Luzerne County PAGenWeb

Surname Registry - H


HAJDUK, John J. Rynkiewicz


HALE, Elizabeth Daniels


HALL, Joan Perdue


HAMILTON, Melva Hamilton Hoffman


HANLON, Bill Harkins


HARKINS, Bill Harkins


HART, Heidi Mueller


HARTER, Heidi Mueller


HASTIE, Lynn Constan


HAWKINS, Charles Sprinkel


HAYDOCK, Rachelle Wildermuth-Bohinski


HAYDT, Bill Harkins


HEIDEN, Ronald K. Wagner


HENDERSHOT, Rebecca Mullins


HENDLER, Michelle Gratzmiller


HENDLER, Ronald K. Wagner


HENRY, Donald Sherry


HEYCOCK, Heidi Mueller


HILLAN, Charles Sprinkel


HINES, Sandy Cole


HODICK, Colleen McHugh


HOFF, Donald Sherry


HOFFMAN, Beth Learn


HOINSKI, Mary Jo Heaton Schrader


HOJNOWSKI, Rachelle Wildermuth-Bohinski


HOLLAND, Jean Connell


HOLLER/HOLLAR, Kerry Holler-Kennedy


HOLMES, Euthalia Petsas


HOOVER, Melva Hamilton Hoffman




HOSKIN/HOSKING, Dot Hosking Huntley


HOWLEY, Claire Moran


HROMADA, Charles Sprinkel


HUFF, Donald Sherry


HUGHES, James Corey


HUNTZINGER, Bernadette Bradley


HUSOVSKY, Charles Sprinkel


HUSTED, Mickey Vande Kamp




To add your Luzerne County surnames, please click here and include this information in your email:


1. Surname
2. Your name as you wish it to appear in the registry

3. Email address you wish to be included with the entry




SMITH, John Smith,


If your address changes and we are not notified, your information will be removed from the surname index.

Please be certain your email address is up to date.


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Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016  Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky