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1889 Johnstown City Directory



Transcribed by Connie Williams

Lackey Francis, propr St Cloud Hotel, Fairfield ave, Morrellville, r h do, 4-3
La France Fred, machinist, bds, 427 Railroad st, Con.
La France Joseph, machinist, r h 427 Railroad st, Con. 5
Laffey Mark, bartender, bds 189 Front st, Camb.
Laffey Michael, saloon, 189 Front st, Camb. r h do, 3
Laird Robert M. stair builder, o h head of South st twp. 2-4
Laird Wm. steel worker, r h rear 200 Grant st, 6-6
Lamb Morgan, carpenter C.I.Co. bds 84 Vine st
+Lamberd Andrew S. mill hand, bds 266 Washington st
+Lamberd John, bartender, bds 266 Washington st
Lamberd R. A. saloon, 266 Washington st, r h do, 6-6
+Lamberd Wm. J. moulder, bds 266 Washington st
Lambert John, laborer, o h 510 Chestnut st, Camb. 4
LAMBERT KARL C. (Lambert &Kress;), home 187 Locust st
LAMBERT & KRESS (Karl C. Lambert and Chas. F. Kress), props Johnstown brewer, Portage st, Con.
Lambert Lizzie, domestic, 136 Main st
Lambert Louisa, widow, o h 187 Locust st, 7-7
Lambert Nicholas, laborer, bds 96 Church ave, Con.
Lambiski Stanislaus, laborer, r h 221 Chestnut st, Camb. 8-6
Lamison Charles, laborer Johnson Co. bds 26 Main st, Grubb.
Lamison Harvey M. mill hand, o h David st, Hornerst'n, 5-5
Lamison Jennie Miss, dressmaker, home 100 Grant st
Lamison John, policeman, o h 160 Grant st, 6-7
Lancaster Conrad, electrician, bds 52 Napoleon st
Landers Lizzie, domestic, 40 Main st, Grubbtown
Landers Charles, teamster, bds 189 Pearl st
Landis David (col'd), hostler, r h 9 Jones st, Con. 5-5
Landis John, mill hand, r h 189 Pearl st, 5-5
Lane Charles A. laborer, r h 68 South st, 4-4
Lane Dan'l S. shoe shop, 102 1/2 Morris st, r h 209 Napoleon st, 2
Lane Edwin, helper in mill, r h 209 Napoleon st, 5-5
Lane James A. timekeeper, r h 128 Locust st, 6-3
Lane Levi W. wire drawer, r h rear 66 Morris st, 3-3
Lane Wm. laborer, o h 50 Iron st, Mill. 2-3
Lane Wm. wire drawer, r h 355 Gautier st, Con. 6-6
Lang & Ulerich (W. M. Lang, S. S. Ulerich), groceries and dry goods, 52 Morris st
Lang Wm. M. (Lang & Ulerich) bds Stewart's, Hornerstown
Lantz George, cements cellars, &c.; bds 206Grant st
Lafe Adam, works steel mill C.I.Co. bds 119 Main st, Grubb.
Lape Benj. laborer, r h near Bedford pike, Hornerstown, 3-3
Lape Chas. laborer, r h near Bedford pike, Hornerstown, 2-2
Lape Henry, mill hand C.I.Co. o h 119 Main st, Grubb. 9-9
Larkin John C. jewler, bds 231 Main st
LARKIN J. & CO. (John C. Larkin), clocks, watches and jewelry. 231 Main st
LARKIN JAMES A. (J.A. Larkin & Co.), jeweler, bds 231 Main st, 3
Launtz Eliza Mrs. widow, r h rear 69 Water st, 6-6
Launtz Geo. engineer (stationary), r h 57 Morris st, 4-3
Launtz Ida M. widow John, r h S Ebensburg road Mill. 5
Launtz Richard, engineer, r h Railroad st, E. Con. 2-2
Launtz Samuel, wire drawer, home rear 69 Water st
Lavan Mrs. widow, domestic, 188 Sherman st
Lavan Lizzie Mrs. widow, home 106 Somerset st
La Velle John,wire drawer, o h 34 Frankstown road, Con. 7-7
La Velle Kate E. Miss, dressmaker, home 231 Broad st
La Velle Mary, widow, r h 231 Broad st, 5-2
La Velle Mary J. Miss, dressmaker, home 231 Broad st
La Velle Michael, tinner, home 231 Broad st
La Velle Patrick E. machinist, r h 94 Conemaugh st, 6-3
La Velle Sally Miss, dressmaker, home 231 Broad st
Lavely Aaron, stonemason, o h 202 Morris st, 4-4
Lavely Daniel, laborer, bds 257 Iron st, Mv.
Lavely David, sewing machine agent for Singer Co. o h 61 Water st, 9-6
Lavely David J. laborer, bds 257 Iron st, Mv.
Lavely Geo. F. stonemason, o h 244 Sherman st, 3-5
Lavely Geo. H. blacksmith, r h 43 Water st, 6-6
Lavely John, laborer, r h 257 Iron st, Mv. 11-12
Lavely Jere, driver, r h Hornerstown, 2-2
Laverish Adam, mill hand, home 628 Bedford st
Laverish Henry, clerk home 628 Bedford st
Laverish Mrs. wisow, o h 628 Bedford st, 4-4
Lawler Laughlin, laborer, r h 377 (Co.No.) Portage st, Con. 6-6
Lawrence Geo. W. roll hand, bds 270 Iron st, Mv.
Lawrence Philip M. clerk (Cobaugh), 114 Somerset st, 4-4
Lawrence Samuel A. mill hand, r h 270 Iron st, Mv. 7-7
Lawrence Wm. E. laborer, bds 270 Iron st, Minersville
Layman Amanda, seamstress, home Geo. Decker's, Somerset st
Layton Benj A. draughtsman, bds 53 Haynes st
Layton chas. laborer, bds Samuel H. Horner's, Bedford pike
*Layton David W. nut maker, home 223 Broad st
Layton Elvara C. widow, r h 49 church ave, Con. 3-3
Layton John H. blacksmith C.I.Co. r h 46 1/2 Market st, 3-3
Layton Jordan, mill hand, r h 579 Horner st, 4-4
Layton Joseph H. bolt maker, r h 346 Main st, 6-6
Layton Joseph P. blacksmith C.I.Co. o h 53 Haynes st, 6-6
Layton Joseph W. blacksmith C.I.Co. bds 53 Haynes st
Layton Martha, widow, bds 577 Horner st
*Layton Wm. foreman bolt works, o h 223 Broad st, 5
Layton Wm. G. plumber, r h 577 Horner st, 3-2
Leadbeter Anna M. Miss, dressmkr, bds T. Leadbeter, Morr.
Leadbeter George F. brakeman, r h Chandler st, Morr. 3-3
Leadbeter John L. mill hand, o h Garfield st, Morr. 5
Leadbeter Thomas, laborer, o h Blain st, Morr. 5-5
Leadbeter, Thomas L. mill hand, r h Maryland ave, Morr. 2-2
Leap James, fireman, bds Mary McGough's, Franklin
Lear Henry, laborer, r h Bridge st, Franklin, 6
Leary Jeremiah, laborer, r h 24 Ridge ave, Mv. 3-3
Leary Patrick, laborer, bds 24 Ridge ave, Minersville
Leas George J. patternmaker, r h 56 1/2 Iron st, Mill. 4-4
Leasure Jacob, pottery hand, o h 206 Sherman st, 3-3
Leasure Joseph, no occ, bds Wm. H. Hammond's, Morr.
Leber John A. chipper at mill, o h 37 Grant st, 5-5
Leber Paulina Mrs. widow Edward, o h 40 Benton st, 4-4
Leckey Albert F. machinist, r h 30 1/2 Maple ave, 2-2
Leckey Charles, brakeman, bds Peter Leckey's, Morr.
Leckey Conrad, laborer, r h 212 Broad st, Camb. 4-4
Leckey Henry, laborer, o h 607 Chestnut st, Camb. 2-2
Leckey Henry Jr. mill hand, o h 726 Ash st, 2-2
Leckey John, mill hand, o h 21 Walnut st, 6-6
Leckey Lewis, laborer, o h Beam street, Morr. 9-9
Leckey Peter, engineer, o h Strayer st, Morr. 11-9
Lee Abram, mill hand, bds 53 Lock st, Millville
Lee Charles Mrs. dressmaker, bds 53 Lock st, Millville
Lee James, rail straightener, r h 312 1/2 Chestnut st, Camb. 3-3
Lee James A. engineer, bds 303 Iron st, Minersville
*LEE JNO.K. physician, 126 Main st, o h 124 do, 3
Lee John L. laborer, o h 212 Railroad st, Camb. 3-4
Lee Joseph, mill hand, bds 53 Lock st, Millville
Lee Julia A. widow, r h Main st, Franklin, 2-2
Lee Lysander L. brakeman, bds 303 Iron st, Minersville
Lee Samuel, laborer, r h 53 Lock st, Mill. 5-4
Lee Samuel H. laborer, r h 59 Portage st, Con. 3-4
+Lee Sing, Chinese laundry, 127 1/2 Franklin st, 1
Lee Wm. M. laborer, bds Julia A. Lee's
Leech John C. foreman at furnace, o h 78 Main st, Cdale, 3-3
Leferve Charles M. laborer, r h Fairfield ave, Morr. 6-6
Leff Moses, engineer, r h First st, E. Con. 10
Leffler Charles, roofing and spouting, 53 Adams st, o h 55 do, 10-10
Leffler Christ, laborer, o h Beam st, Morr. 8-8
Leffler Cyrus, blcksmith, 429 Baumer st, o h 426 Bsfrd st, 8-8
Leggett McClelland, cigarmaker, bds 122 Market st, 3
Lego Andrew J. steel worker, r h rear 88 Union st, 8-3
Lego Ida Miss, domestic, home 87 Stony Creek st
Lego William, mill hand, r h 87 Stony Creek st, 10-10
LEHMAN CHARLES, meat shop, 106 Morris st, o h 196 Napoleon st, 5-5
Lehman James J. mill hand, o h 628 Wood st, 5-5
Lehman Lizzie, domestic, 125 Morris st
Lehman Wm. J. bricklayer, o h 126 Sherman st, 8
Lehman Zachariah, water tender C.I.Co. mill, o h 200 Napoleon st, 5-5
Lehmeyer Augustus, grocer, 48 Portage st, Con. o h do, 6-6
LEHMEYER LOUIS, soap manufacturer, near Bedford pike and David st, Hornerstown, bds 46 Portage st, Con.
Lehr Michael, laborer, r h rear 118 Broad st, Camb. 10-10
Lehrman James E. machinist, r h 213 1/2 Broad st, Camb. 3-3
Leib John, laborer, o h Folsom ave, Morr. 4-4
Leibfreid Charles, hammerman, o h 51 Ridge ave, Con. 9-12
Leibold Christ, machinist, r h 182 Sherman st, 5-5
Leis Joseph, laborer, bds 46 Frankstown road, Con.
Leis Sebastian, laborer, r h 46 Frankstown road, Con. 12-12
Leitenberger Charles F. baker, home 268 Washington st
Leitenberger Eliza, dressmaker, home 110 Vine st
Leitenberger Ella, clerk (Stenger's), home 11 Vine st
Leitenberger Frank F. candymaker, home 268 Washington st
Leitenberger Fred W. artist, bds 313 Walnut st, Camb.
Leitenberger Gottlieb, cabinetmaker, o h 166 Locust st, 4-4
Leitenberger J. Edward, printer, home 166 Locust st
Leitenberger John F. laborer, o h 313 Walnut st, Camb. 7
Leitenberger John H. cigarmaker, bds 313 Walnut st, Camb.
Leitenberger Leah Mrs. widow John F. o h 110 Vine st, 4
LEITENBERGER L.F. Mrs widow, bakery and confectionery, 268 Washington st, o h do, 4-4
Leitenberger Nancy Miss, tailoress, home 110 Vine st
Lenhart charles, carpenter, bds 57 Morris st
Lenhart Harry C. carpenter, r h 64 Haynes st, 4-4
Lenhart Milton T. saddler. r h 68 Napoleon st, 7-7
Lenhart Rebecca, widow Henry, home 366 Bedford st
Lenhart Samuel, laborer, r h 123 Huber st, Con. 3-3
*Lenhart Samuel Sr. saddlery and harness, 145 Clinton st, o h do, 6
Lenhart Samuel Jr. saddler, home 145 Clinton st
Lenz Conrad, no occupation, o h 421 Walnut st, Camb. 5
Leonard Andrew J. roll hand, bds Micheal Conway's
Leppert Andrew J. plasterer, bds 648 Horner st
Leppert George W. mill hand, o h 685 Bedford st, 3-3
Lepselter Charles, laborer, o h Brownstown, 4-4
Leslie Alexander, laborer, r h 62 River ave, Mill. 12-12
Leslie Edward S. brakeman, bds Wm. Leslie's, Morr.
Leslie Frank F. laborer, bds Joseph W. Leslie's, Morr.
Leslie Hattie E. Miss, teacher, bds Joseph W. Leslie's, Morr.
Leslie Hays M. baker, bds Wm. Leslie's Morr.
*Leslie John S. assistant at Gaitoer works, rooms 67 Levergood st
Leslie Joseph W. laborer, o h Maryland ave, Morr. 6-6
Leslie Wm. foreman for C.I.Co. o h Main st, Morr. 12-12
Lester James A. miner, r h 19 Ridge ave, Con. 3-3
Lester Mary A. widow, o h 19 Ridge ave, Con. 1-1
Lester Wm. hammerman, r h Cottage Hill, Con. 6-5
Leventry Henry F. carpenter, o h 26 Main st, Grubb. 7-7
Leventry Josiah, carpenter, bds 26 Main st, Grubb.
Leventry Lewis, carpenter, r h Moxham, 3-3
Levergood Charles H. assistant weighmaster, home 65 Levergood st
Levergood Jacob C. marble and granite works 354 Bedford st, o h do, 6-6
*Levergood Jane, widow, o h 344 Bedford st, 3
Levergood John Milton, student, home 37 Morris st
LEVERGOOD MARTIN LUTHER (Fockler&Levergood;), o h 37 Morris st, 4-5
LEVERGOOD PETER, borough weighmaster, o h 65 Levergood st, 6
LEVERGOOD WM.H. stoves, tinware and house furnishings 294 Main st, o h 63 Levergood st, 5
Levy Louise and Charlotte Misses, home rear 162 Vine st
Levy Maria, widow Peter, r h rear 162 Vine st, 3-3
Lewis Amaniah, laborer, o h 75 Iron st, Mill. 7-5
Lewis Anna, widow David, r h 23 Main st, 8-8
Lewis Carrie Miss, clerk, home 23 Main st
Lewis Charles A. laborer, r h Messenger st, 8-8
+Lewis Daniel, mill hand, home 41 Market st
*Lewis Daniel E. mill hand, r h 81 Conemaugh st, 3
Lewis David J. commission merchant, bds 15 Lewis al. Mill.
Lewis David M. laborer, bds 52 River alley, Mill.
Lewis Edward, printer, bds 67 Hickory st
Lewis Evan G. foreman pattern shop, o h 173 Iron st, Mv. 5
Lewis Evan, plumber, bds 94 Iron st, Mill.
Lewis George H. teamster, r h 69 Locust st, 7-7
Lewis Jane, widow, r h 91 Iron st, Mill. 3-4
Lewis Jennie, clerk, home 33 Main st
Lewis John, clerk home 23 Main st
Lewis John, mill hand, bds 94 Iron st
Lewis John A. mill hand, o h 37 King st, 2-2
Lewis John J. steel worker, r h 86 Union st, 5
Lewis John W. no occupation, o h 41 Quarry st, Pros. 4-4
Lewis John W. roll hand, bds 75 Iron st, Mill.
Lewis John W. brakeman, home 41 Quarry st, Pros.
Lewis Lewis W. (col'd), laborer, bds 85 Centre st, Con.
Lewis Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, home 23 Main st
Lewis Maggie E. Miss, dressmaker, home 23 Main st
Lewis Martha J. widow Thos. J. o h 52 River ave, Mill. 3-3
Lewis Mary J. Mrs. dressmaker, bds 12 River ave. Mill.
Lewis Samuel (col'd), laborer, bds Ed Hedgman's
Lewis Sarah A. Miss, clerk, bds 75 Iron st, Mill.
Lewis Susan M. widow, bds 135 Walnut st
Lewis Thomas J. laborer, bds 52 River ave, Mill
Lewis Thomas M. coal miner, bds 91 Water st
Lewis Wm. engine repairer, bds Redinger Zane's, E. Con.
Lewis Wm. engineer, r h 44 1/2 Iron st, Mill. 3
LEWIS WM. C. cashier Johnstown Savings bank, o h 169 Main st, 3-3
Lewis Wm. D. steel worker, r h 112 Iron st, Mill. 9
Lewis Wm. E. saw mill hand, bds 25 Main st, Grubb.
Lewis Wm. F. draughtsman, bds 173 Iron st, Minersville
Lewis Wm. J. Jr. mill hand, r h 43 1/2 Market st, 4-4
Lewis Wm. J. pumper at mill, o h 41 Market st, 8-8
Lewis Wm. K. machinist, home 23 Main st
Lias Geo. machinist, r h 150 Stony Creek st, 2
Liberty Ed. laborer, r h 477 Centre st, Con. 8-4
Lichau Rudolph, carpenter C.I. Co. o h 14 Market st, 2
*Lichtenberg John P. Rev. pastor German Luthern church, parsonage 319 Locust st, 6
Lichtliter Jane, widow, bds David Watson's, Con.
Lickwar John, laborer, r h 420 Railroad st, Camb. 6-6
Liget R.C. division foreman, bds Richard Launtz, E. Con.
Lightfrit Barbara, widow, bds Francis Helstine's, Con.
Lightner Jacob, no occupation, r h 809 Broad st, Camb. 6-6
*Lightner James, laborer, r h 313 Front st, Camb. 3
Lightner James, roll hand, r h 106 Iron st, Mill. 4-4
Lightner John, laborer, bds 809 Broad st, Camb.
Lightner Margaret, widow John, bds 126 Iron st, Mill
Lightner Samuel D.mill hand, r h 180 Iron st, Mv. 2-2
Lightner Wm. puddler, r h 118 Iron st, Mill. 5-6
Limbacher Geo. cigarmaker, bds 623 Chestnut st, Camb.
Limbacher Joseph, no occ, o h 623 Chestnut st, Camb. 4
Linerist Adolph, machinist, r h P.R.R. ave, Morr. 3-3
Lind Wm. mill hand, bds 188 Washington st
Lindel Daniel, laborer, r h 120 Broad st, Camb. 2-2
Lindquist Francis, machinist, bds 56 Vine st
Lindsey Ambrose M. broom maker, r h Garfield st, Morr. 4-6
Lindsey Charles H. mill hand, home 129 Clinton st
Lindsey Edward M. moulder, r h 74 South st, 4-4
Lindsey Geo. tinner, r h 129 Clinton st, 5-5
Lindsey James L. broom mfr, Chandler st, Morr. 2-2
Ling Alexander, teamster, bds 73 Main st
Ling Gebhart, works Natural Gas Co. r h 188 Napoleon st, 3-3
Lingenfelter George, miller, rooms 343 Railroad st
Lingenfelter Harry G. miller, rooms 359 Railroad st, Con.
Lingle George E. fireman, home 251 Pearl st
Lingle Simon, conductor, bdg house 251 Pearl st, r h do, 11-6
Lininger Amos, teamster, r h 41 Somerset st, 7-7
Lininger Lizzie. domestic 108 Main st
Lininger Solomon, teamster, o h 181 Stonycreek st, 3
Link John H. stocker at furnace, r h Rosedale, 6-6
Link Lewis C. carpenter, o h Garfield st, Morr. 7-7
Link Lewis f. laborer, o h Rosedale, 5-4
Lint Henry, mill hand r h, Kernville Hill, twp, 5-5
Lintner Frank, mill hand, o h Brownstown, 5-5
Linton Charles C. clerk home 69 Lincoln st
Linton Edward L. printer Tribune, home 69 Lincoln st
Linton Ivan R. student at Kiskiminetas, home 46 Main st
LINTON JOHN P.COLONEL, attorney-at-law, 97 Franklin st, second floor, o h 46 Main st, 6-6
Linton Lizzie H. Mrs. widow, r h 69 Lincoln st, 4
Linton Minnie A. Miss, teacher, home 69 Lincoln st
LINTON REUBEN M. exchange editor Demorcrat, home 46 Main st
LINTON ROBT. P. Johnstown steam laundry, 238 Locust st, home 65 Haynes st
Little Chas. F. 29 Iron st
Little Jacob, carpenter, r h Valley pike, Mox. 6-6
Litz John, works Gautier works, r h 57 Dibert st, 7
Litz John, boss of smith shop, C.I.Co. o h 102 Morris st, 2-2
Litzell Peter, blacksmith, r h 71 Morris st, 4-2
Litzinger Charles B. drayman, o h 406 Locust st, Con. 5-5
Litzinger H. O 129 Devlin st
Litzinger Maude C. Miss, clerk J. M. Rose, Home 122 Lincoln st
Litzinger Robt. shippg clerk C.I. Co. r h 122 Lincoln st, 5-5
Livingston Amanda, widow, r h 27 Main st, Grubb. 5-5
Livingston Edmund, axle forger C.I.Co. bds 131 Main st, Grubb.
Livingston Jacob, laborer, bds 131 Main st, Grubb.
Livingston John A. mill hand, r h near S. & C. R.R. bridge, Grubb. 3-3
Livingston Joseph, mill hand, o h 115 Main st, Grubb. 5-5
Livingston L.S. school teacher, and medical student, rooms 9 1/2 Somerset st
Livingston Moses, carpenter, o h 131 Main st, Grubb. 9-9
Livingston Robert M. carpenter, r h 87 Main st, Grubb. 2-2
Livingston Sarah A. Miss bds J.A. Livingston's, Grubb.
Llewellyn Anderson, engineer, home D. Llewllyn, W.Grove
Llewellyn David, shearman, r h Walnut Grove, 8-8
Llewellyn Lewis J. machinist, home D. Llewellyn, W. Grove
Llewellyn Thos. 4 Walnut st, 3
Lloyd Anna Miss, dressmaker, bds 124 Lincoln st
LLOYD EVAN A. (E.A. Lloyd & Jones), carpenter and builder, o h 120 Vine st, 3
Lloyd John, laborer, r h 14 Lewis ave, Mill. 3-3
Lloyd John P. carpenter, home 172 Lincoln st
Lloyd Otis, printer Democrat, bds 85 Morris st
Lloyd Robert, roll hand, home 61 Main st
Llyod Wm. works at rod mill, r h r 85 Vine st, 5-5
LLOYD WILLIAM, contractor and builder 172 Lincoln st, r h do, 7-8
Lloyd Wm. D. student, home 172 Lincoln st
Locher Joseph, miner, r h Brownstown, 4-4
Lochiock Andrew, laborer, o h Brownstown, 5-5
Lock John, laborer, o h 23 Peter st, Con. 6-6
Lock Joseph, laborer, bds 23 Peter st, Con.
Logan John W. marble cutter, r h 532 Horner st, 2-2
Logan Martin, saloon, 127 Railroad st, o h do, 5-5
Logan Park, roll hand, r h 48 Quarry st, Pros. 3-3
Logue John H. laborer, o h 266 Maple ave, Wv. 4-4
Lohr Aaron, stone mason, r h Horner st, 5-5
Lohr Daniel H. roll hand, r h 55 Dibert st, 4-4
Lohr Elmer, works at steel works, bds 62 South st
Lohr George, no occupation, home H. A. Fisher's, Grant st
Lohr Julia M. Miss, domestic 334 Bedford st
Lohr Martin, cupola tender, r h 159 Grant st, 2
Lohr McClellan, driver for W.J. Rose, r h 138 Grant st, 3-3
Lohr Mollie Miss, domestic 28 Water st
Lohr Neff A. potter, o h 205 Grant st, 7-7
Lohr Newton, plasterer, r h 62 South st, 4-4
Lohr Wm. potter at Swank's, o h 118 Napoleon st, 8-8
Lohr Wm. J. watchman, o h Pine st, 10-7
Lohr Wm. R. farmer, A. Rogers, o h Cypress st, Mox. 3-3
Lomison Belle Miss, dressmaker, 115 1/2 Morris st, home do
Lomison John N. tailor, home 115 1/2 Morris st
Lomison Mary, Jennie and Louise, dressmakers. home 115 ½ Morris st
Lomison Mariam, widow, r h 115 1/2 Morris st, 6-6
Lonergan Michael, laborer, o h 44 Coal st, Con. 3-3
Lones Virginia, widow, r h 483 Bedford st, 4-4
Long Elmer D. butcher for Akers & Baumer, h 131 Vine st
Long Jacob (col'd), laborer, bds 81 Centre st, Con.
Long Jerre, carpenter, o h Maryland ave, Morr. 3-3
LONG MARTIN, mill hand, o h 50 Main st, Coopersdale, 4-4
Long Samuel, no occupation, bds 118 Centre st, Pros.
Long Samuel E. carpenter, r h 643 Horner st, 2-2
*Long Samuel butcher (for Baker), r h 131 Vine st, 4-2
Long Ulyssus S. G. laborer, 118 Centre st, Pros.
+Long Walter M. wire drawer, home 131 Vine st
Long Wm. F. laborer C.I.Co. r h Upper Main st, Grubb. 5-5
Longaker Albert a. drughtsman, r h 142 Napoleon st, 2
Longshore Clar. S. asst supt wire mill, r h 145 Morris st, 6-6
Longstreth Wm. S. furnace helper, r h 37 Hinckston ave, Minersville, 7-7
Lonkart Peter, laborer, r h 30 Maple ave, Wv. 3
Lousinger Henry, laborer, r h 112 Broad st, Camb. 6-6
Lorditch George Jr. cigar man, 202 chestnut st, Camb. bds do
Lorditch George, laborer, o h 202 chestnut st, Camb. 8-5
Lorditch Joseph J. shoemaker, 105 Chestnut st, Camb. bds do
Lorditch Michael, laborer, o h 620 Chestnut st, Camb. 8-8
Lorditch Michael, laborer, r h 417 Front st, Camb. 4-4
Lore Lewis, laborer, 213 Sixth ave, Camb.
Lore Mathias, laborer, r h 213 Sixth ave, Camb. 4-4
Lort Michael, laborer, r h 91 Frankstown road, Con. 3-3
LORENTZ E.C. & co. (Geo. Heiser), dealers in boots and shoes, corner Main and Clinton sts
LORENTZ EDWARD C. (E.C.Lorentz & Co.), shoe store, cor. Main and Clinton sts, home 16 Market st
Lorentz Joanna, widow, home 16 Market st
Lorentz Johanna Miss, clerk Foster & Quinn's, home 16 Market st
Lossetzky Joseph, laborer, r h 102 Chestnut ave, Con. 3-3
Lotz Conrad, laborer, o h 88 Sherman st, 4
Lotz Conrad H. mill hand, o h 104 Sherman st, 7-7
Lotz John, mill hand, o h Chandler st, Morr. 8-7
Loudenstine Lawson G. wire drawer, bds Caroline Russell's
Loughry Clark H. clerk, o h 100 Main st, Cdale, 6-6
Loughry D. P. M. bakery, 149 Main st, Cdale, bds do
Loughry James C. baker, bds 149 Main st, Coopersdale
Loughry Martha, widow, o h 149 Main st, Coopersdale, 5-5
Lout Charles E. cigar Maker, bds Mansion House
Louther Grant, potter, r h 36 Main st, Grubbtown, 3-3
Louther Daniel, millwright, o h 36 Main st, Grubbtown, 3-3
Louther Susan, widow Valentine, o h 311 Main st, 7
Louther Valentine (deceased's estate), shoe store,293 Main st, W. C. Louther, manager
Louther Wm. C. manager V. Louther's shoe store, r h 334 Main st, 4-4
Love David M. painter apprentice, bds rear 66 Morris st
Love John P. mill hand, o h 639 wood st, 4-4
Lowenstine Sophia Miss, tailoress, bds 25 Morris st
Lowenstine Annie Miss, tailoress, bds 25 Morris st
LOWMAN JOHN, physician, office and home Dr. W.B. Lowman's
+Lowman W.A. laborer, bds Richard Launtz', E. con.
LOWMAN WEBSTER B. physician and surgeon, 111 Park Place, o h cor Main st and Park Place, 8
Lowry David A. laborer, bds John H bowser's. Bedf'd pike
Lowry J. L. clerk Merchants' Hotel, bds do
Lowry Samuel, laborer, r h Bausman alley, 3
Lucas David R. clerk, o h 74 Maple ave, Wv. 8
Lucas Robert (col'd), laborer, r h 3 Quarry st, Prospect, 5-5
Luce George, roll turner, r h 659 Wood st
Luce Thomas, roll turner, r h 659 Wood st
Luce Wm. roll turner, bds Jas. McLaughlin's, Mox.
Luckhardt Adolph W. watchmaker, home 259 Main st
*LUCKHARDT LOUIS, watches, clocks and jewelry, 259 and 261 Main st, o h do
Ludden Mary E. Miss, domestic, John McKenna's, Con.
*Ludwig Charle E. cigar Manufacturer, 339 Railroad st, r h 410 Locust st, Con. 2
LUDWIG GEORGE W. (John Ludwig & Son), home 362 Main st
*Ludwig Henry g. wholesale liquors, 131 Clinton st, o h 335 Bedford st
LUDWIG JOHN (John Ludwig & son), o h 362 Main st, 7
LUDWIG JOHN & SON (Geo. W.), wholesale liquor dealers, 267 Washington st
Luepke Robert, florist, 79 Walnut st, r h do, 7
Luke Charles H. clerk, bds 71 Iron st, Mill.
Luke Howard, laborer, bds James C. Hildebrands, Morr.
+Luke Ulus, laborer, r h 424 1/2 Chestnut st, Camb. 6
Luke Wm. printer, bds 71 Iron st, Mill.
Lundy Anna Mrs. widow, r h 28 1/2 Morris st, 5
Lushanski More, laborer, r h 111 Broad st, Camb. 5
+Lute W.A. laborer, bds richard Launtz", E. Con.
Luter Mathias, laborer, o h 412 Chestnut st, Camb. 5
Luther Anna Mrs. r h 242 Iron st, Mv. 7-7
Luther Archibald J. carpenter, r h (376 Co. No.) Portage st, Con. 7-7
Luther Charles W. clerk, bds 360 Locust st, Con.
Luther Charles O. general store, 105 Clinton st, o h 360 Locust st, Con. 12-11
Luther Jane, widow, bds 52 Main st, Grubbtown
Luther Joseph, working in mill, bds C. Helfrick's, Mox.
Luther Robert L. laborer, bds 360 Locust st, Con.
Luther Wm. J. laborer, bds 360 Locust st, Con.
Luther W. Scott, carpenter, r h rosedale, 3-3
Lutz Albert, teacher, r h 702 Horner st, 4-4
+Lux Frank, laborer, r h 26 White alley, Wv. 2
Lux John, wire drawer, o h Pine ave, Wv. 2-2
Lyberger John, laborer, bds Anthony Funkhouser's, Pros.
Lyden Thomas, laborer, r h 281 Iron st, Mv. 4-4
Lydinger John, laborer, r h 670 Horner st, 4-4
Lynch James (col'd), plumber, bds rear 73 Somerset st
Lynch Bridget, widow, saloon, 192 Iron st, Mv. o h do, 10-6
Lynch Chas. O. works at Cover's livery, home 139 Lincoln st
Lynch Jerre, no occupation, bds 192 Iron st, Minersville
*Lynch John, laborer, home 53 Church ave, Con.
Lynch John D. mill hand, r h 139 Lincoln st, 3-3
Lynch Mary, widow Owen, o h 53 Church ave, Con. 4-2
Lynch Michael T. moulder, bds 192 Iron st, Minersville
Lynch Patrick, furnace hand, o h Ihmsen ave, Pros. 8-8
Lynch Philip, roll hand, bds 53 Church ave, Con.
Lynch Samuel M. printer (foreman Democrat), r h 28 Napoleon st, 5-5
Lynett John, laborer, o h 416 Broad st, Camb. 2-2
Lynn Alfred H. laborer, r h 426 Railroad st, Con. 4-5
Lynn Mary C. widow Carl, milliner, bds 132 Franklin st
Lynn Peter, mill hand, home 2 Quarry st, Prospect
Lynn Samuel, laborer, r h 434 Railroad st, Con. 2
Lynn Wm. Sr. mill hand, o h 2 Quarry st, Prospect, 6-6
Lynn Wm. Jr. mill hand, home 2 Quarry st, Prospect
Lysett John, saloon, 502 Railroad st, Camb. o h do. 7-7
Lysett Daniel, saloon, 201 Front st, Camb. r h do, 5-4

Last Updated: 30 Mar 2008
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Lynne Canterbury, Diann Olsen and contributors

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