p. 967
John George H. Marquett, a druggist who died in Lebanon at the age of forty-eight years, was born in Lebanon county, Pa., in 1830, son of John M. and Hellena (Reinhold) Marquett, residents of Annville, Lebanon county, where in his younger days the father taught school, but later kept the toll-gate on the old plank road. He died aged sixty years, and his wife survived him many years, dying at the age of eighty-five.
John George H. Marquett was engaged in the drug business all his life. On Dec. 26, 1854, he married Mary Rebecca Davis, born in Reading, Jan. 17, 1835, daughter of the late Andrew and Mary (Kantner) Davis, and the children born of this union were: John Augustin died when ten years old; Harry A. m. Lillie Welch, of San Jose, Cal., and died Feb. 20, 1894, leaving his widow and a daughter, Lillie, born April 18, 1890; Franklin R. died Feb. 10, 1862, when fifteen months old; Mary H. died Jan. 9, 1870, aged seven years: Emily M. m. Charles E. Reiss, of East Orange, N. J., who is engaged in the automobile business, and they have two children--George L. (born Aug. 1, 1887) and Byron H. (born May 30, 1890); and Annie L. m. Harry C. Geissler, a business man at Reading, and they have had two children--Henry M. (born Sept. 4, 1892, died aged ten months) and Maria L. (born Jan. 24, 1894, is attending the Drexel School of Design, Philadelphia).
Andrew Davis, father of Mrs. Marquett, was a very prominent man in business circles of Reading for a number of years. He kept a hotel at the corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, and later engaged in the flag-stone business, following this very successfully until his death, which occurred Sept. 27, 1875. He was a director of the Farmer's National Bank, and was well known and highly respected throughout the city. Mr. Davis was a Republican, and was a member of the Reformed Church. Of his family of children, Mrs. Marquett is the only living representative.
Mrs. Marquett, now one of the oldest residents of Reading, makes her home at No. 142 South Eighth street. She received her education in the public schools of his city, also attending several private schools. The handsome residence in which she now lives was given to her by her father. She is a faithful member of the Reformed Church. Although seventy-four years of age, she is very active, and is in possession of all her faculties, using glasses only when she reads or sews. She is greatly interested in history and is a great reader. Mrs. Marquett is well known and universally esteemed in Reading, where her neighbors are well acquainted with her many lovable characteristics.
p. 598
Adam S. Martin, an agriculturalist of Berks county, Pa., who is carrying on operations on his farm of eighty-four acres in Windsor township, situated north of the borough of Hamburg, Pa., along the Blue Mountains, was born in Hamburg, Sept. 15, 1865, in Windsor township, son of Samuel and Catherine (Trumbert) Martin.
The Martin family of this section had its origin in John and Jacob Martin, early settlers of Windsor township, who were already settled here in 1759, when the first tax of the district was levied, and who it is thought came to America about 1743. Samuel J. Martin, son of John and grandfather of Adam S., was born May 9, 1799, and lived in Windsor township, where he died Oct. 2, 1871. He married Esther Breitigan (1795-1865), and they were the parents of the following children: Benneville died at the age of seventy-two years; Elizabeth died at the age of seventy; Sarah died at the age of forty-one; Rebecca died aged eighty; Joseph died at the age of fifty-one; Samuel; Hetty died when seventy-four years old; Mary died in childhood; James, aged seventy-five, now resides at Port Clinton, Pa.; William died aged forty-eight; and Israel died aged fifty-two. Samuel J. and Esther Martin are buried in the old graveyard at Hamburg.
Samuel Martin was born in 1828, in Windsor township, and was a lifelong boatman, living at Hamburg and Leesport, and in later years removing to New York, where he is still engaged in boating. He has been very successful in this line and now owns several canalboats, worth $3,000 each, and several spans of good mules. Mr. Martin has been twice married. By his first wife, Lucy Ann Miller, he had one son; Esekiah, who married Florenda Swoyer. Mr. Martin m. (second) Catherine Trumbert, who was born in Germany and emigrated to America in 1845, when seven years old. To this union there have been born these children: Alice, m. to Joel Heckman, of Shoemakersville; Sivilla and Franklin, who died in childhood; Adam S.; Albert, who died of typhoid fever when twelve years old; Ida, who was drowned at Norristown when twelve years of age; and Lloyd, who died at Roanoke, Va., of congestion of the brain when twenty-two years old.
Adam S. Martin attended the schools of Hamburg and Windsor township, and at an early age began boating with his father on the Schuylkill Canal, following this until the spring of 1882, when he engaged in boating for himself until 1886, when the boating business was practically abandoned in this section of Pennsylvania. He then went to New York, engaging in boating coal from all coal points on the Jersey side, and in this he continued until 1895, and, being an expert boatman, was successful. In the spring of 1896 Mr. Martin returned to his native township and settled on his father-in-laws farm for four years, after which he began operations for himself, until the death of his father-in-law in July, 1903, when he purchased the interests of the heirs. This property, which consists of eighty-four acres, twenty-five acres of which is woodland, is situated north of the borough of Hamburg along the Blue Mountains and part of the old house which is still standing on the farm was built by Henry Noecker in 1804. Mr. and Mrs. Martin erected a new residence in the spring of 1907, and in various ways have improved their property. Mr. Martin is engaged in the dairy and poultry business and is prosperous. He is one of Windsor townships six Republicans, and is often a delegate to county conventions. He and his family are members of the First Reformed Church of Hamburg.
In 1886 Mr. Martin was married to Lillie H. Heckman, born Jan. 8, 1866, daughter of Elias N. and Lucy Ann (Mengel) Heckman, and granddaughter of Jacob and Caroline (Sticker) Heckman. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin have been born these children: Edna B., born Dec. 9, 1886; William S., March 14, 1890; Mamie F., July 20, 1892; and Carrie M., June 22, 1896 (died aged five days).
p. 463
Frederick A. Marx, who has his law office at No. 528 Washington Street, Reading, and his home at No. 932 North Fifth street, same city, was born at Kutztown, Berks county, March 19, 1876, and has been practising law since 1900. On March 12, 1907, he left Kutztown and took up his residence in Reading.
Mr. Marx is a member of an old and respected family of the county. His grandfather, Samuel Marx, was a resident of Kutztown, and there his father, James H. Marx, still lives. James H. Marx was educated for the law, and has for many years been a member of the Berks county Bar. He has taken an active interest in public affairs, and has been honored with many of the borough offices, having served on the school board and as town clerk. He married Sarah Springer, daughter of Augustus Springer, a jeweler of Kutztown. Of the five children born to them, two died in infancy; Sallie died at the age of twenty-one, while attending school in Philadelphia. The survivors of the family are Frederick A. and Anna, the latter the wife of Charles S. Ort, a merchant at Quakertown, Pennsylvania.
Frederick A. Marx received his early education in his native place, and after his graduation in 1892 from the Normal School there was sent to Lafayette College, where he graduated in 1896. Having settled on the law as a profession, he now took up its study in the office of his father, and was admitted to practice in 1900. Later he was admitted to the higher courts. Mr. Marx took a final course at Dickinson Law School.
Mr. Marx married Oct. 21, 1903, Miss Rebecca H. Fenstermacher, daughter of John P. S, Fenstermacher (a cousin of General Gobin), postmaster of Kutztown and a conductor in the Philadelphia & Reading passenger service, with which road he has been connected since boyhood.
Mr. Marx is a Democrat in politics. He is active in the religious life of the community, being a member of Trinity Lutheran Church of Kutztown.
He became a member of Huguenot Lodge, No. 377, F. & A. M., on Dec. 26, 1901, and served as its worshipful master for the year 1905. On July 11, 1908, he resigned membership in Huguenot Lodge, and on Oct. 17, 1908, affiliated with Isaac Hiester Lodge, No. 660, F. & A. M., constituted on that day, in the city of Reading, being one of the twenty-five charter members and its first worshipful master. He holds membership in Adonai Castle, No. 70, K. G. E.; and Charles A. Gerasch Council, No. 1004, Jr. O. U. A. M. He retains his interest in educational affairs, having been a member of the school board of Kutztown, until his removal to Reading.
Dr. Franklin Fulforth Massey , a rising young physician of Womelsdorf borough, Berks county, was born Sept. 15, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa., son of John M. Massey, and grandson of Charles Massey, a well-known business man of Philadelphia. who died there at the age of ninety years.
John M. Massey was born Oct. 3, 1848. in Philadelphia, and there obtained his education, his early employment being in the brass business, in which he still continues, having been employed by the same firm for the past thirty-two years. He married Martha Wright Nelson, daughter of James and Eliza Jane (Chapel) Nelson, of an old and prominent Virginian family, and to this union there were born the following children: Charles, inspector for the Keystone Telephone Company, of Philadelphia, whose twin brothers died in infancy; James Nelson, who died when three years of age; Dr. Franklin F.; and DeWitt F., who is engaged in the dry goods business in Philadelphia.
Dr. Franklin Fulforth Massey attended the public schools of Philadelphia, and after taking the course at Temple College, entered Hahnemann College, Philadelphia, being graduated with the class in medicine. He was the first interne at the Crozer Hospital at Chester, and superintended the building of his apartments, also assisting in purchasing the instruments at the hospital. After leaving Chester, he located in Philadelphia for a short time, but on Jan. 24,1905, he came to Womelsdorf and located on High street, where he has since continued in practice. He has won the confidence of the people of his community, and his practice extends not only throughout Womelsdorf, but to Reading, covering a radius of ten miles from the borough. Since 1906 he has been the specialist at the Homeopathic Hospital, Reading, on ear, eye and throat diseases. and he is also the examiner for the Manhattan, Fidelity, Hartford and Prudential insurance companies. Dr. Massey is a member of the State and county medical societies; of the Alumni of his college, and 0. U. A. M. Council No. 69 of Womelsdorf. He holds membership in Zion Lutheran Church, where he has been very active in the Sunday-school as superintendent, and as teacher of a class of young men.
p. 1508
George L. Mast, an employe of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway, and a well-known man in Reading where he is serving as an alderman, is American born, but of foreign ancestry.
The early home of the Mast family was in the Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, where the great-grandfather of George L. was a prominent and influential man. He entered into negotiations to marry his son John to a very desirable girl there, but the son objected, following the dictates of his own heart and wedding a poor seamstress. In his turn, the son John became prominent and was given high office. On one of the great political issues of the day, however, he cast his lot with the people in opposition to the King and was obliged to flee from Germany to America, leaving behind his little son, Jacob B., then two years old. On reaching the New World John Mast located at Stony Point, Rockland township, Berks county, Pa., where he lived with his eldest son John, who became extensively engaged in farming, and reared a large family. Among his children were George, Daniel and John.
Jacob B. Mast was born in Wurtemberg Oct. 24, 1826, and grew to manhood there. He became a good mechanic, and went to France, where in Alsace Lorraine he secured the position of building boss, retaining it three years. While there he married Elizabeth Lehman, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Lehman. Mr. Mast met an agent from the United States, who persuaded him to come to America. They entered into a contract, and Mr. Mast, his wife and one child, and about 400 others boarded a vessel for the United States, but the agent became stranded, and instead of coming to the United States, he landed the whole ship load of French and German emigrants at Maracaibo, Venezuela, and basely deserted them. The coconut palms and the blue sky afforded them their only shelter. Mr. Mast, his wife and child were taken into a Spanish doctor's family as servants. One of Mr. Mast's duties was to look after the water supply. Water was carried for general purposes from several miles away by means of large bottles strapped over the back of an ass. While performing this task he came to a sawmill operated by an American Consul named Taylor. Two Spaniards were sawing a log of wood, and were needlessly exhausting themselves through a lack of knowledge or want of energy to better the condition of their machinery. Mr. Mast asked for a file and filed their saw for them. Mr. Taylor then asked him if he could file a circular saw, and he replied that he could. He was immediately offered employment, and arrangements were made with the Spanish doctor. Mr. Mast easily acquired the Spanish language, and then went before the authorities and secured the freedom of all of his fellow passengers--many of whom had died of yellow fever, among them being Philip Lehman, a brother of Mrs. Mast. Under the guidance of Mr. Mast the value of the sawmill was greatly increased. He inaugurated several improvements so that the monthly output was greater than that of the whole previous year. Consul Taylor recognized his ability, and when the desire to reach his originally intended destination caused Mr. Mast to tender his resignation, he offered him for another year double salary, $100 in addition, and passage to New York. This offer was refused as Mr. Mast greatly desired to see his father and brother John who had come to America more than twenty years before and whom he had never really known. While in Maracaibo his family had been increased by the birth of a daughter, Hannah L. (said to be the first white child born there of European parents), and a son, James L. Mr. Mast and his family embarked in a condemned vessel that had laid along the coast for several years, and of which his wife and daughters Elizabeth and Hannah L. were the only female passengers. When about half way over, struggling with their battered vessel, a privateer who intended to rob them saw their condition and furnished them with good food and water. After ninety days they landed at New York, and from there went to Philadelphia, and thence by wagon to Stony Point. There they remained a short time, Mr. Mast following his trade at twenty-five cents per day and paying ten percent of his net earnings for the use of his tools. He then went to Lobachsville, in Pike township, where he lived about a year, walking to and from Pottstown, where he had secured work as a bridge builder with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway. After working seven days as a journeyman he was made boss bridge builder for the whole system. After he had built many bridges he was transferred to the car shops at Reading for the repairing and building of freight and passenger cars. In 1843 he moved his family to Reading and purchased his first home for $425. On Aug. 4, 1847, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States.
In the early fifties Jacob B. Mast entered the hotel business on Ninth street, where now is located the Orphanage of St. Paul's Catholic Church, and then in order, to Ninth and Washington streets, Seventh and Penn streets, "Jefferson House" at No. 137 South Seventh street, Ninth and Laurel streets and at No. 835 Penn street. He next moved to No. 823 Walnut street and accepted a position with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company as lumber foreman, remaining in their employ until Aug. 16, 1880, when he died. In 1872 he was elected a director of the poor, in which office he rendered the poor especially the children, great service. He was benevolent and kindly of heart, and was the benefactor of the needy. Mr. Mast became quite a linguist, speaking fluently English, Spanish, French and German. Of the twelve children born to him and his wife, four are living: Hannah L., who married John Bauman and has two children living, Albert G. and Ellen L.; James L., a printer at Slatington, and former editor of the Slatington Star, who served as first lieutenant in the Second U. S. Artillery, in the Civil war and was one of the "First Defenders"; George L.; and Ellen L., unmarried, who lives with her brother George L. Mrs. Elizabeth (Lehman) Mast was born April 9, 1818, and makes her home with her son George L. Jacob B. Mast helped to organize and build St. John's German Lutheran church, and was the building master.
George L. Mast was born May 12, 1858, in Reading, and was educated in the public schools, supplementing the knowledge there acquired by a course in the business college conducted by Chester N. Farr and D. B. Brunner. He then learned the trade of tinsmith under George W. Dauth, secured a position in the works of the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, and for thirty-one years was in the employ of that corporation. He was married Oct. 11, 1881, to Bertha Louise Smith, a teacher, and the daughter of Frederick Smith, a shoemaker. The children born of this union are as follows: Paul, born 1882, a machinist with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway; Albert F., born 1883, who holds a position similar to his brother's and like him is also married; James E., born 1891, who graduated in 1908 from the Reading high school and is now a civil engineer; and Carl H., born 1892, a member of the class of 1909, Reading high school. Mr. Mast and his family belong to St. John's German Lutheran Church, Reading, and he served nine years in the vestry, and as an official in the Sunday-school. He belongs to Camp No. 212, P. O. S. of A.; and in its day was an active member of the Philomathean Literary Society.
Mr. Mast has always manifested much interest in political questions, and has taken an active part in local affairs. He is a believer in Democratic principles, and in 1891 was elected on that ticket to the common council. In February, 1904, he was elected to alderman of the Ninth ward, for the term beginning May 1st of the following year, an office he has filled with great satisfaction to the constituents.
p. 1488
Surnames: MAST, YODER
Heber Mast, of Caernarvon township, Berks county, who lives on the old Mast homestead, was born on this farm, April 27, 1856, son of Christian and Barbara Mast.
David Mast, grandfather of Heber, was born April 9, 1769, and died on the Mast homestead Feb. 18, 1849, while his wife, Mary Mast, born Nov. 18, 1775, passed away Feb. 8, 1845. Christian Mast, father of Heber, was born on the Mast homestead, Oct. 17, 1817, and died there Sept. 3, 1899. He married Barbara Mast, born Aug. 23, 1828, who survived him until Feb. 21, 1907, and to them were born these children: Margaret E., born May 3, 1848, living with her brother on the homestead; John D., born April 5, 1853, m. to Martha Yoder and living on a farm near the homestead; Heber; Sara A., born Feb. 25, 1858; Jacob K., Feb. 2, 1860; Samuel H., July 19, 1865; and Henry A., Feb. 23, 1870.
Heber Mast has spent his entire life on the old homestead, where he now lives with his two sisters. The home is one of the prettiest spots in the locality, the house being surrounded by a large and beautiful lawn. Mr. Mast is a stanch Republican in politics. He and his sisters are members of the United Brethren Church.
John Henry Mast who has been an employe of the car building and repairing department of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad for some years, has also been prominent in public affairs in the Fourteenth ward of Reading, Pa. Mr. Mast was born Feb. 1,1858, in Reading, son of John and Catherine Dorothea (Braun) Mast.
Bernhardt Mast, grandfather of John Henry, was a native of the Fatherland, where he and his wife. Eva, spent all of their lives, engaged in agricultural pursuits. They had these children: Frederick, who came to Reading, m. Mary Bauer, and had five children, Fred, John, Christina, Elizabeth and Annie; John; and a son and daughter remained in Germany. In religious belief the family were Lutherans John Mast was born Feb. 21, 1821, in Germany , and in his native country learned the trade of carpenter. He came to America about 1847, landing at New York, whence he journeyed to Niagara county, N. Y., and from there returned to New York City. Later he removed to Philadelphia, and from that city walked to Reading, thence to Port Clinton, where he followed his trade of carpenter with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, in whose employ he continued until the superintendency of William Good, when he retired. From that time until his death. From that time until his death which was caused by a stroke of paralysis, he was engaged in improving his property. He and his wife. Catherine Dorothea Braun, had ten children, six boys and four girls: Kate F. m. Morris Arnold, and has four children, Emma (m. William Schick), Annie (m. Harvey Litch), Harry and J. Edward (single); John Henry; Rose E. is unmarried; Anna D. m. Charles Hoffmaster; Charles E. m. Annie Neiman; Mary B. is unmarried; and four sons are deceased. In religious belief the family are Lutherans. Mr. Mast was a member of the I. 0. 0. F.
John Henry Mast was educated in the schools of Reading, Pa., after which he learned the trade of carpenter under the instruction of Aaron Steinbach. Since that time he has been engaged in the car building and repairing department of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad. Mr. Mast is a member of the P. 0. S. of A.; Mt. Penn Council, Royal Arcanum; Reading Relief Association; Philadelphia & Reading Veteran Association; and Marion Fire Company. A Democrat in politics, he has always been active in the ranks of his party, and for three terms served as a member of the common council from the Fourteenth ward. He is a Lutheran in religious belief, while his wife attends Calvary Reformed Church.
Mr. Mast was married to Miss Annie E. Furman, a native of Reading, and to this union there have been born two children: Ellen L. in. George E. Reinhard, and has one child, Gertrude; and Bessie R. m. Warren Romig.
p. 1564
John R. Mast, the Court-crier and Custodian of the Law Library of Berks county, and member of Select Council from the Third ward, Reading, is a native of Reading, and was born Sept. 21, 1853, son of George and Elizabeth (Reifsnyder) Mast.
Mr. Mast was educated in the public schools of the city of Reading, and is a graduate of the Reading High School; later he attended the Reading Academy and Business College. At the age of eighteen years he became a clerk in the hardware store of McGowan & Miltimore, who conducted business at Sixth and Penn streets, where the store of Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart is now located. When the hardware firm of J. L. Stichter & Son were burned out, and the business of McGowan & Miltimore and J. L. Stichter & Son were merged into one large concern, Mr. Mast continued in their employment for a number of years. On Dec. 2, 1879, Mr. Mast was married to Minnie H. Hillegas, a daughter of Jacob Hillegas, of Reading.
Mr. Mast then engaged in the wholesale manufacture of tobacco, at No. 728 Penn street ? later he was successful in the cigar manufacturing business at Nos. 746-748 Cherry street, employing from 60 to 75 people, and having a trade covering the greater part of the United States. On account of impaired health Mr. Mast disposed of the business and on July 1, 1902, was appointed Court Crier and Custodian of the Law Library by the judges of the court of common pleas of Berks county ? which post he fills with marked ability at this time. Mr. Mast is a most affable gentleman and is widely known in the city of Reading and throughout Berks county. "Mr. Mast," said a visiting attorney recently, "is the Ward McAllister of officialdom." His uniform courtesy has made him friends among all classes of people.
Mr. Mast has always taken an active part in public affairs, and he has served the Third ward in select council three successive terms of four years each. During his term as select councilman he was regarded as one of the most capable members of that body. His reputation is beyond reproach. In politics he is a Democrat. Party fealty, however, has never biased him. As an active member of the party, he has been chosen to numerous conventions and has been called into the highest councils of his party. Prior to his appointment to his present position he never held an office of emolument. In conjunction with his civic duties Mr. Mast has always displayed a keen interest in the P. O. S. of A.; that body in appreciation of his services has elected him to the high office of state president of the State Organization. Mr. Mast is a member of the Masonic order, and belongs to St. John Lodge, No. 435, Reading. He has been a member of Trinity Lutheran Church since boyhood.
George Mast, father of John R., passed most of his life in Reading, where he died at the age of eighty-four years. He is buried in the family lot in the Charles Evans cemetery. He was a carpenter by occupation. His wife, Elizabeth (Reifsnyder), of Chester county, Pa., preceded him in death about ten years. They had a family of four children, two of whom died in infancy, the other two being John R. and Sallie, the latter the widow of H. E. Reifsnyder and residing at Reading.
John Mast, grandfather of John R., was born in August, 1786, in Wurtemberg, Germany, and when a boy was apprenticed to learn the carpenter's trade, which he mastered thoroughly, in accordance with the strict ideas of his native land. Like many other young men of the day, he emigrated to America in order to escape being drafted for service in the Napoleonic wars, and he arrived in Berks county in 1812. Here he first hired out to help on the farm of William Bieber, in Oley township.
However, he became well and favorably known in the pursuit of his trade, and many of the older large barns in Oley township to-day bear good evidence of his honest work. He was often employed by Gen. Daniel Udree at the Oley furnace, and by Daniel Young at the Rockland forges, doing such carpenter work as was needed at those places. Strong, honest and industrious, he was a good citizen and prospered well. He bought a small farm from Daniel Young, and cultivated it thoroughly and with true German thrift. He lived to his ninety-ninth year, making his home at Dryville, and is buried at Mertz' Church, in Rockland township. His wife, whose maiden name was Smith, died about ten years previously. They were the parents of nine children, three of the sons being Daniel, George and John.
Levi Mast, a highly esteemed retired farmer of Berks county, who is living on his snug little farm of thirty-two acres of fertile land in Caernarvon township, was born in this township, July 19, 1835, son of Daniel and Rachel (Plank) Mast, and grandson of John and Mary (Kurtz) Mast.
Daniel Mast, father of Levi, was born April 1, 1803, and he died Aug. 18, 1883, after a long and useful life spent in agricultural pursuits and in the ministry of the Amish Church. He married Rachel Plank, born April 15, 1805, who died Feb. 6, 1873. To them there were born the following children: John P., born in 1826 and died Nov. 19,1888, was a minister and subsequently a bishop in the Amish Church; Sarah, born Nov. 13, 1828, m. David Stoltzfus. and died March 30, 1892; Anna. born March 5, 1831, died Sept. 4, 1834; Mary, born Feb. 13, 1833, m. a Mr. Peters, and died in 1900: Levi. born July 19, 1835; Rachel, born Dec. 29, 1837, died Aug. 20, 1840; Hannah, born June 24, 1840. m. Jacob Stoltzfus Fannie, born April 7, 1842, m. Christian Beiler, and died March 8, 1894; Rebecca, born April 17, 1844. m (first) Eli Stoltzfus and (second) John Lapp; and Lydia, born Aug. 9, 1848, died, it is thought, from injuries received at the hands of burglars, who seized her at the throat, June 21, 1874.
Levi Mast, son of Daniel, received his education in the schools of his native locality, and early in life engaged in agricultural pursuits which he continued until his retirement from active life. He is a Republican in politics, and for nine years served as a member of the school board, of which he was treasurer during the Civil war. He is a member of the Amish Church, and is well known and highly esteemed in the locality in which he has spent his entire life. Mr. Mast sustained a great loss in 1905, when his only son, Daniel Z., with wife and two children, were taken away in an epidemic of typhoid fever.
Levi Mast was married to Miss Christiana Zook, born April 10, 1836, daughter of Henry and Catherine (Kurtz) Zook, and to this union there were born children as follows: Sara lives at home; Daniel Z., born March 3, 1862, died Nov. 1, 1903, married Elizabeth Hertzler. and had eight children, Anna (born 1884, died 1905), Saidy (born 1893, died 1905), Levi H. (born May 30, 1885), Henry (born Dec. 18, 1887), John P. (born April 11, 1889, died March 27, 1903), Isaac (born April 12, 1891, died Sept. 10, 1891), Ida Christianna (born July 31, 1892, died Jan, 2, 1894) and Samuel (born Nov. 27, 1899).
Hans Zook (Zug), great-great-great-grandfather of Mrs. Mast, was an elder in the Mennonite Church, of Berne, Switzerland, where he was imprisoned for his religious teachings, and after his release removed to Germany, whence his grandsons Christian, Moritz and Johannes, who were born near Darmstadt, came to America, arriving at Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1742. They removed thence to Whiteland, Chester county, where Christian Zook, great-grandfather of Mrs. Mast, died in December, 1787.
Christian Zook, son of Christian, and grandfather of Mrs. Mast, was born April 20, 1752, in Bern township, Berks county, and became a farmer and minister in the Amish Church, in the faith of which he died Oct. 8, 1826, He married Magdalena Blank, born in Lancaster county in 1751, who died Aug. 8, 1833.
Henry Zook, father of Mrs. Mast, was born near Malvern, Pa., March 18, 1794, and died at Binkley's Bridge, Lancaster county, in 1865. He married Catherine Kurtz born Sept. 21, 1801, who died March 23, 1874.
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