Source: Pennsylvania, A History, George P. Donehoo, (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1926), p. 382
Surnames: Stoyer, Reber
As Napoleon once said of the English that they were a nation of shopkeepers, so it might now be said - doubtless with equal truth - that the Americans are a nation of mechanics. Throughout the length and breadth of the land young men are making, pulling apart, or assembling machines, and anything that will "go" has a tremendous fascination for them.
Earl Samuel Stoyer is such a young man. His garage and machine-shop at Schuylkill Haven was enlarged in 1924, and now measures sixty-eight by one hundred and fifty feet, and is splendidly equipped. It is a monument to his energy and enterprise, and there is no doubt but that it will grow in the future as it has during the three years since Mr. Stoyer bought it.
Born November 12, 1902, near Shubert, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Mr. Stoyer attended the Long Run rural school till he was sixteen years of age. His parents were Joel Joseph and Nahama Elizabeth (Reber) Stoyer, his father being a hotel-keeper in Long Run. Being but fourteen years of age when the World War broke out, he could not take part in it, but his brother, Henry Franklin Stoyer, was in the United States Army Ambulance Service in France for one and a half years, and was decorated for bravery, and is now employed by Earl Stoyer.
During the four years, from 1916 when he left school, until 1920, Earl S. Stoyer worked as a machinist in Schuylkill Haven. Then he bought Cyrenius Losh's garage and machine-shop, which he has managed so successfully that it was enlarged in 1924, as has already been related.
Mr. Stoyer is a Democrat in politics, and a member of St. John's Lutheran Church at Friedensburg.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:54 PST