Transcribed by Connie Williams
Kabler George Sr. laborer, o h 413 Walnut st, Camb. 5-2.
Kabler George Jr. mill hand, bds 413 Walnut st, Camb.
KAGY JOSEPH B. bookkeeper, J.J. Strayer's, also architect (see adv), r h 96 Haynes st. 6-6.
Kaldenbach Christ, laborer, o h Pine ave, Wv. 3-3.
Kalenbach David, laborer, bds Christ. Kalenbach's.
Kaldenbaugh John C. carpenter, r h 17 Bedford st. 9-9.
Kammer John, stone mason, o h Kernville hill, twp. 6-6.
Kammer Philip, mill hand, r h 281 Broad st. 5.
*Kane Ann, widow, r h r 279 Iron st, Mv. 5.
*Kane Bridget Miss, domestic 144 Market st.
+Kane Ellsworth, wire drawer, home 117 Union st.
Kane George, groceries, 501 Broad st, Camb. o h do. 6-5.
Kane Harry, laborer, r h 109 Railroad st, Camb. 3-3.
+Kane James, teamster, o h 251 Beech st, Wv. 3.
Kane James, bricklayer, bds 108 Railroad st, Camb.
Kane James, fireman C.I.Co. r h 60 Quarry st, Pros. 3-3.
Kane John, mill hand, r h 117 Inion st. 9-10.
Kane John, fireman, bds 108 Railroad st, Camb.
Kane John, mill hand, o h 88 Quarry st, Pros. 6-6.
Kane Michael, laborer, r h 29 Second st, Pv. 5-5.
Kane Patrick, no occupation, r h 108 Railroad st, Camb. 9-3.
Kane Sarah, widow Michael, r h 35 Quarry st, Pros. 2-2.
Kane Victor A. blacksmith helper, home 117 Union st.
Kane Wm. yard dispatcher, r h 493 Chapin st, Con. 4-4.
+Kantner Harry, laborer, C.I.Co. bds 36 Dibert st.
Kantner Joseph, machinist, r h 453 Bedford st, 2-2
Kantner Nancy, widow Jacob, bds 434 Second st, Pv.
Kantz August, laborer steel works, r h r 204 Grant st, 7-7
+Kantz harry, wire drawer, bds 251 Pearl st
Karcher Ignatius, laborer, r h 10 Peter st, Con. 3-3
Karl Adam, miner r h 146 Huber st, Con. 5-6
Karl George Sr. laborer, o h 76 Huber st, Con. 4-4
Karl George Jr. miner, bds 76 Huber st, Con.
Karl John, laborer, bds 70 Frankstown road, Con.
Karl John, miner, 88 Huber st, con. 2-2
Karl Joseph, mill hand, o h Wood st, S.S. 2-3
Karl Michael, laborer, o h r 70 Frankstown rd, Con. 4-4
Karnes John, moulder, r h 119 Union st, 7
+Karnes Robert J. moulder, home 119 Union st
Karney James, weigh Master, r h 147 Iron st, Mv. 4-4
Karney Robert C. laborer, bds 147 Iron st, Mv.
Karney Thomas H. laborer, r h 167 Franklin st, 5-4
+Karns Frank, 64 Locust st
Karns James P. roll hand, bds 64 Locust st
Karns Mary, dressmaker, home 134 Napoleon st
+Karns Robert, laborer, bds 110 Union st
Karns Wm. H. machinist, bds 64 Locust st
Karr Charles, roll hand, bds 242 Maple ave, Wv.
KARR CHARLES A. (Karr,Ogilvie&Horton;), bds 79 Huber street
Karr Henry, baker, bds 242 Maple ave, Wv.
Karr Michael, roll hand, bds 242 Maple ave,Wv.
Karr mary, widow John, r h 242 Maple ave, Wv. 9-7
KARR, OGILVIE & HORTON OChas. A. Karr, Thos.Ogilvie and Chas. P. Horton), clothing and gents' furnishings, 121 Clinton st
Kasely Rebecca, widow, bds 275 Iron st, Mv.
Kast Charlotte Mrs. saloon and res. 112 Clinton st, o h do, 2
+Katsmier John, brewer, r h 314 Chestnut st, Camb. 3
+Katzenstine Jacob (Econ. Clothing Co.), bds Hulbert House
Kauffman J.B. insurance agt, o h Main st, E.Con. 3
Kauffman John H. laborer at mill, o h 97 Everhart st, 4-4
Kauffman Jonas F. carpenter, bds 136 Jackson st
Kauffman Noah Jr. laborer, o h Viriginia ave, Morr. 4-4
Kauffman Tobias Y. steel mill, r h 79 Main st, Grubb. 8-8
Kaufman John C. laborer, bds 85 Main st, Grubb.
Kaufman Lena, widow, r h 70 1/2 Portage st, Con. 2-2
Kaufman Levi, mill hand, r h 85 Main st, Grubb. 6-6
Kaylor Frank, laborer, r h 80 Coal st, Con. 4-4
Kaylor Paul, machinist, r h 612 Bedford st, 2-2
Kaylor Theodore, laborer, bds 116 Sherman st
+Kearney Bartholomew, no occupation, bds 163 Franklin st
Kearney Edward, laborer, r h Pine ave, Wv. 6-6
Kearney Gerald, roll hand, bds 189 Huber st, Con.
+Kearney John T. bricklayer, r h 165 Franklin st, 5
+Keating Andrew, laborer, bds Mary J. Henderson's E.Con.
+Keating Michael, saloon, 223 Front st, Camb. bds do
Keating Michael J. laborer, r h 496 Railroad st, Con. 4-4
+Keating Patrick J. bartender, bds 223 Front st, Camb.
Keating Thomas, laborer, r h 223 Front st, Camb. 8
Keating Thomas, bricklayer, r h 120 Adam st, Con. 6-6
Kebler Ignatius, laborer, r h 803 Broad st, Camb. 3-3
Keck John, mill hand, o h Bond st, Mox. 3
Keebler Solomon Rev. pastor M.E.church, Morrellbille, r h Fairfield ave, do, 7-7
Keedy Edward H. laborer, bds 91 Iron st, Mill.
*Keedy Harry C. foreman roll mill, r h 101 Iron st, Mill. 4
Keedy Sarah E. widow Grafton J. r h 91 Iron st, Mill. 3
Keedy Thomas P. burgess, r h 61 Iron st, Mill. 3-3
Keedy Wm. L.Laborer, bds 91 Iron st, Mill.
Keefer Mary, widow, bds Hannah Hess', Coopersdale
Keel Charles, stone mason, o h Walnut Grove, 9-8
Keelan John, brakeman, r h 25 Hinckston ave, Mv. 7-7
+Keelan Kate Miss, domestic, Patrick Boyle's
Keelan Molly, domestic, Merchants' hotel
+Keelan Patrick H. heater, bds 102 Front st, Camb.
KEELAN PETER, cigars and tobacco. 102 Front st, Camb, r h do;also toll keeper Cambria bridge, 7-7
+Keelan Thomas J. laborer, bds 102 Front st, Camb.
+Keenan Jane Miss, domestic, 110 Washington st
Keene Charles, laborer, o h 50 Peter st, Con. 4-4
Keene Christ. plumber, bds 50 Peter st, Con.
+Keene Henry Jr. laborer, o h 87 Union st, 3
+Keene Henry Sr. mill hand, o h 85 Union st, 4
Keene Henry H. mill hand, o h 81 Union st, 3-3
Keener Charles I. engineer, bds 42 1/2 Iron st, Mill.
Keener Rachel, widow Isaac, r h 42 1/2 Iron st, Mill. 2
Keeney Fred. W. shoemaker, o h 104 Haynes st, 6-6
Kegarise Anna, widow John, r h 329 Apple alley, 2-2
Kegarise John W. mill hand, home 329 Apple alley
Kegg Andrew J. wagon maker, r h 75 Poplar st, 4
Kegg Frank P. laborer, r h 405 Locust st, Con. 5-5
*Kegg James P. bricklayer, r h 62 Locust st, 3-1
Kegg John E. mill hand, home 482 Bedford st
Kegg Nathan, teamster, r h 482 Bedford st, 8-8
+Kegg Wm. E. secretary Electric Light Co. home 62 Locust st
Kegg Wm. W. mill hand, home 482 Bedford st
Kehl Joseph, stone mason, o h 260 Huber st, Con. 5-6
Keifer Elmer E. laborer, bds Lewis F. Link's, Rosedale
Keifer Henry Jr. wire drawer, bds Henry Keifer Sr
Keifer Henry Sr. wire drawer, r h 471 Centre st, Con. 7-7
+Keifline Frank, dispatcher, r h 466 Railroad st, Con. 4
+Keighley Mary Miss, dressmaker, bds 55 Main st
Keighly Wm. invalid, bds John H. Bowser's
KEIM CONRAD, marble and granite works, 121 Adam st, o h 433 Bedford st (See adv.) 2-2
Keim Mahlon W. real estate agent, o h 5 Morris st, 5-4
+Keiper Annie Miss, dressmaker, home 84 Market st
Keiper Dorotha, widow John, o h 84 Market st, 3-3
Keiper Emma Miss, clerk George Keiper, home 84 Market st
Keiper George & Co. (Mrs. Dorotha Keiper), dry goods and notions, 257 Main st
Keiper George (Geo.Keiper & Co.), r h 109 Vine st, 3
Keiper Lewis, wire drawer, o h 90 Portage st, Con. 4-4
Keiper Louis, laborer, r h 26 Bedford st, 3-3
Keiper John A. fireman, r h Bridge st. Frank. 3
Keiper John W. laborer, r h Bedford pike, Hornerstown, 7-7
Keiper Peter, switchman, o h Main st, Frank. 7-7
Keiper Wm. stone mason, o h near Bedf'd pike, Hornerst'n, 4-4
Keith Robert C. laborer, r h 650 Bedford st, 4-4
Kellam Ida Miss, domestic, Patrick Green, Camb.
Keller Geo. W. laborer wire mill, r h Kernville Hill twp. 2-2
Keller John, laborer, bds 95 Haynes st, Con.
+Keller Logan M. stationary engineer, home 51 Market st
Keller Nicholas, laborer, r h 95 Haynes st, Con. 6-5
Keller Wm. B. bookkpr Haws & Son, o h 51 Market st, 8
Kelley Bridget, widow, o h 715 Broad st, Camb. 1-1
Kelley Charles, laborer, o h 705 Broad st, Camb. 2-2
Kelley Charles E. laborer, bds 138 Hill alley, Con.
Kelley George, miner, o h 68 Ridge ave, Con. 5-5
Kelley James, miner, o h 92 Frankstown road, Con. 6-6
+Kelley James G. laborer, r h 360 Railroad st, Con. 3
Kelley James H. makes barb wire, bds 63 Coal st, Con.
Kelley John (John Kelly & Co.), o h Portage st, Frank. 7
Kelley John & Co. (Wm. Adams). gen'l store, Franklin
Kelley Joseph, machinist, o h 814 chestnut st, Camb. 5
Kelley Lackey, laborer, o h 222 Ebensburg road, Pros. 6-6
Kelley Margaret E. widow, propr Central Hotel, Railroad st, E. Con. 11
Kelley Mary A. widow Charles, o h 138 Hill alley, Con. 2-2
Kelley Mary J. widow Michael, bds James S. Hoover's, Pros.
Kelley Patrick, no occupation, o h 816 Chestnut st, Camb. 2
Kelley Patrick J. springmaker, bds 63 Coal st, Con.
Kelley Samuel S. laborer, r h 116 Huber st, Con. 1-1
Kelley Terrence, laborer, r h 79 Coal st, Con. 7-7
+Kelley Ann widow James M. o h 325 Front st, Camb. 5
*Kelley Charles, laborer, bds 9 Lewis ave, Mill.
+Kelley Frank E. Cambria House, 205 Front st, r h do, 4
Kelley James O. bakery, 23 Iron st, Mill. r h do, 3
+Kelley John, mill hand, bds John Shriver's, Franklin
+Kelley John (col'd), laborer, r h rear 51 Somerset st, 6
+Kelley John M. (col'd), laborer, bds rear 51 Somerset st
+Kelley John W. bartendrr, bds 325 Front st, Camb.
+Kelly Lena, domestic, 189 Lincoln st
Kelly Molly, domestic, 185 Napoleon st
Kelly Thomas, blacksmith, o h 912 Broad st, Camb. 7-7
Kelsey Edward, mill hand, r h Coleman ave, Mox. 4-4
+Kelso Vanvert E. watchman Lumber Co. bds 31 Haynes st
Kenaghan Peter, mill hand, o h 20 Ridge ave, Mv. 6-6
+Kenley Charlotte, widow, o h 114 Chestnut st, 1
Kennedy Alex. shoemaker W. M. & Co. o h 101 South st, 3-3
Kennedy Alex. T. plasterer, o h Elm ave, Morr. 4-4
*KENNEDY HENRY D. oil merchant and proprietor Unique rink, h 267 Stony Creek st, 8-6
Kennedy Hugh, roll hand, r h 719 Broad st, Camb. 6-6
Kennedy H. James, machinist, r h 166 Grant st, 5-5
Kennedy James ******** erer contractor, o h 65 1/2 South st, 4-4
+Kennedy Sam ******** er, r h 67 Somerset st, 4
Kenny Ann, widow Michael, o h 132 Centre st, Pros. 5-5
+Kenny Rose Miss, domestic, 201 Front st, Camb.
Kenny Wm. F. loom repairer, bds 132 Centre st, Prospect
+Kenouff John, liquor agt. rooms 87 Franklin st
Kephart Thomas, steel worker, r h Fairfield ave, Morr. 7-7
+Kepker August, laborer, o h 521 Chestnut st, Camb. 5
Kepler August, carpenter, r h Brownstown, 7-7
+Kepler George, laborer, bds 417 Chestnut st, Camb.
Kepple Aaron, watchman, o h Main st, E. Con. 9-9
Kepple Alonzo, carpenter, r h Main st, Morr. 5
Kepple Edward F. mill hand, bds Aaron Kepple's
Kepple George E. carpenter, o h 59 Huber st, Con. 4-4
Kepple John W. carpenter, bds 26 Singer st, Con.
Kepple Thomas J. carpenter, o h 57 Huber st, Con. 8-6
Kepple Wm. O. mill hand, bds Aaron Kepple's
Kerchner Henry, laborer, o h 6 1/2 Walnut st, 2-2
Kerchner Henry, laborer, o h 609 Pine st, 3-6.
Kerchner Jacob, carpenter, r h 607 Pine st, 2-2
+Kerchner Mollie Miss, domestic, 63 Maple ave, Wv.
+Kern F. asst boss gravel train, bds Richard Launtz", E. Con.
Kern Hartman, roll hand, o h 750 Bedford st, 9-9
Kern Joseph, milk dealer, o h 65 Vine st, 8-8
+Kern Mary Miss, domestic, 58 Franklin st
Kernlock Patrick, laborer, bds Philip Sharkey's, Mv.
Kerr Angus, bricklayer, bds 56 Coal st, Con.
Kerr John, laborer, o h 56 Coal st, Con. 4-4
Kershstein George, mill hand, o h Laurel Hill st, Morr. 5-5
Kershenstein Peter, foreman, r h 44 Coal st, Pros. 3-3
Kerwin David, mill hand, o h 144 Lincoln st, 3-3
Kesler Jennie, widow, o h 48 Huber st, Con. 5-5
Kesler John, stone mason, bds 48 Huber st, Con.
Kessler Jacob, laborer, r h (541 Co. No.) river st, Con. 7-7
Kessler Joseph, stone mason, o h 69 Huber st, Con. 8-8
Key Elizabeth, widow, home 197 Sherman st
Keyser Alex. steel worker, r h 669 Baumer st, 8-9
Keyser Daniel L. boarding house, r h 317 Railroad st, 16
Keyser Henry, wire drawer, bds 57 1/2 Water st
+Keyser Lizzie Miss, bds 57 1/2 Water st
Keystone Manufacturing co. River st, Morrellville
Kidd John A. clerk W.M.&Co.; o h 32 Market st, 6-6
Kidd Joseph J. blacksmith C.I.Co. r h 42 1/2 Market st. 5-3
Kidd Wm. H. blacksmith C.I.Co. r h 127 Chestnut st, 4-4
Kidle Amelia, widow, o h Fairfield ave, Morr. 5-5
Kiefer Mary, widow, o h 184 Adam st, Con. 8-8
Kiefer Max. shoemaker, bds 184 Adam st, Con.
Kiefer Rinehart, roll hand, bds 184 Adam st, Con.
Kiefer Wm. C. laborer, bds 184 Adam st, Con.
Kiepert Adolph, at woolen factory, o h 129 Sherman st, 6-6
+Keiffer Adam, works at steel works, bds 63 1/2 Sherman st.
+Kies Charles A. bakery, 320 Railroad st, r h do, 5
Kifer Herman, laborer, bds 642 Bedford st
Kifer Paulina, widow, r h 642 Bedford st, 2
+Kifer William, hostler, bds 87 Franklin st
Kifline August, butcher, o h 190 Portage st, Con. 5
+Kifline Edward, laborer, bds August Kifline's
+Kifline Lewis, laborer, bds August Kifline's
Kilgore David A. roll hand, home Elizabeth Kilgore's
Kilgore Eliza, widow r h Bausman alley, 5-5
*Kilgore Wm. Alex. asst supt Wood, Morrell & Co. o h 134 Washington st, 5-0
Killen Frank, teamster, r h Elm ave, Morr. 8-8
Killen Wm. F. broom maker, bds Frank Killen's, Morr.
Killinger John B. laborer, r h 650 Bedford st, 7-7
Kimmel Elmer E. machinist, r h 421 Railroad st, Con. 3-3
+Kimmel Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, rear 117 Morris st, 1
Kimmell Thompson R. wood turner, r h 29 Water st, 3-3
*KIMPEL CHRISTIAN, furniture and undertaking, 139 Clinton st, o h do, 2-0
King Alex. W. supt Gas Light Co. rooms 234 Main st
King Dorsey, manager W.J. Magehan's livery stable, Evart's alley, r h rear 87 Franklin st, 12-11
King Edward, laborer, bds 62 River ave, Mill.
King Elias, stonecutter, r h Main st, Frank. 5-5
King James, clerk, r h 225 Broad st, 4
King Leonard, plasterer, r h 142 Broad st, Camb. 3-3
King Wm. no occupation, o h 133 Centre st, Prospect, 6-6
King wm. H. furnace hand, bds 133 Centre st, Prospect
King Wm. J. laborer, r h 820 Chestnut st, Camb. 4
Kingston Thos. painter, r h 116 Huber st, Con. 5-5
Kinkead David Harrison, clerk wire mill, r h 69 Haynes st, 6-2
+Kinkead S. Steward, clerk, bds 110 Feeder st, Con.
*Kinley Jane, widow, r h Bausman alley, 2
Kinney Alice J. Miss, tailoress, home 74 Vine st
Kinney Andrew P. cigars, &c.; 196 Main st, r h 122 Vine st, (?)4
+Kinney Bernard, wire drawer, home 194 Washington st
Kinney Harvey, fireman, bds John Kinney's E. Con.
Kinney James, laborer, o h 572 Railroad st, Con. 2
Kinney James, laborer, o h 36 Coal st, Con. 8-10
Kinney James, roll hand, home 194 Washington st
+Kinney John, invalid, o h First st, E. Con. 9
Kinney John, saloon, 194 Washington st, r h do, 13-10
Kinney Michael P. laborer, bds 79 Second st, Peelorville
+Kinney Peter, wire drawer, home 194 Washington st
+Kinney Peter, invalid, o h First st, E. Con. 2
Kinney Samuel M. clerk A.P. Kinney, home 122 Vine st
+Kinney Wm. roll hand, home 194 Washington st
+Kinney Wm. J. mill hand, o h 74 Vine st, 3
Kinney Wilson P. barb wire maker, home 122 Vine st
Kinney Thos. saloon, 191 Washington st
Kinter Charles, blacksmith C. I.Co. o h 103 Somerset st, 8-8
Kinter Mary A. widow, o h 101 Somerset st, 1-1
Kintz John, general store, 215 Chestnut st, Camb. o h do, 4
+Kintz John P. saloon, 213 Chestnut st, Camb. r h do, 2
+Kinzey Albert C. invalid, bds Peter Kinzey's, Con.
Kinzey Hiram, teamster, bds 676 Bedford st
+Kinzey Jacob A. laborer, bds Peter Kinzey's, Con.
+Kinzey John C. laborer, bds Peter Kinzey's, Con.
Kinzey Peter, laborer, r h (516 Co. No.) Portage st, Con. 8-8
+Kiper Fred. C. carder at woolen mill, bds 8 Ebensburg road,
Kipp August, machinist, r h 727 Ash st, 4-4
Kirberlin John W. mill hand, r h Beam st, Morr. 4-4
KIRBY BROS. (Wm. R. & David), saloon, 198 Washington st
KIRBY DAVID (Kirby Bros.), bds 363 Locust st, Con.
Kirby John, Co. Commissioner, o h 363 Locust st, Con. 3-3
+Kirby John. miller, r h 443 Railroad st, Con. 8
*KIRBY WM. R. (Kirby Bros.), r h 198 Washington st, 2
Kirchner Robert, laborer, r h 60 Coal st, Con. 3-4
*Kirkbride Mahlon, auditor Johnson Co. r h Hager Block, 5
+Kirkpatrick Ellen, widow, r h Railroad st, E. Con. 4
Kirkwood Cornell, laborer, r h 276 Iron st, Mv. 5-5
+Kirkwood Findley, laborer, bds Wm. C. Kirkwood's
Kirkwood Lindsey, laborer, bds 282 Iron st, Minersville
Kirkwood Rebecca, widow, r h 282 Iron st, Minersville, 4
Kirkwood Wm. C. laborer, r h 375 Portage st, Con. 9-7
Kirlin & Co. (silent) jewelers, 145 Walnut st
*Kirlin Thos. W. (Kirlin & Co.), r h 55 Conemaugh st, 5
Kirtley Johnson, stone mason, r h Garfield st, Morr. 8-8
Kirschmann John Paul, Prof. rooms 329 Bedford st
Kiseadden Mary, widow, bds 448 Thrid st, Mill.
Kisco Wallace, laborer, r h h 127 Railroad st, Camb. 9-9
Kiser Julius Jr. laborer, bds 136 Huber st, Con.
Kiser Julius Sr. laborer, o h 136 Huber st, Con. 8-8
Kiser Wm. laborer, bds 136 Huber st, Con.
Kissell Frderick, stone mason, bds Sarah Galbraith
Kissylak Michael, laborer, bds Michael Gilbert's, Brownstown
Kist Anton H. laborer, bds 42 Coal st, Con.
+Kist Benjamin, saloon, 47 Portage st, Con. r h 45 do, 11-2
+Kist Christena, widow, o h Railroad st, E. Con. 5
+Kist George, roll hand, bds 45 Portage st, Con.
+Kist Joseph, mill hand, bds Mrs. C. Kist's
Kist Joseph, roll hand, r h 495 Chapin st, Con. 3-3
Kist Lewis, machinist, r h 150 Portage st, Con. 2-2
Kist Mary A. Miss, dressmaker, bds 42 Coal st, Con.
Kist Michael, contractor and builder, o h 42 Coal st, Con. 7-9
Kistner Joseph C. brakeman, r h 482 Bedford st, 4
+Kitto Cyrus, machinist, r h 113 Union st, 4
+Klahre Harry, saloon, bds 22 Brixner ave, Mill.
+Kleinfelter Daniel W. grocer, Railroad st, E. Con. r h do, 2
Kleinfelter Lizzie Miss, tailoress, home 67 Levergood st
+Kleinfelter Thomas, student, bds 124 Lincoln st
Kleinman Charles, laborer, o h Spruce st, Morr. 4-4
Kleinmayer Christ, no occupation, o h 98 Coal st, Con. 1
Kleinmayer Wm. laborer, o h 152 Huber st, Con. 8-8
Kleinmeyer Christ, laborer, r h 125 Huber st, Con. 7
Kleinmeyer Elizabeth, widow, o h 248 Huber st, Con. 7-7
Kleinmyer David, wire drawer, r h 354 Gautier st, Con. 9-9
Kleinmyer Frank, wire drawer, bds 354 Gautier st, Con.
Kline Ernest, mill hand, bds Joanna Coodle's, Franklin
Kline Lawson H. laborer, r h 26 Ebensburg road, Mill. 5-5
+Kline Mary Miss, domestic B. & O. Hotel
Klink Elnora, widow, bds 522 Broad st, Camb.
Klink George mill hand, o h Brownstown, 5-5
Klink Joseph, laborer, r h 515 Broad st, Camb. 4-4
Klink Philip, painter, o h Blain st, Morrellville, 10-10
+Klinofski Albert, foreman, o h 416 chestnut st, Camb. 5
Klinsman Wm. H. mill hand, o h Locust st, Morr. 3-3
Klites Andrew C. laborer, r h Chandler st, Morr. 3-3
Klites Andrew J. teamster, o h Locust st, Morr. 4-4
Klug Elizabeth, widow Pius, o h 442 Railroad st con. (?) 5
+Klug George F. clerk, bds 442 Railroad st, Con.
+Klug Otto, laborer, bds 442 Railroad st, Con.
+Knable Bruce, carpenter, r h 60 Morris st, 6
Knable Edward, laborer, home 209 Morris st
Knable Henry, laborer, home 209 Morris st
Knable Jerome B. laborer, C.I.Co. r h 209 Morris st, 10-10
Knable Samuel S. carpenter, o h Chandler st, Morr. 4-4
Knable Walter, postal agt. rooms 307 Main st
+Knable Wm. J. laborer, bds 60 Morris st
+Knable Wm. carpenter. bds 29 Dibert st
Knapp Kate Mrs. home Connelly ave, Mv. 3
*Knee George D. engineer, r h 512 Portage st, Con. 7
Knee Harry A. hammerman, bds Geo. D. Knee's
Knee U. S. Grant, laborer, bds G. D. Knee's
*Knightly John, teamster, r h 157 Iron st, Mv. 5
Knipple Eli, laborer, o h Walnut Grove, 10-11
+Knobelspies Maggie, domestic 142 Main st
Knorr Jacob, stone mason, r h 140 Jackson st, 14-4
Knott Hallie Miss, domestic 153 Iron st, Mv.
+Knouff Joseph K. laborer, bds Martin V. Knouff's, Frank.
+Knouff Martin V. laborer, r h Bridge st, Frank. 6
Knoultin George, mill hand, o h Walnut Grove, 6-3
Knox George D. mill hand, o h Elk st, Morr. 4-4
*Knox Thomas (col'd), barber, r h r 73 Somerset st, 4
Koch Adam Sr. laborer, bds 204 Grant st
Koch Adam Jr. wire drawer, o h 204 Grant st, 5-5
Koch Conrad, mill hand, o h 613 Horner st, 9-9
KOCH HENRY, Koch House 368 Bedford st, r h 370 do, 9-9
Koch Mary, widow Christ. o h 206 Grant st, 7-7
Kodle Ernest, laborer, bds Wm. Robb's, 1
+Koedel Annie, domestic 31 Morris st
Koenig Lewis, laborer, r h 514 Portage st, Con. 7-8
Koffenberger Wm. shoemaker, o h 27 Frankstn. rd, con. 3-3
Kohler Elizabeth, widow Bottice, o h 189 Locust st, 6-6
Kohler Lewis A. laborer, r h 55 Peter st. con. 2-2
Kohler mathias, carpet weaver, o h 75 Centre st, Con. 4-4
+Kohler Milton C. time keeper, home 189 Locust st
Kohler Wm. G. clerk, home 189 Locust st
+Koli John, laborer, r h 317 1/2 Walnut st, Camb. 3
Kollner Andrew, laborer, o h Spruce st, Morr. 4-4
Kollner Ernest, cigar maker, bds Andrew Kollner
Koontz Chauney, bricklayer, r h 187 Napoleon st, 11-11
Koontz Charles L. carpenter, oh Walnut Grove, 8-8
Koontz Edward B. laborer, r h 207 Beech st, Wv. 6-4
Koontz Franklin, laborer, home George W. Koontz's
Koontz Frank P. mill hand, r h 26 Poplar st, 6-6
Koontz George W. laborer, r h Walnut Grove, 4-4
Koontz Henry J. restaurant 430 R. R. st, Con. r h do, 3-3
Koontz John, heater, o h nr S. & C. R. bridge, Grubb. 6-6
Koontz John, roll hand, o h near Bedf'd pike, Hornerstn. 6-6
+Koontz Lucy Miss, domestic 308 Bedford st
+Koontz Sadie, domestic 111 Chestnut st
Koontz Wade, bricklayer, home 187 Napoleon st
Koontz Wm. laborer, r h Messenger st, 4-5
Kopelin May M. widow A. o h 190 Lincoln st, 6-6
Kopelin Otho C. pattern maker, home 190 Lincoln st
Kopelin R. Walter, not working, home 190 Lincoln st
Kopelin Wm. J. moulder, home 190 Lincoln st
Kost Albert, engineer, o h 143 Huber st, Con. 9-9
+Kost John, saloon, 345 Railroad st, o h do, 2
KOST LAWRENCE, brewery, Church ave, Con. do, 6-6
Kost Marcus, laborer, r h 163 Adam st, Con. 7-7
Kost Wm. A. barber, bds 163 Adam st, con.
Kotz Theodore, laborer, r h 315 Chestnut st, Camb. 9
+Kough Annie Miss, novelties, 189 Maple ave, Wv. o h do, 3
Kough George, laborer, r h 65 Huber st, con. 5-8
Kough George W. saloon 196 Washington st, r h do, 7-7
Kough Lucy Miss, r h 49 Somerset st, 1-1
+Kough Wm. A. roll hand, bds 189 Maple ave, Wv.
Kraft Frank, mill hand, bds Catharine Helfrick's, Mox.
Kroft Wm. A. jewler, 147 Walnut st, r h do, 4-1
Kramer Bros. (Daniel and Joseph), wall paper, picture frames and window shades, 216 and 218 Main st
Kramer Daniel (Kramer Bros.), r h 270 Stonycreek st, 7-6
Kramer Joseph (Kramer Bros.), bds 270 Stonycreek st
KRAMER WM. A. groceries and queensware, 61 Franklin st, bds Hulbert House, 2-2
Kratzer John, foreman at rail mill, o h Main st, Morr. 4-4
*Kratzer Mary, widow Henry, r h 116 Market st, 3
+Krauss Charles H. works roof shop, bds 353 Railroad st, Con.
+Krauss Lizzie, wid, dressmaker, r h 353 Railroad st, Con. 4
Kreamer Daniel R. drayman, bds 14 Water st
Kreamer Edward, retired, r h 14 Water st, 3-3
+Krebs Albert, roller Gautier's mill, o h 65 napoleon st, 3
Krebs Andrew, laborer, r h 43 Somerset st, 2
Krebs Frederick, supt Gautier's mill, o h 59 Napoleon st, 3-3
KREDEL & FARRELL (Geo. Kredel and Frank A. Farrell), druggists, 140 Market st (see advt)
KREDEL GEORGE (Kredel &Farrell;), bds 82 Haynes st, Con.
Kredel George P. laborer, o h 82 Haynes st, Con. 5-5
Kreiger August, laborer, r h Main st, Frank. 12-12
Kress Amelia C. widow, o h 260 Locust st, 5-4
KRESS CHARLES F. (Lambert & Kress), o h 172 Washington st, 8-6
+Kress Jacob F. clerk, home 172 Washington st
+Kress James e. student, home 260 Locust st
+Kress Karl Fred. student, home 172 Washington st
Krieger Christ. grocer. o h 137 Clinton st, 8-8
Krieger John A. clerk, home 137 Clinton st
Krieger Lizzie Miss, teacher, home 137 Clinton st
Krieger Wm. C. clerk C.I.Co. home 137 Clinton st
Kriegsmann Lousia, widow Michael, bds 592 Bedford st
+Krink Augusta Miss, domestic 245 Locust st
Krink Frederick, mill hand, o h Brownstown, 5-5
Kroft Henry, mill hand, o h 33 Bedford st, 5-5
+Krogh Ferinand, prof. o f gymnastics, bds 135 Main st
Krone Lewis, carpenter, o h Main st, Morr. 6-6
Krop Barbara, wid Nich. o h 519 Chestnut st, Camb. 2-1
Kropp George, laborer, bds 519 Chestnut st, Camb.
Kuack Adolph, laborer, o h Brownstown, 3-3
Kuack August, laborer, bds Adolph Kuack's
Kuckuck Henry, laborer at mill, r h rear 63 Union st, 5-5
Kuckuck Christian Sr. laborer, o h 170 Adam st, Con. 7-7
Kuckuck Christian Jr. laborer, bds 170 Adam st, Con.
Kudle John, wire drawer, bds John B. Murphy's. Con.
Kuehne Frederick, cigarmaker, r h rear 63 Union st, 3-3
Kugel John C. laborer, o h 96 Portage st, Con. 6-6
+Kugel Maggie Miss, domestic 119 Walnut st
+Kuhu Alice, widow, r h 283 Broad st, 6
+Kuhn Arthur J. painter, r h 24 1/2 Morris st, 3
KUHN HENRY H. atty at law, office 195 Locust st, bds Club House, 3-3
+Kuhn Lena Mrs. dressmaker, bds 356 Bedford st
Kuhn Wm. C. engineer, bds Club House
+Kulp Harry C. mill hand, bds 167 Clinton st
Kummel Wm. painter, r h 89 Hickory st, 5-5
Kunkel Andrew S. laborer, bds Magdalena Kunkel's
Kunkel Magdalena, widow, o h Folsom ave, Morr. 3-3
Kunkle Albertina Miss, domestic 227 Locust st
Kunkle Andrew C. mill hand, o h David st, Hornerst'n, 11-11
Kunkle August, mill hand, home Andrew C. Kunkle's
Kunkle Bros. & Sheridan, gen'l store (E. and S.V. Kunkle and Geo. H. Sheridan), 200 Main st, Coopersdale
Kunkle Ellsworth (Kunkle Bros. & Sheridan), o h 202 Main st, Coopersdale, 3-3
Kunkle Fred, laborer, r h Main st, Frank. 5-5
+Kunkle Elizabeth Miss, clerk, home 180 Washington st
Kunkle John, clerk, home 180 Washington st
Kunkle John H. roll hand, o h David st, Hornerstown, 3-3
*Kunkle Mary, widow, grocer 180 Washington st, r h do, 7-3
Kunkle Sylvester V. (Kunkle Bros. & Sheridan) r h Main st, Coopersdale, 3-4
KUNTZ WM. J. (E.M.Kuntz & Bros.), home 123 Morris st
Kuntz Samuel, laborer, r h 101 Sherman st, 11-10
KUNTZ JOSEPH , retired carpenter, o h 123 Morris st, 8-11
KUNTZ E.M. &BROS.; (Wm. J. Kuntz), carpenters and contractors, shop in alley at rear of 123 Morris st
KUNTZ EPHRAIM M. (E. M. Kuntz & Bros.), bds 123 Morris st
Kuntz Chas. F. carpenter, home 123 Morris st
Kuntz Walter D. painter, home 123 Morris st
+Kupske Jacob, stocker furnace, r h 181 Front st, Camb. 3
+Kurth william, laborer, bds Amelia Ridel's, Con.
+Kurtz Adam, butcher, bds 29 Portage st, Con.
+Kurtz Alex. J. butcher, bds 29 Portage st, Con.
Kurtz Anna M. widow Adam, o h 210 Chestnut st, Camb. 2
Kurtz George, meat mkt 27 Portage st, Con. o h 29 do, 14-14
+Kurtz George, brakeman, bds 29 Portage st, Con.
Kurtz Conrad, laborer, bds Nicholas Kurtz, Brownstown
Kurtz Conrad J. laborer, o h Brownstown, 10-10
Kurtz John, laborer, r h 336 Railroad st, 8-8
Kurtz John, laborer, bds Nicholas Kurtz, Brownstown
+Kurtz John A. laborer, bds 210 Chestnut st, Camb.
Kurtz Nicholas, laborer, o h Brownstown, 5-5
Kushelae Stephen, laborer, r h 102 Second ave, Camb. 10 10
Kust John, laborer, r h 223 Broad st, Camb. 5-5
Kutzer Albert, laborer, bds 214 1/2 Broad st, Camb.
Kyle Ezra, laborer, bds 255 Iron st, Minersville
Kyle John, roll hand, r h 238 Iron st, Minersville, 3-3
Kyle Mary, widow, r h Second st, E. Con. 2-2
Kyle Michael, fireman, bds Mary Kyle's
Kyle Michael, mill hand, r h Main st, Frank. 2-2
Kyle Samuel, mill hand, r h 255 Iron st, Mv. 8-5