Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


p. 1141


William A. Mannerback, a member of the firm of Henry R. Miller & Co. , hat manufactures, at Reading, Pa., was born in 1873, in that city, son of George W. and Rosa A. (Humbert) Mannerback.

For many years George W. Mannerback was a prominent citizen of Reading, largely interested in real estate and at one time a member of the city council. In his earlier years he was connected with the Seyfert, McManus Iron Company, and later was elected constable, and then alderman, an office which he held for a protracted period. He died May 19, 1899, at the age of fifty-five years. He married Rosa A. Humbert, who still survives, and they had five children, namely: Kate and Harry, who died young ; Lucy, who died at the age of twenty years ; William A. ; and Anna W. George W. Mannerback and wife were worthy members of the Lutheran Church.

William A. Mannerback attended the public schools of Reading, and was quite young when he started out to make his own way in the world. After a short period as office boy for W. H. Reinoehl & Co., he commenced at the bottom of the ladder in the hat manufacturing business, determined to master every branch of that industry. Through close application to business and strict honesty, he attracted the attention and gained the approbation of his employers, John R. Miller & Co., and March 20, 1905, when the company was reorganized, as Henry R. Miller & Co., John R. Miller retiring, Mr. Mannerback was invited to become a member of the firm. This is one of the old and reliable business houses of the State and in its line is second to none in Pennsylvania. The output of the firm include high grade wool and felt (womens) hats, trimmed and untrimmed, and sales are made all over the United States and Canada, shipping being made direct from the factory to the trade. In 1897 Mr. Mannerback was married to Carrie E. Simon, a native of Berks county. Fraternally he belongs to Reading Lodge, No. 115, B. P. O. E. ; Neversink Tribe, I. O. R. M. ; Washington Camp, P. O. S. of A., and is also a member of Liberty Fire Company, of which organization he was secretary for three years.


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Daniel H. Manwiller, merchant at Pricetown, Pa., and a director in the First National Bank of Fleetwood, was born Feb. 16, 1865, in Ruscombmanor township, son of Isaac K. and Amanda (Hiester) Manwiller.

Daniel Manwiller, his great-grandfather, was of Oley township, Berks county, born March 19, 1773, died June 26, 1840, and is buried in a private burying ground. His wife was Sarah Gamler (1780-1834). Their children were: John; David; Elijah; Amos; Daniel; Joshua; Eliza (m. to Isaac Hafer); Esther (m. to Isaac Hafer, as his second wife after the death of Eliza); and Mrs. Reuben Keeler (of Illinois).

David Manwiller, son of Daniel, was born in Oley township in 1803, and he died in 1886, aged eighty-three years, and is buried at Pricetown. He lived in Ruscombmanor township the greater part of his life, and was a weaver for twenty-five years. He married Deborah Keeler, who was born in 1804, and died in 1889, aged eighty-five years. They had eight children, Joel, Jacob, Obed, Amos, Rachel (m. Samuel Fox), Malinda (m. William Barzell), Isaac K. and David.

Isaac K. Manwiller, son of David and Deborah, was born Oct. 10, 1836, in Ruscombmanor township. He attended the old pay schools of his day as much as one and one-half months a year. The months consisted of twenty-four days then, and the teacher's pay was two and one-half cents a day from each pupil. Mr. Manwiller, learned the carpenter's trade when twenty years old, and this he followed seven years when he became the foreman for the construction of ore mine buildings in eastern Pennsylvania, a work he continued fifteen years. He retired from active work in 1894. Since 1863 he has lived on an 18-acre farm in the eastern part of Ruscombmanor township. In politics he is a Republican, and for three years was school director. He and his family worship in St. John's Union Church at Pricetown, belonging to the Reformed congregation. On Nov. 8, 1862, he was married to Amanda Hiester, daughter of Benneville and Sallie (Brown) Hiester. She was born June 15, 1841, and died March 8, 1909. Their children were: Maggie m. Wilson W. Miller, died aged 41 years; Daniel H.; Newton; Kate m. William Boyer; Alice m. Albert Schaeffer; Emma is single; Henry; Harvey; Ida is deceased; Robert; James; John; Clara is deceased, as is also Deborah; and Hannah m. Harry Brown and has four children. Linwood, Hilda, Helen and Wilber.

Daniel H. Manwiller, merchant at Pricetown and a director of the First National Bank of Fleetwood, Pa., was born Feb. 16, 1865, in Ruscombmanor township, son of Isaac K. and Amanda (Hiester) Manwiller. He was educated in the public schools of his native township, the Oley Academy and at the Keystone State Normal School, graduating from the latter institution in the class of 1891. He was licensed to teach by Prof. D. S. Keck, the county superintendent, in 1882, and he taught his first term at Drumheller's school in Pike township. He taught in all sixteen terms, one term in District, three in Longswamp, one in Richmond, three in Maiden-creek, and seven in Ruscombmanor. After giving up teaching he became chief clerk with the Reading Cement Company at Molltown, remaining one year. During the next five years he worked in H. F. Hertzog hardware store at Sixth and Bingaman streets, Reading. In the spring of 1906 he became a general merchant at Pricetown, where he has since been successfully engaged. He carries a full line of general merchandise. He became one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Fleetwood, of which institution he is also one of the directors. He is of a progressive spirit. He was also one of the organizers of Pricetown Rural Telephone Company, which was organized Dec. 5, 1908, and of which he is one of the directors, and is the secretary of the board.

Mr. Manwiller became a justice of the peace of Ruscombmanor May 3, 1909, an office he also filled from 1895 to 1900. In politics he is a Republican, and wields influence for good in his locality. He and his family are members of the Reformed Congregation of St. John's Church at Pricetown. He has served the church as treasurer since 1906, and his daughter, Miss Eva, is a member of the choir.

On Aug. 15, 1891, Mr. Manwiller married Miss Catharine Rauenzahn, daughter of Daniel and Catharine (Brown) Rauenzahn, of Ruscombmanor township, and they have had two children: Eva May; and Catharine, who died aged fourteen months.


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Irvin N. Manwiller, a substantial business man of Mount Penn borough, Berks county, Pa., was born July 22, 1867, in Exeter township, son of William and May Ann (Nein) Manwiller, and grandson of Samuel Manwiller.

The progenitor of the Manwiller family of Berks county was one Daniel Manwiller, who in 1775 lived in Oley township, where his name appears on the tax list of that year. In 1799 Daniel Manwiller and Daniel Manwiller, Jr., were taxables in Exeter township. In 1806, a Daniel Manwiller paid fourteen pounds tax in Oley township. This probably was Daniel, Jr., Daniel Manwiller, the elder, in 1778 is mentioned as a taxable in Bern township. Besides Daniel, Jr., above mentioned, he had a son Michael (probably others).

Daniel Manwiller, Jr., was born March 19, 1773, and died June 26, 1840. He married Sarah Gamler (1780-1834), and both are buried in a private burial ground on the farm owned by Seth DeTurck. Their children were: John, of Ruscombmanor township, who lived to be nearly ninety years old; David, also of Ruscombmanor, who died in 1886, when past eighty-three years; Elijah, who died at Pine Grove, Schuylkill county; Amos, a shoemaker and farmer in Oley; Daniel, who died unmarried; and Joshua, a shoemaker by trade, who followed farming in Oley, and whose children were--Nathaniel, Anna, Amelia, Howard, Joshua, Calvin, Sarah, Emma, Deborah and James.

Michael Manwiller, son of Daniel the elder, was born Feb. 6, 1785, and died Oct. 28, 1863, and is buried at Schwartzwald Church. His wife, Margaret Ulein, born May 19, 1785, died April 10, 1861. They had three children: Charles, Samuel and Jessie (m. Samuel Fry, of Exeter township).

Samuel Manwiller, grandson of Daniel the elder, was born March 14, 1811, in Exeter township, and died there Feb. 18, 1881. His life was spent in farming and laboring. He was a member of Schwartzwald Reformed Church, where he is buried. Mr. Manwiller married Mary Himmelreich, born Jan. 31, 1813, died Sept. 11, 1883. They had seven children, as follows: Elmina is the widow of Peter Sherry of Stonersville; Samuel, timekeeper of the plant at Birdsboro, and for forty years superintendent of the Perkiomen & Reading Turnpike Company, married Emily Kline; William; Hannah is the widow of Amos Herbine, of Stonersville; Sarah married George Ritchey, of Stonetown, Elam died in boyhood; and Anna died in infancy.

William Manwiller was born in August, 1845, in Exeter township, where he has spent his entire life, and where he owns a comfortable home and some thirty acres of good land, in the cultivation of which he has been engaged in connection with considerable work on highways and in the building of roads. In politics he is a Democrat. He and his good wife, Mary Ann (Nein), who was born in September, 1847, and who like her husband has been a resident of Exeter township all of her life, are members of the Reformed Church. They have one child; Irvin N.

Irvin N. Manwiller spent his boyhood on the farm and attended the district schools, which he left at the age of eighteen years to engage in work at the blast furnaces at Birdsboro. Here he remained for nearly three years, when he located at gate No. 1, as keeper of the Perkiomen turnpike, a position he held for four years. On March 9, 1893, he opened a general mercantile establishment at what was then Dengler's P.O., now Mt. Penn. since which time he has successfully conducted this business. Mr. Manwiller is one of the enterprising businessmen of the borough of which he was one of the organizers. He served Lower Alsace township for two terms as auditor, has filled the office of borough auditor of Mount Penn, and is a Democrat. He was one of the organizers of Trinity Reformed Church, of which he has served as elder, and is active in the work of the Sunday-school. He is fraternally connected with Camp No. 230, P. O. S. of A., of St. Lawrence.

On Jan. 28, 1887, Mr. Manwiller married Miss Catherine Koch, daughter of Isaac and Emma Koch, of Wernersville, Berks county, and to this union have been born three children; Warren, a musician, who proficient on the pipe-organ and piano, resides at home; William assists his father in the store; and Florence is at home. The family reside in their pleasant home on Perkiomen avenue, and have a wide social circle.


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Isaac F. March, late one of the most respected citizens of Birdsboro, where he had been prominent in the business world and active in the town government for many years, was a native of Philadelphia, born there July 6, 1841.E arly deprived of his parents he was reared by relatives near Pottstown.

As soon as he was old enough to learn a trade, he was sent to a grist mill near Amityville, there to acquire such knowledge as would enable him to be a first class miller. For many years he worked at the Livingood mill on Ironstone creek, and later he operated Marchs Mill on the Manatawny near Pottstown, and for about five years he was similarly engaged at Monocacy. In 1880 he came to Birdsboro and engaged in the lumber and coal business, but in time gave it up and opened a like line at Bridgeport under the firm name of I. F. March & Son. At the end of a few years he sold out to his sons, who still carry it on under the name of I. F. Marchs Sons. During the last three years of his life he had a number of interests, and among the positions he held may be mentioned: president of the Alabama Coal, Mineral and Lumber Company, of Cordova, Ala.; general manager of the Berks Coal Company, of Jasper, Ala.; president of the Watts Creek Jellico Coal Company, of Wofford, Ky.; director in the Pennsylvania Coal Company, of Drifton, Ala.; vice president of the First National Bank of Birdsboro.

Mr. March was always a busy man, but like most busy men he kept constantly on the alert for anything that affected the interests of his community. He was keenly interested in public affairs, and was active in the work of the Democratic party. In 1891 he was elected treasurer of Berks county, and served a three-year term. He also served three years in the town council of Birdsboro, being the first Democrat to win that honor after the two parties had named candidates or changed from the former method of uniting on a citizens ticket. He was connected with the Birdsboro Electric Company and Friendship Fire Company, No. 1. He had been a member of and an official in the Amityville Lutheran Church, and after locating in Birdsboro joined St. Marks Church. He was prominent in Masonic circles, and also belonged to Neversink Lodge, No. 514, I. O. O. F. In all his business affairs Mr. March was eminently successful; as a citizen he was enterprising, progressive and public-spirited; and in his home he was friendly and social with a host of warm friends. He died Jan. 13, 1906.

On Sept. 14, 1861, by the Rev. George F. Miller, Mr. March was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Livingood, daughter of Matthias and Elizabeth (Reinart) Livingood, of Amityville. She survives him, and still makes her home in Birdsboro, where she is greatly beloved for her many kindly deeds. The children born of this union were: (1) Matthias m. (first) Sallie Ludwig, and had two children, William and Ethel; and m. (second) Lilla M. Keiger, who bore him five children, Russell, Anna, Ellsworth, Robert and George. (2) Ellsworth is unmarried. (3) Irvin m. Annie Knabb, and has one child, Paul. (4) Isaac m. Anna Nagle, and has three children, Ralph, Sylvanus and A. Florence. (5) A. Delila m. Henry Harrison Koch, and has five children, Sarah, Ruth, Esther, Isaac and Henry M. (6) Morris m. Ida Herflicker (no issue). (7) John died at the age of five days. (8) Linton m. Leah Hoffman and has one child, Linton E. (9) Mary F. m. John R. Haws, and has one child, John M.


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George A. Markert, proprietor of Markert's caf?which is located at Nos. 645-647 Walnut street, Reading, was born in this city, April 12, 1873, a son of George Adam and Mary (Peiffer) Markert.

Great-grandfather Markert, who was a native of Glostenhaus, Bavaria, Germany, never came to America, and he lost his life by accidentally falling into a stream of water. Four of his sons, however, came to the United States, George Adam settling in Elk county, Pa., and Nicholas setting at Reading.

George Adam Markert, the grandfather of George A. Markert, was born May 24, 1811, at Glostenhaus, Bavaria, and came to America about 1839 or 1840. He was married at Gettysburg, in Adams county, Pa., in the latter year, to Susan Baugner, daughter of Michael Baugner. She was born Jan. 19, 1819, and died in Wisconsin, in 1887. They had four sons and three daughters, as follows: Joseph, who is an inmate of the Soldiers' Home of Hampton Roads, served in the Civil war; Grace, who married Jacob Snyder, who was a soldier in the Civil war; George Adam; John, who was accidentally killed at St. Paul, Minn.; Francis, who died at Lancaster, Grant county, Wis.; and Mary, who is the wife of John Bucher, of Lancaster county, Pa.; and Susan, married, who resides at Lancaster, Wis.

George Adam Markert, father of George A., was born Dec. 9, 1847, at Reading. When twenty years old he accepted employment on the Reading Railroad and is still identified with that corporation, on March 24, 1908, completing a period of forty years with the road, the most cordial relations between employers and employe having existed all these years. He is a member of the Junior Fire Company, of Reading, with which he became connected in 1869, and belongs to the Veteran Fire Association. Mr. Markert resides in his own home, a very comfortable one, at No. 640 Walnut street. On Jan. 23, 1870, he married Mary Peiffer, a daughter of Jacob Peiffer of Reading, and they had two children: George A. and Mame. The latter died June 1, 1905, aged twenty-six years. She is survived by her husband Scott Brocher, and their children: Catherine, Dorothy and Viola.

George A. Markert obtained his education in the public schools of Reading and when fifteen years old he commenced to learn the molding trade. On Dec. 9, 1889, he met with a serious accident by which he lost his left eye. He was thus forced to give up the lucrative trade which he had learned and turn his attention to something else, which proved to be the machinist's trade, serving his apprenticeship with the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, at which work he continued until he was twenty-five years of age. Mr. Markert then learned the barber trade and followed that occupation for about five years. On Sept. 12, 1904, he embarked in a hotel and restaurant business at his present address, and through his close attention to its details, his uniform courtesy to guests and the excellence of his cuisine, he has met with deserved success. His place is favorably known all over the city.

With his family, Mr. Markert attends Christ Cathedral, on North Fifth street, where he was married on Sunday morning, Jan. 22, 1898, to Miss Bertha Reasner, a daughter of Jacob and Mary Reasner, of Bellefonte, Center county, Pa.

Mr. Markert is a member of Emblematic Lodge No. 169, I. O. O. F.; Fraternal order of Eagles, No. 66; Twentieth Century Quakers, No. 2; Junior Fire Company; Humane Association; a contributing member of the Philharmonic Band; Electric Wheelmen; East Penn Social Club; and the Harmonie Maennerchor.


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D. Frank Markley (deceased), who for many years was engaged in the real estate and insurance business, was born in Maxatawny township, Berks county, May 3, 1842, son of Joseph and Esther (Fisher) Markley, both parents being natives of Berks county, Pennsylvania.

Joseph Markley was engaged in farming in Maxatawny township for many years, but removed to Minnesota in 1876, dying in St. Cloud, that state, in 1889, his widow, Esther Fisher, surviving him but a few years. They had been the parents of five children, four of whom lived to maturity: D. Frank, deceased; T. Wellington; Elmira m. to John May, deceased; and Joseph H., deceased. The family were Lutherans in religious belief. Politically Mr. Markley was a Democrat, but it is not known whether or not he ever held office.

D. Frank Markley was educated in the common schools of Reading, and when a boy engaged in work at the old Bushong distillery, located at the corner of Front and Penn streets. Here he remained a number of years, and later accepted a position with the National Union Bank of Reading as clerk, continued in that capacity for some time, and then engaged with the Boas Lumber Company, for several years. Mr. Markley then was employed by the Reading Fire Insurance Company, which he left in 1898 to engage in the real estate business, in which he continued until his death, July 12, 1900. He was buried in the Charles Evans Cemetery.

Mr. Markley was married in 1864 to Amanda E. Arnold, daughter of William and Catherine (Sauerbier) Arnold, the former a hat manufacturer and director of three banks. To Mr. and Mrs. Markley were born children as follows: Catherine May; Edwin Arnold; Charles Hunter, deceased; William A., a druggist of Harrisburg; Frank A., of Reading, who is carrying on the real estate business at No. 535 Court street; Alice May; and Emma I., deceased. Mr. Markley was at one time connected with the I. O. O. F., and was a past officer of Freedom Circle, No. 7, Brotherhood of the Union. In politics he was a Democrat, but never aspired to public preferment, although he took a good citizens interest in elections. He was a kind husband and indulgent father, and in his death the city of Reading lost one of its good, intelligent citizens. Frank A. Markley, one of the leading young business men of Reading, Pa., is successfully engaged in the real estate and insurance business. He was born May 26, 1874, in Reading, and received his education in the public schools of that city. His first business experience was gained as a clerk for the Reading Hardware Company, with whom he remained eleven years. He then succeeded his father in the real estate and insurance business, and in this he has successfully continued ever since. The business was established in 1898.

Mr. Markley was married Aug. 11, 1904, to Mamie May Frederick, daughter of Louis and Emma Frederick, of Reading, and to them were born two children, Frank Edwin and Mary Elizabeth. Mr. Frederick is the owner of a meat market. Mr. Markley belongs to the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Knights of the Maccabees, the Modern Woodmen of America, Harmonie Maennerchor, and the Friendship Fire Company, having served in all the offices in the latter organization, is a Past Worthy President of the Eagles, and President of the Reading Eagles Home Company, Inc., and has held office in nearly all these societies. He belongs to Trinity Lutheran Church. Mr. Markley is one of the foremost young business men of Reading, is popular in fraternal and social circles, and has a great number of friends.


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George W. Marks, an enterprising young business man of Lower Heidelberg township, Berks county, who is engaged in blacksmithing at Lorah, was born Sept. 17, 1872, in Spring township, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Hatt) Marks.

The great-grandfather of George W. Marks was a resident of Lebanon county and the father of a number of children, among whom were: Christian; Molly, who m. Daniel Umbenhauer; George, who was a resident of Bern township; and Hannah, who died unmarried. Christian Marks, grandfather of George W., was born in Lebanon county in about 1806, and after a long and useful life spent at laboring, died in 1890, being buried in the Sinking Spring Church burial ground. He was married to Sarah Stahl, of Womelsdorf, and they had five children: John, who is buried at Sinking Spring Church; Lovina, who m. Isaac Hoster, of Reading; Jonathan; Aaron; and Adam, of Montello.

Jonathan Marks, father of George W., was born Nov. 18, 1831, at Womelsdorf, and there as a young man learned the trade of tinsmith, which he followed regularly for nine years, and off and on for the major part of his life. He also engaged in farming in Heidelberg, Spring and Cumru townships. In 1900 he removed from Heidelberg township to Montello, where he now lives retired. Mr. Marks was married to Elizabeth Hatt. daughter of William and Elizabeth (Ortz) Hatt. and to this union there have been born the following children: Emma. who died young; John, of Wernersville; Adeline, m. to Joseph Wenrich; Katie, m. to John Bitler; Frank, a hatter of Montello; George W.: Annie, m. to Howard Kalbach; and Ellen, deceased, who m. Michael Kintzer.


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Howard F. Marks, a leading and substantial citizen of Cumru township, Berks county, who is extensively engaged in milling operations at Grill, Pa., was born in Cumru township, Jan. 2, 1867, son of John H. and Catherine (Weidner) Marks.

Conrad Marks, great-grandfather of Howard F., came to America from Switzerland, and settled in Brecknock township, Berks county, where he lived until his death, on a small tract of ten acres, besides attending to which he also engaged in weaving. For about fifteen years prior to his death, which occurred at a very old age, Mr. Marks was blind. He and his wife were buried at Gouglersville. They were the parents of the following children: John, who died on the homestead, was also a weaver; Joseph died in Brecknock township; George was the grandfather of Howard F.; Polly m. William Cole; Susan m. Mr. Hosheir; and Elizabeth m. Peter Krick.

George Marks was born in 1800 in Brecknock township, and followed day laboring until coming to Cumru township, where he died in 1880, being buried at Gouglersville. He married Elizabeth Hornberger, daughter of Conrad Hornberger, who died aged sixty-three years. To this union were born children as follows: Elizabeth m. Daniel Krick; Catherine m. Ephraim Shilling; William m. Lovina Heck; Richard m. Catherine Hinnershitz; John H. is mentioned below; George, who served in the Civil war, died at the age of sixty-three years; and Joseph and a daughter died young.

John H. Marks was born Aug. 4, 1837, in Mohnton, Berks county, and attended the public schools of Cumru township until the age of seventeen years, when he engaged in milling, learning the trade with Adam Young, at Angelica. This he followed for thirty-five years at Angelica, and also worked at Mohnton for Jonathan H. Miller during the Civil war. In 1893 he located in Shillington, where he has since been engaged at different kinds of work. In political matters he is a Republican. John H. Marks married (first) Catherine Weidner, daughter of Obediah Weidner, and to them were born: Ellsworth, who died in infancy; Ella, m. George Tothero; Anna, m. Jacob DeTemple; and Howard F. Mr. Marks m. (second) Priscilla White, daughter of John R. and Elizabeth (Mengel) White, and to this union there were born: John is living in the West; George W., died single, aged twenty-nine years; Catherine m. Howard Ruth, and is living in Shillington; Charles m. Sarah Angstadt; and Mary m. George Beaver, and resides in Reading.

Howard F. Marks spent his school days in Cumru township, and when a young man learned the milling business with his father, with whom he continued until twenty-three years of age. He was then employed for five years at Angelica, engaged at days work and trucking, and then came to Grill, engaging with Irvin Shanneman as teamster and salesman in the Angelica flour mill. He continued with Mr. Shanneman for one and one-half years, and then went to Reading, where he was employed in F. S. Keller's flour and feed store for one year. Returning to Grill he rented the Angelica mills for five years with his brother George W., the firm name being Marks & Brother, this partnership continuing until April 1, 1901, when Mr. Marks purchased the mill and property, consisting of seventy-two acres of land about two miles south of the city of Reading. Here he has continued to the present time with much success, manufacturing the well known Angelica Daisy and Angelica White Rose brands of flour, for which he finds a ready market in Reading and in the surrounding country. His mill, which was erected in 1797 by Joseph and Elizabeth Hemmig, and which is one of the land marks of this section of the county, Mr. Marks has equipped with the latest and finest machinery. He is a man of enterprise and his business is constantly assuming larger proportions. Mr. Marks is a member of Emblematic Lodge, No. 169, I. O. O. F., Red Men No. 186, and the Modern Woodmen of America. In his political belief he is a Republican, and has always taken a great interest in the success of his party in this section, serving at various times as a member of the election boards. In February, 1909, he was elected auditor of Cumru township. Mr. and Mrs. Marks and their children attend the Yocom Reformed Church and Sunday-school, and for some time he has served as deacon of the former.

Howard F. Marks married Emma E. Schnable, daughter of Jacob and Catherine (Fritz) Schnable, and granddaughter of John Schnabel (who wife was a Grade), and to this union there have been born two children: Elmer, born September, 1889, is a miller, assisting his father; and Bertha is attending the Yocom school.


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William F. Marks, M. D., born April 6, 1846, at West Leesport, Berks county, son of Elias and Catharine (Fink) Marks, has been a successful practitioner for forty years, thirty-eight of which-since 1871-he has spent in his adopted city of Reading.

Elias Marks, the father, was employed by the Schuylkill Canal Company until the great freshet of 1850, which destroyed the home at West Leesport, and in which is wife, one son, and three daughters lost their lives. Utterly distracted by this tragedy and the total loss of his property, he resolved to start his life anew. With this purpose in view he made provision for the care of the remnant of his family, who were saved from the flood-consisting of two daughters and the subject of this sketch, the latter being adopted by Jacob Rieser-and removed to Illinois, and, on the outbreak of the Civil war, enlisted in defense of his country; he saw active service the first year, when he contracted pneumonia and died at Memphis, Tennessee.

Under the care of his foster-father, to whom he was indentured to the age of eighteen years, William Picture of William F. MarksF. Marks was granted four months' schooling a year, the limit of the term in the district schools in those days, in conjunction with his labor on the farm, until he reached the age of seventeen. Then he made his first attempt at teaching in the township school, thus continuing for three years. At the close of each term during these three years he attended Freeland Seminary, now Ursinus College, in Montgomery county, Pa., and thereafter two terms at the Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa. While at the latter institution and in delicate health he became the patient of Dr. Helfrich, a prominent homeopathic physician of the town, and through the acquaintance thus established resolved to read medicine under the preceptorship of the latter. He then attended a course of lectures at Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, and, during vacation was a student in the office of Prof. Richard Koch, one of the faculty of the institution, under whose influence and tutelage he gained a practical knowledge of his chosen profession, as the Professor appreciated the diligence and close application of his student. Yielding to the trend of his inclinations, he took a special course in obstetrics at the Philadelphia School of Practical Obstetrics and Diseases of Women.

After graduating from Hahnemann Medical College, March 3, 1869, Dr. Marks purchased (through the assistance of his adopted father) the property of Dr. A. J. Dundore, at West Leesport, and assumed the latter's practice, and there continued successfully for two years, when ambition for greater latitude in the practice of his profession induced him to locate in Reading. That the change was one exhibiting rare judgment and self-confidence is confirmed by the extensive clientele that followed his scrupulous and untiring efforts, contemporaneous with which he was a close student and observer of all t he important advances made in the science of medicine. In addition to his personal or self-attained acquirements through his office study, he made his vacations consist of special courses in prominent medical institutions of the country, which included the clinical lectures of Profs. Ludlam and Pratt, of Chicago; Profs. Emmet, Newman and Snow, of New York; Prof. Howard Kelly, of Baltimore; and Prof. Massey, of Philadelphia, all of whom were specialists and instructors of national reputation. All these lectures constituted what is known as post-graduate courses, and physicians pursuing them are regarded as having qualified themselves to an exceptional degree. Dr. Marks's flattering success in his practice is properly attributed not only to conscientious devotion to his work, but to his skillful diagnosis and prognosis in the treatment of disease.

Notwithstanding the incessant demand made upon his time in his practice, Dr. Marks has not been unmindful of his duties as a citizen, and, while interesting himself in other directions of a civic nature , his most conspicuous service to the pubic may be said to have been in connection with his labors associated with the board of health, of which body he has been an active member for twenty-eight years, six years of which he was honored with the presidency. His annual reports are illumined with sanitary and preventive measures generally against disease, pestilence and contagion. In his persistent warfare against the smoke evil he attracted attention not only at home, but among municipal, State and national governments as well, a number of his suggestions finding adoption in various communities, or by the authorities communicating with him on the subject.

Dr. Marks is the gynecologist of the Homeopathic Hospital of Reading, and is connected wit h the following medical associations: The Practitioners Society; Hospital and Dispensary Association; State Medical Society; American Institute of Homeopathy; International Medical Congress; American Association of Orificial Surgeons, and American Electro-Therapeutic Association.

Dr. Marks married Rebecca S. Althouse, daughter of Henry Althouse, of Reading, and to this union was born one daughter, Minnie. Mrs. Marks died Nov. 10, 1879, and later Dr. Marks was wedded to Clara B. Regar, of Reading. To the second union were born two children, Edith C. And Bessie.

In political matters the Doctor is not biased by partisanship, although technically a Democrat, but of the Jeffersonian persuasion. In religion he is broad-minded, and the denomination with which he is identified is the Reformed faith.

The Doctor is prominent in fraternal organizations, being a popular member of Isaac Hiester Lodge, No. 660, F. & A. M.; Oley Lodge, No. 218, I. O. O. F.; Mt. Penn Castle, K. G. E.; Fidelia Chamber, No. 5, K. Of F.; Washington Camp No. 505, P. O. S. Of A.; and Mt. Penn Council, R. A.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:54:22 PST

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