Mary D. Sweeney
was born in Union County, Pennsylvania in 1821, and died in Cadiz, Green County, Wisconsin, September 30, 1891. She was married to
Thomas Dumars in 1845, who passed to the unseen realm about eight years ago. Deceased was converted at sixteen years of age and united with the M.E. Church. Upon coming to Wisconsin in 1851 she united with the Congregational Church in the city of Monroe; later she went with her husband to Kansas, where she cast her lot with the Presbyterian people, of which church she was a member at the time of her death. We are informed by those who knew her best, that she was always true to her profession, and lived a consistant life. While many mourn her loss, to her it is an eternal gain. May she rest in peace.
SENTENIAL October 4, 1891 - Green County, Wisconsin
[NOTE: Dau. of John Sweny & Rebecca Dora