Biographies from Historical and Biographical Annals by Morton Montgomery


p. 838


Conrad Lochman, cigar manufacturer at Boyertown, Pa., is a representative business man of this borough, one who, through his frugality, enterprise and good management, has made a success of his undertakings. He was born Sept. 18, 1848, in Hessen-Homburg, Germany, son of George and Catherine (Rubel) Lochman.

The parents of Mr. Lochman were also born in Hessen-Homburg, which is a great linen manufacturing town, the main occupation being weaving, and this industry George Lochman followed. On March 5, 1856, he emigrated with his family to America. He died in 1869, aged forty-nine years, and is buried at Sumneytown, Pa. One daughter, aged eight months, Catherine Wilhelmina, died on the ocean, but the other four reached America safely: Conrad; Christian, who is a physician, living at Texarkana, Texas; Sarah, wife of Jacob Royer, of Rittersville, Pa.; and Mary, deceased wife of Philip Sailor.

Conrad Lochman was seven years old when he accompanied his parent to America, and he obtained his education in the schools of Perkiomenville, Montgomery county. When seventeen years of age he learned the milling trade and was twenty-two years old when he learned the cigar-making trade, at which he worked for several years as a journeyman, after which he worked for several years at Bethlehem and then for fifteen years was superintendent for the firm of T. J. Dun & Co., at Boyertown, having three hundred, thirty-five people under his supervision. In 1902 he embarked in the cigarmaking business for himself and gives steady employment to six hands, finding a ready sale for his products. He has acquired property at Boyertown and in 1901 erected his handsome residence on Fourth street.

In 1870, Mr. Lochman was married to Miss Sarah Gaugler, daughter of John and Hannah (Banet) Gaugler, the father conducting a shoemaking business at Klinesville, Pa. They have had five children, namely: Alice, deceased, wife of John Lowmax, of Philadelphia; Harry, who resides at Gilbertsville, Pa.; Annie, wife of Thomas Johnson, of Boyertown; John, who lives at Boyertown; and Sallie, wife of Howard Fegley. Mr. Lochman and family belong to the Church of the Good Shepherd, of the Reformed faith. In politics he is a Democrat, and since 1908 has been a member of the borough council.


p. 1320


JOSEPH LODER, who died May 12, 1908, was one of the best known hotel men of Berks county, and from Sept. 1, 1906, had been proprietor of the "Windsor Hotel", Sixth and Court streets, Reading. He was born March 10, 1846, in Bavaria, Germany.

On coming to America in 1867 Mr. Loder first located in Newark, N.J., where he lived for sixteen years, following his trade of stone cutting which he had learned in Germany. He later went to Atlantic City, where he was agent for the Berger & Engle Brewing Company, also conducting a bottling establishment, in which he was very successful. Removing in 1884 to Columbia, Pa., he founded the Loder and Katzenmeyer Brewing Company, which was a very successful business venture. Mr. Loder was compelled to sell out at a sacrifice, however, when the business was merged into the trust. In 1898 he came to Reading, to take charge of the "City Hotel," of which he made a great success, and in 1903 he sold out to its present proprietor, and retired to look after his other interests, having the Carrousel at Carsonia Park. This he sold in 1906, and purchased the building known as the Windsor Hotel and Caf?which he conducted until his death, having one of the finest stands in the city, directly across from the County court house. He handled a first class line of domestic and imported liquors, making a specialty of Rhine and Moselle wines, which made a great reputation for Mr. Loder, or "Uncle Joe" as the patrons of the house familiarly called him, for he was a genial and courteous host, and very popular with all who knew him. Fraternally he was connected with Reading Aerie No. 66, F. O. E.; the B. P. O. E.; Harmonie Maennerchor; the Liederkranz and Turner societies; Artisans Association; and Father Newfield1s Council. He was a stanch Republican in politics, and was a hard worker in the ranks of the party. He was a very popular candidate for sheriff in 1905, and in a strong Democratic county was defeated by only 251 votes. For two years he was interested in building, erecting seventeen houses in reading.

In 1868 Mr. Loder was married to Rosalia Grossman, of Bavaria, Germany, and to this union were born eight children: Anthony, of Atlantic City; Eva who married Henry A. Becker; Caroline, who married Frank Habberstroh; Joseph P., engaged as a machinist in the Philadelphia & Reading shops, who married Louisa Schemlagwick; Matilda, who married William Smith, of Reading; Rudolph, of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Columbia, Pa.; William, a hotel clerk of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Charles of the electrical department of the Philadelphia & Reading Company, Reading. Mr. Loder died May 12, 1908, and is buried at Columbia, Pa. His widow resides at No. 103 Windsor street, Reading.


p. 505


Rev. Achilles Johnson Long, A. M., the well known Lutheran minister at Rehrersburg, whose pastorate included the churches at Stouchsburg, Rehrersburg, Newmanstown, Millbach, Little Tulpehocken and Schaefferstown, gave his entire mature life to the work of Christ, and the great good he accomplished is manifest in the spiritual well-being of the many who came within the radius of his influence. He was born at Claussville, Lehigh county, Oct. 20, 1847, son of Ephraim and Hannah (Kline) Long.

The Long family is of Scotch-Irish descent. About 1790 four brothers came to this country, and located in New Jersey. John Long, grandfather of Achilles Johnson, went from New Jersey into Lowhill township, Lehigh Co., Pa., where he followed his trade of millwright. He married Elizabeth Heilman, and among their children was a son Ephraim.

Ephraim Long was born in Lowhill township, but on reaching manhood he went first to Allentown, and later to Schnecksville. From the latter place in 1850 he moved to Egypt, and there he continued to reside until his death June 6, 1901. He had a large general store and hotel, and was also engaged in a real estate business, and had a wide acquaintance. He married Hannah Kline, who was born in Lehigh county; Josephine died in 1895; Agnes m. Samuel Black of Ashley, Pa.; Alfred is engaged as a coach manufacturer at Blooming Glen, Pa.; Eugene assisted his father in the store at Egypt; Harvey is unmarried and at home; and Walter has a music store at Allentown. The family were all reared in the Lutheran faith, and have been active in church work.

Rev. Achilles Johnson Long received his first mental training in the common schools, and in 1865 he went to Freeland Seminary, Trappe, Montgomery county, and in 1866 to Fort Edward Institute, New York. In 1867 he entered the Academic Department of Muhlenberg College, and the following year the College proper, graduating in 1871, and receiving a purse of twenty-five dollars for his German oration. While there he distinguished himself as a member of the Euterpean Literary Society, and the Chi Phi fraternity. Acting upon his decision to enter the ministry he became a student in the Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, and in May 1874, graduated therefrom. He received a call to Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church on the Tulpehocken (near Stouchsburg), and was ordained to the ministry in Trinity Lutheran Church, June 2, 1874, and was installed as pastor of the Tulpehocken charge, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, June 13, 1874, by the Rev. Dr. Hinterletner, president of the Third Conference, and Rev. Dr., Horne, principal of the Keystone State Normal School, Kuztown, and on the same day was also installed as pastor of the Rehresburg Church. He served these churches thirty-four years, and also had charge of St. Elias Church at Newmanstown, St. Paul's Union Church at Millbach, Little Tulpehocken in Jefferson township, and St. Paul's at Schaefferstown. In 1893 the Sesqui-Centennial of Christ Church was celebrated, and the good work accomplished there by the Rev. Mr. Long was highly praised. This church has prospered under, or in spite of, great difficulties. The original church was built in 1786, and this building was badly damaged by a dynamite explosion Nov. 6, 1884. It was rebuilt and Aug. 1, 1887, was struck by lightning and this time wholly destroyed. Through sadly disheartened, the members went to work and spite of the heavy financial loss, the church was rebuilt. Altogether during his ministry the Rev. Mr. Long erected five splendid churches. On June 17, 1907, the Sesqui-Centennial of the Rehrersburg church was appropriately celebrated, and thirty-two and one-half years of Pastor Long's pastorate stand out conspicuously in the history of the church for the wonderful results he obtained financially and spiritually. He was close to the hearts of his parishioners and his unselfish devotion to duty merited the high esteem and affection in which he was held. Ministers from many places came to join in the celebration and to pay tribute of praise and respect to Rev. Mr. Long. The occasion was a most happy one, and will long be remembered by those fortunate enough to participate in it.

On Jan. 4, 1876, the Rev. Achilles Johnson Long was married to Deborah I. Minnich, born in North Heidelberg township, daughter of Adam and Isabella (Klopp) Minnich, the former a school teacher in early life but now a farmer in North Heidelberg. This union was blessed with three daughters-Laura E., Anna L. and Mabel M. The Rev. Mr. Long was a practical business man, and he bought his churches all to a sound financial condition. He was a director in the Womelsdorf National Bank and member of the board of trustees of the Orphans' Home at Topton. He was a charming companion, intelligent, broad minded and charitable, and he had the confidence of the entire community. He died Sept. 13, 1908, beloved by all who knew him.


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Frank Babb Long, of Reading, Pa., where he was born Dec. 16, 1867, is a son of Henry R. and Mary A. (Babb) Long.

Mathias Long, grandfather of Frank B., was born in Douglass township, Montgomery Co., Pa., a son of George Long, who lived and died in Douglass township, where he was a farmer and an old-time planemaker. This business his son Mathias learned, first working at home, but after 1821 at Reading, where he subsequently went into the railroad shops and remained connected with the wood department until 1844. He died Oct. 3, 1857, aged sixty-seven years, six months, fifteen days. Mathias Long married Rebecca Long and they had the following children: William, Henry R., Franklin, Matilda, George and Catherine, the last named, Mrs. John Steckert, being now the only survivor of this family.

Henry R. Long, father of Frank B., was born May 16, 1832, on the corner of Seventh and Court streets, Reading, and was a life long resident of the Ninth ward. After obtaining a fair education in the common schools he went to work as a tobacco stripper, but in 1846 he began to learn the coopers trade with Henry B. Shearer, following same successfully, at different periods, up to 1903, when he retired. He conducted a shop in the rear of his residence. During the sixties Mr. Long became employed as mailer in the Gazette and Democrat office, in the Adler building, on Penn below Fourth street, the owned by J. G. Hawley and William S. Ritter. When that partnership dissolved, about 1870, he was employed in the mailing room of the Eagle, and for a period of twenty-seven years, until four years before his death, was mailer in that office. He worked altogether thirty-nine years with the Adler Publishing Company. He was engaged by Mr. Ritter, of the Adler, until four months before his decease, when obliged by ill health to relinquish all work.

Mr. Long married Mary A. Babb, daughter of John and Mary (DeHart) Babb, of Stony Creek, Berks county, where the Babbs are among the early families. Their children were as follows: Ida, who died Aug. 6, 1900, the wife of William H. Horner; Harry B. pressman at the Adler office, Reading; and Frank B.

Henry R. Long joined the Masons Sept. 2, 1857, and was a member of Lodge No. 62. F. & A. M., and of Reading Chapter, No. 152, which he joined May 9, 1859. In May, 1858, he became affiliated with Montgomery Lodge, I. O. O. F. In political faith he was a Democrat, and he was appointed the first assessor of the Ninth ward at Reading, but declined to serve. He resided at No. 209 North Eight street, where he died Oct. 10, 1906. He had a pleasant home, and had many friends in all parts of the city, who mourned the death of a faithful friend and excellent citizen. Mr. Long was a member of the Reformed Church.

Frank Babb Long completed the public course and then took a commercial course in a local business college. He was employed at the Adler publishing house, in different positions, for three years. When nineteen years old he passed the civil service examination and entered the post office as clerk, being the first Democrat in that office, where he remained for four years. Then he entered the employ of William Shafer, the well-known baker, and remained with him as city salesman for sixteen years. In July, 1906, he entered the employ of his brother- in- law, Cyrus G. Ream, who is the proprietor of the "Mineral Spring Hotel" at Reading, where his tact, experience and genial qualities make him very efficient.

In 189- Mr. Long married Sarah K. Yerger, daughter of George and Mary (Kantner) Yerger, and they reside at No. 237 North Ninth street, Reading.

In politics Mr. Long is a democrat. He is a member of the Order of Foresters and the Golden Eagles. In religious faith he is connected with the Reformed Church.


p. 615


Henry W. Long, teacher and agent for fertilizers, was born on the Long homestead in Upper Bern township, Berks county, April 30, 1866, son of Joel and Sallie Ann (Zettelmoyer) Long.

Joel Long was born in Upper Bern township, Aug. 31, 1838, on the Long homestead, of 130 acres, which he acquired by purchase in 1878. He was a tiller of the soil all his life, and was very prosperous in his undertakings. He died March 19, 1901, in his sixty-third year of age. He voted the Democratic ticket. He was honored by his fellow citizens by election to the offices of township treasurer, assistant assessor, assessor, tax-collector, election officer, and he was delegate to county conventions.

He and his family belonged to Shartlesville Friedens Church, of which he was one of the founders in 1870. He was trustee of this church from its organization until death called him to his reward. In 1856 he married in his sixty-third year of his age. In 1856 he married Sallie Ann Zettelmoyer, daughter of Martin Zettelmoyer and wife (whose name was Sour). They had fourteen children- nine sons and five daughters-namely: Frank W., James M., Mrs. Hettie A. Rentschler, Henrietta Long (deceased) . Mrs. Alice R. Aschenbach, Mrs. Kate A. Ney, Henry W., Irwin M. (deceased), Peter C. (deceased), Howard E. (deceased), Jerome (deceased), Angelina, Manasses M., and Wallace Z.

Henry W. Long was reared on the home farm, and obtained his education in the public schools, which he attended until he was seventeen years of age. He studied in the Bernville and Strausstown grammar schools, and in the spring of 1887, entered the Keystone State Normal School, graduating in June, 1889.

He began teaching in the fall of 1884 at the Bagenstose school in his native (now Tilden) township, and after teaching there three years, entered upon the normal course as stated. In 1889 and 1890 he taught at Wernersville, and 1891 to 1894 inclusive at Vogansville, Lancaster county, at an advanced salary. He then returned to his native township and taught for six consecutive years. In 1903-04-05 he was in charge of Sheidys school, and in the fall of 1906 began teaching at Hahns school in Muhlenberg township, Berks county. He is an able, painstaking, conscientious and successful teacher, and has the respect of the many pupils he has had during his long career.

In politics Mr. Long is an uncompromising Democrat, and frequently serves on election boards. He was elected as tax collector of Upper Bern township, in 1893-94-95, which office he filled with honor to himself and credit to his electors. He has been delegate to a number of county conventions. He is a Lutheran member of Shartlesville Friedens Church, in which he was confirmed in 1880, by the Rev. D. D. Trexler. He has belonged to the Sunday-school connected with this church since its organization in 1879. In later years he became a teacher and superintendent. When he taught school in Upper Tulpehocken he became superintendent of Sheidys Union Sunday-school, which office he filled for three years.

During the summer months Mr. Long filled various positions, such as cigar-packer, clerk, and book-keeper. Since 1900 he has been the manager of the Joel Long estate for the heirs. Mr. Long is an intelligent and upright citizen, and is respected and esteemed by all who know him.


p. 700


Marcus Long. At the age of twenty-seven, Jacob Long, great-grandfather of Marcus Long, with Johan Nicholas Long, arrived in America, Aug. 30, 1737, in the Ship "Samuel," of London, Hugh Percy, captain from Rotterdam, last from Cowes. They were from the Rhine country, Germany. (I) Jacob Long settled on a portion of land now owned by Marcus, his great grandson. He was one of the founders of the Reformed church of Longswamp in 1748, and one of the leading citizens of the community. As late as 1786, Jacob Long was appointed collector of his district by the Berks courts and held the office for a number of years. Jacob Long married a Miss Burger, and they had a number of children, among them being Daniel Long, the grandfather of Marcus Long; Frederick; Abraham; Elizabeth, m. to Jacob Groh; Julia, m. to Jacob Geist; and buried in that portion of the old homestead now owned by William Long.

(II) Daniel Long was born in 1780, on the old homestead, where he carried on farming. He married Rachael Snyder, and they had eleven children: Aaron; Jacob; Fayette m. Sarah Warmkissel; Sarah m. Levi Fritch; Samuel m. Sallie Zwoyer; Elizabeth m. Thomas Acker; David m. Florenda Figley; Catherine m. Reuben Haas; Dr. M. S. m. Mary Schwartz; Dr. Aug. Long was of St. Joseph, Mo.; and Daniel died young. Daniel Long died in 1840, a man who was universally respected, and who had always been prominent as a farmer.

(III) Aaron Long, father of Marcus Long, was born on the old homestead, Aug. 10, 1815, and by trade was a tinsmith, but also followed farming, his farm being a portion of the original Long estate. He died there Oct. 30, 1883, aged sixty-eight years. He married Esther Fritch, born Jan. 30, 1816, daughter of George and Nancy (Schwartz) Fritch. They had three children: Marcus; Jonas F., born Sept. 28, 1837, m. Eliza Wagonhorst, and he resides in Napa country, Cal.; Daniel George is a physician at Reading, Jonas F. Long enlisted and was made captain of the 7th Pa. V. C. at the beginning of the Civil war, and served all through that struggle, and was wounded in the left arm. Mrs. Esther (Fritch) Long died Jan. 20, 1884.

(IV) Marcus Long was born on the old homestead May 11, 1836, and was educated in the local schools. At the age of seventeen he was employed as clerk in the general store of Col. William Trexler, and later by Benjamin Helferich, who also conducted a general store. Having accumulated a little money, Mr. Long attended the select school at Reading conducted by Prof. Lee, and from there he went to Friedensburg (Oley) and attended the Oley Academy under Prof. Hankey. In addition to assisting his father with the farm work, he taught school for eight consecutive terms in the public schools of his native township. He subsequently moved to Mertztown, where for five years he was in the flour, feed, coal and lumber business under the style of M. & S. Long, and at the same time he served as postmaster and ticket agent for the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company. Later he took charge of part of the old homestead, which he has since purchased. Upon this property there is a grist-mill and he now operates it in addition to farming.

In 1863 Mr. Long married Miss Eliza Trexler, a daughter of Benjamin and Susanna (Leinmerger) Trexler, both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Long had six children: Jennie m. Dr. I. J. Weida of Emaus, Lehigh county; Emma H. m. Charles Long, a farmer near the old home; Lilly E., unmarried, resides at home, and was educated at the Keystone State Normal School, and taught school one term; Carrie S., a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School, who taught eight consecutive terms, m. Dr. William L. Long; Sarah E., m. Charles B. Folk, a farmer of Longswamp; Morris A. B., a student at Jefferson Medical college was there stricken with typhoid fever and died March 5, 1899. Mrs. Long died April 25, 1899, a member of the Lutheran church, although the rest of the family are members of the reformed faith. Mr. Long has always been active in church work, having held nearly all of the offices, and he is one of the founders of the Longswamp Sunday-school, which was started in 1856. He has retained in it his membership, has been its superintendent and for thirty-five years has been the teacher of the Bible class, during which period he has gone through the entire Bible with his pupils more than five times. Naturally he has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, and served as school director for eighteen years during which time fifteen new schools were built. Mr. Long is very proud of this record. In politics he is a Republican and devoted to his party although not an office seeker. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge at Trexlertown; of the K. of P. No. 358 at Mertztown and Longswamp Grange No. 1069. All of his forebears mentioned in this article as deceased are buried at Longswamp cemetery.


p. 1122


Thomas Long, proprietor of "Treichlersville Hotel," in Hereford township, Berks county, comes of one of the early settled families of Longswamp township, this county.

Prior to 1759 Jacob Long owned property in Longswamp township. He died in 1807, old in years, and his will is on record in Will Book A., page 530, executors: Abraham Long, his son, and John Wisler, his trusty friend. His wife's Christian name was Anna Catharine. The following nine children were mentioned in Jacob Long's will: Michael, deceased; Elizabeth, m. to John Groh; Maria Catharine, m. to Jost Miller; Maria Juliana, m. to George Geist, and mother of Jacob; Jacob; Henry; Frederick; Abraham; and Daniel.

Jacob Long had a brother John Nicholas Long, who settled in Rockland township at an early date, and died there in 1782, survived by his widow Elizabeth, and children: Mary Appolonia, m. to John Kercher; Jacob; Nicholas; John; and Henry. The three last named were under age at the time of their father's death. His will was witnessed by his brother Jacob, and Paul Grosscup, the ancestor of the Chicago jurist, Peter Grosscup.

Frederick Long, seventh child of Jacob, was born in Longswamp township, and lived in the "Long Valley" near Longswamp Church, where he is buried. He owned a seventy-acre farm on which he erected a set of buildings, among which is a small stone house still standing. He was a Reformed member of Longswamp Church. He married Rachel Wolp, and their children were: Peter, who never married; Samuel; Andrew, who lived on the homestead, had two children, William and Rosa, and was succeeded by his son, William.

Samuel Long, son of Frederick, was born on his father's farm in 1807 and died in 1895 at Klines Corner. He was a shoemaker in Longswamp in the vicinity of Longswamp Church. He owned Howerter's tannery in Long Valley, which adjoined the old stand. He was a Reformed member of Longswamp church. He married Eliza Fegley, daughter of Philip Fegley, of Longswamp township. She was born in 1813, and died in 1888. They had five sons and five daughters: Mary m. Nathan Poh; Henry lives near Trexler's charcoal furnace in Longswamp; Judith, deceased, m. Harry Schell; Frank died unmarried; Hettie died unmarried; Thomas; Eliza m. Allen Swoyer; Lewis; and one son and one daughter died small.

Thomas Long, son of Samuel, was born in Longswamp township July 20, 1850, and was reared upon his father's farm. He attended school for a short time only, usually three weeks in the winter. He worked for his parents until of age. For some years he butchered, and then for three years he hauled ore for the mines in Longswamp. In 1884 he began farming and followed it for twelve years in Richmond township, nine years in Rockland, where he owned a farm. In 1896 he entered the hotel business, conducting the "Longswamp Hotel" for six and one-half years. "Huff's Church Hotel" for one and one-half years. Since the spring of 1905 he has been proprietor of the "Treichlersville Hotel," an old stand, which before the Civil war was known as the "Sand Spring Hotel," so named because of a big strong spring 400 yards northeast of the present hotel, where the settlers used to get their silver sand to clean their tin ware. Mr. Long owns a farm at Huff's Church of sixty-five acres. This was originally a Fox homestead, later belonged to the Clemmers, and since 1902 has been Mr. Long's. He has it rented. He keeps a good hotel, and his table has won praise from many a weary traveler.

On Aug. 20, 1874, Mr. Long married Sarah Agnes Acker, daughter of Thomas Acker and his wife, Mary Fritch, of near Alburtis, Pa., and granddaughter of Nathan and Abbey (Dunkel) Acker. To this union there have been born six children: Lillie, widow of Edwin Ruppert, who was killed in a trolley car accident near Catasauqua, Pa., Dec. 15, 1904, in the thirty-third year of his life (she has two sons, George and Leroy); Rosa, who married William Gery, of Alburtis, and has one son Harvey and one daughter Helen; Jennie, who married George D. Shelly, of Philadelphia, and has a son De Witt; Oliver and Thomas, who died, aged respectively six and three years, of croup, just one week apart; and George A., a student in school. Mr. Long is a member of Mertztown Lodge, K. P. He and his family are Reformed members of Longswamp church, where he has served faithfully four years as deacon.


p. 690


Cyrus Lord, late of Reading, Pa., was born in Union township, Berks Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1834, son of Absalom and Margaret (Rice) Lord, natives of Berks county, and grandson of Joseph and Mary Lord.

Joseph Lord was a native of America of Scotch parentage, and was a farmer and collier by trade. To him and his wife Mary were born: Absalom; Emanuel; Maria, m. to a Mr. Green, and Mary, m. to a Mr. Fair, of Lancaster county. In religious belief Joseph Lord and his wife were Episcopalians.

Absalom Lord followed boating on the old Schuylkill canal, and was a prominent figure in the early history of canaling. He retired about twenty years prior to his death, which occurred in 1869, and his wife, Margaret Rice, passed away in her seventy-second year. They had these children: Joseph, Daniel, Charles, one that died in infancy, Cyrus, Emanuel, Harriet, John, Mary, William, Absalom, Henry and Peter. Mr. Lord was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he was first a Whig, and later became a Republican.

Cyrus Lord received his education in the schools of Berks county. In 1855 he married Joanna Becker, who died in 1900, aged sixty-four years. She was the mother of three children: Anna, Jacob and Amelia, the last named being the wife of John N. Tomney, of Reading, Pa. Mr. Lord was a member of the Masonic Order, holding membership in St. John's Lodge, No. 435, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter; Reading Commandery; and Rajah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Mr. Lord was one of the trustees in St. John's Lodge for many years, and the standard bearer in Reading Commandery for a long time, up to the time of his death.


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Luther W. Lord, proprietor of the popular "Lord's Restaurant," in Reading, is a native of the State of Pennsylvania, of Dutch stock. He was born in Robeson township, Berks county, Aug. 6, 1874, son of Peter R. and Elizabeth (Wicklein) Lord.

Absalom Lord, the paternal grandfather, was for many years engaged in the hotel business in Reading, and was a prominent man in his day. He married and reared a family of thirteen children.

Peter R. Lord was next to the youngest in his father's family. In his boyhood he attended the common schools of Berks county, and went to work as a boatman on the canal. Afterward he became a heater in an iron foundry, and followed that occupation for the remainder of his active life, but in recent years has been living in retirement. To him and his wife Elizabeth, were born eight children, Jesse; Hunter; Walter; Luther; Maggie; Valeria; Elizabeth and Mary, the last two deceased. In religious belief Peter Lord was a Lutheran, and fraternally he was a member of the I. O. O. F. and the K. P.

Luther W. Lord received his education like his father before him in Berks county schools, and when old enough to go to work secured a place in an iron foundry, as assistant engineer, where he spent five years. In 1897, having accumulated sufficient capital to begin, he went into the restaurant business, and opened a caf?t the location where he is still to be found, at Nos. 44-46 South Sixth street. Here he has built up a splendid patronage, among the best people in the city, and his trade is constantly on the increase. He can accommodate about 300 people and his tables are always full. He makes a special point of supplying game and fruit and regardless of the season these delicacies may be found on his table. Mr. Lord also supplies oysters to private families, and beside catering to the restaurant trade carries a fine line of cigars and tobacco.

The marriage of Mr. Lord to Elizabeth McMullin, daughter of James McMullin, occurred in 1897, and they have two children, Ethel E. and Ralph W. Mr. Lord adheres to his father's faith, the Lutheran, and in politics he is a Republican. He is a member of Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M.; Excelsior Chapter, No. 237, R. A. M.; DeMolay commandery, No. 9 Lodge of perfection, and the Mystic Shrine; he is a 32d degree Mason.

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