Dunbar News— Full Military honors were afforded, Harry Y. Bedford, colored, at funeral service held for him at the home of his brother, Raymond Bedford of Speers Hill on Sunday afternoon. The Rev R.D. Epps of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Connellsville officiated. Among the hymns sung were “Abide With Me”. The Hughes Post of the American Legion had charge of the service. Rev. W.S. Hamilton of the post read the legion ritual at the grave. The drum and bugle corps met the funeral cortege at the cemetery. Color bearers were George Porter and Jesse Courtney with Jarvis and Tillie Pollygus acting as color guards. The personnel of the firing squad was: Herman Carr, Sgt. Wilbur Hardy, Harry Ainskey, John Golden, Alva Clements, Richard Harvey, Andrew Holsing, George Mesco and George Rohm. Interment was made at Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Mr. Bedford died at the home of his brother on Thursday following a short illness of pneumonia, and if he had lived until the 19 day of this month he would have been 40 years old. He was a World War veteran and served in the 505th engineers for 22 months. Relatives and friends from Mt. Pleasant, Connellsville, Wheeler and Uniontown attended the services. Those in the Drum and Bugle Corps were: Raymond Province, Frank Moore, Charles Hall and Raymond Moore. Anthony Gilmore was the bugler.
Anna BEDNAR died in 1931. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Anna Bednar, 41, wife of Andrew Bednar of House 85 Brownfield, died in the
Uniontown Hospital, Wednesday, June 24, 1931, at 5:45 a.m., following a major
operation performed recently. Besides her husband she is survived by the
following children: Mrs. John Zebula, Mrs. Mary Pompora and Anna Zebula,
all of Uniontown and Andrew, Albert, Joseph, William and Margaret, at home.
Two sisters, Mrs. John Kascak and Mrs. Mary Stedena, both of Scranton and two
brothers, John and Andrew, in Europe, also survive.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Edward Bednar, 75, of 1312 Brighton Ave., N.E., Warren, Ohio, and a native of Fayette City, died Thursday morning in Trumbull Memorial Hospital Emergency Room, Warren, Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Grace Onusko Bednar, whom he married May 17, 1947; children, Daniel Edward Bednar of Bryn Mawr, Leonard John Bednar of Olney, Md., and Mrs. Terri Bednar Driggers and her husband, Mark, of Garland, Texas; two grandchildren; and a brother, Peter Bednar of Fayette City. The family will receive friends in the Sinchak and Sons Funeral Home Inc., 727 East Market St., Warren, Ohio, on Monday from 5 to 8:30 p.m. and Tuesday until 9:30.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–September 20, 1919
Died—–December 29, 1994
Emma (Anna?) BEDNAR died in 1931. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(15)
Short funeral services will be held for Mrs. Emma Bednar, Saturday morning at
9 o'clock at the home at Brownsfield followed by Requiem High mass at the St.
Mary's R.C. Church with Rev Rather Blazic officiating Burial will be in the Church
Written June 25, 1931
Mrs. Ida M. Beehner, 94, of Greensburg, R. D. 5, died Tuesday morning in Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg. Mrs. Beehner was born Jan. 8, 1873, in Penn Township and was a member of the First Lutheran Church of Greensburg. She was the daughter of the late William M. and Sarah Carroll Donaldson and the widow of Benjamin Beehner who died in 1946. She is survived by the following children: William D. of Hunker and Fred G., B. Carl, Ralph E., and Miss Dorothy E. Beehner of Greensburg, R. D. 5. The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. Anna Hill of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Margaret Baum of Latrobe, Mrs. Ethel Kearns of Norristown and Arthur and John of Greensburg; 15 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren. The body is at the Coshey funeral home, Greensburg, where the funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday with Rev. William F. Pfeifer, D.D., officiating. Interment will follow in Hillview Cemetery.
Mary Elizabeth BEERBOWER ( -1916)
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Beerbower was found dead in bed yesterday morning in Uniontown by her home in Uniontown by her son Robert. Death was due to apoplexy. Funeral tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence. Interment in Park Place cemetery. Mrs. Beerbower was born at Glade Farms, W. Va. She is survived by two sons, Robert and Frederick of Uniontown.
Nancy Jane Beers, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Beers, rear 59 Kerr street, died in the Uniontown Hospital, Thursday afternoon, October 26, 1944. Private funeral will be conducted by Dr. James C. Clark, pastor of Second Presbyterian church, this afternoon. Burial will be in Park Place cemetery.
BEESON— Anna Beeson, daughter of Jesse Beeson, died at the residence of her father in Uniontown, Pa., Jan. 18th, 1865, of Pulmonary Consumption.
It has seldom fallen to my lot to record the death of so interesting a person as Anna. To remarkable beauty, were added the qualities of an excellent mind, a warm heart and a genuine Christian life. She was converted to God and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, when about sixteen years of age, and continued a faithful follower of the Lamb until the close of her brief life. When in health she was always faithful to all the means of grace. She was particularly attached to the Sabbath School, in which she was devoted and capable teacher, and after she had ceased to attend all other meetings she was still at times present at the head of her class of little boys, apparently unwilling to give up the discharge of the duties of her important trust. But her work was done and the Master called her home.
Her illness was protracted through several months, yet although so young, she never complained. She was always, whether in sickness or in health, one of the most amiable beings and during her last illness it was esteemed a pleasure to wait upon her. She gave ample evidence of a preparation for death, when the crisis came she met it with Christian fortitude, declaring that she was not afraid to die. She left dear friends to mourn her early departure, but they have a great consolation. Like some bird which had found its cage open and flown away to sing amid the groves of some sunnier clime, so Anna’s sweet spirit has flitted away to join the anthems of the redeemed. May God grant them a happy reunion in that beautiful land. H. L. C.
Celissa Ann (Bell) BEESON died in 1951. Her obit was contributed to the
Fayette County USGenWeb Project.(37)
NAME: Mrs. Selissa Ann Beeson
AGE: 83
SURVIVING: her husband, William Beeson, and four children.
From page 2 of the Saturday, March 31, 1951 issue of The Daily Courier (Connellsville,
Henry H. BEESON, Jr.
Beeson— On the field of battle, from a wound received in the left breast and shoulder, at the battle near St. Mary’s Church, twenty miles from Richmond, on the 24th of June, 1864, Henry H. Beeson, Jr., of Co. G, 16th Penn’s Cavalry, in the 31st year of his age.
The family had been kept in suspense and uncertainty in reference to his fate until the return of his comrade in arms, (Mr. Simon Norris,) who volunteered to stand by his wounded friend until death, and in doing so was captured and kept in the hands of the enemy. Being now released to bear the sad intelligence of the certainty of Henry’s death. Henry H. Beeson was a noble, generous, and loving son and brother, a brave and faithful soldier. He has endeared himself to all his officers and fellow soldiers. His last words were, “I die for my country. I know I must die, and I am ready.” We have reason to believe from his gentle character and worthy life he was ready to live and ready to die. May we be also, and always ready.
Gen. Henry W. BEESON died in 1863.
His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
When the news of the death of Gen. Beeson reached us last week, we had commenced
working off our paper, and we stopped the press to make a brief notice of the
sad event.
This week, we clothe the columns of the Genius in mourning as a token of our
sincere sorrow, and a mark of respect for the memory of the departed patriot.
Upon the poignant grief that pertains only to the family circle, and can only
be felt there in all its depths, we do not presume to intrude, but in the public
grief, which has smitten thousands, who knew and loved the deceased, we partake
in a large degree.
In the days long gone by, when newspapers were few, and the art of printing but
partially developed, and when the "Genius of Liberty" was struggling
for existence and recognition as a public journal, the liberal hand of Gen. Beeson
was ever open and ready to uphold and sustain it. At more than one period
of its early history, it would have been compelled to succumb under pecuniary
embarrassment, had not Gen. Beeson with that disinterested liberality which always
characterized him, stepped forward in the hour of need and furnished relief.
How appropriate then, is it, that the "Old Genius" should render a
becoming tribute to the memory of its early friend and benefactor.
In all the private relations of life Gen. Beeson was above and beyond reproach.
In his public life as Prothonotary of his county, member of the State legislature,
member of Congress and politician, he was honest and true, faithful and zealous,
firm and consistent. It may be said of him with pre-eminent truth, that
as a party man, he filled the measure of the much abused term, a "life long
Democrat." No tempest of popular commotion, no fitful fever of public
sentiment, no change of men or names, no revolution ever made the slightest impression
upon his firmly fixed principles and well poised judgement and equanimity.
He was wont to say that his political opinions were based upon a "solid
rock;" and with this foundation to support him, he knew no wavering in his
adherence to the "everlasting Democracy."
His long and active life on this earth is ended. He is gathered to his
fathers, and
"Take him all in all, he was a man.
Whose like, we ne'er shall look upon again"
We have made our own notice brief in view of the beautifully written, and just
tribute, contained in the obituary, published in another column to which we refer
our readers.
The Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. Nov. 5, 1863.
Vol. 3, No. 39, Pg. 2, Col. 2.
Hon. Isaac Beeson, late of Greene county, died at the residence of his son, Edward Beeson, in Fredericktown, Washington county, on the 31st of January last, aged seventy-nine years.
James BEESON died in 1837. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
On the 5th inst. of fever, at his residence, in George township, Mr. Ja mes Beeson,
aged about 50 years.
The Genius of Liberty, and Democratic Shield.
Wednesday Feb. 8, 1837.
Vol XXXII.âWhole No. 1665.
Pg. 2, Col. 6.
On the 17th inst, at the residence of Mr. Jonathan Springer, in North Union tp., Mr. JOHN BEESON, in his 72nd year. He met death as became one who had never feared it, calmly and fearlessly, and passed away full of years and honor, and of that hope, without which, earthly years and honor are worse than vanity.
Mr. Beeson was and “old soldier” of the war of 1812. He served as a private in the company drafted from this county and commanded by Capt. Lynn. His term of service was brief, (only six months.) but very brilliant. When the Government called for volunteers from the land forces to make up the complement of Perry’s flotilla, he sprang eagerly forward. He was assigned to the four gun schooner Ariel, Lt. Packet, on the 10th of September, 1813, and passed with her through that renowned conflict on Lake Erie, which threw so much glory over our infant navy, and secured for us undisputed supremacy on those great inland seas which cover our Northern borders.
It is related that in the heat of this engagement, Private Beeson, during a momentary scarcity of shot, charged the gun he was serving with a large iron crow-bar, which so disabled the rigging of one of the British ships, as to cause her immediate surrender.
He was one of those brave men to whom the Legislature of Pennsylvania afterwards directed silver medals to be given, in testimony of her admiration and gratitude.—His medal bears the proud old legend: “We have met the enemy and they are ours.”
His mortal remains were committed to the grave with those military honors to which he was so well entitled. The funeral escort consisted of veteran soldiers of a later but far more terrible—but not more glorious—struggle. It was indeed a most appropriate and touching tribute to the departed hero and patriot of a former age, that his dust should be borne to its final resting by those who themselves had stood by the flag on many a bloody field. May such spectacles never be wanting in our land! May the day never come when the veterans of the republic shall not find kindred hands and kindred hearts to bear their ashes to the tomb. All honor to the heroic, the patriotic dead.
Judith Ann Lewis BEESON (1784-1869)
BEESON— On the 26th of March, at the house of her son, S. M. Beeson, Esq., Mrs. Judith Ann Lewis, in the eighty-fifth year of her age. She was born September. 12th, 1784, in Hardy county, Virginia. She removed in early life to Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and from the latter place removed to Niles, Michigan, in the summer of 1832. Thus has passed away one of the early emigrants to the county, after a long and useful life. She had raised a large family, of whom four survive her. She was gifted with an active mind, and was firm in her attachments and devoted to her friends and family. For many years she suffered intensely with neuralgia in the face. She bore her suffering with heroic fortitude. When she knew that death was near, she was calm and tranquil, having a firm hope of a future life of honor and glory. Her last moments were eminently peaceful, and she departed from life like one who compose herself in quiet slumber after the labors of a weary day. It was well said by the friends who surrounded her dying couch—
Departed this life on the morning of the 14th inst. MISS MARTHA S. BEESON, in the 19th year of her age.
In the early death of this amiable and interesting lady, we are led to perceive, that however young, we, are not exempt from the conquering hand of that monster, who makes the same delightful repast, whether feasting upon youth and beauty, or upon age and deformity. She had early attended to the admonition “Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth.” Three months have not yet elapsed since she became adopted into the family of God, by remission of sins, and having her name enrolled among his people, and in this short time she has been prepared for, and removed to a seat in the church triumphant in Heaven. To her bereaved parents we would say, one by one have you resigned your earthly props into the hands of the Lords tender mercy—one by one have you deposited their earthly tabernacles in the cold and cheerless graves, and while the tears of nature have followed the much loved objects, their spirits have risen to Heaven, where they remain “far from a world of grief and sin, with God eternally shut in.” Look forward then to the period when you shall join your departed children in the realms of immortal bliss. Her remaining friends have no cause of mourning. God in mercy has removed her from a world of sorrow, grief and pain, to one of ineffable glory and delight; then,
**Her funeral will take place this afternoon at three o’clock.
Mary A. BEESON died in 1840. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(38)
DiedâOf Consumption, on the 9th inst. about sunset, at the residence
of h er father, James W. Nicholson, Esq., in Springhill township, Mrs. Mary A
. Beeson, wife of Mr. Isaac Beeson, Merchant, of this place, in the 33d y ear
of her age. Her sufferings, though not generally acute, were of lon g continuance,
having been confined, with a few exceptions, for nearly s even months, during
which time, but particularly near the closing scene , she gave proof of her faith
in Christ. Her earnest desire was often a nd strongly manifested that her childrenâher
brothers and sistersâher f riends who surrounded her, who as
yet stood aloof from the offers of sa lvation, should close in with the terms
of the Gospel. It is no less a p rivilege than duty, to speak of her faithfulness,
meekness and patience , under her protracted sufferings, and of her amiable and
unassuming de portment during her Christian life. Long will her friends and acquainta
nces cherish her memory.
The Genius of Liberty.
Uniontown, Pa.
Monday, July 13, 1840.
Vol. I, No. 14, Pg. 3, Col. 6.
Mrs. Mary Hunt Beeson, wife of W. T. Beeson, died suddenly Tuesday morning at her home in Uniontown. Besides her husband she is survived by two children, one brother and several sisters. The funeral service will be held Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home.
Mrs. Mary (Hustead) Beeson, widow of the Honorable J. C. Beeson, died at her home on East Fayette street, Thursday evening at 5:55 o’clock. Death was due to an attack of pneumonia which, because of her extreme age, she could not overcome. She was a daughter of John and Jane Hustead, deceased and was born in Georges township at the old Hustead homestead on July 5, 1817, being at her death nearly 89 years of age. For the past 12 years the deceased had lived there. For a number of years previous to her coming here, she lived in Morgantown and Fairmont. During the latter years of her life she lived alone with the exception of a servant alone, with the exception of a servant girl, until this last winter when her niece, Mrs. Jane Downey, lived with her. Of immediate relatives only one brother, J. M. Hustead of Fayette street, survives. The funeral services will be held from the home at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon with interment in the Oak Grove cemetery.
Richard BEESON died in 1864. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
BEESONAt his late residence, 182* Lacock street, Allegheny, Tuesday, April
19th, Richard Beeson; esq., formerly of this place in the 65th year of his age.
(*dark copy - could be 152)
The Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. April 21, 1864.
On yesterday morning ANNA infant daughter of Ellis Y. and Margaret Beggs, of this place.
Funeral services for David Ewing Beggs of Cleveland, former resident of Uniontown and Dunbar, will be conducted in the Minerd Funeral Home, 48 East Church Street at 2 p.m. Wednesday, with Canon Bernard G. Newman, rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church officiating. Burial will be in the soldiers’ section, Sylvan Heights Cemetery. LaFayette Post, No. 51, American Legion, will conduct military rites at the grave.
Mr. Beggs died Saturday morning, February 16, 1946 in Mt. Sinai Hospital, Cleveland. He was chef for the Clark Restaurants of that city. A veteran of World War I, he enlisted September 21, 1917, and was honorably discharged September 18, 1919. He was advanced to the rank of sergeant in Company A, 407th Service Battalion, Camp Lee, Va.
Two brothers and three sisters survive: George and William Beggs, Uniontown; Mrs. Carrie Schurecht, Detroit; Mrs. Anna Mahoney and Mrs. Pearl Altman, both of Greensburg. Friends are being received in the Minerd Funeral Home.
Robert Clark Beggs, 55 years old, of 435 North Gallatin Avenue, Uniontown, died at 9:20 o’clock Sunday morning (21 Jan 1945) at his home after a year’s illness. He was born at Dunbar, the son of the late William J. and Mary Belle Minerd Beggs. An automobile mechanic for years, he operated a repair shop on Hill Street, Uniontown, prior to entering the trucking business.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Anna May Beggs and these children: Master Sergeant Richard J., somewhere in the Pacific; William J., in Hawaii; Harry S., Merchant Marine, and Mrs. Charles (Athea Belle) Snyder and Mrs. Charles (Hattie Katherine) Jeffries of Cleveland, Ohio. He was a brother of George and David Beggs of Cleveland, William J. of Uniontown, Mrs. Harry Schurecht of Detroit and Mrs. W.R. Mahoney and Mrs. Robert Altman of Greensburg. There are three grandchildren.
Robert M. Beggs aged seven years, nine months and three days, died at the family home, rear of Iowa Street, Tuesday evening July 14, 1925, at 5:15 o’clock following a short illness of spinal meningitis.
He is survived by his father, two brothers and one sister. Funeral services will be held from the family home this Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock followed by interment at Oak Grove cemetery.
Rowan E. Beggs, 70, of 313 Morrison Ave., Greensburg, died suddenly Wednesday afternoon in the Westmoreland Hospital, Greensburg. He was born in Sandy Lake march 24, 1896, a son of the late Elmer J. and Elizabeth Hutchinson Beggs. He retired in 1964 as a salesman for the George Worthington Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, with 40 years’ service. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg, lake Lodge 434, F&AM of Sandy Lake, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of New Castle, the Zem Zem Temple of Erie, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and UCT of Greensburg. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Helen Mosser Beggs; a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Carson of New York, N.Y.; four brothers, John S., Clarence and Harold, all of Sandy Lake and Homer W. (Ph. D.) of Munhall, and two sisters, Mrs. Earl (Mary) Osborn and Mrs. Tracy (Alice) James, both of Sandy Lake.
Wm. D. BEGGS died in 1853. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
At his residence at Mt. Washington, in Wharton township, on the 28th ult., of
apoplexy, Wm. D. Beggs, Esq., aged about 60 years.
Mr. Beggs was a much esteemed man and a valuable citizen, and his decease is
lamented not only by a large connexion, but by the whole community.
The Genius of Liberty. Uniontown, Pa. Sep. 8, 1853.
At the residence of Mr. David Brower, in this place, on Thursday the 11th instant, Mr. WM. W. BEGORDAS, formerly of Bath, Steuben county, New York, aged 39 years.
BEIDLER— David B. Beidler, formerly of New Haven, did at Wellsville, Kas., on Thursday, September 1st, 1892 of typhoid malaria, aged nearly 18 years. He had been a resident of Kansas for several years and had been in poor health for a long time.
Elmer A. Beissell, 70, a resident of West Mifflin and who was born in Duquesne died Tuesday in McKeesport Hospital, McKeesport, Pa. He is survived by a son, Dr. Robin W. Beissell of Fairchance; two brothers, Donald Beissell of Elizabeth Township and Richard Beissell of Monongahela; one sister, Jean Beissell Jones of New Eagle; one granddaughter; nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends at the William H. Craig Funeral Home Inc., 3000 Versailles Ave., McKeesport, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Friday until 11 a.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–June 29, 1923
Died—–May 24, 1994
Verna F. “Peg” Brindle Beistel, 84, of 714 George St., Scottdale, died Wednesday. Surviving are two daughters, Judith Ann Davis of Mount Pleasant R.D. 2 and Mrs. Terry (Nancy L.) Workman; a son, James W. “Butch” Beistel Jr.; seven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Frank Kapr Funeral Home Inc., Scottdale.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–May 13, 1910
Died—–April 19, 1995
Charles BELCH, Sr. (1909-2003)
Charles Belch, Sr., 93, of Edenborn, Pa., died Sunday, July 20, 2003 in his home. He was born October 7, 1909 in York Run, Pa. He was predeceased by his parents, Eli Belch, Sr. and Wilhelmenia Soblotne Belch. Mr. Belch worked as a machinist for Putman Tool and Dye Company and was also a coal miner. He was a member of the Masons and Elks. Deceased in addition to her parents are his wife Barbara Maria Belch; two brothers, Albert Belch and Eli Behcn Jr.; five sisters, Margaret Hanuschock, Wilhelmenia Vest, Emma Karpency, Irene Mancini and Thelma Orlosky. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Donna) Waslousky of McClellandtown; a son Mr. Charles A. Belch and wife Georgetta of McClellandtown and a daughter Ms. Barbara Belch Markovich of Germantown, Md.; one brother George Belch of Las Vegas, NV. and a sister Pauline Capozzoli of Howell, MI; eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Arrangements are private and under the direction of H. DAVID MCELROY FUNERAL HOME, 803 Main St., McClellandtown, Pa.
Nicholas “Nick” Belch, 80, of Carmichaels, Pa., died Friday, Nov. 1, 1996, at his home. He was born March 13, 1916, in Shoaf, Pa., son of Michael and Diane Cavic Belch. He was a coal miner retired from U.S. Steel’s Robena Mine and served on The International Arbitration Board, a World War II veteran who served in the U.S. Navy, and a member of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, UMWA Local 6321, and American Legion. His parents, brothers, Drajan, John, Mike, and Peter Belch, and a sister, Dorothy Samardzia, preceded him in death. He is survived by his wife, Sophia Pilipovich Belch; daughters: Diane McCathy of Greensburg, Kathy Kartalija of Mechanicsville, Md., Millie Hockin of Indiana, Pa., Patricia Bond of Cocoa, Fla., and Carolyn Hill of Greensburg; 10 grandchildren; two sisters and one brother: Anna Nadelkova of Beaver, Pa., George Belch of Aliquippa, Pa., and Mildred “Mimi” Belch of Masontown, Pa. Friends will be received in the JOHN S. MAYKUTH JR. FUNERAL HOME, corner of Church and River avenues, Masontown, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 4, until 12:30 p.m. when a Prayer Service will be held followed by Divine Liturgy at 1 p.m. in St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, Carmichaels, with the Rev. Fr. Djokan Majstorovic as Celebrant. Interment will follow in St. George Serbian Orthodox Cemetery where military rite …. (balance of obit is missing)
Susanna Belch, 93, of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., died on August 9, 2008, at the Golden Living Center, Uniontown, Pa. She was born in Grays Landing, Fayette County, Pa., the daughter of Andrew and Sophia Volansky. Susanna was preceded in death by her husband, Mike, and a daughter, Paula. She is survived by her three sons: Peter and his wife, Donna, of Hopwood, Fayette County, Pa., Michael (Mickey) and his wife, Melanie, of Del Mar, California, and George (Joe) and his wife, Gayle, of San Diego, Cal., Susanna also has six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Susanna and her husband owned and operated Belch's Bar, in Ronco, Fayette County, Pa., for 27 years before moving to Uniontown, where they happily resided for 25 years. According to her sons, she was the consummate mother whose main concern in life was the welfare and happiness of her family. Abe Lincoln said that "all we are or ever hope to become we owe mainly to our mother." This statement is most appropriate for Susanna. A private family viewing will be held at the KEZMARSKY FUNERAL HOME, 71 Pennsylvania Avenue, Uniontown, Pa. The Reverend Rodney Torbic will conduct the Funeral.
Helen T. (Siercinski) Belena, 85, of Connellsville, died Saturday, July 23, at Cherry tree Nursing Center, Uniontown. She was born Jan. 23, 1927, in Everson, a daughter of the late Konstanty and Sophie (Damsky) Siecinski. Prior to her retirement, Helen worked for more than 35 years at the former Anchor Hocking Glass Plant as a selector. She was a member of the St. John the Evangelist Roman catholic Church, Connellsville. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Bernard R. “Jumbo” Belena (2012), four sisters, Constance and Clara Martinowski, Gladys Bartman and Elizabeth Bunting, and four brothers, Herman, Anthony, Stanley and Casimir Siecinski. She is survived by a sister, Louise DiPasquale and her husband John, of Mt. Pleasant; brother, Frank Siecinski of Connellsville; brother-in-law, Edward Bunting of Levittown; sister-in-law, Eleanor Balena; nieces and nephews, Joey Siecinski and his wife.
Charlotte J. Rupp Bell, 81, of Mount Pleasant R.D. 2, a native of North Dakota, died early Monday, Nov. 4, 1996, in Briarcliff Pavilion, North Huntingdon, Pa. She is survived by her family; two sons: Frank W. Bell and friend, Judy, and Lester E. Bell and wife, Ronda, all of Mount Pleasant R.D. 2; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two sisters: Eileen Rupp of Scottdale and Mrs. Sarah Shaffer of Connellsville: two brothers: Harry Rupp and wife, Lois, of Connellsville and Wendell Rupp and wife, Georgeann, of Mount Pleasant. Family and friends will be received at the Robert B. Ferguson Funeral Home, 105 Spring St., Scottdale, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
Charlotte J. Bell, 81, of Mount Pleasant, R.D. 2, passed away early Monday Morning, Nov. 4, 1996, at Briarcliff Pavilion, North Huntingdon. She was born May 2, 1915, in North Dakota, a daughter of the late Harry and Lillian Rose Miller Rupp. She was a homemaker on her family farm and was a member of the Pennsville United Methodist Church. Mrs. Bell was also active as a member of the Sunday School Class and the Women’s Group of the church. She is survived by her loving family, which includes: two sons, Frank W. Bell and friend, Judy, and Lester E. Bell and wife, Ronda, all of Mount Pleasant, R.D. 2; six grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren; two sisters, Eileen Rupp of Scottdale and Mrs. Sarah Shaffer of Connellsville; and two brothers, Harry Rupp and wife, Lois, of Connellsville and Wendell Rupp and wife, Georgeann, of Mount Pleasant. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Frank R. Bell, on Sept. 11, 1976; and a brother, Wayne Rupp. Family and friends will be received at the ROBERT B. FERGUSON FUNERAL HOME, 106 Spring St., Scottdale, today from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the hour of the funeral services there, with the Rev. Charles Neiderhiser officiating. Graveside committal services and interment will follow in Pennsville Independent Cemetery … (balance of obit is missing).
Florence McClelland BELL
Mrs. Florence McClelland Bell, 81, of Masontown, died at 10 p.m. Friday in Uniontown Hospital. She was a member of the Masontown Methodist Church. Surviving are two sons, four grandchildren, one great-grandchild, one brother, James William McClelland of Brownsville, and a sister, Mrs. Allen Woodward of Grindstone.
Francis Bell, the 2-year-old son of Michael Bell of Leisenring, was run over by a car on the Connellsville, New Haven & Leisenring street railway at 8 o’clock Sunday evening. The head of the child was gashed and one arm was almost severed from the body. The child was taken to the Cottage State Hospital, but died Monday. The body was taken to its home, where a jury composed of l. N. Kooser, Frank Campbell, Charles C. Mitchell, Bernard Welker, D. M. Swartzwelder and Christian Echard, empaneled by Coroner Frank Taylor, viewed the remains Monday. An inquest will be held to-day [today]. From the information of those near the scene of the accident, a number of children were playing near the track, and as the car approached, under charge of Motorman McMasters and Conductor McClintock, the child attempted to cross the track in front of it.
Harry B. BELL died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Harry B. Bell, 59, life-long resident of Hopwood, died of a sudden heart attack
at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, June 29, 1937, in Uniontown Hospital where
he was rushed at 11 o'clock Monday night for medical attention.
A lather by trade, the deceased for the last several years, had been I the employ
of A. C. Livengood, Hopwood resident and local hotelman.
Surviving are Mr. Bell's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bell, 85, of Hopwood, and the
following sisters: Mrs. John McCormack, Jamison; Mrs. Charles Branson,
Morgantown Road; Mrs. Lee Dennis, Juniata; Mrs. Margaret Wood and Mrs. Harry
Pore, Syracuse, N.Y.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Johnston's
mortuary chapel. Burial will be in Hopwood cemetery. Rev. R. A. Manley
of the Christian church at Republic will conduct the services.
The first information of the explosion came from George Lacy, John
Smith, Samuel Meese and James G. Bennett, brother of one of the men
killed. They were at work in the mine also, and as soon after the
concussion of the explosion as possible they worked their way into
the effected district and found the bodies of Bennett and Hager.
From appearances it was believed that the drivers had gone into the
entry and ignited an accumulation of gas. Open lights were used.
Both bodies were burned somewhat, and also showed the effects of the
concussion. Later the bodies of the other miners were discovered,
in their rooms, where they had succumbed to the fatal lethargy that
overtakes the senses when the oxygen has been burned out of mine
air. As usual the bodies showed that the miners had not made any
struggles. The explosion, as judged from the indications left on
the side walls and roof of the mine, was strongest at the face of
the heading, leaving the impression that the gas had been liberated
at the face of the heading and worked its way out the entry.
The party named as rescuers were working in an entry not more than
50 feet removed from the heading in which the explosion occurred,
but they were uninjured, the air current leaving them pure air.
Another group of miners, a little nearer the deadly explosion, heard
the force of the gas as it ignited, and immediately started out.
They were met by the after-damp and some wished to stop, but an
experienced miner named John Ralston urged the men not to stop and
finally the party worked its way out to safety. A large force of
men volunteered to go into the mines immediately following the
announcement that there had been an explosion, and by 11 o’clock A.
M. all the bodies had been brought out of the mine. The scenes
about the opening were heartrending. A great crowd gathered and
many were the anxious faces that crowded about mourning about the
loved ones who were known to be in the mine at the time of the
explosion, and who were awaited, dead or alive, non knew which.
When the accident occurred there were 120 men in the mine and the
anxiety did not cease till all had been found. The explosion effects
did not cover a wide territory in the mine, and after the eight
bodies had been found no more casualties were found.
Peter F. Smith, Coroner of Fayette county left Uniontown for the
seat of the disaster and arrived early upon the scene. The
officials of the United Mine Workers sent as their representative at
the mine, Frederick Dilcher, from Pittsburg. Dr. Smith empaneled a
jury consisting of E. L. Moorhouse, John A. Robinson, Henry Leonard,
William L. Lenhart, Fletcher E. Chalfant and W. M. Fisher, who
viewed the bodies Friday evening.
The Coroner’s jury conducted a lengthy and exhaustive inquest over
the remains of the victims of the disaster, and rendered the
following verdict late Wednesday night:
We find that John Bennett, John Cartwright, Harry Hagar, Robert
Davis, William Pritchard, John and Silas Helston and James Bell came
to their death by an explosion of gas in entry 10 of the Umpire mine
of Friday, the 23rd of September, 1898, between the hours of 7 and 9
A. M., and our verdict is that had the proper mine officials, whose
duty it was to remove the danger that was known to exist, fulfilled
their duty, the accident would not have happened.
During the inquest, at which Robert Brownlee, Chief of the Bureau of
Mines was present, it developed that Raymond McCune, aged 13 years,
was engaged to operate the fan, and that he had shut off the air
current when the explosion occurred. Part of the time the fan was
run by Corbin McCune, aged 14 years, the father of the boys starting
it each morning.
John T. Armstrong, formerly fire boss at the Umpire mines, but now
employed at South Fork, Pa., said, “On the morning of March 21st, I
pronounced the mine unsafe, put up ‘danger’ and told the men to stay
out. Pit Boss Underwood said there was no danger in entries 5 and 6
and told the men to go to work.”
GRINDSTONE Joyce A. Bakewell Bell, age 69, of Grindstone, died Wednesday,
June 27, 2012 at 5:49 a.m. at Uniontown Hospital, Uniontown.
Born July 5, 1942 in North Charleroi, Pa., she was the daughter
of the late John Bakewell and Janet E. Campbell-Hetherington.
Mrs. Bell was a lifelong resident of Grindstone and was retired
from Diversified Human Services where she was the Director of
the Fayette City Senior Center. She is survived by a daughter
and son-in-law, Janette and Michael Hewitt of Grindstone; two
grandchildren, Sean Bavuso and Tim Hewitt; brother and sister-
in-law, William R. and Tracey Hetherington of Grindstone;
sister, Isabelle Bateman of Grindstone and a special friend,
Jesse McDonald of Sycamore. She is preceded in death by her
step-father, John r. Hetherington and a brother-in-law, Bruce
Bateman. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to the PARZYNSKI
FUNERAL HOME & CREMATIONS, Family Owned and Operated, 626 Broad
Avenue, Belle Vernon (724-929-6183). Condolences are accepted
at the funeral home’s web site, parzynskifuneralhome.com
BROWNSVILLE Lucille Bell of Brownsville, Pa., known by family and friends
as “Ms. Wootah”, passed away Wednesday, July 25, 2012, at the
age of 66 at UPMC McKeesport Hospital. Lucille was born on
July 30, 1945 in Daisytown, Pa. She was a graduate of Redstone
High School, Class of 1965. And so now God has called for
another angel. Lucille was the daughter of the late Henry
Blackford Bell and Lucile (Scott) Bell. She was preceded in
death by three sisters, Henrietta Biddings, Naomi Williams,
Mamie Mickle; and one brother, Charles Bell. Lucille was a
beloved mother and grandmother and was happiest spending time
with her family. She leaves to celebrate her life her
children: Rodney Lee Bell, Uniontown, Pa., Samuel Ray Wilson
and wife Julie Wilson of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dara
Denise Wilbert and husband, Eric Wilbert of Republic, Pa.; her
cherished daughter, Sandy Wilson of Republic, Pa.; and eight
grandchildren: Shaun, Cody Tarvares, Darius, Lindy, Lucinda,
Len, and Sumer; Siblings: Sara Williams, Edna Williams,
Juanita McKnight, Linda Jackson, Judith Brice, Virgil Bell all
of Harrisburg, Pa., Sylvester Bell of Pittsburgh, Pa., Henry
Bell of Brownsville, Pa., and Kathleen Bell Spence and her
husband Robert Spence of Hiller, Pa.; as well as a host of
nieces and nephews. Her unconditional love and wisdom will
greatly be missed! Friends will be received at the LANTZ
FUNERAL HOME INC., 297 East Main Street, Uniontown, PA 15401
today (Sunday, July 29) at 12 Noon for Memorial Services with
the Reverend Robert Spence Jr. officiating.
Joyce A. Bakewell BELL (1942-2012)
Joyce A. Bakewell Bell
Lucille Bell
Unto thee, O Lord,
Do I lift up my soul
Mrs. Mary Bell, widow of Michael Bell, died at 4:30 o’clock Friday afternoon at her home on the Leisenring No. 1 road at Rogerstown near the Greek Catholic Church. She had been a resident of that neighborhood for more than 50 years. She became ill about a year ago. Preceded in death by her husband 14 years ago, she is survived by one son, Thomas Bell at home; five grandchildren and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Felix McClosky and Mrs. C. W. Rief of Uniontown, John Cassidy of Collier, Thomas Cassidy and Frank Cassidy of Filbert, Mrs. Elizabeth Neebling of Wilkinsburg and Mrs. Anna Tate of Masontown. She was a member of St. Vincent DePaul Church of Leisenring No. 1 and its Altar and Rosary Society. The Altar and Rosary Society will meet at 8 o’clock Sunday night at the Bell home to recite the rosary. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning with a prayer at the home at 8:30 o’clock and requiem high mass at St. Vincent DePaul Church at 9 o’clock. Rev. C. H. Becker, pastor, will officiate. Interment will be made in the church cemetery.
Michael Bell, 43 years old, of Dunbar, died at 5:15 o’clock this morning at Connellsville State Hospital where he had been admitted July 20 after being involved in an automobile accident in which three other men were injured. Bell, who suffered a probably fracture of the right leg, appeared to be recovering from his injuries when his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse. He was one of four men hurt at Dunbar in a collision of two sedan automobiles. William Callahan, 23, and James Daugherty, 24, both of Dunbar, and Arthur E. Rechenberg, 48, of McKeesport, were others in the crash which caused approximately $250 damage to each car, State Motor Police reported at the time. Bells body was removed to the James T. Burhans funeral parlors where it was prepared for burial. Bell, who was employed at the Pennsylvania Wire Glass Company plant as a motorman in the casting hall, is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sylvia Bellone Bell, and, the following children: Vincent, Lucy, Leonard, Anna Theresa, Connie, Raymond, Rose Mary and Michael, Jr. He also leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, and these sisters: Mrs. Joseph DiMarco, Mrs. Angeline DiMarco, Mrs. Louis Manzola and Mrs. Joseph Manzola, all of Dunbar. Bell, whose family name is DiBiase, had been a resident of Dunbar for the past 27 years.
Funeral services for Michael (Blase) Bell, of Dunbar, who succumbed Saturday morning, August 12, 1939, in Connellsville hospital to injuries suffered in an auto accident July 20, will be held at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning in St. Aloysius church, Dunbar. Rev. Fr. Hurley will be celebrant and burial will follow in Franklin cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Sylvia Bell, and the following children, Vincent, Lucille, Anna Theresa, Connie, Raymond, Rose Marie, and Michael, Jr.; his father, James Bell, of Dunbar, and four sisters, Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Angeline DeMarco and Mrs. Louis and Mrs. Joseph Mazola, Dunbar. Bell was employed for 27 years by the Pennsylvania Wire Glass Company, Dunbar.
Michael Thomas Bell, veteran employee of the H. C. Frick Coke Company, died at 4:15 o’clock this morning at his home at Leisenring No. 1 from complications. He had been working at Grindstone until Wednesday. That night he became ill and never recovered. Mr. Bell was born in Ontario, Canada, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Bell. He had been residing in the vicinity of Leisenring No. 1. His wife, Mrs. Mary Bell, on son, Thomas M. Bell at home, one sister, Mrs. Sue King of Pittsburg, one brother, Frank Bell of Pittsburg and one grandchild, survive. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning. The cortege will meet at the late home at 5:30 o’clock. Requiem high mass will be celebrated at 6 o’clock at the St. Vincent de Paul Church at Leisenring No. 1 with Rev. Father E.O. Planitzer, pastor, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in the church cemetery.
William BELL died in 1941. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
TMH- 2/5/1941- Services for William BELL, aged 51, of 217 North Gallatin Avenue,
Uniontown, Pa., who died Saturday after a lingering illness, will be held at
11 o'clock this morning in the chapel of the Johnston Mortuary. Rev. David HUNTER
will officiate. Burial will follow in Park Place Cemetery, Uniontown, Pa.
Margaret Bellay, 88, of Uniontown, Pa., died Tuesday, February 6, 2001, in the Beverly Health Care Center. She was born January 16, 1913, in Uniontown, Pa., a daughter of the late Daniel and Mary (Baluch) Bellay. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three sisters, Anna Stronko, Mary Galderise and Julia Adams. Margaret was a member of St. John the Baptist Byzantine Church, and was a graduate of Uniontown High School. She is survived by numerous loving nieces and nephews and great-nieces and nephews. Friends will be received in the HAKY FUNERAL HOMES INC., 139 West Fayette St., Uniontown, today from 7 to 9 p.m., on Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2001, until 10 a.m., when a Panachida Service will be held, followed by Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m., in St. John the Baptist Byzantine Church, with the Rev. Fr., Mike Wytish as celebrant. Interment will follow in St. John Byzantine Cemetery, Hopwood. A Parastas Service will be held on Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Robert James BELLAY (1935-2007)
Robert "Bob" James Bellay, 72, of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., for the past 10 yrs., formerly of Sell Street, died unexpectedly November 11, 2007 at Uniontown Hospital. He was born on July 23, 1935, in Johnstown, Pa., the son of Paul and Anna Buchosky Bellay. Preceded in death by parents, and brother, Paul Bellay. Survived by wife, the former Patsy Ann (Altimore) Cekella; and these children, Larry G. Cekella, Jr., married to Jody(Hunter), of Spring, Texas; Cathy Ann, wife of Kenneth Densmore, of Uniontown, Pa.; Carrie Lynne, wife of Richard Callahan, of Dublin, Virginia; and Timothy J. Bellay, of Redondo Beach, California; and these grandchildren: Raymond and Lynsey Callahan, Ashley and Larry, III, Cekella and Emily Densmore. Also survived by sisters, Anna Mae Bellay and Dorothy O'Brien, and sister-in-law, Carolyn Bellay, and special pet, Landon. Death ends a 42 year marriage union. He was a 1955 graduate of Johnstown High School. He retired from Bethlehem Steel with 32 yrs. service, and was an Army veteran of the Korean Conflict. Arrangements has been entrusted with FRANK DUCA FUNERAL HOME WESTMONT CHAPEL, 1622 Menoher Blvd., Johnstown, Pa. Funeral Service will be held at 11 a.m., today, November 16, 2007, in Holy Cross Lutheran Church with the Rev. Jerome Panzigrau. Interment St. Anthony Cemetery with military honors by Conemaugh Valley Detachment Marine Corps League.
Ida L. Bellis, 77, of Bobtown died Sunday in Greene County Memorial Hospital, Waynesburg. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by the Richard R. Herod Funeral Home, 501 Morgantown St., Point Marion.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–March 19, 1917
Died—–September 25, 1994
Martha Dragich BELLISH ( -1960)
BELLISH, MARTHA DRAGICH— aged 85, Cleveland, O. and formerly of Amend, died Sunday, May 22, 1960 at 11 a. m. She was predeceased by husband Milos Bellish in 1948 and a daughter Katherine. She is survived by these children: Mrs. Melie (Josephine) Gotch, Nemacolin; George, Chartlers; Mrs. Dora Packish, Cleveland, O.; Michael, Uniontown; Mrs. William (Mary) Rositch, Footedale; Mrs. John (Anna) Vargo, Cleveland, O.; Melie, Andrew & Nicholas, Cleveland, O.; John, Lemont Furnace; twenty-four grandchildren; thirty-one great grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown, after 7 o'clock this evening. Arrangements are incomplete.
BELLISH, MARTHA DRAGICH— Friends are being received in the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown, where prayer service will be held today at 1:30 p.m. followed by additional rites at 2 p.m. in the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church with Rev. Bronko Skaljac officiating. Burial in St. Mary's Russian Orthodox Cemetery, Masontown.
Mrs. Mary Bellish, 74, died Thursday morning at Uniontown Hospital. She was a resident of Edenborn for the past 42 years. Surviving are three sons, Peter at home and John and Andrew of Edenborn; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Sansone of Uniontown, Mrs. Anna Coppa of Brooklyn, N.Y. and Mrs. Richard Tate of Edenborn; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hovanic of Mount Olive, Ill., and 11 grandchildren. Brief rites will be held at 9 o’clock Saturday morning at the home followed by Requiem High Mass in St. Mary’s R.C. Church, New Salem. Burial will be made in the church cemetery at Leckrone.
Mary K. “Bubba” Kresovich Bellish, 87, of Clarksville R.D. 1 died Friday morning. She is survived by four daughters, Sylvia Tefft of Radcliffe, Ky., Mildred Kraus of Glenshaw, Dora Zimmerman of Gibsonia and Dorothy Koratich of Waynesburg; one son, George Bellish Jr. of Mather; 20 grandchildren; 25 great- grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; and one brother, Michael Kresovich of West Hurley, N.Y. The family will receive friends today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday until 11 a.m. in the Behm Funeral Home Inc., Route 188, Jefferson.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–July 3, 1907
Died—–March 13, 1995
BELLISH, MICHAEL— aged 76, of House 25, Amend works, died Tuesday, November 2, 1948 at 2:30 p.m. Surviving are his wife Martha Bellish, and these children: Mrs. Melie Gotch of Nemacolin; George of Charlers; Mrs. Nick Packish of Cleveland, Ohio; Michael Jr. at home; Mrs. John Vargo of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Dobish of Footdale; Mrs. Ralph Kawatsky of Amend; John of Lemont; Melie of Cleveland, Ohio; Andrew and Nicholas of Amend; 23 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. Prayers will be said at the home at 9:30 Friday morning, November 5 followed by Requiem High Mass in St. Mary's G C Orthodox Church Masontown with Rev. Fr. John J. Gaydos as celebrant. Burial will be in the church cemetery, under the direction of the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown.
Helen A. Pervoy BELLITTO (1915-1995)
Helen A. Pervoy Bellitto, 79, of 1345 Emmett St., Niles, Ohio, formerly of Everson, died Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1995, in St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center, Niles, Ohio. She was born in Everson, on Oct. 24, 1915, a daughter of the late Martin and Mary Komar Pervoy. She was a member of St. Stephen RC Church, Niles, Ohio, and the Women of the Moose, Niles, Ohio. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Richard (Patricia) Robinson of Shrewsbury, Mass.; a son, Fred Bellitto, with whom she resided; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Bugosh of Scottdale; Mrs. Phillip (Betty) Colombo of New York; and Mrs. Thomas (Irene) Hall of California. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Patty N. Bellitto, on Nov. 21, 1987; three sisters, Margaret Dorchock, Rose Smith and Catherine Kennedy; and two brothers, John and Paul Pervoy. A funeral Mass was celebrated Friday, Sept. 22, 1995, in St. Stephen RC Church, Niles, Ohio. Interment followed in Pineview Cemetery, Niles, Ohio.
Paul J. Bellus, 50, of Levittown, formerly of Uniontown, died Tuesday, July 11, 1995. He is survived by his wife, Anne (Kruper) Bellus; children, Cynthia McCarthy of Langhorne and Paul J. Bellus, Jr., of Hulmeville; stepchildren, Linda Phipps of Morrisville and Brian Jablonski of Warrington; four grandchildren; five sisters, Mary Bigam of Langhorne, Ester Campbell of Illinois, Eleanor Kuhns of West Virginia, Margaret Davis of Michigan and Francine Adams of Ohio; and three brothers, Eugene Bellus of Oley, Pa., William Bellus of Maryland and John Bellus of Florida. Family and friends are being received Friday evening from 7 to 9 p.m., in the James J. Dougherty Funeral Home Inc., 2200 Trenton Rd., Levittown, Pa.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–June 30, 1945
Died—–July 11, 1995
Betty Brothers Belmont, 71 Of R.D. 4, Mount Pleasant (Hammondville), died Sunday, April 9, 1995, in Frick Hospital and Community Health Center, Mount Pleasant. She was born Feb. 10, 1924, at Hammondville, a daughter of the late Charles and Nellie McGregor Brothers. She was a member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary in Ephrata, Pa., a member of the Highlands Hospital Auxiliary, the Bullskin Senior Citizens, the Faithful Workers Class of Bridgeport, and a member of the Bridgeport United Methodist Church. She is survived by a son, Charles (Butch) Brothers of Scottdale; one daughter, Mrs. Richard (Joy) Doss of Connellsville; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a brother, Walter Brothers of Scottdale. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by two brothers, Charles and Ernest Brothers, and a sister, Mary Yothers. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 406 E. Washington St., Mount Pleasant, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday with Pastor John Higgins officiating. Interment will follow in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
Steve BELOVICH, Jr. (1915-1993)
Steve Belovich, Jr., 77, of Denbo Heights, died Tuesday, June 22, 1993, at his home. He was born Nov. 11, 1915, in Red Hill, he was the son of the late Steve and Barbara Carr Belovich Sr. he was a member of the Croation Club, West Brownsville, Victory Club, Denbo and UMWA Local 782. He is survived by his wife, Helen Phillipson Belovich; these children, Joyce Sargent of Leesburg, Fla., Steve Belovich III of Vesta #7, Charlotte Danko of Vesta #7, Karen Magdaleno of Atlanta, Ga., and Debbie Belovich of Harrisburg; ten grandchildren; eight great- grandchildren; three sisters, Mary Henck of Morgantown, W.Va., Kathryn Belovich of Denbo Heights, Barbara Belovich of Denbo Heights, Anna Sikora of Denbo, Madaline Flagle of McKeesport, Virginia Kuchta of Pittsburgh; and a brother, John Belovich of Gary, Ind. He was predeceased by a brother, Frank; and a sister, Josephine Lesnick. Friends will be received in the ANDREW J. SKIRPAN FUNERAL HOME, 135 Park St., Brownsville, today from 2 to 9 p.m. Service will be held on Thursday at 11 a.m., with Rev. Rohland O’Brien officiating. Interment in Westland Cemetery.
Arnold W. “Arnie” Belt
Arnold W. “Arnie” Belt, age 60 of Uniontown, Pa. passed away at home with family by his side on Monday, September 3, 2012. Arnie was born January 2, 1952 in Uniontown, Pa. to the late Henry Jordan and Mable E. Belt. Arnie or “Bop” as he was affectionately known by friends, was a graduate of Uniontown High School where he was a standout basketball player. He went on to play at Penn State and was an East End basketball court legend. In addition to his parents he was predeceased by a son, Jason Truninger. He is survived by his sons, David Hart of Cleveland, Ohio and Corey Belt of Uniontown; his sister, Mary Jane Belt Cooper of Uniontown and a host of grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Friends will be received at the LANTZ FUNERAL HOME, 297 E. Main St., Uniontown, Pa. Friday September 7 from 4 to 8 p.m. where services will be held Saturday, September 8 at 11 a.m. Interment will follow immediately in the Sylvan Heights Cemetery in Uniontown. An hour of reflections by family and friends will take place on Friday at 7 p.m.
Esther M. Karaffa BENA (1930-2000)
Esther M. (Karaffa) Bena
Esther M. (Karaffa) Bena, 70, of Uniontown, died Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000, in the Beverly Health Care Center, Uniontown. She was born March 24, 1930, in Leisenring, a daughter of Peter and Anna (Uhal) Karaffa of Leisenring. She was preceded in death by her father and her husband, Paul S. Bena, on July 12, 1977. Mrs. Bena was a member of St. Mary (Nativity) Roman Catholic Church of Uniontown. In addition to her mother, she is survived by two children, Paula M. and husband, Dr. Michael P. George, of Uniontown and Pamela A. Bena of Pittsburgh; a granddaughter, Kendall M. George; a brother, Donald Karaffa and wife, Mary, of Florida; and two sisters, Theresa and Elizabeth Karaffa, both of Leisenring. Friends will be received in the HAKY FUNERAL HOME INC., 139 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday until 10:30 a.m. when a blessing service will be held, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. in St. Mary (Nativity) R.C. Church. Interment will follow in St. Mary Cemetery. Parish wake service at 8 p.m. today.
Margaret Benci, 70, of Carmichaels and a native of Fredericktown died Monday morning in Greene County Memorial Hospital, Waynesburg. She is survived by two sons, Steven C. Barry of Cleveland, Ohio, and Larry W. Barry of Des Moines, Iowa; four grandsons; one granddaughter; three brothers, George Benci of Lake Havasau, Ariz., Charles Benci of Brunswick, Ohio, and Michael Benci of Las Vegas, Nev.; two sisters, Mrs. Helena McClay of Reno, Nev., and Mrs. Gans (Tracy Martha) Rumble of Fredericktown; and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Yoskovich Funeral Home, 300 South Vine St., Route 88, Carmichaels, on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday hours will be announced.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–September 15, 1924
Died—–February 1995
Joseph R. Bendik, 59, of Perryopolis died in his home Friday, March 31, 1995. He was born Oct. 30, 1935, in Perryopolis, Pa., son of the late John and Sophia Sofranko Bendik. Mr. Bendik was a member of St. John’s R.C. Church in Perryopolis and the basketball coach for St. John’s Elementary School. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Bendik; three sons, Joseph R. Bendik of New York, N.Y., Gary E. Bendik of Westlake, Ohio, and John S. Bendik of New York, N.Y.; a granddaughter, Isabela Bendik of New York, N.Y.; and three sisters, Mrs. Sophie Grib, Mrs. Louis (Ann) Swiantek, and Mrs. Margaret Pollock all of Perryopolis. Friends will be received in the BLAIR-LOWTHER FUNERAL HOME INC., Perryopo9lis, today and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. where a prayer service will be held Tuesday, April 4, at 9:30 a.m. followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. John’s R. C. Church, Perryopolis. A Wake Service will be held in the Funeral Home Monday evening at 8 p.m.
Jasper BENDEKOVICH (1891-1976)
BENDEKOVICH, JASPER— Age 86 years of R.D. 1, Adah, Pa., died Monday, March 29, 1976, in the Uniontown Hospital. He was born in Zaghreg, Yugoslavia, on January 6, 1891 the son of the late Joseph and Catherine Ziegler Bendekovich. He was a member of St. Mary’s R.C. Church of Leckrone and the UMWA. He was preceded in death by his wife, Anna in 1963. Surviving are the following children, Mrs. John (Catherine) Oris of Uniontown, Mrs. Jesse (Ann) McDowell Jr. of Hopwood, Mrs. Herman (Mary) Pensyl of Latrobe, Mrs. Jerry (Barbara) Gilford of Erie, Joseph Bendekovich of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Charles (Theresa) Murray of Cumberland, Md., Michael Bendekovich of Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Albert (Frances) Margelin of Greensburg, Mrs. Charles (Rose) Roberts of Columbus, Pa., Mrs. Thomas (Mildred) Fooks of the State of Connecticut, Mrs. Joseph (Josephine) Wimkoski, of Erie, Anthony Bendekovich of Terre Haute, Ind., Mrs. Roy (Velma) Thompson of Lima, Ohio; thirty-seven grandchildren and twenty-seven great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Sophia Slulak of Zaghreg, Yugoslavia; a niece, Agnes Pourzcole at home. Friends will be received in the Haky Funeral Home, 139 W. Fayette St., today and Wednesday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday until 9 a.m. where a prayer service will be held followed by Mass of Christian burial in St. Mary’s R.C. Church of Uniontown with Rev. Fr. Stan Walczak as celebrant. Interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Parish Rosary will be held on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
MEYERSDALE— Mrs. Anna G. Bender, 84, of Berlin, died in Meyersdale Community Hospital. She leaves one son, five brothers and sisters and two grandchildren.
Ora Belle Bender, 85, of Connellsville, died Wednesday at Fayette Health Care Center, Uniontown. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Clair W. Lois Brooks of Connellsville R.D. 1; two sons, Robert J. Bender of Ashland, Ky., and Rev. David L. Bender of Omaha, Neb.; several grandchildren; several great- grandchildren; and seven great-great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Vito C. Martucci Funeral Home, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, from noon to 9 p.m. today and from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–May 15, 1909
Died—–March 29, 1995
So far as the records show, 28 men of Connellsville gave up their lives during the war. Thirteen were killed in action, three died of wounds, 11 from disease and one by accident.
Other soldiers are listed before and after.
Private Roy Bender, Dawson, disease.
Theresa Anastacia Verban BENDISHAW (1918-2001)
Theresa Anastacia Verban Bendishaw, 82, of Beeson Works, Uniontown, Pa., passed away Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2001, in the LaFayette Manor Nursing Facility. She was born Oct. 21, 1918, in Dunlap, Pa., the daughter of the late Isadore Verban and Agnes Horvat Verban. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by an infant brother, Vincent; sisters, Mary Sperko, Rose Gerber, Agnes Billy and Anna Seese; and her grandson, John William. Theresa was a member of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church and was a longtime volunteer of the Red Cross. “She will be remembered for her love of children and because she was a person who always willing to help anyone.” Surviving are her children: Patricia Riggin of Smock, Pa., John William Bendishaw and wife, Robin of Uniontown, and James Edward Bendishaw and wife, Pam of Hopwood, and Rosemary Bendishaw of Hopwood; 16 grandchildren; 15 great- grandchildren; a sister, Cecelia Rankin of Waltersburg, Pa.; and several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received in the STEPHEN E. KEZMARSKY III FUNERAL HOME, at 71 Pennsylvania Ave., Uniontown, Pa., today from noon to 7 p.m., and on Saturday, Oct. 13, until 8:30 a.m., when a blessing service will be held. A Mass of Christian burial will follow at 9 a.m., in St. John the Evangelist R.C. Church, Jefferson Street, Uniontown, Pa., with the Rev. Fr. William J. Kiel as celebrant. Interment will follow in LaFayette Memorial Cemetery, Brier Hill, Pa. A Parish Wake Service will be held today at 3 p.m.
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Death, that thirteen years ago stalked in Hill Farm mine and claimed the lives of 31 men, came in a flash of fire to the Ferguson slope, near Dunbar, on Saturday evening at 6:30 o’clock, and smote down the 21 miners who were working there. Ten lives were snuffed out by the explosion and the deadly after-damp that followed, and the grim destroyer has probably not yet finished his gruesome tally. Two victims have since died at the Cottage State Hospital and others are lingering between life and death. One man is missing and there is now no hope of his being alive. The Ferguson disaster comes as a sad memento to the Hill Farm horror of 13 years ago, for the statements of the mine experts show that the shouldering Hill Farm fire probably fired a body of gas in the old working at Ferguson. These are the dead, missing and injured.
The explosion occurred 10 minutes after the night shift had gone into the slope on Saturday evening. Because the mine is almost worked out only 21 men were employed in it. The work was 1100 feet from the mouth of the slope. The men were working in the entries near the main heading drawing ribs and letting down the roof. In about six months the mine would have been closed up. The miners had gone to their accustomed places and were just beginning the labors of the night when with a rush and uproar the blue flame of death swept up the slope entries and enveloped them. Some were hurled along the passages and crushed against the side of the mine. Others not in the direct path of the flame were overcome by the deadly black damp which followed the explosion.
O’Toole, the engineer at the main house saw the smoke and dust roll out of the mouth of the slope and knew that an explosion had happened. He tied down his work whistle and its shrill wail carried the news of terror over the countryside. Then John McGurk staggered out shrieking for help. In a few minutes the mouth of the slope was crowded with miners and a rescue party hastily formed. Headed by Robert Nelson, brave miners went into the place of death and assisted the injured to the outside. The dead were brought out with them.
Morgue and hospital were combined for the time being in the little black smith shop outside the mine. Here Drs. McKinney, Colley and Warne of Dunbar were called and gave the survivors first aid. The burned men were swashed in oiled cloths, and prepared to be sent to the Cottage State Hospital here. Three of them, however, preferred to be taken to their homes. Among these was Fire Boss John McGurk, who is badly injured.
The Pittsburg, McKeesport & Connellsville railway supplied a special car to bring the injured to the hospital, and the car made a record run over the road. The entire staff of the hospital was summoned, and as soon as the seven injured arrived they were given the best attention that the medical profession can offer. Sunday afternoon, however, Rijack Beleslaf, a Polishman, died, and after midnight this morning William Foster breathed his last. More deaths are expected at the hospital almost any time.
Up at the improvised morgue, Undertaker J. M. Burhans of Dunbar assisted by D. C. Fortz, cleaned up the bodies, and prepared them for burial. One by one they were dressed and laid on slabs on the floor of the shop. Almost all this work was done Saturday night.
With the dawning of day, Sunday, crowds began to gather at the Ferguson mine. The idly curious mingled with the heart broken friends and relatives of the dead. Rapidly the work of identification went on. The names of the men who were first identified by their numbers were secured at the office of the Dunbar Furnace Company and the bodies labeled and numbered. All day long crowds thronged the scene of death. Canvas was hung up on the blacksmith shop windows to keep away the morbidly curious. Shortly before noon Sunday, Robert Nelson and a rescue party went in to search for the missing man, Michael Bene. Outside at the manway, a crown waited for tidings of him. When the rescue party came out in the evening however he had not been found. Something that looked like his coat had been found in one of the passages.
This morning a party in charge of James Conroy and James Palsley again entered the mine. They are making a thorough search and expect to bring the body of Bene out with them. The mine is not on fire and no further danger is anticipated for the present.
This morning, Dr. McKinney of Dunbar, reports the condition of John McGurk somewhat improved. He had bad burns but his physician hopes that he has not inhaled the fire and thinks he has considerable chance for life. The condition of the two foreigners who are at their homes are somewhat improved.
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John McGurk, night fire boss in the ill-fated Ferguson mine, who was badly burned in the explosion there November 21, died at his home in Dunbar Monday night. McGurk had almost recovered from his burns, and was getting along nicely, when a sudden attack of pneumonia ended his life. His serious illness began on Sunday. Monday, Dr. H. J. Coll was called in consultation with Dr. W. T. McKinney who has had the case in church. The pneumonia was so malignant; however, that nothing could be done to save McGurk’s life.
This makes 18 fatalities from the fatal explosion, counting in the missing man, Michael Bene, who is now certainly supposed to have been killed by the explosion, but whose body has not yet been recovered. McGurk, who was 42 years old, leaves a wife and four children. His oldest son, James, was killed in the explosion. The funeral will be held at the home in Dunbar at 9:30 o’clock Thursday morning, and at the Dunbar Catholic Church at 10 o’clock, when high mass of requiem will be celebrated. Interment will be made in the Dunbar Catholic Cemetery. The remains were prepared for burial today by Undertaker M. L. Stader.
Elizabeth Gulash BENEDICT ( -1974)
BENEDICT, ELIZABETH GULASH, 70, of 2883 W. Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., formerly of Brownsville, died Sunday, December 29, 1974 at 10 p.m. in Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh. Born in Brownsville, she was a daughter of Elizabeth Gulash and the late John Gulash. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was predeceased by her husband, Silvio (Steve) Benedict and one son, Ronald, in 1968. Surviving are her mother, Elizabeth Gulash of Uniontown; one sister, Mrs. Mary Davic of Pittsburgh; one brother, Frank of Houston, Texas; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by three brothers, John, Michael, and Joseph. Friends will be received in the Homer L. Crawford Funeral Home, 126 Front St., Brownsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Thursday until 1 p.m., the hour of service, with Rev. John H. Weaver officiating. Interment will be in LaFayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill.
Pearl E. Benedict, 98, of Mount Pleasant, died Thursday, May 9, 2002, in the Harmon House, Mount Pleasant. She was born July 23, 1903, in Wheeler, a daughter of the late Crist and Elsie Shupe Carnes. Mrs. Benedict was a resident of Mount Pleasant for most of her life, and she resided at Harmon House for the past three and one-half years. She was a member of St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church, Mount Pleasant, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society. She was also a longtime member of the Sons of Italy and Assunta Club Ladies Auxiliary.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Pete "Punk" Benedict; a daughter, Elsie Biller; a son-in-law, Leo "Corky" Biller; a son, Christopher Benedict; a daughter-in-law, Joanne Benedict; two grandsons, John Lobingier and Jimmy Biller; a great-grandson, Justin Benedict; and two sisters, Margaret Bridges and Dolly Yeskey.
She is survived by six children, Madalyn Kantorik of Mount Pleasant, Philip "Bud" Benedict and his wife, Ethel, of Mount Pleasant, John "Jack" Benedict and his wife, Fay, of Swissvale, Pete Benedict Jr. of Prittstown, Pearl Ann Shumar and her husband, Richard, of Mount Pleasant and Christine "Tina" Kachmarek of Mount Pleasant; 51 grandchildren; 46 great-grandchildren; and 14 great-great-grandchildren.
Friends will be received from 2 to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 406 E. Washington St., Mount Pleasant, where a blessing service will be held Monday at 9:30 a.m., followed by a funeral Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Pius X RC Church, Mount Pleasant, with the Rev. Michael Matusak as celebrant. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville. The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society will recite the rosary at 4 p.m. Saturday in the funeral home.
Tragedy struck in a Dunbar township home late Friday afternoon when a 26-year-old Negro mother of three children died as the result of a shotgun blast fired by her husband. Deputy Coroner F. Todd Burhans said the victim was Mrs. Finner Marie Benford of Brown row. State Police are holding her husband, James Benford, 32, on a charge of murder. The killing happened at 4:15 o’clock. There were no eye-witnesses to the tragedy, Mrs. Benford being felled by the blast just outside of the couple’s home. It is a double-house, the other side being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James McCargo. Mrs. Nellie Wilis, a boarder in the McCargo home, notified Connellsville police of the homicide. She used the phone of a nearby unidentified neighbor. City officers immediately informed State Police. Benford is reported to have been waiting for police inside the house and surrendered without a struggle. The weapon was at his side.
In a preliminary statement to State officers, he is reported to have said that he and his wife had a quarrel over the gun. The couple’s children, James, Jr., four, Marvin, three and Regina, two, were in the house at the time of the murder. One said: “Mommy and Daddy had an argument. Mommy went out of the house.” The victim has left the yard in front of her home and was entering the gate of the McCargo property when felled by the blast from the rear.
Deputy Coroner Burhans said a 12-gauge “pump-type” shotgun was used by Benford. Mrs. Benford is believed to have been expecting a fourth child. Her husband is employed as a coke yard worker. State Police said the victim took the gun with her when she fled the house. Benford overtook her and they struggled for the piece. While they struggled a shot was fired into the air. The Benford family resided with an uncle, B. J. Brown. The victim is survived by her children, husband, and mother, Mrs. Izetta Mack of Miami, Fla., and a sister, Adel.
The funeral service for Mrs. Finner Marie Benford, who died Friday will be held at the home in Brown Row in Dunbar township at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, with Rev. F.W. Wilks, pastor of the Payne A. M. E Church officiating. The body will be taken to the home Wednesday morning. Internment will be at a later date in Franklin Cemetery.
UNIONTOWN, Mar. 16 —Adjudged guilty of murder in the second degree, James A. Benford, 31, colored, of near Dunbar, was sentenced to a term of from eight to 20 years in Western Penitentiary by President Judge W. Russell Carr. Before he fired the fatal shotgun charge into the body of his wife, Finner, last November 24, a shot was fired so close to his head that it “almost knocked off my cap,” according to Benford. Benford entered a plea of guilty to murder and threw himself upon the mercy of the court. On the witness stand in his own behalf, Benford testified that he and his wife gripped the pump shotgun and that he felt the heat of the shot as it whizzed past his head. That first volley left a ringing in his hears and almost blacked out his memory, he contended. As his wife ran in the direction of the home of a neighbor, Benford fired the second shot, which took the life of his wife. The two had been arguing and Benford said his wife threatened his life and, as she departed, she told him that “you better not be there when I get back.” When he purchased the three shells at a hardware store near his home in Dunbar, Benford asked if he could return the shells if they were not used. After the fatal shooting, Benford told several persons “I’m sorry it had to end that way.”
Full Military honors were afforded, Harry Y. Benford, colored, at funeral service held for him at the home of his brother, Raymond Benford of Speers Hill on Sunday afternoon. The Rev. R. D. Epps of Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Connellsville officiated. Among the hymns sung were "Abide with Me”, "Just As I Am" and "Nearer My God to Thee”. The Hughes Post of the American Legion had charge of the service. Rev. W.S. Hamilton of the post read the legion ritual at the grave. The drum and bugle corps met the funeral cortège at the cemetery.
Color bearers were George Porter and Jesse Courtney with Clayton, Jarvis and Tillie Pollygus acting as color guards. The personnel of the firing squad was: Herman Carr, Sgt. Wilbur Hardy, Harry Ainsley, John Golden, John Bereiter, Alva Gray, Frank Hagner, Mike Uhazie and Jacob Bereiter. Pall bearers were: Tony Salamone, Edward Clements, Richard Harvey, Andrew Holsing, George Mesco and George Rohm. Interment was made at Mt. Auburn Cemetery.
Mr. Benford died at the home of his brother on Thursday following a short illness of pneumonia, and he had lived until the 19 day of this month he would have been 40 years old. He was a World War veteran and served in the 505th engineers for 22 months overseas. Relatives and friends from Mt. Pleasant, Connellsville Wheeler and Uniontown attended the services.
Those in the Drum and Bugle Corps were: Joseph Lowery, Robert Smiley, Thomas Gilmore, Edwin Hall and Regis Cooper. Fifes were: Raymond Provance, Frank Moore, Charles Hall and Raymond Moore. Anthony Gilmore was the bugler.
James A. Benford, 68, of South Connellsville, was pronounced dead on arrival at Connellsville State General Hospital at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, where he was taken after being stricken ill at his home. He was born March 3, 1900, in Everson, a son of the late James L. and Sadie Orbin Benford. He lived in South Connellsville 54 years, and was retired supervisor for the North Fayette Municipal Water Company, at its South Connellsville pumping station. He worked for the firm since 1918. He was a member of the Connellsville Lions Club. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Margaret Monahan Benford; two sons, Dr. James M. Benford of Connellsville, and Dr. Edward R. Benford of Uniontown; a daughter, Mrs. Donald (Monajean) Reilly of Garden Grove, Calif.; and eight grandchildren.
BENFORD— James A. Benford, 68, of South Connellsville, died Jan. 1, 1969. Friends will be received after 7 p.m., today in the Brooks Funeral Home, 111 East Green St., Connellsville, where the funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, with the Very Rev. Leo Sullivan officiating. Burial will be in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The Lions Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday to pay their respects.
Patricia A. BENFORD (1928-2006)
Patricia A. Benford, 78, of Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa., died Wednesday, April 26, 2006, in UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. She was born March 25, 1928, in Connellsville, Pa., a daughter of the late Henry A. and Bessie Leichliter DuShaw. Mrs. Benford was a graduate of Connellsville High School, Class of 1946, and Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Class of 1950. She also attended the University of Pittsburgh, Trinity University in San Antonio Texas on a Frick Scholarship, and she also received credits at the University of Texas at Nacogdoches. She was a retired English teacher from the Mount Pleasant Area School District, Westmoreland County, Pa. She also taught in the Connellsville Area School District, the Gressnsburg-Salem Schools, in Allegheny County, Pa., and she began her teaching career in the Punxsutawney School District, Pa. She was a member of the PSEA, the NEA, the Fayette County Teachers Association, and the Pleasant Valley Country Club. She was also a member of the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Connellsville.
She is survived by her husband, Dr. James M. Benford; two daughter: Stephanie Ann Benford, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Lisa Petzel and her husband, Robert, of Monroeville, Pa.; one granddaughter, Natalia Petzel; two brothers: Robert DuShaw and his wife, Martha, of Clairmont, Fla., and James DuShaw and his wife, Joyce, of Bradford, Pa., many nieces and nephews.
Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m., Thursday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., Friday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., 111 East Green Street, Connellsville, Pa., where funeral services will be held Saturday at 1 p.m., with Rev. Herb Dubler officiating. Interment will follow in the Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville, Fayette County, Pa. To sign the guest registry please visit www.brooksfuneralhomes.com
ROCKWOOD— Philip W. Benford, 54, died at his home at Rockwood. He was born Jan. 5, 1914, in Black Township, a son of Archie and Annie Barclay Benford. Surviving are his stepmother, Mrs. Hilda Benford of Rockwood, and these brothers and sisters: Melvin of Hooversville, Norman, Ronald and Mrs. Ethel Miller of Rockwood and Mrs. Julia Swarner, Mrs. Cora Sanner and Mrs. Edna Brant of Rockwood, R.D. 1. A World War Two veteran, he was a member of Turney Filey Post No. 7250, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at Confluence.
Sadie Gertrude Orbin BENFORD (1873-1945)
Mrs. Sadie Gertrude Orbin Benford, 72 years old, wife of James L. Benford, died at 9 o’clock Friday night at her home on Second street, South Connellsville, after an extended illness. Mrs. Benford was born at Broad Form on April 16, 1873, the daughter of the late David and Sarah Orbin, and had spent all of her life in that district. She is survived by her husband, two children, Mrs. Ella Weir of Stockton, Cal., and James A. of South Connellsville; six grandchildren, one brother, William Orbin of Everson and one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Sultzer of Scottdale. She was preceded in death by a son, Robert Ray Benford. The funeral service will be held Tuesday afternoon.
The funeral service for Mrs. Sadie Gertrude Benford, wife of James L. Benford, will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the home at Second street, South Connellsville, in charge of Rev. Paul A. Morris of Everson. Burial will be made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery in charge of Funeral Director Charles A. McCormick.
Adam Benko, 86, of 131 Broadway, Trotter, died at 9:30 p.m. Sunday in Connellsville State General Hospital, where he had been a patient since Oct. 6. He was born Dec. 7, 1880, at Ziata, Czechoslovakia, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Benko, and had lived in Connellsville since 1948. He was a retired coal miner of the U.S. Steel Co. and a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. John (Mary) Durany of Brownfield, Mrs. Homer (Ann) McCormick of Parma, Ohio, Mrs. Howard (Helen) Widener of South Connellsville, Mrs. Julius (Pauline) Harcourt of Falls Church, Va., and Mrs. Mildred Bungard of Connellsville; seven grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; a brother, George of Uniontown, and a half-brother, Andrew Benko of Czechoslovakia. He was preceded in death by his wife Susan in August 1947 and a son John killed in action at Anzio during World War II. The body will be at the Brooks funeral home after 7 p.m. today. A prayer service will be held there at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, with additional rites at 2 p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church, with the Rev. H. Wahl Pfiefer officiating. Interment will be in Sylvan Heights Cemetery. Viewing will be concluded at the funeral home.
Friends will be received in the Robert T. Kish Funeral Home, 20 North Mill St., New Salem, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday until 9:30 a.m., when a prayer service will be held, followed by a funeral mass at 10 a.m., in St. Procopius Church, New Salem, with the Rev. Fr. James L. Popochock as celebrant. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Uniontown. A parish wake service will be held today at 3:30 p.m.
Bonnie L. Soliday Bennett, 69, of Lake Eksinore, Calif., formerly of Connellsville, died Sept. 5, 1994 in the Menisee Valley Hospital at Sun City, Calif. She was born Aug. 8, 1925 in Smithton, Pa., a daughter of the late Edward Harris and Maude Mellinger Harris Steindl. She was a former employment counselor for C.E.T.A. and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Greely, Colo. Surviving is her husband, Raymond Bennett; a daughter, Mrs. Frank (Darlene) Dickinson of Fresno, Calif.; two sons, Lawrence Terry Soliday of Greely, Colo. and Glenn E. Soliday of Colorado Springs, Colo.; seven grandchildren; five great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Clyde (Gayle) Fisher of Layton, Pa.; step-father George Steindl of Connellsville; and a step brother, Edward Steindl of Elizabeth, Pa. She was predeceased by her first husband, Glenn Soliday in 1981; a brother, William E. Harris; and a sister, Georgeanna Harris. Friends will be received at the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, on Sunday, Sept. 11, from 7 to 9 p.m., from where services will be held Monday at 11 a.m. with Rev. William Shellhammer officiating. Interment will follow in Hoffman Cemetery near Smithton.
Edward Matthew BENNETT, Sr. (1920-2000)
Edward Matthew Bennett Sr., 80, of 204 S. Eight St. Connellsville, passed away Sunday, Sept. 17, 2000, in Uniontown Hospital. He was born May 7, 1920, in West Virginia, son of the late Noah C. and Lelah Hinkle Bennett. He was a retired employee of the Freuhauf Corp., a member of St. Rita Roman Catholic Church in Connellsville, a 20-year volunteer driver for the Connellsville Ambulance Service, and a volunteer for the Senior Citizens Meals-on-Wheels. He was founder of the Ozark Mountain Boys Country Western Band. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers, Lyda, Oliver and Woodford Bennett; and three sisters, Hazel Hardman, Osia Hoover and Lona Hamner. He is survived by his wife, Gemma Molinaro Bennett; one son Edward M. Bennett, Jr. and his wife Karen, of Virginia; three daughters, Lorraine and her husband, Joseph Guynn, of Dunbar; Rita Anne and her husband, Jerald Waltz, of Lemont Furnace, and Jean Bennett Taylor of Lorain, Ohio; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; brothers, Boyd, Hayward, Leo and Darrell Bennett, all of Ohio and Herbert Bennett of Florida; and two sisters, Zola Stockwell of West Virginia and Pearl Holcut of Ohio. Friends are being received in the RICHARD KUCERA FUNERAL HOME, 127 E. Fairview Ave., Connellsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. where a blessing service will be held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. A funeral Mass follows at 10 a.m. in St. Rita RC Church, Connellsville, with the Rev. Father Frank Lesniowski and the Rev. Father Kenneth Molinaro, C.S.C., as celebrants. Interment will follow in St. Rita Cemetery. St. Rita Parish wake will be held in the funeral home on…
Helen D. Glotfelty Bennett, 79, of 319 Taylor Ave., Clarksville, died Friday, Nov. 18, 1994, at 9:58 p.m. in the home of her daughter in Gilbertsville, Pa. She was born Nov. 30, 1914, in Perryopolis, Pa., daughter of the late Albert and Ada Belle Masten Glotfelty. She was a member of Pine Bank United Methodist Church, Lady Clarke Rebekah Lodge No. 191 in Clarksville, Sunset Rebekah Lodge of Brave, Pa., and Daughters of America in Waynesburg. In the 1930s and 1940s she and her husband owned and operated Bennett’s Bus and Taxi Service in Clarksville and in the 1940s they owned and operated restaurants in Clarksville and Beallsville. On March 3, 1937, she married Homer D. Bennett who survives. Also, surviving are daughter, Mrs. Richard (Ruth) Battistoni of Gilbertsville, Pa.; two grandsons, Richard Battistoni of Gilbertsville and Ronald Battistoni of Lansdale, Pa.; one great-grandson, Tyler Anthony Battistoni; one sister, Mrs. Clarence (Faye) Stanley of Perryopolis, Pa.; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Paul and Harry Masten, and a sister, Margaret Hess. Friends will be received in the GREENLEE FUNERAL HOME, Fredericktown Hill, Fredericktown, on Monday from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where funeral services will be held Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1994, at 11 a.m. with Rev. Erwin Wilson and Rev. Joe Weaver officiating. Interment will follow in Buckingham Cemetery, Deemston Borough, Fredericktown R.D. 1, Pa.
The first information of the explosion came from George Lacy, John
Smith, Samuel Meese and James G. Bennett, brother of one of the men
killed. They were at work in the mine also, and as soon after the
concussion of the explosion as possible they worked their way into
the effected district and found the bodies of Bennett and Hager.
From appearances it was believed that the drivers had gone into the
entry and ignited an accumulation of gas. Open lights were used.
Both bodies were burned somewhat, and also showed the effects of the
concussion. Later the bodies of the other miners were discovered,
in their rooms, where they had succumbed to the fatal lethargy that
overtakes the senses when the oxygen has been burned out of mine
air. As usual the bodies showed that the miners had not made any
struggles. The explosion, as judged from the indications left on
the side walls and roof of the mine, was strongest at the face of
the heading, leaving the impression that the gas had been liberated
at the face of the heading and worked its way out the entry.
The party named as rescuers were working in an entry not more than
50 feet removed from the heading in which the explosion occurred,
but they were uninjured, the air current leaving them pure air.
Another group of miners, a little nearer the deadly explosion, heard
the force of the gas as it ignited, and immediately started out.
They were met by the after-damp and some wished to stop, but an
experienced miner named John Ralston urged the men not to stop and
finally the party worked its way out to safety. A large force of
men volunteered to go into the mines immediately following the
announcement that there had been an explosion, and by 11 o’clock A.
M. all the bodies had been brought out of the mine. The scenes
about the opening were heartrending. A great crowd gathered and
many were the anxious faces that crowded about mourning about the
loved ones who were known to be in the mine at the time of the
explosion, and who were awaited, dead or alive, non knew which.
When the accident occurred there were 120 men in the mine and the
anxiety did not cease till all had been found. The explosion effects
did not cover a wide territory in the mine, and after the eight
bodies had been found no more casualties were found.
Peter F. Smith, Coroner of Fayette county left Uniontown for the
seat of the disaster and arrived early upon the scene. The
officials of the United Mine Workers sent as their representative at
the mine, Frederick Dilcher, from Pittsburg. Dr. Smith empaneled a
jury consisting of E. L. Moorhouse, John A. Robinson, Henry Leonard,
William L. Lenhart, Fletcher E. Chalfant and W. M. Fisher, who
viewed the bodies Friday evening.
The Coroner’s jury conducted a lengthy and exhaustive inquest over
the remains of the victims of the disaster, and rendered the
following verdict late Wednesday night:
We find that John Bennett, John Cartwright, Harry Hagar, Robert
Davis, William Pritchard, John and Silas Helston and James Bell came
to their death by an explosion of gas in entry 10 of the Umpire mine
of Friday, the 23rd of September, 1898, between the hours of 7 and 9
A. M., and our verdict is that had the proper mine officials, whose
duty it was to remove the danger that was known to exist, fulfilled
their duty, the accident would not have happened.
During the inquest, at which Robert Brownlee, Chief of the Bureau of
Mines was present, it developed that Raymond McCune, aged 13 years,
was engaged to operate the fan, and that he had shut off the air
current when the explosion occurred. Part of the time the fan was
run by Corbin McCune, aged 14 years, the father of the boys starting
it each morning.
John T. Armstrong, formerly fire boss at the Umpire mines, but now
employed at South Fork, Pa., said, “On the morning of March 21st, I
pronounced the mine unsafe, put up ‘danger’ and told the men to stay
out. Pit Boss Underwood said there was no danger in entries 5 and 6
and told the men to go to work.”
John William BENNETT (1941-2012)
John William Bennett
John William Bennett, age 71 of Brownsville, Pa. died Monday, July 30, 2012 in Monongahela Valley Hospital after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was born on February 23, 1941 in Blainesburg, Pa. son of the late Louis W. and Flora Toye Bennett. He was predeceased by this father-in-law: David L. Wyatt. He retired from the U.S. Postal Service as Postmaster from 84 Post Office. John was a Member of American Legion of California, Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans, Masonic Lodge of California, Life Member of the California Gun Club, Elks in Uniontown, the AMVETS Hopwood and a Social Member of the West Brownsville Fire Department. He is survived by his wife whom he married on April 23, 1966; Dixie Wyatt Bennett; 2 sons; John David Bennett and Mark Alan (Jennifer) Bennett; 2 Granddaughters; Nola Elizabeth and Genesis; Brothers; Kenneth (Marion) Bennett and Gary (Cynthia) Bennett; Several nieces and nephews; Mother-in-law Elizabeth Wyatt and companion Ernie Magario and Brother-in-law David L. Wyatt. Friends will be received in the SKIRPAN FUNERAL HOME 135 Park St. Brownsville, PA on Friday from 2 to 8 p.m. where a funeral Service will be held on Saturday at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Paul Sandusky officiating. Interment Lafayette Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 333 East Carson St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
Leo R. BENNETT died in 1933. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
..suddenly at his home on the Hopwood Fairchance road, at 7:32 o'clock last night,
January 16, 1933, from an attack of acute indigestion with heart complications
but was apparently well on the road to recovery. Late yesterday afternoon
he had come downstairs to have dinner with his family. As he stood up to return
to his room, he remarked that it was 7:30 o'clock but thought it to be later.
With the words he collapsed on the floor fatally stricken. With him
were Mrs. Bennett and daughter, Jeanne Bennett. Mr. Bennett was born at Milton,
Pa., October 14, 1884 but spent the great part of his life in Fayette county.
For many years he was engaged in the barbering business in Uniontown and
for several years was a deputy sheriff. He was a member of the Jr. O. U. A. M.
and Uniontown Lodge No. 370, B. P. O. Elks and was widely and popularly known
throughout the county. Funeral arrangements had not been completed last night
awaiting word from his brothers and sisters. It is thought he may be taken
to the family home at Milton for burial.
Mr. Bennett is survived by his widow, Mrs. Martha Bennett, and two daughters,
Miss Jeanne, graduate nurse of the Uniontown Hospital Nurses' Training school,
and Mrs. Fred M. Lloyd of Williamsport. Three sisters and four brothers
also survive. They are Mrs. Frank Martin of Lewisburg, Mrs. James Crawford
of Sunbury and Mrs. George Fox of Milton, and Thomas Bennett, Alfred Bennett,
and Harry Bennett of Milton and William Bennett of East Rochester.
(looks like the first line is missing)
(newspaper dated January 18, 1933)
Norman A. BENNINGHOFF ( -1962)
To view complete article concerning mine blast, as well as complete list of miners killed, see Hurley C. Stalnaker.
The funeral service for Norman A. Benninghoff, 57, of McClellandtown, R. D. 1, a victim of the Robena Mine explosion, will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Johnston funeral home, Uniontown. The Rev. G. C. Waldkoening will officiate. Interment will be in Green Ridge Memorial Park. A native of Connellsville, he was a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church of Connellsville and Robena Local No. 6321, U.M.W.A. Surviving are his widow, Anna E.; two children, Ray N. of Uniontown and Jean at home, and two grandsons.
Isaac BENNINGTON died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Isaac Bennington, aged 79 years, died suddenly in his home at Hutchinson, at
11 o'clock Wednesday morning, March 17, 1937. He was born November 25,
Surviving is one sister, Mrs. Katherine Show, of Hopwood.
The body is to be removed this evening to the home of Samuel Snow, of Brownfield,
a nephew.
Funeral services will be solemnized, in the Samuel Show residence at 3 o'clock
Friday afternoon in charge of Rev. Mr. Peters. Burial will be in a Hopwood
A. L. BENSON, aged 72 years, pioneer resident of Bruceton Mills, W. Va., and one of the district’s foremost farmers, died at 4 o’clock Thursday morning in the family home after an illness of complications. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maggie Collins Benson and the following children: Mrs. Dora Uphold of Fairchance; G.M. Benson of Bruceton Mills; F.G. and W.B. Benson of Uniontown; Mrs. Flossie Christopher at home and Norvel Benson of Morgantown. A brother F.J. Benson and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Guesman of Rices Landing, also survive. He was a member of the Methodist church. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o’clock in the Union church at Hopewell W.Va., with burial in the Bruceton Mills cemetery.
Grace BENSON died in 1933. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(35)
Two were dead today and four others in the Uniontown hospital, as the result
of a head-on collision of two cars on the Wharton Furnace road Tuesday night.
The dead: Mrs. Grace Benson, 48, Clifton Mills, W.Va. Wade Friend, 23, Friendsville,
Mrs. Benson died in the hospital at 1:24 o'clock today of a fractured skull and
other injuries received when the car, driven by her husband, C.M. Benson, met
that operated by yound Friend, on the east slope of the mountain.
Friend, who also received a skull fracture in the crash, died at 6:45 a.m. today
in the hospital, after fighting off what seemed death for more than 24 hours.
Condition of four others in the accident was reported today as fair.
Standard; Feb.17, 1933
Jean Anderson BENSON
Jean Benson, 82 years, of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., passed away and went to be with her Savior and Lord Jesus Christ on October 17, 2008. She was born January 6, 1926, in Shinnston, W.Va., daughter of Benjamin Anderson and Alma Lawler Anderson. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her loving husband, Marvin R. Benson. Jean was a 1943 graduate of Shinnston, W.Va. High School, and a 1949 graduate of West Virginia University, and a member of the Alpha Phi Sorority. She was formerly employed as a recording secretary for the Uniontown School District School Board for many years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church, of Fairchance, Fayette County, Pa., the Friendship Bible Class, College Club, White Shrine of Jerusalem No. 42, and the Em-Kay Club, and Uniontown Chapter 263 Order of Eastern Star. She also volunteered for many years for the Uniontown Public Library.
Jean is survived by her loving daughter, Ann Kelley, of Uniontown, Pa.; loving brother, Jackson Anderson and wife, Barbara, of Shinnston, W.Va.; nephews and nieces, Dr. Jackson Anderson, Jr., of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Lea Smith and Susan Rodeheaver, both of Pittsburgh, Pa., Benjamin Anderson, of Scottsdale, Arizonia, John Anderson, of Davis, W.Va., Ralph Anderson, A. James Anderson, and Lillian Shanahan, and other great nieces and nephews.
The family will receive friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Pa. on Monday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., and on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 until 11:00 a.m., the hour of service, with Reverend Scott Hoppe, officiating. There will be White Shrine Services Monday at 6:30 p.m. Interment will follow in Oak Lawn Cemetery, Uniontown, Pa. Memorial contributions may be made to the Uniontown Public Library, 24 Jefferson Street, Uniontown, Pa., 15401.
Martha Randolph BENSON died in 1932. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(39)
Martha Randolph Benson, 46, wife of W. H. Benson, 30 Lenox Street, died at 4:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon, January 23, 1932, in the Uniontown Hospital. Death
was due to complications.
Mrs. Benson was a member of the Bethany Class and of the Third Presbyterian church.
Surviving in addition to her husband are: five children, Mildred, Gladys, Pauline,
Edith and Lois, all at home; her father, Richard Randolph, of Uniontown; the
following brothers and sisters, Mrs. A. C. Lee, of Masontown; Mrs. W. B. Jacobs,
and Levi S. Randolph, both of Uniontown; J. N. Randolph, of Brier Hill; Irvin
K. and C. R. Randolph, both of McKeesport; George E. Randolph, of Brownsville;
Mrs. Caroline Ache, of McClellandtown; Mrs. Louise Whetsel, of Uppermiddletown
and Harold R. Randolph of Charleroi.
Funeral services will be held at the family residence Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, in charge of Rev. Thomas W. Colhouer. Burial at Sylvan Heights.
Active pallbearers will be: O. M. Messmore, R. R. Keener, O. E. Keener, Allen
J. Parke, John Q. Adams and William Raffle.
Robert Lee Benson, 70, of Monroe Township, Pa., died Sunday, January 4, 2004 at home. He was born October 10, 1933, in Gans, Pa., a son of the late Earl and Alice Marie Emory Benson. He was a retired draftsman with Hartman Associates, and a member of Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren. Surviving are his wife Waneta I. Darkwood Benson, a son, Alan Robert Benson of Etters, two daughters, Jodie Zahner of Highlands, N.C., and Debra Rogers of Wichita, Kan.; a brother, James Earl Benson of Whitehouse Station, N.J.; and seven grandchildren. Memorial services 11 a.m., Thursday, in his church, 219 Hummel Street, Harrisburg, with the Rev. Belita D. Mitchell and the Rev. Dennis Coffman officiating. Burial will be in Mechanicsburg Cemetery. There will be a visitation from 6 to 8 p.m., Wednesday, at Malpezzi Funeral Home, Mechanicsburg. Memorials may be made to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 800 Corporate Circle Harrisburg, Pa. 17110; Gans United Methodist Church, Gans, Pa. 15439 or Brethren Housing Association, 219 Hummel Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Elsie M. Bentz, 78, of Peach Street, Connellsville Towers, Connellsville, died Monday in St. Francis Medical Center, Pittsburgh. Friends will be received in the Eugene G. Saloom Funeral Home Inc., Main Street, Mount Pleasant, until 11 a.m. today.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–January 29, 1917
Died—–December 11, 1995
Edward F. Beny, 78, of Mount Pleasant, died Thursday, Sept. 28, 1995, in Westmoreland Manor, Greensburg. Friends will be received from 5 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 406 E. Washington St., Mount Pleasant, where a blessing service will be held Monday at 9:30 a.m. followed by a funeral Mass at 10 a.m. in the Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church, Mount Pleasant. Interment, with full military rites, will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church, Mount Pleasant.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–August 23, 1917
Died—–September 28, 1995
Adam M. (Abe) Benya, 62, of Uniontown, R. D. 3, died Monday in Uniontown Hospital. He was born at Monarch, a son of the late Adam and Susan Benya. He was a member of St. John’s R. C. Church, Uniontown, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 47, the F. O. of Eagles of Uniontown and the Hutchinson Sportsman’s Club. He was a veteran of World War II, having served with the United States Navy and was employed with Benson’s Clothing store for more than 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Roebuck Benya; a son, Adam, Jr. of Connellsville; a brother, Andrew of Maryland; and three sisters, Mrs. Susan Bennett of Maryland, Mrs. Katherine Murray and Miss Mary Benya, both of Uniontown.
BENYA—Friends of Adam M. (Abe) Benya of Uniontown, R. D. 3, who died Monday, July 8, 1974, may call at the Haky Funeral Home, 1339 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, and until 10:15 a.m. Thursday, when a prayer service will be held at the funeral home, followed by a mass of Christian burial at 11 a.m. in St. John’s R. C. Church, Uniontown, with the Rev. Thomas Rinn as celebrant. Interment will be in Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown.
Arda Posta BERANEK (1904-1995)
Arda Posta Beranek, 90, a resident of Westmoreland Manor for 23 years, formerly of Mount Pleasant, died Thursday, March 16, 1995, in Westmoreland Manor. She was born April 18, 1904, in Czechoslovakia, a daughter of the late Frank and Anna Ibl Posta. She was a 1923 graduate of Mount Pleasant High School. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Beranek; a sister, Mary Murphy; and two brothers, James Posta of Ligonier, Frank Posta of Ligonier, Frank Posta and his wife, Helen, of Inverness, Fla., and Lloyd Posta and his wife, Marie, of Mount Pleasant; one sister, Mrs. Don (Ella) Minster of North Versailles; and a number of nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the EUGENE G. SALOOM FUNERAL HOME INC., Main Street, Mount Pleasant, today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 2 p.m., at which time services will be held with the Rev. William M. Chittester officiating. Interment will follow in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.
Frank Bercha, 85, of Masontown, died Monday in the Golden Age Nursing Home in Brownsville. He was a charter member of St. Mary’s R. C. Church of Masontown and a member of UMWA Nemacolin Local. Surviving are several nephews and nieces.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
BERCHA, FRANK— Friends are being received in the Yoney Funeral Home, Masontown, today from 1 to 10 PM, and where a prayer service will be held Thursday at 9 AM, followed by a Requiem High Mass at 9:30 AM in St. Mary’s R. C. Church, Masontown, with the Very Rev. John J. Gaydos, as celebrant. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Paraslag will be held this evening at 7:30.
Michael BERDAR died in 1931. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Michael Berdar, aged six years, three months and 11 days, son of Mr. And Mrs.
John Berdar of House No. 7, Jamison Works, died at 10:10 a.m. Friday, February
13, 1931, in the Uniontown Hospital. In addition to his parents he is survived
by the following brothers and sisters, all at home: John, Charles, George, Frank,
Anna and Helen.
Short funeral services will be held at the home of the parents Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock followed by additional services in the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic
church, New Salem, in charge of Fr. M.M. Czap. Burial will be in the church
Morning Heralds February 14, 1931
Jacob L. BEREITER, Jr. (1925-1996)
Jacob L. Bereiter, Jr., 71, of Uniontown, Pa., and formerly of Connellsville, Pa., died Monday, September 23, 1996, in Cherry Tree Nursing Home, Uniontown. He was born July 1, 1925, in Dunbar, Pa., son of Jacob L. and Catherine Freedman Bereiter Sr. He was a lifelong resident of the Dunbar/Connellsville area, graduate of Dunbar Township High School, retired from Anchor Hocking Corporation in South Connellsville where he worked as a mold maker for 40 years, veteran of the U.S. Navy who served during World War II, and a member of Connellsville VFW Post 21, Knights of Columbus Father John Burns Council No. 948, Connellsville Senior Tigers, and Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church in Connellsville. He is survived by three daughters: Mrs. Vincent (Mary Kay) Karolewics of Uniontown, Dr. and Mrs. Richard (Deborah) Raucci of Clarion, and Mrs. Thomas (Karen) Blahovac of Greensburg, seven grandchildren, three sisters: Mrs. Dorothy Dunlap of Dickerson Run, Mrs. Rex (Patricia) Kapolka of Uniontown, and Mrs. Robert (Barbara) Opst of Dunbar, and a special friend, Betty. His parents, his wife, Mary M. Wujcik Bereiter, a son-in-law, David Cacciamani, two brothers, Edward Bereiter and Robert J. Bereiter, and three sisters, Rose Jean Hohman, Anna Mary Humphrey, and Catherine Baluch, preceded him in death. Friends will be received in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 East Green St., Connellsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. where a Blessing Service will be held Thursday, September 26, at 9 a.m. A Funeral Mass will follow at 9:30 a.m. in Immaculate Conception R.C. Church, Connellsville, with Rev. Fr. John Butler as Celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Joseph’s Cemetery where military rites will be accorded by Connellsville VFW and American Legion Honor Guard. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be given in his memory to the American Cancer Society, Fayette Unit, 4 North Beeson Blvd., Uniontown, PA 15401 or Alzheimer’s Association, Laurel Mountain Chapter, 1011 Old Salem Rd., Greensburg, PA 15601. Parish wake service will be held in the funeral home on Wednesday at 3 p.m.
Lazarus BEREITER died in 1926. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Lazarus BEREITER, 61 years old, died Sunday morning at 10 oclock at his
late home at Dunbar following a two years illness with complications. He
is survived by three sons, John and Jacob of Dunbar and Robert at home and a
daughter, Mrs. Richard HARZAY of Dunbar. There are seven grandchildren.
Courier Thurs. 7-8-1926
Benjamin W. Berg, one of the best known business men of Point Marion, died in the Uniontown Hospital, Tuesday night, March 8, 1927, at 7:55 o’clock following a lingering illness. Mr. Berg was taken to the hospital Tuesday afternoon when his condition took a turn for the worse. Mr. Berg was 60 years of age. Prior to three years ago when he was forced to retire because of ill health, Mr. Berg conducted a grocery business in Point Marion. Mr. Berg was a member of the Masons and of the Odd Fellows of Point Marion. He was a lifelong member of the Methodist church of Point Marion. He is survived by his widow and five children, Mrs. W. S. Dillinger of Point Marin, and Nell, Ruth, Marjorie, Doris and Harry, all at home. No funeral arrangements have been announced.
Eleanor M. BERG died in 1935. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(22)
Word has been received by Uniontown friends of the death of Mrs. Eleanor
Muhelenburg Berg, 34, wife of Ernest Berg Monday, August 12, 1935 at 2 a.m. in
Mt. Pleasant Hospital. Death followed an operation.
Surviving are her husband; two sons, Ralph and Gilbert; her parents, a
brother and a sister.
Deceased was an active member of the Church of God, Mount Pleasant, and
formerly resided in Uniontown.
Services will be held in the family residence near Mt. Pleasant, at 2 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon with Rev. E.O Barnhart officiating. Burial will be in the
Mt. Pleasant cemetery.
BERG, MAUDE MILLER, aged 60 years, 1 month and 12 days, died at her home, House No.11, Ralph Works, Tuesday morning at 9:03 o’clock. She was born July 6, 1882, in Mt. Pleasant township. She was a daughter of Wesley and Mary Pletcher Miller. She is survived by her husband, Adam Berg; two children, Miss Marie Berg at home and Clyde Berg of Ralph; two brothers, John Miller of Acme and Thomas Miller of Laurelville; one sister, Mrs. Myrtle Utterback, Scottdale, and three grandchildren. Friends will be received at the home until 1:30 Thursday afternoon where brief services will be held followed by additional services in the Mt. Joy Church of the Brethren at Brush Run with Rev. Blough officiating, assisted by Rev. R.C. VanEman. Burial will follow in the church cemetery under the direction of C.B. Dearth Sons, New Salem.
BERGAN died in 1931. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Word has reached Uniontown of the death, Friday, June 26, 1931 of C .E. Bergan
at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W. W. Tanner 1010 Rose Hill Avenue, Hagerstown
MD. Mr. Bergan was a former resident of Uniontown and had a wide circle of friends
and acquaintances here. At the time of his death he was 79 years of age. He
is survived by one son and two daughter.
Mr. Bergan was a member of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers
of America, L.U.N. 198 and of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics.
Funeral services were solemnized in the Episcopal church, Hancock, MD and burial
was in the church cemetery.
Herald---July 2, 1931
A brief illness of pneumonia Tuesday morning caused the death of Francis Bergin, in Harrisburg. Mr. Bergin, who made his home with his aunt, Mrs. Catherine Powell, in Harrisburg while he was employed in the Treasury Department, became ill last Monday. Until last May he had rounded out close to ten years in the Treasury Department and was among one of its youngest employes. He was born at Searight on October 8, 1909, a son of William Bergin and the late Mrs. Sara Berkin. The family moved to Connellsville about twenty years ago and there he attended the Parochial school. He graduated from Connellsville high school in 1928. In addition to his father, he is survived by five brothers, Daniel and Martin, at home; Walter, of Cleveland, O.; Robert, of Wilkes-Barre, and William, address unknown. The body was received in Connellsville Wednesday evening and taken to the parental home in East Fairview avenue to await funeral service Friday morning. Requiem mass will be said in Immaculate Conception church. Burial will be made in St. Joseph’s cemetery.
Beulah H. Berger, 69, of White, died Sunday in Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh. Surviving are her husband, Denver Berger; one son, Brian D. Berger of Acme; four daughters, Mrs. George (Betty A.) Stauffer of Mount Pleasant, Mrs. James (Bonnie K.) Newcomer of Uniontown, Mrs. Paul (Connie M.) Stoffer of Normalville and Becky L. Berger of Bruceton Mills, W.Va.; seven grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Ivan(Erma) White, Mrs. Edward(Mae) Grimm, both of Acme, and Mrs. French (Grace) Kooser of Mill Run. Friends will be received at the Clyde Brooks Funeral Home Inc., Route 711, Melcroft, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today and until 11 a.m. Wednesday.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–April 11, 1925
Died—–December 4, 1994
John Berisko, 94 years, of Republic, Pennsylvania passed away peacefully on Thursday morning, August 5, 2010 with his loving Family at his side. He was born May 19, 1916 in Orient, Fayette County, Pennsylvania the son of John and Mary Findysz Berisko (Boryczka). On September 27, 1937 John married his sweetheart, Bridget Stebok, and together they would have celebrated 73 years of marriage next month. "Pap" was a member of Madonna of Czestochowa Roman Catholic Church in Cardale, Pennsylvania. He retired from United States Steel's Maple Creek Mine and was a member of the United Mine Workers of America Local 1248. In his younger days, John was an avid hunter, fisherman, trapper and ball player. He also enjoyed gardening, reading a nd telling stories of his early coke oven and coal mining days. He was an avid fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Pittsburgh Pirates. "Pap" was a hard-working, honest man, always with a smile on his face. After years of labor, he was blessed with a long, happy retirement, always surrounded by loving Family and Friends.
John was preceded in death by his parents; his infant son, Lawrence (1941); great grandson, Charles Mason; brothers, Walter and Henry; and sisters, Helen Pelc, Sophia Berisko and Frances "Faye" Tassone.
"Pap" is survived by his beloved wife, Bridget Stebok Berisko; devoted sons: Thomas Berisko and wife Paula of Avon, Ohio, Raymond Berisko and wife Nancy of Brownsville Pennsylvania, Daniel Berisko and his wife Rebecca of Mannington, West Virginia and Philip Berisko at home; loving granddaughters Annette Kordish and husband Kevin and three great-grandchildren Garrett, Blake and McKenna of Avon Lake, Ohio, Michele Mason and husband Matthew and great grandsons Matt, Aaron and Nicholas of Avon Lake, Ohio; and loving sisters: Mary "Mecky" Kubitza, Royal Pennsylvania, Ann Matty of Virginia Beach, Virginia and Rose Piasecki and husband Frank of Strongsville, Ohio; many loving nieces, nephews and friends.
We love you so much "Pap" and we could not have asked for a more wonderful Husband and Father!
Friends will be received in ROBERT T. KISH FUNERAL HOME, 19 Legion Street, Republic, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday, August 9, until 9:30 a.m. when a Prayer Service will be held. A Funeral Mass will follow at 10 a.m. in the Church of the Madonna with Rev. Father Stephen Bugay as Celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Mary's Cemetery, Cardale. Parish Wake Service will be held in the Funeral Home today at 3:30 p.m. The Parish Rosary will be prayed in the Funeral Home today at 8 p.m.
John R. Berkshire, aged 78 years, died Monday night at 11:10 at his home near Woodside after a lingering illness. He was born April 12, 1854 and was well known in the county. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Carrie Berkshire and the following children: Mrs. John McCann of Carmichaels; Mrs. Phillip Bixler of Old Frame; Harry, Lloyd, Raymond, Ralph, Kenneth and Dewey Berkshire all of Masontown, and Edith, at home. Short funeral services will be held at the home Thursday afternoon at 1:30 followed by additional services at the Old Frame Presbyterian church at two o'clock. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Article begins with other stories. Article of interest begins in paragraph 5.
John R. Berkshire, who died at his country home Monday evening, December 5, 1932, was one of Fayette county’s best citizens. He was well known as a barn builder, he having built many barns in southern Fayette county. His private and home life was a model one. As a mechanic, he was honest and industrious. Those who employed John Berkshire always knew that the work would be well done. He was a man of intelligence and good common sense. He was interested in the welfare of the community in which he lived. It was always a pleasure to meet him because of his jovial nature. Mr. Berkshire was in his 79th year at the time of his death. His funeral took place Thursday afternoon, December 8, 1932. His funeral was very largely attended by relatives and friends.
BERKSHIRE, LLOYD — Age 86 years of Masontown, Pa. died Friday, April 11, 1975 in the Uniontown Hospital. He was the son of the late John and Emma (Bosley) Berkshire. He was born February 14, 1899 at Woodside Pa. He was a member of the Masontown Mennonite Church.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Olive (Townsend) Berkshire on August 15, 1972 and a brother, Raymond Berkshire on August 15, 1973,
Surviving are the following children; J. L. Berkshire, Akron, Ohio, Eugene and James R. Berkshire both of Orrville, Ohio Mrs. Melvin (Mable) Hartman, Wooster, Ohio, Mrs. Kermit (Margaret) Thomas, Elizabethtown, Pa., Betty Berkshire, Orrville, Ohio, four grandchildren, seven great grandchildren four brothers; Harry Berkshire Masontown, Pa , Ralph Berkshire Harrisburg, Virginia, Kenneth Berkshire, Masontown, Pa., Dewey Berkshire, Santa Maria, California and one sister, Edith Laughead, Uniontown, Pa.
Friends will be received in the Grant R. Townsend Funeral Home, 220 S. Main St., Masontown Sunday 2 to 9 p.m. , Monday 10 to 12 noon and in the Masontown Mennonite Church from 1 to 2 p.m. the hour of service with Rev. J. W. Townsend officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery.
Mabel Johnson BERKSHIRE (1899-1973)
BERKSHIRE, Mabel Johnson — Age 73 years, of 624 E. Church Ave.; Masontown, died Friday evening, July 27, 1973 in the Uniontown Hospital. She was born September 7, 1899 in Masontown. She was a member of the Masontown Evangelical Mennonite Church. She is survived by: her husband, Kenneth L. Berkshire; a son, James O. Berkshire of Masontown; four grandchildren. Friends will be received in the Grant R. Townsend Funeral Home, Masontown after 7 p.m. today and until Monday at 2 p.m. the hour of service with Rev. J. W. Townsend officiating. Interment in Greendale Cemetery.
Two persons were injured in a two-car crash at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday
on Route 119 near the Kentucky Fried Chicken north of Connellsville.
Connellsville Township Chief of Police Roger Adams investigated
the mishap. This is a view of the Berkshire car. A State
Trooper from Uniontown sub-station was also at the scene. Chief
Adams said a car operated by Mabel Berkshire, 73, of Church
Avenue in Masontown was pulling out of Blake Ave. The Berkshire
car pulled into the path of an automobile operated by Wendell
Forsythe, 42, of West Crawford Ave. in Connellsville. Kenneth
Berkshire, the drivers' husband, was a passenger in the car.
Mr. and Mrs. Berkshire were taken to Connellsville State General Hospital and were later transferred to Uniontown Hospital. South Connellsville Volunteer Fire Department ambulance was sent to the accident scene and the Masontown couple were transferred to the other hospital by South Connellsville firemen. Mrs. Berkshire was admitted to the Uniontown hospital's intensive care unit with fractures and internal injuries. She is listed in satisfactory condition. Her husband was treated and released. (Courier Photo)
Two inquests into traffic fatalities will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. in the courthouse office of Dr. W. Ralston McGee, county corner.
The first ...............
The second inquest will be into the death of a Masontown woman who was killed in a two-vehicle collision of Route 119 just south of Connellsville. Police state that Mrs. Mabel Berkshire, 73, was riding in a machine operated by Kenneth Berkshire of Masontown when the collision occurred. According to police reports the other vehicle was driven by Wendell Forsythe of Connellsville.
In the second inquest heard, Kenneth Berkshire of Masontown was held responsible for the accident which resulted in the death of Mabel Berkshire. Berkshire failed to yield the right of highway resulting in the two-vehicle collision on Route 119 south of Connelllsville. Wendell Forsythe of Connellsville was the other driver, according to police reports.
Also, it was recommended that the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation investigate the intersection at Route 119 and Blake Ave. in Connellsville Twp. for installation of a traffic light in the near future.
Olive Townsend BERKSHIRE (1886-1973)
BERKSHIRE, OLIVE TOWNSEND — Age 87 years of Orrville, Ohio, R.D. 1, formerly of Masontown, R.D., died Wednesday, August 15, 1973 in Hanover House Nursing Home, Massilion, Ohio. She was, born in Masontown on April 11, 1886 and was the daughter of the late William and Rebecca Johnson Townsend. She was a member of the Smithville Mennonite Church, Ohio.
Surviving is her husband, Lloyd Berkshire; three sons, J. L. Berkshire, Akron, Ohio, Eugene and James, both of Orrville, Ohio; three daughters, Mrs. Melvin (Mable) Hartman, Wooster, Ohio, Mrs. Kermit (Margaret) Thomas, Johnstown, and Betty Berkshire, at home; fourteen grandchildren; four great grandchildren; three brothers, George Townsend, and Harry N. Townsend, both of Masontown, and Frank Townsend, New Geneva; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha McCann, Masontown, and Mrs. Zetta Honsaker, Pittsburgh. She was predeceased by two daughters, a brother, and four sisters.
Friends will be received in the Grant R. Townsend Funeral Home, Masontown, Saturday 2 to 10 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 12 noon and in the Masontown Mennonite Church from 1 to 2 p.m. the hour of service. Rev. Paul Roth will officiate. Interment in Church Cemetery.
Stella Viola BERKSHIRE ( -1967)
Mrs. Stella Viola Berkshire, 78, of Harrisonburg, Va., formerly of McClellandtown and Masontown, died Monday. Surviving are her husband, Raymond L. Berkshire, a daughter, Mrs. Anna Pearl King of Perryopolis; five sons including Clarence R. of Fairchance; 29 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Hettie Dvorsky of Masontown and Mrs. Laura Hixon of Belle Vernon.
BERKSHIRE, STELLA VIOLA— Friends are being received in the David J. Honsaker Funeral Home, Masontown, today and in the Masontown Mennonite Church, from 1 until 3 p.m., the hour of service. Rev. Paul Roth and Rev. A. J. Meizler will officiate. Burial will follow in the Green Dale Cemetery.
Samuel BERNSTEIN died in 1938. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Samuel Bernstein, aged 49, local supervisor for the Periodical Publications Company,
Pittsburgh, died at 5:15 Wednesday evening, August 17, 1938, in the Uniontown
hospital where he had been a patient for the last six days. Death was attributed
to heart disease.
Mr. Bernstein had been in the magazine business here for 15 years. Surviving
is the widow, Pearl, of Mill street, and a number of brothers and sisters.
The body was removed to the J. Harry Johnston & Sons funeral home and was
sent last night to New York City where funeral services will be in charge of
a brother.
Mr. Bernstein's offices were in the Fayette Title and Trust building.
[Standard Aug. 18, 1938]
Agnes Sweda Bero of Wickenburg, Arizona, passed away at the age of 96 on Thursday, October 13, 2005. She was born December 5, 1908, in Dunbar, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Adam Sweda and Barbara Matthews Sweda. Agnes married Stephen Bero from Uniontown, Pennsylvania, where they owned Bero's Market and Grocery Store for many years. They re-located to Downey, California, and at retirement moved to Glendale, Arizona. Agnes moved to Wickenburg in December 2000 after living in Glendale, Arizona, for 24 years. In Wickenburg she lived with her daughter, Monica Bero Lambert. Agnes attended the R & R Respite Care Group where she enjoyed telling stories and socializing with the other seniors. She was a member of Saint Anthony's Roman Catholic Church. Agnes touched many lives with her sweet and gentle ways and will be fondly remembered as a very warm and loving person!
Agnes was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Stephen Bero on February 11, 1981, a daughter, Barbara Rae Nairn Bero, two brothers, six sisters and one niece, Sister Evelyn. She is survived by her daughter, Monica Bero Lambert; a granddaughter, Leslie Ann Nairn; a grandson, Gregory Stephen Nairn; her Godchild and grandniece, Roseanne Strouth; and many nieces and nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews. She also leaves behind her beloved dog, Toby.
There will be no public visitation. A Mass of Christian Burial will be said on Tuesday, October 18, at 10 a.m. in Saint Anthony's Roman Catholic Church, Wickenburg, Arizona, with the Rev. Father George Highberger as Celebrant. A private Graveside Service will immediately follow in Holy Cross Cemetery, Glendale, Arizona. Arrangements are under direction of the FREY-WICKENBURG FUNERAL HOME, 187 North Adams Street, Wickenburg, Arizona 85390.
BERO, ANNE CINDRIC — Aged 22, of 186 Carnation Street died suddenly Sunday, May 15, 1955 in an automobile accident. She is survived by one son, aged 8 months; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cindric, Phillips; six brothers, John F. Cindric, Lima, Ohio; Joseph A., Uniontown; Nick W., Jr., Detroit, Mich.; Andrew J., Paul J., George P., Uniontown; one sister, Mary Louise Cindric, Uniontown. She was a graduate of St. John’s High School, class of 1948. Friends will be received in the Speshock Funeral Home, 111 E. Fayette St., Uniontown after 7 p.m. today until Wednesday at 8:15 a.m. when prayer service will be held. Requiem High mass will be sung at 10 a.m. in St. Mary’s r. C. Church with Rev. Fr. John Blazic as celebrant. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
see Colman Bero for additional articles.
BERO, COLMAN R. — Age 25 of 186 Carnation Street died suddenly Sunday, May 15, 1955 in an auto accident. He is survived by one son James Lee Bero, aged 8 months; parents Mr. add Mrs. Colman K Bero, Sr. of Uniontown; one brother, Lee R. Bero, U.S. Air Force, New Mexico. He was a graduate of South Union High School, class of 1948 and was a junior student in engineering in West Virginia University. Friends will be received in the Speshock Funeral Home, 111 E. Fayette Street, Uniontown, after 7 p.m. today until Wednesday at 9:15 a.m. when prayer service will be held. Requiem High Mass will be sung at 10 a.m. in St Mary's R.C. Church with Rev. Fr. John Blazic as celebrant. Internment will be in the church cemetery.
Death in a five-car crash came to three persons on Route 40 early Sunday morning. Thirteen others were injured in various week-end highway accidents. State Police, who witnessed the worst accident of the period, said Colman Bero, 25, and his wife, Anne, 22, of South Uniontown, driving a jaguar roadster, collided with another car while trying to pass a sedan driven by Robert Mihalik, 24, of Uniontown, R. D. 3. The sports car swerved out of control after hitting that of George Shaw, 20, of Farmington. The Jaguar was then struck broadside by another sedan coming from the opposite direction with Eugene Savage, 17, of Friendsville, Md., at the wheel.
Another sedan, operated by Nettie Williams, 38, of Farmington, was struck by the Jaguar as she pulled around it and the Savage vehicle. Her car spun about and crashed into an embankment on the other side of the road and Mihalik headed his auto into the embankment purposely to avoid hitting the wreckage.
Mr. and Mrs. Bero were dead upon arrival at Uniontown Hospital as was Savage. Bero died instantly of crushed chest and skull fracture; his wife suffered a compound fracture of the skull and Savage had a broken neck and skull fracture.
The tragedy occurred between Mr. Summit and Hopwood at 1:30 o’clock Sunday morning. Frances Fike, 18, of Bruceton, W. Va., an occupant of the Savage car, was seriously injured. She was admitted to the hospital with a compound fracture of the right leg, fractured left wrist, lacerations of the lower lip, nose fracture and head injury.
A passenger in the Mihalik vehicle, Dorothy Sabatula, 23, of Bitner, was treated for shock. John Reckus, 25, of Uniontown, owner of the Jaguar, was treated for hysteria and shock. He was riding in the Mihalik auto. Nettie Williams was treated at the scene for head contusions and shoulder injury.
Damage including $4,000 fot the Jaguar whivh was a total loss, amounted to nearly $6,000.
Bero is survived by an eight-month-old son, James; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colman Bero, of South Uniontown, and a brother, with the Air Force in New Mexico. His wife leaves her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Cindric of Phillips; six brothers, John F. of Lima, Ohio, Joseph of Uniontown, and one sister, Mary Louise Cindric of Uniontown. Bero was a graduate of South Union High School with the class of 1948 and a junior in West Virginia University’s school of engineering, and his wife was a graduate of St. John’s High School, 1949. The bodies were taken to the Speshock funeral home. The body of Eugene Savage was moved to the Rodehaver funeral home at Markleysburg.
Article continues about other accidents.
UNIONTOWN, June 2 — A jury empanelled by Coroner W. Ralston McGee Saturday morning will determine the causse of the accident May 17 on Route 40 just east of Hopwood in which three persons were killed. The victims were Colman r. Bero, 25, and his wife, Ann Cendric Bero, 22, of Uniontown and Eugene Savage, 17, of Friendsville, Md. Four persons were injured in the crash in which five cars were involved. The persons who survived the accident and who were treated in Uniontown Hospital have been subpoenaed as witnesses. The inquests will start at 9:30 o’clock.
UNIONTOWN, June 6 — Three drivers were exonerated Saturday by a coroner’s jury in the triple death accident May 15 on Route 40, just east of Hopwood. The fourth operator who, with his wife, was killed, according to verdict, lost control of the vehicle he was driving. George D. Spaw and Nettie E. Williams of Farmington and Robert J. Mihalik of Uniiontown were found blameless in the accident in which Mr. and Mrs. Coleman R. Bero, Jr., and his wife, Anne, and Eugene Earl Savage met death.
The verdict was:
“From the testimony presented, we find that Coleman R. Bero, Jr.,
lost control of his car, crossed the center line of traffic and
collided with two automobiles traveling in the right hand east
bound lane, one operated by George D. Spaw and Earl Eugene Savage
operating the second vehicle, causing the accident that resulted in
the deaths of Coleman R. Bero, Jr., Anne C. Bero and Eugene Earl Savage.”
“From the testimony presented we exonerate George D. Spaw, Nettie E. Williams and Robert J. Mihalik of all responsibility.”
More attorneys than witnesses were present at the hearing over which Coroner W. Ralston McGee presided. The testimony of the operators involved was substantially given to Trooper John Lapatosky at the time of the accident. The officer declared that mute evidence as to the damage to the cars and the distance traveled over the accident, indicated that Bero in a jaguar, owned by John Reckus, was traveling between 80 and 90 miles per hour. Other witnesses said the Jaguar was traveling “pretty fast.”
Article covers other cases…..
Heavy damages are asked in a suit filed in behalf of John Cindric, administrator of the estate of Anne Frances Bero, against Coleman K. Bero, administrator of the estate of Colman r. Bero, Jr. The action resulted from the death of Mrs. Bero, fatally hurt in an automobile crash, may 14, on Route 40, east of Hopwood. The suit is for an amount “in excess of $1,000. Bero and Eugene Earl Savage of Friendsville, Md., also were killed in the accident.
The suit cites that Coleman R. Bero, Jr., was driving at an estimated speed of 80 to 90 miles an hour in a Jaguar owned by John M. Reckus. In a collision with a vehicle operated by Savage, the suit continues, Mrs. Bero was thrown out of the Jaguar. Her injuries are described as a compound fracture of the skull, multiple fracture of the left upper extremity, fracture of the pelvis, the left femur and ribs on the left side. The suit ascribes Mrs. Bero’s death to the “carelessness, negligence and wantonness of Coleman R. Bero, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bero’s were on their way home from Dulany’s night club at the time of the crash. Expenses attending the funeral of Mrs. Bero are itemized in the action. The plaintiff claims damages for the estate of Mrs. Bero, the economic value of her life as measured by the present worth of likely earnings and value of services to a minor child, James Lee Bero, aged nine months, which she would have earned and rendered during the period of life expectancy.
Article continues covering other cases…
Article covers other cases…..
Additional damage suits have developed from an automobile wreck last may 15 on Route 40 east of Hopwood in which three were killed and five injured. Previously, through Attorney David E. Cohen, the administrator for Mrs. Ann Frances Bero had instituted action against the estate of Colman R. Bero, Jr., through the administrator, Colman K. Bero.
The recent suits were against the same administrator. Harry Newton Savage of Friendsville, Md., father of Eugene Earl Savage, killed with Mr. and Mrs. Bero in the accident, asks damages in excess of $3,000 and damages of $1,350 for the Savage automobile owned by Harry Newton Savage. Heavy damages are asked by Paul Fike, father of Frances Fike, a passenger in the Savage machine. She suffered multiple injuries.
The suits cite that Bero was operating a Jaguar automobile with the consent of the owner, John M. Reckus. The four suits are for large sums. By rules of the court only the term “in excess of $1,000” is specified. Each suit outlines that Driver Bero was operating the machine at a speed estimated at between 80 and 90 miles an hour. “Carelessness, negligence and wantonness” are claimed.
Article continues covering other cases…
Frank J. Bero, 89, of Uniontown, Pa., passed away Monday, July 26, 2004, in Mount Macrina Manor. He was born July 26, 1915, in Uniontown, Pa., son of the late John and Mary Muzika Bero. A 1934 graduate of Uniontown High School, Frank was a member of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church. He was a life member of both the BPOE No. 370 in Uniontown, and Hutchinson Sportsmen's Club. He was an associate member of the Fraternal Order of Police, and a social member of AMVETS Post No. 103, Hopwood.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers, Emil J. Bero, Coleman Kay (C K) Bero and Stephen Bero. He is survived by his wife, Nell (Nellie) Juras Bero of Las Vegas, Nev.; two daughters, Arlene Peterson and husband, Jerry of Las Vegas, Nev.; and Phyllis Mathews and husband, Jerry of Park Forest Ill.; 11 grandchildren; many great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews, Monica Lambers of Wickenburg, Ariz., Lee Bero and wife, Carol of Hopwood, Pa., Joe Kopahcko and wife, Patty of Ohio, Sister Marita Juras of Pittsburgh, Pa., Robert D. Bero of Wisconsin, and Dr. Regis Nairn of Glendale, Ariz.; and several other nieces and nephews; best friends, Tim and Beverly Lowry of Uniontown; fishing buddies, Earl "Spunk" Conway of Hopwood, and Harry Klink of Hopwood; and a friend, Mike McCormick of Balsinger.
At his request, there will be no visitation or services. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the DOLFI FUNERAL HOME, Uniontown. Memorial contributions can be made to the American Heart Association or the American Cancer Fund in his memory.
John Bero, 77, local grocer, died at 3 o’clock this morning at his home, 187 North Gallatin avenue. Forty years ago, Mr. Bero established the John Bero and Sons grocery store and meat market on North Gallatin avenue. He was well-known throughout the county, his store making deliveries not only in Uniontown but in many other communities in the vicinity.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Bero; four sons, Emil J., Cleveland; Colman K. and Stephen R., Uniontown, and Frank, at home; and six grandchildren. Friends will be received at the Gleason funeral home after 7 o’clock tonight. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Mrs. Mary Bero, 74, of 187 N. Gallatin Ave., died late this morning in Uniontown Hospital. She had been in ill health for the past two years. Mrs. Bero, widow of John Bero, who died April 21, 1954, was a member of St. Mary’s R. C. Church.
She is survived by four sons, Emil of Cleveland, and Colman K., Stephen R. and Frank, all of Uniontown; one brother, George Muzika of Lemont Furnace, and five grandchildren. Friends will be received after noon Saturday at the Gleason Funeral Home, 114 E. Fayette St.
Nell 'Nellie' BERO (1913-2009)
Nell (Nellie) Bero, 96, formerly of Uniontown, Pa. passed away on Monday, February 16, 2009 at her residence in Las Vegas, Nevada. Nell was born on February 12, 1913 in Oliver, Pa., the daughter of Stanley and Nellie (Papierz) Juras.
In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her husband, Frank J. Bero, brother, Stanley Juras and sisters, Mary Oblazny, Ann Froczak, Helen Gendron, Estella Dewitt, Agnes Fleming, Louise Sly, and Carolyn L. Syrek. Nell is the last surviving member of her immediate family.
She is survived by two daughters: Arlene Peterson and husband Jerry of Las Vegas, Nevada and Phyllis Mathews and husband Jerry of Park Forest, Illinois.
Friends are ask to join the family at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church on Saturday May30, 2009 at 9 a.m., the hour of service with the Rev. Father Alexander Pleban presiding. Arrangements are being handled by the THOMAS M. DOLFI FUNERAL HOME 136 N. Gallatin Avenue, Uniontown.
April 29, Mrs. Dora Eccles Berry, of Brownsville, only daughter of Amzi Eccles, aged 32 years, of pneumonia. Funeral Tuesday, at 2:30 p.m., interment Brownsville.
Lois (Long) Berry, 76, of Weston, W.Va., died Sunday, July 21, 1996, in Charleston Area Medical Center Memorial Division after a short illness. She was born Oct. 27, 1919, in Brownsville, Pa., daughter of the late Charles and Winifrede Long. She attended Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh, was a 46-year resident of Weston, W.Va., retired from West Virginia Department of Highways and Lewis County United Way where she was an executive secretary, and was a member of St. Matthews United Methodist Church in Weston, W.Va., and Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by two sons, Dr. Bruce Berry of Charleston, W.Va., and C. Mark Berry of St. Albans, W.Va., and four grandchildren.
Mrs. Lyda Berry, aged 60, of West Brownsville, died Saturday evening at 8:10 o'clock in Dr. Matta's hospital at Brownsville. Her death was caused from complications. She leaves two sons and one daughter. They are: Miss Ethel and Samuel, both of West Brownsville, and Joseph of Uniontown. The funeral services will be held in the home of her son, Samuel, in West Brownsville, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev E. H. Greenlee of the South Brownsville Methodist church will officiate. Burial will be in the Franklin Cemetery.
Joseph J. Bert, 72, of Howard Street, Mount Pleasant, and who was born in Waltersburg, died Saturday in Frick Hospital and Community Health Center, Mount Pleasant. He is survived by his wife, Jennie LoGrande Bert; two sons, Joseph J. Bert of Ruffsdale and David A. Bert of Mount Pleasant; a daughter, Mrs. Robert (Barbara Jo) Reboy of Scottdale; six grandchildren; one great-grandson; and three sisters, Ann Anderson, Betty Bert and Patricia Bert all of Mount Pleasant. Friends will be received in the Eugene G. Saloom Funeral Home Inc., 730 West Main St., Mount Pleasant, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday until 9:30 a.m.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–January 21, 1921
Died—–January 15, 1994
Dorothy B. Bertoni, 67, of Acme, formerly a long-time resident of Uniontown, died Saturday, Aug. 12, 1995, at home. She was the daughter of James and Helen Antus Blazek. Besides her parents, she was predeceased in death by her husband, Sisto R. Bertoni, in 1970 and a brother, James Blazek Jr. She was a retired school teacher from the Uniontown School District. She is survived by three sons, Daniel Bertoni of Painesville, Ohio; Gregory Bertoni of Urbana, Ill., and Leonard Bertoni of Acme; three grandchildren, and a sister, Jane Scocchera of Monroeville. Friends will be received in the JAY A. HOFFER FUNERAL HOME, Norvelt, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where services will be held Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 11 a.m. Memorials may be made to the American Lung Association.
BERTOVICH, MARY— Age 83 years of Cleveland, Ohio, and formerly of Masontown, died Tuesday, April 6, 1965, in the Jewish Convalescent Center, Cleveland, Ohio. She was a member of All Saint’s R. C. Church, Masontown. She was predeceased by her husband, Joseph, in 1964. Surviving are the following children, Mrs. Worthy (Kay) Cumberland of Easton, Pa., George Rekoric, Mrs. Mary Bohan, Mrs. James (Helen) Magaruh, Mrs. Melvin (Eleanor) Bowman and Matthew Rekoric, all of Cleveland, Ohio, and John Rekoric, with the U.S. Army; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Burick of Erie, Pa, and Mrs. Helen Thomas of Pittsburgh, Pa.; one brother, Michael Sefcheck of Uniontown, Pa. Friends are being received in the Berry Funeral Home, Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, until Friday, when friends will be received in the Yoney Funeral home, Masontown, from 7 to 10 p.m. where prayer services will be held Saturday at 8:45 a.m. followed by Requiem High Mass at 9 a.m. in All Saint’s R. C. Church, Masontown, with T. Rev. Msgr. A. J. Schneider as celebrant. Burial will follow in St. Agnes Cemetery.
Rudolph (Rudy) Bertugli, 80, of Deltona, Fla., formerly of Carmichaels, Pa., died Aug. 30, 1996, at home. He is survived by his wife, Margaret O’Brien Bertugli, whom he married in 1953; one son; three daughters; one brother, Emil Bertugli of Carmichaels; one sister, Emma Darney of Carmichaels; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Sept. 2, 1996, in Deltona, Fla.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–May 19, 1916
Died—–August 29, 1996
Ralph Francis BESS (1928-2012)
Ralph Francis Bess
Ralph Francis Bess, age 84, of Norvelt, Pa., died Tuesday, August 28, 2012 at home. He was born March 26, 1928 in River Rouge, Michigan son of Harry A. Bess and Cecelia Drouillard Bess, the prettiest girl in river Rouge! He was a Detroit policeman for 10 years; owner of R.F. Bess Insurance Agency in Detroit, moved to Marshall, Michigan, opened insurance agency in Battle Creek; Video Production House; Pottery Norvelt Clay Works. His accomplishments also include the arts: painting, stained glass, pottery. Ralph was a man of many talents, a sailor, and a pilot. He was a veteran who served in United States Army and United States Air Force. Surviving are his first wife, Delphine Montie; his wife, Janet Wadsworth Wedly Bess; a brother, Patrick Bess and wife Patricia, Grosse Ile, Michigan; children: Kevin Bess, Battle Creek, Michigan, Brian Bess and wife Amy of Laingsburg, Michigan, Catherine Evans and husband Todd, Patricia Kieper, Ralph Bess, Jerry Bess all of Marshall, Michigan, Vickie Groce and husband Brian, Battle Creek, Michigan, Brenda Mowrey and husband Robert of Hopwood, Pa., Patricia Coan and husband Chris of Emeryville, California, Linda Waidelich of Battle Creek, Michigan and Michael Wedl of Uniontown, Pa.; 18 Grandchildren and 10 Great Grandchildren; and special cousin, Mary Jo Braesoker and family, Woodhaven, Michigan. Preceded in death by sister, Faye C. Bess; and his parents. Per his request, there will be no viewing. A Memorial Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. Inurnment will be in The National Cemetery of the Alleghenies, Bridgeville, Pa. Memorial contributions suggested to: Mount Pleasant Library, a library of your choice, the Salvation Army, or take a loved one to dinner. Arrangements: BURHANS-CROUSE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Connellsville Street, Dunbar, PA 15431
BETTERS— In New Haven, at the residence of his son, Joseph, Tuesday, June 16th, 1896, of diseases incident to old age, Robert Betters, aged 79 years. Funeral services were conducted in the New Haven Methodist Episcopal Church at 2:30 yesterday afternoon by Rev. Woodson. Interment in Hill Grove Cemetery.
While suffering from melancholy, Miss Emma Betts, a resident of Connellsville up until about six months ago, committed suicide in Parkersburg, W. Va. Saturday at the home of her brother-in-law, C. C. Showalter, commander of the West Virginia State Lodge of Miccabees by setting fire to the bed clothing which she had wrapped around her. A little niece discovered her with her hair blazing and the bed clothing burning furiously. Before assistance arrived she had sustained fatal injuries, dying a short time later. Miss Betts was a niece of John Kurtz, of Connellsville, and while in Connellsville resided with her aunt, Miss Ella Kurtz. She was one of the most widely known residents of Connellsville, having for a number of years been in the millinery business with Porter and Kurtz. She has been in delicate health since leaving Connellsville. The announcement of her untimely death was learned with much regret by her many friends. The funeral will take place this afternoon in St. Mary’s, Ohio. Miss Ella Kurtz and Charles Kurtz of Connellsville, Mrs. Carrie Stillwagon of Washington, Pa and Harry Kurtz of Pittsburg attended the funeral. Miss Betts is survived by a brother, Charles Betts, another sister, Miss Anna Betts of Parkersburg. Another married sister, Belle Betts resides somewhere in Texas. Mrs. Carrie Stillwagon of Washington, Pa. and Mrs. Worth Kilpatrick of Connellsville, are aunts.
Mrs. Mary Betts, mother of Miss Emma Betts, died yesterday at her home in Pruntytown, W. Va. She was the oldest daughter of Josiah Kurtz of this place. Miss Betts left yesterday to attend the funeral. She was accompanied by her uncles, John and Joseph M. Kurtz.
BETTS— At Summit Mines, on Saturday, March 12, of apoplexy, William Betts, aged 65 years.
Joseph Beucher, 74 years old, of 314 Ogden street, died at 5:30 o’clock this morning. Mr. Beucher, a retired employee of the laboratory of the West Penn Railways Company, had resided in Connellsville for the last 64 years. He was a member of Knights of St. George and the Immaculate Conception Church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Beucher; three children, Mrs. Charles V. Smith, Mrs. Bertha Ringler and Mrs. Paul Mears, all of Connellsville, a brother, Baptist Beucher, of Connellsville, and four grandchildren. Prayer will be offered at 8:30 o’clock Saturday morning at the home and 9 o’clock requiem high mass will be celebrated at Immaculate Conception Church by Rev. Henry Geibel, pastor. Burial will be made in St. Joseph’s Cemetery. Funeral Director John J. Spishak will have charge.
DIED— At the same place [Connellsville] on the 29th ult., after a short but painful illness Mrs. Sarah Beusy consort of Mr. Beusy.
Elsie Mae Hoover Bevard, 77, of West Brownsville died Saturday afternoon in Uniontown Hospital. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by the Normal J. Wimer Funeral Home, 126 Front St., Brownsville.
Social Security Death Index:
Born—–January 1, 1918
Died—–January 14, 1995
May BEVELO died in 1935. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(3)
Funeral services for Miss May Bevelo were hekld Thursday afternoon
at her home , House #12,Oliver #1 ,Pa, at 3 o'clock, Church services will be
conducted at St. Theresa's R.C. Church at 8:30 o'clock to be followed by burial
in the Park Place Cemetery, Uniontown, PA.
H. F. 'Phil' BEVERAGE (1901-1970)
BEVERAGE, H. F. (PHIL) – Passed away at his home at Cheat Lake, W.Va., March 22, 1970 at 10:30 p.m. following a lingering illness. He was born at Hosterhan, Pocahontas County, W.Va., November 12, 1901, the son of the late George and Margaret Burner Beverage. He was employed by West Penn Power Company at Lake Lynn, Pa., for 37 years.
He is survived by his wife, Ida Costolo Beverage; one sister, Mrs. Arthur Aldridge of Rainelle, W.Va.; two brothers, Boyd of New Haven, Conn. and Paul of San Diego, Calif.
Funeral arrangements under the direction of the Louis Rudolph Funeral Home, Pt. Marion are incomplete and will be announced later.
Robert Wilson BEVERIDGE (1935-2012)
Robert Wilson Beveridge
Robert Wilson Beveridge, age 77, of Hollis, Maine died Wednesday, August 1, 2012 in Salem, Massachusetts. He was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania on September 16, 1935 the son of Ethel (Wilson) Beveridge and Robert P. Beveridge, both now deceased. Robert graduated from Waynesburg College. He worked for the General Motors Acceptance Corporation for 40 years and managed the Uniontown (Pa.) branch in the eighties. He was an avid gardner [gardener] and boatbuilder. His late uncle, Francis Wilson, was a reporter for the Evening Standard and became editor and publisher of the Klondike Bulletin in Masontown, Pennsylvania. Surviving are his wife, Sue (Park) Beveridge; two sons: Robert P. Beveridge of Cleveland, Ohio and John R. Beveridge of Portland, Maine; and two grandchildren: Sarah Beveridge and David Beveridge of Cleveland, Ohio. Funeral services were private. Donations can be made to the Wounded Warrior Project, 370 7th Avenue, Suite 1902, New York, NY 10001.
John A. Bevill, 82, of 7 Stahl Square, died in Golden Age Nursing Home, Brownsville at 9:05 a.m. Saturday. He was born in September, 1894 at Browns Summit, N. C. and was a retired engineer for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad with 50 years’ service. He was a veteran of World War I, serving overseas in France and was a member of Walter E. Brown Post 21, Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a member of King Solomon Lodge 346, F. & A. M., Connellsville; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Pittsburgh; Connellsville Chapter, Royal Arch Masons 283, Syria Temple Shrine, Pittsburgh and First Baptist Church Connellsville. His only survivor is a niece, Elaine Hopper of Reidsville, N. C.
BEVILL— Friends of John A. Bevill of 7 Stahl Square, Connellsville, who died Saturday, Mar. 6, 1977, [unreadable] Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Greensboro, N. C.
Mary Pauline BEYER died in 1933. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(15)
Friends of Mrs. Leonard K. Beyer were shocked to hear of her sudden death which
occurred early Sunday morning, January 1, 1933, in the Uniontown Hospital. She
had been seriously ill for two weeks, but her family and friends were hopeful
for her recovery.
Born at Milton, Pa-a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Stocker-she was graduated
from Bucknell University in the class of 1924. She specialized in the study
of Biology and Modern Languages. She taught two years in Mifflintown, Pa., and
two years in Berwick, Pa., before coming to Uniontown as a teacher of Biology
in 1928. In June 1928, she was married to Leonard K. Beyer, teacher of Biology
and Agriculture in the Uniontown Senior High School.
During her four years as teacher in the Uniontown High School, she won the respect
of pupils and faculty alike. She sponsored and organized the High School Nature
Club, which has been most successful in its activities. Present and former members
of the Nature Club will miss her presence on their occasional mountain (? words
missing ?) field's class of the same church .
A brief prayer service was held at the Ferguson funeral home on Sunday afternoon
when friends of her Sunday School Class, High School faculty members, members
of the Lackey Class of which Mr. Beyer is a member, and others, gathered for
a brief service. Earl T. Chamberlin was in charge.
Six members of the faculty acted as escort and pallbearers early Monday morning,
when the body was taken to the Pennsylvania railroad station preparatory to being
taken to Milton, Pa., for burial. Those acting as pallbearers were: C. Warren
Brown, I.F. Hoerger, Edgar C. Hastings, Ban R. Kovar and R.D. Mosier and G.B.
Mary Pauline Stocker Beyer is survived by her husband, Leonard K. Beyer, her
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Stocker, two sisters, Mrs. McDonald Hauck
of Milton, Pa., and Mrs. Edith Keyser of Bethlehem, Pa.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at Milton, in her parents' home with
burial in Milton Cemetery.
Vera Lutes Biagini, 84, of Belle Vernon and a native of Washington Township, Fayette County, died Sunday, March 9, 1997, in Jefferson Hospital, Jefferson Borough. She is survived by her husband, George Biagini; children: David Biagini and Mary Kay Biagini both of Pittsburgh; and a sister, Rosena Lutes VanHorn of Weirton, W. Va. There will be no public viewing. Burial will be private. Arrangements are under direction of the Howard W. McCrory Funeral Home, 334 Main St., Fayette City.
Mrs. Theresa Biancardi, 87, of 251 Oak St., Mount Pleasant, died at 2 a.m. today at her home. She was born April 16, 1887, in Italy. She was a member of St. Pius X Oak Street Church, Mount Pleasant. She is survived by two sons, Dr. Anthony Biancardi of Uniontown; three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Visconti and Mrs. Mamie Chuey, both of Mount Pleasant, and Mrs. Mary Srogoncik of Amherst, Ohio; 14 grandchildren, and six great- grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Paul, July 17, 1974, and a son, Ralph, in 1962.
BIANCARDI— Friends of Mrs. Theresa Biancardi of 251 Oak St., Mount Pleasant, who died Saturday, Aug. 24, 1974, may call at the Meagher Funeral Home, Mount Pleasant. A prayer service will be held there at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday followed by a mass of the Christian burial at 10 a.m. in St. Pius X, Oak Street Church, Mount Pleasant, with the Rev. Geno Rivi as celebrant. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Society will recite the rosary at 7 p.m. today in the funeral home.
Joesph BIDDLE died in 1927. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
The funeral service for Joseph Biddle will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
in the Presbyterian Church of West Newton. Interment will be made in West Newton
cemetery. Mr Biddle died Tuesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs
Roger Dove of Masontown, where he had been visiting following an acute illness
of indigestion. He was 79 years, 9 months and 28 days old. He had been
a resident of West Newton for the greater part of his life and was well know
in that community. Besides his wife, he is survived by the folllowing children:
Mrs Roger Dove of Masontown, Mrs J. C. Snyder of Connellsville, Mrs
William Wingrove of Broad Ford, Mrs Wilbur Stickle and Mrs Alex Kelly of
Dawson, Mrs William Hisson, Mrs Birdie Fisher and Mrs Clarence Trump of
West Newton. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs Anna Ward of McKeesport,
25 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The body of Mr Biddle was removed
to his home this afternoon.
Daily Courier, thurs, Sept 1, 1927, page 6
John Frank Bielawski, 79, of Stroal Acres, Allenport Borough, and a native of Granville, Pa., died Thursday, Dec. 19, 1996, in Canonsburg Hospital, Canonsburg. He is survived by his wife with whom he celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary in June, Margaret Helen Mihalek Bielawski; three children: Marge Bielawski Farquhar and husband, Merle, of Allenport, Barbara Bielawski Cupec and husband, Eddie, of Erie, and John C. Bielawski of Allenport; three grandsons; three granddaughters; and nine great-grandchildren. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family. The family will receive friends in the Ed Melenyzer Funeral Home Inc., 1008 Furlong Ave., Roscoe, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday until 9:30a.m.
Walter C. 'Whitey' BIELECKI (1921-2005)
Walter C. "Whitey" Bielecki, 83, of South Connellsville, Pa., passed away Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2005, in Highlands Hospital. He was born Nov. 24, 1921, in Uniontown, Pa., a son of the late John and Anna Biena Bielecki. He was a member of St. John's Evangelist R. C. Church in Connellsville. Whitey was the owner of Whitey's Cut Rate Convenience Store for 18 years and then Bielecki's Bar for 18 years, both on the West Side of Connellsville. He was also formerly employed at the former Penn Francis Hotel in Mount Pleasant, for several years. He was a World War II U.S. Army veteran, having served throughout Central America in Guatamala, Panama and Nicaraugia. Whitey loved gardening and enjoyed the outdoors.
He is survived by his wife, Flora Mae Pfeifer Bielecki, to whom he was married for 52 years; a son, James Bielecki and wife, Barbara of Connellsville; three daughters, Jane Ann Bielecki of Uniontown, Rose Mary Flannery and husband, Gary of Moon Township, and Jean Louise Todd of Bridgeville; six grandchildren; two sisters, Mary Melago of Mount Pleasant, and Sophie Bielecki of Greensburg; four brothers, Joseph Bielecki and wife, Josephine, John Bielecki and Edward Bielecki and wife, Lillian, all of Mount Pleasant, and Mitchell Bielecki of Missouri; and a sister-in-law, Sophie Bielecki of Mount Pleasant. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by two brothers, Frank and Stanley Bielecki; and three sisters, Josephine Kalb, Helen Bielecki and Nellie Tryce.
Friends will be received in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 South First St., West Side Connellsville, on Friday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. A Blessing Service will be held on Saturday at 9:30 a.m., in the funeral home, followed by a Funeral Mass at 10 a.m., in St. John's Evangelist R. C. Church, with the Rev. Fr. John Butler as celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Pius Church Cemetery in Mount Pleasant. A Parish Wake Service will be held Friday afternoon at 3 p.m., in the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests monetary gifts be sent to St. John's Evangelist R. C. Church rectory, 908 West Crawford Ave., Connellsville, PA 15425, or the American Heart Association.
Angeline R. Bieleski, age 80, of Warden Street, Mount Pleasant, died Tuesday, July 16, 1996, at Frick Hospital and Community Health Center, Mount Pleasant. Friends will be received in the GALONE-CARUSO FUNERAL HOME INC., 204 Eagle St., Mount Pleasant, from 12 to 9 p.m. today. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Saturday in St. Pius X R.C. Church. Interment will be in St. Pius X Parish Cemetery, Mount Pleasant. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Society will conduct services tonight at 7 p.m. and a parish wake service will be held Friday at 8 p.m., all in the funeral home
Anna Nevada BIELSTEIN ( -1995)
Anna Nevada (Swink) Bielstein, 97, of Connellsville died on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1995. She is survived by two sons, William Bielstein of Normalville and John Bielstein of Connellsville; two daughters, Ms. Mary Ellen Geyer of Port St. Lucie, Fla., and Mrs. Dorothy Yothers of Somerset; 19 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; a brother, Emerson Swink of Bullskin Township; and a sister, Hazel Clark of Bullskin Township. Friends will be received in the Paul G. Fink Funeral Home, Inc. 418 North Pittsburgh St., Connellsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday until 1 p.m.
BIERBOWER, CORNELIA MAE— Aged 80, E. Main St., died in the Spear Convalescent Home, Markleysburg, Thursday afternoon, April 25, 1962. She was a member of the Third Presbyterian Church and was a former clerk of Metzler’s and the former Hatfield & Hook Store. She was predeceased by her husband, Scott Bierbower. She is survived by two sons, Cornelius W., Detroit, Mich.; Guy J., Waverly, O.; seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren. Friends are being received in the J. Harry Johnston & Sons Funeral Home, 65 N. Gallatin Ave., where services will be held today at 2 p.m. The Rev. Benjamin F. McLuckie will officiate. Interment will be in Park Place Cemetery.
Edwin Ray BIERBOWER (1923-2010)
Edwin Ray Bierbower, age 86, of Hopwood, Pennsylvania passed away peacefully at home on Thursday, April 8, 2010 surrounded by his loving Family. He was born June 23, 1923 in Clifton Mills, West Virginia, the son of Howard and Carolyn (Ditmore) Bierbower. "Ray" proudly served his country during World War II with the United States Army 903rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion at the rank of Staff Sergeant. He retired from United States Steel Corporation's Maple Creek Mine. "Ray" was a member of the United Mine Workers of America Local Union 1248, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 47 and American Legion Post 51 both in Uniontown and George C. Marshall AMVETS Post 103 in Hopwood.
His parents, infant grandson, Robert Andrew Sholtis, two brothers: Howard Bierbower and Hugh Shannon Bierbower, and sisters: Garnet Martin, and Marlene Kay Bierbower, preceded him in death. He is survived by his loving wife of sixty-three years, Mary E. (Minerich) Bierbower; their children: Donna Sholtis and husband Andrew, Uniontown, Pa., John Bierbower and wife Barbara of Latrobe, Pa., Mark Bierbower and his wife Ellen of Kane, Pa., Sue Koleck and husband Lou of Uniontown, Pa.; beloved grandchildren: K'Lynn Bierbower, Brennen Bierbower, Andrea Sholtis, Maria Sholtis, Edwin Ray Bierbower II, Richard Bierbower, Christopher Bierbower, Katie Bierbower; a brother, Richard Bierbower of Uniontown, Pa.; sisters: Laura Barber of Bristol, Pa., Doris Litman, Centreville, Virginia, Marge Johnson of Uniontown, Pa., and Betty Bierbower of Chulota, Florida; and many nieces and nephews.
Friends will be received in the STEPHEN R. HAKY FUNERAL HOME INC., 603 North Gallatin Avenue Extension, Uniontown, Pennsylvania today from 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Monday, April 12, 2010, until 11 a.m., the hour of Service with the Rev. Paul Frank officiating. Entombment will follow in the Chapel of Memories Mausoleum at Sylvan Heights Cemetery where Military Honors will be accorded by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 47.
Fred B. 'Pete' BIERBOWER (1928-2004)
Fred B. "Pete" Bierbower, age 74, of Uniontown, Pa., passed away Monday, February 16, 2004 in Uniontown Hospital. He was born April 14, 1928 in Uniontown, Pa., the son of Fred and Cora (Boring) Bierbower. "Pete" graduated from Uniontown High School and was retired from Rhodes and White Plumbing. He was a member of Third Presbyterian Church and the John Knox Bible Class, also Laurel Lodge No. 651 F. & A. M. and the B. P. O. Elks No. 370.He was preceded in death by his brother, Robert "Bumps" Bierbower (December 2002) and parents. He is survived by a cousin, Mary Cramer of Uniontown; special friends: Edith Osburn and Lois Hiles both of Uniontown; and his faithful dog "Cricket". Arrangements have been entrusted to the ANDREW D. FERGUSON FUNERAL HOME INC., 80 Morgantown Street, Uniontown, Pa. The Family will receive Friends in the Funeral Home on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Visitation will continue on Thursday, February 19, from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m., the time of Service with the Rev. William D. Rodahaver officiating. Interment will follow in Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown. John Knox Bible Class will conduct Services in the Funeral Home on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
Frederick BIERBOWER (1886-1931)
Frederick Bierbower, aged 45, died suddenly at 10:15 p.m. Thursday, October 15, 1931, at his residence, 120 Evans street, a short time after returning from the Fayette Title & Trust building where, for the past two years, he has been employed as chief electrician. Death was due to a heart attack. He was born June 23, 1886, the son of James and Mary E. Bierbower and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Cora Mae Bierbower; two sons, Robert E. and Frederick, Jr.; one brother, Robert E., of Uniontown. For more than 25 years Mr. Bierbower was employed as an electrician for the H. C. Frick Coke Company. He was a member of Fayette Lodge No. 228, F. & A. M., Uniontown Lodge of Perfection and the Pittsburgh Consistory. He was also a member of the Third Presbyterian church and the John Knox Class of that Sunday school. Funeral services will be held at the late residence, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in charge of Rev E. A. Hodil. Burial will be in Sylvan Heights.
Howard Henry BIERBOWER (1884-1969)
BIERBOWER, HOWARD HENRY— Age 86, of Hopwood Crossing, Hopwood, died Wednesday, December 17, 1969, in the Uniontown Hospital. He was born February 3, 1884 in Gibbon Glade, W.Va. He was predeceased by his wife, Carolyn in 1964. He is survived by the following children, Mrs. Arthur (Laura) Martin Barber of Levittstown, Pa., Mrs. Laurence (Garnet) Martin of Greensburg, Pa., Mrs. George (Doris) Litman of Fairfax, Virginia, Mrs. Andrew (Margaret) Johnson, Uniontown, Mrs. James (Betty Jane) Whoolery, Annandale, Virginia, the following sons: E. Ray Bierbower of Hopwood, Howard W. Bierbower of Baltimore, Md., Hugh S. Bierbower of Belpre, Ohio, Richard W. of Uniontown, twelve grandchildren, the following sisters, Mrs. Lillian Palcko, Nemacolin, Pa.; Mrs. Viola Smitley of Hopwood Crossing, Mrs. Francis Gelman of California. He was a member of the First Brethren Church, and a retired Fayette County Courthouse employee. Friends will be received in the Harry E. Corl Funeral Home, 114 E. Fayette St., (Successor to Harold S. Gleason) today from 7 to 9 and Friday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturday until 1 p.m., when services will be held with Rev. True L. Hunt officiating. Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery.
Isabel Osler BIERBOWER (1905-1928)
Mrs. Isabel Bierbower, 24 years old, of Uniontown, died Monday afternoon in the Uniontown Hospital following an operation for appendicitis. Besides her husband, William Bierbower, she is survived by one son, two months old, her father, Henry Osler; also four sisters, Edna Osler at home, Mrs. Harry Hoon of Smithfield, Levada Osler and Mrs. Harold Hamilton of Youngstown, Ohio, and two brothers, Shriver Osler of Hopwood and Willie Osler of Uniontown. Mrs. Bierbower was a sister-in-law of Mrs. Willis Osler, who will be remembered as Miss Marion Grey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grey of Connellsville. She had a number of friends here.
Information obtained from the Obit Index of the
Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Born–January 18, 1905
Residence–161 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., Uniontown
Marlene Kay BIERBOWER ( -1944)
Marlene Kay Bierbower, four years old, daughter of Howard and Carolyn Bierbower of Uniontown, R. D. 2, near Hopwood, died Sunday at Uniontown Hospital. Surviving are the parents, three brothers, five sisters, and a grandmother, Mrs. John Dittmore of Lemont Furnace. The funeral service will be held at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the home with additional rites at the Church of the Brethren at Uniontown.
BIERBOWER, ROBERT E.— Aged 77, of 120 Evans St., died in his residence, Monday morning, June 13, 1960. He was a member of the Calvary Methodist Church and Laurel Lodge 651, F. & A. M. He served as domestic buyer for the former Rosenbaum Bros. Store, for thirty- three years and later was employed by Pennsylvania Department of Highways, retiring in 1955. He is survived by his wife, Reba Blaney Bierbower; two children, James E., Uniontown; Mrs. Barbara Ann Bierer, East Liverpool, O. Friends will be received at J. Harry Johnston & Sons, 65 N. Gallatin Ave., today from 2-5 and 7-10 until Wednesday at 2 p.m., the hour of service. The Rev. Howard W. Brown will officiate. Interment will be in Park Place Cemetery. Friends are asked to please omit flowers. Laurel Lodge 651 F. & A. M. will conduct ritualistic services this evening at 7:30 in the funeral home.
Winfield Scott BIERBOWER ( -1914)
Death notice for Winfield Scott Bierbower, husband of Cornelia Mae, appeared in the Daily News Standard, Uniontown, PA, March 28, 1914. Complete text is not currently available.
Ada Marie Heinze Bierer, 51, of Dilliner, Pa., died Monday, July 1, 1996, at the residence of her sister at Cornish Works, Pa. She is survived by two daughters, Blanche Marie Riley of Garards Fort, Pa., and Kimberly Ann Bierer of Pentress, W. Va.; two sons, Donald Bierer of Smithfield, Pa., and Gail Wayne Bierer of Carmichaels, Pa.; two brothers, Arthur Ralph Heinze Jr., of Everettville, W. Va., and Jackie ray Heinze of Buffalo, N.Y.; three sisters, Mrs. Richard (Gladys) Donaldson of Smithfield, Pa., Mrs. Jackie (Mary) Donaldson of Boston, N.Y., and Mrs. Jack (Judith) Drain of National, W. Va.; and 12 grandchildren. Friends may call at the Fred L. Jenkins Funeral Home this evening from 7 to 8 p.m., the hour of service. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the family.
Dr. Edgar Gorley Bierer, 69, of Uniontown, a retired optometrist, died suddenly at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, shortly after his admission to Uniontown Hospital. He had suffered a heart attack about 4 a.m. He was a son of the late W.s. and Emma Carroll Bierer. A graduate of Bowman Institute of Technology at Lancaster, he was a former jeweler in California, Pa., and practiced optometry in McKeesport, Pittsburgh and Irwin prior to his retirement and return to Uniontown in 1955. He was a member of Asbury Methodist Church. Surviving are two sisters, Helen Bierer and Mrs. Hazel Caton, and one brother, John C. Bierer, all of Uniontown. The funeral service will be conducted at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Johnston funeral home in Uniontown, with Dr. A.J. Howes officiating, and burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery.
Henry Y. BIERER died in 1929. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Funeral services for Henry Y. BIERER will be held in the parents home in
the Fairchance-Hopwood road this afternoon at 2:30 oclock with the Rev.
Burr R. McKnight, pastor of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, Uniontown,
officiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery.
Weekly News Mon. 2-18-1929
Lydia McGill BIERER
Mrs. Lydia McGill Bierer, aged 76, died suddenly at 9:45 Wednesday morning, December 17, 1947, at the family residence, 151 Connellsville Street. Mrs. Bierer appeared to be in regular health yesterday morning. She was an early riser, generally about 4 a.m. She worked about the house until 9 a.m. and went to the grocery, returning about 9:35. Her son Charles always stopped several times each day to visit her. When he arrived about 9:40 he discovered she had passed quietly away in a rocking chair.
Mrs. Bierer was born in Carmichaels and had been a resident of Uniontown more than 57 years. She was a member of The Great Bethel Baptist Church. Surviving are three sons; Thomas W., Charles F. and Donald; three daughters, Mrs. Thomas (Pauline) Conn, Mrs. William (Martha) Prempert and Mrs. Andrew (Jean) Mehall of this city; one brother, James McGill, of McClellandtown; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Bierer, Uniontown and Jennie McGill of Masontown also 18 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Friends are being received at the home of a son, Thomas, 22 Gordon Street, where services will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. Dr. Carey S. Osborne of the Great Bethel Baptist Church will be the officiating clergyman. Burial will be Oak Grove Cemetery, under the direction of the Minerd Funeral Home.
The funeral service for Miss Mary R. Bierer, 83, who died early Friday at her home at Uniontown, will be held at the Ferguson funeral home at Uniontown at 2:30 P.M. Sunday. Dr. W. B. Hogg will officiate. Burial will be made in Oak Grove Cemetery
Dorthy L. BIERHALS (1934-2000)
Dorthy L. Bierhals, 65 of Bethel Park ,formerly of Scottdale, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2000, in the UPMC Presbyterain Hospital, Pittsburgh. She was born Oct. 30, 1934 in Connellsville, the daughter of the late Nicholas and Alverda Kropp Sanner. Dorothy had bee a rsident of Scottdale sincew 1973 and had formerly worked as a waitress, cook for the Scottdale Firemnan's Hall for many years. She was also a member of the Scottdale American legion Ladies Auxiliary and she was a member of the Everson Evangelical Church of North America. She is survived by her loving children, Connie Sheply of Latrobe, Joseph Bierhals and his wife Joyce of Scottdale and Michael Bierhals of Youngwood; a brother John Santmyer of Connellsville; her sisters, Nancy Macovitz of Austintown, Ohio and Mary Love and her husband Donald "Glenn" of Tarrs; a special friend Frank Zoracki of Everson and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents she was predeceased by her husband, John B. Bierhals; a brother Eugene "Ray" Sanner; a sister, Betty Jean Kessler. Friends will be received inthe Brooks Funeral Home Inc. 111 E. Green Stree , Connellsville, today fron 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home. A committal service and internment will follow in Eustey Cemetery.
Alice N. Elliott BIGAM (1935-2002)
Alice Nadine Bigam, 66, of Mill Run, passed away Sunday, May 12, 2002, in Highlands Hospital, and went to be with her Lord. She was born Nov. 1, 1935, in Confluence, a daughter of the late George and Myrtle Mae Smith Elliott. Alice was a member of Mill Run United Methodist Church. She graduated from Turkeyfoot High School in 1953. She then attended Business College in Cumberland, Md. She was formerly employed at Selective Risk Insurance in Somerset and also Sears and Roebuck Catalog Store in Connellsville for several years.
Alice dearly loved her family and remained ever so close to them. She enjoyed many activities especially dancing. Humoring her many friends and family at times would bring delight to Alice and a smile on her face. After graduating from high school to present day, Alice remained active on her class committee assisting on each class reunion.
Alice is survived by her loving husband, Hughey R. Bigam to whom she was married 48 years; her loving children, two daughters, Cheryl A. Pritts and husband William of Indian Head, Tracy E. Porterfield and her husband, Ben of Mill Run; a son, Todd E. Bigam of Morgantown, W. Va.; five grandchildren, Roger Lee Shipley II and fiancé Christine Bitner, Darren R. Shipley and wife Bobbi J. and Laurie Shipley, all of Somerset, Elizabeth A. Porterfield and Nathan C. Porterfield of Mill Run; a brother, Eugene "Duke" Elliott and his wife, Faye of Washington, Indiana; two sisters, Mary Crowall of Confluence and Grace Cole of Lorraine, Ohio.
Alice was predeceased by six brothers, Howard, Ray, Bob, George, William and Floyd "Pete" Elliott; two sisters, Ethel Wade and an infant sister, Betty Elliott.
Friends will be received in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, today from noon to 9 p.m. and Thursday until 11 a.m., the hour of the service with Pastor Thomas Bonomo officiating. Interment will follow in Normalville Cemetery.
Hughey R. Bigam, 77, of Mill Run, died Saturday, June 12, 2010, in Eicher's Personal Care Home, Normalville. He was born Dec. 24, 1932, in Mill Run, a son of the late Ishmael and Dora Arsenberger Hart. He was retired from US Steel, Homestead, having 32 years of service as a millwright. He was an Army veteran. Hughey was well-known throughout the community for singing karaoke. He was an avid outdoorsman, especially when it came to fishing, hunting and gardening. He was also a member of Donegal American Legion Post 941.
He is survived by two daughters, Cheryl A. Pritts and her husband, William, of Indian Head, and Tracey E. Porterfield and her husband, Ben, of Mill Run; a son, Todd E. Bigam and his wife, Sharon, of Morgantown, W.Va.; five grandchildren, Roger Lee Shipley III, of Greensburg, Darren R. Shipley and his wife, Bobbi, of Somerset, Laurie Lewis and her husband, Kristopher, of Mill Run, Elizabeth A. Porterfield and Nathan Porterfield, of Mill Run; two great-grandchildren, Taylor and Michael, of Mill Run; three brothers, William Bigam, of Mill Run, Roger Bigam and his wife, Virginia, of Harrisburg, and Robert Bigam and his wife, Winnie, of Farmington; and five sisters, Agnes Shipley, of Mill Run, Marian Serovy, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Ruth Brezo and her husband, Charles, of New Derry, Darelene Firestone and her husband, William, of Mill Run, and Adeline "Sis" Anthony, of New Alexanderia.
In addition to his parents, Hughey was predeceased by his wife of 48 years, Alice N. Bigam; stepfather, Alec Hart; and two brothers, Freddie Hart and Thomas Bigam.
Friends will be received from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday and until 11 a.m., the hour of service, Wednesday in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, with Pastor Thomas Bonomo officiating. Interment will follow in Normalville Cemetery. A military funeral will be conducted by members of Donegal American Legion Post 941 and VFW Post 6743. Hughey's family would like to thank the staff of Eicher's Personal Care Home for the wonderful care that was given to him and his family.
Joyce A. Bigam, 55, of Mill Run died Thursday, Jan. 11, 1996, at home. She was born June 15, 1940, in Trafford, a daughter of the late Walter W. and Viola V. Louderback King. She graduated from Connellsville Joint Senior High School in 1958. She was a Methodist by faith. She retired from Bigam Antiques in Mill Run, where she had been a co-owner with her husband. She was a member of the Independent Slovak Citizens Club in Connellsville and the Independent Business Service Association. She is survived by her husband, William T. Bigam, to whom she was married 30 years; a brother, Clyde King and wife Patty of Connellsville; and two sisters, Bayonne King of Connellsville and Mrs. Joseph (Lynette) Maddas of Connellsville. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by two sons, Matthew Troy Bigam and Robert Curtis Hamilton Jr. Friends will be received today and Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. First St., West Side, Connellsville, and Sunday until 1:30 p.m., the hour of service, with the Rev. Michael Sciberras officiating. Interment will follow in Indian Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Mill Run.
Linda L. Bigam, 49, of Mill Run, R.D. 1, died Sunday at her home. Surviving are her husband, Charles David Bigam; one son, Mark Bigam at home; one stepson, Michael Bigam of Columbus, Ohio; one step-daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Christine) Nicholson Jr. of Normalville; three step-grandchildren; one sister, Diana Lee of the state of Indiana; one half-sister, Mrs. Merle (Cheryl Ann) Arnold of Pueblo, Colo.; and one stepsister, Diana Key of Winchester, Ind. Private funeral services will be held Thursday under the direction of the Brooks Funeral Home, Inc., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville.
Todd E. Bigam
Todd Edwin Bigam, 53, of Conway, S. C., formerly of Mill Run, passed away Friday, June 29, 2012, in Agape Health Care Center. He was born Sept. 24, 1958, in Connellsville, a son of the late Hughie and Alice Nadeen (Elliott) Bigam. He was a Navy veteran. His wife was his everything that he loved so much. He loved to talk. He talked to people he knew or didn’t know; also liked to tell everything he knew to anyone and everyone. He liked to fish and hunt. He liked to compliment people, as he did his wife often. He liked watching movies, the History channels or cooking programs. He also liked “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader”, which he found to be educational. He also liked to watch “George,” “I Love Lucy” and some of the older TV programs. He liked to talk about his younger days, about the places he’d been and some of the things that happened to him in the past. He was a very good worker. He could work circles around younger people and wanted to work even after he found out he had cancer. He was eager to get things done and would motivate others to do things also. He never needed an alarm clock to wake up. He always liked going somewhere and never liked staying home. He helped around the house, inside and outside, and enjoyed gardening, cooking and made great tasting BBQ sauce and burritos. He loved his Chihuahua dog. He wanted to travel to other states and around the world. He had so many places to go and things to do with his wife, but unfortunately, time ran out. Now, since he passed I’m sure he’ll be watching over his loved ones and friends. Just because he’s gone, he will not be forgotten and he will be loved forever. He is survived by his wife, Sharon Baker Bigam; sisters, Cheryl Bigam Pritts and husband Bill, and Tracy Bigam Porterfield and husband, Ben, all of Mill Run; nephews, roger L. Shipley, Darren Shipley and wife, Bobbi Jo, and Nathan Porterfield; nieces, Laurie Lewis and Bethann Porterfield; great-nephew, Michael Lewis; and great-niece, Taylor Crouse. The family will receive friends from noon to 1 p.m. Friday at Indian Creek Baptist Church in Mill Run, where a service will be held at 1 p.m. with Pastor Randy Newell officiating. Interment will follow in Normalville Cemetery. Military services will be conducted at graveside. Arrangements are under the direction of the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 S. first St., West Side, Connellsville (724-628-9033).
Another old war veteran has answered the last roll call. David Bigham died Monday afternoon, November 16th, aged about 81 years. He was a private in Company H, One Hunded and Forty Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and was pronounced by all his comrades to be a brave and faithful soldier. He drew a pension for disabilities incurred in the service, he having been totally disabled for the last year or more. About two weeks ago Dr. McClenathan of Connellsville came up and examined him for increase of pension, but Bigam, it is hoped, is reaping his reward in Heaven. Deceased was a consistent member of the United Brethren Church for many years. The interment took place at the United Brethren Cemetery, Normalville, Wednesday at 11 A. M. Rev. W. H. Artez, assisted by Revs. McClay and Sanner conducted the exercises. The funeral was a large one. War veterans Josiah S. Murray, Frederick Miller, W. H. Showman, Daniel Nickelson, Andrew Johnston and Martin Miner represented the G. A. R., and civilians George Kern, Elmer Brooks, Henry Bauerer, John Sanner, Jacob M. Murray and William N. Grimm acted as pall bearers. The choir rendered some very appropriate music. Bigham was loved and respected by all who knew him. He leaves an aged wife, who has the sympathy of the entire community in her great loss.
Frank E. Bigham, 85, of Mill Run, died unexpectedly at 2 a.m. today in his home. He was born May 27, 1877, at Mill Run, a son of the late Evans and Sarah Rowan Bigham, and had been a lifelong resident of Mill Run. He and Florence Sherbondy were married Sept. 29, 1900, and observed their 62nd wedding anniversary this year. He served for many years as a forest fire warden, and was awarded a life membership in the Forest Fire Wardens’ Assn. The state Dept. of Forests and Waters in Sept., 1947, honored him for 25 years of service. He was a member of the Mill Run E. U. B. Church and its Gleaners Sunday School Class. Surviving in addition to his widow are nine sons, I. Troy Bigham, Ronald C. Bigam, Doyle H. Bigham, Anton L. Bigham and Worth S. Bigham of Normalville, Darrell E. Bigham of Mill Run, Effin H. Bigam of Uniontown, Frank Bigham of Sunnyvale, Calif., and Rockwell V. Bigham in military service; three daughters, Mrs. Emogene Craig and Mrs. Betty McClain of Normalville and Mrs. Florence Shearer of Mill Run; 42 grandchildren; 42 great-grandchildren, and a brother, Harry R. Bigham of Mill Run. The body will be at the Brooks funeral home at Indian Head after 11 a.m. Saturday. The funeral service will be held there at 2 p.m. Monday, with the Rev. Robert Blank officiating, assisted by the Rev. James Siefried. Interment will be in Normalville Cemetery.
Irene Bigham, 83, of Mill Run and Normalville, died Monday, May 24, 2004, in UPMC Passavant Hospital. She was born June 19, 1920, in Indian Head. Mrs. Bigham was a resident of the Mill Run and Normalville areas for all of her life. Early in her life, she was employed at the Anchor Hocking Corp. She was a lifelong member of the Mill Run United Methodist Church where she was a Sunday school teacher. She is survived by a son, Walter "Wally" Bigham and his wife, Shari, of Mars; three grandchildren, Nicole, Michele and Troy, and three brothers, Delbert Peck and his wife, Ann, of Glenwilard, Ronald Peck of Normalville and Larry Peck and his wife, Sue, of Mill Run. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Doyle H. Bigham in 1972; two brothers, Merle Peck and infant brother Ivan, and two sisters, Bernice Pilarcik and Joy Zavatsky. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., Route 711, Melcroft, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday with the Rev. Thomas Bonomo officiating. Interment will follow in the Normalville Cemetery.
Major Rockwell V. BIGHAM ( -2000)
ROCKWELL, V. BIGHAM, MAJOR, U.S. ARMY RET.—, 80, of Connellsville, passed away Tuesday August 22, 2000. Friends will be received in the Brooks Funeral Home, 111 E. Green Street, Connellsville today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A memorial service will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the gravesite. Interment will follow in Normalville Cemetery. Military Rites will be conducted at the grave.
MSgt. Thomas F. BIGHAM ( -2007)
Master Sgt. (Ret.) Thomas F. Bigham, Sr., 74, of San Antonio, Texas, went to be with the Lord on July 30, 2007. He will meet his wife, Caroline, to whom he was married for 46 years. He was born in Michigan, and had lived in Normalville from age 16 until he entered the Army. He was a Connellsville High School graduate. Thomas was a past master of the Randolph Lodge No. 1268 in Schertz, Texas, and a life member of VFW Post No. 4676 in Universal City, Texas. Thomas served 23 years in the U.S. Army before receiving an honorable discharge in order to pursue his master's degree in criminal justice from Southwest Texas University. He then served several years as a hearing officer for the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. Thomas was the son of Ishmael Troy Bigham and Adeline Fenton Bigham, both deceased. Thomas is survived by sons, Thomas Jr., Tim, Brett and David; a daughter, Margaret; sisters, Marion, Ruth, and Adelyne; and brothers, William, Hughey, Robert, and Roger.
Virginia N. BIGHAM (1930-2009)
Virginia N. Bigham, 78, of Normalville, Fayette County, Pa., died Friday, January 16, 2009, at her home. She was born Dec. 27, 1930, in Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland County, Pa., a daughter of the late Reed Hill and Jean Morgan Newill. Virginia was a graduate of Connellsville High School, in Fayette County, Pa., Class of 1948. She was formerly employed by Seven Springs Mountain Resort, and she also served as tax collector for Springfield Township for many years. She was a member of the Order of the Amaranth, of Mt. Pleasant, and was an active member of Normalville United Methodist Church. She is survived by her children, Reed Bigham and his wife, Sheryl, of Bear Rocks, Pa., Jane Sandusky and her husband, Paul, of Connellsville, Ginny Knight and her husband, Jack, of Greer, S.C., Kenneth E. Bigham and his wife, Donna J., of Mill Run, Fayette County, Pa., Kevin Bigham, of Normalville, Nancy Culver and her husband, Ron, of Normalville, and Frank Bigham and his special friend, Donna, of Normalville; 20 grandchildren, Danielle Puchi and her husband, Eugene, Bridgette Lowry and her husband, Andy, Christopher Bigham and his wife, Stacy, Courtney Hixson and her husband, Dwane, Andrew Culver and his wife, Stephanie, Adam Culver and his wife, Heidi, Gregg Culver, Matthew Knight, Michael Knight and his wife, Cassie, Mark Knight and his wife, Casey, John Knight and his wife, Amanda, Amanda Bigham, Alexandra Bigham, Jared Bigham, Tyler Bigham, Luke Bigham, Philip Culver, William Culver, Victoria Culver and Zachary Bigham; 15 great- grandchildren, Kiersten, Jada and Gianna Puchi, Payton and Laney Lowry, Courtland and Sierra Cooper, Ethan Bigham, Haden and Cicily Culver, Jack, Charlotte, Harrison, Luke and Ava Knight; an aunt, Janice Goodwin and her husband, William, of Jefferson Hills, Pa.; a brother and sister-in-law, Leasure and Janet Bigham, of Normalville; special friends, Lois and Randall Firestone, of Normalville; and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by two sons, Roland and Worth Greg Bigham; and an infant brother, Reed M. Newill. Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and from 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., Route 711, Melcroft, Fayette County, Pa., where services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, with the Rev. Mark Sholtis, officiating. Interment will follow in Normalville Cemetery, in Normalville.
DUNBAR, May 23— John Bigley, 68, died Sunday morning at his home at Mahoning, near here. He had been ill for several years. He was a miner. The following brothers and sisters survive: Mrs. John Carr, Rinnersburg; Terrence Bigley, of Latrobe; Ellen Bigley, Pittsburgh, and Hannah Bigley, at home. Funeral services will be held from the home Tuesday at 8:30 o’clock. Interment at Dunbar.
Note from descendant of Joseph Bigley:
Proper spelling is Bigley. Newspaper
misprinted name as Begley.
Of the 51 miners who were in the mine at the time of the accident, 30 escaped through the man-way on the left side of the main slope. The fortunate were as follows, William Landy and two sons, William and Morris Jones, and William Yates, Barney and John Cosgrove, Patrick and Terrance Begley, who are brothers of Richard and Joseph Begley, two of the entombed unfortunates, Maurice Pine, James Miller, John McGuill, John Kerwin, Edward Condron, John Boyd, Thos Kelly, George Lowry, James Murphy and Thomas Shearen. The miners who were in the right heading number 31. Their names were as follows:
The unfortunate men were residents of Dunbar and vicinity. They were chiefly of English Irish and Scotch descent, no Hungarians or Poles having ever been employed at these works. Many of them owned their neat little homes and those who were not native born were naturalized. They were a frugal honest body of workmen, and were above the average miners in intelligence and thrift. They were personally known to nearly every resident of Dunbar and vicinity. Almost all were married and fathers of families ranging in numbers from one to ten children. The following gives more in detail the condition of the families left fatherless by the sad calamity.
Article includes individual accounts for each victim. For complete text, see David Davis.
Joseph and Richard Begley were brothers. The former had recently purchased a lot of ground from Bliss & Marshall, at Pechin station, and had the foundation for a little home almost completed. He was about thirty years of age and leaves a wife and two children. Richard made his home with his father, Joseph Begley, Sr.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
MANY ANXIOUS AND more curious people will assemble at the ill- fated Hill Farm mine this morning to witness the removal of the bodies of the victims of the disaster of June 16th, 1890, the long and weary search for which ended yesterday in the recovery of all but six of the twenty-nine. The flat in which these bodies were found was reached late Wednesday afternoon. The air was horrible and no attempt was made to pursue the search beyond the first few bodies.
Article includes complete account of the recovery of victims. For complete text, see John X. Joy.
Note from descendant of Richard Bigley:
Proper spelling is Bigley. Newspaper
misprinted name as Begley.
Of the 51 miners who were in the mine at the time of the accident, 30 escaped through the man-way on the left side of the main slope. The fortunate were as follows, William Landy and two sons, William and Morris Jones, and William Yates, Barney and John Cosgrove, Patrick and Terrance Begley, who are brothers of Richard and Joseph Begley, two of the entombed unfortunates, Maurice Pine, James Miller, John McGuill, John Kerwin, Edward Condron, John Boyd, Thos Kelly, George Lowry, James Murphy and Thomas Shearen. The miners who were in the right heading number 31. Their names were as follows:
The unfortunate men were residents of Dunbar and vicinity. They were chiefly of English Irish and Scotch descent, no Hungarians or Poles having ever been employed at these works. Many of them owned their neat little homes and those who were not native born were naturalized. They were a frugal honest body of workmen, and were above the average miners in intelligence and thrift. They were personally known to nearly every resident of Dunbar and vicinity. Almost all were married and fathers of families ranging in numbers from one to ten children. The following gives more in detail the condition of the families left fatherless by the sad calamity.
Article includes individual accounts for each victim. For complete text, see David Davis.
Joseph and Richard Begley were brothers. The former had recently purchased a lot of ground from Bliss & Marshall, at Pechin station, and had the foundation for a little home almost completed. He was about thirty years of age and leaves a wife and two children. Richard made his home with his father, Joseph Begley, Sr.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
MANY ANXIOUS AND more curious people will assemble at the ill- fated Hill Farm mine this morning to witness the removal of the bodies of the victims of the disaster of June 16th, 1890, the long and weary search for which ended yesterday in the recovery of all but six of the twenty-nine. The flat in which these bodies were found was reached late Wednesday afternoon. The air was horrible and no attempt was made to pursue the search beyond the first few bodies.
Article includes complete account of the recovery of victims. For complete text, see John X. Joy.
SCOTTDALE, Dec. 27— Robert F. Bigley, 82 years old, died Friday evening at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Elmer Bigley of Cross Roads, after a two-day illness. He was a former resident of Scottdale, a molder by trade, and had been retired for a number of years. He was the last member of his family. He leaves his daughter- in-law, Mrs. Bigley, seven grandchildren and 13 great- grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the Bigley home in charge of Rev. J. T. Leighliter, pastor of the Pennsville Baptist Church. Interment will be made in the Scottdale cemetery.
Mae M. Bigrigg, 87, of Harlingen, Texas, formerly of Masontown, died Monday, Jan. 9, 1995, in Valley Baptist Medical Center, Harlingen, Texas. She was born May 28, 1907, in Luzerne Township, a daughter of the late Nathaniel and Sarah Ohler Murray. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Arthur A. Bigrigg; a daughter, Marian Moore’ a brother, Ernest Murray, and two sisters, Blanche Peoples and Ruth Guynn. She is survived by a son, Harry Bigrigg of Harlingen, Texas; six grandchildren, Steven Bigrigg of Dallas, Texas; Candace Rogers of Wichita, Ks.; Chelsey Bigrigg of San Antonio, Texas; Suzanne Bollibon of Vanderbilt; Veronica Moore of Masontown, and Michael Moore of Uniontown, and a great- grandchild, Jacob Rogers of Wichita, Ks. Friends will be received in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., 111 East Green St., Connellsville, on Thursday from 2 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be held Friday at 11 a.m., in the funeral home. Interment will following in the Scottdale Cemetery.
William Raymond BILKO ( -1935)
William Raymond Bilko, aged one year and three days, died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bilko, House 65, Royal, at 1 a.m. Tuesday morning, April 16, 1935. Death was due to bronchial pneumonia. The child is survived by his parents, six sisters, Pauline, of Brownsville; Anna and Margaret, of New York City, and Anna Marie, Irene and Catherine, at home, and four brothers, all at home, Edward, Joseph, John and Leonard. Funeral announcement later.
Michael A. Bill, 72, of Grindstone, died Thursday, March 23, 1995, in the Uniontown Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Ann M. Warchak Bill; a son, Michael A. Bill II of Hollywood, Fla.; a daughter, Tricia and her husband, Matthew Guffey of Boston, Mass.; and a sister, Josephine McCoskey of Sterling Heights, Mich. Friends will be received in the Andrew J. Skirpan Funeral Home, 135 Park St., Brownsville, on Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m.
Nellie M. Cole BILLAK (1921-2008)
Nellie M. (Cole) Billak of Warrenton, Virginia, and a former resident of Ronco, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, passed away on Christmas Day, December 25, 2008, in the Prince William Hospital, Manassas, Virginia. She was born May 6, 1921, in Grindstone, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Clyde Cole and Catherine Cole Lloyd. Nellie was preceded in death by her husband, Charles, daughter, Sylvia, Daughter, Mary Katherine Miller, her parents, a sister, Ruth Laucher, and brothers, Clyde Cole and Jack Cole. She is survived by her brother, Roger Lloyd, of Isabelle, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, and her sons: Charles E. Billak and wife, Marlene (Martin), of Warrenton, Virginia, and Robert J. Billak and wife, Jo Anne (Carrick), of Fairfax, Virginia. She is also survived by seven grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Nellie was laid to rest next to her husband, Charles, in the Masontown Cemetery, Masontown, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. MOSER FUNERAL HOME INC., 233 Broadview Avenue, Warrenton, Va., 20186, (703.347.3431).
Donald R. Biller, 68, of 305 Ramsey Court, Mt. Pleasant, died Monday April 10, 1995, in Montefiore Hospital, Pittsburgh. He was born April 13, 1926, in Mt. Pleasant, a son of the late Rudolph T. and Margaret Biller. Mr. Biller was a member of the St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church of Mt. Pleasant. He was a Veteran of World War II, having served with the U.S. Navy. Mr. Biller attended the All Saints School in Masontown. He was a member of the VFW Post 3368 and the American Legion Post 446. Prior to his retirement in 1989, he was the owner of the Sportsman’s Bar and Grill in Mt. Pleasant. Surviving are his wife of 48 years, Mary Zapotosky Biller; a son, Donald J. Biller and his wife, Connie of Mt. Pleasant; two daughters, Mrs. Larry (Debra) Hribal and Mrs. Daniel (Brenda) Funk, both of Mt. Pleasant; six grandchildren, Lindsey and Steven Biller, Adam and Lauren Hribal and Morgan and Taylor Funk; and three brothers, Rudolph T. Biller Jr., of McClellandtown, Richard Biller of Huntington, W.Va., and Francis Biller of Masontown. Friends will be received in the EUGENE G. SALOOM FUNERAL HOME, INC., Main Street, Mt. Pleasant, today from 2 to 9 p.m. A Blessing Service will be held, in the Funeral Home, at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, followed by a Funeral Service in the St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church, with the Rev. Henry Dinicco officiating. Interment will follow in the St. Pius X Cemetery.
William H. Billhartz, 69 years old, Pittsburgh banker and known in Connellsville, collapsed in a bus terminal at Wheeling, W. Va., Saturday night and died before he could be taken to a hospital. Mr. Billhartz was twice married, his first wife having been the former Miss Mabel Foust, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Foust, who for a number of years resided at the corner of East Crawford avenue and South Prospect street, this city. His home was in Pittsburgh and he was president of the St. Clair Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh. He was also an insurance broker. When stricken he was on his way to Shadyside, Ohio, to visit at the home of his son, William Billhartz, Jr. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. Billhartz was a member of the Pittsburgh Consistory, Knights of Templar, Syria Temple and Conrad Council of the F. & A. M. of Alliance, Ohio. Besides his son, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rosa Prall Billhartz.
Mrs. Joseph BILLINGHAM died in 1937. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(2)
Word was received yesterday of the death Sunday morning, April 4, 1937, of Mrs.
Joseph Billingham of Westfield, N. J., only surviving sister of Mrs. A. B. Hutchinson,
of Fairchance.
Annie Lee Alexander Billingham was born in Cambria county, the daughter of William
and Clarissa J. Alexander. Mrs. Hutchinson is the only surviving member
of the Alexander family.
Two daughters survive their mother, together with one grandson. They are
Mrs. Walter H. Oatting and Mrs. James D. Mudge and Joseph Mudge, all at home,
First automobile fatality for the month and the 20th of the year to date, was registered in Fayette County last night when Eddie Bills, 68, of Brier Hill, was almost instantly killed when struck by an automobile driven by Stephen Young of Clarksville.
Immediately following the accident Bills was placed in Young's automobile and rushed to the Brownsville General Hospital but was dead upon arrival, having suffered a broken neck and crushed chest.
Young was traveling down the hill a short distance East of Brier Hill about 9 o'clock last night. He had dimmed his lights for an approaching machine and failed to see Bills, who started walking across the highway.
In an effort to miss the pedestrian, Young swerved his car sharp to the left but the side of his machine struck the man, knocking him approximately 50 feet.
State Highway Patrolmen at the Uniontown sub-station had compiled an enviable record for the month prior to the accident last night. They had been successful in keeping accidents to a minimum with very few seriously injured, and none killed. The accident therefore spoiled an otherwise good month.
Patrolman A. J. Ziola investigated the accident last night.
(Herald - June 29, 1937)
Frank A. Bilonick, 91, of Bobtown, passed away unexpectedly Sunday, December 20, 2009, in his home. He was born March 16, 1918, in Bowood, a son of the late John and Mary Bilonick. Mr. Bilonick graduated from Uniontown High School. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Mr. Bilonick was a member of American Legion Post 51 in Uniontown. He worked 47 years in the coal mines and retired from J&L Steel's Shannopin Mine in Bobtown, where he was a master mechanic and chief mine electrician. Surviving are his wife of 68 years, Ruth Lyons Bilonick, whom he married November 4, 1941; four children, Samuel Bilonick of Uniontown, Timothy and Gregory Bilonick, both of Maidsville, W.Va., and Suzanne Lamke of Easton; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and a brother, George Bilonick of Bury St. Edmunds, England. Deceased is a son, Michael Bilonick.
Gregory Lyons BILONICK, I (1954-2010)
Gregory Lyons Bilonick I, age 56, of Maidsville, W.Va., and formerly of Bobtown, Pa, passed away unexpectedly Friday, October 8, 2010, in the Monongalia General Hospital, Morgantown, W.Va. Born June 17, 1954 in Brownsville, Pa., he was a son of Ruth Lyons Bilonick of Bobtown, and the late Frank A. Bilonick. A 1975 graduate of Western Penna. School for the Deaf, he was an electrician for Progressive Industries in Westover, W.Va. for the past 34 years. He enjoyed woodworking, was an avid fan of the Steelers and Mountaineers, and was a member of the Fairmont Chapter of the Association for the Deaf.
In addition to his mother, he is survived by his loving wife, Connie (Condit) Bilonick; a son, Gregory Lyons Bilonick, II, at home; a sister, Suzanne Lamke of Easton, Pa.; and two brothers, Timothy Bilonick of Morgantown, and Samuel Bilonick of Uniontown; and by many friends. Also deceased is a brother, Michael Bilonick.
Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., on Monday from 6 to 9 p.m., and Tuesday, from 9 to 10 a.m., the hour of service, with Rev. John "Beeb" Harding officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be offered to assist the family at P.O. Box 278, Bobtown, PA 15315.
Samuel B. BILONICK (1946-2011)
Samuel B. Bilonick, age 64, of Uniontown, Pa. passed away on Thursday, March 24, 2011 in his home. He was born August 22, 1946 in Grindstone, Pa., son of Ruth Lyons Bilonick of Bobtown, Pa. and the late Frank Bilonick. In addition to his father, he was preceded in death by his brothers Michael and Gregory. Sam was a member of St. John the Evangelist R. C. Church. He graduated from Mapletown High School. He worked as a Maintenance Supervisor for Allegheny Energy for many years.
He is survived by his loving wife of 43 years, Vera Straletts Bilonick; loving daughters: Lisa Marcello and husband Larry of Pittsburgh, Pa. and Sammi White and husband Daniel of Uniontown; grandchildren: Max Marcello, Abigail White, Jackson White, Sarah White and Ethan White; sister, Suzanne Lamke and husband Dale of Easton, Pa. and brother, Timothy Bilonick and wife Kristine of Maidsville, West Virginia and brother-in-law, Robert Straletts and wife Valerie of Carmichaels.
Friends will be received in the KEZMARSKY FUNERAL HOME, 71 Pennsylvania Avenue, Uniontown, PA. on Sunday, March 27, 2011 from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. and Monday morning until 9:30 a.m., when Prayers of Transfer will be said, followed by a 10 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. John the Evangelist R. C. Church with Rev. Father Michael J. Crookston as Celebrant.. Interment is private for the family.
Barbara Szerensci BILPUH
Barbara (Szerensci) Bilpuh
Barbara (Szerensci) Bilpuh, age 93, of Masontown, Pa., passed away on Friday, August 24, 2012 at the Madison Center in Morgantown, W. Va. She was born on December 12, 1918 in Grays Landing, Pa., daughter of Alex and Elizabeth (Imling) Szerensci. Barbara was Russian Orthodox by faith. Before becoming a home maker for her husband and children and grandchildren, she spent several years in New York City working as a Governess. Barbara was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Joseph Bilpuh; two brothers and seven sisters. Barbara is survived by her two children: Joseph P. Bilpuh and his wife Marilyn of Point Marion, Pa., along with Richard J. Bilpuh and his wife Rebecca of Masontown, Pa.; grandchildren: Amy Martin and her husband Travis, Kristen Berkshire and her husband Brandon, Jason Bilpuh and Belinda Bilpuh; three great grandchildren; Joseph Shipp, Ethan Shipp and Aaliyah Martin; as well as many nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends at HAKY FUNERAL HOME INC., 515 North Main Street, Masontown, Pa., today, August 26, from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. and on Monday, August 27, 2012 until 11 a.m., the hour of Service with the Reverend Bruce R. Judy officiating. Interment will be held at St. Mary’s Orthodox Cemetery, Masontown, Pa. Your personal written tributes and memories are welcomed and encouraged at www.hakyfuneralhome.com
Wanda Bilsky, 80, of (Lynwood) Belle Vernon, Pa., died Tuesday, March 26, 1996, in the Monongahela Valley Hospital. She is survived by a daughter, Loretta Bilsky of (Lynwood) Belle Vernon; two sons, John R. Bilsky Jr., of Roscoe, Pa., and Dennis Bilsky of (Lynwood) Belle Vernon; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and three sisters, Helen Kasuda of Baltimore, Md., Stella Novak of Brownsville, Pa., and Agatha Gnus of La Belle, Pa. Friends will be received in the Howard W. McCrory Funeral Home, Fayette City, Pa., today and Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Friday until 9 a.m., the hour of service.
Miss Margaret Whaley received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Harriet Binker of Sandusky O. Mrs. Binker was 82 years old and was the daughter of Washington Whaley, who was an early settler of the Connellsville. She is the last of a family of 11 children.
BINNS, MARY C., 63, of 206 Second St., Brownsville died July 5, 1966 at the Golden Age Nursing Home in Brownsville. She was born in Fredericktown, Sept. 18, 1902, a daughter of Jesse Y. and Sophie H. Hill Binns. She was a retired vault custodian for the Gallatin National Bank and a member of Christ Episcopal Church. Miss Binns leaves two sisters, Mrs. Alan K. Taylor and Miss Evelyn Binns; and a brother, Edwin Binns.
Burial in Beallsville Cemetery under the direction of the Ross Funeral Home.
Elizabeth BIRCHNELL died in 1928. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette
County USGenWeb Project.(5)
Mrs. Elizabeth BIRCHNELL, aged ?? years, widow of Alfred BIRCHNELL, who died
two years ago, died at her home in Youngstown, Sunday morning, May 27, 1928 at
4:15 oclock. Mrs. BIRCHNELL is survived by the following sons and
daughters: Mrs. David NIXON of Connellsville; Mrs. Robert RIDLEY of Youngstown;
Mrs. J. W. HALL of Lemont Furnace; Robert BIRCHNELL of Fairchance; John BIRCHNELL
of Connellsville; Mrs. Richard RIDLEY of Youngstown; George BIRCHNELL at home;
Mrs. William McCLAUGHLIN of Youngstown. twenty-nine grandchildren and the
following brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs. Anna BROWN
cut off. Herald Mon. 5-28-1928
Sandra Lee Bird, 49, of Carmichaels R.D. 1, died Thursday, Aug. 10, 1995, in Greene County Memorial Hospital, Waynesburg, Pa. Surviving are her husband, Ira W. Bird, whom she married on Nov. 13, 1973; her mother, Laura Gerthung of Girard, Ohio; the following children, Mrs. Coleman (Marilyn) Poole of Wagner, S.C., Silas Crockett Jr., of Wagner, S.C., Mrs. James (Sharon) Hathaway of Carmichaels R.D. 2, Mrs. Sandra McClead of Carmichaels, Mrs. T. John (Carolyn) Perry of Bobtown, Pa., Joseph Bird of Masontown, Pa., and Latasha Bird, at home; eight grandchildren; a sister, Carol Kuntz of Girard, Ohio; and a brother, Charles Scott of Vienna, Ohio. Friends will be received in the Paul M. Lesako Funeral Home, Carmichaels, this evening from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 0 p.m., and Sunday until 1 p.m. the hour of service.
Morris BIRKENFELD died in 1929. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(20)
Word has reached here of the death of Morris Birkenfeld, aged 69, well known
resident of South Brownsville, and father of Mrs. J. S. Miller, of this place.
Mr. Birkenfeld who has been in ill health for some, time passed away last night,
November 25, at 8:30 o'clock in his home.
Surviving Mr. Birkenfeld are his widow and the following children: Mrs. Paul
Goldman, Mrs. Rose Kline, Miss Pearl Birkenfeld, Bennie and Max Birkenfeld, of
South Brownsville; Mrs. Sadie Srolovitz, of Coraopolis; Mrs. J. S. Miller,
of Charleroi, Mrs. Helen Gladstone of Dormont; Mrs. Bessie Ginsberg, and a son
of Uniontown.
Funeral services were held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from his late residence
in 317 Water street, South Brownsville, with interment following in the Uniontown
cemetery. (The Charleroi Mail - 11/26/1929)
Edward J. BISCH, Sr. (1927-1995)
Edward J. Bisch, Sr., 68, of New Salem passed away Sunday, Dec. 31, 1995, at his residence. He was born July 11, 1927, in Footedale, Pa., son of Ignatius and Mary Shurley Bisch. His parents, a sister, Sophie, and three brothers, Benjamin, Stanley, and Joseph, preceded him in death. He was a member of St. Thomas R.C. Church in Footedale, St. Thomas Altar Society, Teamsters Local 491, New Salem American Legion Post 753, Fairbank Rod and Gun Club, and Newboro Indians, life member of Footedale Volunteer Fire Department, and retired driver- salesman from Fike’s Dairy in Uniontown. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Wandel Bisch; children, Edward Bisch and wife, Janet, of Rochester, Ind., Thomas Bisch and wife Alexis, of Footedale, and Richard Bisch Sr. and wife, Susan, of Uniontown; six grandchildren, Mike, Mark, Amber, Lauren, and Richard Bisch Jr. and Brittani Shearer; and sisters, Violet Pasqualone of Smithfield and Nell Vitz of Footedale. Friends will be received in the DEARTH FUNERAL HOME, New Salem, today after 7 p.m., Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be said Thursday, Jan. 4, 1996, at 1 p.m. in St. Thomas R.C. Church, Footedale, with Rev. Fr. James L. Popochock as celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Thomas Cemetery, Footedale. The Holy Name (rest of article missing)…
Lillian BISE died in 1934. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Brief services will be conducted this afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Brethren
church here for Miss Lillian Bise. Rev. W. H. Clough, church pastor, will
officiate. Following this service the cortege will go to the Masontown
Brethren church for additional rites. Burial will be in Masontown cemetery.
(newspaper dated November 27, 1934)
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Barbara Bishop
White, female
Cause of death–Paralysis, sick 2 weeks
Born—–1826, Connellsville
Died—–October 21, 1896, Connellsville
Buried–Hill Grove Cemetery, Connellsville
Carl BISHOP died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Word has reached Mrs. Margaret Hollar of Uniontown of the death of her cousin,
Carl Bishop, 52, of Valley Point, W.Va.
Death came at 11:50 o'clock Thursday morning, June 17, 1937, following a two
months' illness of complications.
Surviving are his mother, his widow, Vernitia Miller Bishop and two daughters.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the home
of his parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Miller, Valley Point.
Elaine ‘Sis’ Darnell BISHOP (1939-2008)
Elaine "Sis" Darnell Bishop, age 68, of Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa., went home to be with her Lord on Saturday, March 15, 2008, from Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown, West Virginia, with her family at her side. Born December 4, 1939, in Morgantown, West Virginia, she was the daughter of Albert Darnell and Ruth Cress Darnell. "Sis" enjoyed playing bingo, cards and dice, and was well known for her skill in sewing. Her friends and family will continue to admire for many years her beautiful handmade quilts. She was predeceased by her parents, her life partner, Ronald Wolfe, a son, Stanley Bishop, her sister, Sarah Salisbury, a granddaughter, RaeAnn Smith, and two brothers in infancy. Surviving are her children and their spouses: James and Jacklin Bankhead, of New Geneva, Fayette County, Pa., Ruthann Jimenez, of Point Marion, Fayette County, Pa., Paul and Candace Bankhead, of Smithfield, Pa., Kenneth Bankhead, of Dilliner, Greene County, Pa., and Charles and Gloria Bankhead, of Republic, Fayette County, Pa.; nine grandchildren: Jacklin, Jamie, Russell, Ryan, Rozlyn, Jessica, Candace, Paul and Kenneth; five great-grandchildren; two brothers and their wives: Albert and Shirley Darnell, of Gans, Fayette County, Pa., and Earl and Lisa Darnell, of Morgantown, West Virginia; three sisters and their husbands: Linda and Don King and Nellie Schrout, all of Morgantown, West Virginia, and Bertha and Dave Swihart, of Gans, Pa.; and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Tuesday, March 18, 2008, until 11 a.m., the hour of Service, with Rev. Timothy Shumar, officiating. Private interment will be in Mountain View Cemetery, Stewartstown, West Virginia.
Jacob BISHOP died in 1869. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
BISHOPAt the residence of his daughter, Jacob Bishop in the 88th year of
his age.
The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, Pa. July 8, 1869.
Joan Neil Helterbran BISHOP (1925-2011)
Joan (Neil) Helterbran Bishop
Formerly of North Huntingdon
Joan (Neil) Helterbran Bishop, 85, formerly of North Huntingdon, died Saturday, March 19, 2011. She was born Dec. 29, 1925, in Connellsville, a daughter of the late John and Malinda (Humme) Neil. She was preceded in death by husbands, Raymond L. Helterbran and Harold Bishop; as well as her siblings, Opal (Neil) Trees, Hazel (Neil) Jones, and Robert, Jack and George Neil. As a child of the Depression, she was raised with little but she had a great appreciation of the things she did have: a loving family, a strong work ethic, an admiration for beautiful things and a willingness to give of herself. She enjoyed nature, working in her yard, painting, singing and creating. She was an amazing woman whose kindness and generosity will live on long after she is gone. For more than 40 years she worked as a floral designer, the majority of years with Johnston's the Florist in North Huntingdon, Greensburg and White Oak. The promise of springtime eternal has called her home. She was a long time member of Circleville United Methodist Church, North Huntingdon, where she belonged to the choir, United Methodist Women and was a church treasurer. She was also a former member of the Norwin Art League. Surviving are children, Cheryl Hand and her husband, Gregory, of Pittsburgh, Louis Helterbran and his wife, Marsha, of Vernon, Conn., Beth Helterbran, of Carlisle, and Neil Helterbran and his wife, Catherine, of Acme; grandchildren, Rebecca and Matthew Helterbran, Maxwell and Elizabeth Hand and Desiree and Alyssa Helterbran; sisters, Grace Chambers, of Washington, and Sandra Smith, of Oklahoma; also nieces and nephews. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the WILLIAM SNYDER FUNERAL HOME, 521 Main St., Irwin, 724-863-1200. The funeral service will be held at a time to be announced Wednesday at the Circleville United Methodist Church. Interment will follow in Brush Creek Cemetery, Hempfield Township. Following the interment, everyone will be invited to join the family for a fellowship meal at the church. As flowers were her love and passion, we welcome you to surround her with them. Should you wish to make a donation we support the following: Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Disease Research and the Circleville United Methodist Church.
Mrs. Mary Alice Bishop, 74, 216 East Apple Street, widow of Charles F. Bishop, died at her home at 6:55 o’clock Wednesday evening after a lingering illness. Born at Broad Ford, February 28, 1877, she was the daughter of the late William and Ann Stricklin Baldwin. Deceased was a member of the Central Methodist Church. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Nevada Liddicoat of Stockton, Cal., and Mrs. Virginia Moreland of 208 East Apple street; one son, Charles H., at home; four grandchildren; one brother, L. R. Baldwin of Los Angles, Cal., two sisters, Mrs. William Reagan of Uniontown and Mrs. Harrison Cable of Dawson. The funeral will be at 2 P.M. Saturday at the Ansell funeral home with Rev. C. R. Wick, her pastor, officiating. Burial will be made in Hill Grove Cemetery.
Sgt. Milton L. BISHOP
Sixteen members of Company D, three of Company E, one of the 110th Regimental band, and several members of Company I fell in battle on the Aisne-Marne front the latter part of July and August 1, according to telegrams which were sent out yesterday by the War Department to towns affected by the fighting.
Other towns represented by members of the old “Fighting Tenth” felt the hand of war laid heavily upon them.
The casualties in Company D as reported during the day were:
Milton Lafayette Bishop was 24 years old and was one of the most widely and favorably known young men of Connellsville. He was prominent in athletic sports, being a basketball player and tennis player of some note. He won his letter in basketball as a member of the varsity team of State college and was an honorary member of the Maccabee basketball team of Connellsville. The young soldier was born in Connellsville in the Bishop residence in West Crawford avenue, May 3, 1893, the youngest son of A. W. and Alice May Bishop. With the exception of his four years at college he spent all his life here. After graduating from the Connellsville high school i8n 1912, president of his class at the time, he entered State college, graduating in horticulture in 1915. He followed that occupation for only a short time, having not fully decided upon what career he would follow, when he volunteered his service to his county. At one time he was employed by the Semet-Solvay Company at Dunbar. He enlisted in Company D, his three years enlistment expiring, when he was at State college. When the company mobilized at the armory for duty in France he re-enlisted and at once was made a sergeant. Bishop was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church and was a young man of estimable character. He was very popular among his many friends. In addition to his parents he is survived by one brother, Eugene Bishop of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop had received no word from their son since the big drive in which he lost his life.
Article continues concerning other soldiers mentioned.
The boys of Company D, 110th Infantry, have been unanimous in expressions of their regard for Sergeant Milton Bishop, who was among the first of the boys of this unit to yield up his life on the battlefields of France. In letters that have reached Connellsville frequent mention has been made of the regret felt in the ranks of Company D at his untimely end. In a letter dated October 23, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Easton of Trevor street, Corporal Joseph W. Easton of Company D, says:
“Sergeant Bishop was a swell fellow and we all lost a great friend when we lost him.”
Corporal Easton reports that he is recovering from his wound, saying that “It won’t be long before I am able to be about again just like I used to be.”
Referring to the death in action of Private Patrick Cook of Company D, Corporal Easton says that “It was a great loss to the company, but believe me we put all the more vigor into the next fray and we did not let principles and fair play hamper our killing contest. ‘Its’s a great life,’ as the poet says, and in this case we will not weaken.
“The night those fellows went West we had come back from a battle (July 30) when we made a big gain. While we were resting behind the lines the Boches, dropped a few bombs on us. Believe me, it was real hell for a while, and to see the condition of the poor fellow who were hit was awful.”
So far as the records show, 28 men of Connellsville gave up their lives during the war. Thirteen were killed in action, three died of wounds, 11 from disease and one by accident.
Other soldiers are listed before and after.
Bishop was killed when a high explosive shell struck headquarters on the 110th Infantry. No definite word to this effect ever officially reached his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bishop, though, they were notified by the War Department of his death. A young man, with a most promising future, his death caused widespread regret. Sergeant Bishop was 24 years old.
August Bitner, a charger at the Brownfield works, was run over by a larry on Monday afternoon and instantly killed. Bitner got on the larry and rode out on the ovens. He jumped off to throw a switch and slipped and fell on the track. Before he could recover himself the larry was upon him. The top of his head was cut off, scattering the brains all over the track. Bitner was married a few weeks ago to a Miss Lally and they lived near Brownfield. His young wife is almost distracted by grief.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
August Bitner
White, male, 23 years old, married
Born–1872, Germany
Died–April 1, 1895
Charles W. BITNER, Sr. ( -1973)
Charles W. Bitner Sr., 80, of New Salem, died Sunday. He had operated a confectionery in New Salem for 13 years and formerly had grocery stores in Uniontown and Coolspring. Friends will be received at the Dearth Funeral Home in New Salem until 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, when services will be held.
BITNER, CHARLES W., SR.— Friends are being received in the Dearth Funeral Home, New Salem until today at 1:30 p.m., the hour of service, with Rufus Peer, Minister, officiating. Interment in Park Place Cemetery.
Earl K. Bitner
Connellsville Township
Earl K. Bitner, 74, of Connellsville Township, passed away peacefully Friday, April 27, 2012, at his home, while surrounded by his loving family. He was born Nov. 1, 1937, in Pennsville, a son of the late Kenneth E. and Charlene Bryner Bitner. Earl was a graduate of Connellsville High School with the class of 1957. Prior to his retirement, he worked as a coder for Anchor Hocking Cap plant in South Connellsville. He had served in the Army National Guard and was a member of the Pennsville United Methodist Church. Earl will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered by his loving family; his wife, Charlotte Elaine Love Bitner; his daughters, Susan K. Gosztyla, of Pennsville, Linda A. McCloy and husband, Kelly, of Mt. Pleasant, and Andrea J. Bitner, of Mt. Pleasant; a stepdaughter, Christina D. Newell Connell and husband, Jeffrey, of Dickerson Run; his grandchildren, Alec Cockrell, Carol Ann, Mary and Elizabeth McCloy, and Megan, Emily and Jeffrey Connell; his brother, Craig R. Bitner and wife, Lori, of Pennsville; and two nephews, Jason Bitner and wife, Stephanie, and Justin Bitner and wife, Mary. In addition to his parents, Earl was predeceased by his first wife, Carolyn Wildey Bitner; his second wife, Carol Ann Isola Bitner; a son, Michael E. Bitner; and an infant grandson, Andrew Michael McCloy. Family and friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 406 E. Washington St., Mt. Pleasant, (724-547-3800), where a funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Monday with the Rev. Dr. Marvin C. Watson officiating. Interment will be in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville. To sign the online guest registry, please visit www.brooksfuneralhomes.com
Evalina Bitner, of 212 N. Sixth Street, Connellsville, died Monday, May 18, 1987, in her home. She was born in Pennsville and lived in Connellsville for over 40 years. She was the daughter of William H. and Mary Mull Bitner.
Frank Bitner, 78, of Pennsville, died at his home 6 o'clock this morning after a serious illness of seven months. He was born at Bridgeport, March 8, 1874, a son of the late Annias and Barbara Staulb Bitner. He lived in various localities in Bullskin Twp. in his early life. For the past 50 years, he lived at Pennsville. Deceased was a plumber by occupation, having been employed for several years by the J. I. Dick Plumbing Company of Scottdale. He was later self-employed. For the past 10 years, he also operated a farm. Surviving are two sons, Edward of Pleasant Valley and Frank of Pennsville; a daughter, Mrs. Pauline Heck of Pennsville, and seven grandchildren. He was the last surviving member of the family of seven children. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Della Bitner, December 14, 1925, and also a son, Stanley, and daughter, Irene. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon with a prayer at the home at 2 o’clock followed by additional rites at 2:30 o’clock in the Mount Olive E. U. B. Church with Rev. R. A. Nelson, pastor of the Albright, South Connellsville, and Pennsville E. U. B. churches, officiating. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
Frank N. Bitner
Bullskin Township
Frank N. Bitner, 89, of Connellsville, Bullskin Township, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011, at his home. He was born May 6, 1922, in Pennsville, a son of the late Frank and Della Nicklow Bitner. Prior to his retirement, Frank worked as a tester for the Duraloy-Blawnox Co. in Scottdale for many years. He was a veteran of World War II having served in the Army in the European Theater of action and was a prisoner of war in Germany. He was a former member of the Connellsville Slovak Club, the B.P.O. Elks No. 503, the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Connellsville Sons of Italy. Frank will be sadly missed by his loving children, Larry Bitner and his wife, Judy, of Middletown, Md., and Linda Bitner, of Connellsville; and his grandchildren, Lance Bitner, of Alexandria, Va., and Devin Bitner and wife, Colleen, of Arnold, Md. Frank was the last surviving member of his immediate family. In addition to his parents, Frank was predeceased by his wife, Helen N. Newill Bitner in 2000; a nd a sister, Pauline Heck. Family and friends will be received from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, 724-628-1430, where a funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday with the Rev. Evelyn Stillwagon officiating. A committal service and interment will follow Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Franklin Bitner
White, male, 13 months old
Born–June 1894, Bullskin Twp.
Died–July 23, 1895, Bullskin Twp.
Cause of death–Cholera Infantum, sick 3 days
Father–Elmer J. Bitner
Mother–Elizabeth W. Bitner
Buried–Mt. Olive Cemetery, Connellsville
MOUNT PLEASANT, Mar. 3— Grant W. Bitner, 81 years old, of Kecksburg died at 10:30 o’clock Friday morning in Connellsville State Hospital. He was a retired coal miner and a veteran of the Spanish War. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Jane Porch Bitner; four sons, Allen of Stahlstown, Harry at home, Wayne of Latrobe and Ray of Mount Pleasant, R. D. 2, and two daughters, Mabel Bitner of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Emma Jane Weiers of Latrobe. The funeral party will leave the home at 3 o’clock Monday afternoon for the Kecksburg Church of God, where the funeral service will be held at 3:30 o’clock in charge of Rev. Arnold Berg. Interment will be in Fairview Cemetery.
Helen Shroyer BITNER (1921-1952)
Mrs. Helen Shroyer Bittner, 30, of Mill Run, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shroyer of that place, at 9:42 o’clock Friday evening after an extended illness. She was born September 9, 1921 at Mill Run and lived all of her life in this community. Deceased was a member of Pentecostal Church of South Connellsville. Surviving, besides her parents, are her husband, David C. Bittner; two sons, Freman D. and Calvin J., and a daughter, Janet Eileen, all at home; four brothers, Earl of Connellsville, Freman of Neptune, N. J., and Ronald and Donald of Mill Run; and four sisters, Leona, Della Mae, Mrs. Lauretta Bryner and Mrs. Daisy Rugg, all of Mill Run. A prayer service will be conducted at the home of her parents at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon with additional rites at the Mill Run Baptist Church at 2:30 o’clock. Interment will be made in the church cemetery.
The Body of George Bitner, who died yesterday morning at Butler, arrived last evening in charge of Funeral Director Charles C. Mitchell and was removed to the home of an uncle, Rev. J. H. Bittner of South Arch street, where the funeral service will be held Thursday at 2 o’clock, with Rev. Theodore Crouse of Butler officiating. Burial will be in Hill Grove Cemetery. Mr. Bitner enlisted for service in the World War in the 214th Engineers. He was stationed first at Camp Forrest, Ga., and then at Camp Custer, Mich. He did not get overseas. He was a stepson of J. W. Phelps. Mrs. Myron Coughenour of the West Side is a sister by adoption. Mr. Bitner was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church.
BITNER— Feb. 15th, at her residence in Connellsville tp., Mrs. Isabel Bitner, aged about thirty years.
John P. Bitner, 75, of Dunbar, died Monday, Jan. 5, at his home. He was born May 10, 1911 in Mount Braddock, a son of the late Paul and Elizabeth Vencile Bitner. He was formerly employed by the Moyer Construction Company. He is survived by one son, John Jr. of Continental; four daughters, Mrs. Albert (Joan) Churby of Juniata, Mrs. Donald (Betty) Klink, Mrs. Larry (Pat) Jeffers and Mrs. Robert (Debbie) Hatfield, all of Dunbar; three brothers, Steve of Monessen, Fred of Alabama and Charles of Boonsboro, Md.; two sisters, Frances and Irene of Baltimore, Md.; 18 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife, Nellie Nedrow Bitner in 1967; one son, William Harvey Bitner; two daughters, Mary Helen and Margaret Ann Bitner; one brother, Paul; and two sisters, Anne and Helen.
Kenneth E. Bitner, 87, of Connellsville (Pennsville), died Friday, Nov. 26, 2004, at the home of his son in Connellsville Township. He was born March 16, 1917, in Bullskin Township, a son of the late Earl Ernest and Irene McFadden Bitner. Mr. Bitner worked as a carpenter and mason and also did plumbing work. He was also employed in maintenance by the Connellsville Area School District at the Bullskin Township Elementary School. He was an excellent musician and played at many area churches over the years. He is survived by two sons, Earl K. Bitner and his wife Elaine of Connellsville and Craig R. Bitner and his wife Lori of Connellsville (Pennsville); five grandchildren, Susan Gosztyla and her husband Walter, Linda McCloy and her husband Kelly, Andrea Bitner, Jason Bitner and his fiancée Stephanie Roth and Justin Bitner; four great- grandchildren, Alec Cockrell, Carol Ann McCloy, Mary McCloy and Elizabeth McCloy; and a step great-grandchild Madis on Roth; one brother, Melvin Bitner and his wife Velma of Mesa, Ariz.; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his wife, Charlene Bryner Bitner in 1978; and a grandson, Michael Bitner in 1990. Friends will be received from 1 to 9 p.m. Sunday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, where services will be held Monday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Dr. Marvin Watson officiating. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville.
Mary Ann Woodward BITNER (1870-1938)
Mrs. Mary A. Bitner, aged 68, wife of Wallace E. Bitner, of Centerville, Washington county, and a widely-known member of West Pike Grange, died Thursday afternoon, June 9, 1938, in the Brownsville General hospital after a long illness. Surviving in addition to her husband are a son, Finley; two daughters, Mrs. Taylor C. Pepper and Mrs. Ida Lou Yorty, all of Centerville; two brothers, Robert Woodward, of Smock, and John A. Woodward, of near Connellsville; three sisters, Mrs. John A. Allen, Smock; Mrs. B. M. Wade, Perryopolis, and Mrs. F. B. Galley, Vanderbilt; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Mrs. Bitner was a member of the Oak Grove Presbyterian church. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the home of a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor C. Pepper, in Centerville. Burial will be in Taylor cemetery.
Notes from contributor:
Born–August, 1870, Fayette Co, Pa.
Married–November 10, 1888 to Wallace Bitner
Wilson Bitner, a Pemickey brakeman, was fatally crushed at Dickerson Run Tuesday, and died a few hours after the accident. He was 35 years old and leaves a wife and three small children at Dickerson Run. He was a member of the Royal Arcannm [Arcanum].
BITTINGER, JACOB R.— Age 63 years of Amend, R.D. 3 Uniontown, died in the Uniontown Hospital Sunday, October 31, 1965 at 5:20 A.M. He is survived by his wife, Pearl Hoover Bittinger and the following children: Mrs. Catherine Lawrence, Jamison, Pa., Roy, Pensacola, Fla., Burleigh, Washington, D.C., Stanley, Flint, Michigan, Arnold, Mrs. Audrey Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Ethyl Lockhart and Jacob, all of Uniontown, Arlene, Arlington, Va., and Edwin, at home; twenty-five grandchildren and the following brothers and sister; Mrs. Nettie Weimer, Meyersdale, Pa., Mrs. Lula Brown, Baltimore, Md., Floyd, Oakland, Md., Norman, Grantsville, Md., Columbus, Frostburg, Md., and Raymond Lonaconing, Md. He was a member of the Church of God of High House. The family will receive friends in the James W. Goldsboro Funeral home, Fairchance after 7 P.M. today and Tuesday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 P.M. where services will be held Wednesday at 2 P.M. with the Rev. William Chamberlain officiating. Interment in Sylvan Heights Cemetery.
Leonard BITTINGER died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Funeral rites for Leonard Bittinger, aged 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bittinger,
of near Thompson Cross Roads, who died Monday, December 20, 1937, in the Uniontown
Hospital from the effects of eating a quantity of medicinal pills, will be solemnized
at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Burley Hoover, House 41, in Jamison. Rev. Bun E. Hicks will officiate, and
burial will be in Fairview cemetery, Masontown.
August M. BITTNER, Jr. ( -2000)
August "Augie" M. Bittner Jr., 81 of Dunbar Township, Pa., died Tuesday, May 2, 2000, at his residence. He was a graduate of Connellsville High School, Class of 1936. Prior to his retirement in 1982, he was employed by Steel Scaffolding Company.
Surviving are his wife of over 50 years, Mary A. (Masterbray) Bittner; his children, Mrs. Christine Satovich and husband, George of New Salem, Mr. Joseph Bittner of Dunbar Township, Mrs. Celeste Bittner-Habib and husband, Jeffrey of Camp Hill, Pa., and Augustine Bittner and wife, Penny of Louisville, Ky.; four grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.
Friends will be received in the Paul G. Fink Funeral Home Inc., 418 North Pittsburgh St., Connellsville, today from 7 to 9 p.m., and Thursday from noon to 9 p.m., where a Blessing Service will be held on Friday at 10 a.m.
Charles W. BITTNER, Sr. (1893-1973)
BITTNER, CHARLES W., SR. — Friends are being received in the Dearth Funeral Home, New Salem, until Wednesday, May 2, 1973 at 1:30 PM, the hour of service, with Rufus Peer, Minister, officiating. Interment in Park Place Cemetery.
Charles W. Bittner, Sr., 80, of New Salem, died Sunday. He had operated a confectionery in New Salem for 13 years and formerly had grocery stores in Uniontown and Coolspring. Friends will be received at the Dearth Funeral Home in New Salem from 7 tonight until 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, when services will be held.
BITTNER, CHARLES W., SR. — Age 80 years, of 5 E. Main St., New Salem, died in the Uniontown Hospital on Sunday, April 29, 1973. He was born in Uniontown on March 20, 1893, the son of the late Joseph and Emma Koepke Bittner. He was a member of the New Salem Christian Church and the UMWA, Local 6548. He owned and operated Bittner’s Confectionary in New Salem for 13 years. He previously owned and operated Bittner’s Store on S. Mt. Vernon Ave., Uniontown, and Bittner’s Grocery in Coolspring.
Surviving are his wife, Ella Mae Deal Bittner; the following children: Mrs. Michael (Grace) Natale of New Salem; Charles W., Jr. of New Salem; Mrs. C.R. (Martha Jean) Dissinger of Lebanon; Mrs. William (Doris) Lincoln of Dearborn, Mich., Kenneth Bittner, New Salem Rd., Uniontown, R.D. 3; 18 grandchildren; two brothers, George Bittner of Chicago, Ill. He was predeceased by nine brothers and sisters.
Friends will be received in the Dearth Funeral Home, New Salem, after 7 this evening and until Wednesday, May 2, at 1:30 p.m., the hour of service, with Rufus Peer, Minister, officiating. Interment in Park Place Cemetery.
David C. Bittner
Mill Run
David C. Bittner, 86, of Mill Run, died Sunday, July 5, 2009, in Eichers Family Home, Normalville. He was born Sept. 24, 1922, in Saltlick Township (Backcreek), a son of the late Calvin Jacob and Anna Fisher Bittner. Dave was retired from the B&O Railroad, later Chessie System and CSX. He was a 50 year member of the Springfield Township Volunteer Fire Department and a member of the Normalville Rod and Gun Club. He was also a member of the Indian Creek Baptist Church, Mill Run. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Della Mae Shroyer Bittner; five children, Freman Bittner and his wife, Doris, Calvin Bittner and his wife, Kay, Janet Smith, Charles "Butch" Bittner and his wife, Connie, and Nancy Friend and her husband, Ronald, all of Mill Run; 15 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; and two step great-great-grandchildren. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his first wife, Helen Shroyer Bittner; one son, Dwayne Bittner; one brother, Donald Bruce Bittner; and five sisters, Helen Wolfslagle, Margaret DeWitt, Lana Satcho, Myrtle Sheets and Frances Hall. Friends will be received from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Wednesday in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., Route 711, Melcroft, where services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. Thomas Bonomo officiating. Interment will follow in Indian Creek Baptist Cemetery, Mill Run. To sign the guest registry, please visit www.brooksfuneralhomes.com.
Dorothy Jane BITTNER (1928-2004)
Dorothy Jane Bittner, 76, of Connellsville (Bullskin Township), died Monday, July 12, 2004, at the home of her son. She was born May 29, 1928, in West Lebanon, Pa., a daughter of the late Ray W. and Ida Livengood Longanecker. Mrs. Bittner was a resident of Bullskin Township for most of her life. She was a graduate of Connellsville High School, Class of 1946. She was employed as a cafeteria worker for Connellsville Area School District for many years. She was a member of the Ladies 500 Card Club and the Rainbow Bowling League at Yough Lanes.
In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Robert D. Bittner, in 1990; three brothers, William S., Samuel R. and Paul Longanecker; and a sister, Betty Ellen Ryals. She is survived by two sons, William Bittner and his wife, Barbara and Donald Bittner, all of Bullskin Township; four granddaughters, Jaime Davis and her husband, Zachary, of Dover, Del., Sarah Bittner, of Bullskin Township, Jennifer Bittner, of Everson and Katie Bittner, of Everson; a great-grandson, Aiden Davis; and a brother, James Longanecker and his wife, Beverly, of Bullskin Township.
Friends will be received Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, where services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Barry Witt officiating. Interment will follow in Green Ridge Memorial Park, Pennsville.
Earnest BITTNER died in 1950. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Name: Earnest Bittner
Age: 73
Died: Saturday , September 23,1950.
Preceded by: wife Emma Bittner, preceded him in death, July 26,1922
Survivors: children; Harrt, Earnest Jr., Paul, Felix, abd nrs. Eva Walters, of
Uniontown; Mrs. Agnes Stuck of Balsinger,PA Mrs. Abb Hutchinson of
Uniontown , PA; Mrs Frank Gregor of Jameson, PA ; 23 grandchiuldren; 6 great-grandchildren;
one brother , Joseph Bittner of Uniontown,PA.
Burial: Park Place Cemetery.
Ernest J. BITTNER, Jr. (1937-2012)
Ernest J. Bittner, Jr.
Ernest J. Bittner, Jr., age 75 of Uniontown, Pa. passed away Tuesday, July 25, 2012 in Cherry Tree Nursing Center. He was born February 12, 1937 in Uniontown, the son of Ernest J. Bittner, Sr. and Mary C. Wilson Bittner, who preceded him in death. Ernie worked for the City of Uniontown Street Department for over thirty years and was a member of Saint John’s the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church in Uniontown. He is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Barbara J. Parkinson Bittner; a son Timothy Lee Bittner of Somerset, Pa.; a brother Donald J. Bittner of Uniontown; two sisters, Emma Jean Hyatt and husband Stanley of McClellandtown, Pa. and Mary Ann Kilgore and husband Donald of Smock, Pa. Arrangements have been entrusted to the ANDREW D. FERGUSON FUNERAL HOME, INC., 80 Morgantown Street, Uniontown, where friends will be received on Thursday from 2 until 4 p.m. and from 7 until 9 p.m. and on Friday, July 27, 2012 from 8 until 9 a.m., followed by a Mass celebrating Ernie’s life at 9:30 a.m. in the Saint John’s the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church with Reverend Father James D. Tringhese as Celebrant. Interment will follow in the Mount Macrina Cemetery. Memories and condolences may be shared with the family at adferguson.com.
Ella Mae Beal BITTNER ( -1974)
ELLA MAE BEAL BITTNER— Age 76 years of 5 Main St., New Salem died in Uniontown Hospital Tuesday, March 5, 1974. She was born at Uniontown, a daughter of the later William H. and Bessie Mae McManus Beal. She was a member of the First Christian Church, New Salem. Preceding her in death was her husband Charles Bittner Sr., April 1973, three children, one brother Ruselle Beal and one sister Evelyn Crawford. Mrs. Bittner and her late husband had owned and operated dairy stores in the New Salem, Coolspring and Uniontown areas. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Michael (Grace) Natale and Charles Bittner Jr., both of New Salem. Mrs. Clode (Martha Jean) Dissinger of Lebanon, PA., Mrs. William (Doris) Lincoln of Dearborn, Mich., Kenneth Bittner of New Salem Rd., the following brothers and sisters: Emmett and Amzi both of Uniontown, Mrs. Laura Minerd of Uniontown, Eliza Yauger of Hopwood, Mrs. Elizabeth Marie Bollinger of Kingwood, W.Va., William of Uniontown, Willis of Cleveland, Ohio, John of Round Lake, Ill., Mrs. Ruth Hinckle of Fairchance. Friends will be received in the Dearth Funeral Home, New Salem from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today and until Friday at 1:30 p.m. the hour of service. Rev. Rufus Peer, her pastor, will officiate. Interment in Park Place Cemetery, Uniontown, PA.
BITTNER, EMMA — Aged 87 years of O'Connell Avenue, died in the Weltner Nursing Home, Tuesday evening, August 2, 1955 at 11:50 o'clock. Surviving are four sons Charles of New Salem; Dr. William Bittner of Paris Ill.; Albert, George both of Chicago; two daughters, Mrs. Emma Newhouse and Miss Ann Bittner both at home; 16 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband; Joseph Bittner, Sr., on April 15, 1931 and by four daughters and two sons; Mrs. Minnie Goetschel, Mrs. Rose Miler, Margaret Bittner, Martha Bittner, Joseph, Jr. and August. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and the women’s bible class.
Friends will be received in the late residence on O'Connell Avenue, after 12 noon today where funeral services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. G.C. Waldkoening officiating. Internment will be in Park Place Cemetery under the direction of the Gleason Funeral Home.
Harriet Louise Havner BITTNER (1921-2004)
Harriet Louise (Havner) Bittner, age 82, of Camp Hill, Pa., passed away on Sunday, March 28, 2004, in Bethany Village, Mechanicsburg, Pa. She was born April 9, 1921, in her family home in Fairchance, Pa. Harriet worked for the Milk Control Board for seven years and the Railroad Retirement Board for 32 years. She was a member of The Antique Auto Club of America and the Hershey Region Antique Auto Club. Two sisters, Kay Nicalo and Jean Christopher, a brother, Ray Havner, and parents preceded her in death.
Surviving are her husband of 40 years, Frederick Bittner; two step-daughters: Carol M. Lambert and her husband William Lambert of Mt. Joy, Pa., and Kim Casselberry and her husband Jack Casselberry Jr. of Lewisberry, Pa.; three grandchildren: William D. Lambert, Mindy S. Goodyear, Michelle Geib; six great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
The Family will receive Friends at the HETRICK FUNERAL HOME INC., 3125 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717-545-3774) on Friday, April 2, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Walter Hafer officiating. Burial will follow in Indiantown Gap National Cemetery.
Memorial donations can be made to: Bethany Village Care Assurance Endowment Fund, 325 Wesley Drive Court, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 or to Christ Lutheran Church, 124 South 13th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
BITTNER, HAZEL— Age 67 years, of 422 Coolspring St., died in the Brownsville Hospital, August 9, 1969, at 3 a.m. The daughter of the late Abraham and Sadie Miller Kuhns, she was predeceased by her husband, Joseph Bittner in 1952; a son, Joseph, Jr. in 1957; two brothers, Charles Kuhns in 1931 and Lloyd Kuhns in 1957. Surviving are these children, Mrs. Richard (Betty) Magers of Martan, Indiana; Mrs. Freeman (Anna May) Davis of Kenasha, Wis.; also four grandchildren and one great grandchild; three sisters, Mrs. Dewey (Rachel) Ohl of Delano, Pa.; Mrs. Mike (Elsie) Grzinese of Republic; Mrs. Andrew (Edna May) Holup of Uniontown; these brothes, Russel Kuntz of Carmichaels; Walter Kuhns of Farmington; Herbert Kuhns of Farmington. Friends will be received in the Edward E Minerd Funeral Home, 195 W. Main St., today from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., and Tuesday until 1:30 p.m., the hour of service with Rev. Robert Randall of the Harbor of Light Chapel, officiating. Interment will be in Park Place Cemetery.
Janet M. Williams BITTNER (1948-2009)
Janet M. Williams Bitner, 60, of Lemont Furnace, Pa., passed away Saturday, May 16, 2009 in her home. She was born October 5, 1948 in Pittsburgh, Pa., daughter of the late Elijah "Happy" and Bernice Schmiedlin Williams.
Surviving are her husband, John "Butch" Bitner, Jr.; these children: Dawn Shaffer and husband, Karl of Shelby N.C., John Bitner III, Thomas Lewis Bitner, both of Lemont Furnace, Pa., Christopher Bitner and wife, Melissa of New Salem, Pa; four grandchildren: Samuel Shaffer, Bobbi Guynn, Scott Guynn and Richard Poole; these brothers and sister: Denny Williams, Jack Williams, Jeff Williams and wife, Cindy all of Lemont Furnace, Pa., John Williams and wife, Diane of Big Brownfield, Pa. and Juanita Rockwell of Bruceton Mills, W.Va.; numerous nieces and nephews and a special niece, Tonya Lee.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by a daughter, Darla Bitner, a sister, Kathleen Wolfe and three brothers, James Williams, Mike Geiger and Eric Geiger.
Friends will be received in the CRAWFORD FUNERAL HOME, Hopwood, Pa. on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m., services will be held at 8 p.m. in the Funeral Home with Pastor Lee Mayle officiating.
Mary C. Wilson BITTNER (1917-2003)
Mary C. Wilson Bittner, 86, of Uniontown, Pa., passed away Thursday, June 26, 2003 in the Uniontown Hospital. She was born April 3, 1917 in Uniontown, Pa., daughter of George Wilson and Margaret Hanlon Wilson. Mary was a member of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church in Uniontown. Her parents, beloved husband, Ernest J. Bittner Sr., two brothers, Charlie and Bobby Wilson, and sister, Beatrice M. O'Conner, preceded her in death.
Left to cherish her memory are her children: Ernest J. Bittner Jr. and wife, Barbara, of Uniontown, Pa., Donald Bittner and wife, Diana, of Uniontown, Pa. Emma Jean Hyatt and husband, Stanley, of McClellandtown, Pa., and Mary Ann Kilgore and husband, Donald, of Smock, Pa.; six grandchildren: Timothy Bittner, Sally Wilson, Karen Gibson, Debbie Bittner, Donald Kilgore, Jr. and Michael Kilgore; five great grandchildren: Terry Wilson Jr., Stephanie Wilson, Ryan Gibson Jr., Kayla Gibson, and Ashley Sloan; one sister, Margaret Wilson Bosley of Uniontown, Pa.; and several nieces and nephews.
Friends will be received in the STEPHEN R. HAKY FUNERAL HOME INC., A Dignity Memorial Provider, 603 North Gallatin Avenue Extension, Uniontown, Pa., today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and again on Monday, June 30, until 9 a.m. when a Prayer Service will be held. A Mass of Christian Burial follows at 9:30 a.m. in St. John The Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Jefferson Street, with Rev. Fr. William J. Kiel as Celebrant. Interment will follow in LaFayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill, Pa.
Sarah I. Sitok BITTNER (1926-2007)
Sarah I. Bittner, 80, of New Salem, Fayette County, Pa., passed away peacefully Thursday, February 15, 2007, in her home. She was born April 5, 1926, in Messmore, Fayette County, Pa., the daughter of the late Michael and Mary Ternitsky Sitok. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Charles W. J. Bittner, Jr., and brothers, George Sitok and Michael Sitok.
She is survived by the following children: Rosalie Cummings and husband, George, of Dixon, Tennessee, Myrna Bittner, of Lebanon, Pa., Faith Shelley, of New Salem, Tracie Kennedy and husband, Eric, of New Salem, Charles G. Bittner, III, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Michael Bittner, of New Salem; 14 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and a special friend, Lynnie, of Republic, Fayette County, Pa.
Friends will be received in the DEARTH FUNERAL HOME, New Salem, Pa., on Sunday, February 18, 2007, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Family and friends will gather on Monday, February 19, 2007, at 11 a.m. in the Funeral Home. Interment will follow in LaFayette Memorial Park, Route 40 East, Brier Hill, Fayette County, Pa.
Wilbur F. “Willie” Bittner, 80, of Grindstone R.D. 1, died Sunday, Oct. 22, in Monongahela Valley Hospital Inc., Carroll Township. He is survived by his wife, Violet G. Allshouse Bittner; children, Wiletta J. Burkett of Stockton, Calif., Ronald L. Bittner of Wooster, Ohio, and Debra Ann Hodges of West Brownsville, Pa.; eight grandchildren, six great- grandchildren; brothers, Evans Bittner of Cleveland, Ohio, and Paul Bittner of Monroeville, Pa.; and a sister, June Slanton of Monroeville. Private funeral arrangements are under direction of the Andrew J. Skirpan Funeral Home, 135 Park St., Brownsville, Pa.
Social Security Death Index:
March 21, 1915
October 22, 1995
Grace Weimer Bixler, 86, of Uniontown, Pa., died Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1995, in Uniontown Hospital. She was born May 5. 1908, in Little Brownfield, Pa. She was predeceased by her first husband, Charles Kenneth Sullivan and by her second husband, Lloyd Bixler; a son, Robert Bixler; a brother, William Bixler and two sisters, Beryl Brougher and Freda Johnson. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John (Beryl) Olson Moores of Uniontown, Pa.,; and Ethel Mae Labasik of Monaca, Pa.; six grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren and two sisters, Mabel Turner of Uniontown and Buenetta Roby of Smithfield. She graduated from the Franklin School of Practical Nursing, was a member of the Christ United Methodist Church of Uniontown and the Brownfield United Methodist church. Further arrangements are incomplete and will be announced later by the JEROME W. SHELL FUNERAL HOME.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Adeline Black
Black, female, 70 years old, married
Cause of death–Dropsy, ill 3 months
Born–1817, Virginia
Died–March 25, 1897, Bridgeport
Buried–Green Lane Cemetery
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Andras Black
White, male, 4 months old
Cause of death–Infection of the bowels, ill 2 weeks
Born–May, 1894, Hammonville
Died–September 16, 1894, Bullskin Twp
Buried–Greenlick Cemetery
Father–McClelland Black
Mother–Ella Black
Mrs. Anna Grace Black, 34 years old, of 815 Trump avenue, wife of Ralph T. Black, employed in the operation department of the West Penn Power Company, died at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon in Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, after a two weeks’ illness. She had been a patient at the hospital one week. Death was attributed to complications. A native of Fayette county, Mrs. Black was born December 14, 1908, at White Post office, a daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Keefer Coffman and the late Samuel Coffman. She was educated in the Saltlick township public schools and Douglas Business College of Connellsville. After graduating from the business school in 1923, she entered the employment of the stores department of the West Penn Power Company. She also had worked as a clerk in the Troutman department store here. Mrs. Black was a member of the First Baptist Church and had a prominent part in church work. At the time of her death she was serving as superintendent of the cradle roll. She was also a member of the Philathea Class in the Sabbath school of that church. In addition to her husband and mother, she leaves two children, Donald, aged 11, and Doris, aged nine, both at home; four brothers, Samuel Coffman, Jr., of Connellsville, Elgie Coffman, Stanley Coffman and Hobart Coffman, all of White Post office; three sisters, Mrs. Estella Hoover and Miss Regina Coffman, both of Connellsville, and Mrs. Hazel Hunter of Warren, Ohio; two half-brothers, William Coffman of Staffer and James Coffman of White Post office, and one half-sister, Mrs. Luzetta Flack of Melcroft. The funeral service will be held at the home in Trump avenue at 2:30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon with Rev. Forrest L. Gilmore, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be made in Green Ridge Memorial park in charge of Funeral director Charles A. McCormick.
Hope was slowly waning early this morning for Miss Anna Myrtle Black, of Old Frame, who shot herself in the breast on Sunday afternoon in a fit of despondency. In the Uniontown hospital where her condition was reported as extremely grave, the girl submitted to blood transfusions yesterday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Black being the donors. Little hope is entertained for her recovery.
With her battle against a gaping gunshot wound in her left chest partially won, Anna Myrtle Black, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Black, of near Old Frame, succumbed Saturday morning at 2:50 in the Uniontown hospital to pneumonia. The dread disease which caused her death developed last Thursday. The girl fought valiantly to live. An oxygen tent for two days aided in that fight. Finally she went beyond medical aid and with her devoted parents at her bedside the Death Angel struck another shining mark.
Shortly after Anna Myrtle was admitted to the hospital last Sunday evening she seemed on the verge of explaining her rash act to her parents. As she attempted to coin the words her strength failed her and she lapsed into unconsciousness. At no time after that was she sufficiently strong to make an attempt to reveal the motive for the shooting, which shocked the entire neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Black were greatly mystified over the shooting. When they departed last Sunday afternoon for another farm they owned, the girl declared she would remain at home and read. Shortly after being left alone she went to an adjoining room where her father’s .32 caliber revolver, loaded with two cartridges, hung in a clothes press. Making herself comfortable the girl apparently was reading a fiction story while reclining on her bed when she decided to take her own life.
The book lay nearby as also did her father’s revolver from which a bullet had been sent into her chest. A futile search was made for farewell notes that would explain her action. None was found. The motive remained a mystery until the parents recalled the words of Anna Myrtle’s girlfriend in the California Teachers college that “Anna is working too hard.” She explained that at the start of the second year, the Georges township graduate had elected to take an extra course in mathematics—doubling her work. The studies without recreation seemed to affect the girl’s mind although she never complained.
“She just studies and studies, never goes out” was the way Anna Myrtle’s friend expressed her apprehension of over study. This is being accepted by authorities as the only logical motive.
The body was removed to the Vance funeral parlors in Smithfield. In addition to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Black, she leaves a brother, Frank, also at home and her grandparents, Mrs. Jessie Black and Mr. and Mrs. William T. Humphries, all of Smithfield. Funeral services will be conducted Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the home. Rev. Samuel Wade Stewart, pastor of the Baptist church of Smithfield and Rev. C. D. A. Hoon, pastor of the Smithfield Presbyterian church, will be in charge. Burial will be in Old Frame cemetery.
Anna Ross BLACK died in 1937. Her obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Fayette county friends will learn with regret of the death of Mrs. Anna Ross
Black, 83, who passed away Tuesday evening at 8:30 at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. F. L. Frankenberger, 401 Fife avenue, Morgantown, W.Va.
Mrs. Black, despite her advanced years, has always enjoyed remarkable health
and her death came as a shock to family and friends. She had been ill just
five days.
Surviving are the following children: W. Grier Black, New York; Mrs. J.
A. Reimer, Los Angeles; Hardey B. Black, Pittsburgh; Mrs. C. A. Conn, Saltsburg;
S. Dawson Black and Mrs. Frankenberger, both ?????
(balance of obit is missing)
(Standard - March 11, 1937)
Barbara M. 'Bobbie' BLACK (1938-2008)
Barbara M. "Bobbie" Black, 69, of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa, passed away on Thursday, January 17, 2008, at her home. She was born on July 3, 1938, in Uniontown, Pa, daughter of John and Susan (Magar) Crofcheck. Her parents, husband Ronald W. Black, and her sister Dolores "Dolly" Liptock, preceded her in death. Left to cherish her memory are her children, Carla Sue Kennison and husband, Frank, of Lakewood, Ohio; Tammy Lynn Black, at home; and Andrea Shawn Landman and husband, Chris, of Connellsville, Fayette County, Pa; three grandchildren, Lee Ann Mincer, Erin Mincer, and Rhian Marie Landman; a great grandson "soon to arrive" Caleb Edward; a sister, Betty Allamon and husband, Bob, of Fairbank, Fayette County, Pa; many nieces and nephews; and very special friend, Donna Minnick, of Rowe's Run, Fayette County, Pa. She also leaves behind her beloved pets, her dog, "Oscar" and her cat, "A.C." Barbara, known lovingly by her family and friends as "Bobbie", had been a member of St. Mary (Nativity) Roman Catholic Church, in Uniontown. She was a graduate of North Union High School, in Fayette County, Pa., Class of 1956, and was a wonderful homemaker, cook, and gifted baker. An avid bingo player, she also enjoyed going to Atlantic City with her family. Friends will be received in the STEPHEN R. HAKY FUNERAL HOME, INC., 603 N. Gallatin Ave., Ext., Uniontown, Pa., on Saturday and Sunday, from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. Visitation will be held on Monday, January 21, 2008 from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m., when a Blessing Service will be held in the funeral home chapel, with the Rev. Father Micah E. Kozoil, officiating. Interment will follow at Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown, Pa. Your personal written tributes and memories are welcomed and encouraged at www.hakyfuneralhome.com
Barry L. Black
Barry L. Black, 58, of Dunbar, died Thursday, March 24, 2011, in UPMC Presbyterian, Pittsburgh. He was born Nov. 16, 1952, in Connellsville, a son of the late Harry Black and the late Mildred Kingan Black. He was a member of Assembly of God Church, Connellsville. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War, serving with the Army. Surviving are his wife, Marjorie Martin Black; children, Paula Upton, Barry Black Jr. and his wife, Amanda, Harold Black and his wife, Sara; stepson, Michael Leapline; brothers and sisters, Ray Black, Gaylord Black and his wife, Kathy, Larry Black and his wife, Karen, Roxanne Sanner and her husband, Chuck, Harry Black and his wife, Tammy, Kevin Black, and Karen Ross and her husband, Chris; uncles and aunts, Raymond Kingan and his wife, Patty, Don Black, Arlene Kessler and her husband, Chuck, and Dave Black and his wife, Connie; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by Grandson, Austin. Friends will be received from noon to 8 p.m. Sunday and Monday in the BURHANS-CROUSE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Connellsville St., Dunbar. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the funeral home with Pastor Lee Maley officiating.
Betty Jane Black
Betty Jane Black, 67, of Scottdale, died Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2003, in the Oak Hill Nursing Center, Greensburg. She was born June 15, 1936, in Greensburg, a daughter of Catherine Herczyk Huey of Greensburg, and the late Edgar P. Huey. A “Navy wife” for 32 years, Betty Jane was predeceased by her husband, Harrold H. Black Sr., YNCS (USN, Ret.) and a great-granddaughter, Madelyn M. Halliday. She is survived by six sons, Harrold H. Black Jr. (Linda) of Dickerson Run, Robert E. Black (Rae) of Mount Pleasant, Michael A. Black (Sandy) of Virginia Beach, Va., Terry L. Black of Scottdale, Douglas C. Black (Melissa) of South Hills, Va., and Christopher M. Black (Stephanie) of Jeannette; a daughter, Marianne Rhodes (Michael) of Scottdale; 18 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren; two brothers, Edgar “Butch” Huey of Louisville, Ky., and Ronald Huey of Bovard; and a sister, Mary “Midge” Copper of Apollo. Friends will be received at the BARNHART FUNERAL HOME, 505 E. Pittsburgh St., Greensburg, Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m., at which time a blessing service will be held in the funeral home with the Rev. William C. McGuirk officiating.
Clara Mae Rankin BLACK (1910-2000)
BLACK, CLARA MAE RANKIN— Age 90, born September 22, 1910, in North Union Twp., died December 30, 2000, in the Pleasant View Nursing Community, Manheim, Lancaster Co., PA. She had been a resident of that community since 1993 and a patient in the nursing unit since 1998. Mae graduated from the Uniontown High School Class of 1928 and was first employed in the District Office of the Pa. Highway Dept. She switched her membership from the Second Presbyterian Church to Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church after her marriage. She joined her husband in operating the Vernon Black Refrigeration Services.
Notes from contributor:
Spouse–E. Vernon Black
Children–Jean Black George, Harry and Edward Black
Father–Harry Russell Rankin
Mother–Sarah Frances White Rankin
Cora Gertrude Beatty BLACK
Mrs. Cora Gertrude Beatty Black, 72, of 360 North Arch St., died at 5:45 a.m. today at Connellsville State Hospital where she was admitted Thursday. She was born at Leisenring No. 1 August 6, 1884, the daughter of James and Frances Jones Beatty and was a resident of the local area all of her life. She was a member of the Central Methodist Church. She is survived by four sons; Albert of South Connellsville, Harry of Maywood, Calif., Donald of Connellsville and Jess at home; three daughters, Mrs. Olive Camlin and Mrs. Leola Schobert of Connellsville and Mrs. Fay Hall, at home; 21 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren. Her husband, James Lynn Black, died in 1930. The body will be at the Munk funeral home after 8 p.m. today.
Deborah Ann Black, 45, of Gilmore, Georges Township, Fayette County, Pa., died Thursday, September 27, 2007, in West Penn Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., with her loving family by her side. She was born December 23, 1961, in Brooklyn, New York, daughter of Allen G. Dean and Nancy Bander Dean. Debbie was predeceased by her father, Allen G. Dean, and her father and mother-in-law, Paul and Mary Black, Sr. She was formerly employed for 17 years as a manager with Hardee's Restaurant, in Morgantown, W.Va., and Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa. Surviving are her loving husband, Kenneth R. Black; her loving daughters, Alicia Marie Black and Samantha Dawn Black; her mother, Nancy Dean, of Gans, Fayette County, Pa.; sisters, Cathy Beck and husband, Thomas, of Masontown, Fayette County, Pa., and Christina Lawrence and husband, Jeff, of Willow Spring, North Carolina; brothers, Wayne Dean and wife, Mary, of Morgantown, W.Va., Warren Dean, of Buckeye, Arizona, Christopher Dean, of Gans, Pa., and James Dean and wife, Ronette, of Fuguay, North Carolina; eight nieces; ten nephews; and brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. The family will receive friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Fayette County, Pa., today, September 30, 2007, until 2 p.m. the hour of service with Pastor Joe Ritz officiating. Interment will follow in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fairchance, Pa.
Della Rae Black, aged one year, two months and 19 days, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black, of Waltersburg, died Sunday morning, April 19, 1936, in Uniontown hospital. Besides her parents she is survived by one sister, Gayle, and four brothers, Charles, Leslie and Thomas Black, all at home and Ottis Black, with the U. S. Army in Panama. Funeral services will be conducted in the residence this afternoon at 2 o’clock in charge of Rev. J. Byers Brice, pastor of Pleasant View Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Flatwoods cemetery.
Dolly M. Black
Dolly M. Black, 94, of Dunbar, died Monday, Aug. 10, 2009, at her home. She was born Oct. 12, 1914, in Sang Run, Md., a daughter of the late Joseph W. and Florence Savage DeWitt. Mrs. Black was a member of the Full Gospel Church of Mt. Braddock and the Connellsville Senior Citizens. She is survived by a daughter, Alberta Lewandowski and her husband, Robert, of Summerfield, Fla.; eight grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; and a sister. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by a daughter, Sarah Glover; five brothers; and four sisters. Friends will be received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday in the BROOKS FUNERAL HOME INC., 111 E. Green St., Connellsville, where services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. Elliott Leighty officiating. Interment will follow in Sylvan Heights Cemetery. To sign the guest registry, please visit www.brooksfuneralhomes.com.
Elizabeth 'Lib'Reese BLACK (1930-2010)
Elizabeth "Lib" Reese Black, 79, of Greensboro passed away Easter Sunday morning, April 4, 2010 in Southwest Regional Medical Center, Waynesburg. Born April 5, 1930 at Bobtown, Pennsylvania she was the daughter of Theodore and Beatrice (Davis) Reese. She had attended the Point Marion High School and was a faithful member for many years of the Mapletown United Methodist Church. A life member and Past Matron of the Order of The Eastern Star, "Lib" continued to be active in the Uniontown Chapter No. 263. Her loving husband, Fred C. black, died on August 26, 2002. "Lib" was the last of her immediate family having been predeceased by her parents, three brothers, three sisters. Surviving are her two children and their spouses: Marsha and Roy Remington of Jefferson, Pa., and David and Hope Black of Greensboro, Pa. ten grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; and brother-in-law, Don Black and his wife Vi of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 and Wednesday, April 7, 2010 until 1 p.m., the hour of Service with the Rev. Kenneth Haines officiating. Interment will follow in Monongahela Hill Cemetery, Greensboro, Pennsylvania.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Evaline Black
Colored, female, 63 years old
Cause of death–Dropsy, sick 2 years
Born–1830, East Virginia
Died–April 23, 1893, E. Main Street, Uniontown
Buried–Presbyterian Cemetery
Mrs. G. R. Hayden, 41 Winchell avenue, is in receipt of word telling of the death, Sunday, February 21, 1932, in his home in North Loup, Neb., of her uncle, Evans W. Black, a native Fayette countian. Born at Fort Necessity, December 27, 1853, Mr. Black was the youngest and last surviving of five children of Henry and Orpha Brown Black. When but a young man he went to Nebraska and in 1884 was married to Miss Nellie Chase, who preceded him in death. Surviving are two children, Henry Black and Mrs. L. O. Greene, both of Detroit, Mich., together with 10 grandchildren. In 1887 he founded and for several years edited, The Loyalist, a North Loup newspaper.
A beautiful life came to a close last Monday night, November 20, when Mrs. Fannie Black passed away at her home, 15 Baker avenue, after a long illness. She was very patient through her suffering and trusted the dear Savior to the end and though her loved voice is stilled on earth forever she will linger in our memory and her earnest life and Christian death was an example for us all to follow. Thus we sit today in the shadow of great sorrow and tears are on our cheeks and the mourners go about the streets for one whom we all love and honor by reason or her sweet personality and life of service to her church. In the death of our sister we all realize we have sustained a great loss and that one has been taken from us whose place it will be very hard to fill. She always felt that life was real and earnest and that God had sent her here into the world to do what good she could in her day and generation. She was a woman of great activities and conscientious in the performance of her duties. She did not live for herself but for others and labor for the glory of God. She understood thoroughly her relation to God and what her missing was in the world. She proved a good steward of the Lord. Our loss is heaven’s gain. Peace to her ashes.
Fred C. Black, 73, a longtime resident of Greensboro, Pa., died Monday, August 26, 2002 at his home. He was born July 18, 1929 in Fairmont, West Virginia, a son of the late Fred C. and Anna May Jenkins Black. He was a 1947 graduate of Mapletown High School and a member of the Mapletown United Methodist Church. He was formerly employed with the Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh Division, where he first started out with the diving team examining the locks on the river and retired as Superintendent of Maintenance after 44 years of service. Fred was an avid hunter and was currently serving on the Greensboro Borough Council. He is survived by his loving wife, Elizabeth Reese Black; two children and their spouses, David and Hope Black of Greensboro and Marsha and Roy Remington of Jefferson, Pa.; five grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and a brother Don Black of Canonsburg, Pa. Friends will be received in the RICHARD R. HEROD FUNERAL HOME, Point Marion, Pa., on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday until 11 a.m. the hour of service with Rev. William L. Parker officiating. Interment follows in Monongahela Hill Cemetery, Greensboro. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials to the Mapletown United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 502, Greensboro, Pa. 15338 or the Washington-Greene County Hospice, 10 Leet Street, Washington, Pa. 15301.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
George W. Black
White, male, 49 years old, Contractor
Cause of death–Typhoid Fever
Died–March 4, 1903
Buried–Bridgeport Cemetery
Mrs. Harriet Susan Black, 72 years old, died Friday at her home at Lemont of complications of diseases. She was the widow of Andrew Black and is survived by the following children: Luke P. of Shoaf, Hugh N., William L., Mrs. Mary Lynch, Mrs. Frank Miller, all of Uniontown; John T. of Haddenville, James C. of Charleroi. The funeral cortege will leave the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Miller, 149 Searight avenue, Uniontown, at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon and will proceed to Pleasant View church at Royal, where services will be conducted at 2:30 o’clock by her pastor, Rev. Byers Brice. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Harry Lee BLACK, Jr. (1970-2010)
Harry Lee Black, Jr., 39, of Point Marion passed away suddenly Saturday, April 10, 2010 at home. He was born December 30, 1970, in Waynesburg, son of Barbara McClead Hooper and Harry L. Black Sr. Lee was a self-employed Carpenter and was a Sub-contractor for Holland Construction. He is survived by his Mother, Barbara Hooper and step-father, Silas Hooper of Kenansville, North Carolina and Father, Harry L. Black Sr. and step-mother, Patricia Black of Waynesburg; Maternal Grandmother, Lorina Miller and step- grandfather, William Miller of Eutawville South Carolina; his Wife, Tonya Bork Black; four children: Timothy, Jason, Melyssa, and Samantha Black all at home; one sister, Michele Jones of Niles, Ohio; three brothers: David Black of Salem, Mass., James Black of Canton, Ohio, Robert Robinson of Mt. Olive, North Carolina; several nieces and nephews. Lee was preceded in death by his brother, Guy Rush on November 8, 2009. Friends will be received in the LOUIS E. RUDOLPH FUNERAL HOME, Thomas B. Rudolph, Funeral Director & Supervisor, 15 Main St., Point Marion on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. and on Thursday, April 15, 2010 until 11 a.m., the hour of service with Rev. Brian Young and Pastor James Black officiating. Interment will follow in the Evergreen Memorial Park, Point Marion.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Herbert Black
White, male, 23 years old, single, clerk
Cause of death–Fever, sick 2 weeks
Born–1871, Uniontown
Died–August 23, 1895, Stewart Ave., Uniontown
Buried–Oak Grove Cemetery
Howard A. ‘Hal’ Black, 70, of Gary, Ind., and formerly of Centerville Borough, Pa., died Tuesday, March 5, 1996, in Methodist Hospital, Gary, Ind. He was born July 30, 1925, in Brownsville, Pa. He is survived by his parents, Howard and Annabel Mullen Black of Uniontown, Pa., two sisters, Patricia Johnson of Allen Park, Mich., and Janet Anast of New York City, a niece, Robin Johnson Zimberg of Allen Park, Mich., a nephew, Ralph Johnson of Dearborn, Mich., and two great-nephews, Daniel and Nathan. Arrangements are under direction of the FAGEN- MILLER FUNERAL HOME, 1920 Hart St., Dyer, Ind.
Hugh N. Black, 56, died at 9:30 o’clock Sunday morning, May 2, 1937, in his home, North Gallatin avenue, following a six week illness of complications. Surviving are a son, Ernest Black, or North Gallatin avenue; two step-children; Harry Raymond, Beaver Falls, Mrs. Margaret Sinclair, Pittsburgh; four brothers: Luke, William and John Black, of Uniontown; James of Charleroi; and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. Margaret Lynch, of Uniontown. Funeral services will be conducted in the Ernest Black residence at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon in charge of Rev. W. H. McKinney, pastor of the Central Christian church. Burial will be at Sylvan Heights.
Note from contributor:
Born–born 1881
James H. Black, 62, of Cleveland, Ohio, and formerly of Gilmore, Fayette County, Pa., passed away April 10, 2006. He was born on January 23, 1944, the son of Paul Black and Virginia Black. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, Paul Black, Jr., and sisters, Norma Holbrook and Barbara Stewart. James is survived and sadly missed by his wife, Kay Black; children, James, Kevin, Luke, and JoAnn Black; 17 grandchildren; brother, William Black and his wife, Ellie, of Warren, Ohio; sisters, Loretta Howell, of Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa., Linda Hokavar, of Cleveland, Ohio, Ida Robbins and her husband, Chuck, of Smithfield, Pa.; several nieces and nephews; and a special friend, Mary Brewer, of Hopwood, Fayette County, Pa.
James Lowell BLACK (1946-1995)
BLACK, JAMES LOWELL— Age 48, of Herndon, Va., died February 26, 1995, in Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, VA. He served in Vietnam with the U.S. Air Force, in Japan, and later in Thailand. He was also a graduate of Uniontown High School and a detective with the Metropolitan Police Force in Washington D.C. He retired in 1989. Born April 27, 1946 in Waltersburg, Pa., he was the son of John E. Black and Virginia Hawn Black, the husband of Becky Jo Forest Black, and the father of Anthony and Tammie Black.
James Lynn BLACK died in 1930. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
James Black 58 years old died at 10:15 last night at his home, 709 Run avenue.
He had been ill a long time and bedfast for 6 months. Mr. Black was
born at Rices Landing June 4, 1872. The son of the late James T. and Elizabeth
Black he was married July 9, 1900 to Miss Cora Beatty, daughter of the late Colonel
and Mrs. James Beatty of Licenring. There were 9 children surviving and
the wife: the following sons and daughters; Harry, Donald, Melvin, Cora,
Fay, James and Jesse all at home, Mrs. Olive Camlin, Albert and Mrs. Leola Orndorf
of this city and the following brothers and sisters; R. A. Black of Nemacolin,
A. H. Black of Cambridge, O., Anna Worcester of Brownsville and T. W. Black of
Mr. Black had been a resident of the community for 30 years. He was formerly
engaged as a painter and paper hanger for many years. He suffered from
lead poisoning. The funeral will be Monday at 2:00. Interment will
be at Laurel Hill cemetery.
(Daily Courier Connellsville - June 14, 1930)
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Jane Smith Black
White, female, married
Cause of death–Lung Trouble
Born–1875, German Twp.
Died–February 24, 1897, Middle Run
Father–Frederick Smith
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
BLACK— Jan. 10, of Consumption, Jesse Black, of Franklin Tp.
BLACK, JOHN E.,— 70, of 260 Prospect St., Brownsville, former President of the Brownsville Borough Council, died of a heart attack at his home, September 5, 1966. He was a former member and president of the West Brownsville school board and a member of the Central Presbyterian Church. He was a retired employee of the Pennsylavania Railroad. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Helen Koches Black, two daughters, Mrs. David Pursglove and Mrs. James Ziglear, and a brother, Robert. Burial will be in LaFayette Memorial Park under the direction of the Ross Funeral Home.
BLACK, JOHN E.— Age 61 years, of Wick Haven, died Friday, August 22, 1969, at 2:55 PM in the Uniontown Hospital. Surviving are two sons; John E. of Banning and Charles E. of Little Ferry, N.J.; two daughters, Mrs. Glenn (Violet) Phillips of Elyria, Ohio and Mrs. Edward (Elsie) Fisher of Smithdale, Pa.; fourteen grandchildren; two sisters; Mrs. Elsie Fell of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Violet Demko of Belle Vernon; two brothers; Paul H. and Robert E., both of Perryopolis. His wife, Melvina Black, preceded him in death. Friends will be received in the Blair Funeral Home, Perryopolis after 7 p.m. today. Funeral services Monday at 3 p.m. in the funeral home with Rev. Glenwood Davis officiating. Interment in Mill Grove Cemetery, West Newton.
John E. Black, 93, of Waltersburg, Fayette County, Pa., passed away Saturday, October 28, 2006, in Belleville, Illinois. He was born July 6, 1913 in Smock, Fayette County, Pa., son of the late Joseph L. and Maude Lowther Black. John was a member of the Waltersburg Church of the Nazarene, where he was a Sunday School teacher and a Lay Minister. He was a retired mechanic from Monaghan Chevrolet. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia Haun Black; three sons, Ronald Black, James Black, and Samuel Black; granddaughter, Amy Beth Black, brothers and sisters, Oliver Black, Joe Black, Sanford Black, Mabel Fowler, Molly Finley, and Mary Finley. He is survived by his children, David Black, of Rushville, Ohio, Kay Gansor and her husband, Richard, of Baltimore, Maryland, and Wanda Oplinger and her husband, Henry, of Belleville, Illinois; thirteen grandchildren; and numerous great-grandchildren. Friends will be received in the DEARTH FUNERAL HOME, New Salem, Fayette County, Pa., Friday, November 3, 2006, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Visitation will continue in the Waltersburg Church of the Nazarene on Saturday, November 4, 2006, from 10 until 11 a.m., the Hour of Service with his grandson, the Rev. Robert L. Oplinger and the Rev. Bruce Poling, officiating. Interment will follow in LaFayette Memorial Park, Route 40 East, Brier Hill, Fayette County, Pa.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
John H. Black
Black, male, age 14 months, residence, Ferant Street
Cause of death–Heart Trouble
Born–June 1897, Brownsville
Died–August 3, 1898, Brownsville
Father–William Black
Buried–Green Lawn Cemetery
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Joshua Black
Black, male, age 65 years, widower
Cause of death–Old Age
Died–February 28, 1897, Uniontown
Father–William Black
Buried–Presbyterian Cemetery
Kenneth Allen Black, age 42, of 1805 Hunters Ridge, Brownsville, Pa., and formerly of Jackson Street, Brownsville, Pa., who was born in Brownsville, Pa., and graduated from Brownsville High School Class of 1980, died Thursday, May 19, 2005, in Brownsville General Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Debra Craig, a son, Eric Friend, a daughter, Angel Friend, stepsons, Daniel Craig and Benjamin Craig, and stepdaughter, Maggie Craig, all of Brownsville, Pa.; and a half-brother, Percy Black Jr. Friends are invited to join with the family for a Memorial Service today (Saturday, May 21) at 5 p.m. in Hunters Ridge Community Center, Brownsville, Pa. Funeralization by the Law Funeral Home, 1325 Angle Street, Brownsville, Pa.
Leslie G. Black, age 90, of St. Petersburg, Florida, died Friday, March 26, 2004. He was born November 11, 1913 in Waltersburg, Fayette County, Pa., son of Howard and Saloma (Hank) Black. Mr. Black was a retired Safety Inspector from Consolidated Coal Company. He was the beloved husband of the late Willys Black; loving father of Marlene and her husband Richard King and Leslie Black and his wife Jean. He is also survived by five grandchildren, three great grandsons and one great great grandson. Funeral arrangements by BEINHAUER FUNERAL HOME, A Member of Woodruff Family Services L.L.P., 2828 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15017 (724-941-3211), Richard C. Beinhauer, Supervisor, where Friends will be welcomed on Saturday, April 3, from 11 a.m. until the time of Service at 2 p.m. Interment will be private. The Family suggests that memorial donations be made to the American Heart Association, 10 Duff Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235.
Lolenna Black, 68, of Pittsburgh, Pa., passed away Monday, April 3, 2000. She was born Nov. 11, 1931, in Brownsville, Pa., the daughter of the late Lewis F. Black Sr., and Hattie Phillips Black. She was a nurse for over 40 years, and was employed by St. Francis Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, William Phillip Teenie Black and Lewis F. Black Jr.; and two sisters, Ethel Mae Pompei and Ella Louise Black. Surviving are five sisters, Josephine Davis and Hattie Vance, both of Brownsville, Beatrice Moore and Lavada Black, both of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Gloria Dean Hyman of Robinsonville, N.C.; two brothers, George Kenneth Black of Paris, Ky., and James R. Black of Warren, Ohio; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Friends will be received in the LAW FUNERAL HOME, 135 Angle St., Brownsville, today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., and on Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m., the hour of services, with the Rev. Dr. Herman Jackson officiating. Interment will be in LaFayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill, Pa.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Margaret Black
Black, female, age 80 years, widow
Cause of death–Old Age, ill 1 year
Born–1820, Virginia
Died–April 5, 1900, Front St., Brownsville
Buried–Green Lane Cemetery
Margaret Amelia BLACK ( -1831)
On Thursday evening last, Margaret Amelia, aged one year. On Sunday last, of a very short illness, Mary Ellen, in the 8th year of her age, both daughters of Mr. Daniel Black, of this borough.
Newpaper image is poor quality. Transcription may not be exact.
BLACK— In Somerfield, Somerset co., on the 28 ult., of whooping cough and pneumonia, Maggie ….., daughter of Albert and Esther Black, aged 2 years.
BLACK— In Waynesburg, Greene county, Pa., Sept. 9, Maria Black, wife of _ Black, aged 56 years.
Mary D. Black, age 81, of Perryopolis, PA passed away, Sunday, December 12, 2010. She was born May 12, 1929 in Perryopolis, PA, the daughter of the late George and Mary Kunso Derkach. Mary was a member of St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church, Perryopolis, PA and the Altar Society of St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church. She is survived by one son, Paul E. Black and wife Philomena; one daughter, Mary L. Bowser both of Perryopolis, PA; three grandchildren: Douglas Bowser and wife Jaclyn, Charles Bowser, Patrick Black; two great-grand-children, Nina Bowser, Alyssa Bowser and one sister, Sofia Branthoover of Perryopolis, PA. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Paul H. Black, two sisters, Helen Shimko and Margaret Angelo. Friends will be received in the BLAIR-LOWTHER FUNERAL HOME, INC., 305 Rear Independence Street, Perryopolis, PA, today, 7 to 9 PM, Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PM and on Thursday, where a Parastas Service will be held at 11 AM in the funeral home. The Rev. Father Robert Halus will be celebrant. Interment will be held in the St. Nicholas Cemetery, Perryopolis, PA.
On Thursday evening last, Margaret Amelia, aged one year. On Sunday last, of a very short illness, Mary Ellen, in the 8th year of her age, both daughters of Mr. Daniel Black, of this borough.
Mary Hindman BLACK died in 1931. Her obit was contributed to the
Fayette County USGenWeb Project.(2)
Mrs. Mary Hindman Black, wife of the late Dr. John C. Black of Greensboro, died
Wednesday, September 23, 1931 at 3:20 a.m., in the home of a daughter, Mrs. O.
I. Farmer, Greensboro. Death resulted from a complication of diseases superinduced
by advanced age. Deceased was a daughter of the late John A. and Mary Blosser
Hindman and was born May 31, 1852. Surviving are three children, Mrs. John
W. Krepps of Byrer avenue, Uniontown, and Mrs. O. I Farmer and J. Reamer Black
of Greensboro, together with five grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, September 25, at 3 o'clock in
the Farmer home, Greensboro, with burial in Monongahela Hill cemetery, Mapletown,
Greene county.
(Herald - Sept. 24, 1931)
Mary R. Hoffman BLACK (1927-2006)
Mary R. Hoffman Black, age 78, of Gilmore, Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., passed away to be with her Savior and Lord Jesus Christ on Thursday, March 2, 2006. She was born August 31, 1927, in Camp Hill, Halifax, Pa., daughter of Robert L. and Margaret P. Hoffman. Mary was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Uniontown. She was predeceased by her parents, her loving husband of 57 years, Paul R. Black, Sr., who died on February 4, 2005, brother, Harold Hoffman, and daughter-in-law, Vinnie Black. Surviving are her nine children: Donna and her husband, Bud Walls, of Kentucky, Sharen and her husband, David Skiles, of Delaware, Paul Robert Black, Jr., of Arkansas, Bruce Black and his wife, Tracey, of Gans, Fayette County, Pa., David Black and his wife, Cindy, of Gilmore, Pa., Kenneth Black and his wife, Debbie, of Gilmore, Pa., Robbin and her husband, Church Brook,s of Washington state, Suzanne and her husband, Jim Williams, of Gilmore, Pa., and Randy Black and his wife, Patti, of South Carolina; 14 grandchildren; five great grandchildren; sisters and brothers: Nancy Troutman, Dorothy Schadel, Kay Rebuck, Jean Enders, Robert L Hoffman, Jr., Clarence Hoffman, Jr., Ray Hoffman, Jack Hoffman, Bill Hoffman, Carl Hoffman, and Larry Hoffman; and many nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Fayette County, Pa., on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Monday, March 6, from 9 until 10 a.m. Services begin at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Joe Ritz officiating. Interment will follow in Mountain View Memorial Park, Brownfield, Fayette County, Pa. Memorial contributions may be made to Calvary Baptist Church, 308 McClellandtown Road, Uniontown, PA 15401.
Mrs. May Black, 66, of Wick Haven, died at 9:40 o’clock Monday evening in West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh. Surviving are her husband, Charles; three daughters, Mrs. Irene Zungell of Bell Vernon, Mrs. L. P. Graham of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Violet Denko of Belle Vernon, R. D.; four sons, Elmer of Monessen, John of Wick Haven, Paul of Perryopolis and Robert at home; 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon in the home. Interment will be made in Flatwoods Cemetery.
Nancy Carol Washabaugh BLACK ( -2010)
Nancy C. Black
Formerly of Connellsville
Nancy Carol (Washabaugh) Black, 66, formerly of Connellsville, passed away at her home in Warrenton, Va., Saturday, June 5, 2010. Her parents were the late Norman C. and Cora B. (Riggar) Washabaugh, also of Connellsville. She is survived by her husband, William H. Black, of Warrenton, Va.; daughter, Lisa Cutsail and her husband, Jim, and their son, Jarret, of Warrenton, Va.; son, Brian Black and his wife, Noelle, and their sons, Ethan and Will, of Warrenton, Va.; and brother, Warren Washabaugh and his wife, Dollie, of Monongahela. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 13, 2010, at Warrenton Presbyterian Church, 91 Main St., Warrenton, VA 20186. Donations may be made in Nancy's name to Hospice of the Rapidan, PO Box 1715, Culpeper, VA 22701.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Nannie H. Black
White, female, 15 years old, of Stewart Avenue
Cause of death–Fever, sick 4 weeks
Born–1880, Uniontown
Died–September 6, 1895
Buried–Oak Grove Cemetery
Father–James Black, Jr.
Mother–Catherine Johnson Black
Orly Larue BLACK died in 1937. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County
USGenWeb Project.(2)
Orly LaRue Black, aged four years and three months, died at 10:10 o'clock Saturday
morning, in Uniontown Hospital. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Orly Black,
277 North Gallatin avenue.
Surviving besides the parents are three brothers and two sisters: John,
Allen, Beverly and Adris Rae Black, all at home.
The body has been removed to the home of the maternal grandfather, D. B. Livingston,
37 Highland avenue.
Short services in the Livingston residence at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
are to be followed by additional rites in Sandy Hill church, in charge of Rev.
J. A. Somerville, of the Christian Missionary Alliance. Burial will be
in Sandy Hill church cemetery.
(Herald - June 16, 1937)
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Paul Black
White, male, 18 years old, single, of Stewart Avenue
Cause of death–Fever, sick 9 weeks
Born–1877, Uniontown
Died–August 18, 1895
Buried–Oak Grove Cemetery
Father–James Black, Jr.
Mother–Catherine Johnson Black
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Paul Black
White, male
Cause of death–Fever, sick 9 weeks
Born–1892, Bridgeport
Died–December 1893, Brownsville
Buried–Bridgeport Cemetery
Paul Robert BLACK, Sr. (1928-2005)
Paul Robert Black, Sr., 76 years, of Gilmore, Uniontown, Pa., died, February 4, 2005, in Uniontown Hospital. He was born August 23, 1928, in Uniontown, Pa., son of Paul Franklin Black and Virginia Pearl Moore Black. Paul was employed for many years with Sterling Faucet in Morgantown, West Virginia, until his retirement. He was a member of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Smithfield, Pa. His parents and two sisters, Norma Jean Holbrook and Barbara Stewart, preceded him in death. Surviving are his wife of 57 years, Mary R. Hoffman Black; nine children: Donna and her husband, Bud Walls, of Kentucky, Sharen and her husband, David Skiles, of Delaware, Paul Robert Black Jr. of Arkansas, Bruce Black and his wife, Tracey, of Gans, Pa., David Black Sr. and his wife, Cindy, of Gilmore, Pa., Kenneth Black and his wife, Debbie, of Gilmore, Pa., Robin and her husband, Chuck Brooks, of Washington state, Suzanne and her husband, Jim Williams, of Gilmore, Pa., and Randy Black and his wife, Patti, of South Carolina; 14 grandchildren; five great grandchildren; three sisters and two brothers: Loretta Howell of Smithfield, Pa., Linda Hakovor of Ohio, Ida Robbins of Uniontown, Pa., Bill Black of Ohio and Jim Black of Ohio; and several nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends in the DEAN C. WHITMARSH FUNERAL HOME, 134 West Church Street, Fairchance, Pa., on Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Tuesday, February 8, until 10 a.m., the hour of Service with the Rev. Jay Hurley officiating. Interment will follow in Mountain View Memorial Park, Brownfield, Pa. Memorial contributions may be made to Mount Moriah Baptist Church, Church Street, Smithfield, PA 15478.
Raymond BLACK died in 1918. His obit was contributed to the Fayette County USGenWeb
Following an illness of influenza-pneumonia, RAYMOND BLACK, five years old, of
New Salem, died early Monday morning. His father, THOMAS BLACK, died last
week of the same malady. Dod. 12-2-1918
Courier Thurs. 12-5-1918
Robert W.Black
Robert W. Black, 76, of Connellsville, passed away Tuesday, April 12, 2011, in UPMC Presbyterian, Pittsburgh. He was born July 29, 1934, in Connellsville, a son of the late Edna M. Black Murray. Bob was employed as a welder for the Alaskan Pipe Line for several years. He was a member of the Sons of Italy, Fraternal Order of Eagles, American Legion, Loyal Order of Moose, Independent Italian Club and Bridgeport Sportsman Club. Bob is survived by his loving companion, Michele M. Lint; a sister, Margaret Pearl "Sis" White, of St. Charles, Mo.; and will be sadly missed by several nieces and nephews; and his pet dogs, Shadow and Katy, and pet cats, Boots and Tiger. Bob was preceded in death by two brothers, Donald Murray and James Black; and a sister, Nancy Crawford. Bob will be sadly missed by the many friends he met and associated with throughout the years. Friends will be received from 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday in the VITO C. MARTUCCI FUNERAL HOME, 123 South First St., West Side, Connellsville, 724-628-9033, where a memorial service will be held noon with Pastor Lee Maley officiating. Interment will be private.
Samuel E. Black, 66, of Uniontown, Pa., passed away unexpectedly at his residence with his family at his bedside, September 26, 2005. He was born in Waltersburg, Pa., on March 30, 1939, son of John E. Black and the late Virginia Hahn Black. In addition to his mother, Virginia Hahn Black, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Amy Black and two brothers, Ronald and James Black. He was a retired forklift operator for Anchor Hocking for over 42 years. He was a member of the Glass, Molders, Plastics & Allied Workers International Union, and a lifetime member of the Hutchinson Sportsman Club. He was an avid Jeff Gordon fan and enjoyed watching races and collecting memorabilia. Sam was a loving husband, father and grandfather. He will be sadly missed by his father, John E. Black of Flatwoods, Pa., his beloved wife, Janet Brown Black; two sons: Samuel K. Black of Westminister, Calif., and Scott E. Black of Uniontown, Pa., and a daughter, Sheila M. Yowler and husband, Norman of Uniontown; five grandchildren: Amy, Nicholas, Storm, Sara B., and Scotty; a brother, David Black and wife, Sharon of Ohio, two sisters: Kay Gansor and husband, Rich of Ohio and Wanda Oplinger and husband Henry of Illinois and many nieces and nephews. Friends will be received in the DOLFI FUNERAL HOME, 436 North Gallatin Avenue, Uniontown, Pa., this evening from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and on Thursday, September 29, 2005, from 9 to 10 a.m. the hour of service with the Rev. Bruce Polling officiating. Interment will follow in Sylvan Heights Cemetery, Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa.
Stacey Louise BLACK (1973-2005)
Stacey Louise Black, 32, of Brownsville, Fayette County, Pa., passed away Thursday, December 15, 2005, in Tara at Brownsville General Hospital. She was born May 2, 1973, the daughter of Elia Louise Brooks of Brownsville, and the late William "Teeny" Black, Sr. She graduated from the West School for the Handicapped. She was a devoted homemaker. In addition to her father, a brother, William Philip Black, preceded her in death. She leaves to cherish her memory three siblings: William "Teeny" Black, Jr., Anthony Black and wife, Toni and Brandon Dade, all of Brownsville; her maternal grandmother, Marie Brooks, of Brownsville; her grandfather, Frank Wells; and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Friends may visit with the family on Monday, in the LAW FUNERAL HOME, 135 Angle Street, Brownsville, Pa., from 6 to 9 p.m. where funeral service will be held on Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 11 a.m. with Elder Ples Jones, Jr., officiating. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Thomas W. BLACK, Jr. (1896-1898)
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
Thomas W. Black, Jr.
White, male, 18 months old
Cause of death–Measles, sick 10 days
Born–September, 1896
Died–March 9, 1898, Pechin
Buried–Franklin Cemetery
Father–Thomas W. Black. Jr.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
William Black
Black, male, 45 years old, married
Cause of death–Slate fall at Umpire Coal Mine
Died–December 29, 1898
Buried–Colored Cemetery
A former Brownsville man was killed Tuesday afternoon when his motorcycle collided with a minivan at Ninth and Ferry streets in Easton, which is located in Northampton County in eastern Pennsylvania. William P. Black, 46, of Easton and formerly of Brownsville, was flown to St. Luke's Hospital in Fountain Hill, where was he was pronounced dead about an hour later, according to reports in The Expess-Times newspaper in Easton. Lehigh County Coroner Scott Grim said Black died of chest and abdominal injuries. Grim told The Express-Times that Black's death was officially ruled an accident. A passenger on Black's motorcycle, David Williams of Forks Township, also was transported to St. Luke's Hospital, where he was listed in critical but stable condition. Easton police Sgt. John Remaly is investigating the crash. Police said a 1990s Plymouth Voyager was heading north on Ninth Street in Easton at 5:50 p.m. Tuesday when it ran a stop sign at Ferry Street. Black, who lived in the 1100 block of Washington Street, was heading west on Ferry Street when the two vehicles collided. Police declined to identify the minivan's driver, who lives in Wilson Borough.
Black was born April 17, 1959, in Brownsville, son of Elaine Fitzgerald Lewis of Brownsville, and the late William Black. He and his wife, the former Beverly Hungerford, celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary on March 9. After graduating from Brownsville High School, Black last worked as a baker in the Washington, D.C., area. He enjoyed riding his motorcycle and playing pool and basketball. He was a member of Trinity Baptist Church in Easton. In addition to his wife and mother, he is survived by five daughters, Tasha McGee of Pittsburgh, Gina Hungerford, Sharmin Thomas and Chenelle Hungerford, all of Easton, and Crystal Hungerford of Bethlehem; four grandchildren, Erin McGee, Daejia Thomas, Bea'u Lantosh and Treyvon Fitzpatrick; four brothers, Anthony Black and his wife, Toni, of Uniontown, Alfred Riley, Brandon Dade and Teeny Black, all of Brownsville; and his maternal grandmother, Margaret Fitzgerald of Uniontown. Friends will be received in the Mount Lebanon Baptist Church on Baltimore Street in Brownsville from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, the hour of service. Burial will follow in LaFayette Memorial Park in Brier Hill, under the direction of the Muriel E. Lantz Funeral Home, 297 E. Main St., Uniontown.
Death notice taken from the Obit Index of the Pennsylvania Room of the Uniontown Public Library.
William T. Black
Black, male, waiter, married
Died–March 11, 1900
Father–John Black
Mother–Minnie Black