Wife of J. G. White, author
of "History of Mercer County, 1909.
MRS. J. G.
Mrs. J. G. White
died Sunday afternoon at the family home on S. Diamond Street, aged 63
years. For several years she had been afflicted an incurable intense
trouble and during the last 18 months her condition was frequently
critical. The nature of her ailment was such as to cause the most
intense physical agony, but in spite of the fact that she knew she
could not recover she bore her suffering with a heroism that was
remarkable. Several times during the last stages of her illness when it
seemed she could not survive but a few hours she rallied and until the
end even when enduring almost unbearable pain she retained complete
possession of all her mental faculties.
Mrs. White's maiden name was Ann
McKinney. She was the daughter of the late John M. McKinney, at one time
sheriff of Mercer County and was born near Scrubgrass, Venango County,
April 20, 1844. Her childhood was spent in that neighborhood and in the
Forrest House just north of Mercer which was a famous tavern during the
old stage coach days. On September 20, 1865 she married Mr. White and
went with him to St. Louis where they remained two years. They then
came to Mercer which except for about 4 years spent in Pittsburgh has
been their home since.
Mrs. White was one of the most estimable women and since her girl-hood
had been a member of the U.P. church. During recent years until
incapacitated by ill health she had been a regular, attended the First
Church, Mercer and an active worker in its interests. Her cheerful and
lovable disposition won her a host of friends who sincerely mourned her
Mrs. White was the mother of five children: three of whom, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, of
Mercer, Mrs. H. L. Snively
of Wilkinsburg and John H.
at home with her husband survives, two sons died in infancy. The
following brothers and sisters are living,
Thomas P. McKinney, Petersburg, Ohio, Edward M. McKinney of the U.S.
Signal Service with headquarters at Fort Monroe, Va., Mrs. S. J. Byers and Mrs. George Reznor
of Mercer. Funeral services held at the home Tuesday afternoon
conducted by Pastor Dr. S. W.
Gilkey assisted by
Rev. W. H. McPeak and Rev. John S. Duncan. Interment was
made in the Mercer Cemetery.
DISPATCH, Friday, June 28, 1907
Mrs. J. G. White
died Sunday evening last at her home in Mercer. She was the daughter of
the late Sheriff McKinney
and mother of Mrs. Senator
ARGUS - GREENVILLE, PA. Friday, June 28, 1907
White, wife of the well known attorney, J. G. White died at her home
in Mercer on Sunday evening, after a lingering illness of many months.
She was a daughter of the late
Sheriff McKinney formerly a widely known resident of this
county. Besides her husband she left a son and two daughters. She was
an aunt of Claud Reznor
the West Street druggist. Her funeral was held Tuesday afternoon.
HERALD, Friday, June 28, 1907:
three obituaries submitted by Bob McKeon