Jacob FREED the veteran shoemaker, will retire from business today, and next week some time will leave Boyertown to take up his home with his son, Jacob, in Reading. He offers all his shoemakers outfit for sale. Mr. FREED has been mending shoes here for 65 years, and has had varied experiences. He learned his trade with the father of Newsagent H. F. KOCH, at Gilbertsville. After he married Angeline REIDNAUER he came to Boyertown and for eight years made and mended shoes in the old American House, then occupied as a store by Peter BRENDLINGER and owned by Henry BOYER. His rent kept being raised, so in 1858 he started to build his home on Philadelphia Avenue. At that time there were few houses hereabouts. In those days mostly boots were worn, and all were made by local shoemakers. Factory made boots or shoes were unknown. As high as $10 was paid him for a pair of fine boots. On February 12, Mr. FREED was 81 years old. He has mended shoes for four generations.
Submitted by: Betty.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:16 PST