Clippings from the Berks County Democrat, (Boyertown, PA), August 31, 1907


The third annual reunion of the Boyer family will be held in the famous Kutztown Park on next Monday, Labor Day, September 2. A fine program consisting of speeches, recitations, music, et., has been arranged for the occasion which is to be a memorable one. All the BOYERS and their "freindschaft" are invited and some of the oldest members of the BOYER family are expected. Rev. C. C. BOYER, formerly of this place, now Vice-Principal of the Keystone State Normal School is historian. He is using his efforts for the family cause. It would seem that Boyertown would be the proper place for this reunion as this is the place founded by the BOYER people.

Will Fill Position as Music Teacher

Miss Eleanora GODSHALL, of Boyertown, has been engaged to fill a position as assistant teacher at the Edna Valeria Boyer Studio of Music, 307 High Street, Pottstown, PA. Miss GODSHALL has studied at the Steinburg Conservatory of Philadelphia, and has also studied with Miss BOYER, and is at present enrolled as a pupil of the Corrbs Broad Street Conservatory of Music, of Philadelphia, so that she is thoroughly competent to fill the position and carry our the method for which the studio stands.

Borough Schools Open

The Boyertown schools opened last Monday with 363 pupils enrolled, an increase of 30 over last year. The pupils enrolled in the different grades are: High, 16 boys and 28 girls, total 44; A Grammar, 18 boys, 21 girls, total 39; B Grammar, 20 boys and 21 girls, 41 total; A Intermediate, 16 boys, 28 girls, total 33; B Intermediate, 20 boys, 22 girls, total 42; A secondary, 22 boys 17 girls, total 39; B Secondary, 20 boys, 18 girls, total 38; A Primary, 18 boys, 27 girls, total, 38; B Primary, 16 boys, 15 girls.

George DELLICKER Mishap

George DELLICKER, of Engelsville, while thrashing was caught by one of the belts running from the gasoline engine to the separator and whirled about the shaft a number of times. His left leg was broken at the thigh and he was otherwise bruised and injured. Dr. RHOADS attends.

To Enlarge Casket Factory

The Burial Casket Company will add another story to the half of the original building in which the casket company started business.

Sudden Death of Lewis COVELY

Lewis COVELY, aged about 35 years, died suddenly at his home on Chestnut Street yesterday morning. He had been in failing health for several months, but death was due directly to suffocation. His lungs were congested with serum, due to weakness of his heart, causing suffocation. Deceased is survived by his mother and three sisters. His father, William COVELY, died about a year ago. Deceased was a trained athlete, and possessed wonderful strength. He was employed as a cigar maker at D. B. Erb & Co's factory. He was of a quiet disposition and was never married. The funeral will take place next Tuesday morning and Interment will be made at Bally Catholic Cemetery.

Jacob FREED Dead; Was Berks Oldest Cobbler Had Followed Trade for 65 Years at Boyertown and Only Retired Last April, when He Moved to Reading

Jacob FREED, a former well-known cobbler and shoe dealer, at Boyertown, aged 81 years and 6 months, and 14 days, died of a complication of diseases, at 11: 25 o'clock Monday morning, at the home of his son Jacob R. FREED, 1034 Benner's Court, Reading, after a brief illness. Mr. FREED was the oldest cobbler in the county. Deceased moved to the home of his son from Boyertown in April of this year. Several weeks ago he had a slight stroke while taking a trip with his kin and their families and this was the direct cause of his death. Mr. FREED was born and reared at Greshville, but moved to Boyertown when a young man. He learned the trade of shoemaker and for 65 years he worked at his trade in the same place. Mr. FREED's wife died exactly 16 years ago on the day of his death. He was a member of the Lutheran Church at Boyertown. For the past five months he lived with his son Jacob, who is also a shoemaker. Mr. FREED retired eight months ago. Besides this son, deceased is survived by these daughters: Hannah, wife of David LATSHWA, Reading, Catharine, wife of Joseph JACKSON, West Virginia; Mrs. Lizzie GROSS, Harrisburg; one brother, John FREED, living in the West; 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The funeral took place yesterday morning. The remains were brought to Boyertown on the 10:30 trolley car. Services were conducted in the Lutheran Church, by Rev. WEBER, after which interment was made in Fairview Cemetery. The body was laid to rest alongside of his wife.

Note: Just months prior to Jacob Freed's death, another article appeared in the Berk County Democrat on April 6, 1907.

Submitted by: Betty.

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