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Warren County, Pennsylvania, Genealogy

What Was New in 2010 - 2011

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August 24, 2011 Surnames beginning with the letter "K" added to Death Records 1893 - 1905.

June 30, 2011 Marriage Index Books 15 - 24 (years 1932 - 1946), contributed by Mary Anderson, are now online.

June 16, 2011 Marriage Index Books 1 - 14 (years 1885 - 1932), contributed by Mary Anderson, are online. Coming soon Marriage Index Books 15 - 24 (1932 - 1946). Entries in What's New page from 2008 - 2009 moved to a new page.

June 7, 2011 Marriage Index Records, Book 1 and Book 8 have each been split into 4 web pages due to the size of the files. The remaining books will also be divided into smaller pages as time permits. These very large files were graciously re-contributed by Mary Anderson in Excel format. Additional Information from researcher Marilyn Haymore was added to the Darius Mead family biography.

June 3, 2011 Biographies of Surnames beginning with the letter "P" is in process.

May 26, 2011 Death Records 1893 - 1905, contributed by Mary Anderson, are a work-in-progress. Deed establishing the West View Cemetery in Conewango Township, also contributed by Mary Anderson, added and linked to the Cemetery page.

January 6, 2011 Early history of Pine Grove township complete. 1822 tax list for Pine Grove township linked to Census and Tax List page.

December 2, 2010 Summary of work-to-date: the early history of Columbus township extracted from "History Of Warren County Pennsylvania with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers," edited by J.S. Schenck, published 1887, added to the Columbus Township page. Work continues on the addition of the early histories (from source cited above) of the city of Warren and the township of Pine Grove; additional bios have been added to the Family Histories and Biographies pages. With permission of Chris Lareau, editor of the Allegheny Alamac, a photo of the monument to General Joseph Warren was added to the History page. The original name of the Lawson cemetery in Sugar Grove township was added to the Cemetery page. Thank you, Carol Brown, for that information!

October 29, 2010 Additional information extracted from the 1910 and 1920 census records added to the Spring Creek School 1915 page. Surnames beginning with "C" and "D" for brides index 1885-1915 now on their own pages.

October 26, 2010 New page added, listing villages, boroughs, and other noteworthy sites plus the name of the township in which each is located. Should prove helpful to those who are unsure which township to search for ancestors.

October 7, 2010 New pages under construction for faster loading for marriage index 1885-1915 databases. Currently working on converting the brides index; completion of surnames beginning with "A" and "E."

October 4, 2010 Additional biographies added from "History Of Warren County Pennsylvania with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers," edited by J.S. Schenck, published 1887.

September 29, 2010 More dates added to the Warren Evening Democrat newspaper page and early history added to the newspaper page.

September 24, 2010 Old page title replaced to aid in faster per page loading. More resources added. All contents of "Faces of Warren" page (page then deleted) moved to Photographs. Military page updated. Brokenstraw township early history and Rouse County Home page added.

September 20, 2010 Added Google search feature to home page to enable quick site search.

June 2, 2010 Spring Creek Township 1930 census records, previously on one page, were broken down into 4 pages to speed up loading time. Spring Creek Township 1880 census records linked to census page. Created a new page for extracts from the Warren newspaper The Evening Democrat, linked from the newspaper index page. Page with Pine Grove township newspaper extracts submitted by Jessica Franks was reformatted and renamed.

May 15, 2010 Spring Creek Township 1880 census records, contributed by Betty Matteson Rhodes, were added and linked to the Spring Creek township page.

April 12, 2010 Added early history plus links to pioneer family information to Freehold and Pleasant township pages. Cemetery page updated, again. Jonathan Hart graciously agreed to share a photo of the Brooks Hill Cemetery sign which he had posted on the Find A Grave website; it can be found on the Freehold township page.

April 10, 2010 Added early history to Farmington township plus links to pioneer family information on Deerfield and Farmington township pages; undated Cemetery page.

April 3, 2010 Updated Historical Markers, Blue Eye Skimming Station, and Eldred Hill History pages to new look. Added more accurate directions to some cemeteries. More nav bread crumbs appear on various pages.

March 30, 2010 History and Miscellaneous pages reformatted. Smaller logo and navigation bread crumbs added to all township pages. Early history and link to topo map added to Sugar Grove township.

March 25, 2010 Early history and links to topo maps added to Glade, Limestone, and Mead Townships. Courthouse and Vital Records and the Marriage Index pages have been updated with the new formatted look.

March 15, 2010 Early history added to Conewango, Elk, Spring Creek, and Southwest Townships. Began linking topo maps to each township page. New page set up for St. Joe's Cemetery in Pleasant Township.

March 12, 2010 All cemetery pages and the mailing list page have been reformatted; in addition new cemetery pages have been added for Deerfield and Sheffield townships. Neighboring county links are now on the homepage, names of schools have been added to the school page, and more early histories have been added for Brokenstraw, Cherry Grove, and Watson townships.

March 6, 2010 All township pages now sport the new formatted look. In addition, early histories have been added to Eldred, Pittsfield, Sheffield, and Triumph Township pages.

February 10, 2010 While pages slowly continue to be reformatted with a new look, early histories of the City of Warren, Brokenstraw and Deerfield townships have also been added. See the Resources page for new links to Warren County and Pennsylvania websites. All pages with the new look will eventually be renamed from .htm to .html; noted on home page that links will have changed - use the home page matrix to access.

January 1, 2010 The new year begins with a new webmaster. I'm Penelope Repko and while I do not live in Pennsylvania, I am delighted to continue the fine work that Bill Klauk has done on this county. Thank you, Bill! I know you will enjoy getting back to Erie County on a permanent basis. Thank you, too, to all those dedicated researchers who have contributed to these pages.


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This page was last updated 02/24/2021 18:25:38