p. 1553
Henry Albert Halbeisen, a well-known resident of Mt. Penn borough, Berks county, who is engaged in the painting and decorating business, was born June 18, 1861, in Louisville, Ky., son of George and Criszentia (Brutsky) Halbeisen.
George Halbeisen was a native of Germany, and there married Criszentia Brutsky, by whom he had two children: Henry Albert and Catherine, a Sister of St. Francis. Mrs. Halbeisen died after they came to Kentucky and Mr. Halbeisen was married (second) to Sophia Brutsky, his first wife's sister, and there were four children born to this union: Annie, deceased, who was organist for St. Paul's Church, Camden, N. J.; Charles, an artist of Camden; William P., a physician and surgeon of that city; and one child, Albert, who died in infancy. George Halbeisen was a tailor by trade, and on coming to America followed that occupation for some time at Louisville, Ky., later removing to Philadelphia, where for thirty-five years he was in the employ of John Wanamaker as head cutter. He died after living in retirement for some time at Camden, N. J., his death occurring in 1903, in his eighty-fourth year. Henry Albert Halbeisen was reared in Louisville, Ky., and at Philadelphia, at which latter city he was educated in the parochial schools until twelve years of age, when he went to the La Salle Institute.
After leaving the latter institution, Mr. Halbeisen learned the trade of decorator with Keiser & Hertzog of Philadelphia, soon thereafter locating in Reading in the employ of George Seigling, a church decorator, with whom he remained two years and six months. Mr. Halbeisen then began operating on his own account, decorating two churches in Minersville, but later entered the employ of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, doing decorating on the ceilings of coaches for six months. He then engaged in general decorating in Reading, in which city he continued until the spring of 1904, when he removed to Mt. Penn. In April, 1907, Mr. Halbeisen took his sons into partnership and the firm became known as Halbeisen & Sons. This concern does a large business not only in Mt. Penn, but in the surrounding country as well and they have had a number of large contracts in Philadelphia. On locating in Mt. Penn, Mr. Halbeisen purchased a property and erected a fine residence, later putting up a building adjacent, which he uses as a paper store. He is a member of the Holy Cross and Boniface's orders, of the Union Fire Company ad the Mt. Penn Fire Company. The family are members of St. Paul's Catholic Church.
On Sept. 9, 1882, Mr. Halbeisen was married to Miss Susie Heckman, daughter of George and Mary (O'Boyle) Heckman, natives of Chester and Berks counties respectively. Mr. And Mrs. Halbeisen have four children, all of whom reside at home: Crescentia, George H., Charles E. and Annie.
p. 779
Henry Haller was a tailor at Reading in 1765, and in 1775 was engaged as an innkeeper, by which time he had become a man of considerable social and political influence. In the formation of a regiment in Berks county, as its quota of the 4,500 men for the Flying Camp, he was chosen Colonel, but he did not accompany the regiment in its march to Long Island, and did not participate in that battle. Shortly afterward, however, he commanded another battalion which went into service in New Jersey. In the public actions for encouraging the Revolution, he took a prominent part, and next to Edward Biddle, George Nagel, Jacob Morgan, and Bodo Otto, was as prominent as any man in Reading. He was a delegate to the Provincial Conference in 1776, and also a member of the Committee of Safety, the Committee on Attainder, and the Committee to Collect Arms, etc. He served as a member of the Assembly from 1776 to 1781. During the years 1778, 1779 and 1780, wagon-master-general of the Continental Army. The first public office he held was that of coroner of the county in 1767.
After the Revolution, he moved up the Schuylkill Valley beyond the Blue Mountains, in Brunswick township, then still part of Berks county, and there he died in September, 1793, possessed of a very large estate. He had eight sons; Frederick, Jacob, Henry, John, William, Isaac, Benjamin and Lewis; and two daughters, Elizabeth (m. to William Mears), and Sarah (m. to Samuel Webb).
p. 1153
Robert T. Hamilton, a well-known resident of Reading, Pa., who was employed in the planning mill department until his death Feb. 15, 1909, was a veteran of the Civil war. Mr. Hamilton was born in Johnstown, Pa., July 18, 1837, son of John and Margaret (Dougherty) Hamilton.
John Hamilton was born in 1813, in Huntingdon county, Pa., and when a young man located at Johnstown, where he followed the trade of patternmaker, being one of the earliest employes of the old Cambria Iron Company. He died in 1885, in Lower Yoder township. His wife, Margaret Dougherty, was born Feb. 20, 1815, at Loretta, Cambria county, daughter of John Dougherty, who was among the earliest settlers of Cambria county and one of the first citizens of Johnstown. He removed from Johnstown to a small farm near Loretto about the year 1812, and it was on this place that Mrs. Hamilton was born. She had the distinction of being christened by Father Gallitzen, the famous prince priest, whose life is so romantically interwoven with the early history of Cambria county. She grew to young womanhood in Loretto, and when about twenty years of age came to Johnstown and shortly afterward was married to John Hamilton. At the time of her death, which took place Dec. 24, 1905, at No. 749 Franklin street, Johnstown, Mrs. Franklin was the oldest woman in the city, being nearly ninety-one years of age, and she had spent practically all of the many years of her residence there in the place in which she died. She was well known in the city, particularly among the older residents. The funeral took place from St. John's Catholic Church, of which she was one of the earliest members, and following a mass of requiem interment was made in the cemetery in Lower Yoder township. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, only four of whom survive their mother: Robert T., of Reading; and John H., Charles and Frank, all of Johnstown. One son, William, died in infancy, and four daughters, Mrs. Mary Devine, Mrs. Elizabeth Amy, Mrs. Tillie Baird and Ida Hamilton are deceased.
Robert T. Hamilton was educated in the schools of Cambria county, also receiving instruction under the Rev. Mr. Sembower, of Reading, after which he learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed until 1863. In this year he accepted a position with the Philadelphia & Reading Railway, with which he was ever afterward connected. In August, 1862, Mr. Hamilton enlisted in Company K, 136th Pa. V. I., First Army Corps, Second Brigade, serving out his full term of nine months. He was a faithful and efficient soldier, and during his services was in a number of serious engagements, including Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.
In 1860 Mr. Hamilton married (first) Mary Fix, a native of Reading, by whom he had five children, three of whom still survive: Howard M. m. Della Murdoch; Warren L. m. Hannah Drunkenmiller; and Emma H. m. Joseph Tyon. Mr. Hamilton m. (second) Louisa Hessley, a native of Lehigh county, who survives him, and resides at No. 935 North Third street, Reading.
In religious belief Mr. Hamilton was a Roman Catholic, but later joined the Lutheran Church, of which his widow is also a member. He was a member of McLean Post, No. 16, G. A. R., which he joined over thirty years ago; Reading Council, No. 46, O. U. A. M.; and the Philadelphia & Reading Relief Association; and he was formerly a member of the I. O. O. F., the Knights of Pythias and the Jr. O. U. A. M. In politics he was a stanch Republican.
p. 1420
One of the many citizens of Albany township who have successfully developed but one or two sides of the farming business, is Charles Hamm, poultryman and potato-raiser. He is the owner of over one thousand fine specimens of Plymouth Rocks, White leghorns, Black Minorcas, and Blue Andalusians. The ancestry of the Hamm family is Swiss, the first American immigrant being Daniel Hamm, great-great-grandfather of our subject. Said Daniel was landed at Philadelphia, September 7, 1748, from the good ship "Hampshire." He was but twenty years of age at that time, having been born about 1727 or 1728, and lived to a ripe old age in Lynn township, Lehigh county. His full name as given in the Hampshire's list of passengers and a deed of gift executed about 1761, was John Daniel Hamm. John Daniel Hamm and good wife Maria Hamm, reared a large family, among their sons being Andrew (or Andraes) and Daniel (2). The latter is known to have resided, and raised a large family, in Lynn township, about 1790.
Among the many good deeds done by this member of the family was the gift of a location to this church. The deed reads as follows: "d. des Evangelische Reformirten Kirche (gannant als Jacobs Kirche) soll zwei Acker sein, und solche zwei Acker verschreib ich Frank und Frei, ohne einigen austand," etc. . . . "Auch gebe ich das Recht an die Spring zu gehen um zu trinken. Dieses land das ich Geschenkt habe ist gelegen an der Konigstrasze, eine halben meile von des Abraham Laugen Haus. . .." This last phrase translated reads: "This land which I have presented lies on the King street, a half mile from the Abraham Laugen House."
The next member to be taken up is Andrew, or Andraes Hamm, son of John Daniel, and great-grandfather of Charles. Not much can be secured concerning this generation outside of the Pennsylvania Archives and the First Federal Census (1790). It is known, however, that he resided in the vicinity of Lynnport, and was a land owner. The Archives mention him as a "Ranger of the Frontier," from Northampton county, (now Lehigh), serving during the five years of the Revolution between 1778-83. The First Federal Census (1790), records him as a resident of Lynn township and head of a family consisting of himself and wife, three sons under sixteen, and one daughter. It is evident however, that there was a larger family, for Johannnes, grandfather of Charles, was born in 1796.
Johannes Hamm, shoemaker and farmer, the grandfather of Charles, was born July 17, 1796. He owned the tract of land in Albany township now in the possession of Monroe Snyder. These acres he cultivated, and also followed the shoemaking trade. He and his family were members of the Reformed Congregation of New Bethel Church. His wife was Esther Wanamaker. She was born June 19, 1800, and died April 10, 1863, aged sixty-two years, nine months, and twenty-one days. Johannes and Esther Hamm had the following children: Leah married Daniel Snyder; John, referred to later; Jacob married and lived at Pine Dale, Schuylkill county--no children; Benjamin died in young manhood; Catharine married Charles Mengel; Emeline, second wife of Charles Mengel; Lucy became the wife of Griffith Bachman; and Eliza, who is unmarried. After a long and useful life, Johannes Hamm died December 11, 1871, aged seventy-five years, four months and twenty-four days, and was laid to rest with his wife in the cemetery of New Bethel Church, and the name of the family was spelled on the tombstone "Ham."
John M. Hamm, father of our subject, was born in Albany township November 28, 1826. He was a shoemaker by trade, and a farmer by inclination, the shoemaking preceding the farming in date. His son Samuel now owns the homestead whereon he resided. John M. also owned a small tract of some twenty acres, now in the possession of William Schroeder, and located near New Bethel Church. The homestead consists of 160 acres, some of which is woodland. Here he resided until twenty years before his death, which occurred on the smaller property April 5, 1903, at the age of seventy-six years, four months, and seventeen days. He was a Democrat in politics, and sufficiently interested in public affairs to become Supervisor. He and his family were members of New Bethel Church, Reformed Congregation, of which he was Deacon and Elder. John Hamm married Kate, daughter of Christian and Mary (Lutz) Knepper. She was born November 28, 1827, and died December 25, 1887, aged sixty years and twenty-seven days, and is buried with her husband in New Bethel graveyard. John and Kate Hamm were the parents of eight children, all living and named as follows: Benjamin, of Allentown, Pa.; James, in Carbon county; John, also of Carbon county; Charles, our subject; Samuel, of Albany township; Mary, the wife of Walter Keller; Sarah, married Allen Lutz; and Kate, unmarried.
Charles Hamm, of this family, was born in Albany township April 7, 1861. He received his education in the schools of the township, and worked on the farm where he was reared until he was of age. He began farming for himself on his father's property in 1888. He remained there as a tenant four years, adding another year on the "Sarah Braucher" farm. Then he bought his present property, the "Moses Yeaser" farm, in 1894, located along Pine Creek, two miles west of Albany. The land owned by Mr. Hamm comprises 133 acres, the house being built by Moses Yenser, and the barn by a Hoch. Twelve acres of potatoes a year is the average of the present owner, besides his large poultry business.
Mr. Hamm is well-known in Democratic circles, and, being active in public affairs, was elected a member of the township school board in 1907, at present being treasurer. He has also held office as district supervisor. He and his children are members of New Bethel Church, Reformed Congregation, and Mrs. Hamm of the Lutheran division.
Mr. Hamm has been twice married, the first to become his wife being Emma L., daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Reinhart) Braucher, of Albany. She was born May 1, 1869, and died April 6, 1902, aged thirty-three years, eleven months and four days, and is buried in New Bethel Cemetery. Seven children came of this first marriage: Mattie F., Minnie T., Hattie L., George D., Libbie G., Elsie K., Clarence R. On December 5, 1902, Mrs. Amanda (Frey) Graff, widow of Edward Graff, became his second wife. Mrs. Hamm had a family of four children, Llewellyn S.; Salena F.; Warren F.; and Mabel S. (deceased). Mr. Graff died January 28, 1897, at the age of thirty-one years, seven months, and fourteen days, and is buried at Wessnersville. Mr. and Mrs. Hamm have had five children: Herman C. (deceased), Annie M., Anson M., Abner H., and Esther A.
p. 832
G. Sam Hantsch, a well-known cigar dealer of Reading, Pa., whose place of business is located at No. 521 Penn street, was born in 1858, on Lemon street, Reading, son of George W. and Harriet (Hagy) Hantsch.
George W. Hantsch, who followed cigar making until his retirement in 1890, died in 1902, aged about eighty years, he and his wife being the parents of these children: Philip m. Rebecca Cutler, and had four children-Elizabeth, Effie, Estella and Mary; Warren, of New York, m. a Miss Williams, of Manayunk, Pa., and had four children-Etta, Emma, Marion and Lavollette; Milton died single; and G. Sam.
G. Sam Hantsch, after receiving his education in the public schools, engaged with his father in cigar making, having made this his life work. He opened up his present stand and is here extensively engaged in manufacturing numerous brands of well-known cigars, for which he finds a ready market in Reading and the surrounding country. In addition, there is probably no better judge of leaf tobacco in the State of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Hantsch married Julia Rhein, daughter of Jacob, and she died in 1903, the mother of Jennie, Bessie, Howard, Sam, Jr., and Edwin. Mr. Hantsch married (second) in 1904, Agnes Kauterman, daughter of Benj. Kauterman. Mr. Hantsch is a good business man, is public-spirited and a good citizen, and possesses those qualities of character that draw to him many warm friends. He is highly respected in the community in which he has lived for so many years.
p. 1576
James M. Hantsch, for a number of years one of the best-known cigar manufacturers of the city of Reading, Pa., was born in Schuylkill county, son of Philip and Catherine (Fox) Hantsch. Philip Hantsch, who was a printer by trade, came to Reading when James M. was a child, and here followed his trade until his death. Three children were born to Philip and Catherine Hantsch, two of whom grew to maturity: George W., who was a cigar manufacturer; and James M. James M. Hantsch received his education in the schools of Reading and at an early age was employed at tobacco stripping. He was faithful and energetic and gradually arose in the tobacco business, learning to make cigars, and with only $5.00, which was given him by his employer Mr. Roerich, as capital, he engaged in the cigar manufacturing business in a small room on Penn street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. He later built the place now owned by Hunter Henninger on Penn street, where he remained several years, afterward removing to Penn street, below Seventh. His next place of business was J. Mould & Company's store, and there he remained until ill health forced his retirement, about twelve years prior to his death, which occurred in February, 1869. For several years Mr. Hantsch had Daniel W. Crouse as a partner, and they operated under the firm name of Hantsch & Crouse, employing over 400 hands. He was the largest manufacturer in the city in his day, and was considered a representative citizen.
Mr. Hantsch married Miss Rebecca J. Hains, daughter of Dr. Reuben and Sarah (Faber) Hains, and to this union were born: James, who died at the age of three and one-half years; Ellen, who died when three years, thirteen days old; William, who died when one and one-half years of age; Charles, who died aged eleven months; Prof. James, who was for a period of nine years organist of the St. Paul's Memorial Reformed Church of Reading, married Minnie Remack, had one son, Harry, and died in 1897, aged twenty-seven years; and Rebecca, the wife of Harvey J. Fuller, secretary of the Abraham Cox Stove Company, Philadelphia, resides in Jenkintown, N. J., and has two children, Carol and Ruth N. Mrs. Hantsch, who is now deceased, resided at No. 826 Elm street from 1869. In religious belief she was a member of the Reformed Church, while her husband as a Lutheran. His political views were Republican.
p. 1436
Charles A. Harbach, jeweler, of Reading, was born in this city, March 8, 1869, a son of Reuben M. and Lydia R. (Kantner) Harbach, a grandson of Jacob and a great-grandson of George Harbach, who came from Germany to America and settled in Berks county at a very early day. Since that time the Harbach family has been closely identified with Berks county affairs. He married Margaret Weinbigler, and they had four sons, namely: Jacob, John, Peter and another whose name is not known.
Jacob Harbach, the grandfather of Charles A., was one of the extensive farmers in the vicinity of Leisz' Bridge, Berks county. He married Sarah Moyer, of Myerstown, by whom he had the following children: Matilda; Daniel; Florian, now living in Virginia, a soldier in the war; Frank; and Reuben, father of our subject, Wellington being the youngest member of a family which has all passed away with the exception of Florian.
Reuben M. Harbach was born Jan. 6, 1843, at Reading and was educated in the best schools of the city at that day. When he was deemed old enough he was sent to live with a Mr. Madeira, a farmer in Tulpehocken township, where he remained until eighteen years old. Then he returned to Reading and apprenticed himself to the painting and paper-hanging trade, with John Hollenbach, whose establishment stood on the present site of the "Farmers Hotel." After completing his trade he was anxious to enter into business for himself although he had but little capital. Finally he associated with H. K. Gittelman and they opened a shop in the basement of the Reading Trust Co. building, on the corner of 5th and Court streets, where they remained five years. By that time the business had outgrown the quarters and they removed to No. 32 North 5th street, where they operated the largest store in that line in Reading. Mr. Harbach was in the business up to the time of death. From an almost humble beginning he had built up a large and important business house and had acquired a substantial fortune. The firm of Gittelman & Harbach became widely known.
The death of Reuben M. Harbach took place Feb. 1, 1902. His wife died Feb. 23, 1901, aged fifty-four years, ten months and twenty-eight days. They had issue as follows: William H., deceased, m. Maggie Stieff and they had one son, Robert; Darius died in infancy; Charles A., of this sketch; Edward J., a druggist doing business at Schuylkill avenue and Oley street, m. Lillie Strauss and they have two children, Marguerite and Adelaide; Sarah, deceased; Carrie G., deceased, m. Paul McKnight and they had one daughter, Grace; Irvin, in the employ of the D., P. & L. Ry.; and Sadie m. Bayard Dunckel, has one child, May.
Reuben M. Harbach was a prominent member of the various branches of masonry, belonging to Lodge No. 62, F. & A. M.; Reading Chapter, No. 52; De Molay Commandery, No. 9, K. T.; and the A. A. O. N. M. S. of Reading. He belonged also to Emblematic Lodge, No. 169, I. O. O. F., and Reading Encampment No. 43, I. O. O. F. and to the Reading Hose Fire Co. Politically Mr. Harbach was a stanch Republican. He belonged to the First Reformed Church at Reading.
Charles A. Harbach was educated in the schools of his native city and after his education was completed and he was ready to begin his business life, he entered the woolen mill of J. G. Leinbach, going then to the Harbster Hardware Works, and then entered the employ of J.C. Luden, jeweler. He was then located on North 5th street and with him Mr. Harbach served out the usual apprenticeship, deciding to make this his line of work. He then went to Philadelphia where he remained for three years and on returning to Reading, was connected for a year and a half with E. B. Schlechter and subsequently with J. M. Burkhart. Since Mr. Burkhart sold his jewelry business to I. A. Deisher, he has continued with the latter. He is a careful, experienced workman and has ample patronage.
In November, 1892, Mr. Harbach was united in marriage with Ida M. Kepner, who is a daughter of David and Emma Kepner, old residents likewise of Reading. To this union one child has been born, Paul E., a student in the Reading schools.
Like all the members of his family, far back, Mr. Harbach is a consistent member and liberal supporter of the Reformed Church, his attendance being with the congregation of the First Reformed Church at Reading. He is a member of Emblematic Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Reading.
p. 1712
Horace Y. Harbold, now living retired in Amity township, was born at Douglassville, July 22, 1847, son of Samuel and Mary Ann (Yocom) Harbold, and a direct descendant of Frederick Harbold, an early settler of Berks county, Pennsylvania.
Frederick Harbold, or Herbold, as the name appears in the census of 1790, located in Robeson township, Berks county, in 1784-85. To him and his wife, Phoebe Ann, was born one son, Jacob. In 1796 the name of Frederick Harbold disappears from the list of taxables in Robeson township, and it is safe to presume that he died about this time. His widow Phoebe Ann married for her second husband a man named Heller, by whom she had children, among whom was a son, Frederick Heller, father of Henry Heller, who conducted the "Allen House" at Reading. There is now in the possession of Mr. Horace Y. Harbold the Bible of Jacob, giving the family record for three generations from Frederick.
Jacob Harbold, son of Frederick, was born Oct. 24, 1786, and died Feb. 4, 1867. He was the first of the family to settle in Amity township, where he became the owner of the old Jones homestead between Douglassville and Amityville. This was one of the earliest settled farms in the county, the first Jones locating there in 1701. Jacob Harbold is buried in the Amityville cemetery. He was a Lutheran in religious faith, and a Republican in politics. He married Ann Holloway, born Feb. 5, 1789, and died Oct. 28, 1861. Their children were: Mary (Polly), born Sept. 9, 1810, died unmarried; Frederick, born Oct. 10, 1811, died Feb. 6, 1812; John, born Dec. 12, 1812, died Jan. 13, 1813; Elizabeth, born May 27, 1814, m. William Lord, and lived at Douglassville; Samuel, born April 16, 1817; Harriet, born Sept. 6, 1819, m. Abraham Boyer; Mahlon, born Feb. 7, 1822, m. Anna Custer, and died at Pottstown; William, born Dec. 19, 1824, m. (first) Rachel Lorah, and (second) Maria Lloyd; Jacob died small; a daughter still born, 1829; and Franklin, born April 9, 1832.
Samuel Harbold, son of Jacob, was born April 16, 1817, and he died on his farm in Amity township Aug. 29, 1848, in the thirty-second year of his age, and was buried at Amityville. He was a farmer. He married Mary Ann Yocom, daughter of Daniel Yocom, and they had two sons: (1) Daniel, born May 25, 1844, for four years farmed the homestead with his brother, and then bought the adjoining farm, where he lived and farmed until his death Feb. 16, 1897. He is buried at Amityville. To him and his wife, Ellen Bortz, were born six children--Annie, Minnie, Samuel, Horace and two that died small. (2) Horace Y. Horace Y. Harbold was educated in the common schools which he attended four months of the year. He learned the duties connected with a farmer's life under his grandfather, Jacob Harbold, in Amity, for whom he worked until after he was eighteen, when the grandfather died. Then the two brothers, Horace Y. and Daniel (who was also reared by the grandfather) bought the homestead farm in 1867, and farmed it jointly for four years. Then Horace Y. purchased his brother's interest, and continued farming there until 1905, a period of thirty-four years. In the spring of 1905 he retired, and moved to Amityville (P. O. Athol) but he could not find rest in idleness and now as a pastime works at carpentering, mason work, cement paving, etc. He owns in Amityville what was the Michael Custer home, but later the Dr. Reuben Rhoads place and still later the home of William R. Rhoads.
Mr. and Mrs. Harbold are members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Amityville, of which for many years he was an elder. In politics he is a Republican, and although living in a township with a good Democratic majority, was elected three times a member of the school board--serving in all nine years. On Dec. 22, 1870, Mr. Harbold married Catherine G. Gabel, daughter of David and Mary (Gabel) Gabel, and granddaughter of Jacob and Catharine (High) Gabel. Mr. and Mrs. Harbold have no children.
p. 1640
Samuel B. Harbold, of Birdsboro, has thoroughly mastered his trade and is successfully engaged as a harness maker; he handles a full line of harness, collars, whips, robes, blankets, etc., and has a substantial place among the business men of the town. He was born in Amity township, Berks county, March 20, 1874, son of Daniel and Ellen (Bartz) Harbold.
Daniel Harbold, the father, died in 1901, aged fifty-four years. He was a native of Amity township, and passed his years principally at farming. In public affairs he always took a keen interest, and as a faithful Republican worked hard for the success of his party. For six years he served acceptably as constable, and he also filled the office of tax collector. He was a member of the Reformed church, as was also his wife. He married Ellen Bartz, and they became the parents of six children, as follows: Annie, Minnie, who became the wife of Livingood; Samuel B.; Horace; Katie, at home; and one that died in infancy unnamed. Samuel Harbold, father of Daniel and grandfather of Samuel B., was a farmer all his life.
Samuel B. Harbold passed his youth upon the home farm. He attended the district schools until he was seventeen, thus acquiring a good practical education, and his time out of school was spent in assisting his father. Upon leaving school he went to Pottstown and learned the trade of harness making, and he remained in that town until the fall of 1896. The following year he came to Birdsboro, and established his present flourishing business.
In 1898 Mr. Harbold married Miss Rebecca Miller, of Douglassville. They are members of the Lutheran church. Both Mr. Harbold and his wife are popular socially, and their home is always open to their many friends.
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