The History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church

Baptisms by Revs. John Waldschmidt, John Christ Ammon and John W. Boas

1757-1810 (T-Z)

Date of Baptism Name
1764, Sept. 9 Anna Margareth, daughter of Gerhardt Thomas and Magdalena, born Aug. 18, 1764. Sponsor, Anna Margareth Senssinbach.
1774, May 23 John, son of Abraham Trostel. Sponsors, Christian Benz and Anna Maria.
1776, Feb. 18 George, son of Abraham Trostel. Sponsors, George Ruth and Anna Maria.
1782, Mar. 31 Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Trostel, born Feb. 28, 1782. Sponsors, Peter Dechert and Catharine.
1782, Dec. 15 Anna Maria, daughter of John Tobias, born Nov. 15, 1782. Sponsors, Peter Young and Christina.
1791, June 6 Anna Eva, daughter of Peter Thiht, age 8 days. Sponsor, Anna Maria Faust.
1774, Oct. 2 William, son of William Ulrich. Sponsors, Christian Michael and Margareth.
1789, June 21 Daniel, son of Philip Ulrich, five weeks old on Friday. Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Christina.
1789, Dec. 27 Elizabeth, daughter of John Ulrich, six weeks old. Sponsor, Catharine Spayd.
1792, April 29 Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Ulrich, born June 9, 1792. Sponsors, Balthaser Ulrich and Susanna.
1800, Mar. 30 William, son of Balthaser Ulrich, born Dec. 20, 1799. Sponsors, William Schaeffer and Margareth.
1805, April 21 Jacob, son of George Unger, Nov. 4, 1804. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and Anna.
1772, May 3 Adam, son of Adam Vogel. Sponsors, Michael Fisher & Catharine.
1758, Jan. 15 Henry, son of Christopher Weichner (Witner) and Christina, born Dec. 28, 1757. Sponsors, Henry Steehr and Margareth Kuhl.
1759, Dec. 25 John Christopher, son of Christopher Wittner and Christina, born Nov. 12, 1757. Sponsors, George Heftt and Dorothea.
1759, --- --- , son of Henry Woerem, born July 28, 1759. Sponsor, John Woerem.
1764, --- George, son of George Werheim and Maria, born Mar. 21, 1764. Sponsors, Conrad Werheim and Ursula.
1765, April 7 John, son of Christopher Witmer and Christina, born Mar. 22, 1765. Sponsors, Ulrich Richard and wife.
1765, Aug. 18 Michael, son of Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria, born July 3, 1765. Sponsors, Michael Grauel and Anna Maria Epler.
1765, Nov. 18 Maria Margareth, daughter of Henry Werheim and Catharine, born Nov. 10, 1765. Sponsors, Yost Philip Meyer and Maria Margareth.
1765, Dec. 1 Angelia, daughter of Henry Wendel and Anna Maria, born Nov. 17, 1765. Sponsors, John Eckert and Angelia.
1766, --- Eve Elizabeth, daughter of George Werheim and Maria, born Sept. 14, 1766. Sponsors, Valentine Miller and Eva.
1769, Mar. 26 Philip, son of George Werheim and Maria, born Mar. 24, 1769. Sponsor, Philip Werheim.
1769, Mar. 26 Anna Maria, daughter of George Werheim and Maria, born Mar. 24, 1769. Sponsors, Francis Fisher and Ursula Werheim.
1769, April 2 Maria Margareth, daughter of John Ludwig Waldman and Catharine, born April 2, 1769. Sponsors Ulrich Michel and Maria Margareth.
1772, May 3 Catharine, daughter of George Werheim. Sponsor, Catharine Filtzmeyer.
1772, July 26 Magdalena, daughter of Henry Wendel. Sponsor, Magdalena Gabel.
1772, Aug. 16 Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Werheim. Sponsor, Ursula Werheim.
1772, Aug. 16. John Peter, son of Thomas Will. Sponsors Peter Reedy and Anna Margareth.
1772, Oct. 18 Catharine, daughter of John Wolf. Sponsor, Veronica Kropp.
1773, Mar. 9 John, son of Frederick Weitzel. Sponsors, John Gelsinger and Rosina.
1773, April 5 Margareth Will. Aged 21 years.
1774, April 4 Anthony, son of Gottfried Womer. Sponsors Antoni Lambrecht and Anna Maria.
1774, April 17 Maria Catharine, daughter of Ludwig Waldman. Sponsors, Adam Mell and Anna Maria.
1774, May 23 Juliana, daughter of Frederick Weitzel. Sponsors, Juliana Marschall.
1774, June 19 Catharine, daughter of Thomas Willy. Sponsors, Christopher Lerch and Catharine.
1774, Aug. 21 Margareth, daughter of George Werheim. Sponsors, Conrad Werheim and Ursula.
1775, Mar. 26 Catharine, daughter of John Wiz or Witz. Sponsors, Catharine Richard.
1775, April 15 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Weis.
1775, April 15 Samuel, son of Henry Weis.
1775, April 15 Jacob, son of Henry Weis.
1775, April 15 Magdalena, daughter of Henry Weis.
1775, April 15 Henry, son of Henry Weis.
1775, April 15 John George, son of Henry Weis. Sponsors, Francis Krick and Maria.
1776, --- Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Gottfried Wommer. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and Maria Elizabeth.
1776, June 23 Christian, son of Thomas Will. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and Elizabeth.
1777, Mar. 2 Elizabeth, daughter of George Werheim. Sponsor, Elizabeth Brown.
1779, Aug. 22 Conrad, Henry Werner. Sponsors, Conrad Moyer and Elizabeth.
1779, Oct. 3 Catharine, daughter of John Weid. Sponsors, Sem Cox and Catharine.
1779, Nov. 14 Maria Christina, daughter of George Werheim. Sponsor, Maria Schwangerin.
1780, Nov. 26 Margareth, daughter of Peter Weid. Sponsors. Dietrich Frantzeler and Elizabeth Margareth.
1780, Dec. 17 Jacob, son of John Witz. Sponsor, Jacob Krick.
1781, Sept. 16 Margareth, daughter of Henry Werner, born Sept. 7, 1781. Sponsor, Margareth Schaeffer.
1781, Oct. 7 Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Wurtenberger. Sponsors, George Wurtenberger and Anna Maria Engel.
1783, Aug. 3 Catharine, daughter of Henry Werber, born July 17, 1783. Sponsors, Valentine Beyer and Christina.
1783, Aug. 3 Christina, daughter of Henry Werner, born July 17, 1783. Sponsor, Christina Beyer.
1784, Mar. 14 Philip, son of Nicholas Waldman, born Jan. 23, 1784. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine.
1784, April 11 Catharine, daughter of Jacob Wurtenberger, born Dec. 17, 1783. Sponsors, William Engel and Margareth.
1784, April 24 John, son of John Witz, born Mar, 28, 1784. Sponsors, John Richard and Magdalena.
1784, July 25 Nicholas, son of Nicholas Walleisen, born July 4, 1784. Sponsors, Nicholas Stouch and Maria Margareth.
1785, May 1 William, son of Adam Wurtenberger, born April 8, 1785. Sponsors, William Ferntzeler and Maria Wurtenberger.
1785, Oct. 30 Barbara, daughter of Jacob Wurdenberger, born Sept. 27, ---. Sponsors, John Adam Spohn and Barbara Riemin.
1787, Feb. 25 Anna Barbara, daughter of Michael Walleise, 5 weeks old yesterday. Sponsor, Margareth Haas.
1787, April 8 Maria Barbara, daughter of Wendel Weinhold, born Jan. 12, 1787. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth Fisher.
1787, July 8 John Adam, son of John Adam Wurtenberger, born June 20, 1787. Sponsor, John Adam Wurtenberger.
1787, Sept. 2 Michael, son of Michael Witmoyer, born April 6, 1787, Sponsors, Ernst Witmoyer and Margareth Feldbahm.
1787, Mar. 23 John, son of William Waldschmitt, born Jan. 12, 1787. Sponsors, John Waldschmitt and Susanna.
1788, Dec. 7 Catharine, daughter of Nicholas Waltz, born Nov. 1, 1788. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth and Elizabeth.
1788, Dec. 7 Catharine Elizabeth, daughter of Francls Witmeyer, born Nov. 29, 1788. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine Elizabeth.
1788, Dec. 7 Catharine, daughter of John Waldschmitt, born Oct. 27, 1788. Sponsors, William Waldschmitt and Barbara.
1788, Dec. 26 John George, son of William Wheeler. Sponsors, Frederick Bechtel and Sarah.
1789, April 20 John Jacob, son of John Waltz, born Mar. 31, 1789. John Jacob Bollman and Susanna Haas.
1789, May 10 Anna Catharine, daughter of Michael Witmoyer, born Dec. 6, 1788. Sponsors, Francis Witmoyer and Catharine.
1789, June 21 Christina, daughter of John Weber, born April 3, 1789. Sponsors, John Brein and Christina.
1790, Mar. 11 John George, son of John Weber and Anna Maria, born Nov. 30, 1789. Sponsors, George Werheim and Anna Maria.
1790, April 2 Maria Wingertin wife of Adam Kauken, aged 23 years, 2 months and 5 days. Sponsors, Henry Spohn and Anna Maria.
1790, June 20 John, son of Ernst Witmoyer and Margareth, born May 20, --- Sponsors, Joh Rescher and Catharine.
1790, June 20 Juliana, daughter of John Francis Witmoyer and Catharine, born April 5, 1790. Sponsor, Antelle Witmoyer.
1790, June 20 Daniel, son of Werner Weitzel and Barbara born May 11, 1790. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria.
1791, Feb. 21 Jacob, son of Edward Weide and Christina, born Feb. --- 1790. Sponsors, Parents.
1791, Feb. 21 Harriet, daughter of Michael Wand and Elizabeth, born Feb. 14, 1791. Sponsor, Hannah Schanin.
1791, April 3 John, son of Michael Witmeyer and Anna Maria, born Jan. 30, 1791. Sponsors, George Adam and Antilla.
1791, Oct. 30 William, son of Ernst Witmeyer and Margareth. Sponsors, Francis Witmoyer and Catharine.
1792, April 29 Daniel, son of Francis Witmoyer, born Jan. 17, 1792. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine.
1793, Sept. 29 Daniel, son of John Witz, born Aug. 31, 1793. Sponsors, Daniel Maurer and Elizabeth.
1793, Sept. 29 Elizabeth, daughter of Ernst Witmoyer, born Sept. 9, 1793. Sponsor, Elizabeth Dechert.
1793, Oct. 20 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of William Wesener, born Jan. 20, 1792. Sponsors, Peter Metz and Maria.
1794, Mar. 16 Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Witmoyer, born Dec. 11, 1793. Sponsors, Ernst Witmeyer and Margareth.
1794, Aug. 31 Anna Maria, daughter of Werner Weitzel, born July 19, 1794. Sponsors, Parents.
1794, Nov, 2 Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Werheim, born Sept. 17, 1794. Sponsors, John Roescher and Catharine.
1794, Nov, 2 John, son of Balthaser Witmer, born Sept. 13, 1794. Sponsors, John Lamm and Margareth.
1795, April 19 Magdalena, daughter of Ernst Witmeyer, born Feb. 25, 1795. Sponsors, John Faust and Magdalena.
1795, Sept. 23 Susanna, daughter of John Witz, born Aug. 8, 1795. Sponsor, Anna Maria Faust.
1795, Oct. 1 Barbara, daughter of Henry Weis, born Mar. 6, 1778.
1795, Oct. 1 Salome, daughter of Henry Weis, born July 10, 1780.
1795, Oct. 4 John, son of Henry Weis, born Feb. 20, 1785.
1795, Oct. 4 Susanna, daughter of Henry Weis, born Nov. 12, 1782.
1796, Mar. 20 Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Witmeyer, born Feb. 22, 1796. Sponsors, Parents.
1796, Sept. 25 Isaac, son of Werner Weitzel, born Mar. 14, 1796. Sponsors, Parents.
1797, Jan. 8 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Werheim, born Nov. 4, 1796. Sponsors, Jacob Schaeffer and Margareth.
1797, Jan. 29 Anna Maria, daughter of Ernst Witmoyer, born Jan. 17, 1797. Sponsors, Conrad Kershner and Anna Maria.
1797, May 14 John, son of Jacob Weidman, born April 6, 1797. Sponsors, John Gelsinger and Rosina.
1797, Aug. 27 Joseph, son of Michael Weitzel. Sponsors, Parents.
1798, Jan. 1 Thomas, son of Werner Weitzel, born Oct. 16, 1797. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria.
1798, Jan. 1 Margareth, daughter of Werner Weitzel, born Oct. 16, 1797. Sponsors, Parents.
1798, April 15 Joseph, son of John Witz, born Nov. 14, 1797. Sponsors, Philip Faust and Elizabeth.
1798, May 27 Francis, son of Ernst Witmeyer, born May 9, 1798. Sponsor, Francis Meyer.
1798, May 27 George Ernst, son of Ernst Witmoyer, born May 9, 1798. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1799, Feb. 24 Maria Charlotte, daughter of Frederick Witmeyer, born ---. Sponsors, Antoni Marx and Maria Charlotte.
1799, May 13 Catharine, daughter of Henry Werheim, born Dec. 13, 1798. Sponsor, Catharine Schaeffer.
1799, Oct. 13 John, son of Barbara Weis, born Aug. 11, 1799. Sponsors, John Lash and Susanna.
1800, Feb. 16 John, son of Werner Weitzel, born Sept. 21, 1799. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria.
1800, Feb. 16 Hannah, daughter of Christian Weitzel, born Dec. 22, 1799. Sponsor, Anna Maria Weitzel.
1800, June 22 Adam, son of Ernst Witmeyer, born May 30, 1800. Sponsors, Adam Ruth and Catharine.
1800, Sept. 14 John, son of William Werner, born Aug. 13, 1800. Sponsors, John Reber and Catharine.
1801, May 3 John, son of Jacob Weidman, born Dec. 21, 1800. Sponsors, Parents.
1801, Dec. 20 John, son of Henry Werheim, born Oct. 20, 1801. Sponsor, Adam Spohn.
1801, Dec. 20 Henry, son of Henry Werheim, born Oct. 20, 1801. Sponsor, Henry Greth.
1802, Jan. 31 William, son of William Werner, born Dec. 16, 1801. Sponsor, Andrew Werner.
1802, May 16 Maria Catharine, daughter of Frederick Witmer, born Mar. 24, 1802. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and Maria Catharine.
1802, Oct. 10 Catharine, daughter of Christian Werth, born May 31, 1802. Sponsors, John Klopp and Catharine.
1803, Dec. 4 Thomas, son of William Werner, born Oct. 29, 1803. Sponsors, Thomas Reber and Elizabeth.
1804, April 29 Catharine, daughter of Frederick Witmer, born Jan. 14, 1804. Sponsors, John Eckert and Catharine.
1804, May 19 William, son of Henry Werheim, born Mar. 17, 1804. Sponsors, Parents.
1804, Aug. 12 Daniel, son of Ernst Witmuyer, born June 3, 1804. Sponsors, Ludwig Hoffman and Elizabeth.
1805, July 14 Anna Margareth, daughter of John Wenrich, age, nearly 10 weeks old. Sponsor, Anna Margareth Hain.
1805, Dec. 8 Henry, son of William Werner, born Sept. 29, 1805. Sponsors, Henry Werner and Magdalena.
1806, Oct. 9 Daniel, son of Daniel Weitner, born Nov. 14, 1804. Sponsors, Parents.
1807, April 26 Isaac, son of Ernst Witmoyer, born Feb. 6, 1807. Sponsors, William Fisher and Margareth.
1808, May 29 John, son of Frederick Wittner, born Mar. 14, 1808. Sponsors, John Klopp and Catharine.
1808, Oct. 24 Henry, son of Henry Werheim, born Oct. 24, ---. Sponsors, Parents.
1776, Aug. 4 Jacob, son of Jacob Young. Sponsors, Jacob Lefler & Elizabeth.
1779, Aug. 22 Samuel, son of Peter Young. S. Christian Schaeffer & Elizabeth.
1782, Jan. 1 John Peter, son of Peter Young, born Nov. 13, 1781. Sponsors, John Michael and Elizabeth.
1797, Mar. 12 John, son of John Young, born Jan. 27, 1797. Sponsor, John Haag.
1797, Oct. 29 Sarah, daughter of John Young, born Sept. 21, 1797. Sponsors, David Metz and Sarah.
1771, Oct. 28 Maria Margareth, Daughter of Jacob Young. Sponsors, Peter Ruth and Maria Margareth.
1802, April 25 Nelly, daughter of John Young, born Mar. 5, 1802. Sponsors, [C]onrad Kershner and Anna Maria.
1780, July 2 John, son of Daniel Ziegler. Sponsors, Ludwig Frantz and Elizabeth.
1780, Sept. 24 Margareth, daughter of Peter Zimmerman. Sponsors, Dietrich Ferentzeler and Margareth.
1780, Sept. 24 Daniel, son of Peter Zimmerman. Sponsors, Jacob Wurtenberger and Catharine Engel.
1781, Jan. 7 Dorothea, daughter of George Ziegler. Sponsors, William Sehlheimer and Dorothea Elizabeth.
1781, Dec. 9 Catharine, daughter of Daniel Ziegler, 8 days old last Thursday. Sponsors, William Brown and Catharine.
1782, Mar. 24 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of George Ziegler, born Mar. 5, 1782. Sponsor, Maria Elizabeth Sehlheimer.
1793, Sept. 29 Anna Maria, daughter of Daniel Ziegler, born July 3, 1793. Sponsors, Christian Schaeffer and Elizabeth.
1796, June 12 Susanna, daughter of Daniel Ziegler, born Jan. 14, 1790. Sponsors, Jacob Klopp and Catharine.
1798, July 29 Daniel, son of Daniel Ziegler, born April 3, 1798. Sponsors, Peter Hetrich and Catharine.
1800, May 11 Anna Maria Zimmerman, age about 15 years.
1802, Jan. 31 George, son of Daniel Ziegler, born Dec. 29, 1801. Sponsors, John Kloop and Catharine.
1806, April 9 Jacob, son of Henry Zeller, born Feb. 24, 1806. Sponsor, Jacob Davis.
1808, April 15 Peter, son of Henry Zeller, born Feb. 22, 1808. Sponsor, Peter Faust.

Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 120-126.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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