The History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church

Baptisms by Revs. John Waldschmidt, John Christ Ammon and John W. Boas

1757-1810 (R-S)

Date of Baptism Name
1761, Mar. 1 Margareth, daughter of Michael Ruth and Anna Maria, born Jan. 18, 1761. Sponsors, Weprich Mosser and Margareth.
1771, Oct. 23 Peter, a son of Sebastian Reedy (Ridy) and wife. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and Anna Margareth.
1772, Feb. 4 Michael, son of George Ruth. Sponsors, Michael Ruth & wife.
1773, Feb. 20 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Jacob Reeser. Sponsors, Francis Ruth and Maria Catharine Haag (Haackin).
1773, June 27 John, son of Michael Ruth. Sponsor, John Ruth.
1773, July 18 Francis, son of Jacob Ruth. Sponsors, Francis Krick and Catharine.
1773, Oct. 11 Daniel, son of Christian Ruth. Sponsor, Daniel Kemmer.
1776, May 12 Leonard, son of Michael Ruth. Sponsors, Leonard Ruppert and Christina.
1776, Aug. 25 John, son of Christian Ruth. Sponsors, John Ruth and Catharine.
1777, May 4 Anna Maria, daughter of George Ruth. Sponsors, Peter Dechert and Elizabeth.
1778, April 20 Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Ruth. Francis Ruth and Elizabeth.
1779, May 6 Elizabeth, daughter of George Ruth. Sponsor, Catharine Shoup.
1780, June 11 Daniel, son of Frederick Reef, born May 17, 1780. Sponsors, Daniel Hesz and Catharine.
1781, Feb. 18 Margareth, daughter of John Adam Ruth. Sponsor, Margareth Filtzmeyer.
1781, May 13 Magdalena, daughter of Adam Ruth. Sponsors, Magdalena Hain.
1781, June 3 John, son of Henry Reedy. Sponsors, John Faust and Magdalena.
1781, June 3 Henry, son of Henry Reedy. Sponsor, Henry Fisher.
1784, Feb. 1 Maria Barbara, daughter of John Adam Ruth, born Dec. 24, 1783. Sponsor, Barbara Ruth.
1784, Sept. 5 Jonathan, son of Jacob Ruth, born Aug. 1, 1784. Sponsors, Jonathan Eckert and Maria Catharine.
1785, May 15 Magdalena, daughter of John Ritschert (Richard), born April 24, 1785. Sponsors John Rober (Reber) and Magdalena.
1785, Oct. 1 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Francis Ruth, born Aug. 25, 1785. Sponsors, George Ruth and Maria Magdalena.
1785, Oct. 30 Susanna, daughter of Philip Rahn, born Sept. 25, 1785. Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Susanna.
1785, Dec. 25 Daniel, son of Henry Reedy, born Nov. 13, 1785. Sponsor, Daniel Straub.
1786, Feb. 19 John Jacob, son of Jacob Radeback, born Jan. 19, 1786. Sponsors, Benjamin Radeback and Anna Maria Hassin.
1786, Nov. 5 Absolom, son of Abraham Riehm, born Dec. 12, 1785. Sponsor, Rosina Hain.
1787, July 8 Catharine, daughter of Christian Ruth, born June 23. Sponsor, Michael Fisher and Catharine.
1787, Sept. 16 Michael, son of John Adam Ruth, born Aug. 23, 1787. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Anna Maria.
1787, Oct. 14 Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Radebach, born Sept. 20, 1787. Sponsor, Margareth Elizabeth Radebach.
1788, Mar. 30 Daniel, son of Jacob Radebach, born Feb. 26, 1788. Sponsors, John Radebach and Margareth Haas.
1788, Oct. 26 Catharine, daughter of Christian Reedy, born Sept. 30. 1788. Sponsors, Peter Reedy and Margareth.
1788, Nov. 9 Samuel, son of John Riem, born Oct. 19, 1788. Sponsor, Jacob Weitzel.
1788, Dec. 7 Elizabeth, daughter of David Ritschert, born Nov. 14, 1788, Sponsor, Margareth Elizabeth Lerch.
1789, Mar. 29 Jonathan, son of Peter Ruth, born Mar. 16, 1789. Sponsors, Christian Ritschert and Barbara.
1789, Mar. 29 Elizabeth, daughter of John Rehrer, born Dec. 22. 1788. Sponsors, John Mohn and Elizabeth.
1789, April 13 Magdalena, daughter of Henry Reedy, born Feb. 23, 1789. Sponsors, George Hain and Magdalena.
1789, Aug. 17 Anna Maria, daughter of Christian Ruth, born July 25, 1789. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Anna Maria.
1790, Feb. 6 Anna Maria, daughter of Francis Ruth and Elizabeth, born, Jan. 8, 1790. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Anna Maria.
1790, Sept. 26 John, son of David Ritscher and Catharine, born Sept. 4, 1790. Sponsors John Michael and Elizabeth.
1790, Sept. 26 Maria Barbara, daughter of John Ritscher and Magdalena, born Aug. 31, 1790. Sponsors, Christian Ritscher and Maria Barbara.
1790, Sept. 30 Catharine, daughter of Henry Ruth and Elizabeth, born Sept. 9, 1790. Sponsors, Parents.
1790, Dec. 25 John Adam, son of John Adam Ruth and Catharine, born (8 weeks). Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Elizabeth Greyly.
1791, Feb. 14 Magdalena, daughter of Peter Ruth and Margareth, born Dec. 25, 1790. Sponsor, Juliana Schaeffer.
1791, Mar. 6 Leonard, son of Jacob Ruth and Catharine, born Mar. 3, 1791. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Anna Maria.
1791, Aug. 7 Susanna, daughter of Christian Ruth and Barbara, born July 18, 1791. Sponsors, John Bollman and Barbara.
1791, Oct. 21 Catharine, daughter of Henry Ruth and Elizabeth. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1792, April 29 John, son of Henry Reedy, born April 21, 1792. Sponsors, John Faust and Magdalena.
1792, April 29 Jacob, son of Francis Ruth, born Mar. 14. Sponsors. Jacob Rick or Reck and Catharine.
1792, May 17 Jacob, son of Christian Reedy, born Jan. 26, 1792. Sponsors, Jacob Spatz and Esther.
1792, Aug. 5 Adam, son of David Ritschert, born May 20, 1792. Sponsors, Frederick Bohn and Catharine.
1792, Oct. 7 Catharine, daughter of John Ritschert, born Sept. 6, 1792. Sponsors, David Ritschert and Catharine.
1793, May 26 Christina, daughter of John Adam Ruth, born May 3, 1793. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1793, Sept. 29 Leonhard, son of Christian Ruth, born Sept. 2, 1793. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth and Catharine.
1793, Sept. 29 Isaac, son of John Rieser, born Sept. 5, 1793. Sponsors, Jacob Rieser and Christina.
1794, Jan. 12 Magdalena, daughter of John Reedy, born Dec. 18, 1793. Sponsor, Susanna Wertin.
1794, Jan. 12 Elizabeth, daughter of Christian Reedy, born Nov. 2, 1793. Sponsors, William Michel and Elizabeth.
1794, Jan. 12 Catharine, daughter of Michael Reedy, born Dec. 12, 1793. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine.
1794, Feb. 16 Samuel, son of David Richard, born Dec. 15, 1793. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and Elizabeth.
1794, April 6 John, son of John Ritschert, born Feb. 17, 1793. Sponsors, John Reber and Maria Magdalena.
1794, Oct. 12 Magdalena, daughter of Abraham Riem, 11 weeks old. Sponsor, Magdalena Hain.
1794, Oct. 15 Susanna, daughter of Michael Reedy, born Oct. 12, 1794. Sponsors, Parents.
1794 Onich, of Benjamin Ritschertson, born Oct. 8, 1794. Sponsors, Dietrich Stiely and Anna Marla.
1795, June 21 David, son of Catharine Ritscghert, born May 17, 1795. Sponsors, Jacob Muller and Margareth Elizabeth.
1795, Aug. 2 Leonard, son of Michael Ruth, born June 15, 1795. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and Margareth.
1795, Oct. 25 Elizabeth, daughter of John Reedy, born Sept. 19, 1795. Sponsor John Miller and Elizabeth.
1795 Caleb (Koeleb), son of Benjamin Richardson, born Dec. 17, 1795. Sponsor, William Boos.
1796, Mar. 20 William, son of John Ritschert, born Jan. 4, 1796. Sponsors, Ludwig Schweitzer and Eva Rosina.
1796, Mar. 27 George, son of Abraham Riehm, born Jan. 14, 1795. Sponsors, George Hain and Magdalena.
1796, April 10 Magdalena, daughter of Christian Reedy, born Feb. 18, 1796. Sponsors, Michael Reedy and Magdalena.
1796, Aug. 14 Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Ruth, born July 19, 1796. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Elizabeth.
1796, Sept. 4 William, son of Michael Reedy, born July 31, 1796. Sponsor, William Schaeffer.
1796, Oct. 16 Anna Maria, daughter of Adam Ruth, born Sept. 11, 1796. Sponsors, Michael Ruth and Anna Maria.
1797, Aug. 27 Jacob, son of Francis Ruth, born Aug. 8, 1797. Sponsors, Jacob Ruth and Catharine.
1797, Sept. 17 Daniel, son of Abraham Reifsnyder, born Aug. 6, 1797. Sponsors, Adam Reisch and Maria Elizabeth.
1797, Dec. 31 Isaac, son of Christian Ruth, born Nov. 19, 1797. Sponsors, Jacob Bollman and Anna Maria.
1798, Mar. 4 Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Ruth, born Jan. 9, 1798. Sponsors, John Ruth and Elizabeth.
1798, April 15 Elizabeth, daughter of John Ritschert, born Jan. 6, 1798. Sponsor, Maria Susanna Reber.
1798, May 27 Daniel, son of Michael Reedy, born April 6, 1798. Sponsor, Peter Reedy.
1798, Sept. 9 Anna Maria, daughter of Christian Reedy, born July 6, 1798. Sponsor, Anna Maria Knorr.
1798, Nov. 11 Susanna, daughter of John Reedy, born Sept 12, 1798. Sponsors, Christian Michel and Catharine.
1799, Mar. 12 Catharine, daughter of Peter Ruth, born Jan. 20, 1799. Sponsor, Charlotte Ruth.
1799, May 18 Gabriel, son of Nicholas Riel, born April 21, 1799. Sponsor, Adam Dundore.
1799, May 19 Magdalena, daughter of Henry Reedy, born Jan. 21, 1799. Sponsor, Magdalena.
1800, Jan. 5 Elizabeth, a daughter of John Rieser, born Dec. 5, 1799. Sponsors, George Roether and Elizabeth.
1800, Mar. 30 William son of John Reedy, born Nov. 24, 1799. Sponsors, Peter Schwarch and Maria Kunckel.
1800, Mar. 30 Henry, son of Francis Ruth, born Feb. 22, 1800. Sponsors, Henry Meyer and Catharine.
1800, May 29 Daniel, son of Jacob Ruth, born May 9, 1800. Sponsor, Philip Ruth.
1800, June 22 Sarah, daughter of John Richard, born May 10, 1800. Sponsors, John Reber and Magdalena.
1800, July 13 Magdalena, daughter of Michael Reedy, born April 24, 1800. Sponsors, David Lash and Magdalena.
1800, July 13 Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Reedy, born April 24, 1800. Sponsor, Elizabeth Bohn.
1800, July 13 Sarah, daughter of Christian Reedy, born April 20, 1800. Sponsors, Jacob Beis and Maria.
1800, Nov. 16 Samuel, son of William Roether, born Sept. 23, 1800. Sponsors, Parents.
1800 Schieumes, son of Benjamin Richardson, born Dec. 8, 1800. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine.
1801, Feb. 8 Michael, a son of Michael Ruth, born Nov. 27, 1800. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth and Catharine.
1801, April 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Riel, born Nov. 29, 1800. Sponsor, Elizabeth Bohn.
1801, May 24 Samuel, son of John Reedy, born Mar. 12, 1801. Sponsor, Wendel Schwartz.
1801, Nov. 29 Catharine, a daughter of Abraham Reifsnyder, born Oct. 18, 1801. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1801, Dec. 25 Joseph, son of John Richard, born Dec. 4, 1801. Sponsors, Nicholas Reber and Susanna.
1802 Theresia, daughter of Benjamin Richardson, born Feb. 1, 1802. Sponsor, Elizabeth Stiely.
1803, Jan. 1 Jacob, son of John Reedy, born Nov. 26, 1802. Sponsors, Jacob Miller and Elizabeth.
1803, Nov. 13 Benjamin, son of John Richard, born Sept. 20, 1803. Sponsors, John Matz and Barbara.
1803, Dec. 25 Isaac, son of Michael Ruth, born Oct. 30, 1803. Sponsors, John Binckle and Elizabeth.
1804, May 20 Elizabeth, son of Peter Reedy, born Feb. 1, 1804. Sponsor, Parents.
1804, Aug. 12 John Adam, son of Michael Reedy, born June 1, 1804 Sponsors, John Spengler and Elizabeth.
1805, Mar. 10 John, son of Jacob Ruth, born Dec. 28, 1804. Sponsors, John Lauck and Elizabeth.
1805, Mar. 10 Peter, son of John Ruth, born Feb. 9, 1805. Sponsors. Peter Ruth and Anna Margareth.
1805, April 15 Leah, daughter of John Richard, born Feb. 22, 1805. Sponsor, William Werner and Magdalena.
1805, May 12 Nelly, daughter of Benjamin Riterschin, born Aug. 12, 1804. Sponsor, Elizabeth Stiely.
1805, May 22 Magdalena, daughter of John Reed, born April 5, 1805. Sponsor, Magdalena Stichler.
1805, June 2 Nelly, daughter of John Reedy, born Feb. 24, 1805. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1806, Feb. 9 Maria, daughter of Thomas Richard, born Oct. 23, 1805. Sponsors, Frederick Witmer and Maria.
1806, Aug. 17 Nelly, daughter of Jacob Ruth, born June 28, 1806. Sponsors, Nicholas Schaeffer and Nelly.
1806, Oct. 2 Magdalena, daughter of John Reedy, born Aug. 17, 1806. Sponsors, Christian Knorr and Anna Maria.
1806, Oct. 17 John, son of John Rex, born Sept. 15, 1806. Sponsors, Antoni Spengler and Maria.
1806, Dec. 21 Anna Maria, daughter of Michael Ruth, born Oct. 11, 1806. Sponsors, Frantz Krick and Hannah.
1806 William, son of Benjamin Richardson, born Oct. 21, 1806. Sponsors, William Mell and Susanna.
1807, June 7 Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Richard, born April 6, 1807. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and Elizabeth.
1807, July 19 Catharine, daughter of Peter Reedy, born Jan. 2, 1807. Sponsor, Catharine Hain.
1808, Mar. 26 Jacob, son of Philip Riehm, born Sept. 17, 1803. Sponsors, Frederick Fisher and Catharine.
1808, Mar. 26 Sarah, daughter of Bernhard Roth, born July 13, 1807. Sponsors, William Frederick and Catharine.
1808, Mar. 27 Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Ruth, born Feb. 6, 1808. Sponsor, Elizabeth Spengler.
1808, June 26 Nelly, daughter of William Roether, born May 3, 1808. Sponsors, Parents.
1809, Sept. 24 Anna, daughter of Benjamin Richard and Susanna, born April 20, 1809. Sponsors, William Stiely and Catharine.
1809, Sept. 24 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Richard, born Oct. 12, 1797. Sponsors, John Kaucher and wife.
1761, Feb. 10 Henry, son of Jacob Schaeffer and Barbara, born Jan. 13, 1761. Sponsors, Henry Binkle and Christina Durst.
1761, Oct. 6 Philip, son of John Dietrich Stiley and Anna Maria, born Sept. 19, 1761. Sponsor, John Philip Strohl.
1761 Susanna, daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer and Juliana, born Jan. 13, 1761. Sponsor, Susanna Michel.
1762, July 4 Anna Margareth, daughter of John Schaeffer and Maria Eva, born June 8, 1762. Sponsors, Bernhart Barr and wife.
1762, Oct. 16 George Michael, son of John Stengler (Stangler) and Anna Elizabeth, born Sept. 9, 1762. Sponsors, George Michael Pholtz and Maria Sibila Ulrich.
1762, Oct. 16 John, a son of John Stengler and Anna Elizabeth, born Sept. 9, 1762. Sponsors, John Pfeisser and Wife.
1763, Oct. 2 Nicholas, son of Nicholas Schaeffer and Juliana, born Sept. 12, 1763. Sponsor, Nicholas Klarg.
1765, Jan. 20 Catharine Elizabeth, daughter of John Dietrich Stiely and Anna Maria, born Dec. 27, 1764. Sponsors, Christian Maurer and Catharine Elizabeth.
1765, July 7 John George, son of John Schaeffer and Eva, born June 15, 1765. Sponsors, John George Bentz.
1766, Feb. 14 Philip, a son of Nicholas Schaeffer and Juliana, born Feb. 7, 1766. Sponsors, Philip Machmer and Elizabeth.
1769, Feb. 14 Anna Margareth, daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer and Juliana, born Feb. 1, 1769. Sponsor, Anna Margareth Schaeffer.
1769, Mar. 24 Susanna, daughter of William Seelheimer and Dorothea, born Mar. 3, 1769. Sponsor, Susanna Hain daughter of Peter Hain.
1770, July 12 Michael, son of Nicholas Schaeffer and Juliana, born May 15, 1770. Sponsors, Michael Oberhauser and Esther.
1772, Jan. 19 Ludwig, son or Casper Stief. Sponsor, Ludwig Mohn and wife.
1772, July 5 John, son of Jacob Strunk. Sponsor. John Ritschert.
1772, July 20 Gertrude, daughter of John Yost Stamm. Sponsors. Nicholas Stamm and Gertrude.
1773, Feb. 21 Susanna, daughter of Dietrich Stiely. Sponsors, John Mell and Susanna Bossertin.
1773, Mar. 13 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Sohl. Sponsors, Henry Ruth and Maria Elizabeth Reeser.
1773, Mar. 14 Peter, son of John Henry Schuckert. Sponsors, Peter Reedy and Margareth.
1773, April 25 John Jacob, son of Jacob Schwanger. Sponsor, Jacob Schwanger.
1773, May 31 Jacob, son of Tobias Schuckert. Sponsors, Jacob Dautrich and Christina Dochin.
1774, April 17 Anna Maria, daughter of John Yost Stamm. Sponsor, Anna Maria Faust.
1774, June 19 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Strunk. Sponsors, Anthony Lambright and Anna Maria.
1775, Jan. 22 John, son of Nicholas Schaeffer. Sponsors, John Arbegast and Catharine.
1775, April 17 Anna Maria, daughter of Christian Spengler. Sponsors, Anthony Lambright and Anna Maria.
1776, July 14 Wiliam, son of Dietrich Stiely. Sponsors, William Sehlheimer and Dorothea.
1776, Nov. 17 Jacob, son of Jacob Strunk. Sponsors, Jacob Strunk and Anna Elizabeth.
1777, Jan. 19 John, son of John Yost Stamm. Sponsors, Anthony Faust and Elizabeth.
1777, Mar. 31 John, son of Christian Spengler. Sponsor, John Faust.
1777, May 4 William, son of Nicholas Sehlheimer. Sponsors, William Sehlheimer and Dorothea.
1777, Aug. 17 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Spohn. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth Kessler.
1778, April 1 John, son of Nicholas Schaeffer. Sponsor, John Michael.
1778, June 7 Peter, son of Yost Sailer (Saylor). Sponsors, Peter Kuhl and Margareth.
1778, Aug. 2 John Peter, son of John Scharman. Sponsor, John Peter Scharman, Grandfather.
1779, Mar. 28 Catharine, daughter of Dietrich Stlely. Sponsors, John Roesher and Catharine.
1779, Aug. 1 Anthony, son of Christian Spengler. Sponsor, Anthony Lambright.
1780, Feb. 27 Susanna, daughter of John Nicholas Stouch. Sponsor, Sus[a]nna Schaeffer.
1780, Nov. 26 Jacob, son of Jacob Stouch. Sponsors, Jacob Stouch and Elizabeth.
1780, Dec. 17 Maria Catharine, daughter of John Spohn. Sponsors, Henry Spohn and Maria Catharine.
1781, Feb. 18 Yost, son of John Schroeck. Sponsors, Yost Lerch & Rosina.
1781, April 1 Catharine, daughter of John Scharman. Sponsors, Jacob Ruth and Catharine.
1781, April 1 Elizabeth Magdalena, daughter of Henry Stoetzer. Sponsors, Christian Young and Elizabeth Magdalena.
1781, June 24 William, son of Christian Schaeffer. Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth.
1781, Aug. 5 John, son of John George Stock. Sponsors, John Krick and Anna Maria.
1781, Sept. 16 Jacob, son of Christian Spengler, born Sept. 9, 1781. Sponsors, Jacob Gassert.
1781, Sept. 16 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Jacob Strunk, born Aug 29, 1781. Sponsors, John Reber and Maria Magdalena.
1781, Oct. 28 Anna Maria, daughter of Philip Spohn. Sponsors, Francis Krick and Anna Maria.
1781, Dec. 9 Maria Barbara, daughter of Dietrich Stiely, born Nov 20, 1781. Sponsors, Adam Mell and Maria Barbara.
1781, Dec. 9 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Stichler, born Sept. 21, 1781. Sponsors, Michael Ferntzeler and Anna Maria.
1782, Jan. 1 Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Stouch, born Dec. 29, 1781. Sponsors, Philip Sehl or Sohl and Elizabeth.
1782, Feb. 10 Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Schneider, born Jan. 30, 1782. Sponsors, Peter Dechert and Elizabeth.
1782, Feb. 10 John George, son of Nicholas Sehlheimer, born Jan. 24. 1782. Sponsors, George Ziegler and Catharine.
1782, May 12 Catharine, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer, born April 30, 1782. John Roescher and Catharine.
1782, Dec. 1 Catharine Margareth, daughter of George Sticker, born Oct. 12, 1782. Sponsors, John Ulrich and Margareth.
1783, Jan. 12 Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer, born Dec. 7, 1782. Sponsor, Elizabeth Lash.
1783, May 18 Anna Maria, daughter of George Schack, born Oct. 1782. Sponsor, Anna Elizabeth Lasch.
1783, June 10 John, son of Daniel Selzler or Setzler, born May 9, 1783. Sponsors, John Aumiller and Catharine.
1783, Oct. 26 Susanna, daughter of Philip Spohn, born Sept. 28, 1783. Sponsors, Jacob Ruth and Catharine.
1783, Dec. 11 Magdalena, daughter of Christian Spengler, born Dec. 4, 1783. Sponsor, Elizabeth Faust.
1783, Dec. 25 Elizabeth, daughter of Dietrich Stiely, born Dec. 9, 1783. Sponsors, Adam Meil and Barbara.
1783, Dec. 25 Anna Maria, daughter of Philip Stiely, born Dec. 5, 1783. Sponsors, Dietrich Stiely and Anna Maria.
1784, May 9 Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Sehl, three weeks old next Tuesday. Sponsors; Michael Riesch and Elizabeth.
1784, Aug. 22 John, son of Nicholas Stouch, born Aug. 10, 1784. Sponsor, John Lerch.
1784, Sept. 5 Elizabeth, daughter of John Schaeffer, born Aug. 15, 1784. Sponsor, Elizabeth Filtzmeyer.
1784, Sept. 5 George, son of Nicholas Schaeffer, born Aug. 23, 1784. Sponsors, George Werheim and Anna Margareth.
1784, Oct. 17 John Peter, son of Frederick Stein, born Oct. 5, 1784. Sponsors, John Peter Lamm and Anna Margareth.
1785, Feb. 20 John Conrad, son of Nicholas Sehllhieimer, born Feb. 5, 1785. Conrad Brack and Elizabeth.
1785, June 12 Frederick, son of George Stricker, born May 29, 1785. Sponsors, Frederick Fisher and Gertrude.
1785, July 24 Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Schwalb, born July 23, 1785. Sponsors, Christian Michel and his daughter Elizabeth.
1785, Nov. 13 Jacob, son of Christian Schaeffer, born Oct. 28, 1785 Sponsors, John Freyberger and Catharine.
1785, Nov. 13 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Schrack, born Oct. 22, 1785. Sponsors, John Mell and Elizabeth.
1786, Jan. 8 Magdalena, daughter of Philip Spohn, born Nov. 18, 1785. Sponsors, Parents.
1786, Jan. 14 Rebecca, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer. Sponsors, Adam Ruth and Catharine.
1786, Mar. 19 Elizabeth, daughter of Christian Spengler, born Mar. 3, 1786. Sponsors, Christian Young and Anna Maria.
1786, Mar. 19 Maria Magdalena, daughter of John Ludwig Schmiech, born Feb. 16, 1786, Sponsors, John Spat (Spayd) and Maria Magdalena.
1786, Mar. 19 Margareth, daughter of Philip Stuhl, born Feb. 6, 1786. Sponsors, Peter Witmoyer and Margareth Stuhlin.
1786, April 16 Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick Stein, born Mar, 13. 1786. Sponsor, Elizabeth Long.
1786, May 14 Magdalena, daughter of Philip Sehl, born April 16, 1786. Sponsors, John Nicholas Stouch and Margareth.
1786, April 10 Susanna, daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer, born Aug. 30, 1786. Sponsors, Christopher (Stoffel) Lasch and Susanna.
1786, Sept. 10 Henry, son of John Schmitt, born Aug. 12, 1786. Sponsors, Henry Smith and Anna Maria Werheim.
1786, Nov. 5 John, son of Dietrich Stiely, born July 16, 1786. Sponsor, John Schriner.
1787, Jan. 15 Catharine, daughter of Nicholas Stouch, born Jan. 6, 1787. Sponsor, Julian Schaeffer.
1787, April 8 John, son of Henry Schrack, born Jan. 18, 1787. Sponsors, George Schrack and Margareth.
1787, April 8 Anna Maria, daughter of George Sticker, born, 6 weeks old last Friday. Sponsors, Peter Diehl and Maria.
1787, June 24 John, son of Christian Schlouch, born Oct. 14, 1784. Sponsor, John Mohn.
1787, June 24 Jacob, son of Christian Schlauch, born May 20, 1787. Sponsors, Peter Mengel and Eva.
1787, Oct. 28 John, son of Ludwig Stichler, born Aug. 30, 1787. Sponsors, John Fisher and Catharine.
1787, Dec. 9 Catharine, daughter of Philip Sehl, born Nov. 17, 1787. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine.
1788, April 5 John, son of John Stoudt, born April 1, 1788. Sponsors, John Ermold and Elizabeth.
1788, May 25 John Jacob, son of John Ludwig Schmied, born April 26, 1788. Sponsors, John Wagner and Maria Magdalena.
1788, June 22 Catharine, daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer, born June 9, 1788. Sponsor, Julianna Schaeffer.
1788, Aug. 3 Anna Rosina, daughter of Christian Spengler, born July 6, 1788. Sponsor, Anna Elizabeth Faust.
1788, Nov. 9 Susanna, daughter of Frederick Schweimeler, born Oct. 22, 1788. Sponsors, John Weber and Susanna.
1788, Dec. 7 Susanna, daughter of Philip Stiely, born Nov. 3, 1788. Sponsors, Ernst Witmoyer and Margareth Fellebahmin.
1789, Mar. 29 Charlotte Catharine, daughter of Henry Stoetzer, born Mar. 1, 1789. Sponsors, Christian Young and Elizabeth.
1789, May 10 Christina, daughter of George Stephen, born Oct. 25, 1788. Sponsors, John Strunk and Anna Maria.
1789, May 10 Anna Maria, daughter of Dietrich, born Jan. 26, 1789. Sponsors, Anna Maria Arbegast.
1789, Sept. 20 Jacob, son of Nicholas Stouch, born Sept. 8, 1789. Sponsors, Paul Ernst and Catharine.
1790, Jan. 1 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer and Margareth. Sponsors, John Scheiuer and Maria Magdalena Lachering.
1790, Feb. 28 John William, son of Philip Spohn and Anna Maria, Nov. 26, 1789. Sponsors, John Henry Spohn and Catharine.
1790, Mar. 15 Barbara, daughter of Nicholas Schaeffer and Catharine, born Feb. 28, 1790. Sponsors, Christian Richard and Barbara.
1790, Mar. 28 Elizabeth, a daughter of Christian Schaeffer and Elizabeth, born Mar. 3, 1790. Sponsor, Julian Schaeffer.
1790, Nov. 7 John, son of Adam Spohn and Margareth, born Aug. 24, 1790. Sponsors, John Spohn and Anna Maria.
1791, April 23 William, son of John Scharman and Catharine, born April 17, 1791. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and Margareth.
1791, Aug. 3 Catharine, daughter of Christian Spengler and Elizabeth, born July 12, 1791. Sponsors, David Richard and Catharine.
1791, Sept. 18 Anna Maria Margareth, daughter of Peter Seidel and Anna Maria, born Sept. 7, 1791. Sponsor, Margareth Christina.
1791, Sept. 25 William, son of Christopher Satler and Sophia, born Sept 7, ---. Sponsors, Nicholas Stouch and Margareth.
1791, Sept. 28 John Hanry, son of Henry Stitzer and Maria, born Sept. 2, 1791. Sponsors, Christian Young and Elizabeth Magdalena.
1792, Jan. 8 Michael, son of Christian Streyheren, born Nov. 28, 1791. Sponsor, Nicholas Schaeffer.
1792, April 5 John, son of William Steter and Christina, born Jan. ---. Sponsor, John Mohn.
1792, April 29 Daniel, son of John Stoudt, born Dec. 31, 1791. Sponsors, John Bernheisel and Catharine.
1792, April 29 Daniel, son of Christian Schaeffer, born Jan. 12, 1792. Sponsors, Daniel Ziegler and Christina.
1792, April 29 John, son of Jacob Schaeffer, born Mar. 15, 1791. Sponsor, Henry Werheim.
1792, April 29 John, son of Philip Spayd, born Feb. 18, 1792. Sponsors, John Michel and Elizabeth.
1792, May 17 John, son of David Spatz, born April 9, 1792. Sponsors, Peter Reedy and Anna Margareth.
1792, May 17 Elizabeth, daughter of Conrad Spatz, born April 16, 1792. Sponsors, William and Elizabeth.
1793, April 4 William, son of Frederick Schweimler, born Mar. 18, 1793. Sponsors, William Fisher and Margareth.
1793, May 20 Francis, son of Philip Stiely, born April 16, 1793. Sponsor, Francis Meyer.
1793, Aug. 18 John, son of Michael Schaeffer, born June 28, 1793. John Brady.
1794, Jan. 12 John, son of Nicholas Schaeffer, born Dec. 1, 1793. Sponsor, John Lerch.
1794, Jan. 25 Sarah, daughter of Ludwig Stichler, born Aug. 25. 1793. Sponsor, Sarah Fisher.
1794, Mar. 16 David, son of David Spatz, born Jan. 20, 1794. Sponsors, David Hain and Barbara.
1794, April 6 John George, son of Christian Spengler, born Dec. 17, 1793. Sponsors, John George Spengler and Barbara.
1794, June 29 Susanna, daughter of Christian Schaeffer, born May 21, 1794. Sponsors, John Lash and Susanna.
1794, Oct. 12 John, son of Andrew Smith, born July 31, 1794. Sponsor, John Goelz.
1794, Nov. 2 John Jacob, son of Henry Schaeffer, born Sept. 4, 1794. Sponsors, John Kessler and Susanna.
1795, Aug. 23 William, son of Michael Schaeffer, born June 7, 1795. Sponsor, William Schaeffer.
1795, Aug. 23 Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Schauer, born Feb. 21. 1795. Sponsors, Jacob Kaucher and Anna Maria.
1795, Sept. 13 Daniel, son of Philip Stiely, born Aug. 23, 1795. Sponsors, William Fisher and Margareth.
1795, Oct. 4 John, son of Conrad Spatz, born Aug. 28, 1795. Sponsors, John Fritz and Elizabeth Marschall.
1795, Dec. 6 Abraham, son of Henry Schaeffer, born Oct. 30, 1795. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer.
1795, Dec. 6 Leah, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer, born Nov. 16, 1795. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1795, Dec. 6 Jacob, son of Nicholas Schaeffer, born Nov. 15, ---. Sponsors, Jacob Kaucher and Anna Maria.
1796, Dec. 18 Adam, son of Christian Spengler, born Oct. 14, 1796. Sponsor, Adam Bohn.
1797, April 2 William, son of David Spatz, born Jan. 2, 1797. Sponsors, William Michel and Elizabeth.
1797, April 23 Catharine, daughter of Anna Maria Schaeffer, born Mar. 11, 1797. Sponsor, Catharine Hain.
1797, Aug. 6 Michael, son of Michael Schaeffer, born June 9, 1797. Sponsor, Paul Maurer.
1797, Dec. 10 Nelly, daughter of William Schaeffer, born Nov. 5, 1797. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Nelly.
1797, Dec. 31 Antonius, son of Andrew Smith, born Oct. 17, 1797. Sponsors, John Stamm and Elizabeth Faust.
1798, June 17 Catharine, daughter of Philip Stiely, born May 25, 1798. Sponsors, Conrad Orth and Catharine.
1798, July 29 Anna, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer, born April 20, 1798. Sponsor, Elizabeth Gabel.
1798, Oct. 21 Absolom, son of William Schlheimer, born Sept. 23, 1798. Sponsors, Conrad Brach and Elizabeth.
1799, Mar. 17 John, son of Jacob Strunk, born Jan. 1, 1799. Sponsors, Philip Fisher and Susanna.
1799, Mar. 25 Elizabeth, daughter of William Stiely, born Feb. 15, 1799. Sponsors, John Miller and Elizabeth.
1799, Oct. 13 Catharine, daughter of William Sehlheimer, born Sept. 13, 1799. Sponsors, John Herschy and Catharine.
1800, Feb. 16 Jacob, son of Peter Schweichert, born Jan. 5, 1800, Sponsors, Daniel Rieser and Julianna.
1800, Mar. 9 John, son of William Schaeffer, born Jan. 6, 1800. Sponsors, John Schaeffer and Magdalena Maurer.
1800, Mar. 9 Anna Maria, daughter of Anthony Spengler, born Oct. 14, 1799. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and Anna Maria.
1800, May 29 Isaac, son of George Stiely, born May 12, 1800. Sponsors, John Faust and Magdalena. This was afterwards Rev. Isaac F. Stiely, who died Sept. 13, 1869, in Schuylkill County, Pa.
1800, Aug. 3 Jacob, son of Jacob Strunk, born June 17,1800, Sponsors, Philip Spayd and Catharine.
1800, Oct. 25 Peter, son of Philip Stiely, born Oct. 22, 1800. Sponsors, Peter Hain and Magdalena.
1800, Dec. 26 Nelly, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer, born Oct. 8, 1800. Sponsors, Henry Hemsing and Margareth.
1801, Feb. 8 Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Schaeffer, born Nov. 16, 1800. Sponsor, Elizabeth Schaeffer.
1801, Feb. 8 Benjamin, son of William Stiely, born Nov. 23, 1800. Sponsors, Abraham Reifsnyder and Catharine.
1801, April 12 Elizabeth, daughter of John Stamm, born Dec. 12, 1800. Sponsor, Magdalena Faust.
1801, Aug. 16 Elizabeth, daughter of Ludwig Sieff, born April 14, 1801. Sponsor, Susanna Mohn.
1801, Dec. 25 Magdalena, daughter of Philip Spayd, born Aug. 27, 1801. Sponsor, Magdalena Lash.
1802, Mar. 14 John, son of Philip Stiely, born Feb. 9, 1802. Sponsors, John Bernheisel and Catharine.
1802, Mar. 14 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Philip Stiely, born Feb. 9, 1802. Sponsors, Peter Hain and Maria Magdalena.
1802, June 27 Sarah, daughter of Peter Schaeffer, born Mar. 5, 1802. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and Anna Maria.
1802, Aug. 29 George, son of George Siegenthaler, born June 22, 1802. Sponsors, Philip Fisher and Susanna.
1802, Nov. 21 Catharine, daughter of Leonhard Schaeffer, born Sept. 14, 1802. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine.
1803, Jan. 1 Catharine, daughter of William Stiely, born Sept. 7, 1802. Sponsor, Catharine Knorr.
1803, Mar. 6 Elenora, daughter of Michael Schaeffer, born, Jan. 13, 1802. Sponsor, Julianna Schaeffer.
1803, April 11 Joseph, son of John Schaeffer, born Mar. 8, 1803. Sponsors, John Richard and Magdalena.
1803, June 12 Adam, son of Jacob Schaeffer, born April 11, 1803. Sponsors, Ludwig Hoffman and Elizabeth.
1804, JUpt [sic] 22 Catharine, daughter of Daniel Stephens, born Nov. 2, 1803. Sponsors, Abraham Reifsnyder and Catharine.
1804, Aug, 12 Susanna, daughter of John Stamm, born July 15, 1804. Sponsors, Henry Wolfinger and Susanna Faust.
1804, Sept. 23 John, son of John Schaeffer, born Aug. 27, 1804. Sponsors, John Spengler and Elizabeth.
1804, Oct. 14 Catharine, daughter of Jacob Strunk, born July 25, 1804. Sponsor, Catharine Reeser.
1805, Mar. 10 Catharine, daughter of George Stiely, born Dec. 18, 1804. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine.
1805, Mar. 31 Elenora, daughter of William Schaeffer, born Mar. 2, 1805. Sponsors, Parents.
1805, May 12 Isaac, son of William Schaeffer, born Feb. 15, 1805. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1805, June 2 Catharine, daughter of Michael Schaeffer, born Mar. 17, 1805. Sponsor, Catharine Knorr.
1805, June 2 Sarah, daughter of George Schliert, born Nov. 9, 1804. Sponsor, Maria Barbara Foltz.
1805, Aug. 25 John, son of Anthony Spengler, born July 18, 1805. Sponsors, John Ulrich and Catharine.
1805, Oct. 6 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Strunk, born Aug. 20, 1805. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and Rosina.
1806, Aug. 17 Henry, son of William Stiely, born May 6, 1806. Sponsor, Henry Gereth.
1806, Sept. 11 Sarah, daughter of Jacob Schaeffer, born July 17, 1806. Sponsor, Susanna Ruth.
1806, Nov. 9 John, a son of John Stamm, born Sept. 30, ---. Sponsors, John Lash and Elizabeth.
1806, Nov. 9 Catharine, daughter of John Schaeffer, born Oct. 15, 1806. Sponsors, Parents.
1807, May 17 Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Spengler, born Mar. 26, 1807. Christian Spengler and Elizabeth.
1807, July 19 Philip, son of Philip Stiely, born May 23, 1807. Sponsor, Francis Meyer.
1807, July 19 Esther, daughter of Michael Schaeffer, born Mar. 28, 1807. Sponsors, Frederick Witmer and Maria.
1807, Sept. 20 Susanna, daughter of John Snyder, born Aug. 9, 1807. Sponsors, Peter Bertram and Catharine.
1807, Sept. 1 Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Stoudt, born June ---, 1807. Sponsors, Peter Gerhart and Catharine.
1808, June 3 Jacob, son of William Schaeffer, born Sept. 26, 1807. Sponsor, Jacob Stoudt.
1808, Mar. 6 John, son of George Stiely, born Jan. 23, 1808. Sponsor, John Faust.
1808, May 8 Margareth, daughter of Michael Seitzinger and Margareth, born Mar. 2, 1808. Sponsor, Margareth Ruth.
1808, May 8 Joseph, son of William Stiely and Catharine, born Jan. 11, 1808. Sponsors, Henry Knorr and Catharine.
1808, Sept. 17 Leah, daughter of John Snyder, born Aug. 14, 1808. Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Catharine.
1809, Mar. 29 Samuel, son of Peter Stahl, born Nov. 4, 1808. Sponsors, Parents.
1809, July 22 Benjamin, son of Leonhard Schaeffer, born May 31, 1809. Sponsors, Benjamin Hain and Elizabeth.
1809, Sept. 3 Anna, daughter of Michael Schaeffer, born June 29, 1809. Sponsor, Magdalena Ruth.
1809, Oct. 14 Rebecca, daughter of Adam Spohn, born July 15, 1809. Sponsor, Sarah Spohn.
1809, Oct. 15 Rachel, daughter of John Snyder, born Sept. 4, 1809. Sponsor, Susanna Lerch.

Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 104-120.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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