB N. SHELLY, retired, P.O. Steinsburg, was born in this
township in 1810. His grandfather, Jacob Shelly, was twice
married, and by his second marriage had nine children. His son,
Daniel, married Mary, daughter of John Newcomer, of Lehigh
county. They were the parents of nine children, Jacob N. being
the third son. From his early life until a few years ago, Nr.
Shelly has been a hard-working and industrious farmer. He
learned his trade at the age of 21, and married Lydia Geisinger,
daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Geisinger. They have four
children, two deceased. The survivors are: Mary, married, and
Elizabeth, residing at home. Mr. Shelly has already lived to a
ripe old age, and is now enjoying the results of his hard-earned
wealth. He is a member of the Mennonite church, and is a
republican politically.
WILLIAM STAUFFER, farmer, P.O. Milford Square, is a native of
this township, and was born in 1844. John Stauffer, father of
our subject, married Elizabeth Yodder, of Lehigh county. They
were the parents of but one child, William. John Stauffer died
in 1873, and his wife in 1877. William Stauffer received a
common-school education, and was reared a farmer. He has now the
pleasure of owning a fine farm, on which he lives. On December
25, 1866, he married Marie, daughter of Henry and Anna Moyer, of
Springfield township. They have five children: Emma, John,
Howard, Oliver, and Clarence. Mr. Stauffer has owned his present
farm since his marriage, it being the homestead. He is a member
of the Mennonite church, and is a republican politically.
WILLIAM R. STROHM, farmer, P.O. Quakertown, was born in
Bedminster township, this county, in 1830. The original Strohms
came to America from Germany at an early period. Jacob Strohm,
grandfather of our subject, had seven children, the oldest son
being John, who married Julia, daughter of William Roberts, of
New Jersey. They were the parents of ten children, the second
son being William R. In 1855 he married Sarah, daughter of Jacob
and Mary Hockman, of this county. Their children are: James
Monroe, Mary Ann, Edward, Laura, Willson, Huldah, Julietta,
Sarah Jane, William Franklin, Amanda H., deceased, and Alice A.
Mr. Strohm received a common-school education, and at the age of
21 learned the trade of stone mason, which he followed for
twelve years, and then purchased the place which he now owns,
and which is acknowledged to be the finest farm in this section
of the township. Mr. Strohm was elected school director of
Richland township for four years, and for upwards of sixteen
years has been an Odd Fellow. He is a member of the Reformed
church, and in politics is a democrat.
JACOB VAN BUSKIRK, retired, P.O. Steinsburg, was born in
Rockhill township in 1816. The founder of the family in this
country was Laurens Andriessen Van Buskirk, who came from
Holstein, Denmark, in 1655. His name first appears in the
records of New Amsterdam June 29, 1656, in a deed for a lot on
Broad street. He was then unmarried. He was by trade a turner,
but afterward became a draper. He was a man of more than
ordinary, ability and soon acquired great influence among his
neighbors. To him belongs the honor of holding the first
commission to administer the coroner’s inquest law in the county
of Bergen, N.J. Laurens Van Buskirk, second son of Laurens
Andriessen, came into the county of Bucks from Bergen, N.J., and
bought a large tract of land in Hilltown township, in 1707.
Jacob, the great-grandfather of our subject, was married in 1727
and was the father of five children. Jacob, the fourth son, born
in 1739, was a Lutheran minister. He married Anna Maria
Hollenbach, of Montgomery county, this state, in 1764. Thomas,
the youngest child of this union, was born in 1791, and was a
tanner by trade, married Catherine Schlichter, of Sellersville,
this county, in 1813, and five children were born to them. The
father died in 1828 and two of the children died in infancy.
Jacob, our subject, was the oldest son. He attended school in
Rockhill, Pottstown, Montgomery county, and Quakertown, this
county, and learned his father’s trade, that of a tanner and
currier. His father was a learned man in his time. Six years
after his marriage, Mr. Van Buskirk came to Steinsburg and
carried on his trade here for fifteen years. In 1841 he married
Miss Livy Apple, of Springfield township. They had three
children. Thomas, the oldest son, a tanner by trade, was married
to Lucretia Hilman, at Bethlehem, in 1863; and has two Sons:
Samuel and Frank. James, the second son of Jacob, is a graduate
of the Jefferson Medical college, of Philadelphia, and a
practising physician in that city, and is married to Leonore
Hillegas, of Philadelphia. Albert, the youngest son, died at the
age of 21 years. Samuel Van Buskirk, son of Thomas and grandson
of Jacob, is also a graduate of Jefferson Medical college. Mr.
Van Buskirk has resided in Steinsburg since 1847, and during his
long life has held various positions of trust. In 1862 he was
appointed to make the enrollment of militia in Milford township
for the civil war. In 1870 he took the census for Milford
township and for three years was jury commissioner. He was
postmaster for twenty years and is a director of the Perkiomen
National bank, East Greenville, Montgomery county. Judged by his
long business life he is looked on as a good, upright man, and
has been a life-long advocate of the temperance cause.
JOHN G. WEINBERGER, farmer, P.O. Milford Square, was born
March 17, 1835. Baltzar, his great-grandfather, came from
Germany to this township before the revolution. He had four
children. His son, Baltzar, grandfather of John, also had four
children, Samuel, the second son, marrying Lydia, daughter of
John Gehman, of Berks county. Five children were the result of
this union, three sons and two daughters, John G. being the
oldest son. The mother died in 1872, aged 64 years, and the
father, aged 81 years, resides in Locust Valley, Lehigh county.
Mr. Weinberger was reared on a farm near Spinnerstown, this
county, and attended school a few months each winter until the
age of 16. He manifested an aptitude to learn and a desire for
knowledge beyond what the surroundings afforded him. In those
days books were scarce, and various expedients were resorted to
in order to satisfy his craving for knowledge. Attending the
Friends school at Quakertown for some months in order to gain a
little knowledge of the English language, he managed to teach
the school he formerly attended as a pupil. Teaching during the
winter months and attending school himself in summer, he made
such progress that in 1858 he entered the scientific course in
the Normal school at Millersville, Lancaster county, from which
institution he was graduated with honor in the class of 1861,
being appointed valedictorian of the class. He then served as
professor of mathematics in the same institution for two years.
In 1863 he was elected by the board of school directors of
Schuylkill Haven principal of their schools, serving as such for
two years. Failing health compelled him to resign this pleasant
situation, and shortly after he accepted the appointment of
paymaster for the Greenwood Coal company, which position he
filled with credit and satisfaction for four years, residing
during that time at Tamaqua, Schuylkill county. In 1870 he
removed to his present home. In 1863 he married Sarah Ann,
daughter of Henry T. and Mary (Moyer) Shelly, of this county.
They have four children: Ella, Laura, John Howard and Oliver
Nelson. Ella is a graduate of the West Chester Normal school and
Laura is teaching at Andalusia, this county. Mr. Weinberger has
held numerous positions of trust and responsibility, among which
may be mentioned county auditor, paymaster of the
above-mentioned company, treasurer of building associations,
etc. During his residence in Tamaqua he received the unanimous
support for school director, and to-day is one of the few
highly-educated and intelligent men engaged in farming. He has a
fine library of choice books, indicating good taste and
refinement. He is a member of the Mennonite church and has
served as superintendent of the Sunday school for a number of

SAMUEL L. WEISS, farmer, P.O. Milford Square, was born in
1839. His grandfather, Killean Weiss, was born in Lehigh county,
Upper Milford township, December 15, 1751, and died February 16,
1840. Samuel L. Weiss, his father, was born in Upper Milford
January 1, 1798, and died in Montgomery county March 21, 1876.
He married Hannah Latchar, of Berks county, who bore him seven
children, Samuel being the sixth child. He received a
common-school education, and at the age of seventeen years
learned the trade of blacksmith, which he followed for four
years. He then engaged in farming. He was drafted during the
civil war and served in the army nine months. He married
Rebecca, daughter of John Lewis, of Rockhill township. They are
the parents of the following children: Samuel, Abraham, Hannah
Elizabeth (deceased), Milton, deceased, Henry, Lewis, Anna,
Catherine, Rebecca, Cora and Flora L. In 1875 Mr. Weiss moved
from Montgomery county to his present farm, which he owns. He
has always led a quiet life, doing all he could to secure a good
education for his children, having two intelligent sons now
engaged in teaching. He is a member of the Mennonite church, and
a republican.
JACOB WENNIG, blacksmith and wheelwright, P.O. Spinnerstown,
was born in Montgomery county in 1840. Jacob Wennig, the father
of our subject, married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Wisler of
Montgomery county. Seven children were born to them, four of
whom are now deceased. Mr. Wennig received a common-school
education in both German and English, and was engaged in
cigar-making and then in brick-making, until 1865, when he took
up his present occupation. In 1867 he was married to Catherine
Anna, daughter of Elias and Anna (Bartholomew) Wilt, of Bucks
county. They were the parents of two children, Anna Ellen,
deceased, and Emma Elizabeth. Among the positions of trust
filled by Mr. Wennig is that of school director for four years,
and auditor for the township for three years. In 1862 he was
drafted, and after being in Virginia and the Carolinas was, in
August, 1863, honorably discharged, his hearing being defective.
Mr. Wennig is highly spoken of as an upright man, who is always
identified in favoring any progressive enterprise. He is a
member of St. John’s Lutheran church, and a democrat.
C.H. WONSIDLER, deceased, Trumbauersville, ex-representative
of Bucks county, Pa., was the son of George and Elizabeth
(Weidner) Wonsidler, and was born in Richland township in 1838,
being the youngest of six children. He was reared on a farm and
received a common-school education. For many years he was
engaged in teaching. In 1867 he was elected assessor of Milford
township, and was re-elected repeatedly until 1880, when his
party (democratic), recognizing in him a worthy man and upright
citizen, nominated and elected him representative, and
re-elected him at the expiration of his first term. He married
Sophia, daughter of Franklin and Catherine Demmer, of Montgomery
county. They had eight children: Emma, Charles H. (deceased),
Amanda, Carrie, Lizzie, Oliver Franklin, Robert and Annie, who
make their home with their widowed mother. Mr. Wonsidler was for
many years an active democrat. In whatever capacity he served
his constituents, it was with that faithfulness to further their
interests which was his marked characteristic. He died October
24, 1886, and his faithful wife and children continue to mourn
the loss of an affectionate husband and kind father.
JOHN M. ZUCK, notary public at Quakertown National bank,
surveyor and conveyancer and farmer, P.O. Zion Hill, was born in
this township in 1831. As early as 1727 the progenitors of the
family came to America from Palatine, originally from
Switzerland, whence they were driven on account of their
religion. Peter, great-great-grandfather of John M., came to
this country in 1727, in the ship "James Goodwill," and settled
in Milford township, on the same premises that are now occupied
by our subject. Three others, cousins, who came in the same
ship, settled in Lancaster and Lebanon counties. Peter, son of
the above Peter, married a Rodetrock, by whom he had three
children. John, the only son, married Anna Bochman, of Lehigh
county, and had six children. Peter, the third son, married
Hannah Markel, of Bucks county. This couple were the parents of
five children, one of whom is John M. The father and mother
deceased respectively in 1884 and 1886. Mr. Zuck received a
common-school education, and for several years was a student at
Quakertown Normal school. At the age of 22 years he commenced
teaching, which occupation he followed for two years. He then
engaged in farming, and in 1870 was elected justice of the peace
of his township, which position he ably filled for ten years. In
1864 he married Miss Hannah Shive, daughter of Isaac Shive, of
this county, and they had the following children: Milton Alvin
(a twin deceased), James S., Annie S., John Henry and Kate
Hannah; and a child deceased. In 1882 Mr. Zuck was commissioned
a notary public by Governor Pattison, and appointed by the
National bank of Quakertown as their notary public. He
represents the fifth generation which has owned the farm where
he now resides, and which is only part of the original estate.
In 1886 he was elected surveyor and conveyancer of Bucks county,
and for a period of six years was township auditor. He has,
since he was 17 years old, been a faithful member of the
Lutheran church, his wife being a member of the German Reformed