Source: Pennsylvania, A History, George P. Donehoo, (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1926), p. 20

Surnames: Shalter, Sailer, Guest

Irvin M. Shlater, principal of the Allentown Preparatory School, was born in Tuckerton, Berks County, Pennsylvania on February 3, 1880. He was the son of Michael J. and Emma R. (Sailer) Shalter. After receiving his early education in the local public schools, he attended Kutztown Normal School, being in the class of 1897. Then he went on to Muhlenberg College, whence he issued in 1903, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Following this he was for two years principal of the Shoemakersville High School. Then he went to Allentown Preparatory School as a teacher. That was in 1905. In 1917 he became principal.

Mr. Shalter is full of enthusiasm for his work and manages to impart considerable of his spirit to his pupils. Since he has taken charge, the school has expanded in a gratifying manner and has risen in tone and prestige.

It is an old school having been founded in the 60's of the last century. In the early days it was conducted in close conjunction with Muhlenberg College, and occupied a part of the college building. In 1905, however, there was a reorganization from which the Allentown Preparatory School emerged as a separate and independent institute with a building of its own -- the entire college building from which Muhlenberg College had just removed itself. In 1916, the school got a new building, thoroughly equipped, modern, fireproof throughout, and able to accommodate comfortably about 150 boys. Students come from all parts of the country, and even from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and South America. The number of students now enrolled is more than 170 but this includes seventy or eighty day students, from Allentown, and its neighborhood.

The aim of the institution is to prepare boys for college, university, or technical school. In the past most of its graduates went to Muhlenberg, but now many go to Lehigh State College, Franklin and Marshall College, and the universities of Pennsylvania, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. The school believes in and practices the system of small classes in charge of competent teachers. It does not permit congested conditions but divides classes at once when they grow too large. It stresses religious instruction for character building. There is chapel every day and all students must attend. The Alumni number about 500 and they retain a very warm feeling for their old school. Principal Shalter is a devout member of the Lutheran Church. He is also an Elk. He was married to Ida B. Guest, of Reading, Pennsylvania.

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