p. 1646
Rev. Anson William Lindenmuth, pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, comprising the Amityville-Friedensburg parish, is one of the younger of the successful ministers of his faith in this part of the State. He was born in Upper Bern (now Tilden) township, near Hamburg, Berks county, May 30, 1874, son of Joseph and Sarah (Kauffman) Lindenmuth. The Lindenmuth family has long resided in Berks county, and its members have been characterized by industry and honesty, conscientious fidelity to duty, and untiring labor in religious and public life.
(I) Michael Lindenmuth came from the German Palatinate to America, qualifying at Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1752. Soon thereafter it appears that he located in Windsor township, Berks county. In 1790 he settled in that part of Bern township, now Tilden. In the Pennsylvania Archives his name is given as Johan Michael, and on his tombstone it is John Michael, while in the Federal Government records of the Revolutionary war he is referred to as Colonel Michael. He was a leading figure in Berks county in the struggle for independence. On May 6, 1780, he addressed a letter to the council in reference to the murder of some of the inhabitants beyond the Blue Mountain, and the moving of certain families to the Little Schuylkill. He asked for arms from the stores at Reading for self defense. On the 10th, President Reed replied, stating that he had directed Colonel Morgan to supply the necessary arms. Michael Lindenmuth was Colonel of the 4th Battalion of Berks county militia. By the following action of the Supreme Executive Council, Dec. 31, 1778, it would appear that Col. Michael Lindenmuth and his Battalion were in active service outside of the county: "Ordered that the Secretary write to the Lieutenant of Berks County to call upon Colonel Lindenmuth or his Lieutenant-Colonel, stationed last summer at Fort Jenkins, in Northumberland, for five rifles taken from one Webb, charged with disaffection." In the Stoever records of marriage in western Berks county is found that on June 17, 1760, Michael Lindenmuth married Maria Eva Noecker. In the will of Martin Noecker (see Pennsylvania Historical Society, Book 365, Page 521) is this item: "To the children of Michael and Magdalena Lindenmuth, the children of my deceased daughter Eve, deceased wife of Michael Lindenmuth," whence it would appear that Magdalena was his second wife. In the will of Margaret, widow of Eberhart Geschwind, of Bern township, is this reference: "I give and bequeath unto my daughter Catharine, wife of Michael Lindenmuth," who apparently was the third wife of Michael Lindenmuth. The number of his children is not known, but by his wife Catharine he had a son John Jacob, mentioned below. In a diary left by Colonel Lindenmuth (but subsequently destroyed by his children) it was stated that the Government owed him a large sum of money which he advanced the commissary department, and for services of himself and men. While enroute to Washington for settlement he died at Baltimore. The delay in the settlement had ruined him financially.
(II) John Jacob Lindenmuth was born Aug. 24, 1766, and died Sept. 17, 1839. His wife, Catharine, was born Nov. 22, 1768, and died April 17, 1852, and both are buried at Hamburg. His tombstone inscription says he was the father of sixteen children. Among these were: John; Thomas, who moved West; George, who was killed in the stone quarry at Bern Station; and Samuel, who died in 1870, at his home in Stouchsburg, the father of Sarah, Catharine, Mary, Lydia, Samuel (who had daughter Agnes), Nathaniel, Elizabeth and John.
(III) John Lindenmuth, son of John Jacob and Catharine, was born in the vicinity of Harrisburg, Aug. 6, 1788, and died Sept. 3, 1852, and is buried at St. Michael's Church. He was employed at farm labor in what is now Tilden township. He married Catharine Osenbach (born Dec. 16, 1792, died Sept. 15, 1877) and their children were: John, Joseph, Emanuel, Levi, Hettie, who married Benneville Miller; Elizabeth, who married George Hinkel; Matilda, of Hamburg, widow of Isaac Ketner; Sarah, who married Daniel Althouse, and lives in Mohrsville; and Sallie and Jacob, who both died in infancy.
(IV) Joseph Lindenmuth, son of John and Catharine (Osenbach), was born in Upper Bern (now Tilden) township, Feb. 7, 1825, and died upon his farm in the same township, June 25, 1904. By trade he was a shoemaker and he followed that as an occupation until 1892, after which he devoted his entire time to farming, which he followed before on a small scale in connection with his trade. He lived first near St. Michael's Church, and then moved to a place one mile north of Wagner's Hotel. After 1892 he lived on his farm of 114 acres near St. Michael's Church. He was prosperous, and well-known in his township. Mr. Lindenmuth was twice married. By his first wife, Caroline Marberger (1830-1855), he had a son who died when a child. He married (second) Sarah Kauffmann, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Rentschler) Kauffmann, of Tilden township. Their children were: Elmira (m. Samuel Winters, of Kutztown); Mary Matilda (m. Henry W. Horning, of Reading); Amelia (m. Eusebius Miller, of Shoemakersville); Franklin K., of Tilden township; Alma Fayetta (m. George Stoudt, of Shartlesville); Rev. Anson William; and Katie, who died in infancy.
(V) Rev. Anson W. Lindenmuth passed his early days on his father's farm, being there trained in the lessons of industry and integrity that have been such factors in the success of his later years. In the public schools he early showed his love of learning, and before he was fifteen had passed an examination for a teacher's certificate. At the age of seventeen he was granted a certificate to teach, and was elected to Fisher's school at Bern Station. The following term he taught Miller's school, and then Dunkel's, all in the same township, after which he went to Lancaster county, and taught two terms. In the spring of 1894, he enrolled at the Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, but the following winter again engaged in teaching. In spring of 1895 he again entered the Normal, and was admitted to the senior class, graduating in the spring of 1896. For two terms after his graduation he taught at Pleasant Hill, Lancaster county. During the last year he spent in teaching in Lancaster county, he studied Greek and Latin under the Rev. A. W. Leibensperger, now associate pastor of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lebanon. This completed his preparation for college, and in the fall of 1898 he entered Muhlenberg College, graduating with first honors in 1902, and being duly assigned the valedictory oration. He won the Amos Ettinger honor medal - a gold star containing the monogram of Muhlenberg College, pendant from a bar inscribed "Amos Ettinger Honor." The Professor of German presented him with a thirty-volume set of the German classics for his meritorious work in that department.
In the fall of 1902 Mr. Lindenmuth entered the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, and graduated June 13, 1905. During the spring of 1903 he was absent on leave to act as teacher of Latin and Greek in the Keystone State Normal School. His ordination took place in Holy Trinity Church, Lancaster, June 19, 1905.
In June, 1904, a year before his graduation from the Theological Seminary, he became supply pastor and instructor of the catechetical class of St. Paul's Evangelical Church at Amityville, supplying all the pulpits in the parish. This led to his election to the call, and took charge on June 25th following.
On June 17, 1896, the Rev. Mr. Lindermuth was married to Lizzie S. Moll, daughter of the late Daniel Moll, former owner of the Strausstown Carriage Works. Four children have come to bless this union, one of whom, Ruth, has entered into rest. The others are Marian, Luther Moll and Anson W., Jr.
Both the Rev. Mr. Lindermuth and his wife are popular in the parish, where their devotion to the people and their sincerity and truth are well known.
p. 806
George K. Linderman, ex-county commissioner of Berks county, Pa., who is now residing on his fine farm in Robeson township, was born in Union township, Berks county, in 1846, son of William and Mary Ann (Lloyd) Linderman, grandson of John and Mary (Ridge) Linderman, and great-grandson of Conrad and Martha (Peters) Linderman.
The Linderman family is one of the oldest upon record in Pennsylvania, it being recorded that Jacob Von Linderman came to America in 1710 with his two sons, Henry and Samuel, and settled in Ulster county, N. Y. Samuel Linderman, from whom George K. is descended, had one son John, and two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth.
John Linderman, son of Samuel, married, and among his children were two sons, Conrad and Frederick, both of whom served in the Revolutionary war, the latter holding the rank of sergeant.
Conrad Linderman, great-grandfather of George K., removed from Montgomery county, Pa., in 1780, and settled in Douglas township, Berks county, where he purchased a small property and this he cultivated all of his active period. He died in 1841, at the age of sixty-six years. He and his wife had eleven children, as follows: Isaac, Frederick, John, Elizabeth, Jacob, Sarah, Mondeleana, Richard, Margrette, Mary and Conrad. In religious belief the family were first Lutherans, but later became connected with the Reformed Church.
John Linderman, grandfather of George K., was born in Montgomery county, Pa., and later removed with his parents to Douglass township, where he resided until 1805, when he moved to Union township, and there the rest of his life was spent in weaving and farming, the former occupation having been carried on in the family as far back as records show. Mr. Linderman died in 1854, at the age of seventy-two years, and his wife died in 1862, when seventy-eight years old. They were the parents of these children: Conrad, William, Martha, Frederick, Jacob and John. In religious belief the family were Reformed. John Linderman served as a soldier in the war of 1812-14.
William Linderman, father of George K., was born in Union township in 1804, and spent his whole life engaged in weaving and farming there. He married, in 1828, Mary Ann Lloyd, and they became the parents of seven children: Samuel, Mary (m. B. F. Miller); Catherine (m. William Slipp); Elizabeth (m. (first) T. J. Espenshade and (second) Benjamin Roberts); George K.; and two died in infancy. In religious belief the family is connected with the Reformed Church. In political matters Mr. Linderman was a Democrat, and held a number of township offices.
George K. Linderman was educated in the common schools of Union township, and the grammar school at Reading, after leaving which he was engaged in Esterly & Bro.'s wholesale grocery for two years. He then connected himself with the Wilmington & Northern Railroad, as conductor, and remained with the company from 1870 until 1874, losing his left leg in their service, after which he was put in charge of the Wilmington & Northern freight house at Coatesville. In 1874 he purchased the old homestead in Robeson township, where he has since devoted his time to farming and weaving. At one time Mr. Linderman was an extensive breeder of fine poultry, but he is now giving most of his attention to truck farming, which he finds very profitable. Mr. Linderman is a Democrat in politics, and on numerous occasions has been elected a delegate to county conventions, serving on various committees. In 1897 he was elected county commissioner, and gave excellent service to the tax payers, no man ever leaving the office with a cleaner record than he. Fraternally Mr. Linderman is connected with the P. O. S. of A.
Mr. Linderman married Emma Swavely, and to them have been born four children; Mary A. and Clara E., teachers; S. Catherina, a graduate of the Birdsboro high school, and now teaching in Robeson township; and Luther L.
p. 1314
Warren F. Linderman, a leading business man of Reading, Pa., engaged as a commission merchant and dealer in fish, oysters, fruit, truck, etc., at No. 105 North Fifth street, was born June 11, 1871, at Baumstown, in Exeter township, Berks county, son of Richard M. and Deborah (Francis) Linderman. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Linderman, namely: Morgan; Annie and Warren F.
Herman Y. Linderman, grandfather of Warren F., was born at Mt. Airy, Berks county, and for forty years was a justice of the peace of Exeter township. He owned a small farm at Baumstown. He and his wife are buried at Douglassville. Mr. Linderman married Margaret Jones, and they had two sons and five daughters: Richard Morgan, who lived and died at Baumstown; Franklin J., of Baumstown; Ellen m. Charles Ludwig; Sallie m. Mahlon Schantz; Amelia m. Joseph Esterly; Clara m. John Walters; and Ida m. John Y. Jones.
Warren F. Linderman received his educational training in the public schools of Amity township, and when a young man engaged in work in the mills at Pottstown, where he remained four years, coming to Reading in 1892, being employed by the Reading Iron Company for three years. At the end of this time Mr. Linderman engaged in his present business with the well known firm of Shade & Esterly, being with this firm for eight years, and for the next four years with H. A. Esterly. On Dec. 4, 1905, Mr. Linderman engaged in business on his own account at No. 105 North Fifth street. Mr. Linderman is doing a large business, his honest, straightforward methods, as well as his pleasing personality, having won him much custom, and three wagons are required to deliver his goods.
Mr. Linderman married Annie R. Schraer, daughter of late John and Elizabeth Schraer, of Hamburg, Berks county, and two children have been born to this union, namely: Dorothy N., and Richard H. Mr. Linderman is fraternally associated with Chandler Lodge, No. 227, F. & A. M., with Emblematic Lodge, Order of Odd Fellows, the P. O. S. of A., the Order of Red Men, No. 122, the Board of Trade and United Commercial Travelers of America. He and his family are members of the St. Luke Lutheran Church of Reading.
p. 1524
William Link, who since 1902 has been conducting a grocery establishment at the corner of Twelfth and Robeson streets, was born Nov. 25, 1855, in Reading, son of John and Caroline (Snyder) Link.
John Link was native of Germany, and met his death at the East Pennsylvania Junction, while working as a section boss. He lived on Washington street, Reading, for some time where his children, among whom were John, William and Henry, were born.
William Link was educated in the schools of Reading, after leaving which he engaged at brushmaking for Heller & German, with whom he continued about one year. He then worked in a brickyard for Daniel Schrader for five years, leaving to engage in foundry work, and after one year became connected with the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, with which road he was connected for eighteen years as a carpenter. Mr. Link was then appointed to the police force under Mayor Merritt, and after serving three years returned to the employ of the railroad company, but during Mayor Weidel's administration he was again appointed city policeman. On the expiration of his term, Mr. Link secured employment as a brick molder with Thomas Bauscher, with whom he continued for one year, the next two years being spent in carpenter work, and in 1902 he embarked in his present business, in which he has been successful. Mr. Link carries a line of staple and fancy groceries, and enjoys a good patronage.
Mr. Link was married to Miss Annie Kline, of Fleetwood, Pa., and to them three children have been born: Frank, Charles and John. Mr. and Mrs. Link are Lutheran in religious belief. He is a member of the Jr. O. U. A. M., and a Democrat in politics, having been very active in the ranks of his party.
p. 769
Charles Litschi, who is now living retired in Reading, is one of our substantial citizens. Born in a foreign land, he has proved himself loyal to the country in which he has earned his competence, by being an upright, public-spirited and progressive citizen, interested in the development and the moral and material welfare of his adopted land. He is a native of Switzerland, born at Wollerau, on the banks of Lake Zurich, Nov. 29, 1850. He received his education in the schools of his native land, and after leaving school learned the business of printing on cloth. This he followed at different places before crossing the Atlantic to the New World. On Nov. 21, 1871, he went to Lorrach, and after a time to Koburg, where he worked from March 9, 1873, until July 8th of the same year. He then went home by way of Stuttgart, and after a two weeks visit with his friends and relatives sailed for America, Aug. 20, 1873, from Havre, France, then in the grip of a cholera epidemic. The eighteen-day voyage was by way of Southampton to New York, and was without incident of note. On September 16th they landed at Castle Garden, and two days later the Jay Cook bank failed and threw the whole country into a panic. Times were very hard, and Mr. Litschi, going at once to Philadelphia, found himself at the end of fourteen days still without work. Idleness was something of which he knew nothing, and not finding the kind of work he sought, he did the next best thing, he took the first work that presented itself. This was as an apprentice at the baker's trade, and for his services he received his board and fifteen dollars a month. At this trade he worked from Oct. 18, 1873, until Feb. 24, 1879, when he was married to Katharina Kobel, of Klein Zimern, Hessen Darmstadt. The next day he went to Boyertown, Berks county, and there purchased the bakery owned by a Mr. Reifsnyder. On March 24, 1879, he opened up for business, and he met with success from the start. He had thoroughly learned the art of baking, and as his wares were first class, and his business methods above reproach, he soon won a good patronage and many friends. He continued at the business at Boyertown until Sept. 10, 1899, when he sold out, but he worked for his successor until April 1, 1900. When he had sold the bakery the previous September, his family had moved to Reading, and they have since lived at No. 805 North Tenth street. Since coming here Mr. Litschi has been enjoying his well-earned rest.
Mr. and Mrs. Litschi have become the parents of the following children: Joseph, of Reading; Henry, Charles, and Frank, all deceased and buried at Pottstown; Lewis, a professional base ball player; and Andrew. All of the children were born at Boyertown. The family all belong to St. Joseph's Catholic Church. In 1898 Mr. Litschi visited Europe, his trip, which included the principal cities of the Old World, covering more than 8,000 kilometers.
p. 1227
Charles Jacob Livingood, third son of Jacob S. and Lucy (Shalter) Livingood, was born in Reading, Pa., Feb. 6, 1866. He attended public and private schools there, and after two years of preparation at Media Academy, went to Harvard College. Upon graduation in 1888, he traveled abroad, taking up his residence in Paris. He attended the Sorbonne and College de France until ill health compelled him to give up his career as a student of history, and he returned home to spend a year surveying in the Rocky Mountains and on the plains of Colorado.
In the autumn of 1890, Mr. Livingood became connected with the management of the estate of Thomas Emery's Sons, at Cincinnati, O., where he has made his home. His activities have been confined to positions of trust and other business interests. He is a member of the University, Harvard, Literary and Country Clubs of Cincinnati. For a number of years he was treasurer of the Historical Society of Ohio.
Mr. Livingood was married in 1896 to Lily B. Foster, daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Foster, of Cincinnati. The have three children: Josephine Lytle, Elizabeth Treon, and John Jacob.
In 1904 Mr. Livingood took his family abroad for and indefinite stay. Pursuing the genealogical investigations begun by his father, he visited Alsace-Loraine and established conclusively, by examination of the parish records of Schalkendorf (a small hamlet about twenty-five miles northwest of Strassburg), that the family of Livingood (or Liebengut or Leibundgut, as it is variously spelled in the old papers), while German-speaking Lutherans, were but sojourners on the Rhine, for they resided there only from 1655 to about 1725, when they joined the Palatine emigration to Schoharie county, N. Y., and thence moved with the exodus let by Conrad Weiser, to the Tulpehocken. The Livingoods are Swiss. They migrated to Alsace, after the Thirty Years war, from Aarwangen, Canton of Berne, where the records show the family name, usually a Hans or a Jakob, back to 1550. It is spelled in Switzerland today thus, as it has been for all these centuries: Leibundgut, and is without doubt taken from the declaration made by the famous Swiss patriot, Count von Bubenberg: "Mein Leib and Gut ist euer eigen bis den Tod."
p. 662
Frank S. Livingood is a descendant of one of the early German settlers of Berks county. Though originally Swiss the Loewenguths or Leibundguts emigrated to this country from Alsace where they had lived for over seventy years in the town of Schalkendorf near Strassburg. Mr. Livingood's ancestor, John Jacob Loewenguth, arrived in New York in 1708, and after residing for a number of years in Schoharie county, migrated to and settled in Tulpehocken township, Berks county, in 1727. In April, 1758, he and his wife were killed by the Indians and their two daughters taken captive. A son, Jacob, escaped the massacre. From him was descended John Bricker Levengood, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, who was a practicing physician at Womelsdorf, Berks county, from 1812 to 1872. Dr. Levengood had six sons distinguished in the professions: four as physicians and two as lawyers, of the latter being Jacob Seltzer Livingood, a member of the Berks County Bar from 1845 to 1906, who married Lucy Jane Shalters, daughter of Francis B. Shalters, a prominent citizen of Reading, his home by adoption. Their son, Frank S. Livingood, was born in Reading Feb. 24, 1855. He attended public and private schools, and for two years the Reading high school; entered Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, in 1869, and upon graduating there in 1872 entered Harvard College, where he graduated with the class of 1876. He then studied law in Reading in the office of his father, Jacob S. Livingood, being admitted to the Berks County Bar in August, 1879, since which time he has been continuously engaged in active practice. He is vice-President of the Berks County Bar Association.
Actively interested in politics Mr. Livingood was, from 1881 to 1888, chairman of the Republican county committee, and in 1884 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Chicago. Mr. Livingood has been president of the Young Men's Christian Association of Reading since 1888, and a trustee of Charles Evans Cemetery Company since 1892. He is treasurer of the Reading Hospital and trustee of the Reading Public Library. He has official positions in a number of business enterprises, and is a member of the following: Pennsylvania State Bar Association, the Wyomissing and Berkshire Clubs of Reading, the University Club of Philadelphia and the Harvest Club of New York. Mr. Livingood is a member of St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Reading.
Jacob B. Livingood, who is the well known proprietor of Kline's Mill, formerly known as Shubert's is one of the substantial business men of Bethel township. His birth occurred July 7, 1847, at Ebling's Mill, Bethel township, and he was a son of John and Catherine (Betdorf) Livingood.
Peter Livingood, the great-grandfather of Jacob B., served seven years in the Revolutionary war, after which great struggle he assisted in arresting the Tories and transporting them to Canada he married a Miss Sands, of Montgomery county, and to them were born six children. (1) Jacob was the grandfather of Jacob B. (2) Samuel, who resided near Livingood's Mill, in Tulpehocken township, was a farmer all his life, and died aged about sixty-seven years. (3) Thomas, also a resident of Tulpehocken township, near the old mill, later removed to Iowa, where he died when seventy-five years of age. (4) Eli, who resided in Myerstown, Lebanon county, served through the Mexican war, under Gen. Scott, gained high honors and was mustered out as captain of artillery. He was reputed to have been very daring and positively without fear, and when the Pottsville Company arrived at his command he was so elated that in the height of battle he mounted a cannon and waving his cap gave three cheers. He died in his native town at the advanced age of eighty-three years. (5) A daughter married John Artz, a farmer of Tulpehocken township, and died when seventy-eight years old. (6) Mrs. Baum resided in Lancaster county and died there at an advanced age.
Jacob Livingood, grandfather of Jacob B., was a miller and resided at the old homestead in Tulpehocken township until his death, March 30, 1853, at the age of fifty-nine years, eleven months, twenty-two days. He was married to Catherine Miller, and she bore him twelve children: (John was the father of Jacob B. (2) Elizabeth married Edward Walborn, who followed various occupations until the outbreak of the Civil War when he received a clerkship from the capitol at Washington. She died in Myerstown, when about sixty-four years of age. (3) George, who was married and lived at what is known as Ebling's Mill, enlisted in the Union army when the war broke out; and was killed at the battle of Gettysburg, leaving five children. (4) Thomas and (5) Jacob died young. (6) Sarah, who married Benjamin K Fisher, resided in Western Pennsylvania, but died in Philadelphia aged about sixty years, leaving three children. (7) Catherine died young. (8) Lydia, unmarried, lives at Myerstown, Lebanon county, with a sister. (9) Rebecca, who is also unmarried. (10) Lucy, who married Cyrus Koller, resided at Myerstown. (11) Mary married Jackson Moyer and resides in Schuylkill county: having three children. (12) Isaac, who resided in Schuylkill Haven, followed various occupations, being at one time telegraph operator at Auburn, Schuylkill county, and died aged sixty-one years, leaving two children.
John Livingood, father of Jacob B., was born Jan. 13, 1820, at the old homestead in Tulpehocken township, and learned the trade of miller, which he followed until his retirement. He married Miss Catherine Betdorf, and to them were born the following children: John, a miller of near Stouchsburg; Cyrus, formerly a miller and later an engineer, of Sinking Spring; Jacob B.; Thomas, a miller and steam sawmiller, as well as general lumberman of Hamburg, Berks county; Malinda, who married Levi Frantz and died aged about forty years; Levi, who is married and resides at Lebanon, Lebanon county; Lovina, who married George Stricker, of Reading; and Eli, who is unmarried and also makes his home in Reading.
Jacob B. Livingood, the well-known mill proprietor, secured his literary training in the public schools, although his educational advantages were somewhat limited owing to the fact that he was expected to assist his father in the mill. He learned the trade with his father, with whom he remained until some time after his marriage, when he went into business for himself, now being the owner and operator of what was formerly known as Shubert's now Kline's Mill.
When not quite of age, Mr. Livingood was married (first) to Miss Sarah Bickel, daughter of Jonathan Bickel, and to this union one child was born, who died when quite young. Mr. Livingood was married (second) to Miss Rebecca Schreiver, who bore him one son, Jacob, now living in Heidelberg, Adams county. He was married (third) to Miss Ella Holtzman, of near Millersburg. Mr. Livingood is a Republican in politics, but has never aspired to office. He belongs to the Knights of the Mystic Chain, the Sons of America, and the I. O. O. F., in the latter of which he has been very active, filling all of the chairs.
p. 343
William H. Livingood, long an eminent member of the Bar in Berks county, where he practiced for a period of forty years, passed away Oct. 22, 1906, in his seventieth year. From 1860 until his death he maintained a high standing in the legal fraternity and had a reputation not only in his own county by also in Philadelphia, where he was located for six years.
Mr. Livingood was born April 5, 1837 at Womelsdorf, this county, son of Dr. John B. Livingood, a distinguished physician of that place, and grandson of John Livingood. He received his early education in his native place, attending the Union Academy at Womelsdorf, from which he graduated in 1851. He continued his literary studies at the Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., where he completed the course in 1855, after which he took his special preparation for his profession, at the Law School of Harvard University. He was accordingly admitted to the Bar at Lowell, Mass., and returning home was admitted to practice in Berks county on Jan. 19, 1860. With the exception of the six years he spent in Philadelphia, he was from that time until his death engaged in general legal practice in Reading. For the first three years he was in partnership with his brother, and then for about ten years he had an office of his own in Reading, where he built up a practice which was a decided tribute to his ability, fidelity and intelligent attention to the interests of his clients. In 1873 he moved to Philadelphia, where his expectations were fully realized, his patronage being all that could be desired. During his residence there, in 1874, he was admitted to the United States Supreme Court, at Washington, D. C., the motion for which action was made by Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, of Pennsylvania.
In 1879 Mr. Livingood, feeling that his original field was more congenial in many ways, returned to Reading, where he ever after remained. Except for comparatively brief connection with the Staten Island Terra Cotta Company, which he formed upon his return to Reading, he devoted himself wholly to his profession. He was for a few years treasurer of the company, which carried on the manufacturer of fire brick at Staten Island, N. Y., but disposed of his interest in order to give all his time to legal work. As a pleader Mr. Livingood had no superior at the Berks county Bar. His learning, his accuracy, his thorough comprehension commanded the attention of his fellow practitioners whenever he gave utterance to an opinion, and these, combined with ready eloquence and unrivalled ease of delivery, won him an interested and sympathetic audience in the courtroom, no matter which side retained him. He was a man whose personal character and habits were above reproach, winning him the esteem and admiration of all his associates, his co-workers as well as his clients. His private affairs demanded all his attention, and he neither sought nor held public office, his only services of such nature being given as solicitor for the almshouse, which position he held three years. He was however, both interested and active in politics, as an ardent member of the Democratic party, and he was president of the Keystone club during the McClellan campaign. His church connection was with the Presbyterians, and he held membership in a Masonic lodge at Reading, being past master of the same. His death carried mourning into many circles outside his home, for he was universally liked.
On Aug. 20, 1863, by the Rev. E. J. Richards, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Livingood married Anna H. Jameson of Reading, and to them were born four sons, namely: (1) James J. is manager of the Spa Spring Clay and Brick Works, and makes his home in New York City. He m. Miss Elizabeth Potter, of Woodbridge, N. J., and they have one son, James J. (2) Albert J. m. Irene Rhoads, and died at the early age of twenty-seven years, leaving one son, James S., who is in Philadelphia. (3) Paul, a druggist, was previously in business in Allentown, Pa., but is now in San Francisco, Cal., with the Owl Drug Company. He m. Laura Smith, who died in 1905, the mother of two children, John and Ruth. (4) William W., M. D., received his medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, and is now located in practice at Reading. He m. Stella Ziegler, daughter of Dr. P. M. Ziegler, of Reading.
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W. W. Livingood, M. D., one of Reading's well-known young professional men, who has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1899, was born Aug. 13, 1876, in Reading, son of William H. and Anna (Jamieson) Livingood.
Dr. Livingood received his preliminary educational training in the public schools of Reading, after which he attended a preparatory school at Woodbridge, N. J. He read medicine with Dr. Joseph A. Brackbill, and subsequently, in 1895, entered the University of Pennsylvania, from which institution he was graduated in 1899 with the degree of M. D. He at once engaged in the practice of his profession, but later served for one year as resident physician at St. Joseph's Hospital. Dr. Livingood is a member of the city, county, State and national medical associations, and while at college was connected with the Stelli Medical Society, and the Nu Sigma Nu, Greek fraternity. In political matters he is independent, and he and Mrs. Livingood are members of the Presbyterian Church.
In 1901 Dr. W. W. Livingood married Miss Stella M. Ziegler. They spend the summer seasons at their beautiful summer residence in Robesonia.
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