Washington County PAGenWeb
Contributed by Judy McCartney
Newspaper Article Announcing
Plane Crash that Killed
Staff Sergeant Walker Henry McCartney

Walker Henry McCartney Victim of Accident Near Lincoln, Nebraska, Family Told

Word has been received here from military authorities at Lincoln, Neb., imparting the news that a Canonsburg [Pa] man had been killed in line of duty with the air force, near Alliance, Neb., yesterday.
The victim is Staff Sergeant Walker Henry McCartney, 29 ?, of 377 Elm
The word from his commanding officer to his [e.g. Walker Henry
McCartney's] family was to the effect that he had met death in an
aircraft accident early Monday morning. No details were
forthcoming, but it was indicated that the body would be shipped home
when it has cleared the necessary military routine.
Sergt. McCartney enlisted in the air corps on April 14, 1942 and has
risen to one of the highest non-commissioned posts in the air service.
Before he entered the service he was a carpenter here.
He is survived by his wife Mrs. Pauline McCartney and three
children, Raymond, Walter and Loretta, as well as his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Harry McCartney of the Meadowlands [Pa] area.
Funeral Director John YO_ENCY _______ with military ___ officiated and
will be apprised of the time when the body of the soldier __ to be
shipped home.
Click here for McCartney Wedding Photo
Click here for enlargement of McCartney Wedding Party
Page added Sept 2007
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