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1889 Johnstown City Directory



Mabon, Henry A. hostler, bds 408 Locust st, Con.
Mabon James H. blacksmith, bds 408 Locust st, Con.
Mabon James L., engineer, bds Maple Shade Hotel, E. Con.
Mabon Samuel C. engineer, r h Railroad st, E. Con. 3
Macho Wm. laborer, r h 417 Locust st, Con. 4
Mack James W. carpenter, r h rear 169 Morris st, 4-4
Mackabe Henry R. (col'd), mill hand, r h 617 Bedford st, 4-4
Mackill Edward, steel worker, r h 248 Iron st, Mv. 9-9
Mackin Albert A. laborer, home 113 Feeder st
Macking Dorsey C. laborer, r h 744 Pine st, 7-7
Mackin Russell A. wire drawer, home 113 Feeder st.
Mackin Sarah J. widow Wm. A. r h 113 Feeder st, 3-3
Mackin Scott, 414 Third st, Peelorville, 5
Mackin Abram, 76 Second st, Peelorville, 4
Maclay Sarah H. widow, o h 159 Main st, 9-9
Macondough Daniel, clerk, rooms 266 Main st
Macondough John, foreman at rolling mill, rooms 266 Main st
Madden James laborer, bds 310 Walnut st, Camb.
Madden John, laborer, bds 310 Walnut st, Camb.
+Madden Mollie Miss, dining room girl, Hulbert House
Madden Patrick, laborer, o h 310 Walnut st, Camb. 8-5
Madden Wm. B. physician, r h 810 1/2 Broad st, Camb. 6-6
Maguire Peter, laborer, o h Upper Prospect, 5-5
Mageham Wm. J. bds rear 87 Franklin st
Mahan Andrew J. rougher in mill, bds 61 Huber st, Con.
Mahan Archibald, geologist, r h 61 Huber st, Con. 6-7
Mahan Samuel, wire drawer, bds 61 Huber st. Con.
Maher Martin laborer, bds 324 Broad st, Camb.
Maher Thomas, laborer, r h 324 Broad st, Camb. 9-6
Mahony Patrick, laborer, o h Upper Prospect, 4-4
Mahoney Timothy, laborer, r h 116 Huber st, Con. 4-4
Mahoney Stephen F. (col'd), teamster, o h head of South st, township, 8-8
Mahoney Wm. H. (col'd). servant, 116 Walnut st
Maier Andrew, blacksmith, o h 704 Chestnut st, Camb. 6
Maier Conrad, laborer, r h 423 Chestnut st, Camb. 3
Maier Wendeline, laborer, bds 215 Railroad st, Camb.
Mainhart David, bricklayer, o h 135 Lincoln st, 8-8
Mainhart George A. bricklayer, home 135 Lincoln st.
Mainhart Harry B. student, home 135 Lincoln st
Mainhart John, steel worker, r h 69 Second st, Peelorville, 5
Makilski Ignus, laborer, r h 204 Railroad st, Camb. 6-6
Makin Abram, steel worker, r h 76 Second st, Pv. 4-4
Makin Harry, drill pressman, bds 22 Ebensburg road, Mill.
Makin Isaac, boss at furnace, r h 22 Ebensburg road, Mill. 5
Makin Oliver H. laborer, r h 417 Third st, Mill. 4-4
Makin Scott, laborer, r h 414 Third st, Mill. 5-5
Maley Ann, widow Wm. grocer, 23 Main st, Con. o h do, 2-2
Maley Michael, policeman, o h 39 High st, Minersville. 6-6
Maley Patrick, conductor, r h 34 Second st, Peelorville, 10
+Malkey Elizabeth, widow, o h 45 Beech st, Wv. 4
Maloney John J. saloon, 1 Iron st, Millville, r h do. 8
Maloney Michael, fireman, rooms 1 Iron st, Mill.
Maloy Frank S. & Co. (silent), sewing machines and musical instruments, 127 Clinton st, r h do, 6-6
Maloy Harry J. laborer Johnson Co. r h 85 Main st, Grubb. 2-2
Maloy Hugh, carpenter, o h 133 Morris st, 10-10
Maloy Jane Miss, chambermain Hulbert House
Maloy John, wire drawer, home 128 1/2 Branch st, Camb.
*Maloy Manassas S. groceries and shoes, 129 Clinton st, o h 124 Adams st, Con. (?)
Maloy Rose Ann, widow James, r h 13 Iron st, Mill. 5-4
Maloy Wm. F. laborer, home 133 Morris st.
Maly Henry, laborer, r h 238 Iron st. Minersville, 6-6
*Malzi Jacob, butcher, r h rear 164 Washington st, 6-5
Malzi John A. meat market, 386 Railroad st, Con. bds 25 Singer st, do
Malzi Peter, no occupation, r h 602 Bedford st, 5-5
Malzi Peter, no occupation, o h 25 Singer st, Con. 5-5
Malzi Wm. butcher, bds 25 Singer st, Con.
Mancely Mary Miss, 159 Main st.
Maneval Charles, clerk at Mrs. Kast's, r h 88 Lincoln st, 4-3
Manges Bird, heater, r h 407 Locust st, Con. 4-3
Manges Hiram, water tender, r h 14 Hinckston ave, Minersville, 6
Manges Wm. teamster, r h 16 1/2 Hinckston ave, Minersville, 8-4
Manges Wm. H. teamster, bds 16 1/2 Hinckston ave, Mv.
+Mangus Abram, mill hand, r h 27 Main st. 5
Mangus Ann, widow, bds r 67 1/2 Somerset st
Mangus David, laborer, c. I. Co. r h r 69 Somerset st, 4
+Mangus Emma, widow Sam'l, home 128 Market st
Mangus Gabriel, mill hand, r h 693 Oak st, 5-5
Mangus George, water tender, r h 196 Iron st, Mv. 8-8
Mangus Jacob, laborer, r h 194 Iron st, Mv. 9-10
Mangus James E. oiler at farnace, bds 246 Iron st, Mv.
Mangus Joseph C. keeper at furnace, r h 246 Iron st, Mv. 6-6
Mangus Samuel, laborer, o h Lincoln st, Morr. 5-5 Mangus Wm. W. laborer, bds 196 Iron st, Mv. Manser Bernard Rev. Father, Pastor German Catholic church, pastoral residence 391 Railroad st, Con. 3-3
Mantz Wallace, stenographer, bds 166 Main st.
MANSION HOUSE, cor Broad and Franklin sts. James J. Milligan propr
Mapledoram Blake A. supt for Johnson Co. (employed away from Johnstown), o h and home 147 Morris st.
Mapledoram Ferd L. wire drawer, r h 72 Water st, 4-4
Mapledoram George, retired, res 147 Morris st, 3-3
Mapledoram Geo. W. supt wire mill, o h 56 Morris st, 2-2
Mapledoram Richard, wire drawer, bds 181 Napoleon st.
MARBOURG ESTHER L. W. Mrs. physician, 122 Market st, res do.
Marbourg Ed. S. ins agt 298 Main st, res 277 Stonycreek st
*MARBOURG HEZEKIAH W. physician, 122 Market st, o h do. 6-4
+Marbourg Sisters (Anna M. and Sarah A.), o h 118 Market
Marchl Joseph, merchant tailor, 136 Franklin st, r h do -4
Mardis Geo. 712 1/2 Broad st, Camb.
Mardis John C. laborer, r h 7 First st E. Con. 4
Mardis Samuel J. laborer, o h Spruce st, Morr. 6-5
Margoin David, laborer, bds 77 Main st, Grubb.
Marker David, machinist, bds 36 King st
Markferding Joseph, blacksmith, o h 352 Main st, 2-4
Markferding Joseph A. furnace hand, r h 352 Main st, 2-2
Markle George A. plasterer, r h 59 Somerset st, 5-5
Markley Francis D. steel worker, o h 11 Seventh st, Wv. 6-6
Marks Henry F. fireman, r h Chandler st, Morr. 6-6
Marks Joseph, laborer, o h 50 Maple ave, Wv. 3-3
Marks Thos. J. 74 Second st, Pv. 5
Marlow Fred W. car inspector, r h Main st, Frank. 6-6
Marlow Mary, widow Wm. r h 128 Sherman st, 4-4
Maron James, laborer, o h Poplar st, Wv. 4-5
MARSDEN GEORGE, professor, agent school books and supplies, r h 103 Vine st, 4
Marsh Angie Miss, dressmaker and laundress, bds 137 Lincoln
Marsh Archibald, mill hand, r h Walnut Grove, 6-5
Marsh Benjamin, carpenter, r h r 190 Somerset st, 3-3
Marsh Cornelius, carpenter, o h Fairfield ave, Morr. 7-6
Marsh David, carpenter, r h 203 Morris st, 4-4
Marsh Elijah, truck hand, o h Ohio st, Mox. 4-4
Marsh Geo. W. stone mason, o h 242 Sherman st, 4-3
Marsh James A. laborer, r h Walnut Grove, 4-4
Marsh Jacob N. laborer, o h 56 Main st, Coopersdale, 3-3
Marsh John, mill hand, bds Areh Marsh, Walnut Grove
Marsh John A. furniture, Fairfield ave, Morr. r h do, 5-5
Marsh John C. laborer, r h Walnut Grove, 4-4
Marsh Kate A. widow, bds Sarah Marsh's, Morr.
Marsh Lizzie, widow Ephraim, r h 649 Wood st, 3-3
Marsh Noah, water tender, r h 126 Iron st, Mill. 9-9
Marsh Ross, hammerman, bds 212 Iron st, Mv.
Marsh Sarah, widow, o h Strayer st, Morr. 2-2
Marsh Uriah, blacksmith, r h 212 Iron st, Mv. 12-12
Marsh Wm. mill hand, r h Walnut Grove, 8-8
Marsh Wm. farmer, r h Brownstone, 10
Marsh Wm. N. laborer, bds 56 Main st, Coopersdale
*Marshall Charles A. civil engineer, bds Club House
Marshall Dennis, laborer, bds 161 Iron st, Mv.
Marshall Ellen, widow John, o h 161 Iron st, Mv. 4-4
Marshall G. G. & Co. (silent), saddle and harness makers 148 Clinton st, res. Blairsville
Marshall James, watchman, o h 18 Ridge st, Mv. 6-6
Marshall John, laborer, o h Pine ave, Wv. 2-2
Marshall John, laborer, o h 34 Ridge ave, Mv. 2-2
Marshall Michael, mill hand, r h 32 Ridge ave, Mv. 3-3
Marshall Patrick, laborer, bds 161 st, Mv.
+Marshall Philip, tailor, o h 34 Maple ave, Wv. 3
Marshall Thos. rail straightener, r h 163 Iron st, Mv. 2-2
MARSHALL THOMAS R. (Marshall Weakland Co.), r h 121 Market st, 3
MARSHALL WEAKLAND COMPANY (Thos. R. Marshall & J. W. Weakland), dealers in lumber and building supplies, office and yard r 266 Main st
Marshall Wm. mill hand, o h 19 Hinckston ave, Mv. 6-6
*Marshall Wm. G. harness maker, bds 195 Broad st
Marta Minnie Miss, dressmaker, bds 348 Gautier st, Con.
*Martin Edward, laborer, r h 58 River ave. Mill. 8
Martin Ella Mrs. r h 12 Ebensburg rd, Mill. 4-4
MARTIN FRANK P. att'y at law, h 106 Railroad st, Camb. 3-3
Martin Henry G. wood sorter at fety. o h 125 Sherman st, 7-7
Martin James, laborer, bds 115 Haynes st. Con.
Martin John, laborer, bds 115 Hayes st. Con.
+Martin John P. laborer, bds 58 River ave, Mill.
MARTIN JOHN T. mill hand, constable, o h 196 Jackson st, 5-4
Martin Maggie Miss, dressmaker, bds 72 Quarry st, Pros.
Martin Michael, laborer, bds 72 Quarry st, Pros.
Martin Elizabeth Mrs. widow, o h 115 Haynes st, Con. 3-3
Martin Solomon B. teamster, o h Bedf'd pike, Hornerst'n. 8-8
Martin Thomas, watchman, o h 72 Quarry st, Pros. 6-6
Martin Wm. H. mill hand, r h Bedford pike, Hornerst'n, 4-4
Martz David E. & Son (Wm. H.), general store, cor. Chandler and Garfield sts, Morrellville
Martz David E. (D. E. Martz & Son), bds Wm. H. Martz, Morr.
+Martz Ellen Miss, domestic, 164 Lincoln st
Martz Wm. H. (D. E. Martz & Son), o h Garfield st, Morr. 6-6
Martzi Joseph, laborer, o h 402 Walnut st, Camb. 5
Marx Frederick, wire drawer, bds 667 Baumer st
Marx Isaac (Cohen & Marx), r h 34 Walnut st, (?)
Marx Martin, wire drawer, o h 667 Baumer st, 4-4
Maser George, mill hand, home 139 Sherman st.
Maser Henry C. works Johnson Co. o h Kernville Hill twp. 9-9
Maser William, mill hand, o h 139 Sherman st, 8-8
Mason Alonzo S. janitor reading rooms, r h Greeve st, E. Con. 2
Mason J. Howard, works in wire mill, bds 26 Morris st
Master Edward, wire drawer, bds 134 Devlin st, Con.
Master Simon, laborer, r h 134 Devlin st, Con. 4-4
Masters Albert, expressman B. & O. r h 137 Vine st, 3-3
Masters Anna, wid Wm o h 151 Frankstown road, Con. 5-5
Masters Frank W. painter, house 120 Market st
Masters George H. clerk, home _20 Market st [blob over number]
Masters Judge Joseph, supt C___ Co. houses and lands, r h 130 Market st, 8-8
Masters Sadie J. Miss, dressmaker, home 120 Market st
Masters Samuel, house agent C. I. Co. o h 33 Morris st, 4-4
Masters Sarah, widow George, home 129 1/2 Lincoln st
Masters William, photographer, bds 134 1/2 Vine st
Masterson James, no occupation, r h Railroad st, E. Con. 3
Masterton John G. clerk W. M. & Co. r h 124 Vine st, 4-4
Masterton Lee, clerk, home 74 Franklin st
MASTERTON WILLIAM, dry goods, notions, carpets, &c. 182 Main st, o h 74 Franklin st 6-5
Masterton Wm. Jr. clerk home 74 Franklin st
Matcino Thos. laborer, r h rear 105 Railroad st, Camb. 6-6
Mater George, coach painter, bds rear 134 Somerset st
Matis John, roll hand, r h 124 Branch st, Camb. 2-2
Mattern Conrad, works in Gautier mill, r h 76 1/2 Sherman st, 3-3
Mattern George, mill hand, r h rear 76 Sherman st, 4
Mattern Henry, works in wire mill, o h 76 Sherman st, 2-2
Mattern John, shoemaker, r h 440 Bedford st, 4-2
Mattern John, Clerk, home 440 Bedford st
Mattern Regina, widow, home 127 Sherman st
Mattes August Sr. laborer, r h 812 Broad st, Camb. 9-9
Mattes August Jr. roll hand, bds 812 Broad st, Camb.
Mattes George, roll hand, r h 712 1/2 Broad st, Camb. 3-3
Mattes Rose, Miss, dressmaker, bds 812 Broad st, Camb.
Mattes Stanislaus, tailor, o h 507 Chestnut st, Camb. 8-8
Matthews Samuel P. laborer, r h Pine ave, Wv. 5-5
Matthews Thomas, clerk, o h 29 Ridge ave, Con. 3-3
Matthews Thos. J. mill hand, bds 111 Clinton st
Matthews W. Edgar, physician and surgeon, 63 Market st, bds 357 Railroad st, Con.
Mattingly Edward L. painter, r h 84 Front st, Pv. 10-10
+Matzka Victor, tinner, bds 314 Railroad st
+Mauk John, laborer, o h 415 Chestnut st, Camb. 2
Maurer Harry, clerk Carpenter's restaurant
Maurer John, carpenter, bds 128 Sherman st
Maurer John, aged, r h rear 115 1/2 Morris st, 3-3
Maurer Louisa E. Miss, home rear 115 1/2 Morris st
Maurer Philip M. laborer, home rear 115 1/2 Morris st
Maurer Samuel E. laborer, r h 140 Portage st, Con. 2-3
+Maures Fred G. laborer, bds 513 Walnut st, Camb.
+Maures Henry P. mill hand, bds 513 Walnut st, Camb.
+Maures Jennetta, wid Fred. r h 513 Walnut st, Camb.
+Maures Peter W. laborer, bds 513 Walnut st, Camb.
Mauthe John, laborer, o h 125 Centre st, Con. 10-9
+Mayberry Edward, laborer Johnson Co. r h rear 116 1/2 Somerset st, 5
Mayer August, shoemaker, o h 140 Adams st, Con. 10-10
Mayer August Jr. plumber, home 140 Adam st, Con.
MAYER C. J. painter, house, sign and ornamental, shop rear 346 Railroad st, home 346 Railroad st
Mayer George, cigars, tobacco, &c R. R. st, o h do, 4-4
+Mayer W. Frederick, patternmaker, o h 163 Main st, 2
Mayer Joseph F. machinist, bds 140 Adam st, Con.
Mayer L. H. (Henry) physician, 163 Main st, r h do, 2-2
+Mayers Samuel, peddler, r h 339 Railroad st, 4
Mayhugh Edward W. laborer, r h 31 Maple ave, Wv. 9-3
McAchren Max. painter, r h 40 Second st, Pv. 5-5
McAchren Webster, blacksmith, o h 54 Quarry st, Pros. 6-6
McAfee Chas. bricklayer, home 193 Sherman st
McAfee John, bricklayer C. I. Co. r h 193 Sherman st, 9-9
+McAleer Owen, mill hand, bds 319 Walnut st, Camb.
McAllister Alonzo, wire drawer, bds 61 Water st
McAnally Mary, widow, bds Patrick McAnally's, Pros.
McAnally Patrick, mill hand, o h Upper Prospect, 8-8
+McAneny John, laborer, bds 115 Broad st, Camb.
+McAneny Katie Miss, teacher, bds 115 Broad st, Camb.
*McAneny Neal. shoe store, 115 Broad st, Camb. o h do, 12-3
+McAneny Patrick, clerk, bds 115 Broad st, Camb.
McATEER CHARLES H. prop'r Palace saloon and restaurant, 111 Clinton st, r h do, 7
McAteer Priscilla, widow, o h 179 Napoleon st, 2
McBride John, teamster, bds 414 Broad st, Camb.
McBride John, miner, bds 96 Centre st, Prospect
McBride John H. laborer, bds 414 Broad st, Camb.
McBride Michael, mill hand, r h 268 Iron st, Mv. 7-7
McBride Michael, laborer, r h 80 Second st, Peelorville, 4-7
McBride Patrick, wire drawer, o h 71 Coal st, Con. 6-6
McBride Rodger, laborer, r h 96 Centre st, Prospect, 3-3
+McBride Rogers, laborer, bds John McKenna's, Con.
McBride Wm. laborer, bds 80 Second st, Peelorville
McBride Wm. H. engineer, bds 52 Quarry st, Prospect
McCabe Geo. W. wire drawer, r h rear 42 Comerset st, 4
McCabe Michael, laborer, bds McCabe sisters, E. Con.
McCabe Patrick, heater, o h 414 Broad st, Camb. 5-5
McCabe Sisters (Jennie and Martha), o h Railroad st, E. Con. 3
+McCabe Thomas Jr. clerk, bds Central Hotel E. Con.
McCaffrey Bernard, laborer, r h 408 Broad st, Camb. 6-6
McCaffrey Catharine, widow Patrick, bds 218 Broad st, Camb.
McCaffrey Patrick, confenery, 218 Broad st, Camb. r h do, 4-4
McCale John, laborer, bds 55 Lock st, Mill.
+McCann Ann Mrs. widow, r h 11 Napoleon st, 4
McCann Annie M. Miss, teacher, bds 523 Broad st, Camb.
McCann Bridget, widow Peter, bds 392 Coal st, Con.
McCann George B. clerk (McCurdy), bds 11 Napoleon st
McCann James, fireman, r h 38 Coal st., Con. 3-3
McCann John X. laborer, o h 523 Broad st, Camb. 7
+McCann, J. J. McCann House, 330 Railroad st, o h 328 do, 3
McCann Mary, widow Michael, o h 422 Railroad st, Camb. 7
McCann Michael, opera house janitor, r h 392 Coal st, Con. 7-7
McCann Michael, miner, r h 83 Iron st, Mill. 5
McCann Stephen C. machinist, bds 392 Coal st, Con.
+McCann Thomas A. works at steel works, bds 11 Napoleon st
McCarrel James, shoemaker, bds 207 Morris st
McCartney Anna, widow, bds 214 Iron st, Minersville
McCartney Eli B. blksmith, o h Locust and 2d sts, E Con. 5-5
McCartney Jacob, teamster, o h 2d and Locust sts, E. Con. 7-7
McCartney Wm. C. brakeman, r h Second st, E. Con. 2-2
McCartney Mary, widow Timothy, r h 300 Iron st, Mv. 5-5
McCarvel James, carpenter, r h 550 Railroad st, Con. 7-6
+McCarvel James Jr. spinner, bds 550 Railroad st, Con.
+McCauley John, barber, bds 70 River ave, Mill.
McCauley Michael, barber, r h 70 River ave, Mill. 9-9
McClafferty Charles, saloon, 302 Chestnut st, Camb. o h do, 8
+McClafferty Kate Miss, domestic, 116 Main st
+McClafferty Patrick, laborer, bds 302 Chestnut st, Camb.
McClain N. R. brakeman, r h Greeve st, E. Con. 4
McClain Robert Smith, blacksmith, bds G. Fenn's, Mox.
McClarren George H. laborer, bds 241 1/2 Maple ave, Wv.
McClarren Ann, widow Saml, r h 241 1/2 Maple ave, Wv. 7
+McClarren John N. engineer, bds 312 Chestnut st, Camb.
McClarren Josiah s. painter, bds 312 Chestnut st, Camb.
*McClarren Samuel, laborer, r h 312 Chestnut st, Camb. 8
McClay John, machinist, o h Fairfield ave, Morr. 2-2
McCleester Betty, widow, o h Main st, Franklin, 2-2
McCleester Robert S. carpenter, o h Main st, Frank. 4-4
McClellan Elizabeth, widow, o h 185 Sherman st, 3
McClellan Geo. E. tinner, bds 59 Sherman st
McClellan Sarah Mrs. widow, home 28 Napoleon st
McClellan Willis G. eupola liner, home 185 Sherman st
McClelland Clarence L. mill hand, r h 99 Hickory st, 5-5
McClelland David F. laborer, r h 51 Lock st, Mill. 6-6
+McClelland Michael, laborer, r h 241 Beech st, Wv. 3
McClelland Thomas H. moulder, r h 42 Market st, 3-3
McCloskey Bernard, roll hand, bds 406 Broad st, Camb.
McCloskey Fanny, widow, bds 212 Railroad st, Camb.
McCloskey Felix, roll hand, bds 406 Broad st, Camb.
McCloskey Hugh V. roll hand, bds 406 Broad st, Camb.
McCloskey James, laborer, r h h 406 1/2 Broad st, Camb. 4-4
McCloskey James, laborer, r h rear 323 Broad st, Camb. 3
McCloskey James H. laborer, r h 116 Branch st, Camb. 5-3
McCloskey John H. laborer, o h 406 Broad st, Camb. 6-6
McCloski Henry, laborer, r h 187 Front, st, Camb. 10-10
McClosky Hugh, mill hand, r h 17 Walnut st, 6-6
McClosky James, furnace man, o h 19 Walnut st
McClosky Jane Mrs. widow, home 19 Walnut st
+McCloskky John, laborer, r h 305 Chestnut st, Camb. 7
McClune James, weighmaster Gautier, bds 50 Coal st, Con.
+McClune, Samuel J. weighmaster, o h 50 Coal st, Con. 5-5
McColvin John, laborer, r h 209 Broad st, Camb. 7-7
McConnaughey Byer B. real estate agent, 286 Main st, r h 137 do, 4-2
*McCONAUGHY JAMES P. manufacturer of building bricks, office 147 Walnut st, o h 130 Walnut st, 4
*McConaughy R. Wallace, foreman at brick works, home 130 Walnut st
McConnell Hugh, saloon, 123 Broad st, Camb. o h do, 4
McConnell Thos. H. eng. Mox. R. R. o h Park ave, Mox, 2-2
McCoy Augustine, machinist, r h 506 Railroad st, Con. 5-5
McCoy Harriet E. widow, r h 237 Main st, Coopersdale, 4-5
McCoy Joseph M. mill hand, bds 237 Main st, Coopersdale
McCreary Amos, works Gautier mill, o h 217 Iron st, Mv. 8-8
McCreary Curtis, mill hand, bds Frank Killen's, Morr.
McCreary James H. coachman, r h 107 Adam st, Con. 6-6
McCreary Jerome, printer, bds 125 Park Place
McCreary Paul, mill hand, r h 174 Somerset st, 5-5
McCreary Samuel S. laborer, r h 109 Union st, 4-4
McCreary Wilson W. roll hand, home 174 Somerset st
McCreight James B. wrks Johnson Co. r h 179 Lincoln st, 6-6
McCreight Jesse, railroader, home 179 Lincoln st
McCreight M. J. Mrs. boarding, 179 Lincoln st, res do.
+McCRORY DANIEL, liquor agent, r h 29 1/2 Iron st, Mill.
McCrory John, works for Johnson Co. r h 166 Napoleon st
McCune Ann, widow Wm. r h 54 Portage st, Con. 4
McCune Harry W. laborer, bds John McCune's
McCUNE JOHN, roll turner, o h 82 Lincoln st, 4-4
McCune John, laborer, r h 224 Huber st, Con. 5-5
+McCune John, engineer, r h First st, E. Con. 6
McCune Michael, laborer, bds 224 Huber st, E. Con.
McCurdy Emory B. mill hand, r h River st, Coopersdale, 5-5
McCurdy John, plasterer, o h Main st, Coopersdale, 5-5
+McCurdy Lewis, junk dealer, r h 279 Broad st, 5
McCurdy Milton B. mill hand, r h 10 Centre st, Pros. 4-4
McCurdy Walter, engineer, r h Main st, Cdale, 5-5
+McDermott James, laborer, r h 302 Walnut st, Camb. 2-2
McDermott James P. brakeman, bds 415 Third st, Milll.
McDERMOTT JOHN & CO. (Ed. J. Devlin), furniture dealers, 215 Broad st
McDERMOTT JOHN (John McDermott & Co.), furniture dealer, bds 357 Railroad st, Con.
McDermott Mich. laborer, r h 49 Hinckston ave, Mv. 5-5
McDermott Patrick, laborer, r h 120 Ebensb'g rd, Pros. 10-10
McDermott Thomas, teamster, bds 415 Third st, Mill.
McDermott Thomas F. wire guager, r h 424 Bedford st, 5-5
McDivitt Cornelius, mill hand, o h Grant st, Cdale, 8-3
McDivitt Edward, laborer, r h 241 Beech st, Wv. 4-4
McDivitt John, mill hand, bds 17 Walnut st
McDivitt, Patrick, laborer, bds 100 Ebensburg road, Pros.
McDivitt Pat. W. brakeman, r h 100 Ebnsburg rd, Pros. 4-4
McDonald Edw. boss wire mill, _ h 499 Chapin st, Con. 6-6
McDonald Gilbert S. laborer, bds James B. McDonald's
McDonald James B. laborer, o h near Bedford pike, 7-7
McDowell Burgoine, laborer, C. I. Co. bds 65 Market st
*McDivitt Mattie M. Miss, teacher, bds 27 Water st
McDowell C. A. laborer, r h Pine ave, Wv. 5-5
*McDowell George A. wire drawer, r h 163 Pearl st, 5
McDowell Robert, mill hand, r h Strayer st, Morr. 4-4
McElear Nimrod, janitor Pres. church, r h rear do, 6-6
+McFall Mary Miss, domestic 90 Conemaugh st
McFall Susan, widow, o h 30 Coal st, Pros. 2-2
McFeaters Bell, widow John C. o h 602 Horner st, 3-3
+McFeaters Harry, fireman, r h Greeve st, E. Con. 2
+McFeaters James, fireman, bds Richard Launtz
McFeaters Scott S. laborer, o h Fairfield ave, Morr. 5-5
+McFeaters Thomas S. huckster, o h First st, E. Con. 8
McGahan Thomas B. laborer, r h 349 Gautier st, Con. 8-8
McGahan Thomas H. laborer, bds 340 Gautier st, Con.
McGahan, Wm. J. clerk, bds 349 Guatier st, Con.
McGarry Frank, puddler, r h 197 Church ave, Con. 8-8
McGarry G. W. (McGarry & Son) 132 Morris st, o h 130 do, 4
McGarry Geo. W. Jr. (McGarry & Son), home 130 Morris st
McGarry James, laborer, bds 197 Church ave, Con.
McGarry Lillian Miss, clerk, home 130 Morris st
McGarry M. S. (Seward), plasterer, r h 186 Sherman st, 2
McGarry & Son (Geo. W. and Geo. W. Jr.), general store 132 Morris st
McGauchy Mary Mrs. r h 79 Second st, Pv. 5-5
McGarvey Homer A. frmn steel wrks, o h 136 Lincoln st, 6-6
McGarvey Stephen, mill hand, r h Strayer st, Morr. 7-7
McGeary Hugh R. laborer, bds Samuel H. McGeary
McGeary Park R. mill hand, bds Samuel H. McGeary
McGeary Samuel H. teacher, o h Locust st, Morr. 5-5
McGee Bernard, slater, bds Ellen McGee's
McGee Ellen, widow Mich. o h 152 Ebensburg rd, Pros. 5-5
McGee James H. clerk, home 134 Market st
McGee John, watchman, r h 134 Market st, 9-8
McGee Michael, laborer, bds Ellen McGee's, Prospect
+McGee Thomas W. clerk, home 134 Market st
+McGill John M. lumber dealer, r h 221 Maple ave, Wv. 4
McGinley Cornelius, invalid, o h 36 Main st, Con. 3
*McGinley Jas. D. wrks Gautier, o h 23 Ridge ave, Con. 5-4
+McGinn John J. wire roller, r h 18 Maple ave, Wv. 6
+McGinnis John, steel worker, r h 54 River ave, Mill. 6
McGinnis Patrick, laborer, bds 106 Portage st, Con.
McGirr Francis, mill hand, o h Park ave. Mox. 5-5
McGoldrick Bernard, laborer, home 66 Ebensburg road, Pros.
McGoldrick Mary, widow, o h 66 Ebensburg rd, Pros. 9-9
McGoldrick Patrick, laborer, home 66 Ebensburg road, Pros.
McGonigal Frank, laborer, r h 38 Ridge ave, Mv. 6-6
McGork Edward, laborer, r h 521 1/2 Broad st, 6
+McGough Alexander, fireman, bds Sarah Boyle's, E. Con.
McGough Charles, fireman, r h Main st, Frank. 3-3
McGough George G. fireman, r h Main st, Frank. 2-2
+McGough Henry B. flagman, bds Mary McGough's, Frank.
+McGough Hilbert J. machinist, bds Mary McGough's, Frank.
+McGough Joseph, brakeman, bds Mary McGough's, Frank.
+McGough Mary, widow, o h Bridge st, Frank. 10
+McGough Robert W. laborer, bds 45 Iron st, Mill.
McGough Thomas T. painter, r h 45 Iron st, Mill. 5-5
McGough Wm. R. laborer, r h 68 Iron st, Mill. 4-4
+McGovern Hugh, no occupation. o h Railroad st, E. Con. 6
+McGovern John F. mill hand, bds Hugh McGovern's
McGovern Michael, laborer, bds Thomas McGovern's
+McGovern Patrick, laborer, bds 159 Iron st, Mv.
McGovern Thomas Jr. laborer, bds Thomas McGovern's Sr.
McGovern Wm. watchman, o h 107 Second ave, Camb. 4-4
McGraine Thos. wire drawer, bds 121 Broad st, Camb.
McGrath James, laborer, r h 393 Coal st, Con. 8-8
McGregor Calvin R. stone mason, r h 604 Bedford st, 3-8
+McGrew Austin, striker smithshop, bds 195 StonyCreek st
McGrew George C. (Davis & McGrew), o h David st, 2-2
+McGuire Constantine Jr. laborer, bds 8 Maple ave, Wv.
+McGuire Constantine Sr. laborer, bds 8 Maple ave, Wv.
+McGuire Eliza Mrs. widow, home 81 Market st
McGuire Harry, mill hand, home 15 Walnut st
McGuire Hugh, no occupation. o h 15 Walnut st, 3-2
McGuire John F. laborer, bds J. T. McGuire's, E. Con.
McGuire John T. laborer, o h Chestnut st, E. Con. 9-9
McGuire John T. laborer, r h 65 Huber st, Con. 4-4
McGuire Thomas, dyer, rear 35 Somerset st, o h do, 4-4
McGuire Thomas, laborer, bds J. T. McGuire's, Con.
McGunigale Henry H. foreman, r h 448 Third st, Mill. 6-6
McGunigal Samuel laborer, r h 95 Quarry st, Pros. 8-8
McHENRY WM. E. trav audr, C. I. Co. bds Club House
+McHugh Chas. laborer, bds 216 Railroad st, Camb.
+McHugh D. A. engineer, o h Railroad st, E. Con. 6
McHugh Felix, laborer, r h Upper Prospect, 3-3
McHugh Grace, widow, o h 709 Broad st, Camb. 3-2
+McHugh Henry, boss roller, rooms 234 Main st
+McHugh Katie Miss, domestic, 113 Locust st
McHugh Owen, machinist, o h 87 Hinckston ave, Mv. 5-5
+McHugh Owen, no occupation, bds 47 Iron st, Mill.
McHugh Owen, brakeman, r h 51 Hinckston ave, Mv. 2-2
McHugh Peter, laborer, r h 17 Connelly ave, Mv. 4-4
McHugh Venantius S. laborer, r h 202 Church ave, Con. 3-3
McHugh Wm. book binder, bds 304 Locust st
McKee Campbell S. mill hand, home 442 Bedbord st
*McGuire Hugh, mill hand, bds 8 Maple ave, Wv.
McKee Charles A. mill hand, r h 425 Bedford st, 7-7
McKee Charles W. machinist r h 219 Maple ave, Wv. 5-4
McKee Frank R. clerk, home 442 Bedford st
McKee Harry W. marble cutter, r h 442 Bedford st, 5-5
*McKee John C. blacksmith, home 442 Bedford st
McKee Thomas, aged, home W. G. McKee's, S.S.
McKee Thomas E. mill hand, home 442 Bedford st
McKEE WILLIAM, justice of the peace, also grocer, 376 Bedford st, r h 442 do, (?)-5
McKee Wm. A. book canvasser, r h 161 1/2 Somerset st, 2
McKee Wm. G. teamster, o h head of South st, twp. 3-3
McKeel Annie Miss, domestic, 237 Stony Creek st
McKeever Alexander, boss bricklayer C. I. Co. home 112 Somerset st
McKeever Charles H. machinist, o h 110 Morris st, 9-9
McKeever Eleanor Mrs. wid Sam'l, o h 112 Somerset st, 6
McKeever Eleanor Miss, home 112 Somerset st
+McKeever Kate, home 112 Somerset st
McKeever Samuel, bricklayer C. I. Co.home 112 Somerset st
McKelvy J. Frank, teamster, r h Upper Main st, Grubb. 5-5
McKenna John, machine shop, 180 Portage st, Con. r h cor. Portage and Fenlon sts, Con. 6-5
McKeone Wm. F. barber, shop 324 Railroad st, Camb.
+McKernan Jos. C. boiler maker, bds 323 Chestnut st, Camb.
+McKernan Maggie Miss, teacher, bds 323 Chestnut st, Camb.
McKernan Peter F. store, Browst'n, bds 323 Chest. st, Camb.
McKernan Philip J. engineer, bds 323 Chestnut st, Camb.
McKernan Thos. justice, o h 323 Chestnut st, Camb. 5-5
McKiernan Patrick, roll hand, r h 219 Railroad st, Camb. 6-6
McKiernan Thos. steel worker, r h 708 Broad st, Camb. 2-2
McKinney Anna Mrs. r h 62 High st, Mv. 3-3
McKinney James K. laborer, home Mary A. McKinney's
McKinney Mary A. widow o h 683 Bedford st, 3-3
McKinney Owen R. mill hand, home Mary A. McKinney's
*McKinstry Mary R. wid, dressmaker, r room 8 Hager block, 2
McLAIN WILL, corresponding secretary Johnson Company, o h Park ave, Mox. 4-4
McLAUGHLIN DANIEL (McLaughlin & Martin), attorneys-at-law, o h 21 Napoleon st, 7-4
McLaughlin Edward, laborer, r h 31 1/2 Iron st, Mill. 5-5
+McPadden Michael, laborer, r h 40 High st, Minersville, 7-7
+McPherson Eliza Mrs. widow, r h 39 Morris st, 1
McPike Arthur, laborer, bds 130 Railroad st, Camb.
+McPike Bridget Miss, domestic, 113 Market st
McPike Daniel, laborer, o h 130 Railroad st, Camb. 3-3
McPike James, laborer, bds 108 Railroad st, Camb.
McPolcon Wm. laborer, r h 10 Hinckston ave, Morr. 5-5
McVay Joseph, no occupation, r h 397 Locust st, Con. 9-8
McVeigh Lizzie Miss, domestic, W. H. Smith's, Con.
McVey Robert F. stone mason, bds 60 Conemaugh st
McVey Wm. brakeman, r h Ebensburg road, Pros. 3-3
McWalters Patrick, works at furnace, bds 424 Railroad st, Cambria
McWilliams Frank, baggagemaster, r h Main st, E. Con. 2-2
*McWilliams Susie Miss, 144 Market st
+Meager William, stocker, bds 22 main st
+Mebs Wm. shoemaker, 44 Portage st, Con. r h do, 1
*Mecca John, laborer, r h 306 1/2 Railroad st, Camb. 8-7
+Mecasin Wm. H. blacksmith, bds 35 Centre st, Con.
*Meeke August, heater's helper, o h 623 Broad st, Camb. 4
Megahan John, laborer, o h 322 Railroad st, Camb. 5-5
Megahan John T. barber, bds 313 Railroad st, Camb.
Megahan Mary, widow John, r h 79 Second st, Pv. 7-7
+Megonagle Martin L. mill hand, r h 26 First st, E. Con. 5
Mehaffey Joseph, laborer, r h 130 Branch st, Camb. 14-9
Mehan Catharine Miss, teacher, bds 27 Main st, Con.
Mehan Patrick, laborer, o h 27 Main st, Con. 7-7
Mehan Peter, laborer, bds 27 Main st, Con.
Meier Andrew, laborer, r h 411 Chestnut st, Camb. 7-7
Meils Alexander (col'd) butler J. Allen's, Moxham
Meinhart Ludwig, mill hand, o h Spruce st, Morr. 3-3
+Meister Emma, domestic, 63 Morris st
Meister Fred. fireman, bds 56 Peter st, Con.
*Melcer Frederick, laborer, bds 409 Chestnut st, Camb.
*Melcer Robert, laborer, o h 409 Chestnut st, Camb. 7-3
Meller Jacob, saloon, 469 Bedford st, o h do, 4-4
Mellinger Geo. foreman old rail mill, o h 110 Napoleon st, 5-5
Mellinger Joseph H. mill hand, r h 88 South st, 6-6
Melvin Edward, laborer, o h 320 Broad st, Camb. 4-4
Melvin James, laborer, o h 316 Broad st, Camb. 2
Melvin John, laborer, bds 307 Front st, Camb.
+Melvin Katie, domestic, 55 Walnut st
Melvin Martin, laborer, r h 307 Front st, Camb. 12-12
Melvin Mary, widow Michael, r h 57 Lock st, Mill. 5-5
Melvin Michael, moulder, bds 57 Lock st, Mill.
Melvin Owen, laborer, bds 307 Front st, Camb.
Melvin Patrick, laborer, bds 57 Lock st, Mill.
Melvin Thomas, engineer, r h 55 Lock st, Mill. 8-8
+Menges Joseph J. laborer, r h 17 Iron st, Mill. 2
Menoher Saml. carpenter, o h 182 Somerset st, 6-6
Menoher Saml. F. carpenter, home 182 Somerset st.
Menoher Wm. C. carpenter, r h 82 Somerset st, 6-6
Menser Isaac E. mill hand, r h Rosedale, 4-4
Menser McClelland, mill hand, bds 677 Pine st
Menser Sarah, widow Isaac, r h 677 Pine st, 4-4
Mentzer George, policeman, r h 2 Stormer al, Con. 6-6
Mentzer Wm. laborer C. I. Co. bds 22 1/2 Main st, Grubb.
MERCHANTS' HOTEL, 271 Main st, C. B. Hamm, propr
Meredith Herman, laborer, bds 712 Broad st, Camb.
Meredith John, brakeman, bds 712 Broad st, Camb.
Meredith Josephine, widow Jos. r h 712 Broad st, Camb. 4-4
Merle John C. bakery, 140 Washington st, r h 122 do, 7-2
+Merriman Charles S. bartender Elk saloon, 133 Clinton st
Merritts Emma S. Miss, dressmaker, Rebecca Merritts'
Merritts Judson W. mill hand, o h 82 Main st, Cdale. 8-8
Merritts Rebecca, widow Wm. o h r 74 Main st, Cdale, 4-3
*Mertha James, mill hand, r h 294 Main st, 5-0
+Mertle George, laborer, bds Francis B. Huffman's
+Mertz Henry, mill hand, o h 68 Lincoln st, 9
Mertz Maggie Miss, bds 188 Somerset st
Mertz Otto, upholsterer, bds 130 Branch st, Camb.
Messenger George, mill hand, r h 20 Bedford st, 4-4
Messenger John C. heater, o h Messenger st, 6-6
Messenger Lincoln, mill hand, o h Messenger st, 4-4
Messenger Noah, laborer, o h Pine ave, Wv. 4-4
Messenger Wm. S. roll hand, bds John C. Messenger's
Metastic August, laborer, r h 113 Broad st, Camb. 3-3
+Mette Wm. laborer, bds 802 Chestnut st, Camb.
Metz Ceylon H. carpenter, r h 417 Bedford st, 7
Metzger Bartley V. mill hand, home 266 Stonycreek st
Metzger John M. mill hand, r h 266 Stonycreek st, 5-5
Metzger Maggie J. Miss, dressmaker, home 266 Stonycreek st
Metzger Ree Miss, stenographer, home 266 Stonycreek st
Metzler John, saloon, Walnut Grove, r h do, 6-6
Meyer Albert, laborer, r h 104 Haynes st, Con. 2-2
Meyer Christ, barber 331 R. R. st, bds 242 Washington st
Meyer Jacob L. teamster, home John G. Meyer's, Wal. Grove
Meyer John H. mill hand, o h 523 Bedford st, 6-6
Meyer John, barber, 242 Washington st, o h do, 5-3
Meyer Joseph, laborer, r h 410 Chestnut st, Camb. 2-2
Meyer Lewis, barber, home 242 Washington st
Meyer Philip, roll hand, r h 107 1/2 Iron st, Mill. 8-8
Meyers Agnes C. Mrs. widow, r h 36 Morris st, 5-4
Meyers Chas. S. mill hand, o h Bedford pike, Hornerstn. 4-4
Meyers Daniel, mill hand, bds John G. Meyers'
Meyers Fred C. (C. Utecht & Co.), o h 222 Sherman st, 5-5
Meyers George, saloon and hotel, Wal. Grove, o h do, 20-20
Meyers Henry C. teamster, o h River st, Morr. 6-6
Meyers John A. mill hand, home John G. Meyers'
Meyers John G. no occ, o h Bedf'd pike, Hornerstown, 8-8
Meyers Mollie C. teacher, home 36 Morris st
Meyers Mr. stocker at Mox. works, r h 182 1/2 Sherman st, 2-2
Meyers, Nellie, clerk at Masterton's, home 36 Morris st
Meyers Theodore, shoemaker, r h 402 Broad st, Camb. 6
Meyers W. F. (Franklin) foreman foundry C. I. Co. o h 204 Morris st, 2
Meyers Wm. F. mill hand, home John G. Meyers'
+Michael Otto, laborer, bds 169 Clinton st
Michael Westley P. laborer, o h Fairfield ave, Morr. 5-5
+Michael Wm. laborer, bds 169 Clinton st
Michaels Adam, mill hand, r h Fairfield ave, Morr. 5-5
Michaels Elizabeth, widow, r h 44 Morris st, 4-4
Michaels Eva, widow H. groceries, 457 Bedford st, o h do, 2-2
Michaels Henry, laborer C. I. Co. bds r 44 Morris st
Michaels Hezekiah B. carpenter, o h Greeve st, E. Con. 6
Michaels Thos. G. laborer, o h Blain st, Morr. 8-8
Michaels Wm. A. laborer, r h Poplar st, Wv. 4-4
+Mickey Frank G. teamster, r h 108 Union st, 2
+Midderhoff John, engineer, bds 394 Railroad st, Con.
+Mihilige Stephen, laborer, r h 215 1/2 Chestnut st, Camb. 8
+Miinzer Andrew, fireman, o h 151 Hill al, Con. 9
Miinzer Joseph M. laborer, o h 148 Huber st, Con. 2
Miinzer Willamina, widow, o h 404 Railroad st, Con. 7
+Milchock Valentine, laborer, r h 103 Chestnut st, Camb. 3
Mildren Harry F. mill hand, home 260 Stonycreek st
MILDREN J. L MRS. millinery and fancy goods, 286 Main st, 2d floor, rooms 3 and 5, r h 260 Stonycreek st, 8-8
Miles Edward J. foreman at Gautier mill, o h 99 Centre st, Pros. 3-3
Miles Georgiana, o h 49 Centre st, Pros. 2-2
Miles Samuel O. works Gautier mill, bds 49 Centre st, Pros.
+Miley George E. laborer, r h 515 Walnut st, Camb. 6
Miller Abe, works in wire mill, r h r 160 Morris st, 2
Miller Abram H. laborer, bds Adam Miller's Morr.
Miller Ada E. Miss, dressmaker, home Catharine Miller's
Miller Adam, laborer, o h Garfield st, Morr. 8-8
MILLER ADOLPH, grocer, 139 Napoleon st, r h 130 do, 4-4
Miller Albert, mill hand, o h 78 Cedar st, 6-6
Miller Alexander, watchman, r h 524 Bedford st, 6-6
Miller Alexander M. mill hand, bds 524 Bedford st
Miller Ann M. widow Wm. r h 22 Hinckston ave, Mv. 5-5
Miller Anton, steel worker, r h 541 River st, Con. 4-4
Miller Bella Miss, domestic 100 Adam st
+Miller Benj. machinist, bds 251 Pearl st
Miller Benj. O. (Baumgardner & Miller), bds 648 Horner st
+Miller Burton F. livery stable, r h 537 Baumer st, 3
Miller Catharine, widow, r h Bedford pike, Hornerst'n, 5-5
Miller Charles, laborer, bds 200 Huber st, Con.
Miller Charles F. laborer, o h Blain st, Morr. 3-3
Miller Channey, carpenter, r h 545 Baumer st, 12-11
Miller Christian, carpenter, r h 44 Main st, Grubb, 3-3
Miller Cyrus, carpenter, r h 83 Haynes st, 5-(?)
Miller Daniel, laborer, bds 10 Ebensburg road, Millville
Miller Daniel M. carpenter, r h 349 1/2 Bedford st, 7-7
Miller David H. miner, bds 565 Horner st
MILLER DAVID M. REV. pastor E. Con. Pres. church (also Rutledge & Miller, ins agts), o h 94 Vine st, 3
Miller Edward L. physician 144 Washington st, r h 80 1/2 Market st, 4-4
Miller Elijah, mill hand, r h 145 Main st, Grubb. 5-5
Miller Eli W. mill hand, bds 565 Horner st
Miller Emanuel K. hooker at mill, r h near 121 Main st, Grubb. 10-10
Miller Emma V. Miss, musician (studying in Germany), home 94 Vine st
Miller Enos, mill hand, bds 28 Bedford st
Miller Ephraim S. plasterer, r h 649 Bedford st, 3-3
+Miller Fand S. works wollen mill, r h 77 Napoleon st, 7
Miller Frank, painter, o h Fairfield ave, Morr. 4-4
+Miller Fred. laborer, bds 94 Portage st, Con.
Miller Frederick, barber 6 Morris st, r h 45 Water st, 3-3
Miller George, laborer, r h 193 Stony Creek st, 4-3
Miller Geo. laborer at Mrs. Fritz's, Grubb. bds do
*Miller Geo. stone mason, o h 406 Chestnut st, Camb. 9
Miller George C. laborer, o h 57 1/2 Singer st, Con. 3-3
Miller George L. mill hand, r h 135 Sherman st, 3
Miller George R. tanner, bds 392 Bedford st
Miller George W. stone mason, r h 122 Poplar st, 2-2
Miller George W. mill hand, r h 109 Sherman st, 3-3
+Miller Harry, fireman, bds Sarah Funk, E. Con.
Miller Harry F. night watchman for merchants, r h 187 Stony Creek st, 7-4
Miller Harry H. laborer, r h 749 Oak st, 3-4
+Miller Henry, cigar maker, bds 136 Locust st
+Miller Henry, clerk, rooms 331 Locust st
Miller Henry, laborer, r h 713 Oak st, 3-3
Miller Henry D. driller Johnson Co. o h 226 Sherman st, 6
Miller Henry K. carpenter, o h First st, Morr. 3-3
+Miller Hiram, carpenter, bds 313 Apple alley
Miller Howard E. carpenter, home Catharine Miller's
Miller Hugh A. laborer, o h Main st, Frank. 6-6
Miller Isaac T. pattern maker, r h 104 1/2 Somerset st, 4-4
Miller Isaiah C. carpenter, o h 754 Pine st, 8-9
Miller James, carpenter, r h Chandler st, Morr. 7-7
Miller Jacob, wire guager, bds 37 Grant st
Miller Jacob, laborer, r h 45 1/2 Iron st, Mill. 3-3
+Miller Jacob laborer, bds 303 Chestnut st, Camb.
Miller Jacob D. mill hand, r h 611 Horner st, 3-3
Miller Jacob L. plasterer, home Catharine Miller's
Miller Janet Miss, home 187 Napoleon st
Miller John, laborer, o h 200 Huber st, Con. 8-8
Miller John, laborer, r h 505 Chestnut st, Camb. 3-3
Miller John, blacksmith, r h Poplar st, Wv. 3-3
+Miller John A. watchman, home 193 Stony Creek st
Miller John A. steel worker, r h Walnut Grove, 6-6
Miller John A. laborer, o h Moxham, 14-14
Miller John C. laborer, r h 529 Baumer st, 6-6
Miller John H. mill hand, bds 680 Horner st
Miller John H. mill hand, bds 544 Horner st
Miller John F. shearman, bds 648 Horner st
Miller John W. laborer, r h 33 Second st, Pv. 8
+Miller Joseph, stone mason, bds 233 Broad st
Miller Joseph C. miner, r h n Bedford pike, Hornerst'n 7-7
Miller Joseph J. carpenter, r h Walnut Grove,, 7-7
Miller Josiah K. mill hand, o h Garfield st, Morr. 4-4
Miller Lloyd, gang boss, C. I. Co. r h 39 1/2 Somerset st, 5
Millar Lorenzo S. laborer, home 605 Bedford st
Miller Myra Miss, dressmaker, 153 Morrist st
Miller Mrs. widow, home 153 Morris st
Miller Martin, carpenter, bds 680 Horner st
+Miller Martin, conductor, r h Railroad st, E. Con. 5
Miller Mary Miss, bds Hugh C. Moore's, Walnut Grove
Miller Nathaniel (Petriken & Miller), rooms 133 Franklin st
Miller Nathaniel, wire drawer, r h 637 Horner st, 5-5
Miller Peter, carpenter, o h 544 Horner st, 4-4
Miller Porter, constable, r h 153 Morris st, 10-10
Miller, Reuben, mill hand, r h 481 Bedford st, 2-2
+Miller Robert A. laborer, o h 285 Maple ave. Wv. 7
Miller Robert P. grocer 67 Morris st, r h do, 8-8
Miller Samuel, laborer, o h Railroad st, Morr. 3-3
Miller Samuel F. laborer, r h 615 Bedford st, 8-8
Miller Samuel M. frmn 9-inch mill C. I. Co. bds 78 Morris st
MILLER SAMUEL W. surveyor, justice of the peace and scrivener, 569 Horner st, o h 565 do, 6-4
+Miller Sarah, widow, bds 77 Napoleon st
+Miller Sarah Mrs. widow, r h 64 Walnut st. 3
Miller Scott, mill hand, r h Walnut Grove, 3-3
Miller Solomon K. laborer C. I. Co. o h 20 Main st, Grubb. 6-6
Miller Stewart, brakeman, r h Walnut st, Cdale, 5-5
+Miller Susan, widow John W. bds 106 Iron st, Mill.
+Miller Tillie Miss, domestic, 117 Park Place
Miller Valentine, shoemaker, 77 Market st, r h do, 5-5
Miller Wm. boilermaker, bds 810 Broad st, Camb.
Miller Wm. mill hand, r h 623 Horner st, 4-4
+Miller Wm. laborer, (McElear), bds 30 Potts st
Miller Wm. wire drawer, bds 544 Horner st
Miller Wm. D. carpenter, o h Bedford pike, Hornerst'n, 6-4
Miller Wm. H. mill hand, r h 194 Pearl st, 4-4
+Miller Wm. H. bookkeeper, T. G. Stewart, o h Baumer st, 2
Miller Wm. H. laborer, bds Wm. C. Saxton's, E. Con.
Miller Wm. J. painter, r h Main st, Frank. 5-5
MILLIGAN JAMES J. proprietor Mansion House, cor. Franklin and Broad sts, 38
Milligan Wm. J. drayman, bds Mansion House
Mills Tillie Miss, domestic, 192 Wood st, South Side
*Mills Wm. W. mill hand, r h Main st. Frank. 7-6
MILLSPAW GEORGE W. insurance agent, 280 Main st, second floor, r h 155 School alley, 4-4
Miltenberger A. L. clerk W. M. & Co. o h 105 Main st, Grubb. 3-3
Minahan John F. bricklayer, bds 724 Broad st, Camb.
Minahan Patrick, laborer, bds 231 Iron st, Min. 5-5
Minahan Wm. fireman, bds 231 Iron st, Mv.
Minahan Wm. steel worker, o h 724 Broad st, Camb. 11-10
Mineely John, no occupation, bds 255 Iron st, Mv.
Miner George W. (col'd), laborer, r h 38 Ebensburg road, Mill, 2
Mingle Wm. laborer, r h 128 Huber st, Con. 3-3
Mingle Wm. H. Rev. pastor United Brethren church, parsonage 199 Stony Creek st, 5-5
+Mintmier Christ. A. clerk, bds 132 Franklin st
Mishler Allan, carpenter, bds 151 Main st, Grubb.
Mishler Frank P. blacksmith's helper, home Wm. Mishler's
Mishler George S. blacksmith's helper, home Wm. Mishler's
Mishler Jacob, laborer, o h Chandler st, Morr. 3-3
Mishler John, laborer, C. I. Co. r h 218 Sherman st, 5-5
Mishler Rachel, widow, r h Portage st, Frank. 3-3
Mishler Wm. blacksmith, o h near Bedf'd pike, Hornerst'n, 8-8
Mitchell Charles C. commis merchant, rooms 106 Jackson st
Mitchell Charles M. brakeman, home Thos. C. Mitchell's
Mitchell Charles W. laborer, r h 36 Quarry st, Pros. 9-9
Mitchell Eliza Miss, rooms 208 Locust st
Mitchell George F. carpenter, o h David st, Hornerst'n. 2-2
Mitchell George W. laborer, r h 54 Iron st, Mill. 7-7
+Mitchell Henry, carpenter J. J. Strayer, bds 27 Market st
Mitchell John A. carpenter, o h near Bedford pike, 6
Mitchell Mary E. Miss, dressmaker, bds 44 Iron st, Mill.
Mitchell Shannon, miner, o h Blain st, Morr. 5-5
Mitchell Thomas C. car inspector, r h Bridge st, Frank. 10-10
Mitchell Wm. D. moulder, r h rear 85 Franklin st, 4-2
Mitchlitch Stephen, Chestnut st, C. C. 5
Mitterhoff Ferdinand, laborer, r h 99 Haynes st, Con. 6-6
Mock Azariah D. works W., M. & Co. feed store, r h 78 Market st, 7-7
Mock Henry, laborer, bds Joseph Mock's, Frank.
Mock Isaac B. carpenter, o h 742 Bedford st, 5-5
Mock John H. boss at wire mill, r h Walnut Grove, 7-7
Mock Joseph, teamster, o h Main st, Frank. 5-5
Mock Joseph, laborer, r h 114 Adam st, Con. 2-2
+Mock Mary, widow, r h Railroad st, E. Con. 3
Mock Wm. H. carpenter, bds 742 Bedford st
Mock Wm. H. plasterer, o h Main st, Frank. 5-5
+Moflitt Albert H. plumber, r h 31 1/2 Napoleon st, 6
+Mohr Charles, laborer Gautier, bds 69 Sherman st
+Mohr Elizabeth Mrs. widow, r h 69 Sherman st, 5
+Mohr Henry, laborer rolling mill, bds 69 Sherman st
Momberger Otto, laborer, o h 598 Bedford st, 5-5
+Monday Clara F. widow John, o h 240 Maple ave, Wv. 4
Mong Edmond, clerk, bds John H. Bowser's
Montag Joseph, mill hand, r h Brownstown, 6-6
+Monteverde Constantine, confections and fruits, 250 Washington st, r h do, 10-5
Montgomery Alexander, notary public, office 104 Clinton st, rooms 272 Stony creek st
Moody James Ed. (col'd), works Johnson Co. o h Wood st, S. S. twp. 8-8
Moody Tobias F. laborer, r h 290 Iron st, Mv. 2-2
Mooney Cornelius T. laborer, bds 134 Ebensburg road, Pros.
Mooney Grace, widow Jas. r h 134 Ebensburg road, Pros. 4
Mooney James G. laborer, bds 134 Ebensburg road Pros.
+Mooney Matthew, mill hand, rooms 106 Jackson st
Mooney Michael, laborer, bds 422 Railroad st, Camb. 1-1
Mooney Murty, laborer, bds 134 Ebensburg road, Pros.
Moore Andrew (col'd), laborer, r h 450 Centre st, Con. 7-7
Moore Charles B. assistant ticket agent P. R. R. r h 232 Locust st, 3-1
Moore Charles H. laborer, bds Elizabeth Brown's, Morr.
Moore George W. laborer, r h Virginia ave, Morr. 4-4
Moore Hugh C. mill hand, r h Walnut Grove, 3-3
Moore Jas. foreman C. I. Co. o h 123 Lincoln st, 6-6
+Moore Jas. laborer, bds Thomas C. Hill's
+Moore John, roller, bds 80 Market st
+Moore John F. teleg operator, r h 95 Hickory st, 5
+Moore John L. clerk C. I. Co. home 123 Lincoln st
*Moore Melda Miss, visiting at 137 Main st
+Moore Oscar B. mill hand, bds 468 Bedford st
Moore Robert, drill pressman, r h Main st, Morr. 5-5
MOORE ROBERT A. (Caples & Moore), r h 119 Chestnut st, 2
+Moore Marshall G. civil engineer, bds 244 Napoleon st
Moore Thos. mill hand, o h 170 Ebensburg road, Pros. 2-2
Moore Wm. H. clerk at Gautier, r h 142 Lincoln st, 4-4
Moran Ann, widow Michael, o h 41 Main st, Con. 2-4
Moran Jas. laborer, r h 210 Railroad st, Camb. 2-2
Moran John, laborer, r h 145 Iron st, Minersville, 4-4
Moran John, laborer, bds 41 Main st, Con.
Moran Michael, laborer, r h 422 1/2 Chestnut st, Camb. 7-7
Moran Patrick, engineer, bds 316 Railroad st, Camb.
+Moran Thomas F. laborer, bds 145 Iron st, Minersville
+Morford Charlie, moulder, bds Catharine Helfrick's
+Morg Wm. H. H. wire drawer, r h 106 Feeder st, Con. 3
Morgan Alfred, wire drawer, r h 191 Portage st, Con. 2
Morgan, Anthony, clerk, bds 60 Iron st, Mill.
Morgan Augustus G. (col'd), porter 111 Clinton st
Morgan Charles L. clerk, bds 62 Iron st, Mill.
Morgan Jas. laborer, bds 91 Iron st, Mill.
Morgan Jas. laborer, r h Llewellyn st, 2-2
*Morgan Job, prop'r Morgan House, 141 Walnut, st o h do, 5
+Morgan John W. boss of laborers, r h 515 Portage st, 3
Morgan Joseph Jr. chief engr C. I. Co. o h 10 Morris st, 8-7
Morgan Thos. mill hand, o h 62 Iron st, Mill. 4-4
Morgan Thomas D. miner, r h 122 Adam st, Con. 6-6
MORGAN THOMAS E. dealer in musical instruments and sewing machines, 260 Washington st, r h 88 Con. st, 5-5
+Morgan Thos. J. millhand, r h 61 Vine st, 4
+Morgan Mary, widow William, o h Second st, E. Con. 6
+Morgan Mary, widow, o h 66 Conemaugh st, 1
+Morgan Morgan, laborer, bds 9 Main st
+Morgan Oliver C. wire drawer, bds 5 River st, Con.
Morgan Richard J. millhand, r h 82 Union st, 4-4
Morgan Wm. laborer, r h 357 Gautier st, Con. 3-3
Morgan Wm. H. laborer, r h 5 River st, Con. 8-8
Morgan Wm. T. heater, r h 91 Iron st, Mill. 6-2
Morley Ann, widow James, o h 194 Main st, 6-4
Morley John H. civil engineer C. I. Co. home 104 Main st
Morley Susan M. Miss, music student at Berlin, Germany, home 104 Main st
+Morony James, carpenter, bds 317 Railroad st
Morrell Thomas T. chemist, r h 116 Locust st, 2
Morris David J. mill hand, o h 223 Sherman st, 4-4
Morris Hattie, domestic, 165 Napoleon st
Morris James, laborer, bds 118 Napoleon st
Morris John T. no occupation, bds 904 Broad st, Camb.
Morris Sampson Jr. laborer, bds 54 Ihmsen ave, Prospect
Morris Sampson Sr. laborer, o h 54 Ihmsen ave, Prospect, 5-5
Morris Thos. furnace hand, r h 356 Ebensburg road, Pros. 3-3
Morrissey Isaac, laborer, r h 82 Ihmsen ave, Prospect 3-3
+Morrison Jane, widow, o h 20 Morris st, 4
Morrison John, heater, r h 110 Branch st, Camb. 8-8
Morrison Thos. laborer, r h 275 Iron st, Minersville, 8-8
Morrison Thos. laborer, bds 112 Branch st, Camb.
Morrow Charles H. wire drawer, bds 119 Market st
Morrow Hugh R. teamster, r h 71 Beech st, Wv. 3-3
+Morrow James A. Capt. invalid, r h 9 1/2 Somerset st, 4
+Morrow James M. fireman, bds Delila Steele's E. Con.
Moschgat Adolph, laborer, o h near Bedford pike, 8-8
*Mosehgat Amelia Miss, domestic H. G. Ludwig
+Mose Alice Miss, dishwasher Hulbert House
Mosebach Lewis, carpenter, r h 630 Bedford st, 4-4
Moser Francis, marble cutter, bds 436 Bedford st
MOSES ANDREW J. merchant tailor (Willis A. Moses & Co.), r h 133 Vine st, 5-5
+Moses Emma Miss, fancy goods, Frank. st, home 133 Vine st
MOSES GEORGE W. groceries and queensware 90 Franklin st, o h 60 Somerset st, 7-7
Moses Grant, draughtsman, r h 85 South st, 4-4
Moses Matthew, retired, o h 2 Ebensburg road, Mill. 2-2
MOSES WILLIS (Willis A. Moses & Co.), r h 69 1/2 Morris st, 5-5
MOSES WILLIS A. & CO. (Andrew J. Moses), merchant tailors, 91 Franklin st
+Moshany Numa, laborer, r h 411 Fourth ave, Camb. 4
+Mosser Mary M. widow, bds 59 Conemaugh st
Mossholder Jonathan, carpenter, r h 106 Somerset st, 4
+Moteco Mary, domestic, 92 Market st
Motter Andrew N. laborer, bds 91 Front st, Morr. 4-4
Motter Jacob, carpenter, o h First st, Morr. 4-4
Motter Jerome D. machinist, r h 83 Front st, Pv. 8-8
Motter John W. machinist, r h 83 Front st, Peelorsville, 5
Mower Edward O. carpenter, r h 80 Main st, Cdale, 6-6
Mowry Frank T. laborer, r h near Bdfrd pike, Hornerstn, 2-3
Mowry Harry, farm hand at Mrs. F. Suppe's, r h do, 5-5
Mowry Mary Mrs. widow, r h near 115 Main st, Grubb, 4-4
MOXHAM ARTHUR JAMES, president Johnson Company, o h Ohio st, bet Cyprus and Park, Mox. 9
+Moyer Absalom, night messanger, r h Greeve st, E. Con. 7
Moyer Charles, laborer, home 215 Morris st
Moyer John H. engineer, bds 443 Morris st, 3-3
Moyer Maggie Miss, o h 217 Morris st, 3-3
Moyer Wm. works in steel works, o h 215 Morris st, 7-7
MUEHLHAUSER GEORGE, stoves, tinware and house furnishing goods 228 Washington st, o h 18 Market st, 7-7
+Mulhern Edward, laborer, rooms 137 Franklin st
+Mulholland Martha, widow, r h Portage st, Frank. 4
+Mullen August, tubsman, r h 538 Portage st, Con. 4
+Mullen Fritz, wire drawer, bds August Mullin's
Muller Elizabeth, widow John, o h 128 Vine st, 4-2
Muller Emma L. Mrs. widow, bakery and confections, 51 Morris st, o h do, 3
+Muller Frank. baker, bds 51 Morris st
+MULLER HENRY G. undertaker and embalmer, 110 Franklin st, home 128 Vine st
Mullin Andrew, laborer, o h 99 Quarry st, Pros. 3-3
Mullin Bernard, postman, bds 118 Railroad st, Camb.
Mullin Bridget, widow John, o h 118 Railroad st, Camb. 5
+Mullin Edward P,. laborer, bds 652 Portage st, Con.
+Mullin Hugh P. laborer, bds 652 Portage st, Con.
+Mullin John, roll hand, bds 696 Portage st, Con.
Mullin John H. roll hand, bds 118 Railroad st, Camb.
+Mullin Maggie Miss, weaver, bds 676 Portage st, Con.
+Mullin Michael F. leather roller, bds 652 Portage st, Con.
Mullin Patrick, carpenter, o h 652 Portage st, Con. 9-9
Mullin Peter Jr. laborer, bds 696 Portage st, Con.
*Mullin Peter Sr. laborer, r h 696 Portage st, Con. 9-8
Mullin Thomas, mill hand, r h 14 Quarry st, Pros. 2
Mullin Timothy, laborer, r h 277 Iron st, Mv. 5-5
Mullock John, mill hand, bds Lizzie Wise's, Hornerstown
Mulvehill John, saloon, 443 Railroad st, Con. bds do
Mulvehill Thomas, laborer, r h Bridge st, Coopersdale, 5-5
Mulvehill Thomas, 908 Chestmut st, Camb.
+Mumma Eliza Miss, dressmaker, bds 226 Washington st
MUMMA F. barber and dealer in cigars and tobacco, Railroad st, E. Con. bds do
Muncert Frederick, shearman, r h 492 Chapin st, Con. 6-8
Muncert Fred Jr. roll hand, r h 28 Church ave, Con. 2-2
MUNN SAMUEL (Wm. R. Barrick & Co.), res Cumb. Md.
+Murdock Emma, widow, r h Evarts al, r 85 Franklin st, 2
Murdock Hattie, widow N. F. o h 257 Maple ave, Wv. 7-3
Murdock Jacob M. lumber dealer, o h 84 Haynes st, 4-4
MURDOCK JOHN, lumber dealer, o h 684 Horner st, 6-6
+Murdock Margaret, widow, bds Evarts al, r 85 Franklin st
Murdock Wilber F. (J. M. Murdock & Co.), bds 684 Horner st
Murnon Patrick, laborer, r h 278 Iron st, Mv. 6-6
Murphy Alex. J. mill hand, r h 16 Ridge ave, Mv. 5-6
Murphy Bridget, widow Peter, o h 640 Portage st, Con. 9-9
Murphy Dennis A. trav agt, r h Spruce st, Frank. 5-5
Murphy Harry, mill hand, bds 733 Bedford st
Murphy Henry, mill hand, home John B. Murphy's, Frank.
Murphy Hiram, fireman, r h Hill st, Frank. 6-6
*Murphy James J. retired, o h 115 Park place, 9
Murphy Jacob J. laborer, bds Joseph G. Stewart's
Murphy John, puddler, o h 119 Railroad st, Camb. 5-5
Murphy John, laborer, bds 640 Portage st, Con.
Murphy Jno, stocker at steel works, r h 26 River ave, Mill. 3-3
Murphy John B. laborer, o h Main st, Frank. 4-4
Murphy John D. mill hand, r h 17 Main st, Con. 9-9
Murphy John W. clerk, home 115 Park place
Murphy Michael, laborer, bds 640 Portage st, Con.
Murphy Michael, laborer, r h 38 Second st, Pv. 8-8
Murphy Michael F. saloon, 113 Iron st, Mill. r h 111 do, 5
*MURPHY MICHAEL J. propr Brunswick hotel, 254 Washington st, 14
Murphy Morris D. wire drawer, r h 4 Fenlon st, Con. 5-6
Murphy Patrick, mill hand, bds 38 Second st, Pv.
MURPHY ROBERT S. att'y at law Alma hall, bds 159 Main st
Murphy Wm. mill hand, r h 142 Centre st, Pros. 2
+Murphy Wm. J. time keeper, rooms 164 Feeder st, Con.
*Murr Chas. cigar manfact'r, 162 Washington st, o h do, 10-3
Murray Bridget, widow, r h 163 Iron st, Mv. 4-4
Murray Frank, laborer, bds 818 Chestnut st, Camb.
Murray George, hammerman, r h 808 Broad st, Camb. 3-3
Murray Henry C. hammerman, o h Virginia ave, Morr. 2-2
Murray James, 126 Branch st, Camb.
Murray James A. boilermaker, r h 606 Broad st, Camb. 5-5
Murray James R. boilermaker, bds 606 Broad st, Camb.
Murray John blacksmith, o h Virginia ave, Morr. 5
Murray Kate, widow Patrick, o h 86 Main st, Con. 6-6
Murray Maggie A. Miss, confections and fruits, r h 191 Iron st, Mv. 2-2
Murray Mary Miss, domestic, 89 Market st, home Pros.
Murray Matilda, widow Wm. r h 818 Chestnut st, Camb. 5-?
Murray Michael, laborer, bds 86 Main st, Con.
Murray Michael, steel worker, r h 39 Second st, Pv. 5-5
Murray Michael, laborer, bds 163 Iron st, Mv.
Murray Mollie Miss, dressmaker, bds 222 Broad st, Camb.
Murray Owen, laborer, r h 20 Quarry st, Pros. 5-5
Murray Thomas, laborer, bds 818 Chestnut st, Camb.
Murray Samuel H. laborer (boarding house), 71 Iron st, Millville, r h do. 7
Murray Wm. boilermkr's, helper, r h 903 Chestnut st, Camb.
Murray W. C. tailor, 149 Walnut st, o h 48 Ridge ave, Mv. 3-3
Murray Wm. T. clerk, bds 48 Ridge ave, Minersville
+Murtha James, no occupation, r h 364 Railroad st, Con. 6
Murtha James, traveling agt, bds 56 1/2 Maple ave, Wv. 2
Murtha Joseph, rail straightener, r h 108 Johns st, 4-3
+Murton Catharine, widow, bds 61 Portage st, Con.
Murton John, saloon, 68 Portage st, Con. o h 61 do, 6-6
+Murton Josephus, laborer, r h 21 Coal st, Con. 3
Murton Robert, mill hand, r h 612 Horner st, 5-5
Murty James T. laborer, o h 114 Union st, 7-7
+Musante Anthony, fruit stand, 125 Linton st, r h do, 4
+Musante Charles, restaurant, 125 Clinton st, rooms do
Muschgat John, laborer, o h Pine ave, Wv. 5-5
Muschgat Wm. laborer, o h Pine ave, Wv. 3-3
+Musser Charles L. millhand, bds 29 Main st
+Myer August (Betterman & Myer), bds 419 Front st, Camb.
Myer Edward, machinist, r h 419 Front st, Camb. 4
Myer Powell, mill hand, r h rear 180 Grant st, 3-3
Myer Susanna, widow, o h 419 Front st, Camb. 3-3
Myers Amos J. (col'd) laborer, bds 617 Bedford st
Myers David, wire bundler, r h 57 1/2 Water st, 5-5
Myers David E. works at furnace, r h Main st, Cdale, 6-6
Myers Emma J. widow Wm. r h 694 Pine st, 5-5
Myers, Geo. helper, bds 211 Railroad st, Camb.
Myers, Hollie (col'd) servant, 104 Napoleon st
Myers James H. mill hand, r h Walnut Grove, 2-2
Myers, Joseph A. laborer, r h 401 1/2 Broad st, Camb. 5-5
+Myers Laura, domestic, 82 Haynes st
Myers Thos. laborer, o h Walnut Grove, 2-2

Last Updated: 30 Mar 2008
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Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors

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