The History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church

Baptisms by Revs. John Waldschmidt, John Christ Ammon and John W. Boas

1757-1810 (L-P)

Date of Baptism Name
1759, Dec. 25 John, a son of Peter Lamm and Anna Margareth, born Dec. 1, 1759. Sponsors, John Heckert and Elizabeth Gertrude.
1764, Dec. 16 Anna Catharine, a daughter of Christopher Lash and Susanna, born Nov. 25, 1764. Sponsors Frederick Huber and Anna Catharine.
1771, Dec. 8 Michael, a son of Michael Lauer. Sponsor, Michael Spengler.
1773, Jan. 31 John Jacob, a son of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, John Jacob Stouch and Anna Elizabeth.
1773, May 31 Maria Margareth, a daughter of Nicholas Lerch. Sponsors, Maria Margareth Schaeffer.
1774, April 4 Peter, a son of Peter Lamm. Sponsors, Peter Fisher and Appollonia.
1774, Nov. 13 Jost (yost), a son of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Jost Lerch.
1774, Nov. 13 Christina, a daughter of Henry Lauer. Sponsors, Peter Geoeth and Salome.
1775, Feb. 12 Catharine, a daughter of Conrad Longsdorf. Sponsor, Catharne Ruth.
1776, Apr. 8 Joseph, a son of John Lencht. Sponsor, Joseph Otterbach and Appellona Miller (Müller).
1776, Oct. 5 Philip, a son of Peter Lamm. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria.
1777, Jan. 19 John, a son of Jacob Leonhard. Sponsors, Abraham Trostel and Susanna.
1777, Mar. 2 Eva Elizabeth, a daughter of Jacob Leffler. Sponsors, Eva Elizabeth Wannamaker.
1777, May 4 Anna Maria, a daughter of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria.
1777, May 25 Peter, a son of Conrad Longsdorf. Sponsors, Peter Dechert and Elizabeth.
1778, Aug. 9 Anna Maria, a daughter of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria.
1778, Nov. 8 Conrad, a son of Henry Lauer. Sponsors, Caonrad Eirich and Juliana.
1778, Nov. 8 Margareth, a daughter of Henry Lauer. Sponsor, Margareth Lerch.
1779, Aug. 1 Eva, daughter of Conrad Longsdorf. Sponsors Adam Ruth and Eva Hain.
1780, Feb. 6 John, son of Daniel Ludwig. Sponsors, John Miller (Muller).
1780, April 30 Catharine, daughter of Jacob Lerch. Sponsors, Stoffel (Christopher) and Catharine.
1781, Feb. 18 Juliana, daughter of Nicholas Lerch. Sponsor, Juliana Schaeffer.
1781, April 16 William, son of Andrew Bauch (Lauch). Sponsors, George Bauch (Lauch) and Susanna.
1781, June 24 Daniel, son of Christian Lauer. Sponsors, Daniel Ziegler and Christina.
1782, Mar. 31 Christina, daughter of Henry Lauer, born Mar. 1,1782. Sponsors, Christian Lauer and Elizabeth.
1782, Aug. 23 Catharine, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Aug. 16, 1782. Sponsors, Jacob Klopp (Klob) and Catharine.
1782, Oct. 20 John, son of Jacob Lerch, born Oct. 2, 1782. Sponsor, John Lerch.
1782, Nov. 17 Anna Maria Margareth, daughter of Andrew Lauck, born Oct. 28, 1782. Sponsor, Anna Maria Margareth Ulrichin.
1783, Mar. 9 Fronica, daughter of Peter Licht, born Feb. 14, 1783. Sponsors, Andrew Lauck and Fronica.
1783, Aug. 3 John, son of George Lah, born Aug. 19, 1782. Sponsors, John Bollman and Anna Barbara.
1784, Mar. 28 Michael, son of Andrew Lauck, born Feb. 1, 1784. Sponsors, Michael Muller (Miller) and Susanna.
1784, July 25 Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Leineweber. Sponsor, George Werheim and Anna Maria.
1785, Feb. 20 John, son of Christian Lauer, born Jan. 17, 1785. Sponsor, John Spat (Spayd).
1785, May 1 John Yost, son of Michael Lauer, born April 13, 1785. Sponsors, John Yost (Jost) and Rosina.
1785, Aug. 21 John, son of Yost Lerch, born Aug. 1, 1785. Sponsors, John Hain and Margareth.
1785, Sept. 18 Catharine, daughter of William Lessman, born Sept. 7, 1785. Sponsors, Catharine Aumiller.
1785, Nov. 13 John Ludwig, son of John Ludwig, born Oct. 23, 1785. Sponsors, Ludwig Frantz and Elizabeth.
1786, Sept. 10 Benjamin, son of William Laxle, born Aug. 23, 1786. Sponsors, Frederick Hain and Anna Maria.
1787, Feb. 25 Benjamin, son of Christian Lauer, four weeks old last Tuesday. Sponsors, Benjamin Radebach and Margareth.
1787, April 8 Christina, daughter of Michael Lauer, born Mar. 14, 1787. Sponsors, Daniel Ziegler and Christina.
1787, Aug. 19 Magdalena, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Aug. 7, 1787. Sponsor, Magdalena Hain.
1787, Oct. 14 John, a son of Henry Lippeld, born April 14, 1785 Sponsors, Jonas Christian Jorgens.
1787, Nov. 11 John, son of Philip Lepper, born Oct, 7, 1787. Sponsor, John Bechtel.
1788, Jan. 6 Elizabeth, daughter of John Lerch, born Dec. 24, 1787. Sponsors, Philip Sehl and Elizabeth.
1788, Mar. 30 Magdalena, daughter of William Laxch, aged six weeks and six days. Sponsor, Magdalena Hain.
1788, May 25 Anna Maria, daughter of Hannah Ludwig, born Nov. 25, 1787. John Spayd (Spat) and Rachel.
1788, Aug. 17 Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Leppel, born June 7, 1788. Sponsors, John Bechtel and Margareth.
1788, Dec. 20 Christina, daughter ot Peter Lauer, born Nov. 29, 1788. Sponsor, Christina Lauer.
1789, April 13 Joh (John), son of William Lessman, born Mar. 17, 1789. Sponsors, Joh Hain and Margareth.
1789, June 20 Catharine, daughter of John Lerch, born June 7, 1789. Sponsors, Margareth Elizabeth Lerch.
1789, Aug. 17 Catharine, daughter of John Lash, born June 21, 1789. Sponsor, Juliana Schaeffer.
1789, Dec. 6 Elizabeth, daughter of Yost (Johst) Lerch, --- weeks old. Sponsor, Elizabeth Lerch.
1790, Apr. 11 Jacob, son of Henry Lauer and Eva Elizabeth, aged 2 years and 6 weeks. Sponsors, Parents.
1790, April 11 Christina, daughter of Henry Lauer and Eva Elizabeth, age 3 weeks. Sponsor, Elizabeth Hess.
1790, May 9 Joseph, son of William Lacks and Maria, 4 weeks old. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Maria.
1790, Aug. 1 William, son of Christian Lauer and Elizabeth, born July 10, 1790. Sppnsors, Nicholas Stouch and Margareth.
1791, May 15 Catharine, daughter of Andrew Lauck, born April 17, 1791. Sponsors, Conrad Kirper and Catharine.
1791, Aug. 7 Susanna, daughter of Yost Lerch and Rosina, born July 27, 1791. Sponsors, Adam Ruth and Eva.
1792, Mar. 25 Catharine, daughter of Christopher Lutz and Elizabeth, born Mar. 14, 1792. Sponsors, Catharine Frymauer.
1792, April 8 Margareth, daughter of William Laesmann and Margareth, born Mar. 19, 1792. Sponsors, Christ Jac Grips and Elizabeth.
1792, Aug. 5 Catharine, daughter of John Lauck, born June 7, 1792. Sponsors, John Roescher and Catharine.
1793, Mar. 14 Daniel, son ot Yost Lerch, born Feb. 22, 1793. Sponsors, Adam Hain and Anna Maria.
1793, May 20 Daniel, son of Daniel Light (Lichty), born Jan. ---, 1792. Sponsor, Daniel Fisher.
1793, Oct. 19 Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Lutz, born Oct. 12, 1793. Sponsor, Barbara Freymaurer.
1795, Feb. 8 Rosina, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Dec. 30, 1794. Sponsor, Rosina Hain.
1795, April 19 John, son of John Lerch, born Mar. 2, 1795. Sponsors, John Michel and Elizabeth.
1795, April 19 John, son of Christopher (Stoffel) Lutz, born Mar. 5, 1795. Sponsors, Christian Ruth and Barbara.
1795, May 25 John, son of John Lauck, born Mar. 12, 1795. Sponsor, Daniel Ruth.
1796, April 10 Sarah, daughter of Henry Leppel, born Oct. 1, 1795. Sponsor, Sarah Fisher.
1797, Apr. 23 John, son of Yost Lerch, born April 11, 1797. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine.
1797, Nov. 19 Elizabeth, daughter of John Lauck, born Sept. 12, 1797. Sponsors, Ludwig Hoffman and Elizabeth.
1798, Dec. 25 Maria Magdalena, daughter of Joseph Lampert (Lambert), born Sept. 25, 1798. Sponsor, Maria Magdalena Dechert.
1799, Mar. 12 Elizabeth, daughter of John Lash, born Nov. 5, 1798. Sponsor, Susanna Rieser.
1799, June 30 Elizabeth, a daughter of John Lauck, born May 18, 1799. Sponsor, Sophia Lauck.
1799, Sept. 1 Anna Maria, daughter of Yost (Jost) Lerch, born July 18, 1799. Sponsors, Jacob Kaucher and Anna Maria.
1799, Nov. 24 Catharine, daughter of David Lash, born Oct. 20, 1799. Sponsor, Catharine Freyberger.
1799, Dec. 26 Daniel, son of John Lerch, born Nov. 28, 1799. Sponsors, Yost (Jost) Lerch and Rosina.
1800, June 22 Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Leppel, born Dec. 20, 1799. Sponsor, Anna Maria Strunk.
1801, April 12 Elenora, daughter of Yost Lerch, born Mar. 23, 1800. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Elenora.
1801, May 3 John Adam, son of --- Lauck, born April 5, 1801. Sponsors, John Adam Ruth and Catharine.
1801, May 24 Anna Maria, daughter of David Lash, born April 14, 1801. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine.
1801, May 24 Hannah, daughter of John Lauer, born Feb. 1, 1801 Sponsor, Sarah Fisher.
1801, May 24 Samuel, son of Ludwig Long, born Dec. 18, 1800. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine.
1802, Aug. 29 Michael, son of Henry Lippel, born April 10, 1802. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and Elizabeth.
1802, Oct. 10 Adam, son of John Lauer, born July 2, 1802. Sponsor, Jacob Riehm.
1803, Jan. 1 Susanna Margareth, daughter of John Lerch, born Nov. 21, 1802. Sponsors, Margareth Elizabeth Lerch.
1804, April 29 Isaac, son of Christopher Lutz, born Jan. 15, 1804. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Nelly.
1804, April 29 Sarah, daughter of Jacob Lauck, born Feb. 9. Sponsor, Parents.
1804, May 20 Nelly, daughter of John Lauer, born Feb. 25, 1804. Sponsors, Peter Stahn and Peck (Rebecca).
1806, Sept. 7 John, son of John Lauer, born July 6, 1806. Sponsor, Philip Riehm.
1806, Nov. 9 Jonathan, son of Christopher Lutz, born Oct. 8, 1806. Sponsor, Jonathan Miller.
1807, Aug. 8 Samuel, son of John Lerch, born July 4, 1807. Sponsor, Parents.
1808, May 29 Joseph, son of John Lauck, born April 23, 1808. Sponsors, Parents.
1808, May 29 Catharine, daughter of George Lierd, born Jan. 21, 1808. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine.
1809, Sept. 3 Joseph, son of George Lieder, born June 12, 1809. Sponsors, Michael Seitzinger and Rosina.
1760, Feb. 17 Anna Maria, daughter of Christian Maudel and Patronella, born Feb. 4, 1760. Sponsors, Jost Fitzmeyer and Anna Maria.
1761, Nov. 17 George Adam, son of Christian Mantel and Petronella, born Oct, 22, 1761. Sponsors, George Adam Mantel and Maria Christina Eckert.
1762, Sept. 26 Susanna, daughter of Ludwig Mohn and Audilla, born Sept. 12, 1762. Sponsor, Catharine Scharman.
1765, April 6 Henry, son of Ludwig Mohn and Audiel, born Feb. 16, 1765. Sponsors, Henry Sohl and Catharine.
1767, June 21 Christina, daughter of Dietrich Merdy and Anna Maria, born June 16, 1767, Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Christina.
1772, Jan. 19 Daniel, son of Ludwig Mohn, born Dec. 25, 1771. Sponsor, Werner Weitzel.
1772, April 12 Dietrich, son of Dietrich Marschall. Sponsors, Philip Hart and Dorothea Esterin.
1772, Nov. 8 William, son of Adam Mell. Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth Miller.
1772, Dec. 26 John, son of Henry Machmer (Magemer). Sponsors, John Epler (Eppler) and Rosina Lauer.
1773, Jan. 31 Philip, son of Christian Michael. Sponsors, Philip Heckert and Anna Maria.
1773, May 16 Maria Barbara, daughter of Sebastian Miller. Sponsors, John Eckert and Maria Barbara.
1773, Aug. 8 John, son of John Mohn. Sponsors, Jacob Geiger and Margareth.
1773, Aug. 8 Anna Maria, daughter of Valentine Miller, Sponsors, George Werheim and Anna Maria.
1774, Jan. 2 John Adam, son of Adam Mell. Sponsors, Adam Fellabahm and Maria Catharine.
1774, May 23 Elizabeth, daughter of Christian Michel (Michael). Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth.
1774, May 23 Margareth, a daughter of Dietrich Marschall. Sponsor, Margareth Hatt.
1774, Dec. 26 Elizabeth, daughter of Carl Mell. Sponsors, Melchior Mell and Elizabeth.
1775, Mar. 5 Anna Maria Justina, a daughter of George Moyer. Sponsors, Andrew Bender and Justina Weiderin.
1775, May 14 Philip, son of Adam Mell. Sponsors, Phillp Heckert and Anna Maria.
1775, June 11 Elizabeth, daughter of John Mell. Sponsors, Melchior Mell and Elizabeth.
1775, Nov. 26 John, son of William Michael. Sponsors, John Mell and Susanna.
1776, April 21 John, a son of Charles Mell. Sponsors, John Mell and Susanna.
1776, Dec. 8 Catharine, daughter of John Mell. Sponsor, Catharine Ermold.
1777, May 19 Christian, son of Christian Michael (Michel). Sponsor, Charles Schaeffer.
1777, July 27 Anna Catharine, daughter of Philip Mitchel. Sponsor, Catharine Barbara Dock.
1777, Nov. 30 Adam, son of Willlam Michael. Sponsors, Adam Mell and Barabara.
1778, April 1 Henry, son of Charles Mell. Sponsors, Henry Fisher and Christina.
1778, April 1 Barbara, daughter of John Mell. Sponsors, Adam Mell and Barabara.
1778, April 5 Absolon, son of David Moyer. Sponsors, Valentine Moser and Elizabeth Ludwig.
1778, June 7 Maria Magdalena, daughter of John Mohn. Sponsor, Maria Magdalena Dechert.
1779, Mar. 28 Elizabeth, daughter of Adam Mell. Sponsors, Melchior Knorr and Elizabeth.
1779, April 18 Anna Christina, daughter of Christian Michael. Sponsors, John Hain and Esther.
1779, Aug. 1 John, son of Lorentz Matz. Sponsor, John Ritcher (Richard).
1779, Nov. 14 Anna Maria, daughter of John Mell. Sponsors, Dietrich Stiely and Anna Maria.
1780, Feb. 6 Philip, son of William Michel (Michael). Sponsors, Philip Heckart and Anna Maria.
1780, Mar. 19 Anna Maria, daughter of George Minch. Sponsor, Anna Maria Dock.
1780, Mar. 19 George, son of Sebastian Miller (Muller). Sponsor, George Gernant.
1780, Sept. 24 Henry, a son of Dietrich Marschall. Sponsors, Henry Hatt and Rosina Weitzel.
1781, Feb. 18 Abraham, son of Peter Mengel. Sponsors, George Ruth and Anna Barbara.
1781, June 3 Christian, son of Lorentz Matz. Sponsor, Christian Richard.
1781, Nov. 18 John Melchior, son of John Mell. Sponsors, John Mell and Elizabeth.
1782, Jan. 26 John Michael, son of John Muller (Miller), born Jan. 16, 1782. John Michael Miller and Susanna.
1782, Jan. 27 William, a son of Charles Mell, born Jan. 2, 1782. Sponsors, William Michael and Elizabeth.
1782, April 28 Susanna, daughter of John Mohn, born Mar. 31, 1782. Sponsors, John Rehrer (Röhrer) and Susanna.
1782, Sept. 22 John George, son of Lorentz Matz, born Aug. 10, 1782. Sponsors, George Matz and Catharine.
1783, Feb. 23 Philip, son of Adam Mell, born Dec. 31, 1782. Sponsor, Philip Stiely.
1783, Feb. 23 John, son of John Michael, born Dec. 31, 1782. Sponsor, John Lerch.
1783, April 18 Anna Maria, daughter of Dietrich Marschall, born Feb. 3, 1783. Sponsors, John Krick and Anna Maria.
1783, May 18 John, son of George Mengel, born April 3, 1783. Sponsor, John Dechert.
1784, Mar. 14 Daniel, son of John Mohn, born Feb. 9. Sponsor, Henry Mohn.
1784, April 11 Daniel, son of Lorentz Matz, born Mar. 8, 1784. Sponsors, Ulrich Rieschert and Barabara.
1784, April 11 Anna Maria, daughter of Charles Mell, born Feb. 18, 1784. Sponsors Philip Heckart and Anna Maria.
1784, Aug. 8 Jonathan, son of John Miller (Muller), born July 23 Sponsors, Jonathan Eckert and Maria Catharine.
1784, Dec. 26 Catharine, daughter of Philip Machmer (Magemer), born Sept. 20, 1784. Sponsors, William Freymauerer and Barbara.
1785, Mar. 20 Anna Catharine, daughter of Christian Michel (Michael), born Mar. 10, 1785. Sponsor, Anna Catharine Lerch.
1785, June 12 William, a son of John Michel (Michael), born May 29, 1785. Sponsors, Casper Stein and Sophia.
1785, July 24 William, son of John Mohn or Mohr, born July 9, 1785. Sponsor, William Roether.
1785, Oct. 30 John William, son of Lorentz Matz, born Oct. 16, 1785. Sponsors, Nicholas Stouch and Margareth.
1786, Feb. 5 Rosuna, daughter of John Miller, born Jan. 12, 1786. Sponsors, Nicholas Eckert and Rosina.
1786, April 16 Anna Catharine, daughter of Christopher Meyer (Moyer), born Mar. 17, 1786. Sponsors, John Ruth and Anna Catharine.
1786, April 30 John Henry, son of Peter Mengel. born Mar. 14, 1786. Sponsor, John Henry Ruth.
1786, July 30 John, son of Henry Muller (Miller), born June 25, 1786. Sponsor, John Bechtel.
1786, July 30 Susanna, a daughter of Daniel Maurer, born Jan. 21. 1786. Sponsors, Baltheser Ulrich and Susanna.
1786, Aug. 13 Elizabeth, daughter of George Muller (Miller), born July 23, 1786. Sponsor, Elizabeth Hain.
1787, Feb. 25 John Jacob, son of Lorentz Matz, born Dec. 11, 1786. Sponsor, Jacob Richard (Ritschert).
1787, April 8 Sebastian, son of Sebastian Muller (Miller), born Feb. 19, 1787. Sponsor, John George Rich.
1787, April 8 Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Machmer (Magemer), born Jan. 30, 1787. Sponsor, Elizabeth Freymaurer.
1787, June 24 Anna Maria, daughter of John Mohn, born June 10, 1787. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria.
1787, June 24 Petras, son of Peter Mengel, born May 23, 1787. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1788, May 25 Elizabeth, daughter of David Myer (Meyer), born Mar. 24, 1788. Sponsor, Maria Eva Moyer (Meyerin).
1788, Aug. 3 George, son of Frederick Michael (Michel), born July 16, 1788. Sponsors, George Werheim and Anna Maria.
1789, Mar. 29 Isaac, son of Peter Mengel, born Nov. 10, 1788. Sponsors, Isaac Adams and Barbara.
1789, Mar. 30 Catharine, daughter of John Michel, born Jan. 16, 1789. Sponsor, Sophia Stein.
1789, July 5 Susanna, daughter of Philip Machmer (Magemer), born Feb. 18, 1789. Sponsor, Susanna Lash.
1789, Nov. 21 Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Michel and Anna Maria, born Nov. 10, 1789. Sponsor, Elizabeth Michel.
1790, May 23 Christina, daughter of Frederick Miller (Muller) and Urseela, born May 12, 1790. Sponsor, Margareth Michel.
1790, May 23 Henry, son of Jean Meyer and Elizabeth, born April 25, 1790. Sponsor, James Hoster or Hossler.
1790, Nov.9 John Nicholas, son of Nicholas Muller (Miller) and Anna Catharine, born six weeks ago. Sponsors, John Young (Iung) and Anna Margareth Wenctelsin.
1790, Dec. 22 John, son of Michael Meyer and Elizabeth, born Nov. 22. Sponsor, Pastor Yoh Cor: Clumaur.
1791, Sept. 18 John Peter, son of Peter Maurer and Anna Elizabeth. Sponsors, Peter Michel and Maria.
1792, Jan. 8 Peter, son of Peter Michel, born Nov. 1791. Sponsor, Peter Ermold.
1792, April 29 Anna Maria, a daughter of Frederick Michel, born Feb. 25, 1792. Sponsors, Jacob Spatz and Esther.
1792, Nov. 18 Leah, daughter of John Mohn, born Oct. ---, 1792. Sponsors, Frederick Weitzel and Anna Maria.
1792, Dec. 9 John George, son of George Miller (Muller), born Nov. 9, 1792. Sponsors, George Miller and Elizabeth.
1793, Jan. 20 Catharine, daughter of Peter Mandern, born Dec. 15, 1792. Sponsor, Margareth Michel.
1793, May 20 Elizabeth, daughter of William Michel, born April 22, 1793. Sponsors, Conrad Spatz and Magdalena.
1793, Oct. 20 Daniel, son of Jacob Muller (Miller), born Sept. 17, 1793. Sponsors, Wener Weitzel and Barbara.
1793, Nov. 10 Daniel, son of John Michel, born Oct. 17, 1793. Sponsors, Christian Iung (Young) and Maria.
1794, April 6 William, son of Peter Michel. Sponsors, William Michel and Elizabeth.
1794, July 20 Henry, son of John Meckleig, born April 22, 1794. Sponsor, Henry Lippeld.
1794, Sept. 21 Susanna, daughter of Frederick Michel, born Aug. 14, 1794. Sponsors, William Freymaurer and Barbara.
1795, Feb. 15 Daniel, son of Peter Maurer, born Dec. 21, 1794. Sponsor, Daniel Maurer.
1795, April 19 Rachel, a daughter of John Mohn, born Mar. 7, 1795. Sponsor, Christina Dechert.
1795, Aug. 2 Philip, son of Jacob Miller, born April 26, 1795. Sponsors, Philip Lerch and Margareth.
1795, Dec. 6 Anna Maria, daughter of Philip Machemer (Magemer), born Oct. 20, 1795. Sponsors, Parents.
1796, Feb. 7 Anna Maria, daughter of John Michel, born Dec. 19, 1795. Sponsors, John Lerch and Catharine.
1796, July 24 Daniel, a son of Christopher Maurer, born July 10, 1796. Sponsors, Daniel Maurer and Elizabeth.
1797, Feb. 19 John, son of Peter Maurer, born Oct. 8, 1796. Sponsors, Daniel Maurer and Elizabeth.
1797, Mar. 12 Maria Margareth, daughter of Michel Maurer, born Jan. 5, 1797. Sponsors, William Schaeffer and Maria Margareth.
1797, April 2 William, son of William Michel, born Feb. 15, 1797. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Margareth.
1797, June 4 John George, son of Jacob Miller (Muller) born Mar. 31, 1797. Sponsor, John George Bohn.
1798, May 9 Anna, daughter of Henry Metz, born Feb. 12, 1798. Sponsors, Peter Metz or Mohn and Maria Elizabeth.
1798, July 8 Sarah, daughter of Philip Machmer, born June 6, 1798. Sponsor, Catharine Freymaurer.
1798, Nov. 11 Anna Maria, daughter of John Michel, born Aug. 14, 1798. Sponsor, Sophia Stein.
1799, Mar. 25 Jacob, son of William Michel, born Feb. 23, 1799. Sponsors, Jacob Kaucher and Anna Maria.
1800, April 20 Maria Margareth, daughter of John Michel, born Feb. 4. 1800. Sponsor, Maria Margareth Michel.
1800, July 13 Charlotte, daughter of John Mohn, born June 2, 1800. Sponsors, Peter Krick and Catharine.
1801, April 6 John Frederick, son of Jacob Muller (Miller), born Oct. 9, 1800. Sponsor, Frederick Bohn.
1801, April 6 Samuel, son of David Meyer, born Feb. 17, 1800. Sponsor, Frederick Ruth.
1801, June 14 Elizabeth, a daughter of John Machmer, born April 2, 1801. Sponsor, Elizabeth Eplerin.
1801, Sept. 26 Magdalena, daughter of John Michel, born Sept 2, 1801. Sponsor, Magdalena Spengler.
1801, Nov. 28 Hannah, daughter of John Mohn, born Oct 13. Sponsor, Magdalena Krick.
1802, April 25 Absolon, son of Christian Michel, born April 2, 1802. Sponsors, Parents.
1803, May 28 Elenora, daughter of William Ulrich, born Mar. 18, 1803. Sponsors, Michael Schaeffer and Elenora.
1803, May 29 Catharine, daughter of Antoni Marz, born April 12, 1803. Sponsors, Joseph Hain and Catharine.
1803, July 10 Catharine, daughter of John Mohn, born April 28, 1803. Sponsor, Barbara Krick.
1803, July 10 Anna Maria, daughter of Henry Mell, born May 18, 1803. Sponsors, Charles Mell and Margareth.
1804, April 29 Catharine, daughter of Adam Miller, born Sept. 11, 1803. Sponsor, Catharine Ruth.
1804, Sept. 23 Samuel, son of John Michel, born Aug. 13, 1804. Sponsors, Christian Spengler and Elizabeth.
1805, Mar. 10 Peter, son of William Michel, born Jan. 9, 1805. Sponsor, Peter Bertram and Christina.
1805, Mar. 5 Margareth, daughter of William Michel, born Jan. 9, 1805. Sponsor, Margareth Stiely.
1805, May 22 Joseph, son of William Miller, born Feb. 12, 1805. Sponsors, Parents.
1805, Aug. 25 Simon, son of Henry Metternus, born July 15, 1805. Sponsors, Parents.
1805, Aug. 25 Benjamin, a son of Magdalena Metz, born April 1, 1804. Sponsors, Henry Metz and Magdalena.
1805, Dec. 8 George Mollen, born Nov. 9, 1800. Sponsors, Philip Spohn and Anna Maria.
1805, Dec. 8 Michael, son of John Adam Miller, born Oct. 1, 1805. Sponsors, Michael Fisher and Sarah.
1806, Oct. 19 Magdalena, daughter of Catharine Metz, born April 30, 1806. Sponsor, Elizabeth.
1807, May 17 Susanna, daughter of Henry Matternus, born Dec. 8. 1806. Sponsors, Michael Matternus and Elizabeth.
1807, May 17 Isaac, son of William Miller, born Sept. 8, 1806. Sponsors, Isaac Hain and Elizabeth.
1808, April 19 Adam, son of Adam Miller, born Sept. 10, 1807. Sponsors, Parents.
1808, Sept. 23 Benjamin, son of William Muller (Miller), born April 20, 1808. Sponsors, Benjamin Hain and Elizabeth.
1808, Dec. 23 Sarah, daughter of William Mell. Sponsors, Philip Stiely and Catharine.
1809, May 21 John, a son of John Mell, born Mar. 19, 1809. Sponsor, John Matternus.
1809, July 2 Elizabeth, daughter of Anthony Marks, born May 3. 1809. Sponsors, Parents.
1809, July 2 --- , of Philip Miller, born April 24, 1809. Sponsor, Christina.
1776, Oct. 5 Maria Magdalena, wife of George Nies. Sponsors, Eva Margareth Schucker and Engel Eckert.
1788, June 22 Eva Elizabeth, daughter of George Niesen, born June 13, 1788. Sponsor, Eva Elizabeth Werheim.
1793, July 28 Philip Jacob, son of Henry Nippel, born Feb. 3, 1793. Sponsors, Philip Jacob Fisher and Anna Maria.
1789, May 10 Catharine, daughter of Conrad Orth, born April 12, 1789. Sponsors, William Foesig and Catharine Aumiller.
1791, Feb. 21 Peter, son of Francis Otter or Offer, born June 4, 1786. Sponsors, Parents.
1791, April 3 Magdalena, daughter of Conrad Orth and wife, age 6 weeks. Sponsor, Magdalena Gerhart.
1793, May 20 Anna Maria, daughter of Conrad Orth, born Feb. 28, 1793. Sponsors, Jacob Schaeffer and Margareth.
1799, Sept. 25 William, son of Conrad Orth, born July 31. Sponsors, Parents.
1762, April 25 Maria Elizabeth, daughter of John Pheisser and Maria Barbara, born Oct. 15, 1761. Sponsors, Jacob Hassner and Elizabeth Hassner.
1782, May 19 Maria Sarah, daughter of William Philips, born April 4, 1781. Sponsors, George Lah and Anna Maria Siehlin.
1787, May 27 Elizabeth, daughter of Heeter Poehn (Paine), born Nov. 5, 1786. Jacob Ruth and Catharine.
1790, Oct. 2 William, son of Peter Palm, M.D. and Catharine, born Dec. 2, 1789. Sponsors, John Zwangly and Catharine Brecker.
1793, May 17 John, son of Hector Pee. Sponsors, John Krick and Anna Maria.
1797, Dec. 31 Anna Maria, daughter of Peter Palm, born Sept. 22, 1797. Sponsors, John Binckle and Elizabeth.

Source: History of St. John's (Hain's) Reformed Church in Lower Heidelberg Township Berks County, Penna. by Rev. W.J. Kershner and Adam G. Lerch. Reading, PA: I.M. Beaver, Publisher, 1916, pp. 92-104.

Submitted by: Nancy.

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