John H. White

died 11 Jul 1907



Read obituary of his mother, Ann McKinney White


  John H. White 

Son of Nancy McKinney & J. G. White


John H. White, a well known young lawyer of Mercer, died at the home of his father, Hon. J.G. White Thursday afternoon after an illness of several months. His death is all the more sad because it follows so closely that of his mother, who died only a few weeks ago.

In his death, his family loses a true faithful and loving son and brother, Mercer one of the most popular and agreeable young men, Mercer County bar one of ablest esteemed and conscientious young members. 
After reading law with his father, John was admitted to the bar about 5 years ago, with the brightest kind of prospects for he was as white as his name, but his health failed and a trip out west seemed to benefit him and had it not been for the sickness of his mother he perhaps not have returned home before he had completely recovered. Since the death of his mother he sank rapidly and death was only a question of time.
He was aged about 29 years and is survived by his father, Hon. J. G. White, one of the most prominent lawyers and platform orators of Western Pennsylvania, and two sisters, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, wife of Senator J. M. Campbell of Mercer and Mrs. Grace Snively of Pittsburgh - also many collateral relatives among them Dr. B. E. Mossman's family of this place.




John Hiram White, only son of J. G. White, died last Thursday at the family home, aged 29 years. Death was caused by tuberculos troubles. Mr. White had been in poor health for several years, and about two years ago spent several months in the southwest. His general health was considerably improved by the change of climate, but the disease was not checked and since his return home his decline has been steady, though he made a brave fight a few days before his mothers death he grew so weak he was unable to leave his bed and from that time sank rapidly until the end came.

It may truly be said that no young man in Mercer County had more friends and was more generally esteemed than Mr. White and no death in recent years has caused keener regret in this community. Born and raised in Mercer, practically his entire life had been spent here and his gentle and kindly disposition, courteous manners and excellent traits of character endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. Generous, loyal and above all honest and true he had a remarkable faculty of making and retaining friends.
Several years ago, Mr. White took the study of law in his fathers office, and in due time was admitted to the bar.

Through his term of practice was comparatively brief, it was long enough for him to establish an enviable reputation among the members of his profession, to every case in which he was interested he gave the closest study with the result that he was regarded as one of the leaders of the younger members of the bar.
His work was always thorough and no matter whether of great or small importance, no case entrusted to his care was passed upon until he had mastered every detail. For his faithfulness to his clients his high ideals and his unquestioned ability he had the respect of every attorney at the bar.

Mr. White is survived by his father and two sisters; Mrs. J.M. Campbell of Mercer and Mrs. H. L. Snively of Wilkinsburg, Pa. Funeral services were held Saturday conducted by Dr. S. W. Gilkey. The service at the grave were in charge of the Masonic fraternity of which the deceased was a member.





Local Bar Association Adopts Memorial
on death of John H. White.

The County Bar Association met Saturday to take action on the death of John H. White which occured last Thursday. The attendance was large and several members delivered brief addresses, all of which attested the esteem in which Mr. White was held by members of the legal profession. Before adjourning the following memorial was adopted:

To the Honorable A. W. Williams,
Judge of the General Courts of
Mercer County, Pa.

The bar of Mercer county is again the victim of the destroyer, death. Year by year the bar of Mercer county is made the mark of his deadly shaft and some bright and promising life or one full of honors, or work well done is laid upon his alter. This time it is one just in the beginning of his profession and with bright promises of an honorable and distinguished career.
John H. White after a long and heroic struggle with the dread conqueror was vanquished and passed away on July 11, 1907 at the age of 29 years.

His was a brief but beautiful life, full of quiet and un obttusive usefulness. Never a robust man though handicapped with a weak constitution he fitted himself for admission to the bar and although he had only practiced a few years, he had made for himself a reputation for honesty, fidelity and sterling integrity un surpassed. 

Had he lived the allotted span, he would unquestionably have been looked up to as an accurate methodical, painstaking, clear and thorough lawyer.
Such even now, were his characteristics, although diffident and somewhat reserved, he yet could number his friends by the roster of the profession in the county while among his young companions, he was loved for his sterling worth.

We sorrow with his honored father now doubly bereaved of wife and son, in his burden of distress and we extend our heartfelt sympathy to his sisters and friends for the loss of one all too soon called to his reward.

We reccommend that a copy of these expressions of regard and sympathy be handed to his father and that they be spread upon the records of the court and also be published in county papers. Respectfully Submitted,


MERCER DISPATCH, Friday July 19, 1907 


All three obituaries submitted by Bob McKeon




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