Date of Baptism | Name |
L |
1759, Dec. 25 | John, a son of Peter Lamm and Anna Margareth, born Dec. 1, 1759. Sponsors, John Heckert and Elizabeth Gertrude. |
1764, Dec. 16 | Anna Catharine, a daughter of Christopher Lash and Susanna, born Nov. 25, 1764. Sponsors Frederick Huber and Anna Catharine. |
1771, Dec. 8 | Michael, a son of Michael Lauer. Sponsor, Michael Spengler. |
1773, Jan. 31 | John Jacob, a son of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, John Jacob Stouch and Anna Elizabeth. |
1773, May 31 | Maria Margareth, a daughter of Nicholas Lerch. Sponsors, Maria Margareth Schaeffer. |
1774, April 4 | Peter, a son of Peter Lamm. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and Appollonia. |
1774, Nov. 13 | Jost (yost), a son of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Jost Lerch. |
1774, Nov. 13 | Christina, a daughter of Henry Lauer. Sponsors, Peter Geoeth and Salome. |
1775, Feb. 12 | Catharine, a daughter of Conrad Longsdorf. Sponsor, Catharne Ruth. |
1776, Apr. 8 | Joseph, a son of John Lencht. Sponsor, Joseph Otterbach and Appellona Miller (Müller). |
1776, Oct. 5 | Philip, a son of Peter Lamm. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria. |
1777, Jan. 19 | John, a son of Jacob Leonhard. Sponsors, Abraham Trostel and Susanna. |
1777, Mar. 2 | Eva Elizabeth, a daughter of Jacob Leffler. Sponsors, Eva Elizabeth Wannamaker. |
1777, May 4 | Anna Maria, a daughter of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria. |
1777, May 25 | Peter, a son of Conrad Longsdorf. Sponsors, Peter Dechert and Elizabeth. |
1778, Aug. 9 | Anna Maria, a daughter of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria. |
1778, Nov. 8 | Conrad, a son of Henry Lauer. Sponsors, Caonrad Eirich and Juliana. |
1778, Nov. 8 | Margareth, a daughter of Henry Lauer. Sponsor, Margareth Lerch. |
1779, Aug. 1 | Eva, daughter of Conrad Longsdorf. Sponsors Adam Ruth and Eva Hain. |
1780, Feb. 6 | John, son of Daniel Ludwig. Sponsors, John Miller (Muller). |
1780, April 30 | Catharine, daughter of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Stoffel (Christopher) and Catharine. |
1781, Feb. 18 | Juliana, daughter of Nicholas Lerch. Sponsor, Juliana Schaeffer. |
1781, April 16 | William, son of Andrew Bauch (Lauch). Sponsors, George Bauch (Lauch) and Susanna. |
1781, June 24 | Daniel, son of Christian Lauer. Sponsors, Daniel Ziegler and Christina. |
1782, Mar. 31 | Christina, daughter of Henry Lauer, born Mar. 1,1782. Sponsors, Christian Lauer and Elizabeth. |
1782, Aug. 23 | Catharine, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Aug. 16, 1782. Sponsors, Jacob Klopp (Klob) and Catharine. |
1782, Oct. 20 | John, son of Jacob Lerch, born Oct. 2, 1782. Sponsor, John Lerch. |
1782, Nov. 17 | Anna Maria Margareth, daughter of Andrew Lauck, born Oct. 28, 1782. Sponsor, Anna Maria Margareth Ulrichin. |
1783, Mar. 9 | Fronica, daughter of Peter Licht, born Feb. 14, 1783. Sponsors, Andrew Lauck and Fronica. |
1783, Aug. 3 | John, son of George Lah, born Aug. 19, 1782. Sponsors, John Bollman and Anna Barbara. |
1784, Mar. 28 | Michael, son of Andrew Lauck, born Feb. 1, 1784. Sponsors, Michael Muller (Miller) and Susanna. |
1784, July 25 | Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Leineweber. Sponsor, George Werheim and Anna Maria. |
1785, Feb. 20 | John, son of Christian Lauer, born Jan. 17, 1785. Sponsor, John Spat (Spayd). |
1785, May 1 | John Yost, son of Michael Lauer, born April 13, 1785. Sponsors, John Yost (Jost) and Rosina. |
1785, Aug. 21 | John, son of Yost Lerch, born Aug. 1, 1785. Sponsors, John Hain and Margareth. |
1785, Sept. 18 | Catharine, daughter of William Lessman, born Sept. 7, 1785. Sponsors, Catharine Aumiller. |
1785, Nov. 13 | John Ludwig, son of John Ludwig, born Oct. 23, 1785. Sponsors, Ludwig Frantz and Elizabeth. |
1786, Sept. 10 | Benjamin, son of William Laxle, born Aug. 23, 1786. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and Anna Maria. |
1787, Feb. 25 | Benjamin, son of Christian Lauer, four weeks old last Tuesday. Sponsors, Benjamin Radebach and Margareth. |
1787, April 8 | Christina, daughter of Michael Lauer, born Mar. 14, 1787. Sponsors, Daniel Ziegler and Christina. |
1787, Aug. 19 | Magdalena, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Aug. 7, 1787. Sponsor, Magdalena Hain. |
1787, Oct. 14 | John, a son of Henry Lippeld, born April 14, 1785 Sponsors, Jonas Christian Jorgens. |
1787, Nov. 11 | John, son of Philip Lepper, born Oct, 7, 1787. Sponsor, John Bechtel. |
1788, Jan. 6 | Elizabeth, daughter of John Lerch, born Dec. 24, 1787. Sponsors, Philip Sehl and Elizabeth. |
1788, Mar. 30 | Magdalena, daughter of William Laxch, aged six weeks and six days. Sponsor, Magdalena Hain. |
1788, May 25 | Anna Maria, daughter of Hannah Ludwig, born Nov. 25, 1787. John Spayd (Spat) and Rachel. |
1788, Aug. 17 | Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Leppel, born June 7, 1788. Sponsors, John Bechtel and Margareth. |
1788, Dec. 20 | Christina, daughter ot Peter Lauer, born Nov. 29, 1788. Sponsor, Christina Lauer. |
1789, April 13 | Joh (John), son of William Lessman, born Mar. 17, 1789. Sponsors, Joh Hain and Margareth. |
1789, June 20 | Catharine, daughter of John Lerch, born June 7, 1789. Sponsors, Margareth Elizabeth Lerch. |
1789, Aug. 17 | Catharine, daughter of John Lash, born June 21, 1789. Sponsor, Juliana Schaeffer. |
1789, Dec. 6 | Elizabeth, daughter of Yost (Johst) Lerch, --- weeks old. Sponsor, Elizabeth Lerch. |
1790, Apr. 11 | Jacob, son of Henry Lauer and Eva Elizabeth, aged 2 years and 6 weeks. Sponsors, Parents. |
1790, April 11 | Christina, daughter of Henry Lauer and Eva Elizabeth, age 3 weeks. Sponsor, Elizabeth Hess. |
1790, May 9 | Joseph, son of William Lacks and Maria, 4 weeks old. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Maria. |
1790, Aug. 1 | William, son of Christian Lauer and Elizabeth, born July 10, 1790. Sppnsors, Nicholas Stouch and Margareth. |
1791, May 15 | Catharine, daughter of Andrew Lauck, born April 17, 1791. Sponsors, Conrad Kirper and Catharine. |
1791, Aug. 7 | Susanna, daughter of Yost Lerch and Rosina, born July 27, 1791. Sponsors, Adam Ruth and Eva. |
1792, Mar. 25 | Catharine, daughter of Christopher Lutz and Elizabeth, born Mar. 14, 1792. Sponsors, Catharine Frymauer. |
1792, April 8 | Margareth, daughter of William Laesmann and Margareth, born Mar. 19, 1792. Sponsors, Christ Jac Grips and Elizabeth. |
1792, Aug. 5 | Catharine, daughter of John Lauck, born June 7, 1792. Sponsors, John Roescher and Catharine. |
1793, Mar. 14 | Daniel, son ot Yost Lerch, born Feb. 22, 1793. Sponsors, Adam Hain and Anna Maria. |
1793, May 20 | Daniel, son of Daniel Light (Lichty), born Jan. ---, 1792. Sponsor, Daniel Fisher. |
1793, Oct. 19 | Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Lutz, born Oct. 12, 1793. Sponsor, Barbara Freymaurer. |
1795, Feb. 8 | Rosina, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Dec. 30, 1794. Sponsor, Rosina Hain. |
1795, April 19 | John, son of John Lerch, born Mar. 2, 1795. Sponsors, John Michel and Elizabeth. |
1795, April 19 | John, son of Christopher (Stoffel) Lutz, born Mar. 5, 1795. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara. |
1795, May 25 | John, son of John Lauck, born Mar. 12, 1795. Sponsor, Daniel Ruth. |
1796, April 10 | Sarah, daughter of Henry Leppel, born Oct. 1, 1795. Sponsor, Sarah Fisher. |
1797, Apr. 23 | John, son of Yost Lerch, born April 11, 1797. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine. |
1797, Nov. 19 | Elizabeth, daughter of John Lauck, born Sept. 12, 1797. Sponsors, Ludwig Hoffman and Elizabeth. |
1798, Dec. 25 | Maria Magdalena, daughter of Joseph Lampert (Lambert), born Sept. 25, 1798. Sponsor, Maria Magdalena Dechert. |
1799, Mar. 12 | Elizabeth, daughter of John Lash, born Nov. 5, 1798. Sponsor, Susanna Rieser. |
1799, June 30 | Elizabeth, a daughter of John Lauck, born May 18, 1799. Sponsor, Sophia Lauck. |
1799, Sept. 1 | Anna Maria, daughter of Yost (Jost) Lerch, born July 18, 1799. Sponsors, Jacob Kaucher and Anna Maria. |
1799, Nov. 24 | Catharine, daughter of David Lash, born Oct. 20, 1799. Sponsor, Catharine Freyberger. |
1799, Dec. 26 | Daniel, son of John Lerch, born Nov. 28, 1799. Sponsors, Yost (Jost) Lerch and Rosina. |
1800, June 22 | Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Leppel, born Dec. 20, 1799. Sponsor, Anna Maria Strunk. |
1801, April 12 | Elenora, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Mar. 23, 1800. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Elenora. |
1801, May 3 | John Adam, son of --- Lauck, born April 5, 1801. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth and Catharine. |
1801, May 24 | Anna Maria, daughter of David Lash, born April 14, 1801. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine. |
1801, May 24 | Hannah, daughter of John Lauer, born Feb. 1, 1801 Sponsor, Sarah Fisher. |
1801, May 24 | Samuel, son of Ludwig Long, born Dec. 18, 1800. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine. |
1802, Aug. 29 | Michael, son of Henry Lippel, born April 10, 1802. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and Elizabeth. |
1802, Oct. 10 | Adam, son of John Lauer, born July 2, 1802. Sponsor, Jacob Riehm. |
1803, Jan. 1 | Susanna Margareth, daughter of John Lerch, born Nov. 21, 1802. Sponsors, Margareth Elizabeth Lerch. |
1804, April 29 | Isaac, son of Christopher Lutz, born Jan. 15, 1804. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Nelly. |
1804, April 29 | Sarah, daughter of Jacob Lauck, born Feb. 9. Sponsor, Parents. |
1804, May 20 | Nelly, daughter of John Lauer, born Feb. 25, 1804. Sponsors, Peter Stahn and Peck (Rebecca). |
1806, Sept. 7 | John, son of John Lauer, born July 6, 1806. Sponsor, Philip Riehm. |
1806, Nov. 9 | Jonathan, son of Christopher Lutz, born Oct. 8, 1806. Sponsor, Jonathan Miller. |
1807, Aug. 8 | Samuel, son of John Lerch, born July 4, 1807. Sponsor, Parents. |
1808, May 29 | Joseph, son of John Lauck, born April 23, 1808. Sponsors, Parents. |
1808, May 29 | Catharine, daughter of George Lierd, born Jan. 21, 1808. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine. |
1809, Sept. 3 | Joseph, son of George Lieder, born June 12, 1809. Sponsors, Michael Seitzinger and Rosina. |
M |
1760, Feb. 17 | Anna Maria, daughter of Christian Maudel and Patronella, born Feb. 4, 1760. Sponsors, Jost Fitzmeyer and Anna Maria. |
1761, Nov. 17 | George Adam, son of Christian Mantel and Petronella, born Oct, 22, 1761. Sponsors, George Adam Mantel and Maria Christina Eckert. |
1762, Sept. 26 | Susanna, daughter of Ludwig Mohn and Audilla, born Sept. 12, 1762. Sponsor, Catharine Scharman. |
1765, April 6 | Henry, son of Ludwig Mohn and Audiel, born Feb. 16, 1765. Sponsors, Henry Sohl and Catharine. |
1767, June 21 | Christina, daughter of Dietrich Merdy and Anna Maria, born June 16, 1767, Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Christina. |
1772, Jan. 19 | Daniel, son of Ludwig Mohn, born Dec. 25, 1771. Sponsor, Werner Weitzel. |
1772, April 12 | Dietrich, son of Dietrich Marschall. Sponsors, Philip Hart and Dorothea Esterin. |
1772, Nov. 8 | William, son of Adam Mell. Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth Miller. |
1772, Dec. 26 | John, son of Henry Machmer (Magemer). Sponsors, John Epler (Eppler) and Rosina Lauer. |
1773, Jan. 31 | Philip, son of Christian Michael. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria. |
1773, May 16 | Maria Barbara, daughter of Sebastian Miller. Sponsors, John Eckert and Maria Barbara. |
1773, Aug. 8 | John, son of John Mohn. Sponsors, Jacob Geiger and Margareth. |
1773, Aug. 8 | Anna Maria, daughter of Valentine Miller, Sponsors, George Werheim and Anna Maria. |
1774, Jan. 2 | John Adam, son of Adam Mell. Sponsors, Adam Fellabahm and Maria Catharine. |
1774, May 23 | Elizabeth, daughter of Christian Michel (Michael). Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth. |
1774, May 23 | Margareth, a daughter of Dietrich Marschall. Sponsor, Margareth Hatt. |
1774, Dec. 26 | Elizabeth, daughter of Carl Mell. Sponsors, Melchior Mell and Elizabeth. |
1775, Mar. 5 | Anna Maria Justina, a daughter of George Moyer. Sponsors, Andrew Bender and Justina Weiderin. |
1775, May 14 | Philip, son of Adam Mell. Sponsors, Phillp Heckert and Anna Maria. |
1775, June 11 | Elizabeth, daughter of John Mell. Sponsors, Melchior Mell and Elizabeth. |
1775, Nov. 26 | John, son of William Michael. Sponsors, John Mell and Susanna. |
1776, April 21 | John, a son of Charles Mell. Sponsors, John Mell and Susanna. |
1776, Dec. 8 | Catharine, daughter of John Mell. Sponsor, Catharine Ermold. |
1777, May 19 | Christian, son of Christian Michael (Michel). Sponsor, Charles Schaeffer. |
1777, July 27 | Anna Catharine, daughter of Philip Mitchel. Sponsor, Catharine Barbara Dock. |
1777, Nov. 30 | Adam, son of Willlam Michael. Sponsors, Adam Mell and Barabara. |
1778, April 1 | Henry, son of Charles Mell. Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Christina. |
1778, April 1 | Barbara, daughter of John Mell. Sponsors, Adam Mell and Barabara. |
1778, April 5 | Absolon, son of David Moyer. Sponsors, Valentine Moser and Elizabeth Ludwig. |
1778, June 7 | Maria Magdalena, daughter of John Mohn. Sponsor, Maria Magdalena Dechert. |
1779, Mar. 28 | Elizabeth, daughter of Adam Mell. Sponsors, Melchior Knorr and Elizabeth. |
1779, April 18 | Anna Christina, daughter of Christian Michael. Sponsors, John Hain and Esther. |
1779, Aug. 1 | John, son of Lorentz Matz. Sponsor, John Ritcher (Richard). |
1779, Nov. 14 | Anna Maria, daughter of John Mell. Sponsors, Dietrich Stiely and Anna Maria. |
1780, Feb. 6 | Philip, son of William Michel (Michael). Sponsors, Philip Heckart and Anna Maria. |
1780, Mar. 19 | Anna Maria, daughter of George Minch. Sponsor, Anna Maria Dock. |
1780, Mar. 19 | George, son of Sebastian Miller (Muller). Sponsor, George Gernant. |
1780, Sept. 24 | Henry, a son of Dietrich Marschall. Sponsors, Henry Hatt and Rosina Weitzel. |
1781, Feb. 18 | Abraham, son of Peter Mengel. Sponsors, George Ruth and Anna Barbara. |
1781, June 3 | Christian, son of Lorentz Matz. Sponsor, Christian Richard. |
1781, Nov. 18 | John Melchior, son of John Mell. Sponsors, John Mell and Elizabeth. |
1782, Jan. 26 | John Michael, son of John Muller (Miller), born Jan. 16, 1782. John Michael Miller and Susanna. |
1782, Jan. 27 | William, a son of Charles Mell, born Jan. 2, 1782. Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth. |
1782, April 28 | Susanna, daughter of John Mohn, born Mar. 31, 1782. Sponsors, John Rehrer (Röhrer) and Susanna. |
1782, Sept. 22 | John George, son of Lorentz Matz, born Aug. 10, 1782. Sponsors, George Matz and Catharine. |
1783, Feb. 23 | Philip, son of Adam Mell, born Dec. 31, 1782. Sponsor, Philip Stiely. |
1783, Feb. 23 | John, son of John Michael, born Dec. 31, 1782. Sponsor, John Lerch. |
1783, April 18 | Anna Maria, daughter of Dietrich Marschall, born Feb. 3, 1783. Sponsors, John Krick and Anna Maria. |
1783, May 18 | John, son of George Mengel, born April 3, 1783. Sponsor, John Dechert. |
1784, Mar. 14 | Daniel, son of John Mohn, born Feb. 9. Sponsor, Henry Mohn. |
1784, April 11 | Daniel, son of Lorentz Matz, born Mar. 8, 1784. Sponsors, Ulrich Rieschert and Barabara. |
1784, April 11 | Anna Maria, daughter of Charles Mell, born Feb. 18, 1784. Sponsors Philip Heckart and Anna Maria. |
1784, Aug. 8 | Jonathan, son of John Miller (Muller), born July 23 Sponsors, Jonathan Eckert and Maria Catharine. |
1784, Dec. 26 | Catharine, daughter of Philip Machmer (Magemer), born Sept. 20, 1784. Sponsors, William Freymauerer and Barbara. |
1785, Mar. 20 | Anna Catharine, daughter of Christian Michel (Michael), born Mar. 10, 1785. Sponsor, Anna Catharine Lerch. |
1785, June 12 | William, a son of John Michel (Michael), born May 29, 1785. Sponsors, Casper Stein and Sophia. |
1785, July 24 | William, son of John Mohn or Mohr, born July 9, 1785. Sponsor, William Roether. |
1785, Oct. 30 | John William, son of Lorentz Matz, born Oct. 16, 1785. Sponsors, Nicholas Stouch and Margareth. |
1786, Feb. 5 | Rosuna, daughter of John Miller, born Jan. 12, 1786. Sponsors, Nicholas Eckert and Rosina. |
1786, April 16 | Anna Catharine, daughter of Christopher Meyer (Moyer), born Mar. 17, 1786. Sponsors, John Ruth and Anna Catharine. |
1786, April 30 | John Henry, son of Peter Mengel. born Mar. 14, 1786. Sponsor, John Henry Ruth. |
1786, July 30 | John, son of Henry Muller (Miller), born June 25, 1786. Sponsor, John Bechtel. |
1786, July 30 | Susanna, a daughter of Daniel Maurer, born Jan. 21. 1786. Sponsors, Baltheser Ulrich and Susanna. |
1786, Aug. 13 | Elizabeth, daughter of George Muller (Miller), born July 23, 1786. Sponsor, Elizabeth Hain. |
1787, Feb. 25 | John Jacob, son of Lorentz Matz, born Dec. 11, 1786. Sponsor, Jacob Richard (Ritschert). |
1787, April 8 | Sebastian, son of Sebastian Muller (Miller), born Feb. 19, 1787. Sponsor, John George Rich. |
1787, April 8 | Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Machmer (Magemer), born Jan. 30, 1787. Sponsor, Elizabeth Freymaurer. |
1787, June 24 | Anna Maria, daughter of John Mohn, born June 10, 1787. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria. |
1787, June 24 | Petras, son of Peter Mengel, born May 23, 1787. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth. |
1788, May 25 | Elizabeth, daughter of David Myer (Meyer), born Mar. 24, 1788. Sponsor, Maria Eva Moyer (Meyerin). |
1788, Aug. 3 | George, son of Frederick Michael (Michel), born July 16, 1788. Sponsors, George Werheim and Anna Maria. |
1789, Mar. 29 | Isaac, son of Peter Mengel, born Nov. 10, 1788. Sponsors, Isaac Adams and Barbara. |
1789, Mar. 30 | Catharine, daughter of John Michel, born Jan. 16, 1789. Sponsor, Sophia Stein. |
1789, July 5 | Susanna, daughter of Philip Machmer (Magemer), born Feb. 18, 1789. Sponsor, Susanna Lash. |
1789, Nov. 21 | Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Michel and Anna Maria, born Nov. 10, 1789. Sponsor, Elizabeth Michel. |
1790, May 23 | Christina, daughter of Frederick Miller (Muller) and Urseela, born May 12, 1790. Sponsor, Margareth Michel. |
1790, May 23 | Henry, son of Jean Meyer and Elizabeth, born April 25, 1790. Sponsor, James Hoster or Hossler. |
1790, Nov.9 | John Nicholas, son of Nicholas Muller (Miller) and Anna Catharine, born six weeks ago. Sponsors, John Young (Iung) and Anna Margareth Wenctelsin. |
1790, Dec. 22 | John, son of Michael Meyer and Elizabeth, born Nov. 22. Sponsor, Pastor Yoh Cor: Clumaur. |
1791, Sept. 18 | John Peter, son of Peter Maurer and Anna Elizabeth. Sponsors, Peter Michel and Maria. |
1792, Jan. 8 | Peter, son of Peter Michel, born Nov. 1791. Sponsor, Peter Ermold. |
1792, April 29 | Anna Maria, a daughter of Frederick Michel, born Feb. 25, 1792. Sponsors, Jacob Spatz and Esther. |
1792, Nov. 18 | Leah, daughter of John Mohn, born Oct. ---, 1792. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria. |
1792, Dec. 9 | John George, son of George Miller (Muller), born Nov. 9, 1792. Sponsors, George Miller and Elizabeth. |
1793, Jan. 20 | Catharine, daughter of Peter Mandern, born Dec. 15, 1792. Sponsor, Margareth Michel. |
1793, May 20 | Elizabeth, daughter of William Michel, born April 22, 1793. Sponsors, Conrad Spatz and Magdalena. |
1793, Oct. 20 | Daniel, son of Jacob Muller (Miller), born Sept. 17, 1793. Sponsors, Wener Weitzel and Barbara. |
1793, Nov. 10 | Daniel, son of John Michel, born Oct. 17, 1793. Sponsors, Christian Iung (Young) and Maria. |
1794, April 6 | William, son of Peter Michel. Sponsors, William Michel and Elizabeth. |
1794, July 20 | Henry, son of John Meckleig, born April 22, 1794. Sponsor, Henry Lippeld. |
1794, Sept. 21 | Susanna, daughter of Frederick Michel, born Aug. 14, 1794. Sponsors, William Freymaurer and Barbara. |
1795, Feb. 15 | Daniel, son of Peter Maurer, born Dec. 21, 1794. Sponsor, Daniel Maurer. |
1795, April 19 | Rachel, a daughter of John Mohn, born Mar. 7, 1795. Sponsor, Christina Dechert. |
1795, Aug. 2 | Philip, son of Jacob Miller, born April 26, 1795. Sponsors, Philip Lerch and Margareth. |
1795, Dec. 6 | Anna Maria, daughter of Philip Machemer (Magemer), born Oct. 20, 1795. Sponsors, Parents. |
1796, Feb. 7 | Anna Maria, daughter of John Michel, born Dec. 19, 1795. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine. |
1796, July 24 | Daniel, a son of Christopher Maurer, born July 10, 1796. Sponsors, Daniel Maurer and Elizabeth. |
1797, Feb. 19 | John, son of Peter Maurer, born Oct. 8, 1796. Sponsors, Daniel Maurer and Elizabeth. |
1797, Mar. 12 | Maria Margareth, daughter of Michel Maurer, born Jan. 5, 1797. Sponsors, William Schaeffer and Maria Margareth. |
1797, April 2 | William, son of William Michel, born Feb. 15, 1797. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Margareth. |
1797, June 4 | John George, son of Jacob Miller (Muller) born Mar. 31, 1797. Sponsor, John George Bohn. |
1798, May 9 | Anna, daughter of Henry Metz, born Feb. 12, 1798. Sponsors, Peter Metz or Mohn and Maria Elizabeth. |
1798, July 8 | Sarah, daughter of Philip Machmer, born June 6, 1798. Sponsor, Catharine Freymaurer. |
1798, Nov. 11 | Anna Maria, daughter of John Michel, born Aug. 14, 1798. Sponsor, Sophia Stein. |
1799, Mar. 25 | Jacob, son of William Michel, born Feb. 23, 1799. Sponsors, Jacob Kaucher and Anna Maria. |
1800, April 20 | Maria Margareth, daughter of John Michel, born Feb. 4. 1800. Sponsor, Maria Margareth Michel. |
1800, July 13 | Charlotte, daughter of John Mohn, born June 2, 1800. Sponsors, Peter Krick and Catharine. |
1801, April 6 | John Frederick, son of Jacob Muller (Miller), born Oct. 9, 1800. Sponsor, Frederick Bohn. |
1801, April 6 | Samuel, son of David Meyer, born Feb. 17, 1800. Sponsor, Frederick Ruth. |
1801, June 14 | Elizabeth, a daughter of John Machmer, born April 2, 1801. Sponsor, Elizabeth Eplerin. |
1801, Sept. 26 | Magdalena, daughter of John Michel, born Sept 2, 1801. Sponsor, Magdalena Spengler. |
1801, Nov. 28 | Hannah, daughter of John Mohn, born Oct 13. Sponsor, Magdalena Krick. |
1802, April 25 | Absolon, son of Christian Michel, born April 2, 1802. Sponsors, Parents. |
1803, May 28 | Elenora, daughter of William Ulrich, born Mar. 18, 1803. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Elenora. |
1803, May 29 | Catharine, daughter of Antoni Marz, born April 12, 1803. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine. |
1803, July 10 | Catharine, daughter of John Mohn, born April 28, 1803. Sponsor, Barbara Krick. |
1803, July 10 | Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Mell, born May 18, 1803. Sponsors, Charles Mell and Margareth. |
1804, April 29 | Catharine, daughter of Adam Miller, born Sept. 11, 1803. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth. |
1804, Sept. 23 | Samuel, son of John Michel, born Aug. 13, 1804. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and Elizabeth. |
1805, Mar. 10 | Peter, son of William Michel, born Jan. 9, 1805. Sponsor, Peter Bertram and Christina. |
1805, Mar. 5 | Margareth, daughter of William Michel, born Jan. 9, 1805. Sponsor, Margareth Stiely. |
1805, May 22 | Joseph, son of William Miller, born Feb. 12, 1805. Sponsors, Parents. |
1805, Aug. 25 | Simon, son of Henry Metternus, born July 15, 1805. Sponsors, Parents. |
1805, Aug. 25 | Benjamin, a son of Magdalena Metz, born April 1, 1804. Sponsors, Henry Metz and Magdalena. |
1805, Dec. 8 | George Mollen, born Nov. 9, 1800. Sponsors, Philip Spohn and Anna Maria. |
1805, Dec. 8 | Michael, son of John Adam Miller, born Oct. 1, 1805. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and Sarah. |
1806, Oct. 19 | Magdalena, daughter of Catharine Metz, born April 30, 1806. Sponsor, Elizabeth. |
1807, May 17 | Susanna, daughter of Henry Matternus, born Dec. 8. 1806. Sponsors, Michael Matternus and Elizabeth. |
1807, May 17 | Isaac, son of William Miller, born Sept. 8, 1806. Sponsors, Isaac Hain and Elizabeth. |
1808, April 19 | Adam, son of Adam Miller, born Sept. 10, 1807. Sponsors, Parents. |
1808, Sept. 23 | Benjamin, son of William Muller (Miller), born April 20, 1808. Sponsors, Benjamin Hain and Elizabeth. |
1808, Dec. 23 | Sarah, daughter of William Mell. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine. |
1809, May 21 | John, a son of John Mell, born Mar. 19, 1809. Sponsor, John Matternus. |
1809, July 2 | Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony Marks, born May 3. 1809. Sponsors, Parents. |
1809, July 2 | --- , of Philip Miller, born April 24, 1809. Sponsor, Christina. |
N |
1776, Oct. 5 | Maria Magdalena, wife of George Nies. Sponsors, Eva Margareth Schucker and Engel Eckert. |
1788, June 22 | Eva Elizabeth, daughter of George Niesen, born June 13, 1788. Sponsor, Eva Elizabeth Werheim. |
1793, July 28 | Philip Jacob, son of Henry Nippel, born Feb. 3, 1793. Sponsors, Philip Jacob Fisher and Anna Maria. |
O |
1789, May 10 | Catharine, daughter of Conrad Orth, born April 12, 1789. Sponsors, William Foesig and Catharine Aumiller. |
1791, Feb. 21 | Peter, son of Francis Otter or Offer, born June 4, 1786. Sponsors, Parents. |
1791, April 3 | Magdalena, daughter of Conrad Orth and wife, age 6 weeks. Sponsor, Magdalena Gerhart. |
1793, May 20 | Anna Maria, daughter of Conrad Orth, born Feb. 28, 1793. Sponsors, Jacob Schaeffer and Margareth. |
1799, Sept. 25 | William, son of Conrad Orth, born July 31. Sponsors, Parents. |
P |
1762, April 25 | Maria Elizabeth, daughter of John Pheisser and Maria Barbara, born Oct. 15, 1761. Sponsors, Jacob Hassner and Elizabeth Hassner. |
1782, May 19 | Maria Sarah, daughter of William Philips, born April 4, 1781. Sponsors, George Lah and Anna Maria Siehlin. |
1787, May 27 | Elizabeth, daughter of Heeter Poehn (Paine), born Nov. 5, 1786. Jacob Ruth and Catharine. |
1790, Oct. 2 | William, son of Peter Palm, M.D. and Catharine, born Dec. 2, 1789. Sponsors, John Zwangly and Catharine Brecker. |
1793, May 17 | John, son of Hector Pee. Sponsors, John Krick and Anna Maria. |
1797, Dec. 31 | Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Palm, born Sept. 22, 1797. Sponsors, John Binckle and Elizabeth. |
Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 92-104.
Submitted by: Nancy.
Last Modified