Three Hoagland Families

In May 2013, Lyle Rockwell contributed the following histories of three Hoagland families that sprang from the original Hoagland settlers. These descendants Hoaglands migrated from western Sullivan County into the area of Bradford County around East Canton, PA. Most are buried in the East Canton Cemetery of which I jhave finished photographing 100%. I also established memorials at the FindaGrave web site where each tombstone photo can be viewed. Here is the Link.
From the entries into East Canton Cemetery, I realized that there were numerous Hoagland family members, so I researched each Hoagland entry to develop the family ties to one other. I then used the Sullivan County GenWeb site to further confirm several relationships. We can therefore be confident that the three families of Hoaglands who lived in East Canton are an extension of the Hoaglands in Sullivan County depicted in Settlers XXIV: Joseph Hoagland: Dutch Pioneer by Kathryn Heilman.
. I hope that my research may help someone connect with their ancestors!

Lyle Rockwell
Lyle Rockwell

We now present the three descendant families:

Descendants of Charles Hoagland
Descendants of Jonathan Hoagland
Descendants of Samuel Hoagland

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