Biographies from Pennsylvania, A History

Pennsylvania, A History was compiled by George P. Donehoo, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Historical Commission and State Librarian. The original book contained an introduction by Thomas L. Montgomery who was then Librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The book was published by Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc. in 1926.

The linked pages contain biographies of people who were born or lived in Berks County. Many thanks to Dori Parsons and Barbara Mihalcik who transcribed these biographies.

The following biographies were transcribed:

Arthur, Col. John E.

Bast, Samuel Irvin

Butz, Dr. J. Treichler

Coxe, John Robert

Dent, Henry H.

Esterly, Hon. Charles Joseph

Filbert, John Harry

Fritch, Harry J.

Graeff, Charles Augustus

Hinkel, Dr. William Henry

Keppelman, John Arthur

Keppelman, John H.

Kistler, Dr. Eugene M.

Klopp, Dr. Henry I.

Lenker, Dr. Robert Willis

Potteiger, Dr. Albert R.

Reno, Judge Claude Trexler

Richards, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg

Shlater, Irvin M.

Scholl, William H.

Silliman, James K.

Smith, Col. Clarence James

Stoudt, The Rev. John Baer

Stoyer, Earl Samuel

Weiser, Jay Gilfillan

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:52 PST

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