p. 1167
Ambrose B. Madeira, justice of the peace at Wyomissing, Pa., and one of Wyomissing borough's energetic and successful young men, was born Sept. 11, 1884 in Bern township. He enjoys the distinction of being one of the youngest justices in Berks county.
Samuel Madeira, great-grandfather of Ambrose B., was of French extraction and of a Huguenot refugee family, and tradition gives him three brothers: John S., who died in 1868, left seven children, among whom were Michael and John; Jacob, who died in 1864 in Muhlenberg township, Berks county, had children, Rebecca, Franklin, Jacob, Eliza, Angelina and Susan; and David, born July 22, 1788. Samuel Madeira married Elizabeth Shepp, daughter of Daniel and granddaughter of Conrad Shepp. He was a farmer in Windsor, now Perry township, and died there in 1832, aged forty-five years. His widow lived to be sixty-nine. Their children were: Catherine was unmarried; William, who died in 1892, had an only daughter, Emma, wife of Cyrus Rick; Mrs. Sarah Lesher; Daniel m. Catherine Becker, and had children, Prof. F. V. B. (deceased), Almira (deceased) and Rev. Charles; John S.; Mrs. Elizabeth Heckman; Mrs. Matilda Betz; Michael; Mrs. Susanna Brownmiller; Mrs. Peggy Michael; and Samuel. The latter died in 1881, in Perry township. He married Caroline Shuman, and they had issue: Louisiana, Richard, Missouri, Kansas, Robert, Minnie, Howard S., Annie, Sallie and Clara.
John S. Madeira, grandfather of Ambrose B., was born Jan. 20, 1822, near Leesport, Berks county, and was reared and educated in Reading. After his marriage he engaged in farming, which he continued until he was sixty-seven years old when he retired and moved to Reading, where he died aged seventy-three years. He was a Democrat, and was active in politics, but never desired public office for himself. He and family belonged to Reformed Church; in which he served both as deacon and elder. He married Catherine Young, born in Ruscombmanor township, Oct. 7, 1826, and died April 7, 1904, daughter of Daniel Young, of Exeter township. They had the following children: Ellen, deceased, m. Jonathan Tobias; John Y.; and Dr. James D., born Aug. 20, 1856, is a prominent physician of Reading.
John Y. Madeira, father of Ambrose B., was born Feb. 13 1848, in Bern township, Berks county, and there during all his active life he engaged in agricultural pursuits. Since retiring he has lived at Glenside, Reading, Pa. Mr. Madeira enjoyed educational advantages in his youth, attending Brunner's business college at Reading and the State Normal School at Kutztown. In politics he is a Democrat. He married Emma E. Kredell and they have the following children: Ambrose B.; Allene died young: J. Webster is a knitter at Wyomissing; and Florence E. resides at home.
Ambrose B. Madeira attended the local schools in his native locality, and also went to school for a time in Lower Heidelberg, attending the Blue Marsh school. Later he entered Deck's School of Shorthand, at Reading and he also went through Kerst's Business College, taking courses in bookkeeping, commercial law, etc. All his time, however, in boyhood and youth, was not given to his books, for he assisted his father on the home firm until he was seventeen years old, at which time his parents moved to Reading. Shortly afterward he became assistant shipping clerk with the American Iron & Steel Manufacturing Company and remained with that concern for a year, going then to the National Brass & Iron Works, also of Reading, where he was employed as office clerk. He continued there two years, after which he took charge for a year of the books of the American Casualty Company, of Reading, and he continued in a clerical capacity with large firms until he entered the employ of the Kaaterskill Paving Brick Company. The factory of this concern is situated at Catskill, N.Y., and their main office is in the Colonial Trust Building at Reading. This is a branch of the United States Brick Company.
Mr. Madeira continued with the above company until the spring of 1907, when he took charge of the office of the American Die & Tool Company, located at Second and Buttonwood streets, Reading. This office he has since filled with credit. In the spring of 1905 he came to make his home at Wyomissing, and his residence is on Penn avenue, in the second house above the Wyomissing Hotel. He was elected one of the first two judges or justices of the peace in this borough, receiving a very full vote. He takes an active and intelligent interest in all that concerns the community. He enjoys the distinction of being the first secretary of the school board of the new borough, and having signed the first Bond issue of the borough of $25,000 for a modern school house. He is serving on the committee on statistics in the Civic League. In politics he is a Democrat.
On Nov. 30, 1905, he was married to Miss Laura M. Becker, daughter of Monroe and Hannah (Gass) Becker, of Wernersville, Pa., and they have one son, J. Earl. Mr. Madeira and wife belong to Hain's Reformed Church of Lower Heidelberg.
p. 1165
Charles S. Madeira, postmaster at Fleetwood and one of the most progressive and enterprising young business men of Berks county, was born Jan. 10, 1876, son of William H. and Clara (Hoch) Madeira.
Mr. Madeira was educated in the borough schools, at Keystone Normal School at Kutztown, and at West Chester State Normal School, and at the age of nineteen years, having finished his education, he was occupied as a clerk for about six years in the York Silk Mills and with N. S. Schaeffer & Co., merchants of Fleetwood. He then started a hosiery mill at Lyons, a town several miles distant, with Charles A. Wanner, another enterprising young man of Fleetwood, as a partner, and operated this mill with upwards of thirty hands successfully for a year, when the firm were obliged to remove to larger quarters. Selecting Fleetwood they secured a convenient site along the railroad near the station and erected a large two-story frame building, equipping it with the latest machinery. The firm have operated with increasing success and employ eighty hands, producing daily 450 dozens of seamless hosiery, which are shipped to all parts of the country.
After establishing himself at Fleetwood, Mr. Madeira interested himself in the Pennsylvania Dye & Bleach Works at New Cumberland in 1905, by becoming a half-partner with Samuel Peters of Allentown; and also in the Metal Body Company, which he assisted in brining to Fleetwood from Reading for the manufacture of automobile bodies, the latter company employing 100 hands. Both of these enterprises are operated successfully. He is also interested in building operations at Fleetwood. In April, 1908, he was appointed postmaster by President Roosevelt, and is still serving most efficiently.
In 1905 Mr. Madeira was elected a school director and in 1906 officiated as president of the board. Having from boyhood taken an active part in athletic sports, he naturally co-operated with others in organizing the Fleetwood Athletic Association, serving as president thereof in 1905.
p. 1645
The Madeira or Madery family is one of the old and honored ones to which the city of Reading is indebted for much of its early and subsequent prosperity, made up as it has been of men of sterling worth and sound commercial perceptions. The ancestor of the family in Berks county was Sebastian Madery, who died at Reading in 1775. The exact number of children is not known, but the following are on record" (1) Michael, a soldier in the war of the Revolution, died in 1823. (2) Casper, a soldier in Capt. Wills Company in the Revolution in 1777, with his brother Michael, was a hatter by trade, living on South Ninth street, Reading. He died in 1839, a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. His wife, whose maiden name was Fisher, bore him children as follows: William, 1796-1882 (who married (first) Elizabeth Briner, had two children-Peter, born May 16, 1825, and Franklin; and (second) Catharine Stahl, and had five children-Eliza; Phoebe; Robert; James Rankin and Henry, the last named killed in the battle of Fair Oaks); Henry, who lived and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., the father of three sons and one daughter; Betzey, who married Frederick Jennings; Mrs. Nachtreib; and Mrs. William Wilson. (3) Samuel settled in Windsor, Berks county, and died in 1832. He married Elizabeth Shepp, daughter of Daniel Shepp, and had children: Catharine, William, Sarah, Daniel, John Hafer (April 17, 1801-July 26, 1881, married Margaret Rahn, 1803-1877), Matilda, Susanna, Peggy, Michael, Samuel and Eliza. (4) Nicholas is mentioned below.
Nicholas Madeira, son of Sebastian, was born in the borough of Reading, and subsequently acquired about 300 acres of land in the northern part of the town, adjoining and partly embraced in the Charles Evans cemetery. He served as a soldier in 1782. He was twice married. By his first wife, Margaretha Yeich, of Centre township, he had one son, Nicholas. He married (second) Rebecca Reeser, and they had children, Angelia, William, James and Ellen.
Nicholas Madeira, son of Nicholas and Margaretha, became a successful farmer in Maiden-creek township, and for fifteen years prior to his death in June, 1884, he lived retired. He married Anna Keller, daughter of George and Polly (Spaydt) Keller, the former of Ruscombmanor and the latter of Rockland township. To this union were born: James; Levi; Mary, wife of Samuel Fox, a farmer of Muhlenberg township; Angelina, wife of August Bierman, of Allentown, Pa.; Eliza, widow of Aaron Leinbach, of Reading; Nicholas, a farmer and drover of Muhlenberg township; Edwin, a painter, of Mahanoy City; Samuel, a tinsmith at Blandon; Franklin, of Blandon; Susanna; Lewis; and Clara, wife of Daniel Dunkel, of Hamburg.
Levi Madeira, the well known stove and tinware merchant of Fleetwood, Pa., was born Sept. 4, 1838, in Maiden-creek township, son of Nicholas Madeira. He received but a scant education. At the age of five year he went to live with the Gring family of Muhlenberg township, and in 1853 after continuing there for ten years, returned home to assist his father. After remaining two years under the parental roof he learned the trade of tinsmith with Henry Bennethum, at the corner of Fifth and Canal streets. He served an apprenticeship of two and one-half years and then began traveling through Berks, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Carbon counties, repairing tinware. During the fall of 1858 he worked for John Wagonhorst, and then returned to Henry Bennethum for six months. At the end of that time he went to work at Macungie, Lehigh country, remaining for two years, and in 1862 went to Allentown. In 1863 Mr. Madeira went to Washington, N. J., where he worked for Jacob and Joseph Johnson until 1865, when he began work for the government in the military road and quartermasters departments, and after the close of the war settled in Fleetwood. On July 28, 1865, he purchased the fixtures of William Moyer, the stove and tinware dealer, and at once he began to prosper. He has continued successfully in this business to the present time, carrying the full line of stoves, tinware and pumps. In politics Mr. Madeira is an uncompromising Republican. He is a large property owner, and besides his store building on Main street, owns a large brick residence, in which he lives; a fine farm of 101 acres in Maiden-creek township; an excellent farm of eighty-six acres near the Pumping Station in Ontelaunee township; a tract of five acres upon which is situated a tenant house, at Walnuttown, Richmond; a tenant house near Blandon, four valuable dwellings near Blandon; and one tenant house in Fleetwood.
On May 20, 1871, Mr. Madeira married Miss Ella R. Deysher, daughter of Gideon and Sybilla (Rothermel) Deysher, of Walnuttown, Richmond township, and to this union were born these children: Annie S., wife of Jacob R. Dunkel, of Blandon; Lee D., a silk manufacturer at Hamburg; and Sallie E., who is employed in her brothers silk mill as forelady. Mr. Madeiras family are members of the Reformed Church.
Lee Deysher Madeira, son of Levi, and one of the leading business men of Hamburg, where he is engaged as a silk manufacturer, was born at Fleetwood, Sept. 15, 1877. He was educated in the public schools of Hamburg and later attended the Keystone State Normal School, and the Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Business College, graduating at the latter institution in 1896. He then accepted a position with the Pennsylvania Silk Company, as bookkeeper, and remained with that firm for six years, in the meantime becoming well acquainted with the methods of conducting the business. His ability was recognized by the company and he was made superintendent of the mills at Carlisle belonging to this firm, where he continued for six months or until 1902, when he came to Hamburg and promoted the Hamburg Silk Company, of which he is manager. This company has a paid up capital of $25,000. The interests are divided into four equal shares among the following well known business men: Thomas F. Mabery, President; Henry J. Diener, vice president; Lee D. Madeira, secretary; and Irwin A. Diener, treasurer. The firm manufactures a superior quality of silk which is shipped to New York, and is disposed of through a commission house. Mr. Madeira is also operating a silk mill for Thomas Mabery which is situated at Binghamton, New York.
p. 996
Robert W. Madeira, whose popular pharmacy is located at No. 322 North Sixth street, Reading, is a native of Berks county, born in Shoemakersville, Nov. 22, 1865, son of Samuel S. and Caroline (Schumn) Madeira.
Samuel S. Madeira was a lifelong resident of Berks county, born in 1831. When the Reading Railroad was opened he became one of its employes and continued to work for the company thirty years. He retired from this position not long before his death, which occurred in 1884, when he was but fifty-three years of age. He and his wife had nine children of whom seven lived to grow up, viz.: Sue, Mrs. W. S. Wagner, of Reading; K. S., an employe of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad (m. Miss Ida Reber); Robert W., Minnie L. (m. Samuel Weaver, of Ephrata); Howard S., postmaster at Shoemakersville (m. Miss Sue Lamey); Annie, now deceased; and Clara, a trained nurse at Walters Park Sanitarium. Mr. Madeira was a Republican and a member of the United Evangelical Church.
Robert W. Madeira received a good education in the Berks county schools and later taught in them a while. He then entered the Kutztown Normal School, completed his course there and received a permanent certificate as school superintendent. He then resumed teaching and held positions in both Berks and Chester counties. After several years in educational work Mr. Madeira made up his mind to enter the drug business, and in the furtherance of his purpose entered the employ of Leedy Seipel, who was located at the corner of Fourth and Poplar streets, Philadelphia. In due time he became a student in the Philadelphia School of Pharmacy, and in 1888 graduated receiving his degree. He returned to Leedy Seipel, and was assigned to his pharmacy in Cape May, where he remained till 1890. In that year Mr. Madeira came to Reading, worked as a clerk till 1896 and then started in business for himself.
The drug store purchased by Mr. Madeira was the property of John A. Groff, and was located on North Sixth street, where the new proprietor has remained up to the present time. He conducts a first class establishment, with complete stock not only of drugs, but of toilet articles and the various other lines carried now in up-to-date pharmacies. Mr. Madeira carried on both a wholesale and retail business, and also manufacturers a number of proprietary medicines. Among them any be mentioned Dr. Allens (Dime) Catarrh Cure, Madeiras Ingrowing Nail Cure, Celerine Headache Powders, Madeira Liquid Corn Cure, Madeiras Liver Pills, Camphorene Cold Tablets, De-Ma-Lyn, White Pine Couch Cure, and a preparation for chapped hands known as "I like it."
On Sept. 14, 1892, Mr. Madeira married Miss Cora A. Ritter, of Allentown, Pa. Two sons have been born to them, Reginald Ritter and Robert Spencer. The parents are members of the First United Evangelical Church on Eighth street, of which Rev. Edward H. Kistler is the pastor. In politics Mr. Madeira is a strong Republican, and fraternally he belongs to the P. O. S. of A., No. 189, of Reading. Mr. Madeira stands high both in business and social circles, and has many warm friends in Reading.
p. 350
Garrick Mallery, fourth President Judge of Berks county, was a native of Massachusetts. After obtaining a preliminary education, he entered Yale College and was graduated in 1809. He soon afterward became principal of an academy at Wilkes Barre. While occupying that position he engaged in the study of law, and was admitted to the Bar about 1812. Being well-adapted by nature to the legal profession, he added to his efficiency by diligent study, and soon acquired a practice which extended over a large portion of northern Pennsylvania. In 1825 he was elected a member of the House of representatives, and during his legislative career was instrumental in securing the enactment of certain bills which led to the great improvement of the North Branch region. In 1832, Governor Wolf appointed him president judge of the Third Judicial District, then composed of Berks Northampton and Lehigh counties, and he served the appointment for three years. The Hon. William Strong, of the Supreme court of the United States, was married to a daughter.
p. 1219
Charles C. Maltzberger, who was for many years prominently engaged in business in Reading, Pa., owning and conducting a tobacco store, was born in that city, May 9, 1835, son of John and Elizabeth (Coleman) Maltzberger.
Mr. Maltzberger was educated in the common and grammar schools of his native city and also attended a private school taught by Prof. Kelly, in the old log Quaker Meeting-house then located on Washington street. He assisted his father in his tobacco business, and while yet a young man clerked in William Colemans dry goods establishment. He later accepted the position of accountant with Hammond, Snyder & Co., remaining with the company for several years, then entering the employ of Shortridge & Co., continuing in Philadelphia until 1861. In this year Mr. Maltzberger returned to Reading and opened a store at No. 639 Penn street, and he was here engaged in the tobacco business until his death in 1874. Mr. Maltzberger was known for his upright and honest business methods, and it has often been said of him that his word was as good as a bond.
In 1857 Mr. Maltzberger was married to Margaret C. Haas, daughter of Christian Frederick and Catherine (Greiner) Haas. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Maltzberger, Christian Greiner, was the master stone cutter in the erection of the present Berks County Court House, this fact appearing on a tablet placed on that structure. The children born to Mr. And Mrs. Maltzberger were as follows: (1) Henry, a graduate of Yale College in the class of 1879, is a prominent attorney at law of Reading. (2) Marguerite E. m. Robert Job, a native of Boston, Mass., who is a chemist and for several years was chief chemist of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co., resigning this position to become a member of Booth, Garrett & Blair, leading chemists of Philadelphia. They have three children,- Gertrude, Robert and Margaret. (3) Charles J., for a number of years superintendent of the J. H. Sternbergh branch of the American Iron & Steel Manufacturing Co., Reading is now in the sales department of the Reading Iron Company. He m. Martha Elizabeth Job, a native of Boston, Mass. (4) John died in infancy. Fraternally Mr. Maltzberger was a member of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M., Royal Arch Chapter and De Molay Commandery of Reading, K. T. While he never united with any church organization he was a Christian, God-fearing man, and attended and supported liberally the First Presbyterian Church, of which his wife was a faithful member.
Mrs. Maltzberger was born in Zanesville, Ohio, where her father had removed in 1833. He was a native of Germany and emigrated to America early in the nineteenth century, being a brewmaster by trade, brewing what was known in the early days as "cream beer. While in Zanesville he purchased much valuable real estate, and owned a brewery, and hotel. He was a very prominent man, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
George R. Maltzberger, a prominent tobacco manufacturer of Reading, bears a name well known in that city as a synonym for honesty and reliability.
John Maltzberger, father of George R., was for many years one of Readings most honored citizens, although others occupied positions more in the public eye. He was born in Reading March 17, 1815, and his whole life was identified with the city. He was given a common school education and then learned the manufacture of tobacco products. Later he learned brick laying and was engaged at that work until 1846, when he returned to the tobacco business and laid the foundations of the large concern now conducted by his son. At first he had only a small establishment in the house where George R. Maltzberger now lives, at No. 38 South Fifth street, and he continued to do business there until the close of the war. Then he acquired the property now occupied by the store, adjoining the residence at No. 36 South Fifth street, where he was until his death.
John Maltzberger was married to Miss Elizabeth Coleman, and children were born to them as follows: Henry, deceased ; Mary, Mrs. James C. Brown, deceased ; Harrison, a prominent attorney in Reading, now deceased ; Charles, deceased ; Emma, Mrs. John O. Geise, of Germantown, Pa. ; and George R. The father of this family passed away in January, 1878, aged sixty-three, and his wife survived him until February, 1882, when she, too, died, aged sixty-seven. He was a member of the Reformed Church and she of the Lutheran. They were very popular in Reading, where they had a host of friends. Mr. Maltzberger was widely known as a man of absolute adherence to his word, and was held up as a constant example to others. He was a prominent member of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M. and also took an active part in the Odd Fellows, belonging to Montgomery Lodge. From 1865 to 1867 he served on the water commission of Reading, and also for a long time on the board of directors of the Reading Hospital. He was one of the founders of that institution, and subscribed a large amount of money for its support, after his son Harrison succeeded to his place on the board. John Maltzberger made many other donations to charitable institutions, besides giving much help to individuals, but kind hearted and generous as he was known to be, the full extent of his philanthropic work was never made public.
George R. Maltzberger was born in Reading Aug. 27, 1846. He went first to the public schools, in an old building on the site of the present Chestnut street school, and then to the Reading high school. He also went for a while to a school at Second and Chestnut, now a part of the old foundry property. When he had finished his studies he went into his fathers tobacco store, and was still there when the latter died. From that time until 1882, the business was conducted by the estate, but in that year George R. Maltzberger purchased the establishment and has since managed affairs for himself. He manufactured a good grade of five and ten cent goods, and is engaged for the most part in a wholesale trade filling orders in the different States. He has been eminently successful and has also built up a very large trade.
Mrs. Maltzberger was a Miss Ella C. Kershner, daughter of the well-known carriage manufacturer of Reading, John H. Kershner. They have had five children, but two of them are deceased. The others are: Elizabeth, George R. Jr., and John S. Mr. Maltzberger is a Presbyterian in religious faith, but has never united with any church.
In political views he is a Republican, as was also his father in later years, though just before the war he was one of the staunchest Abolitionists.
p. 438
HENRY MALTZBERGER, lawyer of Reading and United States commissioner, was born in Reading, Oct. 10, 1858, son of Charles C. and Margaret C. (Haas) Maltzberger. His grandfather, John Maltzberger, was a tobacconist of Reading.
Charles C. Maltzberger was also a tobacconist of Reading. He died in 1874, at the comparatively early age of forty. His wife was the daughter of Charles F. Haas, a brewer, of Zanesville, Ohio. They became the parents of four children: John died at the age of three years: Marguerite E. m. Robert Job, chemist, formerly chief chemist of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, later member of the leading firm of chemists, Booth, Garrett & Blair, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Henry; and Charles J. was formerly superintendent of the American Iron & Steel Manufacturing Company, but later in the service of the Reading Iron Company.
Henry Maltzberger was reared in Reading and passed through the graded schools, graduating from the high school in 1874. He was prepared for Yale at the Hopkins Grammar School in New Haven, Conn., and entering College in 1875, graduated with honors in 1879. Mr. Maltzberger then returned to Reading, and entered the law office of his uncle, Harrison Maltzberger, at that time a prominent lawyer of the City, but now deceased. After two years of study, he was admitted to the Bar of Berks county in November, 1881, and has since been actively engaged in practice. He has a large and select clientele. On July 3, 1905, he became United States Commissioner for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, at Reading.
A Republican in politics, Mr. Maltzberger has taken an active interest in the councils of his party, and was for some years secretary of the County committee. He was a special agent for the Census Department in 1890. Mr. Maltzberger is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, and also belongs to the Washington Library Company, of which he is vice president.
p. 1374
Levia Maltzberger, for many years one of the most prominent citizens of Reading, Pa., both in business and public life, whose death occurred in 1884, was born in 1819 in the city of Reading, son of John and Phoebe (Stone) Maltzberger. John Maltzberger was the proprietor of a tobacco store, and he and his wife had three children: John; Levi; and Esther m. Albert Auman of Pottsville, they having these children-Levi of Reading, Oliver of Reading, and Luther, who died in March, 1906. Both John Maltzberger and his wife were members of the Reformed Church.
Early in life Levi Maltzberger learned the stone mason trade, and worked also for his father in his tobacco establishment. When a young man he worked for the Griscom Brother, general contractors of Reading, keeping this firms books, and this experience, no doubt helped him greatly in after life, when he became extensively engaged in contracting and building. Mr. Maltzberger built the first Homeopathic hospital in the city of Reading, the E. P. Boas residence and many of the fine residential properties of Reading, also being an expert at valuing real estate, doing much work in this line for the Bushongs. He was self-made in every sense of the word and was known as a man of integrity and honesty.
Mr. Maltzberger was married to Lydia Harbold, daughter of Adam and Elizabeth (Saylor) Harbold, early settlers of the vicinity of Hampden Reservoir, known then as Helltown. The children born to Levi Maltzberger and his wife were as follows: John H., cashier of the Keystone National Bank, m. Catherine Keeler, and they have two children: B. Elizabeth and Catherine; Esther, deceased, m. (first) Martin Wagner and had one son, Martin S., deceased, and m. (second) Jacob S. Wingert; Clayton, deceased; Emma E., of Reading, and Victoria, deceased.
Levi Maltzberger was a member of Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M., the Chapter, R. A. M., and DeMolay Commandery, of Reading. In political matters he was a Republican and under Diller Luther served in the U. S. Revenue service in Reading. Mr. Maltzberger was also a member of the council from the Seventh ward and was a member of the school board.
p. 847
Rev. Father Adalbert Malusecki, the beloved pastor of St. Mary's Polish Roman Catholic Church, of Reading, is a native of Austrian Poland, born Nov. 10, 1860. After attending the parochial schools, he entered the Gymnasium in Galicia and later the Innsbruck University and then Vienna University, from which latter institution he was graduated in 1886.
Coming to America in 1886, Father Malusecki entered St. Charles Seminary, and after one year of study there, was ordained, in 1887, by Archbishop Ryan of the Diocese of Philadelphia, his first charge being a congregation at Berks and Memphis streets, Philadelphia, where he remained eight years, during which time a church was built at a cost of $90,000, this being considered, in point of architecture, one of the finest edifices in the city of Philadelphia. In 1894 Father Malusecki was called to St. Mary's Church of Reading. On coming to this parish the Father found it in a very depleted condition, but through his faithful and untiring efforts he has succeeded in bringing about wonderful changes and improvements. It was largely due to his constant and self-sacrificing labors that the present handsome church edifice was completed, at the corner of Twelfth and Spruce streets, which had been undertaken some years previously, he expending some $46,000 in its completion. Since taking this parish Father Malusecki has also erected a parochial school at a cost of $24,000. On his coming to this parish there were but 300 families in the congregation, while now 800 families, aggregating about 4,000 souls, attend Divine services. Father Malusecki is a faithful worker in God's vineyard, and is greatly beloved by his congregation.
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